Dear Santa Clara Adult Education Community,

Program Updates
Wilson Preschool High School Diploma (HSD)
High School Equivalency (HSE)
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Career Technical Education (CTE)
Independence Network Skills Plus
Exercise & Wellness
Student Recognition
Professional Learning
New Staff
Events Calendar
Welcome back to school for the second half of the 2022–2023 school year. We hope that all our staff and students enjoyed the holidays and are feeling excited about the new year to come.

In this issue of the SCAE quarterly newsletter, we have much to celebrate this past quarter in the diverse classes that we have to offer. You will learn about students who are joining English as a second language class for the first time, our parents and preschoolers donating to the family resource center, canine companions supporting the Exercise & Wellness students, staff updates, and much more.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all the adult education students, staff, and extended community for all your support and involvement in our school. The feeling of our community is strong and present in all of the programs and this dedicated is truly appreciated and admired.
Carrie Casto Principal, Adult EducationWILSON PRESCHOOL

Where children and parents have learned together - since 1981
The Wilson Preschool Fours class participated in a book exchange to celebrate the holidays. Each student brought a book to give to a classmate. There were smiles all around. The Wilson Preschool Threes classes collected canned goods to donate to the Family Resource Center (FRC). The preschoolers and their families took their donations to the FRC before the holiday break.

The High School Diploma Program (HSDP) welcomes students who are ready to take the next step in their lives.
We are now looking for another high school teacher to join us in this important mission.
Days/Hours: Thursday nights, 5:30-8:30pm, starting immediately. Requirement: California Teaching Credential Interested? Contact Christine Berdiansky at (408) 423-3503 or
Picture to the right is the Adult Education High School Diploma team Katie Bennett, High School Counselor and Melinda Webster, High School Teacher
Kate and Melinda work together to provide access to multiple services while students work on their diploma and beyond

Dual Enrollment
Did you know that students in the High School Diploma or the Adult Basic Skills/HiSET Program can take academic courses at the local community colleges for free? Students can earn credit for English, Math and more while they gain college experience The HSD staff can help students chose the right courses and assist with enrollment We have students right now who are taking advantage of this great opportunity!

In California, there are two ways for students to earn their High School Equivalency, by passing the GED or the HiSET exam
David Grant, the High School Equivalency instructor specializes in helping students pass the official HiSET exam, which is offered periodically through the year.
Never heard of HiSET? Learn more about this alternative to the GED and congratulations again to the students who recently passed their exams!
The ESL program started the new year by welcoming new students to all levels Melinda Webster, the ESL Transition Specialist, has started an Orientation for all new ESL students to ensure each of them knows about the services we offer as well as what it takes to be successful in class

ESL Program - Winter/Spring 2022-23
Highlights for this term include a new Level 5 class, four mornings per week, with Elizabeth Conway as the instructor Elizabeth is teaching her first class with us, and we have other new faces in the evening as well David Keck is the new Level 3 instructor and Agnes Brady just finished her first couple of weeks as our new Level 4 teacher Welcome Elizabeth, David, and Agnes!
Administrative Assistant, Facilities Management, and Accounting Assistant classes concluded in Fall 2022 These classes are again offered in Winter / Spring 2023
SCAE offers Medical Assistant classes year round Current Medical Assistant students will take their NCCT test on March 17, 2023 and will be ready to start their externship of 160 hours at a local doctor’s office.
Orientations are ongoing, see Medical Assistant Orientations for dates and to register.


Independence Network introduced some new classes for the winter term. Students will be able to try their hand at sewing, music and jewelry making.
After 34 years, Brian Darby retired as a teacher at Independence Network. He was joined by students, colleagues and families to celebrate his last day on December 21st. Congratulations Brian!

Skills Plus continues to welcome new throughout the year students continue to join the program
Additionally, Skills Plus is working on marketing strategies to increase enrollment to reach a larger audience of different demographics Students continue to improve their living skills, fine motor skills, and mobility skills to reach their goals
On December 15, the Skills Plus students had their holiday celebration Thank you to the volunteer group of singers who offer to perform during the ce0lebration

What is Skills Plus?
Skills Plus is an affordable, awarding-winning program that:
Provides training and activities focused on functional skills and independence for stroke survivors and other neurological impairments
Offers opportunities for group interaction and socialization
Has caring capable instructors who are licensed and credentialed medical professionals
Provides a safe, supportive and stimulating learning environment
Left to right- Elizabeth McClelland, Steve Roma, Barbara Henninger, Joseph Galang, Heather Mae Steffan, and Kayvon Kordestani (daughter of Skills Plus student, Nancy Kordestani).EXERCISE & WELLNESS
Thank you to the Santa Clara Schools Foundation and the Santa Clara Fire Department for hosting a fun filled event that embodied community, exercise and wellness! The Firehouse Run is a community 5K walk or run that begins at Santa Clara University, encircles the neighborhoods and makes its way back to the University. This event was established for one purpose, to raise money for the Santa Clara Unified School District. Come out next year and support our community and SCUSD students!

Canine Companions
Canine Companions is a national organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained service dogs at no charge to the recipient. There are several students in the Exercise and Wellness Program who volunteer as puppy raisers. Part of the training includes introducing these young pups to new experiences such as coming to the pool deck during a swim class or in the gym during a line dance class.

Students take an interest in the work of both trainers and dogs are doing for the disabled community The dogs are benefiting from our busy campus while practicing skills that will carry into their training Rewarding connections are made!

Aquatic Program
Fall 2022 aquatic registrations are at an all-time high with 713 students enrolled!
Dedicated aqua students come out to the pool with morning temperatures as cold as 38 degrees. Thankfully the water temperature remains warm for students to benefit from exercising in both morning and evening classes.

Moonlight swims and steam is often provided!
Hike for Health Meet-Up!
Students hike and explore nature in a small group setting with a knowledgeable, experienced leader. Marta enjoys sharing her passion with others through hiking and exploring nature. Hiking locations are no more than 30 minutes away from Santa Clara Adult Education.

Upcoming hikes:
February 17, Friday, 9am-noon
Fremont Older Space Preserve
Please email the instructor with questions:
Woodworking Update:
Woodshop instructor, Larry Truhe, working with a student in his Step Stool Class. This class is taken after new students complete the Intro to Woodworking Class.

Music Class:
Learning to play the guitar with guitar instructor Rich Hawthorne, this is beginning guitar class.

Students working in the Intro to Woodturning class For many this is the first time they have used a lathe.

Sewing/Quilting Update:
These are some of the items students create in our sewing and quilting classes Everything from hand bags, quilted bowls, quilts and baby shoes The classes are very popular, and the atmosphere is cheerful and friendly

Pens are the end product of student work in the Intro to Woodturning class

Teaching Garden Update:
Learn to Garden:

Students who join our gardening community get to work on their very own garden plot They learn about soil composition, growing delicious seasonal veggies, and beautiful flowers, and how to identify and deal successfully with insects, pests, and plant diseases Potlucks, field trips, and plenty of time to make new friends are added benefits to the Teaching garden
One of the Skills Plus students is attending Arizona State University online classes As part of an assigment Nolan surveyed the Skills Plus students and staff to get dipper understanding of the students needs and services We are very proud of Nolan as his accomplishments Below is his representation of a journey to independence.

Empowering stroke survivors on their journey to independence.

Equity, Anti-Racism, and Education Training

On January 4th the Adult Ed. staff attended an Equity, Anti-Racism, and Education professional learning session with Asha Sudra. It was an opportunity for staff to reflect on creating an inclusive environment, look both internally and externally, and explore authentic ways to validate and affirm experiences for all at Santa Clara Adult Education students and beyond.
We look forward to additional sessions with Asha to work on critical practices for anti-bias education through instruction, classroom culture, family & community engagement, and teacher leadership.
Welcome New Staff Members
Erin is returning to Adult Ed. with significant experience in the district working as an administrator and in the Student Services department. She started her career in SCUSD as a teacher in the Adult Ed. Parent Education/Wilson Preschool program and later became the program supervisor. Erin moved to become vice principal at Santa Clara High School and most recently she works as an MTSS (MultiTiered Systems of Support) coach, supporting multiple school sites across the district. Erin holds an Adult Education Teaching Credential, Administrative Services Credential, and a Master in Educational Leadership.
Erin Brown Program Administrator
My name is Agnes Brady, and this is my first year as an ESL teacher at the Adult Ed program. I’ve been part of the Santa Clara Unified School District for 10 years as a parent of two school-aged children. I previously taught ESL at San Jose City College. My native language is Hungarian. My current daytime job is that of a speech and language pathologist at a local elementary school. I enjoy reading, singing, and hiking with my friends.

Agnes Brady
ESL PM Instructor
David Keck has been teaching ESL since he began his teaching career in Mazatlán, Mexico in 1991 at La Universidad de Occidente, where he taught English to Mexican university students. He is currently teaching ESL 3 in the evenings at Santa Clara Adult Ed. He has also been teaching Spanish at Leigh High School in San Jose for the past 28 years where he has taught all levels. He has a Master's Degree in Spanish Literature. He published a historical novel based on his Master's Thesis about the conquest of Mexico by the Spanish Conquistador, Hernan Cortez and the Aztec Culture and oral traditions he learned by interviewing the descendants of the Aztecs in Mexico City. Mr. Keck has travelled extensively to learn the culture of the Spanish speaking countries and seek out the most internationally accepted form of the language he teaches. He has also been to Spain, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Chile.

ESL PM Instructor
Elizabeth comes to Santa Clara most recently from Santa Cruz where she was alternating between ESL teaching, hospice nursing, and her private pet sitting business. She earned her Bachelor’s degrees from Niagara University in her Master’s in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) at Sacramento State in 2007. She has taught English abroad in Haiti, France, and locally in Sacramento, and Davis California.
Elizabeth Conway
ESL AM and Independence Network (IN) Instructor
COVID-19 Resources for Staff
You can access the latest weekly update each Friday afternoon by visiting the link (on the SCUSD intranet). SCUSD COVID-19 Weekly Update for Staff.
School districts are no longer required to obtain proof of vaccination from workers (employees and volunteers) or require COVID-19 screening testing of unvaccinated workers.

Office Hours
Monday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday - Thursday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 1:00pm
Alarms On:
This is reminder that the alarms are on for the holidays in the calendar of events. Please plan accordingly. Special hours are also listed in the weekly update.
Principal Weekly Updates
SCAE Weekly Updates
Social Media - Follow SCAE

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Next Door
For Frequent Updates Visit
Santa Clara Adult Ed

Calendar of Events
January 26 - Board Meeting
February 4 - Wilson Preschool Open House
February 9 - Board Meeting
February 20-24 - No Classes
February 20 - Holiday
February 23 - Board Meeting
February 24 - Holiday
March 9 - Resource Fair at SCAE
March 9 - Board Meeting
April 17-21 - No Classes
April 21 - Holiday
May 26 - Wilson HS/Adult Ed. Graduation
May 29 - Holiday
June 2 - End Date Winter/Spring 2
June 5 - Start Date, Summer
July 4 - Holiday
Jul 29 - End Date, Summer
1840 Benton Street, Santa Clara, CA 95050 Phone: (408 ) 423-3500