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... AND PROUD OF IT! lSI. INSURANCE SPECIA LI STS. INC currently serves in ils fourth d«adc of Insurance Program Administration 10 Members of the Alabama State Bar. Established in 1959, 151 entered ils affiliation in Alabama in the early sc\'enlics. Since llWn, the Agcllcy has expanded \0 the West COOSI. New England and Allamic Stmes, bUI maintains ils home in the South where ;1 b<'gan. We understand Lawyers and their needs, and slr;ve 10 maintain the tradition of excellence thm sets us apart over lime.

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LAIY1' £1( Vol. 65, No.2 f March 2004

On the Cover. lIuUah a.tchee Ri ver in J\larion Count y. Alabama. "hore by i'tl.i




Legl l Services in Alablima Unite and New Executive Director Named


Alabama Giving: Lawyen Playa Key Role in Growth 01 Community By EU~/h o,nnis


Revisions. MCLE Rules and Reguletions


Celebretion 01 the 30th Anniversary 01 the Rules 01 Civil Procedure Reminiscences on Adoption of the Rules of Civil Procedu re By Au/iff CIwnp LyotU. Jr.


The A.R.C.P.: Their Promulgation li nd Implementation By o..klry MrIIOit. I,

102 The Right to • Speedy Trial in Alabama By Will........ L Pfelfrr. If. anJ G. Ray KDlb. Jr.


Jury Nulli!icetion: The Anti-Atticus By IwIfe 1'PIw/o Basdo<J,



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Are footprints as foolproo f a s fingerprints?

norir.... <M dd....., .no....,. of. Ran. court dKUion from ,Itt hisJ>eu C<MIn;n a "";&hborlng $la,~. He wa$ $urpristd 10 find ,I>t prostCulion', ~X""" wilnm had also The Mealey's E-Mail NN>s



in case. But ,he (our. htld ,hOI fOOtprinf$ from insick a shoe w~r~ nOt. r«ogniud uu for ,,,,,,if~

expert ,,,,,,imony und .. ,he Ooubt" Sland.rd. A. , he d.fense "nomcy continued hi. search of analytical

SOUrCes from M~1t1Kw lknde~ including Moore', Ftdn..1 Pr~t';u" on ,"" LcxisNtxil~ Itmcts, lit qui<kly found further supponi"" com_,ua.,. and IMlysis. When you netd 10 ~ • 11q> beyond cues and codes in your resan:h, ..... ,he uxisNexis~ TOIl] R.(Se;)n:h


"'- you



LexisNexis' ,..,100., .... ~"" .. ~

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n 1994... a result ""ISland,,,, work by the Rang- Planni", Coonminee kd by r..,faso r e. ml•.., Cool<. !he ALaban>J, SIal. Bar adopted tho

I Lon,

rotlo.,ing mWion stalnnnll: The Alabama SWe BIr is dcdkwroJ 10

promoIinJ professional raponsibility - ' ~

"fios 1I'I(tQbtr1., imptOYina thc administration o f justice ond incfus. ina the public undemandin, of and respcc1 for lhe: law. Some of my Ihoughts rqardina profe" ional responsibility .... r. iDCluded in the last iss"" "rthe 171. AI""""", /..a~. The mile bar SUJIPON improvina and mlinl3inillj It.< competency of its mcmbolrs throop. very IICI~ ODd drecti~ «>nIinuin, !CPt ~.tion pt'O$ranL It is tbt laltt"f h..,1I$pOCIt of our mi..ion SlIlemmllO ",bicb my commmtl are llim:1ed hm.. - .•. improvin& !he odminisuation or justo« and incfus. ina !he public undcnIandi"l of one! mptct f« !he Iow.- liow in 110< -nd does !he _ . bar IJO ,bout IttOmpiisIU0I rho Lann portIon of ill mission1 Qn,e o f the "'"3)'1 IIw the WIle bar "" suppc><ICd ;""""",ina the admini5lnl1ioo of junk<: ;1 lIwu&h ill ruppon oflM Alabama t...w InSlitutelead by Bob M<:Cll r loy ....1>o i, assisted by PrnOf I).,-k . Throush ool<W\ding leadership ewer the ~an. the: Alaba.m.. Law Institule h.. truly helped improve the


administntion of justice in Al.bama, Almort )0 yean



too .

ago. wh<n Bob McCwiey bccam< !he dim:!« of Ihe [l\SIilUlC:, tbtre ""CR four emp~ The budget "fthe [!l$li1UlC Lhls )aI" i.1css tIIan it _ in 1991·1992. Today ~ are still four ~ In my presidenl of!be 1liiie bar. I ~ lalka1lO. number of leaders of 0Iher SIllIeS 10 oompare ..... AJabuna r.InstiMe ..ith ,,11M is Pin, ... in 0Ihef SlllIa. Our Institute probably has the ImllIesi ~ of staff ......... bers, one of !he ImllIesI budJC1S, """ one of the Imo'OSI paid sum ;" the Uni!Cd Sill... ne,pite theoc shoncom· ings., theAlabama Law InsliNle is one ofm. best in the cow:ury. ThaI iJ JO bc<:IUK of the ludmhip of Bob and ~my. and thei, very efTlI<:live UK of members ofthi. bartO _i,1 ;" !bti, projccll. The Alabama Law In.,itute is one of A1abamI~ ftUW"CS. I "'I" you 10 ~~ your ~ 10 IlIJIPOI1 an i~ 10 !bt Uw Instiwte~ fundi .... Since the inception of the Law Inslitute. Alabama Iaoo-ym have IJ<DOfOIISIy responded 10 ~ for ~ A«:ordiD& 10 the Uw Instiwte"s _ SIMi....., the <:OlNributioclJ in lime ..mcb t-ym ~ made ill fCt'Iina "" the _ _ rommintn "tudl IIdp drift new ~ or ~re old ~..-..owus 10 appr=imaIdy S2.400.000ofdoowod 1ep11ime. year. Th>t is an ",,~nary """""'I'1isbmenl. For !hose of you who have no! onved, I "'I" you 10 ..,runl...... Tbose of)'Oll "no have "I)lunt«rt<l your lime for Ihi. most impona!ll function can wtainly be I'fI"'d of your contri· butions to!bt efforts 10 improve lhe adminiftrluion of justice in Alabama.

!raVe'" ..

Mcmbm of 0Ill' bu bave 11110 dilig<"ll'ly workN on a>mmi •• l«S aOO task fon:a of.he 'Ia~ bu <Nt:r rht )ntS '0 imp!'O'o'e our tu~, 0Ill' indiFfll defense systm> aOO rho WI)' "" ~Iect our jud&a. in an ~lfon 10 cootinue rbil very impDnanI pan ofour minion. llIis year .... crarcd I Commu ni.)' EIIlKllloft Commln~ under rht able Ie3denhip of " 1]]..... UIH)'. OM 0( iu wb illO ~Iop brochum or pamphlttJ desiped 10 edueasc rho public OIl impon2ru i _ . Prior 10 rho SU~'!; VOle on Gow:mor Riley'!; tar. JII"!'OS"I0 rho IWC bu pili>Jisbed I pamphlet wIIich prumlN both sides of !he: i~. The: brochure was exlremely " -e11 ~ived. ~ CEO of . rorpon. ,ion wnxt lru., he had pn:r;i<kd C<lPi" 10 all of hi, cmployetl bfcaust;. was !he: only publio.'ion .... hioh pr=n.ed both ,idel of the i$I ..... in an ur>dc"",ndable way.

l1le commi~ il in the procO$l of dtvelopina; brocbu," pre,, both lides of !he: ilSlleS on cons.itutional refonn aOO I death pmall)' monuorium. II is I OO<I>e\O"haI .Iow procest. bu1 I l1li ...,.,..inCN ont Ilw i, very aorth ....biJ.,. If .... arc 10 k""p our ,....,..tJIic. i. wi11 ~ toeca.... our citizens are educarcd 1\>ouI and UIIoCknwId rht law. and rcspea it.

Our Co.nmunil)' E<:Ncation Comminoe is also coopen'iJIa .... ith the Allbl ml C.... u lOr Law I " d [11"" .. loft beaded by JI ..I« C_I ... Tho. group has been I leader in hoi"';na back oivic NlICI.ion .0 our public ",hooI •. Earlier thi, year. •·red GI1I)' lIId I WTOIt itI'en 10 Cl<:rvftl>Or Riley flIOOUf'l\lIina him 10 keep civic fduc:1'ion in our public ",bool,. We bave l"e<'ently Icanw:d ,ru.1 i .....iII ..... for ono!he:r cycle. 0.,. >-err orealive program wIIioh is htlpinglO edlKo.e the public is the ,,""Ie bu'l MlA-gll M il... o".." pn.>&fIZI1. F'nmantnl markcn have beeft placed in areas around the mte 10 commemonte .igniFlCant evflIU. MOSt ~mly.• he fiatt bu joined with lhe J IOlLsG .. 1I1.... rI.,.1 Anod • •Io .. 10 establish an

ptaq .....


the a-entS thaI occurred some 73 ~... "'" in the "ScottSboro Boys TrialJ~ ""bic:h Iod 10 landmark dccUiom in our crimi .... juJri« J)'Jltm. outdoor

We also hope 10 incrase 1M public undmtandi", of MId rcspea ro. the bw ttwuuch 1M __ lta1e bar procmrI. -A'~IHQ,A"''''mlr$ .ad It.. Lb" : PLIY " S .... r.!" As laoNyn... thI~ ItO into the publIC ..,boolllO IIIk abou. the ,mportance of academics and the rok a.hletics call play in I youngp<:rwn's life ond a=r..... hope.o moounge bigh ,.hooI ,tudcnl$ 10 take the low Jerioully and '0 prq>are them· ,.Iva for I a=r in law or some OIber form ofRrvice. ...hetb.". public or pri .... le.


We mus. begin early if ",-e e~pecl oor cilin-ns 10 be ,,,!fiei,,,,'. I)' edlK31ed and informed.o participale in.he eleaion process.

Unfonuna.ely. in elections. not (111)' in Alaboma bulol"" across the Uniled Stille$, VOl.". lumoul i, gmerally very low. We seem 10 haw: loti the C"Xcitcme"n1 tha. shoukl..:eompany _" III opportunity, i. • .• 10 fully lOll r.....1)' paniclpaIC in the dtmocrlllic process. On NoYember I. 1961. 1 wu ....... inc in the Army in the Delta ,....;o..ofSoutb VIeUIIm.. AI an Idvisor. I hod vny close ~ "ith VottnIn>eSe offltCfJ and JOIdiers. Novtmber 131 ..... the day of rho rtrJI rr.c .1ect1OflS in South Voetnam. Tbere ....... I grea. deal of exc;lemen, .. people went to rht polls forthe fim lime. 1 do not real! lbe ClIaet number. buI'htn: ...... • lumou' of more than 90 pm;cnt. There were some s\eplics who qllt'31ioned the foimnt of rht .leaiOlUl. bu. I do know .ru.. the people did VOle. They voted in ""II numht .., $100<1 in lines and ,enuinel)' seemed excited abou. the opportunity. 0.,. of!he: )'OURS Vietname>e off"1CCrJ wi.h "'hom! served was ex.remely pleased tha. his oountry wu c~periencina demoeracy firsthand for the rIM timI:. 11. uuly believed tha. we ...m: fichtlng for


Notice of Election Nota IS gIIWI /rerewI/fI prmall 10 me AIabam.iI SI8I~ BIt RullI GcY8mmg £let:liQn 01 P/lIsioorl/·fl«! ¥wi Ctwrm$$otlf1I!r1

COMMISSIONERS Bar commissioners will be electe<l by those laW{(lls wi th their principal offices in the fo llowing circuits: 1sl: 3rd; 5th; 6th, place no. 1: 7th: 10th, place no. 3. place no. 6; 13th, place no. 3, place no. 4; 14th; 15th. place nG. 1. place no. 3. place no. 4: 23rd. place no. 3; 25th; 26th; 28th, 32nd: and 37th. Additional commissioners will be elected in these circuits fOf each 300 members of the state bar w'th principal offices herein The new commiSSIoner pet'tlOOS will be determined by a census on March 1st. 2004 and vacancies certlhed by the secretary no latB!" than Malch 15th. 2004 All subsequent terms will be for three yealS. Nomu'\allons may be made by petition bearing the sIgnatures of five membefs in good standing with principal offices in the circuit in ....tlich the election will be held or by the candidate's wrinen declarallon of candidacy. Either must be received by the secretary no later than 5 pm. on the last Friday in April fApril3Oth. 2(04). Ballots will be prepa red and mai led to members between May 1st and May 15th. 2004 Ballots must be voted and returned by 5 p.m. on the last Friday in May (May 28th. 2(04) to the Alabama State Bar.


As I ",ad lh< newsp3.p<"rs loday about OUr young soldi .... in lraq .• nd from lim< to lime C<>I'I'eSpOtld wilh lh<m. I am ",mind· ed of lIIoso ,1000Iion. now nearing 40 years ago. ThaI .ffen .1 democracy failed and Somh Victnam b«ame par! oh communiSI , !.O!C. l1Ie", ha •• of COOI3e. been much debale over lh< years ,,"'elhor Our involvement in Vi.mam was JUS!. Today OW' presidemial candidal ... are again debaling whnhcT lh< Uni!Cd Siales should have gone 10 "'"31'. bm this lime in Iraq. This is n.ilOO Ihe lime oor lhe place 10 debale lh< issue of whether lh< Uniled SI.les should have aMcked Iraq. However. having inV3ded and "'un lh< war againsll",,!. lh< Uniled SlAlO'S now Iw the opportunily. and most likely Ih. obligalion. 10 Slay the eourse in assisling Iraq in becoming a Iroly f",e nalion. l1Ie American Bar Associalion i. assisling in lh< .ffen lhrough ito Iraq Inilialive in whiCh il ha. asked for lawyers 10 ",h"'l""r 10 assiSI lh< Imqi s in develOping dem<><ralic sy>tcl1lll. Perhaps some of our members ",ill.~ 10 join in lhal effon in Iraq. H~, .... need nol go 10 Iraq 10 find" sy>lt!m of jUSli"" which "cOOs OW' a"emion.

TIle probkm, of coune. in Alabama is 001 an absence of dem<><ralic syslems in pi""•. Oflcn.lhe ",.1 problem i. lIIal cilizen. do oot fully underslAnd lh< legislalive proces •. llIe


criminal juslice system, lax syslem. etc. And. ",e do not Lake lh< ti"", 10 be fully informed on important issueli. olk" ",lying on emotion « tradilion or perh3p. oor own $elf inl'''''1$ rather than ... hal i. best for Alabam •. I urge each of you to look in )'<1m" communily and in our ,13.," and find a way lha')'<IU can help carry oul OW' .13.le bar mi .. ion. AClively !lttk opponunitie. 10 panicipale in effens to improve the administralion of justice, and to i1\CJeasc the public um", ... tanding of and ""peel fo, the I..... Should you have an idea 3S 10 haw the .tale ba, may bette, fulfill ils mi .. ion. lei us know. Al Ih. conclusion of Ih. CoJlStilUlionai Comemion. a lady asked Eknj.min Frankhn, "Wdl, doctor. do "e ha'e a republic 0' a mooarchyT' "A republic, if".. can keep it," Franklin replied.

I am convillCed INI if 00' republic i. 10 survive. il ""HI be only if Our .ilitens u"demand ou, system of governmem. bow ill>lOr"lts. and whal lhe issues rue. and be<:orne ;nlimaldy in",lved in ..... urin~ thai 11 grows e,en I1mnge, rnr fulure gen_ mII""'s. remap" more INn any other group in ou, society. I_wyers do mon: lhan lhei, fair shan: in .....-ting to "keep" ou, "'public. Thenks 10 311 of you. •

Judicial Award of Merit Nominations Due The Board of Bar Commissioners of the Alabama State Bar will receivtl nominations for the state bar's Judicial Award of Merit through March 15th, 2004. Nominations should tJe prepare<! and mailed to: Keith B. Norman, secretary

Board of Bar Commissioners Alabama State Bar P,O, Box 671 Montgomery AL 36101-0671 The Judicial Award 01 Merit was establishe<! in 1987. The award is not necessarily an annual award. It must be presented to a judge who is not retired, whether state or federal court. trial or appellate. who is determined to have cootribuled significantly to Ihe administration of justice in Alabama. The recipient is presented with a crystal gavtll bearing the state bar seal and the year of presentation. Nominations are considere<! by a three-memtJer committee appointed by the president of the state bar. which then makes a recommerldation to the board of bar commissioners with respect to a nominee or whether the award should

be presented in any given year. Nominations should include a detailed biographical profile of the nominee and a narrative outlining the significant contributioo(sj lhe nominee has made to the administrat ion of justice. Nominations may be supporte<! with leners 01 endorsement.


MARCH 2004





For "","", ot.: ......, pno: .. ",I>« ""'ds in ot.: Montgomery ..... l"'" CUI ..;or m. rout ....,. ho<d. From .n. oopru..icorion 01 <Klt nu.bk<I lobby mol NIGHT """",i"'..,...iog """'" ro th< ~...",.n.tld ........,., of our JUt'" ond S"'" fOOfTU, 11>< ~ .. C>p;tol Hill <>fl<.n • ....,. of ;",;nu<y • ...! d... u_.jW* " od,.,- «>mpoanbl< t.:>o .... Ar.:I ;c' .u I.ocot<d on dw: I\Dben 1"". 1<><><> GoIfTraii. For .......,.,... all 3~·290-I13S 0 , rio;, www.ks<~If,ew",<o,". omcn;,ja 01 ,

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gal Services in Alabama Unite and New Executive Director Named "When I ~I IO law school, It was always my intent to wOO: WI fIOII1)fOfil advocacy I\'IaI\aQ& menl because I wanted 10 cIo S1J!111:11Iir91J'1)r1l meanirgfuI willi my life: pid Mlliissa PelShing. tho feN executive director of the new1y Io!med le9a1 Services Alabama !lSAl. By iICCepIing thi, challenging position, I't!fshing wi ll definitely bIIliving up to that goal as she IYOIb with other attorneys and jlfofessiorlals across the state's 67 coomie, to aid Alabama's


On February 1. 2004, Alabama's three, separate legal Services Corporations united to form 8 single. comprehensive. Statewide Pfogram. Legal Services Alabama. Retommended i~ Decembef 2002 by the AI. b. m. l u ll; fore. on Rl eonfigurJilion and esmted by the AJ . bl mfl uw Found"ioll. this new, iI1tegrated $'f$temwill position the Alabama civil justice ~ 10 better proYide equal ar;cm to justice lor ~II . IwJ the ~ ea:ess to Ie9aI services it will providII is long CMfdue and It'ne than needed. In our stale. 691U197 eitiretls live Ht or below !he poverty 1IMtI. These irdividoal, n ramifies have appIoUnate/y 154,644 legal neetb 11 year. Between . 1 services PlIlgI8ms n pro Iolo PlilgIilII'lS. ~ (Mlf 16.1Xl1 of eligible low ;"00"''' citireos ,occi,eeI legal assistaoce in 2001 .... gap between servicu needed and services received 01 0YeI Il8JXKI. The legal services programs in AIiIbama ' - always been supponed by the Alabama law FouOOation t/voogll its IOlJA[Interest 00 Lawyen Trust Accounts) gr3nt Pfogram. A new vision for deliverir91ega1 services to the stale'S low-il'lCOl1'le cilizens.lSA will improve tile coordination 01 resoorces. and improve fund raisirog , At tile Ilelm 01 lSA.l'efshirog received ner as from Butler Un MJfsity in Indiana and her JD from Georg ia State Colleoe 01 Law. Her e~lensive previOlis experience in legal services lias prepared her Willi for this large. but e.<ertirog. task. "11Ia>'8 served as the e~ecutive di rllClor of Legal Selviem of North Carolina and most rece11tly was programcoonsel in state plamirog for the federallBgal Selvi(;e$ Corporation whefe II'IOtted with 15 states as they recooI9Jred and mIlfgIld legal services. so I feel ready for this posftion. " Melissa Pefshirog

I'erlhin;t 5aid. Pershing also has I ~nd in markelDjj and public relations that she Iw!lieves will prM valuable in her new job. "I left the world of a.porate marbting and went to law school so I cculcl realt1 help people •• she said. "But the IIlif9s I learned while in the marbling world will be a good fit fur tm POSItion. 100: Hal marbtirog stills undoobtedly will rome in handy as sh8 laces what she sees as one 01her new job's biggest ludles-lund raiSllY,l. "Even WIth the consistent tioancial sufIIX)'! hom the Alabama Law Fouroalion. lund rai$irog is ~ to be vital for legal Services Alabama to do what it lias been desigroad to do: she said. oft is one of the biggest challefges: Another challenge willlw! to take three separate groups aM sua:essfully merge them irno one. "8IJildirog a unilied system oot 01 tIlree distinct cultures will not be easv." she said. "We have to create one cu lture in wNc/l everyone feels they 8re II pan of lSA instead of the organization they were previooslV a part 01." Bobby Seg all. witll Copeland franco. is chair 01 the TransitPoo Committee lor lSA and summed up the importance 01 this new di rection in Ieoal aid lor the JXlOI. "Im1e wonderlul progrillllS have rome together in a spiril 01 compromise and even sacrifice in order to bette!" setVe people \<rtlo 'Ml!I1d oot othefwrse have access to Ieoal services: he said. "I !hit*; everyone il'Mllved is ~ toward the future with a lot of hope and with a tormIitrNnt to making the ~ of Ieoal services better throtJriwt Alabama than Its _ been before.· Pershirog agreed ~Iy with Segall's sta\elnertt and Wwed her own passion and dedicabOn to the ~ bv stressing lI93in the intep role tsA will pIav in lIlA" saciety. "Without teval SeMces Alabama. aided bv the bar pro bono prO!lfillllS. people who live below the fXlY8IIV level 'Ml!IkI have absolutely no access to the C1lI.ItS." she said. "The OCMIf1'lI'IlIIIIS rlqlired to provide attorneys in criminal cases. but that is oot so in civil cases. and so many thirgs go on in civil court that have tremendous i~ on peop!e's 1i>'8s. us people lose the most basic r:ornporIMts of a MPPY life: they lose health care. they lose their homes. and they even lose their safety: •

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r,;wIlI\o11ion Title IrISlII.",e Company

la1dAmerka FIlirlCiiI ~ Inc. •2200 Wtx:dcrest I'Ia:P, srne 330.1!1rni'1;tan. AL 35209 I'to:le: (roJ) 831 ~7 • Fax: (205) 868-101 1 • WIWI.Iarrlrn,(!)11 Michael E. RiiIe . Vr:e Presilem, Area M.nager/Caa.eI . ~COO'I FosteJGoOO.Wl · ~ ~tatM! . ~.o::m Chl W. CiWl · SE!lia l.h:ierMiter · ~ ,can

Rebe«a E. Crook •f,q!fq Rep-esentatM:! · RJOOk@I.and;

a:.iIIol. _

No Quick Cure for the High Cost of Medical Insurance


he Alabama S la", Bar fim

sponKnd an in,u,·

II'" 1940s. The prodPCI was disabilily in,urar>ce. SiDOe then, a nuft'lbtr of i ..... rma: producu 1woYe become availlble 10 SIaIe bar members II f.,"OPb!e profeuionallPOUP me... ir>clwlinl ",nn life. ",-erho:ad proteeUOn. ....p med· icaI. Medicare wpplem.flI. and loq.\Cml CIR:. We rqularty ~"" ~a11s from bar memben .. bo are IIp5tI "illt the spiraliJIi price of the wee I;w', Intt prodoct in lhe

lhhoogb lhey ronlinue,o lenIicc policies a""iLa bLe Lhrougb • f...... SUi"",ide USOci.lions.. lbey 1>0 Ioog<f wri", litis Iype of~. Our admini.· LraIOI. lSI. bao also made "'"CI")' .fTon 10 find other Ieso co.dy mojor medi.ealalLtt'1\Miw:s. M..,y wiLL ruallthe prol,,"ionaJ liabili,y i......-ana:

Ii,.." I do IlOl nto:d to .~plain bow .~pelUi,.., medical

ai ... in !he 19lIOs. A number of mljor imuren disronlinued writing prolw.ionaJ Iial)iLi'y "",."age and pulled ""I 0( the markct.. Thil I..., many lawyers and finm in Abb&mr. SC"nImbLinl for or going bare. The ...... llilll ~ 1I\IItc1~ was the 1"""';$ of

ins""""'" i. N ihal the", i. lillie hope 1Iw COSI$ will 100II iwbilize. The: slale bar', major medical plan i, unllerwrill. n by New Yo rl Life In,uraocc Company and admini$len:d by 00' 10ng.I;"", lItird·parey admin. i,tnlor. Im ura,..., Sptdw li,t., hIC. (lSI). New Yori; Life i, """"'I the lasI llrJe "A "·raIN companies thai cooI;n ..... 10 .. rile mljor medical pulicies fN assoc;.· tions. A1Lboug1t thi. pIaa i. DOl inape ... i''''. il i. ~pIf1IIIICICd i ......" Thi. lhal rtgMdleJl 0(. SIIIe bar jlI""<C1;.tilll medical roDdili<Jn. New Yori; Life will proo.idc covnap. In <loin ..... however. the policy is ""'nIed." .. hich "",IllS the pemi"IDS ~ ... be sipIirlClJllly hWon. I haw: ponooally contxlCd BI ... CmPIBI ... Shield of ALabama 10 discu.. the .,.. iL.biLlly 0(. krA-er COOl aLlemlliw: titan the Cnm:OI mojor medical plan. BOBS is the domin..,1 medica L in.""""", provid<-r in Alabama. According 10 some ... pons. Bc/BS .... rile. upward. 0(70 pe"",m of lhe medical ooverage in ALabama. Officials " i th BOBS infnrmod "'" thaI

Al1onH')'ll I nsura",,~ MU l u~1 of A Lablim a (AIM). The: ASB LnsutIUICC Prognoml Commin"" spearheaded Lhe effon 10 C",ale . ~clpLi...,·· ;nsu"" owned by Lhe la wy«$ of Alabama 10 provitlo a 5011"'" o f liabilily in"""""" and 10 c",ale. "",an, of oompelilioo fN Lhe rornmcrciaL ;nw",rJ. Q,-er Lhe Lasl yellS. A IM has $uttttded in heJpin. to crtale a mon: stable prof... sional liabilily insu"",," awtc1 for Alabama Lawycn. While crtalilll • C'PIi"" medical ;1I5UrnICe cornpo.· n)" for AJ.obama IIW)"eI"S ........ kI be impa<1icaJ. the l ..... ralK.'e Procnn" Coon lllltlH . chairal by E lizabelh Book... Ue-r. has fIOIlDIed. In an elfon LO provir:Ie. $Wt bar "",mbers wilt! medical inswaroce options. the comm.illa:. willt the help 0( LSI. hti identified and m:ommendcd lwo ....... heaLlh produclS. AI il> ....,;Ii ... lUI Dettmbe-r, the BO\II"d of Bar Commi.. iont", apprm·W 10 both available 10 members. The:y .... I medic.L indemnily poLicy and a deniaL pLan. The: medical in(kmnily pLan is no. I ... pIOtt"",nl for comP'l'helUi'~ mop medi~al covtf·

map medical plan am s«k.illl a lower toll.ll ......






age becau~ ils btnelil$ are limited. No medical underwriting i. re<juired. The dental plan provides btnef". of up 10 S 1.500 • year forcoverN procedures. Informalion .bool these 11'10 new bta.nh insu1"lU'lCC produtl$ is a'"l1ilable by com""ti"g lSI at (800) 474-1959. The [n,urance Programs Commitl<:e conti nue. 10 won: hard 10 addnoUllle di'~ need. of a growing bar mombtrship. There are no 4uic~ or i"". ~nli'"e fo."s lor tile limited cooiccs and high COSt of major medica.! in,u1"lU'lCC. If lMn' were, [ am confo<lem thal tile commiucc "'ould ha,', di ",,,,,ere<l !bem . •

Free Report Shows Lawyers How to Get More Clients Calif.· Wh) do '0"'" 1'")'0''' go, fich ",h,le _ ... "",W. '0 PO) 'Oci, oill.-"l Th. om ...... ""cornIng to p.,,·id .\ 1. WoN. "" lK>Ihin~ to do "",1Il ••k",. educt· hard worL. Of .,,'m luck.

"''-' ' ' Y.


''Tho I." ~= ",too m• •• 1hc: ,nooC)' ore no! r><C«"";I)· lao,}",.". ht say • . ''Tho)' h"~ "",ply Iootn<d """. "",i«.,"· A ~ful ",Ie p<a<ti'i","" ~,~

CLE Opportunities The Alabama MandalOry CLE Cmnmi<sion COn· li nually evalual~"S and appro" es i n-~lale. as well as n31ion widc. pr<Jgrams which arc maintained in a

:'I~''::; ~:~:

compulCf Joc:trion. _database", and




n\arI.., ""'''

","", ""'ggi«J '" anra..~ elien".

,."""""rod to •

W..-..I ««IiI.< hi' « markoting





)'OMS "i:""1 ,"'en' fmm dead brolo: ond dm"'ninK In debo '0 carn,,,,, 5]00.000 • j·O ... pracucally Q""m'&h~" h. ""}" ~I"" 1. ",)<1'1 depend on ",r.rn.I •. Oc """"- hut no!



100 ""'•• ",f.mll


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www.legalfonnB-AL.col1.l was desg1ed espedaIly for small fi rms and solo practitiooers who are seeking to minimize overtlead expenses while expanding their areas of practice. •

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may nul."" ho ..,)',. A ",fernl '),.I<m. Wud ..y>. CM I>nng in. >toady .",,,.m of

.r,cr """"h. ye..-

.lien1.<. ""'n'~ alleT j " ". ""It (""I. veat tg <""", ' ~!he ~ffic< e"01)' day """,,,'Lng !he phone nfl8 :tJ>d 11<\\ bu,i· .... ~'ill "" "" 'ho lo ..."" \\ ,rd has hi. ",frmoJ 'Y"'''' '0 ~\er 2.500 I.w)"" """,Id,,io\e. ..-w.! has no'" repOrt. ""Hm. To G~,



,,-ri,= •

Mo ... CII<DIo In A ~ I ","h ..,."., V... N.... G.. AU V.. r~~ ,,"hi.~


a" _.



.an UI< ,hi •• ysoem '" &<1 mon: che n" aDd increase ,he" ,~

AI.b>ma 1..... )·<1> can go, • nU:E ""I'JI of ,hi. "'po<! by <oiling I~n. • Hfto:<: r<a>nIod mcuagc. '" .i ! i"n~ Wtrd·, ""b , il<. http://............


w..-. rd..,.,...


Mortgage Last Will & Tes tament Will Probate Estate Administration o-rdianship & Con88l'Vatorahip Powe r of AHomey Leas e & Ea s ement Eviction Corporation Adoption Criminal Defense Criminal Pros ecutor General Practice Timber Purchasa litigation

81 ~L.o.8AW~ .noFINEvS fOR AliI ....... AlTOFINEYS


lall,rr pUbll$hts addr~"~J and Idrpholl~ numbnJ Nlliu" hr "" nOu" crmr'" rrl6ln '" Ihr "(Hili", a/ a ,,_ Frrm '" sala ' .... lkr. rlrdJt C<}lItillu r "',rflll ill """QUIIC~"'t"/f "NIl", ,,,/d uss C...llpS Ui Ih~ AklbtI"", SWr &.r MrmlH,..ip IN,.,,,,,,,,". aI {3M} 16/ 4310 (ftu) '" P.O. 81M 671, '11" Alaba_

I.QM~"r 110


About Members c. Sroft Johmon ..........,... the """"'''I of hi_ o/f"""

.. 2908 A,'CIIlIe. Jiomov,wd 3521:», !'hone (lOS) ",.",,-

PIork .... C. Jo/I nslon. l<>mICI1y of Ilnslen. lohnslOl'l, Pinkslon & Cruru.ey LLP. _ the up<nin ~ of hi, off"", ac 3090 Alabama High".. y. Millbrook 36(152. Phone (3~) 285-1033.

.kfI'. .,. N. Luca< .........a::I the <JPI'fIinI <If hi. office .. 2919 John H;w,'w.. Paric'A'aY. Oirmiqham :U2ol4. Phont (2OS) ~2. G. Hal W"~"", Jr~ furmr:rty III Webb. """""'"' Wa/1cr. Boyle It .........w.s u.c. ~ the opeaia& III his ~ .. &312 Cnl6sbnI Loop. ~~ )6117. ~(334) m.9'>..22.

BwT &, Onodloy

~'orman IIIII(IIInCCfI .....

AshIty H. Hatta_y.

w. lArd. ThoocIon: M . ,\ kv....dl. Jr~ K.

BO)lIl1tt ~lethmy. and Jod A. ~. Jr. """" b«:orno

panno:n ..ilh "'" fimL Capell &: UO"lIrd PC """"""'" !hal c.o"l" L Btd.:. J r. toas b«ome I mtrr«r.

The orr"", oIs-.. C. Coolon """"""",!hal !':all" Ann K"~ IIat ~ ~ with the finn. Deul>ch. Kerripn I< Stiles UJ' ;\/'IJIOI.IJICt Ihot ""thy B- V",,7A111J/lfn IIat betorne . pattn<r ...ith the fum

El*". Key. Thbb, WtfI'''' I< HOI" U .P _ L Nfdlaus "-: been _ ~ in the fimL

..... C.... (;ok and


.'ishe<'• .5kidmort I< Strkkland PC ....... '''''" ..... ~y ",id! Nabon It ManlIews

Paul B.

u.c. has joiM:l "'" finn. eoo-. KinR &, 1100*)' U .I· ............ ....

Among Finns 'The United SM "" Altonq" . ()f1k-. for 1M NOli""", ])islli d or Alabama 8IIIIOU"""" Ib.ol U oyd l'NpItlI Iw joined the off""" 05 an -.istanl U. S. AUomey. and tlw J im SoU;'''n bas been .lClcacd 10 sa-." as criminal chief """ Hill Slntp;on ",ill S<:M\ as depuly mid of the Vool<nl

Crimes Section of the CrimlnaI 0;..'0lI0II. Babr. ~ lItannan. CaId ..fij & ~IX """""""" ..... MSssa ""WO \ ....... 11_ I'WII~ and Joy ~ l cA r~ baI., joiM:l the finq • asso<:IOIOS iIIlhe Oll1Jlin&hml o/flOC. 1Ifa<Ioy. AUtn.

C...:no. MtU"in.1'I:IrIis I<


.........,.,. thai Scarwu" 'lhlty .... ~.~. KMOd/ord lAw finn PC annou"""" thai A . Marlo: Ha"a~

."". J ustin K. " a mb 1\11,,, b«ome associacC$,

Krin)o"" It Nelson PC


Ih:ll l'. Doujtlas

S.ul/h. J r. bas b«ome """,iatci wilh the firm.


!II "~C H


ChrisIophot' LN

Kooo"" has joinod the f"'" .... assoi ....

N"",~'11 &: 1llI1"" I.I.P anl'Ol)UJ'OCU thai P. Nombe'll has,joined the f"'" .. an IMOciaIe. Nomberg fortl1Of'ly served IS clerk 10 l ion. Tom King. Jr.

lIa rdin.


u.c _

lIaskt1l S1augh\l:r l'0UI1I &. R.dik... ..... \\"dIWn W. 11ortoa.1'orme<1y wid! IbllhSoud! ea .... atioo. has b«:orno <f ~ 10 the flftlL 'The finq abo IIIDOUnCCS ..... Bat S. Nttlkt, J. Marl< Iiart. ;\lar1< D. 1!eM. C. DmnIs I llJIIws. 0 . - - CIhrnt.


Cowan. I I. K/lristiJ. Do:a. and JrIIm 1L ~ Id::"';ry. IV. kIomtrly IIll.aDdoa It Yancey u.c. have joir>od the finn in Ihe Oifmin&ham office. ~ I~

iboypMI. o.:.'NOO &. ~ I.J.P _ ..... Gft'aId A. M"I~ Jr. and I"illp A. Thompson ha"" b«ome poW>In. and thai Mary Bishop Robenon Iw b«ome an associate. 'The fin" olio 0/l00tlIICeS I oamc change 10 lIa) goo<\. ae.ellond. Pleru. ~Muon &. Thompson I.I.P.

1Ie\msins, Indo, IItrlong, Nfwman &: Rouw PC anroouroces !hat Patrick C. .i....... J _ R. Watkins ..-:I CbrisIop/>tr T. CG.lle bave beo:mt 1M<>-

ciMrd ",iIh tho rlfrlL

1I11, 1I11, Catur, f _ Cok &: I\IoOdI; PC ~ Illat Sba_" Junlrins

Cok bas bot;oono • • • hDIdtr. KmneIh IngnIm J r. &: .-\sII:odalflS PC ~ !hat Qo'herlne O. Mooms has ~ . ~.

and the rllm name ..

now TM '''gran' .... IOIIC'U'l I..... . ' rm. KH &: St>lby 1.1,1' """""""" thai TImothy W. Knight ..... bccooIe • partner and andy L Sell' has joined the film ,.. 1n1SK>C&

Killion &: ASsoriat.. PC """"""""' !hal John P. BrowninJ has joined the fum. B",....,.. ~~ .elm 10

Hon. "t~1Wn H. "",o.::n-. Knl&ht &: Crif'IIlh _ . name dllnzclO Kn/g:I>t. CrIf!Ilh."I~. MolAro)' " IJUlt I.I.P. JamesK. K ~·fS, Jr.~thefC)r· nwion oI l,ump!dn & Konw, !'LLC.

",.. "fumtt La...lrm PC ~ 111M UA M. h'f)' ..... joined the fum. Updlurdl W...... \\'1me &: Max IMOIIiICCIIhai Ml ... W.... bas joined the mtdiailon linn. and lhI St"'"'l Q/ Ul Stn:q: .t AstociMes has become affi"-l as • COiIii1OCI medPtor. WaIsIoo Wtlii IiIiIOUnOeS IhM Shannon L Barnhill, J. I>a>'\d MOOft Inl l)a,id

bccooIe lSK>CiaIIId in tho Mllbile offi<:e.

DaIt Stveit. I'hiIIp 1>. Sqre;t. Je and MkMd D. Wddoln -.......: the funna.. lion 01 SqrtiI, ~ &: WdcIon. Offioes .., IoxIoed in"T'wJ(epe ard 'flIIwee. Philip Septa. Jr. ";U COOiiirue 10 pnoctnoft-' • • r-- ~


Starnes II< Atehlton I, (.p WlOWlCeS !hat J. Soot. 1>Ic~ W. ChrisIiRn Hines, III and J_ .... 1_ Jr. ha .... beo:mt paMCrS with the finn.

H. Ki~ bave bccooIe Jl&'IltI'$. and


lhaI. Cuy NH!o.>n. 8ulkln K. ••.....r and Doona M. Glo.·er hit,., joined thI: finn as w odalC$ in thI: fl inningham off.:e.

SttI ....... Cn,", II< 8)' .... I'C """"""""

\\ioUon, JlnunenIon, Ct........ Martin /I<

thai M.. rk D. Caudill and Alley A. Kltchl"", J r. Ill.... joiD<d the finn as " ... d'lold.". and Ihai M ..ria B. Cam~ Kobm W. O'NriII :wi Jamos D. Prwtt ..."., boc:otm oft-'. SIeintr. Crum It. BaUr ranaW of"*lWl.

~ItKlnnty pC~


Cnlfo:o has btcome • $I.dw:*L. Whl~, DuM

II< Hooktr Ml"""iICCS •

"""'" dIanfr. 10 WhI~ AtrJOId A~ • .... O'C.

",.. I...... ()fI\tt <II Mkti Bdh Stiller PC """""""'" Ihai Skphanie A. WlIlis ..... joined the firm U In associaIc.

... ...,. _'. . . .

T....... s.,'~.,._~

IhM S<ocl B _ bas b<m namod ......"... Q/.,.,.,.u.-. •

L)1NlS, PIpes &: Cook I'C announces thai A.... ley Eo Qorl\fn)llhas bccooIe an ISK>C~ Q/ the (Inn, Miller, H .. milton, Snider &: Odom LLC annoua::a IhaI 0. ......: ~ 8. Johns .,.;l .loot G. Wagg<>ron" bave b<m P""~ 10 _",be ... Glennon F. ..... joined ............. and ~ B. and 1_ W. I':lrr ha .... joined .15SOriaoes.





To _ _ ... _

.. .. WOflQ.llOO .. _ _ _ _ _ .. "' _ _ _~

D5O,IIOO ...... T... 0-...,

M. JIK'bon bas

beo:mt an auociate. ~,8 .. ~y


_c:- ...

Ka:Inl7. lb(I""y &: 81'1)W01 PA _1haI. ~


.... _ _ ........... _ _ ,100I,iI0(I

&: MoOoogle

announc:es ~w M. lI~onp'on Baxley was =~y named • partner.

~ 010 01' 020

--,"i1o-;l'" SUa ' ' ' '-,~':'~~""Ic--"'~'.~"'!1noo DIJ mJ 11ll 11611

11,1] 1170

11", 122'

UOO 1m

IoWI 1J11

SoI'JO _ U61


"Pl' " ""


Rushton. Stakdy, &: C.. iTftt PA """"""'" thai Anp It. Cvmnoinp has joined tho rmn as an ..sox; ....


s.dIer & Sullivan .............. Ihai \\1Dlam A. Mudd has joined the linn • •

Drane Insurance

John D. s.- PC ~!hat Candi! A. "k(".-.... and .\11maoI G.

Carter H. Drane



CrafT... ..."., joined the finn • " .... Jason 8. TIngle and Sttphfn J. Anstin bave joiD<d • ao.tOciIIos. and .knnif. r L ~r .. now of C"OUIINI.

Sroll, SUIll.'..... SllftI mRn" .·ox PC anooullOe> lhai fren<:h McMillan has




G. Marie Dalliels G. Marle ~Is. born in Corin'h. Mississippi and a lifelong =idcnl of Mobik. died aI """ reside"", 0<1 Friday.

July 251h. 2003 . .tfttrr a rearlc$s baule wilhcancer. M3rie graduated rrom Da,id..,., High School in Mobil(: in 1967 and earned. Bachelor', Degree in History from the Univmily "fSooth Alabama. Before 81tcnding low scbool. Marie worLed for Sooth C<ntral Bell Company from 1974 to 1982. fIrst employed as a telephone operator, thrn M Qne of the first group of WOIIICn to .. rve as outside repair technician., She was an acli,.. member of the CooltJnnnicruioos WO<I;en. of America, and se:ved in vorlous offices and as a "eward. During Marie', tenn,.. as edi.or of the union new'paper. il rea:ived nalionalltt<lgnitiOQ and awards. M:me altcnded NortheasIcm Univm;,y School of law in Boston. earning her Juri. Doctoral<: d<grt<' in 198.'i. She allended law ,<too with the specifIC intent to be of 5C1'Vice 10 !hose in nctd in I>cr community. and was employed afl.r gnodu.ulon by the Mobile office of u ga! Ser<iots Corporation of Alabama. She 'penl bcr Legal entire career aI Le,gal Services, and dedicated ber路 .. If to make the goal of [...,gal Services prognom' a reali-

ty.11lal goal is for all member$ "foot 5{)Cicly 10 ha.'C rull and 垄qual ottess to the justi<:e sy.lern. ",.u;., began her Carttr ""ith Legal Services as a staff anomey, was promoItd to ~nior staff allomey, and in 1995 was named ll>e managing "ItOOley for ll>e Mobile Regioo, A n:rognized expert on " variely of P<"'erty law iss""", Marie I00I;. special inlerest in di..milily law i$sucs, and dco.'Cl<ll"'d spcci>lizcd expcnise in this area of ll>e law. Marie.<t:tVal on n~"",rous bar association committees, both local and SIllle. Her"""" for and Icader>hip of this associatioo', Volunt= Lawye<s Program con5OO/l


MARCH 200<

lriooted 10 il< rerognition as one of lhe

fineS! pro bono progr81IlS in this ,laIC and in lhe nalion. 'I1Ie O. Marie Daniels Award w;I$ eSl.blished this year 10 recogniu: I prr5<:>11 ",1>0 bas improved the services of the VLP. 'I1Ie fi<s1 .v.'ar<! was made posthumously 10 Marie 01 the 0<100..- 2003 Mobile liar Associali"" """'ling. In addition 10 serving 00 commiltees ad<[",,,ing a"'., of pnlClice in wbieb she specialized, ,he v."Oded diligemly 10 promote and sUpporl fellOW w"""'nlawyers, and was an active membe' of the local Women Lawyers Associa~on and ll>e Alice Meadows Cooncii. Marie <ledicaloo d,ic and communily leader. Sho wlO$. Iong路time member of ll>e Mobile Coonly De"lOCralic I'.",<uti,-e Commi,,,,,,, and devoted many hours 10 campaign activities for Democratic candidates 10 local, 'lOle and na,;oo.1 offices. She gIve generously of bo<h her lime and hor m<lfIey 10 numerous local charilable and serv;"" organiut;ons. including H.bitat for f]umanil y, Mobile AIDS Suppor1 $orv;""o, Penelope Hoose and Sah"lioo Army. Pankulatly in ,he las! fev.' years of her life, ~l3rie w;I$ de,otcd 10 ,he protecli"" of animals. and served 00 !.everal comm;tlees of the local chapter of ll>e SPCA. Marie is survived by her long-time companion. I'kn Summl!; her mother, Gladys Danielo: her sister, Laura Be"""'n. and Laura', husband, Roben Be"""'n: her brotJ><,r, Andn::w, [11 ; Ihree nephews, Jooathan Be"""'n and wife Kristin. &njamin &ardenoOO William aearden; two grtal_nieces, Emma and Mollee &rudcn; aunl&. uJ>Clcs. Olher ",loli,',", and numerous fri.ncb and prof's.sional associale1.


-Mich/1d D. Knigkr, p",sidmr, Mobil, Bar lissocwrioo

William J. Samford, Jr. William James Samford. Jr, died on o..,emb<r 29111.2003 allho age or 53 . Allhough ho was taken . "..ay from us much 100 soon. Jimmy'. servke 10 hi. family. friends. church. coomry. SI"". MId "ni''Cl$iIY woold fill many lifetimes. Jimmy was a graduate of Auburn Universily and served as an officer in the United Siaies Air Forte from 1972 10 1975. He gradualed from lho Uni,'el$ity of Alabama School of La ... and "' ... admilted 10 theAlabama Siale Bar in 1978. He lhon wenilO """kas In anomey .... ith lho FDIC in Washinglon. D.C. umi] he " .... al'JlOinled by Go",m(If Fob James 10 fill an uneJ<pired lOnn ... ~.i<knt of tho Alabama Public .so",·ic. Commiu ion. Upon complelion of lhal lenn. ho served as legal advisor 10 Oovem(lf James. In 1983. Jimmy entered the private praclice of law in Montgomery. " 'here ho specialized in JlIIblic ulililies and legi.13Ii,·, relation •. In keeping .... ilh hi. family lineage of I.... ycl$ ,,'1>0 haY<! also made .igniflcanl public service contribulions, Jimmy was appoimed to lhe Auburn Uni"ersily Board of TN.lees in 1987 and re'WOinted for. second lonn in 1999. He ..,,'ed as prui · denl pro tempore oflho board for I<cn years. In recognilion of hi. many yeon of .. rvice. leadership and generosilY. tho base· ball 'l3dium 31 Auburn Un iwnily was dedicated 10 and named

George Martele Moolgomery Admitted: 1950 Died: December 30, 2003 A~e.,;.

Recc)'man. 1_ Jr. ShomekJ Admilted: 1951

for bim in 2003. He alsoSC1'l'ed willi distinclion as. "",mbe' of the Board of Direclon of 11M: MethodiSI Ho"",. for the Agin.g 300 was a lifelong member of the Firs, UniiM Methodill Churcb of Opelika. Jimmy. in the gr<3I Soulhern trad ition of racon· teurs. was an ex~llcnt PIlJYeyo< of.torie>. and was also a skillful listener. He had 0 ~t "'""Y friends from all "'alb of life and had 0 wealth of ool(xful lAles which he loved 10 sI1.= over 0 libalion and a good mo:al. He. Ii"" all Samfunls, had • qoic~ and 3CCIbic wit. lie ~Iished tell ing the story 01""" hi. minis· ler who aocompanied him 10 an Auburn basketball game. after Jimmy', illn<$$ had caused him 10 occasionally lose his balance. Wh1:n they rea.ched their scatS. his prea.cbcr $.tid willi concern. "Jimmy. these prople .... illthink you'", drunk," ,,·hcttupOll Jimmy "'plied. "Wlw " 'ill they think of )'011. since you'", my prea.ch1:,T Jimmy Samford will be missed by lhe ffi3Ily who knew MId I,,,,.d him, but w< will .I .... ys 1\:1\'< SO many warm. colorful memorie. aoo tho many slories 10 sbare. He is . urvived by hi. siSler. Lucinda Cannon; hi .... phew. Edmund Rasha ClIlnon; and Morgan. Tyler and Hudson Rehm. _ Willi"", B. Biounl.


RNd. Richa rd 1_ Mobile Admil1ed: 1980 Died: JanU3l')' 22, 2003

H ..... SuelDon

Rogen. Da,id Paul. J c.

Admilted: 1968 Died: N"'ernber V. 2003

Binningham Adn,ilted: 1967 Died: December 10. 2003


Died: September29. 2002


llood, Rita 1.I:I,..... t.. Admitted: 1996 Died: December 13. 200J

Smith. J""~rson Da,'b Hunt<ville Admitted: 1934 Died: December 22. 2003

Admitted: 1952 Died: N",'Cmber 6. 2003

J,"1eSr Gnlrgo: Hursthal. J r~ lion. MontgOllloCry Admiucd: 1933 Died: December 4. 200)

Thomley, Jrrry J""ksoo Birmingham Admilted: 1974 Died: August 8. 2003

.·umer, Waller \\lnford

!(elIeU, Joseph Cabell

,= ,~

"" ~"" Admilled: 1950 Dird: December I. 2003

1)ler, Cas Ik11jamIIi 8 irmingham Admil1ed: 1953 Died: Do:a:mber9. 2003

lIurdine. Rob,," Lae); Jr. I'lort:oce Admitted: 1966 Died: June 4. 2003 Campbel~ ""~Iiam Lo~'.



Admiurd: 1971 Died: September 14. 2003 Grisst'tt. Jobn Roger 8irmingham Admiurd: 1983 Died; No,,,mhcr 5. 2003

PleA<ant Grt>Ve

Ratliff. James "::intblt Varda,,,,,"

8 inningham Atlmilted; 1956 Died: July 22. 2003

1)....... .lamesAr!hur Pine Le\el Admitted: 19~ Died: December 13.2003

RESOLUTION lI un nrinJ,:

Judge Carl L. Evans ( ' hit'f

, \dmini~ lrali\l'

I,ll" .JUdJ,!l'

For Outstanding Service to the Alabama Public Service Commission

And to the State of Alabama WIt.:R.:AS. "'" Abbama I'lIblo" $en"lCt C~ .. pIuW LG n:cocruu Judge c.n L E,'3m fur """" than .16 )'taD cl di>unpi!oh:d ond dedicaIcd .c.",,""" '" \he aU ...... of Aiabarn& Ihrough II.. elfons II do: ALabama Public Sen;.:.; c"""""""'" 0Ild WHEREAS, Judge coosi5lef1~

to....,., in fulIiU"" hi. role IS Cbid Adnwllwau"" Law JOO&e. Iw od\ocYcd an ..Ien!h" ra:ord of

fair and ~

b;oI""""" of governrnet1ta1,nlCn:SU againstlhe righu cl,nd,,,d..als. Soel1ing a SW>dard 10 ...hiob oil public


.... y ospi1to: and

WIIEIU:AS, lodge E"3ru was 00n0n:d with !he prWiKiool Eiogene W. Caner AlabamaStale Baron My 17, 2003; and


Aw:lrd by ,he

IU~I.VEI) IIYTm: ALAIIAMA PUBLIC S.:RVI C.: CO.\I.\IISS ION. thai " .. I>=by declare thai tho htanng IocaIed m Ihe IlIIlIh I\Qor of Ihe Abbama Public ServIa: C""""""",', otrlCCS II 100 N Ullion SWeI in MonI30",e'Y onicially named and wll hentd'onh be U-'tI ulhe 0Iief Admifw.InIh.., Law.lWgc Carl L. Evans !-karin! Compio>. in =ocn11ion 01 J""*,, E.;\/IS' 0UIlWdi"l ........:e 10 "'" citiuns and Ibe of A~

II.: IT ~



DONE II MOlllgoov:ry. AJabama.1h1$ 4Ih day of No.....v... 2003. ALABA~IA PUBLIC SERVICECOM~IJSS ION

Jim SnUi_. f'resi<l<nl

Jan Cook. Comm...ioner Geo.gc C. Wallace. Jr,. Cf)mJni\Siooer

Alabama PSC Names Hearing Complex for Chief Administrative Law Judge Carl L. Evans ",. AI."'tI\I Public Strvia: Cornmi,sion !'ettnlly named the publk ~lrin, rompl"" al il< MO.lliom.ry onk.: in hooor or OIior Adminim.~vc Law 'ud,,, Carl L E....... E\\lM bcpn hi, Can'<!r with the Publk Strvk. Corrunis.sion as III OIL(II'1'Oe)'~nm;"'" iD 1967. He was IWn<:d dlid'. I.", judE!' ill 1978. ",. SIIIe Oat J;oooml EYaM wilh ilJ Eug.,.. W. Cw\cr McdoJho" A,.-..rd in III the 1lI1e bat'. ann ...1 meetin,last 'ftM, 11>< • ........t ..-as pr<'SI!fUl',J ill f"OCOIIlIlioa of hi. of coruiSlenl, r:ur aDd """"' balanc_ w ing of ~ntal inleresls ag:unOl the riJIII. of iooi,'iduals. II i. oslima,fId ,hat Judge E •.",.. Iw presitkd 0...". n'IOr< Ih"" 1.!XXl cases durin, hi, career wilh the PSC . n..,,,, <a!;Os invol.· ..1 "'Ie,. rtgulali"",s. qua lily of ",rvice ""lUi""""nls, and con,unler oompllinl "'<olulioo for .Iecuirily and nalura! ,.. ulililies, lelecommunica~on< oomr.nie.~ waler. and nlOlOf conier M •••


"'''t",i." """""


-Jud,. Eoans is richly deserving oflhi. honor." \.aid PSC PrtsideN Jim Sulli.u. Min lIddilioollO his }"an of service as dlid administralti •.., law .iudE!'. II<! has abo ~~ Commiuiooo as. kader, Itadltt and ,,,,,,. Evans liYH in M~ wi'" his Ebi .... n.ey Iu."" I"", 110ft$.


Carl, Jr. and Sc:ocl. both of Birminglwn. aDd one pandchild. fonu",,1e 10 ba •.., ""pt'l'kncro SIX". wonderful career, HI reel hopefully 1\01 qui'" OVa Y.'. al ille Commis.siOll," Evans said. ··[ .m h"mblfld and 1>on<)rtd by Ihi' award from lhe Co",mi .. i""" ... t sloare 'hi, ""'<>gnillon wi'" I~ ,•.Il<landin, 'Iaff or the Com,ni'I"""" •


M""'ftOmI'1)' arro"",· """lID ""'.......d .... and

.... ...,

Jud~~ ~


Important Reminder!

Your Continuing Legal Education Requirement II \'00 had • ..-.nbenhip $IaIUS o;!Iange ~. ¥Pf Una do¥ing 2003. \'00 rMi have been required to sam and '1I\XIf! 12 h(us~! CLE C«!dil by Iltw;:e!i,,* 31$l 2003 MardalOlY Cootiooi1"1ll Legal Eib:a!JOn fkIIes r~ ancwneys who hold an oa:upa1lDna! loc:ense lIeguIar metooefslup) .., llffi01 cIuon!IlhI calerdao year 2003 to sam 12 Ion 01 Q.E CfedI~ II \'OO.t no. osreruty a reguI8f ......o.r 001_1 • r8gl.1lif II"IIilOOOer for PII'1 of 2003. you n nil ~ 10 ~Wi1h MClE lUes (MCU Ruil2!11 for ~. ~ you wert irIk!Ml or held a ~ u.iGtoshi9 and ~ed 10 a Jueuibeoshop duri1"1ll2003. you are reqwed 10 oI:iI<W1121o..Q 01 CLE aecht II \'00 wen! a ..... member ct.Jmg 2003 bJ1 conoerted to s;a::ial1I"IIilOOOer 01 to 1IIIC1M1 S1i1US. \'00 are abo r~ to o::cmcf¥" Wilh the 12.m.. CLE reQUII"8IT8'Il Yoo n not requored to ~ 12 hor.n of CLE o;qdjl if you .. ehgibie to elaim an ~im Imm me MCU Rules Your 0!J<8I1"iIl\I0n. how· OMII". JIIUS! have been tlalmed on the 2003 CLE reportlll!l form w!loch was millied 10 \'00 if, early Iltw;:e! ,ibef Ii \'00 need 10 locate opproo.'ed ClE po-ograms. \'00 rMi requesl a talendar of app"0'Yed CLE p!OQI"!I/J1$ Irom the ASB CLE Deparunem or !rom me m le bar·' Woo Site a• ..-...w,,~,org

Cllil Ibe Alabama Stilt Sa" CL£ Ol l"ll1mlll1 " (3J4! 269·1S15. extension 158. 15ti or 11 7. lor mo.. Intorml1ion.


.. 11111


2003 Special Session ilh 10$$ thanlW(l "'"eels before lbe end of the fiscal year. tht- I1g;,131n", Wll$ called IntO Special Session to pas' I S'ntral fnod and an Mocatioo budge!. In tbe ,,,..,,.wcok period. !he


legislature plS5t<l an e<lucllion budge, of approximately $4.5 billion and a S'""ral fund budge, of approximately 51.2 bjllion and 80 other bill,. Of these

80 bills. )(Iwue local Acts .• nd 42 bill' appropriated fundi to non ... ,.,,, agone;ts lh.a, had pr=iously been in thc budgOl, wh icb "-en: fur.ded llnlillhe end of 2003. Only 'hItt bills o f ' ''"ewide coocem affected the gen_

eral publi. at large_ AN 2003-4 15 (II B-3)-The resloralion of '" rights of I ronvioted relon had previously been passed in !be 2003 Retular Session and by the Governor. Thi. IICW bill ...... !;U/)sl1lnliaUy different from the one !be Governor veloM. Nominalioll5 to lhe Pardon.nd Parok: Board. onc. made only by thc v.w.,rnor- from a li>l provided by the chi<:f jU'l~ce of the Alabama Supreme Coon. the presiding judge of thc Court ofCrimin.a1 Appeals. and lhe U. G<,...mor, may now be "",moIled by thc of lhe housc ohepI"CSenlati,"eS and !he president pro-Icm of !he Sen'le.



L Met.\oy. Jr.

~ bill aUow. lhe Govcrnor 10 'ppoinl four persoos 10 ~~ as spedal mcmbe~ of lhe board lhroug/l September 30. 2006. !bertby ""panding the board from lhree members 10 seven membe ... tnd aulhoriring lhoo\ to sil in lWO p.nels oflhree cach for tn. purpose of conducting hearings willi. In. chainnan of lhe board ~;ng as an altom.1e foteilhtr pand o

The bill funkr provides a procedu", for re.'lor~lion of eligibilily 10 "'g ister 10 vote by delcling the ""iuiremenllhOi a PC""'" must be paroled for alleast three wilhoul any parol. violalion before ooe is eligible 10 have Ihtir voting rightS "' ... orcd. It short"n, lbe time for Iht initial applicalion for ",inst.",,,,,,nl to board ""'mbe~ from 60 days 10 45 days tnd deleles Iht autom.tic revoo:; .. ioo of lhe .cnificat" of eligibility "'gislOr ",he" a persort"s parol. is ",'"Oloo. one convicted of any of 15 crimes lisled in the Act "'" not eligible for restoration of voting right<_




Acl 2OOJ.4J(I (SH.J9}-NOtifi.ali"" of Suspended

Dri\lCr.l u.:.nsc. Ala. Cob Seclion 324- ]7 has bttn amended 10 delelO Iht ""iuirement for !be Oepanmen' of Public Safely 10 notify by ....,"ifled·· mail any person ".. boise ]~n .. has bc:cn ',,",pcnded. cancelled or ..,voked and now pcnnilS notirlCation 10 be made by ··m.iI ."

Act 2OOJ..S I' (SR41)-Traikr P:Irb. f'nr<ideo; a ""lily for lhe "".!Itt of a lroikr park 10 diSflOX of manufac:tuml hou~inllef\

on !heir properly ,,·hm 60 doy' ha,,, elapsed oj"",,!he 1Cm1iMlion or aprono.. of !he Ie_ ~'- _!he 1aIaII' has bce-n ab5ctM <"Od.i"~ly !"or 10 days aft..- InminMion of ICnan· cy by """" order !hal has no! been CX«UICd. The landlord mtllt 1M: Il0l''''' personally or by cmiroed mail to !he _ u ~LI .. .., ... y lictt bolder. If !he properly isllOl~. tilt land_ lord oan IT"""" the mllturoc.""'" borne and all ~I propMy. olwJe for Jtont.., or de<:lare.he propeny abandorocd and dispose of il .fIOfl"'bli>hinl a OOIicc in !he pap..-. Irlhe tenanl docs IlOl respond ... ilhin lhe liIM period or docs IlOl n:mo .. e lhe and ",onufKIU"'" home wilhin 4~ day •. lhe manufoctu"'" any personal I'fOIl'Iny will be oo..dusivdy ~urncd 10 be al>aJldontd. The lkn hookIe-r may mal:c the monlhly paymenu and Ita,,,!he In.ikr II !he park for up 10 12 months. Thi. Acl became clfCCli.e Dettmb..- I. 2003.


2004 Regular Session The 2O().l1tcpl. Sasion bcpn February 3rd. II L$ a~ thai the SIIIt apin ... iII be in I rundinICII ..... The 2003_2004 S7~ million less l!wi!he priof y<: ... ·.ll'f""J'Iialion. bul $410 mill"", below lbe e5KIIli.1 no<:ds of lhe St .... The curn'nt y<:ar·, budg... ""as a"i.oed by. onelime 5260 millton J1IllIIO Alabama by lhe fetJ. ..1 ""·.m",,,nl which wos part of lhe 520 bIllion fC<kral rdkf .lfon lOI\Ianl There iJ t><) expecl'I"'" Ihalm;,; funding will conlin ...



from lbe federal JOVem""'"1.

The Uw instilute i, cxptetcd 10 introduce the following biU, duri"l!he 2004 Rqular Scuion. copies of ,,·hleb wiD be a."lIiLable on !he [lISlilUw" Web .ite. I. The Unifonn Rco.idmtiall.8nd1ord T....... M (S.... At. lA ..)·~'. Mardi 20(3); 2. The Unifonn Trust Code (Sa At. Ut.."..,. May 20(3); 3. Unifonn S«urilies An (5« At. La..".." July 20(3): and

4.11 revi,ion of Ankle 7 of !he UCC. M[)ocUIMn15 orTlIIe: A discussion "ftllis ankle Ind!he "",i.ion of UCC AMid. I ,,·illl>c ... lalcr I''''''. "The lnslilute is cu~n~y OIudyina!he Alabama Eleclion Law and Bu.incss Entiti<$ UoWl. howe\"("f. ;1 is tw)I ~xpt"O'«1 thal ""Y =<tm""'nodotiod willl>c ••1liloble ~nlil!he ~ Rcplar Scuion for these No"O proJCCtl. For """" informalion ........ !he Imlilu ••. <"Odtact Bob McCurley. di=1 ... Alabanut Uw In"'IUIe. P.O. SOl 861425. Tltscaloosa 3S486-0013: raJ< (lOS) 348-8411: phone (2(lj) 348· 7411; or visi. our Web sile aI ........,tJu.a".tJ.... •

_L_. . .

- . . L M<C.Ioy. Jr._ I I .. _ " " , _ ..., -_ _ ...

_"'w., ,...... _ ..... _

PUBLIC NOTICE FOR REAPPOINTMENT OF INCUMBENT MAGISTRATE JUDGE The current term 01 the office 01 Uniled Stiles Magisllale Judge Susan Russ Walker is due 10 expire April 22nd. 2004 The United States DisuiCi Court is required by law 10 eSlablish a panel 01 cilizells 10 consider !he reappointment 01 the magistrale Judge 10 a new eighl·year lerm. The dulies 01 a magislrale judge posilion include Ihe lollowing: 111 conduct of most preliminary prClCeedings in crimi· na l cases: 12) trial and disposition 01 misdemeanor cases; (3) condoct 01 various pretrial maile rs and evidentia ry pnr ceedings on delegation flom the judges ollhe disuict court: 14) tria l ami dispos ition of civil cases upon consent of the litigants; and 15) examinalion and recommendation \0 the judges of the district court in regard to prisoner petitions and claims lor Social Security benefits Comments flom members of the bar and the public are mviled as 10 whether the incumbent magisuale Judge should be recommended by \tie panel lor reappoinlmefll by the coun and should be directed 10 Chlit, Meril Selection Pi nel ejo Debtl P. Hackett, clerk U. S. Disttict Court

P. D. BOll 711 Montgomery, Al36101 -0111 Commenls musl be rece;~ed by March 20th, 2004.


Playa Role in Growth of

Community " We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." - Willston Churchill

labama is unrecogniuble withOUl 1he charitable girt.; of those who ""demand thai community well-being is deeply ",Ievam 10 their



in this Stale

re$OUrt:e$ 10 enhance In 2001. Alabama residenlS

estal« of over $2 biliiOllIO

bO, Ye', there is .o much more that we could do. boIIJ as professionals and as individuals. Studi •• continue 10 show

., group Ofl3"'y<'I"!. account,nlS and finan_ cial and ins"""",. professionals 10 find

",·ay. 10 belter engage profcssiOllal ad,-isors in neTing lOCklc this ch 311c ng~. Alabama Giving', goals include seekinll 10 ensure thaI cllcnl5 are roulinely inv;tc<J



This ad visor grou p has crafted an

attredi,e(I comin"ing education coorse desIgned to span; 11>0 charitable conver-



ulari.y IS. na>ll1l1 ;nfonrwional JIICC"

for professional advison. w;1Il approval for aIlO<'l"')''' public ICCOOnlan1. 000 ccr· tiroed filW'oCw ad"KIn wilh Ihclf dien!>.. The rouDe I


,, )'OOf ro.,.""unily.


."I eli...... opIiQn" Slaning most

li""l), ",isin, 1he

WMe ch:ariLobk .


!hey arc -':;nllO cnhaDa: lif.... ime or mir't'rnt!nl illCOflle. As individual •. each of uS can make.

rommilmcnllO rcinv.ii<Jr.'lC: OIl. own ,iv. i", tIvvoiJJI"'~\,,''U ""'aIU and 10 ..""""..,. cau<q.~ .,.. hearu. As ""I\'i...... 10 ,-e aloptcial I'eSJ'O'Isibihl tl nU 10 comidcr " '!>elbo, Ihcy wan. • 1"lacy 10

Have you visited the ASB's website lately?

CO"~. or 'otianiullions lha. may """ler dt;("p~ As anomeys, )'011 . . uniq..ely ....,11 ";,uw.l1O help your clients (OII!ItCI to the cau .... about which !bey ...... Helping elienlS with tb<ir charilabl. phumin. 1tI""Mlhen. your dietl. rtlatioawpo. deepens your V'ptnise and i. JOOd for your bus""," and our


Endnotes 1 0.. ........ C .... Co.InciI "" ~.~'_ . MD._


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ORDER OF RECUSAL Roy S. Moore v. Judicial Inquiry Commission of the State of Alabama IAppeal from Court of the Judiciary No. 33) Order


he eighl A$>OCial<: JUOlices ha,.. been intimately ;n"ol,'N in !he ""'e",, .wroundinglh<:n Chief JUSt;ce Roy S.

Moor", ac1iOl1s with respect to 1M injunction .m,,~ by lI>e United SlaleS Di'1IKl Coun for tilt Middle Dimkl of AI.bama in G/n'Jro,h " Moo" for of the Ten


ConlmandmenlS monu"",nt On August 21. 1Q()j, """ day ancr too deadl;ne «lablished by said injunction. the cig)1! Assoc;",. Justic« Qf !hi, C""rt otdcred ",h., the Building Manager of the Alabama Judicial Building he. and ,he samo ""reby is. direct"" 10 lal>.e all SICps necessary 10 comply with {lit injunction as $000 0$

Jlf3<'I;cabl •."

The complaint fikrl by III< Judicial l"'Iuiry Commi5Sioo with the Coun of the Judiciary on August 22, 2003, cllarg •• ,h.t then Chjef Justice Moore "wl!lfully failed to c<>rnply wilh.n existing and bioding coun order directed 10 him:' 0t1 No,""mber 13. 2003, lite Coun of lIIe Judiciary found thai "Chief JU'lice Moore. willfully and puhliciy defied 1hc orders of a Unilcd Slale. di.trici CQun" and removed him from omce. (Order. p. 12.) Seclio" 6.18(b) of Amendment No. 328 10 the Coo<1ilulion of Al.bama of 1901. ~ed in 1973. pro_ides a. follows: "A judge aggrieved by a dtcision of lIIe CQun nf lIIe judi<:iary may appeal 10 the .u!""me CQun. ",. $uprtme cOUn .hall review 1be "",ord of the procttd. ing. OIl the law and lIIe f>o::t,.~

Roy S. Moon: lilt.!. NOIiceof Appeal 00 Dec. 10. 2003. in which lie described the i"ues 1$ including:

On the road

again ....

COvering the $tate whh free CLE and Infonnation on the latest program$ and

member beneHt5 • book now for ),our next bar iaS5OdiIdon meeting!


I'III1H: :m-__ 15I5...1. 132 ( _ il:




" Was IIIe deci.ion of tile Conn [orille Judiciary] supported by de .. and convincing ."ide"""T

The Co""", of Judicial Ethics require thai • judge should di.qualify herself or himself when her or his impartiality mighl rea· sonably be questioned. Canon 3C(l ). IIlu'1mlioo, of circum· >1a~, when impanialily mighl rea>onably be que.tioned include ..'hen. judge '"r... pm<:mal knowledge of disputed e,·i· denliary f>o::" concerning Ill< proc<t:ding:' """ Canon 3C( I) (b). If tile entire Coon "'ere 10 ""'u'" based OIl Canon 3C( I) .,-ilhoul flrsl providing Roy S. Moore lhe opportunily 10 be he.rd by. tribunal ;>Cling a.cwr<Iing to law as. 'pecial Su!"""", Conn. he would be denied 0 conslilulional righl ,,",,"red 10 him by 6. I 8(b). Under the commoo l.w Rule of N=ssily. lhere are circum'tar>ceo when a judge mu>! lake ;>ction in. case in which tile judge should be "",used "if the case canoot be heard OtIIerwisc.·· U~i,~J Sm' .. " Will. 449 U.S. 200. 213 ( 1980). This Conn therefore defe", "","",I unlil il has provided ~ m<'Ch.nism for affording Roy S. Moon:. righllO be

~"". Section 6.10 of A"",ndmenl No. 328 ,u,horiU"11I< Chief JUS1ice. as admini""'li •• lI<ad or tll< judicial ,yslem. 10 '"assign ap~ll a", justi~, and judges to :my .p~II'"e coon for lemporary ",,,,ice and lrial judge •. supernumerary justices and judges. and retired tria! judges and relired ap~rral<: judgcs for temporary service in any coon:' Sectioo 6.2 I (h) of Amend"",nt No. 328 prov;<Ics. '"Exapll" 1M tXltnl inromiJltnl " 'ith the provisi011s of Ihis anicle. all provisions of law and ",Ies of coon in f""''' OfIthe cff«;ti,'e dote of tltis articl. >ball c011tin"" ;n effeet until .... ~ in the manncr ,ulhori",d by Ill< CooSlilut;oo:' (Emphasis odded.J Seclion 12.2.14. lola. Cod, 1975, pro.ides lhar. when "no 0"" of lhe judges is C<lmpelenl to sil in. ca", or III< number is reduc«i below six. the foe' shall be certified by the Chief JU5lice. if II< is CQrnpelent 10 sil, or. if 1101. by lhe judge or judges ,itt;ng. or. if no one i, competenl. by the clerk of Ill< coon 101h< ~mor. who 'hall thereupon appainl ""'mbers of the bru- of lbe Supre"'" Coon to conStil"le •• peci.1 coun of ..,,'On "",mbr", for the con.ideration and determinalioo of such case:' Under lhe unique circum,,,,nces of thi' proceeding. we resol"" :my potcnli ..1 conniel bel"'ocn ,,",,1100' 6, 10 and 6,21 (h) of A"",nd"",nl No. 328 and sc<:tion 12·2·14. Ala. Cod~ 1975. by aUlhorizing Ill< ""ling Chid JUII;"e 10 cau", tile names of 20 judge' 10 be dra"", al random from a pool of rei ired judges who "'" "",mbe", of tile Al.bama Siale B... cap.ble of service. From the 20 judges $0 dra,,·n. the fj""I5c''enjudges .holl con· SlilUt. the special Supreme Coon. In the • • cnl any judge $0 ",Iccted is not ,,·ilHng.nd .ble 10 se", •. then tltat judge', pl>o::e shall be filled by lhe """' judge in order of seleclion who i. willing and obI<: 10 ",rve unlil ""'en judge. willing and abl. 10 serve h"'. been ",Ieeled. The nameS of such judges shall then be cenifled to 1hc Go,..,mor. ",. undersigoW Juslices. having pro"ided a me<hani,m affording Roy $. Moore a righl 10 he he.rd. hereby""", ...

Done Ihi, Illh <l:iy of December 2003.

Go''''''" Hl)JJS/OII. Jr.. H"roId Stny. Chaml' Lyon •• J~nn BI'QM'n.". Jol"IJIOt1~. Btmard Hn"''OOd. 11"",,,,.10. ltOO</all. L)'n Swa"

{Appeal from Court of the Judiciary: No. 331

Order Whe",,,,. Section 6.10 of Amend"",nt No. 32g of tI>O

Coostitution of Alabama of 1901. provides. in peni""nt part: ''The ehief justice may assign appellate justices .nd judges to any .ppellate COWl for tenlpomy service and trial judges. "'pemu""'rarJI j"'titt. and judge~ and retired trial judges and .. Iired """"lIate judges for ttm· porary service in any coon:' (Emphasis added.)

Whereas. r COIl5ider I"" ,,,rb "may"' as design'ling permi..;,,,. 001 maodat<>l"y...... ion. s.., f1<r,.Yl<>i" Sq"",... UC v. Winn·Di.<i~ Mont8{)mLry. Inc.. 1M.. 101 1661. lu"" 6. 20031 __ So 2d _ (Ala. 2003). The .. fore . I. J. Gorman Houston. Jr.. acling chief justice pur.


",ani 10 Ala. Code 1975 . ...:1;OIlS 12·2·6 and 12-2.14, having (:(Implied with tI>O Order. daled December 11. 2003. tnlem! by tI>O eighl Aw>cialc Justices of tI>O Supreme Coon of Alabama. I copy of which i. IUa.c:bed. do ""reby decline to assign any jt>dgcs for temporary for len,poraty se ..... io. in tbe abo' 'e-llyltd aclion. Howe'"tT. in the .'''nl il is COIltel>ded that the ...."Ofd "may" oblig. es me to appoinl jooges for temporary ~itt in the above-refer· enced case. !hen J appoinl tho S8/t>O judges appointed by the Hononble Bob Riley. Governor of the State of Alabama. namely: Honorable Hmy J. Willen. Jr.: Hooorable Braxton Kittrell : H"""",bl. Janie L. SIIores: HO/IorlIbie J. Richmond Pearson: Honorable Jolm M. Palterson: HO/IorlIbie Edward Dwight Fay. Jr.: and Hooorable Kunelh Ingram.


In wilness I have ""reunlO SCI my hand and seal Ihis 16th day of December 2003. J. Connan HOUJIOIO. Jr.. ","Ii"g


Frllow LRS Membfrs:

Prior to my becoming the ChainnanM",:r":'::":;~:;::'ii~: Refemll Service (lRS). [had been a. member of the bar in [992. During that lime. [have received many challenging cases from lhe LRS. As a satisfied LRS member and chainnan Qf the service. I strongly encourage yoo to consider joining. ] have heard many lawyers wmmenllltal"1 OOo't do pro bono ,,'01"1;"" or"] recei,.., 100 many junle. ",femlts:· The lRS is different. The goal Qf the LRS is to refer clients and able 10 pay for lega[ services 10 lawyers c3j><1ble t" II . h has been [I fewer referrals. on a

, areas.. plus anyaddilional choose 10 w8i,.., the S25 I understands thatlhey are ob~gated to pay the initial consullalion. Accordingly. il is easy 10 I"eCQUp your initial expenditure for the membership fee. [belie,.., you will find thatjusl one quality case will generate fees substantially in excess of the S [00 membership fee. There are cUl1"ently sevCf1I[ counties with no membels of the l RS. Accordingly. there is a tremendous opponu· nily for l:lWYcrs 10 obtain quality referrals from cilizcns who live in lhese counlies 01" wbo have [egal mailers ""'." these counties. I hope you CQIlsidcr be<:<>ming • '"""1:," Youl$/roly. Ja'''''$ A. Hoow,r. Bimlinghmn



Revisions, MULE Rules and Regulations ...oo..r

January 9, 2004 Order IEREAS the Alabarno Slate Bar Iw ouI:>nUQod 10 thi. COWl JIIOI!<*d ll:'o'.sions 10 !he Alabama S....e Ba.- M.... lIIlotmy Con,jnuln~ I.~gal Edocalion Ru~ MOO R~ullltloM. specifICally the addition or RegulaUon 2.7 \0 Rule 2. MId amend........ 10 Rule 2.C2.. Rule 3. Rule S.B .•


RuIe 6.A .• and Rule 6.8,: and

WHEREAS !his COW'I Iw COI\5id<ted dIDIIC pr<lpOSCd revWons 10 the AIDmI

s ...... Bar Mandalory ConI''''';11I Up! Education Rules and RegulAtMlns: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED thai Rqulatioo 2.710 Rule 2. Alabama Sur.: Bar MandaKJry Con!inui", LepJ Educ:uioool Rules arM! Rcgularion$. be oOOpIed. and thai Rule 2.C.2.. Rule 3, Rule S.B.. Ruk6."' .• and RuIc6.B .. AbobunI SWe Bar Mandaw<y Coo>timI""

Lqa1 EdIIcMlon Rules ond Rqula&ioM. be amended 10 read in ~ with opperodiccs A. B. C. I), Il. and F. rupeelively. llUOChed \0 Ibis onIer; IT lS I'tJKTHER ORDERED lhallheoc ~ .... and Ihe .tclpion of the Iq,ul.lion """II be .IT«.;..., inunediaICly: IT IS FURTl IER ORDERED llIIIiI the fOIJooo;"I ..... from the n'pontt of doci_ sions be DIed 10 fol""'" RuLes 2. 3. S. ond6:

"NOIC (l0I'II the "'P<'f'tI" of <kcBi005: The ordn odopIina ~ 2.7 10 Rille 2 and ...... ndinl Rille 2.C.2.. Rule 3. Rule S.B.• Rule 6.A .• and IMe 6.B.• effect;..., January 9, 2004. is publiW<! in that YQI...... of ,41ab<uro:r R~ptHfQ mat <;(llllalnI Alabama caoeo from _ So. 2<1'Howto<\, ~. Lyotu. B""'.... Ha",wJ. 1\0odiI1I, ond S""'<1. JJ.• 1:l>IIC~'

Appendix A 2.1 An IIK:1fney ...'110 Iai<b""" rTIlInlains 1 principal offlOe for the pracuee flf

la", in OW~ t1u, requirq MUIdatofy a.E _ ",1M! can d t _

accompaniW by 1 foc of$IOO_ Thi. fcc i, In addilion l() !he S 100 We compliance


fcc and My bte 1i6"i foc that may be due. No C>\\tII.iQn,; will be srantcd beyond April 1.

...ilh the

~t.ndaIory a.E

n'qILi"'mtflts m h,s or II<.- pnnc.pa1 Slate <If praclice i, C>\cmpl from theJc rules. v.ccpI as pn:widtd io Rule ~.

Appendix B

"'"nO'. """-ever.....

2. In any isl.lll1 (I.deputy IIl(X"J"Oe)'S Jenera! and di,lrict .Mr_

ncy ... as.<...wM (I.- dtpuIy diSInCI .acomeyl. Mel pubbc defenders ..., not so eumpl. and Rule 2.C. I. ~I no appliaoion to them.


Appendix C IlIoch 0I&0me)' .....'ued '" pracuce in 1Iu• 'II"C .,1MIoe qu.ahf':lIion '" praclicc law is ",bjc<:'KI Codr of A/,/ba"", 1975. f 4(). 12.... 9. WIaIl .. ~""- or rompItIe M II'PfO'"Cd .......,IIIe for 0IIaIdance. 1 ....... unum of 12 KlIW hour$ of ~ watinu;", lepl ed...:.t;""'. one hour flf ...!Deh sbal1 be ethics 01 prof~iona1ism..,..,h caIet>dar )'Uf. lqiMins hru'"'Y I . 2OIW.

Appendix 0 D. An aH<JI"l"IeY ... ho. for ...·lgIever reason. files the report oflCf January ) I ohaLL pay • SIOO bote iiI.., roo.. Thos ~l""""'I ohaU be anadIed to and IUbmincd ",iob the ",,",

Appendix E A. An .aomey ...'110 faib 10 om ,_h.., (11) appro>'t:d a.E credits by I)cccmbcr J 1 Qf I particular 'ftar ",iLL be deemed not in compliance fOlthal year_A plan fClf maL.i"l up thc derocimcy by M..rn 1 Wtll be ~ if "PP""'t:d ~ arc li<!Cd and If the plan il n:«i,'ro b)' J."uory 31. Completion Qf the rtqU;",mmI IIhalI be reponed no Ialtr thaa MI",h 15. ond • $100 Lw OOIl'4'lionce fee IIhalI be ·"aclvd tfl thc report. Fail= l() rornplele the pi." by Morch I and l() submit the report and fcc by Mareh 15 -'WI invoke the JatIOlioo>ucl fonh in Rule 6.B. A lUlue>I fClf on Qf the Man:h I deadline fClf c;uning crcdill under a der.:itncy plan ~ be considtrtd if: (I) !he 1'C<fIXSl is ia wrili", lJId • sood CMIK is ~.... as dtlcrmined b)' the Commission. IIOd (2) the rt<jues1 is


Appendix F B. As IQ(In as practicable afirr Jonuary 31 of taCh year. the Chainnan of the Commi..ifIn on Cootinull\i l.cpl Education !hall r......... If) the $Kn:lary Qf !he AIoIwnI Slate S. 1 ~ .. Qf IIIosc lIU""""l'S"'OO have f.ilN! to me ei,her In

alll"'.3.1 ..poll rOt !hi: Pf""ious calendar year. os 1'(I(fUU"<d by Rule ~_ IX a plan fOl

milin& "" !he dc6ciency as pe",tilled by Rule 6.A. In 1ddiriQn, as """" os pnl'lJC;Ible after IhI: first annivenary of In allOl_ ney', admission to !he B. 0< <If an .,lOr· ney', be"" liDmscd If) pra:tlce ...... ,n AIaboma. !he a.ailn\all!hall fumish If) the Sec""1I)' of !hi: Alabama State: Bar 1 list <If ~ lltorncys who we", lUIuircd l() ooonpItle, but .. 110 failtd If) complete. !he pm(.., ..... lli$./l1 ooone """,ired b)' Rule 9.A. The Secrtlll)' shall !hI:reujXN> fQfWord ~ li$lt of IlIo",e)'1 \0 !he Chairmart ()( !he l};fqllinary C""""""", The OIIitman ()(!he Diociplinary Commi!.Sion lhal l!hen iCtve. by etltifiro mail. each IllOmCy .... """"' owne IJ'PCM" on IIIosc I~ ...-ith M fIO"I.ief If) ...... cauoe. ...ilbin only (60) days (t.e.. ...·ilbin 60 days from the date of !hi: fIO"I.ief) why !hi: IllOr· ncy',li<:t1Ue should not be suspended II .... ""j)lI'OIOOII cl .... "~IY (60) days. My aoomcy 110 notific<l t.-..y .... ithin !he Wily (60) da)'1 r""';sh!he Di sciplinary Commi ..ifIn with In . ffldavit (a) indiclling thai. !he "lOme)" has in foct earned !he 12 n'qILU"<d a.E rndilt during !he II"'"

ceding calendar 'ftar 01 ..... since thai. date earned 5uff.:icnl credi'I10 male up Iny der",iwoy fOl !he preyic:tus calendar 'ftN. Clf (b) inola;... m. tho auomey ha< in foct conlpItIftI the proI"et:HonaIism COO"" rt<juired b)' Rule 9.A .. Clf (e) seltin, fonll Ii .-..lid ""cusc (illness 01 0Ibcr £OOd ......) rClf failum 10 ~y with ci1htr rcquiremcm. Paymmt Qf 1 l... oxlnlpliaDo! foc in tho III)OIUIt of $JOO muSllCCOltlplny the Iffidiwit.

As.\lOOll as practicable aft .. M"",h 15 of each year. the Chairman of the Commiss.ioo 00 Coot;nu;ng ugal (d""atioo shall furnish the Secretory of the Alahruno State Bar a suPl'Ie""'nt3lli~t of any auornoys who flied a dtflCit:DC)' plan as pemtiued by Rule 6.A. bill who have railed either to carT)' out such plan or to meet the reponi"8 requirements of Rule 6.A.11-.e WI .. ~ "'IUire"",nl" and r.anrtioru appl;cable 10 the ,uOO>ey. 00 the initial <l<lin<joenllist $I\all apply to the aI'ornoy' on this supp\en"'ntallisL Al the exl'i,,"ioo of .ixly (oo) day. from the date of tho onkr to show cause, ,he Di$Ciplinruy Commiss;o" shall ""tor an or-dcr ,",pending the law Iice-nse of each

"non-.oy who lias not. pursUJnI to the third Jl'If"g:raph of Ihis Rule 6.B .. filed on affi· da"i, th.u the Di seipl;n..,. Commiss.ioo considers sati.factory. At any time ""ithin ninety (90) days .rtc.lhe order of suspen.ion, an atlOmeJl may file ",ilh tho Di$CiplllW)' Comml"ioo an atr,d.1\"it illd", .. in, that the '""""')' lias earned 12 appn.wtd CL£ Cfl'dit< (Of the number of credit< the altornoy "''U <l<fi_ cienl) .nd want< those crOO;t< .. ,;g~ to the year fOf ""hleb the atl<lmCy was in <>OncOmpliance wllh Rille 3. Of lndicouing thai the a,,<>rnry has rompIeccd the prof",,siooalism ~ rcquirtJ by Rule 9.A. If the Di..,iplioary Cornnilision finds the affi_ da";l satisfactory. it shall fonbwi\h enter an

order ..,instating the OUlornoy. At any time beyond niflOly (90) daY" from the order of S"-'Jltf\Sion. an altOrney shall file witlt the Disciplioary Boanl an affi_ davit like lilal d=ribed in the pc=di"8 parag:mph, but """" an attorney must tile witlt thai atrJdavit. pet;lioo for reinstalement (sec Rule 28. Alabama Rtolcs of Disciplinary I'roced=). An "l<ImCy may appeal to the Disciplinary Boanl from an order of sus-]lttlSion of an order denying rrinstatemerlt cnt..-rd by the Diseiplinary Commission. Additionally. any aff<:<:tM ou<>rnry may appeal any action of the Disciplinary Boon! to the Supreme Coun in ac<:<:cdance witlt the Rules of Di$Cipiinary Procedure. •

J:gcal CfJarfiward offichievement The Alabama State Bar local Bar Award of Achievement recognizes local bar associations for their outstanding contributions to their communities. Awards will be presented during the Alabama State Bar's Annual Meeting, July 22nd24th in Sandestin. Loca l bar associations compete for these awards based on their size-large, medium or small. The fo llowing criteria will be used to judge the contestants for each category: • The degree of participation by the individual bar in advancing programs to benefit the community; • The Quality and extent of the impact of the bar's participation on the citizens in that community; and • The degree of enhancements to the bar's image in the community. To be considered for this award, local bar associations must complete and submit an award application by June 1,2004. For an application, contact Ed Patterson, ASB di rector of programs, at (800l354-6154 or (334)269-1515, ext. 161, or P.O. Box 671, Montgomery 36101.




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.• • _ . _ . _


R~ l f S

argtT groupS

hal" gathered in this ruilding ..... tl <1m: Io3.y lhi:n; has no! betn a group '''''"' distin_ guished. Looking 001 I, thi •• 00;"""" I see gathered I><n; lOday IIOrTlIO mIl ""face cants" in Alabama '-gal and polilioal hiSlory. Thi, is • joyous occasion !O bring _ I always call him Judge Heflin - back 10 !he capitol "' ctldlrnlO !he fruilS of hi ' kadcrs/1ip. But !he ..1lI)' bogi .... as far as my research ,",'.nl. a," .,hen Judge Hdlin wu serving in !he Marines in Ihe Sooth l':>ciflC during Worid War II. The year i< 1943 and Ihe scene is Birmingham. Alabama. and Jacob 1MlJ1:cr. Sr.. is conc1udill8 hi. lC1m as presidem of Ihe Alaban'" S...,o H",_ The .. were hi. .. marks "" !hal day. He describtd him.'<:lf as a "voice crying in the wiki<mo..," He said, "~:..cq,. fOf e<:rlain modif"",>ons nlad<: " ...cnty-cigJl1 yean ago. no .uempt has been made within !he mcmoryofliving men [ODd of course tOday we woold ....y "and wome,,"]lo ~i",!he pmoticc of oor couMS O! law. We ore living in a "''''''urn of pn:>c<:durnl an1iquit ies. Perhaps !he l.wy= are soon to bcoomc Egyptian mummies .. __. A diel of locusts and wild boner and mimen, of """",1". hair ill becomes me. Neither by lem· pcramcm, tnoining oor environlTJC1l1 am I • rdOfm<r or an agitalOf; but I do know mal our S"'''' rules of prllClice devised in dn;uiHiding daYHan in !be light of "",<ent knowledge be greatly improved,



1be only feasible . 1,em .. i",,!O our own rules. is !be ~mI Rule. of

Civil Procedure ......


I~ Il

Now these ,,"Otds wt:n: ~ ... lIen the Fcdcntl Rules of Civil Procedure w= jus, Ii,,/;: )'(Carl okl. n.. Federal Rules were adopted in 19).8 in Ibe f<dcml s)'Stem. Prescntloday w" ha"" Jaorob Wal~. Jr.. tile "'" of the man " '00 spoke those ... 0l'Il<. and • di,tingui>hed practitioner in Opelika. He tohl !lit before this ID<Iming that lie was presenl on the occasioo of his fAther·s remarks awaiting onItrs for military $«'0'. ~. W" also have presenl his son. Jaorob Waller. Ill. • cirtu;t judge in Lee Coonty and grandson of the man woo spote those

"""",,- "The scene "",,'eo f"",:an! to 19-15 whetllbe Supreme Coon of Alabama released FoX f"J"< Fmhu. U6 Ala. 6(». 21 So. 2d 827 (1945). " 'here • majorilY of this Coon hdd thai "'ill> certain narrow exceplions the rulcmaking pow", was ~ in the Alabarno. LtgisJalllre, Judge Ed UvingslOll. then <h;"f jUSli«:. dil$Cnted because in his ......... "tile poYo't1" 10 m.W: rules 8"",min8 the procedure of couru is

judi<ial. and that thi' Coon has

the inherenl po"'.,,. 10 prescribe ",Ies of procedure gm-eming the trial COWlS." Foshn. U6 Ala. '1615. 21 So. 2d at 837. But. Chief Justice UvingSlOn cxpre<St:d the mirnily'>CW. and witOOul any JXlWC' in the COW1IO do anylhing 10 change our pnx:cdure. change ...... "I' 10 the kgisla. ture. In 1953. Dcan M. Leigh Harrison. whorn many of us re"",mbcr fondly from our law school days. "'!Ole this: "AI.bama ha< a modir~ sy,trm of rommoo law pleading wrueh ha< .<unIiwd Ibe ,dO<m m':" 'e"",nl$ d.,.· ing tho pa>I hundred years without basic chrulge. MOSt of our important ..... ,u1eS on pleading " 'hieh "'" fooM in Ibe Code of 1940 are also found in tbe CI)(le of I S52:'

M, Leigh Ilanison. "Rrfonns of Alabama I'k:oding:' 6AI •. L Rev, 2S. 31

(1953). I might add that in Mobilc Ibe", was a "..... 1"'''' fO<m of COIllllIOll law pleading in pract~ than in .ny 0lJlCt" place in the ,tat •. ""'hrn Alabama ultimately aban' doned common·law pltading. we w.", probably the only Engli>h-.".,aking juri,. di<-tion in the world thai fol""'"ed il. and in Mobile ;1 woukl ... , .. jw.t been like going inlo • l;me ~ap<ul. for some Sludem of proo;edu", 10 como 10 Mobile CoonlY and w'll~h Ibe and thon the dem.,.· "" and Ibe rrlluu", and Ibe surrebutter and IIIe rejoind.r and the ,urrejoind.r ",hile tho res! of the State "'..... plead ins in <hon by COII<ent and ",,"'ing some lieI'" . Under CQmm<)ll·)aw pleading the pol. islting of pleadings beeame an an form and the f=ning of the ;"uo< through pleadings "'<IS the way to reach the ulti· maIO issucs. ()i<cO''''Y w;l!i no! ~ily "".ilable bee"U'" pleading< $OUght Ibe refinement Oiherwisc 3Itainable through discovery. One can make. compelling "'!lu,nenl that loday a lot "f people "'·00 never .tudicd COIl1moo·law pleadins do DOl suffICiently appm:i.te the e\e"",nts of

• caus< of ac:1ion. S""h sl>oncoming can rome back 10 haunt 31 tile """"Iu,ion of tbe tri3.l who1t. moIion for judgmenl as a maIler of law i< made for failu", of proof, In 1955. the Legislalure. in ",hal we t>Scd 10 call Act No. 375. embraced ftdtral di~ by Slatnle. Prior 10 lhaltimc di .. emery was unknown. Thomas Skinner of Birmingham, • 'taiwan for procedural ",fO<m. ".. rocc an aniele 'taling.·""The inquiry was ci",umscribcd to mal""" which wCR: ",k:vant and pcninentlo IIIe i...... as made by the pany'$ <1<


d<-fem.e. Any etTort by in!Crrt>plOOes. or othcrwfSC> lO\.bwn a clear picture of !he factll"l ~ilU"ion in any case was mel "'illl lhe,,:w:ienl h"" and cry of 'fIshing ""pcdi· lioo' with the result lhaI each parly and lhe 'f"'" Were ""IuirndlO en"" upon the trial of Ill<- t = "';lbout any knctwlcdg<: of the f""",&1 C(Hlltnlions of the panics." Tl>omas E. Skinner. ''Alabama', Approoo:;h 10 a Moxlem System of Pleading and Practice:' 2QF.RJ), 119. 129-30{l957). So then '"c had worst of bQIh worlds. Beginning in ~5 ~ had elaborate pleadings and full !:lb.'T!' fc:dcrnl discovery. I h! )957. a bloe ribbon commiuee was f~ k"",, !1f'S til<: C(>mJTlissioo for Judie Refoof. and the """oo.rship <)n lhaI un;"ee was mosI impressi ..... Tom Sldmwr of Birmingham was dliimmn. A/so was E. T. llro,,'n or flirrnilllh""', Joh n Calldell of Decalur: JllJJIoIII J. Carler of Mootgomery; JudI:" il!>hut II. GI'OOIIlS of Birmingham: l)ta" U Lcij!h lI arrison of ThscaJoosa: Jolin D. llilll:ins of Birmingham: Judge RObftt M. lIill of 1'Ioren<:e; • yoon8 """Ya'11.1med Trum. n Hnbbs of Mool8Onlcry: Fnmds I"g<' of Mobiie: JudJ:<' Wall~c fl. J"""" of Monlg"""'1)': Chid' JuSlift. J.~:cJ U .jngs!"" of MOIllgomery: ,\n .."..y G~""ral John l':oltc.,.,n of Montgomery. ,,'110 is "'"' (oday: Wi"""m S. I'rikh~rd of Birminsh:un; M~ rion Rushton of Momgomtl); Judge J otm H. Scott of M<Illlj;Omcry; Justltt lb,·is .: Stakely of !hi. oourt; J lllXlb A. Walker again $hQw$ p as a mo:m"'r of d»1 cornmi1!ee; and Wrighl .• cif<"Uil judge udgo Reu""" in T"$CaloOl..1. Torn Sk inlltT h.ld a connecIion with the Yal. I.... &lVol lhrough which he


learned of. graduat. ing senior who need· ed a ,u""""r iob before laking • leaching poSl Stalting in the fall in Texas. AI.aI:>3ma was 00 lhe W3Y 10 Teu< and so wis young man "·as hirull<) rompile • reporI for the rom · mission lO ... bmillo the ltgisl;uurc as a vclriole for ~ing Ill"....,. I..,,.. j,, ,.. <J{ OIJ Glury d..:umfr I~ roIundd <J{ 'h, Iolnh<>"", Rules of Ciyil JI«i;d ,,/ B.iWlng ,'.ri"g ,It< ("I'""""",i,, honoring lit< A.R.C.I'. J>rocedure by Slatute. fum of Cap<'ll. 1I0"..rd. Kna~ & 1ha1 promising yoong legal ",holM was DOn<: other than Charles Allen Wright Cobbs. A coo,in of mine. Lislcr Jlill. wa< who woold lalC"!" become the author of " young partner there. Uster abou1 Ihal widely acclaimed lre.tOO OIl federal prac. lime W$ rlcc100 f""sidenl of the Y(>Ung lice. jnri;dicl;oo and procedurc. He did a La"'Y<""'· Section of tI>e Alabama S"'le nilllCtfu! job w;th the help of P rofessor Bar. AI the new kid in !he offICe. I "..,. ;nslruc1ed thaI I was to be !he editor of the O"ighl Morgan orthe Uni'"rr'$i!y of now dduncl Y\"s newsletler. 0rK:e. OIl Alabama School of Law. who also taught <omo of US in law ochool. what 1 OOMidrrro 10 be • ilow news day. I A biU adopting rule, palIemod after!he conro::ted. survey of the young lawyrrs a< to whether tbcy would "",fer 10 have. FedcroI Rules of Civil1'mctrlure WI$ inlrOduced in lhe Legislature in 1957. It something rnodtled af",r the Federal Rules of Civil Ptocedure 10 repl""" cornroon·law did 001 ~ and. from whall hI'''' been told. its der•• t WI$ MSlIJ'M " .n." ,,'Qrd pleading . I i... luded " ",ar..,1f ballol wiw a pI"",. f(:O" rommenl$. Well, il came as 00 spmd thaI if the bin passed. chil rights !3wy<:r1 >u<h as those retained by the .....,rue 10 me !hal the rtSJlOI"l'e W$ 0'...,.· wllelming1y poSit;",. NAACP l.wy<:1S "iould know more about our pr:><1ieo.- than the rc5l 0( lhe bar. ThaI So. oow i1 is 1968 or rarly 1969. and I ha,.., !his >laCk of ballols !hat ha..., ~n wa< the <!eaw k...U and there the maUer mailed back 10 me and I do 001 know ,,·hal lay for " few We. """'.., toward the mid .60s. I was 10 do ,,·ilh them. Not ~·ing any bcncr. 1 "..,m up 10 !he g<l\"CmOf'SoffICe and ash<! gradll3l«i from the Un;"=ity of Alabama to..., tile g<l\"CmOf·s legal ..:Msor. When Law School in 1965 and WI$ ";siling my you go into !he gOlemo<'s olf= recc~ion pandmolhet at Point Clear for a few days before I began the ad back up 10 the ore .. way back ;n !he far leflhand "'l<I>l't. I"",,, is •• mall offICe. The recrpIioniS! said north po1t of the stale 10 begin sludying for the bar exam. Ed lIardin. " law ocl>ool J noedcd to sec a Mr. Maddox and tool: me ba<k 10 mal liUIe comer offJce w"",,, 1 \\..,. classma1e. IOld "'" !hat the AI"boo""" Trial to Hugh Maddo~. with whom introductd l.a"'ytn Associalion was then havinS their annua] ,"""ling al Ille Grand Hotel. 1 would SC1\.., 0fI wi. COUJt 30 J'CM$ L1u:r. Hugh was!OOSl cordia]. and I delivered 10 Well. I thought. !hat's JUSt ...,..." the road him my stack of ballots. He didn·t g;...., nle so 1 will drop by one ",enins and s« whal any gr= """,,!hat anything wai going to mighl be going 0fI. J went 10 !he Bird Cage Lounge. a longtime fIXI"'" al the happen. btU be "..,. ''''l' polite. hoi.!. and " •.1.$ I"",,, inlrOduced to a ''''l' The candidates for the office of imposing figure wOO """,nn.1e$/; WI$ chief ju>tice in 197{I an: pres:cn1lOday. !OOSI ooogenia] n.amed lIoll·ell ll. nin. !he Formo:r GOI·emo. John Patluson and Howclllknin. then an anorney in lhrn fl'"CSidem of tile Alabama Trial Lawym Assoc;"'lioo .... woodenul ",Ia· Thscumbia. both soughl the Dcmoenl'" lionship wus began. Pany oomin.tion. My father. Champ Lyons. Sr., WI$ a wellkoown physician Afl .... a clerl<ship for U. S. Oistrl<1 who had pa<St<l away in 196!i. During the Judgt I)a nie-l H. llIoI'_ of Mobile. J height of !he c3Inpaign. Jodge Heni" ca"", to MOfIlgomory in 1967 wiw the



Iif"1".... "'~';"'" ",..[ ,"",",","IS. hono,u.

_ g"'''' ~"""I,,"~,,d IOd I~ in I~

roI.nOO and ,It< <""",,,,.I <J{ lit< JouJirial B·;!d;"l. 94



called mo and said. "Champ. ,,'e'd IiI:<: I<.> run .<Orne political ads and 1I;,,'e on Ihc boItom of it 'Paid Political ad by Frier>ds of 11"".. 11 IIenin. Champ Lyons. Ir.• Chairman:" Well. I "1 <lon't have any illusions about Ihc n:"<on behind this; I fed something IiI:<: Nancy Sinatra. rul nonclhclc.<s you may use my nam":' And so. there wt..., 50IlIC ads run along those h""", in thaI campaign. and his",,>,. of coo!'St. n:fkc1< thaI ludge Hoflin was elocted to the Office of Chief I">!i",, for Ihc leml beginning in January of 1971. Unbe~"""'nst 10 mo. JLJd!l" Hcflio $(lQd wa. qlJite ru,y ""'king .lJthori(~ for mit· m.1king power from the legi,lat"n:. Hi. etTon. <:ulminatoo in Act No. 1311. 1971 Rcgnl'" Session. The ~ of the act """'" g"nalOl"S Dorninid:. Shelby (tlw·, our U.S. ScnaIor Shelby). King. Vacca. Noonan (Ihat would be Lionel"Red"' Noonan of Mobile). O·B""""". and Cook. Ao1 No. \3\ \ p",,"iib! thai "for!ho pur. I"'"" of simplifying pr.lC1K:e and procedun: in all civil .... ions in all coons in Alabama and "",,,ring the jU$~ speedy and inc.,pen. determination of <:'.'<1)' action upon its merits. the supremo coon shall 1\,.... the PO"'-" from lime to lime to adopI general rules.. form< of~ writs. pleadings. m<IIH>ns. pr.lC1K:e. and ~ in all o;"'il ac1ions in Alabama pnwided tlw such rules shall not obrid!l". enlarge. or modify the SUbslllnlive righl of any pany:' ACI No. Oil bo:""", law on Scp'embcr 17. 1971. The Ael further provided thai rules promUlga1ed ptII'SlIant thereto "'ould \Ilk eIT"", six monlhs after their adoption by Ihc Alabama Supreme Coon and all law. in conflict thert:with wooId be of no f"ni>cr force or elf""" The ~premo COUrt ","' OU' an iHQuif)' 10 Ihc bar soliciting name. of pwple to be placed on an ady;sory conlntiltee to be c"-"1;ed with responsibility for dntfting lbe rules. Pcrtl3pS based upon my pn::'o'H>ns elfon. as editor of the YLS """"let ...... I am told lhal sevenl people suggested that I should sen.. <)n the commiu"" and I ..'a. appoinled as ant of!ho original 15 mem· be-rs. The O!h<-r members of the commiltee wen: Oa~l<y W. Melloo. J r.. of Montgomery. chainnan: TImothy M. Conway. Jr.. Bim,ingham: Prof...... r Fr.onk Ilvnaldson. Birmingham: J. Foy Guin. J r.. R"""Uyille: Ci,..,ui l Judge J~mes D. Haley. Binniogham: F'-Antis II. H3'-". Sr.. Binningham: Clrruit J udge J..... ph M. Hod"''''d .... Mobile:


I'ro(eswr J~........, A. Ilontnan.

Tu)CaIoosa: Jam", L Kliner~ lI~r. AMiston: Jack !.i,'I"!:"to... Srou,t:.Jro: Chnmp L ) ",... J r•. Montg""",ry: M~)..,r W. Mobile: Ira D. I'min. LiYingSlOO: Sam W. Pipes. Ill. Mobile: and TItomas E. Skin ..... Birm ingham. On Friday. N",,,,mber 5. 1971. Oakley Melton called 10 order the "'l(3Ili>.1OOnal meeling of the "",",'Iy formed S"p""''' Court Ad,'isory Commill ... on Rule$ or I'ractice Hod I'rucrou .... Chaimlllll Melton briefed IIIe committee on i" purpose and 1.<Silled ... thaI Judge Henin would be in 10 talk to uS after "'-" concluded "","I of our ruSt""'" The ntin· utes ref1e<t thaI Reginald T. Ham ..... "'00 is also lien: to<Iay.lhcn secretary of lbe Alabama S""e !lor. oddressed the members and congralul.ted Ihcm on being chosen 10 serve on thi< committee. as the ulti"""" result of the work and occom--pli!ihmen" will be "far reaching and of Upmosl imponance:' Then lie o/Ten:d hi' ....i.unce and ,ha, of hi. st.1f 10 the proj<:Cl. ,,·hich "os e.xltl;mely belpf"l. bo:ausc 1 rnded up living in Ihc bar building for about a year, The next items ""'" the dates and plaa:s of meelinV and the possibility of selling a tentab'" dale for OOI1\pIeIion of. dfaft. Oal:Iry suggested '""f;lliar .-..:dings on the lasJ. Friday of each month for a period of ni"" loomhs "'im a possible target dale for COI11!>k!ion of Ju\y 1972. Af..... lcngthy di<· cu<Skins. and from reading be!Wtt1l Ihc lines of th::!:c minll1es. there wen: some ~e~ics who fell that il could not be done in nine month<. ,,'" ~""'" 10 a very pi\'OtaJ """""n~ OWnnan Ski""" posed the question as ,,·lIether it " ... IIIe inl""lion of the committee to go all the way back with


lhe study of these rules or "'hether thecommit"'" intended to pick up tb: 19.57 rules and ,,<Jrl; from thaI point and update the rulcs in keeping with what had been done in 1957. We ,'.-ould ha'>'e had to reiD'" >"nl the wheel withoullhc 1951 wort product. Much dis.clNion followed wiIh commenl. from commi,teemen eonwiy. fI ..... Pipes. Hoe~lander. Skin .... Guin. and others dealing with the feasibil~y bt starting from scratch. Following the <ion. a . il




oow retired U. S. ,,'110 is also here


mi""" as • basi. nine-mOIlth period as a pletion and



" 'as ca.\ol.


contacted regarding the Law help. They said if some satisfaclory arrangoments "<)I1ld be worted <lU' bel"'"",n our oommill"", and tilt 1' ;''''C~ they might m.1ke this ant of !hoir projects. It was >tressed by the membefl; of the, committ"" thaI ."w(: need the right JI,IaIl (thi, i. in rontc:<1 of a tqlOrtcrj ID bqlp ,,1 this job done. that il would be ~ we coold depend 00 as an """"rate sou,,", of inf(lm'l3lion. thai i, the f,rs, n..jor ,Iooi· sion thi< commill"", must rnaI!t' Commi~ ... man Pipes '""'~ tlt.t. '"authorize the eha'rman 10 m!iU8"lC the rnaltor and obtain the SCNi:flpf a COlI"f>"" tenl """,ultant reponer and.lI1OOrize thc chairman 10 amonge for hi. ~f"'os:I6on


""""'" !he t - 1""~uLe..~ Tru. motioa T\t3ICd 01 this poinI thai I

...,.. c>aF-

dlwp Pc.. Ibni _ _ kI be i<blly

"",ltd fqr Ihi. wt.. Tho commlllcc 0.... brol.e lhc nib <k:M-" inlO ,'Viou!; bnd;ets aod a"";""" " .. ,,01><:0$ 01 .... commito«: '"

ckb I*ll'l. Q,ief Jl>5Ik<: 1 1clU~"IlI"tam:l b<f"", \he C<Jmn\IUCC oro:I «pr<:SOfId hi, ~ ""d !be apprec,ation oIlhc COWl. He cmPiu!J/A:<i lhc impon.tnCe of lhc pre-

~F~-"~OC.""' by be:nch t:..... n;


Ion& afl ... lhc

r"" .........'" MIl heWd. "'Champ.. I"m up '""" in hodfl' IkOid·$ oK...... ~ "" .... boK-",......... 10 Wlilboul findi"l • rqKIfI<T lOr 1M commM_- And I rqIIiDd.. -wen. o.tJey... )'011 ' - - . I menOOncd 0... Ibni_ \he ocher dIIy and I havI: no Olhcr _ 10 "'UCSl- 0aUey said. "w"U • ..,.,... on up here lII)"""&y." II neYer H

onlCml my n"nd .. [drove from my off"", II Capell. Howan!. KfW>e It Cott>s W lhc JudiciallluikliOi 1Iw IMy wo,..,

d,al ",uSI acoompany W mok ,I 1M oro:I Tho nil»01<ld(ll deadli"" <"lOme up I ""$:Inlier Jw,.: Heflin .. ying ghl"nine mon<hs "",,"on

aboul 10 """""'" 0..1 I bccon .. !he rq>OI1 .... When [ .... Ikcd in, I was lo1d 1Iw [ would be 1M rq>Of\l'I". I was laken aback MIl said, "WeU. I don·1 krow lhaI l could do !hal. MIl 1hc:y said. - Well. "'... lhin\: )'<IU ~~ So probIIbly by def..J~ from la<k of

m..,>tIr bIcIscd '" be: iIIlbe rigbI Ill<" ngli time. I JOIa phone all

.. yone "be who ...... willinl'" lake che lad; on. IhIlII '-" I bocarne 1M n:ponor ",!he comrrull«. My pllltlciplliOll would IlOl ha..: Ixt;n potMbk wi"""" Iht ooopcraIion of .... film ol Capell ....... Knabe &: Cobbs. ..·hid> conIinucd '" pay my Wary .. hik I dc:wMed a11lUl all of Ill)' lime 10 !he ..-00: of 1M rommiu.... Tho """Iinlll mOl followed ""on, e><lntORlinary. TIme and again I saw mem1:k."T5 of 00f romrni,«< .. 1>0 !\ad SU"Or1I!y i<kfIIiflolbie inletaU ..i(ll certain oegmenu of che practice of .... ,",,' aside lhoso: in1ef-

" 1*;E .,..oaa ~ :jilt>

from 0»Jc)' one ~ DOl


of ~;"".~



Write it down! If :fOU are calling the

Alabama State Bar outside of Montgomery's local calling area, please use (800) 354-6154 for alt departments other than Lawyer Referral Service.

If you need to contact the

Lawyer Referral Service, please be sure to use (800) 392-5660.

om and (as( >"tIltS (or ouk$1bty considort"d 10 be (.... ond ~ II ...... ltUIy • heart"'"&I"lTIina npl:.k""t. We all h>d elifr...... pmonaIilie$. W~ had Judge Joe 11ocu..der........ had a raspy ....... I IC" .. ,,1bu 01 one 1""111 >..: ,.,...,


"" Joml'Iht", MIl l lolid. "Wen. Jud~ HO(:klandcr. ..-hal do )'<"OJ lhinI: 1M ckrk< of che CIOlIRS willllunl. olthi. portion of !ho ",losT and he b.1rl;cd. me .."Champ.

lhcy can flJftl1ll1<"ir own dal1ln ",hisor)'

rommitlCC:· F. R. Ci~. I'. 52 pro-.·ido< Imu r"ldinll' of (OCt in • non-jury case an: maOO>KW"y. n.. mp draft of Ruk ~2 c:ontair>«! a .im;.. lor J>fO"ision. Bock chen. circuiljud&a djcJ DOl '-e K<:....urics. I JOI. phone call one dIIy from J""F Hodlandcr MIl in his m.1<!'d-(;lICI way.1Ie M..t. ~ I

","ill Ji..:)'OII .. ..:qui1Ull in !he ktony of your choOcc if )'011 will make .... fondio; of fill'! in Rule ~2 diocmionary." And ... I said. "I ..·ill bria& n10 che commillOe.~ IMd2 ......... modified ond, fonunatdy. I IIe''''' had Ie> call in my cbi1. with Judge 1I000klandcr. n..,..,....,010 n\3.lly rtWIlox1io<li. 'kry early 00 5CI'CI">l,,,.mbct< of lhc commi.1OI:

expn:sscd conccm lhaI",'" paUCmcd of1ef che feden! ru.leo could hc.r....d in 1M """,,,01~ ..... yasMII..weloiii Judie$. Sam Pipl:l' ...... malo on ~ rd"maI ~ limes lIIc=I\cr coneanins !he \IQcr futilily of "Tiu,,& ndo<: thai were itlajllblr: of J..;ng "'"-<I by bad people.. lie said we will be sluing here 20 ~.... from now <lill <h/"u", unIcss _ 1"l>OClgJli;cc this ,wity and drow "'ks 1Iw will be fair and reason· obk for good I.,.,yen and impanial judges. Frnncis Hille. Sr. was one of the Jl10Sl unfOfFllObk clut..:1c>l l ""'" mel. Hi. gill for che Ijll tum of. phnsc ...... 001· WllldinJ. DOIIbdos. this ~iU scrmI him ",,,II his many lfiu"""," in 1M oourtn:IOm. At one pot ....... conoiocIemI whelhcr 10 J>fO"idc ",lit( in Rule 2!i lOr penons who. ,,·hillo an """"" is ponding. railed '" ~y "'lth che _ of nonclaims (14)-2·350). A .... ,'I'" ...Ii5e ...... ....m.d ...i><fdIy .... t.. be elfccti..: ......... the ~ of 1M dc:cedcru was enlilled 10 IW<:r1 on)' nnda" • COdlr..:1 ]lMIidin& for che paymenl of che judg,,,.n1. Mr. lIore. CVI:f lhe realiS!. sa'" a rca.lOnllble ootnprotnisc in this IlJ>III')'>tb whilo: (Ilhco CQ",p !hal il did not go flf "noo", IlIId e><~ opposition !O il Mr. Ibn: illllll<dioldy otS!)OOdrd 10 !he entia. by.uoc. ~VOOf attiludo rnnilICb me of .... drn\o·ni", man in the swimming pool. As the ~ franbcaUy COO<id<:r Ih<1r op6ons. ...' _'" oays. ·II=. throw bun thn l,k pmer-.u: To lhIo.. che slepIi< 1t"pIb.. ·000 Hod..... it is jU$l _ lo/lIJIllO do Ill'" on)' p>d:~ WI><:o! !he qursWn ODO»odcrcd. che opproach wpponcd by Mr. 11 .... r=i>...:I sumcionc '"OIe$ ond il now"lll"tltS .... 1M. 25(.)(3). OOIt:y Mdl(ll'" lifted with consumon.uc ..kill, of d>.,inllamJ.ip. Wilhol.u hi. abilily 10 pla.:e mlll1cl"S in Jl""SIX'C ';'''. 10 preside over lhc ~lOtion of OPP<:><Ing ,iev;,o .... im ,,"II pOIicnce. 10 II olI ti",.. Ill'! with l.Ii""'" inoqrily.1lIId 10 """"" for· .."aid 10 • consensus with juso che right baI;lntt of "",,IllY arid rifllW:U, ...... could ""'"'" '-e ptI)lII.ocN che obaI. is now "-11 che Alabama Ruks of

"''''·Iuch .....




"'y ..



Our nine-01<ldth pcnod 01 ~ion

-1It*d ond !Me on che last "lgtu bcf,.,.., !he bit" coil"••llion l><pn jR Mobile ;"IM summer ol1912. I pilI lOFlI><r aIxIu1 lwo d<u.eR copies of lhe fir>! <lnfl of lhc roles ofei,·il ~""".1Ol in my car, dro\-e W MOOik ond ~-.kd!hom W Judge lion;"


G<H-II< 11_ _ II",) miu ~ilh

_, ..".w~1 <!"'" " " ' _1 ~ II>; JOIIt -;''''''''1)' <!"" itJopfio<o at Ii>; RIOI.s.


:wi <JIhrr " .. of the commit1ce ..J of the coun. Y,'csIl'llblish",,1iOOt owdM ..J publi>Iw:d ;. ;" pamphlti f<WIn ..... eimllai(d i, 10 !Ix bar for comment ill the period bel"""", !Ix summer of 1m ..... its .x.p.ion. Joh" Wllb ....... d.n: 01 the Court 01 Civil Appeal •• '" ali() h= today and be auerdcd IOO:\t 01 our """",ngJ 0>"" the years. A few minUlts ago. John h.:tnded "'" • oopy of !><US tha, Ix Ix oopied 01.1' of JUSI"", Jamc:t N. Bloodworth·, rule: book. Jw.uce BIood,,'onh·s...,... n:flc<:L: "Dcu: .. br I. 1972. rulc:J pn:SCfIbId "" the coon by the 00I'I'IIT\I11t'e.~ A p;ru.n: ,.~ "-'" 0f1 IhM oo:asKJn ..J OfIly ""'" mtfD.. ben ol W <:OWl .II dull u"'" ourvi .... J...uo: Maddo>. ..J 0Ucf MI"", Heflin. Both oIlhcm ~ here today. JtJ§Ib Kobtrt !llla.....""d abo """ • mombtr 01 thai COW1. lie is !he fath:r cI J .... "'" IInnant lIan'oM . ,,';111 ...1>001 1sen,,and,.hI> is ali() h= lOiIoy. J~m Bloodworth·, noICS n:1Ic:a ilia. then: was a public hearing 00 Dettmbor 12. 1972. Acconlillj l() Ju,""", 1I1oodW<ll1h. tho rourI me' "" Oectmber 1)111. 18Lh.. 2OLh.. 27Lh.. and 29th. And lhen NewY...·s OlIO)' 197300mes. :wi 1 om """""'11110 Ie:_ the ""',, day for the ~ of. ltnJIhy IriaI iD ~ IhaI had Iqun in..ty Dlxa,b •. AlahImI pIa)'<d Tcus in the Cooon Ibo'l on January I. 1973. and I .... .11 IIOme omiolWy ...."ailin& Ihe lid: off. On Ill" New Ye..•• Day momi", my lelqlhone r;otIJ :wi ~ __ Iud", Htn .... He had filUrcd ou, lhol l ""IS hexled for ThocIIooSI (or !IeVefaI _ ....y. Judgc He "," $aid. "We need to IC' ,ogether. Champ. and JOOVU"!he these rules and


........ 110... obout ... FIIi", "'CCth:ff And I >lid. '1bdI)"r And be Wi. "WcU. res-" And I Jaid. ""Db. lhII would "" IR* (whatrouLd I Sly1)." Wloe.. 1 ~ thai I would limply II'ftt hun .II hi< off..." Ilbonk Ix ""'" ha ... had IIOIDC a.oecms about ,"'htthcr I ....... Ld ..tnw up. JIJdg<: Hemn ~ "No. I"ll """'" piock you up: Soon thereafter. my doorbtll ... g and tlxre.<lOOd J""I" lI"m". We ..pent Monday. January b •. JOing O<"U" the c,,""FI. ~afIcT Ix o1roppcd me I>ao::k off II my boule ,,'Ix<e l le:arnro thai the r.na1 5<'On: in "'" CoL"'" Bowl wos Texas 17.ALob&ma I). JudlC Ikni" had done

me:. f~.,...

On TIoesday. January bod. "'" ~ 1lAt ..... lle:nin Mid [had IO"t cwn "'til' ;, ..... , ... 1Itd. Mid """"""""" 10 Judge BIoodvI"OfIIo'. notes. "Jonuary 3. 1973. "'" COlIn ......, "'" new fUIc:J &$ of 2.:43 porn. CST by • YOiC: 019 10 IIOIhiIll to taI:e cff<CI Jul)' ). 1973." As you " 'ill ~ • AcL No. 1311 "",",'idcd \haLthe ruJes would OOL lake dJ<CI OUIIU sU mo.ull< af'Lrr promullillioo. ".., i. why we ...., hen: oolcl:lf\lli"1I .hi~ onniVCfSary 00 July 3. 2003. on tlx <'Ve of lho 4~ of July. W. then tqln "'" Wuclllional portion. and OOley :wi I .... vtlc:d all OVU" Ihe $!alt. We prubobIy "-'" .. many spoodou; .. oomrixldy """,i", for 1"""""". n.. ..... .,."i.... I reaJlll"lOit vividly coincid· ed "ith "'" cimti. jud&a' mtttioog iD Hilmi.."..... .II the Cbmber\Ind Uw Sdoool 0UJcy ..J .Judcc Haley Mid I "'til' .... "'" pbtf<WIn WI IlAt ..:IiIori"", in CIomllcrLand III ..... ~. JII<I&<: H ~ paucd ....'.y ..... year II&" llIi. sprilll. He Ie:", 50 mud> cm:Lil:>ility 10 Ihe role:< """...Ie Ix cook! address Ihe o;"'uit judg.. III "one of ""'m." lIavins him >'OOdO (or ,,· we ...... called the:''new roles" was huge. We an ...'cm:l qO>eS~ .. thai. ",minor III ....y Ion&. ~aLcd .... Ihe front ,."... ...... .. inwnidau", J""ge J. R...... ll McElroy. McElroy ..... tlx do:ad cI


the ami;' jItd&o:s II tha, lime. l ie wa. 11'1 "t <liff""'''' 1c:agut.:wI """""y.ud addn:ss llim otlxr than as "Judge McElroy." Ik SIt ~ .. iII> a ~pf quu;Uons thai 1 ..... JUte Ix tal 'P<* """'" fine IUI1lJl&. E,'CO" few ""nUl" ...... of lIS """,Ld """" 10 ...y. ··Y... Joo~ I-kElroy. ,,1IaI is y<lUf ~i"" . end oftbe .... y. U.S. Oo~ JOId,i;:o 3iId f""""" Alabama Cln:uit J"d~ S.,.boome II . I.),"'''' cood""tcd ali.,.. pretrial conf.<encc. Al the cikJ or thc too· f....1Ie" .... askt\L fOl" 'l""\lioJlS. Judge McELroy"';>«I his h.wl anti ~ a 'ypi. cally dct:t.ilc:d q"""ion. I ''Oh ..... !lOw is this coi"8 to C()mI: ,T r,,,, I..., ...:.ds oot of Judge l~'J mouth jUSI...., of lei the jir rut ~



Lyme I*"td 0IiII

¥loon. fill the

words.. "Wdl R"""IL"



you hoar. pUt drop l'htt\ Lynne tloorou&f>ly"'wemL tu, ~ ...... "'" tqoMong of ,be ~ or'ro;i<Wltt, After the ",Ic:$ ere ~~ I ....,n, 10 ... JudJe. bll&""'! w.~. woo was ""'n the pI"."idm£ cir(IUil .iOd$e In MOI\lgo"",ry and t >C"r)' ~QI_ 'l"" a< well as ~i"i. gcn,lol!i3tl. 1 tying '" pu\!he flOC(: p::>$.ibkl ·,u.>liOll and [ sail.!. "Well. Judg~ Qtrtt't. youloow thu;e ",IC:J ore modtlc:d af, •• the ' ........1 rules 50 if. "'" 10k "e'n: "ffcriOj! ~QlI JOmI:thi", e!IU~11 /lQnIJ _ " Ik <milcd 0Iid >lid. "Own/\. ~~ "'IN /'dli-«" Ih.1lI weN ... ~ bencIo 1>1: ..... Ihe Fcdcr.d Rulc:J of Civil i'm;eIIun: ""'" aJorL<:d iD 1938: I \tIouihL 10 ffll"'lf. lOl.l\e g<1I ~ lot 10 Lrarn-.d botI-dod. a good "JIOf'I obou. ". To Ihe ex'(fU'Cfli) ~"', I ... l.~ of!hi, court, !" ~lor.'rd ''t'.?flhe Alahal". Ie:pL 1.. "","IX'. I ~'n "!ir.dl,.. 011 ,Ix .oouldc~01J:'~m'. 'J'h:ut~ lOU, JudI" Heflin. bc<:~U><.' Ih... 1",:ol'le of LIli! SIIIIC ...., "'" "" .... r.e:oarle. of you. \ "ion Mid Ic:adffihip. ~ llwll.,)'oo. Judge lIemn. for ,ivio\s '" Ibc OJII'OI'""it)' lif\.'lUne..




J!Hl1x "'"


"""" OI.Ir .... y through qU<ll;oo. 1IW ,,",.., 1111

I I I I l I '"




ac. 1Lic:N 81 $1CXJ


by Gigo og...., U • i • 91 pi~~<>giXlre"lITIli pi 'CJi I ILltel' 'S * The I<labama StalO Bot Flogram Flomot.. Code " PPS. for mor" lII1""""t"'" on lec/IStw.lw 200(, call 1bJ. CoIkM'ay at 13341:ZW 1515 '" i/O to ........ llIdJshov.<aJITl to ont ...


of tile MUle roll! of togal tech·

"'*'IrI in < in a ;0;111 keynote address,

T~e u.~.r.: T~eir rromulgation an~

Ft'md",,'I~II" 1M I>IloptI<M ",lit. RMlts .. 110 ,..rorrW """ d"fft.d , - .



1M """",ill", _ _ ~

hiSlOfy of !he promulgalion and irnpkmtnlalion of !he

new Abbamlo Rules ofCM11'rooodun: is cntainIy _

~ I still call !hem \he ...... Rules, C\'CfIIIIou&h ii', been )() ynR since Ihty ......... <:Jri&inaIly IIdopIcd by !he ALat.nv. ~ Court. II _INIY Iht highIi"" of my IepI ~ 10 _ &$ dIainnan of !he .... , ......... "met. 'l$Cii(lotd and drafIcd Ihe Rub and 10 VI'OIt with !he line .....'Y"'S and judfp and law prof",",,", on !he ecmmi ...... II ...... '<'ef)' t.Ianood DCIOIYIIine<-•• "'" lad .".tieu" Irw)'I'I"$. c:tpo:,ielm judges - ' u-,.. . .abIe law pro(essm on !he C<IIIVIIinte.. WbaI "'" did dIanfod and nlOdemiud the procc<knI.y5lem of chil j.wia: in Alabama. The 1%7 lqislolure forst ronsidemIlhis projecI " 'hm ,. appoin!Cd. Cor"misslon fur Judirial Rofonn , The wm: proWct of Ihc commission pa.<Scd the !lowe of R."...,.ntativt$ by 1\11 0I'Crwholmif1£ Y(lI<c. bu. ,",'hen Ihc bill """"i to !be Sel\ale, Ihcre WI$. ''''Y .mall nwnber of 1tIW0I'S ",1>0 w= Id.lm:aoIly 0flI'0!Cd 10 Ihc bill. Theil oppo:!i.ion in oome inwIncts ..... thai <M'lY Alabama bwy« _1<1 Il10>.., 10 f<qet aU he knew .... civil I*adina and procuIun::. md laW)'C2'S """,Id ~ 10 buy I 101 d ...... books, _ ~ lhemlel""" all .,...,. ...... The ~ of I (ew ImIIIOR III';.....,. ~1Icd in Ihc defCIII of Ihc bill 110_, !he WOIt: of Ihc ....,•• ois>ioa and !he ~ ~ did anile pubIie inIeraI in joIdiciaI rdOmI. and Ihis kd 10 Chief Juslicc IIooo..,U Hcllin ard !he Abbomo Supttmr; Court "PI>OinllnI our hbiluy CooImi_ in 1971. We.......u.J on. rqularbWs ",,"1tII nI(IIIlhs, and !he rom ,,",Ii......, cnfI. of !he ..,... Rules was if.sucd in AugtlSl l9n Such 1hIl ..... prilIIed by w.... PubliVU... Company and diwil>.Kcd 10 e-;ny Iawyc<. ~ judge. every llw ochooI. and the AI:lbanlll Law ImcilUle for =ir:w and corn"","" and lUsgeJ.ions. ~afl ..... lhc ...... Rub"""" .....nlual]y odopttd and

bocamedfCC1i,.., on July 3, 1973.

Tltlrly JnBf /Q,~T. ~ cfllw

ori, 1NtJ _ ".. "","""" _" ""

_for'M ann; ... ,,,,,,, ..ltI"",;"..

"f1>rn: ..., really"''' mea ,,'110 .... r-imarily ~lill.d 10 !he credil for sucII ..form and !he modomiwim oIlhe AIabamIo jIdiciaJ sys...... Olirf J~ lIa,.-.lllltfiln orpnil;<d mil pr<Mr:kd!he Ielodcnhip for Ihe. adopion 0( Ihe jIdiriaIlrticlc lei ..... AIabamIo <:CIftSli...m.. This wm.ti1Ulional ammdnlm mad!: Abbama !be IIIIISI rno<brI jIdiciaI tySIem in America. He ""'" fdk>wcd IhaI up wid!!berd"orm oI!beAbbama RulesolCivil~. Scmeol )'011 ~ ..ill \he old rommon law oy<&rm in AIaboma. You suncd • Iaw:wiI ...-ilb • compIainl. !hen you gat. dmuttr and Ihm you p . plea. !hen you JOI. domum:r lei !be plea. !hen you gat a rtpIica<ior>. !hen you JOI. joindor. 111m you p . oum:joiJUer and a """'U.".. and • surmxmcr. Pleadings alone WOIlkl5On'leli....s go on for monIM and It'IOI'\IM.. and evc1\ yeat3. before Ihe pru1i<:< """Id e>"CmU3l1y join i .."" for • trial. This awk-



wllll"ll. IC<:hnicai. ~ ~)'$Iem hld been JOins 00 in Alabama fa" a 100 y=" or """". and yet you e... ·1 imagine Ihe oppositioo .... ran into in Iryins 10 ch:Inje and "'form wch civil pIeadirlg and practice pmct:dolre. II _ really illlCmlln&. bul in • woy it_ unraI.. 10 .... and tar ........ o(!be ..MOnS IhIt I'""'I'Ic '"'WId OJII'O*' sucII ~ iI ~ !hey would baYe 10 .., 10 8i1boiagllam lei.......:! a Jeminar 10 bra obouIlhe ...... Iy$!em. n..,..aid. ~I will baYe 10.., 10. ",,, .... -IhII'• ..,...... cog


...... 1oI01.........,..~ I'U ...,.,..,. fotp1!he


in !he o/Iice 01 0Iid JUSlia: Heflin ... hen he mil I ifl\-iItd Champ 10 rome mil moe!. with II< and ..-htn we ""'"' 0I"'ha bo.ocd" him into -and,.. \0 be Ihe. """"'"'" fa" the comminrc. As • «:$UI' 01 hiJ ~ 01 the "'I'O<'<'f-. job..... now know ,,-hal a W<lIIdetful job he did and 00w ""tstanding his """" wu peri"orn-ed NO! only....,..,!be new roles adopIcd. bul Champ then Ylr<lIt: and p"blishod • ICl<lbook on the roles. Such book. in lwo mlumes. i< now in il$lhinl cdilion.


In the fll'S! roition. WI'$I P\lbIi<hing COInpOnY tiked Chit( J...rlce lleflin 1O"";1e I r..w.d for .... book.. The chid" fwd Ihio '" Sly in dill fUSl ~ ~July 3. 1973. " ...... hiwric dole ... ,,'hid! Iho AbbomI Rules 01 C'M! ~ bepn ~na IriaJ prom.;.. -.I ~ iii ~ This ~ in .... ~ oIjIa<Oce ill ........ ta. ~ becIu!e 01 .... in.<iAence and """""" 01 for· -.J.1ookm& " .." ...... 01 .... Alabmnl bcndl. bIr Md !o:p"'u,re. The onandMe 01 .... rules is.<lal<d ~onruy: "(Thc rulesl shill be COOSliUCd 10 ~ the ju,," speedy. and ine:c['o<nsi", oocmination Olf CV<ry Io<lion. , ... "Il~, lIM: rulcs. comminee comm<n15. rr.nns and III .... many edUC3lioroal.tTons cannoI begin 10 Ii'" the l'""Io<Iidna ~t<n>ey the infonrwi<:>n m;p>im:I f.". daY'1e>day pn<'Ila! III1dor lIM: new rulrs. A practior; booIo: treauna such pooblt:",. is nccdo:d. Champ Lyoo .... J r~ ta. ,,'rium

n..o.-..", """'"


"No one OS more ~ pfrd rOf Ihio Ia!J: !han M•• l.yonf.. 110 ~ .. Rqlonor for .... Ad...,.;ory CommiIIee "" Ci'<il Pnooticc IR1I ~ and is _ Jcnina iii Rqlonor r.:.r \he SI:Indin& Olmminee on \he AlIobwnIo IMcs olCMl ~ In his ""plo<lIy IS Rcponrr r.:.r \he Ath'lSOl}' CoonmitKo<, be "'IS .... o:hief <hftsman 01 "'" C""""'_ COI'IlIlIOIIIS ,,-hich ......,... PJI - " 01 "'" n;1es in \he ARCP. In """"" 10 ...... ,opIilIo I wk I)/"thi~ ""'•• be took a lea,., 01 obsc~ from hi. law finn 10 doYoo: hi. full .neope. 10 this wk. Ue has

:obo parIicipaIed in all "'" major ~ .ff""", held omund lIM: stale anendant 10 .... i"""f'OOn of!be new rules and bas sp:oI;m .. many of .... knI o;diIcIIlonal dI'Ms spo<I!<ftd by ............ cimoiI JUd&cs in Ihio


"We oflhf:

s..n- eo..t of ,o.bIwnI "' ... '"""'"

dill such • book ...ill be ol irMlluabic aid '" !he smooIIo II1itiWon 10 .... pn<'Ila! undoo- ......... A~ Rules of Procedun:. I spe;III< rOf boIIh lIM: &rdI Md Bar ol in expres.I-ing appr<cia1lon 10 Mr. 1..yon< for h3vi"l well • useful book .. quickly iiYIll.... 10 our Rench and S .... I abOl "'lUlI "''':pn'SS our -"Il\"IUi3!Oor1IO his I"",' firm, Capcll. HOl ...... nl. Knabe & CnbIr;. I'A~ of MOfligomery, for ""emplifyi"lllM: hi~ """lilies of profo»ionalism in oIlowi"lllhc: Ibs(ncc of Mr. Ly<:m from hi< practior; rOf olmo:osI1WO )'1''' SO thai .... 1IImin· tunoUon ol ju:stiooe in AIabMuo miJhI benefll rrom lIM: influmce of ibis sdo>I;wfy 1ICI<lme)"llItII.ISU;l[ blend d intrllenual ~ IR1I pIaioo liard wort:,~ •

-_. _W_i." ____ _Ilii . _._ --_ ...... _,,-... _"-"" .._-,,-........ "_"-o"

_..:.."'-ItI ....... _ C -....... _ " ... _ _


_ " .. ..-. .. ISI ..... _

.. _


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~Yes, I volu nteer, but not to do your chores.«


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Mhoryllwkl Soko &. SmII1 firm Fo_ ••

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Und;ng """"ages in W Alabama Itgal '~S!'m ronlln .... to 0"'",0 l,ntCO' baoUog! in 1M d'>jXKition <If criminal ca>es. .he ,,, .... of a dden4&nl b«n dtrutd "'" nghl to a openly lrial ...·ill hldy b<: adJre• ...-d b}lhe



conn' I\'IOR! >nd IOOfe frequetldy. lltis anicle "" ....... Ill<- f>ro>r< ,n,,,hrJ ,n <kleman· log ' -;013110<1 "r a ddendaIlf. righllO. >reed) mal ~ o;:cumJ undr. AIab>.llI.1law, Whilt «fI31JI frderal roun opnioos"",~. 'his ;mlde doe< 004 dc_I du..:,ly "'th the partICUlar speedy tn3l,>SUt'S Ilw can an", only In f«lctal «>on """",,""OIlS. Ralha. m. foc", is 00 .~y!rial ''''''''' LNt an", ,n Alab.1rn.a '!.Ole




A dc:fend'In'" right to a o.p«<ly!rial i ••• ",00td to It»<n any ,...·;utonoUon b<:f"", .. trial I" mill« any impainnenl of hbeny if a dtfendant" 0111 on b.tJt and '" dcf"", lUll Ji$J1.lI.lIon in a <kferKhnf. anempllO defend hilnself in an)' ennlln.l r'nettd,ng. In AI.bam •• " defendan", right ", a speedy ,ri.1 dcri'"e' (ro",both lilt Smh AmcndmcnllO Ihe UnilN Slates Comti!u!ion and An;"k 1. S«ti<>n 6 of the AI.I>.,mJ ConSIII""".,. AIIIlou~h the United Slates Supreme Coon affirmed !he tu. Ip«d) tn.l as" '""d'nl(:"131 rij\hl im~., the ~ato Iovel by!he Due Proce.. Cia"", of ,II< l'<lur1cClUh Amend,non! ,n Klopfu v. Norrh Caroiill(l,' I.... C(MJr1 did no! pro"lde 4n)' rcal ~UI{!~lICe On """ !O dolOrmint whetll<r 0< no! tbtre had been a denial of tile fi~hl to" ,pttd) In.! co ... of Barur v. ""nto. w .... re it ~!abli'''''d. r""r'pr<m&


"",ii ,''''


In Bar/(N r. Winga. lhe murder lrial or lhe defeoo.n!. Willie Rarter. W", _onlin· ued 16 limes hef"", fmally pro<ttding 10 lrial. Bark",. fi ..., lrial ended in a nung jury. Buhr·, oecond lri.1 ended ",iln. conviclion. I"u lhe conviclion was fevela'll by lhe Kenlucky COlIn of API"'al s. The !bird Iri.1 ,"",ulled in aooIn· er conviction. oollhe convK:lion"'"" agoin ",,·eroed by lhe appell.,,, """n. A founh ,ri., "'S"I~ in aooIher nungjury. In his flrlh lri.l. Barker " ... . Cl,"vicled of m..rocring Otle viclim. aoo lhen convicled or murdering anolher '·;elim in a $iXlh lrial. The lwo murdcl1l h:iPl"''''''' in 1958. Barter,.."" II(It convicted unlil 1962. Afler providing an analysi, or lhe imp<>rtance or lhe righll<> a speedy lrial 10 bolh a defeoo,., and ..,.,;;«y. the Uniled Slale. Suprrme Coun "'jected lhe proposal Ihal a lrial mu" he olTered within. specified lime I"'rioo. The Coun fouoo Ihallhe,.., W'! no ron"ilulional basis fOf quanlify;ng the ,ptedy lrial righl inlO I specified number of month. Of d.ys.' Allhe .. "", Ii"",. lhe Coun "'jec1ed lhe argulIlCnllhal. defeoo""l muSI ;uSCn lhe righllo a ,pttdy lrial hef<><e lhe righl uim. holding!bal lhe", cannot be . presumplion Ih ... rund."",nlal righl " ... w.ived "",,..,Iy by in,.;lion by lhe' Rather. lhe Coun found ,hat. b.l.ncing Ie" mll" he



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.. , ,.

employed ··i. which lhe OO""uel of both the prt>SC<"uliOll and the dtfendanl .... weighed:" Thi. balancing Ie" consi,,, of four f"",on: lhe length of the del.y. lhe reason f<>flhe del . y. the defeoo.nI·' • sseni"" of hi. righl. and prtjudic:e 10 lhe <kfendanl.'

The Length of the Delay n.. ftr$l Barta ~ Wing" bClor is the length of the dtlay in lhe proseculion of the case. A OOIIn is no! ",,<uired I<> oonduc1 a balancing of the four fac1(U unJess the kl'ij!lh of lh<: delay is ~umpli .... ly preju_ IDcial.' In Il"nttal. the length of the delay is measllJed from the dale of """" or i""iel· menll<> the dale or uial.' A defendant"' Si~th Amendmenl pmI"",ion is lriUered by lhe beginning or a criminal proscculiOll.- ln M<lriOtl" Ulljr~d Srm~s. lhe SUl""me Coun held lh" the Si"h A"",,,,,,,,,,nl speedy lrial g""""'lC<: COInlncnc." upon lhe filing of an i""icu""nl. inf""",,liOll. or Olhe. for.,al charge. or when a defendanl ··has heen arre.<led and held 10 anS"'~r:· " In Daggnr ~ Unj,~d STar~s. lhe Coun held Ihallhe Si~lh Amend"",nl'peedy lrial prote<:liOll attached when the defendanl ",.;u indicted. ",·cn .hough he " ·as not arreSled and was apparenlly un.,.. .... of the unl;l.-e Ihan eighl years laler." In Ojfljllglwm r. UlljTd

StaTd'. the Conn held thaI the Si . tll AmcnJmen. 'p"edy lrial prolttlion al1ached "ben the was ."..,,,_ ed and ",~.sed on bond. o'·en though he " .., not indiclcd unlil 22 monlh, I.,e •. In Alabama. by "alUlC. a pro<ttuliOII i. commcnced by lhe finding ofan indicI"",nI. the issuing of. or by the binding cwcr or lhe defendanl 1() the grand j ury." COIll"","""n",nl of lh<: proscculiOll is lhe ","cnllh., triuefS lhe defendanl·1 righl I<> a speedy lrial. ~ Thus. I p", . ."..,,, delay (hel,,·ecn the Ii"", of lhe alJc,ged crime.nd lhe form.:tl COnl"",ncemcnl or prosccUl;on) i. not considered in e,'ljng whelhe. lhe", has been a <knial of the righl 10 a speedy lrial . though Ihal dtl.y could give rise 10 due process i"ues. - Funher. in cases i.",lving ' ",lri.1. lhe Ii"", peri<>d is lIlC;uured from ·~he aclion "",",,",ioning the ",uial : ·" Alabama couns hi ..... suuU1cd with lhe issue of whal conslilutcs an un",a,,(>noble delay in the prosecu,;on of a case. In STul.., v. Cit)· of (;"dsd~n. ~ the AI.bam. COlIn of Criminal Appeal' apl"'ared I<> adotX lhe rea5(Jning of lhe California courn in S~ma , . S,,[><rio,



C""" PMpld I<> lIoddre<. thi' issue. " In SUl1". lhe C.lifornia Suprr"'" Coun staled lhallhe "",ule of limilalions for lhe olTense $hould he ·~he .ouehslO<le for

_u_, ..... _.- - ' '.''_._--_ _. -

The 8<)1tw"... 6e-'5lned by lawyer. lor lewyenr


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w _ ...... .. - --:;:::::::~ .. _ ._ ~"'-.-" '" ~",",_,_


Ready to save tIme and money? Uncontested Divorce In Alabame 2.0 ....... $595 Child Support In AI. bam e 2.0 ..... ...... ....... $ t95 _"'.....,..""'_"'" _32CH1d_C _ _



11111111111 muMlri"l che ~Imeos of I delly helWffn rompl"i", and~" b« ... s¢ the ~ IIIUIC "f limilaliom ..,..fkct I lea· ;,llli ... too1~IJUC'ion of the 'pe«ly lIil' K"ar:>nlee," " In S,ulry. the AI.bam. C""n ore.imina! Appeals agrttd with this ~asoninl.;md round lhac. "" ... Iy 14·MO<\th drloy In .... pA)$C!<"'1011 011 m~mc ..... case (...-him has. 12· month SUtule of limil3Cions)" ",., pre$IUIIpI",.,ly IWjudicial" Thi. is """';,. IOnl "'illl the Supreme Coun', ..wy." in BaNr" 1I'i~IO. ,,·hich >laled. "(110 III;e 1>.11 ooe .,~ample. the delly lhol can he ("kraIt:<! f.,.. In ordinary ,,""'( crime is collli<lonobly I.... than for ...riQu •• romplc~ conSflirxy charJle:'" Despilc ~arinB 31 !hal time 10 IdopI Ill<! IUlule: of limilalioas "fPIO'"'h '" I fIIi<Ie~"" 10 detennlnlnz " 'hat Ion&1h of lime would be presumptively pn:ji>dicial. op;mo..•• ince St~ hIo'c i,lIOm! ~ hem., the o/T~ wn I mi._ de..,. ........ or r.,l""y. n.. CI<eS nftc" appear PIleI ...... r<! 5OIDev.'hal incoo,is-

i_.,.. ".

..'" in their lUSOIIi"l '" to ... hy _ Ii..... ptriod raisa • ptWImplion of prej. ""ice while aooIlIcr limllar lime period do<:s not. Some cUe. prm'idc 00 """ly,i, and .imply ,cr.",f>CC lin", periods dted in OIlier opinions ber"", makin, I con· clu.iocIlhal I time pIriod ;, Ot i. noI ptnlImpI;""ly preJudic;aI.~ In C"mplKli v. SMI~. the AIWmi Coon of Criminal Appeals lOOk the \IIlUSUaI $IqI of ",'''';&hin, aiL f(lll' or Ihe &lrtn" ~i"", flCIOrIlO dc\emti"" .'helhe, lhe: icn,1II or Ihe deLay"... Jnsumplh"ly pKjud;· daL" n.e ,ulldard now ,imply become lIIallhe rOlIn, ",ill ma};. (he doltmtina1lon on I c..... by-c_ ba ...... For example. 1n B",,~' v. SWlr. a de~y of 16 moon,", was pouumpli",ly Jnjudicial"'; 19 month$ "''lU ~ ti,..,ly Jnjudic:ial In I",,,,,,, v. S/al~ 26 """""" ".,.. ptaumpli,,,ly Jnjoo;.:ial in MUIIHI " S....?: and • doilY of",..". 26 monlll< ~11td in I praumpcion or pKjudice in BmudltlU v. S,dt..... A dolay of 60 monlh. W", prcsumplh"ly prcjudi·


dal In b pom' Taylor.." S6 m.onIJu; crelIed I presumption 0( prejudice in """,-,m" St~lr .. M and. 42·monlll dolay wl$ prc ... mpti .... ly pKjudidal in Hrnrfl~1II v. SWlr'-'. How""",. in Ex porl~ Apic,II~ .• 14·monlll dolay was not pres.umpc;",ly pKjud;dal;~ 26 monlll ...... noI prewmpl;vely prejudicial in CompINIi v. SIotr;- and 19 moonchs on I ",tnal ....,.. noIpre:wmptn"ly JnJUdiclai in ~""'~r v. SMlr. despite beinJ ~. ed by. 24·monlh delay in the firs. lmol.R=nlly. in Ciaitt.')" " SI"I~. (he coon of criminal appeal, addressed a 19· monlh delay Ind >uemple<! 10 dc{cfTIlille whelhtr il pKjudicial 10 {he defend ... ,. ~ n.. c<JWt ciltd • number of its ",,"'n prel'ious ",hnp ...... '" I .Jimil... de~y bad crealtd "IR' sumplion of in _ ~ 1M bad IIOt m ... cd I pn;:sumption of Pl"ju. di<:e in 0Ih<n. Unable 10 coneludo "helher Clancy·, 19· mon{h delay was presumpti .... ly pKjudicial. lhe coo" ~im· ply deddt:d to ,0 ah<"-<I 3nd ",~i ..... lhe



on the TIle XVIII Annual Fami ly Law Section 's Divorce on the Beach will be June 3rd-5th, 2004 at the Sandestin Golf and Beach Reson . Make your plans now [0 atlend and get 12 hours or eLE credit. The group reservation code is 3 18366. Go to 1I'1I'lI' ror more inronnation.

IIII ",m.;o;n, \h= fa.c\on "in an ahund.""" of ~,ulion_H ' Ho,,'C>'cr. " >Cn \hough UIC C/an~J did 00\ mal:<: a sp""ir.~ r.nding OIllhe r.rsl f""Ulr. i\ should be remembered \hal O\her I\Iliogs have required a r.nding \h .. \he len81h <>f \he delay i, prtsump\ively p"'iudi~ial hef"", "'quiring an analy,i. of \he Olhor dIrcc


Bark~' I',

Wingo fac\on.·

Reason for the Delay If. presumption of prtjudke has been .s\.blished io the length <>fthe <lelay. the scx:ond facl<>r \0 be weighed io the reawn for \be delay_ NO\ all prc~mp\;".ly prcj. udi~ial delay, con.lilule a denial of lhe righl to a speedy trial. However. \he bur_ <len of jus\ifying any delay rests with the SI3Ie." 11>e ",ason fo.- lhe <leloy i. panic"Iarly importanl in this weighing process. is i\ invol,"eS an assignmem of ""I"'o,ibilily for \he <lel.y, For .~ampl •• in Baric"" 1I1ngo. lhe supreme coon foond thaI UIC was IIO\ deprivro of his righl \0' speedy \riol beeause!be record demonSlr.ted he did no\ "'ant a speedy Ilial, and had io some

w.y ••11.asl pa"ively coolributro UI the delay." (kliher:lIe delay by UIC Sial. will dearly resull in weighing thi, f""lor againS! the S\.\e." Some AI.baml cases have broadly Slairo Ihal. defendanl mUSI $how "purposeful and delibcf1lle delay by the ~u\ing .ulhorily" 10 prc,.. il on this issue." 110""""or, Ibis phminll is. s<>mewh.1 misleading ,\a\c-IIltnl of tM burden on the defendanl. In 8arkLr" II-'ingo, the ,uprcme "oon sta\· ed that in oddilioo UI deliberate ~u· lori.l delays designed UI hamper the <lefcnse, ""ulml ,-eawns 'uch as ""glige""" 0.- o""",row<kd «>011$ should also he weijlhed again'llbe Stale (though weighled las heavily).~ Otber Alahama Casel h.,-e made i\ cleaf Ihal although ,nere in""tioo by the Slllt i. weighed less lleavily again.t the St.te than <len1>erale J>fOStcul<>rial <lel.y." i\ ,611 muol we;,gh agaiOSllbe S\a\. beeau$C the ullima", rtspO!l,ibility fo.- s..,h ci",um· 1\111<.' i. OIl ,be go""rruIK'nl.· 11>e SlIle h..... ronslitutional dUl y to make I dili_ gent, good·fa;\h e ffort UI bring the defon-

dan\ \0 tri.l."" In /laJu v. S'li1~. the Coon of Criminal Appeal, held thai \he SIal.', f.ilu", \0 make a good f!ith effort to locale a defcr.d:>nl <>r \.ke him ;nto <"Slady oonSlilutro I delibcm", delay f<>r purposes of de\ermining wbelher 0.- not the <lefend.m had been deprived of hi. righllO' 'peedy lrial." ln Clop'''''. wilen: \he defendanl ,,'as "I\3W,,", of hi, indic\menl until hi. su!>seq""nl ~= years la\ ••. IIIe Alabam. Suprcmc Coon beltl Iha11h(: was denied his ronS\ilulion.1 right \0 a ~y \rial bee.u,. the Stale did no\ make a good. f.;\h effort w find him," lbe SI.le ;, .11"",~ some leeway for delay in 5itu'lion. whe", lhey are &<1i",,Iy . Itemp\;ng scx:ure essential wit""". .s, 11>e coons hOI"" held thai a missing wilIK'!' is. ,'.lid roason l<> jU'lify an appropriale delay, and tha, delay. thaI would O\herwi,. be exces,;ve may be '"Iollw by the un ..... il.bili\y of an essenli.1 pmsecnlion wi,,,,,ss." Howe"Of, UIC St.te need. 10 show th ... good·raith. diligc"1 effort has been made 10 r.nd lbe




NO! surpri.i",ly. i(. dofe"da,,"~_n ..,.;0.,$ .... pnmarily """"",iblt for ~ dolays in hioc .... ~ach"" uW.1hen the couru lend 10 Iool .,illl <ti$f....,.. on • dofendaoll'. $llWqIM:nlll)u .... nllhat!he dolay donied h,m hi. rilh, 10 a opeedy Inal. "{ D "'la~. occuioned by the <lefen· da"1 or 011 hi~ bclIalf"", e.cludcd from 111<\ Icnalh of dolay and"", helvlly coonled agaiMltlM: <lefend.nt in apply. i"lItlM: balQne;nl lest of /kIrlc,.:"" For «ample. ,n Sial<. the", WHI 4(;·monlll <lellY be."·~n the <lef"ndanl". am:51 and .rial." "The COlIn pointed oul thai Ilthoulh the ""lay .... pn=mpti.-ely Jftjt>didal .•1M: ~_ for the <lellY ovett primarily 1I.ribulabic 10 the dof..... dl."·, OIO·"~ . Anc" iii, ..ntp'." v.

......... TInIo, lilod


dwt 30 m.obom:

before the orilin&l trial dale. i. " ... ron· unued by .,..,.,....,.., be' ....""'n both sides; lbe ""f"ndIonl .. ~td for"""""" ron1inu· oto<e wbi(h wu ,...,Ied; the ini.ial indklmenl was di 'mined ali" a .ue· ees.full1lO!ion by the <lef.nd.nI;.nd an.r he was re·;ndi.",d I yt!01 laiC'. lbe <lefendon. 111;n ""","cd for. and was ,,,,nltd. a ronMU.IItt.~ Thi •. alOOflg 00l'/f flClon, was weilhtd a~ainq TUmt, in <Ie",rm,nln, he .... IlOl ""nied Ius rilhl '0 11f!«dy Irial. li<sp"e the excasi." ""lay

The Defendant's Assertion of the Right "The lIIinl flClOJ 10 11<\ ,.d&bed is • <lefe!\dlnl·' lSSCniool f>f lhe rigb1 'f> I opeedy trill. "The CQtln ,n /kiN' v. Wins" IM:Id III.. I def,,!\dIn1 does IlOl w.i.·. 11M: riP'IO' !peed)' trial by· ing lu make I Sf'C\'11i. rtqut~1 for """,."It il clearly c\lIbli.htd lIIar I defendanl IIa! no dUly'" brin, hi ..... lf or lIt .... lflO trial ." 1I0W1:>"<.T. ,.·lItn I def.ndant does no! .mrmllll·,dy IWO"r1 'hi, ri",," the f... l"", 10 do I<) i. I flClor duol i$ wd&bed ",",nO! him." A. the U.s. Supmnc COUll ..lied in &IN' ~. M"UIz<o. the ....ail"'" If> asKn the rigbl ..·m rlI2I:e il diffonlll for I ""ftndaIM 10 P""'O he .... denied ~y rrial ...... A_nin, the rip, If> I .peed~ rrial as quic1Jy and 1$ e>fItn II pn$S,ble i. the elearetl ... oy for lIIi, flC' or 10 ... eiEn in. <lefen<ianl"1 flvor. ··R.pealc"<l ""Iuesl' for • speedy trial weigh 1It,,·ily in of


' '"(II"


"'AR CII 10G 4

an ac< RoIN __ " S,"'~. the C(IUJ1 01 Crim,n&l Appeal, ..,marked duol tloc ""fmdanl demanded hI> riVOtlO. spt"<"<Iy trial on f...... diff.,.. ~III

<lttasions (allhou]l:b the C(IUJ1 fOlbld All ,·ioIllion 01 ,1M: defcndlonf. coaSlitu-

11011&1 riPtlO. opeedy trial fOf OIherrea· son.).'" I" C/o"Q" ,.. S,ar~. the def~ndan' filed a I1lO!lQIIto dismi$S hi, indi." .... "1 on speedy.'rial """OO.t,,"O ,..~ks bef"", his s«<>I1Illrial. The Alabll"," CQtI" of Criminal Appeal, SlIltd lhi, ranor .... i&bed ,,"ins! the defendanl and illal ·11{1M: flClth:llllM: {der"ndant] did nO! mom llis riCh' 10 I sp:cdy trial .\(I(IOOr .~nd:s 10 ... ucsu Ihat he ",!her acqoti. e!«d in the ""lays ouuff~ only mini· mal ,,""Judic\' prior 10 .... daIc..... And in &rIfIr" Milo,... the COUll """"" Ihat the balancIn, ~ "......1< • COlIn "10 anacII • diffm:nI ...·.ipllO I "'lIMion in ...·hkh lilt defe"""nI knowingly failllO objcc1 from. SiWllI(101 in " ·bieh his II100><'y ooq",~ in Ion. delay wilhool ode· qualely informinll h.. diem. or from I ,ilU3lion in whi(h no .<>unsol i, Ipp<>im· !!d. II ,,<)Uld 11$0 lilow I """" to weigh tloc frtq ... ncy and fnrcc of Ihc objections 1$ 0J>PI*d 10 lltachi", .i,nifleon' "·dpt 10 • purely pro f"""" obp:tiool.""

thai n is IlOl flllttSsa<y for I def~"""'I'o II/IoOto" ICI ..... JftJUdk'O if tloc lenglb .... the delay. tloc ...""", the delay. ond the def~""""·, l»Mion .... the riPI If> I speedy trial ,..... p lIta' ily ","in~ tho: Stl'''.'' II"""'...... then: 'III~ some ... Iue.oto<e by lhe COlIIU 10 Ii"" a $pCCdy .rill depri'·'UIQII wilt ... no prcjPd;". ni ..... •• In Ba,k ... ". "1ngo. the Sup~me Coon provided ",am pies fIr wly' in whkh I defcl\d.Onl moy be prcJlldiced by !he ""lay in prooe<"ulion. "The Coon indkaled illal ,,·i' .... SSd moy die ur d;~ar duf· 'Ill a delay. and may t.._1e 10 lCCII~cly IU1I1 ",,,nl .. Further. the





"The I;............ i. jl" aw;a;.illg uial has I detri.mellllOl impac' "" the indi, idual It often means 100:. ot • job; II disrupl' rlmily lir.; and " rnfOf«S idle"",•. MOSI jail$ <>Ifor linle (J( no "",,,,. alion.1 or ~k.blh'"I;'·e pr0gram •. The I;me .pent injail is simply dead Ii .... M""",,'Or. if. ""rendonl i.locked up. lie i. hi!>de~ in hi. abilny '0 lather '" KIt""". conllCl ,,·itllCS!Cl. or Olhtrwitc pn:-pan: kis defense.

The Prejudice to the Defendant

Impos,"Iihotc conseq..,..,." on has "'" yn bctn CQm"ICttd i • ...nw.. It i. espe-

The founll and fin&l flCllII" 10 be ..~lht!d

dally unfonu"",,, to impolC them "" Il!oIe pcrlUn' ..·ton ..., ul,ima"'ly f""nIl to be innottru. Fin&lly. ",'On if 1II1CC11<ed i. nO! incar"",,"ed prior 10 trial. he i. ..ill di..oo'·',"aged by R'! .... intS "" h" liheny and by li,ing u!>der I oloud of lrudrty. su,pi. cion •• nd ofl.n ..... 'ilny...

1n}'Ol'e .. hi>

sp«dy Inal"il illllY Jftjudice In I defendlonl 11\:11 may ha,,, ...... I'ed from ,he dell)' As ~aled """'iousty. tlocl'1l"", tJutt primary ;nl.""".. ' " be in


prolCOled by. def.ndanl·, ron'lil"""".1 righllo I ~peedy 1fi.1: """",nll"l .~ces· si", prelri.l inel""''''lion. limiting any impoirmc-nl·' (lO1 I defendant·, libeny ,.·hik out "" bail. and rtd<ICing tho: cbanoa ,hall defendanl·, abili,y'" defend llimsclf ",11 be impoi~.""The &'*~. Coun considetW lhe I.... of ilIe>c to ......, the most ~ poIrlMial fur prtJIHlic'O ......... sc the inabolily .... . ""fendant adequMc:ly In pn:-pan: .... case KCWI ,IM: f.,mcu 01 11M: "nti~ .y........... A """"in, .... JftjPdk'O 10 11M: defendlnl illlOllClually eucn"allO findi"l llItR' tw been I <le1',,..III,,,, ..... <lefen· dan", Si~,h Amendmen' righllO. speedy lrial." The EI.vt"1II CiR'.il of AppcIIIIM:ld in Rin/tJIlif! ~ 1/0""(1,,1


In addil;"" '" the fOflTll of """judice described in &TU.~. Mi"go. the Alobamalf'pcl1l1e COlIru ha", broad· "ned tho: lCOfIC.o al", include the .:I......, "ffects on poroIc COIIslden,iooI. elipb,lily R'1cMc """ 00l'/f ""_ propanu.. and ,he flM';.,u .... place .... ronfine .... nl ...


Conclusion No panicular flClor i. """,Iu,i,,, in "",ermininl"'hc1hcr I defendlon, has been denied hiJ righll'" .peedy lrial . .nd the b.1llncina of IIIe r""t(K'"S can be I

11111111111111111]]1111111111 difficult proces. bee • ..,., the , uidclincll an: 001 ... bjC'<IIO f>lnct definition . llM: S""",me Coun ... mnwizcd \he " ...,._ ~


d . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ 11 _II ......_

_CIoIIII»,IItI!iI..-_ p .11_ ..... _ _ 110_ _ _ _ ..... 11.. .11"

We rqard OOIIC 0{ lhc four

,",' jlh >11th OIt... c' rc um.~$


.my be ,d t"" nl. In , urn. the", (..,LOIS !Ia,.., "" .... hsmallie q ... li· lOCO: COlIn. 1lI\I'OI j,1I11 ""PiC in • diffICUlt and SCMo''''C bolancin. fi"IlCC$I.. Bot. hoc,"", ,,-. m deal,ng wIth I fullda"",nw righl Qf the ilC<, thi~ process muSl be c;uricd "", ",uh MI rtt<lgJIi. I>QII lhat!he ~'. illlC~ In • .<peedy lrial .$ !ojIOCirlCally .ffim><d in the CoruuMion,· .

Endnotes _ _ • • •A~... 6US 1, 1 KlZSCI ,., IlII2.l1 LloI _ItA

1 DII"'r._~.US l'1l1S11 1 _ . wo.,oOu.5 ~1'.1I S Ct lUll.. DL III /11101111/71 111.523

• ~



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n 0II0IJS:.1.ll1!l111!


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Jury Nullification:



he jury Mod ~n deliber.uing in the drug case only a maller of minut •• when the bailiff handed me a 0010 . ! was $ulprised. A I>OIe from ll1e jur<m 10 the


judge u,ually doc""l

ani,,, unlil lMy

ba>'c I queslion or they ore hUngry. None of lbe>e seemed likely", soon. ",ad lhe: 00Ie: "Judge. Mr. Smilh' i. "'fusing to deliberate. What should

we do'!'" J """ more than. lilEle $0'_ prise<! and confused. After .U. I badjn", 'poe"t a day "" ....... ;ng jury .election. lI)'ing


the and in<!fueling lbe jury in great delaiL What did Ihi. jnfOr IlOl undcrsumd

about his role in Ihi' process?] h...., since rtali'M 'hat what I did,..,. understand was 11 0



lIle real issue: jury nullificalion. Mr. Smilh. 1m African·American male. Md foldod hi. ann< ""r<)<~ hi. cbeSI in Ihe jury room Ind anr,OImccd lhal be would 001 VOle la ronvic< lbe AfricanAmerican defendanl regmllt" ar lbe evidel\Ce or deliberalians on Ihal evi· dence. He felllh>l Alabama', drug I.w, are wrillcn and enforced in such • manner a, 10 h,..." 1m unfair impacl OJIlhe African·American communilY. He fell be had. righl and ,,-en an oblig>lion IG VI)Ie for an ""'Iuill.1. Wh>l's .judge la do? I broughllbe partie, and lhejury back inlO the coon· room and ",""h"'led on siandard in$truclion. such a, "my job i~ the law and your job i. Ihe facts. Do 001 be , wayed by sympalhy:' "The allernale juro< had been e.-<cn.scd .1 !he end Gf!he trial. Even with renewed insuuclioos. Mr. Smith woold 001 budge. The other jurors ",ere obviOlls]y infurialed ""i,h him as lhey filed back imo 11>0 jury 00. lG Icll roe ,1>0 jury W3$ hunll al 11 IG 1. I "",e\$ed. ",iked 10 our prt. id. ing judge. and ullimately declared a mis-.

lrial. Thai was aboul my only opIiGn. I ~pok e 10 Ihe jurors afl(1"Wanl in the jury toom as I alway. did. M"'I juries I lway. ask lhe quesli",,: "Judge, did we do lbe righl thing?"" and my ,lock an,w", has always been the same: " By definili"" your ,'eroiel is correcl, prO<:<i'ss. not . Jl>SIi« prodUCI. If we have C<)r. r<Clly fGllowed the pnxt ... then your .... r_ diC1 cannot be wrong. We seek lhe IMh . When lrulh i, in <:<lnniel, IG rel(>]ve thai eGn· niel we fallaw a .:emin pre_ sclibed process. Whalever "",dkl is ret>dered ;' Ihe lrulh and;, cOffi'<"I by <ltfinilion:' Naw I WI< stymied. How could I deal w;th • • ilu , ~ on where I key player in the process decides 10 igno«: my insll\lClion,? Whal ",medy. if any. W3$ avail· able? I could 001 give Ihuse jurors any reos<"rance. I began researching Ihe i"."" and ha,.. came 10 believe Ihal jury


nullificalion i, faSI bec<lming a ",a lily in courts across lht cou ntry, and few judg.. and lawyers .... prepared IG deal w;th it Jury nulliflcalion in I criminal case occurs when lbe jury or • juror assumes a righl I>Ol jusl 10 <b:idc wbelber lhe def~ndant oommilled the crime but all(> whether be should be convicted at' it The jury goes beyond Ihe queslion Ihe


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der....dalll·1 pile 10. furthtr quation of. deopiIC his luilr., >hoold !roc be conviclcd1 Ordi.... ly•• fmclin, of luill ~. Iy leads to. convicUoo. StaDdard jilt)' in>tnlClionl in ALobarna ....... Mate INl if the 5\IlI~ Iw provtD!be Ikfcndant'l ,uill beyond. reasonable doubt. then the ju!')' has. dUly IQ .,.,."..;';c,' NuilificI,iQn is. <i«i,krn by the jilt)' IQ provido mm:y rather IIwt juSlice and !imply acquilthe ""end:anI. NulliflCaUoo rnay alSQ lake

place as iI did ",i'" my I;ase irwolvin& juror Smith ..'bocK .... jury han&s IOId I miSlriai musl be <i«~. ~ promp$

an individual juror Of

.... 1!1IIi.. jilt)' 10 take .... Law iDlQ .... ir own hands1 Nullific.atioo fill. inlQ IWO groups Of IYPCI of ralionales. The ju!')' may lhink /he IIW ilSt'lf is unfair, O/'1~ntimcs this will include vice. liq_ IIws. pmblinl or mandalory pclNllticl such as lhe Ikatb pc..aJcy.' MOftc c0mmonly. thoII..... me I'Miooak i s WI .... II", iUclf il acoeptabIe .....1 based 00 .... fletS pUCnlCd. ~ ..""Id be i~'f"Ojwi . '*- ThaI i" in ~n cases. apptyin. /he Il w ;,100 haN.h or noIINly mcrilc.;i. Examples Qf Ihi. ralionale ore CI$eI


where .... harm 10 .... vicJim ..... mini· mal. me victim's.:onducl OOIIrribuloOd 10 the ......... the ... f....w.1 .... suffered e"""..... or the ,o,enMI",'" 1liiy lui...,

oetod improperly. The famoulc_ of Marion Bony was OOC whore il was widoly bel;eved thaI .... jury nullifiw based 00 whOl il bdicved 10 be inappropriate """,mmcnl conduct.. Bony " 'as .... mayor of WasI!inBloo. D.C. and bad to:en vidoor1prd "';Dg cocaine and yet "'. I<'quiucd. The jilt)' opparaItJy fell thaI .... """""menI'S m<lbilimion IQ pro$«IIle the ""')'Or _ ~'

Paul Butler WI$ an AuiSIaJII U.s. Allomer in WastJinillon. D,C. durill3 \be Marion B:my proseeulloo. BUIlt. is an African· A",....;c&n and. in an essay wrillen for .... ral. u,.., JmmllJl in 1995.' od""'lIc.;i jilt)' IlUUifICllion 10 CO<'IIblI oosm, He .ira 1lUmEmu$ eun>pies of racism in .... <;liminal ju<Dce I)'SICm. inclt>diJla Alabama', _,. Scoruboro case. 110: R<XIney Kinl ease (while assailanl$ wt'l'C acquillod by • jury which bad seen I videotape of King being beaten). and lho Susan Smith ease.





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, ,


He al<o f""ls that !be di'parity in penal_ ties hetw",," ~ and crack cocaine u<t" is racist. The mo,t f~""ndy cited evidence of "",ism. acrording to Butle r. is ."the enmonlinary me of incarceration of Afrkan_Arnt:rican men:~ Butler e""oumges jury nullification in cenain cases to cOlTe<t what he pem:i'-es as a bro ....n syStem. Hi, argurntnt in def.nse of jury nullir.cation is b.ued in part on hi, observarion that !be s)'$tem allows for subje<otive docisions to be made by judges in cl<tlcising their discre~OIt.t trial .00 by prosecutors;n . >.",i,ing !beir pn:ro&ative to seltCtiV(:ly pro$C<'uto True ""utmlity. be argues. is not poi-Sible ...... n for • judge. -n.e black juror i. s;mply another ""tor in !be syMem. ""r p<lWtlto fashion a panicul", outcome; !be juror's act of nulliflCat;on ... CJlposes !be indeterminacy of law. but does not create it:~ ProfesSOt' Alan Ocrshowit~. in response to !be Marion Barry verdict. referred to jury "wlilie.tion IS ". red· ned tric,,:~ This respon<t "'as b.ued on the allegedly recurrent hi>lory of white juries ignoring civil riglus aoo acquitting lynch mobs. DeTS.howilt fdt thisllick Was "",d by ."rednttl<s" booa"se it allowed !bern to act on raci't instincu.' Not all civil rights rnurden: in'"(Ilved bl""k victims, In Lowndes County. Alabama. two white civil rights worte ... Viola Luiuo and Jon Dan;els. w.... murdered, It was widely believed that the jury in the Lui>:ro case ""quilted !be man who fired the fatal shot based on jury nulmication. Jon Dan;els was a ,,'hite Episcopali an seminarian who was 6hot by a man wbo was tried and ""quitted by an all_wbit. makjury." We cannot know for ""min that nulli · licatiOlt has occurred. The OJ. Simpsolt case ill u'lr.tted how cOntr.:,..-.",i.1 a


dX:t can


his fame and on race. This could never be proven as it al'" may ha,.. been a failure by the State to prove the case beyond a reason.ble doubt. What we do know is that OJ. could not be tried again in • criminal coun and that"" ooe has been coo"icte</ of the murders o f the ~wo v;';tim. in that Case. If a ~ivi! jury goo.< haywire. it is possible for !be coun to grant • judgment notwithstanding the "erdic~ din:ct a ... rdict. grant a new llial. or ..'en order a remittitur. None of these: procedures are ",,,ilable to the 'tate;n crimi nal cases. The unwise decision of !be jury is final. cannot be reviewed. does not h3"e to be CJlplained or defend· ed. and provides"" recourse fo< the State or victim •. How fair is that? ''In vin"ally "" other conteJtt is a govemmenHal>Ctioned deciSion given such tlcfcrel>(:('. and in "" Other arca would such unf.t· ltred deci,ionmaking be tolerated:·" Jurors wbo nullify may sec themscl,-es as rose ... ", or even heroes. Other> may al", admire.;n. sense. thejuror's tlclialICe of the syStem sUl'flO$edly to provide a mc",iful v"rdic\. How""" •. !bere.,.. three erroneous ... ,umptioos which. when examined. reveal the Ie .. 111""'tive or hooontble aspects of jury nullilieation, Fir>t. juries do nOl know the wbole Story and do not have enough infonnation on "'hieb to base a nulliflCltion. Suppose !be jury feel. >OtT)" for • c1eaJt--cut ~nager ",1>0 was ~aught with drugs. That o.ame jury may not be told that he had prior convictioos or that he had • whole stash of drug. in his car. Sup"",...,d or ilkgal.vidc"". will not he pre<tn<ed and thus !be jury often does not have enough infotmation to justify being merciful and sympathetic. Second, there is just that assumption that the j ury is "",,-ed by sympathy. rompassion or leniency mther than ",nlC loss legitimate reason such as race or blaming the vic-

11m. We _ .... Il10: Juron _

following !belr best ;n5~ncts boo""se. in fact . !bey may be following !bei, worst and basing their ven!iet 00 bi ... and not sympathy. "The third ... ,umplion is that !be criminal law i. too inflCJIible to allow ind;vidual justice"" nullifICation is. kind of safety hatCh for the unusual case which may not hay. been cont.mplated by !be legislature. The problem with thi. ... ,umption i. thot numerous safety halCbes .... already built into !be crimi· nal justice .ystem. Prose<;utors have dis· cre1ioo and can cumi"" potential defenses and fa.ctOr in those when <k<;iding to prosecute. The l<gisl.tllft has c;re.. ated numerous defenses such as ........ i· ty. entrapment and self-defense that do provide flexibility. Is il not preferable th.t a democratically .k:cted rel'f"""ntative lcgislatllft provide for the safety hatches m!be. than aJt utICleeled. urodemocra~c jury behind closed doors creat· ing ilS own brand of ju'tice?" Jury nullification. or at least its ad..,. ca<)'. is On the rise. WlletheT b.ued 00 ""'C or 0Iber percei,"Cd unique cls':s ... gun law •. vigilanto ""ts. abonion clinic protests. mandatory helmet lo,,'s. or mercy killings. how does the systent react? Legislators. judge6. pro$C<'utors and defe .... attorneys need t" ~d""ate !bemsel""" and prepare for . uch an .... n· tuality as the one: I faced with Mr. Sm;tb. Based 00 my researth. as wen ... my personal CJlp"rience. J offer a few obser_ vations "'hieh I hope may be useful. One of the first inquirie$ into !be pr0blem ""'mS to he. "Why i,n't thi. problem easily solved during voir dire?" E... n though !be VDir dire process.-aries wide-Iy. rhe substance usually itICludes a question sl>Ch .... "15 tberc anyone: here "'110 focls he cannot adhr ... '0 !be law ..... n if you don't agree "'ith itT Of "Is the ... anyone here who think' we ,impl}' shouldn't bIIvc such a IIIw (lp the boob"" lbc <CUal .... lbis didn·' wen willi Mr.

Smith is because be had 00 inlenlion of showin, his hand in advanc~. fie "'anled 10 be on lhe jury. As a lim ddeflSl' ..lilUlI nullir~ion, il is furodlomtntaIthaI ....,h qttt:Sbons sboooki be ~ durin&jury oelcctiooo. II ... IllY pnctioc \0 ",Icaoe the a11mWe juror oflCr the jury mimi \0 delibenle. 1I,,,""eYer. dw"irIJ my I found thai in l"MIIy naleS Mr. Smith would have born replaced wilh an .llCrnale wben be ",fused 10 deliber.ue. Some judllos 1liiy DOl o~ \0 "'pi.aoe the nullifi(1" beau", ;1 is more curati,~ dwt prevcnll_ 1M: and o:omes ",jm anocher set of ton· sidtlWooIS. Also. the nUllirocation is "",. ally DOl ~ if f:>'tt. WIliI the _diet is ",Ddercd or the jury has ....... Many def....... IUomey. arzuc for nul· liflOllion durin, opening or olosinl stalements. 15 II ponnissibJe for lhe jury 10 be ma<k . "'''''' of its power 10 nullify? Mosl rompolenl defense auomey. willli,u", • ....y 10 !Cllloi. iswe in fronl of thejury ",ilhoul JOi"l SO far as \0 be held in rolIlempl 01 o:owt. S""h argult1tl1tl N " aimed at evoti", sympaahy for the dioDI or ~illJ the hiSlOricaJ role of the jury or IM:n 1$ ""send I rness.IF.. 1liiy be subtle eroough 10 =ape do:lCClion or judicial rorutqucroces. A defen'" '1101".... y who. based on the r""ts. has 1\0


defense wiU "",""y like I plel Iwpin. If !hat is _ p<miblc:. be 1liiy Ihrow his clien.. l ....... ga the mcn:yolthe jury. TIlen the dienl.·1 ~ or only def....... is 10 IItJC the jury 10 nullify. Bllll>ll tICtics _Id tvOI:Il possible "mical consid_ e"'liOftS and may aloo ..,.ull;n ronlempl. Tbe defense . 11omey can slill walk a Ihin line and ",cave the nulliflCllion l\OIion throughoul his cue. That nnlion is lhal even lhou&h his clionl did the deed.. il would be an injusti« \0 <:<:JDVict him. [0 Alabuna.. wilik£ seven! Olbcr states. there is "" '""IUi","",nl that • jury be i~ that il may IlUllify. The oppolil<: insuuclion i, ,iven admonishing the jury 10 follow the law &nd convict if the ",ale has p",..en ill eue beyond a "'.sonable doubl and 10 1\01 be ,w"~ by sympathy. The jury is lold 10 consider only the tridcnce &nd thai the evidence is the IeSlimony and uhibill and _ the arzutPo:PlI mIIde by 00IlIISd. Jwic:s OCCIsiorWly """'hi! .... with their verditu.. and I bad 10 wonder .f the juron bad uJl<lomrood IIY jury ;nsU\IC.ions. The", is uhinu.loly POIh;n, ml! un be dorIe 10 JI""·onl I jury from VOlinll its conscience. especially if lltal COftscicnce has I\Ol born informed 00 IS 10 ftel ",illy ;rllY j udge·s 'lUlrut:1ions are i~. Judges would do .. ell \0 empbasiv:. 10 the exltPI pos.s;bk. the proper 10k 01 "'" jury. ",Iiana only OIl the ...idena: . ..-bat i ..... ideDce. and "'" importance of nnl ~inl swayed by oymp.l.1hy. I IUd 10 Kill A MQdJ~,NrrJ" whtn it was Ii,,;! publi.J\N as il wlIi requir<:d in my elevenlh p1Idc: f-"llis.ll class. I was '" proud because I k.... w It "'IS based in Alabama &nd ,·ory _ my homo in B.ldwin CoImly. I. aIoaJ ",ilh the res! 01 the world. was inspiml by Auicus Findl·. dOl .... "'IUmtlll in ... hich ht til.ed the jun:In 10 DOl allow their biases 10 sway th<m. Ile WI$ I$kin! the jury 10 render • true .-mIkl 1\01 IMICd 011 "'" race of lite defcndam. It Stems 10 me thaI aUQrneya woo cncouraae juries 10 nullify are the very opposite of finch. TIley "'" IIY onti-Allicusluomeys. TIley do DOl rnp:ct the principle 01 juslice or the a1_ AImd missioon of the roun. TIley OK pngmafuu. TIley ....... us 10 be I pemmenl 01 men and _ of laws.. One cannoI have it both .... yt.. Itow CUI you ltll • jury 10 1\01 consider race in comicling the defeudanl bul 10 ronsider race in acq"iuing? How c.... you lelll jury to

DOl 10 be I .... ~ by sympathy for the ,ictim bul 10 ...... y ..ilh Iympaahy for the defelldanl? Altlcias ...... righl ..·hen he Aid then: is galy one human in .. ilulion ... here a11"",n are "'IuaI. ~ ThIll, I o:owt. Objective mher lIwt subjeclive deci · .iOftI are 1\01 easy. ~ i. SQnlC1hinll salisfyln, about taking the I.", inlO your own hands and deciding IMsed on your own cmocions and .... Iues. I... like play in. God. J....,.,.,. "",",ever. is DOl lbout bwdiOI the rules. It is aboul be'lIJ lure lhe rule applies 10,01oe. Jury nullir_ion. no miller IlO* you !Ii« il. i, .. bottom • ~lion of the bask snmise thal"~ are all equal under the Ilw. •



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TO '-1)\0

LAW DAY 2004

IiQU.l.I.rn ' llY 1..\'-


"TO WIN EQUALITY BY LAW: Brown v. Board of Education at 50"


2004 LAW DAY production of U

SLAYING THE DRAGON: Brown v. Board of Education & the Who Lived It"

Location: Courtroom of the Alabama Supreme Court Pe rformance Times : May 6,2004

11:00 am 8:00 pm

May 7 , 2004

May 8,2004

11 :00 am 8:00 pm

2:00 pm 8:00 pm






'2. ~ ~

2. o

= 1/1

..if !a.


Communication Permitted with Represented Government Officials






§ ~ -

with die

My law firm has bern ~ 10 dd"cnd e"~ Ind oI!iciaIJ of die Stale B<..t O(Fdo ..........110 """" beer! """" by • C<l\IIlIy boW of ""'ncim. The ....'suit "1'1'"_ 10 be amr:nai>It 10 ~ Ind I """"Id liU In ""&"liMe tcIIlcmm! possibiUties din:ctly ..illllho .....".. btn of d>e CCIWl1y board 0( <ducalim. My qUtSlion is wl'lcthcr I mlIy oomm""icale ..';1Il the nlr:1l1bm of lhe coonly 00rutl wilhoollhe C<)OIS(nl fit opprovaI of !he I:..mfs anornr:y?


n,.""',,, on: pmrullCd pursuanllO!he

izcd by bw" c=pUon~~ MoJII lUl'I ... ilies fmdjlaiuroaQon forlheGttption in Ibe "'pctibi:w:l roo- """"" of ~ clause oem. F"tnt "".. "d" ..... 10 !he United SlateS ConsriMion. In 1M I.t1'N of i.aKyorlng. P1of<$lOC1 llauni and Hodes pnMde tho roJlowing analysis; " ... a lawyer for. privale party who is in lit· igation with !he ~1 may ....,~ n: parte in!~ with ..1eva1II govemmem off.. ials. If !he nocmaI t.r of Rule 4.2 wa\' ~icd Slri...,.n~y.1he ~ ~·IIaW)"<f

You may. as IIIOm<:y lOr tho SIMI: e-d of ~ «ommunicaIe dftct/y willi the oIlile """"y boW 01 .......... 10 .......... It!Ikmont oflho pmdins ~ wiltwM oI:uinioIc !he wmcd or opprowaI of!he ItIOmt)' , ... _dIiog Ibe 00\IIll)I boW of ~


brt-.-.. pm_ paRies and """,W ... ,,, oIfociab.. .. hich .. quesOOr>obIe pOOcy. and rN&ht .... qo...oon. IIIOder c:ouId _


!he ·pclilion r.. ...nuol~· <louse 01 dlo firsI Ao, ....dlllt.ll." 7Tot- Ur.<ojJ;",.,.m..g, la-rd II. IIodes. Scc:orod Edi6on. Prmtia: Iiall (1990) 14.2:109.

Discussion: <:ommuNcaIloos ..idl persons '4"ut,>I(!d by """""".

1ft ~ by

Rule 4.2 ofllle RWe, o/",,",fCSllionai Conduct. ,,'hich prtMdes .. follows: "Rule 4.2 Communication With Pmon kqlr=nted by Counsel In "pc.... c!itnt. alawytr shall not corronunicate about Ihe subj<cI of the repreIIttIl;Ition with a party !he L.wyer 1uoo'I1O be ~ by""'" brw)'or in ........ the ~ has lilt eonta'It oflhe 04her ....')'01" or is auIboriltd by law 10 do .,.The Canrnerf; 10 RWc 4.1 ClpmdJ upon !he "'IIuIbor. 0ed by ...... e=prion:




for cumpIe. the righI oIa!*1y ID. conIt\lYtfSf wi!lll govemm:nll3"fW'Y 10 opcK ..iIh ~ ofr.::ials III:>oulIhe matICI'." S~ members of Ibe rowuy board of ~alioco con·

clusively apptat to be "g<MI'MIl"Ill offICial'" willlin the mtani"ll of the above-qPOlCd Comrnmt. communicl'uions

A similar ~ ill"ound in MOiknt Ugall::tNa by CbatIes '*'fi"am and C10arleI ~.ranI:: RNvis, Sr.. poro_ of law al Cornell Law Sdl(M)i: ·'Requirina !he COI1SCI11 of an odversary lawyer KernS pan;a,WIy inapproprialc ....'Iom dlo 0(I0.~". P.'U.''''d~. C<lustiturioo>a ~ of IG lIOI"""I"..,... and SlaIUIOfy policies ~ i""" a ....." in !he sunohine ....... 1Kosti1e 10 a rule !hal podil>ilS. cirizen Iiom _ 10 .. 0(10."..• sacy ..... I.I"'.uI pIr1)I"'~ pi« dao". ...,..Iiom!he .,...., .....,1IaI pIr1)I~ Iaw)o:r.



us. ear.... amaxIl fCon&rc-.sbaII 110 law lapo:iiuC .. . !he riat. or!he po:<lpIt peaceably ... 10 pt"riIion !he

Goo .. w, .. [~ r... rcdrtR of~·)." Motkrn lLgal ErMa. C10arleI W. Wolfcvn. WCsl Publishing Co. (1986). § 11.6.2. p. 614. fn 53. The AnnOOllion 10 Rule 4.2 in the Fowth Edition or!he ABA~ An1PlJol"te</ ModI'l Rulu of""'fusioNJl C~

"Whm" ......., .. ow "F"CY is !be "1*...,11<(\ pMy. Ihc C.."',.... 10 R.... 4.2 ~!bIt. pIA)'

willi ...atw, ... ouol uff"JciaIs 1bouI!be mat1"... ,,",..,td.,..,_ right of pditiun ~ IUdt

mI)' ......

lOr'. Tho

~ Oooeo ,., .... mnains the.....-anl of1be pNpk. oven when citizm:I..., 1~ apimI it. TIu, ~ citiztms deal willi JP"tO ..,""'. ~ ~ sons of diteo;!: \XIIIIII:t .... ~ by ...... and pcrmis:sibk. OIJ'>tiaI ......,..'" 10 Rule 4.2




inclWe. for~. !be rish< of.;any 10"

lion 10 R.... 4.2.~

11..-...1 MO<kIIW/4 of~ c-b.N. I'owth Edition. Arnrfi,c.., I;W AJmciation (1998) P. 411. After !he MQtkI Ruin ,...." .mended by 1Iw: IlIJU,;" 2000 CotrmillCe. !he ABA ~ &lightly diffcn-nl ~ 10 ttaf· ftml ill im~ uf!he''auIlIorim:! by law" a<q>tion. Tho ~il\h Ildibon of1lw: II_IN MoJd RuJ", 1<kRsse!11Iw: issue IS follows; "Whm" ~ qcncy i,!be ~1Cd

;any. J& . . ljA, (3) of1lw: COtntUmI. IS "1I~"ded in 2002. ~ 'Ihe poI$ibility IhaI a citian~ <:On$fitu. rional fiahllO petiOon and the puIUc policy of......q " ciIizcn .. fi&bt of _ 10 1"'0' ...... dtc .......nIk· U'I m I ) ' ' ' - In ~ 10 !his Rule·.~

II..-N MO<kI Rul40{~~. Flfth Edition. Amtric2u Bar A$JociIIion (2002) P. 427. BoIh .we and I"cdcnI courts " - ...uformJy m:qp>iml the ri&hI ofln anomey Rlingago.eo .. ,,,,,,1tlI entiIylO~­ <:m dim:tly witllllle ~ offrial$ itYvoIved in Ihe Iaw5Wt roncemina the d;,pxition or I"C:$Olution thereof. Tho United SlaIC:l Distric1 Court of Maryland Iw concluded defmitively .. fol~:

··llIIOf. as a party" riglot to speak with govemn>e1lI off.:iaIJ lObout. 00IIItD'0'erSy is C<II,,","o:o.J. Rule 4.2 Iw beno IlDiformJy inInpmcd 10 be inapplicable. See 2 Oco~ C. Hazard. Jr. &: w. "''llliatn Hodet, 1M Lawo{Laorytri>tgf 4.2;1(l')(1df:d. ~ 1991 &: 1'»4); Cbattes w. Wulfnm, M<>Mno UgtJ EJJrbf 11.6.2 (1986)." c-.J<,o " $I<Jf<' 0{MAI)"la..... 910 F. ~ 1115. 111 (U Md.


''''l. In InOdw:r ~ case.lI_ c - An·... lite. " City of5l. llibafl#, 18 F.Supp.2d 620 (S.1l W.v.. 1998). def"cnto """,*1 att<1nplCd 10 prohibit plaintiff's anonw:y hoot di!lClllaina settlement willl!he mombeni of the city go.=ing body. T'he Cu\In coocl uded as follOW1: " ... ~Iy. communication! .... illl a represented adwrt< pIA)' should proceed through IhaI pany .. J.wyer. punuam 10 Modol R'* 4.2.


"1"'0'.''''''. "F"CY 10 .....

",i1h p-anmm' offociab aboot 1be mantr.' As ~ in an An>ttican I:lar Astociation 1'arrn>J E1hlc:s Opiruon. 1M ri&h' to sptak .... ith JOYCfTImen, offlcial5 aboot a matter in ront""'""Y ",fers to !he COOSlitutiunally p«>IMed riKht to petition the p-emmen! and the ~ive public policy of cnsurina a .iIiright ofao:e:l1llO ....., ,., .. '" dtcisim makers. 11&1 RJmwJ Op. 97-408.." 18 F. Supp.2d II 621-622.

= ..

See abo. No.foIB: Ry. e.. K ~. 4JO S.E. 2d 11I (Oa. CI. App. 1933); 1Juu.- ¥. /hutt..... m Pold 393 (Xat>. CI. App. 1999). See peaUy. Udr;e. ~ .... CIIv ~attd /Iv ElIoicd &M bfI ~ ..ilil R./HutiJftll'Unia, 61 Inti. U S49 (1992); BMa-. ElJtia,I u-ilJ "" lloonoty ..'lilt ~tIItd Uruq:wes..... idQfJicla4.)1 Suffolk UL


Rev. 149(1991). Tho An>ttican Bar Association and .............. owe bar

owocwionl " - authoraJ opizoiont """"iMini ItIOmO)'J 10 oontact ~ and offICials of .... ~" ., ..,. ognw:y withoul


the <;(ItISm, of the altoo"rlty. See. C.II .• ABA FormaI llthics Opinion 9S-396;ABA Formal Ethics Opinion 97408 (oiled in II"",""", c:.:u-Associotion. suptrI); Non!o Carolina Sl3te Bar Astociation E>hics CunIrnitt« Opinion 219 (1m); AsPoialiod of Ihe Bar of the C'1t)' ofNe... Yo<!<. Opinion 19884; KmIudy Bar AaccioIion E>hics CoomniRce. Oprion E-lJ2 (1988). AdditionIIIy. II lei5! one JUlIe. CalilOmia. toM codified the ..apion and ~ inch.okd II in Califumilo .. ¥micoeo of Rule

4.2 •• 1OIJOWt;: 1bi! rule sbaII DOl owlY 10 communicaoIi<oa ",i1h. public off,,",,". bo&rd. tommince« body." Calif. R. 7·

'03. a-d ~ the.aboo.'e. it is the opinion of the Disriplinaty Commissioo of the Alabama Swe Bar that you.. III anonw:y f«the State Board of Education. 1113)' cummunit:aoe dim:tly "m the mmol>tts of the CU"'otYbawd of edUOC:;lLioo to ditcUSS stltl< of the pending ~. wid>out obtainina the~, or appro-.'lI of

11M. howeYer. bodt o..fcndauIs are 1"'0'01*"

Retraction Formal Opinion RO·01-02 IRO·2001-02J. pubhshed ,n volume 63. number 1. of The Alabama Lawyerconceming commu· nication wiltl opposing party's expert witness. is hereby Withdrawn. Anomeys seet:ing to communicate wiltl the opposing party's e:<.pert should do so ooly in accordaoce with the applicable Ru les of Civil Procedure governing discover)'.



Alabama State Bar laWf拢!J Referral Service can a living. so it is hard to believe thai only three percent LRS wants you to consider joining.

~ovide roo with an

The LawveJ Referral Service is not a pro booo legal servic". :A~"':'m;;",;::.:~g.reI:,'::'~~~: ;;t~:~;;I: $25 for an initial consultation, not to exceed 30 minutes_If, I to accept the case, he or she may then charge his or her normal fees. In addition \0 earning a fee for your service, the greater reward is that you will OOi::I~' ~:~,lt~~.

citizens. MoS! referral clients ha~e never contacted a la"""er before. YOl1f Cjlnselirlg


needed, 01 you may oHer funher sel'lices No matter wIlat the wtrome of tlie lnill~ consultatiorl, next time they I)f their trierlds or family need an attorney, they will come to you_

Fer more information about the LRS, contact the stale bar at (1m) 354路6154. I know that yoo are an attorney interested ill becoming fees are $100, and each member must provide proof




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Birmingham Bar's Solo/Small Firm Section Presents Their Annual

"Ott" Dog Luncheon & CLE (Lunch is included as pen of the semin. ,)


2nd Floor

Thursday, April 8, 2004 11:30 am» 1:00pm

FREE to Section Members' $25 for Non-Members· This $25 ",ill a lso serve B$ J our 2004 dues if yoo wanl to join the Solo/S me ll Firm Section


U.S. Magistrate Judge John E. Ott -legal Writing for Federal Court" • "Daub en- • "Title VII Deve lopmentsSI'\Cl-.IS LnlnE"! • SI(;:\ ll'"lOI)\)! Noow: ______________________________________________________ Mme~:


"""'C-'_ _ __ AI. Ba, No.: AS6 _ _ _ _ _

,~, ______________ • _ _ _ _

(for ClE Credit)

I am NOTa Section Member. erdosed is m'Y check lor S2'5 IJ Please add me as a member at NO additional cost

eMail Addre;:";'

"":;::::;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;::;;;;:;;:;::;:;;:;::;:::::=, or _ ..... UI: SP/Sf Soctlon 01 tf>o 88A </0 Chn. ChriSl Anomev at lIrw. Treasurer 105 lou. SUoot NorII1. SuM. m

PleiN MINai! ....,..., oil _

Bormin\llam. Alabama 35203



""""C'____________ ' . C'____________ eMail Add<ess; _______________________ ANNUAL DUES, $25.00· Payable 10 -Birmingham aa. ","ociation" Mail 10: Binningham Ba. Anoeialio • . 2II212d Annul Nonh. Binningl\am. Al 35203 MEMBERSHIP BENEfITS includ.: Annual Jtldges' ~ecep!jOll and Supreme CotJrl Update' OuMerr,- Newsletters ' Moothlv Luncheoos WIth Ptominent Speakers Free ctE Opporlonilies ir>e: ludi!lg Ott Dog l.oo:heon Sectioo ExclusiVlllntemet (istSe", Access' Amual Techrology Seminar Bus iae!s Networking' Sustaining Membersllip Opporlunity Annual Ba.·g.O Picnic ' Socia l Fuoctroos ' • ~ f~EE


The Alabama YLS Helps When Disaster Strikes


heAlabama 51"e BarY.... ng Lawyers' Section provide$ free legal assistance to the su ..... ivors of Alabama disasters in """nlinal;on with the Alabama Slate Bar. !he Ame"""" Bar Associalion and

0Iber$. n.e Federal Emergency M"""&cmenl Agency

(FEMA) ha< a "<)I\tno:l with the American Bar Associal;""" Yoong Low)'\'I'S' Di,-i.ion (ABANLD) (0 coordinate the provision of fltt clJ'Ierllcncy Ieg.1 ...i.I"""" aft .. disaslcrs OttUr. 11Ie ABAlYLD app<)inlS

young la"'yer cbairs in various region. and states thR)llgl>O\lllhe United Stat... Due to the prevaler>ee of di .... '.rs in Alabama, ""'ging from hurricanes ,0 and tortladoe", Alabama has its own ABAlYLD di ..... ,er chair. A. a res"l~ whe"""ef the President of the United Siaies ded""". portion of Alabama a nalional dis.uler area, FEM ... contacts the ABAlYLD 10 assess It.. legal needs of .u .... ivors and !he best way (0 gel such ;nfQmlAI;on to them. Or>ee a disas,,,, am has been declared. !he Alabama ABAlYLD chair conlrlS tho Alabama YLS 10 begin !he process of providing free legal lIS$iSlance to survivors. 'The Alabama YLS then contacts a of young Jawy ... throogbou' !he ""e of Ala bama willing '0 provide pro booo assi •. 1rulCe. Typically. !hi. assistance i, provided by staffing • toll·frtt number wbere su",ivors can call for consul· Lalions. MCI has ge .... ""'sly agrttd (0 provide loll -frtt





numbers for lhis purpose. Young lawyen paniciparing in !hi, program do SO pro bono. or free of charge."'" yOllng law)'f'rs staffing !he emergency legal help lines are prohibiled from soliciling any bu,i"".. from disas~ $U",i ........ l1>e loll-free number for emergency assi,,,,,,,,,,, is "",i,,,-' ed ,,-,pressly 10 respond 10 a <lttl.· ruion of di""'le'. As a re,uh.!bere is 00 -Manding" number. If you need to gel !his number in an emer· gency. botb fEMA and !he Ala"""", Slale Bar will be diS1ributing il wben i, is ""livaled. If you would like to r.nd 001 bow )'00 can got in,-..h-ed in "'is projec" coo'''''' aecutive Commillce Member IIob l'I~il.y al Unier. Ford. Shave. & Pay .... . If you have,,'l already do .... so. yOll $hoIJld "'gisler now for OUr 2004 Sa.nde>Iin Seminar. to be h<ld May 21 SI and 22nd. Conu.<, rommi"ce members Nornlan Slockln an or C nolg Marlin to mate sure yOll are reg. i,,~. You may <.11 Sandestin dirtt\ly for room re=. valions al (800) 320-8115. Please be SlltC '0 include our group oodc, 306100. Thi' year', program promiStS I" be beuer"'.n e .... r! ConfIrmed ,peak... are Judge Judson Wells, Tony

McLain, J.~ s.asley, Wa .... n LightfOO1. Proft$SOl" Howa rd Wa lthall. J oh n Witkel"SOn, clerk of the A.... b:oma Court of Ci" il Appeals. and Ro bert fledge. See you a,.he bea<h! •


Reinstatements • Efi"octive Aug.... 8. 2003 •• 'Dme)' ()r. is Dua ... Clrr. of GIeDView. 11Ii"""; •. "'u IUspended from ,he ,"",icc oflo ... in !be of Alabama for ooncom· pli.nee wl'h 1he 200.2 MaOlda,OI')' Cominui", u:pl Edue.'ion n:quin'mellu of the Alabama SUl1e a ... On 0tI0bcr 2. 2003. Carr ~anx no compliance ",ilb the MCLE rules and wu rei ......1Cd 10 1be ]nCIia: of 1_ ;a 1be State of Alabuna. 1Cl.E No. 03-01]


• The SU",,"me CooJ1 of Alabama cnltnd a., onIer based upon 1be decision of Di,ciplinary Board. Panel l. reiosl.l,i", Mobi le a110mey Gregot"1 a . ])a.. kIM 10 !he p<X,icc of 1_ ;n 1be SIMtc of Al;lbamI efJcc-

1M: N<wI-rnbtT La. 2OO3.


No. 02-01]

Transfer Mobile a110mey Jdre ........ Ilanlel Morrow .... u ''''n!rO~ '0 disabili,y inac,i"" Itolu, pursUa.,,1O Rule 27(c ). Al~/>onwl R~I~$ of Di..,iplillllry PlOCtdt.rf!. effocti"" J..,uary 6. 2004. i Ruk 27(0): Pet.. No. 02.a2]

Di.barment - The SUpn'me CoIOJ1 odopIed .., order of !he Disciplinary Board. """"I IV. disbarring Hun lSvi lic auDme)' Char .... ~nnb A b boll from the ,""Ike 12.2


10 0 ~

of Law in !he Sule or Alabama effoctivc J""IW}' 14. 2004. On Au",", 28. 2003. Abboll cnLe..... a """"'01 10 disb.arnlcn'. AbboI, plead guihy in !he N".u,.m Dis,ric, of Alabama 10 a s<:vcn..oounl il\dicun.n,lhll alleged be. u a loan clOI!ina a11omcy. millpplied fund$ plaud in his trusI account. "'lIich wen: inlend· ed aDd provided for 1be purpooc of Ulisfyia, mono PI" debcs.. [Rule 20(.). Pet.. No. 03-10, ASa No. 00-48(A)]

Suspensions Ekss<:JUe1 lllomey Ja ...... Minion Ctih w.. inle'_ imly suspended from !he pm.ctice onaw in ,be Stale of ALabama pur5lW>110 Ru le 2O(1).,4Jobam<, Rl6ln ofDUcipiiNJry P~. by order of !he Disciplinary CoonmiWooI of 1be A......... SWe a. cfJ«livc JanIW}' IS. 2004. The order of !he Disciplinary C..,.nmi.. ion wu bucd on 1 pelition filed by ,be OffICe o f 0er.eraL CooJ\Se1 evidendng 1Ml Cash had willfully DCglccled ~Ilcnl mal,.!'$. failed '0 rommunic.1e with oIi<nlJ and foiled 10 MXOWII for cli<nt funds held in IN"- and dw .... b condUCl .... COIIIiaui", and coUJi", or likely 10 CIUfe immcdiMe and 5c:rious iujU<)' 10 his di<nu ond !he publ"'. iRule 20(.-): Pn. No. Q4.a2]

• The Supreme Coon of Alabama .mtn'd an order affinnin&lbe order of !he Disciplinary Boanl. P:mel

II, suspending Huntsville auom<:Jl Jack Dani~1 from the practice of law in the State of Alabama. TIle s.u>peru;joo was effective January 15, 2004, and rullS for a period of91 days, Daniel was foond guilly of violaling rules 3,4(c), 8,4(c) and 8,4(g), Alabama Rwles o/Pro/esJ;OMI Conduct. On or aboul April 25, 1997, Daniel SUbmitled. condiliooal pica for . violalion of Rule 8(O,Alabama Rwlu o/Pro/eSJwnal Conduc •. in a pre>-i_ OIlS complainl (AS8 nos. 93·376(A) and 95_IO.3(A). Dani.,) was ploccd on lwo years' probalioo wjlll specifIC terms and conditions. One of the condil;OOS required Dan .. lw make rt,utu!ion '0 the complainant. Daniel fail..! or rtfusod!o make restilu!ion In the complainant, !bertfore violaling!be terms of hi' probation. On April 4, 2001. Daniel tendered a guilty plea to violating probation. Daniel was to recei,.. 1 9 1-day suspen· sion, 10 be II<ld in abeyance for. period of six months peoo. ing Daniel's rtfunding of $49.636.63 '" !be clienl. More than six months elapsed following !be Di>eiplinary Board', order and Daniel did I>Ol rtpay the tTI<l<ley. Dan"l appeal..! his guilty plea '" the Board of Di>eiplinary Appeal, and tben 10 the Supreme Coon of Alabama. bOOt of wltkb upheld the Di>eiplinary BoanI's actions. [ASB No. 00-3.3(A); BOA No. 02-02: SC No. 1020905[ Effo;<:li,'c November 12,1003, anorney Sl~ ph.n ROYH Mill< of Memphis, Tennessee, has been s"'pendod from the praclice of la ... in III< Slate of Alabama for lIOI'IComplia""" with the 1001 M .ooalOly Conlin"ing LcgallldllCation rcqui",menlS of III< Alabama S,ate Bar. [CLE No. OO-5<l[

Rule Change In the Supreme Court of Alabama January 9, 2004 ',',lcrCiiS t'!~ ,\iilililrlld

"1 ;~,

Stdt,! Bilr 'idS 511ill"l IW(I S C;jll: d iw!,":lr" 10 dll'I'I'~: Ai~:}(:'hIrX ,\

.\:;iI)iIWd :l,llc, 01 D,SC,!)II'I,II··... Pr()ced·.I'p. dl'::

\\-'h,,,,'i:S I'll, COllrl '\IS UIIIS'dp'l~d ,)rnt"~I::'iI'lll :.:: !\ppCIIILx


:\.' ;\:dIJdrl1d Ill. ~s 1:1

[:- ,(:'11 Ildl', P:-:;U;::I.IL'. II IS ;J~~


he'e~', 81::erl::: 1'liIt

:,.,1 IJiliilil'dnll :;! ,~pp,!n(j,x 'A" A'il::a,,:~

Hi) Co :':1 [) sc p nail' I":K.I':·:I,II' i:i" 'lI"·l'n::t~[lli: :Cilii (IS III III'·:,

PI':'! liI',S li:1 wi1o;laTel'I("11 Sl'dll :.le i!(::!rCSSCll k :he G~'lCldl COllIISt! ]1

Mobil. anomey Lewl< Daniel TurMl"\'il .. , Jr. was summari_ ly suspendod from the practice oflaw in the Slate of Alabama puB"ant 10 Rule 20(0), Alabama Rules of DiSCiplinary Pn:>o:t<iU1t, by on:k-r of the Disciplinary Commis.sion of the Alabama Slate 8 ar. effecli,·. January 6. 2004. TIle ordtr of the Disciplinary Commission was based on • pelilion m..! by III< om"" of Gene",l Counsel evidencing Illat Turnerville had fail..! to "'$pOnd '" ""IueslS for infonnalion from a disciplinary authorily dnting the rouru: of disciplinary invesligauons. [Rule 2O(a): Pel. No. 04-01 [

Public Reprimands • Flore""" auomey Damon Q, Smith received a public re['ri· mand wi,hout gene",lpubli<:alion on December ~, 2003, for ... iolating 1\110$ 1.1. J.4(b) and 8.4(1), A.R.D.P. Smith was retained 10 file banl:ruplcy on behalf of 1 who adviM:(\ Illallll< only"'''''''' ,II< wanled In file was becaux ofll<r student loans. TIle eli.n, adviM:(\ that Smith .. od.tmantly guaran· teed .. II<r that the Sludenlioan, could be discharg..! because of the dreum,larIceS ,urrounding II<r case. Smith cotoeluded the clien"s banl:ruploy and 511< was discharged. Shonly lhereafieT. sbe began receiving eall. from a collecu"" ageney rtganliog the loans. Subs.cqlltntly. the collocli"" .goney advised lhaltll<y had talked 10 Smith and II< had agreed Ihal the SIUtknlioans w .... DOl disch"'lled. The dienl contaCted the baokntplcy admini'tralOr who ,uggest..! that Smith reopen the case and ftle an adversary proceeding. Smith did not 00 10 and advised the client mal II< was DOl going 10 ftle lllythiog else because it ","Ould be rrivolou,. [ASB No. 02261(A)) •


I:.qht Ig, r;llp.,~s fi!i~.:~ ·,.,·til t':;, D '1';1 IIdi, Ciuk III :I'e l\'dl),l'lid S:,;:,; [Jdr


i;[':I'," (I:lll"l'll Ii',!' III S JilTI ::I1"U:: s'ldll :\' dlcct ',e III"I"e:n7pl'l I: ,; '1",1'1'11": oldw;!d :I'd: Ii,,! ':1';:y.,.;;I':j W:1i' ',:".' I"i' rqJI.H:I'1 (II ::1;:.:",",11':-; ~.:iC ,l::::e:: 11: '1)11:;·,.,. 0;

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II' l'lilt

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So Jd r-r1:ISIO')


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r:ur ;lu::e'l G [,ddle Sr. Ce',. SUII'll"I~

C:)I,I: 01 AldlJall".i)


RATES M.......IS: Two free listings 01 SO wonII Of less per bir member. per calendar ve¥. EXCEPT 1111 'IIOS'tiOfl WiIillecl' Of "~lion olfer«l" lis1ings-$35 per IOS8(lKln 01 SO wonII Of less. S50 per additiorlal word. NonmembelS: S35 per insenion ~ SO words Of less. per ~I word Oass;fiedlXlVt..a pIyI!8'lllTllSl be! reooMld ittUdioog 10 m. fobwog pobIishng ~ M.rch 2004 iuue-J.n ...., 5tII. 2OD4,; M., 2004 iI.· I M.rc~ 5110. 2004. NO .se.ftre Pl8IISIOnI wiI be . . .. SInd tIIs$ditId COI1i ard IDIfIlII'IIIO ~ s.mart. ~O 8ol4156. UonlgoITwy l610'~156. MIke dIItt III money Of_ payable 10 ". ASaIIam.J LJwtwClassiIilds.

Services • AurO ACCIDENT RECDNSTflucnONISI! l'IotWOCNI ongi_ _ w.\I1 26 years' ....,..;..:.. c.tlfild ;., oo:odIrIl rteMWUtla .., No:>'ttrwI$1Om u-s.!y lor I'I.tIIic Sat.ty lJoridi !eSIlInOIII'. ub• ...".. iIIusntions. fit. I ... ,...,.. on- .......... ~ I:nI/IOIIdgI 01 • •.... _ _ _ PIarriII 01 dol.- 0...." -,..s 01-, ... _ - . CanIacI ~ I . . . . PLQ05In1-3B.E-moi;



• BRIEF WRIT1NG AND l£CAL RESWCH: fOImp mff""""'"Y IIIlh1_ Cw! 01 Ci.'i ~ prMIa ~ writJ'Q...~. "voI'- 1II..,1IgII" Col BlrtAl!ro.e12ll5i 941-035601_ ....... . , . " oOjiNo.<GIIt • DOCI.IMEHTElAMINU: £4;,._,oI~~ c.IiIiooI '--1wUMoIrog tnd ~ _ _ ~



_ · _ . . . iI"b.c6:xunooot~~.dIwI ~ doturM: USACrioonoI_' ... -~, LoIo _ _ ~"'IIf-l" WIlE. MIooIr.\SClf: IAI.





lin..,. ""....,

Sola'£: HoIOL ...... .., ... .,.... _

• 8US1/11(SSYAllJAT1OH: a . . . I IDI'W:o......... ~ Mtnd _ .. """ ll.-_.....",.. .............

......,...... ·'~...,""" ...-..: ICaUIIiog nI ..... - . . . _

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""" _COI".tioI """" IiIig;lr!i:II P4'POII_ b 1"oInII\' fA CIiIPI ~ ................ t"rao:iII tnd """"""'II ..... Contact O. Mi:hooI ConeIo. r:J'A-NR. CoNIo



~P.C..l l roToIIan~ MolkloGn~.



GD1Wo.lI8M1n'jOiO. on... ....... GIogII:mJ1

• PIIIORfTY SUMCf OF I'IlOCUS.INY£STlliATIQNS AMI SlIIYW.AHC£: 1~'" 0I1ooIo:IbiII. 0.. 6.CW _100 -.....c1lllOill1* ..... ....... 0.. 1!(11 ........ puonotnd PI . . . CIiIPI ... ,;I. II CoraI:I8o;;Io..a & Assoo;JaIa. P.O. b. 11WiIi. MobiIa 3661B-m16.I'!o>t 1251)&4\1. 4969 ~ ... bi7dedI.


Cl'ImanIxIgo JJ~ I'!o>t 10I1!6-71 00.

• TlWfIC ACQOEHT RlCOfmJlUl:11(Nt 111M ~ __ 3JDlnfi: ttCIdIra" 23_ III ~ _ tnd'"

-.iM:Mog-.-.tIrl,o_idkl . fIo,n -~...... -<t-.,r; .. ~ ....... .,



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bd ..... II!'N;IAR. CIII.IoIw1Ia.. ...... 1IIQ2!&Sl!iIl. • AMGUAlCOlJHSELOlt I.......... _ ... .

"rMIMd II . . . . . . . . . G.m.o.... IId,Q05I9"I9-!lI521W'*>

C1Iru:IIII(Jrw w


Stiw"m. CMI nI CfininoI ...... IO:IPIId. CGntoct F.... ~ Shiwr 8. NoIsm Mwgobl;tO lIIlOIlMCI't. 19l1lMc: Ridga CoM. ','.-tId. Ger:rooi30199. I'!o>t ~ ~11-8ll8.

MAR Cil 2004

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