Newsletter No. 6 - Nov. 2001

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Al-Furqan Islamic Herbage


Newsletter NUMBER SIX November 2001









From the Chairman I have the pleasure to introduce the sixth issu e o f al-Furqan Islam ic H eritage Foundation's Newsletter, w hich is now entering a new phase o f its life: from this issue onwards it w ill be published biannually, every spring and autumn. In the months since the publication o f our last N ew sletter, alF u rq ^ Foundation has continued its work to save, catalogue, preserve, edit and promote Islamic manuscripts and the heritage contained and em bodied within them. Great progress has been made in the project o f the Encyclopaedia o f Makkah and Madinah (pages 4-5). A high-capacity computer network has been acquired, entries o f the encyclopaedia have been finalised and materials for the trial issu e have been put together ready to be submitted to a carefully selected panel o f experts. A l-F u rq ^ has also organised a training course for com pilers o f -manuscript cata .logues in A frica This ran in


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and was held 2001 A w ard ........................................................... 10 C hairm an’s A d d ress ......................... 1 C t ^ o g u i n ^ ^ n i n g C o u rse........... 6 -C om m unity E v en ts.......................... 18


co -o p e ‫؛‬-arion ‫ ةآاأ‬.

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attended by com pil

C on feren ce ................................................. ers o f m anuscript E n cyclop aed ia .......................................... catalogu es E ven ts .. ....................... 10 Foundation Structure and B oards.... 2



11 ‫ ؛‬٢٠١١١

-otner A in can coun tries w hiie lectures were given by

L ectures .......................................................a number o f distinguished spe9 O bituaries .................................................... cialists in the field o f cod icology. 13 -F rofile 3 The course was a good opportuni

Publications ........................................... 1،

٠ . ‫؛‬٠ . ac ‫؟‬,uire

‘٠ ‫ ؛‬ain

W orld N e w s..................................... 12

exchange view s and to establish -relationships for future co-opera tion and co-ordination. Three similar courses were previously

organised by a l-F u rq ^ : in Istanbul, Cairo and London. A fifth training cou rse is in the pipeline for com pilers o f manuscript catalogues in Central Asia. In Novem ber 2001 an international con feren ce on Thabit ibn Qurrah, the brilliant and innovative Baghdadi mathematician was held at the Foundation's headquarters in London. A select group o f experts on the subject attended the conference, whether as speakers or participants. A con feren ce ©n Thabit ibn Qurrah, a Sabian in a M uslim state, at this particular historical juncture is a testim ony to the im portance o f dialogue betw een civ ilisa tio n s, to the virtues o f tolerance and co-operation and to the fact that Islamic civilisation has throughout its history provided a valuable m odel for □pholding the values o f dialogue, co-operation and harmony. Al-Furqan Foundation, with its interest in the Islamic heritage, is now paying tribute to Ibn Qurrah's scientific achievem ent, recognising that Islam ic civilisation encom passed the work o f all those,whether M u slim s or nonM uslim s, w ho lived under its aegis. They were all citizens o f the Islam ic state, contributing to its developm ent and the flow ering o f its culture. Today, at al-Furqan Foundation, scholars and experts, M uslim s and non-M uslim s, are working together to fulfil a com mon, noble goal, b elieving that the pursuit o f know ledge, truth and learning must be beneficial to all humanity. M ay G od guide and help us in our endeavour. Ahm ed 7.aki Yamani Chairman o f al-Furqan

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STRUCTURE FOUNDER The Yamani Cultural Foundation

THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman: Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani Members: Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoghlu Dr Zaki Mustapha

THE INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Chairman: Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani Members: Professor Nasseruddin al-A$sad (Amman) Professor George Atiyeh (Washington) Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoghlu (Istanbul) Professor Enes Kar‫؛‬€ (Sarajevo) Professor Salahuddin al-Munajjid (Jeddah) Professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Washington) Professor Annemarie Schimmel (Bonn) Professor Abd al-Hadi al-Tazi (Rabat) Professor Juan Vernet (Barcelona) Professor w Montgomery Watt (Edinburgh)

THE BOARD OF EXPERTS Chairman: Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Y am an i Members: Professor Iraj Afshar (Tehran) Professor Ibrahim Chabbouh (Tunis and Amman) Professor Yusuf Ibish (Washington) Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoghlu (Istanbul) Professor Roshdi Rashed (Paris) Dr Muhammad Isa W aley (London) Professor Jan Just Witkam (Leiden)

DIRECTOR GENERAL Professor Yusuf Ibish

Address for eorres‫»؛‬ndence: The Director General Al-Furqan Foundation Eagle House High Street

Wimbledon London SW 19 5EF UK


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Ummayad caliphate. ٢١٦^١٦, under the leadership of Salâh al-DTn al-A yyübı, ١٨١٦)‫ ؛‬restored Jerusalem to Dar al-Islam, it was the centre of resistance to the crusaders. The latter period was a chapter o f Islamic history in which Şalahuddin al-Munajjid took pride and which deeply influenced him from his early youth onwards. He devoted his life's work to emphasising the achievements o f Islamic culture through its manuscript her‫؛‬،age, with the aim o f rebuilding Arab identity. He paid particular attention to a study o f the history o f Damascus and its historians. Conscious o f the glories o f Damascus and its influential role in the formation of Islamic Arab identity during its periods o f great achievement, he helped to publish many o f the works of its historians. Through his work and his remarkable achievements, Professor al-Munajjid him self is a link in the chain ol the scholarly role played by Damascus.

Profile ?r© fessor Şalahuddin al-M unajjid A true representative o f the city of Damascus, its cultural milieu, its traditions and its Arab-Islamic orientation, Dr Şalahuddin al-Munajjid was bom to a father who knew the Holy Qur’an by heart and was the spiritual head o f the city's reciters. He attended primary and secondary schools in Damascus and graduated ٢٢٥١١١ the Higher Institute o f Education (Dar al-Mu’allim!n al'Ulya), where he was taught by a number o f prominent scholars. From his early years, his teachers were impressed with his outstanding talents. At that time interest in the collection and study o f manuscripts was at a height. Private libraries were proud of their collections o f manuscripts and the al-Zahiriyyah Library had its own treasures. While the eminent Syrian scholar Muhammad Kurd Ali was diligently working on his book Khitat al-Shâm, a group o f French orientalists, interested in the study o f history, were pursuing their research in Damascus. In this climate o f interest in manuscripts, Şalahuddin al-Munajjid learned to apply scientific method to his studies and his careful handling o f manuscripts. In his early youth, during the French mandate immediately follow ing the First World War, he witnessed the em ergence o f Arab national identity. The ~ pride in their city and its cultural role had a decisive effect in the crystallisation o f a Pan-Arab concept. Damascus had been, after all, the capital o f the

Munajjid, having obtained a BA in Law as well as completing a degree at the Higher Institute o f Education, worked in administrative posts until he was sent on a higher-study ‫؛؛‬rant to Paris. There he was awarded a PhD ‫؛؛‬٦ International Law. But he had conceived a passion for the study o f information science (or 'librarianship' as it was then called), Arabic calligraphy and Islamic art and history. Upon his return from France, he was appointed Director o f the Institute for Arabic Manuscripts (Ma'had al-Makh{u^t al-'Arabiyyah) in Cairo. Munajjid's era saw the Institute emerge as an important and effective academic institution; it built solid relationships across the world. He also established a magazine devoted to Arabic manuscripts, a respected publication w ell known for its scholarly approach. He sent m issions to Arab countries charged with imaging the most important manuscripts, thus giving researchers access to ،hem. He personally supervised a plan for the recording o f Arabic manuscripts in those countries known to possess a great number o f them. He also chaired delegations from the Institute o f Arabic Manuscripts to the former Soviet Union, Iran, Tunisia and Morocco. The dynamism imparted by Munajjid to the Institute o f Arabic Manuscripts led scholars to consider him the Institute's founding director. Professor al-Munajjid is a remarkable scholar whose encyclopaedic writings cover all aspects o f Arabic and Islamic culture. He has contributed over 150 hooks and hundreds o f articles in Arabic and French to international and Arab magazines and newspapers, in addition writing many papers that remain unpublished. Some o f his works have been translated into Spanish, ٥ ^٢٢١١‫®؛‬, Italian, Persian and Dutch. He has taken part in many academic conferences and been invited as a lecturer and visiting professor to Arab, Islamic, European and American universities.


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Members ofthe Council of Consultants (London 1999) Encyclopaedia of



by Dr Adnan al-J^arithi Before the revelation o f Islam, the two cities of' Makkah and Madinah were civilisational centres and meeting points o f different cultures and religions. With the revelation o f Islam they became the focal points for the announcem ent o f the last o f the divine religions. Makkah was the birthplace 0‫ '؛‬the Prophel and Madinah was the place to which he migrated. For fourteen centuries the two cities have maintained their very special position as centres o f Islamic cultural and academic activity. A cknow ledging the importance o f studying the Islamic and historical heritage o f the two cities, as w ell as the em inence and sacredness o f this heritage to all Muslims, al-Fur‫§ ؟‬n Foundation tool< upon itself the responsibility o f puhlishing a com prehensive reference work entitled the Encyclopaedia o f Makkah and Madinah, to specialise in all fields related to the two cities. The project was to be based in the city o f Jeddah. In preparation for the im plem entation o f the Encyclopaedia project, two boards o f distinguished scholars have been set up, chaired by Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani: the Council o f Consultants and the A cadem ic R^ard The general structure o f the two boards has been agreed upon and names o f qualified experts in their particular disciplines have been proposed. A unified set o f scientific, linguistic and methodological rules has been determined upon, which will be adhered to in the preparation o f the Encyclopaedia and its various sister publications. Term inology and meanings have been clearly defined and work schedules and systems o f cross-referencing and bibliographic listing have been drawn up. 4

The Encyclopaedia's Council ٠٢ Consultants held its first meeting on 22 Muhajram 1421 H/ 27 April 2000 AD at the offices o f the Encyclopaedia in Jeddah under the chairmanship o f Sheikh Ahmed z.aki Yamani. The meeting adopted a number o f resolutions and recommendations, the most important o f which are listed below. The first resolution concerned the establishment of a sub-committee o f the Academic Board with the following responsibilities. ١. To deal with urgent and day-to-day matters and follow up actions in accordance with the general policy o fth e Encyclopaedia and the programmes and plans adopted by the C ouncil o f Consultants and the Academic Board. 2. To propose names o f scholars who will be commissioned to conduct academic research related to the entries o f the Encyclopaedia. 3. To establish a system of evaluating academic contributions. 4. To study working papers regarding entries o f the Encyclopaedia submitted by members o f the Council o f Consultants and to adopt mechanisms for commissioning entries. 5. To define guidelines for the length and style of com m issioned articles. 6. To formulate, the mechanisms o f research into the h is to ric a l sources on Makkah and Madinah with a view to identifying Encyclopaedia entries. The Council discussed various proposals from members o f the Academic' Board which sought to define the aims o f the E ncyclopaedia project and the methodology to be followed in preparing the entries. The second session o f the Council o f Consultants, chaired by Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani, was held at the offices o f the Encyclopaedia on Wednesday and


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Thursday 19-20 Rabi‘ al-Thanî 1421 H/ 21-22 June 2000 AD. A number o f important decisions were made at that meeting, particularly: ١. To publish a trial issue o f the Encyclopaedia. 2. To define entries in the trial issue, making changes and modifications where necessary. 3. To classify categories o f articles that would form entries in the Encyclopaedia. 4. To start building up the administrative structures o f the Encyclopaedia. The Council o f Consultants subsequently held six meetings in accordance with the above guidelines, during which a number o f proposals and recommendations were put forward. These were in turn submTtted to the Academ ic Board, as mentioned above. A select group o f the Council o f Consultants, working under welldefined leadership, will then finalise the basic structure o f the Encyclopaedia thus securing a unity o f effort and avoiding any confusion which might arise from conflicting views and methods. Strenuous efforts are being exerted at the present time to finalise the structure o f the Encyclopaedia, particularly regarding the follow ing points:

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The Academic Board: Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani (Chairman) Professor Abd-Allah Anqawi Professor Ahmad Khaled al-Badali Professor Abd al-Latif Bin Duhaysh Professor Ibrahim Chabbouh Professor Omar Falateh Professor Asim Hamdan Dr Adnan al-Harithi Dr Y ousef Ahmed Hawalah Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoghlu Professor M i’raj Mirza Dr Abdullah Shawoosh Professor Abd al-Wahhab Abu Sulayman Professor Abbas Tashkandi

* Preparation o f topical and alphabetical orders o f entry in the Encyclopaedia. * M a k n g ^ e that all the requirements for the Encyclopaedia are in place. * Working out a plan for an information centre for the Encyclopaedia. * Comm issioning distinguished specialists and following up the preparation o fth e trial issue. A final list o f entries is to be submitted to the Council o f Consultants for approval and the list w ill then be endorsed by the Academic Board. The above-mentioned group is working directly under the chairmanship o f Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani and is currently involved in compiling materials for the trial issue. To facilitate research, a computer network with enough capacity to serve all working points o f the Encyclopaedia project has been installed. This w ill be connected to the internet in due course while a database for basic entries and an information database for entries (information files) have also been installed. The library o f the Encyclopaedia offices has been provided with plentiful references, sources and tools for the use o f researchers.

The Council of Consultants: Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani (Chairman) Professor Nasseruddin al-Assad Professor Kazim al-Musawi al-Bojnordi Professor Abd el-M alik Bin Duhaysh Professor Yusuf Ibish Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoghlu Professor Robert McHenry Professor Tayyar Alati Qulaj Professor Abd al-Wahhab Abu Sulayman Professor Jan Just Witkam


Publications: Al-Ta’rTkh wa al-M u’arrikhün bi-Makkah min al-Qarn al-Thalith al-Hijri ‫ ة؛إ‬al-Qarn al-Th^ith ‘Ashar, by Muhammad al-Hablb al-HTlah. Al-BT’ah al-Tabl'iyyah li-Makkah Ruqayyah Hasan Najm.


Nayl al-Muna bi-Dhayl Bulugh al-Qura li-Takmilat Ithafal-W ara, by Jar-Allah ibn Fahd, ed. Muhammad al-Hablb al-HTlah. Wafa’ al-Wafa fî Târîkh Madînat al-Muştafa, by alSamhüdî, ed. Qasim al-Samarra’i. A'lâm al-M akiyyîn min al-Qam al-T âsi' ‫ن‬1‫ ة‬al-Qarn al-Râbi‘ 'Ashar al-HijrT, by 'Abd-Allah ibn 'Abd alRahman al-Mu‘allimî.

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script collections ،٠ be catalogued and the positive effect o f producing catalogues on the future development o f the study o f manuscripts.

Training Courses The fourth training course for cataloguers oflslamic manuscripts

The follow ing group of specialists taught in the training course. From Tunisia: ٥٢ Mourad al-Rammah, Secretary General o f the conservation project in the city o f Kairouan and Director o f the National Laboratory for the Preservation and Conservation o f Manuscripts at Rakada. From Sudan: Dr ©sman Sayed Ahmed, lecturer in Islamic history at the University o f Khartoum and Dr Ahmed Muhammad Kani who used to work in the Department o f Manuscripts in the University o f Zaria and the Department o f History in the University o f Senko. He has also edited Arab manuscripts from Nigeria, translating many manuscripts into Fnglish.

Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani, Dr Ahmad al-Tawfiq, Dr ‘Abdul 'Aziz Touri and Dr Alimad Shawqi BinbTne.

The fourth training course for the cataloguing o f Islamic manuscripts was held from 18 June to 18 July 2001. The course was organised by al-Furqân Islamic Heritage Foundation in co-operation with the National Library o f Books and Documents in Rabat, Morocco and was attended by twenty-five participants working in the field o f cataloguing. They were selected from various African countries: M ali, N iger, Senegal, Nigeria, Sudan, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Chad and Ethiopia on the basis o f their specialisation ‫؛‬٨ manuscripts. The th ree previous courses organised by al-Furqan Foundation were attended by 60 participants o f different n a tio n alities. The first course was held in Cairo from 3 January to 9 February 1994. th e second in Istanbul from 29 August to 9 September 1994 and the third in London from 30 May to 29 June 1995. Inaugurating the fourth course in the lecture hall o f the National Library in Rabat on Ift June 2001, Dr Ahmad al-Tawfiq, the Director o f the National Library, welcorned the lecturers and participants, expressing his appreciation o f this co-operation between the National Library and al-Furqan Foundation and praising alFurq^'s efforts in the fields o f manuscripts and Islamic heritage. During his speech replying to Dr al-Tawfiq, Dr Ahm ad Muhammad El-Badaw i, representing al-Furqân Foundation, underlined the significance o f selecting Rabat and its National Library for a training course for manuscript cataloguers in Africa. He paid tribute to the contribution o fth e people o fth e Maghreb in the spread o f Islam and the promotion o f cultural relations between Muslim communities in Africa Dr A^mad Shaw qi B inbine, Director o f the al" Library, then spoke about the academic content o fth e course. He spoke in detail about the vital importance o f catalogues, the pressing need for manu­

From Nigeria: ٥٢ Ibrahim Mukoshy, Head o f the Nigerian Language Centre at the University o f Sokoto and a pioneer in collecting, cataloguing and translating manuscripts. From Syria: Dr 'Izzat Hassan, editor and a former director o fth e al-Zahiriyyah Library in Damascus. He is now supervising the cataloguing o f manuscripts at the National Library in Rabat. From France: Professor François D،‫؛‬roche, a C O founder o f the journal, "Manuscripts o f the Middle East", professor at the Sorbonne and a consultant at the B‫؛‬blioth‫؟؛؛‬ue National،‫ ؛‬in Paris. From Egypt: Dr Ayman Fouad Sayyid, the Egyptian h i s t o r ia n whose edition o f "Musawwad‫؛‬it Kitab alMawâ'iz wa al-I’tib‫؛‬ir" by al-M aqrizi has been published by al- Furq‫؛‬in. From Morocco: Dr Al،mad Shawqi Binbine, lecturer in Manuscript Science at the Faculty o f Arts and Director o f al-Hasaniyyah Library in Rabat. Muliammed al-Maghr‫؛‬iwi, lecturer at the Faculty o f Arts with an interest in manuscripts and Arabic calligraphy. Dr Muhammad al-Zarif, lecturer at the Faculty o f Arts and a specialist in desert literature. Dr Muhammad Leghzioui, lecturer at the Faculty o f Arts in Fes and Governor ‫ آ ه‬the Library o f 3 -^ r a w iy y in e with a ‫ ؟‬articular interest in the scientific editing o f manuscnpts. Dr Muhammad al-R‫؛؛‬wandi, lecturer in Tradition (hadith) and editor o f manuscripts on fiqh at Dar-alHadith al-Hasaniyyah. Sa'id al-Murâbiti, responsible for the cataloguing o f manuscripts at the National Library, ■©mar Afa and Sa'id‫؛‬، 'Abraq, lecturer at the Institute o f Information Technology and a specialist in cataloguing programmes. Muhammad al-Taamartl, responsible for administration at the National Library. A number o f trainee lecturers, who attended the course as students also taught certain subjects. Among these were Malika al-Sirghini, a chemistry specialist work­


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ing at the laboratory o fth e National Library and Farida al- Bannany, also a chemistry specialist working at the conservation laboratoty in the National Library. A large number o f sessions in the programme of the training course were allocated to the study o f manuscripts as archaeological evidence. Many important aspects o f manuscripts were studied, such as the art o f bookbinding, the materials used for manuscripts whether papyrus, parchment or paper - the methods o f manufacturing paper and schools o f calligraphy and their development. O f interest also are the different aspects o f the science o f manuscripts, the gathering o f information to help the process o f cataloguing and so on. The theory and practice o f cataloguing received particular attention. Practical cataloguing sessions were aliocated to the use o f the al-Furqan card as a model for gathering information. Practical sessions were also devoted to automatic cataloguing, means o f inform‫؛؛‬tion gathering, imaging techniques and methods o f manuscript preservation and conservation.

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the interest taken by Morocco in the conservation and cataloguing o f manuscripts". ‫ آ ه‬Touri stated that his ministry welcom ed co-operation between al-Furqân Foundation and the Kingdom o f Morocco. In his speech o f acknowledgement, Sheikh Yamani emphasised the importance o f conserving and cat‫؛‬،loguing manuscripts, stating that al-Furqan had launched a survey o f Islamic manuscripts worldwide in 108 countries. Al-Furqan was able to locate these manuscripts, defining their subjects and the languages in which they were written and had published this information in a number o f volumes, first in English and subsequently in Arabic. "Bringing to light this otherwise buried treasure o f Islamic manuscripts, which had almost disappeared into oblivion, needed certain measures: cataloguing, conservation, restoration, imaging, editing and publishing. We were faced with the difficulty o f finding cataloguers. There were very few available and the number was constantly being depleted. W e felt that we had to do something

The training course also benefited from visits made to three important centres for the conservation ‫ آ ه‬the Islamic heritage in Morocco: the National Library in Rabat, the al-Hasaniyyah Library at the Royal Palace and the a l - Q a r a w i y y ^ ، ‫ ؛‬Library in Fes. These visits provided a good opportunity to examine a number o f rare manuscripts and to leam about the steps taken by those libraries in the field o f manuscript cataloguing and conservation. Participants also had an opportunity during these visits to familiarise them selves with the historical features o f Islamic civilisation in Morocco. Academic lectures during the training course were followed by open discussions with the students. These lively discussions provided opportunities for exchanges o f experience and reviews o f efforts made in each country to collect and catalogue manuscripts. There was also discussion about private libraries owned by some participants from African countries (for example Mali. Niger, Chad, Morocco, Egypt, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Algeria and Sudan). All the above subjects and many more were covered by the course, creating a new awareness among the students as well as refining their existing awareness o f the world o f manuscripts. This ٨١^١١ indeed be the most important achievement o f the course. The closing ceremony was attended by ٥٢ 'Abdul Aziz Touri (the Secretary General o f the Moroccan Ministry o f Culture and Information), Dr Ahmad al-Tawfiq (the Director o fth e National Library), ambassadors, university professors and intellectuals, prominent among whom was Dr Ahmad Shawqi Binblne, Director of the al-Hasaniyyah Library. Following a speech by Dr A‫؛‬،mad al-Tawiq about the course. Dr 'Abdul 'Aziz Touri expressed his gratitude to Sheikh Ahmed z‫؛‬،ki Yamani and his appreciation o f al-F urq^ Foundation and its active role in the recording and cataloguing o f manuscripts, and in organising academic programmes and conferences. He added, "the National Library in Rabat was an appropriate choice [of venue] because o f


Sheikh Ahmed Zaki graduati©n certificates.



about it. We then launched our training courses. We started with Cairo, moving from there to Istanbul, the capita] o f the Ottoman caliphate, then to London, the location o f the Foundation headquarters. We have the pleasure and honour to come to beloved Rabat, to a country well known for knowledge and learning. No words o f thanks can adequately express our gratitude for the warm reception and hospitality w e have been accorded by the National Library. May God reward their good deeds." Sheikh Yamani concluded his speech expressing his heartfelt thanks to the National Library, to the lecturers and students who attended the course and to M orocco for the warm hospitality al-Fur،^n had enjoyed. Following the distribution of certificates to graduates o f the course, two poems were recited, paying tribute to al-Furq§n Foundation for its efforts in serving Islamic heritage, praising Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani for his material and moral support o f the course, his magnanimity in the fields o f preservation, conservation and cataloguing o f manuscripts both worldwide and, more particularly, in Africa. Speaking on behalf o f the participants, Mostafa alToubI paid tribute to al-Furqân and its chairman, to the

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The course was partieularly w ell organised. The National Library for Books and Documents played an important part in providing assistance to al-Furqan and their efforts were characterised by warmth and hospitality, distinctive characteristics o f the Moroccan peopie. On completion o f the training course participants made some recommendations that the Foundation1. Should continue this series o f courses by organising a fifth training course for the cataloguing and classification o f manuscripts. Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani distributes graduation certificates

National Library and to all who had contributed to the success o f the training course, lecturers as well as organisers. Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani also received a sym bolic present, a painting representing "al-Hilyah al-Sharifah" written for the first time in Maghrebi 1‫ ة ء‬ligraphy by the w ell-know n Moroccan calligrapher Hamidi Belaid. A reception was then hosted by al-Furqân in honour of the lecturers, the participants and the officials o f the National Library. The curriculum for the fourth training course, like the previous three courses, embraced practical and academic aspects o f the scientific study o f manuscripts. Lectures had been chosen by Professor Ibrahim Ghabbouh, Director o f Al al-Bayt Foundation for Islamic Thought and a member o f al-Furq‫^؛‬n's Board of Experts, Dr Ahmad al-Taw fiq, Director o f the National Library o f B ook s and D ocum ents in Rabat and Muhammad al-TaamartT, in charge of administration at the National Library.

2. Set up an association o f the course's participants for the purpose o f co-operation and exchange o f expertise in the field ‫ آ ه‬cataloguing and conservation. This association should be under the patronage o f al-Furqan Foundation. 3. Fublish the proceedings o f this course in a single volume, for the benefit o f all cataloguers in the Muslim

world. 4. Give priority to the conservation and preservation o f manuscripts, both before and after cataloguing. 5. Pay more attention to all material carriers o f manuscripts, thus recognising their importance as part o fth e manuscript tradition. 6. Draw up a unified plan for the cataloguing o f Islamic Arab manuscripts in Africa. 7. Set up a unified database for auto-cataloguing and organising courses on its application. 8. E ^ b lis h a u n ifid Arabic l a n ^ g e database to help cataloguing Islamic Arab manuscripts (similar to the Dewey classification systeni).

The training course achieved most o f its intended objectives. Forem oS among these were the channelling o f researchers' efforts, directing their attention to Islamic Arabic manuscripts: their collection, conservation, classification and cataloguing.

9. Provide certain centres with basic references for cataloguing.

The calligrapher Hamidi Belaid presents a painting representing Al-Hilyah Al-Sharifah in Maghrebi calligraphy to Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani.

Group photograph o f participants, with Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani in the centre.

Following the completion o f the course, messages of thanks from most participants and lecturers were received by al-Furq‫^؛‬n.


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Public Lectures

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Professor Chabbouh highlighted the interest shown by Muslim seholars in identifying the charaeteristies and nutritional value of every single plant. Starting with the translation of classical Greek works, they moved on to make great progress in the further development of the subject. Various books on food were written, for example, Ishaq Ibn Sulaymân’s book and the book written by Ibn Zuhr for the caliph al-Muwahhidl. Writing on cuisine was connected with the understanding of the senses of taste and smell. This was an area dealt with by physicians in their treatises. Literary works described food, its containers and the context of its presentation. There were ample examples in the Maqamat, in the "Thousand and One Nights" as well as in the poetry ‫ آ ه‬Ibn al-Mu'tazz and Kush‫؛؛‬jim.

Professor Ibrahim Chabbouh The Art and Si^iificance of Islamic Cuisitie Eagle House, Thursday 27 Septemter 2 1 ‫س‬

Professor Ibrahim Chabbouh is a renowned scholar and an intellectual with ^cyclopaedic interests. He is now the Director ofA l al-Bayt F()un،l‫؛‬،t‫)(؛‬n in Amman, Jordan, an advisor to the Minister of Culture in Tunisia and to a number of international and regional organisations. He was previously Director General ofthe National Library in Tunisia. A distinguished scholar in the field of Islamic Arabic studies and Islamic civilisation, Professor Chabbouh has specialised in the manuscript heritage: the sources of manuscripts, their characteristics and the means of their preservation and conservation. Professor Chabbouh is also a member of the Board of Experts of alFurqân Foundation. He was invited by al-Furqân to give a public lecture at its headquarters in London on 27 September 2001.

Particular mention was made of a number of works on the art of cooking known to Islamic Arab ' Examples of these are "Fann al-Tabîkh" by Muhammad Hasan al-Baghdadl, printed in Iraq in 1934 and translated into English by Arberry, "al-Waşla ila al-Habîb bil Tayyibat wa al Tib", said to be by Ibn al-'Adlm and "Kitab al-TabTkh" by Ibn Sayyaral-Warraq. Among the good practices emphasised by these books were that cooks should always observe cleanliness and should be God-fearing. There was a Hisba, an of'fieial control on food, its ingredients and production. Eating itself had a soeial context in which certain manners and obligatory rules were to be observed. Concluding his lecture, Professor Chabbouh showed the audience examples of manuscripts about food and eeramics and utensils used in the preparation and presentation of food.

The title of Professor Chabbouh's lecture was very fitting and appropriate. Writers on the subject normally use the term "art of cooking", restricting their approach to the material and practical aspects of the preparation of food, ignoring its cultural context. Professor Chabbouh offered an alternative approach, which broke through the boundaries of cooking and encompassed the manners of eating, as well as the social and ethical values involved in the making and consumption of food. The lecture started from the very beginning, from cultivation. Islamic sources dealt with all aspects of cultivation: water, horticulture of scented flowers and productive trees ‫ س‬farming of crops. Examples were the "Kitab al-Fil^‫؛‬،h‘" by ‫مح‬-1.‫ آ ا آ س‬and other books written by Arab explorers on trade and the importation of spices from the east. He then dealt with utensils, the distinguishing characteristics of Islamic ceramics and the making of plates, bowls and cooking pots. The manufacture of these utensils was subject to stringent control, to ensure that no harmful leaded materials were used in the process.


Professor Yusuf Ibish, Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani and Professor Ibrahim Chabbouh

al-Furqan news.

al-Furqan news.

al-Furqan news.

?rofe$sor Annemarie Schimmel The W onders o f Creation: Animals in the Islam ic Tradition Eagle House, Wednesday 22 February 2001

In ،١$ ‫ ؛‬lecture. Sheikh Yamani claimed that Islam had granted women the right to hold public and political office. This was clearly establi‫؟‬hed in the sources of Islamic jurisprudence and constituted a revolution against the attitudes of previous civilisations towards women and their rights.

Professor Annemarie Schimmel presented her lecture on "The Wonders of Creation: Animals in the Islamic Tradition" to a packed house at al-Furq^r's London headquarters. She started her interesting and thoughtprovoking lecture quoting verses of the Holy Qur’an on animals. Many verses mentioned animals by name, in addition to long chapters named after animals such a$ al-Baqara (The Cow), al-Naml (The Ants) and al'Ankabüt (The Spider). There was also emphasis in the traditions of the Prophet on treating creatures with kindness and mercy.

Sheikh Yamani said that the sTrah of the Prophet demonstrated the special position that he gave to women in his lifetime. He was followed in this by the four Râshidün caliphs. The rightly-guided caliph 'Umar ibn al-Kha‫^؛‬b, for example, had appointed a woman in charge of Hisba in the markets. This position involved judicial and executive powers, even direct administration of punishment to offenders.

As could only have been expected, Professor Schimmel had undertaken exhaustive research of most of the books related to her subject: Kalllah wa Dimnah, names given to animals by al-M‫؛‬،'‫؛‬،ri amongst others and books on animal medicine and animal husbandry by al-Damârı and al-Jahiz. She also covered the a،tention given by Arab, Turkish and Persian writers to animals and the great interest shown in them in paintings and miniatures, such as in Maqamat Al-Harîrır and the drawings made specially for the Mongol sultan Jahanshir (1627) as well ،٦‫ ؛‬other works by Muslim artists. Professor Schimmel drew the attention of her audience to the numerous fables about animals and the intimate relationship between them and many mystics, such as R^i'ah al-'Adawiyyah, JalâluddTn al-Rüml, poets such as Hâfizuddîn al-Shirâz!, Yunis Imry and others who wrote in detail about the virtue of those wonderful creatures. Many of these stories found their way into European culture through the work of orientalists. Professor Schimmel pondered on the wisdom underlying the existence of all animals, from elephant to ant, "each for what it has been created for" as in the hadith of the Prophet. In conclusion she said that these creatures taught us many things about human behaviour, such as being merciful and compassionate. Finally she suggested that some of these animals might share with human beings the promised paradise, the final resting place for human believers.

Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani W omen's Right to ?ublic and Political O ffice in Islam Eagle House, Tuesday 5 Jnne 2001 Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani delivered a lecture in English on "Women's Right to Public and Political Office in Islam" at the headquarters of al-Furqân Islamic Heritage Foundation on Tuesday 5 June 2001. The lecture was attended by a large number of scholars and i n te lle c tu a ls .


Sheikh Yamani added that n o n -lsla m ic views had crept into the Islamic community. These negative views were detrimental to the rights of women, depriving them of the basic rights granted to them in Islam. In his opinion the responsibility for ending these negative practices fell on the shoulders of society in generai, including leaders, governors and the judiciary. They had abandoned the understanding of the attitude of Islam towards the right of women to public and political office. A useful and wide-ranging debate followed.

Programme o f forthcoming lectures A series of public lectures is planned by al-Furqan. These will be presented by eminent scholars and will deal with various aspects oflslamic civilisations. Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoghlu 24'January 2002 Ottoman Science between the Islamic and European Traditions Dr Lamya al-Gilani ‫ ال‬February 2002 -Pre-Islam Arabs in the Fertile Crescent, an an،hropo logical study Dr Samar Damluji 29 May 2002 -The role of photographic documentation in the preser vation oflslamic architecture

A w a rd s Honouring the cataloguers ‫ ص‬the Gazi Husrev-Bey Library in Sarajevo, Bosnia Just before the leeture of Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoghlu scheduled for 24 January 2002, al-Furqan Foundation will host a ceremony in honour of the Director of Gazi Husrev-Bey Library and his staff. They will be presented with the Award of Distinguished Scholars in the cataloguing of Islamic manuscripts, in acknowledgement of their heroic efforts to protect Islamic manuscripts during the devastating Bosnian war, and the cataloguing of these Arabic, Turkish, Bosnian and Persian manuscripts.


al-Furqan news.

al-Furqan news.

al-Furqan news.


A Symposium on the Millennial Anniversa^ of Thabit ibn Qurrah Organised by Professor Roshdi Rashed 2-3 November 2001 Eagle House

Panel I:

DAYI Chair: Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani R Rashed Thabit ibn Qurrah, Mathematician and Philosopher Az Duri Baghdad in the Third Century H

Panel n :

Chair: Professor Annemarie Schimmel H Kennedy The Caliphate and Scholarship in the Early Abbasid Period ‫ ه‬Gutas The Translations Of Thabit from Greek to Arabic

Panel ni:

Chair: Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoghlu c Houzel Thabit ibn Qurrah and the Theory of Parallel Lines p Abgrall Thabit ibn Qurrah on Conic Sections s al-Hassani Bringing Life to the Machines of al-Jaziri and TaqT alDin through Engineering Analyses and 3D Animations DAYn

Panel IV:

Chair: Yusuf Ibish s Gunduz Society and Culture in Harran during the Time of Tidbit ibn Qurrah T Levy The Translations of Thabit ibn Qurrah in Hebrew

Panel V:

Chair: Professor Roshdi Rashed R Morelon Astronomy B Elmabsout Thabit ibn Qurrah’s Book on Statics [al-Qarastun]

Panel ١٨:

Chair: Abd al-Aziz Duri E Knobloch The Trigonometry of Thabit ibn Qurrah in Latin c Burnett Thabit ibn Qurrah’s Astrological Works in I atin

Summing up and Resolutions: Chair: Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoghlu Professor Roshdi Rashed * Professor Ibrahim Chabbouh was unable to attend the symposium. He kindly provided a paper which was also distributed to the delegates.


al-Furqan news.

al-Furqan news.

W o rld N e w s Is la m ic H e rita g e

The Library o f the H oly Shrine o f Makkah According to Dr Muhammad 'Abdullah Ba^da, Director of the Library of th،‫ ؛‬Holy Shrine, the library dates back to the second century hijra, having been founded during the reign of the Abbasid caliph, Abu Ja'afar ‫ ه‬1‫■ اه ؟ ال س‬. At that time the Holy Shrine of Makkah consisted of two domes: one where drinking water was provided and the other where copies of the Holy Qur’an and other books were kept, and which also provided living accommodation. This latter became the nucleus of a library, which grew over the years to reach its distinguished present status. In addition to photocopies and microfilms, the library possesses 4,794 original manuscripts, some of which are very rare. The oldest manuscript in the library is a copy of "Fawa’id al-Bazzaz, al-Filan‫؛‬yat min Ajza’ alhad!th" by Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah ibn Ibrahim alShafi'T (who died 354 H). This manuscript was written in 464 H. ©ther rare manuscripts include: al-Mua{a’" by 'Abdul RahmH Ibn 'Abdullah al-Gl^fiqi, who died in 381 H. Copied in 692 H, it is believed to be the only copy in the world. "Majma' al-Bahrain fi Zawa’id al-Mu'ajaminl" by 'Ali Ibn Abı Bakr al-Haithaml, who died in 807 H. It is the only copy in the world, produced in 857H. "al-Furüsiyya wa al-Manaşib al-Harbiyya" by Najm Addin Ibn Hasan Ibn al-Ramah, who died in 780H. Catalogues ofthe libraiy's manuscripts have been compiled by experts and are now being pnhlisheri.

K in g F a is a l C e n tre f o r Is la m ic R e s e a rc h a n d S tu d y

of human civilisation, it has collected a 1‫؛‬،C£C number oflslamic manuscripts, totalling approximately 22,000 titles, some of which were copied as far back as year 200 H. In order to conserve this large number of manuscripts, a laboratory for the restoration and preservation of manuscripts has been established, furnished with the most modem equipment for the preservation and conservation of manuscripts. Moreover, the centre owns more than 16,000 microfilms of manuscripts and hundreds of photocopies. The following is a list of the latest acquisitions of the centre: 14507 TafsTr al-Kash‫^؛‬f, by al-Zamakhsharl, in 447 folio, 11th century H. 14508 Al-Madkhal ila 'Ilm al-Falak, by Abl Mu'ashar al-Balklri al-Falakl, copied in the year 925 H. 14509 Sharh Jumal al-Khunjl ٢١‫ ؛‬Mantiq, by Najm Uddin al-QazwInl, 7th century H. 14510 Dhu’al-Sir^ (fi Sharh Fara’id alSajâwindi) by Mahmüd al-Kalâbâdî, copied in 1228 H. 14511 Ma'alim Addin fl Usui al-Fiqh, by alShahid Al-Thâni, a copy from the 11th century H. 14512

Kitab fil Mantiq, copied in 984H.

14513 Asmaa’ ^ 1 ‫ ةز؛‬Mishkât al-Maşablh, a copy which dates back to the 10th century H. 14514 Sharh copied in 996 H.

al-Tazkira fil Fiqh al-Hanafi,

14515 Al-Shifa bi Ta'rif Huquq al-Muşta،a, by al-KadT Ayyâd, a copy from the 8th century H. 14516 Sharh Talkhis al-Miftah, al-Sharh alMuttawwal by Sa'ad al-DTn Al-Taftazani, in 320 folio, copied in the year 1279 H. 14517 Al-Ta'aliq al-Murdl ■‫؛‬،la Shari} al-Ka^i fil Mantiq, by al-Shah Jânî in 83 folio, dating back to the 13th century H.

Manuscripts are a very important documentary source. Discovering manuscripts and shaking off their dust is an achievement that benefits the writing of history and sheds light on its mysteries. Believing in the vital importance of manuscripts as a heritage of humanity, the King Faisal Centre for Islamic Research and Study seeks to acquire the rarest of Islamic and Arab manuscripts to add to its manuscript department. As part of the interest of the centre lies in the conservation ofthe Islamic heritage, thereby highlighting the contributions of Muslim and Arab scholars to all fields


al-Furqan news.

14518 Hâshiyah fil Bal‫؛‬،gha, author unknown, copied in the year 1270 H. 14519 Sharh Al-Mujaz fil al-T‫؛‬bb, unknown, copied in the 12th century H.


14521 Ihy’âa 'Ulum al-Din, by Abu Hâmid alGhazalT, in 405 folio, dating back to the 13th century H.


World news...

World news...

World news.

G e rm a n y

International Conference The first international conference for Middle East studies will be held from the 8th to the 13th September 2002 at the Centre of Arab World Studies at the University of Mainz in Germany. In addition to academic papers, the conference will include book exhibitions and a film festival The programme of the conference includes specialised academic seminars dealing with a number of issues: the history of printing and publishing, Arab printing before Gutenberg, modem print in the Arab world and the emergence of newspapers and magazines and Arabic printing in Europe. The city of Mainz is itself the birthplace of Gutenberg.

the exhibition period with lectures ‫ تمرط‬Professor François D<‫؛‬roche.

I n M e m o ria m

Scholar and Professor Ibrahim al-Samarrai (1920-2001) Professor Ibrahim al-Samarrai, a scholar specialising in modem linguistics, a writer and editor, passed away in Amman, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on Wednesday the first of Safar 1421H/ 25 April 2001.

Professor ^ n em a rie Schimmel

Ibrahim al-Samarrai first studied at the Higher ‫؛‬nsti،ute of Teachers in Baghdad and then travelled to Paris where he gained a PhD at the Sorbonne University. He returned to teach in universities in Iraq, Yemen and other Arab countries.

Continuing her unceasing academic activities, for which she is well known. Professor Annemarie Schimmel has toured the world during the last few months, giving public lectures in Australia, Germany, Bosnia and Switzerland. She has also given a lecture at al-Furq^'s headquarters in London.

A prolific writer of books and articles, Professor alSamarrai was one of the few scholars of linguistics who paid special attention to the study of dialects. Among his works are "Colloquial Language of Baghdadis" and "On Dialects of Maghreb and Andalusia".

During the ‫ ءاااا؛ة‬period many of her works have been translated into Indonesian, Uzbekian and Russian. Professor Schimmel has also received the "Rochilin" award in the city of Beforzin. The award, given by Heidelberg Academy, is awarded in commemoration of the thinker Juan Ruhilin (1456-1522)-

His wide knowledge of Arabic and other Semitic languages was evident in his writings, showing a broad range of knowledge, an ability for comparative studies, an observation of points of similarity between languages and a quest for common origins behind the immediately apparent.

History o f Mauritanian Literature

Ibrahim al-Samarrai settled down in Amman where he spent the las[ years of his life. He was made a member ofthe Arabic Academy in Jordan.

A three-volume book in German on the history of Mauritanian literature has recently been published. Written by the German researcher, Dr Ulrich Rebstock, it contains a bibliography of the most famous scholars and authors. It also includes short entries on authors, titles of their works and the libraries, inside or outside Mauritania where these works are available.

Professor al-Samarrai was not directly connected to alFurqan Foundation, but it is the core duty of the Foundation to pay tribute to scholars such as he who serve the heritage of Islam. Works by Ibrahim al-Samarrai:

F ra n ce

Arab Rook Exhibition The Biblioth£que Nationale de France in Paris is hosting an exhibition on "the Art of the Arab Book". The exhibition, which was inaugurated on the 9th of October, lasts until the 13th of January 2002. Displayed are 160 exhibits of paintings, manuscripts, archaeological artefacts depicting Arabic calligraphy, miniatures and ornamentation, including some of the library's most beautiful acquisitions. A c©mmemorative catalogue of the exhibition by Fernay Noury and Mary Genifief, also entitled "The Art of the Arab Book" has been published by the library to mark the exhibition. There is also a cultural programme during

١. 2. on 3. 4. 5. 6.

"An Approach to Nunnation", 1959 "Father Anstas Marie al-Kermali and his Views Linguistics", I960 "Studies in Linguistics", 1961 "Historical Linguistic Development", 1966 "Harmonious Miscellaneous", 2001 "Theses and Criticism", 2001

He also edited: 1. "K‫؛‬،‫؛؛‬b al-Kuttab" by Ibn Darastwaih 2. "Falak Al-Qamus" by al-Husainl 3. "Al-Muraşşa"' by Ibn al-AthTr 4. "Kaşhf al-Niqab 'An a l - A ^ a wa al-Alqab" by Ibn al-Jawzi.



World news...

World news...

Book Reviews W orld B ibliography o f T ranslations M eanings o fth e Holy Koran


IRCICA, the Research Centre for Islamic History, Arts and Culture in Istanbul has been working for many years on a project to produce a bibliography of the translations of the meanings ‫ آ ه‬the Holy Qur’an from Arabic into all known languages, whether in print or still in a manuscript form.

The working plan of the Centre ‫؛‬،‫؛‬ms at listing, classifying and studying all translations of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an. Within that plan the Centre ha.s managed to collect voice translations which have accompanied the recitation of the Holy Qur’an at mosques in African countries during the evenings ofthe month of Ramadan. This particular tradition is repeated year after year. The Centre has also obtained translations of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an into the Kanuri and Songhi languages. The process of collecting all translations of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an into the Fulani and Hausa languages is now well under way. In the future the Centre plans to include the acquisition of translations of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an into other African languages.

"World Bibliography of ■ Translations of the Meanings of the Holy Koran: translations in print" was published in Istanbul in 1406 H/ 1986 AD. The book covers translations published from 515‫ ل‬to 1980, and was compiled by Esmat Benarek and Khaled Am, under the supervision of Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoghlu, who also wrote an introduction to the book. The book covers documented information on ?.67?■ published works in various editions, including 551 translations of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an in full and 882 partial translations. The translations were into 65 languages. A supplement of the bibliography is now being compiled, covering translations made since 1980. The first volume of this world bibliography of translations of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an still in manuscript form was published in October 2000. It was compiled by ٥٢ Najat Oghlu, an expert at the bibliography centre, and was edited and introduced by Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoghlu. This volume covers information on 293 translations of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an and its interpretation into 58 languages worldwide. All these translations are still in manuscript form. It is should be noted, however, that the book has omitted referring to a large number of ،ranslations of the Holy Qur’an into Urdu, Turkish and Persian

The second volume, whose publication is expected shortly, will cover 1,600 manuscripts of translations of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an and its interpretation in the Turkish language. A third volume will follow, dealing with manuscripts of translations of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an and its interpretation in Urdu and Persian covering, according to data available so far, 2,500 manuscripts.


World news.

*Dm al-Iktinâh a1-‘Arahî (Arabic 1‫ س ة‬€ ?alaeo^aphy and Codiocology) by Professor Qasim al-Samarrai 1422 H / 2001 AD, first edition, 562pp "Arabic Islamic Falaeography and Codiocology" by Professor Qasim ‫اال‬-،‫ ؛ ا؛ آ'االاآاال؟‬is published by the King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The author has used the Arabic title "‘Ilm al-Iktinh" to cover two scientific disciplines known in European la g a g :'^ la eo g ra p h y ', the study, deciphering and identifying of ancient modes of writing including monument inscriptions, numismatics and their development, and 'codiocology', 'the study of the book in a manuscript form or its making' including the ink used, the material upon which a text is written and the binding. In his introduction, from pages 9 to 16, the author states that the purpose of the book is 'to be a comprehensive scientific study of the subject'. The text of the book deals mainly with the topics of 'Ilm al-Iktinah, that is: the origin of Arabic scripts, the methodological systems of editing oriental manuscripts, principles of cataloguing, various methods of cataloguing a manuscript, registrations of waqf, ownership, purchase, Ijazat, the colophon, catch words and so on. The study also includes the manufacture of parchment, papyrus and paper, the art of Islamic book, falsification and fake manuscripts and other topics including numismatics. The work is supplemented with comprehensive Arabic and European sources, selected references, general indices and an appendix of photographs occupy pages 407 to 562. This is a useful book for specialists: the researcher, editor and cataloguer. It is also of interest to the general reader. It has been produced in an elegant and well-designed edition.



al-Furqan news.

al-Furqan news.

al-Furqan news.

Examples of the imaged manuscripts in Bosnia



Cataloguing and imaging o f manuscripts in the Gazi Husrev-Bey Library in Sarajevo,

‫ ا‬٠ ٠٠

B osnia ‫أ مس م سء م ص مب « ء جس م‬ ، ‫ م‬، ‫مبءمء‬ ‫ ءشن إ ب‬. : ‫ ع‬,‫؛‬، ‫مسمس‬ ^ ‫ا ‘م‬

‫ تم ء ء ص< م غ خ د م م ؛ « ء ب م ن م‬، , . ‫أ م م‬

One of the most successful projects that has been sponsored by al-Furqan Foundation during the last three years involves the Gazi Husrev-Bey Lib^ry in Sarajevo. The project has enabled al-Furq‫؛؛‬n to acquire over 540 images of manuscripts on microfilm, ‫؛‬ncluding more than 8,000 tides ‫؛‬٨ over 1,000.000 pages. In addition al-Furq^ is also acquiring hundreds of waqfs (400 waqfs of which 200 have been sent), thousands of documents (3,500 historical documents dating back to the period between the 16th century and the mid-20th century) and 84 records of the Sharl'a court in Sarajevo (from the 16th, 18th and 19th centuries). The project has been partially completed, the remaining manuscripts to be microfilmed in the near future. In an effort to conserve Islamic heritage and make the contents of the Library more widely available, alFurqan has taken a big step, the first of its kind, in the field of manuscript imaging. Images of manuscripts have been preserved on CD-ROM in full colour and with a precision that records the individual features and lustre of each manuscript.

‫ ي س م ا‬، ‫ مب م‬. / . ‫مه م ؛ل س‬ ‫؛ *؛‬،‫؛‬ • . ،■— .; ‫معء‬ ‫ء‬ .‫مضم‬ ‫آ م م ب ءا س ه‬/--‫غ مم م‬ ‫؛‬ ‫ممة‬ ‫مهميهء‬،‫مم‬ ‫ ج > مبء ح ه ؛تءعآء‬، ‫ين‬ ‫اد‬ ‫حما‬ .‫مءم< ا <معمنسم'ممءيت م‬1 ‫ممر‬ ، ‫إ؛‬

‫ءدم و‬

‫ ب م‬. ‫سح م م م‬

‫ ا‬٠‫مءهتبصمصسبسمم‬.‫أءض‬ <‫ ضحمدسمضري‬-‫ءم‬-‫ ا م‬/‫أس‬.

^ ‫دنسم*بمه‬ ‫ض'؟‬ ‫مءدبمفمم‬ ‫ممم؛‬،،‫مةتتتثءه‬،’ ,‫ص؛‬ ‫'ءت‬, ‫ممحءم‬ ‫هس‬ ، ‫مبسصمسجم‬. , ‫ءا‬

‫سممبملمحمسم‬،'‫مح‬ '‫ر‬، ‫مم‬- .‫ضب‬ ‫؛إ‬ ‫مه‬ ‫؛‬.‫ 'ي‬. ‫ * م ن س‬، ‫ب‬ -‫ا ب‬

‫'ي ء د م‬-،‫جم' ء مب‬

‫اسدصبصرممتيءمه؛يءإل‬ ، ‫ممم < ممد 'بيب جسم ء‬ ‫ء‬ ‫س‬ '‫ر‬ ‫مءم‬ ، ‫مبإا‬

‫ا م ح ء م ج م ج ء م ص ؛ س‬، ‫ني مص ي س ء ء ه س‬ ‫ءت‬.‫؛؛د <د‬ ‫ اإء قءمه' ساف سمة‬.‫ميبم'ذ < ه‬ ‫مب س مب م ال ا م‬ ، ‫؛‬

‫ ءب ه‬- > ' —

‫زءب‬-‫م ءبهعيجه اسء م ا س اء‬

*‫' م‬.‫ل‬ ‫مبسمب‬ '

‫ببمم‬-‫بمفمهاس‬.، ‫' د م؛ نم‬، ‫بجأضه‬

‫بممهمسءم'<م جم ا‬- ‫سمحمءتمحمحميء‬- ‫ معء‬:‫؛‬

‫ا‬ ‫'؛‬

‫ابم' سمهص ص'ذشم‬،‫'<ى‬, ‫ا‬

‫ مم‬.‫س< ؛بم؛‬ '‫ا''م س من يص‬،‫ا 'هي‬ ‫ل‬-‫ ي ث خ م‬،■‫ثبمسم«مهبممدم‬،‫تي‬-‫ا ممخإ‬ ‫يخمضس‬،'‫ مال«جسمخممحني‬,،،‫ا ءضنأ‬ ‫إ مابم ن;ي سد> ن م م'دمئء'ءأ‬

‫آ‬ ,

‫نآخمم< ء تءمي ج“ امج ض'ن‬٠‫«سآ‬،‫إ؛ ب‬

‫ رلبج'ممغ م‬-‫ س‬،‫ م‬، ‫ن‬- ‫ب‬

‫ جم ض 'س ؛ا؛جم‬. ‫أ د ي مبي ص‬

‫يحبمت‬-‫؛ممبم ممس‬،‫ مبم* م'ءءجغآدص‬:‫ا‬

‫ ص م م م ب‬، ‫ ء م‬،‫؛ ءش<جه صبمء‬

‫ب م ه ر ء ع' ي‬

‫مبس< مها جت س;س مست س م‬

‫بم؛بممنمنءهال ال'ذبمدمحشءي<؟‬-‫؛ب عممء‬

‫أ ءمبمبمبم > ءآأ س س س ص‬

‫ط‬.‫هحه‬ <’‫إ سنءبمد'خحهبمممء؛‬ ‫ ظهس مئ ء مم ج' مه مج‬, ‫ش'أتج‬ ‫بمءم؛دببابممتس آل'ءتع•ءثمجين‬ ‫؛آممبسأ‬،‫ز مس ن * مم ت د م ز‬

‫بمممسضغس إ‬،‫ههييي‬، '‫ف‬. » ‫يم'حتجم‬

^ ٠ ٧ ٠ ‫ <ان'جمجأله‬. ‫ىص‬ ‫ءم‬: ‫صهد‬ -‫خ‬ ‫مبمهء‬ ‫مغءم‬ ‫سءءءمنبع‬ '‫مبء‬ ‫ممح‬ -‫إ سلء‬

‫ ' بمدمنخمءءبض'بمبب ص‬، ‫صبمهم إ‬ ‫بمسبمء‬.‫م‬ ،‫س‬،‫محبص‬،‫ز صس‬

‫يس‬ ‫تزيء‬،‫س *همن‬ < ‫ه‬

‫هه ه ' ه‬

‫ م م ء م ي * م س ب م ا م‬. ‫ د د ا ا< ب ف‬،، ‫ص‬

‫أ ' آ مب ا ض ' ا م جس م مب ج مب‬

‫ده جئدئئ ي‬،‫رزء ؛ م ي‬،‫اءق؛جسمح^هعقء‬

‫ ب ي م أل ه ب أ‬- ‫ « ب م د م ج د‬. ‫اعسمم‬،‫■ مءهيمم‬

al-Mizan al-Sha‘raniyya al-Kubra by 'Abdul Wahhab Ibn Ahmad Ibn ■٨١‫ ؛‬Al-Shaaran! (died 966 H/ 1558



In addition to imaging manuscripts in the Gazi HusrevBey Library, concerted efforts have also been made to publish catalogues of these manuscripts so making them available to researchers. Such work is one of the most important objectives of al-Furqân. The Foundation has helped towards the cataloguing and publishing ofthe fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth volumes, as well as the reprinting of the ‫'؛‬ir^t volume. The ninth volume is scheduled to be published early next year, to be followed by the tenth volume. AlFurq‫؛؛‬n will thus have been able to assist in the publication of live volumes, in addition to reprinting volume 1of the Library’s catalogues, while the Library had only been able to publish three volumes in three decades because of the then-prevailing circumstances. Bosnian cataloguers will be honoured by al-Furqan on 24 January 2002, in appreciation of their dedicated efforts.

Another page of the same manuscript

‫'•؛ ث ه ئ ة م د مس ذ ء ج ت ي م م‬

Work is progressing as follows: 1. Nearly 80% of the imaging of manuscripts on microfilm has been completed. Library officials have started imaging manuscripts which have not yet been catalogued. 2. The first volume of the library's catalogues has been reprinted. The ninth volume is currently in preparation.

‫إ زحل‬

‫أ ج‬

‫ءءممءمحءامعمسمغ؛موص‬ ‫ م < م ح ئ غ‬,.‫ب م‬

.,.‫ صمء‬.‫د‬


r - */•‫ذ؛‬/

*‫ص ء'«مءأتسسضء‬.‫و‬

& » ‫ ي ه ؛‬. ‫ء إم ي‬ ‫ير‬

‫فضامجا‬،‫ا‬،‫ بهما‬،‫;ثآ‬ ، ^ ‫حممبء‬ ‫ص‬ ‫مبء‬ , ‫و‬ ‫ م'ب م مص ح‬-‫نخ‬/‫جج‬,‫إزبم‬ ■‫ء‬،.‫م ض‬ ‫ءءء؛هممحبمح‬


‫_ ص‬.‫مس‬ :‫؛مضممء‬

‫ة ن م « م م ئ له ت ي إ‬ . ‫تمحصحيبمبمإلممحبم‬0 ‫ م‬، ‫صلنصه‬ . ‫ ي‬، ; ‫ا؛؛‬،‫ص س م‬ ‫ ■ا م‬, - ‫ م‬- ‫ ب‬. - . . . . ‫ حصء‬. . . . iW'• ‫رى ى‬


‫ء د أ ه أل ا‬

‫ث ب< مض مب‬

‫;ت ي‬,‫إ‬

‫ىثاع'جمإل‬، '


‫قة؛م حةم ح جةمة ث‬

Mühimmat al-Mnftı- al-Muhimmat fi Furu' alHanafiyya by Ibn Kama! Pasha (died 940 H/1533 AD) AL-FURQAN ISLAM IC HERITAGE FOUNDATION NEW SLETTER VI


al-Furqan news.

al-Furqan news.

al-Furqan news.


Les math6matiques infinit6simales du IXe au X le si^cle LBN AL-H AY TH AM Theorie des coniques, constructions g^ometriqucs et g6ometrie pratique Vol.

A <



y/w ‫سغءراد‬


‫ أسربا‬، ، ١٠

٠٢٠‫سدس | ما‬

R oshdi Rashed (edited)

، ‫س‬ ‫؛؛<ما‬،،‫ء‬

ol ،٠١١‫ ؛‬Publications of Al-Furqan ‫؛ا‬،1‫اناااد‬ Heritajje Foundation

The publication o f Issue ٧١ o f the Newsletter coincides with the publication of al-Furqan Foundation’s new catalogue. The catalogue lists the Foundation’s publications in Arabic, English and Erench over the last ten years. Publications include surveys, catalogues o f manuscript collections, edited texts o f manuscripts and occasional monographs. The catalogue devotes one page to each book. Descriptions are in Arabic and English and include text from reviews.

١٢١‫ سه‬1‫عاااسماااااسم مءمال>اا«ال«ءم‬1‫مء‬ His treatment casts light on ٠ ١ «١١■ ٠ ٠ ٠١ ١ •٠ ٠ ٢ ٠ ١ ٠ an important aspect of Islamic mathematics as never before, while also elucidating the protohistory of infinites‫؛‬mal calculus. Rashed presents the critically edited original Arabic text with a French translation. This magnum opus is in fact a model and standard for all future work in Islamic mathematics. One must congratulate Rashed for producing such a work and the al-Fur<^n Foundation for having sponsored it and for printing such high-quality editions.

To obtain your copy o f the catalogue please contact the Distribution Department at the Foundation.

H andlist o f M anuscripts in The University of Ibadan Library - N igeria B aba Y unus M uham m ad (com p iled ), John H u n w ick (ed .)

tr. w ith additions by 'Abd al-Sattar al-I^alwaj!


The University of Ibadan is the home of one of the oldest ‫ ه م حي ث‬:‫ء ن‬ collections of Islamic manuscripts in Nigeria, gathered from the northern part of the country in 1 9 4 ‫ق‬. The majority ‫ ه خ ب ج‬،.‫؛‬ of authors are therefore lead،‫سذبم‬ ers of the Sokoto Caliphate w hich was established by Sheikh Osman Fodi, his brother A bdallah and his son M oham m ed. The catalogue ‫لخاال‬-‫اابمءهئلمتيامحلخسنم‬ describes 422 m anuscripts from a collection of about 1,500 manuscripts dealing with different subjects like taw hid, jurisprudence, tasaw w uf and jihad. The catalogue has a set of authors indices.


Al-M akhtütât al-Islâmiyyah fi al-'Â lam , a ttanslation o f the W orld Survey o f Islamic M anuscripts, ed. G eoffrey Roper, vol. IV,

This volume gives details of the Islamic manuscript collections in 23 countries arranged according to the Arabic alphabet: Somalia, China, Tajikstan, Iraq, Oman, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, the Vatican France, the Philippines. Palestine, Finland, Cyprus, ‫ب‬-‫؛ ي ا ص?ءببمبم‬Qatar, the Comoros Islands, Kazakhstan, Cameroon. Croatia, Canada, Kuwait, Kenya, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Libya, Malawi, Malta, Mali, Malaysia, Hungary and Madagascar. It also contains indices and fells in 846 pp.


al-Furqan news.

al-Furqan news.

Catalogue of Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Bosnian Manuseripts in the Gazi Husrev-Bey Library in Sarajevo, Vol.I Kasim Dobraca (compiled) V o lu m e ‫ ا‬of the Catalogue o f Arabic, Turkish and Persian Manuscripts in the Gazi Husrev-Bey Library was first published in 1963. Over the years, copies of this catalogue and in particular this volume, were sold out and it was impossible to meet the demands of scholars and cultural or educational institutions. This volume covers subjects such as the Qur’an and Qur'anic sciences and HadTth.

al-Furqan news.

manuscripts, 36 Turkish and hundreds of documents and trust papers. The oldest manuscripts go back to 418 AH (1028 AD). This volume is devoted to manuscripts o fthe Qur'an and related studies, the Hadith, the principles of jurisprudence, tasaww ufand the Prophet's traditions, public manners and the Sira.

U nder R eparation for 2002: ‫فهرس اي ط و طا ت‬

‫بدملممئدسرسم؛ممءب‬ ‫مكاىنيسرر»كرممحم‬

Les matMmatiques infmit،‫؛‬simales du D‫؛‬e Au Xle $‫غل‬cle, Vol. IV Roshdi Rashed (edited)

‫' ءو‬A~

Music in Muslim Civilization Muhammad Salih al-Mahdi ‫ص‬


‫سد ء م‬

Catalogue of Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Bosnian Manuscripts in the Gazi Husrev-Bey Library in Sarajevo, Vol. IX Haso Popara (compiled)

Catalogue of Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Bosnian Manuscripts in the Gazi Husrev-Bey Library in Sarajevo, Vol. VLH Mustafa Jahic (compiled) The total number of manuscripts processed in this volume is 503 codices compris‫فهر س ا ي ط و طإ ت‬ ing 1,013 titles. All manu‫؛‬,‫رصرمت د'ىبمل را ب‬،,/' scripts of Arabic grammar in ‫مكنا‘محاذي مم؛ ال مم ' ب م‬ the holdings of the library ‫مم‬ ‫م‬ ‫مخ‬ have been catalogued either as separate manuscripts or as .‫دن س‬ first works in a codex of several works. A lthough the ‫س‬،<‫—ر‬ ‫م‬ ‫«««' مبعض‬ ‫سم ر ا م م م*سم >صم‬ majority of manuscripts cat‫'م‬.‫س‬ ‫مل‬ alogued in this volume are in the field ‫ آ ه‬Arabic grammar, with a num ber o f manuscripts dealing with Persian and Turkish languages, there are also several rare manuscripts and some works by Bosnian authors.

Catalo^ie of Manuscripts in Al-K h^diyya Library - Jerusalem Nazmi al-Ju^a (prepared), Walid al-Khalidi (edited ‫ ه‬foreword) The Kahlidiyya Library owns toe largest ‫ ؛‬ollec‫؛‬ion of ‫؛‬nanuscripts in Jerusalem. At the same time, it is regarded as one of the largest family collections in the world. The Library was opened in 1900 and its collection has 1,263 manuscripts in different languages. O f these 1,209 are in Arabic. There are nearly 2,000 titles. In addition, the collection has 18 Persian

-Ua٠١٠٠٠ ‫د ر م‬ -

Al-Makhtütât al-Islâmiyyah fi al-'Âlam, a translation of the World Survey of Islamic Manuscripts, ed. Geoffrey Roper, vol. ١٧, tr. with additions by 'Abd alSattar al-Halwajl

Mu'ajam al-Mu’alifîn al-Muslimîn fl Ifrlqya: alKitâbât al- ’Arabiyyah fi IfrTqya al-Südâniyyah hattâ al qam 19, a translation of Arabic Literature of Africa ed Sean G'Pahey, vol. 1 translated 'Awn al-Sharlf Qasim.

Mu'ajam al-Mu’alifin al-Muslimîn fi Ifrıqyâ: Kitâbâtuhum bi al-Lughah al-'Arabiyyah wa al-Lughât al-Ifrlqiyyah, a translation of Arabic Literature of Africa , ed. John Hunwick, vol. 11 tanslated. al-Amln Abu-Mangah Muhammad.

Fihris M a k h ^ t Nia'mah wa Wallatah (Mauritania), compiled by Ahmed Ould Muhammad Yahia, edited by Ulrich Rebstock, revised by Ibrahim Chabbouh.

Fihris al-Makhtütat al-'Arabiyyah fî al-Maktabah alKhalidiyya bi al-Quds, compiled by Nazmi al-Ju‘ba, edited by Walid al-Khalidi. Vol. 11

The Earth ‫ه‬

Its Sciences in Islamic Manuscripts,

(Proceedings of the 5th Conference of a l-F u rq ^ Foundation, 24th and 25th November 1999) (English).

Al-Ard wa ma 'Alayha, (Proceedings of the 5th Conference of al-Furqân Foundation, 24th and 25th N ovem ber 1999), edited by Ibrahim Chabbouh, (Arabic).



al-Furqan news.

al-Furqan news.

al-Furqan news.

Community Events


London Open House Weekend, 22-23 September 2001

Al-Furqan Fottndation’s publications can be purchased direct from al-Furqan London and a l-F u rq ^ Jiddah. They are also available from: Jiddah: M aktabat Kunuz al-M a'rifah Intersection o f Setteen Street w ith İskan Street, ‫؛‬٨ front o f the M ahmoud Said Centre, Jiddah, Saudi Arabia. Tel: (++966 2) 651 4222 and 657 0628 Cairo: Dar al-Q ahira lil-Kitab 116 rue M uhamm ad Farid, Cairo, Egypt. London: Dar al-Hikm ah 88 Chalton Street, London NW1 1HJ, UK. Tel: (++ 44 20)7383 4037 Al-Saqi Books 26 W cstboum e GroYe, London W2 5RH, UK. Tel: (+ + 4 4 20) 7229 8543 Leiden: Brill, Plantijnstraat 2, FO Box 9000, 2300 PA, Leiden, Holland. Tel: (++ 31) 715 353 564 Paris:

A lbert Blanchard, 9 rue de M edicis, 75006 Paris, France. Tel: (++ 33 1) 43 26 90 34 Zaragoza: Portico Librerias M unoz Seca, 6- 50005 Zaragoza, Spain. Tel (++ 34) 976 557 039 Selected al-Furqân publications are also available from Al-Furqan Foundation, in co-operation with its agents and distributors, takes part in many in te r n a tio n a l book fairs

Eagle House, the headquarters of al-Furqan Foundation, is a Grade Two listed building and the sec©nd-©ldest house in Wimbledon. Built in 1613 by Robert Bell, one of the founders of the East India Company, it still retains many of its original featufes. Sadly neglected by the time it was acquired by the Yamani Cultural and Charitable Foundation in 1989, it was fully restored and refurbished, conserving its original character, in an intensive programme lasting two years. In September 2001, Eagle House participated for the fourth time in the 'Open House' event. Over 450 V İ S İ tors were received by members of al-Furq^'s staff , who led them on a tour of the building, explaining its historical significance and architectural value and highlighting the work undertaken by al-Furqan Foundation for the conservation and maintenance of the building. The building is furnished with oriental carpets and many examples of Arabic calligraphy and art which introduce the spirit of the Islamic civilisation. The result is a happy blend of east and west. Many visitors were enthusiastic in their admiration of the work of alFurqan: its publications, objectives and programmes. Visitors also expressed their appreciation of the generosity of Sheikh Yamani in maintaining Eagle House and funding al-Furqan Foundation. Al-Furqan has also received a letter from Roger Casale, the Member of ?arliament for Wimbledon, saying that it is a matter of great pride for Wimbledon to have such an outstanding cultural institute as al-Furqan on its doorstep and offering his continued support for the Foundation's activities and plans to promote cultural understanding. Wimbledon community is proud of al-Furqan headquarter Residents of Wimbledon are proud of their suburban locality, and pride themselves on their knowledge of their local environment. As the occupant of one of the oldest and most beautiful buildings in Wimbledon Vİ1lage, al-Furqan Foundation has received many letters from local interest groups wishing to visit the building and to know more about it. In the 2001 al-Furqan has welcomed visitors from the Friends of Cannizaro ?ark, Merton Council's Heritage Group and an association of retired civil servants. An eloquent history of Eagle House has also been published by al-Furqan. Written by the local historian Richard Milward, the book traces the history of Eagle House from its heyday as a luxurious private residence, to its time as a private school full of bustle and activity, and finally to its being the headquarters of al-Furq^, an international cultural ~




Al-Furqan Islamic H eritage Foundation has the general brief to care for Islamic manuscripts. The Strategic Aims o fth e Foundation are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

to to to to to

identify and describe existing collections o f Islam ic MSS catalogue these MSS where needed help in the preservation o f Islam ic MSS record MSS using u ^ to -th e m in u te technology publish critical editions of selected Islam ic texts

The Foundation realises these strategic aims through: Surveys o f Islamic MSS collections Cataloguing Islamic MSS collections Imaging Islam ic MSS collections or individual MSS Preservation o f Islam ic MSS collections or individual MSS Publishing critical editions of im portant texts Conferences on Islam ic MSS The Foundation promotes its work and its interests in Islam ic culture generally and in the MS tradition specifically through: Public Lectures and Events Exhibitions An Annual N ew sletter Community Connections The Foundation has also built up a library as a resource for students and scholars o f Islamic MSS. This Library holds almost 80% o f all published catalogues o f Islamic MSS. The Foundation has also undertaken to set up training courses for cataloguers and an award for scholarly achievem ent in the field of Islamic MSS.



A L - M U N A J J ID F E S T S C H R I F T

Al-Furqan Foundation is planning to publish a festschrift in honour o f Professor Ĺžalal^uddin al-Munajjid. To celebrate Professor Munajjid's life and work, several o f his friends, colleagues and students have contributed essays to this volume. These outstanding scholars hail from the Arab and Islamic world, from Europe and from the USA. Their contributions are in either Arabic or English. The book w ill be published in

2002 . FORTHCOMING CONFERENCE The follow ing conferences have been held at the Foundation's headquarters in W im bledon, England: D ecem ber 1991, the In au g u ral C onference on "The Significance o f Islam ic M anuscripts"; N ovem ber 1993, "The Codicology of Islamic M an u scrip ts"; N ovem ber 1995, "The C onservation and Preservation o f Islam ic M anuscripts"; N ovem ber 1997, "Editing Islam ic M anuscripts o f Science" and Novem ber 1999, "Geography and the N atural Sciences in Islam ic M anuscripts". The Foundation's Conference VI and Conference VII will be held on "The Islamic M anuscript Tradition in the H um an and Social Sciences". Topics will include History, Jurisprudence, Linguistics, Political Thought, Psychology and Sociology.

A l-F u r^ n Islamic Heritage Foundation Eagle House, High Street, W imbledon E-mail: London SW I 9 5EF Tel: 020 8944 1233 Fax: 020 8944 1633

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