Lawyer 11 86 web

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'~t Union &mk, Ire UXJrk

hard to earn your trust. " - Henry A.leslie

P=idenl and Chiel f.x~'CUliw: Olhcer

Union Bank IIUI'kS duse]v . with l11anv . ,\lab,Hlla <lt1ulllevs in the ,Ithn in is t!'al ion of III lsI s <Ill( I esl<lt es, Our inveslment cap;,I)iI it ies 11;\Ve in ci -cased dmrnatic;dly in the p.ISt ,veill ' I).v llw addiliOl l of a Sl<11C-of-1 he-'1I1 t;Ulll pU\(~1 iZI~{ ] ~.vS1t:lll_ As 1\1,,1 l;\ll1<1'S I"rgcsl ind ependCIlI I/illlk. lI'e (;unl ml ;:111 0111' il1l'cslnlcnt proc essing \111 h in I h e ' 1hlst IJI!p;1I111ll!lli to assure co nstant al IenI ion and C:01111 )Ide uliitidell t iali ly for vow ' dients. \ Vc il1\~ t c y o ur 'Il msl ions "llOlil Uilioll Ballk's 111 lsi sc,viccs. OlH路e.~ pe'"ient;ed tltls t o tlit;tlIS will bc glild Iu discllss ally 1)usine~" , fi n.melal 0 1'.1(1111 ill isl r;!l iVI: ;I~peel uf thc se,,~t:CS wc jllu\idc.

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Criminal Code 1986 EDITION AI~b~m. Crimin,,1 Code, 1986 Ed ition contains Title 13A of the Code of Alabama in its entini!ly. In convenient soflbound forma t, this reference includes all statut ory amendments through the 1986 session of the legi slature.

Fully indexed, it also provides annotations 10 all relevant ca5E'$ through




700 pag",

0.. 1 A. . 2

Provisioru of Criminal Liability 0.. 3 o,.lenS('$ 0.. 4 Inchoate Crin'eI Ch. 5 Puni.hment. and Senlellcfs Princip~

Ch. 6 Offenses Involving Danger to the


0.. 7 Offensn Involving


10 .nd

Intrusion Upon Property

0.. 8 Offenses Involving Theft 0.. 9 Forgery and Fraudulent PractiÂŤ, 0.. 10 Offenses Against Public Admin i!tralion 0. II Offenses Against Public Order .nd Safety

$21.50'" App~ .



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o 1_. Tho MIchoo C""'PM'l' .""" ..."""", "'"""Iin& - ............... Ana-

0.. 12 Off..""" Ag.JIinst Public He.hh ""d Moral, 0.. IJ Offenses AS"insl the Family 0.. 14 Miscellilneous OffenSoe"l




NO'I/'errtbef 1986


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Fall shows il> Hue color<; deep in a fo rest in Clarke County, Alabama. Cover p hotograph courtesy of AlJb.'m~ Forests magazine, Alabama Forestry Asweiation

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Usage of comput...... ssis!ed legallesear<:h continues m grow. The re have ho:>en new features added to bolh the West law and Lex;s resea rc h systen".

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Offering a nd Objecting Evidence ..... .



Bawd on a chapter from theforth<:oming 1.>001<, W. SCHROEDER, J. HOFFMAN and R, THIGPEN . A LABAMA EVIDENCE (1'186), m be published by the Hafti",n Comp"-ny, thi s artie),:, provides new insight> to the litigatioo practitione r.

Automa ti c Stay Litigation: a Primer ..... .............. 319 A bank ruptcy fohng provides rel ie f to the bankrupt th. ough the a\lenue of the automatic stay. What are Ihe palanleters of the stay and how may it be liftedl

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,., "" '"

President's Page E. ""utive Dh>cmr's Report About Membe~, Among Firms d e opportunit ies m Young Lawyers' Section ...... , no Bar Briefs. m Riding the Ci rcuits . , m Opinio ns of the General Counsel . 33 0

MCLE New, Recent Decision s Committ"'" and Task Forces Legi slative Wrap-up """,,moria ls Et Cctcrd Di sciplinary Report Classified NOliees

'" m "0 '" '" '" '" '"

President's Page O

Iter1tlmes 001 presi(Ieots. coo>ml~and commillee<:hai,. men are to hlI"ied with problem. and what _ 10 be .. _-ending 5e'ries oi millOl' eri_ C,,!.Htrophe. and dilem. INS thai we billO re.. lize or "ppn!<wte the IJOOd things, the SI.ooxesses 01 the A~

ullUSU<r1 10< 40 to 60 pen:en' of me I~ro~.

An oddrti(llUl problem with which _ are nor alnlCred Is poI.ri~tion. The Il0embe0lohip of .he Aiabom.:o State 8,u i. nor ~ poIariled as !he membership oi OIher Slale bors ......,ich seem ro ha.e de00 ..... SUre 8ar. fense ~_.ri.ollawyeo- and merlQP}lIn Augu~ I aMended the National eon. i\all vs. IU",I domrnarion uoWIes. w. "'" ~ of 8ar Prf'SidentS and the South. quite fonun'l!e Alaboma I~are '>IHI em Conference of Bar Presidents held in I~ fil'll and nor '1?(pI,...nated." """""" conjunction with the annual mee1ing of !MtI. III lOme Slales it is difficull 10 deler· the Ameriun Bar A.~iation in New mine wOO lhe bar 15 beau ... ~I h""" \brIe. In a ,.,.,ro, when to 0100 two bars. usually designated ,., "The st~le bars. the ... I.. bam,) State Bar is in SUo'" Bar of ...• and "The bar of lhe 8",al Stale oi ....• Usually one associ;dion Th is f,eedo", from iMtituliooal ill""" ha!!; 5OnM.' srricrl.,.limired official function is due 10 " o;ery long hi§lOty of c\eI.cIed and !he other a broader social function. !oefVice 10 the Alaboma S/.lle 8;0, by a SCRUGGS The ne1 result oi!his orpniurional dich~ numl:N!f (II people, and III.. t.aPPl' 0I0n"¥ is II diffusion of energy and re_ion Is KltnelhinS for which I claim no pmon.;Il CmliL w.un: .... at boIh Ofgan~ation .. lei me e\pI~n _ 01 the problems we do no! II-. from a financial !.Iandpoinl, the loWe bM cenainly is 001 In 187S the Alabo".. Stille Il.o, beame the n.Jlion'. first _lilt ...... but it does t.a.e adequllte funding ro fulfill me '>Iale bar ~sociation 10 adopI: a Code 01 Pro/ession;Jl essential core at ilS nesponsibolities. The illite bars of lOme Respomibiliry. ~ "'hin1 rules_ u~ ~ the bni, larger Wtes depend entlrel.,. on voluntary contributions for fiJ'!it caroons poomulgated by the Ame1ican Ba, Aswc;i~ from their members ro mainUoin loeNite and quasi_judicial lion. Thi s n;tIionalleadeMip in oor aoc1ivilies has remained Junctions. !\gain, the self·ta ... tloo method at bar fillaocunchanged ar>d unbroken lor more than 100 years. and Ing in OUr state is ~ far the best method 10 insure adeIt Is someIh in8 WI' occa~onally need to ra:~11 and 01 which quale perfo<mance le'\<lls from I'l'ar to I'l'ar. we can be proud, Tne disciplinary process used in Ala. I firmly beli""" rhe AJab;rma St<rtt: Bar discharges il5 offi_ homa is conside...d a model lor OIhet Stilles KId"",. AI· cial funcliO<rs ill character and filness i~i",lions. b;lr l!laugh _ COI'IStilmly are .rying ro ·fi...... une"!he pIOClm, """minations, continUIng I"PI education. discipline and _ are ~.Jd ;and shoulders ~ most other jurisdiclionf,. legislation better than anv OIher §I<IIe. lIMo nesponsibilit;'" and duties of the AIab.l.rnor ~te ~r _ .....inisrered In.~ ~ 01 communiarion and membe1 response. roo OIher ~e bar in ""","CoO ha!!; a membe1$hip ~ di~I.,.l:rt the b;lr it5e11. In most jurisdictions, these dut;'" i"8 n quidly to sur>eys and question... i~ 0< with a and ""I"'flSibihlies are ~minis~ di<eetly bt a ~Ie supreme roun 01 through a number at fulgmented, ~~ ~ 01 inpur lhan !he membenhip at !he SUole 11M. Our ounide e<peft'!; we<e asroonded ,)I I~ petCeIllspecially<Oll!.!ructed boorods. Pllnels i01d commiHioos reage at response lI).he "",en! feasibiliry Srudy and ques. quiring gener~f IIPpropf;;lIioos from v~riOlJS sl~te 'ionllo)lre on I~ forr,urion at ~ liIWY"'" murual insur.n<e legisl~\Ufes. ThUs. these wffer from at lea!.! some degree romp...,.,.. Mosr §!<Ire bars are pleased if len pen:eot 01 their of interference from ~ial intermt groups. and most membership re5{lO"ds 10 a survev; in Alabam.:o. II 15 1101 operate;Il the gener.rl political ~rena. In Arab;l"""


November 1966

oper~le in the general fIOlilical arena. In Alabama. --e ha.e a blend oi aulnorily. bolh lrom Ihe judicial and legislalive brand... s 04 gOYl'rnmenl, and hisloricalIy --e have been very fortunale to have had. in general lerm~ Ihe cooperal ion and aid 04 Ihe execul ive bJ<ln<;h 04 Ihe government. No bar in this nalion can be successful wi'""", a highly competent, permanent, professional ".fl. The Slaff 04 lhe AI ... bama State Bar is acknow ledged 10 be one 04 the finesl in the U.s. II i. refreshing 10 hear the compliments and accolades

given to IheSlaff concerning general ad· ministration of bar act ivilies, computeri. zalion. discip line, admissions and publications. Our ptOiessional stalf members ha.e very respec1ed roles in the ""rious ABA conleren<;es on lhew )Ubjeas. We Can aoel Should be immensely proud of this fact Typica lly. my CO<"I'o'ersations with other state bar pres idenls ....:;>Old begin wilh their making the statemefll. "\.'k are having Ihis problem in our state, aoel we have heard that 'IOU do not have that in AlaWma. How do 'IOU hand le it/" The amwer is that ""'''I' people in thi,

state care about their state t>or. For Ihe la>l ooe hundred I"'ars or more, many -ery talented aoel able ~......, made a sacrifice 10 rheir profession for the bet· terment of this bar, the Stare of Alai)ama and the geneJ<l1 public whom we 5eJVe. That quality of character and professional ism is Itill alive in Alabama. and those bar leaders aoel members five. IS. 20 and 50 I"'ars ago mu>I be given the eredil lor where we are today. The cha llenge now before us is to ~M! this herita~.


kn<;M"S when he, phone rings whether or oot he< boss is there. Well, why daes.n~ she say"", J<ltner than seek to invade my pri",,'Y. ~oeI then inform me he isn't inl I do ha.e a list 04 those se<:re1aries. Then, there are the lawyers whose \eCretaries call me, aoel when I admit that she has me, shelnen asks me to wait lor he, ooss, who then !.eemS to amb le up

to the phone aoel ask me who I am, and then engages me in conversafion. I think I will start doing thaI. It will make everyone rea lize how cons ide rale I am of my time. Is there no cUre for thi s? I think I wil l lpeak 10 lhe Gri"",nce Committee about it. • - I. E. Thornton

Professional etiquette, M obile style (The vieoM exprf"Sse<i heff! are those of the author and noI flCCesS31iJy toose of the bal, its officers or member~J I still have a lisl 04 lawyers in Mobile who will not return a te lephone call. I disc<M!red another last monlh. Do 'IOU suppose I sr.ould identify them, or are they already known in the barl There arc a lot more lawyers I can get only through a \eCre1ary. I suppose that is al l right, becau5e if all calls lor the Dusy lawyer go directly to the lawyer from the Iwitchlx>;.rd, he cou ld be kept busy. answer ing the phone. I wi ll make a note 04 Ihat, and some dil'{ I will make alilhe callers for me go through r>Ol only Ihe switchlx>;.rd opeJ<ltor, but a lso my se<:retary. This will interrupt her worl< terribly, but I wil l thul get in line with the rest of the MObile lawyers. But one thing I will not take is to disclose to tne secretary what I wanl to talk 10 her boss about. I am "",king a lisl of se<:retar;es who !.eel to get this from me hefore I Can speak 10 her boss. I usually answe< lhall want to know il he wants a million dollars from me, or some other flippanl remarl<. and then have the se<:relary tell me her boss is OOt .... I speak ugly 10 those se<:ff!taries. She

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Executive Director's Report Do you measure up?-a freshman 's yardstick


father d



ffe!.hm.vlbw Sl~

wrOO ~ IetIer he had wril_

1M IQ hi' son on his forst day in law school. He <liked my thoughts on its roolenl. I found 1110 be full oi advice. commoo _ . aflOl(tion.nd (h]ilenge. I <Jb. taint."lI his permi ssion 10 sha ... pariS with "",.

The '(!Ite. gave <lVidenr.. 04 • good relalionihlp. p;uen,.1 resp«\ and pride in

thesoo's KComplimmemsaoo goals. II was writlen on a dav I reall H one 01 anxiety. doubt ;and ultimate ~jkler. menl. I know it Nd 10 be a """leomed co....,oonique upon ilS receipt.

In addition 10 urgong the son 10 heed Wf!1I the oriem<lliQn advice. !he father ~jnded him, ''What habits you loom and what hard wor1t you do this firsl month will 'lei the slage lor the first ~1C1. ,hi s year, and all your three y"a~." Implici t was 100 view lhe>e habits mou ld yuide hi. legal ca r".,r, II was the iJoslnessm.".latoo,'s deS(ripr,on dille "ma rtel plilCe" in wllich he worked eve.y < II", m.ony la~ wilh whom he worked-mat pI~ed a ch.olll'llJl'l before his !/Jwye-aspirant son liound to be a worthy ~n­ d.ord 01 m"i>Sl"'l'. "Somt ~ on: pJ<>d-.... , .. ..., betw...-.:I_ an: "'" beoL I un lei """. w,thouI ~1On. wh;,jo ones

.re the be<! ani ....... ","",!iu1-4>ey

...... 'do ~r ~.' ~n lhey moke Iho:ir 1Jffltn1.IIO.... 11>ey .'" _I~.

.'" .Iwor< !he



They hove """"" ..,..,,""" 0( knowIedso'. becou>e they I<1lc the ..... _ ~ OUI the efIor1lO know •...,... •• !PIns on.' They Ire pOIr>hed ....,Iemen. wtllllloooroed, _ are I ......"""' ........ Jim.I·", 1IOI'P'JnInS I'<'" ",,'--1 know

!hi. for a lac •. "Now wh~ .m I "'lIing yoo 'hill Here i, why. In.-Ie Ire many lawyer< In the >morl<'" place·'oday. Some.", wcceo.sul_..,.,.., Ire illS! hanging on. The b"'!I way I an "" mi"" yoo is 'poeopIe". chooce." Met III. they PlY the bUi .... In ~. yoo will MIl be lUC<eMJuI if you .'" ""'" 10 be oimpIy '. l...-yet: You hove P 10 be • pod one ord !here is .... bmer place 10 ...n !han .... now-..t.eroe rou _ • •~. il rou wil1 """"". I'm _ .... rou .o.cMo:e on ""-' 10 sndy. wht«t 10 1lUdy. how mutt.!O $lIJdy.




you .... rna" now ord if you CMl~ discipline yourJeil wim ,t- hab;IO. ,hen you'"",.,. .... bus,ness boein8' I.wye<'. "One 0( lhe ....... Im porlanl Ollri· buteo VOl' win n.v... "",,10 knowlOOge 04 I,w. is ch.ractet .... It I, _ _hin. you ~ on .M oil. II is oome!hi", deq>I~ i"" .. ned wi!hin rou • • •• mon 04 chari>Cle< is one whom Othen r:- taunt on becouse he 1$ ....... ,.,.. oIl')Od ......... loves _ - ' S hrl mono _ .. nor< 1"""""110 oWIn .... pod _ wont..


...,,11.. lhi"" 04 me. Me. t¥.to... IlOl

advonce by """"'''' on hi. "'low mono but .to... hones!. hood "'""'" ... ...... he 1Calll"lU1.!eO.··

Thi. lather discus§f!d the spiritual foundations upon which hi. son could

burld. He 01100 reminded his son .•... you ~'t mM.e it on hambu.get'i and pizu and Col.". Ulcen.nd neM'S w,1I surely do you In.'' Tile ~tret concludes. ' We kwe you V<!ry much. GiV<! it you r best shot and you will be OK._Much love, Dad" Thi, f~lher acknowledged that hi, son', forst day in law school was lhe culminallon 0( earlier school and fredy admlned ~ knowioa all 1",,1 had IIt(lfIe on in hll lOll', mind in preparation lor hi' bill chiillenge. bu. he ~ "i\ didn 't I~ t.;oppen." H" acl<now!edged the son had WQfkftI hard .nd planned. He ex~~ pride in his son. !he l.eshrrrao. t an'l help but believe his son. the I~~. will "",ke him equally



• - Rrgi"",ld T. Hamner

November 19116

About Members, Among Firms ABOUT MEMBERS Slevt'n M. Nol ~n is pleased tQ an<>ounce the opening 01 hi! office at 14 Court Square, Faye!!", Alabama 35555. Phone (205) 'H2·5204.

I. Edmund Odum, Jr., is plN>ed to annOunCe the relocation 01 his offices 10 Suite 824 01 the B'<:M'n-Marx TO'>'>er at the corner 01 Firsl Avenue, NOllh, and 20th SHeet, Birm ingham, Alabama 35203. Poone (205) 252·9734.

Goorge M. Van Tas ... I, I •. , 01 the

Birm ingham firm of s..dler, Sullivan, Sharp "" Stutts. pc, w.o. ele<:ted to d.e e:<e<:utive comminee 01 the Nalional Aw>danon of Railroad Tria l Counsel at the associ.l ion', recent annual COrMlntion.

Yom Tassel previously seroed as chairman 01 the associatioo's occup3-

tiona l di""'" claims comminee aoo co-authored a booklet on the IOpic. A University 01 A labama graduale. Van Tasse) received his bachelo~s degree in 1%9 and )"", degree in 1972.

AMONG FIRMS The I"", firm of Cai"... & Cledler, PC, annOunceS Mkt..el H. Cleckle. hal left lhe finn 10 p.ep;lre for lhe Episcopal mi"i>lry. The finn MI,e plea.ure in ilnnouncing RolK".1 B. 8.",en. J•.• hal become J membe r 01 the firm. which w ill continue the practice 01 liM' under lhe name Gaines, GainO"S & 8Mneu, PC. The firm 31>0 is pleased to announce To.nmy E. Tuck· e., formerly a"isMnt u.s. alwrnev. Birmingham. now is J>sociaied with the fi rm. Offices are located al 127 Nonh Street. Talladega, Alabama 35160. Phone (205) 362·23B6.

J. Ve<non Pal.ick. J•.. &Assoc;ales, PC. is pleased 10 annour.ce Ale>;:dnder

The Alabama l<lwyer

S. LKy, former ly vice pre5 i!lem. se<:. retary and anorney for Eoeogeo Corporalion, Alabama Cas Coqx:>r.llion and their subsidiaries. has become a.soei.ted wi lh tile fim. and an", Oct· ober I, 1986. the fi rm wi ll be known as Pat.ick & I..lcy, Pc. Offices are 31 1201 Finandal Center, Birm ingham, Alabama 35103. Phone (2051 323-


The I"", finn oi Blacksher, Menefee & Stein hal opened an oIfice in Birmingham on the fifth floor of Ifre 1I1Ie Build ing. 300 21st Sireet NOr1h. 35201 Phone (205) 322-7)O(lor 7313.

le.'1' R. Barksdale and James D. Moffall of 212 Souln Ma rion Sireet A1hens, Alabama. take plea.ure in allnoundng the opening of a se<:ond of· fice located at 203 Ea" Side Square, HunlSvil!e, Alabama 3S601.

Sho. es & Booker i5 pleased 10 announce Michael R. O'Oonneli and Byron A. Las~le. haw become ass<>ciates of Ihe firm, with O'Oonnell in Binni ngham and Lassiler in Fai rhO\le. Omce addre5>e5 are 2157 141 h Avenue, South, Birmi ngham, Alabama 35205, and 21 South Section Si reet, p.u 8o~ 995. Fai rhope, Alabama 36533.

The firm of Johnston & Johnston anO Chris,,,,,he. G. Hume, III, fom",rly a member 01 Ihe firm of Hume & Sullivan, annou nce their for malion 01 a pan nership under the finn name of Johnston, Hume & Iohn. Slon, wilh offices located in The Bayport Build in g. 5 Dauphin 5t""-1, Mobi le, Alabama 36602; Ihc mailing address oI lhe r"m is P.U 80. 550. Mobile, Alabama lb601. Phone (205) 432·1811.

Albert J. Tully and Janres A. Philip, announce their associalion under the name 01 Tully ~nd Phili ps, 111 0 Montlim.r Place. SUrie 870, P.O. 80_ 81437, Mobi le, Alabama 36669. Phone (2051 34 4·2B I4.

Daniel A. Pike, Pc. allorney.<ol-I""" is pleased to .nnounce Gle nn L. D~· vidson, lormerly assiSla nl stale aIIome'Y gene ral for tr.e Slate of Ala· bama. ha, become a member 01 the staff, and 1he firm conli nu", genera l l)faclice of I"", at ils new local ion, 962 Dauphin SIr~I. Mobile. Alabama 36604. Phone (2051 432· 2620.

Pal.ick M. Sigler is pleased 10 .lnnounce the assoe ialion of Slephen C. Moo.e and the relocation 0I1r.e l<lw OffjcO"S of P"tri(~ M. Sigler. PC, to the Riverview P la~a Office Tr:rwer. Suite 709, 63 Soulh IWyaI 5lreet, Mobile, Alabama 36602. PIrone 1205) 43B·2482.

David L Hi rsch, aItOrney·dl·law,

PC, announces the assoeiation oi Vincent W. Roses, I'" as an a,soeiate member oIl he fi rm. Rose, has been a trial anomey with thc Equal Empre.,.. menl Opportunity Comm ission and is a graduate 01 Cumberl and Schoo l of


J. William I......i .. Guy V. Martin. F. Gerald Bu.r>ell and D,wid S. Dunkle a re pleased 10 announce the fo rma· lion 01 a professional corporation for the pradice of law uode r Ihe name 01 Lewis, Mar1in, Burn.U & Dunkle, with offices al 1900 Soulhl ruSI T""",r, Birm ingham, Alabama 35203. Phone (205) 322·8000.

Offering and Objecting by je<ome A. Ho(f.....n and William A. Schroeder Evidence may Ulke the lorm of eilhfl'r tangib les (i .e., wd1inSs, depictions orob;erul. As lhe Cha r.lCler. ;!;Iies of these f\o>O kinds of evidence dj~ Ier, w the procedu~ k>r ofio.ring Iho.>m di""". ~. M a ~I pIOpOloilion, the trial court IIH brood discretion in all orall~limony 01'

evidentiary matta'S, ~le v. A$lew. ~ss So. 2d 36, 37 (Ala. APIl 19841. in. eludi ng the d iscC>.'ery \lNse of the tdal , H~t><:OCk v. City 01 MonljOll""Y. 428 So. 2d 29, 31 (Ala. 1983). In particular, the

decision 10 admit a particular item 01 ~ leIS Largely in thed~ 01 the t.ial coun whose ruling will 001 be diSlurbed on appeal, absent a gros.s abuse of discre1ion, _ Raine, v. Williams, 397 So. 2d 66, 86 (Ala. 1981). Similarly. it is within the disoetion of the u ..1j~ 10 allow !he wid.d........J of eYi. ~, Harrell " Su~, 470 50. 2d 1101,

1306 tAol ... Com. App. 19841 affd, Ex parle Ha~I. 470 So. 2d 1309 INaJ, cert. denied, 106 S. Ct. 269 (198S).

Offering evidence A. Oral testil1'lOfly'-l\ propooeot otIers oralleSlimony bot c~hnga witness 10 the witness !.t;Ind, c.using him 10 be sworn in ~ ,,""ing questions e-oI<ing 0<31 1& I;"""'Y. If an opponent objects that the proffered witness should I10l be ~lIowed or required 10 Ie'ltlly at ,It or a cerlllin <luesHon should be wkkf:n and "" ..... s~ permined, the proponent rrnrS1, u .... der ~ribed ci~umSl.1ncf:S ~ in •

In addition. unle5 it is quite dear from the quest;on and conte<1, me ~t al~ muS1 show the f:\'idencf: ~ Is relcvan~ BI!j~1flI!( E.<e("u/i"" Aviation Inc. v. B.trnet~ 469 So. 2d 1281. 1284-85 (Ala. 1985).

I/!he P'opoooeo~ folils to make an oller 01 pmoI, I1e ~ ~ one 01 both 0/ me k>ilowin8 ;oe!wnoe consequences. Fin(. the lIial judge IN\' persiS1 in Nling .. wlkited testimonial answ." inad· m is!i bie, wherein I1e might h..... changed his mind if fully apprised 01 its con· lent and purpM. S«ond, when the tri;ll judge M """"ined an oppooe,f, 0bjection and me ~ faik 10 get MI 0Iler 01 proo( into the trial record. an appellate coun u!.U~!ty will dectillC to "",iew the Irial judge's luling on the ground thaI 100 JlfOPO'nI'Ilt-appeliant has 001 strown the ruling. ~ if erroneous, 10 ~ aused hann. See AI/Male Ins. Co; Y. fbo1is, 4n So. 2d 997, KlO(l (Ala,

19651. These proposllions seem to be conlOOkted ~ section 12-21·119 01 Ihe IIlabama Code, whic h reads as foil""",: In lhe _minatlon oI"' it......... and !he In"oduction 01 ""idonce. ~ ""'II ...,. be neceswry 10 SUoII'! 0< d,sdooo! 10 ~ c","" .... ~ 01 .... _06p-.I .....- . 01 ..... - . or 01 !he ~ ....... ,10 be InbOducm br .... queo6on in 0I'de< 10 put !he court in error in its I\Ihns on ob,«rion 10 the qo.>t>Iion un ...! the coo," ~. rII.1t (ounsel discto.e to ,he court !he .,...i· dotnc<i: soul!l'rt by the q.-ron. f~ CIefIioin;un.o ~~


maMf:t, "make "" ofier 01 proo(," That ;,. the poOpi:A~lt If'OJSt ~

uK! thaI an oller 01 pooof need not be made to poe5eM! enOf on "ppe.J1 if the

10 the coun a nd !or the oecOId the subS1.oce 0/ the testimony to be e licited from the challenged wimess or the response he e>pectS the wi tness VoOUkI maI<e to the ch;allenged qoesIion, Mct:;:Jroo,ld's COIP. ... Q#som, 402 So. 2d 951. 9s.6 (Ala, t961); TlII'nef y, Sca~ 473 So. 2d 619, 642 (AI., Crim, "pp- 19851.

response the witness VoOUId ~ made is oIMous fromlhe queS1ion and !he con1e:<1. Ctoe, ..... v. Hill, 2Bll1la. 74, 214 So. 2d 421, 430 (\96&) Nonetheless. in a criminal ~ a POrt!' ~ ~ COOSIiMional righl 10 make an oller 01 prooI', see Ell porte fields, 382 So. 2d 59f\. 599 (.Ala. 1960), and, in a civil C~, Rule 4 l(c) 01

lhe ,oJ ........ Rllies 0/ Civil f'rocmure ~ lor lhe making 01 such an oller. For the klliowing reawns, !he c.lrelul pr.><:litiooel w ill make ~ n offer of proof ,irtually wne.- an objection I\;Is been su-s.r.ained against him. f ill!, the Alab.oma Supreme Coun h;ls efledi~y ~ad sec· lion 12-21-139 out 01 the Cod!>. In Sud:. Img v. Whiteside, 242 Ala. 29. 4 So. 2d 416 (1941}, 10< ercam~ the court said: I, is~ryln~ l o _iewa tri.1 court's rutins wsainlng objection lOa que<lion which 00.....,. on its foce show........., is !he ... ~ _ \hal .nenrioo be callc!d 10 !he P"'I'OI'"d_ ......... ond show 111M ""'" _ ....... Id be _th!.t.>ndins -"on 445. Totit 7. Codo 0119-10 Inow 1«Iron U·2t·I)9I,

"""'*" ........,t.

Cases both Defom and since are in ac· corti, see, e.g .. McDo<lald"s Corp. v. Oi»Oll1, 402 So. 2d 9 53, 9s.6 (Ala. 1%1l; Coach line Y. McCI~l, 227 lila. ~

151 So. 814, 81S.1& (1931).

Second, lhe coun M not a~ agreed with lhe proponents' judgment lhal the an5~ e:<pe<:led was obYious lrom the queslion asked. See, e.g., McDooaId's Corp. v. 01»0111. 402 So. 2d 95), 9s.6 (Ala. 1%1), Thus. proponenlS who ~ thought no oller 01 proof nec_ essary 10\'e etror 100 often have ~amed on appeal thai ~ ""'"' w fOn&. The ~ti-e medicine lor such temli . ....1 disapp:linlmef1lls 10!.U~ 11\;11 IiI· tie, if anything. wil l be obYiou! to the justices on appeal and make one's offen 0/ prooI acCOldingly. A part!' making iln oller 0/ proof must S10IIe me pu~ lor which the challenged prooI' is ~, pankularly if such prooI' is admissible lor one purpose bul inadmissible for anothet. or admissi. ble against one opponenl but not againSt anothet. W'hen oIfered proof is admissi· bIe lor one purpose bul inadmissible lor ~ lhe lrial coun mil\' """Iude it upon goenet;1I objectIoo I 10 the ...t.oIe. see

I\tc1Iet v.

5ibIet: 201 A4. 4950 78 So. 849.

No~ 1 986

to Evidence in Alabama

850 (1981), unless too proponent ofle"l il expte$\ly for the admissible purpose, c"rn>lt v. SlaW, 268 Ala. 299. 105 So. 2d 541, 54(. (1965). When oItered p(()01 is admissible ag.>in5r One opponent but in admiss ible against ano1ner. the tr ial coon may "'" dude il upon gene ... 1 objeC1ion. un less

the proponent offers It "xp<eSsly ag.linst rheopponenr against whom it is admj,,~

ble. 5et' Kriewilz v. Savoy Heating & Ai, Conditioning Co., 396 So. 2d 49, 51·52 (AI •. 1981). Ukewi~. when only pan of offe<ed proal js admiss;bte, the trial court may exclude it a ll upon general objection, VICkery v. 1Iaggetl. 2() Ala. 14 3. 144, 101 So. 102. 104. rev'd on other grounds, 211 Ala. 610, 101 So. 104 (1924), unle" the proponent excises the admissible part and offers it alone. see 8anner \M>!de~

inc. v. KnighlOn, 425 So. 2d 4 41, 447 (Ala. 1982). On Ihe othe, har>d, 100 trial judge al§<) may MImi! the offered proof....e, g<lfleral objechon in each <i the situat ions described, see Picken v. Sl.iHe, 456 So. 2d 330, 334 (Ala. Crim. App. 19821, cen. denied, 456 So. 2d 330 (AI~. 1983); IMrlker v. /OIIes, 33 Ala. App, 348, 34 So. 2d 608, 613 (1947) (on rehearing), and;r


he does \he party diwo:lv;on~ thetebv should ~ a limiting inwucrion, _ Sims v. s.",thets, 267 Ala. 80, 100 So. 2d 2l. 21-28 (195n. Whether a trial judge ildmlts or ex· dudes evidence that Is ildmlssible only /or iI limited pu~ or only ilsain!.! a limited numoo d opponents,. he generally will not be ~ on ~. WI. ~! " SLI~, 21>3 Aloo. 299, 105 So. 2d 541, 546 (19581 Thi. pennissi~ bur ~ps neceHilty ruled judicial ~iew reinfott:es the diS1ribu'ion d ""ponsi. bility - ' tmIM! pCMef Ihought essential 10 the proper and effective opI.'fOItion 01 !he~.,........~ilS~

Ilfrithef proponelIS no< opponenlS an put the tli~t COO" in em:>< bt failing to diSCN"" the dUlies 01 an ~rs.ary ad'>OCate, and thus, boIh proponents ~nd opponents are ",Iiewd 01 this lemptinion 10 induce Of perpe!Uille error as a hedse asai,"", defeat at trial. B. T" l\Iible eYidtnce-ll. proponent 01a _Bible i~ 01 evidence u blkM-I.. f iN, a "foundation must be Iooid" the wriling. depiction or obje<:1 10 be oIfeted. That is, a \;Ingi!>le item 01 evi· dence, with iii'" exc~ons, mil" be aulhenticated bv Ofal teW"""'I' thot the item is what the prOpOr"IftIt clooims il 10 be.. This ioundalional 0fiI1 reti"""'l' will be oHered in the m;anne.. senerally described lor 0fiI1 testi"""'l'. The witness who gi\o\'S ~ often will have <>Ihel testi_ mony 10 gi"" as well, although he occasionally will ha\'e been called ~lely to authenticate the pio/fef"ftl t.1ngible. When this lound.Jtiooal Slep has been tabn. the proponent completes his 0Iler oI the ",nBibie item bt ~ing il 10 the opponenI am p!@WfI1ingiltothetrial judse with -....on:k Indkating that he wi shes the item, as iden!ified and marked bt the ~lerk , iKlmined into evidence. A~ thouiJh il is wise 10 obser\ooe all the for· rmlitieo described, 5tJ~ i~li­ Iy has been peomlned. The coon 01 crimi",,1 ~ppeals h;ts wid, for a.;am~ Ihat:

rers ro..

Articles <II" ~ propeny ~ be cornidc-n:d .. idence . . beina ..... toiboll!<l 10 .... jury and coo., ... "'" '"""" ahhoush Ihey IN\' .... ' - been ~.....ted for iderdOQlion Of kItmoIly 'n"..duted irotO ~ f- . - ~ SUII!. 46 AI;>. AtoP- 6-10, 641,


247 So. M l1li2, 682-8] ICnm. App. 1971f

If the lrial court suSlailll;on objeCIion to a pmlfeted ilem, I>c.owevet the pr0ponent Ihoold, ilhe has IlOl al ~ady, cause the ilem to be marked formally lor iden"fication. See Palmet " Ho/fm;an. 318 U.s. 109, 1\6, 63 S. Ct. 477, 41R 87 l. Ed. 6-45, 651 0901. Althou&*' ~ w/iling, depiction or object may be held to bespeak its own signifocance, the pr0ponent should, ""'"" if the itllm Can accompany the record on appeal, insure that the trial record con~ins a des<:/iplion 01 the ilem suff..:ienI to apprise !he i p pelWe coun 01 its significance 10 the proponen(s as<!. This ~ is anticipated in Ruie4J(c) 0/ theAlabama RulesdCivil ProcedUI\! which prOVides: '"'The coon may add such other or furthe r Statemenl as dea/ly shows the cha/acte< d the evidence, the form in whid! it w.u 01/ened, the objection made and the ruling me.r..on." Objecti ng to evidence Although the trial judge has di5/:"" 'ionary authotily 10 e<dude plainly 0bjectionable evidence on his own moIion, _ BlOWn v. BlOWn, 277 Ala. 217, 168 So. 2d 247, 249-50 (1964). ordinarily he will not e<dude evidence .... Iess !he 0pponent an objection 10 it, and appellate coorts ordinarily will IlOl teView the judges failure to e>«lude on hi. own motion, s-ee. e.g., Rccotd Da!e Inn. Inc. v. Nic:hoJs. J81 So. 2d 1, 4 (Ala. 1979): ~II " S~!e, 466 So. 2d 167, 172 (Ala. Crim. App. (985). The fIoilu"" 013 ~ 10 object to the ildmisJion 01 inadmissible evidence affiOUnH 10 a of any em:>< resul~ns from such admission, Cost.1/ides Y. Miller, 374 so. 2d 1335, 1137 (Ala. 197'9), and whe.e evidence is ,.,. celved wilhoul objection, it fs revi. denc:e, """'"' thwgh il might be inadmissible for one or rncwe "".>Sons, Bell " ~~, 466 So. 2d 167, 172 (AI ... Crim. App. 1985) (q<n:ing WKson" SClle. 198 So. 2d 320. 325 IAla. Crim. App. 1980), (en. denied, 398 So. 2d ])21"'la.], een. denied , 452 U.s. 941 ]19811J MoII!o.e<. despi~ the r...llure to object. !he nondJjecting pony may inuOOUO!! i~ ~I evidence in rebutul. Wyrick '" SLIfe, 409 So. 2d 969, 915 (AI ... Crim . "'pp. 198Hcerl. dMied, 409 So. 2d 969



tAloo . 19821 Then the ponies may tTy !heir use on illeg.ll evidence. aI:oosenI objeCIiolll the<e!o. When excludable evidence is ofIeted. ,he opponent w ishin8 to b.>r its ildmis$lon mu!.!..sse<! a limely and adequate objection. Bell Y. St.lle, 466 So. 2d 167; In tAloo. Crim. App. 19851 An objection ordinarily fs timely only when a»ened lOS soon as the ground lor objection becon¥S apparent. ILWrl'II " S~te. 462 So. 2d 972, 979 (Ala. Cllm. App. 19841. <:en. denied. 462 So. 2d 972 VIla. 1985) Usually an opportunity 10 object ""istS Immediately after the objectionable quesIion is asked and before a """p""sive answer fs gi""". II an objection is made and susuined no funher ~ion is necessary since the a~ing 01 an objectionable question ordinatily Is not reversible e"Of in and 01 ,'self, see w.tlwn v. MeG«. l48 So. 2d 461, 464-65 VlIoo. 191n, unless counsel persistS in trying 10 put bri:Ne the jury evidence wtlM:h he knows, or wtlM:h the coun has ruled, is in;odmissible. M~I"$,,"" Y. Kopeslry. l61 So. 2d 76, 80 VIla. 1978): CtOOk v. S!<t te, 469 2d 690. 694·95 Vlla Crim. App.1 (citing c.oses), <:en. denied, 469 So. 2d 690 (Ali. 1985) If a lime-ly objection is ........... Ied, Ilfriiher a motion 10 elO:ludl", see Code 01 Ala. § \2-21-140 (1975). rIOf ~n exception, Sw<lin v. "lert)'. 454 So. 2d 948, 953 VlI~. 1984) Ala. R. Ciy. P. 46, oo:Iina.ily is !\<!Casary to ~ erlOl. H~" if , pany withdraws an objection he w<lives ant illJes,.d elfO<. see 81ai, v. Sute, 451 So. 2d 1092. 1095 Crim. App.}, cert. dMied. 4Sl So. 2d 1092 (Ab. 1934), ~nd!here is no re\'etSible em:>< if an improper q...eSlion Is ans....."..,.j in the Megati>\', \'.YId " S~!('. 4()9 So. 2d 969, 914 VIla. Crim. Aw. 1981). ce". denied. 409 So. 2d 969 VlI~. 1982). A pony NS iI right 10 tnab an objec_ tion. brA il is within the diKroetion 01 the coon 10 pennit alSUmen! on the iswes raised bt the objection. St.1!1! Rn!Ty Cil v. LlSOf'. 216 Ala. 541, 119 So. 672. 673 (19291 If no ruling i1 made on an objeclion. nothing is preseMl(I for ~ppelloole I'e'>'iew, .... Iess the obje<:IOo requestS a ",IinS or objects 10 !he routt"l Wlu,,", 10 rule. ~ Y. SIaIt', 457 So. 2d 981, 988 VI~. Crim. App.), ce<I. denied, 457 So. 2d 961




(....b . •9t\4J. een. dMied, '05 S. CI. 1757 (19t\5) Qrdin;lfOlv, MI ~ion 001 coming un'" aheo- .he wi,~~ I!'¥e$, <epOIlsi'O!

a...- comes 100 Lale. rNv~ v. 8.o1lhrop. 456 So. 2d 41. 45 tAl • . t964)


If. WI'nes! depri~ .heopponen1 ot.he opponu""V ,0. 00t«. IJII an~wering 100 quicklV, ..... ~n v. SUndard fl'" I~

Co. 011\1•. ,398 So. 2d 671. 674-675 tAla. 19811. if a ground fOf objec'ion be<:omes Jpp<o rem onlV when the 3nS'M!, wilS gi ....

en, _ Stricklan<! v. S'rickl~nd. 285 .... Ia. (9), 215 So. 2d 833, 836 (1970), when 0Ihe<



~ ~n.


v.IIrson " SUit', 398 So. 2d 320, 12S tALa. C, im. App. 19&0) (eiling c.He!, c:et1. denied. 398 So. 2d 332 tAla.J. em. deniftl, 452 U.s. 941 (1981), Of when !he WItness p_ • I"IOf>-<epOIlSl'O! anSwe<, ..... SouthtYn R)< ¥. J,iIV/S, 266 .... La. 44Q. 97 So. 2d 5-49. 552 (19Sn. !he~ion­ able ..... swer will bo:o in !he record. T~, 10 <l'>O:">id an implied ""iver ot his obl«lion. the opponent ~ld boIh obje<:1 and IllOYe ,he I,ial COYO 10 exclude or s',ike the answe, Irom the reco.rd. Green v. Sldnrurd fjre Ins. Co of

ALa .. 398 So. 2d 611, 614 tALa. 1981) He also IN\' _ tN, !he IUry bo:o inslruoeo:i to d~rd the answer. A~' the exceptiono' e,,~ums~ j~ describo:'d, a p<of1y f.liI,,. 10 interpO§e. "mely 00;ec.ion cannol obI.lln "'lief or preser.e ...101 bv Lalel ",,"kIng a ~ion 10 ex· clude. Slmilarlv. ~ions lor iI d'....aed ...,-dicl, Pdrap ["("'nc. ~ R~ 451 So. 2d 214, 211 (AI •. 1984). 10< a mi5lrial. Wierwn v. Sidle, 449 So. 2d 128Q. 1281 IAliI. Crim. API>. 1984) 0., fo, iI new ' ,i al. Pugh v. $l;Irt'. )55 So. 2d 386, 390 (Alii. Crim ..... pp.). cen. denioo, 355 So. 2d 391 (Ala. 1971), will no! svtIice as suilslirutes

for "


obj«tion. .... rimely ob;ecIioo ~ ... IOI as to the QOe$Iion imrnedoatelv poeceding il. but has no effect on po... q"""ions and answe<5,. CHvls ¥. 8.olthroA 456 So. 2d 42, 4Sw... 19841,..,..on~ ~ diffe<lng from the quNion ob10 r.~ . SUit' y. G'I1Iis, 292 Ala.


495. 296 So. 2d 712, 714 (19741 How-e-er. a IilTM!ly objection doe5 ~ er· ror a5 to subsequent ~ions which ~re the $ilmt' a5, 0' p<ort and p<o,<:e l of rhe S<l1TM! "package" ~s, lile qUl!Stion .,ked .

&: RoOt' I\metic'.ln ~ Sales,. Inc.. 477 So. 2d 971. 974 tAla. 1985) An obJeCTIon ordlnMily is adequate only when it specificaliV stalt'U poecise ;on(! cw.nile ground upon which the cn..llensed proal is MlUght 10 be ....,Iud. .ft!. See rNv" " Soufhl.ind Cotp.. 46S So. 2d 391, 401 tAla. 1965); Sauc,whi'e v. St.lre, 364 So. 2d 359, 360 tAil. 1918);

..... alw AI • . R. Civ. P. 46. Requi,ing specific ob;ec.ioos insufllS th. , rhe t,i ll court mIkes ~n Info,mt'(/ dec ision, wyrjck v. Slatc, 409 So. 2d 969, 974 (Ala. Crim. App. 1981). cert. denied. 409 So. ld 969 (Ala. 1982), and lilows the judge ;and opposing counsel 10 ... ke whate\'ef correctl~ ilClioo is needed befo'" the COl'" is subrninoo 10 !he jury. See &: pane /(m,m. 453 So. 2d 75-4. 756 tAla. 1984). Coo~~tent WIth this pu~, grounds 001 sp«ified are _iWld. _ ReeYes v. St;lte, 456 So. 2d 1156. 116Q.61 tALa. Crim . .... pp. 1984), and <:~ cited therein, and a party is bound by the g'ounds speo:lAed. ~n when rhe e.ideroce is inadmilSl~le on wrne o.tiler grounds, McDona!d v. Sld rc, 4 48 So. 2d 460.463 (.... 1• . Crim . .... pp. 19t14). Where

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lhe pooof is oIIered again~ more lI.. n one opponent, an ~~te ob,ection must Slate !he OPt)onem as 10 whom it is §OOght to be el<Cluded. See /(riewilz v. ~ HeilunS & IIlr Condi{ioning Co., )% So. 2d 49, 51·52 (ALI.I98l). When! p.on 01 !he pooof oIIered is irwdmluible. ~n adequate obt«tion musI ~Ie !he p.on to bee..:luded. ~nd if a Po1rty objects as a un it to ~ document 1I'~1 is .xImluible in I"In and in.xlmissibk. in p.olt. the trial (OUn li juscir.ed in ~Iing theob;ec· tion and .xIminln8 the entin! ~ PidO'!l v. S""If', 456 So. 2d llO, ))..4 tAla. C"m. Aw.). cen. denied, 456 S. 2d)J.O, 334 (Ala. 1983) An objection 001 limited as previous-Iy desc, ibed is known as a gene-oal 0bjection. T,~I o:oo.orn "","", and oI1en do. sustain geneo~1 objeaions. See, e.g., Southern Ry. v. Jarvis, 266 Ala. 440. 97 So. 2d 549, 552 (1951). Thus. ~ ciSual ~t· looney Can oI1ro muddle through l'I' relyins upon a simple seneoal objection such as "1 object" Of upon the ~ impresi-.e sounding,1lu1 usuolly mindless, s-raJ objection th,at evidence is "i""leva.n~ i ..... competenl and jmmateri~l ; t~klng his chances th,al a (OO~ientious trial judge will do his job lor him l'I' e..:luding evidence thai n!ally is ineleva'" 10 iIIlY material i""" Of pmpeoly -=I~ on some specific, though unaSlened, ground. HcMeo.e<, no ",Ie compels a trial court 10 uphold, or l'\oen consider. a general objection, and when a trial coun rules proof idn"Iii6ible.-. a genenI objeclion, the appellale coun usually will decli .... 10 ..,...;ew the ruling. See, e.g., Record Da"" In111nc. v. Nkhols, 381 So. 2d 1, 4 (Ala. 1979/. Ew-n though a general objection theoreIically ~~ is a Wlt_ at any ....... l.JbIe specific SJOI.Ifld5,. _ ~ v. Grlbert. Ala. 4~ 163 So. 2d MI, M4 [196-4), a s-ral objection m..,- preseove e rror on aPileal where (1) Ihe spedfic ground for e<clusion is oo.lous; »mtwI v. ~, 455 So. 2d 250. 252 (Ak Crim. AppJ, cert.denied, 455 So. 2d 250 19841; _ . Jay v. Se.1rt Roebuck & Co., 340 So. 2d 456, 458 (Ala. Civ. App. 1976); (2) the evidence oppo5ed i, 001 admissible on anylheory or for ~ny PtJfJXHe, '-'renee v. SUle, 409 So. 2d 987, 989 (Ala. Cnrn. App. 19821; !lei" .1.., 5.!tt"""flite v, SIMe. l64 So. 2d 359. 160



(Ala. 1918); 0) the P'0p0I1~"1 could IlOl h;r.e;Jl()ided lheomi1lf'd specific g.ound 01 objection (e.g., by re->""ting his que!--

pella~ coon "...,. IlOl ~ In ~ Colem.ln. 469 So. 2d 6)8. 639 (Al.J. Civ. App.

tionl ~n if timely appri$l!d of the 0bJection, _ Sidwell v. \\b::>Ien, 4n So. 2d 1036, 1019 (ALI. 1985): ~ldwell ~. SU~, 282 Ala. nl, 211 So. 2d 919. 923 (1968): or {4) adminins the evidence al"l"lOlJnts 10 an error .., fundamenlill thai failing 10 cor~ it would depri~ a crimi~l detend.lnt d a fair uial. See Nolen v. SUle, 469 So. 2d 026, 13lO (Ala. Crim. Aw.1, cen. denied. 469 So. 2d 1326 (Ala. I!MIS). Neither a gene<ill nor speci(,c objec· tion will rc<vlt in ~rsal on appeal ifdoe ruling at the !rial coon is CQrrect lor any reason, Collier v. S""le, 413 So. 2d 396, 403 (Ala. C,im. App. 19811100 rehear· ;nBl, ilf'd, 413 So. 2d 403 (Ala. 1982), Of support;lble on any k!s;IllVOUnd. Tuclcer v. Nkhols, 411 So. 2d 1263, 1265 (Ala. 1983) More<Ner. i! ;s axiomalic in Alabama Ihat m,m ..... 001 r.lised in the uial coun CinlIOI be r.lised 10< lhe first lime lOPP"'al, ~ Miller, 374 So. 2d 1))5, 1337 (Ala. 1979); Bell v. SUlf', 46(. So. 2d 167, In (Ala. Crim . App. 1985). and when an objeclion i5 m.oo on specifIC ground5 0Ihe0- grounds Ci ..... IlOl be r.ised on ;,ppl'al. Osbofloe Truck lrnt'S, Inc. v. t;ongslOn, 454 So. 2d 1)11, U21 (ALI. 1984); BloKhnon v. SIa!e, 449 So. 2d 12M, 126(. (Ala. Crim. App. 1984) Indeed , ~ claims IrMJlvlng con!!ilu· lional riBhlS must be 5ea""",bly raised in the uial coun beIo<e tIoey will be considoored on appeal. t-Iotne Indem. Co. ". AndM. 459 So. 2d 8)6. 840 (Ala. 1984); SICCIe v. Slate, 289 Ala. 186, 189, 266 So. 2d 746, 749 (1 972) Only where there i, ~ LIck d subject mal1ef jurisdktion, Trimble v. erly d PrichanJ, 4)8 So. 2d 745, 746 (ALI. 1981): see aI.., ALI. R. Civ. P. 12{h)(3); AI.J,. R. um. p, Temp. R. 16.2(d), or, where a party had no OppOrtunity to object 10 a ruling Or on1er, will the absence 01 an obiection IlOl prejudice him. Ala. R. Civ. P. 46 As " geoet;Il rule ""y e<rtn commil' led by the tri~1 eourt must be affi~i-.ely demonWaled by lhe record filed on appl.'al, Mobile Wno'Clcer OwnM As,'n. Inc. v. City of Mobilf', 461 So. 2d lJUl, 1306 (ALI. 19841; S""~ v, AJ.iew, 45 5 So. 2d )6.)1 (Ala. Civ. App. 1984), and whefe no reco.d is pteSeIlled 10< an ap-

poIrty to insure that an adequal<l record





The burOen is on the appealing

li av.>iLlbie for """'- on appeal, b. p.11te OllCll, 4n So. 2d 437. 438 (ALI. 1985). See al.., Ala. R. App. P. 10. EYidena! IlOl ;n the !rar>Kripl, ~ines v. ~Ines. 4n So. 2d 1031, 1033 (Ala. 1985), and m~t· lers not shown In the record unnot be """Oewed on aWal , b.p.1l1e O/lCII, 4n So. 2d 417, 438 (Ala. 19851; Fuller v. Slal,,- 4n So. 2d 452 , 4'>4 (Ala. Crim. App. 1985), and ~ poIrty canoot Introduce new evidence on appeall'l' w..,. at S""!.... ments in his brief, Bech!el v. CfIM'n Cef>u,,1 ""rroI. Corp., 451 So. 2d 793. 795 (Ala. 1984), e<hibilS alI<IChed to his brief, .\Urnn v. Sl.J!e, 449 So. 2d 801, 801 (ALI. Crim. Aw. 1984~ affod.Jo,oits. Butlet v. S""tl', 285 Ala. 387, J9J. 232 So. 2d 631, 6J5-J6 (1970), «n. dism<:l, 406 U.s. 939 (19n) Of Q!herwi5e. UcepI ;n ooth penalty case, is""" and allesed errors IlOl argued in ;Ior'I appellMl(s brief on:!inarily _ deemed wai....d, Ex p.1neRiley. 464 So. 2d 92, 94 (Ala. 1985); IY.C MJrntgemenl Co. v. ningham, 412 So. 2d 1065, 1066 (Ala. Civ. App. 1985); see ~I~ Ala. R. App. P. 458, and "nee Jal\UillY 1. 1962, lhecoun d crimi~1 a~ls has been under- no obiiS'"ion 10 consider queslions Of Issues not raised In the briefs on ~ppea l . b. pane ScOlt 460 So. 2d 13n, IJ74-75 (Ala. I9fJI); Ala. R. App. P. 456 Although it loa. been siid lhallhe coort 01 criminal appeals may consider oo.ious errtn IlOl argued on ~l, b. parte Sco!t 460 So. 2d 13n, 1374-75 (A la. 1981), AlaN""'''''' mally recognlles a plain error doctrine only in dealh penalty cases, McGinnis v. SU~; 382 So. 2d 605, 607 (Ala. Crim. App. 1979), em. denied. 382 So. 2d 609 (Ala. 1980); Al • . R. App. P. 39(l<J, 45A, whe<e the court m"Y i""""'e the plain e.(Of rule if il find, su bstantia l pn!ludlce.


b.pane ~ 4n So. 2d 1106, 1111-12 (Ala. 1985) Rule 45 01 the Al.Jb.)m .. Rules at Appell.J1e ~un! al""," for a new lrial or r...........1 at a judgmemoo ly if "Iheer' ror complained 01 has probably Injuri. ously affectro subsl~nti~1 rights dlhe pan\es." Enor in the admission Of e<d ... sion 01 evidence does IlOl juscily """"". !oJ1 il ilS .xImiss-ion WlS harmless 01 001


prejudicial. leverer!~. Suw, 462 So. 2d 972, 977 (AI •. Crim. App. 19841, cert. denied, 462 So. 2d 972 (Ala. 1985) See a l", Ala. R. Civ. P. 6\. Prejudicial error may not be p<edicat~>d upon the ildmi"ion of evidence admit· ted at o;ome other stage of the trial wiThout objection, B &. M Home$, Inc. ~. Hogan, 376 So. 2d 667, 6n (Ala. 1979), 01 wtwn the same facts can be inferJl.'d from Or are pf'l.l'>'en by legal evidence ad· mitted prim 01 subsequent to the illegal evidence. be p<lrte Bush. 474 So. 2d 168. In (Ala. 1985) Conver1oely. an errOl in exc luding evi. dence as to a certain fact ordina rily is harml .... where the fact is est<Iblished by other evidence. ~Iarper ~. Baplist Medic~f Cemer_Princeton, 341 So. 2d 133, 135 (A la. 1976); l\\::>od.l,d v. Sute, 253 AI •. 259, 264·65, 44 So. 2d 241, 245 11950) or course. a party C.nnot intrOO...:e evidence in a Case and then on appeal ar sert that the court comm itted reversible erro, by admitting lhe evidence. v. Alabama Powe, Co.. 413 So. 2d 1109, 1115 (Ala. 191:12). no' may a party object

on appeal to an errOr i""ited by him or that was a nalural con>equence 0/ his own actions .1 trial. leverett v SUw. 462 So. 2d 972, 97fr77 (Ala. Crim. App. 1984), Cert . den ied. 465 So. 2d 972 (Ala. 19851 F".... lly. a pany cannot pred icate an appeal on an error which applies only to another pany who d id not appea l therefrom. Soo.Mc MOI.or Lodges v. !ehleSlauson Constr. Co., 466 So. 2d 83. 88 (Ala. 19851. and where a defendant is ac· quitted of .n offense w ith respect to which imprope, ev idence was int,.,. duced. there is no ~ible erro, even though he Is (OfI'Vir;ted of another o/fcns.e at the same trial. leverett ~. St3te. 462 So. 2d 972, 977 {Ala. Crim. App. t9841, cert . denied, 462 So. 2d 972 (Ala. 1985)



blI s l~

Mi §lri.1 A mOlion for a mi>trial doe. not "'''''' the ",me function as a mCre objection or a motion to stri ke, and it does not in· clude a motion to strike or exclude testi. mony as a les"" prayer fo, re lief. Hunt v. SUte. 453 So. 2d 1083, 1086 (Ala Crim. AW.), ce,t. denied. 453 So. 2d

1083 (AI~. 1984) Because emry of • mistria l implies not mere (!fror, Thomal v. \\o\Irc. 44 Ala. App. 157, 161, 204 So. 2d SOl, 504 (1967), bul' mi~arriage 0/ justice, McMUTphy~. Sute. 455 So. 2d 924, 930 (Ala. Crim. App.1 cert. quashed. 455 So. 2d 924 (Ala. 19841, il is an ex· Ireme measure, Fleming v. Sute. 470 So. 2d 1343, 1345 {AI •. Crim. "pp.l. cen. denied, 470 2d 1343 (Ala.), eM. denied, 106 S. Ct. 164 (198S), not !O be taken lightly, and a high degree of "man ifest necessity" must be demonstrated before a mistria l should be granted. HUn! v. Sute. 453 So. 2d 1083, 1085-86 (Ala. Crim. App.), cert. denied. 453 So. 2d 1083 (AI •. 1984) See al", Code of Ala. § 12-16-233 (\97 S) (manifest necessity or when the ends 0/ justice would othe,· wi", be defeatedl. A mistrial should be entered only ~s a last resort in ca"" of otherwise ine<ildicable prejudice, HUn! v. Sute. 453 So. 2d 1083. 1085 (Ala. C,im. "pp.), cen. denied, 453 So. 2d 1083 (Ala. 1984) (quOling 100m", v. W"re. 44 Ala. App. 157, 161.204 So. 2d 501. 504 (1967), where it is dear Ihal justice canr"lOt be aflolded if the trial Con-


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1.1967, "'.1 soonlhor •• her .. _1Ii~ Sena oppli<:at""'" '0' Or G_~ K. Emert, CI>olrmon u ......SI!y C<>.o1M1 Sol'er. Commlt.. 107 Samtord Ho' ~"D",n ~ty, AL 363019·3501 Avt>um U""""'y i. on AHi"""lI .. Actlonl Eq"'l E~ Opportonlty Ernpoy.r


'inue.. McMlliphy y. SU~. 455 So. 2d 924. 930 (Al~. Crim. App.I. cen. q~. 4 55 So. 2d 924 (A1.1. 1'}841 Whed-.e< to gran( ~ mlSltialls a mal'e< wirhin rhe d iKretion o/rhe trial cour!, and wh ile the lria l court's rlliing is reviewable on appe.>1. lhot ruling wilt fIQI be .-rsed ;obsent a (IN< abuse 01 d.scn!'\ion. b ~"e /eHetJofI. So. 2d 1114 Wa. 19851 ~ it" the du.y oI .he !rial cour! to allempt.o sal· "'8e.he Irial if poss.ble by curing erlO<. I)avi~" Sldte. 4 57 So. 2d 9 92. 994 (A I•. Crlm. App. 1984). and lhe cour1"5 de1Cfm.n;orlon 11>;01 its ;>e,.ons""'" PfO'tIided an anbdote should be 1I'.etl gR>iII ...."ghI. But"""1 v. Scalt'. 453 So. 2d 171. 171 (Ala. Crim. App.l. cett. denied. 45) So. 2d )71 tAla. 1984) When the IIi.1 coun im· mediately in..,,,cls lhe jury 10 dlsft.-gard ~n Inlpropric(y. tha( .nSlru<:,ion in effccl 'l~ lhe "",Ire, hum tn.. jury's con~~tion a nd raiset a prima IKie prewmptOon ag;l.nSl e-rrtW. Scot! '" SUte. So. ld 1167. 1174 (Ala. Crim. App.1. cen. dMied. 471 So. 2d 1167 (A1.1. 19851 In .hot e-enllhe preJud.cial effect oIrhe error i. deemed 10 be cu,ed. Bradl.,., v. Sid I... 4.>0 So. 2d 173. 176 (Ala. Crim. App. 1983). Ce<!. defiled. 450 So. 2d 173 ~. 19114). unles the matIft" ~ 01 ~h n;otul'l! mat il c",aIed inll'l"adoable bi.. ... PfCludiCC'. MonqJornery v. 5~le. 446 So. 2d 697. ;10) (AI ... Crim. App. ' '}8)I. CeM. dt."'ied. 446 So. 2d 697 (ATa.1. cen. den.ed. 105 S. Ct. 291 ['9841


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~ warrant a

new 1.lal. If a mohon is

made within 30 dIys lrom entry 01 judS' men\. a new trial ~ be I"'nled in both civil. Cod<"of Ala. S 12.13-1 1 (1975). see al§() Ala.



P. 59. 59.1. and crimi nal,

Cod<" 0/ ALI. § 15-11-5 (19751; see also AI •. R. Crim. P. Temp, R. O~. Case. /or II) i,regu1arities in the pooceedi"Si d the coun Of a~ orde, 0/ !he coun or ..,.,.

abuse d d&l'I!Iion prewn1i"ll a pany from having a f~" Irlal. or (2) a ny " ...or 0/ law occu rring a t the rri. l and prope'. II' preserved by lhe pany making tn.. al>pllu.ion. A JTl()(ion lor a new 1"al un-~ lak.. the pi;>ee

0/ a proper objeclion.

2d 9n. 97'}-80 Wa. C rim. App,. 19341. Ce<!. deflied, 462 So. 2d (Ala. 1985). <>nd gfOUndS IIrged /or a new !rial ordina rily m Ull have been preseM.'d al Irial by !inlt~ Iy and ~rflcient OOj«llon. T,,nv;ck v. Sylt'. 4 31 So. 2d S7~. 578-1'9 (Ala. erim. App.I. cerI. denied. '131 So, 2d 57-1 (Ala. 1'}83).



v. SUit'. 462 So.


the error ~ unlmown 1.1/'11,1 aher !he _dic1 and could fIQIl>;tvel)een di~ by rf> d.ligence Of, if the error i. 0/ such a fundame nr"l ""l ure as 10 ,......1. ida t" In.. Ifial, /e.'efl~1 v. Stale. 462 So.

2d 9n. 980 (Ala. Crim. App. 191141. ceM . dMied. 462 So, hi 9n (A1.1. 191151. The po:w.oer 10 .......1 i new Inal should be e-cised ~tv. tee v. ~. 232 Ala. 461. 20 So. 2.1 197. 198 {l9MI. and lhe error or .1e/ec1 complained 01 mUll be one .[I!'Cling lhe SU i)5lan tia l , ights 0/ (he panles. Ala. R. Civ. P. 6 1 ~" lhe I"al judge btuad diKretion in deciding whethe< 10 Stant or deny a new trial and, one" m.I<W. his dec;.;..., i~ ot»umed IV be cor.ecI. See hy/or v. 11,.· NewsCo.. 341 So. 2d 689. 690 (Ala. 19771; Bake' " Sid'''. 477 So. 2d 496, 504 (Ala. Crim . App.1, eM. qualhed. 477 So, 2d 4 96 (Ala. I'lllSI. Unlf'ss he abooed his dilCretoon. a trial judge will not be........sed on appeal lor denying a motion 100- a new Ilial. See, e.g.. Sidwf.'li v. 1-\boIe<1. So. 2d lOX\. 1019 (Ala. 19851; Smilf')' v. $yt ... 4J5 So. 2d lO2, 206 (Ala. C'im. A I"~ 19631. C;O"""'''''ly. un less h.s de<;ision is plainly and palpably wrong. a nial judge will ~ be re-ened 100- granling a new 1""1. See. e.s.. I.Iy"" " 8llmifl!lham ~ Co.. 141 So, 2d 689. 6':10 (A1.1. 19771. If. new niJI is g,a n!ed wilhaul specifying ""y gfQOnd, the ruling will be sUII~lned on appeal if any good ground was presenled, U-ttaul Co. 01 AI~. v Tur"",. 3SS So, 2d 3&4. 385 (Ala. Civ.


App. 1978). and ilone 01 the grwnds presented .n lhe mOln ~ Il>ot the ...",ji(t was rnm ... 'Y to the "",irIenoce. il will be U~~ thai tn.. motion ~ granled


Ihat ground. tc.! v. MOOt/'. 282 Ala. 461. 213 So. 2.1 197. 199 [19661

/erOme A HoIf~n il a proio>s..,.. 0/ I.>w al !he Unrvenily 01 ALlba~ School 0/ Uw. ~ holds unde.gradItdle and /,nv dcgrtel f1f)ffl lhe Uni. versity of NOOra~b and is a membN o/Ihe Alabam.1 and Cali/ami.! ltale


1'tofoouot Will,am A Sc~ Ie~vM hIS /.0, defteeI ifom the UIliVCO"Slty of Ii/Iflois and 1l.M. lrom liarvatd taw School. tk CUr"",tII' is an a.<soci.,e prokmr of law at Soulhem 1II",.,;s Unlveo-slly.

Concl usion In oIfenng evidence lhe, !hoold be prep;.lred 10 make all offer 01 prO(JI"~ ... ob,ectlon is sustained as",nsl him . e~l y, a pa rry opposins an offe, 0/ ""ido,.",cl! shou ld be I)ft.~ I",red wilh a lirnely aod 1000ghlfui 0bjection if he is 10 be §U<Xes§i"ul in eo,. eluding the "",idmce. and P""""fVlng h;s on "!lPN1 should he be Ufl§lltteS',.


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A Thousand Days, A Billion Bytes: Computer-Assisted Legal Research Revisited bl'lynne B.

I(ilc h~n~

In the September 1983 issue of The Alabama uwyer Pau l E. Holcomb in· troduced rwders to LEXIS and WEST· LAW! 1he tm> principal computer..."i". ed leg;ol research (CA LRI """ ices <MIil· able to the general public . Since then, both 'ystem' have incorporated many changes, in the >I,e and "ope of their data b<inks and the refinement and en· hJncement of search techniques. BeCause there has been a concomitant in· Crease in the use of LEXIS and WESTlfiN in Alab<ima the past three years, ""'" i, an appropriate time 10 expand upon Holcomb's information and bring the reader up-to-date On the de-..:lopments of CALR 01 the lal1 Ihous.>nd days.

Why attorneys lise CALI! Whi le an reasing number of law "hool graduate> have been ex~ to LEX IS or WESTLAW, it i5 li ke ly th.t r.either they nor marry pr;ICIitioners are fully aware of the marry u"-,, of CALR. Some of its capabilities are sug' gesled by its der.nition: a non- indexed, lu ll.led, online, imeractive computer. a,,,,ted legal research seNi",.' i\c~s 10 a nonindexed system fre.!S researdlers Irom the constraints 01 published digeSl1 and descriptive m>rd indexe< and allows them to create, in essence. a unique index fo r each issue. The fullt""l """ ice enab les one to "". am ine an entire opinion, including concu rrences. dissenls. footnotes and appendices. WESTlfiN, in addition, indudes editorial enhancementS-West Pub lishing Company's synopses and headnotes----which may be searched in conjunction with the opinions Or separately. An o nli ne interacli." 'ystem cal ls for mutual feedb.xk betv>een """"rcher and computer. Modifying. editing or cance lling queries, transferring to Auto-Cite, Insla·Cite or Shepard',,' e .. mining search resullS in ""riou s modes and

changing libraries o r daL:lb<ises are all example> of th is. Finally, comJl'lI........ ssisted lel>"l ,..,.. "'~r(n may be distinguished from computeri . w research in lhe sense that Ihe attorney, not lhe compuler, must identify the legal issues,lormulate the queries to be used aoo analyze Ihe malerial ,..,.. trie-.W. Used judiciously, CAlR c~n be last. fl"" ible and effi cient. Tm> obvious time-SilV i ~g fealures oi CAlR are cite-<:hecking and Shepardiz_ ing. 80th Auto--Cite and Insta-Cite enable one quickly to wrify the style of an opiniOO. para llel Cilalions. court, dale and holh prior and subsequent hi' tory. From either of the-se SCfVices, or.e Can easily transfer a citation 10 Shepard's Citalions 10 verify the lull history and treatment of various i,sues. It al>o i, possible on eirhe< s~tem to view a "history"' c~se listed in Shepard's by using a single command. In >ome in'tances, a researcher may want to find the greate>l lX>5sible number 01 opinions relevant to an issue. There have been ,tudies concerning the number 01 documents retrie-.W by parallel queries on LEXIS and WESTlfiN, and depeooing upon the nature of the search, each 5~tem has claimed some ad""n'

lage over lhe other.- Keep in mind, howeYer, Ihat the 11\0 dala ""nks ""ry somewhat in overa ll "ope and conlent. WhicheYer syslem used, il is probable that a ""riely oi searches and approaches w ill insure that the ma . imum number 01 re leva nt opinions o n line wil l be relrie-.W. Many anorney; resort to CAL R to a~ Sure that their manual research is comple1e, Or to update research projec~. Bolh SyslemS do an ""ce llent job of provid ing current material, with lhe lag lime ""rying accOld ing to the court. 60th may be used as citators 10 locate recent opinions which cite a pa rti cular case but J re either unpubl ishe<:l Or lOll recenl 10 appear in Shepard's- For example. Ihis is particular ly usefu l for fiooing State Cases citing recenl United Siaies Sup<eme Court opinions because "'ch cases cannot be found in the United States Shepard's unt il the Supreme COUrl opinion is approximately 18 monm. old.r lEXISand WESTLAW also pl'OYide specific commands for updating resea rch al regul.r inle",.I!. There is, of course, the occasional need to tum 10 CAlR to determine where to Ix-gin research or as a la,l resort when

Lynne g. Kitchens received her undergraduale degree from flllOty Unj,/"rsilY, graduale degree from \tJnderbill Unj..,r· sily and law cJcgref: from / UW InItiMe. She isempl~by Ihe Alabal1ld Supreme Coun as a research anomey; performing compu ter-assisted legal research for the Itia' and appellate judg<!s of Alabama.

t,ad1!iooal research pooduces litlle 0< nothing. I~ not u!ily inde>:ed "'e prime ca nd idates brCALR; ~I f·~ bere<j ase!; the ~rne 01 a party, counsel Of judge; an unusual word 01 ph~ (such OK a ph,_ from i contr;1d); i !eeMin&IY imigniflC.nt deuil; • CQIICU,· fe<'ICe 0< di,senl-..II "OKily ""'r' be se.1t'Ched online, ling ly 01 in combination. AI", ~at'Chable thJ'Q\lgh CA law reviews, slip opjnion~ fede'al ",gula10fy ma1efi.1. the Un'1ed Stall'S Code and lOme "->Ie codes (0< pam 01 codesl and OIlier rTI31e.i.als 1101 odIerwi~ easily KCe»ible. "5) lOme ""tent W£5TlAVs capability 01 digesHeat'Ching PUIS ·1..... Oe.:ennial and Oigesli at one's fingertips. unresl,icted by ~nt i ona l word ir>dexl'S or 0Mffi by IQpk and key numbeo"! Finally, non~1 male.i.als a", somelimes usel'ullO a1lOrnt'yS in sornt> ....... 01 p<actice. Access 10 "'l;ooal, regional and Iocal~; wiffl~; and Jlf!W$ magazines and 0100' publications c.n ale't one to new lrends In lf1e law, particularly w~ no de<:isiorn ~ bfIM appealed, 10 COKe!; which ~ been appealed and s.enled, to ..erdiru and judgments...t.en! roo w.-en opinion is _ilable and 10 Ioal ~age <:/ Suet. sources can ~ U$el'ul in/orma. liorr .00ul state .nd local legislation, biosr.phical and economic dala on cu'· Je<lt and potential client) or pPr1inent inlorm.lIion on opporoeo 'IS. Apin, aJlhough r;on1ftII and ~ ""'Y, news souras_ ac(essible Ihrough bod! systems.'

Changes in CAlR since 1983 SifICe 1983 compult!'''SSiMed legal J\'Se1t'Ch has undersone changes in hardWoIffl, lib<aryldarabase content and ~ and seiKh techniques. arw:l il is ..... ~ able 10 USl.One mat d\atlgt!S will conl1nue. ~h lEXIS and WESTVW publil.h monthly upd.ltes br subKriber5 and noIe new offerings onlme woon one logs on 10 lhe syste m, K> the frequent u... r ~Id be able to hq> up wilh oo,..,lop-

~" Chanses

in computer hatdWolre


inc,,"~ aoc""loibil,ty 10 and ""'" 01 use


01 LEXIS and WESTLIM'. In 1983. LEXIS ....-allable only on a customized ler· mlnal while one could access WESTLAV • ia se-er.rJ compu1ef lennlnals and y,Ofd pIOCressOJ"S. NOW; each I~~ has iocOl· pOfiI..... the advantages 01 lhe other: LEXIS now m.JY be aocllo5ed through ....... efiJ kinds cI compute<).nd WESTtAV oIfers !he u§(>J the opIion 01 a aostonlized tenninal. The special dr..~icaled tenni",,11 are e nremely usef.friendly, require f<!w keystrokes lor mr»1 com""""" and, ~, are fun 10 me. On the othethand, ..:«SSins I..... ~i'es wilh equipmenl allNdy in placJ! reduces init,~l cOSt$, ~ Sp.Kl! lInd allows equipmenl 10 be used for othe' purposl!5. The "" cI CALI! is no more di/lleull 10 malle, lhan chapter one of any folSl~ foreign ~ tal. Once " Jew connecton are 1e,,""Ied. the rei IoIIows easily; onlilll! help is _il.bIe ~ any point durins a ..... t'Ch thJ'Q\lgh HELP command. 80th systems now aUl0m.:I1;· cally senerate plurals and r>Olseslives (with i,regular plurals on WESTlJIIN) .nd 11_ srandatdized both lhe uni~1 ch.lracle. I"t which can rep<eenl any "nsle 1 _ (~an in,tial """I, arw:l the JOOI e.p.;ande. m, -..+rich alloNs br va,ious addilions 10 the end 01 " I"0OI wortI. Further~, in 1983, LEXIS used nurner ical conn""IOI$ (wIn, prefn where n II .ny number between I lInd 2551, while WESTLAW e.nploofed only 81ammatical conne<:~ Vt 0< ... I........, ~n len,e] and Ip Or +p (same par.!8'.ph]l. W£STlAV now ~ numeric.i .. well a$ grammatical connecl· ors. Finally, one may UII! pa,enlheses 10 combine operationl or air ..... the order in which they are ~sed. ~h systemS gradually ~ been e.. lMdina their ~'se 01 stale Case law ~i",ly OK well a$ refining and some 01 the I,braries 0< databases. On LEXIS """ m.JY re...arch """ law in • lingle !lale, combination of Slates or all sta le opinions in the ..... ssi'" STATES;OMNI file. T..... I.Orne is tlVe oI ....r.1 cases: """ ""'V limil a _ h 10 a lingle lewl 01 courts 0< se....:h "II /edeQ1 ases in the WoIS

compreoomi'" GENHO;CASES file. Topical foIes in lf1e k~/!J.llibraries also help one to locus " seat'Ch more prKisely. ... fo"""1 ","",ul NU,," is !he li ............. ing ~ing- <:/ com ..... nds; this ,honcut alk-.; one 10 enter library, ~Ie and QUI'fY .1 !he s.orne rime. On WESTlA.\' one ""'V now search, in add,1,on 10 the regiona l reporters. a .ingl" state as we ll a5 ALLSTATES. Individual !lalt! and All· STATES databases also ""'V be'Ched IOpic.olly, a ",al ~. On !he IederaI ~1. il now is pouible 10 se.1t'Ch. in ;dd,1,on to dislrict 01 CMol,I eourt caOl'S (with lhe Jane. ... at'Ch.ble by cit'Cuilj, all led<mrl cases onli"" in the ALLfEOS d.tabase 0< limited t:.; topic In lhe lederal 1opic,,1 databa~ 11 ~Id be J>Oled, ~ that boIh AtlfEDSMld!he lOpial dat~SI!S affl divided inlO 0\.0 (before 19451 ,..,;I NEW dotabases.. Othe< enhancements sioce 1983 include e.ten.i~ additions to tne d'l~ b.lnk~ law reviews. 10< ex.ampie, ~re ....... ilable on both Iyslem~ but lhe number; scope and conICAl V¥'(.' and !he l.epl Reou~ Inr:Ie:< un be accessed through both 'Y)lems." In addition to a massO~ "mount 01 non·leg;rl .....!erial. luch ;os medial jou,,,,,ls and drug info<. mation, lEX1S has both OJ3iInized """" topic~1 diviSion. and 3(lded l e8~1 malt!rials In several '~.$, suo:h ;os many of the SI>ecialized Iq)Or1ers publi!hed 1:¥ the 8u~au 01 N.oo...I Affairs (BNA) and Commerce C1earins House (CCH). Mo are;rs cI J»r1icul/IJ InleteSt include Insurance law and "'.loR." The insuraoce library i..eludes all s!.te imuraoce codes as well as proceedingl 01 111e Nation~ 1 Associ.lion d In!<l,...ce Commissioners (NAIO. Of more ser>eral application is lhe idd;tion 01 dlI! A.loR. librarry. Con~"'na d "-LR. )d, "-LR. 4th and "-LR. fed (with "-L.R. 2d !(I be added soonI, this library alem one !(I ClIICS both within .nd lJeo,ond too scope of too dala b.lnh Like WESTLAW's editoria l enh.flCement .. A.L.R. anllOUtion5 use ~ sene.,,1 and coor«"P1...a1 laJl8tl3lll' lhan is found in the leil 01 many opinions, thereby-diroct,ng lhe Jt'S('"n:he.1O more

relevant case law. f urthermore, queri~ run in the GENfED;CASES or the S1i\TES; OMNI files aU! 8"""r.ue A.loR. citations. New on WESTUW are rnany 6NA and CCH reporters, the organi~ .... tion 01 specialized or topical databases on both the led and State I~I and "gatew.t(" 3CCeSS to OCM' JONES NEW!>' RETRtEVAL. VUTEXT and DIAlOG!' Both sel\lices provide for instant case re1rieva l gener.oted boy lhe LEXSEE (LEX IS) or fiNO (WESTlJIW) command, plus the cilation. This may be oor\e before, duro ing Or alter a search, One may just as easily OO!rify ci!.alions on Alllo-Cite or InSt.l-Cite '" well a, Shepardize opin ions. On WESfLAW. the ADDEO DATE comrnaoo alkMosone to updale research 10 include mate<ial added to the database after a specified date, and the MAP c0mmand "maps our the searches and wbsearches performed, al lowing one to IelUm immediately to any ptior step in the series. Search statu" i.e., the number of documen1S retrieved. is reporled 3130second imel\lals during the coorse 01 a search. Finally, new softw.Jre p.J.c~ages

J... t ....mpl. of wh.1 ~ou 110' ... _ _ . . . A ~ ..... 71 . .... So>d 02) ,,,,,,


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ZIp " - ' ~,.


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1....1_... "


hiM;': the etfecI 01 ~!Omizin8 some compuler I ... minals, providing lhe '·user· friendly" keyboard 01 the dedicated ler· minal and allowing for male<ial to be downloaded, wbject, 01 coorse, to contractual restrictions!' The chan~ 01 the pasl thousand days ponend an ~n more rapid growlh of CALR. Thosedescribed a~ are boy no means comprehensi.,.. bU1, mlher, inlended to pJOiide an o-el\liew and perhaps an indicati on 01 what lies ahead; onlY1'M:>decadesago. whal we now find common place wilh CALR was merely a dream.

Order 11>0 ....~ way! caliloll ·free:

800-SZS-Z474 e •. m"'p.m, mtn. tim. O~


h .nd~ «>upon


CI Yes! Please.end n,e _capiesal ALABAMA CASENAMESCtTATOR. CI Yes, I'm inlornled:l>luu have a local repreunlalive c"nlacl me regarding ALABAMA CASE NAMES CITATOR.

o Charge my Shepard's accounl # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ o Bill m e penanally. CI Bill my firm. CI 1"11

s~ve shipping and handling by enclosing Full paymen1. (Please include applicable SAles 18>< ).

sea rch tech-

Signalure _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

niques Since lhe COSI wuctures 01 LEXIS and WESTLAW d iller considerably, the budget<onscioos researcher muSt lailor search lechniques to ada~ 10 lhe system u....J. Those 3COlstomed to using one system i",,"dably w ill find themselOO!S running up un~saty charges when

Na'ne _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



Firm ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __


... -.. _ " " ........... _ _ . . . . . _


The IIlawma LaWY<>f

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the other.... n """,re~s of lhe d if.

lerences in pricing and, con~~tly, t~ difletenl approooc ..... to se~rching. will help ~lIeviale this poobItom, finicalIy, COSI-eff«li\Oe searching irwol~ io;>u. fKlors; knowing when to tum to CALR, doing "",,'s homewoOi; bek>re \osslng on. ~ fam iliarity with the IyStem and its limit.Uions <Ind. kit the I... frequent user, o:onwltins with ~ lMnitia. with the sy!.Iem who can help formulate the queries, deal with the U'" e_peeted and avoid unneeena.y searches Of ext.a online time. Both lEXIS and WESTlAW 0Ift:t free online MOf;"ls; these COo'Ief the rudi_ 01 query iomwL.tion. se;lrch o;om. man<k and related miln~ It i~ wont>while to.....oo: through these as _II as conwll the U5ef's manual. e-.oen if a~her pel'iOfl operates the tenni ... 1. Although ther!: " - been shlllies 01 the com~r;>­ ....e COSIS 01 the ""'" ~ices. they become less relevant in the light 01 the dlffurenl searct. stlilll'gies for each sy!.Iem and the ",,,ying ~ oIthe libraries Of databases. The hourly chatge for LUIS presently is 1)0, but !here is an a(\ditl(lft3l chatge {$IO 10 $19) for NCh Sol'aft.tI. Qume$ 1M( be mcdifled for n, and a new search fee is charg«l each lime the same (Iuery Is run in a new Hie. Such a pricing arrangemem encourage online broNslns. lor 0r'ICl! the .....reh is completed, one ITY\' e>:amine the documents at the low hou.Iy rate. ~tly, !he COSI<OIl1>Cious resea rcher r.houkl try to st.ucture the ~arch session SO thallhe initial query is as broad "" lea~bIe and the me or fi~ searched are as ~ n necessary_ Searchins with IeYeIs 01 specificity, for LEX IS users. i. a .kIll well """'h acqoi,inS. II is of1en IlO5sibte to combine que.ies in a single search and use the modifKation to sep;i.ate them, Of to U\o!! the pertinent topical files Of segments within files. One Ihouk! he '"""'''' thai in some fIles it costs leu to view malerial in the CITE formal than it does in other formats. and since there i, a S150 eharge pel' citation .un in AuIOCite, Shepard's Of LfXSEE, bel.. so'" to



erlfer the correct dt.llion as ....ell as kn<7>Ying the s.:ope 01 these seNIces can SiM money. LEXIS oilers, ~",iflC~nt reduc· tion in se;orch rn.rses off-peak ~lly. nonbusiness) houo1,. a ,.....inss lor those who.....,rt I"e." The WESTLAW user, on lhe OIhe. hand, P3YJ a .alhe. high hourly charge (\t40 with, th~ mornhly minimum) lor computer lime spenT in a ~ !:me. bod! white the se<lrch is being ~. /orm@dand themate.ial re11ie.ed is "". amined. Cost-effecTive search tech. niques. lhe~ difler wmewhat I""" th<»e lor LEXISfirst 01 ;til, WESTlJIW offets ~al ·I~· soch "' the 1300 ... s.:reefI dat<>bMe menu. In xldition to pnwiding valuable information about database i<k>ntifiers and s.:Dpe, tJ\e menu (accessed by the coml1'W'l6s 06 Of MAPtI is the place to spend "'thinking time" 10 reformulate a query Of s.!udy a printout. The high hourly rn.rge tends to di5£O\lr. age ~II but lhe most Il.'di.-ntary online browsing; rathef, one probably should run , "",rfO'W QUery, """"'ine the first lew opinion~ lor rell!\lillKe, then either prinl a I... 01 cilOltioos and BID to the books Of edit the quety <Ind try again. It is wise to plint each query as it is run to """id fCIl"ating a ~atch. WESTIAN also oilers the PRN:TICE database, which coo~sts 01 three ".ars 01 IedeQI courts 01 appeals opinions; PtUrCTICE is ....rn.meIy valum&e for ~­ ;ng'" ~ kind~ 01 qUlllries. ... nother tlme-, feature is the ju· diciOUI u~ 01 fiekl se<lrching." For eo<ample to help insure thai a query will de ..1 WIth an issue ... ther """n t¥lgenliall.,..n!lated maner. one ITY\' limit .. M'an:fl to the SYNOPSIS, DIGEST or H[ADNOTE fiekls. Since these tend to be wr;nen in more sene,,,1 and conceptuallanguol!if!, a field se;lrch ITY\' pidr up mont! relevant cases tNtt YoOUId a wareh 01 only the opinion. Fuflhermorf!. one may combine diflerenl fields in a single ~arch as well a, use ·the lopical dala· b;lses to help focus a search more precisely. ...hhough a vas.! amount 01 .....!erial !Ny be _lied in the ALL·

ST...ns and ... LLFEDS datab;oses. there is a 50 percent s.urcharge for lhe time. 1-IoweYe~ if the search can he limited topially to one 01 the mulliSUte topical databases or speci,lized lede<al dal~ bases, one is Ckarged at the "'Sula. rate. T....., final tirne-,.....Ing suggestions are using date reslr;~ion, where leasible when §NIChing the I...·ger ~ and usins the LOCATE command to reach more quickly the pertinent ~flS 01 <>pi... ions relfi<M!d.

Whle"""'" SYitern i. used, il lhe researcher is familia. with wkat is onlioe. knows how to Iormulate appropriate queries and ;dapes the se<lrch st"'lezy to the pricing Sln.>e""", CALR will become an ....", man'! (OSt-effecri", use of research tim<!.

Some nW'ats Although compute<·nsiS1ed I~I research has vaS1 capabililies, it also has some limitations. Some 0I11Iese may be dealt with by ~ general underst.;lnding oi I~I terminoiosY. aw.o""'l!» 01 CALR'~ CM'ril1l opproKh to ~nl and some e<peI'ience with onlioe se<lrching; ~~, require ~n _~renessd what i~ not """ilable online or whal, although av.oilabJe, may not be l"1!adily apparent. first 01 .. II. one must be _re 01 the ta>pe 01 online material. 80Th ~ias emphasIze the ""\ent 01 ledenl Ca ... ~ge. l"lihe case law 01 many states (including. unlonunately. AI;>b;ima) soes 00ck linle more """n 2O~ ... lEXI Sand wmlAN heMh wpply scope i~ tion online ~ in printed Iorm. ~ the reseitld>er .t-.oukl consult one 01 these when .....oo:lng In ~n unfamiliar a"'lI. The s.:Dpe of Shepard's also va.ies greatly, <iependin8 upon both the service and the repor1e< used.'· On LEXIS, the s.:ope 01 NCh Shepard's used is lis.Ied on the fin;t sc....en 01 the d isplayed cit.;llion; on wtSTLAW; ~, one mUit (Of>. suit the SCOPf s.:reefI (an additional 51ep) for each poblication desired. fur· thermore, it is uW!l"ul to "",ify, citation on ,••lITO·GIe Of Instll-Cil1l! ~ SMp-

ard izing. which requires being;rwa~ 0( Ihe scope 0( lOOse services also. Equally imjXH'lant is !he lime §peril belore going online 10 analyze the legal issue and frame Ihe query, as wt:11as dec ide which li\)<aries Or databases 10 §earch. The", may be a ",levant 51alUle. rule, related ca§e or (on WE$TLAWltopic and key number. Finding sY""rryms for cert.1in l",mS or e:.pressions als.o is imf)Ortant. For example. lhe ql.lery "jury instructions'" will e liminale opinions in which "imlructions 10 ju ,~· or "jury c harges" are discu~ and Ihere/o", mUSI be framed w ilh such altemalives in mind." And, opinions defining ""rd. or conceptS a~ exl",mely d ifficult 10 §earch be<:au§e definilions are express-e<l in $0 marry differenl w~ When a dictionary 0( legal le"" s does nOI sullice, \\.b,ru and Ph'a§es remains the besl source for definitions." One als.o must consider, in aileasl "'" inSl3r"1ceS. whal is on line bul oflen not apparent. When, for example, one scam an opinion USing KWIC or fULL on LEXIS Or in the TERM mode on WESJ:. lAW. he should k~p in mind Ihal Ihe maletial d i'PIil'jo'ed may be from a dis"'nt, concurrence, quotalion or even a foolrIOle. It ofteo is necessary 10 .examine ad· j;>eenl screen s in order 10 delermine ex· actly whal has been ","ieYed. Ne.I, when searching for Stale case law in the state libr.lries or databases. one does not renl""" federal di"""ity cases in which Slale law has been applied." Allhough this inbrmation does appear in >lale digests and >econdary >OIlrces, as well as in .... L.R .. one muSI remember in appropr iate instances 10 perform lhe ad· ditiona l ",arches (wilh revis-e<l queries USing court restrictionsl needed 10 locate ",levant federal cases apply ing sta le law. finally, one shouk! be aware 0( the following when searching WESTLAW', !Opie and key number syslem. PJrticulariy in conjunction wilh addit ional M)(ds Or phra§es Or wilh lhe "" ("bul not") command, such searches a", l.w and gene<OIl. Iy rel,ieve relevant opinioo5. N. present. ~r. lhere is no easy way 10 account

The Alabama Lawye r

We've got the buyers for a sellers market ... ~ ~

hotels shopping centers ~ apartment complexes ~ office buildings ~ industrial ~ land T

h< bo,! ..... ofb.-ing;"II bu)"<1>'M ,.11.". ....00 I. ,I>< t..olfl<»ofSou,hl'>« _ " .... AI Soo'hl'>« ""'·~"""""itk<l 10 ,f>< hlghe$llcYcl of PfOk»H:xul ...... >0 yoo .,,, .... r«l of g«"rog II>< >on 1"" tluya or • ><11<.-.




~wrl><"' .... ''''''"'''''''._ .unir;os '" ><11 rornmcrcW I""I'<""~. lJoke ><1'"111"'8< of 'hi' ....., ~I"";on. """"'" SW'hl'o« Propm i<> . . boa"", .." 11>.,,' <I;"'" ""I'h .."...,. ~""'r. ~ r t<>clo;c



for the ocusional ~pins and reas51snment at ~IS1Iibution 01 topia and ~""""""atIheD:litlonol.-ones.

'n ~ition, in iswe misht " - ~ classifoed unde, topics and ~ numb«s oth ..... than the one selected. 10 deal with Ihere problems. one might brmul~te a word .....n:h in the DIGEST field, a particularly useful apI""»Ch br d, ff"K;UIt.IO<t.a.-.ify iss.ues. ~ltemat;""fy, one might confirM! a {f.Ie<Y to the TOPIC field usins the topic name (rathe, than lile WESTlAW-assignoo number) and ,eui_ ea ..... et.a.sified under tlwt topic <05 either a heading at a stlbhNding."" third opOOn is lOcumbirM! IWO at more TOPICS 10 find ea~

lookin& ahead GI>en the ~IS 01 compulef· <05Si5led legal ~ 0I1he I.w 2O " and, Indeed, its asuonomia l gn:wth due· ing tho! past 1hree, the wildest pr<.-dictions lor CALIt's teo.:hnologial future annot be summarily dl\ofl"ll»ed. Indeftl. with Ihe i~<05i", aoces.ibility of CALIt se.. vK:es and Ihe ~ oflegal malprXtiC1! In·


form a diene 0I1he


of CAllt

at refer a client 10 another auomey who has access to CAllt il ~rely speculall~.

tIvoogI:t Ioal bar NOCiatioos or ind,y;o. wi auoo"e,~ at orpnlutlOftf ~k· Ing legal ~rdt lor othen.." In the mld·198Os, compute,·asslsled lega l research clNcly is becoming an Integral pan 01 OU' s~em. Who kfl(lW!; w .... t Ihe neet thousand days ~ in SiOI"e?

- ,-- ---"' _ _ _...-___ ._ .. Wl StlN(...,_"_ ...._.... ... .. --. "" _eo-_...,. _ ... .....,_ ...... . --..-. ....... _-"' ...-.-. _

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"'I ~ I.UIS~

C-~ . [)Moo.


wll' ....... ~. ___ 01 __ ..--.. ~ I<.


I",tlon, use 01 CAllt migh1 become 1he norm." whether an arto<ney will at some point " - a duly 10 use CALIt, Ie>-

N"""nhel~ cYCfl oeM' CALR Is ;>CCe5SI. ble to all Ala~ma attorneyt, either

... 11_'_.00<1 ........ nA.... _ ..


dealins with specif,c combinations 01 issues. Finally, one must remember that "",arching the "editorial" fields genetal. Iy will no! ~ slip at unpublished opiniorn bKause Ihe edltQfQl ""ha.ncements are not included unlll publia1;on.






·-..,..005 .... _ .. _ _ 40 .... "'-' _ _ '-' _ Wfsr ....... - . _ _ ........ ..--_1OO .... -., .... ...,

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Automatic Stay Litigation: a Primer by E. T~"y Brow"


'" ~o



Look and see. See Jack run. See Jack file bankruptcy. See 11 U.S.C. § 362. Every lawyer al one ti"", Or aooH>er. whether a speclalis! in bionkruplCY or )imply a truSted lawyer of • creditOf, fiods himself thruS! inl0 aulOmatic ~ liti~ion. The a~ic ~Iic

.uy is, in effKl, an poeIimif\llry injunction arisln&

by ope<iHion 01 L..w when a debtor Iit~ ~ pelilion in bonkrup«:y. 11 U.S.c. § )£>2 In seneul. rhis injunClion forbids creditOf1 of the debtor from taking Iny furtller Sleps 10 collect their debt, secure

01 improve !heir pOSition in regard to that deb! or obIaln possession of the collaleral underlying the~. !d. § 162(.0) There are e>:~, 01 COlIne, 10000 undn § 162(b). Unlest an eo.ceplion ii appiiable. ~. a ~itor is well ~ noIlO do W"f\'Ihing ~ inS !he ~ IInlii or unless the auto"""ic SUy e.pileS Of Is lifted or m0dified. Dei)l0f1 injured bv a willful violation of the ~ulom.1ic Slay may recover a<;t\lal damagllS, cOSIO and at·

IOfnl!y lees and in appropriate c;,·

cum SI.oces may ,eCOver pun itive damage1. Id. § 1611h l; Re Tel_A·

Commllnk.'ion, COI'IwlulIl$, Inc., SO B.Ii! . lSO (8.C-O.C-Conn. 19851 B.osk.lly, t~ ,,~ th_ type! 01

'-klUPlC'( ~Iief to" debtor' ;

""pier 7. iimp(y" liquid.Hion '-"aupl. cy; Ck;!pter 13.• ~ame, b.nkrupt. cy allowing the debto! liP to fi~e yeal'S

in (ert.1in drCllm~tanc", to pay off short· term debts; and Chapter II , allOWing a


debtor 10 ~,Z<! his


Of d'Wo;I ...1 fonancw s'l",",ion. See In re: Moos., 774 F.2d 107) (111" Cir. 1985). The aUlomalic S\.1y of § 362 awl'es ,n all of these bankrupiCY cases aod, unless the my illilled by order of the coon. enjotns all cf1!di.OIl from any Klions wllat· asooin\ol the debIo< un.ilt ..... debt. _ Of is disc:ha<ged •• he ~ dt""i.....J Of I..... ~ dosed. !d. § J.62(O' Mot""""'", .he $lily again§! ~ propeny comin\Jl!"S unillthe prope<t'( is 110 Ionge< a p;lrt of the bankru plcy estate. Id. § 362(c) Thus. In almost all U5el. .he ea.liest aod most Ilfe/e<able event from !he cre:litor"s S1andpOim is the enIry 01 an order by the (ourt ~lieving lhe cff!diiOf from I ..... <lUlOma.ic my. Genetally. lhe automa.ic Slay i,lifted by a court only for the PUfjlOSe of allowing the credilOf to PUllue ill'. Thus. the scope of Ihis aniele largely is "mi~ 10 lhe "1"'lion where a secuff!d cff!di!Of seeks relief from I ..... S\.Oy 10 oblarn polSm"on Of COfIbOI 01 lis roIlater.l1. How, .hen, does a secured credi!Of 80 abou. seeking an order ~lieving it the ~utomat ic stayl II ,",ulology .hal <!Very credilo. in a b;tnkruplcy case must understaod is tllat Wfy lillie occull in a b;lnkruplCy ~ f.worable 10 lhe (ltdi"" un..... the cltdjlOf ash lot i\. In order to have the coort lift the ""lOIll.lIk !\.1y SO a creditor might foreclose or OIherwi§e obtain po!session of i.s co llawal. a motion to lift the my must De filed wilh lhe b;lnkrup'cycoon.leI. § J.62(d), llankruptcy Rules (he<er~riet B.R.) 9014, 4001 Until .... cendy. relief from the au\CII"NIic!\.1y was an adwnary proceeding fl!QUiring a CreditOf to file .. wi.h .he b;ln\;.uplcy coo.t. see fOfme. B.R. 701. Now the .u les me.ely re<luire that a mobusi~


lion be filed wi'" the court ;mel served upon lhe debtor, the debIor's attorney aod any 0Ihe< party in imeff!S\. such as lhe lrustee. ;r one Ilas been appointed. S.R. 4001, 9014. 9O1l, 7004(b)

S•• y Ii.iga.ion is a favored exereise in lhe view 01 Congtess. " is intended to he .." e>;peditious ;mel KOfIOfnic.a1 ~ """<n. If the b;lnkfUlllcy (oun fail. 10 "'" down the mOIion /of a hearing wililin lO days 01 ilS filing. !he SI~y liflS automaticatly. II U.S.C. S 362(1')

In the .~re. com~~ case. the bank. ~ prelimrupicy coun merely .... y _ ir>ary ruling w;min .he 3O-<by period. aher a preliminary hearing. bu. !he a-Jn must food Ih3t thete iI a reasonable lik~ "hood the deb1o< witl prevail at the final hearing. In ...... n .hose cases fonal hea .ing muSi be held wililin lO ~ after t"" prelim inary!d. § 362(e) If the ooun does _ rull' wilhin lO days 01 the fonal he.Jrifl8, 1~ S1<Ij' lifts autOfNljQtly. B.R. 400llbl In the exUeme case whe<e the creditor's interes1 in the cotlate •• 1 ;$ wbjec\ to harm be/Of~ a hearing may he "" Id, that credilOf .... y Sl'ek 1'.< pMe and immediate relief/rom the ""torn;Ilic SQy unde< II U.S.Co § 36200. W 8.R. 4OOlkl. The pro«dure in such a nse is vinually iden1ical wilh thai under Rule 65. F.R.Civ.P. regarding lemporary '1"s".inlng orders. The marlced diffe'l'oce is .ha. the movant is askins t"" roun to remove lhe resI.ainl, _Impose i\. The<e also is no bond requirement. One should noll" lllal in o..p\ef 13 cases ro-o:Iet.ots ako ate ptCIlIeaed by an autom;ltic Slay. II U.S.c. § 1101 S... y I"'galion i"'-'Dlving co-debIOIl in wageU.ner Cases will be 80Vemed by that statute.

f. Terry BtOWn received his underg.aduall' and law degree;- from IIIe Unl. Vl'VSily of Alab.llnil. He i, a partner In lhe MontgOmery I;JW r,rm 01 Copeland. franco. Scfl'WS & vII, w... and preseflll~ """-;oJ ~0I1he


Commen:ial LJw Seaion dIlle AW>;. ..... Stao!e Ba •.


UnfOftlJna""y, lor the pr;)CIilioner the simplicily Of """*,,i!y 01 !\.1y litigation

in ...... bankrupicy coum 01 Alolbarna va._ ies g.eatly one Judge '0 anolhe<. I. may be of benefit to pOint some pitfallS that may bee. pe<~ In each of lhe p;lrticul<>. coons. II IiSi 01 "oo's and don'ts" lor !he bankruptcy prKliliooer ot:wioWy " II sWje<tive """""" fraugJtt willi the danger of ~ and omi$.;ons. The.efore,.he following a.e oIfered 00Iy a~ illusml1ions. In drafti ng ,he motion for relief of the aUlom;l.k stay. remember."" best molion generally is II simple one. Save e1oquence and erudition /of the he.Jring. Pruo;Ien. allegalions are I II the Iden"fic.a.. lion 0I1he movant; (2) the idemiflCil'ion aod a";>dImen. oIlhe underlying promIssory note aod mortgage Of secu.ity .greemeo~ (1) the atlt'gation of debllLe. amount); (4) lhe SlatenM!flt 01 the value 01 the pr"l*rty I«Uring lhe deb!; ;mel (5) the ~legalioo 01 the "ause" Of grounds lllal exiSi for the lifting oi lhi' !\.1y. The original mOIion lot relief 01 my should be filed with the bankrupiCY coun with """'ice Copies to the debto •• the deblor"s al1omey;mel the trustee, jf any. 8.11:. 9014. 7004(b1l9) Some fTIO'>' an", think lllat ~ on !he debt· or" anor....,. is all lhal is fI!QU'red ~nd someIimes gel by w,thout;1. However. a clo§e read ing of the b;lnkrup1cy rule in. dicate:s ilia. """,kl! also must be effected upon the debtor aod the trustee S. N.



While some courts require lllat .... !POll"'" be ~Ied by the debIOf, 0Ihe<s 00 noI. 8.R_ 9014 ~ anention 10 the

he.Jring sen. by lhe coon 10 all panies will ""","I whelhe. the debtor muSI file a .esponse. A hearing. o. a' Ie~§! ~ prel iminary hearing. mUS1 be held w,!hin lO days 01 filing. 11 U.s.c. § 162(d Some bMlk· ruplCY judges "'" pnlllm,n¥y he~.jn" as ~ matte. 01 course and at lllat hea'Ing postpone the matte. lot a final hearing a. a late. date. Such a procedure Is arguably no! in keeping with § 362 Of illlegi"a.ive hiSlOry. indica.inglllal 0nly comple>; mauers;we 10 he .o.uinely noI~ 01

5e1 CM:f, and only then ... the a-Jn


found that ,. appears the debIo< wookl prevail at a final he.Jring. See House Repon No. 95-595. 95th Cong .• lst Session 344 f/977); cr. Senate Report No.

95-989, 9S1" Con,,, Id 5tos.s. 5J.-55 (l97l1J. N<.-wn~k!», moo of I~ b,)n"'uptcy judges mroughoul!he stale fOtllinely set down I~ INIIe< 10< ~ whether it i-s scyled ~iminary 01" final, within 30 days and INke an immedi.>te decision ~ a ~ll of .hat hearing. Di~ is available in 3U.om3tic Slay litigation. B.R. 90 14, 7026 Howevt!l", discovery Is an elCpen~ive and wrdenM>me e~erci§e in s.ay li.iga.ion, and il especla llycumDerwme given the informal nalUre of lhe .emedy. Neve'· !heless, it Is an option. though rarely e"· ercised, .vailable to boIh debro< and cred.lO!". If ilS Uie is desired, buf: !he del;oy in !he ~~ing d.ue it ImV ClUie is not, !he pr0.ponent ~Id !I!I!Ir: a reduc1ion in !he period lor ~ under Rules 33, 34 and 36, f .R.Civ.P. f iling of di ... ~ by " CredilOf witl>out seel<ing a reductioo of time fat ~ may be conlide<ed by tile COUrt a wai"", of !he 3O-day rule of S«tion 362 (e). While both paflies ~Id be prepared to Sive liV<! te-$timony at any hearing on the moIion for relief the automatic stay, 001 aliludges routinely require il. Most judges will hear testimony if of· fered 01" require it if it is helpful. bot generally are dlsposed to rule based on the anorneys' 'epltlMwions and !he courl's review of motion and fi ... 01 !he debto<. This is true ~ally when the debtor does noI appear ~ !he heoor. ing and Iw preented no _:OJ§e 10< his ~ NIM"IthtI~ anomeys for both sides in automatic stily litigaf.on lhould their witness or dient ~t and J)<epared to gi"! tl'Stimo-ny if "",h i. "'"" quired by the COUfl. from thtdebtor's Mandpoint, it i, absolu telYe-$lMtlal t.... l the debtor appear at the llearins- CourtS a.e much more f......,m,ly disposed IOw.Ird a ~OI" who shows a modlaJm ofin~ in keeping possesion of hil ptOJIHty. In ~ng the wi1tleSS for !he IINr· ins. it mw be ~ooed then! are esentially three J'OOnds for 8'"".ing a c reditor ~iel from !he •• nomatic stay. fi~ ""i!her the debtor nOI" !he estate possesses equity In !he P<Of.lI"1Y ....... ing as collateral fat the c Mdiror's debt. If .he.e is no equity in the property. then the cou rt m~ 11ft the automatic ~ay and allow the c reditor to foredO§e or other·



wise ~ posseS!-ion of il'j This is no! true, ~, is aChapter 11 n§e wheno: !he prope. ty is oeo:ess.>ry 101" an ",/fecl iV<! Jeofpniutioo . 11 U.S.c. § 362\1:1)(2)(8) In weh a CI§e the cred;1<W may rely 00 one of !he ~Item;t­ live srounds. Obviously, if !he property is worth more t.... n the 00 !he mortgage or M!CtJrity agreement, there is equity in the property. tf the debt exceed, the value of tne prOperty tnere i$ no equity . Howeve., whe.e looro is a genuine dispute. the creditOl", wholwthe borden of proof, mw ..... t there is no equity in !he property. If !he pay.<>ff 00 the ~ is ~all!r than the original pun:h3se price, the cMditor Ns. ~rguably, made out ~ pllma i.>cie ca§e. In the I!WI"I' !he pay-olf is less, lhe CfftIilOr musI die< a wltnes who is qualif~ by~ Of e.pHil!ncelOgi"'" "" opinion on the f~i. mal1<et value of the partictJl~' ptOJIHty. A debto<, who is owne. of the property, need no! POS§eSs such qualifications to &IV<! an opinion on too value. Rule 701. f. R.Iv.; Dietl v. ConlOUdJled Oil & Ga~, Inc., 643 f. 2d 10&1 (SIn Ci •. 1981) Of course. a coun may Hive thedebtor'sopinion its ~ weight in conlt~§ling it to the qualiftl!d ~imony d the creditor's w itness. Re: )UBlnd in BHhhite, Inc., 46 B.R. 892 (B.C.o.C. Mass. 1985) The second pound, applying even il the<e is no eqUIty, is that !he creditor's inlCfi!Sl in !he prope.ty is no! ~te­ Iy ~ected. Some e~ of In of adequate pn."lIectioo would be an uninsu red automobile Of 1Iou§e Of a piea: of property depreciating In val ue. Je.e In re Sombtero Re/!f Club, inc., 1 B.R. 480 (S.D. Fla. 1980); Re Ch jsm. 50 B.R. 55 IB.C .M.o. Ala . 1985). Anolher e~ampte might be the failu.e of tile debtor 10 lNintaln regular monthly paymenll 00 the debt. Re HagMdor· Ie<. 42 13 (8.C.S.D. Ala.) alld 42 B.R. 17(S.O;ALo. J98.41 In!he.....mthat adequate proIeClion is noI presenl. !he coon mw lill !he suy or fashioo a remedy ~dequately. protecling the creditor while the suy .--...... in effect. I I U.S.c. S 361 Adequate proIecIioo is a " serbon ian bog" through which no one has fully foond a predictable and stable p;:tth to date. Generally. courts attempt to p.ovide adequate pro teclion by .equirins


deblOf make periodic p;:tyments to the creditor. 1<1. § 361(11 from the CredItor'S viewpoin~ periOOic payments should at lea~ equal the 'egul"r pa~ff.e"l1 called fOl" in tile OO«!. The cMdilOr also ~ argue lor additional wms to ~ any pre-pel:ition al· rearaSf!. d. 1<1. 1322 (\))(2), (l) On the othe ..... nd. the debto< may a.sue th.ttlle pu.1X'§e of adequate protection Is to pr01l!C! the sta'us Qoo and, the.efore, only Interest payments should be required . Both pan ies should keep in mind !Orne courtS hold that ifthe.e isan equ ity cu~ion present In the property, the creditor may be ..oequ~tely ~ecI· ed by t.... t cu~ion a~. Re Digby, 47 B.R. 614 (B.C.N.O.AI~. 19a511n re Piru, 2 B.R. 47f> (C.D.D.1. (979) Othe< courts will look lO.he of the Nl"ity cW>ion. 5ft e-t. ~ Hagendoikr, "4""'(t2 .2 percent equity cushion is not adequate). Regarding adequate proIecIion, the creditOl" should pI(W>Oe a witness who is ~ble and competent to give testimony on whether the property is insured; whether tile debto. il makins regular payments; whetoo, the p,op(!rty i. deptec:l~ting; whether the debtor is in possession of !he property: and, in shott. ""yin ins r.howing the crediror'. position is ~ ~ffeCIed by the Il~ continuing in effect. Of COUt1ol!, beeoUie !he debtoo- hal. the borden 00 thew! issues. he should be ~red to counter" weh ~ testimony. If tIM! debtor QUESlion. the cfed. itor's evidence N payments art: no! being made, he ~Id have receiptS ready '0 produce. N()1hinS is more damaging to the debtor's c"§e, or more embarra ... Ing to the debtor's attorney, than fo r a debtor to tel l the court he did 001 rnins hi. recei prs. A thim ground 01", wher, an area of addi~ionlIl Of .. ftemalive grounds. for relie/ from the autOtNti( ~y is implicit from the Lon~ cI § 362«1)(11, Sl< !he ~...tomatlc !Ia\I mar be lifted """bClUfe, including .IM! lad cI adequate proIeCtion •••• N ~ ~) E"""- U.S.c. S I02(Jh..../lS!he te<m "including" Is not limit insa 100, .. ",Iy expiofed a.(!a of ground. for relief of >tay e. illl for !he crea.ive lawyer. An e.haustive list II noI possihle. bot some cou rts h.V<! ruled that the failu re of a Conljnued on page 324




de opportunities SECURITIES LAW fOR THf NON· SECURITIES PROfESSIONAL Adm,,,,1 Semmes HOIel. ,;.\obole N~tion.1 Busi~s InSlilUle. Inc. Cred'I1' 7.2 C~t' S96 (715) 835-8525






Courthou~, MOntgOmety MontgOmery County Ba, Associ.olion Cr~o:hlS:

2.0 CO»!: SIVmembe1's; S1'>'non""""be1's



I!ANICIIU PTCY lAW Decatur Country Club, Decatu, Mors-on County Bar Association Young ~


Credits: 2.0 (205) 35l.;ra26

Cost: SIS

(lOS) 265-<179)


C'VIC (emf'!, Birmingham AI.bama Bar )nsmut" ", Continuing leiIal Edocation Crod"iti: 7.7 Cost: $85 120S) 348-6230



o..le Coonty 8;1, Alsocialion

Cred,ts: 1.0

C()!.I: """"

120S) 598-6)21



CRIMINA L WV Civic Montgomery Alabama Bar In~itule lor Continuing U>'I"I Edoc~non


C,f!(hlS: 7.7 COSt: $85 (205) 348-6230


Wynfrev ~IOIel. 8i'minRham

Ala!).)m. Sat l"sliMe W>r Continu ing Legal Edocadon aDS) )48-62)(l


HoIKby Inn f,'Io!dical C...,~ Birmmgham Cumberland l..smull! /or ClE Credits: 7.2 (205) 871).2865


Ho lidao,o Inn SOUt ........!. lack§l,}fl, MS

Mi ssisSippI ('liter for elE

Crct!its: 7.2 Coo: $85 1601) 982·6590



DU' Harbert Center. Burningham Burningham Ba, Associa1ion Cred,l1: 3. 2 CO!I: SWrnembers; S2S1nonmembffl (205) 251-8006





NECOTIATION Co"ic Cl.... ler. ~tgomery Alab.lma BM In!l itute lot Coniinu ing Legal Educ."o" (2051 34~2)0 REAL PROPERTY fORECLOSURES AND REDEMPTIO I'IS County Courthouw. Montgomery Montgomery COUrtty Bar Association Credits: 2.0 Cost: Sil"memblm; S15Joonmembim (105) 265-4793

20-21 ffDflV.L TAX CLINIC r'e'lUSOO Centet". Tuscaloosa UnlVCl"!'ity aI Alab.lma College of Continuing Studies Credits: 12.6 12051 )4S-3014 SOUTHERN CON fEREN CE ON TO RT REfORM HoIidJy Inn Mi'<lic.JI Cenrer. Birmingh.:om Curnbedand I"smute lor Clf Cred,ts: 135 (105) 870-286S


NECOTIATION CoVI( C,~ntet. Birmingham AI.b.lma Bar InlUlute lor Contrnu,ng legal Education 1205) 348·6210


JOINT TENAN CY Best ~tern Molel. Bes>enlt'f Bessen'e' Sa, Associat ion Credits: 1.6 Cost: none 1205) 424-5460

County Cou nhouw. Montgomery I>'.onlgomery County Bar A,socialO on Cred,ts: 1D COlI: $!lhoombers;

$1S1oon",..,mbel"!' (205) 265-479)

3-4 VERY BASIC CONSUMU LAW Mildisoo Hotel. Montgomery Alab.lm~ ConlOrtium oIl.ega1 Services

Prog'ams Cred'IS: 12.6 CO!I: $OIL.SCA anorners: SlSlpr

allomeryo; (205) 264·1471



I.A\Y O ffiCE MANAGEMENT Civoc Cftttef. B,rmrngh.lrn Alab.lma Bar InllUute lor Continu'''g Legal Educauon (205) 348-6210

REPRESENTAT ION 8EfORE THE COLLECT ION DIVISION O f THE IRS Burningham TJX Sern inal1. Inc, CrecWs: 8.0 COIl: S135 ()12) 774·8388 November 1986

FORfNSIC EVIDEN CE Mobile Cumberland InSlitute lor CU: 1205) 870-2865

Civic Cooter, Birmingham Alabama Bar In,titute for Continuing legal Education (205) 348--6230

CHANGES IN THE LAW OF CONDEMN AT ION County COUrToou>e, Montgomery Montgomery County Bar Aswe:iation C...dits: 1.0 COSt: S<lImembers; SIS/nonmembers (205) 265·4793

UCC REVIEW Hol>day Inn Medical Cem€<, Birmingham Cumberland Inst itule for ClE Cost: $85 (205) 870-2865



ESTATE PLAN NI NG Civic Center, Birmingham Alabama Bar In>titute for Continu ing legal Education (205) 348-6230 fAll SEMINAR Downtown Re-creation Cooter, Gadsden Elowah County Bar Aswe:ialion Credits: 6.0 COSt: $75 (205) 5 47·6346 LAW OffiCI MANAGEMENT Civk Center, Montgomery Alabama Bar In>titute for Cont inuing Lega l Education (205) 348-(,230 fORENSIC EVIDENCE Holiday InnMedkal Center, Birm ingham Cumberland In,titute for Clf (205) 870-2865 ENVIRONMENTAL lAW AN D REGULATION Troy State Uni~rsity. Dothan Troy Stale Uni~rsity at Dothan Credits: 4.0 Cost : $65 (205) 793-1445

10-11 TRYING CASES TO WIN (BASl a New Orlean> Professional Education SYS1(~ms. Inc. Credit>: 15.6 Cost $345 S00-826-nS5




The Alabaffid Llwyer

CROSS EXAMINATION Dalevil le Da le County Ba r Associalion Cred i ~; 1.0 Cost: none (205) 598-6321 TRUTH IN LENDING AND RESPA County Courtoouse, /l.lOntgomery Monlgomery County Bar Aswe:ialion Credits: 2.0 Cost: S<lImembers; Sl5lnonmembers 1205) 265-4793

11-12 TRYING CASES TO WIN (ADVANCED) New Orleans ProI...,ion.1 Education System>. lne. Cred,ts: 14.6 Cost: $345 800-t126-7155



ETH ICS: A GUIDE TO THE ALA BAMA CODE OF PROfESSIONAL RESPONS/8IUTY Civic Ceoter. Montgomery Alahama Sar Inst itute for Continu ing legal Education (205) 348--6230 PROBlEM S IN ALABAMA AND fEDERAL APPElLATE 'PRACTICE Holiday Inn /l.ledical Center, Birmingham Cumbe, land (",titute for ClE Cost: $85 12051 87(1.2865

16 tuesday

17 wednesday TRIAL ADVOCACY Civic Cenler, Birmingham Alabama Bar Institute lot Conlinulng Legal £ducalion (205) 348-&230



SOfT TISSUE INJURI ES Holiday Inn Medical Center, Birmingham Cumberland In,t itute fo, elE Cost: 585 1205) 870-2865



MAXIMI 2 1NC YOUR VOIR DIRE Daleville Dale County Bar A.we:ialion COSt: none C...dits: 1.0 (205) 598-(,321

12-16 ESTATE PLANNING INSTITUn Sheraton Sal Harbour Holel. Miami Miami Law Center Credits, 28.6 IlOS) 284·4762



REAL ESTATE fl NANC INC Holiday Inn Medical Center. Birmingham Cumberland Institute for ClE C redits: 7.5 (205) 870-2865

TRIAL AOVOCACY Ramada Inn, Mobile Alabama Bar Institute for Continuing legal Education (205) 348--6230


no equily in the


Continued hom pqe )11 ChaPlet B debrOl lo make planned M'" "'ems to a crediiOf constltules "cause"' lor lifting lhe Slay, even w .... ,e all equi_ ty cushion is present. ,,, ~: lanice Quinlan, 12 B.R. 516 1W.O.wis. 198 11 furthell"o.... in a Chirpier 11 ase inabiliry 01 debIOf 10 presenl " pian of lOOII"niz.,ion ap;lble 01 confim"l3lion m~y constitule "cause." SCCl e.g. In re Mall' Hdrp/ey Buildets, Inc., ~4 B.R. 151 IN.D.Ohio 1984); In re: Sulzer. 2 B.R. 630. 636 IS. D.N.Y. 1980). Another ground coold be lhe bad failh 01 the debIor in filing his peliOOn in bonbuplCy. '''~: Yukon [nref"J, Inc., 39 B.R. 919 (CD.CII. 1984) (The coon lisli _ . 1 badges 01 bad faith.)




In mind the above grounds, mu~ show, at a minimum, thallhe c,roilOr's imeres! in !he property is;oo:lequately ~ecIed. and lhe c,~itor must be able 10 show il is not. T~icatly, in .....omalic stay litigalion. the only Durden ,he creditor hal 10 sllOw, other thanlhe exi stence of hi s deb! and valid ity of his lien, is thai

a delxor ....... Uy

Speilking. me cred itol always has lhe Durden 01 persuilding lhe COO" lhal il should lift !he ~, and ITIffl! ~liance on the dt.btoo-'. burden d proof, without more. will pin lhe Cffil'lOIlinle Dul the coun'~ ~Wion d the aIIClmt'"{. pro«<iu",1 expenl .... The elienl 01 wilness must undersund that his lestimony I, undet oalh and

therolore shoold 001 ~ exagget"ated. The coort genet;lIly ~ not haYe much ifOO. tile recogniling this and gener.lly is not di~ 10 ~ hit~,

but, by the ",me lOken, lhe witness should 001 u~ate his posilion. If lhe property dea,ly has no equity, if lhe debtor de.rly Is unable 10 adequalely proIect the creditor and if the debtor clea...... is heading lor deeal in May Iilig;lIion, lhe deIlIOf Iohould not (.;,il 10 tluow himself on mercy of the COlIn. Judges a~ hurmn and """",i!lles .~ IOIIChed by anguished plea of the deblor /or aOOlhe, chance. Thi s is especially llue when Il>al appeal c.n be bol.




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prope<ty. 11

U.S.C§362f#1I Thedftlrof ..... the bu,*" on .11 othe- i _ including adequale po-OIeCIion. However. po-a<;lic.lIy



SIered by • ~I hospIl.linlion. ". $huklown at m.. mill"' 01 0Iher nallll.1 01 unnalufal a~slrophes which may

hav.: recently befallen him. Again, do 001 OVI!I-ex.ggCfale and do 001 labook!. If the deblor's aliOlney knows hi, clienl ~ 001 hav.: a slrong position


aod lhal lhe p<obably will lif! 01 mod,fy the .....1Om.J1H;: stay. he should COOtxl the c-'llOr's .nomey in advill"lCt: of the hearing and offer 10 COInI"""'i.... The<e is uswllyenough uneer· ~inry invol ved in bankrupII:y praaia! 10 make an attempl al compromise prOOuct,v.:. II a credilO' an "'Ye its ;momey's ~ in Ir.veling 10 the hea,ing and "" some definite agret'mHll or SlipuLllion from lhe debtor, il ohen will welcome " .....Ilement of the maUef. On ,he Olner hand, a c,«litor shou ld avoid ming a weak motion as il never wan~ 10 g.ain " 'epI.Ilalion for "crying wolf:' Wheiner lhe motion OJ good or 1Nd, lhe credilOf "Iso mljtll obtain" wllsfXlOty A5OI .... ion oIlhe conlfOVefIy by conlMling the debIor's anorney before the hearing. AI a rule, debtor's a" 1O' ney1 are 001 ,emurlelatro sufficiently 10 welcome I,ips 10 COO,t 10 fighl ~uto-






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matic stay moTions, often he will wei. Come an offer of compromise. IT also muSt be nOted lhal the courts are apprecialive 0/ coonsels' effons to confer and di,P"5" of matt"", prior 10 Ihe hearing SO il may employ lime aod energy in hearing cases 0/ genuir.e dispute. Once the hearing is comple1ed, the coort muSl""ter .n order wimin 30 days. If the COurt fail" the stay automaTically lifts. B.R. 4001 While a cred itor genern~ Iy seeks an uncond iti~1 termination 0/ Ihe automatic stay, the coon hal, under 11 U.S.c. § 362{d), lheopliom 0/ annulling,. mod ifying Or conditioning the automatic Slay. It also can leave Ihe stay in effec1 by denying Ihe motion. An order of the cou rt annulling Ihe aulomat ic Slay is rare , Such an orde', in essence, avoids the stay ab initio. An example of ilS useful. ness is when a creditor h., reposses....J its collateralake. the bankruptCy petition

was filed but before it had notice of that filing. In re: Albany Partners, Ud., 749 F.2d 670011h Cir. 1984) An order "modifying Or conditioning" Ihe automatic stay gives the COIJrt room to OoeQuily. An e.ample of such an order is the 10ng'Slaoding practice in lhe midele district of Alabama entering "dropdead" meers. automatically lifting the Slay 3t the end of. set period 0/ time if the deblor has not cured his default. The order granting. eenying or Other· wise disposing of a motion for ",l ief from lhe automatic stay has been lreated as. final order for pufJ105"\ 0/ appeal. Borg ACCl"ptance Corp. v. Halt 664 F.ld 1306 {lI lh Cir. 1982); In fe: Am .... ican Ind., 734 f.2d 426 (9th Cir. 1984); In fe: Comer. 716 F.2d 168 (3rd C;r. 1983) Appeal is to the United States district coon for the district in which the bankruptcy judge is sining. 26 U.S.C. § 158


Under S""krup1Cy Rule 8002, a notice of appeal must be filed with the clerk of the bankruptcy court within ten days of entry of the order. Other appeal requirements are found in B. R. 8001, 8003-8019 , Hence, a party must move, and move quickly. after enlry of an adverse order if desiring to appea l' Mos1 parties fiod an appeal from litigaTion generally a waste of time aoo '""""Y because su~uent "v.lfllS often render the appeal rYK:IOI lOllS before the appeal is decided. Examples are di""is", 1of the bankruptcy case, discharge of the eebtor aod abaooonment of the collateral and 5U~uent Slay liti gation. a more favorable outcome. Unfonunately, the very facl that appeals from stay litigation are ra re has resu lted in a lack of uniformity among the various ban kruptcy courts in approach to and disposition of automatic Slay litigalion. These differences appear to be becoming grealer with lhe passage of time. Because 0/ lhe rarily of higher court review of automatic stay litigat ion procedures, it is felt thai only the ad0ption 0/ uniform local rules will enable a fiTS1.time bankruptcy prac1ilioner to walk inlo any bankruptcy- COIJrt within the SLilte of Alab.:rma and be able to predict what wil l ocmr within that forum. Summa ry This anicle attempted to p",,,ide a brief overview of automati<: Stay litigation in the bankruptcy courts of Alabama, Anyone involved in stay litigalion is encooraged to rev iew aod study the aUlhor ilies cited he",in and the resource mat",i.l, ..... ilable. •

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The Alabama Lawyer

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Young Lawyers' Section YLS receives award of achievement he You", L~wyf!n' Seaioo recently tec:eived the first pI.-ce AwMd <JI ~~n""~ fn:wn the Young uwyen' Division of the Americ~n 8~, AlSociatioo. The M.'f.


vice-1Q-rhe-poblic category for which the 00n0< W~ givt'fl was the AIWffi;a



Program spon§Ored by

the YLS In conjunction "';Ih the !l<IU.' Young Men's Chri~ian Auocialion. In the YOUth Judicial PrOgram, mock lIi all a re COOOlJCled by high school students, giving them a forsthand opportunity 10 expe-rieoce the judicial pr!JC8I by parUcipJltlng ~ aI· 1Orne'(S. jud~, wi~ and juron.. The program. conceived In 1979 by the Honorable Hugh M.addo' , Ala_

~wa'tI, and ~ " to I:>e wmrnended lor the ~ to !he SludMIs and 00..

Hig hlights of rKent YLS events The "risi"g 01 the curt~in" fo' thi s year's YL5 EJcecuth'., Committee took pl.Ke AulP"Sl 22·24 al NonhRive. Y.KM Club in Tusoloos;l., Mernbe<s anendi"ll_o...lieMi.on, james

N\deflon, ~cy Badh.m, tau •• (rum, Tom Heflin, Ric:k Kuykeodall ,

Claire A. Bla ck YLS President TI!ny MCElheny. Keith Norman. john Plunk, lay Re., SttM! R~, Jim SaS!;ef. Ste'o'e Shaw, Rebecca Shows, Amy Slayden ~rKI CI~ire Black, _The """"t(lOmf!ry YL5 has been acti~ in child advocacy, co.ponsor· ins a child iIIhoocioCy semi~r"';!h the

Montgomefy C.)<mry DiST.ict At· torney'sOffice, The §K'(ion, win..po pt"o.imaiely 60 members. ;5 headed

bama Sup«!me Coon ..."iof asSOCiate juSlia., wn Implemented n a COIH'I-

''''pall 10 the Alal>,;,rna Youth LeglsL>-

live Program. Initially, the ~ wu limited to high schools in MontsomeI)'. but the number participating

increas.ed to IS high schools (from 1 1 citi",1 in loal mmpe1ilion and eight high .rnooh from r...... cil~ al the SIaIe COfnpelirion lewl, involvinlJ mote than roo Sluo:Ients and 80 young lawyer advi5erli. This paSI yea., the Youth Judicial Program was headed by YLS 003;"

Yl.S ue.;ulive Commillee members allending the AU/jIIst 2]·24 meelin8 at rile NorthRiver Y.KllI Club In Tuscaloosa were. bilel: row, left to righI, Charlie Mix· 00, lim S;isser, St~ Rowe. Ricl: "V\'kendol', Petcy l1idI'I.m, /.or Re., /a"""

ITIlI" Keith 8. Nonn;In 01 Montgomery. His efforts and dilisence "re responsible lor the YL5' ~vill8!hi.

At>dMon aDd "e~h NOtman. On the frorM row, left /0 right were /OlIn Plunk.. T-V ~£II!eny. CWlre BI.Kk, Amy S/aydetl. L;!u" Crom. R~ Shom and SI~


by Pal Harris. Hanis & Harris, PC, presi· dell!; Keith Nwman, Balch & S ingham, vice p'~idem; and leah Harper, HHI, Hill, Grter, Franco , Cole & Black, ....,. relary/lreasu rer. Boord of di reclors members include ' John Thrower, Sail, Sail, Ouke & Manilews; Roberl T. Childers. Turner, Wilson & ChriSlian; S illy Addi. son, Reese & AddijOn; Pete Val~; laura Crum. Hill, Hill. Carter, Franco, Cole & 61ad; lames Andersoo, immediate p,m pres idenl. Hill, Hill. Grter, Franco. Co le & Black. ....:rhe YLS has a goal of increasing me mbership in the ABA Young lawyers' Division by a join! project wilh The A8AlYLD to largel nO<1-A8AlYLD mem' bers in A labama and encou rage lheir joining lhe A8AlYLD. Not only is memo bership in Ihe A8AlYlD free, but Ihe number of de legates afforded Alabama is a function of the number of A8Al'iLD members. Please com mil your name 10 tm. rosier 10 m.lp our ""ice be heard on Ihe naliO<1al level. Thanks 10 the Slale bar compoler and the rn.J1hem<lliaol etIorts of Mary Lyn Pike. Mandalory Conlinuing legal EdllCdlion di rector and assistant ""eculive director of lhe bar, Ihe tally of members r:J the Alabama YLS has been compo led. With 4,159 YLS members of lhe 100al aclive stale ba r membership of 7,798, Ihis sec· lion comp.ises 53 percent of the entire ba r. There are abounding opportuniti." lor ind ividual i"""lveme'" in the var· iouscommineesand projeasoflhe YLS. and I will be glad 10 diSCUSS wilh arlj'Ollc calling me 31 349-1727 how to become acti",. •

Riding the Circuits \........:~-Houllon Cou nty Bu Associalion The Houston County B.r Associ", tiO<1 recently held it. a nnual banquet and installation of oI/kers a t the Dothan Country Club. Newl~lected offkers lor 1986-87 are: I'fnidcnl: Edward J3tkson Vice pre>dent· Edw.lrti M. Price, Jr. Se<retar,c ""'er A. Melni'" Trea.... "'" l.aa E. Dowling •

The AlaOOma l.awyer

Bar Briefs Torbert president~lect 0/ Nalional Conference of C hie f luslices A l abam~ Chief JUSTice C.c. Torbert, Jr., is the new pre:sidenH lea oIlhe National Confereru:e of Chief JUlti<;e'S. The ~onfe"",ce is composed of The highest iudicial oIficer o f each stale. the District of Columbia, Ihe Com. monweallh of Puerto Rico and the U.s. Territories.


Torbert has been a member of Ihe CO<1ference since he became the state's chief juslice in 1977 and has served on ils board 0/ directors since 1980. Torbert, who succeeds Robert C. Murphy of Maryland as president· elect will become president of lhe conference in 1987. Godbold steps a side .. s c hief judge Chief Judge John C. Godbold of lhe EI"""mh Circuil Court of Appeals S!epped aside as chief judge, effecti>.e September 3, 1986, and waS sue· ceeded in the posilion by Judge Paul H . Roney of 51. Petersburg, Florida. Codbokl n()(ified the chief justice of Ine Uniled 51al~ that he d~ired to """rcise his option to continue a, an active circu it judge without the d Ulies of chief judge. and Roney. as lhe

judge of the circuil court next in seniority and under 65 years of age, automatic~lIy beca me c h ief judge upon Judge Godbold's 8i~ in8 up the po$iliO<1. A nati ve of Montgomery, Alabama, Godbold serw.:J as chief judge 01 the Fiflh Circuil Court 01 Appeals, and. upon its d ivision into two Circuits, became the frrst chief ludge 0/ the new Elevenlh Circuit, co nsi'ting of Alabama. f lorida a nd Georgia . He i, the only iederal judge 10 have been chief judge of I'M> circui~ Godbold explained, "I had plan """ 10 step down in the spr ing of 1987. A lew days from fl(:M' Judge Roney will reach age 65, which would d isqualify him from becoming c h ief judge. I have, therefore, advanced the date of Slepping aside because the circu it shou ld not lose Ihe benefil of the "". perie nce a nd leade<1hip Judge Roney will bring to the po$illon." Judge Roney served on the u.s. Court of Appeals lor the Fihh C ircuit i rom 1970 to 1981 and the new Eleventh Circuil from 1981 10 the ~I. He is a gradW1e of the Uniwrsity of Pennsy lvania and tn.. HaNitrd law School a nd earned an ll.M . at Ihe law school of lhe Uniw rsity of Vrrginia.

• m

Sorry for the delay ... but we wanted your deskbook to be the best. Look for it in the mail soonit's worth the wait! license/Special Membership Notice 1986-87 Occupational license Dr Special Me mbership Dues were d ue October 1, 1986



Thi, i... reminder tNI aU AI"bam;r. ~1Otney OC(up;o. lioNllicemes .nd sp«~1 ...embeMips I!~pired s.p1"""'-10, 198&. Sections 40-12..(9. )4·)·1 7 and 14).18, Code of ),1.WmII, 1975, >et fonn the $!atulOly requ irements for licensing and membership in Iflo! Ala!.>am;! Sr.tte Bar. Licenses or special membership dues are p"yahJe between October 1 and 0cI0be1 11. withOUt penally. 'fhe5e duel. inel..." a SIS "VI...,i wbK,iplioro to TIlf' AlION"'" uW)W. SpOOaI membenhip dues hluld be remined directly to m., Alabam;r. SI.l!e 8 ... In the amount 01' $75.00. The (lCcupiltK>nallicen~ shook! be plm:haK'd fr<.>m the prob.ate judge or "",enue COOlmi.. iOOl'f in the City or town In which ,foe lawyer h3s his or hef prioclpol ofnce. If you h;r;e iOn)' questions reg.Jrdin, yout propeJ memblorship "->I~ or dues pily~, ple_ ronlXl Mo'll"reI 8oono! lit (20S) 169-15 I S or 1-300-] 92·5&60 (in-sta\e WATS).

suffers from m..


01 akohol and chemical abuIe and is in need 01 special assiSl3na:, alllOll-4~:


This PfOIV"'" is independent 01 the A~ .... State 8ar and ~ not police, repOrt, ditcipli"" or th,ea1Cf11he caree.. or repu1aHon 01 any anorney or judge. A ll inquiries are confiden1ial . Proie»ional cou"",1ars are on call 24 hours a day.




Request For Consulting Services Office Automation Consulting Program



Fi, m



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in h ~ own oIf«." ... hi l< p!'<'p>I"ing docu".."urioo1


r.'''.'''',.".., ......

----------------------.---------.---------------------------._--------------------------REQUEST FO R CONSU LTI NG SERVICES O ffICE AUTOMATION CONSU LTI NG PROGRAM Sponsored by Alal>a ma SI~le Bar


ITS PRA(1ICE PraClice "' (%J

L,'igarioll Real E5late



Estate Planning



Number of cI,enls handled annually

Marit ime

Bank ing


Number 01 man"" I,.,wlcd annually


procesmg ~'<IuIPf:~~'i'~,f:,~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oal., processing equipment lif any) Dictati on equlpmen1 {if anyl \\brd CoP\" equipment (if any)

Telephone equipment PROGRAM <:(,

of empn.lSi s desi red

WP Needs

Analysis Preferred ,ime 0) W/£ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

W \VIE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Mail ' his n.'(jues' for service '0 the Alab"ma Stale Bar fo r scheduling. Send 10 the attention of Marga re1 Boone, executiw Bar, PD. 80' 6n, Montgomery, Alab<rma 3610\,

''';''''nt, Alabama State T~e

Alaoolll<l Lawyer

Opinions of the General Counsel by WiI1i;om H. ,M orrow, Jr.

Q UEST ION: When ~n ~"orney _ as Admjn~ ... tor or aKlltor of ~ n estate, may the altorney ~Iso act itS ~Uor net' for the estate and e thically r«eive ~ fee in his up;l(:ily ~ ""mlnli l.alor or et.eCutor.nd a M'PUate fee in his u~ity as oU""",,,l

ANSWER: Ahhough ce<t3in situations might ~t conmrn of in. preo.entlng "" ~ from a(li"ll in the duol capacities 01 admini5l"'tOt or executOr and anomey for the estate, there is nothing unelhical, pe< se, in an attorney's acting in bo1h capacities ~ mceivlng a ~r.lte fee for eac;h capacity. The atlQlney.~, ~Jd _al tome (ourl;ond the bemfo(I.ries ollhe ~alf! tNt he is acting in these d.....1Cilpacities .nd nuke a sood faith professional jucfsment ttw aI'"f legal YoO<i< he perIorms is neteS!OO'Y and will enure to the benefit


<JIlt... ""ate. DISCUSSION; Ethical Consideration

~1 7

in pan provides:

"Jypo<;oI1y "'01'''''' j.I!UOIIMS i""""",- po::wnIw,11y di""-,,,, ,_ _ Ihowinwhidl. ~ io~lO~co. ~ in " crim' .... ro-pIainlolflln • """""'"' In;...,. (.iI$e, I_red ~ hIS in<uoeI, ~ ~od.o"" 01 !hi! ~


01 •



Disciplinary Rule 5-101W l)f(JOIides: "W hcepI with !he CQn1.cnI of hi, clie<1t . . full di"do....,O!.. • , _ ",,"II no! a«qlI fmplqtmtnl if !he", 01 hi. po' .;"....1 juo;IwntnI on boNlf of ho, clio:nI will be Of ~ 1(lnObIy ~ be ~ by h.. awn r.Nn(i.oI, bu<i...,.." pn>prrry. Of ~I _ . f

The Code 01 I'roks.Jon,oI Responsibil,ry 01 !he AI~bam.l Sar con"'in! no SpeCific p«I'I'i~ diff!CIly bearing up"" lhe queslion pOSIld. Alihoogh the,e is some authority 10 lhe conlO~ry, ir appea rs Ihat a vas! majority oIthe COlIn. and erhio commin""" haw! deterniined !here iI noIIIil\ll unerhical, pet" st!, in lin .rtomey's Klins ill admin''''r.a1Or or e.ecu1Or roo- an est."Ite and also as St~le

anornev roo- the est."I1e. A comminee 0I1he North Comli ... State 8.1, (1962) held lhal ~n anomey who, as administrator oIan es1ale, periorms ,)r'o(essional services lustifying rclenlion of counset may receive attomey"S fees from lhe est.lIe at lhe dl KoeIioo of lhe coun. A c:ommineo. 0I1he Oklahoma Scate 8a. fl93n re'.....d 10 . _ a queslion wet. ill INI po.ed, holding tlwr the...-. lion 01 wherhe< an .!looney....too iI e<eatIor 01 an eslate may c""'lI" the estate with attorney's lees ill well as e>:ecUIOr's lees


is il legal question pmpe<1y 10 be decided by the courts. A commineeofthe li'=s S"'le 11-3. (1963) held rhar.I~..... ccutor may recei~. in addition to a commission OS exccu· 10/". a legal fee 10. services rendered 10 the estate lhal a re OUI· sWe the K"P" 01 du!ies ill e<ecUlOr. A comminee of the North ColQlina 6;1. (1967l held thar an ilnorney may bach repn:wnl an """"' in a sui! and be !he restJ~s admini ...... IOr;wl r:olll!C!lees for se.vlce!i .eoodeoed in boch capacili"" provided tha! he inform the coon 01 the dual ca pacities and aw.: the court for an on:Ie. ~ing proper I~

A commi1!ee of the Illinoi. Stille Sar (1975) held !hat a Iawye< who i. an e.ecutor or administrator and also an at· rorney for the estate IN'\' ch.arge lees for ~ rerderf!d

in Neh cac»Oty, A comminee 01 !he South Caroli ... State fI.a< (1976) held it i~pmpe<for an a!tome, ~Ior lOKI in theduill capaci. ties and a fee In each capacity illlle guidelines set down in the case of In Re /dmes, 229 SoL 2d 594IS.c, 1976) are Ioll~. In Ihis case the cou rt stated: "1n oodet 10 orct properly in hi, cap..:i1y M ~ roesporodt,. _Id hooo't 10 ' - ru ~inM In fII"d fMth. . . ~ins 011 .-t~,,,,,,,,,, 1M eooNIOrI.!hot Ihe ............ e ~ -'d "'" """"-ily ~ Ihe bftwfilS 1M. III ~ned th,,100 fully and diidos«!!he ft arrant"ment with !he _ bentfrcia.ies, Il) obtained 1ro. COMf'nt o(!he esta!e l>eroefki.,jes l(> orct in !he d",,1 C~p>cHy, and (41 IuI IVdi><1ooed oil ",lev.\nI f;>cr< l(> the coo rt oPP<O>'ln8 hi. "'" and the coo., approtlins !he accoontins .....xlftl.·


In theased 'n ~J,lmes, wpta. theaclOrne\l filed a ~il, which appeared 10 be enlirely unnea5iMy, apinSl :In i.... WfIlflCe company, merely lor the purpose 01 coI\Kting a fee in hi' cap;oeity ill ~nooney. The arrorney was su~ i.... detinitely from lhe ptorctice oil ..... \.'ok lind litde o. no Alabama case authority on lhe point. tn the caseo! john V. SNrpe el al .. 148 Ala. 665 41 So. 635 (1906). the Supreme Coun 01 Alabama held as follows: .,. iI tho opinion 0( ~ mIIjorioy 0( .... ,,,e"~1 o(!he COU<1 IIwt whe<oe on adminrsua:w. bein$on :iIIO!ney ill bw, findins ~ neceswry 10 ~~UIe I !Uri in beboIf g/ !he _ • .....,. ci.>IeI ~ arrotroey wilh Iwon. _ ......,.......i~f and ....... oIhe< ~~nrly rtndtr pn>fession.>l ~ 10 !he esIiIle in t .... i""",,",on ~nd JM05«,"'on g/ IUCh lUil, the admini.r'A101 i, entitled 10 • (<ed,[ on !he _ten>ent 0( the admini.rr.>1ion in the ~~ coun 10 rhe "",lent 01 !he ...........t>Ie .... tue of !UCh te<Yica· In conclusion, ~ lind noIhin8 uoerhiat pe< se, in lin at· tomey's Q"S ;>S admini'>l.alOr Of e>:«UIOr" lor an esI.:Ile and as arrorney for ~n elate and charging a fee lor seMces in boIh capacilies. •

MCLE News by Mary lyn Pike

Assistant E>e<uli"e Di,e<tor

elf compliance due The dead line for earning 1986 CQfItin_ uing legal ..ducat ion credits is Oe<:ember 31. 1986. A ca~ndar for remaining inSlate elE opportunities is printed 00 pages )22 and 323. If you wish to attend an out·of·s!"t .. program, call or ""';le the MetE Commission at 51Jle 00. headquan"" for a list 01 """;""rs available in the 5tate or city of your choice.

Rule changes affecting compliance mnled on page )32 of this issue is an order by the Supo-eme Com' of AiaOOmil, d':lIed September 2, 1986, m"king several imponanl change-; in the elf rules.

Alabama attorneys 51 iII are required to earn their ClE credits between Janua!)' 1 aod """"",ber II 01 each Y""r, How"'""', the period 01 tim" for f;!ingth .. repor1 of cornpliaoce with the MCLE Commi~ion MS been e><11.'nded 10 'a"wry 31 0/100 foll<M'ing year, This change allows ano rnevs and their secretaries to <M:)id the usual year-end rush and p.>nic ""'" the rt'pOns. Any aHorney fi ling the required repon ;>Iter Jan"".,.. 31 will be required 10 a1t3Ch

it 10 a lale filing fee in the form of a cheel: for 5SO made payable to the Alabam. St.te Bar. The commission's staff will be reQu ired to retUfn to the attorn~"y .ny sud, reportS tlO! accompanied by the fee. and until the report and f~ are filed together. that anofney w;ll be deemed not in compliance with 19B6 Clf requirement~

To accommodate those fev>' . ttorneys 1>01 able to earn 12 appt'O'>'ed Clf credits

dur ing 1986 and sutJsequent years. the coun has adopted a defICiency plan pt'Ocedure. patterned after that 01 the Georgia State Bar, Altorneys who ha-e not earned their credits by December 31 may submilto the commission a leUer stating the tit l.... sponSOJ5. dat ... and locations of courses tn.t will be ancnd<!d and cred-

its that will be ea rned between De<:embe< 31. 1986, and March 1. 1987. Courses listed mu$l be acc red ited already by the MClfCommission and nm require submi" ion 0/ an applicalion by a sponsor. The plan must be received by Ja nua.,.. 11. A decision on its 3CceptabWty will be made. and Ihe atlorney wi ll be nmified withoul de lay. A deficiency plan muSI be completed, Le. all credils must be earned. by March 1. The report of completion 0/ the plan wi ll be made by way 0/ the 1986 MClE form 1, 'j>,nnual Repon 01 Comp liance;' mailed to e3Ch ba r member. The report and • SSO late compliance fee must be JOlCEived by !he commission by March 15. If lIoth are nol received by that dale, lhe commission will be re<:tu ired to cenily the attorney to the Oi~iplin;l'Y Comm is.sion for JIOJICompliance. The imposition 0/ fees for lale filing .nd late compliance Sh ifts the extra <!l<' pen", of hand ling such problems to lnose who cause the problems Those 92 percent oi ba r membets who comply Of>time and file oo-ti me no longer will hiM! Iheir ba r dues expended on recalcilranl or neg lectful membe .......... n average 01 500 attOJ~ per year over lhe I.,t four years (8 percenl 0/ the Mr). Change5 in M CLE regulalions Altor~

re<:tuesling pennanent '>Ub<.titule programs. waivers and e:<empt ions based on p~ical disabil ity now are requi red to subm it a physician's swement addressing the necessity of such exteption~

SpcakeJ5 serving as pane lists in al>pr(M!(! ClE acti vities a re required to d ivide lhe lime equally when calculating leaching credi1S earned, un less tr.ey advise the commission otherwise. !i<:M'e\'l'l, no ~nclist wil l rece ivc less than one credit for each hoor 01 individu~1 p.-esentat ion or service on a ~nel. Credit may be earned through teaChing a course in any law ~hool app""'-'td by the commission. follOWing the Supreme Coun of Alabama's decision in Ex "'me

/Onf>1 School of /;)w, the commission has a pp""'-'td Jones School of Law, Birming. ham School 0/ law and Miles College of law as additional law ~hoo l s where teachers may earn ClE credit. Activities submitted lOr credit mil'( be approo.<ed only il they are des igned primarily for l"""Y'lrs, not nonlawyer>. Ad· ditionally. they muSI dea l prima ri ly with substantive lega l issues. profesS iona l responsibility, ethical obligations and, in limited Ci rcumStances, practice management. Sate llite and teleconferenced CLE pt'O8rams either must have telephone hookups to instructoJ5 at lhe broadcasl localion or an instJllCtor P"'lE'f\t at the recei .... ing site, 10 COmment and answer q uestion~

Courses sponsored by law firms .nd corporations mil'( be approt.'eCl if the usual st3ndards lor accred itat ion and cena in addit iona l requi rements a re met. Appli_ cations for appr<.:Na1 must be subminl"] at 1e.s130 days in advance: applications submitted less Ihan 30 days in advance or aiter the programs will not be al>pt'O'>'ed. AI least half the instJllClion must be p!'OIIided by persons outside tn.. form or corporalion . A qual ified instnJC10r oul. side the firm or corporation must be pre",nl fo, audio- and videotaped pres-en· tation~

Beginning January I, 1987. sponsors 01 approo.<ed programs will be re<:tuired to submit a list of Alabama State Bar members a!lending each program, Not in· tended 10 police members. mis requiremenl penni1S lhe comm iSSion to maintain cumulative records 0/ possible credils ea rned by members throughout the year. AI the end of the year. a tran>eript will be sent to each member and. afler correct ions, add itions and de letions, each wi ll sign and return it .. their repon for the year, It i. important to note Ihat exact rec· ords o/time spent in attendance will not be kept or r",<uired , and the burden will beon each member to make a record 0/ seminars 1>01 fully attended and decrease

the 'troits posted b,- the proper amount. Most of the recordkeeping hurdeo has been shifted to the State bar as a "'IVice to its members. There will be no auditing 0< double-checking. and lhecommissioo will conrinve to operate on Ihe honor 1\'Slem. FiMlly, no 1986 CLE program submilted for a.::creditation alter March I, 1987, can be app~. Any attorney seeking


a.::ctroilation 01 a 1986 program sfloold enSu re Ihatthe sponsor submit> the applicat ion "' le:oSI 30 d¥ in advance of the program and certainly no later than March t 1987. In the I'oOrds of John IJ, Scott, Jr., immediate fJ<}St chairman of the commislion . •". these (oanges represenl • backlogof needed adjustments in policy and in operatill8 procedu",", .. , the

MCU Commission is a co ll ect ion of'independenl Ihinkc r\' SO e>.'ery pmj)05.C(l change had to run the gaunllet." Additional ly, al l were subm itted to I"" OOard of l>ar commi'l ioners, and unanimous apprCJV;l1 was oblained, Opportun ity for commenl by bar members was gi.." in the """reh 19M issue of this journa l, and only One objection to one propOsed change waS received. •

Legal Edocalion be amended to read as

!hall lurnir.h ., the Sec"""ry oi the AI ... bama Stale Sar a suppl~""",UlIIiSi 0/ any ano",e.,-. who fi led. de(kien<)" plan ~ permittOO bot Rule 6'., but who ....... 10;1'-"<1 citl>er to corry out >u<:h pi .... or to "-1 "'" "'por1ing requ;remenu 0/ Rule M . The !arne proc<.'du ..... "'" qui",menl!. ond ... ncti()f>! 'PI~ic.ble to the .n(Kr>l!y$ on ,he im".1 del,nquent II" wll apply to the an"""'Y! "" tni. supplemen",lliSl. .:o.t the expiration 0( 'i,ty (bOl days roan the dale 0( the order to show CdU,,". the Discipl;n.ry eomm i"ion wll eole< "" O<det ~i".8 "'" t..w IkEme 0( each attorney whose narne appe.l" "" one 0/ "'" Ii", and who II.Js OO!. P'J"u .... t to the third I"'rograph 0/ this Rule 68, filed an atT.&..-it that ,he DiKipli""..,. Commi"ion considers


WHEREAS, the Mandatory COfItinu ing Legal EOuc.llion CommiSS ion and the IIo<ord of ear Commissioners of the Alabama State Ba, have recommended changes in lhe Rules for """ndatory Cootinuing Legal EdocatiOfl, and lhose recom"",nded changes having been coosidered by the court. IT IS OROERED Ihat Rule 1 of the Rules lor Mandatory Continuing Legal Educat ion be ."",nded to lead ..

follows: "RUlE 1. COll1inuing leg.11 Edue. ti"" Commission "There i< he<ebf.....wli!.hed the eon. tinuingleg.11 Eduu,i"" Commi"i"", The Commi'lion !hall c"""" 0/ nine ('.I)~ whowll bect.o.eofoan the mem~ 0/ the Boord 0/ Bar CommilWners. The mcmbe" 0/ the Comm'lli"" !hall he eleaed bot the Boord 0/ Ba, Commillioners and r.holl "''''' .t i" pI~;tW"" "The C"",milli"" the 10/1""''"8 du""" "A. To eMerrj", 8<""""1 wpe" • isory aLllhorny ...." "'" ..min i""," tion 0( the«. ru l",. -S, To adopt "'8u l., iooo ~on!-i ... t""t wilh lhese rul ...: IT IS FURTHER OROERED that Rul .. 5 aI the Rules lor Mandatory Continuing Legal Educat ion be amended to read as

"""II .......

follows: -RULE 5. Ann",,1 Report ·A. 00 Of before Ion""ry 31 0/ ~,""h l"'< eiOCh .nomey admin<d to proc!ke in tho! .tale r.h.1I m.le a wrine-n repO<t to the Commission, in ...rn iO<m a, the C"",mi'lion r.h. IIP""Cribe, concerning hil Of he< c"",plelion 0/ ,""c.edited Iq.ll edoc,oti"" during the previou. ""Iendar 1'I'l'. -6, An atto",e.,- who. lor wha""." ",.son, files "'" ~ ~ft.,. jan""ry 31 ",.11 M • fi~50) doll. r I.ote fil ing lee, Thil M"""'t ",.11 be attached 10 and lubmined with the r<-port: IT IS FURTHER OROERED thai Rule 6 of Ihe Rules for Mandatory Continu ing

-HULE 6. NONCOMPL I"'NCE ANO SANClIONS -A, An a"omey who '0 eorn _"'" 1111 ~ CLE cled'" bot De-<embe, 31 % p,onicul., 1"" wil l he deemed not in <""'I'Ii.""" lor that \Cat. ... plan b- making up "'" defi6en. C'/ bot M.lrrh 1 will be .,:.:"",'-"<1 if . p. pro.OO COUrse! "'" li\.ll'd and if "'" plan i. =eil'ed bot !.".... ..,. 31. Completi"" 0/ "'" ""lUi_ w ll be "'IlOfIed 00 10"" than Marrh 15. and a lifty-!SO) doll., I.", compliance lee !hall be .t"",he<! 10 the rcpon. "'ilure to complete the plan bot Marth 1 and to wb. mit the report >nd lee "" MilI'd1 15 !hall i""'*" "'" ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, IOtth in Rule lanu.ry "31os. eachsoonvear,as praClic.a1 Chai""an 0/ ,he As


0/ the Commillion "" Continuing ~I EdL>co,i"" r.hall lurnir.h to the Secretary 0/ the AI.t>a"", Sta'" Bar a liSi 0/ tt.o.e .,. 'or"'-'Y' who r...... fail'-"<l to file either ..., onn",,1 repott lor the previoo! ca l..,. dO' year, ~ fl!qU irOO bot Ru le 5. or. plan for m.ldng up tl>e do4kiency. as pefmined bot Ru le 6'.. "The Sec"" • ..,. lhall theteUpor1 lor· .,."rd thIS Ii" 0( anomeys 10 the Ch.ir_ "",n 0/ the Di<eipl i""ry Commilli"", "'The Chairman 0/ the Di"dplinary Comm issi"" ,h,1I lhen "'''''. bot certified ""'i i, e.>ch .norney whose ""me appe." "" the Ii" with .n order to shew call!e with in 'i, 'V (foOl d¥ (i .e" within 60! foan the do", 0/ the or· de-r) why the .ttor....,y. licen", shou ld nor be w!pet>dcd 01 tho! expi",' i"" 0/ ,he li"y 160) day!. Any such anomey may within the 60! lurnir.h tl>e 1>< ... ciplinory Commi"ion with an alfkt..-It ~ Indicating th' " the attorney hal in (act e<>rned lhe 12 fl!quirOO CLE c.ediu du,;ng lho! preceding calendar \C" '" h.... nee that d.te e.,,>ed lufficient c.ediU to rn.oke up any defkiency lor the previoor! calendar I"~r '" (b) ><!Iting forth. w lOd """"'" 1m""" Of 00>e< good cau,,"11or I.ilu", 10Comply with the requ i_ _ ' . -AI soon:os pract ical oirer Marth 15 0/ e;>ch \C~r. the Cha,rman 0/ the Comm"""", "" CO<1ti nuin~ ~I Educ.a!kIn


"'AI any ,i"", wilhin th"'" """'thl af. te, the O<det oi !Uspenlion, "" .ttorney 1m!' file with the Oiscipl,.-y Corumi ..

,ion.n affida.-it ind;ca'ing th' " the Of· tOlney h.. earned 12 appw.oed ClE <rOOil! lor lhe numher 0( crOO itS for wh ich the '''amer was dofiCie-n'I.nd _ nl! tl>em 'l'iSlled to ,he \Car lor wh ich the "namer was in nonc"",pI,. .",,~ with Rule 3; and. if lhe Di!Ciplin.ry CommiJ6ion f,nd! the alftdavit !al i... factory, i, wl llOtthwith eoter "" order ",inl"'ting the Oft"'''''Y. "'AI .ny ""'" bq.<>nd th_ moolhl from the order 0( IUI_i"", an ,ot. lamer may me wim the Di!Ciplin • ..,. Board an a/f.&..- il like that described in the precedi ng p,o"'groph. but wen an anamer mu.t file with alfldavit a petitj"" lor ",in''''t"","nt bee Rule 19, ... Ial>orn.o Ru les /or Di!Ciplino..,.



·:>.n attorney may appeal to the Di ... ciplinary Board loan an order 0( 'u'" penSi"" ",.n O<det denying rein!! • ..,. meot eote.ed bot the Di!Cipli .... ry Commi'lion . Addihonal l.,-, any o(lected .t· 'orney may oppe.1 any acli"" 0( the Disciplinary Board 10 the Supreme C(l<m in accordaflee "'im !I>e Ru les 0/ D;<cipli""ry Enfor,;~meot." IT IS fURTHfR OROERED that these amendmenu become eff"':li"" Seplem· be, 2, 1986. •

November 1986


1986 MCLE FORM 1

ANNUAL REPORT OF COMPLIANCE Earn ,II ~r..tiu by December 31 . 1986 Submit thi, form by January 3 1. 1987

T T,Iephone (205)269· 1515


PI...e keep a copy fo, you, , eco,d . Nama and address


t hown on 8ar records:

II ad<lrH' ,hown i. Inco<ree!. plaesa COfree! aboll • . Offi~'


0 0 0

Telephone Numbe,;


A. I becama. mamber 01 lha Alabama 5'1" 8ar dUftng 1986



B. I reached 'ha ag. 01 65 dUllng or before 1986.


C, I a m _ _ I full " ,ma Judge


_ _ I mambe' ollha U.S House or Sana,. btra credlls eamed In 1985 .. _ _ I member oll ha U.S A,med forces. C,edllS eamed lor 1!llndince in , 986 __ ........... _ _ a membe' ollha Alabam, LegIslature. TeachIng credllS l arned In 1986 ..

0 0

_ _ prohlbl,ed f,om ,he p"yall practIce 01 law by Con • ..,uuon. law or regUlation. POSItion; D I htlld a special mamba .. hip dUflng 1986. E. I hIve received I waivar from the MCLE Comminlon ,



EXIra credits ..,n -.l In 1986 to be ca"ied forward , .... , ..... , ... , ..... , ..... , .... , ... ,', ... , .............. , ..... , .. 10' credil in 1967

1988 CREDIT REPORT lI't only 1986 COur.e.


CourSlt or Seminar Tille

''21" ,3)



, , , , , , , ,


Credits Earned

, , , ,

'" '"


8 . TEACHING Sponsor

Subject(s) Taught

''21" '3)

'" f aHirm Ihlt Ihe information given above is. to the beSt of mv knowledge.

Dc(:u' "e and complete.

Signature _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Dale


, ,


Hours Tlughl



, , , , , , TOTAL : 1. On or beior a JlnU8ry 31 ofea chvear. 81ch 8Horney admilledtoprlctice inlhe Stale shall make a writt e n report 10 the Commission concerning his or her complet ion of 'C(:red~ed legal educ'tion during the previou. c;alend&r veer. 2. An attorney who. for whatevar reason. files the report after,ry 31 sh.1I pey a fifty (50. doH" 1"8 flUng f... This payment sh,lI be attached 10 ,nd submilled wllh tha report. 3. An anorney who fails to earn twalva(12j approved CLE cred~s by December 31 of. particul&r year w ill be de emed nOl in complianc, for that year. A plan for ma king up the deliciency by March I will be ,ccepled if approved courses ara listed and if Ihe plln is received by J , nu.ry 31 . Compillion oflhe require menlshell be reported no later Ihan March I 5, and, fifty (50) doll .. rala compliance fee 'hall be Ittached 10 the reporl. Failure \0 compl"e the plsn by March 1 and 10 submit the,aport and fee by March 15 shall invoke Ihe unctions sel forth in Rule 68. Rules for MandllOry Continuing Legal Education.

Recent Decisions by

Iohn M. Millins. Ir.,

.nd O;ovld 8. Byrne, Jr.

Rec::en l Decisio ns o f Ihe Alabama Court of Crimi nal Appea ls The r'ghl to "deal"


on the

D.Jwkins" 5{d1l', 6 Div. 761 guly IS, 1966J-Oawkins ...... 5 indicled for lhe unlawful sale 01 coc~ne and Iound ",ilty oIl"'fficki"ll in cocaine. On appeal,the driend.lnI "'ised as er路 ror !he ai~ COUr1's nelusallIO permit his deien$oe counsel 10 !he terms 01 puniy,ment whid! tile codelendanl, A",nglon, _ to fl!CeiWl under his pIN bargain agreement Tho! COlIn of crimi ....1 appeals reWlrsed and held thai where lhe Slate had bJ(>Ughl 0<11 on direct """mina' lion the facllh.11lhere had been a plea bargain agreemenl eme<ed inlo by the ,!.lIe w llh A,ringlon in "",urn lor hi' l~imony. tile /uU ~rmS oI lhi, agreement mu51 be al~ to be placed before the jury in pas,,;ng upon the credibility, as ..ell as the possible bias or moIi,"", of the defend,;on~s accomplice in lelifying 10< lhe Slate.

DUI will support probalion ~iO l ion MOOtfI~. SQI~. 6 Div. ~22 Uuly 15, 1986I- Moore appealed 10 the court

d crimina! a~alllmm an otdet of

! 2Q.2-80. Code 01 AI.ob.1IN (197S).

.he ciocuil COUr1 JeIOking his prob.r lion. On January 7, 1985, Moore was ",res,cd and charged with driving under the infiycnce of alcoho l. He was convicted 00 .fIe charge in

During the Male'S (a$O'! in elliel", the td31 judge CO>'Cfruled the deIeose counsel's objection to the admiss;路 COUrl and failed!O appear in circuit COIIr1 on the dale set lot the

tfial oi his appeal. MoI:>nts J,lfOb.orion oIfOCflf filed a ~inquen<.y ...port the circui' judge ordered ~, pro/);Mion ~. The ~nt contended on appN) IN. the act 01 driving urdef the ~ 1I0'I'O

in~ueoceol alcohol and


10< that oiie<lse did no! vioLote ;l/I)' condition of his prob,o'ion. J~dge Taylor, writing lor a unan imous cou!1, focused the issue;tS follows: .,~ dfivlng

"""'" d", inn .... """ of

.kohol.>oI.. ,~ of a U$WI 0< im. pi"'" condibon of ~ionl" The (OUrl .n~ ~








'"" condition al pmba!iofo ,,,- e......... complied CCItId~ion ilia .... pooboIionet io.oo Iibtf. .;0l.0I'''1 ...........

.., W,.......

..:1_" ..

Sittterwhite Affirmed bmSeyv. $g,.., 7 Div. 504 guiy IS,

1966J-foIlowing a consolidated jury lrial, the cIeiend;Ints were convicted of Ir.offiding in rn.arijuaN in violation of

tIlllty of the scarch wo",a n, and the al. lid .... il in suppon of rhat wa,,,,n!. The e<ecutioo oIlhis Wilr",,,1 at tile defen.dants' home restllted In seizure of app<OXim,lIeiy 15 poond~ of ",,"'ijuana_ TM affid.wiland _"~I were !WI of the same documenl and contained lhe f'KtWl ~ for a Rndi"ll of pn> babIo. c.oJ$oe by the m.ogiwone. The defense objecled 10 the intoodUCIion of the affidavit on the gn:>und il con~ned the heilfSa'l' 搂I,lIement~ of the conf~li31 informant Tho! objec_ lion w.I~ <M'rruled, and tile entire documenl w.lS admined into evidence for lhe jury's consideration , The Ala barn.a Cwn of Crimi",,1 Appeals reaffirmed lhe doctrine lei forlh in s..I!erWhile~, 5{dte, 364 So, 2d 345 tAla. 1978). Tho! Abbarn.a courts con路 sistenliy h;o~ held lhe admi!6ion of ~ inI(lrrNIion C(W'II;Jined in ~ affidavit in 5UppofI of II seaordI w;omnt constilUlet ~bIe e<ror. ~ p.os.ecutor's comment 00 the drimd.Jnt's failure to call his codefendant ,IS a wi lness Mirk/!efon v. 5... ,.., ~ Div. 430 1Sep-

tembet- 9, 1966)-M,ddlelOn _found d possession d «Wl(roIled SlJbS(;lncPl and """t~ t(I IS .,..MS unde< the li~bi(ual Of!ende. SlaMe. Oro ap-

lIt1utiorNl right 10 rerNin slIM" regaJd. less 01 whethef dw! r.t.lIt!OI the defendanl ailed him 10 teslily.

peal, the defendant allcse<J tn.. ",marks made I>t the poosecutor In hi s closing a'Sument denied h,m his 'igh' to alai, 1I~1 MId, thus, his motion lor m;1tfW1 should t.a.e been "an«<i bv (he 1t~1 ;..d... Ouring closing arg<.meot .. the pr& seeutor ~rked, "Whef!! is Ham Why didn'( he (es(ifyr Hall was the co-delendant. The defense counsel objected and mo.ed lor a mi~ s.tatin&. "The [)o\ knows that the witne!6 v.oold 1rM:>ke the fifth Amendment. and n.. is ~lIy awibble to nil him and let him irM:>ke the fihh Amendment" The coun denied lhe moHon. ludge McM illan, w.iting 10. a unaniITIOUS court. held (h;11 lhe prosecutor's cornmen( t(I the effK1. "Where is Hallt \\lhvdidn'l he testifyr d-...., unf.Mw· ..tole kI the 6eIend.Inl ~ ol his failuf!! 10 all the co-defend.lnl to teslify. "n is IIIe gene... ' ru~ that one pilr· IV mil'( not comment unf"""""blv on tn.. other pilrty's failure 10 produce a wi(IlCSS supposedly fa-ooable 10 thaI pillty if the wilnen is~ally awil;tble lor as in the o:ase ~ bar unav.oibble! 0< accessi"'" to both sida." w../Io>r~. Sule, 242 Ala. I, 4 So.2d 911, CE'fI. denied, 242 Ala. 90. 4 So.2d 917 (A la, 19411 In the Midd!elon ene, the concept d ""'ilJbil ity becoo,..s delemtin.ll;"e ol the p<OpI"iety ollhe prosecutor's commenl and clNlly meant more m..n merely _il~ble 0< accessible 10< se.vice ol

Rl'VOCa l ion of .. jU\l(!f1il e'~ prob;J.lion requires .. pelilion ToIbeTt v. S(;IU', ) Oiv, )84 (July 15, (986)-To1bert. a Juvenil~, woos adjudiaoted a delinquent baW!d upon "Ileop1ioos ol escape, nSilUlt on a police oifo«< and ~Slin8 "'reI. He was pIa.cftl on probation lor one \'f!a,. Thereafter, Tolbert's proba1ioo officer flied an urr.erified pe1ition askin8 that lOJbert's probation be ~. He a11esed th.ot !he jtM!nile ~


w",.,... In ~ving the iswed"",ilability, the coun ol criminal appeals!oel fonh a tv.Qprong leSt f it>(. did the oppeI~ ~ wperior _ of I:n<MintI of !he",~ ond idon!iry of ..... ms- wjtroet&, ..... 00(one!, ~ the - - ... oeI4ition<h", wi'" !he oppel ..... oIfKI ..... ",~'. pet>OAOI in....". In !he """""""' of ..... .ppl:n.. nr, tri.l, "'"' ""' ,nl it ""Mal "'., he would testify .8"i nll ..... State and in b.or of the' .ppen..,,! HUn{ ~ S<.>~, 4 S) So.lIJ lOa). 10M VJ,o. Cr.

... - ,

judllt! McMillMl concluded Ito3t. '""'the co-detendan1. illsde.>r he may haw. ~al interest in the OUlcome ollhe (rl~l; ~r. it also is probable he IOOUld claim his con-

(he absent wimen it


been absent from KhooI, been sus.pended fmm Khool and WoOS/aili"ll his ilCildemic sd:>jects. The Iri.ol judge found the aH~galion. SlJffiCiem to oe.oke lIis proballon. On appea l, blbenalk-sed the jtM!ni1e (QUn lacked ju,iwliction because lhe petition filed "i3in!.l him WoOS urMlified. The coun ol criminal appeals, in conSlru,ng § 12-1S-;7S and § 12·15-52, Code d AWb""", (t915), held m.., from a plain reading ol the statuII', it 15 appaoent that lhe leglslalure in(ended that lhe petilion be ve,ified. Because in Ihis case lhe I"'lilion lacked ...,,;focalion, lhe (OUn I",ked juriwliClion 10 consider this ase. As a ~11.dw! ~ins;ond orders ~ wiring from !hem ~ 'oOid. & Oi.lOrt, 469 So.2d. £>62 !Ala. 1984) HCJYueYer, thiS case is the likely subject d a cen peti(ion bv the stale in lighl ol the wpreme court'J ~ent decision in City 01 Dodwn v. HoI/Qo.wy.

Recent Decisions of the Supreme Court of AlabamaCivil A!lorney-dient



privilege Wilived il c ommunication injed l'd as iSSlH! in Coilse & p.lne: Malone ff!!jlflltlj~ Ioc. (In ~: Goad v. Malcv1e F>eightli~ Inc.), 20 ABR 2411 Oune 20, 1986)-The plainliff IlH!d Malone to ~ ~ N_ 'lbrk judgmenl. ~Ione filed an .ns'WO!! conlefld. inti Ito3t. the judgment ~ been ptOa.Oted I>t fraud, Pf"'O!"Iti,,& ~ from recen.. ins ~n ~ trial. SpeciftGllly, in ;on affid~it. New 'lbrt< counsel stated (hat Malone's dn_, the plaintiffs hliSband, had met with tile

pl.>intifl's an~ ...d subsequefltly

(Nn1M llis..won 0Idw! acdo:\eI~ 1't"t3de 00 the b.lsis 01 the New "\btl< judgment. The plaimiff.....-l a request lor pro. ductioo d doc:umcntsMl<lng lor Malorw!s New "\btl< trial counsel's eoti", fi~, induding .11 correspo"deroce from New

'Ib<I< counsel 10 ~

<II well



trial ~ prqwr.d bv counsel. The tn.1 judge oodeoed Malone 10 produce the doa.irroents,. /JtId M.llone ~Ied "'is petition lOr wrj, 01 "",nd.omUI asserting that the documents are ",bjea to atlOrl'le\'<lieo( privilege under the "work product" doctrine. In ~ ~ of fi", improes&ion in Alabama. the supfl!rTle court e:.amintd fW) New 'Ib<I< ases ~ decided they COiYectIV !.tale the Alabama law. 5p«iflCally, the anorneo,o<lieo\ poivik>ge may be waioed if lhe privileged communic.;!lion is injected nan i""", in the case bv t~ party enjoying its protection. 111 lhis ase. the aIf"~ 01 ~Ione's New 'Ibrt counsel injectl!d privileged "",terial into the case ;r$ an i....... There. be, the plaintiff is enlitled 10 diS«M!r al l material "'latins 10 lhe possibility ol fraud in the prior 3oCIion.

I)omeslic relaliom . , , non-cuslodi~

pdrenlS st'Uld.lrd

of proof re'I';e.."t'(\ & p.lrte: .bIarlYn M. Ji.oNy (In k; Ji.oNy S..eaU, 20 ASIt 2528 Oune 27, 1986)~illone~s flerry's) "'...... ile was awattled ~,





rooncIt-oId dauglner with liber;il visiI.Jlion rights gra~ 10 petilione<. the lathe<. ~uently, dw! mother MId daughter ~ in with s-a.. the mod"oeo's Iart>er. E'oO!ntu~IIV,

Iht! mother relinquished pl>{sial custody 01 the cllild k> Swea~ tile srandfather. T~aI~, both petitioner and the grandfather .sked the court 10 modify the di>OCe decree. .ach ~;ns legal CUS40dy d the child. The trial mun oej«lf'd dw! f.IIhe(sconler\tlon that then! is a prt'5Ur"t"IpIio in /ao.or d the pilreol a 1IOf>iI3""" and found Illal tile best int~' d the ch ild IOOUId lie ser....d by continui"ll her custody with the grandfather. The coun ol appeals iIgteed, rnlyiog on & p;lrte: Mclendon, The supten'Ie coun diwgnoed ~ ~, nOIing Ito3t. the issue WoOS ....t.emer ~ Iart>er, who was not _oded custody bv a prior deooo but who ~ not been found unfit, has therebv lost his pr;ma



"'de right of {U)tody in a subsequent custody proceeding as against the righrs of a notI-p.:nenl (grandfathe<1 w ith whom the mothe< has placed ?l¥icitl cu~ooy oi the {hild. The supreme court .ns.....,red this question In the negative and held that the pa~nt is entitled to the l)reSUm~ion unley; he is guilty oi miKondua or neglea ~ndering him unfot to be entrusted with custody oi the child. Si""e petit ioner was not found to be unfo~ nor has the<e been • ptior dec_ awalding custody to a oon-parenl, the fathe, is en. titled to the presym~ion and he does no{ have the burden to ·slloN that a change of custody will material ly promote the child', .....,If.~." Insurance . . . "entru~tment "

a s used in

a policy

exclusion de1'ilK'll Ho 8ro/hers Re5f.jurant Inc. v. Aelna Ca=11y and SuftO'!y Ca, 20 ABR 2521 U"" Iy 27. 1986~ i,sued a comprehensive general liabil ity pol icy to the rest· au",nt excluding CCM:rage for "property ... entrusted to the insured 10, ~orage Of s.aiekeeping.One ever1lng a cu~omer of the resta,," rant left apprrn<imately S17f1XJ In cash in the restroom. N. closing, the money was dl~red and the cashier placed it in . ~orage a~a for salel<eeping. later that evening the manager di~ th<lt the money was milling lrom the \IOIage a~a . The customer re1umed the ned day and demanded the money, subsequently suing the restaurant for the loss oi the money. AetniO denied CCMlfage .nd refused to deIend, ba5ed UIX'" irs poli<;y ecdu.ion. The trial {Olm 8",nted ktn.·s molion for summary jodgmen~ and the res1<lu",nt appealed. Neithe< the supreme coun nor the pa'ties we~ able ro fond any ca~ Inte'· pre!ing the term "entrusted" as used in this policy exclusion. The supreme coun. howeYe<, did find a lineof COI~ defining the term In other e>:<:lusIon<,. and the court SpeCifocally adopted a Te:<al court's construdion of th<lt term. The Te>as coun ~ated -the ....,...j en. trust ... mean!sl to commit someth ing ro aoother wi!h. certain confodence resaiding his ca re. use or disposal of It" Therelore. Implicit in the ten"n is the requi .... ment of some ""pectation on the pan oi The Alabama Lawyer

each party as to lIoN each wil l act with respect to the "entru~ed" property. State Ethics Commission • .. c ommissio n may ""t make repri· mands public fthics Commission of Slate of Alabama ... , !'tc. v. Slate of A/aooma Ex Rei, ele .. 20 ABR 2449 Oune 20. 1986)-The plaintiff. a chief of police. "'IS i~ti gat· ed by the St.te Ethics Commission and rou nd to have violated ...., laws. H""""",r. the commission issued a public stotement ~ptlmandlng him. and the plaintiff flied suit to ~ul re the commission to retr.lCt Its S1<ltement. The trial coon 8r~nted the plaintiffs motion for summary jodgment and ordered a re1raction; the commission ·appealed. The issue WIIS whether §36-244(131, Ala. Cork 1975, authorizeos commission members to is"", public reprimands w hen...., state law WIIS ~iolated. The supoeme coon affirmed the trial {oun and l1.ted that r"l(M'here does §36-244. ,up'''' authorl-te the Ethics Commission to is"'" public reprimands in the form of a public written opinion In complaint cases. Only whe~ thefe Is a finding of • "su,pected violation" of Slate Ethics I""" is the commission authorized to make a tep:)II. and then the repon Is to be made only to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. Su!Jsection (131. SUp1<l, is designed ro proteet inox:o:;ent Individuals under I~tlga­ tion from the h<lrm that could resuit if Information regalding the i.....srigation ~re relea>ed 10 the public. Teacher Tenure Act •.• Section lfr24-8, ef ~., construed

Alabama N5OC;"tion 01 Sd>ooIBoatds v. Wllk..... 20 A8R 2568 Ouly 3, 1986)The pla int iff WIIS a tenured teacher prior to beginning the 1983-84 KMoi year. On Of about August 17, 1983, the pl.intiff notified the Khool that she h<od suffered a serious Injury and would be out oi work Indefinitely. Without nol il'ying the plaintiff, the .c~ boald met Seplember &, 1983. determined thaI the plaintiff had "abandoned" he< contract. the board acquiesced in he< abandonment . nd her contract was cancelled. Thereaner. in January 1984 the pl.intiff attempted to

retum to .....,rk but WIIS refused. An evidentiary hea,ing was demanded with. out response. On March I, 1984. the plaintiff filed SUit in the circuit coun seeking to enjoin the boald from cancell ing her conlr.lCt and requeo;ting an evidentiary hearing. The circuit coun ordered lhe boald to hold a hearing SO the matte, could proceed through the administrative procedures of the leacher Tenu~ Ao:1. Both parties appea led. The threshold i,,,,,, was whether the ciR:Uit court was the proper forum ro resolve this case. The supreme court an~ this question in the negative. The circuit coort's jurisdiction is l i mit~"j to {~ whe~ the Issue Is wl>ethe' the teacher has acquired tenu re stalU5. The ultinwe issue here is Simply whethe< the contr.lCt WIIS legally caocelled. In such ca5eS, an administrative oernedy eciSlS and the plaintiff ,hould appeal first to the tenure {ommi"ion and then seek review in the circuit court. The second is"", WIIS whether the plaintiff was ,,"titled to notice and a hearIng concerning her contract. The board maintained that no hearing was """"""ry since the plaintiff "abandoned- her c0ntract and the board acquiesced. The supreme coort stating that the board effectively cancel led her contrad asainst he, will ~nd g<M:' abandonment as the reason for cano:;ellation. 'Nhlle abandonment can be a ""lid reason 10, cancellation oi a cont.-...::t. the boald must afford the plaintiff a renledy to dete rmine whether the abandonment amounted to a "neglect of duty" authorizing cancel lation unde' §1t>-24-8. Ala. Code 1975. Torts. . • tria l c ourt must SLlle f.c tors considered in granti ng Or denying new trial bao;ed on excessiveness or inadequacy of verdict H~mmond v. Ciry of Gadsden. 20 ABR 2&20 (July 11, 198&)-The plaintiff, the spouse oi a dea.ased city em~ sued the City of Gadsden for lraud ba5ed upon represen1<ltions concerning the continued ecistence oi «'naln health insu rance (O>erage which ""isted by virtue oi he, husband's previoos employment with the City. The plaintiff dalmed damages lor medical ""pen~ and mental anguish, and the undisputed evidence st-.o.ved she

iocune<i J..4,829.97 in medical e<pen§eS airel her insu.a~ IhfOUgh the city "". pi~. During this 5ame period '""" ","-",Id 11M! p.1 id ~ $2,624 and $4,118 In p<emiums br co,oer~ge. The jury .......rdftI her S12~ and dlO!! INI COUll 0Idemd a remittilur 01 ~II bul S2~ withou1 an ""pbnalion br ilS .f_ fiving al miJ p.1r1iculaf SUm. The plaintiff appealed. In this opinion. ~ supreme coun recognized IN! it Nod. duty 10 oequioe Iri.1 o::uu 10 oefIect In ~ oecotd the ~ for interlering with. jury ve<dicl. 0< refu~ing 10 do ~ when the gn>und is "". cessi-eoess 01 damages based on bi.s, passion. prejudice. rorruplion Of Ollie< ifTll'l'llP'" mori-..e. While nOI mempling 10 ft1tJfTlOOIte "II lhe facron which may be ronsiden!d ill' lhe lrial couf\ the SUpAm"le coun noIOO some fact~ which are .~iale. Ol.lmely: (1) lhe culpability 01 lhe deiendanl"~ ronduct; (2) the desir.tMhty 01 d'lcou'"&ing od-oeos hom similar conduct 0) the Im~ upon the parlies; and. (4) the im~ upon in~t thin! pon~. In adopIi ng this rule, the supAm"le court ~e-ned 10 add that no subsl.anti~ IUIe d law is changed. and bv oequiring the trial coun 10 ~ ilS rea.OtlS b il'l lUling the COUll could moft! ~ dilcharge ilS role 01 "ppe:llate review.

Recent Deci sions of the Supreme Court of AlabamaCriminal The defendanl"s riShl 10 presenl to the (ouri lhe terms of lhe plea b.Jrgain prior 10 lhe entry of a plea or ( onviclion SUre v. Sicks, 20 ASR 2486 (june 20. 1986)-The supreme court gran led reflio",,; to dete'mlne whethe, an alleged plea I>.upin entertd inKI in a«ordance wi1ll § :'!o-2--111(b).~. ~ 1975, muiI. be ~ 10 !he trial iudge is req.oired bv &.P.itlle 'tlt~ 437 So.2d 1))0 \Ala. 1963). prior 10 !he defeodan(s plea 01 gui~ ry Of trial and oooviaion. The indi<:tetl br tralfockins in aainIo. J.m ~ng a plea d nOI lII.Iilty; defendant enteted ;"10 a plea 110M. ~in with the SUIe whe<ein Ile agreed 10 ,.on, as an u~ agent in exchange br ronsider.ation in his pending trial. The

plea I>.upin at ' iMljIjieI' ""~ ...-..d in10 under the au'fliCeS 01 § :.!O-2-81(b1. which oeads: (bj floe Jl'O!'I!CUIi", anomev ~ """" the .",."cit. <0<lIl10 ~ Of >UII)ttId the -*""'<e 01 «¥ _ wt.o is e<>oNiat:d 01 ~ .;o&obon 0111> .. OfIIdoand .....,~~ ... oj~ In the idmtifoaoon, ~ Of ~ 01 Inyalhis aocompIce. ",. cesoorieo,. """"""" •.torI, Of prirod~ floe 0Nari", If!I'IlCY ....11 be &i>m an ~lObehNfdln~ in idtltlCE 10 Iny...rn

Of ...............

1IIOIion. Upon IIO<Id auoe """"". the moot"", ~ be filed ond "-d in can>I'a. floe iudjre lowing"'" moot"'" ~ l'Oduce Of~!he ~ if he findo !hOI ..... ~ -.;Iered

"""~~ T.... (()Un held a he¥,ng 10 cons.ider the defendan(s lOOIion 10 dis.mi~~ !he il>dictmen! and his 1OOI00n br enk>n:emcn! oI !he ag.-nenl. 8aJed upon testimony at the ~ring. inlotmation from the defendant IftlIO the convicIOon 01 one 1"""iOn and ....auld hiM! led 10 """" a::oroYiclions eoo:epI for inaction bv ~ en~ ment officers. T.... ifial coun denied oom of the defendant's moIions, SIa~ng that the motion

bret .... ceti_oIthe~_~ malU~ in ~~ 01 lhe Ia..... in the SUIUte. ~ !he defend"", filed a petiiion foo- writ of /mnd;!mu! with the COU ~ d CrimiOl.lI appeal" whkh ullim.lleIy denied lhe writ holdinglNl "the re~ br mandamus _ nOI poeen! and no te-lilof is ;".ait.!:tle under § lO-2--11t(b) URtil . . the ~I hiS been found guil!¥, There.J/te.. defendant filed his wfit 01 ceftiorar; wim the supreme COUft. In the Sides ~. tile SUpAm"le COUft _ !iced with "" app.vent o::onfIict between !he st.lute (§ :.!O-2--11t(b)) and the supreme COUrt"J holding In ..... tber and Congo. Accordi ng 10 !he language 01 S :.!O-2-i1I(b), then. m<m be a conviaion bebe the statute is tri~ •• nd afIer the awMcIion the ~ may Of .....,. no! rTI<M! the <DlH11O reduce 01 suspeOO the deferdanrs 5EfI1l'n(t'. The supreme court re.ersed and held that a defendant has the right iO hiM! whaloM"f agreemenl made bv !he SUle and him o:onsiden!d b,- the court prior 10 the entry oIa plea Of o:tnviaion. In & pille I:t~ the SUprerle court held thai the IffinS d a plea bargain mUSl be ron~dered bv the Ifial court if the de-

Iiend.Jnt .., teQUe>I\. e\eI if no plea hiS


been entered. In the ..... case, roo plea ente~ and !here was no e'\Iideoce lhat the defendanl Nod acted in reliance upon the ~11etIed agreemenI. but It still Iwd to be subrniaed for the court's consideQtion. In !he Side case. !here p«:tOf 1hat the defero:Ialll Nod placed hi. lile and liberty in d.lnget on more than one occasion In his attemlJlS 10 lltiXUre lhe a,""" 01 memI:ters of !he T\tlaloos.o dfUll wllUre. The coun ~ tNt "il ","-",Id undetmine an ootions 01 /ai~ nOIlO requin! the state to lellthe court !he agreement made by !he tklendant and the st~te beocauJe the defendan(s motOon 10 consio:ler the agreemenl _ argu. iIbIv made 100 e.lItiy:""



In rewlvi", !he conIlict the SUtU1e and the decisions of I:trbt, .nd Congu tile supreme cou " held. ~ are d the opinion thai the Ifial court should

I\ao.e coosiden'!d the il'fmS d the plea bo,&"in ill the defendanrsleque:\t. noIWilhlWlding the ~ in the SUlUle II>deed. 10 hold otherwise ","-",Id haY/! a chilling effect on!he pu rpose ~nd spi, it of OUf holding in I:trbef . ... The dele,. miOl.ltion 01 wlle!her the ~I JoUb. """tiany rompiled with "" ~~,~~" belle< left 10 !he trial COUI1 oroce ~ has Nod an oppo<tUnity to e>:amine !he term\ d the plea agreemenl."

The last word on Dison . .• lhe difference bel\Oo'em in persondm jurisdiclion ~nd subject maUer jurisdiction City of v. Hoilaway, 20 ASR 2747 Ouly 25, 1986)-HoIIoway ..... s a,· rested M,lifch 5, 19&-4. and c/>;Irsed With dO.,.;", undet- the infIlIfna. purlWnl 10 an Alab.Jona Urtilorm lQ/f1C rod<et and Compl~int. Holloway pleo>ded guilty and poid a ftne. On May 7. 1%4. HolI(MIay alT@S1oo and charsed Wi1h dfivins while lire>Ie Of privilege 1UIpI'Ilded, !he d>arse bei", jliJl!oU3nt 10 a l)n;iorm "Ii.. IkCttation. She;oko ~ SUiltylOthis ofleose and piid a roM.. Although each 01 lhese tickets .....1 slgroed by the a,resling officet', neithe< tki:et was Sv.Qfn to and acknowledgfod bfofore a judSfl Of



FoIloNing the ~roun"J dl!ciWon in & .P.itlle O;JOfI, 469 So.2d 662 \Ala. 1%4). HoIk:w.!y filed a poocecdln8 in the cilCuit court 01 Houston County 10 M.e November 1986

the m<> cooviction~ >e1 a!ide and ",)(;.n ed and !OUght a refund of lhe f.r>e$ lhe had ~id. The trial court granled lhe relief !OUgh~ and thecourt of criminal appeall lummarily den ied the City of Dothan'l petilion br a wril of mandlmU>, baled on

Dison. The wpreme court granted lhe City of Dothan'! wril of cf'fllorari in orne, 10 delermine whether lhe oolding in Dison !hould be applied rellOOC1 i"",y. The wpreme court concluded lhat the Dison ca!e wal decilkd incorrectly. The rationa le of DilOO concluded that the I<>ck of _irocation of tile licker P"'" """led the di\trict court. and wb5equent· Iy lhe d",uit court on appeal, from 0btaining wbjecl mailer jurildiclion, and thvs. th~t the OeI"er>dantl coovid ion waS ...;lid. The wpreme court mcognized, ~, Iflere ""'" nu merrul cases decided prior 10 DllOO holding th31 the lade of _ificatioo of the ticket would only aI· fecrthe trial court's ability 10 obtain jurio;.. diction~' lhe per.;on and not irs ability to obtain juri!<liction of the wbjecl mat·

Ie<. In Ihal res~t. the supreme COUrt oI»en.ed lhe failure 10 ~ lhe tide! ""rified is a defect thai could be waived by ihede/endant by proceeding to trial in lhe district or municipal court without 0bject ing to the ddecl al Ihat lime. In ~,uli ng the Di50ll op<nion, lhe "'preme coo,., held, "Th3t iltfle unc is nol ""rified and the delendant does no! objecllO Ihis defect before Irial, then Ifle

objl.'Clion 10 the court', personal jurildic. lion of the defendant has been waived ." By reaching th3t ,es,;il the w preme court necessarily held Ihal !hole perwns woo .....,..., convicted of traffic infraction, pIlr· Sllam to an ufM'fified citalion and who d id not object to lhat defecl at the approptiate time. are no! enlitled to haYe their convictions '-"OIted or 1he fi~ they pa id refunded. •

John M. Mil/ins, Ir" is a member of the firm of Hill, Hill, Carter. fral">co, Cole &- BlaCK in Monlgomery. He

is a graduale 01 Spring Hill College and the Uni~ity of Alabama 5<:hool 01 I.av.< MiJljng CCM'1S the eiyil portion of the decisionl.

D""id B. Byrne. /r" i5 a 8(adwlle oIlhe UnlveTS ily of Ala· bama, where he received ~h hi5 unOO'8radUale and 1_ 008(1'<'5. He i, a member of Ihe Montgomery firm 01 Robison &- BeI5er and Ct:HeTS the criminal portion of lhe deci5iom.



""""""'9 ..

With ,he .... mbe!- 0/ new attor""llS >d lhe """""" 0/ robs dec,~asmg. more a M """~ a ttorneys ..e gou>g ""0 ",,,,,I.:e on lhe.. """" and miss lhe ben< fi, 0/ ,he cou......nne 0/ """e "'1>"'"" ':00 ",,,,,,,100'''''' The AIobo"" S,.,. Ba, Commrt,,, on Local Bat j AcIM!'" .nd ~ .. "",""",'og a -BucJd,y Pro sromPI""""' '''''''''''' b.lo membe ... a Jd:>w. J ~ lhey ffia\I consult r/ ' ...... confron'. prOOlem. need 10 osk. qu«IK>Il. or srmply "'ani drreel""",, '0







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Zip _ _ __



T~"'phon. _ _ _ _ __

o Pie. ... ",turn 10: Aldb.lma SUI,· AI.b.lma 16101.

n.,. P.o. 80' 41 56. Montgomery,

More Committees and Task Forces of the Alabama State Bar

1986路87 'k>OOn P. Macken~ie. 111_ 8jrmingham


The A/db.lmd Lowt"" Bdr Dirfflory CommiU.,.. and ~j;ltant (dilll': Richard E. FIOWI'r..-Columbus,. Georgia

James M. Prodor, II_Birmingham Gregory J. McKa)<-B irmingham K<>rri J. Wilson- jasper Myra L Sanderwn- Ra insville Mark Spear-Mobile wa lter Mce.::..v.n---Tuskegee Joonna Ell is-Montgomery

Sldff Liaison: Margaret Lacey-Montgomery

Commiuee On I.1w)'t'r Public Relation~ Information and Media Rdatio ...


C .... irman' Anthony l. Ckio--Birmingham

Dominy F. Nol"<lOli-Momgome'Y John Q Mor row, Ir.- florence Brenda Smith Sredham-AnniSlon Paul Pate-H un!Svilie


Chairman: Byrd R. Latnam-AIhens. Georgia

Stew CI"ments-Mobile Susan Beo;ille-Birmingham Mike Brownfield- Fort Payne Cherry Lynn Thomas-Unive"ity I.1%l E. [)eml ing-Dothan Law 0<1)' Committee

Ch.l irman:

Michae l S Jackson- Montgomery Vice Chairmlln: Carol Sue Ne lsofl- Birmingham

VLS Rep.....,ntati ve' Marlh. Lynn McCair>-Gadsden

Staff liaison: Mary Lyn Pike-Montgomery

Members: Bill Kominos-Ozan.

Abigail P. van "I$lyne-Mon~ry Gary W Lackey-Scotl5boro William G. Nolan - Birmingham Timolny P. McMahon_ Mobile W. Mason Dollar-..'.uborn Charles R<"eder- Mobile

Denise Boone



YLS Representali .... , Rebecca L Shc....s-Bi.mingllam Me mbers, Ferris W. Stephem_ """""tgOmery J. Richard HyndS-Birmingham Ro ll a E. Be<;k, Ill- Helena Donald Lee Heflin_Huntsville Nolan L Shory-Birmingham HOOft l. Baugh, Jr.- Rainsville John M. Fraley-Birmingham john E. Ensle()-1M,tumpka Thomas O. McDonald-H untsville I. ~rry Morgan- Birmingham Carol H. Stewan_Birmingham Did N3\<e, Ir.- Birmingham Gerald Paul k- ScOl1sboro lohn H. l1Ive!te-B irm ingham Kay Bain!o-Birming.... m Committee on legIol Services to the Elderly Chairman' Margaret Helen Young_ FIO<'ence VICe C.... irman: Clayton Oavi!o-Tuscaloosa

YLS Reprewn1.ilti ....: James P. Rea-Birmingham Staff liaison: Mary Lyn Pike-Montgomery MeIlIbe ..: Harold V. Hughston, Jr.- Tuscumbia Midi Stil ler- Deatwille Charles A.J. Be3\<ers, jr._ Sirmingham Plmny Davi!o-Uni .... rsity John w. Self_ Decatur Ruth Elizabeth Flanders-G.xis.den K<>arney Dee HulSler, III-Birmingham Marg.lre1 M. Edwards-Birmingham IJ. Simonetti, Jr.- S irmingham Robert l. Gonce-Florence Anne W. Mitchell-Birmingham Gary P. Wilkinson- Florence Rebecca Shows-Birmingham Celia Collins-Mobile Committee on local Bu Adivities and Senlices Chairman: wanda Devereau._ Montgomel)' VICe Chairman:

Jack Drake-Tuscaloosa

YLS Represent~ti .... , Rebecca Shaws-Birmingham Staff liaison, Mary Lyn Pike-Montgomery Membe ...: IZas Bahakel-Birmingham Dona ld R. Clewland--lM!st Point, Georgia Melea Clare Rodgerr-Decatur Chel)'l S. Woodruff-Dothan John Ifo.\:.'sley Romine, Jr.--Mootgomery Ralph A. Ferguson. Jr.- Birmingham No>et 1986

C"fIlIYII B. Nelson- Birmillgham j. Ttoom.., Killg. j •.-8irmillgham Liur" A. a.U_~-Mom~ry jiCk W. S<eklt'ro- Birmillgh.:wll Wim"m E. Sin,,,rd, jr.-Birmingham CM!)! AIIn Smilh-Birmir>gt\oom





FIowers-Oo!I>Ml ~U-MOII1jomery

William G . G;.lIu- Birmingham Charte5 E. Richarl'kon, III- Huntsville Comm iu~ 01\

8 ench


Me<!ling Cri lid , m of Ihe Courl!

Ch. irmon; KeIII HCflSlee-Cadsdeo YIS



John W. NorIOII ........ llniWXI Horace Moon, jr.-Mobile Com",;u~

on Pmv"...,.1Id Prior-iii,..

C.......",..,,,; lOll H. Moores-[)ec.)lu.

Suff li.>~: Moory Lyn Pii<e--MoNgome<y M"""bHt; EIi~abelh P~II~iI-Birmingham

Bob f . Ailen-Monlgomery E. Graham Gibbons-Mobile Limy R. G rill - Birmingham Thomas E. Wdlker- Birmingham Fred McG:IUum, Jr.- Birmingham Charles R. Johanson, III-B irmingham BJ. Mc~ta

fvn::e 01\


Seoices 10 lhe Poor

C.... '.moIlI: Roben 1. £dinglOn-Mobile Voce C...." moll; lerry \'Y. fV,..e1l- B'rmingham

YlS Rep.ewntalivt', Claim A. Black- Tuscaloosa


St"ff U.isoll;

Sldif LiJisoll; Milry ty" I'ike-Moo~


~ a...dhim, Ill-8irmi~


Co·d... i. "",n: ThOKl G. long- Birmingham

Rt-gi .... 1d T. HamOOf-MQnIg<.>mery


Tnk ron.:e$:


F. ().)noor-MQbile

Johll F. ProclOr- Sc:O!bboro Moorgarec Horllbeck c..eehe BinTlillgNm lionel t. ~Ie Wayne l. \\~lIi"ms-Tuscal"",", Ci.are<lCe l. McDorman. Ir.Birmingham Bruce Key-B i'm ingham Mac 8. Gre""'l"S-Birm ingham l. Bruce Ah le-s-Hunlsvi lle ""'n"on V. legge, jr.......... heI\s Willi"m E. Shillll. If.-DecalUr Thomas A. Smilh, Jr.--cullmilll

Mark Your Calendars


R ~teSet1 I ~ lj


William H . Traeger. III - Demopolis


l. Thompson MCMurtrie--HulIIsvilie (hriSlOpher ~8irmillgham Roben J. Y.w1ey-Mon1gOmery karen A. ZoI<off-Mobile R. PfesIOll 8011. Ir.-Mobile

Milry D,lIOn bi:len-Mon1gOmery FredeI, l. Aroncw-Birmingham G;.ry W. l:w:kev-Sc:omooro Kalht..,in~ Elise Mosl-Huntsv ille Robert M. lNcinberS- Tuscaloosa Tamara Youn8 J. Wilson Milchell- florence W. Thomas G.oilher- Eufaula Gilbe!1 B. I.iden-Mobile J. kHdar-.-Mobile Gene 'i.lml7,r. Jr.-Sheffreld

P.HidMI'f Ad~'-Y T~ fore. Co-d,,,il"l'rlolll; Jamt'S C. Banon. S,.-8inTlingharn Secrel ~ry,

W.H . Albrinon.,;a SI~f f Liai~,

Reginald 1. Hamner-Monlgomery

For Mobile In July 1987 Annual Meeting July 15-18


Joe C. CaSSMly-Enterprise Champ l)oOOS,. Jr.-Mobile lilll1y 1. Vines-8'nTl,"gham )e<ry W. Por,,~I_8,rmingham flftl



Erne$! C. Hornsi:¥-Talla."", P. Richard Hanley--Greenville )"mt'S R. Se.lle-Mo,"gorne<y Richard M. Jord.!n- Monl3omerv AI"... C. Caine-8;rmingham

• '"

legislative Wrap-up by Robert L. Mc Curle y, Jr. special H'$iion of 1986 c.o.emo. \.....Ilxe c~lIed Ihe legI~u.., into ~ial ....... sion Sepileuobe, 8. 19&6, 10 00., wllh fund' ng!.horuges in ~ul ~!<! ~~i8. The g<M'!mOf IYd _ bills in his c~lI. which require a simple majority 'Ole for passage. O1her legislatioo mU~1 be aPllr'(M.'(! by a 1WQ>lhird, m... jmiry. OIlhe 269 bills com io.....c , the I<!gislaturf! possed _al bHb 01 Inten:'Sl to I~ These will 001 be incluOed in the poeM!! 1»11 of}OJ' Code until approxirnalely 1937. If }OJ v.ould like a «lPV 01 m..or a,.,. 0Ihe< actS WI;",!hI! secmary at the _ l o r _ bills and the c~ oIlhe hou§e 01 <epreSefllil1ive'l for hooJ5e



Stale House, Montgomery, Alabilm;J 16130.

Unifonn rorcign JlIdgemeflts Act (tHS, Ad No. 8&713) II WilS s.poruored by lteptesentali~ Jim Civnpbell ~nd ~Cha,1e t.lp.d - ' s..-~. AI~joi", 30 """" D>pIlnS the "'Unilorm EnIoo:emenI 01 foreign judgements It£t,- including oeighbon lef1neHee, Mississippi and florida. Th is ~ became effKt,>'e October 2, 1986, and permi.s a copy 01 any aumen.i<:alO1d Ioroign judsme", to be liloo in the office 01 the clerk 01 any circui, court 01 Alab.lma. The clerl< will noIe !he filing in a speci;l1 docket 5eI up for brei", lodgments. AI the til.... 01 filing the judgrnenl. a c~ilOr Of his ~ muj,I file ~ affidMt ~ forth !he _ ¥III o>ddress of the debIot with a SliItemen! !hat the joogmem ;., valid, ~;iI:>Ie and ur>$<Ili .. fled. Immedialely lhe clerk will mail l'I()Ii(:e d the foling to the joogmt>rlt dciJtof. No process d enforcement ca n iJe iSilled lO(!h irty)days a/tef!he joosmcnt Is med, The judg· ment debtor ~ ~ "",""ution 17,0 ~ing the coun atl

loom the ~8fl iudsrroen! is pendins or iU( M been 8fOInled 00 ~ ..... sround upon wtokh e"bee",..,,! d a fUd8ment d ;>roy docurt COOII in ~ -...ould be~. This act does I'I()I apply to any otde< d irw;ome.withhold-

with ..........11TII':IfII'Wy guide!ioes lot child support ftIfoK ... menlo They ~re as blkM-s: 111 ~I Suppo<1 (5-68, Act 86-J09~This amends AI.i. Code Section 38-10-2 to e.;p;oOO the definition d""wppon" 1<.> read "support d ~ mlno< child and spousal suppan when such spousa l support is incidefllal lO child support ~uired 17,0 TIlle 1\1.0 of lhe Soci.1 Secudty Act." The deportmenl ts gi'>@fl the ~uthority to admlnislet incomew,thholding,n K«Mdance w ith the pnxedu~ il est.lblishes. The depanment ts authorized funher to desigNle 0< contr~ w ith a priVilIfl roIk!ction iIgenq' to admini5le< the income-withholding statuiI'. The perwn receiving~id for his 0< he, child ",ignl hi s right, 17,0 operation d law, for alime"'y and c hild IUPporl to the Depanmenl oi Human Resources. Othe, Code $«Iiorti a",ellded 17,0 ihts ~ ani! ... ,., . Code §§ 3II-1B-t through 311-10-9. (2) Assignment to Deportment oi H ........n Resources lor Support for Foster Mainlen;)1'I«'! 15-69, Act No. fJ6-66.6)-lhi, pn:wi<k$ for a n auignmenl 10 the Departmenl of Human Rl'WUrteS fo, the righl 0< any SUpport CMW 10 0< /0, a ch ild w ho i, in the ca,e 0< the department and receiving foster care or Io!.ter care main~nce ~ment ..



ing to ""(<>fCC' wppon obligations of other ju risdiction .. These acti ons mu st be maintained under Act NO. 8>-992 (.Ma. Code 30->-901.

RDbett L MeariI\I: Jt . IS !he dirIIc:Ior d b Uw 1nsIIIu'" at ttre ~ 01 Alabama. He rfK:tIio.ed /lis undergfllduW end mw degrws /rom !he lh'wtIsIr~


Child Support and Alimony

The [}efNrtment d H..",.,n ~rces pr-opos..d threoe bilk in an alft'mlll to bflng ~ with,n full compiiatlCl!

Ncrvember 1986

This assignment is by operation of law and is effec1i;e lor iJoth Current and aCcrued support obl igalion •. m Support Payor May fusl Bond (S-71. Act No. 66-(99)-This gioes the court authotity to require a iJond or secu,ity 0' :;orne othe, gua,antee ",suring lhe P'lYmenl of """,rdue SUPPOri. SUPPOri is delin<><! to include boIh child support aoo spousal support. The act lur1her pr0vides the COOri could require a P.1rty to post bond 10 as,ore vi,il<llion, 'ights. Th"", Ihree acts be<:ome eflec1i;e when sign<><! by the 8"""rnor.

~;des the procedure for an i"""lunl<lry dismissal of the appeal when the defen. dant is a "n<Khow". ~, it ~kJes for appearance iJonds on such appeals and the place of confinement when lhe sentence includes a le,m of imprison· ment.

86-723) This aCI, by lhe Administrati'o'l: Office of Courts, amends Ala. Code Section 12·12.7(110 provide Ih~t a defe .... danl who ai>Jl'l'a ls from a final judgmenl in district COUri and who fa il, 10 mow up in circu il court m;:ry be a rresled, without a warrant, '" being an escapee. II further


e.enefil1lng anorneys and their clients with the foHowing ptcfes5iOlllOI ""Mee!: • f'R~lY DMSIONS . lANDOII. T1M&RAl'rIWSN.S • ESTAT[ OR TAX J'lAN NtNG • EXl'£.RT V,1TNESS ITST1MONY • lAND SNL EXCHANGE OR




2143 • MotO"'. AI. 36652 438·4581



Di smissal of Appeal s From District to CiKuit Court (H·33, Act No.


This amends Ala. Cooe Section 12-1J..33 increasing the official bond of proWle jooS"'- The amounl of bond depends on the annual collections in the


Misce lla neous

itL~son MCGowin

Ro nds lo r Proba te Illdges (H-46, Act

No. 6 6-682)

John Thomas Sallard, a memllerofthe Mobile Bar Associalion, died Apr il 24, 1986. Ballard ",-as bom in Mob ile, AlaOOma. December 20, 1926. the son of John Lee Ballard and Editn W. Ballard. He gradua!ed from Ihe Uni w rsity Mililary School in 1944. and entcred the United Slates Merchanl Ma,ine Service. He Ialcr joined!he U.s. Army during \M)r ld \Var II and recei.,."j an honorable discharge in 1945. Thcreaftc<, he obtained a dl'g""" in accounting al the Uni""rsity of AlaOOma. and. in 1953, he was iM"arded an Ll.B. degree . FoII"",ing gr.>duat ioo from I""" school, he became an aide to US. SenalOt lohn Sparkman in Washington, DC. and serYed in 11\,11 capacity lor fou, "",!"S.

In 1957 he married Doddie Hall in Washington. Ihen returned to Mobile and beeam" affilialed with Rite Tile Compa"", dJbIa Stylon of Mobile, and lalcr be<:ame president of 11\;11 corporation . He """.ined in thai capacity until his rCl iremeni in 1984. In 1%9 he commenced lhe practice of law with the firm of Gibbons, Stokes & Clark and continued 00 a part~ime oosis until hi s retirement in 1984. He was. memlle, 0/ 5t. Johns El'iscopal Church, Home BuikJers· Association 0/ Mobile and a local Mardi Gras society and was affoliated with lhe Tile Council of America. He had many friends in the !ile bu,i_ ness, as we ll as the architectu ral, c0ntracting and legal professions. Ballard waS a highly respected aoo ICNcd person by his friends and coi· leagues, and his death is mourned by all. He is survi.,."j by his wife, Delores Hall Ballard; wn Michael E. Ballard, who is a member of the Mobi le oor; !1'00 sir t",,- Mary C. Schwallen llerg and Edith l. Gordon; and other r"'alives. •

These ""tkes are published immedi. ately after reports of death are recei.,."j. Biograph ical information not appearing in thiS issue will be published a! a later date if information is accessible. 'Ne ask you to promptly report lhe dealh of an Alab.oma allomey to the Alabama Slate Ba., and "'" IOOOld appreciate)OUr a"i\otance in p1O.'iding biographical inform ... tion fo r The AI300ma Ltwy<>r. •

Et Cetera

01 ind"iduollObetty.on<! the functl(lno ina 01 OUr IP"""'mtnll""' All ent ries must be poSlmarked by April IS, 1987, aoo should consist of no more d",n YoOI'ds. Including loot· notes.. Complete IVies. ill -tl "" entry Io<ms,. ~re ..... il''* from: £dUOllon Pro"""', Commission on the 8ken1enni,1 of ,he U.s. Constitution, JKI<son Plxe. NW. Washington. OC 20503. All entfies muSt be submitted to the clerk of court. United S\.1tes Court of Appeals lor the ~I judici.1 circuit in which me 1_ ..:hooI aUeno:Ied is Jo. caled. Regioowl judgina will be by a j)ilnel 01 judge!; ~ by the mem\:>eo; 01 the national judgingcomrninee. All regiona l winners will advance to rhe narlonal leYel. Wlnnerl will be announced in September 1987.

Survey s~ I')wyers work 46.5 hours ~ ...'ftIt A m.ojority 01


(10.8 percent)

~iooed in ~ recent

LawPdI W""Y indicated they ~ more ,han 40 hou" a \o\ftk (on ~n 3\'e'~ge. 46S hours a weoeI<) and bill 31.1 flours a...eek. Almost 60 flM:enl ...:.uld clloo5e a legal c.>ree<

again. and 42.4 pen:ent would encourage their child"", 10 become I~ ~ N.ed why they MU!Iied law, 58.4 peA:ent said becau§e the wbjea inre~ted them, and 1OOrl! than hall did so in the e.pectation that their work as 1_ ~ would be i"reteStln8Almost h.oll cho!.o.> 1_ b«ause its i.... come poeenrial iOpIM!aled 10 them. and anod1ef bIge glOUP reo.oealed mat the ~;se 01 a legal 0 _ helped draw them !O the profession. About ~ thin:! had no complaims about what they do, and [host! who had complaints most frequemly mentioned their incomes and Ion! Il00'10. Complete ~ ~IIS .'" publMed in thfo Stoptembe< issue 01 !he ~ /Ou,~1.

Essay contest on Constitution 10 award $10,000 10 law student ~ Publishi"8 Comp;vty,

in ~ lion with !he Commission on the Bicenlenni;JI of !he United Sutes ConsIiMion. is sponsoring an essay compeIition lot law Khool Sludcnts. Fif'\t prize w ill be $10,000, second, S2,500

aoo third, $ 1.000. ElICh regional

winne! w ill rece;ve iI rtvee-o.o:>Iume "'" 01 T~a", on Coru.ritOOon Uw: SubSIo1na and f'Io«d.m!, published bv Wesl_ All c.~ prizes will alto be fumi.!led bv


The competition is opefI to all students o>nrolled in a J.D. or lUI. degree progtam in an ABA or r.lahSlppro.oed law school.

The wbjecllor the

en...,. is:


"'" ~and ~ ~"iIInd ........... "'" br~dthe itde<aI __ emmenI COI"IIribute 10 .... ~



Growth of Us. lesal profession From 19BQ.aS, the Ieg.ll profession in d"" United States g_ by 21 pen:en~ inclNsing from 542,2OS In 1980 to 655.191 by the stan of 1985, The narional popu. lationil""""",r ",tio incre,sed lrom 41611 in 1980 10 360'1 in jur.l ~'" %Irs. In 1985 me populationllawye< "tia IiInged from a high of 2211 in the DiW'ict 01 CoIumbill 10 II low of 68911 in West Vil'j!inia tat 244/1 New 'Ibn< has me hlghesl stale populationll,.,.,..,... ratio). The median age for I""""",IS in 1985 was 40, CDmj)ilred to 39 In 1980; ~r. the median age lor wornoen ~ in 1985 was just )3 while for male! it _ 41. Eigh~ ~ent

of me 19&5 I.Jw.

population """"" men and Il pen:ent women , 8ecause of the increased num· ber of women entering the legal profession during the 1970s and '80s, women conti",... 10 ""'" grNter lepiesenration .monlJ JOUnger ~ than oIo:Ier. In 1985. JOpeKeIltol~ _ _ 1J.)(I!ed in pr.>Clia•• nd less than 4 pen:ent empl~ in the judiciary. The number 01 law forms in the Unitoo Stales also ~ flQlto 38,48 2 in 1980 to 42.3 18 in 1985. )t'i

These stalistK5 .'" a sample 01 the cur· rent data ao.I1itable in The Supplement to !he ~ SLNiWaI Report: The Sal ~sion in 1985.

us. I.e-

~ of the SupplMlenf may be 0<. dered 110m the American Bar Found.. tlon. 750 North lake Sho ... Ori"'!, Chicago. Illinois 60611.

"Supreme Courl" I.. unched The United States Uw Io\ft,\: and 8NA ONUNE, tho:' eIec1ronic publi"'inlJ divj.. ~ of The Ru ..... u 01 N~riooal Affain, lroc.. laur>ehed a new elect>Onic inlonnatlon ~rvice providing immediate c""",,r· age of all United Slates Supreme Court K tlons. The new servlct', "Supreme Coun Todit{." ~ Us. Uw \\ft>Ic ....... .--iH of deciSIOnS, ",,"lSoi review and 0Ihet ~Coon~ within haul'! 0I1heir iUl"""lICO':ITIenr. Inlormarion CitIl be reiri....xj by docket number, c~~ name o r subject mallcr, for fun her informarion, ca ll RNA ONUNE .t (800) 862-4636 0< (202) 4$2-4\31 In \v.tshinlJlOn. OC. La\\-)'I'f5!iUpp011

font'!, no! pri§Ol1, for

corpor.'e fr.ud ~I'! rend to support fines rather Ihan prison terms . s j)\lni shmem for CO<porate fra ud, accordlnlJ 10 ~ recent Wr· ~. pen:enl IhoolJht the cor· poration il:!oelf ought 10 be Aned, while J) ~ent thought the individ ... ls Iespotosible br the offense shoukl bear the An.ncial penallY. Su!1POfi for prison sentences reached only. modest leYel, the wongest "'pport coming from anomeys IlvinS in cities of less than sole prKtitioners and litilJalors. As .he cilY Slle inc~. en.hU\J~ for pri~ 1I!frm decfNSOl'd. ~ (M!fWhelmingly endorsed crlmi"",1 prosecu.ion. ~. when tOrpor-ue offidals cogagoo in conduct violaring heaith 0< 5afe!y staro:brtk in the workplace. Eighty poercent agreed that crimi"",1 prooe<:Ulion _ appropriate in thoie ci~ and 87 per«tl1 s.up. poned the imposition of puni ti'" dama!l"'-

Mediation resolVe! custody baltle! out of courl To SJ)iIre di\oOfCing cooples and .hen chi~ the 1Jn!/IC emotional and r."",n(;..I cmt oIlitilJ.llion, • new ruling in ~ Kalb CounlY (noeuopol ...., Allanla) mandite .hal all cases If'MllvlnlJ childrero-

No"""""" 1986

nea rl y all 01 which are cus.lody disPUles-be referred firsllO Ihe Neighbor. hood JUslice Cenler lor medial ion . The non'profil center oilers the ser' vices 01 more lhan 100 lrained medi ... Iors--f,.... of charge. Unlike liTigalion, medialion is a process benefIting p.Jrerlts, children .nd lhe courts; 86 percent 01 cases irM>lving I.Oluniary mediation ha-e been """I....d. for more information, conTact Jan Turner al 1404) 727.6216. AI~b~m~

Attorneys for Animals

A I ~bama

Attorneys for Animal" Con· ,i.t;ng 01)1 attorneys licensed to prac· Tice in Alabama, will hold ilS fit!t annual meeting Docember 6, 1986, in Birming. ham. The group's gool is establishment oIa new bar ~tion deal ing w;lh an imal cruelty mallet! '" soon Ihrough the eye'! of the law, For more information contac1 Mark Rowe,'1 Hogan, Smith, Alspaugh. Samples & Prau, 10th fioor City Federal 8Idg .. 8irmingham. AL 352m.

Publi ca l ions Chi ld se~ual abuse focus o f


book THE SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN: A f'lactiGIl Gui<k 10 Ajse.<.<-

men!, Irrvesligalion, and Inlervention will be released in De!:ember 1986 and provide professionals in lhe field, of law enforcement and c riminal justice w ith a comPtehen.i"" approach 10 the in ...... ti· gation and prosecution of ch ild "",ual abuse cases. ""sed on the lalesl field· tested te<:hniques. THE SEXUAL EXPlOITATION OF CHILDREN is the resu ll ofTh"'" \",a" of preparation and revision t¥ Selh L. Gold-

Slein, l6-year IlOlke ",",eran, ""sed on his own ""periences relaling to the in· ~ti8'l! ion 01 ju""nile "",ual assault cases and knowledge from Lawenforcement agencies and criSiS centers across lhe country. For more informalion aboul lhe con· lenl and availability 01 THE SEXUAL EX· PLOITATION OF CHILOREN' A PractiGIl Gui<k 10 AsseSll7>ent, ''''''''tigation. and

The Alabama Urwyer

Inten-ention, contact David Dionne, >enior maoi<etins ma03ger, at Elsevier Sdern;e Publishing Company In New Yo""; (212) 916--1010.


Dire<:tory of state courlS, judges and clerks BNA Books, a division 01 The Bureau 01 Nationa l Affairs, Inc" announces the publication 01 the Direcwry 01 Stille Courts. Judges. and Clerk!: A Stilte-byStale Lilting. with lhe name-; of more than 13,000 jlKlges and cleM and le lephone numbers and addresses lor more than 2,000 ,tate courts.


The book offers <Kcess to the names, addresses. telephone numbers and geoSraphic ju risdiction lor the top th,.... coun 1"""ls in all 50 stales, the Distr iCT 01 Columbia, Puerto Rico. Ihe Virgin Islands and American Samoa. A personal name index is included 10 assist in II)eaTing any judge, de"" or admini.trator, with court title and location. In addilion, there is an appendix 01 court adminislr... tors. with addresses and telepllone numbers. RN ....s Direc!Oly oIS1<I1e Crorts. Judges and Clerks: A State-t>y.Sl<lte li5ting is available from BNA Book, Distribution Cente<, 300 R,)ritan Ceoler Parkway, eN. 94, Edi5Ol1, New Jersey 08818. For telephone orders. call (201) 225-19Ot1


negat i ~ly)

their partr>e<i and

With ane<:dotes, interviews and il'l'\'eSt. research, POWER Of AnDRNfY takes a de<:isive stand on the k..,. iSSUes, who is really in power. how mtJch Ihey earn and how and why tr.ev w ill fall. for more in/ormation, contaCl Kim H"""Y. McGraw-Hili Book Company. 1221 ~nue oItOO Americas, New Yo"". NY 10020. Phone W2) 512-2486. • igat i ~

Richard Wilson & Associates Registered Profess ional Court Reporters 132 Adam~ Avenue Montgomery, Alabama 36104


PO WER OF ATTORN EY: The Rise of Ihe Ci,ml Law Firms The 03tioo', V>e.'l ithiest law lirm-Skadden, Arp>, Meagher & Flom-has pl...,-ed a dom inant role in the megamergers changing the landscape 01 Ame<ican business. POWER OF ATTORNEY, t¥ in~tigat i "" reporter Ma"" 51"""ns. chronides lhe rise 01 tili, form and many ",hers and reveals why name partner Joe flom is considered lhe premier rainmaker in the hi,wry oIlne prote.sion. POWER OF ATTORNEY escort, lhe reader in to this rarefied wor ld, where partners "",rn salaries 01 more Ihan $1 million a year for their effort" and prolil es Ihe man3sin8 partners, ch ronicling their rise to P'M"'r. how Ir.ev struggle to maintain it and how th..,. are v i~ 101-


Disciplinary Report Public Censures • july 16, 1986, Anni§lon ~,!orney IJmes A. Mitc hell, " "

was pui)licly (eMUred ~ 100 Boom 01 B~r Commissioner! 01 lhe AJa~. Slate Ba r lor violation 01 Di!o<:iplinary Ru~ 6-10IW, DR '·102{A)(S) ~nd DR '·102{A)(6). The commission delerminl'rl m..t Mil<Mll t..o:I ur'ldelulo:en ~ in ~ ov;, INtI« "nd willfully neglecle(l his dim~. use. AItet- Ming been disch;!rged, he /.oiled to n!l'und the unearned por1ion oi the . nomey's lee within a rNSOIIabie period 01 time, afle< h:r,o. ing promised to do so. The Disciplinary Commis.ion delermined Ihal Mitchellshoukl rocci'of! a public censure for Ihls \liol.l'on. IASB No. 85-6811

• )ulV 16. 1986, Mobile l;rwye. jolin A. Court...". _ I

publicly cen§ured for having eng.;aged in conduct ad...-rsely reneeling on I>i, Ii""", to prKIice law, in violation of OR l-102W(61, Coo.. vi ~iionool Responsibility of !he AI.Jbarni ~!e &ir. Courtney ~ illicit _wi ~alio:.lm 10 " Iiem;lIe chent and /ondled the dient in" _ .... lIy wggesli .... manner, withou1 he< roment, while she was iro his I.Jw office to discuss I,!;galion in which he ""IS ~1in8 he< and her mino< daughter, [ASB 85-29) (NO! the Ume perron 3$ I.P. NRickN

Coorl/lflY. III, woo pracrjcl'$ wilh L)'OIl5. P;p"S MobiJe)


Cook. in

Private Reprimands • luly 16. 1986. an AbiwN ~ A!Cei.....! .. pri .... te,,,,,d lor WoLHion of Disciph ......,. Rules H02\1\115), 1·1021A)(6), 6-IOIW, ;<.101(A)(1), 7.101(,0,101. 7-106 W .. nd 7-106(6)(3) of the Code 01 P,ofeu ionill ~spon>ibili!y. The .. ,. lome'!' WiI~ attorney 01 ra;on;I lor tWO dl..fundants on an appea l ptnding before lhe 11th Cin:uil Court 0/ Appeals and faBoo to comply with the orders of the COUrl tt'S'Irding timely filing 0/ an amended blie!' and record e><ce<pI§. The allomey Will tetrIO'\'\'d from !he Ii$! o/.~ "U(lf~ ..I"'-'d 10 ~ice before the I~h Ci/CUi!, and !he D,sciplinary IkNrd determined


Ihat the a!tatOO'( should A!Cei-e. private repri"""nd. [ASB No. 83-3461 • luly 16, 1966. an AI.bam .. attorney rec"';.....! a privale rep.lmand lor violation of Discipli .... ry Rules \-\02\1\114) and 1.102tAX51d!he Code aI P~ionalllespons;b",t)C The SIAl<! comptoolle< complained Ih;Jol!he allO<TleV ~ filed duplicate "nd (M."tlappi"ll b;lIings (In I I IeUl r-..o occasions..nd;n,e< itM!Stig<ltion the Disciplil'>;lry Commission delennined Ih;Jot, while there WH no evidence aI inlenl 10 8e{liIud on the Pir1 of the auorney. lheft! w.lS f!l/Klenc~ of iosuffi6eot supe.-vislon and recordkeeping.nd he should recei-e a private fI.'j)flmand for violation o/lhe rules mcmloned. [ASB 65-7121 • July 16, 1966. an Alabam .. attorney recei..ed a pri""le reprimand for failins to promptly correct legal documcrus he pra.oi"""V had prep.1Jf!d in connedion wilh a rNl esI-Jte closIng. Met- h.Jvi"ll been requested !¥ hi. clIents and .. n(lItM,r attomey 10 prepare ~ instrument§, rhe anomey noncchele» w.llted unnl ;n,,,, a griev.lor>ee had been filed "g<linS! him to I-Jke corN!Cti-e Xlion. The Discipiin.Jry C0mmission defeonined !hat lhe.ttorney had violated OiKipiinary Rule 6-lOIW!¥ willfully neglecting a legal """l1et emrustcd 10 him and (u"her decided he shoo ld recei-e a private repri. mand for that violation. IASO 84·3341 • July 16. 1986. an AI.bam.> atlQ(ney A:'Cl'i..ed a private reprlm.ond lor violalion 01 Disciplinary Rules 2·102W. 2· lO} and 3-103(A) 01 the Code aI P~J Responsibility. The Disciplinary Commission delermined m..t this ~ had erolered inla an eoo;:lulI-e Ieg.JI ~ conUXI with ~n tompal'l'l'. The .... ture of ...... relationship WH such m..t the I......,.,. was iJlY(lI>ed in imprope< ad>eftisi"ll iJlY(llvioS tolicil-Jlion, al~ SO)icltallon 10 be condlldoo on his behalf!¥ a third party (when a signif,<;.l nt moIi"", fo, ,his Will hisown pecuniary ~In) and ,hal he had form('d a fl.Jt1ner$hip with a non-l"""'r'l'r when one Xlivily 0( the p,,,toorsnip con~S!ed of the practice of I""", The DiKipli .... ry Commission delermined m..t the I......,.,. should recei-e a pri""W: reprim.>nd lor these violations. [AS6 85-624WI •






BOODY D. ' .IITH. D.s.. J.D.. P, lIld. nl P.O. 80. 3OS4 0p01lU. Al _ (205) ,...t5oU

__ _ _-_ _ Classified Notices .... .... . "... . "''''-''' ' ' -'' ............ ..... ... .......... ""- ' -.. ......

..... ~ _

..... o-w _ _ _ _ .. _ "'-' ,'


" " " ' - do _

FOR SALE fOR SALE: Alabama Report, \01 .. 1-270 .00 Alabama Appellate COUrt R<'pom Vols. 1-38. Conl~CI Ruth He nry (lOS) 7~·H141 . ...... County lu~tke C~ter, 2311 Hamilton Rd., Opelika, Alabama 368lJ1.

fOR SALE: Alabama Repone. (So.2d) v. 331-470 in 48 books (197&-19851; Southern Reporter lSI v, 1·200; Amlu, 2d; Am)u, Pleading & Pracrke; AmJur!£ga1 forms 2d; ALR 2, 3, .\ & Fe<Jer.l; U.S. Led 1 & 2; US-C.A.; flelchefs Cycloped ia 01 CO/poration,; Willi,ton on COI1t'.C1S; complete Tax & labo, libra!),. For all \'00' lawbook needs: The la .... book Exchange, ltd. bo ys & sell s. Master (.«IM ... accepled, 135 W. 291h SI., New York, NY 10001, (212)

594 ..041


cious offices with !"'el)' mooern c0nvenience, in histOf;C B,adfonJ Building. 2025 Second /Wenue, Nort~, Birm ing· ham, Alabam •. Phone (20S) 322-441 9. AnORNE\' JOBS: N~lional ~nd fe.d. eral Legal Employmenl Repon: A monthly deta iled lislingdhundred, d anorney and Iaw-relaled jobs with lhe U.s. Government and other publidpri. vate empl""",,, in Wa,hington, D.C., throoghootthc U.s. and abroad. $30.3 moolh,; SSQ..6 mooth,; S90.12 mooths. Send cI.ed 10 fe.deral Reports, 1010 Wrmont A~., NW, -400, Washington, DC 20005. Aun: AB. (202) 39 3-3311 VisalMC LAW BOOI( DONATIONS Neededl )ones School of law al Faulkner Uni.,.,r· sity in Montgomety needs legal books. journals, ele. Pick up can be arranged. Conl.ct k.1y Newman, 5345 Atlanta Hi ghway, Montgomery, Aldbama 16193-4601 or call ('20 5) m'5820, e>:t. 147 Or 151 (1·800-824-4527 in Ala· bama). ;'4:know ledgm",m will be made lor tax purposes.

The IIlabama lawyer

POSITIONS OFFERED RAPIDLY EXPANDING corporale I"", fi rm seeks "!Wfa l lawye" wilh one to four )",a'" practice "'peri""ce in any of Ihe following areas: lax. corporale. 5eCurilie'$. rea l e>!ale or genera l com""'rdallaw. Superior academic c<Wenlia l~ required. Repl y in confiderK~ 10 P.O. Bo. 10931, Birmingham, Alabama 35203.

..... ." ... "'" '4 _



must. \\lill report directly 10 the corp<>rate counsel. If applicalion is made by an attorney, a license to practice in AI .... h.lma is ",,<uited . Salary commemurate w ilh e><perience and professional quali_ licalion •. PI<M>e submil resu"", with salary ""<,,iremen!s to: Personnel Director, P. 0. 80:< 235000. Mont· gomery, Al.tbama 36123-5 000. EOE


THE ALABAMA STATE Depanment of Edocalion is seek ing cand idal"'; for fill· ing a limited number 01 vacancies on lhe depanmenl rosie< 01 impanial hear· ing officers. Nlor",¥ selected lot lhese VoKancics will 5<>",., as hearing officers in mailers presc ribed under the Educa· tion fo r Al l Handicapped Ch ild ren Act, 20 U.S.c. §1401 et K'q .• and 34 CFR Pan 300. Subpan E. Impanial hear ing offi· cers a re a!Signed 10 flear Ca'illS on a ro. taling ba,is and could expec! to con· duct an """rage of three impanial hear. ing, per )"'ar. Hear ing officers are com· pemated on an hourly fee b.»i, 3nd are entitled 10 per d iem and mileage in <>C. cordanee with State ru les and regula_ tions. Those applicants selected will rece ive tra ining by the State Department 01 Education prior to case assignment$. Applicants imerested in applying lor Ihese VoIeane ies should submil a b rief descriplion of eduealional background and e.perienceto Anne Ramsey, eoor· dinalor, Program for huptional Chil· dren and "'ulh, 1020 Monlicello Court, Montgomery, Alabam~ 36117. WE ARE NATIONAllY recognized

grtM'IlH>rienred real ... tate company loea led in Montgomery. We a re seeking a leasing attorney/assistanl to join our corporale counsel office in a fast·paced environmenl. The successful applicanl w ill have alleast two )"'.rs' e.peri""ce in shopping Cffi1ef or office leasing and be capable 01 interfacing wilh top ~I company execuliVl'S as well a, tenants. The ability to work independently is a

EXAMINATION OF QUESTI ONED Documents: Handwriling. typewrit ing and rel~ted e>:;;:Iminalions. I ntemauona~ Iy coun-qualified e.perl witness. Diplomate, American Soard d Forensic. Document Examiners. Member: American Society of Que'tioned Docum""t E""miners. lhe 1nle"'3\ional Association for Id<;nlificat ion, the Britim f0rensic Science Society and In" National ,o,ssociation 01 Criminal [)efunse Law. yers. Retired Chie!' Document Examiner, USA Cl laboratori .... Hans Mayer Gid· ion, 21 8 Merrymont Dri"", Augusta, Georgia JO<J07, (404) 860-4267 MEDICAL MALPRACTICE and Per· sonallojury: Record review and invesli. gation- Peggy Smith Anderson (a Pro. lessional Corporationl can J.lfO"ide a detailed report on the strmgth, and """,k. nessesd)OUrpersonal injury and medical malpractice record. Twelve )",a,,medical experience with risk management and quality assurarKe training for the hea lth Care provider. Suite C. 5021 I""rville, New Orlea ns, louisiana 70119, (504) 484-75 18; 120) 7th Avenue, Wurel, Mississippi 39440, (601) 649·5916 BARR ISTE RS' RESEA RCH CROUP: legal oesearch and writing services per· formed by a group d licensed Ala!xlma attorneys. A unique, ti mely and ine><. pensive w~ to so lve )OUr oese.reh ".,.,.js. Requesting att<.>rney conlrol s


Classified Notices deadlines .....:110131 rime apended 00 NCh ~~. Rote ~30 pel' hour. Con' H I BuriSIHI' R.-seu.:h Group,


6981 ,

Birmi ng h~m,



Ai..1blImlI and Cumberland lioories,. \-.etI.lw NI.>bie PrompI ~ine 5ef. vic~. $35 hour. S. •• h Koolhryn F...... Il, 111 Moort Suildifl&. MotIIgOmety, AY-

15210. (205) 595·5426 No tep.esem..• lion ;s maoo about [It<! qwlily of the lepl service! 10 be petfotmed 0< the

lhe lelP' servia! 10 be performed Of

f'1(pf'ftise oIrh<lIN.'Y"l periotming SIKh

the expertise of rhe lawyet performing

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lEGAL RESEARCH HHP: Momey w •.., ~ 'f'I:..t eI<~ in lepl reo KCfl.S 10 Un,,,,,,,ty of

s;nippf Code;s in eoceIlen! condition. Conud AI EI~, 711 11th SI ........ TlHC.loou, ALlboomll 15401. I'honI' (205) ) 45-6%9(h) . nd 758'150](0).

INma )(,101, phone 27;<;")) 7. No repte-

R'fll.Orion is ..... de aboutlhe quality 01



WANTED AlAllMlA COOE \\:.\NTlO in e<lor M'»'Isippi Code. The Mos-


FOR RENT: 8lrmlngnam, High land arU 2,200 sq , h. Mc<.<e in f\(JN 10 /OU, plush offi~ Large c:e>ual ~feWial

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November 1986

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