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Al Khamsa Community Hub
March 6–7, 2021: The American Endurance Ride Conference 2021 Unconventional Convention will be held online. It was originally scheduled for San Antonio, Texas. Al Khamsa is continuing its support of the AERC. April 10, 2021: Al Khamsa Virtual Gathering. Save the date! July 17–24, 2021: US Youth Nationals, Oklahoma City, OK. August 5, 2021: Pyramid Society Egyptian Breeders Challenge,
Virginia Horse Center, Lexington, Virginia. September 13–18, 2021: US Sport Horse Nationals will be held at the World Equestrian Center, Wilmington, Ohio. October 15–17, 2021 Al Khamsa Annual Meeting will be virtual again this year, as it is impossible to plan for an in-person gatherings at this time. October 22–30, 2021: US Nationals, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Links of Interest
While the national horse population is trending down, the abundance of options available to horse buyers have left some segments teetering on the edge of catastrophic loss. https://thehorse. com/180264/preservation-of-rare-horse-breeds/ ***
Diagnosing Insulin Resistance: Q&A with Researchers: https:// thehorse.com/152666/diagnosing-insulin-resistance-qa-with-researchers/ and this is a pre-breeding treatment for insulin resistant mares: https://aaep.org/sites/default/files/issues/proceedings-09proceedingsz9100109000326.pdf
Disaster Planning: https://livestockconservancy.org/index.php/ news/internal/readiness-essentials-10-steps-to-take-now *** 33 Do’s and Don’ts: https://thehorse.com/features/dealing-withequine-colic/
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis is a neurologic disease that can be difficult to diagnose and can threaten a horse’s athletic future. https://thehorse.com/191462/10-epm-resources-on-thehorsecom/?utm_medium=Health+enews&utm_source=Newsletter
Doxycycline, the broad-spectrum antibiotic might be a safe and viable option for treating infections, including placentitis, in late-term mares. https://thehorse.com/184859/doxy-passes-prelims-in-late-term-mares/
Blending at least 15% chaff with a horse’s feed can increase consumption times and reduce health risks such as colic and choke. https://thehorse.com/193870/study-add-chopped-forage-to-feed-toprolong-horses-meals/
Cellulitis, a bacterial infection of the soft connective tissues under the skin, causes sudden, extreme swelling in the affected area, often in a leg. We talked to Dr. Luke Fallon of Hagyard Equine Medical Institute about how to care for cellulitis, starting with getting a diagnosis. https://www.usef.org/media/equestrian-weekly/treating-cellulitis
*** https://thehorse.com/187218/putting-weight-on-an-older-horse/ ***
AramcoWorld is a terrific magazine about the Middle East and the Muslim World. Two-year (12-issue) renewable subscriptions to the print edition of AramcoWorld are available without charge to a limited number of readers worldwide. Highly recommended. https:// www.aramcoworld.com/Subscription-Services/Print-Subscriptions ***
Washington’s Best Saddle Horse, by Ben Hur (Western Horseman Jan/Feb ’46). Ben Hur was the pen name of the Arabian breeder and serious student of the breed, Herbert Tormohlen. https://cmkarabians.com/2006/07/05/washingtons-best-saddle-horse/
Caroline Elik of Alton, Illinois was featured in an article in Arabian Horse Life, 2020 issue #3, with her 2003 Al Khamsa chestnut gelding, DB Jasur (Desert Dhelall x DB Jamala). She speaks of her start riding, then graduating to Jasur, and taking him to her first Youth Nationals competition, all without a trainer. The road to the 2019 Youth Nationals was long, but the hard work paid off with two Top Tens, including third and fourth places.
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