Thesis report

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Front Page Illustration: Plant Macro

Acknowledgement The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from many people. And I’m extremely fortunate to have completed this project. Whatever I’ve done, is only due to such guidance and assistance and I would not forget to thank them. I owe my profound gratitude to my thesis guide Ar. Anil Darshetkar who took keen interest in my project work and guided me all along, till the completion of my work by providing all the necessary information for developing my thesis. I heartly thank, Ar. Arun Sawant for his guidance and suggestions that gave me a clear perspective. I’m extremely grateful to all the organisational bodies for providing such a nice support and guidance during case studies for the development of my thesis work. I’m thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and guidance from all teaching staff, who helped in successfully completing my thesis work. Also, I would like to extend sincere regards to all the non-teaching staff of our beloved college for their timely support. I would not forget to mention all the teachers and well wishers along my five year journey through architecture. I would like to extend a sincere vote of thanks to my parents, my batchmates and my professors for their unlisted encouragement and more over their timely support, criticism and guidance till the completion of my project. Akshay Shetty



Contents Acknowledgement




Concept of Space:


Pattern Definition:


What is Biomimicry


Biomimicry Design Approach




Developmental Biology:


Smooth and Striated

Characteristics and Existence of Space

Analysis Approach


Zebrafish Heart Regeneration


Abstracting & Brainstorming:




Program Ingredients


Case Studies


Design Principles and Potential Human Applications

Urban Closed Loop Systems:




A Biomimicry Approach



Abstract With this thesis we are interested in emulating the synergy achieved in nature across various scales (e.g. genes-species-ecosystems) for improving the condition of our city. What is the intervention that the city needs? How can we contribute to human and environmental good by learning about Nature? We realize how brilliant nature is as we keep moving towards technology. Its various forms, processes and systems evolved over 3.8 billion years serve as an ideal example for us to mimic. Various components work together making the natural ecosystems flexible and adaptable. A detailed study of what these components are and how they work together has led to defining the program for this thesis. The city needs to develop closed loop systems. Systems that can react to changing conditions and adapt itself. Darwin’s theory of natural selection meant that only those species better designed for an immediate local environment are more likely to survive. Hence we need to develop systems that can help us not just survive but thrive in our local conditions. Firstly, the city needs to develop closed loop decision making process. We need our own “Urban Scientists” along with a space for them and their experiments. Multi-disciplinary interactions between people from various fields need to be encouraged. The outcome of these discussions should be made public, not just at the final level but also at the intermediary level. This way the designers can understand the views of the people, and keep that in mind while drafting the proposal. This way, the proposals will have more of a social backing and can hence lead to social reforms. Secondly, we need to think how can architecture be sustainable and unconstrained at the same time? “Hedonistic Sustainability” should be our goal. Nature achieves this to its full potential because of its holistic approach. We should aim to achieve that. We should preserve and maintain healthy water supply, use renewable sources of energy, reuse instead of recycle and produce our own food. The challenge is to connect these various motives i.e. food-energy-water into self sustaining closed loop systems. This thesis approaches biomimicry in theory, application and practice. It investigates how the various strategies can be applied successfully in architecture and design.



“It is always from the depths of its impotence that each power center draws its power, hence their extreme maliciousness, and vanity� Gilles Deleuze


Concept Of Space Smooth and Striated Gilles Delluze, a French philosopher and metaphysician coined the term Smooth and Striated in his book ‘A Thousand Plateaus’. The Smooth and the Striated’ introduces smoothness and striation as a conceptual pair to rethink space as a complex mixture between nomadic forces and sedentary captures. ‘The nomad’ is an agent introduced my Delluze, who runs counter to ‘the State’ in the sense that the nomad is aggressively creative, while the State plays the more passive role of consolidator: the State thrives by capturing nomadic innovations and transforming them to fit its own needs, precisely in order to consolidate a certain state of affairs. On the other hand, every consolidated state induces renewed nomadic aggression and inventions that the State must absorb and adapt to its consolidating tissue, which, thus enriched, opens up paths for amplified nomadic action, and so on. When the nomad/State opposition is applied to space, the basic principle is that nomad space is ‘smooth’ and heterogeneous, while State space is ‘striated’ and homogeneous. We’ll go through some examples to understand this better. 01 Desert (smooth) & Agriculture (striated) space





“There is no line separating earth and sky; there is no intermediate distance, no perspective or contour; visibility is limited; and yet there is an extraordinarily fine topology that relies not on points or objects, but rather on haecceities, on sets of relations (winds, undulations of snow or sand, the song of the sand, the creaking of the ice, the tactile qualities of both).� Gilles Deleuze


Technology Model Woven fabric is striated, that is, with the threads of warp and woof; felt is smooth, as it consists of entangled fibres. he Mongolian nomads excel in using felt for their tents, clothing and even armoury. The very spaces inhabited by nomads – steppes and deserts – are smooth, and the same is true of the ice desert inhabited by Eskimos, and of the sea roamed by seafaring peoples. In these spaces orientations, landmarks and linkages are in continuous variation.

Art & Architecture Model It is generally held that nomads derive their art from the sedentary peoples with whom they come into contact, and it is a fact that much nomad art is purely geometrical; but the nomads have or have had their own ‘will to art’, which is expressed in a “streaming, spiralling, zigzagging, sneaking, feverish line”, as he describes it at one point. Although Deleuze repeatedly stresses the distinction between nomads and migrants, he insists on the point that the Goths who migrated into the Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th centuries were nomads, and connects these people and their art with the 12th century Gothic cathedrals and their builders, who were obviously not Goths; they were Franks. While Romanesque architecture is still striated, Deleuze observes, the Gothic is smooth. Byzantine architecture created an even smoother space. Expressionism is the ‘modern’ successor of nomad art, rather than what is usually thought of as Modernism: Purism, Neoplasticism, Elementarism... whose spaces certainly are striated.

Mathematics Model

01 Cologne, South Transept, Gothic Architecture 02 Colosseum, Rome, 03 Hagia Sofia, Istanbul, Byzantine Architecture

Coordinate geometry as well as metric geometry in general describe striated, homogeneous spaces. Of geometrical smooth space , it has no homogeneity except between infinitely proximate points, and that the linking of proximities is effected independently of any determined path. The epitome of this kind of space is the space of Riemannian geometry; but as distinct from metric space, vectorial, projective and topological spaces.




Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. George Bernard Shaw

In psychogenetic terms, the difference between metrics and projection is that the straight line is mastered in two different ways: as a ‘base line’ that structures metric space, and as a ‘line of sight’ that structures projective space. In the most elementary psychological sense, the straight line of metrics is the line that connects and denotes the distance between two points. When one notes the shortest distance by means of an actual movement, one acquires the idea of the straight line as something that denotes a fixed distance. Eventually, this experience is encoded as a general mental scheme that works automatically in all situations.

Maritime Model The sea is a smooth space par excellence: open water always moved by the wind, the sun and the stars, nomadically traversable by noise, colour and celestial bearings. Increased navigation of the open water resulted in demands for its striation. The year 1440, when Portuguese discoverers introduced the first nautical charts, marked a turning point in the striation of the sea. Maps with meridians, parallels, longitudes, latitudes and territories gridded the oceans, making distances calculable and measurable. It meant the beginning of the great explorations and of the transatlantic slave trade and the expansion of the European State apparatus. The smooth and the striated concern the political and politics.

01 Sea(smooth) and city(striated) - DESIGN RESEARCH





Pattern Definition Characteristics and existence of space Smooth and Striated spaces are different in nature. But although they have opposing qualities, they only exist in complex mixed forms. For example, the nomadic travellers used noise, colour and celestial move in the open waters (smooth). But as the need for navigation increased, lattitude and longitudes were laid out which striated the sea, and hence navigation calculable (striation). Then the saturation of the striation of the sea called for a new level of innovation. Hence, the submarines came into existence (smooth). Broadly classified, there are 2 kinds of transformative processes or patterns, called smooth and striated as two antagonistic operations and interpretations of territory. The Smooth and the Striated introduces smoothness and striation as a conceptual pair to rethink space as a complex mixture between nomadic forces and sedentary captures. Their conflict is a confrontation between the State and the War Machine, the logos 01 Nomadic and Sedentary homes, DESIGN RESEARCH 02 Desertification (smooth) and Agriculture (striated)




and the nomos, chess and go, movement and speed, arborescence and rhizome, royal science and nomad science.But here we need to realize that, although these processes are antagonistic, these spaces exist only in mixture, smooth space is constantly being translated, transversed into a striated space, striated space, is constantly being returned to a smooth space. But there is a distinction. This means, that the two kind of spaces do not interact with each other in the same way. Hence, the forms produced in this mix, is determined by the direction or the meaning of this mix. The Earth is in a constant state of non-equillibrium. But the tendencyto move towards or attain equillibrium is what causes the transition from one kind of space into another. (Transitional Phase) .There are 2 diabolical powers of organization- 2 non symmetrical movements. • Striation of the smooth • Reimpart smooth on the basis of the striated. The entire mechanism needs to be cyclic, in order to attain maximum efficiency. Striation is an order having fixed elements. When exposed to a challenge, this order breaksdown. This brings about a smooth space. A space that is delimited and open. This is the space which helps in the adaptabilty, by carrying out endless experiments, brought about by the juxtaposition of various elements. The results of these experiments, helps in identifying which elements are important and which are not. These elements when put together create a new order (i.e striated space). This characteristic is known as self organisation. Every element in the universe, be it a city, an animal or a human being (all scales) are constantly in this state of transition, to achieve their desired level of equillibrium. But in most cases, this mechanism is applied in a way that it is not feasible for the surrounding environment. The aim of achieving equillibrium in one system causes potential harm to other systems. These elements when put together create a new order (i.e striated space). But in most cases, this mechanism is applied in a way that it is not feasible for the surrounding environment. The aim of achieving equillibrium in one system causes potential harm to other systems. Hence, equillibrium needs to be achieved in a sustainable manner. One such model, that has been achieving this over a period of 3.8billion years, by continuous research and developement is Nature. 01- Illustration on self-organisation; Credit- Author



Biomimicry is an approach

to innovation that seeks sustainable solutions to human challenges by emulating nature’s time-tested patterns and strategies. The goal is to create products, processes, and policies—new ways of living—that are well-adapted to life on earth over the long haul




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What is Biomimicry History & Introduction

01 Biomimicry Inspired Innovation of bullet train. Biomimicry 3.8 02 Da Vinci ‘Flying Machine’ sketch 03 Wright bothers ‘First Flight’

While the terminology for this subject is relatively new, the practise of biomimicry has been going on for sometime. Mankind has learned many things from observing other species and adapting their behaviours for our own needs. Look no further than leonardo da vinci, who was a big proponent of learning from nature and using it as a source for inspiration. His sketchbooks are filled with inventions that are linked to designs found in the natural world. early inventors and engineers also turned to nature for ideas. The wright brothers and other flight pioneers commonly observed birds. biologists, researchers and other science professionals have also been practitioners of biomimicry. by applying their immense knowledge of nature and its inner workings. To other challenges and subjects, these people are able to make connections between human problems and natural solutions that others wouldn’t. The science of biomicry was solidified in 1997, with the book ‘biomimicry: innovation inspired by design’ by janine benyus, demonstrating how this science can be used to great advantage by designers. 21

There are three types of biomimicry - one is copying form and shape, another is copying a process, like photosynthesis in a leaf, and the third is mimicking at an ecosystem’s level, like building a nature-inspired city. Janine Benynus



Biomimicry is the examination of nature, its models, systems, processes, and elements to emulate or take inspiration from in order to solve human problems. We are learning, for instance, how to harness energy like a leaf or grow food like a prairie. It is “innovation inspired by nature.” The core idea is that nature, imaginative by necessity, has already solved many of the problems we are grappling with. The conscious emulation of life’s genius is a survival strategy for the human race, a path to a sustainable future. The more our world looks and functions like the natural world, the more likely we are to endure on this home that is ours, but not ours alone. “Biomimicry is basically taking a design challenge and then finding an ecosystem that’s already solved that challenge, and literally trying to emulate what you learn.” Janine Benyus Is it a design discipline, a branch of science, a problem-solving method, a sustainability ethos, a movement, a stance toward nature, a new way of viewing and valuing biodiversity? Biomimicry is an idea that acquires people, a meme that propagates in our culture like an adaptive gene.

Why do we need Biomimicry?


Biomimicry follows Life’s Principles. Life’s Principles instruct us to build from the bottom up, self-assemble, optimize rather than maximize, use free energy, cross-pollinate, embrace diversity, adapt and evolve, and use life-friendly materials and processes, engage in symbiotic relationships, and enhance the bio-sphere. By following the principles life uses, you can create products and processes that are well adapted to life on earth.

Perform well

|In nature, if a design strategy is not effective, its carrier dies. Nature has been vetting strategies for 3.8 billion years. Biomimicry helps you study the successful strategies of the survivors, so you can thrive in your marketplace, just as these strategies have thrived in their habitat. 01 Rays of Light forest - Pics and photos website.




24 03

Save energy

Energy in the natural world is even more expensive than in the human world. Plants have to trap and convert it from sunlight and predators have to hunt and catch it. As a result of the scarcity of energy, life tends to organize extremely energy efficient designs and systems, optimizing energy use at every turn. Emulating these efficiency strategies can dramatically reduce the energy use of your company. Greater efficiency translates to energy cost savings and greater profitability.

Cut material costs

Nature builds to shape, because shape is cheap and material is expensive. By studying the shapes of nature’s strategies and how they are built, biomimicry can help you minimize the amount your company spends on materials while maximizing the effectiveness of your products patterns and forms to achieve their desired functions.

Redefine and eliminate “waste”

By mimicking how nature transitions materials and nutrients within a habitat, your company can set up its various units and systems to optimally use resources and eliminate unnecessary redundancies. Organizing your company’s habitat flows more similarly to nature’s, will drive profitability through cost savings and/or the creation of new profit centers focused on selling your waste to companies who desire your “waste” as a feedstock. We humans are at a turning point in our evolution. Though we began as a small population in a very large world, we have expanded in number and territory until we are now bursting the seams of that world. There are too many of us, and our habits are unsustainable. Having reached the limits of nature’s tolerance, we are finally shopping for answers to the question: “How can we live on this home planet without destroying it?”

01 Learning from Humpback Whales How to Create Efficient Wind Power, Biomimicry 3.8 02 Learning from Trees and Bones How to Optimize Strength and Materials 03 Learning from Nature How to Create Flow Without Friction

Just as we are beginning to recognize all there is to learn from the natural world, our models are starting to blink out-not just a few scattered organisms, but entire ecosystems.That makes biomimicry more than just a new way of viewing and valuing nature. It’s also a race to the rescue.



Biomimicry Design Approach Direct & Indirect approach Bio-TRIZ Design Spiral Typological analysis


Biomimetic Approach Biomimicry delivers three levels of increasing requirements in terms of sustainability; shapes – of living. beings; manufacturing processes operating in those living beings as well as interactions between species and lastly, the global functioning of natural ecosystems

“Emulation” can be termed as “advanced biomim-


icry”, which is based on modelling natural processes to the degree of self-assembly and self-repair.

“Replication” approach can also be termed “ele-


mentary biomimicry”. In this one tries to model natural processes, not by copying or interpreting specific solutions such as form, geometry, structure, function etc. but by approaching it as a cohesive whole. In short, it tries to attain the integrated functionality which is observed in nature like plants and other organisms which have the ability of self cleaning, self-regulation, self-organisation, even self-assembly and self-repair. This approach replicates such processes of self cleaning, self-regulation and self-organisation.

“Integration” as an approach tries to integrate the


tectonics derived from forms in nature along with the efficient systems which can be derived from natural systems to make the building work more in harmony.

“Interpretation” involves an understanding of


Simulation 28

the principles and working of nature and employing this interpretation in buildings. This approach can be further classified into tectonic interpretation- which looks at geometry and structure and System interpretation- which looks at natural systems as a measure to achieve high energy and resource efficiency, thereby reducing their ecological footprint.

“Simulation” involves freigning or copying the

appearence of forms in nature. Buildings at this level do not aspire to any greater environmental responsibility. 01

Biomimicry Design Approach Methods & Strategies

Direct & Indirrect Approach

01 Illustration on Biomimetic Approach, credit-author

Biomimicry as a design approach typically falls into two main categories: direct and indirect approaches. In the direct approach, a design directly mimics strategies of an organism, a behavioural pattern or a system in nature with aid of an analogical translation system, whereas in the indirect approach, the design uses abstract ideas and concepts as principles from those apparent in the domain of nature.The two ways in which design problems are understood include from the perspective of design investigating biology and biology investigating design. This includes defining a human need or design problem by undstanding and conceptualizing processes and structures that other organisms or ecosystems use to resolve similar issues. Biomimetics can also be conceptualized as a problem-driven approach and a solution-driven approach. While, in the problem-driven approach, the designer seeks to develop a solution to a problem via biology, the solution-driven approach involves taking biology as a solution to emulate and then transfer to human design systems.




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Looking at nature Biomimicry advocates looking at nature in new ways to fully appreciate and understand how it can be usedto help solve problems. This is achieved by looking at nature as model, measure and mentor.

Nature as model

Biomimicry is a new science that studies Nature’s models and then emulates these forms, processes, systems, and strategies to solve human problems – sustainably.

Nature as measure

means evaluating our designs and solutions against those of nature.This involves asking if our current methods are as efficient, simple and sustainable as those found in nature.

Nature as mentor

implies a shift in our relationship to nature. instead of acting like we are separate from nature, we need to accept that we are part of it and we should be behaving accordingly By changing our perspective on nature, biomimicry hopes to improve our world through designs that take advantage of nature’s ingenuity. These designs can do this on a number of levels. the most obvious and common type of biomimicry is the emulation of nature’s form or function. The invention of velcro is an obvious example of this. emulating nature on the process level is another form of biomimicry, which involves learning from the way nature produces things or evolves. the third variety of biomimicry looks at nature’s systems.This area examines how nature deals with things like waste and regeneration inside closed-loop lifecycles. these three areas of investigation combine to paint a holistic picture of nature’s system and can be directly applied to our human systems.

01 Learning from Prairies How to Grow Food Sustainably, Biomimicry 3.8 02 Learning from Human Lungs How to Sequester Carbon 03 Learning from Dolphins How to Warn People about Tsunamis




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Biomimetic analogical translation systems A Biomimetic analogical translation refers to creating models of biological systems that aid in transferring principles from biological systems to a manmade system. Analogical translation involves identification and systematizing transfer of biological principles to the engineering domain’. Different schools of thought resulted in several systems developed as they pertain to various fields that help systematic transfer of biology to technology. The scale of application varies either at the form, process or ecosystem level. The difficulty found in accurately identifying relevant biological solutions is the enormous number of answers found in nature. These have been identified as the large analogical distance, lack of cross-domain knowledge and lack of efficient means for extracting biological strategies.However, several researchers are developing systematic approaches for optimizing biological examples for architectural design. User-friendly analogical translation systems have been identified for architectural design and can be recognized via reviewing the literature. The most appropriate analogical translation systems currently applicable to architecture: Bio-TRIZ and design spiral. However, typological analysis, which explores a more architectural design approach, as well as Nature Studies Analysis investigates an approach that is more environmental sustainable design focused for architecture.


01 Learning From Chimpanzees How to Heal Ourselves, Biomimicry 3.8 02 Learning from Lotus Plants How to Clean without Cleaners 03 Learning Efficiency from Kingfishers

Biomimetic TRIZ was proposed by Vincent and Bogatyreva, and is perhaps the most structured and comprehensive approach to biomimicry. Their approach extends an established method of systematic innovation called TRIZ which is recognized for its success in integrating knowledge from disparate domains. Considering this, Biomimetic TRIZ may provide the most opportunities to enhance communication across domains. There is only about a 12% similarity between biological solutions and technological solutions. The important implication is that TRIZ is not a fully exhaustive system and that nature can provide us with many new ways to solve problems. Based on this, Biomimetic TRIZ is an effort to expand the reach of TRIZ with a database of nature’s solutions. One of the first tools developed to extend TRIZ for biomimicry is the “Biological Effects Database” which serves as a biological equivalent to the patent database used to develop classic TRIZ. Its purpose is to catalog nature’s solutions by function.


How Technology (upper diagram) and Biology (lower diagram) address the challenges: “heat, beat, treat & waste” vs “ambient conditions, soft materials, problem prevention and recycling”


First, a biological system was defined as “a living system that performs functions to realize its goals, while affecting the environment.” A “biological function” then, is the action needed to achieve this goal or “biological effect”. This facilitated a new definition for a “technical system”, which is a biological system in which some functions are delegated to technical (non-living) devices. The function of a technical system is the action needed to achieve the useful/desired future condition with the help of a technical device. The result of the technical function is the technical effect. These expanded concepts and definitions have facilitated the creation and functional organization of a biological database of nature’s solutions. Continuing work on Biomimetic TRIZ and its citations included an analysis of approximately 500 biological phenomena covering over 270 functions and 2500 technical contradictions with their resolutions. To aide in this analysis, Vincent, developed a framework based on six fields of operation which can describe all actions with any object.These six fields are: substance, structure, space, time, energy and information. The process can be broken down in 5 stages: DEFINE the problem in the most general yet precise way and list both desirable and undesirable properties and functions. ANALYSE and Understand the problem and so uncover the main conflicts and contradictions. COMPARE the solutions recommended by biology and TRIZ. CONNECT natural to technical design based on these common solutions. CREATE a new technical system and add to basic TRIZ principles. This new framework was used to create two new tools: PRIZM and Biomimetic TRIZ. PRIZM is a new matrix for identifying the inventive principles of classic TRIZ. BioTRIZ is a new matrix for identifying the inventive principles defined by the biological effects database.



Biomimicry is basically taking a design challenge and then finding an ecosystem that’s already solved that challenge, and literally trying to emulate what you learn. Janine Benyus


Design Spiral Step 1 Identify is to develop a design brief that describes the real challenge at hand. Essentially, this step is to document the requirements for the design in such a way that it does not imply a particular solution. Step 2 Translate is to translate the design brief into a list of essential functions. These functions will then be used to generate biological questions from Nature’s perspective. For example, you might ask “How does nature achieve this function in this environment or under these specific climatic, social, or temporal conditions in this habitat?” These questions will help to narrow down the field of search for natural models. Step 3 Observe is to look for biological designs that answer/resolve the challenges posted in the translation step. Consider the problem from all angles in both a literal and metaphorical sense. Next, seek organisms that are most challenged by it. Seek to identify organisms whose very survival depends on their means to solve this design challenge. Step 4 Abstract is to abstract repeating patterns and processes. There are usually many examples of natural solutions to design challenges. Some may be very similar and others quite different. In this step, create a taxonomy of nature’s strategy. After building this taxonomy, abstract the repeating principles that allow thi strategy to overcome the design challenge at hand. Step 5 Apply is to generate a list of concepts that apply the lessons learned from the sources identified in step 4. These concepts could be inspired by mimicking form,function, or ecosystem. The deeper the understanding of the natural solution, the more likely it is that mimicry will work. Step 6 Evaluate is to evaluate the concepts by comparing them to successful principles of nature. There are many patterns and principles in nature when it comes to design. For example, “Life builds from the bottom-up.” This principle can be manifested through modularity, self-assembly, waste-free designs, and more. In this step, evaluate the concepts generated in step 5 based on some successful natural principles. 01 Design Spiral, source- Biology to Design website.


Typological Analysis TA examines nature at three levels of mimicry: the organism, the behavioural and the ecosystem. Each of these three levels is further categorized into five dimensions: form, material, construction, process and functions to consider different aspects of design that may be emulated in an organism or a system. TA is a framework to explain the application of Biomimicry at these different levels, and attempts to clarify the potential of using Biomimicry as a tool to increase the regenerative capacity of the built environment. This can be used by designers to utilize Biomimicry as a methodology for improving the sustainability of the environment as an effective approach.

Nature studies analysis NSA: a systematic method originally adopted as a design teaching tool is a critical discourse on the architectural principles that can be derived from nature, and argues that what sustainability demands is precisely the fundamental ecological principles that direct nature. In this process of study, nature is taken as a model for design composition by systematically analysing, and adapting to functions and context. NSA helps to categorize and explain the scientific reasoning of functional and contextual adaptations to aesthetic appearances, which are then transferred to a two- or three-dimensional design.





Life’s Principles Life on earth is made up of an ever-changing, incredibly complex network of interconnected, interdependent organisms—including everything from the amoeba to the zebra. Some form of life has managed to sustain itself on earth for the past 3.85 billion years, through ice ages, tsunamis, volcanoes, and asteroids. This means that life has survived 3.85 billion years of trial and error, 3.85 billion years of testing, and 3.85 billion years of rigorous selection that has resulted in a 99.9% failure rate. Only 1/10 of 1% of species that have ever lived on earth survive today. Nature has some pretty high quality control standards! What this tells us is that there must be some very powerful strategies for survival embedded in the 30 million species that exist on earth today. In other words, the species thriving today are the success stories. In trying to identify and emulate the strategies these successful creatures share, Life’s Principles provide us with important tools for strategic design. Life’s Principles are what biomimics use to both drive and evaluate the sustainability and appropriateness of our designs.

01 Life’s Principles, Biomimicry 3.8.

Scientists have been working for centuries trying to identify how nature works, to unlock the secrets of survival, and to unravel life’s mysteries. With so many scientific papers being published, it may seem that every organism has a unique way of surviving and even thriving in its niche of the environment. Upon closer consideration though, patterns emerge. Many creatures have similarities; they may have a comparable shape or move liquid using the same mechanism or have a similar response to danger or employ the same chemical reaction.In biomimicry, these patterns are called deep principles. Not every organism employs capillary action, using the physical property of surface tension to control the movement of a liquid, but plants and a few animals do move liquid in this manner. Because of its frequent appearance in nature, capillary action is considered a deep principle. Some principles, such as being locally attuned and responsive, are even more common across species than the deep principles and are found uniformly across almost all organisms.The Biomimicry Guild have compiled, and distilled scientific research to create a collection of these more fundamental principles now known in biomimicry as Life’s Principles. Life’s Principles are intended to represent nature’s strategies for sustainability, that is, how life has sustained 41 on earth for 3.85 billion years.


Biomimicry theoretical model The Biomimicry Theoretical Model (BTM) focuses on how a particular organism is sustained in a healthy way within an ecosystem. In this model categorization of species occurs at an eco-system level but the model attempts to understand the system as it connects at a micro level in both process and form. This requires a meticulous understanding of how an organism takes a specific form in order to perform its processes by understanding the functions and their bio-integration and interconnectedness. Environmental adaptation involves the process of how an organism is shaped in terms of colours, textures, patterns and sizes to adapt to its habitat. The sequence of processes in this instance has been viewed as an eco-system-based design process that explains the synthesis of components, materials, structures of forms as parts accomplishing a process connecting within an ecosystem. This type of design thinking can be transformed to the design of built systems. This exposes some important underlying patterns to facilitate the identification of the correlation between each scale of application: form, process and ecosystem, that is, holistically.



Synthesis Analysis approach Biology to design is applying biomimicry by studying nature and imagining human applications for nature’s designs. It is about discovering strategies that can inform innovations. This is the need for the city of Mumbai. There is no one innovation that can solve the complexity of problems faced by the city. We need to first create a healthy ecosystem. A healthy ecosytem functions on the principle of self-organisation. An overlying sustainable framework that will encourage innovations that complement each other.


To design an urban injection, that will serve as a trigger for urban social innovation to take place. The ulterior motive being to create a city that can self-organise, evolve and adapt to changing conditions in a sustainable manner.

01 Vincent Van Gogh, The Starry Night

We need to Discover natural models based on self-organisation. Self-Organisation is a process in which the internal organisation of the system adapts to the environment to promote a specific 45 function without being controlled from outside.


Then Abstract design principles from the components that help in creating self-organisation models.

Brainstorm potential applications. This is the initial stage of

defining a program, by coming up with human applications for self-organisation. Identifying similar exisiting components of human application and carrying out case studies by Evaluating it against nature’s models, to learn the positive and the drawbacks. Based on the understanding of human applications, Emulate as many nature’s strategies, as possible to define the most concrete program, for urban injection. The one mutation or pattern language that will create a healthy ecosystem. In biological systems self-organization is a process in which pattern at the global level of a system emerges solely from numerous interactions among the lower-level components of the system. Ecosystems, species and genes in their constant interaction ensure that life on earth remains good. Moreover, the rules specifying interactions among the system’s components are executed using only local information, without reference to the global pattern. This is the function of the genes. In response to external stimuli, genes regulate cellular activity which alters the behaviour of the species, which then alters the nature of the ecosystem. Hence we need to study about HOW GENES WORK? and how then infulence the phenotype of an organism. This includes processes that concern developmental biology. Hence, we shall study models of self-organisation at various scales i.e genes, species and ecosystems. And we shall understand how interactions happen across various scales. How these interactions, help in adaptation and ultimately in survival. These principals will be studied and human applications for the same shall be arrived upon. The aim is, to firstly, carefully decide a program and then design the architecture for it to breathe life into the city of Mumbai. The city is not like a zygote, that’s just been fertilized, but a mature organism. An organism thats suffering, because we (the people, decision makers, government ),the genes of the city are not functioning well together. Developmental biology will help us decipher the problem and guide us towards the intervention thats needed. 01 Vincent Van Gogh, Peach tree in bloom



Developmental Biology (discover) Genes - Species - Ecosystem

Developmental biology is the study of the process by which

organs grow and develop, and is closely related to Ontogeny. Modern developmental biology studies the genetic control of cell growth, differentiation and morphogenesis, which is the process that gives rise to tissues, organs and anatomy, but also regeneration and aging. Now in order to understand how cell growth, differentiation and morphogenesis happens in nature, we need to first develop an understanding of How Genes Work ? The word gene is derived from the Greek word genesis meaning “birth”, or genos meaning “origin” Genes, which are made up of DNA, act as instructions to make molecules called proteins. In humans, genes vary in size from a few hundred DNA bases to more than 2 million bases. It is a unit of heredity which is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the offspring. 49



What are proteins and what do they do? Proteins are large, complex molecules that play many critical roles in the body. They do most of the work in cells and are required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs. Proteins are made up of hundreds or thousands of smaller units called amino acids, which are attached to one another in long chains. There are 20 different types of amino acids that can be combined to make a protein. The sequence of amino acids determines each protein’s unique 3-dimensional structure and its specific function.

How do genes direct the production of proteins? Most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called proteins..This journey consists of two major steps: Transcription & Translation are together known as the gene expression During the process of Transcription, •the information stored in a gene’s DNA is transferred to a similar molecule called RNA (ribonucleic acid) in the cell nucleus. •the type of RNA that contains the information for making a protein is called messenger RNA (mRNA) because it carries the information, or message, from the DNA out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm.

01 Genetic Engineering, source-

Translation, the second step in getting from a gene to a protein, •takes place in the cytoplasm. •The mRNA interacts with a specialized complex called a ribosome, which “reads” the sequence of mRNA bases. •Each sequence of three bases, called a codon, usually codes for one particular amino acid. (Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.) •A type of RNA called transfer RNA (tRNA) assembles the protein, one amino acid at a time. •Protein assembly continues until the ribosome encounters a “stop” codon (a sequence of three bases that does not code for an amino acid). •The flow of information from DNA to RNA to proteins is one of the fundamental principles of molecular biology. It is so important that it is sometimes called the “central dogma.” 51


Can genes be turned on and off? •Each cell expresses, or turns on, only a fraction of its genes. The rest of the genes are repressed, or turned off. The process of turning genes on and off is known as gene regulation. •Gene regulation also allows cells to react quickly to changes in their environments. Although we know that the regulation of genes is critical for life, this complex process is not yet fully understood. •Gene regulation can occur at any point during gene expression, but most commonly occurs at the level of transcription. •Signals from the environment or from other cells activate proteins called transcription factors. These proteins bind to regulatory regions of a gene and increase or decrease the level of transcription. •By controlling the level of transcription, this process can determine the amount of protein product that is made by a gene at any given time.

What is an epigenome? •Chemical compounds that are added to single genes can regulate their activity; these modifications are known as epigenetic changes. •epigenome comprises all of the chemical compounds that have been added to the entirety of one’s DNA (genome) as a way to regulate the activity (expression) of all the genes within the genome. •The chemical compounds of the epigenome are not part of the DNA sequence, but are on or attached to DNA (“epi-“ means above in Greek). •Epigenomic modifications remain as cells divide and in some cases can be inherited through the generations. Environmental influences, such as a person’s diet and exposure to pollutants, can also impact the epigenome. •Epigenetic changes can help determine whether genes are turned on or off and can influence the production of proteins in certain cells, ensuring that only necessary proteins are produced. For example, proteins that promote bone growth are not produced in muscle cells. • Patterns of epigenome modification vary among individuals tissues within an individual, and even different cells. •A common type of epigenomic modification is called methylation. Methylation involves attaching small molecules called 53



02 54

methyl groups, each consisting of one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms, to segments of DNA. When methyl groups are added to a particular gene, that gene is turned off or silenced, and no protein is produced from that gene. •Because errors in the epigenetic process, such as modifying the wrong gene or failing to add a compound to a gene, can lead to abnormal gene activity or inactivity, they can cause genetic disorders. Conditions including cancers, metabolic disorders, and degenerative disorders have all been found to be related to epigenetic errors.

How do cells divide? There are two types of cell division: mitosis and meiosis. •Mitosis is a fundamental process for life. During mitosis, a cell duplicates all of its contents, including its chromosomes, and splits to form two identical daughter cells. •Regulation of it various steps by a number of genes prevents health hazards like cancer. •Meiosis is the type of cell division that creates egg and sperm cells. •It ensures that humans have the same number of chromosomes in each generation. •It also allows genetic variation through a process of DNA shuffling while the cells are dividing.

How do genes control the growth and division of cells?

01 Cell division, US National Library of Medicine 02 Apoptosis - Cell death 03 Genetic Mutation and Cancer Development

•A variety of genes are involved in the control of cell growth and division.The cell cycle is the cell’s way of replicating itself in an organized, step-by-step fashion. •Tight regulation of this process ensures that a dividing cell’s DNA is copied properly, any errors in the DNA are repaired, and each daughter cell receives a full set of chromosomes. •The cycle has checkpoints (also called restriction points), which allow certain genes to check for mistakes and halt the cycle for repairs if something goes wrong. •If a cell has an error in its DNA that cannot be repaired, it may undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis). Apoptosis is a common process throughout life that helps the body get rid of cells it 55




doesn’t need. Apoptosis protects the body by removing genetically damaged cells that could lead to cancer, and it plays an important role in the development of the embryo and the maintenance of adult tissues. •Cancer results from a disruption of the normal regulation of the cell cycle. When the cycle proceeds without control, cells can divide without order and accumulate genetic defects that can lead to a cancerous tumor. Cell growth is used in the context of cell development and cell division(reproduction). It involves the processes of meiosis and mitosis as explained earlier. Cellular differentiation is the process by which a less specialized cell becomes a more specialized cell type. Differentiation occurs numerous times during the development of a multicellular organism as the organism changes from a simple zygote to a complex system of tissues and cell types. Differentiation continues in adulthood as adult stem cells divide and create fully differentiated daughter cells during tissue repair and during normal cell turnover. Differentiation dramatically changes a cell’s size, shape, membrane potential, metabolic activity, and responsiveness to signals. These changes are largely due to highly controlled modifications in gene expression. Morphogenesis is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape. It is one of three fundamental aspects of developmental biology along with the control of cell growth and cellular differentiation.


Illustration on Developmental biology: How Genes Work; Credit: Author

Several types of molecules are particularly important during morphogenesis. Morphogens are soluble molecules that can diffuse and carry signals that control cell differentiation decisions.Morphogens typically act through binding to specific protein receptors. An important class of molecules involved in morphogenesis are transcription factor proteins that determine the fate of cells by interacting with DNA.These can be coded for by master regulatory genes and either activate or deactivate the transcription of other genes; in turn, these secondary gene products can regulate the expression of still other genes in a regulatory cascade. At the end of this cascade, another class of molecules involved in morphogenesis are molecules that control cellular behaviors (for example cell migration) or, more generally, their properties, such 57 as cell adhesion or cell contractility.


For example, during gastrulation, clumps of stem cells switch off their cell-to-cell adhesion, become migratory, and take up new positions within an embryo where they again activate specific cell adhesion proteins and form new tissues and organs This is a general understanding of how self organisation happens via cell regulation. But in order to apply this understanding on an urban scale like Mumbai, we need to study these processes in species. I have chosen to study the processes of repair and regeneration of the cardiac muscles of the zebrafish. The selection was specific because repair and regeneration is what Mumbai needs. The city is not a unicellular zygote. On the other hand it is a multi-cellular organism. It is an organism, that has been amputated and made dysfunctional in various ways. It needs to now function like a zebrafish.

Zebrafish have the ability to regenerate their fins, skin, heart and, in larval stages, brain. Zebrafish heart muscle regeneration does not make use of stem cells; instead, mature heart muscle cells regress to a stem cell-like state and redifferentiate.

The first step “Inflammatory phase” involves identifying and removal of what’s dead and not needed.

Then “Reparative phase” taking control to avoid further damage (make-shift temporary changes).

Zebrafish heart regeneration

At the same time “Regenrative phase” the process of recovery is started (permanent changes). When the situation is under control, permanent changes replace the temporary one in a smooth transition phase, reinstating normal form and function 59


Abstracting & Brainstorming Design principles and potential human applications The genotype is the genetic makeup of a cell, an organism, or an individual usually with reference to a specific characteristic under consideration.The phenotype of an organism depends on which genes are dominant and on the interaction between genes and environment. Compare genotype. The outward appearance of an organism; the expression of a genotype in the form of traits that can be seen and measured, such as hair or eye color. The genes of species help me adapt to changing conditions. They regulate all kinds of activity within the body. The genes have receptors that get activated because of external stimuli, and thereafter decide what action the body needs to take. This is the adaptation process. This process also has in place a lot of control mechanisms. This is done via gene regulation. Every cell has only a specified set of genes activated depending on the required purpose. These genes 61


then release the right amount of protein product to take care of the said activity. Basically, the phenotype recieves the external stimuli, and transmits it to the genotype. Then the genotype takes the neccessary actions. These reactions alter the phenotype and hence help the species adapt to its immediate surroundings. This is a strong dynamic non-linear (closed loop) system. In biological systems self-organization is a process in which pattern at the global level of a system emerges solely from numerous interactions among the lower-level components of the system. Ecosystems, species and genes in their constant interaction ensure that life on earth remains good. Moreover, the rules specifying interactions among the system’s components are executed using only local information, without reference to the global pattern. This is the function of the genes. In response to external stimuli, genes regulate cellular activity which alters the behaviour of the species, which then alters the nature of the ecosystem. This works on a carefully monitored balance between exploitation and exploration. Its done in such a way that the resources that are exploited are the renewable ones, unlike humans who use perishable resources and drive them to extinction. Multiple interactions take place at the same time. For example, the same cellular response may be induced by multiple signaling pathways. The process of inhibition and stimulaton of proteins happens simultaneously. In the zebrafish heart regeneration, the reparative phase and the regenerative phase happens together.

Self organisation is biological systems depend on three basic ingredients: • Strong dynamical non-linearity.(closed loop) • Balance of exploitation and exploration • Multiple interactions. These ingredients need to be introduced to the city of Mumbai, to improve the health of its ecosystem. But Mumbai is at a crossroad, deciding which direction it should take. One minor part of her is decisively pulling her towards a path marked ‘ Destruction through Development’, while a major part of her wants to take the path of ‘Sustainable Development’ but cannot do so because it is chained to bureaucracy and politics. 63


Holism is the idea that natural systems (physical, biological, chemical, social, economic, mental, linguistic, etc.) and their properties should be viewed as wholes, not as collections of parts. This often includes the view that systems function as wholes and that their functioning cannot be fully understood solely in terms of their component parts.




Holism Definition & Strategies Scientists and engineers work diligently to mimic a few features or functions of particular organisms or biological processes. They focus on particular technologies or elements of technologies at particular scales…by narrowing the scope of inquiry, it threatens to limit biomimicry’s applicability to sustainable design. - John Reap The goal of Biomimicry is to create sustainable and healthy human technologies and designs, biomimicry only reaches its full potential when a holistic approach is taken. Biomimicry is not green by default, and requires this holistic strategy to reach sustainable outcomes. We can understand holism better by studying the basic functioning of a tree. We shall proceed, by using a tree as a biological model, and abstracting means to identify the patterns and processes of the model that achieve success. This involves examination of the tree’s closed-loop systems: water, oxygen, and food. 67

I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes - E.E.Cummings


The Water Cycle Trees are natural sponges—the most effective evapotranspirers of all plants. For example, a large oak tree can transpire 40,000 gallons per year. That is over 100 gallons a day. They allow land areas far from the ocean to maintain the water cycle. When it rains, water filters through the canopy of leaves, decreasing the rate at which the water hits the ground below. This reduces soil erosion. In the summer when it is warm and dry, the thick canopy of leaves provides shade that cools the soil beneath, helping it to retain moisture. Forest waste matter slows evaporation from the soil, allowing it more time to be absorbed by the roots. The water is absorbed by the roots that extend far beyond the diameter of the canopy, anchoring the tree and acting as a super highway for water and nutrients. The roots of trees are very efficient at pulling water out of the soil. Depending on the amount of evaporation of water off the leaves above, the oak adjusts its water intake accordingly. The water is under negative pressure, causing suction in the water column that moves the water up to the leaves for food and for photosynthesis. The water is then release through the stomata, tiny holes in the surface of the leaf, evaporating into the air and back into the water cycle.

The Oxygen Cycle A system of limbs and branches present the leaves on the tree to the sun in a dense canopy. The leaves are positioned to gather the most sunlight, which is required for photosynthesis to occur. In photosynthesis, chloroplasts capture the sun’s light and energy when carbon dioxide enters the leaf through the stomata and water enters the leafthrough transpiration. The light triggers a a chemical reaction that turns the carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. The glucose is carried to the trunk and roots where it is used and stored for energy. Oxygen is a waste product of photosynthesis and is released back into the atmosphere. The oxygen is then breathed in by humans, animals, and other organisms. Carbon dioxide, a waste product of our breathing, is let back out into the atmosphere to be absorbed by the tree again.


01- Water - Food - Oxygen Closed Loop System


The Food Cycle A mature tree drops about 75 pounds of organic material a year. Leaves, twigs, and acorns fall to ground where they begin to decompose. This ground material may also include animal pelts, bones, or fungus. Nitrogen in this decaying matter is converted into nutrients as part of the nitrogen cycle. The nutrients nourish microorganisms, insects, plants, animals, and soil. The tree grows and harvests its own food while nurturing the ecosystem

Synergy The water, oxygen, and food cycles are individual, closed-loop systems, but between each of them exists many synergies. These systems work together to create a sustaining oak tree. Maximizing these synergies allows the oak tree to grow and thrive. For example, water is released into the air as part of the water cycle. The water is release through the stomata. The stomata are also where the carbon dioxide enters the leaves in the oxygen cycle. The oxygen cycle provides energy needed for the tree to complete the food and water cycle. The food cycle requires water and oxygen for the decomposition process. Without the other cycles, the closedloop becomes open, and the system does not function efficiently. These cycles thrive on each other, and the oak tree is healthiest when they are all functioning together.


Urban Typologies



Public Park The park will serve as an attractive vantage point for the people. People coming for leisure will become part of the urban experiments, discussions etc happening at the multi-disciplinary research centre.

Part 1- Program Ingredients

We need our own "Urban Scientists" along with a space for them and their experiments. Multi-disciplinary interactions between people from various fields need to be encouraged. The outcome of these discussions should be made public, not just at the final level but also at the intermediary level. This way the designers can understand the views of the people, and keep that in mind while drafting the proposal. This way, the proposals will have more of a social backing and can hence lead to social reforms. Urban typologies which will not only feed the research centre with the necessary information, but also provide valuable feedback for constructive urban experiments to take place. Hence, a mixed use program is proposed, complete with offices, public spaces, parking with the Architecture Centre, with exhibition areas, research facilities, conference rooms, library , restaurants, co-working spaces.

Humans bring meaning and life to space. In other words, the human experience is at the core of our understanding of space. Due to the individuality of people, environments are given qualities that allow spaces to become unique places. Human communities also shape space through daily actions that ultimately express their culture and characteristics. Architecture can serve as the physical manifestation of the spirit of a place that is rich with culture and life. Unfortunately, many communities that have strong social networks are hidden under blight and disinvestment, unable to express their uniqueness through architecture. We should seek to understand how the process of architecture and design can be more responsive to the evolution of urban landscapes and the culturally rich communities that inhabit them. Contrary to current urban plans based solely on form and function, a modified form of urbanism is suggested; an urbanism that grows with the people, the community, and their place. This modified urbanism, called “Human Urbanism�, is based on the process of finding and expressing the spirit of a community through observation, analysis, proposals, and feedback, integrating the local culture throughout the process. How can the unique ways of seeing and experiencing space (observation, analysis, engagement and immersion) enlighten design that embodies the spirit of place? In response to this question, we need to formulate a framework and process for the architect that can be used to discover the spirit of communities through a design approach that responds to the cultures inhabiting the place. This will be a move towards the ideal way of self-organisation. The city needs to develop closed loop systems. Systems that can react to changing conditions and adapt itself. Darwin’s theory of natural selection meant that only those species better designed for an immediate local environment are more likely to survive. Hence we need to develop systems that can help us not just survive but thrive in our local conditions.


Hedonistic sustainabilty is sustainability that improves the quality of life and human enjoyment. Hedonistic Sustainability is not an intellectual paradox. It is, instead, the latest and most exciting evolution of the green movement that is just now coming into its own as a powerful architectural and design concept. What Hedonistic SusSki-copenhagen_smokeringtainability does is transform the whole sustainability movement into something very youthful, dynamic and egalitarian. It proves that design and architecture can be economically profitable as well as environmentally sustainable. You no longer need to compromise when it comes to going green. Think for a second what the term “sustainability” currently conjures up - a notion that you are somehow compromising and accepting hardship for the sake of a greater good. For example, you plunk down cash for an electrical vehicle, but realize deep down that you’re probably compromising on speed and performance. Or, you buy environmentally-friendly clothing, but realize that you’re probably giving up a certain amount of fashion and style. But what if you can truly have it all? What if you can do something that is good for the environment, while doing something good for yourself and for the economy?


Part 2 - Hedonistic Sustainability Taking a big picture view, hedonistic sustainability is what happens when you stop thinking about buildings as structures and start thinking about them as ecosystems. When buildings are part of ecosystems, they can be used to help create a closed loop for recycling energy, minimizing your environmental impact and creating positive side products like a higher quality of life. Sustainable cities start with sustainable systems. Is it time we exchange our current system of unsustainable hedonism for a new system of hedonistic sustainability?


Case S Energy Co


Studies onservation





Eastgate Centre Harare

The Eastgate Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe, is an architectural marvel in its use of biomimicry principles. The mid-rise building, designed by architect Mick Pearce has no conventional air-conditioning or heating, yet stays regulated year round with dramatically less energy consumption using design methods inspired by indigenous Zimbabwean masonry and the self-cooling mounds of African termites! Termites in Zimbabwe build gigantic mounds inside of which they farm a fungus that is their primary food source. The fungus must be kept at exactly 87 degrees F, while the temperatures outside range from 35 degrees F at night to 104 degrees F during the day. The termites achieve this remarkable feat by constantly opening and closing a series of heating and cooling vents throughout the mound over the course of the day. With a system of carefully adjusted convection currents, air is sucked in at the lower part of the mound, down into enclosures with muddy walls, and up through a channel to the peak of the termite mound. The industrious termites constantly dig new vents and plug up old ones in order to regulate the temperature.The Eastgate Centre, largely made of concrete, has a ventilation system which operates in a similar way. Outside air that is drawn in is either warmed or cooled by the building mass depending on which is hotter, the building concrete or the air. It is then vented into the building’s floors and offices before exiting via chimneys at the top. The complex also consists of two buildings side by side that are separated by an open space that is covered by glass and open to the local breezes.Air is continuously drawn from this open space by fans on the first floor. It is then pushed up vertical supply sections of ducts that are located in the central spine of each of the two buildings. The fresh air replaces stale air that rises and exits through exhaust ports in the ceilings of each floor. Ultimately it enters the exhaust section of the vertical ducts before it is flushed out of the building through chimneys.The Eastgate Centre uses less than 10% of the energy of a conventional building its size. These efficiencies translate directly to the bottom line: Eastgate’s owners have saved $3.5 million alone because of an air-conditioning system that did not have to be implemented. Outside of being eco-efficient and better for the environment, these savings also trickle down to the tenants whose rents are 20 percent lower 81 than those of occupants in the surrounding buildings.

Case S Education I


Studies Institutions




Ground floor


First floor plan

School of Architecture, CEPT, Ahmedabad Second floor plan

Architect: Sir B.V.Joshi

Year of Construction 1956-60 Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT University) is an academic institution located in Ahmedabad, India offering undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in areas of natural and developed environment of human society and related disciplines. School of Architecture is located at very rich context of Amedabad. The school functions in one ‘L’ shaped building block. The architect has made it out of parallel load bearing exposed brickwalls and exposed RCC slabs. The school building is divided in two parts by a passage. One part is studios wing and another is administration and library. The strong axial geometry dominates the form of the building. The overlooking studios are staggered on each other in such a way that they can get the maximum north light. Series of parallel walls define the structure of the building. The thin ribs of exposed RCC helps in spanning the slabs. Spatial organization & Functional Zoning: The L shaped building is divided with strong geometry and functions. Longer wing of it has anministrative area at the end of it and on other wing accomodates the studios, which brings in very ambiant north light in working area. The library is placed in between these two buildings.





Strelka Institute, Moscow Architect: OMA

How is design directly impacted by economics, politics, journalism and other fields that support it? And conversely, how do the technical aspects of design transform into tactical devices for marketing, city branding and career manufacturing? How does the mobility of Russia’s population shape its urban environments? How is the decline of certain territories connected to growth of others? If people are moving to cities what happens to the places left behind?

What comprises public spac in Russia? Is there a correlation between the heavily programmed nature of 21st century public space and the relative free-for-all of virtual social spaces?

Strelka is a post-graduate institute dedicated to developing new perspectives on critical issues in contemporary Russia. From the preservation of cities and the dispersal of populations to the future of energy and virtual space. Strelka operates as a non-profit, tuition-free foundation, independent of both state and free market pressures, providing a haven for inquiry and experimentation, and a crucial new platform for addressing Russian issues inside Russia and out. The Strelka Institute’s Educational strategy is founded on a principle of “thinking and doing”. Strelka’s work can be focused on practical application and production. The Strelka Institute’s yearly activities are divided into three parts. The conference is structured by a programme of lectures, workshops, and salons, exposing the participants to international educational and professional thinking. The generation of research and application occur in tandem, each reinforcing and inspiring. Five differentsubjects: design, energy, preservation, public space and thining.interesting for a wide range of professionals, not only architects. In each of these subjects there are also overlaps with different disciplines: sociology, art history, and media theory, which will draw a varied student body. Strelka is located in the centre of Moscow, on the grounds of the former Red October Chocolate Factory on Bolotny Island, just a few steps away from the Kremlin, the notorious “House on the Embankment” and the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts.


Facilities and resources The Institute is comprised of four studios, a lecture hall, a media library, a large courtyard amphitheatre and Bar Strelka, with its rooftop summer terrace. Classroom facilities include seminar rooms and presentation studios equipped with a drawing table and personal computers with Internet access.The School provides data projectors, digital cameras, large-format plotters, printers, scanners, laser cutters and milling machines for individual use.



A Social Space The Strelka bar and restaurant have already established the school as one of Moscow’s most popular nightlife destinations. The Strelka is the only school in the world that also operates as a vibrant social hotspot, with fine dining, film screenings and regular parties and club nights.



Case S Waste Water


Studies r Treatment





Conceptual diagrammatic section showing various components of the Dewat waste water management system.

DEWAT waste water management, Kutch Architect: Hunarshala Hunnarshala has been trying to recycle sewerage in different decentralized locations and explore avenues to benefit the city. To this end, we have installed three DEWATS (DEcentralized WAter Treatment System) units to demonstrate the concept’s applicability in different situations, including a unit to recycle 15,000 liters of sewerage and landscape 1 km of a rivulet’s banks, which form a part of the city’s watershed. The rivulet was a dump yard filled with garbage, sewerage and bushes, which was used by people for open defecation. Now with the help of Bhuj Municipality, sewage from the municipal sump is fed to the microorganisms in DEWATS treatment plant and the treated water is used to bring life to a kilometer of a rivulet’s banks and transform the neglected rivulet in to the lungs of Bhuj city. The Green belt has been planted with high quality organic Kharek (Dates) trees along with saplings of more than 126 local species. The entire treatment is based on gravity flow and has no movable parts that need maintenance or technical personnel to manage. A gardener oversees the plant. The DEWATS system has been designed so that it can function as a public space which used by morning walkers for yoga or by children for playing in the evenings. Hunnarshala and its partner organizations had to resort to ‘Gandhigiri’ tactics and took to cleaning the garbage personally to convince residents in adjoining areas to not throw garbage in the rivulets. Now some societies along the rivulet that had built high compound walls are contemplating tearing them down and opening themselves to the Green Belt Hunnarshala and Municipality of Bhuj are collaborating to develop an urban watershed project to ensure effective water use at the city scale. Hunnarshala and its partner organizations are confident of recycling more than 60% of the city sewerage and thereby reducing 30% of the requirement of water for Bhuj. This project demonstrates the solutions to the multitude of problems faced by Indian cities. 101



This modified urbanism, called “Human Urbanism”, is based on the process of finding and expressing the spirit of a community through observation, analysis, proposals and feedbacks, integrating local culture through the process. That project offers a setting for an exciting new place in the city. A place that is inspiring to visit. And a place that invites passers-by to pause, spend some time and take in the scene: experiencing architecture, visiting the park, enjoying food and drink or simply taking in the view of the sea. And as they are encouraged to pause, they are likely to notice the exhibits and engage in dialogues with the concerned professionals. Thus building “Social Communities”.










Urban Closed Loop System Concept Sketch, Credit - Author


Structural condition

demolished bad normal relatively good



The site is centerally located at the heart of the city. It is conviniently accessible by road, and also lies in close proximity to the railway station. Such a location is important to serve the purpose of the program, which is to create triggers for urban regeneration to take place. The site has the potential to act as an active hub for effective social interaction. India United Mill No.6 is now a defunct mill. But it is a symbol of the city’s trade and commerce. It is an integral part of the city’s history. Hence redesign by adaptive reuse has been looked upon as an oppurtunity to conserve the city’s past. It fulfills an important biomimicry strategy i.e maintaining integrity through self renewal.



The site falls in I3 i.e. Special Industrial Zone Neighboring Land use includes majority of Residential Zone. It also includes institutions, industrial zones, telecommunications centre, recreational grounds, community & welfare centres, crematorium,public housing, memorial buildings & hospital. New development in the area is mostly residential.

04 01 02 03 04 05

Site documentation/sketches Existing Site plan Site photos/ Existing conditions Neighbourhood plan Neighbourhood study

Shivaji Park is a public park situated in Dadar, Mumbai. It is the largest park in the island city.


It is a cotton textile mill previously owned by Kohinoor textile ltd, to be redeveloped as Kohinoor Mill Mall.

Kasturchand Mills manufactured pen parts. They made refills, ball pens, VV pens, jotters, jumbos.

Offers undergraduate and postgraduate diploma programs in catering,hotel management and nutrtition courses.

Kirti College is located on a beautiful palm-lined plot on the Dadar sea-face. It is a junior college and also offers degree courses.

A predominantly upper middle class residential zone, has also become a highly sought after residential area in Central Bombay.

Dadar has a railway station on the Western and the Central lines of the Suburban Railways and having terminals on both sides.



01 Rendering / Courtyard 02 Section / Through school and research building 03 Floor plan / Site

02 108

A mixed use program is proposed, complete with the post-graduate school and research centre, offices, public spaces, parking, exhibition areas, research facilities, conference rooms, library , restaurants and co-working spaces. This school, not only serves as a platform for multidisciplinary interaction between professionals of various fields and the public, but it also imparts the right kind of architectural education. Architecture education and research will only benifit the city, when the practitioners and the community they are serving have a strong nexus. This calls for an amalgamation of various urban typologies which will not only feed the research centre with the necessary information, but also provide valuable feedback for constructive urban experiments to take place.




01 Rendering / Decentralised Waste Water Treatment Plant (DEWATS)




OPENABLE SKYLIGHTS Openable vents in the skylight helps cool the room and facilitates vertical circulation creating a light well, allowing daylight in to the interior

Courtyard can add a lot of air movement within a home as well as provide natural heating and cooling.

Loading/ Unloading



Geothermal system loops below sea level provide heating and cooling.

Courtyard can add a lot of air movement within a home as well as provide natural heating and cooling.


ANEROBIC TANK Next, the water enters the anaerobic tank. In the anaerobic tank, microbial organisms begin cleansing the waste water by digesting harmful substances in an oxygen free environment/


GEOTHERMAL SEA LOOP The wastewater reclamation cycle begins when wastewater enters the system through a reclamation tank. Solids settle and are decomposed by micro-organisms,allowing the rest of the water to flow out of the tank to the equilization tank.

CONSTRUCTED WETLAND EQUALIZATION TANK The equilization tank manages the supply and demand of the reclamation system by equilizing the flow of water ove rthe course of the day.This allows the system to operate efficiently.

The water leaves the tanks and enters the constructed wetlands. Water flows through gravel beneath the wetlands.Acting as a biofilter, microorganisms and native plants break down organmic materials,removing pollutants in the water.


ORGANIC FARMING Food free of harmful chemicals and superior in nutrients is grown here. The farm partly caters to the requirements of the organic cafe. But more importantly, the farm educates the visitors and helps in encouraging them to grow their own food


The water is then pumped through a series of oxygenated cells with tropical plants.Organisms living in their roots convert toxins into harmless elements,while these organisms use the nutrients from the plants to survive.At this stage of the wastewater reclamation system, the water appears and smells clean.

GREEN WALL Green walls are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. They also purify the air and shield the building from sun, rain and thermal fluctuations.

GREEN ROOF Reduces the heat island effect and allows the growth of vegetation

KINETIC LOUVERS Like vertical indoor blinds, this shading system would hang down in front of windows and could be pivoted left and right to adapt to the east and west orientations of the sun. But it would also be able to fold upwards to create a horizontal shade against the high afternoon sun.

PORCH Windows of the exhibition spaces are protected on the southern face from direct solar admission with a provision of a shaded porch.


POLISHING POND Finally,the water meets wastewater standards for non-portable use.This processed water is stored and used to flush toilets on site or dispersed into ponds on site and back into the aquifier. Water is drawn from the aquifier, used on site, and enters the wastewater reclamation system again.



PERMEABLE PAVEMENT Reduces stormwater runoff, reduces heat island effect, and allows for growth of vegetation.


Bibliography Smooth and Striated, “A Thousand Plateaus” - Félix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze “A Pattern Language”- Christopher Alexander “Design with nature”- Ian McHarg “The Landscape Urbanism Reader” - Charles Waldheim “The Projective Cast”- Robin Evans “Patterns of Architecture”: Architectural Design Magazine “Agency of Mapping” - James Corner (Field Operations) “The City Biosphere”- Sofia Georgakopoulou, Daniel Zünd, Gerhard Schmitt “Rethining Genotype” - Sonit Bafna Chapter 1- “Cell Injury, Cell Death and Adaptations”- Elsevier “The regenerative capacity of the zebrafish heart” - Fabian Chablais and Anna Jazwinska “Cities as organisms: Allometric scaling of urban road networks”- Horacio Samaniego “Biological Urbanism” - Terreform One “A model based on Biomimicry to enhance ecologically sustainable design” Arosha Gamage a & Richard Hyde “Understanding Cities as Socio-Ecological Systems” - Chrisna du Plessis “Self-organizing systems across scales” - David A. Perry 114

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