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2 1 JANUARY 1994


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President, Alabama State Bar

O. How does I


with thor rwnr 01 "Spud" become I bar

prtSidtnt? A. I t1Unk rnaybt ~Spud" htlptd ....

in thai thtno art IlOl many

~Spudt "

be<omc the bar Pf'Uidrnt


n..... .... 1 ~

In the AubumlOpelib ana. Spud WrighL Thrre II. ~ who was In .... Id>ooI with .... who WU I )'til' ahud, SpulI Schnmm , btl. tho .. HI jilt ' 1>01 many "Spudt" around.



Q. to thot • family nickname? A. No. It' •• nldmame bUlowt<i upOn m. by my until ..1>0 ..-alked in wh,n I came home from 11M holpilal and JUII hello Spud. It , h.ek, . 00 I kl,'1 boen ailed SpoMI all my life. I trial to .hake It wl\tn I nl'll aome \0 ,'I0fllg<Jnmy and ~ Jim Stale, but thot didn"~. $0 Iong..,go I abano:lontd ali _ I. ".,,. of bting anyIhlllJl but Spud. Mt four QIt f!\lf months into}'OU. prt$ldfrq. 11a~ the demands on you bttn mon' t/wl )'(Ill iIIl\;cipated they I'IOUkI bt?

0 . You

..... I ....... 10 "IOY)'U.

Q.ln "'haI"'IY? A. I spmcIlht ti .... llvot I fftll ·... 1ot 10 ~ to do thejo/ll wanlio do.. In ~ botIuty, 1010&0' 1hInk!ha1 I ....... \0 sprnd u much limo .. I do "'""" bout 1 ..,', think)OOll an do the job without it. It is • wry ~ .. wry tilM-COnlumin4; Job. n..... ~ l1IY ~umlltT 01 coonmitlft rneetintt IlIaI I wanl '" attmd, and u.. ~ from IIw ABA \0 be <OD$idntd. ~ IlOl know it. but the ABA II tht IujtIt pubIioher Ia 1M btcomt the pruioImt 01 the bu. I '" why. It'll _ Mlll. and [do by to md tht m¥>riI)I of the "'for. mation tho! the ABA MndI \II thai they think is prrtinml to IIlk _local ..... UIOCiatlou _ flak pruidtalt.. 1'1IIt II YnY timI'-<OIIIUIII;nJ, I don't mow ..... t...... helal he,... in Monl· gomr.y If 1'1'1 alled Iny more !han I _III bot If you..,. out of MOI1~. ""I 111m 1l1Omtthi.., rYtI)' cby. The IIINt;"&I !ho1)'OU alImd tue I lot o(\illll. and I don't think !ho11l1)Wdy oughllo _k this I'O'ltlon thlnkin. that If. not ........ to tue I YnY. YnY .~iflanl chuM 01 ~t tlllll. AM Calnt told l1li that t may III well jull j(i\'t up III)' law practice for I )U', It hu thai bad. bUl l do nlld!hot If. YnY dlfficult 10 btcome invo!wd in uything thai', goblll 10 tue)'OU OUI of )'OUr off'la

roo -w. ........".,


4 1 JANUARY 1994

... itM>M )'OU tho whole WftIr MI you cannot II tho bu.

,...JPONI 10 _Iton

Q. b thore ore emlf1ll ~ of YOUT ildminiltration or any pU'

!iruw ~)'OO M( I\xu$iog on?

A. Shortly aft~ I btaom pru~t. I_t oul I I Urwy to tho board of bar O)Inlllluionm, 10 put pruKlmIl of tho l bolt bu, 10 10al bar pruidm .., to <Qmmlt\ttl and wk fotte chain. and to l«lion clu,ira. t liked them what their Idu, .... ,...... hat dlrodlon thty thoughl .... bu l hould bot going. Ind what ""'"' tho moot importanl w .... foclng tho bar . Q. I'.hat well' .... l'I'Sul ..?

A. (Mn.~, thty uid tho ....... importanl iIIut fIdo!C tilt lIlT I'U tho ~ of tho proftulon. Othor 111_ of importanot \0 thtm _ tho ~JOIicmIion, pml'tIIIonaIiIm. ethIa.Jr,odicia11t1ectiool reform. and 1tgaI1tr\'i<a 10 tho poor. Thcte "'"' oIhor II1'I':I5. but IheIt _ just \tit ontI teffinC tho mo'IIIt ' ........ _ \\ithoul question. tho number one lIIut that Iaoo)'tn .... facin4 than II tho quation of u.. profaaIo:m'...... Q. ThIIt·s bNn iI problem XH' i nWllber of)'l'M$. I

don't prt:IUnlr

thai. )'00 r""t )'OU can ntUSSarily 10M Ihat but willi do )'OU ~ as tho bar', irr.ooIYrmmI in tryif1ll \0 mhaIu our ima8t? poial 01 m~ or mUinly bar It» of,...feftnot in cldtr1llininl what ptopIt IhinII: 01 UJ II ~ drkrmlntcI ~ tho IWt Surwy, In AuC .... 1992. tho ABA had iI IUfYO)' .............. II)' htc-r O. lIart RtMan:h Auocialta. Tbey did I ........, iull ol ABA l1li....... 11wn In Jan\llll'jf 1993, IWt R~ AllocR,," did anothtr 1UrYO)', 011.200<.-IuItJ to ddtrmme how they fdl .....t Irooym. I knew that our if!A# _ tamilhaI, INI I don' l ...... [ .wty had fGalHd 011 how tamiahod it .... unto1 WI! found oul from tho ........, thai AmtrianJ nUo ~ 56th in hontoi3' and Inl~ out 01 . II.!t of 71 pt'Ofa.honall. Not to dispangt 111)' otMr PI"IfUllonJ. but .... _ lhead 01 labor union \Qdm, lUI Hbolt ....11, car oalu ....... poIilidanl. prottitutu, and drug dulm.

A. I

gueu ~'.

tn' poinl

Q. What can .... bar 00 about this? A. 0... thing that tho IIMI SUl"I't)' focultd 011 WU that people had positive imagu of Iaw)'tra when thO)' ....... jlIWIdlng • lUI

HTVioo 10 people. jIfO bono-type adiviti". Thai II I malin of greol concern 10 me. the .tt-in. number 01 pooplt who a.. hein. ududed frum the legal jII"IXtN- I thi"" ItgII HrYitu in IOmt of OUr jIfO bono .rrorb .... dlnctnllo the WT)I pOOr. the WT)I ..... i _ peopIt. and.u oIthem do not Id HMd 1Iy..., Itmeh 01 the [....,.IIIIIon. not twn clOH. but the ptOplt of l1IIIIItnto ....... 1ft btin,g I'Toun out 01 .... marftt. The)I haw no ICC1UI to ItgII HI\'ku.. They jult _·I.rJord it.

A. I addruMoIl that In thia SowmINr 1993

w...: 01 TfwAlohoo.

"'" t.ayrr ........ I toIIotcI aboul our oon.r.l_1aw)oirn program haded IIy ." klinlll Wllft'I. ... I ~ the mandalory __ SUI voluntary uPfC'b 01 pn! Ioono. I 1m ..... Id! to IIIId that I ..., .....tlo _ aD)'Ihin,g tIM IN matIdalory ... that I think thai Iaw)oirn It!>d 10 nlNllpin,tl he worel M mlndltOry.~ I think that mandatory cu: It • #f:al thln£ but ju.Jt the >fOI'II mandalory ...... 10 con. note .omethinlI ..; 1 10 • large part of OUr

our piaru. IOmethm, thai has 10 he ~ out with lhe

10 the ,ites. W. Hnt the tom ...... whilt tlw)I ..... not able to aft ~ 011 the WI td up • booth at the Adunt Mark lIot.t hi Mnbile. wbnt ... had personnel rn.m the Mobilt BIT Auociation. They WIn 011 rr>emben of tht Mobilt Blr C~ eommitt-. and tlw)I_ tl>m the whoIt time.. I thhl it .... ....1 thI'M ~ or 10 that u.e, had Ihlt booth at the hotel While tlw)I ........ obHn.... ..., dine! ooIicitation. we do Imow wllbollt qlluli01l lhol I brolho. of On. of vldlml w.. .....twioaIlIy ............ who .... him 10..,.. I contract with thia ~. b")'tr ..... Ih. victim hi. cWo ... d Ihlt ..... I Iaw)'tr from New 0rIt:aM. LouItiII>a. We Imow lor ..... thai thlo ....,.... .... thtre.. It .... ftP(IO'teoI to IlIIIy .... police thai irwtsti-




profeilion. They don't ... nl to IN told they'>-e got to do anylhlng. bllt hlvln, addrtt~ tho voluntary uptd of that Iut time. 1 think lhat we need mon ""rUdpantl in Ihis voIunlary Iaw)'tr 1JfOII'1I1I. If .." don't 11M: ~ough partlcipatlon in the \'Olunt_1aw)'trt pn.>j/nm .... I~ going to _ I proliferation of non ·lawytr Hrvia'i in I number of "rut: rul estate cIolings. l implt banlmlptdu •• Implt will •• oollte_ tionl. thingl Ihat panleg.II and mlny orpnizationl in lOme 01 !hue other ltatu 1ft aIrud)' ..king for pamiuion 10 do. in my opinion. it·. llnauthoriud pt1IctI« of I.w for th eH ~Ie to '01 lovolved In theH ...... bul II ... don'l 11M: I mponu 10 the peopIe..too ....... thue HrYitu. WI 11ft going to _ _ Iaw)oirn mow inlo

_oIthue-.. Q. I know tho bar receMd JOIllt IdYfrH publicity.bout pt •• aWed soIicit.llion dforu reprdi", the Amlnlc tnin IragWy. COIIkI)'OU gM uti ~ on that?

A.. ¥lht...... Amtrak 6etailment oxnrmd OIl"'" of SarWnd. the AbI»ma Slatt Bar had • diauln ruponH ...... In pIIa. That morning. I .... aIraoIy Hhtdoled 10 IN: . t \.he bar 1M I .....1 ........ arty 10 mHI wilb Resgie 10 drtmnlnl wtw ICIion .... date bar .......ld ..... R......... I decided that WI o..&M 10 10 ahead ..... w...: a ...... releaH. W. COOItadtcl Tom BI)'ML JIftIIdmI of the lIIobile Bar Assodllion. and uIoed him 10 ....... I 10m oul 10 .... ";Ie 10 _ ~ It """Id do to htlp familitt of the viet"'" and the YktlIlU, and 10 pftWnl thtH "panchul'~ 1I"')'fTlI ..... I..".. tiplon from It)'In, 10 IOlldt thtH I2HI In time of tngt<Iy ..... HVtft emotional dIIt .... on !hue famUiu. Q. Was \.he lum senl?

A. The tum .... Hnt. The tom did not hive the mdtntlall to gd on the acddml .11 •• I a.dcnowIedge Ihll II • lhorI""",,,,, In



1m<>' managemml agmcy in AWIaJm ..... the ftdtral .1!IfTIm. cy managm,mt luu-iliu 10 in the fulu .. we can haYe ""'"


pton WIn .........1. ..... \tam on·.ik oduoliy obHMO! I t Itut 1hI'M "","I!gaton Illhe lite .M It the hotel. ...tillt WI did 1101 actually _ III ""'""~ lor Wkinlio • \ictim or In)' flmil)' ........ I>e. of a viellm. Iho polic. and fl mn~ mtmben lold III that liltH invutlplon did rontad !hem. and a 100aI Iaw)'tr .... conllcled b~ In Ittomey oul of Tun ..... ting to refn victinu 10 him. So thne II no quutlOll that thne we .. poople down thne nuking Illempla 10 IOlidl bUlln .... I finnly ""!lew Ibll the Alablml Stlte Bor'l preHne. Chen. In lOme way. pre· """led U- IOIldtationl aud ulllled the f;unilitl In not Jumping to..., conelu.1on or..., 1'tUOII 10 hire I Iaw)'tr Immtdillely. or 10 I"" ..., ....... frum the nilrDMI 01' I'" Iugboat <omplOY In th . .. timtl of #f:at emotional dum....


Q. Didn'I \.he news media draw they.'IUIII OJfIClusionIlOIxluI wNt .... bM'. iJctivilie$ " .. re to be?


A.. Ab$olutely. finl ........Ie:ue thai arne 0111 ma.dt II ..... 001 tao. tht ltalc bar had Hnl Ia'ol)'tfl to lOIicit bu.ine». They _ acaWnI'" 01 .... ~ thing that WI had HOlt peopIt out thtn 10 prvI>iIIt. and thai .... ndir>ed 10 I ,maD txlmL TIoe MobIle Bar.... III partkuIar. TOfII B.,...L did on .......Iy ...!J1InIting jail in . - il ........ this, in runn"" tht booIhI doom thtn. In that our IIisaoIn rupOnH plan .... adhemI to. ond In Ir)'ing 10 ...-t .... toIicitation that ...... plan .... pul In pIIa to P"'f"t"L TIoe baud 01 bar eommlulontn ...... ed a moIution PBiom, TOIII BI)'MI ..... the III""" Bar AuociItlon lor the job thai they did.


Q. Anothe r ,ru Ih,,1 you mentioned wn connm OVtr Ihe ~ to)'OUr qurstionNi .. iIMlIvinII tho sel«tion 01 judga.. .......... bar takm a pOSilion on \.he judicial sel«tion procw?

A. Tht bar Iw I Tuk Force on Judicial Selection. chairtd IIy Bob Dennisloo of MGbilt. aud the commiuionm hive f'KtMcl I rrpoot from that tuk fom. The report Iw 1101 act...tly betn adopted )'01. and .." haw: Hnl the talk force bK. to dtwlop ....... voluntary crilerillo try to get candldlott. In Judicial elee-

JANUARY 1994 / 5

tiona to """ to. My pmoml Opinion, noI tho Opinion of tho Alabama Stlte Bu. " that I -..ld lib to _ tome I;ype of nonputiaan eloctiom or tome I;ype M mnit ftkntion. I -"" !hat thm .n JI'Ul pftIiI and cona to both oms M that, .... t ,."." tho ItancIpoInt 01 tho ~ being ..,t (101 U- judIdaI _ I -.111 think that .. M tho andld>t.. and tho judga -.ld lib to " - • plan Iimitin,t the amount 01 money that thoy ~ " - to Ipmd or COIIld sprad. Q. Whtn"o)'Oll expect tho WI< fora wrorrV.d~ itsworkl

A.. We 1I11ed thom to ftporIbad<tolllll


II PN. ilIle.

Q. i.awytr discipline appears to be l continuing probltm.

A.. I.aW)'tI' diJdplil'Hl;' • problem, and it " of gmt COIIOI", to tho ~ In Abbama. It It 0( con«m to tilt board 0( commitdontn, and it II otrtainty of COl""'''' to me. !'menlly. thm " bdon tilt Abbtm.a Supmne Court pr' . ne! mocIir1aUoni to tilt I'llIeI of cIiKIcIIl"", promIurt. TheM pn!IpOHd modiflcaIionI _ ~ ill put loy the Mt... Conunlulon Report .... ich ....... rttnd Jll$tin Osar AdarnJ ~ OIL Q. Whll,"", tho purpcw of tho McKay Commiuion ~?


A.. The thl'\l.ft of the Commilllon Rtport .... tkat tho disdpIInary I"""'ftIUrt for bw)oorI ought to bt opmtd up _ In rttpOnM to tkat. the board of bar ...... mlulonen ~ changt. which would add • lay member to of the dlldpllna1')l ,.ne l,. The dl.dpllna1')l procffillng lIMlf would .HII rtmaln a <»nfldtntlal pnl(HdIng until the time tIwrt " • iullty pia, or an actIW findInC of guilt. AIIo. there " • ~ lion to tilt court thlt all judicial ciJalili with leu tlwi _ bar commlt.lonen oot hi.... Ioeal ~nee committee. Th"" -.Id noI be U)' bwutlgJlion __ II the IotJI iIMI In thoM judicial ciJalits with leu than _ bar COIIUIllNIonerI Q. I'oo'hy_ tNt I ,ewhmaoclation?

A.. TheM art . m. 1I drc~it •.• od it il jut MIf·ln.p«Uon. I'oobelher the MIOOd old boy" ~ For want of. beIIfr-.l, It actuall)' prtHnt In !hue JII'C""'Il'Il or noI. It Im .... teTIaI. '111m is ctrbInly tilt ptrCItpIion of impr\JjHlety In U- . malI dn:uits 11>6 that " what .... tItrI- From my . WidpOint and my bod:ground on tilt dlIdpllrwy ...... miuion. and I don't 11)1 thll dilpora,glnibo of any of the lmall circuill, tilt ftporIlIwmnolll drtalIecL It meant that tho dlJciplirwy commlulonm Nod to do



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6 1JANUARY 1994


a gmt dul more to .......we o-~. We -... to haw got. tm bttkr ftporIlI ,."." tilt Iujrr dmIib. for wtoa_ _ that II. and >&aIn I truly think thai It hOI 10 do with tilt fact thai. 10 IMM .maJkr drnIllI, )'OU ...... "",,Ie who are b..iali)' ~tirll! their frimda. propIt they _ all tilt timt. lei mt ..... OM thir\I! to IhiI. I thIdk 11 Is imporbnt (or tho uoWIrr cit· cu.itJ to IIndenWHI \Not they .n rully noI losing anything beauH all they wm oIoi", .... tilt __ ~Iion and making a recomonmdltion to tilt IliIdpliIll1')l commillion. Rully,)')II.n ...... 11( aomt of IIItK lmallrr dmoltJ worIo: )')II artc not b.I<ina; anything ~ from Ihtm. 1I0we0.0er, 101M of thom cIon't_1t Uv.t '""Y. As a matter of fact, on December 8 IMre was a hearing btFOrt lilt ,uprtrnt court in ..... lch some of IIItK cin:uill challenged the decision of lilt bar commlllionen Q. It seems that lilt ~r acMrt~menu in the Yelk:>..o Pages continue to mushroom. Whit It the ~r'llIO'ition...;th resptC1 to adYrrti$ing'

A. Adwrtlsina; II _ of tilt IoIy COI'U"" to ~ througIiout the IbIL 1.0 particular. tilt lI. rt Rtport that w.u donor ill Jan.wy 1993 ........ the dodioe ill tilt ImI# M.....,.... anooI the dedioe ill prOf~m II clirtd mmbotion 10 aoMrtiting. pubIi(. on tilt othtr hand. don not _ to be oIfmded 10 bodIy II)' IlMrtllIna;. ~ II)' IhoK ado that ..... dignity. I'oobat _ to inomH AIaIwno !...,.en tilt molt is the direct mail


hr..,... •

"'-Illing. Q. Why doesn't l~ bar regulate direct !Nil advertising?


A. ~ i'I'orriI' off"", " at WI)'I to tighten OW' I'llIeI on ....'I!rt41ng and brin. IOmt Form of dignity to it. We Ire conIidmna; KWI'lli thlop. _ of which an aIrucIy being clone in OIhrr .tltn. I 1m aware of direct mail \etten btauK of my wwIt It IIw bar and my pOIitiooi 011 tilt dil"ipliDl1')l COIIlIDWion. '111m is • mIbge iadlll"" act....., ....,...m, "" InIUnd ~ III&- '111m 1ft ... \ilia that )')II an IUbKrIIe to and )')II tid all M the fondoollrt II06re$. all 01 tilt I<rlIImI rtpOI'U. and all 0( tilt luillllied. Then they mttT thllinto. """"""'fr. and an Knd Ollt Iitenliy hundrtdi of \etten. This _ .... to be .. hat offetWIs SO terribly. We Cl!1't .top \Not btoUK of the Shapiro drcision, but we artc COIlIIdtring WI)'I to tlthtm that Ont is to mrulrt ta..yen to put (101 the envtlopal or In letten. in a '""Y to otch )'OUr attention. that this. IaW)'t'l' aMrtiKment. I don't !mow .....U-)'OII PoW attention to ttleYlllon ado. but I do. Tht disclaimer thorn io aomttimel fluMd so qlllcidy \Not)'Oll Cl!1'1 rud It and don1!mow .....1 it 11)'1. Sometlmtl)'Oll hartly ewn _ It What ...., an thlnkill( Ibout doin. ,.;th Ihue ads It to "-tilt oIiscbimtr. when it Is (lqhod on Ilwrt. run for a nrtaIn prriocI M lime - ' " - it In type M • aTtIin I;'" so thai propIt an _ it We.n not Ming.lmMbettfr in th~ ...., artc IoIJow. InC the ..... of _ of U- otlwr Ibta. You " - Sftntllt oInntatiz:alionl on tdeo.iIIon. tho wre<:k. tilt I""" tilt ~ JiIhta. tilt KIorI. Wt an -m, If...., 011 prohi)it the mmaliDlions and !be wredr - . . and prOhI:tIt tilt "" 01 tho actOl'lQ. AdYerti$ing is 1O type of toIicitlOtion. isn't it?

A.. W~ had it M adwrtillnj'solicitltlon" on the . Ur\'qI, but I don't Imow thai tho bar commlulonen and tho people who reo.ponded

THE Al.o\6AMA l.o\WYER

to the '"1'W)' rulIy dillingllllhcd ""'lwttn lIdwrtilina: and solidtmon. From the commlulontr mtdin,.. ~. I CUI tell )'01/ that ooIicitotion iI • rmior of the commlulonm. and they ltatc that tlMy In ~ the of the ~ In their circuill. Q. .m thm TTWl)' griMntt$ /lIN arisinQ from CQrT1I'lllintl Klout soIicit.otio.»l?

A. I _ , Qy INt tllm an mII'()I. Wt """ hOIII • nllmber of complainll on JOIidt1l1on, .... t the poublom has bMa that when "" in~ltj,.te t .... compLlint, ..... It _ . II .... tn baw the ~

or the


I'IIIkInt the

_plaint ....... forwanl and

k$tify, they an DOt ~ to throw thai rod! at anat/wr 1Iw)otr, AI pnsmt. the Slott of Tau hal ~ I _ ChamperIy and Blrntty ,tatlltt. l'hlot 110M., maim It I (dooly (or ~ to dindly sotidt ~ and Ihb 9lu to both the IIw)otr and the imutigator. Our TIIa..wm.. the 1Iw)otr, and _ t of the timo if" noI the IIwytr who II maIrbIi Ihb dind conbd with the ~ dient. 11'. _ """'"Ilptor or ~I£ _ _ Ing on hiI Mhall. It', diffICUlt to nlate thai bad: to the 1Iwytr, 111£ imutiptor will NY he wu 1101 1<13' contact for the IIwytr or, a,glin. the complaini", ~, wbtn It romu right !\own to it and he', got to actually tuli(y a,gliRil anotila"....,..... he hal not IIont thaI. \\'. an IooIdn, I' prOpIU1na: ieg;,lallon • imillT to the Tuu .blule, OIMo\"Iy, the IAglllatun"'lI ba"" to ad 011 it. and 1 don't know willi the eh&ncel WO\IId "'" of Its


d_ and gworanteu a linl..elail ..Jucation ror all 01 our cit .. unl. Only thon wilJ we eduale our ciliunl to the utent 10 atm.ct the lopflight indusby and gd the joIN nnded to Ilipport OUrtcOllOlDY. Q. llll'OdersWld that Reggie Himntr. the bat. klfllHimt tuCU· li...- dirtCIor. h.a$ announ<:fll ntirement, Wl\iot is tht bar doil'lII to repba: him!

A. I """" a anrdI commltt. INt Is in platt ... ~ T1w rommIII_ iI (onnubling Iht jolt ~ for the ,,",lion 01 uecutlYO! dlreruIr ..... dettrrninln« whal tho criteriI an ..... to Iioe (or Iht ptrIORI ~ for !hal po$Itlon. I " - _ .... ....., 10 k nady 10 ....miN for tilt pooitIon thil _tho I ...., "'" IJ'OtI'\y Optimiotie. l1li1 I CtrbinIy "-INI "'" CUI hIl\~ _ on boon! by March or April. RtUi.t I, ,oln, 10 bt .. lth ...,h Sqotanbtr 30. I teIl)'llll bow (oo1UIWe "" .... 10 ha\'t an tnCUtlYO! dindor IiIot 1Irggit. IltUIt iI the dan of 011 p"",,,,,,, dindon in Iht cou.nby. and .... hal rrcdotcI an honco> ... !he _ .... lIbrIcIing dindor In Iht "",,"tty, "'10m )'l1li ' " othtr ... IHOCiItioM II wort. """ ' " their Ibff, and their executiot dirtdon. thtn )'l1li know how "",II the AlabaJIII Sbt.8or TIl .... \ 'ou rWizt how lucky ....~ btt:n. and how 101' 1......1........ 10 """" the ,1Iff that _'"" got. In ,hort, they .... .imply wondrTfuL •



Abba"", IAglllalun, bu l solicitation II somtlhlna: lbat oonctt'lll ul . nd it somethln, IMI ... In ......teIng 011. I ""'" ... 1ft going 10 come up ... th some ""'lItr JOIution to II than _ """" the , tlmo. pusing tho


Q. Wh.ill do you foresee for lilt remaininJI1ix monlhs of your term? A. W. """" the ...",lalun comln. Into Hilion Ihla month. 1 hM bHn told lllat "'" an ...... 10 """ _ _ of Iht ___ 1)1'" of bilk INt "'"'" put In lui )'tar. particularb-. bill. thai addru.Hd CIompalgn contriblilloRl, I'm ctrtalnl)' for Ju41clal mom.. bul I think if)'OU an....., to hM i\.It',..., to IioeICl'lllU the bon. don' luIt fddruIlt b1 ~ I ~ fnlm mUing • O/IIItrilIution. It lhoIIkI "'" 011 peopIt, In my OpInion. APn. thai', my opinion and nat IIkttIIri\yIllat oflht 1Qk .... 1 ' - _ .... ~ ~ Iht ItfiJIItM -'on without U'O' ~ .. ubIoa.... and ~ with the tducatioa m- thallftrI\I to "'" of primuy importana to eo.- FobGm ..... to Iht ..... tun. ~ hM lime (or _ oIlhtM 1oiIa!Nt hM 110m cbonr'.. , izaI I I 1lI~ bills.




Q. \\" is tilt bats position. if it Iw ont, on the JWd lor edua·

an .mliMt vi 1"11£ Nal"""'. AII;oc:IaI\on vi Lopl As5bCants, Inc. lk_A.. ..

.............. -.. .......... _,.1 ·•.


lion rrimn!

A. T1w ... hal ill own ~AlahanII ......I~ profndI. and had ill program "",ron lhe eo.~rnor adoplfd Ih. lWM lor hi' tuk (oree. They ..beI '" If _ mlncled their ",1114 tho!. and artainly _ did not. I cIon't think that you \¥QUid Ond 1<13' commwiontr in the ... .. ho donn'l think lhat eduaollon nlorm In Abblmlil absolutely "Hnlia!, cm.Jnly, thol hal betn the Ihrult M tho W, ..~ Flnt " C2J1IIIIlgn, Otlo.. AIIbIo .... CIon be. lirat. _'w tIoI to """" III ..JlIClIllonall)'ll,m In Ihl, 110', thot pro.


...l..cpI_(AAU<.) _ _ .... •• " , ..... AAl.A 10 •

. . lolly. 19I1 ... ~ .. ,

_A I"


""'_ v. c.m.r

.alt.oovoI_ p.a 800 56e21 -~~


J oliN ...... CIoo_





JANUARY 19!I4 / 7




"/ didn 't realize the bar does all it does."

Ii il

his is ~ an uncomm:mxprw~ by newccmrnis· .iomn, ntW commiU« and Wk IOKe mtmbtn. and the host 01 new volunteers who -,illn on" to become Ktiwly irMlMd in tIlt..oo. of our bu exh yeu. The iIIU>tIiI &r ludtrship ConIerrroa is an r)'MIIIrrot. \0


80th tilt presidtnt and I utilw. our J4Jahamo ~ ~ to highlight activities (rom lime 10 lime. In lIddilion, spec~1 ~ ~ indWtd in tht publWlon ;os new P'0ICI.mJ arc ini· tiated. I dtcidtd lolly m:I .mew.orne d 1993', mon: lignifi· anl~taand Idivitia kliYe mrmbtl')/tips now total OYer tilt ]0,000 1Nrk. Just the rminteNll(t ol this many individual m:ords is no $ffiall task. w. ultbrated the first full )'tar of the central licensing process and thl: administration 0( the new pro N,c 1Ii« rul. this year. The IICCUOICY and dlkitncy U- two d'wIga: Iuvt brG\lllJlt 10 our rKOrdkftping proass IIu tnhuJctd our lCCOWlw,ility 10 our courts IIId tilt public. The iostanas 01 ~ ~ ...thorized pl3ditt an' .JigniflC.lnliy osier to IrKk. Our persoNl ICOJUIlUIIilil)' can bt validated. Filal accountlbility is ma.intai~ by the EQmine rJ of Public Accounta. W. underwmt 1I ni~k ampliara audit for fiKllt)'UTI 1989 through 1992. for l 111.1. Oliont)' iI$ complex i1S the bar with t he fisca l operation in exe... of

52.000.000 annually. only ttn findings with recommendations for corrections wm rrR. TWo <:i thest findings ~Iated to inYtntorJ ((II'Itn)l Nothing _ missing and a ~ic.ale lid d rtOOrds in the otak iuditor'lofft« confirmed totil lOCCOIJnWlility. I'iw findings ~littd to ptnonnrl rmIfds ~ the rKOIlIk«ping WIll the ~, but, ~, then -.- no in-tgUlirity with the oaption <:i MI ~ to aionnrr ~ in the MnO\IIlt <:i $126This mont}/wu recouped when the mar WIll pointed out to the former employee. TWo aceptions 10 T«OTds documentition ~'"" noItd, but rtrords, in fact. wert in plitt 10 ViIIlidite the ~n\.l which wen aI$(> mainboined in the Offict <:i the State Comptroller. The final uception noted nlated to MI incrwe in ctrtain bar elWT1ino.\ion fm whkh appeared to be in ~ of the S~5 limitation in any calendar )'tar. Every penny of blr 8 1JANUARY 1994

IT"IOIWY was properly iCmUI1ted for and all rults and regulations were bting followed. The 10LtA program and the VoIuntHr Lawyers Program im uemplary. Owr 3.600 lawytrs ire 10l.tA poorticipanb in this worthwhile prognm. mikinII our pmicipootiDn one "Ihr hig/l. eo/. poorticipiIting pm:mtJgel" a 'IOIunliry program in the Unit· td StitH.. Likewise. om" l.soo Abb.i1N lawyers ue idMIy poorticipating in the ltittwidt \'oIuntHr t..r..yers Proenm whtrt mrmbtrs <:i Ihr bM &re rTlHting the rlHds" the legally indigent inAlibimi. Our task force on f'ro(USiONI Dlsdpli"" h.u finishtd i\.l work. Our bar·, ~fforts to mttI with the Mclby Commission re.:. ommendatioru havo procHded nicely. The role of small local grie.ance committees will bt eliminated. The di5ciplino.ry procw will become more open and 11)1 ptrsoru will sem' on disci· plinary ~rds. Th~se r~comm~ndatiQrul follow the nilional tr end. They ire designed 10 enhance the public·. confi · dence in the profusion·s Hlt.regulation. The bwd of o:ommissionors· actions will plitt Alab.Irna in the Iorrlront of profes· sioNl enhancement. Lest we forget. tile Al .. biml State Bir g...... th e nilion·, ~ their first Code ofWUcs. The first ~ tftort b)1 the Long.~ PliMing CommitlH is uncIe"'\lY. This c;om. mitlH will .!«k to aoartain the netds, the go,al. Ind the opportunities for Ou r bar through the year 2025. Ewry MPtct of our 1l4-year-old association is on the table for review. Our public rupon$ibilitla ....ill ilbo bt ~IN in thG study. the slile bar's "Alabima I'irsl" effort came into its own in 1993. Whit., • VI inspired actMty f0llowing our 1m annual mHIing hal; beo;omr l vdUdt 10 "'low Abbama IM...,..... ~ opportunity to ~ in mHIing the futurt needs d thr Stall: of AW:Iarna. The .... cviorlll monn wmntly uncIe""3)' in AlabarN hls adopttd our "Abbama First" IlI/1"le b' ~ its ~ The bolrd haselqltlSltd its support b' gmel1ll NuWion nb'm. but il did not ffIdorse "'"0' sptclfic ~ at the tilnl it took this IIrtion. 1hr spedali7.ation TlpOrI _ rmMd lI1d the rntchanism is in pIa<% to e&ablilJlthe Alabama State Bar Boord d Legal ~izatiQn upon rea:ipt d the formal OIlIer d the Supreme Court d i\Ia!.larni<.


A communications audit has been authorized to address lhe long-term needs of the bar to moT!: effectively communicate with the public - and Our own members. Lawyers are virtually unanimous in their concern lur our image problem. The Alabama LaW!Jtl" cannot do the job alone . The misinlormation and misundeT5tandings surrounding our bar·, initiati~ fol. lowing th e Amtrak disasttr pointed IU Our need for more effedi~ communkations. It did not seem to matter that OIl r actions ellaClly followed a well-thoughl-oul disaster pre!ian:d· ne .. plan approved in 1991. Our effort won prai,. in the national press and ewn.t home after a rocky start.

At its last meeting in 1993, the board of comminioners instructed its Task Force on Judicial Selection to draft and submit to the board. sel of\/Qluntary guidelines to be provided to all candidates fur judicial office in future . Iutions. This ~ar~nd report is only a highlight ... It is not intended to be inclusive. II dues not addre •• the tremendous work boing done by our disciplinaT}' commission, our disciplinary boards and the Office of lhe Gen",.1 Counsel. [am confident our bar continues to meet its st.l.tutuT}' responsibilities_and I grateful for the many \/Qlunt«r IIours. OUr membors gi~ in this cause of professionalism. •

Rule 4. (a), Alabama Rules of Appellate Procedure COlTedion: The amendment to Rule 4, Alabama Rules ofAppellate Procedure,

desCTi~d below,

Tl()tice of which was published in the November 1993 issue of The Alolxlmo Ulwyer, will become effective February l, 1994 rather than



Appellate practitioners should be advised that the Alabama Supreme Court has approved an appellate rule amendment which will alter the procedures established in Ex. parte Andrews, 520 So.2d 501 (Ala. 1981): Owens IJ. Coleman, 520 So.2d 514 (Ala. 1981); and Herring/). Shirah , 542 So.2d 211 (Ala. 1989). The court has amended Rule 4(a), Alabama Rules of Appellate Procedure, effeclive February 1, 1994, to provide that a notice of appeal filed after the announcement of a decision but before the entry of judgment will be treated as filed after the entry of judgment and on the day thereof. The ru le was further amended to provide that a notice of appeal filed after the entry of a judgment but prior to the disposition of a post-judgment motion filed pursuant to Rules 50, 52, 55 and 59, Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure, will be held in abeyance until all post-judgment motions are ruled on. In such a case, the notice of appeal will become effective on the date of disposi tion of the last of such post-judgment motions. The appellant should notify the appellate court clerk upon discovery that the notice of appeal is being held in abeyance. Robert G. Esdale Clerk, Supreme Court of Alabama


JANUARY 199-1 / 9

YOUNG LAWYERS' SECTION By Les Hayes fIf, president



h~ Ali~ma Young La"ws' S«tion I\u, in rK~nt yun. dewloptd I

-trona: and


live relationship with Iht " .. lioRIol Young ~rs DMsion officm .md rtp,Utnlllivtl. This I\u pr~n bmtfocill to us In tNt 1M YLS hll become more involved in Iht AIWYlJ). In an effort 10 mp and 10m. our rtbolionshl~ with the Nltional YLD, we have made ptans to invite 5t~eral YLO offittn to Oil. win tor uteu!iv.

him. Candil McCowan of Binningham h.u coo rdinated the prepuation of i booklet 10 be dislributtd to ttmagen in $Choob throughout !he stat •. Tho book·

the put. we have been fortunate to ha,'<! ~ ABNYI.[) ch.lin and officers join us at !hit mteti~ "",Icomed partido pilion has bun most htlpful and jl!owed US to ~n .. belt« insiglll into the 'oIIOI'kines cI the ABNYt.O lOCI what it his to oIft. you .... low)oo:rs. W. nprOa! lust IlIfU or four I'IlItiooul officen to



Voong 1I..,.en ".lItln Itatewide pro./«tl 1M PfOIlnms w. cumnlJ~ art involved in a number cI uciting projectl which we oopt will be bentr"ill an<.! providt I'M/ul informa_ tion 10 young ptOjlll: throughout Alabama, The Youth Judicial ProgTlm, a project headed by the YMCA in eath community, invol~, high Khool studtnts thfOUlhout the sllt£ puticipalina in mock tNIt.. Our Young Lz,o.')'trs' Sec· tion hu bnn ~ry lCti~e in this pro· gTlm, providing judgu, ju rOTf and COKOO /(or !he high Khooitwns. Char_ lie Andenon of Montgomery Ius worktd tireleuly in this program for the PiSt WIt",1 )Uff and part of the success 0( the program shou ld be att ributed to IO IJANUARY 1994


1994 Annual Sandeltin Seminu We "re alrudy in !he plinning stagU lor our Sanlimin Seminar. Tho ~ .. min... , wllich hu become an ann ...1 ewnt, .... il1 be it Sandestin Resort in ~stin, Floridl on MIY 20.22 . 1994. FOT lhose of you who have auendtd this

commiuH; muting held ntxt month. In

join USll! our annual winter ueculM oommiut<! rTlfdine ..... look forwml to uchangin8 opinions and idu. wHh

local tll'Oup lind nud assiltance Or are simply InttTuttd in finding out what it takes to start I Ioat ilffili;.te, please let


Id <;ooUoi", ~1 information concerninS rwrydly ~ applicable to t ..~rs lind how the lawl affect them. ClIndi,' hard work and commitmmt to this projed art greatly apprecialtli, Andy Birchfi.1d of MonlllOmtry Ius been in char~ of the admissions ceremony for ~ bar lidmitteu. the lattst one in NOrtmber 1993. M<ty is rommo:ndtd for I job well done. Frd Cray, Jr. of Tu,bgu is cN.iring a o;ommitt.. npIoring the p0ssibility of ulablishing li statewide minority high $ChooI p~·IrN~. We a~ <"dIN aboIIt thi, idu and Ippr«iate

fred',eiJOI'U. The~

Ire seveT,,1 local young Ia....')'tr

amli;.!" in cilin throoj[houlthe state. The YLS Extcuti~ Committee is always willing to work with these group, and provide support fOT !hem in any way 1"»' sible. If any of you are membNs of a

.. minar, you are familiar with the excel· lenl array of speakers that we ~Iways haVf- an~ Ihis year promikS to be no dif· I~~nt. In ad~;tion, a lull "",g~ of aclivi. t iu hIS bun planned fo r tvtryone, including a golf toumamo:nl. beach par· tin. cocktail partin lind .. I»nd party. Thi. is I gUll Opporlunit~ to obtain ",,1~le CU: credits and socialize with friends II one of Florida's finest ViCation


To mtet the irKTtuinQ demand for attendom which ~ have experienced in recent yeaff, ~ ar~ uking rwryoot to rt(IWer in adVira ~!he .. mi""r. Just ml out the applic.ation 011 the next page and retum it and)OOr registration fee to Buddy Smith al!he address shown on the ~pplic.ation, r.arly rogiltrants ,,;11 rectiVI' a diKount on !he prict of !he .. minar. 1/ you rtgilttT beh..een now and february 25, !he ,.. is only SilO. Afterwards. the ,.. will be SI40, Roo;.n mt'MIions must bt made di ..ctly with tht Sandulin Resort. You can makt your rt5otrvationi by ailing 1~2-7040 (Bayside Inn).



on a first

is holding a rtWt'iler of rooms comt. fin! .. rvtd biuis. Make

)'OUT plim now to attend the Sarnkstin s.:mirw and encourage your fellow it\oO'nty!Ilo join)OO, [look for,.... rd to stting )00 there. •

Alaooma State Har lOil (Social Security Number) Addreu




_ _ SIIO.OO Stminar registration f~t _ _Chtcl< h~re if you wish to tnt~r the golf tournament (Green fees ...ill be paid at Sandutin. ) Make check payable to: "Alabama Young £ow!lers ' Section to cloAlfred R Smith. Jr. , Treasurer, 19016th Ave>/Ue. Nor/h, Suite 24()(). Birminghom. Aiabomo 3520J



SefVIng Alabama Since 1975




















JANUARV 1994 / 11

BAR BRIEFS • Vi,iton 10 the capitol complu a" invited to visit the ne", Judicial Build-

ing. seal of the judicial branch of Alabama government. Complded in 1993. this Revival ,truetu •• i, holfll' of the Supreme Court of Alabama. Iht coulti of criminal and civil appeal$, the ,Llte law library, and the Admini.l.a!i ... Office of Courts, Tours of the public

areas, including the historical and informational • • hibits, art offtred. High ·

light, include the supreme court court-

room, the liate law library and the museum .rUS. Here is. unique opportunity \0 learn about the history and de""lopmenl of the legal profusion and the judicial branch of government in

Alabama. Tour, beg in on the hour between 9 a.m. and 4 p,m.. Monday through Friday. f or mo.e information Or 10 book a lour COIltact:

SUPREME COURT APPOINTEE HONORED .mlord Unj,'.rsit;"s Cunltlerland School of La,,' and members of the



Law Students A!.socialion honored AlabIma Supn",. Court appolnl« Ralph D. Cook at a reception recently. Pictured with the honoree are, from left, BlA)A Loder. B1SA offiur /(ila Tread· well. AI;,bama Suprtme Court JU$tice Hugh ~bddox. ,«eption coordinator Rick Ransom. Justice Cook. ond Cumberland Ikan Parham H. Williams. Cook has 5er\1'd as a circuit judgr in Bes.semer ~jnce 1981. Cumbe,l""d

121 JANUARY 1994

BobWamn SUpr'I'me Court and Slll~ Ltw LIb",,), Judicial Building 300 Dexter A,-en", Monlgomooy. Alabama 361()4-3741 (2051242-4347 • Volunteers are ~bo needed \0 conduct \0"'5 of the new judicial bui lding and open the doors of legal and judicial history 10 visitors to the



Thue volunt.ers U~ n~.ded Monday through Friday, 8:30 - 4:30. and Satur· da~. 9 - 4. For information on training, contact Bob Warren at 242-4347 . • Jouph R. DIVi s, a 1967 admitt tt to th e Alabama State Bu and assi.tant director of the I'~deral Bureau of Investigation's Legal Counsel o.vl. Division, ,,'as ... «ntty awarded the Presidential Rank of Distinguished Ex.cutive. Davi. h .. se rved as l.g.1 counsel for the FBI for six yea ... The director of the FBI. with the ..,islanc. of the deputy director, Rank Awards Selection Comm itte •. Speci.1 Agent in Chuge Adyisory Committee , ll5$/Xiate det>ul;' directors, assistant directors, .nd inspectors in charge. recommends nom inees throuQh the Altome)' Genml and to the President. The purpose of the Rank Award. i. to recognize exceptional su,Iained performance oyer a period of at least three ~ars by a career senior executi~ service memlxr. These executi,'u are nomin.oted for one of two Presidential ranks; DistinQuished Executive or Meritorious F:_.cuti"". Annually, the President hold. a certemony to honor each of these .w.rd •••. Distinguished F:~cutivu .e.:ei,-e a payment 01 $20,IXlO. a handcrafted gold lapel pin and • Presidential certificate. Meri\Q. rious Exocuti"", rece ive a payment of SIO,IXlO. a handcrafted silver lapel pin and THE ALl.IlA."IA LAWVER

a Presidenl ial certificale. A career execu· live may be av.-arued lhe lame rank only once in a five·jlear period. Davis is a 1961 graduale of the University of Alabama School of Law. - Three free sample inuu of Soulheaslern Tax Alerl .re .v.ilable to ~m· be" of Ihe Alabama State Bar who have an intereSI in Alabama. Florida and Ceorgia stale taxu. Published monthly by Stale Taxation Instilule. this 12· page ne ...-sleUer focus· es on "" news brief, covering income taxe,. sales taxes and prOll" rty tax.. in alllhre •• Ial.s. To receive Ihree free issues. wril. Sht. Tualion Institule. P.O. Bo~ 811 43. Atlanta. Georgia 30366 or call (800) 846·22<l2. ~Ienlion ·3 free SETA issues" in)'Our reQuest. ' The \·oung La~ .. · S..dion of Ihe 8 imlingham Bar A"ociat ion recently sponsored a fundl'lliser for the benefil of u... t«mOOial Reading Program of u... Cen· lral Alabama Counsel of Camp Fire Iloys and Girls. Almost SJ.OOO was l'IIised from ticket lales and donations made by many Birmingham law firm> and court repOrting finTLI. The Soul Practilioners donated timt and taknl$ to prQ'>'ide u... enter_ taI""",nt for thi$ ..,.,.,ial occasion. Camp Fire Girls was founded in 1910 as the f,rst national non·stclarian orga· nization open to all girls in !he Uniled States. In 1915. the agenC)' became coed and more program-<lrienled to Ihe family unit. Because of the great need for s.rvic.. to childr.n who could not be served in !he more traditional ways. the agonC)' dt1leloped what it calls .... pO .... pr<.>granu". The Remedial Reading Program is designed to leach reading skills 10 chil. dren in grades 001' through flV\' who an capabk of kaming to read but are falling behind beca"..!hey lack !hi> most basic skill for success. Camp fire·s e ~perience has been that once children start to ·catch on" and .tart f..,ling better about !hemstlves. Iheir relding skills increase at an acceleraled I'IIte. - Alabama Supreme Court JUlti« Janie Shoru is one of a pre.tigious group of appellat~ judge, who will spend three intensive days training laWyers from across Ihe nation in a program to impl"O'Vt appellale ad'-'OCaCY .kills. The 9th


Appellde I'nctict hutiMe will held May 4·8. 1994 in Aspen. Colorado. The judg.s re· ctive no compen· sation fo r their efforts. oot partici· pate be<:ause they Shore. believe the justice system is Ih t ultimate beneficiary by having highly trained advocates reprt senting lit igant •. At the 9th Institute. judges will privately with la"'Y"TS to critique a brief from the stand]'X>inl of issue identification. case analysis, writing d.rit~, persua.iv.n.... and .tyle. Each law;·er who altenm the Institute pre'tn t. an oral a rgument btfore a

thr«·judge panel. Immediately follow· ing the argument, the judges critique the presentation. The emphasis is not on winning but on improving. Thirty appl'lIate judges from state and federal tOUr!.I. including Solicitor ~ner­ al Drew Days. will be in Aspen. Beside, the pusonal brief criliquing and oral argument presentalions. panel discus · sions an P!1'- sented on brief writing. 01'111 argument and persuasi .... writing. Registration i. ""tricted to keep a .tu· dent/ faculty ratio of four to onto The pro· gram is .upported solely from lu ition revenue. For more info ........ tion about the Institute or to register. write or call Cari Minter at !he Am<rican Bar Anociation. 750 N. Lake Shore Drive. Chicago, Illioois

6061I. (312) 988-5697.

Notice Judicial Award Of Merit Nominations Due The Boa rd of Commissioners of the Alabama State Bar will receive nominations lor the state bafs Judicial Award of Merit through May 15. Nominat ions should be pre!»red and ma iled to Reginald T. Hamne r, Se<:relary, B""rd of Ba r Co-mmissioncn, Alabama Stale Bar, P.O. Box

671 , Monlgomery, Alabama 161 0 1. The judicial Awa rd of Merit waS established in 1987, and the first recipient, were Senior U.S . District judge Seybourn H. lynne and retired Ci rcuit Judg. James O. Ha ley.

Tile award is not necessar il y an annual award. tt may be presented to a judge whether state or federal court, trial or appellate, who is determ ined to have contr ibuted significanlly to the administration of justice in Alaba· ~.

The recipi.nt is presented with a cry!;!a l


bearing the state bar

seal and the year of presentat ion. Nominations are considered by • three_member comminee appointed by the president of the state bar which makes a recommendat ion to the board of commis.ioners with respect to a oorninee or whetroer the awa rd should be presented in any giv.n year. Nominalions shou ld include a d.tailed biographical profile of the nom inee and a na".t ive outl ining troe significant contriootion(s) the nominee has made to the administrat ion of justice. Nominations may be supported wilh letters of endorsement.

JANUARY 1994 I 13

ABOUT MEMBERS, AMONG FIRMS ,' l ark J. Willi.m l hn bun namtd txKulive director of Iht Alll».m. Employeto AslOciltlon. Offocn art lout. ed al 110 N. JiCluon SIRd. Monlgomery. Alab.i.1TII36104. ~ (205) 834·6965.

Sih... B. Eborl}l onnounc... change of address to 2510 Belknap Bueh Road.


Prospect. Ktnluck)> 40059. PhoM (502) JI"," L. O'Kelly, for11'lerly 01 Anodali &; O'KdltY. iUlnouoces the rdoation 01 his oKlO! to JOO Park ~ TOWt •• 2001 Park PIi«, North. Birminaham. Alibilllll 3S203.1'hoIw: (205) 252·9551.

MIthMI f'aruwI announas 1M rdoeI· lion at his offiu to 3704 N. StlIte Street. "4, JlCkson, MilSilSippi 39216. lie i l l 1986 admiU« to) th¢ Alabama. SU,le Bar.

SctIIi II_kina announca 1M relocation of his office to 4000 C",mbuland I'lrk'oray. Suite 3OOA. AllinLl,


Brian O.... lIn • • former city IItt<>rmy for Dothan, AI.b40m.l , Innounc~s II>~ ""Iotalion II hi$ office 10 35>3 N. (bIcs Strftt, Dollwl 36303. ~ ~) ~.






(205) 7fi6..l4OO.

Men... A. Powy announcu the ",,10c.llion of Ilt. off.u to 605 Bel Air 1Ioo~· Vlrd, Suilt 25, Mobile, Alaboorm 366()6. Phone (2(15) 47(,,0210.


B. Po ... Jr•. form.. lMiJtml cily attomty lnd planning direclor for Ih. City of Birmingham and later a memo bor of the Powtu, Whitt firm in Tampa. SI. p.Uuburg Ind Miami. Plorida. 0lJl1ll"Mn1«S Ilt Iw altaioo! "inmigrado" mlus. He aMOUncu hia oflke at P~· cisco Villa 319, Colon;" IQncho Cortes, Cut~ 62130, .'010, Merico. f'hont 52 (73JI7-059-t. Ilis eonlMt ;oddru. is

Lewl, W. Page. Jr. announces tho Oproing of his office at 1540 AmSoutl\! fUrbtrt Pba. ]901 SUth AWI1~. North. Birmingham, Alibam. 35203. Phon. (2(I5) J2.t. I800.

Ja ..... C. Cu ..... lo... Jr.• nl1O\UlCtS I

Richard M. Kommer. Jr. announct! the ""location of his offa to ]619 Brwd 51TH!, Phfnix City, Alabama 36867. The nv.ilina UlftSS is P.O. Roll 1643. Phfnix City J6868..]6U.1'horot (205) 48G-4070.

DavId R. Armdall announct$ lilt ""Jo.alion of hiJ offi« 10 1900 SoulhTruiI Tower, 420 N. 20th SIRd. Birmingham. AlwlTII35203. Phont (2051252 · ]550.

Courthou,.e TOwtr 550, 44 W. Flagler Sirtti. Miami, Florida 33]30. Pl>ont (305) 358-7178.

ill ellrtnlOn,

P.O. Box 416. Fairhope, AWwnI36533. I"Ilcm (205) 928-]355.


Rufu. R. Smith. Jr. annountes thaI William C. Maddoll lw become MSOCiat· N with tilt firm. The addnw is 103 S. SL AndrewJ StTHt. DothiUl, Alabama 36302. The nv.iling addrus is P.O. Drawer 6629. Oolllln 36302-6629. Pho .... (205) 671 ·

Jamq M. " " ....... iU\IIOUIICCS the opm. ini of "is offiCI II 217 N. Seminlry Sirtti. Suilt lOS. Plonnce. " llbool11l


•"tarlhl T. RoptT announas the «:10c:alion of hu offlQ' to SOL ClYprJ Way. Birminahlm, Al.baml 35226. Phone (ZOS) 979·5060.


1T1135967.l'Iloot (205) S4~.

J. R UJ.K11 Pigott ilIlrlOUncCS the 0I)m' ing of I>i. offi« al 105 W. Berry Avenu~, Poll'jI, AIalwm 36535. Ptlon. lWSJ 943· 3m.

30339, Pho,", (4(1.1) 438·6675. lie is I 19n admiltH to the AbbamI $!.at. Bu.

d'wtQe 01 ~ress to Smith

c...... A. Shtdd. Ionntrly II CIw1ts "Mc:Cet <Ii As5ociaW. ~ the opm. illll II his offa II 300 AIab.i.rnI. Avenue. South. P.O. Bo:a lIos. Fortl'lynt. Alabio·

Bachus & Associates




ATTEN TION ATTORNEYS , Ou, N,m pro.-ir:IoIl I,...,.Sligall.,. Mrvlcel 10 In. insu,........

~ .. ,

.nd corporate secIOtS. W.


15 )'ears 01 cl.ims ItId lnvesIlgaItw _I*lenoa I'M 51,,,,,..,,1, Inour...... Oocumenllliorl ItId Retum" .... ilable, So-Mc.I itIeIucIt (buI not limited IoIIowlng: FI.ld ' .......IIII.UO... • Pe ....... , InJ" ry • FI.., " Thl.d Pe<ty LI.blllty A.1.road AC~ l d.n .. (Includi"tl F.E. L .A .) • T..rllc ACckl.n.. • wn ..... LouU"" Su,...."lanc. • _ ....... Compe....Uon • Pt-operty Dem_ • In........... ctolm 1......1~llon.

"'> ",.




r.ou. (pi'" expenM&).

you can no! . _ 10 _

up this ...-vice lot ....... pJOOucIive


Fo< "-" in'onn.. ion~ : H • ..., W. SIC"U •• Jr. ~~.Hoar

Phone: ~OS/6"'"S'8"

14 1JANUARY 1994

P.Q Sox llJOO66 Mobil •• A1abame 36618-0066

FAX Phone: ~OS/6"'"S886

AMONG FIRMS Emond & Vines announces that Ben· jamin E. Balm. Jr. has become an associ· ate d the firm. Wore; are located ~t 2200 Southtrust 420 N. 20th Strttt, P.O, Bole 10008. BirminjJham. Alabarrn 352(12. 0008. Phone (205) 324-4000. Barker & Janedey announces the finn name has changed to Barb •. Janedey & Newe ll and Knin F. Muteroon has become an anociate with the firm. Offic", a.. located in Mobile and Birm· ingham. Almama and Pensacolll, Florida, lightfoot. franklin. Whit. & Luell$ iIDnounces that Kim A. Craddock, Wynn M. Shuford and John P. Dulin, Jr. have joiMd the finn as aMOCiates. Offices iI.. locatN at 300 Financial Cent.., 50S ZOth Street. North. Birmingham. Alabama 35203·27(16. Phone (205) 581·0700. Wolfe, Jon .. & B05well announces the .. location of their offius to 905 Bob Wallace Avenue. Suite 100. Huntsville. Almama 35801. Phone (205) 534·2205. Adam, & Re ne annOunce. that J. f orr.. t llioton has become a partner in the N.w Orlnno office, The firm also announces Ralph H. Wall and Gu· aid M. Spedlle have become associat" in the New Orleans office. and Teny AMoor. is an associate in the Mobile office. Ollic .. are located in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Louisiana; Mobile; Houston. Te"".; and W... hing. ton. D.C. Jerome Tuckn, III announces that CLay R. Co.. has become an associate of the finn. are locate<! at Suite 3. 701 37th Street, South. Birmingham, Alabama 35222. Phone (205) 252·1166. By.d & Spe ncer annOunc .. that 8ryan S. BLackwe ll has become an..rociate. The maHing address is P.O. Box 536. Dothan, Alabama 36302. Phone (205) 794·0759.


Johnson & COT)' announces that D. 8ruCl! P.twa,y and Annuley H. DeGari •. former law clerk to United State. Dis· trict Judge E, B. Haltom. Jr. and former .taff attorney. United States Cou rt of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. have joined the firm. Offices are IQCated at 300 N. 2ht Stred, Suite 900, Binning· ham. Alabama 35203. Phone (205) 328· 1414. THE ALARAMA LAWYER

Han> & •..,igl ion;eo announces the relocation Qf th ei r offices. The new address is 2017 Morril Avenue. Birming· ham. Alabama 35203. Phone (20S) 322· m3 ""ilion. Pumroy & TurntT announces that Lori A- Brown has joined the finn as an associate. Omen are located at 1431 Leighton Awnue. Annilton, Alaba· ma 36201. The mailing address ;s P.O. Box 2333. Annilton 36202. Phone (205) 236-4222. \'IftLand G. Johnlon announces that Michael L. Jontl, Jr. has become associ· attd with the firm. Offices a.. located at 5 E. Court Square. Andalusia. Alabama 36420. The malling address is P.O. Dra"",r 7, Andalll3ia 36420. Phone (205) 222·1158. Harril, Udlkll & Shanks announces that Jeffrey S. Brown has become..rodated with the firm. Offices are located at 214 John.ton Street. S.E .. Decatur, Alabama 35601. The mailing address is P.O. Box 2688. Decatu r 35602. Phone (205) 340·8000. Hubbard H. Harvey, Sr. announces that hil .on. Hubbard H. Ha,,~y, Jr •. has joined hi. finn as a partner. The new name will be Harvey & lIarvey. Offices are locate<! at 401 S. Cedar Avenue. P.O. Drawer Y. Demopolis. Alabama 367320710. Phone (205) 289·3325. Bond & 80ttl announces the Opening of their MontgomeT)' office. and that J. Suzanne Clrll on has become a share· holder of the firm. and M.1I11a Wynn Wetze l and 11. Mui. Thornton have become associated with the firm. Offi~s are located al Colonial Financial Center, One Commerce Street. Suite WI. Mont gomeT)', Alabama 36104. Phone (205) 264·3363. Michael E. Auff.norde and Daco S. Auffenordt announce the formation of Auffenorde & Auffenordt. Offices are located at the Civic Pla:ta Building. 307 Clinton Avenue, West. Suite 100. Huntsville. Alabama 35801. Phone (205) 533·5383. The Unl,~ ..ity of Alab.aml I I Blrm· ingham, OfOee of Rilk Management & Inlurance announc .. that Charlu H. Se lf. Jr. h... been appointed director, effective Octobu I. 1993. Hi. office is located at 301 S. 2{)th Street. Suite 800.

Birmingham. Alabama 35233. Phone (205) 934..5:)82, J. Jawan Smith . formerly of Burr & Forman. and Qu id E. MeGeh •• , formerly of Price. Purson & Mc -

Gehee, announce the formation of Smit h & McGehu . Offices are located at 724 Madison Street. Hunts~ille. Alabama 35801. Phone (205) 534·0400. Gor ham & l'ialdr~ p announces t hat Mary II. Th ompl on, Nanc~ E. IIhal.( and Mkhelle ."I. Waltl have become associates with the form, Offices are located 2101 6th Avenue. North, Suite 700. Birmingham. Alabama 35203. Phone (205)254·3216. Th . Unl.(.. it~ of Alabama Health Se rvic .. Foundation annOunc~. a change of addr~ss for Samuel W. Jack· son . Jr., executive vic~·pTfsi<knt. gener· al coun.. 1 and chief financial officer.

1Wt......,en October I and November 30. 1993. the following attorneys made a pledge to the Alabama State Bar Building Fund. Mac



John RaJph Gunn \\111lam It\iclLael Hanlin Their names will be on a wall in the portion of the building listing all contributors. includ~

Their pledges are acknowledged with grateful appreciation. For a list of those making pledges prior to October I. 1993 please see previous issue. of Th~ Alabama IAU'get.


and PltriclI J. Pritchett, aw:x:iate I/I'n· eral coun~l. Office of Admini$tration. Their new address is 300 Liberty Nationall1uilding, 301 S. 20th Street. Birmingham. Alabama 35233.2023,

J.E. Wh itt ington and Scott Douglas Wa ldru p announce the formation of Whitt ing ton &: Wa ldrup , Offices lTe located at The WilliamI'm Com . merce Building. 801 Noble Street. Anniston. Alobama 36201. Phone (205~ 238·1831. Balch" Bingham announces new associates in the Birmingham office. The)' are C. Scott Moni •• Ten .. C. Minor. I..orrie L. Uuk and Leigh An"" Hodge. The address is 1710 Sixth Avenue. North. Birmingham, Alabama 35203. The mailing add .... "' P.O. 80. 306, Birmingham 35201. Phon~ (205} 251·8100.

Pl te DeB.rd. leben and Dlnl.1 C. Ha mm announce the formation of D. Bard. leben " Ham m . Offices are located at 2835 Zelda Road . Mont· gomery. Alabama 36106. Phone (205} 213·0609. Lloyd. Schreiber" Cny announcu that Ralph D. Caine •• III h;u joined the firm as a partner and Laura C. Net· tl... Thom", J. Skinner and CIOthtrine L. Hoge woo d are new auociatu. Offien are located at Two Pedm.t .. Park. South. Suite 100. Birmingham, Alabama 35243. Pilon. (205) 967-8822.

RMI " PetffSOn annountts JOHph H. Drlwr and Donald 8. Kirkpatrick. II have become auociates with the

firm. Offi~s a.. located at 1700 Finan· cial Center. 505 N. 20th Street. Birmingham, Alabama 35203. Phone (205} 328-8141.

Dom inic k . Flt\ch ... Vei ld ing. Wood " LloytI announce. that John W. Dodlon has become associated with the firm. Officu are located at 2121 Hi ghland Avenue, Birming· ham. Alaba ma 35205. Phon~ (2051 939·0033.

'.ba nlu. J ohnllon. Cndner. DUm&l &: O'N...I announces that Dou. gl.. B. Kau ffman and ClrY W. Fill· Ingim haw bteome associates of the firm. Office. ar. located at P~rk Place Tower. 2001 Park Place. North . Suite 700. Bi r mingh~m, Alabama 35203. Phone (205) 252·8800. Smith . Spiro. &: Peddy announc .. D. Cregol')l Dunagan and ALan B. Lu· stitt' hav~ become aw:x:iates with the firm. Offic.. are located at 650 Finan· cial Center. Bi rmingham, Alabama 35203.1'hone (205) 251·5885. •

You Can Seot a True Leader. For OVCr half a century, MiSSissippi Valley TItle h .. been in the spodight, providing the direction and leadership that can only come from an industry leader. With MVT you'", not getting the expeni", of one insurer. but cwo, Out title policy i. a join. policy issued with oor pa.ent company. Old Republic National TItle Insurance Company. ."nked among the nation's 50 largest publicly hdd insurance Or o.gani:ations. Becall$C at MissiSSippi Valley TItle. we know .ha. maintainins leadership i. an an. not an act.

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16 1 JANUARY 1994




The following COtltimm 0 history 01 their originscounly and some 01 the people Alo/wmo's courlhouseswho conlribuled /0 thei, grow/h.

/====================::::::==::1 I

The AllIb<lmll 1AU1Jn plans 10 run

one counlVl SIOlJl in each issue 01 the mogalillf!. If /IOU have any ph0tographs of tor/II or prtsetll cour/houses, please forwar d them 10: Samuel A. Rumore, Jr., Mig/ianico & Rumore, 1230 BrQU71 Marx Tower.

Birmingham. Alolxlmo 3520J



hilton County is II.. g~o· graphic cfntt. of AI~twn.o and likes to all itself '"Tht Hurt III the Hart 01 Dixie", In the tllny ~)'I 01 the JUt_, lho ~mo was al$O the elnln 01 Indian ;nlw.;!.1famous for ilS peachH lind proudly bolllt the namt · Peach

l ion. 1ht county is

Capital of Alabama." This .duenc. to the peach can also be traced to Indian diYs. As nrly liS 1734, II French map

includtd lin Indian village namtd POC/lnatchi., whiCh should have bun SpoILtd"1'oIwIlo TalW'wii", on the wut side of the (;ooQ Rivtr in the irea of the p~nt

county. The mrnr rrw:UIS "Old


This county \QS the lui of 13 oountits established by the Alaboorrwo MgisLioture during the RffilnsIruction yean of 1866 to III6&. II WU CUited on Otctmber 30, 1868. To form thecounty the Legislature took territOry from Shelby. Bibb. Perry and "utauga counties. The new count~

originall}> named Ilaktr. The p«l!llt of Ilaktr Count~ ",'<'r. prin '



cipally indeptndtnt.mindtod small farm. ors. Thoy twI lobbied for the creation Q/ a new county be'<luse of population growth and to reduce the distances they hid to tf1~1 to conduct olfki.;r.1 business. Thr ullilLl.luu obli~ and named the count)' for one of its own members. Alfred SaUr, /I rniclmt of lhe Autauga Kdion and /I pn)mintnl citizen. Alfred Baler _ born in South CuoIi· na in 1828. ""hm he _lit;....etks old. his fllmily lnOV1'd to Autauga County, Alabama. In 1867 he bought bnd ",t..:u the city 01 Clanton is now located and beClmt a Ioal Itllder. Ilaktr se1'lll'd >IS • jwtict of the pel«, state leaidator and postnwter. H. W>IS instrumental in!\av·

ing the town of Clanton surwyed and laid offin\O lots in 1870. He was the fint mayor of Clanton. Btsides hi. activity, Ilal!u kept l stou, r;m .. local hotel, and ope rat ed a fum. H. died rebruvy 9, 1896, and is buried in Clan' ton CArnrury. The Act uublishing Bahr County

named rM commissioners to conduct an .1K\iOn and HI«t the county _t ,it •• They wtrt .11(1 author ized to build /I county courthouse and ~1. The LegisIa. ture authoriud a In to I"-Y for any con·

struction. The ,itlltns selected <I location app roximlltely Iwo and a half milu northeast of the present cou~ at a JANUARY t994 / 17

pia« named Grantville. The first circuit court held in the spring 0( 1869 at the old log Walnut Creek Church building. Judge J.Q . Smith of ~\ontgomery presided. For the rail tenn of court. a log courthouse built by A.J. Cooper. It a one· room structur~ about 16 fnt by 20 ftet. It built "ilhin 50 yards 0( the present-day crossing of Interstate 65 over Walnut Creek. Thi s first «Iurth<:>uM burned in 1870. James Monroe Parrish was tht first county treasurer. When the courthous. burn.d. "Mon " Parrish hIId the county money with him at his home and so the treasury .... as not lost. The county commi$5ion quickly 'ented a house from He nry J. Maddox at Dake·s Old ~I ill. three miles northeast of present..(iay Clanton, for u,' as a court. The county paid $J.4 per quarter as rent. lrutud of rebuilding the court· house at Grantville. a heated competition eru;ued among four CNIIO<r communities to become the county sut to .... n. On the first Saturday in April 187l. the elti. uns of Baker Coun~ chose their favorite from among Clanton. Benson. Verbena and Lomax. Clanton and Iknson '>litre the 1»"0 highest vote recipien15. A runoff election took place on the last Saturday in April 1871. Clanton won and bwlmt the county seat town. It ,eUins that distinction loday. Prior to Clanton·s creation. its Iocalion was the private property of Alfred Baker. By 1870. Baker laid out the t",,·n .... ilh the usi ... Unce of a Government sU""-'YOr, George W. Floyd. Belon the del>elopment of the area and the coming of the railrDad in 1870. thi3 community was called Goose Pond. Bak.. changed the name in late 1810 to honor C<.nfede,ate Gentral James Holt Clanton. General Clanton was born in Georgia in 1827. His family !TIO'Jed to Alabama when he was a child in 18.35. After seN· ing in the Mexican War. he read law in a Tuskesee la .... office and cOincidentally attended Judge Chi lton·, law .chool there. By 185(l he was admitted to prac· lice law in Alabama and he set up his

18 1JA..'IIUARY 1994

office in Montgomery. In IUt, he con· tinued hi. military career as colonel of the First Alabama Ca.-airy. By .... a'·s end. he had attained the rank of brigadie r Seneral. After th. wn. Gene ral Clanton resumed his la.... practiee and became a prominent attorney. On September 26. 1871. he represented the SUI. of Alaba·


(;>$/ <Ourlilous< 10<01"'" G,,,,, ..


He was buried in Montgomery. A common ItsSOIl in Alabama history is thllt whllt the lkgisl~ture giwth, the lkgislature can also taketh away. As sUIed before. the Legislature I"tonored their petro Alfred Baker. by naming a newly created county after him in 1868. For some reason. unJmm..n !lOW. Baker subsequently fen OUI of fa>'Or. The represen· tative of Bak er County in the state Legi,lature at the timt was an influenti al lawyer named Winiam A. Collier. In ]874 Colli. r was iR$trumenUI in hllving Baktr County renamed Chilton County in honor of William P. Chilton. Chilton .... u a Kentuckian who could Ira« his ancestry 10 Virginia as far back as 16.50. He was born in 1810 an d came to Alabama '" a )'.lUng man in the 18.30•. He seltl ed in Tal ladega and soon opened a law practice there. He was elected 10 the Alabama lkgi3lature in 18.39 but uruuccessfully ran for Congre .. in 1843. In 1846. he moved 10 Tuskegee for one \'tar and con· ducted the law ochool t hat James Holt Clanlon attended . In 1847 the lkgi.lature elect· ed Chilton a justice of the SUPTfmt Court 01 Alabama. He served as an associate member 0( the court from 1841 to 1852. He became the eighth chief jus· tie. 01 Alabama on Dtcember 6, 1852 and se rved in that capacity fo r a lillie mOre than Ihr ee years unlil his retirement in


rna in a federal court suit involving the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad in Knoxville. Tennewe. In the evening fol· lowing the court proceedings. General Clanton engaged in a heated argument with David M. Nelson about the case. during which Nelson shot and kill ed Clanlon on a street in Knoxville. His remains were returned to Alabama where hi3 body lay in SUle at the capitol.

Aft er he Ielt th e bench. Chilton continued to sem: his state. In 1859 he bwlmt a state senator from Macon County. In 1860 he moved 10 Montgomtry and became the law partner of William Lowndes Yancey. Our· ing th . War Bet .... een the States, he served in the provisional Congre.. of the Confederacy and 1»'0 reGular Congre~ Following the war he continued to prac· tice law in Montgomery with Jack Thorington. He died January 20. 1871. On December 17. 1874. the Legislature commemorated his life by r en~m ing Baker Counl)' in his honor. The fint court held in Clanton after it


wu cl\o5en county sut tool< ~e in In old houK on tht Ad.m$ lot in 1871. Allrtd 8.l.ktr thtn do... t~d I&nd to tM county for tM eomlructioo 01 a new building. 1m fi rst courthouse in Clan· ton W/li a IWO·,lol)' Irame structure trtcted ,t Second ""·.nut .nd Si~th Slrut. An ta.ry photograph okpicl$ the cou rlhoust wilh two chimneyl and a ~rtd porch on tht 5tCOIId Ooor. AltJ G. OilIe ~ hu ~' • .101m GrJflt 01 Monlgomtry. built Ihi. courthouse in

Brothtrs. [rv;. Mrvtd M con\r;lctO •. The total cosl tx~ 5700.000. The build. ini. whtn con$lruCltd. consi,t.d of thrH stori.,.. 53 offoc.,. Ind a total of 139 rooms.. DediCltion cenmoni.,. for Ihe latest Chilton County COIlrthoust

look platt Sunday. FebTUiry]8. 1962.•

n.. QUIItor acinv&n'edgo!s lhe t1UistlMC'f! of C/(Mlon allomt'g John IIoIIis )Qck. 10n. Jr . in obtaining " orlll ChillOn Countll CtJurlhlJUle phoICi({rrllJM.


tn ]894 1M courthouse wu sold and phyiially ~ from tilt proptrty. Dr. ~m Johnson bought tht buitding and legend hOI it that a mute named Rhodie was used to draw the block and tICkle that rolled tht buildillJl to il$ ntw kgtion. Rhod>e IMIl 37 )'UI'J and wu fondly known to tht c;tiullS 01 Clulton as tht mule that movtd 1M courthouse. Rhodit di(d in 1m. A new two ·story brick and stone courthouse ...ilh II tall stttpk "''U con· structed on tilt northust romtr 015«· ond Avtnue and Sixth St red in 18%. Tht inttrior 01 this building burnt~ on Augutl 30. 1918. Mo.t r.cordl of tho county were saved beaule they were locked in fin·proof \\lull&. A new build· inll WIJ completed in 1919 which indudtd lin annn on the rtlr of Ihe structun. The cost was lIpproliOlllUly S60,ooo. The building hid a neoclwiQl I~dt with fou r Doric columns and I triangular pediment above the front entranceway. Ourinll the rebu ilding of the courtl\ouK , rourU wen iltld at the Buildin, On Septembe r 6. t960 construction bepn on a much·needed new court· ho\lM' and jail. The new buildinll was duiiOed by Charln H. McCauley and Associates of Bi rminllham. and Bur

FO R LIT IGATO RS • E~c1u$ively devoted to litiS,tio11 a11d insurance accounting mailers smee 1969.

St~ff is

,00% lTllined fOKruic accountants. nm KalS.gned auditors.

• ESP'"rience makes for faSl, ne.aible and eem· effealV(' service for litigatars.

• Resoun:es of Our internaliona] network Of30 offices

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al your disposal. For mOrl: information, please call Mark Gallaglter or Les Hankes at 40-1'953'0040 or f;oK 4~'95}-O:>70

".1>00 ...


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.--."" ... ,1111




JANUARV 19!M 1 19





A Mobile aUorntj> has requested a formal opinion regarding an associat ion with Legal Services fund-

ing, Inc. of Kansas City. KanS3$. He has provided docurrwnls for review which are .. Uached 10 th;, opinion. Basi -

cally. Legal Services runding. Inc. will finance attorney's fees for persons who cannot otherwise afford to pay. A participating laW)o~r

makes this option avaHable to his clients. much in the

same way charge/eredit card, are us. d. Th. dien! opens a charge account wilh Legal Services Funding. Inc. solely for payment of legal fees. It is called "LA\\'CARD", "Vouchers" for payments are sent directly from the lawyer 10 Ltgal Service,

funding" Inc. ~ lawyer may pay an initial $500 set -up fee whkh is taken out of the first youeh • • payment. Ther. art three lewl. of service> for dients and that apparently is based on their relative credit·"..orthiness. There are A. B. and C eligible se",ices. A client's credit·worthiness deter · minu whe t her a particular I~gal servic e sought can be

"Flnallyl" . , .... _

..... 10... ' _ _ ..... 10 001 .. my _ .

financed as A, B. Or C eligible. Legal Se",ices funding. Inc. encourages lawyers to cont.lct dients who are behind in their legal bills and offer them information about fi~ncing thei r outstanding balar.c... I. utilization of"U\WCARD" by Alabama attorneY' in violation of the Rules of Professio~1 Conduct?


nswe" Alabama lawyer. may offer "U\\\"CARO" to their clients as an alternative rmans of paying legal fees incurred in the past or to be incurred in the fulure.



Disciplinal)' Rule 2·107(8) under the old Code of Professional Responsibility pTO\'id~d for payment of attorn ey's ·r••• "ia an approved credit card plan. There is no counterpart in the Rules of Professional Conduct. In RO·84·112 and Ethics Opinion 298. the Disciplil\lll)' Commission apprO\'l'd the payment and receipt of legal frts via an awroved cridit card plan. No high~r cr~dit f~e can be charged because of the lawyer's partiCipation. ABA Commiltrt on Professional Eth ics Formal Opinion 320 (1968) held that it was not unethical for ~rs to arrange with lending institutiOOll for credit·worthy clients to finance legal fees. Since the lawyer is not providing any finanCial assistance per ~. there is no problem wilh Hule 1.8(e) which stales: "Rule 1.8 Conmct of Interest;

AND ' ... dokrw""",-a. .............. Iow. rIghIln my own _ onyIImo. "-I' Of f'Oght!"

Prohibited Transactions "H ow?" "ALABAMA LEGALBOARD." AfuI.functIon~


_ _ _ ''''1egaI

0, 0eOH' L£GAlBOARD ...... _ ..

b y _ ........... .... _1owyws. ',"S"M" LEGALIIOARO _10 .... 1egaI - a . ....... w. _ . bo

...00"" ....


........_10.-.. "'oSOuo llGALeO..,Ulotr..-o......,.. bOO<Ig one!...,... <If _

inItaIing (one!

."""'-1_ <I\arvH.

_-_ ..--_.. _-_.-...... Uee your modem. Call now.

1-205-277-6033 ..... .... y_ _ . _ .... ou, _ _

_.._._---_ ...... _'011 .. _ ....

_ _ _ _.ok

... -.. ..... _ P.O. _


" . ......... _ ,

...... ,.-..r............... ...

2:102:11 • lIIontgomwy, .....


(e) A laW}"I!r shall oot provide fil\llncial assistance to a client in connection with pending or contemplatrd litigation, except that: (I) A l"",-yer may advance court costs and expenses of litigation. the repa;ment <JI which may be contingent on thi: outcome of the matter. (2) A lawyer representing an indigent client may pay court costs and upenses of litigation on behalf of the client; and (3~ A lawyer may advancr or guarant.e emergency financial assistance to the client. the repayment of which IlliI}' not be contingent on the outcome <JI the matter. pro'ided that no promise or assurance of financial assistance was made to the client by the la,,)..r, or on the lawyer'1 behalf. prior to the employment of the ta...;.. r." As long as the lawyer i5 simply offering information on "U\II'CARD" as an option to his clients and has no affirtn/ltive role in the credit application proc~ss, no rule. are seemingly violated. The lawyer canoot charge higher ftes to thos.e cl ients who avail themselves of this financing nOT can the lawyer make any money from the financing itself. They must not represent ~gal Services Funding, Inc. in any debt actions against the client arising out of any legal fee fil\llncing. • (RO·93·19~


, 1


rx ,


E '

Fi en


8r,v> Christophe, Ado"" RGbbit L)'JIn A1aandor

Elbert Smilh A11,n 51_n o.vid Allmann

Jetl.""", Blak, B,(W,"t1 J,f1rty Albright Brown

Willi;om Shmill C"",...",

Chri'topht, Lte Ceorge, Sr,

Ch"'I . ... Pills Cul l.n

Ken""!h Ea..1 Gi~

J,ffrty &<>1\ Bmwn O'Bri.n Cump!""

0.1\0 Clai", Gibson

Kyl. 1I'ayn< Brown

Mar}orie Oli'~ Dabb>

K imb<rl ~

Chari.. Williom Daniel., Jr.

Eli .. b<lh Butti. Gt..gow l... Nicho.... Ghri,ti"" el",.,.

t."" Brown

!).ovid WilliAm Amor.ll


Bran""" non""n A!1Ihnny

Lori Ann Brown

Krislin Le, Dani,l.

lorn<> Fred,ricl< "«h ibald, III



Charlts Edward A!ChI.,.

AMI' Gilmt.

R,bo«<.> Ju rl<tt. B,Qwn

Jornt.<\\'illiam Davi.

U"""rd K.II» Click

51,pMn;. Leigh Brown

51'0""'" tug,,,,, !>.wi., Jr.

John R..... U GooOI ... 1II

Toby 0."",;". Brown

Thonw Lewis Dovi.

Il<nj.min Warn" Gonlon, Jr.

Aohlq Albort Ay<'n

Arthur Clair Brunsoo. III

Pett' Thorrw O... io. Jr.

K.nnelh Crave>

)_ph Micha<l Ayers

Mary Virgin;' Buck

L<igh Ann Owl

Marvin Todd Griff

loon R..... llllaUtIl •• Jr.

TilllOllw Ghr;'lopht, Burg...

Pout Ceo,gt Ddaitsch

Benjamin Edgar & 1« •. Jr.

""mela MOOI't BUm> Mik. WilLord Bu",11

Pl ul John D<mar<o RGbtrta eo. Otmpot..

AngeLo Groc< Coi"" Rocco Col>mus.o. Ir..

O>mon P.trick Otnn<)'

Ameli. H.i .... C. iffith C"gory &011 Griggtrs Edgar Robert Hod<n I,nni/.. MeCH Hagood

Ri<hard l ostph Baktr Frank Eody Banl<>lon, Jr, P'tor E.ul Barbor ROOg.. Dal, B«!>, Jr,

Mvga .. t Amand.> Baucum

Milry Colhtri"" C.I I.w.~ Val"';, s.:h .. ibtr

Chri<lophtr DiGio'llio TOm"')' Lynn Dobb>

Anthony CLork H.II Aohlry H.mrick H.unlm JOO i, Pin .... UHom .... r

Chorlo. Brirur..ld campboll Colin And,"", Campboll Koty Smith campbell

Carolyn Rud DooiW Holtn Kothryn Down:< I_ph Hil l OTi"", llaroid Scou DIlWlty

n.."'d Mitthfll II<nck Darryl Bendtr lay Robert Btndtr

Dooakl Christophe, Caown Dona Rt ..... Cars!>rphtn

lohn Philip [)on G.. go!)' DunailOfl

J_ph A. Byron Cart..

FTtd Morion Hulon. HI Christopilor Thto H,lIunu

Bryon &oIt BLockwtU Cord.lia Ann Bodi,

H.. lhtr R,bo"". Chondo>h Donald Alon Chapman

Eri< Jonathon [ly.u MarilOttt Ann Eargtt Dooglu Edward Et;ktrt

Otnn i. Mitchell H,n!),

Virginia S", GIod:;I"", Chovtrs Lyn .... Porte, Christophf,

Grad;> Randall Edrnon<bon lun Mori. Etiuon Kothen .... Paige Ellioa-Pinson

Koren Fnnc.. lI<on I'amtLo Daun Surd Timothy Mid.. tl_lry Cilbe rt Ward 8e<son, III


Lauri' Kayo Booton P...... lo Arm llourqut 1I'. lto, E....... t Boyd, J,. C",i. Ealh<r Boykin

Am; Gilbort C.rt..

SI.phoni' Whilthur>1 Clift! OIlI,lIlnOlon Coggin, III Michkl I_ph Cohan

Ja"", Robert En.g,lthal .. G.ry W.~nt Fillingim DoutIIas W.r .. n f ink EII,n R"" finn Chart.. AlI,n Flowtrs, 111

lamt. Kenneth Braboton William K.ith Brad/Qrd

And, .... J.... ph Col. man StOjlhfn Criffin Collins

Sryon Scott Bnnyork Sally An ... Bl'OIItch

Cedric; lI<,nard CoMn CLorl! And,"", Cooper

Ridu.rd Goodwin Brock John Taylot Brooks, Jr.

Soot! WillWn Co~'n J..,.... William Crawford, Ir.

AlI .... r 1Ii"" n! Br(II<n, Ir.< Jayson Sr(II<n

M ... Shou.. Cri.k, C!u.rl.. Taylo, C"",ken

""illip Vi"",nt Cod<\;' Amy EI,na Colli"",,,,

Clto Lo",ne Brown


Gina Coggin Br(II<n

Jonathan Sam .... 1C"'"

o""id O'Sn,n Cotch Micllatl Edwin Cedgoudu

22 f JANUARYI994

I.... V.ughn FI.,.,... Susan Shelton Foss Tho".... Alvin FOUl> T.m",), Lorraine Fruit'

J.m.. Sidn<)' JlankiN lomt, Mdiwn H.m ", III Cory Bl)'OIl lI.rtll.... Hubb>rd H,nry 1toTW)', Ir. W'n~ Ann


Lynda 1.0. Ht ndri. Am; ludkim Himmtlwright

Elizabeth A>hley Hinds Do<lna Stanal>nd Hi. I....... Carson Hof.t,m, Ann< LoIIin lt~

MiI,k Montgomtry HQgewood Mich..1 Ralph Itolbt'll Ann Aohton Itolmt. Matthtw Travi. Hol.born Dovid Let Itorton Cory Uno Ilow;ord Kimbe,1y Poige ltuMlt$ton Rtbtcao Hi"ins Hunt Amand.> St.g,ng. Hunter Michatl Leon 1..,1<>on THEAUJlAMA LAWYER

u..r. CuRu Jobela

Slophtn E~ s.-

No\hon Do",'oy<IO """" CoIIrtno)I Roilly Pottbofl'

)ohn Wilqr Jonning>. Jr.

kfl'1'OJ Tho"", MtCIu.kqr 1'... kirk M<CombI. II 1 _ Christ""r McCool

L.ofAnn M<>rpn I'oom<b

CiN Leith Spann

Victor Ynra>n Johrl$OO

hutln Toby McDMaId

J. Ritchie M. Prina

Chri.tian Stu'll<' SptllCtr

Brian C. T. Jone.

U.. Carolino M<:C.IIH /lbr. Anthony Mc"horter

ThomoI. RoI:><rt Rthm. Jr. Sand.. Beth Roi ..

8rac1)1 Eutaw Mondhtim. Jr.

:-t.otiss.a Ntwb)n ~

' ....... "'.... :rotillm fret""'" Milts CiN !olin. Miller

/>brio ....... Robbins

John Ronold S'"'''''tr C""rlN}' Lee Sulli..,. M>.n: At.n St;orr<ll SUphanie ~iM Sbns<>n

~ I)ayjd JoIIritJ.. Jr.

Chulu lb."" Jones. JT.. Thoma So:Itne Jonts SNwn Junkin>

AUwIMia />brio KanWei<

00u&Iu 8';" K..uIfmon Ri<hard Carlton Kttltt Edward Uno K. lleU B.>.w... LY"no<)' Claudit Cocilia Ktnntdy Susan Elizaboth Kennedy Ho<lo« !:(IwanI Kilpatrick, Jr. Thomas ~r Ki"'II Df;In>Id ......., Kirlpobict;;. to

Ctwtt Roymon KoIb. Jr. H.roId Arnold K-.s. Itt Dilno Mill .. Kunls

Larl« E.. "U Kuykond.JI Sanlu Christian Ladd

hmu Patrick Umb

"""" "'" "'"'"

DMdW.... ~ Cella D>vi$l.Iopidu.o Timothy DH I.uxn A~

Ban La$stttT

llUih MeLe.n 1ft Robt'n Leland Lt$1t)'


Lellth Pollard Milltt s....n M<:Kinuy Milner RI< ... rd Johue Jot i"", Tortoo ea.t"" Minor Daniel Prtscott Mitchell Potor M>ury Mit<h<U T,nyAiImMoort

G"gOl)l Mi< .... 1Tloube

Meliss.a Iuur Moruu

Thomas Edwin s....r. lit

Thomas Alltn TillPI'

Ctwtt Scan Morris Allan La ... Morton Gh.utopher PUric k M<*lqr Sho lly Bomttt M<w Katrino /IIu'/liin

Jon Paul Sa,,')'tr

RikS~ Toui

M>.ttl\(w Alan s.:he""k Mitzi Lau,,1 S.. D-Steuer

K.nnoth Btrli ... Trotttr Robin Leigh Tucker

Carl Bnndon Stlltrl.1tt Stella C. C. Shackelford

~Ia Camille Tumor AnitoT,nyTyt

""""u.. ..


Lynn MtCO'Uf}I SNw

Cary Dickinson lynn

M>rIr; Chriotopher SOon

DdIonh Lynn Shelley

Cathtri ... I'ottiu o.vid ..... ron Norris

Mrtchell Khllod Shelly

John Auld Unzicker. Jr. Wendi V"otbrodI Upchurch R.. Allon Wogntr

ChriIIophtr Campboll ~

Patrick Rowland Norris Ronold I.MNord So"""""! Potrlcla Leigh 0'0.11' Floyd She,md , III

Wynn /IIila ShuIonI

'Ibomu !oil""" Uttk Lome Lynn I.iW Jamu fAwan:1 Lori>. Jr.

Kirnbtrty Christint Poet Anne CaldwtIJ hI""r Arthur FnnIc Patt ....... Jr. PhilipC .... t Porkins Benl Sho ... Porry Ktn ... th Martin P'ny William i.ft Pfeil... Jr. "''iDiom i.ft PhillipS. III lI'iUwn 1011"" Phillipo. Jr. ' ''''' Pdt",

8rian Clifford ~ And, ... Thorrw M>yf..1d

Philip C\IF PiIlllOH J&mos Clinton Pitt""'" Robtn Lt$ttr Pittman

RO\' EMrd MeBryar

Robtrt Card ... r Poole


Forrut Collins Rule. Jr.

50.. A$hlty TlotWtrro I. ..... Le.ti, Tlossin

KimT...... Thomas T.... MtIoyThnoohrr

Kelly ",.~ 011<1

8any o.w.y.,. !oIIt>on

Tobin Btmord Roth c. ..rd", Dirk Roundalt

"'l1iam I)ayjd Ryan. II C....... EdwanIliMIdtrS.Jr.

Amanda Ruth Owtn

EdwIoro.t 1lIoNt111Wch.1l1 M.Ir1 II~ Marltr I.ynd> luCwil /II;trshoII

N.thon Andr... Rot~rtich

ChorlotU Adams SllAlbl Ceorgio Morio: s.,11......,

John Coutu. 1»'10< Rondy Kt;th Thilfptn

LaTmia Randte Lewis

LeMortu. AIon Molone M.lnln Adolph", M.lntrS. II!

CunuLt<R ......

,.,.., laun Sl ... n

5.unutt Tyrone R..... II

Rod...,. Clyde Lowis Undsoy I..owoll Will ~m Chrl<tion M>.ddoJ;

Chrutopbtt ~ Itotltru

Julie Cro« 5o... lb

Nick YO$hi""ri Sh i ~ Barry ScOlt Shipman Sleven Sho>m SibIty CtnId O'Seil1 Sills v.~

Scott S i _

John Scott Sims U.. Beth Sinitt' Thorrw Juli.>n Ski nntr. IV

Mkhotl Ch>.rla Skotnkkl

-.on 8rian Siou8htt. CraoQ Lawson Slat

lllIliom IIrnIhort WMlI\t,m, Jr, Scot! Dooglu W.I~rup 1>tk~lI.

Morio W.1u

Karon Morio w.lker P>tricia Oovi> v.."", DMd Lynn "" •. William Leow W......,. Eliubtth Smith W.... Vi'llinla imol< Wotd Maul)' St""n ""ointr Brion Scot W,lborn Marcus ~ "''h>tIt1 Anita Lynn< Wiains Jamu~WiII""'"

IIhondo St>t SIo)1<Jn

Jom(onQd 1I"liams

llildo Trapp Smith

Edward E....... Wiis«o. J•.

Ted Irvin Smith

LrI< Griffin Woodru/l'

William ErIword Smith. Jr.

Clonn 00)01, Zim .... """n St.phoni. I'i<oI. 20h0r


Jun Snido.


1~ / 23




A 0




Clark A. Cooper (1993) and N. Lee Cooper (1964) (admiltee & father)

Jodie Pinnell Hamllfl' (1993) l nd Judge Lewis H. Hamner (1950) (admitle. &. father)

24 / JAN UARY 1994

Christopher DiGiorgio (1993) and G. Rick DiGiorgio (19 81) (admittee &; brother)

Amanda Ruth Owen ( 1993) and Judge Wayne Owen ( 1912) (admiUee & father)

James A. Harris. III (1993) and Jamn A. Harris, Jr. (1969) (admittee 0; father)

Jennirer Mc~ Hagood (1993) and John Patrick Hagood (1993) (admittee and husband)









Richard C. Brock (1993) and Paul I't'. Brock (1950) (~inH ÂŤfllhr. 1

John Ritchie MxPhenon Prinee ( 1993). S)odM)' R. Printt, III (1960) and Sydne]o R. PriIlCl!. J1. (1932) tlldmiltH. father &: gnndfllthH)

Ann iU hlon Holmu (1993) . Rida n! L Holmu (1961) ami Alfftd P. Holmu (1953 ) (~m;tlH. falher &: uncle)

MidIIRI Ralph IklhrC (1993). IbIph G. lfoIbtrg, lII (1965) II!d ~ HoIba& Jr. (1932 ) (admitlee, fatt>tr &: iQRdfalhrr )



'Ad, IfincIs (1993). ~~ I.. Hinds.Jr. (1965),GeorJIt W.Andrews ( 1971) rnI CIn:JIine Wells Hn!s (1918) f1j

Thomas Julian SkInner, IV (1993) and Thomu Julian Skintwr, Jr. (1935) (ldmittu & grandfather)

(admiUH, uncle. unclt &; sttpmot~rl

JANUARY \99-1 125






lIarwi!1I C. Davis. III (1977) (admlttee & brother)

Lori A. Brown (1993). Laun J. Brown (1 993) and Gregory D. Brown (1989) (oo-admiUees & brother)

Laura C. Nettles (1993) and Thomas A. Nettles. IV (1979)

Paige [Uiott.Pinlon (1993) and Thorn", R. Elliott, Jr. (1960)

(admit!ÂŤ &. brother)

ladmiU.., &. father)

Virginia Davis WeflI (1993) and

26 1JA.-<UARY 1m

Chris Hellum s (1993) lnd Ted Hel. lums (19 65)

ladmittee & father)

Tom King (1993). Bob King

(948) and Dan King (1981) (admittee. father & brother)





A D fl



¥.ll1i1.m Edwmi Smith, Jr. (1 993) and Robrrl F. Smith (1984) (admiU«.Ii brothrr'


F. SMmId, III (1993) and

H. Floyd ShtTTOd (1961) (Wmitt« &. (atM.)


Tnpp Smith (1993) and

Kriltln Daniell Hom (1993) and Bill Daniel, (1993) ($isle. &: brother tcHdmiltusl



Gina 8 _

J_ vaughn ~ (1993). Jid: F1o,d ( 1953) and John F"Io)'d (1987)

LaIT)' Mack Smith (1979)

(1993) and Jobn D. Coggin (1975)

(adm ltt«. husband &. son)

(admilt« 6< husbl.nd)

(hus!:>.tnd &. ",il. cora.dmitt.u. &. I.tke.· in ·lawlfaIMf) JANUARY 1994 127







Judy Pickens (1993) and

Mark A. Pickenl (19 86) ladmiUte Ii< brother)

Charlu Brinsneld ~mpbtU (1993) and Sol E. BriMfield, Jr. {l934j

Pdt. /tbury Mitchell (1993) and Wendell W. Mitdtell (1965)

(admittee I< great-uncle)

(admi ttee & f.the. )

J lmn K. Brablton (1993) and

Hubbard H. Hm'e)', Jr. (1993) and

Thomas M. Little (1993).

Eugene W. Bral)$ton (19S)

Hubbard H. Han'ey, S r. ( 1951) (admitte. I< fath••)

William O.l.iltle ( 1979) and MilT)' Lil Owens (1 979) (admitlee, brother & sister-in-law)

(admiu« I< father)

28 f JANUARY 1994








Ashley Hamrick Hamidi ( 19931. Jamtl D. Hamlett (1992) '-Ad ROIl lI amlett Da\u (1972) t~miu«, h~ &: aunt)

I Fall

Frank Patterson (1993) and Jud~

Joh n M. h llmon (1949) (~m;lt« '" cousinl

Ky~ W, Brown (1993) and Judie John M. POittenon (1949 ) (~U"' &: (OUSinJ

1993 Bar Exam Statistics of Interest


Number sitting for tum •.••.•••..•..•.•..•....•..•....•..•.......•..•....•..•.•..•..•..•.•..•... . ...•..•. .•.••.•. .•.•..•....•. 495

Number certified to Suprtme Court of AlabaIlUl ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• 355 Certlfiu tion rale .......................................................................................................... 72 percent

Certification percentages: Unive rsity of Alabama ...............................................................................................................87 percent Cumberland &:hool of l..."Iw......................................................................................................83 percent Birmingham &:hool of l..."Iw •••.•......•.....••....• ,•.••• ,•••.•.....•.....•.....••...••.....••...••.....••....•••....•....••.... 41 percent Jones Law institute ............................................................. ,.....................................................31 percent ~liles College of Law, .. ,...................................................................................... ,........................9 percent


JANUARY 1994 129

OPPORTUNITIES The follou'ing programs ha,oe been approved by/he Alabama Mandatory Continuing /£gal Education

Commission (OT CLE cr-eIM. for information regarding other olXlilableopprot'fd programs. ronlacl Diane Weldon, administrative assisltlTll for programs. at (205) 269-1515, and a romplele CLE calendar will be mailed to you. 25 Tl.Iesd.ay




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Credits.: 6.0 Cost $149 (715) 833·3940

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19 Wedne.d.a, WORKERS COMPENSATION IN AlABANA Hunl.o;ville National Busin... Imtitute. Inc. Credits: 6.0 Cost: $138 (715) 835-8525 20 Thur.da,

WORKERS COMPENSATION INAlABAMA Mobile National Busin... Institutt.lnc. Credits: 6.0 Cost: 5138 (715)835-8525


" "'-""'"

Montgomery National Busine.. Institute. Inc. Credits: 6.0 Cost: S]38 (715)835-8525 SOCIAL SECURI1Y U\W Binningham Cumberland Institute for CLE Credits: 6.0 (800) 888·1454 30IJANUARY 1994

THE ENTIn' OF CHOrCE Hun15".jlle

National Business [nsliMe.lnc. C,edits: 6.0 Cost: $138 (7l5] S35·S525 27 Thursde, LIMITED LlABILl1Y COMPANIES: THE ENTl1Y Of CHOICE Mobile National Busin. .. Institute. Inc. Credits: 6.0 Cost: $138 (715) 835·8525

28 Frid., NURSINC HOME U\W Binningham Cumberland Institute for CI£ Credits: 6.0 (800) S88·7454 LIMITED LIABIL11Y COMPANIES: THE ENTI1YOF CHOICE Montgomery National Business Imtitute.loc. Credits: 6.0 Cost: $138 (715) 835-8525 FUNDAMENTALS OF ADVOCACY Binningham Alabama Bar Institute for CLIO Credits: 6.0 (800) 627-65]4

February 1 Tu ••


A PRACTICAL CUIDE TO ESTATE ADMINISTRATION IN Au\BAMA Mobile National Busin... Institute. Inc. Credits: 6.6 Cost: SI38 (715) 835·8525 2 Wedne.da,

A PRACTICAL CUIDE TO ESTATE ADMINISTRATION IN AI.ABA."IA Montgomery Nationill Busine.s Institute, Inc. Credits: 6.6 Cost: 5138 (715) 835-8525 3 Thur.da,

A PKACTICAL CUIDE TO ESTATE ADMINISTRATION IN ALMIAMA Birmingham National Busintss Imtitute. Inc. Credits: 6.6 Cost $138 (715) 835-8525

4 Frid., CUSTODY ISSUES 1:-1 FAMILY U\W Birmingham Alabama Bar Imtilutt for CLE Credits: 6.0 (800) 627·6514 MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Birmingham Cumberland Institute for CLE Credits: 6.0 (800) 888·7454 A PRACTICAL CUIDE TO ESTATE ADMINISTRATION IN AlABAMA Huntsville National Business Institute. Inc. Credits: 6.6 Cost: SI38 (715) 835-8525


22 T . . . . . "

nUAL ADVOCACY FOR BECINNINC lAWYERS Binninghim Cumbtrl~nd lru;titul~ for CLE CrediU: 6.0



(7]';) 835-S525




NitiONI 8usinus InstilUlt.lnc. Crtdits: 6.0 Cost: $]38


23 W.dn •• d.y WORKERS COMPENSATION Binningtu,m


AI~ &r Institutt klfCU: Cm!ib:6.0

I.orll"lin "usinus Calltr • Inc. Cm!iU: 6.0 Cost: 5149


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{1l';) 833-~

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lor Cu:

Credill: 6.0 (8001888-7454

All CLE transcripts must be received by January 31 , 1994


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L _______________________________________________ ~I JANUARY]994 1 31

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~,f:[~~~~~~~~~~·1 d : ! i ~ " . "~~~ ~ '

resulting court

becaust cou rt. are intentional .. xual

...,: : :~Z\~~:: ":~: ~':


;s subject \0 I emotional dish'us and

. fur·


in, aulhoor the wrongful acts.· M courl found that the employer 's


harusment from

physical injury

W()rk.r"",~:;:i,i';~j~: designed \0 cover. ~ i .. xual ru.ras.\ment creales an j an individual', psyche ,lnd Additionally, victims and reCOVtring fQ. I~ tort of outrage under a relaxed standard due to public polk\'

favoring the compensation of such vic, tims.' This article addresses the develop-

ment of the tort of outrage in Alabama and compar •• Alabama law \0 national Irmd •. Until the tort of intentional i"Aielion of emotional disl.eloS or outrage was recognized in Alab.lma in American Rood Service Co. v. '"man: it WaJ! ".""....1')' for individuals suking Troress for menU] .1",1oS 1I4$OCiated wilh ... ual harassment \0 prove that mental injuries accompanied by physical injuries. In fnmon. the Alabama Supreme Court genorated a new avenu e for suual har=ment cases in its decision, stating that ' one who by extreme and ouln·



this lort, harassment ha", had a mental anguish. lort has continued to evol".." the view of what was necess;ory to establish a successful caus. of action against the 'employer also has shirtw. In fact. AJaba· ma .ppea~ to be following many of the other state courts in imputing liabili ty for sexual harassment under the tort of outrage. Cuideline, for employers' liability for the intentional torts of employe .. in the arn of suual harassment we re fi .. t established in 1985 in Joyner u. ANI ~r Traruporlali"".' In this case, the harassing coemployee was accused of attemp t ing to force the plaintiffs 10 engage in hOffi(lM;xuaJ acts. In response to the complaints, the general manager of the C(lmpany conducted an investigation and informed the accuud employee

ther harassing activities, and thus C(luld not be construed as ratification of the employee's behavior . In a 19S6 case based on seJlual har....· men!. Mclsoac u. WZJ;IV·f'M Ccorp .. " the Supreme Cou rt of Alabama strictly enforced its definition of the tort of out· ra#. In this case. the owner of a "nIIio stat ion repute dly as ked a female emplo)·. e to h"'f an affair with him, attempted to .rran~ out·of·town trips for both of them , and f"Quently I«red at her and touched her. The court found no evidence of "".... emotional distress, holding instead that t he ddendant"S conduct was not extreme Or outrageow enough for reco",ry. According to the court, the harasser's behavior merely consisted of "insults. indignities,threats (or) annoyanen," not subject to liability in tort. ~ In a later case, Busby u. Truswaf Sys· terns Corp .. " female employees sued their employer for outrage<;lus conduct,

JANUARY 1994/ 33

see king dama gu for ps ~ cho l ogica l injuries caus.ed by a supervi$Or's ~ptat­ ed se.ual harowment. The fact. ,howed !ha! the supervi50r had engagW in Iev.'d behavior and common!s, incl uding an invitat ion to swim in hi. pOO! in t he nude wi t h him. comments about his su uat desires involving t he plaintiffs, comments about the plai ntiff, ' bodies, and physical contact (touching) witli the plaintiffs." Citin g the Inmon case. the cou rt held that the plaintiffs had pre .. nted ""i dence from which a jury could ~a$Onably determine tha} the supervi· so r's con duct was ·so outrageou s in character and 50 extreme in degree ... to go beyond all possible Mu nds of decency and to be regard.d ... atrocious and utterly intolera ble in a ci"i / ized $Odety:wHowevtr. because the supeNi· $Or died prior to resol ution of the case, the plaintiffs instead punued the tort of out rage against the employl:r. Se1... ral key i.,ues for sexual harassment cases arose from the court's dtci s;on in t his cast. Fi rst, the com pany attempted to use the u cl usivity provision of the Alabama Workmen's CompenSlltion Act to b<lr action using the tort of ou trage. The court refuse d to



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34 /JAN UARY 1994

accept this argument. determining that such a bar would tea'~ plaintiffs witooul a remedy fo r p.y chological injuri .. res u ltin g from hnassment. vubal abuse, or inv... ion 01 pri'·acy. According to the court. ·exception i, Ihus made 10 thuxclusivity prD'Iision of the Alab<oma Workm~n 's Comptnsation Act lor purely psychological injuri.. inflicteij during the c29Ls,,-ol employment; such an action mu,t lie in tort."" As with many other states. the tort of outrage was established in Alabama as a clear means for reeov..}' for pOssible p,ychological ootcomes of se.ual harassment Second, lhe court clarified it. int.'P ...• lalioo of employl:r liability undtr lhe tort of outrage. Becaus.e the tort of out rage prD'lid.s a remedy only in situations of ext reme and oul rage(lus condu ct. it ·should not be thl! basis for vicariJus Or respondeat superior !iabili\;' except in the most compelling ci rcumstances'-" The court r.fusro to hold the .mpl~'" liabit for the superviwr' , nlreme conduct. According to the tourt: Recau .. [the tortf,asol ] clearly ,,'as not acting in furthe rance 01 Truswafs business by engaging in the alleged .:enduct. because [the torlfeasor's supervisor1 was npt told the details Or th. fU ll extent of that conduct. an d because the plaintiffs did not- allow [the tortf.... or·s supeNi$Or] time t o co rr eel the silualio n after deta iling their complaint.. Tm,w, al cannot be held liable ... having ratified [the tortfea$Or"s[ alleged outrageous conduct." In hi' strongly-worded nt, Justi c. Kennedy condemned the court's vi""" of the supe"';$Or's conduct. insisting that ·sexual harassment in the workplac. should be vi ewed ...... a flagrant violation of pub lic policy. The threat of eco· nomk coercion in s.exual harusment as well ... the abus.e of pOW<r by .upeNisory personnel. should be sufficient to sus· tain a cause of action for t he tort of outrag • . • •• Referrin g to Ohio cases because it. .tmd:!rd for the tort of outrage is simila r to Alaba ma·s,· Justice Kennedy deplored Ih. summary judgment ruling on the out rage claim and said: "It would be unconscionable if we were to assume that [the supeNi5Or'sl alleged actions should be considered as nothi ng mo re Iha n a hau rd of Ihe

plaintiffs' employment becau ,. tht}' were female."" The most recent decision of the Alab<o· rna Supreme Court r~llects a st' onger stance against sexual hara .. ment. an d demonstrates a change in the pOsition of the Court in """eral areas. In Polls v. 8E & K Construction Cj>mP<l'1Y. th. plain. tilf alleged ,e xual liar~ment, aSSllu!t and ballery. invasion of privacy, and outrag~.~ She alleged Ihat a coe mplO)'ee. Sanders. made lewd com me nts . posed invasive questions about her s.ex life. made sexual advances toward he r, and repeatedly touched her in a sexual and off~nsj,'e manner. 1he employer. BE ... K. alleged that the harassi ng emptoyee was not it. agent and was not acting within the s<:ope of his duties. In addj. tion , the company pOinted out Ihat it had ttken immediate action when nolifit\! of the complaint. The Alabarro Circuit Cou rl. Judge Phel ps. granted summa ry judgment in favor of t he employer. On appeal. the court assumed. for pu rposes of the appeal. that emplO)'· ee 's condurl was , ufficient to establish th. lort' aUeged. Th e onl y issue on appeal was whether Ih. plaintiff submit· ted substan tial evidence that BE ... K ralifi ed the condu ct 01 its employee. San ders. The company first identified the problem when the office manager. Bynum. approached Potts and asked her about Sanden' conduct. which had been repOrted to him by anothu , upeNisor. She confinned that the report was accu· rate and specified additional inci denls of harassment. In response to this discus· sion, Bynum met with Sand. rs . who den ied t hai h. had ha rassed Polls. B,l1um testified that he warned Sanders to stop any harowing behavior. For two weeks, Sand~rs and Potts continued to wor k unsupervistd in the tool room. un(jl Potts again complained of sel ual ha rassme nt from Sande ... Afler this compl ai nt . PotU was tran , fe rred to another pOsition. and Sanden was sus· pended withoot pa")' for two ...... ks, The court refe rred to the standard it set for intentional torts in .kllner. The court focused on the issue of ralifi cation and the cond itions under which ratifi<Altion by the employer would be foun d. The court ex plicit ly established what must be proW!n to show an employer "ratified" or ·tolerated· one emplO)iee's



stlIUIllla.rusmtnl of UIOlhH. IIln addition to proving III. undt.Iyi"lllortious conduct of iUl offending .mp\oyft. a compliin· ina: tmploy« musl show thai the tmployer (I) hId attual kno ..... l. edge of Ihe lortious of the offend ing employee , tl the lortiow conduct ....315 i II and visiled UpOll the ~mplain· ina: tmploytt; (2) thai butd upOll knrw. Of Ihoukl ha''e~, llIat such conduct constituted SfJUlI harusment ..,~o. I t"Ofltinuinii 10.1; and (3) that the employer failed 10 uke 'adell""le' Ileps to remtdy the silualion. Th. court r.litd on Busb!! in dt ler. mini"ll that unl ..,s tM employtr takes effeclive aClion to stop tilt ha'lUing con duct. lilt ·sleps liken ~ the employe. are not 'adequa te ', The court di$liniUiohtd ./ogrH1r beclust tht employe. look immedialt ution 10 invutigatt and dele. Ille huuling behavior u .5001'1 as a ,...port of lilt con· duet wlS made. Tile aclions of I he emlllO)'t. in JoVner wert prtsumed 10 be adeqw.t. !>rcause Ihe tortious con· duct Jlopptd. In Potls lilt court looked clTtfutly It tht bet silUilioo 10 I« if Iht sttpS uktn by tht emptO)'t. lIIIt.t ~"'It. BE " K IIId koowl~ of lilt harassing btllavior prior 10 8ynum 's diKussion ..... ith Potts. Bynum met ..... itll Ihe vict im and tile alltged 10rlfuI-Or stparattly. No disdplinar)' aclian Waf uken agairut Sande .... and the employer did not monilor tM employHs' work in lilt 1001 room despile evidence from tllird put its who llad witnund the oHtndina: bet..vior. BE &: K initiated iU diuiplina ry prGCedu rts lind moved PotU 10 lnOIht. posilion only aft.r Iltr substqUtnl complaint two ,,-,«lis IlIte •• TM court found tllli it was approp.iale for lilt jur)' to can. ide. Ih. lengtll of t ime bel\o.'etn BF. &: K's knowledge of Ihe tortious conduci ind subsequenl dis.::iplinllry action .......... Il ... tht _rio l)' of lhe disciplinary action Uktn rela· tM 101M striousnm of 1M conduct. Due 10 tht tmploytr's wlu," 10 invt$ti. gatt fu.lller. 10 move one of Ille tmploytes from lilt 1001 room. 10 moni· lor 1M sitw.tion furtMr, 10 IIkt Steps 10 ensu . t tlla! the harassing con duel wu not repealed, or to KI wilh grtaler

force and stl'iousntss. tM court noted that a jury could find tlllt BE " K ratio fied Sandtn' condut t because the be~r "'-as illowtd to continUt.-

,";:':,>":::;:~I:'~ limited tht rul·

may be tsublioh;ng iU ~. ,[',,,",>d;, this aTU. fo llow ing Ihe Allbam casu from J0g7ler to Polls, the standard has slowly " '9-h-ed in to ont thai .tneets II strong public potiC)' agiirul 1t:<W.llla.rassmtnl In the tirlier Jovrwr Cast. tht fact tN.1 Ihe la9 11s bfhavio. of Ihe h"ust. "'''' st~ wu tvidtnct e"""llh tN.I adeqUlle sleps llad been liken by 1M tmpl~r. TM court .....u no! forced 10 addr.s.s the iss,,", of under d.· cumstances ..... ht.t the behlvior did not st op. Later. In Busb/l. t h e courl iCknowltdgtd Ihal failure 10 stop harassing behavior would support Ih.

inferm« that tilt company ratified tilt hlTiSstr"s behivior. Howtvtr , even though tilt IIlmstr's bf~r continued ~r StVOfil montlls , tilt court found that tllto aceuord employH Wl.$ not acting in tilt furtllerance of til. company's businus. Tllus. if a court idhtrts st rongly to this uptcl of the doctriM of rtSpOndeat superior in casts of st~",1 harassmtnl. tht tmplO)'tr an oftm i'IOid liability. TM court aoo found in 8uJbJ/lhal Iht plaintiffs did nol gi~ sufficienl informalion aboul tht lIl~ing be ....... lor 10 IU~. <lrsp"e lhe fact thai t ht plainliffs dtliil.d t ht lewd and offensive Jlatements tllal wtTt made. Tht BUlbJl court reaffi rmed I"mon in st.tinil that Ih. lort of ou t rage "is a limi ted remedy 10 !>r ap.,!!litd only in egregious circurTlSl.iroc:es. TM be ....... ior of Ihe lla.ru5tr not v~d as comptlli"ll enough 10 support tilt lort of oulnge cLliT1\. In Poll•. i'oowew •. tht lort of oulnge in cues of stlI",IIIa.~· ment ..... n distinguished from 10.1 5 involving otIIe. ablJ5rll. likt the diltine. lion mad. by Jushce Kennedy in lI is di .... nt in Ih. Bush/l cast. In contrast 10 BUlbJ/, tht court mo•• forcdul in

POSITION AVAILABLE SECURITIES COMMISSION A vacancy currently exists for Ihe position of Securities Commission Director, state classification code 11290, with

a salary range of S62,400 to S95, 134. Interested applicants must be a member in good standing with the Alabama State Bar and have three years e~ perience in the securities field or as an attorney active ly engaged in securities practice. Interested persons are encouraged to contact the deputy director of the Commission, Robert l. Priroce, or the Slale of Alabama Personnel Department, for more information.

lAo'WARY 1m 1 35

~~suming thot the h.nuse,', behavior wa, tortious . thai the company had

fered two distinct injuries: a personal injury for

work - relat~d


stre" and an

knowledge of the harasse , 's,. and that the com~,Jme:w or should

injury to~ er igh1'to Iree from sexual hat,urn"1i • Since workers' comptnsa·

the CQu 'Y.6.0k a J \ronge. stan against the e mpl0)'u liy closely exa mjPI ng

allowed 10 reco,~. under both. As. this tr~nd deve~, an~ouru m additIOnal states nlO\'e t~d deffiung the injun ••

have kIwwn. Ulilt~ud; conduct stilion and 10 rem.dietl ••• avaHable for luted sexual' harassment In, .dditio~ ort inju9Ei':-the employee was

whethh the company loo k ste that were easooobly .:aleul'ltd to top t ha~ing Cjl<'duct.

in'1' l~d in .e.ual~ar=ent a. ~paratq wrong •. the 1'!Iil1 risk for (ompa~ ~ ni ed will increase dramatically. NATIONAL TRENDS 11 i. also cltar that ny ?tate court> are requiring ~ less stJinge~ standard o.f In r 'ewin CQUrt natiQnwld llioof fQr intentional tortti'JOt~ing -",I· it i. ,ppilrent l hat.~rt> are refusing 10. at harassment tt;tn fQr the r inten· adhere to' t exclUSivity rule of w<)Tkers' tional tDrts.. Eve;.!"n stat 10k. Alabama. CDmpensatiQn t.tUtU when suual where ~Q rt Df Du~ag. is relatively harassme nt 's in vDI".e~. just r.'t~ new. lie standards aTe ""Dlving to. the Alabama court did in ~II. The.cou~ int whe re o.u t rageDusness ma y be ha"e nQted the differ nces in the pu~. assumed-due to' the act of -"'Iwl harass· PQSt5 Qf the la ws r\egarJin g sex I ment itself. The leading slates in this harassment ;md work rs'-e(>mper'lSation 'Tn.• uch a.s Ohio.. have nQt required in the ir decisiDns. recDgn izin g that plaintiffs in stJIual har=ment cases to' while workplace injuries rob a person Qf meet the heightened standard Usually resources. sexual harassment rQbs the required by the tQrt Qf Qutrage: Qther penDn Df dignity and .011· toteem." .tate. are likely to. fDII",,·. Stat" which interpret the two statutes in this way crute the p.)Ssibility Df CONCLUSION recovtry under both statutes. depending upOn how mental injuries are treated by k; can be .. en from the chronology 0/ the state's workers' cDmpensatiDn act . the Alabama cases. Alabama CDurtS are I'Qr example. in f'Qlmer v. 8i·Morl,· the beginning to. fQllow the natiQnal trend court found that the employee had sulin giving -",xual ha ..... mtnt .pteial .ta-

Ius under the tort of Qutrage. The I~ues addr~ •• ed in Polls br;n8 Alabama at least to' the threshDld Df fQllowing lead· ing sl~t .. in reCQgnizing t he uniQue injury stxual harassment victims suffer. Many court opinio.ns renecl CDndtm~· tiDn Qf "",xual haras.sment .. a practice.and the enactment of state legislatiDn also shows a distaste fDr such practices. fDr tumple. stat. human rights statutu in slales such ~5 C~lifo.rnia. I'IQrida. Ohio.. Michigan and Tennt""e are aimed at ending gender dis<;rimina · tioo. Current cases seem to. indicate that CQurt> ha,'e ~Iaxtd tho standard n""soary to' e.tablish a claim fDr th. tort o.f outrag~ in cases of -","-iii ha .....mtnt.· HQ"'~ver, il remains 10. be seen what COurse the Alabama Supreme Court will


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talt( in the (uture on this issue. Pmls was just i ~naJ of the lower court's dttision of sumINI)' judgment for !.he rrnploytr. It Ji"",ly kept lhe if,sUf:!l ~Iive (or lhe allellfll $UWoI har,...~nt vic· lim 10 brirlll her cue to tri.ll. H~r. it dNI li,nity thaI Alabi"", miY be rnovirlll in !.he $arne dirt<tion as otmr state courts. •

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IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA August 3 1. 1993 Whel"eai. lhe 800rd of B.a. Commi,siono1's of the Alab;ama

Slot", B.a, has ~OII."eo Oed 10 Ihls Coon 1""1 tile

AJab;ima l1:ules of Proiessional Condvc1 be all>erOed 10 add IMe 3.10; and Whefeas. !he Coun has CQrtSidered !he ~ ~mendmenI and consideos that ill>erllio l>erd appropri~te; It is. therefcft. ordeff!d thai !he Alab;ama l1:ules of ProIe!&ion.oI CondUCI be i ">ertded to ~ l1:ule 1.10, 10 ~Old ai 1oI1ows: -l1:ule 3.10 THI1:£ATENING CI1:JMINAl Pll:OSt:CUTION -A lawyer- wll oot .xIv.n~


pilnidp.te in presetlfing. 0<

th~~ten to ~t

crim.",1 charges §OIe1.,. to obt.3 in in

In . civil malle<.


"'T fle civil adjudkative process is prImarily deslglled lot lhe settlement of disputes betwoon pilnie$, while the criminal process is designed for the prote<:tion of socioety ai a whole, Th'ealening 10 use. or usi ng. lhe c riminal process to COl"l'Cf! Oldiustmeot of priViltf! civil claims or conl~ is ..... bversion ofl/l;lt process; funher. the person ~plrtll whom the crimi",1process is 50 misused .... y be dete<red from nsening his or her legal rights ~nd

when that happens !he useful"""" or !he civil process in $f'!Iling priY_ dkpuIes is


As In all

nses of

abuse of judicial process, the illlptopei use or the criminal process lends 10 diminish publ ic conftdMa! in our ~I~.·

Thinmendment wll be efiec6ve Jan......,. 1, 1994. IiorrtWy, C.1" .nd Maddc:»<, Almon. Shores. Adams, t1ou!Ion, Kennedy, and Ingram.


II., concu•.

JANUARY 1m 137







members art lawyers interested in administrative

proc..dings at the f~ral and state leveL Members include g0vernment attorneys as well as private practition.~ n.., .';tction presents a program during the annual meeting of the .tate har and has been active in the implementation of the Alabama Admini.trati"", Procedu re Act. The section also sponwTS the Eugellt W. Carter Medallion. an award giw" annually to a for. mer public Krvant for excellence in balancing the rights of individuals against the interests of government Chair.

Olivia H. Jenki ns, l'foo/gom;ny- 211 ·1855 Chai..... I.d:

Charles H. Durham. lIl. Mootgomery--277 -2710 Vice..cNir. J. Dorman Walke. , Jr.. Monlg0mety--834·6500

"""'~ Ronald W. Farl~,Moolgomery-271 · 7855 TTeuun!r.

Margaret S. Ch ilders, M"",lgom;ny- 242·7300 CounciL Memkrs,

Alvin T. Prestwood, M01Ilgomery-264~OI AI L Vlttland, Tuscaloosa-345·3440 M. f rank Caskey, Moo/gonwy-242-7560 H. Floyd Sherrod, Jr .. Flonmce-767·202(j


N ~9!i.'J~



Robert P. Reynolds. H!II1/SlJille-534.fJ789 Seaetary.

Mark P. Williams. Binningham----328---0640 Tn.llu",r. M. Dooald Da,is,Mobile-434·0109

BUSINESS TORTS AND ANTITRUST SECTION This sedion i. concerned with busin.... litigation. including anlitrust. trade regulation. interference with b~in .... relations. defamation 0( business. stockholder litigation. and empH>yment relations. An annual seminar is ~ually held during the annual meding 0( th-e state bar. Chair. Lee Zell. Binningham----32S-l:14SO V"o«-dWr:

Cleon Waldrop, Birrnillgham--58I-{1700 Secretaryi'( reuurer.

Patricia Mandt. Birminghl1lO- 52I-8OOQ Newsletter Editor.

Stan Blantoo. Binninghl1lO- Z51-8100

COMMUNICATIONS LAW SECTION BANKRUPTCY AND COMMERCIAL LAW SECTION The primary PUljlOSe 0( the Bankruptcy and C<lmmercial Law Section is to fadlit/lte communication among its Immbers con· ceming bankru ptcy and oomme rciallaw matters and legal deci. 5ions. with a view taward promoting con$i>tent application of these taws in the various districts and circuits 0( Alabama. The ,ecHon has four standing committe.5: ban kruptcy practice; commercial practice ; CLEJannual meeting: and commun;';a· tiomlnewslener. Mditional comm ittffS are appointed on an ad hoc Imi$. The Kdion sponsors CLf programs and a law school writing competition. and also is invoM.>d in promoting legisla· tioo nee.kd in the commercial law practice. Chair. Richard H. Cater. Ann.slon--237·8515

38 I JANUARY 1994

Attorney> who might tit. inter.. ted in joining this section include lOOse who have an interest in radio. television. cabl •. newspaper, magazinelbook publications. public utility \0 CQlll' mon carrier ;"u.. (incl uding cell ular telephone ,.",ice). and related subjects sucll as defamation. privacy and public ~ law. Not only attorneys who represent b~ineS$ 01 this nature. but aloo attorney> repreunting municipalities on these issues would likely be interested in !hi> section. Chair. D. ~n Blake.Jr .. Binningham-972.255l> ~1cI!-dWr.

Mark D. Wilkerson. Mool~265·I500 ~urer:

Hollinger F. Barnard. Binningham-458-9400 THE ALABAMA LAWYER



Tht Co, poutt CounHI Section urws _mll..s of the AIIb.1ma Statt Bar who providt itrvicts to corpO,ate climts. tithotr IS in·hotJst corporate IUOI"m)"S or IS auormys in private pooiu..-ho rtgululy advise torpol7lte clients. The btntfill of participation in thi. s«tion .rt: (11th!: t xel\llnJli: of information about libra ry holdin~. $ample policies and prac· tice, mtlhods for managin8 in·house law Omets. in· house trllining ind develop_nt, ind (2) OIlportunities to provide continuina: edllC/ltioo focusin, on thot nttds of in·hotJst COlIrIkI in A101:wnL

Strvim.1Od ildivitits of the E.rMrmmental Low Stction Irt proftSJioruIl improw:rTIt11t in thot rotld of environmtnul law. arlilysis and r'POrting to mtmbt" of developments in the field. and communication with <lIMr la"'Y"'" pooicinll in thot environ .... nulla..- IrU. Chair. Thoow L JohAAon. Mon/gomll:>"fJ-271·7855

ChaiT-iOltct: John P. Courtnty. Ill, Mo6ik--432-448l


\ '


"""'~ J. Michael Pi ncht., Mob;I~32·551 J

8. Judson litnninlJton.lII. Hunlll.W1_T,/I,).Z521

S. Revelle C"')'tl, HunISL'ille-55I.{l171

Gary LH Smith.AndiliuUo-n2·2571 Execuliot Coundl: s.mutl W. Jodtson. J,~ BimringhQm-73I·9633 C. Williarm, ~-ffTf).fJ)11 RillY A. Ragsdalt. BinninghtJm-819.J737 J.1'mI Ki"llrm. Tr0v-566-557()

DumrA. Wibon. 7UsaJIooso-34!1-t3OO

Tftuum-: O. JaJTIt.S Goodwyn. Jr" Monlgomerv-z.t2-3J65

FAMILY lAW SECTION The fOlmiIy Low 5mion 01 the AlIIwna Sllte Bar ...'11 atIblishtd in 1984. It publishes a ntwsJetter for the benefit of family

CORPORATION, BANKING ANO BUSINESS LAW SECTION This Kdion iI; invoMd in projects 01 intum to tvt1'Y mtmber 01 tilt bir. The stdion works with tht AlIIwna Low Instl· tult. rtViNna: tilt COTjlOl7lte laws 01 Abbami. IOd publishes I ........ ltttH lor Kdion mtmbtn.. OWn GtorJ!i: f. Maynard. Binningllam-254·10«

Vl«-chalr: Neil C. Johnston. Mobik-432·551 1

Stcrtlar)(l'fUlUm-: Curtis W. Jont:l. Bimr~94S.6509 Council Mmthtn: B.Juchon HmningtOn.lII.ihmlscille-73()·2S21 Jostph W. Spransy. BimrinQham-254·7252

Walltr R. Byars. Monl~-.\l2·8800

CRIMINAL lAW SECTION The Criminal Ll.w Mctlon is comprised 0( h;ar .... mben I\IIV+ ina:;IIl inttrm in matten rtlating to the criminal justla sysItm of our mte Ind fedtr.ll courts. The IrU 01 criminal law is conlllntly cil;.nging ind providu INny opportunitiel for actiw di$awion IOd input. InvolvtrTlt11t in this sn:tion will providt members with conlKlI throughout thot sUtt.

REAL ESTATE ATTORNEYS LASER SOFIWARE A co mpl ete li ne of Real Esta te Closing I' rograms indu dl ng r« H UD's, Bu}'er & Sell er Statement s, Disb ursement Register, ChCl: kwrit lng ~ Deeds, Mo rt gages. Notes, & Affi davits 111 Title Policies, Comm ilmenlS a nd Endorseme nts X FN"MA and More O ne time data entry. all calculatio ns perfo rm ed, hi gh qu a lily print ing or com plete docu ment, wi th data, generated on plai n pHper. CA LL FREE (8 13) 76J.5SSS



Gtor,e M. Higainbotham.&:tMmer-l2S·32l4 THE AL.AR.\MA lAWYER

JANUARY 1994 / 39

law practitioners. It al$O has a legislation lubcommittee wtlOM function i$ to ron5ider ltate and ftdtral teQ;,;lation in the uea of famity law and the law of domwic relaliOll$, and to luggut n«ded reforml, The section has a legal education ,ubsection which p..,..,nt> programs for the members..

and health law. In addition to pro~iding. forum for the exchange of inforTrultion and ideas, the section spon$Ors an itnn",,1 two--day Iabo. law seminar and, ",ith the Iabo. law sectiON of various other state bars, <:O-sponsOr:! itn annwl multi· ltate labor and employmtnt law seminar.

Chair: Amy A. Slayden, Ji(Jll/SL'ille-533-717$

Chair: Cre!/o!y 8. Ste in, Mooile-433-2002

Vk • .dWr:

Vi«-chair. Ja» Sl Clair. 8irmingham-251·83M

Herndon Inge,IlI,Mooile-432-1444


Sea"elal')flruIUrer: Paul Myrick,Mooile-l32..J.144

Trusurer: John C. Calhoun, Birmingham-2S1-4300

Memben at Large: Lalie M. P.oll. Birmingham-322·1100 John J. c.:.lernan, Ill, Birming!lIll1l-2SHIIOO David M. Smith, 8irminghum--254-IOOO BruceJ. Downey,Monlgomery-241-8000

J. Timoih}' Smith, Birmingham-870·3363

Imm..!;.t. Put Chair« Council Memb..., William R. Blanchard, Jr .. MonlgQm<'lll_269_9691 Coundl Members: J. Michael Manasco, MonlgQm<'lll- 270-1300 William K. 11<11. HunISllille-533·241O William W.l.awmt«. Tallutkga-362.(J081 J. Floyd Mioor,MonlgQm<'lll-US·6200 Randall W. Nicholl,Binningham-930-9000 Bryant A. Whitmire, Jr .. Birmingham-324-6631

HEALTH LAW SECTION Thi$ section il open to members of the plaintiffs and defense bar who an: interested Or involved in the ever·broadening interf<lCe between law and health care. including but not limited to various state and federal issutl such aI Medicar. fraud and abU$\', payment problerru. merger and acquisition of health care enlitiel. antitrust, fiKal management, peer re~iew, provider malpracti«, individual right>, and lupreme oourt adiOll$. Chair: Joan C. RagsdIII., Birminghlll1l-521.s752 Via-chair: Ride E. l-larri$.Montgonmy-242-5052 S«rewyTrusurer: Charles H. Durham. ManlgQm<'lll-277-271 0 Council Members: Scott DooaIdson, Tuscaloosa- 758-2585 Adine Bertucci Waddell, Mooi!e--639·0188 JOI! W. Campbell, H(JIllwille--535-1100 Lant B. Davis,Birminghlll1l-521-8623

lABOR & EMPWYMENT LAW SECTION This section includes lawyers from throughout the ,tate whose practice inll(>l,·.s work in the are .. of laoo. law, fai r employment law, employee benefit> law and occupational safety

40 1 JANUARY 1994

LITIGATION SECTION The Litigation Section I«iu; to (I) provide. forum whe •• all trial .HorneY' may meet and discuss common problems: (2) provide an extensi"e educatiONI program to improve the competency <I. the trial bar: and (3) improve the efficiency, uniformity and eoonofll}' <I. litigation and work to curb abU>eS of the judicial prom,s.

Chair. Richard H. Cill, Manlg0m.ery-834·l180 SeaYlal)ff rus urer: John P. Scott, Jr .. Birmingham-2S1.s100

Oil., GAS AND MINERAL LAW SECTION The Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Section WM established in 1976 and coruists of an oil and gas division and a hard min ••als division. The primary pufJ'OSi' <I. the section ioto keep its member:! apprised <I. de"",lopment> in, and this i$ accomplishtd by C<)-lpOruOring with ABIClE an annual seminar on oil, gas and mineral law. as well as sponsOring" "mini-seminar" at the section m«ling during the annual me<ting of the ,tale bar. Chair. Thomas W. Holley, T=loosa-345·ISn Vico-chair, Oil &: Cu: William E. Pritchard. Ill, Mooile------432-4481 liard Min.... l.: Harold D. Rice.8irminghwn-48I-6105



Duane A. Craham. Mooile-432·6751

rruourer: S. ~tatvin R,*TS. TuscaI(l(l$O-349-2852


REAL PROPERlY, PROBATE AND TRUST LAW SECTION This KClion coopt.lles with Ind assisls Ihe Cumbullnd Institute lor Continuing I..egII EdUC3lim in preparing IIId presentillfl programs reboting 10 ruJ property. trust mel probi~ INttrn for mtmbrn ot' tile A1~ SliM 51•. The 5tdion. abo in coopmotion with 1M Cl.urixrland SdIooI ot'Law. publithu I periodic ntwJl.ller revinoi"l! reant rourt d«i$~ duling with rnl property. trust Ind prohatr matttrs Ind reports <.>ther matttrs 0( current interest relltillfl \() theK toJ>. ia. An annual stmlnar it IIeld in conjuoction with tile annual meeting of the SlItt bar.

Chair: Palmer Smith U:iun;an. M()t1/fl'J"l"l'Y-241-8000 \~oce-dllir.

!by K. &ins. Binninghmn-25I·9600

YOUNG LAWYERS' SECTION The Young '-')'trs' Section 01 1M Abbanv. SUIt Bar is c0mposed of III bv.)'tfS who Oln 36 yun of ..., Irld under or who I\aIIe bml admitted to 1M bat lor three yon (Iff less. The sec· tion conducts various 5mlilllln throughout 1M YO' lor bv.')'tfS lind oth., prole"iOlllllli, II abo liponsors service projuts ~ lo,.;d 1M public in IMir undtrsbnding ot'the bow and wist in soMng Iegol problefTlli. Thtre are no dllQ $ira persorl$ who are membtts 0( the Alabama SUte &r and fulfill tht age Or ildmis.sion requirements lIutomatically Ire members. rn,idenl: A. Lester Hayn. IlI.Mon/gorlWy- 263·6621

rn.idenl.. ~ H. Harold West. Jr"Binn;,Igham-252-8800


Birry A. Ragsdale. Birmi>w/lam-879·3737


TAXATION SECTION Mtmbtrship In this IKlion is primarily ~ 0( tu prxlitiontn. The section gi,," special tmpiwi, to Ailibima In matten Ind has bml involved in chlong;ng Alabama bow and O$,Iitti"ll tile ~t\mlnt 01 Rtwnu.. in writing In regulations. A progl'l/1l ,slleld tWl yw durinslhf: mnual m«ti"ll 01 tile 'II~ bar.

AlfmI F. Smith. Jr,,~· IOOO Immalilol. Pul PrQIdmI: SidntyW. bckson. lIl.MobiIf--433..3111



Scott Edward Ludwig. Hunl,sl:ilk-J517-5149 \-1CC-ChI1r.

, . \\'ll1i1om II<M. 'r.. BimJingham----458-900

No'" It,.t re~:uth 0»&""0« i> , •• ,Iable- ,",'hm you _ i.,

......." AndrN Jan1U Potu.BimJ~ TfUtu~

LEG A L RIIsllarch

, . R_ Mumy. JIl .BimJingham....J20-5386

",.hou..... nea",.y 0(

odd,,,,. full ·lO....., _..

Ie Of


Wilb ""~".O.M 51<> •• LI ... LIbrary and W.s,t . .... "'" provide fu.ond For <kOHlli". ...or~. "'. Cln deliver in form.hon 10 yoo VII common cu,.,.r. Federal E• .,..". or FAX .

.rr"".n, ,.,. . . "'•.

WORKERS' COMPENSATION SECTION The Workm' Compensation law Section saks to raist the IIWutntn IIn<.\ un<.\erstandins 01 the blr community with I1'gard to worke,,' Q)mptnsalioo ItpI mailers.


""'"WI)'I'It Wolle, R.

Farnell Lela' R.seordl "'mlnu I"" "SLOt! IlIoroughly 'hrough qUlli,y re"'"rch. brid "'''lin, and analy,;s, Our ra'...... S3~.OO por hour . ... hh I Ih .... hour


Stephen E. BI'OWrl,BimJingham-254·1000


Cary C, Pon. Binninghom-254·109O Co.tndl Mtmbtn: Randy Jamu. Mon/~262-OSOO Robert W, U:e, BinningJtom--J23·1061 William II. SiS&Ol1, Mohile-344· 7144




Fo r Research Assistance contact: Su.,h Ka thry n Farnell 112 M oore Build ing Montgomery, AL 36104


(l(IS) 17m37

,..,""_ ...,....,.,"'OAII)Iat"'._ll/Jl l"..b"".; .. .~,.,""~at._


JANUARY 1994 141

Caution! Attorneys in Active Practice in Alabama Be sure that you have the required occupati onal license in your possession! If you are actively practicing or anticipate practicing law in Alabama between October 1, 1993 and September 30, 1994, PLEASE BE SURE THAT YOU HAVE THE REQUIRED OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE.

The dual invoice which was mailed in mid-September provided you with the option of paying special membership dues (if you were not in active practice in Alabama) or buying the required occupalionallicense to practice (if you were in active practice in Alabama) on this one invoice.

Direct any questions to : Christie Tarantino, Membership Services Director, at 1-800-354-6154 (in-state WATS) or (205) 269-1515 immediately!

42 1JA1'/UA!lY 1m


Remarks by Senior Circuit Judge John C. Godbold, United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit Montgomery, Alabama October 11, 1993 the Montgomery County Bar Association - the bar association in whid! [ practiced - for making p0ssible the portrait pmented !his morning. Pmident Williams. thank )'OU. and pl~ ClJf\'\'eY my thanks to my bar association. k; 1 look at the events of today and look back QfI the qwrter of a century I have been 00 the bench r see this wernony as much Il"lOft than the dedication and ~ ing of a portrait" oroe judge. To me it is a demll'lStratioo of healing. of bridge·buik!. ing, cJ drawing together. In 1966 wh<n I sworn in 00. oountl}' was in the midst of 50(;"[ c/Ianges that were dividing uS as a people. The federal courts were detply invoh!ed in ~ change$. Federal judgu and bar associations did not -oci. ate together. They held taCh other at arm.' length and at Iirroe$ 'Wre £Yen disdainful of each other. ~ in genn-aI wore at lelsI uneasy with uS judges. and SOme "'... angry and own biller, State and federal judges were shoupI)' critical <i each other. and their opinions SpOke of each other in harsh and discourteous phrases. Comnnuu· tio>s at I;irge. including Montgomery, were often slJSjlicious of the judicial)' or fWn hostile. Much ha$ dIanged in the WOI'Id about us in my 'Z1 yem. W. need look to only 00. """Tl Mate. Alabama """""" are no longer second-class citizeru. barred from .itting on juries. froun out of many professions, excluded from I/OWmment and political life. LitiganlS, cr.;1and crirniml, are now having their legal disp.Jles docidf.d ~ ju";'" dra\o." from the more affluent segments d the COIMJWtity. Our statt has eliminated mental health


am grateful



facilities that you coold not ""alk through without being reduced to teMI. tt has brought dviliud standards to prisons in which an Alabam/llarmer --wid not have kept his Glttle. Today each d US is repre&!ntt<i in our statt and national legislative l>:JdiQ l:ri per· sons chosen from districts each roughly "Quai to other dUtricts in population. Not many Y',lrS ago Lowndes County. with appro~imately 18.000 citizens. had two state senators whik Binningllam. with over hat(. million citizens. had one. This kind 0( breakdol.n in the democratic pr0c:e5S has



Our schools are fraught "ith problems that <.:Orl«1n us all. But at least ~ have put behind us the myth d separatt but equal school 5)SItmS.. thry might have been separate , but they certainly weren·t equal. Looking I»ck wi.' see that ~ accepted as fact what .... knew in our hearts "as a pretense. W. have not Si.".JIyed the problem. Ii. but .... have stopped hiding from <hom These are only a few 0( the breathtaking changes in our 1<m"kI. We stil l have prob. lm"Is today in Ii>ing together. and ~ together, and practicing dernocr.lcy togeth. er. But in truth. 00 one wants to I/O bad<. We will always ha\"O! problems. They will just be different. The test is wnether OUr society will add .... them and whether ~ can hold together .. we do so. As the 'M)1"id about US has changtd the relationships I ha'·, mentioned have changed. The organiud bar. and its members are 00 iongff divorced from us jllllgQ. It is the organiud bar that has brought about this ceremony today. The Mont -


gomery oommunity at ~ is represented ~ many citizens who are present. We do not expect that our fellow citi zens will aM<l}'I agr~ "ith "nat judges do. But ~ appreciate that today IllO$I citizens understand the resp::nsibilities that .... have and are 00 Io!#r hostile. I am especially proud that my fellow judges from tne courts d Alabama have joined us her•. We are no longer ath-er· saries but joint participants. cooperating together in the administration d justice. ~\ost d the time .... agrte. but if .... do not it is "ith mutual respect and docent f@nI for differmce d opiniorcs. W. go to school together. particip.ltt in programs together. and loam from each other. Stale Circuit Judge Jot Phelp;5 and I have been on so many programs together that at one seminar .... e .... ere descriMd as the Wrigley Spearmint Twins. At times my court is faced with a question of Ali1bam3. law to which .... can find no sure answer in the lawbook>. We no longer guess at th e an5I>-er or argue "ith the Alabarna cburts about the anSwer. Rather. through an agreed-upon procedure we a, k the S""""," Court d Alabama to tell us what theAlabarna law is. II does so. and we fol low its guidance. Th is is federali sm _ the appropriate relationship between federal and state institutions - in its hightS! form. So. 1'OU.eo. todly's ceremony embraw much more than tht hangi'"4l d a portrait It demonstrates that through a time of change we have dra"n together. and the divisions of a Quarter centul)' ago have


Thank you, each of you. for joining in


• JANUARY 1994 ' 43

Order Supreme Court of Alabama August 31, 1993


he ..... the Board of Commissioners of the Alabama State Bar has propo~ to Ihis Court the adoption of a sel of rules \0 be entltlt<! •Alabama State Bar Rule. of SpecializatiQfl," and Whtreas. Ihe Court has considered Ihe propOSed rules and deems it apP'{Ip. iate to adopt the.., rulu. Now. therdore, it is ordered that the Alabama Stale Bar Rules of Specialization. auached as an appendix to thi' o.dor. k and they hereby are, ,,,jopted by thi, Court. to be drecti~ January!. 1994.

lIornsb/l. C-J., turd Modd"." Alnl(ln. Shortl, AdamI, HOUlton, Kennedy. ami (ngrom, ll.. concur.

Appendix Alabama State Bar Rules of SpeciaJization Aule 1,"", State Be, Boerel of Lepl E.t.blishedj PIHpo. . of the


There is herell)> established the Alabama Sl3te Bar Boord of i..egal Specialization (referred to in these rules as "the board"). The purpose of the board is to regulate the certification of lawyer.; as specialist.<; by cortifyinS agenciel, so as to enhaoce public access to .ppropri~t . legal.ervice>. Rule 2: M~r$hip of the IkNord; Chillrperaon; Terms; Eapen. . R.Imbu ...ment; ....tings 2.01. The board shall CQfISist of 12 members appointed by the Board of liar CommiMioners. All members shall be Ia....y¢rs res· ularly licensed in this state and thty shall be repre..,ntative of the variO\l.l fields of legal practice. including general practice. 2.02. One member shall be designated by the Board of Bar Commissioners as chairperson of the board f<.>r such a term as the Board of Bar Commissioners shall determine. 2.03. or the members first appointed. four shall be awoint«l for a term of one year, four for. term of two years. and lour lor a term 01 three years. Thereafter. appointments shan be for three·year t""l\$. No member Tnal'.erve more than two consecutive three-)·.m tenm. 2.<14. Members shall not be comperu;ated but shall be reimbursed for thei r actual direct eXll"nses incurred in travel. 2.05. ~Imi ngs of the board shall be held at regular intervals at such times and places and on such notice as the board may prestribe. Rul. 3, Pow.... end Dut l•• of the IkNord The board itself will not certify lawyers as specialists.. but. subject to the supervision 01 the Board of Bar Commissioners. the board has the following pO'o'.'I'rs and duti. s regarding certifiC/i. tion of specialists: 3.01. To designate areas 01 legal practice subject to specialty 44 IJANUARY 1m

designation. The board may make a specialty designation either on its own motion or on a petition of an interute<i party, which shall be based on crit.ria established by the board. 3.02. To approu and regulate agencies qualified to certify laW)'t" as spedaluts in a particular field of law as certifying agenc;es, and to adopt standards that certifying ag.ncies mu:;t meet. 3.03. To adopt standards for certifying lawyers as specialists. 3.04. To r."iew and evaluate the programs of certifying a$ncits to assure compliance with this specialization program. 3.05. To deny, suspend. or revoke the approval 01 a certifying agency that has failed to comply with the.e rules or the regulation. and standards of the board. 3.06. To keep aWnlpriate records 01 lawyers C<'rtifitd as specialists by certifying agencies approwd under thtst NI.s and to report to the Disciplinal)' Commission of the Alabama State Bar any attorney who may violate these rules or the board's regulations or standards. 3.07. To cooperate with other organizations, boards and agencits engaged in tho f,eld oIla""l'tr spe<"iaJization. 3.08. To enlist the assistanc. of committets to advise the board. 3.09. To adopt such regulations. policies, and standards as are reasonably ,,"cewl)' to implement these rules and that are not intoru;.t.nt ..... ith NI.s. Rul. 4. Adminlstl'lltor 4.01. The Board of Bar Commissioners may provide for an administrator 01 the Bar's la""l'tr specialization prDllram and for loch other staff as may be I\I'C<'WI)'. 4.02. The administrator shan be ruponsible lor the proper administration 01 the specialization program and shall perform the dutits assigned by the board. R..... 5. Stendards lor Approvel of Certifying A~i ••

5.01. To qualify as a ce rtifying agency. an agency must include in its membership 1aW)~rs who. in the judgment of the board, ore experts in the area 01 law covered by the specialty as THE ~AMA lAWYER

to which th~ agency purports to certify. and each of those lawyers mwt Ila\/t tldeosive practice Or involvement in the spe_ daltyarea. 5.02. St.ndard!; for agency certification shall include, ;u a minimum. the rtgulations and slandards adopted by tho board from time to time under thw; rute~. Such regulations and sun· dards shall not unlawfully discriminate !Ig/Iinst any lawyer prOp~rly qualif,ed for certification as a spedali~t, but shall provide a reawnable basis for determining that a lawyer ~ spteial compi'teOCl' in a particular field of law.;u demonstrated by the following means: 5.021. Substantial involvement in the spi'dalty area during tho th..,.- (J.( )'tar period immediately preceding application to tho certifying ~ncy. "Substantial involvement" is measurro by the amount of time spent practicing in the specialty area: A minimum of 25 pereent of the tawyer's practice must be spent in the specialty area. 5.022. Peer rerornrntndatioru; from law)'trs who are familiar with the competence 0( the lawyer ....,king a specialty designation: IlOTII' of the peer recommendations shall be from tao..'II'rs related to. Or engag~d in legal practice with. the lawytr. 5.023. Obj""tive .....:Iuation of the 1.....";'I'r'5 knowled~ of the substantive and procedural law in the specialty area. to be deter· mined by writlen andlor oral examination. The examination shall includ~ a part devoted to professional responsibility and ethics as it relate. to the particular specialty. 5.03. Tht: cutifying agency shall be responsible for ""'king appropriate investigations of peu recommendations and for obtaining any other infor""'tion that may be required 10 assure that the lawyer is in compliance with all certification require· menl!. The files and records of certifying agencies concerning lawyers certified or see king certification are d«med to be confi· dential and shall not be disclosed except as directed by the


5.04. The certi&ing agency .hall maintain a register of all lawy<l" it certifies as specialists under the5i' rules and shall report to the board the names of lawyers SO certified. 5.05. Each certifying agency shall annually .ubmit to the board a repOrt of it.. activities during the previous year. including an ellPlanatioo of the me.l>ur"" employed to ensure compliance with tho~ rul"". 5.06. The certifying agency shall cooperate at all times with the board and shall perform .such duties as may be required by the board for proper administration 0( the certificati(wl program. 5.07. No ~ction, committee. task forte. Or other entity cr.. t· ed by the Alabama Stat~ Bar shall qual if)>. or be approved. under these ru l"" ;u a certi&ing agency. 5.08. Any certi&ing agent)' having received prior accredita· tion from the American Bar Association as a privat~ c~rtifying agellC)' shall be .xempt from ""'king application with the board and will be d«med an approved certif}>ing agency in this state upOn PIOyment 01 all fees to the board. Provided. however, any agellC)' whose specialty would invo~ areas of law particular to the State of Alaba"", shall be required to submit to the board for its consideration a ropy of each written Or oral examination question and taCh model answer relati'Je to that pOrtion of the namination exclusive to Alabama. THE AU\BAMA lAWYER

Aule 6. Minimum Stendards for Certlflcetion of 5pecIllUsts 6.01. In order to be certified;u a speciali1;t, a lawyer must be duly licenstd in this state. engaged in acti'Je practice. and must be in good standing. throughout Ihe period for which the spe. cialty designation is granted. In addition. a lawytr must comply with the other requiremenb 01 Rule 6. 6,02. The lawyer must be certified by an agellC)' approved by the board, 6.03. E\/try year tbe lawyer must complete a minimum of six (6( hours of continuing lell/ll education course work in the area of the lawyer's specialty. Theso: hours shall constitute a part 0( the annual requirement under the Alabama State Bar MandatoryContinuing ugal Education Rulesand Regulations. Aule 7. Privileps Conferred end L1mitenons Imposed 7.01. A lawyer certif>ed as a specialist under these rul .. may communicate the fact that he or We is certified;u a specialist in a particular field of law and the name of the particular certifying agerIC)> by which the laW)'" is certified. A lawyer shall not repre· 5i'nt. either or impliedl>', that he or she has specialty status r«agniw:! by any entity other than the certifying ~ncy. 7.02. Nothing in the5i' rul .. shall in anyway limit the right of a certified to practice in all fields of law. Any lawyer shall have the right to practice in aU fields 0( law. even though (frtified as a speciali1;\ in a particular field of law. 7.OJ. No lawyer shall be required to be certifi<:d as a specialist in a particular field of law in order \0 practice in that field 01 law. A la"'II" shall have the right to practice in any field of law, even though not certified;u a special"t in that field. Participa· tion in a specialty recognition program under these rules shall be voluntary. 7,04. A lawyer may be certified as a specialist in more than one fi~ld of law. The maximum number of fields in which a iawytr may be certif,ed as a specialist shall be determined only by the practicallimib imposed by the requirement of substantial invol.... ment and.such otherstandards;u may be ..tabllshed by the board pursuant to Rule 6. Aule 8. Minimum Stendards for Continued AecOflftlt1on of Specie lists

8.01. The period of r«agnition as a shall be five (5) years. During this period the board or appropriate certi&ing ~ncy ""'Yrequire evidence from the specialist of continued qualification for certification as a specialist. 8.02. Application for and approval of continued certification ;u a specialist shall be required prior to the end 01 eacll fIve- (5·( year period. To qualify for continued certification as a specialist. a lawy<lr applicant must pay the required fees and meet the req uiremenb for certification rtntwal .. tabl"hed by the board. RuleS. Fees

9.01. To defray expenses of the Ataba"", State Bar Board of Legal SpecIalization in administering the5i' rule$, the board may establish and oollm reasonable fees from the cortifying agendes ond from the la""l'"'T"S certifi<:d as specialists.. It is antic• ipated that this board ..... ill be 5i'lf·sustaining. JANUARY 1994/ 45


Year of the ROM

"" T

decades iIfIer the woe"! of the fin! computu-assisted legal ~rch ..",;ce and ni"" ~,.. after CD RO~ tKlloology hit the market. the Alabama legal community now has "(Cns to a choice of Alabama primary source materials (c.ue.. torut itutiom, codcs, ;md rules) on CD RO.I1. Acwrding to its proponents. this teehoo!ogy offers many of the adv.mtlgC$ of an online database but "ithout the high cost of ooline se"ices.' L.;ut

spring, the State Law t;brary arranged for demorutra-

lions of Ihrtt CD ROM legal producu dealing with Alabama legal material. for interested r.... rch",•. Sub.sequently. the library acquired t for public we. They include A/"", Low on ROM . a local production writing. the MQsftr.

I: e~

database. hctwevII

board for Alabama's legal For the purposes of this article. therefore. only Ihe and West products are '''''iewed. Although these two product. are basically simi~r. there are ellOUgh differerlOO; to warrant a is<'neral ..ami,,,,hoo of some of the aoh'antages and shortfalls of each. Subo.cribt .. to either ~ce i"e updated replacement di sc~ quarterly; such an arrangement filCititates continuous error rorrection and product re.ision. Both Michie and West ha .... indicated that this jll'ar will


Scope and • Depth ofMaterial

\ Search Techniques • Features • Cost •

By Lynne B. Kitchens

..r ..... . . Kl t c_


L....... 6. ~_ ..... .o. 8 """~~siI)o,,, MA ""'" "*"",,.......... ,.... _ ~"" ....... Low $<h>oi &. ~.,..."' .... - . . SIato

B¥o ' ... fo'co en """" Lo«oo:y ..... "'"' """'"" "" .... ~- ... ..................wy

46 ! JANUARY 1994

'*' ..... _ ....




Search ttchniques for thf two products difftr. The _rch program for Michie', AItIINr"", UIIJ on DilC is ClIIIed ·"olios: The basic _rth unit or "folio· lor <".Uf:J is thf par"ill"'pIl ",thrr Ihln an enti", opinion; thUJ. lhe numbtr d ·hits· in i search is ~ to thf numb.. d ~ rtlriewd, not to the number d cases. A cile list. eor>IfqUmlly, ITIiY be ck«ptMIy IrnathY sira citft in rtpRltd for Mry paragnph in Mry ast in "'flich thf ..,u<:h ttrrnJ OCCUr. Havi~ 10 limit _rchu 10 singlt Pl'1"/I' graphs abo ClIustJ JOIllt diffotulty in _rdlina: two un",Loltd conctplS in i I25t. WtsI'li ~ R"..m on CO RO.., UJf:S i SGrth prtII/r"lIm ClIIkd which Iw IIWIY d thf tapibilitits Q/ Watt...o. \\-hilr thort Irt i lew diffmnoes. !hoM iICCUlIomtd to watt...o COOlITIarlds and _rth Ifthniqua Iihould hiw no trouble niVigating in West', CD ROM mYironmmt. rltld IW"tIa. MJCh ~ synopIis and digtslsarchts.m usily xamplishtd.


"""' ......

. . . eo.

'bb"yUw CD AIL

........_- ...,,. .. .....-.......,... .,...,........ -. .....-_.. .. -""..- .,. -'- . ~-


if nten$IIry 10' CIIt .tlm",. 1. Prinlin, or lII\ini to I won!·prOtt:u lnj; AIt; Both products

haYe this ftaturt. IAer can block and ~ 0' print .ithr. i pOr' tion Q/ text or an entirt documenL The ideal Alabama product would hive features Q/ both CD ROM offeri~ rombinlltion Q/ ~~ edilorial tnIwlce. ments, and rmt·tuntd search ttchniQutJ. Since such i mmbinlltion iii not Currtnlly .""iia.ble, potentill CD ROM purclwen .....,..Id be "'Ut 10 try _h product, consicIt. tho fatura most irt\pOl"Wll to thtir pl"/lCta. chtd< each vmdo(li hant..-art (t-&-. speed and memory) rtquimnmts, and dtcidt ac:con:IinaIY.


.... .. .. .. ..



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CJwguI:IIt linw~; West', AhIIH_ RqIDrlw (>rI CO kttpo l!"IICk Q/ thf time Siltnt on i meIIrch 56Sion. It lbo S3\'tS querie:s lor iU~t rtall. E.uct PI# cltel; The Wtst product !UIl\"I1it$ thf tlQICl Pl'3t number in thf SouiMrn Rt(ItNtn ....hert thr material .. tritYrd is IoaIttd. i U1tful I"turt lor page cita 10 QI.I(lQtions within an opinion. Hyperttllt (Unlclng) fu ture; Both the West and Michie prod· ucts allow Ihr r• ..,archer 10 examine taKl and code Itctioru thai art cTOI$-.tftrtnced in other documents If those items art included on Ihr dis<:. Wut ",;11 prompl Ihr user 10 change discs

_ ..... c...

1·.:IOo2S5· "100 _


A&l1Nr"", Rq>tJrler 0/1 CO RO." (Wat) - S2250 initial Itt plus S5OImonth ~ription fte. This fte includes \Oftkly advance shub to lilt Soul""" Rr fH)rl" lind QUlIrltrly updilt disc. TtrrnJ Art ","OIilmk_

c.u A/orb.rtM Uw 0/1 DiIC {Michiel- A IUbscription com SISO down pi"" Sl25lmonth..

FACSI!oIIU l105lJll>-lll6








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JANUARY 1994 / 47

DISCIPLINARY REPORT Transf •• to DlH billt, Inactive St.t... o In an order dated October 5, 1993, the Supreme Court of Alabama transferred Dalhan attorney CW M. Clrter to /fuability 11\1lcti>;e Status, eff<:ctNe Augw;t 26. 1993. IASB No. 9\-582, "' al.l Disbarment s

• On October 5, 1993. the Supreme Court of Alabama entered an order disbarring Jobn A. Courtney from the practice of law in the Stale of Alabama, $/lid disbarrmnt .(fwi"" July 14. 1993. The supreme court'. order was based UpOn an order of disbaromnl entered by the Disciplinal)' Commission of the Alabama State liar. The OiKiplinary Commission had ordned disbarment <Jf CQUrtne)' based 011 hi> conviction (or the ufliluthoriud pncti« of Law.lRule 22(.)(2) No. 93·011 Uolm A Coor/'fW1l 01 Mobile is 00110 IJe oonfused ulilh J,P, Coor/neg. 1/1, wM is with lhe firm of Lgoru. Pipe! & Cook, also ofMabHe.) • In an order of the Alabama Supreme Court dattd October 5, 1993. Robert "',lIiom Graham ",as disbarred from the practice of law in the State of Alabama. effecti\lOl September 28, 1993. Graham, who was undu im'ut igati(In lor severallormal grievantl'$ "'tlich had bef,n med against him. executed a """",,nt to disbannent affidavit thereby voluntarily relinQuishing and surrendering hislice~ to practice law in all the courts of the Statem Alabama.IASB No. 90-318. et at)

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48 1JANUARY]994

Surrender of LIe.... . o On September 17, 1993. Chart •• Cliffont CartOT, a ColumbU$, Ceorgia laW}'t'r, ,urrendered his Alabama licensed to practice law before the Disciplinary Board of the Alabama State Bar in lieu of further discipline by the board. The bwrd fu rther ordere<l Cartu not be reinstaled to the practice of law until rulitutions were made to Client A in the amount of $400 and to Client B in the amount 01$3,240. but in no .wnt should Cart.. be reinstate<ito the practice of law earlier than fiw year> from the (\ale 01 the Disciplinary Board's order. Client A had retained Carter in february 1992 to repre5':'n\ her in a cMI suit in Alabamaand had paid a retainerof$500. No legal seMCI'S "",re performed by Carter for Client A. In October 1992, Cart.. wa> sU$pended by order of the Disciplinary Board for a period of three years. Thereafter, in December 1992, Clienl Ademanded the return 01 her file and a refund of the lee. Carter gavt Client A $100 in cash and a chock for $400, which was refused by the bank. The check was written on an account that was dosed the pm>iOU5 June. Carter failed to respond to the im-estigation by the Alabama State Bar and filed no defensiw pleadings in response to lonnal chares filed in this malter. In another malt.., Carter """epted $3.000 as a fee to represent a client and $240 as court costs. Thereafter. Carter wa> suspend . ed but told his dient that he had another lawyer ",ho would take care of the case and for the client not to worry. In 1993. the client received an order dismissing his case. Carter performed no legal $ef\iw; for thisclient. IASB NO$. 93·m3 and 93·187) Public AtI1)rimand. o On NO'IIO'nm.r 5, 1993, the Alabama State Bar publicI)' repri · manded O~lika attorney MIry J Olnne Camp for willfully neglecting a leglat matter mtruste<i to her, for failing to k~p her client reasonably informed about the status of a matt.. , for charging aclearly excessiw fee, and for engaging in conduct that acI\-ersel)' reflects on her fitness 10 practiee law. Camp ~reed to undertake a property OOOle$t matter on behalf 01 her client. Ewn though she wau<ll>anced • rrtainer by the clienti, Camp failed to pursue the matter. She failed to return telephone calls, left her law finn without notifying the elienu. and faile<l to respond to written letters and inQuiries from the client. The Disciplinal)' Commission ordered that Camp reee;".. a public reprimand ",ith· out general publication. and that she make restitution to her clients.jASS No. 92··tl7] o Binningham attorney E.......t Cory was publicly "'primanded by the Alabama State Bar on November 5, 1993. Cory wa> hired in NOVI'mber 1989 to represtnt a W<lman in a personal injul)' action. However, Cory allawed the statute of limitations to expire without taking legal action on behall 01 the climt. In responding to the gri~ filed by the client, Cory admitted that he f.iled to time!)' fiI. suit on behalf of the client. He sU~Quently plead quill)' to a violation 01 Disciplinary Rule 6· 1(I1(A), Code of Professional RespOruibilil)' of the Alabama State Bar, stating that he had willfully neglected the legal matter entrusted to him by the c1imt. jASB No. 91-8771 • TIlE AU\BAMA u\WYER




1994 Rell"'.' ....Ion F.vo:ry four yUr, prior to the election for statt offi(u. tht Ltsislature metu from January \0 April. This yur. the rtgul,l.r susion Ngins Tuesday. January I ], 1994 lOd is .~PI'ttt>l 10 sUI' in S4lion until Monday. "",1125, 1994. During this _ion. tht Ltgis~lure ,.il1 bot Q/1flI upon to pus;m tdualion reIonn plCk,g. of bills 10 IIItidy I ci rcui t judg.'s order which h.ld Alabama', t'duc.otion system u unconstitutional. Most prohibly. wUClItion .dorm will l"f(fUi1l' ~itjorW IHrs

F.I, Pr.c:tk:. Ac:t S~tt

officials. candidatts and politi· cal aClion committees must filt statt· menis with the Sec retary of State EIKlioru Division locat~ ;n tM State Capitol, 600 Dexte r Avenut. Monl· gOffit.,.. AIab.1ma. Of all contributions and expenditures under the Aillbaml. Fair c..m~ian I'TlKtice Act, Ala. Code It 17·22lo-lthrouah 17-22.0·23, county

11194 Admlnl.t,.tI .... c.......,

or possibly ID

&crd,uy of State lim Benndl h.u publilhtd tnt election calendar for tho I~ tltc\ion cycle.

rtfonn. Add1l'SS;rli edUCIIlioo will be in iddition \n passing lhe slatt', two bud· ads ilnd conside ring 1.500 othtr bills that will be int roduced. 8 ... sln... Corpor.tlon Act Til. primal)' miljo. revision bf:fore tht "'aiml,,", drafttd by tht AWIomo t.- instilute will be lhe Revised Business Corponlion Act. Although the pr.5I'M A.IIJwN. BusiflQ$ Corporation Ad. ~ .... c\.d in 1980. it ..1.1 Iwtd On 1M Modtl BUlintJ.l Corporation Act df'llfttd by lilt Cornmitlu on CtKpo... t( ~'1 01 tilt Corporation Bankinll and Busin""s Law Section 0( the American Bar Association which act ually had been promulgated in 1969, In 1984, the ABA Committft rroiHd the Model Act. It ilthis b tut model with 1993 amend· ments that will be before the AlabalTlll I.egiJlaturt. The AlabalTlll ReviHd Busi· ness Cofpoqtion Act is a mult 01 four )'I~1"l' 01 study by a committee ch.!.irN by Birminiham lawyer ~org( May· Nlrd.. with Profwor IIowud W<>lt1WI 01 Cumbert.nd School of Uw M>CI ProfftS()r Richard Thitpm of the Univtl"l'ity of Alabama School of law ser~ing IS rtporttl"l'. The rtVision \\as a number of chanitl from preHnt Alabam .. law. both of I substantivt and stylistic c~r­ acter. For a more dt~il~ synopsis of this r~i!ion. Ht the May 1993 Maw·


~cTmry of Satt's Election Division. An)'one d(lirinQ a COpy ITIlIY obtain one by writing or contacting tht tlections division in the ofr.Ct of tht Alabama ~Crttary of Statt. For mort information, contact Bob McCurley, Director, AlabalTlll~' 11I$\itUtf, P.O. I\oJ: 1425, TuoatOOQ, Alabama 3M86. Phone (205) 34So W l. •

Aprlt 8 Last ~ay for candidat .. to filt a Declaration of plortits


with statt

.. u .... 7 PrilTlllry election

or munici~1, candidatu and political action o;(ImmilleU musl file thei r statemtnts with tM local probate j~.

Elections will be held Ihis yur for 1I000rnor, lieuttNlnt lIowmor, attomoy gentral, auditor, Hcretary of stale, treasurer, commissioner 0( ilfriculture and industries, state Rlllltol"l' iUId represen· taliyu, jud~s of tilt circuit, and di~ Irk! and prob.ltt coutU, as well as the clerk.! of the court. will be t!Kt~ in I~, Furthermore , lhe chief jlUtict and two usoo:il.te justi«:s will be el«!ed, M>CI &II jwlias on the court of civil lIWU11 lind crimi",,] appnls. District lIttomt)'1 were lui eltc\td in 1992 and will not run again unlill998. Available from the Secretary of State's office is the Alabama Election Handboolc. 6th Edition, written jointly by tht AlabalTlll Law Institute and tht

Aug .... t 31 Last oUy for inde""n<lent and minor I!<'rty candidates to filt ""Iii ion. to run for office No... mber 8

Ctncral eltc\ion


........ .- .... _110_ MeCUM" Jr.






..... ~<$

..."""""9'_ _-...." ....., -~

hnuary ]994 / 49

NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is given herewith pursuant to the Alabama State /Jor Rules Govemlllg Election of President-elect and CommissiOllL'r.

PRESIDENT-ELECT The Alabama State Bar will elect a presidentelect in 1994 to assume the presidency of the bar in July 1995. Any candidate must be a

member in good standing on J'olarch L 1994. Petitions nominating a candidate must bear

the signature of 25 members in good standing of the Alabama Slate Bar and be received by the secretary of the state bar on or befo re

March I. 1994. Any candidate for this office also must submit with the nominating petilion a black and white photograph and biographica l data to he published in the May

Alabama IAlllyer. Ballots will be mailed between J'olay 15 and June I and must be received at state bar head路 quarters by 5 p.m. on July 14. 1994.

COMMISSIONERS Bar commissioners will be elected by those lawyers with thei r principal offices in the following circuits: 2nd: 4th: 6th. place no. 2: 9th: 10th. places no. I, no. 2, no. 5. no. 8. no. 9; 12th; 13th, place no. 2; 15th. place no. 2; 16th; 20th: 23rd. place no. 2: 24th; 27th; 29th; 38th; and 39th. Additional commissioners will be elected in these circuits for each 300 members of the state bar with principal offices therein. The new commissioner positions will be dete rmined by a census on />1arch I. 1994 and vacancies certified by the secretary on I>larch 15. 1994. The terms of any incumbent commissioners are retained.


All subsequent te rms will be for three years. Nominations may be made by petition bearing the signatures of five members in good standing wi th principal offices in the circuit in which the election will be held or by the candidate's written declaration of candidacy. Eithe r must be received by the secretary no later than 5 p.m. on the last Friday in April (April 30, 1994). Ballots will be prepa red and mailed to memo bers between I>l ay 15 and June I. 1994. Ballots must be voted and returned by 5 p.m. on the second Tuesday in June (June 14 . 1994) to state bar headquarters.




ALABAMA Co-Defendan\', comment on OCCIIsed'. l iltna not ~ plaln etTOr Stale o. Crealh()(JSe, 27 ABR 4231 (July 16, 1993). The Supreme Court 0< Alabama .ffirmed Grtathouse's convic t ion for unlawful distribution 0( a controned substance a1thouj/h a comment by co-defen· dan!'. counsel regarding Gre.thouse's election not to testify violated hi' oorutitu· tiooal prMleg. against self·incrimination. The court held that th e comment was improper but that it was harml • ., and affi!1'l'led the conviction. In a comohdattd trial, G.eathowe was tried for unlawful distribution of a con· Irolled substance (crxk coWne) and hi. siste.-in -l.w, Dorothy FaY" Cr.athou~. was trifd for unlllWful p:)SSoeS5i!)n 0( a controlled substance (crack cocaint). Dol'Olhy Faye Cre.!hou..', defense was Illat her rodefendant placed tilt crack cocaine in he, purse when the police arrived at her IIou$e to execute a ..arch warranl. Crady Lt. Gretthouse did 001 testify. During closing argumont. counsel for the CO-defendant stated: II would be a t~, if this woman al 40, is to be convicled of something lhal a drug dealer has put off on her. We don't have any .xplanation oth.r than that. Bul ~body who dots have an explanation, and you kno\o.' who it is, all of us know who it i.I, didn't give it. Counse l for Grady Le. Grtathouse objected and IllOYed for mistrial, The trial court denied the motion and gwe a strong cautiona')' instruction, The court of criminal appeals. in a case of first imp res,ion, had held earlie r, "Where two or more d.frndant are jointd for trial it i.\ improper for a co-defendan!', attomt» to comml'nt upon a defendant's exercise of his constitutional privilege of self-incrimination by failing to tostil» at trial ." N..... rtheless. the intermediate ap~ llate court affirmed the conviClion and senter« holding that the em" was harmless THE AUJIAMA LAWYER

betause"the evidence" guilt is virtually ironclad: The leading case this i5.sue i.\ De Luna v. IJnited Slole5. 308 F. 2d 140 (5th Cir. 1962) in which the United States Coort of Appeab for the Fifth Circuit noted that If comment on a<:cused's 'ilenee is improper for judge and proseoJoor, it is betalIS'! of the .ffect On the ju,)" not just because the comment comes from rtpre .. ntatives " the Stale ... and held Ihat the trial judge's approval of an improper comment Or n!fwaJ to disapprove the comment and do what.,,·. , i.I necessary to prot~ a defendant from being penali.ted by relying on this con · stitutional right is sufficient state aClion to implicate the Fifth Amend·


Idat IS<!. In subsequent casH. lhe potential SC(lpt "DeLuna has bttn limited. The Eleventh Circuit has noted a distinction between a comment by a prosecutor. which "i.\ in all likrlihood calculaled to encourage the ju')' to equate silence with guilt: and a com· menl '"from an actor (such os counsel for a co-defendant"l) without an institutional inten!st in the defendant's guill," and has rn-Id lhat. in the latter case, "it "'oldd be inappropriate to rond reversible error as a matter 01 COUn<." /Jrliled Siaies v. Mena, 863 F.2d 1522. 1534 (llth.Cir.), CUI. denied sub n"",. Tellez-Molina v, /Jrl,1ed Siales, 493 U.S. !l34 (1989). The Alabama Supreme Court. quoting Chapman v. California. 3B6 U.S. 18. 22 (1867). stated that "'before a federal consti· tutional error CilIl be held harml ...,. the court must be able to declare a belid that il was harmle" beyond reasonablt doubt...." Applying thai rule " law to the facts " GrfiilthousoJ, tho Alabama Supreme Court concluded thai the evidenq of gUilt was ,irtuaJly ironclad and . !hemore, the rom· ment did not affect the outcome of the Irial or otrn-rwise prejudi"" Greathouse's right to a lair lrial. Impeach",,",,1 by specifIC .ru ",idt_ Lacy v, Siale, 27 ABR 5610 (September

17, 1993). l.acy was found guilty of assault in the sewod degree, first deg~ borgia,)" and atttmpttd rape, The court of criminal appeals affirmed hi5 c:orrviction. The supreme court granted cerliorori to dettrmiot wrn-lher the trial court erred in alkMing the testimony" two "itnesMS M to acts allegedly occurring after the inci. dent in QUe.<tion. ~ trial court had ruled that the lestimony "';11; abool acts commit· ted by l.acy that w~re inconsutent with his testimon;' M to material matters ("tlether he had reason to look in "incloo..'S or had hidden in the bushes where the ,ictim was staying) and was lhe,efore inadm;""ible to impeach this testimony. The Alabama Su pre me Court found reversible error in admitting the testimony "the two impeachment witnesses and set forth a ·bright· liot standard" as foil"",,: The corollary 10 the ru le that an accused cannot 5how prior good acts to prove that he or she did not commit th e crime for which he or she is chargtd., il that the state cannot PnJlll' the defendant', all eged criminal COIlduct at the lime in qutstion by evi . dence of how the defendant behaved on another <.>ecasion. Set McElroy's, § 26_01{11. "One of the cardinal princi· pi .... of the rommon law is that a per· son's character, good or bad, offered the purpose of showing his conduct on a specified occasion, is not provable by evide,...,., of his spocific acts or course " conduct." Id Sfnte_ enhancemenl----<lrug We ''lnIlO dt~

Siale I!. Mulne, 27 ABR S<!89 (Sept~m­ ber 10, 19-93). Mutri. pleaded gu ilty to unlawful "deli very" of a controlled sub· stane< in violation of § 13A·12·21 1. The lrial court enttred a judgmenl on her plea 01 guilly and sentenced her to two )'tars impruonment. The Irial romt enhanced he r senttnce five years under under § 13A·12· 250 wh ich require, Stnlence enhanctmenl for lhe sale of a controlltd substan<:e within thret miles 01 a school. and another fi~)'tars under § 13A· 12· 270 which requires enhancement for tht salt of controlled substance within th~ JANUARY 19-94/ 5 1

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milts 0( .. hou,inQ projfct. Thr coon 0( crimirW aweals affirmtd "ithout Oc>inion on the iuthority of Burkl v. Slale, 611 So.2d, 487, 491!Ali Crim.App. 1992). Th~ ,uprom~ court Qrinted Mutrie', arliorari pttition to ewNne the ~ 0( whether If 131.·12·250 MId 1310· 12-270 rnandak enhinammt 0( her sentera on con\>iction f01' unllwful -deli~ry' of a rontrollN 51.1b5unte. The issut on II'PtIl is "i\tthtr I judgJnent bMed upon i pIu of Quilty to unlawful-dtl"'ery- mill be enhlllCtd undu these uctioll$. which provide lor mlwlammt 01 Rmena lor coovi<;tiorI$ Ii unIawfuJ "sale." The ~ ma Supmnt Coun ~ lind mmnd· td holdinQ thlt the crimi nil Jlilutn ",handng Rntence should be "tJ.tendtd by conWuction. TIw: ntijority rusont<! tmt Ihe clur and u..... mbiQoous language 011 1310·12· 250 and t IJA·12·Z70 p~ribed enhance· ment only as to thou Rntence impottd on "persons COI'IYictt<! 01 an unlawful salt of .. contrail'" substance: IItcause prior ~ law has ts\ablilhtd th3.t i defendanl who iCts as !hi! buyer's iIl/tnt (atso known as a p.ocurinQ agent) i, nOI guilty of unlawful "selling". controlled IUb$Uro«, and btause tke clear Iang...agt of if lJA· 12·25Oind 13A. 12·270 applin only to convictions for unJa..ful "$.ale: a convic· lion f{1t unJa..ful distribution II ~ able only if the ddendant'. IICtivity constituted i sale and not if the .sntndant acted as the..,t or the buyer. The...." coon held tM fllJA·12· 250 and 131.·12·270 proscribing .. r.~. )'W trIhanctmrnt 01 sentera lor ptllOlll ronvictt<! 01 an unlawful ult of a (On. trolled sut.unct within three miltl 011 school {1t hI.JoAinaI pro;ea do not ~ 10 convictions lor -di,trihution" oIi con· troIlN substanu in viobtion 01 lllA·12· 211 unless the defendant is Iound to hive sold. til" 10 hive o;oI~td or pm>ltd with the Rile. 10 RII. a controlltd .wb-


to CQuIiMI wll at poIt..:o:Jm'lc. tion PI)'ChoIocIaI uamlftltlool Martin ... Siale. 27 ABR 5028 (August

No right

27. 1993). The sole issue raist<! by this petition lor \>Tit of mandamus is whethe. a deftndant Iw the riQht to COlII\$tI illl post-wnviction. post·senttncing psycho> logical .... mination. The .upreme court IItld that lit 00ts not MId Iknied the ,,~;t. The trial judge rul~d th~1 M ~rtin·.

coul\$tl could not bt prtMnt a1 his po5t. corMction. post'Rntrncirqj psy< e",miNtion. The defendant <onltnd~d thai Rule 16.2(b) provided him the right to the prtstnu of coulUl'l at his stale· mruwtd ~hoIogicaI cxami""tion and he -m thit Rule 16.2 is applicable 10 hit ~ btause Rule 32.4 proyidts thit ')Iroctt<Ii~ under this rule shall be govtmtd by th~ Ruin of Crimi",,1 Proct· du~.-

8taust Rule 16{b) .... trs that it """,irs -solely in conn«tion with a p.ilrlicular ofle nst with which the defendant i. chll'l/fd: Martin dots not come within the lingllige of th~ rlll~ since he has a1rudy been tried aOO wnricttd. Thr~ is no AlaIwna 1iw l'!qJiring coonsel's p~ tnCe all poot-corMction. post·sentencing psychological nami .....lion. Thit bright· Iont role b\I the .lIIte appellate court r«. ognius llu.t II third party an obstruct I psychological £IIiliuation. In ~hoIogical e... mi .....tions in which coYl\$tlhas IoNn allowtd to be prestnt in p~rial proceed· Ings. hi' or IItr role has bttn limittd by many court! to that of an obserwr. who may not advise the defendant. makt objec· tions. or IIIkt an acti .... role in tilt txa/Tli· ..... tion.

Bankruptcy Decisions

Sift!h ClmUt ~I new >..tllt u <qItion to ob$oIlIte priority rule In .wi &nrwrMa/1 J'o'I>/t,Jlrip. 2 F3d 899

(9th Cir. 1993). The court held that old !qIIily """fit... inteiUls arolUbor· dinale to the claims of neditor. iTe illowed to reuin their ownership in ~ lor new capital cootn"butlonJ in opite d oI:I;tctionI from cbssts d mdi. ton ,,-ho did not r«tive full ~mmt. The Ninth Cin:uit ..aid that with rnptcl to whether the plan is fair MId !qIIitablt, the words "on iccount or I I IIJed in 1129Ibt(2)(B)(ii) had to do with "dil'tCl or immediite" cause. MId the question was whether Itock giwn in a rt(lrglniution plan to fanner stockholders did 10 prima.· ily because of their old interost in the deblOl'. or lor new legitimitt busintU ru· sons. The "absolute priority" roll: iJ eodi. fied in Section 1129IbH2)(II Hii) of the Code. In tITtet, it says that junior claims or inltrfll.l cannot rtcti .... any property if senior claims or interUI$ are not fully paid. The section Is is follcrws;


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NewSouth IRke~~IbJ. , In c. ""'''""''''Infonnat.... Of a Wilhiteat I · 800· ~89 · 1335

JANUARY 1994 / 53

(2) For the purpoM of this 5ubsection. the oornlition that a plan be fair and ~ui­ table with resP«l to a elMS includes the follo\<ing l"ftIuiTl'men\.\ ....

class of un.>ecured claims···· (ii) the holde, of any claims or interest that i5junior to the clai"... of such will not Tl'Ce i~ or relain under the plan 00 O!CCOIdlt oisuch jUnior claim or inte,· est in onj/ propertj/. (emphasi5 .up· plied)

(II) With re>P«I to a

The (;,,,,p'1I1 test set forth in ~ a. UJs Anglil'" wmber. 308 U.S. 106 (1939) ,",'115 that old equit» must offer value that "'"" (I) new: (2) substantial; (31 money Or money's worth; (4) nece5$ll1)' for a sue· cessful rtO.gan i... tion: and (5) uasoroably equi"alent to the value of the inte.est receiVl'd. The court then remanded the o:ase for the bankruptcy LOurt to deter. mine whether tM debtor's plan met the test lor the new value exception to the absolute priorit» rute.

P... t.confirmatlon ~I,,,,n« action oot allowod />1 r, Harstad. 155 B.R. 500 (Bank l).Minn. 1993), Debtors filed a post..:oo· fi rmation preference action against a bank purs..ant to a Tl'~ntion of jurisdic· tion clause in their confirmed Chapter II plan, In a molion to dismiss. the bank objected 10 Ihe court's subject matte. juri,diction and Ihe debtors' standing. The bank asserted further that the action WII5 not for the benefit of 1M estate and that the <lebtors w"re judicially estopped based upon certain PTl'--ronfiT11\ltion "'P' ~entations. After rejecting the bank's juri,;diction/ll altack, the court granted the motion on the slanding grounds holding that becau," the tanguage in debtors' plan purporting to Tl'lain p",I..e~ claims WII5 not cltar and unequivoca t. the debtors tosl the powers of debtors·in·pOssession upon the confir. mation of their plan. At. a further ground for dismissal, lhe court ruled that prefe.· e~ recmeri .. must be for the benefit of the .,tale which was not provided for in the deblors' plan. The court did not reach the judicial estoppel issue. El"""nth Circuit "'jed, ~"'ttnUon" of coll.tenl by C"'pter 7 debt ..... without ",demplion Or ruffirmallon /n re Tag/or. 3 f.3d 1512 (11th Cir. 1993). In a case of first impression. the Elew:nth 54 1JANUARY 1994

Circuit Cou.t of Appeal. held that a Chapter 7 deblor who was current on consumer toans secured by vehic l~s could nol "retain" collateral without tither reduming Ihe property under II U.S.c. §122 Or reaffirming the debt pur• ..ant 10 11 U.S.C. §524, The court looked to the "piain tanguag." of II U.S.C. §521 to hold that a Chapter 7 debtor mu,t either redeem the property Or .eaffi.m the debl if he intends \0 keep Ihe collat..aL Permitting a <leblor to retain prop· erty without reaffirmation of personal liability allow. a debtor to force a new arrangement on the crtditor - in effect. making the loan non -Tl'course and leaving the debtor litlle o. no in<~nti~ to iruu", or maint.ain the p.operty in which the creditor retai", a security interest. This. the cou rt noted. giws the debtor not a "fresh .tart" but a "head start-. Comment: The court did not discuss the interrelaliotlShip bel'o.'ttn Ihe Bankruptcy Cooe and .tate secured mnsaclions law in ,uch c.ues. Implicit in the Taj/lor decision i. that 11 U.S.C. 1521 p.eempts stale secured IraTI$3C\ion! law by requir· ing the debtor $late and perform his intention with respect to the retention or .urrender of collateral. The outcome and the ralionale of the Taj/lor case is 'ur· prising in tight of In re&glors. 869 F.Zd 1434 (11th Cir. 1989). authorizing ·Chapter 20" ca,.s in which debtors "relain" <ollate. al by discharging their deb\.\ in a Chapte' 7 case and provide for the liens securing the dischargN secured claims in a .ubsequent Chapter 13 case. Th~ Taglor court's concerns are tqually applicable to "Chapter 20- case •. While the Taj//oT ca.e may indicate the Elewnth Circuit's inclination to reject "Chaptn 20". it remains Ihe law of the land. ~ Johnson v. H~ Stole Bank. 501 U.S. ~ III S.CI. 2150. 115 I..F.. 2d 66 099]). Failure of debtor'1 corporation to remit [nlun n« lI"'miuml nondilchargnble in debtor', Chapter 7 cue Quoif v. Johruon, ~.3d~ H93 WL 387248 (11th Cir. ]993). The El evenlh Circuit he ld thai 11 U.S.C. §523(a)(4 ) Oleepled from discharge debtor/wl.- ,ha,..,- hold ..'. obligation to arising from failu.e of debtor'l corporation to remit premiums collected on behalf of insurer. The court concluded that state statutes requiring insurance

agentl to promptly account for and remit collected premiums and precll'ding cor· porations from holding an insurance license impastd a fidUCiary dut» upon the debtor. the violation of which C1lused the debt to be nondischargeabl~. 8ankruptcy Court', equitable pOWtrllimiled /n re Empire for /lim. Inc .. 1 F.3d 1156 (lith Cir . 1993). On the deblor's tumovtr complaint against the deblor's accounts .e«ivable factor. the bankrupt· cy courl ordered the tumQ\.'er ollunds which the factor had collected on account of the debtor'. accounl$ Tl'Ceiv;mI •. Although the faclor had an unavoidable perlected .ecurily interut in the collected funds. the court equitably subordinated the factor', claim for its com· mission. and treated that claim as unsecured based upon IIw factor's ",fusa! to make p05t-petition coll~ction efforts. In reversing the district court'. affi r~,Ihe Eleventh Circuit held that tlw bankruptcy court', equitable powers did not pennit it to rtfu .. to enforce the fac· tor' • • ecurity inte.est ,ince the Sankrupt cy Code auth orized the turnOV<'r 01 encumbered property only after providing odequate prot~ion of the secured creditor's interest. Citing Nor· wes/ Bonk Worthing/on v. Ahlers. 485 U.s.197, W6 S.C\. 963. 99 L.Ed.2d 169 (1968), the court rultd lhat bankruplcy court', equitahle power "mu.t and can only be eJercised within the confines of the Bankruptcy Code." •

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January 1993- November 1993 Able •• I.. Brut< 11>0 UlIlutlIoriud 1'rIIcIi« 01 Low?" 5': 110 Acunll. J...... R. "In lhe Inu.U( 01 hlOt",,: ATribul. to J~ J.mtO Edwin !ton.... Jr. and CLonn« \I·.IIf" 54:3U Abl. s.nq S. "Thomu, D. AWl "f'nHIucu Wbility and Contribulory So&l'i<na" Set:26 1

AHBI TItATIOS "A Doubl< StarKlorol D;l<mtIIl" su,nl<y O. lIynum& J. QMj Pu4h 54:38



"AIrie>n.~ MalciO'lll' l)itftnrl« in the ~ \4aI

1'To/'...ion" Cynth .. W. Clinton & Anita I.. Ko11y M :170

"Amtriun Inns of Court" Jl>Jtko lIuih

8ulllha... Palrick S. "UnLowfuI OrtaiMr ond Eviction" 54:92 Hynum. Stonl<y D... 1'Il8h, J. U.oId "A Doubw- S\Ond.lnl DilomtIIl" S4:38 B~. Davi<! B. Jr. "Ronnl D«isior4" 54:62.54:98. 54:IH. 54:258. 54:333 c.r.. ChorIos F. "Kid's o..r.:.." 54: 1(16

"In the lnteral 01 JU>lk.: A Tribut< to Judio Edwin lIorton, Jr. and Cla .."". W.llf" lome. A<:anli


" " " - Roymond I..J •• ~ PIonoor Lawyo .. in~O'III~"


DactorJJoIn Forcn,.iRSt DruaAbusc"Edw>nlM. Cto<i< 54:16 "\..,,011 is tho ~ John C. I'falhor. 1•. 54: 19 1

"R-" 01 thc Task F...... On Specia!iza. Hon" Koi!h B. NOO'man 5':55

Cook Rrubon W. "ADAP'. Runl/M;""rill> Ou"toeh .nd ..... i.un« I'roiInm Campl<t.. Succtisful Vur" 54:325


......·ommin Uw"LtahToylor 54:373

IIKtIr. uV.... MorJon ~ _ to Courts" 54:206 BOO K It E\ l E\I'S

Alabama Tori ~ l/illld/IooII r..,·d by MithIooll.. Roberto & CrtfOr)' S. c",,· """'" 54:23

1'.1110 tmd Onkr: no. R«WlCilill/ioIr oF ta.tmdRdigion mfdb!'J~Dolo Sotrat S4<367 B~'. A1hr:rt

P... SI .... """'. BI')'VI A. "Tho Alahoma Capital RUOIlr« COnIOr" 54: 107


E."' !10S~ E-''T

BoUie. 1.0\'.... _loC<>ur\>" 5<I:2(16

' Myth InI.,.....l;""" CD ROM and Ltgil Rut~rc h "

54:254 l'.XPERT " 'ITSESSES

'Junk Sclo""., Whol To 00 "'hen It u..,.

pons ToVou'Coofjt M. ~Iktr 54:111

ea.,.. 8e.oU D. J.... S!>r»l~ fl<njamin B. III "C"'I'Vritht ' - Sul'\'lrisft for Non· Uwyo .." 54:140

CHttt. Edwanl M. "L>Wj't" " Doclors Join Fo"''' ,.insl DNa A!>wo' 54: 16 II. "'..... R.g; ...1d T. "£u(uliYo I)i~"". RtpOrt" 54:8.54:8254, 142.54:2211. 54:288.54:357


5.: 114

" _ ,A.I.attr. III -Vounc L>.<wyor( Section" 5<1:295. 54:358 11....10,<. Sonny -SUit 01 tho JO>di<:..ry" 5':309 I SUEX

"Tho AIobomo Umiled LiIobility Colrnpony Act: A Sow Entity Choi«" BradI<y J.

""' ..=

"Opprwion of Minority SNrd'OIdors:

Cu .... Latiw: Indn 1992 M: I33 IO\.TA 'K"~" CIwIot

F. C.rr 54:106

54: 128

"Tho AIoboma ~ul Hopruontalion Ruour« Con!or" Albo.1 P. B...... r& III)'0n A. SI ....""'" 54: 107

C!111'1 1NAL IAI\'

"Tho Low Should lie A<:cwiblr to E\'try All TimtO" nmolhy A. Lewis

ConlrKl Sot Tort" MkhMl E. OrBoow

11>0 UnautOOri .. d Practice 01 L>wr I.. 8ruc.~

F...,ilyand M edical~... Act of 1993 to Em~ of "'Mit ["'1'"",",," Mark St ..n&\lI S4:390




LAW "An OVOrvi .... oItho AppHCOlion of tho

"Tho Uni"";l"" CIXSt?" ....... C. SioYt:ns CI\1L RIGHTS Cllnlon. Cynth;. w... Kllry.AniU I. "Afriwo·Amorkon Flmal.. Makioe' Difl... na in lho AL>b.>ma 1.<110>1 ProI'O$Sion" 54: 170

~54 : 38 1

"Blxk 1'Ionn. '-Yo.... AIobomaLMna Ltgmds" It.ymooId I.. JGhrdon. J'. 54:ISS



"&1_ ChoI...... fn)m!hl PtrSpfCliyo of. Tn.! Judg<" lion. D. PhtJpO


"&It_: F""".,. Appell." J..d#'• ...-_ )IOint" JlUtn Hugl1 MackIo:< 54:316 DAltACES

OrBow. _ I E. "()rIp""""" of MU-;· II> ~rs: Conlrxt. Sot Tort" 54:128

_at ..'"

J.u-. Sidney""

III -V0Utl' Uwyo,,' s.c. lion" 54:35. 54: 11 2, 54:193. 54 :225 J ..I""...... bymond I.. Jr, "81xk Pi.,...., l.aWj't" in Aloborna-LMO'III I.<i<nd>" 54: 156

Kelly. Anita L & Clinton. Cynthia W. 'AIrie>n Amorian F.....1ts Malci"ll • Dif· Iorrnco .. tho AIabuno \4aI ProInsion" 54: 170


Ouk ... GI!b<rt F. III "Bewa.. oITU Lien> and thc IRS Rigl11 of Rldemplion aft .. FOO'ed....... " 5':46

IA.\ 'OLOR[).TEM,\'T

"Unlowful Delaine • • nd [,io:tion" Potrkk S. B... mIIom S4:92

JANUARY 1994 / 55

l.o\lI' OFFICE MA."AGE." E~'T

·AIII•• Lti"1 Toehno\olll R.."""u C.fII .... M. Wayno W".. Ioo. S-:3& "Carnpul •• Arras to CoutU" LaVmIa Morpn Bault S4,206 \..ewi" TlmoIhy A. "Tho La", Should II< A«<s6ibloe to E..1')I Man at All Timu' S-:22

" Myth I~ion: en ROM""" LtpI

RCUilrth' 5" II'

NEGOTIATION 1..."0 SETT1.E.... E~'T "R.port of \lie T;u.k For<~ on SptciaI .... tIon· 54:55

Nonts, Robert 11', -c,;ruo.-.. of tho c....raI

Gornutl- 5-6:20, S4:194, 54:252.

1./fI" M"5. S-, III. 5':202. S-:273. 5':327, S4"'''''

OPIS IOSS OF TilE CL"EIIAl. C()lP.\"5EL Alabaml Umited Liability ~ for

ConI\dontial,ty AirHmonll 54: 194 Contingent f ... inChiId~ ( - . S4:2(I r.. Part. ConlXll in Social Secutit~ ( - . 54,252

Non-Refundobit ~n 54: 194


."" 0.. ....... of Ju1')I TnaIs: I.0&oI and I'TowIural eo...;dtration>" Iton. K~n ...1h

0. Simon 54:115

0IiJ1tn&n from tho I'1l1fIKIivt of a Trio! hJdae" Hon. - , h O. Phtipo S4:320


'&Ison: From.,.. AwtILm Judg... Vi.... • poOnl" J",Iic< Itullh M>ddo>; M,3IS

............ JustlCO It..... -&-. From an Al>ll<11Io« Iudi<', \"~nt- S4:316 M>ddo • • Jtatic. Itui/h .",. Am..iclon Inl'll of Court- S-:381 MtC • ..,.. Robort L J•• "Lra;,W;" WrapUp" M"'5. S4,1 I" S-:202. S4:213. S4:327. M;4""

Srn>II. CIam'W M. Jr. ............ '. Paet" 54"'. 54:78, 54'140, 54 :218

Smith, D<bonh Alley &: !'ill• • Ilhondo. K. "Comporat.... Faull: 54:5&



"ADAI". RuraliMinotity Outruc:h .nd ..... ~ I'toiIram C""",low. Suctuoful Vou" Rtubtn W. Cook. S4:325

Ilet.nJi<nll)il!>OJition of Clitnl Fi Ies 54 :3 13

PATi!.''TS ...... 0 TItAO£.'IAII KS -Copyriaht l.Iw 5uft>risa lor JoI....cop,n,ht I..ow)otn' 8er6omin 8. S!oraUint. III &: Bon O. Cary,J., 54:240 I'htl",. Han. Jootph O. -&Ison ChoIIt,.. from tht 1'I...,.ctivt of a Trial

Judi<" 54:320 PIU., Rhon<l> K, &: Smith. D<i»rah Alloy -C_rativo Faulto A Primo ... S-:5& I'nth<T.JohnG. Jr. · Lont.,iltht ~ ":191

SsmUl"" II<njamin B. III &: Cary, BoliO. J •• "Copyriiht law Su,-prisn for Non-Copyright t.awytn- S4:2-40 S _.. J....... G. "Tho Uninvited c.-l'" S4:2S4

SI""" .... " . Bryan A. &: B...... '. Albert P. ""Tho A1>bama c.pitallttpruenWion Ruouo« Cent .... S-: 107


"Ano..Mowoftht,\j>plicotion of tho Faml.,and MediallA..... Ad of 1993 10 EmplO)'ftS of

1'rMC. Emp\oy<,,- 54:390


.s....... of TU Utru and tilt IRS Rillht of Rodomption all"

0ui<Q, Cilbe .. F. III

M£.IIORLALS AmIcbII. Charlos Boker I •. S4,411 B"""""-Iudi< Paul Wtotnf..1d M:125 Came"",, Alioto Roll' 54: 125 lla",.,..;ck. William CuY 54,208

lIa rt , J..,.... E. J., 54:7 1 lohnIton. Sarrutl McCoy Jr. 54:346 Mortlll. Fnnk ...." - S4:210 Mortlll. llulon l. 54,209 Mur'»hy, Joy W. 54: 126 !'arsons. Frank B. 54,69 PotIln,u. ChMIu A. IV 54:70

S/Iaw:., Chor\<$ E. 54,41 1 (\I"'O{, I-lWO-Zi! 1.«0" Pncn


.-o C"

1S ~!


..... . . ton ....11 I. .. i .. .. r_ ",ioI . . . . ..,., ...... ....." ... ,_ ...... b""


T'ML-S:r.M.l:J1 W()()D<3.Arn:JI$. ,1<",. A.. p.o. _ ,,~ si l....m. AL H>7li


56 1JANUARY 1994

!' ROF E551 ONALI 5.11 Watt ... 10Hlinda M. -Arras \<)Juoti<eEotoblilhiflll I Pro Bono Pro;<ct" 53051. 53,129 W. ltn, Melinda M. '1i,lpi"" Others

1I.lps u.s All: u.. St!ldtnu Donat. StMta" 54:52


8'001 Camttllolmu 54, 183 """" I. o.vi4 & Bynum. Sunloy O. -A Doubk~ Oiloomma" 5-6:3.8

FORCkrsu .." 54"'6

T.,...., Luh .....''''''"' in Low" 54:373 Til."...., D...... n &: "",I, Nancy S. -~ Liability and Conlributo1')l

NttIiCtn«" 54:26 1


"Com\lO-flIolW. Faull : A Primo ... D<borah Alloy Smith &: Rt>onda K. Pitll S4:H

"Products LiobiIiIY and Contribu!ooy

NttIilmO<" O. Alan Thonw &: Nancy

Swam. Jul .... S. Jt. 54:209


S4,407 Simon. Krtu'oOlh O. -An Owrviow of Jury TnaIs: t.opJ and Proa-duraI CoI\IiCItratiotu- 54:175

$okLo., Bradley 1. .",. Al>barno Umittd Lilbility ~ Act- 5-4:232


AtlOmtyl 54:379

UTiGATION M.c:Cu.lty. Robort L l1. ~ .....'"'"

Silbe""",,, Wi","" C. "Rtunt 0tcW0nI" 54:98, 54: 196. 5':268. 54:333,

RESEARCH Lewis. Timoth~ A. .",. 1.1,. Should lit AaaoibIt to Evo:1')I Man 1\ All TimetS-:22 "Myth Informotion: CO ROM..-.d Lrjj>1 R..... "'h· Timolh~ A. tz."U 54:114

Rumore, ~I A. Jr. "Buildin& AIoba· ma'. Court/V>ulotS" hllMItaa 54, 12. ~54:87, CoIhoo.In County ROYiiited 54:911, ChonWn 5': 152, Mobil, 54:228, Thllo_ 54 :297, C....... 54:3st

SuIt• .bma R. "Spud", "Praioknt.'. I'o.g<:" 54:2M, 5-6:3S4 SOO, T.rry A. -Recent 54:62.


S. Aktl S4:261

Walktr, Ceortt M. -J~nk Sd.n«· To Do ....lIon It Ha(Iptrd To YW" 54J1I1 Walt ... Melinda M. -A<c"'10 )tatiaEitablU!ling a Pro lIMo PTojfet53:51. 53:179 Watt ... Mdinda M. " tI<lpirC 0Ih0 .. 11.1", Us All: Low Stuoitnu Donat. Sttvi<:.. - 54,52

II'hHloor, M. WlO)'rIO "ABA" LtpI TtchnoIog)r Ruouo« Cenlt'" M:36

Will ....... I'atNm "Optnin& of Court C~tt"""'l"Octobt. 5, 1992' 5':24

54: 98, ":196. 54:333



M~y il piUSI' tilt court.! - Mr, Chid Justice, justice! of the lup reme cou rt, presiding judges. judQtI of the cou rtl of appul. families of tt-.os. <kceasW, and honort<l guests. w. ~w.t today to remember wllh reverenct !host of OUr (olln,uu who art now wilh us only in spi rit. All of them wt~ diftinguishtd Lawytrs - IOITlt wrnt on to public servia on tilt btn.:h. They prm.kd or ~tic:rd in all UtU 01 our Slalt. from MUKI. ShOllI. 10 Mobile. from Livingston to l.Jofi)'tltf, from Bo.u to 8:.Iy Minrtlt. There wrrt community ~adtT'$ in Clio and Wdumpb.;n NoUlIulga and Binningkiom, in Centtrvin. ,md Rus.sellviUr, lind olher ciliu. towru and hamlds. Ind«d. they permuted lhe length and breadth of our

great ,lat. - 59 in number, W. mourn th.i r passing lind grirvt with their survivors. They wtn all good peOple. But wt especially remember thvn al this limr btc>w.t they wrn allIiW)'ltn. and they wer.

our frie1Icb. To 11M: II ~r is /I ~nd or com~ion io II 51.imuLatin( nperitnct. IIlIrriiOll Twetd, pmicknl 01 the Associl.lion of the 01 thf City d New Vorlc in the "'te '.ws, in this first

;naugural addr~.. 10 that group, said: "I Ila~ a high Opinion of lawyerJ. They are btll.. to wor~ with or fight wilh or play with 0. drink with Illan most other varit"tits 01 mankind," I. too, Ila~ a hith opinion d bwyef$ ~ do, [ 1U$p«1, most of you. Bul thaI is not lrue 01 MiryOl'lt. c-ius' obM:rwlion to the Itomin people on W duth 0( C-. tllat the good that ""n do ;, ofttn inltrrtd with their bami w~ ~r mon appl~ to OlI1y group than il is 10 lawyers today. [ nttd not nlate to ellCh of you the scurrilous and Kandalous altxks on

Environmental Law in Alabama a new book by Ray Vaughan illlcrCSIW in the baics ol mviroomcncallaw in Alabama? Gel • ~vie .. ol die ....jor Ia .... and <:Met with Iomwledpble DDIIlII>aIW)' 'fI'iIIIo::u r-)in, die S6S-I.SO . . . law boob root, The r..... in • 01 F'rKIical Law Boob from Eanh Seve.. Prao, it is wrincn by .. ItIOmC1 with yea .. ol experimce in the ....., ~ just $12.00. ~id, por <XIp)' 10: ~ VIU&haO 3320 WdJing'(In Ra.d. M0II1,0""'ry, Alabama 36106



the legal profession ~ politiciaru and tilt press that began in rt(:ent time, with a presidtnt~1 campaign desperately in need 01 a $cajlfgoat. attxks received much attention In the natioml and iotal pru•. Apparently it i, noIl"IfWSWOrthy that the charges kw~ at the !till tOmmunity in that ca""",ign md by others thereafter Ilavt prown false. Wlltn thf t .... th surfaud. the ~ rell "lent, II wu not lrue tllat 0lI1 nauM I.Iwyer po)pul.ltion. a multiplicity of tort ,uiu lInd ClIPridous jury IWlIrds of punitive dunagu multtd in ~', i~iIi. ty to bring indust." 10 our itile. 1 nwl only to point to the _nu 0( Ia:;t wef;k in TusalOOIlI and the small community of Vance, Alabama to illu,trate my point. It i, alISO noteworthy tllat linle o. no attenlion was giwn by the press to the addrell 01 tilt chitf jlUlice in July at the AI~ State B.t. muting. Thtre he ciltd powtm,,1 and irrtfubbl. mdenct that Alw· IN" civil justice system works fairly and that il5 .)'$terTI 01 post·~rdict ~ of punitive damagts has bttn Iltld out by the SuprtlTll' Court of tilt Unittd Stalts itS" modtllor other iUoles 10 adopt. But those we honor too..y are not to be ",,,,,,mbrred lor the errors 01 our dttrxtors but rather fot tlltir contributiOlU to the communitin in which they labored with their colltagutl who JUrvi~ them. r am aware 01 no other profellion where the legal and moral imptrati~J to KrYe thf poor are $0 _rut as in ours. Lawyers imposed 00 WITIKMs.. wIltn they domi· nated the legi$latiw halls, the statutory mlnditt that no lawyer wll rejKIlor any COIUi<lt ...tion ptfSOl\l.l 10 hinutU' the CIUK 0( ~ defenseless or oppressed.. ~rs 0( AIab.!.rnlo throuah tMir ~rd 01 bn commis.oiontrs .mel supreme court lupple""nted thot statutory duty by a ....1. of profUiiOl\l.1

Richard Wilson & Associates Registered Professional Court Reporters t 7 MIldred Stteet Mon\gCllrlely, AI.",., 36107

264-6433 JANUARY 199>1 / 57

eonduc:t admonilhi"ll ~ bwytr 10 rtl>lkr Iq!oll ..,>Via in 1M public inleml.. l.awY~r!.. not our crilics. tspCJUSed 1M princl· pie thllt the basic responsibility for prtWiding Itgal ..,rvicu lor IhoH un.ble to ~y ullirrLJlely rutl upon the individu.1 I~wyu. W. c.lltd alltntion to Ihe fact thai the pe rsonal invoiw.mnl in the problenu of tht disadvantagtd can bot OM oflhe mosl rewarding e~periencts In Ihelif. althe lawytr. Art lheK principles ~nd ~dmonil iom gi\'en only lip ..,Nice? Th. answe r il a ruoundinQ nol For ytJU, Wt hove hurd anecdotal ,ccoun!> aI the lawytr'I helping taW dd.ndtd wilhoul tlpteution aI oompensalion-the advic~ ,,,,,n willingly "i\hout chII'ie to thoK in nmI. Harper L« irnortaliml tho s;>iril of I ..... ilIItCdotu in htr II(IYtI To Kill A Mockingbird. [s that slory fiction? You and [ hIIvt: _n il$ lruth quietly and unstlfishly demonstrated I hundr.d limes oYer. Thrn ~ars ago. under then. PrtJid.nt Harold Albritton, Ih. lawyer's ability 10 provide such pro bono service w" enhanced, formalized and lupported with lhe creation aI the AlabJrN. Statt Bar Voluntur Lawyers" Program. This is an orpni~ pro bono program which help:lQu.l.raTllH lhe disad· \W\\.iIfd equal Ka:ss to 1M ltplllfO«'" and J)TO\Iidu oppor. tunilits lor ~rs to participate in 1M pnxw; 01 rrW<inII our Itgllly$lem work for mol'yOOt. Lut )'tIr. """r 1.000 bwytrs Irt known to tw.'e frttly givtn countkss hours of lime Ind effort to thole unabl. to ~rd 1.811 usisun«. Pro bono 100"

_ -- -- --

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vice if not tho only good thing that b-..')'ers do. IOLTA fund$ gontrllted by Alabima la~rs· lrust accounts havt pouud II"IOft than one and .. hIIlf million dollars into ltpl aid for the poor. M.mbeu of the AI"bl.rrLJ State Bar , IhrouQll d~ttr tunu. havt voIunt~rtd Itpl usisllrnc, 10 victims of nalural or manmade disaster on a non-discriminalory. no-fte basis. Witness Ihe Sf Nice performed by the members of our bir in connection with the tragic passtnger train accid,nt in Mobil. two wt.ks ago. And IMrt is ()nf otMr thing that I rully don't havt lIny statistics \0 $OJppori. but. if I wer. , botltina ITWI. I would be witting to g.amble on this. I botlit\'e Ihill the Itpl profusion pTOYidu to tM Stat~ of Ah,barrLJ mou Sun~y School tead>trs than :my other occupation or aroup. (I think former eo....mor Albert Brtwtr will ... ppOrt me ,n thlll proposilion.) flow many other prof.ssioN Qn claim ' .... h public KNief? Perhal" the clergy. bUI certainly 00 other. TheK activilies are ruely the subject of .mdia attention and probably nmor will bot. This good is inl .... d with our bonn. Yes. !host 0( OUr roIlta8uts who hIIvt g()nf on 10 a more peaceful and towoquil wsten« know 1M IIOOd thai bwytrs do btgUK they did it and wi~ other ~n doinl it. But, sadly, ;also wilnu.$u to ~ troublesome pheroomena Ihllt has occumd """r lhe ~ dtcadt in our profession • 1M riK of the "Rambo- IlW)'er. This is the fellow who (l) UKS written dilCOvtry for harusmtnt; (2) ""'. oral diSCOvtry for intimidation; (3) Keks sanctions ag.lill.\l opposing counstl for tactical ad"antag. " oppoKd to the protection of his cli.nt: (4) IIttempl$ to tmbarrus opposing coun..,1 Ind frequ.ntly eng.a8ts in person,,1 criticilm of olhtr li~rs; (5) makes unfounded accus;otioN of conduct on tht part of the OIlPO'ina law)'en; and the list toes on. In other words, he if Ihill ~r whose wat.:hwords ;m ruthltssnW and rudtnw . Th~ (list perception lhat I.Iwytrs fost.r Ind profit from :rn OWrtuiw explosion of cont.ntiO\lf and meritlns liligltion if .nhanced b)' these members of OUr profession. SilKt I starttd practlcina law 32}'tars ago, thert hal bun .. common complaint lmong the membe .. of Ihe bar that lawyen an d judgu do nOI hne Ihe rupeel which the y desem:. Make 00 misutc:. about it. I do not talk about ~rs :rnd judges being Iovtd. In my judgement, that is' pi ,,"'ido i, unatllinable. Controvtrsy if lin inteQraI part of OUr work ,nd Our nislence. II i, difficult fo r on. 10 love his or her ildvtrsary. But tvtn if WI' cannot npect \ 0 be toYtd . ...... Qn and Would I\avt 1M rupeet dIM public. But thai rtspKt will ntvtr come unlf'" and until WI' first demonstrale rtJpect for uch other. Th. "Rambo- Ilowyer only engenders dilTelpect. Th. decade Qf the 'SO, saw his ri..,-Ihe decade of Ihe '90s should ..e his fall. To thai lhe la~rs of Allbima, throutlh itl ~rd of bir comm',,'ontrs, "dopt.d sundard. of pro(. ssional i,m which this court ~pp.-Ovtd. TQ OUr clients, ...... offer faithful· ness. com~tence Ind diligence; 10 opposina p,artiu lind opposing Ia...-ytr!.. ""imus, intfllnty lind civility. IQ the rourts. rtspKt, ardor. and courtny. and to our profession. lhe prj. mlIC)' of public KNief """r peT$OOlI gain. These l r. the pnnciplH whi<h ...... r. tspOllSfd by thole wt oooor today and th.K are th~ promi..,5 that "'e rN.lce to thtm, to 011 ....1".. and to thole woo will follow. •




• M·E·M·O·R·I·A·L·S • Walter L. Mims


ach of uS has those p."ons who are ·spe cial"' in our li,-es. for Ihe lasl 25 years , "Mr. Wal· ter- Mims occu pied one of my front row seals for friends. His place was not unique with me because this great friend and lawy<> r touched the )j"es of SO many persons in his 83 years in our milbt. Mr. Walter en tered the private prac t ice of law over SO years ago in Birmingham and at the time of his dealh was of coun.. 1 t o the successor firm he founded i n 1942. Thi. fact only furthe r evi· dences hi. commitment to t hose Ihings dear to him. His devotion to hi. family. to his profession and to the preser· vation of Ou r env iT<)nment was legendary. He was hono red by his pee .. with the pres idency of the Birmingha m Bar Anocia t ion in 1961 an d he served Ou r st"te ba r as th e Tenth Judicial Ci rcuit ' s Bar Commissioner for six years . He recei,'ed the Alaba m a State Bar Award of Mer ; t in 19 73 and was named the outstanding lawyer of the year by the Birm_ ingham Bar in 1982. Mr. Walt .. Wa:! on the committee that interviewed me for the pO,ition I now hold . I had never nwt him until that day in the , pring of 1%9, A~'ter being selected to ,ucceed Judge Scott, I quickly learned why he wa, on the committee. There were some truly great lawyers on the bar com· mission in 1969 - and Mr. Walter', wi-Sl' counsel and advice and hi. high sense of professionalism commanded the respect of one and all. Hi. gracious manner, his smile and the " ..,rpre-Sl'nt twi nkle in his eyes masked a lenacious advocate. He fought for


principle , but he always fought fairly. He and hi' belove d Ruth were a dynamic duo and I ,hall trea.m.e the

memories of some wonderful time, to~ther.

but. again. others will Irea-

sure these memories because those "'... the kind these two mad •. Walter Mim" the conservationist, was a visionary long before con",,,.. · lion became a popular or politi cally

correct cause . He was named Conservationist of the Year b)' the Alabama Wildlife Federation in 1954. The Governor'sAward in 1963 recognized his eflorts in contributing \<> wain improvement in Alabama. He was

a member of t he state", Water

Improvement Commission. His sel'\'ice to the National Wildlife Federation was endur ing: 24 years 1958 to 1982 as a director , 1965 10 1974 as first vice-president. and 1974 to 1976 a. its president _ He served two te rm, as pre,ident of the Alabama Wildlife federation and , in 1992. Ihat organization established its Walle r L. Mim s Lifetime Achieve ment Award 10 h onor longtime contributions to the bettermenl of the environnwnl. His iniliallegal practice, folto...'ing

the receipt of his law degree in 1934 from the Univi!rsily of Alabama . was with the Inlunal Revenue Service and later with the Birmingham Trust and Fi rst National banks of Birming· ham. He ,,'as a recognized authority in matters of la>:alion. Mr. Walter I-I'lWd in the EutOl"'an Theater in World Wa r II. He was a member of the Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church. Survivors indude his nephew and law partner , Frank ~t. Bainbridge of Birmingham. Oftent imn. the word "giant"' is o,'erus.d to desc r ibe a person', achievements. Mr. Walter earned th is accolade. Unfortunately, Ihey do not make too many Walter Mims. [f we had mOHo Our world would be better and lawye rs would not have an image problem. J. like thou· s"nds of others, was blessed by this good man's friendship and share the sense of 10.5 his death brings to those who have known him. He left uS a role model to make Our future and that of fulure general ions belter.

Rtgi" o!d T. lIom".r AlolHsmo Stot~ Bo,

Please Help Us The Alabama State Bar and The Aloboma Lall'll'" have no

way of knowing when one of our members is deceased unless we are nolified. Do not wait for someone else to do it - if you

.now of Ihe death of one of Ou r members, please let us know. Send the information to: Christie Tarantino

P.O. !lox 671 Montgomery, Alabama 36101

JANUARY 1994/59

• M·E·M·O·R·I·A·L·S • Joseph Jerome Masters, Jr. oseph Jerome




began and ended in Dothan, Alabama. Aiter completing his preparatory education a\ Uniwrsity

Military School in



matriculated at the Coliege of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia. whence he graduated with an A.B. in modun language, in

1968. After graduation, he served with distinction in the U.s. Army Military Intelligen« from 1968 10 1970. including a tour in Vietnam, where he received the Combat Infantry-

man', Badge and the IIron •• Sl.r.

After release f.()m active duty .5 a first lieulenant, he later served as a captain in tlw U.S. Army Reserve and the Alabama Nalional Guard.

Judge Masters' legal career started after his graduation in 1973 from the University of Alabama School of Law wilh Ihe juris doxlor degree. Min working with what would later become the Administrative Office of Courts in Montgomery, he beg~n a two-year stinl as ~ssislant city attorney for Tuscaloosa. Alabama from 1975to 1971. In 1977. Judge Masters began 16 yean of service to the people of Henry County as district judge. Appointed by Governor George C. Wallace. Jerry never had a primary Or general election opponent. His graduation from the National College of the Judiciary in 1977 was only the first step in his career-long effort to deepen his understanding of the law and court operations. In addition to his regular duti" as a district judge. Jerry cheerfully and dficiently took on district court work in Houslon County U well as circuit court assignments in both counties. Despite Ihe demands of his judicial career, Jerry kept d",e to his family: wife. Melanie: their children.

60 I JANUARY 1994

Madeleine and Buck Masters; his father. the late Joe Tom MasteN; and his mother. Mary Lynn Buckn .. Masters . Anyone who ,penl mOre than fiw minutes in private conversation with Judge Masters quickly found out the central place hi' wife, children and family held in his life. Those of us lucky enough to have served as Jerry's coll ..gues or to have practictd in his court will con tinue to share warm memories of his patience. good humor and enjoyment of life ' , incongruities. His intere,1.> r~nged far afiold. spanning law. musical "golden oldies". SpOrtsc.lN. World War n. fiying and motorcycles. His death on September 13. 1993. at age 47 after a valiant ~ar·long struggle with brain cancer has taken a trusted and beloved friend from us but has left behind an unforgettable ..ample of courage and grace,

Michael Crespi 1/oodlami, Alabama

George Mortimer Harrison hereas. on the 23rd day of May 1993. Geo rge Mor timer Harrison. Sr. of Dothan, Alabama Mparted this lif"

W ,"d

Whereas it is the desire of the Houston County Bar Association to recogniu and memorialize his lifelong dedication to the legal profession and to recogniu publkly some of the achievements of this professional career: Now. therefore. be it known that George Morti mer Harrison. Sr. was born on May 31. 1912. in Eufaula , Alabama. He a\tended the public schools of lIarbour County. Alabama. H. attended Marion Military Insti t ute in Marion , Alabama . He receiwd his bachelor's degree from

the Unh'ersity of Alabama in 1931. and a law degree from the University of Alabama School of Law in 1934. That year he began the practice of la"" in Dothan with the firm of Farmer, Merrill I< farmer. which later became Merrill '" Harrison. He touched the liv", of people in his community in many ""ays. He ser>'ed as a member of the council of the Alabama La"" In,,titute from 1969 until his death. He was a membt<r of the the Houston County Bar Association and serwd as its president in 1963-)%4. lie was a membt<r of the American Bar Assoc iation and the Alabama State Bar and ""as elected to the board of commiS!ione.. lor the 20th Judicial Circuit from 1960· 1980. He srrvtd as its vice-pftsident in 1970- 1971. Mr. Harrison was a member of the National Association of Railroad Trial Counsel and the Alabama Defense Lawyers Association . In 1989. Mr. H~rrison and Samuel Adams formed the firm of ~' errill, Harrison", Adams, P.c. Shortly Iherealler , Mr. Harrison retired. He was an able lawyer and a worthy oppOnent. He worked hard to uphold his clients' righl5 and was vigorous in ftpresentingthem. Mr. Harrison ""as an enthusiastic outdoorsman. fie was espe cial ly fond of hunting and fishing and exce lled in these spOrts. Mr. Harrison was predeceased by a son, G. M. Harrison. Jr" in 1984. ""ho was also an aUorney Now, therefore. let it be resolved by til<: HOlll;ton County Bar Association that this Association moums the passing of George Mortimer H'mison. Sr. and does hereby honor the memory of a distinguished allorney who throughout his career of 55 years was <kdicated to the service of the legal prof.ssion. !lfichaH B. Brou'1l, i'rnidl!1lt

1/oust",r Caulftv Bar M so<:iaUolf


• M·E·M·O·R·I·A·L·S •

Louis Salmon herul. the Hun\,vill.M~dilGn Cnunty Bar Asso· ciation comes logether to collectively pay tribute to and 10 mtmorialiu our thought. of !.Quis Salmon following his untimely paMingon ~plember 26, 1993: and II'hertu. Louis Salmon .... as born in MoI:>iI •• Alabama on August 3(1, 1923 and p;wtd a...~ on Stptembr. 2il. ]993. H. gratluattd from lhe University of AI~ma ...~th a ~helo, of SCit1lCf <kg,« in 194] and an LLB. degnt in 1948. where h. was a member of the Phi Alplla Delta legal


fraternity: and Whe,us , L(luis Salmon btcame a resident of Huntsville following hi. adm ission to the Alabama State Bar in 1950, and practiced at thi, bar for 0Yt. 43 )/tan: and I'o'hertu. Louis Salmon was a portrn:r with the finn of Walts. Salmon. RoberlS. Manning &. Noojin which later btcamt ..... ~. Simpoon. Robin _ lOR I< Somt"illt: and

Whereas. Loui' Salmon was well known throughout the legal and civic communit~ for his many and varied honor$ and contr ibutions. yet. his reputation as a man of integrity and dignity distinguished him as a faithful and acknowledged leader in all loSptch of communit~ life and c",· attd an admir.lllOn and'Ct of hi$ fellow lawyers and fellow ci t i.ens:

Frank Marion Keeling, Jr.


ingham. Alabama on Junr 16. 1993

Whereas. he always main~iMd a court.ou. and Qracious attitude toward his friends and "dnrSllriu alike lind we ....·ill miss his gr.lcious ctlarm and good sense of humor; and \\1l.. us. we will miss the com.,.ti· tive. enthusiasti, spirit with which he supportw the Uni""rsit~ of Alaba· rrI/I athletic progr.lmS; and \\1l.rras. hil fate and lame ,tlall be his service to mankind. as an echo and a beacon unto etemit~ and it is in grate/ul memol')' and ilJIIlred.tion for all of his contributions to hi. communIty lind especially to this profession that this Resolution be

mrniIor FJoI. I«<ling. Jr. SOOo·.lhmfore. be il Tt5OI\<td r. M.. as he was dr~cliona.tely k"",,'Il. WIS born in Kilgo~. Ta;u mel grndu. attd from Baylor Uni"usity lind obuined his law (Iegrtt from fie obt,in~d his LL.B. in taxation from NYU in 1968 and began his law ride· tice in Mobile and his long member· ship in ttle Mobile iI/ld Alabama State Ba. ilS$OCiations with tht Armbrecht law firm. lie 'PKializtd in taxation and busintss law. ",nd was widely knc:Jo".'Il mel rupKltd by both his fel· low ~wye .. lind his clients. lie abo admolltd to pra.ctia law in Texas. lit ....'iS oft.l1e board of tTUSlees. Amrricin Imtitu\Ule on Tuation; chf,ir of Iht Ral Proprrt)' and Trust Law stctions of the Alabamll State Bar: ;md pruident of the Estate


Fin! Alabama 1I;,"csha,e$. Dunlop Tire Corporation and First A1ab.lmll Bank in Huntsvi ll e. and lIS president of the Huntsville· Madison Count~ Ctlamber 01 Commuce in 1974.75. and lIS ctlairman of tilt Uni"""ity of Alabama · Hunuville Board of TrusI«s sma 1968.:lJ1d ....-as a memo ber of Twicknlwn Church of Chri>t;

Now be It resol...w by the HunlS· ville·Madlson Count~ Sir Associa· tion thlt ....~ mourn the passing of ou r friend and colleague Louis Salmon and we mourn the 10•• to the Jlunliville community of one of it. mo<t distinguishtd citiu",. that we show our sorrow. respect and affection for him as a true profess· .ional at the bar iUld that ....~ m;og. nin he will be truly misstd iUld that .... h of us Iw g,Jilltd by Our tlaving known him.

Wherus. Louis Salmon se!'\<td this bar association is ih I'",1 in 1969· 70; :lJ1d

HIHt • .101111 D. SlItHIftwu Pruidml. Hunlst iUt-M"diMHo CO<fn/f' 8/1,. M_i~tion

Whert, tAU" Salmon serwd tht H"nl,vlll. community in various ci\>ic and church oKIivitiu. inrluding a member of the board of directors of




, h •

Mobilt IIJr Auociation not .. with regret the unexpected and untimely duth in Birm·


s.' !U.

"150,, "It"obe,

!'bnni"ll Council of Mobile.

F. M.


was a devoted lather.

I... ving survil'i"lltwo daughters. Vona Kay Keeling of lIirmiogtlam and L« Alexander I«<li"ll 0/ Mobil .......... 11 .. his mother. Mrs. Eva Mae Keeling of Austin. Tew. a brother. MicN.e1 K~I· ing


Ka)' I(Hliflg

DC. a ...ur. Unda

of AUStill. Tew;md other



T100trwu e. s.".nI, Jr~

MoIJiw &IT Io&I«i<Il ion


JANUARY 1994 / 61

• M·E·M·O·R·I·A·L·S • David R. Archer

Charles Edward McCutchen

lIutl/wille /lIlmil/ed' 195Q Died; September 26, ]993

Shefflfld Admilli!d: 195Q Died: September 18. 1993

Claude E. Bankester

Philander Joiner Birmingham Admilled: 1923 Died: October I. 1993

Walter Liles Mims

RQ/)erlsdale Admitted: 1953 Died: September 5, 1993

Gilbert Ernest Jones, Jr.

Carl Webster Bear

Admitted: 1942 Died: August 8. 1993

Donald G. Morgan

Admilled: 1935 Died: October 18, 1993

Robert Edward Lewis

Fllirhopf Admitted: 1973 Died: sept~mb.. 4. 1993

Joseph C. Burns, Jr.

Cadsd"" Admitted: 1961 Died: Augu:;t 4. 1993

George L. Quinnelly

Willard W. Livingston

Bim ,illgham Ad,,,,Ued: 1965 Died: Decemb.. 24, 1992



Tuscaloosa Admilled: 1966 DiOO: Octo!>.!. 7. 1993

Annette Clark Dodd Birmi>'9ham Mmilled: 196! Died: October 22. 1993

Frank Lee Eddens, Jr.

Mall/gomer!! Admitted: 1946 Died: October 7. 1993

Joseph A. Macon, Jr. W..lumpka Admit/ed: 1974 Died; No>.... m~r 17, 1993

Birmillgham Admilled; 1934 Died: Octo~r 26. 1993

Maurice L<luis Salmon HUll/sullie Admilled: 1949 Died: september 26, 1993

John Samuel Tucker, Jr.

Florellce Admitted: 1948 Died: September 10, 1993

M.A. Marsal

Birmi»gham Admil/ed: 1939 Died: september 19, 1993

William Wesley Cobrecht

HoMe Admi/lf d: 1950 Died: Nowm~r 4. 1993

Larry Morgan Williams

Joseph Jerome Masters

Birmingham Admilled: 1985 Died: Se ptember 18. 1993


Mmilled: 1975 Died, Nowmber 22. 1993

Winston Jackson Hughes Alexandria. Vir(Jillia Admitted: 19&8 Died: May 25. 1993

62 1JANUARY 1994

Abbe.'ille Admil/ed: 1973 Died: septem~ r 13, 1993

J. Fred Wood, Sr. Cen/IY!I"ille Admil/ed; 1935 Died: January 27, 1993


CLASSIFIED NOTICES RATES: M...,bers, 2 free listlngs at 50 words or less per bar member per cal&rlda;, y&al EXCEPT lor 'position wanted" 01 "position offered" hstil'lg$ - S35 per Insertion 0/50 words or less, $.50 per aOditlOMl word; NOt_mba...: $3S per insertion 01 50 words Of less, $ .50 per addilJonal word Classified copy and payment mJSI be .eceMId 8CCOfding 10 the 101l0w"'ll publishing schedule ... "'h ·... I..... - deadlitle January 31. 1994, Jan_ry '94 I...... - deadWle

November 30, 1993, no deadlone extensions will be made. S&nd class ified copy and payment, payable to

The Alabams Lawyer, to: A1abams L• ..yef Classili&ds, c/o Margaret

Murphy, 1',0. Box 4156, Montgomef)l, Alabama 36101.

nama. IIMI ..,.., _ IhIMng at <is_ prioes;. F_ quoIIl. 1-800-2797799. National law R8SOUfOt.

FOR SALE • LAWBOOKS: The lawtlOOi< E>Change. Lt<!. bu)'5 and S8I1J all major lawbooks. Itate afld federal, nallon .. k!e. For all 'fO'-" pI'IOM 1·~22· 6686. Ma$I8rCa<d. VlSA..xI ""........ , E>cpress ..:x:epIed.


• RULES, Modfli RuIN of ProlU$iQMl Condut:I. PIIfSOIIIII c:opits available fer $5 (Inc l ~des postagel. Mall check to P.O. 80. 671. MontQOmary. AlaDama 36101 , Pr-.paymen1~ ,

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PI< copy. poOl-paid. Iyailabl. directly from the author: Ray Vauohan. 3320 Wel\itlgton Road. Montgomery. AIaba/lilt 361(16.

• LAWBOO KS : William S, Heln & Co., Inc .. IIrvinij the legal community 10' _ 60)'l1'li"5. buy. sell ....... · <II tawbooI<s. Send wan1 1illl1O: Fax (716) 883-5595 or phone t-8Q0..828..7571 .


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JANUARY 1994 / 63

(.015. 1·57). ContaCI Ian F. Gaston. P.O. Bo. 1253. Mob ile. Alabama 36633. l't!o<1a (205) 433·5585.

WANTED • lAWBOOKS, Alabama Reports and Alabama Appellale Reports lor years 1900· 1939. Call Vid<i A"9lin a1 (205) 581-0700.

FOR RENT • OFFICE SPACE ' Located on the sec· ond I loor 01 the Bi, mingham Green Posia l lacility. app,oxlmately 1,800 square leet. FOIJr ollices. conlerence room. """'pIion area, newty decorated. Telephone. lu machine and copie, available. Ideally .uked 10' smal l law lirm. Reply to P.O. 37C1OO4, Bi,min\!' ham . Alabama 35237. Phone (205) 328-7240.

POSITION OFFERED • ATIOANEV JOBS: National and FedB,al Emp loyment Report. Highly regarded monthly detailed listing 01 allofney aoo law·relaled jobs with Ihe U.S. Government. othe, publiclprjo,oate emp loyers In Wash ington. D.C .. throughout the U.S. and ab.-oad. 500600 new jobs eooh issue. $34 for Ihfae months; $58 lo r six monlhs. Fede'al Rapons. 1010 Ve,mont Av ..nue. NW. U08·AB', Washington, D.C. 20005. Phone (202) 393-3311 . VISA and Mas· terCard aoceptall.

SERVICES • DOCUMENT EKAMINER: Examinat"'" of Ouestloned Documents. Ce,tWed Fo,ensic Handwr~ing and Document E.aminer. Twenty·seven yea,s experienCe In all 10fensic document p'oblems Fo,me,'y, Ch iel Questioned Document Analyst. USA C'lm lnal INvasti9ation LaDo,ato,i .. s. Diplomate (certiIied)-8ritish FSS , Diplomate (ce'tihall)--ABFDE. Member: ASODE: 1,01.1: SAFDE: NACDL. Resume and fe e

641 JANUARY 1994

.chedul .. upon request. Hans Maye, Gidion. 218 Menymoot Drive. A\>guSia. Georgia 30907. f>hone (706) 86().4267. • PARALEGALS : Attention attorneys and personnel directors. The National Academy 10' Pa,al ega l Studies has qualilied pa'alegals in you, toeal area , .. ady 10' ..mployment In law ollices and corporations. Ou, paralegal gradu· ales are tra ined in areu 01 ~w. such as family, ,.. al ...tale. torts. C'imlna l, prObate. and corl>C,ate law . Student are also available. Tll&re a,e no 100. fa, th .. se services. For additional inlormation. can th.. Placement OHice at 1-800·285·3425. ej([. 3041. • LEGAL AESEARCH: Lega l research hefp. Experienced attorney, member ot Alabama STate Bar s ince 1977. Access to stal .. law libary. WESTLAW available. Prompt deadline searches. Sa,ah Kath,yn Farne ll, 112 Moo'e Buildi"9, Montgomery. Alabama 36104. I'hone (205) 277·7937. No """"sema' rion Is madtI rhal tire quality oIlhe legal servic6S 10 be performed /5 I1mal.. r


I"" quality of legal ser.-ic8s per-

formed by or"'" !a"?"'fS.

DOCUMENT EXAMINER : Certilled Forensic Document hamine,. Chief documem e.aminer. Alabama Depart· ment 01 Fo,ensic Sc iences. retired. B.S" M,S. G,aduate. university·based ,esidoot school In document e. amination Pu~ished nationally and intemally. Eighteen years tr ial e.perlence, st atellederal cou,t. or Alabama. Fo rgery. alterations and document authenticity e.aminalions. Criminal and non-Qiminal matt8f5. American Academy of Fo,ensic Sciences . Amer ican Board 01 Forensic Document E~am;n· ers, American SOOety 01 Questioned Document Euminars. Lamar Mil ler, 3325 Loma Aoad , .2·316, P.O. Box 360999. Birmingham. Alabama 352360999. Phone (2051 988·4158. • EXPERT WITNESS: T'aHic e"9in_ . consultanlfexpert witness. Graduate. ,ag;sterall. prol8S$ior1ai enginee,. Fort)' yea's expedence. Highway and city ,oadway design, traHic controf devices. city zoning. W,ite 0' call 10' ,esume. rees. Jac~ W. Chambliss, 421 Be ll.. ·

Please note: The publication date of the bar directories has been changed from December 1993 to June 1994

hurst O'i .... Monlgomery. Alabama 36t1)9. Phone (205) 272-2353. • MEDICAL MALPAACTICE CO NSU L· TANT: 00naId J. Noose, M.D. C0mprehensive case analySiS 01 medical malpractice, pef$Onal injury and war!<· e,s' compensalion. Assist attOfneys In discovery. Medical expert witr0e6S8S provided/p(aparad. DamageJexpense anal· ysis. Medicaliegal research. Mediation conwllation. Medical risk management. medical fraud and abuse determination. Not a relerral sarvioa. I'hone (305) 8S61027. Fax (305}28M27t . MEDICAL EXPERT TESTIMONY: HCAI win evaluat .. )'OIJ' potential medI· caUdanlal malpractice cases lor me,~ and causation g,atis. " your case has no merit Of ceusatiQn II; POO', we will provide a Ifae written ,~. Slate aHidavils are available. Health Care Audi· to,s. Inc.. 2 Co rporate Drive. Clearwaler. Florida 34622. I'hone 813) 579-8054. Fax (815) 576-1333. • VIDEOS : Movie Tele vision ArtiSIS wants to help yoor Ilrm save ~me and money. As Alabama's lirst and bast legal prodUCTion facility. we p,epare settlement video s. depositions and othe, video presentations that win cases and ~" "p you, li,m moving ahead. For more inlo'matlon , please write to Movie Te~ision Arlists, 342t Cedar CreSI Circle. 6irmlflOham. Alabama :>5216. Phone (205) 940-1536. THE ALABAMA U.WYER

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