'~t Union &mil, Ire rrork hard to
earn your fnlst. " - Henry A. Leslie
1'1 esidti .\ and Chief Executive OIfftr
Un ion Il.illlk works doselv with 1ll,1ll\, ,\Iilh.un<l allOllleys in Ihe atinl i n is[ I~ltk;n of I11.1SlS :md tlSla h!s. DIll" i[)Vcs ttllCnl r.;apabililil:.'S have jnr.;n~ascd dr~unalic,dly in the past ,vcal' hy the addition of a slale-o r-lhe-;u1 ClJrI1putcd%etl S.VStcll1 . As Alallalll<1's
largest independent hilnk. we cotltlOl ,Ill OUI' illvtl's tmcnt plucL'Ssingwililin lhelhlsl Ocp m1mCIl! to assure constant allc ntion and cOlnplelU confident iality for-your clients.
' VI! ill\~ l e you r questions about Urlion Il;lllk's Inlsl SCI\<ices. OllI'CXPCIiCllct!d Ims ! oftieen. \\;11 be gl;ld to discuss any bus iness. finmlcial 01' adminislm livtl a!>pt.'t;i
of the sen'ices we p.U'ide.
60 Com rncn:c Sln..'Ct ~Ionlgomcly, A labmna J6 1()...j
120:;) 265-8201
mE I~'::I HAIIIIISON COMPA NY, PUI3L1SHEIIS mo C,<>u,ng Pa rk· P 0 Ilox 7500 · Nor<'ooo. GA JOO9I·7500
Tilley's ALABAMA EQUITY Second Edition by Nathaniel Hansford 1M- ~ .. (,.,.. r>«<i~ his HS and LLB. (rom 1M U"i,~ni'l oI~i•• h•• J.L.M. (rom 1M Un;"""'r "/lIfichi.lfan. I I~;$ a ntCinW 01 ,m, ,\noeM", ~j3, AfaNma, a,>d Tusa/,,,., /b,II""...i.>lion" Mr. IhM(ord;1 1M au,OOr af num~""'. law ~."",.. ~rtjrle. and M """'~... ~ 1..-lUred", eL E. He h"ullO ~,.,ro <is:' (MUll, mtm""rfor Alab:!m:.Jud~jal CoII~. I/~
i. tv"""""y 1'ro/t:UC<" of ,~.... rOl" ,It<! Unj..:ni,y of AI~~ ......
Nalll,,,,jd l/a"s/on/'$ ~i$ion cl T iUty'. classic ,,,,ati,., on Alabama rquilY: Keeps in,act ,ilf; orisinal ~ulhor'. $Uptrl>romJ>l"~nJi"., ,,,,at....,,,,; Brings this area up 10 dal~, Rewrites the book'lln:aun.nllocor~ with tile
ALabama Rules of Civi l Proem ..",: and Each tquilabl~ r~mtdy is 3 "'pan'. chapl'" (:> 1985
For the praclitio~r who needs to know llooul cqujly prac/ice in Alabama.
Regularly S45.95
Special Introductory Offer $39.95
Announcing, , .
CANCER Causes and Methods o f Tre .. tment
(or T ri,1/ Lawyers ~;..J~; O;:tgIlOfi!J; Nutrition, <YO~7
Therapnuic Mot/alilks G I"~
by J ohn R. M cLaren , B.S, M. D. Thi. CIlmprehen,ive N I;W 'rc;lIiJe wa, wrillen by e~perl J oI,n R. Mclaren . " .S., M. D .; Director of Radial ion T herapy. Roben Wi nship Memorial Clinic for NwplaJlic Disl'aJe. !':n,ory Clinic; and Pmfe$Wr of 1t~'liol?!l.y, Emory Uni.ersity School of Medicine, Atlanta, GeorgIa. Wilh cotllribo.llion. f rOO' n ... merou. specialiSts, CANCf,R i. a signifi<::>n' SOUrtt for I\On-On<;'Ologisu. boch Irg3l and mflIiral. The book "",,'en cau!.l,ive r~on. n... l<i.i-on, pa,hoIogy , imasing of <::>11«<. lurgicalt",almen', ",di"tion Ih.rapy, cMmother~py, hypenh.rmia, immunolherapy, and pedia.ric oncology. II coo.a'''' O"o'c< 100 iHuSl""i-ont, graphs and ,abies. Glossaries appe~r in Jelected chapt.... and ~llh. end of 'he book. Frequent cross-",feren«l are made 10 relevant iHutlra,i ...". and lJCt;lions. All of . hese fe~lurtS ~re designed to d~riry 'he dI""" ..ioo and fao:ili'a'c rom!".h.".i"" of the .... bject which i. very imporun' [or Ihis quickly developing . 31'P""ile field. W ilh C,I N CJ:;R as a 1001. you will be re","",nling your client [rum Ih. mosl kn<'lwle<lgeahlc. "p"lo-dm c po.i,ion 1>os, i!>l. - an ad "'nlage you "~ n', afford 10 pa.. up' R egularly S99.9S
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CODE OF ALABAMA The Essential Reference for Alabama Lawyers
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The Code o f Alabama, published in coopera-
The Alabama Advance Annota tion &r.
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vic~, keycci to ,he Cod" of Alabama, provides
fully annotated and indexed by The Michie Company's prof,,"ion.l s'aff oflawyc,-ediIO". It inducks collateral references to American Law Reports, American Jurisprudence . and Corpus Juris Secundum. ~. well a. comple,e crO$S' refe,enCe$. The Code o f Alabama i • • upplcm.n,od annually.
up-to-date annotations 10 Alabama cases and federal cases arising in Alabama _Th,ee cumulative pamphl.ts ore published during ,h~ interim be.",e.n publication of Code supplem.", •. Togc,h~r ",,,h ,he annual supplement. ,he Ad. v.nce Annotation Service make,; the Code of Alabama ,he 1llO$, up-to-date statutory a nd Case. law .eference in ,he "a'e.
For customer service contact: JAM ES R. SHROYER
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The Alabama
On the coverMontgomery at· torney Tom Me-
G.egor's photograph d the I~
fountain ~t Rosemont GMIens remi"'" U5 win~ will ~ around lor
ERS. MuS1 be willing to WO rs on unpopular, ditticu~
a bit \onge<.
pay. Contact: RecrUItment
. PO. Box 01
An Urgen t Plea for Help from the Ala bama Stale Bar ....... 14 Volunleer coo nsells desperately needed to aid Alabama's death .ow inmate;. Find out I'>ow and why you should help_
Alaba ma Self-help
Repossession .......•....... 8 Ever,' ~ 01' money is coocemftl aboUI coilecli"8 on a lo<on. Learn more aOOut self-help repm~sion and itsadvantages when rega ining collateral.
............ 46 This th ird and ro""llnSI<lIime!lt In a series on intellectual property law ~1ri>teS on 1tOldema~ law.
INSIDE THI S rSSUE' - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -_ P,~lo.·nt·, p•
•..•...•. ". .
4 de opportunities • . . • • . . . . . . . . .. J2 Uwyftt in the hmily . , • . . • . . . •. l4
becutive o; _ _s R~ .••. . 5 Riding the GrcuilS ....... ... ... . 1 Committees ....... ... . ......... t 7 Bar 8~ ... . ... ....... ... .... 18
Pn:.ofiies ...................... 44 Oiscipli-V Report ............. S 1 In~ ..................
l eg;slatiw! WIiIIH'P .•... .••. .... YOIn1g 1.awye1;' 5«Iion ......... About Membe<'s, Among Finns. ... OpinionS ci111e ~.I Counsel .. ~ ,odmi1lOO I(l s., Fall 1965 .
Et Ce!er. ....... " .. " " • .. ... Recftli Oec:iti0n5 . . . . . .. . .. .. ... MetE News .................. ellmUlali~e Index ,... Oassified Notices., •.•.. ,... ...
S3 S4 58 S9 64
19 21 22 24 2S
President's Page ! always h.s been my perceplion Ihal most lawyers would, at some poim in
The University 01 Alabama and it, I"", \oChool are 'ponwring a >ym~ium March 17-18 in honor of ,he lOOrh antheir cart.-ers, Iike!O be judges. So it was with inte~ ,hilt T reJd ~ re::ent niversary of the birth 01 Hugo l. 8 Iac' . editoria} in The NJlion.! lawyer noling The universily is lrealing Ihis as a par· Mayor Ed Koch', advenisemem, in Ihe ticularly !"IOleworthy ~nl. A,saciale New YOrk City papers ..,Ijelling candiJustice William Brennan will be lhe key.d~les for judicial office in thai city. The nore Speake<. Former Justice Anhur Goldth,ust of the editorial was that law>ers berg will speak and teach a course al the should be ~king to se""" the publ ic, 1"", \oChool during Ihe ,pring ~meste'_ and particularly this kind of public se,Many ",her jud~ and emi""'" consrillJ. tional \oCholars around the country will vice, in spite 01 financial sacrir,ce. Cer· tainly lnere may be fonandal ~crir.ce in celebrate wilh the Uni-ersiry 01 Alabama SOme inslane..., but I slill would think the birth of Ihi, greal Alabamian and dOlt 1;Jw)er5 woukl seriously desire these American. Your bar is ""iSl ing wilh this !>OSition, (although pem~ps not in New celebration . YOrk City). Your Supreme Court Liaison Commit· Actually, in Alabama, Wilh Ihe =ent tee, consisting of Gorman JOr>e5, 8ill pay raises g.ame<! by lhe legislalure, NORTH Scruggs, Harold Albritton, Bernard 8ran.,..n and the unOerslgned, met No..embe' judgeships can be financially .uracti"", parhcularly in view of what the real estate bar wouKJ term 15 wi,h Chie!' justice lOrber!, jUSlices !\dams and HouSlon, the "triple net" nature of the job, i.e., no library expenses. Supreme Court Cieri< Bob Esdale and Allen Tapley of lhe no 5e(:reMrial <;.lIla,ies, excellent retirement benefits, etc. Administrative Office 01 Courts. VIIi: had a full and fran k I would hope that Alabama, unlike New Yorl<, """"r sufdiscussion of problem, they perceive with the ba, and vice fers from a lack 01 qualified c~ndidates for judicial office. versa. lei me hear from)OU if wme problem in e ither Ihe On the subjeo::t 01 q""lified judicia l candidates, I w.l' appellate cou rts or)OUr lrial courts needs addressing by . stonished reo::ently to learn that one <:an be Chief Justice thi s group. You, problem, <:annat be res.olved if they are 01 tfle Alabama Supreme COUrt at age 18, having been ad!"lOt idenrified. milled 10 practice I"", for only one day. This has been James D. Pruett of Gadsden, one of Ihe ba(s nominees. broughl 10 the ~lIention oI)OUr Commillee on Judicial was reappointed by the go.emor 10 Ifle Alabama Securilies Evaluation, Election and Selection roexplore the question Commiss ion. Jim recenlly was elected cha irm~n of Ihal 01 minimal standards for jud~, both at the appellate and body. Thi, Is a nlQ';l importanl ~ilion, bec.u~ unlike triall~l. Ralph Knowles 01 Tuscaloosa is chairman 01 that lhe federa l Securities and Exchange Commi<»ion which committee and 00.,..1d S-.eyol Birmingham is chairmandai'" only full and fair disclosure, the Alabama man 0/ the Subcommittee on Seleoction and Election . AI. Securit ies Commiuion actually apprOYeS the merits of an a mee1ing of the committee I attended, ~ present offe,ing. felt that renain minimum qua lif><:ation, ,hould be lei. The The f:\o.1rd of BJr Commissioners al ilS NO\'ember 1 concern expreSsed, ~,thal "'tting lhe criteria meeting eleo::ted Lynn Robertson Jackwn of CI.JVton 10 fil l 100 high might result in instances where no lawyer in a the vacancy left by jU5lice HOUSIOn', elevation 10 lhe Alabama Supreme COOrt. Lynn is lhe firsl woman elected rural di5lricl Of circuil was hoIh qualified arld willing to lake lhe post. The comminee and I appreciate hearing )OUr 10 the board. Her father, AB. Robertson, setved faithfully lhoughls on Ihis. Com,nued on page 6
lanuary J 986
Executive Director's Report American /;Jw Network-CLf TV In Alabama orOWI' IWO and one.NII.,...~ .... f
have boon a pa rt ici pant in 3n "". citing acl;vlty-.... mely the estab-
at the ~ l.;Iw Network.
The neIW<Ifk is now. ",.lily, and in late November tile Iourth national program was lrall5minOO 10 m<)5.I of the r>erwo.k's 42 receivill8 liteS rhfO<Jghoo11he Un ited ,",~
The Amerinn Law Network is a pH> j«l of !he Ameri<;.111 t..Jw In§titule and the Amelio"
8., """";arioo's Commit.
tee on COnlinuins Education 01 the Baf. I began se.vke 00 the ABA committee in 1982 and WH recently appointed 10
a (on~\uive m""'1'ea' Itrm. I h.1ve boon priv il eged to "'''''' on the AlN Committee since its illCeplioo when_ soughl 10 establish lhe law Dedicated NerworI<. In its simples! Ionn, the net· w<H1t .11ows ~ 10 origi .... te IOp-r.IIed 0.( programs utilizing the foremost e. pem; in lhei , fields 300 transmit tOe live pro1'ilM'l1O ~ oi!he roorivi"8 sites. The-re is ..-.IIy;on ~r..el<pert I'or~
and a",~ ~ .....11 H a telephone hookup 10 make inqu iry to rhe program
participants. COMSAT ~neul is the pro;ider of the hardware at the receiv. ins ioileS. I was PMticularly pleaM!d That AI..r bama received one of lhe charter siles. The Alabama 8a. Inst irute for Contin .....
Teleu st Schedule, P ~ ge 41
ing lepl Educ~rion in the Loow Cente. at rhe Unive.siry 01 Alabama was \elect·
ed. Faciliries aM avaiLobie /orar "''''' 100 ~1Ir~f5 10 anend any 0I1he ~nn. The b;u is indebkd 10 Dean Cha<1o.s G.mble and A81CtE Di~tOf Sieve Emens for rhei. fo.<.'\ight in...joining rhe
_wOO<. NiIIioonwidl'. 700 ~'~IS.t J.4 sites ~rtici~red in Ihe fil$t broadc.ul, "c-.vil RICO lIriptlon afte. Sed, ..... ," on 0<;. robe< 10, 1985. Over 525 participants at· rended the "8ad faith Litiplion" pro&ram on 0cI0ber H. while the "Penlions" program on ~ 6 reached over 800 pe!'Wn'. The figures fOf the Novembe. 21 p.ogram on " Negotia. tion" WE're 001 available at this writing. Each rectivlng site has Ihe opIion 01 acapIins or rejecting programmins; howevet, int....,., will, lam ..... "', ~.age the widest available progr..mming opportunities. To dale, lhe charge 10< these fou'·hoor programs has aver· ased S120. This includes all CO\l~ material •. Like all new endeavors. the earlie. broadcasts experie nced some limited t«hnical problems, bur ~ Weft! quickly wived. The qualiTy 01 the video signal has been sood. 11 is hoped the nerw~ will ex~nd 10 100 sites by the end oil %6. I am chair. ing a wb-<ommittee mat will invesligare the Ph;ne II effort which will "'ad 10 the abilitY 10 reoei.-e Ihese P'OS'ilm.i in one's own law firm. P'e5<'flriy, the site sele<:. rion commiMee is only the ~te Of local bars. prima.y Clf provide<s and 1_ schools H sileS. If Ph;Jose tt is feasible, we en'o'ision SoOlellote dishes on
..... jor law office buildings lor in-fj"" ~I!plion.
Diffe.enr a.eas 01 interesr are targetoo fo r l)fOm01ion, ~nd mailing is done from lhe sponsor. Theit lists were 001 always all-inclusive SO I am includIng a lisl 01 Nllicipaied ~mming through June 1986. VOlI may COnlac1 ALN by d ialing I-&JQ.CLE.NEWS. I anticipale having a Iomired numbel- 01 regOslralion Iotms lot ~ P'OS'¥IK, and you QI1 "Iwayscootact A8tCl E 31 Box Cl . Universiry. AI... bama 35486. I encourage you 10 lake adv~ntage 01 this IKhnoIogy 10 cootinue you. ie&al eduarion. Out comm'Mee's goal is 10 provide the hig/>e51. qu~liry conlinuins education all he most eco nomical cost. /IoIh ALI-ABA and the ABA ..... noo-pro-
Ilt entities.
• _ Regina ld T. H am~r
President's Page Continued as a commissioner for many 't"'~rs, and we look fono.ard to the same fine ..,rvice from lynn The prl'5idern 01 the Young l=.yers' Division oft"'" ABA commented in a rocent article that she §ee5 a growing trend in d>e office p1<1C1ice to approach law
strictly as a oosi"",___ noI as the pracTice of a profession. I le3' in SOme instances she may be right; ~r. there is a va>! difference be1\'\1een bringing busines, me1f1od, such as automated "",rd p«!cessing and billing procedures to \'OU' practice and being concerned so~ly with the boMom line. la'vIIyers trwirionally have give" freely of their time to ""'''h-
while Causes. The Young Lawyers' President SJy$ she!.ees this tradition eroding among many of her contemporaries. I hope she is wrong You are bound to be tired 01 hearing me pra"i" about OUr malpractice insu" ance problem. H~. it is real. Reg. gie Hamner and I heard from many 01 you about e><cessi"" p<'emium increa .. es. I cite 10 you one dramatic e><ilmplean Alabama lawyer. a so le practitioner, had his premium go from S450 10 $17,500 per ~~r, II is tr<Je Ihal rh is I~r had a claim pending against him .1 In.. time, but when the claim wa. rried, Ih .. jul)' came back wilh a ""Jdict in his f<M>r wirhin 30 minures. Any IJWyer can h""" a fi led again,r him, and the in· .urance comfl"ny ha, rhe righr 10 rake thiS inro <Keoun1 wr.en adjust ing premi· um~ Ukewi!.e, ur>fQrtunJtely, rhere are c~ of mal~rice, OOllhe premium i.... C""a .... we are e><periencin8 a re not ju,r. ified. From """l)'lhing I h"", ..... n rhi' ~ar. I am convinced lhar we cvemually are going to be forced to form OUr own capli"" insurance COmp.:lny.
from Pil8C 4
full well rhe volali le narure of !hi, topic. Bolh Cilmps have 'Irongly held beliefs regaJding the rightness of their cause. I-I<:lw"""r, I beli""" th.t a "Ci rcle the wagons" approach C<lI1no1 be lhe besr thing lor our profession. In Ir.e fi..,r place, il probably will no! be successful in the long run. It has no! been in other Slates. In addilion, • head-on collision bet"""", rhe legal and medical profes, ions may well resu!! in. "pox on borh)OUr nou",,' respoose from rhe media and the public. In lhi, "'g.l,d , I h""" arranged fo' leade.., 01 rhe med ical proIess<on and!he pfaintifk' Jnd defense bar to moot in.n 3ncmpl!0 eslabli'" a cooSiruoi..., di~loglJe. No daub! we will not be able 10 satisfy "",,~e, and perhaps in the end we will fail to ..tisly anyone. HCM"""", il is my bel ief that we tru ly fail if we do nol al leas! Iry 10 deal with this difficult malt"'. • - lames l. North
Speaking of ma lpraaice in",rance, sitting on my desk right""", is. slick. mul· li-page kil prep.:lred ~!he Medical A~ ~iat i on of Ihe Slate of Alabama whkh presages a bi1ter and enlOlional struggle abour medical malpriH;rice apl to erupl during Ihe """t legi,lari..., "",ion. Anyone who attended the le8illali..., hearings held around the stare last fall kl\CM"S
, H INK When you have a personal injury case. TH INK STRUCTURE. That's rtght. Think structu,ed settlement as an alternative to a lump sum settlement and ma~ l mlze Ihe cash available for Ihe claimant at Ihe lowest possible cost to the defendant. Call now lor ideas on what creat ive use of U.S Treasury securities and annuities can do tor your settlement needs.
Lamar Newton
Southern Structured Settlements, Inc. 1200 Ban k for Savings Building Birmingham. Alabama 35203 205-328-2666
January 1986
Riding the Circuits Cha mbers Cou nty BiI. Assodation The IoIlowing offic~ were ~ in April at rhii j6r. PIaidenI: II« ~ide<'c: Se<;"".I)ft~~su",,:
ItC. I'0Il11..,., ... a...d E. MCCa,-, ", J..d8" joel tiol ley
Dale County Bar As5oc::ialion The D~1e County liar Awxi.ation .... "''''lIly held ils annual elections and i~ stalled 11$ oowlY""lec:ted officers. They are
a5 follows:
Bill i((Iminof" 0zMI< Bob laIift, OlMk Ahc .. jo~
DoI""ille Will"m Fjl~.
0 ••
W,U COUNTY: /(amino$, ~~, Lan;" and FillllOle
Mobile 8.1. Mwciation AI. the October monthly luncheon of the Mobile Bar Association, ,he, individ ual s were \/OIed a5 1986 0(. roce<s of the a5!OCi~uon: ProsideN: M,ICMlI C. ~ ~<OIett ~~: Se<;~ry:
.1.\0 .......,"1 ~ s..m...I L SIodman M:o!lc R. UI~ Belh I>1cfa<lden
In addition, "'" new judges _ in. lioMl L ~ beame Mobile Coumy Oi$lricl 1..Jge 0cI0be< 29, 1985, and Anhul 8. Bris.l:man a Bankruptcy Judge No.ember 21, 1985. JeIfut$on B. Sessions. III. was oomillillcd 10 be U.s. Di'il.ict J"../ge "" \he southern diJ, d A\abarN. AI. their October meeling. the 'bin, ~ Sec!ion drlle MElA elected the following offic...s for the 1985-86 term : P~t: Jomes H. MCDonald.
~~: Se<:~
Soci.ol ch.oi .......:
,au- Wi""'" A.
Oonold C. P.lrt>idp
Sidney w. ~
• ,
ama Se -He p by Greg Ward
J. Introduction hery lender' of money is concerned aboul how he will be able to collect on outstanding loan5 should lhe 00' '''''''''' default. Generally, lhe Ieoder attemptS to soften lhe effecl 0( possible defaulls by
requiring In.. borrower to put up (01.
lateral to be subioo to hi, security io_ terest 300 upon which he Cm realize the amount due him should defau lt OCCl/r, Once he is secu red .nd there is no ag,ree. mem 10 the contrary, 10e j,moe' as • secured party MS the right (0 take DOS_ sion of the collateral on default'. ,>,Ia , Code § 7-9·50311975)'. This ,'"poflen is provided for in the security agreemen\, but since this step is p ...... ide<;l for in the code' it does no! hiM! to be included in the agreements between parties. This process is knoYltn as sel$-help
repossession. The biggest advantage 01 self·help repossession 10 the leode< is that il enables him to regain his collateral without re5O/ling to the judicial process-an ad",,,,_ tage 5a'o'ing him lime and money, and often all(M'ing him 10 gel his collateral
bad ea rlier and in better cond ition. He then can dispose of il in >eVeral Wo'ro/S, but he must be sur" that he jumps through the proper ~ II he does not he Can be liable fo, dama~ to Ihe deb-
to, under 9-S07(l). Self.he lp repossession has been challenged on
conslitvtiooal grounds.
January 1986
H""""",r. soxh cilallenges .,...., nor been soxce.sful. See Comment. Currem Problems Facing Alabama CredikJ<S Who AI.
lempl70 RocrNer I'PtsonaI Property From a Deiaullins Debtor, lOCum. L Rev. 765. 768 1'1.9(1980). See also Speigle " ChrySler Credit Corp., 56 Ala. 469, 323 So.2d 360, 363 (Ala. Civ. App. 1975). So it is 01 ~ ... moom import:lnce «) u ... demand wilat Ihe Alabama courts h~ said about the delauh pro;i.ions 01 Ihe <:Ode. In Ihis anicle wew ililook at what "Oe/ault" is, IxMo the creditor can properly repos5eSS j/ter defauh, IxMo hecan realize On his collateral and some of the pitfalls along the WilY, This will nor be a compA'hen,i~
article. Space limitations
bre",:hh of ,ubjed matter make that an impossible Lask, but it will be a helpfu l guide to tho>e woo wish to i,.,...,lve themsel~ in an area which has been called an add test 10' lawyers'.
II . Default The secured I"'rtYs right to rep<>S5e\o5i"" of the collateral occurs only after delauh . 9-503. Nowhere,~, in the code is "deiaulr de/',oed. The clos.est the code comes is in 9-501(3) where it SLatl'S "the ~nil'S may bt agreement determine the standard bt whi ch the fulfillment 01 these 'ights and duries is 10 be measured" subject 10 the ,tandard of manifest un"",sonableoess. The croe also provides that security ag~ments are effec· tive according to thei, terms. 9-201 Thus, the definition of default was left to be supplied bt the agreements bet· ween the I"'nies and case law. Since
The Alabama Lawyer
defau ll is Ihe fulcrum around which sel~ help ","possessi"" IU'ns, it is impor1.1nt to unde"Land h"", it has been inter· preted in the Alabama courts. The most """ious and most common e--ent of default is the debt""s failure to make payments when they are due. D. Baker, A I3wyefs 8.tsic Guide \0 Secured Transactions, § 7.2 at 299 (1%31. Fo'e><ample, when urodet an inS!allment co ... tract lor the sale of a vehicle the debtor made p;lymentslate flOm the OUtsel, was charged lor the numeroos late payments, missed a payment and made an October payment in N....",bet with a check that waS subsequently "'"tumed bt the bank lor insufficient funds. Ihis was con5trued to be default. Chrysler Credit Corp. v. Tremer, 48 Ala. 675, 267 So.2d 467 (Ala. Civ. App. 1972) A debtor waS io default when he made payments on his aUlomobile lor a ~ar, became delinqoont, got I"'st doo notices in the mail and did oot ask Ioror recei..., e>:lensions. Reno v. General MOI()(5 lIcceplilnce Corp., 378 So.2d 1103 (Ala. 197'9)
During lhe course 01 a transaction there can be many delaults, soxh as where there were """,rallate payments and bounced checks bt the debtor. OabU'ee v. Fold MOlor Credi, Co., 413 So.2d 1161 (Ala. Gv. App. 1982). Theectent 01 the default is no! material as to the righl of possessi"" bt the creditor sinC(' after defaull the creditor has a right to immediate possession of the ehallel. Tremel. 267 So.2d at 470 Failure to pay is only one 01 the grounds which has been held to be defau lt. FoI IDolmple, when an e><ecuted secutity agreement required the deblor to obtain and continue insurance. and pro;ided that failu,", to do so would be an e--ent 01 default. il waS considered default when lhe conditions were nOt
kept. I-*Iborn v. Jimmy JohnSOfl Ford, Inc., 419 So.2d 245 (Ala. Civ. App. 1982) It also has been held to be default when the ~or's check wa5 returned lor tack of suff.cienl funds and the cost of lhe debtor's insurance w~s added to his payments bt the creditot j/ter lhe debtor had allCMW it to lapSe and the debtor failed to pay lot either. pjerce v. Ford Motor Credit Co., 373 So.2d 1113 (Ala. Civ. App. 197'9)
III. Breach of the Peace The foremos t utility of repossessi"" is it allows the creditor to regain possession of the collateral without resort \0 judicial process, but this
is ~tirf!ly ~t upon lhe c...:lilOr's ability to act "wilholl! bteach cJ the PNa," 9-50), If the c...:lito< annot ,eposs~S ~NbIy he then mtJ~-.n 10 the iudklal proces. Sj~ $o!wing M.Khioe Co. v, ~ 22 Ala. App. 2so. 114 So. 420~. C1. App. 19m
Jw how fa(. thoush, a 'epossession at· ~pI CM11O~ it I«oo,oes a breach of the peace is not u clear ~~ il misht at fi rsl appear 10 be. There is 00 requirement that the c...:lilO< first demand pClSl<!Ssion from the debtor before he repossesses. If he does make a demand, ~r, mere rel"us;ll by the debtor to tum ~ the coll~teral does not aUlOmatkally Mquire a resort 10 legal (hM"lneff.. ford Motor Ctedit Co. v. Oinorl, 52 Ala. App. SSs. 29S So.1d 408 tAlJ,. Ov. App. 1974) Self-help repos~ Can be eI'".ec1t'd in a numbH cJ ways. Section 9-501 allooos the cmIi1Oo' 10 simply taI<e p0ssession of the collatetal; Of if il is prcMded lor in thes«lH'ity ~~ thecredilO< can requirf! the debto< to a,,,,,,,ble the co ll aleral and make il <lV3ilable to him al a preYiously asreed on place; 0<. if it is 100 larse or expensi"" 10 '"""". the secured pany Can tender it unu",able and dispose cJ it on the deblOr's premises. Howe'\Ier, it m .... t be ac· c:ompIished wilhoul bre~ d the peace It is deaf the "'" fA act~1 ion::e is a breach fA the ~ Thoe AlM>ama Su~ Coon h;os upheld a.....did in '-'r fA the plainliff when a reposStiSOl; in pursuit 01 a C;or he _ attempCins to "'POSsess.1orced the CoiIr oil the road will> his truck. BiS Th~ MOf~ Inc., v. Rutile,font 432 So.2d 48] tAla. 1,}8J) Alabama courtS also frown upon the u'" d conslrueti"" force. Constructiw iorce is "threats 0< Intimidation. to compellhe wbmission d plaintiff agains! his will 10 lhe approprialion d whal he lKse<t5 10 be his poope,,(." Oil""" 295 So.2d ~ 411. The Ihreats Of Inlimidalion Il1USI be s.uc:h thaI " if CiIorrift:I oul...,.,1d iIffiOUrlt lO ~ brNctI 01 the pea«! or if resisted ...,.,Id tend to promote a breach oIlhe peace." ~ 411. Such a bre.ach 01 the PNa ~y could be applied by telephone Of Ie1tet not in the debtor's presencf! and fM!fl before the laking oIlhe Pr<IIleny. 'd. al 411
The court upheld the debtor's C""",,r· sion loUit againStlhe ,eposse1SOf in ford Motor Co. v. ~bon, 341 So.2d 992 tAla. Civ. App. 191n. It was obvi ..... the coun Ioobd wilt! disf~ upon !he /act thaI the ".epo,.....,... lOllS -..rins a ~ ~ a gun when he _ 10 """""'" an ao.rtomObile hom a 56-jear old laborer who waS unable to read Of write more thao his name, liowl">t'l, ~ '""" ;mertioo by the "repo man" that he would lte~1 the ,"",ide if tn.. deblor did OO1tu," it ~ to him was not such a Ihreat or int imid~tion to com. pel lhe plaintiff 10 submit. DiU"", 295 So.2d at 411 When he i, using """ther aclual nor constructi"" Ion:e the credilOr can II" a IonS way in repossessing. In at least t-..c ca~ Alal»m.1 courts ~ allowed the cn!ditOf 10 use a duplic.ote key. In ~ V. GMMI Moton AcupIlnce Corp., l78 So.2d tJl)) tAli. 197'9) the coun upheld a IoUmmity judgmerl1 in the c...:lil""'S f~ where a GMAC agenl located the defaulting debtor's Ur part.e.:J at night and used lhe duplicate key to take il back, In C,;ob!tee v. Ford MOI.or Ctf'dil Co., 413 So.2d 1161 tAla. Ci~. AW. 1982) the court upheld lhe granting of a judg· ment NOV lor ford where Ford had not repossessed on the first attempt due 10 MIl. Crabtree's !hreal 10 fighl. but IatC!" SUC(~sfully reposse;sed the QI wt.ile !he _ at voorIo by the ..... 01 a duplic.;ote key obuined lor that purpo5l". While Alaboma MIl ... vigorously as-wn thaI repos~$iOn muSt not be ac· complished by meatls 01 SI~lth, anifice Of tfaud, Ihev seem to look the other YQoJ at rime. The coort upheld a repossession accomplish«! by blocking the debtor's car with another whide§() hecould not dri-c II away .fter he had gone to the c...:lilO' 10 negoliate. ","Iement d the debt.....d ~ solution to his def.aull. Speigle V. Chtyskt Credil Corp.. Sf> Ala. 4t>9, 323 So.1d ]60~. 0 .... App. 1975). This _ held 10 be no brNch 01 the peace siroo:e lhere was "no f!Viden<:e d anv mINIS or tude language.. .d.... ins the "'POS...... sion" and there _ "no f!Viden<:e !hat anv aclWl phvsiallon:e Of constructiw ~ _ o.rsed. /d, at 3M The COUrt found di/fefenl/y wilen • lew facts \\'eft! added. In ford MOfo< Cted" Co. v. Bytrl, 351 So.2d 551 tAla. 197 n
;0 man the court perjorati""ly character·
i~ed ilS a "con~sed 'repo man"' SOC in touch with the debtot at the debtor's home. The"fI!PO mMI' ~ that the debtor 10 10 lhe creditor .....d discuss whether he really YolK in artears on the debI. 0eb40r ~ lhe auromobi'le in fronl 01 the creditor's pia«! 01 business and wenl inside 10 ftlter intoa good failh di..eussion about whethe< he ",~lIy_ in artea rs and to c'-:le the c...:litor's recolds .",In" his own. While lhe debtor waS insidc= the autO waS ~ .nd locked in a storage .rea behind the o:re<IilOr's building. The coun he la thaI: ""To interpte! §9-S01 10 all"", ,eposses sion in these circum5lanCeS ...,.,Id encourage practices abhorrenlto society: I'M, Iric~, chicanery, and sub!et'fuse" 'd. at SS9. The court concluded that condoning lhe c...:litor'~ condUCI ...,.,kI ""deIe~ the desi ... ble and fu ... dar"llft1ul policy d d •>llraging ""Iraiudkial aclJ by (ililftlS when those _ are fraugh t with lhe likelihood 01 resulting violence." Id. • t 55,). HCIYoe\'er, In ThomJ»Ol1 v. ford MOf.o< Ctedil Co., SSO F.2d 25t> 15th eir. 1977) 1he COUrt held that a repossession ;>CcompHshed by an alleged tie by Fold's agenllo a servtce ~~Iion operalo< who had possession 01 the car lor rep.1irs that the bt.r,oer had consomlt'd 10 the 'rposse$ $iOn _ not a bteach 01 the peace gi .... ing rise to a wronsftJI ~sion.
IV. Waiver aoo Estoppel A maio< ;,we lor the ~i"" is how
he CiIIl lose his righllO.epmsess. A debtOf ",ho Is behind on his payments may conUCIlhecredimr and tell him he c~ ... 00( make his payments on time. Due 10 lhe expense !he cred i1Oo' mu>t go lhrough in resellinS reposses,ed collaleral, the low likelihood of s;llis/ying the debt and the necessity 01 later 5IIi08 for the Oe(,. c~, c...:litors lend to be lenient in --'<iog with ~0fS and act:eplinglate Of Pi'\ial ~s. 0. ~ IIl.Jwy1'r"! B.tsk Gu~ 10 S«uted rr.oo5aCtionl. §1.2 ~ )01 (19811. If dlis is ~ 100 often, Of impropedy. the ~il'" can wai-e: lhe default and Ihefebv be "'lOP" ped from _rting il. fo< ewnpioo, when the debtor sold hi! "'!hide 10 a !hird pany, cont ... ,..,. 10 a contr<tCI prOo'ilion calling this ao irocident 01
dNuIt, ~ Ford_ Credit Companr. the c.edito.. knowingly ~ccepted payments from the third ~rty /of tv.<) ~af'l. e<tended paymcn!Sat thethiod pa'ty's request and rep<»ses§E<! one momh ~ the I"", payment WU due. Ford had wai\EO'l !he deI.lult and __ esropped from U§ef1ing it. ~."'" v. ford MOIOt Cl'Pdn Co.. 693 f.2d 1173l1lth CiL 19821 In On v. Fe... 362 So.2d 836 tAl~. t9781 the deni~l d a MOIion /of a di_ted ve<dict wa~ upheld and lhe jul)' allowed 10 hear <!\I idence ~min8 whether Ihey belie-ed lhe credilOf had accepIed 14 out d 20 payments lat •• and w~ the <...:IiIOf told the deb«. he....x.old hold h.s paymen! umil Deo:embef 15 befone pmenting il to lhe bank 10< payment. In determining estoppel WUflS ronside. all SUffOUnding (if(umstances. In S~;Ble v. Ch,y.k, ClM;1 Corp.. 323 So.2d 360tAla. av. API). 19751 !he coon held m~t wiIe<e !he <tedilOf a.ccepts ~I" lale payments but ~ a ....... waive< provision in the in!.lallmem .... \@s coolfilCl!hedefault at issue was ~1_ a mQflth old. the deblor was 001 d won. and money with another I~...,.,>ent due in three Of four d¥. the credilOf was not estoppe<j 10 consitle-r lhe ~or in delMJlt. Since the deb!o< __ in defatllt on one poyment and wi~t ~i~ prospects /of making lulu"" paymems, Ille ~O<'s decla.alion d default was nellhe' inequitable or unjust. Id. al )65 In dete.mining lhe issue of waive< in Bank 01 HuoovUIf' v. v.11C/l« 336 So.2d 1334 tA~. Cov. App 197ft) Ille court had 10 ~an:h through coomcting !eStitnOf"l'(. Witche< porchased ~ 1<tICk and quidly fell into a.""afS on his paymenlJ. ~ got it IeaSlIVoO pJymI'I1t e<lensions. He later called Ihe bank. Ile .... id, to set anolhe. e>:ll'flsion or a re.",angement of his >'3'1'ment sdlftlule. The perWn th;!t Witche. talked to;M the banlr would _ commit hi~11 but ~ to _ile a Ienef lel~ iflll him the banlO decision about Wit_ che(s lulu"" payment ~nem. In reliance on Ihls March phone call. Witcher did nol make paymenlS in Maf(h o . April. The bank ~~ the truck bul c~imed 10 hiM! ~t WilCher a letter i .... formiflll him they ....x.old do ~ if he did no! ...... ~ a ~ wilhin 10 days. The COlIn held /of WjlC~ deciding ThaI lhe jury could find thaI he beli<!\led
he had p>IIen an ",,-'on ~ on his C(lfM'rS;Ition with the bank and the lac!
lhat he had p>IIen ""tensions Ihis ~ befone. Tile bank had been unable to refute Ihis alleged COf\'o'ef'$alion look pl;>ee The C{)Un pointe<l outlhat uflder lhe betS lhe ba"" was estopped from .<"fIt1'SS'I!Ssing the pickup without prior notice. Here. WiIChel was held to ~ had no prior notice ,ince the em~ who was .esponsible for stoding him the lene. admined il mighl not hil\'e been somt and Wllche. denied receiving it. Credl1Of's often anem~ to proteCt t~l-.. by puning ~i_ pKW~ sions in ~r installment conIrxts.. Such provisions fypically anempllO teIOIin the right 10 en/ofa: penallies /of ~ ~~ults e.en if they Jre wahoed al earlier defaultl. A praoiision that "00 W3i~, by lhe Lender 01 any defaull shall be eflec!i.e unless In writing no< ope<ate as a w.oi_ 01 ¥Yf other <iebuh or of the """'" default on J future occasion" WoK upheld ~ on The raIlonak! thai a MlCUrity agreemenl Is effecli~ according 10 Its terms. Mc.Allille, v. tanStoro 1f'J'VeI/j8"lorS. Inc.. 380 So.2d 299 tAl~. eiv. API). 19801 It was th ... held no! to be a wai_ thai the bank had a.capted some ~nial payments and one !ale payment. or that on lhe .... me day of the ~session J bank empl~ had told lhe debtor il would be fine to make lhe resl of an a lready late paynmnt on frid ..... II was ileld lhal "the late paymenl of ~or caMOC .... ~ ~ estoppel ,,&"if'I5Ilhe conlfact .....1interest 01 the ~tor unde< the e.pres'! IennS 01 a ,ecu,ity ~t wet. OK "" h.M! in This In!.lar>ee." Id. at 300 )udge Holmes poinled 001 Ile had relied on H~le '"_ Fold MOlOi ClM;t Co.. )74 So.2d 849 (Ala. 19791 in deciding the c-. O!tlf!fWi ..... in reliance on previous caselJw he SOlid that he....x.old ~ had 10 tu<.e ruled the <>!he< WlIf. In Hale the COlIn. on a ""'" e«rified from the previous Fifth CiN:uit Coon 01 Appe~ls. ul>hc1d a J)f'O"ision In Ir.e security agreement which .... i<I a 01 one default was no! a oI ... mequent defaults and did not al~ modification unless il was in wriling. Thus, the t.?v undo!< H.If! ~ Mc.A1Ir"uer seems to be that secu.ity ~gree-
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mf!n1S gener3l1y will be upheld if they conlain provision~ and clauses requiring all modificatiom of the security "3""""""t to be in w.iling. lno.Wd. the Ford Motor Credit C0mpany rKently was allowed 10 ~ses1 a ca. pursuant 10 J p<tMsion in the security ag<eement without notice 10 the debtor ~fter the debtor had made all 30 payments. WitS assess.ed lale charges against all 30 lale p.J)'ITIl'fliS. IlOl a waive< of lale charges ~gainst ~II but six of the paymenlS, got three e.lensiom on paymenu. had 13 01 his checb <Illumed by his bank /of inwli"lCient lunds ;ond owed nothing on the princip;ol deb! but slill CONed on lale charges nsessed. Thompson .... Fold MototCtedit Co.. 445 So.2d 287 (AI~. 1984). The ... mmal)' judgmenl ot the coon beIo.v was affirmed since the debtor "knew 00- should tu<.e known sometime In the middk of July 1982. that Ford Motor C...:Iil C0mpany was going 10 repossess lhe
!hat it <WOi<h the risk that the secun"d pat. ty might dispo$ed the goods in a rna .... ner other t~n one that is commen::ially ~asonable. 6aker, supta ill 306 The secun"d p;!rty Is required 10 send the debtor notice d hlf prqIOSoillO ..,. taln the 1I0o.b, unln-s , .... debtor has w.oi~ mis notice in writing aller the default. If the flOOds al'e conwmer gocds. 00 ott- notke tIftd be~1. In all other ca~ al1)' other secmed party mu~ al.., be ~l OOIice, and this mu~ be done before notice If sent '0 ,he deb10r I)( before the debtor "-,,,unci'l'" his fightf. If al1)' p;!rty who h;oS a right to recei'O': such notict', i.e. the debtor and '1"I)<IIle holding a security Intereslln the goods, objects 10 the retenIion, the....,.,n"d party in pos~ must dispo-;e d the goods u. . 9-S().4. AI1)' ob;Ktion must COtTM! WIthin 21 dayI aIIer notice _ ~t I:rt the secured p;Irty In possession. FailUfe to Iollow 1he procalUfe 10< as foe! out in 9-50<1 iocu.s the li~bililies of
automobole unles'! he p;lid ,he balance due.~ Id. ~ 287
V. Disposi t ion After Repossession eM COU_, a ..atid peaceful I1'JX"'& loion i$ only me firlol ~ in a oeditoo's effon 10 reco.e on the out§l.lnding boIlance d a loan. He ~ill mOO !&Ilia on h,s coIln!fOlI_lUm ~ imo cash-or he if no bene< of1 'han before. The (M!fTiding l)tincipie to bear in mind If the sale m"l11 be "commerci.lly reawnabill" in all of its a5pectS. 9-504. Using code terminology this meanf that the secured p;!rty ml./Sl pror:a>d "in good faith." I 203. Fit)! National Bank 01 Doch.ln .. RikJri TlHi lJwi, 445 So.2d 8891AIa. 19&41. "Cood "'ith" if defined ;oS "honesty in filet." )..20t(19). And the Mue d coro_nercial ~ d d~tion of collatH.IIl is .-...11y a jury ~ion. ~ v. H.I<>fOII. 414 So.2d 9n IAla. Clv. App. (962)
A. Strict foreclowre Undoe-r 9-S05 a secured p;lrty wOO is in pcJSse»lon d col l.te<a l alterdef3ult m...,. eled 10 keep it in sati!ol;w:tion d the deiJ(. Thif if sometirne5 ne/efred to as ~rir;t 1o~1osu~." Relaining the collalffill is ger>I'r.Illy only Ifoasible when the v.tlue d the goods reu,ned is equal 10 the amoum still Ot<oed on them and the COSl of other d'fposition. It !hen Men be( .... ,~,.mp18 chNper than ottdisp!l5ition with the Idditional fe.nuA!
Strict ~Iosufe is IO<bidden in two inStances, when the debtl)( h~s paid 60 percenT d the ca5h price of a puf(h~se mO<ley security Inte .....' In consumer goods; Or when ,he debtor has paid 60 percent of the loan in ,he ~ of atlOlhet $e(urity ;n~ in CO<lSU ....... goodf. In This situation the secu~ party in p0sses.sion tTMJ~ di~ 01 me collatefillunder 9-504 WiThin 90 dayI after he takes ~on Of . i n he will be liable uncIfor 9-501 lor corwe.sion. See Official CommI'fM 2 10 §9-S05.
Ctes WJfl1 "!eei.......,. hI! bachelor. desn'e from ..... /wm UniW1"loty and his !.1w
des- from lhe UnivetSity of Alabam.J School of Uw. He if in prIvate ptdCIice in lallt'lt. AI~bam.J, and ...,..... on the edikJIial bo.lrd oIThe Alomma t.......,.,..
8. Resale, lease or Other Disposition Resale of colla~ral aftet nepos~ often is the course taken bv the credilOf. The sarienl iNnft of the resale pro.-ision, 9-50<1, is the broad 1eew.ov gi-..en the ~ cured p;!rty who may dispose d the collatefal bv public Of pri",~ sale, with one Of more ((lfItlXt$, <OS a unit or in parcels and al al1)' time or place <OS long;oS all aSpecTS are commercially ",.sonable. 9-504 (ll. The pol icy oi t.... code in 8....... tins this He>:lbi llty 15 10 produce the max_ imum amount from ,.... sale 01 the col· lateral. R. Anderson, McIe<Soo On The Un/101m Commerci.J1 Code §9-5O<I:1O (2d ed. t9n) The collateral may be disposed of in the condibOn meoedilor found it Of <iter he m.Jkes commerclilily reasonable ~ioM or p!OCfl&ing. 9-504(11. The pooceeds d The disp!l5ition <lie ~pplied 10 !&IK>nabie ~. "'Sloration and diSposiTion e>:penses and to legal fees the secured party reasonably incUr' red: 10 satisfy ,he secured debt:; 10 satisfy claiml 01 junior lirnho lders if they demand it in writing before the dispositiO<l oi the proceeds Ii completed. 9-504 (a), (h). (d. The amount lhe creditor rece; lot the collille<alls Important 10 the debtor since The debIOf is lliIbIe lot any deficiency ""'t may OCCUr and is entiTled 10 al1)' SUrplus. 9-504(21 The Cf@di1O< tTMJSl Hi'" the debtor ~asonable notice d the sale e>;Cep! in "'_ instances: when the coIlate<al if perishable, wl1ete il threat ...... 10 dedi"" speedily In WIlcoe Of when it is the type d goodf ordinarily sold on a recognized markel. 9-504131 The cred itOr Can wai", his right to notlct', buT this can be done on ly alter tko/aull undoe-r 9-505(2) and muSt be made knowingly and In WIlling. SimmOIll M.chinefY Co., Inc. " M & M B'*';l8f', Inc., 409 So.2d 743 IAla. 19811 It ~ been held that the purpose d the noOce tI!qI.Iinemerc Ii 1O ..1ew me dfbIcw 1(1 pmleCI his i n _ bv e;m... Ming the debt him~f or bv finding othe<S 10 bid on the property at sale in hopes d getting 1I better p<ice. er.,<Ji! ""Iiilna Corp. v. Cornelius & !tum COlli Co., Inc., S08 F.Supp. til (o.c.Ala . 1980)
NOlia' m~ be ~ 10 lhe debIor pri-
or to lhe sale. NOIice SO>'en on !he d.?f d lhe sale is defidern nOIice ~nd reOOen lhe SOlie I'lOl comJlll'!reially rea>Dnable. v.t>lIs v. Cenudl B.lnk of Ala/)"ma, N."-. 347 So.2d 114 (Ala. Civ. App. 1977). II mli$! be W....., in enoush lime 10 W,,",!he ~ a~ 10 If'deEm !herolL.!er.lI. If there is a guaranto.- he is @nulled 10 nO"'" of the sale of!he coIL.t.,.,.al. F;~ &Ink 01 Montgomery. N.A. v, PJr5Q{lS. 390 So,2d 640. (Ala. Civ, API'.
Pfice is an aSfII'Ct d the disposition d the colla!eral and i. a relev.>nl factor in dctermini"ll commen:ial ~a5On.1bIeneSS. for _pie, where !he H:lleo-'s assignee obcained CItIIy 00.. bid and K>Id tile ....m. de for S600 CItI lhal bid, 15 pe.-cent below wholes;ole ""Ioe, the SOl ie w;I. not commercially re;osonable.ln Re Hamby. 19 8.RJ76 (19fJ21. ~ thiU a publ ic: sale does not bo-ms H much lIS lhe debto.- thinks il will does not oece..... ily ~ il from bei"ll commen:ially reasonable. C~i! .... lIiance Corp., SOIl FStlpp.
""'-tile dispoWon 01 coItMeralwas done pu"",,"' 10 a COUr! ~ though. the SOlie _ conclusi~y deemed !O be comrnemally ~ble. Ametian National Bank and TrUlt Co. 01 Mobile v. R~, 384 So.2d 1122 {Ala. Civ. App. 1980)
money, but il is a path /.;\IJght with pit_ blls which Wluld be ~ c.autiousIy. For ~ willing to ~ lhe time and effort required, though,!he benefits are well wonh the ene'llY. •
(! . . _ _ _ _
.. _
_Ibo ______ -.. c -oIC M _ . . _ .... _sOO<"-
Wha! happens if Ihe sale is not "",.ied (lUI in a COInrTIen;ially re~ manner/ Does mat bo. the (~itor'. risht 10 feaM!f an (lUtMandin8 deficiency on a nolef Callin8 it an issue of lint impreos.ion In this stale.!he AI~bama Supreme COUn answered that queMion negAtively in 11IIII'y Minin, Corp. v. /.k/ro &Ink,
l81 So.2d lsa {Ala. 1980), bul see, J. White & R. Summers,. Hardx.ooSc CItIlhe Uw of the Uniiorm ComJlll'!reial Code S§26-ll through 26-15 12d ed. 1980).
VI. Conclusion
, . _ ... cw.. ..... ,--=-..;._ ... ............. _ ........ ,"""', _ _ ... ..
....... ,
..... """'"
_ _ T>oo, ...... <:..00 1~"5Ol ""II'" ... bo
In the hands d a knowledge;lble
(~ilOf. or his aaomey, s-e1M1elp "'P""-
• -no. ...... _
H:flion CiOn be an eftecIi..e tool. It CiOn
S I _ ' .. _ _ ........ oI ..
~ lIle creditor,!he judicial sysaem and
.. iAM Codo IJOnl
_c-wr-=-lHo-l .. _llOIod._
e-en thedeblor a 8f'N! deal 01 lime and
WORD OF MOUTH ISN'T ENOUGH In lhis day and age, it's more effocti\'e to use public relations tools such as brochw-es and informational picc:cs. Your law flnn may need collateral material for recruiting, clienl development, elC. If so, Stafford and Asscriates knows how 10 meet your special marketing needs while upholding the dignilY and integrity of the legal prof~. Let Ifi use our experience in the public relations and adllCT1ising industry 10 assist you today. Callifi and don't simply rely on small talk to gel the word out
AcMttisj~ IS( PuH.ic ReiaJions
005 Bel AirIllYCI.5uiteI2· MobiIe.Alabama _3GGOO'~'2002
A criS;, is upon uS in AI~bama. If som<!1hing is no! done §OOIl !<) rt>medy ii, the crisis will be lrans/onned into a ful~nedged diw~.
Whol is thi, crisisl P\;J;nly and 5irnply, not enough Y'OIunieft L;o~ ~re ~ p;l\IIlorward 10 .epreselt Alabama', indigent deIoend~ w\IQ kaYe been sen!e<lCed 10 ~ath. N. a oesult. it i. pos)i. bit ~ from row will won be sent to the t><ecUlion charnbe< witt.. OUI the benefit ci <;ournellO pursue meri-
torioo. Itale or federal posl<Or'lvicrion
claims. 50000 f.. r.fetched! Consider these facts. In his remarks to the American Judicature Soci~ in June 1984, Chief Judge john Godbold of tile 11th Cir<:uit Coun of Appeals reported that his CQUn hiId reviewed rulings oJ federal dislfkl courtS in capillllll;obe.u rotpJS ~jtions in 56 cases. Of ~ 56, ~ CQUn .... vened 28. 01 SO ~I of the ases. The nonn;Il ~I ~e lor the court is 15 10 20 pet«'I1l. Without voIun_ counsel", ~11hem. many of ~ deilth-tow pelitioMn with meritorious daimi would have been el<OCUted. even though their convk1ions ar.dlor ~ teoces were entered in violation of In.. COll~ i lurionl
There are now 89 prisoners on AI~ barna's death row. Due to their indi_
gency. virtually all were Pf<wided with appointed coun5e1 at trial " nd on d irect appNl.~, """etheir c~wM!
#Inned by N~ ~ Court. "",ny of ~ de>ottHow inmates found rhemselves without , ~ to purwe claimed efl'OfS tlvoogh pW«.>nVkrion
=m. Throogh rhe
1'fPSen~ these inmates bMk,Uy ~ NIl twOplaces to tum lor help: III to their appointed lawyers, who
Help from the Alabama State Bar by Dt nnis N. B~lske We<"e r'H) looser duly bound to represent them: 0< (2) when awc"nted counsel are unwilling to (onlin~ ~liIlion on ~ voiunteef ~s, 10 the Soutt-n Pover· ty U1w Cente<. Theumeo' has one lawY"" who ~.Ii~es In npi\.lllilig;ohoo and ~ fWn.time $Q/ftl' who monitors uses aond allf'l'r1ptS 10 1~le volunteers. The center's api!.1ollitig;olion specialis' mnfer'l; with voIun1eer5 seeling advia. and provioJts t~ with II """"(1,)1, complete with /on'ns, ... plaining.1I the intnate \.IeIlS of tile po!.I<ooviction pr0cess. The manual tells. amoog other Ihin~. how 10: (11 file a pelition for writ
of a>rtiorari with
the United Slates
Supreme Court; 121 fite II pe!ition for writ 01 etro' COf~m nobis with the ui.1 coun. if lIi.1 cou.-l WiOS lnelf«tive or jf new ""i<Iena W;tS di~; 1)1 IwIdIe !he appeal of !he coram nobis perition. if such ;0 peli'ion _ filed and was u ... Sl.lCCleSSfuI; (4) file 10 petition lor wril d hh.n COtpu$ In federal district coun ct..1I""l1'llg /edeQ1 conSljru~1 emws; (5) handl" !he iOppe;.1 frum a denial 01 il.1oos ~p!Ji relief; (6) pelilion the United Slates Supreme Coun one last
lime for. w,il of ceniorMi; and
m file
various m(>Iions .1\11 still' applicat ions in some or .11 of the above courts. ThissySiem has WOfked, U ~ Slop-gap meas~ re, bKa~se m~ny of Alabarn<l's ~ ~lO\kena long time 10 INCh the s>OSH""viction "~ge. This tempol'aty deUy was alKed by the ~ity 10 nelry mosI dNth fOW priSoOOefS ~rte. the United SUIeS Supreme Court SlflJd; down~'s apir.;r.l~Mein 1980 in theaseof /lfClcv.lI~ 44] U.S. 625 (1980) . This hi~t~ on """<",,vic_ t;"" cases. ~. is coming 10 an end. As a resulL it is now impossible to g~arantoo that eJlOOgh volunteers will
come forward 10 handle the illCrea,ing n~mber of ases that soon will be reac;hing the end of the dilllCt appeal
"""~ tn the palo!, dedic~tilld IT1<!mbon of the crimi~ deIeMe birowhich is compriSl'd rn<Iinly of M1Ie prQtioners and small able 10 airy the posrfinns, _ convict;"" ball, albeit ~ sre<'t 5aCrifice. They wl!ff! allilld upon time ;tOO ag.>in 10 forego Pilylng cases. In order 10 5efvice capital cases on a pro bono They took the heal that comes with repn!Sentation in these most unpopular cases. The SilCrifoces 01 these small-form praclltiOllel""5 t....oe taken their loll . The cases now limply outn~mber Ihe lawye<swho ~ theex~ise, energy and time to devote to them. Thus, when appn:rached 10 unde<take xk\itional ases, ~ overwor1<ed bwyers ~lIy respond as 1oI~ "I am .I~ ~Iing one lor - . I of these cases, and me.., is no way thaI 1 CUI tal:e on UOO!her"; or " I have not .ecovered ftOm the last one"; or "t will neve< do one of these Cases again." The freq\leflC'( of lhese reo
sponses indicates that the problem has ~ached st• . Every xk\ition.ol case leaves one !eM lawyer ;wail.bie for the Il@Xtone. Anothe-r factor. not yeI discussed, comes inlO pi ..... during the rectUitment proc_ ;tOO enhances the diffICUlty of landing. volunteer. Thot is, the clod< never MopS ticki"," [act. lime a PfO'P"Crive YOIuntee< Si)'S "noN there is less lime remooining before the e>:ec~tion process runs ilS (QU,-,.e. This means there will be less time for the volunteer 10 complete the myriad 01 tasks necessary to halt the execution clock and obtain f~1I review. Thus, each successi ve prospect faces an even mort! difficult IOIsk than the I"" one, simply because then! is less time left. Th is INkes recruitment more diffICult with each wccess.ive telephone aiL Aher all, who really Willits one of these 'ase., especially when, due 10 time cor>str~inlS. he or she w ill have 10 drop everydlins else to meet a pressurepacked deadlinel The Alabama SUre Bar is concerned about this problem and, through the board of commissioners, hu aPPfovOO
Dennis N. ~Is~. " gr~dUd(e of Ohio 51011e Uni-=ify College of law, is the ,hoirman 01 me 1I1.b.ttN 510111' /ndigCrlf Dekrue Committee. He is the k>under . nd PolS! ~t 01 !he IIldba"", Crimi ....1 ~ UwyeN !l5soci.olion. ~ mem~ 0I1he bwrd 01 direcron oIlhe NdlioNllIssoci.oliOfl of Crimi ....1 Dl'k<tse ~ ..11(/ leyl diteCtot of the SoIIlhetn I\weny /.ow Croll'r in Mon~.
the implemen1~liOn of a special pmjea. UrKler the leadership of paSt President Wa lter Bya~, and with the .ssistance of Chief Judse John Godbold, a program has been started and is panerned after one rec...,tly eoacled in Florida. This prosram depends on AlaOOma lawye~ for its success. A brief descfiprion of the Florida program and the results it obIained will explain how altomeyscan he lp. The florida Bar established a speci al recruiting commi""", chaired by a paSt president. The comminee WaS composed of partne~ from the state's most prominenl civil firms. These comm in"" membe~, in turn. devised a program to recruit lawyers from their own and other promineotcivil fiml5. T~ recruits then were provided special training by expefienced cap;tallitigil1ors th rough the fa, cil ities 01 Flofida State and StetSOn law schools. The program was funded by a $90,000 grant from the 5tlte OOr"s IOLTA fund. The ult imate goaf of the program was to provide compemnt repnsentation in cases where 00 other lawye~ we;e ava il.ble, until ,uch time as the Florida Legislature wou ld provide long term lunding fo r a special public defender office. The program was. r*>enomena l sucCess . The civil OOr rose to the task and provided excellent ~tation. A special ~nnual award was created for select volunteers, to reward them for their efforts and 10 give them afllllOPfiate recog_ nition for their sacrifices. As a result, after aPJlroximately two years of operation,
the legislature came through with $2 mi~ lion to fund. special publ ic defender office. The AI.b.tma program is just gening off the ground. The Slate OOr. through a grant appHcat ion by the Indigent Delense Committee, obtained a $4,000 grant from the ABA as seed money lor the project. This money, combir.ed with a $4,000 contribution /rom the Poverty Law Center, was used to ,pon~r a ,pecial capital litigation seminar which was held in Mobilelhi s paSt December. This seminar oot only included specialized training. free 0( cha'1l" to those who had pteviously volunteered to hand le a capital case, bUI a l ~ ptovided a forum for dimibution of addilional post<onviction manuals,., well as presentation of the Slate OOr's first annual "Clarence Darrow Awa rd:' which was presented to Rick Hartis ~nd W~ l ter Bl oc~er. Whether the program c~n ~tt3in the same WCces, as Florida's depends on AlaOOma lawyers, particularly if they are members of a prominent Civil firm. UnI... , they step forward, there will be no one to undertake the task 01 representing this state'S moSl unpopular persons, whose lives are ~I Slake. The entire proc... s may sa<.rnd foreign. If a lawyer vo lunteers to handle a case, however, he or she wHi be provided w ith materials and have acees, to a panel of exper ienced attorneys to guide him or her through the process. Moreover. the experience wil l be a rewarding one.
,------------------------------, 0 1 am willing to serve on a special commin"", to recruit lawyer.; from civil form,. I 0 1 am willing to underta ke representation 01 a capilal client. 0 1 am willing to contribute funding fo r 3 special project. hut not to represent a capital client. 0 1 am Willing to contact my state senator and representative to urSe them to provide funding for. special public defender, capital litigation office.
I Add ress: City:
I State: _ _ Zip;
II I i
MAll TO: Rec ruitment ProjecllAlaba ma State Bar ! P.O. Box 67 1 IL ________ _________ Montgomery, Al36101 ____ _________ I ~
The e~perience of Cathy Wfight, Deborah Long and Tony Mil ler oIlhe Birmingham form of Mavnard. Cooper, Frierson and Gale. PC underscores the challenging and rewa rding nature o/lhis work. They undenook representation of Will ie Clisby, in Augu,t1984, when his dealh sente-nce wa, affirmed by the AlaOOm. Supreme Court. They prepa red a petition for wr it or certiorari, which waS flied in the United States Supreme Court In November 1984. The petition waSlle-nied February 25. t965. At that point, lhe-y began the post-convictiOn process. O n May 10, 1965, they fi led a petition for writ of error coram nobis in the Circuit Coor1 lor the 10th Judicial Circuit. They al~ §ought a Slay of execution and fund, for an independent psychiatric examination of tneir client. The COUr1 denied the petition, the ,tay application and the motion May 19. 1965. Within fiw days, on May 24. 1985, the-y filed a petition for writ of hJbeas COlJ)<;' in the United Stiltes District COl,". The distriCl court, only days before the scheduled execution. Slayed the execution. The court al>o stayed the habeas COfp<J5 proceed ings, pending ex_ haustion of Stale remedies. In shon, the court gave them .n opportunity to ap-peal from the denial of COram nobis through the AlaOOma appellale courts. On October 8, 19B5, the case was argue.J before the Alab.tma Court 01 Criminal Appeals . Based upon their collect ive e~peri· erlCe, Cathy, Deborah and Tony advise thaI. "for the anorney, the rewards of re-p<esenting. person sentenced to die are oot necessarily immediate Or tangi· ble." Rather, in their opinion, "the rewards flow from a ",ti,faction and hope of ensuring that tne jooici al ,ystem is functioning properly am that all rCg;lrd less of their economic cir_ cumstances, who are charsed with a capOtal crime are afforded counsel to pursue all a,,~ilable remedies."' The bottom line, as Uncle Siom would say. i, that we need you. Please join in the state OOr's effort to diffuse this crisis. Take a few minutes to let uS koow in what capaci"" you w ill help. by checking the appropriate box ;n the /orm. Do it
Committees Committee Year Halfway Over s;~ momlts rem~in in the 1985-86 bar ~~r. ~ the """, couple of months,
comminees will be repofting their pro. &reSs, _ins IItO"ls lor """. ~ and bringins 10 fruition '" ma"l' ptOje(r$ as po»ible Comminee.1hiII1TIirf ~ out· li\'l!d their usefulness will be ~ I7t incoming Ie~ and plar>51or 1986-87 wilt be made.
"'II romminees are encouraged to meet on ~nl!5d~. Ma rdI 19. as pan oIlhe midl"'ar meecing. Chairmen will be polk><! this moruh, and OOwnt(:M'n c~ _ will be assiw-! """, month. thairmen are i.... ilftllO . . . . ~ portS to the bo.lorchl ilS April 11 """";n8 at Gulf SlA1e P.r\(.
The Commit!" on P~...ns, Prior~ lies ;on<! Wng ...angt PLonning has rec0mmended, and 1he bc:>,ard has a~,
the purcha.e 01 a computer lot- bar hea</.Q\la~ers.. Computerlution 01 membership records, MetE, ""issiom, bookkeepins. subKrip6on1 and discipline ~. ;. plMlno!(! . I~..,....;o" 10
Bar management and services CommitlCe meelings, eflt<!1t;liningluncheon speakers. ~ medical malpractice forom and a Shakespeare mlivallilealer cocktail polrty - elements of wlta! pro. mises to be lin intere!;ting and fun Mid'19' Meeting. v.w~ and Thunday, Miordl 19 ~ 20 in Mon~. The ~ Housewill ~'" he.dqol,jl. left SO those planninglO a!lend ought 10 JNke a ~ion lor v.ed~ night. The CommitIee on the Mi<fo,ot;l. ~I", has for ~ 10 5hunle be!:ween the thealer and the motel, so gelli ng around shook! no! be II problem. Those a~i"ll the medkal malpraclice Iorum on ThuI5Cby morning will &lm;\l Ie~ !ivft elf credits..
members i. the pi, and ~ady availability 01 useful inlo<mation will be a .esult. Chairman Hamid ~a~ ~ chairmen Thad loo8 and 100 Moores and mernbe<1 01 the committee §IX'!lr ~ one "",,r de...eloping rhi s ...commendation a nd are <M"ed the bar's gratitude lor their work.
The ALobol7lOl 8.1r Di~ w~' be publishM as a _111 edition 01 TIN' A bba",", ~ beginning in August 1986. A coopeoatilO! aareement has ~ m~ bet\,ee .. the 0esIc BooI< CommitI~ ~hy Norwood, chai rman, and
rhe Board 01 EditOr5 01 The Afa""17101 UwyE'I, I«>be~ Huffaker, ehainnan. The bo;>.ord of bar commissioners has apo prCMld this plan based on the poIenlial benefits 01 ~ support and shared
Pu blic I'erYice The l.egislati..e Lia~ Commillff, chaired bv immediate paSI President Walter R. ByalS, is establishing a "key ~" s~, in hopes of folcilital ing passage of bal-sporoored legislal ion, Items 1o be introduce:! during th(o 1966 ~ular se5Sion of the Alabama legislature include bills to pr0-
vide for nonpanisan elooion of judges and a nominating commission 10 filJ judicial vacancies at th(o state's appellate level. Also likely to be inlloduced are ... uniform .. rbilration act and M!Yeral changes in the gcM!1_ nance of the state bat including a P'O"ision lor choosing the president_
elect bv mail ballol. Focus on the profession
The Committee on Lowyer Akohol a nd OrtiS AOO.e is working wirh Similar groups in OIher professions to find out
whafthey are doing and consider eIIabfishlns a tre.lltmem facility lor profoes. ~sln the reco.ery~d~ ~ AlK\, the committee is ~ing
wi1tl ~I responsibililydaHes at law school. around rhe ocate 10 diK\n5 with students the problem and pos.ible Kllurlons. The committee hopes 10 bring about changes in rhe disciplinary rules, 10 PfO,'ide confidenTialiTy Iiot Wbsf;lncedependent att0mey5 --'<inS ~a~l and \OIunleef" ~...atkinS with dwm on thl> probIern. • MlP
Bar Briefs Rochester and Pi lgrim appointed di strict judges
Tv.<) new dimkl judges were appointed ~dy ~ G<:we<nOf George C Wallace to folll"»iliOtl~ in CliIY and Cleburne counti .... John Edward Rochester of A5hl~nd previou,ly loer>.W ., munkip.11 coun judge for Wedowee and Ashland. He is • graduate 01 Auburn Uni...eJ5 ity and Ihe Cumberland School 01 law. Rochester will fill the newlycreated judgeship in Clay Coun1Y.
Larry E. Pils,im """ coo.en to fililhe positi on in Cleburne County, Pilsrim also gradualed from Al.Jbum Uni""rsily and Cumberland. Pilsrim was engaged in the general prac1ice 01 law, ptior to his appointment.
Phoros of Rochester and Pilgrim COUrtesy of (he Admini5trative OffK:f! of Courts
Torbert and Cooper in tile news again In the NQ'o.'eIl1ber i,jue 01 Tile Alabama Lrwyet it waS reported that Alabama Supreme eou" Chief Justice C. C. Torbert waS eleeled firM vice president of the National Confel"l'l\Ce of Chief justk",. In addition, mention was made of 8irmingh~m ~ltorney N. Lee Coopefs selection as chairman of
the American Bar A$.ociation Litigation Section. Both men hiM been honored again. lOrbe" re<:ently ""<IS re-e1e<:1ed to the board of directors · of the Ameri· c~n )ooicature Society, a n~tional organization for imprcwe men! of the co""s. The .ociety addres§eS concerns related to the selection aoo retention of jooges. cou" m~nagemem and the public's understanding o/the jooicial
ytStem. lOrbert is a graduate 0/ ""'burn Uni"",rsity and the Uni>er"lity 0/ Alabama School 01 Lrw. Cooper. tQO. has been re-elecred to the board 01 directors 01 the AlS. Cooper is a graduate 01 the University of Alabama School 0/ Lrw and a partner in the law firm 01 Maynard, Cooper, Frierson & Gale, PC _ TORBERT
lanuary 1986
legislative Wrap-up by Roi:IHl l. McCurley, J••
The 1986 Regular Session d the Alabama Leglsla1Ure conv"""", lallua..,. 14. This p, ..... locrion ""Jion will JOOSr likely continue unlil April 28, 1986. Alabama Law Inslitute committees have completed w~ on two teYi~ to be presented to the legislature. The "R~ion 01 Real [suI"" ~ _ drafwd by a comminee chaiffJd by Hugh lloyd 01 Demopolis while ProiesSOt Hatty Cohen set\'I!d ~ I~. A tOSIeI 01 cornminee ~ is 3'l follows: joe
Jim c..mpbell-Anni~on Wayne Cope land-Gadsde n
F-t T. Enslen, Jr.-~ts~ Bill Hairw>n, J•. _Birmingh.'lm
Bob Harris-Decatur Hugh lloyd-Demopolis George Maynard- 8 irmir>gham D<.>yIOn Pro,!!. J•• -tivingslOn
Robert J. R lJSsell~some<Y Louis !>olmon_Huntsvillo! Yelta s"mford-Opel ik a MOlli s $'lVage-/aspet Caro line E. Well'-Mobile James M. Tingle-8irm lngham
The ~orol """;'iion, !he "Unilonn T""'*r.; 10 MInors. "
Redemption of Real Property The review that 101101'.1 i$ taken in p.1rt the p<e(ace of the Alabama law Institute's ~ Redemption of ReJI Estl1e Acl drafted by Prof~_ HarlY
The ~t A~ _u~ on the right 10 ~ from ex<!allion, j~ or foreclosu<e sales has mosI 0I1tae ~I.lllibutes 01 SUtlfti on redempIion from ,..,h ...1"" in the <XI'oInIfy. ..... Code § 6-S-2lO I, COOlCeOloed with who may redeem and the time ooces-sary tO~. Sections 6-S-211 and 232 speeify the priority of ~emption arid provide variable time fO< !Ort1f! clas_ of redemptioners. 5e<;tions 6-5·239 Ihmugh 243 concern anothet class 01 redemplioners. ludgment creditors, who are truted -.epillalely from (1ft-., ,..,h as junior mortsagees. The sums which mull be p.1id to the subjects of § 6-S-235. ~ the ' - iICI is I/1U(1Ured in a $imil;v IW>ion to the ~t AlabalN Code § 6-S-2lO et. seq.• nd continues • large ..mount of il, a number of dun~ h." ,ebeen mM;le. The Nl"W~ indudes all of the soome redemptionen, I.e. deblOR, jUllior mortgagees, judlt" ment CreditOR, tra~ and ~ thereof, spOUS"" 01 debtOR and their Iranslerees, children, heirs or devisees of the debtors. ~Iowever. the susgesled 3CI specif".. lIy C0Yef5 JTJOrlg.lgOrI who were only indirect ly coYffl'd by ~ SUlW!. Judwnent cfl'dilOfS, who origin.>lIy We>"e ~ordoed a iep.1I'ale set of secliorti
is recomrr.... "d"d by a oommineedwj~ by lyman Hoi. I"nd, w ith f'I0ieWlf Tom joneoI u !he ~. AtIom<'y5 se.ving 01'1 this committee"le: lyman F. Holland-Mobi le Ralph Quarles-Tuw:.lOOj.;l ~yle johnson-Montgomery C. Fred Qanielr-Birmingham Kent Henslee-GiJd~ Kirby Sevier-Birmingham WinsIQn V. Legge, J••-Al~ Don F. Siegal_BirminghMn lIVing Silver-Mobile Willi....... J. Gamble-Sel ....... Joe Railey--Opelika
Roben L McCurley. I,. i, the directot of the Alabama Low Inuitute at the Un;~rsity 01 IIlaba ...... He reai.-ed his und,>,gr.riwe ~ law degIft'S hom !he Unflooeo;~1'
Legislative Wrap-up "m;""", (AlaN"'" Code § &-5-239 through S 24))
now are included as redemptione" in the new § &-5-230. The present sections
on judgment creditors rarely are u~. and judgment cred itOtS 3re treated differ. ently from <}(hers similarly situated, such as junior mortg.>gees.
A signifkam cn.nge was tile omission 01 the race of redemptioner! to redeem found in the pr"",n' S &-5-231 and 232. The committee belie-es the present stalute lost"" many inequitable siwaTions and is unfair to ,edemprioners such as judgment creditors and junior mort· gag~ Under the suggested stalute, a ll pe!5OOs named as .wempliooets ~ an opportunity 10 redeem, bul In.. droto, ~ndlor
mongagor. thei, spouses, Chil-
dren, he;" or dt,... isces h.....e the uliimale right to redeem. Significantly. under the new statute, f'l'demplion by any deb1or, mortgago< Or
51. Louis Law Printing Co., Inc. Serving The Ll'gul Professio" SinCf' 1906
Supreme Coull, federal and Siale briefs; Offering Cir. cuhrs: Private Placemen! Memorandums; PrOSpeciuses: ContraCls ; Leases; etc
411 Norlll 10111 Sireel 51, Louis. Missouri 63 101 (3 14) 23 1·4477 A"-~' abou, ou' rt'f~ 'MU book
"LOfln W(Jrd. and I'hro~5 n
judgmenl crediior. Ifleir transfmees, (h ildren, spouses. heirs Or deviS<leS revi ves all recorded judgmenl~ mortgages and recorded liens in ex istence .tthe time 0( the execution Or loreclosure .. Ie. Add itionally. if a judgment CreditOf Of junior mortgagee redeems. any unpaid balance due on any prior recorded lien 01 any nature lhat held pr iority <»'e' such redeeming judgment or mongage credit· or on the date oIthe e>:ecution, judgment Or foreclosure .. Ie il revi ,.'<1. Pemaps the most un ique addition is the r.ew ~ion ft.5-239. Numerous large conr.truc1ion projecls oIten are less than hall-complered when fonanci;ll problems arise. for years lenders h""" spoken 0( the need lor a quid and effidem legal device to ellecTioely foreclose the ir security imerest> SO lhey will h""" a mean in gful opportunily 10 comp lele large construction projects which h""" gone bad fonancially. The right 0/ redemption under the Ala' bama slatute waS c reated originally to protect the debtor when the secured pr0perty was foreclosed under a ~r of .. Ie in a mortgage or under a statu lOry power 01 ..Ie. The commillre decided t""re was no MOO lor a Statutory right 0/ redemption in a sitU<ltion where a debt of more than 5250,000 was secured and Ifle creditor fo reclosed the securilY in· terest in the courts. Hoo'CVer, the praYi. sion for judicial action does not apply to a mortgage 01 a single family d"",lIing revised the emire act, ch~nging its tille to Ifle 'Uniform Transfers 10 Minors Acl" or to a mortgage 01 land used p, imarily lor agri cu llu ral pu.poses. The compa.ali"" rights of debtors and creditors in tnis context "",re weighed. and lhe necessity to alleviate the ~ilor"l dilemma was believed to be stronger than the rignt of the debtor to redeem a~e r a judi. cialforeclosu re !oi!le.
Uniform Trilnsfers 10 Minors Alabama adOpled ils pre><!nt Uniform
Gil!5 10 Minors Act in 1957. This Stalute followed closely the ·'Unilo.m G i~s 10 Mioors Stalute" drafted by the comm issioners on unilorm state laws. N. that lime
on ly gilt. of securities and money could be m<>de to minors. In 1%5 Alabama amended th is law to <>dd a gih 01 life insurance to a minor, and in 1967 the acl wa. amendoo to provide for gifls of an· nuity contraclS. The latest extension 01 "gi ~IIO minors" occurred in 1975 when the legislature amended lhe statule 10 pr~ide for testament~ry giflS. The commissioners on unifOfm stale I;rws. lo.t"" firsl time sirKe I"" original d raft of the "Uniform Gifts to Minors; In add ition \0 gi~' that p"-' could h""" been made. the new act permils gifls 01 any intere51 in property. both real and personal. Famil y fleirlooms such as rings or lumitu re coukJ be made the .... bject of a Sift. The~todi~n may be named in. wil l. a tru,t, a deed, an instrument exercising a power 0/ appoinlmenl Of a writing designating a beneficiary 01 conlractual rights. Cuslodial property is nOl crealed until the nominating instrument becomes ir· r<M>Cab le or lhe transfer is complete. A pe;S<>nal repreSentati"" who is an e><. ecutor, administrator, trustee or conser· vator may make a transfer to a custod ian lor a minor, proYided lhe tran>fer is in the best intere5t of t"" minor, is not inconsistent with the ~O\Iision, of the gr:Ne rning instrument and does not ex· ceed 510.000 in value. The proposed statute proYides statutory lorm s for ma king the transfers. The ltandard lor expendilure5 0/ custodial property ha, been changed lrom >for lhe support, maintenance. education and benefit 01 the minor"' 10 t"" "use and benefil 01 lhe minor:' Thi, change is made to aw id lhe implication that custodial prt>perty Can be used only for lhe required support oIlhe mino,- The Inlernal Revenue Service has taken the pcHition Ihat income lrom custod ial pr0perty, to lhe e><lenl il is used lor the support of a minor, is includab le as gross in· (orne to lhe person legally obligated to support the minor. This c hange awids the application 0/ tfle grantor trust provisions oIlfIe Inlemal ReYenue Code. This new aCI does not affeclthe ,tatus 01 existing gillS to minors. They remain valid il they were valid al the lime of their Creall on. •
lanuary 1986
Young Lawyers' Section Wke i yei', young men .. nd women <>cross the Sl.)1e SO 10
thei. ....,tboxes and r«eiW! tene.s from !he Alaba .... St,lIe ea, ad-
vising them th~! they are liCCflsed to prac1ice law wllh in the §lale 01 Air barna. ThiS noIificiI' ion j. the ~It of many years of toil ;wi dedintioo. coupled with the suppol1 <IOd encoo.· ~",e"l of family and friends. The
majority of these individual, !>OW licensed to practi ce law haVf! had no more involvement with the nate bar than M3kin8 application ~ law sr .... dents "nd I.~ applying 10< and t.>k. ing the bar f!Uminalion. Upon admiWoo tome N .,,, young lawyer has two options with respect
to his or her p'ofessi~1 ilSodalion. He may limit h~ p.1l1idIWion in bar activities 10 .he minimum """,ired 10 .... in\.)in the ';&1>110 poactke la ... , or he may beco"'e involved "rod help chan the «KJ<Se the bar takes in the future. The Young liIwyeri' ~jon offe.s an 1091 opportunity kif newly admiued members 01 the bat 10 be<:Om!' an illt<!ll",1 p.1n of iOn exaollent
professional aSSOCiation. The pfOj~ arid programs avail ... bIe within t!>e section offer an excell·
ent lrainin81!1OUnd lor fUlIlre ~ of the bar ~ a whole. '" evidfno;e of this, the vtS is pooud 10 ~e mal our presen1 state bar president Jim North, i~ a pa~t presid~'Ot of the YlS and hal been extremely supponi"" of the 5«_ lion, encouraging young I.wyen to lake ~ more active and re5IlOMible role in lhe activilies d the bar. In light of the Impo<tance we in lhe
section plxe on lhe irwol~1 of the new adminees to the bar in their as,oc:iation, we are maing a special effort to educale law student. throu8hout the Slate on the services p<ovided by and th<l ~tivit ies of an association of which they will ~ soon be a part. 8i11 Tr.oeser of Dei .......... is is the ensent c.... irman of the law Studernliai.."., Comminee of the YlS. He.nd his committee have contacted the instate law schools and ate .ttempting to offf!t a seNice to ptepilre studenI5 for the Iransi60ri from student to member of the Alabama Sute 8ar. Not only do we feel tNt it is imper· ative we develop a strOllg ,"sociation, but we also are makins ""at strides at dew!lopins • bene< irNge 01 the bar MId .. bene< rapport between our u,oc:llitlon .. nd other p<oIessions. In March 1986, the YlS <l~in w ill host the Conference on the Professions. The confl!fence will be held in Gulf Shores MId atlended bI' " numbeo of people reprcse.~ins " wide variety 01
professions. This con~ has been a in the past, and we have """ry rea§On to expect this ~r will be the most succeufuL Randy Rei>ves and his convninee hove been workins d ili8f"ll1y WI ~ "the con/erence. We can el<pect represenwlves from nutS."" pharmacy, law, ~icine, ~ychology, e ngineer. ing and a host of other profession •. The p;orticipams wiW benefit from a semi~r desisr>ed to update !hem on new lepl requiteme<its in specifiC are ... of practice, includins rKent de-
I. 8ernard 8 r<lnna n, Jr. YLS Presldenl
eision. afleeting their individual boards and a.soci.tions. Thi, confer. ence serves 10 ptomote an excellent relationship between Iilwyen of the state and various ottrer profesiooals. We in the YLS would ;opprecilite your encouragins dient~ who are p<Ofes. sional people to attend OU r annual Seminar and Confcrence on the Pr., fesr.ionl as I am CCttiIin you and your clients will fond it to be an ""Iight_ Ins program. When lhe subjKt of young Iawyoo and seminars come510 mind, il is 1m. po$lible 10 ""edoole the annual San. destin seminar sponsored by the YLS. The seminar will be held Friday and 5;!tu<day, ~ 16 lind 17, in Soodf!s.. lin. Caine O'RNr and Ch.ortie Mi><On of Mobile h~ve ~ hard at work prep;oring lot thil ",,~1, In the p;lll, this semin;!( has been one of the most hishly anenr:lcd ctf programs presen1ed 10 Alabam.J lawyers, so now Is the time 10 rNke your plans 10 be Wilh ltS in Sandeslln Ihis May. Fina lly, troe VLS is org.1nized 10 _ """'Y member of the n..r, and if you h.ove a p;orticullir need ....., (.;In serve, please cotIIliCt me or any other offrcer or executive convninee member of the VlS. •
About Members, Among Firms ABOUT MEMBERS Cfes wan:l annoonces the opening of his law office in Suite 117, Johnson Build ing, !.anen, Alabama 36661. Phone 642-6{X)8.
Daniel A. Pike is plea&ed to announce the forma tion of Daniel A. PikE-, PC, for the gerle",1 pr<Kli ce of law, wi th office. at 160 South Wilrren Street Mobile, AI"!)am. 36602. Phone 432·262012623 or 633.()4S4.
Alidn M. Trippe is pleased to annOUnCe the relocation 01 hi' office 10 The Rhodes Professional Building. 2956 Rhodes Circle, Birmingham, AI. abilma 35205. Phone 933-.8383.
William S. Fishburne, II I, a membet of the Birmingham law firm of s"dler, Sullivan, S.... rp & Stutts. PC, has been selected by the l ien and Bond Claim Network SO as its lead
counsel lor "'Iabama. The lien and Bond Claim Netwo<k SO is a national netv>o<k of aHOrneys from each state designed to "'''''' canml/crion comPJnies and >uppliers who do busir>ess
in ~ral stateS. Fishburne i. a grnduale of Samford Un i ~rsity and Cumbe<land School 01
Law afJd recei...oo hi. Master oIlJWS in Taxati"" from New 'IOrl< University.
R~ C. Ayers, Sr., announces the
,.,Iocati"" of his office to 159 Richbou r8 Mnu... Shalimar. Florida 3257'). Phone (904) 651-4424.
Norman Roby a,,"ounces the relocation of hi~ office to the Walgreen Professio",,1 Bui lding. Su ite 203. 207 Johnston Street. SE. P.o. So:. 2925. Decatur. Alabama )5&02. Phone 353· 5212.
• Co Mille. ~nnounces the
opening 01 n....l"",officeat 703 Terry Hutchens Building in Huntwille. AI.... bam. 35801. Her ma iling address i. P.o. Box 4. Huntsville, Alahama
AMONG FI RMS Barry A. Friedman, PC, 3004 La Clede Building. ISO Gmernmenl Stree!, Mobile. Alabama 36&02, ta kes pleasure in announcing J"l' Michae l R..,s has become asweiated with the r",n.
The law firm of Mu...:hisoo & Sutl..,. takes pleasure in announcing j.. Tim Coyle ha, become associated with the firm in the genera l practice 01 I"",. Their office is located at 224 'Al:st laurel """nue, fuley, Alabama 36535 and their phone number is 9 43-157').
McElvy & furd announce, F. Michael fo<d is no longer engaged in the practice of law, arid the firm will now be known McElvy & Ford, consisting of Douglas McElvy and Sl ..... n W. fo<d. Also, lhe firm is plea§<'(! to announce the a~iation of Robert A. Morzan, Offices are located al 62 1 G reenw<'!fO Avenue, Tuscaloosa, Alahama 35401 and 117 Court Square 'Al:st, Centreville. Alaham<! 35042.
We A. Mao:;on, Jr., takes plea,ure in announcing Blake Alan Green has become asweiated with hi. firm in the general p<:>CIice of I...... 0fI"t<es are rot~.,j at 170 Hill Street, ~umpIQ, Alabama 36092. Phone 567-4358.
Alabama Gas Corpora tion is pleased to announce Amy Watson Stewart hai joined iii Legal Depanment. Offices are located at 2101 Sixth A.;en ..... North, Birmingham, Al_ abama 35203.
J. Thomas King. J. Thomas King. Jr., arid Alan L1mar King of the law firm King and Ki ng announce their relocation to The King ProIessiona l Building. n3 South 27th St reet, P.O. Box 10224, Birmingham, Alabama 35202-{)224. Phooe 324-2701.
Room Burdine, Jr., and J. Wilson Mitc hell announce the formation of
a fi rm for the general p<:>CIice of law under the name of Burdine & Mitchell, with offices located 3t 102 South Court Stree!, Suite 412 First Federal Building. Florence, Alabama 35630. Phooe 767-5930.
Gr.-gor y D. Hyde, formerly a member of Sirote, ~.mu1t, Friend, Friedman, Held & Apolinsky, PA of 8inningham, is pleased to announce he has become a member 01 the law form of Fraley, Heelcin and o..vis, PA, and the name of the form has been changed to Frat"!'. Heekin, Hydeand O.... is, PA. Offices are located in Suite 1100. Allantic Bank Building. 20 NO<1h O range Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32B01. Phone (305) 843-0191.
Haslcell. Slaught ...., Young & l.o!wis, PA, takes pleasure in an""uncing Ott,e Co Akers has become associated with the f"m in the practice of I....., with offices at BOO First Nat iona lSouthe rn Natural Building, Birmingham, Alabam<! ]5203. Phone 251·1000.
Engel & Smith, partners in the seneral prilClice o/Iaw, announce the change of the finn n~me to Engel, Walsh & Zoghby. the relocation of their offices to Suile 1106 Rivervie'W Plaza Office lOwer, p.o. 50. 1045. Mobile, Alabama 36633 aod Leo A. Smith, Ir., has retired and is now of counse l to the firm.
The firm of johnstOflf', Adams, Howard, Bail..,. & Gordon is pleased to anlXlur>Ce R. G<egory WaUs, John A. Carey. C. G rantham Baldwin and Michael Co White h""" becon'e associated with the firm. Offices are located at 104 51. Franci~ Street, R.!¥IISt. francis Build ing. Mobile, Alabama 36602. Phone 432--7682.
Stanard & Mills is pleased to announce Polly I(ellar has become associated with the firm. Offices are located on the seventh Hoor of the
January 1986
SooJIII'usI &nk Building. MObile, ~ banw J6602. f'I>ono. ~12.()101.
785. Hesseme<. Alabama 35021. Phone 421!W321.
The law firm of Roberts, O .... idson " WiSllins takes ~e.sure In ~n nouoclng Herso:hel T. Hamner, Jr.• and Mary Seth WeM ("wrl ~ 00. (l)me ~''IOCiated wiTt! the firm in the pr~i« of law. OffICfl ~re Ioated ill 2625 8th Sueet. Tu'iGlloo!., .... I~bama )5401. Phone 759--5771
The law firm 01 P~IO!i " s... ..... ford, PC, is pleased 10 announce Loura A. Calloway and Susan Shiroc. OeP~ became members of the firm ..... gu'il 1, 1985. located in Suiie 311. One COUll Square. Montgomery..... 16102. Phone 262·
.... 1bri1t0n5 "Ci~n. 109 Opp ~
The members of Ihe firm of deGrafff:r. led " HOWI-kins a~ pleased !O announce lIitchie L Tiplon has 00. come a.sociated wilh the firm. The offices are Iocaloo at 2620 6th Street. TUKaloos.o ..... Iabam. 35401. Phone 759--1226.
nue..... ndalusia ..... labama 36420 takes pleuure in anooundng William Harold Alb.illon, IV, hn be<:ome an H'IOClate. Jam~s R. Clifton has be<:ome .. member and the firm name has been d\anged to Albrino"," Ciy. .... n " Clifton .
• 01
The LJw Arm Aut, Campbrll " Au. is pleased to anllOUl'lCe lI: ichoord C. ONn, Jr., has become.n H!( with the firm. Wilh office located at 260 Wamington "","",lJf'. MontSOfno e'Y. Alabama 36104, Phone 265-8551.
• of
The law firm H.rdwick. Hauw. 5<f$rel " NorliKuu is pl~sed 10 innounce Clwrln D. ~ is now .., H'IOCi.JIe. OffICe ~ located al 210 NOfth leN StreeI, Do!h.on ..... bba ..... 36303. Phone J"94-414~.
The law firm of Corl.,.., Moocus, B ~num " De6 uVS takes pleasure in announcing Will iam t . Creen and JoAnne Henderson I)orr hOM! 00. (l)me Hsociated with the firm. OffICe ire Ioc .. ted at 2100 Si~teenlh lwenue Soulh. Ash Place. Birmingham. Ala~. 35205.
The law firm of Emond " Vines lilkes pleasure in announcins the H(HIOfable T. Eric Embry, f\!1ired 11k tice of lhe .... Iabam. Supreme Courl. is now of coun>el to lhe firm, Offices .. re located at 1600 Cily feder.>1 Build. ins. Birmingham..... Iab;rma 35W5. Phone 254-322~.
NOJ ..... n K. Brooo'n, Atlorner, PA. is pIe.ised to announce the associ.Jtioo of C.rry w. Abbot l, with offtaS al lB1B Third Jl.enue North. p.o. Box
Hardin and Hollit i~ pleased 10 anIIQI.JII« Kvtn M. lIoss has beco",,, awxi.1i'd with the firm ill 1825 Mor· ris ......... ue. p.o. Box 11328. Binning. ham ..... Iabama 35202·132& Phone 328-2675.
The law firm 01 M• •• ow, WaJ ... r " 1Ief:Yf:5 li1kes pI~sure In atlr>OUncinS Michael T. EJlep (odmined .... Iabama and Mississippi) has become HSOci~led with the firm. Offoas .re ..... cated al 176S-A telia on"'!. SI.I'le 104. lackson. Mi!-sissippi 39216. Phone (601) 981-4311.
The form 01 Wi lron, Pumroy " Adams and Charles H. Ric .. are pleased 10 announce their formation oIa p.>rtnership for lhe general Pf3Clice of Law under the name 01 Wilson. l'umroy. Ric .. " ~ 1431 leigI"rton lwenue. P.o. Box 2333, Anniston. Alabam. 36202. f'I>ono. 236-4222.
The law firm 01 ~~ and Bradl.,.. lakes pleasure In anoouncins Iohn T. Roberbo n, IV, has be<:om .. a partner in the firm. The new firm name will be Henslee, B, adley and Robertson. with oflkes located at 754 Ch .. stnul Srreet. P.O. Bo.>< 246. Gadsden. Alabama 3590HI2 46. Phone S<4)..9790.
The firm 01 Smilh " bylOJ takes pleasure in announcing lI ichard w.
trw;' and Tom Sherk " - be<:ornf:
H'IOCialed with the firm. Office are Ioaled al Suite 1212 Brown-Manr Tower$, Binninsham ..... I.ab.oma 35203. Phone 251·2SS5.
The taw f.nns 01 Cle.1ry,tee. Morris, E.... M" R_ and Cha rles II. Smilh. Jr., PC, uke pleasure in announcing !he merger 01 their forms under the name 01 Cleary. Lee, Morris, Smllh, Evans " and JoI.... R. Barran has become • partner 01 the firm. OfftaS are located at 300 Cllnlon lwenue West. p.o. 60. 68, Huntsville. .... Iabama 15804. Phone Sl)·
Lo.ry II . New ..... n is pleased to announce the relocaIion 01 hi, oIfoce 10 604 lBth Streel South. Binningham. ....Ia~ma 35222. Phone 591-6766.
Charles Eusene Cald ..'ell an· nounces rhe relocation 01 his gener.1 practice 01 law to StrOle 419 frank Nelson 8uildins. Birmingham. .... Iabama 15201 Phone 32),,2444.
The law f.,m of Brown, Hudsenl, Richardson. pc. 1495 Uni~1y BouleYird. Mobile.....1abama 36609. lilkes ptealoUre in anflOl.OlCing WiI1i.Jm H. Sisson..oo lI ichard H. T.,-Ior " become associa1i'd with lhe firm. Phone 34.w744 ,
The law firm 01 Franson, Deatln. and Aldr • • P..... announces Drew W. Prusiecki has become as'lOCi.Jted with 1he firm. Offices are Iocaled aI 1506 Prudenliil P.O. 8m 1084Q. )acborMlle, Florida 32247. Phone
(904) 3~5S5.
The law form of Lon;er, Sha_ " Herrin", PC, is pleased to announce William W. Sanderson, Jr.• and H . Ha .old Stephens have become memlMm of the form. and lIennie Sieltler. fliL!beth C. Williams and John P. Bu,bach hOM! become awxi.tat with the finn. Offoces ~ Iocaled al 404 Mxtison 5free{ South. Hunllville..... I.bama 35801. Phone 53)..5920.
Opinions of the General Counsel b y Willi~m H. MQrrow, I •.
QUESTION : ·Under ..... ~l c in::umsla nces c~n an al10rney file suit ~gainst a fomtet c/~t or lake a poIition adverse to a fanner
dientl" AN SWER: If there is a "SuMlanli.1 rela! ionshiP" berNeen Ihe issues in the prior representJlion of lhe former clienl and the issues in Ihe contemplaled suil aga inll or posilion adWlSe 10 Ihe forme r clienl ,uch Ihal the allorn..,. could ...... learned 01 • "confidence" or "secret" oIlhe former client Ihat he c~n ule ad~rsely to lhe!o<rner dienl and fil\'O)'ably to lhe new dienl, the attorney cannol ethically proceed against lhe forme r dient To preclude action againsl a former elien! II is r.ot necessary thai the atto,ney d id, in fact receive such a nconfidence" or "leeret." DISCUSSION : The Office of the Geoo",1 Counlel and lhe Disciplinary Commission hiM! written a large number 01 form~1 opinions concerning Ihe propriety 01 an ""orney'S laking a posilion ad~rse to ~ former elient Numerous info(ma l inquiries hiM! been direcled 10 the general counle/. Although lhe is>ue w.I! toUched upon b riefly in an opin ion publi,hed in lhe N""",,"" be, 1984 Alabama lawyel, Ihe precile queslion w.lS nol the .ubjed of lhe opinion, and we deem il helpful to set forth lhe guidelines he rein. Disciplinary Rule 4-101(AJ and 18)(1) ptCNides: !AI • 'Confidenct' ,..,,, 10 inlormalion pmle<.!ed bt the at· .,m"l.dienl privilege utder .pplicable law, and ...,.,~' ........ !O other inlonn.:tlion gained In !he pro/eI.iona l relatlon.hip thai the client n... ~ be nek! inviola(e or the disdo<.Jre of which ........ Id be em"'rrassing or ........ 1d be likely!O be detrimen,,11O lhe elient (6) El=pI a. permitted bt 01( 4·)01(0 • l;rwye-r shall not know ingly: 11) R......,I a confidence or sectel of hi! client." Discipl inary Rule 5-10110 p r""icies: "A I.......,." .to.1I not """""",t • porty !O a cause or hi, we· C"..,,, aft", h.... ing rePfl'S'!"!ed an 0<1 .."" porty or in!eno;;[ in connection lherewith.Disciplinary Rule 5-105W proyides: "A I~ shal l decline pro/fered emploofmenl ~ lhe e>:e«;ise <:J hi. in<Seopendenl judgment in behalf of. clienl wil l be or i. likely!O be OIM""ly .fleeted bt the accep\ance at lhe pro/fered "",plOI'me,", or if;1 ........ Id he lik~v 10 Invol .. him in represenlingdilfering interests. =epll0 lhe "". 1",,1 permil(e(j under DR 5-105(0."
D isciplinary Rule ~I0518J p,,,,,icies, "A I""""" shol l not cominue multiple employm<'nl ilthe ""-
"tei.., at hIS indepo-ndent pn>/e$.ion.1judgm<-nlln beh.11 of • diem willl;e Q( i< li<e<v!O I;e OIMrseIy ~ bt hi< _ _ "",,,,ion at another elien!, or il ;! ........ Id I;e likelv !O in.ol .... him in represetlling dillering in!ete'iIi, "",epl!o!he ",,(en( ~i"ed unde, DR 5-105(0 ." The Cod.> of Pro/e.siOn.lI Responsibility 01 the Am",ic~n 8ar Association does 001 have ~ tule iden!ic~1 Ot ,ubstanlial. Iy the same as Rule 5-10110, Cod.> of Professional Responsibilily of the AI~bama S!ale 8a,. Th is disciplinary rule oIlhe Code of Professionil Responsibility 01 the Alabama Stale 8ar add"""" itself 'pecifical 'y 10 lhe "fonner client"· problem. The key iOrds in Ih is disciplinary nM are Ihe"l"lO)lds "ad".,.,.,.. and "in connection lhe","",i!h." Ahhoogh former Disciplinary Rule lOS, Cod.> 01 Professional ReSpOnsibility 01 the I\meri",n Bar Associalion, which is identi",11O the corresponding rule oIlhe Code of Pro""siOn.lI Responsibility oIlhe Alabama Stale Bar, does nOI refer specili",lIy 10 currenl or fonnet dien1s, jud icia l opinions have ""p<eSsly or impliedly found thai the drahet'§ of Ihe rode intended to include lhe I'o<me , elient problem in Ihedisciplinary rule. f. f HUllon v. Blown, 305 F. Sopp. 9315.D. Tex. 1%9); fst.ue Thealres, Inc. v. Co/· umbia Piaures Indum;.,., Inc., 345 f . Supp. 93 IS.D. N.V. 1972); Robm H. ArooSOfL Conl/iet o/lnlereSl, 52 w.rshinglon Review 807 The Disc iplinary Comm ission ha, consistently held Ihal in order 10 preclude an allorn..,. from suing a forme, elien! il i. nol necesSilry Ihat the 3Horney aCMtlly obtain a "confidence" 0 ' nsecre\" which he ",n use foM)",bly 10 a new dienl and ad~ly 10 a former d ient II i, sufficienl that the<e is a "Iub>tamial relalionship" betv.een Ihe tWO representalionssuch lnat lhe allom..,. could hiM: acqu ired such a "confidence" or "leeret" In the cale of &: P.lrte Tayfor Cool Cornp;l"'l, Inc., 401 So. 2d I (19BI) lhe Sup~ Coonol Alabama has adOPled lhe sub>l~mial relali onsh ip lesl in coni"''' 10 the tesl which would requi re a showing oIlhe receipt of an actual "confodence" or "1eCreI." See be P.lrte Slalt' Farm Mutual AUlomobile Insurance Co., 469 So. 2d 574 IAla. 1985). We are oIlhe opinion that Ihe worns "substanlial rel~lion ship" 35 used by the couns in inlerpreting DR 5-IOIIA,) and Ihe words "in connection therewilh" as used in D R 5-10110 shou ld be giwn ,ubstanlia lly Ihe same inlerpretalion, and "" fu~ are 01 the opinion Ihal there mu.1 be a "\Obstanlia l re laliomhiti' Or "conneclion" as it relates to lhe issues
Continued on p;lge 17
r 986
RMi~ ""'''<Ir/V ~1
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rwl'Q'/Y 'W~1IulUU!S' . - - .. - ... >tOO::> ;,rH ""llJlSold rwl'QtSV ·~I!o\I.ajrw ·· .... , ....... >tOO::> Ie.lN AltIat-I rwl'Ql'SV 'W¥U!UU!8' ··"········""·· SUlllo:) u,", rsn rwrqqy '//IH ~rQ ' ... " " .. " " ." w!IIa:> A..u"l f»OJIII' rwrqr,y 'WPtjlUIW'I8' -" _ .. " .... W!lto' """led ASWiI tweq-tIY '''Ij(JOl''/' - .. , ..•... - . " 1 'Mfa::> a~nl u!l~urJ.:I tW"<ltlY 'wrI/Bu/w.!I!" . - . PU'I;M.;II::>;)31 ~'<KJU")I :>a 'uo!8UII/IrM ' ....... , •.. , - , , .. 'ljJel:J uuA, Alew rweqriY 'wrtjBu/w.!8" · .... , ..... uunIQ ,.." ....., ....... ,)1 rw""..,y 'm,p~' . " .. " .. " " .. " .. U!ur'P 'l'1'W uoqoll rwrqr,v 'l'fOOJp;)SIll .. - . - .••. ' IJ""Q je.lM 11139 Alew rwrqt'IV 'wr!l1luIW',, " ." ... " .. ..... AIQ """uro u"fOf ""'rqe/v '~uow '"""""'" U(>Or:) uI~11Q u'fOl ,weqr/y 'PSOOfr~ol ' - , ,- . , •.. ,. uouno UOlI"'lS ' I,e:) rweqesv 'wrIjBu/W'l8 " ., .. , .. ur .... o l,*"ue,,!leN u\fOl rw""r/V 'auqow··········· n"""!~lruo IUi>WalJ u'fOf rwrqriY ' wr!l1lU!W',& ' ... " .. II ' uMO'O ""tr:>aa W<lrH ""'rqr/V '~IUUI&"" """" _ & u"'f"Ol ""l11!M rw"<le/V '''I/IAf/UOH ' •.........• fIJ"SOOJS ""1 i>3qOII rw"l'rv '~IUU!8""" "'" s'IOO'O wepv """H"I pweqr/V ·Wt'\jllu/UUIS·····,··· '"'1 'UOUI'B uod'lI JrPSI pweqr/V .... 0.0:;> lun"'!d ' .... "1 "~' O S!WM lJiKI-'''H pweq' /V 'ARwoSluOW- . . ...... , . ""IJUrllI sweP'l' Ined rWl'QtSV 'WII'II'luIUU!fI ' , .. , ' .. " IPUeJB IfdaSOf 1'*"1'11'1 rweq.SV 'ARwoBWOW " .•. , , .••••• ~ ~ PlMO rwrqqV 'W¥U!UU!S ··"············· p.(og lIilN x~ rwrqr,v '~Ulw"Il "'" UOJMOg Dmil UWl'~ ~l .wrqr,v 'W"l'UIW'IIl " . " ... " ..... ~)I~~ uuv ~IAI9 tweqelV '~:lUaJOfJ" . , .. . •... , .. :kIOOS IJaCIll la!U~a rweqe/V 'UOI~S/~l' , ...•. 3\11,(10 AaoiS~jII/ P'~,,!J! II eweqrlV '~'uo/,/· ... ... .... 'IrlB p.lrMPl UilAal$ ftU.qr,V 'UOSlprW ' . - .......... m!B UO!JrW AxIS3J~ ftUrqr,V 'Wtlj'UIW'IB" .......••. NIiI"'B '''''l1O "~no rwrqr/V 'wr!l1l"IW'19 " .. _. ' •••• p.le;18 "'10 Af>3qw1)/ rweqr/V 'wr!l1luIW' IB" .... , , '11 'Itrag 1taW'1I fl'ell!M rwrqr/V 'aj!ClOW ' ....•..•..•.... MCWfB ;)S!I) nJUOQ rwrq./V 'w'ljllu/W"9 " ........ " f ll n;)MON """""Ile)l rwl'<j'/V 'auqow " _..... , . u!"'PlrB we4'u",~ sal'e\j:) ewrq./V 'wr!l1lulw"B' - ........ ... ~eB 4J<>qr2!1) UHIlS rweqerv 'w"lBu/WI!B" - .•. . , ..• JaJjeB ~ AI""'aQ rw"l'rv ' wrJj8u/UUIS ······· ....•. ' P'!f8 :.>J''''' Awv Pf>!,."J 'Iw'!/'/· ""··"·""··"···· SMo3Jpuv ""tUB JOlIWrl PWftj.jY ·Wt'\jSU,UUIS····· "·· ~V '"4I'V ~"'Jrd fWl'Qt/V 'Wt'\j8u/UUlfl '" , ... UOSIapoJV Ul'IV I'*"IJIW rwrqr/v '~IUO/,/ """" UO$'apuv 'a ....1 sal"4::> rwrqr/v ·"jlqoW ······ _ .. , ... ". MIIV u ....., ~'JOCPQ rwl'Q./V ·~UOI"/- - ,- .. , "'fIU":.>JV U""'1 ;)SsNl'IO rw"'ll'IV ''!m/'P''V ' .... , . I\J 'U04!IIQIV PlOJrH "'P!IIIM rwtqeSV '~.I<JOW ' .. " •.•...•. "'fIU~V At)! ""ur\jdaIS ewl'Ql'/V 'ri<lprtjfl ·"······"··· sURf'V "",r1 "IIIllnooj rwrqt'sv 'W"l'UIW.IIl ··""······· swepv ~U!jII/ ''''Il1'0/
sg6llle~ 'Jeg 01 pan!Wpv sAauJonv
Billy Glen H~II .. . . .. Montgomef)', Alab.lm~ lack Jordan Hall, Jr. . . . . . . . Birmingham, AI~b.lm~ lames Albert Hall, Ir. .... 1uscalOO><l, AI~bam~ William Lee Hanbury . .. . . . ... Florence, AI.b.lma Linda Ma rie Hand ............ . Birmingham, Alabam~ Jona!han S<:on Harbud< . . . . Birmingham, Alabama W illia m Brian Hardegree .. Annis!on, Alabama Wi lliam Denn is Harmon . , girmingham, Alawma Charles William Hart, III. . ... . Ozark, Alabama kevin lohn Hawkins ........... Birmingham, Alabama ViClor lee Hayslip _ . _.......... Birmingham, Alabama Michae l Ell is Hender>Oll .. , ..... Monlgomef)', Alabama Deooran Ann Whitmore Hick. , . , . .. . Eufaula, Alabama Sharon Diane Hindman , .. , ..... ~Iodges, Alabama Lynn Hinkle Hoff , . Birmingham, Alawma Jean McCulley Hokomb ......... Tuscaloosa, Alawma David Frankl in Holmes .... , .. , .. , .. , Mar~(e. Florida Alex LaFayene HohsfOfd, Jr, ..... , .. _Cl~~on, AlaWm. Bobby Joe Hornsby . , .. , , , .. . . , Trussville, Alawma Wi lliam W iley Horton .... , ..... Birmingham, Alabama Michael Gil!)ert H...ey . ... Mobile, Alabama Lisa Jean Huggins ............. Birmingham, Alawma Jan ice Arlene Humber ..... , .... Birmingham, Alabama Joseph Gullalle Hunter. ttt •• , .Gadsden, Alabama Maf)' Pilcher Hunter ...... , ... Birmingham, AI"bama Jeffery Ne;l Hyche ............... Nonhpo<t Alawm~ David Glenn Hymer ... , Birmingham, Alabama Horace Cecil Ireland, III . .. Bitmingham, AJaWm. Alice Eliza!)e!h Jackson _ MOnlgomery, Alawma Janie Baket Johnston .. . . .... ClClisville, Alabam" Geotge Edward K..ssou/ ......... Bjrmin8ham, Alawma James Allred Kee, Jr . ........... Birmingham, Alabama Debotah Hope Kehoe ...... , .... . Mobile, Alabama Polly loye Kella r , ...... ,., ... Mobile, Alabama Charles Michael Ke lly _. _ ... Geneva, Alabama Thomas AI!)eft Kendrkk . ... . ... Bitmingham, Alabama Randal Wayne Key ... , ... . .. , .. , . . lJe<:atut, Alabama David Alan Kimber ley _Gadsden, Alabama Roy Floyd King, Jr , BitminglMm, Alawm. Jerty Eugene Kirby, .. . ...... . .. Bitmingham, Alawma Thomas O liver Kitchens . . . ,. , ,. Roanoke, Alabama Atley Langley Ki !chings . ... .. . . . Bitmingham, Alabama Thomas Cow in Kl'I()wles . . .Momgomef)', Alabama Suellen Powers Lamben ......... Wetumpka, Alabama Margare! Loui.., La!hum ........ Birmingham, Alabama Robert Cleveland Ledbetler , , . . , . 8irmin8h~m, Alabama Susan Joon Leeds . Birmingham, Alabama Paula Dud ley Levi tt _ .. Bitmingham, Alaw"", Richard Wayne lewis .. Bitmingham, Alabama Philip Noah Li..,nb» . . . .. ,Hun!>ville, Alabama WHiiam Aries Lio;enb», Jr . ....... MOnlSOmety, Alabama Ooro!hy Wells LittlelOn ,. Mont8omery, Alabama David Cary Livingston ... Gadsden, Alabama {Ii~abe!h lloyd . ... Bitmingham, Alawma Ellen Agee Lockwood, ........ ,Montgomery, Alawma
Francis Allen long, Sr.. , ........ florence, Alabama 8rax!on Blake lowe . .. 8itmingham, Alawma Gerri Loxiooa Lyles ...... Montsomery, IIlaw"", Teddy Lee Mann . . ..... Bitmingham, Alabama! Charles John Mataya, ,. MontSOmery, AI~bam. Thomas Kelly May, .. , . , .. , Birmingham, Alabama David Lee MCAlister ... . Bitmingham, Alawm. Matthew Clay McDona ld . , ..... . Mobile, AI~b.1ma Patricia Anne McGee ... , .. Birmingham, Alawma Edward Ray McKet', Ir, ., _Hun/5ville, Alabama Si,(er Lynn Marie MCKenzie .. . .. B..mingham, Alab~ma Michael Lyndon McKeriey ..... ,. Birmin)Jham, Alabama Michael Dale MCKibben, .. , .. " Bitmingham, Alawm. loxie Underwood Mclemore __ . . Montgomery, IIlawma Anne Elizabeth McVay . . .... Monlgomery, IIlab.oma Lynn Sensabaugh Merril l .. , .... Montgomery, Alabama Fred Charles Meyer, Jr . ..... . Scotch Plains, New Ict5ey Paul Frederick Meyers, II , . . ,. _Pelham, Alabama Jacqueline Deni.., Miller . . . Tuscumbia, Alawma Ga il livingston Mill s.. . _ ,Bitmingham, Alawma Louis Daniel Mims ...... , . . , .. ... . Mobile, Alawm. Nancy Howell Mi!chell , ........ Birmingham, Alabama Corey Bre nt Moore . , . , .. Birmingham, Alabama Kathy Je"n Moore . , . Birmingham, Alabama John Calhoun Morrow. . , .. . Shoal Creek, Alabama Perry Gerwin Myer, Jr . ...... , . Jackson', c..p, Alabama David Su llivan Neel, Jr. ..... , .. ,Bitmin)Jham, Alabama Roger Andrew Nelson . . .. . Matiella, Georgia Lesley Brackin Newcombe . ., . . Hun/sville, Alawma G regory Alan Nicholas, MontSOmety, Alawm. Brad ley Alan Norton ,Bitmingham, AlaOOma Kennelh Sloan Nunnelley ... . ... Momgomety, Alab.1ma Carl Smith O' Nea l, Ir . ........ , . Birmingham, Alabama Nancy Cooley Osbor .... .... , .. , . Birmingham, Alabama Bri an Kenne!h Parker , . . Vestavia Hills, Alabama Michael Ma x Partain ... Leeds, Alawma Lenor. Wal ker Pate . .. . ,Bitmingham, IIlawm. Roben Manhew Pears . . ..... , . , Homewood, Alabama Regina Ma rie Pena . . . . , .. Hun/sville, Alabama Michael Richard Penning!OfI ... . Bitmingham, Alawma Edmund Payne Perry . .Bitmingham, Alawma Collins Pettaway, Jr . ........... ,Birmingham, Alabama Benne1t Lee PU8h , . .... , .. , ..... Hunl5ville, Alabama Maxwell Horner Pulliam, Jr, ____ , .. . ,Pelham, Alawma Barry Alan Ragsdale . _Birmingham, Alawma David William Rands . , .. . .... Collinsville, Illinois Wesley Clyde Redmond ........ Birmingham, Alabama Davi. Graham Ree.e ,. . . Birmingham, Alabam~ Harry Mason Renfroe, Ir, . Toney, AI~bama Mary Al ice Rhodes ., ,Bitmi"gh~m, Alabama Edward Earl Rhyne, Jr,. . .. 8irmingham, Alabam~ John Burruss Riis .. Mobile, Alabama Roben Murie l Rilchey ... , ...... Bitmingham, Alabam" Manin E"rI Roberts, Jr. , .. . Eufaula, Allbam~ Shaler 5i""lair RobertS, Itt . _, . . fioff:rtee, Alabama
/anwf)' 1986
LiSll Schmidl Robin5Ol' . , .. . .... 8irmingham,"",
aa.w.'i Shrove< RomJ,n •..•..•.•., AI.b,o"",
J'lY Micl><>el Ross ., •............. , cnph~, AI~1rW Karen Ma",,- Ross ................. Pf'IIt.m, AlaNnw Michael Dale Russell . . ... .. ...•..... . Opp. Alamma Steven William Saccocda ... •.... ,. , . Jl!lanl~, ~i. lulie Moe »mmons .•.... . ...• 8lrminJlwn. AI~"", James Rober! Scalco .......... 8irminglum, AWliinw L.... h Fran«'! Sc.11i~ ........... 8irming/I<Jm, AlaNnw Marie Andrew Scogin .•. . . .. ..... Tuscaloosa.. AlaNma W~lter Francis Scon. III .. , .. .•.. 8irminsham, Alabama (US- AI;on Seidel ................ Mooile, AI~ma P<I!rid [);avid Sei .... .. _........ 8rrmingham. Alabun.-o jacquelyn Eudel le Shali ......... 8lrmlngham, A/abun.-o Richard forresl Sharrard . , • . . . ..•.. , 51. Loois. Mi!Souri Terry Alan Sides , •..... . ... . .... , .. ,asper, Alabama Cynthia Brannon Si,mon ........ 8irmingham, AlaN"", Miu Tuck« Smrtt. .......... , . Mobfle. AI.lIa"", Ban~s Thomas Smittl •.•... .. .. , , ..• Dofh.1n, Alaba"", Gary Cha,1es Smith ..... .. . . ... 8irming ham, Alamma lenny Lynn Smilh . ...... .. ........ Vestavia, Alabama john Kenneth Smith ...... . ... . MotUgomo"fY, AI.ab;I"", RicNrd fad Smith .... , , .•.... ,8irminshoim, A!.>bam;! ~1\iI Black Smith ,. . .. . .... TuKOl/oosa, Aw",nw Paul langon So!herland . . . .. ... . 8rrmins""m, Alabama EuS_ Paul SpenCer. II, . .... ... 8,·rminSh.lm. Alabama Cha,1es Averett Stakely, IV ..... . 8irmi~m, AI~nw
Trussville, JIS.1bamo Susan Lynne Srephen5 ...... _ .. 8irminsJwn. JIJ.b,om. Ann Sha*" S!ewa" .... . . . .... MOtUg<lmI.'r'y, Alabama Charles And rew Stewart, III .. .. . MonlgOml'r)', Alabama »oor. )e;on Stewart ...... . .... MoolSjOmery, Alaba"", William Sims 5«>ne •.•......•.•.... 81a~1y, Georg'a Phillip Cillis Srutl$ ............. 8lrmlngham, .... jo§eph Raymond n .. . ....... . Mobile, Alabama
Rober! HcrY>eI Slar. . .•. .. . .....
sum .....
Patrick Ma"in Sullrvan . .......•.... Mobile, A/aha"", Riclwd Harrell bylor ...... , ..... Mobile, Aw",nw Marle)osepli Tenhundfeld .. , , ...... Mobis.., AI~nw Do,,.,1d AI"" Thomas ........... Birmingham, Alabama Stella Evans Tiplon ., . .... ... , . Birmingham. Alaoom. Sylvia Estelle Tucker ..........•.. Pro1p«t, Tennesse-e Brendy Alan Ty", .............. Birmingham, AI. bun.-o jo5eph Stevm UpchuKt. .......... T.IIa~, Alabam. koben Anen Vaughn, II ...•....... . ,DKaIllf, ~i. David Windell Vickers ' . , , .. . . . ,DoIhan, Alabama Timochy Ray Wildswonh . . ........• _Helen.>, A/alum. pcob Allen Walker. III ............. 0000ih, .... Billy Ray WeathlnglOn, /r . .... , .. Birmingham, AI.OO"", Midlael Coleman While .. •. , .....• . Mobf~, A/~OOma Deborah faye Wilkins .. .. ..•... ... A(kjjson, AI~ba .... u'ry Morgan Willi ams .. ........ . . /rond.Ile, Alaban,.. Marie Thomas Will iams ......... Birmingham, Sue Elil;abe\h Willi~ ....•. . Bi,mi"pm, A!.>bama D.wid MacAnhUl W ilsQIL ...... . Birmins/lam, Alaoonw David c..orge Willes. I,.... ...... Coodw~W', A!a""ma james Pettigrew Woodson, lit ..... Tusc~/ooQ, A!~"", DoNid Marion W.ighl _....... , Birmingham, AI~ma j;on'lf!S lloyd Wright .. ___ . , , •. ,Greensboro, JII~ judi z"rza", WUIm .... . ....... 8irmingh;un, Alabama Ri chard lynn Wyatt .... . ....... Birmingham, Alabama Fall 1985 6a.r Exam Sl311~ics oIlntefeSl Numbeo' Sinin.g 10< [urn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 Numbeo- Cenif~ 10 Supreme Coon ... . .......... 167 Cenlfical>oo Rate , .... . .......... .. . . ........ 70"Cenif"alion P~rcenuges: University of Atabor"", _...•..•..•. _ .....•.... 84
Cumberland ,.
• ....... ,............. .... 83
Alabiurra Nonacc:~i!ed
law Schools ............ . .... ... ... ,."., .37
• Opinions of the General Counsel Continued lrom p;age 24 All .ldvertisemcn ts and copy for the March 1986
issue of The Alabama L.awyer are due no later than 1.,nu.lfY 27, 1986.
in a p!l.'Viou$ represenlillion 01 a former client and ,,~ ,epee ,tarion iUCh former dient ,~ No the me'e SUbje<:1 mailer of the 1W(l
The opinIon d the Supremo! Coon of At./:I;I"", in U. Parte SUI(' farm MUl~1
JIuwmobis.. Insurance Ca., supra.. sumomrires the "WbsIarrtiat relationship" le5l
as follows: · 'n f~ p;ane ~Ior C~I Co., wpriI, thi s Coon .doped the ~ntial relationship' IflI for delermining wherhe< an at· tomeo(s prior ~lion oIa elien!
is groonds for his disqualification from ~tinlJ II paOy againlol the former
client If the former clienl wiVres ro h.:r.e the auomeydisqualified, he need shew only lha!lhe ma"ers Ollne causes 01 ie· lion irM;>l\4!d in the pendin8 action are sulmJntially relaled ro the matters or causes 01 action d the pl'iO< represer>t.llion. This 1~ is di~insuished in U. porte Tay"" Cool Co. lrom the confidenlia l roo lalionship t~ wherel7; an objeo:tio8 pII'. fy """Id ~ 10 show the actwl r:onfodence c~ 10 the~ (469
So. 2d al 575)
de opportunities I
23-25 MIDWINTER CONFERENCE Hyan, Birmingham
Sponwred by: Alabama T,ial l.;Jwyers Association fur Information: (20S) 262-4974
16 thursday
REPRESENTING AG RICULTURAL ClIENTS Hol iday Inn SO\HhwesL Jack~ Sponsored 1:>;: Un iversity 01 Mississi ppi Center for for Cont inuing Legal Education Cred its: 7.2 For Info rmation : (601) 962-6590
25 saturday
Sponsored by: Profes,ional Educati on S~tems, Inc. Credits: 6.6 COS1: $95 For Information: 1-8()().82&-nS5
Birmingham Sponsored by: Profes5ional Education S~t"ms, Inc. Credits: 6.6 Cos!: $95 For Information: l.a<JO..a26-715S
19-23 MIDWINTER CONVEN TION lake Buena Vista, Florida Sponwred b>(: Association of Trial<,<. ye~ of America
Cost S17S1members;
S2101nonmembers For Inlormalion: 1-8()().424-2725
MIDWINTER SEM INAR Grand Hote l, Point Clear SponsoreO by: Mobi le Bar A5sociat ion Credi ts: 4,0 R>r Information: (205) 433-9790
30 thursday BASICS OF CONSUME R LAW LiJw Cen(er, TuscalClOS<l Sponsored 1:>;: Alabama Bar Ins(iMe for
CLE and the AmeriCiln Sar Associa(ion 1:0>(: $120 Credits: 5.4 For Informati on : (3 12 ) 988-6200
BANKRUI'ICY LITIGATION INSTITUTE Holiday Inn on Union Square. San Fran· cisco Sponsored 1:>;: law and Bus iness. Inc. Cred its: 1(18 Cost: S395 For Infmmation: (2011 4 n.;r4OO
30-31 GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS II Hyal1, los Angeles Spon>Oted t¥1American Bar Association Cred its: 141 Cost: $400'members; $42S1nonmembers For Infmmation' (3 12) 981l-62oo
31 friday APPELLATE PRACTICE Ci~ic Ceoter, Birmingham Sponsored 1:>;: Alabama Ba r Institute for
Credits: 7IJ For Information: (205) 348-6230
Hil ton, Birmingham
Sponsored by: Alabama District 111..
IOmeys Association COS!: $80
fur Information: (lOS) 261·41 91
SOCIAL SECUR ITY DISABILITY LAW Atlanta Sponsored~: IClE of Georgia For InformatIon: (404) 542·1!21
9-13 JUVEN ILE JUSTICE Fairmont, New Orleall'; Sponsored by : Nationa l College 01 Juvenile Justice Cost $2501members; S275'nonmembers For Information: (71)2) 784·6012
13 thursday TRUST AND G IFT nCHN1QUES FOR FINANC ING CHILDRE N'S EDU· CATION law Center. TuscalClOS<l Sponsored 1:>;: Alabama Bar Institute for ClE and ALI-ABA Credit>: 5A COSt: $120 For Information' (205) 3 48-6230
January r986
I \
27 thursday
20 thursday
MEDICA L MALPRACTICE GoYer""" ~, MonIgOmery Sponsorf!d by: Alaba ..... -SUte flar Credits: 10 Cost: ;ncluded in M~r
Spon~!.>t: Alabama 8af InSlilute 10<
Civi<; C~te" Montsome<Y Spon~ ..... : Alabama Sal Im.tilute 10<
Credits: 6.0 For Information: (205) 348-6230
C...dilS: 11) For Inform.llion: (205) 348-6230
Law Cen~er, TlOCaloo!.a
20-21 GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS II Hyatt, Wolihinston
SoomorOO by: AtnefiQn 8M As~~ion Credit" 14.7 Cos!: $.oatmemben; S42~
Fot lnlormalion: (312) 988-6ZOO
MeeI;ng regi~r.llion Ie!!
for Information: (2051 269-1515
28 friday
21 friday
ADVAN CED REAL PROPERTY lAW Winfrey Hotel, 6irminglwn
Civic Cen~, 8lrmin~m ~ by: AIabiIm;a Ibr Institute lot
Sponsored by: Al~oo ...... 6;1, Ir$irule io<
ctE Credits' 11) For Inlormilion: (205) 348-6230
Credits: 71fo< Informa1ion: (20S) )48-6230
fORENSIC EVIDENCE N,,"" Sponsored ~: IClE 01 Georgi.a For Informarlon: (404) 541.1121
( OUm
Regen~ HoooIulu
Sponsored !lv: AlJ...'lIA
Credits: 22.8 Cosl: S425 for Inlormallon: (21 S) 24).1600
Sponsored by: The Medial Quoolity
7 friday
CivM; (<<lief, 8irmingham
Sponsored by: Alaban\a 8<0, )nSliMe kif
Cre.:JilS: fU) For Inlormallon: (20S! 348-6230
PROCE D URE Sponsored by: (elE 04 ~a For InionNI,on: (404) 542-1121
Foundation C...:.IilS: 14.'1 COSl: S12S for Information: POl) 43],33))
28 friday RANKING lAW Winfrey Hotel, 6irmi"""'m Sponsored by: Alabama 6;lr In~ilute io<
E.\1PI.O't'MENT DISCRIMINATION DoubIeI_ Inn, 00011M Sponsored by: So•.nhwe~lern leg<ll
The ~in, O.U", SJ>On..,r~
by: Southwestern legal
foundation For Information: (214) 690-2377
fo, Information: 121 4J 69(1.2377
Credits: 6.S
For Inform~rlon: (205) 348-6230
Lawyers in the Family
Charlf>!; M. relly (1985) and /.lmes W Kelly (1950) r~dmjn~ and farllf?tJ /. Cuin (1985) and Judge I. Fey Cuin. k (1948) (admiUee and fa!lIer)
A LinSley KIlChing, (1985) and Nley A Kitching, (1950) (admitr.,.. ~nd far"",)
'led. A Mill, (1984); Gai/livingston Mill, (1985), David C Uving,ron (1985/; Alan C Livi"gs/On (1973); and lack Livings/on (1950) (,pouseJbtOlhe,-in-law, admitt""',;,",,, admiueelbrolher, brolherlbrolher·in-Iaw and uncle)
!anwry 1986
ROOM M. I'Nn (1'N15) and c;.,ry C fNrl (19761 /Mtm,ure ~nd btoIhetl
Ndl Bry~n {198SI a"d ludse /Ohn N. Bryan, I •. (I9S5) (ddmjtll... and /;tlhet)
C""r1... Io.ndMon rI'N15) and "'mes IuIdcr:soo (1979) /Mtmiuee and broI.'-l
Dfoborah Lynn 10.11..,. (1985) .md L M"f· 'ay 10.11..,., )•. (1959) (adm/nre and i;!1/Jetj
Iohn B""'''J1 Rill (1983) ~nd ["'11, Rllt
It. (195J) (dd,mure.nd filther)
M~fk E. f"'1er (1985) and
knnem T.
I .. IIfo. (1957) r.dmjure and Qlhet)
/ame! Milton Copeland (1985); W,I)'nt' Copeland (19$1); and frank Iv. Bailey 11(83) (admineoe, fa,ne, and cousin)
lVilUam Harold Albritton, IV (1985) and WilUam Harold Alb,i!lon, III (1960) (adm;nl'l! and father)
Mary Pircher Ilunrer (198$); joe T. Pilcher, /r., (1953), and John f. Pilche, (1981) (admilt~""f', falne, and brothe')
Ri<:hard Cary De<ln. Ir. 09851; Den;se Boone Aza' (19841; GeoJj;e Be'nard Al<" (1956); and Edward /. Azar (1947) (adm;ul'l!, COilsin, uncle and uncle)
lanuary 1986 f. ,'~ 1/985) MId HoIlyL 1ilia (m!) /'(/'",/l1'!' .nd 1,>11'<.;....1_)
K~ll>er"'e Corl(y (1985) ~nd /)on;lld (. Corky (1969) ladmmf!e and f.ul>er)
/. 8.lnl(y Cavender (1985) and Co Paul C"·('t1(/er (1984) I_dmil/I'!' and broIherl
/.Iek Jordon HoIII. Ir. (1985/.00 jack /. Hall. Sr. (19S5) (.wm,,_.mcJ wlher)
~ndr~ C.rlln win (1985) and /.Imt'1 C. Win, 11/ (1980) (adm,U,,", and ~Ujb;Jnd)
rros,,", McGee (1985) and M. Clinton McGee (1940) (admit/I'!'.nd I.ltller!
Balry Alan Ragsdale (1985) ~nd /oiIn Cro.vde, Ragsdale (198J) (admillee and wi"')
~cob Allen \'.(,Ikf'" !II (19851 and ~cob Allen Walker. I,. (1949) (.dmmee and
/(enlK'rh u... Cleveland (1985/ and Charies Clewland (1952) (a dmirree and
John Clemen, 8,u,k;ewicz (1985); Donald llmo,e 8,u,kiewicl (1954); Donald l. B,u,kiewicz, I,. 1/979); and Henry Nedl Cook (1985); (admiueefcousin, father/unde. brothetkousin and admmee!
lanuary 1986
Lis,} P. fa nn (l9.'J5) and Rober! P. F~nn (1985) ( wjfe .nd huJlwnd ~lne.MJ
Chm Me""" Dt~« (1985) ~nd 10m Dt~ (1963) (.wmlfrce "nd hu5bandJ
BE A BUDDY Wilh lho;: number 01 new aUorney5 oncreasing and tho;: """""'" 01 ,obi decreasing, more and more ~norney5 .we <pa>g.nto prachce on lhe. own lind rro55 rhe bene· fill 01 lhe <XIUJ'lMIing 01 more .,.""' ... ........:1 PBCh'ooners. The Alabama Slale Bar Corrmou<!e on Local Bar AcIMroes and Senocu is sponeonny ~ "Buddy PfoSJ""'" 10 prOVIde """"" bar """"ber. a leIJow. .,.. ~ lhey may oonsuk l I~ tonIronl a problem. need ro 0Ifk a que:sloon. or s.rPt ~ df..:tionl to lhe cour1houH.
Ch.1t/es A.. Srewart, 1/1 fm5/; ""'" 5""5"" $1<"Wa!l (1985); and Willi.m A.. S""5"" (1911 1) (c!Nrlmiu~ /husboloo and wile1 ilnd broIhet,I... I~1>et)
If }IOU ar" .. lawyer who """ rl!Cemil! ~n .. practICe and .........leI IiI<e to """" ~ lawyer In \IOUI area 10 cal on occasionaly lor ~ or if}lOU are tho;: more ex~· rierICed priICl~ioner with v<JlUllble If'Iformation and advice you'", wiling 10 slwe. please ccmpIe!e and rerum the Iorm below. Vour pao"ll( ' opaIion in I.... Pf'9"'" ..... certamIy beneIit It. biw i!IoS a whole.
------------------------------Loca1 Bar Activities and Services Buddy Program Application
N__ ______________________________ F...... N........ tif applic .. ,,",) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
Add..... _______________ ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SIDre _ _ _ _ _ __ Zip _ _ __ __ Ci. y T .......... _______________________________ D N_~
Pleas.. re''' .... '0: AI<oba"", S UIre Bar, P .O . 80. 4156. MonISOm"'ll. Alaba"", 36 10 I.
f'<llrick M. Sullivan 11'M3); Ioscph C. Sullivan, St. (1932); and ~ C. SuIIIV.n, I~ (1910) (.wm,uee l.illl« .nd
""''"'' "
Lucie U. Mclemore (1985) and Ken",-~h
W Underwood. Jr. (/949) (adm;u".. and "Iher)
ChJr/f'$ Gran/ham f/aldwin (1985) and l\IiIliam H. fJ./ldw;n (1951) (admiuee arid "thf'r)
Narory HOWf!!I Mitchell 119851 and W fa)()n MitcJwl! (1975) (admiu .... and husband)
Susan fliZil~lh Baker (1985); Janie Baker }ohn5/()I1 (1985); Clyde Dilmu$ 8aker (1977); arid John Manin Baker (1967) (ro-admiu"..s and cousin/brother) {cousinsJ. ,,!her/uncle
January 1986
BfNf'rly 1'oolt BJI<e. (1985) and James K. 8Jke. (/967) (admJuefI and hu~/).;JndJ
Maurn...., Cliry McOoniold (1985) and Ma.k ChJtles McDol!.ild (1982) (admjl_ let' and ~1Iet)
WIllet Maxwell Dorr, It. (1985) and i<:>'\nne Ht ndersoo Dot. (1985) (husband and wjfe admjllrel)
Telecast Schedule 1986* (as of November 1, 1985)
oAn (Noon-! p. m.
January 16, 1986 January 30, 1986 February 13, 1986 February 1986 March \3, 1986 March 26, 1986 "'pril 10. 1986 ... pril 22 , 1986 May 8, 1986 M.Jy 22. 1986 Juno:' S, 1986 Juno:' 19, 1986 10 Be ... noounced·
Thursdiry Thursday Thursdiry ThuMiry ThuMiry
... LI .... IVI
Liquor Liabiliry Liligation Basics of Comume. la'w Tru~t and G ift Techn ique5 10< Financing Children·s Educalion Emerging Theo<ies of ~ liabihry Tri.1 tadics Legal Audi": Advi~ng Corporations about f'I:Irential Liabilities Vv'ill Orafling ~ing Fraudulent Claims How /0 Recognize a Ml.'dical Mootplaclke Use PrtJkssi(l(l,)l Liability of A<:rountams I'ftlsion 10 Be "'noouncoo New Ta. Acr
ABA ... LI .... IVI
... LI .... IVI ... LI .... 8A
T""",," Tho",,"
ABA ABA ... U....8A.
ABA Ta. Section
P~ula D. l.e\-in (1985) and Ronald H. l.e\-in (1983) (admitt"" and husband!
Chal/es Avereu Stakcly. IV, (1985) and Charles A.-erett s!')kely.!!!, (1960) (admitlee and fa lher)
lAmie! f. Boone (1985) and Deni5e 800ne AZJr (1984) (admit«.~ ~nd niece)
Char ter Memb er S 01 Li tigallon See tion Sought S,xty bar members 3nended the organ izatlor,al meetIng 01 Ihe proposed Alabama State Bar lItIgation SectIon July 26. 1985. Proposed sectIon goals are' 11) provIde a larum wher e al l (rial attorneys may meel and dIscuss common problems; 12) undertake an extenSIve educational prog ram 10 Improve !he cOmpetency 01the tlta l bar. and (3) improve Ihe elllclenc ~ , un iformIty and econo my 01 ht igatlon and work to curb abuses ol lhe lud ic ial process. Cha rIer membershI p dues 01S 15 II year were set , Al l l a w~ers ,nterested in improving (he" skitls as lillgalOrs an d advocates are urged 10 join P lease send a phOIOCOPY ol lhetoltow lng applicallon Wl lh you, chec k lo r $ t S payable to Alaba ma State 6 ar litigatIon SectIon. CI O Charles M CrOOk. Treasurer. PO 60x 671, Mo ntgomery Alabam a 36101 Charter Membefship App lication Name: ________________________________ BUSIness Address' _____________ _ __ _
Busmess Telephone' _____________
R. Alan AICl«lnder (1984) and Stephanie K. A!exander (198S) (husband and admin ....)
Conl mltlee Prelerence' (choose onel
o Membershi p O GLE o law schools :ia ison
o Newslener
o Annual meeting o FInan ce
/anwry 1986
HUGO BLACK CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION IUiolia Hugo Black and 1M COntillutlon, 1937 · 1971 1M Unive""lyol ALaNm.I School of law March 11· 111. 1986 .... pon of. _ _ of .... IODI~ __ - . . of .... U.S. SuF'f"W c - . }.I... H,.L ........ n..u..;~ of '-'- ...aprOMtll.-...-.....m. 11· , .. , .... 1'.... 1cI_ .. '... "'... _..w __ ........ of"_.·. _ ............... ;.rioIt . ~ . ..... othoI.o. Thoy will of .... 50 ........ Coun in - . . . , , _ ..... .... Coun·. _~ ...... C-i"" I"" .....
"',......IIIocIo........... _,kilo .. ,........
In oddI,jon" ' hoi 1 " " " , _ ",,-. I..... w'D .......... IOtioI _ _ dun .....1U<f.,..... • " ..... i .... ,1>< iII ..... ,I>< Ik ";Ih ,hoi '""" p"IIIcIp'"". n.. conf.. I..... otI ... 11 ... hold 011 of Th< U... ..,;1y 01 "lobo.... I. T_oIoooo. .....1>0""'. F<>t ...... inIonn.ljon ....., .. ..p.<.. ,kIIo ...Iffi.... wril<,
conf<ffR<t ...
_'"""y" _ ..... .. co"'.....
0-.0-100 W. GomWo
n.. UIIi...-sl,y of ",..",. s._", ~
P.O. Bo;; lOS lhu-.iIy. A1._
M • .-c~ I ' · II. 19111.
Thom~ and Lynn Stockton, all cogi.
< .~
~ produced a pmepl~ wllh two queSlionlaMwer boob, a game bo.ud in the design of a Iootool l field and a o.,.e linste3d of dice). Craig's group hunted down m.lnv of l\ubvrrf, most ;wid loot· 0011 faO$ and 5ea~hed media HUio:les and old Joocb,)I1 PIOSfiInls. Aher countless hoors of setting questions poookd ~ typed, their eHons resulted in 1)00
• I
0 0
1! v•
"Auoorn TI~ Trivia" is divided into CRt,. left, Ntd Sp.uks Imide !he down!own Ioatiotl 01 Hibben Spo.anS Goods
ATTORNEYS MARKET TRI VIAl Two members d the AI~b.:Ima BJI ~
applied the Socra1ic to a nivial pYr$Uit Mark C,.ig. an Auburn gr~u.t<l who practices in Decalur. and Larry
Sparks. an AI.b.:Irna ,.aduale who pr;>elices in Birmingham, ~ produced fool· 0011 ~<d games which are licensed, <:OJ7!'>Oemarked ~ "",rke1ed rommen:i.Uy. IIoIh games are $Old throughout the Slate cI Alabarnlo in sportins soods ~om, 8ift shops, booIcstom and (\epaltmi!'nl _ and by mail order. The s->mes ~ ~ on the ITI.iIrkt ;loppnlO<imately si. tOo l!ishl mo.lIhs.nd toseehH h3Ioe had s;o~ 01 appro>;imaiely 4,000 games prior 10 DKenbet 1985.
ENDARY NOTRE DAME STAR. lany Sp;i~ (feiI!ed "Tlde Tri~ w ilh the help of. p;irtJJf!l', Ron RiCNrthon, a physial therapi~ and 1':IC~lalNma fool· t..11 playe<'. "\Ne started kickln8 aJOUnd the idea 01 ;lf1 Alabama trivia game about "I"a. ago. AI that lime, no oneel5e had come out with anything likOl il." To prep;lte their 1.(122 qU<lSl ions, wt.iCt. (;NCr matmial dating If(>m 1892, Sp;lrks and
Mark Craig, 'iWburn Tiger Trivia" Larry Sparks, ''TIde Trivia" Ritt.ardson went througll the Iootl:tall arch ives at Gorgas Library in Tuscaloos;l ~nd at the Birmingham Pub lic Library. They Interviewed pl~ poured (M.'f old newsp.>perclippings and talked witt. !by ~rkins and members of his staff. WlYt started ~s • t.obl-.,- QUickly grew I.... 10 a business enterprise.
QUERV: WHAT FORMER ALABAMA LINEMAN HAD A SONG WRITIEN ABOUT HI M~ Tile end ~h of Sparks' effom. .. a boa«I pme in which !hi!! pI~_ down a Joocb,)II f.eld pme boord a .... swe<;"lI QU""I~ ff(>m fi~ c.legor;e.: pl~rkoach~.. nickn.m~ .. hir.tory, prne5lbowl pmesand n~ phy. If the pa.,. scores a ~, he ~ 10 a second ~ of CiUegor;e. ~Ihe ~Aubum ~ "fen. neswoe ~ Sug;lr Bcwl games and ..... ti(IfUl cNmpioniJIips. The game is p;l1· temed .>lIer an Alab.m\a 5e<tSOO, Ihe 90;11 being 10 win all games. ;od""nce to the Supr 8a.Y1 and then 10 the National ChampioniJIip.
QUERV: WHAT WAS SHUG JORDAN'S f iRST NAMEl Mark Craig. with the assiSt.lOCe of three Aubum classmates, Monty Cross, Ted
fi"" c.otegOri~: ~ pln<lt and_ sons, 0\lIl00I'fI1§, ~I ~ COiChes. Y.lrdase is ~rded b each queWJn ~ swen!d COfreclly. and players can _ wnic.olly and I>ori:wntally on the oo.rd. Tile y."d.8I' Hi ...... depend. on II>e diffi. culty of the question with tile objed being 10 !iCore as manv touchdowns as P'* sibl~ while ouKJistatl(inH )Q\'r OppOrIent aloog the~.
QUERY: WHAT WAS THE BIGGEST ODDITY SURROUNDING THE 1971 GATOR BOWL GAME BETWEEN AU BURN AND OlE M ISSl Both games h;r.e obtained licoosing lrom CoIlegiates Concepts. Inc .• a licensing agent lot colleges and unh,erslties, whkh is headed bot 8ill a..ule. a Iotmer Alabam.o pI~ The licensing ~t will recei~ a pen:oot.w! of II>e prOCeed, of each game sold and at Ie~ hall of that amount will go 10 the respecti~ school. Borh g¥ne5loe1l KfO'IS the COUIlIet kif S24.95. ~l\ubvm Tiger Trivi'- can be 0btained lrom CUB Corpor.Ition, Box 1802. Decatu~ At 15602, (add U.50 kif ~ iUId handling! and""Tode Trivia" can ~ ~ throuW! Numbe< One. loc., PD. Box 19702, 8inningiwm, At lS219 (1OIa1 mail pri~ incloo ing tao and handling cha<gti. $29.20). •
Ans..en to Irl~ia quesllons: !Use 61 Qn:>/ Ann Smith ;, a 81i1M1e 01 8irminshamSouthem College and the Universily of IIlabam.o Scltool 01 '-'. She is i partner with the Birminsham firm 01 S(,1rnes & IItchison and ~~j IS the auociate editor 01 Tile Alabama ~r.
Janulry 19B6
Emergency questionnaire Professional Liability Captive You. I n",'''rw:~ Programj Commit1ee continues to seek " solution to the (ur· <tnt (risis in the ~sionalliabil;1Y In'iU/ance matIoeI for AIabamo ~ One ,~ sugs,estion i. It... ..-ba(s lor. rNlion d " capti...e rnedw>i"" (bo ••
0Nned i,",,~ amp,""!I. Mo /aaoti haw a signifocml impact on SIoIdl " ~ TIlese IU'!! m broad po1rtidp;ltion b,-
memhe"hip and (21 fe-insurance
this at the Mid~a , Conference on M.;!rch
ca pabilities.
19-20, 1966, in Montgomery.
The capli~ curren/Iy ~ bv se-en orher S(;Ite bars hM! done !Y.O Ihings: 0) !he _ ilabWIy d ~ inl (2) mainl.Oined" r<lti,. Sl.JbiIit,< ~ \OOUId boo. 00. go.ol~ If !he noenbe.r.hip ~ wfft6ent SlIfIPO"l for this ~ the committee will seek 10 M... a forum on
\~ need I"'''' immedi~te 300 undid reponM! 10 d\;s ~i~ bctIloOIe
pr~ ~Id ""fI(W'd. ~ one Pf<' ton lor i>J1 Hons true ~j~
of Me) (X more Iawjoers. Each penon in " "Wring d ~ 3nd e<pemes" ",. ran(leffil'flt r.hoold respond individ~lIy.
Please Respond Today .... __ ........., ~~---------------------------------------, N'"' _______________________________________________________ ,, AODRESS ___________________________________________________________
,, ,
INSURER'S NAME ___________________________________ HO.V LONG ______ fORMER 0\RRIER (If CHANGED IN LAST TWO 121 yEARS) __________________________________ R~N
FOR CHANGE _______________________________________________________
SIZE Of FIRM _ ____________________________________________________________
A General Practitioner's Introduction to Trademark Law by Hirold See
Tradern;orks and umoi. competition ~'" _.>'I d ~he ' - f~Jy aflectinglhe gJenefill prlIClilione< <>nd business ~ Si.- !hey ~ .... ..-lioMd along witfl patents "nd copyrighu" it is.....rul 10 di!linSU1r.h 1 ' - maiOf looms of "intelleo;lU,,11'fOI)erI'(.'
Definitions The Ih~ major caregorieo aI intellec-
tual ~ are po_Is, cOJ>Irighr. and trademarks. Rough delinitiOOi of these three follow: A.
A po!en! ;, ..
~1JIOri1y ~ " ...
I'.t ~ nt
""""y •
~ 1M 0< ~ .. n...:'"nr.
rer; 0< .. poooK<. 8 . C....,.risht ... «Ipyf1ght i. .. fM....
~,.orHI' ~ " ... oopoIyoht~
_I<>IM naN !O ~. <I;.,,;.. pMorm or d;sploy certain 0.1,1".1 work. 0( autho"hip. 8.>siclolly, proI«1ion It ~jMl COW In8.nd e.!i:nd. 0011' to lhe loon aI bY~
C. Tt..wm..rIc " u>dom.orl< (0( _ I is . _low..,....; """""I>011' in !he nih! 10 1M a ........ on IIOO<k IO~ !hem ... cominI lrom • p.r!icuLor oou"'" lor "" • bvsineM 10 idtnbly Ihe ~. Thete _Itdffiol ond >IM~" lion IoChernft.
A Primer on Intellectual Property, Part III January 1986
Soun:(' of f~1 authorit y Th(' United ~ Con~'Iu
lion, "'"kle I, Seclion S, pn:lOo'ides:
"TheCooweso .... 11 " - _ • . , (1) 10 ret:ul~e Commen:e wi'" Iote<an
N.rion., and amons The _01 S101"'. and wi, ., The Indian Tribe< .. . (SI1:>~the",-oIScIMct
ond uoet..I ....... by _urins lot Lmilod T...... "' ........... "'" ~ ..,.. 1he ~ ..... 10 their ~ ~,\«' Wrili"5S and DOor:.,... ft1I!$ • • , ,N
Clause (81 Is the ~ro! 01 /edel'3l Jl(M'er oYei palenT. and copyrigllts. By applica. lion oIlhe supremacy clause confl iC1ing stale law mUSI yield. Clause (3) Is the ~ro! 01 /Mer.I1 authority lor a Ir..ue. m;lr!( regiSl1'311on system. The,eioo(', "IthousIIlede<al regi.rtarion 01 n;odenurb is ~miled 10 in~<u o """,ce. paIenIS and copyrights are 00l. TRADEMARK u.w "lanham !v:.1; IS U.S.c..... §§1051·1127; The Alaba"", Tr.>demark Act. A!abama Code
U8-12-6-3.12-19) 1. Who m;ly p •• ctice l. aMm ..... law Although /Mer.I1 regiSll'3tion is wilh the f>~tenI and T~k Office (f'lO). ~ IInomey m.Jy ptaetice II'3!Iemark ~ bebe the f'lO Of in coutts 10 which he Of ~ is admined.
1. A lraMm ..... T,<Klemark law is an oulglONlh 01 c0mmon law unfalrcompelition. It relates 10 "marks" t.... t identify good s as coming from a ~ngle S(lUn:e. The doctrine .... s bft1I e<tentled to c...... "'Nice m;lri<!, which idenlify !;('<Vices ~ coming from
a single JOUn::e.. Since the de\d
oIltademark ~. lhe temo unfair competition uwaliy ~ to the 1_ rJ "lfadoo. names." While the I...... 01 tr.xlemilrb and seNiC(' m.rI<s ~ates to goods and setvices, trade name law ",Iales 10 txosiness names. ThJt is •• lrade name idenlifies a paniculdf txosiness. H..... are f()m(' ~I definitklns from the ledefal SI3Iute (§lIm. lhe ~ham AcL The wrmetemos are defined ~miWly in the ~AcL
"The '"'" ~rk' Indudf,s ¥or .....,...,t. Ofdo!vice 01...,. combi.,..;.,., IheA!oI odopttd and .-:I
by. fNnuloctu~ Of ~t to ~
lily hio goods "'" dioI~ them from ttoo.e ......uI.ocIut.d Of wid by (b)~_rk
"The ""'" 'loe<Y« mark' _ _ • mark ~ in 1he sole Of aa-tislns 01 """len to idenlily the wr;ias 01 ..... _ alld di~lnl"i,"" them from the "'rvias 01 0Ihen.. TItles. ch,u,.ct<:r names and 0Ihet dlul~ ~u~ 01 radio Of Ie"," ....... PftlItarns ....... be ~ 0!<YIce marb rocrowiIhsut>dins .... Ihoy, Of the """'....""..., ~ IhI goods 01 the opot'I$Of."
""The _
'trlIde .............. """'" mem..1 fIMr'If:' ,nclude Individ ...1 ........ andwrnomes,Amonamo:sand lrode """"" ...ed by ~ ind"'tri.t;s.ts, ~N, a,ricu ltu,; .... .nd ~ to idcfl!ify lheir bllSl~ w:>ealions, Of occupotiom; lhe names Of lil~ lawfully ados>Ied "'" ~ by PMOnO. 6rms, inlOClalioOK, COI"j><lfr MIn<, wmponoes, ........ ond ...,. ~ incIu>Iriol WI'.roero;:Wt, ~Ofolhef~ ~ in IIlde Of ,.'""c~
su.,. t-:-
apaIW of cou~ 01
and belfo:r; !<.oed in •
The difference OOt"ftn mark" whether Trademarks Of seNlce marks. and lrade n<lmes may be epitomiled by lhe OOIioro I.... t tr~ Mmes relate to bos~ nesses while muks rel.;ote to specifiC I!O'xk Of services. II diSlinclion is dr.Hm between ..... rb (0< "\rlldemarb" when the term is used e>cpanslYely) and tr.ode ...ames one ~incipal fNKiIl. Un!Ier boll. rroe..l I"", (§§1051-10S4) and Alaba"", I"", (j8-12.;» marl:$ Ihal meet the Slatulory f",<uirements are regi,uable. but trade names are 001. The gme words Of s~mbols m1Jlol serw in more than """ ~ m.Jy be a trade...ame that idenlil\es a panic:. ubo comp;!<v, il fII1JIoI be a tr.odemark thai identifies. particular S(lUn:" 01 COJOI'ing machines; and it m.Jy be • se.vice marl< thai identifoes a paniculow soun:e of c0mputer """,ir se<Vices. It fII1JIoI be registrable as a mark. but is not reglstl'3ble in its Ir.xle name capacity. In what follows. principles oI_nership and infrin~t
will be the somewhetherone Is d lKUSSifIJI m;lrls Of trade n.ames, bul when Iegiscl'3tion is discussed the principles will apply only to tr.oderna<ks. (In addition to trademarks and se.via "",rks the unham I>a. but not lhe Alabama Act. creates two additional types 01 marks. These are "collectiw m.rks" and "cem fiCillioro marks"' (S 1I2n. Collec. Ii\«' mark. are used by collecti~ ,,""',obeoihip in the orp>lzation. CM,focation marks are ..... ned by one tNn the tM'Ilef of the goods, aond used to certify ....... ~r.Jdetistic of the goods. sudI ~ region;tl Ofigin Of c0mpliance 01 lhe goods w ill. certain standard .. )
3. Ownership of a marie or ...ame
Ownership of marks and tr.lde names it a ""'tie< of SI.1te common ~. arod depends on USoI! and conSUtnef identif... GIllon. IIl.>b.>m;I has retOSIlized this COfM'OOn I"", right in S8-12-1. ... mark or ...ame muse be used, and muse be GIl»" bIe rJ Identifying the goods,l('rVices or business d the ....... Ownership depends on the ability d the mark or name to identify the source of lhe goods with wh ich it is associated. Th is in tum depends on tw:m the COOlS<rming public: does or will ~"" the m;lrk. II is not necesary thai the public know the idenlity rJ the pooo:Iuceo- 01 the soods; il is .... licient """ the public would belo- ~II I!O'xk lao..i<!d with tNl m.ork orisinate wilh Of a re sponsornd by the ume sovrce. ro. f%lmple. a package might be labeled "Rose r.-.tal P~per Plales..· The COOlS<rming publ ic is unlikely 10 beliew. Ihat ~1I "p;!per plates" originate wi1h the
s.anlC KlOrce: therefore, "Pilper pl~les" v.oold no! ~rve ~ tri>dcmark func1ion . On the OIher hand, theconwming public mighl ....ell beliM! that all "Rose Petal" p.ilper pI.;Iles do OIigi""le Wllh the s,ome KlOr,;e. If a mark is wtrociently amltraty, I¥>cifulor coined, the ~hW at the ~rk 10 wggesl ~ p;irhcul~r origon ~ be.p' pa ....... wilhoul ""'Y '>htming at lhe abili, ty 01 the ~rk 10 do so. On the OIher !wid, if ~ marlc periorMl a descri~Jve function, il stiliflY'( ~fo,," • IraderNr&; funclion, ~ only if lhe ~r&; ~ come 10 designate origin. This is ~red 10 as """,ond.Jry meaning." 1M tenn ___ dary me.>ning" ~ 10 the chronologial oIthe meaninss. and 1>0110 the re\.)tive significance at the te<m, In fKt, a tenn h;as dew~ "s«ond~ry me<lninll; and flY'( ther'efon!o serve as • lfi1de.
~rk despi'"
,11 dcKri~ive ch.a~ 0n-
ly when the primary signifICance 01 the term to the consumins pulllic is i~ 50Urce designation meaning. Ownership extends only to lhose goods or markets that consumers 00 01 are likely to identify with the mark. The s.a",e mark 01 name, there/ort', may be used by 1\00 producers on the s,ome pr0duct 01 business in differenl m~rkel$, 01 on different ~uc:tS or businesses in the s.ame markel. bch v.oold own the mark 01 ""me in its market in connrction wllh ilS ~uct 01 business. lithere are corn· pefing lMf$, owneoship goes 10 the ~ior tJSef, 1M that use must be a genuine use. Owoem.ip rNY be lost in 1\00 principal vr.rrs: (1) if the mark 01 _ become."",M:'Ik, th;lt ~
'-ames !he c0m-
mon deso;:ripti"" Iemllor !he product (lor =mpIe,!he IIennS '~"n:,""1iorf' and '"thermos" were ~"" until they CilII11e 10 designate !he product rathel' t ....... """fee lor one p;lI\icular 00nd 01 aceyIe salicylic .Kkt oIa pefroleum-derTved fi~ment and 01. ~nsuWed bonle, repectively), 01 (21 if the mar&; 01 name is ~ \nOoHHe plus !he Intention not to use). Abandonment ~ be """'c!ed by continued 1M, (Under §1127 01 !he Lonham Ac. twr) ~ti"" I"ars of """lIS<! is prima aNndonmeol.) It is 1l'IOIf: difficull to o(fer ad"ke on f>ow 10 keep I m.:nk from 'galns genefic; that is, becoming thecommon descri~i .... nameol an ~"ide. CIe~rly, if
an al!emalive name for the productdoes not already one should \>e pn:Nid·
ed. The ma~ of KI""""" launched a ampaign to edlKate !he public that "KIeoenec" is • br¥ld d 1ilc.,ltiuue. And, one should not use the mark <OS a generic te<m, The m.a~ of """'" brand produos ........ undertaken ~ campaign to ed<Ka11! the public that people do not >.e<ox. they ~OPY' Some prKlial advice oIteo oiIeted is to use an initial c~~ letter; 10 lIS<! the term as a noun only, not ;as a ve<b: ;>nd 10 use the term in connection with the word "brand" <OS in "Kleene< brand 1aci~1 tissues.· All this an COITII! to naughl. ~ if the public """the\ess calls the ptOduct lor exam~, ~Ion, ...!her than 10 use !he tenn <OS ~ designation of OIillin. 4. What c~n """"'" <OS I marlc or tr.>de
What is clear from the definition> d trade mark, service mark. and trade name that appear in the previous !oeCIion is that lhese terms are quite ""Pilnsi>e. NOI 0nly m;IV a word IKOOaki or name IBic) 5erve u a mark or name, oot alo;o sy~ bois (like that <J the ~ croU OIlhe Poppin' Fresh Dough!»;) and !rade dres Uik~ tne color and pattern configuration d lhe Tide 00_ or the shape <J the Coca Cola bottlel alo;o mil'( serve to desiS""'" origin ~nd mil'( \>e rE'giwable <OS a marl<. S. R~ryation of corporate ... mes M.1ny Iawyef' advise clients they an pr()h!l;t their oosi"",s names by ...serving them ;as COIpOr.Ite ""mes. This ciNr· Iy is not true. CorpOIilte name rese~ tion ptOIeCls only against Idopti.on by another <OS a corpo<a!e name. II creates no /Or only very limited) un _ righls. (5«, e./I., Gllt ~, Inc. v. 1-Iom!1 Supply Co., ~83 S.W.2d 107 (Ky, t972).) Only use ¥Id consume< identifi. catron an C11!ate ownership rigltls in a roYr&; 01 trade ""me. 6. R~istrati.on of a roYrk or ........ Only 1Il;lfh a11! ~strable. Trade ""mes are not regiSlrable under either the SUI", 01 the fOOeral rE'gistrali.on ~. And one ~ rE'giSle(. under both IfdeQI and AlaNma I......, only marl<$ !hat one owns by virtue 01 Slate common I....... Registration Is permissi .... Because from regist raownership does not tion one need not register II mark, but
there are signirrcanl adv.lntages to resistrati on. 7. Comparison 01 stall~ .nd fede<~1 resistr~tion
federal authority 10 regulate .... rks Is derived from the (orTHl\erCe d;)use, t~ only ~rl<$ used In interstate commerce ~re reg,wable IS IOSH. Alabama requioes lIS<! in AI~bam~ (S3). One flY'( register bach in !he SUlI\e and 1fdeQ11y. Since there ~re aclv3nt<>ges to federal ~stration, it 0I'Ice _ COI'.'IOI' prKUce 10 ship a lew I<.lbn itemS ioCfO» a stal\e line in to enablWl lIS<! in intel'S!ate COmmerCe, Such token shipments, If c hallenged , do nOf eIabIish use in comrne.ce. Bona fode shipmen~ and s,01e!; ~re .eqoired, bul ~ single bono fode shipmen1 01 sale is suffrcienL The chief ;orcMntage 0I1fdeQ1 registration is that it ""ti.onai (onstfUC!ive notice d lhe registrant's claim 01 owner· ship 1§lOlZ). Thus. subsequenl USl.'fS in d ifferent market$ mu st yield to the registered user's nlCM.>ment im<) those markets. (This does not affOCl con!lnood use, in th3! market, by a prio! US<ll'.) 1\ _and adVolnlage d i<.oderal reglstr.. tion is !mot a certifi(ate of registralion Is prim.> r~de evidence of ownership at the mark (SI057(bj). Third, ~fter fi"" .,ears. II the proper af· fKb;it is filed, the mark bec~ "inc:onteoIable" (SI065). This does r>OI mean that the mark is incontestible, but if the marl< ~ become "incontestable; "the ~S\l;iltion shall be condusive evidef>ce of the reshtr""~ll'IIClusive 'iJhL . .o ..... cepI when one 0( se.en specified defenses applies. The U.s. Supreme Court has ",led ~ftltly thaI S1057ib) means what it s.ars\h(k '1>1 fly Y. OOIl.1r Park "nd fly, 105 658 11985J). 1\ iouoth advinYge is lhat one is enti!1ed 10 give notice 0( feder;al ~stration by use 01 ""'Y 01 !he following: • , Registered in U.s. P~len1 and T,ademark OffIce, 01 Reg. U.s. P.It." Tm. Off. Od>er. wioe, one is limited 10 use 01 !he terms uademar1t, TM 01 SM (seMce ..... rk). The ....a;I~lity of!he fOOeral coortt rNY be a lifth advantlge. An AlaNma certifoate 01 ~stra!ion is merely evidence 01 regiltrlltion, although, poesum.bly, it .15(1 Is conSIrue-
lanwry 1986
Ii", noIl<:e of ~ d~im of owne~ip in AI~bama.
8. H ow 10 .~i.I'" lal for ms federal reg;strOMion ii willi the Palent and T.~~.. Offic~. AI~ R'giwalion ii with !he Seoetaty of Stale. E;KII otfoce has ~iW~tion forms whic/l will be supplied yport reqlJe$1. (b) Se..c ll Owl"\Mhip of .. marl< or lrade name depends on u~ ~OO use I..... pli ... the dlM!lopment of lJOOdwil1. Before irr.esling In dlM!loping goOOwlil in a trademark or nade name. il is a goOO idea to haw! .. 5f'arch performed in order 10 determine whether sorn~o"e has ~ superior rigllt. There ate comp.Jnies INt specialize In such !eiltChes. and this Is nor an e>.pensi"" procedyre. Ic) fefl P~lenl and lfademark Office fefllppe¥ al 15 U.5.C.A §11J aoo l1 C.F.R. §2.6. The ~i<; filinfj fee is SI7S. Section 1 of the Alab;!ma T.adem~rk 11<;1. AI~b;!m;I Code §S-12.a. Jl«)'IIides for a stale filing fee of S30. ,. The limiulion!; on resls' r .1i1r n... lanNm Act (IS U.s.c.A. §IOS21 ~OO lhe AI~bama A<:t I§S-IN") idenlify lhose marl<s Ihal are R.ogistrable. The basic categories of marks INI at<! 001 reg;st",ble ilre (I) lhose Ilia! are likely to eause confusion wi,lI eJ<lst;n8 mari<s; (21 absent a !hoNing of...oondlory me,mins. IfIo!.e Ihal are merely desc.lplI",. or milodesaipli",. of lhe goods. or primarily geogr<Iphic;olly desCfipli",. or mi-sdescripliw.. or primarily me.eIy a surname; (ll.hose Iha. idenlify a partkula. living Indi vidua l- unless Ihal pe<$OIl ha, gi ...... written COOK'flI; (4) lhose thaI con~SI of or comprise the flag. COOl of arms or orhe< in~gnla of a nalion. or munkip,l1iry: 151 ~ INI Nmay diloP' '''8'' or falsely SUgg<>51 a connecti on with pe<WnS, livingor dead. insti!Utions, beliek, or national "YmboIs, or Ibringl them into contemp(. Of d'sn'pU\e":N ;ond (6) !hose that consist of or comprise "i ..... mor~l. dece p1i ..... Or scandalous matter:'" to. The du.alion of a t •.-de ...... '" Feder.1 du",'ion is 20 ~rs and n>aIY he renewed lor addi'ional 2().year periods. ~ ~str.'ion i. Cancelled al lhe end 01 ,ix l'1ars unless in the precedin8 l'1ar an aKid""il of con,i",Jed u5o! is filed (§IOS3I. Alabama duration is )() ~ars. with ~ renew.oltenns (§fl.INOI. Inciden-
!."Illy. iKI'( m;arks ~SIered in AI,bama poior 10 J~nuary I. 1981. h...... e>.pired if lhey h...... not been re-n.ogluered.
II. CompIk.,ion!; ...... can .rise d""
ins ~.ralion If the PlO beli"""" IN I a m;ark is 100
dose to ~nolher mark. i. will decl~ ... an
N Ninterfe ... .-.ce. The OWncf5 of lhe "'" marks then will ......... the opportunity (ind eJ<~1 of 'rguin8the lHUe. Ewn 11 an interference is 001 de(.lared. ~ the mark is regil-lered il is published in the Offjc~1 Guclle of lhe PMenl "no' T",.Ie..,,;lIk Office. Thi. pubiicalion it monitored by the owners oI ••ademari<s (uswllr via t<»em.rk firms) which. if they belie.... a mark Is 100 close to the ir own. may file an "oppos ition" to the marl<. Whe1he< one is i...olved in "n interfeoe"ce or ¥I opposilion. il gr!."ally increases the c~ts and comple>.iry of "'IIi".alion. E...... after ~strat; on. ooe may be faced wi.1I a cancellalion proceedinfj (lan .... m II<;t. §10f.4 and Alabama Sfl.12-1l1.
self. The .nomey may. l~. wish to associale special u<>demark counsel. Also, ""y valuable properties may juUify counsel willi special e>.pe-rtise e....n in rou.ine ...... ,ters.
16.. Fiooins " t.adem.orle .lIor...,. Mosllarge business 1_ fi rms do a fa ir amounl of Ir3dem.lorl< ....... Also, lot lIilotoria.l reasons. .nd bo!ause 01 the <>SMlelalion with the PTQ il is quite common lot palenl 1dW)efS also to do lrademark
~"'. 17. The lesl of inf.insement Under lhe common ' - for lID """"" and un~SIen!d marks, under fede",1 statule 1§1114) lot federally registered marks and under Alabama stalute 1§S-12·(6) lor stale register<!d
12. Anignmenl of ~ mark Both the Alabama (SS-12-lI) and federal 1§1Q6OJ 1_Iol~thecommon 1_ rule INt transle< of a ndemaIt< rNy he made only the goOOwill of lhe business. Otherwise it is i "naked" Iransfe. "00 may invalidale !he Irademark. Ass ignments may be ...corded. The fed,e",11eo! Iior recordins .. uansler it 'IOQ, and the AIabam;J. r.e.e is S30. 1]. W~llins lime 10 ",peel
An ;Kknowledgemenl should Com<! hom the PlO in Ih_ to /OU. weeks. Compute<;zaIOon is eJ<pt<!i,;ng procoou"'" "nd firl!;oC1ion should he I.lken in about Ihree to si x months and "'IIistralion should he in one to one and one.... 11 1' These periods ~ gening
14. AttOfney lime to do • ~rnpIf: ~ marie .~iSt.alion Ba"ing any difficulties wilh the PlO. Of In determiolng wheehe< a ....... Is regist"'bIe. the enli ... mauer should not Iilke more than .. few hours of . ttorney lime.
IS. CaUing in ~n e>pert
w....t an al10rney in selHll"ill practice would need 10 .... rn in order to .... ndle complieatlOfl'j II the P10 f\\iIY not justify lhe anOl1le'(s handling the matte< hi ....
marks, lhe t~ of infrinaemenl is the same: likelihood 01 confusion. The use of. m;J.rk or trade name. whethe< or not Intenlion.l. lhal is likely 10 cause confusion creates a Case 01 infringement ~ the junior user. Likelihood 01 confusion depends on the IjOOds Of servke in c0nnection which the m;at1t is used. !he market in whic/l it is used. the sophist~ lion 01 the conSUITICI" and similar f~ Thus. for I':IQmple. marks mar be much more simi"" when used on qui1e di~ ietenl goods lfon::( on c;a" and fon::( on gum). in widely 5epa"'te marketS (Birmingham Hardwa re Co. In Alabama ~nd in Mkhill"n) or when the ~ "'" likely 10 eumine the 'IOUfCe much m<)fI!! closely [.,j; whM! the goods ~re ""y eJ<. pensi .... or lhe I>l.., quile iOphiSlI.
catedl. Ad ..... 1confusion of consumers i~ very good evidence of likelihood of confUlion and may be shown by di....ct t!'lt· imony. by misdirected mail. misd irected compla ints or other indicat ive evidence. Ho::rwever. actual confusion i, no! the test aoo need not be shown. The mark is no! diss.e.:ted 10 show the Similarity or di ssimila rity of its conlti. tuent pa,t~ What i~ imponant i, it, """,. all impression to the consumer. "Fair use"" of a mark Or uade name is not an inf,ingement. For example. Pepsi Cola may ,e/er to Coca Cola in it> ads. provided itdoes so honestly in a way that does not lead the conSumer to belie<oe Ihat Pepsi Cola is made or IponWred by Coca Cola. Simila rl y, one woo u.... a uademark good in hi$ own product, for example, Coke floats, may truthfully state
that fact in a way that does not lead con· ~umers to beli~ th31 Coca Cola make> Or sponwrJ the Hoat~ 18. Fal~ designation of o rigin Section 1I25(a) 01 the Laflham Ad pro.vide;; a Cause d action lor false """"""'"" lation or false designation 01 origifl. In additiOll 10 the false advertising space, which will not be discussed here, thi, has be.en held to create a federal cause 01 action fOl <;OnlI'OOO woo is not federa~ Iy ,egistered. Depending on lhe cin;um-stances, because §112S(a) il read ""ry b,oadly by the «)Unl. one may find a fede,.1 cause of aclion in many trademark ca>es"even though one is not fed· era lly registered . Re medi es The remed ies are damages, profits of lhe infrifl8"r and injuncti"" relief. For
regi~lered marks, Slate or federal. all couflterfeil1 Or imilat ions may be de>troyOO. Federal regilt,ation allO efl' up to treble damages, and titles One not punili"", bu, this must be comfl"f'satory d"" 10 the inabi lity 01 the party fu lly to prIM! dama!!",- Aiso, in e><eeptional cases. lhe LlIlham Act pf<Nide> for awald of ~\OI1able attorney fees. [The remedy provi~ionl .re: Alabama. §6-12-18; Lanham Act, §§I116-1118.! 10. Tr~demar. counterfeiting Alabama has ~ criminal sialute, §1Ji\./l..10A. thai makes thef1 01 a trad .... mark a Cia,., C fe lony. Theft d a trad .... mark occurs whffi one kflOOl ingly, wi,hout the owne~s consent, "make> a copy or reprodu<:l ion 01 a lrademark for any commercial p~tpose; Ot sells an article on wh ich a tradema'k is reproduced knowing said tr.demark was used with_ out the owner's consenl." Although lhis ,ta'ute is drafted frigh'en ingly broadly. one presumes it will be used as intend· ed as a tool against counterfeil trademarked goods. The Tr.demark COUntcrfeiting Acl of 1984, 18 USc. 2320, and cenain changes in 15 USc. §1116 and 1117, pro.vide s~bstantial criminal penalties fo, trafficking in trademarked goods. •
. your
HatoJd f. See ,eceiVNl his bachelor', fmporia State Universoty. his malte,', f,om Iowa State Unive"ity and his law degrf!f' from the University of Iowa. Since f976 he has been a P'I>(e,lOt at lhe Unive,sity of AJawma School of law. deg~ from
Mississippi Valley nile Inwrarwa Company lIome Offl<~ . Jac\:.l.on. MS )9205
"''''''''' _ _ ''' ,..........._.eo...-...ot..-...
lanuary 1986
Disciplinary Report Public Censures • ~II City I~ C. Dmnis Abbolt "'". publicly «nsure<! Ncwembe< 1. 19l15, for having viol~tOO P<C""i.ioos 01 the Code 01 ProffoS5ion~1 Re5PO"sibil'lY of lr.e "'aw"", Slate Ba r,
by having willfully neglwed ~ !.egal "",Iter entru-sted to him
.nd by hav",S (oliected 52V5 br • diem but ttwn having filled, for a pe.iOd 01 appra"maIeIy eisln monlM, 10 (moo ~ the fuoos 1M'< to !he client or rnaintai" the funds ,n his trust <OCCOU<lt. (ASS 8....5741 • N(M!rI100 1, 1985, Dothan I...... ~' Oe.nn~ S. H igginbotham was pubhcly cen<;ured for willfull neg!e<:t in violation 01 OR 6-I01W and for inlmfioryllailor.. 10 ""'" rtle I.lwful ob,ecti_ 01 a ebenl, in vK>liIlioo 01 DR 7-MlllAJ(1). MI. Hig" g.nbolh.>m /'),!ed 10 conK,enciously repoesen1 .an indigent ("miMI ~n1 In an appointed C~. includins the ";Iure 10 ~ Ie an appe ll ale brief OIl bern-If of the diem. and faIled. for a §<Jbstanli.1 period 01 lime. 10 pick up business nu il delivered to het prior businen <>dd~s. ~Ie numw:>US ~~ from her fonnet ~ !hal ~ do so. (AS8 5166 & 8S-2(7) • L1nm atlOm<'\' Mict-l D. Coole was publicly c-....d by the Alab.>nu Slate &af Boord ol CommissionetS on i'kMmbet- 1, 1965, for professional miscondUC1 ariSing from his repn!feI1wion of an indi vidual in an aulomobile accidenl C3!.e. II _ detennined Ih~1 M,. Cool< filed sui' againsl ,he wrong p;>rTy. !ailed 10 keoep ~n_ Wlih hiS cI~. ""~ 10 k....ep ,he elien. adv.!oftI .. 10 ..... _ .. ~ 01 the ma''''' in which he .epoesemed hIm. failed to iKlvise the c henl mal hi s physical and/o. menial cond " ion m;ode I, ne<:e5s.>rv fOf hIm '0 w i.1>. dl<lW flOm ,he ca)e and faIled 10 11ffiP". ly supe.~ise Ihe law. SUII in que!ollOfl. M •. Cool< _Ioond 10 haw viol~11'd [);'iCiplII~<Y Rules 1·102(A)(5). l-102(A)(6). 6-101W. ~101(A)(2). ;l.l01WO) .-I2·m (CM4) of the Code oI I'roIessJOtU/ ksponsj/),/,Iy of lhe Ala""ma Stale lb•. The Disciplln,IIY Commiso;l(ln delerm ined tMI Mr. Cook ,hoold be publicly cen;u,ro for lnese vioialiOffl. (ASS 85-S1)
Private Re primands • Foo.v. N<M!mbet- I. 1985. atI AI"'-na I~ rece .... ed • priVilIC .epo;rlI<Ind 10< violalion of DisciplilUrv Rules 2·102 (A~21 and 9-102(A,)(I~.nd (2) oIlhe Code of Pro/eu iona/ ReSpOfI,;bU,ly, The Di'iCipl in.,.., CommiSO;lon found 111., thi. l""" \'H Iorwarded an announcement card. "'lI"rdinglh(! OpI>ning 01 a new 1_ office. 10 an ind,vodu,,1 who was no! '" th.ll time • chen~ ....·,Ih the nQ/AIlOR on lhe card "i<ee consull.illion wlih lh"an:l.~ In iddmon. theallorney_loond 10 ~applied $200. p"ic to the allOff....,. for com, 10 ~ (onltarv to a ConIII'geRCy fee asrcemenl bel ....."!!n lhe attorney and Ifle elien!. (ASS S}..414) • N<M>mbet I, 1985, a 1"""')'tI' was pri\Ollely ~im"nd cd lor h.Jy,ng w,lIfully negle<:II.'d" Ieso>I manet ""t"''>Ied 10 h,m, in violanon of Of! 6-101W, by hav'ng failed 10 file 3 Ilme1y brief wilh )fIe Alab.lma Court 01 C"mllUl APJ)eJls on IJeh,11
01. client whom the ~t all<W""'I' _
~tln, on
appeal. lASS 84-62n • Ff' N~ I. 1985, "" Al.Jb.>rna .>IIorney rKei-ed • privale fePl'imand lor violanon 01 DI",ipl"",ry Rule 1·102 (A,)l4) when lhe Disciplinary Corn",i~,ion delermined Ihallhe al1Of""'l' had engagro 111 the condUCI inYC>lving d ishonesty, fr"ud. deceil. ",,~alion or willful mi",onduct. The cornmlSSOOR b.nd "'- the >norney had made deducuoros f!om hi, se<:fet.1ry's s.>lary lor Unen1p1oo,tment compens.>lion insur_ an(O', 001 th~1 curing the enll", period of her employm"", he ha<l failro to forwdr<l 11 ...>se sums 10 the proper Slal~ agency .00 to report eilher- the deduction, or her- employmenl to tfle Dep;IItmeni oI)ndu>lri~1 Rel~tlons. The Oi'iCipliBa<y Cornml" ,;on ~ned IN! !he all<>rT"'Y ~ ~~ a priv.rte oeprimond. (ASS 84-11 • N<M'n1bet 1. 1985, ;on Alab.,ma attorney recei-ed a pri· ~.Ie "-'l"imand 10< ~ iolation of Di'iCipl inary l1ules 4.101161 and 5-105(0 of the Code of Prokmona/ Rt!spons;bUIII' It was dete<mined thac lhe dt1Orr1ey hOO ~ • party to a di...ora .rod sub§equemIy ,epoesell\ed the ~ party 10 d,WfOl! In a pee.l1on lor mod,f""I,on ",Ialln, 10 lhe sam.. c.!.e. II fut· lho.'f ...... ~ <ie!ermlned Ih..l the a"orIX,,!, u>cd conft{!enli~1 inlo<· ",ation gained dUflng Ihe first te)><e5entalion 10 Ihe dCI,imenl 01 his initial clien1. The DI§ciplilUry Commission dete'mined th..1 a pi'IVilIe ..".imM1d !hould be adminiSierro. tASS 84·2401 • N<M'n1ber I. 1985, a I.-yer was prlVil!ely ..".imanded lor h.1Y1ng (a,iled to c.ny OUI a Contrac! of emplo,!,rnem, in vool.mon d OR 'J.1()1(A)(11. ~nd ~ng inle<olional· Iy prejudicro or Cdrnaged hI> chem du,ing the cour§e d Ifle proieu lOI13l ",lallonship, in v>olalion d Of! ;t101(1,)(l), by r~iled 10 file a limely brief with lhe AlaOOlNI Cour! 01 minal Appe... ls on beh.1lf 01 a d,enl whom lhe oespondem "ttor""l' _ ",poesellllng on appe;ll. tASS 8]..5181 • N<M'n1be, I, 1985, a lawyer ...... , privately ..".;m.nd· tod lot misrepresentJlion, in violanon of D R 1.1021.01,»4), and willfu ll negleCI, in vlol~lion 01 DR 6-101("' ....... ing fallro to file wit on behalf 01. dlenl. ~ he had been relaiJ\ed 10 r:Io. "nd, _hele», ~1ed 10 lhe chenl thai he had filed Sull. (ASS 84-4661 • FJlcay, N<M'mbl'r I, 198i, an AI.OOrll<l lawyer tod a prlvale reprimand fo, v iol~lio" of Di'iCiplinarv Rules ;tIOHAJ(2) and ;l.101(Aj() of lhe Code 01 Proiessional Re<ponsj· b'/III' The Di'iCipliRdry Commission found lhe anorney had f... iled CiIf<y oul the ConlriICI oIMlplovmenl en~ inlO wI,h lhe dient In ~illon. he IJR')udlCro or ~ hIS (lient during !he course of !he proIto>>ional oeiallonvup by tail. IRg to ;~Iigale poIemialleads ",Iallng to the as<! he was handling for his cll~"t. by advising lhe Iri.1 judge, in chambers. that his chenl had no case .-I. futlher-. by f."hng to delend aga'nS! a morlOn lor dism"s.>1 r.led by Ifle 0Ihe< pa<tV 10 the ~". The con'R1IS!olOR con~ 1'- vlol~"on~ .-I OetCtmlned the.~11C>n\e)' mould ""e, ... a prlVilte "'pllmand. (ASB 85-2891 •
.e«, . .
He practiced law in Mobile for a peri·
od of time with the Honorable Mylan Engel and later with the law firm 01 Ream,. Vo ll mer, Philips. Killion . Brooks &Schnell. Surviving him are his brothe r, Robert E........ and §eYeral nieces and nephews. The Mobile Bar As§OCiation. in regula, meefing, assembled that the life of Wl lter J. lee be rocogniz«! asoneofdeepdedi· cation to the ba r, to thiS community. to his country and to his church. and Ihat hi, death rep""""'l$ a great los, to each, and tfle Mobi le Bar As§OCiation e:<tends it, deepest Wmpathy to the family of Mr.
Doss, Me rrill Will......-Hart:;elle Admitted: 1940 Died: September 30. 1965 Fitts. Sheldon-Ma ri.,." Mmitted: 1935 Died: October 26,
1965 Hayden, Ceo~e T.-Birmingham Mmitted: 1921 Died: September 2,
1965 Hill, john Blue-Mont.go mery Mmitled: 1920 Died, SeP1e~ ber 22, 1985 ......, Walter je rome, Jr.-Moblle Mmitted: 1950 Died: October 24,
1965 Ne lson. Edward O rleans. louisiana Mmitted, 1971
Stanwood-N ew
\\IIllIR )I NO\\( tff.IN
Died: AlIgu>! 26,
With .... J. lee, a member of Ihe Mobile and Alabama State Ba,.;, d ied October
1985 Ku!;S('lI, Noble jefferson-Decatur r'dmitted, 1935 Died: September 12,
1985 Selden, Armis te ad In ge, jr.- r a ll s Church, Virginia r'dmitted: 1948 Died: N,.,.,mber 14,
Sp;Iri<man. John Jackson-Huntsville Mmitted: 1924 Died, N,.,.,mber 16.
These notices are pub lished im_ mediately after report5 of death are recei~. 8iogral*!ical informati.,." not appearing in mi, issue will be publishro at a later date if informati.,." is ;Kcessible. We ask)OU promptly report the dealh of an Alabama altorney to the Alabama State Bar, and we """Id appreciate )OUr a,sislanee in prtwiding bioar.ol*!ical information lor The Alabama Lawyer.
24, 19B5. lee was born in Birmingham. Ala· bama, De<:ember 29. 1921. and was edu-
cated in Ihe public school, of Birmlng. ham. He anended the Uni"""ity of Ala· bama and graduated from the Uni.,..."i· ty of AI~bama Law School in 19so, whete he wa, a member of Farrah Order and the Board of Edito" of tfle Alab;rma taw
Revjew. In \M:)rld Wit r II, he seMd in the United States Ai, Force. and subsequent thereto seMd the 'klerans of Foreign Wit,.; as a ~! commander. His civic activities include (Iistin. guished service as ~ident of the Downtown Civitan Club. the Ch ri,tian Busir>e'lsmen's As§OCiation and Ifle Civic Roundtable. He was an active member of the BaptiSl Church, where he taught Sundiljl school for a number of \'I'a,,- He was a world traveler aod a ...cognized collee_ tor of rare co ins.
R,\I \\ \IKU/ \It RPHI
Ray Witlke; Murphy, an outstanding Andalusia attomey, died Moodiljl, Septembe, 2. 1985, in Andalusia, Alabama. following an e:<tended ill"",s. M'. Mu rphy was a lifelong resident 01 Andalusia. having been born the'e and attended the Aodalusia Public Schools.
/anuary 1986
Et Cetera Upon gril(!ualiOf' from high school Mr. Murphy enrolled as a student Of' an £".. gli'h sc~hip in Emory Univm;ry In AlLama wllM! he,...,. a ".,...,.m.". d S;~ Nu fralemify ;tnd II><" Emo<y Glee Club. It _ then tNt \'W.IrId \v,,, II inte<rupled Mr. Murpt.(s edocation, and in 194' he e<!,e<ed lhe Arnly .... r Corps w~ he soe~ as a n;wiga1or d a 6-17 airnah (M!1" North Africa. His miliury se<vice was outsta ooins. and he received the Air Medal with nine clusters .nd Ihe distinguished Flying Cross. In 1947 he WilS discharged as a majo<. Alie< his mililOlry dury Mr. Murphy completed hOi edocation and A!<:ti-.!d " I~ ~ from the Uni>efsity of AI~ bam ..; he then ma"ied the iorme< Ed· wina Mofpn dThomasville, AlaWma. Upon gr...:!uatiOf' Mr. Murphf joi ned hi l latllt<. Mr. J.L. Murphy, Sr., a wuth AI .. bama attorney. For l"'ars tt-..-y practiced uOOe< ,he firm n<trnf! of Murphy & Murphy AItomeys and p",,;,;ul;rrly emphasized lhe pr~ d reol $ale 1r.Ins.cIions in Ihr!ir 1fopI...ork.. In Ia!er l"'a"" "'!he death of his fathe<, Mr. Murphf forroed !he I~ firmd Murphy, Murphy, Pttson. ,\ 8u\-h in Andolusia and was a senior member of Ihis firm unlil The time of his dealn. In 1981 Mr. Murphy re!ired be<:ause d pOor heal,h bu, cominued 10 ~hi l I~ firm and remainf!d a """-l and faithful OIleI,ber of the Krwanis Club and !he First Melhodisl Church. Survi\Ol"1 ind~ his wi~ two_ Michael T. Murphy d Birmingham and James Mark Murphy of Andolusia, who OOfIlinues as a member of the old landmark Murphy I..... fi rm; one daughter, Mrs. Arthur M. Ca"lOn, Jr., of Mobile; oe;Shl grandchildren; one brother; and two sisters. In the death of Mr. !by Murphy the Covinp:.n County 8<rr AsiociiITion his sufien!d a greal loss.. He will be sorely missed bv the members of !hi!! ba~ his many friends and !hi!! membership of the First Methodi sl Church.
For the write~ ill OU r memiJctship, lhe Comme.c.. Clearing ~ Is ilCli>ely ~ liciling boo!< ideas and wggesCions from<ienced IeBal ~Is. The ~ ecy of a~as te<p.IesIed inclw.., but a~ nor Irmired 10, - Ant""'" taw
'Bankl", I.....
, 8u.,,-s m.;on;;ogetnent ' Corporat ion I.... ,'r.m [. . "y;ly!.ow • F,nonco.l ...... M<ate pbnn;"!I
, Labor ond I!tI1ploy......" ' • 0tcvp.ni0n01 .a-ty and ht-olrto '1'moNoeI ............... t • Secu",;'-' ""8IJ1ation
, to"",,,,,,
Those interested in submilling man .... scripts, outlines Or proposals for books to be OOfIsKleMd forpublication bv Co. should OOfItact: Rid>aod ~ \lin.....,., 1lo0Io Ar:<rJi«bon> Depottrneroc C............,., CINri"ll ~. Inc.
James Reid ~ died ~ember 8, 1985, in Mon\8OO'e<Y, ~. He,...,. 76 l"'ars old. Mr. P.JVne was born Ar..rg~t 24, 1909, in)efferwn COunl'( and attended the Uni""",iry of Alaoom;:r, Howard (ollese and the 8irmingham School of law. Mf. Payne _ ""listed In !he United Stales Manne Corp and 5e<'o'ed in the South P.>eifoc. ..... was empk:o,e<:I in the I.eP ~,, mem d II><" ~"" ~rtrMrII bv the Stale of AliIhlrma b appro.dmalety 27 years and was ~Il uslSI~nl atlomev geroeral. He was • member d ,he American &ar As§ociation, Mont80mery Bar An oci", tion and !he Alabama Sta~e &ar. Jad was well liked bv other members of the bar ~nd le~ fond memories of ~ StOlle ~.
He married the Iorme< 'N.Ind.l Smith on July 2, t937. He is surviwd bv hi' wife ~nd his son, );Imes DiJlOfl POJyne. of IVoontgorne<y.
~5 W. ~ ""'Chicalo. III,...". 601\46
011> s&J.35OO, hi. 1276
Etc. 8irm ingham anomev Samuel Rulfl(lfe is g.l!he<ing materials lor a publicalJOn ~ AlaOOtnJs <:our!houses, past and
He particularly is i~ in'nbrmation aboul!he courthouses ui "tod;Jy and l"'Sterd..". in lhe following counties: I!.aobow, IIoJIIod. Chomben, C,"""iTiI'. COfIKUh, Cov;nglon. 0..11 .... EItIWaI1,
Frwlill, Ce-nr.-a. H.>1e. larNr. law~ Ma<on, Marion. Mar>Ni1./'My. ~ p;~ Rwetl. w..1 .....
...... WlIco..
Plea!oO! <:ontact him aI 1007 Colonial Sank 8uilding. Birmingham, Alaooma • )5203-4054. Phone 12)-89S7.
Recent Decisions by lohn M. Milling, Jr.• and Davie B. Byrne, Jr.
Recent Decisions of the Alabama Cou r t of Crim i na l Appeals
cial Administration mquire the use 01 the un ifo rm !ramc tidet and com· plaint I.>( alii ...... en/orcement agencies and Courts o/the state 01 "Iaboma.
Dison d istilled
What constitu tes "s\"!itematic ex· clusion of blacks"
Cherry v. State, 4 Oiv. 386 (July 2. 1985}-ln Cherry. the court of criminal appeals further explained the Dison caSt! and held that the person administering the oath to the officer for ver ification of the ticket must indicate not on ly his name but his official capacity. Thus. a uniform traffic ticket and compl"in! must cont,,;n; ... . The 'igo>;llUfe 0I1he ollk ...; 8. The "gn.>ture 0I1he """"";n;"e,;ng the oalh.o Ihe officer; C, The t;tI~. ~ncy or aop.>c;Iy 0I1he fie""" ..tmin;;tering lhe oath.
ScOI! v. Stille. t Div. 890 Ouly 23. t985}-On appeal. Scoll raised the alleged ~ystem.ltic e>:c lusion 01 blacks lrom his jury citing Swajn v. Alaw"",. 380 U.s. 202. 85 s.C! , 524. 13 LEe.2e 75909651. Judge Bowen, writing /or the majority. rejected Sco!fs contention and set forth the "th reshold requirement for systemat ic "",Iusion." Judge Bowen wrote that "a presumption exi~s thJtthe prose.:utor ;s USing his challenges to obt;!in a fair and im-
par'1ial jury. This presumption is not """,rcome mere ly by shrmlng that he uses all 01 his .uikes to rem<M! blacks from the jury." Judge Bowen'S decision in ScOlt is cI~r1y supported by the supreme cour!'!la ngwge in S"",jn which sets out an extremely rigid st;!ndam to be met by a eefendam seeking to a ll ege 'systematic e>:clusion."
Not SO fast . . . inten t io nal w it h ho ldi ng of Brady materidl com pels reversal Knight v. State. 5 Div. 887 (October 8, 19851-Knight was in jai l on other charges when detectiws sought to question him about a rape. The inter·
Dison applies to municipal ities Candy v. Birmingham, 6 Div. 500 10ct0be< 8. 19851-folkM'ing hi' c0nviction in the municipal COUrt in Birmingham. Gandy argued the uniform traffic ticket and complaint 'MIS rmt prOperly sworn as required by Dison. The city 01 Birmingham arguro that Djwn did not apply to muni cipal Court t a ..... The coun 01 crimina l appeals disa· greed and ~rsed , The appellate coun rea50lled that §t2-t2-5J. C<><k of "'aw""" (19751 and the Rules 01 Judi·
John M. Millins.
D;rvid B. Byrne. If..
Ir., js a member of the firm of Hill. Hill. CancT, FfanC<\ Cole & Black jn MontgOmery. He
is a gfadwteofthe Unj""rsjly of Ala· bam.1, where he teceived bOIh hi. nndergradwte and law degree., He is a member 01 the Montgome<y firm of RDbjson & Belser and ~rs the crimina' port;"" of the decisions.
is glllduate oISpr;ng Hill College and the Univef5jly of Maw"", School of Lm< Mjlling CCNCrs the portion 01 the de<::i5ion.
,.nualY 1986
rosacion """Ited in " ~~ beIng obtained from Knight this ~conks!.lon" was offered at trial and was the sum at the evidence against Ihe defendant. Knight intenog,}!e(j 10< co.e< si~ hours ,,00 though the.e _ a con/licl In lhe IeStlrnony. he "pp;ilrenrly YQS handcLIfJ. ed to a chair 10< at least 5Of'"Ie pO<Ilon at this lime. h:!ditionally, lhe.rate Introduc· ed physl(al evidence laken from the home at the vicrlm and had lhe state tOl<~oIogist perform secretion tests upon II and make rompariKIRS with secretions W;en from the defendanl. Prior- 10 lrial , coonsellOr the dcleodanl filed a specifIC Illquesl for any and all scientifIC tem, resu lts. procedures. {'Ic. and lhe diS!ricl "I, '0Ir"IeI' indicated lhal the result!; _ eJ~.lIy inr;oncl~~ In faa. the secretIOn tests,..,.,1d " - aculpated the deieolbnt iiOCt'! only one peo.on had c0mmitted the crime. and the se<:rel ions on the Items Laken from the viaim's house ...- not consisTenI with the known secretions at lhe acaned. The intermedi"le appell"le c()Urt concluded: """k ( an cona-ive at no d earer fiCI..a 1 situaTion In which the Sta le v.ou ld be re-
qui....! 10 produce aculpatory ev~ wllether-It was requested by the r:IeOense or not." The clear import at the KniSht decision is once aga in 10 bring to the ilrenlion at prosecutors the contlllUlng duty uncle< 8r.>dy 10 ptOduce ercul~ evidence
whether ~ or not.
Recent Decisions of the Su preme Court of Alaba ma- Ci vil
(00;1.," ... homeslu d .tl 1~MII! of su",ivi", spouse does not >esl In all cases Calter V. COI< well, 19 ABR 3745 lSeptemoo 27, 1985)-ln a (.se of fil'!il impression. lhe supreme coun considefe:l Section 43-3-110 through Section 4}.8..114, Ala. Code 1915, 10 detenni~ whethet a survivinS spo!Jse', right 10 a homest~ad allawaoce or e..empt proper· ty out of the predecea5ed It)OI.Iie's estate \elS ~l()m;Ilically without the SOtVlvi"ll spouse m.!<.lns ..... dlimJ. Sedion 4}.8..nQ, tI seq., YQS en..:Ied by ..... AlaI>a.... I.eSislature in 1982 and adapted from portions r:i the uniform Probate
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In Ihis C""', Mr. Knlghl died lest.ale in Febtwry 1983, ie.Mng a w;oo.... "nd four ch ildren. The widow died Intestale in Miry 1981, without dalmill3 a homestead allo.v.lnce or e.empt P«>\M'fI)'. Mr. K/lighrs will ~ II life ~te in the house and fumishl"3S 10 the w;dow wi,h a rernaincle<. plus,he ~id~, to one of lhe (hlldren. The trial coon hek! that t+re wid<rw'. eslale wal entitled 10 a homestead alkMr.roc:e ind exempt ~, reasoning INrI these riglrls beumll! vested when r.he survived her spouse by fi", d~ The COOrt alw found lhal the value of these righli exceeded the value of the estate and awarded M[. Knight's erttire estate to her lI!St.ilte. The supreme court di~ with the tllill rourt and held INt horrretead allowance and eroemprt property do not a.... toma1icaliy -est in lhe survivins spouse. The supreme coort re"5OIIed th.1t the trial court's holdins \OOO1d thwart the lII!St.ilte decede"r. Inrenl in this and lhe INjority of coses.. The COU<1 I'IOIed that !be Iesislature c~..led lhese rights 10 p<eserve part rX the decedenl's eslate from cn!dltol'!i and 10 prole<:! the su""ving spouse and mioor child ren . If lhe su "'i .... 1113 spouse dies shortly afle< lhe poedecc<>sed spouse. there is no justification b;!sed upon wppOr! for the survi..." lOr trans,efllng property ,,00 frustrating the Intent of lhe prodeceased teslalor. Med~..1 INlp'.Klicll! •. • Informed consent .KIion recovriz«i . nd objecti.-e ~rd ar:Iopl«i fain v. Dr. R. T. Smidt, 19 AS!! 3521 (September 6, 1965~ plaintiff.p..tienl broughl this .tC1ion cha rging that the tlefendanl-OOclor negligently failed to I.... loom him of the risks irM>lved in the per. formance of • pulmon..ry a~. The plaintiff's heart punctu....! duro in8 t+re pnxedu~, and he lNin1alned thaI had he been informed of this risk, he v.ould not h<M! consented to the ptOcalure. The initi.Jllssue whe!h« !be SUpremo. coort """"Id rea>8l'ize a INI. P<XIice iCIion based on Infr.>nrw!d c0nsent In a case of first im pression , the supreme coun said \6 The next issue was one rX ·causalion; I.e.. whether lhe fa ll. u.e to advise the plalnliff of the risk proxirnalely QUsed his injuries. In decidi"ll this Issue, the s.up<eme court i00i<00 10 Other stales and bond 1WO lines of uses h<M! m.....1opr!d. The majority has adopI:ed lhe "objectj~ SIan-
dard; and the minority has adopted the "subjective sta ndard_" The plaintiff urged the subjecti .... 'tandard, by which causation is estab lished solely by the plaint ifrs testimony that he would not h""'" con~n1ed to the procedure had he been advi.ed 01 the particular rir.ks. The supreme court rejected th is sliIndJrd and adopted the objecti"" S!;Indard. The objecti"" standard resolved causal ity in termS 01 what a reasonably prudent person in the p.1tient's p<»ition would h"'" dedded if ,uitable informed 01 all Significant risks. The standard, t.owe-..::r, requires consideration by tn.. fact finder 01 what a ~5Onab l e person with all d tn.. charactetistic5 01 the plaintiff, including hi. idiosyncr;15ies and religiou, beliek, would h"", done under the same circumstances. MorecM.'r, the question 01 whe!he< the physician disc~ a ll sub,!;Intial .isks req.Jires expert medical testimony as to the gene",1 prac· tice 01 physicians in the general medica l community.
Torts. , • inadequate Warning not a ctionable if plaintiff fa ils to read it
f.R. Squibb SOn!, Inc. v. COle, 20 ABR t46 (October 4, 1985)-The pla intiff brought suit against Squibb, a manufadu rer 01 insulin, alleging negligent and wanton failure to adequalelywam 01 the con5eque~ 01 !;IkinB a certain type 01 insulin. Squibb conceded it wa, under a duty to warn and for pu'poses 01 th is suit also conceded that i15 wamings_re inadequate. Squibb's deIeo~ was the lack 01 proximate cau~. Squibb maintained since Ihe plaintiff did no! read the warning.. it could no! h""'" a ltered his course 01 action and P"l""fltoo the injury. The supreme coon agreed. The evidence waS undisputed that the plaintiff """'" ",ad any 01 the instrOOi"", or warnings Squibb pn;Nided on its insulin . Consequenlly, theadequacyol the warning is irrelevant. No amount of spe<:ificity "",uld hiM: protected this plaintiff because he did not read tn.. wa rning. Therefore, the supreme coun held thaI a plainliff who does not read an allegedly inadequate warning cannot main!;lin a "negl igent failure to adequately wa.n" action unless the nature 01 the a lleged inadequacy is such thaI il prevenlS him f,om reading it.
Torts. , ,
will conversion lie when an e m ployer withholds wages pursuant to garnishment1 Lewi, v_ Fowler, 20 MR 226 (No;:r.ember I, 1985l-Garnishmenls wereser.ed on t..... pla inliffs employe', and the emplayer w ithheld a pottion 01 the plaintiffs w.>ges. One oItn.. garnishments was p.1id in full. H~, theamounl CMoed to the Department 01 Revenue was never paid and the employe. went into Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The plainliff claimed th.J.llhe empk¥:r COI"I\'e~ed thi s sum to its own u~ and ftled this conve"ion action. T..... issue wa, whet ..... r conver1ion is an appropriate adion for an empl~ to rec(M! r a sum 0( money wilhheld by an employer from the empl..,.,.,-. wages in respon~ to a garnishment The supreme court said no. In England, it ",IS firsl held that money could not be convened >0 as to suppon an adion in trlM'f unl"" it was in a 4:t.lg or chest" In cor..ersion adions. ~r, courts are nOI usually confronted w ith a particular coin or bill but with "identifioo or segregated coo"'" from which money ha, come or types 01 accounls into
Where there's a will ... Now there's an easier way. AmSwth Bank's new W. and Trust Form Book prOVIdes a complete and up-I<XIate compilatm 01 wJ and trust forms 10 make '(OUt lOb 00SIef and
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January 1986
which money h;ls been deposited: In this a~. cle.uly there is no identifiable coin Of bin ~r>d nothIng pl~'1'1 a baa Of (~ ~ there WoK 1'10 eo;' dence tlw .he money was placf!d .1'1 ~ ~I Kcoum. Absent ~I'I (lbIill"' ion 10
rerum !he idenlial money, oI'IIy !he ..-IatiO<> of debIor ~r>d CIl!dilOf aists, ...t me pl~il'l1iffs aUie of KtiO<> is ~sumpsit Of
on ac«l\Il'It. TorlS ...
l'J<perlleslimol'lY in a ~Iip and fall case ROt proper 1'.:tl-Mdrt Stem, 11'1(. v. WMle. 19 ASR )446 (5eple"be! 13, 191.1S)-The plainlilicustorne< slipped ~ 'ell jW inside 'N.l~ Mort's ffOllt door. The only 5U~ on the floor WitS fresh 'llinwaleL There_ 1'10 oolMMl a«umul.>tion 01 wat«. Chet !he defetldIInl', obJ«liO<>. !he plaintiffs ""pen was pem\ltted to t~fy liS to the effect 01 IiIlnwatCl' on the Iloo< ~1'Id w..l-M;irt bo!.xhed iii duty of due all;> by failing to pmlide door mats Of otherwise take PIOPI!I' and 1It~ safety ptecautions. The Ju ry returned a "".diet for the plaintiff arid the supreme coun
Fir)!, the 5Upteme (oon eotIoned me
fit P.orte. tolley. No. 84-692 19 ASR
""tement 01 l;rw set iorth In J2 q.s. EvidMc:e §S4&(1'9) ilnd held that the admission oi aperc ~irnonv lIS to !he eItct oi liIinwale" on me Iloo< _ erlO< beauS!! 111'1 apen ;s pMnined only 10 t~jfy "who:«! the maNe. is one SO fa,
3642 (September 2q. 1985)-8em.:wd Tal-
IXlflYkted 01 eKllpe lind the court 01 (rimi!l31 ;oppe;tls affim>ed me corrvktiO<>. The w~ COUft 8r.Iflted 'to!Jley's perilion iO< writ 01 CM;omi 10 decide whoetIlC< the offi~ who ~~ Tllt~ in bet had the IIUlhoriry to do so. On March 3, 191.12. II MOn~po lice dfrcer went 10 the delendanrs siSler's residence Wilh IY.<) other police ollkers in order to 3.resI1ll1l<lY lot three unpaid mi~emeanor fines. Noneoithe officers had a warranl with them at the time of lhe arrest. The Ktual pu.pose 01 their visit indic~teS th.ot 'Wley also was wanted andkH ws.pecu~d in re4ereoce to II burgla<y. The offoce<$!oor>d Tal~ at his si'>le<\ house...t altelllJlU!d 10 pIIIce him undef II'~ tolley Hed flOm me hou~ The 5U~ (OOfI held .... 1lI11ey's II.· I'I.'SI __ ille8al beaus.. me offl~ did not poness II wa lind ~ the ~
~ from on:Ii!l3ty humlln "".
jlMence th" /I jury will j)ltiUmllbly not ~""'s the 51ull Of knowledge requisile to II ptOjX'. inference from the facts: The cou rt also held that il was er· ror 10 permit the ape" 10 opine that WoI· Man f~i l ed to observe proper and ac· cepted safety precautions by failing to place II door milt at the store's entlilOCl! because the coon hos ptl'Yiously held
th;!1 /Ibsen. lin unusuill Kcumula.ion 01 w.>ter Of "oIhef d..:umStIInCes,-me ~ ~e 01 ra; ........ te< on ~ noo. is not .. brNch 01 due C/IIe The effect 01 !he a· pet!'s leStirnonv is to (_II hist- standom oi are th.ln the ~rd imposed
by I.....
OOJtVktion. Justice Adams held: "For ",,"N 10 be .al0I 011 • miode",.. nor o/fton ... whICh W31 not wit_ ncs.ed IJ)' the •• res/lnS offi«~ the d f",... mVll h;Mo.n "resl W3trl1nt in hi, P<»~SIOl1 a1 the time al the .'tnI.-
Recent Decisions of the Supreme Court of Alabilma-Criminal For the wanl of a wa rrant
NlUST1IAl. SAFETY CONSll.l1\NT 56 'rears Experience 1. Investigatioo of Accidents. 2. Depositions. 3. Expert Testimony. 4. Consultations. 5. Safety Training . 6. Safety Inspections.
FROM COOK a ASSOC IATES eo..-. _ _ .... _ ' ••-... ,_ t", .......< _ _ t. ~ .-
" " ••• • • • ~
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=." 235.'"
~. "
,...... J17.5G
1 . tlO.'"
II$. ... It$. ... 125.'" 1<05.'" t .IIlS.'" U1$ .... 2.0n.00 J."$.OO
, . ........... , .......... IIp ....... <)
_ _ 10_ '00. F _ .... _ _ _ kIut
SERVICES FOR ATIORNEYS ONLY. Fred Mebf " Pamona Avenue Birmingham, Alabama 3S209 TelephOne: (205) 879-5159
_ _ _ _ All
co-_..- ..........__ .._
-" E_ _ - .... .uo _
For • Wflnon _
•• _
.,..... _
""'ocy _
.. _
'" "',., _ _ '" __ "II" _
"""" 10
It is Inleresting 10 note that I;"" WPn!lTM! court "",pressly denied the r.tIle's 'rgutnenl urging the court to odopt ;> new .... 1e wndoning the ~uirement Ihlot , police oIfour ;oerually pas""» t~ wanarot whet! m~king a misdeme.-.11Of lOne!.
11th Circuit Cou rt of Appeal s Big brother and the attomey.<:lient
relationship In Re, Gt~ "d !ut)' Subpoena, /leitman, No. 84·5344 Ouly IS, 19851-Beirman, an attorney p<acticing in the southern dislrict of fklfida, was subpoenaed beIote a S',nd jury in INI dillricl. The gtOInd jury W\lWK 10 rompt'I information abotJt 8eirrNrll clienI who had IlOI lhawn up 10 boeBin serving a prisoro sen.tence. 8ei"""n appeared belote the grand jury but irMlbd the __ ,oct' dient privilejpe.. The ~ filed a motion
to cornj:oel citing the si~ questions asked, all of wllicll related!O communicalions bet .. ee .. 8ei...-oan and hi' dient with "'&1m to t ..... ning lIimself in, 5peo:if"",lIy, lhe last quetlon propounded was, "On each such communication with tefefence 10 clienr's notice of suol ... odeo----wtwt did \011 Pi arodIor tell the client?" The di~rict COUrt granted the ~ ment's motion with oeg.m 10 the f,~ fo~ qOJelrionf wllkll we<e pl",e, lime and numoo of communications. The trial court further rul!'d that rhe sixth qOJeltion would h""", tile erfed of il1Vilding the at_ tori'K¥<liem privilege_ The United Stales 3P1"'al!'d from rhe diwkl court's order. The 11th Cin:uil Court upheld rhe dis-tricl COUrt and nowd that if the I'M"'" men! In they had contendedl w.lfIted 10 know merely whether rhe ~ had adv~ the client of the dote he w.>S 10 tum himself in. they could t - ~ w w illi pn!Cision. The ~t chose
not to do w and did not bring the attorney back ~ the lVand jury. The 11th Circuit found quesfion si~ to be 0bjectionable lew two grounds: f,IlI, the breadlll 01 tile questions '''''ited di:KloIureoi corrwnuniQlions whidr ~ ~inly v.oold be proIeo::ted, and ~ Iy. the QUe$lion implicate§ the '"last link doctrine."
The lalt link doct,ioe .. rises out oI the deciSion In Re Gland luI)' PF"OCe<I!ding' f./OIlflil, 511 F.2d 6(,6 (975) wherein the appel late court Mid thort a cl ient·, iden· lity Is not !lrIvileged In aoo of i~lf. H<Jw. ~r, wMre diKiosure of the clients identity would pr<Wide the 1"11 link ~wry IOCor...ict, identity might well be privi~. In this case, the 11th Circuit ouwned Ihlot the in~rion he<ein, il rf!'o'ealed u.... question 'ii .. could ~ e,s;1y prtI'IIide this '"ia!.l link and v.oold therebe be privileged.« •
2. ,",P))f\'l"ed a temporary program of substi lule com pliance for an al·
MClE News by Mol ry lyn PiH Assi~nt becul i~ O i _
MCLE Commission 1985-86 The Mandalory CLE Commission is oornposed of niill! bar oornmissionelS elected by their peers. Members' lenns coincide with their lerms as har commissioners, Serving Ihis year are CommissiOOCt5 John 8. Scott, Jr.• MontgOmery (chairman): elfY C Hockaby, Huntsville (vice chairman): Phillip E. Adams. Opelika; W.ade H. Baxley, Dothan; I. Don Foster, Foley; Fr."'cis R_Hare. Ir. , 8inningham: Ben H. Hiifri50 Mobi~: John David Knight, Cullman ; and H . Wayne loYe, Anni~on. Meetings are held either the same day as board meetings or the preceding aflernoons, approximately bi-
monlhly. ~ are prepared by !he commission'!; staff in consultalion with the chairman. Bar members and sponsors submit most of the items considered; others are prepared by Ihe administralor. 10 submit an idea for comideration by thecommission, send il in care of the Alabama State 8ar, P.D. Sox 6n, Monlgomery, Alabama 36101. Nowmber mefling
AI ils NcM!mber I meetirtg in Montgomery, the commission: 1. Granted .. retroacti-e spedal membenhip exemption 10 an altorney who ptaCticed law for one moolh in 1965 betore taking materni ly le_:
torney w ith an injured back; 3. ,",pprCM.'(! permanent Subslitule programs for tWO permanenlly disabled attorneys; 4. Granled a temporary of the 1965 fequirementto an attorney ~ring from surgery and Pfadicirtg pan time: 5. Declined 10 seek a modiflCillion of Rule 4C, to »fOo'ide CLE cnedit for teaching at the undergraduate 1eYe!; 6. Tabled consideration of a requesl for credit for teaching al an unacc..oo iled law school: 7. ,",pprtM.'d full credit for a seminar emitle<! "Making and Saving Money for Clients and lawyers in Lilig<rlion,« sponsored by ICL~ of Georgia; 8. "ppro.«i the COI1«'pI of \oemi_ nons 1.:oroaOC<l$t via s;I!ell;te; ruled that either telephone hookups to speakers al the broadcast location IX a discossion le~pet1 al lhe receiving 10c .. lion must be pn:wided in order for such a P<Qgram to qualify for ClE credit; and 9. Scheduled ilS next meeting for 6 p.m., Thu~ay, January 9, 1986, in Montgomery. ' .
The Alabama
Cumulative Index 1983-85 Volumes 44-46 Doua~
M..l",., 1Iobe<! F. ' ~ioM d!he Re!lec1i",
"Reflection'! d!he ltelIecti.., II.oondl.>l*'" 45:1:13
0:1 :12 WJ.. If,
"lke Fj"", judgment" 45:1:57
AOMIITUS ,.a11'M2 44.1:24; F.JIII98J 45:1:21; Sprint 1')601 4S;UI5; 19&4 %:1;16; s.,.;"1 1965 46;4:182
Albnrton. Robert Bynum "The final J~r « :H1l Alb<inon. WH" Ir_ "Tnt FI""I I .... srnem· 44;':2l1
Cl;iou",h. Jr. 45;2;106 "F":.,. ,..,. MOlt O;ffocuh Trial" 45:2,100 ow. ~ Mel !he (nemr..-.d He is 1,10\1>1 L MCGft 4501:102 ""-'lion: " _ 46;l ;ll
~;..., Approodo"
APPELLATE PlVCfICE "Alot..",. Suptome COUll P,.aic.
. . . [""",;wid ~ghts. Ikuce ~ Mo:Kft
« :6:320
?\ppeI1.w Court \'.brkIo;Jd _ Triples in T..o:ho: ~ 1Iobe<! A. """,in 45: U1
'lI.ppeIL",. Pr~ Poinlen b ....w.-. ~ inC... , c.....-~ L\'OfH, It. 44-1:6
"C(Im~1in8 wi .... 39(1<J, "'.RA.P. (How 10 s...c~ on 'CERn · Honry T.
"Pw;w'''3 ~.
Fe... in AIobomo" Ridwd tt Gil 4S:H27 "'Tho. Mf$I Thins We'll 00, Ids Kill AU !he ~ EM. Friond. If_44:5:271> "'The ~ 'bpIojion:' Empioyrno<1~ $.11. ioI«lion, S.I.,~ and ~I.ted D.~ 1'1 • .,.
ALCOHOLISM AND AnoRNEYS "Am I My S..,.het'. Keepetr' T~ H.
moRNEYS "How 10 ~. Fa lent<..-.d 0Iher \Y;Ij's 10 """" &Ids Mftf" W;II~ P. Pi ..... «:2:100
q umpbell-Coofmet 46:4:185 ~I. o..;dA,
"'The John Atchibakl CMnpbdl CootIhouse in Moblo" « :3:154 ~I. It fL
-rM fiNol J~ 45:U 7
-s.nk1UP'kY pJXtia! ~!he Rule" Wi~ bu, C. S<lbennan 44:l:04 6.1, Comm i.. ioroen 45:4:206: 46:5:235
8:0 ....... R.B.• J,. "In MEmOri ..... 45:5:310
6.1".".. 8iWlp r-I"...jon -rM F"..... Jud,"""I" 44,) :173 Bowen, Win;.", M .. II. "'A)ud;oc;.i ~, R1oImbu-...... oi
~,,,,,, Cour>M!I and E~ ........ _ once oi Coo.onoeI" 46:4:;!il2
8,i>dIord. I\obett W.• ".
"P"""",ion """IMl lnl..,II"",,1 BrNCh oi Conl';oc1 ReiMd'et In Ton" 45:6:320
B.-. J. 1Iemard. J<
"'i(Iun! ~ye .. ' SKlion"" 46:5:ln: 46:6:320
B"'s....el l. NkIooI.s T.. III
"A1.obwno 'I.brkmetI., ~ion Uw" 44:5:VO
8o)an. 1.0.. IV -rM final ~ 44:1:61
8ufWoot. Coepy C. ~""""-"'iIy"""""'~ lOnlshor.-m.., .nd H.r!>o<worletj" 45:1:1(,
Bra'" WoI"" R. "P"'Ildenrs P'&c" 45:5,2 44 : 45,6:311>; 46:1:4: 46:2:60; 46:):112; 46:4:163,"Met:! w.h ... R. Bya .." 45:5:255 Ciiddtll. )ohio A.. '1IeI1«Iionsoi!he ~ ~ 4501:11
c.mpbell. )ohio AlChibooid ... Ioe JoIwo A.n:toibokl ~I Court· houw! In MOb;Ie" lhtIid A.. s..,wetl 4.:J:I$-4 c.~" ),omet J.
"ReIl«tIOM oi!he Reflecti .... Roondl.ble" 45:1:13
Ooetrwt; """"'in
'1I<'C0Iii_ oi /'to T••'IIO I."..,'''" 41>:4:197
CHILO A.BIJ5( ~id .......... .ond !he J.......,.; .. eou ..... SInd", H. Itoos 46,':1] ~:A._~A.pproKtr
c.y 41>:I:H -s.:....1"'bu~ ConSP;'OCY oiSiletlce" Marie K.ennedy .6:1:30
"Tl-e C\.', .. a MObihte<" ROOen E. Ctame!; Ir. 4&:1:37 CIVIL PMOCEOURE -A ReP 15(cl: Rel~"oo ~k d ,0."",00men15l\dding. Changing 0< Subsl ilUl,ng PMies 0< Na"..,. d P. n,<'$" """"'" A. Hdfman 46:2:84
CIVI L RIGHTS "'Section 1981 Action" A P,,,,uca l Qv<-r. vi<w lor tho>",1 Pr...,iti"""r" David F. DanOel I .nd John 1. Moon!smilh 45:1:14 Clau""", Tnon- H .• I'. "Am I My 8roll","" KeeperI"' 45:2:106 CLIENT SECURIT'I FUND "Why Alaboma Noeds a Chent Se<:u, ily Fund" J.""" S. W.R;! 45:2:67 COLlECTIVE BARGA INING "Rcjec!ion d C"'ledi..., B.l<gain ing Ag-. men15: An Anol,..i. d In te" Tal". "",II 1 Sh<wrd and John A. \!IIi1",." 45:3;154 cO.",...m!:CIAL LAloV "Sales Wa'ranties in A I ~ N","", Requirement" N,lhan;"1 Han%rd 45:1:7
Davi~ Ridlard E.
"TIme Sha", Ownership d Condomini· ums" 44:4:163 DECEDENT'S ESTATES """"i<.ed Prob.>t~ Code" Annette C- Dodd 44:L46 o..nni.lOO. R<>ben P. "joint ~ncy.nd ~ in C"",moo d Real Propettr-l"" Gulf Sepa,.l ing l""m" 44:2;n
DoP""'. Su<;rn Sh,rock and Norman.I(e,1h B. "A Lcd ., AI .... m.:r Stale !\;O, Head·
quane,," 46:3:146 Dodd. Annette C""""i<.ed Probate Code" 44:1:46 Doug l ~ ... Marga"" Siz""""",,,
"leg;>1 A$Si"an" I""rea", Product,vity"" 45:6:334 Downing. Mdurice A. "'In Memoriam" 46:4:220 EOI)(ATION
"Educotion d!he H.rOcapped---'l1>e Uw~. I!ol.,. Robert H, Smith 44 :30128
Commin", "" ~ma~ 45:5:253
Ed"",r<k, l. C~.n'" no< to Comj>ete in Alabama" 44:6:306
Commin .... 198J.-1984 45:2 :94 ; 45;4:208
ElDERLY "Alabam~ Living Wi ll Slatu1~"
Comminees and b$k Forces lor 1984·1985 45:5:263;Commin .... and b$k Fon:es lor 1965-8646:5:246
Mllc",,11 46:6:3 16
It. 46:6:300
"P'OIediOO Again" In...." ioo.1 B",,,,h d
Anne W
"Alabdma Stale Ba, Commin", on leg;> 1
Need; d!he EIde-rIy" Harold V. HughmIn.
Con"..., lOOmed .... in TorT"" Roben W Bl<IdfoR;!. Ir, 45:6;320
Deve lopmenl$ Concerning Eligibil'ly lor 5«:..1Secu'iIy Oioabil ity"" I.f. lanedy 4(;,6:) 12
"C"""nan" ..,. 10 Compele in Alabama" Michael L. Ed"",R;!. 44:6:306
"Solving Common Problems in lon!...,rm C.", and Med ialll Fino""i.1 El igibility"" CI"",oo D.1vis 46:6:302
Copel.nd, Alben Wh iling "'The Fi nal ludgmenl" 44:3: l n
C"'_". lOOn MillOO "In Memoriam" 46:3;159 Crame,. R<>ben E" Jr. '1'1>e no. a •• Mobili..,r" 46:1:17 C ~'M I NAL LAW
"Tl-e C,imi",,1 ILhIn 5y<rem-.O. Nt:w P0licy" George 0. Schrader 44:3:140
{men., """"'" C. "Social Secu rity Di ••tlliity InSU'~nce" 46:2;62 EVIDEN(( "Con 'Slate d the Art' Evidence lie U<.ed a, a Dc/Io<Ise Under Alabama Ex....-.ded Manuf",tu ... r\ Liability Docttir>e/" Crn iS O lm.te<>d 45;4;202
Crocke'. ~ M, "jOLlA _· No.V Provide; N....... ln"'~" 46;5:265
"F"'ing My MO>t DiffiCJ 11Tri al" [A lcohol· i"" and -'l""',,¥l [Anonymous[ 45:2:100 rAM llY lAW "Wilhholding Ordm lor Child Suppon: A Substanti.llm~" ~ Noon Funde,·
Crosby. Sam ....1 N_ "An Eledion \Vhe", Push Ca",., to ~ 44:1:53
F"""" Will iam Rudolph. 1,_ · 'n Memori.m'· 46:1:160
CUrry,I.H. '"The Fi nal 1ud;!me<1'" 4$;3 :177
l'eibelman . H,P.• I'. "The Finollurigment" 44:N91
O;oniell. Dav;d F. and II-I<Iore>mith. John 1 "Sec!ioo 1963 Actions: A Pr;r<;1ial o....fvi<w lor t!oe General Pr...,ilionef" 45:1:34
f leming. S..d '1'1>e Setl lement Con<:e-pI d t!oe Eighties and Beyond" 45 :4:190
" Fee Decl.""ion. in Indigent C,iminol Co",,- 45:6:331
Davi .. CI"",,,,, "Solving Common Pmblem. ,n Long4e<m C.",.nd Medicaid Fino""ial . I'Sibi lit,.46:6:]()2
burg 46:2:n
f l ~ ... WW.,l r,
'1'1>e Finol ludgmenr" 4 5:4:238
footef. H.T. '1'1>e f inol ludgment" 45:1:117
1'0<1...-, I,S. "'The Final ludgment" 44:5:191 F,Oen<). E.M .. It. "'The Fitll Th ing w.11 Do, l.e!'. Kill All the ~"," 44;5:276 Fundetbo.r'X. I. Noah "Wilhholding Ordm lor Child Support A Subslanti,1 Imp'""",,,""U" 46:2;n
Gatn'II. J;>rr>es W.,lf., and """"~ F. 0IIdwici< """"i<w d Uninsured and Unde-rinsured M<>tOfiSl taw in AI .... ma" 46;3:142
G,II, Richard H. "p"",ing AUomey>' Fees in Alabama" 45:H27
Cordon. R,S. "1he Final Iud;!ment" 44:3:174
GoI--""". N,ncy Compbel l "The ~ 'ExpIooiQn .' Et>,pIoo,omen~ Sat· i$faction, Sa I~lIes and Rela ll'd Data" 46;4: 185 Grant G.M_ "1 ... Finai ludgmeN" 44:2:114 G,i>ham, Sandy J. "1n.. Trial " 46:1:14
Grns.. Cw. '1'he Final ludg"""'t" 45:2:1 17 Hai<'!on, \!IIi1li~m B.. I'. "B,II Ha itllon Tal ... Aboul Bar I."",," 44:5:279 Haitlloo. William 8 .. Jr, "P""idet>h Page"" 44:5:236; 44:6:300; 45'1 :4; 4S:2:64; 45:3:124; 45:4:184 , Iamilt"", 1,0.. '1'"" Finall..dgment" 44 ;1;61 Hamne,. ReginakJ T. "E_uti", DirooOr"s Report"' 44 ;1;5; 44:2:69: 44,HZ1; 44:4:181 : 44:5:217; 44:6:101; 45:1 :5; 45:2:65; 45:1 :125 ; 45:4: 186; 45:5,245: 45:6:317; 46,1:5: 46:2:61; 46 :) :113; 46;4:169; 46:S,22'J; 46,6:289 H.. nik>rd. Nathan iel
"Soles Wa~.rtties In A~1>e N","", Requi""""nt" 45:1:7 l1~rdw id. W. Guy
· Rellectioni d the ReI1ecIi..., RoondlabW" 45:1:14 Ha .... f'a""i, Huid>e<on '1 H;oppened at I""" 44:1:53; 44:2:100 Hare, f,.nds H "1n.. Fina l Jud;!ment" 44; 5;290
Ha"T>on. ~ MOn;me-.-. 1'_ " In Memoriam" 46:3:161 H.""-OO<f. I!oberI B. "ReI1ec"OI1S d ,n.. Reflecti..., Roundtable'" 45 :1:14 H.... kin~ Edward G. "Pitfa ll. d Preparing Deeds eor....ying Oil .,1lI Gd, Inle"",s" 46:5:136 H~n,e l , H~nry T.
"Complying with Rule 39M. A,R,A.P. (How to >uc<:eed on 'CERn" 45:5:270
}anuaty 1986
IIoIIIy b 46:6:lI2
H..-.. ~F~ S<. Memon..".. 45:5:)11
johmon. F.onk M.. J'.
Hoc~I.nde<. I,M.
' Judge
"The final Jud!imt'f1,' 44:3:17J
46:1: 15
Iiodllf'$, Rob<f1 L
100"_ Reai_ 0.,.,. ;" Aw3rd"
~ 4S:fd16
Iio/fmon. ~ .... "AACP 151c1: ltJobIiotI a.ct 01 "'n~Ido".,,~, Addins. 0-1"" 01 $<Jb;/i!U1ing PJrtin 01 No.,..., 01 ~.nie('
!(ani..." .... noId 8.
Wi"'.....nd Somrne<..
· r.i...... OIhet, 44:1:S4: 44:2:106
Kennedy, ","rk -s......1Abuse-A Conl.pi,ocyol SiIenCl'" 46:I:lO
" ...... SJONI ~ 1Ie!o'.!'Ch: 1_ Methods" 44:5:256
_rd. Font.> i............,.,.
Ki"s. J, Thoma" J•• "'IbunS~' Stction" 44;I:ll: 44:2:81:
"In Mcmoti ...... 46:6:)4(1
44 :l:1la: 44 :4:216
Hud".by, GMy C.
"8.>Ii<: 0 ..... R.""•••i>'~1(' 44:3:156
Krd:.e. Ro::IbetI R. .".,.. Poos ond eon. d RoNbiliYOonSome Gt.oidehnes fmm """"""" E>peori.
H~. IiMoId '>I. Jt.
' ' IM>.a"" s..~ 8.a, Commin"" on t.q.1
""""" 45:4 :227 t.a.i ..... Dougl.. "How 10 ~01 with the P~" 44:1:161
Need. 0I1t>e [" 46:&:)OO
HUMOR "f"~ ~"""Somll'lfrl"_ old B. ~ 44;1:S4; " :2:tD6
"a. £n<Iooseo N_ ~ Liobility Inou,_e I'togt...... 0uI<e Nordlingft
INSURANCE ~'- 01 Uninou...t ..-.d Unden ..... ...t
~ ...... ~5 : 2:7l
MoIori$ll.lw In ...1.Do...... I• .,..., \'I, c.,. ren.I" , "'" F. ChadwkX MOrTi, 46:):142
"8.l1ic die-n1 Relation,' G.ory c. H""kabt 44:l:I506
-..- Much I..... "'".,. ;s r-.ah" [)ub
,.. ee-.. Ptxtltionet'. In""dllc,iotI 10
Nordl; ..... s.....n ":Hla "",-",... Pili;tllo in L1lipion p,actice" Duke Nordli""" Siem ~4'1:}& .".,.. Continuing Riolo: from fau l,.,. Dock", ContfOl" Duke Nordli"8"'! Sftm 44:4,221 lighlfoor. kn H. ... MetnoriMn" ~6:~ :nl LITlGATION Pitfall, in Uti8""ion P'.lI(lice" Duke Nordll nge. ~'" 44:1:}&
~..... t ..-.d lrode .~ I.lw'" Hllroid See
41;:4:183 .... ~.I P,.lI(IitlO<'lf<"> IntlO<lu<:"o" to COPI' ,igh, l-= p.n II· H.",ld s,.,., 46:6:)26
""~ 'l'II1 'Ibu w.r.d 10 I(.-. Aboot 101.10\ Ikrt - . - Af,~ 10 All<" St.onIey ~ 46:5:267
"10ft.\, _ ' NON' p",.ide< New I""'~ ~ M. Cnxke< 46:5:265
lyn ..... Seyboum H. 'RofIecIIOIII 01 tho fIdIoo:lio.e RoundIabIe" 4.0;:1:14
IKI<:oon, J. lheodon! "T.. and I'iNncins a.n.r.e. in !he ~ _ 01 Hi!oIOric Buildifllll"' 4li:l:16S
' - CNmp. J< ""well.- I'ractiu - - . b "'I.abo"" ~ in Civil c.-" 44:1:6
~""t o.,.,ek'!llll.,,.,ti Conc"''''''8 [ilsi'
McCurley, Roben L, Ir. ~i ....
Ma ..... ln "'"" .... , 46:4:1"
~I.ce c:o...! Io'otKIr.Io..J Mote 'Iwn
Triples in lweh<! 'l'NfS-Tnol d""", fTnding Cas.eload" 45:1:17 .,..,~
"Rornfn!Don 01 I'nJ iii,,", Judgrnerm'
"The FinoJludpnent" 4s:l:1]8
Mallin, Ro::IbetI ....
MCIW.. Earl
joh',,'on, fA. III .", MetnoriMn" 46:1:53
•... n~hellr', 0,1_"" ....... Ch.iw".lI,
HoIfIft¥V\. n ,t
.""Iy o.ubilify"
~~: ':~ 5: ~4 :):162:
45:1:33: ~5:2:14 : 45:3:143; 45:4:225; 45:5:293: 45:6:321; 46:1:'; 46:2:80; 4&:3:125; 4&:4:208: 46:S:27J; 46:&:299
McC.e... Vol H. ~
'"*- Moo1 tho &oem!< .and He is Us"
Mel....,...,. Ioo-n .ond Smith. Robert Sel~ "1'\"rwn. 1 COII'IP<Jt.... and ~wa.., lor You. Low 0/f1Ce" 44:1:40 MCI:ee, g,UOI! J. ~SupmneCourlPr.",Kc
able (""" .and ~ 44:6:llO
MCkinley. Edmon "You ns ~ ... ' . . ion' 44 :5:288; 44:6:3lO: ~5 :1:1 9 ; 45:2:98: 45:4:21) MeLeat c _ So .".,.. """" ...... 46:S::u.o MUdow>, Roben f ••1 "Vou"1 ~ ...' . .ion" 45:5:279; 45:6:36t: 46:1 :15: 46 :2:79: 46:3:11); 46:4::107
MU'" -..- 10 DNI with tho I'Ioesf" 00u&J.lIS LMno! 4-4:.):161 M,I~ CD.. J<
.".,.. fin.! Judgment" ":2:114 M'tcn..lI .... n.... W; •... I.Do"'" Living 'Mil 5<.;1"""," 46:6 :)16
_ i t h . 10M T. ond DMlIPII, f. "Sect;on 1911l A<tions; ... I'ractiaI 0-. v_ for tho ~aI PI.._ ..... 45:1:34
Mor""". W,lIi_ H •• J<
"Opinions 01 tho c-.e-. I C""noeI· 4~.1:56: ~ 4 :2: t1 0: 44:1:168 : ~ 4 : 4 : 2 1 8 4 4:5:284: 44 :6 :3 46: 45:1:51: 4 5:2:11): ~ 5:):112: 45: 4:2)5: 45:5:306: 45:6: 36); 46:1:50; 46:2:')3; ~6 :):152: ~6 : 4:116 : 46;5:274;
#ddl8 MMOn. W.H.
.".,.. Final J""""""t" 44:6:lS2
A,"_rs to Ir;,';'" que.~ from M'" 44
F .o/~ 5. 1 .1Y C_ C......
F..... b plotO)tlll ;.l)iiOy _ ., . ., ......
•. O.IK\. '771 C\A.J.MAN ................. 150541
I. TIM! I.t", AI.lwma coach, Frank Thoma., went 10 NOlie Dame.nd Joomed with the Gippe<. 2. FfI!d Sington-The wng was entitled "Footba ll fleddy" t.,- Rudie Valle. 3, James-Ralph was his middle name. 4. Th_two blocked pU"lS .nd • blocked er.tra point. S. Neithn head n»eh was at !he ~ John Vaughl 01 OJ.. Miss ...-as ~ng from a altadt, and Auburn's SIlu8 Jord.n was bedridden fol~ing sutge.y.
NEGOTIATION AND SmlEMENT "The SeIII_t C~ of!he Eighti .. ..-.d Beyond" !Iud flem ing 45:4:190
t..-yc, a, wi, ....... 44:4 :219 ~, wi,,,,,, •• in ing .t coun~
Nic"'~ G.W.• J,.
"'The final Judgment" 44:6:)53
N,coI. fiN. "The fin.1 Judg""""" 44:5:192
45:1:51 legal """kn rendered to in,ured, l¥ insure<'. house coon",1 45:1 :51
liobilily for cost, oIl iligahon 44:3: 168
Noel. J.S,. J'. "'The Fin.1 Judgmenl' 44:6:153
NoJ"". Char ... William "In Memori.",.. 46:6:]41 N""""n, 1(e;1h B. ond ~a, Susan Shirod: -A LooI< al Allbamo State 8dt l1eadqu.,· te<>" 46:1;146
Nooh, l. ·P""ide-nt'. Pag<'" 46:5:118; 46:6:288 N.,.,.,II, jen 'B ill H.i"I"" T. lk, About Ba, I""",' 44 :5:279 N.,.,.,II, jen "~ .. 1<e h~ bilitatins' [H iSlori<: 51",,· IU"") 51.leWHIe'" 45:1:168
Nowell, len ~ior>s R"nning
In"-""'l bearing bU<I fund occount< 44:1:56
lY""""r 45:4:230
"P""""",I Com~le1S and Software lor YOOr Uw Office" Jo.<on Mcln,y'" and Rol>erT Selle .. Smith 44:UO
Oil AND GAS "Pin"lI, oi Preparing Deeds eor....ying Oil .nd Ga, Inl""""- Edword G. Hawki n, 46:5:n6 Olm".od. Oaig "Con 'Slate of , ... Art' Evidence Be U!ed DeIen..e Undet Alobam. Extended M.nuf.Clu,e(, Liabilily Doc"ine," 45:4:2<12
a, •
OPINIONS OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL !-.cling •• )OU, ONn I.......... 44:1:57
Moroey., w it""', lor will 44:2:110 A"omer "'""""n'ing • publ ic ",,'ily which C(>me$ within SCope oi SIln"'i"" law confemng w ith client in dosed ..... ,;00 46:J:152
AUoroey wilhd'awlng or i nc~in8 coolingenl lee w"",, ~ObIe damage< • .., Ies. than in itially ,I>ooghl 45:2:114
May ~n ~n<><""I'
~ reputable Jes;ol d irecl"'Y to indicate ~ I.1w).er ~ """"iali .. ing in ~ c ..... in .... of law 46:4:216
Mi,,,,p,,,,,,,,,ati,,,,, b<y d ien! U:5;264 Re<:o,mTle,>da1i"" 01 mortg.;ogee'lt"lt insuranct and ,il le in"-".",,,= in rNl e$ta1e tr.nsaction l¥ i""ing;tg<"ll' 45:2:113 Re<:ORling """"""" i"", without con"",' 45:3:172 Represent one d ienl oot I.,,,, be<:oming
~ or "SlXia", 01 • firm th.t "'~ "",IS ~n"""'"" porty 45 :5:306
Special 3<Silldnl
an""""" II'-"""'al 44:6::146
Tape re<:ORling oi £"""" ....,i"". wfthoot J>riar """""" cI . 11I'Orties 10 '1on 46:5:274
Whe", one pori)' in a domn1ic ",la,lon, c.... i. not repeoented l¥ roun~ ond a"<><""I' COIfO!>Iin w ith D&;plinary Rule 5-105(C)(1) !he attomey <Ny!he-reWt rep"""'" h i. 0tis'".1 cI~ in a post decreta l prornedi"g 45:6,36J
Whe!het- ~ i• ...-.em ic. 1for an""""" 10 ma il aul I""",,, '0 debtors without r,,,, deter· rnini n8 lhe demo...J il lor a ",l id claim 46:2 :98 Offick. Judson H. Pid . name 10 su il)OUr image, "II H.p-!><fled at ,he Ba"- 44:4:225 Park"" ~n"Y J. "Anna S. fin'_Registra" Counselor ond friend" 45:6:350 Pike. Mary Ly" "6io r Commin ....." 45;2:94; 45:J:162; 45:4: 2<18 "ClE N......." 45:2,92; 45:3:152; 45:4 :211; 45:5:181: 45:6:344: 46:1:23; 46:2 :71; 46:J:124; 46:4: 199; 46:5:143; 46:6:321
Collecting. fee from.n i...Jigent deIeodanl 44:5:285
"Comm ilt"'" Contin..., Hard \\brk InlO 1985' 46:1:24
Contingent lees in domeslic ",Iati"", ca"" 44:4:218
.. Committ ..... PUrSuing Excellence" 45:6:348
Oisbu ....1 of fund. de!>o>ited in tlull~_ caunl P<K>r 10 d,,,,,,,,, p:ryme-nt 45:4:235
Pi nna, William P. "\-iQ,v 10 Write. """ le!!e< and Othe-r \~ 10 Make End, Moo!" 44:2 :100
Dual """"",otal i"" 01 pI .intiff< 44:2: 111
Duty of I.......... ' 0 fepo<\ UOl>'i,;Jeged """"' ledge 01 conduct of opposi "!! cou.,. ~ which vkolaln discipfin."y ru"" 46:6,338
'l'I Rctnarbble L-od j'-Qli"" G"""", Sti ll "" the lob Me, 15 Yea,," 45:4:218
REAL PROPERTY "'The litle Question: 00 6ionkruplCY Courts H...., Juri$diC1i"" CM!, MOrtgaged AIaNma Rc.11'rnperty1" Romoioe S. Scoo, 11145:5:246 "'T1me Sha", Qw ....... hip 01 Condomi"i· urns" Richard E. O.... i.44:4:163 ~ fYndolph
P. "legi,I"i"" Wr.op-up" 44;3:161; 44:4:210; 44:5:274; 44;6:34(l; 45:2:74; 45:3:143; 45:4: 225; 45,5:293
RESEARCH "(:ompute, ..."i,ted Les->I Reoe.",h" Paul f. HoJ<;Omb 44:5:256 Ri ..... Richard T~lor final ludgment" 44:1:59
R(>$s. 5o...J,. H. "Ch ild Abuw= .nd !he ju""",,ile Courts' 46:1:35
R.,.,." II.B.. "'T ... final ludg""",," 45:3:177
S,. john. F,E. , Jr. "'The Fin. 1 JOO8""""- 45:3:177
Whether aIIOtt>ey> lor f>l.a intifl ond deIendant both cal led ., wit"", .... must withdr.ow 46:1 :50
Clienl confidences-.uicide Ih .. a" 44:1:169
Disbu ....1 oi INS! funds depo!ited in ... torneY' personalllCcoonl 45:4:235
PROFlUS "Bob Cunninghom, J,.-From Mobile 10 Maui ... Swimming. Bil<ing. Running" len
Pipes. 50m 'M!siey. III "The f inal ludgrnenr 44 ,1:59 Pins. W.M "'The Final ludgmcnr 44:1:114 Porter, C.E. "'The Final Judgment" 45:3:176
SAVE 30· 600/0
• • • • • •
USED LAW BOOKS • Wesl • Lawyer. Coop . Ha rrison • MaahewBende-r . Ca!I8ghan _ 0Ihttn WE a Uy - SELL _ TRA DE
Law Book Ex cha nge !'. O. Boo< 170 73 Jack s",,,,ill e, FL. :122 16 1·800·325·{",o1 2
Richard Wilson & Associates Registered Profess iona l Court Reporters 131 Ad~m5 Avenue
Monlgomery, Alabama 36104
264-6433 !anwry 1986
5t. john. 1'"..... E......... III "In MemoriMrr 016:2:106
_c..,.n '"The en",,,,01 lutrice ~ ~ Polity" 44;3:1..0
Scon. R<I!N,~ 5., III '"The Tide QuesliotI: 00 8.;onkruplcy
Expect the unexpected!
- _._-___.,-_ .-__.............. _. .....
........... _,... ............. _.... ...... .. .............-,. .......... ~
_*).H ·"'~..c..
... __
of _
- ' """""""
CourtS H_ lu,iidi(,ion 0,.;, Mongaged AI.v...m. Rl:;J I ~ropertvr 45:5: 246
.SE~!I)n ond!he ~ 0IIerint! 01 ~ in
Alob.>mi" MIChorrI n _
'"The AIWmI! Socu",~ ..... Mft$ """ """'- I'IKl_ "'" 'Blue YaK Sm.1insIil AI MeT R. r,d u..e.y 45:5:295 ~ ~laroId
1'. ee"..",,1 P~"'ronet'\ In,roduaion 10
Poten, and T,~ Secret Law: A ~,imer on InteHKt...1 P,.,.,.."y"" 016:4:186 "A ~01 PrxIitionen Intmduction 10 CopyriW>1 Law: A Pri .... On I!WI~
l'Ioptll" I'<r" Ir 016:/.:326
SeNdI. 1.0.. J< "In ~ 46:2:105
5hep;>rd, ~ T. and Wil ....... john A. "Rejec1ion 01 CoIIK"~ 8.'SOinins -we"""",I>: An Analysis 01 In '" 8ik/iKO'" 45 :];154 Sil~"".n. \IIII lbu, C.
"80nkruplCy P,Klice Unde< !he Rule""
luttrelltt InpHttlJ!!tton. anbcnolllullllntll, ,!!C.
Smith, W<y P. '"The L~ Side oil-. Oh. 45:td211
Sm."" Helen C "Iiunowille-Heri,- .....
High loch"' oI6:J:I2(1
SrniIto, I.W. '"The Judgrne<.t" 44:1:&0 Smilh. !lobe" Ii. "EdUCOlion 01 .he H.ndic.J>POd_The ~. Ro",," 44:3:128
Smith, Itobcn Sellen ..... Mdnty"', loon """""""I Comput ......... Sdrw;we foI \bur t - OKICO!" 44:1:40
socw. SlQJIUTY "'Sociot Secunry 00""",01'1)1 I......anct""" ~ C
E _ 0I6:H.2
Sta,nes, S.R. '"The f i",,1 J~," 45:2:118 S«.m, Duke! r-I<><tll i" ... "80, fndotseo r-Iew P~l liobility I...... ,ona Pro&rom"" ' 5:2:73
-..- Mod> 1 _ is EnctJsh'" 44:2".88 "P-.tI", Pit£oIls in l~,.mon ~ 44:1:38
'"The Ri<I< ""'" f~lI)I 00ckeI Con""'" 44:4,22] s.ew.", CA_ J,. "The Fin.all~ 45:2:n8 SI_n, Robe<! BroNde, "In Memori, ...... 46:3:161
SIont, No<t:rorno: C. "-Prflillent·s" 44;1:4; •• ;2:68; ,":1:120; ,":4:180
Suus. f~ w.. J< """"!oI"I Ibu,Cotporoce a ...... <WI.......wInl Ch.o~ 01
s......1 Ha"I~
John 8entQ<l, Sr. "In Mernofiom" 46:5:283
l.ol l ~,
T.opJe-,. Allen L. 'l'dmitIiSlrllli,,", 0Ifi0e R.eporr .6:&:Z97 W< "Oifft'EhCti in fedooraI ..... 51.- 01 Al.obomo 'ncome T.. a-..- I!.obf:rr C 'MIlt· ....14(:6:1ll
'ncomeIn" -..,., 0I\""""'sfu1 DNIh Pro. O""id M. \\boIdridse ~
"T1>e 'LI. Itebm Act 01 19&4_ Signir,(.nl
o-tH Mode I7r New lax Uw'" R"hord P; \.\bod! 45:6:357 Thoma~ AJ.
"In Memoriam"" 016:1:5]
'Cornment;wy. ~ Irn.n",.III)I A,morcAJobonw~"'" . . . ~ C"'IIOf'r' C Bulfalow ( 5:1:16
u.~. R. f"""k
'The AI ...."'" Socu ,it'" Act ,\.',eet\ .he .-...e,oge l'IK1i,ione, lor ·Blue Sl<ies Smi~ i"llin AI......,. .5:5:295 \~III\;III. I!.obf:rr C
"Oi~ in
Fedo<oI ond SU'" 01
Al.>I:>o,... Inc"""" l.o>. a-..- . ':&:Jl2 Word. J,>mti 5. "'Why "'1oIHmo Nee<k a
fut!d'" 4$:2:67
a ..... SKw'I)I
w.rd, Wolter C. '"The DKision"" .5:1:1l5 VIIoI ..... Mi(hoej D. "'So\lh'SlkMion ond the ~ Offeringol $«u,ities In AiZama" 44:5:240 'Mel"","", Slanlq>
"!\II \bu WInIod Ie> a:- About IQllO, Ik.c
Wr<e Alr.oid Ie> Ask" 4&:S:267 Will ....... }.M., "'"The f'Nt Iudgment" '":4:2)(1 Wil ....... john .... ond Sheponl Ton!IoeII T. "IIf~("Iioo, 01 CoI~ BoIJoil>i",....._ : An A,...lyois 01 In '" BM,Kti' . 5:30154
\l\bcxk, Rkhard P.
"The 1:I.1tebm Act 01 1984_Slgniflconl ~MOdeI1!' _l.o>. ~ (5:6:357
VoboId"', Owid M .
Income 'LI .... ion 01 Wn>n9uI DNrh Pro. Cft<k In AIobatno"" 4&:):127
v.()RKMEN'5 COMPENW1ON "!\IabMnIr \'.br1<mot(s Comj> .... law r-lid>oI .. T. 8,..-11. III 44:5:270
....... Pri_
.. __ ____ . _.. -_ ....... __..... _ ...-Classified Notices -- -- ...- ....... "",,,,_ .... ,...... ,,,,-,
... ,.
. " ... . ""_.....
... ---~""-'-"' ..-, " """""'" "" '
~ '"
SERVICES EXAMIN"TlON m QUESTIONED DocumenlS: Haoowriling, typewriting and ",Iated """mj""lions. Intemational.
Iy coun.qualifoed ""~ wilnesS. Dipk>m3le. American Board ofFoteo,k Doc· ument E""miners. Member. Americdn
Society 01 Questioned Document Examiners, the tnternationa l Association fo r tdentifiCilti on. the British Forensic Sdence Sociel\" aoo the Nat ionall\>sociation of Crim i",,1 Defense lorw).ers. Retired Chief Document Exolminer. USA. CI laboratories. H ans Mayer G idion, 218 Merrymont Drive. Augl>5la, Gem· gia J.O<l07, (404) 860-4267
REAL ESTATE EXPERT Testimony: liability 01 real estale brokers. agents. closing attorneys aoo mortgage lenders. Licensed attorney and real estJle broker. Aulhor r:J Home Buyers; Llmbs to the Siaughter1 SIOdn Bashinsky. Suite 100,6 OffICe Park C,,,, le, Birmingham. Alabama 1522l. Phone 870-1500. No "'P"'5enl.ltion is made aboot the quali· ty 01 the lega! 5efVices to be performed Or the e~pefli5e of the lawyer perform· ins such servicl.·j. LEGAL RESEARCH HelP: Altorney w ilh >e\'l'Il ;ears' experience in 1egJ.1 reo... archlwriling. kces., to Univers ity of Alabama and Cumberlaoo Iibrarit'S. Westl ..... ""'ilable. Prompt deadline setvice. S3S1hou,. Sarah K.1thryn Farnell. 112 Moore Building. Montgomery, AI· abam;! 36101 , Phone 277-1"137. No rep",sentation is made aboo/the quality of Ihe legal sevv;ct'S 10 be performed or the experti ... of the lawyer performing weI! services. lAMAR MILLER, Examiner of QuesHoned Documents Qualified in most Alabama couns. American Society of Q ueslioned Document h a miners, American kademy of Forensic Sciene_ es. certified by American Board 01 Forensic Document Examiners. H andw r"· ins.. forgery. typewriting. alteration 01 mediCilI aoo other reocords. Miscellao-
rous document authenticarion pro/,). tems_P.O. 11<>0: 55405, Birmingham, AIabama lS2.iS, (205) m·I4n
WANTED WANTED: LAW FIRM by a p.1ssiw in""",meO! group wOO is looking for commun il'\o'<H"ienled law firm to,.,,,,,, as the a<:ti"" orgilni~er of eithe< a ban k or say. ingo; and lo,m and its holding COInp.1r1y. Res.ponsibilities to include choosing the board of diredOrS, officers and site I" cation. lr'M.'Stment group will be respOI1,ible fof proYiding all fronllllOlle'( neces"'ry 10 oblain g!70",rnment regu· latory appr0;3ls in !!><Change for a mi· nority shareholder interest w ilhout 001· ing righlS. Reply to: Investmenl Group, P.o. Bo. 3146, Pompano Beach, Florida 330n. All replies held confidentiJI.
FOR SALE END OF AN ERA: Fifteen full-color prints of Farmh Hall still available. Prints mea,ure 20" x 26N aoo have some 01 the ICONer numbers in the 405. SOs aoo 60s. Signed aoo numbered limiled edi. 'ion prin!s """ il able 10' S80 each through: Pele's Framing Shop. P.o. Bo. 288. Tuscaloosa, Alabama 15402. FORT WALlON BEACH condomin ium for ",Ie or !rnde. One bedroom, th ird Hom on lhe beach 00 OkalOOSd Islaoo. Completely furnished, new pa int. carwallpaper. Appral$e<.l I" aoo has first of Pay equity aoo I will pay all dosin8 costs. Will trade for anything of value. A buy hack Or equity share agreement Ciln be r>egoliated. Call (904}65 14424 Or (205 ) 5 9B·93n, Write Bob Aj't'F}, 159 Rkhbourg A""nue. Shalim;!r. Flor· ida 32579.
.. , "''
FO R SALE: Alabama Digest: Soulhern Rep:>rter 1 &- 2; Federal Reporter I & 2; Federal Supplement F. R.D.; U.s. tro 1 &- 2; Am lUI 2d. Am lUI legal Forms 2d; AL R 2, 3. 4 &- rederal; Williston On Contracts. 3d. complele tax library. for ~II )Our law book needs: The lawboolc hch~nge, Ud., buys & ... 1I~ 135 W.
29th Sired, New York, New York 10001, (212) 5944341 FOR SALE: IBM Displaywrile r, Model 6360, IBM Printer, Model 5215. 1M>rd
pmcessing 5OI1ware included. T...o.rId one-hall years old. Excellent condition. For inform~lion call (205)')3:;<'24 11 or w.ile 10 P.O. 80> 547, Bay Minelt~, AI· ab"rna 16507.
MISCELlANEOUS DO YOU KNOW of 50me hiWlfic chun:h. building 0. monument in )<lUr town or dty that )OU th i n~ VIOIJki be an interesting part of an illu>traled book about Alabama? Ca ll o r write G rover S. Mcleod, 1204-171h 51..,.,. South, Bi •. mingham, Alabama )5205·4798, Phone 251-5780. ANIMAL CRUElTY lAW: Altomeys wanted 10 join new ly formed group of Alabama attorney. i n~led in animal crue lty law aoo matters. For mOre i... form.1tioq contact: lames R. Foley, 223 Ea51 Side Squa"1, Suite C, Huntsville, Alabam;! l 58 01. Phone 5 34-4589. THE AlABAMA Depanment 01 Environmental Managemenl ma inta ins a mailin8 lisl of interested individuals who wish 10 recei"" notification 01 proposed envilonmenlal perm ining ac· lions. Legal norict'S regarding proposed permits are mailed directly to those persons. If )<lU wish to receive such nOlices contaC1: MdFilyn Elliott. Alabam;! ~rtment 01 Environmenl· al Md""8emenl, 1751 Ft'deral Dri .... Montgomery. Alabam;! 36130. AU ' '<1<'',51> for cI~S$'/'.,ds pl.cerne", mus/ be wbmrtred lyp<Wr.nen .nd a.., ..,bject to
"f'P/"O"'1. AI~b.>m> 5""e B.o, membet< ~re n/)t ch.orged for dmW.ed "",ice< up to two m..... ions per calendar Y"'r. lot wanted'" Of "positi"" oIlere<f' U"ins<. which .re a' ,he <e! rdle. Nonmember . dy.:rli....s muIr p.l)' in advance .nd w,lt r«eive a complime""'Y COpy of Th<' AI. t>a"", ~I in which rI>e" .dver· ,i<ffile/"ll i, publi~. cop .... ~.., UOO plus ~rage.
/Jmmy 1986
LEGAL PRINTING Legal and Financial Printers Since 1910 Experienced, Dependable, Responsible, Confidential
Prospectuses, Proxy Statements, Official Statements, Tender Offers, Indentures and Briefs
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