Five Technology Resolutions for 2021 THOMAS G. STEPHENS, JR., CPA, CITP, CGMA
For many, the Holiday Season is a time to look back and reflect on the year gone by – and what a year it was! But it is also a time to look forward, to plan, and to consider how we can do better in the coming year. Often, this results in making resolutions for the new year, and in that spirit, let us consider five technology resolutions that you might consider adopting for 2021.
We Will Collaborate More Effectively
In today’s work environment, collaboration is critical. Team members no longer work in isolation. Instead, they work collaboratively with customers, clients, vendors, and others who work for different organizations. Recognizing this new reality, yesterday’s work methods are no
longer optimal for today’s environment. To illustrate, the age-old practice of emailing documents to others for review and revision is outdated. Instead, we can take advantage of collaboration tools to enable simultaneous, multi-user collaboration. For instance, we can use the co-authoring feature available in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint to collaborate on common Microsoft Office documents. Likewise, we can use Adobe’s Creative Cloud to enable collaboration too. Further, tools and platforms such as Google Workspace, Microsoft Teams, and Zoho One provide excellent collaboration options. No matter the technology used, recognize the benefits of collaboration – a recent Forrester report indicated that team members save almost two hours per week when they use collaboration tools. No matter the type of business you are in, seek out opportunities to improve collaboration in 2021.
Information Security Will Be A Part Of Everything We Do
You have, no doubt, read the headlines and know that cybersecurity attacks continue to rise. Ransomware, spear phishing, and Internet of Things attacks are just a few of the everevolving cybersecurity threats we face from external forces. But we also need to address internal security issues,
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