Alaa Ibrahim - Candidature for IFMSA VPCB2017-2018

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International Federation of Medical Student Association (IFMSA)

Vice President Capacity Building Candidature Alaa Ibrahim-2017/18 MedSIN-Sudan 1|P ag e

Preface 1. Motivation Letter

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2. Priorities - Sustainability & Development - IFMSA Strategy 2017-20 - Standing Committee Capacity Building - Capacity Building out Reach

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3. Detailed Priorities

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4. Curriculum Vita

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Motivation Letter Dear IFMSA Family, You might have asked yourself the moment you saw me popping up again for theVice President onCapacity Building position, and wondered: why she is doing it again? What can be the reason behind this motivation? Does she believe in herself that much as a change agent in IFMSA? Well, the passion, devotion, loyalty and sincerely I have toward this federation may explain it! Throughout the years, I spent lots of time and efforts as a very active IFMSA member. I have learnt that being student is not just about studying books and have rounds in hospitals, but rather about changing the way you think, gaining the ability of being open minded so you could understand the diversity and complexity of the people you are dealing with. It is about the voluntary work you offer to the community and mostly about all the ideas and change that comes true in reality. Over years IFMSA has become an integral part of my life. It has become platform that brings together like-minded people, who share a vision of a better world, and an organization that welcomes everybody who is willing to work. As I always look back to all the competitive roles that I have assumed, I thrive with more strength to move forward, in hope to learn, work, and grow as a person. The positions that I have held have helped me to mature and become a more professional person. I have held two position locally with in my Local Committee as the local Secretary General and LORP (2013) on the same year, which would seem impossible for others to believe, but through hard work and dedication I fulfilled my tasks for the fullest. Later, I have become part of the National Board of MEDSIN Sudan, and that empowered me on multiple levels, as I learnt more about other Local Committee, and long impact of every decision made. I have returned back to aid my NMO as part of the Advisory Board of MedSIN Sudan in 2015/2016, and this experience in particular taught me how to look through headlines and try to see things in more than one perspective. Although all that I have written before does not answer why I chose VPCB, but my next experiences are the source of my inspiration and motivation. Back in December 2012, I have become an IFMSA Trainer and right after that Youth Peer Education Trainer. I deeply got involved in delivering Training sessions, organizing workshops and work on Capacity building field, which connected me more to IFMSA. I kept my passion going, and I pushed myself multiple times through my limits, and when I ran for IFMSA Training Support Division Regional Assistant forAfrica2014/15, I happily got selected, and served in a fruitful term. The year after I also ran for Capacity Building Regional Assistant for Africa2015/2016, and I got selected for the position as well.

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In those terms IFMSA had show me the incredible potential and impact that medical students can have, and teaches its members skills and knowledge, and give them an encouragement to take action that wouldn’t find anywhere else. This combination made me realize that I want to give more back to IFMSA than it has given me so far, making me want to dedicate another year working within this Federation and within the Team of Officials and EB members. All the experiences I have gained in those years and the passion to this Federation pushed me to candidate for this position, and because I believe in the diversity IFMSA has, and through this diversity we will achieve our Vision and Mission. I also believe that leadership is a fundamental and basic need for our Federation to grow well, therefore I promise to serve the Federation with dedication, determination, focus, openness, joy and integrity. I hope if elected to get the chance to empower the members, train stronger and more experienced leaders, and develop strategies that would aid the Standing Committees and the Federation as a whole. I am proud and loved to be called IFMSAian, and I consider this as my identity. The Federation has given me so much; it’s time that I devote my services for the federation in return. I am candidate with a dream, a dream which I am longing for years to know how it feels to be in the Highest Team, how it feel to serve at this platform. These are not words but my true feelings for my federation.

Yours Sincerely Alaa Ibrahim IFMSA Candidate for VPCB 2017-18

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Sustainability & Development

IFMSA Strategy 2017- 20

Standing Committee CB

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Capacity Building outreach

Detailed Priorities “Plan of Action”

1- Sustainability & Development Why? I believe that “Sustainable development is the masterful balance of meeting ourneeds of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs” IFMSA have gone far in capacity building than any other International Student Organizations, what we need currently is to sustain the resources &the high quality Capacity building events we have at hand now,on other hand developing ofnew strategy to move forward toward the Federation Mission.

How? -

Sustaining the flow of regular capacity building sessions & workshops during our General Assemblies, Regional Meetings and Sub-regional Trainings. Genuine International Team, to carry with this huge responsibility, to focus more on the Regional & National Standers. Follow UP on the SWG for Training Standardization, which has been started the current term: to have a new standardized Training Resource Center with new Guidelines. Support, manage & evaluate Capacity building events along with the IFMSA VPA. Working on a new strategy on developing our approach to Capacity Building within IFMSA & Externally.

What? IFMSA is a reliable organization with efficient internal processes, and it ensures coherence between its past, present and future. By providing adequate support for its volunteers the Federation ensures that more medical students feel they can serve the Federation. IFMSA provides tailored support to its members, who actively engage in the development & sustainability of the Federation. (From IFMSA Strategy14-17)

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2- IFMSA Strategy 2017-20

Why? All organizations evolve. Even without an overall plan for where the organization is headed, new ideas will emerge, new initiatives will kick off, and a lot of work will be done, although these efforts may not be very well-aligned. The strategic plan helps the organization implement structural changes that transcend individual leaderships. It is the key to ensure that future leaderships follow up on and conclude the implementation. And to mention that Capacity Building is fundamental needs for IFMSA to developed and achieve its long-term strategic goals defined by the National Members. The reason why, it is one of the important priorities in my term is to work in accordance, of course with the rest of the officials, to ensure continuity, transparency and accountability in the work of IFMSA.

How? -

Follow up & acknowledge the current Strategy2014-17 Evaluation. Adapt the Capacity Building plan for the term follow the adoption of the IFMSA new Strategy at AM2017. Support & Work closely with the Team of Officials (specially the SC Directors) elect toward achieving the adopted Strategy.

What? The strategy is a tool to help the organization realize its mission. By working strategically, the Federation asserts to cherish and further this unique quality of our international volunteer organization. The engine that drives IFMSA is fueled by the initiative and passion of our volunteers and members. And it is from this grassroots layer new ideas and activities IFMSA employs a “soft� approach to strategic planning. This means that the plan has a narrow scope on structural changes that cannot be realized in one term, and it leaves room for each Team of Officials to also work on their own short-term objectives

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3- Standing Committee CB Why? The Standing Committees are the sticks that IFMSA walks with, to achieve its vision and missions, and to have the highest community impact overall and in different areas of the SCs. For Capacity Building again is the back bone of our all activities & events in IFMSA, it will be one the priorities in the term to focus deeply with the SC Directors to deliver out the best activities & events.

How? -

Structuring the soft skills training/sessions according to the need of each SC, together with its director of-course. Support the SC workshops & events e.g.: (TMET, PHLT, IPAS, PRETs ‌) Support the SC sessions during IFMSA Meetings (GAs, RMs & SRTs) Have regular meeting / being close to the SC directors for follow up.

What? Standing committee directed capacity building. As per VPCB tasks coordinating the SC Directors, and help them under the umbrella of Capacity Building.

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4- Capacity Building Outreach Why? The endeavor aim and the vision of IFMSA is “A world in which all medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally.” Capacity building does not merely support what IFMSA do. It is actually what IFMSA does. That is why only we can achieve our vision & mission through a very tenth, strong Capacity Building base. And to make it happen, capacity building should reach and well structured all over the IFMSA National Members, so we are on the same page.

How? -


A survey will be send to all NMOs, contains questions & feedback about their status in Capacity Building field, so we have it back as a reflection on where to start on every region initially. Use the International Team to work closely with the NMOs whom in their first steps on initiating & maintain this backbone. Pushing on CB workshops among the regions, apart from the GAs & RMs to provide more opportunities for those didn’t get the chance. Have materials at hands to the Trainers for well standardized sessions.

What? IFMSA Capacity Building aiming to empower & equip medical students from around the world with various soft skills, knowledge & values to be agents of positive change in their communities. It’s considered as the Back bone of IFMSA, as it featured in our projects, our trainings, our activities, our campaigns and our workshops. Here why came the idea of “Capacity Building outreach” so we achieve our vision & mission.

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Curriculum vita

Name: Alaa Ibrahim Aboalgasim Alhaj Gender: Female Age: 23 Marital Status: single Nationality: Sudanese Past Position: IFMSA Capacity Building RA Africa 15/16 Occupation: Medical Student, 6th year NMO: MedSIN-Sudan Address: Ahfad University for women-Faculty of Medicine - Omdurman/ Alarda Street Mobile No.: +249929558125 Email: or

Languages Arabic: Native English: Fluent ¡ Spanish: Basic

Education 2010 - Present Medicine and General Surgery (MBBS(Faculty of Medicine, University of Ahfad Sudan / Omdurman – Khartoum

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Qualifications & Positions             

International Federation of Medical Students Associations Official Trainer – since Dec 2012 IFMSA Old Trainer Since September 2013 IFMSA youth peer education Trainer on Reproductive Health2013 Local Secretary General – AMSA- Ahfad Medical Students Association2012 - 2013 MedSIN – Sudan)MedSIN –Sudan) Member of National Council-2012-2013 MedSIN-Sudan - LORP(Local Officer on Human Rights and Peace) 2012-2013 International Organizing Committee for African Regional Meeting (ARM) -2013 Ethiopia International Organizing Committee for ARM2014- Uganda IFMSA Training Support Division Regional Assistant for Africa 2014-2015 IFMSA Training Support Division Support Person for MM2015-Antalay/Turkey MedSIN-Sudan Advisory Board 2015/2016 IFMSA Capacity Building Regional Assistant for Africa 2015/2016 IFMSA Capacity Building Support Person for MM2016-Malta

Conferences Attended                       

Eastern Meditrainian Regional Meeting EMR in Dubai - June 2011. African Regional Meeting in Kenya ARM - December 2011. MedSIN-Sudan 13th national GA - April 2011. MedSIN-Sudan 14th national GA - September 2011. MedSIN-Sudan 15th national GA - April 2012. MedSIN-Sudan 16th national GA - September 2012 African Regional Meeting in Tanzania ARM - December 2012 Sub Regional Training in Egypt SRT- May 2013 IFMSA-Asia pacific Regional Meeting APRM2013 – Indonesia MedSIN-Sudan 20th National GA-April2014 63th IFMSA August Meeting AM2014 – Taipei/ Taiwan. 1st Asia Pacific SRT – Tokyo/Japan as Facilitator & Coordinator African Regional Meeting in Uganda ARM-December 2014 Eastern Meditrainian Regional Meeting in Egypt EMR -2015 64th IFMSA-March Meeting MM2015 –Antalya/Turkey 16th World Conference on Tobacco or Health in Abu Dhabi 2015 1st Africa Sub Regional Training Kenya/ Mombasa 2015 64th IFMSA-August Meeting AM2015- Ohrid/Macedonia 2015 21th MedSIN-Sudan national GA-September. World Humanitarian Submit as IFMSA delegate2015 – Doha/Qatar. African Regional Meeting in Rwanda 2015 2nd IADS “International Association for Dental Student” SRT 2016 – Sudan. IFMSA-Jo Summer Camp 2016 – Shoubak

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Organized    

MedSIN-Sudan 16th national GA - April 2009 (Vise president of organizing committee) ARM-Ethiopia 2013 (IOC “International Organizing Committee”) ARM-Uganda 2014 (IOC) 1st Africa Sub Regional Training SRT – Kenya2015

International Workshops Attended      

Think Global - Pre ARM2011 Code Blue exploring Mental Health-PreAM2014 Global health IPET “ Y-Peer” Sudan2011 TNT PreARM2012 Strategic Planning – Sudan2013

Conducted -

TNT “ APRM2013-Indonesia” TNT “ Oman Camp2013” TNT “1ST Asia Pacific SRT Tokyo2014” Co-organizer Global health workshop in “ 1st Asia Pacific SRT” TNT workshop PreARM2014-Uganda TNT – in 64th IFMSA Pre GA Turkey2015 Role OF Medical Students in Tobacco Control “ 16th World Conference on Tobacco or Health2015” Abu-Dhabi TNT – 1ST Africa SRT2015 TAMYL “Training African Medical Youth Leaders” in ARM2015 – Rwanda TNT – 2nd IADS SRT “as IFMSA Representative through IFMSA LOSO2015/16” TNT – IFMSA-Jo SUMMER Camp – July/2016 Coordinated & Organized Online different workshops.

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International Training Received                 

Project Management Public speaking Communication skills Motivation & Empowerment Leader ship Presentation skill Team building Strategic Planning Creative things Project weekend Leadership 2 (Local Organization Management) Stress management Decision making Fundraising& Financial stability Team building and Group Dynamics Time management Advocacy and lobbying

Conducted               

Facilitation skills Y-Peer education Presentation skills Communication and presentation skills Team building and group dynamic Set up and manage your project Creative thinking Time management Stress Management Positive thinking Evaluation and feedback Project Management Intercultural Learning Advocacy & Lobbing How to Build a training division

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Skills & Hobbies -

Microsoft Office Package. Internet Surfing

Hoppy-s Reading . Dancing Traveling . Playing Volley, basket Ball .

REFRENSECES: Available upon requested

IFMSA Africa 1st SRT-Kenya2015

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