From the Chairman
Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation م
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Newsletter NUMBER EIGHT July 2003 CONTENTS
AI-Furqân Islamic Heritage Foundation is pleased to publish the eighth edition of its Newsletter, through which we continue to communicate with our readers, informing them of the Foundation’s activities, news and publications. It saddens me to report that al-Furqân has lost two distinguished luminaries of the Muslim world earlier this year: Professor Yusuf Ibish, the Foundation’s Director and a member of its Board of Experts, and Professor Annemarie Schimmel, a member of the Foundation’s Advisory Council and an active contributor to the Foundation’s work, as a lecturer and writer. Al-Furqân’s efforts continue in a number of fields to document the manuscript heritage of the Muslim world, including ^™ eying, c^ a lo g in g , preserving and photocopying manuscript collections around the world, as well as editing and publishing a number of them. ؛n ttas al-F^qân Foundation has over the ^ s t few ^ n th s carcied out many tasks that progressed its objectives. In the field of editing manuscripts, the Foundation has published the second س third volumes of a five-volume edition of al-Maqrizi's A l-M a w a iz wa alI'tibâr f i D ikr al-Hitat wa al-Athar. edited by Dr Ayman Fu’ad Sayyid. In cataloguing Islamic manuscripts, the Foundation has recently published four volumes o f the catalogue of manuscripts in Bosnia (volumes X, XI and XII, and a reprint of volume II). Alongside the cataloguing of the manuscripts in the Ghazi
being copied to microfilm and compact
A w ard 15 ?ctffoTt^ofti'stiS^he C atalogu ing 6 manuscripts in cataChairm an’s A d d ress ا İQgues is complemented by the documentation work of copying the manu^om m u n tty E v en ts.......................... y scripts and making them available to C on servation 10 researchers. The Catalogue ٠/ Arabic
M anuscripts
A lisarh
M uslim
en c y c lo p a e d ia 14 u mveTSity Library India, volume I, was ^ F ^ i l P a h a M u ş ^ a f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I l also published recently. Furthermore, Forthcom ing E v en ts......................... 9 cataloguing ؟ ؛continuing in manycounب tries, including inaia. uzoeKisian. Foundation Structure and B oards.... 2 Niger, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Bosnia, al-Furqan on the N et....................... 11 اه ل ج ي ؛Palestine, Egypt, Mali and H onou rs 17 Library ! ٠ ص, . . U D iiu anes س P ro file 16 Public L ectures P u blication s W orld N e w s
the field of surveying libraries of Islamic ؟؛adscripts around t^e world, ٦ ١ ٦ the Foundation has published the fourth د, final volume of the Arabic version of the W orld Survey, the English ver8 sion has been fully published. The survey covers Islamic manuscripts tnrougn6 out the world, held by ؛ndividuals, .18 libraries, and public and private cultural Jn
and academ ic institutions. B y com pleting this work, w e hope to provide those in volved with manuscript heritage with a tool for b ibliograp hic referen ce, thus helping to identify this heritage in its various locations, facilitating a ccess and use. The Foundation also continues to publish the series o f lectures it hosted over the past years. It published the lecture titled M usic in M uslim Civilisation, by Dr M uham m ad Şâlih a l-M a h d i, and Frofessor R oshdi R ashid’s Science in Islam and Classical Modernity. Al-Furqan also hosted several other lectures, an exhibition o f w atercolour paintings and a Y em eni m usic evening. In addition, the Foundation launched a w ebsite where browsers can read everything concerning al-Furqan’s activities. A pilot edition o f the Encyclopaedia ٠/ Makkah and Medinah has been published, adopting all the technical, editorial and production m ethods and procedures that it hopes to use in final production. The Foundation has made the edition available to a selection o f scholars, w h o se experience and com m ents w ill help us assess it. The Foundation’s Chairman has issued an edition o f the H oly Qur’an know n as the ‘Fadil Fasha Sharifovic Qur’an, w hose margins are em bellished w ith the text o f the seven recitations A s part o f its m ission and objectives, the Foundation has honoured P rofessors Şalâh a l-D ln al-M unajjid and Ihsan 'Abbâs, tw o distinguished scholars, innovative academ ic researchers and prominent editors, for their serv ices to Islam ic heritage and their efforts in collecting, cataloguing, preserving, editing, attributing, studying and publishing. In appreciation o f their contribution, they w ere presented with the F o u n d a tio n ’s Award at tw o cerem onies held in their honour. A lso, in the sam e area, the Foundation has published a Festschrift in honour o f Professor Şalâh al-D in al-Munajjid. The book contains a number o f articles written by Arab and western scholars, w ho are colleagu es and friends o f Frofessor al-M unajjid, covering various scholarly issues in w hich alMunajjid has been in volved , studied and written about. Al-Furqân Foundation, in carrying out these projects and in working to maintain a varied range o f activities, is endeavouring to be true to its purpose and working towards the achievem ent o f its objectives. The Foundation’s m anagem ent, consultants, experts, staff and supporters look forward to fulfilling its aspirations in the m any different field s o f preserving the M uslim heritage. Ahm ad Zaki Yamani Chairman, al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation
al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
STRUCTURE FOUNDER The Yamani Cultural Foundation
THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman: Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani Members: Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoghlu ٥٢ Zaki Mustapha
THE INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Chairman: Sheikh Ahmed z ^ i Yamani Members: Professor Na$seruddin al-Assad (Amman) Professor George Atiyeh (Washington) Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoghlu (Istanbul) Professor Enes Karie (Sarajevo) Professor Salahuddin al-Munaj]؛d (Jeddah) Professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Washington) Professor Abd al-Hadi al-Tazi (Rabat) Professor Juan Vernet (Barcelona) Professor w Montgomery Watt (Edinburgh)
THE BOARD OF EXPERTS Chairman: Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani Members: Professor Ira] Afshar (Tehran) Professor Muhammad Adnan al-Bakhit (Amman) Professor Ibrahim Chabbuh (Tunis and Amman) Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoghlu (Istanbul) Professor Roshdi Rashed (?aris) Dr Muhammad Isa Waley (London) Professor Jan Just Witkam (Leiden)
Address for correspondence: T h Director General Al-Furqan IslamicHeritage Foundation Eagle House High Street Wimbledon London SW 19 5EF UK Tel: (+ + 4 4 20) 8944 1233 Fax: (+ + 4 4 2 0 )8 9 4 4 1633 Email:
al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
works in Arabic is an invaluable concordance to the Holy Qur^n, listing references to each verse from the 20 most significant commentaries spanning many centuries and schools o f thought. In many ways, al-Furqan Foundation was Yusuf Thish's natural home: an Islamic cultural foundation housed in a beautifully restored Jacobean house, a non-profit-making institute with global reach working to preserve Islamic manuscripts, a research institute laying the bibliographic and lexical groundwork for a longed-for resurgence of Arab creativeness in science, an embassy, almost, hosting the local community to events on diverse topics - al-Fur،^n was perfectly suited to benefit from his wide knowledge, rigorous scholarship, aesthetic sense and professorial guidance. His wisdom and courtliness is very sadly missed by the staff of the Foundation and by all who came in contact with him
Professor Yusuf Ibish (1926 - 2003)
Professor Yusuf Ibish was the Director o f alFurqan Islamic Heritage Foundation for the last three years. In 1991 he had been invited by Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani onto the Board o f Experts of the new organisation. He served on the Board until he took over the directorship in 1999, moving from Washington D.C. to London to do so.
In its meeting on the 3^ of February 2003, the Board of Experts o f al-Furq§n Foundation took the decision to publish a volume o f essays in honour of Professor Ibish. The volume will be edited by Professor Adnan al-Bakhit and Professor Yasushi Kosugi. It will contain articles in both Arabic and English.
Professor Ibish was a distinguished scholar whose interests spanned both pre-modern and modern Islamic culture and societies. His particular field of s ^ c i ^ i a ^ n was {^e-modern ' ' thought but his interests and expertise ranged far beyond that specialty. He was born in Damascus and educated there and in Beirut and then Harvard. His professional life was spent teaching at the American University in Beirut and at Cambridge and Amherst. He leaves a legacy o f some 30 books: bibliographies and documentation o f Arab politics, treatises on Islamic political theory, analyses of Muslim society and biographies as well as many pieces of exquisite calligraphy, (for an example of which, see right). Among his most important later
al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news. ٥ ۴ THE ISLAMIC CONFERENCE
al-Furqan news.
of IRCICA who always extendedوالوهوااHe was an eminent scholar, a ٠٠٠٢^ ٠٨٠ and00 $ valuable support help, guidance and cooperation ١٠ the world of learning؛h Staff members of IRCICA
نغم ، Lىط رس uآخملء ص ى إ د نا ٠الننر ص له "محث ١٢٢يخ ا م ل م ز جا اد ي اليت ز م م ء ن إ
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آج ء'ءمث سم م
ر ف ث ه أستاذآ معظاء وصاحب تق ل م ض حيآ فى
وئممإدد'" مامة.
ك رب م ي ،م حي ن
ن زي ه و خمن صا حشاعآ مدافعا
سبيل دين ه وأمته .
واحلقيقة ،
ائدمحول_ ا^سمإءم ءدة آل ص ^ ^ ^ ^ ^م-آآلزه انان م ك ت ،ا رن م ب
ر سر ح مع تنئ ة ءالدن
م حم ى
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له زنلم الخمه كمي ،زالخترم ير ن صء ٠ي ب م ث ك
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ف مل ها رإا د
ش فء .إد
ا أل م يرنن إ <إيرا ب ك ر م
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al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
ح ما ء
آ ءIS 1دمT1O راR \ لIQ ^ءU ٧ E ءSد SC IE N C E S H ET P H IjL Ç L ^ G IÇ ru k s
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R،؛gis MORELON Directeur du Centre
! هmy ©١٧٥ name, and in the name o f all the members o f ©ur research team, I wish to assure you o f our deepest sympathy OB the occasion of the disappearance o f this remarkabl man. م م ك رRe§is Morelon
ه، ل ب م، m y s i n c e r e c o n d o i c n c i e s a l ^اهd e m i s e o f P r o f . I b i s h . ل،m i t o o s a d صs a y m u c h ٨٦٥٢». و٥ ثآلير، ءء؛؛ىل ااd o t o n l y ؛٥٢ h i s f a m i l y b u t ،،! < »؛٢٥١' h i s f r i e n d s a n d c o l l e a g u e s , o f w h o m h o h a d nianv, and especially for the al-Furaan Poundation . ردم
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H is d e a th ؛
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al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
Essays in Honour o f Salah al-Dln alMunajjid, ISBN 1873992 70X. *
The Foundation has to date published 41 catalogues. Al-Fur،^n cataloguing projects are currently in hand in Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, India, Ivory Coast, Mai؛, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan Palestine, Tatarstan and Uzbekistan.
Al-Mawa'iz wa al-1'tibâr fl Dikr al-Hitat wa al-Athâr de Maqrlzl, vols II and III, edited
by Ayman Fu’âd Sayyid, ISBN 1873992 688 and ISBN 1873992 734.
ص ل. ؟mathematiques infinitesimales du IXe X le siecle, Ibn al-Haytham: Methodes geometriques, transformations ponctuelles et philosophic des mathematiques, vol. IV, by ال ق
Roshdi Rashed, ISBN 1873992 602.
New Publications * Al-Makhtütât al-lslâmlyah f i al-'lam, vol. IV, a translation o f the World Survey ٠ / Islamic Manuscripts, edited by Geoffrey Roper, trans, with additions by 'Abd al-Sattar alHalwajI, ISBN 1873992 467.
* Science in Islam and Classical Modernity, Roshdi Rashed, ISBN 1873992 718. * Music in Muslim Civilisation, Muhammad Salih al-Mahdl, text and accompanying CD, ISBN 1873992 653.
Catalogue o f Arabic Manuscripts in Aligarh Muslim University India, vol. I, com-
In Preparation
piled by Muhammad Yasin Mazhar Siddiqui, edited by ^ s i m al-Sâmarrâ’i, ISBN 1873992
Catalogue ٠ / Arabic Manuscripts in Aligarh Muslim University, ٧ ٠ ،. II, compiled by
Muhammad Yasin Mazhar Siddiqui, edited by Qasim al-Sâmarrâ’I.
Catalogue o fth e Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Bosnian Manuscripts in the Ghazi HusrevBey Library in Sarajevo, vol. II, compiled by
* Catalogue ٠ / Islamic Manuscripts in Burkina Faso Libraries, compiled by Baba
Kasim Dobraca, ISBN 1873992 645.
Yunus Muhammad, edited by John Hunwick.
* Catalogue ٠ / the Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Bosnian Manuscripts in the Ghazi HusrevBey Library in Sarajevo, vol. X, compiled by
* Catalogue ٠ / Islamic Manuscripts at the IRSH (Niger), vols I and II, compiled by Hassan
Mouley, edited by Ayman Fu^d Sayyid.
Osman Lavic, ISBN 1873992 696.
Catalogue o f the Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Bosnian Manuscripts in the Ghazi HusrevBey Library in Sarajevo, vol. XI, compiled by *
* Catalogue ٠ / Islamic Manuscripts in Mamma Haidara Library (Mali), vol. IV, compiled by Abdelkader Mamma Haidara, edited by Ayman Fu’âd Sayyid.
Zejnil Fajic, ISBN 1873992 726.
Catalogue o fth e Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Bosnian Manuscripts in the Ghazi HusrevBey Library in Sarajevo, vol. XII, compiled by *
Catalogue ٠ / Islamic Manuscripts at the Mawhub bin al-Habib Library Bejayah (Algeria), compiled by Jamal Mechehed, edited by Ayman Fu’ad Sayyid.
Mustafa Jahic, ISBN 1873992 807.
al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
C a ta lo g u e o f ls la m i c M a n u sc rip ts in N i ’im ah
al-Furqan news.
wa W alatah (M auritania), c o m p ile d b y A h m e d G u ld
M uham m ad
Y ahya,
e d it e d
U lr ic h
R e b sto c k , r e v is e d b y Ib ra h im C h a b b o u h .
T hey are also available from:
C a ta lo g u e ٠/ M a n u scrip ts in a l-K h a lid iy a h L ib ra ry Jerusalem , v o l. i, c o m p ile d b y N a z m ı alJu'bah and e d ite d b y 1س
Al-Furqan F oundation’s publications can be purchased directly from al-Furqan, London and a l-F u r q ^ , Jiddah.
al S h a n tl.
D aral-Q ahirah lil-K itab 116 rue M uham m ad Farid, Cairo Tel: (+ + 2 0 ) 2 39 2 9 1 9 2
France: The
E arth
S c ie n e s
I s la m ic
M a n u sc rip ts, P ro ce ed in g s o f t h e F ifth C o n fere n c e o f al-Furqan F oundation.
Librairie Albert Blanchard 9 rue des M ed icis, 7 5 0 0 6 Paris Tel: ( + + 3 3 ) 1 4 3 2 6 9 0 34
A l-M a w a 'iz w a al-1'tibâr آ مD ik r a l-H itâ t w a a l-A th a r d e MaqrTzT, v o ls ' ا ؛an d V, e d ite d b y A y m a n F u ’ad S a y y id .
Harrassowitz Taunusstrasse 5, D -6 5 1 8 3 , W iesbaden T e l:(+ + 4 9 )6 1 1 5 3 0 0
Hungaiy: Prospero’s B ooks Budapest W einer 0 مماu. 20, H -1 0 6 6 , Budapest Tel: (+ + 36) 1 302 8444
G e o m e tr y a n d D io p triq u e A l-H a n d a sa h w a 'Ilm
'in k isa r a l- D a w ’ آ مal-Q arn a l - ' s h i r a l-
M ilâ d ı: Ibn Sahl, A l-Q u h l, Ibn H ayth a m , R o sh d i R a sh ed .
L e s m a th em a tiq u es in fin ite sim a le s du I X e الو X le
s ie c le ,
a l-H a y th a m ,
v o l.
R osh d i
R a sh ed .
T ârlkh a l-Q u d s M uham m ad
A dnan
w a a l-K h a lll, e d it e d a l- B a k h it
N ü fa n
a l-
Tapu, v o ls i an d ii, e d ite d
H um üd.
A I -Q u d s
M u h a m m a d A d n a n a l-B a k h it, N ü fa n a l-H u m ü d and H in d A b ü a l- S h a ‘r.
ه Ltd 2 - 1 2 M isakicho 2-ch om e, C hiyodaku T ok yo 10 1 -00 61 Tel: (+ + 81) 3 32 6 3 7 1 8 9 The Netherlands: Brill Plantijnstraat 2 PO Bo^ 9 0 0 0 , 2 3 0 0 PA Leiden Tel: (+ + 31) 715 3 53 5 6 4
Saudi Arabia: Maktabah Kunuz al-M a'rifah Intersection o fS e tte e n Street with Iskan Street, in front o f the M ahm üd Sa'id Centre, Jiddah Tel: (+ + 966 ) 2 6 5 1 4 2 2 2
Spain: Portico Librerias SA M unoz S eca 6, 6 0 0 0 6 Zaragoza Tel: (+ + 34) 9 7 6 5 5 7 0 3 9
United Kin§dom: F o lio s Ltd 1 9 3 -1 9 5 Brom pton R oad London SW 3 1LZ Tel: (+ + 4 4 ) ^0 7581 2 7 0 6 Joppa B ooks 68 H igh Street, B} fleet, Surrey K T 14 7Q L Tel: (+ + 4 4 ) 1932 3 3 6 7 7 7 L indsay and H ow es Lake H ouse, W ood sid e Park, C atteshall Lane G odalm ing G U 7 1LG T e l: ( + + 4 4 ) 1483 4 3 5 3 3 3 S elected al-Furqan publications are also available from am . E s s a y s in H o n o u r o f S a la h a l- D t n a l-M u n a jjid
Al-Furqan Foundation, in co-operation w ith its agents and distributors, takes part in m any international b o o k fairs.
al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
o rd er to str e n g th e n its lin k s w ith m e m b e r s o f
th e p u b lic in te r e s te d in th e A r a b -Isla m ic h er ita g e an d c u ltu r e , th e F o u n d a tio n
K e lid a r d is c u s s e d th e his،© rical c ir c u m sta n c e s
su rro u n d in g th e c re a tio n o f th e sta te s o f S y ria ,
h as in a u g u ra te d a
L e b a n o n , J ord an , Iraq, K u w a it and m a n d a ted
s e r ie s o f p u b lic le c tu r e s a n d e v e n ts h e ld at E a g le
P a le stin e in th e o p e n in g d e c a d e s o f th e tw e n tie th
H o u s e . T h e le c tu r c s d ra w o n to p ic s that c o n n e c t
c e n tu r y .
th e I s la m ic h e r ita g e w ith th e c o n c e r n s o f c o n te m -
e n su r e d th e fr a g ility o f th e s e sta te s a n d carried
p o ra ry s o c ie t y . F o llo w in g is an a c c o u n t o f r e c e n t
w ith in
e v e n ts :
u p h e a v a l p r e v a le n t in th e s e c o u n tr ie s s in c e th en .
He th e m
a rg u ed th e
that th e s e
seed s
c ir c u m s ta n c e s
d is tu r b a n c e
an d
Fragile States ضthe Arab Middle East Abbas Kelidar 24 مJune 2002 A b b a s K e lid a r o b ta in e d h is P h D in p o litic a l stu d ie s at S O A S w h e r e h e th e n ta u g h t p o litic s w ith s p e c ia l r e fe r e n c e to th e M id d le E a st fo r a lm o s t 2 0 y e a r s. H e r e s ig n e d fr o m h is p o s t in 1 9 8 5 a n d fo r th e n e x t 18 y e a r s w a s s p e c ia l a d v is o r to H R H P r in c e H a s s a n o f Jord an .
An Evening o f Yemeni Music Nizar Gh؛mem, Hasan bin Talib and Qaysar Hussayn. 18th July 2002 T h e e v e n in g in c lu d e d m u s ic a l c o m p o s itio n s and fo lk tu n e s fr o m Ş a n 'â ’, J^a^ram aut, D e r in , 'A d e n an d L ahj.
Islam-Inspired: the Impact oflslam ic Design on Nineteenth-Century British Ceramics Jon Catleugh مJune 2003 Jon
C a tle u g h ,
S e c r e ta r y
th e
M organ
S o c ie t y , s p o k e o n th e art o f W illia m d e M o rg a n , a m e m b e r o f th e late n in e te e n th -c e n tu r y A rts and C ra fts m o v e m e n t w h o w a s v e r y in flu e n c e d b y the lu stre w o r k o f T u rk ish , P er sia n and E g y p tia n tile m a k ers, ft is to be n o te d that th ere is a w o n d e r fu l e x a m p le o f d e M o r g a n 's tile s in th e fir e p la c e o f th e S e m in a r R o o m in E a g le H o u s e .
al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
COMMUNITY EVENTS The Foundation considers that visits by the public are very important in publicising the work o f alFurq^ and in strengthening links with the local community. ه ه م ا0 ر ب م ع€ هHouse Weekend 21a and 22“*September 2002
Eagle House, the headquarters o f al-FurqO Foundation, is a Grade II officially listed building and the second-oldest house in Wimbledon. Built in 1613 by Robert Bell, one o fth e founders of the East India Company, it retains many o f its original features, including tiles and plasterwork ceilings. Sadly neglected by the time it was acquired by the Yamani Cultural and Charitable Foundation in 1989, it was restored and refurbished in an extensive programme between 1989 and 1991. The Foundation has conserved the fabric o f the building for future generations. September 2002 was the sixth time Eagle House participated in the Open House scheme, a nationwide cultural initiative in which many buildings of historical and/or architectural interest, which are not normally accessible to the public, open their doors. As before, there was a great deal of enthusiasm and interest shown by approximately 800 visitors. They commented on the house’s sensitive restoration, and on the successful and sympathetic blend of eastern and western styles in its decoration. In addition to viewing the building, visitors learned about the work of the Foundation and many asked to be put on its mailing list.
Wimbledon Village Fair Saturday, 21“ June 2003
al-Furqan news.
A lecture was also held at Eagle House on the evening o f Thursday, * و لJune during which the art historian Wendy Hildreth gave a fascinating insight into the paintings’ history. The lecture was well attended by local residents. The evening was brought to a close by Roger Cascale, the MP for Wimbledon, who praised the generosity o f al-Fur^n, which he called ‘Wimbledon’s world heritage site’, in sponsoring and supporting local as well as international culture.
1م آ
Interest Groups
Many Wimbledon residents have a strong sense of local identity, priding themselves on their knowledge of their environment. As the OCCUpant o f one o f the most beautiful buildings in Wimbledon Village, al-Furq؛؛n Foundation has over the years received many requests from local interest groups to visit Eagle House. During 2002 parties belonging to The Society for the Protection o f Ancient Buildings, The British Muslim Association o f Merton, the Friends of Cannizaro Park and the W im bledon Senior W ives’ Fellowship have all visited al-Furqan's headquarters and been warmly welcomed.
Other Visitors The Foundation has welcomed visits from various local schools and adult education groups. It has also received a visit from members o f the Islamic University in Malaysia and from several distinguished academics such as Professor John Hunwick o f Northwestern University in Illinois.
FORTHCOMING EVENTS London Open House Weekend Saturday and Sunday, 20 هand 21a September
Eagle House was open to the public.
Eagle House will be open to the public.
Watercolours of Wimbledon Exhibition held on the occasion of the centenary of Wimbledon Society. 9 ،to 2 1 “June2W3
Lecture by Sir Nicholas Jackson Wednesday, 12* November, 7pm
The exhibition was very popular. Some 40 watercolours of Wimbledon owned by Wimbledon Society were displayed in the Great Hall and were viewed by an average o f 30 people each day, except for the final afternoon when over 200 peopie came to Eagle House, perhaps tempted by the opportunity to see the whole building.
In the late nineteenth century, the architect T. G. Jackson bought Eagle House, saving it from demolition and restoring it as a family home in which he lived until his death. In November, a book of T. G. Jackson's drawings will be published by Unicom Press and there will be an exhibition o f the drawings in the Library of the Royal Academy, Burlington House. On this occasion, al-Furq§n Foundation is very pleased to host a lecture by the architect's grandson, Sir Nicholas Jackson, on the life and work o f his grandfather.
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al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
S c h m id t, Ja n , c o m p .: C a ta lo g u e ٠/ T u rk ish M a n u sc rip ts in th e L ib ra r y ٠/ L e id e n U n iv e r sity a n d O th e r C o lle c tio n s in th e N e th e r la n d s , L e id e n ,
LIBRARY T h e L ib rary w a s fo u n d e d b y H E S h e ik h A h m e d Z a k i Y a m a n i in 19 9 ا
2 0 0 2 , v o l. 11.
The Collection
T h e L ib rary is in te n d e d to s e r v e stu d e n ts o f Is la m ic h e r ita g e , s p e c if ic a lly th o s e u n d erta k in g r e sea rch in to Is la m ic m a n u sc r ip ts. It h o u s e s a p p r o x im a te ly 1 5 ,0 0 0 v o lu m e s c o n s is tin g o f b ib lio g r a p h ie s , A ra b an d M u s lim b io g r a p h ie s and c a ta lo g u e s o f m a n u scr ip t c o lle c t io n s in s o m e 9 0 c o u n tr ie s, as w e ll a s a d iv e r s e c o lle c t io n o f b o o k s o n Is la m ic stu d ie s - p h ilo s o p h y , s c ie n c e , h isto r y , art and S u fis m - as w e ll as stu d ie s o f A r a b ic la n g u a g e an d literature.
E x c h a n g e p r o g ta m m e s h a v e b e e n e s t a b lis h e d b e tw e e n al-F u rq a n F o u n d a tio n 's lib rary a n d the lib ra ries ٥٢ m a n y in s titu tio n s a c r o ss th e w o r ld .
Microfilm Collection T h e L ib rary h o ld s m ic r o film s an d C D -R O M s o f s o m e th o u s a n d s o f m a n u sc r ip ts in th e A ra b ic, P e r sia n , T u r k ish , B o sn ia n a n d I n d o n e s ia n lan g u a g e s . T h e s e are m a in ly from : a. G h a z i- H u sr e v B e y L ibrary in S a r a je v o . A lF urqan h a s n o w a c q u ir e d m a n y m a n u sc r ip ts on m ic r o film an d o n C D -R O M .
T h e L ib rary su b s c r ib e s to s p e c ia lis t p e r io d ic a ls .
Library Services T h e L ib rary is o p e n to stu d e n ts an d resea r ch er s e v e r y w e e k d a y b e tw e e n th e h o u rs o f 10am and 5pm .
b. In d o n e s ia . c. S w e d e n .
T h e L ibrary c a ta lo g u e is a c c e s s ib le v ia th e L ibrary sta ff. T h e L ib ra ry c a n p r o v id e a m ic r o film se r v ic e fo r m a n u scrip ts.
New Acquisitions A l-Â m id L S a y f a l- D ! n A b u a l-H a sa n ‘A l l ib n A b ! 'A li ibn M u h a m m a d , A l-N ü r al-B â h ir f i al-H ik a m al-Z aw ah ir, v o l. I, e d ite d b y F u at S e z g in , In stitu te fo r th e H isto r y o f A r a b ic -I s la m ic S c ie n c e at th e Joh an n W o lf g a n g G o e th e U n iv e r s ity , F rankfurt am M a in , G erm a n y , 2 0 0 1 . A l-D ü r l, A d n a n 'A b d a l-R a h m ؛؛n, c o m p .: F ihris
M a k h tü tâ t
M a k ta b a t
M a n u sc r ip ts, K u w a it.
H e r ita g e
a l-H â jj and
a l- A 'z a m l,
D ocum ent
C e n te r ,
A li, M a q d is , c o m p .: F ihris M a 'h a d al-M a k h tu tâ t a l-'A r a b ly a h b i A za rb ija n , M a n u sc r ip ts, H e r ita g e and D o c u m e n t C en te r , K u w a it. B arakat, B a sh ir , c o m p .: C a ta lo g u e o fM a n u s c r ip ts o f I s s 'a f a l-N a s h a s h ib l L ib ra ry , M u ’a ssa sa t D ar a l-T ؛fl a l-'A r a b f, J e r u sa le m , 2 0 0 2 , v o ls 1-11. D a m m e n M c A u lif fe , J a n e, ed .: E n c y c lo p a e d ia th e Qur'an, L e id e n , 2 0 0 2 , v o l. II.
S e z g in , F u at, ed .: N atu ra l S c ie n c e s in Islam , F ra n k fu rt a m M a in , G e r m a n y , 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 2 . C o m p le te set.
T h e L ibrary
T h e F o u n d a tio n h a s started c re a tin g an e le c tr o n ic d a ta b a se o f in fo r m a tio n o n c o lle c t io n s o f I s la m ic m a n u sc rip ts. Its m a in so u rc e o f in fo r m a tio n is its o w n W o rld S u r v e y o f ls la m i c M a n u sc rip ts, e d ite d b y G e o f fr e y R o p e r a n d p u b lish e d in fo u r v o lu m e s . T h e e le c tr o n ic d a ta b a se w ill p erm it m o r e f le x ib le u s e s fo r th e in fo r m a tio n in th e S u rv ey . W e h o p e that th is d a ta b a se w ill b e th e fir st step in e s ta b lis h in g a g lo b a l n e tw o r k , a c o m m u n ity o f the cu ra to rs r e s p o n s ib le fo r c o lle c t io n s o f Is la m ic m a n u sc r ip ts w h o c a n u se th e n e tw o r k to e x c h a n g e in fo r m a tio n o n - a m o n g o th e r th in g s - c o n s e r v a tio n an d p r e se r v a tio n is s u e s .
al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
The Fadil Pasha Muşhaf which there is a different reading. He also indicated calligraphic differences in the manuscripts he was copying from.
Al-Furqan has recently published a ^asci؟nile edition o f the mushaf o f Fadil Pasha, the manuscript o f which had long been kept in the Ghazi Husrev-Bey Library in Sarajevo.
This edition has been printed by Y lldlz Printing House in Istanbul after having been examined and approved by the Commission for the Revision of Quran Copies affiliated to the Presidency o f R eligious Affairs in Turkey.
Fadil Pasha (Muhammad Fadil al-Mawlawi ibn al-Sayyid Mustafa Nür al-DIn alHusaynl al-Qariml al-KafawI, d. 1882/1300) endowed the manuscript to the Ghazi Husrev Mosque. The deed o f endowment is dated 11 RabT' al-Awwal 1 2 8 9 / 20 May 1872).
According to the Islamic thinker, Dr Mubammad Sa'Id al-'Awwa, ‘This Muşbaf has to be seen in order to appreciate its beauty. It is an excellent facsimile edition printed
The manuscript he endowed contains several sections o f notable interest: one citing the names of the Seven Reciters and those who fo llo w ed them , another d iscu ssin g Abu
in its original colours o f black, red, green and blue. The title o f each surah has its individual and wonderful decoration. The muşhaf is printed on paper that is modelled precisely on the kind o f paper that the original manuscript was written on.’
Amr's omission o f the hamzah, another entitied ‘Identifying the nâsikh and the mansükh ’ [the copier and that which is copied], and another on pausing and starting. It also contains the Prayer o f al-Khitm al-Sharif. The margins o f the muşhaf are decorated with an account o f the variations among the Seven Reciters; for each verse which has a variation there is an account o f the variation and the evidence for it in the margin o f the manuscript.
To obtain a copy o f this Qur’an please contact: Dr Mustafa Jahic, Ghazi Husrev-Bey Library, Hamdije Kresevljakovica 58, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: (++ 387) 33658143, Fax: (++387) 33205525, E-mail:
The scribe o f this muşhaf assigned a symbol to each o f the Seven Reciters and used these symbols to mark - in red ink - every word for
Al-Furqan Foundation is now to be fonnd on the internet. The Foundation’s news, publications, public events programme and various other aspects o f its work are to be found on The site is accessible to both PCs and Apple Macs.
د-م ٠٠"د كا
همب. ؛. “
ا ا- ا ل ف ر ق ا ن ا آ ا ا؛ ا ا ا
al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
al-Furqan news.
INMEMORIAM Professor Schimmel's authority and erudition as a scholar o f Islam and Muslim culture are unquestionable and have gained her worldwide recognition. Honorary doctorates, international awards, including the prestigious 'Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels' (Peace Prize o f the German Booksellers' Association) and innumerable other scholarly honours are ample proof o f the rank and place she held in the academic world. But what was it that endeared her so to us Muslims here in Germany, in Pakistan and in so many other countries, specially those she visited in the course of her numerous and extensive journeys? What was it that made many Muslims feel that she belonged to them? What was it that caused her to be regarded, accepted and loved almost as a sister by so many o f us all over the world? By people who are otherwise extremely wary and highly suspicious o f 'Grientalists', or mustashriqQn ?
Fr©fess©r Annemarie Schimmel (1922-2003) Annemarie Scimmel was one o f the most distinguished scholars o f Islam. She spoke 12 languages and wrote and lectured inArabic, English, German, Persian, Turkish and Urdu. Celebrated equally in both east and west, she received many awards, medals and honorary degrees. The latest o f these was the honorary PhD conferred upon her in 2002 by the al-Zahra' University in Iran. She was a founding member o f al-Furqan Foundation's International Advisory Council but she also c o n sc ie n tio u sly attended the meetings o f its Board o f Experts and was one o f the Foundation's most constant guiding stars. W e publish here excerpts from two personal testimonials to her. The first is from Mohammad Aman Hobohm, a German Muslim scholar who was very close to her, and the second from Dr Christian Kellersman, her personal physician.
Mohammad Aman Hohohm writes: For us Muslims in Germany, and probably for M uslims all over the world. Professor Dr Annemarie Schimmel's death means the irreparable loss o f a sincere and invaluable friend. There are not many non-Muslim scholars o f Islam who enjoy the respect and love o f Muslims in so many different countries as Annemarie Schimmel did in life and, now, in death.
Had it been her fame as a scholar alone, her learning and erudition, she would probably have been respected by an 'inner circle' o f Muslim scholars only; scholars who became aware of her through their own studies and respected her as did her non-Muslim colleagues. But what about the love which even ordinary Muslims have shown her and still show her even beyond the grave? 1, who have known Annemarie Schimme] for more than 50 years, and whom she regarded as a friend, honouring him by allowing him to call her ‘Appa’ - ‘elder sister’ - venture to say that she won the hearts of Muslims because she, more than anyone else among her colleagues, combined in her person and in her work what Muhammad Iqbal, the great Muslim thinker and poet o f the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent, called ‘the high pitch and the low o f the same melody: “ 'Ilm-o-'Ishq” - Science and Love, united from the very day of creation!’ It is her deep and sincere love for the subject o f her studies, namely the religion o f Islam and its followers, the Muslims, shining through everything she has ever said in her lectures and written in her books, which has caused a resounding echo in our hearts Professor Schimmel has proved that scholarly objectiveness and love for one's subject need not be opposed to each other nor need they exclude one another. Whoever has listened to her lectures anfl read her books - and she has written morp. books than an average person reads in a lifetime cannot fail to perceive this love and be struck by
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it. It permeates everything that she has ever expressed and, since love begets love, it is no wonder that her love was amply requited during her lifetime and that now, after her death, she is remembered with great affection by her many Muslim friends and admirers. In several Muslim states the highest civil decorations have been bestowed on her. In Pakistan, in the old imperial city o f Lahore, with the grand monuments o f its Muslim past, an avenue was named after her, the 'Khayaban-e-Annemarie Schimmel’. Through her countless lectures in many languages and in many countries, as well as through her publications. Professor Schimmel has built bridges o f understanding between orient and Occident, between the world o f Islam and the west. A hrip.f glance at the impressive list o f her publications shows the breadth o f her approach. Whether it be on Fersian or Turkish poetry, Arabic lyrics, the life of the great Moghuls, Islamic mysticism, calligraphy or other aspects of Islamic art, she gave us Muslims a deep insight into our religion and culture. She opened our eyes to the com p rehensiveness o f Islam. She firmly believed that Islam is far more than just law - important though law may be. Again and again she stressed that Islam is first and foremost faith. A faith rooted deeply and firmly in the heart ofth e believer: faith in God, the One and Only, who, as the Qur'an tells us ‘has willed upon H im self the law o f grace and mercy’ (6:12 and 6:54). Faith in a Divine Being who has given us a religion of peace, o f making peace through submission unto him - and that is what 'Islam' means and what it stands for. In the last weeks before her death she mentioned several times that it was her wish to write one more, her final book, a comprehensive book on 'Frayer in Islam'. Being herself an ardent believer in the efficacy o f prayer, this wish o f hers shows once again how highly she regarded piety, a quality o fth e heart as she described it, and how important for her was the desire to communicate with the Divine Being. Her books on such topics as Flowers and Gardens in Islam, The Three Fromises o f the Sparrow, Nightingales under the Snow, The Rose, and similar publications, not to speak o f her long list of books on Islamic mysticism and her translations o f Muslim mystical poetry, have been eye-openers not only for non-Muslims but perhaps even more so for us Muslims. Eye-openers in the sense that through them a world unfolds o f which most of us were unaware. May God reward her amply for her
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love and devotion to his religion and its followers. Amin! Mohammad Aman Hobohm Bad Honnef, 18th April 2003 ه؛ا؛ي
Christian Kellersman writes: For the past 20 years 1 have been Professor Schimmel's personal doctor. During the last days o f her life and up to the hour of her death I was the only person with her. In the last years o f her life she called me her son and gave me responsibility for her personal and financial affairs. For 18 years we had lunch together every Tuesday. Always at 13.00, always in the same Chinese restaurant, at the same table, eating the same food. After the first 10 years I said to her: ‘Annemarie, should we not consider eating something else?’ She replied: ‘Christian, we have better things to do than reading a restaurant's menu.’ Being possibly the closest person to Annemarie I experienced with her many wonderful as well as difficult parts of her life. Among them were the Feace Prize she was awarded and the hip replacement she endured. In her ٨١™ » !^ she writes: ‘For the succesful safeguarding o f my health, my homeopathic doctor, Christian Kellersman, was responsible. He was well supported by his cat, Heinrich, who has also been petted by Yehudi Menuhin and the Dalai Lama’. Before her last surgery she told me to make certain to get the operation doiie as quickly as possible, adding ‘My mother would have said if you have to go through the fire you must run, not crawl.’ Annemarie's belief in Cod and Heaven was so strong that she told me in her last days that she was truly eager now to find out what life on the 'other side' would be like. When we talked about the future and she felt my sadness that she would not be there any more she said ‘Christian, don't worry. I will see you all from above. And, don't forget, nothing happens by chance.’ Christian j Kellersman Bonn, April 2003
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Members ofthe Council of Consultants (L©nd©n 1999) ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF MAKKAH & MADINAH
The project of the Encyclopaedia o f Makkah and Madinah is housed in the Jiddah branch of alFurqan Islamic Heritage Foundation. The project aims to - Fublish an Encyclopaedia o f Makkah and
Madinah. - Publish books, studies and theses on Makkah and Madinah (with the approval of independent judges and the Academic Board of the F o u n d a tio n ). - Pnhlish critical editions o f historical references o f a specific nature relating to Makkah and Madinah. Compile and publish a multilingual bibliography of published works, references, theses and articles on M a k k a h and M a d in a h - Establish an information centre holding a collection o f texts, references, photographs, documents, maps, theses, travellers’ accounts, journals, microfilms and audio-visual material on Makkah and Madinah. The project works through a Council o f Consultants, an Academic Board, a number of Specialised Comm ittees and an Executive Administration.
A pilot volume ofthe Encyclopaedia has now been published. It contains eleven entries chosen from the articles commissioned from distinguished scholars. The volume was distributed to a select group of scholars and researchers along with a questionnaire requesting their feedback on: the extent of the entries, their style and documentation, references and design. The secretariat prepared an anlaytic report on this feedback and submitted it to the Academic Council at its meeting on the 25'* o f September 2002. Volume 1: The entries for volume 1 have been commissioned. A good desktop publishing system is in place to handle the entries as they arrive. Human Resources The Encyclopaedia project employs four fulltime and eleven part-time staff.
The first meeting o f the Council o f Consultants was held in Jiddah on 4‘h November 1994. This is our third report from this project:
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AWARD The Library The Encyclopaedia Library is growing and developing. It has acquired a large collection o f source material on ^ ؛ س؛، الand Madinah, the Libraries o f Nasif and al-Bahkali. It has also acquired copies o f some very rare materials from the holdings of the Library o f the King Abd al-Aziz University. Dr A b ^ s Tashkandl has made the Encyclopaedia a gift of 500 important titles. The Encyclopaedia has also received gifts from the King Faisal Centre for Islamic Studies in Riyadh and the International Research Centre into Islamic Culture and Art (IRCICA) in Istanbul.
The Foundation's ‘Award for Service to the Written Heritage o f Islam’ for the year 2 2 ا ) رآwas given to Professor Ihsan Abbas.
The Information Centre The Encyclopaedia Information Centre now contains some 440 files. 3,321 images have been scanned into the database. The number of entries to date is 15,694. The network now has ten terminals, in addition to terminals dedicated to the internet, to administrative work, and one terminal that carries the Encycolpaedia contents.
Location The Encyclopaedia is now in the third stage of enlarging its premises. 60 square metres (5 rooms) have been added to the work-space. This space has been supplied with all the services necessary to facilitate the work until the Encyclopaedia relocates to its permanent headquarters.
مو سو عم رد ر ء/وت م ر مد س ء
ص م ه
Professor Ihsan Abbas
The Award was established by a decision o f the Poundation's Board of Experts in 1996 to recognise exceptional work in the study, cataloguing and/or preservation o f Islamic manuscripts. Professor A bbas was cited for his penetrating critical insight into Islamic studies, his exemplary translations from and into Arabic, his high-calibre editing of tens o f seminal texts o f Muslim culture and, ultimately, his establishment of the nucleus of the modern Arabic library. The Award ceremony was due to be held at the University o f Jordan, courtesy o f the Chancellor, Professor A b d Allah a l ^ s s a . Professor Abbas's health, however, precluded this public celebration. A private ceremony was held at Professor A b b ةs's home where the Poundation was represented by Professor Ibrahim Chabbouh, Director o f al-Majma' al-Malakl li-Buhüth alHadârah al-Islam!yah (the Al al-Bayt Foundation) and member of al-Furqan Foundation's Board of Experts.
The pilot volume of the Encyclopaedia
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ry." The need to change this perception becomes greater and greater every day as the relationship grows in the economic and political fields.' He worked hard to change it. During ?rofessor Atiyeh's tenure the Library o f Congress's Near East collection was more than doubled. The volumes in his domain numbered more than a quarter o f a million in the living languages of the area. Other especially useful research tools he made available are a comprehensive collection of English-language bibliographies. The section put together a listing o f all the newspapers of the Arab world held by the Library of Oongress - a total of 680 newspaper titles in Arabic and 160 in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German. Another bibliography gives hundreds of references on the history o f the Arabs in the United States. There was a listing, every five years, of U.S. doctoral dissertations on Arab world subjects.
?ROFILE Professor George Atiyeh P r o f e s s o r G e o rg e A tiy e h is o n e ٠/ th e fo u n d in g m e m b e r s ٠/ al-F urqan's In tern ation al A d v is o r y C o u n c il. H e w a s th e a c a d e m ic a d v is o r w h o d e s ig n e d al-F urqan's T h ird C o n fere n c e - on the c o n se rv a tio n ٠/ Isla m ic M S S - a n d th e m o v in g s p ir it b e h in d al-F urqan's w o rk ١٨ co n se rv a tio n an d p re se rv a tio n .
‘Politics are such a variable ingredient in human and international relations, they cannot and should not be made the sole basis upon which our appreciation o f other peoples and other civilizations rests. Cultural bridges, unlike political bridges, have a tendency to become permanent edifices.’ George Atiyeh, 1984 Professor George Atiyeh, who is 80 this year, has spent his life building cultural bridges. Born in Amioun, el-Koura, Lebanon, he became - in 1966 - head o f the ,Near East Section’ of Washington's Library o f Congress, a post he was to hold for almost 30 years. In 1984 Dr Atiyeh wrote: ‘Arab civilization, on the whole, is not well-known in the United States. One fam ous American historian, W illiam E. Leuchtenburg, remarked that "the most striking aspect o f the relationship between Arab and American cultures is that to the Americans, the Arabs are a people who have lived outside histo
In 1995 a major stroke left him unable to speak, write or walk. It is a testament to both his professional stature and his great humanity that after this event the two major professional organisations in his field awarded him their highest honour. On 20thNovember, 1999 the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), referring to him as ‘an unfailingly gracious colleague’, gave Professor Atiyeh its MESA Service Award ‘With deep appreciation for his exceptional accomplishments at the Library o f Congress, where he applied his knowledge and scholarship to the development o f world renowned holdings from and about the Middle East; his generous contributions of expertise and good counsel to numerous organizations, and for his efforts in founding the Middle East Librarians Association and the Middle East Microform Project; his distinguished representation of U.S. scholarly interest in and expertise on the Middle East to individuals and institutions in the region.’ The Middle East Librarians’ A ssociation (MELA), for its part, founded the George Atiyeh Prize, also in 1999, ‘to honor George N. Atiyeh, retired Head of the Near East Section o f the Library o f Congress, founding member of MELA and o f the Middle East Microform Project, for his many contributions to Middle East librarianship and scholarship. Dr Atiyeh is the first and only honorary member of MELA.’
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George Atiyeh is a historian whose speciality is the history o f culture. He got his BA and MA at the American University o f Beirut, where he majored in Arab history and minored in philosophy, and his PhD (in Oriental languages and literature) from the University o f Chicago. He spent 13 years as a professor at the University o f Puerto Rico where he met his wife, Daisy. Al-Furq؛tn is honoured that Mrs Daisy Atiyeh has written the following for our newsletter: ‘In October 1995 George was preparing to go to the Gulf for Library o f Congress business. I was to accompany him as far as London and later we would meet in Spain and from there go to Morocco for a visit. We were supposed to leave on the 22nd. On the 17th I had to pick up my grandchildren as they came out o f school. My brother-in-law, Naim, was waiting for me. He was not smiling. He told me that George had suffered a stroke and was in hospital. ١ ٧ ^ immediately went to the hospital and were told that a massive stroke had rendered him unable to talk, write, or walk. The man who had accomplished so much scholarly work was no longer able to continue his mission.
HONOURS Professor Şalah al-Dln ^؛-Munajjid A reception was held in honour of Professor Şalah al-Din al-Munajjid, on 26th October 2002, at Eagle House, the headquarters o f al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, to celebrate the publication o f the Foundation's Essays in Honour ofŞalah al-DIn al-Munajjid. The reception was attended by Professor al-Munajjid and his family, members of al-Furq§n's international Advisory Council and Board of Experts and invited guests. Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani, the Foundation's Chairman, presented the first copy of the book to Professor al-Munajjid.
In spite o f all the consequences of his stroke, such as diabetes and other maladies, George has continued to be interested in what goes on in his field of knowledge. He still reads journals in English, French, Spanish and Arabic and keeps abreast of the news... but he is unable to express his thoughts. He has accepted this blow with humility, fortitude, resignation and a smile. O f course there has been frustration, but he recovers his composure promptty as he has always accepted graciously what the Lord has in store for him. He has persevered with speech and physical therapies but, unfortunately, without much success. Despite everything, we have gone together to all the religious, social and intellectual activities he had been used to attending.
al-Furqan news.
Sheikh A hm ed Zaki Y am ani, the Foundation's Chairman, presents the firs[ cop y o f the book to P rofessor al-M unajjid.
Professor Ibrahim Chabbouh His Majesty King Abdullah 11 conferred the Order of al-Hussein for Distinguished Service (First Class) on Professor Ibrahim Chabbouh, Counsellor to H. R. H. Prince Hamzah ibn alHussayn, the Supreme Head o f Al al-Bayt Foundation, Director o f the Al al-Bayt Foundation and member of the Board o f Experts of al-Furqan Foundation.
Recently, George received another blow: the lack o f proper circulation in his right leg necessitated its amputation. He is still recovering from this but is looking forward to resuming the active lifestyle that he and I have always led. We are also looking forward to the celebration of our 49th wedding anniversary. We have been through it all together, loving and caring for each other all the time.’ Professor Ibrahim Chabbouh
World news...
World news...
World news.
T h e a l-M a k to u m In stitu te fo r A r a b ic and Is la m ic S tu d ie s a im s to w o r k c lo s e ly w ith lo c a l o r g a n isa -
Al-Maktoum Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies Abertay University, Dundee, Sc©tiand
tio n s fo r th e b e n e fit o f th e c it iz e n s o f D u n d e e and S c o tla n d as a w h o le . It a ls o s e e k s to w o r k in c lo s e c o -o p e r a tio n w ith o th e r a c a d e m ic in s titu tio n s and to p r o m o te d ia lo g u e in g o v e r n m e n t, m e d ia and
A l- M a k t o u m
I n s t it u t e
fo r
A r a b ic
in d u s tr y c ir c le s .
an d
I s la m ic S tu d ie s w a s o f f ic ia l ly o p e n e d o n 6 ,h M a y 2 0 0 2 in th e p r e s e n c e o f le a d in g a c a d e m ic s and
fig u r e s r e p r e se n tin g th e I s la m ic c o m m u n ity in
C o n fe r e n c e C en tr e , th e S h a y k h H a m d a n L ib rary,
B r ita in . It is an a u to n o m o u s in stitu te , w ith its
th e S h a y k h M a k to u m E x h ib itio n H a ll, th e S h a y k h
o w n A c a d e m ic C o u n c il, w ith in the U n iv e r s ity o f
M uham m ad
A b e r ta y . It is
I n s titu te
M e e t in g
d e d ic a te d to te a c h in g a v a r ie ty o f
h ou ses
th e
C o m p u te r C e n tr e ,
R oom ,
th e
th e
C e n tr e
R ash ed
M u q a d d is i
fo r
E d itin g
su b je c ts in A r a b ic an d I s la m ic S tu d ie s , a s w e ll as
M a n u sc r ip ts, th e C en tre fo r J e r u sa le m S tu d ie s and
s p e c ia lis in g in th e stu d y o f Is la m ic J e r u sa le m .
the C e n tre fo r th e S tu d y o f Isla m an d M u s lim s in S c o tla n d .
T h e In stitu te f o c u s e s str o n g ly o n d e v e lo p in g a ca -
T h e a l-M a k to u m In stitu te is p rim a rily a g ra d u ate
d e m ic r e se a r c h in th r e e s p e c if ic areas:
stu d ie s c e n tr e w h e r e stu d en ts fr o m the U K and
a. T h e stu d y o f Is la m a n d th e M u s lim c o m m u n i-
o v e r s e a s c a n p u rsu e p o stg r a d u a te d e g r e e s in the
ty in S c o tla n d , w h o s e su p p o r t w a s so e s s e n tia l to
h u m a n an d s o c ia l s c ie n c e s rela ted to A r a b ic and
th e fo u n d in g o f th e in s titu te ,
Isla m ic stu d ie s.
b. I s la m ic literaturec . T h e p r o m o tio n o f ‘I s la m ic J e r u sa le m S tu d ie s ',
T h e In stitu te is a d ep a rtm en t in the S o c ia l S tu d ie s
C o lle g e at D u n d e e U n iv e r s ity an d its d e g r e e s are
s u b je c t
ta u g h t
at a n y
o th e r
a c a d e m ic
a w a rd ed b y A b e r ta y U n iv e r s ity , D u n d e e .
in s titu tio n in B rita in .
In stitu te's P r e sid e n t, S h e ik h
H a m d a n bin
R â s h e d A l-M a k t o u m , ru ler o f D u b a i and F in a n c e M in is te r o f th e U A E , is d e d ic a te d to p r o m o tin g c r o s s - c u lt u r a l
d ia l o g u e
h ig h lig h t in g
Is la m 's t e a c h in g s o n p e a c e an d h u m a n ity .
f o u n d in g
I n s tit u te
D ir e c t o r
F ro fe sso r
th e
'A b d
a l- M a k to u m a l-F a tta h
a l-
'U w a y sT , a s p e c ia lis t in I s la m ic h isto r y . W ith a str o n g a c a d e m ic an d a d m in istr a tiv e b a c k g r o u n d , h is in v o lv e m e n t in e s t a b lis h in g the In stitu te w a s v ita l fr o m th e o u ts e t. T h e g o a l w a s to e s ta b lis h an a c a d e m ic c e n tr e o f e x c e l le n c e fo c u s in g o n the stu d y o f J e r u sa le m a s an a c a d e m ic s p e c ia lis a tio n . F r o fe s s o r a l- 'U w a y s ؛h a s p u b lish e d w id e ly , h e is A l-M a k to u m In stitu te fo r
a s p e c ia lis t in I s la m ic h is to r y and is p a rticu la rly in te r e ste d in is s u e s r e la te d to p o litic a l Isla m , the A r a b - I s r a e li
c o n f l ic t ,
C h r is t ia n - M u s lim
A r a b ic and Is la m ic S tu d ie s
rela -
tio n s , F iq h , I^ad!th a n d Q u r a n ic stu d ie s.
Sheikh Ahm€d ^aki ٧ ^ ٢١٦٥١٦ ؛Chairman o f al-Furqan Foundation with the Director General Professor Muhammad Adnan al-B ؛،kh ؛t and Mr. Jim Reid (Exhibition Organiser) during W atercolours o f W imbledon Exhibition held in Eagle House (from » "'و١ June “21 2003 (.
٢١t»IKR AL-IJITAT WAL-ATAR ucCammotfyinMiH
MAQRiZf ١٠٠٠، سا.،،نا
،٠٦•'• ه '“؛، »• Wm
ااء،*» ١«
اW Elmm
لرأمااء،\' ؛SWMIC • اآع^اااامI-'OUND^TIOK ا،»ءمإ د؛ما ح «ا:
L o/2 do0o03-SA *D nu1،T AoH 42O 4
,C atalogue o f the Arabic, Turkish Persian and B)(<؛ni ؛،n Manuscripts in the G hazi H usrev-B ey Library in Sarajevo, vol. X ll
Al-M awa'iz wa al-I'tibar fi Dikr alHitât wa al-Athar de M aqrlzi, ٧٠١ . Ill
Latest Publications
Islam and The W onders of Creation: The Animal Kingdom
Catalogue o f Arabic Manuscripts in Aligarh M uslim University, vol. I
Islam and The Wonders o f Creation: The Animal Kingdom
Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation has the general brief to care for I$lamic manuscnpts. The Strategic Aims of the Foundation are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
to identify and describe existing collections of Islamic MSS to catalogue these MSS where needed to help in the preservation of Islamic MSS to record MSS using up-to-the-minute technology to publish critical editions of selected Islamic texts
The Foundation realises these strategic aims through: Surveys of Islamic MSS collections Cataloguing Islamic MSS collections Imaging Islamic MSS collections or individual MSS Preservation of Islamic MSS collections or individual MSS Publishing critical editions of important texts Conferences on Islamic MSS The Foundation promotes its work and its interests in Islamic culture generally and طthe MS tradition specifically through: Public Lectures and Events Exhibitions An Annual Newsletter Community Connections The Foundation has also built up a library as a resource for students and scholars of Islamic MSS. This Library holds almost 80% of all published catalogues of Islamic MSS. The Foundation has also undertaken to set up training courses for cataloguers and an award for scholarly achievement in the field of Islamic MSS.