1 minute read
LifeinMotion:AnUnlikely BallerinaYoungReadersEdition byMistyCopeland

Footnotes:TheLittlePink BookforDancers by Kristen M. Hains
AYoungDancer's Apprenticeship: OnTourWiththeMoscow CityBallet by Olympia Dowd
BlackBallerinas:My JourneytoOurLegacy
by Misty Copeland

Footnotes:DancingThe World'sBestLovedBallets

by Frank Augustyn
RoyalBalletSchool Diaries(series)

Ellie'sChanceto Dance#1
by Alexandra Moss
by Elin Dyer
BalletforMartha:Making AppalachianSpring

BalletShoes byNoelStreatfeild

As my first season with San José Dance Theatre has come to a close, I’ve had time to reflect on this past year and our last performance of Cinderella It was a wonderful way to finish our season with such a joyful story ballet Over the course of just six weeks of rehearsals, a full length ballet with all new choreography was built from scratch. It was a huge team effort from everyone at SJDT to bring Cinderella from the studio to the stage. And I was honored to have the opportunity to perform the roles of Fairy Godmother and Cinderella