August 2020 Arab

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| Arab EC |


This ThisThis hunting hunting hunting season, season, season, we weencourage encourage we encourage all allmembers members all members to tobe be to be aware aware aware of ofelectrical electrical of electrical equipment equipment equipment and andtake and taketake necessary necessary necessary precautions precautions precautions while while while hunting. hunting. hunting. Keep Keep Keep these these these safety safety safety tips tipsin tips in in mind mind mind as asyou you as enjoy you enjoy enjoy the thegreat the great great outdoors. outdoors. outdoors.

Take Take Take notice notice notice of of posted posted of posted warning warning warning signs signs signs and andand keep keep keep clear clear clear of of electrical electrical of electrical equipment. equipment. equipment.

Do DoDo not notnot shoot shoot shoot at at or or atnear near or near power power power lines lines lines or or insulators. insulators. or insulators.

Know Know Know where where where power power power lines lines lines and andand equipment equipment equipment are areare located located located on onthe on thethe land land land where where where you youyou hunt. hunt. hunt.

Be Be especially Be especially especially careful careful careful in in wooded wooded in wooded areas areas areas where where where power power power lines lines lines may may may not notnot be beas be as visible. visible. as visible.

Do DoDo not notnot place place place deer deer deer stands stands stands on on utility on utility utility poles poles poles or or or climb climb climb poles. poles. poles. Energized Energized Energized lines lines lines and andand equipment equipment equipment can cancan conduct conduct conduct electricity electricity electricity to to anyone anyone to anyone who who who comes comes comes in in contact contact in contact with with with them, them, them, causing causing causing shock shock shock or orelectrocution. electrocution. or electrocution.

Do DoDo not notnot place place place decoys decoys decoys on on power on power power lines lines lines or or other other or other utility utility utility equipment. equipment. equipment. Any AnyAny non-electrical non-electrical non-electrical equipment equipment equipment attached attached attached to to aato pole pole a pole can cancan pose pose pose an an obstruction obstruction an obstruction and andand serious serious serious hazards hazards hazards to toour our to our line lineline crews. crews. crews. 8  AUGUST 2020

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7/16/20 2:07 PM

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