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Events Report Introduction
The promotion and advancement in institutions of college rank courses leading to degrees in business administration has remained at the core of Alpha Kappa Psi’s educational programming. Over the last several years, Alpha Kappa Psi in conjunction with Commonwealth Leadership™ has designed a leadership methodology to engage learners in the environment around them.
Clarify. Analyze. Act.
Three simple words with so much meaning behind them. What is the problem or issue trying to be solved? What relevant information is gathered? What is the action step? Supporting the leadership methodology is a set of key skills and professional pathways. Every piece of curriculum is designed to elevate the learning and development of members of Alpha Kappa Psi.
While Alpha Kappa Psi returned to hosting in-person events in 2022, the COVID-19 pandemic posed several challenges throughout the fiscal year. Alpha Kappa Psi members’ safety, health, and well-being remained the highest priority, so each in-person event provided pre-event instruction and tests, as well as onsite supplies to provide additional layers of protection.
In 2017, ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership produced the “Drivers of Change: Summaries and Forecasts” as a part of their ASAE ForesightWorks component. There are several key Drivers of Change used to support the strategic direction of Alpha Kappa Psi educational programming. You can review these elements on the next page.
In conjunction with the Commonwealth Leadership™ these drivers play a pivotal role in advancing Alpha Kappa Psi’s strategy by assisting members with the development of the key skills employers want and need by offering high-impact activities, events, and training programs. And, our learning and leadership development program in conjunction with in-person events is designed to develop each member’s ability to navigate their career and be a leader in the workplace. These skills are often regarded as critical by employers, managers, and researchers.
The following report contains analytical information regarding our events hosted during FY22. Our members, friends, and partners are vital to the success of the organization. We encourage you to read through the report and share your insight with an Alpha Kappa Psi member on your campus, in your company, or in your community. They are the next generation of employees.
This is our future. This is our path to success. This is AKPsi Events.
Jason Pierce, CAE, CMP
Director of Education