CONNECTIONS - May.June 2018

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8 | Hopping on a Fast Train 17 | ASCPA Connect: What’s in it for you? 19 | Ordinary People, Extraordinary Impact



4 | ASCPA 2018

6 | 99th Annual Meeting

5 | Message from the Chairman

10 | BABC SALT Corner: Legislation Clarifies Calculation for Taxes Paid to Other States by Alabama Resident

12 | Member News

11 | Jerry Weisenfeld joins the ASCPA Staff

13 | Remembering

20 | Report on New Legislation

14 | Meet Corey

22 | 2018 Summer Education Conference

24 | Telling the Firm Story: Wilkins Miller

27 | Young CPA Charity Golf Tournament

34 | Classifieds Cover image: Dr. Mary S. Stone and Amanda N. Paul at the Annual Meeting. 3


ASCPA 2018 CENTENNIAL While we’re planning fun events for the 100th anniversary, we’re also looking at one project that is more serious. With the help of the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE), the ASCPA and Alabama Bicentennial Commission are co-branding a financial literacy toolkit for high school business teachers. The ALSDE has generously offered time on the agenda of their huge summer conference in late July to launch the toolkit. It’s an amazing opportunity to be in front of 1300 high school teachers!

Greetings and welcome to the Membership Issue of CONNECTIONS! We were glad to see public accounting members emerge after April 17 from their winter/spring “hibernation”. We’re eager to reconnect with you as the ASCPA hits the accelerator for summer and fall professional education, chapter and student events. BOARD OF DIRECTORS On April 26 and 27 the ASCPA Board held its annual leadership retreat. Dr. Katherine Webb and Laura Chambliss of SummaSource, a management consulting and training group affiliated with Auburn Montgomery, spent weeks conducting member surveys via email and telephone, interviewing the ASCPA staff at length and speaking to board members. The information they compiled was extraordinary in helping us shape the Society’s next year. We’ll share details of their report and what steps your board will take in implementing recommendations in the next issue of CONNECTIONS.

THE PIPELINE What is it about visiting a college campus and seeing all those bright faces that brings a smile? April was full of visits for ASCPA staff and members to present Accounting Achievement Award plaques and scholarship certificates at honors day programs around Alabama. We fall in love with these young people (some of them not-so-young) who are becoming CPAs. Thanks to you, our very generous members who support the ASCPA Educational Foundation, we are providing more than 30 scholarships to students entering their fourth or fifth year of study in 2018/19. Many of them have already secured employment and will be certified before they begin those jobs. That is a tremendous success story and very encouraging as we look to the future of the profession.

We welcomed new officers and board members at this meeting: Chair Lynne Bozeman, Richard, Harris, Ingram and Bozeman, Chair-elect Dennis Sherrin, Hartmann, Blackmon & Kilgore, board members Carey Rome, Cypress Consulting, Sarah Propper, Pearce Bevill Leesburg & Moore, James White, Jr., Banks, White Finley, and Colby Lakas, Auburn University. The varied perspectives they bring to the board will continue to stimulate and energize its work in governing the ASCPA. IT’S ALL ABOUT COMMUNICATION We’ll launch a new website in late May/early June and hope that you will find it easy to navigate and full of valuable information. More and more functions are being added to make the experience of registering for CPE, paying dues, making contributions to the Educational Foundation website all very simple. There will be a landing page for the ASCPA Centennial Celebration, too, so that you can find member stories to read and local events to enjoy. Many of you know Corena Cottles from her excellent management of ASCPA conferences. She is now the Communications Director. She is your contact for advertising in the magazine or digital newsletter and the person with whom to share promotions and other member milestones,

CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION and the ANNUAL MEMBERS MEETING Continuing education will get kicked off with the annual members meeting on June 14, 2018. Join us for a garden party at Wynlakes Country Club with a full day’s worth of back to back sessions. Check the website for specific session details and to register. You won’t want to miss the Celebration of Success awards program at the end of the day! It’s an enjoyable way to unwind and to spend a few minutes recognizing notable members who have made significant contributions to our success. You received the 2018 CPE catalog in January and all the seminars and conferences are listed on the website as well. Register early and often to get the courses that will help you the most.

CHAPTERS Chapter Advisory Council members will meet in May with new staff member Jerry Weisenfeld, As ASCPA Director of Program Development, he will work with educators, students, chapters, firms and on special projects. Many of you know him as the regional marketing manager of the Montgomery office of Warren Averett for almost 16 years. These meetings will be a chance for chapter leaders to meet Jerry and plan activities for 2018. They will also be encouraged to look ahead to the 100th anniversary year and to find ways to come together in celebration.

As always, we welcome your feedback on any subject. Don’t forget to renew your dues for the coming year! And keep in touch through the channels listed below that suit you best.



Check out what we’re up to on Facebook, Twitter, Instgram, and more!



SIGN UP Want to know what the latest events, news, and opportunities with the ASCPA? Sign up for our weekly newsletter, #ALcpasuccess, which features chapter events, education opportunities, as well as our latest stories.

TAG US If you’re collaborating with other CPAs or meeting up with some of our staff, tag your pictures on Instgram with #ASCPA or email your photos and the names of the people in the pictures to




s my term as your chairman winds to a close, I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to serve each of you. ASCPA exists only to serve its membership and I am proud to have had the chance to help lead those efforts. The impressive work of the Society leadership and staff demonstrates that this team clearly understands that membership is the most important measure of success of the organization. Continuously redefining the needs of our members and creating opportunities to enhance each member as professionals are essential roles that the ASCPA recognizes. As members, we sometimes don’t stop to consider all the tremendous impacts the ASCPA has. This organization proudly serves over 6,000 members across Alabama in a broad array of endeavors. Not only does it provide an excellent continuing education curriculum and top-of-class peer review program, but the ASCPA also is very active in federal and state legislative affairs, participates in various AICPA committees and pays a major role as liaison to the Alabama State Board of Public Accountancy. Working with members in academia, the ASCPA serves our membership by being deeply engaged in the CPA pipeline and the Educational Foundation’s scholarship program. Communication is an essential link with membership! Recent investments to enhance the website and systems in-

frastructure, as well as incredible work from the ASCPA staff, have created a very robust and informative communication network that provides member with pertinent insight and information. Having shared my perspective of the value of the ASCPA to members, I would like to shift focus to the value that we, as members, can offer the Society. I am constantly amazed by the significant investments of time, thought and effort from volunteer members across this great state. But there are two important roles that all of us should play. First, I would ask each member to encourage membership participation to others. The great NBA coach Phil Jackson is quoted as saying “the strength of the team is each individual member, but the strength of each member is the team”. We strengthen our organization and ourselves by growing membership participation. Secondly, simply get involved and encourage others to do so. We have traditionally had incredible, diverse volunteer participation from our members in a variety of activities and I have seen the invaluable relationships that have developed from being active. The ASCPA is a volunteer organization and there are many areas that we can participate in. These can be as simple as local chapter meetings or as involved as the ASCPA Board, ASCPA and AICPA committees, YCPA Cabinet, or other leadership roles. The ASCPA offers opportunities to speak or lead CPE courses, to work with youth


on fundamental financial concepts, to assist elderly or others with tax issues, or to mentor high school and college students interested in accounting. Additionally, the CONNECT webpage on the ASCPA site is a unique way that members can find and give help. This site allows members to share ideas, questions, thoughts or other information of interest. Particularly for members in a small practices or industry, where networking with peers can prove invaluable, this tool is a futuristic way of collaborating. Members can be a part of various communities where we can focus conversation of topics of interest. Please invest some time into looking at the site and making a few posts! As we are about to celebrate 100 years as an organization, I assure you that the ASCPA has a keen strategic focus on the future of our members and the profession. I am proud and thankful to be a member of the ASCPA.


June 14, 2018 marks the 99th ASCPA Annual Meeting and it’s not one you want to miss. The party is just getting started at our favorite event of the year. So, join us for a full day of professional development, an evening of recognition and honors, and of course, to have fun with your colleagues and biggest professional supporters. Your fellow ASCPA members (young and old), our favorite CPE leaders, and even the Governor will be a part of this garden party. _______________ Register on before Thursday, May 31st to save. If you cannot join us in Montgomery, register for the live-streamed event for the same content in a different format. Stay and Play This year’s Annual Meeting is in a new location, convenient to shopping, dining, and every major travel route. We have a members’ only room rate nearby at the Hilton Garden Inn at EastChase. Hilton Garden Inn – EastChase 7665 Eastchase Parkway Montgomery, AL 36117 334.244.0101

ON THE AGENDA FOR 2018 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.

Breakfast & Registration

8:00 a.m. – 8:50 a.m.

rofessional Issues Update from Eric Hansen, CPA, 2018 P AICPA Chairman OR our annual Free Student Session – Confidence M.O.D.E. with Dr. Florence Holland of the AICPA

8:50 a.m. – 10:05 a.m.

2018 A&A Update from Jim Martin, CPA, CGMA

10:20 a.m. – 11:25 a.m.

Ethics & Audit Quality with Michael Brand, CPA

11:30 a.m. – 11:50 p.m.

NEW! Update on State Initiatives from Governor Kay Ivey

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.


1:00 p.m. – 1:50 p.m.

ybersecurity Update OR The Young CPA Panel Featuring C Dustin Hornbuckle, Garrick Sams, Marc Hamilton, and Tommie Singleton, PhD, CPA, CITP

1:50 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

2018’s Hottest Tax Topics with Ronald Levitt

3:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

pprenticeship Alabama Tax Incentives with Frank A Chesnutt from the AL Department of Commerce

3:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Captive Insurance with Davis Smith

4:30 p.m.

T HE ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF SUCCESS Cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and awards

Visit before Friday, May 25, 2018 to access the negotiated rate of $119.00 per night.



Kay Ivey “CPAs are consummate professionals who provide an invaluable service. No matter their own career, every Alabamian at one point or another will find themselves in need of the services only a CPA can provide. We are blessed that Alabama is home to many highly respected CPA firms, both large and small, and I am thankful for the work they perform daily for their clients.”

— Governor Kay Ivey

Growing up in the small town of Camden in Wilcox County, Alabama, and working on her father’s farm taught Governor Kay Ivey to value hard work and living within one’s means. Her parents instilled values of faith, family, and community. After graduating from Auburn University in 1967, Governor Ivey worked as a high school teacher and a bank officer. She served as Reading Clerk of the Alabama House of Representatives under Speaker Joseph C. McCorquodale and was Assistant Director of the Alabama Development Office, where she worked to spur job creation and economic development across the State. In 2002, she became the first Republican elected State Treasurer since Reconstruction and she was re-elected in 2006. She was elected Lieutenant Governor in 2010,


becoming the first Republican woman to hold the office in Alabama’s history. She again made history on November 4, 2014, by becoming the first Republican Lieutenant Governor reelected to the office. On April 10, 2017, she was sworn in as the 54th Governor of the State of Alabama in the Old Senate Chamber in the Alabama State Capitol by Acting Chief Justice Lyn Stuart. Governor Ivey is a member of the First Baptist Church of Montgomery, the Montgomery Rotary Club, and the Board of Directors of the Montgomery YMCA. She is also the first Girls State alumnus to be elected to an Alabama Constitutional Office.

Hopping on a FAST TRAIN Spartan Invest hired CPA Barrett Thomas to aid their sky-rocketing growth.

about Spartan in the sidebar) and even more challenges arise. “All of us here have had to figure out how to adapt and wear many different hats. I learned that right out of the gate. Spartan was already out-growing our office space before my arrival. One of the offices upstairs needed to be transformed to fit multiple people. Who’s the lucky person to get assigned that project? Yes, the new guy. I know it doesn’t really sound like that big of a deal, but for a while there, I think I was more stressed about this office project than getting adjusted to my new job as a controller! I was sharing an office with our CEO, too, no pressure there.

Barrett Thomas is a regular guy. He grew up in Helena and was graduated from Pelham High School. He went to Auburn with no real idea of the direction he wanted his life to take. Fortunately for him, the business school at AU had already considered that he was just like dozens of other freshmen. Their solution? Bring in a department head to “sell” each major in the business school. “Each one would give the class some insight, such as what their degree could do for you, what job possibilities could open up, what personality characteristics would be a good fit, etc. I really never even thought about becoming an accounting major prior to that class. It was Dr. Norman Godwin, with his nifty bowtie, who spoke and he struck a chord with me. He said an accountant can be a banker, but a banker cannot be an accountant. I definitely didn’t want to be a banker (there’s some irony here), but his perspective showed me how valuable an accounting degree would be.”

Of course, I had tons of questions about how to handle shifting people around. I didn’t want to start off on the wrong foot at Spartan by assigning someone to ‘the crappy office’ or spending too much money. Every time I asked a question, I got the same answer: use your own judgement. It all worked out fine and, looking back, it was a good way for me to get a feel for the culture here at Spartan. It opened my eyes to how things are done at a small company.”

Thomas enjoyed his time at Auburn and enjoyed being on campus when Cam Newton helped the team win a national championship. After graduation he moved back to Birmingham in a tough job market and ended up taking a position at, you guessed it, a bank. He enrolled in the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s master of accountancy program and began taking night classes.

Thomas also learned to apply his experiences, working at the corporate level at a large organization to improve processes and procedures at a smaller one. He could see that streamlining now would make Spartan more efficient as they continued to expand. He used his knowledge of banking and immediately understood how to manage Spartan’s particular financial requirements.

“Working for a small company always appealed to me. I thought it would be awesome to join a company just starting out that has a really promising future, to join that company and grow with it.

“We have a line of credit which gives us a lot of flexibility and prevents us from ever being strapped for cash. As Spartan’s controller, it is my responsibility to make sure we adhere to the loan covenants and stay

Spartan Invest is such a small business, with few employees, and presents plenty of challenges. Add the rapid growth they’ve experienced (see more


on good terms with our bank! Also, knowing the kinds of information that banks need to make favorable decisions is helpful if we ever want to increase or modify our loan.”

SPARTAN INVEST Spartan Invest is the brain child of Great Recession survivors Lindsay Davis and Clayton Mobley. Their story was told by Business Alabama.

He has learned to pick up skills on the fly, such as office design (YIKES!) and time management has become more important. “Before Spartan, I was in the accounting department at BBVA Compass, but I had been doing “Reg-W” accounting for 2½ years (don’t ask what Reg-W is, it’s a bank thing and it will put you to sleep). Although I was still in accounting, and doing some traditional accounting work, a lot of my job included doing things that I would not consider true accounting. Therefore, I was a little rusty when I first came to Spartan and knew I would have some work to do. I had never used Quickbooks before, making the learning curve even steeper. I felt pressure to get in here and learn a lot, in a short time, as the only accounting professional on staff.”

Mobley and Davis both worked at Cintas, the industrial laundry company, following graduation from the University of Alabama. Mobley earned a degree in finance, Davis in public relations, but jobs were scarce at the time and Cintas was a port in the economic storm. After four and a half years, Mobley left and started doing foreclosures full-time, with Davis working with him part-time. They had investors and $5000 of Mobley’s own money. It was not enough. The first six months he lost his entire investment and about $50,000 total.

Thomas is a new CPA and new member of the ASCPA, having completed the exam last fall. “After became licensed, I received a letter in the mail from the ASCPA. I felt that membership would be useful to me and really help in my new role as a controller at Spartan. The updates and information that I have already received through ASCPA emails have kept me involved in the larger accounting world. As the only accountant at my organization, I need all the resources I can get to support the work here.”

He had started in Tuscaloosa, following a process he observed while helping some friends who were doing foreclosures in Montgomery. Mobley moved his operations to Birmingham after the 2011 tornado and things began to change.

It wasn’t only in his work that Thomas’s life changed in the last year. He became a CPA, became Spartan’s controller and became a husband. But family is still number one with him.

The company’s first year of revenue was about $170,000 but should reach $24 million in revenue this year with 200 listings in the multiple listing service. They will spend about $10 million in construction costs, but deal in bulk directly with suppliers to cut costs while providing the best quality.

“We started out flipping houses just like you see on TV, but we don’t do that anymore,” Mobley says. “We re-sell to investor clients, who are in 42 states and seven countries.”

“I got married this past February to my girlfriend of a very, very long time. We do not have any pets, but she has convinced herself that we are getting a mini pig at some point. My parents still live in Helena and are some of my favorite people to hang out with. My younger brother recently graduated from Auburn and now works in downtown Birmingham so I get to see him more. I think that I am a pretty positive and happy person and I try to live my life that way. I don’t get too stressed over anything.”

“A lot of the properties have been distressed or condemned, vacant. Since we have been purchasing we have seen other property values in the same areas increase.” They use strict guidelines as they buy properties and don’t allow the excitement of bidding on the courthouse steps to sway them from their formula. Their average return is 9.2 percent, with a goal of moving their model to other locations. The company just made the Inc. 5000 list for the fourth year in a row, ranked 1098 in 2017 with a 384 percent growth and $16.3 in revenue.

Portions of this article appeared in the January 2018 issue of Business Alabama. It is printed with permission of author Bill Geddes and photographer Art Meripol.



LEGISLATION CLARIFIES CALCULATION OF CREDIT FOR TAXES PAID TO OTHER STATES BY ALABAMA RESIDENTS; On March 28, 2018, Governor Kay Ivey signed House Bill 384 (Act 2018-465) into law, ending a lengthy controversy over how to calculate the individual income tax credit for certain taxes paid to other states. The Business Council of Alabama and the Alabama Society of CPAs led the effort on the taxpayer side. This legislation should provide certainty regarding how Alabama residents (and their tax preparers) calculate the credit for certain income and gross receipts-based taxes they paid to other states, either directly or because of their ownership of a pass-through entity, such as an LLC or S corporation, doing business in those states.

Background and Litigation over the Tax Credit Calculation

Alabama residents have historically been allowed to claim a credit for taxes they paid to other states. The credit has been the lesser of (1) the tax actually

paid to the other state or (2) the tax that would be due to Alabama on that same income, using Alabama’s 5% individual income tax rate. Ala. Code § 40-18-21. Because of the relatively unique deduction for federal income taxes (FIT) available to Alabama residents, many have a relatively low effective tax rate. The Alabama Department of Revenue (the “Department”) promulgated Rule 810-3-21-.03 (the “Rule”), effective 1/1/13, which imposed an additional limitation on the credit and effectively denied resident taxpayers the use of their full FIT deduction, which is authorized by the Alabama Constitution as well as by statute. However, in Moody v. Alabama Dep’t of Rev., the Alabama Tax Tribunal found that the additional limitation in the Rule was invalid because it exceeded the scope of the enabling statute. The Department appealed that ruling to Baldwin County Circuit Court, but later

agreed to dismiss its appeal, with prejudice, and to issue the refund requested by Mr. and Mrs. Moody. (Our firm was privileged to represent the Moodys in the Circuit Court appeal and to represent the ASCPA as amicus in the subsequent test case).

distinction: the numerator of the equation only includes states to which taxes were actually paid. In other words, no credit will be available for income earned in a state (e.g., Florida) to which the taxpayer did not pay any income tax.

The Moody decision was issued in early 2017. Since that time, many taxpayers filed amended returns with the Department, claiming a larger credit for taxes paid to other states based on the statute rather than the Rule. Additionally, the Department entered assessments against a number of taxpayers who followed the Moody ruling in calculating their tax credit.

As a result of the legislation, refunds may be due for calendar years 2013 through 2017 subject to the applicable statutes of limitations and further subject to a special filing deadline in the Act that requires refund claims for pre-2017 years to be filed with the ADOR by June 30, 2018. Several CPAs have asked whether this legislation revives 2013 and 2014 refund claims that weren’t filed within the normal three-year statute of limitations on refund claims. The answer is “no.” The legislation is clear that refund claims must be filed by the earlier of the normal three-year refund period or June 30, 2018. And, yes, June 30 is a Saturday.

Effect of Act 2018-465 for Previous and Future Tax Years

The Act is effective for tax years beginning on and after January 1, 2018, i.e., prospectively only. It essentially codifies the formulary limitation in the Rule, with one



The Department issued a notice on April 6, 2018 (the “Notice”), explaining that if you filed an amended Alabama income tax return claiming a refund for calendar years 2013 through 2016, or for any of the years within that range, you don’t need to do anything further (even if the Department expressly denied the claim). The Notice does add, however, as a “suggestion” that CPAs who have filed multiple amended returns/refund claims should email a list of their clients, etc. to the Director of the Income Tax Division, Kathleen Abrams, to facilitate the review process. The only situation where the Department asks that you file [or re-file] an amended return is when the Department issued a so-called Notice of Adjustment, reducing an overpayment or a refund claimed on the original or amended return.

returns without the additional limitation on the tax credit imposed by the Rule and the current Schedule CR. Your tax preparation software providers

should have already picked up that change if you’re planning on filing any 2017 returns after the date of this publication. The Notice does not require that any

sort of attachment be included with the return, although it may be prudent to do so anyway. Lastly, the Act provides that the Department will dismiss all assessments and appeals related to the calculation of the tax credit that were based on the limitation contained in the Rule. The Department will notify any affected taxpayer when the assessment/appeal is dismissed. No further action by the taxpayer should be necessary, unless, as discussed above, the Department issued a so-called Notice of Adjustment, reducing an overpayment or a refund claimed on the original or amended return. If you have any questions regarding Act 2018-465 or the events leading up to it, feel free to contact either of the authors. Thanks to Jeannine Birmingham for her ardent support of this effort.

By Bruce P. Ely William T. Thistle, II Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

The Notice also confirms that taxpayers can (and should) file their 2017 Alabama individual tax



The Highlands Accounting Group, Inc. announced that Brian V. Harney has been added as a shareholder. Harney has spent the last 16 years working at two of the largest CPA firms in the state, Barfield, Murphy, Shank & Smith and Pearce, Bevill, Leesburg, Moore, P.C. He possesses deep knowledge in employee benefit plans, specifically 401(k) plans and defined benefit plans. In addition, he focuses on audit, review and compilation services for general contractors, specialty contractors and subcontractors, as well as other industries including, manufacturing, financial institutions, insurance, and technology. Harney earned both master’s and bachelor’s degrees from Troy University and was the recipient of Troy’s 2012 Young Alumnus of the Year in Accounting. ____________________

Trustmark is pleased to announce the promotion of Julie Ehmka to vice president and trust officer at its Mobile office, where she serves as Senior Trust Relationship Manager. Ehmka has over 32 years of banking experience. She earned a Business Administration degree with a concentration in Accounting from the University of South Alabama. Ehmka is active in her community, where she currently serves as a member of the Mobile Estate Planning Council. She has previously served on the Accounting Department Advisory Board for the University of South Alabama.


Jaime Sweeney has launched The Highlands Accounting Group. This boutique firm’s specializes in 401k retirement plan

audits, outsourced CFO services and bookkeeping, it also offers a wide array of traditional accounting services. The Highlands Accounting Group was formed last fall and began operations in December of 2017. Sweeney has spent the past 18 years working at two of the largest CPA firms in the state, Warren Averett and Barfield, Murphy, Shank & Smith. Sweeney has specialized in employee benefit plan audits (401k, defined benefit, ESOP, etc.) and has worked with clients in a variety of industries such as construction, manufacturing companies, and not-forprofit entities. She has helped multiple companies work through their retirement plan operational errors and file under the Voluntary Fiduciary Corrections Program resulting in good standing with the Department of Labor. The Highlands Accounting Group is located at 312 Lorna Square in Hoover. For additional information about the firm, please visit https://www.thaginc. com/. ____________________


Matt Sharp has announced his candidacy for re-election to the District 4 seat on the DeKalb County Board of Education. Sharp was elected in 2012 and has served one term on the School Board. He is a 1986 graduate of Sylvania High School. After high school, he attended Northeast State Junior College and later earned his degree in Accounting an Mathematics from Jacksonville State University in 1990. He worked for the Alabama Department of Examiners of Public Accounts for 9 years where he audited state and local government units for legal and financial compliance. He earned his CPA in 1999 and was hired by the County Commission as the County’s Chief Administrative Officer in 2000. Sharp serves his community as the Vice President of Sylvania Youth Sports and coached youth basketball and baseball for 20 years. He is also the bookkeeper for the Sylvania Rams Varsity Boys Basketball, a position he

has held regularly for the past 18 years. He also served one term on the Sylvania Town Council from 2004-2008. Sharp’s roots run deep in DeKalb County. His family has lived in DeKalb County for as long as DeKalb has been a part of the State of Alabama. ____________________

DeKalb County Board of Education Representative Jeff Williams announced he will seek re-election in 2018. Williams was elected to the Board of Education in 2012 and represents District 3, which includes Plainview, Ruhama and the DeKalb County Technology Center. He currently serves as the chairman of the Board of Education and has been an integral part in the transition to a new superintendent following the 2016 General Election. Williams has owned and operated CPA Professionals since 2001. He has been married to his wife, Janet, for 33 years, and they have two children (Jessica and Ryan). _____________________



January 8, 1932 – January 18, 2018 Mobile, Alabama | Certificate 2194


Lillian Carol Evans Crowe was 86 when she passed away January 18. She was born in New York City to Dorothy M. Aurelius Augustus Evans who was a professor of Mathematics at Columbia University. In 1936, she and her family returned home to Tuscaloosa where she lived until her marriage on January 31, 1953. She attended Randolph-Macon College in Lynchburg, Virginia and was graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Alabama in 1952 as one of the first women to receive a degree in mathematics. She was a member of the Kappa Delta sorority. In 1980, she completed her degree in accounting at the University of South Alabama. In 1986, she began work as a CPA at Smith Dukes & Buckalew from which she retired in December 2017. She was a longtime member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church where she served on the Vestry as Assistant Treasurer, the Budget and Finance Committee, and the Personnel Committee. She was treasurer for the Wilmer Hall board of trustees and a member of the Junior League of Mobile. She served as President of the Opera Guild when her children were young. Her family will remember her for her calm and wise demeanor and delightful sense of humor.

December 10, 1948 – March 3, 2018 Pike Road, Alabama | Certificate 1293

Edward Walton Sauls was 69 when he passed away on March 3. Ed led Jackson Thornton’s Valuation and Litigation consulting group. His dedication to his area of practice was evident by his commitment to continuing education. He was a Certified Valuation Analyst and holds the ABV (Accredited Business Valuation) certification as well as a MAFF (Master Analyst in Financial Forensics) certification. Ed was a past board member and chairman of the National Kidney Foundation. He was a Leadership Montgomery alumnus as well as past president of the Montgomery Lions Club. He was a longtime member of Frazer United Methodist Church. Ed graduated from the University of Alabama. He was also a former member of the Culverhouse School of Accountancy Professional Advisory Board, University of Alabama.

Remembrances may be made to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Mobile, the Mobile Symphony Orchestra or any charity of choice.


August 4, 1944 – March 18, 2018 Chattanooga, Tennessee | Certificate TN 6331R

Richard Wood Shugart was 73 when he passed away on March 18 at Erlanger Medical Center after a brief hospitalization. He was born in Gadsden, AL, grew up in Fort Payne, AL, and graduated from Fort Payne High School in May 1962. After earning a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in Economics from the University of Alabama in May 1966, Shugart entered the U.S. Marine Corp. He served in Vietnam as a forward observer and fire direction officer and was awarded a Purple Heart. He was promoted to First Lieutenant before leaving the military in 1969. Shugart returned to Fort Payne in the fall of 1969 to join the family business, W.Y. Shugart & Sons, Inc. and served as treasurer. During that time he served on the Chamber of Commerce, Red Cross, and co-chairman of the Heart Fund. He belonged to United Methodist Church and enjoyed singing in the choir. Shugart returned to the University of Alabama in the fall of 1983 to complete a masters in Accounting, graduating magna cum laude in May 1985. He moved to Chattanooga, TN in 1985 and worked as a CPA at Joseph Decosimo and Company for several years. 10 years later he returned to Fort Payne. He was always glad to lend a helping hand to others. He provided tutoring at the Dekalb Public Library for students trying to complete their GED. He assisted families with filing their taxes. He enjoyed many hobbies, including tennis, running, rowing on the Tennessee River, bike riding, and reading.

Memorial donations may be made in Mr. Sauls name to the Montgomery Cancer Center or the Alabama Kidney Foundation.


August 18, 1932 – March 6, 2018 Northport, Alabama | Certificate 690

Dick Miles was 85 when he passed away on March 6. He graduated from Tuscaloosa County High School and the University of Alabama. He was also in the United States Air Force. Dick joined Jamison, Money, Farmer and Co., P.C. in May of 1961 and continued there for 57 years. He was a member of the Tuscaloosa Estate Planning Council, Tax Division of the AICPA, Tuscaloosa Chapter of the ASCPA, and the Chamber of Commerce of West Alabama. He was a past member of Beta Alpha Phi and a past officer of Alpha Kappa Psi, the Tuscaloosa Chapter of the ASCPA, and an original founder, officer, and member of Alabama Fiddle Fest. Dick was an active member of the University Church of Christ. His favorite past time was his bluegrass music and spending time with family. Memorial donations may be made to The Community Foundation of West Alabama.

Memorial donations can be made to CARE in Atlanta, GA or Chattanooga Room in the Inn in Chattanooga TN.


meet Corey Small business is HIS business at Aldridge Borden.

in Nashville. I’ve grown right along with them.”

Corey Savoie was born in New Orleans (big surprise, it’s an old French name). He moved to Millbrook, Alabama when he was 10 years old and calls it home. He is a manager in the attestation services group of Aldridge Borden & Company, and specializes in construction and small business clients.

In addition to the growth of Price Ceiling, Price expanded into construction and ownership of retail shopping centers with Alumni Development. “I watched Roy put a great team together, consisting of Keith Owens, Jason Bice and many others. I observed firsthand how to utilize the strengths and weaknesses of each member of the team.”

He began college at Jefferson State Community College on a baseball scholarship. During his year there, he tore a ligament in his knee. With a future in baseball over, at least at a high level, he elected to transfer to Auburn for the balance of his university career. He knew he was good with numbers and liked business, so becoming an accounting major was logical.

Corey Savoie

Savoie didn’t have to look any further than mom Patty Ward for an introduction into the career. She served as a bookkeeper at Brantwood Children’s Home for more than 10 years. And, in the way things work, James Blake, CPA was on their board. He was managing partner at Aldridge Borden at the time. Through that connection, Savoie was an intern at the firm and offered a full-time position during his time with them. It’s all about the network.

In his 12 years with Aldridge Borden, there have been tremendous changes, ones which directly have affected Savoie’s connection to clients like Price Ceiling and Alumni Development.

“Technology has allowed us to eliminate our reliance on paper in monitoring accounting functions. I work with our cloud-based accounting division for small businesses called OneSource. We use a collection of cloud-based apps, and our talented accounting managers, to dramatically change the way small business owners operate. We see more companies able to work in real time, with access to data that help them make decisions more quickly.”

“Accounting was key to a business’s success. I learned that early on from CEO Roy Price at Price Ceiling, Inc. He became a mentor and gave me such great insight into running a business. I’ve watched them expand from a Montgomery office, to larger headquarters in Clanton and a second office

Similarly, accounting firms themselves have had to learn to embrace both the ups and downs of technology.



“I see some firms having trouble adapting to new, more efficient ways of doing business. We’re experiencing more competition with fewer barriers of entry. Older partners are forced to change the way they currently work. They’re being challenged to adopt at least some aspects of improved communication through smart phones and social media.”

Savoie spends his time away from the office engaging in sports, training at the gym and traveling. “We go to New York annually to meet with a client and I’ve also gone to California, Colorado and Jamaica. We’re going to slow down a little, now that we have a new baby.”

Savoie pointed out that clients are now texting with questions, a mixed blessing.

He and wife Stephanie have two daughters: Carlee and Olivia Ray, who was born in mid-April.

“Smaller firms are marketing through social media, creating a bigger impact with limited resources. Technology enables certain transactions and details to be automated, so that information is available and shared much more quickly. It’s all in the name of better customer service.”

“My clients are also part of my family. That’s one of the best things about being a CPA. I get to know a business owner and their employees. I really care about the relationship we build together. If anything keeps me up at night, it’s my desire to do the right thing for them.”

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More than a thousand sixth-graders from Opelika and Drake Middle Schools were given lessons on the basics of check-writing, budgeting and gained a better understanding of the accounting profession on Friday, March 2, at the Auburn School of Accountancy’s annual Financial Literacy Fair. The fair -- at the Auburn Student Center ballroom -- was directed by more than 300 graduate and undergraduate Auburn University accounting students. “The purpose is for us to give middle school students an understanding of real-world issues that they are going to face,” said Sarah Stanwick, Associate Professor in Accounting and Harbert College Diversity Officer. “We want them to be able to start thinking about these things, then go home that night and share with their parents what they’ve learned … Also, not to go out and buy that video game today that they’re not going to play in two weeks.”

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Although the fair was divided into a number of small group activities related to financial matters, including goal-setting and philanthropy, Stanwick said the day was highlighted by two panel discussions. One session taught children about college life from accounting students’ perspectives. The other dug deep into debits, credits, and spreadsheets to get a better understanding of the accounting profession. Similar fairs have taken place on the middle schools’ campuses, but Stanwick said this is the first time children will came to Auburn University. “So many of them have never been to our campus,” said Stanwick, who hopes the fair will grow to more middle schools in the future. “We want to give them an idea about a college campus and plant that seed that college is a possibility for all of them.”

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QUESTIONS? Contact Corena Cottles, Communications Director, 334-834-7650 or


Jerry Weisenfeld

joins the ASCPA Staff

Former firm marketing director brings wealth of experience.

There were several levels of training in the new marketing structure and Weisenfeld assisted with the creation of both personal and firm-wide marketing plans. As new departments came on board – Wilson Price began both an IT and a recruiting business, he was the one charged with leading the marketing effort for those as well.

Jerry Weisenfeld

He’s 6’6”, and a guy, so those characteristics alone separate him from the rest of the Alabama Society’s full-time staff. Oh, and he’s an Auburn grad when 40% of the office are Troy graduates. Most importantly, Jerry Weisenfeld has brought both marketing expertise and accounting industry savvy to the ASCPA, integrating himself seamlessly into office culture.

After 12 years building steady growth at Wilson Price, the firm merged with Warren Averett. The next four years he served as a Regional Marketing Director and helped the Montgomery office become part of a large, energetic and aggressive regional firm, one of the 30 largest in the country.

Jerry grew up in Birmingham, moved to Montgomery, where he went to high school, and later graduated from Auburn University with a marketing degree. His first job was with SouthTrust Bank in Birmingham, as part of their retail training program.

In 2016 he had a new opportunity within the accounting industry. “I moved to another firm in town, Taylor Chandler, to direct the marketing efforts for their accounting firm and two affiliate companies. After a year in that role, the ASCPA found me. I have joined the Society at an incredibly exciting time as we enter the Society’s centennial year. The planning has been non-stop and I can’t wait to see these events roll out.”

“There was a group of us and we spent time in the different departments of the bank to help us find a good fit within the organization. I ended up in commercial lending and took advantage of their corporate education support to enroll in the MBA program at UAB.” He completed his MBA but decided that he wasn’t finished and re-enrolled to take the accounting classes he needed to sit for the CPA exam.

Jerry’s title at the ASCPA is Director of Program Development and his duties will include working with the ASCPA’s eleven chapters, visiting educators and students at Alabama’s 23 university accounting programs as well as assisting CEO Jeannine Birmingham with firm relations and other special projects. He will bring his golf experience to bear with the YCPA Cabinet’s annual charity golf fund-raiser in early June.

“I thought that as long as I’d done all this work for my MBA, I should continue with more hard work and focus on becoming a CPA.” After finishing his accounting courses, Jerry started interviewing with firms for a position as a tax accountant and was hired by Carl Barranco at Wilson Price Barranco Blankenship & Billingsley in Montgomery. Carl had a sharply different vision for Weisenfeld.

Jerry’s idea of a great afternoon is doing some yard work or heading to Auburn to watch the Tigers compete (he’s especially keen on basketball and football but would watch Auburn bob-sledding if there were such a thing). The newest addition to his family is a golden retriever named Captain who makes sure everyone is awake bright and early each morning for puppy chow and a walk around the block.

“What was it that made Carl think my talents were more suited to being the first marketing director at Wilson, Price, Barranco, Blankenship & Billingsley? I’m not sure. But that was where he saw me. My mandate was to create a sales and marketing culture, to help staff members grow their own books of business and to train the very newest staff to think about sales as a way to increase their value to the firm. It was very exciting to use my marketing and MBA degrees in the context of an accounting firm.”

Please take a few minutes when you’re at the ASCPA to meet Jerry Weisenfeld and to welcome him to the family.


ORDINARY PEOPLE, EXTRAORDINARY IMPACT As a volunteer-led organization, we need member ideas, expertise and leadership to perform a vast number of different tasks that help us help you be successful. But it’s not all about us. Your involvement can help you solve a problem at work, expand your expertise, provide-coworkers with key information, and build professional relationships and friendships along the way. Volunteer with ASCPA and connect with other members in areas of interest you care about, have expertise in, or want to learn more about: STRATEGIC COMMITTEES: • Audit • Education • Education Foundation • Ethics • Diversity and Inclusion • Governmental Accounting & Auditing Forum • Federal Taxation • Nomination • Political Action Committee • Peer Review • State Taxation

CHAPTER ADVISORY BOARD: • Birmingham • Birmingham Young CPAs • East Alabama • Huntsville • Mobile • Montgomery • North Alabama • Northeast Alabama • South Central Alabama (Troy area) • Southeast Alabama • Tuscaloosa • Wheeler Basin

OTHER WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Become a speaker • Writers Bureau • Legislative Key Person • Campus Ambassador • Classroom Blitz

Most committees meet two to four times a year from May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019. Can’t attend in person? It’s easy to participate by video and audio conferencing. Be involved projects like legislation and tax, career awareness, education, young professionals’ events, financial literacy, community service, and building a diverse and inclusive community within the profession. Visit to find out more and sign up now.



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• Record development and expertise • See progress and accomplishments • Stay covered in case of an audit

VOLUNTEER FOR COMMITTEES | TASK FORCES Visit to find out how to make the most of your membership. 19


ACT NO. 218-106 was signed by Governor Kay Ivey on February 21, 2018 and became effective on May 1, 2018. It brings about several changes to the statute for the Alabama State Board of Public Accountancy. The biggest change relates to filing annual registrations. The current statute allows licensees a full year to file their individual and firm registrations before disciplinary action ensues. Effective for 2018-2019 registrations, licensees will have six months to renew. Licensees and firms will still be able to file their annual registrations by December 31 of each year without penalty. However, beginning January 1, registrations are delinquent and a late renewal penalty will be assessed. After March 31, the ASBPA will begin disciplinary action against licensees who have not filed their individual and firm registrations.

Executive Director Boyd Busby, CPA, CGMA Alabama State Board of Public Accountancy

only 37 active PAs remaining in the state, a CPA will now fill that position. The requirement for the executive director of the board to be a licensed CPA is an important one, since the role includes not only administration of the statute, but also investigations that often include a technical knowledge of accounting standards.

Additionally, this act defines “retired status” as that of a CPA or PA who is at least 55 years old, who is not practicing public accountancy and who elects to be placed on the retired roll. The retired CPA is exempt from continuing professional education, from filing an annual registration and must place “retired” adjacent to his or her credentials. The act also includes definitions for a new financial engagement standard named Preparation Engagements and updates for the definition of Compilation Engagements. The final two changes involve the makeup of the board and the requirement that the executive director of the board be a licensed CPA. The current composition of the board includes five certified public accountants, one public accountant and one public member. This legislation removes the requirement that a PA serves on the board and is effective October 1, 2019. Since there are



BE ACCOUNTABLE. THE AICPA BENEVOLENT FUND As a CPA, you are a member of a growing, vibrant professional community that has afforded you great opportunities. As you plan your future, you may be considering ways in which you can help safeguard your community during times of struggle. The AICPA Benevolent Fund is a non-profit 501(c)(3) entity established in 1933 for the purpose of assisting AICPA members through temporary periods of financial difficulty. By making a gift to the AICPA Benevolent Fund you make a difference in the lives of many of your fellow CPAs today, and financial stability for generations of CPA’s to come.

YOUR GIFTS MAKE A DIFFERENCE The AICPA Benevolent Fund deeply appreciates your generosity and vision as you contribute. When you support the AICPA Benevolent Fund, you join a vibrant community of professionals whose gifts help bolster those in need of temporary assistance. There’s more to be done – and your support truly does make a difference. • •

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AGENDA FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, JULY 9 8:00 AM – 11:40 AM Accounting & Auditing Update Jim Martin, CPA, CGMA Martin & Co., CPA, PC | Atlanta, GA

WEDNESDAY, JULY 11 8:00 AM – 11:40 AM 2018 Business & Individual Tax Update Alfred E. (Ted) Stacey IV, CPA Bourgeois Bennett, LLC. | New Orleans, LA

1:00 PM Baytowne Golf Tournament

THURSDAY, JULY 12 8:00 AM – 11:40 AM To Catch a Thief: A Game of Fraud R. Kevin Cross, MST, EA, CPA, NTPI Fellow, Pastor, communicator, counselor & fraud lecturer | Roswell, GA

TUESDAY, JULY 10 8:00 AM – 9:40 AM Blockchain Basics: A Simple Explanation Marc Hamilton, CPA, CGMA, CFO/Treasurer CDG Engineers & Associates, Inc. | Andalusia, AL 10:00 AM – 11:40AM Why is a Business Succession/Exit Plan So Important? Riley J. Busenlener, CPA/ABV, ASA, AEP, JD Chaffe & Associates | New Orleans, LA 7:00 PM Tailgate Party & Cornhole Tournament Sponsored by City National Rochdale

FRIDAY, JULY 13 8:00 AM – 9:40 AM Professional Issues Update Bill Reeb, CPA, CITP, CGMA, CEO Succession Institute, LLC and AICPA’s Vice Chair-Elect | Austin, TX 10:00 AM – 11:40 AM Technology Update Lisa Traina, CPA, CITP, CGMA Traina & Associates a CapinCrouse Company | Baton Rouge, LA

Note: All meetings will be held at the Baytowne Conference Center. Register online at or by calling the ASCPA Member Support Team at 334-834-7650 or 800-227-1711.


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the ASCPA TELLING THE Celebrating Centennial through the FIRM STORY histories of Alabama firms. WILKINS MILLER | Mobile, Alabama



In 1966 Marion Wilkins and Max Miller had separate accounting practices, but worked on the same floor of the Merchants Bank building (now Regions Bank). Wilkins was in business with Billy Sims and Miller had John Mostellar working for him. After a busy tax season, they decided to form a partnership to be called Wilkins & Miller. The partnership was successful and grew over the next twelve years

In 1985 Charles Phillips joined the practice as a partner with the merger of his firm, Charles Phillips & Company. They moved in 1987 to a larger space at 2800 Dauphin Street.

1970s 1978 Wilkins & Miller merged with Pannell Kerr Forster, an international accounting firm ranked number 11 nationally. According to Marion Wilkins, “Although our firm was initially reluctant about merging, we chose Harris, Kerr (PKF) because of their quality control program – they had just issued a quality control manual, which was distributed to each office and staff member. They had their own CPE courses which partners and staff alike attended for 40 hours a year. We also liked their philosophy of local control, and we wanted to protect our practice base.” The firm relocated from downtown Mobile to 3201 Dauphin Street.

“I’m a BIG Day” in partnership with Big Brother Big Sisters

1990s In 1991 the Mobile office of Pannell Kerr Forster was purchased by six founding shareholders: Marion F. Wilkins, Max E. Miller, Carey L. Galle, Jr., L. Page Stalcup, III, Frank D. Brown and Emmett Cameron. The firm used the names of all six. As the firm grew in size, and the number of shareholders increased, the name was changed to Wilkins Miller, P.C. to honor its original founders. W. Allen Carroll, Jr. was admitted as a shareholder of the firm in 1995. He was joined by Patricia M. Bessonen in 1996, Michael J. Kintz, John W. Jeffries and John J. Sheldon in 1998. 2000s 2000 Peter D’Olive became a partner in 2001, Claude M. Warren, IV was admitted as a shareholder in 2001. The firm’s website was launched in 2003,

Fuse Project’s Annual Dragon Boat Race benefitting children


n across the Gulf Coast

Wilkins Miller went paperless in 2004 and admitted Brian Blakeney as a shareholder. The firm now has 35 employees and numbers among its clients a publicly-traded corporation and the City of Mobile. It ranks among the top Alabama accounting firms. In 2009, the firm becomes Wilkins Miller Hieronymus, LLC, following a merger with Hieronymus, Gaillard and Jones, LLC. 2010s The firm expands into technology services in 2010 with the creation of WMH Information Technology. The following year, Thomas Octavius Gaillard died. He held CPA license 556 and had practiced since 1962. He had been a member of the ASCPA for 48 years. The same year, 2011, the firm moved again, this time to the BB&T Bank Centre. Cherry Baekert & Holland merged with WMH. In 2014 the firm is renamed Wilkins Miller. In 2015 Scott Browning was named a partner. Wilkins Miller Women, a women’s initiative, was launched a year later. The firm was named to the first-ever list of “Best Accounting Firms for Women” by Accounting Today in 2018. It was the only Alabama firm, and one of 15 nationally to be recognized, coming in at the ninth spot. One year later, three WM women were named partners, Stacy Cummings, Erin Jones and Leigh Knosher.

Junior Achievement of Mobile’s Bowling Challenge


Allen Carroll is the current managing partner at Wilkins Miller. He first joined the firm in 1987 when it was Pannell Kerr Forster. Carroll’s experience is vast, ranging from litigation and consulting services to traditional tax and accounting services in a variety of industries. He has been involved with several civic activities in the community, most recently with service on the University of South Alabama Foundation’s Board of Directors and the Mitchell College of Business Executive Advisory Council.


June 8, 2018 Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail at Oxmoor Valley 100 SunBelt Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35211

Team Registration Team Name: Names


1. 2. 3. 4. Address: City:


Primary Contact: Telephone: □ □ □


Four-Person Team Individual Golfer Mulligans & Power Drives

$700 $175 $200

Mail check and golf tournament registration to: Alabama Society of CPAs ATTN: Golf Tournament Registration P.O. Box 242987 Montgomery, AL 36124


We hope you will join us for the annual Alabama Young CPA putting green and driving range. Registration begins at 8:00 Charity Golf Tournament and enjoy a great day of network- with a light breakfast and a 9:00 shotgun start. Be sure to stick around for the 19th Hole and enjoy drinks, food, music, ing and charity. and tournament awards. The tournament has netted more than $400,000 over the past fifteen years, thanks to loyal sponsors like you. The For more information regarding the golf tournament, spontournament proceeds support The Exceptional Foundation sors, or charities, please visit and the Alabama Society of CPAs Educational Foundation. If you have any questions about the Alabama Young CPA The event will be held on June 8, 2018, at the Robert Trent Charity Golf Tournament, please contact Amanda Freeman Jones Golf Trail at Oxmoor Valley. Kick off the tournament at with participants from the Exceptional Foundation on the


004 Current Issues in Accounting

010 Guide and Update to

016 Getting to the Heart of Tax

Tax Update Tuesday, June 19, 2018 8:00 AM-11:30AM | TX: 4

011 K-1 Boot Camp for LLCs

017 The Changing Role of the

006 Business & Industry Roundtable

012 Controller’s Update: Today’s Latest Trends Wednesday, June 20, 2018 8:00 AM-11:30AM | Finance: 4

and Auditing: An Annual Update Tuesday, June 19, 2018 8:00 AM-11:30AM | AA: 3, AA: 1

005 Surgent’s Individual Income

Tuesday, June 19, 2018 8:00 AM-11:30AM | MG: 4

007 Fraud Basics: Protecting

the Company Till Tuesday, June 19, 2018 12:30PM-4:00 PM | AA: 4

008 Surgent’s S Corporation,

Partnership, and LLC Tax Update Tuesday, June 19, 2018 12:30PM-4:00 PM | TX: 4 009 Cybersecurity Risk Management

Program: What You Need to Know Tuesday, June 19, 2018 12:30PM-4:00PM | Other: 4

Compilations, Reviews, and New Preparations Wednesday, June 20, 2018 8:00 AM-11:30AM | AA: 4

Wednesday, June 20, 2018 8:00 AM-11:30AM | TX: 4

013 Auditing 401(k) Plans: Critical

Issues and Annual Update Wednesday, June 20, 2018 12:30PM-4:00 PM | AA: 4

014 This Year’s Top Tax and Financial-Planning Ideas Wednesday, June 20, 2018 12:30PM-4:00 PM | TX: 4 015 Employment Law Update: Reducing Employer Liability Wednesday, June 20, 2018 12:30PM-4:00 PM | AS: 4

STAY AT THE BEACH CLUB (All rates include tax and fees)

1 Bedroom Unit $279.00/nightly; $1,773.14/five night total 2 Bedroom Unit $342.00/nightly; $2,154.95/five night total 3 Bedroom Unit $445.50/nightly; $2,768.58/five night total

Reform: Individual Income Tax Changes and Planning Strategies Thursday, June 21, 2018 8:00 AM-11:30AM | TX: 4

Controller: Advancing from Tactical to Strategic Thursday, June 21, 2018 8:00 AM-11:30AM | MG: 4 018 Guide to the New Revenue

Recognition Model for All CPAs Thursday, June 21, 2018 8:00 AM-11:30AM | AA: 4 019 Tax Reform’s Impact on

Corporations and Pass-Through Entities Thursday, June 21, 2018 12:30PM-4:00 PM | TX: 4

020 Risk, Cost, and Cash Management for Controllers and Financial Managers Thursday, June 21, 2018 12:30PM-4:00 PM | AS: 4 021 ASU No. 2016-14 in Just Four Hours Thursday, June 21, 2018 12:30PM-4:00 PM | AA: 4

022 Capitalized Costs and Depreciation: Key Issues and Answers Friday, June 22, 2018 8:00 AM-11:30AM | TX: 4 023 Analyzing a Company’s Financial

Statement Friday, June 22, 2018 8:00 AM-11:30AM | Finance: 2, AA: 1

024 Five Critical Issues that A&A

Public Accountants will Need to Face This Year Friday, June 22, 2018 8:00 AM-11:30AM | AA: 4

025 Protecting Your Client and Your Firm from Tax Return Identity Theft Friday, June 22, 2018 12:30PM-4:00 PM | TX: 4 026 Financial Forecasting: Planning for Success Friday, June 22, 2018 12:30PM-12:00AM | Finance: 4 027 Mastering Accounting for Income Taxes Friday, June 22, 2018 12:30PM-4:00 PM | AA: 4

Beginning June 9, 2018 through August 11, 2018, there are arrival and departure restrictions for all condo unit reservations at The Beach Club. During this time period, Spectrum does not allow for arrivals or departures on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays. During this same time period, all 4 and 5 bedroom condo units require a 7 night minimum stay from Saturday to Saturday only. Find out more about 28 The Beach Club and all of the courses offered at this year’s 2018 Gulf Shores CPE Clusters on



Thursday, May 31 | Montgomery, AL

Friday, June 29 | Montgomery, AL

As a professional who performs highly specialized benefit plan audits it’s crucial that you maintain a knowledge level that surpasses what is necessary to perform a financial statement audit. With so much at risk, you need to be confident in the services you and your team provide, especially as the DOL continues to escalate its oversight of audit quality.

CPAs in business and industry are consistently faced with changes and developments that make their professional needs unique. The ASCPA presents the Business and Industry Workshop, an event that focuses on the strategic management and leadership skills critical to corporate CPAs.

Attend and receive direct interaction with a Lynne McMennamin from the U.S. Department of Labor Washington, D.C. Also enjoy facilitated, hands-on discussions moderated by today’s top EPB audit professionals: Gregory Clark, Leigh Dykes, Scott Sutton, Jay Maples, Derrel Curry, and Brian Robbins.

Join in-person or via webcast for this year’s lineup: Alabama Representative Danny Garrett, Randy Johnson from K2 Enterprises, Dorman Walker from Balch & Bingham, LLP., Brent McClure, Earl Blackmon, and Marc Hamilton. Register at SIMULCAST OPTION: Same content. Different format. If coming to a workshop isn’t feasible for you, participate via the simulcast. This convenient online option allows you to participate from the comfort of your home or office.

Register on to attend in person or via webcast to network, exchange information, and discuss best practices with your peers and subject matter experts who – like you – are committed to audit quality.


GENERAL CPE SCHEDULE LS001 LIVE STREAM – Understanding the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 May 17, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Online 003 ASCPA Employee Benefits Workshop May 31, 2018 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery LS003 LIVE STREAM-ASCPA Employee Benefits Workshop May 31, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Online 006 Business & Industry Roundtable June 19, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Management 4 | Gulf Shores 004 Current Issues in Accounting and Auditing: An Annual Update June 19, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 4 | Gulf Shores 009 Cybersecurity Risk Management Program: What You Need to Know June 19, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: AA 4 | Gulf Shores 007 Fraud Basics: Protecting the Company Till June 19, 2018 | 12:30PM CPE: AA 4 | Gulf Shores 005 Surgent’s Individual Income Tax Update June 19, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 4 | Gulf Shores 008 Surgent’s S Corporation, Partnership, and LLC Tax Update June 19, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: Tax 4 | Gulf Shores 013 Auditing 401(k) Plans: Critical Issues and Annual Update June 20, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: AA 4 | Gulf Shores

012 Controller’s Update: Today’s Latest Trends June 20, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Finance 4 | Gulf Shores 015 Emplyoment Law Update: Reducing Employer Liability June 20, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: Business Law 4 | Gulf Shores 010 Guide and Update to Compilations, Reviews, and New Preparations June 20, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 4 | Gulf Shores 011 K-1 Boot Camp for LLCs June 20, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 4 | Gulf Shores

017 The Changing Role of the Controller: Advancing from Tactical to Strategic June 21, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Management 4 | Gulf Shores

LS032 LIVE STREAMUnderstanding the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 August 13, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Online

023 Analyzing a Company’s Financial Statement June 22, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 4 | Gulf Shores

031 You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know August 13, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Pelham

022 Capitalized Costs and Depreciation: Key Issues and Answers June 22, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 4 | Gulf Shores

030 Reviewing Pass-Through Tax Returns: What Are You Missing? August 13, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Pelham

026 Financial Forecasting: Planning for Success June 22, 2018 | 12:30PM CPE: AA 4 | Gulf Shores

014 This Year’s Top Tax and Financial-Planning Ideas June 20, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: Tax 4 | Gulf Shores

024 Five Critical Issues that A&A Public Accountants will Need to Face This Year June 22, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 4 | Gulf Shores

021 ASU No. 2016-14 in Just Four Hours June 21, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: AA 4 | Gulf Shores

027 Mastering Accounting for Income Taxes June 22, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: AA 4 | Gulf Shores

016 Getting to the Heart of Tax Reform: Individual Income Tax Changes and Planning Strategies June 21, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 4 | Gulf Shores

025 Protecting Your Client and Your Firm from Tax Return Identity Theft June 22, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: Tax 4 | Gulf Shores

018 Guide to the New Revenue Recognition Model for All CPAs June 21, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 4 | Gulf Shores

028 Business & Industry Workshop June 29, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Management 8 | Montgomery

020 Risk, Cost, and Cash Management for Controllers and Financial Managers June 21, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: Consulting Services 4 | Gulf Shores

LS028 LIVE STREAM-Business & Industry Workshop June 29, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Management 8 | Online

019 Tax Reform’s Impact on Corporations and Pass-Through Entities June 21, 2018 | 12:30PM CPE: Tax 4 | Gulf Shores

183 Audits of 401(k) Plans July 20, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery

032 Understanding the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 August 13, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Montgomery 029 Upcoming Peer Review: Is Your Firm Ready? August 13, 2018| 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Pelham 034 A Market Approach to Valuing a Business August 14, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Forensics & Valuation 8 | Pelham 037 Implementing and Maintaing an Internal Control System August 14, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Pelham LS033 LIVE STREAM-The Complete Guide to the Preparation of Form 1041 August 14, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Online 036 Social Security, Medicare, and Prescription Drug Retirement Benefits: What Every Baby Boomer Needs to Know Now August 14, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Pelham 033 The Complete Guide to the Preparation of Form 1041 August 14, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Montgomery


GENERAL CPE SCHEDULE 038 Comprehensive Accounting Issues of Estates and Trusts: Fiduciary Accounting and Tax Issues August 15, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Pelham 039 K2’s Excel Data Magic, Including Advanced PivotTables and Power Pivot August 15, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Pelham 035 Understanding the Complexities of Fraud in Order to Develop Ways to Mitigate Risk August 15, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Pelham 042 2018 Accounting & Auditing Update for the Real World August 20, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 4 | Auburn 048 2018 Preparation, Compilation & Review (SSARS) Update for the Local Firm August 20, 2018 | 12:30PM CPE: AA 4 | Auburn 044 AICPA’s Annual Update: Top 12 Governmental and Not-forProfit Accounting and Auditing Issues Facing CPAs August 20, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Pelham 043 Community Banking Update August 20, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Pelham 047 Data Breaches & Other Cyber Frauds: A 21st Century Risk to Your Organization August 20, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: Specialized Knowledge 4 | Dothan 041 Forensic Investigations: Key Tools to Success August 20, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 4 | Dothan

046 S Corporation Taxation: Advanced Issues August 20, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: Tax 4 | Dothan

051 Revenue Recognition Issues for Nonprofit Organizations – NEW! August 21, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery

040 Surgent’s Federal Tax Update August 20, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 4 | Dothan

058 Select Estate and Life Planning Issues for the MiddleIncome Client August 21, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: Tax 4 | Dothan

045 Surgent’s Individual and Financial-Planning Tax Camp August 20, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Pelham

054 Studies on Single Audit and Yellow Book Deficiencies August 21, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Pelham

059 Accounting and Auditing Update August 21, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: AA 4 | Dothan

060 2018 Accounting & Auditing Update for the Real World August 22, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 4 | Tuscaloosa

056 Accounting and Auditing Update for Small Businesses August 21, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Huntsville

068 2018 Preparation, Compilation & Review (SSARS) Update for the Local Firm August 22, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: AA 4 | Tuscaloosa

053 Advanced Audits of 401(k) Plans: Best Practices and Current Developments August 21, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Pelham

066 Annual Update and Practice Issues for Preparation, Compilation, and Review Engagements August 22, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Huntsville

052 Construction Contractors Advanced Issues August 21, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery

067 K2’s Business Intelligence, Featuring Microsoft’s Power BI Tools August 22, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Specialized Knowledge 8 | Huntsville LS061 LIVE STREAM – Surgent’s Federal Tax Camp August 22, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Online 064 Sales and Use Tax Workshop August 22, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Pelham 061 Surgent’s Federal Tax Camp August 22, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Montgomery 071 Surgent’s Federal Tax Camp August 22, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Huntsville 074 2018 Accounting and Auditing Update for Tax People Who Hate A&A August 23, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Pelham 075 Case Studies in Not-for-Profit Accounting and Auditing August 23, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Huntsville

065 Employment Law Update: 070 Federal Tax Update – Key Risks and Recent Trends Individual & Business Current August 22, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Consulting Services 8 | Pelham Developments August 23, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Pelham 063 Enhancing Audit Quality: Best Practices in Documenting and 073 K2’s Small Business Internal Reviewing Your Work Controls, Security, and Fraud August 22, 2018 | 8:00 AM Prevention and Detection CPE: AA 8 | Pelham August 23, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery 062 Integrating Audit Data Analytics into the Audit Process 069 Risk Management – Disaster August 22, 2018 | 8:00 AM Recovery Planning CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery August 23, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: 8 | Pelham

050 Interpreting the New Revenue Recognition Standard: What All CPA’s Need to Know August 21, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 4 | Dothan 057 K2’s Cloud Computing August 21, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Huntsville 049 Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits August 21, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 4 | Dothan 055 Practical Planning Boot Camp: S Corporations and LLCs August 21, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Pelham


GENERAL CPE SCHEDULE 072 Social Security, Medicare, and Prescription Drug Retirement Benefits: What Every Baby Boomer Needs to Know Now August 23, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Montgomery

078 Surgent’s Comprehensive Guide to Tax Depreciation, Expensing, & Property Transacations August 24, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Huntsville

083 2018 Preparation, Compilation & Review (SSARS) Update for the Local Firm August 24, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Pelham

080 The Value-Added Controller August 24, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Management 8 | Pelham

081 Basis Calculations & Distributions for Pass-Thru Entity Owners Schedule K-1 Analysis August 24, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Pelham 079 From Hiring to Firing and Everything in Between: Healthcare, Retirement, and Fringe Benefit Tax Issues August 24, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: Consulting Services 4 | Montgomery 077 Guide to Payroll Taxes and 1099 Issues August 24, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 4 | Montgomery 084 K2’s Advanced QuickBooks Tips and Techniques August 24, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: Specialized Knowledge 4 | Montgomery 076 K2’s Introduction to Excel Macros August 24, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Specialized Knowledge 4 | Montgomery 082 Real World Fraud in Today’s Small- to Medium- Sized Entities August 24, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Huntsville

090 2018 Preparation, Compilation & Review (SSARS) Update for the Local Firm August 29, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Mobile 092 Implementing FASB’s Revenue and Leasing Standards in Private Companies: GAAP vs. Alternate Reporting Frameworks August 29, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery

085 Accounting and Auditing Current Developments August 27, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery

LS092 LIVE STREAM – Accounting Six Pack: Revenue Recognition, Leases, Cybersecurity, Business Combinations, Accounting Standards Board Update, a August 29, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Online

LS085 LIVE STREAM – Accounting and Auditing Current DevelopmentS (Accounting Update) August 27, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Online

089 Practical Planning Boot Camp: S Corporations and LLCs August 29, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Mobile

086 2018 Accounting & Auditing Update for the Real World August 28, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Mobile 087 Current Developments and Best Practices for Today’s CFOs and Controlllers August 28, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Mobile 088 Implementing SSARS 21: Preparation, Compilation, Review & the Cash and Tax Basis of Accounting (Latest Edition) August 28, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery

091 Real-World Fraud Found in Governments and Not-for-Profits August 29, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery 095 Governmental Accounting and Auditing Update August 30, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery 094 K2’s Excel Financial Reporting and Analysis August 30, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Mobile

LS088 LIVE STREAM – Implementing SSARS 21: Preparation, Compilation, Review & the Cash and Tax Basis of Accounting August 28, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Online

093 Surgent’s Individual and Financial-Planning Tax Camp August 30, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: Tax 8 | Mobile LS097 LIVE STREAM – Cybersecurity Risk Management Program Essentials August 31, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Online 097 Cybersecurity Risk Management Program Essentials August 31, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery 098 CFO Series Day 3 – Managing Risk September 13, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery 099 Becoming an AICPA Peer Review Team or Review Captain: Case Study Application September 14, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery 100 Predicting the Future: Create the Best Projections You Can September 14, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery 102 Annual Update for Governments and Not-for-Profits September 17, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 4 | Pelham 106 Building a Better R&D Credit September 17, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: Tax 4 | Pelham

096 Analytics and Big Data for Accountants August 30, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Montgomery

105 Controller’s Update: Today’s Latest Trends September 17, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: Finance 4 | Pelham

LS095 LIVE STREAM – Governmental Accounting and Auditing Update August 30, 2018 | 8:00 AM CPE: AA 8 | Online

104 Financial Reporting for Notfor-Profit Entities September 17, 2018 | 12:30 PM CPE: AA 4 | Pelham


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Imagine... a chair without a desk Delivering Results - One Practice At a time Lori Newcomer, CPA & Tim Price, CPA


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