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No. I 11anuary 2003

On the Cover: ~ bQoI II ........ oft"- IIaIdwiD CounIy,.oJabam>.....-AIIIIo<I&b !d>bom>'. couthne ........... y ItIon III ...... <If miles, d 11M. "'*"Ii< Golf of Maico,..d 11M . - map ...rood poru. 1Iayw La o.-..d lion SocoodiuIf - . Shmnp " .... _rof .... ~ , .. w." ... r""">,, f<llloo.'«I by oy-... cnIIc -.I £.nfi .... M.,.. .......,10 """'""" fR>m~', poru ...........'1= ..... US< I'I<U and ......'1 - . wtOlt compony_n<d (osIII!\!: f\oca _ C<In'IIYIOIIIO ....... .,..,. of "'" UniIfd s ....., m:lny of AIabamo', """""""ill fi>hin5 """"b or< family "",n<d l ', ....... h f<¥UlarIy range

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23 Stat. B.r l.kes Top PR Award


Mobile Bar Association Sponsors Presentation of "To Kill • Mockingbird~ By lilM'~Jt« 8. J.bil


F,II2OO2 Adminees

38 Code § 2S>5-1l: A N.rrow C,use of Action Against Co-Employees By K<'I'i~ W.

Pa""" ~nd Willi"", L. C""'pbdl, h


War Stories


Spotlight on • Section: Family Law Section Celebrates 16 Yean of Service By Robl" L. Bur,..,11 0Ni (;Qfdon BaUey


Alab,m,'s New Brokers Licensing Act By

v. lJ.- Wi",""""


Howell Heflin Presents the Maud McClure Kelly Awan:l


Janie L Shores Receives the M.ud McClure Kally Award


Book Review: Hugo L Black: Justic. for All 1I<'1,;~d


'" }Qmu L NO/~•. Jr.

2002 Pro Bono Honor Roll


nIl' I!!"l <II dIll!

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Calendar for SPRING 2003 FEBRUARY 6 7 21 28

Appellate Practice - Birmingham Employment Law - Birmingham Banking Law - Birmingham Nursing Home Litigation - Birmingham


Elder Law - Birmingham Commercial Real Estate - Birmingham Workers' Compensation - Tuscaloosa Advanced Family Law - Birmingham

7 13 14 21 24-26

Southeastern Corporate Law Institute - Pt. Clear


2 9-10 23

Products Liability - Birmingham City and County Governments - Orange Beach Legal Researchllnternet - Tuscaloosa


6-7 26-28

Bridge the Gap -Tuscaloosa Litigation Tips for Trying an Environmental Tort Case - Walt Disney World in Florida



_ o.Gt.,

Civil Rights-Past, Present and Future, Part /I (This is the second inslallmem of a three-part series adapted from a speech given to the International Society of Barristers in 2001; the firs! part appeared in the November 2002 Alabama Lawyer.)

Personal History and the Birth of the CMI Itights Movement e! me !eli you. IinJe bit abou! IIow J be<an>e involved in thi s whole busi ....". I did flO! Stan ou! wan!ing!o be. lawyer. I did flO! know any la"")'ers. J ....... prtparlng for • nice. safe position !hal African-An>eric"," could have in !be lale 19400: J was g<:>ing '0 be. prtaotll!r and a !"""'IIn. My It"IO!ber pachd n>e up and stn! me up to Nashville to one of our churc:h schools so [could learn IIow to preach. While !here in school. [nav.1ed all ""er!he coontry with ODe of our old pioneer preache ... ",, foods for !he school and recruiting s,udonlS. When 1 finishtd training in 1948. 1 n:!urned home!o go to colle,. a! Alabama Sla!e.!he his!orically African-AmericaJI college in Montgomery, I lived 00 lite wes' ,ide of ' (JWn. and Alabama S""e was on !he .OS' ,ide of lO\O'n. SO I " bus U'anSpo<tation a! lea.! twice a day. and sometimes as oflen as si. limes a day. 1 IlIW so many of our people being mim.ated on lbe buses. 1l>ose .'p"ri<'1lC<:5 on !he bust. awakened ""'. I, .uddcnly ,truc~ home tha! ..... rry1hing in Monlgon .. ry a! thai !in.. was segregated based on race. and if . p"rSOlI of color Iud a claim againsl a whi,. perwn. the ... was nobOOy wllo would . ''en handle !he case. So! de>cided ,hat. in addi'ion!o savi ng folk.o· .. out... I need· ed!O giw: lhem so"'" earthly llelp. I made a secn:! pledge that [ would become • la"")'or. relum to Alabama. pass!he bar exam. 000 destroy everylhing stgrega!ed I could ftoo. I couldn'l anend lite law school al ,he Universi,y of Alabama then be<:ause of my"""'. Alabama. like mosl of the .<OUthem $tate.s. had. plan that would allow i! to meel the requin:n>en! of providing equal educational





facilities for Afri<aJI_A"",rican. while .till ~ .. ping!he race< .. para!e: Alabama would help pay tuiliOfl, room

and board for African-Americans wllo went 10 school 5Omev.'here el ... Tha"$ how I haWned!O gel my law dtgrtt at Case Wes!ern Reserve lJniversity in Clevelaoo. with the help of the S"'te of Alabam:1. A. r look back on i! now. r wnoder IIow in !he world • boy, who a! thai !i""' ........ bou! 19 ye ... of .g<:. could ha"e thought of ,uch. plan. I ludn·t even !okl my mothertltal I Md applied '0 I.w schooL When r r«eived ,he 1CC<:p1'''1Ce ltu...-.l gave i! 10 her during din .... , one ""~ning. She rtad i! aoo said. ·'''''ell, Mr. Smany, now that you·ve b«n acce-p!ed. when: an: you going to gel the mot>eyT" Then ,he went out and helped g.,!he money. So [was privileged tDOUgh 10 go to C~ Wes!rm ResrNf; University. but I alway. had the inlention of rtluming 10 Alabama. [Iud eDOUgh sen.. 10 SlOp by Columbus and lake the Ohio barexamjo,' in case. BUI six """"ks lato, I ,ook the Alahru"" bar exam. The Alabama eJ<.1Jninen in 19S4 assumed tha! one Utile African-Ame-ricaJI boy from the ~hel1OS of Montgomery w<Klldn·' rod the boa, and couldn·, hurt anytlting. r paSsed botIl bare.."" the Ii..! time


Less than six months la!cr. in ~1>rch 19~~> I n:prestnted a I~-y=-old lIirl narned Cl.udot!e Colvin. Most of you dOII·t know orO.udelle, bot ni .... months before Roso f'2rl;. W$ arttSled. Claudeue W$ """,s,ed under vory .imilar oircum.tances. Coming from school, .he boarded a bu. in downlOwn Montgomtry. On the way ho"", aJld after one bloc~. .1Ie wos .. ked 10 give up lin sta! to a while man. She rtfused. and !hey dragged Clat>dclle ofT the bu, I rq). rtscnted her in !he Jo~nile Coun of Mon'gomery

Cooancy. Evn}"OIII' ~ mou. RQIO. Parts and obooI MlO1in Lutbe-r Kill&- b,ll no I)I"Wl knows abou. Claud<ut Colvin. Silo O!illlivt< in the Bronx. Throu&hoo.the ci.n rillt .. movenltnl



bundmls of indi"idualJ ouch

as a.~. peopIe ....1\o tool ......... and

made -"fltt$. b," ...·hose narntS ~ appe. in prio. and .... hoM: pictures nev., appear on television. "They an: \he ooes

,,'110 laid"'" founda.ion and,..OO SO"., uS

the moral coura&e. If the", had bttft no CIoudene Colvin. rUi uample. _ mishl ~ bttft potpwtd 10....,..,.. the bus bo)'oo. afICf Mro. Parts _ arTt$ICd. We iIa ••• o "'",",nbC< 1110 ihousand, or


ptQple: ... oo ha"., wITerod and e,'en die.!. A 101 of evenlJ happened in MontpnCfy in I >han pCfiod of ,i ..... ...... me Jive yo. _ qu",k c1.",IOIoty: On StplCmbtr 7. 1954. I'm! Gray. then 23 yeaN. of age. w .. admiutd to ,110 P"""ke of law tn Alabomo: on Octobtr 30. 19S4. Manin lutbe-r Kill&- Jr.. ...... i",;colled as pMWf of Ik~ ... Avenue Bapr~ Chur<:h: on Marth 2. I~S. C\aud<1u: ...... arRSICd

ror "'r....ina '" Jive up her Je&C.

AnOiher lady. Mary Loui .. Smith. was ,....,Sled in Octobtr 19S5; on NOlI.mbe. S. 19S5. ju>. 26 days ber"", RO<\O. Par .... ...... anwtd. Frank M. Jo/In1<:In. Jr. bec_ -judge of the UIliU:<! StaltS l>iltrict Coon ror Iht Middle: DiIDict of Alabama. I wanllO here for I momen' beea .... I Ihink lbe apPOintnltn' of Jll<lge JI)hIlSQrl ...... wry imporUnl. Judte Johmon " ........ ollhose !We judges ...·00 ...... ready and wi11inlllO "''' hi, lif. on liz line \0 <10 " 'ha1 110 knew 10 be rillt' under \he Co''''i'u,ion. noI j usl in 1110 bu. cast bul in many cases lhal af"O$t In Alaboma. On Ikttmher I. RQIO. !'arb ......; on Dt«mbtr S. Jbe " .... Iricd and coaviclcd; the bus ~I SW1cd and Dr. Ki"l was inlroduced 10 MonIJoonery and the ....... 1eI. On Fd""ary 2. 1956. we fikd the case of Browt/'r ~ Gayl,. in ,..hieh 1110 diIDict coon !\lied Iht bus ",""",,,,ion u_inLliona]; and JOoIIIe ro"., .... si~ - ' t s lao., the "'p"'me coun IfYirmod thai <It<:i ....... And lhe civil ngh" 1I"IOYtfntl1, ...... bum. I'.ankly. I think ,110 Lord had SOO'I<thina '" <10 with brinl:ing the individualJ and eve"" ~ in MorItg<>mrry .. thai time; the ~ " 'elll beyond thanee or coincide""". A pebble: """ in ,110 of Mon,gomtry. Allbama "",aled I hUnlon rights lidal "'ave thaI ehan,c:d America and even:u·


'"'"'p. . . _

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OIl'" the



f"","lIY placn .. the Bahamas. OIi ..... South Afric .. the Sov;'1 Uniol1. and <:II ... Grtal Brillin. In this brid """",,lew of ru.lOf)'. I need 10 II1CfIlio11 one mon: chapltr-the infa-

mous ~ Syphilis Snody. 8y the early 19m. I hid Iricd hu...nd:l 01 c-. apinst diocrimination by citia and COUll· lies in Alabama and by the O1ale itself. and in many of ""'"" ~2stS the ftdo-ral p-em .... nc ...... rillK on our side. n..n I woI;e up one day in 1m and Iea1Itd tha, in my (/WJt oounty of Macon. \he ftdCfal 1:O"CfII......... hid fllW>l:t:d a 4G-year pro,ram in " 'ruch il had uotd 623 African· American men. some or whom had .ypltili. and ~ of whom did noI. 10

coun.e I0Il o(...utauod . yphil; -wllhoul\he ~'Iod", or COlI· IC'" of the mCfI in¥01ved. So I hid to ftle suil ogainSll1io Uni ..... S]'oles Govcm .... nt. In addition '" lellinl: I fair .. llIemtnl (for thooe days). Iht surviY<ln n"nItually ~_ "" "I>OiOSY from the I'tnidtnt 0I1ht Uniltd SIIlQ. In 1m. I'Rsidertl CUlllon .w.utted thai our coonuy did I lricvous injuslice 10 the men in 1110 .. udy and apologized. in penon. to the IUIYivon. 1"hose "'IYivon hid drcid· eo:! thai .... hal thry wanroe! ....... I pennaIItOl memorial in TIaskqee Kkoowledg. 1IUdy the

ing noI only their conuibullons. bul the contrioolion. Oihors have made in ,110 field of~;.i1 rights. So when the 1pole$llW1 for Iht ....... ivon introduced the Praidtnt on May 16. 1997.110 .........nccd tht fonrwion of tht ~

Hu ....... :and Ci~il R'Jht$ Multicullural Wbm fully devl-1opM. the Ctnatr .... ill ed"".", the publ ic on the COi1tribu· lion of all the ethnic 8""'P' in ""r .an:~ ,,110 have assiSloe! in aboul


human and ciyil

ri&hU. In the .....1 ~..

or 110. vU.llOrS \0 ~ " 'iII be obit '" ICC

all of thai .. ...... pi.".,.

CLE Opportunities The Alabama MaOOau:wy a...E Corrmissim COl1!l11\laliy evaluates and approves til-stale. as well as Mtionwioo. programs which ale maintained in a compyter database All ate idemJlied by $pr.lIl$II". Ioc3. !IOn. date arw:! specaatry area. !'of a IXN11plete listtllg of cunenl eLf opportunil>es 0( a calendar. cootacl the Ma...E Corrmissioo oIfiat all3341 269-1515. eK\erISion 111. 156 0( 158. 0(

you may VIf!W a complele listlllg

of current pr0Qf3ms al the stalll ba,'s Web site. wwwalabatDfl}.

umberlond SchOOl of low

Looking for CLE information? Check out our Web sile ... hnp:// Or call 1-800-888-7454 (in Birmingham. caU 726-23911 s.NonIl..IrWIIrsir, i$ . . (quill Oppommy "slnubon alii , I .1tS . . . . . _ far IIU,*"",,*~..:I tDabOl1ll 1i'Y.,b from .. tIOYiduIIs • • ' of 1-. c:oD:.... tIiRtili1\'. t9'1. n;ItlOI1III tI etIn: tlooin

~., -

Alabama's Implementation of the National Action Plan On Lawyer Conduct And Professionalism D 1996, the Confntt'lCe ofebt( JUSlices paWdl r=>IuIion tim", (or I national $IIIdy and w:tion l'Ian 10 i~ lawyer conducI and pro(eWo::wJi~ This l'I'$OIution "'"as in ~ to the ~uncnd:itioru ronUlir.ed in the 1992 Alncrican Bar As$()<:'a1ion (ADA) McKay Commission Report en1itkd, 't.aW)'tf Ik$ulatiorl for • N..... Century," oYer the last (cw ~-. the ABA', Ctn~ for I'ro(t$$ional ~bility lhrough iu l'ro(e56innaIi>m Commince and Joint Cormbuoe on ~ ~lalion hoYo ;!h the Confnmoe <Ii 0Iief JU$OO.$1D - . . . pIatI 1M would Iddtas a>ncmtI ""'" Ihe d<dino ill ~i5m in !he bw and !he ""'.... 'oilaM mup in Ihe pubIic', .......oden<e ill Ihe pofe5oinn ond)lstice syoImL ,,1Itr n-r nxetinp and I PQ deal <Ii bon! wOO:. in J:u!U:lf}' 1999, the Confo:rnn of 0Iief JU$OO.$IIdolpod Ihe N<>tiotW iIction


""""",liICd ...

""'\""""iPN. lSI

""'" "" Urwyn c.-iucf anti P~.. An ~ menlalion ~ was IIdolpod in 2001 , TlIe national act"", plan C<)l\taill$ blatk lcU~r ~m· mendatioru ".,,'cring seven broad ""'ai, Eaooh of lhe 10


seven aro,.. has s.ubcatqorin of !pO<'if..: ~. lions, TlIe na1ional action plan', ~ions ha,.., boen included ~ (or)'<llt to review, Because of the """"';""$ droro of Stale bo.r kadel'S and 00.

S1Jpreme coon, only. few of the 3Clion plan', ra:<>m· mendations ",main for uS to inlple, ... nl or oddress. Becau .. work. ",mainl in -=1 areu, including men· toring, public K,"",lntabilily and public ootreadl, ./foro 10 fill the ",mainilll PI" will canlinue. Alabama t....')'m; tJoooold be pIeued 1lIe supreme ooon and !he 0IaIe ....... ~ . . . . much progn$S in impkmentin. 10 many .1t.... DU olllle I1alion:d anion pba, TheK ..., lIO.,...,."ipI cures !hat \\Iill change !he pmenI rondillon ollhe proteuion or improve !he public's :mi1ucit Ibovt !he j .... idal S)'SIeID, Over Ii..... !he ....asures calkd rOl' in !he ..:olional action plan and a1",ady impk.....,c"" in AlabarlllO will rooer impro-...,· .... nlS in lawyer CQIIdUC1.nd help n'S1O<e public """fi· donee in OIl. profeuion and juslice syslem. •

National Action Plan, Black letter A, Professionali.m. Coordinalion



1l>e appellate coon of highesl jurisdiction in each .late should We a leadership ",I. in evalualing the con_ lemporary needs of lho leg.1 conunu· oily with resp<CI to lawyer prof..· ';o""lis01,OO coonlinaling the act;,·· ities of tho bench. lbe bar. and the law school< in meeting lhose ntttls. SpecifK" effort< should include:

Eslablishing a CQm01i.. ion on Profession.lism 0< (>!her agency under the direct authorily of tho "PP'113Ie ooun of highest juri>dictiooo; • Ensuring lhat judicial.nd legal educalion males .. f.",nce 10 bruader social issues and their i",pac' on prof.ssionali,m and legal elhics: Increasing the dialogue among lho law schools. lho coutts and the prneticing bar lhrough ptriodic meetings; and CorreI3ling the nccds of the Itgal profession. bench. bar. aoo law schools - to iiltntify issues. assess ~nds and sel a cobet<:nl and <:001'"di""lO'd dire<1ion for the prof.... ion.

B. Improving J...:.w;w Compotence I. Continuing Legal Educalion (CLE)

Each .tale·s apptlia,e court of highosl jurisdiclion should encourage and ~uppor1the devel_ opmem and Inlpitmtntalion of a high-qualily. comptthensiv. CLE program inclnding subslantive programs on profe .. ionalism and conlptlellCe. An effective CLE progrnm i. one Ihal: R"'Iui",. lawyer panioip",io n in conlin uing legal education programs: • R"'Iuires (h.'la certain portion of the CLE focu, on .tIlio$ and profe .. ionali,m; • Requires Ibal all lawyers ~,ke tile mandated profes.ionali.m course for new admillees: • Monilors and cnfo,,:es compli an,,,, witll meaningful CLIO f'e<lul .. "",nlS:

f.noournges innovative CLE in a ,·ariety of prneticc areas; Eneournges cosl_eff«live CLE formalS' • I'.nc:our.tges the integration of ethics and professionali ... " COIIl. pOllenlS in all CLE curricula: Encoornges CLE C<.>mponenlS on legal practice and office managcmcnI5~ill .. i",ludi"g offJ<e managemenl technology; and Te""hcs methods 10 vre'''"t and a'lOid ,nalpra:;tice and unethi<al or unprofessional condu<1 and the conseq ... ~ of failing to prt:'>'Cnt and a'lOid such ronducl. 2. Law Office Management Stal<c bar I'fOgramS should support ctfons to improve law office .fficiency. Effeclive .upport includes: Establi,hing" law office man_ asemt"t ""iltance progrnm: f'ny.·iding ass;~lance ,,·ith daily law offiee routines; alld • ProViding moni!Oling "'<vices for I,,"'yers .. fcrred from lho disciplinary sy'l<cm, 3. Assi .."""" wilh Elhic. QueStions Lawytrs ~hould be provided witll programs 10 as,iSt in lhe conlpli_ MICe of etllical rule, of oonduct. State bar progrnms should : Eslablish an Ethics Hotli",,;


to ad"i",ry Provide opinions on the Web or. comp5Ct disc (CD); and

Publi!h annotaled volu""" of profe ..,i""al conduct. 4. A"i>lanCt to Lawye", "'itll Mental He:Ihh or SuI:»l:Jncc Al>.oo:. Probiems

Lawyers need a forum to confronl1heir "",nlal healtll and .ub>lance .bus. problems. Stal<c bar progrnl1ls should:

blabli~h ;n,"IVemion .ysten~< for disabilitie, and impai,· mcnlS othe, than ,ubli... nce abll<c Qr expand exi'ting LAPs 10 cover non""hemic.1 deptnd. ency impainn"nlS:

Pro"ide nlOO;loring <erv;ces for lawyers ",ferred from the disciplinary 'ystem; and - Pro"ide ,arr<rcwnseling for I"""yers in tranSi1ion. 5. Lawyers Enlerin8 Practice fo< lhe First n"", - Transitional EducatiQn Judicinllea.d.:rship should support the <ie>'elopmen, and implementation of program' lhal add .... tho prnetical n<M, of lawyers im"",_ dialely .ftcr ad"",,;on to lhe bar. Eff""ti," 1'f'OS!'3111S for newly adnti!l<xllawy<ro: Mandale a course for new admillee, tIlal cov"rs!be f"nd.menlal, or law prnet;ce: Emphasize professionalism: • 11K'!'t.... emph.,is on dc,·dop_ ing pos1-grad""tion slJlls; and En,"", lhe availabilily of CLE in office slilis for diffe .. n1 office selting~. 6, Menloring

Jud;ciall.adcrship .hould p<Omote menloring prog",ms for both new and e.labli.hed la"yeri. EIf""I;'" progrnm<: • Eslabllsh mcn10ring opportunl _ lies for new a.dmiuccs: lislabli,h mentonng opportunities for 5010 atld .mall fiml prnetilio"'ri; Pro.ide di=lories of lawyers who ,an ""pond 10 queSliQn! in diffe .. n, pi'"".>elice areas:

C",ale a J...:.wy<t Assi"ance Progmm (LAP) if ,,"" doe, not •• i'l;

Proviilt "'Iwor~ing QPronuni. lie. for ",10 .nd ,mall lim, 1.... yers; at><!

Fund lhe LAf' through mandatcry ~is1nuion fe ..;


• Pro.ide confiden1iality for J...,\P p<ograms;

Pro,·iilt l""hoology for of informalion.

C. Law School Educalion and Bar Admission


National Action Plan, Black Letter I, Law School Cuniculum In preparing law students for legal pn>eticc. law $Chool5 sIIould pr0vide students wilh \he fundame"· ",I principlos of professionalism and basic skills for legal pmc:ticc. 2. Bar Examination The subjtct areas tesl«l on \he examination for admittance to !he s"'''' bru" sIIould ",nec' a focus on

fundanltn,al compe"''''''' by law}'en.


3. Char.>cter and E",lu",ion

Law schools should assiSt bar admi>sions agencies by providing complete aoo aceura", informa· 'ion abou, lh< char.>c'.r and fil_ ""SS of 13w sloo.nls who apply f01 bar admission. 4. Bar Admission I'roct:d......

Bar admissions procedures sIIould be designed 10 l'C'o.. al instaoo!S of poor cl!ara<1er and fitnesi. [f approprial<, bar applicants may be admitted on a cooditiooaJ basi .. D, Effec'ive Lawyer Regulalion

1. Complaint Handling

Informalion aboul ,lie s"''''' s sys· I<m of "'gulation should be tasi_ Iy ac«SSible and prtsenl«l to lawyers and lbe public in an understandable format. "The disci· plinary agency, 01 centnl intale nffia: if separate. should review complaints .. pedilioosly. Mal1e .. that 00 n<>l fall under !he jurisdiction of !he disciplinary agency or 00 n<>l statr fa.cts thai, if true, would constitute a violation of the nMs of "",fessional conduc' .hould be promptly ref"""d 10 a more appropriate mechanism f01 resolu,ion, ComplainanlS should be ~ep' inf0111'l<'d abou, !he sLalus of cnmplain15 at .11 stages nf pr0ceedings, including eXpla"alions abou' subSlan,i~ decisio"s !J\adl: coneeming 1IIe complaint. 2


Assisllu'tCC 10 Lawyers witll Ethics Problems or "Minor" Mis.condoct (e.g .. 11<15 of lesser misoonduct thai do oot ..,.m.mIDe in'position of a disciplinary sanction)




"The state', system of law}·.r reg· ul"ion should include procedures for refening matters involving lesser mi$CQooOCl'<I an appr<>pri. ate remedial program. Such pr0cedures Jl13y include:

R"'Iuirtd participation in a law office managemenl program; R",!uirtd jW1icipa'ion in a lawyer assistanCe program; Enrollmenl in an "ethics school (>I" Other mand.,ory H

CLE; and

Panicipation in a fte arbitra· tion or mediation program.

3. Disciplinary Sanctions The rang. of disciplinary sanc· tions sIIould be sufficienlly broad '0 address !he relative _.ri,y of lawyer mi$CQnd""l. including conduc, unrdal«l 1<1 the lawyer's legal pn>etice. Disciplinary "8<'n' cies should use .,·.ilable IL1liQn3l standard. 1<1 ensure interstate consistency of disciplinary saJ1C. li<l"'. All public sanctiOn should be rcponM 1<1 the National Lawyer Regulatory Data Banl <If !he American Bar Asso<;ialion, 4 . Lawym' Funds for Client

Protection 1be Slate', system of lawyer reg· ulati"" s.bould incloo. a Lawyers' Fund fQt Clienl Protection ,<I shield legal consun .. rs from ec<>nomic 1<>Sse. re,ulting from an attorney', misappropria,ion <If law dienl and escrow money in the pn>etice <If law,

Rules or iX'licie$ <If the apptllate rowt ofbiglleoljurisdktion sIIould: f'ro>oide for a statewide cli.nt protecti"" fund;

• R",!uire tll.t the fund , ub$l..n· tially reimburse 1<I,""s result. ing from dishonest c<>nduct in the practice <If law;

Finance IDe fund through a 1TIru'Ido1<l!)' assessment on lawyers; Designate tile f"oo" .... ts 10 consmute a II1JSt;

• ApiX'int a board <If lI1J"teS, comp<>SM <If lawycrs and lay person!, '<I adminiSter 'he fund; and R",!uire !he board <If trusta:s t<l publicize the fund's e~i s · tence and activiti ••. 5. Other Public I'rotecli"" Meas"res "The "ale', syStem of lawyer "'g' ulation should include Other appropriate measures <If public proIe<lion . Such measure. thai the Coun sIIould enacl include;

"'''''''''ting fi n:1rlOial r'ttOI'\ll.ttping, tn1S111C<:OYni nuimenance and ~ ootification; Establish a system of random audits of truSt """ooms; R"'Iuiring lawyers who seek coun app<>intn .. nts to carry malpraclice insurance; C<ll1ect annual inf01JII.ti<ln "" lawyers' II1Jst accounl>; Studying the possibility <If recettification; • Providing f01 interim sus!"'"· sion for tllreat ofharm; and Establishing a no-ront3C! ru~

6. Efficiency of tbe Disciplinary SyStem "The .. ate system of lawyer regula· tion sIIould 0pern1< cffecli,,,ly and drtCi""dy. The Coon should enacl procedures for improving tbe sY'· tern's efflCiency. including;

• Providing for discreti""a!), ratber than au"'matic ",,"'iew <If hearing commi"te (>I" board deci.ions by the Coon: Pro"iding for discipline on consent: Requiring respondents '0 disci . plinary in.'estigations to be reasonably cooperalive wilh i""" .. igatory proeMure" EsLablishing time standards fQt case processing; Periodically reviewing the sys· 'em to inertase efficiency wbere """'<S&MY:

(continued I

National Action Plan, Black Letter EIi ,,,m,lm, dLll'hcali,,, ",'-Iew in"'" (lI1X'cdu .... for dcl<m",,· .ng 110 """"', 10 tile fonnal


AUlho<i'JO, disciplinary roo"· $ClIO d,s,,"'s rompl""" ,urn· lnarily 0' :lfle' i,,'-""galioo "'ith hnlllcd righl of com· plai"",," 10 _~ ",,';cw: Usin, prof<ssi<>n:ll disclphnary roonwl and $,aff for ,n"""I1",. (ioo and l"'ooccu'ion and vol· ulll .... on boa!\ls and he:mng co",mmcrs; Pro>'id,ns ai"l""'l""'!C tr.oJllllli for all ,nwh'Cd; and Incorpor:&ull' dlsc,pl"",,), eJ!pc'ricnc.. m CLIO cu,,-icul •. ? Public Accoonlabilily "The public should ha,,, aocns 10 mf(lfm11>0<1 aboul!llt 'ySlem of lawy.,. rcgul3lJOO ">eludIng proct<lu", •• "Urr,",c data concern· 109 its opcrn(ion •• and lawyer!' di sciplinary ,«or<ls. Laypersons should be IllCh,<1td on di!.<'lph. IUr)' "'annl pantl$ and biwds Othe. measu"," 10 cnsu", public acro\Intability of "'" di".,ipl,1Ur)' ag.ocy indudt:

!>Iuing wnlt<n optni""", ""ail· able ,n all caleS: Mum, formal di!.<'ipblUr)' be:mngs opcn 10 tht pub),,,; • Colle<llnS and rn""ing "'Iii· • bl" infonLl.tion oola",y<rs' maipr:sollC" ,nsu""",,,,; and • Spcal.Jnl aboul the dlse,pll· nary . ymrn II public: gothc'r. ings. E. Public Outru"h Efron. l. PublIC &1l1Calioo

Judgco. law)'... and bar p«>gWtlS should P">"id< """" publIC un<l<-tsun<hn, of I.IIo'y<f prof.,.· .ional"", and ethl"" by dcvclovmg and inlplcn>enling public cdu· cation p.-Olf'lIIlS, Eff«hV" public: educacton progr.uns should;

EmplwlU Lollo),'" prof~­ ali.m 111 coun co"''''untcallonJ wilh lhe public;

• Establish an "Emeritu~ Lowyer"' pro bono progr:un;

l"rQvidc a "Public L,.i,on·· office or office. 10 ; in' deannghou$C (""","00;

Pro"id< ,,"llIutlOlW and In· lind ,uppon for "'" lion of pro bono programs: and Expl"", furld ing .llemali,-", 10


o.stnbu!C publ>e NlICatiort malcrial, in plac.,. rommonly ""e"ibl,, 10 tbe public; • IrlChuJe public ,pe"~ing on 1M IOP'C of pro(cssiONhsn, on lht agtnda for bar a!oSOI'lahOO bureau.;

,uppt.>r1 p'U bono program. 4 Public Opinion

10 pUg<: publIC

oponlOll about !lit legal prof"",_ and the IM'el of "",r.,.,ionah,,,, dcmonst"'l<:<I by lawyers. lbe COUl'1 and I"" bar .boold "",.Ie "'IIDlar opportuni . lies for !lit pubhc 10 ~oice com· pJa>nts and ""'~ suggestions abIlu. judiciaVkgaJ in<li.uuons.

• l'.nrouragc. more xl"" role bt'llo-een N"ealionalln"itu· 1IOOS and orgnniullon> ""d the JUSucc sy't<m; and &11101 .. !lit 1",I<Lot,,'e and o«ul"" brnnche> of go>em· men! aboo' iss ... , ",la!Cd 10 "'" legal prof.,,,,,,, .nd lhe Ju.tke 'ySlem.

2. Pubhc l':lrtic:ipotion 1he panic:ip:;Uiort of ,be public: ..oould be suppomd in all of «>un and bM illS'''u''o,,,,1 poli. CY.l1~,~ong by jndgc,. I.w~ers. and bar progrnn". Jud,.,.. lal/o'y.... and barpro"..",s lhould; Publici,,,, !lit IKImI""UOO and OJII'OIn"""n' pr'I:X1:$5 for public "'I""""ntati "<s on coon and 00. commine..; Once "JlIl<'int<:<l. ,,«wide lay ">embers ""cess II> lht 1001. n<a'-SSar)' for cff«1l'" FWlici· ""Iioo; and • Pro"lde :1<lequ.!C fundong on .n oogoing basis .


3. PublIC Access to lht Jus"". SySl<m 11llll"J. I.IIo)'C1'S. and bar pro""",s &hoold cncountgC public accesS!O the juStiCe thn)uih !lit coonhn,u"n of pro hoBo prog",ms. Efr«u,-. coordi. ""lion of pro bonn progr.uns



Encoornge jud,c,,1 surpon and ""nicipalioo in I.,,)'e. ""'ruil· n>enl eff"". f()r pro hoBo pro~r:u".:

Pro>-id< in>til.u"",,1 suppon ,,'Imln "'" coort ,y"<m for I.wyer pro bono """ke;


Pra.c:ticr Dc,·dopmenl. Marl.c",,~

.nd Ad'"MtiS ln~ "The judiciary. lbe organized bar and the law ",bool, $hould ,,'I)rl tQg<:1h<r 10 dr"1op oundanh of profc;,i<>n:lIlsm In allomty mar· ~.tlng. pracllce de'''iopn>ent. solieitation.nd LKI'-cni.in8, Such >landanis ,boold

Recoptize lbe '-" for la~ 10 ""'I"""' cl",,,, and the be".,. iiI 10 tht publIC of having trulhfullnforrn"llo-n aboul the a,,,,labll,,} of bwycrs: Ernpba<il< _lht "lhical reqUI"'· II1C1IlS for I.",yet' ad",n;.in, and cliene sollClwion$; limpba<ilC the need 10 be tru\h· ful and II(>( l1\1, lca.ding: and hnc(l<lr.lg~

I.wyers to employ ad~~n""', and other mar'· ing I1lC1bods llw enhance n:Spe<:! for the profeMioo. "'" Justice and the panici· panlS in th.t ~y~!Crn_



1'. Lawyer Profes' iooal'"'' in Coun AI.""",,;,,,, o.SPU!C RcsoIulJon If aJlllfOPf"l~le fot lbe resoluuoo of • pendin, C'!.C. Judges .nd 1311o'yers should encourage dients 10 pan.cipo!C In Allcmalh" o..pu!C Resolulion (A DR) pet>g~. An <ff«1l'" ADR pro,,,,m.boold.

• Ensu", Ihat roun·..,nncd


National Action Plan, Black Letter


ADR prog",m, provide aPl""" pria" rduealion for l awy~r< abool differenllypes of ADR (~_ g_ . n><diation. rubi''''tion);

lawyer coop<"'lion in resolving dispu ,.s frivolous fil· ings. disoo"ety. and other pretrial malle",;

8",bli,h standards of ethics prof... ional conduC1 f<>r ADR professionals:

Encoorag. judicial ref.""ls 10 lhe disciplinary system:


be1ween judicial invol,'<,mtnt in "",trial management and effe.:;6ve enforce"",nt of prttrial orders:

Providing reciprocal .-erognilion ofCLE:

ESlablisil de ... upectal;ons "bout lawy", <:Qndoct at the "try ftrsl opponunily.

Establishing "'gional profession.lism programs and effons:

3. High Profile Cases

2_ Abu,i'e <>r Unprofe ..ional

Re<ogniling .nd implemenling lite Inl. malion.1 S,.nd.1rd 1~".')'tT N umt>cri ng Sy,,<m crc.,.d by Martindale-Hubbrtl and the America n Bar As>ociatio" 10 impro'" reciprocal di-s<:iplin"'Y e nforccn", nt; and

In high profile cases. lawyers ohookl refrnin from public com· might romprornillt: the rights of litigants or rli>ton public pe""'JlCion aOOo.u the justice sySlem.

Litigation Tholirs

,,,,,"t """

To p""',nl unprofessional CJt abu · si,.. litigation laclics in the COtInroom. the COtIn and judges should:



annual Inq\liring O!t the regist,,";on Sl".m"nt aboutliccn· ' ute and public diseiplinr in olher jurisdktions;

Encourage incr<.sed judioial ,up'''',i,ion of pretrial case managemenl ac1ivilies: and

Encouragclrialjudg.. to implemenl and enforce cm"pli an"" wilh ADR orrIer<: and

Enc<>urage procedural coII.>is'oncy betWeen local jurisdic· lions within AdOpt <:(Iun rules th", promote

Using the W<s~.w Privale Fil. of the ABA Na~onal Regulatory Data Bank;

ne<~S<.1J)l ... Ialiooship

lawyers and parti"s 10 rngage the servi"es of ADK prof"" who adhe", 10 e.llablished standard, Qf e1hic. and profcssional<:Qndutl:

Encourage consiSient enforce· ment of procedural and eviden· tiary rule,;

Cootinucd ... poning of public sanclion' to ABA National Regulatory Oat. B"n ~ :

• Ed"".", trial judges aboot the


&loc"le dion" and the publio aboYl the availabilily and desirability of ADR,ms.

their respoosibilities, Spe<ific .ffans of interstate coop<:ralion include:

G, ImelSlal. Cooperalion

Providing infon"'lion about b.1r adnussion.nd admissiOtt ott motion (induding reciproci'Y) 011 the b3,s Web sil. •

The appellale coons of highest jurisdirti"" sboYld oooperale 10 .nsure c"",i'lency ",oong jurisdictions concerning lawyer regula1;on and professionalism and 10 pool ",sou"",.11S appropriale to fulfill


The sollw... dHlgned by Ia~ ..

We can make you r child ."ppoII and unconleAted d ivo<ce c ases u ONSy . . 1 ... 2 .. . 3 ... 1. Enler tIM case In lormalion 2. Prin t 11M Docufl'Wl"ts 3. File with the Court

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War"," 8. Lightfoo t has been elected presideot of the A"...rican CoII~e of Tri.1 Lawy, ... Founded in 1950. the C ollege comprises the best or the trial bar from the United Stales and Canada. Fellow·ship in the Colkge is nl.oded by in_itat;on only. and only after cartful in~t;ga. lion. I<> tl!ose e xpericno;ed tri.II"",ym who h","" mastered the an or a,1>..,o""y and ,,·hose professiion,l

""Iffn ba .... been marked by the hight •• standards or ethical

"<,,,duct. profession.l· i.m. oivili,y and colle· giality. Lowye .. must ha'",," minimum of I~ y..... ,rial nperien<e before they can be con· sidered fOf Fellowship.

WO,.".. 8.


Lig.htfoot is. panne' in the Binning.ham finn of Lighlfoot. Franklin &. White. He was inducled as. fellow oflhe College in 1984 and has p""iously se ..ed os a member of lhe Board of RegenlS. the g"",ming b<Jdy of the College. for ye .... LightfOOl was rnsitknt of the Binningham Bar Asoodation in 1990 and lhe Alabama State B. r in



Linda S. Reid . C LA ... nior corpor>ote legal assi"ant at Sirole &. Pennull PC. was =emly .. Ieeted by her peel1 a. Legal Assistant of Year 2002 by the Alabama Auocialion of u gal Assistants. The ay,·anI is given I<> a paralegal in Ala bama '"00 has made a lasting impact on the pantleg.! profes.ion in .hi. .talC. TIl<: Alabama Associ • •ion of Legal Assistants was formed in 1982 10 er.courage a h igh order of ethical and professi"".1 attainment. funher the Iogal educ"'ion of the "...",bers. cooptrat. willl Stale and local bar associations. and assisl in forwanli ng the aims and program. of their nalional orpnizalion . •

TIMELESS WISDOM Aaop., FabIa ....... 1IOI .....;'''''

{<II" d.1&rrn _ Tk-, "."'" ...,,""" to holp

ludt.. im"",," ,he" ltva and ,ho Ii,..,. of ,ho f"'OI'I< ,hoo< k-ad." ..",e. Aeoop·, fahl .. """. k.Jo .. to ttt>l.. ,hok.. bel"'<~ ""h thi"ll''' grN<IonJ gi"i"1l, 'rrog"", •• oJ hum,hty.• oJ ",lflll1 ,oJ ilf<T<nCo.oJ cornpo.ssion. i7p0nlOnt,,'. ".... «ie"", .... ilh ro.•..-oN h.,. Robt-n ~ K.nnedy. Jr ..•• ploreo tho dor.ib '" tho: """,I... wiodom left by Aeoop. H. mvi,.. Ia~ 10 ,hink ,bou, chotoo<:,., q.... h'i.. thai "'" should both "".." •• oJ ",vii. in ... !\oronton.,.<howJ how A""'I'·' wiodom can ben<flt ia"'l"<" in tho" rok: .. Ie""" ...




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. CALENDAR! International Conference on A ddictions

For Legal and Medical Professionals 13 .5 Hours CLE Dates: February I & 2, 2003 Place: Montgomery Civic Center, Montgomery, Alabama

PRESENTATIONS WILL INCLUDE, "Addiction Screening/or The Professional;" "Clinical, Medical and Legal lsslles in Addie/ion and Childhood Trauma;" "Lawyers He/ping Lawyers and The Firm:" " Professional Assislance Programs Case Review; " "Federal Law and Addiction; " "Call Opioids Calise Addiction?" and "The Legal Ethical alld Medica/Issues Related to Narcotic Use. " For more Information, call the Council on Substance Abuse (NCADD) at (34) 26Z.16029 (email:

or contact Jeanne Marie LesUe at

<Owl 834..,.".


1M Alabama La~. " " km,~r publisll~J "old,.,,," .mI uhp~",,~ numHn unl~H f~~ """oullu"..,IIf nlmn kJ f~~ ~"in, "I" ,,~., jinII IN #4It> ".00. 1'1hu~ """fi"M~ kJ J~mI ill "" .... MIIUm~",.


...unn du""n ,., u.~ A~ S - Hu Me"'lHn~ip lHp<UUlle,,~. (JM) ZfI-6.H O

1'.0. ".... 611.

Uu} '"

""""/gfHIInJ J6IOI.

About MenQers WIIII~rn Ma .. h Ackn. III .nnounca IIIe openin, of hi. office II 20 1 ~ lSI A"onue. Nonh. Birm;I\gMm 3~20J. 1'1>0 ... (205) 4~8- 1154,

W"nda J. Bal<;On ~ \he opedi", ol hrr oftke • IOJ Ii 2nd Snttt. Sylacauga. Phone (256) 24'M90J.

AmongAnns Alfon:!. Cb,""n &. M~DonoId u .e ......."""" ilia, Elizabt", A. CItrin. Mary Ablgo.U Sessions and H. Ja""", " oc:h ""ve joined !lie f.."." If iI$JOci .....

RIdoard G. llrod< announces th:M Amerkan Uogal Snrch LLC has opmed ilS third branch offiee. in Los A~geles.

J.8. Al .. 000d. J r~ Mit ...,. Gmllt. Robtrt Gish and C. Mlth ...1 ~"'n announce !lie fonn:oliOfl of App"lIale AUo"""y Group I'C, I nd !lie moiling odd ..... i. P.O. 80, 1803~. 12/6 M.mori.1 Parkway. Nonh. liunuville 3580-1. Phone (256) 536-3636. J>KqueliM E, Au. Un announces 'hal hrr """gILl"',

J. Prall All.<tin·1'nIckJ. has joil\ttl hrr praoIice IS an ......:;11 •.

A. }:rk Johnsl .... anlKllll>CeS tho openinl ofbi. 01'1'"", II Hi&b"''''Y 280 Eut. Meadow Brook ~

Park. 1200 CorponIC Drive. SIC. 107. Birminpam 35242. Phone (200)408-8893. Elb.. bd.Io A..... J _ _ """" tho openi", of tho La .. Firm or l::Ii18btlh Anno: J ones 1.I.e... jill otrlCa IOCllled II ~ I~ S. Coon SIIftI. SIC. 110, MOfIlgon>ery 361 04. f'hooe(H 4) )~~29 1 . llobby 1,011, J •. ann(IUIIoCf$ Ille ...Iocation or hi, off"'" 10 ,he 1'mnJ; NclSQll Buildil\g. 205 20Ih St=!. Nonh. SIC. 7 10, Birmingham 35203. Phone (205) 32lo3747, William I). (ho inp announces tho ... Ioca,ion of his ofT"", 10 40 Coon Squ .... Ea.1, Cenlrnille )$042. Phone (2O!i) 92().441(o.

Sluan f.. Smllh "'''o,,'''''''! tho ... kation ol .... of6ots 10 die AmSouth CcnIor, :zoo C1i_ A_. West. SIe. JOI. HunuvilJe 3SSOI. Phone ~ S3J.3OJII).

Sle".rt Spri"iCr _nces tho openim, of his otrlC\'S 10 9~ 22nd SIIWI. North, SIC. 638, 8irmin&ham 33203. f'hooe (2O!i) 458·8368. ShtUy I). Thornl"" announces the fornwion of Thornlo n I.a ... 01Tk<>. 11K.. ""ilh offKlellocai«! II 7651 Hi&h .... y n West. SIO. 3. Madison )S758, F'IIono (2S6)71 ~1990.



RnsIty,A IIm. C ........ Mt lh .i n. Poo-tis &. Miles PC ihal l)a.'1d MIn!II and t' rank WoocHon """" b«omt sIwdLoIdo:n. and John E. Torn6 ........ Klmbtriy R. Wa n:! ..... N. ..... Wa n:!. J •. I>avt become usocia!ed " 'i,1I !lie lirm. an/IOlIfICeS


8orko .. h ... IAlko,-Its. born &.

"usb.... PC

announces thaI UJ>da J. l'\'IOc«k and lAah t: Sal;'" have beoornc: membns. I)" ... 11.. G..,be' has become of coon.. l and SI>t<O)' A. I) ••I. and Chad J. 1'...1 have btcome •.nodal« of Ille firm.

B... ll M. llloo""lon and J ulie ""t~ Calla"-. y annoomc:e!be fornu.tiOfl oi ll ioonlston &. C.,la ....,-, ...illl offICeS Ioclle<! II 1330 2 111 Way. South. S .... C. 10. Birmin&ham 35WS. Phone (2O!i) 2 12_'1100. lIutT &. Fonnan _nces dw J_

ph W.

Buffington has becomc "'~.

N.I'. Calla .... n. J r. and NIt~ 1'. Callahaon. III announce !be opmiQ&: o f 'fM C.II ..... a ...... Firm. willi olrten al4914 Cwbo River Road. Birmin&ham 35243. f'hooe (2O!i) 967-6670. Capell & lI o... n:! I'C annou~l lhal T. Randal L),,,.. h., joir.ed IIIe firm IS a .... mbt •.

Oo",i"kk, .lokber, \'~ildi" ~, Wood &: Uo,'d PA iIIlIlOUncco lha1 Arthur J. n anes. Jr.:and B, ~rry. Jr.,,",.. joil\ttl tht firm.


!l olll'rl K, FU5lon, Mkh.,'II>,

I~P. Sulky, SptDCU t::. 0a.1s, Jr. and Und. I~ 11000",", announce the forma,,"" of S<atloy & AssocIalts pc, ,,';1It offJttS IQoI'M II III I A N, M ,,~nrie SIJ'eCI. "oley. Phone (lS t) 9SS. 1579.

No ..... ,,- Wood. Kmdrkk" Tumtr _ n c u lha1 Ja..- I~ I'aUil1o has joined tht fltnlas an

astOC"'..,. II.I" h MrtIson Call.han 1.1.1' .n,,,,,,,,,,..

llial K. t; lI""belh lIil1 l11Sjoi...oo 1M firm as an :lS$OCiate.

l'ell". " ond G, Cou rlMY .' ten<:h annool'lCe ,lit f<Jnr\alioa 0( . · IiSICIfI, ""' .... Y &: t"ten<:h U .P, ,,',Ill offlUS located MThe Luck .. au,ldinJ. 800

Luckie Dri"." Birmin&Jwn 35223. Pbooe

Tanner" C uin L.L.e onnouncu ,hal B... lldl L.. Bran,on 11M become associ· M«I "'ith .... fum.

S<hwartz Zwmm &: ",,-la,.. U P _ _ nccs lhaI Edwlnl i. Z .. illill8 lw joined !be fina.

~ UnilM Stal.,.AU_y'a Of'fino. Nonhcm Diw>c, of Alabama. onnouncu lhal Mil.,. M. lI~rt, I... "" \\'oodkt and CttI"tIe Matlin ha"., joi ..... lhe office as auistanl U.s. Ano",.)', in "'" BirminJham off.....

(WS) 87 1.7878. Gord~n,

Sloolanl. TI mberlake &: t..tagut wu Bten, J(lnI~n IIISjoi ..... the firm as an .....",,;..te. annou~S

S lIbe""an, WIg&ins &:

Childs I'C IlnnouOCO$ tN' P.ul C. Wllllan\ll lw jolntd the ftml. lI.neI ArtndaJl U .C Ulnouncu \hat AIII)' SL I'e' and Ad ..... C. l'ayne joi ..... ,he fum as associl'tI.


E, Cla,""n LII" 't. J r.. l'e'n A. G..", ,,,..; II ..... ' D. 1I11S<1n aftd John G. 1),...1 """"""" .... fortn>lI011 of I.o .. t, C .. mmas. lI ilS<ln &: I", .... L.!.P. wi,h offICeS Iocar.,.;l .. lSOO Bille L.H<: Drive. S..,. 209. BirminJham 35243. ~

(lOS) 300-2400,

Slrok " ~ .... uU PC IIIUIOUncu tN, C. B.. nd .... B ......'ni"l has joil'lfd the

W.IS<In. ckG ..lftnritd, lIanlin & 1)'" 1.1.1' IlI1nOUI>Ce$ WI OOn .... W. "..shad has joi..... "'" firm as an associ,..,.



S'tph~ns, MillirollS, & G.n"" ..... PC anAOUll«S tN, Orborab S. 1I~~ky Iw joined !he fim> as an

W~bb &: Ek)' pc a/ll'oOWICt5 lhaI U sa D. V.n Wqntr Iw become I oJwthoId. or ,,'itll !he lilm :and lhaI C.ry L.. WIIUr" nI, Jr~ Charles Kk h anl llilJ, J r. and ,"hit, 1I~"'klns "r~" n have joi......... finn .. associal.... •

associate. S' \lClunan &: ~ ......,.nccs Ihat Y.lIlJ1M, h A. Stockman IllS become assoc:iltcd with !be firm.

'::h'm e and ayerin. /he leaders


der//cer/ion anr/ seruicc. With IllOIe t1w, h21f a wlMy under our bd~ you rould 03J'''' know :all ther~ ;'10

know .bou";!!,, l\ul

il'. not



>bout knowing OIlf

IMina•. h's aboul b"",;ng our dknu and

...-ninglhei, Irul!. Our ta...yrn th;\!.

h:i,., don" ju>l.

IIr 1I.:I>;"g ,lit aptr\e.a and imight to

prooioX,;\II Ulwlerwritlng-'OluOOo ... \\e·~ ... ted

..... numb..- one tide il~

"".npatty in MiosioIippi:md Abbanu, ,m:mllg "ul~

f",>new >l.2biljl"'~i,'S'- TIw, k

youlQr pulling}'Ollr (lith in us. • MISSISSIPPI VAllEY 1Tn.E •••• ."l"'$UItA."CE OONI'A."~Y z..o.'~ 71~


101m Rober' HII/SOII loon Roben Hutson. a stalwan member and a former president orthe Morgan County Bar. diod May IS. 2001. four daYI prior to the last annu. l l'1'1tttinS of !he Morgan County Bar. BOIh in his pmfessionallife and in hi' personal life, RCJbc:n exhibited. rare blend of commendable t",its rarely united in one person; he was frugal ye1; he wa. candid yet dJ31iuble; be WIIS ullA$Suming yN f""",ful; he was industrioo, yet invariably calm; he was highly intelligent yet infinitely patient " 'ith tl>o5e of Ies, imdlig'''''''; be made the most of hi, OppOI1uniti.s y" he WIIS alway. coruiooate of those " '00 either had not had hi' OppOI1unities or

did not ha~ hi , ability to make the mosl of them. In Roben', paMing. hi' children. hi' panne,. hi, church. the se,.. ",1 civic and chari",ble organi~tions in .. hich he was acli~. and the Morgan County Bar all lost a true f'-;"nd and. willing helper. The Morgan Coonly Bar .xpresses its deep regret and its profound loss in the passi ng of John RCJbc:M Hutson; il acknowledges with awrttiati01l the work that be did: and. all><it belatedly. it extends its .ympa· thy to hi' children and grandehildren . _ flan;ry Elrod. DUal",

Ralph D. Porch On August 12. 2002. Ralph O. Pon:h of> dittl. A !UtiVI' of SylMauga. Mr. I'<)rch liwd in Anniston most of IUs life. An.,. t)ocrrnbtr 7. I'M!. Peart H.vbor Day. Ralph. then • student aI !he University of Alabama School of Law. al,,-, inunedi3lely joined the U.S. Marine Corps.. attaining the of ClIJ'Iain, That oamed him the right I<) prutici~ in the OI<inaw. l!lVMion, QJII! of the bloodiest and Iongtst banles of World War n . ,,'I'mce he emerged "'ith I bulle! ,,'OO.II"d in the leg am a P\lIple Hean. Afler hi . Mari"" Corps dischorgt. Mr. Porch com· pitted hi, law degrtt in 1947. H. was ..,l<:ctod to !he Farrah Order of Juri,prude""". Ralph retumed to AIlni.ton to """" 0'.. , 50 yea" as a practicing . ttor""y with Kno •. JO!Ie$. Woolf &. Merrill and its ,ucces_ sors, He distinguished himself as I trial attorney "'00 also did rcal eslate. commercial and estate planni"8 "<Irk, retiri"8 a few yea" bef"", hi, death After World W., II . Porth joined ,he Alabama NatiOOllI Guan!. lbe 31st Di,ision was ""tival<:<! during the Korean Campaign and Ralph was sent to Germany. """,illi as. JAG otf~r with !he 8tlllnfantry Di,is.ion. The 31 $I WlI$ again called up during the Ci,il Rights "ruggJes in Monlgomtry. Porch. as the 31 st Division lAG spoi:esllWl. became its vocal su"",,"er of deference to the Rule of Law. Few of US contributod so moeh I<) socidy as did Ralph l'IJrclI, Spoce does noI permil tIS I<) catalogue IUs leadership pos.iti!)llS. his legions of honors nor the 500='1




of IUs nmltitOOinow civic accomplishments. W. Can only mention I few of those "'llanizations he ""l<I:td ftr, .""h with greal leadership, vigor am passion. Porch was. long.time , ..,tryman and senior warden at (;""'" Episcopal Church , He late' joined the Unitod Methodisl Cburch and served lhere as a Sunday School teacboer. as a membe, of the Board of S'ewards and chairman of the Board ofT"",..". Al different times. be sand in tl>< choi" of.""h church, A. a ROIarian. he earned I 55·year pencct aUen· dance pin. served as prt'sident of the Anni,lon ROIary Club and as districi go-.rnor for !he entire state. For <kcade., he was I board member in lbe Anniston Salvation Army and the In'em3l;':'nal Hou .., of Jacksonville SUl1t Unive"ity. With foo-mo r Governor Alben Brewe •• Mr. Porch " .... influential in organizing the Brewer·Porch Children', Center It !he Uni""",ity of Alabama. which bas h3.d" tremendous.nd """it;ve influence 011 its con"i, ... "ts, the emotionally diS1urbtd childre" of Alabanla. It operate" hospital model and t"'" residential units for disturbtd children at Tu scaloosa. Ralph's ;nte ... st in di,. turned children led him to .. ~ also on !he C alhoun County MenLa! H,,01lh Boanl. Ralph would nol "'lnt it 10 paM unnolicod that he " .. s an avid. albeit mediocre. golf.. and an "n thusiaslic Tide football ,u"",,"er.

Frank Howard Hawthorn e Tho: Alabama S"'I~ Har 1lliI. OIl<! 0( "5 mool di'lJnl:u,Wd ..lid honorable "",mix... on April 8. 2002. "flO" the <k~lh of F"'n~ Howard H.wthomc of Moolgomel)'. Mr. 'blothorne ..... born in Hope 111111. AbI:oatn3 00 ScpItmbcr 16, 19'23. He anmdcd A"""'" Uni\IMIIY (rc.m..ty Alabama P\::oI)'\CdInic Imtinlle) from 1941·19·0. ~afttt. hc joined tho Uniled Stares Air ..-od ~ our 00WIIry as a ..... iplOf in World War II. In 1945 lit rclumed 10 hi. bclo\ledAubwn UniVft$ily and poWcd in 1946 with • II.S. degRe in both CIIX>nomics and malhcmacia. Wbile auendi", Aoburn Uni>-enily. Mr. 1bw>1home IaJChI col .... aIgrln lOr Ihr"ee ~ and ..... 111(,,011(1 0( nwty ~ otpIiuoionl. includinf; Iho 0 . 0.1 ... Kappa and Pi llau a,; IL1IionaI bonor societies. ,Ie ..... all(> very 1Cl"'e socially and excelled in lead.,.;J"", SoelVin& .. Pf<'>id<nl of Pi Kappo I10i FraI<MllY. Aobum 1I'Iiffll'3lt"l"nilY Counc:,1. and the A"""'" J'te.u... Socioty. FoIlowina col"", M•. 11....thorne ............. I f~IJooo.""'p 10 !he UniYenily <:I Ablwna "heR lit """'" COlIIOmics. a/aIebn and nIMh <:I sn-Ient ,IISU"\CIOI" '" the CoIIoge of Coo\ll"ll:rte and Bu>inw.l)unng Ihi1 ~"" period of lime. lit ~n'urd the Univ<l"$i,y of Scbool of Low wlltreb)' hc ~I<II in 1949 with. U.B. ~ Whileal",nd,"1 b ... .ochooI. hc "'"2'1 ekclcd preo.i<Icni of Omio:rooo 0.1", Kapp;I and 00dIoumIn of Ihc wdmI contmiucoe 10 ~ aohIcbc ~ betwtal Auburn and the U"',-moIYof Abbama. He abo....-i as Ho""""",u"g cIwrrnan in 1941 and "" • member in Phi AIpIo;r IJdta Law FllII<mily. He served hi. counlly again from I~ 1·'2 ,n S1n1kgic Ai. Command durio& the KorwI "''ar. Mr. H.w.1home " ... a ptrOOII <:Ihon<.w. inIq:rity and ~'''''y. H~ tuoIled J.mself .. all MopCCIS of comnJWIOty and prof...-al bfe. 1111 romtnicmcnr 10 Ihc c:ooununily <:I ~ an.llhc ' ''"'1*' he....s.oo lIJ11061 ~.1b ftam~. fewofbi> Id\ieV<.. ............ he served "" pn$i<lenl of Iho Moolp"loery Chan>bcr of Commrrct in I91S and was a p;o$I pn=oi<knl of the Sociccy of


r.....:e ...



PIoroccts. II ...".... ch:urm:ul of the M=h of Dune. ,n Mootgoooery in 1961 Addilionally. hc "111 an lICIive of the Cap'",1 City Kiwanis Club. 51. John', IlpoIOOpal Church. lilt Th,ru:en aub (. p<eSI'P'JUS ~1e1"')" 0!pIU.1I1OI'I). and !he ILorIoquml. He .... abo> .1i:omICr b<aan:I,.*I,obto of Goodwill ond !he 1'\IbI", J..jtnry. Mr. H" ..thorne·lpro(<:WOtW .,..,«p.Wly "nprn., .... lie ....... fon..... panner 0( Baleh &. lI,ngtwn. LLP ",", IIIv.1homo: &. lIa"'·lhome. LLC. II. bean", licensed 10 """'. lice IS an """"""Y·",·law and soIic;"" '" dQtocffy '" :oil the COU<1.< in Ihos . . . 00 27, 1949 Hot br:carno • ........,.". of !he ~ a. ~oohrouary I. 1956.d ...... h<amc a ........." 01 the American B. ofllDbon C""""'"'-'C. Funbennote. on 0cI0ber I. 1981. hc...-ai Id.",,\ed .. an auomey and """"",lor of the U.S. Court of API"'~I.< for !he I Iill Cim"~ (h-er!llc yean;, hc no! only c;uned the <bp<CI and love 0( 110. f~1low lawyers rul abo of all ",ho knew hom Mr. IIaw!tII:me if, ........... by IMs bvuo& ";1(. "1bo~ Itno1home; IMs tbw: dIoldrrn aod ....... .\I"lI'",," FnnIo:. II 1I....tho..... I•. (Ver:I). Ra~nlOlld (CoRy) I 11....100.... tCath~1 r.nd Mary 1"1e H...·tJoorn.: lIurlcson (Mike); and ilx v.uodchikin:n. RaynlOfMi Iarne. 1I..."thome. I•.. FrW IkM".onI II""thome. III. Manh. CarmU ttI,,1home. Chark$ f.a'!1 .............. Rw. ~ Haot1home. Wo1ham 1):,... ", BurIesott; 1ISI<f. I ..... DuI:tbn1ey. "'"' two ........ II>-!aws. Dorotby , .....""""" ond Mary llav.thome. Mr 11a..,homc k....ed lilt law Ind liS ch.Ucn&eo. lie under I',ood ,he inlric""i •• of ,J',(, la ... and admi""", 'IS compl.x."",. lie wek<tmt<l!he many """""un,,;"" il """,ideo for us '0 do ,ood b)' our fellow man. Tho: Alabama lei"' rom......,,,y ",ffem! • "". los.< ..."ll!he ~DI or Frank H........... Ib ..1horne lie "'"all an '11>9' .. ,.... fOO" .n ". I10..,.,k 10 profession . 1b me . he " 'IS I men'", and II dear fricnd.


"''''''P'''''Y _.,,*,..



H. Gerald ReYllolds o,"~,.toe

next JO

Tho: "ate b... of Ala""",. and Florid. 10:>' one of lJ',(,i, !006' dedicated memMn "''''''n H. Gor.>kI ReyllQlds palMd away in

Wle ,ssue. ",ill.. bOOy of I.... <Ie.el<>pcd

Tampa. AUll0UIlO, lOO2, "' !he ~"""' ..,. 0162. Gem: was II naI... 01 Alnaodcr C~y and padualCd from Aubum Univcn.i.y ,n 1962. ..100", ... "'"alO lI ............ or BI~ Key and ODK. II" a di.unlluis/lCd """on! '" Cumberland La ... School. yodu.lin, in 1965. Afl •• I few years of pri',lIe """,lice in A",under CilY. Gone and his family IfIOVI'd 10 Binninilham. he W<lrired .. ~I for U.S. Pip<.rt Fowrdry Company. Active in communi· ty and Ic:gw.tive alfill............. member or the Alab:lrna eon";t",i"",,1 R...·i..... Commiso.ioo from 1971).7$. Gem: ...... vcl")' itW(tlved in .too dt'llf,ing of ...""h of lhe wort of thai dhtin·

Gem: Iooi.d the bW.llIt lepl profeulOl'l and I.wyers. Ik dcYOWd ..........., ....1cl>trJY 10 !be br""nl>tn, 0( our prof","""" work.,n, particularly .11 Ihc ...... 01" COnIt"",n, lop! educaUOII. lie ,,·as. re,ular partie,,,,,,,t in ..... i....... """,nd the coun'l")'. ",pecially hi, ""';,.• "Ole of Alabam. Ind odopred ' '''Ie of F1oritLa. He wa< ollltim .... of the FIorr<to n ...•• CLIO Coo.n""c. in 198I·il2. Ge"" died afrc •• imIIltty illne..s and " proof of the oIol atLacc !hot orrly the good do¢ YOOII' He Il by hI< w.fe. M:wy. of 42 yean; <toughie" Ca.hy ThomhJII and Amy N""bcny WId I0Il. Gem:. Ir. and Rkh R.ynold,. all of F1ooda. Ii ....., "el")' fH"OL'd of his si. iJ1IfI\k:hild .... n and i. abo ,urvived by b,s """h" et". Melba V""oria Reynold<. and. brother. Or. Gene Reynolds. Gem: was aJ""YI cbtttful and 01 .....)'1 load. """,.wry 1(1 1<11. u>ually i"""",v,,,, Ius IllRe 1o'"eI; A"""III. Cumberland and !be ...... lic ...·ilI be wrcly rruw:d by all ",110 ~nc:w h,m ~fi,um,~r J G.,'~. III. f/jm",,~I"'m


w""'' '

,ui.<1ICd ~i,.;"n.


Tho: pareR! contpMIy of U.S. Pope. I,m Waller CorporaIioa ........ ed Gem: 1(1 il$ toeadct ..... en in brllpo In 1913. .... her>< toe C(lnUnuod hi. ear=, btcomll., ~",.. oronmenW coun..1 and for the ~nvironrnental i"ues of !be var>OUi J,...


....'al' •• compon'''' throu&hOu'!he Un;'cd S"'Ie'. lie ...... h,ply ,~,ardcd as an cnviroomcntallawye • • nd <leah wi.h CUllinS"




Robert E. Paden Thoo Ek<scmer a. Association. and the pe<>ple 0( the Alabama. .... a ~"""". ... for riPu.. ..'hen Roben E. 1'IdeD, .,. 11, paqod ......y orlJu,,", 16. 2002. No! only W'a$ Mr. I'IdeD a man... "",,""', 0("", Woodland Hill. Baplil! Clourch. Joe was • Ioot,g-Slandinl .... mbcr 0( the IkSKmer B.... AlSOCiallon. AlaIwna Stale a.1Ind IleJscmer YMCA II.oanl or DiR!<1<)ol,. Durin, lhe rourx of hi. CateC1". Mr, Paden WIS al", a member of "'" board of din:<:' oo of Firsl Fin;mo;iaJ Bank .• nd SCI"\~ a. .nomey for the Cily of Iksscn .." for 19 yran. allomey for Govemmen ...1 Ulilitieo Sc",ke Corpontion. C ity of Bessemer lnd",trill l)cvelopmo:n' BOW'tJ. and IS lhe .. niol- pan ...... of Paden & Paden. lind $lIVed Iii. clients .....,U. Mr. Paden ..-as • chllllpion 0( the pnI&t'eSS 0( \he City of ~mer Div;'ion 0( kfftflOll County,


IIcsIcmer. and


ito inIcreotJ ....,11 from !he 19100 until hi,

Thoo Cily of ~ ....... its d~", and al~ "'111 _ for· 1CI!he contributions he ...... 10 !he bench and bar 0( !he DesK"..,. Division 0( Jdfl'rSOlt CouillY. M •. Padrn 01", proodly ~ 1$ lftSidtnl of the DesKmer Bar Auociation. and """,ided IUidancc and advice 10 !he younB'" membeft, of the Beucmer a ..... mY$llf inclllded. Ihrougholll his CateC1" lind lifel;mo. Mr, I'aden i, .u",;,~ by hi. wire. Belly ; ""', Robcn Shan Paden and E""",," Todd Paden. and lhelr spouses and .hildttn; "'tether with hi •• i't .... Elizabeth !'aden Broob. He will be lfUly missed, - 1/, hdd f""",,,('. Ikmwwr Bar MJOCia,iooo

Clem, F. MaJmillg Glenn F. MIMi"' ..... bono July 10. 1922 in Hu,,,, .. ille and hi. family W'a$ .......... !he in Madi..,., COIIn.y. Alabula. GIeM ~ed hi, counlry ....,11 in World Woe 11 dllrinl which limo he ..... ualioned in !he Philippi .... lind Japan. Upon com_ pltlion of milil"'>' service. Glenn grad""led from the Univmity of Alaban'a School of Law in 1948 and rtttived an LL M degree fro." Gcorie Wu/linglon lJn.i""rsily in 1949. Aft•• cum· pletion of hi. Itlll NlICltion. Glenn woB;ed 1$ an atl"""'y for ,be Fcdeool1'rade Commission and ~!he State of AIaNma as diw;." alt""",y from 195 1·~9_ Glenn and hi$lovdy bridr.lkuy. mIIfrird in 1954 and God bIeMcd them " 'ilb ,...,.. chikRn. Frmk. ~bry. AOOt and Sam. Glenn cnlerCd privale prxtice in H ..... villc and became I portner .... he finn of Salmon. Roberts. Mannin& It Noojid and ita SUttUSOr firms. Glenn contributed pc.. ly 10 the ItpI comm~nlly. inchodi", ........ idt Oil the bcwd of din'ClQ'S of the UniveDity of Al:abama School 0( Law Foondation.1Ind was • member of the AlWma Stale Bu II.oanl 0( au COI1ImUPontrs and the Advisory COiJUIIinu to the AlaNma SUp"'/lIC Coun on Rules of C riminal ProcedUtel.




AIao ..... r. Jullon ...... r. J r. Adm", .... : 198(1 00«1_ Srp.mb., l. YXJ2 Alt.. ......... " ....... Loot ,~A_,I«I- 19S-I ,_ , .\I..-.tI1S. YXJ!

1Iau. ...... 1I'1" D~ J r.


Alltn,tk<l, 1993 00«1, N_n!to:, J. 200:! ( ; .....1... S, h 'Ia tlrol ......

"""".. 11.

Admltl«l 1989 0 ...... M.... h 10. z002



J.,...., ","_"b

lI ~r


AdmInO"<!. 1968 l.ou.., M~I"" II. 1\","",,11t Admined: 1938 Do<d; 17.!002 M""'~


""""ned. 1929 Dotd; So""""",,~. l> 1 "'Ci'>'~.


\\1IIiom 'll><ImM, J r.

-~ Adtru llO"<! ; 1964 Died. Froruory ~3.

docadu. flis COI1I~ion lind dedkalOon N"C ,""ured tlw q""l. ity lepl "'presem.. ion ..... lvailable It) III of our neiBhbors, Glenn " 'IS. ,"'ry able and dedicale<.llawye. in the l1 unl$villc· Madison Coonly Bar A.<Sodalion for m.ny years and earnN ''''' rtsJI"CI of al! "'ho came to know bim. lie finnly and 'leadfa<l!y held 10 !he conviction lhal the practice of law demands I hip callin, of honof. imetri'Y and professionalism , For almost SO years. he ...... lawytt', lawyt'l" " 'ho f~y and ualously rtpJ'eSO:,,1ftI 1>;. clie ..... ~ of IlO<ir positioot or lWUS in !ife. He funhrt ~ his commWli.y lIS • _ior ..'2Ilkrl of SL S!q>/O<n's Episcopal OluR:h and. al the ""'" 0( his .... th. was a IMnibcr of !he Oiun:h o(!he Nali";.y. Glenn died AUplol 1. 2002, ........;.-ed by his ...... wife. his beloved ohiklrtn. and his p••dol" J:OiIlCI<hi\dn:n. AJli5Oil. Bluy, Bo. Ben. Davis. Jennif.... Muprc1. Terea lind William. ....,J<JM P. BwriHlch, prrs;d~lIl. IIlU1rnm~·MaJ;/(I<I Coun" Bar A."""imi""


II ....... "'. 1\. ~Ius. II I

\\......... ~ " ijIoooJd>.J r.

1~12 Oi<d. ~ 1'. YXJ~

l>tOO;1t Admitted. 19!iO t_. Au~u .. 9. ::!002


Do<d; Nm."mbc1 ,. ZOO~

La..- . ~s..,.

Glenn conuibuled pe.:otly ' 0 lho6c II"IOCI in need in Hun... ille and Madi$Clll COIblIY by 'tron&ly SlIpporI'", the nublish_ of Lepl Services of Nonh Central Alabama. and by ........ ing on the BOW'tJ of DireclOl"$ f", L<1;a1 Scrvk.. f'" mon: than lwo



lion« G.rWd I'Inndon. FIocida Admined. .965

Do<d; Aup<t 20. :!OO~


0, ... 110_-...1

Aibatvilio Ad,mned: 1~7 Oi<d. AulU" 4. 200:!

Soow., M"ard "ThdoIt Gulf Bf«"Z<, AOlllu


"', 'no. Carll .... T<rn'll Sr.

U'IIIIUlp.m A_ned. 19# Uwd. 26. 2001



0, ....: July 16.::002




Takes To PR Award E

11th ya6. Ihc .we orpnizMion of public ",lations prOfeuioonlols

""""'" OIIwanding tfr..-u; in !he r~1d of public ",Ialiens .... panel

of public rcl'lIion~ prac\iliOOC'l'J frorn ,,<u,;ok tile stal. judi" entries ba-' on planning. orili· nalily. C1tali.i,y and eIf..,I'''''·

ness. ~ may retti...., ~

Alabama Md Ihc Abbama HOSpiIai ",.."da'ion and with assi<WlOt from the Al.t.;um Depanmonl of Public lIeahh and the AllbolJ'\ll Clr¥:an ~m .... to promoIC future beallh can: plannin,. encouraging famili .. lo tli .. c uss health c.... wishes ar.d 1()

""'''''''' odvan.oe di,..,."i~!'IOW. rollin than in " lime of


Modallion ",'Ow. "" Award 01

neld in October 2001. over

E>,,,,,11mco: or "CMifocale 01 Merit

IllOrnql, doctors and OIher

The Alabama Slale Bar's d;~lor of rommuniealions. S..." II . "'"drH (right). "",.ive<! a Medallion Award for "LlFErLAN 2001."Thi. emry ..... lso~~ ... IhcPRCA lIul 01 SII_. The jl>dgu ered ;1 to be !he n>05I OUUIandi"l of .1I1hc 166 .... uin .....:ri.ed. UFEPI.AN 200 1 was" ""'~ public edllCMion campaign ~Ioptd by !be Alabama Stitt B.... in paltntm.ip wilh lhe Medical A.<SOCiation of the SUilC of

heallll proCessionals ,""i~ [f:linin. and ~nled w<:dlhopo KfO$$lhc $We, N.... ly

17,000 r_

COftSII'' ' ' lnide.

~". been disniblncd since IIIe

campaign!:qan and an i.roonIii •• Ad~lOCC Hoalth Dirttti""5 vid<o is..ow ani""',," up""

"""". "'on"'" -1

I "'ith more lhan


fu.iooals in .1londaneo,

Important Reminder About Your Continuing legal Education Requirement H you had a ~ !llalLI$ cIIanQe 81 Mri ttme durOng 2002, 'filii may have been requlroo 10 eam and repo:wt 12 hw's of ru aooll bV

December 31, 1002 Ma~ ConI'OOI"ll Legal EdWltlOf1 RLlles reQune anomeys who hold an oteupabonallicense (regular rno)ITi;ershipl time duri"ll the calendar year 1002 to earn 12 hours of ClE 0;<001' If you arB not cunenTtj a regula! membElr but were a regular memtlal for pan of the yeal you are Sli ll r8QIJltoo to COOIj1Iy with MCLE Rules IMCLE Rule 2 5) for B.<am~e. If you wer~ ioaclive or held II $jlEICial rnerrtwJrship ar4 convened to a regular mernbelS~IIP durl"ll2002. you are r8QIJlJed to aIltuln 12 hours of ClE credtt II j'DII were a regula! rno)ITi;er duli"ll2002 bIJI COIM!ftoo to special membef or to inactive stanIS you all also rtlQUlred 1(I eompIy with the 12 __ ClE rllQUlrement You n not requlfed 1(I obt8II112 heM, 01Of Cfedit II yoo n eIIgrbIe 1(I daom an eJi:eIqItion IIQIn the MClE Rules yOU' exeJIIIlOOn. "-' 1Mf. must have been claimed on the 21112 en rf!(JDIlOng form whdlwas maIled 10 you .. early Iltuilbo Hyoo read to locate app'lMId ClE plOIJl1ITti 'filii may request a caleod!lr of lIIPI'oved ru programs from the ASS Q.E deparunent 01 110m the nate Da!'S Web .tIe 31 MVWalab.!t_Ofl!. Call the Alabama Stale Bar's Clf department 81 (3341169--1515, eX\eJlS<on 158. 156 01 117. 101 more InformatIon ilny


The New Legislature


hrn!be u.gisl.!ure con""nes for ils otgani.

rational s.t$sion Janult)' 1. 2003, there will be 19 lawyers iN !HE IWQ bouses. The Sc","e "'ill be presided <Wet by • "",,·bW)'t'l' fur only the I«Ond time in "'"ef SO )'UI'I. An of !be lioeu~1 """,mon. 50"'" 1950, ha.., booen bwycn Heepl for Jim Fobom (1987.1995). n - 'IO't.."

a...,noe Inw (l947·~1) J....... D "lito ( 1 9'l 1 .3~) W.O. Itard"'ict (1955-59) AIbn1 8o<I1Wt'1i ( 1959-63) Ja ..... D Alltn (1963..(;7) Alben Brewer ( I967.71) Jere Be",ley (197 1· 79) Georte McMillon (l979·S3) 8m B ... ley ( 1983.S7)

Don Sq.lman (1995-99) 5,,,,,,, Windom (1999·2003) UaJImaoII Govnno.- .....,. Buley is DO _ _ 10 the ...... lC .PIlOt sI>t .... fitS! Udy of the Senate 20 ~. . .." She will be joinod by OtIly loix tenaIOn who .... =!hen: in 1983. Tho _ will '-etwo>new ~ B~ Byrne. Mobile, ond Myron Prnn. Uniooo SJ-inp. They ..iD join nino muming Lawyea in !he Smote: Ztb l.inle. C\lJlman; Cun Lr<:. Jasper. Roger Ikdfonl, R..... llvlllc; RQda ... Smitllcrm.1n. lIinningham: Phil PooIc:, Moundville: Pal Und>cy. Butler. Jlank 5.00.... !klma: Tc:d lillie. Aut..un: ond Wendell Mi!d.. I1.l.iJvnnt. n.. bouse of rq>n$enl.a1jves .. ill havHi&/U Lowya'll. 'Thm: ~ lhmt. new I.~rs cl«tcd: Yu..,r Salum. ScI",": Cam Ward. Alabastn; ond Grq "lbrino.., E ..."cco. Tho muming Lowy<:tllll': MMl:e1 Blatt. f\on,ace: Mark Games. BirmingIIam: ~ Ouin. Carbon lloU : kif McLaughlin. OuolcrSVil.,.; ..... Dmw:triuJ



Compare !hi..... ith !be qisla1\IR 0125 yean .,... "The....we.-- .... II lawyrn """'~ 10 12 law\'<'f'1 25 ynrs ..,. "The house bas ~iJ.h1 I."·,. ...... down f...,.,. II lawy<n 25 y~ars..,o. While licuttnan, CO"=JOI'S have I\ ""'n law)"'t'S, Tom Droke i. 11>0 only lawyer speaker of tilt house of "'~nlali"'" in 11>0 ~sl25 years. I! ha,""' n reponed thaI AJlbam. hu the fewes, 24





W(>m('1I kgislalOrs in lhe nalion. This year the numbtr of """""n in the senate did not chlllse- We lIill have only three. "The WOII"I(:n in the house of represenlatives increa5ed from ~iJ.hIlO ]2. n....e ore _ 64 tkmocnls ..... 41 Republicans in the house of represenlllives. "The s..Nlk has 25 [)o,1l"OC)CnIS ..... 10 Rtpublicans. to [)earnb..-. Ibo ~ I,",;une held • ~y 0Ii..-iOII for the _ly..,Jected Iqillalo:n "The first doy. the 29 !leW ItgjS1a1OfS ........ ;nronned lbool bow 10 I\d bill' drafted. ethical .Jtandan.Is, slIff IUO\t=s ond Jetislali"" roles. n.c followinl l"", doy •. all k!1\;'laIors """,i-:l briefinl\S ,," Ihe e<:Onomic condition of the .tal~, bow OIlIer 1131<$ are ltI«1,nstllc: financial =rx:h. oomeland ICCllrily, &nd other critic.1 issues f:>eiMS AlallalN. Chi.f Juslice Roy Moore odd~s.sed tilt kgi$llt"", CO<>Cemi"ll the crilical issues f:>eill£ the jud;"j_ ary. Tbt Jeti.lllU~ me< in orzlniulional.oession January 1. 200). The R"lu],,- Seuion will bepn March 4. 200). One can find out """" aboot the k&isblure ODd Ibo mmIben by Iooki", II their Web $ilt. __ aliJ</b./q. Was..,.._ .....~_otot.Vac<uf"CASl.o.filt.lUp. You can also fUld OUI more obou, the Alabama Senate with their ""~. aI.JUls~Ie.Iu"'I. n.c Web lite. House 01 RepresoDlllivu' Web .ile i. ---..../qi..-/o. ' .. ,"""""'~IItov... At"'l. lhe Alabama Law IrutilU'" can he fouod II the [n"ilute·' Web "!e. ---...."'i.llm~."'."'. lhe lru;lilu", will prt:<t"nllO the I<gislalu<c. new "Residential LandIord·Tonant'· law. a ""Ised "AMlomkal Gift An" and • Ilw alr""li", " lnlet'lUo!e En fon;o:""'RI of Oomestic VIOknce f'rot«Iion Orders Act.'· ~ of lbHe bills can he obtained Iiom the Law lru;tilUle Web site.

.._Iqi."". ,. .•

FOr """" infOflllllioft. COOIIICI Sob Mr:C\orIo:y. dirMor. Alabama La ... IMlilute. PO. 80s 86 1425. ~ 3S486-00lJ: fax (20:5) 3<18-14 II : phorIe (20:5) )<18.. 7411 : Web ,ile ........._alj•• ""~•.".....


_l"""""' ..... _ .... _ t... _ ... _ . ....... ....""_ ...... - . . ~ "'c.Ioy. Jt.




Sponsors Presentation of "To Kill a Mockingbird" F

or II\aIIY


60kd 0«...... they ...... 1eI put .... on hold .nd \ell .... that they 100 bu<y

llritd 10 &I't

liek£« 10 !he '"1b Kill.

lelli", tlc:kcu 10 wk 10 ..... not mind that • bi~ ",. call and ~..,... from

Mockinlblnr prodlOClioo

in M<lfUOeYille. They ...."Y' sold (lUI ~ pmontl2l>Ce !he doy !he

MOI\I"OC\Iille arrived in Mobile on Friday momin,. What an amazing

tidt1< _nL on pie, '" [ WIS neve< Ible 10 an<1loli. I had heard about bow (ascinllin, it "'oslO

,roup of spedal people tbey .... ! "..y rt>O\'w into tile Saenger


Chri.tophcr Serge]' • ..:bpca· lion of tile flrl\OUl H"'P'" Leo

quickly and held I dress ",hearsal .t 2 p.m. About 70 ""hooI chikj..,n pili(! Sj each to ",",!he dm.s "'htarsal. and we w""' Klad to occommodatc them. The perform. ....... 011 Friday -i&ht was to OIl audir_ of about 1.200. The Sat..-day _alna pnf""""""", '..........,a better. The Klon ~ rr«c romtonable in !he Ihc.ater, and the audience was oYer 1.400

",,,..,1 poruaytd on Ihe lawn of Ihe hi.tori<: Monroe County Counhousc. Mel Ihe riY<1il\i foctionaI trial o(!he 'wly Ittusrd Tom RobillMlfl defended by bwyerlrole model AIticuJ Finch pronre<i in Ihe IICIPli coumoom ..'hio:h stm'd as Ihe moxIel for Ihe """nmom io!he 1962 movie our· ri", Orqory Peck. II 0ttUm'd to me lhIol !he Mobile 1;1", Associat ion rould pt1. form I uni<!"" ""bile ........ ice by oonainllhisl'rolh'CliOfl to Mobile. I look my idea to the EKcutive Coonmine<: of lhc Mobile Bar Associllion. [prop<md IMI the bat assoc;"oo.. $pOIU(If !he ",,"I. and !ha, aU ...... pmcudo be ooruribulCd 10 \he Mobile 11M foulldalion. Allhou&h !hey enlhllSiastically """pIC lNo il. 1 knew my real _ had jull !qun. Mobile'lukenlCnnial ynr "'lIS 2002, one! \be bto-'. ~ Tritt"",IIIIi" Commi..oon was .odonin, various e.em. lakin. place.ll )'Car. By making I phone call to ,t.. l'rkemennial CommiJlion. ",e I'" on their calendar and the)', 100, fell in love with tile idea.



When .11 ...... wd and done. the

,ownspeople: from Monroeville

So, ..., !hoD became an off>cial TriccD,.",nia) <'I'C1I1. SchcdIiIiD& was .....ted out " illl the ~~.IO ""

wmllOoward ..idI plans for , sin&le perfoo" ... o.;:e (III SIoudIy. April 20. 2002. AbouIrwo weo:b before !he UIow. I SIat1Cd cam", !he ~ ThrJltr evuy Illy 10 see how our tidet .ala ....,... 00;",. I ...... II<:fVOUS that we would not ""II enought tickc\s to CO\'M our COSts, ~ tbcn we would all be in hi, trouble. £~ry ~"'. I callN the

had put on 1WO I'ttn""trntnts of "Moc:kin,binl" to large 'pp",da. tive audiences: the Mobile Bar AJSociatjon ""hie'<cd . mojor public ",Lations bo<J$t; m.- audi"""" ...... reminded of. COIIntry Lawyer's coone. in ateq)linl '" uOJlOJlUlar case ar>cI "'pos.i", racial lftJIISw; ....., IOdcIed I major ........ 10 !he Mabile Trioealeanial celebrati",,; lind •• f"" p"ym.enl of.1I txJl""l'S"......,....,... deliiJlled 10 ",Tile, check to m.- Mabile Bar IUuIdation to inaeasc:;tJ pm ·makin, ability by over SS 1.000. ""hi.ved .11 of OUr ~I. Ind """"'. """ rome to think of il. I finally I'" to _ " Mockin,binl:' What could we possibly do fnr . n 0",,=1 •



Contact With Employees of Opposing Party Refined Opinion "I "'~. slip and fan cas< in a ",,,,il .,en am I woold like In opinion ... 10 whether I "an Con"""

dire<;dy !iO/Ile of 1m cashie .... II seenlS !hal my client .1ipp«! and fdJ in a conain area oflhe 'lOre. Afler she rell, she says tha, one of the cashier!; 10k! her lhal • store employee had been n"'!'Ping or buffing in (hal ~a immedialely her"", tile f.1I and had left mIMi!""'. I WQuld liu to interview lhe cashier& 1(> gel thai ,uaii/ll. "J woold be graterul if)'Qll would gi~. "'" an opin_ ion as to whether .uch an imervie", WO\Ild be ,U",",'ed under the cin:umJlan«s. II is IlOl my understanding thallhecashien we ... the pwple woo had dooc lhe mopping Of buffing .~

Answer. Pursuant 10 Rule 4.2 of the Rule, of Professional CondUC1 of the Alabama Siale B.... an al10mey may communicrue diftt1ly wid> an employee of a C«pOnlli(Hl Of <>!her organization ,,'110 is the opposing patly in pond_ ing litigation without the consent of opposing coonsel if Ill< emp~ doc. IlOl ha,." managerial =ponsibilily in lbc organization. has not engaged in CQndOCl for which lbe organization "oold be liable and is DOl ~ whooe '! may constitute an admission 011 lhc pan of lhe organil';lli()ll. It is the opinion of the Disciplinary Commi<sron of the AI""""'" Stat<: BMW" the third categ"')'. i.e .. a "pe""" ...... bose Sl3t.n",nt lO>y constitute an admis.ron 011 the pan of the organi ..... lion" shou ld be limited 10 tbose elllj>loyecs ",ho Ioave authoorily ()II behalf of the organi'.alion to make dc<;i· skins .bool the coo .... of lhe litigation.


pe" \'''''

C(lmmunication with represented by coonsel is gOV<cmed by Rult: 4.2 of the Rules Q( Professional Conduct ••,bieh provides as follow"



··Rule 4.2 Cummunic.tioo With !'«ron ReprtSO:nll;<l by Coonlorl In representing 8 dient. a lawyer shall no! communicate aboot the ,ubjoo<:t of the "'p",,,,,ntation with. f"'ny tht lawyer knows to be "'I""sented by another lawyer in tht man.r, unle" tht lawyer has tht consent (If tht other I,,'''yer or is autOOril.ed by I,w to do liO." When the "'pr<'lornted pany is • corpor.tion or Qlller organi ..... tron. communioation with <orne Q( the employ_ ees of the urganization is .1<0 prohibited. ' The Common! to Rule 4.2 dolireates three cali..'gories of ""'ploy"" witll wborn conununi<:ltion is prohibited. >i~ ··In the case of an organizatioo, thi. Rule prohibits communicatioos by a lawyer fo.0<It pany cooc<"tning tbe ma,,« in "'P"'sentalion with person< having a manag.rial responsibility Oft behalf Q( the organization. and with any othor penon wbose act or "",i"ion in con"",,tion with tNll mall" may be imputed to tho organi .. tioo for purp<»eS of cj>il or criminal liability 0.wbose ,tat<:rnent may constitu'" an admi~ .ion on the pan of !he organiUllioo:'

The infonnotion i""O>i<k<i in yonr lett" indicate<. and fo.- pUrp<»eS of this opinion it will be ."umed. that tbe cashier doe, oot fan within either Q( the fi"t tw<) c.t~gorie<. i.e .• she does oot have manageri.1 responsibility nor did she .ngage in cor.d"", for which the urganization would be liable. The question. the",· fore. i. whether !he cashier fall' into the third cat<:gory. i.e" would her "at~rnent to you constitute an admi.sion on the pan of the rotai! Store? Thero is a sign ifIcant di'~rgenc" of opinion among jurisdictions as to which cmployrt$ f311 within this third category. Son .. jurisdictions take the position thaI the prohibition exter.ds broad ly to all employee, of a OOTpOI"lItion.


0Ihm have ~Id WI !be prohibilKJa appIiu 10 aay ~ ..'boso >lalemenl ,",'OU1d COIISlilUl. III "ldmission apillSl in~· w" cxccplion to I~ ~may rule. IS providtd in Rule 801(d)(2) of lhe Rule, of Evidenc•. S<ill odIcn ha"" in"''ll'l't. ~ I~ Rule nmuwly to prohibi' COII\Xt with ooly . '·COIIlrol JIOUp.~ which i, lim,ltd to !be wmp;any', hi~.leve l llWl . .,.....ft,. 1bere "I'P"M"S 10 ~ DOcaK law in AiabamI wlUch definilively addraoa !be iowe. A I"CCCflI dc<:i.ioo of I~ M..sachu!.C11S Su~",. Judicial

Coon provides ... ha' the Offioe of ~"" .... I C""IUI'I COII.ide" '0 he. ",,'ionoJly dtf.n,iblc and ....,II·baIl11C~ approKh to I~ question. In M~JJj"" JI..&lfOJky & IIoeU.t,. P.C. " p_iMrtJ oM F~IIowJ of Ha"'flnlCoIw,... 436 1001_ 347, 764 N.E. 2d m (2(02), a pol;'" ~t wilb H.".-an!', :lCCUrily dcpan. ...."'.....t!be scbooI for ICJl di.rnmiNuion. The piainli1r, bl10mey int.rvie~ five Harvard .mploy~s who no. accused in ,he la" '.ui,, ,wo of whom had , uptNioory aulborily ov.:. 1M plainliff, Thc COOJt <M'lXn:d 5aIlC1ions.",,!be altomr:y for voolalJQrl of 1M MUSlChlHCtlS veBioa of Rule 4.2The Supreme Judicial Coon re>"ef!CId. tonc:ludi"l. in pcnintnt pan. as follow.:


"1bo (Irial) judge held tha, all five .mployees int.r· ,;",,~ by M R& W ",nc ... imin !be !hint caltgo<y of !be COIIW<III. lie readlod Ibis result by tondudiq 1haI!be phruc ·admiuion ' in !he (0.. _, ... , refen 10 ~ admissible in coun ....ocr !he admiosiono cx<qllion 10 !he rule agaimt hr_y.

• •• lIowever, 0Ibcr juriodictioos IhaI hi"" ",\op'~ \be sa",. or similar v."ion. of Rule 4.2 are dividtd 011 "'hrlhrr their _" ..... ;011$ of lhe rul. tore ptOpCrly linktd 10 !he admissiOllS cxccpUoo 10 the ~ars.ay 1llIe, and ~ about lhe prtcise ~ of !be lllie as appIiod to orpniutions.

• •• Some jurisdictions lui"" adopIcd lhe broad readina of the lllie tn<\o::Qrd by lhe judac in tbls case. (cit. tiooIs ornined) Couns rndIi"l this res.uh do.., btc·,I$t. like !he Supcri<Io- Coun.Ihcy ru;I tht: word 'admissK>n' in Ihe third atqory of Ihe ""111m.,," as I ref.rellCC 10 Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(2)(D) and any correspondi", SI31t rule of .... idcllCC. Id. Thi.rule forbids toIIUICI "';I~ prxtically all.mploy .... ~ ·vin..atlyew:ry t~ ~~y maR admiuionl biDdiA&'" hi$ or her tmploycr:

•• • A< the OIhr. (lid of the .pt('trurh•• 5Jl\ll1I numl)r,. of jurisdiction, has inl.rpretcd the rule twroWly .., as 10 allow an alI<lnIey for Ihe oppooi", pany 10 COlI· ~_<"~ol.~",,*·n;'Mion.

TIne COW1$ coruuuo the lllie 10 rHIria COfIta<:l with OIIly tho!c .mployea in the orpnilllion's 'COIIlrol group: defil><d as Ihooe .mploy"" in lhe

Attorneys: Buy Extras for Your Staff!

2.002. Bar Directories Get your extra copies


Members: $2.5 each 1 to 5 copies $20 each 6 or more copies Non-members: $60 each ORDERS MUST 81: PRE. PAID Malilthcltk (0: Alabama 8ar Din:dory P.O. 8o:.; 04156 Montcoaaery• .A..L 36101

dent 10 give them tl>< right to .pcal< for,.nd bind. lhe COrporal;",,:

uppen1lOS1 echel"" of the oopniz.o.l;"" '. management. ome. jurisdicti"". ha'"e adopIcd yel a Ihird thaI, while allowing for $0"'" u pane """"."'.. with a ....,...""'Ied organi"'lion', .mployees, still mainlain. some protecli"" of lhe organi"lioo




Thi. inl"'l'f"'tation, ... I><n ",ad in coojUl>Ction wilh II>< orl><. two categorie.. of the commenl, ,.;oold prohibil ex parte conta.ct ooly wilh I ~ e mploy.." ,,'110 exerei .. managcri.lre'ponsibility in II>< m3l_ Ie., who are alleged 10 !la"e """,milled lhe wrong· ful acts a. iss"" in 1be liligatioo, or who lta,·. authority on behalf of lhe c"'1"""lion to make deci,;oo, >boulll>< course of lhe liliga.ion.

Allhough lhe comment', ,..fe ... nee 10 p'rsoot. ·w~ , may constitule an odmi<,;"" on the part of thr. organizali",,' w", mosl likely inlend· ed .... referenee 10 Fed. R. Evid. 801 (d)(2)(D). thi' intc<pretalioo would dftttively prohibil1be G"",tioning of all employee. wOO can offer infor· m.lion helpful 10 the lilig>lioo. We rejecllhe commenl ... o"erly protecl;'''' of the organi ... tion and tOO ... ,triclive of an opposing .lIorney', .bility to contacl and inle",;e'" employees of an adversary org.nizalioo.


Qu. te>1 i. con,iston' with the purpo ... of the rule, which .'" not 10 'protecl • COrporal. pany from II>< ",velation of prejudicial faets' (dlalioos 0",1tl<:(l) bul to prote<:llhe a"orney·diem ''''''Iion,hip and prevent clients from rt'Iaking ill_advis.ed "alemen" ,,'i.houl thr. COO""" of their altorney. Prohibiling COtIlaCI " 'ith all employees of. ,eprese:nlo<! organi_ zalion restric" informal OOntael, fM morc than ;, "ecessary 10 (!Chi",.. these: purpos.e'. (citations omilled) purpos.e. of the rule"", i>e.>1 ..rved when it p<Ohibits communication with those employees dosely idenlified w;lh lhe organi>.alion in the dispute. n... in"'re," of the otgartiUllion are


We inslead inle!prtlll>< ",Ie 10 bIm COOtacl only wi.h lhose omployt<:! who lhe authority 10 'commillbe org.tniUlion 10' posili"" regarding the .. ub,ittl ""'".". of representation: (cilalions Omilled) n... employees with ",hom contael i. prohibiled are lho .. wilh "peaking 3Ulbority' fOf lbe co,po""i"" who ' have rn.1rU\ging authorilY .ufli_


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Th~ semina, i, on ;me_ ho""'·on. th,.. ",<>d·o·ho!f day....,mho!> dl.lf'ir>g...n;d\ you,.;n be expo<ed 10 o<>d .<peIne",...... Go..., Sperw:o Method Ja"lll>! of "'" Triol U>wyoo" Colleg • . You ,.;U leam by doir>g. guided by experienced mol"' ........ wiled in Ihi> method o<>d ",,, ned by Spence

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odequatcly prnICCted by !,","'IIHfIC «WIl.OCI ,,·iib thooc empIoytt$ nnp:wo..,mI \0 make lil;llIion decilions. and thooc cmplo,fU ...~ ICtions or om•...a.. ...., M i ...... ,n me caw. W. ~jtC1me ·ool"ul"OI "","p. leSt. ,..Iuch i"cllMb (ItIly Ibe 11>0$1 sen,or maI"IlIg<'men •. as in,umcien'lO prnICC.1hc ·prindplts lI1Oli .... ing [Ru k 4.2[: (cil~lions omi.1<"<1) The lesl ".., adopt JlI"OIC<'tS In orgaJIiUli01lal pany agaiM improper ad.·.""". and innutnt:e by an ,,·hile slill promolln, xces.! 10 rtitvan. fam. (ciwiQns omil1ed) The SUJl=Ol" Coun·, inlerpmation of me ntIe _Id .......... advanuoge 10 COfJlOr.IIIe lililants "'..". norIOOpRIuuonai par. .ou. I. Jranu an ...."...,."ted benefil 10 orpniuhOllS 10 rtqui~!bot. I*"Y .Iways ",ek prior judi· dal opprm"al1O c:ooIdll<l inf<llll\lli Inl"",iews ,,·iib "'"lICSSeIlo an ....'.nl whrn Ihc opposln, patty Mppens 10 be: In organizalion.nd IIIe evenll 31 i~". o«urrtd a, lho wor\:;place.

or f"'ooulenllC! by • cJicne. unles< d~1nsun: is prohibi~ by Ruk 1.6.~ ~Ruk

man: ","""",.,tul di!closun: o(me INdo by COIIdu<t •





In dealing"" behalf of. ctlrno "'1th a penon wbo i. "'" represented by cou ....,t. I 13""')'a" sh:al! """ >tale or imply thallhe lowye, il di,inICre.<led. Whrn lhe lawyer know> or ",;uonably lhould know thai lhe unrepresen,ed pel'$Oll mi,ur'1dcrslODds ,he lawyer·1 10k in !he maner. the I,,,,)'C"I" sh:all make reasonable .fftIrU 10 ~I lbe: m"undo:rslarll:l"',.~


Whik our inlerprel:Uion of me Nk "",y mI""" thr ~ a""';labIe 10 olpll"allollS provided by the Il1omey<lie,u privil<p. it allows • I.upn. 10 obtaUo


"Throe ",Ic$ manda1c the usc of u .... me caution ~o ."",d muleadin,1be CtiIticr ... illl repnllO any IIWeriaI Wue of law Of fact. and 11>0$1 panicubrly. 10 avo:>id any mi ... ~,,,, on the pan of 1he ctillier '"' LO )'OIIr role in ibt law",i1. y"" . hould inilia.. any oonvers"tion with the cashier by :.ok_·led,;", thaI you """ on ,"orney repre.<cnlin, a elien, with a claim lilin,elbe ctillier', cmplo~er aJld lha •. by vin ... of <... h "'pre. sen'''ion. yoo Mve on ad>crsari.! ",lalionsJlip with hrr employer. If. followin" ... h dil<:loiu"',!he ca>hicr illdic:...". de. ,,,, til """,i ...1e Ibe conver:!oIIIOIt. )'011 .... cotUcalJy obl;gMccI 10 ~ Ibe otihirr·, wU.hes ..... ,mmcdialcly di.""n"""" any funhcr IIlemp1 M """"",wnic...",,,. [RO·ON)3] •

.... W(II'JIUI JIlltn"Iews ...·.ilI caw .. employees of ...

OJII'OS'ng orpnizaunn. 0...- ''''''~_ does "'" JC<lIlmIite qitim.ate <q.1IIiw,ooW inlCreiU boc.use U COOt;n,..,. 10 disallow COOIaCI> with !hose n... ",hrrs of the ",""",i/.al;"" ,.-ho arc SO ctoocly lied wilh Ihc <q.1IIizalion Ihc ""'n'~ II iss ... th:il il would be unfair 10 inI"","'" Ihcm ,,',thou< III< ~ once of !he orpnlzation·s COIItIICI. F&tmtSI LO the OI'pI\iWIOIt does "'" laIu,n: Ihc ...... nee of In IIIomey t:W:ty an emploree may mole I stile-....... ..Jmissiblt id .... idomce IpIm.I lui or her employer. The public: pol"')' of prornoun, dl'i<im. tIi~ i. beI~ ad,"3IICCd by odoptlfIC ' rule whic:h favor< !he "",elation of.ho INth by making il nlOn: dilfocuh for aJI orgoniuniOll'O p""""nllho di,· cloau", of rele-o'llnl evidence:·





··Rule 4. 1 TlUlItfulntss 'n


LO 0Ihen

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..... oli.",. 1Iu. mooth. Y""

Jd ri<II ..toil< ....... """Uk 10 pay their bdl .,

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The ....~. occonl;n,

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"I. (..... cr<a 10<_'" Iho

offioo: eo"<r)" day ~ ... Iho pIIOo< ... ;o "", ..... _ bow. _

toe ... 1ho Iin<..~ Won! tw .. po .... orlemol will

ma<h< dI<ir ......ioa.~

')'l0<III to ".... l.jOO II"')'U"O

....... IUUJlIed 10 """'" elitnu.

wntId'"'kit .............ri, ..n I ...... n:porI. ··lIoM' To COl .\10'" Cli.... In A Month

A_I..,.. pn<I1_

Ward crt<li .. !lis .....-1Id 10 I n:f....1 marblin, .y... m ~ ......Iop<d .... y.- 110"1 _ ..... hun _ .. _ dud10 _ _ ",

""*" .....

I- ~...

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'"1'. "",",""

a false stale"",,,, o("",,"';al flC! or low 10 a thin! person: or


""""'Y. Oa'o'id M, Wont, .... """""'..,"" ..'iI!o Wen!. edu<.. ...... _ - . ........ Iooct.

In the COUf>e of ... prtlo<'I1IIin. I die", a b""')'a" >halt "'" k_'IIJIy: IN~


Free Report Shows Lawyers How to Get More Clients


The Off"", of Gcncn.I Coo....,1 hr... by adopi. the logic: and of !he " bs.l.achUSClI> Su!,",me JOOic: ...1 Coon '"' qouoIed above and concltodtl. ,to..dOft. IhM '""'" the ca>hicr does "'" ........., luthoriey oa bthalf of Ibe c""",,,aoiod 10 maLe """i,ioIu aboul the COW>e of the 1'''p1'''''.~ )'011 .... "'" cohi· cally ........ i... ted from rommunicalln, ""th hrr. l"""-e-"Cr. Ihcre i. aJI addie""",1 ethICal OOIIsider;!.lion "'hich ,hould be add ... ssed. The conel.,i"" reachrd abcwc ""'an. that lhe cashier i. an "n"'l""semed Ihin! person within the .. ",,,,,ina of Rule 4. 1 and Rult 4.3 nrthe RukJ o( Prof.... ional Condll<l. Th<Hc Rules provide. I't.spc<ti .... ly. IS (01",,",',:


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IoIou 1Iw.')'U1 ""pnd ...

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• Statist Ie s



Number S;1I;n8 for exam.


Number certified (0 Supreme Court of Alnb.1mn .............. . , , , , , , , .... ...... .


Certification rale· .... . .... ...................... ..... , , .. , . ............. .

6O.S pc",en!

Certlfle.tlort Percenteges: Unj'<crsity of Alabama School of Law ........ .

83.3 1"'=01

Bmningham School of Law . .............................. _.. _ Cumberland School of Law ... ............................................ . Jones School Q( Law ...................••.•.••.... _ . .... . . ........... . Miles College of Law . ..... ............................. . . . .............. . ·",e/,,,In (mly 11=, succrJsfolly paJJing oor UlII" and MPRE






81.S JlCrttnl

48.2 l'C'I'Ccnl 15.2 percenl

Alabama State Bar Fall 2002 Admittees

....--"" _~.

Keri Brooke


Alley, Edward l.,m Allred, Hervy Preo1J$S A/t(Itn.

Ktrn Edw;JrlI

AlJVSt~~ ~. Moric:lI OfJnise

Aoxoo- Tnrls. J~ine I'r&tt

Babioeau.<. Donald flay ~en..>J¥na

Bade•. Dorm M, Bater. Manhew Michael Bakel. Sdl.JyIe! Aileo lIrooley III 8/111. Helen Denice Ball. Wi lliam Steven

IIfown. Jeffery Moan Jr

EOmIO'l. Parler Em

Brown. Lori .1111

EngIRI. o..~ JoIwI

1IrowI,IIoben Leslte Jr Bryant, Douglas IIurjo BooYIam. Brildley OaJ'fl Butler, CynItOa VIOSS CD, GrfIIPY WOewI

E5$ig. !Ifahjon Kerth


Roben .bseftI

C¥ney. loos NIl Callel. Matthew Ke,tI1 Cash, Reg .... Fo'd C<l!.1(I. Pmtia leI<jI e-. James l'alld ~ /h:niI Rid ..dso, O'us!oi,,", PaullIgc.l Coum. filzabeth Arne on. Jadoe De!a1Oe

Ezell, Boldley Kaolen fal law. Mat.,. Fraro:es FMAs., Bnrlt Kerreth Fel.idel~ Mln.IeI Fitten. lBMante Allen Jr NeIds. Randall EaI1 fiem"'ll. Charles Jacl:son Jr flower1. Ronald WIrfrWj Jr Floyd. Ebzabelh Redding fontanI. Wesley TIuras

rm.. AlWIlaMonUl

Hallman. AsNey ""'



I!ano::ock. Wilham Manhew KanI;,ilS. Will,am Roland Jr

1i<w1J0'>'e. ftoIh MIchelle Imell. Charles MIner Jr Hamsoo. Ma!y Ellen Wyan Ha'.." ....SI8ll1. Susan Frarane Hatfield, A/y$Ome I);Ie:;sa Hazelton. Jelemy Scott

"""""""" ...w.-,ne KenIerstrl. a..Ies Todd

Freemll\ AsNey HaW<iflS

Heo ideo 101, ().w.;I f'oeIyy, Rebecca Deoean Heflin. Brent Wilham flq!\IlYII$'. &adIey Rid...-d

Fowler. Joshua Kelltl fcJw181. Paul Weston

Ba/IeruIa. MicllaelIIOOan

o.:u.. Douglas Craog



Sri. JemiftIr I.e9o \I.lftlo:lu". Amarda 8011

" '"'"f10m Chiton. ~ Jayne

ffeeman. Rochard t.t:e.meII Jr.

HIlI, l:attaone EIir.Ibem

fuller, M~ w~

Sames, Cyntrua Lee BaInes. Jomes Albert IV Baomt. Shelly Lynn

Cobb, Btentley lylel Cobb. fWry Herbert IV eo., DavId Eugene

Games. Carmen M, McCoIvey

~ • .10M 8<wbda1e III Holt, Ang&la 1bJpet, Slaty Bryant Home, JonaItJoo Manhew


EUdsIey, Mwll.eql

Beason, Warren Oyer Bellamy, Robert WIIfM Bellinger, Alan Ke,1h Bellanger, fIae\IIn Whot\lwl Bellew, KeatIlIf May ~oeIcI, Blenam C'.o:d Bensoo, B~1!I8 S¥lder5 Berry. Kevin lawoence Book«. Kelly flo\lene


BovIe, MidIiIeI [)awl

Bradle'/• .Ieffre\o fIobert Bragdon, David Alan &anton. Brardi Lynna IIhsendilll!, James Ene Brrsb' .... S¥!uiI JosIw

ann. Snan PalrJCk ann. Bnnen leslre Broc~lI,

Gregory AlJ5trn


co. CoMn.""""""" latJsha Y1n!se


Coot Wesley Illaawick Couch. ChmtOphei Pamck CW;i, Se:oequa S/IanIa CMI, Luther Putnam III

Curwni<l5, TIfm1hy Pete! ClM~ Felooa [)enese Oaogle. 0atweI1e AAdtee ~,Cbistl4l .. ~ Oameolle, Jason Digges Darty, wen LI"f\ Sh.m oao;.erty, Am Marie finley Davis, Stacey Am Dean. Enrd EbzabeIh dIGr,l!eliad, WikIm ~ III Oil. NOf!W DoJu;jIas Down. Clrrstrrla lee D,xon, Ooma lei5ll Dodd, Howard Hube .II

8roderret. fImII~ James

000:Jlas. Ga'!'.e laIIet:e

Brogdtr>. .lr:na1twll'fll Brooks, Cie<IId (b:I;; Blooks, MIChael 0ryder1

Qr:¥e, !Jrsula TIlIty Onmnord, AosIUldIliVisl\il Ouoont. Audr"Y Ye<If(IO/I

......... Gall~.

Keith Mic/IaeI


Gams. Robert Bladlord Gamsoo. Eleoa GeIIhe'lll, lisa Mana ~ttv, .kiv'l Ene Gilbert, JoeIIw!<soo GoIde!, HarJy ~.It GIowI, fIaor!nn! Ma.mGIo¥er, lhon\a$ Carpemer Godwm. Chadwd: Stuar1 Golden, MaggIe Elizabulh Gonkn Il<McI Tayiof

Hooser. Matthew Scan !boe,"n f\owe1 l, CIr'51Ophei MIChael HU\toe$, Brandon Micllael ~, MIChael Pannongton Ibltar. '{1f9'I Efc I Itrst 1*ielMa.1his HyrxIman. Cla"e Jaoe1 Jackman. 008 Mam

GnNIm. W,1Mm Albrf ok

.kIImoo, AdIafd &antley

Green, CIr,stmas Yvette Green. Will;am ChadwIck GnrrwJs. Clrr5tire Am!

Jofnston, Harnohoo fIobert Jo:nes, Albert .bres. Mc:Irga'l WtktJ .b'les.1Iobr! iO.r:stm

""'" """" "'"

- "'""'" --""" """"

Jao.bJn, Douglas 8jajoe Jackson. Karen Haodero James, CI.i5~'" SI0'lI!

&.Gy. Healta Reree

~ ~ IIonet1tl

GUSIIIf, Ene Laoce Guster, Ta'Kiw [a'Nat9 Hagen. fIebecca h'nan

"",-, ~ Elizabeth

Hale. Carta ROOerts Hale. El~"1h III<tke Hale, Jasoo Glenn

Kegley, TIlorna5 Edward Kelthivn. Ca-let(lO Putnam III King. Bufbn A/yse KnIand. W.... Ardn;wI N I(i~, Jason Mallhew !;nee, Tara Smelley


Alabama State Bar Fall 2002 Admittees Knqu. a.;SlOJUr Alan Koch, Herr; James La Traoo. Rio;\: Ardrew lantIert, Janle$ Keith lassitel, Joe Frank III L=ittet. AA1y Gail l.3wreoc8, John David Leavell, Hallie lauta Lee. Frank Edward lee, Gar'j Wiism Leo, Heatter Am

lewis, \.aula Ellen lipow. Danielle Jear,.,rle litwl t, Car,*", Elizabeth

l.iveoaI:. lliJmas Bla.. lloyd. Gregory Sean LoftIS. Scott lee Logan, Jamie Pam! lavoy, wa Susan Locci. Virgi,"" Rose Ludell. Ailgela laoe Lykins. flayrnord Marshall Mah<wI, Robin Amette Malooe. Betharry Maria Ellison Makr/, Gloria Presoott M<vnle, Matthew Ardrew Maples, Jay Guerin Matllews. O;Jro\d Aloo Mauldin. Emory Keith McAfee. Joy Maroe McAnin:h. Bentan1n Oouglas Mc&iIe. Jordan Montiel McCord, Toflany Bollard Md'.oIlE!'i. A. Bryam McOaoiel. Regioald Ilar,1 ~, KeYIn Allen McIntire. Jeremy Wi lson McKnijtt. Thomas Alexander Jr, Meilberg, rrist\a looise Melson, Ellen Malynda Meredith. Valerie Raoa Merritt. V8ronica l.aShond;, Miller. lIi",inia Elizabeth Mishler. Carl Ffie\iidI Mitchell. Oouglas Scott Mitchell , Elizabeth BIoodwortn Mitthell. James letetler Mitthell. Ralril ChriS\Oflher


rANIiARY 2003

(C, nti",,,d)

ROOson, John WWI

MtxOfl David £art Moak, ArQrew Joseph Mootry. Steven Wesley

1Ioger$. Rum Malie Rose, Detek 0m\00;JI:let S.

Mootoe. Bllan £dward

Ross, f<ed III

Moody. Marl: Stadley Moore, La TOOf3 faye Mooring, Mary Ellen Morris, fla<Okj W~

RooIsey, Palla Shawn Ru~1. SamiImha Noel Husson. Tracy le;gh Rvan. Claytoo Michael Sander, Ardrea Gail Sansruy. Michael Todd Sasser,laIIy Ray Sa>vver, John Scott So.:hefaoo. Arq.!1a Mit!lella Moore Schil~i. Joseph Paul Jr

Morris, Ka~ luioo MorIis, Kevin Mika MUlill , Jarnes Edward Jr.

Nelson. Mee9an Benson NIi:l'dS, Amanda L'IM &othal\el Norrbe<g, O...,;c Philip Noonel ley. Jennifer AAdra Ogle, flna AodIeIIe Ovemree\. Mithael lee .r.

00M!ns. Terrie Seal Pad<. Stanley MIChael .!t,

Padula. Ktystal Gail Palma!, l ucinda Elisabetll Pafb·S\I.lIle. Mart Catherine Parr. Benjamin ~d

Parr, lance Will>am Patterson. 6O'\'d Ma~1I .... Pat\efS(Wl, lee Taylor PattiliQ. James lalJleOS Patton, leslie EI<zabeth P~. Ad"an Carrie ~, D>esley Paul Phillips. Daniel flaOOoljlh Jr. Post. O\ad Juhan I'rnhad. 00nIa Joo,w Wirganj f'ric:tett Tamala £Iro9den f'ruitt. Aimee Sis!; PuyIt, l'I1illip Ashley Rainer. Jennifer Lynn Vaon Ralph . .fulie l\l1 HatdIer Raulst(lf1, C\I1thi3 Propst Rawlinson. Robert &tw3rd Reosti. Joseph I}este RoMs. JinYny Lee Rice, Frank Brian Rice. Jo/rl Brardon AidIafd. Joole Pille~j RitIm:n:I.lea IV Rives. E!;sa Smith RotDns, Ray frank III

Soon. c..tis lewme Swn. Ma<sha 8adey Seale. Turner Chapman Jr. Sew, Cindy LOII.ine

~ . .lemitar

Marie I'llo:impsoo. John Gordon Jr Th:vnpson, N~1han Michael ThQmpson.IIadleI Ross Tolar, Meredith lee Tubbs, JaooIl Michael lIpctIurt:h. Sharw'oo VI3I Vwz'f(. David lJar'd VICkerS. John Ellison I{ICke!S• ..Iona1han Kemo:wl VodIey, AJ<Il lane Voght. wa lvnne Wade, Eric Michael Waonwrig!n. Reed Ryan W~.tes.1kxhly B Walker. Moc:I'iam Brandon

Walter. MIChael fUre

Walket. Valeria f'Y'l wallace, Barbala Nochole Session:;. Mary Abigail Se)(lOfl, Ellen Catheline Walters, Jas<Jn Alloo Shah, Mitesh \larIsilal W31tIurton. Reed Thomas Ward, NavanJr Shaw. Michael Antllony Ward. William Arderson Sheward. lee loftin WeiM!f. Janet leigh Sherer. Robert Justin Shlrt. M,"y Pamela Weav8I·Stero. Phebe .Ju>eoo Shows, Stephen ~ichIJ«I Wernber9. Manir1 Evan Welsh. Jo/rlBares SKies,T\'fl! Lynn Westtroot. Je-.<sica Michelle Sirmon. Carldice Q-eree Slaugl1ter, AOOm [)avid WesmrH'ickens. Debra Ann Smith. Ronald W~ 'Mleeles. MIChael Todd Smith, Tobie Jo/rl White, Arllrea Nackel le SmoaI::, William Glem Kemper White. flidlard Benjamin Jr. Wog.nlon. Oenise PatJhne Si¥le<. AOOm Brook Solomon, Marc Pew Wilkrnooo. Josepl1 Oavid 11 Williamon. Shane Qimon Soorna. .Iose!tI Chanes S?W. Christopher Ryan Williams. MoUy.Jerttifer Sparks, Christy M~le Williams. SteJ'i'.anie {)ystal Stallwo;rl1. ~ Curti$:; Jr. Williams. Ted leon Jr. Stallworth, Mary El izabeth Colquett Willie,loois James III Startey. Jo/rl Saltt Willis. ApI! Maroe Willis, Etlward Bums Harrison Stem. David Howard Jr Stewart .ns Alt(lf1 Wood. Smarl'lll Bi5<lbeth S!r;dman, Elilabeth Ann Woodall. Willard BrelI Stroud, Sela Elizabeth WoodIoIl:. Pamel'fT> Riddidc Swed:er, Collier Hwth Yellding. ChristO\flellyncl1 SW1lley. John Vinceot II Tanner, funothy Marline Teaguu. Matthew Patrick

Lawyers lathe

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Judicial Award of Merit Nominations Due The Board of Bar Commissioners of the Alabama State Bar will receivtl nominations for the state bar's Judicia l Award of Merit through March 15, 2003. Nominations should be prepared and mailed to: Keith B. Norman. secretary

Board of Bar Commissioners

Alabama State Bar P.O. Box 671 Montgomery. AL 36101 The Judicial Award of Merit was established in 1987. The award is not necessarily an annual award. II must tle presented to a judge who is not reti red. whether state or fede ral court, trial or apfHlllate. who is determined 10 have cont ributed significantly to the administration of justice in Alabama. The recip ient is presented with a crysta l ga~el bearing the state bar seal and the yea r of presentation, Nominations are considered by a three路memi)er committee appointed by the president of the state bar, which then makes a recommendation to the board of bar commiss ioners with respect to a nominee or whether the aW<lrd should i)e presented in any given yeaL Nominations should inclLJde a detailed biographical profile of the nominee and a narrative outlining the significant contributior.!sl the nominee has made to the administration of justice. Nominations may be supported with letters of endorsement. 36

J A N UA RY 200)


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!lilt in,Uldn,e cumrJni.!.I,Jnd.~mrri<J 1031

Robert S. Calienl'" Mi. h3d Riddle 1200 Uood"m Pi.Iu. S~If' 330 fI"""~Rh~m. AL.l >209 Ttl, 8()(}'83 1-680i ' u-u'U.I.",d.J"'.uo",.IO 1/


olin Ow~rly I·'S up every mom;., and go...o ",or~ ~ A~ ..... LndllSlrial in SmalhOOo'd. Alabama. 0... day. ,,'lIoIe ope,aunl" p;a:c of industrial C<I".pn>tm. John ~ffen &II o,Hhc:.job iojury .hal ~,ul(j in ,he 10ss Qf hi' Icfll\&J><l. While JohrI dearly has I claim for......ur<· compen>oalion benelilJ ...,.... Ac ..... , rt'OO'o'efY under thaI claim il g...."'Uy !im;1Cd 10 tho "aMory provisions of !be Worken' Compens..uion ACI. Can he also ...... nlain I daim againlol • $<I"""';'" Of.;o.......ter? If yoo rq>I\'S('n •• ,thor Mr. Qo.o.~rly or Ac ..... Ibm: an: ~f'llI 4l1eS'ion.,h., mus, be ~n,,,,'cn:d bef<tt ,he .llim". 4ucstiQl'l of !be lJO"'"u.lliobility of I .......,lpIoyec can be ~. I, lhtre evideDOC thai. ~ i,,~nded to injure John? Was .bere a .."fely dcv~. on !he "..;hl.... John WIS <lpOllI,ing wilt. be was injul'fd? Is I~ any evidence \hat I <:O-<'mploy"" inl<ntClbon was I causal f _ In tbe -'<1en11 Had Mr. O,...".ly ""bmillCd. ",rinon complain. about lho vlolatioo of a ..rety ",)e 1(1 Ihot .I!qed vioiOllrlIbe answers 10 ~ queslions will pN\'ide COdMCI WIth imponant inf"",,,,'Mln ~ in .,... IY3Iing!he p<lIcn'ialli.bili'Y of. <:O-<'mploycc. In tbe 11 ynnoince tbe ALabama Iqlslahft ~!be cur""" CG-e11.Aojt< liobility SIal .... AbbamI eowu ha"" inItrprtI. ed, moIdt!d and, ""imes. upanded thol 'LaLUle. In an effon 10 undorstand m. ~ boundaries <JlI ..... Iu .. Lhallw bocn m. fOCULl of oYtr 80 appellalO 00Uf\ deci>ioo>s. m. fol""";n& i, a pmol (WttView of joo;dtl LrealmenL of m. co-empJoytt .lalule.


The Ptayen Whole m. Alablomo !qJi lim"M ,ao'Or) for """"'injurk, li"in'l an employ .... by p;liSin& Ltt. W<ldors' CompensaLiOd AC1 (hereillafltr '"the MI""). m. b ... "",km; abo alJoooo-.:d for a cause of aC1ioa q.aiMl ~ (and <Kher Individ"~11 and "nuLi.. ) under SectiOd 15-' · 11 of lhe Alabam.t Code (hereinafttr "15·'-11" or ."the ~"M"'). ",. CUIn'nL vet' s;.,.. of 2$-5.11 "'";1.$ pauN in 1984 and ,,-elM inlO eff«l Od f(bruary I. 19&'. While oome mioor ~'isiOl>I we,," nlade in 1992. 110 $ui>slanlivc allCrlOLions Ioa"e tftn made:";nee 1M "';I i. llal passage in 1984. Proptr panies for clai .... under Lhe <laluLc are liiiCd in 15_'· 11(1). DefeLldan" i""ll>de """,,mploy~. Lhird-pany 1II'Ofhn' ~ iMUtffl and lheir "iC'ftLYoftkcn/diRC!<n. labor union •. I g(",crnmeRI.III3"""Y or ito employ"''' and nff",."'direclOfSi",&cnl$ of tho employ ..... For simplidly purposes. tho ICmI K~K ·iII..,..... aU \ILc "",""ual old...• <bnt5. al1hoogh viJ1uolly every cue _.";nl 1M ,LaLUIC d.. lL wiLh ro-employee dcfcr.d:inu who act""lIy worked for! .m~ IS !he plaintiff. A claim moy 1>< broolhi by ei ...... !he injured co-empll:>yce or. in tho ""C1Ll of. fl ..liLy. by tho employ..,'. dcpendenu (M defined in Ii 2S ·'·6IIG (4). VOl, if .... employ.., r«OYft"S lily <brnIges ~1IdCr \ILc Itatu\II.!he emplGycr can ..,.k ... brogauOd 10 CO\'ef ."y compen!.alion poid IS a resuh of !he injury.' ~lalM



The StaIUIe E",," though the ".'u,e """,ides fur a broad rang. of potential dofcr.dantS. it impo.esliability only for "willful condLICI." § 25-5ll(b) ("U pmonal injury Of <learn to any <mplo~ ll'Suils from willful conduct, . , ,"). The SWute goes on 10 define "willful ron· dL>C'" in 25·S-II(t) by ,i.;ng an <xha ...1h.. list of roo. defini.ions listing the type ohctivity ,,'ruch consulu,es .uch oonducl, 5iroc:e oa::h definition ",·ill be diS<:USSod in detail. 1110 specifIC langllajl< of .ach provision will be prmithl in tum btlow. The Itgj.l:ni\,e intont behind the Sla'u'. can be foond in § 25-5_14. 1he legislaHm ~i!Crated in lhal sea;"" dUI by giving employees a cause of a.;.ion agaiJll.l oo-employea.. merely proving negligent or wamon conduct is 001 enough: allowing for tIw Iowtt smndard would have • impac1 "" businesses.. burdrn the judicial 'Y'tem, and IIann ,he .mployer~ploy« nol.,jonship. n.c ,lA'ute of limitations for" drum ulkkr 25·5·11 i. two year<. Sre § 6-2-3S(g}. In recognition of lhe plain language of 25·5-14 regarding neg_ ligence.OO ..-amOOneS!-. Alabama coons maintained a hard line by limiting claims under the •."lUte to involving tho foor definition. of ''willful conduc[" pro,ided in 25-S_II{e). Suo ~.g.. PoM'dl v. Unil~d Smlu fldrlily & Coo, Cu.• 646 So. 2d 637,639 (Ala. 1994);.u aim B~m" ,'. &!ma Mach. Mfg.. Inc., 552 So. 2d 134 (Ala. 1989); su ,,/so Rnd" Brua<oo, 527 So. 2d 102 (Ala. 1988) (holding that 2.'5·5-11 passes mu,ter under tt-.: Alabama constitution); Krus:~"'ski v. LiMit)' MUI. Ia<. Cu., 653 So. 2d 935. 938 (AI •. 1995) (same). 5e<tion 25·5-11 is IlOl to be u~ as the basis for a cause of ..:tion fQt overy on-tile-job injury. UI)"M V. Ca", 631 So. 2d 978. 982 (Ala. 1994). A ""'iew of case. directly addR:ssing tho pro,i';on. of 25-5II "'vtals JUSt how I\3tfOW that C'US<' of action really is. Of tile approxim:ltely SO app"lI.te eases reviewed for this artide, 75 pelttnt of those case. resulted in pro-defondant rulings, most of which affirmed a trial CQu.rt·s pan'ing of $uml!l3ry judgmom;n 13_ of 111< co--employtt defrndant(s). The fi~ C"S<'$ lUIder the ",vi~ ro--<:mployet statute ",..:I><d the app"lJate 1e..1 in 1988. In tile foor years that follov.·ed. the Cootts molded, expanded and interpreted 2.'5-5-11. HOWO\-er. since the mid-I990s, the trend has ~n 'ov."3rd a l\3tfOWing of the interpretation of the otatute.



25-5-11lcKllor "Intent to Injure" The first definition of ''willful conduct" provide<! in 2.'5-5 ll(eXI I (hereinaf,er "(0)(1 n reads as follows: (e) As uwl I><rein. ''willful conduc'"

m..an5 ...

(II A puIpOse or inttnt or desi", 10 injure aoother. and if a persoo, with UIowledge of the danger or perillO anotl><r. pursues a course of con_ duct "'i,h a design. intent. and puf]105e of ;nlllcting injury, thon I>< or she is guilty of "willful rondun" Next to 25-5-II{oXl). this definition has ~n tile mostl;,i· gated of tho foor. A simple reading of (o)(l) W1)Dld indica•• that a plain~ffmu" show an intent to injure anoth<r pef"$Q/l, and 8$ a general ",Ie, that is how this definition ha$ been interpreted. Su Hobd€n ~ Snow, 551 So. 2d 317 (Ala. 1989) (DOting tha, (e)(l) "require]s]'n intentional act for the coutts havt bro3dened this definition in one si",ificam way and ha"" arguably lowered the standard '0 one of "ttdl<$s!IC$s" for some oituation •. Su Reed ~ 8"'''''00.527 So. 2d 1m (Ala. 1988).

"'''''''''Y-'). V.,.




In lI.erd. the plaintiff injUftd his hand in a COO<.TeJe ml.=; he ""'" all tile II'I:IIUgrm<"nt personnel in his dirttt chain of command lI.erd, 527 So. 2d at 104. drum on the mi~er W3$ """,ed by •


rubbe-r, mo'orized drive whetl th.u ~ against the drunt; Ih= " .. re safety guards on some pari. of tile machine. but not for tile place wbtre the w!wl me! the drun>.Id. Plain~ffwas woriing in the area of the <lth.. "'!wl ,,·hen I>< lost hi. balance and fclito"..anJ the mixer, cateIIing hi, hand at the "nip point' "'h<re the wll<cl n.... the drum. Id. Plain,iff. claim was based 011 both (e)(l) and (e)(2) theories. III. at 119. no. C<lUfl laid out ,he folkYwing t,,(>-pmng .CSt th.u has been used C<)Osi>l<:>ltly in (cl( I ) cases C\"tr .;""". ]W~

belie"" the Lcglslatu'" sought to in,u", that

these k.inds of cases [(e)(l)j W1)Dld not I>< ,ubmilled to Iju!)' without atleasl some e,idence tending to show ';Iher I) the reason "'hy the ro--<:mployee def.nd,ull would want to inlCn.ionally injury the plain'iff. or so,""""" else. or 2) tha, • re."""able m"" in tile ]>05itioo of.1Ie defendant would h••• UIown that a particular result (i.c. injury or death) was ,ubst",,11any ""nain to follow from his ac,ions.

Id. at 120 (empilasi, in original). Thl' t"'o-prong tesl (be",· inaf"r 'lhe Rud tese) provided guidance for llial coutts on how 10 " .. igll the sufficiency of .,·idenee j»"tsenled .gain •• a c(Xmployce defendant in (eX I) <"S<'$. The lI.ud ronn w"". on to apply this""", 'esl and affirm ,uml!l3ry judgmont in favor of tho eo--employce defendanlS. /d. 121. Since e,ideoce showing that a ro--<:mployce defendant "would ,,'ant to intentionally inju"," ,lie plaintiff is """, i, is under_ standable that the so:ood prong in the R<td test i, the one that has received ,I>< mos' judicial .n"ot;on. However. llIe coon has ad.d"",~ tile (,rs' prong on at 1"0$' one oxcasion. $u Mean.< V. In"""";Qf!(J/ Sys.• 111<:., 555 So. 2d 142 (Ala. 1989); see also Lu ~ UdJingu, 511 So. 2d 900 (Ala. 1991) (reafforming that to satisfy tile fin. prong of the Rerd 'est. tho plaintiffoced only show thai ,he co--employce (lefendan1(s) intended 10 injure S<Jm~', IlOl nttCssarily the plaintiff). Soon a&r the Alabalna Supreme Coon handed down the Rud decision, the C<lUfl began to clarify 111< bow>dari.. of the second pmng. In TwWow ~ K"'I<Jm KmuiOllIWu. 535 So. 2d 132 (Ala. 1988), tho pl.aintiff wllS injurul wl><n M fell 00< of a company van a&r the dri.,...,.·s side door opened while the "an was moving at 40 m.p.h.; the "OIl had been damaged yeat"ll earlier and the .... idence shovo"ed thai the supelVisoo kno:w of the damage. TwWow, 535 So.2d 133. The probl<m with the van'. door latch mrchaniSlll had IlOl manifested i""U ~n<iJ approximately two <lay, before the occident.ld. Moreover, the ro--<:mployee defendant had ctm.. n the van himself ",'ef1 a&r M Irnew of the probltm with the door: also, "" injuries had "",nJted from the d:unagc 10 the ,-an before Turnbow was injlllCd. Id at 134. As it awlied the second prong of tho R.ed tCSt. the coon affirmed summary judgmeo' in f.vor of the c0employee defendant and noted thai the supm'isor "may havt perceived a risk of injury, 1:0,11 that is not enoogh for a jury 10 infer that I>< acted with purpose to inju", another by faiUng !O have the van', door "'paired." This ''pert:eption of a risk" Iatoguage clarified the sa>pe of the 5CCOIld prong and has been used in several .ubsequem caw. Su, ~.g., lfurm. ~ web3l~'. No. 2001010, 2002 WL 168648 (Ala. eiy. App ft"b. I. 20(2); B~~n V. /.PmD. Mach. Mfg., loc.. 552 So. 2d 134 (Ala. ]989); Ur,n~ ~ Carr. 631 So. 2d 978 (Ala. 1994).



An i.,..,."...,. (~)( I ) cue in the emit.\ ! nf pwemmenI .. rqulalion violations is Pil'. ~ 8roJ1#y. 70650. 2d 711 (Ala, 1m). In PillS. !be pbimitf .."lIS injurrd 0$ the R$ nf a mrthano ""pIooion in !he No. .$ Mini: III Jim W...... Rcsoun:a ("JWR·'). Pins. 706 So. 2d 111113. JWR m::civcd teYer.lI venti~~laod citaIioN frQm the Mine W..,. and Heahb AmIinisrnDon ("MSHA i in the months btfon the nplo<im./tl. Tho MSI'" irn'CSliplion cnnc:1ud(OJ that the fail""" 10 ""It rod a line cuRain. whkb aids in Uepina the mi,.,. I""'I"'"ly ventilated. coold ha,.. been • conuibulina facwr. ttl. (m;. issue ...... key factor in !be (eJ(2) claim. ~ Infiv). ~ el the tlklliJlkfte cIofe.\loiils wm pmtnI III the time el the ""pIooion nor were dIty ~bIt lOr p;>OiritU.>& the line ounain. Itl. Tho coun. ..Me .ffinni", IoW1IIIlIf)' jWgment for !be defendants. held th:&llhere "'lIS no evidence ~1Cd !hac I~I. (OJ !hac the ro-emplo)"te dofendanlS wo.tkl have btnI 5ubsw>till11y (t'rtain thai "" irljwy would follow from theiI actims. Itl. III 71S. SpocifialIy. the IIIl/y evidmce " . . I*<I1bIIt * - d dIM the deftldallu t.I any ~'Ied# el'-;bIiQn pOOle"" wm doe MSHA ";tabons. Itl. Tho alIllI cnnc:11IIkd:

Allhoug/litho MSHA ";lOtions] ntay.row!hac the defendants knew elllJl inbemot risk 0( i.yury or death 85SOCiaIcd ",illl lQoOO51ound roaI minin& and that !hoy ~ that risk. it fiOlb abort do ~ _ inc that 111)' do the defendonu knew wiIIt .!UboIantial certainty that the ""lendable cwuin PilU "... """'ina would ClluS< a mt1lIane gBS ""plosion.

1<1. This hoIdi"l j, imponant for tWO ~_: ( I) MS HA on<! ome. ptmmmI aal"tly ciwioons "ill DOt CSIabIish the ...-..... IioIt thai co-t~ ddmdanls ......., ..... t·nljally certain an injury or dead! _Id follow \heir llCliom. and (2) mere ~ tion of the d:aIIjmIul nalW'e of tho worI:plxe win not ~ moo'" IQ $Ol$tain a (c)(l) claim under tho ICCOIId prong of ,he Rw/ Ie$\. Arolher imponanl (c)(l) case wa. M~"";n ~ Ca.hy. j78 So. 2d 1242 (Ala. 1991). Tho plllintifl"1.w.:edu~ .... killed whm the bnla OIl ..... a.:u>'o'_.... failed MId the -.,.. .., ~ "'" .w.:eduIL M~"";It, .1'71 So. 2d III 1243. lbm: was C'-ideDce that Ihc manager responsible for maintcnanr:e o(.:n tqUiprntru llIld a co-tmployff deferodant. knew of the btili probl<1'" on tho

-.,.. .. iuue and had cordemIlhaI the boUcI be '"suaig/ltencd" evtn thoogh 0lIrr empioytts IttOit'Utl<ndcd a romp"'''' ~ IqIlxcmc:fII. Itl. 01. 124~. There "'... abo cvidmce that COiIby knew III» the condition ulhc tntes ....y aIkow f« debriJ 10 .... inIO Iho tntesand dla._1hc 1)'SInn" dI""';'~ ttl. at 1246. did DOl have Iho bnla IqIIac:cd bo:aoaso he knew Iho -.,.. ..... obout ID he nnst<1TCd ID InOIher facility and he did not """,I to sp:rod money on maintcnanr:e, 1<1. Tho coon focused on Cooby'l mirWt< "'ilb ~ to tho boUcI and roncl..:lcd 1ha11i ~ was l'IOI Cosby'. dr:sign. intftll. and ~ 10 inflict iqjury IIp<IIlIIho drccMcdl by lIOI rq>IKiD& doe !nUs: it ..... lois d<:VcD. imrIII. MId purpoIC 10 ..... ...,,,due .......,. ... _Ihal ...... DOl ...... .., be Il5ed in his disIric:I..~ Itl. Bastd on IhillllOlive, tho coon held that ·11111e... W3$ no eo.oidc:nce that I~ dc:<';oase<!',! death WO$ ",bswltiaJly cntain to follow from Cosby',lI:!lonl." Id at 1246. Thil cue il irnpo:lRw bcauoe tho coon rocu...J on tho i _ u tho co~. ~ f_ that woWd DOl pnwr ....m 5tlPPO<' for Ihal dd"mdanI. &senIiaUy. the ooun held that ~ ...... ~ a dim:! cauW link bc!wcen Ihc inI.enrloni behind • co-<1tlpIoyee', IICIions and .... injury or death. ThiJ W3$ a dear lWI'(IIIo'\og 0( tho "sub$WI· tlal cataiNy" SIaOdanl ... 0lIl in tho KCMd """" of Ihc liNd 1tSI. AIIOIhcr (eXI)casc: worthy ofaamilWllion is Lmw" fAorri<l C.u. .. s...: Co.. 670 So. 2d 889 (Ala. 1m). 1d w-. Itoec pIain<ilI" .... iqiwed .. ~ btld a moul cbisd !"or aooodxo wortn 10 ouiU ...iIh. harnonor. """" tho hammer', impact.. moul chip from the chisel hil the pJailllifT in !be e)'e, Lont. 670 So. 2d 890, Earl ... 01\ tho day 0( tho ao:cidtn~ Lane "'lIS wooti"i 00I$ide and asko:d • connpIoyee!"or. pair oI"..r<1y &J-c:o due 10 blowing ....tIw.t: Iho .....,I.u... rrl'uocd.., pnMde plaintiff ",illldoe JI:Hses. Jd.. at 891. Plaintilf IIp:d thallhis rdItsa1 ~ .........ami·1 ctlUiflty that .. injury WOIIldl't$Uk from the cianiit' .., his eyes from the 51.... • 0051. and dletd"on ..... co-empIoyee W3$ oubslaonially cenain lhal plaintiff. oyu. wwld be i~j~. td Tho coun atrllmOd summaty jud&m<nt .. .., Uno', (eX 1) claim (ao _II OS his (.J(2) cJaion.~ ;,yra)bypoinUn& 10 pro!>Inn IO'id! Uno'1 arpmmL Jd.. Tho dartFf.., u... .• eyes thai bis ~~ _ ... ~ 1OAWdust, not moul dlipe.. 'd. TItil cue fllrtbtr rrinfon:es the diJt!C'I WISlI c:onDOI:tion required for a (eX I) claim. Th<1'efure. ,he ""1UbSlalllial certaiony"



oausallinl< in lhr .<erond prong of the lIud leS1 requi.., 1he following: 1he <:<>-employee mu,1 ha,.. been "subsmlllially ccnain·· of lhe 'P«ifie danger 1ha1 actually caused injury or dealh. rIQt of some 00..... risk !hal oould ha,.. ~aUStd lhe same injury. A final (0)(1) c.... wonhy of 'P«iroc di"" ... ion (because ;11;ed lOgelher many of the key (e)( I) nuances) i. Ex JXln~ Man;". 133 So. 2d 392 (Ala. 1999). In Manin. lluff .rnploy«'S _re kill«l when a ohernioalllUlk e.pIodrd as lhey performed mainlenance on Ih.l1 tank. Alan;". 733 So. 2d.1 393. Eighl monlhs ber"", lhe """i. denl. lhe co-employee defcndanl ,upt"i..,.. nrder«l a new "'lief .ysu,m for the tank: 1he order form ir.dkaled Ih:u lhe cum:m ... Iief system "·os ··inadequate:· Jd. n.. new "'lief sySlcrn. '-"*'". WliS IlO1 i",talled prior 10 lhe explosion Id. An.,.. the """idenl. lhe O:::oupalional S.ftly and Hoallh Adminoo-ation (·'OSHA·) ciled the rompany for rcgulalOl)" Mations. Jd. al 394. As il ....... ""'" 1he Alabama Coon of Civil Appeals· of su "unary judgmem in f.,"Of" of <kfondanl. the coon focused on 'hm> key facts: (1) the tank bad been opcr.lling .... ith lhe original ... Iitf system for ovt:r 27 year< .... i!hool i""idem: (2) the I:oowledge !hallhe ... lief sY.>lem needed 10 be upgrnded: and (3) OSHA·, oimliOO\S.IJ. .. 395-96. As f", Ille ordering of " repl"""menl S)"SIcn>. lhr row1 ",Iiod on Turnbow (di5eos.sed sup"') and ronoluded thai """" mowl«lge of. problem does IlO1 "'I,,",le 10 a substanlial certainty thaI injury '" dealh would follow the oo-cmployee defoodruu·s ":Iions. Id. • 1 396 In ~og the OHSA citations. lhe coon ",Ii«! on J/arris (in!",) and ronoluded thaI if pre-acci<knt OSHA citalions wm: J>OI ellOUgh 10 provide substanlial certain,y uO<ltr the Rud ItSt (as the coon held in /larri, ). then ci ..· lions are J>OI ellOUgh 10 maintain. (ej( I) claim. Id."

2s.&11(c)(2) or "Safety Device

Removal" The second drfinilion or ·'willful conduct·· provided in II(c)(2) (k",in.f1~r ··(e)(2)"·) ",ad. IS follows: (e) As used lIt"'in. ··willful conduct"' mcans ... (2) The willfnl and inle",iona! removal from a n"""'ioe of. safely guatd or safety device provided 42



by ,he manufacturer of the machine with Knowledge that injury or death would likely or probably .... nll from the """"...1: pro,·id«!. howe,,,,". thai tf!mo\"a! of • guard or device wI! not b< willful conduct unless the ",rnQV31 did. in f""t. incn:ast the danger in lhe use of the machine ond ""as J>OI done for lhe I'"rpOSO of "'pair of lhe """'hine or " "as IlO1 PII'l of an imprO"o""",nl or n>Qdifi< .. ioo of the machioe ,,·hkh ",odertd the saf~ly drvice unnecess.ary or ineff":li .... This definilion is the ,...,.. heavily illig.led of 11", fOllr provided in ~·5-11 (e).' Before looking to the judicia! iOl<rpre1a1ion of Ihi. der,nitioo. se,-=I tIu"C.<hold i......,. muSI be ad<lressed. The Slaluto US<'$ th= l:ey Ie""" safely guan1ldrvice. manufactull.... and machine. If a drfendam can show thaI """ of these .-.quin:n..... i< J>OI mel. lhe plaintiff canoot ""'intain 3 (c)(2) claim. l~,,~ the coons h.... J>OI defined what "'lDSIiuues. "nllldline·· as that word i< used in ~-5-11. The Alahama Suprtme Coon. how=. has declined 10 use lhe following definition since the particular """". Mus al i.<sl>C---<l coal mine-bad al",ady bo<:n found not 10 bt a "'''''hine: ··an .....,mblage of bodies that ttarumi1.\ r"""" in " pre. do'1ennined man ... r and to • desired rnd:· Pill< ". 1ko,lry. 706 So. 2d 711. 715·16 (Ala. 199n Absem further guidantt. panics an: lefl only ,,·ith ,,·hal the coon has roond J>OIIO be n""'IIi ....:. coal mine (Pill< ,~pro; /.oJ_ ~ CarT. 631 So. 2d 978 (Ala. 1994): Malli.ham ~ Kiur. 630 So. 2d 420 (Ala. 1993) (holding thai improper p)"""""'nl of. '·oolilalion cwtain is IlO1 actionable under «)(2) bo<:aus< the rurtaio is altached 10 the mine roof. and the mine is no1 a """""'ine··): the human body (LoM v. ~rgia CiU". & Sur. Ca.• 670 So. 2d 8.89 (Ala. 1995);" respjrntor (Nami,lo v. Itb>Chrm. Co., Inc.• 671 So.2d 1380(AIa. 1995). One possible definition can b< found in II4obsru·, DktiOtlwy. which defines a "machine·· as ··a SIruClu ... consisting ofa r",mew<lfk and ",,"oo~ fi.«l and moving parts. f'" doing SOllIe kir.d of work." IIHm.,·s Ntw Uni\~rJ4I UlIllbridg. d DktiOllary 1080 (2d od. 1983) The ooun has defined ··safety device or guard" as ""an in...,n· lion or c<onlriv;lnee inlended to pr'QItct apinll injury. damage or loss that io,urrs and gi ...... ""urily thai an accident will he prev~nled.'" MW>7 " Ru,·eJ. 589 So. 2d 17]. 177 (Ala . 1991). The Moo ... coon " .. nl 00 10 add ,hat ~ safety guon! ordevite i<:

th.l w~i,h i, provided, prindpaJly. bulllOl exclu.ively. as proteclion 10 an employee. which provides some shield belween the employ.,.,.nd danger $O" lO prevenllbe employ~ from ill<urring injury while he i. engaged in the performal>Ce of lhe servi"" ~uired of him by lhe employ"" ir i. no! $Omething !har i•• oomponenl pan oflbe machine whose prin_ cipal purpose i. 10 (adlitare or expedite the ...-ork.

10100".589 So. 2d or 117 (emphasis ad<led). f inally, lbe ,""" <lrfinrd ",,\aIlufaclurer" as ''[Il0l only[ lhe origi ...1 manufacturer (one who produce. ar1i.k_ for use or Ir8del. bul.I"". subsequenl Uliry ""'Isubslantially modifies or malerially .I~rs the prodUCI through the u", of differenl componenlS and/or "",thods of assembly:' I/a,ri. v. Gill. 585 So_ 2d 831.836 (Ala. 1991) (diKUssed in/rol. In on\I:r lO main!3in • (0)(2) cause of action. the plainliff is IlOl ~uired lO provide evidence demonsliating thaI the """,,mp~ defendanl(s) intended 10 harm IN plaintiff. Rawr. it i,the willful or inrcnliQlt.11 "'moval of a safety guanl or device. regardless of the. inlended ","uit. thaI will i"""r liability urdeT (c)(2) _Bail~ ~ l/"gg.:I47 So. 498 (AI • . (989) (diSCussed in/TIl). However. f"",_ seeing the dang...- ",,"Iling fmrn the ",movaI of the safety gllilrdldevice i. ""qui"J for a «)(2) claim. To e>!3blish a primo fade claim nndrr «)(2). the plaintiff must show: 1. The safety guard or de\iic. must have been provided by

lhe manufacturer of lhe m..:hine: 2. The sarety guard ordevice mu" have be<n ",moved from lbe mathi",,:

3. The ",mov.1 of IN safely guard or device nlust have occlltl"ed with knowledge lhal injury "'"()IIld ~bly or likely ""ull rrom thar removal: and

4. The ",,,,,"111 of the welY guanl or device muS! no! have bern pan of. ,nodiflClltlon or an lmp<OV<'rrtnt thot ~ the safety guanl or "",,ice ""~ or ineffective. I/u,ri•• 585 So_ 2d at &35. On it< raot, «)(2) appears to limil the willrul condUCt Wl<l<-r thai definition to .il""lioo, whete there "".IS an anirmati,·. re",o" • .1 of • sarely guanildevice_ How"".r, the Alabama Supreme Coort has broodeool thai definition in ",,-...-a1 wayt.. 11>ese ""pansion' will bt "" .. niool bef"", various (c)(2) cases ar-o revicv.'td In an early 25·5·11 c;l$<'. the Alabama Supreme Coon articulaled the first e~pansion of the stalule. S« Bail~ •. I/ogg. :147 So. 2d 498 (AI .. 1989). The plaimiff in BaUey had a thumb amputated by a pulley inside ~ """"",Ie piant; his employer had recenlly purchased the planl fmrn """""" company. &JUry. :147 So. 2d at 49899. The machine arrived ""ith • guanl designed to COVtt the injwy· ",,",ing pulley. bulthe omployn had rruled 10 insullthe guanl. Id. al 499 The ro-cmployre defendanlleStifred thaI he knew the gnard was <l<li~ and no! installed. bul did no! brow , ir was IlOl ins.u.lled. Id The court revi<!wed the kgislarive intenl bthind 25-5·11 and noted ''!he importrult porblic policy of promoting safely in the worl:pbce and the importance of ,uch gnards in providing such safety. The same dang .... are present wh<n :Ill available safety guard i. no! ins!311ed as are """,,01 wh<n the same gnardhas hoen ",,,,,"-<d." /d. BI 499-500.' The coort held lhal • willful and intentional failure to ,,,,!all a guanll"""ided by the


.SCH .OOL .;.j,,,= ,.,:..


O F LAW; ., •

14 Trial and Appellate Advocacy Compethion, , • Teams . I f·' .", of,




... Year





and "ca

Extern~ hip's,

IIWIuflCNm" is d>e ~valnII 01 re""""'c a pan! or deviot'. and is d>eftfore aaioRol>k cordua undrr (,,)(2~ While this opiniooI IN_ 10 make oeM< on ~ IeYds. d>t c:ouot. II bo:u. II<JIaI eoidence !hal Hog "",",Iy nqlicently or ~y failed to inmIllbe guard, "'hkh is arz~y a dopanun: from li'e ''willfur llanibnt f()Und in lbe plain W,$uogt of2S·S·ll. This expansion. ~r. conlin .... 10 be JOOd law to !hi. day. AnO!hor ~xpansion of !lie plain btIgua&< of (c)(2) tlJl'le I_ )'C'atJ laltr in Ifa,". " Gill. S85 So. 2d 8J I (Ala. 1991). In tIw caK.!lIe plainllff ...-u injured in a punch pre:U KcidmI. Ham.. SIS So. 2d Ie 833. The ;njury..:ausi", """" ...". delivem:lto Ibc pla;Mifrl employc1")'C'an e....lier willo no oafely devkeJ; ....h:wQ. eVff. Id. Thc company. I\0-I0.......... od<I«Il_ mech."isnu 10 !be nlaChi.-......-palrn 001(0111 Ind. fOOl co.llrol p"dal- ,o en.blt!be openlor to xtivalt!be Pft"-/d. 1I0.... evtr. if lhe openeor ....... uNnl!be fOOl pooda!. ehe palm i>.ncons wen: illOpCf&live. Id. al 836. !.fief laying ouelbc pri_ focir caoc ul>dcr «)(2) (liSloed S"f"D) for "'" rlf$! li .... ao>d defining ~llWIufachftf" (<IiscIwcd r"f"D).1bc COlIn bold lhaI bypusi",. safely dc\IioD-chc palm OOl1ons-il!be ",!"iVlltnl ol ~n:n>O>"inl~ I ... felY device or aUlrd"l>dcr «)(2). /d. II 83' . A final early expan.ion of (c)(2) occurred in Moorr v. /(uws. 589 So. 2d 173 (Ala. 1991). In Moore. ehe plainli1,.•• .\«uricy IUlIl"d for a school. was injUred wl>trllbc dri>-....·l ... dt door "" a pIItOI car ramt open lklrtng opn-aUoro "" .....". hun 10 fall oue of lhe vehiele. Moorr. S89 So. 2d III 17S. Moore pcsc1Moed eo.· dc«c tIw hi. oupn"'ison knew of 11>t di_pair of el>t vehicle and Sli1l required him 10 drive il "" ,I>t day or,1>t Ittidenl. Id. Afee, providing a (now) delini,ion of ...... fely auanl or devi,,<:.~ l11e coon kx*oed '0 <he policy orticul",ed in Haj/~ ond I>tld llu., '"!be failure co mainLoin and/or repair • safeey IUlIl"d or device providod by cbe manufllCtUm" of 0 particular machino would be uwamoun, 00 lhe 'removal or or "'" ·failllnl 10 ift!llll'. ur.. y pard or dc\Iice." Id. III In. In sum. "'" three main ... pansions of (cX2) outside 01 WI def,n'ei",,·, expmos llng"'8(' .re: (I) failure 10 'n~.11 (l/.ailQ"): (2) by·pas,ing "'" we(y guanVdevi"<: (l/a'riJ): Ind (J) failure CO repair (Moorr). Thil ... pons;oa oflS·j·1 L(cX2) did no< c«oti ...... beyond .... ,arly 1990s. ho;r.."tvef. and !hi, der",ition ..,maulS 0 f... ly lW· row"""" of actioro. la /(N,h. 8nuuooo. j27 So. 2d 102 (Ala. IlISS) (.bo I '-err importan1 (eX I) case. .. noccd J"P"'). !he ooun Iimiltd!he safelY device 11 issue 10 one ehlo, 00\'tft(!!be injury"':lUsing pare of lhe machi .... Mr. R""d', hand was injum! whon ,I was c.ughe in. ··nip poinl" on a ,ool1i", concreee drum. /(Nd. 527 So. 2d al 104. A safeey JIWd for anocl>tr par1 of .... ronc~ rni_ hal br:en re'no"oed. 1>,,, ROfd ""lIS noo iqillml by lhaI pan of cbe maclllJ>C. Id. 01 121. The COlIn held thae mere ......ooaI 01 a safety cu-d i. noc enough 10 mainllUl a (c)(2) claim: cbe ..........."11 of lhe g....-d mu .. h:!~ p_I_"" "" ..ud cbe pIalne,ff's injury. Id. Moru>ver. even if the ..feey pard " ... .. moved from II>t injury...:.u,ing area of lhe machino. i,;s s'in. jury q",$'ion as co wholho. ,he removal cousW lhe injury. Su ,.,.tU/~ ~ Wi/te. S65 So. 2d 2(i (Ala. 1990) (boldin, thaI .."""",I of ..reey railo inscalled only for • rnanqcmene v;",1 may lIOI ha,~ br:en lhe tauIC of pIaln<itf". injury ..... 1"'1 i1. for !lie jury 00 detnmir>e lhaoI q....oon of fxt): ' " ~rs ~ O"N~Q} SINI. 111<:.• .564 So. 2d (Ala. 1990) (hoidirli lhaI if injury would have o«urred ".gardltS$ of a .,...viou, of I ... fely ' WilCh. the causal conr>e<li"" for • «X2) claim coold



tit. ",*). finally, !he COlIn has Io<kllhac ....".Iy aw:n,ng that • safelY g~ lhoukl ha-.~ been pboed "" •


machu.. ;, .........If"'..... for ..... aLliBin& I (c)(2) claim if lhe plaIntiff cannol .oow lhaI1he guard ""'" pan of d>t ""g'!1ally monuf/OCtured mach'no or etlll such a ,uanl i...... ilahle. even if the employer was ,lie m.nufact" ...... K",.;:e-;.·.ki ~ /)"""y MUI. It... C.... 6.'lJ So. 2d 935 (AI • . 1995). The ooun alJ() refusW 10 allow for (cX2) claims alleginl the ""conslnlClive removal~ olo ..reey device. S« C-IW " LM C.... lrocIUtS Co. 111<:.• 739 So. 2d 1099 (Ala. 1999). In CIUftbW, !he employ .....~1dcd an otherwise remoYable aw>k hIndIc 10 • machi ... :!he handle 5pUn f....,ly and hil cbe pIalnliff In the cye. clusirli an injury. CIUf1bir, 139 So. 2d 01 1100. Thc: coon ana· lyud ehe th...., JRvioul e~pansion~ of (c)(2) (lJ"il~. /fa,ris. and Moorr) and de<:liDOd 00 furlhtr expand lh:ol definition '" include the "cons.." .. i.. removal~ of 0 safely device. i.e. lina: !he hindI< wu desipcd 10 be ".movabIc. weldin, II cfwI&cd lhe fWure of the _Ie and ~ "'" rist olInJUfY./tl. .. 1100. The C~.....n roncludod by nOIlng thae (c)(2) ~caanot be COfI.llrued ' 0 lilow 0 oo-employee oceion in every ,ilu~lion w~~ an employ"" il injured on thc job and ,h., any c"""gc in llIe li",il~d righl <1""lio" provided for in l(c)(2)J mu,e be lefceo !he lqi.lllure." Id. 01 II03.{14 (dLoeion ornieltd) ( lidded). The <XIW\ alJ() ~1\os.ed 10 upand (c)(2) 10 incl .... providin. a ..r... ........tpb<>e by i...wl"" bttlef lit:/>lJng. SN 8f«t~ v. Da\·is. 613 So. 2d 1186 (Ala. 1993) (pIalMiff""'" injUred ",·I>ta I>t fell in 0 dart s1airwcll). finally. the roun refused 10 classify a failure 10 follow a safeey ",Ie II llIe equiva· kn( of remov.l of. ",felY 8uardldevic~: such an acc'oo. bowev· .r. may tit. xtionablt undor (cX I). $a WillitJ"., ~ I'riu . .564 So. 2d 4011 (Ala. 1990). AI lhe languase of (c)(2) indie,,'" an imponane factor is .... b<-Ihet lhe _ .. f/OCt..".,. """lIIIly made !he mlCnuoo with "'" ... fely dc\Iice or ..·hcther one ""'" added ~r. In BMNII " l..ottIo M<Jdt. Mf, .. 111<:.• 55! So. 2d 134 (1.10. 1989).lhe plain· 'iff lnjum! hi, ann while openlin!. bilk' "'''''. Burte" provid· ed 'UMlanlial eo\dence Ihae hi. employ ... had doubled cbe exposed area of the sa .... blade and Ihalelle oo-employ.., defendan" failed 00 add " spI.lsh eo"" ~ ILlr:h Ig..anl lIOI 'DCludod as. com~ne "'~d "'" mac/uno " ... pur. rn.scd.. BUNII. SS2 So. 2d III In. Iu for lhe alcencion of cbe ... posttre am for elle saw blade. lhe COlIn I>tld 111M since the .".. employee def.ror.tan" .... ~ lIOI employed by !he company .... hen lh.e.llOnlion was made. lhey could noc be li.ble for ,ha, al,er· ~I''''' , Id. The COlIn abo fII!N'n favor of thc oo-en,pIoy ... "" lhe .... '0 add I IJIluh luard. 1d.1u 00 ehac cwm. the court bold lhaI "1,1""'" is no duly IInd<:r f 2j.~.II(c)(2) on .".. entplo)'«s to aJJ safely.lWds llu.elhe ..,....,f... u..... fails 00 prov;cs..~ /tl. Of 138 (~~;, added). In od!Iress,as Burkeu ·. lfJu .... ne thaI lhe co-employee def<t>dant..s 1houkl have added • Ipla!.h guanl Ire ... JRv""" employees ... ",oded the.,.,. of llIe ex~ saw blade. l11e coon wen' on '0 add. '·s..:,ion 25·5· II (c)(21 ~ nO! require c"","mploy,,,"lO add a $If",y dc\Ii~ co ""'"p"nsaec for 1he .... illful relllOVlll of one by prcviou. employ . ttS.~ Id. nul cue """'"' ., unwillingncu by the COlIn 10 i"'P'l'iC liabiliry on "'perv'1(n for !he wiUful1O(1$ of lhtir pnd. ccewn. Essentially. ie Urn," chc f...... 00 lhe actIOfU of cbe .".. employee def.ndanlJ. "'hid' ~ar$ to be <>OI'I1iSlerll willo thc inltnl of !he Itg •• lolure. Su id.: IU also Ala. Code I 2S·S ·14 (providing lhe I.ili.lali~ 'ntcm bo:hind 25·5·11). In •• imilar



case. the roIIrl has IItld thai there i. 110 dUly 10 upgrade safely de,ices after delivery of the machine from the manufaclurer. S", Thn>rUll Componenr. Inc. Y. Golden, 716 So. 2d 1166 (Ala. 1998): .~. 01." Crow/aro Y. Mart;n. 733 So, 2d 387 (Ala. Civ. App. 1997) (a/fuming summary judgment in fa"or of the 00employ« defendanl$ wlltn neither the ...... fOly device" al i.. ue nor ilS re<ommended replacement.ySlom were provide<! by the manuf""urer). Finally. the roIIn has IItld thai t .... n if OSHA cit<'$ "" employ.r for failing 10 have certain .. fety guard •. if tho machine was delivered by the "",nufaclure, witboutthose guards. ~mployees caorlOl be liabl. ul'ldl:r «Xl), Su 110m. v, Simma..s, ~8~ So. 2d 906 (Ala. 1991). SeVEral C8St$ provide """'" i1l$ight inlO the liabilily of .upervi· oory ~mployees following a plaintiff', on·the·job injury. In C""";nglwm Y. Stem. 628 So. 2d 576 (Ala. 1993). the plaintiff was injured by • punch prtss that was original!y m3/lufactlln:d with ...1""101" swilch allowing the operalOl" 10 .. Ieel either the palm him"". or lhe fOOl pedal as the lCli,-.ti"" device. The employ.,r had Jl'l'>,iously mQdif.oo tho safety devices by adding ,,'list bracelets designed 10 pul! tho operalOR' arm, clear of tho press area whon tho machine was acliv>te<l but tl'oo<o! bracelets failed at the lime of the accident. CllIUIinglwm. 628 So. 2d aI 5n. Plaintiff offered e>ide...., that lho palm press bultons had bee1I deaOlh-.led. ill. 01 578. The COUrt """,rsod ",mnwy judllJ"lent and hold tMt whotlxr or not the I<lditi"" of !he bracelet s~"'m rnt><le tho palm buttons ~ was a jury questi"". Id, In Kirlc ~ Klement•. 628 So, 2d 580 (Ala. 1993). tilt plaintiff had Ihree fing'" .mpuuued while operating. griDding machine:. pi= of wire mesh that wa. designed to 00""" the griDding whttl was not in il proper place and plaintiff's hand slippe<l through a smal! gap and came into oonlacl wilh tho wheel. Kirk. 628 So, 2d at 581. The plaintiffle5tified that be did not know wOO was responsible for tile gap in the wire and tile e""'ntp!o~ce dcftndanl$ testified thai tlley were not ""ponsible for the defect in the mesh. Id. 'The COUrt pointed to an important51ep taken by lho <o-employees in thei, for summary judgment: nuking .primafad~ of nonliability. Id. 01 582. This showing .hined !he burden to !he plaimiff 10 Jl'l'sent evide""" thatlne c"",mployee defeDdanlli were respon· sible for cau,ing the wire mesh to be ahtn:d, /d. While this bur· den Shifling i. norma! at !he summary judllJ"lent 'lage. it shows how a defendant can place lho burden on the pl.inliff to bring forward specifIC e"idence of liability beyoDd merely alleging a responsibility fo< removal of. safety guard/device. An importanl case in the con",,,t of claims against supervisory person",,1 is Rain .. ~ SM4·ning-Frrri. IndltJt. of .4la" Inc.• 638 So, 2d 1334 (Ala. Ci,. App. 1993). In Raines. the plaintiff was injured wben tho door of • vehide Open..:! u"""pectedly. Raine•. 638 So. 2d at 1338. The c"",mployee defendanlS testified lhal!hey had no Irnowledge of previOll' problems with that door even though se....,,,,1 former employees pn:semed evidence that the door hod malfunctioned in the past. Id. A<klitionally, there were no maintenance rocords evidenci ng 3/ly problems "'ilh the door. Id. The COIlrl. while finding thaI !here was insufficient evidence for any kiDd of 25-5-11 claim. noted that (c)(2) "Stat.. IhaltOO willful or in"'mi""al removal o f a .. fety gum! 0< safety de"ice from. machi .. with knowl..:!ge that injury or death would likely reSUll from .uch removal is 'willful con· duct ... · Id. Here the Coort relied on the expn:ss lang of (c)(2), Mon:o'o'ct. the court. io • ge""ra/ diseussion of 15,5.11.






hu also ~rved that "(t(he po$ilion he occupies. without more. Cannot serve as. basis for a co--employce'. liabililY" ul'ldl:r (e)(2). Su ThcmpSOtl I'. Ub-tny MUI. lru, Co.. 552 So. 2d 129{Ala.1989).

25-5-11 (c)(3) or "Intoxication" The third definilion of "willful conduct"' provide<! in 25-5· II (e)(3) (""",inarter ''(e)(3)"1 reads as follows:

(c) As usod IItrein. "willful conduct" means, (3) The intoxication of another employee of the employ.. if tile condUCl of that employee has wrongfully and proxima",ly caused injury or death to tho plaintiff or plaintiff's dttcdtnl. but no employee shall be guilty of willful conduct on _ n l of !he intoxication ofanothor employ« or another person. Unlike 15-5- ! l (c)( I). wlltre thore muSt be a finding of inlenl 10 injure. 110 .uch requi",,,,,,nt i< pn!senl in (e)()). Su lIob-dm Y. S"".." ~51 So. 2d 317. 319 (All. 1989) (noting that unlike 0Ih<-r provi.ioos in 15·5- 11. (c)(3) "does not requi", an intent to into.icale the employ",,"). Only 1"'0 appell.,e c""" M-. direc!ly addressed this dolini· ti"" .i""" ilS passage in 1985. both decide<! in tho late 1980s The f, ..1 case was Rud<>lph •. eM'in. ~26 So. 2d 581 (Ala. 1988). In thai casco tho plainliff.• g,ubllge oollector, was injured whon tho garbage truck baeked over him; ho sued the co--employce dri .... r of the truck. Rudolph. 526 So. 2d at 582. The plaintiff alleged that Gwin had beeo drinking' beer immediately prior 10 !he accident. Id. He could not. oo..-ever, pr<»'ide any other evide...., of intoxicati"". /d. 01583. In affiming summary judgmem in favor of !hi: oo-<mployee def~Ddan~ the coun forst looked to variow; definilioru of "inlOXication ,i~ the legislature did IIOl provide a definition in tho ,tatU"'. Id. at 583·84. 'The courl went on 10 note that '"one wOO is 'inlQXicaled' is distinguishable from one who has been 'driru:ing: beeau .. 1101 every one ,,"'00 'drinu' an alcoholic be'.. rage will be -i ntoxicated:·· Id. The coun con· cluded th.t mere evideoce of drinking. wi!hootevide""" of into;o:ication. will not (c)(3) claim. Id. The Olhor {e )(3) case was decided.~.,. aft..- Rwlolph Su I/abd~n •. S""..,. 551 So. 2d 317 (Ala. 1989). In HoMen. 3/l injured plaintiff (and his wife) ,ued !he OW""rs of the COnlpany for whieh ho worked for !he actioas of. ~mployee (Hoh).' Habden. 551 So. 2d at 317·1 8. Plaintiff offered testimony that Holt was inlOxicated on the day of the injury and that 100 Snows had pur<hased wine fOf him on $C,,,ml P"',iott. occasioos. Id. at 318. The SDO»'S admitted 10 M>,ing knowledge of Uolfs inlO, ic.ti"" while al work. bul denied ,",'er buying alcohol for him./d. The court began its ""aly,i. in HoMen by defining who could be liable under (c)(3). !'irst. it l101ed thai a co--employee who knew of inlO.<icati"" could not be liable for !he beM"ior of other employees. Iii. 01 319 (citing the las:. phrase in (c)(3». Officm and directors. oo..-cver. can be liable under (e)(3). Id. The coun hold thai the ··legi.lature did 1101 inteDd for !he off""" or direclor wOO has been put 011 notice of an e mploy",,', inl0xication aI work .hould be pro\..:t«! fr-orn liability whon ho acquiesces in tho inl0xica,ioo:' Id. Sinoe then: was evidenoe thaI !he ow""", of the company knew of Holt·, intoxication. the courl re'-ersed summa· M


ry ~ in f..u of \he dofendanu. While !his ronclulOool 1liiy pass \he ~""",mon Jerue~ leSt. ~ ceminly is .. upaNlve l't'adin8 of(c)(3) and 25·S-11 in 8<'nml. Ettn tbough lS-S·11 is I provision of \he Wortm' Cornp.-ns,at;on Act. the roun Ippean CO be i1lCOrJlOf'~linl the &e....-aI employ...- liability principles of "'" law inco whal il, .. leas! .,., i" (_. I nanuw """'" of actioa. A ff:((WI ~ thai ()ttUtTO(I in !his CMe is the a1kM:ance of plaincilr. wife .. I co-pIaintiff. Undn 2S-S-1 1(1). \he _1IIe Ii ... poo.sible pIainIiff. u -,t,e employee. <N his or her depmdenu in lhe case of death." (emphasis :lidded). A suit by the d<pendent of a surviYing emp~C!C apprat$ ,,, .~pand the .<COPt of 25·5-11. Mo.w".... in lit:/ll of the fae! tIIIII the $WIlle is pan of the Act III'hidI &ive$ empIoy<-cs righls IIpirw their tmpIoyen for """"'I't'laied injuries. ~ is dilfocuh CO ..., ' - ' the dependerle of. 1M", plalmiff~ is. proper plaineiffin I 15·5·11 suie. r" .ummati .... '" nu~e I claim under (eX)). Ihe plaineiff mus' pnr;< chat anotht. employee _ in",~ic:lced ODd thoe II II'CSUIt of cbac inl<Wcacioo. the plainliff ...... injo=d. M<lrwv..-. ie i, !lOt !be i"",-,ic:;Ioced ~ .. 110 "...,y bc 1iabIr: superviJory pttfQMtl "...,y .no be liable ~ !bey knew of Ibe inIoJ;icMloa and ~ 10 prcvenIlbe imoxic:accd employee from """"'ing.


""* ...

25-6-11(c)(4) or "Safety VIOlation" The fourth definieion of """illful condUC\~ pnwided in 25-S· 11 (0)(4) (~i ... fItr '"'(oX4)") IUds II ("'\ow$: (e) As used herein . ..... iUful concIucc~ means ...

(4) Willful and into",i"",,1 violation of a 'pecirle .."fieetn safeey !\lie nf \he empk>yer ,lie. wrieetn "",ice ." the yiol •• inZ empIo)'ee by ...ocher employee .. bo. "'i!hUe .i. monlh$ aftn the dale of..-.;tip! of the wri'..., _ice .•uff.... Uejury ....... Ilinz in death or ne cotal disabiliey as I proximaee I't'sule of ehe willful and intentional v;"lation. The wri"." ...... ice CO the yiolocinzemployee sholl ow. with lpCCiflCiey oil of the followi",: L

The ideIImy of the Yiolacinl employee.

b. The .peciflC .."fin..... fely Nle beinz violiled and the m~" ..... of.he violalion.

c. the violaeing employee has ",pcacedly and conein .... lly violalcd the opccifoc: .."finen wely Nle referred 10 in b. ~ "-i1lIlpCCiflC ",r...ence ." pn:-.ious limo$. dlca. ..... runlllUlMICC$. d. Tha, ehe yiola.ion places the grta, injury or deach.


rmploy..., al risk "f

A ootiec thai docs _ """lain ,II of \he above ek.... nts >hall _ be nlid IIOIice for I""fI06e$ of !his 1t!C1ion. An "mploy..., Wli _ be liable for the willful conduce if the injured employee biomclf or he=lf vi"lated a ""fely Nk. or a<herwise COIl· tri\luted co bi, or Iv:r own injury. No rmployee lhall be beld liable under chis section for the violaOOa of My ..fely nile by any ocher employee or for failin. 10 prettne any yioIllioo> by .. y ocher ~.

W •• (0)(3). chi, definitioo has DOl be $IIt>;cc-ced eo much judicial ICnlliny. Thert are I roup!e of key phrties in (eX4) worth poine·

ins ouc bef"", delv"" inco the case bow. F"mI. !his i. die only ""ilIfPl oonduct" definition .... limi" causes of action bescd on !he """"';ty of the inj...-y ;n'o'Oi'"cd. A (oX4) .."ion <:2IC ""Iy be .lIintai""" if the plaintiff died 0< wos pe",w-.ently di<.tblcd.

em.......nely. an employ..., who ..... injured bue lat... fully...",.,.' e m I _ mainlain, (0)(4) claim. AfIOther foondaliorlal iss,," fur (eX") is Ibe ........... involved. A (e)(4) plaintiff is _ . r e d 10 sbow !hac the c:o-empIoyee defc-ndanc inlcndcd IhM III injury 0ttUr. 1Uother. !he pbintiff m.... prove w. the d<t'endane "'ill fully vio!aCOd. Sltf",y rule. !k". ~.,.. /I(Jj.,,~ v. )u"/,,oo.. Irlikm. CD.. 642 So. 2d 404. 406 (AlL 1994) (dtotion< omieted). AI Ibe ...... of (e)(4) indicalcs. llabiJiey wiU be i~ .,., , coell1f'lOrce if he or ft. afItr roocivinc' ........ a ..-aminl c:cntain. inc opccil'ic inf""",""ioo from IN UojI<trd mIpIoyN regardi", woo!alion of . wely !\Ile. willfully vioo!alcd Ihac Nle ..... !hac viola· cion "'JUiced in d<8Ih or perntollCne di<llbiliey for the n:poning c0employee. Ie i, the fumw of the writ"'n "",ice we has been the subjecc oftlWly of ..... (0)(4) C:IIeS. One of the _ irnpoRanl (c)(4)"...,. ...... u.,- .. CIl". 631 So. 2d m (Ala. 1994). In u.,-.• f"",man in • C()ol mine ..... irIj...-cd """'Ie """"'" d-.ooaJt """" ..""" on the mi... floor. u.,-. 631 So. 2d .. 980. Prior '" the shili duri", whicll Lay .... was i'liurcd. there were !CV· OBI .. rely ·wrile-up·... lIddn:ssing the aceumul.cion nf w'".... Id. I. was Ihcse wrile-up', IhIIc Lay .... ronICnd<d AlisflCd the wrin"" ~ n'<pJH-emcn1 of(0)(4). Itl. .. 9n In.:ldrw;'" bit (01(4) claim. the c:oun II'IOIIc ~ irnponarIe ~ abouC che wriw:n IIOIice n:quircd in (eX4)~. Fill!. the IIOIice mtl~ c:onIC front the injured employee. Id, Additionally. !he notioc be Ii.... n CO the offend,,,, empLoyec(s~ Itl. Finally. the writccn /IOCice muse .....b6c1nIially CClnform 10 the n:qui",,,,,,ncs" li>led in (c){4).


IJ. While the ~~y.....rorm" ........,.. leaves a ~nk

mom for incnpn:wioon. Ibc IOIIC of u.,- illlriC1 .. CO the n:qui","""'" for maincaini", I (cI(4) ae!ion. The court has IICYCf allolfl'ed !he waming .n be or:al instead nf .."rice"", ~ Scoil ~ (iQj..... 677 So. 2d II S4 (Ala, 1996) (boldin& thai. 0001 cof1lplainu abooe violatioru of .. rely Nics an: "'" ... fflCion' for the purposes of maintaini", a (eX4) CIO* of acbon). An<IIhtr irnponaoc flClor in , (e)(4) CMe is the -..a: of the wrincn ........ ng. While u.,- makcs ie dear c/w the warni", muse c:onIC from.he injured emplnytt. IIOC every injured .mploy· ... who JUblni". W2tJ\;ns can mailllllin a (e)(4) aotion. In Moro ~ $i!.e""'''' $«. In~"' .. 1f!C., 678 So. 2d 1127 (Ala. Civ.App. 1996). 110nner wely.1>IpCdOI" ...... Imni.... cd - ' allezcd thoc ........ ccrminaled fur wrie"" .. rccy n:pons thoc ""at: coollriC1. The oppel ..... c:oun held. """,..,.,,,,,,.dIM (0)(4) ...... !lOt ~ 10 proIt<:C • ptr'$OO whoose job duu.. n:qui~ him or her 10 JUbmie writeen ..reey contplaint!. Mom. 678 So, 2d ae 128. Alaban", couns ha ..... held ehae the rolkwlinllAfelY doeu""",cs ...-ill ""' .... isfy the ""'l"irrmrnII of (c)(4): , w<1)' a:wplainc chat doa "'" """",",,,iaIly CClnform 10 \he ""'l"irernentJ li!olCd in (c)(4) (..... l6yttt! $Upm); a ciurion fro<n che M~ Safely &. Heallh Aduliniscration' (:<n /'im ~. &asky. 706 So. 2d 7 11 (Ala. 1997): Coou.. ~. Gwhri,. 7m So. 2d 2Il4 (Ala. 1997),-

Scalon n·S-11 mnalN I .......... causenflCtion. AI the these .",...,mployec caseo lend '" be face.speciftc. WlIen these Clse. are ...... lu.led. alOllg wich ehe. narrow provisi0n5 of !he ,tohlle. ie is ck •• chat .",...,mploy...,

at>cwe d""us<ion indielltl.


_....,_OSH.I ... pt-"~"" ... _Ior...,,-~

daims,.,.., g~~rally difficult for plaintiffs 10 win. The deveJopment of n·s-II claims i. consi!lent. "" "'" whol~. with tbe l~gi$lal u ""s inlenl. .1"lOSt 20 years ago. ".. ben it pa..e<l a nar· row oo-employcc exception tQ tbe exclusivity provi,ion, of tbe Alabama Work~rs' Compcn>ation ACI. •


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, ' __ - . ",.. _ "" too " _"""'. if ... _ ......· 19S1I~

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of. i'IiIrI. _ , I..... aM So, Zd 1311 (.010. e;. /opp. I99tiI toffllll1ing

..... !hoI. If. . . Rl. _

_ .kltl ...... ~""



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--.u ~. N.a>IrIr4 m So. Zd 1(119 (110

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" ... OQIIOOIIO<I15-5-ll!<1 .... _ _ ....... _ kllI- ",,,,,," ""'" i"rtB. ~ - . kJ2!"'" too _ for MD a.... Co. h<. 671 So.1d ' l!ll(lJo.

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Iow!ng 1v>'sopIt( • __ lilt ...... _


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... "'" . _ ~111 ~. or ....... or!<or...."."....,.-..1'ioIotoor< 01 • -'iI: _ """''"'"" .......... trv. '" •• to ___ • " . . - """,, ..... d co.,:1,II flO' iIrPT ~ ~ ..... _ 01 so!ttf.,..,

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. . . T

was. gentloman, ...1Iom we shall refer to as Junior. I burglary, wu .~"ah'. lried. convkled and stn'enttd 10 the ptni,cnliary. Afte< ha"inJI oervrd about .ighl years. he ",.. role.....! on parole. One ,",'eel into hiJ ~. he ...... cau"" rommiltinll ""-'1:1ary..... tried, 00II'K:!N and ..,n!enCCd. Af_ bay;'" J<'N\'d ... ilddi,iiorW I('ft )'t'2n. he "1IOS paroled ,,""'" '''0 ...ceQ inlO this parol< pniod. lit was DIIl hl C1)!llIniu"" I ""raJary-and I 101 appoinIed to "'Pf':Sl'fII him. Junior has "",nl all to.n th= weel<s 0( llIc pas! 18)'<'ars in the penll.nliary. He does not kDOW Ihat you cannot en,er .".,....,.,. else', ",,;.Jrnoe, Junior is not amooa the in,dkclually bles~, Ourillj lbe COOrs<! of hi.1 Jlft'par:uion. r inqui ...... of Junior IS 10 .. hy Ill' enle ...... Iii. ""i",bar', l'efitkrK\', lie told "'" tha, he ~ ... in 10 _ the telephone. He tokl me tho. hi. moIber, willi "'1IonIhe ..,.. miding, "b", booiO"~ IhaI ... ilhbO<'slelephono. Additionally. his s.imr f~ ... IIIl)' used the "';Shbor'. .. ~. Also. Junior ins~ lhat he blod;ed on the fmn1 door ber"", he climbed ill thmup lhe baIhroom window 10 borrow.he Itltphooo. The ""i",bar. l'I'bo was aslcql and !hIlS rli~ to anSwer the knock on her door. was awakened by the sounds 0( Junior cominS in through lie, bathroom window. Wh<" she ..uke up. <he looked and Ioaw Junior. m:ogniud him. ~amod OUI hi. name and calif(! the poIiao. Tho poIa, fort\lnalCly. " ...., on the sceoo in ti ..... 10 eudI Juni« c~rnbi", out 01 !he boIIhroom wi""""'. 11..,"1 roo <JIher cmliblt (\of........ I docided 10 lISe pmniuion 10 !he "'\tphone as OW (\offtll;C. I pur Junior "" "'" SWId 10 ~rify. o.lI411li ...: Did \'OM knock \HI 1M front IIoof bela .. JOII .hi, bou..? An,w,r: J did. Oll... ion: Hln you enle." Ihi. hou.. b, lo., willi permi •. ,ionl Ans-. VH ,i•. J h ... CluutilH\! HI .. "'" ItMd .he III.pho", i. ltIis .... beiOrt? " - _ Vn Ii•. I ~ ..... OuHti&n: H.... \'01 hili .... _ ( I pennilliol ' 0 11M hI.

who «>mmined




III.pllo",? WWff, Vn ,i•. I he .... o.un lion: Do.. YOllr mam • • bo.fClw yOllr "tighbo"" " ,phon,? AII.wer: , • h. dOlL thI...iOR: Don you. si.... bo.fClW YOU' ... I.,.pho... ? Auwff, V.. lit 1M dots. io<o: 0_ YDII. '_iI, 'I'ICIMtort/y " iR W I>UI of "",. "'i.h..... holtM ""'" Mrlll.' ...... ?



'n air.

WI . ..

thlHliol: ' I laC!. .,.... .lImo", mi. III'phon. n iI it WI .. \'Ourslnd you.. h. d.,..... n"ghbo"1 p.rmi""," 10 do Ihat. hy.n'l \'Ou? An'WIr. , .. ,i•• w. do.

Oontio<o: $0, \'OM I •• 11"i", tilt eHrt!hat JOII ,".reellllis resid,lC' nOl hi commit. en- bill 10 l1li !tit III • ph ....? Ftoellnl'" accompli!.htd as J mi",~ I sa. down and ,umed "'" qU<'Slioning ovt •• o the di. lriCI IUomcy. Ou.llion: T.II me 'glin why YOII Inl, .. d thiafl",', re,idlne • . AnIW. r: I w .. eh.cking '0. bll'llf.... (Thi, WII tM Ii... ti"" , hid hurd this rendition of!h • •• cts.) CluntilH\! ,au _re ch. ckin.'or ~u'llll"?

'n W. WI Iootd

laid hi' _ ~""f.tia i.!tIt "'I....... .1lI I w .. c""i", Jar Iooqla .... OW lltiOl: 011. there laid ....... _ h'lllaries1 Did \'011 coonrit Ihose. t001 Answw. NG si~ 1_ ill ... fllllilltatiarywhta ~ "-p, ....... 10 LIoi. day. thaI case ..iII holds lhe record f",.he qll~kfs, ""rdi<1 in the hisw.y of Pike CQunly. Afabama. The jury IOlul f. fy ddibon"od in lhe box. AI lhe ck>5e of lhe joogc', instruc. the jlltOO ""I .. ill. p.«d al """ ano<her. then coIf«1j""ly .<hook their heW at lhe joo~. IMOUncing the ",illY vmlict. The judI" odmonidltd the jurylhal they would I>a,~ 10 '" OUI. pet • f<Jrmlan. de~bmJc. and then mwn tbrir vmlict. PpOII ...hic!t !he jllRll"llOok I "11~ bmaIi: and. wilhia live mia........ mumed .. luilty ,·m.!ict. The "'" time I brard from JWIior. br""21 W~ and sound II




""""'--in the penitentiary, ~Il#

• ",jill"",,, Troy

TIu! Alabama Lauyer is looking for "War stories" to publish in upeominl issues, humorous tales arxl anecdotes about Alabama ~n arxl judges. Obviously. fur such 5lorits to bt publWled. they must Ix (~)~. (b) amusing and (e) wtefUl. Send your remInIscences to: 11IeA/abama Lauyer. P.O.&». 4156. Montgomery 36101. ~ ' uR 10 inclwk )'OOr ~. addru. and I daytime telephone number. in cue


need \0 C(lnbc\ )'GU.


Spotlight On a Section:

Family Law Section Celebrates 16 Years of Service


be Family Law Section of !he Alabama Slale Bar was "",.,M in 1984. and tht fin! chairp<TSOn to "'...... was Sam ltu mOl"l'. ".,. S<'I:I;on is g<ntrnlly recognized as

being one orlhe most aclive section. in tbe bar, from ilS i~1'" lion umillhe present lime, Currently. tbe section bas ",..". 200 members. and the ourrent cMirperson for 2002_2003 is Le;lit

Sari"ca u of Birmingham. At ,hi. year's Div<>rce on the B.aoh XVI semi_ nar held May 30Ih through June 1.1. the

Family Law s.:.:tion <:<:l~ braled 16 ye .... of se!"Vi"" to i(. members by inviling and hosIing all of !he past

full """;'1'"'''''''' fi,/d qw,tiotu from II>< modi",,,,, "" ",ri<>UJ' fam;1y Www..,duri",/Ji,,,,,,,,,,,,,/o>/I,ado - ~t.trd "ft 10 ri8hr: Sam

chai<p<:rwns 10 Worn as

program spe,, "Wckome Bacl" was lhe theme: soog of the evrnt as .11 of the past

o.""nt doai"",,.,,., /Jari",,,"

~;,A N' ""'- AI<XbAM' chairptr.;ons (inlrodoced by an awropriale "Golden Oldie" mu,ical",k:<:6on) mum«! 10 presen' variOU.l;moly pr0grams. ,,,,,Iuding a 0_1.'0' update. lhe ort of mediation and. po""! discussioo addressing typical family Ilw issues con· fronling the " .. mbers in their daily law practice. Each of the

R""""" (I98SA r .... s"u,h (1997h I<ril« :;",I.<rl;n "",,,II<n II990J. 51"'" IIm<>1d (I989A HOII. I\m,ma MCI'MN<1fI (I9lJ6A Qnd I", sum""" (l98n


past ohai'l"'rson, rettived a commemorative Family Law Section Medalli"" commissioned e'pecially for this reunion. l10sling this year's celebJ1llion of 120 .Il<'"t,le'$ w"'~ Gordon Bailey (pasl Chair 1998) . tId Jlllle .... In'~r (seminar director). along wilb lhe st:CIion chair for 2002. Noah Funderoo ",.• nd ohai'l"'rson~lecl for 2003. u.slie Barinea ... During lhe Ih~· day semi • ..-. the "",';on sponSOfed the Sewr.d Annual Silenl Auction which raised over $4.000. providing a donati"" of S2.SOO 10 the Big Oak Ranch . The "">OIInl of knowledge di.· seminated althi. seminar e~ry year is only e,~ by the amoo nl offun to be had by aU . Panicipanl$ enjoy a fun and relued atmosphere willl well_.uended and enjoyable social h'ents. highlighled Illi. year by the 5e<:1.i",,·s own rock and roll !>a,Id. "The Marital A... IS:· Mark yoo. calen<hr for year'. Dill(>r1;e on lhe Be~h XVIII. ...·hich is sel for Ju"" Sth through 7th. 2003. ag.;n al San<k<lin. Florida. "Family La .... ROlle.IIO Be""h" i •• section joinl venture wilh AB ICLE.nd i. held h'ery year in Dctobr:r in Gulf Sl'Iores . This seminar i. som<Whal k$$r.mbull<ti(lUS and more low key than Di..-orcc on the Ik~h. an""'ling belween 110 to 125 "l<'t>dees, fealuring both judges and a11omey •••• peakers. For the past numbe, of yo;n. the Se<:lioo has publiYoed il$ own newsletler. The MabonUJ f'(llt(ily ~r. with anicles of in'eresl 10 its members. seclion ;nfomlalioo and inIO"''''''S willl f:unily I..... """"Iioom and family law judges. Sevenl yoafS ago. the


Pas, <iI<Ii"",,,,,m tffl',u,.d ~'i'h 'I><i, family Law &.o,iofJ ....dall""" 0,. I~ft '0 ri&irl: ~'ront """ - 11m Smilh (19n~ Amy SIDyrhn (l994h /I"" 1\m"IIQ Mel'l><,."., (l9116h I/obm lIu,,,1/ (2Q()n I,ril« S.,I><,lin IL»"I/m (1990~ 5,~ Am<>Id (1989), Sam fl."",,,, (I98SA Gonkm &11'1 (1998); lIad ,...., - Randy N>cItiIIs (l99n H,mdc»t Inl' (1995~ 8m 8Io",,""nI (I99Jh Miu Monmro 11991 A I", sum"", (/987). 1/"" &yd (1999). Qnd 0_ Wh; ..;,. (/996h NI>l r;~I"trd ­ Rick f,nJIJIIIb<or:q (l9/JIJJ Qnd JDIuI IIb>d 121n'1)


'''NU''RY 100)

..aion decided 10 create and diSlribu1<: 10 all mombtn • direclOf)' ... illl. li.ei", 01' oIllOC1ion members. boIh :olpllal:>otically and by (:(JUJlliet. 10 fadliwe 00<MJJnicati0n bcc";cea scctioa rncmbon and 10 allow for refcrr.oi 01' bu!.iness. Atlhis past Alabama SUile S. ........... Mecti", ia lilly, lbo KCtioa "'-<I ..,.,..,"ttcly 80 rnernllcB for our annu:ol dixusoion or cunmt CQe law 0IId dewl· opIIlmll .. lbo pnICIlCC 01' family law. AdditiooWly. i8 2000. Noah F~ =.-.:1 a I;SI ser-" for lbo IlCIloa all/)u,i", mombcrllO "dull" aboul art... of Plraea. sed:; odvice and apprise rnmtI:>mI abootlOpO:> 01 ~gni6cance_ To pWc;~, SCOld

)'OW' eoma;1



Fundrrburg:lll pronooJr.romctU~""t. The service is fltt and limited to Al) l>Ima 1>wy ..... The Kction 0100 maimal"". Web .ite with baliic inforn .. lion aboutlhe $t"C1ion and, during \he legisl~tive st$.ion. ItXks lbo prt>&I"CSS 01 bills thai pcrtoin to dorn<W< rellliQns and rel.lted art... or pnoctiee :Ill _",,,lofom/,,w.OI]. AJthouJh tile srction don 0>01 and i, prohibited from espous.;", III offICial poU. lion on artY ItPIMiool. it does "'""""" infonnalion 10 ;ll members repnli"l Iqi>Wion that mayafrcct tbrir pcKtioe 10 that irdi~ oo",ooob(oJ may do SO 0f0 1Io:ir """""" tho:! pM! two )'("M$. tho:! scctioa oII"CItd • "RlJood ~ ((11\. IiiliIIc 0I111cctU1p. adJai.I parties or a O.E to local bar ~ IIwuJbOut tho:!.we. If)'OW' local ..... ~ would l;~ I scctioa spe;Iktr 10 visit your area. ......... contaa tolnnbo:nhip Cotnmiure O>air " Iok>d)· BrooIi.s of These lIJIIXWIuru!iQ for _ide diSCU$Sioon of family law ~ coupled willi tho:! ..aion·s memor program (whkh pairs ""'" allorneys witll ""sea.ooncd"· 111omeys) illustrate tho:! ocction', cndral'Ol"$ 10 augmenl each member's family law In 2000. under Robl .. Bllrn11'.leatlrnhip ()WI c!>air 2000), K<:tion sehoh"shiros establi!ohcd II the Uni'olft"Sil)' or Alabama School of Law. C\lmbnIaro;l Law Sdtool. Miles Law ScOOol. Jones Law Sdtool. and the 8irn1iQ&ham Sdtool of Law. These "'" $$(X) 5dloIanIIips to



........... _.tuOO ............. 1M _ _ :. SiIAt ~ _

the ...."tity of lif~


,,.,, $4.000 J<w'" ""'~ '- sdt«!I INIJi,GW~

the domesuc ",blioN IIlOme)' in boot.",

annual cvcnIS ,,·hkh ~ (:(Idoodtry, and by diwminlti. up-1O-dIIc inf........uon OIl ".... IUMO:I and cue law.....,ell .. promotill& po(<'$ional; .... and civility In tbe ...... Tojoin lbo ooctioo. """\aCt Brian 1I.. rl". 2801 Uni'olft"Sity Blvd .• Ste. J02, B'nnin~ 35233. (20S) 930-900:1. •



..·hith 1ft: IWIRkd re-Ir to the SNdenI ..iIlI the t...t acadtmic pW:s in lbo Family Law Soaion:lll exb sdn>L ~ic .dllioN IIow i, • vO'fy wasrut pnoctice IIU by any ""'_"'. ~"mn. anotnt)'S 10 bJowledl" ;a the ...... of real cstalt. In. pn.>baLe. bu"ro;u. and Olhtr reLattd pnoctice _ .. """II .. lin lbilil)' 10 ",ide clients Ibroup an ctnCllx-J time;n lboit Ii.. e.. The Fomily 1..10", Se<-tion sui .... 10 ..,1IaIICC


The Family law Section 01 the Alabama State Bar presents "Oivofce on the Beach XVlI.- June 5-7, 200l Sandestin Go" and Beach Resort.

(80111320-8115 1M Di'"""<' "" 1M &<><II n>dJdil P""Y <><'OJ '" ,lot P"'It~"";;'" 'If Ih#c

_iii..... It)


f..,.., ,'" ",,«,n!>und.

<Mirpt~.foil(w.yd 17 ,.,''''''''''''''' M~ri,~l ,usw·

(Hotel only - Group 1310323)



Alabama's New M Brokers Liuensing Aut n MayJO, 2OO1.c.o.'tmOI' Doo


S...,.lman ..pal Into law ACI No. 2OOI.oon. k_-n as !he Moopat' Broten Li<:ens.m, Act (Ac.J. !IO'W

codified a! $«lion S·2j·1

~, $~_.

C""ir '" ltIabamD (Supp. 2(01). !'or lht f'll' time. mortgage brours operaling in Alabama muSl be licensed Md R!gulall:d by !he Swc !laDkUl, (kpattmtdl (o.panmcm). Gen.molly•• rnofI&JIC broker fullClioons os an ;n~iary ,,'1'10 !'lIMe.... pm<pttll,. ~ bofToIr".., .. wllb poIenli., lenders. 'The new Ac1 anem",. 10 clo$e • gap in


,he 0( providers of ~ lUI eMa/f! ~. I'or years bc:fore tht

Act'. pas.<ag<" • ..,a1 eswe ........ 1Q) """'&Ice Iendm ...~ n.",,,,,,". eotobIWIed U\dI.IsIric$ _",..,Iy "'lUw..:. by ........ ..ale agrn·

cotaIC oppnisas and


~ During lhe ]980< and 199Oi. as tho flnanci.l K1\'j,;es ;nd";l1}' became mon:

diomif>l!d, an in&prn<knl rI"oQI'\gOjlC br<). "'" developed. otrcrinc 10 esist COftSUIIlnS Ihr<luJh !he ~~ . -

01 finaBcrng and ",rLII>IIC"'I' home.. 11£ N31...,...J AssociaIion of M~ Brokers e>lImateS !hat in 1M ~,.lOO). 55 per=II of.1I ~ Io&ns "",reorii!ruued by mort·

Pi" broI:en.' Y<:I. !he ,rowth of thi' induoUy has brooghl ,,';110 I, UlCn'asini ~ of IlIIlIIp&e ITa\Id and prnIoloI}' InIdift&. RrplalmllllOftJlllC broten is an "I<mp 10 ""'" ~ ab\>It$. This atJ.. ck ",111't\'It:W .... btioc: m,u""""'fIIS of the new law and the poIic:ies develop:d Ihus far by the Stale Banking Ocprutmtn, In impl<mtnting Ihc Acl.

H;ghHghb of tho

MortgageLicensing Act The Mongogo: BroI;c:rsl.k.nsi ng Ac1 proVIde •• SI.tulory r",mework for reg._ ,a,ini ",oniage broUrs in Alw"... The flrSl ,h",sho\d que>eion 10 corui&r is. ~ WhaL xtivilio:s .... wbj<c, .0 the AclT The 1M"..... lies in the delin,""... found

'" S«oiofo 1 of the ""'. The Act deli .... ~"""'P'" broI: .... IS "Any person ,,110 direclly or indirec,ly >o1icll~ processes, plllCe5, or IICgotiates mon,ap lea... for a borrt)w"r, or offen 10 JOIici~ proctsS,~, or ""pale """'Pie IoMIs (or. ~......" f S-2'l2(9) (emphasis .......). A ~"""'PI<'

~~ ;5 defu>cd as. ~A


or a";":"""~'M

'0 loan money made ", I ""'kI'Q/ ~notl. ".. ~ich loan is ",""u~ by I deed '0

",""u'" debt, ",""uri,y do<>d. I\'IOI'1K'1l1e, or OIher docUmtnl .. ~nli"l a ",""uri.y in~rw or lien Upoo'i any idle"'" ,II a "" 10 (our.fam,ly rrsidtn'",/ ~'" located IIIA/obaJoto, rcprdlesl or .. ....., made,

",""un,y ;nsUUmtn"

irw:lo>d'nl the ",........1or ",fi,,"n<ing or Illy loon," f 5,25.2(10) (cn,pIu,;s added), " Rc,idemi.1 propcny" il defined U, "lml'fO"Gl "",I propcny USfd or como· pied. or inlt1toded ' 0 hc USfd or occupied. • ,he proteipoJ ""Idtft« oIa natomol person. The ,.,..... does IlOl ;"".Ide rmw proptny or second homes," f 5-2'l-2( IJ) (cmphu;s lidded). TItus. the Ac, applies who .. I ru. ...... olf"111 w lind • mongojC 10M (or ",,'ural ""





". "



pmoru \ooI.:ing to buy oc refi""""", a home on land located in Alabama. This

definition implicitly includes oot-ci'>laIe mortgage bn:N<ns broI:tring homes located in Alabama. L:nders who actually fund tho mortgage arc "'ill subje<;t 10 I~n'ing ul'l<kr tho: pre-e:o:iStinll Alabama Consurrrr Credit Act ··Mini..c;oo.:· § S- 19·1 ~,$t!q. Some self·identifled mortgage brokers may actually be credit"" unde, the Minias opposed to mortgage brokef"$ 11$ defined in tho: new Act. For~xamrit. tho: drpart"",nt distinguiWs bet,,",",n mort· gage !>rOO,. that ·'IlIbIe·fund'·loaru front self·identified mortgage brokers with bona fid~ w,,",hous<'c lines of credit.' Mortgagtc broke,. that ".."."Iy ''IlIbIe-fund'' loans must obtain a mortgage brokers I~"se. while .'rnQrtgage broke,." with """"l>Jusc lines are ""ated "" itr.der.i thai must OO<a;n. Mini-Oide I~nse. If" busi~ fuJls within tho dofinition of • \I1Of\gage brok<r. thrn. g........ lIy. the Act:


• Excludes specified pelSon' from its applicability. Requires mortgage broloe,. 10 obt.>in a license from the State Banl:ing Department. EstablisheS .pecific duties and restrictions for lic~ ..... es. Provide. "nf(>ltt""'.t mecll.anism. and penalties foc vi<>lations.

Exemptions h("'11 the Act E,.. n if a business falls within the Sl3tutory definition of a mortgage broker. 54


the MOI"Igage Brokef"$ lia:nsing Act explicitly pro,ides 13 e""mplion.< from its aPl'lkability. § 5-25-3. If qualified for.., .""ml'" I;on. then tho: mortgage broI:et is 001 required to obIain a license or to oornply with ony <>llI<r provi.ion of the Act. Thus. tho S<:OOnd thn$h· old queslion to roruide, is "does the mortgage broker qualify for one of the exemp<ions under tho Act?" ",., Department con· strues the Ac!". exemplions narrowly. s.. Unjl~d COt>1{J<IJti•• Lendw.g •. McGehee. 686 So. 2d !l71. I 178 (Ala. 1996). M".I of the exemptions in the ACI are for peJlOn$ already iubje<;' to regulation by 0Iht, govern"",nl agtncie• . For exam· pie. """e and federal banks. credit uniolu. rom~ie' and insuran(:e companicJ areuempt. § 5.25-3(1). L:ndt,. I~nsed under the Alabama Consumer Credit ACI ··Mini·Code";on, exemp<. § 5·25·.\(2). Notional Housing AOl lendef"$ are exempt if they are approved by the U.S. De-p;wnent of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to COI>dUCI busillOS$ in Alabama. § 5-25-3(7); U~ Unil~d Companies unding ~ M~hu. 686 So. 2d 1l71. 1179 (Ala. 1996). $t:.owili« brokets are exempc. § 5·25·3(10). Even stale bar "",mben are .. empl wilen their mort· gage hnlkering St"rVi= are incidental to their Icga1 practice. § 5.2S-3(3). ",., Act 0.1.., provides uempli"". for """ in'tanet< of ""'gag~ broloenng. For example. a person may broloer one mongage 100II a year without complying wilh the Mt. f5·25·3(&) . Persons penorming an act rtlating to mortgage loans pur_ 5uanl 10 a coon on\ct" lie extmpl. § 3· 25 ·3(4). And employe,. who offer mort· gage brokenng service, for their employ"'" are e""mpl. t 5·25-:3{9).


Requirements to Obtain A Mortgage Brokers

IJcense The Mongage Brokm LicenSing Ael rtqui"", aU 1I<lI'IOxcmpl ""'g38e broke" 10 be licensed by the State Banl:ing DepartnlOnlas of January 1.2002. § 5· 254{a). Mongage broloe,. must obIain.

license for each off"'" location. f 5-25· 4{b). The cost of the license is COO per year, plus a $100 f"" to investigate the application. § 5.2S-5{ej(I). API'lican15 must ha'"e a minimum nel WQflh capital of $25,000 and six Ie",,, of rtfere""" concerning the aPl'lica'!"5 experie""" and repill3uOfI. § 5·H·5{o). The Act also rtquires aPl'licants 10 obtain 121>00 .. of continuing ed"" .. tion appI"O'-W by one of the following entiti«: the Alabama Mortgage Banhts ASSOCiation. the National A.socialion of Mortgage 81'1.>1:< ... the Alabanll Mortgage Broke.. AS$OCiatioo. the Alabama Baril e,. AS$OCiatioo. or the National Minority Mortgage B;onkef"$ AS$OCiation. § 5·25S{bj(6) (as a"",nd«l). Appli,an ... for a mortgage broke,. lice"", must oornplete a '''"<>-page applicalion under oalh "" lhe depart"",n!"' goldcnmd-roiortd forms . The aPl'licatioo rtqll«ts informali"" on the applicant', principals and officef"$. ",., depan"",nl <..,not isrue a license to any applicant with a principal or officer who has been convicted of. felony of any lind. or any en""'. including misdemeanors. involving breach of lrust. fraud or dishonesty. f S· 25.{.(0)."'" fol\ov.·ing al1achmcn15 mu" acoompany tile application: (I)"",~ of all ""'.... " or principals: (2) a busi""S$ pi..,: (3) proof of continuing education: (4) a financial sl3te"",nt prepared by. Ccnified Public Ac<:oonunt: (5) th= Ictters of .. fertncc: regarding lhe """Iie..,f, rtpulati"" in the communilY; (6) thl« I~uet$ of ref.... """ from lendef"$: (7) • cenified copy of its Anicl« of lncorporntion and By·law •. 0< <"<lui""len, documents: (&) " copy of its custom<r· broker agree"",n!: (9) • $100 cenified che<:l and a separate S500 ccnified che<:k: """" (10) copi« of the driver', license of .""h OW1lct" and principal. Upon rtaivin& a oornpleled aPl'licalion paclage. the Department COI>ducts an invesligation 10 verify the informalion oubmitlCd and to do",,,,,i .. that the "Wliconi i. "'of good char""",.. and ethical "'I'" utation and .... iIl opctlIte honeslly and fairly wilhin the pu!pOSes of this chaplcr. thai the applicanl dcrnt)llS""'" reasonable financial responsibilily: and that the appli· cam has and maimai"" a place ofbu,i~ i~ this ""'''':. § 5-25.{.(1). Mom:wer, the ""Dcp.utment may "'" license any appli_ cant unless il is sati,f,ed that the applicant may be expected 10 operate i15 mortgage broI:""'8~ activilies in oompliance with

Lho Laws of thi ........~ t 5-2S-6(b). The ~ ~y dmya ]ioot-nse 10 lrI)' lIfIPI;"ano rhao has ~y had a ]ictnsod denitd .• uspcnded Of teIIOI:od by any aovcrnmenl .~ncy. t 5·25-6(d). The Ac1 allow> lbe DqIo\rImtM 90 days 10 JI'WI' Of deny IOlllfllllbrioo>. aIlboup Lho IISUlI inl--=iplion of I canpItted oppt;. <;alien lakt< "I'P'"O",malt]y 30 daY'. I 5· 25-6(e). If ,be [)epanmen, lind •• uflkien' ..... i· denee 'll deny an applicant·, ]icense. ,hen !he Ac1 m:p.iJu ,lit. Otpanmen, to pro"ode Lho applicant ~ IIId III oppong. n"y for. bearinl- I S. 25· ]4(b). The NOIict or lnlen"ll Deny will be in wri,· ing, $Cn, eMif'N mail. Applioan" h.>.oe 20 day. I"UIlIeOl in "'ri,ing a bearing bef"", lbe ""per<isor of lhe B""'MI of Loans 10 tonlal !he f 5·25- ]4(b). The super<isor of !he Du",a" of Loans i. !he offici.] re5poo.ible for enr"",ina !he Act f 5·25-16. Al,hough ,lie Stale Bankin! Depa",n".' i. ,...,m", from !he AIablrna Admi.i!Jt:llivc ProcNures Act. !he [)qwunntI",nmoIly fol ....... !be minimum due process uandards i, eoIab]jIbes rOf """, ... led hearings. f "] ·22-] tI srq. An .pplkant i. en,i'led ,0 i udici.1 ",.iew or. final order denying an appIi. cw', ]icensc. I 5.25-I4(c). Such i""i. cial ~iew isM...,..,...:I ""'" be rfq~ wi"'in 30 daY' of Lho dale of Lho final order. I S·25- ]5{I). EiLhor party may appeal ,he df(:ui, coon', dt<:;.ioo,o ,he AI.bam;t Su~me CQw1_1 5-ZS·




mai .....n • physicalloc;tliooo in this 5-ZS· ]I. ADd Lhoy IllUIl nolify

~ duri", iu

!he Orparlll\l:/ll of any ohan", in lIItir address IS days priOflG IlICb change. § 5-25·8(c). 10 mak" an address c hange, ]iccMtcs sbou~ send 'beir ]iocnse 10 !he ()r-parrntrnl wi'" a $2S .,.... lir>t<l .hod.. AIIIlceMtCI _ main all lIIt;r bulincu IUO<ds for "' Ie... lhrec yoars. t 5.25.9(d). Soch reronls mu,l be kepi ""parolely from any OIlier business done ",!he licensed \oeaIiolI. t 5·25· 9(a). The Otpanmr~l stn/Js oach Ii.,.....· co a "'UC"«I '"OIICki"l order" on how 10 kocp ,heir loan files. All licensees mllSl file .... annual rrplll1 00 May Is. of • ..,h year. t 5.25.IO(a). The OlIbswIlive mjuire...,nli o(!he Act an: foulld in So:<:tlon 12. Subs«lion 12(0,) mancIaIe$ ,_ aflimwive dutie:o f(lt all ]iorn$<a: (I) ]ke""""", lhall di"doose to !he bon-owcr up f"",,!he M,u", of!heir rr].1.'iooship and Lho rncIhod by whieh lht monp&<: broUr will be paid: and (2) 1lceM<a llutU comply willi all applicable fcdcnl and >tale dioclo<Un: bws. The 1'<1'0 m;t;n f~ b",'s ... hich !he Oopmmen,

Sclllemen.l'roMJures Act (RESPA). and i,s impl. men'ing R~ul.'i"" X. and !he Trulh in Lending AC1 [fILA). and i,j impltn>e-n6n, Rerlalioll Z. RESPA. ]2 U.s.C. 11601 ~l uq.: R.... X. 24 C.F.R I JSOO. I: T1LA. 15 U.s.C. f 1601 " Mq.: 12 C.F.R. I 22(;. Subsection 12(b) prOOibil5 lictnsecs from !he fo]lowinl f,ve ae,,: (I) inlen· misn:presemin, (It """""alinl • nIIlll1Ui fa<! of !he uansaction; (1) roi]. inllO use due: di]i",ncc '" procun: I IoItn; (3) fait,,,, to disOOrse fund. in acmnl:tntt wi,h ,he senlomrnt· men,; (4) delayinl clooinl of a monpKc loan for "'" pu",,* 0( i""",asi", iu inltrul "'le (It other COOS; IIId (5) 001·


!«tin, Illy """"'"'" brnk<.- fee "p ffl)nl. These prohibition. oddress !he c:onccm. 0( nlOfIgage fro"" and fl"'dal"'Y lending. Any findings of f..ud m mos. ceru.inJy IfOIlnd. f(lt ]ice"", revoca'ion.

2. Abbama ComullWf C.-..c\i, Ac1 "Mini.


ARE YOU PAYING TOO MUCH FOR LIFE INSURANCE? .......... O'-__.,..".. _ _ _ ....... _ _ lOPI>-_

_ .... l.......... Io_._-,..-"" .


UKl ...... ,.,."""_ ........ _ _ "OO"OOO


Dutiesand_ Of Mortgage Broken MQrlP8" broI:m muSt romply wi'" ........,.a sptrir", din!CIi""" WIder Lho Monp", Droken Loornsin, Act. ]n lIddi,ioo. Lhoi. ron.urntr Joans mull com· ply whit Lho ... b>W1~VC I"UIUi",rncnlO or ,he Alabama C",,'Urntr Credi, Ac, ~M ini-Code.~ l'efIino:n, requ;"'...,nlS of _h law wi]1 be a.cIdrtucd ..-parately. MQrlga~


pee hrnttt! is Lho Real



e.umI...uo... 0( mon·



~nsin, Act

The MQrlgage 8rok... I.jce ..i", Ae, dimelS Ik • ...,.,.IO. few simple mini .le· ';a1ae". The A<I rfquires all lictMceJ ,0 ~y post ""'ir ]1Nnse in lhrir place of btHinea. 1 5-25-8(b). l.iccnscef; nIIly "'" """..... business WIder any 0Ih0-r name <""pI,he name designl'N on ,lie license. I 5·25·8(d ). Lictn~.

S1lO.OOO L<Yri -r- eo... ... MaIo._ .......... _

• ,,,I • .,,,., , " ". ". ". "" ". ". = m' "" ~



--- - - ................_


_C-Lifo L<Yri T_ eo...-.,.


i«le«""- _.







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11 .'OQ


lI ..n


Drane Insura nce

Caner H. Drane ute _

(8oo) 203-0365 . """""'" _ . _ ....... _ lETUS FAX YOU ... QUOTI!


TIle Alabama Coosumo, Crffiit Act "Mioi·Ccxk" proscribt. ceruin substan· tive and om.r regulatory requiremonlS for oonSu .... r credit !r.I.nsac'i"", oond""t· /Xl in Alabama. § 5·19·1 ~,uq. Excel" as pro_ided in S«1ion 5·19-31. the Min;· Code·, ",suiorion. apply to consu""" loans ,,'hether tile creditor is lic~n>rd under the Mini-Code or not, MoCarth. v. Iron and Steel Credit Union. 373 So. 2d 328.331 (Ala. Civ. API'. 1979). ll>erefOf<. the M ini·Code', restrictions on consumer ho .... loans liso apply to the loans dosed wilh the ;usi$!:UlOe of mongag<: broke ... ll>e Mi ni.Co<J., limits the types and amonnlS offeu that may be charged 10 con'umers in ho .... loans. ll>e Mini· Code doe. not ."""ifocally authorize fees paid by """«111"'''' to mongag<: brokel'l. l1ow~ver, prior to pas.. g~ of the Mong.g~ Brok...., Lic<nsing ACI, tile DepartmoollllOl'>....:I mong.g" brokers 10 be paid UMer tile Mini·Code·, five-poinlS Umitalion, § 5·19-4{g). Se.;.ion 5·19-4(g} .Ilow. oredilors to chorg" and coIlec1 from botrow<,l'1 a m",imum of f,ve pe<. cent of tile original princif"'1 balance of a home mongag~ as fully "amtd, prepaid poinlS. Any fOC$ chargtd and retained by l<ndc", not otherwise enumerated in lhe Mini-Code. including f.... paid to """'. gage broken. are SUbjo<:IIO this fi"".poinl cap. 8eoa~ 1!'It Mongage BroI:el'l Licensing Mt i$ .ilenl in regards to the amonnt o f ftt. thaI mortgage broi<eI'I may charge. tile Department conlinues 10 apply the Mini·Code·, fl ve·pOinlS limi,"· tion 10 rnortg"g" broi<eI'I. Therefore. mortgage brokers may not charge and oollect from ooosume'" n>:)O't than f,'I'<: ptrrentage points, inclusive of any "pOin"" retained by tile lender.'

Anothc1 pertinent issue to

broke" ari,ing unde, the Mini-Code for COOiUme< borne loan! i. the Mini· Cnde', prohibilion against JlR'f"'Y'" menl"'" § 5·19-4(c). Pr<paymonlpe""lties are additional fees t>om;,.o...... muSt pay if they pay-off a loan early. Gel'ltrally. Alabam. is. '"00 prepaymenl penalty" state. H~, tIlere are some limittd exceptions found in ...Ie law ,",'ben. prepaymenl penallY may be assessM on home mortgages, ll>e UC<cpUons under ... te law are clari· fled in Mini-Code ~gulation § 155·2·2· II (4). which StaleS ;U follOW$: Prepaymentpe""lties may be pr0-

vided for in • consumer credit tr.rnsaction contnoct and aucsstd in _ simple inte=< lran.action only w'""" tho original 3mQU1I1 f,nanced is "'Luai to or gmtter than $2.(0) and (a) tile tnulSaCtion iflllOlves an interest in real pn:tp<'I1y and the erodilOf i. tithtr an """""'td mono gagtt undo. tile provisions of tho National Housing ACI or = p t from li<=sirq: ull(kr tile Alabama Consume< Crtdit Act; or (b) the credilor is • Inm instiNtion or all exempt \nI~ as described in Se<tion S-19·31(~). In all <:tthIrr .i,nations. wlltthet tho consumer crtdit Iransoruon i •• imple intere>l or pre-a>mputNl. tho incl.,.ion of a pref"'ymenl penalty is not permissible ull(kr tho Alabama Consumer Crtdi' ACI, In othe. W<>rd •• undor Alaboma law a mongage broke, may close. home I""n with a prepayment penalty when the loan aroount i. g., -.aler Ihan $1.000. if the lender is onl-of.''''I. and not required to

Hooked on Alcohol or Drugs?

You don't have to The Alabama lawyer Assistance Program can help, Calls are strictly confidential. Phone (334) 834·7576 or (334) 395--0807 (24-hour pager). Jeanne Marie Leslie. Pfogram director


l ... NU ...



obtain. M ini·Code license or if tile lender is a HUo-approv<:<l mongogtt. Mini-Code section 5·19-4(1) pro_ides a list of other fees that may be charged in home I""ns. e,g. ftts for till" examina· lion. title insurance, <locd l""P""'tion. appni<lls. ete.

Enforcement and

Penalties TIle Mong.g. 8ro~~rs Licensing Act toforee"",nt of its,lS to the. Supervisor of the Bure.u of Loons at !he State BaIlking Ikpartn'ltnt . § 5·25· 16. Penall ies for ,,;ol"lions include license suspension or revocation; civil pcnlltits of up 10 $15.000 for """"wing" viol'li"".;.1Id even criminal misdemeanor pen.llies of not more than one y~'" imprisonment and/or a S1.000 fine. § 3·25·14 (license ~_oc.tion); f 3·U·16 (civil peIIalti",); f 5·U·) 7 (oriminal penalties). ll>e primary way in which tile Deparul'ltnt in,'estigate.< violalions of the Act is by examining ' licen$<:O', busintn record •. § 5·2!j·9(b). ll>e of the. Depan"",ot". ,taff are loan examiners who go 001 in tile field and petwnally visit each Heens«. TIley all cany .lale idemiftca'i"", whicb they show upon ~nlering a liceo$<:O's place of business for !he firsl ti"",. Each loon examine. w<:rls from an examination woRSbttllO organ· ize the revi~w. Examil'ltl'$ will sample I sel<'O'lion of the. licensee', loan files to $<:0 if.lI the required docu"",mation is presenl in each f,1e and to check tbal.he consumer ha. not be-<n o"",""harg<:<l any fees. Lic~nsees are expeoltd to fully


eooperuo ..-ith the ullllirwMln ~ Lltt"-':In ~ $]00 peruam"",..

per day for lhe u.mi..alion .


Once complO!eIl, an ~"amina!ion "'PO« ;, then forwarded 1o and ""'iewell by the All ]~MftJ! will then !:It _ • final ropon of enmirwiorl "linen by the lIIptnisor. which may inc]ude. dtmand for ",fundilll any ovncl\arJ= to


"'""""'. or

lhe appro.timal~ly 50 • .tami .... tiool of IIl<I<!glge bmkm lhat tho DeparlJ'ntftl his C'OIIduo<ted thus fv. only fi.-e ha\'e ~ullCd ;" ,dund:J to boOlowCrs. All of th=e ",funcls "'''"' ~ on the ];"""sec col~jnl brok.,,· fee. in .~cess of the M ini~'1 fi.-e·poinillimi lation , Other violations found thul fv include; f.ih"" to k«p ~ of. bo.>n"oo<n·s cnrnpItIc 10M file after ciOI",,; fliJ.n 10 provide

..... dixlos<ucs "''''''' I~'" ",bsIar\. li.1 diffe.."". in tho oO, inallOnd '.illl eslimale and lhe lin!llloaJo offered; fail. un: to dale !he oO,i..a11oan application; and ",!>mini", fOfJed docu"","" in <'011_ araMln with a loan. 1.kcn'lCeS are COOn • .. Ie<l duri", tho eJ<am on tho eumi....,.·1 findinal a nd the upa:tl!ions of lhe De"""lIlI:n!. The Dt~n! a40 invcs!iga~ pos.sible violations of tho AcI raised from comwntr com_ plaints. ~ compIlinu are hondled by ''''ff from the DeplMmen1"1 ocn!ral offioe._ AI pill of !he inve!ligation. Oepanmcn! staff wiU COOI_ ~ tho licensee 10 obuin tho .. 1evaru. doc:umenl$

The '''~ ",ill consider III "';ne.. comments hden ,,,uin, che linlll\llc. No l'I'Iulllions have yet been


ton<wnm ond Itndrn ..., ""peeled 10 bcnefil flOm the ..".. Act. •

promulg"ced under che Act.

Conclusion f'IsA&c 01 A!obama's _

M""PI" BroUn Liecnsilll AcI 1"'" the rnortga;ge broker Ind"stry under ""ul.,ion for the

firsc cj"", In AlaI>ama. By requ.irin, mort_ gage brokerJ (0) be I;"'nsed. CO) lake coo<dIIcaIion das.oos, 10 mainuoin IUOfIh. and 10 CO<nply witlllpCcific dulies and ICSlriction<. ic i. helped chao the industry can be'Oomo /IlOIl: cd"".1Cd and chus 1I"IC>re professional. By "u,hori,,;ng the SW~ Ba..king Oeparuncm co cooduc' field ex .......... cions oIlicen_ il i. IKipcd thac the "had apples" call be OUI 10 m,nimi"" """'Pie fraud and predatory lending. uttimlldy, Alabarna'.


' • MoIINt II-.. -.....-MoIINt_mr IJoIr lIII' ""'" _ . _ _..... 1 . ' 'I. ~-.--._ ....... .... WI'" Iao:! .. ""..-; bot

-........ _ ........ ... ------_.... ....._............. ...,------- ..---.,.,.......... . "* __

s•• \ ""9'IOd "' ......... .... 0<I0IItr~ ... _1M ...... _ _ &II •• _ ....... ..... ....... is '

_-........... - . .......... s.

~1ISIlIs:-.."~99-I. -. . .

Iftot"-.. ~II-..·

J ~- . . . . _ r - I I " I - . 1ho~ ..... ~.Iclil


_ _ I"IIUI .... _

PIWIiIooon ...., S.

11£$1\\. II U.s,C. 1 ZllC1;,... I(.

lttJA.U5QI.t .

from!he consumer'. kNln liIe, Again. llllkenSl'eS .... QpoclCd to fully and promptly ~ " 'ith SIOCh ... ~...,u Def""" My pcmllies "'" 1tUeISed. lict"'ICeS wiU !:It JOn! I fOfTnalllOlice and an oppor_ tuni!y foo- a hearin, ",ill be

provided. Finally. tho Depanmrnl """ IUthorily1O promulgate ""ulo_ lionl nettSUr)' for the enforcemen. of!he Aot I 5.25-13. OenenJ1y. in order'o promulgale. ",,"lllion.!he Dtpanmen! mu .. fil'$( publis/l """"""'" """I.. ions in tho Ahtbdma AtMti~islrr;lj~ M"",1tIy for • 35-day commen. period. Lice.....,. ",m 31$0 be JOn!. oouna y copy o f any pr0pos<:<! regulation fIX thelt ",vie", and

.._... -_. ..... _. V, I,..W;_

_ ....... .. .__ .1.... W_ i l _


"' • .11_ ... _



Howell Heflin Presents The Maud McClure Kelly Award Ora n ge Be ac h , A l abama · Jul y 19,2 002 he ;nd;~iduaJ "''C honor i. a superbjuri., "'~ oocomplishn .. nl$ and OOII"ibu'ions have be ... f,n~ huJldmh of lhousands of Alabamian. Iltrough t..r I<"adttship role in the ~ve developow<m oflho rommoo Ia .... ofthc .... ,e and COlI"""",,," application of con;Iilutional provi<loos 10 poev<nI ruscriminatiotl or und"" bann to the rights of ............. blacl:s. Ihe noNIy. disod.....,~ businews.. ......un md the injulUl durinl Ihc WtbJImI yearI of the 1970s.. 1980s MId 1990s..


Htr achie>.., .......... III ucr..ordinary Irg:ol ~. I supai> Ill,., Sludeft~ a skillod bwyer, ~ ........... rounM'l. • iCOObrIy law pro(wor, ..... mnarbbIe jllrisl oiplify iUCU$$iw: runp of tho .,hi<:<.,,,,, ,~ ~ 0$ W c~mbed KM.... 1cpl1IId jWicial P'ft'Ili ........ A•• finn beljeo, ... in ... causes. whose Ik ..... _ and intel\'~]lO'I'lSi, .....y. Kern 10 Ihreal<n her mole rounl<rpanl. she bt<'."",. trail blntt.• role model. a I<gend ~nd. heroine to lhouunds of wom<n who ha"" profIled by.he doonI . he hl$ open«!. and helped to keep open . in I "",Ie.oomin.led proft»ion. She ",ooqn "'M has lived a fulilif. as a homtnlaktr. ",1>0 ....... I loyal tarinl and mootn&ing "if. 10 her r=nIly drpanN. IUC:C'CSOf"llaw)'O'r~ -.d <b'Oll:d ItIOIhor ..'110 has lived 10 ..., .... daU£hlcr follow in hrr I'ooIsotps as a peal lawyer. J.... Lcdlow S/Iom; ......m !his ..(11'\(1 in 61111ef County abouI1lIrce mila from ~ OIl I farm in 1911. Janie_ WOItu" ito Ihe snwberry IiIoIds 01 age fi.-e. Sht m<Wl!<i1O Loxlo)' In ! COUIIIy ....... her father found empk>ymmt ill Mobile ~ the I:qjMiQl of WOOd W", II. She wmcd in the pOllII(I r.. 1Ib and ohodJ '" earn money '" buy..,hooI tkllhes, AI R~ High School fhe do=lopcd ,"","lim! ltiUs as a Iyp;.! and as I sboot/urId """1eO<'e.1.lker. Aftef grahwion >be .... nl 1O:.on employmenl ogcncy and il arrangr:d an in!trV>ew "ill! • U\dy w"landing """')'<"1" in Mobile. Vi""" Kilborn. Sr. She p/Ioned for an app>inu"..rU, II _ • Saturday and he answem:l tht IOlq>hono hilllfClf. lie sIIid. .'Como on I'ON." After ~"i heU!:;"'1 for leV· onI houI'l, he P"'" her a job II tht pro:I'lOilizlg """ of SIOO a week. Jan .. ""' said """y limes thaI Vi""" thanlO'l her lif~. Mr. Kilborn "-I a Ii_law pnctke ....·ill! many ,,'Uicd clienu. incl""i", the CaI/IoIic: ~ of Mobile and BilMp Toolea. ptrSOOIlIly. ViflC'e observN IhaIlani<: "-I uniquec and IChieYm, abilitkJ. He !Old her !hat >he sbould fwthcr her ~ and he thtn btpn '" u'I" her 10 llUdy 10 become a IaW)ln. Her wndanl for ....'(ri: then. and lhrougho.u her life . ......:





MM y pptrionce ""' convinced me thaI if you ,.., •he", lill'. le:a.... 10$1. and don', rn:al:e any mis(.:>w. you will ullimalCly be "'.... arded." AflCr fwr ~ars will! Vince Kilborn, I ..... <lttidtd thaI ihe COllld bccomc • lawyer. AfI<:r compl.ling the pre·law $8



Ilmo .. lIa~,

"ft _

Cdryl Prioy". ri,lu. aI<U"'M""


Sha ...

... """';,...., IN MtJMJ M rCl...... 1>,1/1 ~M""'.

admisNon rcquirmlenlll J........ and the Univmity of Alabama. Janie: emomllaw IdoooI .. the U~y 01 Alabama. In bw IdoooI fhe rn;tdo IlUperb aadomil: ~ ~ tht editor 01 the low RnYw, and tht ........... oIthe Phi Alpha Delta Moot Court Competition A.....ard. Usinf; her Jhonhand ",ills. Jani<: IOOl 00...." the law profesoor's lc:cI ...... and rn;tdo 'u~ of ..wan-<! cases and her notIeS. A bookllCR ~ngagN her '" put her ... ,nn\aries in a """"h","able: form. n,...,. ~ .... ,he beSI ... 11 .... of law publicalions for a nu,nbrr of ~ars. WlICn J:mie WOfUd wi,h Vince Kilborn. the only woo,an I.wy« <1M: k""w in Mobile wu. COlln "'ron'" WlICn ,he ,,"lomIl.w sc"""1. the", ......... only Ii...., femal .. s,,><Ie"1S. When W padualCd in 1959. il Wall lOUgh for womtn to suc.:ttd in tht pnctke of law. In fact, 110 WOf>II:n were. ,,"rmined on jwies uotlil ..,..,n ~ars w.... in 191\6. Upoa graduation from bw ..,hool, J\lSIJCe Roo"" T. Simp!oon asi:;cd Jani!: K> he hi, bw clc:fl. lie "-I a line femak "'.. d ...~ t>1.arJie Sp;vb.. P='ious 10 J:uuc', cltrbltip ar>d .........11 pkastd ..-ith her wort. Whcfo Jan .. pncIittd in ~Ima. il ..... tht .......... 1Iw lilt _. ~ ""'mll<r of.he bar "'31 10 he Ihc



tht ~"na bar Iud 10 tht nqui,.., . mtn" thaI offic:tl'$ Iud 10 be ·•... hite male mem""" of Ihc Stale

sccn:wy of Ihc loa! bar


<1wIF i(J byla",slo mike lhe """'" Mmalo" ff\lrt1

B.. in good Manding." When lani. became a mtmbc. of.he f..,uhy of Cumberland she "'.s lhe firsl female law ochool ... ..,bc1' in the ltale and one

of tho fi~ in tho SouIlI. Vin<e Kilborn. "PO" Itamillg of ""'" fKtllty ",lccIion. rtmarked ~.v.e has nI>IIk bod! of lIS poud ,~ While Cumbtrtand. Janit ....... ulborod t...., boob. CilKS <MIl MmuiDJs "" Ln> PkoJ;"Is No AIiJbtMoiJ ..,ib C. Banktlotn and J. II:urcU (Banner Press. I~) and 1l/Q/)QmQ I'wr~m J~" /nmwriOlU-CM/, "''''''ing ... itb judges Ingram Beasley. Bill Sullivan and 1M Qtbtt mom"" ... of rM committee (Law)'<'rI eoopr""i"" Publ ishing Company. 1~74). I bdiev~ she w,,", pr<>IW>ly !he fi ...1 woman 13wy~r in tM Soulh to author Of ro"uthor I lei'll boot. 1 am rtasonabJy $[R lh:il woold be U\Ie in rqaNW the ~ Alabama. Janie ...·roIe numerous Law Rt:VIrw ..itleJ, SlIt ""as an ~~~Ilcm I.w pro/<'S¥If and_ br:olOOl(d when tho moot court mmp<1Jbort btpn to bear ""'" IWIIC. She camp>iplCd lhrou&how' tho >lite. particularly ..·ilb group$. to tho ....... Judld..1 Anicle. Shanly afu:r btl", ",W1c<,I 10 tho famlty, Prof""", Stoooe< .."'nl back t() ..,bool ~ami", her AB dtg,.., from Sam/oni. AI the U"inis of. large number or I.WYml, including myself 100 many or her fonner law i ludo:nu. she offered her· "'If U candld.1.l( fOf tho SUl""me COOIl of Alab>ma. 1914. and "'"as oomwhdmingly (Jt,o,M. She b<'cametho fi .... ftrnaltjllS _ tire on tho Allbami SltpI'tme Coon and tho third in tho IUlbort on. lllIe hicl\cll COIIft. She ""'" tho l'llUb of offICe in J......,. 1975 and)he ~ on tho "'I""me coun for U )'<'arI. Thm! Me 1.)62 opi"",- thai ....... her fWI"Ot. S.... abo aurbortd many ~r no';"", opinionJ lhaI rio IlOl ""'" name. S........1. workhorse and helped JOmo , low.... or lazy memben of tM <:OlIn catoh up with "",iT migllCd caSC$ ,nward the wd of l term in order that !he cooll <:OIIld <ltcl"", lhal it was cur· rtnt. In facl, she ""role opinions llw .... ar thol, names. JOllie was """fraid to racklc I........ aled and comrovmial qlloOllions fa<:ini tho court. AI al] tl""". sM ""as I $llI&IDOh dd"ncItT 0( Ihe constilUliod$ 0( Allbami and tho UftilM Stilt$. OfI<1l. JUItlCe Shora delrlllln/nlN ""'" ronccm for tho preotr. valioo and proICCIioo 0(. dercncbnl'l COIl5tiuuioml right to due ~ 0( IIw. She bas ... ;n".te abill,y to teU right from ''''I'00I. AI a ..... m...... of ..... <:OlIn. me oonrinucd ,,'hal $he had done durina .... , law professor days by pobli,hin& ... ritinp In num"rous I.w n:viCWll. bar journal. aoo othe, "'ial periodicals. Ii" • ."Id" ,,",;rle<!·'The Alabama fu.pc:ri(1'ICe Ov", rhe Past ~i"" Years" wu publi<htd in 19n in tho N .... yt>rl: Slm~ Bar 1oM"",/. Ii.... opccch a. 1be NMionaJ Conf"rtnce on tho 0( Popullr Owatisf.roon ~r,1lI tho Ad".;ni ...... ioo of JIISIi<:t'. (also"'81 tho Rooroe Pound Rev'$ilN Cmf.......a) in St. Paul. MIMCSotI in 1976 was publiJ.hed In U. S. Lat.' "~d. S.... was ont o f a f"", ""'tejuri'" "'too ..... iel«led for I MlIJUJ\<1" aad ~,p<:>n<Itnl leamin, <:OII1"5e. Up<ld complrr;oo <ho " 'U awankd an u.M <Ir&,.., by the University or Virginia. While: I ",,,'e<! on the coon .... ith Jan;". it c..... through loud aoo clca, rha! she had the brigh''''1 mil'ld of anyone on tha, /;OlIn. aoo I mi&h' lolly ~ ... ,.., JOmo InIly hi&hly intoUlgtn. ..... mbc:n or tho coon. Owl",!he lime.v.e >C'I"'al on tho t()UII. Janie .............. oight of tho facrlhM !be Ihoold elim;nate bIrrirrs 10 <qoa! opporrunlty ror """"",- Qn,c: of ""'" OPInions wud: dolo.,. .. AIabunI lUlule rIw denied I wif" the fuU ule 0( ""'" lands .... ithout ,he ...... nr and <XII'ICU""""" of .... ' husband. Ourinll tho Clinton Admini ...... llon.] had the honor of MIl>milli"! her ... me 10 the President fOO' a on the Unlle<! SL>tel SUI'"'III" Coon and tho pl" •• urt of L>iki", 10 him pc1"_





c_ Moo s...r.\ ltJtW ...."




ASH p~.£Jn=r 8;/1 Go.. 1M

.......,.., SIlo..,

lOnaUy Oboul her fine: qUI]IfICations. Ii" was grt~lly In,l""SSl'd name in 0 >hoM Ii.. of ........ ible oomi ....... HooI~,]I,( nominalN Rulli BIIder Olnsbuq:. Laler Pmidcnl O,mon nominalCd J _ 1IOld she _ tOnfinnod by tho U. S. Smate to be I membe, of ..... 80ard 0( DirtCtor$ of tho ~ JIIIIke ]nSIlIUte. I fc:dc:nlqcllCY IhII mala &fMIU for ilU"llWati .... mal. prognm$ and projc:cu deslplCd to i"""""", lhe odnuniwarion 0( jllilJCe In tbc .,aIe<. AI. homemaker. Janie lovN 10 cool and,.,.., and (njoyed ,artltnini. S.... ""as I Clrini'OO (ncOllflJing wif" to he, 1.1., IllCUMful-la w)'<', husbal\d who wu "' illlhe lUI ~ilr'I ofbil life. bnie: wu I devote<! IIIOIhc, ,,·110 bas lived to,. ""'" doughier, Laun Scult Shora. gnod""te ,,·i'" boron from Smith CoIlqe and ..... Unlvcrn.y Chlc"o La,,· School and ,,·110 II l;OIIIinuing ...... 1bOIIIc:T', fOOlSl"PS In pu ... uit or II ... U I pan ...... in tho IarJe Ia... rll1ll of H"",~ .It Simon in Washl"JIOII. DC afier clc:rti", for Jud~ Robcn \lance. Rc:oently. Uuno ..... I pan of tho legal der" ..... !Utn that appeart<! before: Ihe U. S. SuI"" .... Coon in tho Websler Hubbell ease. H""·,,,' ..... I, Is t.anJ for .... to imagine: Janie ev~r pu>hln& a baby cllf'ri~i". We an: IIO! ben: toclnonlze Janie Shores. fOO'.he w .. no Hint. She bad .... , foulu U "'" all 00. for sbe " .. human. Sometimes her lan& ....1l<' was quite .r.alry-w $.ll,y lh:it I. coold make: I suman first 01... bI ....... Wh<1I sbe lim "",m 10 8 irmlngham. $he sough. jobs ... ilb all and Itpl <.Irpanm<1Iu. bul _ IUfI\td tho .....jor law down un.i1 .v.e finall y Ja I poailioo ,. .. iIhin tho Ic:pI dopof1_ menl of Llbeo1y Natlon.ol. While: she ,,'" huntiq I job. "'" ....anI thrn: ..-as a vacan<:)' in lhe I~gal ....If 0( • major oooport.. tioo in Fairfi"ld. She wtnl 0111 and lalked 10 !he head law)'C'l' woo tOld he. lhol he ·'didn·, lhink I, ",,\lId be appropriOie fOO' a wo""'n law),.,. 10 W<lf\:; lhen: b<'cau", ,he langu.g" that she would hear would "'" be v~ry lady_]Ikc:.~ On her ""'y back '0 BirmillJbam, J:uUc: rtmarked 10 I compoonion ..'110 had ...... ",irb ""'" willi """"" li~e liltS. ~I( Ihe ohauviniM S of B hod worktd In ..... pouto fields of Baldwin Counly, rh:n .... _Id rtal]y have a YOCat.JIary <II prn(1lIC Ian&UlI!It.~ WhIle shcexhibi"" coIlqWMy wi'" the OI .. IUbasofthocoun. oornetimcs, in pRvalC, $be would <:&\.tip'" """ of "'" boWac:r juri... Ifter • Io:alN tOnfc:n:noc bcncr Ihan 1/1 alligator chewl", 00. f!"OK, hul i, was only IlCnlpor:lI)' vc:rt>a! ".ploolon. Shortly lhe .. <ho forxavc hinl fCO' wh:it" ...... caused her di.~ ..,

100 IjSIM ......





J Illin~ il would be ,,,,,,,,,,"ale!O lei yoo know "'hal ",me wOmen lawyers in !he s!ale ha"" expr<>.SCd aboul Justice SIlores. Helen K.lhryn DQwn. wrote: '"The primary ",ason lhalluslice Shores has always been a ",Ie model for me is ller ",,,,,,"'able lI"'ngllt. I have ....rutl il &.lid lIt'l $~ has never been intimidaled by . nyllling. and I find lll'I!O be an ar» descrir»i(lf!, She has no! only hurdled llraighl (Wcr any obs!a<les in ber palh. U>< has done il in <lIeh a way as 10 oarve om av.nues for w"",,,n!O follow behind her... S~ has single.hamkdly 0"'31ed opportunities fOl" n\OJe wOl1'll:n !O in lhe privale praclice of law, advance in the "" ...... mic hierarchy 31 area law ..,1>001 •. and so...., at the highesl le,.ls of the judiciary.~ Celia Collin< s""led ..... Juslice Shores blaud .lrail wh'"'' no woman in the stale had l/'aveled before he •." Coryl rr;""u ""p"'..ed lhese words: '"As I~ firsl wom.n to be cl"'lcd 10 !he Alabam. SUl""me Coon. Juslice Shores ....... ed as a role model for WOfllen lawyers. To have 3 WOJllal1 se ..... ing on "". highes, coon as,isled yoong women lawyers in gaining occepl31lCe in !he counroOlm of oIl. stale:' She has been recogni=! wilh'"The Americ.n Heroine

A"'ard" by IAdi .. Home Journal in 1984, a' one Ofl~ 1"1' len women of 1990 by II>< Bi",,;~glwm Bus,ne" Joum~l. and as One of tho 'Op grnduales., tho Universily of Al.b.1ma in 1993 , and has receh-ed honorary OOclOlal degree. from lhe: University of Al.bama, JudSO<l Colkge and lones S<1>oo1 of Law. In 1998, Jan .. was honored by lhe Board of Commissione" of I~ AI.bama Slale Bar ""hen she: anOOll"""d he:r retiremen' , If hi'lOri.n, give tho of tho judiciary it' proper du<. tho" Juslice Janie SIIoreo will undoobtedly be coonled among lhe greau; of Americ.n women. II is gen.llI11y lboughllhal hi.· tori .... rank He"'" Ada ... Kcllor a nd Julia Strudwid Tutwiler as being tho mo>[ ""<standing women of Alabam. for their porsonal accomplisllment •. WIlil. Helen Keller ,,-as be'l known primarily for ber triumphs ""'",ily•• he was also an ""Iivi'l for impro_ing llovem tnem for tho benefil of individuals. She "'.'" labeled by <o .... """i"" """"ion"; •• of ber day l$ "a soci.!i$'.~ Tutwiler's "'form <orltribu[ion$ 10 ed""~lion and priSO<l condi~on, caused advoca[es of the llten,slalus quo lO refer 10 her as '"a naming Jibe",l from Vas.sar.~ Juslke Sho"", has ber de'ra<:tors. but all sbakers and movers fo< tho good of society 00. In my judgmen~ tho name of Janie Ledlow SIlores ,bould be inscribed along willl Helen Adam, Kell" .nd Juli . SlJUdwkk Tulwi"', illhe lop of[~ li,[ of Alabama', gn:.t "'omen. •

Notice of Election NOlice i$ given herewith PlirSUiJnllO lhe Alabama Slale Bar Rules Govemlng Election of Presidenl·Elect and CommissiOll8rs.

President-Elect The Alabama State Bar will elect a president-elect in 2003 to assume the presidency of the ba r in July 2004. Ally cand idate must ba a member in good stand ing OIl March 1,2003. Petitioos nominating a cand idate must bear the signatu re 0125 membars in good starlding of the Alabama State Bar and ba recei.ed b'/ the secretary 01 the state bar on Gl' balore March I, 2003, Arrv carldidate lor this office must also submit with the nontillat ing pett1li)n a black and wh ite photograph and biog raphica l data to lis ptJbli'hed in the May ZOO3 Alabama Lawyer, Ballots wil l lis mailed lIsmteen May 15 and June I and must ba received at the state bar b'/ 5 p.m. 011 the second Friday in June (June 13. ZOO3).

Commissioners Bar rorrrnissiClnefS will lis elected b'/ those lawyers wi1l1 their prirx:ipal offK:es in the following circuits: 2nd: 4th; 6th. pOCe 00. 1; 9th; 10th, ~ace 00 I, ptace 00. 2. place 00. 5, placa 00. 8, pOCe 00. 9: 12th; 13th. place 00. 2: 15th. place no. 2: 16111: 20th: 23rd, ptace no. 2: 24th: 27th; 29th: 38th; aoo 39th, Additiona l commissioners will be elected in tllese Circuits for each 300 members of the state ba r with prirx:lpal offices here· in, The new comm issioner positioos will ba determ iood by a census 00 March I, 2003 and vacarx: ies certified b'/ the secretary no later tha n March 15, 2003, All subsequent terms will be for three years. Nominattons may lis made by petition bearing the signatures ol fiV'S members in good starldillQ with prirx:ipal offices in !he cirCUttin which the election will be held or b'/ the carld idate's written declaration of carldidacy, Either must lis received b'/ the secretary no later tha n 5 p,m. on the last Friday in April (Ap4"iI25, 2(03), Ballots will ba pleparoo and ma iled 10 members between May 1 aoo May 15, 2003. Ballots must ba \\lied aoo returned b'/ 5 p,m, on the last Friday in May (May 30. 20031 to the Alabama State Bar,


r"NU" R Y 200]




MccOul''' Kclly. 1hc ~t"SI_~ or the U",ver~uy of AWwna. Sd'OOOl of La .... 001 abo \0 ha .... ill~ by Ihe WOIIl<O uW)'m Seclion of lhe bar. I am proud of the r.,.. l1l3I lhtre m ,.,... """""n law)'ttl in AI"'ma .utrlclenll<> m.ab: up. 5«Iioo fA ,he bar, Back when I "''as fir>I """ndi"l lilt IrII\IIal Abb.una Bo< ~ M~ Ni ... MigIionico. Pbyli$s Nesbill. F'IomIcc: O.... e. Annie Lob I'Iice. Mw ROllO Gnman. aroJ on/y. f............. ....... ~ Iht .....,....,.., ~ w. did lIOII ........""'. sipll6cani ........ block bo<:I: !hen 10 . . - !he kind of aII<nlJOn you shoold be aeui"l _ . I am abo I'Iono:nd 10 t..Ye BiU Buley• ...'he> $/nJ1d 11&.... b«n A\ab.>mo', Iir$I "New South.. 1I""CfI'DI". and who did bring OlI,iooal pm'" \0 ALmam. for his COO,"geoos por$<Iil of juS11ec for all Alabama cilizens. IlOl jll>! il> while ddzrns .... ;1$ )'tJUnges! aoomcy FJImII. laIer, .. 1..... InIanI JOVtt'1IOr. "" 1CCOrJ"ilIi.hed "'hal 00 0Ihtr bo:c:n IIbk 10 .IO(:()I)O'opWh. H. was able In pus Ihtou&h Iht 1rgi$bI"'" I ........ modem, equitable comtilUtion (<If !he ~ 10 rq>Iace !he mueh malipcd. bullIOI O'o'aiy..moIiped. 1901 toMIiIUtion. ThaI """"';'Ib)n _ ~ 10 the P"'lI* fur opprovaI. ..... in • diOci$iorI by lilt sup"' ..... COWl. over !he _Il·~ alf· mc.1 ~ olllwoe of the juIal<u. the COW1 SlOpped \he DDWItiJII ollhe """" and ruled ma.!he people in an opc1I. f_ elec· lion did IlOl till .... the right \0 IIdop an en,ire consIi,u'i()ll. I $Iill disstn .. Sorro;,

Ihoughllhe decision ...... infillCnccd by gubtrnruorial ~~. I do "'" know whether tha is INe or IIQl, boll il c:<pIains !he ...... ,1 btucr ilion the IIIIhoriIy cilt:d in Iht mojorily opinioa. As - . - ~. BiU Buley had 1M <:JCIID&'I' 1IId!he "ill, IlOl 10 ......,;0" hoIh in !he C1I=no of ~ .. "y 10 rijhllhc """'31 ddibCfwIy "';1IeII inIo Ihe 1901 documtrl. We_ SliU liriJIg ...ith thal documenI. lfI'hoch in !NIl)' r<Sp<d$ is 0$ <fu&ra:;eful kJday '" iI ..OII ~ centlll)' 11£0The Odly


Receives the Maud McClure Kelly Award

profOllnolly """'-I ......" ... onlylObc!he IW ..apimtoflht .... be annual ~ ""hictI honors M"""

m¥>r oonstiu.nioml ""Iticve-

in IhisCCflIUI)' ...... 11td becau.. of tho will ..... oornmiu"<n1 of lIowcli lieflin. A



new JudiaaI A"'de rqlbo:aIlhe old JudiaalAnidc 10 tho 1901 Cons··" ...... in 1973. h ~ bcausc thrn.a.ief Justiot Hoo,t",U .kn.n ....r.-ll() belie-.. thal iI alIJld ..,. be done.. lie 1fI. . Wllhng I() -.rrc tho Iolit:bsIup """,ira! CO gel iI dono. ond CO cajole, ponuado, pesIt!f. """'promi" wh= """"'""'Y. an)body 0.- any· thina lllal J,loOO in tho .... y. AIIII05l 3O)TatS the n:rr.aiJld<r of tho OOfIJ,iilution mnoittI tho __ JOIiI last ~ tho Ieod-


booorcd 10 COOIIl boIh of them .. my ~ be)'IlfId • doubI thai I ..... Id """'" ....... JOIIO'I1IO ..... tdlooI .... ,thouI tht help ..... ~I of my ...... f",,1Id, Vince Kilborn. I miglll poinl Qui ~ 11u,.. ah'.. yl JOlten ilion, with .",art m<n. lfI'bicb ;IOC(IUnl,- no doubt. for the fact thai I JOl olona $<I ....11 wi'" alilhe judges "" the lIeflin alIJrt and all bul """ "" the 'Illo1:tcn COWl. Throu&h ht$ ......"'" III the Sen3te, Hoo,t",I1 brouJIIIlxod: 10 AIabaruo .... rt$(lOCt ...'" enjorcd ...·hm IClIOIorS Uurr Hill ..... .IohoI Spoo1uIwI rtp'OlCnICd .... Hoe pned tht rtSJll"'llInd """ of senao:::n from oil 0'Wft' tho U"' .... SWts, .am. of ..iOJm """'" UfIdm.Iood a ....,ro he oaid. [ lhinI: iii. mond worb faJ.ler INn he \alts.. 11 is InI< thai _ of my IiberoI friends ....,.., di"'l'P"'nICd in _ oflu, """"" ..... IOnIe of thorn mi&ht fell thai I had rnislod lbern in os.sunnslhem that .... would "'''''Y' \'(lIe <:<lO'I'O<'lly. Of cou"", I knew how close he ,,-...... ben it C<lrT'It$!<) ""-""'Y.oo...-n f'i&hI eheap, BUI. on tht lhm&s lIIOIl n::aIly IlWI<r 10 tho counay. lie "'''-'YS did tho ri"" thine. I ~ willt lum "" _lhlnp.. ~ke .... foil"", to fully apptrialC the ,:aIue 01 ..,,,,, tho ...... doner.Of _ tinl< fil.h thai ~\OCS here. .. "",U '"' a bDIe . . IhaIli,u II Gulr Shorts. buI he "'*'<l cun!ftly ,. fedttal ~ ........... _ vi lind helpine 10 1It'on lh< betdl. I .... _ oflhe bncr bete. [ am bonorcd lQ be alfl'al'l.l«!lhe Maud McClure Kelly Award by my peers. n.u $<I .... ny women .... now I.lK<:eMful

frietoJs. I


;,.,,;. t. SIto<Y., ..c;p..!tI ",2002 101_ ltlca.", K.U, "'..<'Q 0( MaIe......."."..,-ihe Gowcmar.


Gowcmar lind SpnIka'of the HOUle aU ..-I1hII1beir ~ poIlirts. or .......· e>'CI" Ihey aw.o1or III ulinc a pn<IbOIl. indi· """'" thal tht:oe "011110 ...'ide pWIic demand r.. a new ~1lIIiOd. I alwaY' Iboup. political \e;td<'Q ....,.., expcaed In Icad. ..,. fQlIow. Hid Ilowcli lieflin wailtd until the public <krt'lall<.b.l a l1IIificd coun ~yMem. ......... Id J.lill be opcr.tlna .......... a bodtep<)<\&<: of COWU 0( difftmll jurisdictions. lfI'im dtfl'tmII ",Ies of ~ no 1Idmini.sInIivc IfTJI, no ..........,., of ~ fundillJ. xtvcd by IOIIdcfpW jud&es. willi 110 r'rtIrtmnII b<ntf1lS.. And. OIl lOp oflhat. tht:oe _ DOl a ~ IOUI in Abb>ma ,,"'" could Itlll"'" "....,. iI "*10 "'" tht (:(JUrI S)"ICm. IIccIuoe he load the ....... 10 . . . alloflhaldlanpJ" 19'73. ondAbNma c:sIabIIihfd a llniroed ooun~}'iIrffi. ,,'\Iidi .... xtvcd .. a mockl r.. ocher ........ for """" Ih:ui • qulIO'ICrofa CCOIU/)'. So. I am bor.c«d 10 be ~nl<d Ihis ~ward by 8ill Ru~lcy. <klivmna 50 maslerluUy Howell Htntn'S ",,,,,,,",,s. I am

J..... ~"'.

Iin~lIy ICcept«l a l deserving nlCmbe", or lile b..., brins< "'" PUI joy. ["'" 'un: eacll or you conllnucs to sufi'",

IliSbu from lime 10 lim<. bul I om equally IU'" IMI they .... ,ubtler I~ lhey OI><C ..-e"" and I ~ thot they will OOIlI .. ,," 10 dom'~"-h as)'Oll continue 10

_UR: and in " .. mbn. My life has opannotd """'" nell'''' Ilmt$.. I ""0$ born dunna lhe Gteai Depression i. ""'" of ..... ""'lOll·, poorest lWeI. bull ..."" boon e"",,1Ied by &ood and COUflII&eOW friends. n""'lly ~""y<f$ and jud~ .... illt .... horn I hit"" lhaR:d iOnIC ""al experi. enc ... When iJIC bi.1or)' Qf OUr lime.nd """, .ft

pl""" ;$ .... rined. I kn<>w we .... ill be tre>1· «1 ..... 11 ""'au", I inleMl1> wrile il. _



Hugo L. Black: Justice for All A Biography for Young Readers, by Roz Morris, paperback, Seacoast Publishing, 2001 128 Pag\'!i, Illustrated, $7.95 ugo I... Blade Justice/or 1111 is Onll oflM. ini· lial offering' in "" ambitiou, projec\: the <le,.. lopmenl of • wide-ranging serie, of biog' raphi., of famous Ala\>=iaM for young readers. Published as a joinl venlure betw..,n Will Publishing. Inc. arod Birmingham', Se:ocoast Publi,hing. the Illabanw R<HJt. biogr.lphy seri.. provi<le. tltmentary IlCboolteachers with ~ p""'orful tool to aid in their effort. to breathe lif. into Alabama hi,tory. To date. other Alab;tmians r.atu~ in tile series a.. Julia TIltwiler. Daniel Prall. Emm. Sampson. (kat Bry.",. Hank Aaron. and Sam Dale. with booh tdling the $lotie, of Book, T. Washington, awrge W. Carve, and A.G. Gaston, among OIhers, on the way. Gi""n the "'owed mi"ion of the Illul>amn Roots seri ... I/ugo L. Block is. appr<:>priately. wriuen by Rot Morris. a [hird.grad!: ltaclltr at H""""... Sh.><k, Mountain Elemenlary. In lIugo I... 8/Dt:*, she Iw; done a remarkable job in addressing the controversies. chal· itng" and lriurnph.s of BI..,k·s lif. and legal <_r in a manner fully occessiblelO young .. adtrs. Morris couples an engaging story-telling .tyle that nows easily ""TOSS ber pages with an impressi"" o."o",ioo'o his· torical <letail. No doubt it would ha"e ~n easier f()f Morris to simply base be, ....".reh OIl Black OIl the numerou, ""or"" covering lbe SOnator and SUlRme Coun JU Slitt already in prinl for adull ru<lers. Morri s. how""c., was 001. cootent with an appr<)o1<'h. I",;tead. she "",nl farther. inlt",iewing Black', descen_ dan(, and accumulating a number of family photg.. graph, 10 grace IItr boo~'. pages. Morris pick' up Black', $10<)' wilh his birth into the bltal:, hardscrabble life of hi, mothor. Della. in rural Clay County in 1886. From the .... ,he traus Black', lifethrough hi. precocious childhood in Ashland, (Ie",iling his early muskal I'llen" .• ""ar·fa",1 bout with inn"en~. his &li;111 in .,(cnding school. expo-


H"B" L. BItxk




.ure to the ugly .. alilies o f ,mall'lo""n """ism in lhe tUfO-of-llIe..:elllury Soulh, and a growing tlcsire to beoome a n attorney. Black ', young life. oon· tai~ il, $hare of disappoinltl"len, and tragedy-an alcoholic f.ther. Black', accitlcntal death, and his railure to eam. teacher's certificale. Morris >ou<:hes upOn them all. On. lighte'~' Morri, also tells of Black', ha lf· bearted foray into I medical ed""ation in

lJov,'' ' .'.


8innin&ham- Allhoup. promioinl medical,"dea~ 811d'. u.....ppy 6ptheIW;'Q ...i lll tho school'. nda....,rs utmphfied !he <lkI adage W, I ]IW i. _I briJl!' )IOOng p«JOO .... "" cln', .,and tho sigh, <If blood," The lauC1' ' ....... lIIil'di <If Hugo L BI«* ~n' 8lack', lei'll II'1d poIilica1 caRIef. II folJoows him from hi. legal scudiu .. IIIe UftivC1'sj,y of Alabama (a '"",",!he U";~y·, ytarboot ...... dic1ed d>M be """"lei one day be: • julllce on tho Uni!ed SlaleS Supreme Coon) 10. mUlilin, ].... prlI<1ke back home in A,hland and 'lion on ,<I hi, professional sueO<'<$ in ,he indu~ui. al boomtown <If lIinniR£ham. From Ihm:. Morri. wri1eS of his cleclioo wille U.S. ~n.a1C and hi. evefUualeleYMioo wille Supreme c.-.. Allh:Jup she i~~y. Ii"'" \he p<>Iilicallnd _lal ~il~of\he rase-B]ack', involvemenl in tho infamous murdC1' crial of Falbcf C<>yle. M<>ITi, coofronts Black', cooU'OVersi.l membersbip in lbe Ku Klux Klan head_, In fOCI. Morris m;&w Blad's famous nodio JPttt" a<IcIto5sinl his Kbn ...,mbcrslUp!he cI"natic



<If hC1' book.

Pemaps moo impm.siYe]y... .......,.,.:] po;nu in Black's Cart'<'l". M<>ITiI INI\IIttS '0 oorwcyllle c""lltng«. drama and lX"'",ional humor of a !ril] to bC1' readers. ThaI i. no .mall re., in " book wnuen for (""nh·graders. JIe, handlin& <If Black's lim wife, k>sepIIinc's, SlruuJe willi <ltpreuion .... hC1' "m;,ntly deaIh is flIually adep:. If1hC1'e is III ~....,;...;o" in If"", L 81«*. i, i. Morri.· brief U'eIImCnl of 8 Iac:k', neMly l4-ycar caJftI" on ,he Supreme C""n in ,he book', epil",U<'. Nov.'hore in;1 is men'

lion of 811d', rok In _b ..mimi.,.... .. B"",,,,, /kJarrl,of

EJ",a,ilM. Gilkon"


or KtJI:;tn/Jorl< v. M...a""I'

Litoly, lIIi .....,.. I COO""""" deci,ion on Morri s' pan. Those oues an: difficuh for firs,.ye,., ]IW nude." to di&<"i' (<>r acle1S11hey "'.. '" for lIIis reviewer). much less a f""<th, 1f1iIdcr. In. bool aimed '" )'<lUng ",Um. perna", tho f""us a/LoUkI ia.dttd he on !he pMh 10 gn:atneSI;. If tho .....,.. Mom,', in1Cndcd focus ""'"'. thon !ohe hal; ~ adminbly. MorrU i, alSOJ the IU1hor of I'M) oIher boob in tho AiabamlO ROOI$ /lllnk Au"",: I)",,,", Chan. and Julia Tun";lu.' Illi1b<1ma Crwtldtr. I/I<gO L 8Jad. and Ihooe books. as ..... lI .. ochen ;" IIIe terieo.. <:al'I be obWncd II Ioal bool,KnS <>r <>rdm:d diltlCdy fnlP\ "--"1 PILIlIisIIu1I11 (20:5) 979-291». •


William ( Bill) H, Odum. Jr. Board Certified Enlomologist

Uligal,OO Tnlimony -



EntOf11Olosy COOSUllalions


Do.han. AL 36302


334-793-3068 Fac$imile: 334-67 1,8652


Set alabar as Your Home paqe Sellinq alabdr as your default homepaqe is easyl (aehlime you access Ihe UJeb. you'll be rouled 10 the ASB site Ibere. ynu can count on Ihe most up'lo,date information about bar aclluihes and resources




Lawyers Program 1/2" disk, fru. This manual w, including adoption; post-di¥Ol'Ui guardian and fosure; powers of attorney; and low and mail to: Volunteer mery. Alabama 36101. you the "Basic Issues

-------------------Enrollment Form

Alabama State Bar Voluntee. Lawyen> Program P.O. Box 671, Montgomery, Alabama 36101

Phone (334) 269-1515. ext 301 • FaJ< (334) 261--6:)10 '

Add 'llss

TelephonelFax Number


I will accept two ca. . ,.ferral. In the following .,.••:

o AdoptlorVLeg~imations o Family Law o Probate

0 Banl<.ruptcy 0 Real PlOperty 0 Where you need me

Get on the list of very important people. Enroll today!!

c _____________...



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ferred to di~lily ;nodi"" ~"S purWanllO Rule 27(~). Alabama Rules of Disciplinary Pruoo.lure. ~ff,",,· Ii"" s.p.rmbn 16, 2002. [Rule 27{c ): Pet OHlll .

Reinstat8meilts • Effective July 22. 2002. allomey T.",ara An" Story

( Knowles) of Alexander City. Alabama wO$ , usp<nd. M from 1m prnclice of I.w in the Sial< of Alabama for oonoompliance with !he ZOOI Mandatory Conlinuing Legal EdI>C'lion requqiremcnlS of the


Alaban'lll S",,~ On August 20. 2002. SI(/!)' (Koowles) came inlo compliance with !he MCLE Rules ar>d was reinstaled 10 the pr.>e1ke of law in the State of Alabama. [CLE No. 02-1441

1l>e Su~rne Coon of Alabama emered an <><de, based "JX>" the <Icc;!;OO nf Panel I of the l)i5<'iplinary Roan! of the AI.b3rl\ll S ... ,. Bar ttin_ .... ling Binningham at!omer I>ona ld Tow .... Trawick to the practice of I.... in the Stale of

Alabama. e!f..:.ive June 13. 2002. (Pel. No. O2.{IJ )


On October 22. 2002. "" order "'0$ by lhe Disciplinary Commi.. iOll gnonting lhe pelition of the Office of Genenl Counsel f".- !ummary suspension of Birmingham auornty Joe W ilson M"'1:""_ III ba$ed

011 hi' OO<I-<:OOperation willl the invesligation of. bar complaint by the Alabama Slate Bar Office of GeneI'd Coon ..!. After numerous con-osponden<:e to Morgan. he fail.,. (Jr rrluS«lto ~pond to the bar's rtqu<'st f(Jr informalion . M"'llan oITem! a leu" dated Seplcmbor 12, which he contended he Wf'QIe in 10 the lotter from the Birmingham Bar Grle"""""


Committee, I..n v.'lrich he says "'is inad""nen~y never mail"" 'The kller did!lOl ac'u3l1y ~pond to the charges in a meaningful ",'ay, Further. evrn si. Wttl< Ia'er.... ben appearing in of his pe'ition to dis. 501"" the ,u'pen,ion. M"'llan had !lOI filed and did I"If)! lrinS with him any ",'lincn answeTt '0 the charges. This maner was board on October 29, 2002 bof"",




10 0 l

Panel V of the Disciplinary Board. They ordered that M"'llan ', petition be conditionally grant'" under the following condition>: As $OOrl a$ f<a$iblt. Morgan was 10 file ""ith theC,.. nernl Conn ..1 a full and com· plete ~ 10 the oharges. addressing each and evny allega~on. If the General Connsel decided that the ~ponsc was odcquate. the petition \OI(IUld be deemed granted. and M"'P" \OI(IUld be deemed ",in· ,,,...,. . FoIlowiog the oral aMOUtIC<ment of the foregoing decisioo at the conclusion of the hearing on October 29. M"'llan later fikd hi' rtspon ... which the General Counsel d id !lOI object 10. On November 4. 2002. an order e"',~ and. ;\ICC{I(1j;ngly. M"'llan', ""';' ion was gran' '''. thettby ",iTlSl:lting him 10 the practice of law.


Disbaiii ..... ts • 'The Supreme Conn of Alabama adopIed the order of 1he Di..iplinary Board. Panel IV. disbarring Mobile

"IIO<1><y Paul M a rtio •·....-.;I. r. J r. fmm the pr.><"tic:e of la ... in the State of Alabama, effecti,'e Seplember 25,2002. Foerster ..... found guilty of all charges. including ",Ies 1.1 (oom""""...,(. 1.3 (dilis"nee(. 1.4(0) and (b) lcomm""ica~onl. 1.S{a) (feesl, 5.5 [unauthori>.ed pr.><"tice of lawl. 8. 1(b) (bar admission and disciplinruy ma"ers]. and 8.4(c), (d) and (a) rmi"",""uctj. of the Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct. n.e.. offense!l included willfully neglect· ing cases. in which had been ~id a "'taincr. failing to <:ommunicat~ with hi, C!i~nts, misrrpre .. n. ..,ion 0.- di&ho~'y, practicing 1.... while his lic~n'" was .uspcntkd, charging ~x""ssive ftts, and failing to cooperate or ""pond to the bar investigation. Upon Foerster's failu .. 10 file: any answer or other defonsive pleading. default judgment was entered on Febwary 26. 2002. SO those anogations wo'" deemod admi,,"'. Foo:rst.(, ","~n prior i1l51""",,s of bar dis. cipline also consi<kred in ",ndering the deci· sion. (ASB !lOS. 99·79 (A), 99·184(A). 99·219(A). 99·237(A) . 99·258(A). 99-299(A}. 00-12(A). 0047(A). and OO-96(A)]

NC'<OI Jmey atrom<:y Ix-Id C. \'ailla_r1 ..... elisbarm;! from the pnrIitt of ' - i~ !he Stale of Abbaml effl'Cti"" SeplemI:>tr 20, 200'2, The "',,",me ro,m ent<ted iu ........ based

upon III< ok>ci'ion of tile Di'!Ciplinary 80ard disbarring Vail1lntoun a. recipl'O<al di'!Cipli"" por$UIIIt Ie> Rule ~I), A,R.D.P. This di'!Cipliroe ..... based "pI)II lhe JllIy IS. 200'2 ordor ohhe SoI,,",me Coon of N_ Jmey di>bar. n", 'hillanroun from ,he prxt;"" 0( IIW in tile Sto'" of New Jomey based upon hi. plea of guilty to nuil frau.d in violation 0( 18 U.S.C.A. St-<1iom ]]4] and 2. IRule ~.);!'.:I. No, 02-«!]

0.. Oc-.. 3. 200'2, !he Abbaml S"PfmIe COIIIt enten:d III ........ dis-

b;urinl Oinningham "tomey Al~n ~; .... rdu., Jr, fmm lhe prx'ice of I_w in the Sl~te e>f AI.bama eff",,_ tive Seplembrr 5, 2002. JIIUl<WlIIO Rule 23. A.R.D.P. PMI ... en"ted I oonom, to disbannedl dalCd September

,. ""'-

PtnJ....... """"ictcd 0( bank f...1Id on S<,>Iembc, 19,200] in the Uniled S,.lts Dislrici Coun fo< the Nonll<m Di.lriol of Alabam.a. He wo • ..,,,,ent«! to _ 4] month. in !he C\lSIOdy of the OU~IU of Pri>Ons and 10 nW;e relIi"""", In Ibe ......... '" of $176.165.86. PmIue was again """"."ed 0( bank rraod on Ju]y 8, 2002. in !he U.S. J)iltrk1 Coun for III< North<m DiSlnct of Alabama. He w:u ",",en«<! 10 "'IV. 201 monIIu to I1Jn COnt:W'1'O'tIdy ,.,ilb the Seplemborr 19Ib ..,.,...ic:lion, and 10 make rt$litulion in !he """"nl of $61.291.68.

PmIue noMK"d!he t>ar of hi> ron.ictions and. III<~aflCr.• ntolT'd I ron5<'nllO disbarmenl.

$o"tMtnSions • MOIII..,.....,-y anomey Ktllh A........... conditional lu,hy plea 10 violallons of ",k$ J.3 and 1,4(1). A.R.P.C .. and wl< <USpended from lhe prxlice of law in !he S..,. 0( Alabama for a period of one ~ar. The board "'yed the ;mp<)$i~"" of !he 1.'1""'!.ion in ........ 10 allow A...oorn 10 make IUIllution in Ibe """""nl of S6.SOO to !he oompbirWII "" 0< ber"", April 13. 2002. The board funhtT onIemIlhal !he IU'pension would be SU!Ijlended ~"" a""lCd upon payrncnt of ~I!i'uli""


lind that Ausbon> would m:ei"" • "" .... 10" I'I'primand wilhoul ~n.nI publica. ,,"" and be pIar.d "" ~ion for I period oft_ yurs. AIl>born made

reslituti"" 10 !he rornplail\alll in. lirncly manner. Ausbom wl$ ~Ialned to re<:oYe. dama"" for injoaria; tlIM the rompial ...... m:eived i~ I rnocor whicle _ide", tIw ~ "" April JO.

1996. Ausbclm lilrd SU;t, bul ""'" "'"


Ible Jo oblain service "" lhe danl. On>er ], 1997, Au.born WI$ suspended from III< pr'IOIice of law in tho SoalC of Ala.bam.a for. peri. od 0(91 <11)'1. Aust.:.m in(ortnfd!he compIai ....... aboul tho suspension. .,... mcountced In not 10 ICrmi.... him and 10 allow him Ie> ,,"main 1$ "'" ItlOme)'. promisinllO compJo," 11<. cue ",·!ten hi. , "spensi"" was over. A"sOOm ~prestn'<'d 10 !he com· p.. inanllhal he eXPf'Cled 10 be ~in· 5Qled in FebnJary ]998 ..... tIw "" action would be ~ on In case prior 10 lhal Ii....... Ausbon> ....... no! ,,",,»Wed in February ]998.!>urinz hi . susprnsion. III< ooun iooiell<'d Ihal the COSIO would be dismissed for failu~ 10 ~le d~ 10 IllCk of service. Dun", litis Ii ....... Ausbom did not NOnmu....,..... " 'itll !his clienl """'ell>' "" !he mailer. 0.. J.roe 3. 1998, ..1Im the coun orolrlT'dlhal ......·ice be ohIained within 14 days 0< the cue would be di,. missed. AUlborn "aused • summoou 10 be ilSued 101 differenl~."""n Ihoulh be had no! bffiI ..i .....ed 10 !he ~ of ...... It Iha'lime.. The "''''''''''s "'as m\lmfd fOf fail"", of ...-vice and !he case _ di .... issed "" July 9, 1998. (ASB No, 99·I8(A}J

• On AU8"" 14.2002 !he [)i!ICipli""'l' Comtnium of !he Alabama Stale Oar enlOred ........... dinoIvi'" \\'1II1am Eo f'rie!. 11 '5S\1mm1f)''''sponsion from !be pnrtke 0( ....... The 1lIrn.nary IUS""",,ion ..... imposed by !he o.",.pI'lIIf)' CommiN-ion of !be Alabama 5",,,, BM on April ]9. 2002 because of Fri<l', failu .. 10 respond 10 '"'I"""U for infomwion (rom !he Alahamo Slife Ibr dun", the course 0( I "'I<'opIilllf)' iovwiption. The eli ..... IuIion of the 0IIQ\fIW)' SU$prnsion .... pan of • coodilionalluihy plea ....... milled by Friel in four peooi", di!ICipliouuy Ca<oeS, In ASO No, 02·38(A),


Friel pkd guilly 10 "iolaling rule. 1.3. 1,4{I) and 8.1(b). A.R,P.C. Friel admil' led IhI" he failed I() file I brief in the Alabama Coun of Criminal Appeal, on bett.1lf of a <litIlI and Ih'" he did 1>01 re,pond 10 requests for informalion during lhe in",,"iplion of the com· plaint. In ASB No.I)I.311(A). Friel pled guilty 10 violating rules 1,3. 1.4(3) and 8, I(b). A.R.P.C. and agned 10 make re!'ilUlion 10 lhe romplainanl in the amounl of S6OO. Friel admilleil that he "'as hi~ 10 file. Chapter 7· rup<cy and was paid a $(,(l(} f<e. bul did not file the b.mkrup<cy. In oddil;on. Frio] d id n<Jt re.pond 10 requesl$ for information from the in""Sligalor for the local commiuee of the Birmingham Bar A,ooeialion. In ASB No, 01·IS8(A). Friel pled guilly 10 violating rul .. 1.3 and 8.I(b). A.R.P.C. Friel admilled thai he failed 10 me. brier in lhe Alabama COUll of Criminal Appeals on behalf of a olionl and did !101 respond to requests for information d uring lhe invesligalion of the com· plain' , In CSP No. 01· 77)(A). f ri-el pled guilty 10 viol.ling rul ... I,] and 1.4(0). A.R.P.C. Friel admilted thai be was rel.:tined in July 2«(110 "'l""sem a dionl in a di~ ""'ion and was paid 5500. Friel moved wilhout notifying the elienl and did lillie or no work on bthalf of the oliont. In addilion 10 dis· solving the ••munary suspension. the [)isciplinary Conlmis.sion ordered thai Friel be 'U!pended from lbe p<aClice of law for 3 period of91 days, How",'er. the [)isciplinary Commission wspend. ed lbe 91-day .uspension and placed Friel on probalion for • period of lwo years. (Rule 20(1): Pet. No 02-05 and ASB tIOS. 02.38(A). 01.158(A). OJ· Jll(A) and CSP No. OI·773(A))


Poinl Clear anorney Robert Hernaed W il kins. Jr. was inlerimly su.t:>'ndcd by order of lhe. [)isciplinary Commissioo of lhe Alabama SIOle Bar eFfecli"" October 9. 2002, Wilkin. "'as su.t:>'nded ~,,;uanI I O Ru le 21)(1). Alabama Ru les of [)isciplinary Proc:edure. The Office of General Coonsel filed a petilion ~rsuanllo Rule 20(0). ba>cd upon Wilkins' being indicled in the Un ited States Oi"ri~1 Cou" for the Southern [)i",kl o f Alahama for violaling 18 U.S.C. Seclionl708 (mail fraud(. 74


llle Oiscipllnary Commi ... on fur· lher o.-dcred liull Wilkin' be reslricted from mai ntaining I InUi """oonl. (Rule 20(0); Pet. No. 02·111 HODvor attorney C~ry W8y~ A bboll was sust:>'nded from lhe pra<:lice of law in lhe State of Alabama for. peri. od of 22 month. by order of the Alabama Supreme Coun. The ,upreme couJl eme~ ils onIerbased upon lhe lindingll .rod ord<r of the Di..,iplinary Conunission of the Alabama SlOle Bar. llle Commissioo fUJIbe.- o.-dcred Ihal the suspension .tIould be relrOOCtive to SeJ>lcmt>er 2. 2!XXl. lhe effective date ofa 91..(\>y suspension in ASB No. 00- 115(A). Abbon made "'slilUlion in each case. In ASB No. 01 -55(A). lhe corn· plainant hired AbbotllO defend her brother in • ..,,,u.1 abo .. and paid 5 I O.txXl of a $15.txXl fee. When Abbotl was suspended. Abbotl WTOIe the < and told her he was su'pended. bul staled that he would be re inM'led in 91 day•. Abbotl referred the ~ase to 300Iber att~y who 'old the complainanl he would not mal:< a coun appearance wilhoul being paid lhe remaining -S!i.txXl .he ow,>d Abbott. Abbot. did not ""pond during the bar's in-."Iigalion of the romplaint. Abbotl pled guilly 10 v;olaling rules l.I6(d). 8.I(b). 8.4{a) and Ig). A.R.P.C. In ASB No. 01.82(A). the com· plainanl hired Abbotllo represenl her in a divorce. She paid him 5500. plu, the filing f~. Abbott did no WOTt in the nI.lter and the complain.anl could not locale him. Abbotl did noI respond during lhe bars inv.Slig"';on of lhe complaint. Abbotl pled guilly 10 viol.l· ing rules 1.3. 1.4{.). l.I6(d). 8.1 (b). 8.4{a). and (g). A,R.P.C. In ASB No. 01·174{A). lhe rom· plainant and her hu,band hi~ Abbotl and paid him a $1.000 relainer 10 represtnl them concerning problem, lhey were having wilh their new van and their inabilily 10 re""h a settlernenl with the ok.ler. Abbott did!101 pu,,;ue their daim, againsllhe. okal .. or the manuf""lurer and. 01 the time they filed the bar complainl. had phy.ic,"1 possession of lheir vaJl al his home. Afl .. hi. '"'t:>'n,ion. the oornpl.inants learned thai Abbot!"s file< hat] been lurned over 10 another anorney. bul

woore "nabl.,o obtain a copy of lheir file. They hi~ a Tl<l1her .uomey 10 handle the mailer for them. Abbotl did noI respond during lhe bar·, inveSliga. lion of the complaint. Abbotl pled guilly 10 violaling mk' 1.3. 1.4(a). 1.1 6 (d ), 8.1 (b). g.4{a ). ant! (g). A. R.P.C. In ASS No, 01·175(A). lhe com· pl. inanl retained AbbQI, 10 okf~nd her on criminoJ oharge. and paid him 51.250 of a $1.500 relainer. Abbon did some ,,-or\< in lhe case and mati< appearance. , 1I""'e",,r. he "'as .u,pended prior 10 conelu!ion of lhe. repreStn",tion, llle oompiainanl rrq""led an accounl and a refund. bulAbboIl never responded. Abbotl did no! respond during lhe bar', inv."igalion of lhe complainl. Abbotl pi"" guilty 10 violaling rule> 1.3. 1.16(d). 8.1(b). 8.4(a) and (g). A. R.P.C. On So~mber 27. 2002. the Supreme COUll of Alabama o.-dcred Abbotl reinSialed 10 lhe pra<:lice of law in lhe Siale of Alaba""". eFfecli,.. AuguS! 21. 2002. The supreme 000"', order was haSttl upon a Soptember 6. 2002 o.-dcr of lhe Disciplinary Board of lhe Alabama Stale Bar ",in"ating Abbott ~rs"anIIO the provi.ion, of Rule 28. A. R.O.P. (ASB nos. 0155(A). 0 I·S2(A). 01·174(A). 01· 17S(A) and Pot. No 01-01 J

On August 26. 2002. tbe Suprem" COO" of Alabama adopted the July 9. 2002 order en l e~ by the [)isciplinary Bo.:trd. Panel IV. ,u-,pending Annislon allortleY James A lm ..-i<k Milchell, J r. from the pra<:lice of law for 90 days. with 30 days to be set'Ved and 60 days 10 be held in abey:lllCe. pending complclion of. lwo-year pr0bation. Said ,uspension became effec· live June 17.2002. MiIChell \\-a& retained by Brenda GbolSlOO 10 ",,,,,,. senl her in a divorce proceeding in Sep<emher 1998. Ghol"on paid $325 in cash 10 MiIChell", oecre1ary. M ...


Rudolph. Rudolph Gho"lon a receipt for poyment of the allOm.')--' f<e. "t"her<after. GhoI,,,,,, heard nodting from Milohell. so she contacled him during the flfSl pan of 1999. MiIChell ....,red G holston thale""rylhing "'as fine and he had her poperwoO;. Thertafler. GhoI.<IOIt recti""" a telephone call from Mitchel]". new secretary... king her 10 come in because her

file Iud t-n ""1e!M. A few m<IIIlhs bin. Gholston ch..<:ked at ~ coon· IIoluoe and .... informed !hal no dimra: ~ Iud ~n filrd. Toward tho end of 1999. Gi>oI!1OO tnr1 willo Ml~"'11 and lie informed Iler Ihal Rudolph Iud W:... ~ """"'Y fl'Olll hi. offICe and ... would follow up I<) CCI her di.u= U1<imalely. Mi.m..ll filed a oo.r¢oinl fordi~ "" Sepotrnber1. 2000. M'kMll ~fied IhaI RlIdoIph ... rrr_ ""~ in Dectmbcr 1998. and beeause of her mmlnallCli.ily. lie loA appro.>"'lely $.'i.000. ,"'rrf"",. he had hcr l'fOSl!<'U'OO for thrfl. The boanl found MilChell £uilly olviobling ~ 1.) and U(a) of ~ AbIwn:a Rules of

~ Condon Pnor <fu,,:iplillC ,,"¥ ooruiocJomj.

Birmingham anome), Ed"·ard Eo A" K,,-In received a public rrprim.IId W.. oo...1 ccncl"1ll public.IIOft for Violal. in, rules l.J. 1.4(1) and 1.4(b). A.R.P.C. An' .. 'in..-as ........... in St~",.,..,. 1995 I<) file &u" ~ M.. InCft~ Tc..,. rOt' brr ....11 of a con_ ....... , or.mploy ..... nl. A~ an inilial

invCIIilltion ohained • S20.000 ioOnIc ........ offer. iii. di ..... dcc~ncd ,be offer and advised \hal be would "'" lab .... than $100.000. Thcrr.flcr. Angwin filed suil on \>( ..... " orhis clicn' and _ i ..1ed aoolhcr lawyer I<) -SSiM in ,be litigation. During di~ry. """n..,1 for MclnCftx Tc"" inrimatcd lhao. their eli.." W3S tlpcricllC'", filWlCial dirroculties ..'hieh mip. rault in bankru~y. Angwin advised hi, cii ... t of thi. fact alld told him thaI his poIcn'i •• mighllo:<e all of ilS .11"" ;rlhal o«urred. As suuestcd. M crnorex T...... filed banbupIcy Oft October I~. 1996. Angwin ftt<'ived Nouee of SuwsUon of BantruplCy frorn oppoI_ j", coo .... l. n..-reaflcr. A",win did "'" file . elaim on behllf of hi. elicnl in the i)onk"'ptcy pr<:ICffdinl. Angwin abo failed 10 romntunkale "'illo lilt elichl rrgarding lilt m"ul of ,he man ... or 10 pr'O>"idc the elicnt with $Uffkienl. ..:urate infonnation 10 •• ..,... him 10 mal;. 1nfonned dccioionl rrgarding thr <qnl.enlaliort. All raul!. his cliett!' •

dliltll ...twe."CIlIocir """;1. "'OK for.

fc.1ro ",i1bou1 the di..,,,·, Infonned [AS8 No. 01 -248(Al)


• On September 6. 2002. <ndsdcn alto!". JIe)I John ~:.d"·anl C:un" lnglia n, I'f«h-ed I public rrprim:and willo gC1l_ enl publication , On June 24. 2002. CunnlllglLam '.!aived the liIin, of for· mal dIuic:< and pleaded JUilly 10 thr alJqaIions of a """'flI>int Iwoughl api .... him by hi. former eli.",. Jamie Dani,1. Dis.oipline I&'ftd to w .. I pul>lk "'rrimand Wilh ~ .... "'I publicali<>n. Cunningham ~nt<d o.n~1 in II di¥<fte ~..._A. pan o(!be di>On;e set. dement. bcr u-hu>bMtd "'... 10 ",,"ui ... "" makinS POymC1llS on hrr . , _ bile. By "I'ftlllC1l1 with the tl-hmNIId. tIoc$o! paymcnll were ..,n!.o Cunningham f(ll" l/ansmillll] to Daniel. In Ottt!mber 2001 and Janu:uy 2002. Cunntngham inad.-..ncn!ly pve DaItiel insuf''''icn! fundo ~htcQ fOt' her 11110 poymetl"- laicr.1 oompt ..", ... rtled with lilt Abbuna Suoe S. rrgardi",

tlus sillI3Iion. Cunnin&haon ..... .,...".,;ded w.lIo • copy of lhe complain! and .....


m;ocslt<! 10 respond 10 i, in wriling. In spite of n"",,1'00.< COOlacts by !he bar. Cunningham failed 10 respond. Because Cunningham was al",ady em probaIion for failing 10 n"fK'I'd in anothIT unrelaled C<)nIplainl. on inl.rim suspensioo was ordered by !he Disciplinary Commissioo. Af,er Cunningham C<)nIplied wilb c<rtain req"i",,,,,,n!$. "'" inl<rim suspension was dissol,·ed. Cunningham was COlI· 'inued 00 his p-robalioo of lwo ye ...... Upon his plea. C"nn ing.h3m was found guilly of viola~ng Rule 8.I(b) lbar admissioo and disciplina'Y maIlerS) of "'" Rules of PrQfessional Conduct. IASB No. ()2..83(A»)

• On 5<plember 6. 2(X)2 Syla::aug .. a llomr:y Mkha el A n'hnny G lnns received I public reprimand wi!boul ge .... "'I""blicalioo. M r. McGhee hired Givens during Dttember 2000 10 file a divorce for him. He Gi,-en.< S6IS for on "''''''''!eSled di,."rce. 10 incl"de f~~ for . I"""""ss .. rver in New York Cily. whe .... !he el'","ged wife li,·ed. Gi,'ens did not file Ihe div<)I"Ce u",il March 13.2001 . During March and April 200 I. Given, failed 10 adequaleIy C(lmmu nic .... wilh McGhee aboul hi' etrans 10 ba.., Ihe wife "" ..... ed. O n April 2. 2001. McGhee paid Give ... 31IOIher S 160 for a process server in New York. 1\,." WttU Ialcr. be called lhe process ....... er·' office and was lold Ihallhey had IlOl recei"ed any di,-orce paper$ from Gi,-ens. nor had lhey had any communicalion with him. On In .... l. 2001. McGhee filed a complainl wilh lhe Alabama Stale Bar. o;",n, waS senl a copy of lhe oomplainl 00 AU8usi 2. 200 1 and askM.o respond '0 il within 14 doy, . Aft .. several addi_ lional lellers and caa, from Ihe bar. GivM. fi .... lly submilted a response: on OclCkr 10. 2001. T1Ie Disciplinary Commission found Givens', condncl in viOlation of ",I.. 1.3Idiligence). 1.4(.) [communicaliooJ. and 8.1 (b) lbar admission and discipli nary mai_ lers] Ala bama Rules of PrQfessional Condncl. IASB No. 00-

233(A)] F r2Jlk M. C aulhe n, JC. l«eiv«l a pub~~ ,."primand Wilhoul gent .... 1 publicalion for . iol'lion, o f rules 8.4{a). (c) and (g). Allobruna Rules nr PrQfessional CondllCl. The Disc ip linary Conunission a lso ordered




lhal Coulhen resliloli"" 10 hi. former I"w finn in !he """"'"' of S7.512.17. Cau""'n ".,.. ~mploycl with a law fum. A. an empk>yee of thal finn. he re<:eived case referrils from OIher 311Of_ neys within"'" fum. as well as oUor_ ...ys from ,,"!Side lhe finn. The finn', policy and prlIICIice was Ihal any and all f"", resulling from wO<ll"'rfOl"l1'l"d by an a llorney employed by Ihe fum W"'l "'" propeny of Ihe finn. Afler Caulhen began wO<ling fOf lhe finn. lhe finn employ«l OJ>OIb<r auomr:y. 1'ha1.llor· .... y broughl wilh him "",h." file. from his former finn. The '!lomey made se",ra] 31lemplS 10 $tule """ of "'" cases lbal he broughl "'lth him. He " 'as IlOl ~OC<;eS$fuJ in ""gOli.. ing a ...,,10menl with the adjo' ler assigned 10 lhe c .... Thereafl.r. Ihe auomr:y "'felTed lhe ca.« 10 Caulhen becaur.e Cau1hen had bttn sue<:<:s.sfol in ntgoli"ing wilh Ihe adj"'l<T on a previou, case. During Caulhen', represenl31ion he used personnel. "'Iuip""nt. "upplin and OIlier I"tSOUrttS of Ihe finn. Cau""'n was able 10 suc.ocssfully negOli.1e a Stul,menl. Prior 10 disburselnenl of Ihe sel~",nenl. lhe al10mey woo brough11he case lnlO !he finn lold Coull.. n Iba. he did "'" inlend 10 rt"pOI"Ilhe 311omr:y"S fet earned in 1he ~1Se 10 lhe finn. lie also IOId Cau""'" Ihal if be did 00. W3m '0 "'poI1 Ihe fet. be would not say any_ lhing abou1 iL Caulilen expressed COlI· cern thaI the .. lIlemel\1 would appear in"'" finn', 1/1.101 accounl and re<:<Jrds. BUI the "lOIT><y ... ,ured C"Ulhen thaI he would use his 1/1.1" accoun1 from his former fi rm 10 disburse the seltlemenl. After rrcei"ing assurancelhal the 311or· ney·. f'" W<)IIld be COII<:ealM from the finn. Cauthen ""copied his .hare of Ihe .l1omey·, fee and deposi.ed it inlO hi' porsooal accounl wilhoul roponing i, 10 Ihe finn. (ASB No. OI.223{A)J Anni""" allomr:y lI ugh Mtcrill Varda n,wl1 recei,-"d. public repri· mand wilhou1 general publicalion for violali ng rule, 1.&(0) and l.I~(c). A. R.P.C. A cli<:llL woo was Ihe brother of Vardaman', socre1aly. ,""",,,,'ed against hi. house. He was unable 10 make !he Jl.1.ymenIS and coo· "",ted Vardaman fo< help. In .....c"""go f<lr Vardaman', belp, Ihe dicnl tr:InSferred Ihe deed 10 Ihe house 10

V3rdaman. Vardaman bonuwed ",iii· cionl money 10 sati,fy !he flJ"Sl mortgage and I"""'."nl f""""Ios"",. V:mbman and Ibe dienl agn>«l that because he owed f""" for prior legal .. rvice, and for oth<r loans. whioh be did 001 "'pay, V.rua.nan W<)II1d recei,.. addi~onal ~ from the new loon. Vardaman .grttd 10 make paym<nl< on "'" loon and 10 pay the illS~ and tall"" untillhe clienl decided ".. hal he wanted to do wilh Ihe house."Tho agroemenl "'-os 001 reduced 10 wriling and Ibe """'-"'Iioo was toOt in co",plianct with oo.....1""""ioru of Rule I.&(a). A.R.P.C. DocumenIS recei,-"d from the closing auomey establish that lhe "sales rontrac!"' provided. price of $65.000. willl rn<~ipl of $20.000 eamesl '''''''''y acknowl«lged and $45.000 due.l closing. The HUD- I "'.. menl established IhOl!he (.($1 morigagc of S12.l69.38 "'.... sali,r.M and 1Il",IIIe di~nl should ba,'e received $32.588.82. The closing allOr· r.ey Ihis amounl 10 "'" clieol wi.h cbec~s. A ~heck for $2l,685.82 was made Jl.1.yable $01~ly 10 Ihe di~nl .nd a ~heck fo< $10.903 W"'l made Jl.1.yable 10 the d06ing .lLomr:y and lhe c1i~nl. The S I (1.903 chec k ".,.. lbe amount due from Vardaman 10 close the Innsaclion. Obviously. lhe clienl paid this " l1>O\Inl. [n oddiliOfl. Van:Ltman "",-er aclually paid Ihe $20.000 eamesl mooey ad'/IOwledged in the "sales ronlract:' Afler 111e closing. Vardaman I""Jl.1.I-ed a deed from himself 10 the dienllO be used in ~a .. orv........ """·' death. AI some point. the clienl decided.o .. 11 the house. A friend of the cl;enl'$ was in"'rested in !he house and signed I lease with an opIion 10 buy. Duringlhe tin ... thatlhe friend was making arrangemenL. 10 ""I<:hase lhe house. !he di~", di.,;!. llH! di~",', $Ole beir was 3 minor child. the dien!". wife having died. few years earlier. The ..... ""ulor of 1he eliem', estale. woo was also the guardian for 111e minor child. was forttd 10 hi'" I lawytr 10 belp him rrcover Ihe assets of !be estate from Vardaman. In ron"' ..... ti"'" with thai lawyer. Vardaman explained lhal if be wa, "'" able to selllhe hou ... then he WO\Ild de.,;! lhe bouse 10 the diem', eW"o and if he sold the bouse. lben he wonld !"Cmil the proceeds 10 1he aHor_ ney 10 hold in lnlsl u1llil such lime ...



lhe uccutor and ,1Wdi... n:leaocd Vardaman and his ICCretary from Illy liabilily, OUI of the earlier lransItClioos belwun Vanbffilln and hi. elicnL \ evwwaJly sold Iht hoous<-. Hoot'",,", he did 0001 depof.I' Iht procuds from Iht We of the hoide UI 1nI$I. H. commin.1ed Ihe funds and tn:,ucd lhem OS hi. OWn. Vardaman ,.....,""laIly "",d $40.000, less fuDen! Hpmoes. 10 !he IIlOme)' for Ihe _ 10 bold in Ir\I$I ",,,il a ~Iorship could be uublishcd for the minor child . That amounl rep.... ntcd all of the funds d..e Ibe estate. IAS B No. Ol · I901

• o.t Oc'ober14,lOO1.1hc Oiscipli.wy Commission of the Alabon .. S,.,. Bar det.rmiMd ilIal Ikssemn "'lOme)' l.oemie Antltony Wa.sbin~'010 should


rccei.-e a publIC reprimand .. acner;ll publicallOil . C'Iwi<1Ic Floyd of s.s..mcr w"' in.'OlvN ,n III autOfrH>bile occident on March S. WOO. On MOlIth 12.2000. &he ..-aHontJC,f/d ovn Ilk phoro£ by Sttphed nan. ",ho Shied IhaI he ...... a ~c lalm $pociali"~ with the Wm,n.'oo Low Cen' ••. Tun $LooM <ha, he had obuurord Floyd" lWlIC and number from a poIooc occidefM n:pon. lie \Old Floyd thai he ""al\Ied 10 help horr l " horr car n:pairr:d and " ... whaec.",. else yoo are entilled 10." Tun nIC' willt floyd the following day at>d la"" he. a bus.incss card. .."hid! clearly iden,iflCd b,m N. "dbm ~;lli,,~"' !he Wurungton Law Cenl .... Over theen,u ,n, wecks . Tult proceeded 10 ncIOli3l.' Sooule· ..-,pt of Floyd" propnly ~ daim for $4.300. He &rranIftl for the

repair of Floyd', ""hicl. under quaIIOnabJe ci",um" ........ Later. Floyd leamed that ,he in.u",,,,,,, romJlOny """ declared be. car • """110M. WlICn OOII~ by ,he Btrmi~ Bar

Gf1e\farJCe Comm"""" WWu"'&lOO suted that he had "" t-Iedac of ~'oyd or II« m,uranee claim, and thai he had DC) file (JOt the c_. Washington foutber .WIIN thai Slcphcn TIIn DC) longer worted forh,m. SICphcn Too clbmlld """ he "",eivN DC) I1loOIIqI from lito! claim. bul ....... ".....,Iy helpinl Floyd bee .... .., ohe was known 10 a fncnd of hi •. The Oisdpli....y COInIIIWOOn fOl.U>d Wltl.h'''iW'' ', spee,f.. "'''0IlS 10 he vinla""" o(!\Ile< S.S(b) lunaulllorizod practice of llwl IJ>d 7,6 [professional cards of non12.WY""'1 of \he Alabama Ru"" 0( Profeu.lonal Conthlct. •

TIlt Alabama Stal~ Bar L1wytr Rmral 5ervIce Ciln provide you with an excellent means 0' taming a living. so It Is hanl to believe that only thrN percent of Alabama anol1lf'yS partklpate In this seI'i1cel lRS wants you to (onskler .Iolnlng. The lawye" RdernII Service Is not a pnI bono 1tga15er\'Kt. ArIornI'ys agree to chaIge l1li mort IIIan $25 for an INtIaI COII5dlatIon. not to elC<eed JO mIootes. If. after the o:onsuItation.lhe attorney dedcIes to iKll!pt the case, he or she may then marge his or her oormal fefs. In iIddItIon to 9l11lng a ~ for your sef'I1(e, the greater rtwarllis Ihat you will be helping your It!lIow dIIzens. Most referral dlents haYe never <OIIIaded a Lawyer before. Your (OIJnsellng may be ;J/Itha1 Is 1Itf(Ied, or you may offer further seMres, No matter what the outcome of the Initial ronsultation, the MxI time Ihey or their friends or family need an attomey,lhey will oome to you. for more IntoonatIon about the LRS, oontad the stall! bar at [800) 354-61S4, letting the ~ knoW that you are an attomey Intelested In be<omlng a member of the Lawyer Refernl SeMa!. AnnulI fees are S100, and ead1 member must provide proof of professIonaIllabillty IIISUIiIIICe.



ILII-.;: M..... rs: Twc fl. kstn;jl 0150 W\lId$ C/lless per bar II1II!IIber per 13~ 'f'B3I' D«ll'T 101 'pOS,l>OI\_tecl" 01 '~IIOO 01111111' 1Q1rlgt-S35 1* W\sertJon o/SO words C/lim. $50 po!< IOldilional word: Non ........,., $3!i per -.on 0/50 WOfIb Of ' - . $.50 per additIOnal word. ~ !;Opt and ~ musI be teeeMId lCm'dong 10 !hi ~ pubIisIwIg sthecloIe· Matth 2IXIJ 11M e.1h.... ..IIruIrt 5. 2003. May 2003 iS$' $ \e"fliM Man:tl 5, 2003. ~ 2003 0$$" . . . . . . May S,

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