The Ventura County Adult Education Consortium (VCAEC) is a collaboration of regional educational providers with the goal of expanding and improving opportunities for adult learners.
The Ventura County Adult Education Consortium (VCAEC) is a collaboration of regional educational providers with the goal of expanding and improving opportunities for adult learners.
Check out what our agencies offer:
• Learn or improve your English
• Earn your high school diploma or high school equivalency
• Begin a new career
• Start an apprenticeship
• Improve basic reading, writing, or math skills
• Transition to college
• Enroll in a certificate program
• Help your children with their educational needs
• Access services for those that have a disability
• And more!
Each program is designed to help you transition into another program and help you reach your employment and academic goals!
Not sure where to start? Our counselorsacademic will help you figure out your path.
Whether your goal is to continue your education and earn a degree or gain skills for your career, our schools are ready to help you!
Scan the QR code to view our full map and find the school closest to you.
VCAEC is made up of 13 campuses all around Ventura County and includes 3 community colleges.
Ready to start your adult education journey? Each school has academic counselors waiting to help you figure out the best path to your goals!
The vision of the VCAEC is to create a collaborative, seamless, integrated student pathway system that is supportive, equitable, and responsive to community needs.
Moorpark College
7075 Campus Rd. Moorpark, CA 93021 (805) 378-1400 moorparkcollege.edu
Oxnard College
4000 S Rose Ave. Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 678-5800 oxnardcollege.edu
Ventura College
4667 Telegraph Rd. Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 289-6000 venturacollege.edu
Conejo Valley Adult School
1025 Old Farm Rd. Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 (805) 497-2761 conejoadulted.org
Fillmore Adult School
627 Sespe Ave. Room #29 Fillmore, CA 93015 (805) 524-8232 adultschool.fillmoreusd.org
Moorpark Adult School
280 Poindexter Ave. Moorpark, CA 93021 (805) 378-6317 adulted.mrpk.org
Ojai Adult School
414 E. Ojai Ave. Ojai, CA 93023 (805) 640-4300 ojaiusd.org
Oxnard Adult School
1800 Solar Dr. Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 385-2578 oxnardadulted.us
Santa Paula Adult School
221 S 4th St. Santa Paula, CA 93060 (805) 933-8990 adulteducation.santapaulausd.org
Simi Institute for Careers & Education 1880 Blackstock Ave. Simi Valley, CA 93065 (805) 579-6200 | simiinstitute.org
Ventura Adult and Continuing Education
5200 Valentine Rd. Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 289-1744 adultedventura.edu
Ventura County Community College District
761 East Daily Dr., Ste. 200 Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 652-5500 vcccd.edu
Ventura County Office of Education
5100 Adolfo Rd. Camarillo, CA 93012 (805) 383-1900 vcoe.org
English as a Second Language (ESL) classes can help you learn or improve your English. Classes of all levels are offered and cover listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
ESL classes can HELP WITH:
Personal Goals
Get more involved with your community or better help your child at school.
Academic Goals
Earn your high school diploma or study English at a higher level.
Our agencies offer ESL classes for FREE!
Career Goals
Follow a new career path, learn a new skill, or learn or improve your English.
Citizenship Study and prepare for the U.S. Citizenship exam.
Improve your English while LEARNING A NEW CAREER!
Integrated Education and Training (IET) combines ESL classes with career training, teaching you English and adult basic education to navigate the working environment. Learn the language for the job you want and be on your way to a new career today!
Beginning ESL
Intermediate ESL
Advanced ESL
U.S. Citizenship
Giving you a path to CITIZENSHIP
Our agencies can help you prepare for the U.S. Citizenship
Anyone can have the best opportunity to learn English for free. Not only that, but also
• Good for those who almost graduated high school.
• Academic counselors will help you determine the credit requirements.
• Completion times can vary.
Ready to open the door to a better career, higher pay, training programs, or college enrollment? We can help you earn your high school diploma (HSD) or high school equivalency (HSE)!
• Must pass all subject area tests.
• Good for those with a job or family due to flexible classes.
• Requires less time to complete.
• Can be earned at any time in your life.
*There are two high school equivalency options: GED and HiSET. The GED is a test split into four subject areas and the HiSET is a test split into five. Fees may apply.
Depending on your situation, one may be a better fit than the other. A high school diploma is the traditional diploma that you receive after completing high school credits, while a GED proves you have the equivalent education. Consider where you are academically and how flexible your schedule is to decide which one is right for you.
Did you know there’s no age limit on finishing your education? It’s never too late to go back to school and earn your high school equivalency, and our schools can help!
Most agencies offer Adult Basic Education classes that focus on strengthening reading, writing, and math skills. These classes are FREE and help prepare students to enroll in a high school diploma, high school equivalency, or career technical education training program.
The amazing and caring staff believe that all students are able to reach their educational, career, and personal goals.
T. from Oxnard Adult School
High School Diploma
GED Test Preparation
GED Testing Center
HiSET Test Preparation
HiSET Testing Center
Certificado de Equivalencia de Preparatoria
The Career Technical Education (CTE) programs our agencies offer will help you train for a new career or develop skills to grow in your current one. Classes will give you hands-on learning and make sure you’re prepared to take the certification or license you need to get employed.
Learn more about
Pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships are designed to give on-the-job experience to students so they can more easily enter and succeed in that field. It’s a great way to “earn and learn” in a new career, especially since most apprentices gain employment after the program ends.
There’s more than one way to get the job you want!
Some career training programs require a high school diploma, while others don’t. If you want to enroll in one that does but don’t have your diploma or GED, our agencies can help!
Accounting / Bookeeping
Animal Training & Care
Art & Design
Building Trades
Computer Literacy
Hospitality / Culinary Arts
IT & Technology
Legal Studies
Office Applications
Real Estate
Theater & Film
*Most classes are free but not all. Inquire with the school where the class is offered to find out.
**Classes offered by our colleges represent a certificate program. Some are for credit and require an additional cost. Check with the school to learn more and if financial aid may be available.
VACE was a huge catalyst in my career success. I could not be where I am now without the Graphics Design program at VACE.
-Kathleen from VACE
Don’t wait to begin your journey with Ventura County Adult Education Consortium (VCAEC)! Many school provide in-person, online/hybrid/hyFlex programs and registration. Our schools are here to support you! We’ll help you learn or improve your English, earn your high school diploma or equivalency, or receive the career training you need