Loving God, Loving Neighbour, Living in Harmony

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ISSN 1596 - 3187 Volume 50, No. 1 N200.00



A publication of the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, Nigeria


God Neighbour

Living in Harmony

10 Conditions of Bai’at Condition I The initiate shall solemnly promise that he/she shall abstain from shirk [associating any partner with God] right up to the day of his/ her death. Condition II That he/she shall keep away from falsehood, fornication/adultery, trespasses of the eye, debauchery, dissipation, cruelty, dishonesty, mischief and rebellion; and that he/she w ill not permit himself/herself to be carried away by passions, however strong they might be. Condition III That he/she shall regularly offer t he five daily Prayers in accordance with the commandments of God and the Holy Prophet Muhammad sa and shall try his/her best to be regular in offering the Tahajjud and invoking durud on the Holy Prophet Muhammad sa. That he/she shall make it his/her daily routine to ask forgiveness for his/her sins, to remember the bounties of God and to praise and glorify Him. Condition IV That under the impulse of any passions, he/she shall cause no harm whatsoever to the creatures of God in general and Muslims in particular, neither by his/her tongue, hands, nor any other means. Condition V That he/she shall remain faithful to God in all circumstances of life, in sorrow and in happiness, in adversity and in prosperity, in felicity and in trial; and that he/she shall in all conditions remain resigned to the decree of God and keep himself/ herself ready to face all kinds of indignities and sufferings in His way and shall never turn away from Him at the onslaught of any misfortune; on the contrary, he/she shall march forward. Condition VI That he/she shall refrain from following un- Islamic customs and lustful inclinations and shall completely submit himself/herself to the authority of t he Holy Qur'an; and that he/she shall make the Word of God and the sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad sa his/her guiding principles in every walk of his/ her life. Condition VII That he/she shall entirely give up pride and van it y and shall pass all his/her life in humbleness, cheerfulness, forbearance and meekness. Condition VIII That he/she shall hold faith, the honour of faith and the cause of Islam dearer than his/her life, wealth, honour, children, and all loved ones. Condition IX That he/she shall keep himself/ herself occupied in the service of God's creatures for His sake only and shall endeavour towards the beneficence of mankind to the best of his/her God-given abilities and powers. Condition X That he/she shall enter into a bond of brotherhood with this humble servant of God, pledging obedience to me in everything good for the sake of God, and remain faithful to it until the day of his/her death. That he/she shall exert such a high devotion in the observance of this bond as is not to be found in any other worldly relationship and connection




Contents Holy Qur'an


AL-‘IRFAN A publication of the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, Nigeria

Editorial Board Sadr Muhtamim Isha'at Editor-in-Chief Members

Graphics Contributors

AbdulQadir Abdul Rafi Murtadha Oriolowo AbdulGaniyy Adiamoh AbdurRaheem Ismail Sulaiman Ogunkanmi AbdulGaniyy Omopariola Hamid Bolaji Ahmad Talabi Tajudeen Olawole Abass Agbaje Luqman Al-Ghazal Oriolowo Saheed Lukman Olabanji AbdulGaniyy Adiamoh Abdul Qadir Awwal Rilwan Alausa Maruf Ajimoti

Hadith Sayings of Imam Mahdi Islamic Teachings on Global Peace & Security From the Sadr's Desk Editorial ATFAL Zone: QUALITIES of A Good Follower ISLAM: The Antithesis of Extremism, Terrorism Islamic Banking In Nigeria: Challenges & Opportunities Spiritual & Moral Reformation in a Decadent Society: The Possibilities Self Empowerment Desist from 'Cannibalism’ Common Infant Ailments & How to Cope News & Events

Al-'Irfan Magazine is published by the Majlis Khuddam-ulAhmadiyya Nigeria, the youth organization of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at Nigeria. Views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily representative of the official position of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community or any of its affiliate bodies. All correspondence should be forwarded to: The Editor Al-'Irfan Magazine Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Nigeria P.O. Box 418, Lagos State, Nigeria Email: enquiries@mka-ng.org Tel: 08079165432; 08026980159; 07056547478





From the Holy Qur’an


nd hold fast, all together, by the rope of Allah and be not divided; and remember the favour of Allah which He bestowed upon you when you were enemies and He united your hearts in love, so that by His grace you became as brothers; and you were on the brink of a pit of fire and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah explain to you His commandments that you may be guided.


ne of the causes of the spiritual degradation of the Israelites was that they did not remain united but split up into sections, finding fault with one another. The verse warns Muslims against that danger. The Holy Prophet is reported to have said: “The Book of God is the rope of Allah which has been extended from the heavens to the earth" (Jarir. iv. 30). Broadly speaking, there are three things which may be taken to have been here meant by the rope of God, by holding fast to which Muslims may remain united and be safe against disunion and disruption: (1) the Quran ; (2) the Messenger of God; (3) the Successors to the Messenger of God. The similitude may have reference to sea-life. Ropes are thrown to save the life of a drowning man. When a man falls into the sea or when a boat is wrecked by a storm, people in the boat or those standing on the shore throw out ropes to those who are struggling for their lives in the sea. The similitude is thus incidentally a refutation of the objection that the Quran restricts its similitude to such objects only as were known to the desert-dwellers of Arabia. It may be noted here that whenever the Quran

speaks of the open or secret hostility of the enemies of Islam, it exhorts Muslims to be strong of faith; for it is at such time that one is likely to waver and show weakness in resolution. Thus after referring to the hostility of the People of the Book (3 : 100,101), the Quran exhorts Muslims: (1) to fear God as He should be feared (3: 103); (2) to be constant in obedience to God {3: I03}; and (3) to hold fast to the rope of God and preserve themselves from disunion (3: 104). The words “remember the favour of Allah” signify that as one can appreciate a boon of God properly only when one experiences the disadvantages that result from its absence, so the Quran reminds Muslims of the discord and enmity that existed between them before they became united in Islam. The words, He united your hearts in love, show that according to Islam it is no great virtue to bear no malice or hatred to others. Nor does Islam inculcate a life of seclusion and detachment. What it requires is positive love for, and active sympathy with, fellow beings. One who is devoid of this is really devoid of true faith. SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




From the Hadith Narrated by Hadrat Anas, Allah be pleased with him: Said the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be on him): “By God Who holds my life in His Hand, none of you can be a truly faithful Muslim, unless he liked for his brother what he liked for himself.” (Bukhari)


his Hadith sets forth the true standard of Islamic brotherhood. First of all, the Holy Qur'an knits all Muslims into one brotherhood by declaring that “all the faithful are brothers.” The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) explained the high standard at which this brotherhood was to be evolved through the words of this hadith. How forcefully he says, by swearing by the power of his Lord, that the true standard of brotherhood of the Faithful consisted in choosing for his brother what a Muslim would choose for himself. Through this short observation, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) has uprooted all estrangement and feeling of conflict from among the Muslims, combining them into one organic whole. It is unfortunate that most of the people of our day are engrossed in selfinterest and in accumulating every benefit for themselves to the exclusion of others. It is about these people that the Holy Qur'an observes: “Woe unto those who, when they receive the measure from others, they get it in full but when they weigh it out to others, they give out less. Do they think they will never be raised and brought before their Lord?” [83[Al- Mutaffifin]:2-5] Islam cuts at the root of egoism and makes it obligatory on true Muslims to like for their brothers what they would like for themselves. It

does not, however, mean that the special rights of relations that the Shari’ah has laid down should be ignored. As, for instance, a father is bound to maintain his young children, the husband to maintain his wife, and children to support their aged and dependent parents. Likewise, the Shari'ah has apportioned shares for heirs on the death of a person: Widow, children, parents and others inherit definite portions of the legacy as their respective shares. Similarly it has been enjoined with great emphasis to look after the well-being of other relations, neighbors and friends. These rights as laid down are of course there. Leaving them aside, in our day-to-day relationships and dealings, Islam expects every Muslim, and enjoins upon him, to like for his brother what he would like for himself and should not have a double measure, one set for himself and another set for others. In another hadith our Lord the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) has described Muslims as limbs of one body and as the whole body is ill at ease where a limb pains, so should all the Muslims feel ill at ease when one Muslim suffers. This is the high place of brotherhood to which the Prophet of Allah (may my soul be devoted to his cause) proposes to elevate us. Would that we valued this injunction.





From the Malfoozat Duty towards God and fellow beings



here are two aspects of good characteristics and high morals and they constitute the gist and the compendium of the teachings of Islam. One, to worship God so that we can do our duty towards Him, to shun evil and all that God the Almighty has forbidden us to do and to do what He has commanded that we should do, to be ever prepared for doing all that He has commanded us to do. Two, that we should not be slack in doing our duty towards our fellow beings and to do them as much of good as lies in our power. Those who do not do their duties towards the human beings, even if they are doing their duties towards God, are in a precarious position and they are not secure. The reason is that so far as God is concerned He covers up the sins and He also forgives; He is Merciful and forbearing and He pardons the people; very often He forgives the sins. On the other hand, so far as human beings are concerned they do not easily forgive anyone and if a

man does not forgive the other person who has done him some wrong, the offender is not safe and his good deeds are liable to be wiped out - even though he might have been trying all that he could to act upon the commandments of God by offering five daily prayers and doing other acts of this nature. That is why a true believer is he who does his duty towards God and also does his duty towards his fellow beings - and he does so with great care. It is only the people who perform these two kinds of duties that can be said to be acting upon all the teachings of the Holy Quran, otherwise it will be said that he is acting upon the teachings of half of the Holy Quran. But it must be remembered that it does not lie in the power of man to act on both the aspects of his duties of his own will and power. Man is tied down with the chain of low passions of the self. Unless he is vouchsafed the grace of God and unless God enables him to do these things, he cannot do anything whatsoever. That being the case one should always continue supplicating to God that He may enable him to do good and grant him riddance from the low passions of self. The self (which is prone to low passions) is a great enemy of man. Had it not existed, the Satan also would not have been there. It is an enemy that works inwardly and it can be aptly described as a snake under the grass. As for the Satan, it is an outward enemy. It is a common knowledge that when someone wishes to break into somebody's house, he has to have some inmate of the house to be his friend and informant. The thief who has to come from without cannot act unless he has somebody from within with whom he has made a secret plan. That is why the Satan works from without and the self works from within and that is how the faith of the man is robbed and the light of belief is extinguished. God says in the Holy Quran ..... that is to say, I do not take myself to be free (it is Joseph who is made to say this). Verily the self which is guided by low passions carries the man towards evil. (Malfoozat vol. 10, pg. 290)




The Sermon

Islamic Teachings on Global Peace and Security



hen man spreads disorder on earth, peace and security declines and righteousness all but disappears, God sends His Prophets to save the world. 1,400 years ago when righteousness had completely vanished from this world and disorder was at its pinnacle, God sent His final Shariah (religious law) and thus facilitated to save the world from turmoil. Through this Shariah man was taught ways to honour the rights of God and the rights of mankind, which had either being forgotten by those who had believed in the earlier Prophets, or commandments of this excellence had not been revealed before. The most significant point that the Holy Qur'an draws attention to in order to abide by all its commandments is taqwa (righteousness). If one

attains a true perception and discernment of taqwa one can put the Divine attributes in practice and can propagate them to others. As long as Muslims were righteous they spread all over the world, from Asia to Africa to Europe. However when the standard of taqwa was diminished and peace and security was replaced with selfishness, love and harmony was replaced with jealousy and malice, the Muslims were deprived of what they had. However, Allah had revealed His final teachings to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) in order to remove disorder from the land. Today it is this teaching alone that is going to remove turmoil from the world. Although the others were deprived, God fulfilled His promise in that the faith revealed to the Holy Prophet (peace and SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




Islamic Teachings on Global Peace & Security

blessings of Allah be on him) was to triumph over others, through the advent of his true and ardent devotee, the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) who was destined to regain the lost legacy. It is therefore the responsibility of an Ahmadi to propagate the peaceable message of Islam to the world and inform them that Islam is not a religion of extremism rather it is the standard bearer of love and compassion. In the aftermath of WWII the UNO was formed with its various bodies, e.g. the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice etc. However, the current affairs around the world are a testimony to the failure of this institution. The reason for this failure is lack of righteousness. Based on knowledge, power or arrogance some nations of the world have an upper hand in the UNO; there are dual standards of permanent and nonpermanent membership etc. If lasting peace and security is to spread in the world,

it will be through the teachings of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). The Holy Qur'an addresses all nations of the world on the basis of humanity: “O mankind We have created you from male and female; and We have made you into clans and tribes that you may recognise one another. Verily, the most honourable among you, in the sight of Allah, is he who is the most righteous among you. Surely, Allah is All Knowing, All-Aware.” (49:14) This is the Islamic teaching of brotherhood. A righteous believer is enjoined to adhere to this teaching and indeed to propagate it. This alone can foster love, affection and equality. Peace and security can only be guaranteed in the world when the false and oppressive notion of supremacy for some nations is eradicated. Peace and security cannot be established until people of each race and each nation are able to SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




Islamic Teachings on Global Peace & Security ascertain that they are the children of Adam and are created by a male and female and are indeed equal. If one is better than the other, it is in terms o f righteousness alone. However, whose righteousness is most excellent, only Allah knows, no one can adjudge this for themselves. Islam says that all mankind is like a family and it can only look after the peace and security of each other only if it lives like a close-knit family. The apparent differences in mankind are only for identification as to who is European who is Asian and who is African. As humans we are all the same and a person in Africa has the same sentiments as those of a person in Europe. Peace and security can only prevail when each others' sentiments are cared for. These are the measures for durable peace and security that Islam presents, otherwise no matter how many Security Councils are formed durable peace cannot be maintained. This teaching did not just remain theoretical; the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) put it all in practice. He loved the poor and the disadvantaged, freed the slaves, assigned the deprived their rights. Hadhrat Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) had no ethnic status, but such was the consideration of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) towards him that Hadhrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) addressed him as “Syedna Bilal”. At his farewell

sermon, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) openly declared, “All of you are equal. All men, whatever nation or tribe they belong to, and whatever station in life they may hold, are equal…….an Arab possesses no superiority over the non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab over an Arab.” Today it is the duty of the Community of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) to establish this beautiful society that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) created. Verse 9 of Surah Al Mumtahinah (60:9) speaks of respect and kindness extended to those who do not seek to fight on account of religion. The verse refers to the other Quranic verse (Surah Hajj) which gives permission to fight in self-defence against those who make war first. Indeed war may only be declared on a governmental level. Unfortunately it is this very issue which the extremists among Muslims are flagrantly abusing and are thus bringing Islam in disrepute. Verse 109 of Surah Al An'am (6:109) is most significant for international peace and security. Allah has taught us profound ways of courtesy and consideration to keep peace by enjoining not to revile the idols of the idolaters lest they insult Allah in response this, despite the Islamic philosophy which holds idols as incapable of anything. To respond each insult with an insult is to invite insult. Therefore our response should be sagacious. A Muslim has a most heightened sense of honour for Allah

Peace and security cannot be established until people of each race and each nation are able to ascertain that they are the children of Adam and are created by a male and female and are indeed equal. If one is better than the other, it is in terms of righteousness alone. However, whose righteousness is most excellent, only Allah knows, no one can adjudge this for themselves.





Islamic Teachings on Global Peace & Security therefore in reviling the idols of others if a Muslim invites insult to Allah then he/she is responsible for it. Muslims today should make this teaching widespread, as for those [nonMuslims] who do not desist under any circumstances; it is their misfortune that their deeds are made attractive to them. However, eventually they have to return to God and will get their recompense. When Allah has taken it upon Himself to deal with certain matters then we do not need to concern ourselves with them. That there are non-religious people who venerate their worldly deities and Allah has their matter in hand. We do not need to engage in smashing things up, demolishment and suicide attacks. This represents a very erroneous picture of the high morals of Islam apart from being of no consequence whatsoever. The offensive material that [Salman] Rushdie wrote many years ago is in his nature, if a government honours him with a title for this or any other reason, their matter rests with God. It is not that there is no sense of decency in Europe. Numerous people have objected to this [knighthood] in that apart from endangering the peace and security of the world nothing else can be gained from this. When Rushdie wrote the book in question; rather when he was assisted in writing it, the reviewers did opine that there was someone else behind the writing of the book and that it was done to incite the Muslims. However, Muslims are playing right into their hands. There is no point in this. It is a huge conspiracy which will not go away by burning flags; rather this [burning of flags] will serve their purpose. In any case the proper response to such a matter should be to abide by the teachings of Islam with greater vigour, to present the blessed model of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) to others. If anyone can do this today, an Ahmadi can. When Rushdie wrote this book (1989) Hadhrat Khalifa tul Masih IV (may Allah have mercy on him) had Arshad Ahemdi Sahib write a book entitled “Rushdie: haunted by his unholy ghost” in response. I have asked that it is now re-published with the addition of a chapter about which Hadhrat Khalifa tul Masih IV (may Allah have mercy on him) had instructed. A short while ago the book was printed by an independent publishing company who are

marketing it as well. This book should be distributed among the thinking men and women. The peaceable teaching of Islam even cautions against the enmity of one's opponent to cause one to do injustice (5:9). It is indeed most difficult to put enmities aside when meting out justice. The verse does not mention love and affection rather it gives a measure and a standard of love and affection. May the time arrive soon when Muslim governments abide by the true teachings of Islam, may there be rulers who propagate Islam under the auspices of the true and ardent devotee of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). It is the task of the Ahmadis to engage in prayers. May our prayers be accepted and the world becomes a cradle of peace and harmony and everyone worships the One true God, may Allah make it so.







he basis for the formation of the United Nations in 1945 was to institute an enduring peace across the globe. The emergence of regional bodies like the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the East African Cooperation (EAC), the Southern African Development Commission (SADC), the Commonwealth among a host of others is to ensure an atmosphere of cooperation and harmonious existence among people of different nationalities, backgrounds and orientations. However, the much desired peace has continued to elude us all. What could be responsible for this? Is the fabric of the society tearing further apart or it is mending? Would be right to say that hundreds of regional bodies set up to ensure world peace, cooperation and harmony have failed in their mandates? What could we do right to make the labours of these organizations come to fruition? These are questions in urgent need of answers. One basic component of the spate of restlessness in the world today is what is increasingly being referred to as 'Islamic terrorism'. This raises the question: is terrorism analogous to Islam? Rather than continuing to ask questions, this edition of Al-'Irfan tries to dispel the belief that Islam sanctions terrorism. In the article, “Islam: The Antithesis to Extermism, Terrorism”, the audience is taken through some of these misconceptions and exhorted to read more on the topic of Jihad. There is no dearth of materials on this topic, and the audience is hereby kindly pointed to the book “Murder in the Name of Allah” by Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, introduced on page 28. The audience can also look through the article “Islam is Peace” (Adh-Dhikr, April 2009, Vol. II, No. 1). The introduction of the Islamic form of non-interest banking has also been generating controversies in

Nigeria. From acclaims and rebukes, Islamic banking, the guidelines of which were recently released by the Central Bank of Nigeria has further polarized the country, which has loads of religious, ethnic and tribal strifes. In this issue, an attempt is made to explain Islamic banking and how its benefits could be tapped for the development of Nigeria's economy. We s i n c e r e l y p r a y t o Almighty Allah to accept this as an act of worship, forgive us our errors, and maintain us in the right path. Amin.





From the Sadr’s Desk You are the best people raised for the good of mankind; you enjoin what is good and forbid evil and believe in Allah. And if the People of the Book had believed, it would have surely been better for them. Some of them are believers, but most of them are disobedient.


he world today is filled with unrest. The ongoing Arab Springs (crises in Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Libya etc.) have now joined the already saturated world of strife and rebellion. Many conflicts in the world today, namely the PalestineIsrael imbroglio, the Korean peninsula palaver, the Afghanistan crisis and the Iraqi uprising among others have seen no sign of abatement. Natural disasters are also on the increase the flood in Pakistan, drought and famine in Somalia, earthquake in Haiti, Tsunami in Japan all add to the growing spate of insecurity in the world. As if these are not enough, economic crises have also added its weight to the already strained state of restiveness in the society. No nation seems to be free from the struggles for enduring peace. Recently Norway (a nation ranked 2nd most peaceful nation in the world according to the Global Peace Index (GPI) -2008 report) also had her share of extremism when a young man named Andreas Bretvik opened fire on sixty nine (69) young members of the ruling party in Utoeya, an island just 30 kilometers away from the capital

Oslo after he had detonated a bomb at the Government Headquarters in Oslo. All these recent events add to the already saturated history of violence in the human race. These events have also shown that no nation of the world is free from the disruption of peace (the recent uprising in London is a good example). How is it possible to achieve peace in the world today, one might be forced to ask when even the most powerful nations of the world have found it extremely difficult to maintain law and order in their societies? Nearly all humanity agrees that the fabric of a peaceful society can only be built on justice. Justice is that ingredient without which the society loses its appeal. In an interfaith conference held in April 2011, I stated that most rebellion in the world is as a result of injustice in the society. The fuel for most unrests in human history is the perceived absence of justice by the aggrieved group, whether majority or minority. The most surprising aspect of the lack of peace in the society is that the minority groups or the groups who claim to be victims of injustice also

employ the unjust tactics which were used by their tormentors to also prosecute their fight for a just society. It is worthy to note at this juncture that religion and their followers who were themselves victims of injustice commence on the use of these unjust methods whenever they themselves ascend the mantle of leadership. It is a fact of history that most dominant groups themselves began as minority groups that were initially terrorized by the previous dominant groups. What causes this sudden change of attitude? Why do these groups suddenly on assumption of power themselves become terrorists so much so that it seems that they have forgotten so quickly the travails they went through while they were being SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




From the Sadr’s Desk tormented? As a Muslim, I have read about the thirteen years of terror inflicted on the early Muslims by the Arab leaders. I have also read in the Qur'an that these were the same treatment meted out to the previous callers to Allah's ways Prophets (alaihimus salam). As an Ahmadi Muslim, I have also seen that fellow Ahmadies in countries like Pakistan and Indonesia are going through difficult times because of their faith. They also experience what the Holy Prophet (saw) and his followers went through; they are being killed; their shops are looted; trade boycotts are declared against them. In short, they live in constant fear for their lives all because of their faith. The same cycle of oppression against religious people are used against them. May Allah (swt) save them from these adversaries who constantly try to extinguish the light of truth. What has been the reaction of the Ahmadiyya Community to these attacks on their fundamental human rights to freedom of religion? The Ahmadiyya Community has remained steadfast preferring to pray to Allah to protect us from the evil being perpetrated by the Mullah's in collaboration with their governments. These governments have decided to abdicate their constitutional duty to protect the rights of the minority. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community have restrained her members from

following the examples of so many minority communities who would rather go underground and take up arms and start their own uprising to cause further strain to the peace in the society. Our motto is 'Love For All, Hatred For None' Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is following the age long tradition of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) to be steadfast in the face of oppression and be obedient to constituted authority, by following the rule of law in her efforts to restrain these people who would continue to go against the rule of law by taking laws into their hands. The Ahmadiyya community has continuously received divine assistance from Allah (swt). We have firm faith in the belief that the sword can kill man but cannot

change the hearts of men. We believe that the jihad of the Sword has been outlawed and has been replaced by the jihad of the pen, that of true propagation of the peaceful teachings of Islam. Ahmadis hold this belief strong in our hearts and we do not follow the examples of the other minority organizations by taking up arms in resistance and causing further violence in the community. We hold tenaciously to the Qur'an verse “You are the best of mankind, Enjoining what is good, Forbidding Evil....” (3.111). We will continue to preach the teachings of Islam to all and uphold justice. We will not join the bandwagon of people who destroy peace on the platform of advocating for a worthy cause a case of an eye for an eye makes the world go blind. The NO-VIOLENCE policy of the Jama'at places so much trust on every Ahmadi to keep to this principle. Let our lives be a true reflection of the lives and times of the best of humanity.


MAJLIS KHUDDAM-UL-AHMADIYYA NIGERIA (AHMADIYYA MUSLIM YOUTH ORGANIZATION) 39TH ANNUAL IJTEMA (YOUTH CONVENTION) VENUE: Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON), Topo-Badagry, Lagos State DATE: Thursday 15th - Sunday 18th September, 2011 THEME:


4.00pm 5.00pm 6.50pm 6.55pm 7.00pm 7.10pm 7.45pm 8.00pm 8.15pm 8.30pm 10.30pm

Arrival / Registration of Participants Hosting of flags Preparation for Prayer Call to prayers Solatul Maghrib Welcome Address Call to Prayer Ishai Prayer Ijtema rules and Regulations Dinner / Mulk officers meeting with Sadr/Indoor Games Light out

FRIDAY 16TH SEPTEMBER, 2011 4.00am 4.30am 5.15am 5.30am 5.45am 6.00am

Waking up for Tahajud Prayer Tahajjud Prayer Tilawat-ul-Quran Call to Prayer Fajr Prayer Lecture 1 – Latest Huzur’s sermon

7.00am 9.00am 10.00am 12.00 1.00pm 2.10pm 3.45pm 4.00pm 4.15pm 6.50pm 7.00pm 7.50pm 8.00pm 8.10pm 9.00pm

Sports Preliminaries General Sanitation / Breakfast Courtesy calls To the Chairman and Oba Of Badagry/ Sports Preliminaries continues Preparation for Jummat service Jummat Service Lunch/ Visitation to Motherless Babies Home/ Prison/ Hospital/ Old People’s home Call to Prayer for Asr Asr Prayer QURAN RECITATION COMPETITION Call to Prayer Solatul Maghrib Call to Prayer Solatul Ishai Dinner Educational Competitions (All Other Educational Competitions holds simultaneously)

SPEECH CONTEST Topics (i) Achieving the Nigeria of our dreams; the roles and expectations of the youths (ii) Youth empowerment in Nation building. (iii) Actualisation of Morals in a decadent society ISLAMIC QUIZ COMPETITION 11.10pm

Light out




ISLAM: The Antithesis of Extremism, Terrorism MUALLIM SULAIMAN OGUNKANMI

In a world of violence, war, terrorist attacks and extremism, where does man go? The act of violence has caught across the globe. Researchers have opined that this is as a result of the complex and cruel nature of man. This assertion is corroborated in the Qur’an Chapter 33 vs. 73 where man is described as being full transgression, bestiality and savagery.


istory has recorded several acts of human dehumanization and destruction that evolved as a result of quest for domination, political interest, religious bigotry, racial matters and other forms of agitation. Alas! Out of hypocrisy, Islam which is alien to violence is being stigmatized as a religion of terror, extremism and violence. Anybody or setup that sees Islam as religion of terror is only displaying gross ignorance and is at sea as far as history is concerned. Basically, ISLAM MEANS PEACE AND IT IS PEACEFUL IN ALL LEVELS. The world should know that any act of violence whenever it emanates and whoever perpetrates it is absolutely a misinterpretation of Islam and misrepresentation of the Muslims. It requires no intelligence to conclude that man is threatened with

self-immolation. This is man and not Islamic philosophy whatsoever. The Ahmadiyyat Muslim Jama'at through the teachings of its founder, the Imam-Al-Mahdi and Promised Messiah (as) presents Islam in its pristine form, as brought by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). The shrouds of misconception and misinterpretations that had been wrapped around the teachings of Islam, by Muslims and nonMuslims alike is being unwrapped by the Promised Messiah and the Mahdi (as). Many Muslims and non Muslims alike have misunderstood the concept of Al-Jihad, and have taken it to connote wanton destruction of lives and properties. This is a gross misconception. Al-Jihad implies striving peacefully in the way of Allah. The greatest form of religious duty (Jihad) is the striving to SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




ISLAM: The Antithesis of Extremism, Terrorism live in harmony with other and with oneself shunning all low desired motives. The life of our noble Prophet Muhammad (saw) is indeed the epitome of LOVE, PEACE AND UNITY among and with all classes of men. Religious bigotry was and is not in his personality. To every citizen of the Arabia ranging from the Muslims, Christians, the Jews and others, equity and justice were his concerned duties while he was their leader. And this is evidenced in his 23 years of divine prophethood in the Arabia. The Holy Prophet is ranked by Allah (God) as the best of mankind in all ramifications of life. He has the most excellent moral excellences (Quran 68 vs. 5). And this is what he advocates that all Muslims follow. A thorough examination of his life made scholars to opine that indeed he is the best of all men great or non-great among them (men). Examples of these scholars are Michael H Hart, Lamartine, George Bernard Shaw, Ramakrishna Rao, an Indian (Hindu) professor amongst others. Thus, Islam is PEACE, the prophet of Islam advocates PEACE and the Muslims are enjoined to be PEACEFUL. Any form of violence is strongly alien to Islam. No room at all for violence in Islam. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at is saying NO to violence of any form. Despite the widespread persecution and campaign of hatred against the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at, the slogan remains “LOVE FOR ALL, HATRED FOR NONE”, for this is what Islam means and encourages. The world should shun ignorance and be large

hearted enough to read about Islam from the rightful sources for better interpretation of it. All popular forms of violence that is caused by human agitation of one form or the other are not in any way associated with Islam. This is so because the religion (Islam) which is peace in all can never be an abode of violence for mankind. Ideologically, the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (A.S) who is the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at advising followers in very strong terms said: “The principle to which we adhere is that we have kindness of heart for the whole mankind. If anyone sees the house of a Hindu neighbour on fire and does not come forward to extinguish the fire, must truly declare that he does not belong to me. If anyone of my followers, having seen someone attempting to murder a Christian does not endeavor to save him, I must truly declare that he does not belong to me (Sirajum-Munir pg 28).” In pursuance of the advice of the Promise Messiah (A.S), the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is actively engaged in many activities of service to humanity, regardless of colour, creed or race, particularly in the area of health and education. Allah (God) is one. Mankind is one and living in unity under the canopy of LOVE and PEACE is the only means for the harmonious living in mankind. This is Islam; this is what is expected of a Muslim and mankind at large. CAINISM should be shunned for PEACE. This is the philosophy of Islam. May our society be redeemed by Allah the Lord of Peace.

www.mka-ng.org SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




Islamic Banking In Nigeria: Challenges & Opportunities ABDULQADIR AWWAL ABDURRAHEEM ISMAIL Introduction


n Tuesday 21 June 2011, the Central Bank of Nigeria issued new guidelines for the regulation and implementation of noninterest banks in the country, the most popular of which is Islamic Banking. The introduction of Islamic Banking, among other categories of non-interest banking has generated a lot of controversy. While some say it is a welcome development, many abhor it and criticize the Central Bank of Nigeria for introducing a form of religious banking in an acclaimed secular state as Nigeria. The introduction of the Islamic Banking system has no doubt further polarized the Nigerian public. To this end, there is the need to examine what Islamic Banking stands for together with its possible challenges and prospects. Islamic Banking: An Attempt at a Description Islamic Banking refers to a system of banking or banking activities that is consistent with Islamic

principles Muamalat (Islamic rules on transactions) and guided by Islamic economics. Islamic banking is often thought to be financing the need of the Muslim Community alone but this notion is absolutely wrong. Islamic banking is evolving to play a role in today's global village. Therefore, Islamic Banking is an instrument for development of Islamic economic orders, prohibiting the payment and or collection of interests, regardless of the purpose for which loans are made and the rate at which interest is charged. Islamic law also prohibits activities dealing with alcohol, pork, gambling, pornography and anything which Islamic law deems unlawful. The Islamic banking system is therefore a comprehensive system that goes beyond an agreement to share profits and loss in commercial dealings. It is the development of an Islamic economic order which ensure social justice, such as forbidding all forms of economic activities which are morally or socially injurious, ensuring ownership of wealth legitimately acquired, allowing an individual to retain any SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




Islamic Banking In Nigeria: Challenges & Opportunities surplus wealth and seeking to prevent the accumulation of wealth in a few hands to the detriment of society as a whole. Due to the rules of the Islamic banking, Islamic finance products are often based on the principles of risk sharing and profit sharing. Such sharing principles can provide acceptable financial returns to investors by providing potential profit in proportion to the risk assumed. This type of structured products can satisfy the demands of investors in the contemporary environment within the guidelines of the Islamic law. The most active financing provided are in the areas of trade commodity finance, property and leasing. It can therefore be seen that the commercial purpose of Islamic banking is the same as conventional banking but it needs to operate within the principles stated above. Some of the features of Islamic investing have always held an appeal for nonMuslim investors and individuals. The journey so far It was in 1975 after the launch of the first international conference on Islamic economics organized by King Abdulaziz University in Makkah that the first commercial Islamic bank was established in Dubai called Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB), followed by Islamic Development bank in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Later, many other countries joined, among them are Egypt, Sudan, Kuwait etc. Since then, Islamic banking has been growing at a very unprecedented rate with more countries joining in its establishment. Describing this, Abdulkader Chachi writes: Islamic banking has gained momentum and has been growing very fast at a double digit average annual rate of growth... At the moment, it is one of the fastest growing industries. Its size has grown tremendously from a mere few hundred thousand dollars in 1975 to reach hundreds of billions of dollars by 2005. The practice of Islamic banking is now not limited to only Arab and Muslim countries but has spread "from East to West, all the way from Indonesia and Malaysia towards Europe and the Americas" (p.1). Not only that, but the fact is that "many conventional banks, including some major multinational western banks have also started using Islamic banking technique. It was in 2004 that United Kingdom joined with the adoption of the Islamic banking under the same

legislation which guides other financial services sector, Financial Services and Market Act 2000. “The statutory principles under which we operate encourage us to maintain the strength and diversity of the UK's financial landscape. Having access to Sharia-compliant banking products provides financial services to people whose faith prevents them from using the kind of products that are normally offered by UK financial institutions.” Islamic Banking is a system of banking that is based on Islamic Law (Shari'ah Law). The basic principles of Islamic Banking are: Tenets of Islamic Banking Prohibition of Interest (Riba) Islamic banking system prohibits any transaction of whatever nature that involve either receiving or giving of interest. Instead Islam advocates for profit sharing,“The interest that you give in order to increase the wealth of the people, does not increase in the sight of Allah; and the Zakat that you pay in order to win Allah's approval, its payers do indeed increase their wealth” (Surah Al-Rom no. 39)(Shafi and Usmani, 1997, p.67)”. Usury, lending of money on interest, regardless of the rate of interest is prohibited in the Quran when Almighty Allah says …Truly those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and perform prayer and give voluntary charity…O you who believe! Fear Allah and give up what remains (due to you) from usury (from now onward) (Q2:277-278). In addition, specific words of the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), which is an instructional source in Islam, prohibit it. Uncertainty and Speculation (Ghara and Maysir) Ghara (Uncertainty) and Maysir (Speculation) are two things Islamic Banking prohibits. Any transaction of whatever nature whose outcome is uncertain and full of speculations is prohibited by Islamic banking system. This is because Islam believes that such transactions are usually to the benefit of the few wealthy members of the society at the expense of the poor masses of the society. Unethical Business and Practices Islamic Banking prohibits participation in SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




QUALITIES of A Good Follower



follower is a person that support or admires a particular person or set of ideas. A follower may also mean a person that is being led by a person or group of people known as leader(s). The qualities of a good follower can then be said to mean the behavioural characteristics or attitudes that should be found in a good follower. The role of followers in the success of a leader is principal. A leader can be said to be good if he has good followers behind him. This is why it is important to know the qualities a good follower should posses. The qualities of a good follower may be abbreviated into the acronym 'R.O.C.K.P.L.T'. R- Righteousness O- Obedience C-Constructive criticism K-Knowledge P-Prayer, patience, perseverance L-Love T- Truthfulness Righteousness

This can also mean the fear of Allah. A good follower needs to fear Allah in all he does. This righteousness will make him do things that are in accordance with Allah's commandments. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said 'Khayru zaadi Taqwa'. This means that the best provision is righteousness. Many a time in the Holy Quran, Allah commanded us to fear him for it is this that we shall be successful. So, a follower has to have the fear of Allah in him so that he, the leader and even the nation will be successful. Also, righteousness prevents a follower from committing sin (Exodus 20:20). Obedience The second quality of a follower after righteousness is obedience. Obedience means acting according to the dictates of a person. The importance of obedience in good followership cannot be over-emphasized. Quran 4:60 say 'Yaa ayyuhalladhina aamanu ati u llaha wa a ti arrasula wa uhul amri min kum', that is 'O you who believe obey Allah and obey his messenger and those of you who are in the position of authority'. SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




Qualities of A Good Follower Here, Allah commands us that we should obey Him, His messenger and those of us who are in position of authority. So, it can be summarized that a follower has to obey Allah, His messenger and the leader. A leader can't be successful without obedient followers. Let's take a journey into the life history of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). During the Battle of Badr, the prophet (S.A.W) draws a line and commanded the Muslim warriors not to cross that line under any circumstances. These warriors obeyed and the Muslims won the battle triumphantly. But then, during the Battle of Uhud, 50 people were told to guard a point and not to leave under any circumstances. But when these 50 people left their posts for war booties against the commandment of the prophet, the enemies saw this unguarded point and the retreating warriors re-attacked through this breach, killing lots of Muslims in the counter-attack. The Muslims suffered heavy loss in the battle of Uhud due to disobedience on the part of some of them. So, a good follower needs obedience for it is only through this that any form of successful leadership and nation building can occur. Constructive Criticism Criticism means analysing what someone has done wrong. Criticism is said to be constructive if and only if it is aimed towards changing the leader positively and not toward blaspheming the leader. A good follower must be able to criticize the bad acts of the leader boldly without any fear. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) once said if we see a wrong thing in our community and we cannot use our hand to correct it, we should endeavor to use our mouth. So, constructive criticism is a way of making sure things are done the right way by the leader and this is the responsibility of the followers, since a leader may not know whether he has done the right or not. Knowledge A good follower must be knowledgeable. He must be able to know and identify what is right from what is wrong. For a good follower to be able to criticize constructively, he must have an in-depth knowledge of what is right and what is wrong. The Holy Prophet Muhammad S.A.W knew of the importance of

knowledge. He commanded us in one of his sayings that 'tolabul ilm faridotun ala kulli muslim wa muslimat', that is, 'seeking for knowledge is impudent on every Muslim whether male or female. Also, the first set of verses revealed to the prophet was based on knowledge. This reinforces the importance of knowledge in the lives of Muslims. Also, a knowledgeable follower will be able to advise the leader on what to do in different situations. He would be able to advise the leader on how to act during tough times. On the contrary, followers without adequate knowledge would only follow the leader anytime or lead the leader astray. Love A good follower should love his nation. Love brings about patriotism. The love of the nation by the followers brings peace and progress. The Holy prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said 'Hubbul Watonu Ismul Iman' The love of nation is half of faith. Muhammad (S.A.W) commands us here to love our nation because the love of one's nation is an essential part of Iman. Following that love, the nation would do things in the interest of the community. In every situation, they will consider their nations first before thinking of themselves. They will be willing to die for the betterment of their nation. This is good in the interest of the nation because it promotes cooperation and subsequently development. Prayer, Patience & Perseverance Good followers pray for their communities. They turn to Allah for assistance in tough times. The Bible says pray for the peace of the land therein lie your own peace. Good followers do exactly this and this results in development because anything one indulges Allah in is bound to be successful. Also, good followers are patient with their leaders. They resolve into round table meetings and collective bargaining anytime the leader does something they feel is wrong. They do not take every misunderstanding as an opportunity to fight. They believe that the pen and mouth is truly mightier than the sword and so do not fight. SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




Islamic Banking In Nigeria: Challenges & Opportunities whatever transaction that is unethical and can have detrimental effect on the society. Such transactions include raising fund for alcoholic business, terriorism etc. From this, it obvious that Islamic Banking system is such that aims at establishing and promoting an economic system that pursue even distribution of wealth while couteous of the need to protect the moral standard of the citizenry. A Secular State With A Religious Banking System What has constituted argument against the establishment of Islamic Banking in Nigeria is that how can we have a religious based banking system in a secular state like Nigeria? This kind of question is a type that will only make meaning to a person to whom the 21st century does not make any meaning. Belonging to this century is a rare priviledge as this century appears to be one that human intellect has reached its climax with no likelihood of a better sophisticated century in future, a century that man treats issues and not personality, a century that man takes decisions objectively even at the expense of personal interests, a century that man examines the essence of something and not the bearer of that thing. This is the kind of feeling that is visible in countries like United Kingdom, America, South Africa who saw the inevitable need for the establishment of Islamic Banking even when the percentage of Muslim population was estimated to be considerably in the minority. Establishing Islamic Banking system in Nigeria will meet two very important needs: Meeting The Need Of Demandng Muslims The establishment of Islamic Banking in Nigeria will meet the need of many Nigerian Muslims who want to live their lives according to the dictates of their religion. They will not patronise some products if not all the products of conventional banking, neither will they invest their resources in a system which they consider 'sinful'. Therefore, the establishment of Islamic Banking will boost the economy as these set of people will become actively involved in the economic activity of the state as they now have a banking system they can patronise. A Need for an Alternative Banking System

It was also seen that Islamic banking system will form an alternative banking system to the existing conventional banking system. This will constitute a check on the operation and management of the conventional banking system as its operators will now see that should they mismanage the system, there is an alternative waiting to win their customers' confidence. There are so many salient features and important of Islamic banking but few are summed up as: 1. While permitting the individual the right to seek his economic well being, Islam makes clear distinction between what is Halal and haram in pursuit of such economic activity. 2. It forbids all forms of economic activity, which are morally or socially injurious. 3. While acknowledging the individual's right to ownership of wealth legitimately acquired, Islam makes it obligatory on the individual to spend his wealth judiciously and not hoard it, keep it idle to squander it. 4. It allows individual and companies to retain any surplus wealth and seeks to reduce the margin between the wealthy and the poor. 5. It encourages people to pay zakat. 6. It will eradicate or prevent the accumulation of wealth in a few hands to the detriment of society as a whole by its law of inheritance. 7. Viewed as a whole, the economic system envisaged by Islamic banking aims at social justice without inhibiting individual enterprise beyond the point where it becomes not only collectively injurious but also individually self destructive. Opportunities Islamic banking has in stock a lot of opportunities both for individual Nigerian citizens and for Nigeria as a nation. The coming of this system will translate to an alternative banking system to the earlier existing conventional banking system. It will make the operators to sit tight and re-package their products in such a way that they will not lose their existing customers to their new rivals which have alternative products for virtually all their products. The system if eventually started will boost the economy with its varying unique products. In the Western countries where Islamic Banking is in SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN









Islamic Banking In Nigeria: Challenges & Opportunities place, it is growing very rapidly. Presently, the growth rate is estimated at 10-15% per annum. Some of these products include: - Musharaka (partnership): this is where the customer and the bank enter into partnership with the customer provide the skill while the bank finances the business. The profit will be shared in a pre-agreed profit sharing ratio while in the case of loss the individual go empty handed while bank bears the full loss. Murabaha (Cost plus financing): this is where a bank buy goods and add a specified profit margin. The bank then resell the goods to the willing customer at the selling price. The customer then pays the bank in instalments. Quadeen Hassan: this is where the bank lend money to customer for business purposes without interest. Another prospect with the adoption of Islamic Banking is that it will help to sanitize the society from the present high level of immoral and indiscipline which leads to the present state of restlessness and insecurity the country currently faces. It will empower the jobless youths who are being used as agents of societal disturbance. Challenges Despite countless opportunities Islamic banking stand to bring to Nigeria, there are still some challenges that will certainly accompany its emergence. Of such challenges is both the tax and insurrance law. Since Islamic Banking is an offshoot of Islamic Law, there is therefore the need for a law that will be compatible with the system. Justifying the need for such a law, Professor Taofeek Abdulrazaq cited the case of South Africa as follow: The necessity for tax and regulatory reform to be binding and comprehensive in relation to Islamic finance in Nigeria was demonstrated in the South African High Court case of Registrar of Banks v Islamic Bank of South Africa Ltd (in liquidation) (Case No 25286/97) in October 1997. The regulator approved the granting of a banking license to the respondent based on Shariah principles in the absence of appropriate banking and tax law. Further, the court appointed inspector's Report in this case revealed serious misunderstanding and lack of consistency

over tax treatment of so called shariah compliant financing contracts. He then concludes: Finally, and in the mean time, we shall await the Relevant Tax Authorities to issue their information circular on the tax treatment of Islamic Financial Transactions in Nigeria. Another challenge that is likely to face Islamic banking is the different school of jurisprudence as what some scholars approve to be correct may be disapprove by some others. Therefore, there is the need for the relevant authority to set up a committee of scholars to resolve such issues as they arise. There is also need for the operators of the proposed Islamic Banking to work sincerely and objectively for it to make the suppose impact. Realistic Solutions 1. Islamic scholars should be encouraged to further research and specialize on Islamic economics in order to have more professionals in the field. 2. The Shariah board should have fair influence on the banks' strategic and operational planning 3. For this process to be successful, the Shariah boards of our Islamic banks should absorb Islamic scholars based on their technical expertise rather than their popularity. Public Opinion The belief that the restriction of the name “Islamic Banking” may restrict the membership of the Islamic banking advisory boards to Muslims of certain expertise will exclude non-Muslims from the system is not tenable. Tracing the history of the CBN policy, the Governor of CBN, Sanusi Lamido had said at the time he became governor that there was a circular already out collating inputs from the general public and was finally put together by the Director, Financial Policy and Regulation, a Christian. So, if there is a grand process for Islamization of the banking sector, then it started with Professor Charles Soludo, Reverend Tunde Lemo and Mr. Christian Chukwu, the director of Financial Policy. Hopefully, this categorical answer will put the issue at rest. The Vatican's official newspaper Observatory Romano stated during the last credit crunch that “the ethical principles on which Islamic finance SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




Atfal Zone Diary of an Unborn Child heart. Oh! How happy she must be! Are you happy mum? NOVEMBER 25 My mum and dad are probably thinking about a name for me. But they don't even know that I am a boy. I want to be called Malik. I am getting so big already. DECEMBER 10 My hair is growing. It is smooth and bright and shining. I wonder what kind of hair mum has. DECEMBER 13 I am just able to see. It is all dark around me. When mom brings me into the world I will be full of sunshine and happiness. But what I want more is to see my mom. How do you look mom?

OCTOBER 5 Today my life began. My parents do not know it yet, but it is I already. And I shall be a boy. I shall have thick hair and bold eyes. Just about everything is set though, even the fact that I shall love playing football. OCTOBER 19 Some say that I am not a real person yet, that only my mother exists, but I am a real person, just as a small crumb of bread is yet truly bread. My mother is and I am. OCTOBER 23 My mouth is just beginning to open now. Just think, in a year or so I shall be laughing then talking. I know my first word will be MAMA.

DECEMBER 24 I wonder if mom hears the whispering itself. From now on it shall gently beat of my heart. Some children come into for the rest of my life without ever the world a little sick but my heart is stopping to rest! And after many years I strong and healthy. It beats so evenly: will tire, it will stop, and then I shall die. tup-tup-tup you will have healthy little boy mum. NOVEMBER 2 DECEMBER 28 I am growing a bit every day. My arms A storm in my mother's womb, oh my and legs are beginning to take shape, but mother doesn't want me, trying to I have to wait a long time yet before eliminate me but I am so strong and I run those little legs will raise me to my for my life. mothers' arm, before these little arms will be able to catch ball and embrace DECEMBER 31 my father. My mother is worrying to get rid of me now. I know the world I am going into is NOVEMBER 12 Tiny fingers are beginning to form on cruel and wild; I am preparing for war. my hands. Funny how small they are, I will be able to stroke my mother's hair … to be continued with them.

NOVEMBER 20 OCTOBER 25 It wasn't until today that the doctor My heart began to beat today all by told mom that I am living here under her SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




Qualities of A Good Follower Perseverance is the quality of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim in spite of difficulties. A good follower must possess this because it is essential in development. They must persevere in trying to convince their leaders in doing the right thing. They must never give up in the pursuit of one aim if it is in the best interest of the nation.

the circumstance. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said 'Qulul haqqa walaw kana muron', that is, 'Say the truth however bitter it is'. So, a good follower must follow this saying of the prophet (S.A.W ). The leader must be able to rely on him at anytime that he will always speak the truth. These are the qualities a good follower must possess. Ridwan Alausa is the Zaikh-Atfal, Ijebu District.

Truthfulness and trustworthiness A good follower must be truthful and trustworthy. He must always speak the truth every time no matter

Find the following words in the puzzle Ibadah Muhmin Ghulam Muhammad Nobillah Ahmadiyya Lajna

Islam Atfal Ahmadi Alhamdullilah Khuddam Amsa Robbi

Dates Iftar Itikaf Nun Tarawee

Fasting Imsak Ramadan Roohu Adam

























































Strictly for the Atfal Check the meanings of the words in the puzzle and win prizes within two months of this publication. Completed puzzles should be submitted through the Ilaqa Qaideen via Dil'a Qaideen. Only original cuttings will be accepted. NO PHOTOCOPIES. SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




Islamic Banking In Nigeria: Challenges & Opportunities is based may bring banks closer to their clients and to the true spirit which should mark every financial service.” An industrialist and a chieftain of the People Democratic Party (PDP) in Surulere Local Government area of Oyo state chief Isaac Akinkunmi has said that there is nothing wrong with the introduction of Islamic banking system into the country. He noted that “those who are against the system were doing so because they don't know much about it and because it was Islamic, saying that it was a right instrument industrialists in the country needed now to stimulate production and as such provide more employment opportunities for unemployed Nigeria”. Tunde Bakare, the General Overseer of the Latter Rain Assembly asserted in an interview with newsmen at his church auditorium that the banking system has benefits for everybody economically. It is believed that Islamic banking will make Nigeria grow at a rapid pace because of its value-orientated ethos that enables us to draw finances from both

Muslims and Non-Muslims alike. It will keep the Nigerians with sophisticated techniques and latest developments that are not only profitable but are also ethically motivated. Conclusion It can be concluded that the Islamic financial system employs the concept of participation in the enterprise, utilizing the fund at risk on a profit-and-loss sharing basis. This by no means implies that investments with financial institutions are necessarily speculative. This can be excluded by careful investment policy diversification of risk and prudent management by Islamic financial institutions. Islamic banks are structured to retain a clearly differentiated status between shareholders capital and clients deposit in order to ensure correct profitsharing according to Islamic law.

Murder In The Name Of Allah


his book was first written in the Urdu language under the title: “MAZHAB KE NAM PER KHOON”, a re-affirmation of the basic tenets of Islam. This book was first undertaken in the late 1950s and its English translation was first published in 1989. It emerged from the wise pen of the fourth khalifah of world-wide Ahmadiyyat Muslim Jama’at, Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad. “This book is a reminder that the purpose of any religion is the spread of peace, tolerance and understanding. It argues that the meaning of Islam –submission to

the will of God- has been steadily corrupted by minority elements in the community. Instead of spreading peace, the religion has been abused by fanatics and made an excuse for violence and spread of terror, both inside and outside the faith. In confirming the true spirit of Islam, it makes the point to followers of all religions that the future of mankind depends on the intrinsic values of love, tolerance and freedom of conscience and of belief”. “Culled from the cover page of the revised edition 1990 of the book in prospect”. A must read for





Self Empowerment HAFIS BELLO


he purpose of this article is to inform discerning minds of what is required to achieve required goals in life. Indeed, life is a teacher and we can all learn from the mistakes of others.... It is good to know how much people of all races and gender wish to be successful and the various sacrifices they are putting into this. However, only few individuals know how to go about achieving desired success in life. Until you are ready and determined to achieve your goals, nothing really matters, nothing really happens; hence the need for clear focus and strong determination. The Farmers Concept During one of my Self-Empowerment classes, a student wanted to know what exactly success is and how can one achieve it. My simple reply is: success is the attainment of a set goal(s) in life. The easiest way to go about this is by understanding the Farmers' Concept. A man woke up one morning, tired of the way his life was going and needed answers to several questions. How to continuously feed his family, put on befitting clothes and have a good shelter, were important

concerns. He had this thought for several hours, days and weeks. Later he realized there is only one way out of his predicament: he needed to start producing something to earn some money...that was the turn around. He was to start with the cultivation of corn and cassava plantation. He did not waste any more time. He: got a piece of land on lease cleared the land cultivated the land planted the crops applied fertilizer watered the plant uprooted the weeds continued this practice for some time: about 6 months for corn; about 12 months for Cassava and three(3) years for Cocoa harvested the produce; then started selling and never had reason to worry anymore! The steps described are same in achieving success in human life. I shall display how each of these steps is implemented to achieve success in human life and you shall be surprised how this works.





Self Empowerment Seeding Stage: Having a Vision Success always comes with a price! For any meaningful success, there is the need for a clear goal. Just as the Farmer had a goal: to produce farm products that would be sold; so also is the individual and the organization required to have a clear and measurable goal. The concept of seeding dictates that an individual or organization must have a VISION an image of what is to be achieved. This image should be a true reflection of your targeted goal. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, among other successful men did not get to such positions by MISTAKE. They all had a vision. Your vision need not be too ambitious nor too low. It is the exact picture of who you want to be, say some years to come! Well laid out plans are required to achieve a vision. The plans need to be segmented into short, medium and long term plans. A short term plan is usually expected to manifest between 0-5 years. Medium term from 6 to 10 years while long term plan lasts 11 20 years. Hence, the short term plan integrates into the medium term plan while the medium term plan culminates into the long term plan. The farmer has to keep the seed in the ground. You must keep your vision to yourself and other loved ones so you do not miss or lose it! What is your vision? What is your mission on earth? What should the world expect to see from you come next few years? Set out your short term, medium and long term plans towards attaining your vision. Watering Stage: Knowledge Search By now, you are expected to have had a clear-cut and achievable vision. Having planted the seed, the farmer will not just leave it in the soil, he waters it. Same goes for the success-seeking individual. You do more than having a dream and vision! If the farmer were to leave the seed in the soil without watering, weeding, etc., you can guess what happens the seed dies! The man can wait 10 years and it will not germinate. This is also the case of someone who wants to be successful but who is not ready to pay the price...the simple result is failure. To avoid failure even after having your vision, you need the right knowledge to pilot your vision and its

attainment within the required time-frame. Knowledge has been defined as the general awareness or possession of information, facts, ideas, truths, or principles. Knowledge is the light and key to success. The difference between the rich and the poor are: access to right information and proper utilization of that information. Schooling is a key tool in acquiring knowledge. It is not the only source, but knowledge encompasses all that is learnt within and outside the school. The required knowledge must align with your vision in life. In today's world, computer knowledge in addition to other areas of knowledge is essential for a meaningful achievement. Look at your vision, examine your current level of knowledge and determine additional knowledge you would require today to achieve your vision. You cannot afford to fold your arms and see how things turn out. You must critically determine what your future will look like. Nobody has ever said this is an easy endeavor! But know one thing, the distance between who you are today and your successful self is having the right information and using it properly. Knowledge will surely guide you in this regards. Weeding Stage: Who are your Friends? In the sections above, I clearly identified the need for a vision and the necessary tools to achieve it. Any vision stated could be achieved no matter how big or small; in as much as the person having the vision believes in it; and is determined and ready to achieve the vision. Achieving your targets comes with its attendant challenges. Just as the germinating seed (vision) that attracts 'weeds' so also does the person having a vision attracts good and bad elements usually called friends! If the farmer were to allow weeds to take over his plantation, then any of three things happens the growth of his plant slows down, the plant does not grow beyond its present stage or the plant is destroyed. The only conclusion however is that the farmer will never achieve the goals of his planting a seed. You MUST guard your vision jealously. Protect and nurture it to full growth. If not, your growth will be slowed down, stopped or destroyed. SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




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Self Empowerment Friends are indeed blessings from God and they can also be a curse. A colleague once said that 'your friends are a reflection of your future'. You may not be able to decide who your family members are but you can definitely decide who your friend is or not. Everyone you relate with, those you hang out with, and those you involve in your life and decisionmaking processes could be broadly classified into four geometrical connectors: Positive (+); Negative (); Multipliers (*) and Dividers (á). We all have these four categories in our lives. To improve your life, you move close to the positive and multipliers, and convert the negative and dividers to positive/multipliers group. Where the conversion is not possible, you must distance yourself from the latter category (Negative and Dividers). If not your dreams will be shattered! Positive Elements in your Life These are persons (friends or family members) who seek to grow along with you. They share your dreams; believe in your greatness and support you to achieve your aims. Let's say for example, a student plans to graduate with distinction. Positive friends would always encourage him/her to read. They go to the library together, share course information, search the Internet for relevant materials, etc towards promoting their successes. They do not only believe the dream is achievable, they also feature in that dream/success. Negative Elements in your Life These are persons (friends or family members) who are only interested in what they get from you. They always take from you and not ready to give back either tangible or intangible things. They want you for what they can get from you. You may sometime mistake them for positive friends because they come to you. The difference however is that while positive friends are always around you to do things that promote attaining your future dream/vision; negative friends only appear when they need something from you. Negative friends do not care about your dreams and aspirations. In as much as you give them what they want, they praise you but when you fail to meet their needs, they rebuke you.

The Multipliers These are people who sow seeds in other people's life without expecting appreciation in any form. A multiplier is a genuine philanthropist, promoter, and dream-magnifier. He gets someone who has no vision and put vision in that person. He guides the individual towards becoming responsible and respectable in life. When a multiplier meets someone that has a dream, the multiplier magnifies the dream to an extent the owner of dream never believed is possible. For instance, if a businessman has a vision to just produce and sell goods to people with a particular local environment, a multiplier encourages the business man not only to produce more goods but also opening channels to sell abroad. In this case, the multiplier supports the businessman with required capital in form of interest-free loan or guarantees for more capital; provide required business information and export channels. The Dividers These are people who never believe in anything good about an individual. Dividers are aware of the dreams of an individual but do everything to ensure the dream is not realized. In the case of the farmer, dividers are referred to as thieves who steal farm produce, pests and rodents. No matter the approach they use, dividers have just one goal: to kill the dream and/or the dream owner. To an individual, dividers may be in the form of cultural values, friends or even family members. Instances abound where the culture of people, friends and family members limits their aspirations and how far they can go in life. In third world countries, a divider may be the notion that the country must always depend on foreign aid to survive or always import all its products without developing her manpower and industrial capacities. Some family members may even say that no one in the family has ever moved beyond certain steps in life, and as such, a particular step should not be taken. The truth is: the only constant thing in life is change! Choose today, where you belong! Time and Harvest Going by our farmer's example, each plantation has different time duration it takes before harvests. Sometimes, the longer the time period SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




Self Empowerment before harvest, the more valuable the crop will be. While corn could be harvested in 3 months planting period, yam takes 6 months, cassava takes 6-12 months, cocoa takes 3 years, etc. so also does the magnitude of success you envisaged determine the 'waiting time'. A doctor, lawyer, engineer, town planner, architect, accountant, economist, etc would undergo training for a longer duration than the roadside mechanic or even the petty trader. Time is of essence in any decision or success plan. Each person must estimate the time required on the mission before embarking on success journey on taking critical life changing decisions. Having done the required activities (as stated in the earlier sections) and waited for the required time, it is time for harvest. The farmer can then rejoice, seeing the fruits of his labour. Harvest means success. It is the reward for the sacrifices made by the individual and his determination in seeking success. Although, success

brings about happiness, it should be celebrated with moderation based on the circumstances. Post Harvest Activities: When the farmer has successfully harvested his crops, he may need to sell, consume or give part of it as charity. Whatever he does, the farmer will not consume all. If he must plant next season without borrowing from other farmers, then he has to reserve some of the crops, stems or seeds. To sustain success, an individual must always invest (knowledge search, product improvement, expansion or new areas of focus, as the case may be) if he must sustain his success. Wealthy individuals are conscious of the re-investment aspect and always implement it in their day-to-day activities. Without the continuity plan, you fizzle out. Simple! I do not want this to happen to you, hence this is an opportunity for you to re-strategize and have a rethink. To your success!




Desist From ‘Cannibalism’


t happens always, we've all thread that path before, some of us are still there. Though most common among females, guys too are not left out. Whether it is done intentionally or not, it all boils down to the same thing. We all gist with friends and from the very harmless topics, we turn our topic of discussion to an absent friend, colleague, relative or neighbour, mocking them amid grins, saying things we would not have said were they present with us, or things we know they would feel bad on learning we said so. We know it's bad, we understand how much it is detested by God. We know only too well that whoever slanders or mocks someone in front of us, can do us the same favour behind our back, yet we find it difficult to stop backbiting. Here are few tips on how to stop backbiting [gheebah]. Convince yourself that backbiting is totally forbidden To make the journey easy, you have to understand and admit that backbiting is bad, not just that it is prohibited. Almighty Allah said in the Qur'an, chapter 49 vs13 “…….And spy not, nor backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his brother who is dead……?” Whenever you notice a discussion topic shifting to an absent friend or colleague, visualise the absent person sitting in your midst and tone your language to what you will say that he/she will not dislike.

Identify what makes you start backbiting A self examination is essential here. Identify what makes you prone to backbiting. When someone wrongs you? When you feel envy for another's blessings? When others irritating habits rub you the wrong way? Or when you are among your guys? Once you have identified what predisposes you to the task, seek a way of preventing it. Visualise yourself eating a carcass Visualising yourself eating the flesh of the person you backbite is an effective mental exercise that will prevent future slips. Have you ever wondered why Almighty Allah likened backbiting to eating the flesh of your dead brother? The reason is not farfetched; backbiting is just as gruesome as it is. Imagining yourself as the cannibal devouring the flesh of your brother can help you draw back from the act. Identify and control negative thoughts By identifying negative thoughts and replacing such thoughts with positive ones, you will turn out as an expert in curbing the urge to backbite. For instance, rather than dwell on the evil someone did to you, try and remember the good things the person has done to you before. It may seem difficult, imagine yourself in the other person's shoe and try to find excuse(s) for his/her action. AMSA NIGERIA

What People Call God In Times Of Need Professor call him: Source of Wisdom Computer scientist: Source Code Geologist: Rock of Ages Prisoner: Deliverer Sailor: Captain of Salvation Carpenter: Everlasting Door Oceanographer: River of living water Government: The supreme Authority Astronomer: The Holder of Seven Stars Surveyor: The Master planner Journalist: The Truth Caterer: The Bread of Life Doctor: The Great Healer

Student: The Teacher Military: The Chief Commander Footballer: The Captain Lawyer: Chief Judge Photographer: the Owner of all Images Bricklayer: The Foundation Industrialist: The Ultimate Producer Electrician: The Light of the World Soldier: The Prince of Peace Live Stock keeper: the Sheep Shepherd Ajisefinni Ridwan Olatunde, The Polytechnic, Ibadan. SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




Spiritual & Moral Reformation in a Decadent Society: The Possibilities


he theme of this year's Ijtimah is “Spiritual and Moral Reformation in a Decadent Society: The Possibilities”. I have drawn the attention of the audience during my welcome address to the need for members to act as models in our day to day activities to save the nation from its current socio-economical and political woes plaguing our beloved country. Also, I expressed my profound wish that this era in our political history ushers in a new wave of leadership that will put the interest of the people at heart and aspire to lead by example in order to take Nigeria to that lofty status among the committee of nations. Today, I would like to be precise in discussing more on some essential aspects of leadership, which I feel are of fundamental importance and should be prioritized by every good and responsive leadership in order to move our dear Nation forward. The first and perhaps most important in this scale is security: The task of securing the lives and properties of the citizenry is the sole responsibility of the Government. Hence; I would like to lend my voice to the call that Government must actively engage itself in the

provision of adequate security of the lives and properties of the average Nigerian. The nation leaders should, as a matter of urgency, endeavor to wade into the current security challenges facing our nation with a view to reducing and limiting to the barest minimum all incidences of kidnappings, armed robbery, assassinations and all other related crimes that are currently prevalent in the nation's polity. A recent publication attributes the unrelenting increase in crime rate to the fact that most of the hoodlums that were terrorizing the citizens before the elections are now back to the streets after the elections. The publication stated that majority of the criminals that were previously engaged during the electioneering campaign are now freely roaming our streets and wreaking havoc since the elections are over. I will therefore like to appeal to our leaders to be actively involved in the sustenance of security, law and order for the sake of peace, harmony and national development. Recent Achievements of MKAN The Majlis Khuddam-ul- Ahmadiyya Nigeria i s ready to live up to the responsibility of a being a true model Islamic Youth Organization. As a SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




Spiritual & Moral Reformation in a Decadent Society: The Possibilities responsive youth organization, we have now reengineered our programmes along the following lines in order to achieve true Islamic reformation of our members and also to develop the community: I. Community Development Activities: MKAN members in over 200 local government areas in Nigeria are actively involved in community development services in one form or the other across their various localities. These include road maintenance services, drainage maintenance and cleaning and other community-based environmental sanitation services. II. Revised Educational Programmes: MKAN has also commenced a complete overhaul of our Islamic training programme. These have culminated in the new scheme and syllabus that has been approved and sent to all the branches for prompt implementation. III. Improved Administration and Administrative Activities: MKAN has initiated new administrative protocols which have largely contributed to the developments of specific report formats to majority of its administrative activities. As part of its reorganization, MKAN has also initiated a specialized periodic meeting of the Sadr (head) and Mulk officers', Qaideen Ilaqaat, Qaideen Dil'a at and Qaideen Muqamin. These meetings we hope will facilitate greater understanding between the Sadarat and the various levels of the Majlis. In order to also reduce to the barest minimum administrative cost in MKAN, the present leadership of MKAN will insha Allah launch her upgraded website, this website is being upgraded in order to provide a virtual platform where MKAN business can be done in keeping with modern technology. IV. Entrepreneurship Development Programme: Alongside its sundry activities, MKAN is also actively involved in the organization of a series of entrepreneurship development programmes such as

ICT training and empowerment programmes in which members have massively benefited in various degrees these programmes are being held in order to reposition Ahmadi youths to be able to compete favourably with their peers considering the fact that most Ahmadi parents cannot afford the exorbitant cost of qualitative education. CHALLENGES Despite these numerous strides, one major challenge that MKAN is facing is the attitude of some of our parents in the area of releasing their wards for training. Some of the Atfal and young Khuddam between the ages of 15 and 20 are not always released for Atfal and MKAN activities respectively and some times when they are released they are not provided with the basic items needed such as uniform and other training gadgets. Attendances of our children and younger Khuddam to MKAN programmes have generally declined mainly because of lack of parental support for the children in attending the programmes of MKAN. I will like to use this opportunity to ask for the support of the Amir and the entire AMILA-AMJN to assist MKAN to educate the parents to always release their children for MKAN activities at all levels. OUR PLEDGE Amidst these lofty challenges however, MKAN remains poised to reverting these trends through dedicated and committed efforts targeted at ensuring greater participation of the parents and other key stakeholders through education and consistency at our own programmes. We are determined to live up to the wordings of our pledge in all spheres of our activities. LONG LIVE MKAN LONG LIVE NIGERIA LONG LIVE WORLD-WIDE AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY





MKAN holds special thanksgiving prayers, calls for donation towards new bus


he National Executive Council (Amila Mulk) of the Majlis Khuddam-ulAhmadiyya Nigeria recently held a special thanksgiving prayer session to thank Allah for sparing the lives of the Sadr, Bro. Abdul-Qadir AbdulRafi and three other occupants of the MKAN bus who had an almost fatal accident along the Lagos-Ibadan Express way (Sapade) on the 25th June 2011 while on their way to Ibadan to attend the Atfal day Celebration of Ibadan Dil'a. None of the occupants of the bus had serious injuries though the MKAN bus was seriously damaged as it tumbled a couple of times as two of its tires had burst while on motion. As a result of this development, the Mulk meeting decided to pursue an aggressive fund-raising drive to purchase a new bus for the Majlis within two months. In order to realize this noble objective MKAN-Mulk wishes to appeal to all members of the Majlis to contribute towards the purchase of the new bus. The contribution is in the following categories

Mulk Officers (Muhtamim, Qaideen Ilaqaat and Qaideen Dillaat) are to contribute a minimum of N2,000, Muqami Qaideen, and Nazimin (both Ilaqa and Dil'a) are expected to contribute a minimum of N 1,000 while all other members are expected to contribute a minimum of N 500 each. All contributions were expected in by 13th August 2011 during the August MKAN meeting.

Ogun Ilaqa to host 2nd MKAN Sports Festival


gun Ilaqa has been awarded the hosting rights for the second bi-annual National Sports Festival of the Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Nigeria The decision to award the hosting rights to Ogun Ilaqa was reached at the just concluded MKAN-Mulk meeting held on Saturday 20th August 2011. It would be recalled that both Ekiti and Ogun Ilaqa bid

for the hosting rights of the event which has been scheduled to hold in February 2012. The bidding process was finalized at the Mulk-meeting with a vote by members present. The Mulk Officers voted overwhelmingly in favour of Ogun Ilaqa. Ogun Ilaqa had presented a bid to host the sports meet at the newly constructed Remo Stadium.





Sadr inaugurates Majlis Sultan-ul-Qalam


he Sadr Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Nigeria, Bro. AbdulQadir AbdulRafi has inaugurated the Nigerian chapter of the Majlis Sultan-ulQalam. The group was initiated by the Khalifat-ul-Masih V Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (a.t.b.a) in 2005 as a group under the auspices of the Majlis Khuddam-ulAhmadiyya with the following objectives: 1. to respond rapidly to media coverage of Islam through letters and editorials 2. to respond systematically to critics of Islam through scholarly rejoinders. ‘Sultan Al-Qalam’ was a title given by Allah to the promised Messiah (as) and means 'King of the Pen'. While inaugurating the group the Sadr MKAN Bro. Abdul-Qadir Abdur-Rafi charged the Majlis to ensure that they also propagate the good image of the Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Nigeria and the Ahmadiyya Community as a whole through writing and responding to issues in the media. The Sadr also directed all Qaideen of MKAN at all levels to form the Majlis Sultan-ul-Qalam at their various levels and forward the list to the office of the Sadr on or before the next Mulk meeting. The following are the members of the National Majlis Sultan-ulQalam: Abdul-Qadir Abdul-Rafi - Sadr MKAN, Chairman; Oriolowo Murtadha - Muhtamim Isha'at, Vice Chairman; Adiamoh AbdulGaniyy, Editor, Al-Irfan, Secretary; Abdul-Raheem Ismail - Naib

Muhtamim Talim, Member; Muallim Ogunkanmi Sulaiman Naib Muhtamim Tabligh, Member. The membership of Majlis Sultan-ul-Qalam is open to all members of the Majlis Khuddamul-Ahmadiyya Nigeria. The team will insha Allah be involved in monitoring the web for press articles and media items that attack Islam (or Ahmadiyyat specifically) and coordinating responses from our membership. The group will also liaise with the Jama'at International Press Department and circulate relevant Jama'at Press Releases with our responses. Through our monitoring we also collate and circulate 'Interesting Reads' to our membership. The group will also ensure the training of members. Interested members are required to send in written application through their local Qaid to the Sadr MKAN.

In the same vein, the Muhtamim Isha'at and Managing Editor of Al'Irfan Magazine, Bro Murtadha Oriolowo asked all Qaideen Ilaqaat to ensure that Nazimin Isha'at always forward news concerning the activities of the Majlis and the Jama'at as a whole to his Office for publication both in Al-'Irfan and on the MKAN website www.mkang.org. While addressing the Mulk meeting about what to expect from the Editorial Committee of Al'Irfan, Bro. Oriolowo Murtadha stated that Insha Allah the Editorial board of Al-'Irfan is working towards the production of a Magazine of international standard. He however asked the members to kindly pay their subscription for the Magazine. He noted that each Ilaqa will score points from the number of subscribers that they are able to generate for the Magazine. SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




MKAN officers get new epaulettes


he National Executive Council of the Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Nigeria has approved a new set of epaulettes for its officers of different cadres, as officers have started wearing these new epaulettes. The Sadr MKAN had inaugurated a committee in September 2010 to design a new epaulette system for the officers in order to differentiate M K A N o ff i c e r s f r o m o t h e r

organizations who use similar epaulettes. The Sadr, Bro. Abdul-Qadir A.O while decorating officers with the new epaulettes asked for greater commitment from the officers whenever they wear these new epaulettes. He explained that the epaulettes consist of mainly Minaret, Star and MKAN international flag which are combined in various manners,

MKAN to broadcast Ijtema proceedings


he Mulk has directed the Ijtema Organizing Committee to commence preparation for the translation of the Ijtema proceedings in Yoruba Language to ensure that Yoruba speaking members are not left behind in the events which will be conducted in English Language. The meeting further directed that all members desirous of

enjoying the facility should come along with a phone with radio facilities and earpiece to listen to the programmes on the radio. The meeting also advised that the programmes of the Ijtema should be translated to French in order to take care of our French speaking neighbours who are expected to attend the event.

depicting various officers. He noted that the items used in the epaulettes are Islamic symbols and it is highly important for all Muslims to uphold their sanctity. The Sadr further stated that the epaulettes will not just be sold off the shelf. He further stated that the epaulettes remain the property of MKAN, therefore the officers should be careful about the way the use them.

National Atfal Ijtema


he Sadr Sahib MKAN has informed members of the Majlis Khuddam-ulAhmadiyya that the specific venue of the National Atfal Ijtema will insha Allah be announced at the forthcoming National Ijtema holding in Badagry, Lagos State. The Sadr has therefore directed the chairman of the Ijtema Organizing Committee to inspect the proposed venues and make recommendations to the National Amila for ratification before the Ijtema. SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN




Oyo Ilaqa commemorates World Blood Donor day


he Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya in Oyo State was part of this year's World Blood Donor's Day as the state chapter joined in activities marking the day. The commemoration held between Saturday June 11, 2011 and Tuesday June 13, 2011. As part of its engagement, the state chapter participated in sports events and donated blood at the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) at Total Garden and at the University College Hospital, both in Ibadan. The one hundred and ten (110) participating Khuddam were divided into two groups to donate blood at the two centres. Only ninety seven Khuddam could donate a pint of blood each however. On the 13th June, the NBTS Ibadan organized a rally within Ibadan metropolis. The Majlis Khuddam took part in the rally as well. The purpose of the rally was to sensitize the public on the importance of donating blood. The participants rallied through busy city centres like Mokola, Coca-Cola Area, Sango, University of Ibadan area, Bodija market and the Oyo State Secretariat at Agodi. The theme of this year's commemoration is “More Blood, More Life”. Through the theme, the organizers were able to reach out to the audience on the importance of donating blood. Activities on the following day saw different organizations, the Majlis Khuddam inclusive, hosted to a number of cultural events and blood donation exercises. The event also saw the presentation of certificates of merit to people who have

distinguished themselves as advocates of voluntary blood donation. Among these, Majlis Khuddam's Abdullah Olabode, expresident of the Club 25 NBTS South West Zone and Ridwan Kokumo, Oyo Ilaqa's sports

secretary were honored. A total of one hundred and fifty one (151) members of the Majlis Khuddam donated blood in the four days that the commemoration of the World Blood Donor Day lasted. Maruf Ajimoti





Common infant ailments and how to cope THERESA KUMP


our baby's first year is full of milestones: The first smile, the first tooth, the first frantic call to your pediatrician. There's no way around it sooner or later, your infant will get sick. “The average infant gets six to eight colds each year for the first two or three years,” says Sue Mahle, M.D., a pediatrician in Minneapolis. But the good news is that with each illness, your baby builds antibodies. That's small comfort at 2 a.m., of course, when your baby is feverish and fussy. So invest in a solid baby reference book and find a good pediatrician (experts say to start interviewing in your second trimester). Make sure you find one who can handle your middle-of-thenight calls. Here's a guide to some of the most common infant ailments you may encounter, what you can do to help and how to get through them. Jaundice This yellowish skin color is caused by an excess of a chemical called bilirubin in the baby's blood. Bilirubin is normally processed by the liver, but immature livers of newborn babies can fall behind in this task. About 15 percent to 20 percent of

newborns develop jaundice by their third day. Jaundice usually disappears within a week to 10 days. If you suspect that your baby has the condition, you should contact your health care provider. Treatment involves placing the baby under an ultraviolet light (available for home use) and giving her extra fluids. You also can try shading her eyes and placing her next to a window in the sunlight for several minutes a few times a day. A quick trip outside is good, too, but be careful about sunburn. Clogged Tear Ducts Although crying is what babies do best, it's not unusual for infants' tear ducts to become blocked. The result eyes brimming with tears can be alarming for a parent to see, but most clogged ducts clear up on their own. (Call your doctor if your baby's eyes become reddened or a heavy discharge appears.) Try gently massaging the duct by applying pressure near the corner of the eye. Colds “A cold is primarily a nuisance,” Mahle says. The telltale sign is a runny nose, with discharge that can SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN


AL-‘IRFAN be clear and watery or thick and yellowish or greenish. Your baby also may be sneezing, coughing, feverish and cranky. You can keep the baby comfortable by placing a humidifier in the nursery, increasing his fluids (breastfeeding is best, but if your baby's getting a bottle, you can dilute one or two feedings a day with sterile water) and using saltwater drops to soften the mucus in his nose and then suctioning it with a rubber bulb syringe. You also can let baby sleep secured in his car or infant seat so gravity can help drain the nose. “If mucus is thick and green, it's more likely that there's something bacterial going on,” says Marc Wager, M.D., a pediatrician in private practice in New Rochelle, N.Y. “An infant with a clear, runny nose and no fever can be treated at home, but if fever is present, or fever with green [mucus], a visit to your pediatrician may be indicated.”


with Reye's syndrome, a serious disease that affects the liver and brain. Help relieve ear pressure by feeding baby in a more upright position and elevating her head with a pillow at night. After the medication is finished, your baby will require a follow-up doctor's visit.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus RSV is a cold with attitude. This virus may appear like a cold at first, but it can progress to a lung infection characterized by rapid breathing and wheezing in infants. “It's especially hard on babies under 4 months of age,” Mahle says. “RSV can be serious. If your infant develops wheezing or you see him working harder to breathe, consult your pediatrician at once.”

Diarrhea Diarrhea, or frequent runny stools, usually is caused by a viral infection, but it also can result from too much fruit in the diet or food sensitivity. Diarrhea also can be caused by a response to teething or antibiotics. “You need to figure out if it's infectious,” Mahle says. “If there's an acute onset accompanied by fever and vomiting or lack of appetite, then you're dealing with a virus. It's self-limiting and will go away.” But, she adds, it may take from four days to two weeks. If it is a bug, the current thinking is to continue baby's regular feedings. If your baby is eating solid foods, you might want to stick to the “BRAT” diet: bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. If your baby is vomiting, it's important to prevent dehydration; try an over-the-counter oral rehydration fluid such as Pedialyte for 12-24 hours. Check with your pediatrician if diarrhea persists longer than a day, if baby continues vomiting and develops a fever, or if there is blood in the stool.

Ear Infections Second to colds, ear infections are the most common childhood illness. Most children suffer through at least one by age 3. Babies and young children are particularly prone to ear infections because their eustachian tubes - the ducts that connect the middle ear to the throat - are short and easily blocked. This can lead to fluid buildup in the middle ear, which can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Ear infections often follow a cold and can be very painful. Babies may pull or rub their ears, cry when sucking or have trouble sleeping (lying down increases pressure on the eardrum). They also may run a fever. If you suspect that your baby has an ear infection, call your pediatrician. Standard treatment is a 10day course of antibiotics. You can ease your baby's discomfort with a pain reliever such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Never give aspirin, even baby aspirin, to a child: It has been associated

Fever “Generally fever is not a bad thing because it helps the body fight off infection,” Mahle says. “It's extremely rare for a fever to do any harm: less than 1 percent of children have seizures during a fever.” If you suspect that your infant has a fever, take his temperature. For an infant under 2 months, any fever over 100.4° warrants a call to the pediatrician, but in older babies, a low-grade fever shouldn't be cause for alarm. Check to see that your baby isn't overbundled and, if your doctor approves it, try a pain reliever such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce the fever. You also can place a tepid washcloth on his forehead and body. “Any fever over 103° [for older babies] that lasts more than 48 hours should be evaluated by your doctor,” Wager says. But, like most doctors, he says your baby's behavior is a better measure of health than body temperature alone. If he's fussy and crying inconsolably, or is sluggish and just not himself, call the pediatrician. SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN

SATURDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER, 2011 4.00am 4.30am 5.15am 5.30am 5.45am 6.00am 6.30am 7.30am 9.00am

Waking up for Tahajjud Prayer Tahajjud Prayer Tilawat-ul-Quran (Individually) Call to Prayer Fajr Prayer Lecture III – Question and Answer March past Breakfast/ General Sanitation I Procession to the Venue of the Symposium

10.30am THEME:


CHAIRMAN: Dr. Moshood Adenrele Fashola (Amir, (Head) Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Nigeria) FATHER OF THE DAY: Oba Akran of Badagry SPECIAL GUEST OF HONOUR: HIS EXCELLENCY GOVERNOR BABATUNDE RAJI FASHOLA (SAN) EXECUTIVE GOVERNOR, LAGOS STATE CHIEF HOST: Lagos Circuit President HOST: Bro Abdur-Rafi’ Abdul-Qadri, Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Nigeria GUESTS OF HONOUR: Maulvi Abdul-Khaliq Nayyar, Missionary-In-Charge, AMJN Chief Imam Badagry Special Adviser to the Governor on Education/ Information All Naibeen Amir, Sadr, Majlis Ansarullah Members of National Amila (Executives) of AMJN All Past Sadrs of MKA Nigeria President, National Youth Council of Nigeria Officials of National and State Youth Council-Lagos State Ministry Officials, commissioner for youth and sports Heads of Voluntary Youth Organizations Invited, Heads of Religious Organizations Invited, Police Area Commander Commander Lagos State Command Road Commandant, Federal Road Safety Commission Permanent Secretary, Lagos State Ministry of Education Hon.Abdul Lateef Raji Justice M. Olokooba Hon.(Prince) Bisi Yusuf SPEAKERS: Dr. Saheed Timehin Alhaji Abdul-Azeez Alatoye 10.20am 10.30am 11.35am 11.45am 11.50am 11.55am 12.00 12.05am 12.15 am

Arrival of Participants All Delegates seated Introduction of Invited Guests Recitation from the Holy Quran with translation Qaseedah National Anthem MKAN Pledge Welcome Address Goodwill messages


Achieving the Nigeria of our Dreams: The Roles and Expectations of the Youths Dr (Alhaji) Saheed Timehin 1.00pm Second Paper Presentation Youth empowerment in a nation building Alhaji Abdul-Azeez Alatoye 1.40pm Interlude Taekwondo Demonstration AIMAAN 2.00pm Launching of Majlis Khuddam Youth Empowerment Centre Dr (Alhaji) Saheed Timehin 2.40pm Guest of Honours’ Address (3mins for 5 Guests) SEPTEMBER 2011 | AL- ‘IRFAN



3.00pm 3.25pm 3.30pm 3.50pm

Chairman’s Remark Prayer to end the Session Departure from the Hall Call to Prayers

4.00pm 4.20pm 5.00pm 6.30pm 6.45pm 6.55pm 7.10pm 7.45pm 8.00pm 8.15pm 11.00pm

Solatul Zuhr and Asr Lunch Sports Finals Outdoor Preparation for Maghrib Prayer Call to prayers Maghrib Prayers Dinner Call to prayers Ishai Prayers Shoora/ Final of Indoor Sporting Competition Light Out

4.00am 4.30am 5.15am 5.30am 5.45am 6.00am 6.20am

Waking up for Tahajudd Prayer Tahajjud Prayer Tilawat-ul-Qur’an Call to Prayer Fajr Prayer Preparation for Closing ceremony Closing ceremony



CLOSING CEREMONY Chairman:- Missionary in charge, AMJN – Maulvi Abdul Khaliq Nayyar 6.20am All delegates seated 6.20am Introduction of the Chairman & other Invited guests 6.25am Qur’anic Recitation 6.30am Qaseedah 6.35am Appraisal/ Prize distribution of the Ijtema 7.35am Guest of Honour’s Addresses ( 3 minutes each for 3 guests) 7.45am Chairman’s address and formal closing of the Ijtema 8.00am Vote of Thanks 8.05am ANNOUNCEMENTS 8.10am Closing Prayer


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