AK Press Fall/Winter 2015 Catalog

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Add Fuel to the Fire! Join the Friends of AK Press. We started the Friends of AK Press program soon after AK Press was born twenty-five years ago. The idea itself was older than that; it reached back to the nineteenth-century when similar subscription-based forms of mutual aid kept anarchist publishers alive. The capitalist market is not kind to radical presses, nor should we expect it to be. But even running things on the sort of shoestring budget AK has isn’t easy—which is why we have Friends to take up the slack. Here’s how it works: People (like you!) who are committed to our shared cause donate a small—or as large as they want—amount each month. We give them every new book we publish, plus discounts on everything else, and the occasional surprise. And ultimately, the presses keep rolling and we all contribute to getting revolutionary texts into as many hands as we can. Not to mention how absolutely crucial the support of our Friends has been during periodic crises like our warehouse fire this past March—and the move we will soon have to make to a new warehouse. It also says something important about anarchist and anti-authoritarian movements that Friends subscriptions always tend to increase when the going gets rough for us. So, thanks! Take a look at the forthcoming AK Press titles in this catalog (and an even bigger list on our website) for some idea of the great books Friends of AK Press can expect in the coming months. It will look just as good for the coming years, and decades if we have any say in the matter. If you like what you see, or know someone who would, please consider signing up. There are a bunch of membership options, including ways to donate discounted subscriptions for incarcerated folks, at: http://www.akpress.org/friends.html.

Catalog cover design by Josh MacPhee, adapted from his design for the forthcoming book The Anarchist Expropriators by Osvaldo Bayer.

getting the word out by any means necessary: the first twenty-five years of ak press

Summarizing twenty-five years of an anarchist organization—hell, any organization—is no easy task. Memories and opinions of the participants differ greatly, so thankfully Eric Laursen agreed to lend his expertise to the task. Placing our history in a larger context loses some of the personal reflection you might expect, but depersonalizes a project that isn’t really about specific individuals. Our supporters over the years number in the tens of thousands, direct volunteers in the hundreds, collective members almost fifty. That said, the current collective is certainly passionate about its history, present, and future. Making it for twenty-five years is a significant milestone. Making it this long without a wealthy benefactor, weathering the storm between existence and collapse, yet thriving in spirit feels like a major achievement. The next twenty-five years will require new strategies for engaging a distracted culture in a fraying economy. The broader publishing world is increasingly relying on data points and algorithms to stock shelves and entice readers online. The Internet looks less like a home for free expression and more like an ocean of flashy marketing goop. Our rural areas are being fracked and monocropped into oblivion, our cities turned into playgrounds for the rich. But as we are truly everywhere, the struggle against the state, capital, and their minions will continue. Together we’ll keep pushing the boundaries, never settling for assimilation or complacency. Laursen’s essay tells more than the tale Get your copy of of a small, scrappy publishing house. It shows a sophisticated and growing movement doing battle with the dominant social and economic instiour 25th anniversary tutions of our times. And for the next twenty-five years we hope to be booklet, Getting the there still, helping that movement tell its history and dream of freedom. —The AK Press Collective, 2015

Word Out By Any Means Necessary.

free with any order while supplies last!

ak press fall/winter 2015 Taking Sides

Revolutionary Solidarity and the Poverty of Liberalism Edited by Cindy Milstein 9781849352321 / 162 pp. / $12.00 The lines of oppression are already drawn. The only question is, which side are you on in the struggle against the violence of white supremacy and policing? Taking Sides argues not for reform of structurally brutal institutions but rather for their abolition. Its thirteen essays are sharp interventions that take particular aim at the role of nonprofits, “ally” politics, and “peace police” in demobilizing rebellions against hierarchical power. The authors offer tools to hone strategies and tactics of resistance, and hold out the promise of robust, tangible solidarity across racial and other lines, because in the battle for systemic transformation, there are no outside agitators.

Captive Genders

Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex Expanded Second Edition Edited by Eric A. Stanley and Nat Smith; Foreword by CeCe McDonald 9781849352345 / 400 pp. / $20.00 Pathologized, terrorized, and confined, trans/gender non-conforming and queer folks have always struggled against the enormity of the prison industrial complex. In the first collection of its kind, Eric A. Stanley and Nat Smith bring together current and former prisoners, activists, and academics, offering new ways to understand how race, gender, ability, and sexuality are lived under the crushing weight of captivity. Captive Genders argues that trans/queer liberation and prison abolition must be grown together. A challenge for us all to join the struggle, this expanded second edition includes new essays by Chelsea Manning, Toshio Meronek, Janetta Louise Johnson, and Kalaniopua Young.



Our Enemies in Blue

Police and Power in America Revised and Updated Edition Kristian Williams; Foreword by Andrea J. Ritchie 9781849352154 / 575 pp. / $22.00 In this extensively revised and updated edition of his seminal study of policing, Kristian Williams shows that police brutality isn’t an anomaly, but is built into the very meaning of law enforcement in the United States. From antebellum slave patrols to today’s paramilitary units, “peace keepers” have always used force to shape behavior, repress dissent, and defend the powerful. Our Enemies in Blue is a well-researched page-turner that both makes historical sense of this legalized social pathology and maps out possible alternatives.

Making Sense of Anarchism

Errico Malatesta’s Experiments with Revolution, 1889–1900 Davide Turcato 9781849352314 / 280 pp. / $17.00 Davide Turcato makes the relevance of history dynamically clear. Through a biographical account of Errico Malatesta’s revolutionary exploits over a decade, Making Sense of Anarchism is simultaneously a critique of how history is written and an outline of political tensions and debates that continue to this day. An antidote to studies that equate anarchism with disorder and irrationality. “A meticulous and engrossing English-language biography of Errico Malatesta and, at the same time, a thought-provoking reassessment of the nature of classical anarchism (both as a movement and an ideology)...An ambitious re-examination of late-nineteenth century anarchism, with contemporary ramifications.” —Constance Bantman, University of Surrey



ak press fall/winter 2015 We Do Not Fear Anarchy— We Invoke It

The First International and the Origins of the Anarchist Movement Robert Graham 9781849352116 / 319 pp. / $21.00 From 1864 to 1880, socialists, communists, trade unionists, and anarchists synthesized a growing body of anti-capitalist thought within the First International—a body devoted to uniting left-wing radical tendencies of the time. Often remembered for the historic fights between Marx and Bakunin, the debates during the International helped refine and focus anarchist ideas into a doctrine of international working class self-liberation. An unprecedented analysis of a misunderstood history. “This book is a breath of fresh air in a stuffy room. At long last, anarchists enter the history of socialism by the main door!” —Davide Turcato, author of Making Sense of Anarchism

Living Anarchism

José Peirats and the Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalist Movement Chris Ealham 9781849352383 / 270 pp. / $20.00 / december 2015 Living Anarchism is both a study of one man and a collective biography of the working class into which he was born. Peirats’s story illuminates the human foundations and development of Spanish anarchism, the ties of kinship, friendship, and community that cemented the largest antiauthoritarian movement in the world. A fascinating and grounded history of revolutionary transformation, personal and social. “Chris Ealham’s biography of Peirats...epitomizes and crystallizes the figure of all those anonymous, self-educated, disciplined, and self-sacrificing anarchist workers of his time, who fought for a fairer world with uncompromising attitude and unflinching determination till the bitter end.” —Agustín Guillamón, author of Ready for Revolution



The Anarchist Expropriators

Buenaventura Durruti and Argentina’s Working-Class Robin Hoods Osvaldo Bayer; Translated by Paul Sharkey 9781849352239 / 100 pp. / $12.00 / december 2015 In early twentieth-century Argentina, anarchist expropriators employed direct, violent means to fund the production of books, newspapers, and other forms of propaganda—as well as to support the families of comrades who had been imprisoned or deported. Osvaldo Bayer—author, journalist, and scriptwriter who was exiled from Argentina during the years of military dictatorship, when his books were banned and burned—tells a sympathetic and thrilling story of bank robberies, payroll heists, and other “crimes” committed in the name of justice. At the same time, he uncovers unexplored aspects of anarchist and Argentine history. This is its first English translation.

Angels with Dirty Faces

Three Stories of Crime, Prison, and Redemption Walidah Imarisha 9781849351744 / 240 pp. / $18.00 / february 2016 The three lives in this tale are united by the presence of actual harm—sometimes horrific violence. Imarisha brings us behind prison walls to visit her adopted brother Kakamia and his fellow inmate Jimmy “Mac” McElroy of the brutal Irish gang the Westies. Together they explore the questions: People can do unimaginable damage to one another—and then what? What do we as a society do? What might redemption look like? Imarisha doesn’t flinch as she guides us through the difficulties and contradictions. The result is a deeply personal analysis that connects emotionally with the lives of people caught up within, and often destroyed by, our criminal justice system.




300 Years of Insurrection in the American South Neal Shirley and Saralee Stafford 9781849352079 / 290 pp. / $20.00

Seven insurrectionary episodes in Southern history are tied together into a larger narrative about the long arc of revolt in the South. Countering images of the region as pacified and universally conservative, this alternative history covers slave rebellions, stockade burnings, multiracial banditry, labor struggles, prison uprisings, urban riots, and more.

Octavia’s Brood

Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements adrienne maree brown and Walidah Imarisha 9781849352093 / 285 pp. / $18.00

Whenever we envision a just and equitable world, we are engaging in an exercise of speculative fiction. This anthology of sci-fi and visionary fiction is written by organizers, activists, and thinkers who struggle tirelessly to create another world. Beautiful, harrowing, and politically incisive tales for thinking and building radical futures now.

Underground Passages

Anarchist Resistance Culture, 1848–2011 Jesse Cohn 9781849352017 / 422 pp. / $22.95

Anarchists have always created “resistance cultures” to sustain their ideals amid everyday lives defined by capital and the state, cultures that prefigure a post-revolutionary world and allow an escape from domination even while enmeshed in it. Cohn’s detailed cultural criticism explores fiction, poetry, music, film, and more.

Militant Anti-Fascism

A Hundred Years of Resistance M. Testa 9781849352031 / 345 pp. / $18.95

Fascism is violence, and the fight against it must be aggressive and unrelenting. Using a mixture of orthodox history and eye-witness accounts, M. Testa makes the case for a resolutely militant anti-fascism, taking us from proto-fascists in nineteenth-century Austria to modern-day street fights in London. Provocative, unapologetic, and based on extensive research.



Drug War Capitalism Dawn Paley

9781849351935 / 275 pp. / $16.95

The Drug War has had no effect on the sale and use of drugs, but it has been wildly successful for international, especially US, business interests, cracking open new territories to privatization and foreign direct investment. Dawn Paley shows us the real purpose behind the rhetoric, and the state terror it excuses.

Educating for Insurgency

The Roles of Young People in Schools of Poverty Jay Gillen 9781849351997 / 170 pp. / $15.95

Desegregation has failed. Schools have become plantations of social control for black and brown students. Radical teachers in American public schools must help young people fashion an insurgency. This book outlines what that means and how to do it, the tools and techniques needed to build social, cognitive, and political power.

I Belong Only to Myself

The Life and Writings of Leda Rafanelli Andrea Pakieser 9781849351959 / 175 pp. / $16.95

Andrea Pakieser couples the writings of Leda Rafanelli, one of the most prolific propagandists in early-twentieth-century Italy, with a historically rich biographical approach to tell the story of this iconoclastic anarchist, feminist novelist. Tales of Italian radicalism at the turn of the century, expats in Egypt, the onset of fascism, and more.

The Method of Freedom:

An Errico Malatesta Reader Edited by Davide Turcato

9781849351447 / 550 pp. / $21.95

The Method of Freedom collects Malatesta’s most enduring longform essays—including “Anarchy” and “Our Program”—together with shorter articles written over his long newspaper career, two-thirds of which are newly translated into English. Written in Malatesta’s clear, accessible style, these essays remain relevant to a new generation of radicals.




Goals and Means

The Struggle Against Work Harry Cleaver 9781849352277 / 200 pp. / $14.95 march 2016

Keywords for Radicals

Against the Fascist Creep

The Contested Vocabulary of Late Capitalist Struggle Ed. Kelly Fritsch, Clare O’Connor, & A.K. Thompson 9781849352420 / 350 pp. / $20.00 april 2016


Rupturing the Dialectic

Anarchism, Syndicalism, and Internationalism in the Origins of the FAI Jason Garner 9781849352253 / 320 pp. / $19.00 february 2016

Alexander Reid Ross 9781849352444 / 225 pp. / $16.95 may 2016

Complete Works of Malatesta, Vol. III

A Long and Patient Endeavour: The Anarchist Socialism of L’Agitazione, 1897–1898 Errico Malatesta; Ed. Davide Turcato 9781849351478 / 420 pp. / $24.95 march 2016

Learning Good Consent

On Healthy Relationships and Survivor Support Ed. Cindy Crabb 9781849352468 / 140 pp. / $13.95 july 2016



purveyor of poetry & other antagonisms

Red Epic

Joshua Clover 9781934639160 / 84 pp. / $16.00

Volatile poetry for a world on fire, illuminating the wreckage of the most recent gilded age. A remix of utopian hope and revolutionary terror!

We Are Nothing and So Can You

Jasper Bernes 9781934639153 / 120 pp. / $16.00

That Winter the Wolf Came

Juliana Spahr 9781934639177 / 120 pp. / $16.00

An epic of popular revolt, From carbon catastrophe to shuttling between the un- street protests, That Winter the certain present and futures Wolf Came—formally astute both grim and auspicious. and avowedly feminist—seeks Communist poetics for the to remake a poetry for this retwenty-first century. newed era of global struggles.


A Series of Un/ Natural/Disasters

Still Dirty

Cheena Marie Lo 9781934639191 / 76 pp. $16.00

Poems 2009-2015 David Lau 9781934639184 / 96 pp. $16.00

APRIL 2016

MAY 2016



Edited by Cindy Crabb || Doris Press no isbn / 28 pp. / $7.00

Interviews about role models and subtle things about masculinity, how it affects us and how we challenge it. Family, Welfare, and the State: Between Progressivism and the New Deal Mariarosa Dalla Costa || Common Notions 9781942173014 / 128 pp. / $15.95

An analysis of the historical relationship of women and the state; welfare and labor power; crisis and resistance. Our Mother Ocean: Enclosure, Commons, and the Global Fishermen’s Movement

Mariarosa Dalla Costa & Monica Chilese || Common Notions 9781942173007 / 143 pp. / $15.95

The story of the Global Fishermen’s Movement from its beginnings in India to its role in the global movement against neoliberal capitalism. Every Thug Is a Lady: Adventures Without Gender Julia Eff || Pioneers Press 9781939899095 / 68 pp. / $6.00

“I’ve got 99 problems but a gender ain’t one.” An illustrated, good-hearted look into the realm of non-gender. The World War of Small Pastries Charles Fourier || Autonomedia 9781570273063 / 94 pp. / $10.95

Excerpted from Fourier’s magnum opus The New World of Love; food and sex are his answers to all problems. The Land We Are

Edited by Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill & Sophie McCall || ARP Books 9781894037631 / 240 pp. / $24.95

An examination—in visual, poetic, and theoretical language—of narratives around Indigenous-settler relations.



Madness & Oppression: Paths to Personal Transformation & Collective Liberation

Edited by The Icarus Project || The Icarus Project 9781939202178 / 62 pp. / $15.00

This step-by-step “Mad Maps” guide examines the intersections of oppression with mental health struggles. I.W.W. Songs: To Fan the Flames of Discontent Edited by I.W.W || I.W.W. Hungarian Literature Fund 9781939202185 / 68 pp. / $8.00

A replica of the 1916 Joe Hill Memorial Edition of the “Little Red Songbook”—labor songs and poems. Daydream Sunset: The 60s Counterculture in the 70s

Ron Jacobs || CounterPunch 9780692389614 / 148 pp. / $16.95

The 1970s were the decade the 60s spirit struggled to survive while becoming a shadow of its dreams. Queen of Chaos: The Misadventures of Hillary Clinton

Diana Johnstone || CounterPunch 9780989763769 / 175 pp. / $17.95

How about a woman War President? Hillary Clinton has painstakingly groomed herself for the role. Drawing the Line: Indian Women Fight Back!

Edited by Priya Kuriyan, Larissa Bertonasco, & Ludmilla Bartscht || Ad Astra Comix 9780994050717 / 172 pp. / $20.00

A comic anthology by fourteen Indian women describing the day-to-day realities of gender discrimination. LIES: A Journal of Materialist Feminism, Volume 2 Edited by LIES Collective || LIES 9781939202147 / 200 pp. / $10.00

An attack on the legacy of racism and transphobia; and a step toward new autonomous feminist practices.




Lee Maracle || ARP Books 9781894037655 / 128 pp. / $14.95

New book of poetry from one of Canada’s most celebrated Indigenous writers, embodying her fearless passion and spirited wit. Escaping the Prism...Fade to Black: Poetry and Essays

Jalil Muntaqim || Kersplebedeb 9781894946629 / 320 pp. / $20.00

A collection of political prisoner Jalil Muntaqim’s poetry and essays, written from behind bars at Attica. Occupation Culture: Art & Squatting in the City from Below Alan W. Moore || Minor Compositions 9781570273032 / 378 pp. / $27.00

The story of a journey through recent political squatting in Europe, told by a veteran of the NYC punk art scene. Lumpen: The Autobiography of Ed Mead Ed Mead || Kersplebedeb 9781894946780 / 362 pp. / $20.00

More than a memoir, revolutionary and former prisoner Ed Mead’s story is a tour of America’s underbelly. Agitate! Anarchist Rants, Raps, Poems

Norman Nawrocki || Les Pages Noires 9782980576379 / 80 pp. / $16.95

New subversive poetics, tall tales, songs, fiction, rhymes and rants, along with a dozen powerful illustrations. Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization, Volume 1: Civilization—The Age of Masked Gods and Disguised Kings Abdullah Öcalan || New Compass Press 9788293064428 / 216 pp. / $22.95

First volume of the definitive work of Abdullah Öcalan, crucial for understanding the Kurdish revolution.



Shopping Cart Pantheism

Jeanne Randolph || ARP Books 9781894037617 / 150 pp. / $14.95

Satiric and insightful—a preposterous yet challenging invitation to participate in commodity worship. Cosmonauts of the Future: Texts from the Situationist Movement in Scandinavia and Elsewhere

Edited by Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen & Jakob Jakobsen || Autonomedia 9788799365180 / 304 pp. / $25.00

The first English-language collection of texts and documents from the Scandinavian Situationist movement. Crisis to Insurrection: Notes on the Ongoing Collapse Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen || Minor Compositions 9781570273056 / 164 pp. / $23.00

The crisis runs deep. Capital has intensified the class war, but revolts around the world are knocking a hole in the neoliberal world order. Political Ecology: Beyond Environmentalism

Dimitrios I. Roussopoulos || New Compass Press 9788293064442 / 140 pp. / $19.95

Now in a new, expanded edition—a classic history of environmental politics and its prospects for the future. The Windmills of Humanity: On Culture and Surrealism in the Manipulated World

Ivan Sviták || Charles H. Kerr 9780882861272 / 148 pp. / $14.00

A collection of Czech philosopher/ critic Ivan Sviták’s most provocative writing on aesthetic theory and more. The 2015 Baltimore Uprising: A Teen Epistolary

Various || Research and Destroy 9781939202208 / 272 pp. / $10.00

The story of the Baltimore Uprising as told through a collection of tweets from local teens. “The riots ain’t over.”




The Feminist Utopia Project

Fifty-Seven Visions of a Wildly Better Future Ed. Alexandra Brodsky & Rachel Kauder Nalebuff feminist press 9781558619005 / 360 pp. $19.95

In this groundbreaking collection of essays, interviews, and more, over fifty cutting-edge voices invite us to imagine a truly feminist world.

Because We Say So

Noam Chomsky city lights publishers 9780872866577 / 200 pp. $15.95

How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America

To Our Friends

The Invisible Committee semiotext(e) Problems in Race, Political 9781584351672 / 240 pp. $13.95 Economy, and Society Manning Marable Seven years after The haymarket books Coming Insurrection, 9781608465118 / 372 pp. The Invisible Com$19.95

More than thirty concise, forceful commentaries on US politics mittee is back with and global power, A classic study of the this report on the written between 2011 and 2015. Chomsky’s intersections of racism state of the world and and class in the United the movement. Its arguments forge a ambition: a shared persuasive counter-nar- States; this new edition rative to official reports includes a new foreword understanding, in spite by Leith Mullings. of extreme confusion. on politics and policies.


Decolonize Your Diet Plant-Based MexicanAmerican Recipes for Health & Healing Luz Calvo & Catriona Rueda Esquibel arsenal pulp press

9781551525921 / 256 pp. $26.95


The Anarchist Cookbook

Keith McHenry with Chaz Bufe see sharp press

9781937276768 / 155 pp. $19.95

Vegan with a Vengeance

Vegan Eats World

10th Anniversary Edition Isa Chandra Moskowitz

300 International Recipes for Savoring the Planet Terry Hope Romero

9780738218335 / 288 pp. $22.99

9780738217444 / 400 pp. $22.50

da capo press

da capo press


A People’s Art History of the United States

Nicolas Lampert new press 9781620971338 / 384 pp. $21.95

New in paperback! Propelled by a democratic vision of art, this richly-illustrated history introduces us to key works of radical art and the histories that inspired them.

Dirty River

A Queer Femme of Color Dreaming Her Way Home Leah Lakshmi PiepznaSamarasinha arsenal pulp press 9781551526003 / 240 pp. $18.95

This passionate and riveting memoir is a mixtape of dreams and nightmares, of immigration court lineups and queer South Asian dance nights.


Ted Rall seven stories press 9781609806354 / 224 pp. $16.95

Why did Edward Snowden decide to take on the risks associated with becoming a whistleblower? This book tells two stories: his, and a larger one that describes all of us on the threshold of tremendous upheaval.

Immigrants Against the State

Yiddish and Italian Anarchism in America Kenyon Zimmer univ. of illinois press 9780252080920 / 320 pp. $30.00

Explores why tens of thousands of immigrants arriving in the 1880s–1940s turned to anarchism; and how it shaped their identities, experiences, and actions.



The Great and Mighty Nikko A Bilingual Counting Book Xavier Garza

cinco puntos press

9781935955825 / 32 pp. $16.95

What Is Punk? Eric Morse

Counting On Community

Rad American Women A–Z

Rebels, Trailblazers, & Visionaries Who Shaped Our History...& Our Future! 9781617753923 / 32 pp. seven stories press Kate Schatz & $15.95 24 care? pp. —Who picked it9781609806323 and why do /we Miriam Klein Stahl $8.99 akashic books


Innosanto Nagara

city lights publishers

9780872866836 / 64 pp. $14.95


2016 Calendars & organizers

Slingshot Desk Planner & Pocket Organizer

Justseeds/Eberhardt Press Organizer

Slingshot Collective $12.00 (lg.) & $6.00 (sm.)

Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar Certain Days $12.00

Justseeds & Eberhardt Press $13.00 (lg.) & $10.00 (sm.)

Calendar of Revolt

The Subversive Historian $12.95

Solidarity Forever: Labor History Calendar I.W.W. Hungarian Literature Fund $12.00


The Bottled Wasp Pocket Diary

The Escape Committee $8.00

Colors from Palestine Resistance Art $20.00

Zapatista Solidarity Calendar

KIPTIK & Edinburgh-Chiapas Solidarity Group $20.00


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