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2020 Convention Report
2020 Al Khamsa Virtual Convention
Necessity is the Mother of Invention
The beginning of 2020 started like everyone else’s — a normal year. The convention was slated to take place at McMinnville, Oregon, in October of 2020. Our hosts Steve Langer and Terry Brooks were underway scheduling venues. The committee was working on selecting speakers when we found ourselves faced with the COVID Pandemic. As Americans and the world hunkered down, the convention committee was at a crucial time with strategic planning for the upcoming event. Then, the West Coast news was reporting uncontrollable fires throughout Oregon. So, in the wise words of Plato who said, “necessity is the mother of invention,” it was time to start inventing. We could not go forward with the traditional meeting format for the annual convention. It was apparent that some sort of virtual meeting would have to suffice. The committee re-structured itself to bring in a different group of committee members to facilitate an online experience. With the help of a recruited friend, Conner Chambers who was knowledgeable about Zoom.com, and our own tech-savvy Jeannie Lieb, we set out on the new adventure. The predicament made pathways to possibilities. This new venue would allow us to invite international guests. Our Fantasia could include horses from all regions of North America. It gave Al Khamsa horse owners a chance to advertise their horses; it could be done economically for all and would be profitable for Al Khamsa. We spent the first few weeks of the summer researching and selecting applications to bring together the convention’s different aspects. It was then with all hands on deck, we set voyage to our first-ever virtual convention for October. Pam Studebaker, Monica Respet and Megan King worked diligently to obtain auction items and orchestrate speakers. PJ Altshuler and Kathleen Jost collected, edited and loaded videos for the fantasia and speakers. Kathy Busch beautifully developed the convention program. Jenny Krieg, accompanied by Jill Erisman, pumped out event announcements, and all the while, Jeannie Lieb was miraculously keeping all tech issues in motion.
The Zoom meeting took place starting with the Board meetings on October 15 and 16. The Board had met a few times already on Zoom and was comfortable with the format. The Board with Monica at the helm was able to accomplish quite a bit of important business in the meetings. Friday the 16th, the convention opened mostly to an American audience due to the schedule. Business matters were covered and updates from the various committees were presented. Monica Respet gave her welcome and opening remarks as President. Conner Chambers provided a Zoom navigation tutorial for attendees. Jeannie Lieb gave an update of the Preservation Task Force efforts and an update to the Website upgrade. Mary Gills provided the finance report. Pam Studebaker made a plea for donations and made announcements. The chatrooms were left open afterward for people to visit with one another. Saturday, October 17, the convention resumed; this meeting was attended by a larger audience and joined by several international guests. The advisory council met and selected a new Board of Delegates and preference for the upcoming President. Edouard Al Dahdah and R.J. Cadranell delivered a passionate speech on Ghadir. Joe Ferriss presented a first-year roster proposal for Gamil Al-Din, which was passed. The Board of Delegates selected the new Board of Directors for 20-21. The chatrooms were again left open after the meeting for a productive and fun visitation with plenty of horse talk. The convention ended after the first meeting of the 2020-21 Board of Directors on October 18, 2020. 32auctions.com very successfully facilitated the online auction for the convention. There were 37 horses in the Fantasia, and we introduced 24 Al Khamsa foals on YouTube videos. We also enjoyed YouTube presentations from Basil Jadaan of his Syrian Horses; Beth Minnich provided a report on Managing Genetic Disorders;
Laurence Perceval led us on a tour of her breeding program in France; Crockett Dumas and Terry Bannister discussed the Endurance Horse, Riding and Tack; Joe Ferriss took us on a look back to Al Khamsa horses in the ‘70s; and Michael Bowling shared a report on Homer Davenport and the horses of the Hamidie Hippodrome Co. All YouTube presentations were able to be viewed at each attendee’s convenience. Even though there were some minor missteps in this new adventure, the over-all report was a feeling of success and proved to be profitable for Al Khamsa.
We all want to thank all of you that attended and supported our first-ever Al Khamsa Virtual Convention.
2020 Annual Meeting Business Reports
Board Meeting – Thursday, October 15, 2020
Called to order at 4:15pm ET. Present: PJ Altshuler, Edie Booth, Jeanne Craver, Kim Davis, Mary Gills, Megan King, Jenny Krieg, Monica Respet, Pam Studebaker. Some people have work conflicts that are unavoidable.
Committee Reports:
Awards: Four awards were chosen to present this year. Janet Maurer is unable to attend, but the awards will be presented on Saturday.
Convention (PJ Altshuler): Speeches are being uploaded to YouTube. The Auction is up and running with over $1,000 already bid. [The convention was a success, not just in programming and attendance, but financially as well, even though fees were greatly reduced with the virtual format, so were expenses. Al Khamsa’s financial picture was much improved with the convention’s success.]
Pam offers appreciation to PJ for all her work. Everyone agrees! **Debbie Mackie joined at 4:25 pm
Database (Jeanne Craver): The committee is currently on hold with Randy Abler retiring. Creating a Database Task Force to study and recommend options for moving forward with a new process for creating pedigree pages on our website. Task Force members: Megan King, Jeannie Lieb, Kim Davis, Jeanne Craver, Moira Walker, Karsten Scherling, Ambar Diaz. **Yasser Ghanim joined as a guest
Publications (Jeanne Craver): Khamsat 31.2 is being delivered now. We have gone from losing $1500 per issue to now making $1300 per issue. We currently are also up a bit in subscriptions. **Rosemary Doyle joined at 4:35 pm
External Relations (WAHO – Rosemary Doyle): With the meeting postponed because of COVID-19, there are no updates.
External Relations (AERC – Edie Booth): AERC wants our $500 Silver Sponsorship. Most rides have been canceled this year so AERC is low on funds. Recommendation — we should continue sponsorship and ad.
Finance (Mary Gills): PowerPoint presented, and to be attached to minutes. **Kathy Busch joined at 4:55 pm
Continuing Finance. there was a lengthy discussion on forming an income subcommittee of Finance.
Formation of a Promotional Sub-Committee, to report to the Finance committee. Monica Respet, PJ Altshuler, Jill Erisman are all interested. They would work on planned ways to bring income to Al Khamsa. Suggestions for other participants were made. Yasser Ghanim suggests a focus on digital marketing and social media. There was discussion of an online fundraiser some time mid-year and of a possible matching dollars campaign.
Khamsat renewal cards: To save money, it was decided to continue to email those we can, and mail the rest. There should be a second reminder. Auto renewal was again brought up, but it is too expensive with everything that has to be followed in order to store individual payment information, and there are liability risks involved. **Break at 5:22pm, Debbie and Yasser left at break, Kate Rhodes and Karin Floyd joined at 5:35pm, and the meeting started back up at 4:40pm.
Mary asked what she should emphasize in the Finance Report during the Convention. The website will continue to have extra expenses with creating a paywall section, and the online database project is an open-ended expense item at this point.
Jeanne brought up ISSUU (the software that is used for the digital Khamsat) and how long can we expect them to maintain Khamsats on their website. Work must continue on getting back issues on our website, emphasizing the need for a paywall section. Joe Ferriss is creating PDFs directly from his original files where possible.
Preservation Task Force: Karin reports she has one Code Red foal due next year, and Kate is working on some. Written committee reports have more details and updates. Monica asked: how do we engage people and grow interest and increase help? Kate said many people on Facebook are willing to help, but we need to sell the horse first and the pedigree second to new people. We can confuse them and turn them off.
Nominations & Successions (Rosemary Doyle): For stability this year, we are recommending all officer positions remain in place. Edie would like to step down from the Board, but will still do AERC outreach. Suggestions requested for additions to the Board.
Social Media (Jenny Krieg): Jenny requested someone else to take over as chair of the committee. Mary asked if Nichole Grodski would be interested in co-chair. Discussion followed on marketing using digital marketing opportunities. We need fascinating content. Do we have videos of past Fantasias and Conventions? **Margie Johnson joined as a guest at 6:30pm.
Discussion about digitizing films and/or VHS tapes. It is possible that there are grants available to help with the expense of this.
Website (Jeannie Lieb): written report received earlier. Monica pointed out that we need a volunteer to head up educational Web Content: more of a manager than a writer. This is an important task!
Discussion held about new committees and updates. Start with the Finance (income) committee and then finding a new chairperson for Social Media committee. Planning for online convention video continuance and how that would work: by link from our website paywall section.
Karin brought up the sales pages on the website — refreshment is needed so it can become more active. Links to Facebook comments help drive traffic to our site.
Monica brought up the topic of identification branding. There needs to be a consistent message and careful wording. The purpose of Al Khamsa is research and education for people interested in the history of the Arabian Horse.
Monica gave a reminder that we have to be careful of anything we put in print and we as a Board have responsibilities and to make a good faith effort in everything we say and do. We are known for our credibility and don’t want to lose that.
Pam asked if we should consider a mid-winter board zoom meeting — consensus was Yes.
Monica said that we still need to pick up donated items from the Institute for the Desert Arabian Horse, with discussion of how to get the items moved and to where.
Recessed meeting at 6:30pm. Board Meeting – Friday, October 16, 2020
Present at 12:00 pm: PJ, Edie, Jeanne, Rosemary, Mary, Megan, Jenny, Debbie, Monica, Pam and guests Joe Ferriss, Margie Johnson and Moira Walker.
Joe Ferriss made a presentation about his Roster Proposal for Gamal El Din. The vote passed unanimously by all directors present. **Kim joined at 1pm.
A discussion was held about seeking volunteers for various jobs. Utilize social media as much as possible.
Megan said we need to link people ready to retire with new people, both for horses and materials, but also for passing on history and context.
**Nichole Grodski joined as guest at 1:35pm.
Board of Delegates Nominations: Holly Reuter, Jill Erisman, Nichole Grodski, Darlene Summers, Maria Wallis. Unanimous vote by Board.
Board list to go to Advisory Council – current members minus Edie, nominate Joe Ferriss as addition. Accepted slate as presented – current Board plus Joe. Unanimous vote by Board. **Karin Floyd and Joe Ferriss joined at 2:15pm, Basil Jadaan joined as guest at 2:20pm.
Joe declined nomination to the Board.
Discussion: Should we plan on the 2021 Convention in person or virtual next year? It seemed wise to plan for a virtual convention, with regional gatherings encouraged if the pandemic permits. **Kathy Busch joined at 2:30pm, Joe left meeting at 2:40 pm.
Jeanne moved to adjourn the 2019–2020 meeting, Pam second. Advisory Meeting will be tonight at 7:00pm. Meeting Adjourned at 2:45pm Advisory Council Meeting – Friday, October 16, 2020
The meeting began at 7pm.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Mary Gills): To be included in the next Khamsat.
Preservation Task Force (Jeannie Lieb): The emphasis currently has been on Code Red in tail-female and tail-male. Edouard Al Dahdah and Carrie Slayton are the co-chairs and that they are adding Moira Walker and Karin Floyd to the committee.
Khamsat (Jeanne Craver): Since the annual meeting in 2019, the Khamsat has moved to digital production (with print copies available at cost), and that this has already turned our per issue loss of c. $1500 per issue to c. $1300 gain.
Website (Jeannie Lieb): Recent activity has been all about getting the virtual convention produced, with online registration and fantasia and speaker videos prepared. We are changing hosts to a company more supportive of our underlying Joomla software, and that has been the focus of the year. Advisory Council Meeting – Saturday, October 17, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 12:06pm.
Pam Studebaker and Nichole Grodski suggested a mid-winter chat/visit on Zoom, perhaps even monthly chats.
There were 86 attendees.
Joe Ferriss made a presentation to the Council on his Roster Proposal for Gamal El Din, and an online voting service was used to allow for people to be approved for voting as members of the Advisory Council, and to vote on the Roster Proposal and Elections.
Elections Results:
For Board of Delegates: Jill Erisman, Nichole Grodski and Jenny Krieg were approved to represent the Advisory Council.
A nomination to the Board of Directors was made for Michael Bowling (he declined).
Presentation: Goodbye Zobeyni, Hello, Gadir.
Edouard Al Dahdah and RJ Cadranell made an hour-long presentation on their research into the pedigree of the Ali Pasha Sherif stallion, Aziz (APS). It was absolutely the most absorbing presentation made in many years at an Al Khamsa convention. Questions followed, with great interaction with the audience.
The Roster Proposal vote was announced: it was approved with 64 in favor, 11 opposed. The Board of Delegates was convened om a separate Zoom room, as below, to appoint the President and Board of Directors.
Board of Delegates – Saturday, October 17, 2020
Present were all members: PJ Altshuler, Kim Davis, Jill Erisman, Mary Gills, Nichole Grodski, Jenny Krieg, Debbie Mackie, Monica Respet.
Appoint President: Jill moved to appoint Monica Respet as President for 2020-2021. Nichole second. Passed unanimously.
Appoint Board of Directors: Jill moved to nominate last year’s Board minus Edie Booth (Monica, Kim, Mary, Jeanne, Rosemary, Megan, Patricia, Carrie, PJ, Debbie, Edouard, Kathy, Karin, Jenny, Kate, Pam) plus Nichole Grodski. Monica second. Passed unanimously.
The Awards Ceremony was held (see pages 10–11).
Edouard and RJ’s speech and awards were not recorded by accident. The presentation will be recreated and included with the rest of the convention videos.
Sunday Board Meeting The meeting was called to order by President Monica Respet at 12:00 pm. Also in attendance were Edouard Al Dahdah, PJ Altshuler, Kathy Busch, Jeanne Craver, Kim Davis, Rosemary Doyle, Mary Gills, Nichole Grodski, Megan King, Jenny Krieg, Debbie Mackie, Kate Rhodes, Pam Studebaler. **Guests: Jennifer Payne, Marcia -, Brigitte Killian, Margie Johnson.
Appointed Officers: Pam moved to appoint PJ as vice-president, Kim as secretary, Mary & Debbie as co-treasurers, Patricia as Business Office Manager. Mary seconded. Approved.
Committee Chairs:
Awards – on hold
Convention – Pam & PJ
Database – Jeanne
External Relations – Rosemary, Middle Eastern Relations – Edouard, AERC – Edie
Nominations & Succession – Rosemary
PTF – Carrie & Edouard **Beth Minnich joined as guest at 12:15pm
Publications – Jeanne and Kathy as backup
Social Media – Nichole and Jenny as backup
Website – Jeannie L
Finance – Mary
Pam moved to approve the slate as presented. Debbie seconded. Approved. The meeting was recessed at 12:30pm, to reconvene online. Monthly Board meetings will be the third Sunday of each month at 2pm Eastern time.
Al Khamsa Inc. Awards
2020 Phyllis Ramsey Breeders Award
Al Khamsa, Inc. and its goals have been blessed over the years with many “angels” in the form of our volunteers. Since we are a group without membership and hence without dues, these volunteers become even more important in attaining our goal of education. Without volunteers there would be no conventions, no directories, no roster, no Al Khamsa Arabians I, II, or III, no web site, and probably a lot fewer horses with traceable bloodlines to the desert. Each year at our convention, we like to honor those volunteers whose efforts stand out from all others.
The Phyllis Ramsey Breeders Award is an award for longterm dedication to the Al Khamsa Arabian horse, including multiple generations of her/his own asil horses and their preservation for the future. In 2020 Al Khamsa recognizes Homer and Tina Penniman for their many contributions to the Al Khamsa horse.
Homer and Tina Penniman established Treff-Haven Arabians in 1964 in Waldron, AR where they bred Egyptian horses who trace in all lines to the desert tribes. Raised by his grandfather who was a master farrier, Homer learned the trade. A farrier for Ansata, Serenity, Gleannloch and Masada among others led Homer to research and travel through much of North America to find Al Khamsa horses, particularly those in declining lines for their farm’s breeding program. As a trainer, Homer appreciated the using ability of those lines. In the 1980’s theirs was fully an Al Khamsa herd.
Originally the Pennimans had combined source horses with mainly Egyptian blood, with an eventual emphasis on EAO and Inshass blood. They kept the Gassir branch of the Jamil el Khebir sire line alive. They helped keep the non-Nazeer EAO group alive. Tina and Homer shared the Treff-Haven program for 26 years. Tina continues their bloodlines alone as Homer unfortunately died in 2013. Currently the Al Khamsa Breeder’s Index lists 54 horses in the Treff-Haven registration.
The Awards
At the founding 1975 Al Khamsa Convention, it was agreed to compile the first Al Khamsa Directory. Jeanne Craver, Jackson Hensley, Carol Lyons, and Diana Marston produced the Directory in 1976. Advertising Chair and Board Member Jackson Hensley did the original artwork for the cover in red Conté pencil, a composite of several Al Khamsa mares he had known. The giclée print from the original has been signed and numbered by American Realist, Jackson Hensley, for your Al Khamsa award. The frames have been handmade from cherry by Jerry Martin and hand rubbed with lemon oil by Jackson Hensley.
2020 Newcomer’s Award
Al Khamsa , Inc., and its goals have been blessed over the years with many “angels” in the form of our volunteers. Since we are a group without membership and hence without dues, these volunteers become even more important in attaining our goal of education. Without volunteers there would be no conventions, no directories, no roster, no Al Khamsa Arabians I, II, or III, no web site, and probably a lot fewer horses with traceable bloodlines to the desert. Each year at our convention, we like to honor those volunteers whose efforts stand out from all others.
The Newcomer’s Award was established to honor those individuals who, though new to Al Khamsa, have contributed in outstanding sweat equity to serve Al Khamsa’s mission in her/his first two years of involvement with the organization. This may be help with a convention or two, a successful fund raiser, an ongoing education project or service to the Board on an assigned project that requires many hours of personal time during their first two years with Al Khamsa. In 2020 Al Khamsa recognizes Moira Walker.
Moira Walker attended her first Al Khamsa convention last year in Arkansas. Before she even joined the Preservation Task Force in October 2019, Moira was doing good deeds for the PTF. She moved our shared PTF work on determining Code Red Foundation horses in the tail female and tail male positions from Dropbox to Google Docs.
Then Moira dove into the t-shirt fundraiser and set up an example under a new vendor as our usual one was no longer offering zip front hooded sweatshirts. Most helpful of all has been her research of potentially endangered lines and tracking down “lost” horses.
Moira has shared some of that research about historical asil horses with the Daughters of the Wind blog. Now with her first Al Khamsa mares, Moira is excitedly expecting her first Al Khamsa foal in 2021. Welcome aboard, Moira!
2020 Carol Lyons Volunteer of the Year Award
Al Khamsa, Inc. and its goals have been blessed over the years with many “angels” in the form of our volunteers. Since we are a group without membership and hence without dues, these volunteers become even more important in attaining our goal of education. Without volunteers there would be no conventions, no directories, no roster, no Al Khamsa Arabians I, II, or III, no web site, and probably a lot fewer horses with traceable bloodlines to the desert. Each year at our convention, we like to honor those volunteers whose efforts stand out from all others.
The Carol Lyons Volunteer of the Year Award is presented for extraordinary contribution to the mission of Al Khamsa, Inc. An award is presented to the individual who has exhibited knowledge of the goals of and belief in Al Khamsa through her/his years of activities supporting our mission. This may include exhibiting the ability and willingness to educate others of our goals, efforts in fund raising, and hands-on work in preserving the past for the future. In 2020, Al Khamsa recognizes Mary Gills.
If you know Al Khamsa business at all, you have run into Mary Gills. When there is a job that needs doing, she picks it up and runs with it. She has served Al Khamsa as Secretary from 20072013 and as President from 2014-2016. She joined the Finance Committee in 2015 and is currently co-Treasurer for Al Khamsa. She assists Pat Lawrence with the Business Office, holding Al Khamsa supplies and mailing them out.
Mary offers a smile and enthusiasm to all. No problem is too challenging. If she has never done a particular job before, she learns and does it well. “Having Mary's ongoing volunteerism,” says President Monica Respect, “makes Al Khamsa a better place. When there is a need, Mary steps up.”
She loves to ride her horses. Living in Steamboat Springs, CO has given Mary many lovely places to do just that. She is learning Parelli and is breeding Davenports at her Windsor Arabians.
2020 Charles Craver President’s Award
Al Khamsa, Inc. and its goals have been blessed over the years with many “angels” in the form of our volunteers. Since we are a group without membership and hence without dues, these volunteers become even more important in attaining our goal of education. Without volunteers there would be no conventions, no directories, no roster, no Al Khamsa Arabians I, II, or III, no web site, and probably a lot fewer horses with traceable bloodlines to the desert. Each year at our convention, we like to honor those volunteers whose efforts stand out from all others.
The Charles Craver President’s Award is presented at the Board’s pleasure to honor unique achievement by a supporter or group of supporters in advancing the role and mission of Al Khamsa. It is awarded only when the Board finds a case, domestic or international, current or posthumous, of exceptional merit. In 2020, Al Khamsa recognizes Kim Davis.
Kim Davis has been a part of Al Khamsa from its beginnings. She helped her mother, Rivian Gardner, put on the 1982 Al Khamsa Convention, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Henry Babson’s importation of two stallions and five mares from Egypt. Kim followed her parents onto the Al Khamsa road, but took a different turning to Davenport breeding. She is a senior breeder and serves on the Board of the Davenport Arabian Horse Conservancy. Her Hawks Haven Farm in Capron, IL specializes in Krush Davenports.
Kim took over the Al Khamsa Business Office in 1993, serving for over 20 years! She is currently helping the Database committee evaluate registrations and is serving as Secretary for that Committee.
President Monica Respect appreciates Kim’s keen voice of reason on the present Al Khamsa Board. “Kim quietly gets things done,” continues Monica. “She does not speak often, but when she does, it is worth the listen.”
Bear Creek Ranch Proudly Supports the Al Khamsa Straight Egyptian Arabian horse
Featured is our stallion Nebras Al Rayyan (Ansata Hejazi x Naama Al Rayyan). Nebras is the epitome of how kind, intelligent and loving the Al Khamsa horse is. We would like to welcome you to come visit us in person or virtually soon. We look forward to hearing from you! Carol and Reilly
Bear Creek Ranch
Carol & Reilly Maginn carolmaginn@gmail.com 1135 Schuelke Road Lockhart, TX 78644 USA 512-359-2842 www.bearcreek-ranch.com www.maginnmedia.com