Architectural Portfolio

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curri culum vi tae



DateofBi rth:JULY 1994 Locati on:UNI TED ARAB EMI RATES

CONTACT: Emai l:alaa. shi bl y1@gmai l. com phone:+971 58 524 0794 Li nkedI n:https: / / goo. gl/ 7Px1Q

Twi n Vi lla

Locati on:UAE,Ajman,ALJURF 2

Pri vateResi dence

Locati on:UAE,Ajman,ALJURF 2


AspartofDUBAIDESI GN WEEK 2018. thecollegeofarchi tecture,artand desi gn ( CAAD)AtAUS organi sed the workshopwi th theobjecti veof fosteri ng awarenessofsust ai nabi li ty. asoneofthechosen desi gnersto parti ci pate, onl yrecycled materi als wereused to desi gn and f abri cate fullscalefurni tureprototypes. Mydesi gn wasasi mplechai rinamed thebullchai rusi ng di fferenttypesof reclai med wood. thedesi gn embracestheuni quenessof each pi eceastheywerekept unpoli shed wi th theburn marksover someofthem to emphasi sethesecond li fei twasgi ven to i t

second li fe closeup



1 Pr oj ec t Pl an ni ng


replanni ng of rknaldi n

wo rk sh op

Mi ni stryof cul tureand I nformati on

Rehabi li tati on complex

6 Bat’ s wi ng

Ex ec ut i ve

De si gn




Anci entci ty ofDamascus Maquette

Ex ec ut i ve

D es i gn

Twi sti ng offi ce tower

7 Car Gallary

8 Car Gallary


l o c a t e do na nu r b a nz o n et of o l l o wt h e mo d e r nwa yo f d e s i g n i n gr e h a b si no r d e r t oa t t r a c t h e a l t h yp e o p l et oh e l pi nt h e p r o c e s so f h e a l i n g . r e ema i nl a r g e T h ec o mp l e xe n c l o s e st h s q u a r e so nd i f f e r e n t l e v e l st h eu s eo f r a mp s, e x p e r i me n t a l s t a i r sa n du n d e r g r o u n df a c i l i t i e sma k e same mo r a b l ewa l k . T h ec o mp l e xc o n s i s t so f : T h eMa i nBu i l d i n g p s y c o l o g i c a l t h e r a p y P h y s i o t h e r a p y v o c a t i o n a l R e h a b St a f f a n dp a t i e n t sd o r mi t a r y . T h ef i v ep r i ma r ys e c t i o n sa r ec o n n e c t e d t h r o u g ht r a n s p a r e n t b r i d g e s , u n e r g r o u n d p a t h sa swe l l a sl a n d s c a p e

T h eu s eo f b i me t a l s ma r t ma t e r i a l si ns p e c i f i c f a c a d e st oc r e a t eaz e r o e n e r g ye c ob u i l d i n g t h ef a c a d e ’ sc o n c e p t i st omi mi ct hh u ma n p o r e so f t h es k i na st h e yo p e na n dc l o s e d e p e n d i n go nh u mi d i t ya n dt e mp r e t u r e . . t h ec e l l sa r ema d eo u t o f ac o mb i n a t i o no f me t a l st h a t i n t e r a c t d i f f e r e n t l yt oh e a t wh i c h a l l o wst h e mt os e l f b e n di nd i f f e r e n t d i r e c t i o n sc r e a t i n ga e s t h e i c a l l yd i f f e r e n t f a c a d e s.

Mu l t i p l e o wn e r s

Rehabi li tai on Complex


securei nternalmovement ofusers and thestartof volumeformati on

I ni ti alprojectformati on concerni ng networks

theformati on ofi nternal spaces and thestudyof pedestri an movementwi thi n

creati ng an experi encefor pati ents from publi cto pri vatespaces i nboxoutboxHei rarchy

Mi ni stryofnati onalmedi a

Mu l t i p l e o wn e r s

Accessto i nformati on creates opportuni ti esforeveryonei n soci ety. and thi srefersto all i nformati on.peopleusei ti n manyformsto makedeci si ons aboutthei rdai lyli ves.thi scan rangefrom acti onssuch bei ng ableto read pri cetags,to physi callyenterahallto parti ci patei n an event. thedesi gn reflectsthe conceptofasi mplecubi cshape i n agovernmentalcomplexthat focused on axi altyand clari ty i n movmentofci ti zi nsalong 14 othermi ni stri es, consulates and aparli ament.

exploded vi ew

accessableGovernment bui ldi ng Enhancetheaccessi bi li ty and usabi li tyforthe publi c. Transparancyi skeyasi t resemblesthegenui neness ofthemi ni stry. coreaswellasci rcumferenti almovementofvi si ters

Executi vedesi gn Executi vedesi gn

twi sti ng offi ceTower

concretecoreas wellas tensi oned cables supporti ng thestructure.

Mu l t i p l e o wn e r s

transfer plateevery 5 stori es.

ANCI ENTCI TY OFDAMASCUS MAQUETTE Document ati on and f abri cati on of themaquetteofthewalled ci ty ofDamascusasacollaborati on workshopatDamascusUni versi ty wasapartofBui ldi ng rehabi li t ati on Courset aughtby prof. Abi r arkawiVi ceDean oftheFacul ty ofArchi tecture. theproject’ sdurati on wastwo months.


r te as m an pl


theuni t

Starti ng from a si mplebox, a partoftheBat’ s wi ng i n created.

RHI NOCEROS WORKSHOP 3d workshopusi ng Rhi noceros software Sleepi ng posi ti on mydesi gn concept was i nspi red bythe movementofbat’ s Fl yi ng posi ti on wi ngs as wellas i ts varyi ng posi ti ons by anal ysi ng them i nto geometri calshapes. iwas ableto experi mentwi th di fferent products from creati ng meshes & gri ds to li ghti ng elements.

3D volumei nspi rati on

DamascusAnci entCarGallary located on Tropi canaland overlooki ng averyi mportantroad networki n the anci entci tyofDamascus. thedesi gn conceptwasto createasi mple shaped li nearbui ldi ng thatrespectsthe low ri senei ghborhood butyetstandsout wi th i tsstructurethatrequi red theuse ofmetalbraced framesconnected and supported hori zantallyby“I �beams. overlai d wi th ametalmesh to support theski n coveri ngthestructure.

CAR Gallary

Executi veDesi gn

topvi ew

Mu l t i p l e o wn e r s

CAR GALLARY STRUCTURAL DESI GN themai n roofi s supported by3 arched pi llars i n thelobbyenclosi ng a ci rcular ramp.theother 5 secti ons ofthe gallaryaresemi Geodesi c di agri d domes. theroofi s further supported by spacedoutsteelelements and theload works i ts waydown thearches thatare extra supporti ng thedomes.

Pri vateResi dence: Locati on:UAE,Ajman,AlHi llow1

Pri vateResi dence: Locati on:UAE,Ajman,AlHi llow

Commerci alResi denti alBui ldi ng G +3 Podi um + 10 Typi cal Locati on:UAE,Ajman,LI WARA 2

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