Lawyer 11 05 web

Page 1

November 2005

Vol 66, No 1

Having trouble • • commumcating with your commercial •

insurer? Call AIM: We're Attorneys Insurance Mutual

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Business Overhead Expense

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Term Life SitJC( 1971 ..'{ hllvr prcll'ii/ed urviu /0 tlrr AlabllnJII Stille Ba r thrOl/gh mtmbuship IItflflit oD,rillp of q,,,,/ily j""'rI"'U pltWi milored ro mut rill" IIUti, of m{mllt.s.

SALES DIRfcr 1路888路15[路1959

A1abl L a Bar Institute for Continuing Legal Education Advancing the legaJ Profession thruugh Education and Service "As lawyers. we arc often charged with providingscrvice 10 our clients during their time of greatest need. To provide the service 10 which our clients are entided, we must dedicate oU!Klves 10 a lifetime of scudy and preparation. ABICLE provides the education and training



ready 10 RI~t chal challenge."

Jim Roberts Tumer, Webb & Roberts, P.e.

a a a aw er Vol. iii. No. J

ON THE COVER Hor/Oll Mill 8ridge HOtI"" Mill llridgt iii Iora'N just off Highway 75 in IIIounl Counly. Alabam... Built in (9)5. this iD """ 01 tht higll6t m.rr.d bridges in ,......'ion, " .Ad"" 11 70 feoIobov. tht iliad W",i<l< RMr. It iii abo """ 01 th .... which ,,~( o1st in III""", County, Abba"..路, 'c-r.d JIridBr Capital" ood homt oil"" c-r.d Bnd(Io FtotivaI tach J'I'lL

!'how by

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By Co:k". W. S;lbd



The Face of Title lX: Post"Jacksotl y, Birmitlgltam


Board of Ed,4catiotl


lit km.Mlh L Thomas and



Ronudoruh M. $;Ilaam


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Appellate Mediation: Comments from the Mediation Office on Confident iality and Sanctions


Detach, Relax, Participate: Taking Care of Yourself Is Critical


By 'unne Mo,it ltslie


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What Non-Immigration Lawyers Should Know About Immigration Law By Am)' I:.. M)'ft1

oU.o.iItltIA STAn .... Cf.NTU f(If;

nol'U$IONAJ. U5POI6II 'UTf .JSTAFF . -"-1 __ ...-~~





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Table of Contents 禄 rom;,,",d on pIIgr 410

Table of Contents » fro",

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After the Battle Over Arbitration: An Analysis of Post-Enforceability Issues Confronting Lawyers and Litigants in Actual Arbi tration Proceedings 8y


D. G. illtS ond

And,rw P. w..l<h



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President's Page




Bar Briefs


Legislative Wrap-Up

No loking Ma/lu (for Ollce)


Execu tive Director's Report

Fedemlly-Malldl1leil Stille LegiS/l1Iioli

Hlf"iame Kalri1Ul multhe Pmctiu of Law


Important Notices


Ullited SIllies DistriCl o,urt. NOr/hern Dislria of Alabama: RrappoitJImml of Harwell G. Davis. !II

/.nw Firm May Not "Choose" Between o"if/ictillg Preselll Qiems I1Ild Willldmw from Represeutation So As /Q RLlcgale Olle Prf:$ellt CIi~'11 To •FornI.". Client" Sia/us ill Order to Take AilwlIllIIgt of 1£ss Strillgetll Colif/ia Rilles

Uniled Siaies DUlria o,llrt. Northem Dislrra of Alabama: Rrappoimmem of 101m E. 011 jm/iein/ Award of Merit 422

Opinions of the General Counsel


About Members, Among Firms

Young Lawyers' Section


Disciplinary Notices

YOII, Impire YOIf Ilud Invite You"







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United All Over Our I and E~ you

live in .6Jabama, you can find a LardAmerica representa1PJe neartJ.;-. We are 'Nhere you need us, when you need us. As your source for real estate transaction services, including title insurance, our repre;entaWes are kno.r.iedgeable, professional and respond WIth foresight and inncNation to ~ changing needs. W11ethef your next transaction is complex or simple, call us to ~e the l.af1d..6merica difference.

a LandAmerica

Commonweai1h laod Title Insurar1c:t CompiIIly ~ mit ln$uI;once (Oi1XJration Tlil/Miltion Tilll' lrnIKaru Company'd4nericiI Fnanciai ~ oc· 2200 'Mxxlaest Place, 5Ute 330, Bi'Tm'jml, PL 35209 1'IIlre: (!nJ) 831~7 • FiPC (lO5) 868-1011 • lWffl.landa'Tl.COO1 Mict"0eI E. ROle •If(!' f'res.O:om. Alea M.nagerK0J'lSE'I. ~.COO1


Fostl!f GocdMn ' f>I:p'q Re!xesmtatiw.~.o::m CIirl W. Cain • Senior' .~.COO1 Rem:ca E. Manasco •/lg5'q ReJn5ema~ . ruooI:@I<n:j.}'l1.crrn

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President's Page

No Joking Matter (For Once) om. peopkap«l ii , So. J'd lOkto


M hU/1\(lfOUf-<dI • joh or . , k .... drmooutra'e ..,m< wit. llutl ClfI'L 1t',loIiU too freoh-op«wly with

HUI1'Ko .... R,u Mums down,' and

lOOdnw kJ>(lWJ wllat to follow. " No job$. ..., fOod ...w., advise pmpI<

th.llhuc;ly h.. bcm ....1~ lit...

bcm rompktdy dW~" 'l'I>ou W<r< tn.: wor<b 01 Ntw 0001\1 Deputy I'oIa OIitf 1'1....... RiIcy on Mondq . Iter Hurricane

Kalrma .r.HI<ltm this country'> Gulf


OM of our "'Iion', c""" «>mpln<"ly dt$IrO}'O'd. v.'f'", Ift'1> it HI ,he n'I/1YiQ ....., and oon apin. bu, Ihis is tho fin! u.... illw "" ",lilly hapt>tntd. Indudi", the ....., flK$ or..- the .urn of Iht unlu'1;n 01""", and San Francisco. i ..ciud,,,,~...., 9- 11. OM of 1M country'. moot ""ried, """, btkwfd cil~"". W. will rdluild. I'm .ur~."I'ht I..., few days Dr news, bdO« this •• tid ....... 1 10 press in mid-Stp,embu, ha,.. btm ~ry.n<Ou,· apnS. For right nOW, though. N"", Orkms is 1'10 mot(. Tlul is fur "'r<. Thllllun, about ilthat way lid!" mr put it in p<np«liw. S«u!& aU tht im>#s on 'M ,..... u.ion day .Ii.. day JOI1 of numbo J'OU 101M rnl'ly of Iht ~ •. lion. But thlnkin! about city ,hal >0 ......,. of u.s kwnI, tho . ... many of '" Iu"" ';'1,«1 •• nd d.... lhinlung about it "cumpLrtt/)' <Ir$Ir'Oj't<I; hdps It.< gim ,...l.ity <>flh;' di...,rr ,rally Itnlt in on mt. IV. .UIu"" OUr 00,"0 pfnO...u "0..... • nd .... nlOtitoJ of New OOOn$. Sandy ond I 'I"'n' our IIone~moo" (.111.1 most or our


life $Ovmp) ..... and drinking thrtt (s-ty handkd w .... u'l>. Our son Iaoob_ to bt a junior (....jorin& in thr Houor 0(111...,1 01 Th ....... his &II. (Hi. ... ffmng .hroush thr ~ in .. od>ool ill London. 1M one in England. I bopt I pi '08" '0 EngIoOO lORlN.1y. ) 1Id"o", AJ.ban .. ",In in'o,~ I hh Cin:ui.,l wa$ l"cI:y (0.-. pytn my""'omary mult. unlucky) moujlh fn>U oral argu"",nts brfon: 'M FiAh Ci",ul! .heft.


For thr people who IMd ond ~ mm,.!hour;II.thr ~is ~. lhq'W 10M n'U.IdI_ !han ,,"',"" i<a. And. 01 COu ..... 1M ....1..OC"hOd was cut wril btyooo 1M Ci'y 01 New On...... Mil.>isI.Ippi·, Gulf ~ is .."Lrdyw,pr<!out. O$.....u. I-k", •• hom< io Al.alwna. in Mobil< and &Ions Out

own Gulf Co;u. "mlttli"8 from 1M df..:.t of Ivan, .he•• is mo •• d.rn$t>lion. W~y '00 nI'ny I,..... haw btt-n lost.' And ror thoost wllo ar. ,,;U b",.,h,nl!, nlOSt haw Iostewrylhmg they kllew of lifHhcir}obs. tMir homts-fOr many-1htir fanilly aOO frimd!,. S<:> IIlMlY hu~ IMs aOO $125 hilIion worth 01


Th'nk for • "","",nl whl! it means to Iosr you, home. It .. "'" jw.t tt.. roof and It.. fu.M,,",. f.unily phoIoL You.

mild', hosh Khool diploma. Your p<U.

The laugh,.,. WIIiIlt<I the hall<. AU .Ior

memories. Your "'.~ ~k. Th .......... oboot it that way I>dpo me u!ldersl.nd 1M foI ... ro dnpmt.e '0 ding 10 rome /iImlblon« of ,he lif. thq k".... Ot-$p"e ,he urging uf authorilies, thq SI~y in thl! cily. in .he.. honJt:-<lillging'o

",m«hing. anything. ""king thri' Ii ..... .nd their .. foty-bo:ause it is just too much to camp ... h.nd that ~hi"g they kit .... ~hing they li...,,[ f{lr. is gone, We ore only ""w beginning t{l .... li,., lhe"ue de.,,,.ti{ln this .1<>rm h.. cau~. It {lbv'Qu.<ly hun ",me more th.n oth .... bUI it< dev..wion 'I"'nnM race and cl ....... SI.d:, White, Hi.panic, rich, . nd poor, It destl'Oj'M h{lmes.nd Ii ..... and put nearly an entiTe city under· w>1<r. It d"'n>yed lhe "">Horny in N... Orl.. " , and . I{lng lhe Gulf C<w1. P.n of Ih.>t CC()oo"'y, <>f COY ...., included ~ kpI p",f""ion. The New York Ti", ... TepQnnl lhot moTe th.n • third {If all the laW)'l"l'S in Lc>ui, "to.llnrir {lffices." The Chimgo Trib", .. estim.t«l th., half of 'he ".,e', I. '"!"'rs were displac«l.' M.ny Mis$i ... ippi b,"!",rs suff..«1 tht f. ,e, And, it', "'{Ire th.n jU<1 noodM {lfficts, "",11M files .nd friod <{lmPUlers. s.:. m.ny Loui,i.n • • nd Mi ... i.. ippi I.wyers have 1{I<t wh., all hold .. cred, clients. lust i"""sine. \'I"dli.rn Riuenbcrg. a New Orle.n. la"'l"'r. h ad ,upp<>rt«l hi, practice by repre5tming the New Orl.. n. ",,,hers' union. Now, Ihe .. i. no New Orlean •. There ... no ",hoots, Th",•• r< no leachers, '" the .. i. no union. n{l dient . nd no practice.' l'<>r n-ny law office Ooodtd.l<>$t 'If dest"'f"d, think II<>w m.ny dim!> I .. • ffe<:1ed. Whol. case files destroyed, crucial ""i~ 1<>$1. Ii"", <OIlrts were not 'I"'r«l. Rccurds from st.te .nd fedora! """rts have b«n damagcl {I' 1<>$,. The o.ialgo Tribu".. repmlS thaI the storm', alkrm.1th threal, ens 10 "di,rupl ases ranging from .n .... ul1 clurg< .gainst Michael lackson to ~ hundred$ <>f sui" fiI«I ogainst Merck and Co. for it< ""inkill.. Vioxx."' The ..... of the kg..! system rn<»l ....... Iy impact«l mayhe lhe «imin.1 juslice .ren • . There ... prisons .nd, all .Iong Ih. Gulf Coasl, .nd in,ide those pri",ns.. Iht" wcr~ pri;{l",,,,. Wher~ .... they now! Wh.t happen. 10 them oow! We're full in Alabam •. And Whal .boullhrut who mighl 001 he criminals "' all! Lot.< of people ,;1 in jail htfo .. they .re ~ conviclnl <>f .ny

crime. "or tne 8,000 prison"" tran,rc-.. red frorn floodtd prisons.. .boul 4.500 have no! h.d charges mnl ag.iM' Ih.m. {I' Ihey haw • trial or . n opp<"al pending," The Constilulion, {If C{lUJ$C, guarantee. all <>f these peopIt. righll{la <p«<Iy trio!. bu, how does our Conslitulion hold up when th ... a .. no <oum., 00 judges! They . ll righllo counsel, hUI whal good d<>ts lhal right <I<> when th . .. ore 1\0 I.wyers! The .n,wer, at I.." fa, the tim. beinl\o is that il doesn'l do those folks much good .t all. Men and women {If the Alabama State liar, th., is ,",'here we come in. ""'rin. is the worsl natural disaster in our history. lIu,. at th .... me t'me. perh.p5 it is the [l.rtatrst call t{l .. rviet {1m n.,i"" h.. .... n .ine. World ....'.. ll. Our profe!.sion i> one of .. rvice. Thi. is {1m call. And. '" far, wc've ...ponded. And il'l in.piring-wh .. We in are d{ling for Ih"", wh{l happen«110

choose to U" their lives >omcwhrre. hUrTica ... came ..nOTe. Maybe it look {1m government too long to respond, but . ince "'hen d{l American< w,il on goy. e",mem 10 gfllhings <l<>n01 M.ny {If you "...,y know T.... Middleton, • la"'l"'r in Tuocal()();S;1, Sh •. lik. '" many olher Alabarn.t lawyers. didn'l ... it on FEMA. >he went inlo acli"" the day afier ,h. hurric'ne, helping'" up. ,helter for displ.«<I .iti..,n. O1lhe UniversilY Rtcr,,'ion Cent.r. She'. helping callecl food. clothing .nd h{lm. furnishing_nd she'. helping folk> r",d job....." Inot Ihey (On get ,heir lif. b ack on track. She .., On ... mplc ror the govern· ment, And • ..., did rn.tny (llh.r i."'l"''' Ihroughout Th. M{lbile BOT AssOO.'ion, for .""mpl •. i. warking Ihrough its V{lIUnlttr LaW)"1'$ Progntm, .nd ind~ndenlly of iI, to pr{l.ide bo,h legol .. rvices .nd m«liotion "' ..... ices 10 """in.'. victim .. Th. Colholl .. Counly



Cumberland's December Seminars Employment Law Update: December 2

Hal Topics. Binningham: Deeember 8 Hot Topics, Mobile: Deeember 8

Gain Ute Edger HegGtlalion Strategies for In'Je~ lutunnt Martin uu: Deeember 16 12th o\nnual Clf 8)' The Hour: December 29-30


1·800·888·7454 . (205) 726·2391

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President's Page B<I. A..... iI.;O' is omdi", Lowyns into I

....... "IJ'Od up with ,... ViP opccilically 10

"""...... II Ft. Mead..nd to provKk f= !<pi ~ Tb(Tu~ CollDly Bar A»od • •ion '. hIm"" out in gmt

Jl"O"'idt disaiur-m.,M 1tpI......u.. And.

numbns to proviM ..,viet< to viclims in

of P• ...q.l•• which a]",odr Iw providtd wondtrful hu"'.n~ ..iln .....,."'" to

I dinic lunospk.u. S.udm •• from .h. Uni"" ..i'y <>f Al.!»rna SdI",,1 "r Law ... helpin.. Ot~r lQcaI h."" ",.pondrd .;rn'I.. ly. Tho Young IAwyers'Seelion oltll. Ab/:wn;o Stm liar unfo.luna,dy" trK1NI in 1'fO"id"" 1<pI..,..,.m 10 diI:au.. viclilm.O" i,tyCrow and Brent lrby ...


~ an

dbt 10 dD rha."""&"irL up

Son ices Alabama (LS.\). u..xr Ihr.......all bXnh" of MdiIM Pcnhinc and tho dioal.. mponK Ioadmhip of lim...,. ~ and Carl, M bfgun • t=nmdous dlOrt 10 m«I 1rpI ....... !hal will "" 01l1l0in8 to. yrars. MdisY is coordinating the tfforu of LSA witll those of the".,. Sw. 1101'"

VoIu"''''' Lawyers

Frog"'" Icd by Undo Lund. M;rny of ,""u

many 'lIOn: of J'OU ntftI to do>_ ......... <tI.:aI»r.....,. n.. Alabama AuoN. ion

lower Ala!»",>, Iw voIun ....rtd to J>TOVid< pa~ M"Nlc<5 in COdjulI<'ion with lSA and thcVLP. r"" ~nlly In onick id .he ....hhy wiD lint- ,~ Lowyn> '" roI· I«! th< .. iluur.onu. bul uLN. "Wha. .bout1'" poo.r' And, I,.n lurn,aW;,.,... who is JOin. 10 hdp 1M poor roIltct I h thou$and cIoIbrs &:>, Ih< car Lrit ""hlfld! If <hildrm ntnI mtdir>lln<tl-

,h>, ..

.ion. bul thti'

p;lrmlJ ....... loot Social Security ants. birtb crnif,.,..os and othtr infornulion ~ f...- Mtdicaid. who i$ljOins 10 Mlp Ihnn11 know tht kind. giving Ind compa .. ion". 'piril of Alab.malawy<n. So, in Ihi. ""'. I'", no doub1. Iv;. ~~.

Order Indexes any way you .... want them.

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. . ~ III boll _ . . , .

In .doIi1inn 10 p"",idi", fret lopI ......ices on an on.,in, twi$, AW>amo uwyns ho", voIllnl(ttt<i olf""..-" m.di.pIKed u~ .. from Lou;' .."" .nd 1>h.. i.. ippL '" of mid-5<p1nnl><r, <>=" 70 firms .nd I.~ .. had r<" with Ih. ASB for ,hi, pUrp<»<'. Num.rou. Abba",. IIwy<n h.v" living .p,ace for displ.ud. FimlS .nd lawyns ho", contribu.od food ..... , ..... clothi.... nd o.htr .uppl.... ll<uJey.A.ll .... Crow, M<lhvin, !'on;''' Mila., lor onmpio, has ul'idoruknl the pro;.c. of povOOins. snIicit· inS: coOKl"", ~o ...... in iu ward>ous<. and distribulillllY nun...,. nl..,ppIles 10 rYKuoa miding in Mnnlgomtry., _nih, V.ou. OuW<kr!le B.....'n in Mnbik has adnt>tnl.wo citin. &you U lIIu., AWwno and Wlvtbnd. Mi»issippi •• nd h........ and is .. ndinl\. truck~. or food and ,uppli .. '0 .h...




And. AJ.b,oma uwyns h>,.., ronlnbutnl Mloney,'M univonal sin .... iflCa". Al.looush il nuyfed 1><1... (and. in ""'"" iIutOIl<4 I>< 1><1....) In eM or I'ood or dnlhing. ~. admi. il. ;. ..-., wna· .iLI. Wilh univ<rAl pi cntifica.... """ nm:I nnt peso at whal victinu nccd. And, many of n'" bis 6"", Iuw rom< up bis. l.ft B~ey and Ooup. Annl (wt.o will bt ind~ 100II l..1n Abhama", uwyn HIU of FI"") wnuId ho", bttn proud of tho firMl .hey hdpcd build. May""rd. Cooper!le Gale (l "Gol."jus. boo .... h.', I p.U) also hu bcon 8<'ncroul-<lnd so. IQO., Sim i. & Pt,mull •• nd Kur. & Fnrn",n. and IIIkcr 00.,.00 .... nd Iland Arendall . and Bakh lie Binsham. and iJ&h.fOOI, Fnonklin Sr W1I;I~ (WIllI." also a p.>Il and Dlhm of whom l.m u........ '" (and whn will boj ...... tifiob/y upI<!. nby. p__ Old. thol I faiI<d In ...... linIllhtn>). Mcdium· In ......·oizrd firms bnoc ~ Iikt IarJc firmL Arnold has giv<n a ton. Sn " - Bauky AlIcn, and Cunninsham IInw>do and Waltao. Jordan and DlI>cn.. Tho is lno< oflou of


JmaII fimv; w IQIo Uwyon. Birmingham ~ for (UJ1lpie. h"'" mnlnbulM • .ruddoad throup> 'M Kirnlinsham Bar

Aosocio.i<>fl, ~lany, many la~ Iu~ givm mono than thor WI affOrd YQu know wh>l.lhough? I'm ,101 .urprNd. Th .... the way Abbama I.,.,..,.,. . no, And. pkas< this ck-.rly: ...-.ry gift mal · Ien-no matler.1It siu. In oddition to the <bIL>rs. if••1It aring .n.. rounts. So. if you to gr..,. ronlnbutions WI bt ,nod<through the AI.ooma .... w Founda.ion or the Alobanl' Qvil h.. '~ Foundolion. or



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....... _ ............ ,<10 '-10.0<1: our t. - . _ dono, rlO ._

in any OIheT "''''''YOU d>ooose. " In dooing (m<rcifully. I'm 'urc you're ,hinking), Katrina i. 3 trag«1y 10 be 'Urt. but i. givn us an unpr««kn'ed opponu · ni,y '0 $<TV< Q,!tn1ond 10 ftd good about ouIYlves and our profCSllion. If you ha~ not yet been .ble 10 offer http-legal hdp-of <0"", ]Gm!. I cl you to do <0. If



alrtarly do"" .<Omrthlng. I thank

you. and l/Uk yo~ /0 "0 _ . "miN may h.~ de$troyed N<"W Ort.. .... . nd-I'm spe<UIa'ing-Ril> probably Iu$ wmdrd ""'" mQl"< dcva$".. ion. hu,likt .nr disMl<r Ot any .,1<1<1<., th"" hurrian .. could 1IOI•• nd did Il0l, dOSlroy the 'f'i';ttiut h.. helped our country cndnl"< and th"",. Wi,h ....-cryone·. htlp. w~ an-and wiIHurvivt :and r<build. •



n....-rdo _ <0 . . . . S-"" 12. 21mIUricont fIiII "'" ~.-..; ~ ~ _, ..... _ _ oI ~ , _~

1 """"'dWI. Nrw ~ ', _ ' Cl-IN """, s.,.. S. 2Ws. _ _ _ .......""....." ~-.......,


KMIiIu_ ... <OUIdt. _ _ .........


C8C.<t.s.p,, 8.2Ws._"




T1,e most difficult problems require the

_ _ CWno","-_ ~

., $ I~ Sop!. 9, 2Ws. ~""',..,


5. """' AppIobonIoIII'Id..laoo1M'l D G.... , A' . ~ .. _ _ \'orI. T_, s.,..1. ~

l 0II01t> ~ c.o~!it Ooor ifl lhJ MdII 01 , 0Wmt'. Cl!ago lm...o, s.,..l1tlO5. 1 '"I

•• , __ """'. I _~~


....... _1IJio! foI tooeol ''''_0,,'' _ 1)Iooro _'......, OIl do io ..... _, _b~"18.

1.s.r... ___ S.


Executive Director's Report

By ki,h 8. NOmuln

Hurricane Katrina and The Practice of Law n' Bobby StpW. mns.>g. in

,his u.u.llllhl;p.u 1M OYnWhdmin& gmr.... i'y with wild> "'" kpI profn..

Uwym COo I>«ornoo liomued .nd pnaic< in Olhtt ,u'ildlClionf. Kol ......·.1<"Tri)Ir impKIhu modo< " plain lhollhe licmsmg


mjui....-s impolll«l by.-. juriodic,

...... j ...


i::I,,,,,,,', dI!aStrr

I'C$p.IfIdt<llo ,.~ .. will II< ...

.i,"'m. J...... ,';,tom ...


",.n •• ~ from

M""'''rr' Ind [-"",, "h" h".., I>ren

d"r1.ceJ h~' t;..unl\.i"§w,.,h of ~

.i,,,, for "'''n,h, 10 comt. H.r,.imp.1d'will t,. loll , .. ,


Ik<.u<d':'."ro".\ ,1,·,'"",;00 ...... .., COnll'l<I~, Ih¢r< il \ i,'ullk nolhing !efi {or ",.ow ofh.. ,-i"u", illdudinS b~1"I. N", ""Iy .... ~J.w off",..

~~"d r........ obh,cww. but 1M. b.IlIIiI,.i hlMlY l.wyn-s and 6 ..... h.,.., bnoim.jrt/y ""pload. Early <Oli . mo'n ww>, .....' 75 pnurll of 1lw.900 Iawym' offi«o WI«l in the Ihrtt M ...... ppi rounrits on the Gulf eo... wm: d.&m.g,td 0, dcslroynl. In !.uui,i.n.," r.-••, b.OOO Iawron .... ,• .1;11'1.<.<"<1 . .\I."Y of.", .ffl'<'..d to".,.. .. M'"i"'ppi and




h.,-. r<h'~. in ,h. 'ul'

"'unJ",~ "''''. ",eluding Our'. Mlri,,'.... ;".1 ..... .1 ,1<"", ''''I!<' did ""'''' in .<"'H,,,,I h"u" 1<> ,dv.o" 1he ,,,,,.

<q'l of mulli ·"",..J><1ion.a! proctJ« (MjPl l!wn lhe "",..,.if.n 11..0. iUM><;i:nion .:GUld luvt ........ hoped ." =-umplioh in ~ dt<-..Jt, A tn>JOI'lly 0( ""~ ... ~ a>UfU ~ ... t<ml ruin', moulykmp<>_ _ _ nryonel,lO wo"'" un.ulhori",d practict (UPl) ronoio.IcralM'ln> 00 ,lui dispI<ad ~ "..,. hAndk 1tgoI ....,1= 10 lhe bwynt' home: su.. from OIhn juriodi<:. IKNlI.. Tho chid';uua 0( tht Grorp.. Su~ Coun huuktd Ihtchitfjus. Ii«$ of Alobo .... , Mwwippi ond I.ou;$",,,,, 10 ron,iokr adopting ""';procity ruI., lil<c (',rorg>&""' .h., dapl>eed

lIOnf. ;nduo.I"" 011<

ow\\,....,. no Ionzn

he odoqual~ Iior • modtm, moI>iI< sacirty,

.bpmmcm Inoym: "'nh unbltmi>hed r..:onh an: Iiorrdowd by lie....i'"· 110m from a;tobIishinJ pra<li«$ in olhn juriodoclN)n1 btawc of tht dtlay of tak_ ing "lOIhtr bar =onino,",n. I'<io. 10 K:uri"a,", &gall "Pl"'inled. 100k fOre. (h.ired by Cltn non , 'hrtall of Sirmmgh.", 10 SI...Jy u.u.. of m:iprocily. I<>.IM...',

raul" h.vt

n.we Ihe '''''~ or Ihis luk

foscr vtty limdy .od ''''l'''fUnL In light of ""Inn., "'""d<o' ~II b.. uIg«! .1>< I"~ flO". In ""m",...". II> ",,,,,okr.,ion. and nwe. upon 10 II>< ASS B. ... ,d <11 R.I. (:"",mi»i""." as ooon as po .. ibl<.

lhn< .,., ~ktlr '<1 I>< lh~ ,,",ho will ''11'''' th.&1 wt !hou!.l,101 dun!:, Qur ruin .1«1'''' lh. lacl Ih" me,,.. thall .>0 jurudic. li"o' h."" rt<iprocil~', ",mily or .tdonissi<>n on nl"li",~' ,... K.lIrin. h., . il'id!r .hown,

howt"<f, I.w~·.'" .... unh

'>n' Jisa<!tr

'''''Y from J"'in~ ",'orv1hi~g. ",duding lheir .bullY 10 r~"'-';c.. uw



..-. ...






Important Notices United States District Court, Northern District of Alabama In die Mfalf of the Relppoi_'" of Hlrwell G. Dam. lit III Unilecl SlaIft MagiItJlIe Judt& Th~ (u'",'" lcnn of lh~ om"" of Unit«l Suu" M.gim ... 1ud80 H ..w.U G. •. 111 .1 th,nt.ville, AM,.",. i. due to expire M.r<h 18.2006.1'11. U. S. District Co urt i. WJuiwl by law to ..,obli>h • 1,.".1 of CiliuM 10 consiJ.. Ih. ,uPI>oinlmcm of tho ",ogi.,,.,,< judgt 10

• ntw .ighl·~.r TIl. JUlin 0/"



judg< po<irjan ",dud. 1M fi>I1owlng: C.ond""ing mQst preliminary pro««!ings in criminal <a<es., ,uch as ini, ..l appuran<ts. bond and d"tn'io" hoo,_ ;"1" .00 &rraignmmll'; 1M 'rial .nd di>posilion of m..o.n .. aoor CutS; " ..WlKllng various prdrw .....'Im .nd nidrn.Wr p~ing> on ..funKr from tho j"'-'!n <>f.M dis1r1ct

ro,,", ,ncludlng c i>'d duawny and ow, n<m .di$pO>itrft ""'1001'1$; conducting preliminary """...... nd malung .ceom",...d.lIO"" rrgard,ns Ihr of pruontT civil rigbu romria,nu and ~... corptU ~iliom; Ind tri.IJ Ind di>pOOilion o( civil cues upon con.. nl of Ihe ilt""nt" CotnJ1'l<nu (rom m<mbers of Ihe bar and Ih. public arc ,nv,tro .\ '0 whttber ,be incum· bent magi"rol< judg< should be recomm<nde<i by tM p""el (Of reappolnlm",,, by the cou" and .hould be dirC('cd '0; "'rry 11 Math, .. a ..k U. S. [)imiCl Court Northern [)i>tric, of Alabama Room I~O. 1729 5,h A~nue North Birmingham. AlaI,.,,,. 35203 Comn .. nu "'~" bt """wd by D«<moo 31". 2005.


United States District Court. Northern District of Alabama In tM Man .. 01 .... Ruppoi_m 01 Jo~~ E. on u Unit" SIMH ....istral. Judtl The cun'tn' ttlm of tho: offi« of Unilro SIO'" Magl>lrote l!>dg< 101m E. Otl "

lIinningham. Alabama .. due 10 ""p"" AprilS. 2006. The Un"ro SU,<>I);"'Iri<! Court;'" r<,<!uirN by law llb1i!h • pantl of citlun. to con<MI .. Ihe ""'ppomlmtn, of 'he masi>. lro'. judge 10. ntW<lghl ·~orl .. m. Thr ,JUliN of ~ magl!l"''' JudI;' f'C'i,jo" ,odud. " .. /ollo"''''g: Conduc'ing "1(,>1 prel;m;nory ["""ttdin!!, in ,,,,,nina1 ca ...... uch .. inilial arp;:... nce •. bond and det<ntion h •••. ing<. ond ..... ignm.nts: Ih. Iri.l.nd d"posilion of m, c"""" conduc,ing var ious p... mate .., a nd evidenti. ry proceedings on ref.rence from Ih. j""g.. o( Ilt< di.lrici court. ,ndud,ng civd d"",v<ry .nd oth .. I1On· di>po>t" .... mo,ion$; conducting prdiminory ,....;.,..... and making r«omtntndolio .... regarding the di>pooihon of pr;sontr eM! rish" compbinl>.nd b>bcos corpus po:tilions; .nd IriaI."., di'po>t1ion of civil cues upon COII_

'0 ..



of the ["ipIlU.

Com ....... " from ~rS ollhc ~ and Ihc publ;., .re ;nviw.! ... ". wheth .. IM incumbenl ""'sima l< iud~ ,"""uk! be rc<ommcndcd by the p"n<1 for ""'proon,mmt by Ihc court and should be dir«lC"d 10: Perry I). M.this, Cl<rk U. S. Oillri<1 Court

North .. n DistrICt of AI.ob>rno Room 140. 1729 51h Avenue North Bi'mingham. Al.bama 3S21l3 Co",m~n .. m~" bt rraiwd by o.c.mbe. 31.,. 2005. 418

NOV B MI!l 100'

(QmliliuM 0"

puge 420)




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, " , ~- , -

Important Notices

Qml;nurd fmm fJt'f'418

Judicial Award of Merit The II<>ard of Bar Comm ission.", of the Al.b>ma S"1< S .. will "",iv. nomin.,ion, for the , ,.,. bar',ludicW Award of Meri, through Mar<h 15th. 2006. Nomination •• hould be prep ..ed and mailed to, Mjth B. Nonnan, S«r<1.ry Soard of Bar Conunis.sion.n

AI.I>.1ma S'.'e Bar P.O. Rox611 Montgomery, Ai. 3610]·0671 Thelndici.1 Awud of Meri, wu establi>h«l in 1987. Th. award i. not n<Cas.>riIy on to ,judge who i. not r<1ir«t w~h" stOlt or ftdMaJ annual a""'rd . It muSt bc ron't, ,,;>1 or 01'1'<11.,., who i. d<t<rmin«;l to h.~ con"ibu,e<I .ignifi<Olllly to the admini." .. iQn of ju";",, in Al.bama. The recipitnl i. p~nttd with. crystal g. ",,1 b..ring 'hr .\ale bar ",.1 and the Y"OT of p~nlation _ Nomina';ons ... con.ide.....:! by. thrtt-rnemb..- romm ;n u appoin!<d by 'he president of tbc ,t.l. b"" which 'hen makes a .«ommendation 10 the bo.ard ofb .. commi~ion." with resptct to a ""mince Or .. heth.r the . ward .hould be pr=nt<'d in any gi""n yur. Nomination. !hould include a detail<'d biographio;a.l profil. of the nominee and 3 no,,"ti"" outlining Ih. s.ignificant rontribution(,) Ih. nominee h .. mad. to th. administration of iU$ti«. Nomin.tion. may be .upport<'d with 1.11..... of .ndor$<m.nt. •


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Young Lawyers'


By Chri<ly Crow

"Bore You, Inspire You and Invite You"

Jinks, Daniel & Crow PC

Un,,," Spring.

I is with g""1 amicipation that I.m taking OVtr .s the pr.,ident of the Young uwy..-rs' SKtion tbl. yt'at a nd with gre.t d".d tll.11 start my first artide as plnid.nt. Aft« reading Bobby Scplrs 'Mid. in the lasl i.. u<, I (",I W(><' -


fully ;IUlcleqlLlle.Old know that n,,!hing I write will boo as entertaining ... what you 'tad on th."Prnidtnt', PaS"" So ..• I'm 1101 ~n going to 11')' to ntlrruin you but, im~.d, wilt bore you w;lh 'l>li'l;a and information while, [hope, in'pire

you nondh.l<'$$ 10 1>0<0",. more involvM with th. YLS. The YlS is the larg..' SKli<ln of ,h. AI.lnma State IkIt with ("'" 3,600 mtm·

hers (.nd alm.,., 400 new .dmiu<a joining this f<.JI-Cong"'1ULo,ions. New Admin ...!). Th. YLS isdnign..! to bt. large pan of the ...... ice or", of tho bar. I g=s< the \huugtu is 1hat young lawy<rs hi,.. more energy and willingn ... to oem: th.n ..,"'. of our old .. countocpon;. Whil, I don't know i(that is .Iways true. during "'rkOUTO 0$ pr.. Od,m, 1 want to make 'Ute <:VffY young Lowytr in the ,tat, h.. an opponuni!y to btromt . etm, in 'he YLS and to ,,,Iunto.. on 0'" 0, mort of Our sutx:ommiu<es. To thol .nd, by now, <:VffY young Lowyer ,"""uld h.~ ,..,.ivod 0 br<><h u" ,hal de><ribeo our vario .... co",lIninm wilh information on how you can btro"", more involved. In CoOS< you didn't get th. brochurt (or threw it owoybul now really f,.1 co"'peUod to get involvd). her. is 0 brid" d,,,ription of th. co",,,,iu~ along with lh, ""mix... o r th. YLS Ex«uti .... Commi" ... WhO ' TO h.ading ,ho", up: Sand.. tin C l E-H<lp o'llani.., .nd h<><"h. annual CLE scmin.. in Sandes'in. 422


Chajr. Turk.. y"" ... Mobik c,,-Ch.jr: Cm;g Martin. Mbbjk Iron Sowl CLE-Help O'1l"ni.. and ho" th •• nnuaJ ClE .. minar lhat IOks 1'1 ••• on tho Friday prior '0 ,h. Auburn/Aloha",. go"'" Chair. Ii", Ttrrdl. Bi,mi"gham c"·Ch,,jr. Mkh"ri a'nlnI". Birmi"gh"m Admission, c.,,..,,,,ony- HoIV organi.., on. of tho n'IO$t imponan' ~.n\. in any 'lOW I.wyt,',lif• . Chajr: Gto~ Mbnlgom"y c,,·Chair: Va/me R......U. T~ Dh·.,.,ity in tho Low (including Minority Pr.-Law COnf... ,,"o}--lnc ..... di .... rsity in th. law ond OI,cou'"g' youth around Ih. " .. 0 in 1'801 .... I>lod prof",.




Chair: Kimbmy Ward, MOnJgonl"y c,,-Choir: /lob &"k. BirnlO"gh"", FEMA-Provid. repr...,,!.!ion Or .dvk. in lh. ~.nt . di_,.,. occurs in Alab.1TU, giving m<mlx ... an ... ""U.nt opponunity to dona!. lime!o ptapl. in ,h. com",unity wh<> ... in n~. Otair: B...,,, irhy, Birmjngham c".CJu,ir: Clwr/n f{,m,ing.

Birmingham ABA/Almia! .. - HelV organ· i"" young Lowytr SKtionl oCrOSS th. State_ a.,,;r. Cll>y lA"hom. Mobil. c,,·Cha;r: Anna Kalherj". &wmon.

Birmingham Wcl> . i t'/P ub~cilyl Publica li,>ns-Kt.p olh .. young I.wytrs and thc public .ware of oue aoivities . nd how th. YLS can bt of .. rvia:. Qair. Mm, S'.pl ...... Birmingham c,,·Cha;r: All' Bon4 HII"/<,,,Ik< planning-H.lp <I<1.rmin. til< futu .. ofth. YLS.

CAN Chair: Cllruty Cro,., Union Spring' Ct>-CJwirs: Roman Shaul, MontgrJ"'"", an,' B'Y"n CignJU, Mobik

Attorney Search

Community Senoia P'oj""' _", volunl"''' to provid< rommu· nilY"Niet. Chair: Bob Battl~, Bi.mingham Co·Chair: Bronn"n Buck, Bi.mingham Special I.w·.d ....! proj«ts lhal ntt<! funding and 1\<,11' find funding for lh.m. Chair: N"mlan S, ...kman,

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Co_Chnir: Shay lAwson, Tusml""'" law School R. I. , ions- lnlroduct lh. n.s.o .hird·~ar bw O1ude-nlS, Chui" And,,,,, Nix. Birmingham Ct>-Chalr: Sham; s.."oo"" C1a yt"" A Lawyer in Evtry CI.., room_ Organi.. volunl""r I.~" l<' go l<' «0001<. whm r~u .....! by lh. leach..... Chai" Mi,..h SJ,"h. Birmingham c,,·Chair: RDlHrI Bail<)" f/unl$vil/r

www.Americ9nLcgaI Se9rch.((Im

Bif",illg fllllll (105) 930-98' I NII/lol/wide (800) 910- 9118

Richard G. Brock, Esq.

Brannon Ford, [ St).








New yo.k

MIamI Los Angeles

The VLS officers this year are: Christy Crow, Union Sprinp, p~ide-n\ Rom.n Shaul, Montgomery, p'<$idrnt . ,Itc' Dryan C;g.,Is~, M",,~ ...... rttary Grotge P.. ~r, Montgom"Y"~..u~r Bnnnon I!ud. Binttingham, pas! p~idnl,

Support Search


im.=l..! in volun, • .,ing, conU", on. of 'he rommi"", chairs o. On< of the offic ... and wt'li ge' you htad«l in th. righ, dil'tc.ion, W•• ~ memb<rs of. nobk prof..,ion. Servic. 10 .ach o,he. and to lh. public i., and alw.ys .hould bo, our of ,h. hall· m., .. of our profession. Th.~.~ no..!o in our profession . nd in our cOm' muni,;...h .. wt, ... young la...,..,...... ~ uniqu.'y ,i.ualNlo m«1, bu. ofi.n wt .ith.r don't know how ,0 get involved Or limply don't la~ the ,im •. Thi. is your opportuni,y change lh31.~nd and.o ....... d ifferen«. This )'Cor, plO2K help mU.c ,h. V\.5 tho mO$! .cti.", .... 'ion of ,h. bu. no, ;"",1\<, largest. •

• Paralegals • Legal Secreta ries • Legal Assis tants www.AIl~xLega IS

8irlllillgilum (105) 337-/001 NUli"""';,i/! (800) 930-9118 Jas oll I'ee\'y. Esq.


j 3SO<I@;ap<.<legal'





MemphIS Now Vorl<


Los Angeles

APPELLATE MEDIATION: Comments from the Mediation Office on

Confi entiali and Sanctions In case you have not heard, ",,,...., SuP"'''''' Court and Coull orChil Apl',,.J. haw I new pros,."m.lh~ "~Il.t. M.Jialio" I'l'ogram. 11 has IIftn in dfcc\ ,inc. Janu.ry 2004; corutq""mly. we now Iu"" ......,. y... and I, won" of np<ri· tn«. This artid. wiU $h... S<>m<' "f thaI ""~. and di$cuso I~ conr.d..."i.aI o.<p«! of tht mc<iiation PI' .1\11 1M p"...;bilily of COIIrI.impostd .. nctions lOr f,au,.. to comply with lht Appellate Mediation Rules and willi ordns ofthr Mediation ~. "Tho otOCUOS r.~ lOr mediation prognom h.. b«n ~. OO1de...... " in ext. wun of II-.: tho .. S} !'(Yun. of ,,,,* cut< ~~ ." Ipptllat. mc<Iialion. AI; 01 SrpInnIltr 6. ZOOS.IM total numbnol cues dispoKd by mediation OO1llcmtnl"nee the btpnning of the I'f'OV1I" .. 143 in the JUpmnt roun and I J3 in tho 0I)Urt of civil IpptllL Appellate rTKdiation. if O<'<Iormi, is man.Urory: Sffil~ ",.."'.~. i. not Ap!'"u a.. ",r.rrW to mwi'tion on I eo",·by-cu< boJ.i,. In mo<t .ppuls fil«l wilh Ih. two (OurIJ, the .!1Qrnry$ aft a$k«l to flk. "". «ning form and I ",,,lid,nlia! Jlo' ...","' wil" lhe lMdiation o(f~. n.. "'lttnint form provides MCUUry do'"; the ronflden,iol &laIc· mcn, gives Ih. al1<>fneys' in,igh" on ,.h.c1her mC'dl.,ion mizht Ix pot. siblc in ,he {a><, l'ho conl'idm,iol .. is _ scrwd on """",""S wu-a; con""l"""t/y. th" " 'M fonn on ""'iclt '0 ..... pWnIy md rtKrYatioo if you think m<d.,,101I1w any hop< 01 succao and whether you wan, it. l'ho confidm,iaI'U!<men1 1$ ~ only by the JUtft' 01 the m<d"'ion oI'Il« md, if tfqunt<d. by .... mtdiato. if tM aUK is rtfn'mI,o m<d."ioon. No judtn ".. ,he """rlS Of th<1r Stall's _ the confidential ............. So, picai<', do not dlod the bw: indiattin& you think .... "... is -.""cop..."o- for mod"tioon ju.. to ,.in the f• ..,. of the """N. l'ho ctlUrt nevn JCa i,. Abo, pk... do mo •• 'han ju" d..d th.lxw:s indica,ing wheth •• you think Iht i.oppm",;',. for m<di .. ion 0' not. Gi .... 'he mcdialion 10m< ,..I ;nfo,,,,.,;on allo why you fed.he case me';11 medialion.






Th~ lTIC'di:olion ofli« rmn cue. 10 m<diation ~ on 1M Iyp< of caK and the commonls of counsel on 1M confia.emtTlI, bu. indicating on 1M con/i.cknual SUl(mtnlthal you do "'" think 11M: oppeal is appropria~ lOr m<dialion doa "'" m....n il will "'" bt referred. 8.u<d on I yur and. hair. ttpMt ....., tht provam admini.tral,," will ultima"ly okcidt wh<th<r 10 rd••• taR afie.! your COmmon". Whilo $Om. IlIor"'Y' have indicaled di._ pleuuf< with boing 10 medi.lion, "'ling in Iheir tvaI""';"n$ lhal Ihe rntdi:otion olfo« ".t.hould nol ordtr medi· ation if non< of I'" pania .... for II" and "I ...... not sendi ... cue. 10 rntd;"Iion unltso 1M part'" IgtH 10 mMi,o" .. il $hould M known thai ...... if Oil< party !db .nol.... lhal 1M: Of .... did "'" 1TIC'd;"'ion, may not bt .... ax. S«ondly, ,1M: h;"ory of our propm> ha$ "'own ogrttmtnl t.o med.i;o" by both part'" doa not ntaSArily indica" .h. caK will ltJC<a>full)- 1TIC'd1.", t>Of doet I ncp,iw rt$pon$<' fmm one or

<kn,w ..



both sides moan I cue will DO!. m«Ii:o". Fo. i ....."" •. of "'" .up.. mo coull cases .hal did not lUCC .....uily ITIC'd;"I., thr pori," in 36 ptfCtnl of tho<t cascs ~ both indicak<! thq .houghl .M caK approp.ia •• for m«Iialion. Of 11M: cases I .... tmlfd, I I Ie.... on< puty in 54 ptI"0011 of 1",* cascs indink<! thty ~ no. amonlblt t.o modialion. Kty 10 Ih~ 'lICe... of Ih~ medlO1ion P"'Vl'm i. 1M understanding by both ap!"'U.,. couru pu.kipa .ing in Iho pro· gram Ih .. confidentillilY is OlSOnlial. The medi .. ion Om(~, while howt<! in 1M .up.. mo court clt'k" offo«, functioN .. a '"l"ra.~ offo«. 11 ha$ ;u own dodeIlng. file ....10..1\01. ..... and ,_"",il .Jf'Icms. Both Ipptllate court< ~ 1M bet that "'" pro&ram II "'"I"n~ and tha •• U "",,-

.... .,.. conC""'n.i.oI, Althouch tht ......u.tion p~ is Jq>mtf, il iI. ClI\lI'I-.~ ~ tIItrefort. any ordor itsucd &om tht medi· Ilion offia is an ordor of .... ODWI in which Iha'lJ'P"al is pWding. 11>0 "'p....... ooun and Iheoourt of civil


haw mad< i. 00. OInctions wiU II< impowd if andior partie< fail lo.tomd mediation.lftSions Of othtrwisoo delay tht modialion procea in Yiobtion of Rult Sm, ASmI ..... /IJJe. '" ~,~ Mnliln_. Althoufh tht adnUniItralOtl and tht t:UCUtiYr dim:1Of of .IM:lTIC'dia· lion program do not ha"" 1M aUlhority t.o imP""" unctions. lhey WI Ind will rncommrod un<:lionll'ul'luanl 10 RuI~ 5(i) if lhey .~ of tht opinion th., tho !Wits '" Apprl/",. Mnli<l,i"" h."" b=> viol'I1<d_ Any porlk;pan! in 1M m<di.alion pnxtSll nur ask ~ ....1<.;.,,1$. AI tho lime this oni d< we<>1 to p<a'. I motion for unction< was f""'Idin& in th< JUpmn<' court, aIIeginj:; • puly f&iInI to a.omd or otIM:rwis< bt "av;oiLlbl<" for. m<di.a.ion .......... ...... hindmns tht rntdUlion. You may ..... -[f • motion b sannionI if 6Itd, how an <OIlIidentiaIity be mainuined!"Tho oowu haw inSllIu!<d. prooedu .. b addm:.i,. ...... motions. If tht motion if fiI<d in 001' oft'" dork's oftkcs, tht n>OIion is not tn~ on tho court's dod<tt, bul is ifnmt.di.aldy ~ 'o;> !M mediation offia. A


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.,... lit Iikd. Tho motion and """""". it any. will "'" lit prellmlt<l1O tht <OWl IlIIt~ it{In tht mtrits 01 tho lppt:aI art dfcid<d ... it an appIicotion i:>r ~ is likd.afift the appIl<:Ition is NItd upon. AI. that tim<. tho mtdiation <>Ilia wiI tnnsmit tht motion to tht court lOr wnsidrr.o. lion. By using this pro«<lu""'. :my mismo_ duel .. alltged mis<:onduct on tht pan of. pany andlor counsd win not .ff<C1 tho drcioion on tho mtfit.. Ik{o .. the admioi$lr.tors of the mWi.tion off'"", I«k .. ""tio .... the . !lomer will .«ti... notice th.t hi, or h« (aau •• to do oome att. i.•.• file doc .. "",nt .. I1'J'On on thot l!..... of thot mod~tion. <tC..1NjI mult tn sanc· tion .. If thot 0.. 0'"", ront"' .... to ignore tM (OUr! .. dn. .. nctiollJ .my lit oousht by .hot mod;".ion ..troa .Ii.. tM "i'P";l! is dtcidtd. This "niclo ItU atlOnlotyS know that tho Appdla~ Mtdia.ion

Attorney: ~Very surprised at the resolution. The dient was pleased.~

Attorney: ~The process ....'3S instructive and useful because it

For inf""'lOtio<. on AJalwn.,'$

mtd.. r~""aI<."J. .... tnfonnotio<, abouI tht program can be lOOn<! on tho Alobam:I IudiciaI s,.m', Wd> iii< at .........,JIIdi<MI"oft "' .... You .my abo COIIIXt lyru> De\'1Iugt.n. tht propam', DIKUIiw di=lor, '" (ll4) )~·9197; Rtb<ca Oates, adrnini$trotor for tht "",n 01 <Ml.ppeals, at (Hoi ) 142-4087; or Cdtst .. Sob.-!, admini>t .. tor for tht $upmne ColIn of A1abMna. at (3)4)242· 4866. •

by mtdialOfS, lllOfD<J'S and partin;

Mediator: ~Tough case '0 mc~liatl', but it WlIS l'njoyable.~ Attorney: MTh is was my first appellate mediation- very favorable exp.ric"cc."

Party: ~ lt was successful I think better than pre-trial mediation."

.pptlLot. mWiiotion program. conllCt th< Mtdiation 0fIla= at (l)4) )3).9197 or

.... medY!on. lint .r< """" 01 tht (Om.

Mediator: "Appeal of a non· jury judgment, Although wl'did not settle, I believr the partin may $('ule before briefs are due. Mediation put them in a position to do tha' ."

Party: ~ Very satisfted with the process and the mediator.~

Party: The mediator-was VC'ry professional and made ~hing easy for me and my wife to understand as far as how things go."

Program is imponant to thot $Upmnt

Mediator: ~There wu a (Ompanion use for workers' (Ompensat ion pending in (;"uit court. This (Ompanion case was also scll1cd during the appellate mediation."

M Fantast ic.~

Party: Kl appreciate [mediator's ) effort to make 3 very sen· sitive and difficult process work as well as she did, If all media· tors are like her, ( can see how so many cases are settled.~

court and thot ooun ofmilapptal.. and thot the routt. wiu. if neas5al1'. imp<>$<' s;onctions in the approp.ia1. c,u.t. AJ Itattd •• ,U.., til< program has PfO"'1l • pMnomnuJ IUoC«$$. Tl'w: success is a"ribubblt to Iht m.hwWiic mpoou< of appribt. rounod and Iht incmiiblt work done by mnIt$

Party :

provided insight as to the motivation of both partin and what led us to this mte of legal proceedings: Attorney: · Very plnscd! Gives the partie5 an opporlunity to resolve the case when otherwi5C that opponunity may not have a isled." Party: ~This was a very good process. It got IlS to the point that this case will ~ resolved in the near fmuTe."

_w _....._

--_ .........-_,,-. e...... w. SolooI

"",*"':-"_,, _ _ r-.

._...._-,,--_.............._c....r,,_ _-

The Face of Title IX: Post-Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education

In a 5-4 decision,th.unitodSt.t..

SuP ......... Court rif~i"'ly b~'ntd , h. $CQI'" ,,(Titl,IX litigation to include claims of ... taliation in the co .. nr fad<on v. Binninglu"" /Joiltd uf EJuCQlio", No. 02·1612, 544 U.S. ~ 115 S. Ct. 1497. 161 LEd.2d 361 (2005). Thi, d«:i';on, although benefICi.1 to som ••

has wn .lttn as .on,h.". =mple of. l<gi.lating judiciary, Roximck Jac""'" (-Jockson") wuemployt<! •• a Ir>eh" and. wach of. girl.. high Khoollwknboll te.m in Ih. lIirmingham, Alabama public $Chool $j'$t<m.].ckoon romp].;",d .boUllh. OlhInk program as it pertain«ilo hi, te.m. ",I><n Joclu<>n "peT; . • need ch.nges in hi. job . ssign""'"" with the school. h. immroi·

"dy .tt,ibut"! it ",,'"n agoinst him fur making lh. com· pl.'nlS .bout Ih. b•• k<1b.U ,eam. "",k>oo flied suit against tilt Birmingham I\oard of Edu.calion nllt Boord") alkging reloI;,uion uOOcr !he TItI< IX s{.tu{~ n.. b<wd m<m<l to dUm;.. Jrlson', mmpt.;m. The dislric1 co",t granted tho diomissal, and jock.<on'. $<ri<$ of al¥.to ........J from ",=, It .hould ht notr<! th.t none o f!ho court opinion. productd from J.ckoon'. lawsuit odd,naed the mc1"iu of hi< cl.ims. From the di<trict Court to the Suprom. Coun, oil opinion. addre...d lh. i.. ue of whnh<r Jackson, 0 mol. <:NCh, can jue for rnali.tion b-.:I upon 'he Tid. [X rights off.",.I. b •• l<ctl».11 player>, It i. also in,.r ..ting '0 note thot prior to the SuprclTl< Court deci.ion, the Unitr<! Sm.. Di.trict Court fo r th. Northern Dimict of Alabama and lh. Unitr<! S"'<$ Court of App.." (or th. ~n,h Qrcui! both .ul«l in f.vor of tho bo.ard and hold lh.t Tid. IX doe. nol crut< • priv.,. cause of action for. m.l. teache.

"1Oliali<>n undtr TIlle IX. !in J<>dcscn v. Birmingham &xml '" f;Juta,icm, .lO\I F.3d 1133 (11th e lr. 2002): f.ukwn v. 8irltl"'gh~'" 8/Ia,d of £dum'ion. No. CV· OI · TMI'· I86(;·S (N.I>. ,,1&. 2oo2). Th. Supreme Courl, h..-v.r, devi:u«l from Ihis

10 claim

judicilJ his.ory 10 <rn'~ a ruJelh • • h;l$ optn«l an osp«l 0( TI!Ie IX li.iption.


TId. IX i. a 3O' l""or-old .mule rodif..d &I 20 U.S.CO 1631, a .

Sft/. TIl le IX .p«ificaUy " alnlh • • "no pnson in Iht Unil«l SUln.h:al1. on Ih. bui. of ..... be tx<lu<kd from porlicipol ion in. be denied Ih. benefia of, or be 'Ubj..:I«I1O discrimin. lion unde • • ny «Ioc .. ion p"'Vam Or activity ««-ivinS f«l<nl fU\ilnrial assUt. nct:

All as"ncics """;ving financial iUWW>Ce from the feden! J!O'"ft"n ......1 m ..... dl>o~ t" TId. IX. prohibition 0( gendn dis· mm;no.uon. TM ~ripl 0( ""GUo tbe us.- 0( f«ltnll&nd. ;l$ ... U'" Iht ft«IpI 0( kderal r,nar>tial aid liven dIttnIy '" II.. ",.d.nt, .~ :all aampln 0( frdrral fin.ncial ... i>1. na. UM«I Sl.I.. l)q>arm.. n, of Juslice, CivU Righu 1);vWon, TIrk IX /.q<JI Manum (2001). 5<hool bm,,1s and universil i... ~ flOl 'he only . g¢ncics Ih. I,.....;V< ... ('om the Otl"'-,tmcnt of Ed""'lion.l>ut pri""I' school .. libr.ries. mUSC1lms.nd ...... bili. t'lion pro&rams ... ilio common ~ipim!t 0( Dopanmenl 0( Educ.a.ion fundins. and dwy abo ",,,,I :abide by Ti!le IX. Unit«l Sill .. Dopartmml 0( EdUCIIlion. Office 0( 0viI Rights. Tille IX and Sa Disrri"' .....'ioIo ( 1991). FunhermoR.1ht proh;· bllion "OM! discrimination is not lim;t«l ooIdy to discrimi · nation w;lhin tho I~tioml duoroom OOII"",l>ut it ilio .ppli.. 10 an ag¢ncr', <Krull ........ alhkln rou",",ling and hou.,ng pracl ices. n,,. IX "nd 56", D'$<r",,,",,,jon. TItt. IX i, en(orced by lhe Deportment of Edualion', OfflU Civil Righ I', As lhe e~f<orcin8 wncr, 01.. Dopartmenl of Ed""'lion II .. been re$pO~sibl<e Ihepromvy rq:ulatNms ~rdi",TI!Ie IX complianu. The departments of /uslitt. ",,;cuhu~ and Enerzy h>ve abo ,........,!Pl«l f<1\ulalions Ihunfor«mon. ofrnk IX. Ti'.IX Up) o\-fD"....t. "Ii!le IX a... olin> my on a... onaIyting 1i1lt VI and/or Stc!ion S(H of!he Rd>abiIilllion Act. 1i1lt VI prohibi!s ;my!"NipimI of kdoraI funds from discriminali", on lhe basis of.-act, color or n.J..;."w O'igin. So:<:tion S(H prohibits;my fNipiml of kdoraI fu nds from discrimin>ling on lhe Iwis of disability. ConIVUf used 1i1le VI .. . model to c.... I.1ille IX and So:<:tion S(H, 77". IX U:t>I M"n....J. In AIt:xondto- y. 0-,., -168 U.s. 287, m. 105 s. O. 712, 716, &3 L Ed 2d 661 (1985), the U~iI«I Su,.. Supmnt Coort st:atcd ..... ·(bJoa. .... TIIit IX, Section S(H ond "Iillt VI 011 0DIUain pataIld .......... the _ ana/y!ic ~ o.hoIold ..,...-.By .ppIy in QOOS undrr" ..."'" _uta" Sinct the Supmnt Coon', decision in v. Un.....,.;ryD( cm.,.,.,. 4-41 U.s. 6n, 99 S. Ct. I~ 60 L Ed 560 (1979). hnk1ins 1h>1 individ ...... have. print<: a .... of Klion under rille IX. IiI;· g.>lion undfr .his " .Me h.. mool <Xlmmonly on eqwlily in . nd maIr athletic prog •.uns. More m:rntly, Tillt IX 1il;'






Background on Title IX


ga.ion has ..... indudo:d cWm$ 0( jO;.ua! h>rusmtnt .nd hn>tde ... virorunml within an «Iucalional setting. Whe"... TIlle IX ere. 1«1 • private caUl< of adion for M >lia.ion woo • q...... ion of 6rsl ~ lOT .... Unit«! Suprtm< Court in /atbutI.

Decisions of the Lower Courts The United States District Court for The Northern District of Alabama Opinion The Unil«l Sto... District Coort lOr.he Northern ))Ulric! 0( ..... '-n& ... tho 6 ... cou,t to .....on- .n opinion", lhe /«bon COS<S. "The aMln hdd that _ only was t ...... no pr .....,. a .... of iKlion lOr retalialion under Tid. IX, but abo I....' ~ had no ...r.nding to ....m the "Ii!le IX claims of .... $iru· ~ · ....ll ",am. /at4nr y. &.Ird '" EJ.... No. CV·



01 · TMP· l86fi·S (N.D. Ala. 20(2). Th. court .. at«lth.t - th. 'pr,..,,,,' being ,ubj«t«llo 'he mesal d;",.imin. tion ... Ihe f.m. l. members "f 'he bukttb.r.U ' e. m, ~O' .he ~h: it is ,hey who H<' heing 'denied ,h.o bentfits of" the «Iucalion.l ""IIViI1 o( competitive lwtttbaU: /Mhm, No. CV.(l I· TMp·I8(06.S. As fOr Iocbon', rill. IX malial ion cl&im, .he aMlrt hold II.. doris.ion in Hoi, ~. Uw;" 95S ".Supp. I}8S (N.D. Alo. 1995 ) (lIoIdins 'h>' Tillt IX doa not ""'.'" • prM" co..".. ohctlOn roo- Mol.i.ll ion), .trd. 109 F.3d nl ( I ltll Cir. (997) (TABLE.


No. 96~) . utl. tU~~. ~12 u.s.aI 7. 118 5.0. 67, 139 L Ed. 2d 29 ( ]997). diet.t«l Ihal l. d ...on', c1. im be dismissed. /.ulcwn, No. CV·OI · TMp· ]86(;· 5 (N.Il. ,,1&. 2O(2)./{J(kWn. No. CV·01 · TMP·I866-S. locbon .pp<aIt-d to the Uniled S!.tes Court o f "pp<. I. (Of tho Eleventh Cima;!.

The Eleventh Circuit Affirmation


"The EIeven,II Cima;t balft! il$ ",asoru", upon the in Solldo,,,', 5J2 U.s. 275 (2001 ). The Coun ...1«1 Iha, SonJo,.,t WI' J!O'"ft"ni", in i" "",,ision beca .... it d .. if..d .he judicial an. (0' <k.t,minin, wh<1htr to imply. pri-.1C 'ighl of ..,ion from a , talUI.: it rnolv«l . cl&im under Title VI ..."ich scrves ... ",od.llo TIll. IX: .nd the pl.inliff.,liko JocUon, .. lied upon rq:ulalKm .. Ihe p.. m;" fur i"'plyi"l!. righl 0( a<l1on. J<>tIu- v. IIfTmin:n..", 8<»rd '" £d"",,_, .lO\I ".3d 1J>3. 13" ·39 ( 11 th Cit. 20(2). According'" the Court. Sto.od.mal. which orlitd upon em""" Y. UN;V. D( 0Iint:tr>. 441 U.s. 6n, 638·89 (1979), '"'Iu, ... thaI iI .nalyu ..-heIJwr • pri""I' .ighl 0( a<lion an be implied ooIdy from tho ,m o( Ih. >lOMe. The COUrt concluded IMI lhe ,al oflh. "alut. was tOlal1y devoid of . ny I.ngu.ay Ih.t would imply. privale au .. of acl;on (0 ..... ali ....,n, •• p«i. tty. pri · vale ...... of "", ion prroon who is no •• "difffl vicl lm of




~ diocriminouon."

/<>lismo. J09 FJd:d 1}44. 'Tht Coun

'If tUk congeooional..alma

is "to ,nt~rprtI whal Congras octIWIy..;d. wha. i. rniIh' ha ... """,n'. Th< absmc~ of any men'ion of rrtoIi..ion in Tid•• IX th=1'on: wtighs powtrfuUy at>inst a fiodin, tho. Congras intrndtd Ti.k IX'o r'(Cacb rmlialory dioch>rgt." Id. a. 1344-45. WhffllookinllO l~ o.~rtm<1l1 of Educalion', promulgat«I rule for TI.~ IX. 14 C.ER. S 100.7(.), .10. Coun', condulion did no. vary. Tb. CoU'1 ,la.Nlh.. tho '<"guillion dot. pro.~ individulls ... "IIa.N apinst for ""'king I romp!.inl ond 'nli . fying Of ~rticip'lin, In an invnlit>lion Of b,"ring rqardinz I rompl,inl. !<>eben. J09 F.3d It 1:l-I6. H~. lho Cou'l ""Itd thaI thIS rqul.&lion cannol c....'" rishlS lhal Congras did not in •• nd toe ....I• • 'Thtrrlo..., locUon could DOl rdy upod this "'Z"].,.lion to «<,It. P"""" ca...., of ICIion for ",,;alialion u ........ Titlt IX. !<>e1aMr. 109 F.3d II 13-46. Funhtr. 1M Coun MId Ih.o ......... if. prohibition ","",II reulia.ion is ioIpIitd WIth Titlt IX. Jacbon "ill would not prrrnL /d. a. 1l46·41."Tht Court mooned lhol Ti,k IX pro/Iibilf "ndtr disc,im,nolion 19oi",,> ~~td group ofvktims. lackoon <1n,1)' w;u 001 in .100, prot«t«l dau. 'Tht Court ,,"Itd Ih.o. th ... walllO ""iden« ,h •• TId, IX _Inl 10 prolKI any_ Ont mlltr lh.n lh, di'K' viclims of diocriminllion. Id. Th. Ekwnlh Ortui •• ffirnltdlho dtci<icm of.1lt district «>Urt, Ind )0<1<100 oW,1ed 10 tho Voiltd St.tes Supmnt Co<In.

""'tod th.ot

1101 .0 gun<


Jackson's Appeal ""bon l'Iucd bot.W

With rq> ..... nlalion from lho to-'olional Women'. LawGtn.tJ. lho. Tod.IX·, prohibition a"";nst discrirruna_ ,ion on tho of $C:;t """""'pw.t:S • prohibib<NI on n:t;aIlo . lion ..,u"'1 an indivldIW wIto romplains aboUI tho diocrimi",,· lion. As tM !wi. of hi> Irgument.lKhoo ci.od to SwiI,,,,,~ l.irll.. Hun,,",""r!:, 110(.. 3'.16 US 229 (\'.169). Pletiliontr', 8nd' ("PIet. Brief"J, p. 14. In s..1I;""~.lho Cour1 hdd thai. Wb'I' IlI<mbtr of. communi'y park woo "'.. apdltd for ...;Ping his ~ar<l lo 0 black man had SI.ndin, to.ut 10 .. tlb!iUl 110. rishl, of th~ black nt.n under S 1982. A«ording '0 lack$on. tho dod.ion in S~IIi ... " estobliiliw bro.od h.on. On discrimino · tion indude ITt. Brief. pp. 13-14. ).a.on.1so "gtlOd th.o.11lt fajlurt.o ;n<lude uulil1ion as prohibi.w condUCI undtr TItLt IX would discourlgt vic1irt"lll from bringil\i Till< IX complaint< 10 tM ford'ron •. Pet. Ikief. P. 11. j.ackJon rdood upon lho rogu\alions promulptcd purw;tnl to Titlt VI. 40 Fed. ItoJ.. 24.128. 24.136, 24.1« (l9~) as ..; • .......... of lilt $lOtUlt', inti....", of ...... iation. Ptt. Brief. p. 21. 'Tht rquLotlOlU Jlllt that - inlimidotory or reulialory ICU art pro/Iibitod- by Title VI. ladson wmod that .... (XIW1 of appt3Is' rrlianct upon SD""-Iw;u inmrrtcI.. Th< plaintiffs in SrInoi<r....I were ~ 1hcir La ...... '1 upon diopuatt implC! <fucrimination <mu«l by tho regu. lation> ofTi.1t VI when lim VI ilrclf only providtd for claims of inlcn."",;aI disc.iminalion. H.... aromling to )o<l<Ion. Till< IX ... .... 11 ;IS its rfgUlations. prohibit< rdaliation. I'rt. Britf. P. 3J.



Abo, JocUon took ;,..,. wich tM court eM

op.,.....' ..........

t could lioi)i .... undo< Tid. IX bcco ..... M wu noc • d,,~ .. ic1inL loo<bon protkrnl ch< viow chIC on< ",nDOl diic,n, pUb MlWftn direct.nd indirM .. ic1inu in Tide IX and .tiU uphold tM rl'Olfl"llHtJ "I',ns' oa dioc.imi"",ion providod for by th.ltalul •. thac


The Board's Response The boord IU.dod J.duon·, .. upon Sulli .... ~ by ""I· inl "'.. Ihis ~ wq d<"<idod aft.... Congress """'ttd Tid. VI. and, tMmoft. could not «t.,o a prin" eml<' of ochon fo, MiI.II.tion pumlant to Tnk VI or its prost1»'. Tid. IX. Rapondonf' Bnof('Rnp- Brid"'), pp. 15-16, Futthorml.>R ••M ..... rd ,,!ucd that thtrt is. d .... dclftrnlC<! bot ....... diocnmi""I",n and Mal"1., ... panicu!&r1r .. Mn lIN: complaU"lft"',_,ionI; of rnol .. lion .... not buod upon ItU In. Rnp-llnof. p.;I4. ib.. ddKrt""" mnn Jocbon.n indir«t

..ictim of discrim"",,,,,,, for .. hich .Iw:ro i, "" proIcaion undor Tid. IX. Rap. Brio/". P. )5. ch< board a,!ucd .hat tM plain lang...,. ofTi.k IX doeo noc mm,ion ... al."ion. Rap. Brid". p. 17. n.. pruhibilion on .... alia.ion " found only in 'M ro-gulillions prumulgalod pursuant.o Tilk VI. Hokhnltha. Ti,k IX e..... ' .. • prival. "'u,"" of oction for m.l .. t;"n """,Id mult in .n imr<rmwiblo ex •• mion of Ih. '''IUl •. Rap. IIrirl. p. 17. For .... mpl •• th. bo.rd nOlod th •• Congrm Cft.,td.lI .'P''''l'ro· hibition .gairnt Mali"ion in Tilk VII: Ihertfor •. if Conl!JCSl ..."Iod Titk IX 10 prohibit "uti"",,,. it would ha~ dono so uprcssly in tIN: iIIlu". Rap. Brio/". p. 21. l)ol"i", fun"'" inlo tlw: Sopor.tion of PI>w<n Do<:tri .... tM boord.op>od that 1M Court &houId not imply a prll"iIlO 01 ..... oIocljon for fftaliah<>ll b<a..... ·ifTnk IX is 10 bo IIncndC"d.O inch"'" ouch. for rnoliaioD. Con~ is ,Iw: P"""," branch 10 "'..... ouch to occur.- Rap. Briri". po IL Funhnmort. tM board ... Itd lha. Tilk IX ... onoct<d pu, ......,1 'M $pmdins 'hm Spondi"S k$iili-tion



Ul"vc got 10 Iru~1 mr wife. Ill)" doclor.; m~'

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I=Il!!IBenefleid !IOOs.ot.idp:~ ·


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pro/Iib,u ""niculo, rooodua, "-mUSl do ... WlMIIblgllOWly," Rap. B,i</", P. Z4-25, 1'hndo.-t, the boon:! mUSl haw oc,.w notitt ,t.., " could be liM>!< fo, 1'<1aI.. ,ion .. 'M ,i"", i, O<Up,«I ~ra1 fundi:.Acco,d,ng 'M boon:!. "" such <:xw«I by ,h. pla,n long...." ot'th ••UM•.• nd 'M [)q>anmen, ot' Ed"':"'ion', '<gul.tlon. could not......., '" noIieo .;'h.... As I"or ['(Mon', (On,.nllOIl wi,h fJ ..... n'h Ci,eUl'·' ",1;"11« "I",n Su"",""I.,h. board ... ,.d ,h"'M £!<v.llth CireUl!"' holding ,h., lI.i,he, ,h.,.x, no, mllC'U'" ot'Ti,I. IX ~11o .... fo, • pri"" .... us< or o<,ion fOf roul.,'ion und ... Ti.I. IX h.. bom foIlow«l by ..",iom di$lric,:md circUl' court$. w,th ,lot auplion oI'M !'nunh CircUli ,"'h"h d ...,1y iJnornl pIKe·






I)ullng ofll .'1u...... " tIM: boon!, ~'«I by Alobon.. "tonl<}' kmnnh L Thomas. "'1<1".1«1'0 the Coun ,t.., .... than yun "II" i, dmood como.... ri in tM aoo< or Hol, " Uwu wlli,h held ,t.., ".n impli«l prin'. ""', or action "'"' 1\01 C<>gIILtoblo under Ti,Io IX, .nd ,h .. tIM: T<g"Ia,,,,n was 1\01 I bas .. to follow II." Oral "'lum.n, Tfln,cl"lp', p. J.II" lIol,. ao:ordJIIg'o coulI .. l, w.. ,h.guidtlinc bywhich 'M board had btt" following thmughou' Ih.!lU' yean.


The Supreme Court Weighs In The Majority ,USlice O'Con.-, In wIuo, ,urn«! ou"o be h...-luI OJ"nlOII on .... Court. wroc. for tIM: majonty (ju<Iica SU;oms, Sou ..... Girubu'1lnd IInynI Ind oullin«! four ..,....,...1Or aIlow'ng' p,ivat< "",,.. lOr rwol ... Ooo unde-r Tid. IX_ First, 'M Coun ... I«I,h" •• taI;..,i.c>o is "disaml,""hO""lOr 'M pu'f'O$<> orTiIl.. IX b«IU" it .. In JII,."t"",", art .nd tho compla,nln' $Uff." d,ff... n'w ............. \\'h<11 adtl .... illg Till. IX·. (.,1" .. to •• pm>ly inelude m.Ii.,ion "" prohibit«l forlll of di>crinll"";on, 'he Coun ,ha, Ti.I. IX '"~ ,.Iy on 'he "b,.".d l.ngu'8< of ,ho ... 'u,. to d.fin. diJ<ri,n,n.tion. /",ho" o. Bi'IIImg/u"" !loan! <>/ l!dur"Iil>~, ~4 U.S. - ' - ' 12~ S. CL 1~97. 15OS. 161 LEd. 2d 361 (2005). nil, brood lang~ ....... how IWftJ'I ..... li.o'ion into ..... miL furthft. tM c.oun .... ,bo, "'" in SuI];",,,, ..hkh was issued thrtt ),<a" prIOr 'M .....,Im"... ofTitlo IX, prOYidcd for • ~ pro/Iibiljon of di,crinuno'ion include ........ ia'ion: ,her""",. COIIk] ~ preoumobly """pee,ed it> en.ct ...... , ofTnw IX '0 be i"t<rput«! in <011'0","1)" wi,h /«ho<o, 125 S. CL., 15006. Hownn, .... CoUll I"'" 00 o'h .... indiQ'"", or proof of Congru·. """ptttilt""" otM' than 'M SUI/I""" QOO, "The ,"",ond prong du,ingu"h« it> hoklinS in Su""""" from il> d"d.ion i.. Iarb<>n. In s""d"",/, 'he CoUll h.1d th., pl.,n"ff. (ould !to' u... D.portm.n, of )u>li« ..-gul.,kon to ,~ad • <li.p. m,,·illlp>" ,"ul<" of ."ion into ,h. ,t""It. SllnU.rly. ,h.








boon:! ugu<d th.o, I.e .......••• 'kn"lpo '0 .... rt • p,M,. calli<" 01 .clion lOr ..........""" was apin baood upon .. """,n'. l""""m"<11' of Edl.lGltion Rozulx'i.c>o, J.4 C.F, R. S 100.1 (el. "The

eov.n opin«! ,hat J,>cu.... was d,ffff ..., from .s"""""" """..... 'M 'ul 01 Ti ... IX iudf (although "'" upra.d)o). 1\01 't$ «guIa,i.o .... pf'Ohih,t$ .... a1i.'ion./arb<>n. 125 S. Ct. at 1506'(]7. Nut. tIM: Court .dd ......... )Kkio"·. "~nding to bnns' ' ....1_ l.. ion daim. Trildl1,on.lly, tho .. brt"gin8 ..,.li.. i.on claim.<.rt .100 ,he $Ubj«' ot' the o,isin.1 con,pl.inl. Itl 'his in".""e, ,h. girl.' I>;uk,ball ,.am was tho vicll'" of 'ho orig,,,,,1 complain,.,.n aII",",'ion ,bo'tho gi,II ..... belnS dl$Crimina,«I op""t on tIM: basis of Ihti' ..,.. [OCUM sought ...... iotion .. bting an indiroa victim of an .Ilqcd v"" .. ion ot' Ti,w IX. His do"" of ........;.'ion had ""'hinS'o do w"h ducnmu...tion of "'" 01 h.. ia. TIlt Court hdd ,t..t locbon·. proxlntJ'Y to 'M o'iliru.l compbint or diK,in,i""',,,n was ".,.dennt.l«bo<o, 125 S. CL •• 1501. TIlt CoU" ...1«I that t~.oppooed to 'M ....... 0 .. who are dirt<t/y .IJ<CI«I by 'M T .... IX violation. ... in tho bat pooitlOfl'O bring ,II< discrimi""tion ,he front. /J.• , 1508. Thorofo"" tl..,. ohould ho .fforded. udreso ap'Mt any ",,"hing am of .... Iio'ion. IJ. 1.... ly. ,h. ,h. board'•• •gumen' ,h .. holding it liobl. fo, .... li.tion PUrlu.", Ti,l. IX would be viola,i~of th" Sp<nding Clau .. h<caul<" it did "",Iu~ .d.q .... t. DOticl' of 'M forbidden COndllCt. TIl< Cou .. ".t.d tlu, fu"dinS !"Kip.. Iu~ b«n on oot;co tlu, .. ,all"lOn was prohibit«! cond"" under Ti,Io IX it> holding in c..n""" in 1979 ........ i, Mid tha, ,ndivoduak had J'riVat. C~Ulo<$ ot' oc'ions I"or vioL"",ns undo, tM ""u'e./«"""", 125 S. o. II 1509. FUflh...-moR, its bo6dinp in Pt>< ..... I1,..., DorviJ .nd Gthtr 011 bekI ins,i,utions t.abIo roo- dttiben.. iodiff<rcna towan:! Trtl< IX """"toons. 1<1. n.....riorr, ins'i'u'''' .... lIKludinl tM board, ""'uk] ha ... bom on tI..,. woukl be IIObIo lOr ~ .. lIng ....... Ti,1o IX complainant>.






""';CO ,b.,

The Dissent The di ... nl, w,in.n by lu>tic< Thorn... nd j<>in«i by 'h~ Chid [us,i«, )""ieo Sc~lia .nd lustk. Kenn«ly. op,"'" ,h •• if -. pa,ty O$.I<"rts ,h., • ",us< of oct,on should be illlpli«l. (,henl ... r«[ui .. ,h.t 'M ,totut. i.... lf .... i"" •• inte ... to provide ""h • "" .... or action: 1<><"",", I!S S. Q, at 1510. A<cordinS '0 tIM: d;W:n,. Titl< IX doa oot bow such .n ,ndica,lOIl to hokl the boord lia.... for ....I.. Specifically, ,ho dWen. cotes '0 tho p<¢n'liI<" tha, eong.-.:..' .... or,ho phnoo"on tht twis of ..,."]w otw'y" b«n held to ....... n on tM twis ot'lh.comrU''''' .. '·....... Id. II 1511. H....., Iocbon ]w not "....t,. any doinu !hOI M hu b«n d~u...ttd. opins' on 'M h.uis of his ..,.. IUltud, h" (laun .... t..ololy on tIM: boo ... 0( tIM: """ 0( 01 ....... Th<rcf"",. occo,dinS '0 tho d .... n', lac""'n·. daim ot' .... ILo'ion doeo not Ii, in.o ,h. Ian· IU'g< of ,h ...... u, •. Th. d .... m ... , .. ,hOl the n,.j<>ri, , nel' upon cose. d.. l. ing wil" viQnolU liabili,y, e,g. 0...,,1 .nd Gtb«r, ..... mi<plK«I.



J," 12S S. O . ~I 1512. Th••n....,. could noI elublioh noli« !hot all ' .... ilulion could to. hdd liabk to. dk lypt oI..uJ..i;olion alIc'gtd by Jackson bea ..... in ndI of thoso cua, d... compl.ain;un aJkstd vioU.ion 01 Tid. IX o n dk basil of Ihcir own sn /d. AornrdinJ 10 dk dium •• tht fundi", t<cipimu mill' now ....."'" I;"bili.y for any conduct rdaled oa discrimina · ,ion no mon .. how far moo....! ,he conduct i. from ,he IIngu0st of Ih. $I.lUt •. JtXbD~. 125 S. 1512- 13. In addi'ion '0 ,he f.ilu .. of I..bon', 10 fi, in,o ,h. "on ,h. Niil o( scx· eI.",.n,. ,h. dis.ocn' aI"" no,ed ,h • • ~'IU of any ret.HOlion provilion wilh Tille IX. Id . .. I S I). The ~k of. rctali"ion provision wi'hin ,he ""ute w.. of importanc. ,0 dk d~, boa ..... I, 10 'P!'lrtn, tha. Con,,", ~ how 10 prooti<X lOr p< ....,. a ...... of action fo, retalia,ion whtn it 0ftS fit. For il\$l;ll\U,lidt VII .... ..., npreso provUion lOr rtUI;.,ion in iOddil ion to iu prohibition opin>I dk undnIyi", discrimi~,ion iudf. /d. Con,,", has also pco. idcd for ret.I;.,ion in lhe Amtrirnu wilh DUobilllieo Nt .nd lhe ~ Diwiminol ion in Employmtnt Art. The d il$cnl hokb tht opinion Ih .. if Gongao ..... n' for individuals for retali· • ,ion under Ti,Ie IX lhen it would ho", cr..,ed. me<h.nism for ,1Im1'o do so. The di$$("nl al"" disag't« wilh th. majori'Y', ..Ii. n« upon Sullil'lln . Su lli,,,,,,. according 10 Iht disstn" held ,h... whi,.ltS, sot had $I.nding to iWOrt disc, imin"ion doinu o n to.holf of • black ksocr. T"d" Ihis. Ihe .... rh. d lUoh .... ,hlllh. blod< Iwec had Klually been discriminaled .pinst on the Niis of 1""0«. The majorily did not require ~ing from ~bon. The d,*", riewN this ptactkt '0 to. conlradictory _ r d SWIM" bea ..... il alluwN lOr Iockson to ha¥e occondary rishu ,h .. excndtd ,he primary rishts of ,he K'ual aJIesed vietirnf of diKrimm.l ion. /Mbmo. 125 S. 0 .•, 1516. The majorily', opinion... inl.rprekd by dk.m..nt. .......... 10 encourage whulleblowing wi.hin 1M ..aim oflille IX thol Convel' had no in, ... ,ion of ( ..lting. td. at 1517. The d""l condtlde< by ... ting thot the majority', npiln . • ion o( the ,,",u .. w"houl "idence o( CongtHS' ,nl<nt will now .11 .... fo, p,iv;". c.u... o f Klion fo, p..son. who 0 .. fu r. Ih .. . m! furth • • rmlOved from Ih. octual diKrimin .. ion. /",bon, 125 S. Ct• • 1 IS 17.





Although the CoUll and JrlJon mainuin ,ha. providing 0 print< a .... oE action 10, thesot whi,,1cbIuwen wiO promote oboervers of..,. discrim,na,ion ,0 10«"1< m:!.t$I of w,"""" under lid" IX, the fKl ;. tho, any .......... ry ""ned from • lawsuit b"",gh, by • "itistleblower willI!" direaly ." lhot individual No .. lief will he given 10 I~ ""ual victim of • lill. IX v;"l.0.· .ion. It OI.n hardly be .. id th.1 Cong,," inlmdtd Ih..., indim:t victirnf It> m: • ..., .. ~.f under ,h. .ndlh. dim:, vic,ims to be len with nothing. It will . 1so be in"ra,ing lU no, •• oy ch.nsts in lhe r<qU<$1$ 10 I~ Depanm.", of Ed_, ion', Offic. o f Civil Rights ("OCR') for .nforumml oflille IX- 1f-<>di'ionally.• n indincl vietim could fd. I wi,h the OCR .nd rc-qUCSl that lilt alleged Tolle IX violllO' lor inoH,.,td .nd th •• wrongs lor righto:d..lhi"l this method. the third port)' would IUlUmatJalJy lor protec,td opinst retwtion (Of llIing. complaint or pulidpoling in all in ..... ""'ion. The mfor«mtn' me<hanism would also .......... Ih •• ,he du«l viet"", h<>d SOI"IW 'l'P" of rn:ovny 0 ' ralher the litk IX vioIa.or hod ...... Iype of .. habilitalion, N.... ,h., the indim:t .ic!im itasl pr .... '. eou .. of aaion.lhe u.. oft~ OCR ... fOn:<men1 meclt ...ilm may begin ,t> wone . AI'hough ,h. Court', opinion in /atbDn .... bl"htd ""'" ground in Ihe inl"'l"(1.lion of Titl. IX. ,hi. opinion .Iio give:s on indiotlion of bow other disc, imin>lion " aWl .. will be interp......t before lhe Court. This tltcision .ignir,.. lh. CoUrl', wiU· ingn."'o e..... righe • • nd rtC, ify who. it 1<fl .. _iaI WTI)nSS ......., in the .born« "f CongrtssioruJ IOttn •. The }irl-. opinion. :al,bough ""Y ........ t. ON)' abo become obIoIet. giYen tht upcomi,. <honsa on the Court. /ustia O'Connor, whu penned this opinion. has now .... im:!.fter 24 ~ of ~ on the Court. and it moy only be- .....,.... of rime bt6>rr the 0Ud" Iu<tiu and other ~.pIn on tht Cowt may also oed. rttirmtomt. \\rllh tht .ppoinUTlenI or new jwticcs, new opinions. regardi"l OUIU' ory inlrrpretolOon and ,he prohibiriono of Tnit IX may surfa(.< in ooo\radicl>on '" /<rlIo<r. •


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The Impact of Jackson litlt IX ;,; ...... coruid...d 0 b-.t and oll·mcompMling .... u... To that end. not only may studtnu .... "-d upon litle LX vioLllio .... bu. po ....... , ........... <00<: ..... nd administn.on may abo be htld to ha .... private auo< of action undn-litk IX. Now. Title IX ;' ..<>d to prohibi. rrt:ali.o.ion..,insr ,h.ird portieo .. wdI .. in .. nlionol .... of .<n: d iscrimination ..."''' the d,m:1 vic, im . Mon: lawsuits "-d upon .... aI;..'ion .",in" indim:, viclim. ohould be npecltd. Fund-...... ing in"i,u'Km' and their Itpi counlOl mU1l now p.y 'p«iol .nd c\usr .Utn · lion 10 Ih. · whillitblo ...."" 'n addition '0 l~ """,I alkp'ioru. of lOx di$Crimln. lim, in the ed uOI.'ionall<l1 ing. 434

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Detach, Relax, Participate: . Care of Yourself Is Critical bon. Iu.. b«n mlny "Ullin don< and aniclcs w.i' ..... about depres. sion within 'holtpl pror-ioon. LooIdn, a1 It.. activit;" moot bwyt-rs .,,~ in on • daily baU, it is ouq> thaI 1M numbtr ofJawror> ..,ffai"ll from this ilIna> is IlOl h>fha. Am>rdiJlt 10 II>< NotiorW h,$lilutt of Mmlallioallh, in~", g"''''' pmoJ. 9.5 poutI, crf,k populi",,,,,, '" <>kIw, 19 ~,illi<m ..tmmtQ~ Multo, ...Jfrr fro'" " tkpmsll't ,U'1f.<i. For ktwyrN pnunr,,~;, 0/''',," daubkd. Oinial clt'JI,,",;on is • StI';o .... medical ",ndition. It tht .... y. penon thinks, ""~1" ;nt<racu .ad .Jeo:p... fo< lawym., i• • ff«u tho w.y Ihcy p~, inttTpm Ind "'JUt- II olTKU rdalioruJlipo "';!h tpOUStS. with children, with col· Itagucs and with ditnl$. Mmy uW}'ttS .... /JeT;.., from ~ art ilCluaIIy btouth, """ Iht di.dplina'Y procas. now obs!his happen! taw,o:n ""'=<I 10 tilt Alaboomo I.....,.... ~ Prag:ram


0_,....' ,/uJ,


who..., sufl<rins from ~ .... often intdJiw=n1 and ~ prolmionaIs. Thoy ..., <ltddt«110 hdpinglhcir cbents, often 10 the at.m lho11..". nogI«t thtir O'WII ",-dl·oong. On ;my givtn day. Lowytrs art apo6O<110 ili$tr.ugtn. frigh~ .00 anxious ditnts, oetkinz ;mm.dille rdiof from

their "'.....1111. Many of u- ditnlS_ oictimool ~ aKWnIWICa or perpttnIOI1 <IwFl wlIh ho<rifK aimr:s.. Thrir fimioo, .... ,hrir finanQ,r" Ihrir homcI and !heir vtty Inu ott stake. lhls typo of < and~ ~ is CI'IUIM'" oily WCU'1I'I&- 11 b«:uIOU~ ....... diffio;uIl k>r ~ whm \hoy tah on .... bunkn of thcirdimlS, .. if Ih<y ~!heir own.

on... ..

lions Ibty~ ~.Iso """"",10"

........,.. "I'f'Oik"ts,.,.....w.s.m.dults.. ~dimlloods ond ""prediaabIo _ , . . f U d , only add 10 Ih< in=>oirc$ll$,

In ~ prog;r...... 10 local bar ass<>""tions, I oIitn ask, - How manyof)'OU

bring)'OU. caJCI homo! How many of,.,... oboe.. about )'OUr dq'. pnformanct1"' AU Iand$ U$UaIIy.~ rais<d In addition. wl'IftI [ inquitt about tilt nun"'" of worting hou .... n .. ny Iu.... I'<'pOttod an inc ..... in tilt time spont .t the oflk~.nd • dt<~ in r..., time 01' down time. This typ<' of boeJuv;or futh t.nsioM at homt and tmds 10 "'.... pt'fS<IIWI .... tionshil" 10 ouffn. [ ...,...dy had alaw)Tr u> '"I' <:>ffi<c, wbo had i>oWtod hlmIdf 10 tilt point that col· ....... In his ora thou&ht lit had SlOpped pncticins. thM lit had been d"wl( lioed wnh • tmninol iIlnN or diM. AI ItIrnlptS

10 (OntM;l him wnt 10 "" w.oiI. Ht was. in bet. olr.ot. but lit <bd not [10 to his ofI'ic. and lit did not fCtu.n phone He explained to .... tlul lit know "'" had press. ing doodlU>CS. but lit just could not (""" thnn. Hc ",pIoincd thot lit hod 100 inl= in all of tilt thinS' th.t <IfI« brought him pIcaou .. and $Otis{;>etion. This bcluvio. is


typical br individt>ili.lUffmng from dcpmsion. Othtr Jisns In look for ind"""" •

• Ounga in ....,&ht or Ippcliuo • Ounga in Ikq> ",menu; •


[""bihty 10 COt>«1I"a tt or nukt<;


TWngClf< of or-'f is crili<:al ~

who an:"""10 <kIMII, rNx.nd panicil"tt in lltahhy woys of rd;.v;ng M~ ~ far bn· Ia equipp«! to Iundlc ,ht difficult 'ituo-

i'lrn.l$lnlt rttlinp of IWdncso or ir.itability;

• Thoughtf . boul . ulcid' or dcath; and • Avoiding {d,,,d •• nd {.mily.

i\rnt$Icnl (I'.'l'r$t,..,. without rrlitf

allttu tvft)' bodily 1)'>1= .nd inc.....,. tilt n.k .... ","pte .ion. hta.n disoasc, Uuomni.o. obaity. and .....ivt disorder$. ProInngcd .\1,..,. mpnrucs ..... diminish tht body'l unmUM IpIm\. ~ SUItcpIibility 10 infca_ Fortunatdy. how· n't'f. oIillIo OIn be <k>dopt<I 10 hdp ovoid


"""" of daily llmoon and 10 limit the rfft.ct. of 0I1>cn. J oftm uk Iu. rncrnbmo. - \\'hal ... ,.,... curmnly doing 10 lalo:.t eo .. ofl""'r>df and how is llul working for)'OUr" Knowing what n<ods 10 (h.ongc is tilt 6,.., IItp. IIrtaking it down inlo sp«ifi.c bcluviors or thoughl I"tlCI'N not only avoids additiorW II ..... but olio ""'" 10 idmtify sp«i6c and rttatnablt ........ Iat,.. dw!gto. SI ...... nd 1M dcprfl4k>n th .. """". 11""" ","ulu from • busy pr><1itt, can be ....fU8"'d . ModlOllJOn an belp. bul ofttn ........., is t>«dcd. CorI'tCt b..alhi"", mcdj. tation and betn8qu~ and Slill wilhoul lhoughl . .. IU n'I<1i>ods Iha. haw ht<n u...,! to rdi""" It'"' a nd 10 ochkw a Iranqull.lno Inxiou •• tat~. ALAr is h.... 10 h.lp wilh •• t.mi .... ",""un;cs and a ne1wo,~ of lowy<" who und ..".nd. s<>. if,...~ 11m! h<lp, tt' h.,p. 0.. .... ",i",. can bt IKccssood by collins our d;f<Cllin~ at {3Hj 834-7576 o. by .;Siting Our page on the ASII Wd> . it •• ~J.>"'r."'l. AU inquiries ... confidenlial •

_ .......... _'-...... '" _ _ .. _ .. _.... __ ._--...-..-_._ .. --_._.... .-. .. _ _ lMM

_ _ t..- ... _

.... _






What Non-Immigration Lawyers Should Know About Immigration Law T


h. Un;lM S"leS hislori<OiUy nation of ;nunigr;",,>. Today,

'hue or. million. of J'C'lple in 'his

rounltywho w.", neilha born in the U.S .. not b«amt ciliU!nl through naturalization. SpecifICally, Ita • •• perien«<l. 't''''''ndou, inH"" of in ,h.b,t ten rears, with lh. HisJ>1nic popuLotion alon. in(",.. ing by an ..,ima1r<! 208l"'rctnl during ,n., Ij"", period, according to 1M luro, Ctnlu$.

In gmt ...!. individual. in lh. U.s .•", in one offour catogories with rrgan:! to

immigra,iQn .... 00: ati'"n>, ei,he, through birth in the U.S. or one of it> territories, or through naturalization: pam.ntn! ""ioknt. (ol1en called "green c.rd" holdtnl, immigrant. who ha\'C gainr<l tht ,t.lo, of """"antnl .... id.nts in the u.s. through f.mily-bast<! .pon_ sonbip, employment, lh. di.... rsity lourry

or oln .. me.ns; holde" of temporary visu.Uowing individu.lsto bt in ,h.

U.s. for .Iimiled ,;m. for a .peciflC purpose, (i.t .• studen' visa> which .Uow . Iien., n .. ronal. of foreign coun"i .... 10 Sltldy in ,h. U.S fo" '<rnp<>n'y period

of I;me); or undocunltn,ed alien$. In .hit ..,id. ! will discuss ..1«1«1 area< of bw. including litig. 'ion, employmen', school law, finandll planning, .nd laX, whe.e 'he immisr"ion st.tu< of .n individual may a signifICant impact on tilt pl..tirul.o. •• m of law.

Litigation Diversity of Citizenship U,i!!"'o,, may fOC<' <;I .... whtrc One (0' ""'''') of ,h. p.>rties may be .n immigrant. In such a<e$, thelil;!!",O. should queslion whe1l1tr the individu>l·, immi· &",Iion stalus will have an effect on dive..ity of dliltnship for jurisdiction in fed· eral court. Consr= amtndtd 28 U.S.CA. ~ I H2(.} in 1988 10 provide Ih" .n >litn who ~ heen admitted 10 Ih. U.s. .. . I"nnantnt rc$iden, sholl be doomed • cililtn oflhe <1.11. in whith the ali.n U domiciled for the purpose of the diver<.ity .... ut<. By <on""'. an .Iien who has nol gained perm .... nt residency st.tu' in the U.S .• nd who hoW. me-n:ly a t<mporary vi .. i, nOltreated . s • residen' of the ,t.t.

In whieh Iw Is dorrbciltd for th~ purpo .. of divonily. rcprdless of I>ow m;lny Y".lt$ .Iw alien has liwd in sud! 1I.1~. Sn Milkr v. "TIocrm4ri" ".,y. uJ~ 793 F. Supp. lO6 (s.n Ab. 1992 ) ("""'" t.hougI drlmd.m. a cill<m of ......eralia and G~.t &itain. r$dcd in Mob&.lud an!J.obAmo driwr'.I~ """ htId 0 !Mill aocoun. in AIa!M ...... 1w was no! a cilizm of 1ht ",,~ lor II.. PUll"*' of diwr1.ity sin« Iw hold tompor;uy non· immignont lUlI...}.,.. 0 mult. undocummt«l -.ktn also would ..... lit Ifnt · cd as citizens of tilt lUI", in ..-filch .hey raid< fur dMnIty pur· po$<S. Firul/y. do.mltr .. not pres<n. ifboth plaintiff and dokndanlatt a1in". OtI""Ict'4" Sl4nd4rd fruit 0> .• 1183 F. 2d ISS3.

the following >!>tules allow "" to flk complaint> to rcdmI dU ..... witllou. rtp.d 10 immip;.lion ,U1U$C

• TrtIt VI("'Pnoons can b ...... a charzt under Tule VU. Seclion 701(0) of the Act do:fines a "pmon". indudi.. """" 0< mort" iodiriduaIs,~~t" qmcios..poIitial ...... dMoions, Iabcw unions, pan....-.hi"" .....a.tlons. rorpon6o.... ItpI ~~ mutu.ol wmp.onlcs. joint aod compmits. trusts. W>incorpont«l cwganizatlons..lfuotca in Q5CI und<r

O!apttr II [lw>Iuuptcy[.o< 1«<10....." 42 U.s.c. t 2000c(a).

. n.. Am<rican, With ou...bnit... Act (AOA.) makes i. unlawful to diocriminatt agoin" q.... lifotd ,ndjvid""b wilh di .. bilil .... 29 U.S.C , 621.

1557(llthCi•. I989).

• As< Discriminalion in Employ""'''1 Act (ADEA) alIows:my

Rights of Immigrants to Bring Litigation

aggrieved p<n<>tt 1ht rishlm "'" for \cial 0< ~uiloblo .~lief that will efttc! ...", 1M Purpooc of lhe N:t. 29 U.s.c. j 626 (el( I).

Ofim tlw zn><ral publk and "lOr~ unumilia. with Immi· ""tion Low ~ that <itiun$ of 1ht U.s. ha ... ~.,tr U with !"Qjl«t 10 fill", Irpl actions than indiriduak in 1ht U.s. who Ott ..,. eitilms. Th .. btli<f .. JC1I<faIIy In ..-t dr· antUta_ indmduals in the U.s. ""'"" the .... t 10 file lUI .. to


wmns- ,"",one,.. """ hann5 wilhou, rtprd 10 wMhn thor a~ U.s. cililms.lnnpor;uy 0< pcrtrYDm. midcnu. 0< itq.d "ions. 0..""", do Co>. ~ Ball. 2 Cnnch 180. 6 U.s. 180. 1 L Ed. 246 (1804 ). Alie ... eon brinS action> in contract 0< to.1 10. ha.mJ thty ""'"" lufftttd. Ill. Und<-r 1ht langu.og< of 1ht YaM ma;onty of ,tolut.. thttt i. no rmttn« to tM trrm "cititt...",.. =mpko.

. Th" Equ>l Pay Act_pmt<Cl,..u nnploytt$of. "~" m torpt;"'. 29 U.s.c. t 203( . ).

. n.. Alabama Worktrs" Compmlllion Act- ~ .... no aSCI dir<Ctly on point. but undtr the N:t the tcmt "nnploy«" opo:ciIi. ally includes aliens.. n.. Act doa ..,. op«i6colly add .... """"""'0< DOt nnpIor<o m...e be: Irg.oIIy trnpIofN 10 bnvfit undrr the A.illuk. ~ in alllikdihood. ....... ......un ..,. lopIly nnplorcd would be: Cl::I>"OmI undtr 1ht Act >ino: it ~iuo oIicru and. by analogy. the Act allows doubI< """'""'Y

tOr minors who.", not ¥lromplorcd. AlA CootIt 25·5·1.

W U AT 'S YOUR REQUEST?'" It, q~'" _y w .... ~. <.w (Of '"""'" up ~>ry Tb< 1\11,..;10< "Wyodh.rn Hiw>tic 11-", ~ eon .... w.... ju>l • .bon db.",... ...,.~ f,om tho «>0,.-... .... <.11 f~11y fumlohood b<wd,,,,,",, >nd !mod; ~ n..

om.:.. "

«qu,,;t< hlp.,pt-<d In •• ,.,..... f",. ",d pbo .... lin .. ". >II h<<<. L« ou, 8~lI.oq"... m.~' ... UP)"O>l' ,..",', gu<$.r-....o wi, .podfi<>tion. "o'f "mo. C.1l 0' "';>it u. ""lin< 205 .3 22.2100 o. 1.800.WYNDHAM www.wyndh. n\tu.wiloT.Com






THE TIJTWllER .--~~ ~


ZQ2] ~" l "'" North.

I"""""" ... " ........ JSZOl ZOS'222HlO

Employment Law

Th< lXportmtnt of Labo,- has<d that Hoffman docs not .ppIy to th~ Fair Labor Standards An (FlSA) and 11>< Migrant and

Undocumented Workers May Have Limited Remedies Under Certain Statutes Due to the Immigration

Season.1 Agricultural Worker ProtKtion Act (MSPA). rt1.1king the fine dislinetion lhal ·unOO the FLSA .nd MS~A the Dcp.>r1mctlt (or an ""'~) ....lIs bod pay for hours actually work«l; as COnlr.i$ted 10 pay for woli; not performed. as is lhe case unOO an NLRB action. St<: Fact ShfflI48, Applic.alion of U.s. Labor La"" to Immigram Workers: ElIKt of Hoifrrum l'UsI>:.o Do<;ision on Laws EnfoKcd by the Dq>artmtnl of Labor...... ilabk"l ..........doI..grwleWr<lJ'komplu.naJwhdlwhdjHS.hrm. The EEOC affinI'll'<l i1< commilmenl to fighting ~Icgol discrimination again't any u.s. workcr. rcganlIt$s of immigration S"tu~ This EEOC guidJr.ct can be found .1 """",EEOCpw/pr<:« 6-28..()l. ~ the ogency did reocind an cart;..,. guidJr.ct b.Istd on prt-ffOffitu>n

Refonn and Control Act With mp«110 d.i",. undtr !lit NLRB. 1M us. Suprtm< (:oun ~ .. hdd thai undocument<J ;ilims or" not "",ilk<! [0 had: pay. .;"'" Ihty dkl no! ha.... 1tgaI WO!k .tan.. during til< p<1iod fur which they.~ d>iming bWr. I"\Y. In Hof}'moln ~ Conlpo,,,,d~ In<. •. NLRB, tht Sup<=>< Coun hdd thol ,;"'" Immigrotion Rrlornl and Control Nt of 1986 ORCA) prohibiltd the tmploy_


ment of ill<gol aliens in the U.s., on ,won! ofNck pay 10 on undo<.ummt«l ...,rhT"nJn$ <Qun1<, to poIicieo underlying the IRCA." 535 U.s. 137. 149 (2002). In miling this <kciOOn, howNtT, W SupRIll< Coon did 001 p<eclude tho NLRB from taking <my R1l)Odi.ol action for thr <mploy<r'. improper firing of an undocumented Imrk..-. In foct, tht O>urt nprt<.<ly prcsttvtd the NLRB', ability to ... "" injuncti .... and dtd.... ,,,ry rtlitf. Hoff"'''n. 535 U.s.., 15l. In the .ftermath Hoffman. mum and ~rnmtntaJ agone;., ar. struggling with th. issue of wMlher undocument«l

or wo ...." can ...,0;0"". wago. under olh., fedo ..1 "'lUles, .""h '"

the hir Labor Standards Act, Titl. Vll and ADA. In g<naai. govtmmentll IS.. ><in h.vt triM to limit the of J/olfm~~ on d.inu brought under these spedfie statut ....

.. tion~. St<: ..-..w.EEOCg<Wlpoiiryldo<s/w.wONOcil1d.

IRCA Provisions In addition to the inform .. ion relating to rights of inl1nip,rants under many of the Civil Right. Acts di.s<:u»ed .oovt. employ· ment lawyers nffilto be aware of the grntrll rcqui"'mfilt, for work authorization. Under IRCA. for the ftnltimt. employen we", .ub,ie<1 to crimin..! and civil sanclion. for knowingly hiring Or conlinuing to hire an unauthorized alien worker. Now:all nnpioytll .'" rcquimito have ~ry employee complete .n 1·9 form within three dl)'l of being <mployd. Thc D<p.nmtnt of United Smes Citiun.hip and Immigration Scrvicts (USClS)


~ ~"

..=~'" (rom .. hi.h ''''ploy. ""(Irk >u.horiu'ion. no,.u.h".iud 10 132~,

fir>t$.nd » 11 f. In Al"'iI , .uowmg

do<um<nlO IIl.on

.n.ndanu in school. As Nckground. in

1982 the U.s.Supr<""

Coun <OfISidc.r..J whelhtr T"""", could prohibit IocaIKhooi 01"'''''''' from pn;>"iding fundi"ll fur tho oduc:o,ion of dilldrm no< q.ny adrnilt«i into m. Uni~ Stat4 'Ill< Suprtm< Court hdd du,lho Taas sta'u~ ..;.,woc! tho: <quo! proItCIion do...... ofll.. Fourt<enth Arnmdmen, whid\lppli..d to mdMdlYk within its ju'isdicUon. Sa: ~~. Ow, ~37 U.s. lO.I: ( 1982). On< common re>lriclion pIaud by publi<: Khoob on .nrn· dan"" is. onidrncy ~ui...", ,"'" d\iIdm> in tl><ir di<lrict mu;! ,...ide with ... p,arnll. , ... rd~n. or 0111<1" ptl'JOfl "'vinS

lowful (O!tlro! mltim under In onkr of. coun." Sn Marone:., Bynum. 461 U.S. 321, 323 (1983). Th( US Su p"'''''' Coun


ul'Mld this tyl'" of rnidtr><y r<micliQn u ....lid .. miction in involving. child who US. <i,i:un, bu, who ",idcd wilh hi •• is'tf, who w>I no1 his, .. hik hi. J"Irtnu resided in Mexico. s.. Morrin .., 461 U.s. 321 (19831. JronICilly. in tho $1"''W """ironmtnt of irnmigr•• ion law, if. fo'e,gn "mkn. wUI><$ to IUtnd publ;'; school in Iht United ".'n with non -imm'Vo'nt studmt ,""has :and...,ks to do ... punu.nllO lhe 1>.... 1........., . igorous rrquimnenl$lhal must he Iml for such .n~nd.anu. For in>liInU. F-I or J. I IOrripI >lu· d<nlS .u nO! luthoriu-d to .nmd public .km<n11ry .<:1>0010 ., ill. and foto,gn ,,,>< who • .., oI~ 10 >lund public hish "hools IlUV onlv 111m<! w:hoob <e"i/kd to KCCf>Ilhem and mlU' ..,imlm,>< 'ho w:hool d4tricl for lhf (0$1 nf 11I""d.."K" s."SGR § ~J4.Z(O(]) ).

W I' ,

Mar/inn, . , ...

e.tate Planning who d,a~ will. r"" di.mund

prov~ Othe' 0""'" ~w

lrust (commonly caIkd a is onl~' ...!bbl. 10 indtviduab if IIv bmdiciary is • ... m<'I. ~.

me.., is.

I IpOU>< h.. bc-com< tht bt-ntticiary of For funh .. del.i!. rd"er 10 26 U.s.c. ~ ,dUM ' 0 this topic is "My






Acquisitions Lawyers the <on''''', of busineoo as l inlra-«>mp.l-

buyout. and ...Jid WOIk .... Ad ... ",. nolitt of tht In ;01"';I\1".' ion IAwy<' th.timo to find . n..... "

SlaTu. for lho ml~, if possibk. ln olho •• il u.,i<m' who~ indivi<l....Is hold tcmpo ... ry visas .uch as H-l B profftsiotW vts.. a u'ina pt'Iitiom rOOf with tho USCIS may .-d 10 be


M rou can ltil from Ihil non . .m.u, livt ~"i"& oflcg.alsubj<c1 ....u, knowlcdgt 01 «rlain principia or immigralion l and whe .. 10 find mo .. d<lillcd info...naliolt c~n be helpful in • wide ..anny 01 kpI pnctiocn. InMtabiy... inltmationallrawl. IrW and immi",l1""n inlo lhe inc..,.-s, lhe nttd for such knowI«Igc wiD .Iso


Tax Lawyers ~ who ~ individual< abou' ta:< limaily .-d 10 und<nw>d 1M ba$ic:s 0I1ht non-imntigranl cottgo.ics of llions 10 !My can do' •• mine the appropri&u lues .nd wilhhoklings 10 bo: mod< on bo:half of Ilion. in non . immigrant ">III$. Ortlin '''''"Pliom '0 ,h. gt,...,.. l,,,,, ruIn nisi fot :alin'll wi,h 'p«ifoc Iyp«ofvi ..., including p, J, M .nd Q visa hold." who.r< I.m · po .... ily in Ihe U.s. •• fo.tign "ud'n'., I."'h .... ".;n." and .""h.ngt vilitors. OIh •• • ""'pttonsapply 10 vi .. holdo" who wo.k for a fo~ilV' governm<nl o. inl•• nuion.l organizalion. itnid<nl :alien•• ~ . uhj<cIIO kdtnl incom< I.... in 1M U,s. on th. sam< basi... cilium. of the U.s. whik non_re\ 01"". .... tued on inromc souras in the U.s. buI not on WOI'Id· widt incom<. For forri$n nalionals of ccmin countries. !heR .... w: t ... lics wbich should be COfUult<d. An =dlcnl """,,1« On ,his topK u CRS Rtpon for ~ which <:lUI be Iocal«l at


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fter h · attle ver r I ratIon: An Analysis of Post -Enforceability Issues Confronting Lawyers and Litigants in Actual Arbitration Proceedings




mud! of !he ~ 20 ~ ubiIn-

'lOll c:ucs in A1abmJ.. ......... ..du.

~ irrvu/¥rd ,1M: isout of <IIkIraability 01 a VW" orbo'ration ~ In on oft·~ttd • plDntiff who had sipItd. bindi,,! arbitnln1 ,,&,rt""'I' fiItd • \;owwn di....:!Iy in an AlWm.I trial court, in opi •• of tho agr<m>rnl, and thereIlk< ~ dToru of ,h. dcfn"Llm 10 obuin I judicial ordtr ~uirin8 M>Ch

pLointiff 10 arbitral. his or htr cbim<. .t..1ooer of tilt foghl in tho trial court IpptaIod 10 the AbOOna Supom>< Coun.IU ........ alii>< ubitr;a. t>oo fich'" tixw on mlOrooobility. rudy in this pmod did Abbomo (OI,If\S " - OCICI$ion 10 oddtao opptaII of .. ndo:"d in on IlI,d",lt Q'IIlrbuntion pm. oeodins- R<ctnt de in 1M law "-Iarzdr cndtd ony drb.a~ <OrI<=ing tht ~iIy of .,bUnllion >yft""",1"';1 is now..-ttkd that tho n>I majority of arbl,r.I'ion agrmn<I1U ... pmurnl'" tivdy..,r~. In I>IMr wonls, in this Coun~ 1J~



<by whm pbmtllU ..... W 6gb1 rrpinsl..uo.a.biliryof an..t>itntion

l1li"""'"' ~ almost o/woyJ IaJ<.. Yo..... dW cbonp: in Iht stalt' of Ih< law, moK

ond _ pIom.ill1 "-1WtM 10 brins th<tr do.rnJ b6Jn, on orbMr.tOl. and

oppdLu< b..... tion in~ Iwapcri· n>«<l. cormpond"'8 i1uflt(J .tfurto by. party di$Sa,isfit,J WIth 11>< result of on uoo..lYlII1I .tbiltluion 10 .............. rbitrator', ow:>.nI 1n"difl(d .,.- >';>OIled enti .. ly. aMlCk focuICS <HI thIS rI<'W ~ in !he ~unOn of Alaha"",', law of orbi,,,,. lion from tho st>oopoin. of III IUornty r-d WlIh tilt f"WI"'C'I of defending dairns in an wuo.ion. ANt icSnnifyin& siptifi· ant ..... ond dIaIlcnt!a that .,.,.,..,...,. in 01 daimo in arbnmion, """" nouIJIy tho d&fficuIIy vi ~ arbn~ :rwanIs, tho ~ disrus>ion ~ tho impononavl MUllins tho appmpri.ol....... o(:ubitnrion in as<S ........... doritndml c:onU'Oh tho <ItO_ >ion onol h'&hIighe. $Itp$. proailioMr an en:.. 10 proItCl hit or lin" dia"" in1<reS1:5 'h!'O'J&houllh< .rbirr•• ion proccsa.




Historical Overview of Arbitration in Alabama In 19l5, ConS'nJ <na<ltd lh. I't<IttU A,bllrotOOIl Act ("FAA"), 9 U.S.c. S l~' seq., ",,, rt~rst lb. longltandingjudkiol ",,"!lilly 10 .rbllr>!lOn "IVttmtnt< thai

hod UislOO . 1 Engl,;!' common tow .. Id hod 1>«11 .,J..,pltd by A"",.nn <;0"'15. and to pbce •• mlr,uon ~mtn .. upon the loa"", I'00I;/11 .. 0100 tonlrac1L' GJmn~. In,""."/JoIt_ La"" c...p .• 500 US. 20. 24 ( 1991 ) (Cllot..,... omit·

led). AIohama <ouM. adopIC'd Ibis .. bI· ,.oll>ooillity .. po'\ of tho .. al.', <ommon lnUI It.., as ...Iy .. 1836. ~ SID .... Y. Ilmnl.l, ) Port l.ll. B9 (AI.o. 1836),"" ALob.o",.lqilJatur<c utlll"'ldy ,odifled lhe prohlbll;on ago'"'' .ntOrun","1 of pn:'di>pulo .,hitr.tion .S,... •

"'' ' ' 'm..

m<nl< bttI1nn,"s with Ih. (".od. of Inl. Set /J",,,,,,xham Ntwr Co. ... f/",n. 901 So. 2d 27. ~4 (AI .. 2(04). To

h.u ,... j~ it! ,""utory eJ!CCuIOfY .,bm.uon I>;on. which is cu.,mlly codiflC'd ., S 8-1--41(3), No.. G>dt IonS. Wbnlwr ,hLln.,ulOfy bo.n was """"'1$I<nl w,lh .... fAA, and ,"',,"~ oubj«t 10 ~ Plttn ...."," ana/y<il. ....... ,ncd In opm q..... ioo unl~ .... UnitO'd Slllei Supmno< Cou,. decided SDtr,ItIoo...:l c...,.. v. KIII",'S', oI6S U.s. 1 (1984), hu,ly 6(1 )'t... aft .. ,he- FAA', .n,<'nltn'. KIII'ml hdd th., Congrcu, in '"'cting S 2 ofth. FAA, <r... td •• ul>· .t.nti.... rul~ of I.w 'ppli"bl. in ,m. rour', and 'w,thdr<'w the 1"'''''' ofth. ",at.. to ""lui,• • ludic,,1 fo,um for ,her<'iOIutoo of d.,nu which the- ron'rac' ins I'l"'" OVttd '0 ~ by .,bi'n.· 1ion.·ld.•• 10, IHS. A<oordinsly, ...... dolt. Alaha..".

..... 1>&",,,, ."JOrnmm. of In • .-h,,,,,.

,ion apttmm' within ..... FAA ... Pr<'....ptrd .. yi%u .... of the- Sup<<macJ' 0.._, Id. ar 11. 16.' Kl'oollnl did oot loJICa 011 the impor'.n' nll.,td """'10 ... of who ... lncIud> """,,. ohoold _ '0 do ••• n1J .... wil<thn an "&Itt",.n t i, .ubj«" o,M FAA Ind to whO! ..,.m ar••• at .. ''''i,l«1 to mY3.1· idol. otherwise cofo",ralli.

agtmM1I" undrr

.rod,,""""' oontract

.smn.... Orh.,. Unit<d So.... Supmnc Court dtaioont. both bcfon, Ind .. fin Kl'oo,,",, lin, on .1Itw q.....uo .... which .'" "rvlr bqoond tM"""", of th.. uti cit.' T_ _ h d«uoonl. ~""".Iie­ n,firan' .0 .n urnknl.nd,,,, of'M historical dc>-oIorn>mt of .. bin •• ion in AI.o1u.n ..: AlliN '&IJU T,..-m,,,1X eo.. ., IAlbwn, 513 U.S. ~6S ( 1'l95) a nd Ci,iwrs IJ,,,,k v. A"'f~brr>, ,,,,.., 539 U.S. 51 (UI03). IJ.oth ca.c. i'1I'01,'.<1 "lI",.I. fron, .1M' "OIU of 'hc Sup'."'" Cour! .,b,'r.,IO" _,,"'nlt"" uncn_ fon:.ablt .. not n"",'ilt, .he ",,,,,,",ving ron"""",.' ,o<]u"......" of S2 of ,he-

hold,,,, ~AA,

111 U.s.C. t l.


Kl'oor,,,,. Alab.onu courts ;"i·

.LOIly ....pIorod an .. ~n 'n'erp ...... _ "Oil

of ,he-

rtor- "in""""'8 COInJDC''''.;

""Iu,nllS only ",he oIigh.nI ..uu< of rh< '8.«1'lI'n. w"h 'n ........ comhlOJU' 1'0] bri", th • ..,' ,,·'thm ,he- .mbi. of lhe- FAA· f~,..". Goua 6-J/nul (A"'~ n' !. LId.. 436 So.~d 1271, 1175 (All. 1986). 1'h.ll in'<tprtl>lion ..... short

It.....!•••• h. AI,h.,,,. Sup"''''. Cout!, "l'fO·plainwiddy .ic... «I., t,lf. <11'' &«1 "'uno Ind in'rlcmen'cd. ..... neU •• ,n"'I'r<' ••• ioh of'M commer« ""Iu,"""'n •• J« & I"'''.1<mo. So. 1d (Ai.&. 1911) \""'" £..

tn" ."".

6:!' "I> "..". 11'",,....,, S4S So.!d 151, HIli (ALL

uncis< Con8f"U' commnu pown.o .he- full." IMn-, 51) at m.


SU _ ...Iu Jt ... ~'. ,........ f>rofnsor Ilmry C. SI'iddand of.he Cumbnlond School .. Low. a rdtoIar in lhe- .,... of .rb",.,ion,' prcdict<d rho, rh< dod• ..," • ... lould].......Ju.lOIliu orbi· ,ro.ion law i"IAIo,,"mal· and. ·Iflo. lhe fin! U""', mf.,..•• nll'n. of <ootra<:1ual arbitr.,1011 p.o·miolU will be ,he- .ule roth" ,hln lh ...... r'ion in Al.bama." II.n'1 C. AII,,,'·/Jrurr TrrmmiJr, ,",, Y. Il<>bum: Wi""p,,",,,, Enforr;.",,~,

"'Arb" ...,,,,,, At"",,,,,,,n,,

Ar,i,.. m 1\WboI,,,", 56 AlA. Low. 238. i l l (July 1995). StrickJ.O>d·, ~ic p.m,;'"

<or"".-£I<okm, ro.-...oLd major ,hon"" on 'M mforocm<nt of orbi.roioon , ....... ;" ALoWma, .. mforrcmm. of an arbitrat,.", .............. bonmo:.ho: rule and don"" or ."ro.-ccmm, rho: csaption. \'<t. Prof,*,," Strickland tItW1" .....1d WIJ

h..... apt<".td the imgth. 10 who opponmts of a,bit .. non _uld go aft.,. Dob_ Co qudl tlte 'lSing tide of .fbi... tion. H. abo hkly und.r«tim ... d ,h. mnt,nuio8 hOllih.y of l1»ny Al.b.ont. judgn to bindi", arbtlrotoon. ill<luding jUSlkn On Sup'~n< Cou".


wI><> ""r<' .«.plt"" to n<"W .nd ' ..... i"" "rsum<n" fOr rc-fwin, to ~nf<lf'U bind-

tnl a.b",.,iort "grenntn'" Not.bIy, ;" 1995. whm I"" United Su'es SuI"""'"

191911, known IS "Ihe 'con ..... pL"''''' of

Court decided

rh< 1""'"·1... • vw...,." 5U U.s. 271. 1"u1'l\Un' I(> 'htl .... nd.ord, Alaba ....




rnfon:ed .rbnr,I'ion agr«m<nU onit' "'h... ·,he 1""'" ·mn •• mpLrr.«I ,,,bs'.n.,,I,n'.'Jra,, ICUYlIy >I the tnn.. .!try .n.~.«1 inlo.M con.rac. and ICCOrttd.M .rhi""lOn cLou ...• Lopn v. Ho",.. /J"J't'rI W""'''''Y Co'p.. 628 So. 2d MI. 363 (III •. 19931. ' ...."' ... f. 513 U.S. liD (I99S).· In 1\11,... ,./1,1'0' T.,..,um.. On. ~ IAlbwn.62$ So. ld JSoI {...... 19911, .t.. 1Ja1u.",. Sup.."", Court m'~ ils ..,..,icli~ ·inml.i", com-

..... rt $

rnn«' ... nd.lrd 1(>. ,nmitc bond conlnet ~Wft1l .~ A"~ and an ..... -of·~tc (O.po"","on. find"" IUdt agrm><1I' not '0 r.u Wtth'" rh< FAA and ............. prttn'pted by S $+~ I(l), AloL c...k 1975. Id, at 356-57. It.cj«.i",


Alal>& .... ·• ItltffOW 'involvrng coml1lOJ'<r" ,.." the- U,,"«I Sta ... SuP"'''''' Cotm rtvtrl<',n, ,hal ",lit word ' involy_ ing; lik< ·.ffKu"$-· "sn.b .n in.ent '0



t>nno<r•• t<aIJy--«H1.roIItd .....

widdy """S"iK<l IS oonB plaintiffJoon. oumn friendit'. n.. Loner I'l" of'M 19901 ...... marked id<-oIosr $hift with the AI.oban,. Supr....... Coull ... It.cpubl .... " ju""", w"h"n<S$ .yn,,,..hin <,"""0 domi" .... h. am.t. S« S'.ph." I, Wo ••• MOI"Y. Po/itia an,f Judirral D<ril'~~" A c;..... 5""ly of ,~J\Jab<t",a, 15/. L & Pol. 64S. 657 (1999). In this ..,I.. ile peri. od. who. ~ bft-n jll'nn«l'M ·b,.llie over a.b,.w"",; J« hlauhrw C. Md)ONId & Kifkbnd E. Itc-id. Arbo,,,,,i<Ho Opp/>nmts Up II'nmg /JrrIItr/I. 62 Au.. t..w. S6, 61-61 ( lall . 2001), WlIl wo&«l .htoushout tilt ..... , not ,.,.. '" ,he ..... ru. In this Ii&ll', consumn od\'OClt. . .nd tri.tllowy<n orp<>Jt<l'o biO>d,,,, • .-h,.wicrn "luami off Ipin" pro,bwi..... sruup< f.vor<'<!arbllr• • lOo. A. I'l" of .hi. bani. and in ipi •• of l>obonn. pl.intiff,litipt«l Ar/>i'/U"o~



lhor tnfof'( .... b~J!y of .rtm... lOon >&'ftturn. i"dudin, by \n)' of .pptaI. o.....osfitd d.:ftnd.ln.. simi~'1r nnploycd It.. .rP<lb~ prot ........ raul! of .... ich ,t.. Ala~ Sup~ Coun ,,"pol' ;".1«'<1. d<'Ius< of arbobahOD tnfOltt.lba"1 appt.'.;n It.. bu 19900 and .....Ir 2OOOl.' Wilh .ho <l1.;ln.,n, symp.a.hin Or'M Alab.una Supmne eo.urt,;1 II n<H ou.pd,;ns .n,,~. ';Int nlO.~ ond mo ... wtlt ,u«:mful in rom· ptlhn8 d;.pu.n 10,r•• ion. YCI, a, . 1..10' Uni,«I SUtn Suprtmo Om.1 .J..cuoon would ,I",w, Iho Rtpubloc-.. n·domm.l«I rou" did no! '" f•• mou"," In.~...J, in 2OOO,.hor rou" inmU..t r<1 mml$ .1 nff)'

............ in.tIlI .... commtfCt u.I thai - ' d .. ,....... Oiruck down .. too tnlrict;~.nd .h<1"dOre


Alab&m.Hhol It I<i'OUId b«ome"!Itt ruIt nthcr !hon oeq>tion· -his u1tirnatdy pn>'I'm O>m<"t, ~ ~ }'r"ar$latcr Ih.n up«1td. I'.n;., _ suIo;tct 10 !Itt

a .......

!loti. Iq.aI 0>UI>id. ho~ only ' - d>oi= P"I i>rward-WIIIt -.., &om !loti. daimo ... """' thtm ,n an """In! klrum. M o'Jaboma Iolipton wrIIkroow,. oubotantial pcr«n11" of rbJnhf& has takrn tn.- tor_ mer opIoon. .. tilt '''''rntN numbtr of am,lr.looru Iu$ by no n... ,O$ off"" tilt dKru.w ,"uml,..,. 01' 1.W5iJiIL y.". tnOn' .,biIWion. art !lOW laking rIa<. alld II>trt has btm • correspond"" iro Iht numb...- of _ppd_ 1.... d«ioions awards ...... dntd '" ... oc,uaI_rbo, ... oon. TO<by. these dccioions OR crilia! in tilt d<YoIop;", IN of in Aioboona. on ....... oflN ,ho, was IIrgdy dormanl ,t.. "mule

wpmn< rou" limply I..t ..... , i. hod prc-;iowJy ,n Dolt.on, and ........1 1110 Alabo .... Surmne Coun hod isnomI' Consrm in'l"nCI<d ..... fAA tc:o dUnd 10 tlw fulb, nun • .,...;t>It undn tht Com"",","

lon, '0


Alabama Arbitration Law Enters a New Phase M a practia! null.., (.j,izmj &rn.t !narks , ..... final dwpIcr in Aiobon",'. fish' tnl"orcnbililY of """""'00}' """tr~. lion ............1$. All ......... pLolI"llif& omosoondy ttiII h;wr oucass oppwing a mol"", 10 compd .rloi<""ion," AUbamo r;-. that IOIIow CIn:r'nf 8atIt ~ that AIWmo .. _ an .rbilnlion·frimd-

. . . I'"

Sop~ eo.u", on a I..... ut>JntmOUS po ..." ....", orin"",, r<jc<1<d Ai.boma'. r>n< in«"u'e rom""""'" ,n' " .... '''1 upon ".n ,mp"'p<rlr <,"",pod view of

Iy ....It .nd I .... 1ht Supnno Court Iw ....,"'" tilt •.... OI. fIa& of .. onm-


Congress' Com'nt". aaul<' pown." CUiunlBanl Y. lo1<.f4""" Inr., 539 U.S. 52.58 (2003). fu. I',"elical mollO!, ,h.

doer" on ,n.- FAA'. imtlll'" rommcr<"< '"'lui,..".,." •. ' 'fh".. Profnsor Soriddond' r~iction ron<m"ng arbilration in

""'*'". . .



....... rtlll,.,ion.""'n ,...... ppnu:;.

matriy 1111« ynrs .. not a,izmj &n1. o'Jabo!na" htW>nt aKtn Iu$ Idtastd 1111« "",II dc<islon. fOr publication: W"vn/tr Hal_llI<_ ¥. Mcf,firhMl. 855 So. 2d ~9' (Ala. 2003). I!.I' 1",1'<1- ~. S d- M f,,/u,p. 00.. 896 So. 2d 460 (Ab.. :!I»I).IIi,,,,;,,,h4'" Ntws Qo. Y. IIIJr71. 901 So. 2d 27 (All. :!I»I). A ""nh ....., II d-S " _ LLC ~ hkDono>/d,


1M.. 103144S, Nov. :!I»Il_"'''' _lOO4 Ala.I.e<iI J.O (Ala. 2004) ("MdloNId Ill"" __ m:mtlyd<cid<d. bul 10 k m.-d b 1!YOI.... 'ion of,~ eun. .........111 (nWII.""" from "'..... ,...-..diction .. oIIm


s.. -rzu"'1 Ih., SJIIm "'V"'''''''''' .....

wJOn&ly dot<id«I.nd Ill .. ,he ..... n'. majority had flikd '0 tOIIow ,n.- die ..... of 1.l%o:Ioft. On «-"ion .. rn'Xw, "" u.s.

tnI~y ofbtno:lan& atbitntion. . . . wich


Congress intended FAA to to the fullest extent po:ss under the Commerce

prftmp,«I by 'M FAA. ~I ,.... Ii ... .., fO.1lI in sm ...u{d't Vi.i/at;""~. c..rlo ..." PI,,,,,,",,, ao., 775 So, 2<1 759 (Ala, 2(00), "f«uoo[d) on Ih. qU;lottily .nd q.... lily of ;11'0'(11""",.", of fOrtiS" <n',I,n wi,h ,ho .ub,." , ... " .... lOon." Sn Ilro<>kfJtlJ eo"..,. eo.•. VQ~ \'Inti, 11-41 So. 2d no, 221 (AlL 2002). Ihi. Inl,'l highnt roun"""",n with il, l.. rtinj:o and in "1',1< "' ..... , , ..... wp~ ..... n had .. id on I~onlin....d 10 find. signifocanl numb...- of .rlo""'ion .S..... m<nl> roiled 10 rrI('<'O , ..... FAA', inln.... . CQnln'Ifttt ~u"....... nt and 'h ............. _rt u .... nfOraal>lt undn Ala ....... low. It did n<H I..... hf Unital 5..... So"........ Coun act. The "I'porn,nily calnt In Ak>fQ~ 111<_ v. Ci "u", Bani, 872 So. 2d 7Y8 {AI., 2001}, whort'n.he Al> SUl'rtme Co"n .... Iying ullOn Siu<" af Ih, ViliwiM, refused '0 onforeo In .. bi'r.l;"n _,,"mtlll lho, w•• O!IKUt..t os p;trt of a large u"d~rlyin8 r. ..... nciaJ Ir'Naction. Only IUlli« lluoid disKr"..t,



importon, ... ",Iom and irn.i&h' '0 ...... "'Y' poq»ri"8 1o cIoftnd ""'" in .rloi..... • bon. FoIlow,ng .n ~ of you""" tor arpnlong orbil ... "on .... Ido. til;' ortick ronsidtrs I..... four (;l$<1 in drplh.

Avenues for Appealing Arbitration Awards' Stvm )'O"AB 18"> al which 'imo .... body of Ippdbl~ law &om ........"'" ..... limilal, Mobi'" attorney \\"o1I;"m II. lI.rdi< pubIiIhW an .nide I/O 71><- Ala"""", lA...,....



Ikndrix. 816 So. Zd JO. )] (AI&. c;.. App. ZOOI); GWrItIb MDNy I'wrlww PI4tn 6T..... ~ Ill)'" I.......,..s.n....lno.. 146F3d 1)09. UIZ (11th Or. 19\JII~ It has non!

that ~ in dn;IU po<nlual to m.odr. o.rbit~_ aw.rds. s.. \\'lIIiam H.

Hartbo, Arlotruta<: fWI·AwanI PmcN..... 60 AI&. Uw. )14 (Sept. Im).1.ooIuog 10 S Arbitration Act, S 10 6-6-14 of of FM (' USC t 10),.00 "f'I'<Ildtcisootu from <OIIIU ~ W Untted Sutes, Ihld;. idmt;ficd 16 possi:IIt grounds lOr .t~1lS an .rbimotion;oward. Hordoo, "'1"", at liS. The lint II .~ owu.ory grounds ... iorth in w AltA or FAA. 5<r ill. The mn.",ing 1M .~ non· .... tutory grounds es,ablOshc-d by ",um ;n occordm<t- wi.h w <OrI'U"r\O%l 1ow.5<r od. In the yean iira tl1 .. artidt, the Alabama Supmnt" Coon has modo irnpofwI' pro-


btm....,...... ,Ito, "the iW>dard 01 rcvoow 01 arbitral rwmk 'iI......:o.-c _ _



known to the .....-


N,,1:tm. /"", 4(lO F3d 8ll. 8JO (10th Or; 2005) (quGlire LiMM' fIdi"l Go. v. Umud Food 6- c...~""""" I""*"" 886 F.2d 27S, 276 (10th Cir. 1989)}. In ligl" '" the _ric.


noun«'rttnIt$1>otann& ""

U.s. &ttru O>op.

the oppIiabili<y

ollDOlll olm.,. ~ """"""" Noub/y, in the Horn cut,.he coun IOrm>IIy odopItd ,he goun<k 01 app<:OIid b1b in S 1001 tht FAA

can be

""pressly odopt<d one- <>f tho: fi,...

I'fOI'OI'Od """nds. •....... ilCsl disrtprd"(Hud;' Co......,. Il), ... ill. at 50, but n-j«t«:I ~ othtn, indud_

in« tha. an "w:ud iI"~.oo apricious" {Hord;. Cotqory 14).tha, an .-d is"«>mJ*tdr irrotioNJ" (Haniio ~ 1)'.00 tha, ... -..I doa; noI - dtno,o" iI$ 0$I(fKII from Wldntyu>s


unfairly if an arbitrator is

not truly neutral and


conItICI" (Hardir Co"1l"Y 16). 5<r i.E.:II

52 (cit"" 1I.rdi<,...",.... at In-ZJ). The Supmnt" Coon has noI ..,.,un dirt<:lly "" I!.rdio·, r-cnWning non-statutory a......,.. tltot "n '"",-an:! ~ fun· da",.n ••1public policy" (li.rd .. Cot<gory

1Z). btll 'I'Provingl)o qOOling .n article in Horn that I'f«'8"Izt<l tht vtIidi.y <>f tl1is non·statUtory ground. S« Ham. 901 So. 2d .t 52 (quGlinsS.tphm L HoyIOrd,lI. NAAInIJJpo !fweom....,...., ArlNInuioot: Rtlh.n.\:"'J dtt II&Jno.uhtp lItnmn ~A--"anddtt~~

pr 1Wat....,66Gto. W.uh. L kv.44},48'J9'(1998)). ~ol,-,manyvui>lta~ ol>ppeai mn..... it IS abundanllyckar thot

judicial m-itw olan .""tration award is -my limitod. .-.prdlcso of wbcth<r an aweaI is pending in ,t... or r.deral <ourt.. <.g., florn,901 So. 2d .t 50; Mc/w~.




ddtn<lanl could abandon tht arbitration .....""n' Jimply by noIliIire- motion IOwmpd:ubit~ Yn, pIoJntiKs haw at Ihnr diop<aI ....... similar 10 I mot"", to compol. "'-"n .. a pol;' tion lOr ..bitr""'" \Vhi!< k$s wdI mo..-n to AlabMn.o pncttt ......... and w .............. judiciary ,Iton tht motion to ",.npel arbi· ,ration, ,ho< poIitioo lOr :ubitration aIlow.. pony 1<> an wtra .."" ~. to WIl1"'""'" I <OlIn I(toon to foru 1lIlOt...... party 10 nobmit to in acaonIanct with tho tC11lU of In a.b"rallon ~t. Stt Unum Ufo IJtI. Go. of Am. ~ II'ngh •• 897 So. ld 105'J, I07S (A.Io.~) (discusoing imP"" 0(9 U.s.C S 4). In thooc cimunlto....,.,. in which :ubit... lion ~"..., to bt ustdart in draliina W ....." ..... can dirttinotc 00ITIt. but noI all, 01 the riolu idmtifiod in ft(;tIIt .............. d<oIicw.. A$ ~ bdow, tht bflI'SI risk pK-

.. IppIic:obIr to oppeols from o.rbimllion rwmk in ~ couns .00 funhcT llI'f'IIthat the grwnds ondudtd til t 6-6-14 lrt cumula· "'" of tht FAA. 5<r/IDm. 901 So. Zd I. 46-47). Wi,h .-.prd to the non-I'otu,ory grounds. 110m


1M 1\11.. "" 01 judicial rcvoow. !hoot J"Itt'Ot\$ alld <"Il.;I;" m.ploy"" .rbitration ogr«'-

.... ted to drimdants in arbitration is tho< inability 10 obtoill any rdXf on "1'I""a11"rom. ~ award tltot would urtqU($!ionWIy br $trod down In I .rodotional .pp<-al. A rrant aan'r«: 0( '1ICh an ,w,rd is

fu<tlld inSwk ~ Smod~ Ph«nix


6- "'" P.C. 381 F3d 793 (8th 0 •. ~). wh<nin tht E.igltth

Om... Coun "'Appeals rrinsulf'll. 56 mllIiott purutp,." damost 0WMd dospiI< thrbct ..... ~~ ......

only $4.000." ratio 011,.500 10 1_ Str id. at 19& R.. "",Idi"l to the drimdllu', argu. mont ,Ito, tht ......U...... 01 thr puMp,." ~ owotd estobIWIod that the arbi,ra· tor had manifestly ~ Uni,od Su,,, Suprnnt Coon pm:tdcm impooing d", pm<tSI mtric.iotl$ on web award.s. tho: Eighth Cimoit providod tho: fo\

mmu ohould cuofully COIUidrT tht oigni~­ anct "'judicial m-itw in <fuputes liUly to roll wi.hin tho: I<OJO< '" • given aroiTr;,tion ""~" .." •. In this "",rd, it is important to r<C08JI~ tItot :atbitn.ion is. tw<>-.wy SUttI-Ooth pon ... 10 an abitration agrttmmt t.n~ IIqaI light to judicially wmpd arbitrMlO<l in ~ with ,he ...",. 01 • vmt ....."",,t. In rKfttl JftfS. pbintifb .m.... irwanabIy fiIod lrwsutu in mun '" ~ 01 ... ubII .... ion ...« .."nt with W

millinS (Ornmmtary: ·Although thi> rowlt ~ .... m dNamian, tho ....... '" Ltw limit· illl! judicial m'1ew .1Id tho< judicial process in the .rbitration (Ont"", .~ wdl ..... bIiIh<-d and !he ~ ... QlJ1 bt prtSUm«l to haw bent wdI...,....j in w COIIStqumces of, ...... d«ision to raoM their di>pu1es in thiJ man .....: •.. H=.ldrfondant] ct.o.<- to raoM this -disput< quickly

"'\ention 0( 6&I"ot;,. ... aJlticipoted motion

ins !he ....n... to arbitration. In '" dOJin&. l<kf<ndmt] 'Jot whot it barpinod 1Or:'Havu>a (111««1 ...a. • conlract,

to wmpd .rbitn,ion from the orh<r >ide. In ...rn rumnuun<u. dtfmdml$ ~ Iofl!i<ly ItfI wilh tho choin' of wbctIt<r or not to .nmret' In .rb"r"ion

.00 dlicirnlly tht<ougtI o.rbitration." Iod<td.

it was Idriondon'l thot irosiI.tod on rm>OW-

Idd"tndant] n'U$IIub$tquonlly obi.d< by tho tul<s to which i. osr«<t"

Id. a, SOl (ci1l1iom omined). Inlisht of 1M conwn owr judicial Itticw. thof<- dr,Ii"'I arbi,ra,ion &f,Itt.... nlS >hool<l COfWdorr indudi ... un· Iliaii'" ,ka. p!"CWfYOlll>t po"ier; righ, ." judid.l m'W:w of """1<T$ of law to tht fuu.,t """nt allowed. At ,II< ,ime of til< d ... Ai ... of thu .ttici<, ll~lltor tM Abbonl" cou"' tho EI=n.h Ci"ui, Court of App"ab hOi addr~ tho qU<', ion of ",h.,h.r tho FAA allow. parti'" to.n .. bim.ion "sro.mtlll< to contra<t .... ,y borpin fo r ""I".wlcd judicial .. vW:w. Howovor, tM ;... ... a, p.... n' 5J>Iits OIM-r fcd.o ...1."uru of;appeal n.. Third. """tth aJld Bfih (itcui\< ~ found that tht fAA p<.milS ""poDded judk....... W:w._RNd-r~Sys.. /~ y. K1>ywr, 257 f .3d ~87, 293 (3d Cit. 20(1), S"...... In.' Cmp.. " M<l~nd. No. 96-2261. 1997 U.s. App. l.cxis 21248.., · 1F 18 (4,h Cit. Aus- II, 1997) (unpub-



lished decWon), Coo''''''y T",/t., Int. v. MO Td<wmm. O;r,.. f>I f.3d 991. 997 (5,h Cit. 1995). while the Ninth .lId Ttllth ,i""il$ ho"" .ej«tins ""ponde<! jud ici. , .. view. Stt I(yo«nJ Corp. v. Prud'Mlj..J·&t~ T 51"" .. 341 F.ld 987, 10001 (9th Cir. 2(03) (en kane); & .....n v. """"" /'IjId"'" Co .• 2S04 F.l<i925, 917 (10th Cit. 200 I).

Alabama's Developing Body of Decisions Involving Appeals from Arbitration Awards McMichsel-Exercise Care and Caution in Selecting an Arbitrator


1I1I...rIft //an .... /"'. v. MrMi<:/wI ""'Won from 2001 was tho Ala!>." ,," SuI''''IlI. Cou,,·, fir.t . ppeol involving an actual . rbi ••• ';on award in ''''''y .

doaodo. S« IOocrow 8, "'1'"'. The Mdofttlt./ pWtotLIfJ 0,.maJlr filed suit ito amlit COlIn apllUl tht idler .nd tht ...... ufactu ..... 01. mobiIo homo, "'""" ·<Omp<nSOt"", lIId poanitivo ~ on thuns alkplIJ tnud.1Nndt of ""P.... • nd imp/oed wunnt;'" lIId ....pigen' ondIor _nlon ro,mruction, i<Up«;lion. u"",po11, lIId 5tlUp of!he ho""." 1.1. • t 494. As oAtn 1t.ol'1'("II' in co ... of this lI>'u"" the ddcndonll demanded en{oret""," of their .,bit... tion 'vcom<n1l by way 01. mollon to (o.1lprl .rbi,,...t;"" and 'M circuit rou" pw .haoo dcl"tII· donll 0PCI1y w! thq ~ for-<lr\ ordrr compelh", pLaintiffs to arb'tI"iItt. It is ..... to asoun>t tIt.ot, in droooins 10

.."ro.o. tilt arbllr.'ion . . ,e"ItIl', tht dcfmdont _fatl" ..... did not "'P"'"


arbrtrator to rwud pLaintJlls 1490.000 ito economic do",... and cmOIi<>naI dis· t...,.., poniculorfy when .he plaito.iffs· """' "'pert <'$I,,,,,,,ed «onomic damo$<s to be at SS.soo." Ail .... the circui, coun enlntd judg· "".11 on .h •• ,bit"'ion award, dd ..... coun ..1for the m. nufwu .... sough. ,o dcpoJ< the arbi, .. to. based on tvidcncr M had Ul\toV<rtd tIt.ot aoI doul>t on the .rbit ... tor'. po.llo1ity. Specificolly, defense counld ulI<O.,,(d ...!dcno:. tho. the arbi· ,r.a""had WutdlU"llil>rfy ~ ..... rds in thltt an>logou$ mobito homo cascs. baKd on virtu.olly id...mcal fan .... findi"", wilh aU four bel'll issued wilhin • Jpan of lOur d.y$. In .adt of these four .rbitr.ation$. pWnhtn.....-R 1qIm<n,ed by tht ........ attorney. Dcfnuc counsd (u"M-r pUI fo .. h ...idnr« ,h'l rounsd for pl.ainllffs.Jld ' he .rbi, ... to, had 1'.... ,. oully OCled .. co'l'uimiff. coulIKl in I lowsui, ogoinl1 .llIObil. homo manu fac· lur<1". Fin. lly, counsd put fonh ...idnr« Ilt.ot plain, iffs· counsd may h."".."tncd into ............ m...11 WIth 1M Idling drol..... counsd pu ..... nt 10 .. hich plaintiffs' t<IUIIsd was allowed to sd«I tho> arbit ... tor ho> w;mtcd. SN ;d. .. 496-99. The cir· cu,t COlIn .muffed COlI""",'. dJoru 10 obtain diKoYery .nd • p"".lriaI """ion t(l """"'" tho> arbit ............... n:I " ... dmoed by ope ... t"'n olio ... SN ;d. II 495. TIt.r defendant ""'nuf..ou ..... tht~· .. rr ... 'PI"'olcd 1M judgment confirmin& tht arbi, ... t;"n .".. rd on the purported grounds o(·po .. ;'li,y, biu. and (Orrup· tion On the po" of the a rbitrator." S« id." on til< ..idonr< p.... nted IS to




posoibIc I"'rtiollly Of bias. wItidI tht murt found ... fficimt t(l'roW[] a thraldd infnma ............ bi. based on [tho otbilf.tor'l[ aJIorIed faau~ 10 di!doooo any inll:lnt or bi. ...., ntight off«t his iud&. ment; tht AloIwno Supmnc ColIn held tlt.ol.he uial CIOUn ... rtd in 1>01 hoIdi ... • •

hcarins f<>r 1M PUI""I"'* of drtcnnitoing wIH:!!r..,. adoqu;Itc ..idnr« """" '0 grant Idrfendant"IJ rtql>f$l to 5tI ..;& the judg. ment of <onfi, m.a'ion.· Id. at S()1. Altllouglt i. drt ... ntined ,h ar it would no' 'M .ip,niflCanc~ of ,he mdrnrx pmmtcd bul ills....! IJIow .he trial CIOUrl ,ho> opponunity to hear ,nd ~ JuCh <YidctIrx olbia$lp.ort..Wity. In iJ. at SOl. tht ... pmnoo COlIn prCICCCdod to establish llIt·~ impra&ion of poniality"


SW>dord .. tht appli<:ol>lt otandud ' " dIaIIcngo:o 10> an l....,j on tht Iwis ci bias

ponialiry. s..: ;d. II SO&. Pu......"t to th .. >Undard. on .rbit ..... ion a....,j is sub· i<rt to cIt.olInt.. if the pony ......itog bias or porlial.ity·makco • .oowitog ,hrough odmissiblt tvidc-nu th.1 the coull flJld> to be credibl., Ih., gives rise to a n imp .... • .ion of btu ,Nt i, dir«t, defini .., a nd co,,"blt or drmorut ... as dis,inct fro m I'""", . P\>t.....anct' of"bW tlt.ot is .. mote. un",,"in. and opecuIa,iYo." Id. McMi<:/wI ocu"lr dcTnon!l ...... tht risb aMOriated wi.h ,he sd«tion 01 ... arbrtrator. For yr..... opp<IIICnlS 01 IJbiIl"iI1ion hive compla.ned about how arbi· •... tion was u nf""'O pl.aito.ifU. MrM.n-I~ facl$ nt .... ish thot any ~y Irbit ... ,,,,,, con be , ...,ed unf. irly if .n ami,mor is nor truly IltUt ~ a nd impor· .iW IWOciated ",i.h .M $dt<:. lion pr<l«N ofln .rbit"'lor .~ larvly drpon.hnt upon.he Ideetion procedures .., fonh in , gi""H ' fbitt. tion agr...m Ctl •• Such proccdu ,6. unless uncoruciorurblt." a .. dl>t to be cnfortcd . nd conl>Ol be ...,.. itd by. tri;al coull enfo"itog a n arbi, ... tion 1IgIftmnt1. S« Mrv.",..Jd y. H 6- S H."..... /..l.c..'5J So. 2d 920, 925 (ALa.. .!OIlJ) (~M<v......Id Ir) (rowrsi"l"ordrr dir«t [inaJ tho p.lm~. to sd«Ian .rbit ... • t<lf.' in a ........... that Is Incoaui>tmt with tht tetml or the ponier;' to ••bn .....·). SooIt .rbi.... ,ion IIgIftmntU aUow I CIOU" ,0 >t\ec1on ao1>itrato.lIId tho FAA iud( p..,.idc$ (Of judicial >dec,ion of In Irbi, ....or in «<,ain cimini· ... nea, including who .. no sdectlQn pro· <edu .. ",iltt. S« 9 U.S.c. S ~. Such a p ro<ed" .. itsdfp .... n .. Ii"', ... tlK", is Of


'0 ,W. n..


no\h,ns 10 ~t a judF from .ppoint. .ng .... arbnntor tNtl tilt dtfmdant _ .. unfa ...... bIt.

McDonald III-The Need For 8 Sufficiently Developed Record Th~

.iz< and con'1"",uon of 'M ,,,'Ord

in McMkluJt/ undoubttdly ..... disturb· ing '0 product m.nuf.ctu,,,,. 8'n~raIly ond Ih~ mobil. ho",~ incl""ry in ponic· u~r. Ekuwt 1M ALoin"" Supmne Coun'. opinicm ...os limit«l to the bLi$/p.i. h •.hly iss .... intnnttd put;" ...,.., Itft 10 .... ndn- if an arbi'rallOn -.rd 01 , ....."',,""" could ~ on appnJ in Alabama.. 1lw court ..-.,tIy decided ......1><1' appnl in...,.."" a mobile ho"", and 0101'8' -.rd in £•••,,1'

01. pLllllbff. S« MrOo:>....w Ill. lOCH Abo

New. 24, lO(4). This .ion will do link 10 calm the f~... 01 com",nieo d<f<ndinS d,lJlU in .rbi'n· l ion in Al. t\!ttI,. Md).m,,/d 11/ involvtd oIltgalioft$ of inl<nlio1l. lIy lortiou. con· duct in Ih ...I. of a tnObil. home. Th. .,bil ... ,or IW. rdtd SSOO.OOO in ""mages withoul l-p«ifyinS wh., .mountS, if 'ny. wnt ..... rdtd lOr emotIOnal ",",ms or punllt~ damages. !in .... at • 14. FindlnS the ruord MIme. 'Ufficiml to suppon an -.rd 0I~ on ~ and fraud. bul hr;,,"l t>O wq to dtt~t'rIIin< whftMr tht ....·.rd was impormiooibly Ia,¥ undn 1M law. the court ..,jecl«l • manil'al disrcprd dIallrnge. S« id. al ·]2·IS. SPCh • choll ...", was vinml ... In impo"ibiltty !>«au.. tht court h.d t>O way to oon'l'&r. Ih~ .mount of Ih. comp<n ..,ory .word 10 the .moun' of the pun iii ..... o.....d. u,ueh infonn •• icm w.un.iuly bckini- S« id. al '14·]5. Whal MrDo .... /d 11/ coulUds is the need for •• uflkiontly devdoptd uwrd .0 olJow 'P!'C'ILot. couru to &krrni~ tDCtIy whal occurred bdow in tht arbi· lral pro«cdins- Lac:kinS in Mrv.n...ld 11/ is :uI _.rd Ih>t ddinea' Q the amou .... awordtd for <:adt atepy of ~ oought Ikto~ is cri1ical in othe, auao, ""-'"n, indud,ns an explanation of tbe facti upon which 1M arbitr.tion aw.rd it baoed and 'h~ ~ au,hori o f I..... h., und<-'lie tM award. Fur.h...-. m.ny of .he ...... "un of .ppo:ol. mO$I t>Otably th( manirnl disrtgard of the I.w

<landord. depend upon the n.iot,~ 01 a I",nocript a,bo.utoon pro«cdinp to allow tht apptlblo court 10 d<1crmine wha1 informa'ion ..... bcfon, ,be .roi'",· tor. In ob$tncc- oI .... h a •• .ppdI&tt coum ..~raUy • .., unable dtt.rm'~ whal fac.uaI,nd Iepl.rgu. ment! ...... 0 , ...,u "'" maok, thereby "hn"".'"" ."umen" ,h.t an arb" ... tOr i"",rod ot d"rtprded comrolling law. 5« s"rnkrAAt Croup. In •. v. S",;",,809 So. 2d 8ll. 829 (AI •. Ov. App. 2001) ("Withoul a reeord 10 dispu •• (Ih... bi· ... I<>r'I( findinS- _ musl pmu"", Ihal lbe .. bi' .... o< h.. rd ,be cvidet><, ....uId hno, bt-tn _ ..... ry 10 wpport his findin,">; MeK« •. Hettdru. 816 So. 2d 30, }1 (ALl. 0... App, 2(01) (" ...,.,thout


tht comrltl~ .ranscript oI.he hnrins bcfon, tilt arb" ... "". ""-'"n. IhlS court cannot be arta;n ""'" evidence or "'PI' menll ...". p..,.."t..:! to tbe arbitr.. or"). (Ab.

Horn-The Need for

Precision in Framing Grounds for Appeal IVhik .be Itmiltd nature of judicial ion it an inevi .. bl. ,isJ,..U I"'rt'" to .rbi.n! proctt<:ltngs m...t ....."'" (ptOYided the hno, no. validly lIgft'd 10 an ah...-n,.i~ IUn· rev~ wilh

.,b" ....


dud 0< rev~),


dnnorutra'Q W,

,be AJ"bama Su.p ........ Court. in 'hr righ' cUcunuuftUS. will arefuUy coruidcr orgumenll on Ippeal 10, ..... 'ur of an arb"ra.ion ..... rd. in...t.ok 0<. ",n thel'tOf. 'J'he rtCOrd in H"", _ .u/fi· ciontJy w.n devtloptd. factu:olly and ItgaUy. to lllow •• nI.aningful . n al¥.1 u poUiM. in arhi.ralion.ln panicul... the HQrn arbi.ral p.MI i$O<iM a 49·I"'S' dKision ino;luded·ddoikd findings of fact and .. plictt ItgaI concluoionJ underlyin&'M ..... rds.. HImI. 901 So. 2d ., 31. HQtn thus pl'tt<'nttd the rathn unuou.&lou,,,,,io" tht apptUaI< <OUrt ......... wly knew na<tIy whal 1M orbo ... ton ..... rdtd lOr <:adt .pocifit: at· of dol'lUf" and knew tht factual .nd ItpI buu upon which tht arbttra·



...... modo .uch a.... rds. HImI i....-o/wd e~tI'" .goin.. 1M B;,m,nl""'" Nrws fO<" broach of COI>lra<1. bu.m of flduci,ry du.y. con ..... nion •• nd frlud by , ix individuall who (onn .. ly IOId and dil!ribu!td nfWSp"p<n 10 Ihe

public. Tht 1'&00 .w~rdtd lbe W: pl. in· .iff. apptolWl>ltely S20 million in com· p<fUI''''1' and pun;.i ... domavt- S« jJ• at 30, On apptal 'M B,nn'IIJ:""'" ~ chalknstd. ,,,,... .w.o. tht validity of tht IMOO', find;"3 of froud, Ihr amounl of comp<nA''''1' damal" .wudtd and the amount of puru.,... domagn owarded. S« id. at 57·69. The Bir",illJ:""'" wltm ...1y rt«tvtd a Jubll.n,i:ol wlue· lion of .he o..... r.lI ..... rd, nu,ly 54 mil· lion, bul .helUpUme court .ffinmd u 10 Ih. 'ppTOJ'mal<ly SI6 million. Sa id. ., 6S·66, 69. With rtprd puni.iw dlmai<! .• M coun fOund suflkitn. 01 ... action ,n .be confirmalion of an arbitra· lion aw-ard 10 implital< ,be Due J>nxcI.I S« NI. at 66-67. Accordin&Ir. tho court dttcrmintd Ih>. i. """,lei m-icw propniy made d... proca.s challmgn to a punil~ ~ ..... rd uDdt. the manifcl! dl.l«flrd thco<y of m-icw. S« NI. Tht iml'ilat.ion of this pro""""",· .....n. is .h.. drfondon" ..~ abk 10;wert tM d ... pnl«l4 lim,,,,io",, on thc."..rd of puni!i ..... d.m.S" from !lM\\Iand SI<I.~ Nrm in .. bit .... ion a.... rds, al.hough, as drmonm .. «l in Ihe .bo ..... disclWion of Mrl).maLi III. 1M unde.ty· ins uwrd mlUl allow for a «>rnl"'rison of tilt .mounu ..... rdtd in compms;!· tory .nd pun;.~ damages lOr ...m an ..... rd to procttd. ImpotUntly. in findin! ... ffiOm, SUlc ..nion in the confirmaIion of an arb,l rotion ...-.lJ'd 10 inlplicatt d ... I""""' 1It Alabama Sup ........ Court p.o,t«l ....yo w,th 1M Unittd Court o( AppnIJIOr 1M EkYenth Orcu". which $Ome )'t... bo:f"", fOund .. b," no. 10 invol ..... Ita« ",l ion.





s.. Do." •. Pr",k~'ml s.c.. I""., 59 F.3d

1186. 1191 · ]192 (11th Cir. 1995). In firmly .~I.blloltln! m.nifest disrt· sard u In ..... ilabl. """ndo (or .pptal .nd mokins dar .hal puniti~damages .wordtd in .. bi, .... ion a n bo: revinml on app<':01 for =miW1lftS, HQtn unqunliorubly IS fo~ pl'tadtnl "'PrdinS lhe .ppeal.obility "f arbitral • ....rdI. Yn. at 'M $ilme lime. the _ ~ tht h>nh ualitlrs of orbi· t.lI"",

appnls. In I'&nicuJa ••• 1>< opinion

demon"ra'Q .bat Alabama


will, 101M attn! po»$ibk. 00Il· "",in ,be" review 101M n............ $Copt poUibk and will only add ...... pr«i...1y m.d~ "pp<'I~« . rgumen .. ,hat.u sp«ir.,.Uy I;nltd.o an oc<C'pt«l ...... nu. cot.tr15

of appnl. $N. r.r., Horn, 901 So. ld ,I 6 1 (" In Ih< lirul analy>is.[ dd.ndan, [ m:oks "" rN! ,'Zu_nl conc~rnin! Ih •• uffi. de".,. of Ih. fra ud .vidona: prtocn led .1 Ihe .rbilration h,uinS"): ill. ("11 i. impoounllo not. &I>01l>or;....., no! raioed in t ...... appt.ts"h iii. 1162 (~ other poinlJ made only lnw1y in tho. porlion of lho [', j . 'Zumml do;. no! a<k<jullcly a"icubl' any m. nit'nt disrtg. nl of Ih. low by 1M I"n.I·): Id.• 1 62 ("AI "" poinl in il$ brief. 10 this Court don [< ) chaUc~ lho omounlJ 'w;1rdcd .ach plainliff for mmlal dam .... al"" hom "'I"i"l th.l it Iw no Iiiobilily fo r oUmag<$ at al'"): III. 01 64.65 (I"ocw ,nl on argum<nl.$ 1>01 mado by dcknwml in iu brid)." In o,h" wordi. Ih. AI. bo",. Sup"m' Courl h>l m.d. il

ok .. lh. l il will nol bend over ~kWllrds 10 r ... uc dtkndan .. from ilI · fated IflUh. of thOr <lIflOdowo dr<:Uion to ~U;rt



..." .... eSo.lIt • • 11 lJIo_.WI.,.. _ _ _ _

_ ...... _-*.-..""'.-.. ..... ....·_ l e u , leSo.:IIi.-'I101 .. _

and iJm:>kr arbilration.



s.-eo..r..... _ ... _ _

Although Alobanu.', I>tlClj>ha$c of ,tbi·

It 1lIo_s.-CM _ _ _


lralion .. in iti incq>tion, ""S. ,..c tNt arbitration o. 1>01 oIwoys the btlltT ~ 01 oction for ~ porIicuIuJy in lishl 01 tho aum>t compooition 01 .... Abb.vna Supmnc Court. ",. piobl"" .. .. po:rimced by dtfcnd.>n lO in Alabanu

in li>c 19900.l:lCmi... punil;'" dam. ogs ow>"'" and "dfivt.thru· cIaso c:ntiIi.<.,. tion, ...., long J!OflC. &oed on tho cunml AIle 01 .... L.w and tho choIlntp pram! in drimo< 01 doimo in arbitration. poem_ 1i.aJ drimdonu and their counod $houId coruidtr IftDmining bo<h th< w< of:ubi. lratiool.$ and tho ICrn\1 employed in such agrffin... lO 10 best prol«l ,,&,irlSl ." unanlicil"ted ...,...,~ kmario. •


10. - . . " .. _ _ 'lIh_


.. _..,.,,-. .. _


__I0'Io,...,DtrIIot._ • .... m So. lit nt IeIZl --~



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BENJAMIN LEE BOYANTON &njamin L lIoy>ntoo, I mcrnbtr of tht Humsvill<-Madison County !\ar hl6oc;'tion, died Decembtr 19. 2<XH 31 1M ag<of YI. H. was born July), 197t1 in


ttunlSviIlt and Samford Uni.....mty, wh= lit OOlain«l to. under· degreo in )9')2. H. pu,led from Birmingttam $<hoot of L:ow.nd was admitted to Alaban .. Sla'e &r in 1997. !lor-onion moved Iw;k 10 Huntsville and


ts,ablishtd himself as:on exulknl allOrhis proft«ion and prided himsdf on helping tJ>os<, in n~.

11<'}'. 0 .... who ~

He was a m.p«1ed .\lomey in the Hunuville ..... woll known for his impressivt po""n.J p"""""" in the «Iuff_ room .00 «jually wdI known for hi< got . tkmanly opproacl! to lifo and the I.w. lIoy.nton was • member o f the Fir" s"ptiS! Church.nd wa •• devoted hu<· b.>od to Amy r.tesiloyamon. hi. wife of nint yc....... nd a loving roth .. of tWO soo., WIlliam I.e-< iloranton ond Wtsley Sryaot Boy:Inlon.

- F",kndi L fuh ..U, prtsioknl, f/unlwilk-Madi"," CO"nI,. fu. ~,ion

JOHN GROW, SR. lohn Grow, Sr, •• membtr of the Mobil. Bar As.soci'lion, died in Gulf Sho ..... S<pt~mb<r 6. 2004 a, the ago of


H. was born in TUscaloosa on Sq>tember 20, 1936, Ih. son of Allo"" \\'.y and J~ A. Grow. He g... w up in TusaJOO<3. and rteeim:l his b achdo" degr~ from the Uni .... rsity of Abb.tma .nd hi,l.w degree from lh. University', School of law, wlltr. h. w.o «Iilor of the LAw &.jew and wmlt • numb<r of scholarly .. tid ... Ikfort a ttending law "hoot h. entered the Unitt<! Sl.,.. Anny, from which h. reuivcd an honor.ble di<charg~ .n.... bting «Immi.,ioned

as • captain. Aft~r he «<eived hi< law dtgr~ in 1962, hederk<d for th~ Honorabl~ Frank Johnson, a distinguished juri't in the U.S. Middle Outria Coun, Southern Oi_i.ion. in Montgomery, from 1962 to 1964. who wa. heavily engaged in bodm.rk eivil righlS caS<'< at thot tim<. H. pra<ti<ed I.w in Mobil~ from 1965 umill995. whn then was licensed by Ih. Alabama Real 450



Estatt A$6Q<iation and ongaged in the ... .J .. t.1< bu<.inc<.< in the Culf Sho~ ..... from 1995 u"til hi< John was an engaging "'tome,. who wa. known for h i<51yle, wit and sense of humor. He was .Iso known for hi< will · ;n8"_ to ... i.t hi. follow lawyers ..·ho n«<led 3>1ist3n«, both professionally and l"'''''n.Jly. He had a u"n .\enS< of appm:iation . .!tn,itivity and comp.ssion for peopk which t",n.iated into 0 gcn. "ine concern for hi' chenlS. John was a memberofSt. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church in f<>ley. H. i<,urvil'ed by hi< wife. E.i. L Grow; thm: son" lohn .nd his wif•. Annette, Brad and hi. wife, Potricio, a nd Winston; tWO .I<poon., Hartlq' and Lance Hartley and his wif<. Brandy; th .... dausht ..... Angela and her husband, lohn Carol a nd her hu.o.nd. Scon H~man, Carla .nd h" husband.s<on Kennedy; four brothers: on. si.ter; a nd ten grandchildren.

- B,rh Rou ..., prtSidmr, Mobile Bar A5s0cimion

WILLI A M HE N RY M c D E RMO T T Williom H. McD.nn<)tt, 0 dist inguish..!

11..,..,. and circuit jud&" di«l May 24. 2004 at the as' of 70, Judge Mdk.mon, a n.. i~ .nd lifdong raid,n! of Moo;!., was born Augu<l2. 1933, the <idt$1 $(In of Judse and Mrs. William V. M dxmlOtI. H. g.-.dwl<d from McGilllru'itut< in 19s.<1 and r=ivt<l a n AS dry« .nd an

LLB dtgrN from tho Univrrsily of H... rvtd in the United St.,es Anny from 1955 to 1956, "'here M was • Ranger. plat.,.,n le.der . nd company comm;mM' of tho 7th InfAntry Division. H. aI<o .. rm1 in !It. National Guard from 1957 unlill961.

H. bog.on prOClicing low in Mooilc in 19S8. H. m.rrird Catherin. O'Brien in 1960 .nd thoy had nine children.iuds.

Mdknnou wa, pr«edod in death by hi. inf.nt daughttt, Mary Vi'lini., as well .s hi. paren's. H. i•• urvived by hi. wife, Katie, and eight ,hild ... ", Mid>dJ. (Mich •• I) M.ybtrry. EJi ....l>t1h (kYin) Q'N •• 1. Annrn. (G'"'1Iory) Carwi •• ' •• nn. M. Cruthird .. (John ) W.d,... Cath.. in~ (J. son) Willi.mson, Maur"'" P. McDennOI1. and Williom I. M,Dermon; 14 gr.mdehildron; two brother>; and num.rou S oth« .. Lnivn. Bill 0<1'\'td in the AbNm.o II"""" of Rtp .... nulives from 19621<> 1966 . nd in

the Alobanu S< from 1966 I<> 1970. During his..rnc" in tht """'" and the..,,· '10. ht took an octivt roIt in rroating the Univm.ity ofSoulh Alaboma and Iht

School of ModK:in< fur the uni~ty. H. ..... appoin!«l byGowmor AIbftt p.

B"",..,,- OS ~rmarl of tho Alabama Constitution Commission and 0<1'\'td in that role from 1970 10 1976. He ..... .»pOinI"" gmcraI ronscrvalor lOr Mobile County in 1995.1>d~ until 1998. H~ also ~ os eily "Iomey lOr the City of Q,i<hs>wfrom 1961 unlill998, whenho ..... cIuttd circuit judge. He also ~ shoner term.'I os city attorney for Cttob and 01"' ........ .0.1 lhotimeofhisclection to the circuit court, ho ..... the $Onior part .... in Simi. & Pmnutt He ..... oIso • mcmbtr of!ht Alabama, Mobile . nd bar associatio .... and 0<1'\'td os pre>idonl of the Mobile Bar A.wxiation in 1989. Hc was a member or 51. Pius Ca1holic Q!utch, ....... ing that p... ish at PTA prui . dent and on Ihe parish council. He wu a memhtr of the Knigh" of Columbu, a nd "'os • 41h Oegree Knight of th. Bishop Tool<n Council. H. ""'S d<:$ign.,,,,,. Knighl of Saini Gregory by Pope John Paulll in 1988. Bill wa, • membn- of many other "'n'. i« and civic organizations.

At Ih. time of hi' death, h< was an m.-rnhtr of Ihc Alabama Pane.., Jury In>tnlCtion. Commin ... .ai~

Expreuing hi' grid' over hi' death, /lil]'. brotMr, Edward ... id, "Thi, i, a gr.., I"", for me. both personal]y . nd professionally. J !>egan my law proa;"" in J967 and I .... , fortunal. enough to have him IS. mentor, advisor.nd t~a<hcr. I wu. of COur><. also fortuna te 10 ha"" him IS . brulh.r. . . "

- &rh Ro~". prajd. m. Mobj)c &r ...""" ....'jon



PATRICK W I LLIAM R ICHARDSON ".erick W. Richardson. • mtmb<1' of tho HUIlISYi!k-·M:adison County Bu AuociIocion, died NoYembn 14.2004. Pat


born in Hun!$Vil1t "" CJaobn 5, 1915 to J""s< Sdlu}'itt H. Ri<h>nIfoo Ind Su.. nn< Smith Richardson. H~ diJ.

.ingui.h..! hirrudf urly in h;.li~ with hl. quick and ins;ghtful mind, g•• 01 valtdk,or;"n from HuntsviU. High School. H. alsogradllOud in 19<41 from tM Uni-msityof Ala"" .... wi,h a IlS. ~andin l'HBwithllowdtzm. AJ • Sludm,. h< continutd to find d;.tinc. .ion u nicknud by his odmilo.ion to Phi Ell Sismo. lIcIa Sip>I. 1.40.. Revkw and th. Forrah Order of

Jurisprud<n«. Up<!n gr>d u~tion from II" Khoola .. d • dmis&ion 10 the N', ~a! b«amt tho fuur,h ........ ,ion ofRichlnJ.on, to find

Pat distingu;.Md himodf:os COUJlOd ..... 1M L '" /II Railroad and the Southn-n Ibaroad lOr ...... SO l"'Uf and - . an 0(1;'" mcmbcor of.1tt Notional M$ociation of JUoUroad Trial Coururl. M I rdJt.ction of hiJ br<)Ad Ind ....itd sItiIIs, while an .bl. ni.1 lawyer, h. w;u """"8-

ni.e<! by his .dmis&ion 10 Ih. American COU<g< of Morl&'it Allomeys. Pill was abo an obit menlor to .... ny young Iawyn •• nd molded Ihrir oa,ly aren-o by livU>s ~ of his lime, energy, lalmU and raourns. Thtougl>out his ~k. be....wd ucMrished friend. IlIonxy and coun ..1or to lhousands. who ... n: lhe "",ipienl' of his 1"'"' weahh o(judkW Irnowled~ and uncan ny in.ighl. Pal also efft'CI,vely promoted eduC360n in the HunlOwillt communily, playingo

diflinction in (KU h.",,,red profession.

uusaJ role in ""ablishing In mension


ampus of the l1n,",",ly of Alabtitu On HunuYillt. H • ....-..d as 1M fin! presiden, of I.... UAH Foundalion, I 1....1« of thai fOundolion Ind as iu counsd fn:>m 1961 unlil his POI was. rt<:ip .... , of the UAI{ Hono ... ry Doctor of laws 1Hg.... , ,h. UAII Pr.,icknt". M• .w, , h•

relumtd 10 Huntsvtllt to join the


01 kll Richardson. PiI, "'.os In and wao ..;ddy


,..,..rd«ll$' trut'~'1 bwyn." H. was dtcttd prnklmt of tho HMCBA in 1965

.".1 of the Alabama Stat. 1Ia. in

'''' • $2



Dw'ngu ished cmc Service Award •• nd tho fin! official UAH duo ring. POI olso • fou..o.r of Randolph SdIooI; • direaor 01 the HumMIk h>duwiaI ExpIJI ....n Commilltt. the 1Ioy', aub. the Commun ity a..., and ,h. Uniled W. y; a longtime memhor of ,h. Uu n"~ill. Rotlry a ub, I nd a long. ,ime member of the Nation. 1 Conf.n:nct of Chrislia", and Jews (now known '" , .... Nltion.ol Confnmtt fOr Comm unil y and ' USlJU). Pit ~ the Award of Merit from 1M AUba .... SI.te &I, 'M John Sporkman Award from ,he UniYenily of Alabama Madioon Coumy Alumn i a.'p,er, tho Dislingui$hro x ..... ic. Awud of \h. !lu llilvill..-M, d i.lon Cou n, y a..mber of Comm ..... , ,h • Humani,.n.n Award from ,he Arthri' is Foundo,ion, Ind ,be Distinguished Award from the HMeBA. P.I is ... ",Ned by his wife, Mary

MI:IOft RictunUon, his tOnJ. Schuyler H. Rich.rcbon.1ll and ,_ and four van<i<:hildn:n.

H .Richardson;

_ Fmkritt L FDhrrIJ. prailknl, I /ulllwU"'· Ma.iison Gnmly /Jar A!soria,;""

Brigham, William Ilen ry Mobile Admined, 1962

Died: August 4. 2005

Crook, Charl.s McDowell Montgomery Admitted: 1961 Died: August 10, 2005

Farris, Hugh Douglas, Jr.



Fondc, Henry Buck Mobile

Admiued: 1949 Died: May 24, 2005

""nn~lh Wilder of Monlg"m~ry

Admitted: 1955 Died: June 13,2005

joinm ,h. Lon! on

S,"urday. May 7th. He;, survived by hi, wif•• ~n. Alice 1'<>1'< Underwood, a d.ugh,.r, Judge Lucie Mclemore and h"

Moss, Kath.,.ine EJise Huntsville Admittc<.l 1976

hu.<l>and. Ern"'! Wray Smith: ,h ... ..,ns,

Die& April 26, 2005

John Lewi. Underwoo,t n. Krnneth Wilder Underwood. III and hi. wif••

Powers, Robert Francis


Nancy Harris Underwood. and George Wilkie Underwood and his wife. !>l.y w..1~r

Admitted: 1984 Died: August 14,2005

Und«WOOd: eight grandchildren;

and un< great -grandchild. H. is 01"" sur· .iv<d by nUImroD, brothe ..· in·J.w; ,;,.

Prestwood, Alvin Tennyson

r."..·;o·!.w. ni«<1 and nepheW&. He was

Montgomery Admitted: 1956

p.ra<\ed in dta'h by hi. fath.r, knnnh Wild.... Undnwood: his molh",i.ucit Crommclin Underwood, ond two ,ist=. ernmm.lin Underwood Alennder and Kathorine Unduwood Crtm. Krnne1h .... . born May ll. 1914 in Monlg<lm<ry.

H. w05 .d""ued.t Th.

Cil.dr) and the Univtrsity (jf AI.b.m •. A member of 1M AI.b.m. liar for 56 l"'ors, h. graduated from the Uni",rsity of Al.b.m. S<:hool <>f Law in 19~9. He w.s. ~felong rnm\bor or 51. John', Epiowp.1 Church, wherc he sorvo<! on the _I'Y' KonnC1h .... s a rnombor of Phi D<lt. ThC1. fraternity, Capitol City Kiw.nis dub. Old South Historical SociC1y and. ch. rt.,. m<mbor of Ihe ~Iontgome,y SociC1y of Pion.., ... His dought .., Juds< Lucie Md~morc. his


Died: August 22, 2005 Sapp, Robert Au.tin oon·in·low, E. W•• y Smith, and one vanddaugl"er, G~ Md~mo .. 1<1<r. .1< rnembors of the A1ab.m. 510te Bar

.100. During World Wor II, Kennoth ........ d ><rg• • nl in tht United St.trs Army, 1159th Engin«r Comhal B.n.lion, in the European The"er of O!'<rationj.. Befor. hi, «limnenl in 1987, he w;u as.i".nt vi""prrsid<nl of Sou{hem Bdl Telephone Cornp'ny. knncth w;u an .vid hUnl« and outdoonm.n .nd continuo<! to enjoy · ing wilh friends arkr .uffering I m... i"" stroke nine YUrl .go.

as .


Admitted: 1945 Died: April 23, 2005 Scruggs, Edward Neal

Guntersville Admitted: 1949 Dic<.l: June 5, 2005 Shar~,


Dadeville Admitted: 1989 Died: July 9, 2005


Bar Briefs

Mobil. auomcy Mark Wolfe W31 hon_ o~ in August by Moth ... Again.t Drunk Driving (MAD!)) ror hi.< cr."

ation of •



designed to help victim. of automobile o",,;denl' and their families.

Wolfe fir" published Ih. "",nu.l in 1994. Sin« ilS inili. lappe"ar"., th. manu.l has bet" u£ed by numuou. law o.,fo",emen, agenda and other Stoul" os . I... ming tool.

Wolfe .«<ivtd MADD', Public Service Award during a ...minor 'PC"-

Gary M. Brown, shareh<>ld., .. Bak." Donalson. B<cann.n, C:oldwtll & 1I<,k<>wilz PC has been Ippoinltd 10 ....... os general coun",) for the Elhi", Office A!ooci.,ion (EOA). Th< EOA i•• oon,counsding. men,btr-d.h'en lSSOCi'lion e..dtJ<i ... ly for

individual. who.~ respon.ible tOr their '<:>ml"'''Y'' .,hies, eompli.ncc .nd btJ<in .... conduct prng ... The only organi",'ion of it> kind. il is Ihe IIrgc<t group of corporale elhi", .nd compli-


.nc< practilioners in Ihe """rid.

>(I,M by the group. A lJniYfflily of Alob.rn. graduale, Wolfe ....,«1 hi, law d<'gm' from the

University of ALtb.1T1.I 5<hool of Low inl9S7. Gib50n Vanct. a £h.rtholdtr., &a$ky. Allen. Crow, Melh_;", ""Mis & Mills PC. ..... r.undy d.cted to Ih. offiu of P"'li.lmentari.n of the AMoc",iQn ofTria1 !"wyers of Am<ria. "The .ltdio" took

plact .. th. AJ1.A Annu. 1COIl .... ,,!ion in Toronto. A; ~l;'m<ntarian. Vanee ..iU ~ """' of oil: olliur$ rtp~nting ATLA', 60.000 m<ml>m. n>.lionwidt. V."'" is ru'mlily K«>lId via-prnidtnl of the ALobam. Trial .... W)W$ AMocialion .nd prdidrnt of,~ Montg<lln<f)' County Bu Assocu' ;"rL H • ....., >01'VeS on ATU.', Public Affairs O:nnmillCO. ;. 1~ .1.le ch'irrn.1I\ for the tn ......·, Forum O:>mmir1« and i. servo ing a tw<>-ytal' Itml as 1 mnnbrr of l~

board of dim:t{ll'S tOr TrW Lawyrrs for Public JU$liu. v.~ r«eivtd his ).Il from Ion .. School of Law ., Fa.,JkrmUniVC1"Sily ond his IkA. from Troy 51.,. UniVC"rSily in 1987. 454



Th. Al.b..m. Lawyer', Associ.,;"" (AU.) has ",]""td H. iLwis Gillis, p.rl"cr of Thon1U, 101'''11$. Gilli. & Suy PC .. Ih. recipien' oflh. ArthuT

D. Sho~ Di5lingui,hed s.,,,,;« Aw,,,,1. The .ward, which was pr... nl cd.1 their onmw con ... nlion, r<Wl!' nizes on AU. member WM 1>«, prr_ .onifi.. lh. ideal. and inl ...." of .t1om"}, .nd civ", Arlhu, D. Shor... The AlWnl" Lawyn'. Assoculion. on .ffiliale oflhe N'lional Bar Associ>li"" {NBA), was organized in 1971 10 encourag< lhe '1Udy of 1.w, 10 pto"id •• upport "",ices I<l """"bt .. 10 add .." thost i"u .. which limil their effecli ... n... and 10 prolect ci\iil and polili",d '0 all ci,iltn ..


Jodr. M. Smi'h h .. been named


winner of Ihe ina ugu ral lohnnie L. Cochran I•. Journry to )u 'lic. A,..;ud. Smith is a founding "'Iional p>rtnerof The Cochran Finn. The .word was pr ... nled 01 Ihe Nalional Bar Associ.tion meding in Oll.ndo. •

elf Program Materials from the 2005


Alabama Stote Bar Annual Meeting o re

available on a single CD. It's convenient, portable and worth every penny!

the Review of D_Clgn on AlPeit' the DeferentiCillevinl of C-.-satorY Dam"," Trade Secrets: "TradI or TrflIwre" Non-COIIIpetftio..: Meow-lib Not hi Compete_.. Case Law Update: Best Caes for tfIe Defendw_ Case Law Update: fro. the Plai.mtf's Penpective Dealing witfllmpaiml P..,tMU and Auociates

Electronic DiKOYerY 'I. c-pure, FomIsics E-doa,,"ent hhl","" .. PrnenRtion and Spoliation !.qal Ethics Upd,t, 2005



Cumtnf Issues I.. (rilRinal VolP-W1Nrt's it Ie Yo? Ethics lock! Man Tort lffigaticMI Chrhti.. Coftcilkltion Trvst Law ..... Metlicaid PTotedioil u,date The 'Ioamn PradKe: Move 'avr Ann Lawyers Leading LawtetS faMily Law Case Update And much more infonncrtiotl oa the CD!

You' ll get the Alabama Rules of Professional Responsibility and other information from many

of the Bar 's programs, sections and services.

How do I order the CD? Simply remil a check or money order made payable to the Alabama Siote Bar for $15 and forward it with your nome and moiling address either clearly marked on the check or money order, or by filling in the following information: Feel free to order 0$ many CDs as you would like! Just tally the cost at $15 per CD, and remit that amount.

Name: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ Address: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Ala bama State Bar


Communications Deportment Post O ffice Box 671 Mont o rne , Ala ba ma 36101

Legislative Wrap-Up

Federally-Mandated State Legislation 8y Rolwrf L M<C~" <)I/'.

for d~ p.o.! two rurs, h.. bttn in a budS' rll.,. d.... In PO" to kdoraI m&odota tho, ~i~ .... t~ 10 >p<nd monq' 10 .....,. ftdnooI M1uomnmlS. T" .....,. ...... demo.... in fiocaI ynr 2OOl2004, Ff"CRI fund agmcics ~ IOcud 10 ~ an II J'"U"' fundins cut. In 2004-2005, av"'Y budgm ~ CUt


~A4b>."", Jo:p.l.o'U~'



an .c\d"oona) """" n.. N.tiorull Conf........u of St.t. Iw , ....kd thac 'lIggt'tlflg

«qt. to ftdcl1ll nund., ... n.. NCSL

"port. th>l AI.~m., f"r 2004. rcallud ,.,.,."'11'\;"g fro'" the fe"k,,1 governmtnl luI amoun,ro 10 $158.&87,(100 or

6.5 ptrant of'M .ion.

itO,.', 101.,] appropri.a-

Rt<;.,,,1y p;Wf'd r.dmolltgilbtion 1h.l1 prtnnpu ....It authority ond 00.. IlOl fully fwId its imp.>et on _'" _ the bIIowins: The In.dligm<c' Rtfonn and Ttm>rio!. Prnmtion A<1 of 2004 · Drivn', I.imuo ( P.L 108·~S8) SoeiiI Srcurity ProI«Iion A<I of 2004


No (Md teft l\ohioKl2001 (1'.1..107- J 10) The Help Amtrico YOU AcI of 1002

( HAVAj (P,LI07·252)

a.... Achon F.,mns Act of 2005 (P.I..I09-OO2)


In many cut$, AJ..bun. fir>t of • fr<knl manda~ WMn • rtd<nI "FD<f n,,"lies Alobam.o that tht ....,. is Qui of compl .. nu wllh ,he fNtrai '-.or lhat the 'Ullclqilh,u .. m.... FJS' .utul~ or


i'tdt",Uy mandalM 'l>l~ lrtisJ.tion u,uolly "ppt'.11 in one of fOur fomu:

I. Compulsory l",i.I,'ion <Iou ... in fM· n al ".'u,ts dir«,;ng ,'a,es 10 comply 4S8


1. trplahon rf<tuimntnu which apply ~ 10 rrcipim1< of ftdnal uan1< which fu,tJx.r natJOBal. social or economic policies. (EDmplt: ..",;. rOfImmral rro.MlOn and nondis<rimrnaliotr lows)

l. LtpLobon ......m dots noI rtqulft COnI· ).'lima i><rt which imposes fiOWKial .. nctions _h OS r«luaion or oIimina· tion 01 funds fOr ",mrn j>fOf,I".ams if rht orale dots n<rI comply. (Rtdooion of blood akohoIlNtIs fOr OUI vioI.,ions .nd tht No OliIrlLdi Il<hind lILt) 4. Parr"l prffmption law> which ... 01>. ll$h ba$rc policin but ptrmit adminio· mporuibilitin to bt¢d to 51.t<'$ if thcr RIM .... ,iorWly ri<1 .... muwd coDlirtrons or stan<Usd$.. (Example: O<:on AIr Act .nd HrJp


AmtriCI Volt AcI)

Ltom,n. of tht$t ftdtnJ IIW>C!ot<s is probItm fOr ,t.tno whtrt it i. a

noI •

Low Enfor.:crnmt Officer', s.kly Act (P.LIOB·277)

loft fcdc",1

umlt. tM thr.., of d.~ orerimin.1 penal" ... (EumrJt: Equ.t EmployTncnt Opportunity Act)

highly publiciud w.... like s;-d lim;1O, OUI law> Of tlKtion rdorrn but it is nlO.. probk",.tit for mo .. obstu .. actSSu.t~ lrgilJ.lion, onco signed by 1M ~. is drposittd with tM $« .... ry of'I:IIO', oftict. Hown'ff. th<-rt is JIO <or. rapondi"3 drpooitory lOr otU in tht ltd· oy>Itm. Ona • bill ~ both hoos<s of Corw<u il goa 10 tho- .l'I"""J'riak Stnatt or .10\>1( c-ruoIIing dnk. Afkr tht I'rQidmt ......... Ihr biD Into law, tht orisi· naI .... ~ to tbt national an:hM:o and • alp\' I""" 10 tho oupmnttndrnt 01 doc· ummtl wbo .upplics dip bws 10 tht ...n0UlI .,.o.s and do:p<:>I.ilory ~b .... ics. Th ... is no aIIm.pond,ns dq>osilOry like • " .to', sec .... ry ol.ta't'. offiu. Fcdcral m.nd" .. . .. IIOt new to II bot."", (OmmOn for (rdo ...1


,\;Iluleslo rtquiu Ihe IrgWalurc to .n.<;1 ..... IrgWOIion in rho mid-19SOs whtn A1aba"", wa$ dir&tod to pus ,,"rtain ryl'tl oflogisl.rion Or ri$l: red""ion or elimin.tion of foderalgrant moni ... In Ih. of red""",, grants in aid,"", and oth...- .. ates oould not afford to risk tM loss of funding ..,uteeS by not fulfil ling such .Ut. m.nd.tod kgi, .... req ui"'rntnts,ln order to make prudenl budgeting &cisiol\$ :u>d to U$U. . funding ..,UITts. ALab.tma :u>d orh .. S\;"es' Itgisl._ tures must bw:Jrnt aware of rh ... requirements. In Ihe mid-l980s thou .... . no single ..,mu "'hkh identifiod and oompil«l tho It.t.lcgisl.ti .... requi ... moots of ..... ,t.tutes. On bthalf of rho Alobama kgiolatu ...nd th. Notional

Conf.... ,,« of St... LegirJatures, I .pent tM .umnlOr of 1985 worhng in W»hington with th. NCSL .lId tho Whit. Ho .... , oompiling tM first di'«lory of Fed.rolly M.nd.t«l Slat. Les",)allon. St.t.. workt<! f<tr yu .. to «I",.to COng .... about tM financial problrm' thtst f«k"d m.ndat ......... "'t.... ng ,tat. budgets. !t " ... ton ye>fS lar.r that COngtfiS passtd th. unfunded Mandai.. R<form At:! of 1995 os an .fron "to curb th. pracri« of impo<ing unfunded "",ndat .. Oil!!>!... nd Io<aI iO>nnmrn1>,' Sub5cqu.mly, Ihe NCSL .. I.bli,h«l holh a "Mand.te Monilor" and a "Prtcmpt,,-e Monitor" to "",k fe<ler.! ~rJallOn aff«ling ".t«. Th. NCSL h1$

idcntifi«l a S51 billion cost 'hift in f«lt<01 funding 10 ot'les for Ih. fu.caJ years ll)(l.l and lOOS ooII«li .... ly. and. poten· lial of a $30 billion eo,1 shift in fiscal ~.r 2006, 11>0 maOOOIe monitor ilio idcnlif... the foUowing pending f.,&,..J 1<"8;.101;"" Ih>! will h..... a financial imp>C1. on ,ra,... 11>0 NCSL'S review of lh ... p<"nding acts ~

tht following ob5ervat;"",,:

Medical Malpractice Sevtral bills. .til of which ",ek to p,.... .mpl >lotclaws at ..... the oounlry in ,h~ of dam.go cars. attorney. r.....nd ~r.,,,, of limitotions for malpro<;1i<:e .uits.






,Iii"""') ond Cltikl

eu.,od>, llombool.. Fo..-rh Ed"ion. i, the

I'elltl) A Daqs

""'" """,,,,,,_,,~ _

un "',,""".. d,,"Of"" I.,.. .,'a'I>hI<. It coot ...... 42 .""".. ", .. >.I ''''.. )l~ 1'"3<' ~f Ill< 9l-11 ~


Bob McCurl,,)

.... r""". "hich .,.., ."",·<n"''''I}

""P"ll<d "nh Ill< bt .. ) 1o"Y'" in mInd

I ~\ Wyt:RS


r R~_'>S

POOl 00""", l.Io, 8611!r7 ,.....,.~


AI! onion n .... b< PREPA III ~I ...., ,1Uk< <h<d:. pO}~Io'" 1.,\11 n :RS t:I)I;CAT10KI I. PRf..s~ If not ... ",r",d}<HJ "'-0) return tb< book "ohm 16 tIa)~ fOf • full "'fund.

NAXtl!. _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ ADORESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ Pie ....... d ttl. .,.,..... of ,\l "\II.I~ t A m \' Otl Cf~ ,11.1 ) 101'1' ,I \,')(·IU l.ll ('\ 'STOIH" IIOR=- BOOK Fourth,ioo "' S197.l-II (SI8'.00 pOts SIBO ta •. pow.go .. ttI h:u>dlll"~ PIo..., ><OKl1tI< _ ... of1-\ II Of PICE PRAC'I'IC E Ut:S"'IOOK =-u"h Ed,,1Oft. " ,th lOO, SuWI."""" "' m,oo ($1'.00 pi ... Si.OO to:<. poot"", and Iwtdlins). p", .krno $l~.00.


• AU onion an... bo I'R.f.PAII). ~"k .boe4 poy>i>k 00 1•.\ \\,\'f.RS f.t:llICATl ONAL PRfSS Ifnot ....1i<4) .. "") 1<1... II" boo/, ~. ;_ to ~.• roo • full .. lImd.

Legislative Wrap-Up Clear Skies Legislation


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(Snl 233.2245

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Orar stieo i.tpsIation ...,..jd .... r..x...J ornisoion W'FU and dtadli".,. for readUng thtM: targttf 10< .wfodt diorid<, nitn>g<n

prohibit financial uoim_ 10 a .u~

u....... ~ joillJ an ;n...... ~ COOlp...-., whkh is ~ '0 bot tnaCkd by . ~ S"~.

oxidt ond mm:ury. It wooJd prtt'1YIpllM "'" of N~ Sour« ~, • ,talc cnfOru.tool ~ 1(> ,hall""""'" plant oqu;pn"",Un ,nodifiatiom or

Insurance-The Smart Act of 2005

apooruiom. does !IOI incrnoo poIlu'.n'"

'<'qui.."",ml for ;nsura",. ~w.tOTY .dOrm. SU ... would rithtr """" to adopI federal pl'OYisiollJ or fKc pt«mpliollJ .00 u.naiofU. S.. tes could <1UI<I modd LoWJ dot>cloped by tht Notional Auocialion of ltUUtanu ComrninionnJ or ocapt the modd Lows it ....., action

= ..


Campaign Finance-

"527 Reform Act" Will da,;fy whm 5«Iion 521 political orpniu.ioru m.... rq;>I .. with 1M ""'k<aI Eltaio ... Commo..ion or Io5e lhri. \.U .o:umpt .\tiI'"


Driver's license-The Real 10 Act of 2005 D'is11l. n,1Q Ih. Im<l1ig<n," Rrrorm Mt .nd dri""r', lic."", pl'OVi.ion • • nd ""lui," lUlU to wrify l.>wfuJ p~ b<fott inuin&' driwr', IictTl$t; .uablisbod "",,,lily lta......... for ltalt officts

wheR drMr'11icmsco and rdattd documen ....... prodllCed and JIOmI; rqubt< pononnd Ininina and securiry deanncts;

.... If:dmtI do ... >100". ~U;; and

Th. bill would ....bli'" fcdc ..1

wnc dttmcd inco" .....". with than by • fodcnl in.uranco p&ncl. n.. biD ~uLola .u!ornobik. I>omrowncn· .nd~' rompcruation in.uranu.

Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2005 V.... "'pll om. Ia.... pl'OYidiltj! cri.ical pro!C<Iion.o conoumcn.nd fails to ~l;>« Ihcm wi.h .d<'qu;oto r.:dcr.rJ prottclions. It would daubi1iu • pa.c·, $malIJ<OUP insuraD« marl:&. und...._ minc prniously <1UI<It<I .u•• and insurancc ,ofo...... nd rrinlroduccd the practices .hey ~ banned by that laws. ALobamo ltPb.on and ",lin' icpslato .. OCI1m Ihe "",ntty providt<l this prttmplion """,itor by tht Na.ional ConfOrm« of I.c!islatur... Thi' <n,blei Ilal. LtgW.oIO .. 10 moni.or .nd .nalrr;: both frdtrallcsillation .nd judicial cffon •• " prttmp. hi.toric.nd .radition.1 S\..~ .uthority. For rIIO<I' info.mat;"'" about t~


Mold or Water __....palDage? Sanlces 011.111: • 0eIwniuIi0n oIlXItnl 01 ~ · ~ion prOlOCOl cIeYeIopmeo1 • TIdInicaI support lor eompII>: ~ , Exptrt '"'*- " cas. miews • MoW I'IOISIUfI fNIed construcIian deI«U

, TestinQ fof IIiGOerI mold " _ ...........'" • SSIl ProImltul UllIoIliIJ "-Ilcy willi AlG

-.-.ucr.... ..... u._* ....1' c-.aor f....., T,..I.I..._1. . .or

~Idl, • . SIll

. . . . . 10 TIJiIIng.-llls .... IICpH lor FIcrIdI ....


Count ,




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Opinions of the General Counsel

By /. Alltl,ony McLain

Law Firm May Not "Choose" Between Conflicting Present Clients And Withdraw from Representation So AJ; to Relegate One Present Client to "Former Client" Status in Order to Take Advantage of Less Stringent Conflict Rules QUESTION: "' h...., found "'fUlfin. ,i'"at;on w...... myoppontnt in litig"Kon COn·

tend. that my low firm musl withdraw from rcpr ... n of • long,;"", diml, A. for wlmm WI:' haY< .<IN U goneral


<oun..,l, due to an aUtgM confli<! of inform und .. Ruk 1.7 of the nt". RJ.lfi af PnJfc<Sio1la/ C:wduCl which became • ff«livt J.nuary I, 199L! would"e uceiving. conlidrnl;.] opinion from you 0$ to whetht. WI:' can 10k. advantage .,( ,h. ",mmenU to Rul. L7 and withdraw from rq>ra<nting client C and oontmu< to nt clien. A und.,. Rule 1.9. "The JilU"ion.~ whm [m«l .uil on b<half of our longtime d~nl A gen ...1 panMr.hip.. .nd iu gtn...-..J partn<rs C and D, for br.... h of. con1lructiO:In con,roet .nd • {nud in 1M induam<:nl and during po,fo"".n« of Ih. conlract. W" .lIo .Jl<g«l. 1"'11.rn .nd pracI;<e nf mud bosM on olher job, handled by D who wa, ovn$<'<ing Ihe ron'lruclion .."rt for II. C did ""I g<'1 involved wilh Ih. con· muc!ion proj«l.nd did nol commit





lI1ly of !h•• l!<g«I Froud . nd i. not cl.imed!o bt pari "r. p.iturn and proclie• . C isonly includeJ in th. l.wsuit by virlu, ofbting . g.n.ral partn.. in B. and ,hu, for Ih. acto of B. "Shortly .fitr filing suil, J learned that anolher l.~ in our linn, lane Doe. """ H'pI"<O<"nling Con. <>M·I;.". n.. ll<"t which """ toWly unrd.ted 10 lho: Inigolion. This is 1M "nIy timo we ha...., rt"pr<$m'od C Th • unrd.tcd mall.,. inyoJveJ PftJ'lring 1M n«<>$>ry k-gal document> for . conoominiwn devdopment. Th.condomininm project """ no! <nrtn«t<d in ony .....y with lho: projc-ct OIIt of whidt lht construction iawwil .rose. Diff.,..11t mt;t;" W<r"<' 1M OWrKrS of lho: two proj«t • • nd difft-mll pt<lI>It wm in..-%.W in <ach project. Tho only conn«lion of C with tho: con>ln>elion project """ that ;1 w... gmcr..I parlner of lho: owner of lht cotuln>elion project. B, • gcner.oI pannership. "Leg_I work on Ih. condomini um proj«t for C commenced in IIpri119S9 . For " ..raj )'tan prior 10 Ihi, d" •. my I.w firm h.d >Clod a, g.n. ...1coun,,1 for A. In S.plnnbtr 1989. II .ntered into . construclion con1racl wilh B for a proj· «1 which w., '101 in any w.y rel.l<d 10

Ih~ rondonliniunl pro;.c..ln NOYmlbo:r

1989. cli~nl A uktd us qunl;onJ ron· ""rning th. conll.u<:t;On cont,act. W. I'<,i<><lic.lly Ihcrufte< ",vt A Idvic. ron· enning ill 'ishll undtr th~ con.lruction contriK'l. Mall ... < l ted bct\Ofttll A Ind B. Ind in NoYmIbor 1990. A asked 11$ ,,, IiluULl ..,iN! IJ. e .... indudod ... dtfmdont in 1ht .......Ll .."'" ;t .... 0"' 0( the Fntnll"'n ....... 0( 8. Suit - . IiI.d N<>wnnb<T I'. 1990. - ,n lot. No.unlx. 1990. _ ~ tM pot.nlW oonl\i(l ro"""ni", C. W~

immedio''''' _irot<! A and e of ,110 $iou· ation. Wo r'<'C<'ivtd ... rhaJ ~nt f""" bolh A.nd e 10 conlin",,"u. rtpr... nta· tion. in lilt rnl>«,i ... nl.tln'S.

"In ).nuuy 1991. _ loTI'< advi><d by rouJUOl lOre (law Fi,m XJ tlu.te .... withdrawing ill COnsmtlO OU' rep ..... nl · 'ngA in ,t.< conslrO(lion litiga';on boo .... ,.., hod DOl fully infom>«l e 11$ 10 tho <:<t... t 01 tht potmtiol conOict. Th" ...... surprioi", sin« hod I ropy 0( the


CompLain' on<! h;od in hoIU< ~ "" .uIJ. Ntwrthdo:so. e ir-.I thai _ with, draw from our 'tj.... III'III"" 0( A in tho «JnMnI(llon btigo'lon but oon,in ... .., ~

e in 1ht "",doo'Wuwn ptOJtCI.

e rontmd> ........... withdraw from


...u""A beaus< oCRu!.: 1.70( .... /QIks af~ c-J.... and ClltS a portion of tho comll ...."llItmo (undtr "'htilk ""Conniru in Uti",lion-) which llatr:

-'OnlinuUy, I bwyo. may no! l et U Idvoco,e 'gain" I di.nlth. lawy<" rep, ... nu in ..,n,. othe, own if the oth ••< is


wbolly un,d .. ed: "Since the man ... i""""'ins e ;. wholly W'Irri.kd to ,he COI'ISIruaion ~li&o'ion. ~ _ 10 ..... !hal other comrntnt< to RuIt 1.7 control ' - ' th .. cbimed ronftict could bc ~ 1'11< orrond ..... ~ in tho 5tCOOId puasnph 0I1ho Conuntn .. un&..l.ofaIty 10 . Oicm' lUleo:

-wMR ""'"' that ..... diml ;. .nd the Iawy<'r withd .......


beaus< I COf\Hict ......... ft... ~

..... tahcmlhafbffll

ORDER AL14 I ANDSAVES15! ""'''51'''''''_ FI._'.'H'Io_"" _



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Opinions of the General Counsel whether ,h. Lowytr may ronlinut to "l"'... m any of 1M client' is deI ••-

mined by Ruk 1-9-' Rule 1.9 would U$ from <onlin_ uing '0 repfCS<111 A in tht rorulruc· 'ion litigation, jf _ w;lhd~ from ..."......nting C in the condominium project. sirKt 1M rorutnu:li(>n lilig:>_ lion has no relationship or connt'<_ ,ion to the oondominium projtcl. OOI_m to prNnll


°Th;" resolution of tilt assntt<I conlli<t

w" m<nlioncd to C. munsel who

mpondrd by ciling Wolfram', H<mIbooi: on Modern UgaJ Elhia Ind 1M ~m;" banxrup1<r oue In .. (A/i/om;" (Am""n' and C.",...,.., 74 11.1' 336 (\987). The ciled authority staIN thai in the si,u;o,iolU involved in 111< authority. tht could not mOO$< betwec'll dien .... who he



would "l'~n'. H~r. the bonkrupocy a... .... ms 10 be distingui.!iubk finm our s.ituation .inct tht no.<> "",ne" involvtd here .r< totally u",~1atcd and sinu the caS<! dc.!s with the old code. Addilion;olJy. lht portions of Wolfram ciled WI< about simultalltOus liIig.lIion which "'" do not ha"" in Our .;,"",0011. M<>I'tOVef, 1M rtf..,.<n<~ .... rn to odds wilh II>< Commtm >«lion to Ruk 1.7 ci,«I.bow whidl '"""'" 10 requi .. wilhd ... wa1 &om rtpfC\<'n,.,ion of.t k>$' O~ client but allows oonlinU«! rcvre«nl.tion nf moth .. if .uch would n<>I viobte Rule 1.9. "Thus, ,be q.....lion presented ii whether we may withdraw from ",!,r<$rnlin& C in the condominium projtcl and COIltinue 10> ~reKm our longtime dienl A in til< con· .u.ruclion litigotion ~ C ii • defmdom by bring. gtntrlll p>nn(r o>r 8, Of "hethtr


we 00 wh .. C wanlS and will>draw from rcprntnting A in the con>tfUCtion lit · igation and to COIltin"" to> ~r<$rnt C in the condominium projtct. Of whether we ihould do something .Ise. We would appm:uto )'Our confidrnti;ol opinion '" 10 what we $houId 00 in this li,...,ion . nd wlI<th<r ..." an withdraw from ~r<$rnta . ,ion <II" C and COIltin"" to ~r<$rnt A in

th. COn$tru<"tion li';S,nio ..."

ANSWER: Your "'!'reKnt.tion of client A in the con<ltuClion litigotion is di~ advm. '0 d;"nt C and for th.l ..,"""'" j'OU mu.u. with· dr:aw from represo:ntin& A ill that man ... You rruy conl;n"" to ~,..,.."t A and C in O!htt matt"" totally umdned to the COnstruction litigotion. Additionally j'OU may 001. by d isrontinuinK j'OUr ",!,,,,,,nlation

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Heard of c. . . aoMnlagr of 11...... JlrinFnc

conflicc ..... ~ bmcT dimll and Ihotttby rnntinut to ~ A.

DISCUSSION: Ruk l.7 ofcM'M.. of~

GmJ..... pnl"'ide> CM rotlowins: " Rule L7 ConflKc or In.trm: ~ 1M< (a) A ~ ohaU ~ ITJ"'1<'nc a dimc if cht rtp,.,..",CI,ion of chat d"n, ,.,ilJ be dircccly .dv.nt ,0> anOlIla dim" unku: (I ) tho bwyn .ouonobly lid..,.... ,II< rtp.<KIlCllioo will nO! odvnscly Iff«1 ,he .oLoI;"n,hip wi,h 1M 0,1Ia ditn' ; ond (2 ) ,1<11 dion, con....,...fto. conl ul, tal;"n: As poin,«l ou, in ,ho Common' '0 Rulo 1.7 "loyally is an .... ml.1 <lom.n, in ,he lowy<r', ...b,;"",hip ,0. ditn,," In ,h. , i'uo,ion wh ..... I.wyo. ukts pott in lilig>.,;"n .gainst on nistin, difnt ",ho prop.i<ty o( ,h. condtICC mu" b< m...• u.«l 00' III much .gai.... tho .imil.ri,1es in litigat;"n, .. "I",ns, 'M duty 0( undi· vi<kd kryal.y which.n ."or....,. _ to • .ach 0(1W dim ..: Cin.....~ 5, Lid. v. Ci............ '1tC.. 528 F.2d IJ.8.ol. 1386 (2d

CU. 1976). Much ""'" 1.I,'ud< is ponn,lted wi,h rapocIlO b"ga'lOn lOr..... dim •. In chis ~rd, Rule 1.,00,M /bolof of~c-J ..... pnlYides cht rollowi"" " Ruk .., Conlbct ofinlOmc: l'orm<r aionl A bwyn who .... formerly 1TJ'fft'I1'1«l • dim. in • nutl1<l .tW1 "'" .hanA", (oj rcpKInII:mothor ponon in ,ho san .. Of • wbJIan.iaIIy related mal1<l ,n

"p''''' •

wbi<h tho, pono>n·. imm:IU .... ma!C1"iaIIy adwrs<- to ,ho in ....... 0( ,ho torm.r d><n" un ..... ho IOrma diml conomll .ft.. <OI\$ulu,ion: Of (b l _ infornu.ion tria, · ing to ,he ~CI'ion to ,ho d~.n' •• god oflho ( dion. uupt .. Rulo 1.60. Ruk 3.3 would penni, o. '«Iui ... wilh rtlp«C to. dim, or wh." ,ho 'nror. mat;"n Iw b<Con .. $<n .... lly known." H..... h. omph •• i, is on tht ,imil.riti •• in ,"'t;"n (I oum,"n,i"lly .... t«l

...." .. ), and ..... 0( dim' cnnfidmca .0> lho dis>d'lilnu,," of tho IOnntr dimL In cht ilUUnl silu.olion tIt.<u is no qutstion thol you muId fI(II conlin ... 10 ITJ'fft'I1'I bolh dionl A and C in non· ... boIantially ..... ted mall ........110 a' cht ...... limo rtpmnl,inc A in l"itation 19ain" C. R.... 1.7 00eI "'" pmnil .... h divided Joral!y unku th .. conOktlng int= will no! 0<IvnvI)I aff<CI cht trialionship 01 lho ot ..... dionl Ind .ach dionl con...>!•• diff"tcul, q...,.,;"n if wh ..h... )'Ou could «I", 10 rc-pmnl' difnt C. thus ... kgat;n, C 10 fo.m ... ditnt "otu' ond th.m.y tako advanu$< or tho fo.· m...- difnt rult (Rult "'), Ind«d the Comtn<ntto Rulo 1.7 .... nu 10 indicatr th ... u,h I proctdu ... ...,uld b< .thially pertni .. ,bl •. second p.~graph of .ho Comtn<n, provid .. thaI. "Whor. morothon Ono ,hOnl is involvtd ond lho bW)'fr wi, hd .. ws br<.u",. (onflict .ris· .. . ft •••<vr.",ntation. wh",hor the lawyer mlyeont,n"'lo rc-prcsmt I ny of ,ho di.nlS is dotr.minnl by Rulo 1.9: \"0 do no' bel;"". that this Comtn<m .... int.ndtd. in oituations , uch as this, 10 allow th.lawyn to disroprd one dimt in order ' 0 uprcs<nt .not..... di(n,. To hold OIhorw .... would do VU' harm 10 lIw: pri .... ipI. 0( k>yoIty which is btd""k in tho ... lalionship b<tWffll I.wyn and dim •. ...... lind $UJ!I'OI1 fOr IhiI vW in I.hriw Stwttugr ¥"'1 v. Jtb 6016 F.ld 1119, (9th Cit. 1981 ) whtRcht Coun hold thot: pra<1II-dionl ocandard appIleo it tholltoni<)' simult.onc<>u>ly r't"J'"' ,.,.."" dimu"';!h dilJarnt inlnnt. This ttand.ard conI"' .......... th.ough cht rcpn . ..... lation _ prior 10 of cht motion to ~. If this _ ... not cht cast, lho dulkngtd couJd aho-oys ~ • pn'I<Tlt dim. '" • 'furmr< di.rn,· bychoooing wh." to «as< to "p, ... "t ,lit disf.....,mt di.rnl." (Sup~ It 1345, N.4, 'iling. Ft<nJ of /1Jnds LId. v. i\rr~ur IIndmon 6- 0>..567 F.2d 22S(2d Cit. Iml. For the lbo", roason, " is our VK-w that )'Ou mus, , .... )'Ou, "'p,... n""ion of A In tho lilill-'I;"n that is dim:tly adWf$< 10 )'Ou. difnt C. (RO · I99I..08i •

n.. _




ru"" Ill"'...,.


About M embers.

The Alabama Lmttyer 110 longer publishes addresses

and telephone "wIJbers unless tile (umOlltlcement

relates to tile opening of II new finn or solo practice.

About Members Douglas Btrl.<On anooun<e$ the opening of hi$ ofu at 114 S. Ilfmd Stitt!. Scotuboro 35768. rhone (256) 259·1443. (i

Ma rl;n M. l'o).nl<:r, IOrmorly ofSm,th, Spires & Peddy PC. ilnrlOUIlC<:l tho opening ofTh< 1'oyn,... U>. Finn u.c. 305 N. Joadtim Sute!. Suite A, P.o. !lox 235. Mobile 36601-{)2.J5. Phon< (25 1) 441 -0653.

Among Firms

Uradley Aranl Ro~ & Whit. LLP a nno""".. O<>uglas L ""tin . Mich. el S. Kupl.n, Rab..t J. Symon, Stephen R. Spi",ck. and Edward J. II«kt, Jr. h.~ join«llhc form', W.. hington office IS p.or'''''''.


Douglas L. Brown, I),>na ld C. Radcliff aJ>d Q ifford C. Brody 'nnoun« m. opening of Bnody, lta<kliff II< Drow" UP with off""" , 61 51. Joseph SUM. 16th Floor, Mobilt :16602. Pho", (lSI) 405-oon.

Tammy L Dub!,.,. p;trtner of Coll$tangr, Broola & Sm ith llC, h. , ~I\ Il.1rned htad of lht firm'l

O".. icl AH,,,,.. y R.n .... UllolI.,on .nnounca Glenn Goggans hu botn nanltd chief &l>i".nl di"riC1 .11omcy for

Au!.Ouga. Ch ihon and Elmore rounti ...

BitnlinJ;hilm offict. Shan",," L Miller tw b<-m promoted to pann.. with tht firm




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Farm.., Frio<, & W".thorfo rd u.p announces Ihal Patrick 0. Gray h.. joined tM firm"" a ",,'tn<rand that Nalhan A. W-u h.. joined tho finn ... n •••odale_

Wilm.,& ~ PA ann"un"" that Ch.d W,Ayr .., Ch ri5tian M. Com." Rilche] M. Howard, T. Mark Maclin, .nd Clinl L M.... loa"" Meal"" associ"tM with 110. firm.

Wil ..,n, DiUon, Pumroy &lam.. u.c . nnounC.. lhal Dougl", H. Mooneyham 10.. joinM tilt firm .. an ;woei.t,. •

fldmsing, ~.,h, fl erlo ng. Newnl' " & a"nounces Ih.t Ru ... U C. 8uffin loa. Meal"" • m.mbtr of th. firm. Rou~

Key, Gr •• r, Frawley, Key & Harri<on aml<)unceslhat M.rpm M. Casey 10.. brwmr an associ. t. with the firm. Ma<$<"y. St ot~r & Nichols PC announces the form.tion of. medi.tion p.. ctict group to pmvick alt.,."ati"" dispUle r"",luli<ln sr .... "es. 11>< firm also announces that Shay N. Q ick 10.. joined 110. firm .. an ...sociat •.

Do you represent a client who has received medical benefits, lost wages, loss of support, cOliliseling. or funeral and burial assistance from tile Alabama Crime Victim's Compemat;oll CommissiOIl?

D... is 1.. Middl.", .. and Kevin 1.. Ber ry announce lbr form.tion "f Middlern •• & Berry UP with offices al 205 N. 20th Strttt, Soit. 210, 8irmingham 35203. Ph""" (2OS) 380-0737. Eli ... beth 8a,ry lohnso" has a«<pted

a position a. vic._p.... id.nt and .$$i"anl g.nerool counsrl of Movie G.lItry US, Inc•. Movi. Ganery Canada, Inc. and flollywood Corporation.

N"ox, Gilliland, !liggio' & Hitson PC annOunces Ih .. S. Mark Dukes h•• l>o<ome a ...."hold.r in 110. firm, April M. Willi. and lohn W. BeU hav< I>o<om. associated with the firm', Montgomrryoffict, and Su... n D. s., nich loa. bcromr associated wilh tho D.phne office. Sirol< & P• • mult PC announces th.t James R. Sturdi, h... joined the ftrnl. Sm ith, Spir., & Peddy PC announces Ih .. Ma.k F. hnoskovic ha. joined 110, firm ... . n ;woei.... Starnes & Atchison LLP announces th .. Arnold W. Umbach, 1Il h... joined the firm ... a partnrr. Wal..,n, lin'm • ....,II, M."in, McKinney, Graffeo & Helm. PC. form<rIy W,uson, )immtrson, Givhan, Manin & M"Kinn'y PC. .nnoun".. that Kristin D. Horn h .. l>o<olm . ssoci"ed wi.h the firm.

When your client applied for benefits, a Suhrogalion agreemen t was signed pursuant to §] 5-23-14, Code of AI"bmtj{, (1975). If a crime victim received compensation benefits, an atlomer su ing on behalf of a crime victim must give notice to the Alabama Crime Victims' Compensation Commission, upon filing a lawsuit on behalf of the m:ipient. For further information, con tact Kim Ziglar, sta ff attorney, Alabama Crime Victims' Compensa tion Comm ission al (334) 242-4007.


Disciplinary Notices

Reinstatement DoIhan aclO""1 Oark Mauri« h rur wu ... mmarily owpendN from the pnotticr orbw in th~ SI~u of Aiaba"", pursuant!" Ruk 20(0), JJ.tba"", Ru/<'J <1 J),Sl,plin.. " I'rorn/Urt, by order of lh. DiKiplinary Comnli"ion of Ih. Al. b.oma Sta,. Bor Augul14. ZOOS. Th. ortkr (Of 1M DisciplinlryCommi .. ion was bucd on. pelilion flkd by the "trIU of Fflt'ra/ counsel "idmdng thaI


r••ktr had r.iLtd 10 .I:$pot><! 10

requau for info",..,ion from • dis<i. plin.&/')' authority duri", tht courw of • dlscipIi .... ry invaliplion. n.. sum""'Y ouopc1IIoiof1 WIll w..ot-I by onkr 0{ \he OiKiplinary Boord ......Mil on Au ...... 2.5, 200~, mIlO"';'" r •• kn 101M pra<lict oflaw os 0{ tNI cblt.I Rulo 20(.);~. No. 05-09)

Orders to Show Cause Notice iJ htrriry Jiven to Tintothy 1I0nal<l WiIJOn, who practiced Law in Birmin&lwn. and w ...... ~ul$ ar. unknown,""" purl<W\t 10 an or<k< 10 show ""us< of the Disciplirwy Commission of Iht AWMITII SIal< au, dated lu ... 6, 200S, he hA$ 60 days from tht ct.", of thiJ pubIiaohon (N""""". lO(5) IOcomt inl0 "'mpl;",," with tM aim! St<:urity fund lWWn<'nt ""Iuimmnt for 2OGS. Nonco'nplianu with the aim! S«uril y f und ............,l!

I'fi!ui .. m<nt >h. U mull in I sus!",nsion'~n ... [CSF OS·'M[

NoIitt is hntby Ji'"m to M"

Elilab<1h Jordan. who prxtiad bw in Birmi..g...m. A\abo"", .nd woo.. ...h,,,..abouu ... unknown. th;II pu" ' ..... nt to.n onk. to shown .... mIll< Disciplinary Commiuion of III< Alab."", Slat. SIf. dolod May 18. 2()OS. Ih~ h.. 60 daY' from th. dat. of tllu publication (N~mbor 20(5) '0 OOm< into rompli.m,. with ,h. dient s..:u';ty Fund OS><1oSn'I<nt requi",,,,,,ot fur zoos. Nonromplianu with til< C"nt S«uril, f und :wcsunmt requtmromt ....U rault in , sl1Sp<1I· sionofhtrlicftlJ<. [CSFOs-ro] Nouu I$Itcn-bjI ~ '0 Mary Elilab<1h Thtudl . lI.owdoUt.. who pro<· tlud Low in MoolJOOl<fY. ~ and whoso whnnbou ...... unknown. thaI pun\LInllO an ordtt 10 Ihow n .... '" tho DUcip~nuy Conuniuion ol tho Alabama Slot. dolod M.rdo 18. 2005. hu 60 doY' from tho dot. of Illif public>tion (NOvtntl>n" 2(05) to rom< into COllIrlt.n<~ with tho M.ndllory Conllnuins LtgaI Education requiremmts for 2004. Nonwmpliana with tho MCU ~uirrmmts st..u in. su.sptruion olhtr Ii«n><.




Noli«" is h.tItby p.... 10 Robert f.dwanl Yorlc, 111. ",II<> pnctlud Lo", in M,rietta. Georg .. and woo.. ... htn:-aboutl .r. unkncnoln. tha, I',lf.uant to .n ordtr to mow nil.., o( til< Disciplinary Commission of Ih. Abbam, SlO,e d"od May 18. 2005. he h.. 60 daY' from ,h. do,e of

this publicotion (Novtmbn lOOS) to inlO compliaO>tt with th< Q;""t


S«urily I'tttwl auuommt mjuimnent lOr 2005. Noncompli.oO>tt with tho alent S«urity Fund auuomml rtqulrnntnt INlI ROUIt in • ouspm»on or his 1i«1"ISt. ICSF 05-96]

Noti« is h<rri>y """"" to Joan_ "'00 proclicnl b .. in

AIoMmo Sta" Bar. doitd Mly 26. 2OOS, !he hOI 60 days from th< dol~ of publication (Novnnhtr 20(5)'0 come inlO compli.oO>tt wi.h II.. M"nda.ory Con.inu;nll.Lpl EduQIlion mjuirnntnts for .!004. NoDC1)t11plian« with the MeLE trqIIlmnmts WU ROUIt in a JI1lpmlion ofl>er lieau<'. ICLE 05-356]

Binningh.m. AI. Mma .nd "'''''''' whtrraboulJ ~~ unknown. lhoa, pur· .... n' to In ol'lkr 10 show "'.... o f thc Disciplinary Comn>iuion of ,h. AI.blm. S... t 8ar. d .. td M.,. 18. 2005. $h~ hM 60 dors from .h. date of this publicol ion (Nonmbor 2005) to 00 ..... imo compliaO>tt with 1M Oi<nt S«u"'Y Fund iWeWntnl mjUtrmlnl' b l(M». NonoompliaO>tt with tbt aim. S«unly I'tttld mjUlmnent $IWI RSUlI in • """",n· »on of Ion 1ictI"ISt. ICSF 05-641 Not;.", is 1t=br p.m to t..r ry Edward Smilh. who pQC1icnl bioi in AIoIwkr.

David J~I ",host wh .... abou" art unknown. must om""r th<


Alobomo SW. (o.mol discipli . nary <ha rrs wil hin 28 d.Y' of November 15.2005 OT•••. th< 1l1<prionHon•• i...d 'h .... in £hoi] be odmilltd and .pproprial~ discipli_ o./Wll>e impoot<lapinot him in ASB nos. 04·261(A). 04-) 18(A). 05I9(A). OS·n(A). O5·73(A). and 05· 9O(A) by tilt DiKiplinuy Boon! of tho AWwna $lair 1lu.IASB 1>00. 04261(A). 04.) I8(A). 05-19(A). OS· 72(A). 05-7l(A). and 05-9O(A)1

AlIMnu 100 who6< wM~.boulJ .~ unk"own. til .. !'un".tn' to In ortkr to .bow "lUI<: or Ih. I)i.dplin ...y Co"tI"",ion of ,to.- AI. bomo Stott B->r. dottd Moy 26, 2005. M h.. 60 days from th< da,. or this publication

(Novnnhtr 200s) ' 0 com<' in.o compU· wi.h .Itt ,,"undatory Continuing I.LpI EduQItion rtquirnntnts for .!004.« with tto.- MCLE rc-quirnnatu thoII RSUlt in a sion of his li«I"ISt. ICLE OS·373]


Noli« is hmby KfVmIO Monica Dioonn~ McCord. J-.d$oo. who pr",,· ticnl I.w in 8orminghlm. M. twnl and whOf<' wh ..... bou.s.~ unknown. that pun".n. to an "rdtt 10 $how cau.., of ,h. Di$tiplin'ry Commiuion of the

Suspension R>inlylli. altO.nry 1I0y. Lu, h ~c 8aush. Jr. lollS lummorily ....pmdt<I from th~ PI"K.iet of 1... in tho o( Abbomo pursuant.o Rult 20(0). AIdI>oma 1M.. of DiM;ipliruur I'nIm/w .... by ordtr of tho Disciplinary CommWion of tho AYbo .... Sutc Ru eIfcoclivr AUIII" 4. 2005. Tht ordtc of tht DiS<ipli... ry Comm;""'" ..... baotd on • pnillon fikd by lhe olfia 01 zmrcol counlltl ~ th~l Bough Itod (.iIed to rnpond to rc-qllHt.l fOT infomlOl Km from a disciplinary au.hori.y during .h< COUtK o( • disdplin.ry investigation. I Rule 2O{a): 1'<1. No. O5·oal


Classifieds "Going to the Web" Tht ~ ,..",...,. will no loop aw:pI d.usifiod ..- b print in the ,.......nt. h!<.tr-Iy uncb 0)Ru.c. will b. print«! tbt ~ lOO5 ;.-. 1iownn.1ht AIobamo Sta~ flu will tLodIl' post cJaaificd ads on tht AS8 Web Ji~, .............w..r."'!o for I OOnlinol f~. For nquin:1llcm. 0< question>.bout )OUr dawfit,d od.~·nu.iI us ., .. Io ...._"'i_




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