Esperanto holy quran

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HOLY QURAN Translated by Hadi Abdollahian 00989354664487 . 1- Klav (Al-Fatiha) . [1:1] En des nom da DI Gracious Merciful. [1:2] Lauxd est DI Lord univers. [1:3] Gracious Merciful. [1:4] Mastr Tag Judgment [1:5] Vi sol ni worship Vi sol ni pet help. [1:6] Direkt us en dekstr path: [1:7] path de those Vi ben; ne de those ind wrath nor strayers. . 2- Heifer (Al-Baqarah) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [2:1] A. L. M. [2:2] This scripture est infallible; beacon por des righteous; [2:3] who kred en unseen observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) el our provisions al them ili don charity!

[2:4] Ili kred en ki revealed vi en ki revealed antaux vi regard Hereafter ili est absolutely nepr! [2:5] These est direkt per their Lord these est winners. [2:6] As por those disbelieve est des sam them; whether vi avert them ne avert them ili ne kred! [2:7] DI SIGEL their MENS their auxd their OKUL VUAL. Ili incurred severe retribution. [2:8] Tiam tie est those dir Ni kred en DI Last Tag while ili ne est believers. [2:9] En pen tromp DI those kred ili nur tromp sen perceiving! [2:10] En their mens tie est disease Consequently DI eg their disease Ili incurred painful retribution por their mensog! [2:11] When ili told ne commit evil ili dir ni est righteous! [2:12] En fakt, ili est evildoers ili ne perceive [2:13] When ili told Kred popol kred ili dir Shall ni kred like mistifik kred? En fakt, est ili est mistifik ili ne kon! [2:14] When ili meet believers ili dir Ni kred when sol their diabl ili dir Ni est kun vi; ni nur mok. [2:15] DI mok them PLUMB them their transgressions blundering [2:16] est ili acxet straying guidance! Such komerc neniam prosper nor do ili ricev any guidance. [2:17] Their ekzempl est those start fajr tiam gxi komenc shed light them DI sorb for their light las them en darkness, unable seg! [2:18] Surd dumb blind; ili fail return [2:19] Another ekzempl rainstorm cxiel en tie est darkness tondr fulm. Ili put their fingr their orel evade death! DI est fully aware da disbelievers. [2:20] Fulm preskaux snatches for their eyesight. When gxi lights them ili mov forward kaj when gxi torn dark ili star ankoraux. Se DI vol Li can sorb for their auxd their eyesight! DI est Omnipotent [2:21] O popol worship nur your Lord - Unu kre vi kaj those antaux vi - Ke vi sav.

[2:22] Unu far ter habitable vi cxiel struktur. Li send cxiel akv produkt all kinds da frukt your sustenance. Vi ne set idols rival DI tuj ke vi kon. [2:23] Vi hav any dub regarding ki ni revealed our servant tiam produkt 1 sura like these vok your own witnesses DI vi est truthful. [2:24] Se vi ne do this - Vi neniam do this - Tiam beware da Hellfire fuel est popol rok; gxi awaits disbelievers! [2:25] Don bon news those kred plumb righteous life ke ili hav gxarden flu streams When proviz kun provision frukt therein ili dir This est ki est proviz por us previously! Tiel ili don allegorical descriptions. Ili hav pur spouses therein ili abide therein forever [2:26] DI NE shy FOR citing any kind da allegory tiny MOSKIT greater. As por those who kred ili kon gxi est truth their Lord As por those disbelieve ili dir Ki did DI mean such allegory? Li misleads many thereby direkt many thereby! Li neniam misleads thereby escept des wicked [2:27] who violate di covenant pledging uphold gxi sever ki DI komand joined commit evil These est losers. [2:28] Kiel vi disbelieve DI when vi dead Li est don vi life tiam Li puts vi death tiam Li brings vi dors life tiam Him vi ultimately return [2:29] Li est Unu kre vi cxio sur ter tiam torn cxiel perfekt 7 univers therein Li est fully aware da all ajx! [2:30] Recall your Lord dir al angxel mi ej representative temporary di) Ter. Ili dir do gxi Vi ej therein unu stern evil therein shed sang while ni kant Your lauxd glor Vi uphold Your absolut auxtoritat? Li dir mi kon ki vi ne kon! [2:31] Li instru Adam all nom tiam prezent them angxel dir Don me nom de these vi est dekstr! [2:32] Ili dir Vi glor ni ne hav knowledge which Vi instru us. Vi est Omniscient Sagx. [2:33] Li dir O Adam tell them their nom. When li told them their nom Li dir mi ne tell vi mi kon sekret de heavens ter? Mi kon ki vi deklar ki vi conceal. [2:34] When ni dir al angxel, Fal prostrate Adam ili fal prostrate Satan; li rifuz est tro arrogant kaj disbeliever. [2:35] Ni dir O Adam viv your wife en Paradise mangx therefrom generously vi placx ne approach this arb lest vi pek!

[2:36] Diabl duped them kauxz their eviction therefrom Ni dir Ir down enemies de 1 another Sur Ter est your habitation provision por awhile! [2:37] Tiam Adam ricev el his Lord vort whereby Li redeemed him! Li est Redeemer Merciful. [2:38] Ni dir Ir down therefrom all da vi! When guidance ven vi Me those sekv My guidance ne hav tim nor vol ili grieve [2:39] As por those disbelieve reject our revelations ili est dwellers Infer wherein ili abide forever [2:40] O Infan Israel memor My komplez mi bestowed vi fulfill your part covenant ke mi fulfill My part covenant reverence Me [2:41] Vi kred en ki mi revealed herein konfirm ki vi hav; est 1 reject gxi! Ne meti for My revelations cheap prez observ Me [2:42] Ne confound truth falsehood nor shall vi conceal truth knowingly [2:43] Vi observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) bow down those bow down [2:44] Vi exhort popol Do est righteous while forges yourselves vi leg scripture? Vi ne kompren? [2:45] Vi streb help steadfastness Kontakt Prayers (Salat)! This est difficult ja ne tial por des reverent [2:46] who kred ili meet their Lord ke al Him ili ultimately return [2:47] O Infan Israel memor My komplez mi bestowed vi ke mi ben vi plur than any ali popol. [2:48] Beware da tag when ne anim avail another anim ne intercession ne akcept ransom pag nor can anyone help! [2:49] Recall ti ni sav vi Pharaoh's popol inflicted vi mav persecution slaying your fil sxpar your daughters! Ke exacting test your Lord [2:50] Recall ti ni part mar vi; ni sav vi dron Pharaoh's popol your okul! [2:51] sed when ni summoned Moses 40 nokt vi worshipped calf his absence torn wicked. [2:52] Ankoraux ni pardon vi thereafter ke vi est appreciative

[2:53] Recall ti ni don Moses scripture statut libr ti vi direkt! [2:54] Recall ti Moses dir al his popol O my popol vi wronged your anim worshipping calf Vi pent your Creator. Vi kill your egos. This est put vi sight your Creator. Li did redeem vi. Li est Redeemer Merciful. [2:55] Recall ti vi dir O Moses ni ne kred ni seg DI physically. Consequently fulm strik vi as vi rigard! [2:56] Ni tiam revived vi vi mort ti vi est appreciative [2:57] Ni shaded vi nub Sinai) send down vi manna quails Mangx bon ajx ni proviz por vi Ili ne dolor us (per ribel ili nur dolor their own anim! [2:58] Recall ni dir Enter this town vi trov as many provisions vi like Just enter gate humbly trakt popol nicely! Ni tiam forgive your pek increase rekompenc por des pi. [2:59] wicked among them port ordon ordon don them. Consequently ni send down transgressors condemnation cxiel their wickedness. [2:60] Recall Moses streb akv his popol! Ni dir Strik rok your stab. Whereupon 12 risort sxpruc out therefrom members each gent kon their own akv. Mangx trink di provisions ne roam ter corruptingly! [2:61] Recall ti vi dir O Moses ni ne long toler unu kind da food Vok your Lord produkt us such earthly crops fab kukum ajl lentils cep. Li dir vi wish substitute ke which inferior ke which est est bon? Ir down Egypt vi trov ki vi pet Ili incurred condemnation humiliation disgrace brought upon themselves wrath el DI! This because ili rejected di revelations killed prophets unjustly! This ili disobeyed transgressed [2:62] Surely those kred those est Jewish Christians konvert; anyone who (1) kred en DI (2) kred en Last Tag (3) plumb righteous life ricev their recompense their Lord Ili hav nothing tim nor vol ili grieve [2:63] Ni far covenant vi as ni raised Mount Sinai vi Vi uphold ki ni don vi strongly memor its kontent ti vi sav! [2:64] Vi torn thereafter kaj gxi est por di grace vi His mercy vi doomed [2:65] Vi kon pri those among vi desecrated Sabbath. Ni dir al them Est vi as despicable as apes [2:66] Ni set them ekzempl their generaci tro subsequent generaci enlightenment por des righteous.

[2:67] Moses dir al his popol DI komand vi ofer heifer. Ili dir Est vi mok us? Li dir "DI forbid mi behave like ignorant unu! [2:68] Ili dir Vok your Lord montr us which unu. Li dir Li dir sxi est heifer est nek tro old nor tro jun; intermediate agx! Nun port ki vi komand do [2:69] Ili dir Vok your Lord montr us her kolor. Li dir Li dir sxi est flav heifer hel kolor placx beholders! [2:70] Ili dir Vok your Lord montr us which 1! heifers rigard alike al us DI testament ni direkt! [2:71] Li dir Li dir sxi est heifer neniam humiliated plowing land akv crops liber el any blemish Ili dir Nun vi brought truth. Ili finally ofer her this lengthy reluctance [2:72] Vi killed anim tiam disput yourselves. DI est expose ki VI PEN conceal! [2:73] Ni dir Strik (viktim) part heifer.) Ke when DI brought viktim dors life montr vi His sign ti vi kompren! [2:74] Despite this your kor hard like rok eben harder tie est rok river sxpruc out. Others krak release gentle streams ali rok cringe reverence DI! DI EST NENIAM unaware DE anything VI do [2:75] Vi expect them kred as vi do when kelk da them uz auxd vort DI tiam distort gxi plen kompren thereof deliberately [2:76] Kaj when ili meet believers ili dir Ni kred when ili get together each ali ili dir ne inform (believers) information don al vi DI lest vi proviz them support por their argument your Lord Vi ne kompren? [2:77] Ili ne kon ke DI kon cxio ili conceal cxio ili deklar? [2:78] Among them est gentiles ne kon scripture hearsay tiam assume ti ili kon gxi. [2:79] Do ve al those distort scripture their own man tiam dir This est ki DI revealed streb cheap sxtof gajn! Ve al them por such distortion ve al them por their illicit gajn. [2:80] Kelk dir Infer ne tusx us lim numer tag. Dir Hav vi pren such pledge DI! - DI NENIAM ROMP His pledge - Vi dir DI ki vi ne kon? [2:81] Ja those earn pek igx surrounded their evil work est dwellers Infer; ili abide gxi forever [2:82] As por those kred plumb righteous life ili est dwellers Paradise; ili abide gxi forever

[2:83] Ni far covenant Infan Israel Vi ne worship DI. Vi honor your parents regard relativ orf poor Vi trakt popol amicably. Vi observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat.) vi torn escept a few da vi vi igx averse! [2:84] Ni far covenant vi vi ne shed your sang nor shall vi evict each ali your hejm! Vi agreed bor witness [2:85] here vi est killing each ali evicting kelk da vi el their hejm band them sinfully maliciously! Eben when ili surrendered vi postul ransom them. Evicting them prohibited vi en des 1 met. Vi kred en part de scripture Do kaj disbelieve en part? Ki est retribution por those among vi who this escept humiliation en this life far mav retribution Tag Resurrection? DI EST NENIAM unaware DE anything VI do [2:86] est ili acxet this lowly life Hereafter Consequently retribution neniam commuted them nor can ili help. [2:87] Ni don Moses scripture subsequent him ni send ali messengers ni don Jesus fil Mary profound mirakl supported him Holy Spirit. Est gxi ne fakt ke cxiu temp messenger ir vi anything vi disliked your ego kauxz vi est arrogant? Kelk da them vi rejected kelk da them vi killed [2:88] Kelk dir Our mens est far up Instead gxi est curse DI consequence their disbelief ke keeps them el kred escept por a few da them! [2:89] When this scripture ven them DI ecx gxi agrees konfirm ki ili hav ecx ili uz prophesy its advent when ili talked kun disbelievers when their own prophecy ven pas ili disbelieved therein! Di condemnation tiel aflikt disbelievers. [2:90] Miserable ja est ki ili vend their anim por - rejecting these revelations DI sheer resentment ti DI bestow His grace whomever Li chooses His servants! Consequently ili incurred wrath wrath. disbelievers incurred humiliating retribution. [2:91] When ili told Vi kred en these revelations DI ili dir Ni kred nur en ki send down us. Do ili disbelieve subsequent revelations ecx gxi est truth their Lord eben gxi konfirm ki ili hav! Dir Why tiam vi kill di prophets vi est believers? [2:92] Moses ir vi profound mirakl vi worshipped calf his absence vi torn wicked! [2:93] Ni far covenant vi as ni raised Mount Sinai vi dir Vi uphold commandments ni don vi strongly auxskult Ili dir Ni auxd ni disobey Their kor igx filled adoration calf their disbelief! Dir Miserable ja est ki your faith dikt vi vi hav any faith! [2:94] Dir Se abode Hereafter rezerv vi DI exclusion all ali popol tiam vi long death vi est truthful! [2:95] Ili neniam long gxi ki their man send for. DI est fully aware da DES wicked.

[2:96] En fakt, vi trov them plej covetous de life; eben plur tial than idol worshipers. Unu de them wishes viv 1000 jar. this ne sxpar him any retribution ne materi kiel long li viv. DI est seer DE CXIO ILI do [2:97] dir Anyone opposes Gabriel kon ti li brought this (Quran) into your kor en accordance kun di testament konfirm previous scriptures proviz guidance bon news believers! [2:98] Anyone opposes DI His angxel His messengers Gabriel Michael kon ti DI opposes disbelievers. [2:99] Ni send vi such klar revelations nur wicked vol reject them! [2:100] Est gxi ne fakt when ili far covenant pledge keep gxi kelk da them cxiam disregard gxi? En fakt, plej de them ne kred. [2:101] Tuj messenger el DI ven them ecx li pruv konfirm their own scripture kelk followers scripture (Jud Christians Muslims) disregard di scripture their dors as ili neniam hav any scripture! [2:102] Ili pursued ki diabl instru Solomon's kingdom. Solomon tamen ne est disbeliever diabl est disbelievers. Ili instru popol sorcery kaj which send down 2 angxel Babel Haroot Maroot. These 2 ne divulge such knowledge pint This est test Vi ne abuse such knowledge. popol uz gxi en such evil schemes as romp de marriages! Ili neniam harm anyone vol DI. Ili tiel lern ki dolor them ne ki benefits them ili kon plen put ke whoever practices witchcraft ne hav akci Hereafter Miserable ja est ki ili vend their anim se ili nur kon. [2:103] Ili kred plumb righteous life rekompenc el DI est far put ili nur kon! [2:104] O vi kred ne dir Raa ena est our shepherd Instead vi dir Unzurna watch us) auxskult disbelievers incurred painful retribution. [2:105] Nek disbelievers followers scripture nor idol worshipers wish seg any blessings ven vi your Lord Di dusx His blessings whomever Li chooses DI POSED infinite grace [2:106] When ni abrogate any mirakl kauxz gxi forges ni produkt put mirakl je malplej egal 1. Vi ne recognize ti DI Do est Omnipotent [2:107] Vi ne recognize ti DI Do posed kingship de heavens ter; ke vi hav neniom DI your Lord Mastr [2:108] Vi wish postul de your messenger ki postul de Moses en des preter? Anyone chooses disbelief belief hav ver strayed dekstr path.

[2:109] Many followers scripture would rather vid vi revert disbelief tuj ke vi kred. This est due al jealousy their part truth igx evident al them. Vi pardon them las them DI issues His judgment DI est Omnipotent [2:110] Vi observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat). Any bon vi send for your anim vi trov gxi DI. DI est seer DE CXIO VI do [2:111] Kelk dir Ne 1 enter Paradise escept Jud Christians! Such est their wishful opini Dir Montr us your proof vi est dekstr! [2:112] JA those submit absolutely DI SOL while konduk righteous life RICEV their recompense their Lord ILI HAV nothing TIM nor VOL ILI grieve [2:113] Jud dir Christians ne hav basis while Christians dir Jud ne hav basis. ambaux them leg scripture! Such est utterances de those ne posed knowledge. DI testament JUGX them TAG Resurrection their DISPUT! [2:114] Who evil than those est boycott di masjids His nom commemorated kontribu their desertion? These ne enter therein escept fearfully. Ili sufer en this life humiliation sufer Hereafter terrible retribution! [2:115] Al DI aparten orient okcident; wherever vi ir tie est presence DI! DI est Omnipresent Omniscient [2:116] Ili dir DI begotten fil! Li glor; neniam! Al Him aparten cxio heavens ter; all est subservient al Him! [2:117] Initiator de heavens ter hav anything done Li simply dir al Est gxi est [2:118] Those ne posed knowledge dir nur DI parol al us kelk mirakl ven al us! Others them uttered simil utterances; their mens est simil! Ni manifest mirakl those ating certainty. [2:119] Ni send vi truth bearer bon news tro warner. Vi ne est answerable those incur Infer. [2:120] Nek Jud nor Christians akcept vi vi sekv their religi. Dir di guidance est prav guidance. vi acquiesce their wishes knowledge vi ricev vi ne trov ally supporter help vi DI! [2:121] Those ricev scripture kon gxi as gxi kon kred en this! As por those disbelieve ili est losers. [2:122] O Infan Israel memor My komplez mi bestowed vi ke mi ben vi plur than any ali popol.

[2:123] Beware da tag when ne anim help another anim neni ransom ne akcept intercession est util ne 1 help! [2:124] Recall ti Abraham put test his Lord nepr ordon li fulfilled them! (Di) dir mi appointing vi imam popol. Li dir ankaux my descendants? Li dir My covenant ne include transgressors. [2:125] Ni rendered shrine Ka aba) focal pint popol sekur sanctuary. Vi uz Abraham's shrine as prayer dom. Ni komision Abraham Ismail Vi purify My dom those vizit those who viv tie those bow prostrate [2:126] Abraham pregx My Lord far this peaceful land proviz its popol frukt! Proviz por those kred en DI Last Tag. (Di) dir mi do gxi ankaux proviz por those disbelieve! Mi let them gxu temporarily tiam commit them retribution Infer miserable destiny! [2:127] As Abraham raised fundament shrine together kun Ismail (ili pregx Our Lord akcept this el us! Vi est Hearer Omniscient [2:128] Our Lord far us submitters al Vi el our descendants let tie est community submitters Vi! Instru us rites our religi redeem us! Vi est Redeemer Merciful. [2:129] Our Lord raise among them messenger recite them Your revelations instru them scripture wisdom purify them! Vi est Almighty Sagx. [2:130] Who forsake religi Abraham 1 who mistifik his own anim? Ni chosen him en this mond en Hereafter li est kun des righteous. [2:131] When his Lord dir al him Submit li dir mi submit Lord univers! [2:132] Ankaux Abraham exhorted his infan do sam kaj tial did Jacob O my infan DI pint religi vi ne mort submitters! [2:133] Hav vi witnessed Jacob his death lit; li dir al his infan Ki vol vi worship post mi mort? Ili dir Ni worship your di; di de your patr Abraham Ismail Isaac; 1 di! Al Him ni est submitters. [2:134] Such est community preter. Ili est responsible ki ili earned vi est responsible ki vi earned Vi ne est answerable anything ili done [2:135] Ili dir Vi est Jewish Christian direkt. Dir Ni sekv religi Abraham! - monotheism - Li neniam est idol worshiper. [2:136] dir Ni kred en DI en ki send us en ki send down Abraham Ismail Isaac Jacob Patriarchs; en ki don al Moses Jesus all prophets el their Lord Ni ne far distinction any da them. Al Him sol ni est submitters.

[2:137] Ili kred as vi do tiam ili direkt. Sed se ili turn tiam ili est en opposition DI testament SXPAR VI their opposition LI est Hearer Omniscient [2:138] Such est di sistem sistem est put than di? Him sol ni worship [2:139] Dir Do vi argue us DI when Li est our Lord your Lord Ni est responsible our deeds vi est responsible por your deeds. Al Him sol ni devoted [2:140] Vi dir ti Abraham Ismail Isaac Jacob Patriarchs est Jewish Christian Dir vi kon put than DI? Who evil than unu conceals testimony li est lern DI? DI EST NENIAM unaware DE anything VI do [2:141] Ke est community preter. Ili est responsible ki ili earned vi est responsible ki vi earned Vi ne est answerable anything ili did [2:142] Mistifik among des popol dir did ili sxangx direction their Qiblah? Dir, "Al DI aparten orient okcident; Li direkt whoever vol rekt path! [2:143] Ni tiel far vi impartial community vi serv witnesses among des popol, messenger serv witness vi. Ni sxangx direction your original Qiblah nur disting those vi readily sekv messenger el those turn their kalkan. est difficult test ne those est direkt per DI! DI NENIAM puts your worship waste DI EST Compassionate towards POPOL Merciful. [2:144] Ni vid vi torn your vizagx cxiel sercx por dekstr direction)! Ni tuj asign Qiblah placx vi. Henceforth vi torn your vizagx Sankt Masjid. Wherever vi est all da vi torn your vizagx gxi. Those ricev previous scripture kon ti this est truth their Lord DI EST NENIAM unaware DE anything ILI do [2:145] Eben se vi montr followers scripture cxiu kind da mirakl ili ne sekv your Qiblah. Nor shall vi sekv their Qiblah. Ili do ne eben sekv each others' Qiblah! Vi acquiesce their wishes post knowledge ven vi vi aparten transgressors. [2:146] Those ricev scripture recognize truth herein as ili recognize their own infan. kelk da them conceal truth knowingly [2:147] This est truth your Lord ne haven any dub! [2:148] Each da vi chooses direction sekv; vi race righteousness! Wherever vi est DI testament summon vi all DI est Omnipotent [2:149] Wherever vi ir vi torn your vizagx Salat) Sankt Masjid. This est truth your Lord DI est NENIAM unaware DE anything VI all do

[2:150] Wherever vi ir vi torn your vizagx Salat) Sankt Masjid; wherever vi est vi torn your vizagx Salat) gxi. Tiel popol ne hav argument vi transgressors them. Ne tim them tim Me instead Mi testament tiam perfekt My blessings vi vi direkt. [2:151] (Blessings) such as send messenger el vi al recite our revelations vi purify vi instru vi scripture wisdom instru vi ki vi neniam kon! [2:152] Vi memor Me mi memor vi est thankful Me ne est unappreciative. [2:153] O vi kred streb help steadfastness Kontakt Prayers (Salat)! DI est those steadfastly persevere [2:154] Ne dir de those killed ig DI Ili est dead Ili est alive je their Lord vi ne perceive [2:155] Ni surely test vi kelk tim hunger loss mon viv crops Don bon news al des steadfast! [2:156] When affliction befalls them ili dir Ni aparten al DI Him ni returning [2:157] These ind blessings el their Lord mercy. These direkt unu. [2:158] knolls de Safa Marwah est rites dekret DI. Anyone observ Hajj ‘Umrah ne commits error traversing distanc them! Se 1 volunteers righteous works tiam DI est Appreciative Omniscient [2:159] Those conceal our revelations guidance post proklam them popol scripture kondamn DI; ili kondamn all condemners! [2:160] As por those pent reform proklam mi redeem them! Mi est Redeemer Merciful. [2:161] Those disbelieve mort as disbelievers incurred condemnation DI angxel all popol Tag Judgment [2:162] Eternally ili abide therein. retribution neniam commuted them nor ili reprieved [2:163] Your di est 1 di; tie ne est di Li Gracious Merciful. [2:164] En creation de heavens ter alternation nokt tag sxip roam ocean por des benefit popol akv ti DI send down cxiel revive dead land stern gxi all kinds da creatures manipulation vent nub ej cxiel ter tie est sufficient proofs popol kompren! [2:165] kelk popol set idols rival DI am them as ili est DI. Those kred am DI plej. Nur transgressors seg when ili seg retribution! Ili realize tiam ke all potenc aparten al DI sol ke di retribution est awesome. [2:166] Those sekv disown those sekv them. Ili seg retribution all lig them severed

[2:167] Those sekv vol dir ni get another sxanc ni disown them as ili disowned us tuj. DI tiel montr them consequences de their works as nothing remorse; ili neniam exit Infer! [2:168] O popol mangx ter products all est lawful bon ne sekv sxtup Satan; li est your ardent enemy [2:169] Li nur komand vi commit evil vice dir DI ki vi ne kon! [2:170] When ili told Sekv ki DI revealed herein ili dir Ni sekv nur ki ni trov our parents Ki their parents hav doing ne kompren ne direkt? [2:171] Ekzempl such disbelievers est ti de papag ripet ki ili auxd son vok kompren Surd dumb blind; ili ne kompren [2:172] O vi kred mangx bon ajx ni proviz por vi est thankful al DI vi worship Him sol. [2:173] Li nur prohibits por vi mangx best mort de themselves human interference) sang viand pork best dedicx al ali than DI. 1 forced mangx these) sen est malic deliberate li ne incurs pek! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [2:174] Those conceal di revelations scripture cheap sxtof gajn mangx fajr their bellies DI testament NE parol al them TAG Resurrection nor VOL LI purify them! Ili incurred painful retribution. [2:175] est ili chose straying guidance retribution forgiveness! Consequently ili endure Infer. [2:176] This est DI revealed this scripture bor truth those disput scripture est plej ardent opponents. [2:177] Righteousness ne torn your vizagx towards orient okcident. Righteous est those kred en DI Last Tag angxel scripture prophets; ili don mon cheerfully relativ orf needy vojagx alien beggars liber sklav; ili observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat;) ili keep their vort whenever ili far promes; ili steadfastly persevere en des vizagx de persecution hardship milit! These est truthful; these est des righteous. [2:178] O vi kred equivalence est legx dekret vi when dealing kun murd! - Liber por liber sklav sklav female female Unu pardon viktim kin appreciative response est en ord, equitable compensation pag. This est alleviation el your Lord mercy. Anyone transgresses this incurs painful retribution. [2:179] Equivalence est life sav legx vi O vi posed intelligence vi est righteous. [2:180] Gxi dekret when death approaches vi skrib vol por des benefit de parents relativ equitably. This est duty upon des righteous.

[2:181] anyone alters vol li auxd pek altering befalls those responsible por such altering DI est Hearer Knower. [2:182] Se 1 vid gross injustice bias part testator pren corrective action restore justice vol li commits neni pek. DI est Forgiver Merciful. [2:183] O vi kred fast dekret vi as gxi est dekret por those antaux vi ke vi ating salvation! [2:184] Specif tag designated fast;) 1 est ill vojagx egal numer ali tag substituted Those fast great difficulty substitute feeding 1 poor ul por each tag de romp fast! 1 volunteers righteous works gxi est put. fast est bon por vi se vi nur kon. [2:185] Ramadan est monat Quran revealed proviz guidance popol klar teachings statut libr! Those de vi witness this monat fast therein. Those est ill vojagx maj substitute sam numer de ali tag! DI wishes VI convenience NE hardship KE VI fulfill your obligations GLOR DI DIREKT VI ESPRIM your appreciation! [2:186] When My servants pet vi Me mi est cxiam proksim. Mi respond their prayers when ili pregx Me Popol respond Me kred en Me en ord direkt! [2:187] Permes vi est sexual intercourse your wives nokt de fast! Ili est keepers your sekret vi est keepers their sekret. DI KON VI UZ PERFID your ANIM LI redeemed VI PARDON VI! Henceforth vi hav intercourse them streb ki DI permes vi! Vi mangx trink blank faden de light igx distinguishable el dark faden nokt je dawn Tiam vi fast sunset. Sexual intercourse prohibited vi decid retreat masjid last 10 tag Ramadan)! These est di legx; vi ne transgress them. DI TIEL clarifies His revelations POPOL KE ILI ATING salvation. [2:188] Vi ne sorb each others' mon illicitly nor shall vi bribe oficial deprive others de kelk da their dekstr illicitly while vi kon. [2:189] Ili pet vi faz lun! dir Ili proviz timing device popol determin temp Hajj. ne est righteous al bat around des bush; righteousness ating upholding commandments per est straightforward! Vi observ DI ke vi sukces. [2:190] Vi batal ig DI those who Atak vi ne aggress! DI NE AM aggressors. [2:191] Vi kill those wage milit vi vi evict them whence ili evicted vi! Oppression est mav than murd! Ne batal them Sankt Masjid unless ili atak vi therein. Ili atak vi vi kill them. This est just retribution those disbelievers. [2:192] Ili refrain tiam DI est Forgiver Merciful. [2:193] Vi ankaux batal them eliminate oppression worship DI freely! Ili refrain vi ne aggress; aggression permes nur kontraux aggressors.

[2:194] Dum Sankt Monat aggression met ekvivalent response. Ili atak vi vi retaliate inflicting equitable retribution! Vi observ DI kon ti DI est kun des righteous. [2:195] Vi spend ig DI; do ne jxet your own man into destruction! Vi est charitable; DI am des charitable! [2:196] Vi observ komplet rites de Hajj ‘Umrah DI. Vi prevent vi send ofert ne resume fason your har your ofert reached its destination. Vi est ill sufer kap injury vi fason your har) vi expiate per fast don charity kelk ali form de worship Dum normal Hajj vi romp sxtat de Ihraam (sanctity) inter ‘Umrah Hajj vi expiate ofert best ofer. Vi ne afford gxi vi fast 3 tag Hajj 7 when vi return hejm - this komplet 10 - Proviz vi ne viv Sankt Masjid! Vi observ DI kon ti DI est strict en enforcing retribution! [2:197] Hajj observ specified monat. Whoever sets out observ Hajj refrain sexual intercourse misconduct arguments Hajj. Whatever bon vi do DI est fully aware thereof. As vi prepar your provisions journey bon provision est righteousness! Vi observ Me O vi posed intelligence [2:198] Vi ne commit error streb provisions your Lord commerce)! When vi fajl ‘Arafaat vi commemorate DI Sankt Location Muzdalifah). Vi commemorate Him direkt vi; this vi ir astray. [2:199] Vi fajl together ripoz popol fajl pet DI forgiveness! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [2:200] Once vi komplet your rites vi ad commemorate DI vi commemorate your own parents aux eben bon! Kelk popol dir Our Lord don us de this mond while ne hav akci Hereafter [2:201] Others dir Our Lord grant us righteousness en this mond righteousness Hereafter sxpar us retribution Infer! [2:202] Each da these ricev akci ili earned DI est efficient EN reckoning [2:203] Vi commemorate DI a numer da tag Mena;) whoever hastens do this en 2 tag ne commits pek whoever rest long commits pek long as righteousness argument! Vi observ DI kon ke Him vi gathered [2:204] Among des popol, 1 impon vi his utterances this life ecx vok DI witness his innermost thoughts while li est ardent opponent! [2:205] As baldaux as li las li roams ter corruptingly detru properties viv DI NE AM corruption. [2:206] When li told Observ DI li igx arrogantly indign. Consequently his nur destiny est Infer; ki miserable abode.

[2:207] Tiam tie est those dedicx their viv serv DI; DI est compassionate towards such worshipers! [2:208] O vi kred vi embrace total submission; ne sekv sxtup Satan li est your ardent enemy [2:209] Vi backslide klar proofs ven vi tiam kon ti DI est Almighty Sagx! [2:210] Ili waiting DI est ven them dens nub together angxel? When this okaz whole materi terminated DI cxio returned [2:211] Pet Infan Israel kiel many profound mirakl hav ni montr them! Por those disregard blessings bestowed upon them per DI DI est strict retribution! [2:212] This worldly life ornam okul disbelievers ili ridicule those kred. Tamen righteous vol est far super them Tag Resurrection. DI BEN whomever LI VOL LIM. [2:213] Popol uz est 1 community when DI send prophets bearers bon news tro warners. Li send them scripture bor truth jugx among des popol their disput. Ironically those who ricev scripture est des unu rejected any neo scripture klar proofs don them! This est jealousy their part. DI DIREKT those KRED truth DISPUT all others en accordance kun His VOL. DI DIREKT whoever VOL REKT path. [2:214] Vi expect enter Paradise Do sen est tested those antaux vi? Ili tested hardship adversity kaj sxancel messenger those kred him dir Kie est di victory? di victory est proksim! [2:215] Ili pet vi don dir charity vi don ir parents relativ orf poor vojagx alien Any bon vi do DI est fully aware thereof! [2:216] Batal maj trud vi eben vi dislike gxi. Vi dislike io est bon vi vi like io est mav por vi. DI kon while VI NE KON. [2:217] Ili pet vi Sankt Monat batal therein dir Batal therein est sacrilege! Tamen repelling path DI disbelieving en Him sanctity Sankt Masjid evicting its popol est greater sacrileges sight DI! Oppression est mav than murd. Ili cxiam batal vi revert vi el your religi ili can Those among vi revert their religi mort disbelievers nullified their works en this life Hereafter These est dwellers Infer wherein ili abide forever [2:218] Those kred, those emigrate strive ig DI ind di mercy! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [2:219] Ili pet vi pri intoxicants gambling dir them tie est gross pek kelk benefits popol. their sinfulness far outweighs their benefit Ili ankaux pet vi ki don charity dir excess DI tiel clarifies revelations vi ke vi reflect

[2:220] upon this life Hereafter Ili pet vi orf dir Bringing them as righteous ul est bon vi do them! Vi miks their property yours vi trakt them famili members. DI kon righteous des wicked. Hav DI willed Li trud harsher regul vi! DI est Almighty SAGX. [2:221] Ne marry idolatresses ili kred; kred woman est put than idolatress eben se vi like her! Nor shall vi don your daughters marriage al idolatrous hom ili kred. kred hom est put than idolater eben se vi like him. These invit al Infer, while DI invit Paradise forgiveness as Li vol. Li clarifies His revelations popol ke ili pren heed [2:222] Ili pet vi menstruation dir est harmful vi evit sexual intercourse women menstruation ne approach them gxis ili rid de gxi! Once ili rid de gxi vi hav intercourse them manier desegn DI. DI AM repenters LI AM those EST clean [2:223] Your women est bearers your seed Tiel vi gxu this privilege vi like tial long as vi argument righteousness! Vi observ DI kon ti vi meet Him. Don bon news believers! [2:224] Ne subjekt di nom your casual sakr vi aper righteous pi ating credibility among des popol! DI est Hearer Knower. [2:225] DI NE TEN VI responsible POR mere utterance oaths; LI TEN VI responsible POR your innermost intentions DI est Forgiver Clement [2:226] Those intenc divorce their wives wait 4 monat cooling ili sxangx their mens reconcile tiam DI est Forgiver Merciful! [2:227] Ili ir divorce tiam DI est Hearer Knower. [2:228] divorced women wait 3 menstruations marrying another hom)! Ne est lawful por them conceal ki DI kre their wombs ili kred en DI Last Tag. En kaz da pregnancy) husband's wishes supersede wife's wishes li wants remarry her! women hav dekstr tro obligations equitably. Do hom wishes prevail pregnancy)! DI est Almighty SAGX. [2:229] Divorce retracted twice divorced woman allowed viv en sam hejm amicably las gxi amicably! Ne est lawful husband sorb anything li don her. couple tim ke ili transgress di legx. tie est tim ili transgress di legx ili commit neni error wife volont don whatever sxi chooses These est di legx; ne transgress them. Those transgress di legx est des unjust. [2:230] Li divorces her (por 3 temp est unlawful him remarry her unless sxi marries another hom tiam li divorces her! 1 husband tiam remarry her long as ili observ di legx! These est di legx; Li eksplik them popol who kon. [2:231] Vi divorce women once ili fulfill their interim (3 menstruations) vi allow them viv en sam hejm amicably let them las amicably! Ne force them rest kontraux their vol as revenge Anyone does this wrongs his own anim. Ne pren di revelations en vain Memor di blessings vi Li send down vi scripture wisdom enlighten vi! Vi observ DI kon ti DI est aware da all ajx.

[2:232] Vi divorce women once ili fulfill their interim do ne prevent them el remarrying their husbands ili reconcile amicably! This heeded those vi kred en DI Last Tag. This est pur por vi righteous. DI kon, while VI NE KON. [2:233] Divorced mothers nurse their infants 2 plen jar patr tial wishes Patr proviz mother's food vest equitably! Ne 1 sxargx his ability. Ne mother harmed sur kont da her infant nor shall patr harmed his infant Patr mort) his inheritor assume these responsibilities. infant's parents mutually agree part due consultation ili commit neni error doing tial. Vi ne commit error lu nursing mothers tial long as vi pag them equitably! Vi observ DI kon ti DI est Seer de cxio vi do [2:234] Those mort las wives their widows wait 4 monat 10 tag (antaux ili remarry Once ili fulfill their interim vi commit neni error letting them do whatever righteous materi ili wish do DI EST fully Cognizant DE CXIO VI do [2:235] Vi ne commit pek anonc your engagement al women keeping gxi sekret! DI kon KE VI PENS them. Ne meet them secretly unless vi hav io righteous diskut! Ne consummate marriage their interim fulfilled Vi kon ke DI kon your innermost thoughts observ Him. Vi kon ti DI est Forgiver Clement [2:236] Vi ne commit error divorcing women antaux tusx them antaux setting dowry them! En this kaz vi kompens them - Ricx as li afford poor as li afford - equitable compensation. This est duty upon des righteous. [2:237] Vi divorce them antaux tusx them post vi set dowry them compensation est half dowry ili voluntarily forfeit their dekstr parti responsible kauxz divorce chooses forfeit dowry! forfeit est closer al righteousness. Vi argument amicable relations vi. DI est Seer DE CXIO VI do [2:238] Vi consistently observ Kontakt Prayers especially mez prayer devote totally DI. [2:239] Sub unusual cirkonstanc vi pregx while marsx vetur Once vi est sekur vi commemorate DI as Li instru vi ki vi neniam kon! [2:240] Those mort las wives vol proviz their wives support jar proviz ili rest sam household! Ili las vi ne commit pek per letting them do whatever ili wish long as righteousness argument! DI est Almighty SAGX. [2:241] divorcees ankaux est proviz por, equitably! This est duty upon des righteous. [2:242] DI TIEL EKSPLIK His revelations VI VI KOMPREN. [2:243] Hav vi not those fled their hejm! - Kvankam ili est 1000 - Tim death? DI dir al them MORT TIAM revived them! DI DUSX His grace POPOL PLEJ POPOL est unappreciative.

[2:244] Vi batal ig DI kon ti DI est Hearer Knower. [2:245] Who would lend DI prunt righteousness al gxi repaid them multiplied manifold DI EST UNU PROVIZ withholds Him VI returned [2:246] Vi not estr Israel Moses Ili dir al their prophet vi appoint regx plumb us ni batal ig DI. Li dir Est gxi your intention batal dekret vi vi ne batal? Ili dir should ni ne batal ig DI when ni deprived de our hejm our infan? Sed when batal dekret them ili torn a few DI est aware da transgressors. [2:247] Their prophet dir al them DI appointed Taloot (Saul) est your regx. Ili dir Kiel can li hav kingship us when ni est worthy de kingship than li; li est ne eben ricx? Li dir DI chosen him vi ben him abundance knowledge en korp DI grants His kingship whomever Li vol! DI est Bounteous Omniscient [2:248] Their prophet dir al them sign his kingship est ti Ark Covenant restored vi bringing assurances your Lord relics las popol de Moses popol Aaron. Gxi port angxel. This konvink sign vi se vi est really believers. [2:249] When Saul pren komand de trup li dir DI putting vi test stream Anyone trink el gxi does ne aparten me - Nur those ne gust gxi aparten me - unless est just single sip Ili trink el gxi, a few da them. When li kruc gxi those kred ili dir Nun ni lack strength vizagx Goliath his trup Those est conscious de meeting DI dir Many small arme defeated large arme di las. DI est those steadfastly persevere [2:250] When ili vizagx Goliath his trup ili pregx Our Lord grant us steadfastness strengthen our foothold support us disbelieving popol! [2:251] Ili defeated them di las David killed Goliath! DI DON him kingship wisdom INSTRU him as LI willed! Se gxi est por di support de kelk popol others tie est chaos ter. Di dusx His grace popol. [2:252] These est di revelations. Ni recite them vi truthfully vi est 1 de messengers. [2:253] These messengers; ni ben kelk da them plur than others. Por ekzempl, DI parol al unu ni raised kelk da them al alt rang. Ni don Jesus fil Mary profound mirakl supported him Holy Spirit. Hav DI willed their followers ne batal each ali klar proofs ven them! Instead ili disput themselves; kelk da them kred kelk disbelieved Hav DI willed ili ne batal! Cxio est en accordance kun di testament [2:254] O vi kred vi don charity provisions ni don vi tag ven kie tie ne est komerc ne nepotism ne intercession! disbelievers est des unjust. [2:255] DI tie NE est ALI DI Him Viv DES ETERN. Neniam moment unawareness dorm overtakes Him! Al Him aparten cxio heavens cxio sur ter! Who intercede Him en accordance kun His vol? Li kon their preter their future Ne 1 ating any knowledge Li vol.

His dominion encompasses heavens ter regul them neniam sxargx Him. Li est plej Alt des Great [2:256] tie ne est compulsion religi des tuj voj est nun distinct wrong voj! Anyone denunc diabl kred en DI grasped fort obligaci; unu neniam romp! DI est Hearer Omniscient [2:257] DI EST Lord DE those KRED; LI PLUMB them darkness into light As por those disbelieve their lords est their idols; ili plumb them light darkness - these est dwellers Infer; ili abide gxi forever [2:258] Vi not unu hav argued Abraham his Lord DI don him kingship? Abraham dir My Lord grants life death. Li dir mi grant life death. Abraham dir DI brings sun orient can vi bring gxi okcident? disbeliever stumped DI NE DIREKT DES wicked. [2:259] Konsider unu pas ghost town wondered Kiel can DI revive this gxi mort? DI tiam put him death 100 jar tiam resurrected him! Li dir "Kiel long hav vi rest here? Li dir mi est here tag part tag. Li ne dir! Vi est here cent jar. jen je your food trink; ili ne spoil Jen your donkey - Ni tiel render vi lecion popol. tuj not kiel ni konstru ost tiam kovr them karn. When li realized ki okaz li dir Nun mi kon ti DI est Omnipotent [2:260] Abraham dir My Lord montr me kiel Vi revive dead Li dir Do vi ne kred? Li dir Jes Mi wish reassure my kor. Li dir Pren 4 bird stud their mark ej a pec de each bird hill tiam vok them al vi! Ili ven vi en a hurry Vi kon ti DI est Almighty Sagx. [2:261] Ekzempl de those spend their monies ig DI est ti de gren produkt 7 spikes cent grajn en each spike DI multiplies this manifold POR whomever LI VOL. DI est Bounteous Knower. [2:262] Those spend their mon ig DI tiam ne sekv their charity kun insult harm ricev their recompense their Lord ili hav nothing tim nor vol ili grieve [2:263] Kind vort compassion est bon than charity sekv per insult! DI est RICX Clement [2:264] O vi kred ne nullify your charities per inflicting riprocx insult unu spends his mon montr while disbelieving DI Last Tag! His ekzempl est rok kovr thin tavol soil heavy pluv fal gxi lav soil las gxi useless rok! Ili gajn nothing their efforts. DI NE DIREKT disbelieving POPOL. [2:265] Ekzempl de those don their mon streb di plezur sincer conviction est ti de gxarden alt fertile soil when heavy pluv fal gxi don twice as mult crop heavy pluv est available drizzle suffice. DI est Seer DE CXIO VI do [2:266] any da vi wish own gxarden de palm arb grapes flu streams generous crops tiam just as li kresk old while his infan est ankoraux dependent him holocaust strik brul his gxarden? DI TIEL clarifies revelations VI KE VI reflect

[2:267] O vi kred vi don charity bon ajx vi earn el ki ni produkt por vi ter. Ne pik mav therein don for when vi ne akcept gxi your okul closed Vi kon ti DI est Ricx Praiseworthy. [2:268] Diabl promes vi poverty komand vi commit evil while DI promes vi forgiveness Him kaj grace DI est Bounteous Omniscient [2:269] Li bestows wisdom whomever Li chooses whoever ating wisdom ating great bounty! Nur those posed intelligence pren heed [2:270] Any charity vi don charitable pledge vi fulfill DI est fully aware thereof! As por wicked ili ne hav helpers. [2:271] Vi deklar your charities ili est ankoraux bon! Vi keep them anonim don them poor est bon vi remits plur de your pek! DI EST fully Cognizant DE CXIO VI do [2:272] Vi ne est responsible por direkt anyone. DI est NUR UNU DIREKT whoever chooses DIREKT)! Any charity vi don est your own bon Any charity vi don est DI. Any charity vi don repaid vi malplej injustice. [2:273] Charity ir poor sufer ig DI kaj ne emigrate! unaware maj opini ili est ricx due al their dign. Vi recognize them nepr sign; ili neniam beg popol persistently. Whatever charity vi don DI est fully aware thereof. [2:274] Those don charity nokt tag secretly publicly ricev their recompense their Lord ili hav nothing tim nor vol ili grieve [2:275] Those charge usury est sam pozici as those controlled per diabl influ. This est ili pretend ti usury est sam as commerce. Di permes commerce prohibits usury. Tiel whoever heeds this commandment his Lord refrains usury li keep his preter earnings his judgment ripoz DI! As por those persist usury ili incur Infer wherein ili abide forever [2:276] DI KONDAMN usury BEN charities. DI dislikes CXIU disbeliever kulp [2:277] Those kred plumb righteous life observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) ili ricev their recompense their Lord ili hav nothing tim nor vol ili grieve [2:278] O vi kred vi observ DI refrain all kinds da usury vi est believers. [2:279] Se vi ne do tiam expect milit el DI His messenger! Vi pent vi keep your kapital inflicting injustice incurring injustice! [2:280] debtor est unable al pag wait put temp Vi don up prunt charity est put vi se vi nur kon.

[2:281] Beware da tag when vi returned DI cxiu anim est pag por cxio gxi done malplej injustice! [2:282] O vi kred when vi transact prunt any period vi skrib gxi. impartial scribe do skrib! Ne scribe rifuz perform this service di teachings! Li skrib while debtor dikt kondicx. Li observ DI his Lord neniam cheat Se debtor est mentally incapable helpless ne dikt his guardian dikt equitably! 2 hom serv witnesses se ne 2 hom tiam hom 2 women whose testimony est acceptable al all Do se 1 woman igx biased ali remind her! est obligation witnesses atest when vok upon do tial! Ne lac de skrib detal ne materi kiel long temp repayment! This est equitable sight DI assures put witnessing eliminates any dub vi hav! negoc transactions vi execute sur des makul ne recorded hav them witnessed ne scribe witness harmed his services Vi harm them gxi est wickedness your part. Vi observ DI DI testament instru vi! DI est Omniscient [2:283] Vi vojagx ne scribe est available obligaci posxt garanti repayment! Unu fid en this manier li return obligaci when due li observ DI his Lord Ne withhold any testimony per concealing ki vi witnessed Anyone withholds testimony est sinful je kor DI EST fully aware da CXIO VI do [2:284] Al DI aparten cxio heavens ter! Whether vi deklar your innermost thoughts keep them fel DI ten vi responsible por them. Li forgives whomever Li vol pun whomever Li vol! DI est Omnipotent [2:285] messenger hav kred en ki send down him his Lord kaj tial did believers! Ili kred en DI His angxel His scripture His messengers Ni ne far distinction any da His messengers Ili dir Ni auxd ni obe. Forgive us our Lord Al Vi est ultimate destiny. [2:286] DI NENIAM SXARGX ANIM its means its KREDIT est KI gxi earns KONTRAUX est KI GXI commits Our Lord ne kondamn us ni forges far mistakes Our Lord protekt us el blaspheming Vi like those antaux us done Our Lord protekt us el pek gxi igx tro late us pent! Pardon us forgive us! Vi est our Lord Mastr Grant us victory disbelieving popol. . 3- Amramites (Al-Imran) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [3:1] A. L. M. [3:2] DI tie NE est DI ESCEPT LI Viv DES ETERN.

[3:3] Li send vi this scripture truthfully konfirm all previous scriptures Li send down Torah Gospel! [3:4] antaux ke, al direkt popol Li send statut libr! Those disbelieve di revelations incur severe retribution. DI est Almighty Avenger. [3:5] Nothing kasx DI ter heaven. [3:6] Li est Unu shapes vi wombs as Li vol. tie ne est ali di Him; Almighty Sagx. [3:7] Li send vi this scripture containing straightforward vers - which constitute esenc scripture - Ankaux as multiple-meaning allegorical vers. Those haven dub their kor pursue multiple-meaning vers kre confusion extricate nepr meaning Neniom kon prav meaning thereof escept DI those put founded knowledge! Ili dir Ni kred en this - all da gxi ven our Lord Nur those posed intelligence pren heed [3:8] Our Lord let ne our kor waver nun ke Vi direkt us! Dusx us Your mercy; Vi est Grantor! [3:9] Our Lord Vi surely gather popol tag est inevitable! DI NENIAM ROMP PROMES. [3:10] Those disbelieve neniam help their mon nor their infan DI. Ili est fuel por Infer. [3:11] Like Pharaoh's popol those them ili rejected our revelations consequently DI pun them their pek. DI est strict en enforcing retribution! [3:12] Dir al those disbelieve Vi defeated tiam gathered Infer; ki miserable abode! [3:13] Ekzempl set vi 2 arme clashed - 1 arme batal ig DI while ali disbelieving Ili seg their own okul ili est twice as many DI supports His victory whomever LI VOL. This proviz assurance those posed vizi. [3:14] Ornam popol est worldly plezur such as women hav infan piles piles de or argxent dres cxeval livestock crops These est sxtof this mond. far put abode rezerv DI. [3:15] Dir Let me inform vi de mult bon deal those plumb righteous life rezerv their Lord est gxarden flu streams pur spouses joy di blessings DI est Seer His worshipers! [3:16] Ili dir Our Lord ni kred forgive us our pek sxpar us agondi hellfire. [3:17] Ili est steadfast truthful submitting charitable kaj meditators je dawn [3:18] DI BOR witness tie NE est DI ESCEPT LI KAJ do ANGXEL those POSED knowledge! Truthfully equitably Li est absolut di; tie ne est di Li Almighty Sagx.

[3:19] Nur religi aprob per DI est Submission. Ironically those ricev scripture est unu disput this fakt knowledge ili ricev jealousy. Por such rejectors di revelations DI est strict en reckoning [3:20] Ili argue vi tiam dir mi simply submitted DI; mi those sekv me Vi proklam those ricev scripture tro as those who ne did Would vi submit? ili submit tiam ili direkt ili turn your pland misi est liver this message DI est Seer all POPOL. [3:21] Those rejected di revelations killed prophets unjustly killed those advokat justice among des popol, promes them painful retribution! [3:22] Their works nullified ambaux en this life Hereafter ili ne hav helpers. [3:23] Vi not those est don part de scripture kiel ili invit uphold this scripture DI aplik gxi their own viv tiam kelk da them turn aversion? [3:24] This because ili dir hellfire ne tusx us a few tag. Ili tiel tromp their religi their own fabrications! [3:25] Kiel gxi do gxi por them when ni est summon them ke inevitable tag? Each anim est pag por whatever gxi earned malplej injustice! [3:26] Dir Our di possessor all sovereignty! Vi grant sovereignty whomever Vi choose Vi remove sovereignty whomever Vi choose Vi grant dign whomever Vi choose commit al humiliation whomever Vi choose En Your man est all provisions Vi est Omnipotent [3:27] Vi merge nokt tag merge tag nokt. Vi produkt viv dead produkt dead el viv Vi proviz por whomever Vi choose lim! [3:28] believers neniam ally disbelievers believers. Whoever does this ekzil DI! Exempted est those forced do this evit persecution! DI vigl VI KE VI reverence Him SOL. Al DI est ultimate destiny. [3:29] Dir Whether vi conceal your innermost opini deklar gxi DI est fully aware thereof. Li est fully aware da cxio en heavens ter! DI est Omnipotent [3:30] Tag ven when each anim trov all bon works gxi done brought for! As por evil works gxi wish ke ili far far removed DI vigl VI KE VI reverence Him SOL. DI EST Compassionate towards POPOL. [3:31] Proklam Se vi am DI vi sekv me DI testament tiam am vi forgive your pek! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [3:32] Proklam Vi obe DI messenger ili turn DI ne am disbelievers!

[3:33] DI chosen Adam Noah FAMILI Abraham FAMILI Amram messengers) AL POPOL. [3:34] Ili aparten sam progeny. DI est Hearer Omniscient [3:35] wife Amram dir My Lord mi dedicx (beb) my belly Vi totally tial akcept me Vi est Hearer Omniscient [3:36] When sxi don nask al her sxi dir My Lord mi don nask girl - DI EST fully aware da KI SXI BOR - Vir ne est sam as female Mi nom her Mary mi invoke Your protection her her descendants el rejected diabl! [3:37] Her Lord akcept her gracious acceptance brought her gracious upbringing guardianship Zachariah. Whenever Zachariah entered her sanctuary li trov provisions her. Li pet Mary did vi get this el? Sxi dir Gxi est DI. DI proviz por whomever LI chooses LIM. [3:38] when Zachariah implored his Lord My Lord grant me such bon infan Vi est Hearer prayers. [3:39] Angxel vok him when li pregx sanctuary DI don vi bon news de John believer vort DI honorable moral righteous prophet. [3:40] Li dir Kiel can mi hav knab when mi est old my wife sterile Li dir DI does whatever Li vol. [3:41] Li dir My Lord don me sign. Li dir Your sign est ti vi ne parol al popol 3 tag signal! Commemorate your Lord frequently; medit nokt tag! [3:42] Angxel dir O Mary DI chosen vi purified vi. Li chosen vi all women [3:43] O Mary vi submit your Lord prostrate bow down those bow down [3:44] This est news preter ni reveal vi. Vi ne est tie when ili drew their raffles select Mary's guardian Vi ne est prezent when ili argued 1 another [3:45] Angxel dir O Mary DI don vi bon news Vort el Him nom est Messiah Jesus fil Mary. Li est prominent en this life Hereafter 1 de those closest al Me ' [3:46] Li parol al popol crib tro adult li est 1 de des righteous. [3:47] Sxi dir My Lord kiel can mi hav fil when ne hom tusx me Li dir DI tiel kre whatever Li vol. Al hav anything done Li simply dir al Est ' gxi est [3:48] Li instru him scripture wisdom Torah Gospel.

[3:49] As messenger Infan Israel mi ven vi sign el your Lord - Mi kre vi el clay shape bird tiam mi blov gxi gxi igx viv bird di las. Mi restore vizi blind heal leprous mi revive dead di las! Mi tell vi ki vi mangx ki vi store your hejm. This est proof vi se vi est believers. [3:50] Mi konfirm previous scripture - Torah - Mi revoke nepr prohibitions trud upon vi. Mi ven vi sufficient proof el your Lord Do vi observ DI obe me [3:51] DI est my Lord your Lord VI worship Him SOL! This est dekstr path. [3:52] When Jesus sens their disbelief li dir Who est my supporters DI? discxipl dir Ni est di supporters; ni kred en DI bor witness ni est submitters! [3:53] Our Lord ni hav kred en ki Vi send down ni sekv messenger; count us witnesses [3:54] Ili plotted schemed did DI DI est put schemer! [3:55] Tiel DI dir O Jesus mi terminating your life raising vi al Me ridding vi de disbelievers! Mi exalt those sekv vi super those disbelieve Tag Resurrection. Tiam al Me est ultimate destiny de all da vi tiam mi jugx vi your disput. [3:56] As por those disbelieve mi commit them painful retribution en this mond en Hereafter Ili ne hav helpers. [3:57] As por those kred plumb righteous life Li fully recompense them! DI NE AM DES unjust. [3:58] These est revelations ke ni recite vi proviz message plen de wisdom! [3:59] Ekzempl Jesus DI koncern est sam as ke de Adam; Li kre him polv tiam dir al him Est li est [3:60] This est truth your Lord ne haven any dub! [3:61] anyone argues vi knowledge vi ricev tiam dir Let us summon our infan your infan our women your women yourselves tiam let us invoke di curse liars! [3:62] Absolutely this est narration truth. Absolutely tie ne est di escept DI! Absolutely DI est Almighty Sagx. [3:63] Ili turn tiam DI est fully aware da evildoers. [3:64] dir O followers scripture ven logical agreement us vi ke ni ne worship DI ni neniam set any idols Him nor set any human beings lords DI ili turn dir Bor witness ni est submitters!

[3:65] O followers scripture why vi argue Abraham when Torah Gospel ne revealed gxis post him? Vi ne kompren? [3:66] Vi argued ajx vi hav kon; vi argue ajx vi ne kon? DI kon, while VI NE KON. [3:67] Abraham est nek Jewish nor Christian li est monotheist submitter. Li neniam est idol worshiper. [3:68] Popol worthy de Abraham est those sekv him this prophet those kred. DI est Lord MASTR DE believers! [3:69] Kelk followers scripture wish plumb vi astray ili nur plumb astray sen perceiving! [3:70] O followers scripture vi reject these revelations DI vi bor witness this est truth)? [3:71] O followers scripture why vi confound truth falsehood do conceal truth knowingly [3:72] Kelk followers scripture dir Kred en ki send down believers en des maten reject gxi en des vesper maybe someday ili revert [3:73] Ne kred escept as those sekv your religi. Dir prav guidance est di guidance. ili pretend ti ili hav sam guidance argue vi your Lord dir All grace est di man; Li bestows gxi whomever Li vol. DI est Bounteous Omniscient [3:74] Li specifies His mercy whomever Li vol; DI posed unlimited grace [3:75] Kelk followers scripture fid whole lot ili don gxi vi. Others them ne fid single dinar; ili ne repay vi vi keep them. Est ili dir Ni ne hav al est honest when dealing kun gentiles! Tiel ili atribu mensog DI knowingly [3:76] Ja those fulfill their obligations plumb righteous life DI am des righteous! [3:77] As por those meti for di covenant their obligations cheap prez ili ricev ne akci Hereafter DI testament NE parol al them nor jen them TAG Resurrection nor VOL LI purify them! Ili incurred painful retribution. [3:78] Among them est those tord their lang imit scripture vi opini est scripture when ne est scripture ili pretend gxi est DI when gxi ne est DI! Tiel ili utter mensog atribu them DI knowingly [3:79] Neniam would human est whom DI ben kun scripture prophethood dir al popol Idolize me DI. Instead (li dir) Devote absolutely your Lord sol scripture vi predik teachings vi lern!

[3:80] Nor would li komand vi idolize angxel prophets lords Li exhort vi Would disbelieve igx submitters? [3:81] DI PREN covenant prophets dir MI DON VI scripture wisdom. Afterwards messenger ven konfirm all ekzist scriptures! Vi kred en him support him. Li dir Do vi agree this pledge fulfill this covenant Ili dir Ni agree Li dir Vi tiel bor witness mi bor witness vi! [3:82] Those reject this (Quranic prophecy) est evil unu. [3:83] Ili streb di religi when cxio en heavens ter submitted Him volont unwillingly kaj Him ili returned [3:84] dir Ni kred en DI en ki send us en ki send down Abraham Ismail Isaac Jacob Patriarchs en ki don Moses Jesus prophets their Lord Ni ne far distinction any da them. Al Him sol ni est submitters. [3:85] Anyone akcept Submission his religi gxi ne akcept him Hereafter li est losers! [3:86] Why DI direkt popol should disbelieved post kred post witnessing messenger est truth kaj solid proofs don them? DI NE DIREKT DES wicked. [3:87] These incurred condemnation DI angxel all popol. [3:88] Eternally ili abide therein; retribution neniam commuted them nor vol ili reprieved [3:89] Exempted est those who pent thereafter reform DI est Forgiver Merciful. [3:90] Those disbelieve kred tiam plongx profund disbelief their repentance ne akcept them; ili est efektiv strayers. [3:91] Those disbelieve mort disbelievers earthful or vol ne akcept any da them eben such ransom est possible Ili incurred painful retribution; ili ne hav helpers. [3:92] Vi ne ating righteousness vi don charity possessions vi am. Whatever vi don charity DI est fully aware thereof. [3:93] All food uz est lawful por Infan Israel Israel trud nepr prohibitions themselves antaux Torah send down dir Bring Torah leg gxi vi est truthful! [3:94] Those fabricate false prohibitions this atribu them al DI est ver wicked! [3:95] Dir DI proklam truth Vi sekv Abraham's religi! - monotheism. Li neniam est idolater.

[3:96] Plej grav shrine establ por popol est 1 Becca; ben beacon all popol. [3:97] En est klar sign staci Abraham. Anyone enters gxi granted sekur passage Popol sxuld gxi DI ke ili observ Hajj this shrine when ili afford gxi! As por those disbelieve DI ne bezon anyone. [3:98] Dir O followers scripture why vi reject these revelations DI when DI witnessing cxio vi est do [3:99] dir O followers scripture do vi repel path DI those wish kred streb distort gxi eben vi est witnesses DI est neniam unaware de anything vi do [3:100] O vi kred vi obe kelk da those who ricev scripture ili revert vi kred disbelievers. [3:101] Kiel vi disbelieve when these revelations DI recited vi His messenger ven vi? Whoever ten fast DI testament direkt dekstr path! [3:102] O vi kred vi observ DI as Li observ ne mort Submitters. [3:103] Vi ten fast sxnur DI all da vi kaj ne divid! Recall di blessings vi! - Vi uz est enemies Li reconciled your kor. Per His grace vi igx brethren. Vi est brink pit de fajr Li sav vi therefrom DI TIEL EKSPLIK His revelations VI VI DIREKT. [3:104] Let tie est community de vi invit al ki est bon advokat righteousness forbid evil These est winners. [3:105] Ne est those igx divid disput klar proofs ke don them! Por these incurred terrible retribution. [3:106] Tag ven when kelk vizagx brightened joy while ali vizagx darkened mizer)! As por those vizagx darkened ili pet vi est ne disbelieve post kred? Do sufer retribution your disbelief! [3:107] As por those vizagx brightened ili gxoj di mercy; ili abide therein forever [3:108] These est di revelations; ni recite them vi truthfully. DI NE wish any hardship POPOL. [3:109] Di aparten cxio heavens cxio ter all materi controlled DI! [3:110] Vi est bon community ever raised among des popol vi advokat righteousness forbid evil vi kred en DI! followers scripture kred gxi est put them. Kelk da them kred majority de them est wicked! [3:111] Ili neniam harm vi beyond insult vi! Ili batal vi ili turn around flee! Ili neniam win

[3:112] Ili humiliated whenever vi renkont them ili uphold di covenant tro their pac covenants vi! Ili incurred wrath DI consequently ili committed disgrace This because ili rejected di revelations killed prophets unjustly! This ili disobeyed transgressed [3:113] Ili ne est all des sam; followers scripture tie est those est righteous. Ili recite di revelations nokt ili fal prostrate [3:114] Ili kred en DI Last Tag ili advokat righteousness forbid evil ili hasten do righteous works These est des righteous. [3:115] Any bon ili ne ir unrewarded. DI est fully aware da DES righteous. [3:116] Those disbelieved neniam help their mon their infan DI. Ili incurred Infer wherein ili abide forever [3:117] Ekzempl their accomplishments en this life est violent vent hits rikolt popol wronged their anim visx gxi out! DI NENIAM wronged them; est ILI wronged [3:118] O vi kred ne befriend outsiders neniam cxes wish vi harm ili ecx wish seg vi sufer! Hatred flu their busx ki ili kasx en their kest est far mav Ni tiel clarify revelations vi se vi kompren. [3:119] Here vi est am them while ili ne am vi vi kred en all scripture! When ili meet vi ili dir Ni kred as baldaux as ili las ili mord their fingr rage vi. dir Mort your rage DI est fully aware da innermost thoughts. [3:120] When anything bon ven your voj ili dolor when io mav okaz vi ili gxoj. Vi steadfastly persevere argument righteousness their schemes neniam dolor vi! DI EST fully aware da CXIO ILI do [3:121] Recall vi (Muhammad) est your popol when vi set out asign believers their pozici por battle DI est Hearer Omniscient [3:122] 2 grup vi preskaux failed DI est their Lord En DI believers fid. [3:123] DI granted VI victory Badr your weakness. Do vi observ DI montr your appreciation. [3:124] Vi told believers Est gxi ne suficx ke your Lord supports vi 3000 angxel send down [3:125] Ja vi steadfastly persevere argument righteousness tiam ili atak vi suddenly your Lord support vi 5000 angxel put dres [3:126] DI TIEL INFORM VI en ord DON VI BON news assure your kor Victory ven nur el DI Almighty Sagx.

[3:127] Li tiel annihilates kelk disbelievers neutralizes them; ili cxiam end losers! [3:128] Est up al vi; Li redeem them Li pun them por their transgressions! [3:129] Al DI aparten cxio heavens ter! Li forgives whomever Li vol pun whomever Li vol! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [3:130] O vi kred vi ne pren usury compounded over kaj over Observ DI ke vi sukces! [3:131] Beware da hellfire awaits disbelievers! [3:132] Vi obe DI messenger ke vi ating mercy. [3:133] Vi eagerly race forgiveness your Lord Paradise whose width encompasses heavens ter; gxi awaits des righteous [3:134] who don charity bon temp, tro mav temp. Ili est suppressors anger pardoners popol. DI AM DES charitable. [3:135] Ili fal pek wrong their anim ili memor DI pet forgiveness their pek! - who forgives pek escept DI! - Ili ne persist en pek knowingly [3:136] Their recompense est forgiveness their Lord gxarden flu streams ili abide therein forever Ki ben rekompenc workers! [3:137] Precedents set vi en des preter; roam ter not consequences unbelievers. [3:138] This est proclamation popol guidance enlightenment por des righteous. [3:139] Vi ne waver nor shall vi grieve vi est ultimate victors vi est believers. [3:140] Vi sufer hardship enemy ankaux sufer sam hardship. Ni altern tag victory kaj defeat among des popol! DI TIEL DISTING PRAV believers BEN kelk da VI martyrdom! DI dislikes injustice. [3:141] DI TIEL toughens those kred humiliates disbelievers! [3:142] Vi expect enter Paradise DI disting those among vi who strive sen disting those est steadfast? [3:143] Vi uz long death vi vizagx gxi! Tuj vi vizagx gxi dekstr your okul. [3:144] Muhammad est ne plur than messenger messengers him. Li mort Should get killed vi turn your kalkan? Anyone turn his kalkan ne dolor DI en des malplej DI REKOMPENC those est appreciative

[3:145] Ne 1 mort di las je predetermined temp Whoever streb vanities this mond ni don him therefrom whoever streb rekompenc Hereafter ni ben him therein! Ni rekompenc those est appreciative [3:146] Many prophet hav godly popol batal him sen ever wavering pressure ig de DI nor did ili hezit igx discouraged DI AM DES steadfast. [3:147] Their nur utterance est Our Lord forgive us our pek our transgressions strengthen our foothold grant us victory disbelievers! [3:148] Consequently DI granted them rekompenc this mond bon rekompenc de Hereafter DI AM BON doers. [3:149] O vi kred vi obe those disbelieve ili turn vi sur your kalkan tiam vi end losers! [3:150] DI SOL est your Lord MASTR LI est PUT supporter. [3:151] Ni jxet terror kor de those disbelieved ekde ili set DI powerless idols. Their destiny est Infer; ki miserable abode transgressors! [3:152] DI fulfilled His PROMES VI VI defeated them His LAS! Tiam vi wavered disput yourselves disobeyed post Li montr vi (victory) vi long por! Tiam kelk da vi igx distr spoils this mond while others rightly koncern Hereafter Li tiam diverted vi them test vi! Li pardon vi. DI DUSX believers His grace [3:153] Recall ti vi rushed spoils pag ne attention al anyone eben when messenger vok el vi! Consequently Li substituted 1 mizer another vi ne grieve anything vi missed agonize any hardship vi sufer! DI est Cognizant DE CXIO VI do [3:154] Post setback Li send vi peaceful dorm pacified kelk da vi. Others vi selfishly koncern themselves. Ili harbored thoughts DI est dekstr - Sam thoughts ili harbored tag ignorance. Tiel ili dir Est anything up al us? Dir Cxio est up al DI. Ili concealed inside ki ili ne reveal vi! Ili dir gxi est up al us neniom da us killed en this battle Dir Hav vi rest your hejm those destin killed ramp their death lit. DI tiel puts vi test bring out your prav convictions test ki est your kor! DI est fully aware da innermost thoughts. [3:155] Surely those among vi torn tag 2 arme clashed duped diabl! This reflects kelk da evil works ili committed DI PARDON them. DI est Forgiver Clement [3:156] O vi kred ne est those disbelieved dir de their kinsmen vojagx mobilized milit Hav ili rest us ili ne mort gotten killed DI renders this source grief their kor! DI controls life death. DI est Seer DE CXIO VI do [3:157] Vi get killed mort ig DI forgiveness el DI mercy est far put than anything ili hoard

[3:158] Vi mort get killed vi summoned DI! [3:159] est mercy DI vi igx compassionate towards them. Hav vi est harsh mean-hearted ili abandoned vi! Do vi pardon them pet forgiveness them konsult them! Once vi far decision port your plan fid DI! DI AM those FID Him. [3:160] Di supports vi neniom defeat vi. Kaj se Li abandons vi who support vi? En DI believers fid. [3:161] Eben prophet ne pren plur de spoils milit than li entitled Anyone pren plur than his rightful akci hav kont por gxi Tag Resurrection! Est when each anim est pag por whatever gxi earned malplej injustice. [3:162] Unu pursues di plezur sam as unu est incurs wrath DI his destiny est Infer plej miserable abode? [3:163] Ili certainly okup different rang DI. DI est Seer DE CXIO ILI do [3:164] DI BEN believers raising their midst messenger them recite them His revelations purify them INSTRU them scripture wisdom! Antaux this ili ir totally astray. [3:165] Tuj vi sufer setback ecx vi inflicted twice as mult sufer (upon your enemy vi dir did this okaz us? Dir This est consequence de your own deeds. DI est Omnipotent [3:166] Ki aflikt vi tag 2 arme clashed est en accordance kun di testament disting believers! [3:167] Al expose hypocrites told Ven batal ig DI kontribu Ili dir ni kon kiel batal ni joined vi. Ili est closer al disbelief tiam than ili est belief! Ili uttered their busx ki ne est their kor! DI kon ki ILI conceal. [3:168] Ili dir de their kinsmen as ili rest behind Hav ili obe us ili ne killed Dir Tiam prevent your own death vi est truthful! [3:169] Ne opini those killed ig DI est dead ili est alive their Lord gxu His provisions [3:170] Ili gxoj di grace ili hav bon news their kamarad did ne mort them ke ili hav nothing tim nor vol ili grieve [3:171] Ili hav bon news di blessings kaj grace kaj ti DI neniam fails rekompenc believers! [3:172] those respond al DI messenger persecution ili sufer argument their bon works plumb righteous life great rekompenc!

[3:173] When popol dir al them Popol mobilized vi; vi tim them this nur strengthens their faith ili dir DI suffices us; Li est put Protector! [3:174] Ili ind di blessings grace ne harm ever tusx them ili ating di approval DI POSED infinite grace [3:175] est diabl sistem instill tim his subjekt. Ne tim them tim Me instead se vi est believers! [3:176] Ne saddened those hasten disbelieve! Ili neniam dolor DI en des malplej Instead DI hav willed ke ili ne hav akci Hereafter Ili incurred terrible retribution. [3:177] Those choose disbelief belief ne dolor DI en des malplej ili incurred painful retribution. [3:178] Let ne disbelievers opini ni plumb them por their own bon Ni nur plumb them sur konfirm their sinfulness! Ili incurred humiliating retribution. [3:179] DI NE est LAS believers VI EST SEN DISTING MAV EL bon Nor does DI inform vi de future DI bestows such knowledge whomever Li chooses His messengers! Do vi kred en DI His messengers. Vi kred plumb righteous life vi ricev great recompense [3:180] Let ne those withhold hoard di provisions opini this est bon them; gxi est mav por them! Por ili port their hoarding their kol Tag Resurrection. DI est ultimate inheritor DE heavens TER. DI EST fully Cognizant DE CXIO VI do [3:181] DI auxd utterances those DIR DI est poor while NI est RICX. NI record CXIO ILI DIR just as NI recorded their killing prophets unjustly NI DIR SUFER retribution INFER! [3:182] This est consequence your own works DI est neniam unjust towards popol. [3:183] est ili dir DI far covenant us ke ni ne kred en any messenger li produkt ofert ke gets konsum fajr. Dir Messengers me ven al vi klar proofs including ki vi just postul! Why tiam vi kill them vi did est truthful? [3:184] Ili reject vi messengers vi rejected eben ili brought proofs Psalm enlightening scripture. [3:185] Cxiu ul gust death tiam vi ricev your recompense Tag Resurrection! Whoever misses Infer barely far gxi Paradise ating great triumf! life this mond est ne plur than iluzi. [3:186] Vi certainly tested your mon your viv vi auxd el those ricev scripture el idol worshipers a lot de insult! Vi steadfastly persevere plumb righteous life this pruv strength your faith!

[3:187] DI PREN covenant EL those RICEV scripture VI PROKLAM GXI POPOL NENIAM conceal gxi, ILI disregarded GXI their DORS meti gxi FOR cheap PREZ. Ki miserable komerc. [3:188] Those who fanfaron their works wish lauxd io ili really ne done ne opini ili evade retribution. Ili incurred painful retribution. [3:189] Al DI aparten sovereignty de heavens ter! DI est Omnipotent [3:190] En creation de heavens ter alternation nokt tag tie est sign those posed intelligence [3:191] Ili memor DI while bud sid their flank ili reflect creation heavens ter Our Lord Vi ne kre all this en vain Vi glor. Sav us el retribution Infer. [3:192] Our Lord whomever Vi commit al Infer est des unu Vi forsaken Such transgressors ne hav helpers. [3:193] Our Lord ni auxd caller vok al faith proklam ‘Vi kred en your Lord ' ni kred! Our Lord forgive us our transgressions remit our pek mort righteous believers! [3:194] Our Lord dusx us blessings vi promes us Your messengers ne forsake us Tag Resurrection! Vi neniam romp promes. [3:195] Their Lord respond them mi neniam fail rekompenc any worker vi any work vi est vi vir female - Vi est egal al unu another Tiel those immigrate evicted their hejm persekut Me batal get killed mi surely remit their pek admit them into gxarden flu streams Such est rekompenc DI! DI POSED ultimate REKOMPENC. [3:196] Ne impon apparent success disbelievers! [3:197] Ili nur gxu temporarily tiam end Infer; ki miserable destiny! [3:198] As por those observ their Lord ili ind gxarden flu streams ili abide therein forever Such est abode don al them DI! Ki DI posed est far put por des righteous. [3:199] Surely kelk followers previous scriptures kred en DI en ki revealed vi en ki revealed them! Ili reverence DI ili neniam meti for di revelations por cheap prez. These ricev their recompense their Lord DI EST PLEJ efficient EN reckoning [3:200] O vi kred vi est steadfast vi persevere vi united vi observ DI ke vi sukces! . 4- Women (Al-Nisa)

. En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [4:1] O popol observ your Lord Unu kre vi 1 kre el gxi its mate tiam stern 2 many hom women Vi regard DI whom vi jxur regard parents DI watching VI. [4:2] Vi man orf their rightful properties Ne substitute mav por bon ne konsum their properties kombin them yours! This est gross injustice. [4:3] Vi deem gxi bon orf vi marry their mothers - Vi marry 2 3 4. Vi tim lest vi igx unfair tiam vi est kontent nur unu aux ki vi jam hav. Additionally vi est tiel likely evit financial hardship! [4:4] Vi don women their due dowries equitably. Ili volont forfeit anything tiam vi akcept gxi; gxi est rightfully yours. [4:5] Ne don immature orf properties ti DI konfid vi guardians! Vi shall proviz por them therefrom vest them trakt them kindly [4:6] Vi test orf when ili reach puberty. As baldaux as vi trov them matur suficx don them their property Ne konsum gxi extravagantly en a hurry antaux ili kresk Ricx guardian ne charge any wage poor guardian maj charge equitably! When vi don them their properties vi hav witnesses DI suffices Reckoner. [4:7] Hom get akci de ki parents relativ las women tro get akci de ki parents relativ las Whether est small large inheritance women get definite akci. [4:8] Dum distribution inheritances relativ orf needy ul est prezent vi don them therefrom trakt them kindly [4:9] Those koncern their own infan en kaz ili las them observ DI est equitable! [4:10] Those konsum orf properties unjustly mangx fajr their bellies sufer Infer! [4:11] DI DEKRET VOL por des benefit your INFAN; VIR gets twice AKCI female Se inheritors est nur women plur than 2 ili get two-thirds de ki bequeathed Nur unu daughter las sxi gets one-half. parents deceased get one-sixth inheritance each deceased las any infan. Li ne las infan his parents est nur inheritors mother gets one-third! Li hav siblings tiam mother gets one-sixth. All this post fulfilling any vol deceased las post pag off all debts. When gxi ven your parents your infan vi ne kon which de them est really bon al vi plej beneficial. This est di legx. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [4:12] Vi get half de ki your wives las ili ne hav infan. Ili hav infan vi get one-fourth de ki ili las. All this post fulfilling any vol ili las post pag off all debts. Ili get one-fourth de ki vi las vi ne hav infan. Vi hav infan ili get one-eighth de ki vi bequeath All this post

fulfilling any vol vi las post pag off all debts. Se deceased hom woman est loner foli 2 siblings vir female each da them gets one-sixth inheritance! tie est plur siblings tiam ili equally akci one-third inheritance. All this post fulfilling any vol post pag off all debts tial ke ne 1 dolor. This vol dekret DI. DI est Omniscient Clement [4:13] These est di legx. Those obe DI His messenger Li admit them gxarden flu streams wherein ili abide forever This est greatest triumf. [4:14] As por 1 who disobeys DI His messenger transgresses His legx Li admit him Infer wherein li abides forever Li incurred shameful retribution. [4:15] Those commit adultery your women vi hav 4 witnesses them vi. Ili bor witness tiam vi keep such women their hejm gxis ili mort aux DI kre exit them! [4:16] couple commits adultery pun. Ili pent reform vi las them! DI est Redeemer Merciful. [4:17] Repentance est acceptable DI el those fal pek ignorance tiam pent tuj thereafter! DI redeems them. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [4:18] Ne acceptable est repentance de those commit pek death ven them tiam dir "Tuj mi pent. Nor est gxi acceptable el those mort disbelievers! Por these ni prepar painful retribution. [4:19] O vi kred ne est lawful vi hered ki women las kontraux their vol. Vi ne force them don up anything vi don them ili commit proven adultery! Vi trakt them nicely. Vi dislike them vi dislike io wherein DI ej a lot de bon. [4:20] Vi wish marry another wife en met your prezent wife vi don any da them a great deal vi ne sorb anything vi don her! Vi pren gxi fraudulently maliciously sinfully? [4:21] Kiel vi sorb gxi post vi est intim kun each ali ili sorb vi solen pledge [4:22] Ne marry women previously married your patr! - Ekzist marriages exempted ne romp - Por gxi est gross offense abominable akt. [4:23] Prohibited por vi marriage) est your mothers your daughters your sisters sisters your patr sisters your mothers daughters your frat daughters your sister your nursing mothers girls who nursed el sam woman as vi mothers your wives daughters your wives whom vi consummated marriage! - marriage ne consummated vi marry daughter. Ankaux prohibited vi est women married your genetic fil. Ankaux vi ne married 2 sisters je des sam temp - do ne romp ekzist marriages! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [4:24] Ankaux prohibited est women jam married ili flee their disbelieving husbands est je milit vi. These est di commandments vi. All ali categories permes vi marriage long as vi pag them their due dowries. Vi argument your morality per ne committing adultery!

Tiel whoever vi like them vi pag them dowry dekret por them. Vi ne commit error per mutually agreeing al any adjustments al dowry! DI est Omniscient SAGX. [4:25] Those among vi ne afford marry liber kred women marry kred sklav women DI kon BON your belief VI est egal al UNU another as far as belief KONCERN! Vi obtain permission el their guardians vi marry them pag them their due dowry equitably! Ili argument moral behavior per ne committing adultery, aux hav sekret lovers! Once ili liber marriage ili commit adultery, their punishment est half de ke liber women Marrying sklav est last resort por those unable wait Est pacient est put por vi. DI est Forgiver Merciful. [4:26] DI VOL EKSPLIK AJX VI DIREKT VI TRA PRETER precedents AL redeem VI! DI est Omniscient SAGX. [4:27] DI wishes redeem VI while those pursue their lusts wish VI deviate great deviation! [4:28] DI wishes lighten VI SXARGX human est KRE weak [4:29] O vi kred ne konsum each others' properties illicitly - Nur mutually acceptable transactions permes. Vi ne kill! DI est Merciful towards VI [4:30] Anyone commits these transgressions maliciously deliberately ni kondamn him al Infer. This est facil DI do [4:31] Vi refrain el committing gross pek prohibited vi ni remit your pek admit vi honorable admittance! [4:32] Vi ne covet kvalit bestowed upon each ali per DI; hom gxu nepr kvalit women gxu nepr kvalit! Vi implore DI dusx vi His grace DI est fully aware da all AJX. [4:33] Por each da vi ni designated akci inheritance las per parents relativ. Ankaux those rilat al vi marriage vi don them their due akci. DI witnesses all AJX. [4:34] Hom far responsible women DI dot them nepr kvalit far them pan earners! righteous women cheerfully akcept this arrangement gxi est di commandment honor their husbands their absence. Se vi spert rebellion women vi 1 talk al them tiam (vi uz negative incentives like dezert them en bed, tiam vi maj last alternative bat them! Ili obe vi vi ne permes transgress them. DI est ALT Supreme [4:35] couple tim separation vi appoint arbitrator his famili arbitrator el her famili; ili decid reconcile DI testament help them get together DI est Omniscient Cognizant [4:36] Vi worship DI sol - do ne associate anything Him! Vi regard parents relativ orf poor rilat najbar unrelated najbar close associate vojagx alien your servants. DI NE does arrogant show-offs.

[4:37] Unu est stingy exhort popol est stingy conceal ki DI bestowed them His bounties! Ni prepar disbelievers shameful retribution. [4:38] Ili don mon charity nur montr while disbelieving DI Last Tag! 1 companion est diabl est mav companion. [4:39] Why ili ne kred en DI Last Tag don di provisions them? DI est fully aware da them. [4:40] DI NE inflict ATOM weight injustice. Sur des contrary Li multiplies rekompenc manifold por righteous work grants el Him great recompense [4:41] Do when tag judgment ven ni vok witness each community vi (messenger) serv witness these popol. [4:42] Tag those disbelieved disobeyed messenger wish ili est nivel muel ne single utterance testament ili est able al kasx el DI! [4:43] O vi kred ne observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) while ebri tial ke vi kon ki vi dir! Nor post sexual orgasm ban unless vi est road vojagx vi est ill vojagx vi hav urinary fecal-related excretion such as gas kontakt women (sexually) vi ne trov akv vi observ Tayammum (sek ablution) per tusx clean sek soil tiam visx your vizagx man therewith! DI est Pardoner Forgiver. [4:44] Vi not those ricev portion scripture kaj kiel ili choose stray wish vi stray path? [4:45] DI kon PUT who your enemies est DI est NUR Lord Mastr DI est NUR Supporter. [4:46] Among those est Jewish kelk distort vort truth ili dir Ni auxd ni disobey Your vort fal surd orel Raa'ena est our shepherd as ili tord their lang mok religi! Hav ili dir Ni auxd ni obe Ni auxd vi Unzurna watch us) gxi est put por them kaj righteous! Instead ili incurred condemnation DI their disbelief. Consequently majority de them ne kred. [4:47] O vi ricev scripture vi kred en ki ni reveal herein konfirm ki vi hav antaux ni banish nepr vizagx ekzil kondamn them as ni kondamn those desecrated Sabbath! Di ordon done [4:48] DI NE forgive idolatry LI forgives lesser offenses whomever LI VOL. Anyone sets idols DI forgx horrendous offense [4:49] Vi not those hav exalt? Instead DI est Unu exalts whomever Li vol malplej injustice. [4:50] Not kiel ili fabricate mensog DI; ki gross offense this est

[4:51] Vi not those ricev portion scripture kaj kiel ili kred en idolatry false doctrine tiam dir disbelievers est put direkt than believers!? [4:52] est ili incurred di condemnation whomever DI kondamn vi ne trov any helper him! [4:53] Ili own akci sovereignty? Ili did ili ne don popol gren. [4:54] Est ili envious de popol because DI dusx them His blessings? Ni don Abraham's famili scripture wisdom; ni granted them great auxtoritat [4:55] Kelk da them kred therein kelk da them repelled therefrom Infer est nur just retribution por these! [4:56] Surely those disbelieve our revelations ni kondamn them hellfire. Whenever their hauxt brul ni don them neo hauxt. Tiel ili sufer continuously. DI est Almighty SAGX. [4:57] As por those kred plumb righteous life ni admit them gxarden flu streams ili abide therein forever Ili hav pur spouses therein. Ni admit them blissful shade [4:58] DI KOMAND VI don anything POPOL KONFID VI. Vi jugx among des popol, vi jugx equitably. Bon enlightenment ja est ki DI rekomend vi. DI est Hearer Seer. [4:59] O vi kred vi obe DI vi obe messenger those en charge vi! Vi disput any materi vi refer gxi DI messenger vi kred en DI Last Tag. This est bon vi proviz vi put solution [4:60] Vi not those pretend ke ili hav kred en ki revealed vi en ki revealed antaux vi est tiam uphold unjust legx their idols? Ili komand reject such legx! Ja est diabl wish plumb them far astray. [4:61] When ili told Ven ki DI revealed messenger vi vid hypocrites shunning vi completely [4:62] Kiel gxi do gxi when disaster est hits them as consequence their own works Ili ven vi tiam jxur DI Our intentions est bon righteous! [4:63] DI est fully aware da their innermost intentions Vi ignor them enlighten them don them bon advice sav their anim! [4:64] Ni ne send any messenger escept obe en accordance kun di testament Hav ili when ili wronged their anim ven vi pregx DI forgiveness messenger pregx their forgiveness ili trov DI Redeemer Merciful! [4:65] Neniam ja per your Lord ili ne est believers ili ven vi jugx their disput tiam trov hesitation their kor whatsoever en akcept your judgment Ili submit total submission.

[4:66] Hav ni dekret them Vi ofert your viv Don up your hejm ili ne done gxi escept por a few da them! (Ecx such ordon issued hav ili done ki ili komand do gxi est bon them pruv strength their faith! [4:67] Kaj ni granted them great recompense [4:68] Kaj ni direkt them dekstr path. [4:69] Those obe DI messenger aparten those ben DI! - prophets saints martyrs kaj des righteous. These est bon kompani. [4:70] Such est ben el DI; DI est put Knower. [4:71] O vi kred vi ceter vigl mobilize as individu mobilize all together [4:72] Surely tie est those vi tren their fut tiam setback aflikt vi ili dir DI ben me ke mi ne martyred them. [4:73] Vi ating ben DI ili dir as se neni friendship ever ekzist vi them Mi wish mi est them mi akci such great victory! [4:74] Those readily batal ig DI est those forsake this mond Hereafter Whoever batal ig DI tiam gets killed ating victory ni surely grant him great recompense [4:75] Why should vi ne batal ig DI when weak hom women infan imploring Our Lord liver us el this community whose popol est oppressive est Vi our Lord Mastr [4:76] Those kred batal ig DI while those disbelieve batal ig tyranny. Do vi batal diabl allies diabl potenc est nil [4:77] Vi not those told Vi hav est batal; all vi hav observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) est don obligatory charity (Zakat) tiam when batal dekret them ili tim popol as mult as ili tim DI est ecx plur Ili dir Our Lord Vi force this batal us? Se nur Vi respite us por awhile! Dir sxtof this mond est nil while Hereafter est far put righteous vi neniam sufer slightest injustice! [4:78] Wherever vi est death vol kapt up kun vi ecx vi viv en formidable kastel! When io bon okaz them ili dir This est DI kaj when io mav aflikt them ili blame vi! dir Cxio ven DI. these popol misunderstand preskaux cxio? [4:79] Anything bon okaz vi est DI anything mav ke okaz vi est vi. Ni send vi messenger popol DI suffices as witness [4:80] Whoever obe messenger obe DI! As por those turn ni ne send vi their guardian

[4:81] Ili pledge obedience ili las vi kelk da them haven intentions contrary al ki ili dir! DI records their innermost intentions Vi disregard them put your fid DI! DI suffices ADVOKAT. [4:82] Why ili ne stud Quran carefully Se est el ali than DI ili trov gxi numerous contradictions. [4:83] When fam afekt security ven their voj ili stern gxi. Hav ili referred gxi messenger those en charge them those kompren these materi inform them! Se gxi est por di grace vi His mercy vi sekv diabl a few [4:84] Vi batal ig DI; vi est responsible nur your own anim exhort believers do des sam DI testament neutralize POTENC DE those disbelieve! DI est mult powerful mult effective [4:85] Whoever mediates bon deed ricev akci kredit thereof whoever mediates evil work incurs akci thereof! DI controls all AJX. [4:86] When greeted greeting vi respond bon greeting je malplej egal 1! DI reckons all AJX. [4:87] DI tie NE est DI ESCEPT LI. Li surely summon vi Tag Resurrection - inevitable tag. Whose narration est truthful than di? [4:88] Why vi divid 2 grup hypocrites vi)? DI EST UNU KONDAMN them their own behavior. Vi want direkt those Do send astray DI? Whomever DI send astray vi neniam trov voj direkt them! [4:89] Ili wish vi disbelieve as ili disbelieved tiam vi igx egal! Ne konsider them amik unless ili mobilize along kun vi ig DI! Ili turn vi vi batal them vi kill them when vi renkont them en milit! Vi ne akcept them amik allies [4:90] Exempted est those join popol whom vi sign pac treaty those ven vi wishing ne batal vi nor batal their relativ! Hav DI willed Li permes them batal vi! Do se ili las vi refrain el batal vi ofert vi pac tiam DI don vi neni pretekst batal them! [4:91] Vi trov others wish far pac vi ankaux their popol. Tamen as baldaux as milit erupts ili batal vi! these popol las vi ofert vi pac stop batal vi vi batal them when vi renkont them! Kontraux these ni don vi klar authorization [4:92] Ne believer kill another believer gxi est akcident. Unu kills believer per akcident, li atone liber kred sklav pag compensation viktim famili ili forfeit such compensation charity! Viktim aparten al popol est je milit vi li est believer vi atone liber kred sklav! Li aparten al popol whom vi sign pac treaty vi pag compensation ankaux liber kred sklav! Vi ne trov sklav liber vi atone fast 2 consecutive monat en ord redeemed DI! DI est Knower SAGX.

[4:93] Anyone kills believer sur purpose his retribution est Infer wherein li abides forever DI est koler him kondamn him prepar him terrible retribution! [4:94] O vi kred vi strik ig DI vi est absolutely sure Ne dir al unu ofert vi pac Vi est believer streb spoils this mond! Por DI posed infinite spoils Memor vi uz est them DI ben vi! Do vi est absolutely sure vi strik). DI EST fully Cognizant DE CXIO VI do [4:95] Ne egal est sedentary believers ne handicapped those strive ig DI their mon their viv DI exalts strivers their MON their viv SUPER DES sedentary. Ambaux DI promes salvation DI exalts strivers sedentary great recompense [4:96] Alt rang ven Him tro as forgiveness mercy. DI est Forgiver Merciful. [4:97] Those viv terminated angxel while sxtat de wronging their anim angxel pet them Ki est des materi vi? Ili dir Ni oppressed ter. Ili dir Est di ter ne spacious suficx vi emigrate therein? these final abode est Infer miserable destiny! [4:98] Exempted est weak hom women infan ne posed strength nor means trov voj! [4:99] These pardon DI. DI est Pardoner Forgiver. [4:100] Anyone emigrates ig de DI testament trov ter great bounties richness! Anyone don up his hejm emigrating DI His messenger tiam death kapt up kun him his recompense rezerv DI! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [4:101] When vi vojagx dum milit vi ne commit error shortening your Kontakt Prayers (Salat) vi tim ke disbelievers atak vi! Surely disbelievers est your ardent enemies. [4:102] When vi est them plumb Kontakt Prayer (Salat) them let kelk da vi star gard; let them ten their weapons let them star vi vi prostrate Tiam let ali grup ne pregx pren their turn pregx vi while others star gard ten their weapons! Those disbelieved wish seg vi neglect your weapons your equipment en ord atak vi once kaj por all Vi ne commit error vi hampered pluv injury putting down your weapons long as vi ceter vigl DI prepar disbelievers shameful retribution. [4:103] Once vi komplet your Kontakt Prayer (Salat) vi memor DI while bud sid mensog! Once milit est vi observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat;) Kontakt Prayers (Salat) dekret believers specif temp! [4:104] Ne waver pursuing enemy Vi sufer ili ankaux sufer. Vi expect DI ki ili neniam expect. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [4:105] Ni send down vi scripture truthfully en ord al jugx among des popol en accordance kun ki DI montr vi! Vi ne flank betrayers. [4:106] Vi implore DI forgiveness. DI est Forgiver Merciful.

[4:107] Ne argue sur behalf da those wronged their own anim; DI ne am any betrayer kulp [4:108] Ili kasx popol ne zorg kasx DI Li est them as ili haven ide Li dislikes DI EST fully aware da CXIO ILI do [4:109] Here vi est arguing their behalf en this mond; argue DI their behalf Tag Resurrection? Who est their advokat? [4:110] Anyone commits evil wrongs his anim tiam implores DI forgiveness trov DI Forgiving Merciful. [4:111] Anyone earns pek earns gxi detriment his own anim. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [4:112] Anyone earns pek tiam akuz innocent ul thereof committed blasphemy gross offense [4:113] Se gxi est por di grace vi His mercy kelk da them misled vi! Ili nur mislead ili neniam harm vi en des malplej DI SEND down VI scripture wisdom LI INSTRU VI ki VI NENIAM KON! Ja di blessings vi est great [4:114] tie est nothing bon their privat konferenc escept por those advokat charity righteous works far pac among des popol. Anyone does this en response al di teachings ni grant him great recompense [4:115] As por him opposes messenger guidance pint him sekv believers' voj ni direct him direction li chosen commit him al Infer; ki miserable destiny! [4:116] DI NE forgive idol worship ARGUMENT death) LI forgives lesser offenses whomever LI VOL! Anyone idolizes any idol DI hav strayed far astray. [4:117] Ili ecx worship female di Him; as a materi da fakt, ili nur worship rebellious diabl! [4:118] DI KONDAMN him LI DIR MI surely recruit definite AKCI Your worshipers! [4:119] Mi mislead them mi entice them mi komand them forbid mangx de nepr viand mark orel livestock mi komand them distort creation DI. Anyone akcept diabl lord DI incurred profound loss [4:120] Li promes them entices them; ki diabl promes est ne plur than iluzi! [4:121] These incurred Infer their final abode neniam evade gxi [4:122] As por those kred plumb righteous life ni admit them gxarden flu streams wherein ili viv forever Such est truthful promes DI. Whose utterances est truthful than di?

[4:123] Gxi est en accordance kun your wishes wishes popol scripture anyone commits evil pag por gxi ne hav helper supporter DI. [4:124] As por those plumb righteous life vir female while kred ili enter Paradise; slightest injustice. [4:125] Who est put direkt his religi than unu submits totally DI plumb righteous life creed de Abraham monotheism? DI chosen Abraham beloved AMIK. [4:126] Al DI aparten cxio heavens ter! DI est PLEN control all AJX. [4:127] Ili konsult vi koncern women dir DI enlightens vi them as recited por vi scripture! Vi restore dekstr orf girls vi cheat their due dowries when vi wish marry them vi ne sorb avantagx da them. Dekstr orf knab ankaux protekt ankaux. Vi trakt orf equitably. Whatever bon vi do DI est fully aware thereof. [4:128] woman sens oppression desertion her husband couple pen reconcile their differences conciliation est put por them. Selfishness est human trajt kaj vi do bon plumb righteous life DI est fully Cognizant de cxio vi do [4:129] Vi neniam est equitable en dealing kun plur than 1 wife ne materi kiel hard vi pen. Do do tial biased as al las 1 de them pend nek gxu marriage nor las marry someone aux Vi korekt this situaci argument righteousness DI est Forgiver Merciful. [4:130] couple decid part DI testament proviz por each da them el His bounties! DI est Bounteous SAGX. [4:131] Di aparten cxio heavens ter ni enjoined sur those ricev scripture vi enjoined vi vi reverence DI. Vi disbelieve tiam DI aparten cxio heavens ter. DI est EN ne bezon Praiseworthy. [4:132] Di aparten cxio heavens ter DI est nur Protector. [4:133] Li vol Li annihilate vi O popol substitute others your met! DI est certainly able al do this. [4:134] Anyone streb sxtof this mond kon ti DI posed ambaux sxtof de this mond Hereafter DI est Hearer Seer. [4:135] O vi kred vi est absolutely equitable observ DI when vi serv witnesses eben yourselves your parents your relativ! Whether akuz est ricx poor DI sorb zorg da ambaux! Do ne biased your personal wishes Vi deviate disregard (this commandment) tiam DI est fully Cognizant de cxio vi do

[4:136] O vi kred vi kred en DI His messenger scripture Li revealed His messenger scripture Li revealed antaux ke. Anyone rifuz kred en DI His angxel His scriptures His messengers Last Tag hav ja strayed far astray! [4:137] Surely those kred tiam disbelieve tiam kred tiam disbelieve tiam plongx profund into disbelief DI testament ne forgive them nor vol Li direkt them en any voj [4:138] Inform hypocrites ke ili incurred painful retribution! [4:139] Ili est unu ally disbelievers believers. Ili streb dign them? All dign aparten DI sol. [4:140] Li instructed vi scripture vi auxd di revelations mok ridiculed vi ne sid them ili delve another subjekt! Otherwise vi est as kulp as ili est DI testament gather hypocrites disbelievers together EN INFER! [4:141] Ili watch vi wait vi ating victory DI ili dir (al vi) Est ni ne vi? disbelievers get turn ili dir (al them) Did ni ne flank vi protekt vi el believers? DI testament jugx inter vi Tag Resurrection! DI testament NENIAM PERMES disbelievers prevail believers! [4:142] hypocrites opini ili tromp DI Li est Unu plumb them sur. When ili get por Kontakt Prayer (Salat) ili get lazily. Ke est ili nur montr popol rarely do ili opini da DI! [4:143] Ili waver en inter nek aparten al this grup nor ke grup! Whomever DI send astray vi neniam trov voj direkt him! [4:144] O vi kred vi ne ally disbelievers believers! Vi wish proviz DI klar proof vi? [4:145] hypocrites committed lowest pit de Infer vi trov ne 1 help them! [4:146] Nur those pent reform ten fast al DI devote their religi absolutely DI sol counted believers! DI testament BEN believers great recompense [4:147] Ki vol DI gajn pun vi vi igx appreciative kred DI est Appreciative Omniscient [4:148] DI NE like utterance mav idiom, unless UNU TRAKT gross injustice. DI est Hearer Knower. [4:149] Se vi work righteousness - either deklar concealed - Pardon transgression DI est Pardoner Omnipotent [4:150] Those disbelieve DI His messengers streb far distinction DI His messengers dir Ni kred en kelk reject kelk wish sekv path en inter [4:151] these est efektiv disbelievers. Ni prepar disbelievers shameful retribution.

[4:152] As por those kred en DI His messengers far neni distinction them Li grant them their recompense DI est Forgiver Merciful. [4:153] Popol scripture challenge vi bring them libr cxiel! Ili pet Moses plur than dir Montr us DI physically! Consequently fulm strik them as consequence their audacity. Additionally ili worshipped calf post all mirakl ili seg. Ni pardon all this. Ni supported Moses profound mirakl. [4:154] Ni raised Mount Sinai them as ni pren their covenant Ni dir al them Enter gate humbly Ni dir al them ne desecrate Sabbath. Ja ni pren them solen covenant [4:155] (Ili incurred condemnation) violating their covenant rejecting di revelations killing prophets unjustly kaj dir Our mens est far up En fakt, DI est Unu sigel their mens their disbelief this est ili fail kred escept rarely! [4:156] (Ili kondamn) disbelieving uttering Mary gross mensog [4:157] Kaj por pretend ti ili killed Messiah Jesus fil Mary messenger DI! En fakt, ili neniam killed him ili neniam crucified him - Ili far opini ili did All factions disput en this materi est plen de dub this issue Ili ne posed knowledge; ili nur konjekt. Por cert, ili neniam killed him. [4:158] Instead DI raised him al Him; DI est Almighty Sagx. [4:159] Everyone among des popol de scripture est required kred en him his death! Tag Resurrection li est witness them. [4:160] Due al their transgressions ni prohibited Jud bon foods uz est lawful por them; ankaux por consistently repelling path DI. [4:161] Kaj por practicing usury forbidden kaj konsum popol mon illicitly Ni prepar disbelievers them painful retribution. [4:162] As por those among them nu founded knowledge believers ili kred en ki revealed vi en ki revealed antaux vi! Ili est observers de Kontakt Prayers (Salat) givers de obligatory charity (Zakat;) ili est believers DI Last Tag. Ni grant these great recompense [4:163] Ni inspir vi as ni inspir Noah prophets him. Ni inspir Abraham Ismail Isaac Jacob Patriarchs Jesus Job Jonah Aaron Solomon. Ni don David Psalm. [4:164] Messengers ni told vi messengers ni neniam told vi pri. Di parol al Moses directly. [4:165] Messengers liver bon news tro warnings. Tiel popol ne hav pretekst when ili vizagx DI post all these messengers ven them. DI est Almighty SAGX.

[4:166] Di bor witness koncern ki Li revealed vi; Li revealed gxi His knowledge! Angxel bor witness ankaux DI suffices as witness [4:167] Surely those disbelieve repel voj DI hav strayed far astray! [4:168] Those disbelieve transgress DI testament ne forgive them nor vol Li direkt them en any voj [4:169] Voj al Infer, wherein ili abide forever This est facil DI do [4:170] O popol messenger ven vi truth el your Lord Do vi kred your own bon Vi disbelieve tiam DI aparten cxio heavens ter. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [4:171] O popol scripture ne transgress lim your religi ne dir DI escept truth! Messiah Jesus fil Mary est messenger DI His vort Li hav send al Mary revelation Him. Do vi kred en DI His messengers. Vi ne dir Trinity. Vi refrain this your own bon DI est NUR UNU DI. Li glor; Li est mult tro glorious hav fil! Al Him aparten cxio heavens cxio sur ter! DI suffices Lord KAJ Mastr [4:172] Messiah neniam disdain el est servant DI nor would closest angxel. Those who disdain el worshipping Him est tro arrogant submit Li summon them all antaux Him! [4:173] As por those kred plumb righteous life Li fully recompense them dusx them His grace As por those disdain turn arrogant Li commit them painful retribution! Ili ne trov lord DI nor savior. [4:174] O popol proof ven vi your Lord ni send vi profound beacon [4:175] Those kred en DI ten fast Him Li admit them mercy Him grace direkt them Him en rekt path! [4:176] Ili konsult vi; dir DI advises vi single ul. Unu mort ne las infan li hav sister sxi gets half inheritance! Sxi mort 1 li hered her sxi ne las infan. tie est 2 sisters ili get twothirds inheritance. siblings est hom women vir gets twice akci female DI tiel clarifies vi lest vi ir astray! DI est fully aware da all AJX. . 5- Feast (Al-Ma'edah) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful

[5:1] O vi kred vi fulfill your covenants Permes vi mangx est livestock escept those specifically prohibited herein Vi ne permes cxas Hajj pilgrimage DI DEKRET whatever LI VOL. [5:2] O vi kred ne violate rites institut DI nor Sankt Monat nor best ofert nor garlands mark them nor popol kap por Sankt Shrine (Ka bah) streb blessings el their Lord approval Once vi komplet pilgrimage vi cxas. Ne provoked aggression your hatred popol who once prevent vi el ir Sankt Masjid! Vi cooperate materi de righteousness piety; ne cooperate materi est sinful evil Vi observ DI. DI est strict en enforcing retribution! [5:3] Prohibited por vi est best mort de themselves sang viand pork best dedicx al ali than DI! (Best mort de themselves include those) strangled strik objekt fal height gored atak wild best! - Vi sav your best gxi mort - Best ofer altar. Ankaux prohibited divid viand game sxanc; this est abomen. Hodiaux disbelievers don (eradication your religi; ne tim them tim Me instead Hodiaux mi komplet your religi perfekt My ben vi mi dekret Submission religi vi. 1 forced per famine mangx prohibited food sen est deliberately sinful tiam DI est Forgiver Merciful! [5:4] Ili konsult vi koncern ki est lawful them; dir Lawful vi est all bon ajx ki dres hund falcons kapt vi. Vi dres them di teachings! Vi mangx ki ili kapt vi menci di nom thereupon Vi observ DI. DI est efficient EN reckoning [5:5] Hodiaux all bon food far lawful vi. food popol scripture est lawful por vi. Ankaux vi marry cxast women believers tro cxast women followers previous scripture proviz vi pag them their due dowries! Vi argument chastity ne committing adultery, nor sorb sekret lovers! Anyone rejects faith all his work est en vain Hereafter li est losers! [5:6] O vi kred when vi observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) vi shall (1 lav your vizagx (2 lav your brak kubut (3 visx your kap (4 lav your fut maleol. Vi est unclean due al sexual orgasm vi ban. Vi est ill vojagx hav any digestive excretion urinary fecal gas) hav (sexual) kontakt women vi ne trov akv vi observ sek ablution (Tayammum) tusx clean sek soil tiam frot your vizagx man! DI NE wish far RELIGI difficult VI; LI wishes cleanse VI PERFEKT His ben VI VI est appreciative [5:7] Memor di ben vi His covenant ke Li covenanted vi vi dir Ni auxd ni obe Vi observ DI DI est fully aware da innermost thoughts! [5:8] O vi kred vi est absolutely equitable observ DI when vi serv witnesses Ne provoked your conflicts kelk popol committing injustice! Vi est absolutely equitable gxi est righteous. Vi observ DI. DI EST fully Cognizant DE CXIO VI do [5:9] DI PROMES those kred PLUMB righteous life forgiveness great recompense [5:10] As por those disbelieve reject our revelations ili est dwellers Infer!

[5:11] O vi kred memor di blessings vi; when kelk popol etend their man aggress vi Li protekt vi withheld their man! Vi observ DI; DI believers fid. [5:12] DI PREN covenant INFAN ISRAEL NI raised them 12 patriarchs. Di dir mi est vi long as vi observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) kred en My messengers respekt them ad al lend DI prunt righteousness! Mi tiam remit your pek admit vi into gxarden flu streams Anyone disbelieves post this hav ja strayed dekstr path. [5:13] Gxi est consequence de their violating covenant ni kondamn them ni kauxz their kor igx hard! Consequently ili pren vort context disregarded kelk da commandments don them. Vi ad witness betrayal them escept a few da them! Vi pardon them disregard them! DI AM those est benevolent [5:14] Ankaux el those dir Ni est Christian ni pren their covenant Ili disregarded kelk da commandments don them. Consequently ni kondamn them animosity hatred themselves Tag Resurrection. DI testament TIAM INFORM them DE CXIO ILI done [5:15] O popol scripture our messenger ven vi proklam vi many ajx vi concealed scripture pardon many ali transgressions vi committed beacon ven vi DI profound scripture. [5:16] Kun gxi DI direkt those streb His approval Li direkt them paths pac plumb them out da darkness into light His las direkt them en rekt path. [5:17] Pagans ja est those who dir DI est Messiah fil Mary. Dir Who oppose DI Li willed annihilate Messiah fil Mary his mother everyone sur ter? Al DI aparten sovereignty de heavens ter cxio them! Li kre whatever Li vol. DI est Omnipotent [5:18] Jud Christians dir Ni est di infan His beloved Dir tiam Li pun vi your pek? Vi est just humans ali humans Li kre. Li forgives whomever Li vol pun whomever Li vol! Al DI aparten sovereignty de heavens ter cxio them al Him est final destiny! [5:19] O popol scripture our messenger ven vi eksplik ajx vi post period da temp messengers lest vi dir Ni ne ricev any preacher warner. preacher warner hav nun ven vi! DI est Omnipotent [5:20] Recall ti Moses dir al his popol O my popol memor di blessings vi Li appointed prophets vi far vi regx granted vi ki Li neniam granted any ali popol! [5:21] O my popol enter holy land ti DI dekret vi ne ribel lest vi igx losers. [5:22] Ili dir O Moses tie est powerful popol gxi ni ne enter gxi ili get gxi. Ili get ni entering [5:23] 2 hom reverent ben DI dir Just enter gate Vi just enter gxi vi surely prevail Vi fid DI vi est believers.

[5:24] Ili dir O Moses ni neniam enter gxi long as ili est gxi! Do ir! - Vi your Lord - Kaj batal! Ni sid dekstr here. [5:25] Li dir My Lord mi nur control my frat. Tial allow us part kompani wicked popol! [5:26] Li dir Henceforth gxi forbidden them 40 jar which ili roam ter aimlessly. Ne grieve such wicked popol! [5:27] Recite them prav histori Adam's 2 fil. Ili far ofert gxi akcept 1 de them ne el ali. Li dir mi surely kill vi. Li dir DI akcept nur el des righteous. [5:28] Vi etend your man kill me mi ne etend my man kill vi. Por mi reverence DI Lord univers. [5:29] Mi want vi ne me urs my pek your pek tiam vi end dwellers Infer! Such est requital transgressors. [5:30] His ego provoked him into killing his frat. Li killed him ended losers. [5:31] DI TIAM SEND raven GRAT soil INSTRU him KIEL bury his FRAT KADAVR! Li dir Ve me mi failed est as inteligent as this raven bury my frat kadavr. Li igx rajd remorse! [5:32] Because da this ni dekret Infan Israel ke any unu murd any ul ne committed murd horrendous krim est as li murd all popol! anyone sxpar life est as li sxpar viv all popol. Our messengers ir them klar proofs revelations plej de them post all this ankoraux transgressing. [5:33] Just retribution those batal DI His messenger commit horrendous krim est killed crucified hav their man fut fason altern flank banished land! This est humiliate them en this life tiam ili sufer far mav retribution Hereafter [5:34] Exempted est those pent antaux vi overcome them! Vi kon ti DI est Forgiver Merciful. [5:35] O vi kred vi reverence DI streb voj means Him strive His kauxz ti vi sukces! [5:36] Certainly those disbelieved ili posed cxio ter eben twice as mult ofert gxi as ransom sxpar them retribution Tag Resurrection gxi ne akcept them; ili incurred painful retribution! [5:37] Ili want exit Infer alas ili neniam exit therefrom their retribution est etern. [5:38] thief vir female vi mark their man punishment their krim kaj dejxor as ekzempl DI. DI est Almighty SAGX.

[5:39] Se 1 pent post committing this krim reforms DI redeems him! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [5:40] Vi ne kon ti DI Do posed sovereignty de heavens ter? Li pun whomever Li vol forgives whomever Li vol! DI est Omnipotent [5:41] O vi messenger ne saddened those hasten disbelieve among those dir Ni kred their busx while their kor ne kred! Among Jud kelk auxskult al mensog! Ili auxskult al popol neniam met vi who distorted vort context tiam dir vi don this akcept gxi vi don anything different beware Whomever DI vol divert vi do nothing help him DI! DI NE wish cleanse their KOR. Ili incurred humiliation en this mond en Hereafter ili sufer terrible retribution. [5:42] Ili est upholders mensog eaters illicit earnings Ili ven vi jugx them vi jugx them vi disregard them! Vi choose disregard them ili ne harm vi en des malplej Se vi jugx them vi jugx equitably. DI AM those est equitable. [5:43] Why ili pet vi do jugx them when ili hav Torah containing di legx ili chose disregard gxi? Ili ne est believers. [5:44] Ni send Torah containing guidance light Regul en accordance kun gxi est Jewish prophets tro as raben priests as dikt them en di scripture as witnessed them! Do ne reverence human beings; vi reverence Me instead Ne meti for My revelations cheap prez! Those ne regul en accordance kun di revelations est disbelievers. [5:45] Kaj ni dekret them gxi ke life life okul okul naz naz orel orel dent dent ekvivalent injury any injury 1 forfeits ki est due al him as charity gxi atone his pek. Those ne regul en accordance kun di revelations est des unjust. [5:46] Subsequent al them ni send Jesus fil Mary konfirm previous scripture Torah! Ni don him Gospel containing guidance light konfirm previous scriptures Torah eg its guidance kaj light enlighten des righteous! [5:47] Popol Gospel regul en accordance kun di revelations therein. Those ne regul en accordance kun di revelations est des wicked. [5:48] Tiam ni revealed vi this scripture truthfully konfirm previous scriptures superseding them! Vi regul them en accordance kun di revelations ne sekv their wishes ili diferenc el truth ven vi! Por each da vi ni dekret legx different rites. Hav DI willed Li far vi 1 congregation! Li tiel puts vi test revelations Li don each da vi. Vi kondur righteousness. Al DI est your final destiny - all da vi - Tiam Li inform vi de cxio vi disput. [5:49] Vi regul them en accordance kun di revelations al vi. Ne sekv their wishes beware lest ili divert vi kelk da di revelations vi! Se ili turn tiam kon ti DI vol pun them por kelk da their pek! Ja many popol est wicked.

[5:50] Est gxi legx tag ignorance ili streb uphold? Whose legx est put than di those ating certainty? [5:51] O vi kred ne pren nepr Jud Christians allies these est allies de 1 another Those among vi ally these aparten them! DI NE DIREKT transgressors. [5:52] Vi seg those haven dub their kor hasten join them dir Ni tim lest ni defeated Maj DI bring victory ordon Him kauxz them bedauxr their sekret thoughts! [5:53] believers tiam dir Est these sam popol who jxur DI solemnly ili est vi? Their works nullified ili est losers. [5:54] O vi kred vi revert your religi tiam DI testament substitute your ej popol whom Li am who am Him! Ili est kind believers pouxp disbelievers strive ig DI sen tim any blame Such est di ben Li bestows gxi whomever Li vol. DI est Bounteous Omniscient [5:55] Your efektiv allies est DI His messenger believers observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) ili bow down [5:56] Those ally DI His messenger those kred aparten parti DI; absolutely ili est victors! [5:57] O vi kred ne befriend those recipients previous scripture mok ridicule your religi nor shall vi befriend disbelievers! Vi reverence DI vi est really believers. [5:58] When vi vok al Kontakt Prayers (Salat) ili mok ridicule gxi. This est ili est popol who ne kompren! [5:59] dir O popol scripture vi ne hate us ni kred en DI en ki revealed us en ki revealed antaux us, kaj plej de vi ne est righteous? [5:60] Dir Let me tell vi est mav sight DI those kondamn DI incurring His wrath gxis Li far them as despicable as simi pork idol worshipers! These est far mav farther dekstr path. [5:61] When ili ven vi ili dir Ni kred eben ili est plen da disbelief when ili entered ili est plen de disbelief when ili las. DI EST fully aware da CXIO ILI conceal. [5:62] Vi seg many da them readily committing evil transgression mangx el illicit earnings Miserable ja est ki ili do [5:63] Se nur raben priests enjoin them their sinful utterances illicit earnings Miserable ja est ki ili commit [5:64] Jud eben dir di man lig Gxi est their man lig down Ili kondamn por uttering such blasphemy! Instead His man est largx open spending as Li vol. Por cert, your Lord's revelations al vi kauxz many da them plongx profund into transgression disbelief!

Consequently ni committed them animosity hatred themselves Tag Resurrection. Whenever ili ignite flam milit DI puts them! Ili roam ter wickedly DI dislikes evildoers. [5:65] Nur popol scripture kred plumb righteous life ni tiam remit their pek admit them into gxarden bliss! [5:66] Nur ili uphold Torah Gospel ki send down them herein their Lord ili est dusx kun blessings el super them beneath their fut! Kelk da them est righteous many da them est evildoers. [5:67] O vi messenger liver ki revealed vi your Lord - gxis vi do vi ne liver His message - Kaj DI testament protekt vi popol. DI NE DIREKT disbelieving POPOL. [5:68] dir O popol scripture vi ne hav basis vi uphold Torah Gospel ki send down vi herein your Lord Por sure these revelations el your Lord kauxz many da them plongx profund into transgression disbelief! Do ne sent sorry disbelieving popol. [5:69] Surely those kred those est Jewish konvert Christians; any da them who (1) kred en DI (2) kred en Last Tag (3) plumb righteous life hav nothing tim nor vol ili grieve [5:70] Ni pren covenant Infan Israel ni send al them messengers. Whenever messenger ir them anything ili disliked kelk da them ili rejected kelk ili killed [5:71] Ili opini ili ne tested ili torn blind surd tiam DI redeemed them tiam many da them torn blind surd re DI est Seer DE CXIO ILI do [5:72] Pagans ja est those who dir DI est Messiah fil Mary. Messiah dir O Infan Israel vi worship DI; my Lord your Lord Anyone sets any idol DI DI forbidden Paradise him his destiny est Infer. wicked ne hav helpers! [5:73] Pagans ja est those who dir DI est 3 de trinity. tie ne est di escept 1 di! Ili refrain el dir this those disbelieve them incur painful retribution! [5:74] Ili ne pent DI Would pet His forgiveness? DI est Forgiver Merciful. [5:75] Messiah fil Mary est ne plur than messenger messengers him his mother est saint Ambaux them uz mangx food Not kiel ni eksplik revelations them not kiel ili ankoraux deviate! [5:76] Dir vi worship DI powerless idols who nek harm vi can nor benefit vi? DI est Hearer Omniscient [5:77] dir O popol scripture ne transgress lim your religi truth ne sekv opinions de popol who ir astray misled multitudes popol; ili est far astray dekstr path!

[5:78] kondamn est those disbelieved Infan Israel lang David Jesus fil Mary. This ili disobeyed transgressed [5:79] Ili ne enjoin unu another el committing evil Miserable ja est ki ili did [5:80] Vi seg many da them allying those disbelieve! Miserable ja est ki their man send for their anim. DI est KOLER them consequently ILI abide forever retribution. [5:81] Hav ili kred en DI prophet en ki revealed him herein ili ne befriended them! many da them est evil [5:82] Vi trov ke mav enemies believers est Jud idol worshipers. Vi trov ke closest popol friendship believers est those dir Ni est Christian This est ili hav priests monak them ili ne est arrogant. [5:83] When ili auxd ki revealed messenger vi vid their okul inund kun larm as ili recognize truth therein ili dir Our Lord ni kred tial count us witnesses [5:84] Why ni ne kred en DI truth ven us esper our Lord admit us righteous popol? [5:85] DI REKOMPENC them DIR this; LI admit them GXARDEN FLU streams Ili abide therein forever Such est rekompenc por des righteous. [5:86] As por those disbelieve reject our revelations ili est dwellers Infer! [5:87] O vi kred ne prohibit bon ajx far lawful DI ne aggress; DI dislikes aggressors! [5:88] Kaj mangx bon lawful ajx ti DI hav proviz por vi! Vi reverence DI en whom vi est believers. [5:89] DI NE TEN VI responsible POR mere utterance oaths; LI TEN VI responsible POR your REAL intentions Vi violate oath vi atone feeding 10 poor popol el sam food vi ofert your own famili aux vest them liber sklav! Vi ne afford this tiam vi fast 3 tag. This est atonement violating oaths vi jxur keep Vi fulfill your oaths. DI TIEL EKSPLIK His revelations VI VI est appreciative [5:90] O vi kred intoxicants gambling altar idols games de sxanc est abomen diabl; vi evit them ke vi sukces. [5:91] Diabl wants provoke animosity hatred vi tra intoxicants gambling al distr vi el memor DI el observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat)! Vi tiam refrain [5:92] Vi obe DI vi obe messenger beware Vi turn tiam kon ke pland duty our messenger est liver message efficiently!

[5:93] Those kred plumb righteous life ne bor guilt mangx any food tial long as ili observ commandments kred plumb righteous life tiam argument their piety faith ad observ piety righteousness! DI AM DES righteous. [5:94] O vi kred DI testament test vi kelk game within reach de your man your sag pilgrimage DI TIEL DISTING those VI OBSERV Him their privacy. Those transgress post this incurred painful retribution. [5:95] O vi kred ne kill any game pilgrimage Anyone kills any game sur purpose his fine est a numer da livestock best est ekvivalent al game best li killed judgment set 2 equitable popol vi. Ili far sure ti offerings reach Ka bah. Otherwise li expiate feeding poor popol ekvivalent fast atone his offense DI PARDON offenses Se anyone returns al such offense DI testament vengx gxi! DI est Almighty Avenger. [5:96] All fisx mar est far lawful vi mangx! Dum pilgrimage this maj proviz por vi dum your journey Vi ne cxas pilgrimage Vi reverence DI whom vi summoned [5:97] DI appointed Ka bah SANKT Masjid est sanctuary POPOL ANKAUX SANKT MONAT offerings SANKT Masjid) garlands MARK them! Vi kon ke DI kon cxio en heavens ter kaj ti DI est Omniscient [5:98] Kon ti DI est strict en enforcing retribution DI Forgiving Merciful! [5:99] Pland duty messenger est liver message DI kon cxio vi deklar cxio vi conceal. [5:100] Proklam mav bon est ne sam eben se abundance mav maj impon vi! Vi reverence DI (eben vi est minority O vi posed intelligence ke vi sukces. [5:101] O vi kred ne pet pri materi revealed vi prematurely dolor vi! Vi pet pri them light de Quran ili igx obvious al vi. DI deliberately overlooked them. DI est Forgiver Clement [5:102] Others vi pet sam questions tiam igx disbelievers therein! [5:103] DI NE prohibit livestock begets NEPR combinations DE VIR females nor livestock liberated PER oath nor UNU begets 2 VIR REM nor bull PATR 10. est disbelievers invent such mensog DI. plej de them ne kompren. [5:104] When ili told Ven ki DI revealed messenger ili dir Ki ni trov our parents doing est sufficient us. Ki se their parents kon nothing ne direkt? [5:105] O vi kred vi worry nur pri your own kol. others ir astray ili ne dolor vi as long as vi direkt. Al DI est your ultimate destiny all da vi tiam Li inform vi de cxio vi done [5:106] O vi kred witnessing vol when unu de vi mort done 2 equitable popol vi! Vi vojagx tiam 2 others do des witnessing! Post observ Kontakt Prayer (Salat) let witnesses

jxur DI alleviate your dub Ni ne uz this ating personal gajn eben testator est rilat al us! Nor vol ni conceal di testimony. Otherwise ni est sinners. [5:107] witnesses trov est kulp de bias tiam 2 others pet pren their met! Choose 2 ul victimized 1 witnesses let them jxur DI Our testimony est truthful than theirs ni ne biased Otherwise ni est transgressors. [5:108] This est apt encourage honest testimony their part tim ke their oath est disregarded ke de previous witnesses Vi observ DI auxskult DI NE DIREKT DES wicked. [5:109] Tag ven when DI testament summon messengers pet them Kiel est response al vi? Ili dir Ni ne hav knowledge! Vi est Knower all sekret. [5:110] DI testament DIR O Jesus FIL Mary memor My blessings VI your mother Mi supported vi Holy Spirit enable vi parol al popol crib tro adult Mi instru vi scripture wisdom Torah Gospel. Recall ti vi kre el clay shape bird My las tiam blov gxi gxi igx viv bird My las! Vi healed blind leprous My las revived dead My las! Recall mi protekt vi Infan Israel wanted dolor vi profound mirakl vi montr them! disbelievers them dir ‘This est obviously magic ' [5:111] Recall mi inspir discxipl ‘Vi kred en Me My messenger ' Ili dir ‘Ni kred bor witness ni est submitters '! [5:112] Recall ti discxipl dir O Jesus fil Mary can your Lord send us feast cxiel? Li dir Vi reverence DI vi est believers! [5:113] Ili dir Ni wish mangx el gxi, reassure our kor kon por sure ke vi told us truth! Ni serv witnesses thereof. [5:114] Dir Jesus fil Mary Our di our Lord send down us feast cxiel! Let gxi bring suficx each cxiu unu de us sign el Vi! Proviz por us; Vi est bon Provider! [5:115] DI DIR MI SEND GXI down Anyone among vi disbelieves this mi pun him as mi neniam pun anyone aux [5:116] DI testament DIR O Jesus FIL Mary did VI dir al POPOL ‘FAR me my mother idols DI? ' LI DIR VI GLOR! Mi ne utter ki est dekstr! Hav mi dir gxi Vi jam kon gxi! Vi kon my thoughts mi ne kon Your thoughts! Vi kon all sekret. [5:117] Mi told them nur ki Vi komand me dir ‘Vi worship DI my Lord your Lord ' mi est witness them as long as mi viv them. When Vi terminated my life ter Vi igx Watcher them. Vi witness all ajx. [5:118] Vi pun them ili est Your constituents. Vi forgive them Vi est Almighty Sagx.

[5:119] DI testament PROKLAM This est TAG when truthful VOL SAV their truthfulness. ILI IND GXARDEN FLU streams Ili abide therein forever DI PLACX them ILI PLACX Him! This est greatest triumf. [5:120] Al DI aparten sovereignty de heavens ter cxio en them Li est Omnipotent . 6- Livestock (Al-An'am) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [6:1] Lauxd est DI kre heavens ter far darkness light those disbelieve en their Lord ad deviate. [6:2] Li est Unu kre vi kot tiam predetermined your life sxpin life sxpin ke kon nur al Him! Vi ad dub! [6:3] Li est 1 DI heavens ter. Li kon your sekret your declarations Li kon cxio vi earn [6:4] Ne materi ki kind da proof ven them their Lord ili turn el gxi, aversion. [6:5] Ekde ili rejected truth when gxi ven them ili incurred consequences their heedlessness. [6:6] Ili ne seg kiel many generaci them ni annihilated Ni establ them ter plur than ni did vi ni dusx them blessings generously ni proviz them flu streams Ni tiam annihilated them their pek ni substituted another generaci their met. [6:7] Eben ni send them physical libr skrib sur paper, ili tusx gxi their man those disbelieved dir This est ne plur than clever magic [6:8] Ili ankaux dir nur angxel ven him! Hav ni send angxel whole materi terminated ili ne long respited [6:9] Hav ni send angxel ni send him form hom ni kept them just as konfuz as ili konfuz nun! [6:10] Messengers vi ridiculed est those mok them sufer consequences de their ridiculing! [6:11] Dir Roam ter not consequences rejectors!

[6:12] Dir, "Al whom aparten cxio heavens ter? Dir, "Al DI. Li dekret mercy est His atribu! Li surely summon vi all Tag Resurrection est inevitable. Unu perd their anim est those disbelieve. [6:13] Al Him aparten cxio logx en nokt tag! Li est Hearer Knower. [6:14] dir Shall mi akcept DI as Lord Mastr when Li est Initiator de heavens ter Li feeds ne fed Dir mi komand plej devoted submitter ne est idol worshiper. '! [6:15] dir mi tim se mi disobeyed my Lord retribution awesome tag. [6:16] Whoever sxpar (retribution) ke tag ating His mercy! this est greatest triumf. [6:17] Di tusx vi adversity neniom relieve gxi escept Li. Kaj se Li tusx vi ben Li est Omnipotent [6:18] Li est Supreme His creatures. Li est plej Sagx Cognizant [6:19] Dir Whose testimony est greatest? Dir di! Li est witness me vi ke this Quran inspir me predik gxi vi whomever gxi reaches Ja vi bor witness tie est ali di DI. Dir mi ne atest as vi do tie est nur unu di mi disown your idolatry! [6:20] Those ni don scripture recognize this as ili recognize their own infan. Unu perd their anim est those ne kred. [6:21] Who evil than unu est mensog DI rejects His revelations? transgressors neniam sukces. [6:22] Tag when ni summon them all ni pet idol worshipers vol idols vi est set [6:23] Their disastrous response est DI our Lord ni neniam est idol worshipers. [6:24] Not kiel ili lied al themselves kaj kiel idols ili invent abandoned them! [6:25] Kelk da them auxskult al vi ni ej vual their kor prevent them kompren deafness en their orel! Tiel ne materi ki kind da proof ili seg ili ne kred! Do when ili ven argue vi disbelievers dir These est tales preter! [6:26] Ili repel others el this (Quran) as ili rest for el gxi, do ili nur detru sen perceiving! [6:27] Nur vi seg them when ili vizagx hellfire! Ili dir tiam Ve al us. Oh ni wish ni ir neniam reject our Lord's revelations join believers! [6:28] As a materi da fakt, (ili nur dir this their sekret exposed Ili ir ili commit exactly sam krim. Ili est liars.

[6:29] Ili dir (subconsciously) Ni viv nur this life; ni ne resurrected [6:30] Vi nur seg them when ili star their Lord Li dir Est this ne truth? Ili dir Jes our Lord Li dir Vi incurred retribution your disbelief. [6:31] Losers ja est those disbelieve meeting DI Hor ven them suddenly tiam dir Ni deeply bedauxr wasting our viv en this mond. Ili port loads their pek their dors; ki miserable load [6:32] life this mond est ne plur than iluzi vanity while abode Hereafter est far put por des righteous. Vi ne kompren!? [6:33] Ni kon ti vi saddened ki ili dir Vi kon ti gxi ne est vi ke ili reject gxi est di revelations ke wicked disregard [6:34] Messengers vi rejected ili steadfastly persevered en des vizagx de rejection. Ili persekut our victory ven them. Such est di sistem neniam sxangx. Histori My messengers tiel sets precedents vi. [6:35] their rejection gets est tro mult vi vi kon ke eben vi fos tunnel ter grimp ladder cxiel produkt mirakl them (ili ankoraux ne kred)! Hav DI willed Li direkt them unanimously! Do ne behave like ignorant unu! [6:36] Nur unu al respond est those auxskult! DI resurrects dead ILI ultimately return Him. [6:37] Ili dir nur nepr sign ven him his Lord Dir DI est able al send sign plej de them ne kon! [6:38] All creatures ter all bird flug kun wings est communities vi. Ni ne las anything this libr. Al their Lord all these creatures summoned [6:39] Those reject our proofs est surd dumb en total darkness. Whomever DI vol Li send astray whomever Li vol Li plumb rekt path. [6:40] Dir Ki se di retribution ven vi Hor ven vi vi implore DI vi est truthful? [6:41] Fakt est nur Him vi implore Li respond your prayer se Li vol vi forges your idols. [6:42] Ni send (messengers) communities vi ni put them al test tra adversity hardship ili implore [6:43] Se nur ili implored when our test aflikt them! Instead their kor hard diabl ornam their works their okul.

[6:44] When ili tiel disregard message don them ni open por them gates de cxio. Tiam just as ili gxoj en ki don them ni pun them suddenly ili igx utterly stunned [6:45] wicked est tiel annihilated Lauxd est DI Lord univers. [6:46] Dir Ki se DI sorb for your auxd your eyesight sigel your mens; which di DI restore these vi? Not kiel ni eksplik revelations not kiel ili ankoraux deviate! [6:47] Dir Ki se di retribution ven vi suddenly post announcement gxi ne wicked who est incur annihilation? [6:48] Ni ne send messengers deliverers bon news tro warners. Those kred reform hav nothing tim nor vol ili grieve [6:49] As por those reject our revelations ili incur retribution their wickedness. [6:50] dir mi ne dir al vi ke mi posed trezor DI. Nor do mi kon future Nor do mi dir al vi mi est angxel. Mi simply sekv ki revealed me Dir est Est blind sam as seer? Vi ne reflect [6:51] Kaj predik this (Quran) al those reverence summoning their Lord - Ili hav neniom Him as Lord kaj Mastr nor intercessor! - Ke ili ating salvation. [6:52] Ne dismiss those implore their Lord tag kaj nokt, devoting Him sol! Vi ne est responsible por their reckoning nor est ili responsible por your reckoning Vi dismiss them vi est transgressor. [6:53] Ni tiel test popol per each ali let them dir (mockingly) Est these popol us ben DI? est Est DI ne aware da appreciative unu? [6:54] When those kred en our revelations ven vi vi dir Salmun 窶連laykum (Pac est vi). Your Lord dekret mercy est His atribu. Do anyone among vi commits transgression ignorance pent thereafter reforms tiam Li Forgiving Merciful! [6:55] Ni tiel eksplik revelations pint voj de des wicked. [6:56] dir mi forbidden el worshipping ki vi worship DI. Dir mi ne sekv your opinions! Otherwise mi ir astray ne direkt! [6:57] dir mi hav solid proof el my Lord vi rejected gxi! Mi ne control retribution vi challenge me bring Judgment aparten DI sol. Li narrates truth Li est bon jugx. [6:58] Dir Se mi controlled retribution vi challenge me bring whole materi terminated long ago! DI kon PUT who wicked est

[6:59] Kun Him est klav al all sekret; neniom kon them Li. Li kon cxio sur land mar. Ne foli fal His knowledge. Nor est tie gren depths soil Nor est tie anything wet sek ke ne recorded profound record [6:60] Li est Unu puts vi al death nokt kon eben smallest de your actions tag. Li resurrects vi cxiu maten your life sxpin fulfilled tiam Him est your ultimate return Li tiam inform vi de cxio vi done [6:61] Li est Supreme His creatures Li appoints gard protekt vi! When appointed temp death ven any da vi our messengers put him death sen delay [6:62] Tiam everyone returned DI their rightful Lord Mastr Absolutely Li est ultimate jugx; Li est plej accurate Reckoner. [6:63] Dir Who sav vi darkness de land mar? Vi implore Him loudly secretly Li sav us this temp ni est eternally appreciative [6:64] Dir DI sav vi this temp, ali temp ankaux tiam vi ankoraux set idols Him! [6:65] dir Li est certainly able al versx upon vi retribution el super vi el beneath your fut! Li divid vi factions hav vi gust each others' tyranny! Not kiel ni eksplik revelations ili kompren! [6:66] Your popol rejected this eben gxi est truth. dir mi est guardian over vi. [6:67] Cxiu prophecy herein ven pas vi testament surely trov out! [6:68] Se vi seg those mok our revelations vi evit them ili delve into another subjekt. Diabl kauxz vi forges tiam vi memor do ne sid such evil popol! [6:69] righteous est ne responsible utterances de those popol gxi help remind them; perhaps ili sav. [6:70] Vi disregard those pren their religi en vain as est social funkci totally sorb en this worldly life. Remind this (Quran) lest anim sufer consequences its evil earnings Gxi hav neniom DI Lord kaj Mastr nor intercessor! Gxi ofert any kind da ransom gxi ne akcept! Ili sufer consequences evil works ili earn ili incurred hellish drink painful retribution their disbelief. [6:71] dir ni implore DI Shall ki ne posed potenc benefit us dolor us turn our kalkan DI direkt us? Tiam ni join those posed diabl rendered utterly konfuz while their amik pen sav them ‘Rest us tuj path ' Dir di guidance est dekstr guidance! Ni komand submit Lord univers! [6:72] Al observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) al reverence Him - Li est 1 antaux whom vi summoned reckoning

[6:73] Li est Unu kre heavens ter truthfully. Whenever Li dir Est gxi est His vort est absolut truth. All sovereignty aparten al Him tag korn blov! Knower de all sekret declarations Li est plej Sagx Cognizant [6:74] Recall ti Abraham dir al his patr Azar Kiel vi worship statu di? Mi seg ke vi your popol ir far astray. [6:75] Ni montr Abraham mir de heavens ter ben him certainty: [6:76] When nokt fal li seg lum planed. Maybe this est my Lord li dir. When gxi disappeared li dir mi ne like (di) disappear [6:77] When li seg lun roz li dir Maybe this est my Lord When gxi disappeared li dir my Lord direkt me mi est strayers. [6:78] When li seg sun roz li dir This est my Lord This est grand. when gxi set li dir O my popol mi denunc your idolatry. [6:79] Mi devoted absolutely Unu iniciat heavens ter; mi neniam est idol worshiper. [6:80] His popol argued him. Li dir Do vi argue me DI Li direkt me Mi ne hav tim de idols vi set Nothing okaz me unless my Lord vol gxi. My Lord's knowledge encompasses all ajx. Vi ne pren heed [6:81] Why mi tim your idols? est vi est afraid ekde vi worship DI idols est utterly powerless help vi! Which flank est ind de security se vi kon? [6:82] Those kred ne pollute their belief idol worship ind perfekt security ili ver direkt! [6:83] Such est our argument which ni supported Abraham his popol. Ni exalt whomever ni do gxi alt rang. Your Lord est Sagx Omniscient [6:84] Ni granted him Isaac Jacob ni direkt ambaux them! Similarly ni direkt Noah antaux ke, his descendants (ni direkt) David Solomon Job Joseph Moses Aaron. Ni tiel rekompenc des righteous. [6:85] Ankaux Zachariah John Jesus Elias all est righteous. [6:86] Ismail Elisha Jonah Lot; each da these NI DISTING all POPOL. [6:87] El their ancestors their descendants their siblings ni chose many ni direkt them rekt path. [6:88] Such est di guidance which Li direkt whomever Li chooses His servants. any da them fal idolatry their works nullified

[6:89] Those est des unu ni don scripture wisdom prophethood. these popol disbelieve ni substitute others their met neo popol ne est disbelievers. [6:90] These est unu direkt per DI; vi direkt their footsteps. dir mi ne pet vi any wage This est message all popol. [6:91] Ili neniam valued DI as Li valued Tiel ili dir DI ne reveal anything any human est Dir Who tiam revealed scripture Moses brought light guidance popol? Vi put gxi down sur paper proklam gxi while concealing a lot de gxi! Vi instru ki vi neniam kon - Vi your parents Dir DI est 1 who revealed gxi) tiam las them their heedlessness lud! [6:92] This tro est ben scripture ni revealed konfirm previous scriptures ke vi avert plej grav community all those around gxi. Those kred en Hereafter kred en this (scripture) observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat). [6:93] Who est evil than 1 who fabricates mensog atribu them DI dir mi ricev divine inspiration when ne such inspiration don him dir mi skrib sam as di revelations? nur vi seg transgressors death! Angxel etend their man al them dir Let ir da your anim! Hodiaux vi incurred shameful retribution por dir DI truth kaj est tro arrogant akcept His revelations. [6:94] Vi ven us individu just as ni kre vi 1 temp vi las ki ni proviz por vi. Ni do ne seg vi intercessors vi idolized pretend ke ili help vi! All lig vi severed idols vi set abandoned vi! [6:95] DI EST UNU KAUXZ GREN seeds KRAK germinate! Li produkt viv dead dead el viv Such est DI; kiel could vi deviate! [6:96] Je krak dawn Li ig maten emerge Li far nokt ankoraux Li rendered sun lun dejxor as calculation devices Such est desegn Almighty Omniscient [6:97] Kaj Li est Unu far stel direkt vi darkness sur land kaj sur mar Ni tiel clarify revelations popol kon. [6:98] Li iniciat vi 1 ul decid your path ankaux as your final destiny. Ni tiel clarify revelations popol kompren. [6:99] Li est Unu send cxiel akv whereby ni produkt all kinds da plant. Ni produkt verd sxtof multitudes kompleks gren palm arb pend clusters gxarden grapes oliv granat; frukt ke est simil dissimilar Not their frukt as ili kresk ripen These est sign popol kred. [6:100] Ili set DI idols jinns Li est Unu kre them. Ili ecx atribu al Him fil daughters any knowledge! Li glor. Li est plej Alt far super their pretend. [6:101] Initiator de heavens ter. Kiel Li can fil when Li hav neniam hav mate Li kre all ajx Li est fully aware da all ajx.

[6:102] Such est DI your Lord tie ne est di escept Li Creator all ajx! Vi worship Him sol. Li est en control de all ajx! [6:103] Ne vizi encompass Him Li encompasses all vizi! Li est Compassionate Cognizant [6:104] Enlightenments ven vi your Lord As por those seg ili do por their own bon those turn blind do tial their own detriment. Mi ne est your guardian [6:105] Ni tiel eksplik revelations pruv ti vi ricev knowledge clarify them popol kon. [6:106] Sekv ki revealed vi your Lord tie ne est di escept Li disregard idol worshipers! [6:107] Hav DI willed ili ne worshipped idols! Ni ne appoint vi their guardian nor est vi their advokat. [6:108] Ne curse idols ili set DI lest ili blaspheme curse DI ignorance! Ni ornam works de cxiu grup en their okul. Ultimately ili return their Lord tiam Li inform them de cxio ili done [6:109] Ili jxur DI solemnly mirakl ven them ili surely kred. Dir Mirakl ven nur el DI. all vi kon mirakl did ven them ili ad disbelieve! [6:110] Ni control their mens their kor Do ekde their decision est disbelieve ni las them their transgressions blundering [6:111] Eben se ni send angxel them; eben dead parol al them; eben ni summoned cxiu mirakl them; ili ne kred unless DI vol gxi. Ja plej de them est ignorant. [6:112] Ni permes enemies cxiu prophet - human jinn diabl - Al inspir each ali rev vort en ord tromp! Hav your Lord willed ili ne done gxi! Vi disregard them their fabrications. [6:113] This est let mens de those ne kred en Hereafter auxskult al such fabrications akcept them tiel expose their efektiv convictions! [6:114] Mi streb DI source legx when Li revealed vi this libr fully detal? Those ricev scripture recognize gxi hav revealed your Lord truthfully. Vi ne haven any dub. [6:115] Vort your Lord est komplet en truth justice Nothing abrogate His vort. Li est Hearer Omniscient [6:116] Vi obe majority popol ter ili divert vi path DI. Ili sekv nur konjekt; ili nur diven! [6:117] Your Lord est fully aware da those stray His path Li est fully aware da those direkt.

[6:118] Vi mangx el ke upon which di nom prononc vi ver kred en His revelations! [6:119] Why vi ne mangx el ke upon which di nom menci? Li detal vi ki prohibited vi unless vi forced Ja many popol mislead others their personal opinions knowledge. Your Lord est fully aware da transgressors. [6:120] Vi evit obvious pek tro fel unu. Those earned pek surely pag por their transgressions. [6:121] Ne mangx el ke upon which nom DI ne menci gxi est abomen! Diabl inspir their allies argue vi; vi obe them vi est idol worshipers. [6:122] 1 est dead ni granted him life est proviz him light ke enables him mov among des popol, egal al unu total darkness el which li neniam exit works disbelievers tiel ornam their okul. [6:123] Ni allow konduk criminals cxiu community plot scheme Ili nur plot scheme their own anim sen perceiving! [6:124] When powerful proof ven al them ili dir Ni ne kred ni don ki don di messengers! DI kon exactly who est bon qualified liver His message Such criminals sufer debasement DI terrible retribution consequence their evil scheming [6:125] Whomever DI vol direkt Li renders his kest largx open al Submission. whomever Li vol send astray Li renders his kest intolerant straitened unu grimp tial. DI TIEL EJ curse upon those RIFUZ kred [6:126] This est rekt path your Lord Ni eksplik revelations popol pren heed [6:127] Ili ind abode pac their Lord Li est their Lord Mastr rekompenc their works [6:128] Tag ven when Li summons all da them dir O vi jinns vi pretend multitudes humans Their human companions dir Our Lord ni gxu each others' kompani ni wasted life sxpin Vi set us Li dir Infer est your destiny Ili abide therein forever en accordance kun di testament Your Lord est Sagx Omniscient [6:129] Ni tiel alumet wicked est companions de each ali as punishment their transgressions. [6:130] O vi jinns humans vi ne ricev messengers el vi narrated vi My revelations avert vi meeting this tag? Ili dir Ni urs witness ourselves. Ili totally preoccupied worldly life ili bor witness themselves ili est disbelievers. [6:131] This est montr ke your Lord neniam annihilates any community unjustly while its popol est unaware!

[6:132] Everyone ating rang commensurate their deeds. Your Lord est neniam unaware de anything ili do [6:133] Your Lord est Ricx 1; possessor all mercy. Li vol Li remove vi substitute whomever Li vol your met just as Li produkt vi progeny ali popol. [6:134] Ki promes vi ven pas vi neniam evade gxi! [6:135] dir O my popol do your bon tial vol mi. Vi do gxi surely trov out who ultimate victors est. Certainly wicked vol neniam sukces! [6:136] Ili ecx set aside akci di provisions de crops livestock dir This akci aparten al DI their pretend this akci aparten al our idols. Tamen ki est set aside their idols neniam reached DI while akci ili set aside DI invariably ir their idols! Miserable ja est their judgment [6:137] Tiel est idol worshipers duped their idols extent killing their own infan. En fakt, their idols inflict great pain them konfuz their religi them. Hav DI willed ili ne done gxi! Vi disregard them their fabrications. [6:138] Ili dir These est livestock crops ke prohibited ne 1 mangx them whomever ni permes ili pretend! Ili ankaux prohibited vetur nepr livestock. Eben livestock ili mangx ili neniam prononc di nom as ili ofer them. Such est innovations atribu al Him. Li surely requite them their innovations. [6:139] Ili ankaux dir Ki est bellies de these livestock rezerv exclusively vir us kaj prohibited our wives est ankoraux nask ili permes their wives akci therein. Li certainly requite them their innovations. Li est Sagx Omniscient [6:140] Losers ja est those killed their infan foolishly their lack knowledge prohibited ki DI hav proviz por them sekv innovations atribu al DI! Ili ir astray; ili ne direkt. [6:141] Li est Unu establ gxarden trellised untrellised palm arb crops different gust oliv granat! - Frukt est simil dissimilar Mangx their frukt don due alms tag rikolt ne waste anything! Li ne am wasters. [6:142] Kelk livestock supply vi transportation ankaux as lit sxtof! Mangx di provisions vi ne sekv sxtup Satan; li est your ardent enemy [6:143] 8 kinds livestock 2 kinds sxaf 2 kinds kapr dir Est gxi 2 vir Li prohibited 2 females kontent wombs 2 females? Tell me ki vi kon vi est truthful! [6:144] Regarding 2 kinds kamel 2 kinds bov dir Est gxi 2 vir Li prohibited 2 females kontent wombs 2 females? Vi est witnesses when DI dekret such prohibitions vi? Who evil than those invent such mensog est atribu them DI? Ili tiel mislead popol knowledge. DI NE DIREKT such evil POPOL.

[6 Dir mi ne trov revelations don me any food ke prohibited any eater (1) carrion (2) kur sang (3) viand pork gxi contaminated (4) viand best blasphemously dedicx DI. 1 forced mangx these) sen est deliberate malic tiam your Lord est Forgiver Merciful! [6:146] those who Jewish ni prohibited best undivided huf; de bov sxaf ni prohibited fat which port their dors viscera miks ost! Ke est retribution their transgressions ni est truthful. [6:147] Ili disbelieve vi tiam dir Your Lord posed infinite mercy His retribution est unavoidable por kulp popol! [6:148] idol worshipers dir Hav DI willed ni ne practice idolatry nor would our parents nor would ni prohibit anything. Do did those antaux them disbelieve gxis ili incurred our retribution! Dir vi hav any proven knowledge ke vi montr us? Vi sekv nothing konjekt; vi nur diven. [6:149] Dir DI posed plej powerful argument; Li vol Li direkt all da vi! [6:150] dir Bring your witnesses atest DI prohibited this ke. ili atest do ne atest them! Nor shall vi sekv opinions de those reject our revelations those disbelieve Hereafter those stray for their Lord [6:151] dir Ven let me tell vi ki your Lord really prohibited vi Vi ne set idols Him! Vi honor your parents Vi ne kill your infan el tim de poverty! - Ni proviz por vi kaj them. Vi ne commit gross pek obvious fel Vi ne kill - DI FAR life SANKT - Escept justice These est His commandments al vi vi kompren. [6:152] Vi ne tusx orf mon escept plej righteous manier ili reach maturity. Vi don plen weight plen mezur when vi meti equitably. Ni ne sxargx any anim its means Vi est absolutely just when vi bor witness eben your relativ. Vi fulfill your covenant DI. These est His commandments al vi ke vi pren heed [6:153] This est My path - Rekt 1. Vi sekv gxi ne sekv any ali paths lest ili divert vi His path. These est His commandments al vi vi sav. [6:154] Ni don Moses scripture komplet put commandments detal cxio beacon mercy ke ili kred en meeting their Lord [6:155] This tro est ben scripture ke ni revealed vi sekv gxi plumb righteous life ke vi ating mercy. [6:156] Tuj vi ne long dir scripture send down 2 grup antaux us, ni est unaware de their teachings. [6:157] Nor can vi dir nur scripture ven us ni bon direkt than ili. proven scripture hav nun ven vi your Lord beacon mercy! tuj who evil than unu est rejects these proofs el DI

disregards them? Ni commit those disregard our proofs mav retribution their heedlessness. [6:158] Ili waiting angxel est ven them your Lord kelk physical manifestations your Lord Tag this ne okaz anim do gxi benefit el kred gxi ne kred antaux ke, ne reap benefits belief per plumb righteous life! dir Keep waiting ni tro waiting [6:159] Those divid sects do ne aparten vi! Their judgment ripoz DI tiam Li inform them de cxio ili done [6:160] Whoever does righteous work ricev rekompenc 10 1 who commits pek requited nur 1! Ne 1 sufer slightest injustice. [6:161] Dir My Lord direkt me rekt path! - Perfekt religi Abraham monotheism. Li neniam est idol worshiper. [6:162] Dir My Kontakt Prayers (Salat) my worship practices my life my death est all devoted absolutely al DI sol Lord univers! [6:163] Li ne hav partner This est ki mi komand kred mi est 1 submit! [6:164] dir mi streb DI lord when Li est Lord all ajx? Ne anim benefits el its own works neniom bor sxargx de another Ultimately vi return your Lord tiam Li inform vi all your disput. [6:165] Li est Unu far vi inheritors ter Li raised kelk da vi others en rang en ord test vi en accordance kun ki Li don vi! Surely your Lord est efficient en enforcing retribution Li est Forgiver Merciful! . 7- Purgatory (Al-A'araf) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [7:1] A. L. M. S. [7:2] This scripture hav revealed vi - Vi ne haven dub gxi en your kor - Ke vi avert gxi proviz reminder believers! [7:3] Vi shall all sekv ki revealed vi your Lord ne sekv any idols Him! Rarely do vi pren heed

[7:4] Many community ni annihilated ili incurred our retribution while ili est asleep largx awake [7:5] Their utterance when our retribution ven them est Ja ni est transgressors. [7:6] Ni certainly question those ricev message ni question messengers. [7:7] Ni inform them authoritatively ni est neniam absent [7:8] Skal est atenc ke tag equitably. Those weights est heavy est winners. [7:9] As por those weights est light ili est unu perd their anim consequence de disregarding our revelations unjustly! [7:10] Ni establ vi ter ni hav proviz por vi means support therein! Rarely est vi appreciative [7:11] Ni kre vi tiam ni shaped vi tiam ni dir al angxel, Fal prostrate Adam. Ili fal prostrate escept Iblees (Satan;) li ne est prostrators! [7:12] Li dir Ki prevent vi el prostrating when mi ord vi? Li dir mi est put than li; Vi kre me el fajr kre him el kot! [7:13] Li dir Do vi ir down vi ne est est arrogant here. Get vi debased [7:14] Li dir Grant me respite Tag Resurrection! [7:15] Li dir Vi granted respite [7:16] Li dir Ekde Vi hav willed ke mi ir astray mi skulk them Your rekt path. [7:17] Mi ven them el them behind them el their dekstr el their las Vi trov ke plej de them est unappreciative. [7:18] Li dir Get therefrom despised defeated Those among them sekv vi mi fill Infer vi all [7:19] As por vi Adam logx your wife en Paradise mangx therefrom vi placx ne approach this 1 arb lest vi fal en pek! [7:20] Diabl flustr them en ord reveal their korp est invisible al them. Li dir Your Lord ne forbid vi this arb prevent vi el igx angxel ating etern existence! [7:21] Li jxur them mi don vi bon advice

[7:22] LI TIEL duped them mensog As baldaux as ili gust arb their korp igx visible al them ili pen kovr foli Paradise! Their Lord vok them mi ne enjoin vi Did el ke arb avert vi diabl est your ardent enemy [7:23] Ili dir Our Lord ni wronged our anim kaj Vi forgive us hav mercy us ni est losers! [7:24] Li dir Ir down enemies de 1 another Sur ter est your habitation provision por awhile! [7:25] Li dir gxi vi viv gxi vi mort el gxi vi est brought out"! [7:26] O infan Adam ni proviz vi garments kovr your korp tro luks! Put garment est garment righteousness. These est kelk da di sign ti ili pren heed [7:27] O infan Adam ne let diabl dupe vi as li did when li kauxz eviction your parents Paradise removal their garments expose their korp. Li his gent vid vi, while vi ne seg them. Ni appoint diabl companions de those ne kred. [7:28] Ili commit gross pek tiam dir Ni trov ni parents doing this DI komand us do gxi. Dir DI neniam advokat pek! Vi dir DI ki vi ne kon? [7:29] Dir My Lord advokat justice star devoted al Him sol cxiu met worship Vi devote your worship absolutely Him sol. Just as Li iniciat vi vi ultimately ir Him. [7:30] Kelk Li direkt while others committed straying Ili pren diabl their mastr DI ili kred ke ili direkt. [7:31] O infan Adam vi est clean vest nicely when vi ir masjid! Mangx trink moderately; Surely Li ne am gluttons! [7:32] Dir Who prohibited nice ajx DI kre His creatures bon provisions Dir Such provisions est gxu en this life those kred! Ankaux bon provisions est exclusively theirs Tag Resurrection. Ni tiel eksplik revelations popol who kon! [7:33] Dir My Lord prohibits nur evil deeds est ili obvious fel pek unjustifiable aggression set DI powerless idols al dir DI ki vi ne kon! [7:34] each community tie predetermined life sxpin. Once their interim ven end ili ne delay gxi 1 hor nor advance gxi! [7:35] O infan Adam when messengers ven vi vi recite My revelations al vi those sorb heed plumb righteous life hav nothing tim nor vol ili grieve [7:36] As por those reject our revelations est tro arrogant uphold them ili incurred Infer wherein ili abide forever

[7:37] Who evil than those est invent mensog DI reject His revelations? These get their akci en accordance kun scripture tiam when our messengers ven terminate their viv ili dir Kie est idols vi uz implore DI? Ili dir Ili abandoned us. Ili bor witness themselves ili est disbelievers! [7:38] Li dir Enter previous communities de jinns humans into Infer. Cxiu temp grup enters ili curse their ancestral grup! Once ili est all gxi latest unu dir de previous unu Our Lord these est des unu misled us! Don them double retribution Infer. Li dir Each ricev double vi ne kon! [7:39] ancestral grup vol dir al later grup Ekde vi hav avantagx us gust retribution your own pek! [7:40] Surely those reject our revelations est tro arrogant uphold them gates cxiel neniam open them nor vol ili enter Paradise kamel pas needle's okul! Ni tiel requite kulp. [7:41] Ili incurred Infer abode; ili hav barriers them. Ni tiel requite transgressors. [7:42] As por those kred plumb righteous life! - Ni neniam sxargx any anim its means these est dwellers Paradise. Ili abide gxi forever [7:43] Ni remove all jealousy their kor. River flu them ili dir DI lauxd por direkt us! Ni possibly ne direkt ne est DI direkt us. messengers our Lord did bring truth. Ili est vok This est your Paradise! Vi hered gxi dors your works [7:44] dwellers Paradise vok dwellers Infer Ni trov our Lord's promes est truth hav vi trov your Lord's promes est truth Ili dir Jes announcer them anonc di condemnation befallen transgressors! [7:45] who repel path DI strive far gxi crooked regard Hereafter ili est disbelievers! [7:46] barrier separates them while Purgatory okup popol recognize each flank their jen. Ili vok dwellers de Paradise Pac est upon vi Ili ne enter (Paradise wishful opini [7:47] When ili torn their okul dwellers Infer ili dir Our Lord do ne put us these wicked popol! [7:48] dwellers Purgatory vol vok sur popol ili recognize their jen dir Your great numer ne avail vi en any voj nor did your arrogance! [7:49] Est those popol vi jxur DI testament neniam tusx them kun mercy?" (popol Purgatory vol tiam told Enter Paradise; vi hav nothing tim nor vol vi grieve [7:50] dwellers Infer vok sur dwellers Paradise Let kelk da your akv kelk da di provisions al vi flu us Ili dir DI forbidden them disbelievers!

[7:51] Those ne sorb their religi seriously totally preoccupied this worldly life ni forges them ke tag ili forges ke tag kaj ili spurned our revelations. [7:52] Ni don them scripture fully detal knowledge guidance mercy popol kred. [7:53] Ili waiting all (prophecies) est fulfilled Tag such fulfillment ven pas those disregarded gxi en des preter dir messengers our Lord brought truth. Tie any intercessors est al intercede our behalf? Would vi send us tial ke ni sxangx our behavior bon works than ki ni did Ili perd their anim their own innovations kauxz their doom [7:54] Your Lord est 1 DI kre heavens ter 6 tag tiam assumed all auxtoritat. Nokt overtakes tag gxi pursues gxi persistently sun lun stel committed dejxor His ordon! Absolutely Li controls all creation all ordon. Exalted est DI Lord univers! [7:55] Vi worship your Lord publicly privately; Li ne am transgressors! [7:56] Ne corrupt ter gxi set rekt worship Him reverence esper! Surely di mercy est attainable per des righteous. [7:57] Li est 1 who send vent bon omen mercy el His man! Once ili gather heavy nub ni sxofor them dead land send down akv therefrom produkt gxi all kinds da frukt! Ni tiel resurrect dead ke vi pren heed [7:58] Bon land readily produkt its plant las its Lord while mav land barely produkt anything util. Ni tiel eksplik revelations popol est appreciative [7:59] Ni send Noah his popol dir O my popol worship DI; vi ne hav ali di Him. Mi tim por vi retribution awesome tag. [7:60] Estr his popol dir Ni seg vi est far astray. [7:61] Li dir O my popol mi est astray; mi est messenger Lord univers. [7:62] Mi liver vi messages my Lord mi advise vi mi kon DI ki vi ne kon. [7:63] Est gxi tro mult de wonder ke reminder ven vi your Lord hom vi avert vi plumb vi al righteousness ke vi ating mercy? [7:64] Ili rejected him. Consequently ni sav him those him en ark ni dron those rejected our revelations; ili est blind. [7:65] Al 窶連ad ni send their frat Hood Li dir O my popol worship DI; vi ne hav ali di Him. Vi tiam observ righteousness? [7:66] Estr disbelieved his popol dir Ni seg vi behaving foolishly ni opini vi est liar.

[7:67] Li dir O my popol tie ne est foolishness me mi est messenger Lord univers. [7:68] Mi liver vi my Lord's messages mi honestly advising vi! [7:69] Est gxi tro mult de wonder ke message ven vi your Lord hom vi avert vi? Recall ti Li far vi inheritors popol Noah multiplied your numer! Memor di blessings ke vi sukces! [7:70] Ili dir vi ven far us worship DI sol abandon ki our parents uz worship Ni challenge vi bring doom vi minac us vi est truthful. [7:71] Li dir Vi incurred condemnation wrath your Lord Do vi argue me innovations vi fabricated - Vi your parents - which neniam authorized DI? Do wait mi wait vi! [7:72] Ni tiam sav him those him per mercy el us ni annihilated those rejected our revelations rifuz est believers. [7:73] Al Thamoud ni send their frat Saaleh. Li dir O my popol worship DI; vi ne hav ali di Him. Proof est proviz por vi el your Lord here est di kamel dejxor sign vi! Let her mangx di land do ne tusx her any harm lest vi incur painful retribution! [7:74] Recall ti Li far vi inheritors 窶連ad establ vi ter mason mansions its val carving hejm its mont! Vi memor di blessings ne roam ter corruptingly. [7:75] arrogant estr his popol dir al komun popol kred Kiel do vi kon ti Saaleh send his Lord Ili dir message li brought far us believers! [7:76] arrogant unu dir Ni disbelieve en ki vi kred en [7:77] Subsequently ili bucx kamel ribel their Lord's ordon dir O Saaleh bring doom vi minac us vi est really messenger! [7:78] Consequently quake annihilated them las them dead their hejm! [7:79] Li torn them dir O my popol mi liver my Lord's message vi advised vi vi ne like any advisers! [7:80] Lot dir al his popol Vi commit such abomen; ne 1 en des mond done gxi antaux! [7:81] Vi practice seks hom women Ja vi est transgressing popol! [7:82] His popol respond per dir Evict them your town! Ili est popol who wish est pur! [7:83] Consequently ni sav him his famili ne his wife; sxi est kun des doomed [7:84] Ni dusx them nepr dusx; not consequences kulp!

[7:85] Al Midyan ni send their frat Shu aib. Li dir O my popol worship DI; vi ne hav ali di Him. Proof ven vi your Lord Vi don plen weight plen mezur when vi meti. Ne cheat popol their dekstr! Ne corrupt ter gxi set rekt! This est put vi se vi est believers. [7:86] Refrain blok cxiu path streb repel those kred path DI ne far gxi crooked Memor vi uz est few Li multiplied your numer! Recall consequences por des wicked! [7:87] Tuj kelk da vi hav kred en ki mi send kelk disbelieved wait DI issues His judgment us; Li est bon jugx! [7:88] arrogant estr his popol dir Ni evict vi O Shu aib together those who kred vi our town vi revert our religi. Li dir vi force us? [7:89] Ni blaspheming DI ni reverted your religi DI sav us el gxi! Kiel ni revert dors al gxi vol DI our Lord Our Lord's knowledge encompasses all ajx. Ni put our fid DI! Our Lord grant us decisive victory our popol! Vi est bon supporter! [7:90] disbelieving estr his popol dir vi sekv Shu aib vi est losers. [7:91] quake annihilated them las them dead their hejm! [7:92] Those rejected Shu aib vanished as ili neniam ekzist. Those rejected Shu aib est losers. [7:93] Li torn them dir O my popol mi liver vi messages my Lord mi advised vi! Kiel can mi grieve disbelieving popol! [7:94] Whenever ni send prophet any community ni aflikt its popol adversity hardship ili implore [7:95] Tiam ni substituted pac prosperity en met de ke hardship. Sed alas ili torn heedless dir est our parents spert hardship prosperity. Consequently ni pun them suddenly when ili malplej expected [7:96] Hav popol those communities kred torn righteous ni dusx them blessings heaven ter! Ekde ili decid disbelieve ni pun them ki ili earned [7:97] Popol prezent communities garanti ke our retribution ne ven them nokt as ili dorm? [7:98] Popol hodiaux communities garanti ke our retribution ne ven them daytime while ili lud? [7:99] Ili pren di plan por granted Neniom pren di plan por granted losers.

[7:100] Gxi Does ever occur those hered ter previous generaci ke ni ni pun them their pek sigel their kor kauxz them turn surd? [7:101] Ni narrate vi histori those communities their messengers ir them klar proofs ili ne est kred en ki ili rejected antaux! DI TIEL SIGEL KOR disbelievers. [7:102] Ni trov ke plej de them disregard their covenant ni trov plej de them wicked. [7:103] Post (those messengers) ni send Moses our sign Pharaoh his popol ili transgressed Not consequences por des wicked! [7:104] Moses dir O Pharaoh mi est messenger el Lord univers. [7:105] est incumbent upon me mi ne dir DI escept truth! Mi ven vi sign el your Lord let Infan Israel ir! [7:106] Li dir vi hav sign tiam produkt gxi vi est truthful. [7:107] Li jxet down his stab gxi torn into tremendous serpent! [7:108] Li sorb his man gxi est blank al beholders. [7:109] Estr Pharaoh's popol dir This est ne plur than clever magician. [7:110] Li wants pren vi your land; ki do vi rekomend"? [7:111] Ili dir Respite him his frat send summoners cxiu urb! [7:112] Let them summon cxiu spert magician! [7:113] magicians ven Pharaoh dir ni pag ni Do est winners? [7:114] Li dir Jes ja; vi ecx igx me [7:115] Ili dir O Moses either vi jxet ni jxet. [7:116] Li dir Vi jxet. When ili jxet ili tricked popol okul intimidated them produkt great magic [7:117] Ni tiam inspir Moses Jxet down your stab whereupon gxi hirund whatever ili fabricated [7:118] Tiel truth prevailed ki ili did nullified [7:119] Ili defeated tiam tie; ili humiliated

[7:120] magicians fal prostrate [7:121] Ili dir Ni kred en Lord univers. [7:122] Lord de Moses Aaron. [7:123] Pharaoh dir Did vi kred en him my permission? This est conspiracy vi schemed urb en ord sorb its popol! Vi do gxi surely trov out! [7:124] Mi fason your man fut sur altern flank tiam mi crucify vi all [7:125] Ili dir Ni tiam return our Lord [7:126] Vi persekut us simply ni kred en proofs our Lord when ili ven us. Our Lord grant us steadfastness mort submitters! [7:127] Estr Pharaoh's popol dir Vol vi allow Moses his popol corrupt ter forsake vi your di? Li dir Ni kill their fil sxpar their daughters! Ni est mult powerful than ili est [7:128] Moses dir al his popol Streb di help steadfastly persevere Ter aparten al DI Li grants gxi whomever Li chooses His servants. ultimate victory aparten al des righteous. [7:129] Ili dir Ni persekut antaux vi ven us kaj vi ven us. Li dir Your Lord annihilate your enemy establ vi ter tiam Li seg kiel vi behave [7:130] Ni tiam aflikt Pharaoh's popol drought shortage de crops ti ili pren heed [7:131] When bon omens ven their voj ili dir Ni ind this when hardship aflikt them ili blamed Moses those him. En fakt, their omens decid nur DI plej de them ne kon! [7:132] Ili dir Ne materi ki kind da sign vi montr us dupe us your magic ni ne kred! [7:133] Consequently ni send them inund locusts lice ran sang - profound sign. Ili argument their arrogance. Ili est evil popol. [7:134] Whenever pest aflikt them ili dir O Moses implore your Lord - Vi est Him. Vi relieve this pest ni kred vi send Infan Israel vi! [7:135] sed when ni relieved pest any length temp ili violated their pledge [7:136] Consequently ni vengx their actions dron them mar. Ke because ili rejected our sign est totally heedless thereof! [7:137] Ni let oppressed popol hered land orient okcident ni ben gxi! ben ordon your Lord tiel fulfilled Infan Israel rekompenc them their steadfastness ni annihilated works Pharaoh his popol cxio ili rikolt.

[7:138] Ni liver Infan Israel mar. When ili pas popol worshipping statu ili dir O Moses far di us like di ili hav. Li dir Ja vi est ignorant popol. [7:139] These popol committing blasphemy ki ili doing est disastrous por them. [7:140] Mi streb vi DI your di when Li est ben vi plur than anyone aux en des mond"? [7:141] Recall ti ni liver vi Pharaoh's popol inflicted mav persecution vi killing your fil sxpar your daughters! Ke exacting trial vi your Lord [7:142] Ni summoned Moses 30 nokt komplet them per adding 10! Tiel audience his Lord last 40 nokt. Moses dir al his frat Aaron Rest here my popol argument righteousness ne sekv voj corruptors! [7:143] When Moses ven our appointed temp his Lord parol kun him li dir My Lord let me jen vid Vi, Li dir Vi ne seg Me Jen je ke mont se gxi rest its ej tiam vi seg Me Tiam his Lord manifested mont this kauxz gxi cxif! Moses fal unconscious When li ven li dir Vi glor. Mi pent Vi mi plej konvink believer. [7:144] Li dir O Moses mi chosen vi all popol My messages per parol al vi! Do pren ki mi don vi est appreciative [7:145] Ni skrib por him tablets all kinds da enlightenments detal de cxio Vi uphold these teachings strongly exhort your popol uphold them! - these est bon teachings. Mi pint por vi sort de des wicked. [7:146] Mi divert My revelations those est arrogant ter justification. Consequently when ili seg cxiu kind da proof ili ne kred. Kaj when ili seg path guidance ili ne adopt gxi as their path when ili seg path straying ili adopt gxi their path. This est consequence de their rejecting our proofs est totally heedless thereof! [7:147] Those reject our revelations meeting Hereafter their works nullified Ili requited nur ki ili committed [7:148] Dum his absence Moses' popol far el their jewelry statu calf komplet son calf Ili ne seg gxi ne parol al them direkt them any path? Ili worshipped gxi do torn wicked. [7:149] Finally when ili bedauxr their action realized ti ili ir astray ili dir our Lord redeems us His mercy forgives us ni est losers! [7:150] When Moses returned his popol koler disappointed li dir Ki terrible ajx vi hav done en my absence! Could vi ne wait commandments your Lord Li jxet down tablets sorb ten his frat kap tir him towards himself! (Aaron) dir Fil my mother popol sorb avantagx da my weakness preskaux killed me Let ne my enemies gxoj do ne count me transgressing popol!

[7:151] Moses dir My Lord forgive me my frat admit us into Your mercy! De all merciful unu Vi est plej Merciful. [7:152] Surely those idolized calf incurred wrath their Lord humiliation en this life. Ni tiel requite innovators. [7:153] As por those who committed pek tiam pent thereafter kred your Lord - Post this - est Forgiver Merciful. [7:154] When Moses' anger subsided li pik tablets containing guidance mercy those reverence their Lord [7:155] Moses tiam selected 70 hom el his popol ven our appointed audience. When quake sxancel them li dir My Lord Vi annihilated them en des preter, together me se Vi tial willed! Vi annihilate us deeds de those among us est foolish? This est test Vi institut us. Kun gxi Vi kondamn whomever Vi testament direkt whomever Vi testament Vi est our Lord Mastr tial forgive us dusx us Your mercy; Vi est bon Forgiver! [7:156] Kaj dekret por us righteousness en this mond en Hereafter Ni pent Vi. Li dir My retribution befalls whomever mi testament. My mercy encompasses all ajx. Tamen mi specify gxi those who (1) plumb righteous life (2) don obligatory charity (Zakat) (3) kred en our revelations kaj [7:157] (4) sekv messenger gentile prophet (Muhammad) ili trov skrib their Torah Gospel. Li exhorts them est righteous enjoins them el evil allows por them all bon food prohibits ke est mav unloads sxargx shackles trud upon them! Those kred en him respekt him support him sekv light ven kun him est successful unu! [7:158] Dir O popol mi est di messenger all da vi! Al Him aparten sovereignty de heavens ter! tie ne est di escept Li! Li controls life death. Do vi kred en DI His messenger gentile prophet kred en DI His vort. Sekv him vi direkt! [7:159] Among followers Moses tie est those direkt en accordance kun truth truth renders them righteous! [7:160] Ni divid them 12 tribal communities ni inspir Moses when his popol pet him akv Strik rok your stab whereupon 12 risort sxpruc out therefrom Tiel each community kon its akv. Kaj ni shaded them nub send down al them manna quails Mangx bon ajx ni proviz por vi ne est us ili wronged est ili wronged their own anim! [7:161] Recall ili told Ir this town viv mangx therefrom vi placx trakt popol amicably enter gate humbly Ni tiam forgive your transgressions. Ni multiply rekompenc por des righteous. [7:162] evil unu them substituted ali ordon ordon don them. Consequently ni send them condemnation cxiel their wickedness.

[7:163] Remind them de community mar desecrated Sabbath! When ili observ Sabbath fisx ven them abundantly. Kaj when ili violated Sabbath fisx ne ven. Ni tiel aflikt them consequence their transgression. [7:164] Recall grup de them dir should vi predik popol whom DI testament surely annihilate pun severely Ili respond "Apologize al your Lord ili sav! [7:165] When ili disregarded ki ili reminded de ni sav those prohibited evil aflikt wrongdoers terrible retribution their wickedness. [7:166] When ili ad defy commandments ni dir al them Est vi despicable apes [7:167] Additionally your Lord dekret Li raise them popol inflict severe persecution them gxis Tag Resurrection. Your Lord est efficient en enforcing retribution Li est certainly Forgiver Merciful! [7:168] Ni scattered them many communities land. Kelk da them est righteous kelk est malpli than righteous. Ni tested them prosperity hardship ke ili return [7:169] Subsequent al them Li substituted neo generaci hered scripture. Sed ili opted worldly life instead dir Ni forgiven. tiam ili ad opt sxtof this mond. Ili ne far covenant uphold scripture Did ne al dir DI truth? Ili ne stud scripture? Certainly abode Hereafter est far put those argument righteousness. Vi ne kompren? [7:170] Those uphold scripture observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) ni neniam fail recompense des pi. [7:171] Ni raised mont them like ombrel ili opini gxi fal them Vi uphold ki ni don vi strongly memor kontent thereof ke vi sav! [7:172] Recall ke your Lord summoned all descendants Adam hav them bor witness themselves Est mi ne your Lord Ili all dir Jes Ni bor witness Do vi ne dir Tag Resurrection Ni ne est aware da this! [7:173] Nor can vi dir est our parents practiced idolatry ni simply sekv en their footsteps. Vi pun us ki others innovated [7:174] Ni tiel eksplik revelations enable popol redeem. [7:175] Recite them news de 1 who don our proofs chose disregard them! Consequently diabl pursued him gxis li igx strayer. [7:176] Hav ni willed ni elevated him therewith li insist baston muel pursued his own opinions! Tiel li est hund; vi pet him scold him li pantalon! Such est ekzempl popol reject our proofs Narrate these narrations ke ili reflect

[7:177] mav ja est ekzempl popol reject our proofs est nur their own anim ili wrong [7:178] Whomever DI direkt des ver direkt unu whomever Li commits straying these est losers. [7:179] Ni committed al Infer multitudes de jinns humans. Ili hav mens ili do ne kompren okul ili ne seg orel ili ne auxd! Ili est best; ne ili est far mav - Ili est totally unaware. [7:180] Al DI aparten plej bel nom; vok Him therewith disregard those distort His nom! Ili requited their pek. [7:181] Among our creations tie est those direkt truth truth renders them righteous! [7:182] As por those reject our revelations ni plumb them sur them ever realizing gxi! [7:183] Mi ecx encourage them; My scheming est formidable. [7:184] Why ili ne reflect upon their amik (messenger)? Li ne est crazy Li est simply profound warner. [7:185] Ili ne rigard dominion de heavens ter all ajx DI kre? Gxi Does ever occur them ke end their life est proksim? Which Hadith this ili kred en [7:186] Whomever DI commits straying tie ne est voj anyone direkt him! Li las them their pek blundering [7:187] Ili pet vi end de mond (Hor) kaj when gxi ven pas! Dir knowledge thereof est my Lord Nur Li reveals its temp. Heavy gxi est heavens ter. Gxi ne ven vi suddenly Ili pet vi vi est en control thereof! Dir knowledge thereof est DI plej popol ne kon! [7:188] dir mi ne hav potenc benefit harm Nur ki DI vol okaz me Mi kon future mi increased my wealth ne harm aflikt me Mi est ne plur than warner bearer bon news those kred. [7:189] Li kre vi el 1 ul (Adam). Subsequently Li don cxiu hom mate trov tranquility her! Sxi tiam port light load ke sxi hardly rimark. As load gets heavier ili implore DI their Lord Vi don us bon beb ni est appreciative [7:190] when Li don them bon beb ili turn His gift into idol rivals Him. DI exalted far any partnership. [7:191] Est gxi ne fakt ke ili idolizing idols kre nothing est kre? [7:192] Idols ke nek help can them nor eben help?

[7:193] When vi invit them guidance ili ne sekv vi. Tiel est des sam them whether vi invit them ceter silent! [7:194] idols vi invoke DI est creatures vi. Ir ahead vok them; let them respond vi vi est tuj! [7:195] Ili Do krur sur which ili hav marsx? Do ili man which ili hav defend? Do ili okul which ili hav seg? Do ili orel which ili hav auxd? Dir Vok your idols pet them smite me sen delay [7:196] DI est my NUR Lord MASTR; 1 who revealed this scripture! Li protekt des righteous. [7:197] As por idols vi set Him ili ne help vi nor can ili help. [7:198] When vi invit them guidance ili ne auxd. Vi seg them rigard vi ili ne seg! [7:199] Vi resort pardon advokat tolerance disregard des ignorant! [7:200] When diabl flustr vi any flustr streb rifugx DI; Li est Hearer Omniscient [7:201] Those est righteous whenever diabl approaches them ide ili memor whereupon ili igx seers. [7:202] Their brethren ceaselessly entice them ir astray! [7:203] Vi ne produkt mirakl ili postul ili dir Why ne pet gxi? Dir mi simply sekv ki revealed me my Lord These est enlightenments el your Lord guidance mercy popol kred! [7:204] When Quran recited vi auxskult al gxi sorb heed ti vi ating mercy! [7:205] Vi memor your Lord within publicly privately quietly tag kaj nokt; ne est unaware. [7:206] Those je your Lord est neniam tro fier worship Him; ili glor Him fal prostrate antaux Him! . 8- Spoils de Milit (Al-Anfal)! . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful

[8:1] Ili konsult vi pri spoils milit. Dir Des! spoils de milit aparten al DI messenger. Vi observ DI exhort unu another est righteous obe DI His messenger vi est believers! [8:2] Prav believers est those kor trem when DI menci when His revelations recited them their faith strengthened ili fid their Lord [8:3] Ili observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) el our provisions al them ili don charity. [8:4] Such est ver believers. Ili ating alt rang their Lord tro forgiveness generous provision [8:5] Tiam your Lord willed ke vi las your hejm fulfill specif plan kelk believers igx exposed as reluctant believers! [8:6] Ili argued vi truth eben post cxio eksplik them. Ili akt as ili driv nepr death. [8:7] Recall ti DI promes vi victory nepr grup vi ankoraux wanted vizagx weaker grup! est di plan establ truth His vort defeat disbelievers. [8:8] Li dekret ke truth prevail falsehood vanish evildoers. [8:9] Do when vi implored your Lord ven rescue Li respond vi mi supporting vi 1000 angxel en succession. [8:10] DI DON VI this BON news strengthen your KOR. Victory ven nur el DI. DI est Almighty SAGX. [8:11] Li kauxz peaceful dorm overtake vi pacify vi Li send akv cxiel clean vi therewith. Li protekt vi diabl curse reassured your kor strengthened your foothold! [8:12] Recall ke your Lord inspir angxel mi est vi support those kred Mi jxet terror kor de those disbelieved Vi strik them kol vi strik ecx cxiu fingr. [8:13] This est ki ili justly incurred batal DI His messenger! Por those batal DI His messenger di retribution est severe. [8:14] This est pun disbelievers; ili incurred retribution Infer. [8:15] O vi kred vi renkont disbelievers mobilized vi ne turn flee! [8:16] Anyone turn ti tag port battle plan join his grup incurred wrath DI his abode est Infer; ki miserable destiny! [8:17] Ne est vi killed them; DI est Unu killed them. Ne est vi jxet when vi jxet; DI est Unu jxet. Li tiel don believers sxanc earn a lot de kredit! DI est Hearer Omniscient

[8:18] Additionally DI tiel nullifies schemes disbelievers. [8:19] Vi streb victory O disbelievers) victory did ven; gxi aparten al believers! Vi refrain aggression) est put vi vi return tial vol ni. Your arme neniam help vi ne materi kiel great Por DI est believers! [8:20] O vi kred obe DI His messenger ne disregard him while vi auxd! [8:21] Ne est those dir Ni auxd when ili ne auxd. [8:22] Mav creatures sight DI est surd dumb who ne kompren [8:23] Hav DI kon de any bon en them Li far them hearers! Eben se Li far them hearers ili ankoraux turn aversion. [8:24] O vi kred vi respond DI messenger when li invit vi ki don vi life! Vi kon ti DI est closer al vi than your kor kaj ke antaux Him vi summoned [8:25] Beware da retribution ne lim evildoers vi! Vi kon ti di retribution est severe. [8:26] Memor vi uz est few oppressed tim ke popol snatch vi Li granted vi secure sanctuary supported vi His victory proviz vi bon provisions vi est appreciative [8:27] O vi kred ne perfid DI messenger ne perfid those fid vi tuj ke vi kon! [8:28] Vi kon ke your mon your infan est test DI posed great recompense [8:29] O vi kred vi reverence DI Li enlighten vi remit your pek forgive vi! DI POSED infinite grace [8:30] disbelievers plot scheme neutralize vi kill vi banish vi! Tamen ili plot scheme tial does DI! DI EST PUT schemer. [8:31] When our revelations recited them ili dir Ni auxd. Se ni wanted ni dir sam ajx! These est ne plur than tales el preter! [8:32] Ili ankaux dir Our di this est really truth Vi tiam dusx us rok cxiel versx us painful punishment! [8:33] Di ne est pun them while vi est their midst; DI ne est pun them while ili streb forgiveness! [8:34] Hav ili ne ind di retribution per repelling others Sankt Masjid eben kvankam ili ne est custodians thereof? Prav custodians thereof est righteous plej de them ne kon.

[8:35] Their Kontakt Prayers (Salat) shrine (Ka bah) est ne plur than mockery means repelling popol crowding them out)! Do sufer retribution your disbelief! [8:36] Those disbelieve spend their mon repel others voj DI. Ili spend gxi tiam gxi turn into sorrow remorse them. Ultimately ili defeated all disbelievers summoned al Infer. [8:37] DI testament KRIBR FOR MAV EL BON TIAM pile MAV sur top da each ali all EN 1 pile TIAM JXET GXI INFER! Such est losers. [8:38] Tell those disbelieved ili stop all their preter forgiven! Sed se ili return ili incur sam sort their previous counterparts. [8:39] Vi batal them ward oppression practice your religi devoted al DI sol! Ili refrain aggression tiam DI est fully Seer de cxio ili do [8:40] Ili turn tiam vi kon ti DI est your Lord Mastr; bon Lord Mastr put supporter! [8:41] Vi kon ti vi gajn any spoils milit one-fifth ir DI messenger don relativ orf poor vojagx alien Vi do this vi kred en DI en ki ni revealed our servant tag decision tag 2 arme clashed DI est Omnipotent [8:42] Recall ti vi est val while ili est ali flank! Tiam their karavan mov lower muel Hav vi plan gxi this voj vi ne done gxi! Di est port predetermined materi whereby those destin annihilated annihilated obvious raci those destin sav sav obvious raci! DI est Hearer Omniscient [8:43] DI far them APER your SONGX O Muhammad) fewer EN numer Hav Li far them aper numerous vi failed vi disput yourselves! Di sav situaci. Li est Knower innermost thoughts. [8:44] Kaj when temp ven vi vizagx them Li far them aper fewer your okul far vi aper fewer their okul ankaux! Por DI willed port nepr plan! All decisions far DI. [8:45] O vi kred when vi renkont arme vi ten fast commemorate DI frequently ke vi sukces. [8:46] Vi obe DI His messenger kaj ne disput yourselves lest vi fail scatter your strength! Vi steadfastly persevere DI est those steadfastly persevere [8:47] Ne est those las their hejm grudgingly nur montr en fakt discouraged others sekv path DI! DI EST fully aware da CXIO ILI do [8:48] Diabl ornam their works their okul dir Vi ne defeated any popol hodiaux mi batal vi. as baldaux as 2 arme vizagx each ali li torn his kalkan fled dir mi disown vi! Mi seg ki vi ne seg. Mi est afraid de DI. Di retribution est awesome.

[8:49] hypocrites those harbored dub their kor dir These popol tromp their religi. se unu puts his fid DI tiam DI est Almighty Sagx! [8:50] Vi nur seg those disbelieved when angxel put them death! Ili bat them their vizagx their rear ends Gust retribution Infer. [8:51] This est consequence ki your man send for! DI est NENIAM unjust towards creatures. [8:52] This est sam sort ke de Pharaoh's popol those disbelieved them! Ili rejected di revelations DI pun them por their pek. DI est powerful His retribution est severe. [8:53] DI NE SXANGX BEN LI bestowed any POPOL ILI DECID SXANGX! DI est Hearer Omniscient [8:54] Such est kaz popol de Pharaoh others them. Ili 1 rejected sign their Lord Consequently ni annihilated them their pek. Ni dron Pharaoh's popol; wicked consistently pun! [8:55] Mav creatures sight DI est those disbelieved ili ne kred. [8:56] Vi reach agreements them ili violate their agreements cxiu temp; ili ne est righteous! [8:57] Do se vi renkont them en milit vi set them as deterrent ekzempl those ven them ke ili pren heed [8:58] When vi perfid grup de popol vi mobilize them sam manier! DI NE AM betrayers. [8:59] Let ne those disbelieve opini ili get gxi ili neniam escape [8:60] Vi prepar them all potenc vi muster all equipment vi mobilize ti vi frighten enemies DI your enemies tro others ne kon vi; DI kon them. Whatever vi spend ig de DI testament repaid vi generously malplej injustice. [8:61] Ili resort pac shall vi put your fid DI! Li est Hearer Omniscient [8:62] Ili want tromp vi tiam DI testament suffice vi! Li help vi kun His support kaj kun believers. [8:63] Li reconciled kor believers). Hav vi spent all mon ter vi ne reconcile their kor! Di did reconcile them! Li est Almighty Sagx. [8:64] O vi prophet sufficient vi est DI believers sekv vi.

[8:65] O vi prophet vi exhort believers batal. tie est 20 de vi est steadfast ili defeat 200 cent de vi defeat 1000 de those disbelieved Ke est ili est popol who ne kompren! [8:66] Tuj (ke many neo popol joined vi) DI far gxi facil vi Li kon vi est as fort as vi uz est Henceforth cent steadfast believers defeat 200 1000 de vi defeat 2000 di las. DI est those steadfastly persevere [8:67] Ne prophet akir captives li participates en des batal Vi popol streb sxtof this mond while DI advokat Hereafter DI est Almighty SAGX. [8:68] Est por predetermined dekret el DI vi sufer sur kont da ki vi pren terrible retribution! [8:69] Do mangx spoils vi earned ti which est lawful bon observ DI! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [8:70] O vi prophet tell prisoners milit your man DI kon de anything bon en your kor Li don vi put than anything vi perd forgiven vi. DI est Forgiver Merciful. [8:71] Kaj se ili want perfid vi ili jam perfid DI. This why Li far them losers. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [8:72] Surely those kred emigrated strove their mon their viv en ig DI tro as those who hosted them don them rifugx supported them ili est allies de 1 another As por those kred do ne emigrate vi vi ne sxuld them any support gxis ili emigrate! Tamen se ili bezon your help brethren faith vi help them popol whom vi sign pac treaty. DI est Seer DE CXIO VI do [8:73] Those disbelieved est allies de 1 another Vi keep these commandments tie est chaos ter terrible corruption. [8:74] Those kred emigrated strove ig DI tro as those hosted them don them rifugx supported them these est ver believers! Ili ind forgiveness generous recompense [8:75] Those kred afterwards emigrated strove vi ili aparten vi! Those est rilat al each ali est 1 support each ali en accordance kun di commandments. DI est fully aware da all AJX. . 9- Ultimatum (Bara'ah) . [9:1] ultimatum herein issued DI His messenger idol worshipers enter into treaty vi.

[9:2] Do roam ter freely 4 monat kon vi ne escape DI kaj ti DI humiliates disbelievers! [9:3] proclamation herein issued DI His messenger all popol great tag pilgrimage ti DI disowned idol worshipers kaj tial did His messenger! Tiel vi pent gxi est put vi. Vi turn tiam kon vi neniam escape DI. Promes those disbelieve painful retribution! [9:4] idol worshipers sign pac treaty vi ne violate gxi nor band together others vi vi fulfill your treaty them expiration dat. DI AM DES righteous. [9:5] Once Sankt Monat est ili rifuz far pac) vi kill idol worshipers when vi renkont them pun them rezist cxiu mov ili far! Ili pent observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) vi let them! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [9:6] 1 de idol worshipers streb sekur passage vi vi grant him sekur passage tial ke li auxd vort DI tiam send him his met security. Ke est ili est popol who ne kon! [9:7] Kiel can idol worshipers postul any pledge el DI el His messenger? Exempted est those sign pac treaty vi Sankt Masjid! Ili honor uphold such treaty vi uphold gxi ankaux! DI AM DES righteous. [9:8] Kiel can ili (postul pledge when ili neniam observ any dekstr kinship vi them nor any covenant se ili ever hav sxanc prevail Ili pacified vi lip service while their kor est en opposition plej de them est wicked! [9:9] Ili meti for di revelations cheap prez. Consequently ili repulsed popol His path. Miserable ja est ki ili did [9:10] Ili neniam observ any dekstr kinship any believer nor do ili uphold their covenants these est efektiv transgressors. [9:11] Ili pent observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) tiam ili est your brethren religi! Ni tiel eksplik revelations popol kon. [9:12] Ili violate their oaths pledging keep their covenants atak your religi vi batal estr paganism! - Vi ne long bind your covenant them - Ke ili refrain [9:13] Vi ne batal popol violated their treaties Would pen banish messenger ili des unu est started milit en des 1 met? Est vi afraid de them? DI est 1 VI supoz TIM VI est believers! [9:14] Vi batal them por DI testament pun them je your man humiliate them grant vi victory them cool kest believers! [9:15] Li ankaux remove rage believers' kor. DI redeems whomever LI VOL. DI est Omniscient SAGX.

[9:16] Vi opini vi las DI disting those among vi strive neniam ally di enemies enemies His messenger enemies believers? DI EST fully Cognizant DE CXIO VI do [9:17] idol worshipers ne est frequent masjids DI while konfes their disbelief! These nullified their works ili abide forever Infer! [9:18] Nur popol frequent di masjids est those kred en DI Last Tag observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) ne tim DI! These surely est direkt unu. [9:19] Vi konsider akv pilgrims zorg por Sankt Masjid hav substitute por kred en DI Last Tag striving ig DI? Ili est egal sight DI. DI NE DIREKT wicked POPOL. [9:20] Those kred, emigrate strive ig DI their mon their viv est far greater rang sight DI! These est winners. [9:21] Their Lord don them bon news mercy approval el Him gxarden kie ili gxoj everlasting bliss! [9:22] Eternally ili abide therein. DI POSED great recompense [9:23] O vi kred ne ally eben your parents your siblings ili prefer disbelieving over kred! Those among vi ally them transgressing! [9:24] Proklam Se your parents your infan your siblings your spouses your famili mon vi earned negoc vi worry hejm vi cherish est beloved al vi than DI His messenger striving en His ig tiam just wait DI brings His judgment DI ne direkt wicked popol! [9:25] DI granted VI victory many SITUACI. Tag Hunayn vi igx tro fier da your great numer. Consequently gxi ne help vi je all spacious ter igx straitened vi vi torn around fled [9:26] Tiam DI send contentment His messenger believers. Li send down invisible soldat; Li tiel pun those disbelieved This est requital disbelievers. [9:27] Ultimately DI redeems whomever Li vol. DI est Forgiver Merciful. [9:28] O vi kred idol worshipers polluted ili ne permes approach Sankt Masjid post this jar! Se vi tim loss rent DI testament dusx vi kun His provisions en accordance kun His vol. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [9:29] Vi batal dors kontraux those ne kred en DI nor Last Tag nor do ili prohibit ki DI His messenger prohibited nor do ili abide per religi truth! - among those ricev scripture gxis ili pag due impost volont unwillingly. [9:30] Jud dir Ezra est fil DI while Christians dir Jesus est fil DI! These blasphemies uttered their busx! Ili tiel alumet blasphemies de those disbelieved en des preter. DI KONDAMN them. Ili surely deviated

[9:31] Ili set their religious estr scholars lords DI. Others deified Messiah fil Mary. Ili all komand worship nur unu di. tie ne est di escept Li! Li glor alt hav any partners [9:32] Ili want put di light their busx DI insist upon perfekt His light en spit da disbelievers! [9:33] Li est 1 who send His messenger guidance religi truth far gxi dominate all religi en spit da idol worshipers! [9:34] O vi kred many religious estr preachers sorb popol mon illicitly repel path DI! Those hoard or argxent ne spend them ig DI promes them painful retribution! [9:35] Tag ven when their or argxent vol hejt fajr Infer tiam uz brul their frunt their flank their dors This est ki vi hoarded yourselves gust ki vi hoarded [9:36] count monat DI koncern est 12. This est di legx tag Li kre heavens ter. 4 de them est sankt. This est perfekt religi; vi ne wrong your anim (per batal) Sankt Monat! Tamen vi deklar all-out milit idol worshipers (eben Sankt Monat) when ili deklar all-out milit vi kon ti DI est sur des flank da des righteous. [9:37] Altering Sankt Monat est sign excessive disbelief; gxi eg straying de those disbelieved Ili altern Sankt Monat regular monat while konfit numer monat consecrated DI! Ili tiel violate ki DI consecrated Their evil works ornam their okul! DI NE DIREKT disbelieving POPOL. [9:38] O vi kred when vi told Mobilize ig DI vi igx heavily attached al muel Vi chosen this worldly life en met de Hereafter Sxtof this mond kompar al Hereafter est nil [9:39] Vi mobilize Li commit vi painful retribution substitute ali popol en your ej; vi neniam dolor Him en des malplej DI est Omnipotent [9:40] Vi fail support him messenger) DI jam supported him. Do when disbelievers pel him li est 1 de 2 kav li dir al his amik ne worry DI est us. DI tiam send down contentment security him supported him invisible soldat! Li far vort disbelievers lowly. Di vort reigns supreme DI est Almighty SAGX. [9:41] Vi readily mobilize light heavy strive your mon your viv en ig DI! This est put vi se vi nur kon. [9:42] tie est quick sxtof gajn short journey ili sekv vi! striving est just tro mult them. Ili jxur DI ni could ni mobilized vi Ili tiel dolor kaj DI kon ke ili est liars. [9:43] DI PARDON VI HAV why VI DON them permission did REST behind ANTAUX VI DISTING those could est truthful EL liars?

[9:44] Those ver kred en DI Last Tag ne pet your permission evade opportunity strive their mon their viv DI est fully aware da DES righteous. [9:45] Nur popol wish pretekst est those ne do really kred en DI Last Tag! Their kor est plen de dub their dub kauxz them waver [9:46] Hav ili really wanted mobilize ili prepar gxi thoroughly! Di disliked their participation tial Li discouraged them; ili told Rest behind those rest behind [9:47] Hav ili mobilized vi ili kre confusion kauxz disput divisions vi! Kelk da vi est apt auxskult al them! DI est fully aware da transgressors. [9:48] Ili streb stern confusion vi en des preter, confounded materi vi. truth ultimately prevails di plan port them. [9:49] Kelk da them dir Don me permission rest ne trud such hardship me En fakt, ili tiel incurred terrible hardship; Infer surrounding disbelievers! [9:50] Io bon okaz vi ili dolor kaj affliction befalls vi ili dir Ni told vi as ili turn gxoj! [9:51] dir Nothing okaz us ki DI dekret us. Li est our Lord Mastr En DI believers fid. [9:52] Dir Vi nur expect us 1 de 2 bon ajx (victory martyrdom) while ni expect por vi condemnation el DI retribution el Him je our man! Do wait ni wait vi! [9:53] dir Spend volont unwillingly. Nothing akcept vi vi est evil popol. [9:54] Ki prevent acceptance their spending est ti ili disbelieved en DI His messenger when ili observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) ili observ them lazily when ili don charity ili did tial grudgingly! [9:55] Ne impon their mon their infan! DI KAUXZ these EST sources retribution them en this life when ILI MORT) their ANIM depart while ILI est disbelievers. [9:56] Ili jxur DI ili aparten vi while ili do ne aparten vi; ili est divisive popol! [9:57] Se ili trov rifugx kav fel met ili ir gxi rushing! [9:58] Kelk da them kritik your distribution charities; se ili don therefrom ili igx sat ili ne don therefrom ili igx objectors! [9:59] Ili sat ki DI His messenger don them. Ili dir DI suffices us. DI testament proviz por us His bounties KAJ tial VOL His messenger. Ni streb nur DI.

[9:60] Charities ir poor needy workers kolekt them neo konvert liber sklav al those sxargx per subit expenses ig DI vojagx alien Such est di commandment. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [9:61] Kelk da them dolor prophet dir Li est all orel! Dir est put vi ke li auxskult al vi! Li kred en DI fid believers. Li est mercy those vi kred. Those dolor di messenger incurred painful retribution. [9:62] Ili jxur DI vi placx vi when DI His messenger est worthy de placx ili est really believers! [9:63] Ili ne kon ke anyone opposes DI His messenger incurred fajr Infer forever This est mav humiliation. [9:64] hypocrites worry sura revealed exposing ki est their kor! dir Ir ahead mok DI testament expose exactly KI VI est afraid DE! [9:65] Vi pet them ili dir Ni would est nur mok kidding. Dir vi realize vi est Do mok DI His revelations His messenger? [9:66] Ne apologize! Vi disbelieved post kred! Ni pardon kelk da vi ni pun others vi consequence their wickedness. [9:67] hypocrite hom hypocrite women aparten kun each ali - Ili advokat evil prohibit righteousness ili est stingy Ili forges DI Li forges them. hypocrites est ver wicked. [9:68] DI PROMES hypocrite HOM hypocrite women TRO disbelievers FAJR INFER wherein ILI abide forever Gxi suffices them. DI KONDAMN them; ILI incurred everlasting retribution. [9:69] Kelk da those antaux vi est fort than vi posed plur mon infan. Ili igx preoccupied their sxtof possessions. Similarly vi igx preoccupied your sxtof possessions just like those antaux vi igx preoccupied Vi igx totally heedless just as ili est heedless. Such est popol nullify their works ambaux en this mond Hereafter ili est losers. [9:70] Ili ne lern anything el previous generaci; popol Noah 窶連ad Thamood popol Abraham dwellers Midyan evildoers (de Sodom Gomorrah)? Their messengers ir them klar proofs DI NENIAM wronged them; ILI est UNU wronged their own ANIM. [9:71] kred hom women est allies de 1 another Ili advokat righteousness forbid evil ili observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) ili obe DI His messenger. These dusx di mercy. DI est Almighty SAGX. [9:72] DI PROMES kred HOM kred women GXARDEN FLU streams wherein ILI abide forever magnificent mansions GXARDEN Eden! Di blessings approval est ecx greater. This est greatest triumf.

[9:73] O vi prophet strive disbelievers hypocrites est pouxp en dealing kun them! Their destiny est Infer; ki miserable abode! [9:74] Ili jxur DI ili neniam dir gxi ili uttered vort disbelief; ili disbelieved igx submitters. En fakt, ili don up ki ili neniam hav. Ili ribel eben DI His messenger dusx them His grace provisions Ili pent gxi est put them. Sed se ili turn DI testament commit them al painful retribution en this life Hereafter Ili trov ne 1 ter est their lord mastr [9:75] Kelk da them ecx pledged Se DI dusx us His grace ni est charitable plumb righteous life! [9:76] when Li did dusx them His provisions ili igx stingy torn aversion. [9:77] Consequently Li pest them hypocrisy their kor tag ili meet Him. This est because ili romp their promes DI because da their mensog [9:78] Ili ne realize ke DI kon their sekret their conspiracies DI est Knower all sekret? [9:79] Those kritik generous believers don tro mult ridicule poor believers don tro malpli DI despises them! Ili incurred painful retribution. [9:80] Vi pet forgiveness them ne pet forgiveness them! - Eben se vi pet forgiveness them 70 temp - DI testament NE forgive them! This est ili disbelieve DI His messenger. DI NE DIREKT wicked POPOL. [9:81] sedentary gxoj their rest messenger DI hated strive their mon their viv en ig DI! Ili dir not mobilize en this hejt! Dir fajr Infer est mult hotter ili nur comprehend! [9:82] Let them rid a malpli cry a lot! This est requital pek ili earned [9:83] Di returns vi situaci kie ili pet your permission mobilize vi vi dir Vi do gxi neniam re mobilize me nor testament vi ever batal me any enemy Vi chosen est kun sedentary en des 1 met. Do vi rest kun des sedentary. [9:84] Vi ne observ funeral prayer any da them when li mort nor shall vi star his grave Ili disbelieved DI His messenger mort sxtat wickedness! [9:85] Ne impon their mon their infan; DI kauxz these est sources mizer them en this mond their anim depart disbelievers! [9:86] When sura revealed sxtat Kred en DI strive His messenger ecx fort among them dir rest behind [9:87] Ili chose est kun des sedentary. Consequently their kor sigel tiel ili ne comprehend.

[9:88] As por messenger those kred him ili eagerly strive their mon their viv These ind all bon ajx; ili est winners. [9:89] DI prepar them GXARDEN FLU streams wherein ILI abide forever This est greatest triumf. [9:90] Arabs far up pretekst ven vi streb permission rest behind This est indicative da their rejection DI His messenger - Ili rest behind Ja those disbelieve them incurred painful retribution. [9:91] Ne al blamed est those est weak ill ne trov anything ofert long as ili ceter devoted al DI His messenger! righteous among them ne blamed DI est Forgiver Merciful. [9:92] Ankaux pretekst est those ven vi wishing included vi vi tell them mi ne hav anything port vi Ili tiam turn larm their okul genuinely saddened ili ne afford kontribu [9:93] blame est sur those pet your permission rest behind eben ili ne hav pretekst. Ili chosen est kun des sedentary. Consequently DI sigel their kor tiel ili ne ating any knowledge! [9:94] Ili apologize al vi when vi return them (el battle dir ne apologize; ni ne long fid vi. DI INFORM us VI. DI testament SEG your works KAJ VOL messenger TIAM VI returned Knower DE all SEKRET declarations TIAM LI INFORM VI DE CXIO VI done [9:95] Ili jxur DI vi when vi return them ke vi disregard them. disregard them! Ili polluted their destiny est Infer requital pek ili earned [9:96] Ili jxur vi vi pardon them. Eben se vi pardon them DI ne pardon such wicked popol. [9:97] Arabs est mav disbelief hypocrisy plej likely al ignor legx ti DI revealed His messenger. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [9:98] Kelk Arabs konsider their spending ig Di) est loss ecx wait anticipation ke disaster hit vi! est ili incur mav disaster! DI est Hearer Omniscient [9:99] Ali Arabs kred en DI Last Tag konsider their spending means DI means supporting messenger! Ja gxi bring them proksim; DI testament admit them into His mercy! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [9:100] As por fru vanguards immigrated (Muhajerin) supporters don them rifugx (Ansar) those sekv them righteousness DI placx them ili placx Him! Li prepar them gxarden flu streams wherein ili abide forever This est greatest triumf.

[9:101] Among Arabs vi tie est hypocrites. Ankaux among urb dwellers tie est those est kutim al hypocrisy. Vi ne kon them ni kon them! Ni double retribution them tiam ili end committed al terrible retribution. [9:102] tie est others konfes their pek; ili miks bon deeds mav deeds. DI testament redeem them DI est Forgiver Merciful. [9:103] sorb el their mon charity purify them sanctify them! encourage them your encouragement reassures them. DI est Hearer Omniscient [9:104] Ili ne realize ti DI Do akcept repentance His worshipers pren charities DI est Redeemer Merciful? [9:105] dir Work righteousness; DI testament vid your work kaj tial vol His messenger believers! Ultimately vi returned Knower de all sekret declarations tiam Li inform vi de cxio vi done [9:106] Others waiting di decision; Li pun them Li redeem them! DI est Omniscient SAGX. [9:107] tie est those abuse masjid practicing idol worship divid believers proviz comfort al those oppose DI His messenger! Ili solemnly jxur Our intentions est honorable DI bor witness ili est liars! [9:108] Vi neniam pregx such masjid. masjid establ righteousness 1 tag est worthy de your pregx therein! En tie est popol am purified DI AM those purify. [9:109] Unu establ his mason reverencing DI est kaj gajn His approval put 1 who establ his mason brink cxif klif ke fal down him into fajr Infer? DI NE DIREKT transgressing POPOL! [9:110] Such mason ili establ ceter source dub their kor their kor ankoraux! DI est Omniscient SAGX. [9:111] DI ACXET believers their viv their MON Paradise. Tiel ili batal ig DI testament kill get killed Such est His truthful pledge Torah Gospel Quran - who fulfills His pledge put than DI? Vi gxoj far such exchange This est greatest triumf. [9:112] Ili est repenters worshipers praisers meditators bowing prostrating advocators de righteousness forbidders evil keepers di legx! Don bon news such believers! [9:113] Nek prophet nor those kred pet forgiveness idol worshipers ecx ili est their cxi de kin once ili realize ti ili destin Infer.

[9:114] Nur raci Abraham pet forgiveness his patr est ti li promes him do tial. as baldaux as li realized ke li est enemy DI li disowned him. Abraham est extremely kind clement [9:115] DI NE SEND any POPOL astray POST LI DIREKT them 1 pint them KI expect! DI est fully aware da all AJX. [9:116] Al DI aparten sovereignty de heavens ter! Li controls life death. Vi hav neniom DI as Lord Mastr. [9:117] DI redeemed prophet immigrants (Muhajireen) supporters hosted them DON them RIFUGX (Ansar) SEKV him difficult TEMP! Ke est when kor de kelk da them preskaux wavered Li redeemed them Li est Compassionate towards them Merciful. [9:118] Ankaux redeemed est) 3 who rest behind spacious ter igx straitened them ke ili preskaux don up all esper themselves. Finally ili realized tie ne est escape DI Him. Li tiam redeemed them ke ili pent. DI est Redeemer Merciful. [9:119] O vi kred vi reverence DI est among des truthful. [9:120] Nek dwellers urb nor Arabs them streb rest messenger DI when li mobilizes por milit)! Nor shall ili don priority al their own afer supporting him. This est ili ne sufer any soif any effort hunger ig DI pren single sxtup enrages disbelievers inflict any hardship enemy sen hav gxi skrib them kredit! DI NENIAM fails recompense those work righteousness. [9:121] Nor do ili incur any expense small large nor do ili kruc any val sen hav kredit skrib them! DI testament surely REKOMPENC them generously their works [9:122] When believers mobilize ne all da them do tial. A few el each grup mobilize devoting their temp stud religi! Tiel ili pas knowledge their popol when ili return ti ili ceter religiously inform! [9:123] O vi kred vi batal disbelievers atak vi - let them trov vi pouxp! - Kaj kon ti DI est kun des righteous! [9:124] When sura revealed kelk da them dir Did this sura strengthen faith de anyone vi? Ja gxi did strengthen faith de those kred ili gxoj any revelation! [9:125] As por those harbored dub their kor gxi actually added unholiness their unholiness ili mort disbelievers. [9:126] Ili ne seg ili sufer el exacting trials cxiu jar once twice Ili consistently fail al pent fail sorb heed

[9:127] Whenever sura revealed kelk da them rigard je each ali as dir Does anyone seg vi Tiam ili las! Tiel DI diverted their kor ili est popol who ne comprehend! . 10- Jonah (Younus) En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [10:1] A. L. R. These (liter) est proofs this libr wisdom. [10:2] Est gxi tro mult de wonder popol ke ni inspir hom them? Li inspir dir) Vi avert popol don bon news those who kred ili ating pozici prominence their Lord disbelievers dir This est clever magician! [10:3] Your nur Lord est DI; Unu kre heavens ter 6 tag tiam assumed all auxtoritat. Li controls all materi. tie ne est intercessor en accordance kun His vol. Such est DI your Lord Vi worship Him. Vi ne pren heed [10:4] Al Him est your ultimate return all da vi. This est di truthful promes. Li iniciat creation tiam ripet gxi en ord rekompenc those kred plumb righteous life equitably! As por those disbelieve ili incur hellish drink painful retribution por their disbelieving [10:5] Li est Unu rendered sun radiant lun light Li desegn its faz vi lern count jar kalkul DI NE KRE all this escept por SPECIF purpose Li eksplik revelations popol kon. [10:6] Surely en alternation de nokt tag ki DI kre heavens ter tie est proofs popol est righteous! [10:7] Those ne expecting meet us preoccupied this worldly life est kontent gxi rifuz heed our proofs [10:8] these incurred Infer their ultimate abode consequence their own works [10:9] As por those kred plumb righteous life their Lord direkt them per virt da their belief! River flu them gxarden bliss. [10:10] Their prayer therein Est Vi glor our di their greeting therein est Pac their ultimate prayer est Lauxd est DI Lord univers! [10:11] Di hastened retribution incurred popol voj ili postul provisions ili annihilated long ago. Ni las those ne kred en meeting us their transgressions blundering [10:12] When adversity tusx human est li implores us while mensog sid star! Sed as baldaux as ni relieve his adversity li ir sur li neniam implored us relieve any hardship! works transgressors tiel ornam their okul.

[10:13] Many generaci ni annihilated vi when ili transgressed Their messengers ir them klar proofs ili rifuz kred Ni tiel requite kulp popol. [10:14] Tiam ni far vi inheritors ter them seg kiel vi do [10:15] When our revelations recited them those ne expect meet us dir Bring Quran this sxangx gxi! Dir mi possibly ne sxangx gxi sur my own Mi simply sekv ki revealed me Mi tim mi disobey my Lord retribution awesome tag. [10:16] dir Hav DI willed mi ne recited gxi vi nor would vi kon anything gxi. Mi viv vi whole life this vi kon me as sane truthful ul). Vi ne kompren? [10:17] Who est evil than unu fabricates mensog DI rejects His revelations. Certainly transgressors neniam sukces. [10:18] Ili worship DI idols posed potenc harm them benefit them ili dir These est our intercessors DI! Dir Est vi inform DI de io Li ne kon heavens ter? Li glor! Li est plej Alt; far super bezon partners [10:19] Popol uz est 1 congregation tiam ili disput. Gxi est por predetermined vort el your Lord ili jugx tuj their disput! [10:20] Ili dir "Kiel ven ne mirakl ven him his Lord Dir future aparten al DI; wait mi waiting vi! [10:21] When ni bestow mercy popol adversity aflikt them ili tuj scheme our revelations! Dir di scheming est far effective our messengers recording cxio vi scheme [10:22] Li est Unu mov vi land mar. Vi get sxip ili vel smoothly nice breeze Tiam while gxoj therein violent vent blov ond surround them cxiu flank. This est when ili implore DI sincerely devoting their prayers Him sol Vi nur sav us this temp ni est eternally appreciative [10:23] as baldaux as Li sav them ili transgress ter oppose truth. O popol your transgression est nur al detriment your own anim. Vi ceter preoccupied this worldly life tiam al us est your ultimate return tiam ni inform vi de cxio vi done [10:24] analogy this worldly life est this ni send down akv cxiel produkt gxi all kinds da plant el ter proviz food popol best! Tiam just as ter perfectly ornam its popol opini ili est en control thereof our judgment ven nokt tag las gxi completely barren as nothing ekzist previous tag! Ni tiel eksplik revelations popol reflect [10:25] DI INVIT abode PAC DIREKT whoever VOL DIREKT) REKT path. [10:26] righteous rekompenc multiplied manifold Their vizagx neniam spert any deprivation fi. These est dwellers Paradise; ili abide therein forever

[10:27] As por those earned pek their requital est ekvivalent al their pek. Humiliation est their lot ne 1 DI protekt them! Their vizagx seem overwhelmed mes dark nokt. Ili est dwellers Infer; ili abide therein forever [10:28] Tag when ni summon them all ni dir al those worshipped idols Ni summoned vi together your idols. Ni hav them confront each ali their idols dir al them Ni ne hav ide ke vi idolized us. [10:29] DI suffices witness us VI KE NI EST completely unaware DE your worshipping us. [10:30] Ke est when each anim ekzamen cxio gxi done Ili returned DI their rightful Lord Mastr idols ili fabricated disown them! [10:31] Dir Who proviz por vi heaven ter? Who controls all auxd eyesight? Who produkt viv dead dead el viv Who en est control de all ajx? Ili dir DI. Dir tiam vi ne observ commandments? [10:32] Such est DI your rightful Lord Ki tie post truth est falsehood? Kiel vi disregard all this? [10:33] This est ki your Lord's decision does al those choose est wicked ili ne kred! [10:34] Dir Can any da your idols iniciat creation tiam ripet gxi? Dir DI iniciat creation tiam ripet gxi! [10:35] dir Does any da your idols direkt truth? Dir DI direkt truth! Unu direkt truth worthy de sekv 1 who est direkt does bezon guidance himself? Ki est wrong kun your judgment [10:36] plej de them sekv nothing konjekt konjekt ne est substitute por truth! DI EST fully aware da CXIO ILI do [10:37] This Quran possibly ne authored DI. Gxi konfirm all previous messages proviz fully detal scripture! est infallible gxi ven Lord univers. [10:38] Ili dir Li fabricated gxi dir Tiam produkt 1 sura like these invit whomever vi wish DI vi est truthful. [10:39] Ja ili rejected this sen stud ekzamen gxi kaj kompren gxi! Tiel did those antaux them disbelieve! Do not consequences transgressors! [10:40] Kelk da them kred en this scripture) while others disbelieve gxi! Your Lord est fully aware da evildoers.

[10:41] Ili reject vi tiam dir mi hav my works vi hav your works Vi est innocent de anything mi do mi est innocent de anything vi do [10:42] Kelk da them auxskult al vi vi far surd auxd eben ili ne kompren? [10:43] Kelk da them jen vi vi direkt blind eben ili ne seg? [10:44] DI NENIAM wrongs POPOL; est POPOL wrong their own ANIM. [10:45] Tag when Li summons all da them ili sent as ili last en this mond 1 hor tag which ili met Losers ja est those disbelieved meeting DI; chose misguided [10:46] Ni montr vi kelk (da retribution) ni promes them terminate your life antaux ke, us est their ultimate return DI witnesses CXIO ILI do [10:47] Al each community messenger. Post their messenger ven ili jugx equitably malplej injustice! [10:48] Ili challenge When this prophecy ven pas vi telling truth? [10:49] dir mi ne posed potenc harm benefit nur ki DI vol sorb met, Each community predetermined life sxpin! Once their interim ven end ili ne delay gxi 1 hor nor advance gxi! [10:50] Dir Whether His retribution ven vi per nokt tag why est transgressors such hurry [10:51] Gxi okaz vi kred tiam? Why vi kred tiam? Vi uz challenge gxi ven? [10:52] Gxi est dir al transgressors Gust etern retribution. Vi ne requited precisely ki vi earned [10:53] Ili challenge vi prophesy Est this really ki vol okaz Dir Jes ja my Lord this est truth vi neniam escape [10:54] Se any wicked anim posed cxio sur ter gxi readily ofert gxi as ransom Ili rajd remorse when ili seg retribution. Ili jugx equitably malplej injustice. [10:55] Absolutely al DI aparten cxio heavens ter! Absolutely di promes est truth plej de them ne kon! [10:56] Li controls life death Him vi returned [10:57] O popol enlightenment ven vi herein your Lord healing anything troubles your kor guidance mercy believers. [10:58] dir di grace His mercy ili gxoj. This est far put than any wealth ili accumulate

[10:59] Dir vi not kiel DI send down vi all kinds da provisions tiam vi render kelk da them unlawful kelk lawful? Dir DI don vi permission Did do this? Vi fabricate mensog do atribu them DI? [10:60] Gxi Does ever occur al those fabricate mensog DI ke ili vizagx Him Tag Resurrection? Certainly DI dusx popol His grace plej de them est unappreciative. [10:61] Vi ne get any situaci nor do vi recite any Quran nor do vi do anything us est witnesses thereof vi do gxi! Ne eben atom weight est your Lord's control est gxi heavens ter. Nor est tie anything smaller than atom larger ke ne recorded profound record [10:62] Absolutely di allies hav nothing tim nor vol ili grieve [10:63] Ili est those kred plumb righteous life! [10:64] Por them joy happiness en this mond ankaux as en Hereafter This est di unchangeable legx. Such est greatest triumf. [10:65] Ne saddened their utterances! All potenc aparten al DI. Li est Hearer Omniscient [10:66] Absolutely al DI aparten everyone heavens everyone sur ter! Those set idols DI really sekv nothing! Ili nur opini ili sekv io. Ili nur diven. [10:67] Li est Unu rendered nokt your ripoz rendered tag lighted. These est proofs popol auxd. [10:68] Ili dir DI begotten fil! Li glor. Li est plej Ricx. Al Him aparten cxio heavens cxio sur ter! Vi ne hav proof support such blasphemy! Vi dir DI ki vi ne kon? [10:69] Proklam Those fabricate mensog pri DI testament neniam sukces! [10:70] Ili get their temporary akci en this mond tiam al us est their ultimate return tiam ni commit them severe retribution por their disbelieving [10:71] Recite por them histori Noah. Li dir al his popol O my popol vi trov my pozici my reminding vi de di revelations tro mult vi tiam mi put my fid DI! Vi get together your estr agree sur final decision yourselves tiam let me kon gxi sen delay [10:72] Vi turn tiam mi ne pet vi any wage My wage ven el DI. Mi komand est submitter. [10:73] Ili rejected him consequently ni sav him those joined him ark; ni far them inheritors. Ni dron those rejected our revelations. Not consequences; ili avert!

[10:74] Tiam ni send him messengers their popol ili montr them klar proofs Ili ne est kred en ki ili rejected en des preter. Ni tiel sigel kor transgressors. [10:75] Tiam ni send them Moses Aaron Pharaoh his grup our proofs Sed ili torn arrogant; transgressing popol. [10:76] When truth ven them us ili dir This est obviously magic [10:77] Moses dir this kiel vi describe truth when gxi Est ven vi? est this magic Kiel any magicians prevail [10:78] Ili dir vi ven divert us el ki ni trov our parents doing ating pozici de prominence yourselves? Ni neniam join vi as believers. [10:79] Pharaoh dir Bring me cxiu spert magician! [10:80] When magicians ven Moses dir al them Jxet whatever vi jxet. [10:81] When ili jxet Moses dir Ki vi produkt est magic DI testament far gxi fail DI NE support transgressors' work [10:82] DI ESTABL truth His VORT criminals. [10:83] Neniom kred Moses escept a few da his popol while tim tyranny Pharaoh his elders Surely Pharaoh est mult tro arrogant ter efektiv tiran. [10:84] Moses dir O my popol vi hav really kred en DI tiam put your fid Him vi est really submitters! [10:85] Ili dir Ni fid DI. Our Lord sav us el persecution these oppressive popol! [10:86] Liver us kun Your mercy el disbelieving popol. [10:87] Ni inspir Moses his frat. Argument your hejm Egypt por des temp est torn your hejm synagogues argument Kontakt Prayers (Salat)! Don bon news believers! [10:88] Moses dir Our Lord vi don Pharaoh his elders luks wealth en this mond! Our Lord ili nur uz them repulse others Your path. Our Lord visx out their wealth hard their kor prevent them el kred gxis ili seg painful retribution! [10:89] Li dir Your prayer respond O Moses Aaron) est steadfast ne sekv voj de those ne kon! [10:90] Ni liver Infan Israel mar. Pharaoh his trup pursued them aggressively sinfully. When dron igx reality him li dir mi kred tie ne est di escept Unu Infan Israel kred; mi est submitter!

[10:91] Tro late Vi ribel jam chose est transgressor! [10:92] Hodiaux ni konfit your korp set vi as lecion future generaci. Unfortunately many popol est totally oblivious al our sign! [10:93] Ni dot Infan de Israel pozici de honor ben them bon provisions sed ili disput when this knowledge ven them. Your Lord jugx them Tag Resurrection cxio ili disput. [10:94] Vi hav any dub regarding ki revealed vi your Lord tiam pet those leg previous scripture. Ja truth ven vi your Lord Do ne est doubters! [10:95] Nor shall vi join those rejected di revelations lest vi est losers. [10:96] Surely those kondamn per dekret el your Lord ne kred! [10:97] Ne materi ki kind da proof vi montr them (ili ne kred) gxis ili seg painful retribution. [10:98] Any community kred surely rekompenc por kred! Por ekzempl, popol Jonah when ili kred ni relieved humiliating retribution ili sufer en this mond ni far them prosperous! [10:99] Hav your Lord willed all popol ter kred! Vi want force popol Do igx believers? [10:100] Ne anim kred escept en accordance kun di testament Li ej curse upon those rifuz kompren [10:101] dir Rigard je all sign heavens ter. All proofs all warnings neniam help popol decid disbelieve! [10:102] Ili expect sort their counterparts en des preter? Dir Just wait vi mi ankaux waiting [10:103] Ni ultimately sav our messengers those kred. est our immutable legx ni sav believers. [10:104] dir O popol vi hav any dub my religi mi ne worship ki vi worship DI! Mi worship DI sol; Unu terminate your viv Mi komand est believer. [10:105] Mi komand Keep devoted al religi monotheism vi ne practice idol worship [10:106] Vi ne worship DI ki ne posed potenc benefit vi harm vi! Vi do vi est transgressor.

[10:107] Di tusx vi hardship neniom relieve gxi escept Li. Kaj when Li ben vi neni force prevent His grace Li bestows gxi whomever Li chooses His servants. Li est Forgiver Merciful. [10:108] Proklam O popol truth ven vi herein your Lord Whoever direkt direkt his own bon whoever ir astray ir astray his own detriment! Mi ne est guardian over vi. [10:109] Sekv ki revealed vi est pacient DI issues His judgment Li est bon jugx! . 11- Hood (Hud)! . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [11:1] A. L. R. This est scripture vers perfekt tiam elucidated Gxi ven el Sagx Cognizant [11:2] Proklam Vi ne worship DI! Mi ven vi Him warner tro bearer bon news [11:3] Vi streb your Lord's forgiveness tiam pent Him. Li testament tiam ben vi generously por predetermined period bestow His grace upon those ind gxi! Vi turn tiam mi tim por vi retribution awesome tag. [11:4] Al DI est your ultimate return Li est Omnipotent [11:5] Ja ili kasx their innermost thoughts as se keep Him el kon them! En fakt, as ili kovr their vest Li kon all their sekret declarations. Li kon innermost thoughts. [11:6] tie ne est creature ter provision ne garanti DI. Kaj Li kon its kurs its final destiny. All est recorded profound record [11:7] Li est Unu kre heavens ter 6 tag - His (earthly) domain completely kovr kun akv! - en ord al test vi disting those vi work righteousness! sed when vi dir Vi resurrected death those disbelieve dir This est clearly witchcraft! [11:8] Kaj se ni delay retribution ili incurred - Por ni rezerv gxi specif community - Ili dir Ki keeping Him? En fakt, once gxi ven them nothing stop gxi their mok vol ven haunt them! [11:9] Whenever ni ben human est kun mercy us tiam remove gxi li turn despondent unappreciative. [11:10] Whenever ni ben him adversity aflikt him li dir All adversity ir me li igx ekscit fier!

[11:11] As por those who steadfastly persevere plumb righteous life ili ind forgiveness generous recompense [11:12] Vi wish disregard kelk da which revealed vi vi annoyed gxi! Ankaux ili dir "Kiel ven neni trezor ven him angxel? Vi est nur warner; DI controls all ajx! [11:13] Ili dir Li fabricated (Quran) tell them Tiam produkt 10 suras like these fabricated invit whomever vi can DI vi est truthful! [11:14] Ili fail meet your challenge tiam kon ti this revealed di knowledge kaj ke tie ne est di escept Li! Vi tiam submit? [11:15] Those pursue this worldly life its sxtof vanities ni pag them their works en this life malplej reduction. [11:16] est ili don up their akci Hereafter consequently Infer est their lot! All their works est en vain cxio ili done nullified [11:17] As por those don solid proof el their Lord raport witness el Him kaj gxi libr Moses set precedent mercy ili surely kred. As por those disbelieve various grup Infer awaiting them. Ne haven any dub; this est truth your Lord plej popol disbelieve! [11:18] Who evil than those est fabricate mensog DI? Ili prezent their Lord witnesses dir These est unu who lied their Lord Di condemnation befallen transgressors. [11:19] Ili repel voj DI streb far gxi crooked ili est disbelievers Hereafter [11:20] These neniam escape nor vol ili trov any lords mastr help them kontraux DI! Retribution doubled them. Ili failed auxd ili failed seg. [11:21] These est unu perd their anim idols ili fabricated disown them! [11:22] tie est ne dub ke Hereafter ili est mav losers. [11:23] As por those kred plumb righteous life devote their Lord ili est dwellers Paradise; ili abide therein forever [11:24] Ekzempl these 2 grup est blind surd kompar al seer hearer! Ili est egal? Vi ne pren heed [11:25] Ni send Noah his popol dir mi ven vi klar warner. [11:26] Vi ne worship DI. Mi tim por vi retribution painful tag.

[11:27] Estr disbelieved his popol dir Ni seg vi est ne plur than human est us ni seg ke 1 popol sekv vi est des mav among us! Ni seg vi ne posed any avantagx us. Ja ni pens vi est liars. [11:28] Li dir O my popol ki mi hav solid proof el my Lord ki se Li ben me His mercy vi ne seg gxi? Ni ir force vi est kred therein? [11:29] O my popol mi ne pet vi any mon; my wage ven nur el DI. Mi ne dismissing those kred; ili meet their Lord Li sol jugx them)! Mi seg vi est ignorant popol. [11:30] O my popol support me DI mi dismiss them? Vi ne pren heed [11:31] Mi ne pretend mi posed trezor DI nor do mi kon future nor do mi pretend est angxel. Nor do mi dir al those despised your okul ke DI testament ne bestow any blessings them! DI kon PUT KI est their innermost thoughts! Mi did this) mi est transgressor. [11:32] Ili dir O Noah vi argued us kept arguing Ni challenge vi bring doom vi minac us vi est truthful. [11:33] Li dir DI est Unu brings gxi vi se Li vol tiam vi ne escape [11:34] Eben se mi advised vi my advice ne benefit vi gxi est di testament send vi astray! Li est your Lord Him vi returned [11:35] Ili dir Li far up this fabel tiam dir mi far tiam mi est responsible my krim mi est innocent de any krim vi commit [11:36] Noah ne inspir de your popol kred beyond those jam kred! Ne saddened their actions! [11:37] Cxarpent ark our watchful okul our inspiration ne implore Me sur behalf da those transgressed ili destin dron! [11:38] While li cxarpent ark whenever kelk da his popol pas him ili rid him. Li dir Vi rid us ni rid vi just as vi rid. [11:39] Vi do gxi surely trov out who sufer shameful retribution incur everlasting punishment! [11:40] When our judgment ven atmosphere bol over ni dir Port gxi par de each kind together kun your famili those kondamn! Port vi those kred nur a few kred him! [11:41] Li dir Ven sur board En des nom da DI est its vel its mooring My Lord est Forgiver Merciful.

[11:42] As gxi vel them en ond like hills Noah vok his fil izol O my fil ven rajd us do ne est disbelievers! [11:43] Li dir mi pren rifugx hill protekt me akv. Li dir Nothing protekt anyone hodiaux di judgment nur those worthy His mercy sav.) ond apart them li est among those dron! [11:44] Gxi proklam O ter glut your akv O cxiel cxes akv tiam subsided judgment fulfilled ark finally ripoz sur hills Judea. Gxi tiam proklam transgressors pere. [11:45] Noah implored his Lord My Lord my fil est member de my famili Your promes est truth. Vi est sagx de des sagx. [11:46] Li dir O Noah li ne est de your famili. est unrighteous pet Me io vi ne kon! Mi enlighten vi lest vi est des ignorant. [11:47] Li dir My Lord mi streb rifugx Vi lest mi implore Vi re io mi ne kon. Vi forgive me hav mercy me mi est losers! [11:48] Gxi proklam O Noah disembark pac blessings vi naci descend your companions. As por ali naci descending el vi ni ben them por awhile tiam commit them painful retribution. [11:49] This est news preter ni reveal vi. Vi ne hav knowledge them - Nek vi nor your popol - Antaux this. Do est pacient. ultimate victory aparten al des righteous. [11:50] Al 窶連ad ni send their frat Hood Li dir O my popol worship DI; vi ne hav ali di Him. Vi invent. [11:51] O my popol mi ne pet vi any wage My wage ven nur 1 who iniciat me Vi ne kompren? [11:52] O my popol streb forgiveness your Lord tiam pent Him. Li tiam dusx vi provisions cxiel eg your strength! Ne turn transgressors. [11:53] Ili dir O Hood vi ne montr us any proof ni ne abandoning our di sur kont da ki vi dir. Ni neniam est believers vi. [11:54] Ni kred kelk da our di aflikt vi curse Li dir mi bor witness DI vi bor witness ankaux mi disown idols vi set -! [11:55] beside Him. Tial don me your collective decision sen delay [11:56] Mi put my fid DI my Lord your Lord tie ne est creature Li ne control My Lord est dekstr path.

[11:57] Vi turn mi liver vi ki mi send kun. My Lord substitute ali popol en your ej; vi ne harm Him en des malplej My Lord est en control de all ajx! [11:58] When our judgment ven ni sav Hood those kred him mercy us. Ni sav them terrible retribution. [11:59] Such est 窶連ad - Ili disregarded revelations their Lord disobeyed His messengers sekv voj cxiu stubborn tiran! [11:60] Consequently ili incurred condemnation en this mond Tag Resurrection. Ja 窶連ad rejected their Lord Ja 窶連ad popol Hood pere. [11:61] Al Thamoud ni send their frat Saaleh. Li dir O my popol worship DI; vi ne hav ali di Him. Li iniciat vi ter tiam sald vi en gxi. Vi streb His forgiveness tiam pent Him. My Lord est cxiam proksim responsive. [11:62] Ili dir O Saaleh vi uz est popular among us this. Vi enjoining us el worshipping ki our parents worshipping Ni est plen de dub cxio vi told us. [11:63] Li dir O my popol ki mi hav solid proof el my Lord mercy Him? Who support me DI mi disobeyed Him? Vi nur eg my loss [11:64] O my popol this est di kamel serv proof vi. Vi let her mangx di ter do ne tusx her any harm lest vi incur immediate retribution! [11:65] Ili bucx her. Li tiam dir Vi hav nur 3 tag viv This est prophecy est inevitable. [11:66] When our judgment ven ni sav Saaleh those kred him mercy us humiliation ke tag. Your Lord est plej Powerful Almighty [11:67] Those transgressed annihilated disaster las them their hejm dead [11:68] Est as se ili neniam viv tie. Ja Thamoud rejected their Lord Absolutely Thamoud incurred their annihilation. [11:69] When our messengers ir Abraham bon news ili dir Pac. Li dir Pac baldaux brought rost calf [11:70] When li seg their man ne tusx gxi li igx suspicious fearful de them. Ili dir est afraid ni depesx popol Lot. [11:71] His wife star sxi rid when ni don her bon news Isaac post Isaac Jacob. [11:72] Sxi dir Ve me kiel mi bor infan my agx here est my husband old hom? This est really strang!

[11:73] Ili dir vi trov gxi strang por DI? DI bestowed His mercy blessings VI O inhabitants shrine Li est Praiseworthy Glorious. [11:74] When Abraham's tim subsided bon news liver him li proced argue us sur behalf da Lot's popol! [11:75] Ja Abraham est clement extremely kind obedient. [11:76] O Abraham refrain el this. Your Lord's judgment issued ili incurred unavoidable retribution. [11:77] When our messengers ir Lot ili mistreated li embarrassed their presence. Li dir This est difficult tag. [11:78] His popol ven rushing; ili kresk kutim al their sinful akt! Li dir O my popol est pur vi se vi sorb my daughters instead Vi reverence DI; do ne embarrass me my gast! Hav vi ne unu reasonable hom vi? [11:79] Ili dir Vi kon put ti ni hav ne bezon your daughters; vi kon exactly ki ni want [11:80] Li dir Mi wish mi est fort suficx hav powerful ally [11:81] (Angxel) dir O Lot ni est your Lord's messengers these popol ne tusx vi. Vi las your famili nokt let ne anyone de vi rigard dors your wife; sxi kondamn along kun those kondamn. Their appointed temp est maten. Ne est maten baldaux suficx [11:82] When our judgment ven ni torn upside down ni dusx gxi hard devastating rok. [11:83] Such rok designated your Lord strik transgressors! [11:84] Al Midyan ni send their frat Shu aib. Li dir O my popol worship DI; vi ne hav ali di Him. Ne cheat when vi mezur pes! Mi seg vi est prosperous mi tim vi retribution overwhelming tag. [11:85] O my popol vi don plen mezur plen weight equitably! Ne cheat popol their dekstr ne roam ter corruptingly! [11:86] Whatever DI proviz por vi ne materi kiel small est far put vi se vi est really believers. Mi ne est guardian over vi. [11:87] Ili dir O Shu aib your religi dikt vi ke ni abandon our parents' religi dev kur our negoc any manier ni choose Surely vi kon por est clement sagx. [11:88] Li dir O my popol ki mi hav solid proof el my Lord ki Li proviz me great ben Ne est my wish commit ki mi enjoin vi el. Mi nur wish korekt many wrongs as mi can My guidance depends totally DI; mi put my fid Him. Al Him mi totally submitted

[11:89] Kaj O my popol ne provoked your opposition me into incurring sam disasters popol Noah popol de Hood popol de Saaleh; popol Lot ne est tro far el vi! [11:90] Vi implore your Lord forgiveness tiam pent Him. My Lord est Merciful Kind [11:91] Ili dir O Shu aib ni ne comprehend many da ajx vi telling us ni seg vi est powerless among us. Se ne est your gent ni sxton vi. Vi ne hav value us. [11:92] Li dir O my popol my gent komand greater respekt than DI? this why vi est est heedless de Him? My Lord est fully aware da cxio vi do [11:93] O my popol ir sur doing ki vi wish kaj tial vol mi! Vi do gxi certainly trov out which de us incur shameful retribution; vi do gxi trov out who liar est Just wait anticipation mi wait anticipation vi! [11:94] When our judgment ven ni sav Shu aib those kred him mercy us. As por evil unu ili strik disaster ke las them dead en their hejm. [11:95] Est as kvankam ili neniam ekzist. Do Midyan pere just like Thamoud pere antaux ke! [11:96] Ni send Moses our sign profound auxtoritat [11:97] Al Pharaoh his elders Ili sekv ordon Pharaoh Pharaoh's ordon ne est sagx. [11:98] Li plumb his popol Tag Resurrection all des voj al Infer; ki miserable abode al viv en [11:99] Ili incurred condemnation en this life ankaux as sur Tag Resurrection; ki miserable path sekv! [11:100] This est news preter communities ni narrate vi. Kelk est ankoraux bud kelk vanished [11:101] Ni neniam wronged them; ili wronged their own anim. Their di ili invoked DI ne help them en des malplej when judgment your Lord ven. En fakt, ili nur ensured their doom [11:102] Such retribution enforced your Lord when communities transgressed Ja His retribution est painful devastating [11:103] This est lecion those tim retribution Hereafter Ke est tag when all popol summoned - Tag witnessed [11:104] Ni appointed specif temp gxi sorb met.

[11:105] Tag gxi ven ne pas anim utter single vort en accordance kun His vol! Kelk est miserable kelk est felicx. [11:106] As por miserable unu ili est Infer wherein ili sigh wail [11:107] Eternally ili abide therein as long as heavens ter endure en accordance kun vol your Lord Your Lord est doer de whatever Li vol. [11:108] As por fortunate unu ili est Paradise. Eternally ili abide therein as long as heavens ter endure en accordance kun vol your Lord - everlasting rekompenc. [11:109] Ne hav any dub regarding ki these popol worship ili worship exactly as ili trov their parents worshipping Ni requite them their due akci fully reduction. [11:110] Ni don Moses scripture gxi disput kaj gxi est por predetermined vort dekret your Lord ili jugx tuj! Ili est plen de dub pri this suspicious! [11:111] Your Lord surely recompense everyone their works Li est fully Cognizant de cxio ili do [11:112] Do ad path vi enjoined sekv together those pent vi ne transgress! Li est Seer de cxio vi do [11:113] Ne apog towards those transgressed lest vi incur Infer trov neni allies help vi DI tiam end losers! [11:114] Vi observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) ambaux ends de tag nokt. righteous works visx evil works This est reminder those pren heed [11:115] Vi steadfastly persevere DI neniam fails recompense des righteous. [11:116] Se nur kelk da those among previous generaci posed suficx intelligence forbid evil Nur a few da them ind sav us! As por transgressors ili preoccupied their sxtof luks; ili est kulp. [11:117] Your Lord neniam annihilates any community unjustly while its popol est righteous. [11:118] Hav your Lord willed all popol est 1 congregation believers)! Ili cxiam disput (truth). [11:119] Nur those ben kun mercy el your Lord ne disput truth)! This why Li kre them. judgment your Lord jam issued mi fill Infer jinns humans all together [11:120] Ni narrate vi suficx histori messengers strengthen your kor truth ven vi herein tro as enlightenments reminders believers.

[11:121] Dir al those disbelieve Do whatever vi can kaj tial do gxi ni! [11:122] Tiam wait ni tro wait [11:123] Al DI aparten future de heavens ter all materi controlled Him! Vi worship Him fid Him. Your Lord est neniam unaware de anything vi do . 12- Joseph (Yousuf) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [12:1] A. L. R. These (liter) est proofs this profound scripture. [12:2] Ni revealed gxi Arabic Quran vi kompren. [12:3] Ni narrate vi plej accurate histori revelation de this Quran. Antaux this vi est totally unaware. [12:4] Recall ti Joseph dir al his patr O my patr mi seg 11 planed sun lun; mi seg them prostrating me [12:5] Li dir My fil ne tell your frat your songx lest ili plot scheme vi. Surely diabl est hom mav enemy [12:6] Your Lord tiel ben vi don vi bon news your songx! Li perfekt His blessings vi famili Jacob as Li did por your ancestors Abraham Isaac antaux ke. Your Lord est Omniscient Sagx. [12:7] En Joseph his frat tie est lecion seekers. [12:8] Ili dir Joseph his frat komplez our patr ni est majority! Ja our patr est far astray. [12:9] kill Joseph banish him ke vi get kelk attention el your patr! Afterwards vi est righteous popol. [12:10] 1 de them dir ne kill Joseph; jxet him abism put! Perhaps kelk karavan pik him this est ki vi decid do [12:11] Ili dir Our patr vi ne fid us Joseph? Ni pren bon zorg de him. [12:12] Send him us morgaux kur lud! Ni protekt him.

[12:13] Li dir mi worry lest vi ir him tiam lup devour him while vi ne watching him. [12:14] Ili dir Ja lup devours him many da us around tiam ni est really losers. [12:15] When ili ir him kaj unanimously decid jxet him into abism put ni inspir him "Kelk tag vi tell them all this while ili ne hav ide! [12:16] Ili ven their patr en des vesper plor! [12:17] Ili dir Our patr ni ir racing each ali las Joseph our equipment lup devoured him! Vi neniam kred us eben ni telling truth. [12:18] Ili produkt his cxemiz fake sang gxi. Li dir Ja vi konspir each ali al commit nepr scheme All mi do est resort kviet pacienc. Maj DI help me en des vizagx de your conspiracy. [12:19] Karavan pas baldaux send their waterer! Li let his sitel tiam dir Kiel lucky tie est knab here! Ili pren him along merchandise DI est fully aware da ki ili did [12:20] Ili vend him cheap prez - a few dirhams - Por ili ne hav any bezon por him. [12:21] Unu acxet him Egypt dir al his wife Pren bon zorg de him. Maybe li help us maybe ni adopt him. Ni do establ Joseph ter ni instru him interpretation de songx! Di ordon cxiam done plej popol ne kon! [12:22] When li reached maturity ni dot him kun wisdom knowledge. Ni tiel rekompenc des righteous. [12:23] lady dom li viv pen seduce him! Sxi closed pord dir mi est all yours. Li dir maj DI protekt me Li est my Lord don me bon hejm. transgressors neniam sukces. [12:24] Sxi preskaux succumbed him kaj li preskaux succumbed her se ne est li seg proof el his Lord Ni tiel diverted evil pek for him li est 1 de our devoted servants. [12:25] 2 de them raced pord process sxi larm his garment el dors. Ili trov her husband pord. Sxi dir Ki punishment 1 who wanted molest your wife imprisonment painful punishment? [12:26] Li dir Sxi est unu pen seduce me witness el her famili sugest his garment est larm el front tiam sxi telling truth li est liar! [12:27] Kaj se his garment est larm el dors tiam sxi lied li telling truth. [12:28] When her husband seg his garment est larm el dors li dir This est woman's scheme Ja your scheming est formidable.

[12:29] Joseph disregard this incident As por vi (my wife) vi streb forgiveness your pek. Vi committed error [12:30] Kelk women urb gossiped governor's wife est pen seduce her servant! Sxi est deeply en am him! Ni seg sxi ir astray. [12:31] When sxi auxd their gossip sxi invit them prepar them komfort met don each da them knife Sxi tiam dir al him Enter their cxambr When ili seg him ili admir him ke ili fason their man. Ili dir Glory est al DI this ne est human est this est honorable angxel! [12:32] Sxi dir This est 1 vi blamed me fal en am kun! Mi did ja pen seduce him li rifuz! Li does ki mi komand him do li surely ir prison debased [12:33] Li dir My Lord prison est put than don them. Vi divert their scheming me mi dezir them behave like ignorant unu! [12:34] His Lord respond his prayer diverted their scheming el him. Li est Hearer Omniscient [12:35] Later ili seg gxi klar proofs ti ili imprison him por awhile! [12:36] 2 jun hom est prison him. 1 de them dir mi seg my songx) mi far vin ali dir mi seg port pan my kap el which bird mangx! Inform us de interpretation these songx! Ni seg vi est righteous. [12:37] Li dir any food proviz vi mi inform vi gxi vi ricev gxi! This est kelk da knowledge bestowed upon me my Lord Mi forsaken religi de popol who ne kred en DI regard Hereafter ili est really disbelievers! [12:38] Mi sekv instead religi my ancestors Abraham Isaac Jacob. Ni neniam set any idols DI. Such est ben el DI us upon popol plej popol est unappreciative. [12:39] O my prison mates est several di put DI sol 1 Supreme [12:40] Vi ne worship Him innovations vi hav far up vi your parents DI NENIAM authorized such idols. All regul aparten al DI Li regul ti vi ne worship Him! This est perfekt religi plej popol ne kon! [12:41] O my prison mates 1 de vi est vin butler his lord while ali crucified - Bird mangx his kap. This sald materi which vi inquired [12:42] Li tiam dir al 1 sav Memor me je your lord Tiel diabl kauxz him forges his Lord consequently li ceter en prison a few mult jar! [12:43] Regx dir mi seg 7 fat cows devoured 7 skinny cows 7 verd spikes tritik) others shriveled O my elders advise me regarding my songx vi kon kiel interpret songx!

[12:44] Ili dir Nonsense songx. When gxi ven interpretation de songx ni est knowledgeable! [12:45] Unu sav prison) dir nun li finally memor mi tell vi its interpretation tial send me Joseph). [12:46] Joseph my amik inform us 7 fat cows devoured 7 skinny cows 7 verd spikes others shriveled Mi wish al ir kelk information popol! [12:47] Li dir Ki vi kultiv next 7 jar when temp rikolt ven las gren their spikes escept por ki vi mangx! [12:48] "Post ke, 7 jar drought ven which vol konsum plej de ki vi stored them. [12:49] "Post ke, jar ven brings relief popol ili re prem suk! [12:50] Regx dir Bring him me When messenger ven him li dir Ir your lord pet him investigate women fason their man! My Lord est fully aware da their schemes [12:51] (Regx) dir (al women Ki do vi kon incident when vi pen seduce Joseph? Ili dir "DI forbid ni ne kon de anything evil committed per him. wife governor dir Nun truth prevailed Mi est unu pen seduce him li est truthful 1! [12:52] Mi esper li realize ke mi neniam perfid him his absence DI ne ben schemes betrayers. [12:53] Mi ne pretend innocence myself. Sin est advokat de vice escept por those ating mercy my Lord My Lord est Forgiver Merciful. [12:54] Regx dir Bring him me mi lu him work me When li talked kun him li dir Hodiaux vi hav prominent pozici us! [12:55] Li dir Far me treasurer mi spert en this are kaj knowledgeable! [12:56] Ni do establ Joseph ter regul as li wished Ni dusx our mercy whomever ni testament, ni neniam fail recompense des righteous. [12:57] Additionally rekompenc Hereafter est eben bon those kred plumb righteous life! [12:58] Joseph's frat ven; when ili entered li recognized them while ili ne recognize him. [12:59] Post li proviz them their provisions li dir Next temp bring vi your half-brother. Vi ne seg mi don plen mezur trakt vi generously? [12:60] Vi fail bring him me vi ne get akci me vi ne eben ven close

[12:61] Ili dir Ni negotiate his patr him. Ni surely do this. [12:62] Li tiam instructed his assistants Put their goods their bags When ili trov them their return their famili ili ven baldaux. [12:63] When ili returned their patr ili dir Our patr ni ne long get any provisions vi send our frat us. Ni pren bon zorg de him. [12:64] Li dir mi fid vi him as mi fid vi his frat antaux ke? DI EST PUT Protector DE all merciful UNU LI est PLEJ Merciful. [12:65] When ili opened their bags ili trov their goods returned them. Ili dir Our patr ki plur ni pet por? Here est our goods returned us! Ni can do proviz por our famili protekt our frat ricev 1 plur camel-load! This est certainly a profitable deal [12:66] Li dir mi ne send him vi vi don me solen pledge DI ke vi bring him dors vi utterly overwhelmed When ili don him their solen pledge li dir DI witnessing cxio ni dir. [12:67] Kaj li dir O my fil ne enter 1 pord; enter separate pord! Mi ne sav vi anything predetermined DI. Al DI aparten all judgments Mi fid en Him en Him shall all trusters put their fid. [12:68] When ili ir Joseph) ili entered en accordance kun their patr instrukci. this ne sxangx anything dekret DI Jacob hav privat raci por pet them do this! Li posed nepr knowledge ke ni instru him plej popol ne kon! [12:69] When ili entered Joseph's met li brought his frat closer al him dir mi est your frat; ne saddened their actions! [12:70] When li proviz them their provisions li ej drink tas his frat bag tiam announcer anonc owners this karavan est thieves [12:71] Ili dir as ili ven them Ki vi perd? [12:72] Ili dir Ni perd regx tas. Anyone returns gxi ricev ekstr camel-load; mi personally garanti this. [12:73] Ili dir DI vi kon plen put ni ne ven here commit evil nor est ni thieves [12:74] Ili dir Ki est punishment thief se vi est liars? [12:75] Ili dir punishment gxi trov his bag est ti thief aparten al vi! Ni tiel pun kulp [12:76] Li tiam started inspekt their uj getting his frat uj li ekstrakt gxi his frat uj! Ni tiel perfekt scheme Joseph; li ne kept his frat li aplik regx legx. Ke est vol DI. Ni exalt

whomever ni choose alt rang. Super cxiu knowledgeable unu tie est unu est eben knowledgeable. [12:77] Ili dir li sxtel tial did frat de his en des preter, Joseph concealed his feelings en ne don them any clue Li dir (al Vi est really mav. DI est fully aware da your accusations. [12:78] Ili dir O vi nobl unu li patr hav est elderly vi sorb unu de us his met? Ni seg vi est kind hom. [12:79] Li dir "DI forbid ni sorb 1 whose possession ni trov our goods. Otherwise ni est unjust. [12:80] When ili despaired de sxangx his mens ili conferred together Their eldest dir vi realize ke your patr Do pren solen pledge el vi DI? En des preter vi perd Joseph. Mi ne las this ej my patr don me permission aux DI jugx me Li est bon Jugx! [12:81] Ir your patr tell him! ‘Our patr your fil committed theft. Ni kon por sure this est ki ni witnessed This est unexpected occurrence. [12:82] ‘Vi pet community ni est karavan ven us. Ni telling truth. ' [12:83] Li dir Ja vi konspir port nepr scheme Kviet pacienc est my nur recourse. Maj DI bring them all dors me Li est Omniscient Sagx. [12:84] Li torn them dir mi grieving Joseph. His okul torn blank el grieving tial mult; li est ver sad! [12:85] Ili dir DI vi keep grieving Joseph vi igx ill aux vi mort. [12:86] Li dir mi simply plend DI my dilemma grief mi kon DI ki vi ne kon. [12:87] O my fil ir fetch Joseph his frat neniam despair di grace Neniom despairs de di grace disbelieving popol. [12:88] When ili entered (Joseph's) kvartal ili dir O vi nobl unu ni sufer a lot de hardship our famili ni brought inferior goods. Ni esper vi don us plen mezur est charitable al us. DI REKOMPENC DES charitable. [12:89] Li dir vi recall ki vi Do did al Joseph his frat when vi est ignorant? [12:90] Ili dir Vi est Joseph. Li dir mi est Joseph here est my frat. DI BEN us. Est because se 1 plumb righteous life steadfastly perseveres DI neniam fails rekompenc des righteous. [12:91] Ili dir DI DI ver prefer vi over us! Ni est definitely wrong

[12:92] Li dir Tie ne est blame vi hodiaux. Maj DI forgive vi. De all merciful unu Li est plej Merciful. [12:93] Pren this cxemiz de min; when vi jxet gxi my patr vizagx his vizi restored Bring your whole famili ven me [12:94] Eben karavan alven their patr dir mi sens odor Joseph. someone enlighten me [12:95] Ili dir DI vi est ankoraux your old confusion! [12:96] When bearer bon news alven li jxet (cxemiz) his vizagx whereupon his vizi restored Li dir mi ne tell vi mi kon DI ki vi ne kon? [12:97] Ili dir Our patr pregx our forgiveness; ni est wrong ja. [12:98] Li dir mi implore my Lord forgive vi; Li est Forgiver Merciful. [12:99] When ili entered Joseph's kvartal li embraced his parents dir Welcome al Egypt! DI testament VI est SEKUR here. [12:100] Li raised his parents tron. Ili fal prostrate antaux him. Li dir O my patr this est fulfillment my old songx. My Lord far gxi ven prav. Li ben me liver me prison brought vi el dezert post diabl driv kojn me my frat! My Lord est Kind towards whomever Li vol. Li est Knower plej Sagx. [12:101] My Lord Vi don me kingship instru me interpretation de songx! Initiator de heavens ter; Vi est my Lord Mastr en this life Hereafter Let me mort as submitter count me kun des righteous! [12:102] This est news preter ni reveal vi. Vi est prezent when ili far their unanimous decision jxet Joseph put) as ili konspir together [12:103] Plej popol ne materi ki vi ne kred. [12:104] Vi ne pet them any mon; vi simply liver this reminder all popol. [12:105] Tial many proofs heavens ter don them ili pas them heedlessly! [12:106] majority de those kred en DI do ne do committing idol worship [12:107] Ili garanti ke overwhelming retribution hav el DI testament ne strik them Hor ne ven them suddenly when ili malpli expect gxi? [12:108] Dir This est my path mi invit DI klar proof kaj do those sekv me DI GLOR. Mi ne est idol worshiper.

[12:109] Ni ne send vi hom ni inspir chosen el popol de various communities. Ili ne roam ter Did seg consequences por those antaux them? abode Hereafter est far put those plumb righteous life. Vi tiam kompren? [12:110] Just when messengers despair opini ili rejected our victory ven them. Ni tiam sav whomever ni choose while our retribution kulp popol est unavoidable. [12:111] En their histori tie est lecion those posed intelligence This ne fabricated Hadith; this (Quran) konfirm all previous scriptures proviz detal de cxio est beacon mercy those kred! . 13- Tondr (Al-Ra'ad) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [13:1] A. L. M. R. These (liter) est proofs this scripture. Ki revealed vi your Lord est truth plej popol ne kred! [13:2] DI EST UNU raised heavens SEN pillars TI VI SEG TIAM assumed all AUXTORITAT. Li committed sun lun each kur (en its orbit por predetermined period! Li controls all ajx eksplik revelations ke vi ating certainty meeting your Lord [13:3] Li est Unu konstru ter ej gxi mont river! Kaj el different kinds frukt Li far them par - Vir females. Nokt overtakes tag. These est solid proofs popol pens. [13:4] Sur ter tie est adjacent lots produkt orchards grapes crops palm arb - dioecious non-dioecious. Ili irrigated sam akv ni prefer kelk da them others en mangx! These est solid proofs popol kompren. [13:5] Vi ever wonder efektiv wonder est their dir ni turn into polv do ni recreated re These est unu disbelieved their Lord These est unu incurred shackles their kol. These est unu incurred Infer wherein ili abide forever [13:6] Ili challenge vi bring doom them rather than torn righteous! Sufficient precedents set them en des preter. Ja your Lord est plen da forgiveness popol their transgressions your Lord est ankaux strict en enforcing retribution! [13:7] Those disbelieved dir nur mirakl ven him his Lord (ni tiam kred.) Vi est simply warner - Cxiu community ricev direkt teacher. [13:8] DI kon KI CXIU female URS KI CXIU womb releases GAJN! Cxio Li does perfectly mezur.

[13:9] Knower de all sekret declarations; Supreme plej Alt. [13:10] est des sam vi conceal your thoughts deklar them kasx darkness nokt akt daylight! [13:11] Shifts angxel) sorb rest each unu de vi - Ili est vi behind vi. Ili rest vi gard vi en accordance kun di ordon! Tiel DI ne sxangx stat any popol ili far decision sxangx. Di vol any hardship any popol ne force stop gxi. Por ili hav neniom Him as Lord kaj Mastr [13:12] Li est Unu montr vi fulm source tim ankaux as esper Li iniciat loaded nub! [13:13] Tondr lauxd His glory kaj tial do angxel reverence por Him. Li send fulm bolts which traf en accordance kun His vol. Ili argue DI kvankam His potenc est awesome. [13:14] Imploring Him est nur legitimate supplication while idols ili implore Him ever ne respond. Tiel ili est those strecx their man akv nothing reaches their busx. supplications disbelievers est en vain [13:15] Di prostrates everyone heavens ter volont unwillingly tial do their ombr en des maten vesper! [13:16] Dir Who est Lord heavens ter? Dir DI. Dir tiam do vi set Him mastr who ne posed any potenc do benefit harm eben themselves? Dir Est blind sam as seer? darkness sam as light est ili trov idols DI kre creations simil al His creations al pint ne disting 2 creations? Dir DI est Creator all ajx Li est 1 Supreme [13:17] Li send down akv cxiel kauxz val overflow tiam rapid produkt abund sxauxm! Similarly when ili uz fajr rafin metal their jewelry equipment sxauxm produkt! DI TIEL cites analogies POR truth falsehood. As por sxauxm gxi ir waste while ke which benefits popol rest muel DI TIEL cites analogies. [13:18] Those respond their Lord ind bon rekompenc. As por those failed respond Him ili posed cxio ter - Eben twice as mult - Ili readily don gxi as ransom Ili incurred mav reckoning their final abode est Infer; ki miserable destiny. [13:19] Unu est recognizes your Lord's revelations vi truth egal al unu est est blind? Nur those posed intelligence pren heed [13:20] Ili est unu fulfill their pledge DI ne violate covenant [13:21] Ili join ki DI komand joined reverence their Lord tim dreadful reckoning [13:22] Ili steadfastly persevere streb their Lord observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) spend our provisions them secretly publicly counter evil kun bon! These ind put abode.

[13:23] Ili enter gxarden Eden together righteous among their parents their spouses their infan. Angxel enter them cxiu pord. [13:24] Pac est vi vi steadfastly persevered Ki joyous destiny. [13:25] As por those violate di covenant pledging keep gxi sever ki DI komand joined commit evil ili incurred condemnation; ili incurred mav destiny! [13:26] DI est UNU increases provision whomever LI VOL withholds gxi Ili igx preoccupied this life; this life kompar al Hereafter est nil [13:27] Those disbelieve dir nur mirakl ven him his Lord (ni kred.) Dir DI send astray whomever Li vol direkt al Him nur those obe. [13:28] Ili est unu kor gxoj memor DI! Absolutely per memor DI kor gxoj! [13:29] Those kred plumb righteous life ind happiness joyous destiny! [13:30] Ni send vi O Rashad) this community just as ni did ali communities en des preter. Vi recite them ki ni reveal vi ili disbelieved en plej Gracious. dir Li est my Lord tie ne est di escept Li! Mi put my fid Him sol; al Him est my ultimate destiny. [13:31] Ecx se Quran kauxz mont mov ter larm asunder dead parol (ili ne kred)! DI controls all AJX. Gxi ne temp believers est al don up realize ti DI willed Li direkt all popol? disbelievers ad sufer disasters consequence their own works hav disasters strik them di promes fulfilled DI testament NENIAM SXANGX predetermined destiny! [13:32] Messengers vi ridiculed mi permes disbelievers port tiam mi pun them. Kiel terrible est My retribution! [13:33] Est tie any egal al Unu controls cxiu single anim? Ili set idols rival DI! Dir Nom them! Vi inform Him de io ter Li ne kon? Aux est vi fabricating empty statements? Ja schemes de those disbelieve ornam their okul! Ili tiel diverted dekstr path. Whomever DI send astray neniam trov direkt teacher! [13:34] Ili incurred retribution en this life retribution Hereafter est far mav Nothing protekt them DI. [13:35] allegory Heaven which promes righteous flu streams inexhaustible provisions cool shade Such est destiny those observ righteousness while destiny disbelievers est Infer. [13:36] Those ricev scripture gxoj en ki revealed vi; kelk others reject part de gxi. Dir mi simply enjoined worship DI neniam associate any idols Him! Mi invit Him Him est my ultimate destiny.

[13:37] Ni revealed these legx Arabic kaj vi ever acquiesce their wishes this knowledge ven vi vi ne hav ally nor protector DI. [13:38] Ni send messengers vi O Rashad) ni far them husbands wives infan! Ne messenger produkt mirakl di authorization en accordance kun specif predetermined temp [13:39] DI erases whatever LI VOL FIKS whatever LI VOL). Kun Him est original Mastr Record [13:40] Ni montr vi ki ni promes them terminate your life antaux ke, your pland misi est liver message est us vok them kont [13:41] Ili ne seg cxiu tag ter brings them closer end DI decid their life sxpin irrevocably? Li est plej efficient Reckoner. [13:42] Others them schemed DI aparten ultimate scheming Li kon ki everyone doing disbelievers vol trov out who ultimate winners est [13:43] Those disbelieved dir Vi est messenger! Dir DI suffices as witness me vi those posed knowledge scripture. . 14- Abraham (Ibrahim) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [14:1] A. L. R. scripture ni revealed vi en ord plumb popol darkness light - en accordance kun vol their Lord - Al path Almighty des Praiseworthy. [14:2] (path DI; Unu posed cxio heavens cxio ter. Ve al disbelievers; ili incurred terrible retribution. [14:3] Ili est des unu don priority this life over Hereafter repel voj DI streb far gxi crooked ili ir far astray! [14:4] Ni ne send any messenger predik) lang his popol en ord clarify ajx them! DI TIAM SEND astray whomever LI VOL DIREKT whomever LI VOL. Li est Almighty plej Sagx. [14:5] Tiel ni send Moses our mirakl dir Plumb your popol darkness light remind them de tag DI. These est lecion cxiu steadfast appreciative ul!

[14:6] Recall ti Moses dir al his popol Memor di blessings vi! Li sav vi Pharaoh's popol inflicted mav persecution vi bucx your fil sxpar your daughters! Ke exacting trial your Lord [14:7] Your Lord dekret plur vi dank Me des plur mi don vi vi torn unappreciative tiam My retribution est severe. [14:8] Moses dir vi disbelieve all popol ter DI est en ne bezon Praiseworthy. [14:9] Hav vi ne auxd pri those antaux vi! - Popol Noah 窶連ad Thamoud others ven them kon nur al DI? Their messengers ir them klar proofs ili trakt them contempt dir Ni disbelieve en ki vi send kun. Ni est skeptical pri your message plen de dub! [14:10] Their messengers dir vi hav dub DI; Initiator de heavens ter? Li invit vi nur forgive your pek don vi another sxanc redeem Ili dir Vi est ne plur than humans us want repel us voj our parents uz worship Montr us kelk profound auxtoritat! [14:11] Their messengers dir al them Ni est ne plur than humans vi DI ben whomever Li chooses His servants! Ni possibly ne montr vi any kind da authorization escept en accordance kun di testament En DI believers fid. [14:12] Why ni ne fid DI when Li direkt us our paths? Ni steadfastly persevere en des vizagx de your persecution. En DI all trusters fid. [14:13] Those disbelieved dir al their messengers Ni do gxi banish vi el our land vi revert our religi. Their Lord inspir them Ni inevitably annihilate transgressors! [14:14] Ni let vi logx their land them. This est (rekompenc) those reverence My majesty reverence My promes! [14:15] Ili issued challenge consequently cxiu stubborn tiran ended doomed [14:16] Awaiting him est Infer wherein li trink putrid akv. [14:17] Li gulp gxi down li ne star gxi as death ven him cxiu direction li neniam mort! Awaiting him est terrible retribution! [14:18] allegory de those disbelieve their Lord their works est ashes violent vent stormy tag! Ili gajn nothing whatever ili earn such est farthest straying [14:19] Vi ne realize ti DI Do kre heavens ter specif purpose Li vol Li remove vi substitute neo creation your met. [14:20] This ne est tro difficult por DI.

[14:21] When ili all bud DI followers dir al estr Ni uz sekv vi! Can vi sxpar us eben a malpli mord de di retribution? Ili dir Hav DI direkt us ni direkt vi! Tuj est tro late ni grieve resort pacienc tie ne est exit us. [14:22] Kaj diabl dir judgment issued DI promes vi truthful promes mi promes vi mi romp my promes! Mi ne hav potenc vi; mi simply invit vi vi akcept my invitation! Do ne blame me blame nur yourselves! My plend ne help vi nor can your plend help me Mi disbelieved your idolizing me transgressors incurred painful retribution. [14:23] As por those kred plumb righteous life ili admitted gxarden flu streams Ili abide therein forever en accordance kun vol their Lord Their greeting therein est Pac. [14:24] Vi ne seg DI Do cited ekzempl bon vort bon arb radik firmly fiks its brancx est alt en des cxiel? [14:25] Gxi produkt its crop cxiu sezon as desegn its Lord DI TIEL cites EKZEMPL POPOL KE ILI PREN heed [14:26] Ekzempl mav vort est de mav arb chopped soil nivel; gxi ne hav radik keep gxi star! [14:27] DI strengthens those KRED proven VORT en this life Hereafter Di send transgressors astray. Cxio est en accordance kun di testament [14:28] Vi not those respond di blessings hav per disbelieving kaj tiel brought disaster their own famili? [14:29] Infer est their destiny wherein ili brul; ki miserable end [14:30] Ili set rivals rang DI divert others His path! dir Gxu awhile; your final destiny est Infer. [14:31] Exhort My servants kred observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don charity) our provisions them secretly publicly tag ven kie tie est nek komerc nor nepotism! [14:32] DI EST 1 KRE heavens TER LI SEND down CXIEL AKV PRODUKT all kinds da FRUKT your sustenance! Li committed sxip dejxor vi mar en accordance kun His ordon. Li committed river ankaux dejxor vi! [14:33] Li committed sun lun your service continuously. Li committed nokt tag dejxor vi! [14:34] Li don vi all kinds da ajx ke vi implore Him por. Vi count di blessings vi neniam encompass them. Ja human est transgressing unappreciative.

[14:35] Recall ti Abraham dir My Lord far this peaceful land protekt me my infan el worshipping idols! [14:36] My Lord ili misled tial many popol. As por those sekv me ili aparten me As por those disobey me Vi est Forgiver Merciful. [14:37] Our Lord mi sald part de my famili en this plantless val je Your Sankt Dom. Our Lord ili est observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) let throngs de popol converge them proviz por them all kinds da frukt ili est appreciative [14:38] Our Lord Vi kon whatever ni conceal whatever ni deklar! - nothing kasx DI ter nor heavens. [14:39] Lauxd est DI granting me my old agx, Ismail Isaac. My Lord respond prayers. [14:40] My Lord far me unu who consistently observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) ankaux my infan! Our Lord placx respond my prayers. [14:41] My Lord forgive me my parents believers tag when reckoning sorb met"! [14:42] ever ne opini DI est unaware de ki transgressors doing Li nur respites them tag kie okul stare en horror [14:43] As ili rush graves their vizagx rigard upward their okul ne eben blink their mens horrified [14:44] Vi avert popol tag when retribution ven them. Those transgressed dir Our Lord don us 1 plur respite Ni tiam respond Your vok sekv messengers. vi ne jxur en des preter vi last forever [14:45] Vi dwelled hejm de those antaux vi wronged their anim vi seg clearly ki ni did them! Ni set many precedents vi. [14:46] Ili schemed their schemes DI est fully aware da their schemes Ja their schemes est sufficient erase mont. [14:47] Ne pens ke DI testament ever romp His promes His messengers! DI est Almighty Avenger. [14:48] Tag ven when this ter substituted neo ter ankaux heavens everyone brought DI Unu Supreme [14:49] Vi seg kulp ke tag cxen en shackles [14:50] Their garments far gudr fajr overwhelm their vizagx!

[14:51] DI testament pag each anim whatever gxi earned DI est plej efficient reckoner! [14:52] This est proclamation popol avert herewith let them kon ti Li est nur unu di kaj those posed intelligence sorb heed . 15- Al-Hijr Val (Al-Hijr) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [15:1] A. L. R. These (liter) est proofs this scripture; profound Quran. [15:2] Certainly those disbelieved wish ili est submitters. [15:3] Let them mangx gxu ceter blind wishful opini ili do gxi trov out! [15:4] Ni neniam annihilated any community en accordance kun specif predetermined temp [15:5] end any community neniam advanced nor delayed [15:6] Ili dir O vi ricev this reminder vi est crazy [15:7] Why vi ne bring angxel vi est truthful? [15:8] Ni ne send angxel specif funkci. Otherwise ne 1 respited [15:9] Absolutely ni revealed reminder absolutely ni konfit gxi! [15:10] Ni send (messengers) vi communities en des preter. [15:11] Cxiu temp messenger ir them ili ridiculed him. [15:12] Ni tiel control mens kulp [15:13] Consequently ili ne kred en him. This est sistem ekde generaci. [15:14] Eben se ni opened por them gate into cxiel which ili grimp; [15:15] Ili dir Our okul tromp. Ni sorcx. [15:16] Ni ej galaxies en des cxiel, ornam gxi beholders.

[15:17] Ni gard gxi cxiu rejected diabl. [15:18] any da them sneaks auxskult tre projectile vol pel him dors! [15:19] As por ter ni konstru gxi ej gxi stabilizers (mont) ni kresk gxi perfekt balance de cxio. [15:20] Ni far gxi habitable vi kaj creatures vi ne do proviz por! [15:21] tie est nothing ke ni ne own infinite amounts thereof. Ni send gxi down preciz mezur! [15:22] Ni send vent pollinators kauxz akv ven cxiel vi trink! Otherwise vi ne keep gxi palatable. [15:23] est ni control life death ni est ultimate inheritors! [15:24] Ni fully kon those vi advance ni fully kon those regress. [15:25] Your Lord surely summon them. Li est Sagx Omniscient [15:26] Ni kre human est agx kot potter's clay [15:27] As por jinns ni kre them antaux ke, blazing fajr! [15:28] Your Lord dir al angxel mi kre human est agx kot potter's clay [15:29] Once mi perfekt him blov him el My spirit vi fal prostrate antaux him! [15:30] angxel fal prostrate all da them [15:31] Iblis (Satan). Li rifuz est prostrators. [15:32] Li dir O Iblis (Satan) why est vi ne prostrators? [15:33] Li dir mi ne est prostrate human est Vi kre agx kot potter's clay [15:34] Li dir Do vi get vi banished [15:35] Vi incurred My condemnation Tag Judgment [15:36] Li dir My Lord respite me tag ili resurrected [15:37] Li dir Vi respited [15:38] Gxis specified tag temp

[15:39] Li dir My Lord ekde Vi hav willed ke mi ir astray mi surely entice them ter; mi send them all astray! [15:40] those among Your worshipers devoted absolutely Vi sol. [15:41] Li dir This est legx est inviolable. [15:42] Vi ne hav potenc My servants! Vi nur hav potenc strayers sekv vi! [15:43] Infer awaits them all [15:44] Gxi hav 7 gates Each gate get specif akci de them. [15:45] As por righteous ili gxu gxarden printemp [15:46] Enter therein peaceful secure [15:47] Ni remove all jealousy their kor. Like 1 famili ili est adjacent furnishings. [15:48] Neniam vol ili sufer any fatigue therein; neniam vol ili evicted therefrom [15:49] Inform My servants mi est Forgiver Merciful! [15:50] Kaj ke My retribution est plej painful retribution. [15:51] Inform them Abraham's gast. [15:52] When ili entered his kvartal ili dir Pac. Li dir Ni est apprehensive pri vi. [15:53] Ili dir ne est apprehensive. Ni hav bon news vi enlightened fil. [15:54] Li dir Kiel vi don me such bon news when mi est tial old? Vi ankoraux don me this bon news [15:55] Ili dir bon news ni don vi est prav; do ne despair [15:56] Li dir Neniom despairs his Lord's mercy escept strayers. [15:57] Li dir Ki est your misi O messengers? [15:58] Ili dir Ni depesx kulp popol. [15:59] As por Lot's famili ni sav them all [15:60] Ne his wife; sxi destin est kun des doomed

[15:61] messengers ir Lot's town. [15:62] Li dir Vi est unknown popol. [15:63] Ili dir Ni bring vi ki ili dub. [15:64] Ni bring vi truth; ni est truthful. [15:65] Vi sorb your famili nokt. Rest them far sure ke neniom da vi rigard dors! Ir rekt as komand! [15:66] Ni liver him this komand those popol est annihilated en des maten [15:67] Popol urb ven joyfully. [15:68] Li dir These est my gast; ne embarrass me [15:69] Tim DI ne fi me [15:70] Ili dir ni ne enjoin vi Did el kontakt anyone? [15:71] Li dir Here est my daughters vi dev [15:72] Sed alas ili totally blind their lust [15:73] Consequently disaster strik them en des maten [15:74] Ni torn upside down dusx them devastating rok! [15:75] This est lecion those posed intelligence [15:76] This cxiam est sistem. [15:77] This est sign believers. [15:78] Popol lign ankaux est transgressors. [15:79] Consequently ni vengx them kaj ambaux communities fully dokument. [15:80] Popol Al-Hijr disbelieved messengers. [15:81] Ni don them our revelations ili disregarded them! [15:82] Ili uz carve secure hejm mont! [15:83] disaster hit them en des maten

[15:84] ki ili hoarded ne help them! [15:85] Ni ne kre heavens ter cxio them specif purpose end mond ven tial trakt them benign neglect [15:86] Your Lord est Creator Omniscient [15:87] Ni don vi 7 par great Quran. [15:88] Est jxaluz de ki ni bestowed ali (messengers) ne saddened disbelievers) lower your wing believers! [15:89] Proklam mi est manifest warner! [15:90] Ni deal kun dividers [15:91] Ili akcept Quran nur partially. [15:92] Per your Lord ni question them all [15:93] Pri cxio ili done [15:94] Do port mend don al vi disregard idol worshipers! [15:95] Ni sxpar vi mockers [15:96] who set another di DI! Ili do gxi surely trov out! [15:97] Ni kon plen put ke vi annoyed their utterances. [15:98] Vi kant lauxd your Lord est prostrators. [15:99] worship your Lord en ord al ating certainty. . 16- Abel (Al-Nahl) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [16:1] Di ordon jam issued cxio jam skrib) tial ne rush gxi! Li glor; plej Alt far super any idols ili set

[16:2] Li send angxel revelations port His ordon whomever Li chooses His servants Vi predik tie ne est ali di Me Vi reverence Me [16:3] Li kre heavens ter specif purpose Li est mult tro Alt far super any idols ili set [16:4] Li kre human tiny gut tiam li turn into ardent opponent. [16:5] Li kre livestock vi proviz vi warmth many ali benefits tro as food [16:6] Ili ankaux proviz vi luks your leisure kaj when vi vojagx. [16:7] Ili port your loads land ti vi ne reach great hardship. Surely your Lord est Compassionate Merciful! [16:8] (Li kre) cxeval mul donkeys vi rajd kaj luks. Additionally Li kre ki vi ne kon. [16:9] DI pint paths wrong UNU. Se Li willed Li direkt all da vi. [16:10] Li send cxiel akv por your trink kresk arb your benefit [16:11] Kun gxi Li kresk vi crops oliv dat palm grapes all kinds da frukt. This est (sufficient) proof popol pens. [16:12] Li commits en your service nokt tag tro as sun lun. Ankaux stel committed His ordon. These est (sufficient) proofs popol kompren. [16:13] Kaj (Li kre) por vi ter ajx de various kolor. This est (sufficient) proof popol pren heed [16:14] Li committed mar dejxor vi; vi mangx el gxi tender viand ekstrakt jewelry vi wear Vi seg sxip roaming gxi your commercial benefits vi streb His bounties vi est appreciative [16:15] Li ej stabilizers (mont) ter lest gxi tumbles vi tro as river roads vi direkt. [16:16] landmarks ankaux as stel; al uz navigation. [16:17] est 1 who kre 1 who ne kre? Vi tuj pren heed [16:18] Vi count di blessings vi possibly ne encompass them. DI est Forgiver Merciful. [16:19] DI kon whatever vi conceal whatever vi deklar. [16:20] As por idols ili set DI ili ne kre anything; ili kre. [16:21] Ili est dead ne alive ili ne hav ide kiel when ili resurrected

[16:22] Your di est 1 di. As por those ne kred en Hereafter their kor denying ili est arrogant. [16:23] Absolutely DI kon cxio ili conceal cxio ili deklar. Li ne am those est arrogant. [16:24] When ili pet Ki do vi opini da these revelations el your Lord ili dir Tales el preter! [16:25] Ili ten responsible por their pek Tag Resurrection all da them ankaux al pek de all those ili misled their ignorance. Ki miserable load [16:26] Others them schemed en des preter, consequently DI detru their mason fundament kauxz tegment fal them. retribution strik them when ili malplej expected [16:27] Tiam Tag Resurrection Li disgrace them pet Kie est My partners vi set Me opposed Me por their sake? Those ben kun knowledge dir Hodiaux fi mizer befallen disbelievers! [16:28] Angxel put them death sxtat de wronging their anim! Est when ili finally submit dir Ni ne do anything wrong Jes ja! DI EST fully aware da CXIO VI done [16:29] Do enter gates Infer wherein vi abide forever Ki miserable destiny por arrogant unu. [16:30] As por righteous when ili pet Ki do vi opini da these revelations el your Lord ili dir Bon. those plumb righteous life happiness; abode Hereafter est eben bon! Ki blissful abode por des righteous. [16:31] Gxarden Eden rezerv them wherein river flu. Ili hav anything ili wish therein. DI TIEL REKOMPENC DES righteous. [16:32] Angxel terminate their viv en sxtat righteousness dir Pac est vi! Enter Paradise (tuj) rekompenc your works [16:33] Ili waiting angxel est ven them aux your Lord's judgment ven pas? Those antaux them did sam ajx! DI EST UNU wronged them; ILI est UNU wronged their own ANIM. [16:34] Ili incurred consequences their evil works tre ajx ili ridiculed ven haunt them! [16:35] idol worshipers dir Hav DI willed ni ne worship any idols Him nor would our parents Nor would ni prohibit anything His prohibitions. Those antaux them done des sam messengers Can anything do liver komplet message [16:36] Ni send messenger cxiu community dir Vi worship DI evit idolatry. Subsequently kelk est direkt per DI while others committed straying Roam ter not consequences rejectors!

[16:37] Ne materi kiel hard vi pen direkt them DI ne direkt des unu Li committed straying Tiel ne 1 help them. [16:38] Ili jxur solemnly DI "DI testament ne resurrect dead Absolutely such est His inviolable promes plej popol ne kon! [16:39] Li tiam pint everyone all ajx ili disput let those disbelieved kon ti ili est liars! [16:40] Al hav anything done ni simply dir al Est gxi est [16:41] Those emigrated DI ili persekut ni surely far gxi them generously en this life recompense Hereafter est eben greater ili nur kon. [16:42] This est because ili steadfastly persevere en their Lord ili fid. [16:43] Ni ne send vi hom ni inspir. Pet those kon scripture vi ne kon! [16:44] Ni proviz them proofs scriptures. Ni send down vi this message proklam popol cxio send down them perhaps ili reflect [16:45] those scheme evil schemes garanti ke DI testament ne kauxz ter Did al glut them ke retribution ne ven them when ili malpli expect gxi? [16:46] Gxi strik them while ili est asleep ili neniam escape [16:47] Gxi strik them while ili fearfully expecting gxi! Your Lord est Compassionate Merciful! [16:48] Ili ne seg all ajx hav kre DI? Their ombr surround them tre las en total submission al DI kaj volont! [16:49] Al DI prostrates cxio heavens cxio sur ter! - Cxiu creature - Kaj tial do angxel; malplej arrogance! [16:50] Ili reverence their Lord alt super them ili do ki ili komand do [16:51] DI PROKLAM NE worship 2 DI tie est NUR UNU DI! Vi reverence Me sol. [16:52] Him aparten cxio heavens ter do religi devoted absolutely Him sol! Vi worship DI? [16:53] Any ben vi gxu est DI. sed whenever vi incur any adversity vi tuj plend Him. [16:54] as baldaux as Li relieves your affliction kelk da vi revert idol worship

[16:55] Let them disbelieve ki ni don them! Ir ahead gxu temporarily; vi do gxi surely trov out! [16:56] Ili designate idols ili set ignorance akci provisions ni bestow them. Per DI vi ten accountable por your innovations. [16:57] Ili ecx asign daughters DI Li glor while ili prefer themselves ki ili like [16:58] When unu de them gets beb girl his vizagx igx darkened overwhelming grief! [16:59] Hont li kasx popol mav news don him. Li ecx ponders should li keep beb grudgingly bury her en polv! Miserable ja est their judgment [16:60] Those ne kred en Hereafter set mav ekzempl while al DI aparten plej sublime ekzempl! Li est Almighty plej Sagx. [16:61] Se DI pun popol their transgressions Li annihilated cxiu creature ter. Li respites them por specif predetermined temp Once their interim ends ili ne delay gxi 1 hor nor advance gxi! [16:62] Ili ascribe al DI ki ili dislike themselves tiam utter mensog their own lang ili est righteous! Sen any dub ili incurred Infer ili ribel. [16:63] Per DI ni send (messengers) communities vi diabl ornam their works their okul. Consequently li est nun their lord ili incurred painful retribution. [16:64] Ni revealed this scripture vi pint them ki ili disput proviz guidance mercy popol who kred! [16:65] DI SEND CXIEL AKV revive LAND GXI MORT! This est (sufficient) proof popol auxd. [16:66] En livestock tie est lecion vi ni proviz vi drink their bellies El midst de digest food sang vi get pur melk delicious por drinkers! [16:67] Kaj frukt de daktil palm grapes vi produkt intoxicants tro bon provisions This est (sufficient) proof popol kompren. [16:68] your Lord inspir abel cxarpent hejm mont arb hives ili cxarpent vi! [16:69] Tiam mangx all frukt sekv desegn your Lord precisely El their bellies ven drink different kolor wherein tie healing popol! This est (sufficient) proof popol reflect [16:70] DI KRE VI TIAM LI terminates your viv Li lets kelk da vi viv oldest agx, nur trov out ti tie est lim al knowledge ili akir. DI est Omniscient Omnipotent

[16:71] DI HAV proviz por kelk da VI plur than others! Those don suficx neniam don their properties their subordinates extent far them partners Ili Would don up di blessings? [16:72] Di far vi spouses yourselves kaj produkt vi el your spouses infan grandchildren proviz vi bon provisions Ili kred en falsehood turn unappreciative de di blessings? [16:73] Ili worship DI ki ne posed provisions por them heavens nor sur ter nor proviz them anything! [16:74] Do ne cite ekzempl DI; DI kon while vi ne kon! [16:75] DI cites EKZEMPL SKLAV owned est totally powerless kompar al UNU whom NI BEN BON provisions EL LI DON charity secretly publicly. Ili est egal? Lauxd est al DI plej de them ne kon. [16:76] Di cites ekzempl 2 hom unu est dumb lacks ability do anything est totally dependent his mastr! - whichever voj li directs him li ne produkt anything bon. Li egal al unu regul justice est direkt dekstr path? [16:77] Al DI aparten future de heavens ter! As far as Li koncern end de mond (Hor) est blink okul for eben closer DI est Omnipotent [16:78] DI brought VI your mothers' bellies KON nothing LI DON VI auxd eyesight CERB VI est appreciative [16:79] Ili ne seg bird Do committed flug atmosphere cxiel? Neniom hold them en des aer DI. This est (sufficient) proof popol kred. [16:80] Di proviz por vi stationary hejm vi viv. Li proviz por vi portable hejm far kasx livestock vi uz them when vi vojagx when vi sald down El their lan pelt har vi far furnishings luks awhile. [16:81] Di proviz por vi shade ajx Li kre proviz por vi sxirm mont proviz por vi garments protekt vi hejt garments ke protekt when vi batal en milit! Li tiel perfekt His blessings vi ke vi submit. [16:82] Ili ankoraux turn tiam your pland misi est klar delivery (de message [16:83] Ili fully recognize di blessings tiam deny them; majority de them est disbelievers. [16:84] Tag ven when ni raise el cxiu community witness tiam those disbelieved ne permes parol) nor vol ili pretekst! [16:85] Once those transgressed seg retribution est tro late gxi ne commuted them nor vol ili respited

[16:86] Kaj when those committed idol worship vid their idols ili dir Our Lord these est idols ni set Vi. idols tiam confront them dir Vi est liars! [16:87] Ili totally submit DI tag idols ili invent disown them. [16:88] Those disbelieve repel path DI ni eg their retribution adding plur retribution their transgressions! [16:89] Tag ven when ni raise el cxiu community witness el them bring vi as witness these popol! Ni revealed vi this libr proviz explanations cxio guidance mercy bon news submitters. [16:90] DI ADVOKAT justice charity RELATIV. Li forbids evil vice transgression. Li enlightens vi ke vi pren heed [16:91] Vi fulfill your covenant DI when vi far such covenant Vi ne violate oaths jxur Di) port them vi far DI guarantor vi! DI kon CXIO VI do [16:92] Ne est knitter unravels her fort trik into piles flimsy yarn This est your ekzempl vi abuse oaths sorb avantagx da unu another 1 grup est larger than ali DI tiel puts vi test Li surely montr vi Tag Resurrection cxio vi disput. [16:93] Hav DI willed Li far vi 1 congregation! Li send astray whoever chooses ir astray Li direkt whoever wishes direkt! Vi surely est pet pri cxio vi done [16:94] Ne abuse oaths vi lest vi slide dors hav fort foothold tiam vi incur mizer! Such est consequence de repelling el path DI setting mav ekzempl;) vi incur terrible retribution. [16:95] Ne vend your oaths short DI! Ki DI posed est far put vi se vi nur kon. [16:96] ki vi posed kur out ki DI posed last forever Ni surely rekompenc those who steadfastly persevere ni recompense them their righteous works [16:97] Anyone works righteousness vir female while kred ni surely grant them felicx life en this mond ni surely pag them their plen recompense Tag Judgment their righteous works [16:98] When vi leg Quran vi streb rifugx DI el Satan des rejected [16:99] Li ne hav potenc over those kred fid their Lord [16:100] His potenc lim those choose him as their mastr those who choose him their di. [16:101] When ni substitute 1 revelation en met de another DI est fully aware da ki Li reveals ili dir Vi far this Ja plej de them ne kon.

[16:102] Dir Holy Spirit brought gxi your Lord truthfully assure those kred proviz beacon bon news submitters! [16:103] Ni est fully aware ili dir human est instru him! lang source ili hint je est nonArabic this est perfekt Arabic lang. [16:104] Surely those ne kred en di revelations DI ne direkt them. Ili incurred painful retribution. [16:105] Nur unu fabricate false doctrines est those ne kred en di revelations; ili est efektiv liars. [16:106] Those disbelieve DI akir faith igx fully kontent disbelief incurred wrath el DI! Nur unu al pretekst est those forced profess disbelief while their kor est plen de faith! [16:107] This est ili don priority this life over Hereafter DI ne direkt such disbelieving popol. [16:108] Those est unu whom DI sigel their kor their auxd their eyesight. Consequently ili ceter unaware. [16:109] Sen dub ili est losers Hereafter [16:110] As por those emigrate persecution tiam ad strive steadfastly persevere your Lord all this est Forgiver Merciful! [16:111] Tag ven when cxiu anim serv its own advokat cxiu anim pag fully whatever gxi done malplej injustice! [16:112] DI cites EKZEMPL community UZ est secure prosperous provisions ven GXI EL CXIE. Tiam gxi torn unappreciative de di blessings. Consequently DI kauxz them gust hardships de starvation insecurity. Such est requital ki ili did [16:113] messenger ir them them ili rejected him. Consequently retribution strik them por their transgression. [16:114] Do vi mangx di provisions cxio est lawful bon est appreciative de di blessings vi worship Him sol. [16:115] Li nur prohibits vi dead best sang viand pork food which dedicx DI. 1 forced mangx these) sen est deliberate malic tiam DI est Forgiver Merciful! [16:116] Vi ne utter mensog your own lang sxtat This est lawful this est unlawful fabricate mensog atribu them DI! Surely those fabricate mensog atribu them al DI testament neniam sukces!

[16:117] Ili gxu briefly tiam sufer painful retribution! [16:118] Jud ni prohibited ki ni narrated vi previously. Ne est us wronged them; ili est unu wronged their own anim. [16:119] sed as regards those fal pek ignorance tiam pent thereafter reform your Lord this done est Forgiver Merciful! [16:120] Abraham est ja exemplary vanguard his submission al DI monotheist who neniam worshipped idols. [16:121] Li est appreciative de His Lord's blessings Li chose him direkt him rekt path! [16:122] Ni granted him happiness en this life en Hereafter li est kun des righteous. [16:123] Tiam ni inspir vi (Muhammad) sekv religi Abraham monotheist; li neniam est idol worshiper. [16:124] Sabbath dekret nur those ended disput gxi (Jud Christians)! Your Lord est Unu jugx them Tag Resurrection their disput. [16:125] Vi invit path your Lord kun wisdom kind enlightenment kaj debat them bon possible manier! Your Lord kon put who hav strayed His path Li kon put who direkt unu! [16:126] Kaj se vi pun vi inflict ekvivalent punishment. Vi resort al pacienc instead da revenge gxi est put pacient unu. [16:127] Vi resort pacienc - your pacienc est attainable nur di help. Ne grieve them ne annoyed their schemes [16:128] DI est those PLUMB righteous life those est charitable. . 17- Infan de Israel (Bani Israel) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [17:1] Glor est Unu summoned His servant (Muhammad) nokt Sankt Masjid Mecca) al farthest ej de prostration surroundings ni ben en ord montr him kelk da our sign! Li est Hearer Seer. [17:2] Similarly ni don Moses scripture rendered gxi beacon Infan Israel ke Vi ne set any idol Lord Mastr Me

[17:3] Ili est descendants de those ni port Noah; li est appreciative servant. [17:4] Ni addressed Infan Israel scripture Vi commit gross evil ter twice Vi destin fal into great heights arrogance! [17:5] When 1 temp ven pas ni send vi servants de ours posed great might ili invad your hejm. This est prophecy ven pas! [17:6] Afterwards ni don vi turn over them supply vi a lot de wealth infan; ni don vi upper man! [17:7] Vi work righteousness vi work righteousness your own bon se vi commit evil vi do tial your own detriment. Do when sekund temp ven pas ili defeat vi enter masjid just as ili did 1 temp Ili visx out all gajn vi accomplished [17:8] Your Lord dusx vi His mercy. Vi revert transgression ni counter retribution. Ni designated Gehenna final abode disbelievers. [17:9] This Quran direkt put path brings bon news al believers plumb righteous life ili ind great recompense [17:10] As por those disbelieve Hereafter ni prepar them painful retribution. [17:11] human est oft pregx io dolor him opini li pregx io bon. human est est impatient [17:12] Ni rendered nokt tag 2 sign. Ni far nokt dark tag lighted ke vi streb provisions your Lord therein. This ankaux establ vi timing sistem means calculation! Ni tiel eksplik cxio en detal. [17:13] Ni recorded sort cxiu human est gxi lig his kol. Tag Resurrection ni man him record est accessible. [17:14] Leg your own record Hodiaux vi suffice your own reckoner. [17:15] Whoever direkt direkt his own bon whoever ir astray does tial his own detriment! Ne sinner bor pek de anyone aux Ni neniam pun 1 send messenger. [17:16] Ni est annihilate any community ni let estr commit vast corruption therein! Once ili ind retribution ni annihilate gxi completely [17:17] Many generaci hav ni annihilated Noah. Your Lord est efficient en dealing kun pek His servants; Li est fully Cognizant Seer! [17:18] Anyone chooses this fleeting life his priority ni rush him ki ni decid don him tiam ni commit him Gehenna li sufer forever despised defeated

[17:19] As por those choose Hereafter as their priority work righteousness while kred their efforts sxat! [17:20] Por each unu de them ni proviz; ni proviz por those these your Lord's bounties. Your Lord's bounties est inexhaustible [17:21] Not kiel ni prefer kelk popol others en this life)! differences Hereafter est far greater far significant. [17:22] Vi ne set any ali di DI lest vi end despised disgraced [17:23] Your Lord dekret vi ne worship escept Him your parents honor! As long as 1 ambaux them viv vi neniam dir al them Uff slightest gest annoyance) nor shall vi kri them; vi trakt them amicably. [17:24] Kaj lower por them wings humility kindness dir My Lord hav mercy them ili raised me infancy! [17:25] Your Lord est fully aware da your innermost thoughts. Vi argument righteousness Li est Forgiver de those pent. [17:26] Vi don due alms relativ needy poor vojagx alien ne est excessive extravagant. [17:27] extravagant est brethren diabl diabl est unappreciative de his Lord [17:28] Eben se vi turn them vi pursue mercy de your Lord vi trakt them nicest manier! [17:29] Vi ne keep your man stingily lig your kol nor shall vi foolishly open gxi up lest vi end blamed kaj sorry [17:30] your Lord increases provision anyone Li chooses redukt gxi. Li est fully Cognizant de His creatures Seer. [17:31] Vi ne kill your infan due al tim de poverty! Ni proviz por them tro vi. Killing them est gross offense [17:32] Vi shall commit adultery; gxi est gross pek evil behavior! [17:33] Vi ne kill any ul - Por DI far life sankt! - Escept justice Unu killed unjustly tiam ni don his heir auxtoritat enforce justice Tiel li ne exceed lim vengx murd; li help. [17:34] Vi ne tusx orf mon escept por their own bon gxis ili reach maturity. Vi fulfill your covenants covenant est great responsibility. [17:35] Vi don plen mezur when vi meti pes equitably! This est put kaj righteous.

[17:36] Vi ne akcept any information vi verify gxi yourself. Mi don vi auxd eyesight cerb vi est responsible por uz them. [17:37] Vi ne marsx proudly ter - Vi ne ted ter nor can vi est as tall as mont. [17:38] All mav behavior kondamn your Lord [17:39] This est kelk da wisdom inspir al vi your Lord Vi ne set another di DI lest vi end Gehenna blamed defeated [17:40] your Lord don vi knab hav while don angxel daughters!? Kiel vi utter such blasphemy? [17:41] Ni cited en this Quran all kinds da ekzempl) ke ili pren heed Gxi nur eg their aversion. [17:42] Dir tie est any ali di Him as ili pretend ili pen overthrow Possessor tron! [17:43] Li glor Li est mult tro exalted far super their utterances. [17:44] Glor Him est 7 univers ter everyone them! tie est nothing ne glor Him vi ne kompren their glorification! Li est Clement Forgiver. [17:45] When vi leg Quran ni met vi those ne kred en Hereafter invisible barrier [17:46] Ni ej sxild their mens prevent them el kompren gxi, deafness their orel! Kaj when vi predik your Lord uz Quran sol ili kur aversion. [17:47] Ni est fully aware da ki ili auxd when ili auxskult al vi when ili konspir secretly - disbelievers dir Vi sekv crazy hom. [17:48] Not kiel ili describe vi kiel this kauxz them stray off path! [17:49] Ili dir Post ni turn into ost er ni get resurrected re!? [17:50] Dir Eben vi turn into rok fer! [17:51] Eben vi turn into any kind da creation ke vi deem impossible Ili tiam dir Who bring us dors? Dir Unu kre vi en des 1 met, Ili tiam sxancel their kap dir When vol est? Dir est closer than vi pens! [17:52] Tag Li summons vi vi respond per lauxd Him vi tiam realize ti vi last en this life short while [17:53] Tell My servants trakt each ali bon possible manier diabl cxiam pen driv kojn them! Surely diabl est hom ardent enemy

[17:54] Your Lord kon vi put! His knowledge Li dusx vi kun mercy, Li requite vi. Ni ne send vi est their advokat. [17:55] Your Lord est put knower de everyone en heavens ter. En accordance kun this knowledge ni prefer kelk prophets others. Por ekzempl, ni don David Psalm. [17:56] Dir Implore whatever idols vi set Him. Ili ne hav potenc relieve your afflictions nor can ili prevent them! [17:57] Eben idols ili implore streb voj means their Lord Ili pregx His mercy tim His retribution. Surely retribution your Lord est dreadful. [17:58] tie ne est community ni ne annihilate Tag Resurrection inflict severe retribution them! This jam skrib libr. [17:59] Ki stop us el send mirakl est ke previous generaci rejected them! Por ekzempl, ni montr Thamoud kamel profound (mirakl) ili transgressed gxi Ni send mirakl nur instill reverence [17:60] Ni inform vi ke your Lord fully controls popol ni rendered vizi ke ni montr vi test popol arb est accursed Quran! Ni montr them solid proofs instill reverence them this nur eg their defiance! [17:61] When ni dir al angxel, Fal prostrate Adam ili fal prostrate Satan. Li dir mi prostrate 1 Vi Shall kre kot? [17:62] Li dir Ekde Vi honor him me Vi respite me Tag Resurrection mi posed all his descendants a few [17:63] Li dir Tiam ir; vi those sekv vi end Infer your requital; equitable requital! [17:64] Vi entice them your vocx mobilize all your forces all your hom them akci en their mon infan promes them! Anything diabl promes est ne plur than iluzi. [17:65] As por My servants vi ne hav potenc them. Your Lord suffices advokat! [17:66] Your Lord est Unu kauxz sxip float ocean ke vi streb His bounties! Li est Merciful towards vi. [17:67] Vi aflikt mar vi forges your idols sincerely implore Him sol. as baldaux as Li sav vi bord vi revert Ja human est est unappreciative. [17:68] Vi garanti ke Li hav ne kauxz land bord glut vi? Aux ke Li ne send vi tempest tiam vi ne trov protector?

[17:69] Vi garanti Li hav ne return vi mar re tiam send vi sxtorm dron vi your disbelief? Once this okaz ni ne don vi another sxanc. [17:70] Ni honor infan Adam proviz them rajd sur land en mar! Ni proviz por them bon provisions ni don them greater avantagx than many da our creatures. [17:71] Tag ven when ni summon cxiu popol together their record As por those don record righteousness ili do gxi leg their record ne sufer malplej injustice! [17:72] As por those est blind en this life ili est blind Hereafter eben a lot mav [17:73] Ili preskaux diverted vi revelations ni don vi. Ili wanted vi fabricate io aux en ord konsider vi amik! [17:74] Se ne est ni strengthened vi vi preskaux leaned them just a malpli mord. [17:75] Hav vi done ti ni doubled retribution vi en this life post death vi trov ne 1 help vi us! [17:76] Ili preskaux banished vi land get rid da vi ili revert vi las! [17:77] This est consistently kaz all messengers ni send vi vi trov ke our sistem neniam sxangx! [17:78] Vi observ Kontakt Prayer (Salat) when sun declines el its alt pint je noon gxi mov sunset. Vi ankaux observ (recitation Quran je dawn Reciting Quran je dawn witnessed [17:79] Nokt vi medit ekstr kredit ke your Lord raise vi honorable rang! [17:80] Dir My Lord admit me honorable admittance let me depart honorable departure grant me Vi powerful support [17:81] Proklam truth prevailed falsehood vanished falsehood inevitably vanish! [17:82] Ni send down Quran healing mercy believers. Je des sam temp, gxi nur increases wickedness transgressors. [17:83] When ni ben human est li igx preoccupied heedless. when adversity strik him li torn despondent [17:84] dir Everyone works en accordance kun his belief your Lord kon bon which unu direkt dekstr path! [17:85] Ili pet vi revelation. Dir revelation ven my Lord knowledge don vi est minut!

[17:86] Ni testament ni sorb ki ni revealed vi tiam vi ne trov protector us. [17:87] This est mercy your Lord His blessings vi est great [17:88] Dir Se all humans all jinns band together en ord produkt Quran this ili neniam produkt anything gxi ne materi kiel mult assistance ili lent 1 another [17:89] Ni cited popol en this Quran all kinds da ekzempl plej popol insist upon disbelieving [17:90] Ili dir Ni ne kred vi vi kauxz risort sxpruc muel [17:91] Aux unless vi own gxarden de dat palm grapes river kur tra gxi. [17:92] Aux unless vi kauxz mes cxiel vi pretend fal us! Aux unless vi bring DI angxel our okul. [17:93] Aux unless vi own luxurious mansion aux vi grimp cxiel. Eben se vi grimp ni ne kred vi bring libr ni can leg. Dir Glory est my Lord Est mi any plur than human messenger? [17:94] Ki prevent popol el kred when guidance ven them their dir est DI send human est messenger? [17:95] Dir Se ter inhabited angxel ni send down them cxiel angxel messenger! [17:96] Dir DI suffices as witness me vi! Li est fully Cognizant de His worshipers Seer. [17:97] Whomever DI direkt des ver direkt unu. Kaj whomever Li send astray vi neniam trov them any lords mastr Him. Ni summon them Tag Resurrection forcibly; blind dumb surd! Their destination est Infer; whenever gxi cools ni increase their fajr [17:98] Such est their just retribution ekde ili rejected our revelations. Ili dir Post ni turn into ost er ni resurrected neo creation? [17:99] Ili ne seg DI kre heavens ter est able al kre sam creations? (Ke) Li predetermined them irrevocable life sxpin? disbelievers insist upon disbelieving [17:100] Proklam Se vi posed my Lord's trezor mercy vi withheld them tim vi exhaust them! human est est stingy [17:101] Ni supported Moses 9 profound mirakl - Pet Infan Israel! When li ir them Pharaoh dir al him mi opini vi Moses sorcx. [17:102] Li dir Vi kon plen put ke ne 1 manifest these obviously Lord de heavens ter. Mi opini vi Pharaoh doomed

[17:103] When li pursued them as li pel them land ni dron him together those flank him all da them. [17:104] Ni dir al Infan Israel afterwards Ir viv this land. When final prophecy ven pas ni summon vi all 1 grup! [17:105] Truthfully ni send gxi down truth gxi ven Ni ne send vi bearer bon news tro warner. [17:106] Quran ni released slowly en ord vi leg gxi popol long period ni send gxi down all je once [17:107] Proklam Kred en gxi ne kred en gxi. Those posed knowledge previous scriptures when gxi recited them ili fal down their menton prostrating! [17:108] Ili dir Glory est our Lord This fulfills our Lord's prophecy. [17:109] Ili fal their menton prostrating plor,! Por gxi eg their reverence [17:110] Dir Vok Him DI vok Him plej Gracious; whichever nom vi uz Him aparten bon nom. Vi ne utter your Kontakt Prayers (Salat) tro loudly nor secretly; uz moder ton! [17:111] Proklam Lauxd est al DI who neniam begotten fil nor does Li hav partner His kingship nor does Li bezon any ally weakness magnify Him constantly! . 18- Kav (Al-Kahf) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [18:1] Lauxd DI revealed His servant this scripture far gxi flawless! [18:2] Perfekt (scripture) avert de severe retribution el Him liver bon news al believers plumb righteous life ke ili earned generous recompense [18:3] Wherein ili abide forever [18:4] Al avert those dir DI begotten fil! [18:5] Ili ne posed knowledge this nor did their parents Ki blasphemy ven out da their busx! ki ili utter est gross mensog [18:6] Vi blame their response this narration their disbelieving en gxi; vi saddened

[18:7] Ni ornam cxio ter en ord test them tiel disting those among them work righteousness! [18:8] Inevitably ni visx out cxio gxi las gxi completely barren [18:9] Why aux vi pens ni est do telling vi popol kav numer connected kun them? Ili est our wondrous sign. [18:10] When youths sorb rifugx kav ili dir Our Lord dusx us Your mercy ben our afer Your guidance! [18:11] Ni tiam sigel their orel kav por predetermined numer jar. [18:12] Tiam ni resurrected them seg which de 2 parti count duration their rest therein! [18:13] Ni narrate vi their histori truthfully. Ili est youths kred en their Lord ni increased their guidance! [18:14] Ni strengthened their kor when ili bud proklam Our nur Lord est Lord de heavens ter! Ni neniam worship any ali di Him. Otherwise ni est far astray. [18:15] Here est our popol setting di Him! Nur ili proviz any proof support their bud! Who evil than unu fabricates mensog est atribu them DI? [18:16] Ekde vi wish evit them their worshipping de ali than DI sorb rifugx kav! Maj your Lord dusx vi His mercy direct vi al des tuj decision! [18:17] Vi seg sun when gxi roz ven tuj flank their kav kaj when gxi set gxi lum them el las as ili dorm hollow thereof. This est 1 de di portents. Whomever DI direkt des ver direkt unu whomever Li send astray vi ne trov him direkt teacher. [18:18] Vi opini ili est awake when ili est en fakt asleep Ni torn them al des tuj flank las flank while their hund strecx his brak their midst! Hav vi rigard them vi fled them stricken terror! [18:19] When ni resurrected them ili pet each ali "Kiel long hav vi est here? Ni est here 1 tag part de tag ili respond! Your Lord kon put kiel long ni rest here tial send unu de us this mon urb! Let him fetch cleanest food acxet kelk por us! Let him keep low profile attract neni attention [18:20] Ili discover vi ili sxton vi force vi revert their religi tiam vi neniam sukces. [18:21] Ni kauxz them discovered let everyone kon di promes est ver remove all dub end mond! Popol tiam disput themselves them. Kelk dir cxarpent mason them. Their Lord est put knower them! Those prevailed dir Ni cxarpent met worship them.

[18:22] Kelk dir Ili est 3; their hund est 4 while others dir 5; 6 est their hund as ili diven. Others dir 7 8 est their hund. Dir My Lord est put knower de their numer Nur a few kon gxust numer! Do do ne argue them; just ir them! Vi ne konsult anyone this. [18:23] Vi ne dir vi do anything en des future [18:24] Sen dir DI testament vi forges do this vi tuj memor your Lord dir maj my Lord direkt me bon next temp [18:25] Ili rest their kav 300 jar increased per 9. [18:26] Dir DI est put knower de kiel long ili rest tie Li kon all sekret heavens ter! Per His grace vi seg; His grace vi auxd! tie est neniom Him Lord Mastr Li neniam permes any partners akci His kingship! [18:27] Vi recite ki revealed vi de your Lord's scripture. Nothing abrogate His vort vi ne trov any ali source gxi! [18:28] Vi force est those worship their Lord tag kaj nokt, streb Him sol! Ne turn your okul them streb vanities this mond! Nor shall vi obe unu whose kor ni rendered oblivious al our message unu pursues his own dezir priorities konfuz. [18:29] Proklam This est truth your Lord tiam whoever vol let him kred whoever vol let him disbelieve! Ni prepar transgressors fajr ke completely surround them. When ili scream help ili est don liquid concentrated acid ke brog vizagx! Ki miserable drink! Ki miserable destiny! [18:30] As por those kred plumb righteous life ni neniam fail recompense those work righteousness! [18:31] Ili ind gxarden Eden wherein river flu. Ili ornam therein bracelets or wear vest de verd silk velur testament ripoz sur komfort furnishings! Ki wonderful rekompenc; ki wonderful abode! [18:32] Cite por them ekzempl 2 hom ni don unu de them 2 gxarden grapes surrounded per daktil palm ej ali crops them! [18:33] Ambaux gxarden produkt their crops sur temp, generously ni kauxz river kur them. [18:34] Once post rikolt li boastfully told his amik mi est far prosperous than vi mi komand plur respekt popol! [18:35] When li entered his gxarden li wronged his anim dir mi ne opini this ever end

[18:36] Ankaux mi opini this est gxi; mi ne pens Hor Hereafter ever ven pas. Eben se mi returned my Lord mi est clever suficx posed a eben bon 1 over tie [18:37] His amik dir al him as li debat him vi disbelieved Unu who kre vi polv tiam tiny gut tiam perfekt vi into hom? [18:38] As por me DI est my Lord mi neniam set any ali di my Lord [18:39] When vi entered your gxarden vi dir ‘This est ki DI don me (Maa Shaa Allah)! Ne 1 posed potenc DI La Quwwata Ellaa Bellaah.) '! Vi seg mi posed malpli mon malpli infan than vi. [18:40] My Lord grant me bon than your gxarden! Li send violent sxtorm cxiel visx out your gxarden las gxi completely barren [18:41] its akv sink profund your reach [18:42] Ja his crops visx out li ended sorrowful lament ki li spent gxi en vain his property mensog barren Li finally dir Mi wish mi neniam set my property di my Lord [18:43] ne force ter help him kontraux DI nor est gxi possible por him ricev any help! [18:44] Est nur ver Lord mastr est DI; Li proviz bon recompense Him est put destiny! [18:45] Cite por them ekzempl this life as akv ti ni send cxiel produkt plant ter tiam ili turn into fojn blov vent. DI est able al do all AJX. [18:46] Mon infan est joys this life righteous works proviz etern recompense el your Lord far bon esper! [18:47] Tag ven when ni visx mont vi seg ter barren Ni summon them all ne las single 1 de them! [18:48] Ili prezent your Lord rem. Vi ven us individu just as ni kre vi initially. Ja this est ki vi pretend vol neniam okaz! [18:49] record montr vi seg kulp fearful de its kontent. Ili dir Ve al us. Kiel ven this libr las nothing small large sen counting gxi? Ili trov cxio ili done brought for! Your Lord est neniam unjust towards anyone. [18:50] Ni dir al angxel, Fal prostrate Adam. Ili fal prostrate Satan. Li igx jinn li disobeyed mend His Lord Vi choose him his descendants as lords Me eben ili est your enemies? Ki miserable substitute [18:51] Mi neniam permes them witness creation de heavens ter nor creation de themselves! Nor do mi permes wicked work My kingdom.

[18:52] Tag ven when Li dir Vok My partners vi pretend est di Me ili vok sur them ili ne respond them. insurmountable barrier separate them el each ali [18:53] Kulp vol seg Infer realize ili fal gxi! Ili ne hav escape therefrom [18:54] Ni cited en this Quran cxiu kind da ekzempl human est est plej argumentative creature. [18:55] Nothing prevent popol el kred when guidance ven them streb forgiveness de their Lord ke ili postul seg sam kind da mirakl) previous generaci challenged seg retribution beforehand! [18:56] Ni nur send messengers simply deliverers bon news tro warners. Those disbelieve argue falsehood defeat truth ili sorb My proofs warnings en vain [18:57] Who est evil than those reminded de their Lord's proofs tiam disregard them sen realizing ki ili doing Consequently ni ej sxild their kor prevent them kompren gxi (Quran) deafness their orel! Tiel ne materi ki vi do direkt them ili neniam ever direkt! [18:58] your Lord est Forgiver plen de mercy. Li vok them kont por their deeds Li annihilate them tre tie kaj tiam Instead Li don them respite specif predetermined temp tiam ili neniam escape [18:59] Many community ni annihilated their transgressions; ni designated specif temp their annihilation. [18:60] Moses dir al his servant mi ne ripoz mi reach pint kie 2 river meet ne materi kiel long gxi pren. [18:61] When ili reached pint kie ili met ili forges their fisx gxi trov its voj dors river sneakily. [18:62] Post ili pas ke pint li dir al his servant hav lunch All this vojagx thoroughly exhausted us. [18:63] Li dir Memor when ni sid rok dors tie Mi ne pag attention al fisx. est diabl far me forges gxi gxi trov its voj dors river strangely! [18:64] Moses dir est met ni rigard Ili spur their sxtup dors. [18:65] Ili trov unu de our servants ni ben kun mercy, bestowed him our own knowledge. [18:66] Moses dir al him mi sekv vi ke vi instru me kelk da knowledge guidance bestowed upon vi?

[18:67] Li dir Vi ne star est me [18:68] Kiel vi star ke vi ne comprehend? [18:69] Li dir Vi trov me DI testament pacient. Mi ne disobey any ordon vi don me [18:70] Li dir vi sekv me tiam vi ne pet me anything mi choose tell vi gxi. [18:71] Tial ili ir. When ili boarded sxip li bor tru gxi. Li dir vi bor tru gxi Did dron its popol? Vi committed io terrible. [18:72] Li dir mi ne dir vi star cannot est me [18:73] Li dir mi est sorry Ne pun me my forgetfulness; ne est tro harsh me [18:74] Tial ili ir. When ili met jun knab li killed him. Li dir vi kill such innocent ul who ne kill another ul? Vi committed io horrendous. [18:75] Li dir mi ne tell vi vi star cannot est me [18:76] Li dir mi pet vi pri anything aux tiam do ne keep me vi! Vi seg suficx apologies me [18:77] Tial ili ir. When ili reached nepr community ili pet popol food ili rifuz host them! Baldaux ili trov mur collapse li fiks gxi! Li dir Vi postul wage ke! [18:78] Li dir Nun ni part kompani. Mi eksplik vi cxio vi ne star. [18:79] As por sxip gxi aparten al poor fishermen mi wanted render gxi defective tie est regx ven post them konfisk cxiu sxip forcibly. [18:80] As por knab his parents est bon believers ni seg li sxargx them his transgression disbelief. [18:81] Ni willed your Lord substitute his met another fil; unu est put righteousness kindness. [18:82] As por mur gxi aparten al 2 orf knab urb. Sub tie est trezor aparten al them. Because their patr est righteous hom your Lord wanted them al kresk ating plen strength tiam ekstrakt their trezor! Such est mercy your Lord Mi did neniom da ke de my own volition. This est explanation ajx vi ne star! [18:83] Ili pet vi Zul-Qarnain. dir mi narrate vi kelk da his histori. [18:84] Ni granted him auxtoritat ter proviz him all kinds da means

[18:85] Tiam li pursued unu voj [18:86] When li reached far okcident li trov sun setting vast ocean trov popol tie! Ni dir O Zul-Qarnain vi regul as vi wish either pun est kind al them! [18:87] Li dir As por those transgress ni pun them; tiam when ili return their Lord Li commit them mult retribution. [18:88] As por those kred plumb righteous life ili ricev bon rekompenc; ni trakt them kindly [18:89] Tiam li pursued another voj [18:90] When li reached far orient li trov sun roz popol hav nothing sxirm them el gxi! [18:91] Naturally ni est fully aware da cxio li trov [18:92] Li tiam pursued another voj [18:93] When li reached val 2 palisades li trov popol whose idiom est barely understandable. [18:94] Ili dir O Zul-Qarnain Gog Magog est corruptors ter. Ni pag vi Can kre barrier us them? [18:95] Li dir My Lord don me great bounties. Vi cooperate me mi cxarpent dam vi them. [18:96] Bring me mes de glad. Once li filled gap 2 palisades li dir Blov. Once est rugx hot li dir Help me versx gudr gxi! [18:97] Tiel ili ne grimp gxi nor could ili bor tru gxi! [18:98] Li dir This est mercy my Lord When prophecy my Lord ven pas Li kauxz dam cxif! prophecy my Lord est truth. [18:99] Je ke temp, ni let them invad 1 another tiam korn blov ni summon them all together [18:100] Ni prezent Infer ke tag disbelievers. [18:101] Ili est unu okul tro vual seg My message Nor could ili auxd. [18:102] those disbelieve opini ili get setting My servants di Me Ni prepar disbelievers Infer etern abode.

[18:103] dir mi tell vi mav losers est [18:104] Ili est unu works en this life est totally astray ili opini ili doing bon. [18:105] Such est des unu disbelieved revelations de their Lord en meeting Him! Do their works est en vain Tag Resurrection ili ne hav weight [18:106] Their just requital est Infer dors their disbelief kaj por mok My revelations My messengers! [18:107] As por those kred plumb righteous life ili ind blissful Paradise their abode! [18:108] Forever ili abide therein; ili neniam want any ali substitute [18:109] Dir ocean est ink vort my Lord ocean kur out vort my Lord kur out eben se ni double ink supply [18:110] dir mi est ne plur than human vi inspir ke your di est 1 di! Those esper meet their Lord work righteousness neniam worship any ali di his Lord . 19- Mary (Maryam) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [19:1] K. H. Y 窶連. S. (Kaaf Haa Yaa 窶連yn Saad) [19:2] narration your Lord's mercy towards His servant Zachariah. [19:3] Li vok his Lord sekret vok. [19:4] Li dir My Lord ost torn brittle my korp my har est aflame kun griz! As mi implore Vi my Lord mi neniam despair [19:5] Mi worry my dependants me my wife est sterile Grant me Vi heir [19:6] Let him est my heir heir Jacob's clan far him my Lord acceptable! [19:7] O Zachariah ni don vi bon news knab nom est John (Yahya). Ni neniam kre anyone him antaux. [19:8] Li dir My Lord mi hav fil my wife's sterility my old agx"?

[19:9] Li dir Tiel dir your Lord est facil Me do Mi kre vi antaux ke, vi est nothing. ' [19:10] Li dir My Lord don me sign. Li dir Your sign est ti vi ne parol al popol 3 consecutive nokt! [19:11] Li ven his famili sanctuary signaled them Medit Di tag kaj nokt! [19:12] O John vi uphold scripture strongly. Ni dot him kun wisdom, ecx his youth [19:13] Kaj (ni dot him kun) kindness el us purity li est righteous. [19:14] Li honor his parents est neniam disobedient tiran. [19:15] Pac est upon him tag li est bor, tag li mort tag li resurrected dors life. [19:16] Menci scripture Mary! Sxi izol her famili eastern location. [19:17] While barrier apart her el them ni send al her our Spirit Li ir her en form human est [19:18] Sxi dir mi streb rifugx en plej Gracious ke vi est righteous. [19:19] Li dir mi est messenger your Lord grant vi pur fil. [19:20] Sxi dir Kiel can mi hav fil when ne hom tusx me mi neniam est unchaste. [19:21] Li dir Tiel dir your Lord ‘Gxi est facil por Me Ni render him sign popol mercy el us. This est predestined materi. ' [19:22] When sxi bor him sxi izol faraway met. [19:23] Nask process ven her trunk palm arb Sxi dir (mi est hont;) Mi wish mi est dead antaux this okaz completely forges! [19:24] infant vok her her dir ne grieve Your Lord proviz vi stream [19:25] Vi sxancel trunk de this palm arb gxi gut ripe dat vi! [19:26] Mangx trink est felicx! When vi seg anyone dir ‘mi far vow silence mi ne talking hodiaux anyone. '! [19:27] Sxi ven her famili port him. Ili dir O Mary vi committed io est totally unexpected. [19:28] O descendant Aaron your patr ne est mav hom nor est your mother unchaste!

[19:29] Sxi pint him. Ili dir Kiel ni talk kun infant crib [19:30] infant parol dir mi est servant DI. Li don me scripture appointed me prophet. [19:31] Li far me ben wherever mi ir enjoined me observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) obligatory charity (Zakat) as long as mi viv! [19:32] Mi est honor my mother Li ne far me disobedient ribel! [19:33] Pac est me tag mi est bor, tag mi mort tag mi get resurrected [19:34] Est Jesus fil Mary this est truth this materi which ili ad dub. [19:35] Gxi ne befit DI ke Li begets fil Li glor. Al hav anything done Li simply dir al Est gxi est [19:36] Li ankaux proklam DI est my Lord your Lord vi worship Him sol! This est dekstr path. [19:37] various parti disput themselves regarding identity Jesus). Do ve al those disbelieve sight terrible tag. [19:38] Wait gxis vi auxd them seg them when ili ven vizagx us! transgressors ke tag totally perd. [19:39] avert them tag remorse when judgment issued Ili est totally oblivious; ili ne kred. [19:40] Ni est des unu hered ter everyone gxi; us everyone returned [19:41] Menci scripture Abraham; li est saint prophet! [19:42] Li dir al his patr O my patr vi worship ki can nek auxd nor seg nor help vi en any voj [19:43] O my patr mi ricev nepr knowledge ke vi ne ricev. sekv me mi direkt vi rekt path! [19:44] O my patr ne worship diabl. Diabl ribel kontraux plej Gracious. [19:45] O my patr mi tim lest vi incur retribution el plej Gracious tiam igx ally diabl. [19:46] Li dir vi forsaken my di O Abraham? Vi stop mi sxton vi. las me [19:47] Li dir Pac est vi. Mi implore my Lord forgive vi; Li est Kind me

[19:48] Mi abandon vi di vi worship DI. Mi worship nur my Lord Per imploring my Lord sol mi ne ir wrong [19:49] Li abandoned them di ili worshipped DI ni granted him Isaac Jacob ni far each da them prophet. [19:50] Ni dusx them our mercy ni granted them honorable pozici histori. [19:51] Menci scripture Moses Li devoted li est messenger prophet. [19:52] Ni vok him dekstr flank Mount Sinai. Ni brought him confer him! [19:53] Kaj ni granted him our mercy his frat Aaron prophet. [19:54] Menci scripture Ismail! Li est truthful when li far promes li est messenger prophet. [19:55] Li uz enjoin his famili observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) obligatory charity (Zakat;) li est acceptable al his Lord [19:56] Menci scripture Idris! Li est saint prophet. [19:57] Ni raised him honorable rang. [19:58] These est kelk da prophets whom DI ben Ili chosen descendants Adam descendants de those ni port Noah descendants de Abraham Israel el those ni direkt selected When revelations plej Gracious est recited them ili fal prostrate plor [19:59] Post them Li substituted generaci perd Kontakt Prayers (Salat) pursued their lusts Ili sufer consequences. [19:60] Nur those pent kred, plumb righteous life enter Paradise malplej injustice! [19:61] Gxarden Eden await them as promes per plej Gracious those worship Him ecx privacy! Certainly His promes ven pas! [19:62] Ili ne auxd any nonsense therein; nur pac. Ili ricev their provisions therein tag kaj nokt. [19:63] Such est Paradise; ni grant gxi those our servants est righteous. [19:64] Ni ne ven ordon your Lord Al Him aparten our preter our future cxio inter them! Your Lord est neniam forgetful. [19:65] Lord de heavens ter cxio them; vi worship Him steadfastly persevere en worshipping Him! Vi kon de anyone Do egal Him?

[19:66] human est pet "Post mi mort mi ven life? [19:67] human est forges ke ni Did kre him jam li est nothing? [19:68] Per your Lord ni certainly summon them together diabl gather them around Infer humiliated [19:69] Tiam ni pik each grup plej ardent opponent de plej Gracious. [19:70] Ni kon plen put those est ind de brul therein! [19:71] Cxiu single 1 de vi seg gxi; this est irrevocable decision your Lord [19:72] Tiam ni rescue righteous las transgressors gxi humiliated [19:73] When our revelations recited them clearly those disbelieve dir al those kred Which de us est prosperous? Which de us est majority? [19:74] Many generaci hav ni annihilated them; ili est powerful prosperous. [19:75] Dir Those choose ir astray plej Gracious vol plumb them sur gxis ili seg ki promes them! - either retribution Hor. Ke est when ili trov out who really est mav off weaker en potenc! [19:76] DI EG guidance DE those choose DIREKT. Por bon deeds eternally rekompenc your Lord bring far put returns [19:77] Vi not unu rejected our revelations tiam dir mi est don wealth infan!? [19:78] Li seg future Li pren such pledge el plej Gracious? [19:79] Ja ni record ki li utters tiam commit him al ever-increasing retribution. [19:80] Tiam ni hered cxio li posed li ven us all sol. [19:81] Ili worship DI ali di (ili pens) est help them. [19:82] Sur des contrary ili reject their idolatry est their enemies. [19:83] Vi ne seg kiel ni unleash diabl disbelievers Do emoci them up [19:84] Est impatient ni prepar them kelk preparation. [19:85] Tag ven when ni summon righteous antaux plej Gracious en grup. [19:86] Ni herd kulp al Infer, est their etern abode.

[19:87] Ne 1 posed potenc intercede those conform legx de plej Gracious. [19:88] Ili dir plej Gracious begotten fil! [19:89] Vi uttered gross blasphemy. [19:90] heavens est pri frakas ter est pri al larm asunder mont est pri cxif! [19:91] Because ili pretend ke plej Gracious begotten fil. [19:92] Gxi ne befitting plej Gracious ke Li beget fil. [19:93] Cxiu single 1 en heavens ter est servant de plej Gracious. [19:94] Li encompassed them counted them 1 per 1! [19:95] All da them ven Him Tag Resurrection individu! [19:96] Surely those kred plumb righteous life plej Gracious vol dusx them kun am! [19:97] Ni do far this (Quran) elucidated your lang en ord liver bon news al righteous al avert kun gxi opponents! [19:98] Many generaci them ni annihilated vi perceive can any da them auxd el them any son? . 20- T. H. (Ta Ha) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [20:1] T. H. [20:2] Ni ne reveal Quran vi kauxz vi any hardship! [20:3] Nur al remind des reverent! [20:4] revelation el Creator ter alt heavens. [20:5] Plej Gracious; Li assumed all auxtoritat. [20:6] Al Him aparten cxio heavens ter cxio them cxio muel!

[20:7] Vi deklar your convictions ne) Li kon sekret ki ecx kasx! [20:8] DI tie NE est ALI DI Him. Al Him aparten plej bel nom! [20:9] Vi not histori Moses [20:10] When li seg fajr li dir al his famili Rest here. Mi seg fajr. Maybe mi bring vi kelk da gxi trov kelk guidance fajr. [20:11] When li ven gxi li est vok O Moses [20:12] Mi est your Lord remove your sandals! Vi est sankt val Tuwaa. [20:13] Mi chosen vi tial auxskult al ki revealed [20:14] Mi est DI; tie ne est ali di Me Vi worship Me sol observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) memor Me [20:15] Hor end de mond) surely ven; mi keep gxi preskaux kasx each anim est pag por its works [20:16] Ne diverted therefrom per those ne kred en gxi! - those pursue their own opinions - lest vi fal. [20:17] Ki est this en your dekstr man Moses [20:18] Li dir This est my stab. Mi apog gxi herd my sxaf gxi mi uz gxi ali purposes [20:19] Li dir Jxet gxi down Moses [20:20] Li jxet gxi down whereupon gxi torn into mov serpent. [20:21] Li dir Pik gxi ne est afraid! Ni return gxi its original sxtat [20:22] Kaj ten your man your wing gxi ven blank blemish another proof [20:23] Ni tiel montr vi kelk da our great portents. [20:24] Ir Pharaoh li transgressed [20:25] Li dir My Lord cool my temper [20:26] far this materi facil me [20:27] Kaj untie nod my lang.

[20:28] Tial ili kompren my speech. [20:29] Kaj appoint assistant por me my famili. [20:30] My frat Aaron. [20:31] Strengthen me him! [20:32] Let him est my partner en this materi! [20:33] Ke ni glor Vi frequently. [20:34] Kaj commemorate Vi frequently! [20:35] Vi est Seer de us. [20:36] Li dir Your request granted O Moses [20:37] Ni ben vi re. [20:38] When ni revealed your mother ki ni revealed [20:39] Dir ‘Jxet him boks tiam jxet him into river! River jxet him bord pik enemy de Min enemy his. ' mi dusx vi kun am Me mi hav vi far My watchful okul! [20:40] Your sister marsx them dir ‘mi tell vi nursing mother pren bon zorg de him. ' Ni tiel returned vi your mother ke sxi est felicx stop worrying Kaj when vi killed ul ni sav vi grievous consequences; ja ni tested vi thoroughly. Vi rest jar popol Midyan tuj vi ven en accordance kun preciz plan. [20:41] Mi far vi just Me [20:42] Ir your frat supported per My sign ne waver en memor Me [20:43] Ir Pharaoh li transgressed [20:44] Parol al him nicely; li pren heed igx reverent! [20:45] Ili dir Our Lord ni tim lest li atak us transgress! [20:46] Li dir est afraid mi est vi auxskult watching [20:47] Ir him dir ‘Ni est 2 messengers el your Lord Let Infan Israel ir! Vi refrain el persekut them! Ni bring sign your Lord pac est lot de those heed guidance. [20:48] ‘Ni inspir retribution inevitably aflikt those disbelieve turn '!

[20:49] Li dir Who est your Lord O Moses [20:50] Li dir Our Lord est 1 who granted cxio its existence its guidance! [20:51] Li dir Ki pri preter generaci? [20:52] Li dir knowledge thereof est my Lord record My Lord neniam erar nor does Li forges! [20:53] Li est Unu far ter habitable vi paved en gxi roads vi. Li send down cxiel akv which ni produkt many different kinds plant! [20:54] Mangx raise your livestock! These est sufficient proofs those posed intelligence [20:55] El gxi ni kre vi gxi ni return vi el gxi ni bring vi out re! [20:56] Ni montr him all our proofs li disbelieved rifuz! [20:57] Li dir vi ven here sorb us our land your magic O Moses [20:58] Ni surely montr vi simil magic Do set appointment ke nek ni nor vi violate; neuxtral met. [20:59] Li dir Your appointed temp est tag festivities. all meet forenoon! [20:60] Pharaoh summoned his forces tiam ven! [20:61] Moses dir al them Ve al vi. Vi fabricate mensog batal DI Do do incur His retribution? Such fabricators surely fail [20:62] Ili disput themselves as ili conferred privately. [20:63] Ili dir These 2 est ne plur than magicians wish sorb vi your land their magic al detru your ideal voj da life. [20:64] agree upon 1 scheme vizagx them united front! winner hodiaux hav upper man. [20:65] Ili dir O Moses either vi jxet ni est 1 jxet! [20:66] Li dir Vi jxet. Whereupon their sxnur baston aper him their magic as ili mov! [20:67] Moses harbored kelk tim! [20:68] Ni dir ne Hav tim! Vi prevail

[20:69] Jxet ki vi ten en your dekstr man gxi hirund ki ili fabricated ki ili fabricated est ne plur than scheming magician. magician's work ne sukces. [20:70] magicians fal prostrate dir Ni kred en Lord de Aaron Moses [20:71] Li dir Did vi kred en him my permission? Li est your cxef; unu instru vi magic Mi surely sever your man fut altern flank. Mi crucify vi palm trunk. Vi do gxi trov out which de us inflict mav retribution who outlasts whom! [20:72] Ili dir Ni ne prefer vi klar proofs ke ven us kaj Unu kre us! Do issue whatever judgment vi wish issue Vi nur regul en this lowly life. [20:73] Ni hav kred en our Lord ti Li forgive us our pek magic ke vi forced us perform DI est far PUT Everlasting [20:74] Anyone ven his Lord kulp vol incur Infer wherein li neniam mort nor rest alive. [20:75] As por those ven Him believers plumb righteous life ili ating alt rang. [20:76] Gxarden Eden beneath which river flu est their abode forever Such est rekompenc those purify. [20:77] Ni inspir Moses Plumb My servants out strik them sek road mar. Vi ne tim vi kapt nor shall vi worry [20:78] Pharaoh pursued them kun his trup mar overwhelmed them as gxi est destin overwhelm them! [20:79] Tiel Pharaoh misled his popol; li ne direkt them. [20:80] O Infan Israel ni liver vi your enemy summoned vi Mount Sinai ni send down al vi manna quails [20:81] Mangx bon ajx ni proviz por vi ne transgress lest vi incur My wrath. Whoever incurs My wrath fal! [20:82] Mi surely Forgiving those pent kred plumb righteous life steadfastly ceter direkt! [20:83] Why vi rush for your popol O Moses [20:84] Li dir Ili est close me Mi rushed Vi my Lord ti Vi placx! [20:85] Li dir Ni put your popol test vi las Samarian misled them!

[20:86] Moses returned his popol koler disappointed dir O my popol your Lord ne promes vi bon promes? Vi ne wait Vi want Did incur wrath el your Lord this why vi est romp your agreement me [20:87] Ili dir Ni ne romp our agreement vi sur purpose Ni loaded jewelry decid jxet our loads en! This est ki Samarian sugest! [20:88] Li produkt them sculpted calf komplet calf's son! Ili dir This est your di di Moses Do li forges. [20:89] Ili ne seg gxi nek respond them nor posed any potenc harm them benefit them? [20:90] Aaron told them O my popol this est test vi. Your nur Lord est plej Gracious tial sekv me obe my ordon! [20:91] Ili dir Ni ad worship gxi Moses ven [20:92] Moses dir O Aaron ki est gxi prevent vi when vi seg them ir astray! [20:93] El sekv my mend? Vi ribel me [20:94] Li dir O fil my mother do ne tir me my barb my kap. Mi est afraid ke vi dir ‘Vi divid Infan Israel disobeyed my mend. '! [20:95] Li dir Ki est des materi vi O Samarian? [20:96] Li dir mi seg ki ili ne seg. Mi grabbed fistful (de polv) met kie messenger star uz gxi miks golden calf This est ki my mens inspir me do [20:97] Li dir Tiam ir your life do ne eben ven close Vi hav appointed temp your final judgment vi neniam evade Jen your di vi uz worship ni brul gxi jxet gxi into mar al rest down tie forever [20:98] Your nur di est DI; 1 beside whom tie ne est ali di. His knowledge encompasses all ajx. [20:99] Ni tiel narrate vi kelk news el generaci. Ni revealed vi message el us. [20:100] Those disregard gxi bor load (de pek) Tag Resurrection. [20:101] Eternally ili abide therein; ki miserable load Tag Resurrection! [20:102] Ke est tag when korn blov ni summon kulp ke tag blu. [20:103] Flustr themselves ili dir Vi rest 1 life) ne plur than 10 tag!

[20:104] Ni est fully aware da their utterances. Plej accurate among them dir Vi rest ne plur than tag! [20:105] Ili pet vi mont. Dir My Lord visx them out! [20:106] Li las them barren plat land. [20:107] "Ne eben slightest hill testament vi seg therein nor tremp. [20:108] Ke tag everyone sekv caller slightest deviation. All son hushed antaux plej Gracious; vi auxd nothing flustr. [20:109] Ke tag intercession est useless escept por those permes plej Gracious whose utterances conform His vol. [20:110] Li kon their preter their future while neniom encompasses His knowledge. [20:111] All vizagx submit Viv Etern those who sxargx their transgressions fail [20:112] As por those worked righteousness while kred ili ne hav tim de injustice adversity! [20:113] Ni tiel revealed gxi Arabic Quran ni cited en gxi all kinds da prophecies ili sav gxi kauxz them sorb heed [20:114] Exalted est DI nur prav Regx! Ne rush uttering Quran gxi revealed vi dir My Lord increase my knowledge! [20:115] Ni tested Adam en des preter, li forges ni trov him indecisive. [20:116] Recall ti ni dir al angxel, Fal prostrate Adam. Ili fal prostrate Satan; li rifuz! [20:117] Ni tiam dir O Adam this est enemy de vi your wife. Ne let him evict vi Paradise lest vi igx miserable! [20:118] Vi garanti neniam hunger therein nor ir unsheltered! [20:119] Nor vol vi soif therein nor sufer any hejt. [20:120] Diabl flustr him dir O Adam let me montr vi arb eternity unending kingship! [20:121] Ili mangx el gxi, whereupon their korp igx visible al them ili pen kovr foli Paradise! Adam tiel disobeyed his Lord fal [20:122] Subsequently his Lord chose him redeemed him direkt him!

[20:123] Li dir Ir down therefrom all da vi! Vi est enemies de 1 another When guidance ven vi Me anyone sekv My guidance ne ir astray nor sufer any mizer! [20:124] As por 1 who disregards My message li hav amiserable life ni resurrect him Tag Resurrection blind! [20:125] Li dir My Lord do gxi vi summon me blind when mi did uz est seer? [20:126] Li dir vi forges our revelations when ili ven vi vi tuj forges. [20:127] Ni tiel requite those transgress rifuz kred en revelations their Lord retribution Hereafter est far mav everlasting [20:128] Gxi Does ever occur them kiel many previous generaci ni annihilated Ili tuj marsx hejm de those antaux them. These est sign those posed intelligence [20:129] Se ne est your Lord's predetermined plan ili jugx tuj. [20:130] Do est pacient en des vizagx de their utterances lauxd glor your Lord antaux sunrise antaux sunset! Dum nokt glor Him tro as ambaux ends tag vi est felicx! [20:131] Ne covet ki ni bestowed any ali popol! Such est temporary ornaments this life whereby ni put them test ki your Lord proviz por vi est far put everlasting [20:132] Vi enjoin your famili observ kontakt prayers (Salat) steadfastly persevere en doing tial. Ni ne pet vi any provisions ni est des unu proviz por vi. ultimate triumf aparten al des righteous. [20:133] Ili dir li nur montr us mirakl el his Lord ili ne ricev sufficient mirakl previous messages [20:134] Hav ni annihilated them this ili dir Our Lord hav Vi send messenger us ni sekv Your revelations evit this fi humiliation! [20:135] Dir All da us waiting wait vi testament surely trov out who est gxust path who ver direkt! . 21- Prophets (Al-Anbya) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [21:1] Fast approaching est reckoning popol ili est oblivious averse!

[21:2] When proof ven al them el their Lord est neo ili auxskult al gxi heedlessly. [21:3] Their mens est heedless. transgressors confer secretly Est li ne just human est vi? Vi akcept magic prezent vi? [21:4] Li dir My Lord kon cxiu opini heaven ter. Li est Hearer Omniscient [21:5] Ili ecx dir Hallucinations Li far gxi Li est poet! Let him montr us mirakl like those de previous messengers! [21:6] Ni neniam annihilated kred community en des preter. Est these popol believers? [21:7] Ni ne send vi hom ni inspir. Pet those kon scripture vi ne kon! [21:8] Ni ne don them korp mangx nor est ili immortal [21:9] Ni fulfilled our promes them; ni sav them together whomever ni willed annihilated transgressors. [21:10] Ni send vi scripture containing your message Vi ne kompren? [21:11] Many community ni terminated their transgression ni substituted ali popol their met! [21:12] When our requital ven pas ili started kur [21:13] Ne kur ven your luks your mansions vi ten accountable! [21:14] Ili dir Ve al us. Ni est really wicked. [21:15] This ad est their proclamation gxis ni completely visx them out. [21:16] Ni ne kre heavens ter cxio them just amusement. [21:17] Ni bezon amusement ni iniciat gxi any da this est ki ni wanted do [21:18] Instead est our plan support truth falsehood en ord defeat gxi! Ve al vi por utterances vi utter [21:19] Him aparten everyone heavens ter those je Him est neniam tro arrogant worship Him nor do ili ever waver [21:20] Ili glor nokt tag sen ever lac! [21:21] Ili trov di ter kre?

[21:22] Se tie est them (heavens ter) ali di DI tie est chaos. Glory est DI; Lord absolut auxtoritat Li est alt their pretend. [21:23] Li est neniam est pet pri anything Li while all others questioned [21:24] Ili trov ali di Him? Dir Montr me your proof This est message my generaci consummating all previous messages Ja plej de them ne recognize truth; this est ili est tial hostile! [21:25] Ni ne send any messenger vi inspiration Tie ne est di escept Me vi worship Me sol! [21:26] sed ili dir plej Gracious begotten fil! Glory est Him. All (messengers) est (His) honor servants. [21:27] Ili neniam parol sur their own ili strictly sekv His ordon. [21:28] Li kon their future their preter. Ili ne intercede escept por those jam akcept Him kaj ili worried their own kol. [21:29] any da them pretend est di Him ni requite him Infer; ni tiel requite des wicked! [21:30] unbelievers ne realize ke heaven ter uz est 1 solid mes ke ni eksplod existence? El akv ni far all viv ajx! Ili kred? [21:31] Ni ej ter stabilizers lest gxi tumbles them ni ej rekt roads therein ke ili direkt! [21:32] Ni rendered cxiel gard plafon. sed ili est totally oblivious al all portents therein. [21:33] Kaj Li est Unu kre nokt tag sun lun; each floating en its own orbit [21:34] Ni neniam dekret immortality anyone antaux vi; vi mort est ili immortal [21:35] Cxiu ul gust death post ni put vi test tra adversity prosperity tiam al us vi ultimately return [21:36] When those disbelieve vid vi, ili ridicule vi Est this unu challenges your di Meanwhile ili ceter totally heedless de message el plej Gracious. [21:37] human est est impatient natur. Mi inevitably montr vi My sign; ne est such hurry [21:38] Ili challenge Kie ke (retribution vi est est truthful? [21:39] Nur those disbelieve envision when ili pen ward fajr - off their vizagx their dors! Ne 1 help them tiam.

[21:40] Ja gxi ven them suddenly ili utterly stunned Ili can nek evit gxi nor can ili ricev any respite [21:41] Messengers vi ridiculed consequently those ridiculed them incurred retribution por their ridiculing! [21:42] Dir Who protekt vi el plej Gracious nokt tag? Ja ili est totally oblivious al message their Lord [21:43] Ili di Do hav protekt them el us? Ili ne ecx help. Nor can ili akompan unu another when ili summoned vizagx us! [21:44] Ni hav proviz por these popol their ancestors up old agx! Ili ne seg cxiu tag ter brings them closer end Ili reverse this process [21:45] dir mi avert vi en accordance kun divine inspiration. surd ne auxd vok when ili avert! [21:46] When sample your Lord's retribution aflikt them ili readily dir Ni est ja wicked. [21:47] Ni establ skal de justice Tag Resurrection. Ne anim sufer malplej injustice. Eben ekvivalent de mustard seed vol est accounted por! Ni est plej efficient reckoners. [21:48] Ni don Moses Aaron Statut Libr beacon reminder por des righteous! [21:49] Unu reverence their Lord eben when sol en their privacy ili worry Hor. [21:50] This tro est ben reminder ke ni send down Vi denying gxi? [21:51] Antaux ke, ni granted Abraham his guidance kompren ni est fully aware da him. [21:52] Li dir al his patr his popol Ki est these statu al which vi devoting? [21:53] Ili dir Ni trov our parents worshipping them. [21:54] Li dir Ja vi your parents ir totally astray. [21:55] Ili dir vi telling us truth vi lud? [21:56] Li dir Your nur Lord est Lord de heavens ter kre them. This est testimony al which mi bor witness [21:57] Mi jxur DI mi hav plan deal kun your statu vi las! [21:58] Li romp them into pec escept por grand unu ili refer gxi.

[21:59] Ili dir Whoever did this our di est really transgressor. [21:60] Ili dir Ni auxd youth minac them; li est vok Abraham. [21:61] Ili dir Bring him okul all popol ili bor witness [21:62] Ili dir vi do this our di O Abraham? [21:63] Li dir est grand unu did gxi. Ir pet them se ili parol! [21:64] Ili sorb aback dir al Ja vi est des unu transgressing! [21:65] Ili reverted their old ide Vi kon plen put ke these ne parol. [21:66] Li dir vi tiam worship DI Do ki ne posed potenc benefit vi harm vi? [21:67] Vi incurred fi worshipping idols DI! Vi ne kompren? [21:68] Ili dir Brul him support your di this est ki vi decid do [21:69] Ni dir O fajr est cool sekur por Abraham! [21:70] Tiel ili schemed him ni far them losers! [21:71] Ni sav him ni sav Lot land ni ben all popol! [21:72] Ni granted him Isaac Jacob gift ni far them ambaux righteous! [21:73] Ni far them imams direkt en accordance kun our commandments ni instru them kiel work righteousness kiel observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) obligatory charity (Zakat)! Al us ili devoted worshipers. [21:74] As por Lot ni granted him wisdom knowledge ni sav him el community ke practiced abomen; ili est wicked evil popol! [21:75] Ni admitted him our mercy li est righteous. [21:76] antaux ke, Noah vok ni respond him. Ni sav him his famili el great disaster. [21:77] Ni supported him popol rejected our revelations. Ili est evil popol ni dron them all [21:78] David Solomon when ili once regul regard someone's crop ke detru another's sxaf ni witnessed their judgment

[21:79] Ni granted Solomon gxust kompren ni dot ambaux them kun wisdom knowledge. Ni committed mont dejxor David glor (Di) tro bird! This est ki ni did [21:80] Ni instru him skill far sxild protekt vi en milit! Est vi tiam thankful? [21:81] Solomon ni committed vent gusting blov his disposal. Li direct gxi as li wished whatever land li chose ni ben such land him. Ni est fully aware da all ajx. [21:82] De diabl tie est those dive him rikolt mar) do whatever li komand them do Ni committed them en his service [21:83] Job implored his Lord Adversity befallen me de all merciful unu Vi est plej Merciful! [21:84] Ni respond him relieved his adversity restored his famili por him ecx twice as mult. Ke est mercy us reminder worshipers. [21:85] Ankaux Ismail Idris Zal-Kifl; all est steadfast pacient. [21:86] Ni admitted them our mercy ili est righteous. [21:87] Zan-Noon (Jonah 1 kun ‘N' en his nom) abandoned his misi en protest opini ni ne control him! Li ended imploring darkness grand fisx belly Tie ne est di Vi. Vi glor. Mi committed gross pek. [21:88] Ni respond him sav him el kriz; ni tiel sav believers! [21:89] Zachariah implored his Lord My Lord do ne keep me heir Vi est bon inheritor! [21:90] Ni respond him granted him John; ni fiks his wife him! Ili uz hasten work righteousness implored us situaci de joy ankaux as tim! Al us ili est reverent. [21:91] As por 1 who argument her virginity ni blov her our spirit tiel ni far her her fil portent des whole mond! [21:92] Your congregation est 1 congregation mi sol est your Lord vi worship Me sol! [21:93] Ili divid disput religi. All da them ven us judgment [21:94] As por those work righteousness while kred their work ne ir waste ni recording gxi! [21:95] Gxi forbidden any community ni annihilated return [21:96] Ne Gog Magog reappear testament ili tiam return - Ili ven cxiu direction.

[21:97] Est when inevitable prophecy ven pas disbelievers stare en horror Ve al us ni est oblivious! Ja ni est wicked. [21:98] Vi idols vi worship besides DI testament est fuel Infer; this est your inevitable destiny. [21:99] those est di ili ne ended Infer. All its inhabitants abide gxi forever [21:100] Ili sigh gxem therein ili ne hav access any news [21:101] As por those ind our magnificent rekompenc ili protekt el gxi. [21:102] Ili ne auxd its sibl Ili gxu abode kie ili get cxio ili dezir forever [21:103] great horror ne worry them angxel ricev them joyfully This est your tag promes vi! [21:104] Ke tag ni fald heaven fald libr. Just as ni iniciat 1 creation ni ripet gxi. This est our promes; ni certainly port gxi. [21:105] Ni dekret Psalm tro as ali scriptures ti ter hered My righteous worshipers. [21:106] This est proclamation popol est worshipers. [21:107] Ni send vi mercy us des whole mond. [21:108] Proklam mi don divine inspiration your di est 1 di! Vi tiam submit? [21:109] Ili turn tiam dir mi avert vi suficx mi ne hav ide kiel baldaux late (retribution) ven vi! [21:110] Li est fully aware da your publik utterances Li est fully aware da cxio vi conceal. [21:111] all mi kon this mond est test vi temporary enjoyment. [21:112] Dir My Lord Your judgment est absolut justice Our Lord est plej Gracious; nur His help streb en des vizagx de your pretend. . 22- Pilgrimige (Al-Hajj) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful

[22:1] O popol vi reverence vi Lord quaking de Hor est io horrendous! [22:2] Tag vi witness gxi eben nursing mother vol discard her infant graved woman abort her fetus. Vi seg popol staggering as ili ebri eben ili ne ebri. This est di retribution est tial awesome. [22:3] Among des popol, tie est those argue DI knowledge sekv cxiu rebellious diabl. [22:4] Gxi dekret anyone allies him li mislead him direkt him agondi Infer! [22:5] O popol se vi hav any dub resurrection memor ke) ni kre vi polv subsequently tiny gut turn into pend (embryo) tiam gxi igx fetus don life deemed lifeless! Ni tiel clarify ajx vi. Ni sald wombs whatever ni testament por predetermined period! Ni tiam bring vi out infants tiam vi reach maturity. While kelk da vi mort jun others viv al mav agx nur al trov out ke neni knowledge ating nepr lim! Ankaux vi rigard land est dead tiam as baldaux as ni dusx gxi akv gxi vibr life kresk all kinds da bel plant. [22:6] This pruv ti DI est Truth ke Li revives dead ke Li est Omnipotent [22:7] Kaj ke Hor ven ne dub gxi kaj ti DI resurrects those est graves [22:8] Among des popol tie est unu who argues DI knowledge guidance enlightening scripture. [22:9] Arrogantly li strives divert popol path DI. Li tiel incurs humiliation en this life ni commit him Tag Resurrection agondi de brul! [22:10] This est ki your man send ahead vi. DI est NENIAM unjust towards POPOL. [22:11] Among des popol tie est unu worships DI conditionally. Ajx ir his voj li est kontent. Kelk adversity befalls him li far about-face Tiel li perd ambaux this life Hereafter Such est efektiv loss [22:12] Li idolizes DI ki ne posed potenc harm him benefit him; such est efektiv straying [22:13] Li idolizes ki est plur apt harm him than benefit him! Ki miserable lord Ki miserable companion! [22:14] DI admits those kred PLUMB righteous life into GXARDEN FLU streams Cxio est en accordance kun di testament [22:15] anyone opini ti DI ne support him en this life Hereafter let him torn completely (his creator heaven sever (his dependence sur anyone aux Li tiam seg this plan eliminates anything ke gxen him.

[22:16] Ni tiel revealed klar revelations herein tiam DI direkt whoever vol direkt). [22:17] Those kred those est Jewish konvert Christians Zoroastrians idol worshipers DI est Unu jugx them Tag Resurrection. DI witnesses all AJX. [22:18] Vi ne realize ti DI prostrates everyone heavens ter sun lun stel mont arb best many popol? Many others among des popol committed doom Whomever DI fi neniom honor him. Cxio est en accordance kun di testament [22:19] Here est 2 parti feuding regard their Lord As por those disbelieve ili hav vest de fajr tajlor por them! Hellish liquid vol versx their kap! [22:20] Gxi kauxz their insides fand tro their hauxt. [22:21] Ili confined glad pot. [22:22] Whenever ili pen exit such mizer ili forced dors en Gust agondi de brul! [22:23] DI testament admit those kred PLUMB righteous life into GXARDEN FLU streams Ili ornam therein bracelets or perl their garments therein est silk! [22:24] Ili direkt bon vort; ili direkt path de plej Lauxd. [22:25] Surely those disbelieve repulse others path DI el Sankt Masjid ni designated all popol! - est ili indigxen visitors! - Streb pollute gxi corrupt gxi ni aflikt them painful retribution! [22:26] Ni appointed Abraham establ Shrine Vi ne idolize any ali di Me purify My shrine those vizit gxi those viv gxi those bow prostrate [22:27] Kaj proklam popol observ Hajj pilgrimage Ili ven vi marsx rajd various exhausted means transportation)! Ili ven farthest locations. [22:28] Ili streb commercial benefits ili commemorate di nom specified tag por proviz them livestock! Mangx therefrom feed despondent poor [22:29] Ili komplet their obligations fulfill their vows vizit antikv shrine [22:30] Those reverence rites dekret DI ind bon rekompenc their Lord All livestock far lawful your food escept por those specifically prohibited vi. Vi evit abomen idol worship evit bor false witness [22:31] Vi argument your devotion absolutely DI sol. Anyone sets any idol DI est 1 who fal cxiel tiam gets snatched vultures blov vent profund ravine! [22:32] Ja those reverence rites dekret DI demonstrate righteousness their kor.

[22:33] (livestock) proviz vi many benefits por a period, antaux donac antikv shrine [22:34] each congregation ni dekret rites whereby ili commemorate nom DI por proviz them livestock! Your di est 1 kaj des sam di; vi shall all submit Him. Don bon news al des obedient! [22:35] Ili est unu kor trem upon menci DI ili steadfastly persevere adversity ili observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) el our provisions al them ili don charity. [22:36] Best offerings est rites dekret DI your own bon Vi menci di nom them while ili star en lini. Once ili ofert ofer vi mangx therefrom feed poor needy This why ni subdued them vi ke vi montr your appreciation! [22:37] Nek their viand nor their sang reaches DI. Ki reaches Him est your righteousness. Li subdued them vi vi montr vi appreciation glor DI por direkt vi! Don bon news al des charitable! [22:38] DI DEFEND those KRED. DI NE AM any betrayer unappreciative. [22:39] Permission granted those est persekut ekde injustice befallen them DI est certainly able al support them! [22:40] Ili evicted their hejm unjustly por ne raci ali than dir Our Lord est DI. gxi ne est di supporting de kelk popol others monasteries eklezi synagogues masjids! - Kie nom DI commemorated frequently - Detru! Absolutely DI supports those support Him. DI est Powerful Almighty [22:41] Ili est those ni appointed them rulers ter ili establ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) obligatory charity (Zakat) advokat righteousness forbid evil DI est ultimate ruler [22:42] Se ili reject vi popol Noah 窶連ad Thamoud ankaux disbelieved them. [22:43] Ankaux popol Abraham popol Lot. [22:44] dwellers Midyan. Moses ankaux rejected Mi plumb all those popol tiam mi vok them kont kiel devastating est My requital! [22:45] Many community ni annihilated their wickedness. Ili ended ruin ankoraux put great empty mansions! [22:46] Ili ne roam ter tiam uz their mens Did kompren uz their orel auxd? Ja efektiv blindness ne est blindness okul blindness kor kest. [22:47] Ili challenge vi bring retribution DI neniam fails fulfill His prophecy! Tag your Lord est 1000 de your jar.

[22:48] Many community en des preter committed evil mi plumb them sur awhile tiam mi pun them. Al Me est ultimate destiny. [22:49] dir O popol mi est send al vi as profound warner! [22:50] Those kred plumb righteous life ind forgiveness generous recompense [22:51] As por those strive challenge our revelations ili incur Infer! [22:52] Ni ne send vi any messenger nor prophet hav diabl interfere his wishes DI TIAM nullifies KI DIABL done DI PERFEKT His revelations. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [22:53] Li tiel sets diabl scheme test those haven dub their kor those kor hard. wicked dev ceter opposition [22:54] Those ben knowledge recognize truth your Lord tiam kred en gxi their kor readily akcept gxi! plej assuredly DI direkt believers dekstr path. [22:55] As por those disbelieve ili ad haven dub Hor ven them suddenly retribution terrible tag ven them. [22:56] All sovereignty ke tag aparten al DI Li jugx them. As por those kred plumb righteous life ili ind gxarden bliss! [22:57] While those disbelieved rejected our revelations incurred shameful retribution. [22:58] Those emigrate DI tiam get killed mort DI testament surely dusx them bon provisions DI est certainly PUT Provider. [22:59] plej assuredly Li admit them admittance placx them. DI est Omniscient Clement [22:60] Gxi dekret 1 vengx injustice inflicted him equitably tiam li persekut this DI testament surely support him! DI est Pardoner Forgiving [22:61] est fakt DI merges nokt tag merges tag nokt kaj ti DI est Hearer Seer. [22:62] est fakt DI est Truth while setting de any idols Him constitutes falsehood kaj ti DI est plej Alt Supreme [22:63] Vi ne seg DI send cxiel akv Do ke torn land verd? DI EST Sublime Cognizant [22:64] Al Him aparten cxio heavens cxio sur ter! Absolutely DI est plej Ricx Praiseworthy.

[22:65] Vi ne seg DI committed en Do your service cxio ter? Sxip kur ocean His ordon. Li prevent heavenly korp crashing ter en accordance kun His ordon. DI est Kind towards POPOL Merciful. [22:66] Li est 1 who granted vi life tiam Li puts vi death tiam Li brings vi dors life! Surely human est est unappreciative. [22:67] Por each congregation ni dekret set rites ili uphold. Do ili ne disput vi. Vi ad invit everyone your Lord plej assuredly vi est dekstr path. [22:68] Ili argue vi tiam dir DI est fully aware da cxio vi do [22:69] DI testament JUGX among VI TAG Resurrection all your DISPUT! [22:70] Vi ne realize ke DI kon cxio en heavens cxio sur ter? All this recorded record This est facil DI do [22:71] Ili idolize DI idols wherein Li ne ej potenc ili kon nothing them! transgressors ne hav helper. [22:72] When our revelations recited them clearly vi recognize wickedness vizagx de those disbelieve. Ili preskaux atak those recite our revelations them. dir mi inform vi de io mult mav Infer promes DI those disbelieve; ki miserable destiny. [22:73] O popol here est parable ke vi ponder carefully idols vi set DI neniam kre flug ecx ili band together do tial! Furthermore se flug sxtel anything el them ili ne recover gxi; weak est pursuer des pursued [22:74] Ili ne value DI as Li valued DI est PLEJ Powerful Almighty [22:75] DI chooses EL ANGXEL messengers ANKAUX as EL POPOL. DI est Hearer Seer. [22:76] Li kon their preter their future Al DI aparten ultimate control all materi! [22:77] O vi kred vi bow prostrate worship your Lord work righteousness ke vi sukces! [22:78] Vi strive ig DI vi strive His ig. Li chosen vi ne ej hardship vi practicing your religi! - Religi de your patr Abraham. Li est 1 who nom vi Submitters originally! Tiel messenger serv witness vi vi dejxor witnesses among des popol. Do vi observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) ten fast DI; Li est your Lord put Lord put Supporter. . 23- believers (Al-Mu'minun)

. En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [23:1] Successful ja est believers; [23:2] who est reverent dum their Kontakt Prayers (Salat)! [23:3] Ili evit vain talk [23:4] Ili don their obligatory charity (Zakat). [23:5] Ili argument their chastity. [23:6] Nur kun their spouses those est rightfully theirs do ili hav sexual relations; ili ne est blamed [23:7] Those transgress these lim est transgressors. [23:8] When gxi ven depon konfid al them tro as any agreements ili far ili est trustworthy. [23:9] Ili observ their Kontakt Prayers (Salat) regularly! [23:10] Such est inheritors. [23:11] Ili hered Paradise wherein ili abide forever [23:12] Ni kre human est el nepr kind da kot! [23:13] Subsequently ni reproduced him tiny gut ej put protekt repository. [23:14] Tiam ni developed gut into pend (embryo) tiam developed pend (embryo) into bite-size (fetus) tiam kre bite-size (fetus) into ost tiam kovr ost karn. Ni tiel produkt neo creature. Ben est DI put Creator! [23:15] Tiam later sur, vi mort. [23:16] Tiam Tag Resurrection vi resurrected [23:17] Ni kre vi 7 univers tavol ni est neniam unaware de single creature them. [23:18] Ni send down cxiel akv exact mezur tiam ni store gxi muel Certainly ni let gxi escape

[23:19] Kun gxi ni produkt por vi orchards de dat palm grapes all kinds da frukt various foods. [23:20] Ankaux arb indigxen al Sinai produkt ole ankaux as frand eaters! [23:21] livestock proviz vi lecion. Ni let vi trink (lakt) el their bellies vi deriv ali benefits el them kelk da them vi uz por food [23:22] Sur them sur sxip vi rajd. [23:23] Ni send Noah his popol dir O my popol worship DI. Vi ne hav ali di Him. Vi ne est righteous? [23:24] Estr disbelieved his popol dir This est ne plur than human vi wants gajn prominence vi. Hav DI willed Li send angxel! Ni neniam auxd anything this our ancestors. [23:25] Li simply hom ir crazy Just ignor him por awhile! [23:26] Li dir My Lord grant me victory ili disbelieved me [23:27] Ni tiam inspir him Far watercraft our watchful okul en accordance kun our inspiration! When our komand ven atmosphere bol up put gxi par de cxiu kind (da your domesticated best) your famili escept those kondamn doomed Ne parol al Me sur behalf da those transgressed ili dron! [23:28] Once vi sald together those est vi watercraft vi dir ‘Lauxd DI por sav us el evil popol. '! [23:29] Dir ‘My Lord let me disembark ben location; Vi est bon deliverer. '! [23:30] These proviz sufficient proofs vi! Ni certainly put vi test [23:31] Subsequently ni establ another generaci post them. [23:32] Ni send al them messenger el them dir Vi worship DI! Vi ne hav ali di Him. Vi ne est righteous? [23:33] Estr his popol disbelieved rejected ide Hereafter - Kvankam ni proviz por them generously en this life - Dir This est ne plur than human est vi! Li mangx el ki vi mangx trink as vi trink! [23:34] Se vi obe human est vi tiam vi est really losers. [23:35] Li promes vi vi mort turn into polv ost vi ven re?

[23:36] Impossible impossible ja est ki promes vi. [23:37] Ni nur viv this life - Ni viv mort! - Kaj ni neniam resurrected [23:38] Li est just hom fabricated mensog atribu them DI! Ni neniam kred him. [23:39] Li dir My Lord grant me victory ili disbelieved me [23:40] Li dir Baldaux ili est sorry [23:41] retribution strik them equitably do ni torn them ruin. wicked popol pere [23:42] Subsequently ni establ ali generaci them. [23:43] Ne community advance its predetermined sort nor delay gxi! [23:44] Tiam ni send our messengers en succession. Cxiu temp messenger ir his community ili disbelieved him. Consequently ni annihilated them 1 ali far them histori! Popol disbelieved pere. [23:45] Tiam ni send Moses his frat Aaron our revelations profound proof [23:46] Al Pharaoh his elders ili torn arrogant! Ili est oppressive popol. [23:47] Ili dir ni kred 2 hom whose popol est our sklav? [23:48] Ili rejected 2 kaj consequently ili annihilated [23:49] Ni don Moses scripture ili direkt. [23:50] Ni far fil Mary his mother sign ni don them rifugx mesa food drink. [23:51] O vi messengers mangx bon provisions work righteousness! Mi est fully aware da cxio vi do [23:52] Such est your congregation - 1 congregation - Mi est your Lord vi reverence Me [23:53] Ili larm into disput factions; each parti felicx ki ili hav! [23:54] Do just las them their confusion por awhile! [23:55] Do ili opini ekde ni proviz them mon infan [23:56] Ni dusx them blessings? Ja ili ne hav ide. [23:57] Surely those est reverently conscious de their Lord

[23:58] who kred en revelations their Lord [23:59] Kaj who neniam set any idols their Lord [23:60] As ili don their charities their kor est fully reverent. Ili recognize ti ili summoned their Lord [23:61] Ili est eager do righteous works ili kondur en doing them! [23:62] Ni neniam sxargx any anim its means ni keep record utters truth. Ne 1 sufer injustice. [23:63] their mens est oblivious al this ili commit works do ne conform this; their works est evil [23:64] Tiam when ni requite their estr retribution ili plend. [23:65] Ne plend nun; vi don all help el us! [23:66] My proofs prezent vi vi torn your kalkan! [23:67] Vi est tro arrogant akcept them vi defiantly disregarded them! [23:68] Why ili ne reflect this scripture? Ili ne realize ke ili Do ricev io hav neniam ating their ancestors? [23:69] Ili failed recognize their messenger? this ili est disregarding him? [23:70] Ili decid ke li hav est crazy Ja li brought truth them plej de them hate truth! [23:71] Ja se truth conformed their wishes tie est chaos heavens ter; cxio them corrupted Ni don them their proof ili disregarding their proof [23:72] Vi pet them wage Your Lord's wage est far put. Li est put Provider. [23:73] plej assuredly vi invit them rekt path. [23:74] Those disbelieve Hereafter surely deviate dekstr path. [23:75] Eben when ni dusx them kun mercy, relieved their problem ili plongx profund transgression ad blunder [23:76] Ecx when ni aflikt them retribution ili neniam torn their Lord imploring [23:77] Subsequently when ni requited them severe retribution ili incurred ili shocked

[23:78] Li est 1 who granted vi auxd eyesight cerb! Rarely est vi appreciative [23:79] Li est Unu establ vi ter kaj Him vi summoned [23:80] Li est Unu controls life death Li est 1 who alternates nokt tag. Vi ne kompren? [23:81] Ili dir ki their ancestors dir. [23:82] Ili dir Post ni mort igx polv ost ni get resurrected [23:83] Such promes don us our parents en des preter. These est ne plur than tales el preter. [23:84] Dir, "Al whom aparten ter everyone gxi se vi kon? [23:85] Ili dir, "Al DI. Dir tiam vi ne pren heed [23:86] Dir Who est Lord de 7 univers; Lord de great dominion? [23:87] Ili dir DI. Dir tiam vi ne torn righteous? [23:88] Dir En whose man est all sovereignty all ajx Li nur unu proviz help bezon neni help vi est kon? [23:89] Ili dir DI. Dir Kie vol vi ir wrong [23:90] Ni don them truth while ili est liars. [23:91] DI NENIAM begotten FIL. Nor est tie ever any ali di Him. Otherwise each di deklar independence his creations ili kondur each ali por dominance! DI GLOR; far their PRETEND. [23:92] Knower de all sekret declarations; Li exalted far hav partner [23:93] Dir My Lord Vi montr me (retribution) ili incurred [23:94] My Lord let me ne est unu de transgressing popol! [23:95] Al montr vi (retribution) ni rezerv them est io ni easily do [23:96] Do counter their evil works goodness; ni est fully aware da their pretend! [23:97] Dir My Lord mi streb rifugx Vi el flustr diabl! [23:98] Mi streb rifugx en Vi my Lord lest ili ven me

[23:99] When death ven 1 de them li dir My Lord send me [23:100] Mi tiam work righteousness cxio mi las. Ne ver! This est false pretend li far. barrier separate his anim this mond resurrection. [23:101] When korn ne blov relations them ekzist ke tag nor vol ili zorg 1 another [23:102] As por those weights est heavy ili est winners. [23:103] Those weights est light est unu perd their anim; ili abide Infer forever [23:104] Fajr overwhelm their vizagx ili last miserably therein! [23:105] Ne est My revelations recited vi vi kept rejecting them? [23:106] Ili dir Our Lord our wickedness overwhelmed us ni popol ir astray! [23:107] Our Lord pren us out da this; se ni return our old behavior) tiam ni est really wicked! [23:108] Li dir Abide therein humiliated ne parol al Me [23:109] Grup My servants uz dir ‘Our Lord ni kred tial forgive us dusx us kun mercy! De all merciful unu Vi est plej Merciful. ' [23:110] Vi mok ridiculed them extent ke vi forges Me Vi uz rid them. [23:111] Mi rekompenc them hodiaux dors their steadfastness far them winners. [23:112] Li dir "Kiel long vi last ter? Kiel many jar? [23:113] Ili dir Ni last tag part de tag! Pet those counted [23:114] Li dir En fakt, vi rest brief interim vi nur kon. [23:115] Vi opini ni Did kre vi en vain vi ne est returned us? [23:116] exalted est DI prav Suveren! tie ne est ali di Him; plej Honorable Lord possessor all auxtoritat. [23:117] Anyone idolizes DI any ali di any kind da proof li reckoning ripoz his Lord disbelievers neniam sukces. [23:118] Dir My Lord dusx us forgiveness mercy! De all merciful unu Vi est plej Merciful.

. 24- Light (Al-Noor) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [24:1] sura ni send down ni dekret legx. Ni revealed klar revelations ke vi pren heed [24:2] adulteress adulterer vi vip each da them cent lashes Ne swayed per kompat port di legx se vi ver kred en DI Last Tag! let grup believers witness their penalty. [24:3] adulterer end marrying adulteress idol worshiper adulteress end marrying adulterer idol worshiper! This prohibited believers. [24:4] Those akuz married women adultery tiam fail produkt 4 witnesses vi vip them 80 lashes ne akcept any testimony el them; ili est wicked! [24:5] Ili pent afterwards reform tiam DI est Forgiver Merciful! [24:6] As por those akuz their own spouses any ali witnesses tiam testimony akcept li jxur DI 4 temp li telling truth! [24:7] 5 oath est incur di condemnation him li mensog. [24:8] Sxi konsider innocent sxi jxur DI 4 temp li est liar. [24:9] 5 oath incur di wrath her li telling truth. [24:10] This est di grace mercy vi! DI est Redeemer SAGX. [24:11] gang vi produkt grand mensog Ne opini gxi est mav vi; instead gxi est bon por vi. Meanwhile each unu de them earned his akci guilt. As por 1 who iniciat whole incident li incurred terrible retribution! [24:12] When vi auxd gxi kred hom kred women hav bon thoughts themselves dir This est obviously grand mensog [24:13] Nur ili produkt 4 witnesses (vi kred them)! Ili fail produkt witnesses tiam ili est DI liars. [24:14] Se gxi est por di grace vi His mercy en this mond Hereafter vi sufer great retribution this incident

[24:15] Vi fabricated gxi your own lang ripoz de vi ripet gxi your busx sen proof Vi pens est simpl when gxi est DI gross [24:16] When vi auxd gxi vi dir Ni ne ripet this. Glory est Vi. This est gross falsehood. [24:17] DI ADMON VI KE VI NENIAM do GXI RE VI est believers. [24:18] DI TIEL EKSPLIK revelations VI. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [24:19] Those am seg immorality stern believers incurred painful retribution en this life Hereafter DI kon, while VI NE KON. [24:20] DI DUSX VI His grace mercy! DI est Kind towards believers Merciful. [24:21] O vi kred ne sekv sxtup Satan! Anyone sekv sxtup Satan kon ti li advokat evil vice Se gxi est por di grace vi His mercy neniom da vi purified Di purifies whomever Li vol. DI est Hearer Knower. [24:22] Those among vi ben rimed wealth est charitable towards their relativ poor those immigrated DI. Ili trakt them kun kindness tolerance; vi ne am ating di forgiveness? DI est Forgiver Merciful. [24:23] Surely those falsely akuz married women est pi believers incurred condemnation en this life Hereafter ili incurred horrendous retribution. [24:24] Tag ven when their own lang man fut bor witness cxio ili done [24:25] Sur tag DI testament requite them fully por their works ili testament trov out ti DI est Truth! [24:26] Mav women mav hom mav hom mav women bon women bon hom bon hom bon women Des latter est innocent de such accusations. Ili ating forgiveness generous rekompenc. [24:27] O vi kred ne enter hejm ali than yours permission el their inhabitants greeting them! This est put vi ke vi pren heed [24:28] Vi trov ne 1 them ne enter them vi obtain permission! Vi told Ir vi ir This est pur por vi. DI EST fully aware da CXIO VI do [24:29] Vi ne commit error entering uninhabited hejm wherein tie est io aparten al vi! DI kon CXIO VI reveal CXIO VI conceal. [24:30] Tell kred hom ili subdue their okul ne stare women argument their chastity! This est pur por them. DI EST fully Cognizant DE CXIO ILI do

[24:31] Kaj tell kred women subdue their okul argument their chastity! Ili ne reveal any part de their korp ti which est neces! Ili kovr their kest ne relax this kod presence their husbands their patr patr their husbands their fil fil their husbands their frat fil their frat fil their sisters ali women vir servants employees sexual sxofor nullified infan ne reached puberty. Ili ne strik their fut when ili marsx en ord sxancel reveal nepr detal their korp! All da vi pent DI O vi believers ke vi sukces. [24:32] Vi encourage those de vi est single get married Ili marry righteous among your vir female servants ili est poor DI testament enrich them His grace DI est Bounteous Knower. [24:33] Those ne afford get married argument morality DI proviz por them el His grace Those among your servants wish liber en ord marry vi grant them their wish once vi realize ti ili est honest! Don them di mon Li bestowed vi. Vi ne force your girls commit prostitution streb sxtof this mond ili wish est cxast! anyone forces them tiam DI vid ili forced est Forgiver Merciful. [24:34] Ni revealed vi clarifying revelations ekzempl preter generaci enlightenment por des righteous. [24:35] DI est light DE heavens TER. allegory His light est ti de concave spegul lamp ej vitr uj. Vitr uj est bril pearl-like stel. fuel thereof supplied ben oil-producing arb ke est nek eastern nor western Its ole est preskaux self-radiating; ne fajr ignite gxi! Light upon light DI DIREKT His light whoever VOL DIREKT). DI TIEL cites parables POPOL. DI est fully aware da all AJX. [24:36] (Di guidance trov dom exalted DI His nom commemorated therein! Glor Him therein tag kaj nokt -! [24:37] Popol ne distr per negoc meti commemorating DI; ili observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) ili est conscious de tag when mens okul horrified [24:38] DI testament certainly REKOMPENC them their BON works DUSX them His grace DI proviz por whomever LI VOL LIM. [24:39] As por those disbelieve their works est mirage dezert. thirsty ul opini gxi est akv! when li reaches gxi li trov gxi est nothing li trov DI tie instead requite him fully his works DI est PLEJ efficient reckoner. [24:40] Another allegory est de est total darkness violent ocean ond ond ankaux al dik nebul! Darkness darkness - Li rigard his own man li barely seg gxi. Whomever DI deprives de light ne hav light [24:41] Vi ne realize ke everyone heavens ter glor DI eben bird as ili flug kolon? Each kon its prayer its glorification. DI EST fully aware da CXIO ILI do

[24:42] Al DI aparten sovereignty de heavens ter al DI est final destiny! [24:43] Vi ne realize ti DI driv nub Do tiam gathers them together tiam piles them sur each ali tiam vi seg pluv ven them? Li send cxiel loads negx kovr whomever Li vol while diverting gxi el whomever Li vol! brightness negx preskaux blind okul. [24:44] DI controls NOKT TAG. This est lecion those posed okul. [24:45] Di kre cxiu viv creature el akv! Kelk da them marsx their bellies kelk marsx 2 krur kelk marsx 4. DI KRE whatever LI VOL. DI est Omnipotent [24:46] Ni send vi clarifying revelations tiam DI direkt whoever vol direkt) rekt path! [24:47] Ili dir Ni kred en DI messenger ni obe tiam kelk da them slide dors afterwards! These est believers. [24:48] When ili invit DI His messenger jugx them kelk da them renvers! [24:49] Se judgment est their komplez ili readily akcept gxi! [24:50] est tie disease their kor? Est ili doubtful? Est ili afraid ti DI His messenger trakt them unfairly? En fakt, est ili est unjust. [24:51] Nur utterance believers whenever invit DI His messenger jugx their afer est dir Ni auxd ni obe. These est winners! [24:52] Those obe DI His messenger reverence DI observ Him these est triumphant unu! [24:53] Ili jxur DI solemnly vi komand them mobilize ili mobilize! dir ne jxur. Obedience est obligation. DI EST fully Cognizant DE CXIO VI do [24:54] dir Obe DI obe messenger. ili rifuz tiam li est responsible his obligations vi est responsible por your obligations. Vi obe him vi direkt. Pland duty messenger est liver message [24:55] DI PROMES those VI kred PLUMB righteous life KE LI FAR them SUVEREN TER as LI did POR those ANTAUX them KAJ ESTABL POR them RELIGI LI chosen them substitute PAC security them en met DE TIM! All this because ili worship Me sol; ili neniam set any idols Me Those disbelieve this est des ver wicked! [24:56] Vi observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) obe messenger ke vi ating mercy. [24:57] Ne opini those disbelieve ever get gxi Their final abode est Infer; ki miserable destiny.

[24:58] O vi kred permission requested your servants infan ne ating puberty entering your cxambr)! This est est done en 3 instances - Dawn Prayer noon when vi sxangx your vest ripoz Nokt Prayer. These est 3 privat temp vi. Je ali temp ne est wrong vi them mingle 1 another DI TIEL clarifies revelations VI. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [24:59] Once infan reach puberty ili pet permission (antaux entering like those igx adults them pet permission (antaux entering DI TIEL clarifies His revelations VI. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [24:60] elderly women ne expect get married commit nothing wrong per relaxing their vest kod proviz ili ne reveal tro mult de their korp! Argument modesty est put them. DI est Hearer Knower. [24:61] Blind ne est blamed crippled ne est blamed nor handicapped blamed just as vi ne est blamed por mangx your hejm hejm your patr hejm your mothers hejm your frat hejm your sisters hejm your patr frat hejm your patr sisters hejm your mothers' frat hejm your mothers' sisters hejm aparten al vi vi posed their klav hejm your amik! Vi commit nothing wrong mangx together as individu! When vi enter any hejm vi greet each ali greeting el DI ben kaj bon. DI TIEL EKSPLIK revelations VI VI KOMPREN. [24:62] Prav believers est those kred en DI His messenger kaj when ili est him community meeting ili do ne las him permission! Those pet permission est unu kred en DI His messenger. Ili pet your permission en ord tend al kelk da their afer vi grant permission whomever vi wish pet DI forgive them! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [24:63] Ne trakt messenger's requests vi trakt each others' requests DI EST fully aware da those among VI sneak FOR uz flimsy PRETEKST. Let them beware - those disobey his mend - Por disaster strik them severe retribution! [24:64] Absolutely al DI aparten cxio heavens ter! Li fully kon cxiu stat vi est en. Tag vi returned Him Li inform them de cxio ili done DI est fully aware da all AJX. . 25- Statut Libr (Al-Furqan) En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [25:1] Ben est 1 revealed Statut Libr His servant li dejxor warner des whole mond! [25:2] 1 al whom aparten all sovereignty de heavens ter! Li neniam hav fil nor does Li hav any partners sovereignty! Li kre cxio exact mezur; Li precisely desegn cxio. [25:3] sed ili set beside Him di ne kre anything - Ili kre - who ne posed potenc ecx harm benefit nor do ili posed any potenc control life death resurrection!

[25:4] Those disbelieved dir This est fabrication li produkt help kelk ali popol. Ili uttered blasphemy falsehood! [25:5] Ili ankaux dir Tales el preter li skrib ili dikt him tag kaj nokt". [25:6] Dir This revealed des Unu kon Sekret heavens ter! Li Forgiving Merciful. [25:7] Kaj ili dir "Kiel ven this messenger mangx food marsx merkat? Se nur angxel ven him dejxor him preacher! [25:8] Aux Se nur trezor don him! Aux nur li posed orchard el which li mangx! transgressors ankaux dir Vi sekv sorcx hom! [25:9] Not kiel ili vok vi all kinds da nom kaj kiel this plumb them astray neniam trov their voj dors [25:10] Ben est 1 can Li vol don vi mult put than their postul! - Gxarden flu streams many mansions! [25:11] En fakt, ili disbelieved Hor (Tag Resurrection) ni prepar those disbelieve Hor flaming Infer. [25:12] When gxi seg them el afar ili auxd its rage haladz [25:13] Kaj when ili jxet gxi narrow met all shackled ili deklar their remorse. [25:14] Vi ne deklar just single remorse ke tag; vi sufer great numer remorses. [25:15] Dir Est this put etern Paradise ke promes por des righteous? Gxi est their put ind rekompenc; put ind destiny. [25:16] Ili get anything ili wish therein forever This est your Lord's irrevocable promes. [25:17] Tag when Li summons them together idols ili set DI Li hav dir vol vi misled these servants de Min Hav ili ir astray sur their own [25:18] Ili dir Vi glor ne est dekstr us set any lords Vi. Vi allowed them gxu together their parents Consequently ili disregarded message tiel igx wicked popol. [25:19] Ili disbelieved message vi don them consequently vi can nek protekt them el retribution ili incurred nor can vi help them en any voj Anyone among vi commits evil ni commit him severe retribution. [25:20] Ni ne send any messengers vi ne mangx food marsx merkat! Ni tiel test vi per each ali vi steadfastly persevere Your Lord est Seer.

[25:21] Those ne expect meet us dir nur angxel ven us ni seg our Lord (ni tiam kred!) Ja ili committed gross arrogance produkt gross blasphemy! [25:22] Tag ili seg angxel ne est bon news kulp ili dir Nun ni irreversibly confined [25:23] Ni rigard je all works ili done render them null kaj void [25:24] dwellers Paradise est far put tag; ili auxd put news [25:25] heaven romp apart mas de nub angxel descend multitudes! [25:26] All sovereignty ke tag aparten al plej Gracious. Por disbelievers gxi est difficult tag. [25:27] Tag ven when transgressor mord his man en anguish dir Alas Mi wish mi sekv path messenger! [25:28] Alas ve me Mi wish mi ne pren ke ul amik. [25:29] Li plumb me for el message gxi ven me Ja diabl lets his human viktim. [25:30] messenger dir My Lord my popol dezert this Quran. [25:31] Ni ankaux set kontraux cxiu prophet enemies el kulp Your Lord suffices direkt mastr. [25:32] Those disbelieved dir ne did Quran ven him all je once Ni released gxi vi gradually en ord fiks gxi your stor! Ni recited gxi specif sequence [25:33] Whatever argument ili ven ni proviz vi truth bon kompren [25:34] Those forcibly summoned al Infer est mav pozici; ili est farthest dekstr path. [25:35] Ni don Moses scripture appointed his frat Aaron est his assistant [25:36] Ni dir Ir ambaux vi al popol rejected our revelations subsequently ni utterly annihilated rejectors! [25:37] Similarly when popol Noah disbelieved messengers ni dron them ni set them as sign popol! Ni prepar transgressors painful retribution. [25:38] Ankaux 窶連ad Thamoud inhabitants Al-Russ many generaci them. [25:39] Al each da these grup ni liver sufficient ekzempl antaux ni annihilated them.

[25:40] Ili pas community est dusx kun miserable dusx (Sodom). Ili ne seg gxi? Fakt est ili neniam kred en resurrection. [25:41] When ili seg vi ili cxiam ridiculed vi this 1 chosen DI Est est messenger? [25:42] Li preskaux diverted us our di ne est ni steadfastly persevered them. Ili vol certainly trov out, when ili seg retribution est efektiv strayers el path. [25:43] Vi seg unu di hav est his own ego? Vi est his advokat? [25:44] Vi pens ke plej Do them auxd kompren Ili est just best; ne ili est far mav [25:45] Vi ne seg kiel your Lord desegn ombr? Li willed Li far gxi fiks tiam ni desegn sun accordingly. [25:46] Ni desegn gxi mov slowly! [25:47] Li est Unu desegn nokt est kovr kaj vi al dorm ripoz. Li far tag resurrection. [25:48] Li est 1 who send vent bon omens His mercy ni send down cxiel pur akv! [25:49] Kun gxi ni revive dead land proviz trink our creations! - multitudes de best humans. [25:50] Ni distribu gxi them exact mezur ke ili pren heed Sed plej popol insist upon disbelieving [25:51] Ni willed ni hav send al cxiu community warner. [25:52] Do ne obe disbelievers strive them this great striving [25:53] Li est Unu merges 2 mar; 1 est fresx palatable while ali est salty undrinkable. Kaj Li apart them formidable inviolable barrier (evaporation). [25:54] Li est Unu kre el akv human est tiam far him reproduce marriage mating Your Lord est Omnipotent [25:55] Ili ankoraux set DI idols ne benefit them nor harm them! Ja disbeliever est enemy his Lord [25:56] Ni send vi (Rashad) deliverer bon news tro warner. [25:57] dir mi ne pet vi any mon. All mi streb est help vi trov dekstr path al your Lord this est ki vi choose

[25:58] Vi put your fid Unu est Alive - Unu who neniam mort - Lauxd Him glor Him! Li est fully Cognizant de His creatures' pek. [25:59] Li est Unu kre heavens ter cxio them 6 tag tiam assumed all auxtoritat. Plej Gracious; pet pri Him those nu founded knowledge! [25:60] When ili told Fal prostrate antaux plej Gracious ili dir Ki est plej Gracious? Shall ni prostrate ki vi advokat? Do gxi nur eg their aversion. [25:61] Ben est Unu ej constellations en des cxiel, ej gxi lamp lum lun! [25:62] Li est Unu desegn nokt tag altern sufficient proof those wish sorb heed est appreciative [25:63] worshipers plej Gracious est those tread ter gently when ignorant parol al them ili nur utter pac! [25:64] En privacy nokt ili medit their Lord auxtun prostrate [25:65] Ili dir Our Lord sxpar us agondi Infer; its retribution est horrendous! [25:66] Gxi est mav abode; mav destiny. [25:67] When ili don ili est nek extravagant nor stingy ili don moderation [25:68] Ili neniam implore DI any ali di nor do ili kill anyone - Por DI far life sankt! Escept justice Nor do ili commit adultery. Those commit these offenses pag. [25:69] Retribution doubled them Tag Resurrection ili abide therein humiliated [25:70] Exempted est those pent kred plumb righteous life! DI transforms their PEK KREDIT. DI est Forgiver Merciful. [25:71] Those pent plumb righteous life DI redeems them; komplet redemption! [25:72] Ili ne bor false witness When ili renkont vain talk ili ignor gxi. [25:73] When reminded de their Lord's revelations ili neniam react them as ili est surd blind! [25:74] Ili dir Our Lord let our spouses infan est source joy us keep us forefront de des righteous! [25:75] These est unu ating Paradise dors their steadfastness; ili ricev therein joyous greetings pac.

[25:76] Eternally ili abide therein; ki bel destiny; ki bel abode. [25:77] Dir Vi ating value my Lord nur tra your worship Vi disbelieve vi incur inevitable consequences. . 26- Poet (Al-Shu'ara) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [26:1] T. S. M. (Ta Seg Mim)! [26:2] These (liter) constitute proofs this clarifying scripture. [26:3] Vi blame ti ili ne est believers! [26:4] Ni testament ni send cxiel sign forces their kol bow [26:5] Whenever reminder el plej Gracious ven al them est neo ili turn aversion. [26:6] Ekde ili disbelieved ili incurred consequences their heedlessness. [26:7] Ili ne seg ter kaj kiel many kinds bel plant ni kresk thereon? [26:8] This est sufficient proof them plej de them ne est believers. [26:9] plej assuredly your Lord est Almighty Merciful. [26:10] Recall your Lord vok Moses Ir transgressing popol! [26:11] Pharaoh's popol; perhaps ili reform [26:12] Li dir My Lord mi tim lest ili disbelieve me [26:13] Mi perd my temper My lang lig; send por my frat Aaron! [26:14] Ankaux ili konsider me fugitive mi tim lest ili kill me [26:15] Li ne dir (ili do gxi. Ir My proofs Ni est vi auxskult! [26:16] Ir Pharaoh dir ‘Ni est messengers Lord de univers. '! [26:17] Let Infan Israel ir. '!

[26:18] Li dir ni ne raise vi infancy vi spent many jar us? [26:19] Tiam vi committed krim vi committed vi est ungrateful. [26:20] Li dir Ja mi did gxi when mi est astray. [26:21] Tiam mi fled when mi tim vi my Lord dot me kun wisdom far me 1 messengers. [26:22] Vi fanfaron ti vi did me komplez while enslaving Infan Israel! [26:23] Pharaoh dir Ki est Lord univers? [26:24] Li dir Lord de heavens ter cxio them. Vi est nepr pri this. [26:25] Li dir al those around him vi auxd this? [26:26] Li dir Your Lord Lord your ancestors. [26:27] Li dir Your messenger est send al vi est crazy [26:28] Li dir Lord de orient okcident cxio them vi kompren. [26:29] Li dir vi akcept any di me mi jxet vi prison. [26:30] Li dir Ki mi montr vi io profound? [26:31] Li dir Tiam produkt gxi vi est truthful. [26:32] Li tiam jxet his stab whereupon gxi igx profound serpent. [26:33] Li sorb his man gxi est blank al beholders. [26:34] Li dir al elders him This est spert magician. [26:35] Li wants sorb vi your land his magic Ki do vi sugest? [26:36] Ili dir Respite him his frat send summoners cxiu town! [26:37] Let them summon cxiu spert magician! [26:38] magicians gathered appointed temp appointed tag. [26:39] Popol told Ven 1 all gather together here! [26:40] Maybe ni sekv magicians ili est winners.

[26:41] When magicians ven ili dir al Pharaoh ni pag ni Do est winners? [26:42] Li dir Jes ja; vi ecx est me [26:43] Moses dir al them Jxet ki vi jxet! [26:44] Ili jxet their sxnur baston dir Pharaoh's majesty ni est victors! [26:45] Moses jxet his stab whereupon gxi hirund ki ili fabricated [26:46] magicians fal prostrate [26:47] Ili dir Ni kred en Lord univers. [26:48] Lord de Moses Aaron. [26:49] Li dir Did vi kred him antaux mi don vi permission? Li est your teacher instru vi magic Vi do gxi surely trov out! Mi sever your man fut altern flank. Mi crucify vi all [26:50] Ili dir This ne sxangx our decision; our Lord ni return [26:51] Ni esper our Lord forgive us our pek especially ke ni est 1 believers. [26:52] Ni inspir Moses Vojagx My servants vi pursued [26:53] Pharaoh send al urb callers. [26:54] (Proklam) This est small gang [26:55] Ili tuj opposing us. [26:56] all beware da them! [26:57] Consequently ni deprived them de gxarden printemp [26:58] Kaj trezor kaj honorable pozici! [26:59] Tiam ni far gxi inheritance Infan Israel. [26:60] Ili pursued them orient. [26:61] When ambaux parti seg each ali Moses' popol dir Ni kapt! [26:62] Li ne dir voj My Lord est me Li direkt me

[26:63] Ni tiam inspir Moses Strik mar your stab whereupon gxi part. Each part est great hill [26:64] Ni tiam liver them all [26:65] Ni tiel sav Moses all those est him. [26:66] Ni dron others. [26:67] This est sufficient proof plej popol ne est believers. [26:68] plej assuredly your Lord est Almighty Merciful. [26:69] Narrate al them Abraham's histori! [26:70] Li dir al his patr his popol Ki this vi est worshipping [26:71] Ili dir Ni worship statu; ni est totally devoted al them. [26:72] Li dir ili auxd vi when vi implore [26:73] Ili benefit vi Can harm vi? [26:74] Ili ne dir ni trov our parents doing this! [26:75] Li dir Do vi seg these idols vi worship [26:76] Vi your ancestors. [26:77] Mi est them por mi devoted nur Lord univers. [26:78] Unu kre me direkt me [26:79] Unu feeds me akv me [26:80] Kaj when mi get sick Li heals me [26:81] Unu puts me death tiam brings me dors life. [26:82] Unu who hopefully forgive my pek Tag Judgment [26:83] My Lord grant me wisdom include me kun des righteous! [26:84] Let ekzempl mi set por des future generaci est bon 1! [26:85] Far me 1 inheritors blissful Paradise!

[26:86] Kaj forgive my patr por li ir astray! [26:87] Ne forsake me Tag Resurrection! [26:88] Ke est tag when nek mon nor infan help. [26:89] Nur those ven DI their whole kor (vol sav). [26:90] Paradise prezent des righteous. [26:91] Infer set strayers. [26:92] Ili pet Kie est idols vi worshipped [26:93] beside DI? Ili help vi tuj? Ili help? [26:94] Ili jxet therein together strayers. [26:95] all da Satan's soldat. [26:96] Ili dir as ili feud therein [26:97] Per DI ni est far astray. [26:98] Kiel ni set vi could rang Lord univers? [26:99] Those misled us est wicked. [26:100] Nun ni ne hav intercessors. [26:101] Nor single close amik. [26:102] Nur ni get another sxanc ni tiam kred. [26:103] This est bon lecion. Plej popol ne est believers. [26:104] Your Lord est Almighty Merciful. [26:105] Popol Noah disbelieved messengers. [26:106] Their frat Noah dir al them vi ne est righteous? [26:107] Mi est honest messenger vi. [26:108] Vi reverence DI obe me

[26:109] Mi ne pet vi any wage My wage ven el Lord univers. [26:110] Vi reverence DI obe me [26:111] Ili dir Kiel ni kred vi can when mav among us sekv vi? [26:112] Li dir Kiel mi kon ki ili do did [26:113] Their judgment ripoz nur my Lord vi perceive [26:114] Mi neniam dismiss believers. [26:115] Mi est ne plur than clarifying warner. [26:116] Ili dir vi refrain O Noah vi sxton. [26:117] Li dir My Lord my popol disbelieved me [26:118] Grant me victory them liver me my kompani believers! [26:119] Ni liver him those akompan him loaded ark. [26:120] Tiam ni dron others. [26:121] This est lecion plej popol ne est believers. [26:122] plej assuredly your Lord est Almighty Merciful. [26:123] 窶連ad disbelieved messengers. [26:124] Their frat Hood dir al them vi ne est righteous? [26:125] Mi est honest messenger vi. [26:126] Vi reverence DI obe me [26:127] Mi ne pet vi por any wage my wage ven el Lord univers. [26:128] Vi cxarpent cxiu hill mansion vanity's sake. [26:129] Vi set buildings vi last forever [26:130] Kaj when vi strik vi strik mercilessly. [26:131] Vi reverence DI obe me

[26:132] Reverence Unu proviz vi all ajx vi kon! [26:133] Li proviz vi livestock infan. [26:134] Kaj gxarden kaj risort. [26:135] Mi tim por vi retribution awesome tag. [26:136] Ili dir est des sam vi predik ne predik [26:137] Ke affliction lim our ancestors. [26:138] Ne retribution ever befall us. [26:139] Ili tiel disbelieved consequently ni annihilated them. This est lecion plej popol ne est believers. [26:140] plej assuredly your Lord est Almighty Merciful. [26:141] Thamoud disbelieved messengers. [26:142] Their frat Saaleh dir al them vi ne est righteous? [26:143] Mi est honest messenger vi. [26:144] Vi reverence DI obe me [26:145] Mi ne pet vi any wage my wage ven nur Lord univers! [26:146] Vi supoz vi las forever secure en this sxtat? [26:147] Vi gxu gxarden printemp [26:148] crops daktil palm delicious frukt! [26:149] Vi carve mont luxurious mansions. [26:150] Vi reverence DI obe me [26:151] Ne obe transgressors! [26:152] Who commit evil ne bon works [26:153] Ili dir Vi sorcx. [26:154] Vi est ne plur than human us. Produkt mirakl se vi est truthful!

[26:155] Li dir Here est kamel trink nur tag asign her; tag est different your specified tag de trink! [26:156] Do ne tusx her any harm lest vi incur retribution awesome tag! [26:157] Ili bucx her tiel incurred sorrow [26:158] retribution overwhelmed them. This est lecion plej popol ne est believers. [26:159] plej assuredly your Lord est Almighty Merciful. [26:160] Popol Lot disbelieved messengers. [26:161] Their frat Lot dir al them vi ne est righteous? [26:162] Mi est honest messenger vi. [26:163] Vi reverence DI obe me [26:164] Mi ne pet vi any wage my wage ven nur Lord univers! [26:165] Do vi hav seks vir all popol? [26:166] Vi forsake wives your Lord kre vi! Ja vi transgressing popol. [26:167] Ili dir vi refrain O Lot vi banished [26:168] Li dir mi deplore your actions. [26:169] My Lord sav me my famili el their works [26:170] Ni sav him all his famili. [26:171] Ne old woman; sxi doomed [26:172] Ni tiam detru others. [26:173] Ni dusx them miserable dusx; ki terrible dusx those avert! [26:174] This est lecion plej popol ne est believers. [26:175] plej assuredly your Lord est Almighty Merciful. [26:176] Popol Lign disbelieved messengers. [26:177] Shu aib dir al them vi ne est righteous?

[26:178] Mi est honest messenger vi. [26:179] Vi reverence DI obe me [26:180] Mi ne pet vi any wage my wage ven nur Lord univers! [26:181] Vi don plen mezur when vi meti; do ne cheat [26:182] Vi pes equitable skal. [26:183] Ne cheat popol their dekstr ne roam ter corruptingly! [26:184] Reverence Unu kre vi previous generaci! [26:185] Ili dir Vi sorcx. [26:186] Vi est ne plur than human est us. En fakt, ni pens vi est liar. [26:187] Let mes cxiel fal us vi est truthful! [26:188] Li dir My Lord est Unu kon cxio vi do [26:189] Ili disbelieved him consequently ili incurred retribution Tag Canopy Gxi est retribution awesome tag. [26:190] This est lecion plej popol ne est believers. [26:191] plej assuredly your Lord est Almighty Merciful. [26:192] This est revelation Lord univers. [26:193] Honest Spirit (Gabriel) ven gxi [26:194] Al reveal gxi into your kor ke vi est 1 de warners! [26:195] En perfekt Arabic lang. [26:196] Gxi prophesied libr previous generaci. [26:197] Gxi ne sufficient est sign them ke gxi est kon al scholars Infan Israel? [26:198] Ni revealed this popol ne kon Arabic [26:199] Hav him recite gxi Arabic ili possibly ne kred en gxi! [26:200] Ni tiel render gxi like foreign idiom) kor kulp

[26:201] Tiel ili ne kred en gxi; ne gxis ili seg painful retribution. [26:202] Gxi ven them suddenly when ili malpli expect gxi. [26:203] Ili tiam dir ni hav respite [26:204] Ili ne challenge our retribution? [26:205] As vi seg ni allowed them gxu por jar! [26:206] Tiam retribution ven them just as promes. [26:207] Their vast rimed ne help them en des malplej [26:208] Ni neniam annihilate any community sen send warners! [26:209] Do this est reminder ni est neniam unjust. [26:210] Diabl neniam reveal this. [26:211] Ili nek would nor could. [26:212] Ili est prevent el auxd! [26:213] Do ne idolize DI any ali di lest vi incur retribution! [26:214] Vi predik popol est closest al vi. [26:215] lower your wing believers sekv vi. [26:216] Ili disobey vi tiam dir mi disown ki vi do [26:217] put your fid en Almighty Merciful! [26:218] Who seg vi when vi medit nokt! [26:219] your frequent prostrations. [26:220] Li est Hearer Omniscient [26:221] Mi inform vi upon whom diabl descend [26:222] Ili descend cxiu kulp fabricator. [26:223] Ili pretend auxskult plej de them est liars!

[26:224] As por poet ili sekv nur strayers. [26:225] Vi ne seg their loyalty shifts situaci? [26:226] Kaj ke ili dir ki ili ne do [26:227] Exempted est those kred plumb righteous life commemorate DI frequently bud their dekstr! Surely transgressors vol trov out ki their ultimate destiny est . 27- Formik (Al-Naml) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [27:1] T. S. These (liter) constitute proofs Quran; profound scripture. [27:2] beacon bon news believers. [27:3] Who observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) ili est regard Hereafter absolutely nepr! [27:4] Those ne kred en Hereafter ni ornam their works their okul. Tiel ili ad blunder [27:5] est these incur mav retribution Hereafter ili est mav losers. [27:6] Surely vi ricev Quran el Sagx Omniscient [27:7] Recall ti Moses dir al his famili mi vid fajr; let me bring vi news therefrom torcx varm vi! [27:8] When li ven gxi li est vok Ben est Unu parol fajr those around gxi Glory est DI Lord univers! [27:9] O Moses this est Me DI Almighty Sagx. [27:10] Jxet down your stab. When li seg gxi mov like demon li torn around fled O Moses ne est afraid. My messengers ne tim. [27:11] those who commit transgression tiam substitute righteousness post pek; mi Forgiving Merciful! [27:12] Put your man en your posx; gxi ven blank blemish These est among 9 mirakl al Pharaoh his popol por ili est wicked popol.

[27:13] When our mirakl prezent them klar profound ili dir This est obviously magic [27:14] Ili rejected them utterly konvink de their wrong voj their arrogance. Not consequences evildoers! [27:15] Ni dot David Solomon knowledge ili dir Lauxd DI por ben us plur than many da His kred servants! [27:16] Solomon est David's heir Li dir O popol ni dot kun kompren idiom bird all kinds da ajx bestowed us. This est ja efektiv ben [27:17] Mobilized service Solomon est his obedient soldat de jinns humans tro bird; all je his disposal! [27:18] When ili approached val formik 1 formik dir O vi formik ir into your hejm lest vi get crushed Solomon his soldat sen perceiving! [27:19] Li smiled rid her statement dir My Lord direct me est appreciative de blessings Vi bestowed me my parents do righteous works placx Vi! Admit me Your mercy kompani Your righteous servants. [27:20] Li inspekt bird not mi ne seg hoopoe? Why li missing [27:21] Mi pun him severely ofer him li don me bon pretekst! [27:22] Li ne wait long. (hoopoe) dir mi hav news ke vi ne hav. Mi brought vi Sheba kelk grav information. [27:23] Mi trov woman regul them ben cxio posed tremendous palac! [27:24] Mi trov her her popol prostrating sun DI! Diabl ornam their works their okul repulsed them path; consequently ili ne direkt! [27:25] Ili prostrating DI Unu manifests all mister heavens ter 1 who kon cxio vi conceal cxio vi deklar! [27:26] DI tie NE est ALI DI Him Lord great dominion. [27:27] (Solomon) dir Ni seg vi told truth aux vi est liar. [27:28] Pren this liter me don gxi them tiam watch their response! [27:29] Sxi dir O my advisers mi ricev honorable liter. [27:30] est Solomon gxi est DI Gracious Merciful. '

[27:31] Proklam Do arrogant ven me as submitters '! [27:32] Sxi dir O my advisers konsil me en this materi! Mi ne decid anything vi advise me [27:33] Ili dir Ni posed potenc ni posed batal skills ultimate ordon est your man! Vi decid ki do [27:34] Sxi dir regx corrupt any land ili invad subjugate its dignified popol! This est ki ili usually do [27:35] Mi send gift them; seg ki messengers ven kun! [27:36] When hoopoe returned Solomon (li told him news li respond Sheba's popol vi don me mon? Ki DI don me est far put than ki Li don vi. Vi est unu gxoj such gifts [27:37] (Al hoopoe li dir) Ir them let them kon ti) ni ven them forces ili ne imag! Ni evict them humiliated debased [27:38] Li dir O vi elders de vi bring me her mansion antaux ili alven here submitters? [27:39] 1 afrit el jinns dir mi bring gxi vi vi bud Mi est powerful suficx do this. [27:40] Unu posed knowledge libr dir mi bring gxi vi blink your okul. When li seg gxi sald him li dir This est ben my Lord whereby Li tests me montr mi est appreciative unappreciative. Whoever est appreciative est appreciative his own bon kaj se 1 turn unappreciative tiam my Lord est en ne bezon him Honorable. [27:41] Li dir Remodel her mansion her. Seg sxi direkt ad kun des misguided [27:42] When sxi alven sxi pet Does your mansion jen this? Sxi dir seems this est gxi. (Solomon dir) Ni kon beforehand ki sxi do ni est jam submitters! [27:43] Sxi diverted worshipping idols DI; sxi aparten al disbelieving popol! [27:44] Sxi told Ir palac. When sxi seg its interior sxi pens est pool akv sxi tir her vest exposing her krur! Li dir This interior tuj paved kun crystal Sxi dir My Lord mi wronged my anim. Mi tuj submit Solomon DI Lord univers. [27:45] Ni hav send al Thamoud their frat Saaleh dir Vi worship DI. ili torn into 2 feuding factions! [27:46] Li dir O my popol vi hasten do commit evil bon works Nur vi implore DI forgiveness vi ating mercy.

[27:47] Ili dir Ni konsider vi mav omen us vi those joined vi. Li dir Your omen fully controlled DI. Ja vi est deviant popol. [27:48] tie est 9 gangsters urb est wicked neniam did anything bon! [27:49] Ili dir jxur DI ni kill him his popol tiam tell his gent ‘Ni kon nothing their death! Ni est truthful. ' [27:50] Ili plotted schemed ni ankaux plotted schemed while ili ne perceive [27:51] Not consequences their plotting ni annihilated them all their popol! [27:52] Here est their hejm utterly ruin their transgression! This est lecion popol kon. [27:53] Ni sav those kred plumb righteous life! [27:54] Lot dir al his popol Kiel vi commit such abomen publicly while vi seg? [27:55] Vi practice seks hom lustfully women Ja vi est ignorant popol. [27:56] Nur response el his popol est their dir Banish Lot's famili your town; ili est popol who wish est pur! [27:57] Consequently ni sav him his famili escept his wife; ni counted her among des doomed [27:58] Ni dusx them nepr dusx. est miserable dusx popol avert. [27:59] Dir Lauxd est DI pac est His servants whom Li chose! Di bon idols kelk popol est set [27:60] Who Unu est kre heavens ter? Who est 1 who send down vi cxiel akv whereby ni produkt gxarden plen de beauty! - Vi possibly ne manufacture its arb? est gxi another di DI? Ja ili est popol who deviated [27:61] Who Unu far ter habitable kauxz river kur gxi ej gxi mont est kre barrier 2 akv? est gxi another di DI? Ja plej de them ne kon. [27:62] Who Unu rescues those est igx desperate vok Him relieves adversity far vi inheritors ter? est gxi another di DI? Rarely do vi pren heed [27:63] Who Unu est direkt vi darkness land kaj mar? Who Unu est send vent bon news signaling His mercy? est gxi another di DI? exalted est DI hav any partner [27:64] Who Unu iniciat creation est tiam ripet gxi? Who Unu est proviz por vi heaven ter? est gxi another di DI? Dir Montr me your proof se vi est truthful!

[27:65] Dir Ne 1 heavens ter kon future escept DI! Ili do ne eben perceive kiel when ili resurrected [27:66] En fakt, their knowledge Hereafter konfuz. En fakt, ili haven dub gxi. En fakt, ili est totally heedless thereof. [27:67] Those disbelieved dir ni turn into polv ankaux our parents ni get brought out? [27:68] Ni don sam promes en des preter. These est nothing tales el preter. [27:69] Dir Roam ter not consequences kulp [27:70] Ne grieve them ne annoyed their scheming [27:71] Ili dir When promes ven pas vi est truthful? [27:72] dir Vi jam sufer kelk da retribution vi challenge [27:73] Your Lord est plen da grace popol plej de them est unappreciative. [27:74] Your Lord fully kon ki their kest kasx ki ili deklar. [27:75] tie est nothing heavens ter kasx Di;) cxio est profound record [27:76] This Quran sald many issues Infan Israel; issues ti ili ankoraux disput! [27:77] plej assuredly gxi est direkt mercy believers. [27:78] Your Lord est Unu who jugx them en accordance kun His regul. Li est Almighty Omniscient [27:79] Do put your fid DI; vi sekv manifest truth! [27:80] Vi ne far dead nor surd auxd vok ili turn [27:81] Nor can vi direkt blind their straying Nur unu auxd vi est those kred en our revelations decid est submitters! [27:82] Je tuj temp ni produkt them creature far earthly sxtof deklar ti popol ne est nepr pri our revelations! [27:83] Tag ven when ni summon cxiu community kelk da those ne kred en our proofs forcibly. [27:84] When ili alven Li dir Vi rejected My revelations akir knowledge them! this ne ki vi est did

[27:85] Ili incur requital their wickedness; ili dir nothing. [27:86] Ili ne seg ni hav far nokt their ripoz tag lighted? These est sufficient proofs popol kred. [27:87] Tag when korn blov everyone heavens ter horrified escept those chosen DI! All vol ven Him forcibly. [27:88] When vi rigard mont vi opini ili star ankoraux. Sed ili mov like nub. Such est manufacture DI perfekt cxio. Li est fully Cognizant de cxio vi do [27:89] Those bring bon works their records ricev far put rekompenc ili est perfectly secure horrors ke tag! [27:90] As por those bring evil works ili forced Infer. Vi ne requited ki vi did [27:91] Mi simply komand worship Lord this town! - Li far gxi sekur sanctuary - Li posed all ajx. Mi komand est submitter. [27:92] Kaj al recite Quran! Whoever direkt direkt his own bon kaj se ili ir astray tiam dir mi est simply warner! [27:93] Dir Lauxd est DI; Li montr vi His proofs gxis vi recognize them! Your Lord est neniam unaware de anything vi do . 28- Histori (Al-Qasas) En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [28:1] T. S. M. [28:2] These (liter) constitute proofs this profound libr. [28:3] Ni recite vi herein kelk histori de Moses Pharaoh truthfully por des benefit de popol kred. [28:4] Pharaoh torn into tiran ter discriminated kelk popol. Li persekut helpless grup de them bucx their fil while sxpar their daughters! Li est ja wicked. [28:5] Ni willed kompens those oppressed ter turn them into estr far them inheritors! [28:6] Kaj al establ them ter don Pharaoh Hamaan their trup gust their own medikament!

[28:7] Ni inspir Moses' mother Nurse him kaj when vi tim his life jxet him into river sen tim grief! Ni return him vi far him 1 messengers! [28:8] Pharaoh's famili pik him nur hav him plumb opposition est source grief them! Ke est Pharaoh Hamaan their trup est transgressors. [28:9] Pharaoh's wife dir This est joyous trov me vi. Ne kill him por li est de kelk benefit us ni adopt him est our fil. Ili ne hav ide! [28:10] Mens Moses' mother kresk tial anxious ti sxi preskaux don for his identity. Ni strengthened her kor far her believer. [28:11] Sxi dir al his sister Spur his path. Sxi watched him el afar while ili ne perceive [28:12] Ni forbade him el akcept all nursing mothers (His sister) tiam dir mi montr vi famili raise him vi sorb bon zorg de him. [28:13] Tiel ni restored him his mother en ord placx her remove her worries let her kon ti di promes est truth! Tamen plej de them ne kon. [28:14] When li reached maturity strength ni dot him kun wisdom knowledge! Ni tiel rekompenc des righteous. [28:15] Once li entered urb unexpectedly sen recognized popol! Li trov 2 hom batal unu est (Hebre) el his popol ali est (Egipt) his enemies. 1 el his popol vok sur him por help his enemy Moses punched him killing him! Li dir This est work diabl; li est efektiv enemy profound misleader. [28:16] Li dir My Lord mi wronged my anim. Placx forgive me Li forgave him! Li est Forgiver Merciful. [28:17] Li dir My Lord dors por Your blessings me mi neniam est supporter kulp unu. [28:18] En des maten li est urb afraid watchful. Unu streb his help hieraux pet his help re. Moses dir al him Vi est really trouble maker. [28:19] Antaux li prov strik their komun enemy li dir O Moses vi want do kill me as vi killed ali hom hieraux? Obviously vi wish est tiran ter; vi ne wish est righteous. [28:20] Hom ven kur ali flank de urb dir, O Moses popol est plotting kill vi! Vi bon las tuj! Mi don vi bon advice [28:21] Li fled urb afraid watchful. Li dir My Lord sav me el oppressive popol! [28:22] As li vojagx Midyan li dir maj my Lord direkt me dekstr path!

[28:23] When li reached Midyan's akv li trov crowd popol akv rimark 2 women waiting sur des flank. Li dir Ki est gxi ke vi bezon? Ili dir Ni ne est able al akv crowd disperses our patr est old hom! [28:24] Li akv them tiam torn shade dir My Lord whatever provision vi send al me mi est en dire bezon por gxi. [28:25] Baldaux 1 de 2 women approached him shyly dir My patr invit vi pag vi akv us. When li met him told him his fabel li dir ne Hav tim! Vi sav oppressive popol. [28:26] 1 de 2 women dir O my patr lu him! Li est bon unu lu li est fort honest. [28:27] Li dir Mi wish ofert 1 de my 2 daughters vi al marry dors working me 8 pilgrimages se vi far them 10 gxi est voluntary your part! Mi ne wish far this materi tro difficult por vi. Vi trov me DI testament righteous. [28:28] Li dir Gxi est agreement me vi. Whichever period mi fulfill vi ne est averse al either 1. DI est guarantor DE ki NI DIR. [28:29] When li fulfilled his obligation li vojagx his famili Egypt). Li seg slope Mount Sinai fajr. Li dir al his famili Rest here. Mi seg fajr. Maybe mi bring vi news portion fajr varm vi. [28:30] When li reached gxi li est vok rand tuj flank val ben makul brul bush located O Moses this est Me DI; Lord DE UNIVERS. [28:31] Jxet down your stab. When li seg gxi mov like demon li torn around fled O Moses ven ne est afraid. Vi est perfectly sekur. [28:32] Put your man into your posx; gxi ven blank blemish Fald your wings sald down your tim! These est 2 proofs el your Lord montr Pharaoh his elders ili est wicked popol. [28:33] Li dir My Lord mi killed unu de them kaj mi tim lest ili kill me [28:34] Ankaux my frat Aaron est eloquent than mi. Send him me helper konfirm strengthen me Mi tim lest ili disbelieve me [28:35] Li dir Ni strengthen vi your frat ni proviz vi ambaux manifest auxtoritat. Tiel ili ne est able al tusx either unu de vi. Kun our mirakl 2 de vi together kun those sekv vi est victors. [28:36] When Moses ir them our proofs klar profound ili dir This fabricated magic Ni neniam auxd this our antikv ancestors. [28:37] Moses dir My Lord kon put who brought guidance Him est ultimate victors. Surely transgressors neniam sukces.

[28:38] Pharaoh dir O vi elders mi ne kon de any di vi ali than me Do fajr adobe O Hamaan en ord cxarpent tur ke mi pren jen di Moses Mi est sure ke li est liar. [28:39] Tiel li his trup ad commit arrogance ter any dekstr opini ke ili ne returned us. [28:40] Consequently ni pun him his trup jxet them into mar. Not consequences transgressors! [28:41] Ni far them imams plumb their popol al Infer. Furthermore Tag Resurrection ili ne hav help. [28:42] Ili incurred en this life condemnation Tag Resurrection ili despised [28:43] Ni don Moses scripture - Post annihilated previous generaci post setting ekzempl them - Al proviz enlightenment popol guidance mercy ke ili pren heed [28:44] Vi est prezent slope western mount when ni issued ordon Moses vi ne est witness [28:45] Ni establ many generaci length temp (ili deviated Nor est vi among des popol de Midyan reciting our revelations them! Ni did send messengers! [28:46] Nor est vi slope Mount Sinai when ni vok Moses gxi est mercy your Lord popol) en ord avert popol ne ricev warner vi ke ili pren heed [28:47] Tiel ili ne dir when disaster strik them as consequence their own deeds Our Lord hav Vi send messenger us ni sekv Your revelations est believers! [28:48] Tuj ke truth ven them us ili dir nur ni don ki don Moses ili ne disbelieve en est Did ki don Moses en des preter? Ili dir Ambaux (scriptures) est works de magic ke ekzempler unu another Ili ankaux dir Ni est disbelievers ambaux them. [28:49] Dir Tiam produkt scripture el DI bon guidance than 2 mi sekv gxi vi est truthful! [28:50] Ili fail respond vi tiam kon ti ili sekv nur their own opinions. Who est farther astray than those sekv their own opinions guidance el DI? DI NE DIREKT such wicked POPOL. [28:51] Ni liver message them ke ili pren heed [28:52] Those ni ben previous scriptures kred en this. [28:53] When gxi recited them ili dir Ni kred en gxi. This est truth our Lord Eben antaux ni auxd gxi ni est submitters.

[28:54] Al these ni grant twice rekompenc ili steadfastly persevere Ili counter evil works bon works el our provisions them ili don. [28:55] When ili ven vain talk ili disregard gxi dir Ni est responsible our deeds vi est responsible por your deeds. Pac est vi. Ni ne wish behave like ignorant unu. [28:56] Vi ne direkt unu vi am. DI est NUR UNU who DIREKT en accordance kun His VOL en accordance kun His knowledge DE those IND guidance. [28:57] Ili dir ni sekv your guidance ni sufer persecution. vol ni ne establ them Sankt Sanctuary al which all kinds da frukt ofert provision us? Ja plej de them ne kon. [28:58] Many community ni annihilated por torn unappreciative de their viv Consequently here est their hejm nothing uninhabited ruin them a few Ni est inheritors. [28:59] Por your Lord neniam annihilates any community send messenger en des midst thereof recite our revelations al them! Ni neniam annihilate any community its popol est wicked. [28:60] Cxio don vi est nur sxtof this life its vanity. Ki est DI est far put everlasting Vi ne kompren? [28:61] 1 ni promes bon promes surely ven pas egal al unu whom ni proviz kun temporary sxtof this life tiam sufer etern doom Tag Resurrection? [28:62] Tag ven when Li vok them dir Kie those idols vi do gxi est set Me [28:63] Those incurred judgment dir Our Lord these est des unu ni misled ni misled them nur ni ir astray. Ni tuj devote totally Vi. Ili really ne worshipping us. [28:64] Gxi dir Vok your idols help vi)! Ili vok them ili ne respond! Ili sufer retribution wish ili direkt! [28:65] Ke tag Li pet everyone vol Kiel vi respond messengers? [28:66] Ili tial stunned fakt ke tag ili est speechless. [28:67] As por those pent kred plumb righteous life ili end winners! [28:68] Your Lord est Unu kre whatever Li vol chooses ne 1 does any choosing Glory est al DI plej Exalted Li far super bezon partners [28:69] Your Lord kon innermost thoughts fel en their kest ankaux as cxio ili deklar. [28:70] Li est 1 DI; tie ne est ali di Him. Al Him aparten all lauxd en this 1 life en Hereafter All judgment aparten Him Him vi returned

[28:71] Dir Ki se DI far nokt perpetual gxis Tag Resurrection? Which di DI proviz vi can kun light Vi ne auxd? [28:72] Dir Ki se DI far daylight perpetual gxis Tag Resurrection? Which di DI proviz vi nokt your ripoz? Vi ne seg? [28:73] est mercy Him Li kre vi nokt tag en ord ripoz nokt) tiam streb His provisions tag) vi est appreciative [28:74] Tag ven when Li pet them Kie idols vi do gxi est fabricated rang Me [28:75] Ni select el cxiu community witness tiam dir Prezent your proof Ili realize tiam all truth aparten DI while idols ili fabricated abandon them! [28:76] Qaaroon sklav driver) est 1 de Moses' popol perfid them oppressed them! Ni don him many trezor klav thereof est preskaux tro heavy por fort man. His popol dir al him ne est arrogant; DI ne am those est arrogant! [28:77] Uz provisions bestowed upon vi per DI streb abode Hereafter neglecting your akci en this mond! Est charitable as DI est charitable towards vi. Ne keep corrupting ter! DI NE AM corruptors. [28:78] Li dir mi ating all this my own cleverness. li ne realize ti DI Did annihilated him generaci est mult fort than li greater en numer annihilated transgressors est pet pri their krim! [28:79] 1 tag li ven his popol plen splendor. Those prefer this worldly life dir Oh ni wish ni posed ki Qaaroon ating! Ja li est tre fortunate. [28:80] As por those ben knowledge ili dir Ve al vi di recompense est far put those kred plumb righteous life. Neniom ating this escept des steadfast! [28:81] Ni tiam kauxz ter glut him his mansion. Ne arme help him DI; li ne destin est winner. [28:82] Those est envious de him tag antaux dir Nun ni realize ti DI est Unu proviz por whomever Li chooses His servants withholds! Se gxi est por di grace us Li kauxz ter hirund us tro. Ni tuj realize ke disbelievers neniam sukces. [28:83] Ni rezerv abode Hereafter those ne streb exaltation ter nor corruption. ultimate victory aparten al des righteous. [28:84] Whoever works righteousness ricev far bon rekompenc! As por those commit pek retribution their pek est precisely ekvivalent al their works

[28:85] Surely Unu dekret Quran vi summon vi predetermined appointment. Dir My Lord est fully aware da those uphold guidance those ir astray! [28:86] Vi neniam expected this scripture ven your voj this est mercy your Lord Do vi ne flank disbelievers. [28:87] Nor shall vi diverted di revelations post ili ven vi invit others al your Lord Ne do ever fal idol worship [28:88] Vi ne worship DI any ali di. tie ne est ali di Him. Cxio pere His presence. Al Him aparten all sovereignty al Him vi returned . 29- Arane (Al-Ankaboot) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [29:1] A. L. M. [29:2] Popol opini ili las dir Ni Do est kred put test [29:3] Ni tested those them DI disting those est truthful Li expose liars. [29:4] those commit pek pens ke ili Do ever mistifik us? Wrong ja est their judgment [29:5] Anyone esper meet DI kon ke) such meeting DI testament plej assuredly ven pas! Li est Hearer Omniscient [29:6] Those strive strive their own bon DI est EN ne bezon DE anyone. [29:7] Those kred plumb righteous life ni certainly remit their pek certainly rekompenc them generously por their righteous works [29:8] Ni enjoined human est honor his parents Ili pen force vi set idols Me ne obe them! Al Me est your ultimate return tiam mi inform vi de cxio vi done [29:9] Those kred plumb righteous life ni certainly admit them kun des righteous! [29:10] Among des popol tie est those dir Ni kred en DI as baldaux as ili sufer any hardship DI ili equate popol persecution di retribution! Se blessings el your Lord ven your voj ili dir Ni vi. est Est DI ne fully awareof popol innermost thoughts?

[29:11] DI testament plej certainly DISTING those kred LI testament plej certainly expose hypocrites. [29:12] Those disbelieved dir al those kred vi sekv our voj ni est responsible your pek. Ne prav; ili ne bor any da their pek. Ili est liars. [29:13] En fakt, ili port their own pek ankaux al loads ali popol pek ili est responsible. plej certainly ili pet Tag Resurrection their false pretend. [29:14] Ni send Noah his popol li rest them 1000 jar malpli 50. Subsequently ili incurred inund their transgressions. [29:15] Ni sav him those akompan him ark ni set gxi lecion all popol. [29:16] Abraham dir al his popol Vi worship DI reverence Him! This est put vi se vi nur kon. [29:17] Ki vi worship DI est powerless idols; vi invent mensog idols vi worship DI ne posed any provisions vi! Do vi streb provisions nur el DI. Vi worship Him sol est appreciative de Him; Him est your ultimate return [29:18] Vi disbelieve generaci vi ankaux disbelieved Pland funkci messenger est liver message [29:19] Hav ili ne seg kiel DI iniciat creation tiam! Ripet gxi? This est facil DI do [29:20] Dir Roam ter trov out origin life. Por DI testament tiel iniciat creation Hereafter DI est Omnipotent [29:21] Li kondamn retribution whomever Li vol dusx His mercy whomever Li vol. Ultimately al Him vi est torn over [29:22] Neniom da vi escape these fakt ter heaven vi hav neniom DI as Lord Mastr. [29:23] Those disbelieve di revelations en meeting Him despaired My mercy! Ili incurred painful retribution. [29:24] Nur response el his popol est their dir Kill him brul him. DI sav him el fajr! This proviz lecion popol who kred! [29:25] Li dir Vi worship DI powerless idols peer pressure just konfit kelk friendship vi en this worldly life! Tiam Tag Resurrection vi disown unu another curse 1 another Your destiny est Infer wherein vi ne help 1 another

[29:26] Lot kred him dir mi emigrating my Lord Li est Almighty plej Sagx. [29:27] Ni granted him Isaac Jacob ni asign his descendants prophethood scriptures ni dot him his due recompense en this life Hereafter li surely est kun des righteous! [29:28] Lot dir al his popol Vi commit such abomen ne 1 en des mond ever done gxi vi! [29:29] Vi practice seks hom vi commit sxose robbery vi allow all kinds da vice your soci. nur response el his popol est dir Bring al us di retribution vi est truthful! [29:30] Li dir My Lord grant me victory these wicked popol! [29:31] When our messengers ir Abraham bon news Isaac's nask) ili ankaux dir Ni est sur our voj annihilate popol de ke town (Sodom) its popol est wicked! [29:32] Li dir Lot viv tie. Ili dir Ni est fully aware da everyone who viv en gxi. Ni do gxi da kurs sav him his famili escept his wife; sxi doomed [29:33] When our messengers alven Lot's met ili mistreated li embarrassed their presence. Ili dir ne Hav tim ne worry Ni sav vi your famili escept your wife; sxi doomed [29:34] Ni versx popol de this town disaster el cxiel consequence their wickedness. [29:35] Ni las bud kelk da their ruin al dejxor profound lecion popol kompren. [29:36] Al Midyan ni send their frat Shu aib. Li dir O my popol vi worship DI streb Last Tag ne roam ter corruptingly! [29:37] Ili disbelieved him consequently earthquake annihilated them; ili las dead their hejm per maten [29:38] Similarly 'Aad Thamoud annihilated This far manifest vi tra their ruin. Diabl ornam their works their okul diverted them path eben ili hav okul! [29:39] Ankaux Qaaroon Pharaoh Hamaan; Moses ir al them klar sign! Ili ad commit tyranny ter! Consequently ili ne evade (retribution). [29:40] All those disbelievers doomed consequence their pek. Kelk da them ni annihilated violent vund kelk annihilated quake kelk ni kauxz ter hirund kelk ni dron. DI NE est UNU wronged them; est ILI wronged their own ANIM! [29:41] allegory de those akcept ali mastr DI est ti de arane her hejm; flimsiest de all hejm est hejm arane ili nur kon! [29:42] DI kon PLEN PUT KE whatever ILI worship Him est really nothing. Li est Almighty plej Sagx.

[29:43] Ni cite these ekzempl popol neniom sxat them escept des knowledgeable. [29:44] DI KRE heavens TER truthfully. This proviz sufficient proof believers. [29:45] Vi recite ki revealed vi de scripture observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) por Kontakt Prayers prohibit evil vice remembrance DI Salat) est plej grav objective DI kon CXIO VI do [29:46] Do ne argue popol de scripture (Jud Christians Muslims) nicest possible manier! - unless ili transgress - Dir Ni kred en ki revealed us en ki revealed vi our di your di est 1 kaj des sam; al Him ni est submitters! [29:47] Ni revealed vi this scripture those ni ben previous scripture kred en gxi. Ankaux kelk da your popol kred en gxi. Ja those disregard our revelations est efektiv disbelievers. [29:48] Vi ne leg previous scriptures nor did vi skrib them your man! Tiam rejectors hav raci haven dub! [29:49] En fakt, these revelations est klar kest de those posed knowledge. Nur wicked vol disregard our revelations! [29:50] Ili dir nur mirakl ven him his Lord Dir All mirakl ven nur el DI; mi est ne plur than manifest warner! [29:51] Est gxi ne suficx de mirakl ni send down vi this libr recited them? This est ja mercy reminder popol who kred. [29:52] Dir DI suffices as witness me vi! Li kon cxio heavens ter. Surely those kred en falsehood disbelieve DI est efektiv losers! [29:53] Ili challenge vi bring retribution! Se est por predetermined appointment retribution ven them tuj! Certainly gxi ven them suddenly when ili malpli expect gxi. [29:54] Ili challenge vi bring retribution! Infer jam surrounds disbelievers. [29:55] Tag ven when retribution overwhelms them el super them beneath their fut; Li dir Gust consequences your works [29:56] O My servants kred My ter est spacious tial worship Me [29:57] Everyone gust death tiam us vi ultimately returned [29:58] Those kred plumb righteous life ni surely sald them Paradise mansions flu streams Eternally ili abide therein. Ki bel rekompenc workers. [29:59] Ili est unu steadfastly persevere fid their Lord

[29:60] Many creature ne port its provision DI proviz por gxi tro vi. Li est Hearer Omniscient [29:61] Vi pet them Who kre heavens ter put sun lun your service ili dir DI. do gxi tiam ili deviate? [29:62] DI est UNU increases provision whomever LI chooses His creatures withholds GXI! DI est fully aware da all AJX. [29:63] Vi pet them Who send cxiel akv revive dead land ili dir DI. Dir Lauxd DI. Plej de them ne kompren! [29:64] This worldly life est ne plur than vanity lud while abode Hereafter est efektiv life ili nur kon! [29:65] When ili rajd sxip ili implore DI devoting their prayers Him! as baldaux as Li sav them bord ili revert al idolatry. [29:66] Let them disbelieve ki ni don them let them gxu temporarily; ili do gxi surely trov out! [29:67] Ili ne seg ni hav establ Sankt Sanctuary ni far secure while all around them popol est konstant dangxer? Ili ankoraux kred en falsehood Would reject di blessings? [29:68] Who evil than unu fabricates mensog est atribu them DI rejects truth when gxi ven him? est Infer ne just retribution disbelievers? [29:69] As por those strive en our kauxz ni surely direkt them our paths! plej assuredly DI est kun des pi. . 30- Romans (Al-Room) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [30:1] A. L. M. [30:2] Certainly Romans defeated [30:3] En cxi land. Post their defeat ili roz re win [30:4] Within several jar. Such est di decision ambaux 1 prophecy 2. Ke tag believers gxoj

[30:5] En di victory. Li grants victory whomever Li vol. Li est Almighty Merciful. [30:6] Such est di promes - Di neniam romp His promes! - Plej popol ne kon! [30:7] Ili zorg nur pri ajx this mond est visible al them while est totally oblivious al des Hereafter [30:8] Why ili ne reflect themselves? DI NE KRE heavens TER CXIO them SPECIF purpose SPECIF life SXPIN! Tamen plej popol regard meeting their Lord est disbelievers. [30:9] Ili ne roamed ter not consequences those preceded them? Ili uz est powerful prosperous productive ter. Their messengers ir them klar sign. Consequently DI est Unu wronged them; ili est unu wronged their own anim. [30:10] consequences por those committed evil est evil Ke because ili rejected di revelations ridiculed them! [30:11] DI EST UNU INICIAT creation RIPET GXI! Ultimately vi returned Him. [30:12] Tag when Hor ven pas kulp vol shocked [30:13] Their idols ne hav potenc intercede their behalf; sur des contrary ili disown their idols! [30:14] Tag when Hor ven pas ili part kompani! [30:15] As por those kred plumb righteous life ili est Paradise gxoj [30:16] As por those disbelieve reject our revelations meeting Hereafter ili last retribution forever [30:17] Do vi glor DI when vi retire je nokt, when vi roz en des maten [30:18] All lauxd est due al Him heavens ter vesper tro as your tag. [30:19] Li produkt viv dead produkt dead viv Li revives land gxi mort; vi similarly resurrected [30:20] Among His proofs est ti Li kre vi polv tiam vi igx reproducing humans! [30:21] Among His proofs est Li kre vi spouses yourselves en ord hav tranquility contentment each ali Li ej en your kor am zorg your spouses! En this, tie est sufficient proofs popol pens.

[30:22] Among His proofs est creation de heavens ter variations your idiom your kolor. En these tie est sign por des knowledgeable. [30:23] Among His proofs est your dorm nokt tag your working en pursuit de His provisions En this, tie est sufficient proofs popol auxd. [30:24] Among His proofs est ti Li montr vi fulm source tim ankaux as esper tiam Li send cxiel akv revive land est dead En these tie est sufficient proofs popol kompren. [30:25] Among His proofs est ti heaven ter star His disposal! Finally when Li vok vi ter 1 vok vi tuj ven [30:26] Al Him aparten everyone heavens ter; all est subservient al Him! [30:27] Kaj Li est Unu iniciat creation tiam ripet gxi; this est eben facil por Him. Al Him aparten plej sublime similitude heavens ter Li est Almighty Sagx! [30:28] Li cites vi herein ekzempl el yourselves vi ever elevate your servants Do subordinates nivel kie ili rival vi pint ke vi pag them mult allegiance as est pag al vi? Ni tiel eksplik revelations popol kompren. [30:29] Ja transgressors sekv their own opinions knowledge. Who tiam direkt those send astray DI? Ne 1 ever help them. [30:30] Do vi devote religi strict monotheism. Such est natural instinkt ej into popol DI. Such creation de DI testament neniam sxangx. This est perfekt religi plej popol ne kon! [30:31] Vi submit Him reverence Him observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) kaj! - whatever vi do - ever ne fal idol worship [30:32] Ne fal idol worship like those divid their religi sects; each parti gxoj kun ki ili hav! [30:33] When adversity aflikt popol ili turn al their Lord totally devoting Him. Sed tiam as baldaux as Li dusx them kun mercy, kelk da them revert idol worship [30:34] Let them est unappreciative de ki ni don them! Gxu temporarily; vi do gxi surely trov out! [30:35] Ni don them authorization hav justifies their idolatry? [30:36] When ni bestow mercy popol ili gxoj therein. when adversity befalls them consequence their own works ili igx despondent [30:37] Ili ne realize ti DI Do increases provision whomever Li vol redukt gxi? These est lecion popol kred.

[30:38] Do vi don relativ their rightful akci charity) tro poor vojagx alien This est put those sincerely streb di plezur; ili est winners. [30:39] usury practiced increase kelk popol wealth ne gajn anything DI! Se vi don charity streb di plezur, these est unu ricev their rekompenc manifold [30:40] DI EST UNU KRE VI. Li est Unu proviz por vi. Li est Unu puts vi death. Li est Unu resurrects vi. any da your idols do any da these ajx? Li glor. Li est mult tro exalted hav any partners [30:41] Disasters stern land mar ki popol committed Li tiel lets them gust consequences de kelk da their works ili return (al des tuj works [30:42] Dir Roam ter not consequences those antaux vi. Plej de them est idol worshipers! [30:43] Do vi devote completely this perfekt religi tag ven which far inevitable DI! Ke tag ili shocked [30:44] Whoever disbelieves disbelieves detriment his own anim while those plumb righteous life do tial strengthen develop their own anim! [30:45] Li generously recompense those kred plumb righteous life el His bounties! Li ne am disbelievers. [30:46] Among His proofs est ti Li send vent bon omen dusx vi kun His mercy allow sxip kur mar en accordance kun His regul kaj vi streb His bounties commerce) vi est appreciative [30:47] Ni send messengers vi their popol profound sign. Subsequently ni pun those transgressed est our duty ni grant victory believers. [30:48] DI EST UNU SEND VUND EMOCI NUB STERN CXIEL en accordance kun His VOL! Li tiam piles nub tiam vi seg pluv ven therefrom When gxi auxtun whomever Li chooses His servants ili gxoj [30:49] Gxi fal them ili resorted despair [30:50] Vi sxat di continuous mercy kaj kiel Li revives land est dead Li do gxi just as certainly resurrect dead Li est Omnipotent [30:51] Hav ni send them instead flav sandstorm ili ad disbelieve! [30:52] Vi ne far dead nor surd auxd vok once ili turn

[30:53] Nor can vi direkt blind their straying Vi nur auxd those kred en our revelations decid igx submitters! [30:54] DI EST UNU KRE VI weak TIAM granted VI POST weakness strength TIAM substituted strength weakness GRIZ HAR! Li kre whatever Li vol. Li est Omniscient Omnipotent [30:55] Tag when Hor ven pas kulp vol jxur ili last en this mond) nur unu hor! Est kiel wrong ili est [30:56] Those ben knowledge faith dir Vi last di dekret Tag Resurrection! tuj this est Tag Resurrection vi failed recognize gxi! [30:57] Do ne apology ke tag benefit transgressors nor vol ili pretekst. [30:58] Tiel ni cited popol en this Quran all kinds da ekzempl. ne materi ki kind da proof vi prezent disbelievers ili dir Vi est falsifiers. [30:59] DI TIEL SIGEL KOR DE those NE KON. [30:60] Do vi steadfastly persevere - Por di promes est truth - Kaj ne intimidated per those ne ating certainty! . 31- Luqmaan (Luqman) En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [31:1] A. L. M. [31:2] These (liter) constitute proofs this libr wisdom. [31:3] beacon mercy por des righteous. [31:4] Who observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) kaj regards Hereafter ili est absolutely nepr! [31:5] Ili sekv guidance their Lord ili est winners. [31:6] Among des popol, tie est those uphold baseless Hadith tiel divert others path de DI knowledge pren gxi en vain These incurred shameful retribution. [31:7] Kaj when our revelations recited 1 de them li turn arrogance as li neniam auxd them his orel est surd. Promes him painful retribution.

[31:8] Surely those kred plumb righteous life ind gxarden bliss! [31:9] Eternally ili abide therein. This est truthful promes DI. Li est Almighty Sagx. [31:10] Li kre heavens sen pillars ti vi seg! Li establ ter stabilizers (mont) lest gxi tumbles vi Li stern gxi all kinds da creatures! Ni send cxiel akv kresk all kinds da bel plant! [31:11] Such est creation DI; montr me ki idols vi set Him kre. Ja transgressors est far astray. [31:12] Ni dot Luqmaan kun wisdom Vi est appreciative de DI Whoever est appreciative est appreciative por his own bon As por those turn unappreciative DI est ne bezon Praiseworthy. [31:13] Recall Luqmaan dir al his fil as li enlightened him O my fil do ne set any idols DI; idolatry est gross injustice! [31:14] Ni enjoined human est honor his parents His mother bor him load got heavier heavier Gxi pren 2 jar intensive zorg) weaning Vi est appreciative de Me your parents Al Me est ultimate destiny. [31:15] Ili pen force vi set any idols Me ne obe them! Ad trakt them amicably en this mond! Vi sekv nur path de those submitted Me Ultimately vi all return Me tiam mi inform vi de cxio vi done [31:16] O my fil kon ke eben io as tiny as mustard seed profund inside rok est gxi heavens ter DI testament bring gxi. DI EST Sublime Cognizant [31:17] O my fil vi observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat). Vi advokat righteousness forbid evil ceter steadfast en des vizagx de adversity! These est plej honorable trajt. [31:18] Vi ne trakt popol arrogance nor shall vi roam ter proudly. DI NE does arrogant showoffs. [31:19] Marsx humbly lower your vocx - Turp vocx est donkey's vocx. [31:20] Do vi ne seg DI committed en your service cxio heavens ter dusx vi His blessings! - obvious fel kelk popol argue pri DI knowledge guidance enlightening scripture. [31:21] When ili told Sekv these revelations DI ili dir Neni ni sekv nur ki ni trov our parents Ki diabl doing plumb them agondi Infer? [31:22] Those submit completely DI while konduk righteous life gotten ten de fort obligaci! Por DI est plen control all ajx!

[31:23] As por those disbelieve ne saddened their disbelief! Al us est their ultimate return tiam ni inform them de cxio ili done DI est fully aware da innermost thoughts. [31:24] Ni let them gxu temporarily tiam commit them severe retribution! [31:25] Vi pet them Who kre heavens ter ili dir DI. Dir Lauxd est al DI. plej de them ne kon! [31:26] Al DI aparten cxio heavens ter! DI est PLEJ RICX Praiseworthy. [31:27] all arb ter far into plum ocean supplied ink eg 7 plur ocean vort DI ne kur out! DI est Almighty SAGX. [31:28] creation resurrection de all da vi est sam as ke de 1 ul. DI est Hearer Seer. [31:29] Vi ne realize ti DI merges nokt tag Do merges tag into nokt ke Li committed sun lun your service each kur en its orbit specif life sxpin ke DI est fully Cognizant de cxio vi do [31:30] This pruv ti DI est truth while any idol ili set Him est falsehood kaj ti DI est plej Alt Great [31:31] Vi ne seg sxip roam mar port di Do provisions montr vi kelk da His proofs Ja these est sufficient proofs everyone est steadfast appreciative [31:32] When violent ond surround them ili implore DI sincerely devoting their prayers Him sol! as baldaux as Li sav them bord kelk da them revert Neniom discards our revelations those est betrayers unappreciative. [31:33] O popol vi reverence your Lord tim tag when patr ne help his own infan nor can infan help his patr! Certainly di promes est truth. Do ne distr this life; ne distr DI mere iluzi! [31:34] Kun DI est knowledge Hor end mond). Li est 1 who send down pluv Li kon kontent womb! Ne anim kon ki vol okaz gxi morgaux ne 1 kon which land li sxi mort! DI est Omniscient Cognizant . 32- Prostration (Al-Sajdah) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [32:1] A. L. M.

[32:2] Libr est dub revelation Lord univers. [32:3] Ili dir Li fabricated gxi. Ja this est truth your Lord avert popol who neniam ricev warner vi ili direkt! [32:4] DI EST UNU KRE heavens TER CXIO them 6 TAG TIAM assumed all AUXTORITAT. Vi hav neniom Him as Lord nor do vi hav intercessor! Vi ne pren heed [32:5] All materi controlled Him heaven ter! Al Him tag est ekvivalent al 1000 de your jar. [32:6] Knower de all sekret declarations; Almighty Merciful. [32:7] Li est Unu perfekt cxio Li kre started creation human el clay [32:8] Tiam Li ad his reproduction nepr lowly liquid [32:9] Li shaped him blov him His spirit Li don vi auxd eyesight cerb; rarely est vi thankful. [32:10] Ili wonder Post ni vanish ter do ni kre re? Do as regards meeting their Lord ili est disbelievers! [32:11] Dir Vi put death angxel whose charge vi ej tiam your Lord vi returned [32:12] Nur vi seg kulp when ili bow their kap their Lord Our Lord tuj ni seg ni auxd. send us ni est righteous! Nun ni ating certainty. [32:13] Hav ni willed ni don cxiu anim its guidance gxi jam predetermined mi fill Infer jinns humans all together [32:14] Gust consequences de your forges this tag; tuj ni forges vi. Vi incurred etern retribution dors your own works [32:15] Nur popol ver kred en our revelations est those fal prostrate upon auxd them! Ili glor lauxd their Lord any arrogance! [32:16] Their flank readily forsake their bed en ord worship their Lord reverence kaj esper kaj our provisions them ili don! [32:17] Vi ne hav ide kiel mult joy happiness waiting vi as rekompenc your (righteous) works [32:18] Unu est believer sam as unu est est wicked? Ili est egal.

[32:19] As por those kred plumb righteous life ili ind etern Paradise! Such est their abode dors their works [32:20] As por wicked their destiny est Infer. Cxiu temp ili pen las gxi ili forced dors! Ili told Gust agondi Infer vi uz disbelieve en! [32:21] Ni let them gust smaller retribution this mond) antaux ili incur greater retribution Hereafter ke ili (pren hint reform [32:22] Who evil than unu est reminded de these revelations his Lord tiam insist disregarding them? Ni certainly pun kulp [32:23] Ni don Moses scripture - Ne haven any dub meeting Him! - Ni far gxi direkt Infan Israel. [32:24] Ni appointed them imams direkt en accordance kun our commandments ili steadfastly persevered ating certainty our revelations! [32:25] Your Lord est Unu jugx them Tag Resurrection cxio ili disput. [32:26] Gxi Does ever occur them kiel many generaci ni annihilated them? Ili tuj viv marsx en their ancestors' hejm. This proviz sufficient proofs Ili ne auxd? [32:27] Ili ne realize ni driv akv barren land, produkt gxi crops feed their livestock tro themselves? Ili ne seg? [32:28] Ili challenge Kie ke victory vi est est truthful? [32:29] Dir tag such victory ven kred vol ne benefit those ne kred antaux ke, nor vol ili don another sxanc! [32:30] Do disregard them wait ili tro waiting . 33- Parti (Al-Ahzab) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [33:1] O vi prophet vi reverence DI ne obe disbelievers hypocrites. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [33:2] Sekv ki revealed vi your Lord DI est fully Cognizant DE CXIO VI all do

[33:3] put your fid DI! DI suffices ADVOKAT. [33:4] DI NE DON any HOM 2 KOR his KEST. Nor did Li torn your wives whom vi estrange your mor) your mothers Nor did Li torn your adopted infan into genetic offspring All these est mere utterances vi invent. DI PAROL truth LI DIREKT (DEKSTR) path! [33:5] Vi don your adopted infan nom ke konfit their relationship their genetic parents This est equitable sight DI. Se vi ne kon their parents tiam your brethren religi vi trakt them members your famili. Vi ne commit pek vi far mistake en this respekt; vi est responsible por your purposeful intentions DI est Forgiver Merciful. [33:6] prophet est closer al believers than ili est al each ali his wives est mothers them. Relativ sorb zorg da unu another en accordance kun di scripture. Tiel believers sorb zorg da their relativ immigrate them proviz ili hav sorb zorg da their own famili 1! These est commandments this scripture. [33:7] Recall ti ni pren prophets their covenant vi O Muhammad) Noah Abraham Moses Jesus fil Mary! Ni pren them solen pledge [33:8] Subsequently Li surely question truthful pri their truthfulness prepar disbelievers en this Quranic fakt) painful retribution! [33:9] O vi kred memor di ben vi; when soldat atak vi ni send them violent vent invisible soldat! DI est Seer DE CXIO VI do [33:10] When ili ven el super vi el beneath vi your okul terrified your kor kur pacienc kaj Vi harbored unbefitting thoughts DI. [33:11] Ke est when believers ver tested ili severely sxancel up [33:12] hypocrites those dub their kor dir Ki DI His messenger promes us est ne plur than iluzi! [33:13] Grup de them dir O popol Yathrib vi ne ating victory; ir Others far up pretekst prophet Our hejm est vulnerable when ili ne est vulnerable. Ili just wanted flee. [33:14] Hav enemy invad pet them join ili joined enemy sen hesitation! [33:15] Ili pledged DI en des preter ili ne turn around flee; far pledge DI involves great responsibility! [33:16] Dir Se vi flee vi neniam flee death el killed Ne materi ki okaz vi nur viv short while long!

[33:17] Dir Who protekt vi DI se Li willed any adversity willed any ben vi? Ili neniam trov DI any ali Lord Mastr [33:18] DI EST fully aware da hinderers VI those dir al their KAMARAD all REST Rarely do ILI mobilize POR defense [33:19] Ankaux ili est tro stingy when dealing kun vi! Se anything minac community vi vid their okul volv kun tim as death jam ven them! Once kriz est ili vip vi akr lang. Ili est tro stingy their wealth. These est believers consequently DI nullified their works This est facil DI do [33:20] Ili opini parti ven Tiam ili wish ili perd dezert pet pri your news el afar! Hav parti atak vi while ili est vi ili rarely support vi! [33:21] messenger DI set bon ekzempl those among vi streb DI Last Tag constantly pens DI. [33:22] When prav believers seg parti (pret atak) ili dir This est ki DI His messenger promes us DI His messenger est truthful. This (dangerous situaci) nur strengthened their faith eg their submission! [33:23] Among believers tie est popol fulfill their pledges DI. Kelk da them mort while others star pret neniam wavering [33:24] DI testament surely recompense truthful POR their truthfulness PUN hypocrites SE LI VOL redeem them! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [33:25] DI repulsed those disbelieved their rage ILI LAS empty-handed! DI TIEL SXPAR believers any batal DI est Powerful Almighty [33:26] Li ankaux brought their allies among des popol scripture their secure pozici jxet terror into their kor! Kelk da them vi killed kelk vi sorb captive [33:27] Li far vi hered their land their hejm their mon land vi neniam sxtup sur! DI est PLEN control all AJX. [33:28] O prophet dir al your wives vi streb this life its vanities tiam let me kompens vi allow vi ir amicably! [33:29] Se vi streb DI His messenger abode Hereafter tiam DI prepar righteous vi great recompense [33:30] O wives prophet se any da vi commits gross pek retribution doubled her! This est facil DI do

[33:31] Any unu de vi obe DI His messenger plumb righteous life ni grant her double recompense ni prepar her generous provision [33:32] O wives de prophet vi est sam as any ali women se vi observ righteousness! (Vi hav greater responsibility.) Do vi ne parol tro softly lest those disease en their kor get wrong ide; vi parol nur righteousness. [33:33] Vi sald down your hejm do ne mingle popol excessively vi uz do en old tag ignorance! Vi observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) obe DI His messenger! DI wishes remove all unholiness EL VI O VI viv SANKT Shrine purify VI completely [33:34] Memor ki recited your hejm de di revelations wisdom inherent therein! DI EST Sublime Cognizant [33:35] submitting hom submitting women kred hom kred women obedient hom obedient women truthful hom truthful women steadfast hom steadfast women reverent hom reverent women charitable hom charitable women fast hom fast women cxast hom cxast women hom commemorate DI frequently commemorating women DI prepar them forgiveness great recompense [33:36] ne kred hom kred woman se DI His messenger issue any ordon hav any choice regarding ke ordon! Anyone disobeys DI His messenger ir far astray. [33:37] Recall vi dir al unu ben DI ben vi Keep your wife reverence DI vi kasx yourself ki DI wished proklam! Tiel vi tim popol when vi supoz tim nur DI! When Zeid est completely his wife ni hav vi marry her en ord establ precedent ke hom marry divorced wife his adopted fil. Di ordon done [33:38] prophet ne committing error doing anything far lawful DI! Such est di sistem fru generaci. Di ordon est sankt duty. [33:39] Those liver di messages who reverence Him sol neniam tim anyone DI! DI est PLEJ efficient reckoner. [33:40] Muhammad ne est patr any hom vi. Li est messenger DI final prophet. DI est fully aware da all AJX. [33:41] O vi kred vi memor DI frequently. [33:42] Vi glor Him tag kaj nokt. [33:43] Li est Unu help vi together His angxel plumb vi out da darkness into light Li est Merciful towards believers. [33:44] Their greeting tag ili meet Him est Pac Li prepar them generous recompense

[33:45] O prophet ni send vi witness bearer bon news tro warner. [33:46] Invit DI en accordance kun His vol direkt beacon [33:47] Liver bon news believers ili ind DI great ben [33:48] Ne obe disbelievers hypocrites disregard their insult put your fid DI; DI suffices advokat! [33:49] O vi kred vi married kred women tiam divorced them antaux hav intercourse them ili ne sxuld vi any waiting interim (antaux marrying another hom)! Vi kompens them equitably let them amicably! [33:50] O prophet ni far lawful vi your wives al whom vi pag their due dowry ki vi jam as granted vi DI! Ankaux lawful por vi en marriage est daughters your patr frat daughters your patr sisters daughters your mother's frat daughters your mother's sisters emigrated vi. Ankaux se kred woman don prophet - Per forfeiting dowry! - prophet marry her dowry li tial wishes Tamen sxi forfeiting de dowry aplik nur al prophet ne al ali believers. Ni jam dekret their dekstr en regard their spouses ki ili jam hav. This est sxpar vi any embaras. DI est Forgiver Merciful. [33:51] Vi gently shun any unu de them vi bring closer al vi any unu de them. Vi reconcile any unu vi estranged vi ne commit error En this voj ili placx ne hav grief est kontent ki vi equitably ofert all da them! DI kon KI est your KOR! DI est Omniscient Clement [33:52] Beyond categories described vi vi enjoined el marrying any ali women nor can vi substitute neo wife (el prohibited categories) ne materi kiel mult vi admir their beauty! Vi est kontent kun those jam far lawful al vi. DI est watchful all AJX. [33:53] O vi kred ne enter prophet's hejm vi don permission mangx nor shall vi force such invitation any manier! Vi invit vi enter. When vi fin mangx vi las; ne engage him lengthy konversaci! This uz dolor prophet li est tro shy tell vi! Di ne shy for truth. Vi pet his wives io pet them barrier This est pur por your kor their kor Vi ne est dolor messenger DI. Vi ne marry his wives him this est gross offense sight DI. [33:54] Vi deklar anything kasx gxi DI est fully aware da all ajx. [33:55] women relax (their vest kod) their patr their fil their frat fil their frat fil their sisters ali women their female servants! Ili reverence DI. DI witnesses all AJX. [33:56] DI His ANGXEL HELP support prophet! O vi kred vi help support him regard him as li regarded [33:57] Surely those oppose DI His messenger DI aflikt them curse en this life en Hereafter Li prepar them shameful retribution!

[33:58] Those persekut kred hom kred women ne do anything wrong committed ne nur falsehood ankaux gross pek. [33:59] O prophet tell your wives your daughters wives believers ke ili lengthen their garments. Tiel ili recognized righteous women evit insult! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [33:60] hypocrites those disease their kor vicious liars urb refrain (el persekut vi) ni surely grant vi upper man tiam ili forced las short while [33:61] Ili incurred condemnation wherever ili ir; ili stop atak vi) ili sorb killed [33:62] This est di etern sistem vi trov di sistem est unchangeable. [33:63] Popol pet vi Hor end mond). Dir knowledge thereof est nur DI! all vi kon Hor est close [33:64] DI KONDAMN disbelievers prepar them INFER! [33:65] Eternally ili abide therein. Ili ne trov lord nor supporter. [33:66] Tag ili jxet Infer ili dir Oh ni wish ni obe DI obe messenger. [33:67] Ili ankaux dir Our Lord ni obe our mastr estr ili plumb us astray! [33:68] Our Lord don them double retribution curse them tremendous curse [33:69] O vi kred ne est those dolor Moses tiam DI absolved him de ki ili dir. Li est sight DI honorable. [33:70] O vi kred reverence DI utter nur gxust utterances! [33:71] Li tiam fiks your works forgive your pek. Those obe DI His messenger triumf great triumf. [33:72] Ni ofert responsibility (freedom de choice heavens ter mont ili rifuz bor gxi est afraid de gxi! human est akcept gxi li transgressing ignorant. [33:73] Por DI testament inevitably pun hypocrite hom hypocrite women idol worshipping hom idol worshipping women DI redeems kred HOM kred women DI est Forgiver Merciful. . 34- Sheba (Saba) .

En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [34:1] Lauxd est DI - whom aparten cxio heavens ter; all lauxd est ankaux Him Hereafter Li est plej Sagx Cognizant [34:2] Li kon cxio ir ter cxio ke ven gxi cxio ven cxiel cxio ke grimp into gxi. Li est plej Merciful des Forgiving [34:3] Those disbelieve dir Hor neniam ven pas! Dir Absolutely - Per my Lord - Gxi testament plej certainly ven vi. Li est Knower future Ne eben ekvivalent atom weight kasx Him est gxi heavens ter. Ne eben smaller than ke larger kasx). All est profound record [34:4] plej certainly Li rekompenc those kred plumb righteous life! These ind forgiveness generous provision [34:5] As por those constantly challenge our revelations ili incurred retribution painful humiliation. [34:6] est evident al those ben knowledge ke this revelation el your Lord al vi est truth kaj ke gxi direkt path Almighty plej Praiseworthy! [34:7] Those disbelieve dir montr vi hom tells vi vi est larm apart vi kre re! [34:8] Either li fabricated mensog DI li est crazy Ja those disbelieve Hereafter incurred mav retribution; ili ir far astray. [34:9] Ili ne seg all ajx them behind them en heaven ter? Ni willed ni kauxz ter hirund them kauxz mes fal them cxiel! This est sufficient proof por cxiu obedient servant. [34:10] Ni dot David blessings us O mont submit him vi tro O bird Ni softened glad por him. [34:11] Vi far sxild ke dec perfectly work righteousness! Whatever vi do mi est Seer thereof. [34:12] Al Solomon ni committed vent his disposal vojagx 1 monat ven 1 monat ir Ni kauxz risort ole sxpruc out him. Ankaux jinns worked him his Lord's las. Any unu de them disregarded our ordon ni subjekt him severe retribution. [34:13] Ili far him anything li wanted - niches statu profund pools heavy kuir pot! O famili David work (righteousness) montr your appreciation. Nur a few da My servants est appreciative

[34:14] When appointed temp his death ven ili ne hav clue ti li mort. Ne 1 de best pen mangx his stab li fal down did jinns realized ti li est dead Ili tiel realized ke ili really kon unseen ili stop working tial hard as baldaux as li mort! [34:15] Sheba's homeland uz est mir 2 gxarden sur dekstr las Mangx your Lord's provisions est appreciative de Him - Bon land forgiving Lord [34:16] Ili torn consequently ni versx them disastrous inund ni substituted their 2 gxarden into 2 gxarden mav gust frukt thorny plant skimpy rikolt! [34:17] Ni tiel requited them their disbelief. Ni ne requite nur disbelievers? [34:18] Ni ej them communities ke ni ben ali oases ni secured journey them Vojagx therein tag nokt komplet security! [34:19] Ili (torn unappreciative challenged Our Lord ni ne zorg Vi increase distanc our journeys any staci Ili do wronged their own anim. Consequently ni far them histori scattered them into small communities land. This proviz lecion those est steadfast appreciative [34:20] Satan trov them readily fulfilling his expectations! Ili sekv him a few believers. [34:21] Li neniam hav any potenc them. Ni tiel disting those kred en Hereafter el those est doubtful pri gxi. Your Lord est plen control all ajx. [34:22] Dir Implore idols vi set DI! Ili ne posed single atom heavens ter. Ili ne posed partnership therein nor does Li permes them est His assistants! [34:23] Intercession Him est en vain gxi coincides kun His vol. When their mens finally sald down ili pet Ki did your Lord dir ili dir truth. Li est plej Alt plej Great [34:24] Dir Who proviz por vi heavens ter? Dir DI Either ni vi direkt ir far astray! [34:25] dir Vi est responsible por our krim nor est ni responsible por ki vi do [34:26] Dir Our Lord gather us all together antaux Him tiam Li jugx us equitably! Li est Jugx Omniscient [34:27] Dir Montr me idols vi set as partners Him! ne Dir Li est 1 DI Almighty Sagx! [34:28] Ni send vi O Rashad) all popol bearer bon news ankaux as warner plej popol ne kon! [34:29] Ili challenge When this promes ven pas vi est truthful? [34:30] Dir Vi hav specif temp specif tag vi ne delay 1 hor nor advance

[34:31] Those disbelieve dir Ni ne kred en this Quran nor previous scriptures. vi nur envision these transgressors when ili star their Lord Ili argue 1 another dors kaj for. followers tell their estr Se ne est vi ni est believers. [34:32] Estr dir al those vol sekv them ni des unu Est diverted vi guidance gxi ven al vi? Ne; gxi est vi est wicked. [34:33] followers dir al their estr est vi schemed nokt tag tiam komand us est unappreciative de DI set idols rang Him. Ili rajd remorse when ili seg retribution ni ej shackles kol de those disbelieved Ili justly ne requited ki ili did [34:34] Cxiu temp ni send warner community estr ke community dir Ni reject message vi send kun! [34:35] Ili ankaux dir Ni est powerful plur mon infan ni ne pun! [34:36] Dir My Lord est 1 controls all provisions Li grants provisions whomever Li vol redukt them plej popol ne kon! [34:37] Ne est your mon your infan bring vi closer al us. Nur those kred plumb righteous life ricev rekompenc their works multiplied manifold En abode Paradise ili do gxi viv en perfekt pac! [34:38] As por those consistently challenge our revelations ili abide retribution. [34:39] Dir My Lord est Unu controls all provisions Li increases provisions whomever Li chooses His servants redukt them! Anything vi spend ig Di) Li rekompenc vi gxi; Li est Put Provider. [34:40] Tag when Li summons them all Li dir al angxel these do gxi popol worship vi? [34:41] Ili respond Vi glor. Vi est our Lord Mastr ne them! Instead ili worshipping jinns; plej de them est believers therein. [34:42] Tag vi ne posed potenc help harm 1 another ni dir al transgressors Gust retribution Infer vi uz deny [34:43] When our proofs recited them perfectly klar ili dir This est simply hom wants divert vi voj your parents worshipping Ili ankaux dir These fabricated mensog. Those disbelieved ankaux dir truth ven them This est obviously magic [34:44] Ni ne don them any ali libr stud nor did ni send al them vi another warner! [34:45] Those antaux them disbelieved ecx kvankam ili ne seg one-tenth (mirakl) ni don this generaci when ili disbelieved My messengers kiel severe est My retribution!

[34:46] Dir mi pet vi do 1 ajx Devote DI en par as individu tiam reflect Your amik (Rashad) ne est crazy Li est manifest warner vi just antaux advent terrible retribution. [34:47] dir mi ne pet vi any wage vi keep gxi. My wage ven nur el DI. Li witnesses all ajx. [34:48] Dir My Lord kauxz truth prevail Li est Knower all sekret. [34:49] Dir truth ven; while falsehood can nek iniciat anything nor ripet gxi! [34:50] Dir Se mi ir astray mi ir astray my own shortcomings! Kaj se mi direkt gxi est my Lord's inspiration. Li est Hearer Proksim. [34:51] Vi nur seg them when great terror strik them; ili ne escape tiam ili est sorb for forcibly! [34:52] Ili tiam dir Ni tuj kred en gxi gxi est far tro late [34:53] Ili rejected gxi en des preter; ili decid instead uphold konjekt kaj guesswork! [34:54] Consequently ili deprived de cxio ili long por. This est sam sort their counterparts previous generaci. Ili harbored tro many dub. . 35- Initiator (Faater) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [35:1] Lauxd est DI Initiator de heavens ter appointer angxel est messengers wings - 2 3 4 wings Li increases creation as Li vol. DI est Omnipotent [35:2] When DI dusx popol kun mercy, ne force stop gxi. Kaj se Li withholds gxi neni force ali than Li send gxi! Li est Almighty Sagx. [35:3] O popol memor di blessings vi. Est tie any creator DI proviz por vi heaven ter? tie ne est ali di Him. Kiel vi deviate? [35:4] Ili disbelieve vi messengers vi disbelieved DI est EN control DE all AJX! [35:5] O popol di promes est truth; do ne distr this lowly life! Ne diverted DI mere iluzi. [35:6] Diabl est your enemy tial trakt him enemy Li nur invit his parti est dwellers Infer!

[35:7] Those disbelieve incurred severe retribution those kred plumb righteous life ind forgiveness great recompense [35:8] Not unu evil work ornam his okul gxis li opini gxi est righteous! DI TIEL SEND astray whoever VOL IR astray) LI DIREKT whoever VOL DIREKT). Do ne grieve them. DI EST fully aware da CXIO ILI do [35:9] DI EST UNU SEND VUND EMOCI NUB TIAM NI DRIV them barren land, revive such LAND POST ILI est dead Tiel est resurrection. [35:10] Anyone streb dign kon ke al DI aparten all dign! Al Him ascends bon vort Li exalts righteous works As por those scheme evil works ili incur severe retribution; scheming de such popol destin fail [35:11] DI KRE VI POLV TIAM tiny GUT TIAM LI KAUXZ VI reproduce your spouses. Ne female igx graved nor don nask His knowledge! Ne 1 survives long life ne 1 life snapped short en accordance kun pre-existing record This est facil DI. [35:12] 2 mar ne est sam; unu est fresx delicious while ali est salty undrinkable. El each da them vi mangx tender viand ekstrakt jewelry wear Vi seg sxip vel tra them streb His provisions ti vi est appreciative [35:13] Li merges nokt tag merges tag nokt. Li committed sun lun kur por predetermined period da temp! Such est DI your Lord al Him aparten all kingship! Any idols vi set Him ne posed seed's sxel. [35:14] Vi vok sur them ili ne auxd vi. Eben se ili auxd vi ili ne respond vi. Tag Resurrection ili disown vi. Neniom inform vi like plej Cognizant [35:15] O popol vi est unu bezon DI while DI est en ne bezon anyone plej Praiseworthy [35:16] Li vol Li get rid da vi substitute neo creation. [35:17] This ne est tro difficult por DI. [35:18] Ne anim port pek another anim. Anim loaded pek implores another bor part de its load neni ali anim port any part de gxi ecx ili rilat! Nur popol heed your warnings est those reverence their Lord eben when sol en their privacy observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat)! Whoever purifies his anim does tial his own bon Al DI est final destiny. [35:19] Blind seer ne est egal! [35:20] Nor est darkness light [35:21] Nor est coolness de shade hejt sun.

[35:22] Nor est viv dead DI kauxz whomever Li vol auxd. Vi ne far hearers those graves [35:23] Vi est ne plur than warner. [35:24] Ni send vi truth bearer bon news tro warner. Cxiu community ricev warner. [35:25] Se ili disbelieve vi those antaux them ankaux disbelieved Their messengers ir them klar proofs Psalm enlightening scriptures. [35:26] Subsequently mi pun those disbelieved kiel terrible est My retribution! [35:27] Vi ne realize DI send down cxiel akv whereby ni produkt Do frukt de various kolor? Eben mont hav different kolor; peaks est blank rugx kelk ali kolor. ravens est nigr! [35:28] Ankaux popol best livestock ven various kolor. This est popol ver reverence DI est those est knowledgeable. DI est Almighty Forgiving [35:29] Surely those recite libr DI observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat) our provisions them ili spend - secretly publicly - engaged investment neniam perd! [35:30] Li recompense them generously multiply His blessings them! Li Forgiving Appreciative [35:31] ki ni revealed vi en this scripture est truth consummating all previous scriptures! DI est fully Cognizant DE His servants Seer. [35:32] Ni pas scripture generaci generaci, ni allowed whomever ni chose our servants ricev gxi! Subsequently kelk da them wronged their anim others upheld gxi nur part de temp while others est eager work righteousness en accordance kun di testament this est greatest triumf! [35:33] Ili enter gxarden Eden ili ornam bracelets de or perl their garments gxi far silk [35:34] Ili dir Lauxd DI removing all our worries Our Lord Forgiving Appreciative [35:35] Li admitted us abode etern bliss His grace Neniam do ni ted herein neniam do ni lac. [35:36] As por those disbelieve ili incurred fajr Infer kie ili neniam fin death nor est retribution ever commuted them. Ni tiel requite des unappreciative. [35:37] Ili scream therein Our Lord vi get us out da here ni work righteousness works ni uz do ni ne don vi life-long sxanc continuous reminders those pren heed Vi ne ricev warner? Do gust (consequences). transgressors hav ne 1 help them. [35:38] DI est Knower future DE heavens TER. Li est Knower all innermost thoughts.

[35:39] Li est Unu far vi inheritors ter. Subsequently whoever chooses disbelieve does tial his own detriment. disbelief disbelievers nur eg their Lord's abhorrence them. disbelief disbelievers plongx them profund loss [35:40] Dir Konsider idols vi set DI; montr me ki sur ter ili hav kre. ili own any partnership heavens? Ni don them libr hav wherein tie est ne dub? Ja ki transgressors promes 1 another est ne plur than iluzi. [35:41] DI EST UNU TEN heavens TER lest ILI vanish. Se anyone aux est ten them ili testament plej certainly vanish! Li est Clement Forgiving [35:42] Ili jxur DI solemnly warner ir them ili est put direkt than nepr congregation! Tuj ke warner did ven them this nur plongx them profund aversion. [35:43] Ili resorted arrogance ter evil scheming evil schemes nur backfire sur those scheme them. Ili tiam expect anything sort de those who did sam ajx en des preter? Vi trov di sistem est neniam changeable; vi trov di sistem est immutable. [35:44] Ili ne roamed ter not consequences those preceded them? Ili est eben fort than ili. Nothing kasx DI heavens nor ter. Li est Omniscient Omnipotent [35:45] Se DI pun popol their pek Li ne las single creature ter. Li respites them por predetermined interim Once their interim fulfilled tiam DI est Seer His servants. . 36- Y S. (Ya Pek) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [36:1] Y S. (Yaa Seg)! [36:2] Quran ke est plen da wisdom! [36:3] plej assuredly vi (Rashad) est 1 de messengers. [36:4] Sur rekt path. [36:5] This revelation est el Almighty Merciful. [36:6] Al avert popol parents neniam avert do ili est unaware! [36:7] Gxi predetermined ke plej de them ne kred.

[36:8] Ni ej their kol shackles up their menton. Consequently ili igx seruv their disbelief! [36:9] Ni ej barrier them barrier behind them tiel ni vual them; ili ne seg. [36:10] est sam vi avert them ne ili ne kred [36:11] Vi heeded nur those uphold this message reverence plej Gracious! - Eben when sol their privacy. Don them bon news forgiveness generous recompense [36:12] Ni certainly revive dead ni recorded cxio ili done en this life tro consequences ad their death! Cxio ni counted profound record [36:13] Cite por them ekzempl popol community ke ricev messengers. [36:14] When ni send al them 2 (messengers) ili disbelieved them. Ni tiam supported them 3. Ili dir Ni est (Di) messengers vi. [36:15] Ili dir Vi est ne plur than human beings us. Plej Gracious ne send anything. Vi est liars. [36:16] Ili dir Our Lord kon ni est send al vi. [36:17] Our pland misi est liver message [36:18] Ili dir Ni konsider vi mav omens Vi refrain ni surely sxton vi aflikt vi painful retribution. [36:19] Ili dir Your omen depends your response tuj ke vi reminded Ja vi transgressing popol. [36:20] Hom ven ali end urb dir O my popol sekv messengers. [36:21] Sekv those ne pet vi por any wage kaj direkt! [36:22] Why mi ne worship Unu iniciat me should al Him est your ultimate return [36:23] Mi set Him di? Plej Gracious willed any harm me their intercession ne help me 1 mord nor can ili rescue me [36:24] Tiam mi est totally astray. [36:25] Mi hav kred en your Lord placx auxskult al me [36:26] (Je des temp da his death) li told Enter Paradise. Li dir Oh Mi wish my popol kon!

[36:27] Ke my Lord forgiven me far me honorable. [36:28] Ni ne send down his popol him soldat cxiel; ni ne send them down [36:29] All pren est 1 blov whereupon ili ankoraux! [36:30] Kiel sorry est popol stat! Cxiu temp messenger ir them ili cxiam ridiculed him. [36:31] Ili ne seg kiel many generaci ni annihilated antaux them kiel ili neniam return them? [36:32] Cxiu unu de them summoned antaux us. [36:33] 1 sign them est dead land ni revive gxi produkt el gxi grajn their food [36:34] Ni kresk gxi gxarden dat palm grapes ni kauxz risort sxpruc out therein! [36:35] This est proviz them frukt let them manufacture their own man whatever ili bezon! Ili est thankful? [36:36] Glory est 1 who kre all kinds da plant ter tro as themselves ali creations ke ili do ne eben kon! [36:37] Another sign them est nokt ni remove daylight therefrom whereupon ili est en darkness. [36:38] Sun sets specif location desegn Almighty Omniscient [36:39] Lun ni desegn aper stages gxi igx old kurb sheath [36:40] Sun est neniam kapt up kun lun! - Nokt tag neniam deviate - each da them floating its own orbit [36:41] Another sign them est ti ni port their ancestors loaded ark. [36:42] Tiam ni kre sam them rajd en. [36:43] Ni willed ni dron them their screaming ne auxd nor could ili sav. [36:44] Instead ni dusx them kun mercy, let them gxu por awhile! [36:45] sed when ili told Lern your preter work righteousness your future ke vi ating mercy! [36:46] Ne materi ki kind da proof don them their Lord ili consistently disregard gxi.

[36:47] When ili told Don di provisions vi those disbelieve dir al those kred ni don those DI feed se Li tial willed? Vi est really far astray. [36:48] Ili ankaux challenge When ke promes ven pas vi est truthful? [36:49] All ili seg est 1 blov overwhelms them while ili disput. [36:50] Ili ne eben hav temp far vol nor vol ili est able al return their popol! [36:51] Korn blov whereupon ili roz el grave ir their Lord [36:52] Ili dir Ve al us. Who resurrected us our death? This est ki plej Gracious promes. messengers est dekstr! [36:53] All pren est 1 blov whereupon ili summoned antaux us! [36:54] Ke tag ne anim wronged en des malplej Vi pag precisely whatever vi did [36:55] dwellers Paradise est ti tag happily busy [36:56] Ili abide their spouses bel shade gxu komfort furnishings! [36:57] Ili hav frukt therein; ili hav anything ili wish [36:58] Greetings pac el Merciful Lord [36:59] As por vi O kulp unu vi est set aside [36:60] Did mi ne covenant vi O Infan Adam ke vi ne worship diabl? Ke li est your ardent enemy [36:61] Kaj ke vi worship Me sol? This est dekstr path. [36:62] Li misled multitudes de vi. Vi ne posed any kompren [36:63] This est Infer promes vi. [36:64] Hodiaux vi brul gxi consequence your disbelief. [36:65] Tag ni sigel their busx; their man fut bor witness cxio ili done [36:66] Ni testament ni vual their okul consequently when ili streb path ili ne seg. [36:67] Ni testament ni freeze them en met; do ili can nek mov forward nor ir

[36:68] Whomever ni permes viv por a long temp, ni revert him al weakness! Ili ne kompren? [36:69] ki ni instru him (messenger) ne est poezi nor est li (poet)! This est formidable proof profound Quran. [36:70] Al predik al those est alive expose disbelievers! [36:71] Ili ne seg ni hav kre them our own man livestock ili own [36:72] Kaj ni subdued them them; kelk ili rajd kelk ili mangx. [36:73] Ili deriv ali benefits el them ankaux as drink! Ili ne est appreciative [36:74] Ili set DI ali di perhaps ili est de help al them! [36:75] Sur des contrary ili ne help them; ili end serv them devoted soldat. [36:76] Do ne saddened their utterances! Ni est fully aware da cxio ili conceal cxio ili deklar. [36:77] human est ne seg ni Does kre him el tiny gut tiam li turn into ardent enemy [36:78] Li raises question us - while forges his initial creation - Who resurrect ost post ili rotted [36:79] Dir Unu iniciat them en des 1 met resurrect them! Li est fully aware da cxiu creation. [36:80] Li est Unu kre vi verd arb fuel which vi brul por light [36:81] Ne est Unu kre heavens ter able al recreate des sam jes ja; Li est Creator Omniscient [36:82] All Li do port any ordon est dir al Est gxi est [36:83] Do glory est 1 en whose man est sovereignty all ajx Him vi returned . 37- Arrangers (Al-Saffat) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful

[37:1] arrangers kolon. [37:2] blamers de those al blamed [37:3] reciters messages [37:4] Your di est nur 1. [37:5] Lord de heavens ter cxio them Lord de orient. [37:6] Ni ornam lowest heaven ornam planed! [37:7] Ni gard gxi cxiu evil diabl. [37:8] Ili ne spion Alt Soci; ili get bombard cxiu flank! [37:9] Ili kondamn; ili incurred etern retribution. [37:10] any da them ventures charge outer lim li strik fierce projectile [37:11] Pet them Est ili difficult kre ali creations? Ni kre them el wet kot! [37:12] While vi awed ili mok. [37:13] When reminded ili ne pren heed [37:14] When ili seg proof ili ridicule gxi. [37:15] Ili dir This est obviously magic [37:16] Post ni mort igx polv ost ni resurrected [37:17] Eben our antikv ancestors? [37:18] Dir Jes vi forcibly summoned [37:19] All pren est 1 nudge whereupon ili bud rigard! [37:20] Ili dir Ve us; this est Tag Judgment [37:21] This est tag decision vi uz disbelieve en! [37:22] Summon transgressors their spouses idols ili worshipped [37:23] beside DI direkt them al path Infer.

[37:24] Stop them pet them! [37:25] Why vi ne help unu another [37:26] Ili est ti tag totally submitting [37:27] Ili ven each ali questioning blaming 1 another [37:28] Ili dir (al their estr) Vi uz ven us dekstr flank. [37:29] Ili respond est vi ne est believers. [37:30] Ni neniam hav any potenc vi; est vi est wicked. [37:31] Ni justly incurred our Lord's judgment tuj ni sufer. [37:32] Ni misled vi nur ni est astray. [37:33] Tiel together ili testament all partake retribution ke tag. [37:34] This est kiel ni requite kulp. [37:35] When ili told Laa Elaaha Ella Allah Tie ne est ali di DI] ili torn arrogant. [37:36] Ili dir ni las our di crazy poet? [37:37] En fakt, li brought truth konfirm messengers. [37:38] plej assuredly vi gust plej painful retribution. [37:39] Vi requited nur ki vi done [37:40] Nur di servants est absolutely devoted al Him sol sav)! [37:41] Ili ind provisions rezerv specifically them. [37:42] All kinds da frukt. Ili honor. [37:43] En gxarden bliss. [37:44] Sur furnishings 1 another [37:45] Tas de pur trink ofert them! [37:46] Klar delicious por drinkers.

[37:47] Neniam polluted neniam exhausted [37:48] Kun them est wonderful companions. [37:49] protekt like fragile ov. [37:50] Ili ven each ali confer 1 another [37:51] 1 de them dir mi uz hav amik! [37:52] Li uz mok Do vi kred all this? [37:53] ‘Post ni mort turn into polv ost do ni vok al kont '! [37:54] Li dir Just pren jen! [37:55] When li rigard li seg his amik kor Infer. [37:56] Li ir him dir DI vi preskaux ruin me [37:57] Se ne est my Lord's ben mi est vi tuj [37:58] Do vi ankoraux kred) ni mort [37:59] Nur 1 death ni neniam ricev any requital? [37:60] Such est greatest triumf. [37:61] This est ki cxiu worker work por! [37:62] est this put destiny arb bitterness? [37:63] Ni rendered gxi punishment transgressors. [37:64] est arb kresk kor Infer. [37:65] Its flor jen diabl kap. [37:66] Ili mangx el gxi their bellies filled [37:67] Tiam ili top gxi hellish drink. [37:68] Tiam ili return al Infer. [37:69] Ili trov their parents astray.

[37:70] Ili blindly sekv en their footsteps. [37:71] plej de previous generaci hav strayed sam manier. [37:72] Ni hav send al them warners! [37:73] Not consequences por those avert! [37:74] Nur di servants est absolutely devoted al Him sol sav). [37:75] Tiel Noah vok us ni est put responders. [37:76] Ni sav him his famili el great disaster. [37:77] Ni far his companions survivors. [37:78] Ni konfit his histori subsequent generaci. [37:79] Pac est Noah among des popol! [37:80] Ni tiel rekompenc des righteous. [37:81] Li est 1 de our kred servants. [37:82] Ni dron all others. [37:83] Among his followers est Abraham. [37:84] Li ven his Lord wholeheartedly. [37:85] Li dir al his patr his popol Ki est vi worshipping [37:86] Gxi these fabricated di DI vi want [37:87] Ki do vi opini da Lord univers? [37:88] Li rigard carefully stel. [37:89] Tiam li don up dir mi lac de this! [37:90] Ili torn him. [37:91] Li tiam torn their idols dir vi like mangx? [37:92] Why vi ne parol?

[37:93] Li tiam detru them. [37:94] Ili ir him great rage [37:95] Li dir Kiel vi worship ki vi carve [37:96] When DI kre vi cxio vi far! [37:97] Ili dir cxarpent great fajr jxet him into gxi! [37:98] Ili schemed him ni far them losers! [37:99] Li dir mi ir my Lord Li direkt me [37:100] My Lord grant me righteous infan! [37:101] Ni don him bon news bon infan. [37:102] When li kresk suficx work him li dir My fil mi seg songx mi ofer vi. Ki do vi opini Li dir O my patr do ki vi komand do Vi trov me DI testament pacient. [37:103] Ili ambaux submitted li put his frunt down ofer him)! [37:104] Ni vok him O Abraham. [37:105] Vi kred songx. Ni tiel rekompenc des righteous. [37:106] Ke exacting test ja. [37:107] Ni ransomed (Ismail) substituting best ofer! [37:108] Ni konfit his histori subsequent generaci. [37:109] Pac est Abraham. [37:110] Ni tiel rekompenc des righteous. [37:111] Li est 1 de our kred servants. [37:112] Tiam ni don him bon news nask Isaac est 1 de righteous prophets. [37:113] Ni ben him Isaac. Among their descendants kelk est righteous kelk est wicked transgressors. [37:114] Ni ankaux ben Moses Aaron.

[37:115] Ni liver them their popol el great disaster. [37:116] Ni supported them ili igx winners. [37:117] Ni don ambaux them profound scripture. [37:118] Ni direkt them dekstr path. [37:119] Ni konfit their histori subsequent generaci. [37:120] Pac est upon Moses Aaron. [37:121] Ni tiel rekompenc des righteous. [37:122] Ambaux them est our righteous servants! [37:123] Elias est 1 de messengers. [37:124] Li dir al his popol vi ne work righteousness? [37:125] Vi worship statu Supreme Creator? [37:126] DI; your Lord Lord your forefathers! [37:127] Ili disbelieved him. Consequently ili est vok kont [37:128] Nur di servants est absolutely devoted al Him sol sav). [37:129] Ni konfit his histori subsequent generaci. [37:130] Pac est Elias all those like Elias [37:131] Ni tiel rekompenc des righteous. [37:132] Li est 1 de our kred servants. [37:133] Lot est 1 de messengers. [37:134] Ni sav him all his famili. [37:135] Nur old woman doomed [37:136] Ni annihilated all others. [37:137] Vi ankoraux pas their ruin tag.

[37:138] Kaj per nokt. Vi kompren? [37:139] Jonah est 1 de messengers. [37:140] Li escaped loaded sxip. [37:141] Li ribel do li joined losers. [37:142] Consequently fisx hirund him li est 1 blame [37:143] Se ne est li resorted meditation Di) [37:144] Li rest its belly Tag Resurrection. [37:145] Ni hav him jxet up into dezert exhausted [37:146] Ni hav arb edible frukt kresk por him. [37:147] Tiam ni send him 100000 plur [37:148] Ili did kred ni let them gxu this life! [37:149] Pet them se your Lord hav daughters while ili hav fil! [37:150] Ni kre angxel Did est females? Ili witness ke? [37:151] Ja ili grossly blaspheme when ili dir [37:152] DI begotten FIL. JA ILI est liars. [37:153] Li choose girls knab? [37:154] Ki est wrong kun your logik? [37:155] Why vi ne pren heed [37:156] Vi hav any proof [37:157] Montr us your libr se vi est truthful! [37:158] Ili ecx invent special relationship inter Him jinns. jinns kon ti ili est subservient. [37:159] DI GLOR; far their PRETEND. [37:160] Nur di servants est devoted al Him sol sav).

[37:161] Ja vi ki vi worship [37:162] Ne trud anything Him. [37:163] Nur vi brul Infer. [37:164] Each unu de us hav specif job [37:165] Ni est arrangers. [37:166] Ni duly glor (our Lord [37:167] Ili uz dir! [37:168] Hav ni ricev gxust instrukci el our parents [37:169] Ni est worshipers; devoted al DI sol! [37:170] Ili disbelieved ili testament surely trov out! [37:171] Our decision jam dekret por our servants messengers. [37:172] Ili est surely victors. [37:173] Our soldat est winners. [37:174] Tial disregard them por awhile! [37:175] Watch them; ili tro watch [37:176] Ili challenge our retribution? [37:177] When gxi hits them 1 tag est miserable tag; ili suficx avert. [37:178] Disregard them por awhile. [37:179] Watch them; ili tro watch [37:180] Glory est your Lord great Lord far super their pretend. [37:181] Pac est messengers. [37:182] Lauxd est DI Lord univers. .

38- S. (Saad) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [38:1] S. (Saad) Quran contains proof [38:2] Those disbelieve plongx into arrogance defiance. [38:3] Many generaci them ni annihilated Ili vok por help en vain [38:4] Ili wondered ti warner ven them them. disbelievers dir magician liar. [38:5] Li far di into 1 di? This est really strang. [38:6] Estr anonc Ir steadfastly persevere worshipping your di! This est ki dezir! [38:7] Ni neniam auxd this religi our patr. This est mensog [38:8] did proof ven him us? Ja ili est doubtful de My proof Ja ili ne sed gust My retribution. [38:9] Do ili own trezor mercy your Lord Almighty Grantor. [38:10] Ili posed sovereignty de heavens ter cxio them? Let them help! [38:11] Instead whatever forces ili muster - Eben se all their parti band together defeated [38:12] Disbelieving them est popol Noah 窶連ad tre Pharaoh! [38:13] Ankaux Thamoud popol Lot dwellers Lign Midyan;) those est opponents. [38:14] Each da them disbelieved messengers tiel My retribution est inevitable! [38:15] These popol expect single blov el which ili neniam recover [38:16] Ili challenged Our Lord do vi ne rush retribution us Tag Reckoning [38:17] Est pacient en des vizagx de their utterances memor our servant David resourceful; li est obedient. [38:18] Ni committed mont his service glor him nokt tag. [38:19] Ankaux bird committed dejxor him; all est obedient al him!

[38:20] Ni strengthened his kingship dot him kun wisdom bon logik. [38:21] Vi ricev news de feuding hom hav sneaked his sanctuary? [38:22] When ili entered his cxambr li startled Ili dir ne Hav tim! Ni feuding 1 another ni streb your foir judgment Ne wrong us direkt us dekstr path! [38:23] This frat de min owns 90 9 sxaf while mi own unu sxaf. Li wants miks my sxaf his ad pressure me [38:24] Li dir Li est unfair al vi per pet kombin your sxaf his! Plej popol kombin their properties trakt each ali unfairly those kred work righteousness these est few Afterwards David wondered se li far dekstr judgment Li opini ni testing him. Li tiam implored his Lord forgiveness bowed down pent! [38:25] Ni forgave him en this materi Ni granted him pozici honor us bel abode. [38:26] O David ni far vi ruler ter. Do vi jugx among des popol equitably ne sekv your personal opinion lest gxi diverts vi voj DI! Surely those stray voj DI incur severe retribution forges Tag Reckoning [38:27] Ni ne kre heaven ter cxio them en vain Such est des opini da those disbelieve! Do ve al those disbelieve; ili sufer Infer. [38:28] Ni trakt those kred plumb righteous life as ni trakt those commit evil ter? Ni trakt righteous as ni trakt des wicked? [38:29] This est scripture ni send down vi est sankt - perhaps ili reflect its vers. Those posed intelligence pren heed [38:30] Al David ni granted Solomon; bon obedient servant. [38:31] 1 tag li igx preoccupied bel cxeval nokt fal [38:32] Li tiam dir mi gxu sxtof ajx plur than mi gxu worshipping my Lord sun est ir [38:33] Bring them dors. bid farewell li frot their krur kol! [38:34] Ni tiel put Solomon test ni ben him vast sxtof wealth li steadfastly submitted [38:35] Li dir My Lord forgive me grant me kingship neniam ating per anyone aux Vi est Grantor. [38:36] Ni (respond his prayer committed vent his disposal versx pluv wherever li wanted

[38:37] Diabl mason diving [38:38] Others ej his disposal. [38:39] This est our provision vi; vi don generously withhold lim! [38:40] Li ind honorable pozici us wonderful abode. [38:41] Memor our servant Job li vok his Lord diabl aflikt me hardship pain [38:42] Strik muel your fut! printemp vol don vi healing drink! [38:43] Ni restored his famili por him; twice as many Such est our mercy; reminder those posed intelligence [38:44] Tuj vi vojagx land predik message fulfill your pledge Ni trov him steadfast. Ki bon servant! Li est submitter. [38:45] memor ankaux our servants Abraham Isaac Jacob. Ili est resourceful posed vizi. [38:46] Ni bestowed them great ben awareness Hereafter [38:47] Ili chosen ili est among plej righteous. [38:48] Memor Ismail Elisha Zal-Kifl; among plej righteous! [38:49] This est reminder righteous ind wonderful destiny! [38:50] Gxarden Eden vol open up their gates them. [38:51] Relaxing therein ili don many kinds de frukt drink! [38:52] Ili hav wonderful spouses. [38:53] This est ki vi ind Tag Reckoning [38:54] Our provisions est inexhaustible 38:55] As por transgressors ili incurred miserable destiny. [38:56] Infer est kie ili brul; ki miserable abode! [38:57] ki ili gust therein est hellish drink amar food [38:58] mult plur de sam kind

[38:59] This est grup jxet Infer vi. Ili ne welcomed residents Infer). Ili ind brul hellfire! [38:60] newcomers respond Nor vi welcomed Vi est des unu preceded us misled us! Do sufer this miserable end [38:61] Ili ankaux dir Our Lord these est des unu plumb us into this; double retribution hellfire them. [38:62] Ili dir "Kiel ven ni ne seg Infer) popol ni do gxi uz count among des wicked? [38:63] Ni uz ridicule them; ni uz turn our okul el them! [38:64] This predetermined fakt popol Infer feud 1 another [38:65] dir mi avert vi; tie ne est ali di DI 1 Supreme [38:66] Lord de heavens ter cxio them; Almighty des Forgiving [38:67] dir Here est awesome news [38:68] Ke vi est totally oblivious al. [38:69] Mi ne hav knowledge previously feud Alt Soci. [38:70] Mi inspir my pland misi est liver warnings vi. [38:71] Your Lord dir al angxel mi kre human est clay [38:72] Once mi desegn him blov him el My spirit vi fal prostrate antaux him! [38:73] angxel fal prostrate all da them [38:74] Satan; li rifuz est tro arrogant unappreciative. [38:75] Li dir O Satan ki prevent vi el prostrating antaux ki mi kre My man? Est vi tro arrogant? Vi ribel? [38:76] Li dir mi est put than li; Vi kre me el fajr kre him el clay [38:77] Li dir Do vi ekzil vi banished [38:78] Vi incurred My condemnation Tag Judgment [38:79] Li dir My Lord respite me Tag Resurrection! [38:80] Li dir Vi respited

[38:81] Gxis appointed tag. [38:82] Li dir mi jxur Your majesty mi send them all astray. [38:83] Your worshipers who devoted absolutely Vi sol. [38:84] Li dir This est truth truth est all mi utter [38:85] Mi fill Infer vi all those sekv vi. [38:86] dir mi ne pet vi any wage mi ne est impostor. [38:87] This est reminder mond. [38:88] Vi testament certainly trov out en awhile! . 39- Throngs (Al-Zumar) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [39:1] This est revelation scripture DI Almighty des Sagx. [39:2] Ni send vi this scripture truthfully; vi worship DI devoting your religi Him sol! [39:3] Absolutely religi est devoted al DI sol! Those set idols Him dir Ni idolize them nur bring us closer DI; ili est put pozici! DI testament jugx them regarding their disput! DI NE DIREKT such liars disbelievers. [39:4] Di wanted hav fil Li chosen whomever Li willed el His creations. Li glor; Li est DI 1 Supreme [39:5] Li kre heavens ter truthfully. Li volv nokt tag bulk tag nokt. Li committed sun lun each kur por finite period. Absolutely Li est Almighty des Forgiving [39:6] Li kre vi 1 ul tiam kre him his mate Li send vi 8 kinds livestock. Li kre vi your mothers' bellies creation creation en trimesters darkness! Such est DI your Lord Al Him aparten all sovereignty! tie ne est ali di Him. Kiel vi deviate? [39:7] Vi disbelieve DI ne bezon anyone. Li dislikes seg His servants far wrong decision! Vi decid est appreciative Li placx vi. Ne anim bor pek any ali anim. Ultimately al your Lord est your return tiam Li inform vi de cxio vi done Li est fully aware da innermost thoughts.

[39:8] When human est aflikt li implores his Lord sincerely devoted al Him! as baldaux as Li ben him li forges his previous imploring sets idols rang DI divert others His path! dir Gxu your disbelief temporarily; vi incurred hellfire. [39:9] Gxi est put al 1 de those medit nokt prostrating rest aware da Hereafter est streb mercy their Lord Dir Est those kon egal al those ne kon? Nur those posed intelligence pren heed [39:10] dir O My servants kred vi reverence your Lord those worked righteousness en this mond bon rekompenc. Di ter est spacious those steadfastly persevere ricev their recompense generously lim! [39:11] dir mi komand worship DI devoting religi absolutely Him sol! [39:12] Mi komand est utmost submitter. [39:13] dir mi tim se mi disobeyed my Lord retribution de great tag. [39:14] Dir DI est nur Unu mi worship devoting my religi absolutely Him sol! [39:15] Do worship whatever vi wish Him. Dir efektiv losers est those perd their anim their famili Tag Resurrection. Plej certainly this est efektiv loss [39:16] Ili hav mes de fajr them sub them. DI DO VIGL His servants O My servants VI reverence Me [39:17] As por those discard worship all idols devote totally DI sol ili ind happiness. Don bon news My servants! [39:18] Ili est unu ekzamen all vort tiam sekv des put! These est unu whom DI direkt; these est unu posed intelligence [39:19] Kun regard al those ind retribution hav vi sav those can est jam Infer? [39:20] As por those reverence their Lord ili hav mansions mansions konstru por them kun flu streams This est di promes DI neniam romp His promes! [39:21] Vi ne seg DI send down cxiel akv tiam ej gxi into underground nu tiam produkt gxi plant Do de various kolor tiam ili kresk gxis ili torn flav tiam Li torn them fojn? This est reminder those posed intelligence [39:22] Se DI renders 1 kor kontent Submission li sekv light el his Lord Do ve those kor hard di message ili ir far astray. [39:23] DI revealed herein PUT Hadith; LIBR est consistent pint AMBAUX VOJ Heaven INFER)! Hauxt de those reverence their Lord cringe therefrom tiam their hauxt

their kor soften up di message Such est di guidance; Li bestows gxi upon whoever vol direkt). As por those send astray DI nothing direkt them! [39:24] Ki put than sav unu est vizagx terrible retribution Tag Resurrection? transgressors told Gust consequences ki vi earned [39:25] Others them disbelieved consequently retribution aflikt them whence ili neniam expected [39:26] DI KONDAMN them humiliation en this life retribution Hereafter est far mav ILI NUR KON. [39:27] Ni cited popol cxiu kind da ekzempl en this Quran ke ili pren heed [39:28] Arabic Quran any ambiguity ili est righteous. [39:29] DI cites EKZEMPL HOM deals kun DISPUT partners (Hadith) KOMPAR al a hom who deals kun NUR UNU consistent source (Quran)! Est ili des sam Lauxd est al DI; plej de them ne kon. [39:30] Vi (Muhammad) surely mort just like ili mort. [39:31] Tag Resurrection antaux your Lord vi popol feud 1 another [39:32] Who evil than unu atribu est mensog DI while disbelieving en truth ven him? est Infer ne just requital disbelievers? [39:33] As por those promote truth kred therein ili est des righteous! [39:34] Ili get cxio ili wish their Lord Such est rekompenc por des righteous. [39:35] DI remits their sinful works REKOMPENC them generously POR their BON works [39:36] est DI ne sufficient His servant? Ili frighten vi idols ili set Him. Whomever DI send astray nothing direkt him! [39:37] whomever DI direkt nothing send him astray! est DI ne Almighty Avenger? [39:38] Vi pet them Who kre heavens ter? ili dir DI. Dir tiam do vi set idols DI? Se DI willed any adversity me ili relieve such adversity? Kaj se Li willed ben por me can ili prevent such ben Dir DI est sufficient me Him trusters fid! [39:39] dir O my popol do your put mi do my put; vi do gxi surely trov out! [39:40] (Vi do gxi trov out) who incurred shameful punishment ind etern retribution!

[39:41] Ni revealed scripture vi por popol truthfully. Tiam whoever direkt direkt his own bon whoever ir astray ir astray his own detriment! Vi ne est their advokat. [39:42] DI puts ANIM death when end DE their life ven ANKAUX je des temp da DORM. Tiel Li sorb kelk their dorm while others allowed ad viv end de their predetermined interim This proviz lecion popol who reflect [39:43] Ili invent intercessors mediate them DI? Dir Ki se ili ne posed any potenc nor kompren [39:44] Dir All intercession aparten al DI. Him aparten all sovereignty de heavens ter tiam al Him vi returned [39:45] When DI SOL menci kor de those ne kred en Hereafter sxrump aversion. when others menci Him ili igx sat! [39:46] Proklam Our di Initiator de heavens ter Knower de all sekret declarations Vi est des nur Unu jugx Your servants their disput! [39:47] those transgressed owned cxio ter eben twice as mult ili readily don gxi evit terrible retribution Tag Resurrection. Ili montr DI ki ili neniam expected [39:48] sinful works ili earned montr them tre ajx ili uz mok vol ven haunt them! [39:49] Se human tusx adversity li implores us as baldaux as ni bestow ben him li dir mi ating this my cleverness! Ja this est nur test plej de them ne kon. [39:50] Those antaux them uttered sam ajx their earnings ne help them en des malplej [39:51] Ili sufer consequences their evil works Similarly transgressors prezent generaci sufer consequences their evil works ili ne escape [39:52] Ili ne realize DI est Unu Do increases provision whomever Li chooses withholds? These est lecion popol kred. [39:53] Proklam O My servants exceeded lim neniam despair de di mercy! Por DI forgives all pek! Li est Forgiver Merciful. [39:54] Vi obe your Lord submit Him totally retribution overtakes vi; tiam vi ne help! [39:55] Sekv put path ke pint vi your Lord retribution overtakes vi suddenly when vi malpli expect gxi! [39:56] Lest anim dir Kiel sorry mi est disregarding di commandments; mi est certainly 1 de mockers.

[39:57] Dir Hav DI direkt me mi est kun des righteous! [39:58] Aux dir when gxi seg retribution mi get another sxanc mi work righteousness! [39:59] jes ja (vi did get suficx sxanc)! My proofs ven vi vi rejected them torn arrogant igx disbeliever! [39:60] Tag Resurrection vi seg vizagx de those who lied DI kovr kun mizer. est Infer ne dekstr retribution por arrogant unu? [39:61] DI testament sav those argument righteousness; Li rekompenc them. Ne harm tusx them nor vol ili hav any grief. [39:62] DI est Creator all AJX LI est en PLEN control all AJX. [39:63] Al Him aparten all decisions heavens ter those disbelieve di revelations est efektiv losers! [39:64] Dir gxi ali than DI vi exhort me Est worship O vi ignorant unu? [39:65] Gxi revealed vi kaj those antaux vi ke vi ever commit idol worship all your works nullified vi est losers! [39:66] Do vi worship DI sol est appreciative [39:67] Ili neniam fathom greatness DI. whole ter est His pugn Tag Resurrection. En fakt, univers fald His dekstr man. Li glor; Li est mult tro alt super bezon any partners [39:68] Korn blov whereupon everyone heavens ter strik unconscious escept those sxpar DI! Tiam gxi blov re whereupon ili testament all roz up rigard! [39:69] Tiam ter lum light its Lord record proklam prophets witnesses brought for! Everyone tiam jugx equitably malplej injustice. [39:70] Cxiu anim est pag por whatever gxi did Li est fully aware da cxio ili done [39:71] Those disbelieved est konduk al Infer en throngs When ili get gxi its gates opened its gard dir Did vi ne ricev messengers el vi recited al vi revelations your Lord avert vi meeting this tag? Ili respond Jes ja! Vort ‘retribution' jam stamp disbelievers. [39:72] Gxi dir Enter gates Infer wherein vi abide forever Ki miserable destiny por des arrogant! [39:73] Those reverenced their Lord est konduk al Paradise en throngs When ili get gxi its gates opened its gard dir Pac est vi; vi won Do vi abide herein forever

[39:74] Ili dir Lauxd est al DI fulfilled His promes us far us hered ter gxu Paradise as ni placx. Ki bel recompense workers! [39:75] Vi seg angxel floating around tron glor lauxd their Lord Post equitable judgment issued al all gxi proklam Lauxd est DI Lord univers! . 40- Forgiver (Ghafer) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [40:1] H. M. [40:2] This revelation scripture est DI Almighty Omniscient [40:3] Forgiver pek acceptor repentance strict en enforcing retribution possessor all potenc! tie ne est ali di Him. Al Him est ultimate destiny. [40:4] Neniom argues di revelations escept those disbelieve! Ne impon their apparent success! [40:5] Disbelieving them est popol Noah many ali opponents them! Cxiu community persekut their messenger neutralize him. Ili argued falsehood defeat truth. Consequently mi pun them; kiel terrible est My retribution! [40:6] Tiel judgment your Lord jam stamp upon those disbelieve ti ili est dwellers Infer. [40:7] Those serv tron all those around gxi glor lauxd their Lord kred en Him! Ili pet forgiveness those kred Our Lord Your mercy Your knowledge encompass all ajx. Forgive those pent sekv Your path sxpar them retribution Infer! [40:8] Our Lord admit them gxarden Eden Vi promes them kaj por righteous among their parents spouses infan. Vi est Almighty Sagx. [40:9] Kaj protekt them fal en pek! Whomever Vi protekt fal en pek ti tag ating mercy Vi! This est greatest triumf. [40:10] Those disbelieve told di abhorrence vi est eben mav than your own abhorrence yourselves. Vi invit kred vi chose disbelieve! [40:11] Ili dir Our Lord vi put us death twice Vi don us 2 viv; nun ni konfes our pek! est tie any voj out?

[40:12] This est when DI SOL advokat vi disbelieved when others menci Him vi kred. Do di judgment issued Li est plej Alt des Great [40:13] Li est 1 continuously montr vi His proofs send down vi cxiel provisions Nur those totally submit est able al pren heed [40:14] Do vi devote your worship absolutely DI SOL eben se disbelievers dislike gxi. [40:15] Possessor de alt rang Ruler whole dominion. Li send inspiration bor His ordon al whomever Li chooses His servants avert Tag de Summoning [40:16] Ke est tag when everyone completely exposed neniom da them kasx anything el DI! Al whom aparten all sovereignty ke tag? Al DI 1 Supreme [40:17] Ke tag cxiu anim requited whatever gxi earned tie ne est injustice ke tag. DI est efficient EN reckoning [40:18] avert them imminent tag when kor terrified many vol est remorseful. transgressors ne hav amik nor intercessor obe. [40:19] Li est fully aware da ki okul ne seg cxio mens conceal. [40:20] DI JUGX equitably while idols ILI implore Him NE JUGX anything. DI EST UNU est Hearer Seer. [40:21] Ili ne roam ter Did not consequences por those antaux them? Ili uz est fort than ili productive sur ter. Di pun them their pek nothing protekt them DI. [40:22] Ke est their messengers ir them klar proofs ili disbelieved Consequently DI pun them. Li est Tre strict en enforcing retribution! [40:23] Ni send Moses our sign profound auxtoritat [40:24] Al Pharaoh Haamaan Qaaroon. Ili dir magician; liar. [40:25] Kaj when li montr them truth el us ili dir Kill fil de those kred him sxpar their daughters. Tiel scheming disbelievers est cxiam wicked! [40:26] Pharaoh dir Let me kill Moses let him implore his Lord Mi worry lest li corrupts your religi stern evil throughout land. [40:27] Moses dir mi streb rifugx my Lord your Lord el cxiu arrogant unu ne kred en Tag Reckoning [40:28] kred hom Pharaoh's popol concealing his belief est dir Kiel vi kill hom can just por dir ‘My Lord DI ' li montr vi est hav klar proofs el your Lord Li est liar est his

problem kaj li est truthful vi benefit el his promes. Surely DI ne direkt any transgressor liar. [40:29] O my popol hodiaux vi hav kingship upperhand! who help us kontraux di judgment should gxi ven us? Pharaoh dir Vi est sekv nur ki mi seg dec mi direkt vi nur dekstr path! [40:30] Unu kred dir O my popol mi tim vi sam sort previous opponents. [40:31] opponents Noah 窶連ad Thamoud others ven them. DI NE wish any injustice POPOL. [40:32] O my popol mi tim por vi Tag de Summoning [40:33] Est tag when vi wish turn around flee! nothing protekt vi tiam DI. Whomever DI send astray nothing direkt him! [40:34] Joseph ven vi antaux ke klar revelations vi ad dub his message Tiam when li mort vi dir "DI testament ne send any ali messenger him! (Li est last messenger!) DI tiel send astray those est transgressors doubtful. [40:35] Ili argue di revelations any basis. This est trajt plej abhorred DI per those kred. DI TIEL SIGEL KOR CXIU arrogant TIRAN. [40:36] Pharaoh dir O Haamaan cxarpent me alt tur mi reach out discover [40:37] Mi want reach heaven pren jen di Moses Mi kred li est liar. Do est evil works Pharaoh ornam en his okul tiel li kept sekv dekstr) path! Pharaoh's scheming est ver evil [40:38] Unu kred dir O my popol sekv me mi direkt vi en des tuj voj [40:39] O my popol this 1 life est temporary iluzi while Hereafter est etern abode. [40:40] Whoever commits pek requited just ke whoever works righteousness! - Vir female - while kred these enter Paradise wherein ili ricev provisions any lim. [40:41] O my popol while mi invit vi sav vi invit me hellfire. [40:42] Vi invit me est unappreciative de DI set Him idols mi ne recognize. Mi invit vi Almighty Forgiver. [40:43] Tie est ne dub ke ki vi invit me do ne hav basis en this mond nor Hereafter ke our ultimate return est DI ke transgressors incurred hellfire. [40:44] "Kelk tag vi memor ki mi telling vi tuj Mi las judgment this materi DI; DI est Seer all popol.

[40:45] DI TIAM protekt him EL their evil schemes while POPOL Pharaoh incurred MAV retribution! [40:46] Infer montr them tag kaj nokt, Tag Resurrection Admit Pharaoh's popol into mav retribution! [40:47] As ili argue Infer followers dir al their estr Ni do gxi uz your followers est vi sxpar us any part this Infer? [40:48] Estr dir Ni est all en this together DI JUGX among des popol". [40:49] Those en hellfire dir al guardians Infer Vok your Lord redukt retribution us eben unu tag! [40:50] Ili dir Did vi ne ricev your messengers liver vi klar messages Ili respond Jes ni did Ili dir Tiam implore vi wish imploring de disbelievers est cxiam en vain [40:51] plej assuredly ni don victory our messengers those kred ambaux en this mond tag witnesses summoned [40:52] Ke tag apologies disbelievers ne benefit them. Ili incurred condemnation; ili incurred mav destiny. [40:53] Ni don Moses guidance far Infan Israel hered scripture! [40:54] (Their histori) est lecion reminder those posed intelligence [40:55] Do est pacient di promes est ver pet forgiveness your pek glor lauxd your Lord nokt tag! [40:56] Surely those who argue di revelations proof est exposing arrogance kasx their kest ili est ne eben aware da gxi! Do streb rifugx DI; Li est Hearer Seer! [40:57] creation de heavens ter est ecx awesome than creation human est plej popol ne kon! [40:58] Ne egal est blind seer. Nor est those kred work righteousness egal al sinners! Rarely do vi pren heed [40:59] plej certainly Hor (Tag Judgment ven ne dub gxi plej popol ne kred [40:60] Your Lord dir Implore Me mi respond vi! Surely those est tro arrogant worship Me enter Gehenna forcibly! [40:61] DI EST UNU DESEGN NOKT TIAL VI RIPOZ gxi, TAG lighted. DI bestows many blessings POPOL PLEJ POPOL NE est thankful.

[40:62] Such est DI your Lord Creator all ajx. tie ne est di escept Li! Kiel vi deviate? [40:63] Deviating est those disregard di revelations! [40:64] DI EST UNU rendered TER habitable POR VI CXIEL formidable STRUKTUR LI DESEGN VI DESEGN VI NU. Li est Unu proviz vi bon provisions Such est DI your Lord Exalted est DI Lord univers! [40:65] Li est Viv tie ne est di escept Li! Vi worship Him sol devoting your religi absolutely Him sol! Lauxd est DI Lord univers. [40:66] dir mi enjoined worshipping idols vi worship DI when klar revelations ven me my Lord Mi komand submit Lord univers! [40:67] Li est Unu kre vi polv subsequently tiny gut tiam el pend embryo tiam Li brings vi out infan tiam Li lets vi reach maturity tiam vi igx old - kelk da vi mort fru. Vi ating predetermined agx vi kompren! [40:68] Li est nur Unu controls life death. Al hav anything done Li simply dir al Est gxi est [40:69] Vi not those argue di proofs kaj kiel ili hav deviated [40:70] Ili est des unu disbelieved scripture messages ni send our messengers. Do ili do gxi surely trov out! [40:71] shackles est their kol cxen est uz al tren them! [40:72] En Inferno tiam en Fajr ili brul. [40:73] Ili pet Kie est idols vi uz worship [40:74] beside DI? Ili dir Ili abandoned us. En fakt, when ni worshipped them ni worshipping nothing. Do does DI send disbelievers astray! [40:75] This vi uz gxoj false doctrines ter vi uz promote them! [40:76] Enter gates Gehenna wherein vi abide forever Ki miserable destiny por arrogant unu. [40:77] Vi est pacient di promes est truth. Ni montr vi kelk da (retribution) ni promes them terminate your life antaux ke, ili returned us! [40:78] Ni send messengers vi - kelk da them ni menci vi kelk ni ne menci vi. Ne messenger produkt any mirakl di authorization Once di judgment issued truth dominates falsifiers exposed humiliated

[40:79] DI EST UNU KRE livestock VI; KELK VI RAJD KELK VI MANGX. [40:80] Ili ankaux proviz vi additional benefits sat many da your bezon. Sur them ankaux as sur sxip vi port. [40:81] Li tiel montr vi His proofs Which de di proofs vi deny [40:82] Ili ne roamed ter not consequences those preceded them? Ili uz est greater numer greater en potenc posed greater legacy ter. all their achievements ne help them en des malplej [40:83] When their messengers ir them klar proofs ili gxoj knowledge ili hered tre ajx ili ridiculed est ig their auxtun. [40:84] Subsequently when ili seg our retribution ili dir Nun ni kred en DI SOL ni tuj disbelieve idol worship ti ni uz practice [40:85] Their belief tiam ne help them en des malplej once ili seg our retribution. Such est di sistem establ deal kun His creatures; disbelievers cxiam doomed . 41- detal (Fussilat) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [41:1] H. M. [41:2] revelation el plej Gracious Merciful. [41:3] scripture vers proviz komplet detal Arabic Quran popol kon. [41:4] bearer bon news ankaux as warner. plej de them turn ili ne auxd. [41:5] Ili dir Our mens est far up our orel est surd al your message barrier separates us el vi! Do ki vi want kaj tial vol ni. [41:6] dir mi est ne plur than human est vi inspir ke your di est 1 di. Vi est devoted al Him pet His forgiveness! Ve al idol worshipers. [41:7] Who ne don obligatory charity (Zakat) regard Hereafter ili est disbelievers! [41:8] As por those kred plumb righteous life ili ricev put ind recompense

[41:9] Dir Vi disbelieve Unu kre ter 2 tag vi set idols rang Him Li est Lord univers! [41:10] Li ej gxi stabilizers (mont) far gxi productive Li kalkul its provisions 4 tag sat bezon de all its inhabitants. [41:11] Tiam Li torn cxiel when gxi est ankoraux gas dir al gxi ter Ven existence volont unwillingly. Ili dir Ni ven volont! [41:12] Tiel Li komplet 7 univers 2 tag set legx cxiu univers! Ni ornam lowest univers lamp ej gard gxi! Such est desegn Almighty Omniscient [41:13] Ili turn tiam dir mi avert vi de disaster disaster annihilated 窶連ad Thamoud! [41:14] Their messengers ir them ankaux as antaux them post them dir Vi ne worship DI. Ili dir Hav our Lord willed Li send angxel! Ni est disbelievers ki vi dir! [41:15] As por 窶連ad ili torn arrogant ter opposed truth dir Who powerful than ni? est ili ne realize ti DI kre them est powerful than ili? Ili est unappreciative de our revelations. [41:16] Consequently ni send them violent vent a few miserable tag. Ni tiel aflikt them humiliating retribution en this life retribution Hereafter est humiliating ili neniam win [41:17] As por Thamoud ni proviz them guidance ili prefer blindness guidance. Consequently disastrous shameful retribution annihilated them ki ili earned [41:18] Ni cxiam sav those kred plumb righteous life! [41:19] Tag ven when enemies de DI testament summoned hellfire forcibly. [41:20] Once ili get tie their own auxd okul hauxt bor witness cxio ili done [41:21] Ili dir al their hauxt did vi bor witness us? Ili respond DI far us parol Li est Unu kauxz cxio parol! Li est Unu kre vi 1 temp tuj vi returned Him. [41:22] tie ne est voj vi kasx el your own auxd your okul your hauxt! En fakt, vi opini DI est unaware de mult de ki vi do [41:23] This kind da pens your Lord testament kauxz vi fal kaj tiam vi igx losers! [41:24] Ili ad voj ili est Infer est their destiny kaj ili far up pretekst ili ne pretekst. [41:25] Ni asign them companions ornam cxio ili do en their okul. Tiel ili end incurring sam sort previous communities de jinns humans est ankaux losers! [41:26] Those disbelieved dir ne auxskult al this Quran distort gxi ke vi win

[41:27] Ni certainly aflikt these disbelievers severe retribution. Ni certainly requite them their evil works [41:28] Such est requital awaits di enemies. Infer est their etern abode; just requital por discarding our revelations! [41:29] Those disbelieved dir Our Lord montr us those 2 kinds! - jinns humans - who misled us ni trample them our fut render them lowliest! [41:30] Those proklam Our Lord est DI tiam plumb righteous life angxel descend them Vi ne hav tim nor shall vi grieve Gxoj bon news Paradise hav rezerv vi! [41:31] Ni est your allies en this life Hereafter Vi hav gxi anything vi wish vi hav anything vi want [41:32] Such est your) ultimate abode el Forgiver Merciful. [41:33] Who utter put vort than unu invit DI works righteousness dir mi est 1 de submitters? [41:34] Ne egal est bon response mav response. Vi resort nicest possible response. Tiel unu uz est your enemy maj igx your put amik. [41:35] Neniom ating this those steadfastly persevere Neniom ating this those est extremely fortunate. [41:36] When diabl flustr ide vi vi streb rifugx DI. Li est Hearer Omniscient [41:37] Among His proofs est nokt tag sun lun. Ne prostrate sun nor lun; vi fal prostrate DI kre them vi ver worship Him sol! [41:38] Ili est tro arrogant do this tiam those your Lord glor Him nokt tag sen ever lac! [41:39] Among His proofs est ti vi seg land ankoraux tiam as baldaux as ni dusx gxi akv gxi vibr life! Surely Unu revived gxi revive dead Li est Omnipotent [41:40] Surely those distort our revelations ne kasx us. Unu gets jxet Infer put unu ven secure Tag Resurrection? Do whatever vi wish Li est Seer de cxio vi do [41:41] Those rejected Quran's proof when gxi ven them ankaux rejected Honorable libr! [41:42] Ne falsehood enter gxi en des preter en des future revelation el Sagx Praiseworthy.

[41:43] Ki est dir al vi est precisely ki est dir al previous messengers! Your Lord posed forgiveness Li ankaux posed painful retribution. [41:44] Ni far gxi non-Arabic Quran ili dir did gxi ven en ke idiom? Whether est Arabic non-Arabic dir those kred gxi est direkt healing As por those disbelieve ili est surd blind gxi as ili addressed el faraway [41:45] Ni don Moses scripture gxi ankaux disput! Se ne est your Lord's predetermined decision ili jugx tuj. Ja ili haven tro many dub. [41:46] Whoever works righteousness does por his own bon whoever works evil does tial his own detriment! Your Lord est neniam unjust towards popol. [41:47] Kun Him est knowledge Hor end de mond). ne frukt emerge their sheaths nor does any female conceive don nask His knowledge! Tag ven when Li pet them est those idols vi set Me Ili dir Ni proklam Vi ke neniom da us urs witness ke. [41:48] idols ili idolized disown them ili realize tie ne est escape [41:49] human est neniam lac de imploring por bon ajx! Kaj when adversity befalls him li torn despondent desperate [41:50] Kaj when ni ben him sufer kelk adversity li dir This aparten al me Mi ne kred Hor ever ven pas! Eben se mi returned my Lord mi trov Him put ajx. Plej certainly ni inform disbelievers de all their works commit them severe retribution. [41:51] When ni ben human est li turn drifts farther farther for when li sufer any affliction li implores loudly! [41:52] Proklam Ki this est ver el DI tiam vi decid reject gxi? Who est farther astray than those decid oppose this? [41:53] Ni montr them our proofs horizons within gxis ili realize ti this est truth. est your Lord ne sufficient witness all ajx? [41:54] Ja ili est doubtful pri meeting their Lord Li est fully aware da all ajx. . 42- Consultation (Al-Shoora) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [42:1] H. M.

[42:2] 窶連. S. Q. [42:3] inspir vi those antaux vi est DI Almighty Sagx. [42:4] Him aparten cxio heavens cxio sur ter Li est plej Alt des Great [42:5] heavens them preskaux frakas reverence Him angxel lauxd glor their Lord ili pet forgiveness those ter! Absolutely DI est Forgiver Merciful. [42:6] Those set ali lords Him DI est 1 charge de them; vi ne est their advokat! [42:7] Ni tiel reveal vi Arabic Quran avert central community gxi avert Tag de Summoning ke est inevitable. Kelk end Heaven kelk en Infer. [42:8] Hav DI willed Li far them 1 community! Sed Li redeems His mercy whomever Li vol. As por transgressors ili ne hav mastr nor helper. [42:9] Ili trov Did ali lords Him? DI est NUR Lord Mastr Li est Unu resurrects dead Li est Omnipotent 1. [42:10] Vi disput any part de this message judgment por doing this ripoz DI! Such est DI my Lord En Him mi fid Him mi submit. [42:11] Initiator de heavens ter. Li kre vi el yourselves spouses - Kaj ankaux por best. Li tiel proviz vi means multiply tie est nothing ke egal Him. Li est Hearer Seer. [42:12] Al Him aparten absolut control de heavens ter! Li est Unu increases provision whomever Li vol redukt gxi. Li est fully aware da all ajx. [42:13] Li dekret vi sam religi dekret Noah ki ni inspir vi ki ni dekret Abraham Moses Jesus Vi uphold this 1 religi ne divid gxi idol worshipers mult resent ki vi invit them do DI redeems Himself whomever LI VOL; LI DIREKT Himself NUR those totally submit. [42:14] Ironically ili romp sects nur post knowledge ven them due al jealousy resentment themselves. Gxi est por predetermined decision el your Lord respite them fora definite interim ili jugx tuj! Ja later generaci hered scripture est plen de dub. [42:15] This est ki vi predik steadfastly argument ki vi komand do ne sekv their wishes Proklam mi kred en all scriptures send DI! Mi komand jugx vi equitably. DI est our Lord your Lord Ni hav our deeds vi hav your deeds. tie ne est argument us vi. DI testament gather us all together AL Him est ultimate destiny! [42:16] Those who argue DI post ricev His message their argument nullified their Lord Ili incurred condemnation ind severe retribution.

[42:17] DI EST 1 who SEND scripture liver truth LEGX. all vi kon Hor (Tag Judgment est tre close [42:18] Challenging gxi est those ne kred en gxi. As por those kred ili koncern gxi ili kon ti gxi est truth! Absolutely those deny Hor ir far astray. [42:19] DI EST fully aware da all His creatures; LI proviz por whomever LI VOL. Li est Powerful Almighty [42:20] Whoever streb rekompenc Hereafter ni multiply rekompenc him! whoever streb sxtof this mond ni don him therefrom tiam li ne ricev akci Hereafter [42:21] Ili sekv idols dekret them religious legx neniam authorized DI. Se est por predetermined decision ili jugx tuj! Ja transgressors incurred painful retribution. [42:22] Vi seg transgressors worried cxio ili committed cxio ven haunt them! As por those kred plumb righteous life ili est gxarden Paradise! Ili ricev whatever ili wish their Lord This est great ben [42:23] This est bon news el DI His servants kred plumb righteous life! dir mi ne pet vi any wage Mi pet each da vi sorb zorg da your own relativ. Anyone does righteous work ni multiply his rekompenc gxi. DI est Forgiver Appreciative [42:24] Ili dir Li (Rashad) est fabricated mensog DI!? Di willed Li sigel your mens DI erases falsehood affirms truth His vort! Li est fully aware da innermost thoughts. [42:25] Li est Unu akcept repentance His servants remits pek. Li est fully aware da cxio vi do [42:26] Respond Him est those kred plumb righteous life! Li dusx them His blessings. As por disbelievers ili incurred severe retribution. [42:27] Se DI increased provision His servants ili transgress ter. This est Li send gxi precisely mezur whomever Li vol. Li est fully Cognizant Seer His servants. [42:28] Li est 1 who send pluv post ili despaired stern His mercy! Li est nur Mastr Praiseworthy! [42:29] Among His proofs est creation de heavens ter creatures Li stern them. Li est able al summon them when Li vol. [42:30] Anything mav ke okaz vi est consequence your own deeds Li overlooks many (da your pek)! [42:31] Vi neniam escape vi hav neniom DI as Lord Mastr.

[42:32] Among His proofs est sxip vel mar vel flag. [42:33] Se Li willed Li ankoraux vent las them motionless sur top da akv. These est proofs those est steadfast appreciative [42:34] Li annihilate them consequence their own works Instead Li overlooks many (da their pek). [42:35] Those who argue our proofs do gxi trov out ti ili ne hav basis. [42:36] Whatever vi don est ne plur than temporary sxtof this life. Ki DI posed est far put everlasting those kred fid their Lord [42:37] Ili evit gross pek vice kaj when angered ili forgive! [42:38] Ili respond their Lord per observ Kontakt Prayers (Salat)! Their afer decid due consultation themselves kaj our provisions them ili don charity). [42:39] When gross injustice befalls them ili bud their dekstr. [42:40] Just requital injustice est ekvivalent retribution those who pardon argument righteousness rekompenc DI! Li ne am des unjust. [42:41] Certainly those bud their dekstr when injustice befalls them ne committing any error [42:42] wrong unu est those trakt popol unjustly resort al aggression provocation! These incurred painful retribution. [42:43] Resorting pacienc forgiveness reflects prav strength karakter. [42:44] Whomever DI send astray neniam trov vol any ali lord vi seg such transgressors when ili seg retribution dir ni get another sxanc? [42:45] Vi seg them vizagx gxi humiliated debased rigard pen evit rigard! Those kred proklam efektiv losers est those perd their anim their famili Tag Resurrection. transgressors ind everlasting retribution. [42:46] tie ne est allies help them DI! Whomever DI send astray neniam direkt! [42:47] Vi respond your Lord tag ven which dekret inevitable DI! tie ne est rifugx vi ke tag nor advokat. [42:48] Ili turn ni ne send vi their guardian Your pland misi liver message When ni dusx human beings kun mercy, ili igx fier when adversity aflikt them consequence their own deeds human beings turn into disbelievers.

[42:49] Al DI aparten sovereignty de heavens ter! Li kre whatever Li vol granting daughters al whomever Li vol granting fil whomever Li vol! [42:50] Li hav vir females marry each ali tiam render whomever Li vol sterile Li est Omniscient Omnipotent [42:51] Ne human est komunik DI escept inspiration behind barrier send messenger tra Li reveals ki Li vol. Li est plej Alt Sagx. [42:52] Tiel ni inspir vi revelation proklam our commandments! Vi ne hav ide scripture faith. Ni far this beacon direkt whomever ni choose our servants. Surely vi direkt rekt path. [42:53] path DI al whom aparten cxio heavens cxio ter. Absolutely all materi controlled DI! . 43- Ornaments (Al-Zukhruf) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [43:1] H. M. [43:2] Kaj enlightening scripture. [43:3] Ni rendered gxi Arabic Quran vi kompren. [43:4] Gxi konfit us en original mastr honorable plen de wisdom. [43:5] Ni just ignor vi transgressed lim? [43:6] Ni send many prophet previous generaci. [43:7] Cxiu temp prophet ir them ili ridiculed him. [43:8] Consequently ni annihilated popol est eben powerful than these. Ni do set ekzempl el previous communities. [43:9] Vi pet them Who kre heavens ter ili dir Almighty Omniscient kre them! [43:10] Li est Unu far ter habitable vi kre por vi roads therein ke vi sekv des tuj voj

[43:11] Li est Unu send down cxiel akv exact mezur revive dead land therewith! Similarly vi resurrected [43:12] Li est Unu kre all kinds en par (vir female kaj Li kre vi sxip livestock rajd! [43:13] As vi ripoz them vi sxat such ben your Lord dir Glory est Unu subdued this us! Ni ne controlled them ourselves. [43:14] Ni ultimately return our Lord [43:15] Ili ecx asign por Him akci el His own creation! Surely human est est profoundly unappreciative. [43:16] Li chosen el His creations daughters Himself while ben vi fil? [43:17] When unu de them don news (de daughter) as ili pretend plej Gracious his vizagx darkened mizer anger [43:18] (Ili dir) Ki bon offspring est brought est bel help en ne milit? [43:19] Ili pretend ke angxel est servants plej Gracious est females! Ili witnessed their creation? Their pretend recorded ili pet. [43:20] Ili ecx dir plej Gracious willed ni ne worshipped them. Ili ne hav basis such pretend; ili nur konjekt! [43:21] Ni don them libr this ili upholding gxi? [43:22] Fakt est ti ili dir Ni trov our parents port nepr practices ni sekv en their footsteps! [43:23] Invariably when ni send warner any community estr ke community dir Ni trov our parents sekv nepr practices ni ad en their footsteps! [43:24] (messenger) dir Ki mi brought vi bon guidance than ki vi hered your parents Ili dir Ni est disbelievers message vi brought [43:25] Consequently ni requited them. Not consequences rejectors! [43:26] Abraham dir al his patr his popol mi disown ki vi worship [43:27] Nur Unu iniciat me direkt me [43:28] This ekzempl (de Abraham) rendered everlasting lecion subsequent generaci; perhaps ili redeem their anim!

[43:29] Ja mi don these popol their ancestors sufficient sxanc tiam truth ven them clarifying messenger. [43:30] When truth ven them ili dir This est magic ni est disbelievers therein. [43:31] Ili dir nur this Quran send down another hom 2 communities (Mecca Yathrib) est prominent [43:32] Ili unu est asign your Lord's mercy? Ni asign their akci en this life raising kelk da them super others en rang en ord let them dejxor 1 another mercy el your Lord est far put than any sxtof ili hoard [43:33] Se ne est all popol igx 1 disbelieving congregation ni granted everyone disbelieves plej Gracious mansions argxent tegment stairs which ili grimp! [43:34] Their mansions hav impressive gates luxurious furnishings. [43:35] Ankaux many ornaments All these est temporary sxtof this lowly life. Hereafter - Je your Lord - Est far put por des righteous. [43:36] Anyone disregards message de plej Gracious ni appoint diabl est his konstant companion. [43:37] Such companions divert them path far them kred ili direkt! [43:38] When li ven antaux us li dir Oh Mi wish vi est as far me as 2 orient. Ki miserable companion! [43:39] Gxi ne konsol vi ke tag transgressors ke ambaux vi akci retribution. [43:40] Vi far surd auxd; vi far blind vid those est far astray? [43:41] Ni let vi mort gxi ne ni surely requite them! [43:42] Ni montr vi (retribution) ni promes them. Ni est plen control them. [43:43] Vi steadfastly predik ki revealed vi; vi est dekstr path! [43:44] This est message vi your popol; all da vi questioned [43:45] Cxek messengers ni send antaux vi Hav ni ever appointed any ali di! - beside plej Gracious - Al worshipped [43:46] Por ekzempl, ni send Moses our proofs Pharaoh li elders proklam mi est messenger Lord univers.

[43:47] When li montr them our proofs ili rid them. [43:48] Cxiu sign ni montr them est grand than 1 antaux gxi. Ni aflikt them pest perhaps ili pent. [43:49] Ili dir O vi magician implore your Lord our behalf relieve this pest) ekde vi hav agreement Him; ni tiam direkt. [43:50] Sed as baldaux as ni relieved their affliction ili reverted [43:51] Pharaoh anonc al his popol O my popol mi ne posed kingship Egypt these flu river aparten al me Vi ne seg? [43:52] Which unu est put; me ke 1 lowly can est hardly parol? [43:53] "Kiel ven li ne posed trezor or; kiel ven angxel ne akompan him? [43:54] Li tiel mistifik his popol ili obe him; ili est wicked popol! [43:55] When ili persist en opposing us ni pun them dron them all [43:56] Ni rendered them precedent ekzempl others. [43:57] When fil Mary cited ekzempl your popol disregarded gxi. [43:58] Ili dir Est gxi bon worship our di worship him? Ili dir this nur argue vi! Ja ili est popol who joined opposition [43:59] Li est ne plur than servant ni ben ni send him as ekzempl Infan Israel. [43:60] Ni willed ni far vi angxel colonize reproduce ter! [43:61] Li est serv marker por kon end mond tial vi ne long haven any dub gxi! Vi sekv Me this est dekstr path. [43:62] Let ne diabl repel vi; li est your ardent enemy [43:63] When Jesus ir proofs li dir mi bring vi wisdom clarify kelk da materi en which vi disput. Vi reverence DI obe me [43:64] DI est my Lord your Lord VI worship Him SOL! This est dekstr path. [43:65] opponents disput themselves. Ve al those transgress retribution painful tag. [43:66] Ili waiting Hor (Tag Judgment ven them suddenly when ili malpli expect gxi?

[43:67] close amik ke tag igx enemies de 1 another escept por des righteous. [43:68] O My servants vi ne hav tim tag nor vol vi grieve [43:69] Ili est unu kred en our revelations est submitters. [43:70] Enter Paradise together your spouses gxoj [43:71] Ofert them est golden plet tas ili trov cxio kor dezir okul wish por! Vi viv therein forever [43:72] Such est Paradise ke vi hered dors your works [43:73] Vi hav gxi all kinds da frukt el which vi mangx. [43:74] Surely kulp vol abide retribution Gehenna forever [43:75] Neniam vol retribution commuted them; ili confined therein. [43:76] Ne est us wronged them; est ili wronged their own anim! [43:77] Ili implore O Maalek let your Lord fin us Li dir Vi rest forever [43:78] Ni don vi truth plej de vi hate truth! [43:79] Ili schemed kelk scheme Ni tro scheming [43:80] Ili opini ni ne auxd their sekret conspiracies? jes ja; our messengers est them recording [43:81] Proklam plej Gracious did hav fil mi ankoraux est foremost worshiper! [43:82] Li glor; Li est Lord de heavens ter Lord great dominion far super their pretend. [43:83] Let them blunder lud gxis ili meet their tag awaiting them! [43:84] Li est nur Unu est deity heaven deity ter. Li est plej Sagx Omniscient [43:85] Exalted est Unu posed all sovereignty de heavens ter cxio them! Kun Him est knowledge Hor end de mond) Him vi returned [43:86] Neniom da those ili idolize Him posed any potenc intercede their intercession coincides kun truth ili fully kon. [43:87] Vi pet them kre them ili dir DI. would tiam ili deviate?

[43:88] Gxi proklam O my Lord these popol ne kred. [43:89] Vi disregard them dir Pac; ili do gxi surely trov out! . 44- Fum (Al-Dukhan) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [44:1] H. M. [44:2] this enlightening scripture. [44:3] Ni send gxi down ben nokt ni est avert! [44:4] En gxi (scripture) cxiu materi wisdom clarified [44:5] Gxi predetermined ordon el us ke ni send messengers. [44:6] This est mercy your Lord Li est Hearer Omniscient [44:7] Lord de heavens ter cxio them. Se nur vi est nepr! [44:8] tie ne est ali di Him. Li controls life death; your Lord Lord your ancestors. [44:9] Ja ili est doubtful heedless. [44:10] Do watch tag when cxiel brings profound fum! [44:11] Gxi kovert popol; this est painful retribution. [44:12] Our Lord relieve this retribution us; ni est believers! [44:13] Nun ke gxi est tro late ili memor! enlightening messenger ven them. [44:14] Ili torn him dir Put kler crazy [44:15] Ni relieve retribution awhile; vi baldaux revert [44:16] Tag ni strik grand stroke ni vengx. [44:17] Ni tested them popol Pharaoh; honorable messenger ir them.

[44:18] Proklam Auxskult al me servants DI! Mi est honest messenger vi. [44:19] Kaj ne transgress DI. Mi bring vi powerful proofs [44:20] Mi streb rifugx my Lord your Lord vi oppose me [44:21] Vi ne wish kred tiam simply las me [44:22] Subsequently li implored his Lord These est wicked popol. [44:23] (Di dir) Vojagx My servants nokt; vi pursued [44:24] Kruc mar quickly; their trup dron. [44:25] Tiel ili las many gxarden printemp [44:26] Crops luxurious life. [44:27] Blessings ili gxu. [44:28] All these ni kauxz hered ali popol. [44:29] Nek heaven nor ter plor them ili ne respited [44:30] Meanwhile ni sav Infan Israel humiliating persecution. [44:31] El Pharaoh; li est tiran. [44:32] Ni chosen them all popol knowingly [44:33] Ni montr them many proofs which constituted great test [44:34] Prezent generaci dir [44:35] Ni nur mort 1 death; ni neniam resurrected [44:36] Bring dors our forefathers se vi est truthful! [44:37] Ili est put than popol de Tubba others them? Ni annihilated them their krim. [44:38] Ni ne kre heavens ter cxio them just lud! [44:39] Ni kre them specif purpose plej de them ne kon! [44:40] Tag Decision awaits them all

[44:41] Ke est tag when ne amik help his amik en any voj ne 1 help. [44:42] Nur those ating mercy DI. Li est Almighty Merciful. [44:43] Surely arb de bitterness [44:44] Proviz food por des sinful! [44:45] Like lye gxi bol stomak. [44:46] Like bol hellish drink. [44:47] sorb him jxet him into centr Infer! [44:48] Tiam versx upon his kap retribution Inferno! [44:49] Gust this; vi est tial powerful tial honorable. [44:50] This est ki vi uz dub! [44:51] righteous vol est secure pozici. [44:52] Gxu gxarden printemp [44:53] Wearing velur satin proksim each ali [44:54] Ni grant them wonderful spouses. [44:55] Ili gxu gxi all kinds da frukt perfekt pac. [44:56] Ili ne gust death therein - beyond 1 death - Li sxpar them retribution Infer. [44:57] Such est ben your Lord Such est great triumf. [44:58] Ni tiel clarified gxi your idiom ke ili pren heed [44:59] Do wait ili tro wait . 45- Kneeling (Al-Jatheyah) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful

[45:1] H. M. [45:2] revelation this scripture est DI Almighty Sagx. [45:3] heavens ter est plen de proofs believers. [45:4] Ankaux en your creation creation all best tie est proofs popol est nepr. [45:5] Ankaux alternation de nokt tag provisions ti DI send down cxiel revive dead land manipulation vent; all these est proofs popol kompren! [45:6] These est di revelations ni recite vi truthfully. En which Hadith DI His revelations ili kred? [45:7] Ve al cxiu fabricator kulp [45:8] 1 auxd di revelations recited him tiam insist arrogantly sur his voj as li neniam auxd them! Promes him painful retribution. [45:9] When li lern anything our revelations li mok them. These incurred shameful retribution. [45:10] Awaiting them est Gehenna. Their earnings ne help them nor idols ili set DI. Ili incurred terrible retribution. [45:11] This est beacon those disbelieve these revelations their Lord incurred condemnation painful retribution! [45:12] DI est UNU committed mar your service tial ke SXIP roam GXI en accordance kun His LEGX. Vi tiel streb His provisions ti vi est appreciative [45:13] Li committed en your service cxio heavens ter; all el Him! These est proofs popol reflect [45:14] Tell those kred forgive those ne expect tag DI! Li fully pag everyone whatever ili earned [45:15] Whoever works righteousness does por his own bon whoever works evil does tial his own detriment! Al your Lord vi returned [45:16] Ni don Infan de Israel scripture wisdom prophethood proviz them bon provisions ni bestowed them plur blessings than any ali popol! [45:17] Ni don them herein klar commandments. Ironically ili ne disput this knowledge ven them. This est jealousy their part. Surely your Lord jugx them Tag Resurrection cxio ili disput.

[45:18] Ni tiam appointed vi establ gxust legx; vi sekv this ne sekv wishes de those ne kon! [45:19] Ili ne help vi je all DI. est transgressors ally 1 another while DI est Lord de des righteous. [45:20] This proviz enlightenments popol guidance mercy those est nepr. [45:21] those work evil expect ni trakt them sam manier as those kred plumb righteous life? Can their life their death est des sam Wrong ja est their judgment [45:22] DI KRE heavens TER SPECIF purpose en ord pag each ANIM whatever gxi earned MALPLEJ injustice! [45:23] Vi not unu di hav est his ego? Consequently DI send him astray his knowledge sigel his auxd his mens met vual his okul! Who tiam direkt him such decision DI? Vi ne pren heed [45:24] Ili dir Ni nur viv this life; ni viv mort nur temp kauxz our death! Ili ne hav sure knowledge this; ili nur konjekt! [45:25] When our revelations recited them clearly their nur argument est dir Bring dors our forefathers vi est truthful! [45:26] Dir DI granted vi life tiam Li puts vi death tiam Li summon vi Tag Resurrection est inevitable! Plej popol ne kon! [45:27] Al DI aparten all sovereignty de heavens ter! Tag Hor Judgment ven pas ke est when falsifiers perd! [45:28] Vi seg cxiu community kneeling Cxiu community est vok view their record Hodiaux vi get pag por cxio vi done [45:29] This est our record gxi utters truth vi! Ni recording cxio vi did [45:30] As por those kred work righteousness their Lord admit them His mercy! This est great triumf. [45:31] As por those disbelieve My revelations Est recited vi vi torn arrogant est wicked popol? [45:32] When gxi proklam di promes est truth ke Hor Judgment inevitable vi dir Ni ne kon ki Hor est Ni est plen de konjekt gxi; ni ne est nepr. [45:33] evils their works igx evident al them tre ajx ili mok ven haunt them!

[45:34] Gxi proklam Hodiaux ni forges vi just as vi forges meeting this tag. Your abode est hellfire vi ne hav helpers! [45:35] This est vi sorb di revelations en vain preoccupied 1 life. Consequently ili neniam exit therefrom nor vol ili pretekst! [45:36] Al DI aparten all lauxd; Lord heavens Lord ter Lord univers! [45:37] Al Him aparten all supremacy heavens ter! Li est Almighty Sagx. . 46- Dunes (Al-Ahqaf) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [46:1] H. M. [46:2] revelation this scripture est DI Almighty Sagx. [46:3] Ni ne kre heavens ter cxio them specif purpose finite interim Those disbelieve est totally oblivious al warnings don them. [46:4] dir Konsider idols vi set DI. Montr me ki sur ter did ili kre! Ili own part de heavens? Montr me any ali scripture antaux this 1, any pec establ knowledge supports your idolatry vi est truthful! [46:5] Who est farther astray than those idolize DI idols neniam respond them Tag Resurrection est totally unaware de their worship [46:6] Kaj when popol summoned Tag Judgment their idols igx their enemies denunc their idolatry! [46:7] When our revelations recited them perfectly klar those disbelieved dir de truth ven them This est obviously magic [46:8] When ili dir Li fabricated this dir mi fabricated this tiam vi ne protekt me DI! Li est fully aware da cxio vi scheme Li suffices as witness me vi. Li est Forgiver Merciful. [46:9] dir mi est different el ali messengers. Mi ne hav ide ki vol okaz me vi. Mi nur sekv ki revealed me Mi est ne plur than profound warner. [46:10] Dir Ki se gxi DI vi est disbelieved en gxi? witness el Infan Israel bor witness simil phenomenon li kred while vi torn arrogant! Surely DI ne direkt wicked popol.

[46:11] Those disbelieved dir pri those kred est anything bon ili ne akcept gxi antaux us ili ne direkt gxi ili dir This est old fabrication! [46:12] Antaux this libr Moses proviz guidance mercy. This tro est scripture konfirm Arabic avert those transgressed don bon news des righteous! [46:13] Surely those dir Our Lord est DI tiam plumb righteous life ne hav tim nor vol ili grieve [46:14] Ili ind Paradise kie ili abide forever rekompenc their works [46:15] Ni enjoined human est honor his parents His mother bor him arduously don nask al him arduously sorb intim zorg de him 30 monat! When li reaches maturity reaches agx de 40 li dir My Lord direct me sxat blessings Vi bestowed me my parents do righteous works placx Vi! Let my infan est righteous ankaux! Mi pent Vi; mi est submitter. [46:16] est these ni akcept righteous works overlook their pek. Ili ind Paradise. This est truthful promes promes them. [46:17] Tiam tie unu est dir al his parents Ve vi; vi telling me death) mi ven life? Kiel ven those mort antaux us neniam ven parents cry di help dir Ve al vi; placx kred! Di promes est truth. Li dir Tales preter! [46:18] Such unu stamp disbelievers cxiu generaci de jinns humans; ili est losers. [46:19] Ili all ating rang ili ind en accordance kun their works Li pag them their works malplej injustice. [46:20] Tag ven when those disbelieved introduced hellfire Vi wasted bon sxanc don vi your worldly life vi gxoj en them. Consequently hodiaux vi incur shameful retribution as requital arrogance vi committed ter any basis kaj your evil works [46:21] Recall ke frat 窶連ad avert his popol dunes! - numerous warnings ankaux liver antaux him post him Vi ne worship DI. Mi tim por vi retribution de great tag. [46:22] Ili dir vi ven divert us our di? Ni challenge vi bring (retribution) vi minac vi est truthful. [46:23] Li dir knowledge this est DI; mi nur liver vi ki mi est send al liver! Mi seg ke vi popol est ignorant. [46:24] When ili seg sxtorm rubrik their voj ili dir This sxtorm bring us mult bezon pluv Instead this est ki vi challenged Hood bring violent vent wherein tie est painful retribution!

[46:25] Gxi detru cxio as komand its Lord Per maten nothing star their hejm. Ni tiel requite kulp popol. [46:26] Ni establ them sam voj as ni establ vi proviz them auxd okul mens! their auxd okul mens ne help them je all This ili decid disregard di revelations. Tiel prophecies warnings ili ridiculed kauxz their doom [46:27] Ni annihilated many communities vi post ni eksplik proofs ili pent. [46:28] Why tiam idols ili set bring them closer al DI fail help them? Instead ili abandoned them. Such est false di ili idolized such est innovations ili fabricated [46:29] Recall ti ni directed a numer da jinns vi en ord let them auxd Quran! When ili got tie ili dir Auxskult. gxi over ili rushed their popol avert [46:30] Ili dir O our popol ni auxd libr revealed Moses konfirm previous scriptures. Gxi direkt truth; al des tuj path. [46:31] O our popol respond vok DI kred en Him! Li tiam forgive your pek sxpar vi painful retribution! [46:32] Those fail respond di vok ne escape ne hav Lord Him; ili ir far astray! [46:33] Ili ne realize ti DI kre heavens ter malplej effort est able al revive dead jes ja; Li est Omnipotent [46:34] Tag disbelievers introduced Hellfire ili pet Est this ne truth? Ili respond Jes ja our Lord Li dir Tiam sufer retribution your disbelief. [46:35] Do est pacient messengers vi posed strength resorted pacienc. Ne est en a hurry seg retribution inevitably ven them. Tag ili seg gxi seem as ili last 1 hor tag. This proclamation est gxi ne wicked who est consistently annihilated . 47- Muhammad (Muhammad) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [47:1] Those disbelieve repel path DI Li nullifies their works [47:2] Those kred work righteousness kred en ki send down Muhammad! - which est truth their Lord - Li remits their pek ben them contentment!

[47:3] This est those disbelieve sekv falsehood while those kred sekv truth their Lord DI TIEL cites POPOL their EKZEMPL. [47:4] Vi renkont (en milit) those disbelieve vi strik kol! Vi pren them captives vi set them liber ransom them milit ends Hav DI willed Li granted vi victory milit! Li tiel tests vi 1 another As por those get killed ig DI Li neniam put their ofer waste [47:5] Li direkt them ben them contentment! [47:6] Li admit them Paradise Li described them. [47:7] O vi kred vi support DI Li support vi strengthen your foothold. [47:8] Those disbelieve incur mizer; Li kauxz their works est utterly en vain [47:9] Ke because ili hated ki DI revealed consequently Li nullifies their works [47:10] Ili ne roam ter Did seg consequences por those antaux them? DI detru their works all disbelievers SUFER SAM SORT. [47:11] This est DI est Lord de those kred while disbelievers ne hav lord [47:12] DI admits those kred PLUMB righteous life into GXARDEN FLU streams As por those disbelieve ili viv mangx like best mangx tiam end hellfire! [47:13] Many community est mult fort than community ke evicted vi your town; when ni annihilated them ne 1 help them. [47:14] Est those enlightened their Lord sam as those evil works ornam their okul ili sekv their own opinions? [47:15] allegory Paradise promes righteous est this gxi hav river unpolluted akv river de fresx lakt river de vin! - delicious por drinkers - River strained miel. Ili hav all kinds da frukt therein forgiveness el their Lord Ili bon those (est abide forever thehellfire drink hellish akv larm their intest? [47:16] Kelk da them auxskult al vi tiam as baldaux as ili las ili pet those enlightened Ki did li just dir DI tiel sigel their kor consequently ili sekv nur their opinions! [47:17] As por those direkt Li eg their guidance grants them their righteousness. [47:18] Ili waiting Hor est ven them suddenly All sign thereof jam ven. Once Hor ven them kiel ili do gxi benefit el their message [47:19] Vi kon ti Tie ne est ali di DI pet forgiveness de your pek pek de all kred hom women DI est fully aware da your decisions your ultimate destiny.

[47:20] Those kred dir When vol neo sura revealed when straightforward sura revealed wherein batal menci vi seg those harbored dub their kor rigard vi death jam ven them! Ili tiel exposed [47:21] Obedience righteous utterances expected de them. Nur ili montr confidence DI when mobilization est vok gxi est put por them. [47:22] Est gxi ankaux your intention vi las vi commit evil mistreat your relativ? [47:23] est those incurred curse DI whereby Li rendered them surd blind! [47:24] Why ili ne stud Quran carefully Ili hav seruv their mens? [47:25] Surely those slide dors guidance manifested them diabl enticed them plumb them sur! [47:26] This est ili dir al those hated ki DI send down Ni obe vi nepr materi. DI fully kon their sekret conspiracies! [47:27] Kiel gxi do gxi por them when angxel est put them al death? Ili bat them their vizagx their rear ends [47:28] This because ili sekv ki angered DI hated ajx placx Him! Consequently Li nullified their works [47:29] those haven dub their kor pens ke Did DI testament ne bring out their evil thoughts? [47:30] Ni testament ni expose them vi tial ke vi recognize them just rigard them. Vi recognize them per des voj ili talk DI est fully aware da all your works [47:31] Ni certainly put vi test en ord disting those vi who strive steadfastly persevere Ni expose your prav kvalit. [47:32] Those disbelieve repel path DI oppose messenger guidance manifested por them neniam dolor DI en des malplej Instead Li nullifies their works [47:33] O vi kred vi obe DI obe messenger. Otherwise all your works est en vain [47:34] Those disbelieve repel path DI tiam mort disbelievers DI testament neniam forgive them! [47:35] Do vi ne waver surrender pursuit pac vi garanti victory DI est vi. Li neniam waste your efforts.

[47:36] This worldly life est ne plur than lud vanity. Vi kred plumb righteous life Li rekompenc vi pet vi any mon! [47:37] Se Li pet vi mon al extent kre hardship vi vi igx stingy your fel evil might exposed [47:38] Vi invit spend ig DI kelk da vi torn stingy stingy est stingy towards their own anim. DI est RICX while VI est poor Vi turn Li substitute ali popol your met ili ne est vi. . 48- Victory (Al-Fatt-h) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [48:1] Ni bestowed vi O Messenger) great victory. [48:2] Whereby DI forgives your preter pek ankaux as future pek perfekt His blessings vi direkt vi rekt path! [48:3] Additionally DI testament support vi unwavering support [48:4] Li est Unu ej contentment kor believers eg plur faith ankaux al their faith! Al DI aparten all forces de heavens ter! DI est Omniscient SAGX. [48:5] Li certainly admit kred hom women into gxarden flu streams wherein ili abide forever Li remit their pek. This est sight DI great triumf. [48:6] Li requite hypocrite hom women idol worshipping hom women ili harbored evil thoughts DI. Their evil vol backfire them. Di est koler them kondamn them prepar them Gehenna! Ki miserable destiny! [48:7] Al DI aparten all forces heavens ter! DI est Almighty SAGX. [48:8] Ni send vi witness bearer bon news warner. [48:9] Ke vi popol kred en DI His messenger reverence Him observ Him glor Him tag kaj nokt! [48:10] Surely those pledge allegiance vi pledging allegiance DI. DI APROB their pledge LI EJ His MAN their MAN! Those violate such pledge commit violation al their own detriment. As por those fulfill their pledge DI Li grant them great recompense

[48:11] sedentary Arabs rest behind dir Ni preoccupied our mon our famili pet forgiveness us! Ili utter their lang ki ne est their kor! Dir Who protekt vi DI se Li willed any adversity vi aux se Li willed any ben vi? DI est fully Cognizant de cxio vi do [48:12] Vi secretly kred messenger believers defeated neniam ven their famili this firmly establ your kor! Vi harbored evil thoughts torn into wicked popol. [48:13] Anyone rifuz kred en DI His messenger ni prepar disbelievers hellfire! [48:14] Al DI aparten sovereignty de heavens ter! Li forgives whomever Li vol pun whomever Li vol! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [48:15] sedentary who rest behind dir when vi expected kolekt spoils de milit Let us sekv vi akci en this!" Ili tiel wish alter di vort! Dir Vi ne sekv us! This est di decision. Ili tiam dir Vi est envious de us (por rest behind Ja ili rarely kompren anything! [48:16] Dir al sedentary Arabs rest Vi invit vizagx powerful popol batal them ili submit! Se vi obe DI testament rekompenc vi generous recompense Vi turn re vi did en des preter, Li requite vi painful retribution! [48:17] Blind ne est blamed crippled ne est blamed sick ne est blamed Those obe DI His messenger Li admit them gxarden flu streams As por those turn Li requite them painful retribution. [48:18] DI PLACX believers pledged allegiance VI ARB. Li kon ki est their kor consequently Li ben them contentment rekompenc them immediate victory! [48:19] Additionally ili gajn many spoils DI est Almighty SAGX. [48:20] DI PROMES VI many spoils KE VI GAJN. Li do advanced kelk benefits vi en this life Li withheld popol man aggression vi rendered this sign believers! Li tiel direkt vi rekt path. [48:21] As por grup vi possibly ne defeat DI sorb zorg da them; DI est Omnipotent [48:22] disbelievers ever batal vi ili turn around flee! Ili ne hav Lord Mastr; ili ne hav helper! [48:23] Such est di sistem throughout histori, vi trov di sistem est unchangeable. [48:24] Li est Unu withheld their man aggression vi withheld your man aggression them en val Mecca post Li granted vi victory over them! DI est Seer DE CXIO VI do [48:25] est ili disbelieved barred vi el Sankt Masjid ecx prevent your offerings reaching their destination! tie kred hom women enemy camp vi ne kon vi est pri al dolor them

unknowingly! DI TIEL admits His mercy whomever LI VOL. Ili persist Li requite those them disbelieve painful retribution. [48:26] While those disbelieved enraged their kor filled pride tag ignorance DI ben His messenger believers peaceful contentment directed them uphold vort righteousness! This est ki ili nu ind DI est fully aware da all AJX. [48:27] DI fulfilled His messenger's truthful VIZI VI enter SANKT Masjid DI testament perfectly secure VI FASON your HAR shorten GXI as VI fulfill pilgrimage rituals tie Vi ne hav any tim. Ekde Li kon ki vi ne kon Li coupled this immediate victory. [48:28] Li est 1 who send His messenger guidance religi truth far gxi prevail all ali religi! DI suffices witness [48:29] Muhammad - messenger DI - those kun him est harsh pouxp disbelievers kind compassionate amongst themselves. Vi seg them bowing prostrating as ili streb di blessings approval Their mark est their vizagx because da prostrating! This est sam ekzempl as Torah. Their ekzempl en Gospel est plant kresk taller fort placx farmers! Li tiel enrages disbelievers. DI PROMES those them kred, PLUMB righteous life forgiveness great recompense . 49- Mur (Al-Hujurat) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [49:1] O vi kred ne ej your opinion ke de DI His messenger! Vi reverence DI. DI est Hearer Omniscient [49:2] O vi kred ne raise your vocx vocx prophet nor shall vi kri him vi kri je each ali lest your works igx nullified while vi ne perceive [49:3] Surely those lower their vocx messenger DI est unu kor prepar DI igx righteous! Ili ind forgiveness great recompense [49:4] As por those vok sur vi mur plej de them ne kompren. [49:5] Hav ili est pacient gxis vi ven them gxi est put por them! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [49:6] O vi kred wicked ul brings any news vi vi 1 investigate lest vi commit injustice kelk popol ignorance tiam igx sorry remorseful ki vi done

[49:7] Kaj kon ti di messenger ven your midst! Hav li auxskult al vi many ajx vi far ajx difficult yourselves! Di far vi am faith ornam gxi your kor Li far vi abhor disbelief wickedness disobedience. These direkt unu. [49:8] Such est grace DI His blessings. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [49:9] 2 grup believers batal each ali vi reconcile them. 1 grup aggresses ali vi batal aggressing grup gxis ili submit di ordon! Once ili submit vi reconcile 2 grup equitably. Vi argument justice DI am those est just! [49:10] believers est members de 1 famili; vi keep pac within your famili reverence DI ke vi ating mercy! [49:11] O vi ne kred popol ridicule ali popol ili est put than ili! Nor shall any women ridicule ali women ili est put than ili. Nor shall vi mok unu another far fun da your nom. Evil ja est reversion al wickedness post ating faith! Anyone ne pent this these est transgressors. [49:12] O vi kred vi evit any suspicion ecx a malpli mord de suspicion est sinful. Vi ne spion 1 another nor shall vi backbite 1 another this est as abominable as mangx karn your dead frat! Vi certainly abhor this. Vi observ DI. DI est Redeemer Merciful. [49:13] O popol ni kre vi sam vir female rendered vi distinct popol gent ke vi recognize unu another Bon among vi en sight DI est plej righteous. DI est Omniscient Cognizant [49:14] Arabs dir Ni est Mu'mens (believers.) Dir Vi ne kred; ki vi dir est ‘Ni est Muslims (submitters) ' belief establ your kor. vi obe DI His messenger Li ne put any da your works waste DI est Forgiver Merciful. [49:15] Mu'mens (believers) est those kred en DI His messenger tiam ating status hav ne dub whatsoever strive their mon their viv en ig DI! These est truthful unu. [49:16] Dir vi inform DI your religi? DI kon CXIO EN heavens TER. DI est Omniscient [49:17] Ili akt as ili doing vi komplez embracing Submission! Dir Vi ne doing me any komplez embracing Submission! DI est UNU EST doing VI great KOMPLEZ PER DIREKT VI AL faith VI est SINCER! [49:18] DI kon all SEKRET EN heavens TER; DI est Seer DE CXIO VI do . 50- Q. (Qaf) .

En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [50:1] Q. kaj glorious Quran. [50:2] Ili trov gxi strang ke warner el them ven them! disbelievers dir This est really strang. [50:3] Post ni mort igx polv; this est impossible [50:4] Ni est fully aware da anyone de them gets konsum ter; ni hav accurate record [50:5] Ili rejected truth when gxi ven them; ili utterly konfuz. [50:6] Ili ne rigard cxiel super them kiel ni konstru gxi ornam gxi flaw [50:7] Ni kre ter scattered gxi mont kresk gxi all kinds da bel plant! [50:8] This est enlightenment reminder cxiu pi worshiper. [50:9] Ni send cxiel ben akv kresk gxi gxarden grajn rikolt! [50:10] Tall dat palm clustered frukt. [50:11] Provisions popol. Ni revive gxi dead land; vi similarly resurrected [50:12] Disbelieving them est popol Noah dwellers Russ Thamoud! [50:13] 窶連ad Pharaoh brethren Lot. [50:14] dwellers lign popol Tubba. All da them disbelieved messengers consequently My retribution befell them! [50:15] Ni tro sxargx 1 creation? this why ili est dub resurrection? [50:16] Ni kre human ni kon ki li flustr himself. Ni est closer al him than his jugular vejn. [50:17] 2 recording (angxel) je dekstr je las constantly recording [50:18] Ne utterance does li utter vigl witness [50:19] Finally inevitable coma death ven; this est ki vi pen evade [50:20] Korn blov; this est promes tag. [50:21] Cxiu anim ven kun herder witness

[50:22] Vi uz est oblivious al this. Ni tuj remove your vual; hodiaux your vizi est as fort as sxtal [50:23] companion dir Here est my formidable testimony. [50:24] Jxet into Gehenna cxiu stubborn disbeliever. [50:25] Forbidder charity aggressor plen de dub! [50:26] Li set DI another di. Jxet him into severe retribution. [50:27] His companion dir Our Lord mi ne mislead him; li est far astray. [50:28] Li dir ne feud Me mi suficx avert vi! [50:29] Nothing sxangx nun. Mi est neniam unjust towards popol. [50:30] Est tag when ni pet Infer Hav vi hav suficx Gxi dir Don me plur [50:31] Paradise ofert righteous readily. [50:32] This est ki promes cxiu repenter steadfast. [50:33] Ili reverenced plej Gracious en their privacy ven wholeheartedly. [50:34] Enter gxi pac; this est Tag Eternity! [50:35] Ili get anything ili wish therein ni hav eben plur [50:36] Many generaci them est powerful ni annihilated Ili sercx land; ili trov escape [50:37] This est lecion everyone posed mens est able al auxd witness [50:38] Ni kre heavens ter cxio them 6 tag neni fatigue tusx us! [50:39] Do est pacient en des vizagx de their utterances lauxd glor your Lord antaux sunrise antaux sunset! [50:40] Nokt vi medit His nom post prostrating! [50:41] prepar tag when caller vok met est proksim! [50:42] When ili auxd inevitable cry est tag vi ven [50:43] Ni est unu control life death; us est final destiny.

[50:44] Tag ven when ter krak en a hurry don roz them! Such summoning est facil por us do [50:45] Ni est fully aware da cxio ili utter while vi ne hav potenc them. Do remind this Quran those reverence My warnings! . 51- Drivers de Vent (Al-Dhareyat) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [51:1] blov vent. [51:2] Bor pluv [51:3] Bringing provisions [51:4] Distribu them as komand. [51:5] Ki promes vi surely ven pas! [51:6] Tag Judgment est inevitable. [51:7] Despite perfectly kre cxiel. [51:8] Vi ad disput truth. [51:9] Deviating therefrom est deviators! [51:10] Ve al falsifiers. [51:11] En their blundering ili est totally heedless. [51:12] Ili question Tag Judgment [51:13] Tag ili prezent fajr. [51:14] Gust retribution; this est ki vi uz challenge [51:15] righteous ind gxarden printemp [51:16] Ili ricev their Lord's rekompenc ili uz est pi.

[51:17] Rarely did ili dorm whole nokt. [51:18] Je dawn ili pregx forgiveness. [51:19] portion their mon est set aside por beggar needy [51:20] Ter est plen da sign those est nepr. [51:21] within vi seg? [51:22] En heaven est your provision cxio promes vi. [51:23] Per Lord de heaven ter this est as prav as ti vi parol. [51:24] Vi not histori Abraham's honorable gast? [51:25] Ili vizit him dir Pac. Li dir Pac al vi strangers! [51:26] Li pet his famili prepar fat calf [51:27] When li ofert gxi them li remarked vi ne mangx? [51:28] Li harbored tim de them! Ili dir ne Hav tim ili don bon news knowledgeable fil! [51:29] His wife astonished Not her wrinkled vizagx mi est sterile old woman! [51:30] Ili dir Tiel dir your Lord Li est plej Sagx Omniscient [51:31] Li dir Ki est vi up al O messengers? [51:32] Ili dir Ni depesx criminal popol. [51:33] Ni dusx them rok clay [51:34] Mark your Lord transgressors! [51:35] Ni tiam liver all believers. [51:36] Ni ne trov gxi escept 1 dom submitters! [51:37] Ni set gxi lecion those tim painful retribution. [51:38] En Moses tie est lecion). Ni send him Pharaoh manifest proofs [51:39] Li torn en arrogance dir Magician crazy

[51:40] Consequently ni pun him his trup Ni jxet them mar li est 1 blame [51:41] En 窶連ad tie est lecion). Ni send them disastrous vent. [51:42] Anything gxi ven upon utterly detru. [51:43] En Thamoud tie est lecion). Ili told Gxu temporarily! [51:44] Ili ribel ordon their Lord Consequently fulm strik them as ili rigard. [51:45] Ili neniam get nor ili help. [51:46] Popol Noah antaux ke; ili est wicked popol. [51:47] Ni konstru cxiel our man ni ad expand gxi! [51:48] Ni far ter habitable; perfekt desegn. [51:49] Ni kre par (vir female de cxio ke vi pren heed [51:50] Vi escape DI. Mi send Him vi manifest warner. [51:51] Do ne set DI any ali di! Mi send Him vi manifest warner. [51:52] Consistently when messenger ir previous generaci ili dir Magician Crazy [51:53] Ili far agreement kun each ali Ja ili est transgressors. [51:54] Vi disregard them; vi ne blamed [51:55] Kaj remind por reminder benefits believers! [51:56] Mi ne kre jinns humans escept worship Me sol! [51:57] Mi bezon provisions them nor do mi bezon them feed Me [51:58] DI est Provider Possessor all POTENC Supreme [51:59] transgressors incurred sam sort their previous counterparts; ili ne challenge [51:60] Ve those disbelieved tag awaiting them. . 52- Mount Sinai (Al-Toor)!

. En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [52:1] Mont. Sinai. [52:2] recorded scripture. [52:3] Published en libr! [52:4] frequented Shrine [52:5] exalted plafon. [52:6] Mar set aflame. [52:7] Your Lord's requital est unavoidable. [52:8] ne force univers stop gxi! [52:9] Tag ven when cxiel violently tondr. [52:10] Mont visx out. [52:11] Ve ke tag al disbelievers [52:12] who est en their blundering heedless! [52:13] Ili herded Gehenna forcibly. [52:14] This est Fajr en vi uz disbelieve! [52:15] est this magic vi ne seg? [52:16] Sufer brul Vi est pacient impatient gxi est des sam por vi! This est just requital ki vi did [52:17] righteous ind gxarden bliss! [52:18] Ili gxu ki their Lord rezerv them; their Lord sxpar them retribution Infer. [52:19] Mangx trink happily dors your works [52:20] Ili relax luxurious furnishings ni alumet them bel spouses!

[52:21] Por those kred their infan ankaux sekv them belief ni hav their infan join them! Ni neniam fail rekompenc them any work Cxiu ul est pag por ki li did [52:22] Ni supply them frukt viand ili am. [52:23] Ili gxu drink neniam polluted neniam sinful trink! [52:24] Serv them est servants protekt perl! [52:25] Ili meet each ali reminisce themselves. [52:26] Ili dir Ni uz est kind humil our popol! [52:27] DI BEN us SXPAR us AGONDI ill VUND! [52:28] Ni uz implore Him; Li est plej Kind Merciful! [52:29] Vi remind popol. Kun your Lord's ben vi vi est nek soothsayer nor crazy [52:30] Ili dir Li est poet; just wait gxis li est dead [52:31] Dir Ir sur waiting mi wait vi! [52:32] Gxi est their songx ke dikt their behavior est ili naturally wicked? [52:33] Do ili dir Li far gxi all Instead ili est simply disbelievers. [52:34] Let them produkt Hadith this se ili est truthful! [52:35] Ili kre nothing? Est ili creators? [52:36] Ili kre heavens ter? Ja ili ne hav certainty. [52:37] Ili posed trezor your Lord Ili en est control [52:38] Ili grimp ladder Do enables them auxskult Let their listeners montr their proof [52:39] Li Does daughters while vi hav hav fil? [52:40] Vi pet them any wage kaj ili sxargx thereby? [52:41] Ili kon future Do gxi recorded [52:42] Ili plotting kaj scheming disbelievers' schemes backfire them! [52:43] Ili hav another di DI? DI GLOR far HAV partners

[52:44] When ili seg mas fal cxiel ili dir Piled nub! [52:45] Disregard them ili meet tag en which ili strik! [52:46] Ke tag their schemes ne protekt them nor vol ili help! [52:47] Those transgress sufer retribution here plej de them ne kon! [52:48] Vi steadfastly persevere port your Lord's ordon! - Vi est our okul - Glor lauxd your Lord when vi get [52:49] Ankaux dum nokt glor Him je dawn as stel fade for! . 53- Stel (Al-Najm) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [53:1] As stel fal for. [53:2] Your amik (Muhammad) est astray nor li tromp. [53:3] Nor est li parol personal dezir! [53:4] Gxi est divine inspiration. [53:5] Dikt per plej Powerful! [53:6] Possessor all auxtoritat. El His alt height [53:7] Je alt horizon. [53:8] Li drew proksim per mov down [53:9] gxis Li igx as close as possible [53:10] Li tiam revealed His servant ki est revealed [53:11] Mens neniam far up ki gxi seg. [53:12] Vi dub ki li est seg? [53:13] Li seg him another descent.

[53:14] Je ultimate pint. [53:15] Kie etern Paradise located [53:16] whole met overwhelmed [53:17] Okul ne waver nor ir blind! [53:18] Li seg great sign his Lord [53:19] Kompar this female idols Allaat Al- Uzzah! [53:20] Manaat 3 1. [53:21] Vi Do fil while Li hav hav these as daughters? [53:22] Ki disgraceful distribution! [53:23] These est nom ke vi far up vi your forefathers. DI NENIAM authorized such blasphemy. Ili sekv konjekt personal dezir when prav guidance ven them herein their Lord [53:24] Ki gxi ke human est est dezir? [53:25] Al DI aparten ambaux Hereafter this mond! [53:26] Ne eben angxel heaven posed auxtoritat intercede Nur unu permes DI est those akt en accordance kun His vol His approval [53:27] Those disbelieve Hereafter don angxel in nom. [53:28] Ili ne hav knowledge this; ili nur konjekt. Konjekt est substitute por truth! [53:29] Vi disregard those turn our message igx preoccupied this worldly life! [53:30] This est extent their knowledge. Your Lord est fully aware da those who strayed for His path Li est fully aware da those direkt. [53:31] Al DI aparten cxio heavens cxio sur ter! Li requite those commit evil their works rekompenc righteous por their righteousness. [53:32] Ili evit gross pek transgressions escept por minor offenses Your Lord's forgiveness est immense Li est fully aware da vi ekde Li iniciat vi ter while vi est embryos your mothers' bellies Do ne exalt Li est fully aware da des righteous! [53:33] Vi not unu hav torn

[53:34] Rarely did li don charity kaj tiam tre malpli [53:35] Li posed knowledge future Li seg gxi? [53:36] Li est inform da teachings scripture Moses [53:37] Abraham who fulfilled [53:38] Ne anim bor pek another anim. [53:39] Cxiu human est est responsible por his own works [53:40] everyone's works montr! [53:41] Tiam ili pag fully such works [53:42] Al your Lord est final destiny. [53:43] Li est Unu far vi rid cry [53:44] Li est Unu controls death life. [53:45] Li est Unu kre 2 kinds vir female [53:46] El tiny gut semen. [53:47] Li efik recreation. [53:48] Li est Unu far vi ricx poor [53:49] Li est Lord galaxies. [53:50] Li est Unu annihilated antikv 窶連ad. [53:51] Kaj visx out Thamoud! [53:52] Ankaux popol Noah antaux ke; ili est evil transgressors. [53:53] evil communities (de Sodom Gomorrah) est lowliest. [53:54] Consequently ili utterly vanished [53:55] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [53:56] This est avert older unu.

[53:57] inevitable est imminent. [53:58] Neniom beside DI relieve gxi! [53:59] Vi questioning this materi [53:60] Vi rid instead da crying [53:61] Vi insist your voj? [53:62] Vi auxtun prostrate DI worship . 54- Lun (Al-Qamar) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [54:1] Hor ven closer lun fend. [54:2] Tiam ili seg mirakl; ili torn dir Old magic [54:3] Ili disbelieved sekv their opinions adhered al their old tradici. [54:4] Sufficient warnings liver vigl them! [54:5] Great wisdom; all warnings est en vain [54:6] ignor them; tag ven when caller anonc terrible disaster. [54:7] Kun their okul humiliated ili ven graves scattered locusts! [54:8] As ili respond caller disbelievers dir This est difficult tag! [54:9] Popol Noah disbelieved them. Ili disbelieved our servant dir Crazy Li persekut. [54:10] Li implored his Lord mi oppressed grant me victory! [54:11] Ni tiam opened gates cxiel versx akv. [54:12] Ni kauxz risort sxpruc ter! Akv met efik predetermined decision! [54:13] Ni port him watercraft far logs sxnur.

[54:14] Gxi kur our watchful okul; rekompenc 1 who rejected [54:15] Ni set gxi lecion. any da vi wish lern? [54:16] Kiel terrible est My retribution warnings! [54:17] Ni far Quran facil lern! any da vi wish lern? [54:18] 窶連ad disbelieved Consequently kiel terrible est My retribution warnings. [54:19] Ni send them violent vent tag continuous mizer. [54:20] Gxi tossed popol around as ili decayed palm arb trunk. [54:21] Kiel terrible est My retribution warnings! [54:22] Ni far Quran facil lern! any da vi wish lern? [54:23] Thamoud rejected warnings. [54:24] Ili dir ni sekv unu de us; human est Ni tiam ir astray tiam end Infer! [54:25] message ven him us? Li est flagrant liar. [54:26] Ili do gxi trov out morgaux who flagrant liar est [54:27] Ni send kamel test them. Watch them est pacient! [54:28] Inform them akv divid them; (kamel) allowed trink her designated tag! [54:29] Ili persuaded their amik kill (kamel) li obliged [54:30] Consequently kiel terrible est My retribution! Ili avert. [54:31] Ni send them 1 blov whereupon ili igx like rikolt fojn! [54:32] Ni far Quran facil lern! any da vi wish lern? [54:33] Popol Lot rejected warnings. [54:34] Ni dusx them rok. Nur Lot's famili sav je dawn [54:35] Ni ben him his famili; ni tiel rekompenc appreciative [54:36] Li avert them our requital ili ridiculed warnings.

[54:37] Ili negotiated him his gast; ni blind them. Sufer My retribution; vi avert! [54:38] Fru des next maten devastating retribution strik them. [54:39] Sufer My retribution; vi avert! [54:40] Ni far Quran facil lern! any da vi wish lern? [54:41] Pharaoh's popol avert. [54:42] Ili rejected all our sign. Consequently ni requited them Almighty Omnipotent should. [54:43] est your disbelievers put than those disbelievers? Vi absolved scripture? [54:44] Perhaps ili pens Ni est winners. [54:45] All da them defeated ili turn around flee! [54:46] Hor awaiting them Hor est far mav painful. [54:47] Certainly kulp est astray end en Infer. [54:48] Ili tren hellfire forcibly. Sufer agondi retribution! [54:49] Cxio ni kre precisely mezur. [54:50] Our ordon done blink okul. [54:51] Ni annihilated your counterparts. any da vi wish lern? [54:52] Cxio ili did recorded scriptures! [54:53] Cxio small large skrib [54:54] Surely righteous ind gxarden river! [54:55] En a pozici de honor Omnipotent Regx. . 55- Gracious (Al-Rahmaan) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful

[55:1] Plej Gracious. [55:2] Teacher Quran. [55:3] Creator human beings. [55:4] Li instru them kiel disting! [55:5] Sun lun perfectly kalkul [55:6] Stel arb prostrate [55:7] Li konstru cxiel establ legx. [55:8] Vi ne transgress legx. [55:9] Vi establ justice ne violate legx. [55:10] Li kre ter all creatures. [55:11] En gxi tie est frukt daktil palm their pend frukt! [55:12] Ankaux grajn kaj spic! [55:13] O humans jinns) de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:14] Li kre human agx clay potter's clay [55:15] Kaj kre jinns el blazing fajr! [55:16] O humans jinns) de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:17] Lord de 2 orient 2 okcident. [55:18] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:19] Li separates 2 mar kie ili meet [55:20] barrier ej them prevent them el transgressing! [55:21] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:22] Out da ambaux them vi get perl kaj coral [55:23] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny

[55:24] Li don vi sxip ke roam mar like flag! [55:25] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:26] Everyone sur ter pere! [55:27] Nur presence your Lord last. Possessor de Majesty Honor. [55:28] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:29] Imploring Him est everyone heavens ter. Cxiu tag Li est plen control [55:30] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:31] Ni vok vi kont O humans jinns. [55:32] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:33] O vi jinns humans vi penetr outer lim de heavens ter ir ahead penetr! Vi ne penetr authorization [55:34] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:35] Vi get bombard projectiles de fajr metal vi ne win [55:36] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:37] When cxiel disintegrates turn roz kolor like pentr! [55:38] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:39] Sur tag ne human nor jinn est pet pri his pek. [55:40] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:41] (This est kulp vol recognized their jen; ili sorb forelocks fut. [55:42] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:43] This est Gehenna ke kulp uz deny [55:44] Ili circulate gxi intolerable inferno. [55:45] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:46] Por those reverence majesty their Lord 2 gxarden (1 por jinns 1 por humans).

[55:47] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:48] Plen de provisions [55:49] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:50] 2 risort est them flu! [55:51] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:52] De cxiu frukt them 2 kinds. [55:53] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:54] While relaxing furnishings lini satin frukt est within reach [55:55] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:56] Their bel mates neniam tusx any human aux jinn. [55:57] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:58] Ili jen gem kaj coral [55:59] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:60] est rekompenc goodness anything goodness? [55:61] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:62] Below them est 2 gxarden (1 por jinns 1 por humans). [55:63] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:64] Flank per flank. [55:65] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:66] En them nu pump! [55:67] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:68] En them est frukt dat palm granat! [55:69] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny

[55:70] En them est bel mates [55:71] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:72] Confined en tend. [55:73] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:74] Ne human ever tusx them nor jinn. [55:75] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:76] Ili relax verd tapisx bel surroundings. [55:77] Which de your Lord's mir vi deny [55:78] exalted est nom your Lord Possessor de Majesty Honor! . 56- Inevitable (Al-Waaqe'ah) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [56:1] When inevitable ven pas. [56:2] Nothing stop gxi el okaz! [56:3] Gxi lower kelk raise others. [56:4] Ter sxancel up [56:5] Mont visx out. [56:6] As se ili neniam ekzist. [56:7] Vi stratified 3 kinds. [56:8] Those ind bliss est bliss. [56:9] Those ind mizer est mizer. [56:10] Tiam tie est elite elite

[56:11] Ili est those est closest (al Di). [56:12] En gxarden bliss. [56:13] Many el 1 generaci. [56:14] Few el later generaci. [56:15] Sur luxurious furnishings. [56:16] Gxu cxio ili est najbar! [56:17] Serv them est immortal servants! [56:18] Kun tas krucx pur drink. [56:19] Ili neniam kur out nor do ili ted. [56:20] Frukt their choice [56:21] Viand bird ili dezir. [56:22] Bel mates [56:23] Like protekt perl. [56:24] Rekompenc their works [56:25] Ili neniam auxd any nonsense therein nor sinful utterances. [56:26] Nur utterance Pac pac. [56:27] Those de dekstr flank est dekstr flank. [56:28] En lush orchards. [56:29] Fragrant frukt. [56:30] etend shade [56:31] Abund akv. [56:32] Many frukt. [56:33] Neniam ending neniam forbidden

[56:34] Luxurious furnishings. [56:35] Ni kre them mates [56:36] Neniam previously tusx. [56:37] Perfectly alumet. [56:38] Por those sur dekstr flank. [56:39] Many el fru generaci. [56:40] Many el later generaci. [56:41] Those de las est las [56:42] En mizer inferno. [56:43] Eben their shade est hot [56:44] Neniam cool neniam tolerable! [56:45] Ili uz est ricx. [56:46] Ili insist great blasphemy. [56:47] Ili dir Post ni mort turn polv ost ni get resurrected [56:48] Does this include our forefathers? [56:49] Dir fru generaci later generaci! [56:50] summoned meeting predetermined tag! [56:51] Tiam vi O disbelieving strayers. [56:52] Mangx arb bitterness. [56:53] Filling your bellies therefrom [56:54] Tiam trink gxi hellish drink! [56:55] Tiam adding drink sabi. [56:56] Such est their akci Tag Judgment

[56:57] Ni kre vi vi nur kred! [56:58] Vi not semen ke vi hav produkt? [56:59] Vi kre gxi Did did ni? [56:60] Ni predetermined death vi. Nothing stop us [56:61] El substituting neo generaci vi met establ ki vi ne kon! [56:62] Vi kon 1 creation. Vi ne memor? [56:63] Vi not crops vi hav reap [56:64] Vi kresk them did ni? [56:65] Ni testament ni torn gxi fojn. Tiam vi lament: [56:66] Ni perd. [56:67] Ni deprived [56:68] Vi not akv vi hav trink? [56:69] Vi send gxi down nub Did did ni? [56:70] Ni testament ni far gxi salty Vi est thankful. [56:71] Vi not fajr vi hav ignite [56:72] Vi iniciat its arb Did did ni? [56:73] Ni rendered gxi reminder util il users. [56:74] Vi glor nom your Lord des Great [56:75] Mi jxur pozici stel. [56:76] This est oath vi nur kon ke est awesome. [56:77] This est honorable Quran. [56:78] En protekt libr. [56:79] Neniom grasp gxi escept des sincer.

[56:80] revelation el Lord univers. [56:81] Vi disregarding this narration? [56:82] Vi far gxi your negoc ke vi disbelieve? [56:83] When des temp ven gxi (your anim) reaches your gorgx [56:84] Vi tiam jen [56:85] Ni est closer al than vi est vi ne seg! [56:86] Se gxi est prav ke vi ne sxuld any accounting [56:87] why vi ne restore (your anim) vi est truthful? [56:88] Se li est 1 de those proksim Me [56:89] Tiam joy flor gxarden bliss! [56:90] Kaj se li est 1 de dekstr [56:91] Pac est lot de those dekstr. [56:92] Se li est unu de disbelievers strayers [56:93] Tiam abode de inferno [56:94] Brul en Infer! [56:95] This est absolut truth. [56:96] Vi glor nom your Lord des Great . 57- Glad (Al-Hadeed) En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [57:1] Glor DI est cxio heavens ter! Li est Almighty Sagx. [57:2] Al Him aparten kingship de heavens ter! Li controls life death. Li est Omnipotent [57:3] Li est Alpha Omega. Li est Outermost des Innermost. Li est fully aware da all ajx.

[57:4] Li est Unu kre heavens ter 6 tag tiam assumed all auxtoritat. Li kon cxio enters into ter cxio ke ven gxi cxio ven cxiel cxio ke grimp into gxi. Li est vi wherever vi est DI est Seer DE CXIO VI do [57:5] Al Him aparten kingship de heavens ter! All materi controlled DI! [57:6] Li merges nokt tag merges tag nokt. Li est fully aware da innermost thoughts. [57:7] Kred en DI His messenger don el ki Li bestowed vi! Those among vi kred don charity) ind great recompense [57:8] Why vi ne kred en DI when messenger invit vi est kred en your Lord Li pren pledge vi vi est believers. [57:9] Li est Unu send His servant klar revelations en ord plumb vi darkness into light DI EST Compassionate towards VI Merciful. [57:10] Why vi ne spend ig DI when DI posed all wealth heavens ter? Disting ripoz est those vi spend victory strive Ili ating greater rang than those spend victory strive Por each DI promes salvation! DI est Cognizant DE CXIO VI do [57:11] Who like would prunt DI prunt righteousness gxi multiplied him manifold end generous recompense [57:12] Tag ven when vi seg kred hom women their lights radiating ahead da them al their tuj. Bon news est yours ke tag vi hav gxarden flu streams Vi abide therein forever This est great triumf. [57:13] Tag hypocrite hom women dir al those kred Placx allow us sorb kelk da your light Gxi dir Ir dors behind vi streb light barrier set them gate separates mercy inner flank retribution outer flank! [57:14] Ili vok them Est ni ne vi? Ili respond Jes vi cheated your anim hezit dub igx misled wishful opini di judgment ven! Vi diverted el DI iluzi. [57:15] Do hodiaux ne ransom pren vi nor el those disbelieved Your abode est fajr; gxi est your lord miserable abode. [57:16] Gxi est temp those kred open up their kor di message truth revealed herein Ili ne est followers previous scriptures kor igx hard temp consequently many da them torn wicked. [57:17] Kon ti DI revives land gxi mort! Ni tiel eksplik revelations vi vi kompren. [57:18] Surely charitable hom women prunt DI prunt goodness. Ili ricev their rekompenc multiplied manifold ili ind generous recompense

[57:19] Those kred en DI His messengers est saints martyrs Rezerv them their Lord est their rekompenc their light As por those disbelieved rejected our revelations ili incurred Infer. [57:20] Kon this worldly life est ne plur than lud games kaj fanfaron vi hoarding de mon infan! Gxi est abund pluv produkt plant placx disbelievers! Tiam plant turn into useless fojn blov vent! En Hereafter tie est either severe retribution forgiveness el DI approval This worldly life est ne plur than temporary iluzi. [57:21] Do vi race forgiveness your Lord Paradise whose width encompasses heaven ter. Gxi awaits those kred en DI His messengers. Such est di grace ti Li bestows whomever Li vol! DI est Possessor Infinite Grace [57:22] Anything okaz ter vi jam recorded eben creation. This est facil DI do [57:23] Tiel vi ne grieve anything vi miss nor est fier da anything Li bestowed vi. DI NE AM those est boastful FIER. [57:24] Ili est stingy enjoin popol est stingy Unu turn tiam DI est Ricx des Praiseworthy. [57:25] Ni send our messengers supported per klar proofs ni send down them scripture legx ke popol uphold justice Ni send down glad wherein tie est strength many benefits popol! All this en ord por DI disting those support Him His messengers sur faith. DI est Powerful Almighty [57:26] Ni send Noah Abraham ni granted their descendants prophethood scripture. Kelk da them direkt while many est wicked! [57:27] Subsequent al them ni send our messengers. Ni send Jesus fil Mary ni don him Injeel (Gospel) ni ej kor de his followers kindness mercy. Ili invent hermitism ni neniam dekret them. All ni pet them do est uphold commandments aprob DI! Ili ne uphold message as ili hav. Consequently ni don those kred them their recompense while many da them est wicked! [57:28] O vi kred vi reverence DI kred en His messenger. Li tiam grant vi double rekompenc el His mercy dot vi light direkt vi forgive vi! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [57:29] Tiel followers previous scripture kon ti ili ne monopolized di mercy grace kaj ke all grace est di man. Li bestows gxi whomever Li vol. DI est Possessor Infinite Grace . 58- Debat (Al-Mujaadalah) .

En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [58:1] DI AUXD woman DEBAT VI her husband PLEND DI. DI AUXD CXIO 2 DE VI DISKUT. DI est Hearer Seer. [58:2] Those among vi estrange their wives (per deklar them as forbidden en seks) their mothers kon plen put ke ili ne est their mothers Their mothers est women don nask al them. Ja ili committing blasphemy falsehood. DI est Pardoner Forgiver. [58:3] Those estrange their wives en this manier tiam reconcile thereafter atone liber sklav antaux resuming their sexual relations! This est enlighten vi. DI est Cognizant DE CXIO VI do [58:4] Vi ne trov sklav liber vi fast 2 consecutive monat antaux resuming sexual relations! Vi ne fast tiam vi feed 60 poor popol. Vi kred en DI His messenger. These est di legx. disbelievers incurred painful retribution. [58:5] Surely those batal DI His messenger committed defeat their previous counterparts committed defeat Ni send down klar proofs rejectors incurred shameful retribution! [58:6] Tag ven when DI testament resurrect them all tiam inform them de cxio ili done DI recorded CXIO while ILI FORGES GXI. DI witnesses all AJX. [58:7] Vi ne realize ke DI kon cxio en heavens cxio sur ter? Neni 3 popol konspir secretly Him est their 4 nor 5 Him est 6 nor malpli than ke nor plur Him est tie them wherever ili est Tiam Tag Resurrection Li inform them de cxio ili done DI est fully aware da all AJX. [58:8] Vi not those est enjoined el konspir secretly tiam insist sur konspir? Ili konspir commit pek transgression disobedience messenger! When ili ven vi ili greet vi greeting ali than ke dekret per DI. Ili dir themselves "DI testament ne pun us our utterances. Their nur requital est Gehenna wherein ili brul; ki miserable destiny. [58:9] O vi kred vi confer secretly vi ne confer commit pek transgression disobey messenger! Vi confer work righteousness piety! Vi reverence DI whom vi summoned [58:10] Sekret conspiracy est diabl ide tra which li streb dolor those kred. Tamen li ne dolor them kontraux di testament En DI believers fid. [58:11] O vi kred vi told Placx far cxambr vi far cxambr each ali sid! DI testament TIAM far CXAMBR VI! Vi pet get mov get kaj mov! DI raises those VI kred, those AKIR knowledge ALT RANG. DI EST fully Cognizant DE CXIO VI do [58:12] O vi kred when vi wish confer messenger vi ofert charity poor vi do tial! This est put por vi kaj pur. Vi ne afford gxi tiam DI est Forgiver Merciful.

[58:13] Vi failed don charity antaux conferring tiam pent thereafter DI akcept your repentance! Vi observ kontakt prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) obe DI His messenger! DI EST fully Cognizant DE CXIO VI do [58:14] Vi not those hav befriended popol DI est koler? Ili nek aparten vi nor them. Ili deliberately jxur mensog! [58:15] DI prepar them severe retribution. Miserable ja est ki ili uz do [58:16] Ili uz their oaths means de repelling path DI. Consequently ili incurred shameful retribution. [58:17] Nek their mon nor their infan help them DI. Ili incurred hellfire wherein ili abide forever [58:18] Tag ven when DI resurrects them all Ili jxur Him tiam just as ili jxur vi tuj opini ke ili really est tuj! Ja ili est efektiv liars. [58:19] Diabl posed them kauxz them disregard di message These est parti diabl. Absolutely parti diabl est losers. [58:20] Surely those oppose DI His messenger est lowliest. [58:21] DI DEKRET MI My messengers testament plej assuredly win DI est Powerful Almighty [58:22] Vi ne trov popol kred en DI Last Tag befriending those oppose DI His messenger ecx ili est their parents their infan their siblings their gent! Por these Li dekret faith their kor, supports them kun inspiration el Him admits them into gxarden flu streams wherein ili abide forever DI PLACX them ILI PLACX Him! These est parti DI. plej assuredly di parti est winners! . 59- Exodus (Al-Hashr) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [59:1] Glor DI est cxio heavens ter Li est Almighty Sagx! [59:2] Li est Unu evicted those disbelieved among des popol de scripture their hejm mes exodus. Vi neniam opini ke ili las ili opini their preparations protekt them DI. Tiam DI ven them ili neniam expected jxet terror their kor. Tiel ili abandoned their hejm their own volition ankaux pressure believers. Vi lern this O vi posed vizi.

[59:3] Di ne force them las Li requited them en this life (eben mav than forcing them las)! En Hereafter Li commit them retribution Infer. [59:4] This because ili opposed DI His messenger! those oppose DI His messenger DI est strict en enforcing retribution! [59:5] Vi chop arb las gxi star its trunk est en accordance kun di testament Li surely humiliate des wicked. [59:6] Whatever DI restored por His messenger ne est rezult your milit efforts vi batal cxeval aux sur pied. DI est 1 who SEND His messengers whomever LI VOL! DI est Omnipotent [59:7] Whatever DI restored al His messenger el defeated communities ir DI His messenger form charity). Vi don gxi relativ orf poor vojagx alien Tiel gxi ne ceter monopolized per fort among vi! Vi keep spoils don al vi messenger ne sorb ki li enjoins vi el pren! Vi reverence DI. DI est strict en enforcing retribution! [59:8] (Vi don) needy immigrated Ili evicted their hejm deprived de their properties ili streb di grace plezur kaj ili supported DI His messenger! Ili est des truthful. [59:9] As por those proviz them hejm rifugx est believers them ili am those immigrated them ne trov hesitation their kor help them! En fakt, ili readily don them priority ecx when ili bezon ki ili don for Ja those overcome their natural stinginess est successful unu. [59:10] Those igx believers them dir Our Lord forgive us our brethren who preceded us faith keep our kor el harboring any hatred towards those kred! Our Lord Vi est Compassionate Merciful! [59:11] Hav vi not those pest hypocrisy kaj kiel ili dir al their companions disbelief among des popol scripture vi evicted ni ir vi neniam obe anyone opposes vi! anyone batal vi ni batal your flank. DI bor witness ili est liars! [59:12] En fakt, se ili evicted ili ne ir them kaj anyone batal them ili ne supported them. Eben ili supported them ili would torn around fled Ili neniam win [59:13] Ja vi strik plur terror their kor than their tim DI. This est ili est popol who ne comprehend! [59:14] Ili ne get together batal vi ili est well-shielded buildings behind mur! Their might aper formidable among themselves. Vi opini ili united when en fakt their kor divid. This est ili est popol who ne kompren! [59:15] Their sort est sam as their counterparts preceded them. Ili sufer consequences their decisions. Ili incurred painful retribution.

[59:16] Ili est diabl li dir al human est Disbelieve tiam as baldaux as li disbelieves li dir mi disown vi! Mi tim DI Lord univers. [59:17] destiny por ambaux them est Hellfire wherein ili abide forever This est requital transgressors. [59:18] O vi kred vi reverence DI let cxiu anim ekzamen ki gxi send ahead por morgaux. Vi reverence DI; DI est fully Cognizant de cxio vi do [59:19] Ne est those forges DI Li far them forges! These est des wicked. [59:20] Ne egal est dwellers de Hellfire dwellers de Paradise; dwellers Paradise est winners. [59:21] Ni revealed this Quran mont vi seg gxi trem cxif reverence DI! Ni cite these ekzempl popol ke ili reflect [59:22] Li est 1 DI; tie ne est ali di Him. Knower de all sekret declarations. Li est plej Gracious Merciful. [59:23] Li est 1 DI; tie ne est ali di Him. Regx plej Sankt Pac plej Fidel Supreme Almighty plej Powerful plej Dignified DI GLOR; far HAV partners [59:24] Li est 1 DI; Creator Initiator Designer. Al Him aparten plej bel nom! Glor Him est cxio heavens ter! Li est Almighty Sagx. . 60- Test (Al-Mumtahanah) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [60:1] O vi kred vi ne befriend My enemies your enemies etend am friendship them ecx ili disbelieved truth ven vi! Ili persekut messenger vi just vi kred en DI your Lord Vi mobilize barakt en My kauxz streb My blessings kiel vi secretly am them? Mi est fully aware da cxio vi conceal cxio vi deklar. Those among vi do this hav ja strayed dekstr path! [60:2] Whenever ili renkont vi ili trakt vi enemies dolor vi their man lang! Ili want vi disbelieve. [60:3] Your relativ your mon neniam help vi. Tag Resurrection Li jugx vi. DI est Seer DE CXIO VI do

[60:4] Bon ekzempl set por vi Abraham those him. Ili dir al their popol Ni disown vi idols vi worship DI. Ni denunc vi vi seg nothing el us animosity hatred vi kred en DI SOL. mistake committed Abraham when li dir al his patr mi pregx your forgiveness mi ne posed potenc protekt vi el DI. Our Lord ni fid en Vi submit Vi; Vi est final destiny! [60:5] Our Lord not oppressed those disbelieved forgive us! Vi est Almighty Sagx. [60:6] Bon ekzempl set them those streb DI Last Tag. As por those turn DI est en ne bezon (de them) Praiseworthy. [60:7] DI SXANGX animosity VI them into AM! DI est Omnipotent DI est Forgiver Merciful. [60:8] DI NE enjoin VI befriending those NE BATAL VI RELIGI NE evict VI your HEJM! Vi befriend them est equitable towards them. DI AM DES equitable. [60:9] DI enjoins VI NUR EL befriending those BATAL VI RELIGI evict VI your HEJM BAND together others banish VI! Vi ne befriend them. Those befriend them est transgressors. [60:10] O vi kred when kred women abandon enemy pet azil vi vi test them! DI est fully aware da their belief. Once vi establ ti ili est believers vi ne return them disbelievers. Ili ne est lawful ceter married al them nor shall disbelievers allowed marry them! don dowries disbelievers pag! Vi ne commit error per marrying them tial long as vi pag them their due dowries! Ne keep disbelieving wives ili wish join enemy Vi pet them dowry vi pag ili pet ki ili pag. This est di regul; Li regul vi. DI est Omniscient SAGX. [60:11] any da your wives join enemies' camp vi forced batal vi force enemy kompens hom perd their wives don them ki ili spent their wives Vi reverence DI en whom vi kred! [60:12] O vi prophet when kred women abandoned disbelievers) streb azil vi pledge vi ili ne set any idols DI nor sxtel nor commit adultery, nor kill their infan nor fabricate any falsehood nor disobey your righteous mend vi akcept their pledge pregx DI forgive them! DI est Forgiver Merciful. [60:13] O vi kred do ne befriend popol DI est koler who hopelessly baston disbelief; ili est just as hopeless as disbelievers est jam graves . 61- Kolon (Al-Suff) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful

[61:1] Glor DI est cxio heavens cxio ter! Li est Almighty Sagx. [61:2] O vi kred vi dir ki vi ne do [61:3] abominable en sight DI est ti vi dir ki vi ne do [61:4] DI AM those BATAL EN His KAUXZ united 1 KOLON BRIK 1 MUR! [61:5] Recall ti Moses dir al his popol O my popol do vi dolor me eben vi kon ti mi est di messenger vi? When ili deviated DI diverted their kor! Por DI ne direkt wicked popol! [61:6] Recall ti Jesus fil Mary dir O Infan Israel mi est di messenger vi konfirm Torah bringing bon news messenger ven me nom est ecx lauxd (Ahmad.) Tiam when li montr them klar proofs ili dir This est profound magic [61:7] Who evil than unu est fabricates mensog DI li invit Submission? DI NE DIREKT evil POPOL. [61:8] Ili wish put di light their busx. Sed DI insist upon perfekt His light en spit da disbelievers! [61:9] Li send His messenger guidance prav religi far gxi dominate all religi en spit da idol worshipers! [61:10] O vi kred let Me inform vi de komerc sav vi painful retribution! [61:11] Kred en DI His messenger strive ig DI your mon your viv This est bon deal vi se vi nur kon. [61:12] Dors Li forgives your pek admits vi gxarden flu streams bel mansions gxarden Eden! This est greatest triumf. [61:13] Additionally vi get io vi ver am support el DI garanti victory. Don bon news believers! [61:14] O vi kred est di supporters discxipl Jesus fil Mary. When li dir al them Who est my supporters DI ili dir Ni est di supporters. Do grup Infan Israel kred another grup disbelieved Ni help those kred kontraux their enemy ili won . 62- Vendred (Al-Jumu'ah) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful

[62:1] Glor DI est cxio heavens cxio ter; Regx plej Sankt Almighty plej Sagx! [62:2] Li est Unu send al gentiles messenger el them recite them His revelations purify them instru them scripture wisdom! Antaux this ili ir far astray. [62:3] Al many generaci subsequent al them. Li est Almighty Sagx. [62:4] Such est di grace ti Li bestows whomever Li vol! DI est Possessor Infinite Grace [62:5] Ekzempl de those don Torah tiam failed uphold gxi est donkey port great works literatur. Miserable ja est ekzempl popol rejected di revelations. DI NE DIREKT wicked POPOL. [62:6] dir O vi est Jewish vi pretend ti vi est di chosen al exclusion all ali popol tiam vi long death vi est truthful! [62:7] Ili neniam long gxi ki ili committed DI est fully aware da DES wicked. [62:8] Dir death vi est pen evade vol kapt up kun vi baldaux later Tiam vi returned Knower de all sekret declarations tiam Li inform vi de cxio vi done [62:9] O vi kred when Congregational Prayer (Salat Al-Jumu ah) anonc sur Vendred, vi hasten commemoration DI gut all negoc! This est put vi se vi nur kon. [62:10] Once prayer komplet vi stern land streb di bounties ad memor DI frequently ke vi sukces! [62:11] When kelk da them ven negoc deal kelk entertainment ili rush gxi las vi star! Dir Ki DI posed est far put than entertainment negoc DI EST PUT Provider. . 63- Hypocrites (Al-Munaafeqoon) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [63:1] When hypocrites ven vi ili dir Ni bor witness vi est messenger DI. DI kon ke vi est His messenger DI bor witness hypocrites est liars! [63:2] Sub guise their apparent faith ili repel popol path DI. Miserable ja est ki ili do [63:3] This because ili kred tiam disbelieved Do their mens blok; ili ne kompren.

[63:4] When vi seg them vi impon their jen. Kaj when ili parol vi auxskult al their eloquence. Ili est star logs Ili opini cxiu vok intenc them. These est efektiv enemies; beware da them. DI KONDAMN them; ILI deviated [63:5] When ili told Ven let messenger DI pregx your forgiveness ili mockingly torn their kap vi seg them repel others akt arrogantly! [63:6] est des sam them whether vi pregx their forgiveness ne pregx their forgiveness; DI testament ne forgive them! Por DI ne direkt wicked popol! [63:7] Ili est unu dir ne don any mon those sekv messenger DI perhaps ili abandon him! DI posed trezor de heavens ter hypocrites ne comprehend! [63:8] Ili dir ni ir urb powerful therein evict weak ni victimized (Ili kon ke) all dign aparten al DI His messenger believers! Tamen hypocrites ne kon. [63:9] O vi kred ne distr your mon your infan memor DI! Those do this est losers. [63:10] Vi don our provisions vi death ven vi tiam vi dir My Lord nur Vi delay this short while Mi tiam est charitable join des righteous! [63:11] DI NENIAM delays appointed temp death any ANIM. DI EST fully Cognizant DE CXIO VI do . 64- Mutual Blaming (Al-Taghaabun)! . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [64:1] Glor DI est cxio heavens cxio ter! Al Him aparten all kingship al Him aparten all lauxd Li est Omnipotent [64:2] Li est Unu kre vi tiam vi tie est disbeliever believer. DI EST fully Seer DE CXIO VI do [64:3] Li kre heavens ter specif purpose desegn vi perfekt your desegn tiam Him est final destiny. [64:4] Li kon cxio heavens ter Li kon cxio vi conceal cxio vi deklar. DI est fully aware da innermost thoughts. [64:5] Vi not those hav disbelieved en des preter, tiam sufer consequences their decision? Ili incurred painful retribution.

[64:6] This est their messengers ir them klar proofs ili dir Shall ni sekv humans us? Ili disbelieved torn DI NE BEZON them; DI est EN ne bezon Praiseworthy. [64:7] Those disbelieved pretend ti ili ne resurrected jes ja per my Lord vi resurrected vi ten accountable cxio vi done This est facil DI do [64:8] Do vi kred en DI His messenger light ke ni revealed herein DI EST fully Cognizant DE CXIO VI do [64:9] Tag ven when Li summons vi Tag de Summoning Ke est Tag de Mutual Blaming! Anyone kred en DI plumb righteous life Li remit his pek admit him into gxarden flu streams Ili abide therein forever This est greatest triumf. [64:10] As por those disbelieve reject our revelations ili est dwellers Hellfire; ili abide therein forever Ki miserable destiny! [64:11] Nothing okaz vi escept en accordance kun di testament Anyone kred en DI Li direkt his kor DI est fully aware da all AJX. [64:12] Vi obe DI vi obe messenger. Vi turn tiam pland misi our messenger est liver message [64:13] DI tie NE est ALI DI Him. En DI believers fid. [64:14] O vi kred your spouses your infan est your enemies; beware Vi pardon forges forgive tiam DI est Forgiver Merciful! [64:15] Your mon infan est test DI posed great recompense [64:16] Do vi reverence DI vi can auxskult obe don charity) your own bon Anyone protekt his own stinginess these est successful unu. [64:17] Vi lend DI prunt righteousness Li multiply rekompenc vi manifold forgive vi. DI est Appreciative Clement [64:18] Knower de all sekret declarations; Almighty Sagx. . 65- Divorce (Al-Talaaq) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful

[65:1] O vi prophet when vi popol divorce women vi ensure divorce interim fulfilled Vi mezur such interim precisely Vi reverence DI your Lord Ne evict them their hejm nor shall vi far life miserable them force them las sur their own ili commit proven adultery! These est di legx. Anyone transgresses di legx commits injustice himself. Vi neniam kon; maybe DI vol io bon ven this. [65:2] Once interim fulfilled vi reconcile them equitably ir separation equitably! Vi hav 2 equitable witnesses witness divorce DI! This est enlighten those kred en DI Last Tag. Anyone reverences DI Li kre exit him. [65:3] testament proviz por him whence li neniam expected Anyone fid DI Li suffices him. Di komand done DI DEKRET CXIO its SORT. [65:4] As por women reached menopause vi hav any dub their interim est 3 monat. As por those ne menstruate discover ili est graved their interim ends upon don nask! Anyone reverences DI Li far cxio facil him. [65:5] This est di komand ti Li send down vi! Anyone reverences DI Li remits his pek rekompenc him generously. [65:6] Vi allow them viv en sam hejm en which ili viv vi ne far life miserable them ili las sur their own Ili est graved vi spend them ili don nask. Ili nurse infant vi pag them this service Vi argument amicable relations vi. Vi disagree vi lu another woman nurse infan. [65:7] Ricx husband proviz support en accordance kun his means poor proviz means ti DI bestowed upon him! DI NE TRUD any ANIM plur than LI DON GXI. DI testament PROVIZ ease difficulty! [65:8] Many community ribel ordon its Lord His messengers. Consequently ni ten them strictly accountable requited them terrible requital. [65:9] Ili sufer consequences their decisions; profound loss [65:10] DI prepar them severe retribution. Do vi reverence DI O vi posed intelligence kred DI SEND down VI message [65:11] messenger recites al vi di revelations clearly al plumb those kred work righteousness darkness into light Anyone kred en DI plumb righteous life Li admit him gxarden flu streams ili abide therein forever DI testament generously REKOMPENC him! [65:12] DI KRE 7 UNIVERS SAM numer DE TER. Ordon flu them. This est let vi kon ti DI est Omnipotent ke DI est fully aware da all ajx! .

66- Prohibition (Al-Tahreem) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [66:1] O vi prophet why vi prohibit ki DI do far lawful vi hav just placx your wives DI est Forgiver Merciful. [66:2] DI DEKRET VI LEGX dealing kun your oaths. DI est your Lord LI est Omniscient SAGX. [66:3] prophet fid kelk da his wives nepr statement tiam unu de them stern gxi DI let him kon gxi! Li tiam inform his wife de part de issue disregarded part! Sxi pet him Who inform vi de this? Li dir mi inform per Omniscient Cognizant [66:4] 2 de vi pent DI tiam your kor auxskult. Vi band together him tiam DI est his ally kaj tial est Gabriel righteous believers. Ankaux angxel est his helpers. [66:5] Li divorces vi his Lord substitute ali wives your met est put than vi; submitters (Muslims) believers (Mu'mins) obedient repentant worshipers pi either previously married virgins. [66:6] O vi kred protekt your famili el Hellfire fuel est popol rok! Gard gxi est pouxp powerful angxel neniam disobey DI; ili do whatever ili komand do [66:7] O vi disbelieved ne apologize hodiaux! Vi requited nur ki vi did [66:8] O vi kred vi pent DI firm repentance. Your Lord tiam remit your pek admit vi into gxarden flu streams Sur ke tag DI testament ne disappoint prophet those kred him! Their light radiate them kaj their tuj. Ili dir Our Lord perfekt our light us forgive us; Vi est Omnipotent [66:9] O prophet barakt disbelievers hypocrites est pouxp them. Their abode est Gehenna miserable destiny. [66:10] DI cites EKZEMPL DE those disbelieved wife DE Noah wife Lot. Ili married 2 de our righteous servants ili perfid them consequently ili ne help them je all DI! 2 de them told Enter Hell-fire those ind gxi! [66:11] Kaj DI cites ekzempl de those kred wife Pharaoh. Sxi dir My Lord cxarpent hejm me Vi en Paradise sav me el Pharaoh his works sav me el transgressing popol! [66:12] Ankaux Mary Amramite. Sxi argument her chastity tiam ni blov her our spirit. Sxi kred en vort her Lord His scriptures; sxi est obedient.

. 67- Kingship (Al-Mulk) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [67:1] exalted est Unu whose man est all kingship Li est Omnipotent [67:2] Unu kre death life por des purpose da disting those among vi bon Li est Almighty des Forgiving [67:3] Li kre 7 univers en tavol! Vi ne seg any imperfection creation per plej Gracious. Keep rigard; vi seg any flaw [67:4] Jen re kaj re; your okul ven stumped venk! [67:5] Ni ornam lowest univers lamp gard its border kun projectiles diabl; ni prepar them retribution Infer. [67:6] Por those disbelieved their Lord retribution Gehenna. Ki miserable destiny. [67:7] When ili jxet therein ili auxd its furor gxi haladz! [67:8] Gxi preskaux eksplod rage Whenever grup jxet therein its gard est pet them vi ne ricev warner? [67:9] Ili respond Jes ja; warner did ven us ni disbelieved dir ‘DI ne reveal anything! Vi est totally astray. ' [67:10] Ili ankaux dir ni auxd kompren ni ne est dwellers Infer! [67:11] Tiel ili konfes their pek. Ve al dwellers Infer. [67:12] As por those reverence their Lord when sol en their privacy ili ating forgiveness great recompense [67:13] Vi keep your utterances sekret deklar them Li est fully aware da innermost thoughts! [67:14] Li ne kon ki Li Should kre? Li est Sublime Cognizant [67:15] Li est Unu put Ter your service Roam its corners mangx His provisions Al Him est final summoning

[67:16] Vi garanti ke Unu heaven ne strik ter kauxz gxi do gxi tumble [67:17] Vi garanti Unu heaven ne send vi violent sxtorm? Vi tiam sxat value My avert [67:18] Others them disbelieved kiel terrible est My requital! [67:19] Ili ne seg bird hav them lini kolon stern their wings Plej Gracious est Unu ten them en des aer Li est Seer all ajx. [67:20] kie those soldat est help vi kontraux plej Gracious? Ja disbelievers tromp. [67:21] Who est tie al proviz por vi Li withholds His provisions Ja ili plongx profund into transgression aversion. [67:22] Unu marsx while est slumped his vizagx put direkt 1 who marsx rekt dekstr path? [67:23] dir Li est 1 iniciat vi granted vi auxd okul cerb. Rarely est vi appreciative [67:24] dir Li est Unu ej vi ter kaj Him vi summoned [67:25] Ili challenge When ke prophecy ven pas vi est truthful? [67:26] Dir Such knowledge est DI; mi est ne plur than manifest warner! [67:27] When ili seg gxi okaz vizagx de those disbelieved turn miserable proklam This est ki vi uz mok [67:28] Dir DI decid annihilate me those withme dusx us kun His mercy est tie protekt disbelievers painful retribution? [67:29] dir Li est plej Gracious; ni kred en Him ni fid Him. Vi do gxi surely trov out who est really far astray! [67:30] Dir Ki se your akv sinks for who proviz vi do gxi pur akv? . 68- Plum (Al-Qalam) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [68:1] NuN plum ki ili (popol) skrib.

[68:2] Vi ating great ben el your Lord vi ne est crazy [68:3] Vi ating recompense put ind. [68:4] Vi ben great moral karakter. [68:5] Vi seg ili seg. [68:6] Which de vi kondamn. [68:7] Your Lord est fully aware da those who strayed His path Li est fully aware da those direkt. [68:8] Ne obe rejectors! [68:9] Ili wish vi compromise ili tro compromise [68:10] Ne obe cxiu lowly swearer! [68:11] slanderer backbiter. [68:12] Forbidder charity transgressor sinner. [68:13] Unappreciative greedy. [68:14] Eben kvankam li posed suficx mon infan. [68:15] When our revelations recited him li dir Tales el preter! [68:16] Ni mark his vizagx. [68:17] Ni tested them like ni tested owners gxarden who jxur ili rikolt gxi en des maten [68:18] Ili est tial absolutely sure [68:19] pas (sxtorm) el your Lord pas gxi while ili est asleep [68:20] Per maten gxi est barren [68:21] Ili vok sur each ali en des maten [68:22] Rikolt crop [68:23] Sur their voj ili confided each ali [68:24] Ke el tiam sur neniom da them est poor

[68:25] Ili est tial absolutely sure de their rikolt. [68:26] when ili seg gxi ili dir Ni est tial wrong [68:27] Nun ni hav nothing! [68:28] righteous among them dir Se nur vi glor (Di)! [68:29] Ili dir Glory est our Lord Ni transgressed [68:30] Ili started blame each ali [68:31] Ili dir Ve al us. Ni pek. [68:32] Maj our Lord grant us bon 1! Ni pent our Lord [68:33] Such est requital. retribution Hereafter est far mav ili nur kon. [68:34] righteous ind their Lord gxarden bliss! [68:35] Ni trakt Submitters criminals? [68:36] Ki est wrong kun your logik? [68:37] Vi Do another libr uphold? [68:38] En gxi vi trov anything vi want [68:39] Vi ricev solen assurances el us ke grant vi whatever vi wish Tag Resurrection? [68:40] Pet them Who garanti this por vi? [68:41] Ili hav idols? Let their idols help them ili est truthful! [68:42] Tag ven when ili exposed ili est required fal prostrate ili est unable al! [68:43] Kun their okul subdued humiliation kovr them. Ili invit fal prostrate when ili est whole able [68:44] Do let Me deal kun those reject this Hadith; ni plumb them sur whence ili neniam perceive [68:45] Mi don them suficx sxnur; mi scheming est formidable! [68:46] Vi pet them mon ili sxargx fine

[68:47] Ili kon future Ili Do gxi recorded [68:48] Vi steadfastly persevere port ordon your Lord Ne est (Jonah) vok fisx. [68:49] Se ne est his Lord's grace li ejected dezert sinner. [68:50] his Lord ben him far him righteous! [68:51] Those disbelieved montr their ridicule their okul when ili auxd message dir Li est crazy [68:52] Gxi est en fakt message mond. . 69- Incontestable (Al-Haaqqah) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [69:1] incontestable (event). [69:2] Ki incontestable (event)! [69:3] Gxi est ver incontestable. [69:4] Thamoud 窶連ad disbelieved Shocker. [69:5] As por Thamoud ili annihilated devastating quake [69:6] As por 窶連ad ili annihilated persistent violent sxtorm. [69:7] Li unleashed gxi them 7 nokt 8 tag violently Vi seg popol tossed around like decayed palm trunk! [69:8] Vi trov any spur de them? [69:9] Pharaoh others him sinners Sodom) est wicked. [69:10] Ili disobeyed messenger their Lord Consequently Li requited them devastating requital. [69:11] Inund devastating ni port vi floating (ark). [69:12] Ni rendered gxi lecion vi any auxskult orel kompren.

[69:13] When korn blov once [69:14] Ter mont port off crushed utterly crushed [69:15] Est tag when inevitable event ven pas! [69:16] heaven krak auxtun apart. [69:17] Angxel est Your Lord's dominion tiam encompass 8 (univers)! [69:18] Ke tag vi exposed nothing de vi kasx. [69:19] As por 1 who ricev his record his dekstr man li dir Ven leg my record [69:20] Mi did kred mi ten accountable. [69:21] Li ind felicx life. [69:22] En exalted Paradise. [69:23] Its frukt est within reach [69:24] Mangx trink happily dors your works tag preter! [69:25] As por him don his record his las man li dir Oh Mi wish mi neniam ricev my record [69:26] Mi wish mi neniam kon my kont. [69:27] Mi wish my death est etern. [69:28] My mon ne help me [69:29] All my potenc est ir [69:30] sorb him shackle him! [69:31] Brul him en Infer. [69:32] En cxen est 70 brak long lig him! [69:33] Por li ne kred en DI Great [69:34] Nor did li advokat feeding de poor [69:35] Consequently li ne hav amik here.

[69:36] Nor any food escept amar variety. [69:37] Food por sinners. [69:38] Mi jxur ki vi seg. [69:39] Kaj ki vi ne seg. [69:40] This est utterance honorable messenger. [69:41] Ne utterance poet; rarely do vi kred. [69:42] Nor utterance soothsayer; rarely do vi pren heed [69:43] revelation el Lord univers. [69:44] Hav li uttered any ali teachings! [69:45] Ni pun him. [69:46] Ni stop revelations him. [69:47] Neniom da vi help him. [69:48] This est reminder por des righteous. [69:49] Ni kon; kelk da vi est rejectors. [69:50] gxi est sorrow disbelievers. [69:51] Gxi est absolut truth. [69:52] Do vi glor nom your Lord Great . 70- Heights (Al-Ma'aarej) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [70:1] questioner question inevitable retribution. [70:2] Por disbelievers neniom stop gxi.

[70:3] El DI; Possessor alt Height [70:4] Angxel their raport grimp al Him en tag egal 50000 jar. [70:5] Do vi resort gracious pacienc. [70:6] Por ili seg gxi far for [70:7] While ni seg gxi tre close [70:8] Tag ven when cxiel est molten rok. [70:9] Mont est fluffy lan. [70:10] Ne amik zorg his close amik. [70:11] When ili seg them kulp vol wish li don his own infan as ransom sxpar him retribution ke tag! [70:12] Ankaux his spouse his frat. [70:13] Eben his whole gent raised him. [70:14] Eben all popol ter se gxi sav him. [70:15] Ne; gxi est aflame. [70:16] Eager brul! [70:17] Gxi vok sur those torn [70:18] Those hoarded counted [70:19] Ja human est est anxious. [70:20] Se tusx adversity despondent [70:21] Se ben wealth stingy [70:22] Escept por worshipers. [70:23] Who cxiam observ their kontakt prayers (Salat)! [70:24] Part their mon est set aside [70:25] Por poor needy

[70:26] Ili kred en Tag Judgment [70:27] Ili reverence their Lord's requital. [70:28] Their Lord's requital ne pren por granted [70:29] Ili keep their chastity. [70:30] (Ili hav relations) nur their spouses ki est legally theirs -! [70:31] anyone transgresses these lim est sinner. [70:32] believers keep their vort; ili est trustworthy. [70:33] Their testimony est truthful. [70:34] Ili consistently observ their kontakt prayers (Salat) sur temp! [70:35] Ili ind pozici honor Paradise. [70:36] Ki keeping those est disbelieved joining vi? [70:37] Al des tuj al las ili flee! [70:38] Kiel can any da them expect enter blissful Paradise? [70:39] Neniam; ni kre them ili kon el ki [70:40] Mi solemnly jxur Lord de orient okcident; ni est able [70:41] Al substitute put popol your met; ni neniam defeated [70:42] Do let them blunder lud ili meet tag awaiting them! [70:43] Ke est tag ili ven graves en a hurry as se herded (sacrificial) altar! [70:44] Kun their okul subdued fi kovr them. Ke est tag awaiting them. . 71- Noah (Noah) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful

[71:1] Ni send Noah his popol Vi avert your popol painful retribution aflikt them! [71:2] Li dir O my popol mi est manifest warner al vi. [71:3] Al vigl vi ke vi worship DI reverence Him obe me [71:4] Li tiam forgive vi your pek respite vi por predetermined period! plej assuredly di appointment neniam delayed once gxi est due vi nur kon. [71:5] Li dir My Lord mi invit my popol nokt tag. [71:6] my invitation nur increased their aversion. [71:7] Whenever mi invit them forgiven Vi ili ej their fingr their orel kovr themselves kun their vest insist torn arrogant! [71:8] Tiam mi invit them publicly. [71:9] Tiam mi proklam them loudly mi parol al them privately. [71:10] Mi dir Implore your Lord forgiveness; Li Forgiving [71:11] ‘Li tiam dusx vi generously pluv [71:12] Proviz vi mon infan orchards streams '! [71:13] Why vi ne strive should reverence DI? [71:14] Li est Unu kre vi en stages [71:15] Vi ne realize ti DI kre 7 univers en Do tavol? [71:16] Li desegn lun therein est light ej sun est lamp! [71:17] Di germinated vi ter plant. [71:18] Tiam Li returns vi gxi Li surely bring vi out! [71:19] DI far TER habitable VI. [71:20] Ke vi cxarpent roads therein. [71:21] Noah dir My Lord ili disobeyed me sekv those est eben corrupted when ben mon infan! [71:22] Ili schemed terrible schemes

[71:23] Ili dir ne abandon your di! Ne abandon Wadd Suwaa Yaghouth Ya ooq Nasr. '! [71:24] Ili misled many Do let wicked plongx profund into loss [71:25] Because da their pek ili dron asign hellfire. Ili ne trov helpers protekt them DI. [71:26] Noah ankaux dir My Lord ne las single disbeliever ter. [71:27] Se vi let them ili nur mislead your servants don nask al nothing wicked disbelievers. [71:28] My Lord forgive me my parents anyone enters my hejm as believer all kred hom women Ne don disbelievers anything annihilation! . 72- Jinns (Al-Jinn) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [72:1] dir mi inspir ke grup jinns auxskult tiam dir ‘Ni auxd wonderful Quran. [72:2] ‘Gxi direkt righteousness ni hav kred en gxi; ni neniam set any idols our Lord [72:3] Plej Alt est our nur Lord Li neniam hav mate nor fil. [72:4] ‘Gxi est foolish among us uz utter such nonsense DI! [72:5] ‘Ni pens ke nek humans nor jinns possibly utter mensog DI! [72:6] Human beings uz streb potenc jinn beings ili nur aflikt them a lot de adversity! [72:7] ‘Ili pens just vi opini DI ne send another (messenger). [72:8] ‘Ni tusx heaven trov gxi filled formidable gard projectiles. [72:9] ‘Ni uz sid tie en ord spion! Anyone auxskult pursued powerful projectile [72:10] ‘Ni ne hav ide io mav intenc inhabitants Ter aux se their Lord vol redeem them. [72:11] ‘"Kelk da us est righteous kelk est malpli than righteous; ni sekv various paths. [72:12] ‘Ni kon plen put ni neniam kur DI Ter; ni neniam kur escape

[72:13] When ni auxd guidance ni kred therein. Anyone kred en his Lord neniam tim any injustice nor any affliction. [72:14] 窶連mong us est submitters us est compromisers. ' As por those submitted ili est dekstr path. [72:15] As por compromisers ili est fuel por Gehenna. [72:16] Ili ceter dekstr path ni ben them abund akv. [72:17] Ni surely test them all As por him disregards message his Lord Li direct him ever increasing retribution. [72:18] Met worship aparten al DI; ne vok sur anyone aux DI. [72:19] When di servant advokat Him sol preskaux all da them band together oppose him! [72:20] dir mi worship nur my Lord mi neniam set any idols Him. [72:21] dir mi ne posed potenc harm vi nor direkt vi! [72:22] dir Ne 1 protekt me DI nor can mi trov any ali rifugx Him. [72:23] Mi liver di proclamations messages Those disobey DI His messenger incur fajr Infer wherein ili abide forever [72:24] Once ili seg ki awaiting them ili do gxi trov out who est really weaker en potenc fewer en numer [72:25] dir mi ne kon ki promes vi okaz baldaux aux my Lord delay gxi por awhile. [72:26] Li est Knower future Li ne reveal future anyone. [72:27] Nur al messenger Li chooses does Li reveal preter future specif news [72:28] This est ascertain ti ili liver their Lord's messages Li est fully aware da ki ili hav. Li counted numer all ajx. . 73- Mantel (Al-Muzzammil)! . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful

[73:1] O vi mantel unu. [73:2] Medit nokt escept rarely! [73:3] Half de gxi a malpli malpli. [73:4] Aux a malpli plur Leg Quran kovr kovr! [73:5] Ni don vi heavy message [73:6] meditation je nokt est effective righteous. [73:7] Vi hav a lot de temp tag ali materi. [73:8] Vi commemorate nom your Lord ven ever closer closer al Him! [73:9] Lord de orient okcident; tie ne est ali di Him. Vi choose Him your advokat. [73:10] Kaj ceter steadfast en des vizagx de their utterances disregard them en nice manier! [73:11] let Me deal kun rejectors generously ben; just don them a malpli temp! [73:12] Ni hav severe punishments Infer. [73:13] Food ke hardly hirund painful retribution. [73:14] Tag ven when ter mont quake mont turn into weightless pile [73:15] Ni hav send al vi messenger just as ni send al Pharaoh messenger! [73:16] Pharaoh disobeyed messenger consequently ni pun him severely [73:17] Vi disbelieve kiel vi evade tag tial terrible ti gxi far infants gray-haired? [73:18] heaven frakas therefrom His promes est ver! [73:19] This est reminder; whoever vol let him choose path al his Lord [73:20] Your Lord kon ti vi medit two-thirds nokt half gxi one-third de gxi kaj tial do kelk da those who kred vi! DI DESEGN NOKT TAG LI KON KE VI CXIAM NE do this. Li pardon vi. Instead vi leg ki vi can Quran. Li kon ke kelk da vi maj est ill others vojagx pursuit di provisions others striving ig DI! Vi leg ki vi can gxi observ kontakt prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat) lend DI prunt righteousness. Whatever bon vi send ahead your anim vi trov gxi DI far bon generously rekompenc! Kaj implore DI forgiveness! DI est Forgiver Merciful.

. 74- Fel Sekret (Al-Muddath-thir) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [74:1] O vi kasx sekret! [74:2] ven kaj avert! [74:3] Extol your Lord [74:4] Purify your garment! [74:5] Forsake ki est wrong [74:6] est kontent your lot. [74:7] Steadfastly commemorate your Lord [74:8] Tiam when korn blov. [74:9] Ke est difficult tag. [74:10] Por disbelievers ne facil. [74:11] Let Me deal kun 1 mi kre individu! [74:12] Mi proviz him lots mon. [74:13] Infan al behold [74:14] Mi far cxio facil him. [74:15] Sed li est greedy por plur [74:16] Li stubbornly rifuz akcept these proofs [74:17] Mi increasingly pun him. [74:18] Por li reflected tiam decid! [74:19] Miserable est ki li decid.

[74:20] Miserable ja est ki li decid. [74:21] Li rigard. [74:22] Li frowned whined [74:23] Tiam li torn arrogantly. [74:24] Li dir This est clever magic [74:25] This est human far [74:26] Mi commit him retribution. [74:27] Ki retribution! [74:28] Thorough comprehensive [74:29] Obvious al all popol. [74:30] Over gxi est 19. [74:31] Ni appointed angxel est guardians Infer ni asign their numer (19) (1) disturb disbelievers (2) konvink Christians Jud this est divine scripture) (3) strengthen faith de fidel (4) remove all spur de dub kor Christians Jud tro believers (5) expose those haven dub their kor disbelievers; ili dir Ki did DI mean this allegory? DI do send astray whomever Li vol kaj direkt whomever Li vol! Neniom kon soldat your Lord escept Li! This est reminder popol. [74:32] Absolutely (mi jxur) lun. [74:33] Kaj nokt gxi pas. [74:34] Kaj maten gxi lum. [74:35] This est 1 de great mirakl. [74:36] avert al human race [74:37] those among vi wish advance regress. [74:38] Cxiu anim trapped its pek. [74:39] Escept por those sur dekstr. [74:40] While Paradise ili pet.

[74:41] Pri kulp [74:42] Ki brought vi this retribution? [74:43] Ili dir Ni ne observ kontakt prayers (Salat). [74:44] Ni ne feed poor [74:45] Ni blundered blunderers. [74:46] Ni disbelieved Tag Judgment [74:47] Gxis certainty ven us tuj. [74:48] intercession intercessors neniam help them. [74:49] Why est ili tial averse al this reminder? [74:50] Kur zebr. [74:51] Who fleeing leon! [74:52] each unu de them want Does ricev scripture personally [74:53] Ja ili ne tim Hereafter [74:54] Ja this est reminder. [74:55] those wish pren heed [74:56] Ili ne pren heed kontraux di testament Li est source righteousness; Li est source forgiveness. . 75- Resurrection (Al-Qeyaamah) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [75:1] Mi jxur Tag Resurrection. [75:2] Mi jxur blaming anim! [75:3] human est opini ni ne reconstruct his ost?

[75:4] jes ja; ni est able al reconstruct his fingr tip [75:5] human est tends kred nur ki li seg him! [75:6] Li dub Tag Resurrection! [75:7] Once vizi sharpened [75:8] Kaj lun eclipsed [75:9] Sun lun crash 1 another [75:10] human est dir tag est escape [75:11] Absolutely tie ne est escape [75:12] Al your Lord sur ke tag est final destiny. [75:13] human est est inform sur tag de cxio li did advance cxio li did regress! [75:14] human est est his own jugx. [75:15] ne pretekst akcept! [75:16] Ne mov your lang hasten gxi! [75:17] est ni kolekt gxi Quran! [75:18] Once ni recite gxi vi sekv such Quran. [75:19] Tiam gxi est ni eksplik gxi. [75:20] Ja vi am this fleeting life. [75:21] While disregarding Hereafter [75:22] Kelk vizagx sur ke tag est felicx. [75:23] rigard their Lord [75:24] Ali vizagx est ke tag miserable. [75:25] Expecting des mav! [75:26] Ja when (anim) reaches gorgx.

[75:27] Gxi ord Let [75:28] Li kon gxi est end [75:29] Each krur mensog motionless ali krur. [75:30] Al your Lord sur tag est des summoning [75:31] Por li observ nek charity nor kontakt prayers (Salat). [75:32] Li disbelieved torn [75:33] Kun his famili li akt arrogantly. [75:34] Vi ind this. [75:35] Ja vi ind this. [75:36] human est opini li ir nothing? [75:37] Li ne gut est ejected semen? [75:38] Tiam Li kre embryo gxi! [75:39] Li far gxi vir female [75:40] Li est tiam unable revive dead . 76- Human (Al-Insaan) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [76:1] Gxi ne fakt est ke tie temp when human est nothing est est al menci? [76:2] Ni kre human liquid mixture el 2 parents en ord test him! Tiel ni far him hearer seer. [76:3] Ni montr him 2 paths tiam li est either appreciative unappreciative. [76:4] Ni prepar disbelievers cxen shackles blazing Infer! [76:5] As por virtuous ili trink tas spic nektar!

[76:6] Risort rezerv di servants; gxi sxpruc out as ili testament [76:7] Ili fulfill their pledges reverence tag est extremely difficult. [76:8] Ili donac their favorite food poor orf captive [76:9] Ni feed vi DI; ni ne expect rekompenc vi nor dank [76:10] Ni tim our Lord tag est plen da mizer trouble [76:11] Consequently DI protekt them evils ke tag rekompenc them joy contentment! [76:12] Li rekompenc them por their steadfastness Paradise silk. [76:13] Ili relax therein luxurious furnishings. Ili sufer nek hejt sun nor any cold [76:14] shade kovr them therein frukt brought within reach [76:15] Ili serv trink argxent uj tas ke est translucent! [76:16] Translucent tas kvankam far argxent; ili rightly ind all this! [76:17] Ili gxu drink delicious flavors [76:18] El risort therein kon Salsabeel. [76:19] Serv them est immortal servants! When vi seg them ili jen scattered perl. [76:20] Wherever vi rigard vi seg bliss wonderful dominion! [76:21] Sur them est vest de verd velur satin argxent ornaments Their Lord proviz them pur drink. [76:22] This est rekompenc awaits vi your efforts sxat. [76:23] Ni revealed vi this Quran; special revelation el us. [76:24] Vi steadfastly port your Lord's commandments ne obe any sinful disbeliever them. [76:25] Kaj commemorate nom your Lord tag kaj nokt! [76:26] Dum nokt auxtun prostrate antaux Him glor Him many long nokt! [76:27] These popol preoccupied this fleeting life while disregarding - Just ahead da them - heavy tag.

[76:28] Ni kre them establ them kaj whenever ni testament ni substitute others their met! [76:29] This est reminder whoever vol choose path al his Lord [76:30] Whatever vi do gxi est en accordance kun di testament DI est Omniscient SAGX. [76:31] Li admits whomever Li vol into His mercy. As por transgressors Li prepar them painful retribution. . 77- Depesx (Al-Mursalaat)! . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [77:1] (Angxel) depesx en succession. [77:2] Al driv vent! [77:3] Emoci nub. [77:4] Distribu provisions [77:5] liver messages [77:6] Bon news ankaux as warnings. [77:7] Ki promes ven pas! [77:8] Do when stel put [77:9] Cxiel est opened up [77:10] Mont blov [77:11] messengers summoned [77:12] Ke est appointed tag. [77:13] Tag Decision. [77:14] Ki Tag Decision!

[77:15] Ve ke tag al rejectors. [77:16] Ni ne annihilate fru generaci? [77:17] Tiam ni far others sekv them? [77:18] This est ki ni do criminals. [77:19] Ve ke tag al rejectors. [77:20] Ni ne kre vi lowly liquid [77:21] Tiam ni ej gxi well-protected repository. [77:22] Por specif period. [77:23] Ni mezur gxi precisely Ni est bon designers! [77:24] Ve ke tag al rejectors. [77:25] Ni ne far ter abode? [77:26] Por viv dead [77:27] Ni ej gxi alt mont proviz vi kun fresx akv trink! [77:28] Ve ke tag al rejectors. [77:29] Ir al ki vi uz disbelieve en! [77:30] Ir shade de 3 different densities! [77:31] Sed gxi proviz nek coolness nor protection el hejt. [77:32] Gxi jxet sparks as grand as mansions. [77:33] As flav as kolor kamel. [77:34] Ve ke tag al rejectors. [77:35] Ke est tag ili ne parol. [77:36] Nor est ili don permission apologize! [77:37] Ve ke tag al rejectors.

[77:38] This est Tag Decision. Ni summoned vi previous generaci. [77:39] Vi hav any schemes ir ahead scheme [77:40] Ve ke tag al rejectors. [77:41] righteous vol gxu shade printemp [77:42] Kaj frukt ti ili dezir! [77:43] Mangx trink happily dors your works [77:44] Ni tiel rekompenc des virtuous. [77:45] Ve ke tag al rejectors. [77:46] Mangx gxu temporarily; vi est kulp! [77:47] Ve ke tag al rejectors. [77:48] When ili told Bow down ili ne bow down [77:49] Ve ke tag al rejectors. [77:50] Which Hadith this ili uphold? . 78- Event (Al-Naba) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [78:1] Ki est ili questioning [78:2] great event. [78:3] Ke disput them. [78:4] Ja ili do gxi trov out! [78:5] plej assuredly ili do gxi trov out! [78:6] Ni ne far ter habitable?

[78:7] Mont stabilizers? [78:8] Ni kre vi mates 1 another [78:9] Ni kre dorm tial vi ripoz! [78:10] Ni far nokt kovr [78:11] Tag streb provisions [78:12] Ni cxarpent vi 7 univers. [78:13] Ni kre hel lamp. [78:14] Ni send nub versx akv. [78:15] Al produkt gxi gren plant! [78:16] Kaj various orchards. [78:17] Tag Decision appointed [78:18] Tag korn blov vi ven en throngs [78:19] heaven est opened gates [78:20] Mont removed as ili est mirage. [78:21] Gehenna est inevitable. [78:22] Por transgressors; gxi est their abode. [78:23] Ili rest gxi por agx. [78:24] Ili neniam gust gxi coolness nor drink. [78:25] Nur inferno amar food [78:26] Just requital. [78:27] Ili neniam expected ten accountable! [78:28] utterly rejected our sign. [78:29] Ni counted cxio record

[78:30] Sufer consequences; ni nur increase your retribution! [78:31] righteous ind rekompenc! [78:32] Orchards grapes [78:33] Magnificent spouses. [78:34] Delicious drink. [78:35] Ili neniam auxd gxi any nonsense mensog [78:36] Rekompenc el your Lord generous recompense [78:37] Lord de heavens ter cxio them. Plej Gracious. Ne 1 abrogate His decisions. [78:38] Tag ven when Spirit angxel star rem! Neniom parol those permes per plej Gracious ili utter nur ki est dekstr! [78:39] Such est inevitable tag. Whoever vol let him pren rifugx his Lord [78:40] Ni suficx avert vi imminent retribution. Ke est tag when everyone ekzamen ki his man send for disbeliever dir Oh Mi wish mi est polv! . 79- Snatchers (Al-Naaza'aat) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [79:1] (Angxel snatch (anim disbelievers) forcibly. [79:2] Kaj those gently pren (anim believers) joyfully. [79:3] Kaj those floating cxie. [79:4] Eagerly racing 1 another -! [79:5] Al port various ordon! [79:6] Tag quake quakes [79:7] Sekv sekund blov!

[79:8] Nepr mens terrified [79:9] Their okul subdued [79:10] Ili dir Ni recreated grave [79:11] Kiel this okaz post ni did hav torn into rotten ost? [79:12] Ili dir This est impossible recurrence. [79:13] All gxi pren est 1 nudge [79:14] Whereupon ili get [79:15] Vi kon histori Moses [79:16] His Lord vok him holy val Tuwaa. [79:17] Ir Pharaoh; li transgressed [79:18] Tell him vi ne reform [79:19] Let me direkt vi al your Lord ti vi torn reverent! [79:20] Li tiam montr him great mirakl. [79:21] Li disbelieved ribel! [79:22] Tiam li torn en a hurry [79:23] Li summoned proklam! [79:24] Li dir mi est your Lord alt. [79:25] Consequently DI committed him al retribution Hereafter ankaux as en 1 life. [79:26] This est lecion por des reverent. [79:27] Vi est difficult kre than heaven? Li konstru gxi. [79:28] Li raised its mes perfekt gxi [79:29] Li far its nokt dark brightened its morn. [79:30] Li far ter egg-shaped.

[79:31] El gxi, Li produkt its own akv pasxt. [79:32] Li establ mont. [79:33] All this al proviz life support vi your best! [79:34] Tiam when great blov ven. [79:35] Ke est tag when human vol memor cxio li did [79:36] Infer brought existence. [79:37] As por unu transgressed [79:38] Who preoccupied this life! [79:39] Infer est abode. [79:40] As por 1 who reverenced majesty his Lord enjoined sin el sinful lusts [79:41] Paradise est abode. [79:42] Ili pet vi pri Hor when gxi sorb met! [79:43] Ne est vi (Muhammad) destin anonc its temp! [79:44] Your Lord decid its sort. [79:45] Your misi est avert those expect gxi. [79:46] Tag ili seg ili sent as ili last 1 ecx half tag. . 80- Li Frowned (Abasa) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [80:1] Li (Muhammad) frowned kaj torn [80:2] When blind hom ven him. [80:3] Kiel vi kon? Li purify.

[80:4] Li sorb heed benefit el message [80:5] As por ricx hom. [80:6] Vi don him your attention [80:7] Eben kvankam vi ne garanti his salvation. [80:8] Unu ven vi eagerly. [80:9] Kaj est really reverent. [80:10] Vi ignor him. [80:11] Ja this est reminder. [80:12] Whoever vol pren heed [80:13] En honorable scriptures. [80:14] Exalted pur [80:15] (Skrib) man messengers! [80:16] Who est honorable righteous. [80:17] Ve al human est li est tial unappreciative! [80:18] ki Li kre him el? [80:19] El tiny gut Li kre him desegn him! [80:20] Tiam Li pint path him. [80:21] Tiam Li puts him death into grave [80:22] When Li vol Li resurrects him. [80:23] Li uphold His commandments. [80:24] Let human konsider his food [80:25] Ni versx akv generously. [80:26] Tiam ni fend soil open

[80:27] Ni kresk gxi grajn! [80:28] Grapes pasxt. [80:29] Oliv palm. [80:30] variety orchards. [80:31] Frukt legom. [80:32] Al proviz life support vi your best! [80:33] Tiam when blov ven pas! [80:34] Ke est tag when unu flees his frat. [80:35] El his mother kaj patr. [80:36] El his spouse infan. [80:37] Each unu de them sur ke tag worries his own destiny. [80:38] Kelk vizagx ke tag est felicx. [80:39] rid joyful. [80:40] Ali vizagx ti tag kovr mizer. [80:41] Overwhelmed remorse. [80:42] These est wicked disbelievers. . 81- Volv (Al-Takweer) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [81:1] When sun volv. [81:2] Stel crashed into each ali [81:3] Mont visx out.

[81:4] reproduction halt. [81:5] beasts summoned [81:6] Ocean set aflame. [81:7] Anim restored their korp. [81:8] girl buried alive pet: [81:9] Por ki krim sxi killed [81:10] records far kon! [81:11] heaven removed [81:12] Infer ignited [81:13] Paradise prezent. [81:14] Cxiu anim kon cxio gxi brought [81:15] Mi solemnly jxur galaxies. [81:16] Precisely kur their orbits [81:17] Per nokt gxi fal! [81:18] Kaj morn gxi breathes. [81:19] This est utterance honorable messenger. [81:20] Authorized Possessor Tron fully supported [81:21] Li obe fid! [81:22] Your amik (Rashad) ne est crazy [81:23] Li seg him alt horizon. [81:24] Li est hold dors any news [81:25] Gxi ne est talk rejected diabl. [81:26] tuj tiam kie vi ir?

[81:27] This est message all popol. [81:28] those wish ir rekt. [81:29] Whatever vi do gxi est en accordance kun vol DI Lord univers. . 82- Frakas (Al-Infitaar) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [82:1] When heaven frakas. [82:2] Planed scattered [82:3] Ocean eksplod. [82:4] graves opened [82:5] Cxiu anim testament trov out ki kauxz gxi advance ki kauxz gxi regress! [82:6] O vi human est ki diverted vi el your Lord Honorable? [82:7] Unu kre vi desegn vi perfekt vi. [82:8] En whatever desegn Li chose Li konstru gxi. [82:9] Ja vi disbelieve religi. [82:10] Oblivious al ti tie est (invisible) keepers vi. [82:11] Ili est honest recorders. [82:12] Ili record cxio vi do [82:13] Surely pi ind bliss! [82:14] While wicked ind Infer! [82:15] incur gxi Tag Judgment [82:16] Ili neniam las gxi.

[82:17] Awesome est Tag Judgment [82:18] Ki tag; Tag Judgment [82:19] Ke est tag when ne anim help another anim all decisions ke tag vol aparten al DI! . 83- Cheaters (Al-Mutaffifeen) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [83:1] Ve al cheaters. [83:2] Who postul plen mezur when ricev popol! [83:3] when don them mezur weights ili cheat [83:4] Ili ne kon ti ili resurrected [83:5] Sur tremendous tag? [83:6] Ke est tag when all popol star Lord univers. [83:7] Ja libr de wicked est Sijjeen. [83:8] Vi kon ki Sijjeen Do est [83:9] numerically struktur libr. [83:10] Ve ke tag al rejectors. [83:11] Ili ne kred en Tag Judgment [83:12] Neniom disbelieves therein transgressor des sinful. [83:13] When our revelations recited him li dir Tales el preter! [83:14] Ja their kor igx sxild their pek! [83:15] Ja ili izol ke tag their Lord [83:16] Tiam ili jxet Infer.

[83:17] Ili told This est ki vi uz deny [83:18] Ja libr righteous vol est ‘Elleyyeen. [83:19] Vi kon ki ‘Elleyyeen Do est [83:20] numerically struktur libr. [83:21] Al witnessed those Me [83:22] righteous ind bliss! [83:23] Sur luxurious furnishings ili watch [83:24] Vi recognize their vizagx joy bliss. [83:25] Their drink spic nektar. [83:26] Its spic est musk. This est ki competitors kondur por! [83:27] Miks gxi est special flavors [83:28] Risort rezerv por those Me [83:29] wicked uz rid je those kred! [83:30] When ili pas them ili uz poke fun! [83:31] When ili got together their popol ili uz sxerc! [83:32] Whenever ili seg them ili dir These popol est far astray! [83:33] Ili ne hav such ajx (invisible) gard. [83:34] Hodiaux those kred rid disbelievers. [83:35] Sur luxurious furnishings ili watch [83:36] plej assuredly disbelievers requited ki ili did . 84- Rupture (Al-Inshiqaaq) .

En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [84:1] temp ven when cxiel ruptured [84:2] Gxi submit its Lord expire! [84:3] Ter nivel. [84:4] Gxi eject its kontent gxi erupts! [84:5] Gxi submit its Lord expire! [84:6] O humans vi est irreversibly rubrik por meeting your Lord [84:7] As por 1 who ricev his record his dekstr man! [84:8] Li reckoning est facil. [84:9] Li return his popol joyfully. [84:10] As por 1 who ricev his record behind his dors! [84:11] Li rajd remorse. [84:12] Brul en Infer! [84:13] Li uz akt arrogantly his popol! [84:14] Li opini li neniam est vok kont [84:15] jes ja his Lord est Seer de him. [84:16] Mi solemnly jxur rosy dusk [84:17] Kaj nokt gxi stern. [84:18] Lun its faz. [84:19] Vi mov stage stage [84:20] Why ili ne kred? [84:21] Kaj when Quran recited them ili ne fal prostrate [84:22] This est those disbelieved rejecting (Quran).

[84:23] DI est fully aware da their innermost thoughts. [84:24] Promes them painful retribution. [84:25] As por those kred plumb righteous life ili ricev recompense est well-deserved! . 85- Galaxies (Al-Burooj) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [85:1] Cxiel its galaxies. [85:2] promes tag. [85:3] witness kaj des witnessed [85:4] Ve al popol kanjon. [85:5] Ili ignited blazing fajr. [85:6] Tiam sid gxi. [85:7] Al watch brul de believers! [85:8] Ili hated them ne ali raci than kred en DI Almighty des Praiseworthy! [85:9] Al Him aparten kingship de heavens ter! Di witnesses all ajx. [85:10] Surely those persekut kred hom women tiam fail pent incurred retribution Gehenna; ili incurred retribution de brul! [85:11] Surely those kred plumb righteous life ind gxarden flu streams This est greatest triumf. [85:12] Ja your Lord's blov est severe. [85:13] Li est Unu who iniciat ripet. [85:14] Li est Forgiving Kind [85:15] Possessor glorious tron.

[85:16] Doer de whatever Li vol. [85:17] Vi not histori trup? [85:18] Pharaoh Thamoud? [85:19] Those disbelieve pest denial. [85:20] DI est fully aware da them. [85:21] Ja gxi est glorious Quran. [85:22] En konfit mastr tablet. . 86- Hel Stel (Al-Taareq) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [86:1] Per cxiel Al-Taareq. [86:2] Vi kon ki Al-Taareq Do est [86:3] Hel stel. [86:4] Absolutely everyone put gard. [86:5] Let human reflect his creation! [86:6] Li kre el ejected liquid [86:7] El inter spin viscera. [86:8] Li est certainly able al resurrect him. [86:9] Tag all sekret igx kon! [86:10] Li ne hav potenc nor helper! [86:11] Per cxiel returns (akv). [86:12] Per ter krak kresk plant).

[86:13] This est serioz narration. [86:14] Ne al pren lightly [86:15] Ili plot scheme [86:16] Sed tial do mi! [86:17] Just respite disbelievers short respite . 87- Destiny (Al-Qadr) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [87:1] Glor nom your Lord plej Alt! [87:2] Li kre shapes [87:3] Li desegn direkt. [87:4] Li produkt pasxt. [87:5] Tiam torn gxi light fojn. [87:6] Ni recite vi; ne forges! [87:7] Cxio est en accordance kun di testament Li kon ki deklar ki kasx! [87:8] Ni direct vi facil path. [87:9] Do vi remind; perhaps reminder benefit [87:10] reverent vol pren heed [87:11] wicked vol evit gxi. [87:12] Consequently li sufer great Hellfire. [87:13] Wherein li neniam mort nor rest alive. [87:14] Successful ja est unu redeems his anim.

[87:15] Per memor nom his Lord observ kontakt prayers (Salat)! [87:16] Ja vi preoccupied this 1 life. [87:17] Eben kvankam Hereafter est far put everlasting [87:18] This recorded fru teachings. [87:19] teachings de Abraham Moses . 88- Overwhelming (Al-Ghaasheyah)! . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [88:1] Est vi aware da des Overwhelming [88:2] Vizagx ke tag fi. [88:3] Labor kaj exhausted [88:4] Sufer blazing Hellfire! [88:5] drink el flaming risort. [88:6] Ili ne hav food useless variety. [88:7] Gxi neniam nutr nor sat hunger [88:8] Ali vizagx tag vol est plen da joy [88:9] Sat their work [88:10] En exalted Paradise. [88:11] En gxi ne nonsense auxd. [88:12] En gxi printemp flu. [88:13] En gxi tie est luxurious furnishings. [88:14] Trink far available!

[88:15] Krucx en vic! [88:16] Kaj tapisx throughout [88:17] Why ili ne reflect kamel kaj kiel ili kre? [88:18] Kaj cxiel kaj kiel gxi raised [88:19] Kaj mont kaj kiel ili konstru. [88:20] Kaj ter kaj kiel gxi cxarpent. [88:21] Vi remind your misi est liver this reminder! [88:22] Vi ne hav potenc them. [88:23] As por those turn disbelieve! [88:24] DI testament commit them AL great retribution! [88:25] Al us est their ultimate destiny. [88:26] Tiam ni vok them kont . 89- Dawn (Al-Fajr) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [89:1] Per dawn [89:2] 10 nokt. [89:3] Per eben des odd [89:4] Per nokt gxi pas! [89:5] profound oath 1 who posed intelligence [89:6] Vi not ki your Lord hav did al 窶連ad? [89:7] Erum; town tall buildings.

[89:8] tie est nothing gxi anywhere. [89:9] Ankaux Thamoud carved rok their val. [89:10] Pharaoh posed might [89:11] Ili all transgressed land. [89:12] Ili stern evil throughout [89:13] Consequently your Lord versx them vip retribution. [89:14] Your Lord est ever watchful. [89:15] When human est tested his Lord blessings joy li dir My Lord est generous towards me [89:16] Li tests him reduction provisions li dir My Lord humiliating me [89:17] Wrong est vi brought gxi yourselves per ne regarding orf. [89:18] Kaj ne advokat charity poor [89:19] konsum inheritance helpless orf. [89:20] Kaj am mon tro mult [89:21] Ja when ter crushed utterly crushed [89:22] your Lord ven together angxel en vic post vic! [89:23] Ke tag Gehenna brought for. Ke tag human est memor - Sed ki remembrance Gxi est tro late [89:24] Li dir Oh Mi wish mi prepar my (etern) life. [89:25] Ke tag ne retribution est mav than His retribution. [89:26] Neni confinement est as effective as His confinement. [89:27] As por vi O kontent anim. [89:28] Return al your Lord placx placx [89:29] Welcome into My servants.

[89:30] Welcome into My Paradise. . 90- Town (Al-Balad) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [90:1] Mi solemnly jxur this town. [90:2] town vi viv. [90:3] begetting kaj begotten [90:4] Ni kre human est work hard redeem! [90:5] Li opini ke ne 1 Does ever vok him kont [90:6] Li fanfaron mi spent tial mult mon! [90:7] Li opini ne 1 Does vid him? [90:8] Ni ne don him 2 okul? [90:9] Lang 2 lip? [90:10] Ni ne montr him 2 paths? [90:11] Li choose difficult path. [90:12] Which unu est difficult path? [90:13] liber sklav. [90:14] Feeding temp hardship. [90:15] Orf rilat. [90:16] poor est en bezon. [90:17] Est 1 de those kred, exhorting 1 another est steadfast exhorting 1 another est kind [90:18] These ind happiness.

[90:19] As por those disbelieved our revelations ili incurred mizer. [90:20] Ili confined Hellfire. . 91- Sun (Al-Shams) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [91:1] Per sun its brightness. [91:2] Lun sekv gxi. [91:3] Tag reveals [91:4] Nokt kovr. [91:5] Cxiel Him cxarpent gxi. [91:6] Ter Him sustains gxi. [91:7] Anim Him kre gxi. [91:8] Tiam montr gxi ki est evil ki est bon. [91:9] Successful est unu redeems gxi. [91:10] Failing est unu neglects gxi. [91:11] Thamoud's disbelief kauxz them transgress! [91:12] Ili sekv mav among them. [91:13] Di messenger dir al them This est di kamel; let her drink! [91:14] Ili disbelieved him bucx her! Their Lord tiam requited them por their pek annihilated them! [91:15] sed those who ven post them ceter heedless! . 92- Nokt (Al-Layl)

. En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [92:1] Per nokt gxi kovr! [92:2] Tag gxi reveals [92:3] Him kre vir female [92:4] Your works est de various kinds. [92:5] As por him don charity argument righteousness! [92:6] Kaj upholds scripture! [92:7] Ni direct him happiness. [92:8] Li who est stingy li est ricx. [92:9] Kaj disbelieves scripture! [92:10] Ni direct him mizer. [92:11] His mon ne help him when li fal. [92:12] Ni proviz guidance. [92:13] Ni control Hereafter tro this life. [92:14] Mi avert vi blazing Hellfire. [92:15] Neniom brul therein escept des wicked. [92:16] Who disbelieves turn [92:17] Evit gxi est des righteous! [92:18] Who don his mon charity. [92:19] Streb nothing dors! [92:20] Streb nur his Lord plej Alt! [92:21] Li certainly ating salvation.

. 93- Forenoon (Al-Duhaa) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [93:1] Per forenoon. [93:2] Per nokt gxi fal! [93:3] Your Lord neniam abandoned vi nor did Li forges. [93:4] Hereafter est far put por vi than this 1 (life). [93:5] your Lord don vi suficx vi placx. [93:6] Li ne trov vi orf Li Did don vi hejm? [93:7] Li trov vi astray direkt vi! [93:8] Li trov vi poor far vi ricx. [93:9] Do vi ne forsake orf. [93:10] Nor shall vi reprimand beggar [93:11] Vi proklam ben your Lord bestowed vi! . 94- Cooling Temper (Al-Sharrhh)! . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [94:1] Ni ne cool your temper [94:2] Ni unloaded your load pek). [94:3] Unu ke sxargx your dors. [94:4] Ni exalted vi honorable pozici.

[94:5] Kun pain tie est gajn! [94:6] Ja kun pain tie est gajn! [94:7] Whenever possible vi strive [94:8] Streb nur your Lord . 95- Fig (Al-Teen) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [95:1] Per fig oliv. [95:2] Mount Sinai! [95:3] this honor town (Mecca). [95:4] Ni kre hom bon desegn. [95:5] Tiam torn him into lowliest de des lowly. [95:6] those who kred plumb righteous life; ili ricev rekompenc put ind! [95:7] Why vi ankoraux reject faith? [95:8] est DI ne plej Sagx de all sagx unu? . 96- Embryo (Al-Alaq) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [96:1] Leg your Lord kre. [96:2] Li kre hom embryo. [96:3] Leg kaj your Lord Exalted

[96:4] Instru plum. [96:5] Li instru hom ki li neniam kon. [96:6] Ja human transgresses. [96:7] When li igx ricx. [96:8] Al your Lord est ultimate destiny. [96:9] Hav vi seg unu enjoins! [96:10] Others el pregx? [96:11] Gxi est bon him sekv guidance? [96:12] Aux advokat righteousness? [96:13] Li disbelieves turn [96:14] Li ne realize ti DI Does seg? [96:15] Ja unless li refrains ni pren him forelock [96:16] forelock disbelieving kaj sinful. [96:17] Let him tiam vok sur his helpers! [96:18] Ni vok guardians Infer. [96:19] Vi ne obe him; vi auxtun prostrate draw cxi. . 97- Destiny (Al-Qadr) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [97:1] Ni revealed gxi Nokt Destiny. [97:2] Kiel awesome est Nokt Destiny! [97:3] Nokt Destiny est put than 1000 monat.

[97:4] Angxel Spirit descend therein their Lord's las port cxiu ordon! [97:5] Peaceful gxi est advent dawn . 98- Proof (Al-Bayyinah) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [98:1] Those disbelieved among des popol de scripture tro as idol worshipers insist their voj proof don them. [98:2] messenger el DI reciting them sankt instrukci. [98:3] En them tie est valuable teachings. [98:4] En fakt, those ricev scripture ne disput proof don them. [98:5] All pet de them est worship DI devoting religi absolutely Him sol observ kontakt prayers (Salat) don obligatory charity (Zakat)! Such est perfekt religi. [98:6] Those disbelieved among des popol de scripture idol worshipers incurred fajr Gehenna forever Ili est mav creatures! [98:7] Those kred plumb righteous life est bon creatures! [98:8] Their rekompenc their Lord est gxarden Eden flu streams wherein ili abide forever DI PLACX them ILI PLACX Him! Such est rekompenc those reverence their Lord . 99- Quake (Al-Zalzalah) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [99:1] When ter severely quaked [99:2] Ter ejects its loads [99:3] human vol wonder Ki est okaz

[99:4] Ke tag gxi tell its news [99:5] Ke your Lord komand gxi. [99:6] Ke tag popol issue cxiu direction montr their works [99:7] Whoever does atom weight bon vol seg gxi! [99:8] whoever does atom weight evil vol seg gxi! . 100- Gallopers (Al-Aadeyaat) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [100:1] Per fast gallopers. [100:2] Igniting sparks [100:3] Invad enemy maten! [100:4] Strik terror therein! [100:5] Penetr kor their teritori. [100:6] human est est unappreciative de his Lord [100:7] Li urs witness this fakt. [100:8] Li am sxtof ajx excessively. [100:9] Li ne realize ti tag ven when graves Does opened [100:10] all sekret est brought out! [100:11] Ili do gxi trov out, ke tag their Lord est fully Cognizant de them! . 101- Shocker (Al-Qaare'ah) .

En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [101:1] Shocker. [101:2] Ki shocker! [101:3] Vi Do any ide ki Shocker hav est [101:4] Ke est tag when popol ven swarms papili. [101:5] Mont est fluffy lan. [101:6] As por him weights est heavy [101:7] Li plumb felicx (etern) life. [101:8] As por him weights est light [101:9] His destiny est lowly. [101:10] Vi kon ki gxi Do est [101:11] blazing Hellfire. . 102- Hoarding (Al-Takaathur) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [102:1] Vi ceter preoccupied hoarding [102:2] gxis vi ir graves [102:3] Ja vi do gxi trov out! [102:4] plej assuredly vi do gxi trov out! [102:5] Se nur vi could trov out por cert! [102:6] Vi envision Infer. [102:7] Tiam vi seg gxi okul certainty.

[102:8] Tiam vi questioned ke tag blessings vi gxu. . 103- Afternoon (Al-Asr) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [103:1] Per afternoon. [103:2] human est utterly perd. [103:3] those who kred plumb righteous life exhort 1 another uphold truth exhort 1 another est steadfast! . 104- Backbiter (Al-Humazah) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful. [104:1] Ve al cxiu backbiter slanderer. [104:2] Li hoards mon counts gxi. [104:3] As se his mon far him immortal [104:4] Neniam; li jxet Devastator. [104:5] Vi kon ki Devastator Do est [104:6] Di blazing Hellfire. [104:7] Gxi brul them inside out. [104:8] Ili confined therein. [104:9] En etend kolon. . 105- Elefant (Al-Feel)

. En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [105:1] Vi not ki your Lord hav did al popol elefant? [105:2] Li ne kauxz their schemes Did backfire [105:3] Li send them swarms bird. [105:4] Ke dusx them hard sxton [105:5] Li far them like macx fojn! . 106- Quraish Gent (Quraish) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [106:1] This cherished Quraish. [106:2] Voj ili cherish karavan de vintr somer. [106:3] Ili worship Lord this shrine [106:4] Li est Unu fed them hunger proviz them security post tim! . 107- Charity (Al-Maa'oon) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [107:1] Vi kon who Do really rejects faith? [107:2] Ke est unu mistreats orf. [107:3] Ne advokat feeding poor [107:4] Kaj ve al those observ kontakt prayers (Salat)

[107:5] who est totally heedless de their prayers. [107:6] Ili nur montr [107:7] Ili forbid charity. . 108- Bounty (Al-Kawthar) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [108:1] Ni ben vi many bounty. [108:2] Do vi pregx your Lord (Salat) don charity. [108:3] Your opponent est loser. . 109- Disbelievers (Al-Kaaferoon) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [109:1] dir O vi disbelievers. [109:2] Mi ne worship ki vi worship [109:3] Nor do vi worship ki mi worship [109:4] Nor vol mi ever worship ki vi worship [109:5] Nor vol vi ever worship ki mi worship [109:6] Al vi est your religi me est my religi. . 110- Triumf (Al-Nassr) .

En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [110:1] When triumf ven DI victory! [110:2] Vi seg popol embracing di religi en throngs [110:3] Vi glor lauxd your Lord implore Him por forgiveness! Li est Redeemer. . 111- Dorn (Al-Masad) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [111:1] kondamn est works de Abee Lahab li kondamn! [111:2] His mon whatever li accomplished neniam help him. [111:3] Li incurred blazing Infer. [111:4] Ankaux his wife plumb persecution. [111:5] Sxi resurrected sxnur dorn her kol. . 112- Absoluteness (Al-Ikhlaas) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [112:1] Proklam Li est 1 nur DI! [112:2] Absolut DI. [112:3] Neniam did Li beget. Nor Li begotten [112:4] Neniom egal Him. . 113- Daybreak (Al-Falaq)

. En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [113:1] Dir mi streb rifugx Lord daybreak! [113:2] El evils His creations. [113:3] El evils darkness gxi fal! [113:4] El evils troublemakers. [113:5] El evils de envious when ili envi. . 114- Popol (Al-Naas) . En des nom da Di Gracious Merciful [114:1] dir mi streb rifugx Lord popol. [114:2] Regx popol. [114:3] Di popol. [114:4] El evils sneaky whisperers. [114:5] Who flustr kest popol. [114:6] Est ili de jinns popol! Translated by Hadi Abdollahian 00989354664487

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