Alabama Living, December 2015

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Small-town stages showcase local talent Spice up your holiday desserts with peppermint

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VOL. 68 NO. 12 DECEMBER 2015

11 A Christmas memory The school days of 1951 might have been just another time remembered in the yearbook for columnist Hardy Jackson, if not for Christmas.

34 Peppermint treats

More than any other aroma, the smell of peppermint says “holidays” to many of us. Our readers’ recipes shine the spotlight on peppermint in pies, cakes, cookies and treats that will tingle your tastebuds! Tyson Hall, an alum of the AREA Youth Tours, stars as Wade Hall in the Red Door Theatre’s 2015 production of “Conecuh People.” The Union Springs playhouse is one of dozens of small-town theaters in Alabama that offer locals a chance to shine on stage.

28 Top-rated steaks worth the drive

Big Mike’s in Thomasville has only been open two years, but its steaks are already rated among the tops in the state.


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Spotlight Cook of the Month Outdoors Fish & Game Forecast Snapshots

Printed in America from American materials

Alabama Living


Cooking up holiday energy savings For many of us, the best holidays involve home-cooked meals and wonderful aromas of turkey, stuffing and baked goods wafting throughout the house. It means a busy kitchen and a bustling house full of family and friends. If this rings true for you, despite the increased kitchen activity, you still have an opportunity to save energy during the holidays.

is used in the kitchen. So, saving energy here can have a significant impact on your household budget. For example, when preparing side dishes, baked goods, soups and such, consider using small appliances like a slow cooker, toaster oven, microwave or warming plate instead of your conventional oven or stovetop. These small appliances are a

oven. If your oven is electric, you can likely turn the oven off for the last five to ten minutes of cooking and allow the residual heat to complete the job. Clean burners and reflectors increase efficiency and offer better heating, so don’t neglect this small but important task. Just as keeping the oven door closed seals in efficiency and enables the stove to operate more economically, the same rules apply to the refrigerator and freezer. Keep the doors closed as much as possible so cold air doesn’t escape. However, leaving the door open for a longer period of time while you load groceries or remove items you need is more efficient than opening and closing it several times. If you are entertaining a large group, you may be able to give your furnace a brief holiday. When your oven is working hard and you have a house full of guests, the heat from the stove and the guests will keep your house comfortable, enabling you to turn down the thermostat. Clean up with energy savings

Cut carbs (carbon) painlessly In addition to being the “heart of your home,” your kitchen could pump savings back into your wallet. According to the Department of Energy, cooking accounts for 4.5 percent of total energy use in U.S. homes. This number, combined with the energy use associated with refrigeration, dish-washing and hot water heating means that as much as 15 percent of the energy in the average American home 4  DECEMBER 2015

smart, energy-saving alternative, typically using about half the energy of a stove. Seal in efficiency When using your oven, don’t peek! Opening the oven door can lower the temperature by as much as 25 degrees and causes your stove to work harder (consuming more energy) to return to the desired cooking temperature. If your recipe calls for baking the dish more than an hour, it is not necessary to preheat the

When it’s time to clean up, extend fellowship to the kitchen, and wash and dry dirty dishes by hand. This uses less energy than a dishwasher. However, don’t leave the water running continuously, or you will waste energy. If you do use the dishwasher and rinse dishes before loading them, use cold water. Run the dishwasher with full loads only, and if possible, use the energy-saving cycle. Note that dishwashers that have overnight or air power dry settings can save up to 10 percent of your dish-washing energy costs. By adapting these efficient practices in your kitchen, energy savings will be one more thing to be thankful for this holiday season.

Alabama Living

Tips for weathering winter storms Winter storms can cause hazardous road conditions, downed power lines, and extended power outages. Safe Electricity shares tips on preparing for and safely weathering winter storms. Before a storm ever begins, tune into your local weather service for the weather forecast. It is important to know the differences among various watches and warnings. II Winter Storm Watches signify that stormy conditions, including heavy snow, freezing rain, or sleet, are likely within the next few days. You should be alert, as this means adverse conditions could begin within the next 12 to 48 hours. II Winter Storm Warnings call for stormy conditions to begin within the next 24 hours. Those in the range of the warning should be mindful of the impending conditions and consider canceling plans to travel outside of the home.

Alabama Living

II Blizzard Warnings advise those in the affected areas to seek refuge immediately due to high levels of snow, strong winds, and resulting near-zero visibility to those traveling on the road. If the power goes out, notify your utility of the outage. Have an emergency kit prepared to help you and your family weather the storm and the outage safely and comfortably. Some of the items this kit should include are bottled water, nonperishable food, flashlights, a weather radio and extra batteries. If you are using an alternative heating source during an outage, know how to use it safely and have all supplies for it gathered. To help you and your family stay warm during an outage, dress warmly, cover windows at night, close off unneeded rooms, and place draft blocks at the bottom of doors. To protect your circuits and appliances when power is restored, switch off lights and unplug appliances. Leave one light switched on as a quick reminder that the

power is restored. Only venture outside if absolutely necessary. Downed power lines could be submerged in snow and ice, making them difficult to see. If you must go outside, use caution and treat all downed and hanging lines as if they are energized. Stay away, warn others to stay away, and immediately contact your utility. If travel is necessary, be especially cautious driving, and keep an emergency kit in your vehicle. Its supplies should include a windshield scraper, a first aid kit, a cell phone charging adaptor, booster cables, a blanket, and a flashlight with extra batteries. Never drive over a downed line because that could pull down the pole and other equipment, causing additional hazards. If you see a downed line, do not get out of your car. The safest place is inside the vehicle. Contact the utility immediately. For more information on electrical safety and weathering winter storms, visit DECEMBER 2015  5

Wildlife and the Outdoors

Avid Bowhunter Survey By David Rainer Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

With the successful Alabama Avid amount of game they were.” chery season in the north zone, basically Turkey Hunter Survey as its model, the Metzler said it will take several years that area north of Montgomery, opened Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisher- of data to determine any trend lines, and on October 15. The south zone bow seaies (WFF) Division is recruiting another hunters shouldn’t be greatly concerned son opened on October 25, but the bowdiehard group of hunters. with any single year’s information. hunters in the south zone also get to take The Alabama Avid Bowhunter Survey “In any given year, I don’t think that advantage of a deer season closing date of will provide information to WFF biolo- information is going to mean a whole lot,” February 10. gists and managers to aid in management he said. “From year to year, the more inThe key for the data collection is condecisions for Alabama’s white-tailed deer formation we build, I believe it will pro- tinued participation throughout the huntherd, which is estimated at about 1.5 mil- vide very useful information.” ing season. lion animals. Metzler said this bowhunter survey “If they bowhunt 10 days or more, we The survey is not aimed at the casual shouldn’t be confused with the informa- want them to sign up,” Metzler said. “But bowhunter who might take his bow and tion hunters are urged to provide through if they put down their bow at the start of arrow to the woods a few days of the sea- the Game Check program. gun season, we still want them to continson. WFF personnel are looking for bow“Game Check is really more about the ue to report what they see all the way to hunters who will be in the field at least 10 harvest,” he said. “The avid bowhunter the end of the gun season. What that will days a year. Obviously, the more days in survey is more about the sightings. With do is give us sightings information over the woods the better the data the course of the whole will be. deer season. The data gathered will be “Most people will tell used to monitor deer popuyou that December is the lations and measure hunter doldrums for deer huntsatisfaction and success. ing in the state, especially Participants in the Avid the south half of the state. Bowhunter Survey will be That’s something we can asked to provide information use to support that notion on several aspects of their that sightings go down in hunts: which county they December.” hunted; the date and time Metzler said the Avid of each hunt; the number of Bowhunter Survey will bucks, does, and/or fawns The dates when spotted fawns are seen give WFF biologists an idea of help WFF officials comseen; the type of land being conception dates and rutting activity. pile a broader data set on hunted (i.e. river bottom, pine the whitetail sightings and plantation, upland hardwoods); and other Game Check, you could be hunting in a harvest in Alabama. basic information related to the hunt. place where you see 50 deer in one after“Between the mail survey, Deer Man“We’re hoping the bowhunter survey noon and you don’t kill anything, then we agement Program data and the Avid Bowwill give us good information, like the won’t get any information. hunter Survey, we will be able to provide turkey hunter survey is doing,” said Ray “I think the information on the two a much more comprehensive deer report,” Metzler, WFF’s Assistant Chief of Wildlife. programs might be a little similar. In he said. “If people will look at the Full “If it gives us good trend data from what places where you see a lot of deer, you Fans and Sharp Spurs report on turkeys, our hunters see throughout the season, would expect hunters to kill a lot of deer. they will see the brood survey, the huntfrom year to year, I think it will give us Depending on what kind of management er harvest information and the Wildlife quality information. programs these clubs or landowners Management Area (WMA) harvest. We’re “I think hunters will enjoy seeing this might be on, that might not necessarily looking to produce something like that in information as well. They can look at be the case.” the deer world. We may collect data for the average deer sightings and look at it Metzler said the change in Alabama’s a while, and then produce our first pubin years past to see if it’s increasing or deer season to two zones has changed the lication after we have two or three years decreasing or seeing basically the same dynamics of the survey just a bit. The ar- of data. Chris Cook (WFF Deer Studies 6  DECEMBER 2015

Alabama Living

Project Leader) and I have talked about that our goal is to provide a better deer report and provide better information regarding deer management in Alabama.” Metzler said there are currently between 300 and 400 hunters signed up for the Avid Bowhunter Survey. “Ultimately, we’d like to have 10,000 hunters signed up,” he said. “If we could get even 3,000 to participate, it would be pretty meaningful. When we start doing the publication, it will highlight the deer data from year to year. I’m sure there are a lot of hunters and hunting clubs that keep sightings from year to year. And I’m sure they look back at it to see what happened in previous years. What we’re trying to do is build something like that on a statewide level.” To participate in the Avid Bowhunter Survey, contact WFF at 334-242-3469 or email Robin Heath at robin.heath@dcnr. Bowhunters will be provided the information from WFF staff needed to complete the survey. Alabama finally got some much-needed

rain recently, which should help the food plot success immensely. Metzler said he expects deer to use food plots more this season because of a mediocre mast crop. “The acorn crop where I hunt in Butler County is kind of limited,” he said. “It’s definitely not a bumper crop of acorns. I think the acorns we do have will be highly utilized. Where I hunt, we have white oaks and scattered water oaks. I expect the white oak acorns to be gone before long. And all this dry weather has probably made the browse pretty unpalatable. “I was on a deer forum the other night and somebody called their green fields ‘dust patches.’ Hunters were really concerned. Now that we’ve got some rain, there’s typically enough seed left from previous plantings to get a decent plot. When you get moisture, there will be plants that come up the deer will utilize.” For information about the 2015-2016 deer season including hunting zone maps and bag limits, visit www.outdooralabama. com/season-and-bag-limits.

If you bowhunt 10 or more days per season, the Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Division wants you to participate in the Avid Bowhunter Survey so they can gain better insight into the white-tailed deer population dynamics.

Energy Efficiency Tip of the Month Remember to close your fireplace damper (unless a fire is burning). Keeping the damper open is like leaving a window wide open during the winter, allowing warm air to escape through the chimney. Source:

Alabama Living

DECEMBER 2015  7

Tips for staying safe this holiday season Gathering with family and friends during the holidays often means making great memories, reliving traditions, and sharing the spirit of the season. However, amid all the festivities, don’t forget about safety. Safe Electricity shares tips to help ensure that your holiday season—whether decorating, feasting, or traveling — remains a safe one. Keep safety in mind when decorating the home. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), decorative holiday lighting is involved in an average of 160 home fires each year, nine deaths, and $9 million in property damage. II Ensure that your tree is placed at least 3 feet away from heat sources such as fireplaces or radiators and on a stable platform. II Before hanging holiday lights, check for worn spots, fraying, and excessive kinking. Damaged stands of lights should not be used. II Consider investing in LED light strands. Although they are more expensive than traditional incandescent bulbs, LED lights last much longer and are also more efficient and durable.

8  DECEMBER 2015

Don’t get burned in the kitchen. Alongside the joy of the holiday season, the NFPA has found that the number of home fires and electrical accident increases during winter months. Approximately 30 percent of total home fires and 38 percent of associated fatalities occur in December, January, and February. The leading cause for fires in the home is a malfunction in cooking equipment. II Clean your stovetop and oven often, especially before the large amount of baking and cooking that takes place for family gatherings. Doing so will help prevent fires in the kitchen, should a malfunction or accident in the kitchen take place. II Do not leave combustible items, such as towels or pot holders, near the stove top. II Keep all appliance cords away from heat. II Never use appliances near the kitchen sink. Plug appliances into ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets. Unplug your appliances when they are not in use.

Whether you are leaving the home for a few hours or for a few weeks, turn off all lights when they are not in use. Your neighbors can still enjoy your exterior Christmas lights while you are away if you put them on an automatic timer. This will remove the extra worry of an electrical accident while also reducing energy costs. If you will be gone for an extended holiday trip, you can reduce the risk of a power surge damaging equipment by unplugging unneeded electrical devices before leaving. For more home electrical safety tips, visit

In December

Spot Light

DEC. 5

Christmas with a White House touch There are a limited number of tickets to meet former White House pastry chef Roland Mesnier during the White House Christmas Coffee and Dessert Buffet at the American Village in Montevallo. Beginning at 10 a.m. Dec. 5 at Liberty Hall, Mesnier will greet guests and discuss and sign his new book, The White House in Gingerbread: Memories and Recipes ($39.99 hardback). Mesnier served as pastry chef to five U.S. presidents. Tickets are $100. Call 205-665-3535, or 877-811-1776.

A step back in time for the holidays

Warm up to some holiday hospitality during the annual open house from 1-4 p.m. Dec. 13 at Landmark Park in Dothan. Visitors are invited to sample turn-of-the-century desserts and sip hot chocolate while children make traditional Christmas decorations and enjoy wagon rides. A circuitriding preacher will arrive to deliver a Christmas message in the historic Presbyterian church. Call 334-794-3452.

RTJ courses offer winter memberships Alabama’s Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail will launch a new winter membership, featuring unlimited golf through the end of February at nine RTJ locations. Golfers may purchase winter memberships in monthly increments for up to four months. They’re $150 per month per person, or $225 per couple per month. RTJ Ross Bridge and Lakewood Club aren’t part of the promotion, but will be available for play at discounted rates for winter members. Visit

SAFETY TIP! If you plan to set off fireworks this year, note these tips from the National Council on Fireworks Safety: Obey all local laws; read cautionary labels before igniting; a responsible adult should supervise all firework activities; wear safety glasses; never relight a “dud” firework; always have a bucket of water and charged water hose nearby; and never carry fireworks in your pocket. For more tips, visit

Martha Stewart honors Alabama entrepreneur Gina Locklear, owner of Zkano, the successful sock company in Fort Payne, has been honored with the 2015 Martha Stewart American Made Award. A panel of judges selected Zkano’s sister company, the Little River Sock Mill, as one of 10 winners of the award. Locklear and the other winners were invited to New York for a networking event and creative maker lecture series with industry leaders and innovators. They also won a cash prize and an opportunity to be featured in Martha Stewart Living magazine to help promote and grow their businesses.

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Power Pack

Social Security helps the homeless More than half a million Americans experience homelessness on any given night. Nearly 20 percent of them are “chronically homeless,” meaning they are on the streets regularly. Social Security has several programs that pay benefits to qualified individuals, including those who are homeless. These programs include retirement, disability, and survivors benefits, as well as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which is a needs-based program for people who are blind, disabled, or age 65 or older. If you know someone who is homeless, and you want to learn more about how Social Security might help, a good place to get information is at That page includes a link to the Spot-

light on Homelessness — a website designed to help the homeless apply for SSI. It’s available at www.socialsecurity. gov/ssi/spotlights/spot-homeless.htm. The homelessness page also includes links to information on health care for the homeless, institutionalization, advocacy groups, reports on homeless outreach, and even links to other websites like the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness and HUD. You’ll find other information helpful to the homeless on www.socialsecurity. gov. For example, there is a link to our Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool, or BEST. Based on answers to various questions, this tool helps determine the benefits someone might be eligible for and gives information about how to qualify

and apply. Go directly to Tell anyone you know who is homeless or threatened with homelessness to use the Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool and to check out the different types of benefits and assistance they may be eligible to receive. Spread the word about the help available to the homeless. Visit to learn more. A

Kylle’ McKinney, SSA Public Affairs Specialist, can be reached by e-mail at kylle.

Bo Jackson, Randy Owen among Academy of Honor inductees The Alabama Academy of Honor, established in 1965, recently celebrated its 50th class with a ceremony in the Old House Chamber of the state Capitol. The Alabama Academy of Honor bestows honor and recognition upon Alabamians for accomplishments and service benefiting or reflecting great credit on the state. Gov. Robert Bentley welcomed the honorees and guests, and Richard Arrington Jr., who was the first AfricanAmerican mayor of Birmingham, made remarks on behalf of the incoming class. Arrington was re-elected to four additional terms as mayor, and during his administration the city expanded its limits by 60 square miles and reduced crime to a 25-year low. The other five new members are: Raymond J. Harbert: Harbert has served as chairman and CEO of Harbert Management Corp. since it was organized in 1993. He serves on the board of trustees at Auburn University, the Robert Meyer Foundation and Children’s Hospital of Alabama. Vincent E. “Bo” Jackson: The native 10  DECEMBER 2015

of Bessemer lettered in football, baseball and track at Auburn University and won the Heisman Trophy in 1985. He was selected as an a l l st ar i n t w o s p or t s when he played professionally for the Kansas City Royals and the Los Bo Jackson, left, talks with Gov. Robert Bentley at the Academy of Honor ceremony. PHOTO BY ALLISON GRIFFIN Angeles Raiders. Now, he’s active with several charities, including his annual educating Alabama children. She’s helped Bo Bikes Bama bicycle ride. launch two statewide coalitions, the Charles C. Krulak: Gen. Krulak served Alabama School Readiness Alliance and 35 years in the U.S. Marine Corps, lastly Alabama GRIT – Graduate Ready. Impact as Commandant of the Marine Corps and Tomorrow. as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In Randy Owen: Owen has been the March 2011, he became the 13th president frontman of the country group Alabama of Birmingham-Southern College; he for more than 40 years. He has established retired in June 2015. several organizations and events that Caroline B. Novak: She is the benefit St. Jude’s Children’s Research president and cofounder of A+ Education Hospital and the Boys and Girls Ranches partnership, a nonprofit dedicated to of Alabama. A

A Christmas memory

Come Christmas, I always think of Taddy. His full name, Tadeusz Klarrman, was too much for the South Alabama tongue. So Taddy is what we called him. He arrived in our little town sometime in 1951. They, the grownups, put him in the 6th grade. By early 1952 he was gone, and today, to me, he would be just another fading picture in an old yearbook. If it weren’t for Christmas. They, the grownups, told us Taddy was a refugee. They didn’t tell us much more. Imagination supplied the rest, and put together a story of how, at the end of World War II, Taddy and his mother were caught behind the Iron Curtain. Then, in the confusion and chaos of postwar Europe they made it across the border and became DPs – Displaced Persons. Sticking together, they survived the camps, found an American sponsor, crossed the ocean, and one day arrived in Grove Hill, Alabama. Since he was a few years older than me, I never really got to know him, never played with him, don’t know if we

ever spoke. All I remember is his riding around town on an old bicycle, alone. And the story my parents told me. It began with his class Christmas party. Students in each room drew names for gift-giving. They don’t do that any more, which is good. The teachers meant well, but name drawing wasn’t fun. Especially for poor kids. I grew up among folks who didn’t have much. Today people look back through rose-tinted glasses and talk about being poor but not knowing it. These children knew it. They were the ones who spent the year collecting the tinfoil from discarded cigarette packages to make shiny balls to decorate their Christmas tree because they could not afford the store-bought kind. It was all their parents could do to buy a Christmas gift for their own children, much less someone else’s. Name drawing reminded them, and us, of their situation. Taddy’s family fell into that category. Mr. Brady owned a hardware store, which during the Christmas season he magically converted into a toyshop where all the delights of childhood could be displayed. Every day after school my friends and I would drop by to see what new wonders had arrived and to stare at the stack of two-gun, double-holster, cappistol sets that were on all our Christmas lists.

NRECA Board names interim CEO The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association has named chief operating officer and chief of staff Jeffrey Connor to serve as interim CEO. He has been acting CEO since August, and will fill the interim position in the continued absence of CEO Jo Ann Emerson due to medical reasons. “We have a very talented team at NRECA, and I’m honored to be a part of a

Alabama Living

dedicated group of people who work so hard for our membership,” Connor says. “Our strong member focus is the highest priority as we move forward together.” Before coming to NRECA, Connor served as chief of staff to Emerson during her service in the U.S. House of Representatives.

I was probably thinking about those guns when my parents told me what happened. Somehow Mr. Brady had learned of Taddy’s situation. So he went and got him and took him to his store and told him to pick out whatever he wanted to give the name he had drawn. Taddy went straight over to the two-gun, double-holster, cappistol set and said “This.” Mr. Brady wrapped it and handed it to him. But that wasn’t the end of the story. Then Mr. Brady told Taddy, “Now you pick out the gift that you would like to have for yourself.” And Taddy went over and picked up another two-gun, doubleholster, cap-pistol set. And I knew what my parents were telling me. Taddy was what Christmas giving should be all about. At Christmas we should give what we, ourselves, treasure most. Now that happened a long time ago. But come Christmas, I always think of Taddy. A

Letters to the editor

Harvey H. (Hardy) Jackson is Professor Emeritus of History at Jacksonville State University. He can be reached at hjackson@

E-mail us at or write us at Letters to the editor P.O. Box 244014 Montgomery, AL 36124

Thank you for publishing the wonderful article by Emmett Burnett on our crewmen (“Wartime Memories: WWII vets return to USS Alabama,” November 2015). It is a great celebration of these brave men and delightful friends. As they say in the Navy – “Bravo Zulu (job well done)”! Rhonda Davis, Marketing Director USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park I enjoyed the article on the USS Alabama in the latest issue. However, I believe that upon boarding the ship, any former crew members would become like 20-year-old SAILORS, not soldiers. Ed Rowe, North Alabama DECEMBER 2015 11


Community theaters provide cultural opportunities for small towns By Minnie Lamberth

Don Roberts as Scrooge and Cade Wittman go over lines for “A Christmas Carol” at the South Baldwin Community Theatre in Gulf Shores. Showtimes are Dec. 4-6 and 11-13.



he Red Door T h e at re i n Union Springs wraps up its 12th season this December with performances of “Always a Bridesmaid,” a comedy about four The Red Door Theatre’s home is the former Southern women Trinity Episcopal Church in Union Springs. keeping a promise PHOTO COURTESY OF THE RED DOOR THEATRE made on their prom night to be in each other’s weddings. As is common for community theaters in small towns across the state, an all-volunteer cast from the area will perform and the play itself will have a Southern focus. “Community theater is really alive and well in Alabama,” says Xan Morrow, chairperson of the Red Door Theatre Committee. “It’s really amazing how good it is.” In Union Springs, the theater is operated by local folks who had a vision for creating cultural opportunities in this small town – as well as a desire to draw visitors for special events. In the early 2000s, The Tourism Council of Bullock County was seeking a vehicle to pull visitors to the community, Morrow explains. “We decided a community theater would be a way to do that.” To make that happen, organizers needed a location, and they found a beautiful venue in the former Trinity Episcopal Church. Built in 1909, the building was donated to the City of Union Springs through an arrangement made by The Episcopal Diocese of Alabama and is used for theatrical performances. The pews and stained glass windows are still there, though upgrades have been made in restroom additions and air conditioning. Organizers also needed the right production. Working in concert with the Troy University Foundation, they were able to commission a play, “Conecuh People,” based on an autobiographical book by Troy graduate and Bullock County native Wade Hall. Barbour County native Ty Adams wrote the play. When the script was completed, Troy’s Department of Theatre and Dance presented the inaugural production. After that, Morrow says, “It became ours for seven years. That became our play.”

Kathryn Adams Wood, left, and Charity Smith in “The Mystery of Miz Arnette” at the Red Door Theatre in July 2015. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE RED DOOR THEATRE

Alabama Living

The initial presentation was in 2004, and the Red Door continued to produce the play each spring until 2010. After a hiatus, Morrow says, “We did it this year for the first time in five years.” The Red Door puts on four different productions each year. Whether or not “Conecuh People” is in the offerings, all plays have a Southern emphasis. The productions are “celebrating our heritage, our culture, our future,” Morrow says. “Everything is connected to where we live.” 7,000 community theaters across the U.S. Julie Crawford of the American Association of Community Theaters says cultural opportunities of this kind are important in small towns. “There are about 7,000 community theaters across the country,” Crawford says. “Very few are in the big urban areas. They’re in the suburban or rural areas.” Community theaters are often one of few opportunities to participate in the arts, she notes. “People want them and that’s why they support them,” she says. The community theater provides different opportunities – not just for the audience but the opportunity to get involved in the production. Often parents and children participate together. “It’s artistic outlet and a way to give back to the community,” she says. “In a small town, you often know somebody on stage. It’s a neighborly kind of thing, too.” A repurposed building in Red Bay In northwest Alabama, in the small town of Red Bay, the vision for a community theater came in part from local bank officials. In the 1990s, what is now Community Spirit Bank had taken The Bay Tree Council for the possession of a foreclosed Performing Arts theatre is located the Community Spirit Bank’s property in the middle of in Weatherford Centre. town. A six-lane bowling alPHOTO COURTESY OF THE BTPCA ley was on one side, a movie theater on the other. “The bank was trying to do something the community could use,” says Scotty Kennedy of the Bay Tree Council for the Performing Arts. The building was repurposed, and as a result, Community Spirit Bank’s Weatherford Centre became a community gathering place with banquet facilities on one side and live theater on the other. “It’s been wonderful for our community to open the door to live theater,” says Tammy Montgomery, Community Spirit’s chief operating officer. “We’d never had that in Red Bay before.” Her father, Billy Bolton, is the bank’s chairman and was instrumental in the bank’s decision. As former mayor, “He always had a vision for our community,” Montgomery says. Red Bay produces three productions a year, scheduled for a Thursday through Sunday in the months of November, February and April. Local talent runs the show. “The director and ticket coordinator are paid, and so is the carpenter. Everyone else is volunteer,” Kennedy says. Board members help with tickets and concessions, while volunteers work with hair and makeup and paint the set. Given that banquet facilities are just on the other side DECEMBER 2015 13

The cast of “Fruitcakes” in rehearsal at the Bay Tree Council for the Performing Arts in Red Bay, November 2014. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE BAY TREE COUNCIL FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS

of the building, some of these performances come with a meal. “We mainly do comedies,” Kennedy says. “Dramas don’t go over well in our small town. It’s a very family-oriented production that we do.” In Atmore, theater finds home in 100-year-old building In Atmore, the Greater Escambia Council for the Arts holds its theater productions in a 100-year-old building that had previously been the site of a number of businesses, including a feed store, Ford dealership, grocery store and furniture store, before sitting empty for about five years. Again, a local bank, United Bank, made an offer. “The president of the bank contacted us to see if we had any interest in the building,” says Phil Johnson, artistic director for the council. “We said yes.” The theater has been housed in the building for six years now, which has helped provide consistency for a group that for its first 10 years performed wherever a facility was available. “We figured we performed about 75 or 80 shows in about 75 or 75 or 80 locations,” Johnson says. “It got to the point where people couldn’t find us.” The Atmore council produces six primary dramatic or musical performances during the year, Johnson says. “We’ve done everything from ‘I Do, I Do,’ which has a cast of two, to ‘Titanic’ which has a cast of 125.” He adds that council members once tried to count all the individuals who had been involved in casts. “We stopped counting at 400.” Venue for young artists in Baldwin County In Gulf Shores, the South Baldwin Community Theatre was able to build its own building on donated land about 25 The South Baldwin Community years ago. Though Theatre in Gulf Shores. initially located in PHOTO BY MICHELLE ROLLS-THOMAS Foley, the SBCT has been in continuous operation since 1972 and has produced hundreds of plays. All activities are conducted by volunteers. 14 DECEMBER 2015

“We have been very successful in our goal of providing community theater for Baldwin County and have been able to improve the theater facilities over time. This has enabled us to enhance the quality of the programs we offer, such as the YAS,” says Jan Hinnen, SBCT president. The Young Artist Series is a way to give children the opportunity to participate in live theater, he explained. “They get good experience,” Hinnen says. This past season the SBCT has presented eight plays, three of which were in the Young Artist Series. Both genres include musicals and comedies. In addition, the adult shows include romantic comedies and mysteries. Also noteworthy, the SBCT has a local playwright on its board, Laura Pfizenmayer. “We’ve done five of her plays,” Hinnen says. Some of her plays are being performed in other areas as well. A

Alabama’s small town community theaters and organizations include: Auburn Area Community Theatre, Auburn – Bay Tree Council for the Performing Arts, Red Bay The Canebrake Players, Demopolis – Chickasaw Civic Theatre, Chickasaw – Community Actors Studio Theatre, Anniston – The Covered Bridge Players, Oneonta – The Greater Escambia Council for the Arts, Atmore – Historic Ritz Theatre, Talladega – .com (venue for performing acts and movies) Millbrook Community Players, Millbrook – Pastime Theatre/Self Express Productions, Winfield – www.facebook.comThePastimeTheatre (A movie theater, it hosts concert series and some plays) Red Door Theatre, Union Springs – The Ritz Theater, Greenville – South Baldwin Community Theatre, Gulf Shores – Southeast Alabama Community Theatre, Dothan – Way Off Broadway Theatre, Prattville – We Piddle Around Theater, Brundidge – Wetumpka Depot Players, Wetumpka – The Whole Backstage, Guntersville – If you don’t see your local theatre group listed, let us know at

Alabama Living

DECEMBER 2015  15

The sky’s the limit for drone use Technology can benefit farmers, schools, industry By Emmett Burnett


ook, up in the sky! It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s none of the above. “It” is a drone, hovering over Alabama skies. Actually, ‘drone’ is not always the best choice of words. “We prefer ‘unmanned aircraft systems, or UAS,’” says Brandon Reed, a UAS instructor with Huntsville’s EnrGies Inc. “The word ‘drone’ has a bad reputation.” Indeed it does. Drones conjure images of skyspies, the creepy airborne camera controlled by that

16 DECEMBER 2015

equally creepy next door neighbor. But good drones outweigh bad ones and UAS can enhance lives, and in some cases, save them. Unmanned aircraft may soon be Alabama farmers’ flying tractors. Civil defense will call them to service for hurricane rescue. Forestry operations, wildlife management, bridge repair, and more will benefit from these flying computers. And what better place to learn how to harness the sky than the campus of the War Eagle.

Alabama Living

DECEMBER 2015  17

Auburn teaching hands-on skills

vices, or stuff the U.S. military can or cannot confirm nor deny. Au b u r n Un i v e rIt flies without an onsity runs America’s first board human pilot up to FAA-approved Un80 mph, 400 feet high, manned Aircraft Syslegally. And anybody tems Flight School. It can buy one. That is not teaches hands-on skills always good. and beyond. Auburn foCiting drone crashes cuses on federal regulainto electrical substations, legalities and UAS tions, near misses with capabilities. Students learn how to operate a drone at Auburn University’s first FAA-approved airplanes, and launches “We have taught avia- Unmanned Aircraft Systems Flight School. PHOTO COURTESY OF AUBURN UNIVERSITY that never return, Owen tion for over 80 years,” adds, “These things are not as easy to fly as says Dr. William ‘Bill’ T. Hutto, director, pending FAA rulings expected in 2016. From Lee to Pike County — 62 miles some may think. You must know what you Auburn University Regional Airport and Aviation Center. “Auburn sees enormous as the drone flies — Troy University has a are doing.” The FAA agrees. In October 2015, U.S. Transportation growth ahead for unmanned aircraft. Of- similar approach. “It is the first Alabama fering a course is a natural extension of school to offer a minor in Unmanned Aer- Secretary Anthony Foxx and the FAA anial Systems,” says Al Allenback, vice presi- nounced that non-commercial drones will what we’ve already done.” Auburn built the course in conjunction dent for airport planning and engineering be registered and regulated just like comwith EnrGies Inc., Huntsville. “There is at Goodwyn Mills Cawood in Montgom- mercial ones. “As far as the FAA is conmuch more to flying remote aircraft than ery. “Troy University prepares future UAS cerned, drones are no different than airtaking it out of the box, charging a bat- operators, policymakers, and CDOs — planes,” says Brandon Reed. “More rulings tery, and pressing the ‘Go’ button,” says Chief Drone Officers.” Having the title will be announced in 2016. Count on it.” More unmanned aircraft are coming, Phil Owen, EnrGies director of UAV (un- ‘Chief Drone Officer,’ is pretty cool too. too. It is good news for Alabama’s farmers, manned aerial vehicles) operations. educators, industry and businesses, who say Owen worked with Dr. Hutto in build- $82 billion impact predicted Allenback claims that by 2025, the UAS bring it on. UAVs are clear for takeoff. A ing the course. They both love flying and preach safety. Owen notes that a UAV industry will have an $82 billion impact weighing 10 pounds, made of carbon fi- across government, military, and commer- Co-ops see help for ber, with props spinning at 17,000 rpms cial operations. It will employ more than maintenance, storm is practically a flying buzz saw. “It is not a 100,000 people. Troy, Auburn, and colleges assessment to follow, want to ensure that Alabama’s toy,” he says. Electric utilities are looking toward UAVs to drone economy takes off — just as Troy’s But the potential is enormous. reduce costs, improve safety, and increase relidrone does. ability and response times across their trans“We’ve had one for the last two years,” mission and distribution systems, according to Saving time and money “In Alabama we see exciting uses ahead,” recalls Cliff Lusk, Troy University spokes- a recent article in Intelligent Utility. UAVs can help with inspections of overadds Dr. Hutto, “especially in precision ag- person. “It’s a great way to keep alumni, head transmission and distribution lines, riculture.” He explained that a UAV flying students, and others connected. However, storm damage assessment, outage manageover 1,000 acre farms can obtain data in the biggest reactions occur when people ment/response, substation inspection, asset minutes from the sky as opposed to hours see the beauty of the campus (UAS photo- monitoring, and even vegetation management, the article noted. from earth. Farmers receive data, pinpoint- graphed) from up high.” The possibilities offered by drones have Awesome aerial photography is impres- attracted the interest of several Alabama elecing areas of concern — more water, less fertilizer, fungus treatments, and more — sive, but saving time sealed the deal for tric co-ops, says Mike Temple, AREA director delivered from an airborne drone via email. John O’Dell, an insurance-building in- of training and risk management. Temple has been asked to serve on an NRECA commitWith aerial applications including sur- spection company owner in Semmes, AL. tee to study the use of UAVs in cooperatives veying, R&D, powerline/pipeline/bridge “It decreases the times I climb ladders to across the country “We have been talking and sharing inforinspections, wildlife management, and sup- roofs,” he says. “With a lot of house tops port to first responders — no pun intended to inspect, I can do in 10 minutes with my mation with several of our neighboring statewide associations who’ve been using UAVs drone what takes hours without it.” — UAVs are looking up. in limited applications,” says Temple, who is Admittedly, unmanned aircraft have a keeping an eye on FAA requirements that Looking ahead, Auburn is considering ways to incorporate unmanned aircraft into wow factor. “It really is amazing technol- may continue to change. Nevertheless, “the potential for cost savings and benefits to our the school’s curriculum, including journal- ogy,” adds Phil Owen. UAVs carry onboard members is definitely there.” ism, engineering and aerospace. As Dr. computers, video/still shot cameras and satellite GPS. And that’s the standard package. For more information: Hutto says, “the sky is the limit.” • Auburn’s course met FAA approval in Try the deluxe model, implemented with 11utilities-send-drones?utm_source= April 2015 and held its first session the fol- infrared sensors, reconnaissance capabili 2015_11_04 lowing September. The course will evolve, ties, weather-data forecasters, tracking de• 18  DECEMBER 2015

Alabama Living

DECEMBER 2015  19

Get your phones ready for better Christmas photos By Allison Griffin


f you’re like most of us, your photo albums are filled with photos of Christmas past that had potential, but for whatever reason, just didn’t take: The backlit people. The family that was grouped around the tree, but you wouldn’t know it because the tree isn’t visible. The whitewashed look of a photo subject, who was hit square in the face by a harsh flash. The shots that came out blurry due to low light and shaky arms. These photo flops still exist, but they’re increasingly not finding their way into the photo albums. Now, they’re taken on smartphones or tablets, which are easy to use, extremely portable and always handy – but they have in the past made good photography a challenge.

Rule of thirds: Place subject in one of the intersections.

But even today’s lower-end smartphones can capture some great photos. All you need is to put a little thought and planning into the photos you take, and a little practice with the capabilities of your device. The result? Photos that will make this season a memorable one. For some professional input, we asked Bryan Carter, owner of Carter Photography and Design in Montgomery, for some tips and ideas that even the novice photographer can put to use this Christmas. “No matter what device you have, no matter what your handicap in that area might be, the possibility of a good photo exists,” Carter says. “Just follow the simple principles of good photography.” With that in mind, here are some of Carter’s thoughts:

20 DECEMBER 2015

Composition. Note the lighting and surroundings of your photo frame – things you’re aware of. Does the person have a harsh shadow on her face? Try to move in to less direct light. Is there a big garbage can in the shot? Scoot everyone over a bit to cover it up. Look for opportunities for unusual, candid shots. At the holiday table, for example, instead of a shot of people standing around it, have a seat and get candids of people talking to each other or passing the food around (don’t tell them you’re taking photos). You could even set the timer on your photo app and put the camera at the end of the table. Perspective, or angle. The tendency with smartphones is to hold the phone at chest level, arms partially extended. But that’s often an unflattering angle. Try getting above or below the subject to create more visual interest, or to be kinder to someone’s body shape. On the subject of camera position, if your arms are extended out from your body holding the smartphone, there’s more possibility of shake. Better to hold the phone as you would hold a camera and steady it, by bringing your arms in and bracing them against your body. Or use a table to steady your arms, or lean up against a wall. And always use two hands to hold the phone. When shooting pets or little kids, get down on their level. You’re more likely to engage with them, and get a better shot.

Alabama Living

DECEMBER 2015  21

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Avoid using your phone’s digital zoom. It’s better to move yourself to get the best image. When you zoom, you’ll struggle with shake and photo quality. Know the rule of thirds. Most smartphones and tablets have the option to display a grid, which breaks the frame into nine equal quadrants. The idea is to place the subject of influence in one of the intersects of the vertical and horizontal lines. Most folks have a tendency to center the photo subject, which is less visually interesting. Be ready. If it’s time to open presents or mealtime, have your phone out of your pocket or purse and in your hand. Capturing a moment can be difficult with a phone, which some folks keep tucked away. Turn off that flash. The on-camera smartphone flashes are “the worst things ever,” Carter says. The tiny light creates harsh lines on your photo subject, and you can’t control the white balance. Plus, the light hits the subject square in the face. Don’t blind him or her! Most smartphone camera apps have a multishot feature. Just hold the shutter button down and it will take multiple, sequential shots. That’s a good feature to use if you’re trying to capture children playing with their new toys – or anything that is constantly moving. Keep it clean. The lens of your smartphone or tablet needs to be cleaned periodically with a soft, lint-free cloth (the kind used to clean eyeglasses). Women in particular, who often use lotions on their hands, may notice a thin film or residue on their lens. Fingerprints will cloud it up, too.

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Posing your subjects. The phrase, “get together for a picture” often leads to a long horizontal line when several people are involved. To avoid the look of a police lineup, take the time to maneuver people for a closer, clearer shot. Larger and taller people should be in the back, shorter and smaller folks in the front. Take time to angle the people to make a flattering composition. And if there are many, make sure you can see every face, and tell them they have to be able to see your face too. When posing, make use of any stairs in the house, or even better, the front porch steps (to take advantage of natural light). It’s easier to compensate for varying heights and body shapes with stairs and steps. Speaking of natural light: “We’ve got the best light source available to us, and that’s the sun,” Carter says. However, smartphone cameras work best with indirect light – a bright overcast day, foggy mornings, partial shade – soft light situations. If you can’t go outside, make use of a large window for good light. Position the photo subject at the far end of the window, looking alongside or toward the window and toward the light. Practice, practice, practice. With the new year ahead, take advantage of one of the “365” projects that many blogs, online programs and social media platforms offer. Take a photo every day, and immerse yourself in smartphone or tablet photography. A

Rather than a posed shot, take a candid photo on your subject’s level.

22 DECEMBER 2015

Alabama Living

DECEMBER 2015  23

Alabama Gardens

DIY holiday gifts, from and for gardeners


f you love to garden, you probably also love to share the gardening experience with others. So why not turn your passion for gardening into holiday gifts? Hundreds — more like thousands — of crafty do-it-yourself ideas for garden gifts and projects abound, some so easy that even the least handy of

Top among my gifting picks is a container filled with an assortment of helpful gardening items, from small, inexpensive goodies to more expensive must-have or didn’t-know-you-wanted-till-you-got-them items. You can buy new containers or use this as the perfect opportunity to repurpose all those old baskets and tins or pots you’ve been collecting. Watering cans, burlap bags, plastic milk crates and even an old (or a new) wheelbarrow — anything that you have on hand or that strikes your fancy — will work. It’s also a great way to pick things that are specific to the recipient’s needs. You can include basic hand tools, seeds and how-to books for a novice gardener (or a child), or you can find more advanced items for someone who has lots of gardening experience. These gift collections can also be tailored to the style of each gardener, from frilly to sensible to even manly. Among the gift goodies that can be included in these containers are books, magazines, sunscreen, bug and poison ivy sprays and lotions, hats, gloves, bird seed and feeders, plant seeds and bulbs, hand tools, water bottles, kneelers, gardening aprons or anything else that catches your eye and fits your budget. Put them in the container, add a little straw or tissue paper, tie it with a ribbon and you’re done. Katie Jackson is a freelance writer and editor based in Opelika, Alabama. Contact her at katielamarjackson@

24  DECEMBER 2015

us (that would be me) can make impressive gifts for friends and loved ones. Here are just a few easy ideas, though you can find many more on the Internet, at your local craft store and even in books and publications at your local library. Just spend a little time poking around to find ones that fit your needs and skill level. PHOTOS BY MORIAH EARNEST

A repurposed basket filled with seeds, gloves and other small goodies makes a great DIY gift.

Another easy and fun gift option is to either grow small plants from seeds or cuttings or buy some small potted plants (jade plants, ivy, herbs and orchids for example) that can be used indoors or planted later in the yard. You can embellish those plain little plastic pots with ribbons and tissue paper or slip small potted plants into oversized coffee mugs rather than potting them in more expensive containers to keep the cost down. If you want to make them extra special without spending too much money, use burlap, decorative muffin tin liners (if the pots are small enough), foil or get some heavier-gauge decorative paper (scrapbooking paper works particu-

Decoratively wrapped small potted plants make easy, inexpensive gifts.

larly well) and use Martha Stewart’s pot wrapping technique: set the pot in the middle of a square sheet of decorative paper, fold two opposite sides of the paper up and secure them to the pot’s sides with double-sided tape, then repeat for the other side for a neat wrap. Tie festive cords or ribbons around the pot for a final touch.

Use a pre-made plain wooden birdhouse to make an edible gift for bird lovers.

And here is an idea that can be a gift for your bird-loving friends and for the birds—an edible birdhouse! All you need is an unfinished wooden or cardboard birdhouse (available at most craft stores if you’re not into woodworking). Drill or carefully poke holes on either side of the top center the birdhouse, insert a thin rope or strong ribbon or twine through the holes and tie securely to form a loop so it can be hung in a tree or on a stand. Coat the outside of the house with peanut butter, homemade suet or an edible

Alabama Living

paste (one recipe I found recommends using 3 cups wheat flour, 2 cups water and ¾ cups honey for the paste). Sprinkle or press birdseed, sunflower seed, millet, etc., on the coating and then add further embellishments. For example, a sprinkling of coconut can look like snow and thin slices of dried oranges or apples can be used as roof shingles. Nuts, cranberries, raisins and other healthful, edible dried foods can be used for further decoration. Of course you can also use large pinecones, gumballs and other natural items to make edible ornaments, too — a great project for kids. And these birdhouses or other items can always be recoated over and over again as the birds peck away all the yummy foods. This is just a small sampling of the many ideas that are out there, so don’t hesitate to find or create fun projects of your own. In fact, I’d love to hear about your creations and ideas, so send photos and messages to me at or share them with us on the Alabama Living Facebook page. A

DECEMBER GARDEN TIPS d Wipe dust from the foliage of houseplants and keep them in more humid areas of the house, such as the kitchen or bathrooms. d Transplant trees and shrubs and plant roses, spring-flowering bulbs and hardy annual plant seed. d Protect tender flowering shrubs from freezing weather by covering them with a sheet or blanket. Uncover them when temperatures begin to rise. d Spot-treat weeds in the lawn. d Apply winter-protective mulch to garden beds and around newly planted trees and shrubs. d Prune hardy deciduous and evergreen trees and summerblooming shrubs. d Sow seeds for winter or coolseason vegetables. d Plant cool-season annuals such as pansies, ornamental cabbages and kales and snapdragons. d Water lawns, shrubs and small trees if the weather is dry. d Keep bird feeders and birdbaths clean and full. d Begin planning your 2016 garden.

DECEMBER 2015  25

Worth the Drive

Big Mike’s among top steakhouses Story and photos by Emmett Burnett


uch is at stake for great steaks. Just ask the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association. They know a few things about beef, enough to rank Big Mike’s Steakhouse one of the top 10 steakeating restaurants in Alabama. And Mike Cole, Scott Powell, and Caine Conway are three proud stakeholders. “It’s a bit overwhelming but nice to see,” says Mike, the ‘Big Mike’ of Big Mike’s. Referencing accolades received for the Thomasville restaurant he laughingly adds, “It is very gratifying because we work our ever-lovin’ tails off here.” Take a recent Friday night, for example. “We put our hearts and souls into this place,” says “Big Mike” Cole. On this weekend eve, a Demopolis school bus is en route. “Tell the driver to greets 90 percent of the customers every mignon cuts, the same meat awarded by be here as close to 4 p.m. as possible,” Mike day and never forgets a name. “I enjoy the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association. It is our guests,” he says, “They are really great rendered into a bun-encased burger large instructs a staffer. It is sage advice. Big Mike’s opens at 4 p.m. on Friday- people.” And he adds, “One of my favorite enough for a zip code. The third spoke of Big Mike’s trio is Saturdays. By 6, there is a waiting list. By 10 times is Wednesday’s and Thursday’s specials. But don’t associate cheap with spe- Caine Conway, who met and worked for p.m., 400 to 500 people have been served. Scott years earlier in a landscaping busi“I believe the key to our success is a cial.” Staffers insist everything is top quality. ness. Caine runs the bar, from training combination,” says Big Mike’s co-operator, learned on the job. “Before Scott Powell. “We offer really good food, great service, and Thomasville restaurant rises to ranks coming here most of my experience came from sitting on the a very clean environment.” He of favorite steakhouses in just 2 years other side of the bar,” he smiles. adds about his friend and res“But customers were patient.” taurateur, Mike, who he has known since their 1990s Livingston Uni- For example, the menu includes a cheese- Caine learned, and today is a Thomasville versity (University of West Alabama) days, burger. Now in many places, a cheeseburger master of mixology. When not working, the three hang out, “When I met Mike I threw away my grill. comes with a scratch-off game card, from a This man can cook your shoe and make golden-arched diner with an adjacent play- socialize, and vacation together. They enground. Not here. joy the rewards of transforming a start-up it good.” The patty is ground ribeye and filet business from nothing to the 8th best steak Scott runs ‘the front.’ He personally house in the state. But they began with a Steaks are hand cut, marinated and rubbed with custom seven-spice seasoning blend and trial by smoke, lots of it. Or as Mike recalls topped with garlic butter. about opening day, “It was horrible.” Big Mike’s Steakhouse debuted in October 2013, to a packed house, much bigger than anyone predicted. In addition to everyone at their new jobs and opening-day jitters, a kitchen vent system shut down, Big Mike’s Steakhouse 33215 Highway 43 Thomasville, AL. 36784 334-636-2260 Hours: Wednesday–Thursday 4:30 pm – 9 pm Friday–Saturday 4 pm–10 pm

26 DECEMBER 2015


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A cheeseburger to die for: A treat made from ground ribeye and filet mignon cuts.

expelling billowing smoke everywhere. And though there was never any danger, Mike recalls, “You could not see me sitting next to you because of the smoke.” They ordered everyone out and locked the doors at 7 p.m. And Mike added, “I went to my truck, sat on the tailgate, and cried.” They credit the good people of Thomasville for getting the restaurant back on its feet after October’s smoky night. Big Mike’s reopened the next week, smoke free, and has never looked back. The once-vacant building is the toast of Thomasville. Mike has culinary experience, gleaned from years working at his in-laws’ restaurant/catering business in Demopolis and Orange Beach. “I drove by this place many times, and saw the ‘For Sale’ sign,” he recalls, about his future 33215 Highway 43, Thomasville location. “My dream was to have a restaurant of my own and this was the place.” Scott and Caine agreed. And the rest is history. The building was acquired in August, 2013. For two months, three restaurateurs, employees, and friends refurbished, remodeled, and reinvigorated. Big Mike’s was and is a big deal. Top Angus beef is hand cut in house, marinated and rubbed with custom 7-spice seasoning blends, wood-fire grilled to customer requests, and completed with garlic herb butter. The ribeye is edible art. The 28  DECEMBER 2015

‘Highway 43’ Strip is their version of the New York strip – same great taste without the subway. And the filet mignon is what mother angels feed teething baby cherubs. Their biggest seller is the 16 oz. ribeye or you can go bold, with a 24 oz. version, ‘The Big Mike.’ The restaurant is a fine dining experience but don’t say it. “Fine dining’ always scares me,” says Mike. “Yes, we have gourmet steaks, fresh Gulf seafood, and an amazing wine selection, but we also have great burgers.” The three consider their venture to be a

working man’s steakhouse, not Ruth’s Chris. “We offer a product every bit as good as theirs,” adds Mike. “But our tables are set with butcher paper instead of linens.” “We want everything perfect,” says Scott. And Mike adds, “This is who we are. My name is on this building. We put our hearts and souls into this place.” And as the Demopolis bus pulls into the driveway, unloading a multitude of beef buddies, Mike looks on and confides, “There is nothing better than seeing someone slice into a great steak, smile, and give a thumbs up.” A

Big Mike’s main men: Mike Cole, Scott Powell and Caine Conway. “This man can cook your shoe and make it good,” jokes Scott about his partner, Mike.

Food runner Brandon Chase with a customer’s order.

Around Alabama


fund metastatic breast cancer research. Booth rental contact: Tammy Summers, 334-494-0382.


Bridgeport, Christmas Parade sponsored by CUBB (Citizens United for a Better Bridgeport). Lineup will be at the Masonic Hall on Alabama Avenue. This year’s theme is “Wow! What a Year in Bridgeport!” Information: Dot McDonald, 256-495-2502 or Doris Janney, 256-4952908.


Montgomery Interfaith Nativity Exhibit Arab, 6th Annual Christmas in the Park/ Santa in the Park at Arab City Park and Historic Village, 6-9 p.m. each Friday and Saturday until Christmas. Santa, music, crafts, lights, fun for all. $5 per person over 2 years, no more than $20 per family. Information: 256-586-6397 or 256-5866793. Email: arabhistoricvillage@gmail. com.

South Alabama, shares the stage with Anne E. DeChant, singer-songwriter from Nashville. Limited seating, door prizes and a night of country music as it was in the beginning. Information: 334-376-0064 or email:


- Jan 2 Theodore, 20th Anniversary of Magic Christmas in Lights at Bellingrath Gardens and Home. The 20th anniversary holiday show will include brand new displays and effects across the 65 acres. Magic Christmas in Lights was voted in the Top 10 of USA Today’s Reader’s Choice list for 2014 for the nation’s best holiday light shows. Information: 251-973-2217 or

12-13 Union Springs, “Always a Bridesmaid,” at the Red Door Theatre. If you’ve ever elbowed a stranger out of the way to catch a bride’s bouquet, seriously questioned the mental stability of the duo saying “I do,” or been forced to wear the world’s ugliest bridesmaid dress, this deliriously funny Jones Hope Wooten comedy is definitely for you. All performances at 7:30 p.m., except Sunday, Dec. 13, at 2:30 p.m. Admission: $15. Information: 334-738-8687 or www.




Montgomery, 10th Annual Interfaith Nativity Exhibit at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on Carter Hill Road, 1-8 p.m. each day. The free event, featuring more than 400 beautifully and artistically displayed table top nativities, aids in promoting the faith of all Christians through their love of the nativities and how each in its own way represents the birth of our Savior. Local school choirs and musicians, church groups, community ensembles and soloists provide Christmas music. For more information, visit


Georgiana, Watermelon Wine: The Poetry of Americana Music at Hank Williams’ Boyhood Home and Museum. Award-winning author Frye Gaillard, writer in residence at the University of

Boaz, Boaz Christmas Parade at 5:30 p.m. Parade lineup begins at 4 p.m. on Highway 205 at the Farmers Market and First Baptist Church. Awards will be given to floats using the parade theme, best decorated horse and ride, and best decorated wagon and team. Judging will begin before the parade.


Montgomery, 45th Annual Montgomery Gem, Mineral and Jewelry Show at Garrett Coliseum. Friday 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Dealers will have beads, crystals, geodes, cabochons, gemstones, finished jewelry, tools, supplies and mineral & fossil specimens. Club members will display their individual collections and will give demonstrations on gem and rock cutting, faceting and cabochon making. Admission: $2 adults or weekend

pass for $3. Youths 18 and under free with student ID and paid adult admission. Free parking.


Montevallo, A White House Christmas Coffee and Dessert Buffet with former White House chef Roland Mesnier. At the elegant Liberty Hall in American Village, beginning at 10 a.m. Guests will have the opportunity to meet the chef who served five U. S. presidents and first ladies. A limited number of tickets are available, $100 per person. Reservations: 205-665-3535 or email christmas@


Grant, Grant Christmas Parade from DAR School to North Marshall Utilities. Float line up begins at 11:30 a.m., parade begins at 1 p.m. with bus parking at Grant Church of Christ. First and second place prizes will be awarded for adult and youth divisions. Information: Raymona Bevel, 256-572-0924 or Grant Town Hall, 256-728-2007.


Hanceville, 26th Annual Cullman County Christmas Parade. Parade starts at 2 p.m. at Wallace State College. There is no entry free. Information: Joann Walls, 256-352-9799 or Deborah at Hanceville City Hall, 256-352-9830, ext. 16.


Ozark, Christmas Bazaar at Antiques, Treasures and More. Enjoy the grand opening inside and the Christmas Bazaar outside where vendors will fill the parking lot with Christmas gifts and décor. All proceeds from rental spaces will go to METAvivor Research and Support to

To place an event, e-mail or visit You can also mail to Events Calendar, P.O. Box 244014, Montgomery, AL 36124; Each submission must include a contact name and phone number. Deadline is two months prior to issue date. We regret that we cannot publish every event due to space limitations. Alabama Living

Cullman, Christmas Tour of Homes presented by Share Club of Cullman, 1-5 p.m. Five homes will be featured on the tour, including the home of Sarah Elizabeth and Josh Lambert, built in 1939 and located in the historic area of Cullman known as Quality Hill. Tickets are $15 and proceeds will benefit Hospice of Cullman County and Good Samaritan Clinic. Information: Share Club President Jackie Donovan, 205-908-3555 or jaddonovan@


Elba, Branson on the Road, Christmas-Style. Music, comedy and family fun at Elba High School. Bringing together the fiddle, mandolin, banjo, guitar, upright slap bass, beautiful rhinestone costumes, hilarious comedy and bluegrass, rockabilly and gospel music. Featuring favorite Christmas songs, old country music and the only woman to ever play lead guitar for Johnny Cash. Information: 334-406-2787 or visit


Frisco City, Christmas Comes Alive. 6th annual 10-station drive-thru event celebrating the birth of Christ, 6-8 p.m. each night. CDs will be available with corresponding narrative and music. Hayrides will load and unload at the Frisco City Fire Department. Conclude the night with a visit to the Hospitality & Pastor’s Tent or the Story Tent for children. Admission is free. Information or questions: Anne Brown, 251-714-0513.


Montgomery, Architreats: Food for Thought lunchtime lecture at the Alabama Department of Archives and History, 12 p.m. Edward H. Davis will discuss the new book he co-authored with John T. Morgan, Collards: A Southern Tradition from Seed to Table. Admission is free. Like Alabama Living on facebook Follow Alabama Living on Twitter@Alabama_Living DECEMBER 2015 29

Safe @ Home Send your questions to:

Stay safe driving in wintry weather


e’re fortunate in Alabama to enjoy relatively mild winters – at least compared to other parts of the country. But we still get blasts of bitterly cold, winter weather, especially in the northern part of the state. And with people on the roads this season for Christmas and holiday gatherings, it’s more important to be prepared and be safe this winter.

• •

Hitting the road If you’re traveling this winter, be ready to deal with a winter road emergency with these guidelines from AAA: • Avoid driving while you’re fatigued. • Never warm up a vehicle in an enclosed area, such as a garage. • Make certain your tires are properly inflated. • Never mix radial tires with other tire types. • Keep your gas tank at least half full to avoid gas line freeze up. • If possible, avoid using your parking brake in cold, rainy and snowy weather. • Do not use cruise control when driving on any slippery surface. • Always look and steer where you want to go. • Use your seat belt every time you get into your vehicle. For long-distance travel, always look up weather reports before driving in an isolated area. Let others know your route, destination and estimated time of arrival. Other tips: • Pack a cellular phone, a blanket, gloves, hats, food, water and any needed medication in your vehicle. • If you become snow-bound, stay with your vehicle. It pro-

30 DECEMBER 2015

Safe at Home Alabama Living 340 TechnaCenter Dr. Montgomery, AL 36117 334-215-2732

vides temporary shelter and makes it easier for rescuers to locate you. Don’t try to walk in a severe storm. Don’t over exert yourself if you try to push or dig your vehicle out of snow. Tie a brightly colored cloth to the antenna or place a cloth at the top of a rolled up window to signal distress. At night, keep your dome light on if possible. It only uses a small amount of electricity and will make it easier for rescuers to find you. Make sure the exhaust pipe isn’t clogged with snow, ice or mud. A blocked exhaust could cause deadly carbon monoxide gas to leak into the passenger compartment with the engine running. If possible, run the engine and heater just long enough to remove the chill and to conserve gasoline.

If you’re driving in snow, remember to accelerate and decelerate slowly to avoid skids; don’t try to get moving in a hurry. And take time to slow down for a stoplight or stop sign. Remember these tips: • The normal dry pavement following distance of three to four seconds should be increased to eight to 10 seconds. • Know your brakes. Whether you have antilock brakes or not, the best way to stop is threshold braking. Keep the heel of your foot on the floor and use the ball of your foot to apply firm, steady pressure on the brake pedal. • Don’t stop going up a hill. There’s nothing worse than trying to get moving up a hill on an icy road. Get some inertia going on a flat roadway before you take on a hill. • Most importantly: Stay home. If you really don’t have to go out, don’t. Even if you can drive well in snow, not everyone else can. A

Alabama Living

DECEMBER 2015  31

Alabama Literature


In this feature, we highlight recent books either about Alabama people or written by Alabama authors. Summaries are not reviews or endorsements. We also occasionally highlight bookrelated events. Email submissions and events to bookshelf@

Among the Swamp People, by Watt Key, University of Alabama Press, September 2015, $29.95 hardcover (memoir/natural history) A collection of colorful personal essays about life in the wilds of Alabama’s MobileTensaw River Delta. Key, a novelist and screenwriter living on the Gulf coast, chronicles the delta’s natural beauty, the difficulty of survival in it and the extraordinary cast of characters that calls it home. Behind Nazi Lines: My Father’s Heroic Quest to Save 149 World War II POWs, by Andrew Gerow Hodges Jr. and Denise George, Berkley Caliber Press, August 2015, $27.95 hardcover (military/memoir) Hodges tells the true story of his father, a Red Cross volunteer, and his brave mission behind enemy lines to negotiate the safety of prisoners in 1944 Germanoccupied France. Both authors make their home in Birmingham. Daniel and the Sun Sword, Sons and Daughters, Book 1,, by Nathan Lumbatis, Ellechor Publishing House, November 2015, $16.99 paperback (young adult Christian fantasy) Daniel is an orphan who’s given up on the world. But when he is adopted by God, he is charged with a quest to save humanity by finding the lost shards of a mystical sword. Will he learn to trust in God’s power before it’s too late? The author lives in Dothan. Visions of the Black Belt,, by Robin McDonald and Valerie Pope Burnes, University of Alabama Press, October 2015, $39.95 tradecloth (photography/history) In photos and text, the authors bring to life the layers of history that shaped the Black Belt’s tastes, sounds and colors. The book recounts the stories of such communities as Camden, Eutaw and Tuskegee, and offers an illustrated tour of the lands that represent the cultural efflorescence of Alabama’s heartland. The Cotton-Picking Centre Warriors, by Randall McCord and Tommy Moon, Whosoever Press, $35 (local history) The authors put 5 ½ years into this 740-page book, which looks at the ties between football and farming. They interviewed players and coaches associated with Cherokee County High School and read personal reminiscences to document their work. “If football is the spirit of CCHS, then cotton is the soul,” the authors say. That He May Raise, by Armond Boudreaux, Livingston Press, $17.95 trade paper (fiction) These linked stories explore the ways in which guilt radiates through time and space, and ask whether the resulting suffering can be redemptive. A husband forces his wife into an impossible choice; a son cannot forgive his father’s sins; a woman tries to atone for betraying her best friend by making her lover pay. Author Boudreaux grew up in southwestern Alabama. 32 DECEMBER 2015

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DECEMBER 2015 33

Alabama Recipes

Peppermint A holiday must-have

Gluten-free Candy Cane Cupcakes PHOTO BY MICHAEL CORNELISON

34 DECEMBER 2015

Cook of the Month

Christie York, Marshall-DeKalb EC An avid cook, Christie loves to make desserts, and she’s been whipping up her Frozen Peppermint Cheesecake for about 20 years, especially around Christmas. “It’s something my family really just expects around the holidays,” she says, “so I always make it then, and it has become part of our holiday tradition.” It’s cool and creamy with a refreshing pop of peppermint, but that’s not the only reason it’s become a mainstay. “It’s so easy to make, and when I have my oven busy cooking so many other things, it’s nice to be able to make this, since it’s really a no-cook recipe.” And while it’s doubtful that there will be any leftovers from this dish, if there are, simply slice individual pieces and wrap them in plastic wrap and pop them in the freezer. “It’s great to have a few on hand for surprise guests,” Christie says.

Frozen Peppermint Cheesecake 1½ ¼ ¼ 1 1 1 3 2

cups chocolate wafer crumbs cup sugar cup butter, melted 8-ounce package cream cheese 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk cup crushed peppermint candy drops liquid red food coloring cups whipping cream, whipped Garnishes: whipped cream and crushed peppermint candy

Combine first 3 ingredients; firmly press onto bottom and 1 inch up sides of a 9-inch springform pan. Chill. Beat cream cheese at high speed with an electric mixer until fluffy. Add condensed milk, peppermint candy and food coloring; beat well. Fold in whipped cream. Pour into prepared pan. Cover and freeze until firm. Garnish if desired. Yields one 9-inch cheesecake.


ore than any other aroma or flavor, peppermint says “holidays” to me. The simple sight of candy canes, all lined up in their cellophane-wrapped boxes, sitting on grocery store shelves, screams “childhood memories coming!,” a warning before my emotional floodgates open, and I’m overwhelmed with nostalgia and warm, fuzzy thoughts of Christmas mornings with my brother and parents. An annual tradition in our house was making Christmas cookies together. My mom would pull index cards, their printed lines and inked words faded and corners worn soft, out of her wooden recipe box. We usually made three or four different kinds, but my favorites to eat were my least favorite to make. Candy Cane Cookies were delicious but complicated. I didn’t mind cutting out shapes and tossing on some colored sugars. That didn’t take too long, and it was fun. But Candy Cane Cookies meant making the dough, dividing it and coloring one half red, pinching off little balls, hand-rolling them into ropes, twisting the red and white ropes together and then turning one end down to form a crook. When done, you had the spitting image of red-and-white spiralstriped candy canes. Oh, and then you crushed up peppermint candies and sprinkled them on top. They looked impressive, but I always wanted them mixed, baked and in my mouth, STAT.

Alabama Living

Despite my impatience, I pushed through and helped my mom with minimal complaining every year, knowing I’d be proud of the pretty cookies when I was done (and of course, enjoy eating them). I still make them every year, now by myself in my own kitchen, although my husband happily joins me in devouring them long before Christmas ever arrives. Nowadays, stores have Christmas decor and candy canes out before Thanksgiving; some even try to push us into the holiday spirit before Halloween has come and gone. Lots of folks complain about this, but I don’t mind. I feel a gentle wave of pure joy wash over me when I see candy canes for the first time each year. If that happens to be in October, so be it. The longer I can stretch Christmas and everything it means to me, the better. Peppermint may not be so closely linked to the holidays at your house, but I’d be willing to bet there’s at least some connection. That’s why we’re pretty sure you’ll be excited about this month’s recipes, all shining the spotlight on peppermint and highlighting its sweet, exhilarating tingly taste. - Jennifer Kornegay

DECEMBER 2015 35

Peppermint Candy 1 large stick peppermint candy, crushed 1 can Eagle Brand milk ¼-½ cup Crisco 1½-2boxes powdered sugar Almond bark

Mix crushed peppermint candy, milk and Crisco. Blend in powdered sugar. Roll to form balls and dip in melted almond bark. Place on wax paper to harden. Belinda Tillery Cherokee EC

Chocolate Peppermint Ritz 1/8 to ¼ teaspoon peppermint oil (not extract) Chocolate almond bark Ritz crackers

Melt chocolate bark in an 8-inch by 8-inch pan; add peppermint oil. Stir. Lay 4-5 crackers in the melted chocolate. Remove with a spoon and lay on waxed paper to dry. Repeat. Tina Robertson Baldwin EMC

Chocolate Peppermint Ritz

Peppermint Candy

Gluten-Free Candy Cane Cupcakes 1¼ ¼ 1 ¼ 1 1 ½ 1 ½ ½ ½ ½

cup brown rice flour cup cornstarch cup sugar cup cocoa teaspoon xanthan gum teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt egg cup milk cup oil cup water teaspoon vanilla

Frosting ingredients: ¼ ¼ 2 3 1

cup shortening cup butter cups powdered sugar tablespoons milk teaspoon vanilla Pinch of salt Crushed candy canes

Combine rice flour, cornstarch, cocoa, soda, and xanthan gum, and salt. In a separate bowl combine milk, egg, oil, water, and vanilla. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix for 2 minutes. Fill paper-lined muffin tins 2/3 full. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 15-20 minutes. Remove from pan and cool completely on wire rack. Meanwhile in mixing bowl, combine shortening, butter, powdered sugar, milk, vanilla, and salt. Beat for 5 minutes until fluffy. Take half of the frosting and put in a decorators bag and push tip into the top of each cooled cupcake. Squeeze bag to allow a couple teaspoons of frosting in the center for a delectable filling. Take remaining frosting and frost the top on each cupcake. Sprinkle with crushed candy canes. Esther Briddick Joe Wheeler EMC

36 DECEMBER 2015


Peppermint Oreo Balls 1 package regular Oreo cookies, ground fine 8 ounces cream cheese, softened 1 teaspoon peppermint extract White chocolate chips (or almond bark), melted Crushed peppermints for garnish

Blend cookie crumbs, cream cheese and peppermint extract. Roll into small balls. Dip into the melted white chocolate, set on wax paper and quickly dust with crushed peppermints. Cool for one hour. Janie Whelton Baldwin EMC

Holiday Peppermint Pie 4 cups crispy rice cereal 1 cup (6 ounces) semisweet chocolate chips, melted 1½ quarts peppermint stick ice cream, softened Chocolate fudge topping Crushed peppermint candies

Combine the cereal and melted chocolate; mix well. Press onto the bottom and up the sides of an ungreased 9-inch pie plate. Freeze for 5 minutes. Spoon ice cream into the crust. Freeze for 6 hours or overnight. Remove from freezer 15 minutes before serving. Garnish with the chocolate fudge topping and peppermint candies. Sherry Parker Cherokee EC

‘Like’ us on Facebook to see your chosen recipe, tag yourself and share it with family and friends!

Peppermint Hot Chocolate 3½ cups whole milk 8 squares (1 ounce) white baking chocolate, chopped ¼-½ teaspoon peppermint extract ⁄ cup whipped cream 8 peppermint candies, crushed Chocolate syrup Additional crushed candies as desired

In a saucepan, heat milk over medium heat until hot. Add chocolate and whisk until smooth. Stir in peppermint extract. In a medium bowl, beat cream until stiff peaks form. Fold in crushed candies. Ladle the hot chocolate mixture into mugs and dollop with whipped cream. Drizzle with chocolate syrup and additional crushed candies. Carolyn Batchelor Covington EC


Send us your recipes! Please send us your original recipes, developed by you or family members, and not ones copied from a book or magazine. You may adapt a recipe from another source by changing as little as the amount of one ingredient. Cook of the Month winners will receive $50, and may win “Cook of the Month” only once per calendar year. Share a story about your recipe! Whether it’s your grandmother’s best cake or your uncle’s camp stew, every recipe has a story behind it. We’ll pay $50 for the best recipe-related story each month.

Submit: Online: Email: Mail: Recipes, P.O. Box 244014 Montgomery, AL 36124

The Power of Peppermint Peppermint-flavored foods get their punch from peppermint oil (or extracts made from peppermint oil), which are derived from a mixture of mint plant species. But did you know that this versatile ingredient can do a lot more than add a burst of invigorating cool to everything from candy and cakes to tea? Peppermint oil is for way more than eating. Check out some of its many benefits and uses.

• Reduce nausea and soothe upset stomachs • Perk you up and provide a natural energy boost • Freshen breath with its antimicrobial properties • Relieve muscle soreness when applied topically • Open sinuses and nasal passages • Relieve stress • Reduce cravings and curb appetite • Stop the itch from bug bites and rashes when applied topically

Upcoming recipe themes and deadlines: February March April

Quick & Easy Garlic Greens

December 15 January 15 February 8

Editor’s Note: Alabama Living’s recipes are submitted by our readers. They are not kitchen-tested by a professional cook or registered dietician. If you have special dietary needs, please check with your doctor or nutritionist before preparing any recipe. Alabama Living

DECEMBER 2015 37

Market Place Miscellaneous

How To Place a Line Ad in Marketplace Business Opportunities


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NORTH ALABAMA WHOLESALE REPRESENTATIVE needed for Buttercup Jewelry – www., (251)509-3092

METAL ROOFING $1.59/LINFT – FACTORY DIRECT! 1ST QUALITY, 40yr Warranty, Energy Star rated. (price subject to change) - (706) 226-2739

CABINS - PIGEON FORGE, TN: Peaceful, convenient location, owner rates – (251)649-3344, (251)649-4049,

WALL BEDS OF ALABAMA / SOLID WOOD & LOG FURNITURE / HANDCRAFTED AMISH CASKETS $1,599 / ALABAMA MATTRESS OUTLET – SHOWROOM Collinsville, AL – Custom Built / Factory Direct (256)490-4025, www., www. HUGE SELECTION OF QUALITY FABRICS AND TRIMS AT DISCOUNT PRICES - Delivered right to your door. - phone: (205)487-8040. Or visit our store, Betty’s Fabric Gallery in Winfield, AL phone: (205)487-2239. Save 10% with coupon AL10 WANTED: JUNK MOWERS, ATV’S… etc. – FREE PICKUP – Call / Text (251)525-1621 AERMOTOR WATER PUMPING WINDMILLS – windmill parts – decorative windmills – custom built windmill towers - call Windpower (256)899-3850 or (256)638-2352 ANTIQUE SHOP AT CRENSHAW FARMS DAYLILY GARDEN will now be opened from 9 to 3 every Friday and Saturday. Lots of unique items. Welcome. Visit Facebook . Near Stockton. (251)577-1235 KEEP POND WATER CLEAN AND FISH HEALTHY with our aeration systems and pond supplies. Windmill Electric, Solar Powered and Fountain Aerators. Windpower (256)899-3850 FREE BOOKS / DVDS – SOON government will enforce the “Mark” of the beast as church and state unite! Let Bible reveal. The Bible Says, POB 99, Lenoir City, TN 37771 –, (888)211-1715 LUMBER FOR SALE: CIRCULAR SAW Red & White Oak, Hickory, Ash - $1.20 BFT; Heart Pine - $5.00 BFT – 5” Treated Round: One Side Flat Fence Post 8 FT Long $9.50 each - Loring White (334)782-3636 (Tallapoosa)

Vacation Rentals GULF SHORES GULF FRONT – SEACREST CONDO – 1BR / 1BA, king bed, hall bunks, free Wi-Fi – Spring week $850 – See Pictures VRBO #435534 – amariewisener@ (256)352-5721

HELEN GA CABIN FOR RENT – SLEEPS 2-6, 2.5 BATHS, FIREPLACE, Jacuzzi tub, washer/dryer – (251)9482918,, email PIGEON FORGE, TN – 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath house – Walking distance to parkway, light# 1 - $85.00 / night – (256)309-7873, (256)590-8758 DESTIN FL CONDO – SLEEPS 4, NICE, GREAT RATES – Day & Weekly any Season, also monthly Winter rentals –, (770)942-5530, (770)365-5205 CABIN IN MENTONE – 2/2, BROW view, hottub – For rent $100 / Night or Sale $189,000 – (706)314-2622 APPALACHIAN TRAIL – CABINS BY the trail in the Georgia Mountains – 3000’ above sea level, snowy winters, cool summers, inexpensive rates – (800)284-6866, www.bloodmountain. com PIGEON FORGE 4 BEDROOM HOUSE – VRBO RENTAL 556992 – (256)7178694, (256)717-9112 BEACH HOUSE – HOME AWAY FROM HOME – 3BR / 2BA, Best buy at the Beach – (205)566-0892, MENTONE, AL – LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN – billiard table, Jacuzzi, spacious home, sleeps 14 – www., (850)766-5042. 1 – 2 BEDROOM CABINS – PIGEON FORGE - For Rent by Owner (865) 712-7633 GULF SHORES PLANTATION - GULF view, beach side, 2 bedrooms / 2 baths, no smoking / no pets. Owner rates (205)339-3850 ORANGE BEACH CONDO, 3BR/3BA; 2,000 SQ.FT.; beautifully decorated; gorgeous waterfront view; boat slips available; great rates - Owner rented (251)604-5226

Closing Deadlines (in our office): February 2016 – Dec. 25 • March 2016 – Jan. 25 • April 2016 – Feb. 25

GATLINBURG – DOWNTOWN LUXURY CREEKSIDE CONDO – 2BR / 2BA, sleeps 6 – aubie12@centurytel. net, (256)599-5552 PIGEON FORGE, TN: 2BR/2BA, HOT tub, air hockey, fireplace, swimming pool, creek – (251)363-1973, Homeaway#241942 BEAUTIFUL PANAMA CITY BEACH CONDO – Sleeps 6 comfortably, many amenities onsite – Joy (256)878-0211 GATLINBURG TOWNHOUSE ON BASKINS CREEK! GREAT RATES! 4BR/3BA, short walk downtown attractions! (205)333-9585, PANAMA CITY BEACH CONDO – OWNER RENTAL – 2BR / 2BA, wireless internet, just remodeled inside and outside – (334)790-0000,, www. HERMIT HILL CABIN - HIKING- BIRD Watching-Relaxation - 30 minutes SW of Tuscaloosa - 2BR 1B - (205)496-0067 ONE BEDROOM CABIN – FULLY EQUIPPED with Hot Tub near PIGEON FORGE – Call Kathy at (865)548-7915 or email at for information GATLINBURG, TN – FOND memories start here in our chalet – Great vacation area for all seasons – Two queen beds, full kitchen, 1 bath, Jacuzzi, deck with grill – 3 Night Special - Call (866)316-3255, Look for us on FACEBOOK / billshideaway

Real Estate Sales LUXURY “CLASS A” WATERFRONT RV LOT – Foley, AL – PRICE REDUCED – ORANGE BEACH, AL – PHOENIX ON THE BAY CONDO – 1121 - ASSIGNED BOAT SLIP AND STORAGE UNIT INCLUDED!!! Fisherman/Family dream. Rare Find! 1295’ sq -The only 1 bedroom unit in Phoenix on The Bay. Featuring; Luxurious Ground Floor Unit with views of the courtyard/ pools/lazy river, easy access to amenities, large balcony, beautiful kitchen with island and wet bar, spacious floor plan, sleeps 6, inviting living area with high ceilings, poured in place solid concrete petition walls between each unit, covered parking with a short walk to the unit! Desirable complex with excellent rental!

MENTONE, AL LOT - .69 ACRES, borders branch - REDUCED $27,900 – (334)790-9545 NICE 3 BR, 2 BATH FISHING, HUNTING & RETIREMENT HOME on river in Dallas Co. - Recently remodeled with hard wood floors & ceramic tile, metal roof and new A/C unit, large high lot - E-mail, Cell (850)582-7633 Home (850)939-2054 GULF SHORES -- $189,000. BRICK 3/2, 2-car single-family. 1585 sq. ft. Cove ceilings, ceramic/wood floors, beautifully finished in a very nice neighborhood on the backside of Little Lagoon. Text, call or email Jim Nearen, Realtor, Realty 1st 303-7209713 or visit

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Ads are $1.75 per word with a 10 word minimum and are on a prepaid basis; Telephone numbers, email addresses and websites are considered 1 word each. Ads will not be taken over the phone. You may email your ad to; or call (800)410-2737 ask for Heather for pricing.; We accept checks, money orders and all major credit cards. Mail ad submission along with a check or money order made payable to ALABAMA LIVING, P.O. Box 244014, Montgomery, AL 36124 – Attn: Classifieds.

38  DECEMBER 2015

Market Place

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Alabama Living

DECEMBER 2015  39

Alabama Outdoors

Feathered pursuits Alabama abounds with bird hunting options By John N. Felsher


terns, doves frequently embarrass even ach fall, sportsmen across Alathe best shooters. bama eagerly await cooler days “Agriculture and forestry pracwhen they can pursue King tices greatly enhance the habitat and Bob, the most majestic of all native benefit Alabama mourning dove North American game birds. Better populations,” says Jeff Makemson, an known as bobwhite quail, King Bob ADCNR biologist. “Mourning doves once ranked among the most popular game species in North America, are the most numerous game birds particularly in the South. However, in Alabama. The population is good the regal fowl suffered many setbacks and stable throughout the state with from predators and disappearing or the highest populations in southern changing habitat. Alabama. Localized dove populations “The bobwhite quail population vary depending on the preferred food is poor and declining across most Northern bobwhite quail range across most of eastern source in the area.” of Alabama, except on some private North America from the Midwest to the Southeast, Doves prefer open fields or grasslands punctuated by occasional trees, plantations with intensive habitat including all of Alabama. PHOTO BY JOHN N. FELSHER brush or fencerows where they find management,” says Steve Mitchell, an Mallard Fox Creek, Swan Creek WMAs abundant seeds. They tend to avoid Alabama Department of Conservation swamps and thick forests, but do feed and Natural Resources biologist in Good- and Geneva State Forest. “Positive work is being done on many along timbered edges. water. “Habitat loss has been the main factor in the bobwhite population decline WMAs,” Mitchell says. “Longleaf pine resFor many sportsmen, a new hunting toration on Barbour WMA has whistling season kicks off when dove seasons open across Alabama.” Bobwhites inhabit anything from tall counts trending upward. Quail are also every September. Dove season in the grass prairies and brushy rangeland to showing a positive response to shortleaf North Zone ran from Sept. 12 to Nov. 15 pine savannahs. They prefer grasslands pine restoration on Freedom Hills WMA and returns from Dec. 5-29. In the South and “successional” plant species, those that and Lauderdale WMA. We are also modi- Zone, the late season runs from Nov. 12 to emerge after something disturbs the soil to fying agriculture contracts on many areas Jan. 15. Some of the best hunting occurs create an opening. They don’t do well in that will have a positive impact for quail later in the year. While many birds live thick forests with little undergrowth, but habitat by leaving fallow field borders.” their entire lives in Alabama, others miIn addition, many private property own- grate to the Cotton State as cold weather thrive in some crop fields, as long as they can find edge cover from weeds, grasses, ers also intensively manage their lands to hits. enhance quail habitat. Commercial shootSportsmen can also hunt two other brambles or woody thickets. Fortunately, the state manages some ing preserves supplement the wild popula- largely ignored game birds - snipe and public lands specifically for quail. Some tion by releasing pen-raised birds on their woodcock. Both look similar with small better wildlife management areas for land. The Alabama wild quail season be- bodies and long bills that they use to probe bobwhites include Barbour, Blue Springs, gan Nov. 7 and continues through Feb. 29, soft mud for invertebrates. Both fly swiftly Freedom Hills, Lauderdale, Mulberry Fork, 2016, but the season for pen-raised birds and erratically, making them extremely on commercial preserves runs from Oct. 1 difficult to hit. In fact, the military term through March 31 annually. “sniper” for an expert marksman originally John N. Felsher is a Besides bobwhite quail, Alabama sportsdescribed someone skilled enough to hit a freelance writer and photographer who men can hunt several other game birds, snipe in flight. lives in Semmes, Ala. not to mention turkeys and waterfowl. During the winter, many snipe and He co-hosts a weekly While quail populations have declined, woodcock migrate to the Gulf Coast. outdoors show that is syndicated to stations doves number nearly 500 million birds Snipe season runs from Nov. 14 to Feb. in Alabama. For more across North America. These extremely 28. Woodcock season lasts from Dec. 18 on the show, see Contact him through his website at www. swift and agile fliers can exceed 55 miles until Jan. 31. For more information, see per hour. With twisting, erratic flight pat- A 40  DECEMBER 2015

Tables indicate peak fish and game feeding and migration times. Major periods can bracket the peak by an hour before and an hour after. Minor peaks, half-hour before and after. Adjusted for daylight savings time.

a.m. p.m. Minor Major Minor Major

DEC. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JAN. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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Alabama Living

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DECEMBER 2015 41

Our Sources Say

Why don’t you like solar?


hy don’t you like solar?” I am often asked that question. Solar power (electricity generated from sunlight) is all the rage, and people want to know why we haven’t joined the party to build solar farms and install solar panels. I don’t have anything against solar power other than you can only use it when the sun is shining, it costs more than traditional electricity generated from fossil fuels and its cost is subsidized. I am always surprised by the number of people who don’t understand that electricity can only be stored in very limited cases and that solar power can only be used when the sun shines. That should be a basic premise. Solar power comes from converting sunlight to electricity through a solar panel – therefore, you need sunshine to make electricity. Why don’t we use batteries to store the electricity until it is needed? We can to a degree, but the cost of bulk storage is very high and would increase your electric bill. Most people don’t want much of that. It is a simple but too often misunderstood concept – if the sun is not shining you don’t get any electricity. Besides, the sun doesn’t always shine at the times we need electricity most. PowerSouth’s normal annual system peak is between 6:00 and 7:00 on a cold winter morning. At that time, the sun is not up yet so there is no solar power available, and the system peak must be met with fossil fuel generation that will run on demand. It is fine if you like solar, but you should also be willing to pay the fixed costs to maintain fossil fuel generation to keep you warm on cold winter mornings. You may have heard that solar is now cheaper than the power you buy from your utility. That is right as far as it goes. On average, normal retail electric service costs approximately $130 per 1,000 kilowatt hours, and the normal customer in Alabama uses about 1,200 kilowatt hours of electricity per month. Therefore, your monthly power bill will be about $200 before taxes. Ads for solar power frequently publicize electricity around $100 per 1,000 kilowatt hours. You can do the math – $100 is cheaper than $130. However, that is only part of the story. The cost you pay for electricity is comprised of many elements. The fixed costs of generation plants, transmission lines, substations, distribution lines, transformers and meters and the variable costs of fuels to run the generators are all bundled into the single retail rate of $130 per 1,000 kilowatt hours.

The cost of solar power does not include any of the fixed costs and is only comparable to the variable cost of fuel to run the generators. PowerSouth’s variable cost of fuel to run its generators averages $36 per 1,000 kilowatt hours. The remainder of your retail bill is to pay the fixed cost to deliver power to you and provide power when it is needed. That math is simple, too – the $36 fuel charge is cheaper than the comparable $100 element for solar power. Everyone should pay their fair share of the cost of service required to provide them electricity. If you have to be served from a generating plant that will run on demand when the sun is not shining, you should be willing to pay the cost for that plant. Unfortunately, payments are due on the plant every month, and you have to pay your share every month and not just the days you need it. If you don’t, someone else will have to pay your share. The final thing I don’t like about solar power is that it is subsidized by the federal government with our tax dollars. That is, for every $100 of investment you or a solar provider makes on your behalf, the federal government will issue an income tax credit of $30. Tax subsidies are very big business, and solar providers are making huge profits from installing solar power systems and receiving subsidies from tax dollars you and I pay. We are subsidizing the profits of Solar City for installing uneconomical solar generation, whether we want to or not. Why don’t I like solar? It is not dependable – it can’t be called on when it is needed. It is not as affordable as a comparable element of fossil-generated electricity by a factor of at least two times and often more. It doesn’t pay its own way, and people who install solar systems are subsidized by other retail customers and by taxpayers. Finally, solar companies are taking advantage of tax subsidies to make huge profits on inefficient generating resources from my federal income taxes. Otherwise, I like solar power. I hope you have a good month. A

Gary Smith is President and CEO of PowerSouth Energy Cooperative

44 DECEMBER 2015

52  OCTOBER 2015

Our Sources Say

Live comfortably and save money this winter with eScore™


he brilliant colors of fall have painted the trees, signaling the change of seasons. If you’ve lived in the South for any period of time, you know the brilliance of fall leads into a winter that often includes extremely cold temperatures. Following this frigid period, we begin the turn back toward a beautiful springtime which leads to the humidity of summer and then the brilliant colors of autumn—a wonderful circle of life in the Valley. Now, no matter what season you are in, TVA’s home energy efficiency program, known as eScoreTM can help you to live comfortably and save money during every season. If you haven’t heard of it, eScore is an innovative residential energy efficiency program from TVA’s EnergyRight® Solutions. This unique program provides homeowners with a clear path to making their home as energy efficient as possible through a scorecard and evaluation report, plus incentives homeowners may access over time to complete the recommended work at a pace they can afford. eScore brings together all of TVA’s popular home retrofit offerings into a single online platform that utilizes the latest technology to provide homeowners, local power companies and TVA with interactive, near real-time data on the program and the process. Unlike some other energy scorecards, every homeowner who completes all of the recommended cost-effective measures can achieve a perfect score of 10 for their home. Building upon the success of eScore, TVA’s EnergyRight® Solutions for the Home (ERSH) team has introduced a complementary interactive online energy evaluation tool, the eScore Self Audit. I encourage all homeowners to take part in the eScore Self Audit. By doing so, you can improve the energy efficiency of your home and possibly save money. The eScore Self Audit only takes a few minutes on your mobile phone, home computer or laptop to complete. The path to

Kevin Chandler is general manager, Alabama District Customer Service, for the Tennessee Valley Authority.

44  DECEMBER 2015

home energy savings improvements has never been easier. After registering and answering a series of questions about your home, you are provided with a report that features an initial home assessment, energy-saving tips, as well as an energy savings kit that contains compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) and other items to begin saving energy. Everyone who takes the eScore Self Audit also receives a free energy conservation kit which includes, for a limited time, a $10 Home Depot gift card. Whether you choose to use eScore or the eScore Self Audit, homeowners can receive rebates for qualified installations and expert recommendations on how they can both live comfortably and save money. TVA certified advisors perform the evaluations and make recommendations, while TVA’s Quality Contractor Ne t w or k ( Q C N ) makes the upgrades. The upgrade opportunities fall within 10 major categories, including: air sealing, attic insulation, duct sealing, HVAC, lighting and windows/ doors. eScore is the result of more than three years of work in partnership with Memphis Light Gas & Water, and incorporates feedback from other local power companies. eScore synthesized learning from the previous residential offerings, customer focus groups, local power companies and contractors. The result is a prescriptive, cost effective, in-home energy improvement model that gives a simple path for any single family homeowner to score a perfect 10 by completing a list of energy efficient improvements for their home. In addition to the eScore Self Audit, there are two ways for homeowners to access eScore. Customers can register on the online portal at, select a contractor from the QCN list and begin making the energy efficiency improvements they deem necessary. If a customer does not know exactly how to make their home more energy efficient, they can register at and then elect to have an evaluation done on their home for a one-time fee. After the evaluation, they can then select a contractor off of the QCN list and make the recommended improvements. Don’t let the weather control you or your home. Take control today by signing up for eScore. For more information on eScore and the eScore Self Audit, please visit A

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DECEMBER 2015 45

RULES: Alabama Living will pay $10 for photos that best match our theme of the month. Photos may also be published on our website at www. and on our Facebook page. Alabama Living is not responsible for lost or damaged photos.


Christmas Sweater

Alabama Snapshots

Winnette and K.O. Graves. SUBMITTED BY Kamie Graves, Warrior.

Emily Hill, Travis Jenkins, and Keith Jenkins. SUBMITTED BY Tammy Jenkins, Danville.

Mark Shadden won an “Ugly Christmas Sweater” contest. SUBMITTED BY Dennis Shadden, Prattville.

Randi and Taylor Wyatt, Christmas 2004. SUBMITTED BY Beth Wyatt, Marbury.

The White Family. SUBMITTED BY Lynn Parker, Addison.

Submit Your Images! February Theme: “Bad Hair Day” Deadline for February: December 31 SUBMIT PHOTOS ONLINE: or send color photos with a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Photos, Alabama Living, P.O. Box 244014 Montgomery, AL 36124

46 DECEMBER 2015

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