Landscape Planning

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Liz Lake Associates : Landscape Planning Development, the effective use of land and the

Most projects undertaken by Liz Lake Associates

protection and enhancement of the landscape

involve producing proposals to submit to local

have become key issues at the heart of the

planning authorities in London, Essex, Bedfordshire,

planning process. Liz Lake Associates has

Hertfordshire, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and

extensive experience in advising clients on


developments with a range of expertise that can be tailored to suit each client’s individual

These range from producing reports for local

needs. We work with land owners and

authorities to inform local planning policy and

developers, planning consultants and solicitors,

appearing as expert witnesses at public inquiry,

land agents and surveyors, local authorities,

through to compiling comprehensive documents

architects and engineers as well as energy

to support small or large and complex planning

and utility companies. We offer a full range

applications. Such experience proves invaluable in

of landscape planning advice including the

helping our diverse range of clients to achieve their

strategic promotion of development sites,

various landscape planning goals.

masterplanning, design, assessments and providing evidence at Public Inquiry.

The following case studies past and present show what is possible when a client has the vision to

At Liz Lake Associates, we have worked on many landscape planning projects as a result of our significant experience in this field and our reputation for paying tremendous attention to detail.

look beyond the norm.

Our approach is based on an informed

constraints can positively feed into an emerging

understanding of the landscape context and

layout, offering a landscape-led approach to

setting of a site. We believe that the greatest


development potential is achieved when proposals are shown to address key issues such

Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments

as landscape, townscape and visual amenity, as

(LVIA): A technical study of this type is often

well as heritage assets, archaeology, ecology and

required to accompany a planning application to

arboriculture. Working with a broad range of

determine both the magnitude and significance

clients, often in sensitive locations, we are

of potential effects of a proposed development.

able to adapt our approach to address a complex

It describes the existing baseline characteristics

range of issues at different scales.

of the landscape and visual quality of the site and surroundings, and then assesses the degree of

An initial appraisal of key landscape, ecological

change in landscape character and in visual quality

and arboriculture issues will provide an

from a number of key receptors. Our assessments

early indication as to the opportunities and

use a well-established methodology that builds on

constraints of a particular site that need to be

the published guidance “Guidelines for Landscape

considered during the planning process.

and Visual Assessment� (GLVIA3), produced by the Landscape Institute (LI) and the Institute of

Landscape: An initial appraisal that looks at aspects

Environmental Management and Assessment

such as land use, landscape character, local and


national landscape designations, visual influence, topography, amenity and setting, is often a useful

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA):

starting point to evaluate a site’s role and setting in

The Local Authority or Secretary of State may

the landscape and can influence the way in which

decide that a proposal is of sufficient scale or

the site is developed. Landscape opportunities and

has the potential to cause such effects that

an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

emerging scheme, particularly when identifying

is required under the EIA Regulations. The

tree issues early on in the process.

practice can contribute to the EIA process and the Environmental Statement (ES) by preparing

A tree survey carried out to British Standard

chapters on landscape and ecology topics.

BS5837: 2012 will provide the detail needed to establish the extent of a developable footprint, the

Ecology: A Phase 1 Habitat Survey will identify the

Root Protection Area (RPA), canopy spread and

range of existing habitats on a site and provide an

life expectancy of a particular tree or group

indication as to the scope of wildlife issues, which

of trees, as well as management for health and

might include recommendations for further

safety, required as part of a planning application.

Protected Species surveys or hedgerow surveys.

The potential effects of development on trees to

Such surveys are often necessary to comply with

be retained and their root systems can be

current legislation (Countryside and Wildlife

minimised to ensure that trees are well integrated

Act 1981 and Habitats Regulations 2010) and/

into a proposal.

or designations. For example, the presence or absence of reptiles on a site might influence the

The practice often works on complex projects

site layout, approach or programme. Habitat

that require a multidisciplinary approach with a

creation as part of the masterplanning process can

range of specialist skills. We are able to coordinate

contribute to local Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs)

the input of those specialists, for example in

and Green Infrastructure Networks at both local

ecology, arboriculture, historic landscape advice,

and strategic levels.

archaeology, ecosystem services, flood risk, quantity surveying and cost management to

Arboriculture: The extent to which existing trees contribute to a site or setting can be of benefit to an

tailor services for the proposed development and client needs.

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

experience in complex planning applications

and local development planning

that involve heritage landscapes, as well as

Following the Localism Act in 2011 and the

contributing to the landscape and ecological

introduction of a new National Planning Policy

chapters of the Environmental Statements.

Framework (NPPF), an even greater emphasis on the identification and promotion of development

Our experience in the planning process enables

sites at the initial stages of local plans and

the early identification of key planning issues.

neighbourhood plan development documents

Specialist evaluations facilitate the development

is increasingly important. The landscape

of mitigation measures that can avoid, reduce or

and ecological potential of the land and any

compensate for potential adverse environmental

constraints on development need to be identified

effects. With early involvement in a scheme,

early as they are key factors in the suitability

we can help to design out adverse effects –

of sites for development. Our landscape and

developing design solutions that maximise the

ecological evaluations will inform the proposals

potential of a site whilst aiming to avert potential

that are put forward to the Local Planning

planning objections.

Authority. They form an integral part in promoting sustainable development that contributes to the

We have considerable experience of negotiations

environmental, social and economic needs of

with Local Planning Authorities, as well as

local communities.

organising exhibitions to illustrate and explain proposed schemes and participating in public

Planning Applications


A well-supported planning application significantly increases the chances of a

Planning Conditions – helping to satisfy

commercially successful outcome. As well

conditions on time and cost effectively

as preparing landscape and visual impact

We are very familiar with satisfying both pre-

assessments, we often co-ordinate the work of

development and pre-occupation planning

other specialist consultants. We have extensive

conditions for a wide range of consented

schemes. These can relate to detailed hard

Putting a cost against the S106 commitments is

and soft landscape proposals, the care and

particularly important for developers to accurately

management of trees within a construction site

assess the financial viability of their developments.

or the implementation of ecological mitigation

Following the completion of developments,

measures. Successfully obtaining approval of

we are also involved in making sure that all

details reserved by condition within the required

S106 commitments have been met and, where

timescales is essential to securing the planning

appropriate, there has been a hand-over of

permission and ensuring that there are no delays

land where sites are to be adopted by the Local

in the development programme.

Authority or managed by local Trusts, such as a Wildlife Trust.

Section 106 Agreements, Unilateral Undertakings – providing details and budgets

Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA)

for planning obligations.

The landscape and visual effects of a proposed

Despite the Government’s introduction of the

development are an essential element of many

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), Section 106

planning applications, even those applications

(S106) agreements will remain, particularly where

that do not require a formal Environmental Impact

local landscape or ecological enhancements are

Assessment (EIA). Changes in landscape character

involved. Such enhancements are often required

and the effect on views are often the most locally

by a Local Authority in association with large

contentious aspects of development, being the

development schemes.

most readily understood.

We are experienced in co-ordinating detailed proposals for enhancements including the preparation of long term Management Plans and budgets.

Liz Lake Associates has developed a framework for undertaking landscape and visual impact assessments that identifies the contribution a site makes to the local landscape character and

assesses the sensitivity of the landscape and its

commercial as well as renewable energy and

ability to absorb the proposals. Working with the

waste developments. Liz Lake is a Sweet and

development team we contribute to the design of

Maxwell checked expert witness.

the proposals in order to minimise potential effects and develop appropriate enhancement measures.

The considerable success of the practice at Inquiry over the years has been built on

Our widely-respected methodology takes account

meticulous preparation combined with a

of all recent developments and has formed the

thorough understanding of the landscape

basis of training workshops we have run for

and an appreciation of the planning issues.

Planners and Landscape Architects. Where this

The development of a robust methodology

methodology has been used as our evidence base

for assessing landscape and visual effects also

at Public Inquiry, it has proved to be robust on

underpins the evidence presented.

examination. We often act for Local Authorities in reviewing LVIAs submitted as part of a planning

Our approach in all projects is for a senior member


of the practice to be involved at every stage. This personal involvement in the original assessment

Expert Witness – at Public Inquiry, Examinations

work has been noted at Inquiry, where it has

in Public, Local Plan Inquiries or planning

been recognised to give weight to the evidence



Our landscape architects have prepared evidence for a number of Written Representations, Informal Hearings, Public Inquires and Examinations involving a range of strategic and site-specific developments including urban extensions, residential development, leisure and recreation,

Client Temple Group Limited

Location London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Preferred site boundary and preferred line of tunnel

Liz Lake Associates acted as a consultant to the

short-listed site referred to as the Heckford

Temple Group, advising the London Borough of

Street site.

Tower Hamlets on whether landscape and visual impact issues had been adequately addressed in

The Outcome

the Environmental Statement for this major and

We produced a review concerning landscape and

controversial engineering project as it affected

visual effects and socio-economic impacts relating

the King Edward Memorial Park.

to park use, as well as briefly considering some comments on the effects on cultural heritage as

Approach The London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LBTH) The ANGSt assessment

appointed a number of environmental specialists to analyse the environmental information collected and produced by Thames Water to support the development of proposed Thames Tideway Tunnel works sites within the Borough. In particular, relating both to Thames Water’s preferred option, information was analysed regarding the King Edward Memorial Park Foreshore site and the

Grade II listed Rotherhithe ventilation shaft building

they related to the setting of heritage assets.

L TUNNNE Y A W E ID ON T D LO THAMES Clarifying an impact assessment for a controversial project

Client Private

Location Berwick, East Sussex

The Site

Liz Lake Associates prepared written

of Solar Panels from (XX) to (XX) and increased the

representations for a private client in opposition

landscape mitigation requirements, which lead

to the proposed 12MW solar farm near Berwick,

to a reduction in the land scope and visual effects

East Sussex.

associated with the development .

Approach Liz Lake Associates reviewed the submitted EIA, and carried out a comprehensive site assessment. Addressing the impacts of the development to landscape character and visual amenity, Liz Lake An LVIA assess the impacts associated with Solar Development

Associates submitted Written Reps, which were used by the local opposition group at Public Inquiry to demonstrate impacts on surrounding views, including views from the South Downs AONB. Outcome Despite allowing the development the inspector took note of our evidence, reducing the number

Views from the South Downs AONB were considered

OLAR FARM BERWICK SBERWICK, EAST SUSSEX The number of solar panels was significantly Quote reduced after our evidence

Client Redrow Homes

Location Ebbsfleet, Kent

Ebbsfleet Valley Proposals

Liz Lake Associates was asked to prepare a

Our work included a series of photomontages

landscape and visual impact assessment, and

which were prepared from four key viewpoints

open space strategy report for a revised outline

agreed with the local authority. The

planning application for up to 950 dwellings in

photomontages illustrated the scheme at year 1

Dartford, Kent.

and year 15 and were submitted alongside the visual impact assessment as part of the


environmental statement for the scheme.

The site forms part of the Ebbsfleet Valley Strategic

Proposal LAP / POS

site, an area of land which has been subject to

A cumulative landscape and visual assessment

extensive quarrying and infrastructure works over

of the scheme was carried out together with the

the past years, which is now planned for strategic

various surrounding planned Ebbsfleet Valley

redevelopment including 10,000 new homes,

development applications.

employment uses and leisure facilities. Outcome

Photomontage (15 years)

The site itself is former National Grid land and

The Ebbsfleet Valley is now subject to a

includes a decommissioned substation as well as

commitment by the Government as a new

overhead power lines. The proposed development

‘Garden City’, which Chancellor George Osborne

sought to transform the site into a new urban

announced on Sunday, will deliver up to 15,000

centre, enhancing the visual amenity of the site

new homes. Osborne said it would be a “proper

with a strong landscape strategy and removing

garden city”, the first since Welwyn Garden City

substantial infrastructure from the site.

was founded in 1920.

GREEN EBBSFLENEORTTHFLEET, KENT Our Landscape Masterplan sought to create a new Urban Centre supported by a strong landscape scheme, including SUDS, Allotments, POS and enhanced woodlands.

Client South Norfolk District Council

Location Wymondham, South Norfolk

Wymondham Abbey

Liz Lake Associates represented South Norfolk

visual impacts associated with the proposed

District Council (SNDC) at Public Inquiry

development. Illustrative photomontages were

regarding the development of 180 dwellings, on

prepared to support our Evidence.

a Site at Wymondham, South Norfolk. Acting as expert witness Mark Flatman gave evidence

Working closely with the team at SNDC and their

outlining the Landscape and Visual harm that

Barrister, Mark gave evidence at Public Inquiry as

would be associated with the development.

an expert witness.

Marks evidence specifically focused on visual

Appellants Proposed Layout

effects associated with the historic and culturally


significant, Grade 1 Abbey, as well as the

The Inspectors decision is expected in early 2014

landscape effects associated with developing within a (protected) valley landscape. Approach Following a comprehensive site assessment, Liz Lake Associates produced comprehensive Evidence outlining the landscape and

Illustrative Photomontage of the Proposals

AM WYMONDNH ORFOLK Liz Lake Associates evidence focused on visual effects associated with the Nationally Important Grade I Wymondham Abbey and its valley setting

Client Carter Jonas LLP

Location Fen Ditton, Cambridge

Visual Assessment

Liz Lake Associates undertook a Green Belt

parcels, as well as assess their contribution to the

Assessment and a Landscape and Visual

NPPFs criteria of Green Belt.

Appraisal on two parcels of land within the village of Fen Ditton to the north east of



Liz Lake Associates produced a Green Belt Assessment and a Landscape and Visual Appraisal

Our reports assessed the suitability of both

which were used to feed into the Local Planning

parcels to accommodate potential development.

Authorities Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA).

Approach Opportunities and constraints

Liz Lake Associates carried out desktop assessment and site visits to prepare both documents and using our in house Methodology’s, Liz Lake Associates were able to identify the opportunities and constraints associated with both

Site Option

ON FEN DCAITMT BRIDGE All of Green Belt Land are being assessed for their ability to meet Green Belt Requirements

Client Essex and Suffolk Water

Location Chingford, North London

Engineers MPW Global

Photomontage of Development

Liz Lake Associates were instructed by Essex and

Once the final designs were completed, Liz

Suffolk Water to produce a Landscape and Visual

Lake Associates put together presentation

Impact Assessment (LVIA), detailed planting

boards to inform the local community at public

proposals and Verified Photomontages for a

consultation. Working closely with the client,

proposed water pumping station within the Lee

Liz Lake Associates were able to inform the

Valley. The proposals for this infrastructure

final site layout and design proposals to help

project included a new 462m2 Pumping Station,

facilitate a smooth planning application for this

146m2 switchgear and transformer building,

infrastructure project.

associated hard standing and related pumping infrastructure. Approach

planning application to the Local Planning

The LVIA and the Verified Photomontages helped

Authority. The application was granted approval

identify visual and landscape issues associated

in 2013.

with the development. These were addressed early in the application process which allowed for a site-specific planting design to be suggested which offers necessary screening but also bring ecological and biodiversity benefits to the site.

The wider Lee Valley

Outcome Our work was submitted as part of a detailed

Site Location

ATION PING, NSORTTH M U P L LONDON L A H CHINGFORD LOWER Our Design Proposals allowed for this necessary Piece of Infrastructure to Sympathetically fit into the surrounding landscape, reducing its Visual Impact, and consisting to local landscape Policy

Client Pigeon Investments

Location Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex

Local topography

Liz Lake Associates were instructed by Pigeon

the Landscape and Visual Impacts associated

Investments to assist in the Site Allocation

with the development. The LVIA fed into the

Process being undertaken by [Maldon District

Landscape Masterplan for the Site, minimising the

Council] as part of their [Strategic Housing Land

developments impact across the wider Landscape

Availability Assessment (SHLAA)], and to prepare

and suggested mitigation measures for the

an Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment

protection an enhancement of the GCN habitats

(LVIA) to feed into the Landscape Masterplan

and detailing important site features such as trees

for the Site. Considerations also had to be made

and hedgerows.

for the [creation of Great Crested Newt habitats within the Site] Approach

planning application to the Local Planning

Liz Lake Associates undertook a detailed appraisal

Authority for [XXX] houses in [XXX] of 2014.

of proposed Sites within Burnham on Crouch,

The decision is expected in [early 2015]

highlighting individual Sites opportunities and suitability for their inclusion within the SHLAA. On receiving the Site allocation, LLA produced a LVIA which identified and assessed

Proposed Site Layout

Outcome Our work was submitted as part of a detailed

The Site


BURNHAMLiz Lake Associates helped create a new gateway to Burnham on Crouch

Client Welwyn and Hatfield Borough Council

Location Hatfield, Hertfordshire

Barrister Cornerstone

Photomontage of proposed site entrance

Liz Lake Associates were employed by Welwyn


and Hatfield Borough Council to give evidence

Inspector David Richards decision was announced

as Expert Witness after the proposals for a

in July 2014, recommending to the Secretary of

Resource and Energy Recovery Facility (RERF)

State that the application be refused. Inspector

with a capacity of 380,000 tonnes per annum and

Richards Wrote in his decision to refuse the RERF

volume of 585,000 m3 on land at New Barnfield,

that; " The proposal is the wrong proposal, in the

Hatfield, Hertfordshire were called in for decision by the Secretary of State following the resolution of the county council to approve it.

wrong place, at the wrong time". Inspector Richards agreed with LLA evidence confirming that the proposals "fails to pay appropriate attention to the character and



appearance of the surroundings, and would be

Liz Lake Associates examined the Landscape and

viewed as an alien and intrusive structure in the

Visual chapters of the appellants Environmental

landscape and surrounding area".

Statement, producing a detailed assessment of the applicants Landscape and Visual chapters,

The Secretary of State supported Inspector

Photomontage and ZTV. Acting on Behalf on

Richards reasons for refusal and refused planning

Welwyn and Hatfield Borough Council who had

permission for the RERF.

been granted Rule 6 status, Liz Lake Associates gave expert evidence at Public Inquiry in October 2013.





The proposal is the wrong proposal, in the wrong place, at the wrong time (i.e. premature)

Client Client

Picture caption

Intro Approach Text Outcome Text

Picture caption

Picture caption

Location Location


Client Hertfordshire County Council

Location Thorley Hall Farm, Bishops Stortford

The Site Location

Liz Lake Associates advised Hertfordshire


County Council (HCC), in regard to a planning

The application is on-going.

application for the extraction and removal of materials (sand, gravel and soil) to enable construction of a 44 million gallon agricultural reservoir and related infrastructure. Approach Liz Lake Associates reviewed the submitted Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) Reservoir Details

and proposal drawings and then carried out an independent Site assessment. This looked at effects on the local landscape character and landscape resource as well as the impact to visual amenity on local residential properties and public rights of way. Our report not only looked at the final design proposal, but also effects associated with the mineral extraction process.

The SAL (Photo)

ALL FARM THORLBEISYHOPHS STORTFORD, ESSEX Liz Lake Associates reviewed the Planning Application on Behalf of HCC

Client Rose Builders

Location Lawford, Essex

Housing landscape masterplan

LLA were commissioned by Rose Builders to

between the settled and rural landscape and to

prepare an Landscape & Visual Appraisal to

protect the setting of the AONB.

support a planning application for 150 dwellings and the erection of 'approximately 700m2' of


B1 use buildings with associated infrastructure,

Once outline Planning Permission was successfully

Public Open Space, footpaths/cycle routes and

obtained, LLA were commissioned to prepare a

boundary landscaping on land at Dale Hall,

landscape Masterplan including detailed planting

east of Cox’s Hill, Lawford, Essex immediately

plans for the Site. LLA produced a Landscape

adjacent to the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding

Management Plan to provide a framework for the

Natural Beauty (AONB).

initial establishment maintenance and on-going, longer term routine management of the areas

The Site


of open space and other public realm landscape,

The Dedham Vale AONB is famous worldwide

associated with the proposals.

through the paintings of the landscape artist John Constable and our report considered the existing situation, including the Sites proximity to the AONB and the potential landscape and visual effects of the development and included a proposed landscape strategy to address these.

Cultural Heritage within close proximity figure

The location of open space within the scheme and incorporation of supplementary planting, including trees and hedge lines were designed to help integrate the proposals while providing links to the wider landscape.

Key landscape strategies were prepared based

The proposed development layout, building

upon site investigations, landscape character

alignment and composition of the site framework

assessment and visual effects considerations to

responds to our LVA and recognises the important

maintain and enhance the quality of the transition

setting of the AONB.



Client Stansted Parish Council

Location Stansted Mountfitchet

View down Chapel Hill to Stansted Park

To help celebrate the Millennium, Liz Lake

Airport. The general strategy is to conserve and

Associates undertook a community project to

enhance the countryside of the Parish, with its

assess the Landscape Character within the parish

scattered hamlets and individual houses, which

boundary of Stansted Mountfitchet, the Essex

is integral to the setting of the village. Individual

village in which our office has always

strategies outlining the opportunities to reinforce

been located.

and strengthen the landscape character are also proposed for each area.


Landscape Character map

A desktop survey was undertaken using aerial


photography and Ordnance Survey mapping

When presented to the community at a public

to identify the topography, natural features,

meeting the Landscape Strategy was well received.

land use and vegetation; this was then verified

As part of a summer internship three French

on site. Statutory and local designations were

students subsequently updated all the Tree

identified and Essex Wildlife Trust provided a

Preservation Order records for the Parish under

Phase 1 Habitat Survey. Key characteristics were

the direction of the practice. In the summer of

identified in the landscape outside the urban area

2013 Landscape Architecture students from

and ten individual local landscape character areas

Writtle School of Design revisited and updated

identified. These include rural farmland, a historic

the Landscape Strategy.

park and part of the international London Stansted

London Stansted Airport


A survey of the local landscape character revealed ten different landscape types, including Stansted Park

Client Various

Location Various

With more than twenty years of landscape

provided on the visual effects of new fencing and

design experience in golf course projects, Liz

lighting for proposed or upgraded driving ranges.

Lake Associates has worked alongside such experienced golf course architects as Howard

Liz Lake Associates has had a long association

Swan and Hawtree. Some thirty projects have

with the golf industry both in the UK and abroad.

been taken through the planning process. Outcome Approach

With a thorough understanding of how golf

Liz Lake Associates has also advised local

courses can be designed and managed with

authorities on the landscape and visual impact

benefits for biodiversity, skills in heritage

of proposals for the importation of inert fill to

landscapes as well as landscape and visual impact

rejuvenate golf courses.

assessment the practice has a unique advantage in making a positive and informed contribution

This has included looking at the impact on existing vegetation from proposed grading and an assessment of the appropriateness of increased levels across a course in relation to the surrounding landscape character. Advice has been

to any golf course proposal.



Some thirty projects have been taken through the planning process

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c eD zin oun ent cap nC aga rds lopm Easter nds eM a eve t La om t w t s D H a e n rr A for ‘B ur New d Urba r Ba o s fo e ner





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Bristol Office: Kestrel Court | Harbour Road Portishead | Bristol | BS20 7AN T: +44 (0)1275 390425


































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