Lawyer 1 2006 web

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Janulry roo.;

Vol 61 No 1

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Spring Calendar 2006 January







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iI Oowrtd """:L


""'*' by hoi c.-fotd. JD


Alabama Lawyers' Hall of Fame


Unpacking Alabama's Plain· Meaning Rule of Statutory Construction lIy M.,.: I.mes A'Iff'


e Qualit)' of Jus tice

IIyOnyt(Jfl .... IIC'n.I.




n ...T!! aAI cwru 1'0«




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Assertion of the Fifth Amendment Privilege Against Self-Incriminatio n in Civil Proc«dings


By G, It.oy KoIb, Ir, .not ""dll.... 1- P'frif.., Jr_


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Table 01 Contents » m",,",""; on"..1l" 6

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Painful Findings: Determining the Availability of Mental Anguish Damages in Alabama



By Swan E. I>kPbtrwn



As n Fall 2005 Admittccs


2005 I>ro Bono Honor Roll

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President's Page



Bar Briefs


Disciplinary Notices


You ng Lawyers' Section

Whlll II Diffl'f""Ke 25 Years MIIU


Executivc Director's Report

FfJr AU 111;$ arid MfJrt, Ch«k Our www.a/aoollla}"/s.fJrg

mIT LaW)YTJ Saving in OIlr Staft llgislatllrt


Important Notices


1006 Rtgular Smiotl

Jill/Kial Almnl rJf Mn"il NOli« of EknifJlI Ullited SlaIn District Court, NfJr/ht"l District of Alnbama, Birmillgha m V1lI"1U1'Y AmlOWICClllrlll



Legislative Wrap-Up


Opinions of the Ge neral Counsel l.a~asa



About Mcmbers, Among Firms



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President's Page

IIbbby ~goll

What a Difference 25 Years Make know. My 1oS! col""", .... 'n" (""ny. So"",> jus, _n', fum,y-hu,,;· ~m ... 1loods, <!nth .00 do.'ruc'1011 ~nlQn8 ,hom. Thi' column', n<>1 ... Uy funny .,.her. but if. pm'y inlc<n1ins." 1<...,10 ...... Td me '(you . 1\fft with th. puillt "in.. Ifr<'u dis,osr«.I.U K.ith NonnilJl. In October. J .11<11<1«1 • c.kb .... 'ion



honorin8 the lS)nrj Myron 1bomJ»(ln

has .ptnl ... (<<1.,>1 di'trict judg< in Abb.IT\J', Middk Dimk •. In lu ... , J .tlcnd«!,h<l<lnl< kind.,{ 2S.ynr<dcbr:l'W" for U.W. ekman, d,micl Judg< in

Nonhcrn District. 80th 1"''';« fun. No! friday-njghl'·;n~



fun, but fun. An.!. =rm;'.ingly m<)\"ing. So movingllull p",m;."d '''rodf I ",'OUld n~r .pin milS' por'Y lik ,h.>l-~n if n01 in""td. And. ,in« [ IikIy won', II< bar prnidtnt n..1 Ii .... th ....', • 25th .nnn...... ry ""rty for. hI:><k fMtr· a1100gc In AI.hanl., I'm I'w'Y '<ltt I won', bt I'm.n Amrrican, though. We'", .I .... Y' cruhing o,he, peupk'. l"'''in-juS! .>1< DubfiL E.~n trashing a f'&rly like Ihit «Iuld be ilifficult.t/wugh. «IMide. ing th>l_.t ~ t ['11 be oppmuhing 85 at th~ time. The only8S- o. 95 yn.-old Abbom. I.Iwyer .pry enough tu , ... h ~



I~'H! ~RY


I"'rly is lkat ur'. Joh n Caddc:11. I know }ohn C.cldtU •• ,>tII·m nu Jobn Cad<kU.' You I!"t lh< puinl.t/wugh. Si~ Judg< aemon .w.! Judge ThumpWn ...... 'ppuin,<d in 1980.1>01 on. otMr blxJr. man o. woman 1>:0, b«n numin. l<d 10 so"..., • (wern di;, ricl courl judI!" in AUbam •• That'. jU11 tIOl .ighL AI.b.t",.', popul. tion is more th;U1 ono-fou,th I>4<:k. ond AI.b.oma ha, .;tt<nIingir till· ontN bI>ek laW)'«> . 1l ""'" til< " ..., frum Hu"t>vWotu Birmingham to Mun'go>mcry 10 Mobil •. Y..,h, I know. I'..., bootn whining ,he ho, ...OO""'. way "" 0<1«. judgn in Sl.,. <ourI, 0»<1 now ['m ..'hi"'l"',ing :r/>uu, who do<sn', "" ><IK1l'<1 in fed ...1 (uu". And. yuu'", ~ng yuutSd_ ·w),.., dun ,hi: SOil .... nl. to ,pJ'Oin' 0.11 ,he judI!'" hinw:JP." W.U. ~ but linre no, an option, [ think COng.... ' m. n Attu, Davi. i, right. In I.nuary 2(lOl. h• ou, 'wo U.S ... n· .tUtS tu uf¥< P'.... Bu >h I'HU,ti>d<. black ",on .nd "",mon fur ,h. fcdt ral





bmch in AI.b.oma. J hop<' 1'J"'idcn,lIU$h will dO> just rn.t. Evtry un. o( oU, " ..... d i>rrict «Iun judS" is .,1.." pretty good. W.·.. funu· N,.th .. .... y. b ut . littl. d ivt1'Sity nn til< bench is. good thing. It MI,k......"....,.

rttl-rightly '" wronlW-liu jLl$Iiu ...~11y

is for . 11.1 think tilt U.s. Suplttnt Courl will loot so".,..,hi", if il md. up. onu "p,n, 8-1 mllc·f."..k,and I Ihink the bor .nd Our .nl~ ,,"I. will ",fT.r if .... loot racid dt..mly within Our f<tlrr.ol .nd lIott court .j'>t<mJ.

0 ... of ALtba"""'grnloot heron I"'»e<i ' ''-;oy ••«mly aha • Ion. iIIld in'piring life. Mrs. Ro,.. Pub did in d..,h ",hll "'" did throttghoul 1><. lir~ Sh. in.pired Abwmlalil. and .11 Am~rican .. 10

rememl>cr th .. our nOlion

is II>< bnd of ffffiiom .nd t<tualily. Whtn she ",fused 10 giw up I><r..,n on lhal b ..... ~. woI<e up In .nlire nllion .nd ushered in In <'fa of ""'nge .nd growl h Ih. Ii~ of whid> Ihis cou nlry hasn'I ....... . inc.. 1 hopt ..... ren'l filling :ulrq> "8";". J hope .... """tinu. ro ",mtmbcr how imporlon, il is mnain commin<tl to 1M d ....11'" of radol "" ... Iily.nd • coIor·blind ,o<i.ty. "l"llIs """uldn·, bc • p.rtiJil/l i...... Although bolh J....tge Ckmon .nd Judge Thomp60n W<"re Ippoinl<tl by Dmtocnl Jimmy Corter, both Rtpu.blicam and D<:mocnU haw since fail<tl,o follow bu !tad. Through two lerms of Rngan, on. Inm of BwIIl, ,..., I.rms of ainlon and now IInm-and-. ·half of B...h II, th ....·s not b«n 0 ... Ippointmnll of • b~ pcrson 10 tilt fedtrol bench in A1ab.o"",.



lhe ];oil word \hll comr:s 10 mind. "API'",hen.ion: yeo. "T..-ror: nlOj'bt. bol

' unqullift<d: 1IC\.... w'. fact il. Son.. fOlk. .r~n·' huge ra ... of lhe way judge <lemon run. h,.$<ounroom-Co ...., has Jew. ronlrol ...... Cubo-bul I>< is oboul tho ,",,,1tS1 guy [ kn.,.... MiIIlY of tho« who c. iliciotd him in L980 now sing hi' pnisn. A ronner bw clerk coUtd him "l»iU;'nl".nd ".1ts>I g<ni~" 0"" of

,'''' ,"'e', """"' ....,._fu[ ,,"~ said he ....... "highly i",.nigenl " and "rotop~dy fai •." fl~"'·•• littk backqound. judV' Cltmon wu born and .... mI in Fai.t>dd. AI.IN."",- fl. "'01$ "ughl in high odwoI by ...... sc:hool 1>nani """"btr F.lhd Hall. In cnll~ at Milt$. bc ...... ' II>< hcan nf II>< civil right> """nnc"nl. H. didn'I alway>. 'h-ough, =cl$t ,bc """'1 malu ... judgmtnl. Wlttn tuJctd by hi< ftIIow


L980 when ludge llIompoon Ind Judge

o<mon wat fllSl .ppoioted. Ihrir Ippoinlmenl >nS. roolentiow iuue wilhin tilt SI.k.nd in "'.... OUI.ide Ih ••Ult. The Am<1ian lin ,....od.. ion .... n tJ.imcd Ihal Judge

a.:-mo..-.. figh" pMm...r,a

Col umbia Law School grod.nd a .. >I. "u l>qualift<d."


roncernt-d . boul " imlni""nl hann," h~ did just th.,. Following CoIumbiz Low School in N<w Yo.k. I>< cam. hom< mort drtn_ min«! th.n .-r 10 OPI"'"" di..-rinUna· lion. AI. ];o"'"Y", he """'ltd h i. atttnlion pri""'rily 10 .1ICct>Sful ligln> ag. in .. ><so rtg.Ilion in ochool. and .-ilUl nnplormml dUcrim inalion. """,\ notably . , U.s. Sled. In 1974, he.o<I (now retiml) Cir( lodV' Richmond Pnrson htca ..... l he Ii..... ,..., bLo<Q d.<,od '0 Ibc ...... .....1•• itxt Rr-ron"ructlon. ",..,. when Judge CJcrno.n __ only 37 ynrs of 1ge, Preoidtrn Can..... with oliltle oudV' from

Mastering Advocacy Seminar

r kn.,... R<poblico ... ~ il in It.nn

JWI II much •• Iny The only black j ...,k< on 1M U.s. Supmne Coun. luniet Clor ....... Tho"", .. __ "OIninat<tl by Bw.b L' IVha, a JiJfrm<ce 25 ~N mau. h·, hlrd 10 bel ...... now. bUI back in

c1Iwuol<$ ' 0 r~'. ~ilion 10 !:lull Connor olIing fOI an md 10 5q;rrption. h~ acupttd .·11>< rcctplion he ~ (rom Ihe Bull h<lptd binI nl>Iu .... Conno. onltml him 10 In...., town. and .. r....tV' Cltmoo dt.KTib<'o iI, wmo;..,·hal

February 10, 2006 Cohoba Grand Conference Cenler, Birmingham Ieoluring

Donold Q . Cochron, Professor 01 Law, Cumbe<lond School 01 Law, Soroford Uni~rWy Stephen D. Heninger, Heninger Burll'" Vorgo & Dovi, LLP David H. Malllh. Marsh. Rickord & Bryon, P.C. .Iorne-s W. l'o","",n III, I'orkmon, Adorn. & White W. Stoncil StOmet, Storoe. & Alchison, LLP .lere f . While, Jr., Lightfoot, fronklin & White LlC hHp:llcumb...-lond .... 1·800-888·7454 ("205) 726_"2391

IV"", " difJrrttt« 25 ~.. "",I;e.

[ don·\ kno;rw if you·..., IP!'<urd brio",

judg< CInnnn. bul ·unqu>l.if<t<l"u abouI

President's Page

s.... H~II Il~nin , nan>«! him AU.b;ama', fin' fcd<.a1 juds<. During hi' I~nur~ on Ih, I><""h, h.', preMed 0>... untold numbtrs of high· profilt and low_prom. cues. lre><ing all

of thorn with tho sam. d' of cart and skill. H.', I'CC<'ivN "'"nY kind ~nd dcEru of n01<>ricty and .bout ev<ry honor. judS' con """j"", includIng \n1:ral recognition. "rhis """plionallrgoJ .d.ol.o..hip. H~ has ..rved os on adjunct 1"'0(....,. of <onslilolion.1 low 'l lIi.minghAm_South.,.n Colk¥ ~nd h.. r«tivnl an ho'lOtuy r..... hi. «>naibulion, 10 th., <01 1<11" . "d 10 hi.


p...,fossion. H. has'l'<'kn .nd ",rilton widtly un kj;;oI ~nd historic ~un .nd has mnltibuled oignifocanlly lu ",,,ny civic . nd <"",,,,un ity urpnWilions. And,

h. is ""'IUC'Stwnably as <kv<>1ed • hu.!:wid and ralh..,. as a"yo"" you lnow. In 1m. Iud$< Q""",n tho chitt' judI< of tho Nonht.n District. 1'>'IuI. Q difftrtllC< 2S rca" mal.:.<. And whal • diff.una a fow mon'M =kt. fuot ludg" a.mon look hi< .... , in Birming/l.lm, ludl!'< Myron ThOf1lf'$<»' b«:ame tilt r. .., bla.:k fed t ...1 judso in Atm."",', Middle l>iscricl. Jud~ Thompoon W>.S a l\uI<tgf"t kid. H. V~ up Ih ..., and IMn _nl l<> coll<g< and low "boot ., Yak. H. lOU ;K«pIedlo H"",,,rd, b ul $;Irs h. "oI"n,<"(1 '0 go ' 0 .. good school. Or, "",y!><. he WlOnled l<> M school ........ wi,h Bill and HilJJ.ry, or Duhy.l or the ' I'm R<-porting for Duly'" "",n. An .. fini<lling I.w school in 1<n2. h..l~ Tbompoon MaIM ,t.. firs, African·A",.rican ..... ,. nt anorney gen· md in ,he hi""ry of Ala""",... TIIOI', riy'" Jocki< Robinson pJ.yed lusroal! i" BrookJyn ond .. h.. lf decodes before AJ."""", hod fV<1\ ,,~ bl""k ' ssislO"' AG. DiU Buky WlO. our Branch Rkl:ty. "'ha, ~ djffrmw 2j yea ... make.. Whm "'meon<" fin"'ly >h<nffiI ,t.. cou'"'gr 10 bring .n Afria.n· Arm<ican ' 0 ,he Middle n;.,ric. bench. Jud.8" no",,,,,,,, bcc-.",. ih< guy. NGl the fltSl


<_ >




guy. The fi", choice W>.S F... d Gray, bUI

.fi..,. confirma,ion MaIM probl."",.ia.l. .nd Mr. Gray w;'hdr~. Sorn. II.O,n .nd ,t.. President ,,,,ned '0 ,h. 33·y...·oId ~Iyron l1H>mpoon. ,hen pr" ' idng in

Do'han.' 1"11.,.. ,igh., lJ, bUI oJready ill<r",libly _ n mp«Ted and lik«l-bolh by fulkJ who h.d pr.Kticod agoin$l him.' And. h is servi« on It.. ""nch 11.. bQn· orM ....11 . H. h., hondkd many big cun, ineluding. ror long·


'''""'1'1•. ,h.

running ",.nl.1 h.. l,h c..., ,h. S,a~ Dtp-ortmcn, ofT.. njporto,Kon employ· n.. nl cast ... pri",n ~ involving. hitching pojt•• nOJlh .. in,"'.ing lui;" Tu,w il..,. I'mon. and. OJf rou ..... lh. Ten Qmunandtn<nI. ca.\t. In euh of th ... ....... h. h.. nll«l di,p ... ioo.~ly. «lUI">.' grou.ty .00 oJ"..,., ,]"01"}"J conectly. AOO, Judge ThompWn hu .. m.ined ,l •• df•• , :mel undaunttd in hi. commi'"'ttt' l<> the Rul. of Law despil. oolrogro ... po ..... o.1 auocks and th ..... of physical harm foR><n.<d {inadverttttrly. I"m $..... j by you· know_who and hi' h.nehmen. Althnugh big a ... h."" nude luJ~ Thompson famou, .",uOO, if. the WlOy he handl .. his job in ortlinny Ca$e$ ,h'II,,,'Y"" "..,., .pp..<i.~, Uk<: with h.d8" Canon. fill mon.". wbQ you ''', if you'.. wrong. ~,11 find you wrong. [f you·... righI, Il>oogh, 00 mon..,. how Io>th"'IM you might o th..-wis< be. he'U

fiOO you' .. righ •. Pn-ho", !he b<SI thing about Judge Thornf""/1 is his <IttrI<anor . nd judici.II ,.... penmtttt He is unC.i~ngly polil. to ",~,.nd gm<rolly oo..n' in.<rkre in jury trw.. Ilik<: lhal about him H. leu you am your dc.feau-.dl by l"'ursdf. LiU

Judge Clemoo docs oow, ludge Thompson ...v<d as miefjudll< ofhis districl fur "",. ml y"= Also likt Judge Oem,,", he is a ~

husbrnd :mel f. tOO. \llha, ~ diffcn:..a 15 n...u. Th ... lwo n..o-Jud.8" O"",,-,n.nd Judge ·Ioompso ........... appoinl<d 15 ago to sen" as f«l ... l jud.8'" fo. a. Long a$ .hey chose 'OJ ",rY•. Fur 25 yc-.....


Ihey h"" XI "'... i"'Piriog .urnpl.. of ",h... jud.8" should be, no nun., his or her r.Kt": .mart, ,ngag«!, finn bul 0f><1Imin<kd. ~'rom the .a,li... yuro of,heir li_ .heyhelp«lp"" th, .... r fot block mon .00 WOtn<n .0 a.:h;""" the pinnad<s of d ... m«l abou, by Ilosa P•• ks . "d Dr, MOMin Lu,h.. King. Jf, 1'0. 25


Y""'" both on Ih, bench and off, they h..... <on' inu.-d 10 M.,.. tn.t palh. Bu. fur 25 Y"..... nul on. o lh..,. black rnan or wum.II Iw bttn a ppoinl.-d l<> tho (.-der,] bench; nol 011< block man", WOJIUUlha. gi...... the uPI"Jrlunity 10 fiU the that will be left when lh... lWO men


k.,,, til< bench. Irjml of diffrT<"«, ,hnr, hIlS J5 ~a" mUir mQdc? •


Endnotes .)oM ~..-

01" _ _ StIlI Bot ..

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.....·__ ........

Wealth management to help you lace the luture with conlidence. Ana that'll where RegkIre Morgan Keegan Trusl carJ _ ~ Wove boNn ~ ~ afO(j ~ _ . P"'I«1 and QRIW ItleIr - . lor ~. C6'1tI.oy. As one of the 0lrg8SI trusI (;0''1*_ I'WIdIing $33 _ In _ _ provldo It» you WlOrI\ wlllllI>e conIkIence you _ . To oec star1ed, CO<>Ie<:t one



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Executive Director's

~r kith

Ii Norm~1I

Fewer Lawyers Serving in Our State Legislature


h. fin.d .<xul ...... ion ofth. 2002·2006legilbrivc quaclrmni·

urn begin. I.nll.ry 10. Th. COndU$")1\ of this l""'r'. '<IIul.. ~IOn. ... uoning ,he ••• r. '10 .pt'Cl31 .ltMoons, .... 11 maL, .... y for a newly-.Jettod house • nd $<nat. wh<'1\ Ihelcgislature 00"",,"<$ for 1M lilnt ,n 2007. R""Ic<:'M incumb..m ",ill join lOOse l'11i>l.lOfS



who hove btm d,,(.od fOf .h.lln' If ,lit r't$ults of the ~ J(I )T'" .to ony indialion. h~t. fn. LoWYO:" ...illix includtd aJll(IfIg lh' r.nk.< ..f ou' <I.t. Itsi.Lo,ur< ,h. ne ... Itgi>IJliV<' 'enn. For ,h, P"'" th,« dcoodn. the numbeT of I.wyns serving in theltgiAl.,urc Ita,


dtdintd In J97l. the.., ...... 20 \owyn'J ..,.,\i in ,h .......,., ". S7 I"',nnl. ' In the hou .... the .....e .. II bo"""""'erving. Q ' J I lIy the >I.M 4uad,.nn,um In 1982. ,.... 1""""''"8'' Qf 1.,,')'<'1' ... rvinS in ,h, sena" w.. 49 fl<rttnt .nd 12 f'Crunl in the hOIl ... Th. I"'.unl.ges rolOlinllrd 10 drop Ln tm, '90>. When the l"SuI .."", ron ... nt<I in I m. lh~ I"'.ctn .. gr of Lt~f$ in lh~ .... ,,1. and hu" .. was 37

<If."" ......


pnunl •• ><l nil'" p<1'C"nl, .cspt<li... ly. WMn tho ......1" COl"....... J.lnlW')' 10. IILlwyn's. or II prr=tl, willl>r counled """"'8 it< ranb. Th. Lt...,..,... who wm I>r .. rving ilI'I: Rog<T B«Iford, lI"socIIviU ..


III1<1Ioy lIy..... F.irhop« Lft,. JOlp<"I'; ""1 Lin<4qt. B"Ib; '1'«1 LinJ., Auburn: Z<b 1.i1lw, CulIrn=: W.nd.U Mild>dl, LlNernt: Myron ~ Union Springs.; Phil PooIt. Moundville: Ilank Sandns, s.trna: .and Rodger Smith ...... n. 8umingham. The .UI.......... will ro"''"'" wilh n,,,", or tigh' prr=tt. nf thtj. lnW bting Lt"")."... 12



Thty ... Grog Albritton, Em:I: Mutd

iliad. Tuscumbia; POWo..\lan:o. J1<:>rno.,'O<l<i; Krn Cuin, Carbon Hill: ~ Md.aughUn, '",n,..mOt: YU<ut Sdurn.

Sdma: loon Robinoon, Sroll.oom: and Cam Ward, Nabas..... Dospit. ,htj. low numhft$, It.. Jawrtn

who .n: oncmhn$ of 1t..1cgi"""",, ... Ktiw in cornmin"" Indcnhip and ,h.:oi. inlpomm ronlmin.... In oad! <h.:ombo:r. In 1M houS<!'. M.",<'I l!'$ It.. Judiciary Commin"" and Ktn Gum dam 1M RuIn COmmil ..... In tho ...... t~, tho following lawycn chal. rommi"ees: Ruger Bedford, FilWl« ~nd Ta,gtion.c..n...J Fund; P.. lindoty, Economic &pMUion and Tra<k: Zcb Liltlo. AQiculIUR, eon ........ lion and Foratry: W.ndol!

J<.lilchtU. Corutilulion. Campais,n Finane., Elhia .nd E.Ioa;""'; Myron l'mn. Tou."", and Morkrting: Phil Pook, Govo.nm"nl Aff.i,.. HaJ\~ San<lcr>. Flnott« and Tontion·EdUCll,ion: and Rodgn SI,ulhnn"n. h><liciary.

lam .u.. IhaIIM,•• r< lh"", ,,·h ... on de.;.ion, ,..ill $Of tha, f........- Ltwycn """, ing in III" !cgilbluT( ISo good (rung. \'.,. of all prokssion>l$, IiIwycn aT( p<mibly 11>0 btl! "luipf"'d for .InVic. in the logis' ..... Fo. =mpl ••• Lt~.·. ~iud logal lraining p..,.W"" him or lie. wilh • foundolL<Jn of 1,,&,1 roncq>" th .. ."h.m.. Ihd. disc.,."m<1l1 for and drafting 1cgi.I.t;"n. Mo,,,,,vn. 1o"'Y"" '''' wuolly skiJl<:d n<go1;'lu.. ;ttl([ 11>0 ort nrgoltolion and romp"'"


m;'" is c.uciallO Ih. Itgi<lal;"~


....'hal can a.pLtin 1M prKipirow dtdino of t.wyo:", in 1110 ALlb.:tma logioIal"rrll Ihink lho """riding (oc'o. is ""'" of

"Mit." II<'ginning in 1975. Innual.ltS$ian$ rtpIactd bimnw rnsioos. ThiJ m.ngt Iw ~ had the moot signiliunt impact

on II>< dtdi.... of ~ ~ k&W>ti>T offict. In"tad of 6O...oon da}'J' dunnS 0 fOu r'J"O'lr term of oIllu. annual sesMoRS i~ m. totoIl() 120","",n da~ '['his <S>(ntially doub\od ,he time 1.1..,..,. Itgi.<LItors had to bt (lUI of II>< oW" •. AboUI tM >am< tirnr tilt Aloboma Icgi..tow .. ch nw-d to onn".1 ..... ion...... nf 1.0...,...,... _ .. moving from r... Khedul .. 10 hourly billina,. This swilch was prompled by 1M Uniled SUt.. SupfttM Court d.d"ion in GoIdf~rb v. Virg'n;" Sltm &lr. 4lJ U.s. 773 (1975) which en<lN the practice of Itt Khedul.. sri by Nr uoociatioru. Wilh the <l<m;'" of f... "hed"l~ Ih. notion of" "bilW>lol>ou," "",<I< I~s];ti"" ~ \es$ Ippnling.

1 1m nOl opI,mlltic thaI _ will ......

"go"' .... tho ~I>g< of A1.bvna bwyl'r> '1'I'l'Q.Ich the k....t. of the ... Iy 1970<. 1'httt i<.ltQwrvn•• ftCt'I'I. $ign of eocouragtmtnL la,t ,!",ing. 1'.,,1 LltM.n:o wa$ dv»cn In • 'podol election to fill. nooneyin Hou<t Dist"'! of(>. 1'.u1

nud< .ho . un-oll' "",in" • omdid;o •• who. )'tl" bd'or., ",rvnl '" the It-giilitu", "'l'.....nting District 016. H" had to t..1~' • candid." ......, w>-. "'" ""Iy. f,,",,,,,,

It-gUUt<.l" bu. " (llDdidott who ctto.. to .;ampooij;n ncgatiwly un II>< foct that P.uI is. 10..,..,.. Plul won wnvincingly. AS Paul's oIc<;tion P"O'u,Io.., CUI bt .J..;tN to tht ]qpst.otu", dtspit. tffutts to "'1I"ivcIy p<>rmy Ihottn. It is hoptd that 1'>u1', e:urnpl.. ond thiU ofloWj'tfS who..., .-·~wiU tnro. . . .

Education Debt for July Bar Examinees "I'Proxi"' 52 PO""'''' of thost t.king the July 2005 bar exam hod edu<llion debt. The ",'cr1.g< :lffi(Iun. owed fo r nch with dorbt was $i'O.31O. •


1\10 _ _

... _,..,05 1 "'" _


"" 16 ....... <G~"'-


to purwt this :rvmut of publi< ~

Order Indexes any way you want them.

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ASB Fall 2005

Admittees group photo and/or fam ily phOIOS, please contact Robert Fouts. G!t 1nt QlHn\~1fS YOI.I wam

Fouts Commercial

\0' the ~s j'tIU"NII

HU,l»!: Otd"mol -'.1 CGm!lfl"

Photography, at

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t.... pflCes 1011

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\.iW IIAIf



,,,,,.a,·..,, ......_._



QrI.. . . . """' _ . . - <II _

....... tnfW -.



Judicial Award of Merit Th~ IIoud of Bor Commis»on<rj of the Alab.",. St.!~ lIu will ,«n.., nominallO'" fOl the JC~lt bu', Judicial Award of 1-\"';\ Ihl'(lu&!, M.rch 15, 2006. NOIrun.lion • .oouJd be pr~· p.mI and ""ik<\ 10: ""ilh B. Nannan, _mary Ilo.ord of 8.or eommis&iono:rs

AWl.oma 11.0. P.o. Box 671 Mon'gonlU}'. AL 36101-0671 Th. ludicW Awnd of M.." w....t.thlis/>td In 1'137. 'lb< ..... n:! i, no! nr<0$$0ri!y an .nn.w award. It muO! be p,,,,ntod 'n' judgt who i. nol 'C1;.rd. ",heth... >lal. or fed ....!

coun. trw or 'ppolIOl<, wOO is dCl<rmintd to h..", comributed J;g,lIfic. ntlr to lhe adminisIwion of ;U"iI;. in " The m:ipient i. pr<$r1\IM with. <')'$101 saw] buring ,IK bot ..,i1 and 1M ynt of p"""n,o' ion. Nominll;"", .," COfI.iMred by • thrtt-mnnbn' comm,Un appoinl«l hy the p«:iidml nf !be lIal. bor, which ,h ... makes. recommend:uion 10 the oo..rd of bo. (ommi~ionen ""h n:sp«t to. ""mm..:: '" whelM' the aWOl'" u.ould be pR$<l\led in .ny g~ )'Hr. Nomin.... iO:IIl' U1anld indudt • dt,.ilrd bioyoph;c.J JH')f~" ot II>< ""mi....,., and • nom· live outlining the .ignifK.m comribul;oo(l) lhe nom,n .. h .. nwk 10 Ihe ~m;ntst,.."on of


jU1liu. Nomin.""nl may br oupporlCd wuh !tUtIl of ¢ndomrncnt.

Notice of Election Nrniu ;.,i...", hrn-wi,h pu"""~' 101M Alobama Si~u Bar RY/n Gwn-~i"g EI«'io~ Q"J of Pm.d,.",·Bffl Qlld &.In! of eom",itJi<ln<n


President-Elect The Alabama St... Bo.r wiU eIoa a I'fl"ld¢ ;n 2006 to >MUm<" ,he ~ 0( lhe bar in luIy 2007. Any condidal< mU>! bo • ",.."bcr in good Sl.ndmB on Marth I. ~ ""'i'ion. ,.0",;,.. t;n8 • candida,~ mUM btu !he sigrwUK 0( 25 membm in good >WIding of !he SUk Bu and bt r«m...d by tho ..m-<uy of tbt Sl.,.bar on Or befOre Mmh I, 2006. ..... y condid.>te for thi$ "mo, ",out obo submit with the nomi""i", p<:\ilion • bl.>or" ond whi,e photograph .ond biosr.pltiaJ <!au 1<1 bo publishcd in tM Mq 2006..t/abamQ r.-,.-r. !lallo\> will hc mailed bet.....,.. M.y 15 and Jun~ 1 and m ....1 hc uu;W<I .1 the .lUle bar by 5 p.m. on 1M oemnd Fri<by in Iu ... «Iu ... 9, 2006).

Elected Commissioners Bo.r oommisljonctl .."ill he .ltctoi by thO$t l>~ .. with Ihrit prinri~ oIf1c.. in the {"I· lowing circuil!: 2nd: ~th; 6th. piau no. 2; 9th: 10th, pIau no. I, pt.c. no. 2. piau no. S, pI,a no. 8.and piau no. 9: 12th: 13th. pJau no. 2; 15th, r l. a no. 2.nd pl. a 110.6; 16th: 20111; nt<!, place no. 2: 24,h: 27111: 29th: 38th: and J9th. 14

1ANUARY 1006

Additional ~nm win bt rI«1N in thcso circuits for

.am JOO mnnbtrs of the >tot. t..< with prilldp.ol 01'1'1«> I>orrin. Tho ..... romrnislionor p"itiom will bt ddcrrnintd by a ~ un March !.lOO6.ond va<UIOln tm,11rd by the occfCW")' no lo~r th:r.1I ~brch 15.lOO6. AlI.ul»cquent tern.. will bt for thrtt yea ... NominOl ions may bo made by Pflition boning sig""t"'" of ~ mtmbtrs in good st.nding with principal "fficrs in the cifC"Uit in which thor .ltchon will be held or by the candido .. •• wrin." dt<lo ... tion of a.ndi<bcy. Ei,h.,. mUlt be m:rivtd by th. ...:r... ry no bter lh.n 5 porn. On the Wt Frid.y;n April (Aprij 28.20(6). I!aIIots will be prq>Utd and "",iled to mcmbm. N1><=t ~by 1 .nd M.y 15. 2006. llallo.. lUUl' bt vo,cd and .... urn,..! to the Abhoma SI.,. 80< by 5 p.m. on the last Friday iu "'or (M.y 26-


""". At-Large Commissioners

A1-bOV b.t coltUTli$$io""rs will be elNted for lIH: WUuwinl! pL.a numbers: lot; 4th;.nd 7.h.

United States District Court, Northern District of Alabama,


a ..

!'osi'ion Tirl~ k of Co.". Sal>ry Rangt: $134.867-4146.800 (lSI' 17) Applialion OMing D.t<": Marth 3 •• 2006 NA111REOF lll E POS ITION Th .. C\t1It o f is .wmntcd by the judges of thor CourL Thi< i<. high-Itvd ""'n;.g...... n! pooi'ion t~. funaio", uoo.. the dlr..tlon of the chief jt>dg<: of the Vnitod St.,rs Dis1tin Court. Tho auk of Cou" i< rrspGmible fo. m.n;.ging the admini<tr."i~ Ktivit ~ of the a..k·lO~ .nd <m:T>eeing tbe ptrfonnance of the sta'utOry duti<> of tbe office. 1",,1udt'd among tho mpon<ibiliti<$.rc policy in,plen .. ntation.nd mono itoring. Iong.rang<: planning, budgeting. fin.ncial "",n'gemen!, au.om3lion. hum.n frsOO"e m. nag..... n!, proJ><fTY prowrc· IIItnt .nd mlnage"",n'.I'''' public <d .. ion!..


Q UAUFICATIONS A minimum of ttrt )'WJ of 1'f'.'&"'$fI,,,ly ~ Idn",,"" '",.i~ ~ in public snvia or ~ which provides 1 thorough undtrs!anding of "'P"w.lional, prooedural and hu"",n UJ""CU in rnano.ging an orpniwiott. A, Jt;ut 'hm of tho yea,,' aperiena. must haw bHn in • p<)IIition of $I.II>$Un,i:aI


'''''n....... t rap<Jruibility. AppIicJntJ abo m .... lu~ 0 .. under· st"""ins of IUtomated >ySttmS, ~ odmini;' ''li~ .bw,ic$ and f'OS$N Jlrong ItarJmltjp and in .... prs>OtWoItiIk.

EDUCATIONAL SUBSTITl.mONS A h:r.chdor'. ~ hum.n occrcdi'od <Dlk-gtor uni~ ..;,y 'N~ It< lubs!i.u.,..! ror thut yt"... of lI"""r-.l ap<r"tJ<~. Con'plction ofl 1WO-yt"U """•..,.', dqr"" program (60 ~rs­ ,.,. Mull or 90 q......... I>ours} ;n.n ~ilM univt ... ity (or mropletlOn of Iluns Ooctot!Hsm) may It< .obs1ltu~ ror 'WO l"'atS of genoral apcrirna. INFORMATION FOR AI'i>LlCANTS "h~ SI"," Lmtrict Court ;. PO" of .h. jt>dkial br;mcb of die Un;.,..! Stales ~mwt. Co .. " .. rnplO)'Ht art not included in ,Iu- ~IIItn,'1 civiI....-vi<. dWification. n..y Irt. """""" •• mlltl,..! to .imila. bo ... fi .. as OIMr federal ""'p1oycrs. i!>duding I'IH:I ..""tion. licll •• ~, <hoi« of ""alth btntIi, pI.ns.nd l"'"icipalUl8 in tho I'N..-..J EmpIO)'Ht' Rtti ...... nt Spttm. "his "",,'ion is ,ub;..t ." .... ndittory dec· .r<:oruc fund In",f.,. portic'I""lOn for poyrnet>, of n<'l I"'y. The bot q.wiftcd ,pr!ia.m. will II< im'j,cd for In'trvino"l. Al'Plican1l Jd«ttd for in~rvkws will be f<'SPOouibit ror ",,)'ing for apm""- including t",-;d, aSlOCiotod with the 'n •.,.., ..... Il.cloation apmon art ~UJrmtly not available fOf 1M tdect,..! a.ndiJa,~..... 1 condition of employmcm.lbe sdrotd a.ndi. d•• < mu.' SUC«IoOfuUy «>mp\n.- • tcn .yt"OJ NcItground ,n ..... ' · go ....n and nft)" r"", years th"",afi .. win be .ub;'" t" a n upd .. td in,.... iga.ion 'imilar t" tbe ini.Ur! 0 .... APPUCATION PROCEDURE Qualified pe-rsons art invited 10 $Obmn • dotailrd I"$Im< indt>dins work and .wry lu>tory as ..-dE ti • ""'ta· t;~ .......... nollO acttd "'" I'"F' in Imgth, addr&ing the .ppllca...·' obility 10 pLrn and impltmen. the mo<I ~t;'" Ult of ............... b<>th huml" and f1ll.Ollci:al: 10 ..:hie>.. objec1iva;." inter""". und..nund and irnpIerttcrtl the policies of thc Court; to Intnact WIth ,...-iouf tyl'" oll""ll* I1tdudins >uporion., pom. subordino.... public;.oo tbe .pplican,' bal.ic ........ III<nt pukwl'hy. Ltt,tn of rc(I)nIm<:nd;o.ion art dc$inhl<. All .pplicat""" m .... It< rt«tYcd by 5 p.m. on M.«h )1. 2006.


P~.obmit .pplica.ion ma'~ri.Js in an ...~ mukd (onfldtntLot No phone calls.

Ocrk. U.s

I)istriet Court

1729 51h A'.. n"" North Bimunglu.rn. AL l5ZOl Al!~n.ion; Pnsonnd Sptti.tlin

The Vnit"'! Stat .. Dist"" Court is on Eq.w Opptl"""ity Emp!oy-.<.



GENE ELBERT B ELL G<n~ U""n IIdl di.,.! March 19. ~I)O.I in lIirmioy,m>. MIn IINduahng from hill!> school. Gene bcca" .. ''''rl~ in 'M Offlc. of II>< Ckrk of lh< Unnro S,.,.,. Oi<trict


rut lh. Nmlhcrn l)"uict of kif a """,bt, of mrs, "" .110 •• lh. ""umOOn! clerk rur In. ~urn II. Lynne. Gon< graduatN from the Univm.i'y of Alabo"", ., Birmingh:.m .00 tho: Birmingh:om SdiooI of \.;Iw, both <If ...'hid! "" annWd during the t;YmingI whik _,ling during tht wI' lOr 1M U.s. Di>lrict Court. For • number of~..... whilt during thc dry in thc ffdenl <X)UJ1 .<ysttm in lIirminglwn. ht Stt'I'fd. the iuda<' in 1M F>irfidd Rtc:ordCI", Court. ~ wu. W<>rld W•• II ve,.,...", hoving .. n'td in rh. 666rh Fi.ld Artillery 8:1I1.lio" (burry CJlrd Army. I to foup,hl in tho 11.. ,11. of 'M BulB"_

All.,. ..",-ing in tho Annr.Gcnc rt1urn«i lo the: U.s. lIi$1ricl Court ,"'h<..

h. ~ (Of ~5)""'rs.OO ' <:1ircd .. ChId (kpuly Cln-k. H. wu .Iw..ys ,,-jU· ing.u provioJ< young bwyns with ."is_ in II,d. fIlu,ll' in lh. fWt~1 routt. H. had I ....,n<krful ...... of humor and and ~lcd by 1M I.W}"'I'$ In th. N"'tMrn Di<lrict <If Al.t..o",•.


Gcnc "'-.. ~ " ..",,,.,, ofV",or.".

Foreign W.r ""'t34n and ...-..$ .100' m<mbor of;1$ h"oor , .... rd. H....-..$. dw1cr m<mbor "f tht 87th M........... r Ar.. Command in Birmmgham, .nd ..... acti.... in tho Boy Scouu. of America, Troop 78 of f.;rfiold, .he F.irfield Un;r«l Mrthodist Church, iu. M""·I dub. and rhe Civilln dub. H. is $urvi,~ by his w;fe, \'tn. his child,..., and hi< grandchildrtn. ('Ar Birmingham

DAVID H . CULVER O.,;d II. Cui,.."." mcmhtr of ,he Ilun"ville'.\i.dison """nly II .. Au<x;'t;"n. po.»W • ....-.y on S"l"<mbor .4.2005.\ lb, ~ of8!. Mr. Cui..." ~ bo.n June 1. 192J. II< graduated from rho Uni ........ ry of, ... ~ ho " .... ",ember of tho

Sigma Alpha .:p.ilon (...mllly, "nh • Jnn> Doctor Ilqv... H. pr.ocrknll"w ~I Hunl>villt for ....... 50 ye.... """'ing" tho ~ deputy dmoi' ooIicitor of M.adison """nry and OS pmidw\ of rho Ilunl>'-ilkM.dison County 8;u Awrialion. Mr. CU ....... rvtd os a ",pr,,;n lilt"" U.s. Ai. For... , ~. 11· 2'11"101 In Work! W.r 11 •• Miliwy ArmyTr.n.pon ScTvic:. pilor o"d . ,rpLonc <omn ..n<kr In ,ho 16



1'.0",." and ...-..$ ....ord<d the


Dis.ingui<htd flying rho lV:>rtan and ,he U.N. s.rvx. M..:bl II. ",,,wi a. p~id<nt "f tho ACME dub. prtSid<nr ilnd liturononr g<>VOn>O' s.,,-~ M«W

"f KIwanIS N",lbo,n ln$rncr "f AlaNIttiI and a ",emh<. of the ".,.try and junior warden ofTht Churtb of the Nativity.

EpiscopoJ. M •. Cui ..... I..,'tl behind hi. wife. Sally Ann Culver,.nd th=d'ughurs,

CuM. lootS. ~lo,...,u Culwr Tj'$On and UiJ. Cn"..,. Hn&ert. and <ight grand. child,...,. -Hu","';lk·MaJiw~


tI~, As"" -UUJOn

H. TUCKER COTTEN, H. Tuck<r CoUtn. Ill, a IIImll>c1" of 1M Monlgom<ry Coun'y s... A>oociolion, ditd Octubtr II. ZOOS al tho :ag.r of 6l. Hr r«<i....! his bachtlor'JIkgr'tt from ,he Univem,y "fW.., Florid. in 1968 :rnd his la,.. <kgr« from Cum~l.nd School of Law in 1972. Th..t, '''''''''IT''r, 1IKktr ,,·os admillM to 1M "Loba"", SIOI. 1I:I•• nd Tho ~'otido 1I.a., In 1976..fin working in ~lorid.a tOr ......."...) ynn. Thcktt bq!an his Ionll <al'ftt "'ilh the u.s. VeI.rans' Admffii"r,'ion. "..,rId"! OS • "",m"h"", IU!Ix Boord of V"trans' AW<';J, in \\'.uhUlgton. O.c.


1M r"Uowing yn. brooghl him ,<> Monlgorncry. .ohm: hr ><TV<:d tIu:

Cottm. I I< abo 10."", behind his ty,,, dough"",

Vtlmons' AdrninblralJOn fur 1M nul 18 ynn, r. .., .. thitf of ,he guardianship K<lion, and 1>1t • .. districl counsel .nd gentraI a'torney fur th( Mminislntion. Afltrhis ~itftntnl in 19'9S.heworUd

Kdlcy Eliubcth Cotten, a rnxIcnl .t Somfurd Unimsiry in

lila mtntDrin@ ~ with kindorgm<n

pupils a, IIraJ Eltmmwy School m Montgomrry. whtrr II< look JWuruIar ddighl in hdJ>U'l! >l'Nku!> 10 kam phollD .nd how 10 rnd Tuck.- is our>,vro by his wif•• Kathmnt I(. CotlOn. and his m<>thtr, Marion 8.

IIinnillghom. and /tI ..iQn Cotten,' &\"llioo- in the ~ Andnnic ~\ogntt l'rognuu Hish S:hooI in Munlgomay. l'w<.I !lot.... Man"" M<:Coin and Kathryn Bryan!, "". vive him IS wdl. _Mcnrgomrry c..unry &I, Am>nari<m

HUGH DOUGLAS FARRIS On juno 13,2005, Hugh Doug).. llongtimf mcnIbn- of tho W.a!kt. County 8;0, ~lion and ,Ju, Al.bomo Ibr.puonl.~y. H. Idi bthind hi< Icpcy in Ja.p<1". wh .... bt pr.actictd fOr .,...,. 50 ynrund was. ponn ..... i,h hi. son, Hugh Oousl;u F.mis, Ir,. ror JJ>Or~ than stvtn yurs. On j'n ..... 'Y 26, 1926, Hugh ~ born to And..- FrInk and M... H..mon ~:uris,

For", In tM $mall, rur..t town nonht.l5l (If jupn raUN Townky. Hr "-01 tht )"'UIIgt'f of two childr...,. Hush gnduat«l frum Walkof CoUllt)· Hish School in 1943 and attmdtd

M.non Mihtary In,titutt and th~ U.s. N~.-.aI Aadtmy. H~ .. rw<t in lh~ U.s.

story·ldli"g, humor. ouptio...t tria) pjll. and mp«t to thot Cf)U,uoom. Th<:>6< col·

Afln}' with tilt Ocrupotion!'oren jar>n from I').IS to 1947. Hugh h i<

ng,," ro.tunalt tnr;tugh 1O)u."" wo,ktd with Hugh unly .u.g bJeh praises for ru. dcdkotion and ('<1'X"C1'I~ 10 the avid

Nucation Of tM Univno.ity of AlaN"" when: h~ m:.ivnl hi< UII~uat~ d..grft in t9S(\ and th.n atttnd<'<llh. Uni"" .. il}, of Abba"" School ofuw, wflm ht V.lduat«l in Ih~ cla» of 19$01. Hush"'''' nw:mbtr ofTrinrty l'cllo<o'Ship Church in I.. ptr and was abo .n urgan donor. Hush nrrlo, our frimd, coIbgut a.lld, yn:..!I<Im<IUncs our 5t~ advm;uy in roun. brousht with him tIx >pint of

dd'cnsc hot aJ.,.otyS .t.owed 10 his dients. H. WIS pn:«dcd in <ltath by his Jon, Van O'R<I, Farris.; his p•• en,.; and his brothtr, Guy fronk fanis. He is $urvrvt<! by his wif~ of Sol j?'!"$, ~1Ary loy O'Rl;., Furis: two dought ..... Mdis$a lI,iS<'ndiM ([)wisht): Kathy lknis (I'ttrl: two 110 .... l)oug furls (/aM) &lid I..,. Flrris:.nd otvm grondchildrm. -\\",~

c.."my Bar """""4/;on

WILLIAM B . MOORE, JR. Hill Moo.e, truly. mIn ror all ...."'n' gn:;It triallawyor. pas.«l.way Scpltmbtr 6. 2005 .t tht "&" of 85. H. 1$ .ul'Vh'e<i by hi. btlovd wit'., Mary

ond I

F,.nrt<: his child,.."



Molly ShafT....."an, l« Ckvdand and Mic~1 J. Moo"" tIKi, .pown .nd 6""

g,.ndchild",". BtU was a product of the "Gn:.. t:II (;mention" IS Tom Brokow ... ao:uralciy and poignanlly described. H. gr.tduolod from Allburn Un;""';tyin 1942 when: t.. "'as pn:sidmt of It.. $1",,""1 Govrnunmt Auoci:otioo. H. sm'e<i:oJ IJI officer in tt.. Army Ai, Corps during World W.. U and then ~urn«l '0 m. UnMntty of Alabam> 10 obt';n ru. *- <kgtft lfI 19-18. Iii, COIIltm""",rics. in law school incl...s.d Smat'" Howdilidlin and numomUS

other judgos and not.obIo ~ who Iu"" cut lars<' footprints upon oor In 1m....,. 1').19, Bill bcpJI work wilh til< MOJllgom<l)' r"", of RwltIoU, Sukly, Johnston'" Gom:1t wt..", bt prxtiad unlil hIS ~imn<nt .......aJ do<-..... ago. Rill was • ~ tria) t.wyn ...cri.iog nwnorous occoIades including ;<lection IS • mtmbtr of 11,. Amorio:an CoIlcgt' of Trial u""J'"$. H. was. p.osl pres.idont of

,II< Montgomtt)' Counly f!,ar ~tion. His kgal "",ompli.hmtnu ......... Itgion but it "'U hi ...rvict to the oonununity. hi. family ."d (,itt ••b which will ""rk his Itgary. 8ill would be en,t..rl'a.<td bt ,aIlod. "philanth.opist" but I....... a", untold rhan,;.., public inst;tutionund indi"idual citi..." who bmdi,ed (rom hi. wiUingneu to pnwide fin;mciol 'UJ>"


PO" for th.,... in ne«l. "loot of 8ill'. financial aid wa< IJiV('JIlJlonymo1Uly .nd without any np<'Cl~tion of occoI.tdcs. II. took pmicula, intet'nl in hdping thij · d ..... with I'''''i"~ diwbiliti ... IS ..i· <ltneed by hi. enthu.iaotk .uppon of the FI$I. Fo.Word I'Tovam at AUM. lItU'. ouWdt intnnlS f'ocwtd upon ru. family. JIe .............. sp«U.tor but IIw>ys • p.mic'ipont. How dot an you ."plain a ....n in h;" 70a ro.. hunting ..... horstb.>ck. rivto- ,..lIinglJl' ~ing It>OUm.;n pcab! lIilI knTd his family, his fr"ndo.nd hi< Mntmuni'Y. EquaUy impon'nl, hot Jo.,nJ lift arod <njojT(l illo til< hilt Th.,... of II> who p<artiad with 8tU ro' """y,.,a,. and ... ho wit"""",,, his ."tnordinary generosity will miss him. _~n A. H~~, Manl8""'"r


Baldone, James Charles

Died: April 23, 2005

Mi lCh, William Evans

Robinson , Carl Ray

Birmingham Admilted: 1941

Bessemer Admined: 1965

Died: March 5, 2005

Died: May 26, 2005

Montgomery Admitted: 1972

Moore, William Benjamin, Jr. Montgomery Admincd: 1948

Schoel, lerr y Wayne Birmingham Admitted: 1968

Died: (kloocr II, 2005

Died: September 6, 2005

Died: February 24, 2005

Ennis, John Thomas, Sr,

Musick, Quinton Edgar

Shotts, JI'$\'e Wood row

Birmingham Admitted: 1976


Birmingham Adminro: 1968 Died: April 23, 2005

Binn ingham Admilled: 1940

Died: July 22, 2005 Burns, Ooarles Room Douglas, Jr. Gadsden Admiued: 1970 Died: June 14,2005

Collen, Harvey Tu cker, III

Died: February 21, 2005 Farrington, t-1l1roa Napoleon, I r. Dadeville Adm iuC'd: 1967

Admitted: 1949 Died: September ]7,2005

Nabit, Phylii.' S. F~irhore

Columbiana Admitted: 1954

Thompson, James Edmund Cullman Admitted: 1953 Died: January 21, 2005

Died: August 26, 2005

Admitted: 1958 Died: October 3, 2005

Fleming, Dixon

Norman, Robert Daniel

Mount Pleasant. SC


Washington, DC

Admiued: 1989 Died: October 18,2005

Admitted: 1950

Admiued: 1943 Died: October 5, 2005

Kendall, Robert Gordon, III Mobile Admitted: 196J Died: (Klober 20, 2005


Rahren, Wilton W.

McGowen, William 1路lcnry. Jr. Birmingham Admi tt ed: 1941 Died: June 25, 2005


10 0 6

Died: August 9, 2005

(h.路ens, James Bentley, Jr. Birmingham Admitted: 1952 Died: February 12.2005



ClE Program Materials from the 2005


Alabama Stote Bar An nual Meeting are

a vailable on 0 single CO. It's convenient, portable and worth every penny!

lite 1ft... of D••••15 OIIlpfIeal lite ............... of ~ "Trah or TrN~ "-(,apel11;": "Cowe,.1s lot hi t. ..."_'" (lise Law 11,11.,.: lest (aeJ for the DefM..... (11M Law ." ..... : ~ the PIoIlftiff'1 Pe"pUtill' leta....... bIIp,."lnen .... l$~ DiMowery v. (, ••ul" ~ E· ... 'rn.rwat.... CHId s,ofiIItiH LetaI EtWts U,.le 2005

I., a."




CwmIt Issues m(ri"'.... hfMue VoIP- WINrt's it to


Ethia held Men TcM1 Uti,me. Chmti. (Hdlloti.. hit Law In Medic,... PI .liK'tioft Upd_ 11M "udiN Proctice: Move Yow An- fiII •• d .... rels Leading Liw ..." r-I" Law (ue upcktte

bd ..... __ i"lImlll'_ 0/1 1M CD!

You' ll get the Alabama Rules of Professional Responsibility and other information from many

of the bar 's programs, sections and services.

How do I order the CD? Simply remil a check or money order mode payable to the Alabama Slate Bar for $ 15 and forward it with your nome and mailing address either clearly marked on the check or money order, or by filling in the following information :

Feel free to order as many CDs as you would like! Just tolly the cost at $15 per CD, and remit that amount.

Nome:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Bar Briefs

OoijlOft County Diurict/Ju...ruk Coun ' .... Rhoncla I'Kriw<I 1M 1005 Il.owdllleflinAwud in OCIobtr. 1M is pR'WrIkd ..nnu:oUy 10 an individual who """I;. (mid,. OOfII' ihuta 10 the Coun Itd<naI Offiw.I'rop'am......., thousI> tl><y'r<! IW)I tli=lIy ;nvol....J


or romptmat«l. for II, I... H.lnlnly Iw bttnon the bmch 5ln« 1996. Sht....-.n .. :Ip<'<i.aI cirruit .".t dUlria Judpo in ~ and AuUlUlI" C<JW\lito.l'rio, 10 being doomd du.I, ic:l judgc'. w ........"j 0$ prnidcnl <>f tho O>i/1on County B", Association. SlIt

is • rncmbor <Jf the Chilton County

Ownbn of Contmtttt, the ALotwn.

Slalr Bor. tho Ammcan s.r A!M)cia.ion and 1M Dist,ic1 Judges' Association. In 2OOJ,""~ ... mod a.il1on County CiI~ or the Yw for .... wort w,th tho }'OUth in hrt munty.

n.. llowdl Hdh" Award 1$

M1.18JI«I 10 lugh' ieln indMd,w COJI· Ifibutioll$ 10 tho <:OUr! RMnJ """no,"" Network.. 1M M(I"'~ lirm of Ru.hlo", S1Udy. Iohn.u.n lie Ga....nt don;otrd $10.000'0 1M Amman ~ Crouor Cm,,.1 A1ab.m. 10 heir wnl! rteml

di!oMlC1"-rrbcf tfFons.

n.. American CoIIq< of Trial Uwyen ..untly ind"".td 98 ....... FdIow>,


""Iud,"! atlOrn<y:I AlI.aa R. Ch....,n of 8.y Minc11. and Ralph D. Cool of Birmi""",m.

s; ..... & ",",mull PC r=ntly m:n~ lilt 200S USFN Diamond Awud of EurU • ..u and ' ... ry f.. HtId. "",nag_ ing of the firm. -s dt(,cd 10 ,h, US FN IIoord nf Ill«<IOIL The USFN is 'ho 1a'gc>1 ",,!-for-prolit




on.... firm. in 'M U.S. in 1M

nlO" p~ b.onlung bUlin<l.s. AIlanor· neyt in 'h, USFN rq"~' Iio.w


"""npttltndtu :and scmcm.. u ""fI U ppw1'1Imf'IIl ~ WIth,n ,hi: homo oglt of 1M '"Oft>tylirm. r..;.tins ~ mdtlor-rd....d Icp!lft'Vica 10 I""" dimu on • ogttwMlc buis.

"",,"nor Sob RiHy «ppoinud Mobik Oltontq Ind Troy Uni¥tnity &IumnlH Foout S. Lo.u .0 ,IK univn'>tly·. board of 'tu"f'OS. Loll. is • mnnbft of !Iowron. Lo ... &: Wasokn PC. Ht pMi_ ualtd from Samford Univcnl'YI Cumbe.l>OO School or I..ow in 19tU.

1". broadc~ journali ... oo A..... ialN 1'•.,.. «,,-. rd winne. is al"" I mnnoo of tilt A1atwna Sup'tn" Court St.odin. Comm,utt on Ruin of Ap\'dl>tc l'rocWu.c. He..,... ftl(mbe, lhe A1aban .. DrimK ~


"""""ia.ioo board of ~j'KI.()fI frotn 199610 1991.

Th< Col>aoiM, Jo/IlUlon Scholuo.hip n

.......lty .wardnllO """ ... udotn~ ~.IIt ..

yu"._otudotnl> ~ <qu&Ily '1ual.fic<I .. •M AImuno Law foundo.ion .....nkd $4J(1(1 tath '0 IIrondnn Ilt:>I>i..-. f,om Hum ..ilk and Nat&lio: W&I ... from Iio)rrwwood.

n.. .<holanl"p..... m iI.o rtCOpII!C ond ....... ~tyOUhland, ... ,"""",,-yu. law ..lIIknu ""'" an'.Jon AIabo .... ,0MdeN... nd,ruflhcr, to help !.w ..udmu b«omt bwrtn who will . . . . polIuw imp«! 00 oocir'ty. Now in II> 18.1t ,,",'. tho ocItobnlup fund is Cftdow<d by tho fi rm of CabaniM, jo/Irulon. DIurw &: O'Nc&l of Bi. min""'m ond



dforu 10 edL>(al~ 1M public: and odviM ..,.......nm<nl .ff~irs officWs aboot oil and g.u aplor.>lIon .nd production, Indud'nllht llffillO Jm!.ln • rdiobk n>tfJY .... ppIy. reduct m>i~t.oI

Mobil< and is .dmln'st~.ed by tn. Al.ob.oma Low Found.o,ion, ,ht dwilil·


bk Irm 0( 11M: AbIYma Start 1Ia•• Notal ....,tnds H~rvard Low Sd>ool. and IInndo<t Intnds l>ukt Untftnil)'


"ill a,ttlldins tw...rd Law School N.t.oIit h.ti alrndy ptncd woR arnlomct on inl"",'ionaI h.. n.... "",If u....s. """WIled from 1M Univenl'Y of North Carolina


al Ou.pd HdL whr1t.toe __ ...'Udood hishttl honor> for htr Kllior Ihnia. Iu

• ,"ull of .... aadnnk pnforman« and in,.'nt in human ri3h1l. N~l1Iit ><at :u • Jtoury lnt ...... lional SchoIa •• Through th" 1"OII.....,.toe .pml • w"""". En~ II 11M: UnMniI}' of Rtading t:tudyt", 'io .... an. and politico. Specifially• .toe ......ked on caoa deal ,'" WIth I"'Uon ItpIlyJltnI£, rdUr isJUn and asyI ......Mlliat........ IIrlnOOn is abo if'llcrtiled ,n "" ....... KInaI hu .... n nghlL \\1til< htcon·




IW lIur1i<s II J)"k Law School, ... aIooconl'n ..... his ...... k .. d _



~ Asylum

SuM"'" rro;rcl

( R.l.5P). IIrsndon fl'CtMd Ilbchclur'. of Art. l)qs.., frotn l>uk Unl..,..ity and ...", hono.-N by dcoi.",,'ion on Nllion~ll)nn·. I,i ... As of


RASp, IInndon QW'fSftS "udmt .anKh tMt wppo •.,.uytum .pplic.o. tiom to tIM: lJt>ited Su... from p<'OJll. who ;m I\td", ton~ and imprison· m<nt from countries conunllrd by t,.......u.:.l poIotocal.,sums. 1Ir...oo., Of art odvocol< ol pro bono .....t. and ,ft ... J1oduation .... n!> to inco<pontl~ time b pro bono easeL Th~

Alabuna Law Fo.. ndallon a"nou"",, that John 0-", iiiI-.< ..... prai<knl fu.lOO5· 2006. 1hc I'ound."o" fl'Ct"n,1y hclpM KoI,ino vithms by noillng ......

""pacU. and ....:our. . «MtIorn" . ...... MI'G, art .... """OO .... ~ ...... " ..... t ........

tht ...... 1<1 •• brp pn>-

"->nalpo1opcal_iootr_ IIrotnirn;.,.mod> ..... prntfltcd 10 tM Red and tIM: AfmJ' In AS8'ltf" ~ OwenJ iI; I"" fooondtr of Owmo &



M,lls.ors in 111~ ... 1II'.w1.,. It"ml ~ & Whit~ 1.1.1' onnoulKH thaI

M...... Whll,""', , •• iI;

on-w,•• tIM:

<M"map of ' M boordofl .... _

ol tht AlalMma RnI Eotll~ and Racan:h and Ed\O(llion em,.., bow.rd in tht Cltlvnhowt CollcF of Cotnmtrtt Ind BIw ...... Itdmtnl>ltltion It 1M U.u... rlity of AiWma. P.sI;mlished on 1996, tn. ~,~. is. ">I~·Ih<-ln romp"'''''' ' ...........n:h ~nd odL>(ali<>" f.roily dcoisnrd t<aUppml Abt.. ....'. prof..· ""lOa] ,nJCf,,,-,,, conunuP,ty and tht >l.I~·' _all «<>n<>mic dtvdopmcnl dfu ••

Tht Amman Astociotion of I'd .....'" Geo\osl... ""' 'PI,,,..ued

Iknn<t.t L Bnrdm vic:e-du.uman of its P\oI>Itc 0ulradI

Com""".... Ik

will ....... a Ihr«ft" tnm ,~t1IIlSh 2008. Thf MPG Public Outt('l(h Comlllil1« k<r<4 th~ IuI'Jd~llun·.


dlfMO< of tht ~ ....... '" Tt'ChnoIotY TranskrCoul'Kill'.oiUm Gulf Rqio<o offk~ In ThtaIooM and an adjunct prolf:w<.or at 11""" ........ SdlooI of


H.nd ... rrndall

U.c annouMCJ lllde F.dWltnb was ,nductfd intO 1M

......... eomm..

U.u-,ilyof nicotion

Hall ol hmo. Ht W,,"

hoooo-ed ........

... oth 6w ocher inducten II • mmoonr in 0ct0bcT_ Tho Conununi<at>on Holl off...... __ O'.,.ted to hoooo-. P''''''~ Ind rnt><i""'" tht noma Ind occom· plt<Itm<nts 0( dlil'/liuuJ,rd individual<

who ha"" bf'O\>ghL lampa f...... to tht ,I>lt of,no Ihrough one of 1M disclpJina of cornrnunic".tion. Edwotnil _ . n.....oo.. 0( tht U.s. HouR olll.tprnmloli¥el fuo- 20 )ftf>, H~ lon-....l tuldtr 1M pruidmt>. from Lyndon )ohruon Ihrousl> Itort;ald Rnpn·.1inI1tmI. /JI<,- ~ mirinI from tho us. Hotw ol Rtpii ...ntll...., III 19115. htjotnrd llmd AmIdaII. Sinu rI1Urn"",.o MobiIt. F.dw....ts halOll"W4 .. d>&trmon ol tho board of the Mobik ...... a..mbrr of Comrntrc.f, and on tht boonls oilbc Mobilt Optra. Mobilt I'..:onornit ~t Council.nd .... ny other civic bouds and rommitttu. H< Iu$ ~ on ltot M.l)'Of" Wmrlinnt


Bar Briefs

Advi>o:y Commill~ and ..... nuned Abbam'! Vgjunl<e< [ndUS'rW Dndoptr <>fth~ \hr in 1987. In 1985. h< ..... inductM im" 1M AlIba"", Academy of Honor and "'as hon<md .. MobiliAJI of 'he y"", KIt 1987. Th. Uni/i..d Judi<:W SY$ttm and th. Alohom. Srot< lIor co· hosled ,h. ~ mony'< Senl!'"

11"",,11 H.Ai" and Chief J"";c,. C. C. T",ben, Jr. upon n.ming .'" Abba"",

Judi.cUJ Building "Tho

Hrilin· ludiciallluildinS'"

Tho ,.....,Iy

"."Itd H.m,,·"lorber.

Jutlki1l Ruikling will 1001''' bron.., bu.tH>(\>olh men, ..·hio<h wert lCulpt«!

by formtr Abb.n1. Sl. ,. Ij.,or ,

The membcn <>f !I>o t.c.odemy., au.

Warun B. Ligll1(oo'" lIinninsham .Uornt)'. Altl>ough th. build"'8 ,,~ r«hnically na mM in March:ztlO.l ",'11m the kgWalurc ~. reooIution.lh. un,n'H>ny took pi"" in o<.<)bn in.he mlunda in 1m- Judiciil Buildina in MI>II'gomtf)'. '!'hat ddte coinc~ wilh d~

o£1005 ~ FrftI D.~id Groy. Tod C. Kcnntdy. Richard C.~Ihy.ndGail

And ....... TrtldI!O'!. ASBm<moo

DpOnina of ,h ......... Judki.I .... r.

Four new m.mbe ..


""iorWlr ~ civil rishu all0m0y.

""'I' induttod in'"

cd<bn'M kau ... and """""fuI . u!hor. \\r"h . "'sal car«r th.! has ","nnod ",.,.., !han half • un!ury. G...y,land· m:o,k 'Nil righlS <a>eS a re now found in OOtU!ilUlionaIlaw , ..,boob. EIKtcd '<> II.. AWwna Ilou.. <>f Rrp ...... nIlU ..... in t970. he ............ of lhe rIM African· Amo"",.", 1<> """" in the AWwna LogIoinu RKon."uction. U. _ ..... lhc 6 .... pt1">OJ\ of 00"'. 10 be .Ita· od p.ooml of the AUbo"", Sw. 1IIr. Krving>.$ its l26th p .... i<kn! in 200203. GTilY•• Twl:ogtt residm!, .. !he sm.". pan....,. in Gray, l... ngfu«l. Sapp. McC".ow>n. CTAy &- 1'<",n. •

the Al.n.",. AaoJcmy of Honor ill Augult. "MemlKnhip ,n ,he Aadcmr of Honor is limit.d by t.w to 100 AJ.bami.n. wh .... I ccompIW"""n!, a nd \<:rvic. II ... gR'. !ly '!N !h. Su!.; >aid Th<>m., N. Ca.TUth<n. Birminshun .Uomq . "d tho Mdcmy'. choirm"". Th. induct;<>n comn<>ny W>.$ h.1d in tho oldlloU5C Cb.unben .t tho SUt. Capilol. Sl.. od !o addrw this roar', .... mhly ... re Acldemy "",mbc. [<>h n Cadddi. Govtmnr Rob RU..,. and Sma!",. Richa rd Sholby.


__....._ . . _OooI_f_. __ --

1""- soli ..... "".Igned by

..... e can ""lee you. .uppon _ uncon\e"lted divorce ""...... «'Y" I ... Z... 3... I . En,,,, 1M c... Inlonnatlon 2. Prlnl the Documen\$ 3. File wlt~ !hIt C<MIrI c~lld


Ilwyenr lOf lewyerS


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I, .....

DO YOLI [\ '1Jt WO:-.!DDt !f YOlf\1: L[rr AJ'r'1' ARI::A OF DlKOV1'.RY UNEX.I'LOIl.JD?

ARE YOLI A\\ARE 0 1-THE IUS"- OF MI\L/'RAO ICE ::urr::. II' )OUIt nltMl'i NOT AWAlt[ or lll[ I'ROCIDUR[ FOR ACQUJRIi'-G I-l1:crnO"IC EVIO拢'\!C[i' 00 \0U IIAV[ A I'ROIL..~/ONAl. RllAllON."/ UI' Volflll AN EXI'ERI I ~ !llE Ilrl.o o r Il.[CTRONIC EV1D8"CE DISCOVER)? 路lllffi[ IS , 路ow A FlllM (;\ AI..A13..\,\\I\ CERnnm IN THIS FUll)




" , , I' . "/ " "11

, . , ' r ' f"

r"r' . ,





Disciplinary Notices



"fhe SuP"'''''' (".nun of At.b."", ""lOrn! an ordc •• Ns«I upon tht ckci·


.ion of 111 or ,hI' Disciplinary lloud of II«- S!al. Ill •. ""muring forrn<. !I.ld""n

County ~''''mrr a.,..J.

Iknn ... , 10 th .. pr.achc. of "1'1 in ,h. Sw. or,,,,,, .ff«ti~ Augu.' 2~, 2OOS.I i'<1. No. 05·0))

Suspensions I(.....II.;U.. altornoy



Richey .... intorimly $u'p<'ndtd frum

,h. pr.achc. of 1.1'1 in ,h .. St." of AI.IM",. In 11.,,1. 20(1). AIa""'mo H."ks Qf /);",pI ..""y f'nK.JUI't'. by o.der of . he [)''''iplin .. y Commi,,"on of 'hI' Abb.",> Stoic Bar.


.. ff<C1j~

0<100.. 7. ~OO5. The order of II... Di$ciplinoryCommission WJI b.tstd on" cu"",nllu int<rim .... " mod by Rich.,. un Otto"'" 6, 2005. Iti<hcy consented '" ",ledm ,II>'


I",n.ion p<'ndno, . ppeal of hi' convic· tion in

,h. Uni,rd S..,« [)im", Co",.,

for 111< S""Mrn District of "I.bon.. for "",king f.~ ".,.m.nt< In the HII ,n ,,;.,I.lIOn of 18 U.S.C SIOOI (a )(l). lRule 20 (a):~. No.OS·1I 1 Hunt,,·ilIr a"om<y Reid ~ \\'d»Ier ".,.. $UJnll».rily ~nd<d from Iho pr;>tli« .,(4w in lh< State of Alabama punuant to Ruk 2O(a).AIo""m4 Ruin <If OU<ipIinafJ' Prout/,,,., by order of tht

Disciplinary Commi"ion of tht Abh,u,». II.ot, clrectivc September 19, 2005. The order of ,,,," !li.oplrn.ry Cornl>ussiol>

w.., bal<'d 01> • ptilliol>

ftltd by lh< 0If1Ct of G<ner:>i Counsd ....idtncitt& tlat \\~<r had foiled 1U rt<p<>J>d to '~otSt.s klr inft>rm;tlion from a <lliciplinny ,uthority during thr 24


of " diodpiinary immg.ltion.

IRule 20 ra): 1'0:1.)0;'0. !JS..IOj

Public Reprimands lI.oy Minttt •• ttomty FhIlk Wil>on M yns, Sr . ...and 'public <eprinw>d

without gert publication 0<1 October I I, 200S for violating rules 3.2, 8.1(0) and 1I.4{. ), (,). (d) and (g). AUr"""", ~ <If Dislip/i""')' PmadU". M~.....

,,"as al'l"'il>t<:<l ro·rounstl in a capital tnurdc. lrial"long with alK}(h.,..,tor· ncr ,,00 had kso than m., )'Hn' cxpcri . <nee ... r'n\Iltn>d by "atul •. 1'wo ~k> prior to lh< Iria~ Mr= ad,istd tht judge th .. he had • fcdcral cas<.\C"1 Ixfo", ludge Sm ith .nd might not Ix for trW. ....'jth Mycn' pem... • .ion,ludge 8.iliokd <oo~ed Judge Smith who agrn"d to CQrltinu. the kd· •• >1 cast. On thr morning of lht fourth dly of trial, M~"n 1m lhe «>u.l"""" withou' Judge &.lakd·, pnmiMion lIId weill to fedoral cou.1 to .11C11d • hea.· ing bd"o", IudS" I'ropst. &$<:<I upon mrounod', rq>rtS<11tation th.ot ht had five ynn' aperion<:t, Judge IWukd al~ "" trial to pm.:tt<I in Mr=' ill>o<nu.

Co-rounsel did 001 h"" five ~m' upc,icr.ce. Wh.., MY"" murned to tht ,00n"",,"1, he .~pI.oinod tlat ht had ftled • motion to «>nun"" thr fcd<r.ol m:m •• ,wo dlys bef.".. ,h. ""mng and undcl'$lood th.n it had Iw-tn rontin~ until ht w,os ordt,td to appt.... in mun th.r mornIng. Ilow""" , Ml..... lad only

fOOl IlL~ m06ul> the d.y bcfo. •. Judge I'ropit had 110' _n Ibc motion until lhe morning of ,"" """ring and tho fed· mI ""~ring «>.,td ha~ bwt mch<:<l· .,ttd B«auso (lr M~"n' un=llSed obsfnu .nd «>.«>unod', lack (If arm· ..-.ct.

ludg<' &h.>kd d.d..rd • tnistrW

... t.wqum. MY"' Ippr••ed as "m,inod" counKI on Ippr.ol on

po!4ibIe:. Om- tIM: nat '""""" montlu, Nclton did hllle or 1>0 ........ on "" man...- and Itoob .... Irft him numoo'Ollll"" JUS" ....'hen Ndoon fuIaUy InIIle COIIliKI wilh Roob. ...

bdl.lf of .... drfmdont. Myns Irgut<I lha • •", mal «)\Ir, obu$<d iu diKrt-

ordc othro DDIlItJt!. Ndoon acIris<d hn

and ordatd Mr.u 1>0.10 lubrnil an InorMY 1ft -.dIft. MY"' IUbnuntd OM • Upon conYiclion in I



.ion ,nd ~ fOCI, 10 . ...... manif... MUt'''Y wh .... (Int did IM)I .,.;..

.nd m.nk rrprcsrnlOlion •• 0 II•• 'pl'<'lI.,c oour •• h••

w.,., mi,l..dinS-

MY"" ",.ck I f.l ...100cment of "'..... rill (Ie. o. low.o .1 . ib~n.oIllnd mack • , ,"ICII\('nl lha. he- kn .... 10 br flJ... o. wi,h .K....,. d......prd '0 ~"ru.h or (,bi.y ...... dlDl tIM: qu&li(""'liono or .n'q.n'r of ljuder and mpsrd in mlKond"". W. inYoIYcd di~r, (....... , do«1. or m;,o.I" ...."totion WI it prej .... iNI.o tIM: adminiottltion of ;"'1i« and odwovly mk<u on hi, fil ...... to practi« law. IASII No. 01 · 21 7( 8 )]

0.. Sq>Itmhtr 16.2005, Tr.lIadrp Ino....,. Muir Soni'" Nd ..,n rterivt<I • public ttprimand ",ilhou. Fnrr.oI pub· Lication for .ioLo.iom of ruin l.J. 1.4(b ) and 8.1(b). Mow""" RwIa <J/ I'rofou-I c-s"".On Aprill S, lOOS. thr Diociplinary Corruniooion vi the AIabamo Sto •• IlIr occrpICd Ndoon', p~ly pIeo. In


J1IOUIor 21»'. AmIDda L Itoob rcWnrd NdIoa 10 proomI willi I <!hom onion aod jWd 1ft of S7SG. Ndoon fiIfd .... dilatlr and oubwqutndy did IInle or no work on tIM:

/toob Il1mlplod 10 €ODIXI Ncl..,., '" 'WI! ,,_1m withou •• responw. Nclooo did no! .num /toob. p/tooM nJlJ umd ""'lUI 2(10.1.11 whidt ,iIM RooI:t & Ncloo" .0 proc~ wi'" tht uncont<sted di"""", 1$ SI»Il as


_1OIRd '0 Rfund h.. f« to !be oouId ,liar ... would Laktc'" ...... diYOOOr .......... dIy. and ""'" "plI>. Rooks .grNd AIi...- .......-aI wod<$. Roob tltllcd NcilO/'I .nd. 0""' -soin .... f.iltd

or r<fu!oo:d '0 ""u. n hn colis. 1"d..,n·,

inKhon wi.h reipKI'o ,hi! matl«

tIt..w Itoob ..vcr. r.nonriol dit ......


<lut 10 ,he r.c:1 chikhuppurt ""33 not bUbliIhrd. Furth...-mo~, whtn Ndwa ..... ronl>on<d by tb< Abbm>o Sla1l' &or DiKipIiDooy Commiosion on }muary 6, 200S.'" .m.Jrd 10 mpond to muhlpk requesu b- infonnIIion mo.N to "'" ""m.,.I ASII No. 0>57 1

Ewrzr=! .nomry Sant 00waId Slodd.ord ~fflI'<Il public ITprimand with Itn...-ol publica.ion on Scptmtber 16.2005 for ..;w,ion. of tuIo$ 1.13(0). L.1 5( b) and 1. I6(d). AI~""m~ RulD <J/

/'rtf...;""", c..",/"". Sloddnd wa. "".innllO rrptntn., ditnl in. crim· inol malL...- Ind paid • S2,soo "".i......

About • wed:; 10 •...-, Stod<Wd ..... tmt_

ponnIy.....,.ndcd from tht pract~ ollow in the Stolt or Alabama. Upon rt(1!i« Stoddard bad hom ~ tb< dim. aok<d for • of .... III>tamo:d portion 01 tht ft.t. Stoddard told him tha."", did not " - .... It"IOIVY 10 mmbuox him. Stoddlrd did rt(1! c\qloA •• nd hold "" u.... rntd "".in...- i"'[\I$', nor did.M ,mdon • fuU """""'ing and



rrfund ,... money upon mjutSl. Stoddard wtmqutntly mod< mti.uoon. IMiIl No. ().I· 21 1


Young Lawyers' Section

For All This and More, Check Out

8y Chrisly Cro ...

" ulu,

D~ni~l & Crow


Uni<>n Sp"n,.

. . w

! w. had .lmoS! 400 MW

admin .... 10 ,he bat lhi' fail wok","" \0 011 <>f)VU ond good Iud< as you sUri your IIf;W Q.1'm'''

w..... gI><I!O 11,0.... you in tht Young l.awyns' Stetion of lhe .-J.Nrna SI.,. As m. nyofyou know"h. YLS is in

of ,h •• dmi»;,," ct .... mon~. of the lug< numbC'r of n..... odmincn oKh f,I1,II>. f.11 certmony Iw boorn pl>gu«i with prob"m. <W<" I.... lui few y,urs. Pmc...;ng Lh>l m.ny ""'" tdmiuCft in ..... morning; •• n •• d""... , .. k, 10 say 1..." .nd Adm;,,;"n.





• ...:h. ","ot

adm''''''''' <... nlOn ..... Under II.. leadenhip of Gtorgo: ,,",ktr, and wilh 'N: hdp of Vlokrie Rus..u, LeoJie fJli>, Chris Walk •• nd Roo'" .n Shoul, lh< riOl <"""lOllY """, off "\ " IOn: _hll" 11>< <'~J1f ~nro "" lim< 0J>d oil <>f lht JUDI' h><l • .«"'.1. While th;s donn'! ..... oo Iii« • rnajot """,,,pliih. m<nl. " inn imp""nncn, (J\'I.T .10m< of lh< p.U rm.-moni<:s. The odmisoJon """"_ mony;' an ;mporun. 1'''' ofony ..... odmitl«'slif<.nd.1oI ofhard work ond tff"" ~,. p~' in,o ,"" c......"ony r>ny ~ .., if)'DU [!d on ",,,,,,,,uMy '0 ,hank ,t.e.o. ,'Olun,ttI'lI. 1'1 .... '" do.

has ,"po,lIIrd. W. a rt proc ... ing , ... and .hould be in con' O<' .... "'Y"nc in , .... n... fo, ...... If)">u ha"" ""' rc.\pondoJ .o 1M mail ...... ' buI lu be inool<<:<I, .... m. il n.. anJ lc1 "'" ~now "'hat comrnill r«),,>u or< inl<rtllrd in .• nd I will r"rw,n d your 'nfo.m.llion 10 Ill. 'PPTC>f""t< chair. Fin:ally, ...., a~ in ,... procn.i of g.o:tung Our \'hb oil. lMd up .nd running. It is 00ped .1>:1, bt' lito: ,i",e ,his i. published. )'Oull beabk to frnd.,.., whal)'DU' VIS is doing by visiting .......... kIt.""rMfo."'l. n..rc will be infor",.. ion th< , .. ri · OU$~bcorruni"r«." wdl .. u]XOft1ing

OM 'hmg n<'W odm'''ces n~ to .ht,~ is. packag. of inf.. n ru"'on .... ;ting fo,}'Ou at ,h. ".,.

CI..E in/Ormation. The ,.;,... oong bu~, .... if)'O\l ha"" ~ggr:51ionJ, IC1 "'" knov.' or conlaCl MOil S,opbcru ",Pogo Banh wilh )'Our idoas. W~ wont ,hiHi" to bo u..:ful to all J"'Ung Lowrm and Low St...:lcrlts. F.wry Lowyn who .. under "8<' )6 o.-lw betn p,.""ing ro. fMo )'1'&'"' or I<$s is


b., bUI )'I''' I,g,.... '" ""'IOU'I' i,'~ 'm'i,.... i,. Vou -"'ould h .... betn I'ruvkl«l • fonn 10 ,'<[u<l! ,he pad".g. ond on which}'Ou can gi'" upda .. d dir«tory inf",rna,,,," .0 .he AS!!. bul if }'Ou'"" los, th~ (orm ..... moil ",$"'X ,orequest ,h. ~k . 'II'". ""'... indIO,,", }'Ou, upd .. ed dirK'o·

ry infO''''''''..m ( n:a ..... fi,m, addKS>. phuno; numlx, .•. nuil.dd,m, C1C.}.

Our Iron Bowl a..E ..... also • I""'t "'"""". 101MI)' INn'" '0 Jimbo T....... ll and IAN U AMY 10 00

''''f''''U'' 10 our romm' ''",

Com mi """ hal ht-cn ' 'Y,ng to) $01ve' ~ number of probl ....... p<rknc«l in 1""

'""l(m\xT is

ZO Onnm.. fur IIfg.oni:tillS 'hi> C"Y<111. I, w ... 1""0' "'.or 10 off ,... lroo Bowl WC'Okcnd. "'.. also Ihonk our speokn AW>ama Suprnnc Court A$$ocl.ok Justice 1lrornu A. Woo.Wl Joff.....,.., Coun,y Circui. Judi!'" JoocpIt L 600hakcr ond Birmingh;tm 'lIOmcy Wilfon F. c.-.. Tht VLS also <:XIm<b ru. .pprKia.ion '0 !lit firm of Br.Jdley Ann, IWM: & Whit. UP, who allo...ed us t.. US< t~. <»n~ mom 10 ho<t 1M CLE. ond to 'Il< firm of McCallum. ,\IC1hvin Ilr , PC 10. providing'''' rd"m.hmcnu. On .no,h.. 00'< . ..., haY<' ,M...,! mail ... u'. Thonk )">U '0

"""1)'0"" who




o.. '"ma,icalIy a m<mbcT o r the n s. '\\0"" importantly. mnnbtrship in ,IIi, S<C1ion i,

J-. I()">u ""vm't aJ.~ do".-.o. iign up for 'Il< opponuni,y to bo "n """ of lhe commin...,. $</ fUu can help ~ . diff..· cnc:~ in y<lur «NIImunity and in you. prokMion. Togtth..... ~ ..., It\.1king 1M YLS. boll.... KClion cvc-ry day. •





ht idta Ior.&ll AlaIwIu.~' 11011 ofF ..... In "'"'"'" Iorms had b«n aplortd fOr 0C\'CI'".al ~UI.. In WOO. Trrry Brvw1I of Montpnn'Y wlOl<' Sam

RUII1<>R. Ibm Al"bo"", Sto .. &r ~. WIth a WDffi"'" 10 convm 1M old 5UprmlO coun build,,,! into I musrum honorinf; 1/,. 8~" lowyon of Abb.una. "hhough 1M «tt><q>I of alowynl;' hall orr..... WU Jluditd, the nm h.a, r"",i<\ml. ~~ Gr'Y.lpopoinud II .... fo= \0 impl..mrm I 1\.1.11 off.Mr, 'I'bt A1ab.o"", l.awy<n' Han of Forno i. the culmin.""" of ib.. >o,ka and moor ..... ' mgo.

Dean Albert John Farrah Draa AIbm 101m htnb ",.. ......... U tho ~of M.dIipn. II< .... born in Micbipn. M'mckd tho UniYaRCy of Mo<:hipn and paduMnl from tht ~ of Mdlip> ' - ScbooI. Prior IO~I~, Draa f.,.ohhad Iwn III oducatoon-o ..hooI ""","",rod tnt Atkr ~ Low Mr """ 'l"'U$ '" IJ.utk Crrtk. II< ..... InVited 10 mum 10 his

librory ,nc~ to """ 20.000 """'....... 1M law OLhooi boa_ tcmdit«l by tho Iun<rian I\u Auoc..uon ~"" tho A>to:.>o:: .. tlOf\ of Ammc:Jn Lfw Sd>OOb. ADd. ho " .. iAW I!.. construoiol'l of a ..... Irw buiIdl,.. ~twO ~ of Low,m ."cnd«l1aw dosoa. It bo:camr

It.nown .. ratroh Hall Dan funh r.u$td I!.. bod 01 q..t tdu· _ on I!.. ~ 01 AIaIwn.a. I I.. bcIi<f was m. A!marna', . .1< 1"...0 ocbool should

lI>n-o fOr ~ 'I"'~"" kr.'" hod round his thr Oft". olltpl od"",tion, mho!" tho bitLrt win, ... "'11M: ModwQI ....0. 1M South look qUUt

bo I >p«iaI pI.«..,.J thol no 100 or daugh· 01 ~, ...hollkl ...... hlM to bv<dw 101'" t<l obtain • pnt lop! f<llOtiort Suo;mlIog ..,..-........ 01 deal ... profesoon, law otudmb..,.J olu"mi ","", built on Fat",,"'. fll'm b.Ino\.JLI(Jn tho! "" ~

.nr..:u~ \0

• tht l"IwrM,of o' SdIOCIof u...

.wn.' . . . Uw rroftooor. I I. taught Uut aihrog '"

F.'..... fk I><am< ckan of ,,,- ..,."btm .. hoob-flnt ~ fmm 1Il00 II. 1909; Ihm Florid., from 190910 ]912; Ind fomllr tho lInn'mily 01 ~ from 1912 .... l~ hu dC-ill> '" I'U~_ Itc ,"'u,h<' lonsnt-iftVing dean in


,,,,,", K!IooI',!uMory. Y>'hm F,n,1> IOAlWrm. 1M bo .. hh""1 h.eI only ....... h"ndO'l"d I>ooIu. ~ ..... hrld in Morpn H..JI, • g<f\C1IOI <1.,.""0,," hudcli"l w~ it ,."., Il ....)'t hoi in 1M ."mmeT and <old in the win, ..., Dr.n r•• ",h sot to """l.. Tho


Frank M. Johnson, Jr. Frril> ...... born...l <duelled 11\ wl paduart<! &om Ih< lJnivmiIy of AIoobwna SdIOCI 0Iu... lit

I<r...d. •• <XI<\1bIII mfanlryman 11\ \">«Id w... 11,".t"nwoundtdallda>d<d Iuf "'lIit.",. Oit'<'n" .. IIqjaI ufficn in Grmw>y. H'I>t$>" hi. low prKt". in J.. per in 1946 and ..... " ... >«1 United S..,.. Attorney fuJ tho IWrthl',n o;mict of


Abbama in 1953. I" 19S5. ht was "omtd Us.I)~tict CoUM Iud~ for Iht Middk DUlnr. of Allba"... A. Ihe .inK of hi' i",""li'u •• , ht was Iht youn[!l'S' f~1 judge 11<1\10", Judge' )ohll$<)n had a .... y >lwlfl pe.iod of"ahn"boforo w"Chil Righ1>510rm" that can .. to Montgomery and .he Un;.od Stiles. In I 1980 •• kv;'lon ;n'cr' vitw, Bill M"~I$ norod .h.. "f... pi""'" Frank M. /ohlU(ln, I•. in rht ncr"" em .... of conl'mn ... ion .00" On. of hi< nrlial d.:-ciJions dr<lared that oqr<gI.N public tnn>po"arion-t .... hus """"'" of Montgomery-wo, ul>COnsli. u. ional. Ortw.. landn ..,k C&!CS.nd d«i>ions tanK rapidly in hi' judkiaJ "'reer. Ho o.dered ttu.t black5 be "'81>1cn:d 'D YOIc. Hi> opiniun in Umttd 51Q/1$ ... A/lI/J<Ima (1%1) ,,,,o,od • $landard lIrar ..... wril· 1m intI> rht I'J6S Righrs ""I. H. " ... Ill< linl judgt' to apply th. on.·m.n. ...... YOI. principle II> OIOie legisbli"" """,,"ionment. H. Drdered 'he fil$' C<)mprthtruj.., po,,,,,,idt school ~. ga.ion. lie ..... the Ii.... jud~ 10 apply III< equal prot«lIon cla~ Df Ih. (".o'UlI1u, ion '0 ".,. laws diocrinrinOI;ng again" women. He csrabli>lrN rht pr«c-. den'lh .. people in IJKfllal ;nSlnUlions h•••• oonslilulion.r.l .ighl to " •• tmenl. II. ordered the md of lire jungle·like condilions in AI.bal1\> pr""nl. And, ht ol.IIod Ihat the 1_ wu d .. rlh" citizen. ha.elht righlll> petilion 'heir SO'"Cfn' <I1<'nl 10 addn$s gr ...... ncn and thai lIr~ righu be """rei""] by l1\>n:hing along. public hisJw.-.y from Selm. to Ml>nrgomcry. Jud"" lohnson was On< of Iht m<>$1 h<lnored ;Udg<!S of II>< 2Or.h Onlury. 11. n:«ivcd honunry doclonl .. from 001· lezes aU D'"'' the (OIInlry. including Notre D....., I'rin«tDn. 51. Mich..d", ColIego. the Uniwnily of Abbam •. &.Ion Uni~ity, Y:ol., T~ lnSlitute. and Mtrte •. A, leUI four biog. rap/lo« h...., b«n "'fiu..., ~boul him. Frank /oh1l$D1l was ~ great bwytf and .~rnN. nOlion.! rcpu,,,ion .. a greal jud~.



Annie Lola Price Annielnlo I'ri« wa'lh. iiI$! WO ..... n .0....., on on appelLoI" «>uri in Alabo ...... H". yea .. of .. rvic.....,re 195 I '0 1972. She ..""" on Iht Alaba ..... Court of APP""b and b«.me ilS pn:sid. ing judgo...... d when 11>0 AI.aba"", Court of Criminal i\pp<"alI was ..I.blis/lod 111 1'J69, she i>«anK its Ii.... miding jud~. ludge Prk. wa, born in Culll1\>n and Alhtn~ CoUego. SI>o WO<kl:d in • low affi~ in Culll1\>n U a ~re,ory and 1ft.. -rea<lll1g.1>< I.w; oh" pu...J.1>< Alabal1\> B.. Enm in 1'128, becoming """ of II", Sla,,,', fir$' W<'Jrn= 1• ...,....... (""""'..- "H'8 ),m- Fobom _P!"'inkd Ann~ lola Pr;o, to 5t"t'ft as hi! Legal adv;. SO< in 1'.150. She "'as ~ first f.mole legal :od<oo.. to ......" _ ~ in Al>ba11\>. In 19~1. Cov.mor Fubom al'P"intN his legal advoor to the court of;lppcals. Tho: ap»Oin1m<nl was «>ntn:mnial al the tirnr. and she dedin<d II> haw a pubIlc in"",inrre amnDCI)'. lrutead, she h.uI. pri....te (_ny she sWUm in by her himd. Secretary of Slltl~ Mable, i\mos, in her office. H~. rho ""'... of Alabama """'I"W th" obilil)' of Annie lola I'rict and d«tod her 10 judicial office in 1952. 1958, 1964 and 1970. The interesling anomaly .boUI judge Prla. "". i1... at on< Ii .... she w.. th. hi~1 nnlcing f..,..le "pp"lIal. (ourt jud~ preJiding .ppdl.r. oourt judge-.-in Ihis oounlry. H.........., her ..",. kr Vrct1;olod lhe peri<.><! of lim< whtn ""''''." we« alIowcd to ,il on jur'" in Fo. the Ii... IS ~'I$ of1><r ..... ice.she n:vicwN I....-nCDUrt deci· sion, bur "'OS noI eligible 10 ~ Dn the


juries I1\>lcing 1lM»e decision>.

Ann;e lola I'ticte.....-..d wirh gn:o. di&tinction as an appcll.orc judlldor 21 years unlil htr <!nth in 1972. AJ hcr rnrrrooriaJ """,Ia.. Nina Miglionico Sloi<d, "\Vomm will remember """" her quiet...... her dig. nny; I never onoo lI<ud her o:ayan unkind thing.- Juds< Pri« was a pioneer.nd .. role model lOr women ~ in A~ and she apMltied options tOr """',." in the

legal proftl6ion. She has abo hem induc1C<l into tilt ~ Worn",,', Hall 0( Fame.

Arthur Shores Arthur Shorn (an be bribed in mall}' woys. H. was 0 ~ baltJtr fOr civil righu. H. was con<ld.!rt<l Alabama', "drum nu)or tOr ;u..n: llowcvtr.11I< rno;r affection .. etitle ..tudr I lItud refer· ring to him ..... "IJaddy ~"This lid.. wu nollimilM II> hu own child<m-Heltro Ind Ilorboro-but 11> ....... tions oI)'OtIng t.wycn wI>o...ugh1 hisadviot and.....mvcd h.. m<'I1'o..rup. Mtlrur was initially on NUOItOf Io<fYing .. a 'cachtr and high ~ principal. H~ !\ad graduated from ToIkdesa ColIctl< but only completed ..... year of law J<hoDI al tho Unn..nity of Kansu. l ie continued his qalSludito through ~ courses and then ...1 for and p.outd III< AJ.abama Bar Exam in 19l7. H........... or only. Nndful ofbbd; .ttomtys in tho ....I~, bul his imp;>a bcg;on immedialely. In 1918.II<~fU<'dthe i\l.bol1\> Iloom of RqiSlral$ for ,ts tcfusaI 10 n:gi>t... ~o vote """" black J<hoDI .oachen. In 19-11. II< Irgued oil ,t.. woy '" .1It U.s. SuI'"""" Court that 1 "'h~ ..-onIy railroad union could nol adud< bI.oo:b and then deny them MIlO. jobs boa.... they not union mernI:>crs. In 1'H2. II< .ucassfulIy ~kd • black priocipal to I'otu 1t..1dfcnon Counly ScbooIIkwd tl> I"Y black ,00.... rho...,.... oalcics .. whites.!n 1956, II< reprnmlN AlIthtrine lucy in her e&n to btoomt tho fint bbdr. Sludml 01 lhe Un;""";.y of AlaNn ... i\nd. in 1963. he sucassfully argued to the SuI'"""" Cour' lhat III< ....... of pncrlul demonsl ... IDr1 in IIinningham be rukd unrorul;lutio ..... In Ihe LlIO 1%Os, A"hu. Shores bee....... Ill< bl..d: """"lin "r the Binningham ClI)' Council. II. " rcmnn· berod as a >lrong advocale fur hi> dienl .nd I gonlkrnan in ,he low. Arthur '"'" • Slrong and hr,o"" advoorlO. Ig",,11 ...... n ., lhe bw. but a 10..,... ... ho go! mullS rOf his (~cn". •






Nominee Born



(_ o r . . - )


(DMI ...., PIooo) "*'"J Plea", not. : There 8/8 two categories of nominees: TIIose nominees who 001'8 been deceased 8Ilea Sl two )'!NII'S and those nominoos who have been deceased at /tNlSl 0fJ(/ hundred yeam. (DaM ......

General statement of nominee's qualifications and achievements:


(Contln....! on nat POW")


I Alaba",~

IA...,.",路 flail of ""m. COr-n7NUEJ)






Nominee ,~,


( - '" "'-禄


Died (o.teond~)



Please nor.: There are two categories of nominees: Those nominees who have been doce8sed at leas/ two jIVlIrs and those nominees who /lillie been d6ceas8d 8/188S/ one hundrOO )'liars.

General statement of nominee's Qualifications and achievements:









Alabama's Plain-Meaning Rule of Statutory Construction


n I now.f."""" ..... ~..,iQt ~ib"'ll'" (;10""",

or ....Mory

In'rq>rNIOOII,1'roftsoor Kao1

I..kwdlyn optntd that ",,,,",,,, aR' tWO

"'1'1">1'", cano... "" . IIII<»' Cftr)' I"'im ....• Karl N. l.kwdlyn. ' ~fQ On ..... 1'l>tu.y of "'pl"'lla'~ l>tcision and the Rub Of About lIow SI.,uta Arc' "l ~ l;onlI.utd,· 1 \'."", L Rrv. m. <401 I \~50). H" ronduslon is II)fI>OWha. un..."b.... d "'gaI> ,..., the I<ienu oI ...,utory a>n>lnotlion is an ill............ ......., p ..... IIYO/vi"ll """f'd"'l bUI oqually "'Ihoroun~ CUOO<U, by which

eo""", ror

...,. inlnpMOIion it JUIIt/i.obIt.

ocmuio would M

;"'1Iwyns"1'Io..- m



l'nlIt"'tms rot pranic.

...,. their aon

And ....iw dltn.L And it .....xl '''''''0 ft\IJlIu "",n'pulll;"" on me ~" of 1110 (OUJU. which could alw£l" c;,. I ( tfUn" canon 10"'ppon. dc:I.i....:l I)O,JI. rornt, 0111"" whd. proclaiming f.dclitr 1(l 'II~ nnoM.·


In Al>, whilt aU of Ih. I'>rioo. canon. orr c<rlainly ,tc· osuited, OM has """ "p,irtUlry" "alUs: Ih~ Plain M•• ning Ruk. A. show" Niow,lht I'\ain Meaning Ruk i. andwrro in Alabama , "lOng adh'",nco '" Ih. doctrin< nf $<'J»r>tion of I"'W".... Thollul. pm .. idts a rn"""""rk from which 'l.tutOry Mn.l,u<lion;s 10 btgin and by ",hich il ;.10 NcoOlpkled. "l"h. purpoK" of Ihis . nick i, to flesh oul this framtWOfk, holh from. th""r.... ie. l . nd. practieal $!andpoinl. b lh ... . · "",.ning?" How doc:< 0"'" know ",nal il isl What "'ur«> ",n 0"" us< 10 filld tho "plain m"'tl;ng" Wilhoul unJ .. mining Ihe purpost of the Rule, which is \0 local. "",a"ing only in lho I.xl of tho .mulell>on Ih. Rul. apply 10 conslilutionaJ inl .... • pret'lio,,! If nothing d st, the practili<mtr m",1 a[,," Y' bt mindful of Ihe Rul,', fum.· work. btcau ... il directly • tl«ts Ih. murts' willinsnns 10 a""pi hi, propostd inl.r· p""" ion. Often 'rgu"",nto .re mado regording Ih. "leg· i,Loli~ ;nt<lll" behind. $I.tu'., when lh<y Muld and .nould a, I... n ini,ially N cui in 1<11tl' of Ih. ,1.lUI.', ' pbln meaning"

Separation of Powers, Legislative Intent and the Plain Meaning Rule


! ANUA~¥

l0 0 6



Th • .,.,.,ranching principl<' that guid.-s Alabama cnuru-and th«ofore must gui<k tho a<!"""'te-in an.:tyz· ing Allbama ,IOCul.. is Ih. principl. of S<pM,lion of powcn. Thi' pri""ipl. is nol ..... "'Iy one of good judicial phil<nOphy• .!ott In. Ftd"ali" No. 47 (Ma<!i.sonJ , which hapl"'n.1O ha,~ bt'lIadol'ted by Al>bama judges. In" •• d. il i< • con>t;tuliolUl Olond.t •. Whil<' tho Uniled Statts Con"ilU,ion only ;mplicid~ _Urn" Ihe .."•• mion nf powttI, Alabama', conSlilulion cOll!>i", on .. pliei •. $Irongly·wo«led s<po ... lion of poW<'1$ provi,ion. Bim,;ngho,n'kjfrnon 0.;'- Or• .... wh. v. Ciry rif lI,mungho,n. 1M.. 1031522, Mo~ 3, ~OO51 _ So. 2d _ (Al>. 2(05) ("The ConSlil ulion of A1ahama nproosly .oopl> Ih, doctrin< or oq,.. r~tion of PO""''' th>l is only implicit in Ih. Con,til utiun of Iht Uni,td SlOt ..." ); Ex pa'" lattin, 836 So. 2d 81 " 81~ (Au. 2(02 ) ("In Al.barru, "'P.,.,ion of powtrs i< not "",rely an implicil "docrri",," bUI ... ,h .... n upr... command: a oon'm:.Ind " ' Itd wi,h 0 fomofuln .... riyalro by!tw. if all)". simil.r provi,ion, in co",lilulion$ of olh .. """,,,,i$n$:). Article 111. &clion 43 of th~ Al.\ Con$til ution of 19I1l provid ... in pcninrnl porl, lhal "I iln tht so~"'mt"t or Ihis ,tat., D:<q>1 in Iho", ... in thi. 32

Con'lilulion h""nafler exp,.wy dil"l'l:lcd or permitted . ... . h. judicialldol'''rlIn<nll o.hall nover tho .nd oxr-culivt" pow1' .... or oilNr of Ihn,,: 10 tho .....t lhal il may N a so"",nment nf laws . nd not of m..,: So< . bo ALo. Con". 19I1I , An. Ill. S 42 I"T!.., powrrS of Ih< govnnmn" of lho SUI. of Abhama olt,n bt divided into lh= d;ninci deportmenl ..... h of which ",.n bt confided 10 0 ....,... t.body of magi"JJ.Cy. ' 0 wit: Thooc: which are kgW.tiV\', 10 o~: .hos< ... hich a", <:Uru . I..... to another. and.ho$(, which.", judicial. to anothtr:). "rhi, p".,.i<1o". with V\''Y millo, nlodification •• Ita, bttn includt-d in ~,..ty ~r>1on of tho AI,bama ron>lilulion ,inc~ 1819. s.. Rk. v. Engli.h. 835 So. 2d 157, 163 (Al>. 2002). Th. jU$ti.... and judg., on Al>hama', rourt. m"".nd do IW thi, principle ..,.io ..... Iy. s...•. g.. Ex (Xln. Jrnki.... n 3 So. 2d 6-49, 6SJ.S6 (Al .. 1998) (di<arning in d<1.lil tho historical and pIIilooophical '-kground of AI.Nma·, $<p' .... ion of poWOI"$ provision ). !ndml. tho Alabama Sup,..,.". Court noT long ago .....ted, on $<p0.,1 ion-of'po'<'"eI' grounds. .h<,long. running. m o;ch.publicited • Eq uit y fundu" Cas<~ involving. essenlially.MUn·mand.:ued funding of ALobo.m", public 5<hool , )'SI.m. Ex parr. 836 So. 2d .1 81 5·19. Th. cuurt .talro th.t il couJd not impos< any .p«ific r<"m<dy ",ughl by 1M pbinti«' with· oul u,urping Ihe ruk of tho l'li<.latu", and tbtrrlJy vioLoI· ing S«tion 43. Id. at 819. Al.hama·, devolion ' o . prop<r "1"",lion of powttI i, ",n«!ro nol only in ill comtil ution but abo in ito polilical ~t,.ironm.n1 . VOl ... h .... beco ..... quil~ int ...... lro in rootintl oul " 'h,1 Ih<y ""re.i...... judic;'1 acti.",,, or "kgWlling from Ih. bench: TherefOr<!. '·in .... lly overy candidol" for judicial offic......sp«i.lly for. seal on One of Al>bami "pI"'Uol< courto-r..g>.rdless of J'Orty. pUIO forth gr••1 dfort 10 <Loim .o only folio ... th .. law as wriuon Or '0 bt • "<lrict constructionis,: It i$ Ih. ' Irong d"'"Otion to ""''''lion of pow<-r> that infO ..... 1M ,udic ..1 pl"<ltt$O of ,,,,luIOry inlCrpr<!lation in Al>b. rrg, and hos mOlk Ihe 1'1.;n M... ning Iluk p ......... inonL "M of Ih, Rul. i, ",lkcled in tho ALol>.ortUl Sup"'''''' Gout!". opin. ion iu DtI\aJb Ccunry U' Ga. eo. •. Suburwn Gas. 729 So. 2d 270 (Ala. 1998), on. of Ih. more 'yo1<malie d;......;., ... of Alohamo', . pp ..... ch 10 Sl.tutory ,onmuction. In lhat deci<ion. Ih«oun $<'I f., th. Rul. as follows: In dt,rrmining tM muning of . .. ant1~, ,hi. o...n look. '0 'M pl.;n ...... ning of . h. ".."d, .. ""iU.n by lho kgioblu"" As ""' ha", soid:

• 'Wo.ds ~ '" a 'Utu'~ mUSt tNo~ ,h.i. no'u_

ral, p~in, ordinary, and commonly un<knlood mraning. and wl><r't' plain ~ng ....g. is ultd a court i, bound 'n """1'''' w, lan~""S< 'n mo.n aaclIy what i, ..yo.. If tho Iangwge of tho ""ul. is un ....· bigU(lU$. 'hrn Ih • •• is no room f<>. jud~ con· "ruclinn and 1M oo.1y .." •......J ,n'ml of Ih. kg. i>I.. u," mU>l be gi ... n nr~: "

h is In>< 'hOI wMn Iooking.t a ... IUI ..... migh, so.,... Ii"," Ihink thaI tho ramifi""K>n. of tho "'OnU arc indlidml nr unuSIW. H.,.......,., il i, our job ' o .. ywhal tho ~w il, n<>I '0 say i, ....... Id be. Thm:fn,", only if ,h... is no •• ,iomlI w.y 10 inlorp'" 1M wnro.. 11.1 ,u,t<! will ....~ look btyond lhos<' ....onU 10 d.t.nni"" kgidlti ... intmt. To apply a diff••• n, policy wnuld tum Ihis Coun .nlo a l<gislo,i ..., and doing Ihat. of co ....., would be uu ••1y in<onsjm1l1 wi,h ,h. doctri"" of SCf'"r.,;"'n of


/)r/Vllh Coumy. 729 Sn. 2d a1175-76 (ci,.ti"'l> omitred; <mph,,", addnI); """ id. " 177 ("W. ""nuld 'urn '0 ..'rin";c "id, 'n d<1' rmi"" lit.< ..... nin~ nf • pite<: "f kgislation n"ly if WI> ClIn dOlw no ""ional """"Iusian from ..."'igh'f<> ...... rd a ppli"",;"'n of tho Ih. '''' uI'''): """ . • _g.. PillS ". c..nt~ 896 So>. ld 433. ~ 36 (Ala. l(I().4J (ci. ing DrKs./b Cmonty. a nd .... ing ·I ' lh .... is a '",'io,,:oI ' ""y to vi<-w tho words nr.n. Lqjsbl"". It may oot n-Ik<:•• l"'iXy 111:11 .M mcmbe" of th .. c.,.,rt wnuld adop\, bul that is an <mir<ty difT..w1 m."....). In DrKlllb o>.m,y. tho «>urI found.hf: ''',ul •• , i.. u< un.mbiguous, Ind th ... f",. ,,;.c,t<! tho UK of "'Mr. '>CC\1ndaoy'" cano ... of S"lUIory COtUInsr:Iion ,uch 11.1 t hf: in pari maltri~ rul. o . th. uso 1fti$I.,i... his,ory. 72'1 So>. 2d a, 176. Th. co .. rt recognized ~Main p<Wibly kgltimat. kg .... ,i"-T mnli,... "'I'poning rontr.ry in' orprttalio ... of ,h • .,,,u ••• and ....,. nized ,Ila. o ,h.. €ano'" of ,..IU'Ory co"'trUClion could o.. ppon ,h .. inl<rp.<1a.;"'n. H.,.......,.. II>< muM rnadt dcar that i. would nut 'tnga&<" in a ,,,,,,,ing garne" .. 10 why 1M kgWa'u .. d>o>e 10 wril< 1M $""ul< .. i, did. and,Ila, policy ' 'BU(J1ftlts • ... ould tNodiroot<! 10 ' ht kgiI.b' u". no. '0 'his Coun"ld. al 277. Indttd, ,It.< €OUrt hu adhtfnllO that sonlinltn'.~, e.g.. S,~ ~ 1I"'''''''n CHI Trollk. I..... 811 So. Id 1'17. 20) (A~. 10(1) (d' illS IkKJJlh O>w~,y. a nd $Ia' ing 'I i lf .d........ <il"«IS on mark<1 condilion, warran' a dilf.............1' I'han Iha! .um.mLt<! by 'I>< "plain me.n ing.·1 il is for [~'''''' nut .hi. Court. '0 a nltnd 'ht ".'ult·): fl>/""" ~ iWoa. LLP. y. 1I0/b.", n6 So>. 2d 11 2. 118 (hi•. 2000 ) {dl ing IkKolb O>un,y. .nd .... ing "[w lh i!< Iht .. ""y be ""lid policy arsU(J1ftlU for .."nding ,It.< Act •.• i, i, no. f", ,h. Judici.ry 10 impos<- iu vi<"W on t he r.fgisbtUl • ."} (i"'.r ....l "u(ll.lions "",,1It<! ).

',nn, ,,(



Getting to the "Secondary" Canons Through Ambiguity DoKJJlh Cowllly .hu. mok<> dur th., th. Pbin MUllin, Rille is; hlamma', primary unon of ,mutory ron$lruc1;"n. hn adYQ"',. con$lruing. lUlu', should no' In men.ion.1>< Pbin 1>I ..... in8 Ruk in a, k ... , lOme f.o.<hion. ai-.. n .M "fOII3ly-wordeel priority il i, givm in lha. decision. Ind«d.'M phruo 'nnly if .here is nn ra'ioNl W3f '0 'nl<rp.~ ' M woro.. as $I"t<! will

.... look tNoyond .!>oso wonU .. '- might ap~;u '0 so.1 011"'(1() many ......"" of .....,rubk ''Burnen'. Of <ourso, co .....'.n' with hnid< 11!. &cIion 43 "r the Con$l;'ution. """

,",,,,,kl.xpect ilto tNo qui •• d iffICUlt .n a""id tho pLain lang ... ge of a 1I"ul< jU>l bocaUK n... Ihinks lit.< kgi>iati ... wiodum bthind a $Iatul<'O be lading. Dis.:.rning ·letIisJa.i ..... "'I<n" n.. y tNo p. imary gu;U of ",'ulOry mn>l rlKlinn. bu, &cIion 4J dtmotKb ,hal that int~' be <k-tcrminc-d QR)y rrom Ih. a.o:\u:ol lang... &<" if I"""ibk. s.., Ex ""rtt ,""mar Ao:M-r.



Qo. , 849 So>. 2d 928. 930 (Ala. 1001 ). H..........., nolwi.hllanding ,ho llrong language in DrKJJJb Cmonry. ,ho.. is ..ill ample room for ''BIlmrn' and f", tho u«' of 'he '$«<Iud."... canon< of "at .. ,ory con" ruction. Some,i""", tho natu •• nf ,It.< lfti$I.,i"" at isou. triggen. dj(ro ••n, i"'.rpm;.... I'and.rd... in cu<s i",'Olving w • ..emptio .... In F.% park f.m.onrJd M"w",.. in Expm<w.oy Bridgt. LLC, 856 So>. ld 834 (Al.&. 20(3) . for uampk. Ih. Al.abama SuP""'" Co .. rt aplic:i1ly <kcIinod in'<rpm a broadly-wordod iTatul< .. providing 'M ptalmiffu rlgh' ,n a ,a> exemp.ion. AI,!>ough Ihf: brNd, h of lho 1I"u," al'P"l,ed 10luppolrl ,tNO righl ' 0 II>< =mrt;"'n, ,lie court no,ed ,ha. lIa.u '" <mt,ing'ax =ntplionu ... (> ht $Iriclly con$lru<d '81im' tho '''''~)Trand .M righl'n an <IOmplion mwl be .... t<! in Ckaraud un.mbiguou. I.... , .. TIlt majori'y 'p«iliaoUy ..;.c.t<! lhe "&IOninll in Just;" Houston', d i...." •• "'hich r.lied on Ih. I)OK..Jb County Plain Moaning Rule, $Iating 'hat I)oKolb O>W"ly did not in""' .... (~imed W""mplion. £.,: ........ Em ....1d MQ~ntain. 856 So. Id " 840 n.1. n.r courl :illirrned lhe COlIrt of €ivil appt":ols· narrow mtding of.hf: ".1..... «lying "I"'n nwt)' "tho, ruks of Slat ...... t}' conlUUClion. ld .•• 8-40--44. ' B.., """ y. MMKal OJ" K Bd., {M .. 10)1160, IH(-. 30. 20041_ So.ld _ (AI .. 2004) (rorognizing tho ge...-..J pr .... mp.ion in f:.....,. of th. righl.O bu, holding "plain meaning' of "",ul< dearly and unambiguously providod for • W =ntption: citing DrKJJIb O>lIn,y). Ultlilly, howo-wr, .ht ....yaround tho Plain Moaning Ruk is thmugh d<rnnn>t ... ,ing lila, ,It.< .ta'ul< is ambOguou<. s.." ' _g., &.«it ~. Oh<tttrll< do G1"...-..Iox.r AI«>«. o>{Nartlrwc<t AkL. RC. 828 So. 2d 280, 284 n.3 (Ala. 200IJ (· W.....Ite $I"u,ory bnguo&<" . "'biguo ........ migh' coruidor condilion. which migh' ori .. und<r I .... I""""'i>ioru of tho ""'u" and ....mi"" ,Ila, t1uw from giving Ih.,e in q....'ion 0"" p;utic:uLar rn<aning.· J (intmW q""'"'ioN OOlillt<!). On< .... y 10 a'1l"" ambiguity iJ '0 dnnort$.l..... WI .htno is no rational way ' 0 romprtltend ,he wonU as writt.n. This is Iht ·pool"ly-d .. fied·$Iatu ••" argummL lih mo$I human ond<.."' .... tho legW.o.;.,,. rn><= is n<>I per/'« •• a nd oomni""" " ....I....... fi.. much a:HnProm;" and .... ision in tho t..k-and· fonh of tho kgisI.tu.......,.,.,. ou' in • fumt that i. Ins tlun <:Ioar nr rob ....."t. SH. ~.g.. £r f'l'I'k /i>tks<>". 881 So. 2d 4>0, 452 (Ala. 2001) ('The ""...1< ....... now cIwgtd ,.;m mrwruing is qui •• confusin8 and inttmally inco""""": .... mcou .. ge tho L<sisJa ... rt '0 rttnminc and to clarify it:)_ An Alabama court would not Jttk to U-npok th. Pbin Mo:mintt Ruk on • whoUy incomp .. h.ruibk ......Ie. But _ £.,: I"'rt~ Waddai'. 827 So. 2d 789, 794 & n.3 (!rJ.a. 2001) (:KJ:no,.it<!ging thOl tho $I.tul< " "'1>< ...... p<rIt.pI oot wrli wrin",' and "'IlII""ing tha, 'M legislatu .. d.rify ,ho bu, "".... hdeoo concluding .Ilal ,ho lI"ul~ ..... not ambiguous .nd ,hetdO", did not ' ''''luir't' judici.ll m .... l\>Clion·j.








AnotMr way 10 .'1"'" ;unb'I""Y ;s 10 d,rmo."U.", ,lulllw s"lul~ OJ

comprdItnsjblr. bul WI "pia"," 'rP1k;m"" oht.. 51.,u1C' It.ocb 10 ..-., wn ..... ~,ion:.oI ooIution. S« Z,",- v, •....,............. MUl. IllS. So.ld 109. 112 (AI&. 1995) , ..., ... tIw "w..,..... if when ;1 IN)' b. u~ in 100", t/wI on< way Of when iI rri... 10 NO Of . . - . , Ih"..... tIw I.lIt>t limo"l. This .." ••""" arisC$ from "IOf<h Wi ....... morr , ..... OM !f&o.unalt, mmmonl)··undtntood mnnlns. or from ",""word V.mnulial SlNCturn-for eu.mrl<. p«uli •• .... nctU.,"'" 0. m"r'..:ed mod,r"'I"$-..... """ OM KIl'enet mull'pl< mnn'ngl. ... n tnmr'" ofthi. rroblnn .....« ...nly p"""nled in F...: r''''~ N~I'o"~/ \\I·s..." L'fr /'Uk""'" 899 So. 2d 21H {AI •. 20Q.11. t~ ",'!C' N~""....J 1\'r.sW1"~ Involved ,t.. of • r..s.ral ,..,UI<. ,t.. Cramm. l.nch.lllilty Act (CIlIA I. I ~ l'.S,L ~ bIOI rlinf. n.. "rnvac:y pl .... ""'n· of It.. GIiIA. IS l:.S,C ~ 6802. probiblU 6nan<oaL IIIOI'lul ...... from d...cbi", <...... n ",f..."..l"", 10 Ih"d I"non. Ont 10 Ibil J"O"...oo an.- dudow", in .......... "'0 ~..d .0,...Lc..l """""" IS U.s.c.~ 6IOl(.1(1). The- ...... ~ ,... wun '"" ,t.. phr.... ·;.odocw procaa· ....... kI bo: ttndcntood bro.dIr (rrifr · .ing 10 any lund mjueSl for • ~ rn.dt du .... a,...Joe'" prouni"'l). o. w..... hn d ohouId h,a..., _ """'" Iinu,ni m.. n,.. , .... h ... mjW>l 10 rnpond 10 an inlloaLlft"O'lCC' of pnxnll, S« &1'<'"r Nd'ioMIlI'.....,.". m So. 2d II lH , 2IS n.2 (diKus.ina tho BWk', Uno' p;.,;"nary ddin,h(>n of "jll.lInaJ







rnxn.l" ).

TMcou.1 .. p.n.ty ..:knowl<dv<l'Iu, th ..... I,"g poin, of illanoly1 .. wo"t.. pL..n M.ani"ll Ruir as ... f<lnh in I-"'''''Ih Co~nly.' IJ~'.It.. coun found , ... Rulr 10 b. ",,",n,hnllSI.,ins:

•• (ll l~ tIw p<obkm;s not ,ha, tho .. it "" rlllOIWI woy 10 wwkrlIand ,... "IOf<h as th<y I t t "",,'kn, bu . .... , ~ ;s moR ,h.on onr ,>too .... way 10 undrntand roo.. words. i.~ ~ ~ no"pIain roanin&-" Tho ph._ 'ju<h<w procao" could ha~ .. ''''Y bro.d 01 • ..,.,. $f't

cific ...... ni ... _ n... .unt..p"y ill tht ,,,,u'ory ....1""3' iwllflel,'" _ of othrr ClnoM of SU'Utoty (OnSI ...... ,.", (bqond th< "pUUI mrlJling" ruko) in deI.rmUl;n, wh .. h

definition Cong',," ",tmded, Id" 1 Z2.l.2oI Tht court ,hm p~ ro.x.on"".n"Ir,,« (KIm I'" $I.IUI•• luch ., ' hat r""nd in 1C'p'l.. " ... h",o' ry .nd ,n othtr .,mil.dy worded lI.tu,", bt/"o •• on I'" bmod inlnr"to1ion of , ... ph....., 'JudicW procas.. Id. lH 27 & n.1. S« .bo Rxt." f"gliJlo. IUS So. 2d 1S7. 167 (... la 2002) (q""'i.. Moot_ •. H~rco, III<.. ;62 So.ld 821. '31 (Al.o 20001 (1oU''''I W, whon focnl with 1_ poooibir in'nprrQ ' '1OfU, Al.ob.o"", """'. will odopt tIw inlnp01 •• ion I ....."""'" anr toruIlIlMo;)tI,JJ difficultin)I.ln dol.......... coun mu<c<i IOJ«Ond ptM ~ wHdom when ~,td ..."h tho a'l"mnll W . tbr brood in'.......u'ion of·""' .. iol~" ....,.,Jd ~ .... Iod: of proporlion,"hty '" tIw n .. cou.,.,.,td IhO! "[.1 pn<....-td bd: of proporllO.uh,y ,n" Slalu .. , lilr a ~«om! lack ofw...Jom in" .mu.. , 00.. not m'~' Ihl! Cuu" 10 ....... " .. Ih< SI.rul<. nm if ..... "'h,td 'tt do ....·ld.•1 U6·27. ' In >um. \ht wist advoaol< "W>}'S I<ad> with on .~mcnt h.u«l on pl.", "",aninll- Undn • Slrict ","'1"11 of O"(alb Cownry. only



n' •


I ... su .... r 10"



if t.. drrnonotntn tho, tlw loU'ul~.' ...... ;s somrbow;unb;p· or Ihr...:onduy co...,... of "'tapreUlion 10 htIp dcurnunt IqiIIlIM in, .....

.,... $bouId ... rod comfonablr irnoab"ll """

The Limits of "Plain MeaningH A. Rt,l/ilies rrgllmUlg 'phl,,, "'tat,i"g" n.. for.pns diJ<:uuKtn .... an """,man, and difficult quest""" whm ;s ,t.. "",an,n. of" SllIul. "pl.",!' Il~ it is "'lrful,o ~ •• mall co""",,,,n, ~.., .....'tf ruUy is a .ully is . "pllln ....."i"3· · rl.,n n..."inll-" Th .. ' .. on ,"" ..' .. me ... nO<' of .h.. ph ...... If wh .. I. mran, is ,h.a"he "pl.. n '11('.."in8" of. lIalu'. 'njui..,. .b.lohllely no 'IOn, And ..... any ,h,nk. Ih .. attlCl< odVOCOlts • vio:w of 10"3""3' llu, !hrows 'ht don .. "I",n 10 an ".. Ii.i,," al'Prooch ' 0 ... Iu'oty ComUIICOOn,. bi, of d.uif..... "'n;, fnlwud. Tb< porn' r.ustd 110", U thai .alI, ••n .. rrqu .... inl'rprrta,ion on _Ind, in tIw ....,. w, oil I""sonJ bnn$ thnr own undrnIatIdonJI 01 ~ 10 btaf "" o")'lll"'l!haI \My a . .s....hT..... r. c..p.M"" Ooor. LLC.. &86 So.ld 3&. 4S tAl&. 200J ) tS«, I.•""""",,,,,I (..,,.a"'l'''' cUim tho, a COlI' '.ooual p"""""" was amI>i3_ but tJw."1 undn· .... nd W, Longuago< i...lf Iw ... ff..imt In'n""" arnbit\uny WI ... ''I''mm'. COfnI"'O,nzll' and pcni"rntly rn.>dt, whm <fwd, upon .an "'_ OM '0 doubt Iht clo"'y of .nyth,nl-.."j. lmaS'''' a ".tu.. lhal man<bled ,hil. •... Uba.ns ......1b< !'l;nl M """Such a "",,,I< Iftnu "'or' p"';n' and tHY 10 .ppIy. Ho............ ",h.. typrI of Ih",p qualofy OS "b.lm ..' wha, >h. des nf ,01<>. 'Iu.Iofy .. "red; .."d <'>'I:n ,... m.. n;ng of,... word '>hall" drptnds upon _ h " " ",,"Kk , ... ph.... ,....If. .... pnsonal of lilt .......... dt6nlllon proYidrd ,n 00"'" <>tha aulh.o."y (JOkt • d"'IOfIItyl. I'" <ommoo'lly .. ndtntood ..w.. of pan ....... <tc.. Th ......... no ,ha, ,udFl-" _ind. "" mall ... how """' ........ nT•• .., ohRp UI .......... " " wI>rn ,lory ~. SI.ou, •. This C..:t ;s no! a U-. "" ,udces; " .. IU51 , ....... urr of

,lit.., ...,...,.

"""'' 'I



, ..... du.n.ctniwc onbnm. III ........ U 00'1< ........ "'Ioy ,...... 1ftLiD(I ' 0 doMdy ':>Ilow ,... of. SI"ule"''' "ill rn<h d,/lttml m' ...""'OIlOn....or c:nmpLr.1n h.. book" M~""tfl~'"",-''''''. Umltd ~, .... Sup .. n.. CouI1 ... ...,.,u,~ 1"$"". $<".1 .. dr:sc.ibn I"'" kind. of j~ both of .. hom """uld ''''im III ..j«. JudICial ..:lIv"m in lI.tulory con· "ruC"On: '01, ... 10.... nd ~tric, COnl,ruet"'nut$. To dt<crib< ,h. d,ff.... nc~ between lilt , ..." phUol(",« Scali. ,~I". 510')' '<pldin& Ihr Court', .nlnr .... non of. fed,nol tha, rrohibolM thr ....... of • Ii.... m du.i ..... d"" lrons:action:




... ,.. I ohould not bo:""",rued SI.ic,ly. and i, """,uld not bo: """,.urd Imimlly; " oboukI b< <onot.uni .......,...a,Ly. 10 con ...... oil ,hal,. fouly m<&Il>. Thtdiff......u 1>01"....., tn'~ and JIO<t COR$ltUCUOflIWll an bt ..... in ISm"h r. U~"td Slo .... ~ u.s. 2lJ ( 19931l. Tht $Ulull

......... f""'IJdtd ro. .n UlCrrurd j.ail \tnD if, "dun",,:and 10 _ (. 1 d"'ll ,r.. ff",ki"l • •;""'; ,II< drfmdant drfmdonl ,n ,h .. <OK hod oough' 10 purchu<. q ... n",yo( CO""nt;.nd wh'I '" had offto.ed 10 P'''' in e",,"'n8<' ,h. CO""". ...... on unk>odn/ fire.rm. which'" ~ '0 'M d",s·Jclln. Th. Co .... , hold. I rrv<1 I" lay. ,hOI Ih. ..... .... b,i«" o tIw incrrutd pm.I1 )·, bffiI.... h. hod 'us«!. ,,, .....1"'"

"u... _ a Ii... rm."



fi",..m du,ing ~nd in ...... Ii<>n 10 a drug trafficl<iog cri ....."~""to """ not """n <Ins.< (6·J). I di<Knt"!. NQW I cannol ..y wh.lher my colloagu.. in lho majorily VOltd th" thoy did ~~"'" thoy IlrieI·conStrue:. tion toxllwi>IS, b«a"", thoy.", nollnl!Uli>IS alL But • prope' lutu"'),t, whkh iJ to ..y my lUnd of latllO)' 10 acquil. Th" ph' .... ".....s 0 "'t, "'>UId """,Iy h.". gun" f. i,1y connoled "'" of • gun fo, ,,'h.t guns ••• no.· mally used (or, 1.1101 ;., .... "'"apon. N I put tho point in my dimn', when you:W: SOmt(lM, '00 ~ U>t. ",nrl~ )':III art no! inquiring ,,'brth.<r he has hung his grandfatlKr', .ntiqu" aM ... 3 decoration in th. hoUway,






""Ionin Scalia,'" M~II" of Imnpmmion, 23·H (1997). This lUnd of d~t< is not unknown,oth.~

Sup"""" Cou", 5« Si~""",, 321 So. 2d at 204 (Wood.tll, I.. d;~n' ;ngl ("~ ..... "'nty h.. CIl,pIoyt!d lho p!.om.moan. ing r,,1< n, 1o dd"'t tho obviom purpo5(' o( Ith ••Utut.). In doing fO, it Iw 19noml .nothor fund."n<mol ruk .,r "'"'''''''1' consl,ucliQn:'A Ii,· ....1 interpf'<1alion of. >l.tul. will _ 1>0 blindly adopted when it ""uId dof... th< p",. I""< of tho >l.tu,". if any otl><r ",...,nobl. con>lru<Iion an 1>0 si'.. n 10 tho languo~ in dispute:"} (quoting McCJ.>in v. BiTminglulm c...-". Q,I.r Bol,li.., Co.. 578 So. !d 1m, l301 (Alo. 19\11)}.

B. Uliliwlitm of I/lt realities Why .u of Ihis philo$ophi.

cal disc .... ion? Th. primary

",...,n iJ t ....1 it is alw.Y" bet· t.,. 10 know mort ,ath.. ' .... n las .bout tho inner workings of lho in""P' ";''' p~ if thOl mnns '"'><ling through a philooophical di>cussion-bflo", presenting any ''lIwn<nt <oncoming tho inl'" p""'Iion of. >!;ltu\<. Another. mu,,, 'p<'<mc, ",...,n fo, 'his disc ..... ion is tNt II>< """n ad __~t< will u~ tho- inhorent limi!.,ions in lhe _ion of · ....~nin~· '" hi' I><nd;l, by b<-cotni"s famili", with wh .... · pl.1innno" end> .nd "ambiguity" bogins. A "pL1in ...... n· ing" .dvocale who ..loh., 10 load a COurt '0 ",j«t an oppo· n<nl', cU.'m of ambiguity will loam 10 ,ocogniu- ~nd ~t oul fo, Ihe coun tt.os. "oullid." Of "fX!u'lfX!ual" $OUr«> Ihot C/;n I"'rmiuihly he rncd tn doI.rmi .... tho 'pbin m"~ning" o( • le,m. and Ih • ...., of which 010 nul ou'onl.l'ially !,iue' any <onchuion of ;ambiguity, fo, Clampl •• the advocal. mIght apl"'''' 10 diet;" ... ,i.. Juch :lJ HINIc's 0' IIW!JIt" .. IOurea lh31 .tt undoublMly not J'l" o( 1M Mat>a",a ~ aJ'< th~s t«lmicaUy "outsid." IOUrcn-but .'" non .. holm f"",,,,,ntly cit"'" by Al.t.."",'s appell.1," COurtl in s<;.rdt of the "pL1in

"""ning."' 5« ••. g.. ~,.,,"'"" Il,~ril. 8'l5 So. 2d 900. 907 ('\1:0. root) (citing ru...H I".", /);c/imur'r)' b pa"ol.l'"",,, Ad..... Co.. &49 So. 2d at 930 (ciling '\/crriQ",·lI'dPs'tr', CoIkgi~ •• Dinimur?,)' cr, f";Jt V;r"«"IO'-.< Dep'. Qf '"dIU. kIn';Q'''. 1M•. lOll 7l~. JUD< 11. 2005)_ So. 2d _ (Alo. 2005) (cl!ing ........ Ih., ",Iy upon Words and Ph ...... to inlerpt'<1 tho pile""," 'with It!p<'<! "'"). Anothe' cumr l. mighl he an appool 10 .uthorilali~ """rks on. Of gcn<raJ knowledge of. Ih. com· monly· un<knlood ,uks of g... m""". Cf. Podgot. y. Con«uh County Con,m'n. 901 So_ 2d 678. 685·88 {Ala. 2004} (adopting tho l ri.l court', detail..! discussion of tho gram""'tical mu.:!u", of • .<Iatu!. and. consti!Ulion>! """""""'!j. IIy ,;.t aJ'< the pe,mis,ihle "OUIlid<" SOulU$, tho advonl< an ddI«t an ment by his opponent that • .Wu\< it. .mbiguollS and has nO " "",ani"," simply bMou!o<'.n appeal is mad< to so"", outside source in inler' preliog Ihe ,mul•• 1n. advo(:JI. can ackno,.,ledge ,ho- lUI.' .,r legitima.. "o"t,Nk souro;s" 100, g<""ra1 tlperi< ..... di.c· lio..",y .... g<, .tc. .. boing logically n<Cnsa'1' fo, com· munica!ion withoul admit· ting thaI ,h. lISt of .uch oou"' .. ",ndor.; tho >lalu\< ambigu<>u, wcb In., any oul· sid< source Ol' "««Indo.y" COnon (such .. 1egiIJ.,i,~ his· lOry. oth..- Slaru!<$. <fc.) mus! n«nWiIy II< in play. On lho- nth.. hand. Ih. advocot .... king 10 utili«> "",,~in :IKOndary canons of comtruel;"n m.y, in so"", oi!uat;"nl, II< .bl< 10 do 10 wi, h· our fir.;1 d.nnorulr.ting lII1bi· guiry Ind, at the .."'" Ii..... withou. violating DtKalb County. Ue may bo.bI< to • .-guo that thos< unon •• '" Icrually loot. !o d"<rmiD< pl.;n meaning. that Ihoy ......Iib opp""" 10 8IMH or !o tho ruin of gnmma,...;imply anolho. so ~rce within that pmnissihlo class "r"outsi<k sou,rn" discuss<d~. Fo, enmple. il could 1>0 atgut<Ilh.,. in $(I"'" "IlIOlions. ·$Ialulory.laI.bast-d" COnons .uch ... tho "01(";1~' Q >«ii, rulo (;nterrm "'....... "by thoit companions." tha, is, by tho sunuunding ,,"oround ron · tnl}..' " ~!o "non.,UIU!oty.I<xI. buod" canons 100, tt.os. thar 1001:. !o u!riruic soure...uch "'1<sis1:o!;"~ hIStory. comm;".., rtpOns, <fc.... ,.. " in! .. nal sour«>" mot< ron to rule. of gram".,., and a. ouch .'" legilimate sou"''' 10 dtt<nn,ne plain m~nlng. cr. /Wlj:<1I. 90J So. 2d at 6&8 (foUO .... ing DtKJIIb Cor<my, b~t indicaling that ",bert isolat..! 1<"", of • smut< .tt 31 is.I;u~, appeal ""y bo m.d< to th. COn!at of Ih. sta' ut. to provide "",aning; "The Counly Commission ..-gut! tlu.t tonns 100, ',..""",!ion· and ',,,,,oi, ' Ott broad cnoUWt !o cncomp,as< tho construction of a n..... counhou~. If th ....




WORl •• ", Y~ in a YKuum, sw:h.n intorp"" .. ion n.. y h ",~ nltnt. ~ '''''''''''''r, .hoot word. cannot be SO vio»d in .~ con · ...... in which ,~ .Pl'<'.......}:· >« ..... J)./:JJlb Or~nty, 729 So. Zd., 2n (" w."'o"ld lum .o .... '0 doI.nnino'~ mn ning of. piea ofl<gi<l.,ion only if ",e con draw no ra'",n" ;r.I conclusion fmm • Jlraigillforw.rd 'pplicalion of Ih. lonn. 0( I"" ,,",ule.") (e"'pbasil add«lJ. Furu", 'ppl;.,-•• ions of the /Jot:/Gl/b Orr"'". frarnewo,k lILly produc. lItW'rgunlt"" .nd furillt' rdi"""ltn,1. The prim.ry poin' "IIu" in way or od,c" pr;w:'iIKHItIi .d..."dng an imerpret.lion ofon A4b;mu .,.Iule wiU nttd to .dd..... Dt""lb Orwmr'.l'lain !>"'.ning Rult.




Interpreting the Alabama Constitution Although ",,,,,,,,,h.. out..:dr . he Kol'" of Ihi! articl ••

Ih" qUHlion somerimtS •• i", w!lt-th ..."" M"ning Rul. 'W1;'" wilh "'Iu.1 fOf« 10 lhe ime'p",ulion of Ihe A"'!>am. «> .... ilulio". AI fU>l lIla",e, thc 'r($WCr ...'mld h.~ 10 bt no. "' itall wilh ~ '0 .ht Dt/Gllb OrU"'y fom,ul.,ion of the Rul •. This ;" I>«>....,.he «>"""rn W. ",,,,,ralion of as SI.led in ~ H-lhe he"'l of DtKIIlb Orum)'""<lun n<>t. .xaaly Ilt wh.n th. f<><u> u lhe AlAbo",. constilulion. Stction H wrbidt lhe Alooom. cou'" 'u CU1'(i", the 1""''<1$ uf It..: 1<Jisl"u"" btH. unlike. ,,"ut., lho con"ilul;"n is rlol 3 c",",ure of tN: l.p.,, · 'ur.,btll oflh. pc<Ipk. Sonlt carly <ltd,ion. "l'J>Car«l 10 f."". on in'.rp"""" ,,"""'I tim p.ovided moro room for judges IU "go behind" Ih. I... of lhe conSli'ulion. ~ .•. g.. 1Im/,y [nv. Qr. v. City of Mubik. 181 ALt. 1114, 187.61 So. 14ft. 249 (1913 ) r eo""ilu'iun. ,,,u.lly dra) ",i,h I.rgtr 10pK:$ .nd . '" «>uchcd in " ..... do' phra", Ih.n kpslili", a<b; htnc< their just i"I<'Prol'lion is not ol....Y> ",ached hy the application uhimiLar method<. 'A Om.lilu.iu" u not.o .«<n'•• I« construction, like. common-law instru",<nl, or ""'u!<:"} (q",,' ing 0 ...." .. " •. S,~It, :l.oI Al •. 216, 235 (18M)}. flu. >«S,autx rd. Rohm<lm •. lIf<Gough. 118 AI .. I SII. 166·67, 24 So. 39S. 3\17 (l 8~J rWh"n'''''t a con"ilulion.1 •,,,,,·i,ion is p!ilin and .. namhig""us, w""n no.wo IlItiInings C2n be placed on Ih. WOnJ. .1I1PIo)'td, il is "",ndalory•• nd lhe rou.1< .r. bou"d 10 ~ i•... _In such. C2"', " Ito, be<n said, lhe", is no room fo. ro",uuclion.:urd c~rt.inly ""tit ror di.· obcdiroce by the coull•. [f !oil. thtr. would f< "" c.".1;nty or ... bk" ... in Ihe ... rincn CO .... i.ulion. of tht stalC$, o. fedt.;r.I ~mmnrt,-I. H~, Ihe AI ....",. Sup.""", COu" h., sine< mad.;, ck.r ,hal . he COIl" is "OOt .. lihc-rty 10 disreprd




or ,"",iel lhe plain ",.,.ning of Ih. ptOvilio"" of .he I""'b.oma l Con,mu'ion .. B'QWM Y. Boon! of Ed...,.• 86} So. 1d 7}, !IO (AJ... :!OOll (quoling M,-c.." v. /I"""n, 3-41 So. 2d 14 I, H l (A.... 1976)}. In far:1. lilt coun baslf'<'Cif=lly ' "pli«! I"" O</:JJ/h COUMly I'... in Mc.ning Rule in inle'p""ing on .mmdtlltnt I<> ...10"''''0'' COIIstitution.' ~ I'uJgell, !IO I So. 2d II 683.

Conclusion ..... rtil«led in the .11M VtKtdb Or~'''y wnnu1o.iott oflh. Plain !>Ironing Rule, Abb.una court< ,,.".. 10 fol· low 'he principle s.urnmod up by JlI>!i", Oli,'er WmdrU Holmos "'hm ~ said hi. ,iob ... judge wu not 10 "00 jUS!Je<".... ronc,,!,1 Iha, allows judgt< .o fiD in , '''' bI..,ks w;lh what Ih<y '''inkjn'';'''' ""lui .... in "r--nicular ~, 10 ".pply Ih. "'W and hopt Ih .. jw;lict is don,,: ""h, Spirit qf Liba-Iy: PIl(I<TJ A,£lmsd qf 1n>,M/ Hurui }(j6·307 ( Ililli;o rd «I. 1960). This proc.....1Juw.the people, nul judge&. 10 lI'c"""I .... Ihrough Iheir «>II>I;IU'io" . nJlhrough lhe low. ",,>Sod by . "d Ihr.,ugh lhei' d":l«I ''1'r~nl .. i..... It ;\ this roncern fu • ..".... Iion of """'c" 'h," trurl Ablw ... «>ul1> ;Iouw ,nlrainl ott<! fol· iow th . ......... wfinm as closcly .. poo.o.iblc. \\~sc p. actitioner.. ... ill kcqo the,.. conearu. .nd Ihtrcby ",m< disc"";"n of tho Pia", ~k.n;n8 Ruk. in Ih. f",rf'onl of .rry p.upoi<d " . tulo.y or co",,;,ulion.1 ;nl.rp",I., iorr. •





Endnotes n. _ _ CoonOo1 _ _ IN-,, _ _ .... _ _ _ .. Df4eao.o-.. .. So.lII.&Il rwo _ _al _ _ _ _ _ n, ......

... IN

...-.g...- ....... _.

......... = 1 ; .....

_al_ ..__ "" ........... _ _ .n. _ _ «vts"""_"'"_alh_ ...... r-., .. _ _ ... _ ... _ ............ no=Ioot_ .. ·_--....·al._ ...... .. _eo.vm.... "'.............tIWo...,......ct_tIo

1 l-...,.tN .....

al_l>"_al~ '3olIN_ C<tonr:woo\_"'"'_­

t ............. tJt_ _


"it" .. _ _ _ " £o _ _ s. Coon...., .. Df4e"""". __ ...... . _oI...._ _ ._."""h ......... _ _ tN .... ....



... 1 ... _ .. __ ..



....... Ihoot.-.on_ .......... _ _ .lodal..--..,...,., _-,_al_ .. '-'PI'-.~--


• 01.- . . . . 0 1 - " ill""""",,", _ _ _ ......... Ono io_ ............... bo_N.-......v .. .....-. ..... _ N ...... _ _mlliA_ tho .... ""' tho ............. _ - , .. tho_

--' '"'"'*"....... __ -.... ... _-q""'_

S "'""""" ill 00tlIIII C<ur\.: .. Cw! _ ~


IO"'. U_


<nRI1b "" ..... bo ...... lObo _ _ . _ ...... _


mSo.1II.lI'5-Tl._._~_""_1IW Soo&_r-~QIp..[t.Io.,~



II<I_.......................... i"o_ .. ............................ ....... "'''''-


... CcnI, ......

_ _ ... wiII .......... ro,. "'" ron. _00 .. _






"_.lnlio;., ', __...... ........._ . . . _-!Mn_,.._..."......,"" ........--_ ... _.. _


.... is b ... PIO!*............... - . . .... _ _ dOt>or.IooIof: n; So 2oI117t. t'8!ll/olo '9IIII!I-..

__ Soo

... PIOI* . , - . - io .. """",,, A........ _ _ .. _ _ _ "' ... _

.. N·........ _

.. _



• . , -... _ _ _

...... ...., ___ et.s.-..:v ...IIdo_ ... PWloOoIoo_ __


h,; .... ___ .. _ _ _

tllXlSl_So.1II_ !AIo.lmi~ DoKIIbCotnyIU - . ; IIW

nl.f~_ . . "' . . _1~.~8IDS01llm.ll!Q.



_ _ _ ....... _



. - . . J A/iLU:.1MI lJIXIZl ..... ,'. :mil_So 111_ ...... Do Iw 2IXI5I 1aMool _ _ SIopoI.o. Sdo Boll. 81iSo.1IIS68.~"""

2OO'11-" _ _ "'Cw!_ ... _~"-'IU

__ i"o""_.,"" ..... __


tI,SIMI. _ _ C"o.. mSo 111017.0121 Wo 2OOl~""""" ~01 "" ....... Ad _ .. ,"""",,"...,q ."....."" II1II01 "" Ad ....... taIr 01 N ..... _ ................

tooiocIoiIG._ ....

1i9I>UL ..... ""_ ....... IO ...... _ - . . . ,


II. "l'IoIi _ - 0R0tIw.1IOIIiooI1O .. _ _ CoriIaMoori.., ...... _

... _ _ t>r .. _ .... oI _ _ oISeaoi>oU_ .. _

1O_Ioot"N _ _ "''''' _ _ _ -''' _ _

--_1__ ....... _............_oI -.... -_. _<_AI'"




... _


c;,.,. ......

................. "'low .. _ . -... _ ... _ _ ...... _ .. _ _ C""O.-J





i i Ii pt""'~""l ho,,, all joint<! in. \\"h~n eo."mor Riley .ppoinl~ mr chief jU'lice in June 2004. our courtS ....eT< f.c«l wilh. ,ig~ificont fin. Rd.l.nd odminiSlmin eh.lIuge. 0.", 200 <'mpl<l)tt< h.d twn dis. mi,sed from ooth Ih~ AdministrdlivtOffitt of CoUrt< (AOC) and ,lot l ri~l COUf U, resulting in a 25 ptretnl ,~u.aion from ",h<duIM I,,,,,!s of ,he m. npowa cap;ICi'y in o ur clerk.<' off" ... I, ''''$<>Iwious to .Il .h •• we hod 1<, copi,.l;'... on oV\"tf oppottuni,y 10 ill<"l"<'" dlicitrn:y. In N<:M:mbc-r 21X>4. """ .ppoinl~ I ~I'rocas H.oviow Commilltt~ chaind hr JudI!" R~y IohlUOn and Circui, Clerk Corrine HU"I and cotnpri<td of dn-k> and judges. "l"h" clwg<' ..... 10 iden'ify 011 oppott~nitics becon .. "10'" <If"..,,, Ihrough I«hnology and bo«I praoi<eo. '"1>0 Comminct ,,,>rkaj diligently and expeditiously .nd .ubmined. corn"",h.n,n.. li" of rtmmn~nd... iof\$. ~\a"Y ~tions h.o,.. bttn implcmtnl ~. wtoilc <>I/>m orc und<-r .x-... Iopmtnt. 11eT< i, . n oudine of $Om< of the vuious ~ lou. offi«s nuy .1<Ndy boo b.onc1iting from..,mr of them.


E·Filing Thml:.o w ,he inlC1n! shown by an<>rncyJ and judga. lhe 6ling ttoOI"mltIIt .«cndy pined. IrtmtndoU$ amounl of mom..."um in AI..a!wn.a. The "'I"'" filing systtm produca lilC1".dly >"OIUttW:I of IiI<s and documents lOr both .110 . d«t~

....,... offica.nd d ... ks· ofIlas 10 mainlain. t--fiJing .... il1 help 10 the WOIIOOad.:W><u n"jorily of lI~ ...OO would be complclul. filed ond SlO/"f'd on rompul .... In January 2005 • • .... rvcyrondu<.ed by lhe AOC ind...,cd lhol 93 ptr<~nl of all",· n<yI " ..... Id ulili:t.<" an ri«lrorUc filing $<IVkc olld 74 po:rcml of juJg<:> belic\"< ,lIal il ...,.,,]d be bnlt"6cia.J 10 .... routl>. 8;&scd on this do ... the ...... mojorily uf 1""" will boo pk. >cd 10 Ic-.m th>! E· fiJing will bc .,ilibk in the courts in lhe 'w)" "",. /i.u urc. ~

'"~~' ;;:';:'~::~= ", ~"

with. ",I"", group of . n o rnq-s and ju<IgIoJ. I ~.rIy l(I06.lh~ limiled '"' will ..",nd to L<c. M.di..,n. MOnl80mrry and Rw ..ncoun,;'" While 1M AI.b.".,. F.-filing 'ppii""ion .. model"! on th~ fffic ...1E·fil _ ing th~ Al>b.o<>u product ha, ba,n tailored to oe,,,,m · mod.u. Ih. "niq~ ""ure of Abban,. filings. Th. urea. or f.-filing ar< an Is.... Ih" h.. bttn a t ,h. forefron' of Ih. pn>j«l. 11>. ,oull has .. m.intd in ,lost (OnlOC! wilh lh. Sup rc"" Courl Rules Commintt in orun 10 a"u.tlhal Ih. Ala~-d • • )""'''' (o"'pli"'<ol$ tht p ..... Cttll>ructtlorol rules.nd lhallhlb<: ruin !>«dins modifica· t;"n, .'" idcnlifocd .arly .,n.


E·Appeliate FA I,'"f"oIIa'e i, on Int<rn<1 ·~ .wJicotion whid> allow< th • clerk of lhe IriaJ COUI' 10 d«trnnially ftlt lhe r«Oo"d on oppc.ol wilh the oppt\Ll .. COW"I dtrk·, offi«. At1<>rncyJ in a n 'W.!cd ("~~ wiU bc obit 10 log imo the .ppI ... ,io.. and oo..~ • "'I'l. uf lhe """rd on .he appc;ol. "The E-AppdIJI< drvtIopC1"s arc abo in lhe proct$$ of <"nh.oncing the norrml model.., thol '!!'"ncr> can iii< briefs and Ruk 21 filings. Th. ~kafOn;c oppt;ili $y$1Crn ...·iII ...,... lhe wurn • u.n .. noow 1lII,,,um or til"". Und<t the ("<mml proctdUI<. Ih. cJerks' oflict mwi sptnd prolracltd limt prcp.;o.ring 1M ",com on appc>l. Additionally. th. ,krk', olke must ",y .i8nifi""nI posuland shipping emU lo....,d Ih. rreord'lo lhe opptll.,. eoun. Wilh F. .Appell ..., Ih. clerk·, offoct wiU only bt rc-quircd to $ClIn in ,h. pt"inont docun>Onu and OlS"ni:t.<" tho """ro On .ppeal and lhcn .ubmil il 10 lh~ apptUal< roUrt d r<uunic:olly.

E_Apptu.. .. l$curr<ndyin a pilol p~ in tilt lrial cou ... of Let, Madi",n. Monlgomery and Ru... U counl;'" Th~ pilot projecl wUi be expanded 10 olh., counties as 'his ~.r progm.scs. and lh. !ilt d .....tlopcrs will >o<>n compltlt roniltuCl ion on Iht brier ming mKhanism. So<>n enough. Ih. pmdUCI will be ... al .....·idc.

Ih< Traff" CaD ern .... AbP.oy Iw help..d 10 -., .. und, .... of

AlaVault ....'IIm ~filint is m.bI;.bcd in Ih< Abb>mo rouru.lh< c..... ks w~ 1 n<ed • cmtr>lizcd wtion to .. _ fok-<! 00.: ... menl .. ..... v.ult oJ • ...,. ..... lnlcn>tl.b> ..... pphn" """. whICh rnnu" ,t.. don" ,0 lion: t\t(Iroru< documrnll on .......... • nd ,10m """""" ,hom> II • "tn- dolt. "IlM- AOC ",.' nl''''' ..... orrl'<ation. dnlt·. nffict iI .-.sponoibk fOr pl>(ing ~. ow" flklo in,o AlaVluI,. Not only will e\ct1.""k:oLiy likd 00.: ... n"" ," l>< ,>IK«i int" AlaVI .. 1I fu' s''''''go:. ,II< <k,b' nWo«s wiU.oo Ix .hk tn ""'" I"r<' docu"","" ;IIto in .. gt f".." .. , .nd p""t .1It oo.:""lC"It In,o AlaV.ull.

bu, .

Itou.n of work in donb· oIIi\i$.

E-Fonns E-Formo is on IntcmcI ...... IIu. I\onttiont ... fC"J>ONIory lOr v......... UJS Crwcd and nWnl:tin<d by .... NJC IlrIp;Io$k, E·Forms may bt acasKd ..,. attornoy> .... ..,. any


............... of tltt public by . ' " ontO hnp:ltrf"m,u""""rtgat". M06I.I1nmu ...., ....ailabIo in pombIo documml 1Orm.l, (PDF} .nd em bt filkd ou, on "rt oornpul ..... This sil. iI. OM w~ Q( pnwidr",



.,torneys .nd III< public: with 2~·hou,..:reu to 1M


Undn tho dllr(l_ uf ,It-. ADm Purit.h,. 1h< eMU; Rcoo.d> It" lle •• Iop, .. nt t..IHwII«J at .... Untttmitycl A1oborn.o I'"" duad lit oppIicot_ thai .... mooIutJonizrd tho tnannn" in ...tuch IIrw .... """.... ~ ...... Unibm lraffic CitM_


(UTC). f,..Qwioot ....... Iow ....a" .... ~ 10 . . . . IJTQ, wrtIt tho ...... _ uf IIopInp aompul<"I. Ila&ha ...... fiIinI out til< UTC..,.).&nd, tho offi<c,- ~. drn.:r., Iio<mw- ocan .......

en...t.o,..., ~ to tMm. CROsem Ins into MIDAS 10 w It I ainunoI offtndn'1 ~ia and aimJn.aI hiIto".. CROs wiD ...... til< c.op.d>illlY ofloQilll irtfonnolion '"" I dd"cndant. wdI .. wI>m "'" dd"....... nl J ubmiU 10 a drug Int. MIDAS iI. limply I boll .... "'IJ' 10 ~iu criminal information for CIIOs and Cffi.inly Imp ...... thcir capo · bili.y of nun_sing .,imi",1<')~ndo'n.

When tll<lictnIt is o.:anntd. .... indtvod...t·, dau if lruumittN 10 tho .. ptop <o,nptll(f in tbC" officcr'. po,ld ""'. 1k doll from tho IiQ-nw ocan inll1ltdiatdy I>Us in . - Q( tho: «it.,Ion, ..... tho 1m ... ;,,;''11 Codob on the UTC em l>< cu",pltttd lIliI'II W",,, duwn bou;,.. 1"11< oIflCft Ihm prin .. a h.ord cnpr uf tho ,kIoIt to si'" to III< drivn and lrarun"" III<Ii<VI ................ y to tho N:JC. "IlM- AOC n n 'IOnomi, ,11< ..... bar;k ""' to III< diJI, ia a>Ut1> . . "'"" ............. ....,.j fur hmd d.w ml". of IlI<lidcI. Tho wc"ooIop not only IflJ 'ro<>pen oul ur Wrn.",nlic" h.osolnon ,"" ........ ;t ..... rdinn the .......1 don,,', offi<a &om ""oint 10 hmdIc piIn uf UTC ~ E-CiuUOfl Iw been np.and<d 10 n"ft)' drrlt·, oftia. and tho I«flnuIoJ)' wiIl_ bo ..·oibbIo in all 'rooper .-dildos.

Traffic Call Center


Income Tax. Setoff In Ih< 2Oi)4 ~uI ...;'" Seulon. 110_ BiD lOl wu p...d whit .. .uow. til< alUm to iII,trap\ incomr \.U ....-..n.b to .... ,isfy ddinq....., Ii"" ICaKIIlII ill <rimItW or fic CUft. The AOC Iw worRd cbrir with. 1M Drputmm\ of Ilnm~ '""""'!hot ........ oflh< JtpLotion to help ~ I portion of til< miDiont of doILo... OWN! in DDUn CIJa wilb ~a((I)Dnu. "IlM-."......." m:.........d ""utr $1 .7 mil · lion in ouuuncling DDUrt lina .nlOO5. The Alalwna Gmcnl Fund wiQ ron" ..... ' 0 benefil nom ..... incomr tAl" oct.. proV.m in "'" mmi",,.,.,.,, IS ~ hat tk •• lopt;d into..., ""tlknt """""" of cnford", court nrdcn 'n>'Ol"III fina I ;un """ed ., ,ht ~ of Ib .... P"'jccu .nlw>Cing .....




off"... buR "'" bu,dtn of InlW<"t"'B """i.... q..... ioll. f' om driven who nni.....J ".ffi" c~.liolU. Vo.d , ....

Tho Mod<Ilnt~td Drimdanl A«eM Sy$I .... (MIDAS) iI. casot ~ appIic.Itiun ..."filch ,,"o,ick'court refer· raI officen wilb I mcthod. to """"~ informa,ion .... oIfmd·

)"t... d tr'"

In Muc" 200~. 'M AOC fOr",.." 0 """' bu .... u rOf Ir.f.

r" ckftndallt. ,n c•.U",,,,,..,,;n8 "'u,;"" qumiont, poot""""

.... ntt, and pay .... n' options. I'reoenlly. " .... 1.500 ph ..... callt P'" wttk.~ m:civ..d It '11<0111 <err,..... CoupW with u.. u~ of.n In,cn>tI ,ilt 10 .11ow poyrnonl of RIM ZO rlisibk by will, ""rd. 1M call "tnt.... has made ...,.jcr,~ dilt"trmen for clmts· offi<: ... lid""';", the dtrb oi Ibis m<>mIOIIl tuk Iw helpod to !itt up a comidtrabIe :omounl of m>r1 hou... which 1M dtr!<J' .. fIi<:n can dcdiale to otbtr ...." .....


AlaPay Alal'.y is ,II< In,.,II<t,,' t lhat .. ....... by dtft-ndan1l1O ~ Ii..., ond cOltt ..,. w.tIlB I crtd" urd. Wilb the odd.uGn of this ~niml m<thud uf payment, COfU.idrnIllt 'i.... if bn",u...d fOnht .. ff........ l \wdI "' our c ..... b· ... ff>. Fmm Jan ".". 1.2005 'hrough N<lr'rnIl><-r I. 2005. 17,607I"ynrt"~ h...., b«n pruccu<"d riK,,,,nically through Alar-.y. M..... m••

.., viet Ib .. 'M ;Udic:"". prot'ilklo.u ."..,r""""Mi, dim .. .nd .h. public" ;U a wholt. ",.. court ')'>I<m is . 1.... )'> .... rch . i"8 f........Y' ,<> ow.. <lUI <011'" mu.~ Wilb th is COfIlinU<d dedio,iun, the q..,a1."y..,r )",'it, in AIo.b,o .... w~1 c.. n· ,in .... 10 im"""". •


-_..__.___..-.... _ . .. _ _--"'_._ ... _--_ --"'_.__....._..._-- . CItioI_",PooI _ _ _ _ ....... _ ..Ir._ .....

. . -'-...._"' ._ . . u,,... ___ .... -..r:s-_ _ ............. _ _

..... _

...... _

.. t.. .. _

_ _ _ .0.. • .., " ' _



... .....,., .

... ~ .. 'Wl ........ ~ ..

Introduction TM fifih Arnmdn .. nl 10 It.. UnilN S" ,« Col1$lilul>un ~LoI~I. in ",lrntnl part, !h.o.1. I'<'"",n.shill " Iootl be romI'<'Ikd in . ny crirninal caw' 10 be • wi,· n ....gain .. hirruo<lf."' Mid< I. S 6 of It.. Abb.",,, CotI>I"U.i<H, provldco "( IJh" in &II <.imintl prM<'<u.ions. Ihe "",,IN ... .sh.1I no! be coo\1'<'11C'd 10 si"" ~i<kn« OS"in<l h, ...... If.""' Although .hr ph~ ' 10 V" rvid<ntt "I;"in<l him>elr __ on« ,iowed .. hcing broad... tho" ,I>< prot"",. lion givm by .h. Fifth Amendmen •. th. AI.homo Sup",me Court has ......! that II>< lwo off........"t ully tI....n.. pri"i_ Irgt .gain.t .. If·incrimi,,"ion.' \\'ltiIe il is ",1.,i\"Ij·slmpk 10 un<kr· 'Lond ,hi. rule·, arvJicabihty in ,he rou .... of octu.ol criminal proc~ tht prohi bition '&lim! <on.pdling $O'If. incrimina"on hM>rn<s mort ron\pkx omm I,," w.... ....... during <ivil li.ig.tlion. Although. pcnort'. p.ivikgo: .g.o;nsI self· '/Korni"",;"'n rnUS! be pt<>lCC1<d. .herourIJ mUS! also .uernpl 10 pro/«'lherJ&ht of <>th<n to $<rl;.$ and r..,rn" COffiptruation fur dvil wrung<.

Hin:ory ",. fi ........ iooI.Il ''''~'mcn' 01 th;. $ut Abboo"", _ ;" tilt ~ of £.: l"'.k 8<o..p, 5)050. 201 1)1 (ALl. 1918).' In Ih< drltnoUn, rd"......! 10 a...-r III}' ....... ion. at her ~,ion. a»nIma; hor Fifth AmnIdmm' 1""viIqt bta.... ..... - . ...... wbi«t to a r,nnd jury t.n

pond'ng ...."'" ,lit put,. Th;' ...... ruIt


aho oprIitd ~ if d..... wuorlly.

imTt" Io'.ion "' .Iu •• m...Thr "ill «>u" held !\;Ough In ron ..",." o( rou.' for lit. (ailur~ c""l'"'''~ with diocovt:ry



I""""" ",."", SUI""m><" Court

noted ,h... hi. w.u I caKo(fi." ;mp''''' ,ion in Aloh;una. Aft .......itwing malo· B'I'" r.d<tol tolIrt <Un on ,lit ......, dw AI.>b.l .... SuP'""'" Court hdd w, twcd on I .~"" on,""," of ,.... I'"rtiet.. had ....... n wfficim. i"";Iico,ioct ~. proI«."..,onkr and II.., ""'" In ab\qt of diocmioct .. hm ,lit trial roun IOund lin in <Ontmtpl 10. lin rofu!,oI to comply with dilCOOrJ)' ""IUO':)1$.' AI I raul. 01 &",h • .... Lo ... in


Alobomo bccomr , ...., • 1"'111 roold IIQI or .... comptllcd '0 providt d,lCOW"f}' ,n • civil p.O«Cding

lit ",",,,,,lied ' 0


i( ,lit", ...... Il"rall~1

(T,m;n.1 Iction



cnm,na! KtM>rl on ,hr """rott.' In

........ ""~. 111m........'

1\'<IIt.",. was un..... c. im,nal in.... """on for tht sanlt..:. ionl which V"" t1«' 10 'hr cMllui," him. \\',uWni II>tWfd i<H" I tuy of W pn>Cftdinp. bu. Ibt ,ri.aJ roort <Inucd

tIw ""I"""

bee,""'..., ......... trimi.....

<"".Ift w= ptrWli", him. Th! Supmnt Court hdd that, .. it ~

had in £.:p<>m c-IOAi'T""","I I.... '''',.,.· tilt 1"'.... ,.. , of cru,nnal 1'......

co:edtnp .......... r.t«:J.Oary '0 'M ....., . ,ion 0(,11< 1"";.;..... A I"rtycoWd doim .M FPth Amrnd""'n' I"";..a.,. ~ if .M nok of p""",,,u,ion wu .. nllMc. n.. court 'p«"ific~Uy ..;modlhc "'i""'<nt ,ho, could ,,"'ply I~rt hi< Fifth Amend_n, ,iV' to " sil .... '

'0 ind;"idual incrimina' ing <kpo,i,ion que>!ions b«au~ .ha. would be.oo nar· ro ..· an applica.ion of Ih~ priviltgo. iuclf in CMlral • •h~ courl ...,td "I .lhi. poin. ·by·poin. review of .he civil c.o5t .....y It..! 10 a 'Iink in ,he chain of tvi<!<1>u'w, uncon01i,u,ionally con· "ibu,es 10 lhe dcf~ndanl '. conviclion." Thu•• ,he courl hekl''''','he mal courl .bust<! iu <h~ in dmyi", ,he req~:luy.

Ho-r. I poIm, ..1 C6nOic, ~"wn parly', . nd civil nun"" did aw,oma,ically r"'luir~ • £lay of Ihr civil proc«dinp pmctina ,"" OII'('~""" of Ihe puallel <:timi".l ~iUio' -1'1.. hfi ..

...mendmcar po to


sur, ""!Cd

Current State of law Th. &"IIh cour, did no! gM mIlCh &oKLon", 0" wh .. ,1>0 ocl ual °b.lanelng of in,...,.t." ,cst would .ntoil. >!ating me .. ly ,hat ,he , ri.1 rourt mUS' -"-<ish JANIlARY 1006

mol' 'ignifican' el.m .... " klr a In.oJ COurt

'0 consider.

The .. "pinion alS<l pn)\'idcd 0 val"",bl. ,umm... y of ,"" l_ in AW>ama rega.ding ,t..l'ifih Amendmont priviltgo. orpnw"lI,h. ca>< law inoo Il ru;",,, be .pplied (0 Fifih ... mondmm. quos· lionL The ruLt< ......e s.. ntmllrized as fol·


" \. A ",rty is ..,tilled '0 IWCrt !he fifth Amendmm, pmil<gl< "I!"iru, odf· irw: rimi ... , ion l hhoush no crunnw charges h .... b«t1 in.o, WtN ...1Il ...... n ....nor< ,h. risk of p......:u' ion .. "'mote, 10 long as 'he ..,..,.,nably .pp........."' • ri4: of ~If·irw:r;m. n.,ion ,'" I""y .......t nu' be' indio..! 10 Prop<'.1y claim Ihe fifth Am.nd""'n' pm'i. Itgo."


0&>1"'" :!df.

1ncnrnin."on mu" be' libe,1'311y con· mu..! ,n r._ (If ,he ao:wcd. Hoffm~H Y. UHiln/ Sl~I'" 341 U.s. 479 (195 I). and lhe pn>iItgc is .ppli('.abIt in st,n. :os wcll Oil III kdttJol Malk>y" H01/In. }18 U.s. 1 (1964), and in civ~ .. wcll u in crimiNll'f'X«dingo, 11'd.litt: " Co/lomm. B"""""sn"g S),>I<'m, 608 F.2d 10@.I(5thOr. 1979) ... 1'.... Fif.h ... ..,end....... ~ not ""',..!.,•• .... y of CL~ilI"O<ttdinf;. !",ndinS'M 0 .. 100 .....(1( criminal ~nss. \\'I1cther 10 granl • 0" • Qf the ;nlemU of th< PU'ics-~ .• con lfwing 1M ' num!. <>f. puly in I"""poning Ih, dvil prQcwlinp with th< P'J"iblt p"judice to the p.1r1y who ",WI .. thcli'ig.ali<ln to lI" forwud-i:s wi,hin the ,rial court'. di~",­ liQn." ..... lrial rourl hal Ihe dUctcl.ion 10 >lay ,he emi", civU pro««!lng. ,,, .... rdy p<»lponc aU ur 10"", of th< civil diww· ef)'. or '0 Impooo: pro''''''i~ onl.... nd condi'ion$ "I!"inlt 0"" 0.- mor< of ,'''' ""rtin in ,he civil a"i<I ..... 11 ",,,,edin • vaib bk In 'M trw rourt undcT Rule 26((J. AI.>.R.C.... P." In ""m< circum· >lanen. Iht ci... il ,~It .. could pro««! in al Iw, a limilN fa!hion WM ... ""rty ...... n<i'h .... r"'lUlr«lI" 1..lify nor n:qUir«l1O prod ... ~ any doxum.",. · ,ion." Th .... ,he ..andlrd of"",~ on ,hi. i>s"" t, wh"Mr .h, 1n.1 rourl', ",I . ing wu on abuse of;u dOSCrcllon."


compelling inl""",. .nd moin"in.n ....~n balanu." " It""...... r. in E:t parrt Iibbot>," .h" Supr<m< Court • .eogni..,.J Ih., · M n~ of our Ca<n h",,, undtn.kcn '0 c••• logu"lhe v.. iou. foc· ,0.-$ ,hat might properly en.or in.o a wtighing .nd blYncing ;tnaly:sil" ond .dd.csstd Ihe ;"uc at In>g1h. TIlt ",uri Ii.,..! righl 6octo<s (based on """'I<nu id .... tifl<d in ~I""" .dd ...... ing thil issue) ,hat oourTu hould co",id.. when ~ .... n a penon) f illh "'m<ndn",n' privll'1le tpd an"' .... par· ,,,,,' righ"" p'''''''' d f)' in • civil pro.:...JinS'''

Z. The prin" int." .., uf 'M d.r.nwn,.nd the burden th., any ""r' licuJ •• lupfCl of.he pr<x«dings ""'y im," un the def.nd.nt; }, The <.. t9'l'1O ,,-hieh Ihe dc{end . .. ,·, Fifth rights.rc impli . C3'Ni,ti1: "'~'.o whkh Ih" i"un in th< c~l)jol""" o~rbp ,hose in th< cid <"aI<'; ~.

The ron1'ffiilnc< of til< rourt in Ih. man'g<mtn, of ;t. caS4, and the nrICk .. , u~ of judICial T""uras;

5. 'The in .."". uf "",...,n . .... ' port;" tu Ihe .iv~ iii il!"lion; 6. The inl ..... of II>< public in ,h.. p<nding dv~ ond criminallillgalion; 7. 1"" <I",,,, 0( tho rnminol OOIC . '!Klud,"! ...t...hcr ,he party """""8 10< ,ho <loy hal 1:>cm indicttd;.nd 8. The linting uf Ih" ",ot ion I<> ",oy."


As ,he Al.bam. SuP"''''' c.,u" r«<>g· a highly niu<l."A In.l court 'mU<l fact· hound i""lui~IP.'h!'P'r1 ieul.. cll<'llm<lancd'.ind comp<fing In,,,,,,,, involvt<l in Ih .....' when p.or.lId civil 1;ligA,i"n and oc, ... I, " • ..,..,.,nably cxpea«l, cri m;n.1 clurg'" coutol:" II ~ "'" ' 1'1"''' ,h. , t"" fKlOrs are in unltr of imporUnCl'. 1Ia~ "n the rom!'. rulinS' <Wn 'M I.. t 17 Y" •• s, factQrs ,hr~ and...".... dtarly seem .o be Ihe

2. When Ih" fifth AInc,lIllnnlt l'1ivi, 1"8" i........ ,ed.;, I. f", Ih' t....1 rourt. "'" 1M p;1rty .... ning Ih. privikgc, I<> det.rmine ..-hclhcr ,h. ""ny·uppr<hen.i<ln uf. ri<l: uf .. If· incrimi ... ti<ln I. ",a",nabl. .nd ..·.U.f"unded. ·· J. The I'ifth lutl<ndmem privil"8" appli .. in .Ia'.·rou" civil pro.:...J. jng<. irw:luding <lcpo»i,iQns." A p.1ny e.... oot be ctlmll<lled lu ,<>Ii· fy 0.- oompt'lI..! ,,, proviok diocov· of)' in I civil proc...Jing "'hil, ,h ..... ;". p.r.llel criminal K,ion pend · ing ag.oin;llh. pony."

4. The Uni,ed 5'at« Con"it~li<ln dues nul .utom.. ';callr n:quir<. ... y"f civil proueding.< pmdmg the Qulron .. of parallel crim.nal p.-nuNings Or po',nlla] "" ... 11<1 criminal proc«ding<."

'0. """f

S. Wh .. he, '0 grant. $lay in a ch,il ..... wh" is Ih. la'iCI of actual 0.- ' h"" ,,,n«l panlkl aimi . nal procmingll mu<1 be, d ....• mintd by " .. ighing and<'ing ,h. Inl""''' of 'h" poorty moving fo r 'he Slay in po<lponing ,h. civil oclion .goio" ,h. prcjudic. 10,M Olh", ""rty ,h .. migh' ... ult from dcJ.y." 6. Undor Ruk 26Ib). AI~. R. CII: P., p.1" i.. arc entitled (0 "oblain

di>«>vrry tqIOInling ~ny n .. n ... ""I privilc'gtd. .... "'h is ,.kv-~"I 10 Ilwo . . .1 .... ,1n in~ '" "" pmdi",.c"on" bu. undn Itulr 26(cj a pa"y Of other ptrloO<I from whom di~ i. I<>ugh' ""Y a I"o' teli... o,<ok. from 1M trW j , . - fo, KOOd cause u.....'n.·

... n- pro<ioions _ brood ro-r in 1M It. . mu" 10 ("",raI


the d..."......,. rroc=." "cou" hl5,h~ dilC~lOn 10 >ll y civil pnxmlllp. 10 poolponuiv~ ~. or 10 impol<' prOlKlI..., orden .nd conditions in I'" f.« 01 parallel (rllllllW p!'<I«<donp ag.uMoi on< of lhe I"'"ia when tho ink'"'' uf ju>lk. 1C<'I1' '" l'nIui ••. Such inl .... '" indudoo II>< _d ' 10 I"""'«' I <II' pt', ...... from annoyollCt. om/>unwnml. opprasion. or undue 00 ...... or apnuo" po ...... nl 10 Ruk 26« ). Ala. R. C;v. P."

0>1111 pro«duraL o>n,id<ro ' •• Suk ,ions mU>t II .u lima yidd to rd· ...... nl kd<r-..L mn>IlIutionol prind.

pIn." ..........


fOr judicial economy conllicl with con<aUl

fc<Ltrai ron"i,ution.oL righlj., 'h .... $I.II~ concrnu must r w~y." In bo1oncing .he mlmsu of , he part .... _ muol fa",. the COM$Iitulionol pmi. I<F III'lnl' otIC· inaiminllion "'... "" inltml in "''Oic\. in.!! I doLor of. civil p!'<I«<dlng." To the Wen, _l1$$li')' to eruurr proItelion of .he p"viIqJ. apiru. Mir.incrimina· lion. o>nc..", .boul ""LoY' Ill".1 yidd."



W..iI< lOmnunn II .01'l'"",,011( to ....,. .n ""i", civil rrocccdin" rotbor I~n ;""1 as 101M p_.... y m<>Ying fur Ih. II.y. th.", I.., abo "Inalions whm: 1M righ, oplrul .... r· ,I\C.uni .... ion can be OKIrqual<Ir proIO'(Ia! wb ... "'" cIVil calC' pr<iC«'dI in ....... wnnnl--r." Somrlln... lhe oounn\< of l he bal· a"dn •• "f·inlcr..I,." i•• uch 111:01

poMl'onin& Ilwo d ... ~ iOCl1<> .. it Ih~ "only mtlhod- or 'onIy JOI~liOfl -

... me;"'1 to gu&r4"1ft I,""y 10 • eM! act"", Ilwo F.fth "mtndmml ri&hl '""odr. ;ncnm'''''ion.>' 11." civil plrty', ~ift .. " .... ndrmn' tlgh'lg.ainslodr. inc.imino,ion Clnnol be odoq ... ldy prO<tckd by fftlu"i,. hun .. mr'r In ........... righ' h) """"'" lilm' whm asktd Iof""ifor q ....lIon. dunna. cIVil

<ok'i ... in~. by. poinl·by· poinl m 'itw of the civil C&!'O. 1 - 111Ik in lhe du", of C'-~"II..1 .....,..Jd u_IIulOonolly cortl.ibul~ to lhe defmdl .. f. convicIion in llwo crimin.L ClIC.'" 12. " moIion 10 >lOy ovil d...,o ... ry duri,. 1M ptndtncy of I paralLcl cri .... nall'f'l""'dinA is no! J'I<'IIftIy V ... ,a! upon op>rulo...", Of «>n '

d..-ySrounru.. .. \3. In lM....,1II Ih •• I >lOy is 'Pl'ror'" .I~.,. pa., ,,,ubr poinl in lim<, lhe trial rourl i< no! pm:ludtd from ,,'hont......1y ...'nt.;ni..........;.," "" Iby. it cin:um· >l1JlCd loa,.. d ..nga! in lhe inl••im in .uch I way ... 10 ,~nd .. ,h ..."y nolonvr .ppr"l'ri." . .. ~


The Fifth Amendmel1l privilege 'againsl sci f~ incrimina tioll mUst be liberally conslrued in f<lvor of the accused.

Sine. tho £bhton opinion. tho Iw only odd......J !hi< particub.' 011 • ~ occ:ui<Jru." toUrk' of ,hew c.n I Ppli.od tho fiOClon .num.ulnl by lhe rou" ... tho I>.uW; r..., oddr.....IIj! lh. impli<lo'io ... of tho Fifth """'ndrn<n, on




In £% f"'Ht 06wr. 0IMr lOr • ....,. of "" civil procto<dinp fiIt.d 0f0in .. him by tho W""d. b;uM on pt'ndillj! criminal ,hafitS arWtt8 from lhe Siltnf .., of !"xu.. n.. pl.aintifl's a<gU<d \hal tJw iMut -.. moDI boa_ ........ v.and juM It.od bom corn..-l wiIhow OIMT'I brinK indicI..t. "" dtpooiIiOfl noli« If) 0IMr hod bcm withdnwn and the Woods _,. only seeking If) com· pd 0Ir0-<r to ....Wtf ....... discov· orr rcqu<$Il whidt wen non· in ...1...... In .xny.. OIMT'. pctibDn b writ of n.. ndom"" tho <...." ruIrd \hal he hod. d.a, Oli.... r.ila! to ItpI riBhl 10 lhe ... y...... W I lhe lrial coun hod on - ""penl"" dUli 10) wanl Ius ~ 1-\oW(on. tho< mun .......t tho, oubotquml to "'" Iilin& of tho pt'I~ion lOr writ of mondomUJ. om.... -.. indicltd by tho grand jury. The court 111m ".Ied , ....1:

incrinW>M" u..


dtpooolion: _h .n ol'J'fOKh ron· >lrun tJw Ftfth ,,""""' ...... , too narrowty. n.. dolll'" in such on approach h• ..., Men idcntifitd 15 including the pos&t'billty of. crimi· ...1 in .... Iig.a'OI'·. bring "pW!ltd" ., ,he dtposilion. th< ~ by "" doponm\ of 10.. ....m. potnts by .... Itkctlort of ..-W qunlionl he muon lo .nIWtf. and 1M oppo,IU. nily p~lnl'" al'f'O"('UIO' uf

1;ln lighl 01 the ...... rn of tho indict· ....... 41 ..... OIowr and lhe nmllO SU""""I« 0I0wr'1 Fdill Amntdrncnl priviIowo...... ~. I« Ex $'<I"" 11'1".... ~~1 So. 2d 923 (ALo. 1989). and ito PfOII<'ny. mJWro WI I ... y


of th~ civil procnodings lit i!$Utd 10 gua .. n'~ om..".'. Fifth Amccndm.m privilog<. O~vtt, h<;n.",,,r, h... no\ pmmlN thi' dwlg< in circum· ",,1ICe-1.h< rflum of Ih. indicr"",nl. ""hich ,,,,altS .n imp."~';"" duty fur tht IrW court 10.>tay tht civil pm. =<iin&S-IO rbt IrW COurt. This COUrt will no! dina • COurt 10 IW .I<lm<' """ion il h... nol p~ rdU:ICd 10 IW.... 'Thtrtfott. ""hilt • ,r.y of the pr<><ftdings in 1M civil ""hOn is proper in lighl of .he T>('W fact p'd<nIO<! hy tht io.l ........ of aD indicrmml. "'.. ",nnoT iss",. Wril 'laying .~ procnodings on rhis ground unlil tbt lrial COurl rcfu<n 1000..,,»

limitations of the Privilege ~""" lhough /laugh .nd ill rn:>g<ny h.1d lhitl.I""ty i. emiliO<! 10 Fifrh AllKndmml p,i<ikgc>1 ..-Jf· in(rimi",tion in a ,;"'il n.." .. ~n wh .. e 1M risJ< uf prtHt<ulion i, remor •• there is a ~mil on how f., rhe OPI"'llale coulls will ulend ,nal pri,·ilegc. 11>< Uf... norO<! in Ebbtn, i. th.r lhe I"rty • ..... ~n· obly ol'P. chmdJ • risk "f sclf·incrimin.· I;"n." In Ex 1"''''' Hr<likrr. 6r.<kn '''.mp'· «110 0M<:11 hi! fiflh Amtndm~nl privi· lege 1o • llOIiu of d"l"HiIK'" hy 1M rloinliff in. civil"'lion. 6.-..<1.." orguro lhitl he ],,,d bNn infO'med Ih'llh. l.uin· "If pi.m",d 10 fil" cnnltRol m.'1I'" ogain" him baM<I on llIe ... ,n< conduc. involVO<! in .1Ie civil ""ion. AppJy;ng llIe f;K.o .... ...r oul in ebbns. 11>c Al.h.una Sup.....,.., Coun .ffirmtd .1Ie .rial roun', .Jen..1of Ilradm', """ion 10 .r'y, noting .h., " 101. Ii"", pasV<i wilhou, ,uch on u'..,."S"lion ",,,.... Ii.jng, ond pt...inlilf] ON",inp,ly h,,·ing.kcICd 10 ron«ol .. l. 00 iu. civil "medic •. ,he Jik.,. lihood of Ilradtn', bring .xposed to criminal prO$«Ution grew inc"osingly ... mo,e. I·n.. pl~intiff'. 1 alleged ·'h .... I' of rrqu<'$ling. enm,n.1 in,...rig... ",,, ".,'" MC....ariJy dilfuV<i hy .h. p.w;I~ of niM montl.. wi.llou. ~nf ' follmo·· .hrough,"" AI.hough based on . ronvk. ion for « imin.1 ch..gtS. a claim filed ro ..1 • C..,nviclion pu ... 'I) Ruk 32 oflh"




10 0 6

A/a"""," Rultl of eri.nina/ I'mutI" .. is

..c~ its di"",, ;nn. Th. court found

ron.idcrtd ~ ci"il """ion hy I"" OOun .. Lost ~ .., Al.b ..... ('".oun of C,iminal Appc.b .goi" ... "i",,·M ,h. i...... of ,h. Fifth pr;"',Icgt! in 'h" C""'ext of Rul. 32 proc«<!ing.< in l~ylor •. $",,~'" T.ylo,Otguro in hi. Ruk J2 pelilion ,h.t he h>d 'red...." 'ndf.c" .... "",i<t ..... ..,f rouns.! during hi' uiJl. Hi! I"',i. ion "'" denied in circuil CO"" •• nd On .ppeal h•• rguM .h •• his <onstilUlio",1 ,igh" h<Od bNn "iol.,ed ... hoo .h • ",un .110 ......1 the inl.-oJ"'tio" of exhihiU fTOm his trial . norney'. "'''rk fiI<$, irocluding ,,",emem. h. h. d m.d. 10 hi •• no,1I<")'<. The oourl of niminal 'Pl""'1$ nn,ed ,h •• it h.d «;.c,N 'hi. ... ",e .rgumenllO v. 0;"1:," s"ling rhOl " 1llhc greal weigh' of Ihe Uni,«I S"'O$ Sup,,,m,, Court', <>vinion •• up· p""" 'h" proposilion thil onC., dd.n· Janrna, I>ctn oonvielro fo •• crime ,nd hi> dir"'" 'pp<'".1 fr"on ,h .. <o,,,io,, i! fi~I, . del',nd.", n" k"'~, h .. , privi · kg•• .. If·incriminal;"n ."" Tile court of criminal appeals on to n",t lhal. J>O"·oonviokon p"",,«Iing i• • ,,,Iunl.ry .. vii ",lion filro by. dcf.nd.n1 r.the. tI .. n . C'funinal aclion fd«l 'goi",. him by ,lie .I;&t •. Thi. it. ",Iun· lory pruc<tdillS r.,IKr th .... compcll«l pro<<<<ling ""i,hin lhe <u"text of th~ Fiflh Aln<ndmonl."'Funher, in rtjccring th •• rgum.nllh.,. Rul. 12 pnx~lng "'"'" a crimi, .. I .. tio" r.,h<. Ih.n civil, .h. <Ou.1 of crimin.1 'P",,"'!, has >!>lM lhitl ,lie .... ," is ,,0' ",h<1h.r ,10" und.tlyi"g .... ion i. civil", crimin.II, bu' ",'h<lh.. tIN- risk of l11e f;King criminalli"bili ,y as • r...,1! "f tts'ifying at • pos..... ' .... iction h".ring 1 an.d .ppm:i.hlc:"" Th. m<)$' .. cen' opinion (.,,,f,h. o;L..,~ of ,IN- wriling of thi. ' rl ick) rcIo""" o n Ihi' l uh;.c. "'"A' E.> f"If'" 1\>I10nu«[." In Jln/un_i •• he <"ur, m'ic-wcd. In.1 c"url\ dcniol ufo motion to ",y ""he ... Anlonu«i Was bting • ...d ow, .U.gcd mi<conduC! and was .1", rile rub;.cl of a "" ..1101 criminal in,"e!oIig.>lion for the . 1Jrg.t'ion.. The oourt nolM .h... i""e .he ",.1 COUr! only <onlld.rod Ihe .rgumen •• "f counocI ond wrilten ..,.idonli. ry .ubmio.liO"$ (..rhe. thitn 10", 1"'''tnOny). Ih~ r.... iew of Ihe ca .. "'... Ik n"", for purpo ... uf <k,crminins ",'h.,h.. th ... W rou"

Ih>1 An,onu«i "d"""'n,,,.,«1 'hal he ...",n. bly .pprehrndO<! • ri'l of .. If· on,rimin";on if ,h. civil'Clion w.. .1I<>wM I" pr<><<<'<1- due to ,h. ",ignifi. cont ""erl.p bet ...... " Ih" ci"il procttd1Rg again't An."",,,c; and tl><" criminal in,,,,' igalion-h<>, h ...... n.ially focu' "n lhe sa"", rond .. <I." The court aho fuund ,h., Antonucci h.d no' ",. i\"Cd hiJ Fifth Arncndmo:n' p,ivil<'g<' by his p,io, par",· ip.tltOn in ry•• in« his I"'"i<;ipa' lion rons>sIO<! m.illly of ub;'Clio", IhOl did no. ,li,<I,,>< poICnti<tlly ir><,imin .. ing 'C$,im"ny_ Thu •. Ant""ucci'. I"'lilion "'"as gr.lIlO<! .nd lhe Irial rourt'. urdc, d.... y_ inS ,h~ """ion 1o "'Y "'as ...... t«l.




Conclusion In ci ... u,,,, .. nc<$, a I",rly 1<, • civil.,:t",n may .... n ,he ~ifrh Amcndmen, privilrgt . s-.,n>! ... If. in<rimin ..ion 10 a ••• y of ci"iI pr<>««ling .. A Ifi.1 court h.s lhc dioc,,' .i<>n ,<> Itay rh. oO\ire civil procC<'ding. to mcrdy l'O"IIOn. oil or "'''''' of ,h. c;"'il "i<coYory, 0. 1o itll"""" prol""li ... unl ... .nd condi.ion, ' pi"'l on ••" Rlurr of ,he par. i... in ,h. ciyil ac.ion. If rile p.rty docs no, h.,... r..",,,.bk opprehon,ion of criminal p,osc<utiort, O! if h. foJco • posHonv;..ion I"'til;"n rrg.tnling ,h. criminal charS<"- IlKn lnal pcrSlJO "',,"01 ...'''' ,he pri.;I.~, •

Endnotes 1.(1 CIwtot. _




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PAINFUL FINDINGS: Determining the Availability of Mental Anguish Damages in Alabama


I $Om< PCIt"! in Ihn. a_rs. whtrhn rtpm.mtmt the

pla,nufT (If d<fmdant, nlM! UW}'01'S will work I cue wh= the plomutl" cJ.i"" dam,1I'" fM ....... "'1 Ingui$h bu. hu no ~ ,njury. ' In f..:t, for ""'''Y Jibg.,;nn au"""')". wth ~u• .II)' quit. «Immon. Whet"..- y.;m nm to Cft· ar~Jr incruSt your elk,,, • .....:o-",ry or juu u cfftlivdy obtain • ~r!ial di>rnisoal, Alab ..... law '" ,hi> 1m C1In p,ovuo.... ..-ha, .m";guo.... l"'oi<:uWly in cues involvin, multIple d.o.Un •• n<:! multiple put;". This ..licl" wiu provido on "f til<basic rules Iddrnsillll tho ""ilU.b~ity of menIal anguish damoges in Ala""m •• nd list II>< ruin fo r ~"'" rom",.,., of action where ,h. pl.oinu« hu .uffered no p/lysic.oJ injury,

C&S<$ ' '''


Tort Claims Somewhat <ounl ...... ;ntui,ivdy, II.. rule for rom tbinu is

,hot d..m.>gn

rot mr:ntal angui5b m.oy not b< n'c( ",I.....,

the plaintiff has ,,,Ilcrt<! only ~ to his or her prup<.ry. Iu with mosllcpl rul ... ho..TVn", .n =<ption aU!$. n.. AI."""",

Supr."", Co"n has hdd dwl ci=>;og<t for ""'"10.1 ... ,uilh .... y be had for injury $01,1y 10 propnty wh.", the ton h.os bttn ~commilkd undt. cirrunuunctS 01 'Mull or conlumtIy."' II1d· MaTI Sf" .... 111<:. ~. & ........ 7!>l So.ld 1201, 121J.1 (Ala. 1m).' Thuo, whut 1M dd'mdlnt Iw ."flkimtly,.nd 0 .........."Jd pot,un>< <grq;iou>ly,' iruuhN tho pbimiff ",I,ile d."nlsi"g hu propmy, tM p!.r.intiff may m:uvn III<mol ang"i'" <Iom.gtS. Not., bowcver, that whtthcr "th. tOft is commm td under cirnlmSt.n«S of insult or ronllllnC'ly u a qU<:$tion propffiy loft to ,h. <kt.. mination of tho JUry." Rcirthard, !>16 So. 2d 509. 511 (All. 1981.).

.. Int.




Negligence Claims Although "AWNm. Law don not pnmll ruoo,"tryo( mtntol_ .nguM <Io""gc:o Iwtd Ofl • of >impl. ncgli~"", wher-.

tM neglige", Kl nr omis<ion result.< in mer< injury to p<llp<"l"tY[.1" menu.! InguO$h d.rnagos "'"J' be ''''O\~ sptdfic cirCUnl$tl""". f:X

,...rtt GmnJ ,\1,,_. 111<... 773 So.2d 17J. 179-180

CAlI. 2000)_ For negI'8"n« action~ unl;u atM' to,l&, ALahama (oum apply tM S<l-colltd "wne-or-d:ong.e," .tsl to d<'lcrmine if plaintiffs "'"J' R'WV<r 111<",01 ""sui", domatt> wber. thty ho...., .uffi:rnl DO physial injury.' Undu Ihi! t ..l, tht plaintiff m~t h..... txen pl:o«d "in imm«l",. ,i<k or phy$ical h.. m" by ,m, dcf..,dant". conduct.' Not. that it must h.... txen rc-uonably fil~.blc ' 0 ,m, <kfc" ,bnt tho, 'm, plaintiff would be pla«<l .. rHl: by hu conduct. ' Tn c..... wh<-r-. there if.. facru.r dispute about ",h<'l""" the pllinlitr ....<acru.tlly in I lOne of dongn. tht qUf$lion U appR)priat. for jury doum.inalion. ratl>tr Ibln (Of the trial ju~. I~ 142111 at·4 (AI.o. Civ. App. ju"" 17, 2005). Th. Abbama Court or c;.·il Apprl" htld in .he

air of Mobik~. T..,tor. 2005 WL Taylor ~ tno, in JUdt

ci.-cu~.flCa, • jury insln"'ion On the m"" of dangtt- tQl. n,u" bt " ..... in 0Ilkr "'0 provide the jury .. ith !ht rompltt. «~.k' ollt&al principks nt«SWy ror • dtttrmination or ...h.thn CUftlptl.satory damagc:o (0. mtnLlll anguish (canl approp.iatdy be awardtd."

Fraud Claims Damages filr rnen,olanguish no .... been held compe ....ble in fraud Q.>e$, "",,",,",,<, if u unc:.rt.,n whoth .. AI>bam. court.< will


apply ~ 'J>«:ifi<' <l"o moho 'he de'o<mi · IUtion.' AI 1..., one ca.., h ......"'ingl y • pplitdth" iNul, ~n<! ronlulll<ly , .., for ~n.roJ lort d.inu. " NOl., howrver, luI JUl lie. HOUSlon, in hiJ concurring opin. ion in So",km' 8aknin, I~. •. ""ipp. 852 So.2d 71Z (AI •. 2(02). diocu...,.j th. m<)$1 • ..eml o( lhew holding>, 1M Spi",y ~ o tt.:! ahmrt •• s i, rd..I1td,o wh"Mr <mOlion.1 di SI ~ m<n,"l angui. h dom_ • g.. ... " ...oilobl. (or fr.ud. luSlice HOU$.on concluded thol nI, n1>I'ngui>h d.un.S'" were coml"'n .. bl . ..t.. ", "luffi . ci.nlly linl<d." olMr. kg;IlIy cognizabl. injury." Id. Of 725. So for •• th iJaulho, "on •.11. ,h. Abb." ... Su P"1ll< Court h.. no!""td o n JUl lie<- Ho uSlo n·.


"An _ ud of d.unaga for menw anguish gme-r.tJy is nO! ~ in brnch· of·conn·act onions in ~. 111t/-Mllrl SI<> ..... IN .. 827 So. 2d 63. 68-Ml {At.. 2001 )(.-.cognizing 1n.1 in controct ><IioJ\$ sud> damag<l ' ''' U$U.lIly not <:OrIkmpLtlcd by ,n. l"-"i<s, or no! ,. n.olural taull of a !mach of 11>< controcl)(in101"noI n... ,kings aOO cit",;'",•

&,......, •.



Availability in Common Causes of Action

<>mined)." F""q>lions .", .ahon. """"""',.


wh<u 11K brt-och COntract is I""iou. or ....'tellded with 1>mOno1 inju ry,' .,Id whrtt the contractuol dUly i..o m..."d '0 "mal ' 1m o( men'~ <OO«. n O. S(>i;o,ude' or ftttings. thaI a hrnch will DtaSS3 rily <;I"", m<ntalongui>h 01 IU ff. ring. Id. at 69." For


This..,.,!ion ..", oul a . hort list of common cau>es of ""cion .n<! th< cur",m ..·oiLtbilily of """".1 anguish d.ornag« PUlluml 10 the ruin discU»t<l al>o .. whe", thm. h.. bftn no physical injury.



_"","", ~,""", ~

a.o: ... _


1:11 SoZd"IWo. I999I

.... """.... _01 AIo!!!!!o. R ,m So1d\All, 191!1l

'IN-" ...... _ _ _


"","'pio... ,he "'prtm< rourt '>01..J in l:Iow<n.nd obo in 11>Iks">'lg<" 0{ Amt-r ...... In£. v_ DilJ;ml. 57'9 So. 2d 1301 (At.. 19\11)• mental anguish damogco I.."" bttn ''''ordcd ror breach of conlroc1S m..ling 10: 1M hohi.abiliry of a homt:"; , he del,,'l:ry of "'by WMrt .ht child ;, <till · born; th< w. of a "Iomon" ,,,hide . nd docea...! Jo,...d ones."

Contract Claims


il ... - ' O _ I ) ....... _ .. _ "' _ _ ........ - .

.................... 1J ... tUy~ .. _ _ .... _

........ - . , . .... _ ,~

_.-y'" _

110 _ .. 7l5A11 l!3. 110 So.IOIIALo


.............. SitrBn;ElSo!tlS

Cwto _,... _11>'" """KI ....... . - WoOI!' ~ _ '" r . . . . . . _ .....

192!II~""'''''''',,",,-!or 11M not ... ~ . . _

...c 11> _ ' J """"'1t .. w,.rr _ _




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,,:::"'=:-_____-;;:;:::-_____--;~ .. ... ."'"-,,--""'" . _"''-


::'~.,'~'C.:.:~ ~'~~, $10m; b:., IU1 So. :/4$:1, !II 1AIo- 1QI1J

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_ __tIooit!g.,.,Ih _.,,, ...... P'OI*'!r _10 "''''''''' _

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GoonIr ... _

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ZOlli_. __

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s..w,.;toCltnld _ ~-dI!.P

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_ ip\IItos Soo I'ItrI-.ICo1J:,.,.......... , -...~ So. Zd 1:/IL_1 1/l1J Wo. 1!!9l

.. . . . . . , , . . . _ Cwto _ _ 10" nog'9Inct """

110 _




LIIpI \\101 ... _


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1,J:IIIy ...



HoI _ _ _ .. _1II1 ........ ~...__Soo..g.. r... ~_ • .\PIOlI fiI So.1IL ll1&\Ii!-191n -At!o:!\ .., • ~ 511 So. Zd!iOt, S!llALI 1M!.

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Tho _

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1Ito_ cu ...... OIly - . - , _ _ lot """""""" iI-'

Other Rules





of ltC'lion j'O)u ore


working with ... membe, th.l bd'ore ",...,,01 anguish do""'S'" may be _ ...d · od, th~ cou., m,," dc1tnnine and 1M pl.intiff mu.' p""'" that t~. Iw actu. Uysufferrd mmt>.l angui,h. " If

dKr. or. multi pl. plaintiff. in 1M tue, tMrt rnu.<l. be cvidcn.c:. 1)( rntnlJ.1 ' Il$ui,h os 10 nth pl.lintitf. Mental anguish ",fr. m! by on. plaintiff i. not IUffic~,

_~~~_'''''''''''.101.. " _ _ _

SWollo _ ""'-,. """. ~ /Ill So. 2<1 351. lSoI LIoIo lIXQ. _ " 80'_9 _ _ " 51!! So. 2III§II. 1~11.oJI l"li


r_c.... .....



SWO!yOl_ . r.,w. ZOlI ...... 1010l$1. 'Z Wt. c;.. ........... 11, Z005/.

I. Sot. _,. Sbos. lilt. " - . . 752 So. 211 121)1. 12m j,\,Io. l!BIIl_......,. ond ..... ·

iI9 0ImIIdI ~

• diJ'fcKnt plaintiff, ...... n in , i,u.alions

wh ... the plaintiff•• '" elw<ly rtlalN. " I'm. that wt.en th. plaintiff present. proof (Of IDO'fltai anguish, wh~her- h. or 1M ",«..<d.:rnd the amount of any . ward art foct quest;""" mr. jury 10


Il'101 fit _

ItId .........

...... _

... . , ...... ."noFG=o<tI

500 f,< _

&-...r ~ lilt.. rn Sold • IJ3.

_r.,..~ 'M

d ... rm;""," Fin.lIy. nOl. 1h.1 whac .


r_.~ 'MmQl I. "


S. ,"-c-.Do' lln,


694 So.2l1 lll' !All 1$1. _ . . c.r. • $I0Io. 4.\1 k2II :Hi. ~ ~ II. 1!l!DI r~. <M ><lion lor _ - , . "'"' III IIod Ior .. . . - " . _ "",~ .... I _oI"'b;oI ~

dtfcndan t ocl! wiUfully and maJiciou$ly. ,h. pl.intiff may be tntit\td 10 recovtr


Endnotes _~_


500"'_. S! a.,. s.. .... I63SO.211

9591-\11. 19!151

" - . . 821 So. 211 • l1li-10; !lolIIoI( sn So 2d.

&-...r """" 1rIt.,118 So.2II m, In I0\Il, DJIt - , . H t.- ' - - IW/JItI/ , - . . lIIIM...." ~ . "IQ LIoIo Il00. I'.

15 500 f,< _


16 S. &-...r _ 1711 50211 • IIS-Ull City 01 _ " ~ 101 So 211 Z20. m-"lJI1o\II er. ..... I(JN ~ lIIIM ...... 183IM . ' 10; "p>. ~...." l 'U28' .. 'J 11 s.. - . . 821 So. 111 • • /liIIwII. sn So. "". IXII..~. lIIIM ...... l6)QII . 'Ill 11 s . . _ . _.31ISo.2II2WWt.'i/lo]; u-w. lIIIM ...... 263'289 " " Il


n.;, _ _ ... _ f I t _ l " ¥ o I _ ........ _ ..... fItplonrll



_ 111M!

10 sUPJlOn • dom.~ lOW.rd fOT

d. .... ges fur m<m.languis!o olon •."

." a..:."l.<ti oa.:-.-lIIOod. l\lIIi-

Ils...,_..,_._.57JSo.2d ' I'. ' 1"lt \l.lo, Im.



--~.---.­ _ I _UC .. _ " " . __ ...

....... _ II

s..s. ... , St a. __ s",q,rBrol;IISI So. 211 115& Io\k 199151-


..... _ . . .



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Legislative Wrap-Up

/II 1I0l><'rf L



2006 Regular Session


h. lOO6 RtguLI.r Stosion of ' M

A1.Nm.!.q:'sbt",., ~ins

Tund>y.l>nuary 10 and mlU' adjourn no 1.,.,. th.n Mon<\;o~, April Z4. Th' rt\;I;o' ....isions pro. paud by II>t La.. IMljIUl' ",hieh •••

""ndiog I>t/"o", ,he AL.b.o<= 1egi.1.'u ....

The Trust Code Th.,n", bw in AI.b.""" •• ""n .. the <fll of . h. rounlry. hI' predomin.I.If bun ts,.blisll«l by common I. .., b«I f't'J'ralnlalive in ,h. ROIIOIHlltnl in 1M Law o( Alabo"," curr.nlly h...... 00 oth.r ""ct. ... iou. !!O"ern· ing OOmt ..p«I< of !fUlI low, bu. , hi, is ,1I.r.rot compreh"".,,,,, codifKlltion of ,h. law in Alabon .., Tht 1M! Cod< ""'" not try ,n irl<orpo-



..... .., of deI.ikd ",Ie> tOr ......,. ron-


<riv>l>l< kind of no.- oo..s it 1!loC(Irp<>me a1I,he kinds of Truru tl>c'R .tt. 11 docs oont.>in • .., ofbasic <I.e....h ruin IIw. fairly. am<i.lmt/y and cloarty ~ mI_ untory In...!>. II is • dd". uh SI"u" 1M n>O$I part bco.u~ th. ttrmS of. tlU>l irutrumrnt will g.wrm ......... if incon<isIt'nl wtth tht ""!Utory ruks. 1'bt Trust Co<k is dlV,dtd ,n(G Hartl_ dt.. ",hich Ir... folio"",


Ankk J - G<-n • ...J Pnwisi,>ns a nd DdinilionJ Ani<:k 2 - ludki..J 1'roc...JinS' ... nick 3 - R<t>~n,"lion Anid.4 _ C...-.tion. Validity_ Modifr.l.lion .l>Ill<mlllution of I Tru.t 110

IAi'lU"IY 1006

... nid. 5 _ Cm;1i,or's Cb im. Sp<ndthrifr and Di!oC'Mionny T.w.a Articl< 6 - Il<"""bl< Tru.t. ...nick 7 - Office of Trust .. Anick 8 - Dut .... nd I'u"..... ofth. Trust"" Anick 9 _ Yru<i<nt In....'''. Kul. Ar1ick 10 _ liobility ofT'W.lffi ilItd RighI> of PtrMIn. Dt..Jing with th. Tru.t .. AMide II - Mi. ulbn<'<>oS I-'rov;s;.,n. AMide 12 - fu -ujs,ing Aliliam. Tru<1 StoIOI«

Tho Uniform Trolt Co<Ir hO$ olttld>' botn aJopl<-<l in 15 iI.t...

Alabama Securities Act Th.", ar< lwo concorrenl Keudly f<1I' ol.,jon regi""'" O~ U in'~ f..v • ..J ~"<13nd on. in til< 51.,.I<-Yd. R<cml ;","<,n".. nl fr.ud C-U«. 0$ H~lth s.n.rh, Err",,, and W~fldCo,", broushl both f<d _ rrallnd >101. Keuril in b ,,· inlO ~ .... The (<dn.1 gOV<mmen' . eao<-<l with Ihe i'=gr of ,h. Natio.w SKu.iry Marknl Imp",",'.""n' A/:I and 1M Saorb.>nt>Oxley ktlonllaw. Abtwn".', CU'm'lt S«'W1tin I;ow U 50 ynrs old with only I f.... modiflC:llion, mad. 15 l"'usago. Th. II<W Act is cksig· n"<-<Ito coord;"'t. f<d<-ral and SIal. KeUrilies f<1IUlotion. It will pvc Al..Nma I r<gU1.lory Ind ""rorumenl a uthorily and """" duplico' ;"" of <:fl'ort by bl<ndinS 1M fodnal regulation ,n enforcen .... t '0 providt • .strongn- KCUrit'" r<gulotory fl'lrD<'WOrl: and protect;"" for in.... to ...

no.. ho.... Conslilulion and Ekction.

Th< Act provides a twic ~w for 1'C'gi.!ration of socurity UslleS, broko:rJ-dukrJ • nd i~nt od~i$o~ oIon, with th~ .nfu=nl POWOrJ for th. Abbama Socuriti.. U<:lu.n~ Commw.i"n.


l. I'm"'t poll WOlken 10 """k .phl lIlifts;

Residential Landlord Tenant Act

AlIIwna', Ekaioo Law~ <in« til< 1852 itIalr.:I.... Co.ldrom JMpOt" bal · lou. I" nu.;hiJlC ">ling, 10 d«tronic YOling. with .ill thrH pnx:eoon rot. voting prom:Iu ... thaI mnain to<by.

2. Aulhoriu tho .pp<>inli"ll bonds 10 .ppoinl a11tnU'~ poll worl<erJ only to ..... t whou tht rogulu poIl.....vrs .re unable 10 ...... "" El«tion Ooy; 3. Requiu lhe tompulct i)"CrnIS ,"""i, I",in, do<:tion ~t$ 10 mnoin onli ... unlil .ill poRing pbas h.... doK-d;

Th< I.lw ...;u ""'"" oomplioatod by til< p.u.

4. Pt. mi, 'Ulom.olic .l«lion ,,,,oun" if

Alabama Election Code

~ of tht

ftdtraI "Htll' AmMca Vote Act,'" tht s..:rewy ofSU",', Adminiot ...1M RuI.. and ,he Anomer GmcnI', OpinK>J\S, which inttrprrt ,he.=iou$ U>tults and tuks. Thil complo1e rtOrpniz.olion of TItle 11 h.:Is simplified lhe curm<1 Ww by mnfunni",.ill the t.. .."$. .ults .nd opin. ions 10 tl«tronic voting mochinos '0 makt IUU til< law cnincidro wi,h "lIins proc:edu ... today. An Imlilul< rom"'i ..... of log. il1.u",," ~ ptOOo.t< judges. sherilb. dnb. and ~",Inu ffQlJ\ .It< S«retary of Sta",', Off"",. Counly CorntrUoa;oo, J.eo...... of Municipalilies, Al1omoy Cenora/', Ofl'itt, and poIitic:o.l ",,!lie< hoi .... prod","". mioion tha, donn', include wbot."IM chanp$.


Th ... bills will be, ptnmlcd ~"'lely Ih~ tleoion 'aOOc bul we ... all u",onl~.1 during 1M lOllS Session .

Commi" .... h:u furth •• ~-w , ub, •.,,IiV<' INI"'rJ and ;. abo pmpooing changes th., will:

• boUO! ........ uu passes by less Ihan o...·h.lf of 0 ... I"'l«n'. Currently, ,,,,oun,, .... only fu, ClIndid. , ~ 5. Rt<quiu the Counly Bo>..d of RtgiJI ... rJ and lhe .I.... ions division of

lhe of SUI.', Offu:~ 10 open during poUing hout"$ of .ny .m.... l<k .I.... ion 10 provide • .,in.nce '0 elc<lion offki.1s. ,n '''Pn:ilo Ih. "'''rJ·l'C'gis".tion lis!;

6. Sink ffQlJ\ tho ""'" i<knliflOllion USI tht .... ofSocial SKurilycani! 0$ an ococpl;lhic form of l<kntilkalion. this 00"8 f.,.. VOl .. i<knlioo.,;"n theft; and 7. I'rovidt. bal1o1 ~urily proct<lu['<O fOT • ",,,,,nU.

This bill will .gain be, p •...,nl«l lo 1M IcgblalulC 10 provide (0. 0 drl;"'>lion of landlon:i OOIiplion. and I.nonl OOIip· lions ....... 1I .. 10 I""'"id< rrm«lics for • .iot...lion of the ito",. AbNm;r isone of only lwoOl.IOS in lh< !ta,ion !hOI d.... nol <urrenlly hoi .... a LandlOn:lrfcnanl Act. The Low brinS 1'"'.lCl\1«I1O tht kgi,I'lul"t is oimib. 10 luI in tffeo in 20 ".aleS. including Tenn ....... Florida, Mississippi. Soulh Camlino, Kenlucky. and Virpnia.

Mortgage Satisfaction Act Th Monp~Sa,,,faccion Act, lhe lIusiness Emil;" Cock.nd Ihe ApP"n;"nmcnl of Em,<"fun .", .1I new .. u CU ...... lly being complCl«l by Ih. d ... ftingcommill .... ofllt< I.2W IrtSli1U1e and ..:ill be discussed in. fu,u", A/abgm" UrW)"'T .nid<.

E. Per

MechaniCHI Engineer

Expe .-t Witness · I\1Si\U; l..thigh U n;'·tn;it)·

• 115M!': Norwich VII " ·trsit,. • Adj ll nct I'rofossor III VAts JO



'O""lM'r of 2


di""'iJinl_.qni__ ... ,..abh- UIh" u :

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• a..n.kaI '" I'<lrocbcmklll l'taIlU .A I. Vrof". I.icc-..... No. 91178

Telephone 205985-0727



Legislative Wrap-Up Election 2006

LaVeeda Morgan Battle

On«~ 12 )...", l~a .. ~.! nurni:>frs of tI.cI<tl officWs running at th. -'='" timt. Thnt will not bt tIW =r running ., 1M .."... lime . gooin until 2018.

w. are pleased to .nnounce (....1 LaVHdt Morgan Baul •. an auomry prac. tkinS in Bitmingb"", is now ,,'O.king two days per WNk with Ih' Law In.tiMe. !louie h.os ~ (ounod 10 Ihe "!L1.~ Judiciary for til. luI Ii"" ~r'$. 5'" i, .. m<mI>tr of the Amtrican Ila, Asoociation and ~ on the <Om""n.. to rt>itw nomin .... fu<th. fede".J knch and the u. S. Suprffnl! Court for , I>< AliA. ~unh., . .!ht is. form., Clin,on appoin'''' to the ~I Senoic.. Corpol'3tion tIoord .Dd • 8~w'" of 'he Uni,..."ity of Go!ifo,n;'. Do .... Law School. For m<>« informa'",n on tho Insri'''t. or.ny of 11$ projta!l. !lob McCurky. dlt«tQI. Al.I»n,. !-"w lru,itutt, 1'.0. Il<:u: 861415. TulCll!oo!a 3$.186-0013. fa:< (205) 348-8411. pho", (205) 343-7411.01 .i,i\ our Web Ii, •• , ,..,...... ",",.al.u~ •


April 7.2006 • La.( n.y for filing l.1t<l.mion of Condid:oq lull<' 6. 2006 . Primary F.!ta;"n lu .... 27. 2006 _ I'rim.ry l(un· OIf r..:",-.mb<. i, 2006 - ~n ••.al

!'.Iectinn OfflCd Up for l:J«tion

G<n... rno, J~.


Stcr<1:UY of S,.I.

Alton,.yGt, ... lI A11.13Ir .. n.lOr> All 01.01< hou><, of ''1're$Cnl>';'"n All U. S. rq-._nt>li,"" Fiw

.arum. couH jU>li«>

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200 5



Number om;", f<N aam. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ .. _... _. __ .................. ________ Numbtr cmifiod 10 Suprnnt eou .. cI Aloh.uwo •.. __ ._. __ .___ ._ _ _ _ _ _ .. ___ •• __

S14 J7S 71.6 PftUI"

t..Iilic.riooI P.c...... lI.u..., cI Al.oboma School. cllaw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . School of law _. ___ .___ . _... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .__ Qmllw:rlmd School of Low ____ .. _ _ ....... ___ .___ ._____ ._._. ____ _ ""'" ScbooI of law _..... _.___ .. __ ....___ .•.._._ ................................. H_._._........_... _.... _._._._. _______ .

U .7

Mike eou.. of law .. _._............................................ ...................... ,........

10.3 1" "<"'"


'1,,<I~,lts unly

H . . . . . . . .. . . . _

, . . . . . . _ . _ . _ • ••• _


97.1 pcrcmt pn«>II

M .! percent 67.3 peIUIIt

thiM j~Uy p" ..inB "", =,'" Qnd MPRE


Alabama State Bar Fall 2005 Admittees .... lorn •• I'n<f Cobdl Akandor, Amy Lynne:

lIum.nk. IJio 0 -


1kIflm. Md....


S. Oork

Eubmlo.. Sortyl F.dwlordi Euhanb, Mtlil><4 Mrm' Eub.tnu. Rtb=o. 0 ...1onI £... Ioy. ~ Alliwr>

Alfred<. M.. ' ...... IInoc<


"Urn. o.ri>tophtr F~ AlIm.jrnnikr Lrigh "",,",*,><ry ZignIond

c.n..""', .......1ry El;~'h

".mti. H,m..h \~u~ ,....... 'n.).'".., [k<t ......

C"'mkh..d, Br;'n!lor • C..h O>lla.... ol Ownbon. OanitIlloullon

&.un', £nn Patrick

a.....,.. Lou.. u"Ann,

BoilY. ShrneviI LoS.

o..l"""n. N.""," 'lovid a.c..r., knnikr K<n..


/10k •• Kruf)' I'1O>k 11m., w;ahaAprid &tba IIobcn. N""",.n 1IvJt. Jto.Irid< I<'m»,n< /IMp'r. Jr, Jamt> FmI.i<l 1!oorIIIcy. I....'"


lIon..-l. ","UN R<ft«

lI.out •• \1..,. CaIM,ne

M."....., John kruo:hoo<r, Amr fliubnll Bbd.bu,n. Knin W.,....


Cam<ron. I<mny L> Cubok.1oo<pb WmddI



Fir ... Ky!it Ib<$h MOdIod

""'n'. . . 1lW,

lIorn, '-rh PorI< Ilorton. ErItb Mtd>olle _

a.ipI<r. Ume<

FoIq!. ,Io ..... 1de:nnd« Fon ........... I(ir. Yalorr Fow .... Uuoorn Ju<Id I'<IwlI:c>. Rob"" H.rr;'

(lo,k, IV W'n

Funks. )01..,,;. tynn<


C<>bb. ,., It...... " W.n",

Ftc<",." ........1't'W Bt<n' Frid..., Eri<: Ies,on C.. mmon .. J'1On Flh.

Il"""rd. Rri>d:.oh Lynn Howdl.lau>rkr "'"r>< Mili'o<=

...... ... .\

Hodiow. AliJon K<!Iq 1I"1f. ~iMcw Idlcn

<;oW,O,,@; I' 'Hi.<

9'l<-n. flrran """., Co 1..0",-", SOOn .. na.... lh.n ..,..n~<

• S/wmoIa


Cicn'.111 IohD Iootvh Gdkt. J...,I"" M"k GiklIriot.W,*, &0.....


H<>o<a, VIlIia LM,,.


Har\<. J,liltl< H..J

11011. MOd'rod hul Huff",,"....T..... "R<nt<

Ins/wn. lui;' An""

Cob<r. "Wpm E.Ikn


Ib::Idxon>, >lcph.on .. ChatI<nt

COl ...... Coni< LYfUI< 1 _, .\ Ion

IlIt<I-. ,...... M.I1""'" !IIooootn.1l>..... d t..ob,udi!f

eo.;..c!I. II'iUwn Iohn

C.oodrid\. Cborlos Dr,"","

Blow\!. Ryu G"1"'J

Cr-_.April ....Ann<

G...... CrtgOl'Y'I'lTen«


CriMon<. Min< S.thaI><

Groy. jonnif", Down Gr4)'OOO. i.o<i Sdruh. Gc.yson. Willi.>m Cloud< Gtc<n ...... h Mom,

HWlodl.y. N.aki..o F.aith Hur>~ PIrrO;' /Inn folo«i. Brm Nod ..... !buld, K<lky MilNto !rb1.l>lIrk Erlmr>nd Io<bQn. Irnni!'... I~

1IoIpr. lI<th,ny Lrm'

'Io;""'u,, ••,5t.oey c._



Cro<1:.... \h"lxw EIIoo.rd

Boxu>n. W"dliarn F.. tl

Bonicn. Groy !>hchod


G....... !Itn;'min!loy

G....... LytI" M.:An<lly

G...... I•. !.o~~ Wld"n.

jIofd, C-;'" Itlc,w" Paul


IMlwyl< •• l)niJ AI&n

"*"->n, konifn Nol"",

~'" M2rk I>ovd

1k>IIdr<.I1X. Crytlol SUnIZ

DoI,o". Rod...,. lot Doni<!. ChrisIi Mkbelle

lIou ....1L U>rutop/Il'r Don

Duloy. ~ HC..u.y

/rIh1l>On. ""'-" x.Jy Wilbonb

1!aj<I. AII_ Scarbroufh

D,"si><ny. Robcn Rp" 0..;" Soi.1" Pod:

I\"..:II~ An ...

I!o<of>, 1>_ DIn""",,",

1Io.MI. ~ An.. BndIotd, NoUnir Be... "dv, UlTh..loo ).,..... .......... Jr. F"nl:Jin Po<pIto JtuwdI. loy<hdlo




1Irtnkkv.IL 10"" AIlm Uri:<lm, f.h>:4bc1h TCJ<>oI 8"". r_n l,ynn nhbm

o.m.. Thonw Logm I)n;kin ~

Iohn Mi<hotl

o.RiN •. 1my R)'lll ~u

/rIhnkln.I •. _ (;.,;tt.m, DiIo-.

1oIm>,.,,,, Pur><" Gill<y


Kanr. IIn<n k>o<ph

H.,,,,,,,,noL My.. I... lump"'''' Sun l'r<'dtrid: H.nco<l. !.olin liJiubcth

K.". WiUr"," Douglao Koman. <.i<vrF


HilSOIt.I ......... !Iorkky

K<JI 0.. ..."""'" TyI<r Kift.1>armI W'dIwn

1loa.Jcbai. 50th Ilo,.,<ll

! o.ryl P.tri<k

Klmbit.l<nn,r., Rroolt

Ikrwdy. Mlrk ...1."

li.rr;'" ','Jli.>m ...,

Kiml,",,,,,,. ~oIo" Do,'", KIm<.Mopna.ite

Kraft. Em,11< s...."



IIrook., Lyd .. H ..1ow _ni .... An.....t..

~ l&nyo

/)uw., 1.1., thtw 11."""",,

Bull.o,d.IR>i<l Cb,Irtorhtr

f.loba.h. I"dliom .....

H<bffl. Nidi"'" P.ul

100 ..

Ioh"",..... BIn .\ IM""

Uodd, ......1~"ns..

lun,MidudAJrim Ihnfidd. Curi. M•• d< H. tIty. lulio /I •.t"..,.,>o llt.tIky Flynn



Maror ~ 1Ud:<T. SMi Co_I

nub<, Loih fulI<t



Fin,..". UI

HrnJon. Kmtut Karl flu, .. Hn"""". Ko,OOir>< Anunda Hill. III lim<> Ed ... rd Hill. Undin Jttcm< HotJr. S.."h<.t J<>oq>h Hod...,. k>..,.t> ~f"'D<n lJolt. !.L.,i.> Lutml li<>m",. hnh Them<

......Iihr. Al;,O"

Uulloio.l.ori Enn fJizAb<th y

K;nn<1o III Ridwrrd W.. mo

Ki,l:J.ond, I.".,. LJ"In

Locy, Itnnif« Rbto.


lamkin. Robm ~ .. land.. Sorph.on .. tl .....

I..ory. Ibo:h<I M<c..J1<y l.IH<t<r.

o.rid I'o<mt

lay. M ..1<n< "'nn< ~. Kammi< BuUm I..... n.rd. Nor! Bron""m !.Lwi>,I..... ~ Un,,,,,. On;.! ",.. thon

L.ioton. Wilb.>m l.n'I<O Lof"nw. SINon '\<.on \r,llIoluno Lopn.J.rril w.c-

Mom.. IV GrorJ< laf..,... .. M....tI<r.1W>di I'H<okh MuIkry. Amandr o.W1I Mwny. I•. ~ R.rndolplr NnI, S-&manthro ........,.

N.-" I<>hn A>hI<y Li&htfoot N.w.. \';"",,, G<r.ord N<~ ... .\lory St ...... " ..... m.on ... ino.ifto- .\lYh> <WnW>. lo",tb.rn Go-oJs< NKholo. Suab L<oYn

Itn..}ohn W.oI<Io Itriu. 101m; ... lai> Rhoodro, Samirntho

RhocIn. "Utth<w I.,. Ric.h&rdI. T, ,,,," !.Lwi. R.i<hmond. S<tph.o,nr ElilWtb

ItobtttfOn. V 1"tII..... Jirnry Rod.... Robcn. AlIr<n

Itot<n. Ka,I>rr\nr"'nn<



KDhrKhftb. t:;am" Ann

Phillir Antbon)'



50.0", ..11. M.:1ud SIu"" 5o.oth<rIrond..Io.h ... Allm BIrokr

5o.onlr. Kat""; ... M.. "Iloit. M>oIIo C.. I Tollty.lI<obm Molt""'· 1.1>1. Oo.isty M«;oin

1),yIor. """ .\Iid,tllt T•.,..,... I•. E..,.. .. Talford ,..,......kt=yScott Thoma>. Rnb.:n Adom

N<ocl. J\ng<I> I\oOIh< Nolan. franm Br"odfor<i kooo


Rosti, Ooy Thornao

'Ibo/.d, ~ 0\4"

T"rn"rt. Alli"", C" irnm

L>nt. Dl:ut.. limn."

Non"", ~ 1illII""" Nov>k. II! llobot Rob<! NunO><lIty. ~l;u...l Anthony

~ Iohn

Luns. Od,,,..h L",n

O'CoomdI; 111

t..optr. TIooma> M>tlbtw

0·K.0><, "in 1....1.., I""," _Id l>w<n. ir: \\iolliam Oont 0-0.. ~ ..ndr I!<.~,," I'...... l>ttphm Ioo<ph P., ... ,. Irony M.. i<

--"'"'" t.opn. Robcn llunu

Lure" Wendy CIori<. 1"_" M>d:km. Iotloth ... Wilb.>m Mo"..,., I<>tq>h l:\h",-, hI>pla. locob Alon M.. J"",;. An ... lan< M..rn,n. ~ni<...n;..", M".ya. .\I",hd) MI,k M..runty.I •. Qu.1<> EniJo


lob<> Jootrb

P"krr.5,.,.." IUY Pub. Mory AroFa Potb.rlc. Ardrn lind

I.od.oo>n SoO>do:n. Orby lion SOp> ......... nd... l .

s....,.....lloUr tynn Sotrboo-oop, If. ll"n&Id JIdpr Schriont. Kmnnh ~ So:hmodt. Haw I'<ttr Sthnir<,_Thomton. Imifto- B""",,"

s.:to....... ~CoknStaL 8,inoo. Hubl».d S<an. M ..iIyn Ituo Self, Jmnif<r Caroli,.. Sdf. JoIIn",._


Tbomloy.... nd.<w


Town. Iobn Edw.rd 1'ucl<t<, U o..rri! 0.,. ThmhulI, Dcuglo.o IIrm Up<hu,d" Aliiha l,,"Jm Up<hW"Cb. Robcn G.rm<' V.:k. o..r... Spring /\,0,(_ Woid. Ambtr


W.aldr<p. ... ".u ~'i<h<I .. w...Iltr. Jr.1tobtn Wln...m ,,-.un, I.,,,kr O>.>mp W.rd. Jmnikr 1.tWo W"kin>, Ir. ... nlho..,. .... w"kiN. T.",ik;, I..oo1D1h.r w•.,..,.. K<rin lynn

P"rid, 1_ 8r3dy

Scllt, .. M..,.

MAYs. Caroiint M.nt ~~~kuk<y. Lynn McCatthy.11Io>m&. M"hori

""'""""- """"I:< ...."hiJOlWll

Sh>dI"<r, 0Iri>t0>ph<r ....

P"lM. M"hori o\.lltot I'nkt. III John p.,

W« ......... "" Aaron

M<CIain. Sluwn ..' Om ... M<FOItin. l)a",. 1..0 ...


Sto.'p. Hat"". R.. Sh.w. Rrm Wnity Shnb"lo uu .. MiddItbroot

Pmotnoro, Bolly W.,..,.

I'mn<y. COU .. ...,. _

Shitld .. """, "' ...

1>1«;,,,,",,. R><h<Ittt

Md'""k."""" Uwotd ll<xoJiu Melnlyr<. a,,;.rop"" Mio:hori Meln,}'t<. ~!.>ry ~iubtlh

"""""". M",1xw MeGoush Phil~PI'i. Kotb.,..

\"tll.. llIlluty Thorn .. Wbotloban. 111 RkhMd C.....d Whit<.....w.y Coo Wh,,,,. Kn-m Itr",n

MooY<"'. loW>

n ..;, C... y


Phillip>, kohn Kcvon Phillipo.l,. WiII"l.« PiUoburJ< Mich.>tI Rl"'n

SO"""""" M.tthow hul 500";,, ....... in f .. n, s.a.a-dI~

:;mlth. III ~ C..",..!


Wrir>m, Notha

Wtl<ko ... Adom ShIll.

\\"bi'fotld. I...... Cluill<Ophcr "'ill;'m.. BuDd; CoIlun

1'0<1<1, 111 lornn Wallo«

Srni11o, 111 IuI"R Itou..".. 5oo"lo, Iltnt< M>.n< :>trrtIrr. "'0UH!r<a M.nn Sn)dcr. fric N<al ~P<'" fJ".• IIn"n Staok, Ioo<ph o..rlto St.opb, /\,o.ry Alan

MIIrr.1lodr><y Eu ......

I'otkr, linrhtr ~

~«rbrm. Jr .... Snuth

MUm. AoId<y Sho"""" M,ndlnpU.1oi Mj......

I'owm. Dona $hat 1'iU<!. Danltl Ft<In Quuu. lU M.rion .....,." 1lo,,,,,,,,- R.tbod M.,Jrn. I\t.udon, At>n ltanvt I.oord

Stn<n.. Mdwl 8t<1,

\"'-rdL I.nIit 0...., W,... , 00""", .. T.n>cb , ...... III Thoma. ThrorIo.o

~. Tl}""t

you .... W"'ft> W'd l;,m

~,"'Um< ...,tNo


/OlJIua Los>n

Pin .... ", Richard Muon

McKie. ""in I:I<-nu.,d M,la..,lin. (;Ioo-y _

i'op<. aw-1r>1trnny

ModarU. John Uradity

Poply, o.i>onlh Ruth


M," H>~~

Moort.OI>.1et. Za<kay """'... k»<ph s..w.-il MorowtI>. Jt..oa a.m.i<

!'in.....,. Tm>Otby hul

M<iWt Still, I._ ~ I\nllh' St,i"F'.~ 0... ... Subltt ~ •. lIu.obtth I-usltr

"'tlliAr\v. RqirWd LtwU IWI""'" TyItr Do\\",,,

"'ol.Ii&rnoon, J•. \\"aI ..... Cocil Cotb<fin< Lodtn


Wihon. Jona,..... 8rodlty

YImktt.lom. HtdFrnan

7...... t1. T""",hy H"lon timmtfm.1", Suunn< M,,;'


AndTPW ",add"" T~"rnkr (1005), 8m" Tho,""'y (ISl74). Sca" Nlm;'It~, {.,hn, ,,",,1Ier

Thorn/~y (lOOJ)

u..I, "',,"''' GrN" (1003). A"h"r (".run, Jr. (/965)

Mm,""", {",lrn

J....m EIIiJ G<m, ...o", (ZOOS), Robt" C. Gn", mo", (1977) Admi,..... {"",~


v..y Pm"", 11/ (ZOOS), {4Ir"


Ptttk, I,. (1M3) MIIJJlru. {,,'her H

'A"'UARY 1006

lilbor It N",nk, 11/ (lfIOj), Tabor It "'..."k,/r. (1 970) Mm'"'''' {",he,

Sh .." """ No/"n CeI","" (2005). jfJmd N. No/"" (,'7a) Admi,,«.{.. rhrr

K",/ttri"e Am'e ~ (2005), RoW" ~ (/'76) M"",,«.{.. ,hrr

"'''!lhn.- Bn ..... ItJfmi' ( ZOOS). John no", ... Kirk ( ISln) Ad",in«. IIrp{"r/trr

WJI;~", Ifro,), RoHrIS<lI/, V (Z005), Ioly<~ S. Rabe<<s<>n (1995), Rei. JuJg" Wiaw", H. Ilobe< .... n, IV 11')69), I.y"'" /(nighl 11''''''''''1 (/976). Hall. Will",,,, Tho"..., Gail.. ...-. St. ( 1971J). Adm;uu, I;,,~r; fi"hrr. rom'",f..' .. rr-,n-I.....

I'";for Ch""" (ZOO5), /. Rid: \\lIl1il (1999), K,""~'h D. II\oUis, /I (/'I6IJ) ... d"'i"...., houfulrrd, f dlher-irr路/aw

IJa,路1J JohlUlJlI (10/15), /"Jf;" AlMn 1,,/tnJon (J'NIO) IuImin...-,/Q'/ur

ChaM Ho ....rd Grill..."" Ir. (2005), C""'rla If"""nl ' ...iII,,,,,, (1978) "'dmi'w:,!"'h~r

I/uq 7100 .......


11/ (2005), Lyr<k. IIHb ""'",.r (ZOOI),

H. n ..",... 1I'01Js, Jr. ( 1975), Lyl/n



/ohl/ ... llm Brinklq, Jr. (JOOS), J. Miln

Brinklq, Sr. (J974) Mmitt...., !",he<

... d"'i"...., '1JIu,f",/u!r, " .. nl



C<>bb, Jr. (ZOOS ). IJrrmQn "lo,,'.... Cthh (196111)





G. }do" DM"...,,,,, )"


R"';nllhl '""..... (lOO5J. R"" .. /< I. Wial...... (lSI8O)

Adntll/ft', AM>IHmJ

AJ"';"n,'~'Arr tA'< !! AI'IOOo

J,fArlt. &1 _ _ 1"" (2fXJ5}, J4/rq8. (1m) AJ"'jllft. rw.,Iotr



.urn. """M_in_Lo...




Crot'f SUpMlU (l991)

Fr. ............tu. (lIfIm}, ..... nr "'",kin n.."...,,,, ( 1m}, M""nft,


~""" S...',A

Wlriw""", JIoIltN<>n (2005).

Mir/uwll\loy .... Wit...,,,,, .. , ( I'MOJ Ad"mlff,,,,,,,"

Z"""'Y (ZOOS), Jud,. roJ ...,.." s. z., .. ~,y (1"7), Judgt "~ C z.,,,,,'y. Jr, (1V65) /oJ", inu, ",10





/l.'sl""n ",tin.,., (1005), K",he<;~ M"" Sunk (1005), /IIkkdr Su"'~ (19/11), JJlJ~ Miu Srml~ (JlI7P)

I_ph \\""d,11 Q.rli$l< (lOO5), &mlr Q,,/i.1r Pj/I>um (ZOIU)

Ad ... rr,w/inll"l. ndm;II<tljUltIuJ, m{JI/,.r-;/I·/nwln,,,,iret; f"'~'" in·I_lf"rh~

Ad"';" .... ru ....

0.' ......'4 T.......ka W"," (1003), s., ... ..d E. "'7ui.... 11/ r1'J91) IuImitl«, b""/,,,,

J'''''~ Allen S"lIi, ..." , Jr. (2005) )""'N AJk" S"lIi..",. Sr. r'977) Adm;""', fo.itn

Sr.h How<U D"".dd,on (ZOOS), R.rJ' E. D<m«1d"," rIm ) Nt",;""" f"'it ..

,'lis/it"" AmI,"" o;;:/I,su", II (lOOS),

,w,/ry Grin WII;" (1(105). IlI<hun 8,....,,, IlIIIi,< (lOOJ) Nimilltr,

Clrrurgp'- Midl"rl Mrllllm (ZOOS), "'"ri/yn May Hudum (2003) Ad"'i" ..... ...."lrn

Ly"n Ji~1u (/974) Mmjrt<t, fo,l'<f'.;n-law




O' ....... Up<I...r<1o /100'5).

R4bm f. Up<hwrrh (I'" )

Nlmm«. filth ..

K,t..;" I.y""



I'·......... (1OOS). "'m1 '-y"ne A}"",mdn (2005), Adn,itlu·fintJt#, .wi", il

\\'ill;"", Kin (ltJOj),

".tll/un Kin DtMuri~ (ZOOO)

""" i"

I~m .. P. ",,,,,,,,..J.,. (I ~)

'_["IM<" ./ uIAff-;'" t.rw1fIJ,/r;,


"",rid&.ut'ff 8,,""tr M,," (/979)


(1OIJ$ ),

luJ,mtrn,pulo ..

uum Ui",,,..,10 1i<I,,",,* (2005), lilli. A. l/iJlUy (;ztJt)j) C...... If

£.......,u T«1ji>n1 T..,...." Jr, (1OO5J, £......,It TttlftmJ 'flIrIM; Sr. ( llIIS6). UaJr 0. T.ayIoor (IIU), ThIry T. SfmJuk (199I5), R. GotdMr Sproul~./r. ( I!/Wi), c-,. P. Jr. (1'I74J AJ",;"u, I"r/tn. Jlfp"""hn, .urn, bror Iott· in./moo, "",,-,






I<>h" S""dlq (2005). John Eo McJ..", ( 19n)


1": 'lT:~ I .:..

,olmr/iA GA,I rAi, (JOOj), ",won &I";,. r . i, {/ 979}


AIdm Rm PalW (1005), ~alr.. C«i/I'.'ill; • ......", I •• (lOO5) ..-,;n



Farrrs' ~ (200:S),

/:M," I.>rml LMU<'rr. ( 1SJ066) kI",i" ..., fA,It ..

J~nlr' \\",11..,

1""'"" 11/ (Z005I,

CIrA rkI Z-Ury M""", {2005 j , ~ 0." },f,1/rt ( llltS6)

"'... a 11:.11.., ~"", /I ( 1,)74)

AII...,n..., "tpf.,M


Skpltrto I\ .... ~'

}tIma U-rlll "ill, /If (200:SJ, ""'" ]Qma Eo }/il~ Jr. (l J15)

11./'. (lOO5J,

SUpIont SI,II (J,1I)


Ad"""..., ,,,,,,"


\\'iIliA'" /lJlrn Nrwm COX .... II (lOM), J. Mil,n" Ca.rwtll./ •• (197f I. Ka,h~.i". IV. U(19% )


Mm,"""""""" _"'"


G....,..,,, (ZOOS),

wifr aM A,..J,aNl ad",j,,_

ErN: Ne..1Sny1kr (200S). Au"d,." Man" Sn}-d... (1005) hu,,,,, ..d .. nd ... i[~ IldminN<

MIry Elw.M,A Cd/wun (:ZOOS). Jwdg. /<Ihn C. Cor/how,. (/1171) Admirr••. [mhl"r

Stton Fred";"" I/Il"'I""" (201)5). ""..". A,,,, IIIl"'p'''" ( Jm)

I«>bn, /l:y<lll o.."1lhmy (:ZOOS). An" Mil'" o..uShmy (1001)

Adm'''.... """h ...

AdmiliN. wife

Ch ..rln [,..,ilf M ..uII.,.. Jr. (1005). Charln Maun.,.. Sr. (J976) AJI",intt./",h ...

F.."'~c> R.... N<>I"n (JOOS),

MN:h .. d 8rtl' Sln"r1U (:ZOOS), \\'Il/i.. m Gwy S,~ ...... (/1'7))

u.ri S<lI~11Z

\\I,m..m cr..uJe C ....,..". ('lOf.I5 )

lI'il/i.rm G. N~"',. (1981) Mmil",". hus""nJ ,ASUARY 100 6





a",ntr LoI'l (»05). &"""II,,I_Lo"$ 11'(197)) IIdmi"N, Inolnu

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Opinions of the General Counsel

Lawyer as a Witness Question: "[n Jrntt 19S8. 1>1.. S ClInK '" me fo. advia in regard 10 h" "".k-.. I'l~ injury while in lhe employ of Coml"ny On. On ')r about Ftbru.ry 4, 19811. [)urins,ht COUfW of my rq> •..ent., ion of M.. S, rleu arne to my onentioo ",hi<h would indica .. thaI ID" " .. ,><$t<l by ' M tmpio~"'r and. mor. 1",. ,icul.rly.'l$ plant nur'$C. [Ilad a number of 'ion. "'"h Ih. Inorn.,. fot CompanyOnc, Ihe 1""$0"".,1 m.n.g... for Cornp..ny Ont,' rrhabili'a',on nu," hi~! by 1M "",.""n' eo'''I'''"",,'iOl' car·


r"" .nd ,,,'" tmploytti of ,h...".k.n' comp<n ... 'ioon <l>me. concerning my

di<cn", nw:dic.J cond,"nn and ,he fact ,h., [Ih"ugh' .he "'" I><,ng h.,llM<! by

Ih<pian' nu ..... On tW{J or lh_ OCCI' ,ion .. [ wO$ ",nladed by.he pt''''mnd m.nagtr of 1M company who ooircd ' "

know whtn my client_uld'" '<1uming In wofk. 11< was quit. ins;".,,, upon Dhuining this knowlcdg< h«.u<t h. <;lid ht na-.kd to mak< p.".."ion< for "rIK. ing Mr if"'" W{luld IlOl bc bod ."d n«<kd 10 a", <>f <>,h ... admin"'''· ,,"" n.. lln>. Jl,o>«l <>n inform,,;"n ,hOi! ob.. inocl, I wrot< Ih. 1""$Onn.l m .....g.. • lei.... S"'ing ,hat my(I"nl would "'" M r",uming to ""rk Mel"", of th .. mo· om=nd.. iorut of her doctol'$ con<<'m_ ing hor moclkal . nd ..... nt.1 condilion .osult;ng from h• • injury. ·Upon .",.iying my leuo •• tho re ..on· nd manaS" ,....iled 10 me .Iet,« ... ling lhal h. ron,;d.,C1l,hal my d,"nl h.d

quil. To myknowlocl~, I had 00 funM' conlact with tM p<T$ODntI rnanagtr aft •• this point. On Augw128, 1989, l.aJong with ro-courud, broughl • IUil agoirutl Company On. on bohalf of M.. S in Cil'<'Ui, Coun o f AOC '.oun'Y. Th .. IU;' olkgN inju.ies comporutab\o undo. 1M compons.,i.on Llw of the 110" of Alabama :u\d 01$0 ...1<'<1 • doim rn, ....ronsful disch .. ~ or ' •• mi.... 'ion undo. 1M saint wo'R'" romp<1><a,inn 0<1, '''... Iwoca....,. ofXlion ~ lOIn ,"ttnl for ""'".,,' , ri.l. A jury "i,1 " ... ""I .... t«l by Ih.'i/l' (Ot ,I>< ca .... o( oction ba..-d upon wrongful,.rmi .... 'inn. "During Ih. <<>u ... of diOO>V<".y. lh. doposi,lon of tho p<fSOnnd ""'''''g''. M•. G. wu twn by tl><,ilJ$. A, tho d.pooilion. M •. G mad. ,h. f(,Uowing ... Ie. menl "'hm ul<td con'='lOn that "" had wi,h m<: "rag< Ill. U .... IJ &: 14: Q. ·Okay. Do 1"u .oull anylhing <lit ,hat "-,0$ ;laid in thOlt tfucw<ioru1' "Pag< 131. Lin .. 15 &: 16: A. lit. only th ing lhall "'fntmbor . p«iaUy 'hat La~t X ,old fnt ...... wh.n sho quit: "r ag< 132. Un .. 17. 18 &: ! 9: Q. 'And whO! ..... that!' A. 'Th.,. in ns<'n«:. M•. S hal quit and .h. will nol bo murning to



ooou, .

~rl<: ·Su~u.ndy, tho


Comp,>ny On •• oo,iced my dopooi,ion

and il was token in p.1" hut 001 eontludocl on th. 61h of March 1991. "A' my <kpo:tiilion, counscl fOf tht drfcndan, rai$cd q ....tioru aboul lho pro· p,i"" or "'Y con'inuBI~ 10 "1"<'I<n' my

clJcnl and l<'ilifying 01 tht I.;.! of 1M a ....

and cited [)iociplinory Rw. 5-1O! (II) of 1M Co<k Qf f'ro/ww""'IInp<msj/nI"yor tht Abba"", Stott SM. I ""., 'on.istcn~r "",intoiD<d 10 tlt.t all.......,.. rut tht dtf.n<!ants and Ih. coun thOl bucd upon lho

disrovny thai _ h..... hod 10 dal. il would not lit nK<S$al)" for In< 10 I",,-ify in Ih. ~ unlas tht prnonnd !t1.lI\;Igtr for Ih. <let'cnd.nt or Ih. ".."kon' cornptnwlion nune 0' 1M ~PIOYffl of tM iMll'~"'" a .. ;"- 1.,1ific.d .. 10 INllttl th.t ........ discw.o.ed b<tw«n u. p rior to tht iJut;g.lion of tho t..woui, ond ' ....1 $Udt Intimony ..... contrOl)' to my understanding of our con........ tion. I h..... not ho.rd .nythinS " , date thoot "..,uk! Itad m< to btli<vt tNt I ,,"OUld bot <"..:tIt<!

,m, pt..inliH itt 1M c:w itt ,hi" or fo, in'pcochn"/ll pulJ"'SC' ogoilUl dtfeoo.nh' ... ,,,"'""" My redID! is thot Ihe only ' <>Iimony I .rusht &i'" would be for impa.cluncnl of 0 .... of tht dcfm.. wil ....... pm-iously mentioD<d if they wo .. to ch.ongc their tftlimony 0' Iftlify 10 fO<l$Ilt.I.I <O<ttlU)' 10 my memory of said communications. "lIec.~ 1M derenilan" ba,~< ,..rious .. marb "'n"'rnins tht propriety of my rq>rnmling my dien, and "<tify_ ing .. a wilness.' ,he1riaJ I would .pp..d .. to it "uy mud! if rou rould "IUWtt lite fnllowins qut$tions: " I. Fin!, INy I ronlinll< 10 rq>rnmt 1>1 .. S throughout tho rerminins discov· ny proct<lu_ in thi< <~ ... a wilness for


"2. M.y I rep..,.."t 1.1 •. S .IIM u i.tJ uf tho ",rongful d;ocbargc oc' ;on andlo.

wo.ken' <ompcn .. lion OChO"~ "l. If I am a.J[t<! upon 10 &i .... tCSlinmny tU lmpcoch defendants' "';1........ ron· =n;"8 my communication, with them. would I be mJwml to withdnw! "4.lfil ~ .pparml tn.1 I n"y bt aIltd upon for Ihe..,1t I"'rpost of ;mpc;och;ng tnlimony given by the d<fend. nts' wil ne!$C$ ",nurnin! whttbtr o. not tht pt..inlIff volunwily tcnnina,cd h... employment, "'"y [ ron, inue OS h.,. Ollomcy and gi .... sud! 1<Sri· m<lny o. am I rfiluiml to withdraw at

'hOI poinl! "5. If the d<fmd.nts toll m< os. "it· ...... would I M ""Iuiml to withd ... ...-l"

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Opinions of ' the General Counsel Answer. Question One: Y<'$, tho 4~r wiln<'$! ruk is n<'>1 .ppl;to lh. PJ't-lri.o1 ph ... of litigat;On.


Answer, Question Two: You may It,""'nl M•. S ~l lht trial of tht wo.Om' romptn<>t;on ~ sir><>O;' is "unlikdy" thai you would lit" " nKn..", wit"....· 11>< .....~ to your quntion COn«min8 the Tfpreuntalion of Ms. S al 1M trW of the wrongful diichnv action is roolo,lI<'II in Ibm, four ond /ivt bdow.

Answer, Ouestions Three, Four and Five: '00 must wid"l~w from 1M ''P,... omoon <lfM!.. S in lh. wrongful disch.rge' action. if." nul, you art • .J1ed upon .o

1<$lify ron~rnint whether or nol .h. plaintiff voluntarily 10rmin'ltd Itn tmploym<nt, unl .... withdr;ow.l.11hot

point "",,uld ".."k. $u~anli.l h.>nt.hip on yourd~l. ''our withdr.wal in ,hi. insla"a would lit mo"d .. t<I without ' <prd 10 which pany caJl<'<I you as I .. it_ ...... Yo>II' disqu. lification in this ",m.r, h<lW""'l, would Il(It ",,'mel t" CCHo"'tld or MM. mtmb<1"s of )V'" forn.,

"J.7 La~r N Witr>e$$ (a) A Lo~r $h;oIl not acI .. odvoal. a. a trial in which .ho Lo~r i, Hk<ly to bo a ""'"""ry wit ...... a«J" wh.r.: ( I) tilt t~timony "lat'" ' 0 an ulKOn_

,,,,,0<1 issu<,:

(2) ,h. l<"$,irnony "1.... '0 tho naturo and .....Iut of!CP! .. rvic", r.nlkrtd in tho c...-; or (3) daqualir"""ion of.hor la..,... would work .ubotan'iallurd,hip on'hor client. (b ) A la~r may.., . .. in a trial in which aBOlh .. La~t in thor I.~r'. fittn "Iihly to be aUed u. ..·i'n.... unte.. p••d"drd from doing $<I by Rule 1.7 o. R"", 1.9,' The prior b..yn- wi""", ruin, DR !>101 (8) and DR !>-I02. conu inod ,"" SOfIJC'what "'g"" Lang. . . npnling tho.;ondiIio,,> th<tt .....,..Jd lead 10 disq...Jif>Oltiot~


Discussion: Rule l.7 of 1,," R"I.. D/I'rufw io",,/ Con,/u<1 of 1m, Al.b."", SUt. Bar, &..:Irw ,,,,,uary I, 1991. ronlin .... tl>o ~nd "",U ·t>abU,1>od proposition th3t a 13~r who n.. a cliont in a litig;tto<l matt.,. may BO' ;dro appo~r in .lut nun .... a wilftflS. R"", 1.7 pro. .;des .. follow.:

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CLE COl'RSE SEARCH i. .... whm IIIwJ'CI' -",-" or Mio obriow tho. h< or' ~ in hiJ linn ought 10 bt aItd '"". woitnnt."",.. dXct oIthio \&n. . . . in ..... imunoeI a.....! COIINOIIO """""... i'""'0<1 ....... ~ ",..

w.,.. in IOtW RuIt 3.7;' _

c:ardUIy .u-u mjIIirinII wiIhdr-.l only when tht Iowrn" iI "tikdy" 10 be- a ~ ........ ~.1Iw: dtQI;on 10 willi, dDw c:aa. in p>Od biIh. lit dda)ood III I timtdoorr 10 Ihr dal10 of Ihr Iri& Aim. poinI. 1M ~ would ....... derennint wb<1br . ... Q)rIliII..-.!"r'"*"wiorI M biaI would be jAnnittm WIdotr ...,. of.he Ifm,o CMXjA .... b ;" 3.1/.).

third U«f'IiofI 13.7(1)(3)) to t .... wiu.... ,lilt is the ""'" important I>tcau.. it pmnill 0.. cqu;lOblr lMl.nC;", of 1ht intm'SlJ of !he pule. ~1Iy. Illwyn .....y conlinut 10$ In ~t~., trial evm though ht is. wi' '' .... ;rtht lurm to hi. d inn co......! by his withd,"wo( is 001 ou.wei&h«\ by 1M h.rn' 10 lht ~n~ I'""Y' Thi. =cp.ion;1 limilar to tht =q>'ion (ound in DR ,. ,OH B}(4) bu.1eso m,ricll"'. ThlIo .. ","lI'" in DR 5- 101(B)(4) pcnniued. 10,.,... 10 «)III;"'" .. an ad'o'OCiltt., trial if his dilquoliflCllion would - ...... k • JUb. .... n.iaJ h:ooJohip on 'M dJom bea_ of tbt dUildCli'oot val .... of tht I&W)""' Of hit f"",:OJ counocI in. particuLar cur: T'ht IIeW Ianguos< ~IJ'", of tho "'fUitin wilhoull}'U'l...bol.ontw Iwd· <hip to Ihr dislin<!iw ........ of W Wwyn. F....n,. Ruk J.7(b) mala it deu Ihr ~tion is rmon;d ond .. "'" imp,ned 10 od..... ",,,,,,bon of 'M Inryn". finn. n. ...... ooIu"..... ond. far· Th~


CUSO<d b<1"''''' ... prior 10 th.r lMrip1ion

oftbt I.owsuit ..,., Ih.u ...:It ldii".,.'Y_ a:>nITM)''' mr ~ '" our ...... wnotion." In vWw '" J'OUI' uncmainty ~ wht!ha

it will bot ...uooory Ih.u J'OU bot • """- J'OU "'"Y ddoy a withdnwal dtcisioo... ...:It lim< 1I'IIt any uncenawy .. ~ II JI>ouId bot noc.d "'- ir oo.s "'" bMlmr"~!hal • a.w,.n bot " oimPT btaust Ihr


"""""'" pArty -.IS thallhr....,... has

kroowItdF thai mi&ht bo ..xv.m. If. in

Iioct... doef b«omc ".-.y" ..... J'OU bot <alIrod u a "'"IIn<a. wht!ha t>dO:tt trial .. durinJ lnal.lhm J'OU mwI withdrow IS (OU1I>d ., lho Ifiol ......... J'OUI' lCSIimony m.1~ 10 on unconlnlW i>su< or with· d.-.l would a .... " lUI..w,tiol lwtbhip ... your clXnl. III this rogard. if 1"JOIoibk. you JI>uuId ~ .. «>-<ounod ,<> J"'Xft"l with lho ,rial $houId ;1 bo«lme noa:ssary for)'OUlObo"wil ...... (RQ.. I ~t" t9J •

A o..II l'aIaIIy 5eaIiIow .. 11 . . . . . . _ _ _ . .




in !..Jan<;", tho equilin ,""""..... in

dioqu.olilieotion is I" pmnit

Inryn in II... finn I" conll" ...."" Ifill

should lhol ~ n«aoary. In tho Iioct MUllion J'OU J>C* J'OU ...,•• "I lwrvr ~ nwnu inod 10 tho "'~ b- tho dnmdanu and tbt <OW1 thot bMtd upon tho diJcoony Wt ,.,.., h:n" t...d 10 it would IlOl bot IVU$£lI)' 6)t ltV 10 Il1<1ify in th.r CIlIt unbI lht pmonnd n"nar lor th.r

. -a.- ......... tlt.f<- T_ o ~_l>-bt

• .s-.~

o AU?

' . " .\ .. ....... . . hd _ _!



do:fmd;o ..1 Of It ... WU<bn' coo>pnu:;1lioo

nm... or lho ."'~ of lM ;11>'''_. an;"- 1000if...J u ,<> mollen lho, om-o du·

I"':F.-,s-.. lXIO W _ ".". \Iio • "" • AI. (2OS)11\I.1<1OO ~S I19.00 ol<l



Members. Finns '/1w Alnbnma Lawyer liD IOllger pllbfis/les addresses alld telephone /lilmbers ulIless the atll/OIU/cement

rel(ltes to the openillg of(I new firm or solo pmctice.

About Members

lennir... Gray an""unC.. ,h. opening of II .. Offoct.' 109·A N. Jdfnson S1tw. SUI,e 8, Hun'iVili. 35801. Phon. (256)

John R. Campbell. formcrly of K<:1 t.U II< Campb<1I !J.e annQU"''''h. ..,.bli,h.m.n' of luhn It. Campbdl LLC A" o "'~ y at b w ., 229 Sid< SIj ........., Hunl<villr 35801. Ph"". (256) 5)..1 ·0«17.



G. II'hil l>r.tkc .nn<>untt>

Willian' II. U<>yd .n""onCa 1M 01"=0'ng of hiHff"• • , 3lIOO Colonnade P.. k.... y. 5"". 340. Birmingham 35H3, Ph""" (20S) 96'J·6HS.

,h., Eliuhc!h

Show,,", I<ft ,hoe firm and .he rum """..

"'" changtd kI ~ t.- Finn,

Among Finns

Stanlq Foy. fo",... rly an admom.,roIi...., low judge with. ,h. Al.l>.o,,,.. Public Service Comm"';"'".• nnountn lho: u!",nins of his om""., 1'. o. II<n H0385.

Th< Aloboma Ikta,d of Pa,don. &nd Parol.. anoounc<:s the ,,,,,,,inl""'n' of Dan, lta Pinman as an ti/;Uunt anomer II"" Cl<u.

Edct'ic 36024. Phon. (334) 857·2118.

ARE YOU PAYING TOO MUCH FOR LIFE INSURANCE? """""'" , _ t - . l * ' .r" - . . _ .."",.'*"

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Attorney Search

A..... ,rong & Gray PC announccslhll April lo"""" erl.ot!on h .. io,no<l 1M

• Penn anen t Placement

firm as at! &S<Ocio1t.

(A •.socia'. & I""".. , Lc\ eI)

AldJ""n Firm PC onnounc~"hot Donald G. IIttbt hu btwmc of routlld.

• Temporary Placement • Finn Mergers & Acquisitions

Blinbrid~. Mim .. 11"",.. & Smith LLP announces ' hot IIcl>e<u Crawf" rd JOubonioo and Od esl. Crow. Grenier hn" btwn.. .....0.10<1 w"h Iht fum.

""''''', A merkll" I.ega/Sellrc h. emil Dirmin glt wm (205) Nll lillhwid e (800)

Bold! & Binghom l LP ~noounccs 'hot RidJ Sarnk.. and k»q>h C. Mondorin" h.vt I>ttn n;omcd pull ..... and W&l1 ~r H.C. McKoy. Kelly F. and I_ph s...wdl Moo .. h.", I>ttn nom<"<l a>IO<;.

t.ov.I~ ............ rich>nl1iIlh<ric>nl .... >ear<h.""'"

RI< •• rt1 G. Brock. F", .. _


Bl"lln.... forti.

Ikmn .. l..... dmm Kinll""" IJ..C DII ~ i<l R. Andn$(ln tu$ JOir>od Ih. fU"n. of rounfd.

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Mk hael D. lk>yk , fOrm<rly of uw Offices of Michad D.I!oyk. " .. nom'''", ,hal h. h .. rJo.ed hi> o ff"", and ioinnt ,h. lopl " off of 'M Ci' y o f Monlgomery I. I n 150l0I:;'1<

' '''''ner.

Br.d Almo nd .nd RondyCh ... hirc announ« , he """ning of AI ...... nd & Ch..,hirr LLC. wilh off1Cc$ al 282' 7th Slrrfl. ThsaaJoo.a lSolOI. I'lwln. (205)

Support Search

349-5004. Bradford low Firm PC . n nounCCllh .. Sh.... T. Sean tu$ ~ a $harthold .... and thlt t."van P. Bagg<1' and ).....,. C. I..o!Iln ha", io,ncd 'h, fi.m ... ....,.,ial... Th. finn nome has chmgcd 10 Bradfo.d & s.. ... PC. Bradley Arant Ros< lie Whi", UP . nnounC" .hat loura ..... M.,.1I\oIl Cru,dJ .... Amoli.o Dri$<oll. Brook" EvcrIqr. ~bll GoflH"'h. Midtloilluff. EIiubc:.h Mil(hd l. Suah Kalherine Nichol~ ",'mlY """". Ai....., P.uill. Brill SnI. Kat;' Sunl • • D.,.,n] Tucill. Mk had Wilke".nd Asltley White ha", io,ncd finn as ossoci.ol'" N. Chri. tian Glen". has ioinod 'M fi nn .. a po rth....


• Paralegals • Legal Secretaries • Legal A ssi ~1ants 14"''''\ApexL egll/

Birm ingham (205) J9 7-9555 Nat io nwide (800) 930.'1 28 JlIson Pen)", Esq. j.unn'!l:.ape>:legal"""",," COOl




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About Members, Among Firms Tho !.ow Firm of Richsn!.on Call.hon LIJ' of Hunl, .al. announ<: ... its me'g<. wi.h Paul IV, Fred<:ridt .nd the f",,,,.-

,i<>" of Rich • ...!..,n Callahan lie F"", • •ick UP. Tho fi.m abo >nnounC.. ,loa, W. B..w,lish i. now • 1"'111""•• nd tho, Chri' luph ... C. Sch'a" h., /oin«l ,h. firm . , a n


Cap<"l1 & IInward I"C annOORC<S 1hal

A<den R«<I Path.k hOI h••;,,,,><, an ilUQCi • ••.

Th. Cochran Firm anoounces that

Byron Pnkin, Ius bcro"", " ",rtn, •. Roy IL Donald..,,, and Sc, h H.

I)"".ld""n .nnounct rho op<ning of Donald ... " &. DonoJd"," "no'nero Al ].. w LL.C, 132 N. Gay S" ""'.5I,; •• 201,

Auburn .1683 I. 1'1>0"" (3.w)50 1. 7804, Virsinu. Wiggs H ... PC onnou!KCS ,hal "]i5on Boxr.,. H .,.~hy 10.. broom.

;woci •• ed with ,h. firm. Fold, Il yd<, WntMirner, B.yant II< Ston. PC a nnounen th .. Jam .. C. R.ilJy lou j<>intd tho finn of ",,,"«'I, and HHV<')' A. Hutch"""n, 111 hu joiMd .. .n associ" •. James E. f l""nor, Ir., H.rlan F, Winn, Ill , WiI..,n F. G . ... n. Robon It ibId., .owI J. atmm .... Innou ...., 'M

forma,i"" of 11.,,1<:, Fl • .,..", G~, Win" & OcmIlK'r I.LP, wi,h office< O!

llSO ~ino"d..1c."ter, S05 N. 20th S, ...... , Binningham 352()3. I'ho .... (lO5) W_BI60.

Kmd. ll W. M.ddo~ and J<t>niF" Q. Griffin. f(m"(1"ly of Ikn'~, Stool,

lbod AnndaU a m>OUIIoC<$ ,h,u Stoph.n fins and kif Gr2>~I;fK I\;o,~ joint<! th. finn as .....a.'... lIoIh onomt}'S wiU praa;';. in Rinninsham offi«

annOu",," the <>pening or I(ondol1 Mad ..... & Aw><i.t .. U.c, ZS50 AclOn Road, Suile 210, )lirnlinshon, 352~ l. Phon. (205) 9n·9(I4S.

Ha"i.,CaddcU & Shanks PC o"no .."," ,h .. MotthtwT. D.. k.. h.. joined finn a, a n a!o!<Xialt.

Milkr, Homihon, Snidtt & Odom U.c .nDO<lncts tN.I s....rty P. Baktr, Roger A. B""'... , W.nd; M. Brown, ""em B. k>h .... W. Krl<: Morris, Hush C. N".wo.., 1 _ A. Palll>n, Glrnnon F. Thtnll, Jr, Dayid F. Walktt, . nd D.y id R. Wtlb "",,, b«oJ,,.. mrmber> of tit< rum. n,..y obo announct th.It R.~ M. Aday. P.i.><aI B. Caput<>, HoUy M. 1Iick.s. Shatnand.o R. josoph, Adam M. Milam, Jomes E. Murrill, R~ T. Northrup, ond Iohn Ii. Snrcy, Jr. b«omt .......-iated ..ith !h. ftrm.




Ford & Ha.,i..," U.I' announces Ma r;"n F. Walker h'$ joined ,he firm a. .. niot counltJ.

GaIn<>, Woll ... & Kinnty PC announ<t> !hal Aubrqr J. lIoU"""y, Ronald J. Gauh, \\'mdy f . Pol"'. Pfl.,. M. Wol1.,., and Davi. A. Bulow h...... b«omt p'r!fKr!., >nd A<hloy T. Robin..,,,, D.vid Ii. MilitT, Ir., Aohlty 1!. Manning. SMlIty D. Uwi.. M. E)i ..ht1h Meln,,·.., and Trav;" G. McKsy, Jr. 1\;0,.., ;ointd ..$.

Bui., mna mbue,! & S'~r' LLP • nnou""... !hat Gordon J, Brady. Ill , I.mny S. Haztlton and I. 8 .... nnon M...... 11»,< joinc<l ., ...od .t.... lyO}' &- Ragodal. announcO$,h., Donna W<MOn Smalley h'" ;010«1 ,h.c finn', I.. per offic. as an auocia ...' n>an, s.-g.1 & PaY'" PC an"oune" ,h., R. Milt Conky h•• joined the firm ... . ",. ... huldt •.

S,~ n,

Mod""" 8oGache, U.P.


0gIc{r«, Deokint. Na,h,< &PC:m~ \hat V...,ni.a L M...nn has joined tilt firm as .n a$.SOCl.l.. in tilt lIinninglwn offict . Sttw.lJ1

Parkman,Adamo II! A»o<ia' .. announces th., Willia", C. Whiu, II h.. jointd 'h~ finn . , a ""nn ... and ,II< finn', no",.. has <hang«! ,<> Pa,kmu, Adams & White. Manin M. !'oyo'", and GinS" G.

Parktt a nnouna Iht Optning of Parktt & law Firm lLC, lOS N. IoKhim Strk!, Suitt A, Mobil< .l66O l. Pho"" (ZS I )



R,,'hton, StaktJy, Iohn$ton & Garrtll PA announe .. th.t Btthany L BoiS'" h.. ;oin«l til<

fi,,,, .. an lWO<;at•.

Spo,""""" u.c .'UKI\I.l""" ,h.t Emily I. li<lm<>ro h.. b<wrnt an .....cia... Su,~ & Davis u.c an"",u"" ,hal M.allM>. E. Ron~ has bKomt an associ> ...

W..1.. on, & R;rcha n l~p a nOlmnces th .. Om. H , Sokolow . "d Chri"i.n S, Spen«r ~ I:>e<:omt auoc;, with firm . •





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