We are always looking for new content and ideas for The Akitan. Don’t hesitate to contact us at akitajoho@gmail.com if you might be interested in becoming an Akitan contributor!
Cover photo by Isabel Crevasse
meet the akitan staff alexander dao Director of Publications Hi, everyone! I'm Alexander Dao. This is my fifth year on JET living in Akita City. I love to make cookies, pies, and moofins. If you want sweets, I'm the guy to go to.
isabel crevasse Editor & Creative Director Hey y’all! I’m Isabel Crevasse, a second year JET living in Ikawa, a small town just north of Akita City. I spend all my time away from school hiking, travelling, and napping. I have no sweets to offer, but I’ve got plenty of good books and sleepy vibes to go round. 1
Bonfire at Namahage Sedo Matsuri, Isabel Crevasse
starting the school year right
new beginnings:
starting the school year right keith ikoma For some of you, going from March to April
is nothing new .
Keith: Yes.
But maybe you
are more flawed, human even. Here
Not that I’ve learned. From this year:
are some of my experiences of being a little too flawed during this transition.
Keith: Do you like ramen? Graduating Student: Yes. I like eating
ramen. Do you want to eat ramen with me?
Your students will graduate and move
In a goodbye letter from that student: “I
on. Hopefully you have really helped
wanted to eat ramen with Keith-sensei.
a few students. It’s an emotional time
I’m sad.” When students offer you a
for the students and maybe even for
chance to connect, don’t miss it!
you. I should have taken more pictures and spent more time saying goodbye—
possibly even connecting with students on social media. Don’t be like me. My
You have finally figured out a rhythm
first two years, I did not finish the year
with your English department—and
well. Example:
then teachers get transferred. It was my loss that I didn’t try to learn as much
Last class before graduation.
as possible from the best teachers I worked with early on. Let me share
Graduating Student: Keith-sensei, do
rules from my experience, which I also
you use Twitter?
should have learned earlier:
Low-probability of transfer:
not Japansplaining here, but let me tell
• the teacher is a tenured teacher but
you how it is: Say no. It’s fine. I was
new to your school
told when I got here to say yes to all
• the teacher is first-year homeroom
invitations like that because “in Japan,
teacher (junior high school or high
you need to attend all work parties.”
Instead, because I’m a genius, I asked
• the teacher is the one person in
what the social protocol was.
the universe you can’t seem to ever
generally, you can ask people all sorts
work well with
of questions about social rules. Maybe don’t skip department specific parties?
High-probability of transfer:
Although, as the token gaijin, I was
• teacher is on a one-year contract
asked to give a speech at one party.
• the teacher has been at your school
Moral of that story, don’t let someone
for a long time • the teacher is a third-year homeroom
“teach you about shochu” before you give a speech.
teacher • the teacher tells you that they
New School Year
requested a transfer because they hate the school
This is a huge opportunity for most ALTs. When I arrived I had very little
Which leads to the next topic.
control over lessons. In April, if I had been smart, I would have been ready
with ideas for the new year. Instead, I was slowly defrosting from the Akita
My first year here, between March and
winter and waiting for people to tell
May, I was invited to almost 15 work
me what was happening and I never
parties. I would have been bankrupt
really caught up. The following year I
if I had attended them all. I hope I’m
got smart.
starting the new school year right
I asked for the following things in April:
• To take over a few of the tasks that
• A list of which teachers taught which classes
other teachers didn’t want to do • Help to new teachers as they try
• A relatively finalized school calendar
to figure out their new lives and
for the year
• The learning goals for the year • A map of the office with all the teachers’ names in kana
Starting the new school year can be rough at times, but don’t let that keep you from recognizing it for the
I offered:
opportunity for growth and change
• An outline of possible teaching plans
that it really is. In a job that can all-
for the year
too-often be stubbornly static, this is
• A few activities that worked last year, supplemented by a few new ideas
Michal Jarmoluk via stocksnap.io
your chance to renegotiate and reach for new job possibilities.
Kamifusen Lantern, Chey Parlato
日本語, the
japanese way
YOU LOOK LIKE A BLOWFISH Using Google-fu to understand the way Japanese people talk about English
michael charles aubrey One
of the easiest ways to find out how to say something in japanese
is to search
“X 英語”. Why えいご and not にほんご? Because when Japanese people search to find out how to say something in English, they’ll search something like, “良かった (よかった)英語”. The search results from such a query will have the phrase they wanted to learn in English written in Japanese by a Japanese person, along with the translation. This is very useful for an English-speaking learner of Japanese trying to figure out how to phrase something. Imagine you wanted to say something in Japanese. Consider the following.
I picked this to be intentionally ridiculous. Let’s pretend that I have no idea how to say this at all. The first thing we would need to do is to figure out how to say “looks like.” So you would search, “looks like a 英 語.”
Right away we get a translation from Google, but as a rule you should usually just ignore that: It is awful. Let’s take a look at the other results. The very first result is a website called Hapa Eikaiwa. On that page there is a chart of example sentences in both Japanese and English as follows.
日本語, the
japanese way
As you can see, “looks like” translates very differently depending on what you want to say. The only example sentence on that list that matches our meaning is “You look like Beckham.” The rest of the sentences have to do with drawing some kind of conclusion based on the other person’s appearance, whereas “You look like Beckham” is literally comparing the appearance of one thing with another. In that sentence, you can see that ベッカム is the person’s name, meaning the part of the phrase that we want is 〜に似ている (にている). But how do we know whether or not we’re on the right track? Let’s test it out. Nouns are very easy to figure out with any dictionary. Dog is 犬 (いぬ). If you search Google Images for 犬に似ている you get pictures of people who resemble dogs.
Now let’s try it with your target word: blowfish. A quick trip to a dictionary will tell us that blowfish is フグ. If you search Google Images for フグに似ている, admittedly you mostly just get pictures of regular old blowfish. However, the second result on Google Images is this lovely lady.
And look at that! Our phrase is even used in the title of the page! So now we know how to say that someone looks like a blowfish. How do we let them know that we mean it as a compliment? Let’s ask Google-sensei. Search for “in a good way 英 語” and the first result (if you ignore Google Translate, and you should) is the ALC website (alc.co.jp). This is actually a website that many JTEs use when looking for example sentences. The first suggestion on that page is this.
日本語, the
japanese way
Seeing as this is Japanese and you probably aren’t saying this in a vacuum, you don’t need to say the word “you” so long as it is obvious from the context who you are talking about. So in the end we have,
「良い意味(いみ) でフグに似ている」. Is this method perfect? Absolutely not. However it is leaps and bounds better than using Google Translate. If you would have tried to use machine translation you would’ve gotten this Frankenstein’s monster of a sentence, “あなたは良い方法(ほうほ う) で、吹き魚(ふきさかな) のように見えます (みえます)”. With this method at least you know that the resulting sentence is far more likely to be something that a Japanese person would understand, even if it isn’t perfect. Also, the more Japanese you know, the more effective this method will be. I know that it would be more common in spoken Japanese to say いい意味で rather than pronouncing it “よい”. I know that I’ve heard いい意味で used after an initial phrase to kind of soften a blow, so I know that I can say something like, “フグに似ているね。 いい意味で”. And of course, knowing more Japanese will fill in the gaps and keep you from guessing. I’m sorry that I couldn’t have taught you such a useful phrase before Valentine’s Day, but armed with this technique, I’m sure you’ll be ready for whatever your adventure in Japanese brings your way.
Shirahage Falls, Biei, Hokkaido, Chloe Doole
Juniko, Isabel Crevasse
Lake Towada, Isabel Crevasse
of dice and pen
of dice and pen brianna hom Nerds
cool ,
years that it has been portrayed in a
they are still enjoying more mainstream
more positive light—often showing
popularity in today’s era. One such sect
“non-nerds” discovering and enjoying
has emerged from the basements of their
the game (e.g. Community, The IT
houses, so to speak, and are basking in
Crowd, Freaks and Geeks).
may not be the
the (lime)light— tabletop roleplayers. While often openly mocked in the
With this increased exposure, more
past (recalling the stereotyped glasses-
people are asking, “What are DnD and
tabletop rpgs? How do you play?” To put
their level 20 druid), the past 10 years
it simply, tabletop rpgs are collective
or so have seen a rise in acceptance,
storytelling with an element of random
popularity, and acknowledged cultural
chance. Traditionally, one person—the
impact of tabletop roleplaying games.
Dungeon Master (DM) or Game Master
Recently, Netflix’s celebrated Stranger
(GM)—describes the setting and creates
Things showed the main characters
scenarios. The
characters that interact with the world.
the most famous and emblematic of
To do this, players describe an action
tabletop rpgs, though Dungeons and
and roll dice to see how successful they
Dragons has been referenced in media
are at it. The DM looks at the results
for decades. It is only in more recent
and says how the action plays out and
Tabletop RPG, Michael Charles Aubrey
what its consequences are. Different
If fantasy is not your thing, there are
DMs have different play styles; some are
many more types of tabletop rpgs out
more lax with rules, others focus more
there besides Dungeons and Dragons—
on characterization, and still others
set up their games to focus on beating
mixed with fantasy and magic), Call
enemies and leveling up.
Vampire: the Masquerade (gothic-punk Dungeons and Dragons is only one
and vampires), Star Wars, Deadlands
(the Old West and horror), Doctor Who,
Other popular fantasy titles include
Star Trek, or even My Little Pony—
Pathfinder, Exhalted, RuneQuest, and
and genres can vary wildly, blend, and
other settings based on popular video
take place in any time period, from
games and books (like Dragon Age,
pirates to ninjas, psychological horror,
Middle Earth, or The Wheel of Time).
post- apocalyptic survival, government
of dice and pen
espionage, or bears trying to conduct
the world and play with others through
a honey heist. There is a niche for
the roll20 site. If you want to experience
everyone, and
other people playing a game before
current popularity, there are more
jumping in yourself, some of the more
being created all the time.
popular podcasts and streams are The
Adventure Zone8 (a podcast by the McElroy Tabletop games still partially remain
brothers of My Brother, My Brother, and
hidden from outsiders, and they can
Me fame), Critical Role9 (famous voice
be hard to find if you don’t bring it
actors who live-stream and podcast
up or ask around. However, if you
their DnD campaign), Harmonquest
want to start playing, there are already
(featuring Dan Harmon, co-creator
several groups in Akita that meet for
of Rick and Morty and Community,
games every week or every month. If
though most episodes are not available
you can’t find one, then make a group
for streaming in Japan), Critical Hit10 (a
yourself! Tabletop rpgs are a great way
series of podcast campaigns that have
to get out of the house, exercise your
been running almost 10 years), and
creative juices, and build friendships.
Nerd¹¹ Poker¹² (a podcast of comedians
You can buy books and pdfs online at
playing DnD). Twitch has become a
DriveThru RPG¹ and RPG Now² and see
popular site for live streams of tabletop
what tickles your fancy, though if you
roleplay, though there’s plenty to find
look around the internet you’re liable
on YouTube as well. This13 article by
to find some free indie rpgs. There are
The Verge and this14 one on Inverse have
numerous³ guides4 for beginner DMs5
more lists of streams and podcasts out
and tips for continuing6 DMs as well.
there for your to check out, too.
If you want to play from the comfort of your own home on your own time,
So, if you were looking for an excuse
roll207 is a popular (and free) site where
to jump into the world of tabletop
you can search for games to join from
oleplaying, look no longer—if you are
roleplaying, look no longer—if you are
new and curious, a lapsed player, or a
veteran looking to expand, there are
hundreds of resources at your disposal,
and hopefully you’ll find a good starting
point here. Go out and immerse yourself
in new worlds—adventure awaits.
link at 11 is to the original series, link at 12 is for
http://www.earwolf.com/show/nerd-poker/ http://brianposehnsnerdpoker.libsyn.com/ (Note:
the two newer series) 13
Mentioned articles, podcasts, guides, and links can
be found at the following web addresses:
¹ http://www.drivethrurpg.com/
² http://www.rpgnow.com/
novice-dm/ https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/dungeons-
Brianna Hom is a 5th year ALT currently DMing
for a 50 Fathoms campaign of the Savage Worlds
system, though she has had additional experience
playing Call of Cthulhu, Pathfinder, and a few
p h p ? 7 6 4 7 4 - S o - Yo u - Wa n n a - B e - A - D M - A -
independent one-shot trpgs, both online and
Po t e n t i a l l y - H e l p f u l - G u i d e - ( R e p o s t e d - a n d -
offline. Talk to her anytime about Critical Role.
Updated) 6
h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e. c o m / p l a y l i s t ? l i s t = P L
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winter festivals of tohoku
ani ski resort mt. moriyoshi
john lennon Ani-machi is usually a town cocooned
enjoy the summit’s powder and snow
by the everlasting winter snowflakes.
monsters. None of the trails were
However, I managed to get some clear
incredibly difficult and there is a ski
skies when I went skiing there. It only
lift from the halfway point going back
lasted for half of the day, but as the
to the summit keeping you where the
snowfall subsided I was able to get some
good snow is. Also, this ski resort is not
great shots of the picturesque summit.
that crowded and staying at the top is
Be prepared for the bitter cold, and
even less crowded.
John Lennon at Ani Ski Resort
winter festiva
Winter in Tohoku feels, more often than not, harsh, dark, an
against your windows, on the roofs and on the roads. When yo
easy to forget how beautiful snow can be. While we might, of co
grove draped thickly in white, or in the way the snow falls like that cut through the winter blues to remind us how lucky we
is marked by dozens of winter festivals, ranging in scale from th
want to warm yourself with good company, hot sake, and festiv
beauty, Tohoku’s festivals have you covered—and nowhere ar
Akita Prefecture. From giant painted lanterns to dancing d
Hirosaki Snow Lanterns, Isabel Crevasse Nebuta Festival in Aomori, John Lennon
als of tohoku john lennone
nd endless. Each day brings new snow to pile up on your car,
our days are spent working around and fighting against it, it’s
ourse, remember our wonder at the glimpse of a towering cedar
e gentle, unhurried stars on still nights, it is the winter festivals are to be in Tohoku. February, the final month of deep winter,
he quaint and local to famous and awe-inspiring. Whether you
val foods or immerse yourself in traditional culture and winter
re the festivals quite so impressive (and numerous!) as the
demons, fire-swinging to peanut throwing, Akita has it all.
winter festivals of tohoku
POKEMON WITH YOU TR john lennon The train was renovated in the summer of 2017 to bring happiness to children and Pokémon lovers after the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami of 2011. You can get on the train in southern Iwate Prefecture at Ichinoseki Station and ride it to Kesennuma Station in northern Miyagi Prefecture. It’s literally decked out with Pokémon, with a huge focus on Pikachu. And, at each station you stop at along the way you can get out to see more Pokémon decorations and get Pokémon stamps.
IW Iwate Snow Festival, John Lennon
Pokemon with You Train, John Lennon
Just a little across the Iwate Prefecture border, before Morioka City, is Koiwai Farm and Iwate Kogen Snow Park. At these close locations you can experience the Iwate Snow Festival. At Koiwai farm there is tubing, sledding, small snow sculptures, wood crafts, dairy products, a restaurant and food cooked in igloos. At the Iwate Kogen Snow Park there are giant snow sculptures, a maze, food stands and a fireworks display. Also, you can hit the slopes at night with various colored lighting!
winter festivals of tohoku
25 Swinging Fire, John Lennon
Why did you come to Japan? It was to twirl fire over your head, で しょう? What can I say about this festival except, “Go and try it!” It was so much fun watching people swing straw ropes attached to flaming bales of hay over their heads. And then I, too, got up there and did it myself; it was so fun and exciting! You spin the rope around you and the movement really ignites the fire. You continue until the fiery bale of hay burns off from the rope and goes soaring through the air, combusting like the big bang. You get to keep the rope as a good luck charm, and this festival is for clearing out the bad luck of the previous year.
hiburi kamakura festival
john lennon
winter festivals of tohoku
paper lantern festival john lennon
Just a bit north of Lake Towada in Semboku, next to Kami-Hinokinai Station, you can experience the Kamifusen (Giant Paper Balloon) Festival. So, this festival can be kind of a trek. If driving, you should go really early to get parking, and if possible it may be easier to take the train in. Disclaimer: Watch out for falling paper balloons! The lanterns are filled with hot air using propane torches and launched into the wintry night sky. It is beautiful watching them take off and float together ,effortlessly higher and higher, but remember they will come back down eventually. There are attendants watching the balloons and ready to collect them when they finally fall. I’ve seen them land in the roads, on buildings, in the mountains, and even back down into the festival area! Come and see this stunning danger, and be sure to dress to stay dry and warm.
Kamifusen, John Lennon
namahage se
29 Namahage Nebuta Festival Performance, in Aomori, Andrew John Mowle Lennon
edo matsuri john lennone
You have all heard of the Boogie Man, now meet Akita’s version of it, Namahage! On the Oga Peninsula there are tales of demon-like beings that come down from the mountains to drink sake and scare children into studying harder! Next to the Namahage museum, you can enjoy this festival and watch children cry because their parents dragged them to the festival. At first you can buy some charms from the shine’s shop, eat some festival food, and listen to the Namahage taiko group perform. Then the Namahage come down from the mountain carrying torches and parading through the crowd before letting you take pictures with them.
john lennon 30
winter festivals of tohoku : namahage sedo matusiri
a miko serves hot sake to a cold namahage festival - goer Juniko, Isabel Crevasse Photo by Isabel Crevasse
winter festivals of tohoku : namahage sedo matusiri
Juniko, Isabel Crevasse
shinto priest
ts inspect sesame rice cake offering for the namahage
Photo by Andrew Mowle
winter festivals of tohoku : namahage sedo matusiri
Juniko, Isabel Crevasse
namahage dance and frighten festival - goers Photo by Isabel Crevasse
winter festivals of tohoku : namahage sedo matusiri
namahage return to the mountain with their offering Photo by Isabel Crevasse
Juniko, Isabel Crevasse
winter festivals of tohoku : setsubun
sure a lot of
that visit
but this holiday, unlike other events
such as New Year or Obon, is not as
uniformly celebrated throughout Japan.
ALTs might be mistaken in thinking
There are aspects of the event which
that the event is only about wearing a
can vary depending on region, and
mask as children run around the room
even households omit certain aspects
screaming and throwing peanuts.
of Setsubun if they wish. Setsubun
take part in a
event .
offers a lot of room for variety, which For those of you who haven’t had to
means there’s a lot of room to transform
endure this or simply don’t know what
it from the kiddie holiday you might
Setsubun is, let me tell you. This event
know into a fun event for adults.
happens each year on February 3rd and is seen as an event to welcome
Three years ago, my friend (a Honjo
spring. The setsu in Setsubun comes
local) asked if I wanted to celebrate
from kisetsu (season) and denotes the
transition point from winter to spring.
experienced the elementary school
version, I quickly declined her offer. These are the bare bones of Sestubun,
She then explained that it was more
fun than I thought, so I let her talk me
ehomaki. This is always a super fun
into it.
process as people keep messing up their rolls under the pressure of their
Being a foreigner, I had no idea what
Japanese instructors. Once everyone
to do, so she and her friend went to the
has made their rolls, it is time to find
supermarket to buy all the ingredients
that year’s lucky direction. Yeah, we
and things we would need for the day.
were just as confused when we were
She also decided to commandeer my
told this too. You see, you can’t just eat
apartment. One of the parts of the
the ehomaki willy-nilly. There are rules.
Setsubun event is making “ehomaki”.
Three of them, to be exact. First, you
These are like long sushi rolls, but
must eat the ehomaki while facing the
they need to contain seven ingredients
lucky direction (determined by using
for the seven gods of good fortune.
google and a compass app). Then you
So my friend and another local came
must eat the roll as if it is on a conveyor
to my place early to start cooking the
belt. By that I mean, you need to keep
ingredients. My apartment is a small,
the roll to your mouth at all times and
one person apartment, so I just hovered
constantly feed it in as you try to chew
around pretending to help as they took
and swallow what already in there. You
over my kitchen. After a while the rest of
can’t just bite off a piece and chew it as
the guests, mostly other ALTs, arrived.
this is seen as inviting bad luck! Finally,
Everyone brought snacks and drinks
this must all be done IN SILENCE.
and their finest banter. If nothing else
For my two Japanese friends, this was
happened it would have still been a fun
totally normal and they started us off.
About four seconds in the absurdity of the situation started to dawn on us. We
were all holding in our laughter as best
ingredients to the ‘living room,’ and
we could to be respectful but someone
my friend taught us how to roll the
made a sound in their throat for a split
winter festivals of tohoku : setsubun
Eating Ehomaki, Liam Fahy
second. That was all we needed to start
people could breathe again, we started
the domino effect that would have all
to prepare for the second phase of
eight of us crying with laughter at both
the situation and each other. Then we
translates as “bean scattering” and is
would laugh so hard that some people
the part that most elementary schools
would start to cough or gag on the
do. Mamemaki works by having one of
big rolls in their mouths, which only
the members of the household put on
added fuel to the fire. Because of this,
a demon mask. That person then has to
what should have taken about three
enter the house, walk in as far as they
minutes got extended to roughly ten as
can and then turn around and leave
we struggled to breathe and eat at the
the house again. This is accompanied
same time.
by everyone else saying “Demon Out!
event, “mamemaki”.
Luck Come In!” or “Oni was soto! Fuku Once the ehomaki were eaten and
wa uchi!” in Japanese as they throw
peanuts at the masked person. As we
of... I found a peanut in my apartment
were having the event in my apartment,
three days ago. IT HAS BEEN OVER
it was decided that I would be the
demon. This would have been fine
if half of the people who came to the party didn’t pelt the peanuts at me as
This year setsubun fell on a Saturday, so
hard as they could.
we had the usual aspects of the event, but this time with alcohol! It was a lot
With the two main parts of the party
of fun making the rolls, choking on
competed everyone chills out and
them, drinking, and everyone shouting
enjoys more ehomaki or snacks. If your
at Alexa at the same time asking her
guests are nice, they might even help
introspective questions or playing the
clean up the hundreds of peanuts now
best of meme hit sensation ‘Vitas’. This
strewn all over your apartment. This is
year, I had to play the role of demon
again, luckily with a second person to help take some of the peanut heat.
Last year was pretty similar, except I
Once everything had settled down, we
wasn’t the demon that time. As it was my
headed to one of the best pubs in Honjo
apartment though, my friends decided I
and enjoyed nomihodai and karaoke
still needed some form of punishment.
until four in the morning. It was great.
So throughout the evening, they worked together to hide scores of peanuts all
I highly recommend that everyone try a
over my apartment. And I mean all over.
real setsubun party. Don’t let elementary
In my pillow, in the freezer, in the lights,
schools fool you into thinking that this
in medicine bottles, in the pockets of
is a lesser event than it is. Its bizarre
my work shirts, in my shoes, in the
and fun and painful all in one! And that
microwave, in a bag of flour, in pretty
is the very best kind of holiday.
much anywhere you can possibly think
Juniko, Sapporo, Isabel Andrew Crevasse Mowle
meet the artist: jackie jean-franç ois
priscilla chong It
was a
May when I met Jaqueline (Jackie)
night last year
for dinner in Yuzawa. Chatting over quesadillas and coffee, I saw a faint
About Jaqueline Jean-François
sketch on the wall that would become the iconic art for TRA. What started
Jackie, a fourth year ALT from Yokote,
out as a quick mid-week catch up
is not someone you would call shy.
soon turned into a live art session.
Widely known in her community as a
We spent the next three hours mixing
teacher, it comes as a surprise to many
acrylic paints to get the right skin tone
to hear about her life as a local artist
and discussing the angle of one hand
in rural Japan. Born and raised in New
that just didn’t look right. Painting
York, Jackie’s artistic pursuits began
on café walls and windows isn’t what
early on in life at Fiorello H. LaGuardia
most people would expect to be doing
School of Music & Art and Performing
after coming on the JET Program, but
Arts. Continuing her artistic studies
that is exactly what Jackie does in her
in an Undergraduate degree at Hunter
free time. Some open-minded friends
College, she minored in Studio Art.
having fun one night turned into a
serious creative project, showing us
studio projects and student exhibitions
what can be accomplished when you
at MoMa 2010’. Her favorite styles are
really get involved in your community.
illustration and portraiture.
Jackie Jean-Franรงois, Priscilla Chong
meet the arist
How did this work of art come about? In March 2017, I was at TRA one night talking to the owner about making the café look less bare. The café had only just opened so we were throwing ideas around he pointed at the wall and asked me to paint something there.
priscilla chong
The panel art was something that flowed on after completing the wall art. The fabric used in the backboard
TRA, Priscilla Chong TRA, Priscilla Chong
is something I found while back home in New York. I wanted something to bring colour to the bar, to contrast the masculine wood aesthetic. What kind of responses have you had to the art? It has been very positive. The front of TRA is all glass, so people can see the art from outside, and it has drawn customers in. Most people are very surprised to find out it was done by an ALT, initially thinking it was a professional artist. It’s been photographed and uploaded on social media a lot too.
So then, what other creative pursuits have you been involved in? I have been doing a lot of volunteer freelance art lately. I co-designed two sets of T-shirts for TRA and we just finished a set of stickers. Are you working on any projects at the moment? I just finished some badges.
How did you get involved in the local art
What is your dream project?
community? As an artist I really want to create It happened by coincidence. I was
something that has a lasting impression
a regular at cafes and got to know
on people. Something that clearly
shows my style so that when people see
networking ,as they are involved in
it they can recognize it like, “Oh, that’s
local DJ events. I started attending 90s
Jackie’s work”. I am hoping for this
lounge and met the owner of TRA there.
anytime soon, but I would like to get to
a point in my artistic career that I can create something like a legacy.
Jackie’s panel art, Priscilla Chong
meet the arist
Describe yourself in three words.
TRA, Omotemachi, 2 Chome−3−1 Yuzawa, Akita 0
Ambitious, curious and sensitive What Netflix shows are you currently watching? Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Rosa Diaz is the best, but I really love Hitchcock and priscilla chong Scully too. I’m also watching Jane the Virgin, Black Mirror, and Terrace House: Opening New Doors. Okay, last question. What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently? I was at 7eleven and I bumped into this guy. He left the store, but suddenly came back in, took out his phone and showed a photo of me asking “Is this you!?” The photo was of me from a year ago at the Yokote Bonden festival. I had actually searched for his photos for 6 months after the festival, never finding it until now. Oh, and I was interviewed on local radio, Yuzawa 96.3.
... 49
THE AKITAN (Interview answers have been paraphrased with permission of the artist.)
Jackie’s Mural at TRA, Priscilla Chong
Juniko, Sapporo, Isabel Andrew Crevasse Mowle
winter reads
winter reads Tess
of the
drinks far too much at her sister’s wedding, lets slip a family secret, and
Rachel Hartman
punches a priest-in-training in the best
nose, Tess finds herself with no choice
intentions, is the bad seed of her
but to flee. With no destination in mind
family. Her elder sister, Seraphina, is
other than away, Tess takes to the road.
the genius exception to all rules; her
When she runs into a friend from her
younger twin, Jeanne, is the sweet
past—a quigutl, one of the the small,
and dutiful rule-follower. Tess, on the
lizard-like cousins to the dragons—on
other hand, is a lifelong rule-breaker,
his own journey, she decides to join him
and she is suffering the consequences.
on his quest to find one of the seven
Having ruined herself (and very nearly
world serpents of myth.
her family’s reputation as well), she is consigned to a life either as a nun
Though set in the same world as
or as Jeanne’s maid and governess.
Hartman’s Seraphina and Shadow Scale,
Unfortunately, she is also very, very
Tess of the Road is much less of an epic
angry—at her oppressive mother, at
fantasy than a quiet, character-driven
the society that she can’t seem to fit
story. Tess, a bitter, impulsive drunk, is
herself into, and, most of all, at her
as unlikeable as she is deeply lovable.
own irrepressible badness. When she
Unable to escape her own hurt and
trauma, she lashes out at those who
number 9 dream
love her and inflicts wounds of her
David Mitchell
own. As she walks the road, however, memories of her past surface and
Abandoned by his mother, 20 year-old
show readers another side of Tess.
Eiji Miyake embarks on a haphazard
Ultimately, Tess of the Road is a story of
journey in the hope of finding his
healing, compassion, and interpersonal
estranged father. His pursuit takes
connectivity. As Tess journeys forward,
him from the quiet cedar forests of
she begins to learn how to braid the past
Yakushima Island in Kyushu to the
in with the present, to look it squarely
grimy back streets of Shibuya. Despite
in the eye while still moving forward. It
achieving every Japanese adolescent’s
is the perfect book to read in the last
dream of making it to Tokyo, this is but
weeks of winter, reminding readers that
the beginning of a saga of bad timing
darkness fades and frozen landscapes
and worse luck for Eiji who, in his
will thaw into spring.
search, manages to get himself on all the wrong radars.
“Was she as varied, she wondered, as part of herself as rough and rutted as the
For those who have grown weary of
Goreddi roads, and some other part as
yearning for summer’s warm smile
efficient as the Ninyish? She often felt, early
during the long Akitan winter, why
in the morning, when the world seemed
not let yourself be whirled away by the
most malleable, that she contained these
escapism of an adrift 20 year-old in a
different potentials, and more. It wasn’t
narrative where you’re never quite sure
merely that she could be anything, but that
if events are occurring in the alleys of
she was everything, all at once.”
Tokyo or simply in the narrator’s head.
Isabel Crevasse
Replace contempt for Akita with that
winter reads
Yakushima, pining for summer with a
curious, calculating, and too smart for
father figure, and throw in a couple of
her own good, vows to play the slow
homicidal yakuza members for good
game of vengeance. The Traitor Baru
Cormorant follows Baru as she works her way up through the ranks of the
“Dreams are shores where the ocean of
Masquerade, aiming for the top so
spirit meets the land of matter. Dreams
that she may dismantle the empire as
are beaches where the yet-to-be, the once-
brutally and thoroughly as it did her
were, the will-never-be may walk a while
with the still are.” Chloe Doole
This novel, like Baru herself, is stark and ruthless. Readers will watch as
The Trator Baru Cormorant
Seth Dickinson
each coming with increasingly dire
consequences, to exact revenge on the When Baru Cormorant is seven, the
Masquerade she hates so intensely. As
Empire of Masks sails into her home
she works harder and gains more power
island of Taranoke to conquer it and
in the empire, it becomes impossible to
bring it into the Masquerade. This
tell who, exactly, Baru is a traitor to—
transition will not be easy for Taranoke,
the Masquerade, Taranoke, or herself.
as their family structures, traditions, and culture are considered “unhygienic” and
The Traitor Baru Cormorant is not a happy
criminal by the empire, and adhering
novel, but it is a deeply compelling one,
to their cultural beliefs will be met with
As Baru falls farther into monstrosity
swift and vicious consequences. When
(yet ever closer to her goals), readers
her family is destroyed, Baru, always
will feel wrenched by the same forces
that pull at Baru. You will want her to
The Ink Dark Moon
make different decisions, to find a new
Jane Hirshfield and Mariko Aratani
way to fight the empire, to escape the system… yet at the same time, you will
The Ink Dark Moon brings the poetic
want her to reach the top, to achieve her
works of the original Akita bijin to us
ambitions and leave a path of scorched
in English. Even if you are unsure who
destruction behind her.
I am talking about, you have surely heard her name—Komachi. Daughter
Dickinson’s novel is bleak and pulls
of the Lord of Dewa (modern day Akita
no punches, but it is one of the most
and Yamagata prefectures) of the Heian
engrossing novels I have read in recent
Court, Ono No Komachi is suspected
years. The
to have had many lovers in Kyoto and
story, The Monster Baru
wooed them with her tantalizing poetic
Cormorant, is slated to be released later
invitations. Originally from Ogachi,
this year.
the very town where I am writing this
review, I can confirm that she did spend “And he looked at her with open eyes, the
some time here (perhaps through to
bone of his heavy brow a bastion above,
the end of her life). Her preserved
the flesh of his face wealthy below, and
home remains a beautiful attraction
in those eyes she glimpsed an imperium, a
and centuries later rumors about her
mechanism of rule building itself from the
still pepper local gossip: “You see that
work of so many million hands. Remorseless
mountain there?” My JTE tells me,
not out of cruelty or hate but because it was
“There was a man who lived there. He
too vast and too set on its destiny to care
wanted to marry Komachi-san but died
for the small tragedies of its growth.”
while trying to deliver her flowers.”
Isabel Crevasse Komachi’s physical beauty was more
winter reads
than enough to bewitch countless men,
reading the poems in their intended
but it was her poetry that has made her
language, Jane Hirshfield and Mariko
a goddess of legend; she is the only
Aratani translate them into equally
female member of Japan’s rokkasen
(six immortal Heian poets). Sadly, as
a non-Japanese speaker, I thought
American poet, admits that much of the
her powerful writing would forever
nuance is lost in translation, but her
remain a mystery to me. That is, until I
thorough notes are not only insightful
discovered this book.
for deciphering their deeper meanings
but informative of the characteristics The Ink Dark Moon is a collection of
of waka.
works by two prominent Heian Era writers, Ono No Komachi and the later
The short poems are a quick read,
Izumi Shikibu, geniuses in an age rich
easy to pick up between classes (and
with female writers (Murasaki Shikibu,
a great conversation starter!). Upon
the author of “The Tales of Genji,”
my first reading I found some poems
being among their contemporaries).
to be surprisingly cliché – painfully
Though Izumi doesn’t have the intimate
reminiscent of my own cheesy love
connection to our home like her
letters written in vain to my middle
predecessor, I felt her poetry was even
school crush. But this is forgivable,
more evocative, sensual, and sometimes
considering they were written long
humorous: “I used to say, ‘How poetic,”
before ‘cliché’. And then there are also
but now I know this dawn-rising men
those that truly stand out, the ones that
do is merely tiresome!” Preach, girl.
make this book well worth the read: “In this world / love has no color- / yet how
While I am sure that it is no match to
deeply / my body / is stained by yours.”
A must-read for those of us living in
seen in fantasy books. If you haven’t
Akita. You can order it on Amazon or
guessed, this is not your typical pre-
from the Book Depository.
history or middle ages fantasy setting.
Danie Manos
With the use of flintlock pistols and with the technology they have in the
Brian McClellan
books, I would say it is based in an alternate 16/17th century period world. This is not steampunk.
Promise of Blood is the first book in Brian McClellan’s Powder Mage trilogy.
The books are refreshingly simple in
Honestly, I didn’t read the blurb or any
plot: political upheaval and scheming.
information about this book before I
But don’t get me wrong, there are
began reading it. It had appeared on so
still plenty of interesting twists to the
many lists of great fantasy books that
story. The characters exist mostly in
I put it on my ‘to read’ list and forgot
the gray spectrum in terms of morality,
about it. I finally got around to reading
which makes it feel more gritty and
it at Christmastime, and I can see why
real. There also aren’t too many many
it was on all those lists.
main characters so the storylines don’t deviate too much from each other.
Hearing the words ‘fantasy’ and ‘powder mage’, I assumed the books would be
What I like about this book is that it’s
about a Gandalf type figure who uses
easy to read, but also really engrossing.
magic via different powders he carries
The magic systems are are diverse and
on him. I was way off. In this series, a
unique and the characters are a joy to
powder mage is a human whose magic
follow. If you enjoy the fantasy genre
is based around gunpowder and bullets.
but are looking for something with a
Guns are something that I have rarely
bit more bite, then I highly recommend
winter reads
this book, and this trilogy as a whole.
Don’t fear, this book doesn’t hold to a single gray register. Jar City sets itself
“The age of kings is dead, Adamat, and I
apart from similar novels by modulating
have killed it.”
its tone, and surprisingly humorous Liam Fahy
moments make the horrors seem even viler.
Jar City
is also a master of the hook: ending
Arnaldur Indriðason
a scene with a bit of information so tantalizing that you have to read on.
Who would kill a lonely old man, a
Even the most insignificant characters
single node without any apparent ties to
in Jar City are endowed with vibrant
the rest of society? Starting in autumn’s
personalities, and the main supporting
last gasps, Chief Inspector Erlendur
Sveinsson must dredge up hidden
junkie daughter Eva Lind, his priggish,
connections as Iceland descends into
metropolitan partner Sigurdur Oli,
winter. Like many other Scandinavian
and the mysterious Marion Briem,
mystery protagonists, Erlendur is a
whose androgynous voice always holds
middle-aged man estranged from his
family, deeply unlucky in romance, and subsisting on a woefully unbalanced
If you’re looking for a book that
diet (far too much sheep’s head). His
captures the cruel chill of winter, you
fair but brusque personality jives well
can’t do any better than Jar City.
with the austere Icelandic landscape: neither ingratiate, but both are subtly
“The trees had shed their leaves, carpeted
the garden and covered the ground, and the knotty branches stretched up towards
the darkness of the sky. Along a gravel
much respect I have for it. Madame
drive which led to the garage, Reykjavik
Bovary, however, is different. It is, of
CID were arriving at the scene.”
course, written in beautiful, precise
Roland Will
prose, as one expects of Flaubert, and the plot is fast-moving and exciting,
Madame Bovary
however clearly tragedy-bound it might
Gustave Flaubert
be. What too-often goes overlooked, however, is the fact that Madame Bovary
Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary tells
is funny. In this novel, Flaubert cynically
a realist tale as old as time: a young,
skewers every tier of his contemporary
the stifling confines of society (and,
provincial life and the bourgeoisie.
by extension, her marriage), turns to
Even readers unfamiliar with 19th
adultery to discovery passion, romance,
century French social structures will
and meaning. This being a realist novel,
be able to see the humor, as Flaubert
things, of course, spiral out of control
and go tragically wrong. Even if, by
narratives of romance to pieces as well.
some small miracle, you’re unfamiliar
Emma, the titular Madame Bovary, is
with Madame Bovary, you’ve heard the
selfish, shallow, and obsessed with
story before.
finding romantic passion; Charles, her
husband, is weak-willed, mild to the Despite focusing on English Literature
point of being desperately boring, and
in both my bachelor’s and master’s
helplessly devoted to his faithless wife.
degree, I am not typically a fan of the so-called classics. I have never found
For all Flaubert’s cynicism and satire
here, Madame Bovary also, of course,
particularly engaging, no matter how
offers a deeply serious story. At its
winter reads
center, a woman chafes against the constraints of society and sets herself on the path of tragedy rather than give up her dreams of passion and meaning. It is a cruel story, but humor often is cruel. Read this novel with an earnest heart, and you will find a moving tragedy; read it with a cynical one, and you will uncover a wealth of grim humor.
Have any ideas for great books to
Madame Bovary contains multitudes,
get your fellow JETs through the
all conveyed in masterful and lovely
winter? Send your suggestions to
prose, and is well-worth reading for
all. Because of Flaubert’s well-known
Please include a short review, a
obsesson with language, scholars will
favorite passage or quote, and why
encourage you to read Madame Bovary
you think it’s the perfect book for
in its original French. If you can, I
wholeheartedly encourage you do to so; if, like me, your French is limited to “Lady Marmalade” quotes, I suggest Margaret Mauldon’s translation. “She was as sick of him as he was weary of her. Emma was rediscovering, in adultery, all the banality of marriage.” Isabel Crevasse
winter reads
Riverside Kamakura, Jenny Cambell
priscilla chong & isabel crevasse 63
Perhaps you’ve got school lunch fatigue, or maybe you’ve run out of ideas for new dishes you can make with the standard ingredients offered at your local grocery store. Whatever the case, we can all get a little sick of Japanese food from time to time, no matter how healthy and delicious it may be! Here are a few easy ways to mix up your cooking routine without having to spend a fortune or trek out to the nearest Kaldi or Jupiter.
Apple Crumble What you’ll need:
Toss apples with lemon juice, sugar, and cinnmon in a bowl; transfer to baking
4 large apples, cored and diced
1/4 cup sugar 2 tablespoons lemon juice
Mix dry ingredents in a large bowl.
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Pour melted butter over mixture and stir until all is combined and wet.
1 1/2 cups plain flour 3/4 cup sugar
Pour crumble mix over apples and bake
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
at 180C/ 350F for 45 minutes.
1 cup rolled oats 225 grams unsalted butter, melted
Drizzile with honey. Top with shredded
Store-bought vanilla ice cream, to serve
coconut or almonds, if desired. Serve
Honey (sugar can be substituted)
hot with vanilla ice cream.
Optional: shredded coconut, sliced almonds
Mount Chokai, Isabel Crevasse
Priscilla Chong
winter recipes
Hearty Vegetable Couscous
add couscous. Cover and let sit for 5-7
(4 servings)
minutes. Fluff couscous with a fork.
What you’ll need:
Mulled Wine
1 eggplant, cubed
(8 servings)
1 large clove garlic, diced 1/2 large onion, diced
What you’ll need:
1 tomato, cubed
1 orange (or mikan), sliced
2/3 cup couscous
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup water
2 cups water
Black pepper
1 teaspoon ground cloves
Bouillon powder
2 teaspoons cinnamon
Olive oil
1 bottle red wine
Heat olive oil in a large frying pan. When
Combine orange, sugar, water, cloves,
it flows smoothly across the surface,
and cinnamon in a large pot. Stir and
add all vegetables. Top with a dash of
slowly bring to a boil.
black pepper and bouillon powder and stir. To prevent burning, watch and stir
Reduce the heat and le simmer for 15
occassionally. Add olive oil if needed.
When all vegetables are soft, remove from pan and set aside in a bowl.
Reduce the heat again, add the wine, and slowly reheat, taking care not to
Using the same pan, boil water. When
boil the mixture. Once completely
water boils, remove from heat and
warm, enjoy!
Salmon in Miso Sake Sauce
What you’ll need: 1 tablespoon red miso paste
1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
1/4 cup cooking sake
1/2 tablespoon brown sugar
1/4 cup mirin
2 cuts of salmon
1/2 tablespoon sesame oil Thoroughly mix sauce ingredients in a bowl. Heat frying pan. Place the salmon cuts in the pan once it is warm. Pour sauce on top. Allow sauce to come to boil and remain for about 2 minutes, or until the smell of alochol subsides. Flip salmon and serve when cooked through.
Isabel Crevasse
Juniko, Sapporo, Isabel Andrew Crevasse Mowle
ndatchi birth announcement
NDATCHI BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Prefecture Announces Announces Tech Reform Mascots, Ndatchi’s Children Akita City, Akita Ndatchi, the newly ambitious mascot
mascots, announced the new Wifi
of Akita Prefecture, has announced
initiative being launched in celebration
the birth of his twin robot-Namahage
of Wifikun’s birth.
children. His wife, unnamed, is said to be at home, resting comfortably and
“We are confident that we can establish
taking care of the house.
Akita City as a place of technology once everywhere has some access to the
Ndatchi, who embodies the spirit of
internet. We have more than 10% of the
needed registered seals from residents
population, released the names in
on the required paperwork. A dedicated
a fax from the Prefectural Offices.
fax line has been opened so people can
His newborn daughter, AIchan, and
do not need to bring their documents
newborn son, Wifikun, have been
in person.”
widely hailed as representative of Akita’s youthfulness and bright future.
Wifikun comes as the government has
concerns that wifi will open up security
begun promoting wifi as a futuristic
technology to promote growth.
online, a notice printed in the Sakigake
Sato, PR representative for the new
explains that all risks will be mitigated
residents Although
have nothing
expressed appears
with a firewall blocking access to search
engines, SNS, YouTube, and cloud services.
“This is the type of news that gives me hope for my town in northern Akita and
AIchan has become the face of new
my rice fields. There seems to be no
committees that will begin meeting to
other way to save my neighbourhood,
improve Akita. AIchan gives hope to
which has mostly been abandoned,” said
some that robots could soon take the
Mr. Suzuki, 85. “Maybe my grandchild
place of steadily declining populations;
will come from Tokyo to visit the new
they may even learn to reproduce. Many
people have reacted favorably to this
... 70
Juniko, Sapporo, Isabel Andrew Crevasse Mowle Ema at Towada Shrine, Isabel Crevasse
HAKODATE aki regan
port city located on the southern
Hakodate Hokuto Station from where
Hokkaido, Hakodate offers
you will have to take another 25 minute
tourists a unique experience. As one of
train ride to the main JR Hakodate
the first points of international trade
Station. From there, you can enjoy
in Japan, remnants of early western
exploring the city on foot, by bus and/
influence can be found throughout the
or by tram. The tram was a cheap and
fun way to see the city.
For those itching to do a little exploring,
Hakodate makes for a good weekend
Sitting at the base of Mt. Hakodate,
getaway. From northern Akita, it is a
this neighborhood is filled with old
simple four-hour train ride that will
European-style buildings that makes it
take you through the small mountain
a fun place to walk around. The hilly
villages of Aomori and then underneath
streets surrounding the main park are
the ocean into Hokkaido.
lined with cozy cafes and restaurants
that are good pitstops for catching your Most likely, you will arrive at Shin-
explore ...
Filled with lots of little shops, the Kanemori Warehouse District is a good place to buy gifts and souveniers. One store sold tapestries and other imports from southeast Asia for relatively low prices. You can also drink local Hakodate-brewed beer at the beer hall or get some gelato and crepes to go. Take a stroll along the water, look at the boats, and, at night, enjoy the glow of string lights—definitely a romantic date spot.
kanemori warehouse district 74
try ... lucky pierrot When
talking about my plans to visit
Another must-try in the Hakodate bay
area are the Hasegawa yakiniku bento.
one spot: Lucky Pierrot, a local carnival
The meat and vegetables are cooked to
themed hamburger restaurant . Despite
serve, for only about 500 yen.
my hatred for clowns, I decided to check it out. There are more than
Finally, you can’t be near the ocean and
ten locations around the city, two of
skip seafood. Hakodate’s kaisendons
which are conveniently located by the
(海鮮丼) are famous and can be eaten
district. The
cheeseburger I ordered took two hands
to Hakodate Station, houses many
to hold (perfect size). It was greasy and
kaisendon shops. Most are reasonably
flavorful. And although my skin was
screaming NO my stomach was happy
enough, and you can also check out the
about the choice.
fish vendors next door.
do ... mt . hakodate ropeway
The scenic view from the top of Mt. Hakodate. My friend and I went around 5:30 p.m. and did not have to wait, but the observatory was very crowded, which made it difficult to take pictures – still worth it. A roundtrip ticket costs around 1,200 yen.
other places of interest include :
• Yunokawa hotsprings • Yumoto Takubokutei Hotel onsen’s views are fantastic. • Daimon Yokocho, similar to Tokyo’s Golden Gai. A neat place to walk through (although the bars are overpriced according to locals!).
... 76
an ode to sempais past
When I arrived in Japan
Watashi wa ni-
I’d hit the end of my plan
-hon wo tabemasen
I thought I was in my jam
Please be my sempai
But no, I knew nothing
And call me daily
I then moved up to my town
We went on trips to the mall
You came and showed me around
And saw some koyo in fall
We let our hair all hang down
You seemed to know almost all
And still I knew nothing
And still I knew nothing
You offered pointers
We often went out at night
Late night restaurants and
Where is my bicycle light
The best bar in town and
Drunk me is still quite a sight
Where to rent my snow gear from
Did I just learn something?
Hey, I just got here
You offered pointers
And I’m a newbie
Late night restaurants and
I’ll be your kohai
The best bar in town and
I’ll call you daily
Where to rent my snow gear from
Hey, I just got here
I still know nothing
And I’m a newbie
So teach me daily!
I’ll be your kohai I’ll call you daily
Hey, I just got here And I’m a newbie
O nama beeru
I’ll be your kohai
Futatsu desu
I’ll call you daily
Please be my sempai And call me daily
Kochira gaijin Dokushin dayo
When I got to Akita
Please be my sempai
I didn’t know much
And call me daily
But with a small nudge We hit the town, town, town
When I got to Akita I didn’t know much
When I got to Akita
But with a small nudge
I didn’t know much
We hit the town, town, town
And nothing’s changed but Now I’m less awestruck
When I got to Akita I didn’t know much
So now I’ve been here
And nothing’s changed but
Almost two years
Now I’m less awestruck
79 Road to Oga Peninsula, Isabel Crevasse
the staff of the akitan would like many talented contributing
Most photographs are credited in pla
Celia Ortega, via unsplash.com (banner, 3)
Michael Charles Aubrey (banner, 15)
John Lennon (banner 19, 23, 24)
Chey Parlato (banner, 27)
Liam Fahy (banner, 39)
Andrian Valeunu, via unsplash.com (background, 45)
Jonathon Simcoe, via stocksnap.io (banner, 53)
ike to extend our grattitude to our writers and photographers .
ace, but we would also like to thank: Hannah Pemberton, via unsplash.com (background, 63) Caroline Attwood, via unsplash.com (background, 66) Fernando Arcos, via stocksnap.io (banner, 69) Manu Schwendener, via unsplash.com (banner, 73) Aki Regan (background images, 74-76) Joanna Kosinska, via stocksnap.io (banner, 77) Isabel Crevasse (background, 81-82)