General Brochure

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Client Gateway Housing

Location Bromley By Bow

Architect Ingleton Wood

This important housing scheme for Gateway Housing sits in a relatively constrained site in Bromley By Bow, East London within Tower Hamlets Gateway Housing approached Liz Lake Associates to develop a masterplan with architects Ingleton Wood which would respond to its immediate context and in part help unify a somewhat disfunctional area of predominantly post-war social housing, 1970’s housing courts and contemporary, high rise tower blocks.

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Approach By attending regular meetings and consultations with London Legacy Development Corporation the site was seen as critical to the setting and further enhancement of Bromley By Bow and Tower Hamlets. By developing sketch designs in close association with the architect the building position was critical in defining the surrounding streetscape and in creating a visually interesting yet high quality public realm. The scheme required care and diligence during the design process to help create a scheme which achieved or exceeded the clients aspirational aims whilst meeting budgetary constraints. By locating the building in an optimum position on site the development was enhanced with a large communal garden to the south which helped block views from the neighbouring underground and help filter noise from the east along the A12. Full scheme plans were produced for planning application including detail hardscape and lighting design which helped enhanced the architectural façade and setting. East entrance

Outcome The scheme is currently awaiting planning approval with construction due on site in autumn 2014.

West entrance

Landscape masterplan





Redrow Homes

Ebbsfleet, Kent

Tetlow King

Liz Lake Associates was asked to prepare a landscape and visual impact assessment, and open space strategy report for a revised outline planning application for up to 950 dwellings in Dartford, Kent.

The site itself is former National Grid land and includes a decommissioned substation as well as overhead power lines. The proposed development sought to transform the site into a new urban centre, enhancing the visual amenity of the site with a strong landscape strategy and removing substantial infrastructure from the site.

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Approach The site forms part of the Ebbsfleet Valley Strategic site, an area of land which has been subject to extensive quarrying and infrastructure works over the past years, which is now planned for strategic redevelopment including 10,000 new homes, employment uses and leisure facilities.

Our work included a series of photomontages which were prepared from four key viewpoints agreed with the local authority. The photomontages illustrated the scheme at year 1 and year 15 and were submitted alongside the visual impact assessment as part of the environmental statement for the scheme. A cumulative landscape and visual assessment of the scheme was carried out together with the various surrounding planned Ebbsfleet Valley development applications. Outcome The Ebbsfleet Valley is now subject to a commitment by the Government as a new ‘Garden City’, which Chancellor George Osborne announced on Sunday, will deliver up to 15,000 new homes. Osborne said it would be a “proper garden city”, the first since Welwyn Garden City was founded in 1920.

POS proposals

Year 1 Photomontage

POS proposals





Barratt Homes


Saunders Partnership

Liz Lake Associates was commissioned to prepare the detailed landscape plans for the Trumpington Meadows residential development of 350 houses on the southern outskirts of Cambridge. The proposals include a diverse mix of housing types and range of community facilities set within a village framework of public open space, green corridors and streets, with community parks and sustainable urban drainage features.

The public space and individual plot landscapes include a combination of native plants and semi-native species, many of which are bee-friendly, with hedgerows and large trees (oak, lime) and smaller flowering trees such as wild cherry, Callery pear var. and rowan adding to the village character. Further to planning approval of the detailed planting scheme, Liz

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Approach A strong landscape framework was established within the overarching development vision and objectives identified within the existing Design Code. The village quarter character area was further defined with distinctive tree and shrub planting palettes focused about community open space areas, streetscape, local play areas and individual plot landscape.

Lake Associates have continued to oversee the landscape implementation within the construction phase of the development. Outcome The majority of the residential properties have now been completed and the landscape framework is being implemented concurrently. The scheme, as it matures, will establish a rich and diverse setting within which this new community can live, work and play.

Planting enhanced by flint walling

Streetscape planting

Communal garden planting


Client Welwyn and Hatfield Borough Council

Planners Barton Wilmore

Liz Lake Associates were employed by Welwyn and Hatfield Borough Council to give evidence as Expert Witness at a ‘Called-in’ application objecting to an application by Veolia Environmental Services and Hertfordshire County Council for Planning Permission for a Resource and Energy Recovery Facility (RERF) on land at New Barnfield, Hatfield, Hertfordshire. The proposed RERF measured 170m x 150m with a height of approximately 43m with a stack height of almost 75m. Approach Liz Lake Associates examined the Landscape and Visual chapters of the Environmental Statement, producing a detailed assessment of the applicants Landscape chapters, Photomontage and ZTV. Acting as a Rule 6 Party Liz Lake Associates gave expert evidence at Public Inquiry in October 2013.

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Location Hatfield, Hertfordshire

Outcome The Inspectors decision was given in July 2014 which refused planning permission. Inspector David Richards Wrote in his decision to refuse the RERF that; “ The proposal is the wrong proposal, in the wrong place, at the wrong time (i.e. premature). The inspector is respectfully invited to recommend to the Secretary of State that the application is refused.”

Site location





Client Essex and Suffolk Water

Engineer MWP Global

Liz Lake Associates were instructed by Essex and Suffolk Water to produce a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA), detailed planting proposals and Verified Photomontages for a proposed water pumping station within the Lee Valley. The proposals for this infrastructure project included a new 462m2 Pumping Station, 146m2 switchgear and transformer building, associated hard standing and related pumping infrastructure. Approach The LVIA and the Verified Photomontages helped identify visual and landscape issues associated with the development. These were addressed early in the application process which allowed for a site-specific planting design to be suggested which offers necessary screening but also bring ecological and biodiversity benefits to the site.

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Location Chingford, North London

Once the final designs were completed, Liz Lake Associates put together presentation boards to inform the local community at public consultation. Working closely with the client, Liz Lake Associates were able to inform the final site layout and design proposals to help facilitate a smooth planning application for this infrastructure project. Outcome Our work was submitted as part of a detailed planning application to the Local Planning Authority. The application was granted approval in 2013.

Planting proposals

The pumping station

Photomontage of development


Client L&Q Housing Association

Location Walthamstow, London

Architect Conran & Partners

Opened in 1933 by William Chandler this iconic stadium eventually closed in August 2008. Having been featured in the Blur album Parklife and in the film Snatch the site is to be transformed into a stunning development of approximately 300 flats and houses by L&Q. Set within the London Borough of Walthamstow the development is intended to be an exemplar for the Borough and a catalyst for redevelopment in the area.

Outcome The completed design respects the character and unique heritage of the site whilst incorporating bespoke leisure facilities catering for all age

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Approach Working closely with the client, design team and Waltham Forest Council, the scheme was developed around the retained and to be restored Tote buildings. The scheme was developed to incorporate a series of open spaces linked by a hierarchy of activity circuits and trim trials both within the site and the surrounding area. These pedestrian/cycle friendly trails are intended to give the scheme a unique sense of place with the provision of specific leisure and play facilities.

groups and fitness levels. The proposed de-culverted River Ching and other ecological improvements will create important green links throughout the site and within the local area. Proposed allotments

ian The tote sign

Hardscaping to pedestrian area


Client Bellway Homes Limited (Essex)

Location Essex

Architect RMA Architects




Ardent Consulting Engineers

Bellway Homes (Essex) is building an exciting new mixed-use quarter in the heart of Chelmsford City Centre. A design-led scheme for 437 new apartments and houses as well as a range of flexible commercial uses are proposed on the derelict Marconi Site which was the world’s first purpose built radio factory and site of the first transatlantic radio transmission. Approach A broad framework for the public realm was defined by Chelmsford City Council and RMA Architects. Liz Lake Associates’ role was to design a vibrant, legible and inclusive public realm creating a series of distinct spaces each with its own function and character.



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A new urban garden featuring Italian Cypress will form the principal communal amenity space in the heart of the development. A dynamic triangular shaped piazza will provide a commercial focus for the scheme in the south western part of the site and feature active commercial frontages and opportunities for tables and chairs to spill out onto the south facing side of the piazza.

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The proposed scheme will provide a new direct pedestrian and cycle route through the site linking the train station in the south west with Anglia Ruskin University and New Street to the north east. This route delivers a key design objective in improving permeability in this part of the City Centre. A key element of the Landscape Strategy has been to ensure that the new link is clearly legible; the design solution has been to delineate the route with curvilinear lines of blue block paving with changes in direction at key movement nodes defined by radiating splashes of blue block paving.

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Outcome The planning committee unanimously approved the proposals and the project is progressing to implementation on site.

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Commercial Square

Landscape masterplan

Pleached trees in the Entrance Piazza





London & Quadrant

Greater London


Cat Hill Campus is located in Enfield, close to Cockfosters and is a former campus for Middlesex University. It is a unique site located on the boundary of Chase Side and Cat Hill, containing a variety of veteran oak trees and woodland belts on the periphery of the site as well as two ponds. The client proposal was to demolish the existing buildings and create a bespoke housing scheme befitting this strategic site. Approach Working closely with the client and design team, a landscape masterplan was developed to create a robust yet sensitive scheme responding to its immediate context and respecting the site’s natural existing features. The design features an integrated “trim trail” activity route, which links the site play areas with a pedestrian woodland walk

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Outcome Once approved, the design will retain and incorporate the existing woodland and trees of particular significance and also feature a re-modelled pond and a smaller receptor pond on the site boundary. It is anticipated that this site will link with the adjacent woodlands and park, creating a species-rich environment with enhanced biodiversity. The layout also respects the tree protection zones outlined by the arboriculturalist, helping to ensure the longevity and health of these retained trees within the site.

Doorstep play area

Trim trail proposals

Masterplan & surrounding area




VSM Estates

Stanmore, London

Architect ADAM Architects

Engineer Halcrow Yolles

Planners GVA Grimley LLP

The historic landscape of Bentley Priory is registered Grade 2 on English Heritage’s Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England. The Bentley Priory parkland forms part of a major picturesque landscape influenced by Uvedale Price. Liz Lake Associates led the landscape team that produced the Landscape Conservation Management Plan and all landscape-related documents and plans that formed part of the planning permission granted in July 2008 on behalf of RAF Bentley Priory. The RAF have vacated the site and it has been developed into fine residential homes and apartments.

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management plan for the public spaces and BRE homes assessment.



Approach Liz Lake Associates is part of a comprehensive detailed design team including Structa and Clague implementing the planning permission for the residential aspects of this major redevelopment at the previous RAF Bentley Priory site on behalf of Barratt North London. The detailed planting designs reflect and reinforce the historic setting whilst providing valuable, usable green space for modern living. We have produced detailed landscape designs and planting plans for the show home, sales office, walled garden podium terraces as well as the individual gardens and the wider parkland. We have also produced a landscape

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Outcome The landscape works are currently being implemented and residential units are open for viewing and purchase.

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r pu use Statue in the Italian Gardens

One of the refurbished Spitfire planes

Planting to the new areas of the site





Clare Hall


Cowper Griffith

Clare College is the second oldest in the University of Cambridge. Founded in 1326, it is now a college for Advanced Study. Liz Lake Associates was appointed by the client to develop landscape design for a bespoke setting for a new, contemporary accommodation block designed by award-winning Cowper Griffith Architects. The existing swimming pool and grounds were to be incorporated into the overall project to ensure the new development proposals were acceptable to the council. Approach Liz Lake Associates developed a landscape design master plan which responded to the immediate context whilst ensuring the setting had a distinct character. The proposals include a new contemporary pedestrian courtyard which is overlooked from the new accommodation block and forms a new heart to the campus

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Outcome The scheme at Clare College was granted planning permission and Liz Lake Associates prepared production information for implementation on site.


Inner courtyard

Sketch detail

Flood plain to River Cam improved


Client Grange Farm Centre Trust

Location Chigwell, Essex

Architect Tooley Foster

As a result of a new residential development, the Grange Farm Centre Trust invited Liz Lake Associates to help negotiate a Section 106 agreement to enhance an adjacent 12 hectares of public open space in their ownership. When the landscape works were implemented the Trust asked us to monitor work on site on their behalf. Approach Liz Lake Associates’ role was to advise on the wording and content of the Section 106 prepared by Epping Forest District Council and Essex Wildlife Trust and to help the Trust secure the most appropriate solution for a new informal public open space. A programme of initial works and a long-term management plan were prepared. We monitored the site for two years, overseeing vegetation management, scrub clearance, grassland establishment, planting and the construction of an all-weather path. In the nature conservation areas, particular objectives have been to increase the area of habitat suitable for great crested newts, and to encourage the development of species-rich grassland. Associated with two sports pitches is a new community building designed for the Trust by the Tooley Foster Partnership which includes changing facilities, a community hall and a workshop for Essex Wildlife Trust. Liz

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The developer’s team provided just the right touch for this project, which has a strong conservation bias. Following a ‘growing in’ stage the public now enjoys access to informal meadows where the management policy will benefit local nature conservation and provide a valuable resource for the local community. The football club, Colebrook Royals, uses the Pavilion and playing fields as its base and the Essex Wildlife Trust has established new opportunities across the site. The Pavilion is being used for private and community functions becoming a valuable hub for the community. The playing fields and meadows will also form a ‘green’ link that connects to Roding Valley Meadows Nature Reserve north of the M11 and the Three Forests Way.

e Creation of new woodland walks

New sports fields

Swale and balancing pond





Thames Chase Trust

Broadfields, Upminster

Richard Jackson Engineering Consultants

The Thames Chase Trust asked Liz Lake Associates for help in rethinking the setting of their Community Forest Visitor Centre in south Essex. A modern new building had been added to a traditional farm centre with utilitarian car parking. Design proposals were needed to link the buildings, provide better circulation, increase car parking and create an enhanced sense of arrival as well as solving serious drainage problems that were eroding the hard surfaces. Added to the issues was the presence of great crested newts, a European protected species.




Outcome A Landscape Master Plan was prepared and refined several times as the Trustees



clarified their thinking. The great crested newts were a major issue and the design had to be adjusted to avoid major costs in translocation. The proposals were well received at a public consultation and the Trust is now using the plan as the basis of a planning application.



Approach The project involved several meetings with the Trustees to understand their long term objectives for the site: which buildings should remain and what they might be used for; how they envisioned developing the Centre and how the landscape design might further their aspirations on creating a corporate brand. Before any major design work was undertaken we worked with the engineers from Richard Jackson to develop a solution for the excess surface water that was causing a significant maintenance problem.


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Children enjoying the landscape

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The visitor centre



Client Colchester Borough Council

Location Colchester

Engineers ISG Jackson

As part of a programme of public realm improvements, Colchester Borough Council appointed Liz Lake Associates as experts in heritage landscape schemes to help prepare proposals to make the grounds of St Botolph’s Priory more welcoming by improving access for all and enhancing the setting of the Norman ruins, which are a Scheduled Ancient Monument and the Georgian Grade 2 listed St Botolph’s church.

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Approach Heritage landscape schemes involve detailed analysis and a sensitivity to community opinion. Detailed proposals were developed following a consultation exercise canvassing and interviewing local people about how they used the area and what changes they would like to see. The major change Liz Lake Associates recommended was the relocation of a war memorial to provide a more usable space beside the church that could be a setting for local theatrical groups to stage productions and concerts, small markets, church events and community activities. Improvements were made to paths and dark and overhanging vegetation was removed to bring light into the church yard, helping to enhance the experience of existing features. Outcome St Botolph’s Priory adds to Liz Lake Associates’ extensive list of successful heritage landscape schemes. Following construction on site by ISG Jackson Ltd the project was opened to the public and the war memorial was rededicated. The site is now one of the links in the Colchester Heritage Trail. Councillor Lyn Barton, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Sustainability said: ‘The work which has been completed at St. Botolph’s has included restoring the war memorial to its former glory and the place looks fantastic. “The improvement works to the Churchyard and Priory grounds have rejuvenated the area and increased accessibility for all. We hope this will encourage more people to come and enjoy the area, which is a highlight of Colchester’s rich heritage.”

Pedestrians using new footpaths

Public consultation questionnaire

New pedestrian friendly paths


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Bristol Office: Kestrel Court | Harbour Road Portishead | Bristol | BS20 7AN T: +44 (0)1275 390425


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