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INSURANCE S P ECI A LI STS, INC . 151 ALABAMA,. dll''''M of,a,
Inc, (lS1). in
.1> fifth
".,,,,n.1 .s.s<»i.1.ion
dcc.d. of •• rvice to
is proud '" h>l'c
"",intamed .. rvkc to th. Al.I>.>",. SI.,. 1~n.
IS) i.
/I,,, .j"".
as • k.1kr .mong .ffinny
third party odmin'>' talor" .nd m.i",.ins s!rons ,mli.. ;"n! ,"';tn I•• ding c.rrie" of ilS spoci.hy produc,,- A,,,,,,j,toon .nd .ffi"ny group, prov,d<
. dded v.lue '0 .\Iemb.uh;1' Mncfih rhrough oifono&, uf th ... qu.lIty ,m"un« pl.n, Uilortd to
m<'tl the ,,0.,10 of Mombers.
I NSU RA NCE PR OGRAMS AVA IL A BL E T O A LAB A M A S TATE BAR MEMBER S ""hI rh. p,ad ..", rhor YO" ~""" Inrormati~" PII {.om ,',' Ii" hrl.w, r.mpl,It
o tong Tnm Dis.;ob,lily Busin... O .... 'h •• d Up~n ..
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IndIvidual 1",,,, Life Supr lement PI.n
B27 - U... ufort. SQulh Carol",. 1ml
."",k ,,'ilh • lictn..-.J 'l\<"nl. "r to 'cqUM' • brochu" " rp IICOIlQn . "III lSI SALF.$ DlRI, CT.t I 888_bl _l't59.
·of ............
Val, p , H. , 2
ON THE COVER I. KdIy Ficzpotridl. Amtrian. 1888 • 195, AIa/:v"", FoorlUIb. 1938 Oil on anvos,.lO x 40 inchn Mool8O"1tfY MwnLm of Fint Ails, MonlJO:mry, AI.oboma; Gift of .he ani>! 1938,9
KdIy fi~Lrid; LivN in WtUlmpb. and w,os Ihr n_ in:ponWI oni>! woding in umrol in Ihr mid 'IWniLittI: """ury, II<;' known fOr hU brishtly ooIo<rd and bMdy ~iL<I bndsapts $UCh ;05 AW.a".. fWlhilfo, a dtpici...... of:ht roIIint! ~ o(hi:: !111M Elmon: Cow::y, FibpaLrid:. rtaMd only minim.aI bmoI on LrainiJIs. tobrc hi:: iNriniion from his ~Iion 0( Lbo Frmcb ~ wI:ost......ts bt aw "t:lIo ~ in ~ $UCh ... Po ... Cerannt and Heriri M...isoe.
97 108
Leadership Forum II leiter to the Editor: Recip rocity Article Ity ML(hul A, t:.ird.u>d
Whe re Have AJlthe Lawyers Gone? The Problem of the Vanishing Lawyer-Legislator IIyTrK)'W,c>ry
11 8
Preemption In Automotive Crashworthincss Cases: Post·Geier v, America,. Homla Motor Co mparlY Bylina M , P~rkr
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Settlements Under the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 By Ed .... rd A. limp
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Pres ident's Page Runforl~~
Executive Director's Report Hello-CoOilh,v II~/colllilig NfW Slaff Members amlSDyillg I'arcwellw 11rlJ~ uavi"g
Important Notices Judidal Award IJf Mml
Bar Briefs
Disciplinary Notices
Yo ung Lawyers' Section II Sup Tlmt Mlly u",/
NOlice of ElmiOIi United Sla/es Dislrict Court,
NonlKm DiurKt of
A1nbama, Birmingham \ '<J(IIIU'y AmwulI'nllelll
Legislative Wrap-Up 2006 Alabama lLgisJarurt Opinions of the Ge neral Counsel CoUrI Has \\ltivablt Collf/ret of /rr/ertSI
Wri/ing Compeliliolls
M A I C H lOGo
lJe".., ThillgS
Cily A/larllty WI,o Is Also fRfellst II lIorlity ill City
Ltxal &if II,"wl of AchitO'tmnrls William D. Scruggs, Ir. &,~j(e 10 tire 8", Award
About Members, Among Firms
........... "'.- "--'''-'
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... _ _,._~ - . ... _II!M ...... _ .
...-....... ... ........ ....
... "" ... ... .... ,-~.-,
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President's Page
Get ready! The carnival has come to town. Your f.vori te jlldgn ."d judici.! "odidat •• hoI'<' C"WN the mudwrn!iingn'ont,.nd ,here lhould b< ..,me pr."y <",.".imng $Crotch in, and cl.wing (fo, ,.."n )-oo hold. 1><I",;d. y•• h. it'll proo.bly bt (I linltj ,norr ""phi.,ical...J th." in )'tn. 1"" . So much .u.ntion h.i 1>«" foculonl on thr (c.ummy) ""r _ ..1«1 judgn thot dignified c.ndid.,.. will . .. omp. to prosc". (oombl,,,," of) dignity. It ""'n', work, but yuu. friendly .,.,. bOT' i. trying'<> hdp. In po,t,lhe Nt', MIl' nMl«l •• nl<l<h .. in Ihi' d<etion ).. .,.
MAR C il 100.
Th.,', btau.. the Abbom. Sup •.,.,.. Coun. in 1998 .nd ZOllO.' caUIN Judi<i. 1»isn o.."ighl cOnlmin .... to bt fo,tmd. Th"'" «Inlmiu ..... 'ol>lly I""king in .ny , ..I authority. ~nhd... • n,,,,,rC<! candidat. '1u ..,i"n •• bout Ih.
proprir:ty of p;>rIkul.. .w ond
tactics .nd"'<>n r.r, "",,sions-filed .dm;o;" ..,i,.. <:ompl. in'! agains. ~lItS«i "'mp.aign 1"''1'1. For .... boron<! my "'!'Kity'o gra.p. bLl.likdy ,.1 .. «1.0 ,upre"" <:our. oul> pr6rn~y in play. th~ roUrt h:o. de,.,min«i to >t.y out ofth~ compaign ovnsight ... ,his So has ,he N,. Wrilo nO' <n.irtty. A. the urging of an a rmy of 1thrttl people I....H. bW)Trsl.1 .ppoinl«1. ,ask fort:<" to (I hope l •• Ume wn.. I alr..dy kntw-tN, .... ~ra'dy M«I to nuintain SO""
Ir--d of dKorum in judicial ri«tions and ciliunt' judicial amI";'" ",,~, (On, min ... is 'M ,icl«1. I also askM ,h~ ,asi< fOK~ if 01 <k1 .... mlntd ,NI." Ottl' lighl 'Dnomince m. ... """, 10 f. cilil... tht fD,m.,iDn of luch a ronunillff-and 10 mW'N' rommincc indtpt1ld~n' of 'ht h;u. 1". <O<>dulion rnch<d by lht la<t: foru' .... rw !han MOnl".. II .... mruntd WI judioAI c:anditblCH1ll of Ihtm. from tho <hid" 10 IIw: IWeIc pracbct wb.ol ~ Nabon pmdI-
'N' •
widely ""nored andidxy ,,, chid" jus_ ,ice. WOO'I hiJ amplip odi be rok>rfuI! r can _,' J>r)W;"My Rule ofuwgirly .nd boy """".......1. <lott'. h".. ,he
'L:>nIt· ,o '-"'", ..... ,...... di"Ns ~bcnI. on Iht U.s. Sup •• m< Court. [ Sly pullht luuic. ~k in ,he posi,ion of Chid" luuice. EI«t M•• 1"Il Oisrq.;r.rd 'he Uw."'
.. in .... new book.' (lw-.ICItrdo<$ ind<fd m.u\eI", and like lJ othtr otat .. th.a, haw .oomr Mnn of judici.d aml"ign ~ •. AI:oNmo nmIs. ciliunt' rorrunilltt 10 hdl' m;oko 11tt 0.... for in tho ro<tdUCI ofjudKW deClio"" AI'PropriOltly In.piud, 'he ,asi< foret I\;os now f.cili,.,ed Ihe fO,mo'ion of I dl_ ium' judic;'1"'m,,"'~ ~I com.
min ... comprised of iOldividuIIHI"-yen Ind lIy prople-in whcMr ~rKlrr lht chief•• OId lhe- m . of uo, an nilly
iml'l* ''''" ond confidmce.· And. tho Owniihl Commin.. is complCldy ind<pmdmI of 1M bu and oI,he- roun. II ...iII nnlhtr w.. di~ &om, "'" rcpon ,o,<1" 0 .... Ito.hrr. in i,. riIOn I<> P'ft'<T"C (or ., Inst .......J !he hl«m in which our judiciuy is hdd. ;1 .. ill be, luidN <>nJy by p"ndpln of ~"'. elh"" .00 good judgmrnl. The rok of 'he cornmill ... lJ nOf ... In enfo,c.c1, hut more;oS In ufBCI.nd t1l«lU"S"',' unuinled by roklr of lurtIDrily. Admin~y, 1M rommi,1H il n<) ro,c· aU. l'or !he ro-nd...:t of lOme judici.oJ can · didota, ,hen limply will be no soIu,iDn. A......sp.pcr pWcc l ",ad '~ (in cuty convincn InC of" WI. If I ",ad 1M column by ...... of ..... pmnltly .n_ 'U\J .iUp''''''' coun jultKa _tly. he (ob Auoria'C/UMiccTom Parker) Iam_ baikd his bl'flhrm and siJlhrm (Of .. b;""'"tr ~ caU hil siJ ...... , on ih< courl for no. knDwinJlyand pu,po..ty ruling ronl "ry'o binding U"iled S'II" Sup'tme Cout! p"",edtn'.' And, His Hono, e'W'scl in .hil bil of judicial inlcmpcn""c/Jcfo'" .Mound,,!! his
n10st innovative responSL"S....""' .. __ .... ...-
. . . _---s.m,p.._--. . ----. . , . . . . .____ ...
••••• ' INSI.IRANC1: OOIoIi"A.':y
President's Page
Con,inurd from
pd~ 1!9
fu nu n.,t1y.,h. Alahoma ludicial Campaign o.~"ighl Commilttt ",main.< und<!<rrt<l. II< ""'rk h.. . h.... dy b<-gun. Tht ronunilltt, co.;:h.irtd by .rlirtd Mo ntgomtry Cir<u;. /udgt Wi.Ui.,.. E. Gordon and l udy 8.1k. . ,uccnsful O ... ngo Iltxh bu,inu,woman, h.. e,.>1 · M. plrdgc ,h.1 mrouragn.1l candid>! .. (Of judicial olT",. [0 ronducll~i . cam· I"isru in. man...,. ron';".nl with lb. dignity and inlcyi'Y of our judicial.),>, t.m. to> "", lh. dignity of. judicial
lI""duds. \'",h , I know. Thi. commiu.. is. ,h",u to tau all ,h. fun out of politiul ~a.\On. Aft.,. oJl. mort fun than a skunk following' guy in. judicial robe acl'OO ,h.,drvi,ion ><~n.
offi«r. and t o) adh... 10 th<' hW>w .,hical
U..."ding RAmbling.. An)'\'I",y, ~u tho p;" uu, A Judici.l Cunpais.n Ovtr"ligt.t Commin.. can~ ht lp but ht lp, and Alaha"", h., o" which wecan h< dum llul oml of which ! h<lic .. we1l beproud. ! hop< "",'U . 1><> be- pruud of uur judicial candidot .... esp«ially ,ho.., who
nr II",," 011<' .ppdl.,. jooiciaJ condid. t. !oCr«<hing about aoo'oo', failu .. to o..... ml •• Uni'od Sm.. Sup.<m<Cour! "",i.ion! ! could go on, but Wi d. lIu1qr h•• . l•••dy complainnl Ih.t ,hi. column is
th. /'mUkn",
p,,~, noI
,he Pmid.",',
• f. <ltCIM,
To order copies
&r"'-... -....10 ___ sw.o 80<. "bit"""'"""" IIIO ....... ...,~_ ,. .... II'IkII' Or .. "" """"l wi ..,
of the
Il10_ .... MII_ t.<n -..i'Q<U1W
--juIcjoI-'~ _ _ bot lIN ...... wI bo _ I"" "',,"IoIIIeI-wbo _ _ ~
Admittees group photo and/or
2. In 1998, D'IIII ........ ""'" ~ _ .
""""" dI a;,,,,,igIIwtI .. _ In 2OJ), .. _ d1aoot ........ 1lOopoo; 1.b....
Robert Fouts. Fou ts Commercial
,.1'1 tnt
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Wi-.1N_ . . . ~
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Photography, at (334 ) 270-9409 or
_CO._ _01_.'.__ . .,.,..,Jodc ~
............... twoo; ....
pllOtojollts@aol. com. s "'" _ _ c..".q,1J>M9o c......"" _ _ Jutj Met... 1I0Io dI
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£:tmily photos, please contact
WoIIiono - . . BorI.a<. ~01 _
to_ _Ao. .
ASB Fall 2005
«"",,"-, Ilttw _ _ _
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BOB NOONEEntertainer Exfraordina;re to perform July 13 at
Alabama State Bar Annual Meeting! Bob Noone mainla,"s 3 sllccessfullegal practice)".'t he manages to ~ICp imo the third person and parody the la ..... lifc around him in a funny, Ihnughl-prO\'oking manner which .."cryone enjoys. I'or severa l years, he hostro klcga lly Spcaking,~ a live radio kgal talk show, ..... hich provided humorous lopi" for his music. Noone has h~n ""iling and pe rfa ml ing musk for over 20 years; his venlure into sati rizing th ... rcalm of the legal world started when he was in law $ChooL (h'e, the years he has performed his distincti,'!: brand of m usical humor before: thousands, meriting standing ovations from convention panicipanls.
RECENT REVIEWS/COMMENTS: w;,h n Ilt"'}'/!T r<l1I rdllle 10 NoolIl'J 51tow mull/Ie Iype of mU5;c lie ~rforllls. lViII, Mats mllg;lIg from ricll, jazz 10 Ille l...tlllgS of COl/lllry guilar5 ill lilt: rmck '1.10"''''''5, 0",,'1 1.£1 I,,"r Rabits Grow Up 10 8t: /..IIwy"s,' Ilris 511014' is sure 10 ",,, ,,se ~A'tyo"~ l!a"i ng (Itty e;cpfTie"c~
MTlir besl part of Bob's !III/sic is Ilral YO'I do,,'r Irlll~' 10 M
legal /mglt 10 clljoy il .•. bill lie lillI'S provide II lire/led snv;ce 10 rile profl'SSioll-gt!lI;rrE prople 10 lil ugll Illllle;, legal c.>:~r;en{cs. YOII {((tai"ly dO/,'t lIa'", 10!>e a I",.,.." 10 wjoy Bob I\'oo".-'s ne .....JI legalwallller;'IEs . .. filled w;/II ",illy, solil f-sOImd;IIg tUlIt'S nmgiug frill" II /'IIrooy 011 Ilrt: McDmllllil'slIol COfff/! lawmil 10 lIi5 irn'·er",/ lOp;C of'lI'llnI You Find YOllnelf DislHlrretl.' II
No sacred cows here,"
Executive Director's
tl1 /&<;,10 aN........."
Hello-Goodbye Welcoming New Staff Members and Saying Farewell to Those Leaving
hi' put ,....,
~ ... ok"""'" oix MW
"'Lobon... SUl~ II.,
".ff mtmb<rs.
1''''* jnln1n8 ,h. "OI~ M. >l. A'
My.... Mdt...,.,.
I:q.on wo.kin,
w"" .1ot ...,. h..
........ C.thr s~ McCurry. I>•• jd Ru ...ll. Som "'r' tld~. M.",.. 1>""",1, Ani••
and .h.rn
11,","'11, and
full .lIn .. in 1996.
I"',' . hnl, in 1'193
"""...d II)
lhrour,houl "", u .... bor •. Myr""
ItRmy Meln';IT.
Sod1r."" bid
...... dnlIC.1C'<l
Md tmry,
ondh....d wot .....
"""""" Ma,,,,,
sWf """"lin. Sht
1LHn1l.o... M_ K.imOli,... v,'l.rd,.nd Gil
""'Otk«I ,n 1M
m.,n""uh,1' drp&rlmmr bu. "'as ....1IfI quick ,0
.....'01 ...... <k""" . 'I><nl> wh.rn IIK-y
~ hoi". f.mily V. r, i"" who ..... Illrtd In 2UOl wu pronlO.N f....... pro /II>( I'IU d ••L 10 rdl My ...... position ... ....mllt....." ~ ..I>I.m. W. wcr. "d~ll1<'d 111:>. Co.lly Sur MC<:U..,. was obit 10 jouI It.. to aloMo .... tIw ~ibl>tS of "., Jw "'" (1m<.. Mc-r 14)'t'illl at Millon MOf,I.tI,l'tdu uMotonll",,('nl rowud M~' (J.lm"~ .~n ·
'I>«"~ pri... ,.
".0<"';011<. and otrvtJ OI;n1O in .nd Al.o<k.. o•• 11 A:..i.,,!.m Unl1N S"'n AHO'M)' bdo ... joining ,h~ .m . b .. Maff, Iii••• 'm.i~ •• peri.II'"
",ill bo m.... d, b,n ""' .... 1'1• ...,.1 ,h., Son> I"mitls<' ha, f<>llowN 1'.1111 ....,i•. 'on' g<:n<r.,] <"u,,><1. He 00"... '0 ,1>0 b.o. rrom 'he Au'.up Coun' y Vi"ric, AUo,,,.,,', Off",. , KimMrly S.,nh." joilled
,h. In" rommolIica,ion d"p,tn_ men, .. . n ... is'.n' in 2003. She did.n oum.lldin!;
..,V<'d ... ,h. <li.«1or of ,h. V"I"n' .... '
uwyt'" Program prior I<> """'ing ,h.
bolh in go''''''_ m<n, $l. vi« O$.n
MetE deportm.n1 , Kim', d..,i.ion ' 0 'I"'nd m" .. 11111. "',,h na ,We> o.(>n, and hu$b.lnd, RobCTt, ... hn i. a Monlgomery ,.,odabJ<,. II'. " ..... '"Cry fon",,",,~ Ih .. Ani,. Han"'" ",,u ",iUing ,0 m1M' to Montgtl'''''' f and """"m< ,h. re;ni " dir«10r u( ,ho MCL~' dep"lm.n, (ollowin!; Kim', d.putu ... , Sh. W.l> 110 " .. nga ", thc field of con· 'inoing q:ol rduc.,ion. SI>c wolkrd ., ,IK AI.hmI. l!.;a, In<1,'u' . Cl.f
""''''''f, ,,-•• ""dc..
"umM' of y< .... 1110>' ,..,.",If .. '" ."",,;at" di",,''''' eo,'''''I""n,ly, Ani,.
job hdping lIS uUII<h 'he bu'.
..... abl. 10 hi. ,h. ground ,,,,,n i,,s IS
ooon •• ,h •• ,rived. A~.,
now onlin. dit'CClory. Al'hough "'" M,ed ,h., K,mbrtly <ho>< '0 k~ . ft .. only 1"'.... "" ••• proud 'h>1 510. "-.n'cd '0 oolllrkte her oolq. d"l!t« .nd .pond 1110,. !In", ","h hr. f.,n ,ly. \\'~ " .... ""ry fotl""". ,ha, ,\ 10"';' l)a,,;"] "'" .,-ail.llk ' 0 b«um< ,h< n<W "",,,lall' for th. rommunic.,ion! dtP"'mcn"
IS y<.rs of d..-u,ed ..,,;.:., Gil
K.ndrick ...,i ..d •• a"i".n' go-n ....J <oun ..1. P,io, colllinS '0 \h. In., Gil
h:od .... bli'hrd hi' "'p",",,,,n a, an
''';'''n' .1IorIl<Y s<'",,,,land in p,i·
val< 1~m I'k.... d to ... port th,,, ,.",mr MellI,i", ,c<cnlly JOlll<t! the ba, ~.rr ....... , .."t g<:ntr.J ,,,,, ....1. ]!. p'-""ious/y ",-orl«:d in the .1I0mcy 8m.",J'. omer. Mrma, ~!il" Kimh<rly, "'Ill, Gil, ...1d
,h." , "''''''r
I),wid f.-r half of combi"....l bolr ,..,."icr. Th.i, opmc''' • ... nll>< mi,;scd, bu, "" .... oonlide", ,h... <.o<h uf our """, ... .11 ~Emily, s.r,~ Ditty Su<, I>I..-cio. Ani.. , Jan"y, ,uk! Anty-..;o rmdcr the .. me dcdic;r,lcd ..... icc 10 the ",l< ba, as ,ho" prtd<cr:ssors. •
.fter """ing worked for /lASS for 15 ytar< bdo""M oomp. ny'. ""' •• '0 floridl.. ]~, M.y. J).,id Ru""U join«! ,1>0 lI.ff .. "urfi", full ·' mK Web si ..
odm"".",.IO,, and his ... itt
""""CIlI.,, ",on,h
'0 1'0""'" "'011' " "rf"IOI'porIo "i,y in \\\o,j,ms,,,,,,
.--r~ , -.
D.C. III hi>.rn,,, ,,,"'' 11<"", I).yid did. p,rtOt .l..1 '0 " ..... ,h. ASII Web Ii!.
( ~_.~t.,I",.o<g)
u><r.friendly ..nd a bettcr tool for INr n"'lIIb<-n .,Id ' M I.ublle. IIy ,ho un", ,hi. issue g<>e> I<> pr.... Am)' Sholl ...ill h,,,-. join«! the ASS as ,h. now W"", .;,. !.dmin"""0', " im Oli"",
Ward $<' vcd for t<" )· .... l><f" ... I• • ving 1.1$, July. "im initially
Important Notices
Judicial Award of Merit
n.. Boord of Soc Comm;";"",.. (If lht AlONma StOlt Bar wW ,rem OO",;""I>On. for ,h. Nt', Judiciol Aw~rd of ~~til th.oujlh March 1S, 2006. Nomination. should t.., p.~ porM and ",.11td 10: Ktill! Ii Norm3n. KCft1ary IIo;Ird of liar Comm;";"".,,
A1.bam. Slat, Bar 1'.0. 110.:671 Montgomery. AL 3610) ·0671 Th. Jl>Ilirial Award of Merit wO$ e>tohiishN in 1987. Th ......«1 is not nrc .... rill' In ."nu:oJ . ",ud. It mu,", b< p ~t..d 10. jud~ "'00 is 00' r<1i,M. ",h.. h .. $1.0'" or (<d.,..1 cout!o tri.1 or .~1!>! •. who is dct.nninod 10 t..~ oonlribulM significantly 1<, tho admi"i!;. ,rolion of jllllia in .\Ubo".., Th. r«ip~nl is prntnlr:d Wilh. cl"}'$",1 gavel beoring 1h. ,1.IC b.or
seal .nd th. rUt of pft$(nlotion. Nomination. arc oon,idnw by • Ihr~·"",mbtr commi!!« Ippointod by the p ...iokm of ,h. JI.le b .., wllkh IMn m.dts a tCWmm<n<iol;"'n 10 Ih' b..>ard ",f Nt commis..iontl"$ with '''pK110 • nomin« or wilmot tho .! should b< pres<nled in any givm ~ar. Nomina!ions .oould indude a delliltd biographical prom. of !h. nominee and a narra· I;'" ",,!.lining th ••isnif""nl ronlribulion(.) Ihe IIOmill« h... rmd. !o lhe admini""lion of jus,,,,,. Nomin:uion. may he ,uPl"'ned ,.llh leners of <'1IdOl"$<'T1\<n!.
Notice of Election NOlia is gi.... ~ hrrrwilh rU"""~1 I" 1M i\/g!..."", Slale &r Ruin Go"..,."i"S £i«ti"n .nd snwion of l>miden.-t·!«. BoIlrd of OmtmusW"""-
Elected Commissioners Bar (omm;";on<"<S will he .1«ltd by Ihose Lo~" ,.ilh lhei. prinei".., offlCa in!he fol/o-...;n8 circuits: 2nd; 4th; ~th, pi"" 00. 2; 9th; 10th, pl"e no. I, pi"," no. 1, pLou no. 5, pl. ", DO. 8. and piKe nO. 9: 121h; IJ.h. pla(e no. 2; 15th. piKe 1>0. 2 and plact no. 6: 16th; 20th; 21m. pia", no. 2; 24th: 27th; Z9th; 38th: and l'llh. AddilionaJ conuni<.!ionm will ~ .keltd in theM citruits f(J< <ac.b loOO n..",b<r$ of bu ..·jth prin<:ipaJ ~ herein. Th. new <X>lnIn~n(r petitiom will be <Ietmnined by. ceruu< on M.treh l. 2006 and v.acan<:ieo unified by lhe $e<I"tW)" no bIer tIun M>tdt 15. 2006. AI1.ubWju<'1Ilterms will ~ fonh.ff ~.". Nomin",ioo. may be nadc by peti'ion b<.Iring Ih •• ignalurn of !tve mnnbtrs in JOOd .HlI1ding Wilh p. in<:ipaJ offie« in ,h. eireuil in whicb lh. eleclion will be held <I< by lhe candidate', ,.fine" dodo "'lion of tandidO(y. Eithe. must he .ec';"-..I by the ••"'~ary no I" 5 p.m. on thela.1 Fridly in (Ap. il23, 2(06). BilloI...ill be P"I"'.td .nd mailed 10 mernb<r$ bo:twem M.oy I and M.y 15, 2006. 8allou must be ,"O,ed and murntd 10 lhe Alab,ma SIal< Sar hy 5 p.m. on Ih. bst Fri,u)· in May (May 26, 20061.
m.. .,0"
United States District Court. Northern District of Alabama, Binningham VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Position TIlle: aerk or Coun Salary IWIgo: $134.867-$146,800 OSP 17} Applica'ion Dat<: March 31, 2006
NATUREOF TH E POSITION Th. Ck,k of Court is appoinl~ by ' ho ju<ign of the Court. This i. a high.I .....1man.S" position thot functions undn lho di=tion of the ,h>of judge of ,''' Un ittd Stol.. Distfkt Court. Th. Ckrk of Court is rnponsiblo for mln. sing the .dminim.,i... actiy;t'" of ,h. Ckrk', office and .........,ing tho pn/i>rmaoc< of tho Slal utOry du,ies of tho ofrl«. Inclu<k<i :among the rnponsibiliti .. a re policy impl ..... n .. lion and mon_ itoring. Iong. ranJlO planning. budJlOling. fi .... DCial manaS"mml, aUlomalion, human ....ourcc managomonl. prop«ty procure· menl and managcmerot,.nd public relo' ion .. QUAUFlCATIONS A minimum of 1<11 yeaB of progrctloively mponsibJo odminis,rat;"" ap<Ticncc in publi< or bu,iness wItid> pr<Mdcs • thorough und.-m.nding of oopniutionol. proc;~ural and human up«U in ma~ng an orpniu,ion. AIIo;\S\ Ibm: of Ih. t<n yean' ape' .. ' .... mt>Sl. h..... bo<-n in I J>O$ition of IUl:>$un'w manIJ!OI"I'<I" raponsibility. Applicants aHo m .... haw, an undft"_ ,landing of au'omal~ syst<mo.. have adminis!ra,;"" lbilirin and poso<:K Jlrongloadonhip and int<rpenonallkill .. EIlUCATIONAL SUBSTlnrrlONS II both.Ior', ~ fn)m'" oaHdi'<d c.oIl"J!O<)f uni""';ty may M l\IMli'Ulod for ,Iutt 1"'"~ of S"I><ral aporia!«. Complctiono( I ,wo·year ......cor'. <kyec program (61) ........ ,.,. hou .. or 90 qua" .... hou..) in In ""~ilcd uniY<JSi,y (or mmpl<tion of I Juris [>octor [kgrtt) may M .ubMi, u,cd f",. lwo yea .. of JIO""ral exporiona. INFORMATION FOR APPUCA!-ITS 11K Unil~ 5101.. Dislrict Court is port of lho judicial bra""h of lho Unit~ States Go ...... nmmL Court <mp\oy<a are not included in the Govemm ... ,·, ciYil sorvicc dassifiation. 1ky arc, h","",," ... tir!<d 10 s;rnil.:tr btndi" ... olh.,. fodtral ern~ induding ",id walion, sick Ita~. d",i~ of h.oIt11 bondil pbns and porticil"ling in Ihe mieral EroplO)"l:'<!' R<1~n' Sy$1em. This f>OSition is sub)tel 10 mandotory e1l"<''ronic fund lransf., p;orticip.'ion for "'ym<ftl of net ",y. The Ms' qualifi<.d .pplinn" will bt invikd for int~r~ Applk:lnts sdoct~ for in~ will boo: mponsibl. for ",ring for ap"nscs. including Ira,"tl. """,,,;'Icd wilh the inlcrvi<:w. ~Iocation .xp<rU<t arc currently not availabk for lho: $dtctod
co.ndida,~. N.
• condil ion of ..... ploy"""'t, ,''' $d.t<:1ed. co.""i dal' mus, _""-Sfully complel. I I.n.year bocqrnund in~'i· g.uioo and overy fi ... ~.,.. IlInnf, .. will boo: subj<ct 10 an upd.,cd in.... ,iJl.'tion similar tho ini,ial on •.
APPUCATION PROCEDURE QtWifiI!d penoN arc inviTld to IUbmlt a <IttaiJtd mum< including cdualionol, work sod..wy history ... well ... naOTa' I;"" SI .......... I, not 10 outd two poges in icttgtlt, add~"II .... applic:ant"s ability 10 pI.u> and irtlJ>lcmtnl I'" I0O$I tff«t;'"t .... of lUOUrCl'S, both human and firwlcial: 10 ado;"": ~ to int.",..., understlnd and impkrnnl' the poIiciet: 0( lhe Court: 10 inloract wfth various Iypes of pn:oplt indudins 5Up<riors, pens. IUbordin:altS.oo .... publio:: .00 .... applK:a"fs buic matlSg<-
"""m phiIooophy. L<tl... of n:comrroondaliort ut desirable. All applications m .... be rtUi...d by S p.rn. on Marth 31, 2006.
Pkaoo .ubmil applicalion mat ...... l. in an ....."tiopo marltcd mnfidmti.l. No pho"" c.lls.
Clerk. U.s. l)isllicl Court 1729 51h A... n .... North Birrningh:ll1l, AI. 3520l AUent iGn: 1'<rwnn<1 Sptdolist
Th. United. SI.,otI m.,rict Court i. an Equal OpportunilY
Local Bar Award of Achievement Tho Al.boma State liar I.ocaillar A.... rd of Ach icvn....'" ree_ ogniztllocal bor lISIOcllI,ions fo r their oUlstanding conuibulio ... 10 tIIo:ir communil .... Awam. will be 1'......,00 durillJ! ,h. ...... 5111. liar'. lOO6 Annual Meeting. July 12-15, at Sond""in. l.ocaI bor &<.ti)C;'tioru romptl. for ~ lwatd$ ba5td on IMr siu-lorge, m<dium or oma.ll. The following crit.ri. will M .,...d '" judge 1M ",n'aton" for taCh '"'<sO/)': The dtgrce of pMlicipolion by Ih. individual bor in O<b-ancing progntms 10 bondit 1M community; Tho qualilyand alml ofth< imVKI of tho W. p;utitipoliort On the ci,izens in thaI communily; and The dey« of .nhoflC<m<tlts 10 the bot'. im.JIO in til. community. To bt con<i<krM for tIIis lwam. locaI Nr """,,,;'Iiont must mmplel.""" submit on IW.rd .ppliQuion by June 1,2006. For an oppliaolion. COntact fA P,,'l<TSon, ASS dirwor of programs. I I (800) lS4"IS4 <)f (334) 269- 1515. or download 0.,. from til. ASB "'..... "II', ....."'.a"'b.:tr.OtI:.
Important Notices
Co"I"",,,! from /"IS" 95
WRITING COMPETITIONS The Warren I'~ Burger Writing Competition, dcoogn<d 10 enwuroge oo\W.nding ochoIanh,p 'pronlOling tht idrab. of ardIcn«, ci>ility. <'!hie<.OO prol"<:>$io,..I ..... within lhe kpl prof.s.~n.· mvl1C$ Jodgts. b"'l""'s, I'rof<>l(lr<. .. udtm .. .d>oU ... and 01"'" authors to I"'MIC,,,,r~ In • rompelilion by \ubnliUtng In onglno! unJ>Ublishcd espy of 10,OOO.nd 25.000 wont. on • lop;.. of '~r choice addr"';ng wuos of J.saI <:XtriItntt. civility. tthks and pr<>fcssionafum. M.,m.oJ sul>miuion date i. June IS. 2006. Tho: "inner will bt anl'l(lUJ1ad ~tmOO 1,2006.nd wm rcur... • ash ~ o£55JKlO. ond the winning t$S.1j" will h< publish«! in thr South Caroli"" !..ow Rnkw. Thc priu will"" ptt!<TllW 10 ,he author Octobtr 21, lOO6 ., the " ...crian In ... of Court ."mw Crkbr.lion of ".x«llm«" a, 'he United Sial« Supreme Cuurt. (Other ..,b",iuoo woflu n.. y .bo bt elIgible: fur 1M law journal publinlKm or b,um! in n.,. &n<JIC. tit< national mog,uint of It\( Amo:rio.n Inn< uf OJ"rt.) \l.ul<$ may bt downloodod .1 .......... in"'*""rt."'¥ a;ck " ".. rds" and Ihnl"Surp Writing Priu: For additional infotmation. cont.ICI Cindy o.nnis., (Il0(l)
l.H-J590, m. 10-1, or nknni>@inmofrcurt.<Ng. SEAK, In<. '"!>Ounces the fif1h Annu.ol NI'ional F"lCtion Wrjling Compelition fur Lawye .... Tht formal is • ob<Irl >lory or ".,,,,1 e..:~rp' in lhe ksol r",ion S""re, ",,110 <xc...! 2,500 ....ord .. Thi •• ubmiM.ioo s/lould be Iyped and ~m 1o S£AK. loc., Anemmo: Sl~ B,biloky.l'. O.!lox 7l9. Falmoulh, MA 025-11 by IUI\<.lO, 2006.l1>t 101' lh"" tnlrit1' will be w;lh lilt "·In".,. ~i ... ing S1,000 C'.. s/l plu. lunch wi,h Liu. Soonolin.
COURSE SEARCH l1>t I\lab:;uno ~bndal<>f)' CLE Commi.oon ronlinu.>lly t\'.iI..."t1':and JI'I"""'"' in 'lalt," 1"''''''Jdt. pro. gr.n,. ,,·hich ... "",n",.....! In • wmpulrr dolab",... All ... Kknlifio<] by >pIJ1\!<J<, due .nd spccioIly ..... r« ~ 1""Rj; <>f rurrm1 CI.f. op"onwtitios, vi>illrn. ASB ,iI<, ........ '.aI.Jbor.~dt.
",...u ......
11'' '
and Stepm,n Horn on Dauber 21, Cresl Reson. F. hnou,h, 1>1.... ' hu""l .. Nmic~ of 1m, winner will be >tnl to OV<'r 100 New York lilerary .genls.nd ' 0 ,he As$o(iat<d I'rt'$>. For mu .. informaliun, (untacl ~'in I. J)ri$<i;ull . [ (5(l8) s(8· 4S(l Or ~,n.Jri1€t>lJ"~"=on."",.
WILUAM D. SCRUGGS, JR. SERVICE TO THE BAR AWARD I. The .. is hncby es!Oblilhtd . Willi.m D. "Bill" ScrUIl&' Ir. Se"";':e A.... rd . 2. Th. purpol<' of .his .w..,1 i, .0 honor tM memory and tM ,,"omplishments of William D. "8iU" Scruggs. I,. and '0 1M emulalion of his 001' <It ...... ",o .nd ....,..,;c. 10 lh. Al.],." .... Stal. B., by recogniZIng O}u",.nding.Io"g· lerm ~rvk< by living members of Ih. l\;or uf Ihis .,.l~ tu Ihe Al.b.,,,,, Stot. II.. as on or&"oiulion. ). Th ... watd lIIali be ~rI"I..!. from lime 10} ti"",. by 1M 1I0ud of 110, COmm .... ontrs of Ih.> Slit<: 110, upon rtpOn of Ih •• _rd oo"",,;n.. as <ks.:. i~ below. The .. is no r""lu"""",nltlullhi. awan! be pmen •..! o n an annual basis 0< Ihat;1 be limiled 10 On. rtcipi(nla yt;tr. 4. The \\cdl.iun 11 "8ill" SaulS8>-lr. A"...d Co.>mrni1I ... .!balI b< a romm'u ... o f the S\;ot( B.u ~ing of \lI(' following; (0) J'rt$idcn...,ltcl of tM Al.],a"", Stair I\;or; (b) Eu<:uti.." ])i""'IOI o f 1M AI~],ama SlOt. &r; (c) General COun~) o f 1M AI.bam. Stat< liar. and (d) 1\\'0 mnnll<" of th. Al.bama Stat<: &r !loud of Bar Commiso.ioners appoin!<d by 1M prnidenl whu h• .." • minimum uf s;.. yt;trs uf tOlal ~rvic.... mcmll<, uf th.t Ilo.,d of Bot COmml .. ion ...... lhough not n«:.... rily oon...:ul;vely. S. The <o""nilltt lIull.ubmil. al It... JO daY" prio, 101M o"no.ol mretlng of 1M Abboma StOic 1101, 10 Ih. /Io.onJ uf I\;or Commilolioners F.-uli"" COmm;lI« o f Iht Alabo"", Sial. I\;or.• rtpOrt .."ing out Ih. n."", or nam .. of ouch I"'rooll 01 p<roO'" that the <oltuoill.. r«Olll""'nds ... "",ipi'''1 of the .waol fOl Ih .. 1<'.r. If 1M ",mnun.. does not dM>o.. 10 pmenllh...... n! in I gi.."n 1<'.r, this faa 1II.11 .Iso b< r<'pOrt..!. 6, 'l'l>t plfl<ntol;"'" of 1m, award lIIalJ b< m;>de during the .nnu.1 OO"''tnl,oo of the $talt IUt in .uch roannrr .. lhe pmiMnl dffitUlllO<t .pp. opria,., 7. 'Thr ...... d .!ball ",ns", of an 'W",!,ri.". pIaq ... to b< presenl' ..! 10 ndt rn:ipienl and mrollmml of 111< """'" of ,0<11 ,rdp' inti on • 1"',"",,...,1 pbq ... displ.r..! at 1M AIa],a"", Sta" 1\;0,
building. P<lr on '1'1'Iolion, <ontact ""ilh Norman. AS~ <o«u li", d irKlor, .. (SOIl) 354·615-1 Or (334) 269·1515, o r download on< fron, 1M ASII \\·tb ,ile•"""",.ala"" •. "". Th. dndlint is Morch 15. 2006 for ~ubmiltin. an . l'!'li(OI....... •
Twenty-Four Hour Orientation Session and Retreat for Future Leaders
n oriml.lion""';"n.nd _might ",uo" for 1M Lndo,ohip Forum U d .......... hold I.nuary 16·27 Ilih.
NonhRiver y",hl Cub ond th. \\'''1~..,l! W.",.r
in TU>Ul.,.,.... 1M d~rw group 0( 30 l"'ung Iawycn..,1«vd for panicipalion in 1he 2006 Rlrum had. (han« to 11"1 KqWllntN in • ",lalCd, qukl .... 'ing --r fr(lm busy offocn and schoduln.
Thursdoy ..... ning .,tivilies included. pr'vo'. din ......, •
I..JI n\<'tling' with " p;u>d of di.slingui.1;rd juJges and t..wyffl and an inform.o.l...,tplion. Fridly morning lhe.!.us hrard from 1h. lion. W.II" Maddox, 1h. mayo, of T..... oI00sa,.,., "Th. Rok
of Lowy<1'S in Community,· Ind 1h..., 1he la...,.. .. panicipalCd in an in!'~""li ... "".",i.. in 1h. lIngual!" of I•• d<"hip led by Dr. John R. Ikw, dirKlor of Conlin"", ... Q ... li,y !mpr"'~m<nl .od PLln"int; 311h. UniVttlily of", • . A privOI,lonm..,n and dosing snsion WOrt htld in tho lI.rborvi<,,· Room of 1M Ya<h, Oub. Four .11 .~y ~ IItld "' tM AI.bama St.t< indud,
"Principlts of In<l<nllip' (I'tbruary 24). "I~admbjp through s."ju" (Moten ll). "Eth ia, )u>!ju ~nd \'.lutS" (Aprilll) ~nd "Prof... iotuli.m" (May IS). ,,·jlh. gnd""t"'n banq ..... thr ovcningof~by 18. Th< ASH 8o<onl of B.or Clmmimon~1l ~ heartily .ndor>e<l tho dovdopmont of. n.... ",ncr'lion "f
,-- -
_ ....,_'_.__ --_. __ ...
I.wyn-s f"r Ioadorlohip in th~ Ita'~ har .. wdl u jn AI.boma rommunitic> at (.,1&<. Aly<. Spruell of Tuacoloos.a .nd Tripp H.. t"" of Birmingham at. ",-ch.i" "r tho 2006 pLmnjng rommiU ... .
-,_Dilbt_......,,_ .... ........ ~~ --~-. -,......,. -...... --"'" ...""" ..... ...- ...---.... ,---- -,-,- _.-_lWontr_ ...,"*, _ _
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I Memorials
JUDGE CAIN luJS~ Coin J. Krnn<dy.• di,lingu;sh"" judgo', 14",)'" .nd
N.vye'pl,;n, dint in Moo;l.
,1 1.y 20. ZOOS a t ,11. 'go' of 611. IudS" IY:n...dy•• n•• ;,.. n( ThonlJ>\<m, gr.dualed (mm Collf"",i. St.1c U""'<r,i1r in los A"gtk"S in 1966 "',Ih • IIA d"ll'''' and in 1967 cumpicu,d hi, sr,od".,< >ludin. Judg. Unnror gudu ...,j [m", Gtorge W.,hin&,on Uni''''r'$i'y .N.ti,m.1 Low Ctnl<' ,n \\'. ,h,ngrnn. D.C on 1~ 71 • nd. thr,..f, ••, b<-g;In Ih. 1' ...11« of I.w in Sdm. OS t helrg;ol <o" ",dot f"r SOulh ..·~'1 AlaNm. F.,llIor' Cooprmi,'" In 1973.ludg<' Kmn""f I">c' in Mobil. " ,;th 1M finn qf c.-•..-fillll 8< lIl.d.-..her, on..! in 1'174. ~""'. p..,n<1"o(lh. firm. From 1975 In 1'f79. h. w.. . p.nncr in th. firm of """...,Jr, 1I'"II$On I!c$. In 1914. I"..!s< K<nn«ly w.o. eke,"", ", .h. AJ..b"m. llnnlC of Ikproun!OuVd. and in 1978. "'0' ",.,,1«,«1. In ,h. ho~ of replnt"I.I;'..... h< ..,...d .. ch.irmon of Ih. Common"" on !n,ur,n"" and .,. ""mbet of Iht Common.., "" Ru! .. . nd Ih. )udici.ry Commin..,. In 1976 and 1978, h . .... , d.aro '0 Ih. S,.,t l)om",.." , F..x«u"'" ('.omm,l1..,. In J976. he ....s. d~I. a' 'he [><I1>O(r.ric N>l;"n.1 Con",nl;"n . In 1979. G" .. rnur Fub J<O'11n "I'poinl. ro Judgt Kennroy 1<) ci.cuil rou ,l judse in Ih. nom"I" R.l>lions ])i"i,ion of Mobi~COullty. ThIS appoinl""nl m.<It JudI\< K.nn.dy lb. f'I>1 M.kan· Am.';",,, 10 ..,tv. :os • ,trI,ui, (Outl judge in Ihe ">Ie <)( AI.bam •. I" 1982, h...... .I"",ro !() conlinu. 1<) ...... ~. (imril ,ourl judge,'OO .... , ,.-.1"",,,,,, in 1988 . nd 1'l'W. h' 199H.ludge Kennedy ro,ired (rom Ihe bencb. Alief ..... "ing. he fo.m«1 ,he fo.m of K<:11....d)·,!!ell tic A<Lorn,
ludgt Ktnntdy .nlisttd in Ih. U.s. ~""Y ,n 1955. Il il comhined ;l(li, .. and <non-. dU'I' ..~, in ""'... of 40 I...... It•• n<OO«1,h. Naval \\'., CoIl<&<, in N...-port. Rl><Hk Isbn.,! ond •• (rum th.: N.vy in 1997 ",ilh the ,a"~ of •• proin.
ludge Krn ntdy ..~.
00 of lhe Aw", .... St... II• •,
J)i<trict of ('.oJumh .. lI,u, u.s. 1)iun<1 Coon "" II>< Soulhe." Di<lri<! of ALaNmo • U.s. fitih Circuit Cou,I nf AM"'JIs..OO u.s. Co.," of AI'I><"./s tOr Ih. Arnltd Forces. H..... .. IlK'mOO of the Amerkan 1\;&. Assoc;"tlon. Navol ~.. As5ociallon. A1ntri<:<tn Judicoluro Sociely, Arne. icon ........... 'ion "f1H..1 J...wy< .... N.o.tio.>....J p", M50ci.uioo. V..""" 7_ era..1On! !lay ...... 1\.1. N.<oci,nlon, .\·;l1ion.ol NOI'''] Offictr As$no.lllon. atKI Rcoen", Offi<ff> As"""".io". Ii ...... ch.imun or II>< hirnoh of ,h.t: l.ib •• .,...~ AJ.b,o"", .nd Sicklc- Cdl m....., A.<>ori.olion of AmerX'.,.oo on Ih.t: of diro<tO<S "" lho AI;\I);lnu. Al.>n<i.>,;"n for Sickk Cd! Oi ...... SicI:Jt Cd! A.<>ori.olion -Gulf Co.>sI. Comp ...h<nsivt Sidd. Cdl, f'ridurd Ft-dtr.JCrtJir Union. Por>tIopt I tou.t of 500111 AW>.om.a. Volunl«1"5 of " ..... ica, .,Id AsoociII"'" of Family.nd of ML Conca;.""," Cout! .. Si.w M"OOo,",'y 11>1'1'" Chul{h in
"lid. "''''''M
\\1ti>lkt, Abb;u ..... Judge Kc-~ntdr Jeti ,u"';"'1ng him hi. ",ife, S.<nd. J. Kc-nn.dy; , ...., <hild",n, ColoSimo Corrie Johnson ktln""'r'OO K"h."j Art hur lohnson Krn"edr: ,h •.., b,,,'h,,~ ),1.l<us Kc-n!><dr, CItophu, ""nn«ly and John Kenntdy: and lwo ,is..... Fanni" K. W<><><bon and W;., M, ""nntdy, _ &Ih R/Ju.., pmjd'rIf, Mobil, liar A...,....
BRI GHAM hi. lif.lime ambition. dairy
Willi . m H. Brigh.m" pmminenl and highlympt'Ct. «I mo","", of lh~ Mnbil. II..
fanning. In 195). he m.orri<d Corel
As.oo<;i,'ion, dio:dAugu>!~.
Tho""", and together they C<K1tinutd to <lp<'r.~" "up'doi,), fmn in Wfit.,." Mobilt County, until ""..,1<""'1 tilt Uni",.. iry of A4bama SdlQol of Low, Alkr grad.... l;.,n .nd • ~n pnW>d
2005. Brigham w-" horn in Llnc"ln. Illinois on MJret. 8. 1'n6. Aft .... hi. graduation
I'mm high &<hool in 1~42, h. enterM the MmyColtcgt i'""ram, upon 1M cumpk-
lion of ..·hiLh M w..s cummi"ion<:d .. an "ffi«. in lh. Un.tM S'a'" Army and ..""cd 0.'....., in 1M Euwp<".n (XCup>l;on allh. mel o(WWll.
Wht" ht romplmd his milil,lry sc""· i<.-, h" gradu.,«1 (rom rh. Univnsily of lIIino;. with. ckgtt'C in tngin«,ing. Su~lItn lly.
h. """~!<} AI.b.",., which h. al""a)" c.ollrd "God', Cou ntry: H. mo ..d 1<> ""<>bik County t" I',,,,uo
J UDGE R OBERT Robe.t G. ""n,1;,.ll. Ill. p••• o;,Jmg 1",lg. of tho Thi.t«nlh Jud.daJ Circui, a.lIla .... onb'" of Ih. Mobil< B• • AW><i>llOlI.
died o.:I<,b." 20. 2005. Judg. Ktnd.l! " ... born ill E~rgr«n on NO>Vm1bt, 15. 19J9.lhc..,n "f Roben Gonion and ~hry IV.Mn Krnd..J1. H•• utndcd puhloc .. hool. in f.>~.glffn, • nd gradu ... d from rho lJnivH>ily of AI.bam •• nd.he Univt"i'Y·' S<hool ,,( Low. In I,,,' ",hooI. Jud~ Ktnd,,11 w", moonb.. of II>< Boo.d of Edito" of 1M Alab..",a lAw /«',icw. 1\fI... grold""K",. Judg< Ktnd..JI in tho lJniltd SI>tnlumy trotn I%J to 1965 .. an innniry ofIK.... Following his <Ii •• chargro fro.n lilt Army. he ...os .ppoinltd l.ow clerk to lhe Hon. john 1_ GoodwytI of th. Supfttnt Coon of AW>.omo. J-k .,ncrcd pm"" pr;oclko in Mobilt .. an .......,iol•• • nd lot ... in tho fim, uhim.lrly known asloltn .."".loItnsrM '" ""'dilI_ "ro", 1968 througil 1971. he..,.....j as • l'"n·';",.. U.s. ~lo.~.m .. for lhe Sou,htrn Di"""1 of Alalum... H. ".... 'ppui".0;<1 ci,· cu" judge. by eo.~rnor G<orgc c W.luc<,
os. p.n"",.
of pI;'.tc praclict.llrigham oe<<pIM lh" po<ition of ...i,_ cily >Horney (or lh< City of Mobil<.
DuritiS II\>I lim<, II< p<'fIO'llI.d ""bland· ing .."ict (.,.. III< bmcfil of 1M cily, >po:citliting in improving Ihc numerous ron· ",oets ,nlo ..t>idI,1I< City of Mob"" h>d .nlrr«! in prior l""1'$. I r...,wd as as.<is. !Jnl aly "'~ fOr Jl y<ta,., .r whICh limo II< ffl,mI. During his .,,,;,,• .ltfVitt as .n (lU1,,~nding .nn'~ and afr..,. hI> mimncn' r""" ,II< dry. he ronl,nucd
,",,,,k 1m hi, .biry rIm, unlillh< ,i .... of hi> d.. th. B. igh.m was K,i •• in ,".riou. <i"k ,IUUCI1 and wu • k>n!:,imo m.mbt, of Ih. Epi><op41 Church. H. was prcd...a>td by hi. wif". earol Thon,a.
Brigham; his wn. Dr. 11>om.. Erwin B,igh.m: .nd. g.. nd$oon. M.dison Thmn.s Brigll;om. II, is <urvn"«! by hi' daygtll~. Robin II. Th~lford. a mrnliJf. of ,h. Mobi" 8d, IIssoci"ion: his WiIli.m H. Brigh.m. Jr.; hi, d.ugh,..,.. l.a,kin B. SUm .... r: lu. doughl.'·' ''·'''''. Susan H.......w B.igl.. m: and ni"" dcmled g",,,<khadrtn. Hc il aJ,., survived by hi> bro,he,. Erwin R. B'igh.un. ""d his .is"'s. la". B. Gambl •. F.. ncH B. toll""", and Robin B. •. logc1l1<, wi,h many nioe .. and ""ph..... _/krh RoOiSt, pmid,,,,. Mobil<- /W. Asso<,nrron
K ENDALL , J][ for ,he n,in=,h JuJiaal Ci'-<Ull in 1984 and .... ~ oolrd .."h",,1 opposi' ion in 1986. 1992. 199$ and 100-1. H. """ ",1«1«1 by his t<1Io,,' judgn ,,~ pmiding judg< in 1999•• posilion h. II<kI until his dc.,h. Iuds< Kmd..JI ......-.d lhe MBA OS pmidM, oflheYoung uwy<r>' Stoion .nd ......,...
'0 .. ..
tlry .nd Eucutiw Commin.. mrnlM. .nd ...-ved til< Aloha"", SIOI. lla, as a """"ber of th. 110>«1 of B.u bomin.". II ...rwd hi> on 1M bmch a<. member of IIo.lrd of Dir<'CIo" of the AW>o.". Aloo<ia.ion of Circuil Judg<S. beginning in 1995.'00 as SCCft"Wy·I..-... ure, .00 ,·ict--p...idont btf.,.... ... uming 1ho p...idcncy of ,h>I org.>ni>alton in 2OO).{I.4. H. ",n-.d ,he cilium of Aloha",. os a judll" on .be Alalum. c....n of ,t.. JudKiary. a< <run, of tho Mobil. County Jud"w Comml>OOn .nd as a momM of lhe Al.Jlu",,", Oimi.w Justice In"''''''''lion ('.en'''' Commission. I I..... honor«! in 200l ... lhe ""ipi<lll nf II>< H~I T. Heflin Aw.n1 P"'~lo;<I by 1M Mobilt.nd B..Jd,,·in County lu. ossoru.t;"'""
lu<l~ K.nd.II ...... al.., renowned for his in'e1loet.lcgol mind.nd nlr.o.dillil'Y wil . It was orlco .Cln •• k,..t Ih" wll<n II< cntrrro 'he cou,Ir""on. he """ Ih. brigill"! pc''''''' prncnl. He " .., • sr••1'I"""'lUn ,,-ho \o.,..t Ih. out· <loon. He enjoyed Ih, '<put-Ilion a< an cXlr.wtdin.ry wing .h<>l .nd ...... ililltd angler who loved Ih. chaJl, ng' of Hy fuhing. Jtld~ Krndall ....... a lif,k>"8 lXn><><rot "hOK kn ...... l«lgo of poliTics ..... ""II .np«led altd ... h..... d,-k. wa. wid<ly
,""ugh •. H. ",as a mcmbt, of SI. lind'......
Episcopol Church and ChriS! Chur<h GuhcdraJ.
Judg. K.-nd.n is .ur<'iI-N by hi. molh· or; hi. ,,·ifc. Mary",n Bn...d Ktn<WI; thlff childml. I>r.lff KtndJll MOI""lf. ~"ry M'<pffl KtIld. lllIoiloy,.-.q . • "d K.,hrp, Kond.1I T, .-is: hi" ' " .. r, Zild. Kondan Ch.islophcr. hi. brolhtl. Bill """d.lIl: and SO.. n g>".lIl<khlldrcn (10 ,,'hom he h.ul,., .im..... tr~lion.ldy rtf<o .. ,..t 10" hi. cou,in'l: .n,\ hi' farth· fu\ hunling dog. 1\0.
_&rh 1W~~.I',<ju'''''' Mob;k &i. As$«ratum
HENRY BUCK FONDE Henry Bu(k Fomk, a distin· gullhtd m.mbtr of th. Mobil. liar AMoxi ..ion, dit<! Moy 24,
ZOOS al Ih."", of 90.
Mr. allm<hi tbr Uni>er$ily of ~ SdlOOI of Conllt1tftt and UU'linoss Adminis, •• ,ion and ~w,td from o..nmooga CoII<gt of ~. H" coolillL>«l his M .... 'ion al tht Univnsi,y of A1oNm.a School of L>.w. In 1943. M•. Fonolo .'OIun. ,ttrM fOr ..rvict in 1M U.s. Amly. Following his gradw,ion from Officer Candi<b.. School il$ a Iinl,man" t.. ....os ~ 10 1M 69th Infantry DivWon in Gmluny. 1-1. was tht r«ipitn, of ,wo
&.t in Florida. Upon "", ..... mml. M•. Fonolo ..... torTIITI<1ld<d wi,h 'M ciu.rion 00. oulStllnding >CrVia os chid" of ,t.. Con'Neu and I'" ...,u DivioKm of IItt Olfl(t of tht SI.,. ludgtt Ad"""" •. Mr. Fondt w.. =ugniu<l inl999 by ,h. Alab.tma 5.. ,. B", for hi' dcdin,td
Barnes, Charles Henry
Jer nigan, Clarence Earl
Clanton Admitled: 1963 Died: October 28, 200S
Mobile Admitled: 1968
Beumer, Joseph Henry Huntsville Admitted: 1956 Died: October 3, 2005 Davis,
Chandler Gadsden
Adm itted: 1993 Died: October 3, 2005 Hamner, Jodie Pinnell Roanoke Admitted: 1993 Died: December 7, 2005
Bronu Stars with rn.'ion fur b .....ry and tht i>urplt lkatt. Mr.1'ondr oavtd tht U.s. Air Force OS an .llornty with 1M Iudgo' Advual~ Gtrlttal in • ....n.-r.y of Cl~'in, includ· ing Air i.>l Comnt3lld .. UrookJ<oy Ai, Fon:t Ba.. in Mobile and Air Foret Symms Conllllo1nd 01 Eglin Ai. Fon:.
MAR C il 1006
...... ic.'o Iht ""' ion."". ond (ommu· ni,y for mo .. ,h.n 56 Y"ats. H. _, . ,hipt<! .. S' . I'. ul', Episcopol Churth and Dauphin W. y Uniled M<lho<Iist o,urth of Mobil< I"d ,heChuf(h ofrhe Good Sh"l'h",,1 of c.'hi ..... North c.roIi"" . Mr. f<>ndc w:.. pmkcnKd by his wif. of 56 Y"JB, Polly 1hompoon Fonok, and r«.mly byhi. wife, Ann. BoUing kmdt-, and by his rulOr. Mary FJi ... ~h Fond. 800... H. is by his $OIl, H(1Iry lIlJ(k Fond<, J•. of Jacloonvilk, Florid. and hi, brorher,lohn Phillip Fonde of Mobil •. 11< 0150 I... os four grandchild .." and 0"" g'''' ·grandiOn. -&rh RoOlSt, presMkm. Mobik &, ibwoo,io~
Rhea, Clarence Frost Gadsden
Died: July 28, 2005
Admitled: 1948 Died: December 27, 200S
Murphy, Alberta Brown
Sheppard, E1iMbeth Ann
Tuscaloosa Admitted: 1953 Died: May 11, 2005
Homewood Admitted: 1999 Died: May 22, 2005
Paulk, Flora NeU
Steakley, LJ.
Ozark Admitted: 1979 Died: November 13,2005
Huntsville Admitted: 1950 Died: April 28, 2005
Porter, James Herrin , Jr.
Trawick, George Howa rd
Gulf Shores Ad mitted: 1965 Died: January 25, 2005
Ariton Admitted: 1984 Died: December 7, 2005
elE Program Material s from the 2005 Alabama Stote Bar Annual Meeting ore a vailable on a single CD, It 's convenient,
port able and worth every pennyl
n..1nitw of D_••" OIl ~I De DI"",",iollniew of ~ D__
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AIMI.udI ~~ on "CD!
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Bar Briefs
All <ndo"-menl Iw b«n .. t.bli:sh~ 01 th. Uni_.i ty of AI.bama School of Law found.tion t" fund • .rnol~r:<hip in mm;ory Mobile Circuit Jud,.
Robht G. Kendall. 111 who di«l a.:,obt. 20. 2005 oIi... ytar. long bauk
with an~r.
Krnd.U Krvtd as.
drcuitjudge in Mobil< County bogin nins in 19M, and was presiding juds<
from 1999 until the d.l. of his (s.., .-non.1 on ","go 99.)
Comribu1iQI1$ 10 Ihe Khol.<$hip should be =&.l"-1"'bl.10 II>< ·Uni",rsity of Al.b.m>. School of law I'ound>.tion" a nd rn.iltd 10 Cynthia
Almond, Uni....mty of Al.Nma School of l.. w,!!oJ: 870382, Tuscalooso 1S4A7· 0382. Not. on )'Our contribution lh.iIl i1
is ror the ludge Robttt G. Ktnd.dl. U! SdlOlmhip. Contributi<lns or. fully .... ·<kductibk
~~~i w. "",~e
can your chlllliuppon end uncont..ted dlVOfce elM ••• "'Y II I ... 2... 3... 1. Entet the C. .. InlOfma110n
2. Print 1M Document. 3. FI" wnh \he Coull
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Disciplinary Notices SIad< Gordon WIU"", who.o: whernbouts an unknown. 10",' answtf 1M Abbama S!~le JW', formal diKiplinary ' ba'V" witltin 28 .ay. of ~brch 15. 2006 or, ,hnTal'kt, tht all<&>lions containt<j thnrin ""all be o:IttnW Idmined and ~Pl'top';"u diKipw.. ohalI be impostd 19ailUl him in ASB No. 05- 16(1\) by lilt Disciplinary Board of 1M AlabAma ScOie Bor. SI<pbnIOume Fowler, whose whnnbouts • .., unknown. mUll lnl>m" tho Ablwn:o W . rormal disciplinary charges within 28 ~ of Much 15, 2006 or. IIwrnIi..... the oIltptlons cont.i....d m.m.. .hoD be dcmIcd .dminod :and appropriate disciplino ohaJl be imposed .g.oi.... him in ASB nos. 04-21~ (A), 0..·21 5("') and 1).1-23 I(A) by the Disciplirwy Boord of !he Abboma SI. ,. Bo •.
Disbannents G.adsden lnornty John David Floyd was disbamd from tht prxtia: of law in d.. SIal<' of AlWma ~ NoomIOO 7, ZOOS by otdtt of the AlaIwua Supmno: Court. Tht wprcm< WIIn rnteml its order ~ uJ>OIl 11... dcciNon of the Disciplinary Board of the Alalwna Slat. 8.1 •. Tht Disciplinary Board', order ..... N$td on • ~.- for Disbarmrnl by Conso:nllilcd by Floyd pun"",,! \0 Ruk 23.Jtlab"m~ Rule! Il{DiKipli""ry Proadurr. Floyd', corum. 10 diobannont ..... based on his 1uvin81:w:n found guilty in 1M United SI.,.. Dimicl ColIn for the NortI>«n Diuricl of Alabama "" four WIlms of ,omprrins wrth • witnns, violations 0( 18 U.s.C , 15l2 (b)(l}. IIWk 23; Pot. OJ-(12 .nd ASS nos. 0065(A), 03-4O(A) Inc! 03.79(1\)) The Alabama Supremo< Coun odopIcd lhe ookr of d.. Disc:iplir....-y IIoard. Pond II. di!barrini form.:r Birmingh.m anorney Kltri ... Mu' Min from t~ ~ of!'w in til< SUtt of A1ab=.a. ~Octobtr 21,200S. tn ASII No. '18·01 l (A/, Mu'/>lin was found suilty of
vloIating Ruk H(c} IFairntss to Opposing r.uty Ind CoulUd l. A/abc"", RukJ IfPro(miutuII CaMU<t. arWng from her obliption to maU mtilution. tn ASB No. 9S·)S9(A), Mu'Min had tntnt<! • guihy plea, which RSUttM in I public: ~ with gmenI publica· tion and was to maU restitution of SJ.OOo. Mu'Min only paid $700 of til< 104
53.000, and thtn obmdol><d th< obtip. tion. On M;ry 13. I993, Mu'Min enttrtd into I swom ~t with th< ASII Oitnt Stalrity Fund to ~,in Iht form 01 SIOO iruWtmtrlu, I total of SI.400 of that obtiption. Mu'Min W>.< :abo found guilty of noLating Ruk 8.4(g). IMisconductl, Alo"""", I!uId If ~ CandU<t. In ASB No. Q2· 16J(A). Mu'Min W>.< convicttd of vi0lating
rw.. 5.3.I~u..
Rcg.Jrding Non·l..awyn ~onLlI, and 8.4{c), and (g).I Mi!conductl,AldI>mur IW/a If~ CandU<t. Mu'Min ...-promtcd th< wik in • divo<a pr0ceeding. SlIt filed 01 caused to be !ilcd. I oourizcd "Answc1 and WaiYc-r" on behalf of tile hwband . .",.fto" It tile timo. woo ~,«I in ...... prioon.1loth til< si&na.un: of til< hwhond and !ht
nourW ocknowIodgemtnt by an <mploytt of Mu'Min W<r< fabt. Ano! l>OuriallCknowledg<m<nt on on addj. tion.ot affid>vi\ ofili< bwbmd,;ng to child suppon, ..... ...., (at..., and W>.< 6l<d by Mu'M;n in til< domestic pr0ceedings. In ASII No. 03-234(A), Mu' Min was<'OfWictcdofnoLa,ing J.1 5(b ), [Sor.kt-ping Propeny], U (b), 8.4(e). 8.4(d}, and 8.4{g), IMisconduct l, A/abc"", Ruks of ~ c....dU<t. Mu·Min ...-prom\ed. minor in & pc1' IOn.ot injury c:-, and os pan of. coon· a",,1'tM'd $<1tlantn\ (which, among Olhtr things. QUblw...:t Mu'Min', kt-). JCI asidt tht .... m of $7.000 fmm th< JCI . tkmtnt 10 f'IY • compmmiJrd amount on a hospital bill of .\Of'I'ot $13,141.
,,""Mioo did _ P"'I' do. '-1"1..1 debo. but ..........w thr 17.000 10 Iwr JICI10NI ...... EwntuaDy. 101"'101,,, rcmd w.m thr mothtr 01 tho minor child 10 rq>ay tht diYntcd fu ...... 11111 plici only ..... imlaIlmrnl oIStOO '" Apri 2OOl. Tht WI"", 10 M' dot ho.pllal iCtIIrmml r:lpOOfd Mu'Mini diml and Iwr mothtr 10 ooIIccrion ""x_tin", lOr Ihr mlirt SU,I41. M,,7-1ia __ ..... onltmIlO . . . ralnul;"" 10 dot AIob.rn.o SUit Bu aiml S«urily FUnd in tho KIm of Sl,.j()(Ilnd raliru.ion 10 m.. mothtr 01
dot minor child in tho otnOUnl of 17.000. 10 be p;aid Ihroup tho SI.I. Bu, PriQt diKiplitw coruiItinll 01 IIutt >qIrimand$ and ..... public: ~ wilhnull!ft"l'al pubIiclolion
.... cotUi<Irml. Mu'Min __ ~ 011 COW incurrtd dur;'" lilt dis<irlinary proctfl!iJw. IASB 001. 93,~m (Al. 02161 (Al, OJ.23-4(AJ and RWt 211
Bilminghom 111Omt)' OmIt M.urie. Quinn .... disborrtd from lilt pBCtiu olbw in lilt StI,t of AI.>b.tmI rfl"«ti"" Ocwbtr B, 2005 by ordn 01 tho AIabarno Surmm Coun. Tho Mlpmn<" court', ordn .... bNnl upon ...... d.cilOon ofm.. Otscipli-r ComtniMion undtr ItuIt n.AW>amo Ibdof tif Dtsdt>Ii-r 1'rottJ..... !h.o, be distwmd. Tht DiIcipIinuy CommiMion baon:I its dtci$ioo, 011 • 6ncIins by !ht DioripIinIry Brwd !Iw QuInn hod bcm a:orM<vd 011 M1"iouf crimt. Qwnn . . admintd 10 Ihr pnctict '" law ill tho $t.ok '" Abboomo 011 Stpl<" .... 2&, 2001. Shortly thrtnItn. Quinn hosrtd • ~ p;tfty aI tua homo, anmdrd ..-tIy by ~-.)O\UISOI 13 10 14 , - . old. Ou""" tho pony. Quinn - ~ 1.mOIuns. marijwnI '"b/wI1" and ~ illO minors 10.......,. Tht ~pc abo IMwtd se.....aI minors who oppr;o.rtd 10 be drunk and/or "hip." Tho ~pc impoun<ltd !h.ol . ' by dqIu.ift during an in"""ory ~ of. odIide tho, IW bcm stopped btall$( il .... bci"ll drivm .... licaIJy. AItJ>ou&h thr male drM-r of lilt vdtick lin!. lwo 14 ,ynt_ old fomalt ~Kft' ...... ' ....n 1n10 CUSlody. Tho dtputin pbytd ...... vidto-
.ubooqwndy ' '' ~ 10 ron~ m.. Ph' pArmI$. Ont 01 m.. girlf idmrilitd Quinn .. Iwr &m.r-ht ... noc. QWuo oppcartd II tho po/i<It $lltio<> ..... itImri6<d Jtimsd( .. tho lope _
&thtr "' ..... '" tht pk. DrpuDca irnrnrdiMd)' lfCOII'izcd Quinn .. tho ..nIh ...... inllw~~
marijuln.l1O dot minon boa .... lot __ ...........,dotwrwdotloa lot _ in Iht ~ Quinn pled suiIf 10 ronU"i!utin& 10 m.. ddinqumcr 01. minor bNnl upon llot ~ oIJnut of diuribulion of I COIIlroIItd 11'00. thorough dioawion of Ihis (OK _1Lbba"", Slglt" Bar •. Dad M.. w..... c;r...M", 1M" 10J0869. AuguR
l6. 20051. _ So.2d ----' (AlL 2005) . IRulr 22; 1'1:1. 02-02; IIIlA No. Ol.(j l l
Suspensions RlWfIlYille ouornt)' lohn fml<rick Pil.,i .... IlUpcndtd from ,lit pro<1iu of Law in the SIoIO of Ablwn>. by ordn of llot ~ Sup~ Courl (or. period of thfft ~n, df«!iw Octobtr 2., 2005, wilh atdil lO bo givnI for ,i"", ttn"Od Ii"", the impoo.ition of!ht wrrlm IUlpt"llIOOII on ' UM J. 2000'. Tho "'~ ooun ...1tftd its ordtr baI<'<I upon dot dtcioion of tho I>itdpIinuy Gornmiuion of dot ~ .'ill.. Bu. Pibli m1trnI • COlI_ drtionol JUiIty pin '0 rioLaIiono of rulto M (. ) .....(b) :and l..4(J). AWwmo R.Ja tif I'rtJfn-I Conduct. PUti pled pilly in dot Uni1cd $l.1eS DislricI Court for dot Northcm DislricI '" ~ It> ...... oow" of makina. &1st lU' ........ It> tho FBI III nolo.ion 0118 U.s.c. Slooi. IASB No. Df-165(AlI
On 'u .... 2•• 2005,anordtt was m1trnI inlnimly ~ the Iiar\s( of Pdl 01}' &I<ornty Tolllfltit Inn IV"d$on. This ordtt was t-ed upon • pctitiofI 01
...... Offia: 01 _panyin,
Gtnrnl Courud :and a/Iidovil. W.t.on prov;d_ ttl fWtlnlimony 10 1ht Offic:t 01 Gtnrnl Counsd whm oM inilially indkaltd 110.. w had • lnal OCCOUJII .nd La, ... dminl lnul KCounL During llot Otroa of GtncroI Courud',
Disciplinary Notices ilTW$lip.ion. a trust """um was dis· covtud. Hl>W<'>Tr. it was oprn.rd f<>r only I month. (rom july 2004 un.illhc mil of AugUM 2004. During th., timt. ~ hid ,,," <=rdral1 ch.fKOS for iNuf· !ldm' fund.<. On july 1. 2005, \\'lllQn ~;tioncd.he bar for I di .... III'ion o' rn<>dificotion "r th~ ;",wm 'W(l'<IWOII. W"dson ."tam I suilly pka in which !he Ip,r«d 10 • l'nv.l~ rtprimand, pM' tkip.'ion ond compli.nce with the
AI.borru I"""Y'" '-"';".n~ Progrom .nd Iht Law Offiu "'"<:m<n' AMisunce Program and pmb..lion for one )'tn. during which .1M would pro.ide monthly ~ns 10 th. Offiu of Gtnrral Courud. On July IS, 2005. an 0"'" was rntr'N with th •• bovt·,rin· rncm condition>. \\',Ison filed . modifi· cation ~I><$I uprding her ~ualinsthat silt IlOl N mjuirN KI comply with the AUNma
Auisuncc Progr.m, On
2005,. h... ing was hdd nvnlins the ba"$ Augu" 5, 1005 ptlilion to .....,1<. the Onkr of P",b,nion. I'.nel V of th. Disciplinary Bo.lrd found \\'ioon noI in compli;...c. wi,h Iht p~us ordt. ond OTdtrcd ,h.t W\bon',I;"'r\.It be 'uspmdtd (0 •• pc1"iod of 91 days. \\%on filed an 'pp<""J on October J. 2005. On Octobtr 31. 2005. \"'-dlOn I motion 10 dil.miso htr Ip~>I. ,,-hkh w,," g .. n'_ tIlon Nowmbn I. ZOOS. On D«t-mhtr 13.2005. Iht Suprnnt Court of
c..,,"nuM fro", p"gr /05
Abb..lm" cnlcrtd an onlt .... ,~ndinS Wil"", for I pniod 0{91 days, .ffo<'i", De<"",boer 13, 2005. [Ruk 20{o). Pel. 05·07: BOA 05.(1 1: ASB 10:(>. OS-79(.o.)[
Public Reprimands Tu~
Ollorn.y lohn Ala .. Biv.n. r«tiv«l. publi, «prirrland with s.n· •• >1 publicalion on De<<mbc-r 2. 2005 fOf violalions of ruin 1.3.nd 1.4(1). Jllohama Rul.. of Prv{ffl;",,,,, Q,nJucr. lIi",n. a<ctpltd. S11.5«l '<1lin" 10 •• p...... nl. in I sa disc.iminl· lion case agoinS! her .mployt" •. lIi",n. did no' file ....]>Onsc.o ,ho drirn· don!'. MOlion for Summ.ry lud"""nl. no. did he communi",. wilh hi. dirnl ,ooullh. mall ... Aft« .umm.ry judp,m<nl wa, <nlerod 19oinS! hi. dirnl.lli",n. filrd a molion 10 . <wn· sider. whkh ,..... ubsr-qurnrly dcniW. lIi",n. did no. nOlify lh.dionllhal 1><. 10""",1 had ~n di>mi>s<d unlillh.eo monlh.l.ol ••. lIi,.. ns did 001 .."",nably communiC01' wi.h his clionl .00u. <;0$. did not devot •• officionlr'm. 10 in ..... lig;llC and pr-.p.«,1>< CIO<.lnd ..... gon ... lly ",.",n,i ... '0 .h. di,n' .nd he ........ [AS8 No. O,.69(A)J
On Ooobtr 21. ;!OD5. lIinninsham ,"orll<")' ManhoU Reno<, !«til'«! • publk .-.ptimond without ~>I rmblicllion fO<l vIOla non of Rule 1.1.
of ~aJ cq,./,.....
Tht "1'rimand __ in conn«tion "i\h • m.m .. in whkh /"",Iuon rq>rnall«l • dient in ,h. f'rob.l. Coun of kff......,., County. Alabama. On ~nwy H. 2003. I I><aring was hold in Iht probo •• coun on I p<lirion fo< d«b .. tory judg. men .. During tl>< h•• ring. oppo>illl! "",nscl prod"'""'" an ogrttmtnl ,,-hrtrin II>< panies h.d r-.soMd Ih<ir di.pul< 0..... _mOOip of OSIa'. propcrty. Tht .grttmn>l .... t"U"C\ll«l appmrimottly lwo )'r.... prior '0 its production. Tilt signtd by )oeluon Ind hft" cllcn~ l>d$on '.p, ••uno.! '0 Prob.o'e Judge Mikl-llolin ntilhtr .... no. 1><. dienl had ..... signed tho agr....... n'. Jackson.also off<rtd 10 hi,.. • h.ndwriting aporl to d<1.rntinr tho au,hrn,kity ofboer signalUrt Ind of h.. diml', ~gno'ur~. Judge Bolin a«.opt<d this pmpos;allnd '''''Iinutd tho h<arinB' Alier =pIoying I h.andwri'ing <lIpnt. on .,...mi ....'ion of ,he &XU"",n' w.. m:><It :and i, .... d<t1'rTllintd ,I>< .ign;!IUI"t$ "'..... luthonlic. During tho cou'" of 'his in'''''ig;''-' ulli· m>ltIy admitt<d ,h.I silO could 1\01 1"<"t'J><JtIb<. h.villl! <ign<d tho agrrnntnt. IAS8 No. iH·21}(AJ[
'gum>m' ....
Soh .... al,o.n.y Geo.go E. Io n... III It'C.ivtd. publk ... prim.nd wi,h gon_ cnJ publka,ion on (klobcr 21. 200~ for viol,"on, of ruJO$ 1.3. 1.4(.). 1.4(b) .nd U(a). Alllham~ lI.uln of Prof=wnaJ Q,,,dU<1. Ion.. was allO
_... _-
(334) 745-5097 _
w ..........
mu' "
Wl""AVL IN "" " .. , ...... , OICOJ<
MARCfl IOU 10 moko rncilulion in 11>0 amounl of 5 1.000. Jon .. " ... rt1ainod 10 «presom I diml in on lKlion agoinS1lh. A1.bama Ikporlmonl of Corroaioru 10 1001. and oquipmonl b<longing 10 tho dionl (an inmal') valued al 51,200 ond to IOko OVt". Iho pl"Ol«Ution of. pro;e lC1ion filod by the di,nl. Io n.. waS paid $l,ooo o f a $1.500 rt1.ail><" Du.inS'ho «plntnta.ion. Jon" did not ...pond 10 th< e1itnf. '"'luO$t. fo. info.m.' ion co""..",ing . h... alO1 of .h. a«' a nd. for a1 Least ~~ of.h. I~ montlu JonO$ «pl6tntN tht clitnt, h. did 110' cum· munica .. with him aU. Th. court sub$cqUl"lltlyordered rt1um of th. properly Or paymtnl ohM valut o f th. p.optt\y. but th. maUer ~ . till pending bcc . .. ;e Jon .. did not follow up ond file I Un of tho prope.ty o. iu
gritv.ln« .... m unans>«rcd. A $\I~ qutfU i!l>"aliption m"(;I\cd that Smith ......... til«l . claim with lh< EEOC This ""auld ~ been do"" wilhin 180 d..yo of the otCUrRna" of diKrimin.t\ion.
funhermo«. no $\lit wu ~ fiI«I in any court by Smi.h Of! bdlalf of this dion •. Smilh only rapondcd this ~ aft... '"1'".«1 '"'l ...." for info=uliofL [ASHNo. 04· L72(AJ!
Do you represetlt a client WIIOlias received medical betlefits, los/ wages, loss of support, counselillg, or fllneral alld burial (Jssisf(mce from the Alabama Crime Victim's CompellSillio1l Commissio1l?
..I.... [ASB No. O-I -l~ I{A)] On Dtttmbtr 2. ZOOS. Birminglwro >"om.,. GKQ l.t< Smi th R'Crivcd a public rtprimand wit h grntr.ol publiQ . •ion for vioLatiolU of ruin 1.1, 1.3. 1.4 (0) and 8. L( b ). Alab<omd /OIks <If
Q,ruI..a. In M.rch 2000, Smith was nnployt<! by 0 dim. 10 up.... nt him in a di1crimination .uit aru· mg out of tho cDml', ..rmin .. ion from omploymom . In Novcmbn 2000, Smith wrot•• Len ... tho omployn and INIIo • dtmand for $<t1I ...... n•. In ~hoT 2000, Smith R'Crivcd co"...pond<nco &om <>ppO$ing counsel d<nying tho d ailn. HOWevt •• Smith IItI'<I" <li1cul.<cd th is corrapondtnco with his ditnt Themoft.... Smi.h had .... ny tekpbo"" ro"...,...tiom with h is ditnt '"1I",ding the •••• 01 ofhis <aso<. Smith indica.ed to .h" dient thatlhe moUt. W;lS moving along and I'm loolcing promising. Smith furtMr $1;11«110 hi!: d itntlhil, ho ap«lod a ..-tlkmcnlllOOn. In tafly 2004. Smilh bttamo non.mporu.i>-.o to lh< dimt'o rq><O.«I '"'lUOSU for info'_ motion about lh< .cat01 of his a«'. On May 24. 2004. tho dimt til«l • gritv_ onco with III< AlaNrna St ... Jl.>r. ~'I«I rcquau.o Smith from tho Alabama Slato Bar '0 ...pond to tho
When your client appJied ror bencfils, a subrogalion ag reeme nt was signed pU1"$llant to § 15-23-/ 4, Code of A/{lbam{l ( 1975). If ~ crime victim reai\'ed compens;uion benefits, an anomer suing on behalf of a crime victim mUSl gi\'e notice to tire Alabama Crime Victims' Compensation Commission. upon filing a lawsuit on behalf of Ihe recipient. For further information, contact Kim Ziglar, sla ff attorney, Alabama Cri me Vicli ms' Compensation Com mission at (334) 242-4007.
mult;-otm n;am fonna" as doo.s AUbama. Wlw • _.~ of ,;mo andmonq'. ....... mWli·m~ II b.utd on C1)II1mon."'... . nd bIxll<l," loo.- quel1icm. The rewi1 iJ " ,.." "malty nothing on Kluol .WO Low• .., you'... 00' proving 0")l1h,", your knowItdgo of • ....1· uw.You !imply""'" 10 p.oy • • ignifKanl amount of ""'nry 000 "',ISle ololplificanl amount of limo !.Wnl • bar rnitw ""'.... .., you COn rdram W ~ amwn11,," M oumi....,... ",.tn110 ...,. ....... ptriect tt.amplo: is Iht <rimI.w law IoNtlOn. 11 """ mm ·
To the editor: I r~w w"h ''''., int....l Grqory B~tf.Iow·. om.:l. on
wh •• h.r A1.b,on ......... Id odopt m:ipnxi,y wllh OIMr ."1. t.. .. IA</drmIw"" Dtumbt. 20(5). As. longIiJM mrmbtr oftIII' AJ.tu,n\iI SU~ ill. who ....,..".j '''' CoIor.odo and IYd 10 1M CoIonOO tw rum iU. ~ult of A.Labon'll"·U/>d .l1nudr _.,d f«' procily. 1"'Y if. about I;"" _ ..,...Jopttd a rKirroclfy f\II< . ....... CoIot-odo m:iprocny rule, in plain ¥lob. WJ'oo "\,'.11 adm., rour ....,.... " 'lIhou' . ....... if "",lI ..un.'lNln ,,'uhou. nMn-" lltau.. Alobo .... woo", odmi. CoIorodo', (010"1' 1)1"" ot".', j bwytr> wnhout ";un, dnpil. bo.;", pr~i«-d (Of ......
,." ,..,o... n sood lIanding in A1.h.ama, "",,in8'
H> and . n WI ,
thad 10 tou II•• CoIoPdo bar cam. Colorado u~ ,h. n"ional
""",-law pOnc:.pIeI. or «>unt. tho (.oct ,'''', 1>0 cnrninallaw codr IU<$ ..... _ .bw crimi .... >I.oo.r<h it. complndy mwtd by tho b.u ~ AI tho .... profcsoor ,,'ho uught tho mIN .... L.w >«lion in tho bar '"""'" aou ..... I lOOk sa.d, " Ewornl...,.. I·"' ..... 10 1pftId.1 houn. ~odI ... you tho cnmuW L.w ... II a$d in f.nJUnd In tho 17OOI!" I lhoughl tho Iw <:am didn'l IttIIIIt qu.alily of I u....,..r tho finllImt I took II. o.n 1m ynn "In. l KNOW iI ........., \aI ..,"lhing of VII .... In fxt. you find youndn......... to .. "",rnbor rI(I\ 10 o;rr. ""ThaI', ridiculow., no J~ would ptrmil thaI." ond
I1-------------------------------~ @" I July :... "",,,..."'umb~'k .... ,,.,..::::J I
! 12-15 2006
M~. cn
Sandestin Golf& Beach Resort
Alabama State Bar Annual Meeting
___________________________ ,
ReCIPI'OCIty-Shouk:l We
- ......
Shouk:ln1 We?
00 _ _ _ _
;Mlrad !hink. "Qh wdI, il'. ,..., • tw <nrn. ~ " thrir oiUy and wrong " .. y," A rnon: prKlic::ll .t. ndanl WGuId be to Iook.t tM disciplinory fUO,d of tilt .ttor~ Kdting odmiWon from .nothrr m~, WMn I .ppl ,ed ,n CoIo...oo. ,My did look II nly dixiplinary reconl (actual · Iy, I1lJ' lad; of di.dpl'naryuwnlj. whidl I find "ltimy .~te, I'd br m""h """'" mnarncd W: rthia of 1M ottomry >fficing admission how sh. or lit omtcd On an ,.... ry-t"""', ocadnnic Nr <XlIm. If thr .. uor~ has • spotly disciplinary m:onl, thm con· in.isting on """nlination before .dnliWon, ln~ ... tingly, ;nili,cd "" n'M IrIter$ of ..cerenu (,'" of whkh hod to be from ottomrys) f<>r my application. lIut, bcfoo: fOu gel imprcl&cd by thot, hoAr rhe .... of d'Htory. 1'hry ,...,.., ",nl 00< rcqut$t for rd'<m><:t info",...tion '0 .ny of ,!>oK niM individu.ili. What i< tM pu'Jl'OK of 1M Nr <nm for an ""pnin>ccd, practicing .tt""K)'? If il is to t .. t 1M I<g.lI knowlcdgr of thll "'or~, ;t ........ ·t "aonlplWt its purpoor. If it', jlli\ to ".",. barrirt> .nd ...iK mon<y for b.. r<Yi<w mm(Wl~ it', doing thaI quilt wdI. \\~th more.nd more of til< law bring based On model codts and urlifonn " .. It Ia ...... nd with leu and Ie.. of tht bar <nm bring based on .ut,law qu ..tio .... insi>ting on .itling for cnmination to be admit· ted is a wast< of lime, rlfon and rn<N>C]', and doesn', dcf<nd lhe qu.tlity of . UI. bar .......w.n in .ny meaningful WAy. •
..._ _ _ .... _
"00 ..... _
Sinm-rly, Mirh",1 A, Kinl.. nd, ID, UM
ere Have All
Lawyers e? The Problem of The Vanishing Lawyer-Legisfator
Introduction lr )'O~ .....~ 10 taI<.,. poll, you would liuly lind ,h., ""»' ()f A4bam.'.ClUufU btlkvr 10....,.... mal;:" up tht majority of our
q>WI...... n.. fact U bW)Tf·I"8Wa'o... r~ In .nd.n~rcd >pI'<its. Tbil
Irtnd 'pp"al'$ to bt true a<;rO$$.he Unit":! SUit$.
n.. A"","",n Rat Nsocialion uuntJycondlKtN •• urvry of
all 50 <1~ta 10 lkurmi"" the num",," of lawyer-IcogisJ.,ors and lhe <nullO au dilappointinJ. from. Low of four pn«nl (Norlh tnlwU). 10 • hig/> of 33 I"'.<cnl (Ma»a<hU5<IU). ,"" number of Iawytt$ ...rvi", in lrps/aliV<c bodies is dod'ning.' .......,.... in Al.1wna 1I.,..,lon8 b«n Xli ... in public ... viet. ~ &'vt lhoi. timt.tal .... and rnourc .... mll<h IS, if nol
moT< than.lJIy othtr "oup of cilium in .hi. >I" • • ~ '''''nins and p.onicil"'lion in the dispute rnolulion pfOa$O mau them uniqIKly 'lu.Uifotd for Iit'vic. in Low-rnakini bod.ia.. So why ... n', 1aWJ'"> ...,...,;n81 Why .... ,hc", COMW ... • ahly frwer b~ in ,h. kgil.!aturclhan in 'M "",.1 This ani ·
d. d~ tho dodin. in I.wyer-Iqisloton, ..n...l0 .<kIm>
...... poMibk - . . lOr tilt <i<dlM ond p<amll _ ..... ",",II why bwyns ahouId "'" lOr public o/fiu. puticuWiy tlw Irpsbtu~. x...nI (WA:Ilt _rod fonn,rr Irpsloton ..... ....;p in on this topic WIlh tb<ir unique: inoi&hu.
The Vanishing Lawyer-Legislator
Lawyers Have Historically Served
.u Ilat. ~'u.a in the Un;' m Stota. -n:..ur. tlw: nwnbtr io
In tlw 197Oa. Lawycn ~ .pp' .......... tdy n ptremt of
.bout 15 pttcmt." Alobllma rouow. this,rmd. TMR I •• mon' than 13.000 bw)'In in Alalwna, bu, only 16 b W)'rfl5el'Yt In Alab.orna', I«l-n .. mlxr ItpUtu~. n.., numbcroflowy<n in tlor ~ ltpU'UIC has drcfftSfti 10 thec.rrmt kwlfofliw: ptreml in 1M lOSmttnIIn ""'- ond Z9 ptrt:ml 01 1M »-
It is Wr co o;ry thoc \awy<n w= tho pri. mil)' -=ill arthit«I$ of this
1'wocnty-1M of tIw 561i1pm of tIw DrcIanlioot of IlIdt pmdtllOC ~ ~ ...t )~ of til< ~ ddrpuJ lei til< CoMrt\lllonll eonw"tioa ~ IIwym Of troiniJl&. Alais .... "IbcqutviIIt., (I)mI .....tary <NI the u nMd Stota indiclttd .. much: "ITllIt authority IAmrricantl ha~ mtNSttd 10 ~of tlw profa. lion, ond the inHutna that thcx indMduolf amlK in tlw~ ..... tIw.~a:iMins...:uritr ....... tII< _ _ .. ofdt,uoa.,." Obviously bW)'I"I"J haw a __ m intnal in tlw Judidll hnncb oC JO"ft1I",",I. Additionally. bwyns ha .. historiallT tWn • vny .,~ ruk in tilt cxrcutiw b...."'1t of li"~rnm'n1 . Thitt<'fo of ,he
Lawyers are uniquely gifted for public service, so why is the number of lawyer-legislators declining?
fiM 16 Am<rican preWo:nll ~ IIwyns
and of tbt 4) prelidmu who how onwd w>oo tbt country was ~ 27 wtR bowrm-' Lawym In IJ,obama haw.uo onwd '" hip nurnbns in tho .-..u.r bnncJ.. All but 16 of A\ab.o ....., 52 ....mon haw b..rn On • N 'ioo.aI ltwl.lIwym hi.. onwd with disIinction in I 1qiaIo1,.. brandt of pn1Il/1e111. Ont-thinl of tlw mcmbm of ,he nfl' u.s. Ho.... of Ittprmnu,;..n _~ lI~rL n.., Ii",", BOl .. high os 70 po",nt in 1S40 bu • •odoy It i, b.d fill iIbou. one· thlrd. I" the u.s: Stili", tilt num\)f, of Ilwyns ,o.d/l 1979 10 65 but it bcn<m II jwt ovu 50 todq.. ~~ Ifw bodiorI ....... nutc tlw eamcc of a lTpUhlocan form dem-
10& ' ·",inIb _ _. 01 U.s. fcdn-oIis.n u Iipr. Ii
Color. t .......,.
in IM!.-
.,..., 10 pct'suode loy ~ tIw thctt is . . adt thina" IIrplIoc¥oole- Try 10 pa-suodr them thaI ~ io tho ~ of 10..,..... from the Itpbt;'" prooeso that tmdto 10 bow<! ·cruy bws.' Try 10 po-rsuodc thmt there .~ good ~_ for tlw: ,uIn of mdm<r. Try to pocrsuodc them due prooeso
N " ~ C II
rnlJy is brtltr lhan brins lrio<! ~nd corMctcd on Monday. !ht convi<;tion affirmtd 00 app:al Wednesday, and bring at<'U!Cd Friday. AI bcs!, your S!;ol"......,!$ will stmI rdf·"""'ns; ~I worM I~ will omn Iudicroos. ADd in ~, ptopIt wilIliO-y. 'Ik or obc is. ~,. powcrlUI org~ that no penon an W<I1pe1. with argummtllivriy. And th.t is whal is WI"OIII! with ilit 'Yf!<IJ1. I know I am righl,""", if lhri. orgumm!$.....,.. ptmwift.~ ..
Ikckrrwlsuggo!$ thn to counl<r1MK ...Clion$. ~ n«d mo~ good 1a~I"J in our lcgW.lurn..
t "\~iReasons
for the Decline
111...: u •• numbn ot .usons 111>1 may .ccounl for Ih. IkdjM in lb. number ofbwyer· ltgislalon K ...... 1M counlry. Some of the muons vary by stal •. In Alaborm, many point 10 Ibc ~ fiam l>j_onnuailO annuallq:islalw. -'ons in ln6 ' " WI<' ~ dill" .u!Ons for the dcclln<' in ilit numbc. ofbwy... 5<..... 8 in Alobemo!'.Iqi,lalure. Although the It&iililu .... rnffi. only' 56 ~ days. il is givm lOS calC1IIb. days In compleu tbt rqp •• ~ion. Legislalors can counl on ' pm<lins TiIesdIys , Th~ in Monlgomery from February I ~.Mar I /or th~ rego!,.. s<:uiorL M.ny ...ilI ..-II tdcviS«l ~ ~~ ot ,ht lqiIrt pu, unplugging 1M <>fflCi.IJ doc:k jusl bdort ofth!:- rquJar sc:uion $I) the ~ion """kI
budg<1s. Onct compromilcl (and ..,fforinll <:lth:Ius'ion) wnr ~acbcd, the VOl", ~~ lokm. 11K clod. wu plul!Fd bod< in on<! seu>on odjou.n<'d bcfo~ midnight. C<ruinly the chan!!" In annual sc:uion. tw mack 5trvins in 1M Iqiobeu... more on<roUS ta>k. In ~t;"n, tl>< I,mins of >p«ill ..,..ions cann.ol bc prtdict<d """raldy bul it is tlu, ilit.. will <on"n~!O be op«i;al_ions whkh ,,,,,"a,,,"y oddtlional l ime from 1M prKIict of low. For brWY<I"JIncaIM ",brei,,"'y long from Mnolgom<ry, the time .pt." driving 10 and from 5HSionscan be a h.1rd,""ip. Too much l im< a~ from J""Ktice causa br"'"}=J 10 h."". diffinth lime promptly """ing Ihei. clien,', ntcds. Oth,r pos.sibl~ ......,ns Iha,br'"Y"I"J may nol wanllO gfl involvci in kgisbli"" no:es are
• 1hcrt .. ~ four o. fi~ limes a$ many Inbbyis!$ as Ihrrt art I<-zWIIO ..... Tht prHSUrt of Jp«iaI inl.rCSU with Ih.i. ptmWiYC ""ices and campaign con u ibulions can caw< kgUl;tlorr 10 (cd pulkd in many dir<ctions. • ~ ~nnuailiO-lary may be tftrt U a <ittem:nl from ",,"in&- Th. amoun! nf " me l.un ..... y from prKlice in nnkr 10 ~ in IhI: q;,JaIUft may not hi: ~ as a fair lradt-off for th< .salary. • Campaigns or< 100 aptnJlve. n.. .~ ... gc cost nf cam· paign. has il>C1'U$t<l $ubotanlially ovn the PlUI d«od, and Ihis rt<Jllirn 10WYCI"J 10 laU addition.llime away from practice 10 raise fund. for an dcaiorL
• • • • /IBA • • • • Rebrement • • • • Funds'
• •••
\n ,,,,, ~,) ,, ' rt.' t"('nd~
fur r"lirt.'tt1eO( planning. choo-e Ih(' progrl" " "rt.'Il h- d h ) lu"y'rs for lo"·",·r., un{1 ru n h~ ...~"cns. ,\11 \ lIeli",,,,,, ,,, F un cis om·rs ru ll ..... , .j,.1' solU1ion~ including phon lI.!mi u i_ln, lion ,
i01 \"(" III1"1I1 n{·:o:ihilil) IIlId IIII .. icc. LEARN HOW YOU CAN GROW YOUR flJTURE WISELY Call an i\Bi\ RetLlemonl funds Con:.ull.n\"
1·8O().826-a901 ..........abafetLleme·rtI .com
• Nesol i... ad..,n isernenu taP rnau 11>0 process of campaigning "'rr mun.spiriltd. M.ny r..11My do not W3n' to pu, tl>onuotl,..,. Or III~r familios Ihrough .he- rigors .,{ campoit!-ning. csptciaUy during an .... w!>tn .., m.ny ""mpaigns a~ inc.oaoingly nesoti .... • Do.ling wi,1I the <onslOnl s",,,tiny .,{ an intr,,,i.., Hn modi. i5 somcti",.. II«rI os 100 of . burdon. • U<wi... parliJanship a1mosl makes il 0 "'l"imnont that ~ oppost anyIhing PUI forward by tl>o opposing pany. o,,,h t emlS, pm'tm Iho owosinl party from oblain "'8 ony emlil for • good idfa. ..-en if the ptnpk of th(
Slole mighl benefit from it_ • Somelawyno .... '" no inte"", in......u.g the public inleros'. HO"ft"e\'t"1". public onviu is • noble calling and throughout thor h;'tory of our nation .nd ...... lawyers traditionally h" .. had. • pmud .eco.d .,{ public onviu.
Ikfo~ Ia~rs odvt11istd. running for public om .. was ..,.n lun df«1<w way (or Ia~rs to gtt thtir names in fmnt of the- public. Now Iml1 ad ... nising is mo~ widely I<UJ'ted,..,me may fttl there is no nttd 10 fUn (or public off"o in order to bowme known in the community.
• Asid. from fund ...... ingand campaigning. """,ing the public OS . ltgisLnor is no euy \.Uk. Although designated as. pan_lin ... job. the wo.x is anyIhing bul port-tirrI<'. I.egi.tators m~ spend coru.idenbk rinI<' in Mornp:lInerr when th.legi5b.lure is in ....;on (including sp«iaIl&ioru
MARCI! 1000
callN wilh I;uk ",,"1ICt noI~), and therafl .........;n octi ... with commin .. and subcommiu.. mtetings. In addition, lcgI.tators m~ spend I;me in th( dislrict and be '"I"lnsiw 10 Ill<' .-.b and COI"ICanf of Ill<' <ketont •.
Reasons to Get Involved t""'"
As discussed above. ~ nlOny poooible expl .... lions why Iawym don·t make thems...... "';\ to run for public office. H~. t.......... ",,,,raJ =.oon' Kosoru why Iawym """"'~ gtt imulved. AIni$ de TocquevUle wrott Iha,lawyon .... thr most p"""rful m"ing Krurily apiml Ill<' "'"""'" of ~ <y. rupplying the oob. iety and stability which '"""11' s-i..,.pc.z r""luirt&." Many lind inspir.. ion in ,he f. mow UrjpuJd Ii6rkl"· q<>Ot~. -All .....1 is ~rr fur the triumph of ~11S ..,.r rtI<'tI do nothing."'" II~. wi.h all the ....1<1 ~b..,.·1\rif" In III IlKady crowded lif•• why bother running for ~ offict.! Many dIOoot to 001W in order to make I <.IilIefeno:t ..... IU help rnacI good ....., that function properIy•..-1iolrIy one! .... thoughtfuDy and carefully draIkd. Our 1epYI...., boas .......... .,{ .....rt and ""pablo Iegi5lators. H~. RW"'" ......... rIJ no subSliMe for t~ ,hal COH"Ift hun practIclns Ippearing in court. trying ~ ~ and.ppIyinj the Law the Itgi!loIU~ macu and ........ct.. In oddiDon. .. South o.Jr.ota Bar Prnidenl}ml<'s 5.NdIOh ~"No ~... inknliQned they may be. Lay Itgi'brr oftca ..........t jlut won\ ...;Irk, and it is . ............ K1 miSloUsand k<qI them from ... ~ in~ If
"" d id no!
"'VI: Irwyrn in the I<pIatUA',
bo """" wrird brwI paoocd....,..n should 1ft ~ fo< \tot sak< of...,.lltplation. Uwftn """". cnI>ClII role in droflilo& IqUUtion IhII .. dear and oouswllliof\ol.l.-,.m h.not. t~ would
urIiquor opportunity 10 <hrecI1y crt:.m or
ct.qr Iho law. Fonntr Colorado ""ultpUtor ....,. " tawy.m ..... by IT........ prrpmd 10 lI<ooornr 1rpiIun. lIw ocbooI ODU...., kIdudt q;.IatM dnftuIt. Mod coun· ...... dtbo' nmtnUr; W'J;M' and taU' ~""""J in IIw H_ ond Sm."", Iu>d ~ whtn 10 $WId or t.odI; 0« and <Vmpmmioe on • bill iI dw MIl>< • ....,ciounl p01l1ll 011 • mnlr~ dhput .. But bt"" tr.inoc! 10 ___ IlOl """ _ .. btins willi .... '0 _ntler lOt p.,t8: duly.-.
Somt <.L ,bt "...". otber s-:I rruonf ....1= run t(:,r put&: o/f":u",, t.awym ..,..."" in lb..1<-gW.'Ult . . <IIi. p>d "'" may wdl IUill til n wirlll ,n dcclln
..., I.....,. T""';+,l., ~"'... ;~,,'" lill~1J ~1Id ~on bthalf ..,
... raw ideas are simply no substitute for the experience that comes from practicing law, . . appearmg U1 court, trying cases, closing transactions, and applying the law the legislature enacts and amends.
:.,( dim,s" inl~rtm.nd uollouJly rtp.a<n.
cllrI". whilt .1 Ibt .....,
limo: pn<1i<~ <iv~llr •.,..~rd "PP"""II (O<lnsd. Tbtoc Wlb arc -.. rtIOfC unpofW1' .. loom ...wy.or II ,""'*'<d
ill puiIIic" ~i«. • ....,. ......... to k -..l
at • •"", It .. h , ._thal
"" ..... on _tam
bot" w..
bt enough lrotrm
u,1rJIol,r.,,, com",:!!", _
h ..
iudi<..". <I""rru'rca.. • l.6wynI"ho tftYOr In Ibt It., Ill'- anl><'ft 0I'Il' of rht nobIar c.oI\iatI of our pro! public tn"W"",, 0-. ~ PouDcI', dt&Wron of I ~. it prot...hlr dw ,_ OJ . . - hqo.a~r . Dn.n Poun.l
,ha, '"ptuj . .. -. :~:\:" ''''''('In' "".
1"'""" ..... lntQtd ......i.:c: ....... • Somttt in rht Icp.Uturc an ,.Uta ~.1'fOIiI< and the ph)fiI<o of hi< o' ""' firm. • ~ . traintd ~a.hdp tmlIrr l high qu.olilyu ....,.".. .. ~ bocba. if lilt' quaI,ty <.L dcb.ore .. ~.
the qu.obIy <.L~_ wiD ......,.. arwnly doouaoo. •
.. . ~ ~rr~ (or c:oIltasua .. ho
.... IlOl :.wy.n and .,.. .blt 10 intrrpm.and nr/otrn why """ IJ\I)' bt 1U1CO"",1Ut1OMl or ...... • I.awycn art ...1IItd to po)' doot Ittm!lon 10 drWl and IhiI likdy Mum ,lit number of mII\3ln in 1cpIa~ dnrflrn& UwJwi""'" wid! ~ on • t"I'I(W in~ buil than ...,. othtr ..... nml of _iter and ran brnofit 11,. public with II... apo:<1iw Ihty bring m:om ~y .."";."c,,.
uwym.~ tf1li ..... in I",h IcpI P.iJ1t u nqtOIiotion. mediation.nd odvoc:ocy .nd lbe ott 01' o;omp<O<tli$f. u"")'m on: , •..u..d 10 l"lm 10 both .odes ond tIW if pHfccI ,nin,,'1 ..... .....u in 1M ItgisIah'~'
• Uwynt hdp ......... lhat nm tho ~ lfnIlnIlit ~ tq"",, II«<U I" jwlice.
• Uwpn. """" ...... ...,. odwt JI'OUPo on:.-rt tIw tht judidary is II.. llnrd and a>-f'IIUII brancb of......,unmL t.awyn. know how unponant 10 \be dJoctM odministr.'ion ofjw.liu II is Wllbr ~ bt' Idtqu.ttly fundtd. . . . . 10 qu<* "'"""'" SouIb
~ SCa ..
Bu P, ...... , ~ ,""""s. Nthon. who,.,...m
b "'- ...... in "" "It w .... on e>:\"'I(1"" ..... [dwnI/L Ie ~ mt • unique ino\Bht and. >ptrial undmwIdintl of m. low. My q;.bCM ape, ie,o« ~ ...... bttttt rr-.Ktlcini ~, IItfIIht IrpIalun with I KftW 0( oontri>uW18 to wor\d.... Formc1" I(IW;I StUt liar "''''i<knt D,vid IIfdman nOiN thl': "IAlnyonoan rwnc I huOOm! rn_ .011$ no( 10 I'\UlIOr the q;.Iatu.... 'TIlt poIitlcoI procao iut\f ImIb no! 10 bt hootilc 10 ~ 'TIlt probItrn iI....nb our own moUva.ion. If fOIl ...... nm tho 5li&htCil pobticlol bent. pit. dIancr, mnsidn aM", ~ "8"- Whlle mm, II'Iq be """'" thon_1mn YCrir.o., Ibt Ion&-\trm pcnonaI man! should I1l(W than CO<npmooll', paniNbtIy if tho rime and >it ...,,,,,, OR riI/It for,.,... "'" on:
What Other States Are,_~ Doing to Address the Decline AIWr tht ~ StaIr Bar -.d an. dcdrno .. lilt ~ (f/ ..........,. 1_,. IMIr.~ of """""~Ihr,* m.aboI> ela poIotdI_ 0lDIIIIi_ .. Cft".iV a pool 01 urn ,.w. Nndo .. bt uxd~ ..... boo -WtoOl mom boa in ~ b irplot;"'_ IlIlOOt,dw,.,...orw\t mmoibutions I ) 111M ~ ~ In
- , ••""" Tho Iowa SuIt Bar has alJo COUIed polit""" .... ton currIftIOI· Itt thai RIppoN logi>.Ia.on' cam,...,as ..... Iowym to run lOr oIIiu... n...I ...... SI.lf 8Ior fWtY lrwyn tO anr · !";bu~ I minimum of S56 pc1" ~ to tho PAC. The: \1'. uhillJlO" SU •• &r abo mtIDIlntIO ~ to oeM i,,1he ltPLo.oort,» n... MiMouri Slalf Bor mKlN .n initial,... to 100(_ tit.< numbn of bwym in .he Gtntral ANnnbly romis.i". of 0Inft":oJ pW.ks,"OI 1M ,"as, of which WIl. ~ .... a"It.< bor'l annual tnttling on how'o goo. ".tlN.o .un for Ih'loJi.uturr,
losisLolu,..,. DtMorm said thol. "from 1M VC'f)' btginning j'OU ho"" 10 ha~
I didn't
cvm com·
'" tive a,..,.. obl. in tht conlinlWK' of a I JitiolU while the legisLolur. is i A ft.w yoo" ago. under then Aloboma Slot' liar I
Servkc: I'm not in is DOl in ..... ion I'm proctk ·
obou' il ·
wilh supporti.., parmen you can good job al both:
Thoughts from Current and Former Lawyer-Legislators ,h.
Nol lurprisingly, currenl ",",,".Iosi"olikold .."nyU}< ludcnhip position$. In both I """,..'nd...,., la"",,, majorily leader. ~~ ""....,1 IegWamn _ ,.., kind .nou&b 10 Ihan.t~~ghu on the """'" fOr Lawym 10 VI in~ in Ihe qw.u"•• •
10 Ita~
Krvt ..
Fit'" - .
SenltDr andley B".. ( .. Iarly lenuLa..,..." and <horacia, '
who~. ~ .E"~of 'Tfo
lo ........ mber
OO<'ldf va. . .• Lorly h.cJpful in order 10 bo!..n<e""",iff in IhclegULaW "(11h' the ptacbu ofJ.,..,~ Scn.tlor Brn>< noltd that. " u ocrifice, now mo,.., Ihon il cwr hu bftn.- IO ......, in the 1qisImIn: bul rutLln: ~of Alobomi.l.ns bmefi, from quolityindiyid u. als KrYing lilt _ . s...~pdClica wil\a La,.1itm ud mjoystht"'pponof h iII honesty, dilig<nu and p
I not choo$c
to run
~ ,.-
1IWdI+ __
Ih&t Ihere more aboul "",daily
and - .bd o n
conllCl ",ilh my offICe .",ff: Willi.... , $ttwlft, 1'11.0., p rofessor emmlus of political Ki-
Rtpnuntativ. Paul DaM •• tD (R· Homewood) has an mi.,· ... ing prr$pK1;..., b«;o"" he is th. ncwHl. La..,..., ,Jccled 10 lhe kgisJ.lur< and M is oIJo On. of relalively few liligolors in Ih. 11 8
cna: . 'Ih. Univmity of Ataborn.a, has foH(IIoo-..j Alahoma poli. tia fo r many ~.B. Dr. Sttwart beli"""" "I _I balan"" of diff...• ent oa:upal ions would be prdaabk. W" need doctors, la"Y"l'$. ed""IOfS, CJ<" It would nOI br helpful ror US 10 cnd up wilh nO
bW\'1''' ,n th'l<gisl>lur, bKa_ we n..,.J the kpl.kwpo;"l. UW\'1''' dofinittly h..·• lOm<1hing 10 conltibulO 10 III<! Lrgi,I>. tn.. p_.nd;" .ddilion IlI<!y a~ allO lrain«l in 'rgunl<nl .nd dtb.:t1O and br,ng knO»'k<ige of p.rlia .... nt.ry pto«'du~ to tho ubi •. n.. numbo" of 1.W\'1'ts ....... ing in the Lrgi.Ia,urt now art In< than h"torin.lly"'U til<! cast. Som. don't run becaus< thq< ... di"liuJion«l .nd beaus< th. publk ,.nds ,0 lump .11 po~t ic"rI< logttll<!r .nd <aU th.m <roob. The Itu,h i. poli'i· ci. n' ... mort hon." todoy th.n Ihey we~ ,n the cl' }'lI when ,h... ~ I... public and rMdia "'ruliny."
Conclusion \\'h<thtr prank,ng;u, 0010 pracliliontr in a "".U lown or in • larg< firm wi,h Ih. luppon uf many wllt. gutS, oonl< uf our f,llow bar tntmM"'" finding "'}'lIto krvc in thelcgi<L1. tUrt whilt still p... ctking 1.10', All whu .. rvc •• our .,.,,'. 1'W\'1't. log,<l. lorS would.~ Ih.1 il i. imporl. nl th. l we h ••• "",.. 1.,,')'<," ,n Ih,log"!.lu«. All 35 ..,.,." dimk " and all 105 boa .....1< a .. up for election in 1006. rrim.ltin . rt ,n lun • • nd i, " n011<><> 10" 10 filt the n«cosory PJpetwOrk with the 5«..".r)" of St.1t 10 be li$led on Ih. prim.ry ballo,. Thus, a lI",),<, ;,,1 .....1«1 in the logi<l • . lurt 51i11 ha",tnt 10 run fur a .... in lh. h<>u .. or ,h, .. Now tin .. fo • • 1l of us 10 id.ntify, ...couug. and $OPPOr1 laW\'1''' 10'1>0 can run for ,he logi.l.,u ... W'ith,h, pros . nd «,... . nd ... Ii.. Ih.. yuu don', h.,T to ..m' fo..ver, " Bul don'l btgin unlil you counll11<! <os,. fur 10'1>0 would bogin conSl ruc · "on of. build ing wilhunl firSI g<1ting ..,im".. and ,h.n checking IU 1ft if Ih ... i. cJ\I)up,h m<>nq< 10 I"'Y , h. bUb! -" If ,"",'" going 10 make our good 51 ... be" ... 1• ...,..." n..,d 10 riS< 10 tho ch.llenge .nd make III<! ~rific .. ,h., 10 ""'ny who havt: COme tHoru", uS have ",ode. UW\'1''' h..... hi<torically taken • vesl«1 'n1O .... in Ih.logl.b"... well· being of our ..., •. Tl>t cur«n1 gcll<",'ion of Io...,...r. oi>uuld auUm< poIilical man,Ic .nd elf'Y i, for Iht sake o( l host o( (ulu .. gcll<r.,ions. •
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.. _ _ .. t-IID. 11111 .... _ .
Preemption In Automotille Crashworthiness Cases: Post -Geier v. American Honda Motor Company n M~ lOOO, the Unl\Cd SUItS ~ Court diIaosIod polen"" ptftlllpliw tffm olfodml ,""""Iiom upon .!O~ low prodI>cIliabwty cWzm in GNr ~ A.tntTin>~ ,IfmiIII Afular Cmn".".,.. 529 us. 861. 120 S. C.. 1913 (May 22, 2000). Thi$ artidt ~uuo lho GNr dt<;j. &ion'1 imp«t QI1 tlv; low of pr«mpIion in
HIHoryo' Preemption i'ftItnIlM.OIiplion is finnIy .",btdckd in Mdt VI of dw lind"" 51.... CoouI~ution. rfttn'td 10 '" the Suprrmacy a.. ...... Tho SupmnKyOo_<:s thac fedmI t.w"WO b< t1woupmne u.,' of d)t land; and II,. Iudga in <WrY Stalt sh.all be bound Ihncby. any Thing ;" the Conotilution or Laws of any Stale 10 1M Contr.ry noIwithstanding." u.s. (;011$" an. VI, d. 2. Undo. th. o"Wf. tht W,10l or. bound by <>blip. lion. ;mpoK<l by Iht Unit";! Su....
vthiclt SJtty SUncIardJ (FMVSS) prom_ .... ~ by tht U.s. ~rtm..1t of Tnuupon.tion un<kl" 1M IUthority of the N.tiotW Tr.df1C lind Motor Vehidr Sorrty Act of 1966. orisin;dly 15 U.S.c. t 1M I .. orq. (1988 N.J . ...,.,. codif>«l .urntnded . t ~9 U.s.c. i 3010130169 (1994 &: Supp. II 1998)); 1« <aIM SdI,..",,~. \'011'0 Narth Arn<noo Corp.• 5S4 So.2d 927 (AU. 1989). In nrdtr ' n pr«mptlQttt low. ~ ........ tin'" m.... M ptoptl11 odnpud in KCQrdana with I""UIOI}' IUthnrir.atiCIII.. ~ y",*~. RX.486 U.s. 7. 100 L Ed. 2d 48. 1011 5.0. 16J7 (1988); Ore.-" B..... ~ Z4 U.s.1SI.47 L Ed. Zd fl. 965. Q. 933 ( 1976). Furthrr. tht ltdtrallaw 0......... tion lou In M in rfIfa at the lim< I ddtndanl alltat<Uy bfta<ha ...It law.' Modtrn Ipplication 0( the p r=nplion doctriOl< allows ffdtnllaw to pr=npl .tate law undo. th_ dmrrlUlan«o: (I)
Ex",," I'r~nlplin'" Conpm ttpij(. illy dtfillC'l ' M nltnt tn which iu enac;lmt'\!1 pr=npt ... t. law;
Conlln ..,"o., and by fcdcnI.I>IUI .... u.s. CoIUI •• rt. VI. cL 2: '" ... M<kto v.
(lJ Imp1lrd F'otId Prftmption: SWt-1ow ~ COIIdua in I fidel that
(1999): p,.;,.u" U,."nI 51_/4, 1)1 L Ed. 2d 91. (1991). Thr SuI"ftl"CY CIa",", ac(IDf'Cb all kdtt-.oI richu. wktthrr =.~ by• .ulUU Of ~tion. priority whm ~ conniec wilb .ute low.
mmt 10 occupy ndusiody; aM (3)lmplitd Cnn8lcII'lMnprion: SUit \ow actuolIy UlloIIiaI with i:dmol bw.'
M.,,,,,, 144 L Ed. 6.16. 119 S. Ct. 224(1
OuIp""'n v. '",,"Slim "'tlforr Rigl"s Orp,.~rioft, W U.s. 600.60 L Ed. Id :10&.99 S. Cl. 1'K15 ( 1979). Ftdonl ~u1.r;olU ~rt.ining 10 . ut<)· moll"" cra>hWQtthi_ ue F<deraI MOtOr
Cool&rN i.ntmdtd w r.dtnI pan.
~. ~ pttmlptioa anaJyWs 1hGWd bt&in with tM pmulTlption WI .tatQ ..... i~ndtm ~ in tl>< rNora! <)11<m. and their h~toric poUa pow<1'S I .. I'IOt to I>< ... ptowdfod by. ffod · er. 1 oct unlm it was t!>t",ka. IU>d "",ni· rest purpow orCon&,",-"
A. Express Preemption Coun. t.hnukl.,.n their pr«mption ""olyt" by Ulltrprt1i"l wllriher a $I.tu· tory proviJinn nprnaly pttmlPU $1:11. I. w. Cipoi/o,.... 505 U.S. It 516: Mn/,_it•• Lohr, Sl8 U.s. 470 ( 1996 ). Exp.... p••• (niP';"" OCCurs .. I>tn I federall1.tult indodn I d .w.. tl... aplidtly ..... ith· pnwt'Tl rrom ,lit $I., .... Pw;ijic c.. 6- Ek. Or.~. Stolt ~~ (!Dn-. Comm'n, 461 U.s. 1'lO. 20} ( 1911)).
B. Implied Preemption
'"" fOCI utal. Clw.. of Krion is not apnoWy prmnpkd do;oQ not fo~ do... lilt I"'"'ibility of implird pr=nption. F"'I/"/;_ Corp.. 115 5. Ct. It 1488: lAdy, '''f'rrr. c.;.".. 120 S. Ct. •• 1919; up,.,. Fedora! prt<1l1p1ion an M "implkd" by (I ) - rlOkI pr=np! ion" if the (t<l ... II.w illO tntrtneht<l in an .~. of law ,hal it inl"liedly prHnlpU th ......holt fodd or Low, lI\dIor (2) "oonai<:! pl'ttmptiona if II>< .,... Low oonHi<:!. with ftdtral Low. In dttmniningtht Kopt ofprtm'lp. lion, «I<InI ~ ini!i.ollr pUdtd by two prtOUmpbORl:
( I ) CodlfUldo;oQ IlOl Clq/intypr«mp!
...... Low auses of 0CIinn; and ( 2) Tho J'UrpoI<' ofConsrna;, theUhj. m.o .. louch., ..... • in ~ pfttmpl iof\.n.o~·
" Inlpiitd field prtotmption," tIIt.....oo typo. O«\lr) wI\m <owu dt!mnino tNt
ftdtr.alIl'MOfy.nd ...-guLotOfy Slrucru" tilt pmicular fidel !hoI
10 ...-boIIy nccupiQ
Con&raI m.......... inltndtd 10 ptftITlpl >II Wit Iawmakina pow<'f in ...., fideL &!fIiJo, ~96 11 79; /b(r" s.~", N a..- Corp.. JJJ U..s.1JII, 2JO (1 9-17). GcnmIIy. dut " .. entnSion 01 tho ruk
m.. pr$Ul'plion ....... ~ does apply ........ tho ..<lit ~ in aD ............ ,t.- .... t-n.hi<loryoi... mIic:anI WdonI ~'·Impli<d firid I'f«rJlpl;on"" wry IimiI<d in I'f'XIIlCU lia· billty J1'tfl"""l injury KI m b«a_ $Ilteo in ,brir poIict J>O""n' tnKlitiorWly ~ tho
purpos< of lhe .... ut. as a wlook. indud · Lng tM """1' eonp... inkndord \he ila'"'' and ,IS "'...... nd"'B rquhtory ..rn.m. to bu ........ ron"' ....... and the ..... !>Inil"""", SLS u.s. II 485 (eiti",
Ric~. 331 US at 230 1, "i",.illpni.
The Geier Decision In GtVr, the pt.'n.iff woo Injuml in •
cal accidrn. ~J>d brought • O>mmon-bw lutllority I" "1tgil.l.IIt .. '" In. proI<ction prodooll"bility $I.i • • g;tin$l tho rnonuf"". of the Iiva, I i . hc...llh. comfort. Ind tum- of 11... C-' f, oIqing thaI it _ w«qW.t of aU pmons." />W".",ir. SIS u.s. a, 'M b«:olUO' it w~ no! "'Iuipptd with on W ( l996}(<'IIrllJ Ri<t. , j I U.s.a! 230). lit bo&- 'Ill< CIo' _ <quipped with "",nwl CIooKIy maIM Ie> implitd 6dd prcemp~ :and Lap belto, both of whidl tht lion is tilt doCTn nr of '~ pnnnppL&inIilI' __ ........1 tho limo of 1M aocition." which ......... dd'md..rt to ~ dmt; ~, II.. a , w.os no! «pJippod • pb,nuff. "'"It '- d . ...... 10 r.dtraI b.op Of Othtr ~ n$lnin. «>un .....,.,.Iht IopIIhtory that w r.ddn'icl$. n.. whtthrr FMVSS mol law'. prttmfII ..... 1Ortt io 10 ~ Z(lII" whi<h ~ aulO manufactllm'S 10 It..I it mtirtfydioplxn any~(;HJ>"ol ~oomr, but "",olI,oflhnt 1987>dNaction conwrtJ"lI • Uolt law Mn'IphiM c\es with lit • ~ 11ft Sl>U law inl0 OM fcodtr.d claim. Cmnplttt c4un. The Un!b:d SuI" Suprnnr Court pI'ftITll" ion, 100 calkd "Iupn prttmp .. . . . .bcld; { l} that pbinliff. cLaims 'Nt"" >KIt lion; only 0«'11" in thrtt lim"'" _ . o:prt$iy ~'lM II)' FMYSS 2OS. bu, I I) a,inl$ under th~ Lohut M....gcmcn' (2) tha, joi.Jinllfrs d&inu "...,.. imp/wly Rd..!iQI\$ Arll')' ~ union p... mplod l')' I'M VSS 208 bcaouso a COm••• ins! In tm~r: moo -I.ow producu li>bi/i.y «lion b.u<d on the f;oUu!C' to U1$l.iLlI an:air Nj:"IICt..aUy (l) ERISA .uiu by I bmcflciaty;.nd confliru with FMVSS 20(1."
*"" _
I l ) N.,M· " lmplitd ~ PCC"ij>!IOIl" ;. bmd ....... •he cnoctmml..a~ conL:to with lie bw.OCClII"MI ....... com-
.. an
r.drnoI low
imp(NoibibIy. or ....... SUIt low IQ~IoI""'fuII
purpooes objecIiYeI;ueo.. Slot. I.." .nd fC'dtnl """I.. ions on ,"" "'",.. . ub;ect may '<>g<IheT when: ,hU~I.W i. no! in conn .... wi'h. and ",ay bt ',rued con.iSlmtly wilh. fedo,..1 '''8ul.o and In kttping wilh Ihn. PU'i'<*. Cili/orn"" J..I3 US 99. 96 L fA S02 (L9S2 ). n....dO!C', in decidi wh<1Mr lheTe is ,mpl"'" p«<mplion. • coar~ >houId look to the fcdtnI sto,,, ..·• ilrue,,,",:0.1 pur· i'<* toJ« if it cont;UM ;nlan .o ~ rmpl. So~ Ootp lhrrfinl AIo1' Dut. y. C .. n'w ..... 631 F.2d 1306 (9</1 Cit. 19111 ). l'rrl. dnI. 4n u.s. 1000. 71 LEd. 2d &66, 102 s.c.. 163 L( 19112 ). CoogrtSS·. ",n.m, " II dil(nntd from d•• IanglUF
¥ •.
ns. ns.o.
of Ih~ ... Iut •• Ih~ 1I.IU' Ory f,..lMWOfk su.rounding it .nd Ih~ otruclU'" and 120
M .... C Il l006
A. Express Preemption AI w.u. in c;...,. W,," a ~ in
lhe ~,iOOn>I Tr.troc Ind MOIor Safrty Act. 1~ Us.c. t 1197(Jr.)( 1981 td)(1IOI" <odor"", 114' U.s.c. t lOLO)(e)( L ). orhk:b fI&~ -COmpl .. _ w"h Iny I'cdmtJ molm ..mid. ",fety ston<bnl Uouod un.lft thll "'bch1pt.... doot$ not <:Utnpllny penon from.ny li.bili,y under common L,w." "The GnnCourt conduded. . undor the MVSA. I p. Mtlpud WI'. "'" ",tan. do.d " _ \he NInj' I .ta.. <ommon-.... ,ort .~,.."... , .. n.., c;...,. Coun held ,hit dtorty \he.., _ no "'prao p~ btooll$C (I) tbt Act'. pwnp; lutlproy$on. IS u.s.c. t 1l92(d)• not o:p«nIy prttmpI this L->uit, the prnmu ot,hc .. ving do...., rtqu,~ the p"""plion provuion be-..,ad ...."",-ty ,0 p ...... p. only .. .,~ ".Iu'" and "'Bu"',ion" and (' ) the ftd<ral1 . ... " .•• only im.nd..:l 10 "".. ,. a min,mum
thine '"
"The,.ror •. under Gntr. if tho.., is • ... i", do...., in tho >l~Iutory >lruclU..,. this fiKl aJorw _ 10 rnnow 10ft
oaions from tho ocopt ot tbt "'Press I""""l"ion dou,,", !AI ..,...... oflhto:ptaJ ~ ._ J'<O"ioion thaI adud.. COOl· """,·bw lOr! .:1-' ~ oa...a manl,.. to the savina do....,·. Iil..-.! ~ roombr ,on .... 10 oponto-br o:um. pit, whoR ftdorall.ow ma,es only a Il00 •• i.e.. a minimum s>rcty stan · danl .... "The Iln&IUF of tho P"'tmplion j>fO'Oision pnmiu • ........,... that adud.. common·1ow actions. G;'-m the pmorna' of the _ ... do...." _.::ondWo!hot <he Jft~ da_ m..... be- 10 rnd. 1205.0...,1918.
......a. .........
8 . Implied Conflict Preemption
The findi"ll of "" "'I""'" P"'tml"ion did "'" compLtto iu inquiry. It on to o:oruidtr whtthrr • '<><l .tw..:I
""lui,.",mt confliclod with ,lit "",ralL oc ....... of ,ho ftdoral .... u, •. The Sup,...". Cou" ~ dear lhat COUtU ohould apply ....,rmaI i,,,plied l"onnvtion prino:irI<> in onlor to
tItIamu>t i( •
..,., cornmon-bw
oaion·stond! a an ollila the acwmpIiIII..- and,ion 01 <he r..u pu •. IN*S and oo,.c.""" of ~... Fin!. the c;...,. Coun und<nook • Imitbr omlyon u ,he oavinp pn:wioion ottho ),II/SA ,o(Ondud.< tho, ;,don no! »rl>id impli..:l prttmplion. "II"", I"~. now condudo .b.t tho ",vi", do...., (lih lilt .~prt$& prt-rmption provioion) don not bu 'M onl'n..,. wo.king ot conlli<l p..,·rmption p"nciple$. Nolhi"ll in III< LJ,'S"-'8" ot,ho ..ving do...., SUFIS an in!mllO ........ ~ Low "'" Kllono , coollic! with fodnaI rqulo.
lions. n.., wonlo "Iclompli,trn" and "dQ.s <JcmPl."( IS USc. t U97(1J( 1988 td), IOW'id lOS ulhtr SKnf>Iy 1m • 'f'l"'"I kmd 01 drienw, .-wIr.' ~ Ih.u ~with. WrnLIWIdotd_ malioaIIy"'""f'U' dtfn>don, &om stolt ................. dwWnal ............... meanl !hot owidln:I to be- an obooIw ~ or only. one. Id. II 86'), 120 S. 0 . II L919. S«ond"11< Gnn Cou" .uled th.1 tho ,IOIuIOry ,,"UClU.., .bou1d bt ...01""1..! no!
illkpnulrnlly within the eont.. t of the .tate Jaw daims pres.tnttd to diKtm whether;t h.. any preempt;'" eff«t.' Th~ Grin Court found that FMVSS 208 w;t$ intended to &i>'t manufaallrtrs an option of..wral dilf"r<nt choices; on. of the choices w;t$ to h ..·" air hags, anOlh .... " ... to not ha", .i. bags.. ThtCourt found that it w;t$ tht Department of T.... nsport.tion'. (DOT) ooi«ti", to give an automobil. manuf.ctur<r a "mgt" of choices among dilf...-mt pmi", re$ .,..tems th.! woodd be , .... dually introdured b«aus< t htr~ ..... rt
OJ About eo,t$ of impkmt"nting air hat" (2) Th.t Ih ••i. bag 'yst.." n~ mo", t<'Chnologirai do",lopment for ..foly concems; and
(3) Th., con,urne .. "",odd nQt """p' tht hag.
491'<d. Rtg. 28962 (L 98-1). Thttd:>rt, il wanted to oIIow ".."uf.>cturm to """l<. mix of dilf...... t dMo:t5. including air bags. automatic bolts Of othrr p.usiYt
mtra1nt tM>noIogin. ""t would bt introd"""! graduolly.,.,.". tim~. ~~, the
DOT hod rojtcted • ~ FMVSS 208 "aD4ir~" stan<Lud. which wnll..:actIy t" tho bran of tho Grirr pbintif&' alk&>tions of tho dntc1. 1~, tho COtr Court
conduded that. $late oomrnon·\aw roquimntnl of air bogs oonllicted with tho policy behind tho ~1VSA, which was 10 haw: a""varitty ond mir" of paWve _nUnt $)'S. tems, to have a · . .. pha>c-in" of ~ _nUn!$, ond "", "no air 1>.>&" tori lrwsuits implitdly conJI;ct with tho ob]r<"tivelofFMVSS208. 11".." thoCOtrpbintiITs'daim:I wtR implitdly prmnpted by tho FtdtnI MOIOf ~ Sofety Act.
Post .. lie;er DecisIons Igmtl v. MaW M"ror Corp.. 222 F.3d Illl ( 11th O1.lOOO) Thil" perhaps tht mosl important f'OI,-G.i<-r...., for lhoot of us who practi« within tht Fkvtnth Circuil btaus< il
firmly esubli>hes that tht Grin holding is idC<lt~ in n-tty mptct to ~c.-;..r Eleventh Circui,1aw .. t out in 1o·,-iNg Y. Mazd" MOl'" eorp." In I ......, th~· t'ffs· d<Cedtnt w.u kiUed whtn Iht COr sII~ was driving was (01Ud olf In inttrsUl< by an unidtnlifitd d.iver. and slit c.-..hed ",to Ih~ fr<.tway median. Tho rar was manufactured and ru.tribuled by TWO Maw.. corpontioru. 1hc ca. <111p!oytd a r-i'" {I .. ,onuticj two-point ohoulJer btll and I manuall.lp btll. "The dtccdoml "'... not ...... ring htr lap btlt 01 tht IiI!><' of the occidenT. "The pI.'ntiff brought 5uil in Slole COW1 alleging thaI tht nunuollaf> btlt h.d bten dtft<1i~deNp:d ... nd thot M;mLa hod ~t1r f.iIed 10 warn con'II""'" ' hat ~ c;lr was dangnous th~ nun,,", lop btlt was worn.
The (:;Ut was ~ ond lho di<trict court ml~ 5W1'mary iudgrnenl On tht grounds "", tho octions ......... preempted by FMVSS lOll. The Fkvtnth
Orcuit .ffirmtd Tho> snit luut pmtn,ed in this (:;Ut was wI\(thtr Grin" Wngtd any
Bankruptcy At The Spr1nsl1fod by Bankrupfcy lind Cl1mmofcis/ [ow Socril1ft
• Spec_locus on BAPCPA • 6 .... at Cl1lp"'dillfl~"""""" C 'wlRmpr'on
For seminar info
of the rules prrviouily!<l oul ;" Irving. In Irving, tho pbimiff had filed ",i' og.UtuI M».d.o on brh.oll of a dttt....:l dauSlu<r who ~ I:ilkd in a ""sIr·ca' occidtnl wttik driving a M.tWa ,..rud<. 1M Irving pUinliff claimtd thol tho 5<Ot belu W<rt MmiYdy ~ and thot M».d.o failrd 10 odtqu.1ldy W.ltIl roruumtfS of 1M rW:s of not utilizing :til p<>rtioM-parti<ula.1y tho manual lop bolt portion--o! tho loak\y bolt sy>I..... Tho: ..fcty beh 5)"SIml used • lwopoin. ~ shoulder rewo.inl (auwmalic .ttould<r belt) with a manual lop belt. Thi> kind of = ,.; nl sy>1<rl1 ...... One of tho tlu« optioru prtWided to ca, mmufactu,· m by FMVSS 208. P\.Iimiff cont<ndtd lhal tho deWr;n ~Icd by Ihis option was <.kf«!n-e. The ~mh arcu;' bdd tha, ( L) the common·law "<.kf«!i,"·dtoisn claim " .... not ~ pr«mpt«I by \fl>LVSS 2081:" (2) 1M pl.>;miff". • .... il ... tor their <:>:<r'<ise of ;tIt option providt<I 10 Dd(1l(!m1$ by fMVSS 208 ronfliru -..ith ftdtraIlaw and. 'hus, \..... impliedly] pr-.... nl>ltd' ond (l) tht fiWur.·I ... w.m daim-which WI>, in thu <2I>",.kpmdm1 on the prttmpted M«Iivt design c1aifn..w.. also p<ttmpt<d The f.Ievnlth Cirru;1 ;" ",m", MId thai In"" ..... good law beca...., it complied "ith (;ejrr; spKilially. tho Elev~tl1h amlil htId that Grin" rultd thot. dnpit< the sav· ing cia...., of ~ 1397(k), rouru should apply IIOmI.lI implitd prttmption princi · pLes to dot..""ine if 0 $la'e """"""".Iaw ""ion ">WId< u an<:1e 10 the iKCOlrtplishmtnl ond =<"IIlion of ,he full purpooes and objecti'"eS of Congmo" and that this ..... the enct analyois uoed by the Irving coun."
inadequ" . warning. Duc 10 h.r .short ... IU"" 1M plointiff ..... ",altd V<1")' ck»e 10 the "eering column in which Ih • • ir bag ......onllined. Sb.t did nol $« and did nOl ",.d Ihe warning .ign POSled On Ihe ,un visor cautioning d,i ..... ". not 10 ,it close 10 1M .ir bog; nor did ill. ",ad the d' .....·, nunual. which tho visor .ign advised motorist. 10 reo.d, rontaining oddilional info,nulion on ai. bog> and "'AM C II
Geier reaffi rmed the principle that state laws and federal regulations on the same subject may stand together where a state law is not in conflict with a federal regulation, and state laws may be construed consistently with federal regulations and in keeping with their pu rpose.
FisMr v. Ford MQlor Co., 224 F.ld 510 (61h a r. 2000) In Ihi, (a.I<', Ihe plaintiff .rnUintd ",ri· Oul h.od injurin when 1M drivd• • idt air bag of h... car deploytd during 0 coUi· sion. SM broughl claim< of I,,"iou. fa~· u'" to ""lfn and produci d.fect due 10
1 22
r<1,<>,in8 tho warning. Th. diStrict rourt granted Ford 1'"rti.L summ.ry jud~I. ruling thallhe pl.inliff'. f. ilur.·lo·W>m ..... impliedly prem11>l".j by FMVSS 208, requires a uniform air b.o.g warning lign on Ih •• un vi", •. Th. S"'th Circuil . ffirmtd. In ..-g.ud$toap~ prcemplion, lhe Court \U"Hlcrtook on onoIy>is limi\or 10 the Sup......,. Coun in Grin' and htld ,hal SI.l. ton low ..... nol aprnYr p .....mpIM. Also, in confonnantt wilh Grin'.m. Court .na· Iyzed the PU'l"""$ and ~tory rom· .... n.. ry on 1M oakty "1Iu""io... in qut$. lion .nd hold Ihat ,.. I. low could not requ .... all..,.".Ii ... w.ming W>ds con",in·
ing dilJ(,,,,,, L>ng .... gr ,han mooo.lM by NHTS ..... and lhal any such Slote low duty 10 warn is impliedly p....."pted. AdditiotWly. tho Court arWyud whether additionallob<U. piKed d ......hc-ro in tht vdtido lhan on the ' un vOOr. could con· lOin diff.rrnt than that mandated by FMVSS 208, e.g.. 10 ...arn dm..... of .non >lalu .. Obool ..ddcd rub to thorn. 1Ieca...., NHTSA policy indiellM lhal NHTSA thoughl of iu warning "'< .. not >imply lhe .ninimum, bUI '" thew Lmgu.gc it W.n1M On tM«l .nd NHTSA frartd ' infonnation ovnIoad." ie., that o.ddilional warnings woWd duo lract from the warnings il had d<tmnined ""'" critical, addilional and diff.... nl wa,ning L>bol, " .. '" impliedly rrmnl'led..
Hu,loy v. MQ' or c....cI. Indwsrrin. 222 F.)d 3n (ilh Cir.2000) In this <21>" •• bus dri ....... w.. injured in • rolfuion. He filtd .uil ~iruI. lhe monu· f""u .... of 1M bus alleging thOi lhe bu. wa< equipped only wilh 0 SIlInda'" lwopoint5<01 beh, with "" oir "'8 Of OilY >lruc\ural rn"'"""""n" lhal would pro,i<\c addilional prolection 10 the <I.n... in lhe ..... nl of. high spted auh. TIt. plain· liff filed .uil in >I.le roun and i. " ... ....,.,.,-..!1O fed<1"al 00W1 On divtr>ity grounds. TIt.: magistrale judgo NIed thaI tho pL>;"Iiff'. cWm< " .. '" p.ttrnpled by F~IVS5 208 benu ... tho dnign of tht bus forcdo!C"s 0 n.. nuf"" .... r·J ch<ria bet.,"<'(Il "'., 1><1" ..,d .ir Ngs. The S«vtnlh a"",il held lhat the pLtinliff". thtory ..... -",markably dnst' 10 Ihe """ m. Sup"' .... Court ..;eaed in Geier. Thef"t:fuK, boa ..... givts bus "'"'nufKlu'.... 0 choice .. 10 tb.t dri,... prol«lion sy>1<rIU imulled in • p.m icubr bus,. Ion wil tlul rcsu on • thtory thai forecloses lhat choiGo is prttmpt<d 1M Court noted tho, n-.rr bofor-. <Ain". p~ious Sn=.h Circuil cas< law ,,"Ould ha..., mondoled tho JamI.' .... uh. Ci'irrg Grocid o. Volvo £U...",.. Tru<k. N.V., 1I 2 F.Jd 291 (7lh Or. 19117). ChOQI' v. Chdnrpjon /lome ll~ jld,rJ, 2U f .ld 7&8 ( 10th Cir. 2000) In this <21>". tho owncr of • nunufac· lured home ..... injured during. fi .. in tho horne . • nd • rtsCU<>" diod whik Irying to rescue lhe -...r from tho fifo. A prOducts liability .... it ..... brough, "" I>ohaIf of.b.t owncr and the .... t< of m....,.,...,r agoirul tho monuf:lC1um.nd seller of'b.t homo, alltging lhat ab6mct of. "'ttery·J'O>'-.nd b;,dup $r11Oko det«lion dtvice or warning of abscncc" of such l'fOIection rcndc-rcd lito hcrmc un.-.onably <hngn"Ous. Tho Diltrict Coon gral1ltd defrnd,",,· rnoIion lOr Jumm:>ry judgmenl on p..... mption grounds ond plaintiffs appeokd The Coun of Appools ..........J.,hoIding tha~ (I) 0 products liabililY cLaim " ... not prttmplM by tho N.tional M ."u f~urcd Hou<;ing Corulruction and S;.fttr SWtdords Act; and (2) • claim wa< not impliedly p~ptcd by Ad. The Court of Appeals, in analmng Geic, ......,ned that 1M plainlifF,' dainu in ,h. in.,.,,1 <21>" _ .. diffe",nl from Ih' Grin" claim" Undtr tho plaintiffs' cLaim ......ud ;" lGricrj, manufactums should ha...,
....d air b.Jp iNI~ ollht othtr OJIUOI" ptamlod l .. FMVSS M J. Thilwouid "-,"'Ii"; cIimina!. od ..... of mr oIhtr dooiasoll'rrod under thr s.donI >WIduds. Th .... .... O>un bind th,1I thr mit 01 OUU DDnIn'lO<l ..... .ought by II... pLaintiJ!i; ...,...Jd ~ >tood".... obsIadt to 1M accomf'lislllnnll and a«Ulloo O£" .... imporunt idmtif.... r.d<nI oo;.ar.a olluvinS' nrirty and mil: of p.u.sivI: mtrainl dMcn, and promotB18l gAd...! pUOivt mtraint Tht no« 0{Ln.' Iby IheIt pWntiIIi.]. 011 .... othtr lund. ...,...Jd IlOl diminalt thr d>ooo-n ftd· mol mothod ol pr<Md""..".,u drI«tlon in nanuf~ homes. II >o'O<IId wmpIy iftrrnso' tI>t ~
__ ollhM mothod. l l'lainli/r.'] daim .~ .... olthoit
CDnclus/Dn DeIplIt .... 1!WII11OI'I sMn 10 thr G<i<T d«iI.ion by mony (I)I7IrI'Itn!;lton, Gtitr IJ'I"O"'«I ruin 0{ "",""phon law tho! hod boom GDIl "'cnly appIiod by rwarIy 011 o{thr l/nittd ScoleS Umul Coutu 0{ AJl>taI k>r many ",us. 1M Gntt Court did IlOl cho .... II\( prwnploon low that
w .. alrndy Il00''11 .pplicd by .....1), all 1M federa.I ClrCuil COIl"1 ol ~ollt ....
IUn< G.-i<'r w.. lilig,u .... " ~ .... ffitm<d 1M flt'inripk ,h>'lJ.'c and f.u...J ,,¥uIolionJ 011 ......n.. 1Ubj«1 rrY)' $lInd ' ......... ...".,., I IIIIt ..... it not in conffict WIth • r.dtnI fC1Ulation, and lU,e Ln... may ~ GDIlUtrucd _mtly with Xdenol rqw.,IOftI and in ~ with Ihrir purposot, SN Bwt ~ e.hfom.... J.oI3 Us. 99, 96 LEd. 175, 12 s,o. 502 (i952 ). Gntr may
l>"I and ~
mtnit\r lirtpllon ~.,.,........ in • dighdy diIfnmt m.mnt1' tIw! in .... ~. ,\IoU CHn im'oIvInf: I ....... ufacrum'. £til ..... to irulolloif b.1p will f.aiL H~, UO<ii
invnlvins oIt{ttrM air IMJ lfllmu may bc ....... IUpUIW<, In foa, tlv U.s. Gowmmmt', a~,,,,,, brief in Grin
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_ "' ......d by tho...vine cia ..... btq.... it "1«kI_] to establish smt.. Wety than Ihc minimum saffty oct.iM<I by. KdtnI rogubtion inl.ndtd 10 provid< • floor" HZ F.3d .t 196, ThUs. tht Coun found th.lplainlifJ.' <ll im, wm: nei'her txpro>ly nor implocdly pU"'''p'od,
~,,--. thot oir
lOCIuolly.uttd thot cId'<ctM air boa cua ihouJd IlOl lit "",""pin\." 111< pooirion 0I1ht Uruttd Slar.. '" its <>minos brieflim. tIS IIw """PC' 01 the- prttcnpbon I>oIdins in c;.,.., 111< brief pmttIu iInpI .... prwmprion IltJILII"ItI'I "'"' only Sf«lfic ..... air ~ dull" ..... prmnpttd, and rhoo "'11'",."IS wm: adopt ... by Iht Grin- Court. n.. Court lOCIuolly kit Iht door opm fO< ~ typn 01 cWms. NWI1<1'OUJ rrotnJ COlIn, ~ II<Id in th< waitt of Grit< that ,...... "minimum oundard$" issutd undcr r..kroI rquiolionJ au not. in and of thorn_ ..h.'CS, Wffldml .., lrigtr llindin& 01 implicd «I<IOict prftI"pOOn." •
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By adding
the approval of class i.ILtions seUlemellh, and by prO\'iding a f('daal forum for most interstate cases, ... Congn:ss dearl,-
10 St'yc:rely
the use of tht..' d.tss .1(tion device.
MAK C It lOo.
Under the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005
Introduction ..__~~~I'kn $aid thaI class ac,ioo I.wwiu .'" flkd in orol' to I>< bt tritd. GottS'/:$$, in ~ng the a... A<tiOd of 200S rOM"), dtorly demon"""ed that lhty
~!Itd. and nO! tQ F~ Act
rither did IlOl undc1'Sland this. or did no! Ii"" ;1. The prorision< of CAfA .. lating to stltlcmmt mokt it much mou difficuh to stltk duo action> in fodorol toUn. In f.ct, the sonlcmtm p~ .n: such th.t both dtf.ndtnu 100 pU.inliffs should.mowJy wrigh tht iss .......... ting to th~ rorum in Ihrir originol pkodingJ (for plaiJltilf), and "'hon coru.idering rtmov.d (for d.condom) if thty ...ont to prnrrw th< 86ibility '" ...ltk .M d .... ~t • Lot .. da •••
Background 11>< Cb ... Ntinn him ... A<t 0(2005 .... hidl hod bttn imroduced in the l!l9th Cony ... I. Stn.le Bill 5, wa•• igMd lnt<) low by Prnident Gtorv w. 8ulh on hbruary 18. 2005 Ind bKa_ Public Law No. 109·2. Slightly diff... nt '· ... of the Act h.d bttn propruN numrn>u, times in the put. indudill5 in tht 1061h. J071h Ind W8th rong~ Whik Ih. more conSt""";"" House of !kprn<1ll. ti ..... hod g<nrnlly given final.ppronllo
prior ""r<ion. without much trouble, 11K P"'I"'U1s hod rlU.n short o f .ttract' ng 'M 60 vo,es nt«SUry '0 end I filibllS!<r in ,he Son.,e-'n 2004 by ju.' On< _c. Thncrsion propo$«l and po""" in ,he 10000h CongrMS h.d OS il< primlry 5poruor SolUtor Chari" Grusky. Republican of I.,..,.. The primary <O-5pon50r! 'ndud«! Hcrb Kohl. Ocmoc..,
of Wnrons'n .•nd O " ,n H~,d\, Rtpub\ican of Uuh. The bill WI S <>n< <>f , he priml ry Ig<1Ido i'<TIIs for Prnidrn. Bu.h in his $<'Co nd •• no, Ind p;wed punuan,'o , compromi .. <>n pro· ,-!$jons ,ho, we .. Igr«d t<> by «ruin kty ~m"'r:"k and Republicon ...... ,011. In gtntr.ol. lh. bill w..s 'nI.lldrd 'n ~dr<1S whot ,h. So ...,. )..dkiuyCommiu«·, Rq><>n d<ocribrd ... · th. nu~uS prob· Ionu wi,h ,he cur .. n' closs "",ion '1",.m.-' S. Ruo. No. 14. 10000h Cong .• I.. SeM. 4. A1'hnugll the ~rI 5t1'tl 'hll 'M Iwe .. 1 undermining .h. ,igll,. nf !>n,h Plain,iff. and ~fcndanu.·' it i. clo., ,h., CongrMS btl~ ,h., ,hcl",•• n-.d .bu..... wb<1h., ..11 n' 'ypically f.vom.! I',iffs. I>In.. . "'u.... ly, Ih. l.ngu;tg< nr 'he Sonl" R<'porl indica, ... belid ,ho, .h. I"",eived Ibu ... wu,krd 'n 'he btnefi' of plaintiff,' Lo~ ... esperiolly in 'he "e. nr d .... oction u n l<m<nl'. In order 'o.dd .... tl'leu .buOt$, whkh occurred primarily In ...... rourts, 'M "" m.<k Hdk.l changes ,0 the f«krll , IIIu" ",1.1 _ ing '<> di~'y iu.i>dic1i1m. odding I "N iub'SKliIm 10 ,h. cod< tha, dlmiruted Ihe romplttt di .."ily '"'Iuirrno.n' f<>' doss actions. PuL L No. 109·2, 119 S" •. \/·12. rodif.d <I. 28 U.s.c. ~ 13J2{d }. The Ac, fun he, impoud .igolf""n' 'tl"ic· ,ion. on 1M ..,tlemenl of d oss oction, ,n frderal coun. PuL I, NO. 1011·2. 119 Sm. 5·9. rodifi<"d <I, 28 lJ.S.c. ~ 1711·] S. This . nkle . ddmoa .he >tI,ulory language of CAFA .. I>!ing '0 unltm<1l's I. informrd by the $I.1t<! purposos of the Ac1 u, forth in ,h. Son . .. Repon. While CUt$ ha.., begun t<> bt ",ft1O\-.d Q' filed in f«kral rourl based on the Hpondrd federal jurisdktion plOYided by CAFA. i, dotS nol apl"u 1M' lilly cosa h. ... p rogrnud 10 1M poin, al which ,he ...... could h. .... ~ KTllrd unckr ,h ~ nN"" tho! ,h ~ Ac1 providtJ.1u .uch. it may bt ",me limo hero", we ha.... th~ bonml of iUlJ' judkial In,erpretalion of .ht I(Ulem<nl plO\'"" of ' ht A<:\.
The Act's Effective Date And Application
Acl Ih"cfor< waS &signod '" provid • • f«kral forum, and. t hu., th.nte.Mary mour~ for mool ;nl...m. closs ocrion,'o . dd ...... ptr«;'a! .buses in doss o<tion S<1llernon\ •. According '0 COng' .... 1M prim .. y problcm. wilh ".tt·b... d d .... >clion S<1t1cm. nl. were tho following;;"n 9 of, ... Act om". rhat th< law"sh.J1 'PM' 10 . ny civil OCIion rommn>Ct<l On 0< aft ... the da!~ of rn;w;1m.m of !hi. acI: 1'\11. L No. !CIII·!, 119 Stat. 14. Atly ~ filed prior'o FcOruary 18. 2005 docs not f.ill "ilhin rho ambil of rhe Act's provisions ",b.ring 10 ftdcral ju.isdi<:Iion Of SC'U\cmml ...... p<..:tic.ol motter, ,hacforc, ItdnaI OJum =mining OC1ion ""~ .. will. for "",nr j'OaJ'S, be rtquimllo . pply both ptt- and poot.CA!'A .w.. d<p<ndinS 00 th< <hrt Ih< cast w... ""nm,,,..:od. By w>y of txamplc, I cw. oction fd<d in fM<ral court em nbruary 11. 200S and stllI<d in January 2007 ""u1d not II< $.lIbiM to ,II< Act~ provisions ttl.t~ 10 fdtkm<nl$ .nd coupon.Nord rtli<f. In ront ...", cast Iikd on rho Il<XI day. Fd)cuary 13.lOOS. but <tttkd • year •• r1irr in 2006 would buubjtcllO all of the prnccdural ",.rrictiotos of CAFA.
(ll Th. due process righ,.. presumably of dtftnd.nt co'1"' ... · tion •• "'... ignored in " .... b.a"'<l d . ... acl;"n$; and (4) Copy-all.wsuits foreod dcf<nd.ntS 10 litig;ill. tho n . et .. mt a ... in multiple jurisdict;"n •. "lI"in with ine ..."'<l eon,umor com OS III< ... ul •. ' S. RlP. No. I ~ . 1000h ConS-, lSI s.s.. at 14·B. Al,l>ough the R<;>orl discu.w:d ....h of tho abuses noI«I abo..,. il ~ its mosl .itriolk .nacks for mupon.~ 1<11kmonts. TIIe$<l<1tlcmm" wnt p"""'tod OS proof w, i. gm<T'.ny tho !.wyt.. and OOllhe doss lTI<'!'nbon that bmtfued from d:w action I<1lkrnonts. In supporl of this contenlion. tho Rtpon li$1od "",,, lhan six I"&"' of "'hat il be!;"'"Cd to b< cl:w ""ion S(tlk· mmts. .nd de1.ilcd the ..lief pn:widtd to the cbsHlften in 'M form of . coop"" or anIDcate-o> compared to lb. ot!Otnty fcts ="';'"Cd by cl:w courod. S. REP. NO. 14. J O9Ih Cong .. 1st Se<s. .t 14· 10. uoding lhis ""rado of "ho,riblcs" wos what 1M Rq>ort calkd Ih."now int:unow &mk '" lIcs'o~· case, which had its ruot. in Abb.tma. s.., K../nilrwic% v. 1M Bank'" /JosIrm. 92 F.l,d 506 17th CiI. 19%). In this case. cl:w members' ...,..,... accounts ...... ,. debit od in onltt 10 pay ."o~' ~ This debil resuhod in das< mem bers ""lWly losinS "",nty from their ><coo"' '" a ... ull of tho .... • llemonl in order to p.y anorncys' k ' In a(lennon is giV<n in tho Rq>ort 10 the p<:t«iblc bencfil$ obioIDcd by defendant W<por.ltions in coupon .... tkmcnts ..",".. luge numbers of anifi· cales ... "".... f«It<rn<d. 8w1NS, Rf.l', No. 14. 109lh Cong.. lSi B (noting thc lolt opportunity for d<terrentt when . mcri · da... ><Iion is $tItltd '00 cheaply. and ><knowl<dging W dtfrnd..,l$· int."'" in quick resolulion of ebims).
Stated Purpose Of the Act's Provisions Relating to Settlements On. of 'M I'<'".i,-N ""ils >oughlto lit addrusrd by rho a.S! A<.\ion hi"'.... Act wu 1M "dram.,,,, explosion of d,.. action," in ""lain magno' jurisdktion.. such ... M.diso" Counly, IIlinoi .. S. RH. No. 14, 109th Cong .. III Scss...t 11. According 10 tho Sen"e Judiciary Commin•• , on...awn fo, rhi. develop. mem waS rhal cenain Slat. roun judgo. "'.r. b<li.""d to b< lax in applying Ih. procedural requirnncnu .. t fonh in Ruk lJ of Ih. Slm. Ruk. o/Proadu".'ld"1 14. According to til< Report. tM {ailu.. of Ih. Slalc courts 10, in it • • i....·• p rop<rly .pply Ihe of Ruk n was cuur' judgto. nol n«es.<arily the f. uit Or in.cntion of Rathn. tM Ropofl poinl<d out. ,t.,. court, oft.n lacked lhc Ih<y nudcd '0 ,uP<""" I,fl!". multi.,I.t. d ..... >ctio" .. ttlcments. For '""mpl •. mOSI .m. (ourt judgct do nO' h ..... bw dorks, nor is th ..c. ')'$,nn in plac. such as til< magiSlra,. 'Y"cm in fodcral rou'l. Or proca«'$ for tho appoin'm,"' o{ 'p<cial m'!Iers (or compl.. lil i~lion. Itl. Th. a .... Anion F.irnC!<
(L) u")'<'t1 ra,h .. than
... tlcm<n,.,
el .... momb<t1 Nntfitod ITlO$I from
(2) CO'1"'r.\. def.ndants oflen w... forea! to fm"lou. d,ims in ord" 10 ","Oid (ostly litig;iltion. The S<1t1cm.nts of theK lawsuit. resulted in ine ...sed co,,, 10 con,ume",
Consumer Bi II of Rights In ordor 10 ",,,,,t tho ptre<i',.d ab..... of d . ... >clion p'oc<. dures and .. tde",cnts. CongKSS indud<d in Ihe CI .... AClion hirn ... "'« "'hal it l«med. 'Con,umer Bill of Rights" ing cl ....C1ion scttl<mcnl<. PuJ. L NO. 109·2, 119 S",. 4. Th. "ill of Rights ....... (ontained in Stel ion) ofth. hill and ....a, d<'<ign<'d 10 "help in.u .. th.t d ..... . «ion. do nol hurt , inlenda! b<nofici.. ies." S. REP. NO. 14. 1000h Cong., b, St< •.• t .1(1. Provi.;"n. " .. r~ codifiod at Z8 U.S.C. S 1711..r ""/. Th. pro· ,·;'iun, of the Bill of RightS thai rttat< 10 d ..... ction .. •• apply 10 gil cta..s • .,ion. in f«k ...1 COUrt. not jult .h .... subjcct 10 .h... panda! jurisdktion provision. of CAFA.
Coupon Settlements IiIdnal codt ~ 21 u.s.c. t 17121p«ificaIly oddmon coupon wttltmtnu, and tIv aUOfM)'I' rm. plyabit '" • ....ult of...m tfttknwnu.. As noICd in m. Smat. RqIort. for fft/'I.\Iudia bad dfmoJUl"'tN thai hu~ p=nu.... of coupons madt pllt of cLw lCtion Kttkmmt. JO unrMnmtd. In fact .• tlnJl ...... llMly indiO>lod 1U' couponl .. lating 10 (ood and ~. d ... action Kttltn .. nl$ wen Stn.nUy . I:d«rnm II 1';1'<'$ b<1,.....,n two ptr«nt .nd siJ: pnrmt.' ~for•. tlIo out of coupon. bad 1M .tr~ of inc",... ing 11K poper vilut of 1M tf'I. ilemml. whhout K lu.alIy ioc .... uing tlvCOlot to W dofmdont ... 1M ...J ... 10 tIw d&M.. Coupons bad tIw: additional riI'«t of incrnai"l tho jlrltlfioblt amount of 1m \0 tit pHIlO plaintiff'. «>IlIUd "I'ftl"Ullllnda I contiflttncr ~ ~ .. ~ 10 tho Act, d...."' •• a>U!iI ....u fra in 03Up0II' 1NoKd ..m.mtnu.- bt b..rd ooIdy on lilt nIu< 01 tht ~ mat m..-..,....w by duo ....oobt.$.28 U.s.C.S 1712(1). AI!Iooush flO! spui6rd in m. An. tIv ~ WI fM; bt btiod on 0DUp0nI rNcmvd obo _IIW "'" WOI.dd no! bt ~ until m. ~ JXriod hal eq>imi, til"" multi .. in I p:MmtioDy Imsthr drily in tht ~ of r.a by duo «IU/'Ilorl n.. Act Ipfcifically"",- tho Court 10 .-M txpnI tftIimony from witnaI ~ the lCluai vii .... 10 the cWo rntIIlbm of lh< coupoN. 21 U.s.c.. 17I2(d), 1'rtsurnabIy, this t.,.imony would bt UIfd by tht Coon 1O""<rrniM whcthtr or fIOI tIw: prop<*d ItIllnntnl proI«U Iht fishlS of tht duo rntmbrn, fIOI for tho ~ of.1\Omc)'I Xu. as tbt val", of tbt coupons ~I'otd (aIkr .t<\oapioa) would noI rrqWrt>llecpM.. ....'hm. 11~' Ifts _ rwardrd on • bQio: othtr th.uI. con· rinBft'CI" Itt in I coupon ~ .. tIv Itt _ be- buN on tho ..-..1 of Ilmr countd IO(tI,IAiIy opnIl 011 II.. ocbon. 21 U.s.c. i 17U(b)( I). Tho: Aa Jf>tcl&lDT tIw oppIiwion of tbt I ~'r mnhod ond the "'" of. mWti. plirr in dtlcnninint Inom.Y'· r- ~ "'" pf1lOhlbilfd. 11 U.s.c. ~
" 1712(b)(2).17I2(c){2). In aleI who~ !M rdid' is mind .nd "'"'" is lJl __ I'd of both couponl and "Iul!.bIt mj(f. indudin, iniu"""~ mid'. !M amQUn! of an or...,.,' fm !h.! Is based on CQupons mW! bo buN on!M val"" ohM coupons acluaUy rodtm1td. 2. U.s.c. § 1712(c)( I ). Tho f~ • ..,.rdtd to ct.o...CO\UlSd butd on O!M mid'mUS! bo bI50d Of> the aaual ,imo op<'fIt by daM toll ..... or of the Lodata. mtllIOd.. U U.s.C § 171l(c){l ). As ..... the aft prior \0 the Action himdl Act. any of .nomt)'$· ft.n itlObjoa 10 the Ippronl by the Court. Tho Act abo nqulm • Coun IO'~' ",..".....I omit. nwnt utiIiz:inc -.potlI only ali.... hnriI!t; and u~ • fincIinJ
tMt • ifttInnm! ;. "fair. -.abk and adtqual. roo- duo ........
bon,," 18 U.s.c. § 1712(.,. This provision Ippun 10 m.W no lubsunl~ ctwo .... !o the law which prt'Yiously r<qUimI. fair· ..... twari"S and ..... orminal;"" by tho Court thai tho mimi! of dw ....... bon ..... adv.nud by w $t!tkmmL FiruJly. ConlJ'ftf includod • t)' prt:S provision wflidl aIIowI !M ponici 10 provide Ih.! unuJN coupons may M dislribulfd 10
clwi\lbkor ..".....nm<nl orpniu!iOfll. za U.S.C § 1712(.). H ........... . lny COUpollllQ oo;,n.!fd I •• IlOl prrminfd 10 ho indudod in !M cak .... lion of IUomq'l fta.. ld.
Settlements That Cost" Class Members II
NfW eo<\( lWion U u.s.c. § 171' COII!Wu. ~ !hI' • .. opccillally dirKltd 10 tho "'' n .. CIlCf o.ucb as thc &111< <tf ~ easr. IIOItd' In th.! 00'"'. do.. """"""' "PP"'u 10 ...... .mWIy Ioo! rroonty as I rauh of tho class action IC11I<monI wbm amounU IU<'d to poy were
.It......,.· ,..,.
dtdl.lCk<l &om Ihrir ICCOUnlt. Xction 171l ",ow . . . WI a Coun IMJ"~I PfOP<*<I omkmmt undo< whidl. duo ......... , ......, poy daso CIOUnIod in IIIWUVt WI would raul, in • Jo.I only if the Coun finds in ....,;.., WIIhe non''''''I>OIlrr bont/iu to Ihe cWs oubswttUJly 0..""",,, thc ~ Ie-.. Althoup I...... is IiktIy $00>< bmc· \0 !bo codific:olion of lhi> principlo. in rnlily. bttaUl< COU",
2006 ARBITRATION TRAINING Sponsortd by tht A/lIbDmll Centu for Duputt RtxHlltion DaIr: M.y IS and 16, lOO6 I'bo:c Alab&mo Stu. llu. Board Room TIm.: 9:00 .."" - • p.m. both days UE: 12 hou... indud.... I OIhiu Cosc SJ60. includes .... t... iaIs and IlInch
FaCility ar<- u P'C'ricncro arbilra tors; • lad 0uI00. bq.. Mo.""""",,,.oJ.
• eo.., SinsIcW'r. bq.. 1\mpo. Fl. cover:
W~rt o.Ir.. dy r"luircd !" d.l..-min~ th~ f.irntSl; of. propo:.>M<l ",nle"",nt to dass m.m~r$, thi; n<'W . ub<trtion .imply .w.. wh.t "'•• a1r •• dy 'he I.w.
Notification of Government Officia Is
Tb~ ..,.,tion of tl>< a .... Aclion Fairn<U AcI th.t ""'Y provide lht p,rutnt di.inunli..., for def.n .... ntlto """"'" a<tS thaI thor
lIlll.S.C. ~ 171 S. T\t;ol ""tion rtqui .... tl>< .ppropri.t. ".t•• nd f«l.ra1 offi<i.ts to bt noti_ liN of any proposed cWs oction <ttlkm.nt within daY' of the filing of that .. with routt. lIlll.S.C. § 171 S(b}. The purpost of tl>< notice provi$ion is 10 combat ,,)oCall«1 "dicntl... litig.ilion" in ""hkh no d ... mcmbt. holds" .ignifiu.nt enough monrt:uy in" .... t in tholamuil to provkkony m .. ningful "'.... light of his Or her .ttorney', actions. S. REP. No. 14, 109th Cong., l.t S6s. at :J.I. Notificalion off«kral .nd ".1. officws 1$ thrT._ fOrt intend«! to allow th~ offl<ws -to voi«o COl>C<rru if thoy btl ..,,, that tl>< <1.1 .. o<t ion $t1tkment is not in tM brsl int.""t of tl><irdliuns." S. R!:~.1'o. 14. 109th Cong.. I't Sns..1 5.lmpit. ,his " l'I""nl ~ndod roi< fot stal. and f........1offl<iaI .. the Act .p«ifiu.lly ,ta'.. that ~ 1715 .hould not bt conltru«l to oxpand 'he .uthority of Or impo5< .ny obliga'ions '" .... pom.ibiliti.. "n any \tote or fro.-raJ official. 28 U.S.c. § 1715(0. In nlOOt ca<tS, the appropriate f~ offici.o.l will b<: lht Attorn<)' of the United Sut<'$. ~8 US.c. § 1715(.)( I )(AI. It 1$ ",rnrwb.1 curiou.< that the AcI did not rtquirt notification of lht ~ro.I Trod< Contmission .""'.... 10 Iu,... n nl$tinp, aprtt;" and rnislion to naminr <lass act;on stltl<tn<111S on boIo.lf of the ronsurnrrs. M"""""r, il is u....nuin what «<t;on of 'he An"mcr General', Ollie. or tM I)q>artnl<nt of 1\IMi« wm ha..., respon,ibility fOr <Dmining proposed <tItkmcnlS. The appropri>le "at< offid.1 (or nO';(""tion pUrpo:s<:I i. 'he ptl"$On with prinury regulatory respon,ibili,y wilh ""r«tlo Ih. p.tticular dcfondall1, or the Stole off"ial ,,·ho liansos nr oth ....... i.. authoriz .. the defend.nt to ronduC! hu,in.1S in 'he >1>t •. 18 lI.S.C. § 1715(a)(2). According to tho AcI, "h.," th ... i. no prim. ry "'8ulal"r or .. hrrt tbe rn.oll .. allrgcd in th. <1.1S K1ion is not .ub;.a to "'I\u1.tion by Ih.,inp, .uthority, ,hen the appropriate om<w i. Ihe Itol .. ' Allornrys G<n ... o.I. Id. Respon,ibility f"r providing notic. is &ivrn to "u<h" defend.nt. Id. Noti« mw.t be &i""" 10 the .ppropri.l. stale official in tvCf)' It.t< in whi<h one class II><"Il>btr ... ides. 28 U.s.c. S 17 IS(bl.1'hr noticc mU$1 ind",k the following: (I) • ropy of the contplaint .nd .ny rn.otcri.ili fil<d ",;,h 'he,; (21 no,i.e. o( .ny ",Mdult<! h.. rinp,s; (31 .ny proposed ()1" final doss not;«o; (41 tM pfOl'O'Od stI\1crncn\; (5) any otl><r .gl«T1'lCnt made cont<mpo"'· n«>usly btt,....n <Lass roumrl Ind (ounsel for tho dd.ndants; (61 any final judgment; (71 the namn of cWs membtrs who resi"" in each .t,t. and tho .. ti=t«l prllf'Ottion. to <hor. of the cI.;ms <>f
00 .. ' .. thor mip,ll\ Wll. ;" codif....:l
thO$< rnnnhers in ",I.t;on to theenti" ..1I1.ment ()1" . ....,,,,,bl. ..timate of ,he nUntber of dus mcmbr .. ",,;ding in each >1a1<: .nd (8) .ny wrillon judicial opinions rdating to the mane .. "on· ,aint<! in Ih. d .... 28 U.S.c. S 171 ~bl( I H 8). The Act pr<>bibits .n order '!'Proving ony stltlrnl<m fo . . ptriod of90 <LoY' .ft.. tM dOl. On "'hich tho .ppropriate SIal. and fc<kral "ffici.ili ore ..rv«I with the ""Iui.."j notice. 28 U.S.c. ~ 1715(<1). If no,ic< is no< provided to the .ppropriat. officiob, <Lass nl<mheu may rrfu", to romply with .nd not bt hound by. SOllkmcnt ag«<· rrv:nt orcon",'" <1« .... lIlll.S.C. S 1715(.).
Report on Class Action Settlements by The Judicial Conference Tho Rcpo" indiat«l ,hal "'hik il bcli ....-.d th>l CAFA w... - . mod.. t, ",101>(<<1 step thaI would oddrt$$ some of ,he most cgrtpo'" probkms in dus.C1ion prdClict ... Iitl is not intended '0 bt. 'pa1lX<O' Ih.:It will rorrcct all <lOIS ""inn >buS<'$." S.lUp. No. 14, 109th Cong., lst Sns. at S. l'<,hap5 in.n tifutt to provide an o...,nue 10 revisit th<s< ........ themo.... Section 6 or the Act rtqui ... II>< Judicw COnf......... of the Unilt<! SUl<$ to prepare, not I.t ... th.n on. yur .ft... Ih. elf«li..., date of tho AcI, • comp •• hcn,i..., n-pon on d ... action .. ttkmcn' .. I'\a.. L No. 109·2, I J9 SUI. n. This "'PO" i, to r«ommond "brst p~ti.cts" to '''$Urt th>l stltl<m<rtl. a", fair to d ... mcmbt .. and to .ruurt that fm .worded to rou"",I.", appropriate. III.
Possible Effects Of the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 GiV<t1 tl>< new ....... of CAfA, and th< foct th. t it wiU likely bt ",me p,,,i<:x\ of lim< bt{o ... it. provWons ...I.tinp, to stltlcment .... 'rplird by any COIl", w< an only lpCCu!.1t... to ""lut the impa<!
Althous/l tho Action F.i".... hl of 200S WOI"~ ... b. IWIIW cha.... 10 tht way mMi·stlt. doM octio ... will 1>0 kin . dItd. i! did noI, "" Ihc ....... ptit. chan", doM action !Mo. TM rtqUimnmu of Rule 23 mnain tht _ . as do tht ~. mom .. Wi • mun. wIo.tdoor kdtr-aI or AIi~. ~ _ . dw action Kltkmml mlUf<I tloat any oatkmtrol is fair arid rnsonabk. &y addinl ratrictionJ 10 m. appio.1.I oIdass aWoou ...ulctnmu, ..... by p","""" • r..doraI ~ "" _ i n _ cuos.. boooa.r, eo...,... dc:arty in,mded 1O-.d)r rutrict tIo.t .... of 1bo: duo action dn-n. n.;" is likely 10 prootido ~tiAI duo action wz,ru with iOnW rntUUft of prolet1ioft.. Howa-o.,;1 if; tqU&Ily Iikdy lhat many of tht hlt' po._as. particularly ~ rdattd Ii) doM action ~u. d mUe th$ ~ Iiled-mon- difficult 10 titOM. •
Endnotes n.. _ _ _ _ ...._
_;u 0(111)' JOttltmtm 10 tiedcnI and .u,~ officiah ohould ~ - . . pooUK. Aldoou&b IIw hl ...... IlOl >p«ify whoIlhat officiall art ...... po...r 10 do with !he _itt Iklllh<y~. it iIlikdywl many cldmdanu will not wdcoono 1M inolw.ion 01 officials, poorticularly Ro~ officioh who I.., oftm d«wd, in any diK>u. lion of~ ~bytht corponlion,~ whom. pn::>pO$ed. Jomlmlc:nl providco (u it moso wuinly will) WI 1M ddnodanl ...... not adrniI any wrousdoinB or liability. II 1ppw1likdy. thtrd"o .., 1"'" dua octioN tilhcr bfOUJll' or ~ to ffdttl.l <OIIrt "'~ mort' likely 10 K1...o1l)r 10 10 trial-<:>< .,!tUI maU il Ihroup 10 tho dw ctf\ifica1ion dtci· $ion ....wr ilion Millo. lronkally. Ihls couLd haw 1M .ff... of j,,,,. .lJinS Irpl emil 10 Ih. eorpo .. lt def.nditnu 1"'1 m. Act _ b to P'OI«I. Further, by mlrklln, (oupon·baxd Iltema. Ii""" thoSI' d.uI ""'ioN KI""II, KIlled in ftd(ra1 court may M mo •• COIotly to dof.ndanlll"'n Ihq mighl ...... h«n. Finolly. IIw ptOYUioN ,..,..,,""
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IRishI ~. Clearly, II\oush.IN ;"Ndictional pl'O"isioN olIN hl will muh in ....,.... if noI Jl'II)$\. muhi·lU~ daa If;!ionI bein& Litipl<d in IMrnl Q)UI1. ,~. it tn3)' be dw tbo prooi. .00.. of ftdtt:.I juris<Dclion in combination ";111 tho I\'$IricDonc pUocrd on anOl'1lq' ioes wi1l muh III r.wn cWo ocUono ...... fikd-ti appnn 10 ~ bun !be mimi of \.onpef in ptMi.Ilc!be ~. Obviously, this be ul Fol bmdiIlO poIftItiaI dolo action ddrndanlS. , * - - , "'""' .... odin pooaihIt c:onI<qlInICU ul!be AI;\, ..... o.fmdmtI who do 6nd !bemMt... in. daK action ........ 1houId be wary olIN 1uw·jtR; mICtion 10 rtrI"IO'o't tbt aoc 10 JodmI cowt, ~ in AIab.uN. In Ihc paM fiw J'I'Ul, dc., in dut aclion !Mo in " - """,,",ion<Ib/y made liIipUfl1 in 1U1~ 00Ut1 ....,... p.d.olablo lOr 1kkncbnu Ikln it was in lbe pall. SpKifialIy.!he ~ Supmno Coon has made it elm lhal fraud·blwd dw aWoou .,.. ~,Iy disf.YOftd cho! to !be n .. """"'" indMd....J IMucI: '0 rrWlqI.-n'.'io .... "'P" prasiono ..... Ihc ,""",noblt mianu of dw mnnbm. £t., DUdo ¥. Hicb. 900 So.ld 399 (Ala. 2OIH); ~ &.ok •. /.«, 200t Ala.lEXIS 207 (AugutllO. 2004); u"iwtJ,'rFtdn.! OwIi, u....~ ¥. G~ 878 50.1<1 2110 (All. 2003). TIl.... in ",nlrut 10 """'" .<Unl <kvtloplt\tlllJ in fedfnl court, fW1I in \h( ........ ally COtUm"Ili"" Ek>oInth Circuil. SN, K1ar Y. Hwmd .... Inc.• 382 F.J.d 1241 (11th Or. 2(04). rm. dnoinl. U,,;,tJ H~r/r GnJup. /..c. >'. KIdy. 160 L Ed. 2d 125. 200S U.S.1.EXIS 2117 (U.s., Jln. 10. 200S).Ju .uch •• dUI oction dofonditnl in Aloboma may wanllo colUidcr luving I as< in 1111~ court. J».rticullrly whOft il" on. baxd on frlud oIltplions. AddilionlUy. in cun wh~ ... dtnndlm may wanllO Milk • cw. mion iaW1uit (0, any of • numb..- of rt"uo .... not Ibt Itut of.midl miahl ~ 1M I"l\(rilOrioui MI.... of 1M ~Itd, tilt now pnMsio ... of fodtrol Law rt\alinalO IotItIcmo-nu ~ mUe $I1~ colin • mort: ~",bk forum. Tho .... 01 coupons mI«mrd .... thtr than Ihoor islued lOr tho: p!Jrpooa of (w..Ll1;"" '110<' Dq'I' fen islikrly 10 nWo: il much ....,... difficult 10 Kltk \boot ~ lease wbm: cWo counxI Mfts I conli~baxd (ft. a... courud .,..Iikdy 10 be mort: adanwnl lboul indudinl di..a cash ,dlri in ...ulctnmu, lhereby innasi", 1bo: lUI COIoI of. KltkmmllO \h( dtm>daru. CM'A·. vinuol pnlhibiIioI> of <OIIp""·burd KttImlttIu Ihrrrio<e 01_ oompleulr le"lO'O.d was org.w.Iya<OS\-c/I"...;,.. method of ~dass
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Young Lawyers'
A Step That May Lead Us to Better Things
;". ,.
;ly isan on·soingchallengt in aU prof... ion!. including 1M Irg.aI field. I ..... looking for .omtthing on lh~ .Iote ba" Wd> ';1...._ l;tt thi. wuk and h>pt><ntd upon a il'listie th.t .urpristd m<'-<lnly 5.6 ~nl of the mrnIMn of the M.T :lIe AfTie.,,ArMrkan. •• ins lh"dalu,i, in li&hl of lh. foct thai 28.8 f""",nl th. population in Al. b.rn. i, Afrian_ American mnns ,hal ~ ar. doing .. poor job of tn,uring th.1 nUT prof...;on ~roU"'gt$ minorit;" 10 join ou, ranlu and then doing wha, is n.., .... ry to hdp thfltl .u<~ 0"'< thm_ Tht Minority Prt· u w Confrrenco WI. SlUltd ovtr 15 years ago by membe" of the [ucllli,.., Commi ntt of lhe .... SB Young Lawyer<- $«';00. T.. n~go .. from
Khool< around «nlral A1aba"... art ""'<,~" ",.0.] co .. Study
,,, •
SUn. rio.. and Ihen " ;",,,~"" art ofjtJI givcc" thc opportunity to J'lrticip'" in th. n i.1 .. j~ro ... In Montgomery. tho CapiloJ air Bill" Awoci. tio n now fUns .he Minority P",· Low Conf, "'n"" in conjunction wi1h Th. YLS. Momgom.ry'. Mmomy h.-La>< Conr.rm"" for 1hi. yar is scheduled for April 7. This ynr, the YI.S decided hi ttpand this program to BinninghmLlInd<r the lead· mbip of Kimbmy Ward ood Bob<. I minority pre-low ~ is !lOW schedukd in Birmiflgtwn al Cumberland Sd>OOI of Law for April 10. A"" 5<hooh arc inviTed 10 smd studmls who a .. inl<1csud in 1cgaI·..IaTod fidds hi partieipal' in
. """'"'
Bolh young and nOI-$O·young I.wy<"rs ... nudod 10 help wilh Ihi. projoa.
FirsT, il Cons. g""T deal of monoy To Iw>llh ... "em.. To .ncourage Sludom p. nkipalion and m.;;' Thil. I "prof..· .ional" expe,i.n« for the .tuoknl...... hool Ilunch<on allho program. This.ig· nirIGnTly drives up Ihe com. In IddiTion. we h .... ,h. coo, ofprOYiding ,h. pro · gram material,. IIoTw«n Birmingham and Monlgom.ry, we InTkipal< having s.oo ",udonts invol.....!. w. $Oli<llod $pOn>o" in 1M put for Ihis ovmt Ind will be doing >oagain Ihis y<"". Th. 'pon>o" re<.i". =ogniTion on tho STudenu' handoul .. along wiTh ;o>T knowing Ihal thry a .. making I diff.rt1>CC in Ih ... "ud.n,,·lives. If you red callod 10 boo:orne personally involved in Ih ... ovm". you ""y also help out by volunl ... ring 10 o>gUlizc Ih. ..... nlS andiOf hdp oul OTI Ihe d.y of ,h.
For m,,,,, info'''''lion, conTact Kim W..d al (33~ ) 269-2343 or
ki",boT'y."" Bob B."l. al (20S) 397·8161 or tWltW>bfi:wc.a>m or "'" aT (134) 738..(225 or ccrow@>jinht. .... rom. Robert f . K. nnedy OTIC• .aid: "Few will ha". Ih. greatn ... hi bond hi'tory ilstlf:
bUI.ach of ... an work change a ,mall portion of ..... nl .. and in the hltaI of alltlwK .'u ..·ill be wrin,"" the hislory ofThis gcn .... tiGn." Alo~, th. MinoriTy Pro-uw Conf... nct- i. not going To chang. th. '''!!i.ring ,'a,iSlies relating to the number of minority lawyns II... in 1M .Iak '.." .... the 100al populal;on, but i, i•• "'p in th. right dir«linn. And nn mon., how ,mall nf 0 .Iep i, is, i! moybe tht $tep that will I.od us to better things. •
INY ITATION FOR SERVICE FROM FOURNIER J, ~ BOQJS ~ GALE. III PRESIPEN"[.ELECT In the upcoming year we want very much to broaden participation in bar activities. If you would like to serve our profession in a volunteer capacity, please choose a committee or task force in which you ara interested. The Alabama State Bar needs you aod will try hard to involve you in an area of your interest. We also want your suggestions on how the Alabama Stale Bar can baner serve its members and our profession. Please include your suggestions In the space provided below.
APPOINTMENT REQUEST · Term. begin August I, 2006 end expire July 2007. Indicate your lop preler· ences from the list by ma.~ing I. 2 or 3 beside the preferred comminEHI tel Or tast force (tf).
_ _
_ _ _
_ _
AI,Io.mlI Uiowyer. Editorial Board Ie) Aillbemil Uol\'Y8f. Bar Directory (e) Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolution lei Character & Fitnass Ie) Cllam Security Fund Ie) Community Education Ie) Disciplinary Rul" & En foreement(ffl Divel"$ity In the Profession Itf) Fee Dispute Resolution Ie) JudiCial Liaison Ie) History & Archives Ie)
_ _ _ _
Insurence Progrems tel lIIWVer Referral leI lIIWVer Public Relations Ie) Lawver Assistance Program lei Merit Selection (tf) Mililllry law lei Quality of Life (el Rules Governing Admission (tfl Solo & Small Firm Practitioners leI UnauthoriZed Practice of lllw Ie ) VoluntEHIr lIIwyel"l Programs Ic)
Name: Firm: Addr/IA: Telephone: (officel Yellr of admission to bar;
IStreel or P.O. BOJC) (City, State, lip} I.mail) o check If new eddress
Please c:omplete and mlil this Lonn no li ter than Mly 5, 2006 to be considered for en appointment. to Progrllms, P.O. Box 671, Montgomery, Al36101-0671; by facsimile to 334·261·6310; or by e·mailto Ple8se remember that vacancies on existing commlnees are eXlremEtly .imiled 8S most c:ommitlee appointmenllare filled on a three-yeer rotation basis. If you I .. Ippolnted to I c:ommittee, you will recelve In Ippolntment IlItter Infonnlng you In June 2006. You may also download this form from our Web site, www.Il/
Legislative Wrap-Up
2006 Alabama Legislature By Rom! l. McCurley. Jr.
he 2006 AI.Mm> Itgisl>lun: is off to • fast .tarl. In the IirSt wm the ""'0'.
;nlroductd 281 bill. and ~2 of thtm _'" con,ick' N by • commit· t". and wm. plaud OIl the colmdor for ~gt". Tht ho~ of "1""''''"1',,," inlrod""rd 354 bilb ."d S4 of thtm were .... t<d 0>11, of commiUtt and pl,cnI on tho eal,lId., (or p....St'. Govffnor Riky has prop<md I numb« of bill. con«rning CC'lf«lion>. Rt<civ;ng ... ,Iy ( .... ';on by ,he bo .... of rep ...... n!otivn the following bill. Iffrcting pri.on. and .. nlme;ng:
liB lI S AdoplO the voluntary ..".'eneins for U; (tlony olftn..... propoKd by th ..... Iob."" Smtmdng Commisoion and:unt1lw. Staion 12-2~3S with 'he ClHk <f 10 ",",lid tho lime for the pr~nl'lion of addition.1 ,r uth in .. nlmcing stand.rds to the I"IlW"u,c.
""'' ' ma
U8 116 Am<nd. Staion 13A-8- 4 IO",rr<~ th. mol>t1.ry amount< fOf thdi of property in 1M """nnd <kp'<'e colK<.nin8 rt<'civing .!Okn propony. HB 117 Amend. Section 32·5.0.·191 !O pmvidc that a prior conviction from .nother ,tote fo r drlvill3 under the innuen« of alcohol 0. a conlroUtd .ubslan« may be .... ru;id for enhlncement of $tn~ncing in AI. HB 118 Ammds >«lion ilA·5·1! and IlA·5·12 to incr._1M fin .. for felonies and m~nors .. follows: c .... C (.Iony penalty incrnscd from 5S,OOO to $1 S,OOO do .. II f.!ony pen.hy ine,..sed from 510,000 l<> 530,000
0"" A fdony !>(no.l<y inc,.asod from 520.000 to $6(1.000 0"" C misdeme.nor penally incrnsod from $500 10 $1,500
OO$! II miWmunor penally incrnscd from 51.000 10 $l.OClO O.ll$ A m;.drme.nor penally incnaotd from $2JlOO to $6.000
A violation from $200 10 S600 HB 119 Amtnds St-ctiotl IlA·12·23I. tuRidcing in ilkgal drugs. 10 inc ..... the maxi· mum fine of $100,000 10 $250.000 and will r~ui" 0 pnson ronvicttd of th. JIKI,l.scriou. offell$<.' for trallicking in ilItgai drugs 10 be .. n"need to Hfc in prison witltoul parol. in addition 10 p"ying 1M fine. HB 120 Amend • .l«lion. IM·7·S and 11A·7·6 \0 provilk that l person C(lnvio<:d of c"mmitl ing burglary in Ih. first dtgIff with I dtadly we"!",n would be son· lmeed to a Cb .. A fdony, whil •• person wlto JUS! throat.TIS Ih. ~ of. dt.d. Iy ..·..I"'n ..·hile <om mining a bu.w.ry would bt- romminins a CIus B fdony. liB 121 Ammds Seclion 12· 15· 100 and !i(ction 15·19·7 10 pro'Iidc 11m ju""ni1c and youthful offcnde. f«Onl. would be . vail.ble 10 judg... pl"O$tCUtor>, victim .."vict oilier .. , probation and puolc oilier .... . nd othe .. who have • 1~li· mote in,erest in Ih. cue ot Ih. discretion oflhc judge. 132
MARCI! 1006
HI! 122 Amends Stction 131\-5-5 ,0 provi<k Ill., P'N<1l,rna:
,n felony ~ mod ~ft", llIe &«"'" da,e of llIis act would be in c1Mronic fo.m.aL rtpOrts
Olhn bill. con«ming COrtKliQIU .... fe I'H>I im!md;'kly med •• lilt- beginning of the Itgi$l.alu ..... II .~aro tha, • third of the Itgi.Lal"", will con«m ilKlf with """illi many of tht bills th.I Wl'f< nuM. colUidrnuion in 2005 !{(gular s..sion. Many of!lltm had pwnl on. of !lit !WtI houoeo bUI foikd to r<'«'i~ considtr.lion in .h. KCOne! ho"",,. 1M 2(lO5 ~. Ses$ion. only .~ bills of g."" ..1concern we •• pwnl by .... It 'we-ro.h.. ,hclegi.Luu ... will be: mo ... producti~ Ihis yw-. Also under conillcralion is the AlaImnl S,.,e &. billw iname bar license ~ from 52.500 10 $.lOO. Thi. is HOWl: 8ill59. The following majo. revi$io", drafted by the Alabonu Law InstiMe arc curren,ly pending in tht logilJa1u,e. s..: lhe: j.n\Llry WJ6 "LogW"iw \""-p-op" for discuSiion of lhe following bats:
Residential Landlord·Tenant Act HB 287 Rlp"""".ti", Jeff Mclaughlin SB lSI
Committees of the Legislature The Law In.tiMe is .goin providinglfgil counsel to cornmil t«> of lhe kgWatu .... The awyo .. serving .. committu counsel during the WJ6 iogi.!.ti"' ..... ion .... as foil""", $eruJre /wJidDry. LaVec<ia Morgan &Ildc.llitmingham /lowe /udidDty and /lowe BNrrh "nJ Co ... miSlio" Cownril. Pamela R. Higgins, Montgomery Comriluriofl "1UI E/«ri<lru, Flynn M oo,,&o, MontSOmtr")' Co"'''' ..... ""'' EdW(~ri<m, o...rbonn. Spmcer, Mon.somcry SrQ'~ Gowrnmml and AgricwIIW"', FortSIT)' 6- Nmwr<d /lts(oun;a. Sandn Lewis, Montgomery Tourism ond Tnn'I'i, Ko ..... Maslin, Mon.gomtry : H,~II~ .nd /Ion);ing, O>ristopher Pankq-. Opelika, P"bli( Silfrry, Robnt Ward. MontsonlCry" Counly QnJ Municipal (;owm"'''''I. 11m Espy. Mon.gomtry HD~~ Maj«ily /..t.lJeT. I'«k For, Montgomery
Alabama Trust Code HR ~9
Les!q- Van« 511157 Senalor Rodge, Smitllt-.m.n
Alabama Securities Act HII48
Rcp ..... nl.,iw Marul81",k
Seno,o, 1.0".. 11 Barron
HQwe Mj""riry LNdu. Williom Sen .... MonlSOmcry
Capital Intems
Fo. the: 29th yar. the Law hUlituI~ is condnClins an intern program whereby gifiod coIloge iludenu work as ;nl.. M willi logisI;Itivr ltadenl:rip in !he ho ...... nd semtc. The logi!Jati'" ;01"",1 this yn •• ..,
Alabama Election Code HI! tOO Rcpo-CkI1!31i", Randy Hin.baw SIII58 ~w, leb Ut~.
Me c ha ni ca l E nginee r Exp e r t W i t n ess • BSME Norwich Unh·erslly . l\1Sl\1E Lehigh Uninrsity • Adjunct Professor at UAB · O.nlCr or 2 parents
EIo<;triI;.-c_ .. u.. ..... "-'" ..lib • ,_ ..... c - . - SIte< • CMmIaoI" """..... _ .... ......
• I'9ftr
• r...... Sa..-!.... • ...... "
AI. Prot.
Telephone 205985-0727
N.... SI078
perryrl 022
Legislative Wrap-Up
a.ttnCC Gorden, Abt..rna S(.l~ Uni.~"ily Tayln, Minu .. Univmily of AI. bama
5_ Conducting l.gill.ti .... r=nch; 6. Copying loPslalive documents;.nd
I...,n Munford. Abbama SWt Uni"""ily AIli5(ln Miller, Uni,.."ity of Alobarno
7. Handling oth" rcsponsibmti .. as assignt<! by .uptrviso •.
House Legislative Interns A new program conducted by tho Law Institutt, II the '''luts' of Sptlker Se1h H.mmen, is to providt Itgislators with ;nltrnO
10 . .. isllhtm in ronStiw om ~;cn. This new program con,ist. of the following fi,-. inte rns: Itr""'J' 8.1rdctt, JlCkoonvWr St.,. Uni"""ily Tan •• Hampton, AL1bama Stale Uni ......;ty Bobby Martin, Auburn Uniwrsily
Lorry I). .n Pend.r, Uni ...... ily of Al.bama )oon Suh, UniVttSily of Illill{);, Th. interns' responsibilities, of: I. Answ<ring rorutitueflll.nen; 2. Pro"iding cons,i'uen1 ..,viers; 3. Hosting ,'uden1 group< visiting the capitol; 4. Trodrlng IocaIltgisblion fOr ncb reprntrnatM- in tilt diSloo;
M~~ C H
Sp«ific runct;"ns/WI to bt pttfotmt<l: I. Campaigning;
2. Lobbying; 3. ~rforming ptIWnal ... "'ices for 1<gl$I.tol'>; or 4. Drafting!tgi.lalion. For mort infOrtnillion .b<mt lilt Institul. Or .ny of i.., proj.ct5, con\.OCl Bob McCurlty. dirrdor.•1 P.O. Box 861 425. T\IK3Ioosa 35486·0013. or (20S) 348·$411 {fox}. (20S) 348 ·7411 (phon.) or ..........ali.'lar"-al.u~ •
_L_ . _""_Ito ..........
.... _
..... _
... _
..... - - , ..
100 _ _ ... .....,
Highlights ~'-8t Group
law Pfactlcto Yanagement Pwspect/Y.. Sften "'" TI'8CU
IiiiVl/II V.ooor Tl1ICk
fourteen ExcHlng Educational Tracks
""-" ..... ,.....
MWli 88ck to IIw FIIltIN
DIgital Dol ...
MWII f.l..wy..... tMWII e.trem. "Ik.ov., Hoi Topica
MWll law ~Iet' ..~ np.
-, .... utlglollon
... 1prKtIcIo Pnventlon
MWII s.!pP'Wt st8ft
Law Practice Management Section Spring Meeting April 22-23, 2001
Opinions of the General Counsel
By I. An,hony AId",;"
City Attorney Who Is Also Defense Attorney in City Court Has Waivable Conflict of Interest QUESTION:
II municipal judF. and on attom")' \<IhQ .. l.,. fum rq>rtS<nu the municip,al· 11y in civil malt .... only, h."", both subminM opinion '''Iun!S conuminll the wnllict of inlrrat !he 1110....,.. and th. otMr .no....,.. in his finn. would ha", if
Th. ~n<ral rul. go .... rning conOicu of intore>l i. Rul. 1.7 ofth. Rul.. of
they undtnake 10 defend criminal ditnll in munkipal court, The following opin _ ion i< • join, rnponsc to both mju The ciry a110mcy acknowledges th., he and hi< fum WQuld haw. conflict, how· <"V<1', the mu,uaI inquiry from bo,h ,he anomcy and ,he judge i< whClru,r, and fub,iKl 'o wha, condition$, 'his Mnn;n may b<: waiwd.
ANSWER: II is the opinion of ,he Off"" of Gnr<ni CoUJ\S<1 Wt this Mnllie! f it".,ion iu o &aught with po!en'ial .. hinl pi'falJs d"I! the advisability of waiver and «Inscnl appca'" 10 be, ., tInl, highly ,!u..,ionabk HQw=r, ,his off"", wiU nor go so fa, .. 10 hold !his connict 10 be ab.olu,ciy un",.iYablc, despite the many mica! concerns di!alSS<d hcn.. 136
Pro/tWo"", CondU<T. This rul. prohibit> In anotncy from simuJ'iiMOwly rq>1'e* .. nling two clima whoso in\eTCru. .~ .dvnsc. It providu, in ""rlincH pan, as follOW!: "Ruk 1.1 ConDia oflnt.rnt: G.:mral
'"" I,W)'" >haU
(I) II not "'1"....", . d~nl if the rq>ra<ntltion of t~t d~, will
W di~y adv.... to 0....,,00 ditnl, unless: ( I) The lawyer reasonably bdi<vt< 'h, "'preso,,"'1;"" will nol .d.... rsely .ff«l tht ",I"ion,hip wj,h th. OIM. diem; and (2) Each die", COn5<f1\$ .fter
ooruuJW;"n. [b) 1\ 11wyt1" ,hall not rq>ra<nl. client if the rq>rn<mation of that dim! ""'Y
M m.1' .... ioIly limil~ by the LaW)"'T"
rnpoMibilitits to anothn ditn! Or 10
• third pnwn. or by 1M LawytTJ own inlrrnts, unlns:
I I ) ,,,, \awyt. rt"aSO ... ~ ~I;"' .. the repmem. !ion will J>OI bf advt .ff"",..!; .nd
(2) The dienl con ..nU after <on.wI.,ion."
It is obvious thaI the inlerest> of lilt dly and !h< inlcral> of a defmdonl bo-ing proocattc<\ by lhe cily af\' "dirfflly ;Idvnsc" wilhin Ih. meaning of paragraph (I ) of the abovc·qUOlcd rule. It is tqually OOv;ous d... OIl IttOmty who ,imul!anC· ousty rtpf\'SCIIU lh.c city and . criminal defendanl bring prootcUtcd by the cilY would br "mal.tUlIy Iimit¢d" in his Ibility 10 rep"""" bolh clicnlO within ,he ","n · ins of poragaph (bJ. Such ..."rn<ntllion CJUta an .rthetypiaJ COtlC\UTtnl conflitt
of ;nl....1 '"""Iion for 1M \owyt1 .nd his firm. HOWCYCT, Rule obvioUJIy provilks fo r I waiVC\" of ronftku. If an anomtycan 1I"JaU' good f.ith ~i. n.lion lhill lhe ...-pttStnlalion of one <I~nl wal not ".dvnsdy affioct" Ihe 'op. men",ion of tho oth .... <1;"'1, Ih<1I the .Homey may. in """' ins,",...,., oK bmh ditnu 10 consenl to!h< reprn<nlllions. HOWCYCT, lbe Commtnl 10 Rule 1.7 disc ........ the f... Ihal rome ,itoOlion. ;n whim waiver and consenl is ne;ther a prudml nor ethically advisable oplion. "C<>nlul,.,ion and Con.. nl "A di..." may COnsenl In "",,,,,,,,,"Iion nolwillurandins a conBin. How.-ver... indiaolcd in p&ngrlph (a}U) with
,np"'" 10 '",,"""Iallon dirtt1ly ..t...... 10. d~nl. and p... gr;oph (bHI) with .... p«t 10 mlleriallimitnjorul on ..." .... .. nwion of I d;...". wh..., I disinle ....\«1 Lawyer wouk! COl><)udc thaI the dient should IlOl I , ... 10 th, repreocnl>lion under Ihe c;rcum".nctS, th,l'wyer in",,/vcd connOl p""",rly oK for ,uclt agrecm...,t or provide rcprcocnlltion On Ihc bosis of lhe dient', consent: The "",fiict whith confronu this low firm co",", very cloK 10 ramng within Ihal OOlc-gory of conllicu deJcribcd in lhe Co!ltJMOnL By vi.we of the ttptt_ ..."wion of th. city. thc attOll>tJ';l in the firm att in I position 10 .... !he allornq'. diml tt1alioruhip .. leverage 10 pcnuadc the a ly 10"",,«1 their dien .. mott
MEDIATION basic mediation 1IIt'.-.l~1 .
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Opinions of the General Counsel r.",rabl. Ir.~IID<nl ' han would bot .ffo,<kd the dicnl$ of "ther attorneys. No> wo;,.. ,. ttganilt$$ of how il i. worded. can chang< tit;" (KI. This offict dMS nol suggest thlilM .110rM)'S in tho firm W{luld take ad .... ,,· tage of th. ftrlll's positinn or irnpropnly uS<' thtir I.",ragt with the <ity. H~r. U$ur.1>Cel, no III.OU ... how ,in",,,,, th. t th.y would 00\ 0050 ,,"-ould bot in$uffi· cicnllo ovnwmcth.. p<rttplion of impropri~y which would pm-ail. n(>l only in the 1..g.oJ prof<loSion. bul p<1h.po more .ignific3ntly. on the pori of the public. On th. oth.... hand,tlt.diem of a city
wen r.d
allomq who gtU convkt«l IIIOJ' \halth. city . norn,,}, did not "I'P"S<' the
proS«Ulion Or e<OSI-oumin. <ily po~«" off" .,.. a. 'W<S!ivcly as would an altor· ney w!>os< firm did nO! rep""'""! I"" city. Th. au<>mty could be opto to the O« u ... ,ioo th.t hi. "l'l'CS<ntllion of the elitol was -m.tMially lirnit«l; within the moaning of Ruk 1.7(b), by hi., and his firm's, "own ;nt..... I•."Th. pcruption by th. dient, and by the public. oould .... 11 be Ihal 11.. ano'MY was rdIKlam 10 employ an ogg,... i'" d.r<~ which might . ntagonu.. city officials and~. ..ditt hi' finn', continu.d .mployrntnt. SIKh a con1<ntion could • • • ily r f1)\'i<ie Ihe ~is for a post.conviction molion alkging ineff""ti", ."istance of coum..l. While wai ..... on the p. n oflh. di<m mighl provide an arguably pt'rsuasive
10 ,"'" & motion, it i, tqually j><>I$ibk that the wai ..... could be found in.ff«1ual. particularly if <>blOinrd from an unrducurd and un"'!'hi"i .. lrd di<n1. Both opinion rcq....a raise questions coro«ming the <lIenl lO which lhe inmlvnn<1lr of cily police ollian impacU upon the conllicr. II'htn • police- offiar lestifies .. a pros«uling witness Ih. dry an0rMY. if he is '" do the bnl poSoibk job for the d.fmdlnl. is plaad in the limos! posilion of undermining d>e credibility UId diM:redilin!',IM tatimony of his own <~.n1. Ho ........ '. policc ~j. rrKIfly only goes 10 the lkgut-, no! 1M ais!mcc. of tho confiict. The _"o,nri' rcpreomlal ion may be "rru" .. limittd ·
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Heard bon <kgree whm II.. pro....:ution u dq><ndcm on poIitt lC$Iimony bUI tht undtrIying basis for 1M ",nfticc U no 1m. Thr EocIlhar a pol~ officer =ifiu obviowIy aaccrba, .. 'M oonftict bur il is nol tht basis for tht oonAict. !~ o,h ... word., tht dimination of poI~ tofIirnony from the "l""'ion would by no mtanS oliminatell>< oonlli<:t btausc II>< city .nomer is still simulw><ousIy "'l'fflC"ting two dirnl.l intn<'Sl.l iW "d'r«I_ Iy advax~ 10 tad> otl><r. If woivtr and COIllU' is "",ushl from the d ,y, it mllSt bt OKUItd. by wmront with authority to act on bthalf of, and unq .... 'ionably bind, II>< city and ,1.1 gov_ erning body. In MO$t insWlC.n, a bW\kc1 Or ".nding waivn covering all cues dmndtd by tht fmn willl'roMl>ly bt suffici<nL 1l0W<"VC1, th ..... may bt """ in which th~ conruct is of o""h • ... 'ure and ext.." that I fac ....pccif" woiVl'1 ~uld bt TCquired. SIKh • del~r· min .. ion would lie within the sound d;.<TCtion of 'he municip.ol coun. ~ con$Cnt from the criminal defmdanl.l £IIould 10 a
bt couched in rndily understandable Io~ gLLIg" u.~y comprd>nuiblt by a Layper$On of no rnore than ..........11' inl<lligtn«. FinaUy, it i, the opinion of this oflier th .. in any case in which the city polier, or oll><r city official, decides to dismiot 1M criminal charges against. defendant ""presented by • dty ""0nK}', tM ",un £IIould Clrefully KfUtiniu tM rOlSOm for dimliaal in order 10 minimizr th~ appearance of impropriety. ~ coun. of COO"", would Jw,-" d"'rainn to disqual_ ify tM ciry anomcy .ndlor appoint I .pccial pf05C(Utor if II>< COUrt ','"e of the opinion that 1M ends of jUOli« $0 fftl uirc . In ",mmotion, it is the opinion of the Offler of Gtncr.ol Counsel th.1 this amfIkt , i(""tion is '" f",usht with po~ntial ethicll pitfalls that tM .d..... bilily of waiVl'1 .nd consut apptln to bt, II besl, highly qu«tiolUble. Howevt', thu oflier will nOI go $0 r" .. to hold this conDiet 1o bt .bsolutclr unwaivabJc. dc$pitc tlt.c mlmy tthical CO!lUfllS d",U$$cd herein. {RO-2005-01 ] •
Mold or Water DalDage? Slmc" oIftrtjI: of urenl 01 dilmaoe
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TEL 954-814-710(1 •
Members, Fillns 11Ie Alabama Lawyer no IOllger publishes addresses and relep//One '/limbers unless the mll/OIII/cement relates to ti,e opening of a new firm or solo practice.
Col"land, f ranco, ~ 8< Gill PA announct$ th.1 Jamn G. lIowthorl.t, Jr. h•• Nco",. of coun.n.
Among Firms Th. Birmingham olliet of Adam. 8< RHse announces the cOOion of the Jdlrry S. ~Arm~n and T. Craig WIlIi.m. lo pmneMip. and J. Doyle 1I" .n . nd D. Hiau Com ... I S a...,.,iala. The Mobil. offlU announce, lh.t John Lyle. III ho, been <1«1~ 10 p.,tnership. and Andrew 8. Fr""mon and April M. Dodd or. n~ U$OCi.tcs.
Ryan d tGtaffcnritd, I•. and Ryan deGraff. oriN. m .nnounco Ih. opening nf;..! !Ie A<.socio't<lLC 01
1300 McFarland Blvd. NE, Sui!. 350, Tuscaloosa 3~06. Phon. (20S) 345·1314. Richard E. Dick of DidI. 8< Mitl, r and Howell Rog.. Riggs combiMd Ih. i, ptilctka 10 . ...1. Dick. Riggs, Miller 8< Stcm LLI' with oflkn now loclttd o n
W. ' ohn Daniol hu been appo;n1oo counod fur tho Univ . ..ity of Al.boma Offi« of Coun~1.
the 10th floor of theAmSouth u nl« in Hum,vilk Phone (256) 564·73 17.
'""""'" Dr... - - . , "'" , _ _ . _ hlil _ _ .. poI"","- _11\10.000 ..... Sll.OOO,OOO 1 0 _ ....... , . . . . _ Of _ . . . . . . . . . . , .
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Whu~ LQWy~~for LQwJ'~~ LEG A L
Attorney Search
Feet 6" IkI.rJeoo PC ~ ",,", Lnh M . Grftn has joiMd Iht linn .. lUI
• Permanent Placement
Ford 6" llarrison u.P tho, Marion F. WoIbr has joined Iht linn .. ..mar counod for tho Rirrnlnsham ol'li«.
• Temporary Placement • Finn Mergers & Acquisitions
Gain<s. Woll.. &' Kinney PC announcn ",,", "'ub~ I. IloOow.y. Ronald I. c;.uh . Wmdy f. Popt. hi.. M. Woh..... and o.-n, .... IkrIow tIM- b«omt po.rIMI"J .nd Aohlty T. Robin501l. O.. id f. Milkr. ' r., AlhI.,. f. MU\JIin" SMllty O. It;.i~ ~!. ~h ~Icln'y ......J Tuvi< G. McKoy. I•• ha..,;ointd ,h~ fi.m
M"'''''.Amnita''I.q:ll~llrclt. com
"" ."",i'l<s"
(AJooociMe .t Pwtnc.-le\·dj
Birmingham (205) 397-9500 N lI.lionwid~ (1100) 930-111211 rar" MIA I nd P.",..leoool """"""". _ RkMnI G. B_1<. Eoq. riehardg;...... ..anIepI-.:h ....... 8~ ....
Far .. _ rlnl" E><!-
iroqYrioo._' .... plO<on:h .......
Ga'hing. Law announces ,h. , Wcsl.,.
L Phillips and Richard W.r~ Kin...,. hoyt ;ointd tht 6rm os U$(JCiJ,", in i'l Birmingham o ffou. R. J(m, H....J«. lohn T. Robn-uon. IV and ItoIph K. Jooh ..... B. s..Hi.-m has bo:cornt a rntI"I"II>n and Iht linn rwnt is now IIrnoift. ItDbnuoo,Stnwn II< Sullivan u.P.
S,,,,,,,,, Innou_ II,,,,
u..c announcn """. Thomao Lopn Dn-" and s..-.....
10"",,, &' Associaln
U haw btcomt aoocia.rd
with Iht linn. Lamar. Milltr. Norria.. lIagard &' au;'t;' PC announcn ,IY, I.ft U. S......... .... btcomt • put_, LritmuI., SiqaI &' Payno: PC announcn ",,", lIubtn G. Taylor h.. btcomo I w..t.nIdcr.
McCallum. II< T~rrdl PC thot P<rry Mich..,1 Yonct")' has btconw a Ulmho ldct.
Support Search • Paralegals • Legal Secretaries • Legal Assistants M'M'M".ApaLq:ulSuppfNtcom Birmingham (205) 311 7-11555 N.lio nwidt (800) 1130-11128
J uon P« "y. Esq. ~apexl ..gaI<upp<>It.""",
M, Kinn.,. II< B....-U .nnollnc~ thl t Oint W. Bull.. h.. btmnw a """", bet of tM finn.
About Members, Firms
Ccm'inWt"d from page 141
SIIumatlter Wiu Gaith ... II< Whi,ak... PC.nnounus ,hat Morpn W. lORa "os joined ,m, firm .. I n awxi.ote.
SimI. &; Ptnnu1t PC .nnouMtltha' Ronald A. u vin has joined the firm as . dtaKholdtr.
John Fo.t.r Tyra, fonnt.1y of Watson. doGraffrnried & Tyra LLR announces the opming of 1he Low Office of lohn Tyro PC., IMl McParland Boule""," Nonh. Tuscaloosa, and th.l Mild •• UM. Matoya h.. joined lhe firm as an ....xi.o~.
Wainwright, !'<Ipt &; McKttkin PC Innoune", th. 1 Jacob A.
Mapl.. h.. jointd 1h. fU"m a. In .....,da'e. Parkman, Adam. &; A.sociates .n"".. nces ,h.1 William C. White, II h .. joinedt". finn ... . pm"". and 1h. firm', na"", h•• b«n , hlngw 10 Par kman, Adam. &; Whi, •.
\I'th" .... Hrnry & Lyon. PC I nnoun, .. a .... m. (hange 10 W",,"'o., Henry. Lyon. & Whit. PC.
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