C U R I O S I T Y UNBOU ND Rethinking contemporary educational spaces
Akshaya Ramesh DIA 2021/22 1st Advisor Professor. Roger Bundschuh 2nd Advisor Pavel Babienko
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
Abstract 1. Introduction 2. Curiosity and its dimensions 3. The research question 4. The philosophy 5. The site 6. The concept 7. The program 8. The project “samam”
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
ackn ow le dg e m e n t s . . .
I thank amma, for everything. I am grateful to God, periamma, patti, Kamaal, my family and my friends for being there for me throughout the thesis process. Despite so many challenges, I am extremely proud of myself for completing my master’s program. I would like to show my thankfulness to Professor Roger Bundschuh for his unwavering dedication as a guide throughout the thesis process. I would also like to thank Pavel Babienko, who was always present at meetings and was a constant source of support.
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
abst ra ct .. .
Curiosity is a road that leads to discovery, inquiry, and experience, and it is beautiful when it is integrated into our daily lives. The desire to learn more about what is hidden propels us along the path of the unknown, shattering the mundane. I believe that every living being would live a wonderful life if they had the desire to study their actions and be fascinated about every new road they took. Humans are molded by their curiosity, which pushes them to improve. Throughout this mental mapping process, I asked myself who may be the most curious person on earth, and I immediately got the answer. “THE KIDS” They are the future’s lightning barriers and protectors of the world. I hereby focus on spaces constructed with a spirit of interest and excitement that encourages children to forge their own route rather than following the road that has already been laid out for them.
rethinking contemporary educational space
curiosity unbound
T h e me : B e a u t y i n t h e b e a s t
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
my idea of beauty
In m y o p i n i o n , the definition of beauty i s to f e e l a n d d e v e l o p a s en s e o f a m a z e m e n t !
Another way to experience curiosity is to focus on its impact on senses. We all know that there are places in this world where we can interact with our five senses collectively or individually... yet there is a sixth sense that is always hidden! Even now, modern architecture
The exotic textures, the colours and lights beguile me..
ignores the sixth sense. It is chosen to live in a materialistic environment rather than experience subtle sentiments..... the emotion is the secret 6th sense..... I always think it’s lovely when certain feelings erupt and spread amongst one another, such as excitement, happiness, and surprises... However, when these feelings are understood through a spatial sense of architecture, the situation becomes astonishing... In this context, I learned a new word: HEDONISM, which refers to a certain quest for pleasure and fulfilment! Humans are trapped within and forced to manage their emotions in a box during the pandemic... I believe they are now curious to experiment with new spaces and earn happiness in the end..... each space should spark their interest and then satisfy them... Humans always search for something that’s beyond nature and beauty…
I personally feel b e a ut i f u l w h e n I e x p l o r e unfamiliar pathways…
Carlo Scarpa, in my opinion, is the man who enhanced curiosity through architectural details... His structures speak of spirituality, his intricacies of culture and meaning, and his texture and landscapes raise our spirits. For example, the tombe brion church in Italy is a masterpiece of his work... Similarly, Ricardo Bofill’s Edifico la muralla roja is an exciting and intriguing structure. It makes you feel perplexed and uncertain. On the other hand, Alvaro Siza’s architecture is minimalistic, with a sequence of spaces and a layer of porous borders. When we look at the boa nova tea house, for example, it responds to the site setting and sits like a sculpture around the rocky edges. Overall, the goal of my research is to create beauty by delicately juxtapositioning the layers. Taking into account the aspects of curiosity, a tough spiritual path has been built as a module for humans to play with and experience.
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
A t r i p t o A m s t erdam, in search of space r e w a r d i n g m y c uriosity..
In the process of finding beauty in the beast through curiosity, I travelled to Amsterdam, Netherlands and this image is an illustrated story of my curated moments during a trip to Amsterdam. The city had stunning places and every sight interested me through architectural details, textures, materials, rhythm and pattern. Curiosity is a phenomenon of thirst and hunger that keeps taunting you until you feed it with something.
rethinking contemporary educational space
curiosity and its dimensions
curiosity unbound
curiosity and its dimensions
rethinking contemporary educational space
curiosity unbound
The above image is from a yearly event called “JANE’S WALK” that encourages people to share stories about their neighbourhoods, discover unseen aspects of their communities, and use walking as a way to connect with their neighbours. It is a community-based approach to city building that uses citizen-led walking tours to make space for people to observe, reflect, share, question and re-imagine the places in which they live, work and play.
“A city is multi-layered and public space often confusing, with many aspects being hidden. Jane’s Walk gives us a personal perspective and authentic insights by presenting different facets and giving everyone a chance to speak. -Jane’s Walk City Organiser Andreas Lindinger, https://janeswalk.at/2019/04/12/ walking-to-the-100th-janes-walk-in-vienna/?lang=en
fig.03. Environmental annotations for a moment of curiosity. Based on Philip Thiel’s “People, Paths and Purpose” 1994
Social psychologists Matthew Gallagher and Shane
Professor Todd Kashdan of George Mason Universi-
Lopez, have found that individuals who are higher in
ty, explains trait curiosity as a two-stage process of
trait curiosity are more likely to become fully engaged
exploration and absorption, related to the identifica-
and absorbed in new experiences, and ultimately
tion and pursuit of novel or challenging experiences.
more likely to derive benefit from that engagement.
Exploration refers to a general tendency to pursue novel information and experiences, while absorption
“Generating Curiosity – Tools For Architecture.” Accessed June 12, 2022. https:// toolsforarchitecture.aaschool.ac.uk/generating-curiosity/.
refers to a propensity to completely focus one’s attention on an event or experience. Both processes are critical to how people behave in stimulating or unfamiliar environments. Kashdan, T. B., Rose, P., & Fincham, F. D. (2004). Curiosity and exploration: Facilitating positive subjective experiences and personal growth opportunities. Journal of Personality Assessment, 82, 291–305.
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
curiosity and its dimensions
Wunderkammer in Venice biennale 2012
Before the social media sites started killing our curiosity, there was a place called ”WUNDER KAMMER” Cabinet of wonder, inspiration and work- MINDMAP It was practised during renaissance, Europe. -Todd Williams and Billie Tsien Showcased the Wunderkammer in Venice biennale 2012
rethinking contemporary educational space
curiosity and its dimensions
curiosity unbound
I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious
Curiosity played a big part towards the success in business
Most curious person
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
curiosity and its dimensions
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
curiosity and its dimensions
personal experience
my s ch oo l e x p e r i e n c e
School is a six-letter word with a lot of philosophical
I had no choice but to trust everything the teacher
connotations. It’s an institution for kids that gives
stated, and I did! It was a step-by-step guide to
out instructions. It lays the foundation for the rest of
walking down someone else’s road!!
its life.
When it comes to sex education, teachers prefer to
You will spend most of your life here during your
look at the clock and move on to the next class or
early childhood days.
close the book to begin other talks after a particular
I have conflicting thoughts about education in India.
amount of time has passed. Education has always
But first, let me tell you about my journey and my
included a level of taboo. Sex was never brought
experiences at school.
It’s the first day...... It’s eight o’clock in the morn-
At the end of the year, we read... read... and read...
ing. I walk onto school full of hope and determina-
and read... and read... and read... and read... and
tion to learn a great deal! To confront the new day, I
read... and read... and read... and read... This is
see myself as a small warrior.
repeated for a total of 12 years.
The bell tolls from afar, signalling that a schedule
A student’s desired result is either an engineer or
must be adhered to...
a doctor. To find a respectable place in society, he
Boys were told to seat on the opposite side of the
must choose between them. Aside from that, there
room, so I went to sit with my women friends. We
is a strong desire among students to leave India
can’t always enter by the same entrance... If a
as soon as feasible (like I did). We are who we are
teacher overhears a guy and girl conversing, they
because of our grades, not because of who we are
are sent to the principal!
as people! Discrimination based on religion, caste,
We only had physical activity periods once or twice
and community was always present.
a week, but we fantasized about them the rest of the time! It’s a feeling of unhappiness... On other days, we were required to sit in the same classroom for eight hours without moving. We were befuddled by the theories... For everything, there was no hands-on training.
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
curiosity and its dimensions
the entrance
the morning bell
theoretical study
taboo topics
end product rule
gender inequality
other activities
the exam
poor activities
the grades
the discrimination
personal experience
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
curiosity and its dimensions
As an adult now, What do you think of your schooling experience?
Only 24.7% people accepts about the excellence of schools. More than 65% has rated schools as fair and good
Do you think the schooling system needs a change?
Sadly 78.1% people raises voice in need of a change in the system
Did you feel a lack of creativity , curiosity and imagination during school days?
About 80% accepts that there is a lack in creativity,curiosity and imagination during school days.
Do you think if you had an opportunity to experience curiosity and creativity with freedom during your school days you would have been a different person now? 85% people sadly imagines themselves as different person, if they had a better education before.
Do you think the rate of crime such as rape, domestic violence, corruption , religious/caste discrimination is increasing because of our education system? About 60% believe that criminal activities stops because of change in education. I personally, strongly believe this statement.
vs public opinion
About 70% people believe that curiosity and creativity is important in an education system survey conducted by the author via google forms.
rethinking contemporary educational space
the research question
curiosity unbound
the research question
Isn’t it beautiful when the educational spaces are redesigned to experience the aspects of curiosity and creativity? Will the curious mind of a kid find beauty through architectural spaces?
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
the research question
rethinking contemporary educational space
the philosophy
curiosity unbound
the philosophy
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
the philosophy
rethinking contemporary educational space
the site
curiosity unbound
C h e n nai
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
the site- a timeline..
site- history and development
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
the site
site- history and development
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
the site
site- neighbourhood study
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
the site
site- neighbourhood study
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
SITE AREA 8145 sqm
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
the site
site- sorroundings (inference)
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
the site
site- sorroundings (inference)
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
the site
site- area and characterstics
rethinking contemporary educational space
the concept
curiosity unbound
the concept
1.categorisation of educational spaces as moments 2. structural transparency/ openness 3. the relationship between trees, kids and playground
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
the concept
categorisation of educational spaces as moments
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
the concept
moment- conceptual diagram
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
structural transparency/ openness
the concept
the relationship between trees, kids and playground
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
the concept
the overall idea
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
the concept
conceptual roof idea - initial sketches
rethinking contemporary educational space
the program
curiosity unbound
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
rethinking contemporary educational space
the project - “samam”
curiosity unbound
the program
samam rethinking contemporary educational spaces curiosity unbound
samam : (adv.) evenly; equally. || samam (ind.), oneself; by oneself. samam in sanskrit- With, together
project description: samam is an architectural learning space infused with curiosity and creativity, created for kids to learn, experiment and explore.
the axonometric view
the site plan
1. entry
7. rope hanging and play area
2. pebbled walking trails
8. sand pit
and cycling path 3. mini forest and gardens 4. tree house 5. climbers and sliders 6. seating and playing corners
9. outdoor workshop spaces 10. maze
the planning concepts
t h e d i s s o l u t i on of borders the learning space functions as a platform with no boundaries, inviting interior and exterior interaction.
c o u r t y a r d s and greens the interior spaces are poetic combination of blocks, courtyards and greenery.
m o m e nts The spaces are divided into segments based on the moments there in threshold with the existing site surroundings.
m o u n t a i n s , c a nyons and roads the blocks are placed in such a way to allow columns to be free-standing.
p a r a l l e l p a t h w a y s - nodes and junctions Grid planning enabled free-flowing parallel pathways to form nodes and junctions that served as meeting points.
p l a y s paces the overall plinth acts as a platform and allows to create play spaces connecting the first floor through slides and ladders
the ground floor plan
the first floor plan
section aa’
section bb’
section cc’
exploded view
ACP ROOF PANELS aluminium composite panels as roof sheet insulated with mineral wool.
STEEL FRAMEWORK steel box sections as framework attached to tree branched column
STEEL TREE BRANCHED COLUMNS tapered tree shaped structural column branched into steel pipe sections is attached to the roof steel frame work.
ADOBE BRICK AND WOOD walls are made of adobe brick. The partition areas and windows are made of timber. The partition walls can also be constructed using wattle and daub
CONCRETE PLINTH concrete plinth as the base.
structural details given here are conceptual idea
mom en t wi t h s u b j e c t i v e a p p r o a c h
AREA CHARACTERSTICS: Rigid, Straight Forward, Formality Is Introduced.
SPACES: Classroom, kindergarten classroom
axonometric section showing classroom in ground floor and first floor
a view showing toddler hut interior
mom en t wi t h s o c i e t y
AREA CHARACTERSTICS: Interactive, A pace to communicate, connect and dialogue
SPACES: Poetic reading, Drama stage, Entreprenurship (small buisness), workshops
a section of open air theatre connecting to the street
a view of open air theatre with public interaction and community activities
mom en t wi t h s e n s e s
AREA CHARACTERSTICS: Child centric, creative, emphasis on experience, towards nature
SPACES: Acting spaces, dance, music and sleeping spaces
axonometric section showing dance,music huts and the breakout space
mom en t wi t h s e l f
AREA CHARACTERSTICS: nature and architecture, light and shade, focused but freedom
SPACES: Play area, meditation, Art room
a view of meditation hut
a section of meditation hut, swinging area and the river
mom en t wi t h n a t u r e
SPACES: courtyards, play areas, miyawaki forest
meditation hut
swimming pool
stepped seating towards mini forest and river behind
mini forest
workshop area
reflective pool and smell gardens
a conceptual section through the forest area and pool
mom en t to r e j o i c e
AREA CHARACTERSTICS: playfullness, excitement
SPACES: play areas, outdoor and indoor spaces
a view towards the nature from swinging area
roof framing and tree section 1:100
beam grid junction front view 1:10
box section as per structural detail attached to branched column
beam grid junction, underneath 1:10 connecting
steel attached to the branched column as per structural detail
nodes 1:10 secondary node points
top coating 100mm dia pipe section
protective film
100-200mm dia
pipe section
aluminium skin
mineral core
adhesive film
pipe section
aluminium coating
1200mm at bot-
mill finish
tom tapered to 600mm
top, dia pipe section
roof detail(1:10)
steel framework structural details given here are conceptual idea and are referred from stuttgart airport details
steel pipe section of dia 100200mm as branches attached to the main column
250mm thick roof slab
dance hut
music hut
wooden pipe rods attached to wooden framework acts as a screen
rethinking contemporary educational space curiosity unbound
Gallagher, Matthew W., and Shane J. Lopez. “Curiosity and Well-Being.” The Journal of Positive Psychology 2, no. 4 (October 2007): 236–48. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439760701552345 Nast, Condé. “This School in Tamil Nadu Brings Vernacular Technique to Modern Design.” Architectural Digest India, June 14, 2020. https://www.architecturaldigest.in/content/school-rural-tamil-nadu-brings-vernacular-technique-modern-design/. Nast, Condé. “How Educational Institutions’ Architecture Shapes Young Minds.” Architectural Digest India, February 6, 2021. https://www.architecturaldigest.in/story/how-educational-institutions-architecture-shapes-young-minds/.
Purdy, Jill. “Curiosity May Be the Most Important Skill for a Child to Learn.” Jackrabbit Care, October 19, 2020. https://www. jackrabbitcare.com/blog/curiosity-may-important-skill-child-learn/. Venkataraman, Dr G. “History of Historical Building and Monuments in and around Chennai,” n.d., 9. ArchDaily. “Community-Oriented Architecture in Schools: How ‘Extroverted’ Design Can Impact Learning and Change the World,” March 5, 2012. https://www.archdaily.com/213438/community-oriented-architecture-in-schools-how-extroverted-design-can-impact-learning-and-change-the-world. Architropics. “7 Strategies For Designing A House In the Tropics,” May 22, 2020. https://architropics.com/designing-a-housefor-the-tropics/. RTF | Rethinking The Future. “10 Things to Remember When Designing in Tropical Climate,” November 13, 2020. https:// www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/rtf-fresh-perspectives/a2129-10-things-to-remember-when-designing-in-tropical-climate/. “Generating Curiosity – Tools For Architecture.” Accessed June 12, 2022. https://toolsforarchitecture.aaschool.ac.uk/generating-curiosity/. The New Indian Express. “Hope and History in a Hotspot.” Accessed June 17, 2022. https://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/ chennai/2020/jun/09/hope-and-history-in-a-hotspot-2153959.html. “Impact of School Architecture on Pedagogy.” Accessed June 17, 2022. https://www.schoolserv.in/impact-of-school-architecture-and-master-plan-on-learning-outcomes/. “In Life It Is Important to Understand Who You Are as a Person, What You Believe in and What You Hold to Be Real.” Accessed June 17, 2022. https://www2.gvsu.edu/reedda/minor.htm. “Rabindranath Tagore’s Philosophy on Indian Education | Bhoomi College.” Accessed June 17, 2022. https://bhoomicollege. org/article/rabindranath-tagore%E2%80%99s-philosophy-indian-education. “Walking to the 100th Jane’s Walk in Vienna! – Jane’s Walk Vienna.” Accessed June 17, 2022. https://janeswalk. at/2019/04/12/walking-to-the-100th-janes-walk-in-vienna/?lang=en. “ACP Sheet | ACP Sheet Full Form | ACP Board Full Form Types Of ACP Sheets | Applications Of ACP Sheet | ACP Sheet Price | Uses Of ACP Sheet - Civiconcepts.” Accessed June 17, 2022. https://civiconcepts.com/blog/acp-sheet. “What 21st Century School Architecture Demands.” Accessed June 17, 2022. https://www.schoolserv.in/what-21st-century-school-architecture-demands/. Educate Every Child on the Planet: The World Top 20 Project. “World Best Education Systems.” Accessed June 17, 2022. https://worldtop20.org/worldbesteducationsystem.
Living Connection
Dessau International Architecture School Anhalt University Department 3 © 2016/17