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(~t Union Bank,

Ire UXJrk hard In

earn YOllr Inlst. " - Henry A. Leslie

~nl and Chief

Executive Offirer

Union Bank works closely with many Ala\);:una

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by Nalha niel Hansford ~u,,-, rtrrimi h.. n.s. ~nd /.I,, /l, I",,,, 1M Uni.-rmz:!~~. h.. I.l~ M

rmm ,i><' U", •..."..y 01 Mid"g~n. Ife iu ~1x,""Iw"mn>t::.... :... AI2t..m~. ,,0><1 7"I<'Il/oou Ib r " ~ ;""" M r. lIarultNd "'M~ .. , _ _ ,"",••"",,./~ w "",in<- "ntdelaoo 1N:~ :as .. ,..,.,........ fiwCL.£ lie haul.,~,au INU/ly mcm~ for."" A"'''''rna Jud,oal OJI~ Ilr II ","""Iy ProIewN of u ... IO<'.he Um •..,...." 01" "''''' ...... N"' h,,,"~1 1t.1"S(arrI~ ~ision


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This e<>n'll'ehc nsive N ~;W '!"Cali se was wriuen by cKI",n J ohn R. Jl.kl.aren, B.S., 1>1 . D.; Dir"",<)r "r Radi.,ion Th orapy , Rol"," Winship M emorial Clinic for N«II'I~s'ic [)i $Ca$C, Emory Clinic: and Profe.sor of R"d iol~y , ~:",ory U ni .. en i,y School of M edicine, Ad ama,"'. Wi,h ~"n,ribu,io"s fm'" numerou! special iSls, CA NCER i. a ,ignific~nl source for rIQrI_onrologiSI5, bOlh legal and medical. Th~ I)(JO]. e<,,'en "" ul'l live faclon, nutri.inn,l1,lIhology, imaging of can""r, surgicallreal lllCnl, radialinn Iher~I>Y ' chcnlOllKr:lpy , hypenhcrmi a, immu~hcrlll1Y, and lledia,ric oncology. It con1alns O'<cr 100 illu"ra'ioos, gra ph s and 'a bl",". CIossa';t$ appear in $Clffied mOpier! and a. Ihe cnd of Ihe book. FrcquclI1 """.,_n::fcrcn<"H an:: mad. . 0 rdevan' iUUJlrlI.ions and stellon •. AU of 1M:.. [UIU ",," arc dt$igned 10 clarify lhe d iso:ussioo and r""ililalc com.,..chco, ;"'" of . he subp:, which is very iml'oru n, for lhi. '1uidtly dcvdopi"l' apposi.e field. With CtI N CER as a .001, you will be n::pusco,inS you r clltnl from lhe!l"l<dl ...owltdscablc, up_l<Hla, c pooi, ion possible - an advantage you can', afford.o pass up! Regula rl y S?9.9S

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Photograph (Our· teo;y Alabama Sh.keo;pea(e festival and


Timothy Hursley


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On Ihe coverThe C~roly~ BIO<J~I TheJI,e is one site of the Midyear Meeting .

' _'

Age Di sc riminati o n ,l nd Redu c ti o n s· in -Fo rce ....••• 86 Litigalion involving emploYml'flt ,e lationships continues 10 mounl. Age discrimina· tion sui" plesenl a typical c >amplc of this fenile ~rea of thc law.


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The Alarum. L."'ye'

Esta te Pl an ning for the Moder,l le ly W e,l lth y . . . .. . . . .. . . .•. 7 4 The(e ate un"I"e eswe pl~nning con-cepts thai soould be considcred in a<:kis-. ins thc moderalely weallhy chen!.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE- P'l'S,denfs Page . hc<:utive Di,ector', Report Rid i ~S the Circuits Book Review Sections Sa r Sriefs ell' Ollj)Ortunil ies

Alab<tma Poe"<td Young Lawyers' 5<..'<1iOO

Scope and Appli c a t io n Attorney·C li e n t Pri v ile ge- a n

Overv iew . . ...... .. . . 100 One of Ihe most misunderstood legal corl(epls. this p<ivil<'gC muSt be understood to preserve commumcalions,


""'" "" "" """

About "'embe!!. Among F"m, Recent Decisi<ms OpimoflS of the Ge ne/al Coun>.:1 Disciplin.ry Rl'f)O't

LegislJlive W'JP-U I) MClE News In Memoriam Cla$si~ cd Nooiccs Eo Cetera

9S 105

II I 112 III t14 t16 118 120


President's Page r stale bar is movmg,low ly inlo Ii"" proY;di"g for no(l~rtiS<ln election lhe last pon 1on r:I the 2O!h CE'r1tury. 01 judge!;. The ,ational.. behi"" thi. i. \'I<e finally h;we d computer, I that in an electoralland.l ide for 0"'" or am p1ea>e<l to tell \'OV Ihat aiter nearly the other pdfly, qualified judges couki be driving Reggie CfillY. il is up and running. OUI of office solely bec:~use of par_ ty affiliation, The .ta te', polit ic.J1 parties VI<e should be able to 5em! \'OV more ef· ficiently in the fulure. Thanks are due to hold a problem with thi, eariier be.cause Harold Speake 0< Moulton, Thad Long 01 a dispute ""'" the divi,ion of qualify.of Birmingham 300 the orher members ing ft.>es. "~ thin k an agreement has o<)OUr Long·Range Planning Commi"ce been reached on Ihe disposition 01 fee<. lor many hoors r:I hard I'oork selecting tfle Other proposed legislat;"", 001 SpOnbest machine for ou r ",->(!(Is. sored tot the b:<,. is of significant intefe5t 10 effe<;ti .... ly utili,e our computer, we 10 i"""Y""- For example, no one wOO h.1, ne-ed to load it with appropriate inlom1a· hand led a Ca'" in the Alabama Supreme fion. Shortly,)O\J will fllCei .... an in-<lepth Courl in recent ~a~ could argue with lhe crying neW for a new jud icial build. que>t ionnaire which Jo/1n ~s 01 Tusca l<JO>d and his comminee are pn:p.1 ring ing. 1M> h""" committ~>d 10 the chief ju~ tke the hac'. enthu,ia,tic support 01 leg· Please fill out thi, qoo>!ionnai,e and return illo bar headquarters. OUr COOlNO RTH islation pltWid ing a melOOd 01 funding puler w ill be only a, helplu l to u, a, is Ihis project. Maury Sm ith 01 ~ntgom· the informafion we pul in it. ery is chairman of a ta~ force V>Qfking By tfle lime \'OV read Ihi s. the Alabo,ma Legislalu re w;ll on Ihe new judicia l bu ilding. F\:>,hapS the most /ar·reaching package of legislation be in lhe mid'l 01 it, 1986 regul~r ~ion. The bar i, """'" fi led in the 1986 Regular Session is Ifle group 0< b ill, ,up>ming a number 01 bill, thi, _,ion. Wa lle' Byars r:I Mont· gomery is spearheading OU r effort. f irst, and my priority, porled t,y Ifle AI~b.'m~ Medica l A,wdatiOfl ~nd euphei, th~ legi,lation reapportioning our g<:M>rning body, the mi,tically called "tort relorm" or "rnedica l malpractice bo;rro 01 bar commissioners. and p"", iding some addi· relorm." Your bar usually does nOl take any posilion on legisl~tion aboul which iI, members may di,ag,.,... I tional repr~lation for OUr large>( circuits. Th is is a mat· beli.,.,." ~~ almost any l......-yer who r,lUdies these bi lls ter 01 simp~ equ ity. This legislation also pr""idl'S lor the election of our will be appa lled.l1 W<:h. r.ldic~1 ~rudu ring r:I our teg.,1 pre>idenl.ele<;t t,y direc1 mail ballOl, just dS \'OV fICM' e lect system. as it relates 10 one group. In effe<;t, wrlh these bill, ba r commissioners. Thi, permit' ~ry me"'ber of our in· doctors are attempting to se1 them ",I .... , ap.1rt, to ""'" an tegrated bar to participate in the election 0< its leadership. ~'x.'mp1ion from accountabHiIy. J\..,haps some change is I feel Ihi, is particularly impOnam to some I'>"nger in oroer in this area, but these proposals irl\oJl .... ch.lnges "'embers for whom 1""",1 to 300 eWense for meal, and of such magnitude th.,t they shoold not be adopled lodging al IIIe .nnual nlCeIing possibly conslitule an e<;<>without much care/ul, refle<;t i.... study. ""... will c~relully nomic haro,hip. 1011 0'1'< Ihi, legi,lation. The bar also is sponsoringlegi,lation bringing lawyers Doctors are not the only professionals who ne-ed to be in line with other professions rt'I:\<,roing lhe staMe 01 concerned about malpr;)Cfice iIClions. P[e5idingJudge john limitations lor negligence. The stalute lor law~ is nuw BIYan r:I the IOrh Judicial CircuillOld the Birmingham Bar six ~drs, and OUr bill ....,uld I""",r that to tl'oO ~ars. A,socialion he feared malpractice suit' againSI lawyers Last I"'ar I'>"r booro 01 com missioners appr<M!(! legi,la· Continued On INse 71




March 1986

Executive Director's Report Number 13 Lucky for Bar howe c~ 10 ~ rh;~ 'Po"C" 10 M ,,,bute 10 11 mem~ 0( !he St~1f! Bar woo. like their ~. ~re "un; he<oes.." T'- ~fe the mcmbefs of the board of IN.......m"'..n, The Oxic of I\!J/);JmJ provid~ lOt ("~dl oon of 3 1"""tI 01 bat exami""" and lis election by the 8<».d 01 Commissioners of lilt! ", IJi)anu SI~le Bar. This is but one 01 tile many highly ~gnific.nt dUti"l sr~lulorily vested in the commiHlOl\E.'fS.


PrrsenI procedures lor selectIng l'I<¥I>•ners we,e ~,§hed ,n C/<;1obef 1<)]6 when rhe (ommISS~ decIded to "'" 12 e~am'''''rs and a IlOrH!Umining chio"m.ln o(!he boatd. The e><.1tninen ~re elected to d /O\l,.~a, lenn and muS! 1(IIal" off at the condu\.lOO of this penod of M'fVict> The cornml~sion<-"I al~ C""led an Advisory COll1mOl1oo 10 the board oi bar "'dmioo.s. wil h 115 mernbershipcom ing I,om wllhin the commission irroe lf. The five ~rnber~ S(!rv.; Stagge<ed tl'fms and Un be ro-elected. John 8. Scott. Ir., cu,rently ChioifJ the commitl<!e, II is the 01· neyl lid.,.",. wuh rhe 1>0.0«1 of bat PlI.",nen.. KrN'n,ng pou'mo.1leurninrH ....d new e ... m,ners <IS VK~ncOft occu,. Thl~ column is beong w,inen '" members 0( lhe bo.>rd 01 ba. e>almlners ~ in one oJ the" two ~II-d~y (s"turdayl """"ingS ,,,,,,ewing ",.am ln.ation quesl i~ . 00 model "n,wers they have


lor the Fmru.ory 1986 ba< ex.aminallOn. EKI> e~loeo- worl<s with a co-e~am;ne< in one 01 ~ .. e< ... y wblect ~,e<lS, ~oo, while they ronlo-r prior 10 the "um ,,,view meelln8- they submit tl!ei, colk-.ctlve effort, to " c", ique by the enti A!" board. In addition to. reviewol the e .. m (ILJeStlons. they diSCUS. procedure< and ,evlew 'l,>ults of prevIOUS e>al mS. Since the ex~mi~rs indell'-'nde ntly gr.oOO their e.ams, they ha ..... no chance 10 ,.... iew the overall ,esul ts unlil the 1I'.xies 00 e .... mll\,}IIOO MVe been announced. Roben /'oilS, • former grading "'• .aml",-,,", w,1I conclude hos four-Y".' l<'fm ... dw,rm ..... following the July 1986 e... .am. ll~e lois two predeo:esSOflo. LT. B,own, Jr., .nd l. Tennem lee, he too has gained national proo"Imence lor h.. work in !hi,.'e•. Since 1911, the board of boo, e . amlr"ll!rs corui>tem ly has been '"ted as the rop 1)()'1rd ()( in the top th'"" bo.ordl when l'Sl-dy result, are correlated With multi".te pe,for"",oce. No arlie, bo.>rd Un"h;s di,tinctioo. It iSlne Ie;ode-rship of Bob, f.T. and Tennent t""t h", ~ lOCh ""ahty "",lorlllanc~ posllble. The ~"""""ning c"""""", woR:.S clos.ely wllh <ldml,5ionI: M'<:""a'Y Nor· IN RobI:Hm; .nd the ;eereu'Y 01 the bo.>,d to im;u,~ ~ Iillf and 5mOOIh ex' .uno..... toon proces. In MidltlOn, the ch.0", man j(~ "",l1ions ~ooning fa,ling e •• mlnee!· rewh •. He is subjected to unfJ" and u"foond.!d critki,m of the d,~fted


proce.!o, plus thfo prl' 01 di\.ilppoonled ~ ......",ees .vod lhe-o. IntereSled I"ends. Thee .......ners _ ..... ........ oifo..limeS. yN"n Midlt,on t08,vln8 the e. · .m. We h...... ~ /onuna.e in also

'''''t ""'"

nave been ab le to ,l llen<! the N ...

lion~ 1 Confe,ence oI8ar ex.ominers an· nual ooe-day wa rlc lllop in Chicago. The" dediCition, how ...."'. is ,eally !-hown wh.'o lhey forfeit over Ii. 10 eigh, we<eks of thfoo, pet5OI"Iall,_ 10 grade ex· am' .... tion polpet1. Tne cu,"",dy ~'" IKin, 27s,.pius e .... m,nee! in Fetw-V. With the July number hk....... 10 be 400-p1o.rJ. This i.accomplished at night and on w~s. The lOIil cOInpe"SlIIIOn lor an e...;I ..... ne< is S 1,7s.o annually. It fSoI:Mous one does no! """" in th,s c.paclty lor the money. Li~ c lhe c""irman. the gtading ex· Commucd on page n



Riding the Circuits Marsh. U County Bar Association The newl~l ecte<i dticef1 of the Marshall County Bar As!<Xiat ion are

as foll<>"'S: Pre>ider":

David lee J0<>e5 Vice president: George M. Barnell

Sec rt.>\ary/t",. so ref: T. J. C~"'es




The '-WI" IkIf Association', d"nUJI Ch, istma. mCCling waS f>e ld Fri_ day, December 20. al the Adm,ral Semm.,., Hotel. Alabama', n~"""'l member of the wprcrne court. Just ice

J. Gorman Houston, Jr.. was the guest , peaker ar.d Ju)!ice lanie 500"" an honored 8lJe>1. Justice Houston', SO", Rev. j. Gorman HOUl1011. III. a lso was ,n ancndance dnd offered the irM.><:dtion. Alben I. Tully; Ra lph G. Holoo'l\.I •. ;

n i ~ed

for the" l).lst cont ribut ions to

In.. 1>.1, and the" conlinUl'd support ,,,,d p"rticip<,Tion. These members have been practicing I"", for a rombiflC(1 156 I"'.m.• nd ..acll has "' ''''''' as preSident 01 the MBA . A 1943 photograph of Ihe til"", ""5 pn,s..nK~1 10 P"-,,idenl Kilborn and will become • IJeJI11a",-'nI r>art oIlne MBA af(hi~ The December meeling a l,o marked oulgOing ~idenl Ben C Kil· OOU15 r>assing oIlile g;r.ello Milchell G. L1ltof. il>COl11ing presidenl.

and Joseph C Sull;",,", I,., "",re re.::og.

Tully. Ho!berg And Sullivan (Mobile Bar As)Odafion)

MJreh )9B6

President's Page Con tonued from P"8'-' 68

were going 10 I:>ecome muth mor"


mon. Judge Ilryan caulioned u,a lll(> imPRM' our d iligence MId documental ion. 1\5 ~ nl(M! inlo d period where clients "'" the" I~ be<:ause they do nor l i ~e

lhe ...su1t5 obtained, I sh3re Jooge Bryan', app,,,hension. M."Iy ul)OU continue to speak 10 me

about your malpractice in",.aoce. INe arc awa re rJ tile prob lem .00 cooti nue to work 011 il. Cathy Wright of Birmingham and ""illip Stano ul Montgomffy al1ended a conference on the Nationa l Associat ion 01 Sar·RelalOO In,uranee Companies in rate Janual)'. u tero we will repon 1O)OU on Iha, m""'ing. I continue to be lieve that Ihis is Ihe d irection we U I Il"~llely w il l be forced 10 wke. The Mid)ear ~tjng of the "1"luIm. $t,lle Bar will be he kl in Montgomery March 19·20. w ilh a membershi p ....:e p.ion al ,fie new Alabama Shakespeare festiva l bu ilding the fir.! <'WIling. FoHcwing the Mid year Meeting is a b,a,.spon><>red trip to 6t!,mooa. de?;lr,ing March 21 and returning March 24.

Exe<utive Oire<lorrs Report Continued from

p;!ge 69

ammel"$ serve fou r.., !erm~ An e>:. am iner maybeele<:~1 toe<.Jmine in""" ~ eld ~nd later d~ to mO\'e inm anott...r if a vacancy occur.; however. initial scleaion il ~ upon ,'" ilCknowledged expenise in thi , a'ea fo r which thf;oy are selected. Tm, adVlwry committ~ wek, ooth ""rum".,r appl ieanll and recommend~tion, through the board of barcomm ..sionets. Balance w ith res"""t to geograpi1k distr ibution. fi ,m ,ize, race, gende" educatiooal bac kground, practice and e>:pe,ience, as well .s gene,. 1 rellUtatioo /or quality ""'rk and im"'gfity, ente, into tt... sek>ction proc",~ Fou r examine" mu,t rotate off the bo.,d following the Ju ly 1986 exam. Tht.'Y are: jim Hughey, bu,iness "'l\iIniz,," tion,; M • • Pope, equity ju,i\d iction; George Ford, pleading and pr.lCtke; and Dow Perry, wi ll" trusr, and "'tates. An

Marvin Albritlon 01 Andalu.ia was elected r;". the board oIbar commis,ion· e rS to fill the vacancy Qfl the court of the judiciary by theoeath of. great lawyer, Jimmy Carler. Your commi"iooen; were sued recent· Iy in • matter rclatl.'d to the d isc laimer required r;". ou' ",Ie regu lating a<lvenising. Wa r"," lightfoot 01 Bi,mingham ",,1_ unteered to represent Ihe board, and he and Bill Morrow, Ou r genera l counsel, were ,uccelsful in the defense 01 that suit. I",., ""'" Warren our thank,. YOu hear that I"""r 'itudent, are g,ad_ uati ng f,om Our law schoo l ~ It ju st may be a slight bl ip in the geocra l trend, but 297 appl icant' 'igtll'd up for the February ba, exam, about 100 more than I"'ar. \~ att ..'Oded meeting, 01 the Southern ,10(1 National Coole"",c", 01 Bar Presi. dent. and the Americ~n Bar Association Mid)".,,, Meet ing in B.\ltimore in " .. Iy Feb",.ry. These meeting, are a lways in· teresting Jnd informati ve. 1 had the plea,ure 01 visiting with and speaking to a numbe, 01 local bar associ.tion, during the pd'it few weeks ~nd look forw~rd to continuing these "i,il~ .


l. Norlh

existing vac.:oncy in the field 01 wil ls. tru,ts and ",tates wil l be filled in March or April. Thi. vacancy resulted from a mid·term resignation 01 an e""miner. Not infrequent ly, the board is cal led upon to fill a position on a temporary, onN ime only basis when an e><ami"l'r h., a relati ve t,.ing the ba r exam. "lem· porary examine" frequently are chosen from .mong /ormer t'l<,,,n iners e>:peri. @cedinthec","minatlontechn iqueand proc ... s used r;". the board 01 bar ..... ~nllners. Liste' Hill 01 Mon1gomery and K"r;". Sevier 01 Birmingham are ren<ler' ing ten1porary service on the February 1986 e""m. Othef examiners p"""",tl y serving and the ir 'otation dates are: Cleo Thomas (2188); Sue Thompson 12187); Nick Bras· well (2189); Dag Rowe 17187); Richard Dorman (71'881;.00 Larry Vinson 0188). One oItlle real pleasures in servin g as secre"'ry 01 fhe board 01 bar examine .... i, the opportun ity to be associaled with fhese auorr>ey> and the i, predec",s.ors.

Theil"$ is a difficul! .nd most importa nt !ask Thf;oy have endured unfair crit icism, meaning]e .. litigation .rld accu!HItio", that impugn their integrity. Tt... quality 01 their perlormanre is their vindication. It is flOt ea,y to be a bar e..miner. It is a th.1n kless job. The entire bar is in their drot. II}'OU would be inte rested in serv ing • • an e<.Jmincr. please write to Bob fulls, John SOOIt. \OUr bar commi,>ioner or me, and exp'''', this des ire. Indode a pef_ sonal resume, and indicate the areals) in which j'OU would li ke to be con. idered. £~n though a vacancy may not exiS! in the immediate fut u re in this a rea, we would like to know 0I}'OU ' interest in rhe event a temporary vacancy need, to be filled. In today's "",rid of bumll"'r sticke ..... borrowing from one I see f"","""tly, I wou ld be happy to have one on my ca r Inqui ,ing. "Have You Hugged a BM Ex· aminer Todavl" • - Reg inald T. H amner




Handling Automobile Warranty and Repossession Cases by


D. Si11 "'8', Jr" TI>c Lawyers Co-op Publi>/1ingCo. 1984, pp. 479

Itevie .... ed by C rl"g Ward

Since the ma\~ prodllCt1on 01 I"" ho<.eles. cmiage, elien]s h""" been going to _ attol""Yi-usualiy laic Friday .fte",,,on_wirh the question, "T"" car that I just bought is a lemon. What are you going !O do aboot i,/" AI10meys had .11 too often Ofle of two reaction •. They either a<:<:epIed the ,_, wenl 10 the booh and, ""Iy lhen, realized 1he jungle inlo which they had >\'r'Iru,ed. Or. having laced tha, p.onicular uooe,b,u.h before, they pl~.,j a bu,y scht.>du lc, .rnL wllh a kr.owing smil .... >usgested the diem ""'the new attorney down the fO.ld. Now there i. a OI'e-voiurne book de •• I. ing w ith In.. law of the automob ile In a way that quickly and c/ICCli",ly br inS' such Ca§eS w ithin the attorney's gr.sp. Profe,,.,. Bi ll ings >late<; the book w as cooc.,;vm when he I>O!ked tha, in cases decided uodet-lhe Uniform Commerc ial Code the ><lIe and repossession of automobi le! were di!proporioonately represented. He concluded thai automobiles a re a big ticket item , and consumers are increasingly using the i;>w 10 aSlen thei' rights reg.>rding them. His goal i, "10 make possible lor all lawyers a moreord",ly resolulion 01 diSpUtE'S i,.. volv ingdefectiveand repossessed aulOmobilE'S, ~nd 10 facilitate liligation a, a la<l rewrt." Bill ings e xplains In.. Ule 01 oot only the basic UCC remedies, Anicles 2 and 9, but fills the gapS with special feder.ll remedies, ,,,ch as the M,lgnu ssoo-Moss WM,anty AI;1, the Fede1'al Odometer ACI and Ihe Fede,al Trade Commission ACI of 1914 as amended, Along the way the attorney is caut ioned against USing Siandard state remed ies before first explor. ing the pe,t inent lede'al 5Ialutes a rid regulations.

The book i, in chroflQlogica l order. wllh challters one through ",ven dealing with tn.. purchawof a defective new ca,. Billings begins w ith con tracting lor the aulomobile and surrounding oc'g01ia. lions and conlinues Ihrough issues in_ volv ing warranties on Ihe purchased vehicle. He di§(u."" certifICate of tille law!, now found in various lorms In every state, and lhe buyer's right 10 rei""l or revoke lhe sale. NO! wil ling 10 leave uut eilher side, lhough, he discus"" the dealer', ,emedies when the buyer reluses to pay for a vehide already del ivered, Also includ".J i! a good analysis of lhe variou, nlethod! of ar· bil ralion and med ialion availab le, in· cluding a look at Ihe prog'am, 01 General MOtOr!. Ford and Chry,ler. Chapter seven is devoted to tn.. Mag· rlU,son·Mo>s Warranty Act and covers who can be sued undt...- the act. where to lue and how to reeolfer attomey's fees. Thi! chapter is more I i tigat;o~­ or ient".J than the others. Billinl\S conveniently ioc l ud~'S ><Imple jury instru<:tion!, CO ~ll)lain!S and an a,!Ollment of di§(overy lools, all 01 which are gea red toward the act. The full le,t of the Mag· nuSSOO·Moss Warranly Act is included in an append ix and is useful as a quick ,eiere"ce.

lhe next section pertarns 10 new ¥ld used carS and includes d i§(us,ions of deceptive practices, odometer Iraud. used car sales and warrantiE'S. and how to hand le defective and negligent repa;, cases. Chapl~ r 11 deah with default and ,epDlses!lon. Few .reas of aUlonlobile law become complicaled ., qUICkly as litese, and few give ri", to liabil ity as quickly, This chapter gives .. good in· Irodud ion to issues a,iSlng in 1he5e a,eas; however, st,lIe laws vary on these tOlJics, .lrld th;, !hou ld be comkleret.i a good in_ trodllCtio~ from which CiI'" law and secondary sources ,hould be consulted. Finally, Billing, deal! wllh defending detlcieocy judgments, wh ich. in the field of aUlomob ile law, 3re • ,e.,lily of the market place on 100 many occa,ions, The book i, a u",lul reference point. and can help to quickly acquaint the busy altomey wilh \tis die"t 's 1eg.>1pro. bl""" a, well as act., a beginnrng point for the solut ion. Highly annotated, lhe book assist, the atlorney inlO Ihe case law. It does not purport 10 be the linal word on all aspecl! of automobile law, just a poinl of beginning. Such is nee:i. ed. And, it might JUSt keep those clie"" who OII1e","se \wuld have bt'efl referred 10 someone e lse. •

Grt-g Warn rt'Cf'ivcd hj, bachelor', degree (rom Auburn Unjversjty ~nd h" f~ degree from lhe Univer>ily of AIJbam~ School of Law. I-Ie is in prlVare practice in lanell, Alabama, and serves on rhe editom! bwrd olThe Alabama lawyer.

Matt:h 1986

1986 Midyear Meeting March 19-20, Montgomery, Alabama DATE Wednesdi»',


9 a,m.- nOOn


19 Regi",.!;on

Montgomery Civic Center,

300 Bibb 51""" Alabama State Bar Build ing

415 De.ler

Noon- UO p.m.

Mid;ear """",,ing C~wncl>eon

"""'' Ire

Montgomery Civic Center,

300 Bibb Street offic~

Committee Meetings

Downtown law

Cocktail Supper

Alabama Sh.1lesroeare """,ivai Theatre (8u>Ei'S will shunle be~ c.:.,.",.nor; Hoose Motel and thea Ire.)

CLE ",mOl'." "The ~r and the Medical Ma lpraclice Crisis" (10 c~ i t»

G"""' 1I<m House Motel 2705 E. South 81Yd.

Noon_ DO p.m.


Gowmors Hoo.»e Motel

1:30- 1 p.m.

C.oo idal!5' f'orom: MOIney General',

c;a...emol"S Hou>e Motel

ThuM...,.. March 20 9 a.m.- noon


END O F MONTGOMERY PORTION OF MIDYEAR MEETING [Thos.e >!iI')Iing ""'" Thursd"Y niglu can availlr.ems-el"", of a private showing of -'\<\11m"" lor the P'OSl'Culion" and a keg P<Orty at lhe home of the Capri Community Film Society, 1045 EaSI Fairview J>.\.enue.)

Frid~y. M ~n::h 21-Mond~y,

Tile Alabama !..1wyer

March H -Midyear Ml'I'lrng Conlinues in


for the


~rd ~

I. Inlrolioclion ~e pI""n,ns

Iw u~ \fly ';gnifoc""t 0Ind dr~mal;C change during the palo! nine jNl'S. The enactrnef'lt by congress 01 'he '[ox Reform kl 01 1976 her~1ded an era of unp.ecedented legis1~liYe ch~ng.. in lhe ~t .. and gilt tax area. AmonS the many change """"ted i. a significant increase in lhe size 01 a dece<;I",('s e$late aempl from federal @Stale IJ ~ , The estate tax exemplion, ron-Cep!ually changed 10 an estJle tax credit bv the Tax Reform Acl 011976, iocreaied itS

Iollows: ~,



...."", "" ,,~

,,.. "", "" ""

1987 or><! .It..

.... ,,-

, ""'"'

(_len! E»!mpI"",



S1751>25 1215,000 S275,ooo SJ25,OOO

""""'" '''''"'' '""''''''

Werthei"",r, III , louis 8. Fekt

El,ta.e ux fililll oequiremenlS ~ been adfU'Sled 10 oeI1ect the ioc ......... in equivalen! e<emption, resul.,ns in ma"" more be,ng ~ from the requirement of --. filing an est~le lax relurn . A cong~soonal .tudy in 1976 protected that boy 1961 96 percent 01 all estales would be e>o:luded from filing an eslate tax return. In spite of lhe eflcct of inna· tion on the ""tualion of estates, it ~Ie» i, currently projected thaI bv 1987 95 percent of all eslates will be "". duded from nii"ll an esta", I~" relu,n. The efIeot:l 01 the I,betahzed equi",,1em ~ron Ihould be ~-laX cor>sidefations will pI~ a less imPlJf'3nt role in ~e pa..,ning. and e5ta1e pa..,ners an coral on r l ...... ns!he I"'f'OIlal goolS of chents..

......... Ihll!hMld and wiie) 01 Ie» than S6OO,OOO. Furll\et 1/ a huWand and wiie roordinale !herr estate ~ and !he firs( TO die passes ,he equivalem e>:emption ,nlO a '"b\IpaSS· or "credillhelter" tru~ designed 10 .wold taxa,ion 01 the 1nJ~ as...1S in the estate oI,he !<lrviving spouse, a hu!band and wile can 100aily amid <!Stale I.xation on the ... ,,>fer 01 Sl, of •• 5e1S to lhe ne>;1 S""",.'ion. The del· inil>on 01 ~ ·~,e esta1e" is therelore quile liber.ll ~nd contrasts sha,ply with the definition oI"moderate ""aU!'"' under pre-1977 law. whe.., ~n rs1~te t.av;ng .. ""I..... in I':XCtiS t.J S6O.OOO w:rs act .... l..,. subject to ......Ie t.oxali."..

II . Delinilion of Moderate hlate As lhe lable indica'es, by 1987 es",'e la:<es wil l be no conSideration whatsoever fo' a f"mily h""ing an .g.g~te

w,thout ""ph.~5 on .ccur.,ely gat ...... ing lactwl (!au on. dienfspenonal and fi narocial alfai". Un les. " pri\CIilioner lhoroughly ana lyzes specific family prob-


HI. ~ 1M f.K1S No discusr.oor> of ~ale and gin ta .... tion. ~ blie/. would be CQIIIplete

• Moderately Wealthy Iems. weh H a h~ndic.ilpped child Of child~ 17,0 ~ prior m.>rri~~ the ..... !U~ cI poopeuy ~nm.hip and ~ ~ni­ nell! r~ the elate plionner will be un. . . 10 poQp:'Oly di~, d;en(s needs ;ond JWK.ibe appn;>pti~te ...:lion , An e!j.t.:ue pbollCf mUlj be sens.iti.... 10 !he dr.lstic eIIeas which may be callSed by _ InSly insignificant delails arid ~, i fy In/ormalion himsell ""lief than rely on ~ diem's recollections of f<IcI. IV. Tn>ic"r Clifnt P,o/ilf$ Alrhougl> no! !mended to be an _

t..USli", or complere de!cripoion 01 clients who enlf.'f an estilll' planner's of· 11«. !he blkM'ing cl.w;ioc..tiom Ie Ionh some typical sit..... tions an estate planroer face and problems and concems of cer· tain types 01 clien'" A. '!buns Couple/No Childrfl1 These clients typically will le.l\'e e-eryIhio8 to ~h Other and appoint eKh OI~ as eo«vIOf. It il impomtll 10 ~ hI:M~ the effect of a common dl~. Should lhe f;lmily weahh pns equally 10 the pa~IS of the )Otlng coopl~ Should the Iohare p.ssing to one side 01 the fami. Iy by,)'!SS the parents and p.1" to ~~ and siste~ A dis<:uosion of the A I~banla Uniform Simultaneous Death .-..:. arid

«rlain ptOlo'islons 01 Alabama's proOOle 1_ duling wim presumprions 01 WNi .... orship 1oI1ow. 8. """'II C~Minor ~ Who getS the ~t 01 m.. f.omily _.llh it not ~n Issue in this silualion. The COt>th typ;c.lly wililea.oe e-ythins \Q <9Ch other, if living, and OIhe,wise to lhe ch,l· dren, Critic~ 1 consid"t<ltions center on>odd pootidinl~ /of mino< childfl'f\ dunns minority and, pe<. haps, thereafte<. A tett.1mH1t.1ry m.IM freQuently will itCcomplish this purpose, altnoogh devises under tlMl "1~b.1ma Uni· form Gifts ID Mioors Act and devises to leSt.1ment.1ry lUardi~ns rmy be ~mpler ;MId II'IOfe ;appn:>pl"i~te in -.... cilCU,... !.U""n. The elate planner also must deal with special ~ion;!l (It he.11II needs d m.. mlllOt ch,Id_. C. Older Couple/Adult Children " i~oont concem d the older coople wi,h adult Is the special r>eeds of one Or more ch ildren. Theolder cou·

pie f~oontly will advana funds to older children lor the purchase of a honw, the establishment d the olde< child in nosiflO'» (It some other purpose. If special assistance is required In m.. future, ll>eseneeo:ls should beadd~ In the ~.te plan, On m.. ot~ hand, if !he older couple made sifts to • INrt,culat' child during li~ .nd wanl$ to ajU<lli~ dlstnburioos among .11 ct.i1d!81 at ~alh, ,he couple On treat weh prior Sim 01 distributions as advances upon fU'ure Inheritances. "noIlMlr concern is protect,on flQrn inlaws. "n oIde, coople frequently is con=ned "ch,1d m.Ijll"I di-.oKt'd or fam,ly ~ m.JY ewj"" from • ch,ld to that child's spouse and, ult,mately, \Q the SjXIlM'S f.omily.

D. Sin,lt Individual The single individual I~oontly will question ,he need 10, a will . tf tlMl sinSle individual d ies without a wil l, iloweYI!r, many polen'i.1 "uprises lurk within the laws of fi~, unless p;ifl'f\1$ or heirs at I~ teSlde wi,hin the ... te d "I.born<>, family nll'lnbers mav be urWlle 10 .xlminiSleI' esute. Second. it mav be desi ..... 1or !he !insle iooividwJ 10 p;t» his or her ......Ie 10 _ other than his heirs lit I~. Thitd, ......." ~ !he Man<J. .td a'llumen's al"inSl inres!.1CY, weh as the ability \Q .....,.d postinS a SUrely bord,



filing an inventO<)' and fil ing per iodic accounting" E. Su ... i~ing Sf'OUse/Sa:ond M~r_ riage The widow or widower may have ;>ccumulated ~gn i flCam pe<Sonal property, ,uch as antique furniture, sil""r, j"",," e lry "nd colledib les. Since there are no ",late ta. impl ications to item i ~ing such property in the will of a "moderately .....ea lthy'" individual, a surviving . pouse frequently will ma ke specific devises of I",rw.nalty, A ,urviving 'pollOI! may become a new bride Or groom and must carefully cons ider the ramificat ions 0< remarriage, II the surviving Sp.:lUS<! ,,-'marri", but does not revise his Or her will. the nI'W spouse is entitled to one-half (1121 0< the cl ient's <'State. Code 0< AI"bam. 119751 Section 48-8-90 If the ""rviving spouse executes • ""ow wil l alter remarriage or in OOfItemplation 0< ,em'uriage, surviving 'pouse would be entitk-d to an ell'Cti"" IDare of the ""rviving spouse's eslate, which is con,iderably les. than r.>rle-half (1/1) 01 the <'State, The surviving Sp.:lUse a lso should con,ider 'igll'ing a prenuillial agreement upon remarriage, to further protect hi s Or her asse1s for the benelit 01 child ren or beneliciar ie-s. F. Singl e Parent The single parent with minor children i, fac_ ed with milny 0< the same considerations as the j'OUng couple w,th m inor child ren. An additional f;>ctor, ~r, i. the man_ ner in which the former spouse fit. into the estate plan. The former spou>e ~in, a parent of the minor children, and cenainIy would have pr iority rights to guardia"" sh ip in the event the sing le parent d ies. To what extent should the former spouse al w be considered or eliminated from the fidl.lCia", posit ion s of e:<e<:utor and

posited I:>; only one of the said persons; there ''<os any intention on the p.lrt 01 the depositing perwn to ma ke a gift; there WitS deli",,,, of any bank book, account book, ...... ing' account book, certifocate of deposit o. any othe, wr iting Or evidcn<:e of ownershi!>; or any other circumstance,. Codeo< Alabama 119751 Section


(2) AIJbama ca>e law, IxMwer, would all"", al legation. of Iralld , duress, mistake, incompetency Or undue innuence to be made I:>; the estate 01 tn.. deceased deposit(\( where appropriate. Hines ~. C~rr, 372 So. 2d 13 IA la. 1979) i3) While joint ban k accounts may "avoid probate; they prrx/lKe inherent conflicts. For example, a ""phew in



V. Tricks, Traps and Planning Oppor· tuniti es of Estate Planning A. Imnt Bd n~ ","coun •• (11 Alabama law prO'>'ides that any deposit made in any bank in tn.. names 01 IvI<O or more perwns l),lyable to any such persons, upon tn.. death oI';ther 01 j."id persons, may be paid I:>; the bank to the wr'lfiw~ joint ly, irrespecti", of whether the form of deposit cootains any prO'>'i~()/1 for sOr'lfi-.orship; the funds .....ere de-


town with tr.e Junt and is joint owner 0< the bank account; hi' fi"" siste~ Ii"" out 0< .tate. Even if he should be a "good guy" aod IDare tf,., bank ao:ount with his sisters, rhe Interna l Revenue Serv ice has ru led that his sharing 01 the jOlllt bank ;>cCount i. a gift , RC\I. Rul. 77-372, 1977-2 CB 34 4 (4) A joint safe deposit box is not a ,u._ vi'-'Ol'hip ;>ccount. It is a Ie ..... a.",ngement, and the property located within it remains in the custody, COnll(>1 and management 0< tn.. decedent's estate. liv ing_ ston v. f'oIwll, 57 So. 2d 521 (Ala. 1952) (5) If "I(' Creates a joint bank account for himself and "B" (or a similar type 01 ownef5hip I:>; which "I(' can reg;.in the

entire lund without "B's" consent), there is a gift to "S" when "S" draws upon the ",cou nt for his own benefit, to the ex_ t""t of the amount drawn without any obligation to aCCOUnt for a p.lrt of the I)roceeds to "A,· IRC Reg. 25,2511-1Ih)(4) 16) Tn.. <'State ta~ conSiderations 01 joim property are w,,11 de!,ned and discussed in IRC Sect ion 20401.a) and (b). B. Other loint PrOperty (1) Alabama law pr'O'll ide, wnen one joint tenant di", before the Sil\'Il.anCe 01 the joint property, his inlerest does not su rvi", to rhe Olher joint tenants but descend, and "",ts in his estate, pr'O'llided, that in the ~t it is Stated in the instrument creating such tenancy that such tenancy is with right 01 survivorship or other 'MJfds used therein sJxp,y. ing wen intention, t!ten upon the death of one joint tenam, hi, in· ter~>sts shall p.>" to the SUr'lfiving joint tenant o. tenants ;>ccording to the intent of such instrument. Code of Alabama (t9751, Section 35-4-7 This s~'tutory joint tenancy prO'>'ision onen i. re/erred to a. a "poor man's" wil l. 121 1f the .urviwrsh ip feature is desired, whether the Pr0!"'rty in question be real or pefsonal pr0perty, it mu'>l be stated. 1\ recita l that propeny is he ld as "joint t~.... ants" is merely a ten,l ncy in common la form 0< property "",ne~hip I:>; whICh IvI<O or more pe,sons own undivided, concu rrenr interest in an asset), EKh person can tran,ier his imerest dur_ ing lif!'time or at death. There i, no right 01 .ulll iwrship. 131 Alabam" does no1 remg_ nize tenancies by the enti rety, (a joint tenancy betwCt'n husbaod and wifel. It Cannot be terminated excellll:>; conICnt of lJoth owne~ Or operaTion of law. In Florida tenancies I:>; the entirety are recognized, and husbands and who reside in A I ~bama often own condomin iums in tn.,t fa,h ion. (41 Alabama case law ,pe<:ili(dlly ..... cognizes that a joint tenancy wtth ri ght of wrvi'l<lrSlli l> is destructible. Eithe< par_ ty to Th is form 0< prope~y ownersh ip may without tile (onsent or concur rence of the other ,., 11 or gr.., away hIS or he, interest during lile and thus destr~ the sur· v;wrsh ip feature. Nun" v Ker!h, 26-8 So. 2d 792 (Ala. 19721



(5) AdditlC)l\ally, ... (~ma proper!'( (,aw r«Ogni~cs a form of (oneu r",nt owrler· r.hip 01 property t.,. indrvidual. ~ \eNnIS in common wrth pooMions b the eq ...1 "gilts and intE1eSts dumlll d>e li>.es 01 d>e OWrle" the fee to ~st in the survi\/or. This loom 01 conc:ur~1 ownef5.hip e., be ch.llXlet"iud '" creill;ns CQMur· rent hie eSI~ wilt! Cfl)H<Ol1tinsem teom..",de rs in fee 0< a lcoarocy in «)monon for life with a contingent remair>de, in lao.or 01 the IoUrvr.or.'" in c0mmon for Me with conunse.- ~.nde< in fee in the 1oU"";""r dilfe.s from a JOint tenancy with right 01 survlwrship In that the right oIloUrviwn.hlp in one ten;lnt in common i~ not c\eSln••:toble t.,. d>e XI 01 the OIM<. Duran! v. Hdfl>ficic. M)9 So. 2d 7J1 IAla. 1981)


(6111 ..... WIth his own IUM purc/l;l5<!S property and has the totle COII~ 10 hlm~11. and "11" is a joint owner with righl 01 survivor~I"p., bul 000 w~ rights m.Jy be def<>ated t.,. eithe, p;!rty's se.ering his in~ there is a gofllO "8" in the amount 01 "-'II the ""I"", 01 the propeny. IRe Reg 2S,2Sll·1Ih )l51 [)on;!. ti"" intent on the p.on cI the t'ansferor is not an 6~tial element in the applie.. tion 01 the 80ft tax to the uamSer. The apo plkatoon 01 the tax is !wried on the objecti"" faus 01 the transfer and the eir· eurnstanees under which it is m<lde, ' ... lher t"-'n the subject ....l motlY<!S 01 the dooor. IRe Reg. Section 2S-151l·11gK1)

171 The estilte tax considerations con· cernlng joint propeny a re well·known .. nd di~ussed in tRe !«tions 204(1(.0} and lb). Special ~odet;afiort m\lSl be 8i""" to baSiS consideldtiom, ~. under IRC Secti on 1014. With reference to and w.1e survivorship proper. ty, only a 50 II"fCffit ~p in basis is obIained upon the death 01 one SPOU5<!, In non·marital silUations. ~r, the D.iosis Step-up is defJendent upon IItOSS <!Slate inclus.oon under IRe Section 204(l(a). Care al~ mUSl be u~en With the special "con t~plation 01 death" ().lSiS pnwisions cI tNC Section 10 \4(e).

C. Uniform Gifts to Minon Act 01 This ;oct, es~tlally a "poor ..,..,.." trust, is sellof\h in the Code of Alab.ama (19751 5<,..:lIon J5-5-1 1'1. >eq. m The ;OCt is ~n admonistr~tl-e veIl" de 100 the management. lII\e'juneni.>nd use cI cenain typeS of property lor the benefit cia minor.

(ll Although the CU>todi~nr.hlp may be appropriate in ""'roy situations ing With relati-ely ~U a""",nlS 01 proper· ty, it has tM IoIboIing drawb.Kks: 101 The ~p CMV>OI ....'" ..-..I """"""

ty, Codo> d .... (19751 Secti"" 35oS115) !bI All PI<IPMY in !he ~p mu<l be ""rei !O !he ''''Il0l beroefl(i.>ry III • I'J. C~ d Alabomo(1'.l75) Secloon 15-5-SldI IC) tn ,he '"""'t ,he minor benefIciary diM bt40re aotainlns the "l!II! 01 19 1"'>\ me cll!t(ldi ....os.tllp PI<IPMY po.wi undo;r me a-s of l.-.ocr of the .ute of Al.obam.o ..-.I ~ql....... poob.oIe "'""nl<l,;>Iloo. (4111 the donor 01 the cmtodi~1 proper· ty ~mes himsell or """"II as custodian. rhe custodianship property' will be i ... duded in tN. donor's eSlale for lederal ~t~te lax purposes under 5ecI10ni 2036 and 2038 01 the Internal ~ ..... Code of 1954. as arnet"lded. Nev. Rut. 70-148, 1910-2 CB 191; Nev. Rul. 57-166, 1957-2 C8 618 Se-!o flCMnse ~n~ ...d Tru<l Co. 01 florjda ", U.s., 6 9 F2d 126t (CLCI, (981) (5) A u.mSerd poopeH~ 10. cu..wdi· ""Iohlp ron'tllutes an iri'Ir>QCable 81ft. which qua lifoe!l for the S10.000 per donee gift tilx annual e..:lu!oion under IRe 2S081d. Nev. 1M. 59-357, t959-2 C8 212 (6) Income earned t.,. the CU>todi .... Iohip Is ta>-ll.'d directly to the minor, Without the necessity of filing a fiduciary income laX h!1um, loom 1041. Nev. Rut 82·206, 19a2·2 C8 356 In Unless a cu.todi..., _ii, him..,)lof the J,lfivilege 01 designating hi~ SUCC~. or unless the minor designates 3 SUCCes>0< custod..." upon attainins the ase 01 14 ~ars, a COllr1 p<oceedinS would be r~uired to replKe a clt$todian who 10, any ..... son becomes unable 10 set\'e. Code 01 ... labatN (19751 Secfiort 15-W

0. Testamentary Guardi.nship (1) Cenain Ind ividuals ""'Y ~ " I" pOinted tesl.ilmenlary 8uJrdian of the poopeoty oIa minor. such appoinlml!l\t beong ronLolned in !he last will and leliament of the de<:edeot, Code of ... laD.ioma (1975) Section 26-2·23. (2)


The Will 01 the dect'dent n"'l' t ...· tN. test .. II'Wrd..... from


pO>Iing a sun.'Iy bond. Il) A testamer,..,ry guardian iYIiOy be appointed t.,. the IOKt will ~nd leSliim<ml of ~ p;!rent 01 a minor child. Of the p;!tent d. minor child .-,. be appointed t.,. the lalt will and II!Slament of a"l' relatioe 01 the minor chi ld,

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(4 ) Income ..... ned lrom the ~ t.ory guardiMlr.hip is uxed dl~tly 10 tN. minor child. 15) A tl!'S~""""tilry Ku~rdian pertains to _nershlp and fNnagflnent 01 proper . ty. asdiSllnguishood loom ~ gJJ.Vd1~n 0I1he perwn who will ~Isurne responSlbol.ty fo< tOe c~re and cu,tody 01. minor ch ild. E. To tten Trust 01 TillS cre~ion 01 ... labamalNnI<ing I""" 'j !oeI ionh al Code of ""db.oma 1(975) S«tK>n 5-5A-4o. {2t A totten truSt is credted w~r a parent es.tabIlVoes a b.lnk .occounl in the n.ome oI"pa"",~ OK trustee b chold: (1) A parent c..., rewke a totlen trust at a"l' time, '" there are 110 Sill or ~tilte tilx con\O!qUeflC:6 to irs Cteol;un. l~ ..... ~ 25.2511-1: N.HIwn .... 1\Q'lI"m.>n, b· ee. 1)9 F2d 778 Iht Cir.. 19441; hldte of Semo .... Sulw-ch v, Comm. (6th Cir,) 587 F2d 645 (978) (4) Income Nmed t.,. the lOI1en !IUS! is t.o ... ble to the part'nl. Nev. Rul. 62·1-48, 1962·2 C8 153; Rev. Nul. 58·76 , 1958-IC813


IS) A 'O.ten .ruS' rr"'lLJenlly i. es.abli~ ~ a pare<11 wherl.he true im"". is 10 mate an i"""onble gifllhrough a cU~IOOiM~ip Of orhet planning lOa!.


Di<e I~lmers

Tho! ~e 01 Al.>b.lo,... adopIed .he A'''''"'''' Uni/orm O'Klairne. 0I~. ry Inte~.s Acl in 19BI. (Acts 19BI. No. 8J.1S6) The Wolute is located al Code 01 ~(l915)Seaion U-IJ.29(lel. seq. (2) The AI~bama Oi<elaime. ''''ule closely pa.allels lhe Federal T.J, Disc~'mI'1 'tolute found at IRe 25'8. (3) If a IleIlOn di<elaim, an Inleresl ln P'op!:'ny. lhe properly passes n il .he di<e1.aimanl had ~ the ~ denl Of other person wilh a pmdecesor inlC<'e5l in !he JlfOpefIy, Code 01 Ar"bam;a n97S) 5@clion 0-8-294(aJ Since a dlKlaiml'1 ~ naI constiMe a I",..ble R,II. IRe 2518, thi, technique c_,es the pos~ibiliry fOl lhe transfe, 01 significant ptOpI'rty 11'11_ from a devisee or donee 10 othef individ ...l, without ~ gilt tax consequences. 141A di<ela;me, must be made wilhin "il'll'! months from the doue the i"rerest oI lhe di<elaimanl is delermirled. either ~ the J>fOb,:Iling d a will. lhe lapse 01 " power 01 appoimrnen~ the Iransfer 01 property ~ Sift Of otherwi .... Code 01 AI~bama (1975) Section 43-8-292 (5) A pef'lOn is precluded from di ... claimirl8 JlfOpefIy if he ~:KCepted any imeresl what5OeoO'!' in the property p<io, 10 the <hte 01 diK1.aime •. Code 01 AI ... bantoo (1975) Seaion 4J.3.2'95(1) If a di ... d.Jirne. m;ry be appropridle in a pI ..... ning siluation, it is Impon;onl that lhe eslate pI~ ..... nsume control 0I1he silUo1lion immediately lInd ~I the ~enlial di<elalmant from deposiling an Interesl check i" his personal bank account or !akirl8 ;any other a<;tiOfl conscillMirl8 ~ ac«"p(ance 01 benefits. Although p<ior I"", ""S!l'lOre limited. a perwn In AI ... ~ now an diKiaim i~ i" ioirM p<Openy. ptOpI'rty passirl8 ~ intestacy. life insurance proceeds and almosl any rype 01 propetty ;me~ ""isli"S. Code 01 AlaI.>amoo (1975) Seaion 4J.3.291(a) 16) A rypial OppOIIuniry kit lhe use 01 disclaimet1 in a ""","to, setting 'rises wner. one chikl is ioim owner oIsigrlifi. ant boonk ~I§ owned ~ the p.ent. Upon the parent's ~ath. the child beCOI"I"Ie5 wIe o.vne., bul c." Wle lhe ..... sets with sibli"ss. without gift .... coo. seq\.IefICeS, !:Iv m~king limely di!Claimers. (I)


G. Living Wills (1) In 198t. the A!abo,... Legislature JdopIed Ihe "Termiflollion oIl1fe..SupPOft Procedure" Act. enabling an adult per. son 10 w.i.e a "living will" and exercise his Of her righl 10 COI'ltrol o..:isions .... latlng 10 the rendering 01 medical C~re and life.sus'aining procedu'e. Coon 01 Alabantoo (1975) Seaions 22-M-l eI. seq. UI II Is importarM 10 noIII! ..... ~ lor r.IIher otwious re~ " relali", 01 a Jll'f'IQ(I ...... eculing a living win. Of a person who will benefil fin.ol"lCiarly from hi, or her death. (annal be ~ wilness 10 the doc ... ~,.

H. """..... 01 Attorney (I) I" 1981. the Alabama legislature

adopted a Ou.<>bl<! f' oIlvtollley f>ta. tute. Code 01 AI."", (19751 s.ciOfl 2(,..1·2 (2) A du",ble power 01 attorney Is a ~ 01 at!Olney either naI .lffec11!d ~ the diwbility. incom~ or inaJ)iCj. ty Olfthe principal. Of which becomes ",. fecli", upon such diSJlbility. incompetency or incapacity. Code 01 AlablIm. (1975) s.cion 2(,..1·2faJ III The Sl.1tllte does no1 deIlne lhe ~'m " lity." placing .. bu~ upon the eslatf! plan ..... 10 defl"" this lenn i" a" aJ>Pllllll"iale man"", lor the particular sil. ualiOfl. for eu~. if lhe ~ 01 at. torney will "51'''''1"' iflll> effect upon the disabil,ry 01 the principal. the fact of disability probably mould becomingem upon medial CflI,rlCatiOflI~ the pri .... c'pal is unable 10 hofllfle hi. or her business affairs. (4) Although the powtor 01 al. IOmey COIn be limited i" scope. it also COIn ~ e:>.!remety .broad. giving the anOlfle)" ,n.fact aUlhor,ry 10 make gif1s. life inw,. ~1lCe beoffidaty ch.anses "ld essenli.11y 0:10 IM!ryIhi"g kit lhe p<ioopal <!OCI'PI rewrile his or he. will, (5) A durable power 01 allOfney is a ""y anr.lCliw .llemali", 10 the cumbet. some.nd e:<pensi", legal guardianship otherwise requil1!d 10 a disabled persons affairs; il.alSO is f~IIy;on ". tracti .... ahemali .... IOl • .....ocable man. agemenl trust whi ch is more ""pensi .... 10 creale lind requi~ II ~Itrarllk< 01 property imOl the trust.


I. Uniform SimultaMOtls o..alh Ac:1 fl) This act is loQ'ed at d", Code 01 Ar.aoba,... (1975) Seaion 43+' ef. seq.

(2) The act provides

1'0. Ihe I'o Il(M inS

~umptiOflS of the order of death wnero Ihe,e is I"sufficient evidence of SUfVr"""",p: W E«h """"'"" prob,ole I'I'>!>erIy will be d,.. ~ 01 as if he "ad wrvi\oOOd!he other. Code <II ~ (ItlS) s..c.1oto 4»2

CblI'fopefty owrwd joontlr. with ri"" 01 ...... v'><N>hip or by II>e .... tiJfty. will be dillribo,otod or-h.olf (Ill) if ...... N. w,. ...;..",j ond otIN\otf (V2} ... if !he ocher had ........-1. eo.t. 01 !lWS) 5K1ion



In ... r."",~. w,1I be di .. ribured •• if tt... .....1M had w,,",\oOOd tt...~. Code oI,o,lobomo (I91SJ SKbon ~.J+.S (l) This acl wilillOl apply If prmision Is made in a Will. living trUSI. deed or COfItract 01 il»u.~ ~ a diffetent pr0perty di,tr ibutlon In the """'t oIsimul. laneous death. Cooe oI,o,lalJ.>ma (1975) Section 4}.;l111 is 10 in)et1 """. rid,ng ~ptions 01 "'fVf..orship i" "ma.ital deduction" w,lIs, bul consider... liOfls 01 suN;o,orsirip are "'lually impOfl. ~I in ""","to, ,~u.ol'ons. I. Uniform Probale Code (1J Effecti ..... January 1. 1963. lite Ala. boo,... Legislature adopted. with ~ modiflCillion. " sWsc..n1 ... , portion 01 the UnifOlm Probate Code. (Acts 1962. No. 62-399) Tho! new pn;Msi<:m, which make ....r:.stantial ch.Inges in ~ aspects 01 AI.bama probale 1"",. are located at m.. Code of Alaha,... (19751 Seaion 43-8-1 (e)


.... seq. 121 Some areas of the new ,_ irr.ol .... ing '1 'icks, traps and 1)lanning opportun. be described n follows: I<>J (1KtM sn- In ... 01 d<Moer and counesy . ish ... t!M: ....... 'v'''8 >PXI'" i• .."",1«1 to on tlecli ..... shore 10 on ilies~ m:oy


........... ~ 10 the ......". of !he ..... ,'" _<II !he dot •• otd tedond by tt... ... "" 01 the WIVl"",,!j)(IIM"s _ _•

or one-Ihlrd (\Il) oIlhe eoto ... 0I11le ~ tNIld. Codt 01 AI.o.m. (l'JlSl Sec1ior1 'J..a.<IO ThIs . . . . . . ~ .......... be ...... into a(Counl in _h pI>oning SlluoliO<l, fu ........ _ . during flOO ... ;od. min;" ........... ij .. importanl to t!M: eIettr,o, ............. be do,med wlIhin si. 16) mor"'" oller the prob,o,., of1he dot ... dent's will. Code 01 "I""""", (I~75' Se<. 'ion 4J.8.1) !hi Ab.ot...- lJndo.r AIobMn.. ,_ the .... Ioidu.>ty ~ is commonty ct..o~ with


~menl 01 .11 debto. 10>5 afld ..... mrni .... tio,e t>pen..,. Code 01 AWbomo ImSlSe<Iion 4~" _QI' t!M: ........ <IIhtI will. ~ thil bum.... am .11oaoo ,"""""iblhry /or paying ......., ""~

in ....,..,., ..,.,.",.... Code 01 ,oJ.

~ (191S1 Se<tim O·~ In on eSf.* ..... '''1 ~ 'i,rbilitio!; or to.-, AI.m..m;o 1_ mOl' """ II in a .ubi•• nli.1


'otal dellle!i"" of ,lie ",,;dual)' ~ale,

Since ,he ",,;dUdI)' beneli<:i.,i<-s ft<"QU<"!>l·

Iy are ,he ""'" lM>red i><>oef",""'" of Ih', 1"""'001. a f.Iol"", 10 com.idet th i. ~ ""'Y """II in " <Ii",;""""" of estiIIc """'" conItary 10 lhe leSI.IO<', intim!. (CI Omilled 5pou1e If .. ",,,.. ,,,, f. ,I. to pr0vide I>t wil l lor hi••""",vlng SPOOIe. who ma"ied lhe ,e<UIOI .fie< exeruti"" of the will. lhe omitted SPOUIe i. ",,'i1led'o.n ,nleSla'" "',,'" of the <'<1.",. Code of AI,,· (1975) S«1 ion '3-3.90 The ..,,,, iy. ,ng omitted spouse'. ;hare be 1... 51 ooe-h.U 11I.!) of lhe ",'ale. wi,h no troUCIion lor the om,ned Sfl'O'JS'!" "'fl"'ole ...1eIs. COOc of ",I"b.lma 11~75) Sec· ,.., 4)-3.41 lh .. i, signir.Co1ntly S""'''' ,n." ,he electi.... ""'"", d,scu.sed;aboo.o,


.....,.,1" "I

WIle"""", •


oem,"..... con.tderr

lion lheteiore should be gi...., 10 prepa rr

lioo d ......... will ... ...,11 a, a ptenupl,,,1 "gtOOIt""'t. 1<11 o;""",e". An""lmenl The """" ~ ~00c cod,n", old law aOO proytdes that .ny proyi~on. in. le>lalO<'S will for the bcneIi' of SUMving 'I"J'US". inch.<ling """" e/ic .. 1 proy .. ion. and appointments to

(idudal)' ,3J>o>C"''''' ..... """",ed 1>t..,1>"-'<l""nt diwrce. Code d AI""""" 11975) Section 4J.&.1l7 (e) Win Con,,,,, A w,11 m<>y be ron l""ed """"'-, if> prob.ol~. Code of AI.>b.ima (1"",1 Sc<;tlon 4 )·/1-1 90'" w ill .Iso mil'( be COr>'<'<1<..J within (&J n>oo,h, ,herrofte,.



Code d AI,b.. "", (19751 Se<:I'on 4~199 s.,,.i"' ..... ip A d<:v11« mu" SU"""" ,he f51 .. to< I>t r,,,,, 151 d.¥ 10


e~y under ,he will of the ' '''''' ''', COOC d Ala"""", 119751 Se<:llon 4.1-8-21<1 lsi Ademption by SoIli,farlion Prope~y ~ ''''.'''' 8"'" In h" hK.-t ime It> a 1>'>""" I, ,.",,{.><11OI1 d. d<:vl", '0 Ih., p'-'f>Of1, in wi>olt! Of in p.o~. ""Iy Ii ,11 """"des lor d<>dudiOft d the 1;0.1 i"", gift, Of the 1eSI"'''' d..d""" ,n • c""t<:mpor'''' «>u ...... , i'mg th," lhe gift should be so Code d AI.I.>.>"", 11975) Sc<;'ion

,,,,,,ed .,

t"" . . .



(hi M."i As"",,,,,,n" A SPOU'" m"Y W.lI1'e ,he tigh' '0 " Ie<;! ,he cie<:tI"" o/I,re Of claim ......,.,.""'-"""''''''' .. 00· e<, before "' ...... mam'I!".!>r" ..... titlen c,","old. The wa i"", iH.fIec'I"" ""Iy if the .... ;';n8 SI>O<J'" had 1"" d,sclosure d wh.!' i. oo ng .... ived, Code d AI.w"", 11975) S«1 ion 4.l..s.72 (il An,I.1,.J.1"<' Undct

J";Of law•• ~i.., to .. line..1des<endilnt of the , ..,.t.,. p.o,sed to the li",,;11 dcsceo<bnf. "",,4k,n in the ....."" the 1t"",,1 "esc.....;!..n! prede«.sed ,he If MljOI>C <>ther ,n,.n .. 1,,,,,..1 des<er><b nt """"",,,,,sed the ....... to<, hIS or her <Iev'1e l.:tf>Se<l .. nd d~ no! p;t>. 'n hi' her """t-ol4In. Under the new proh.:!te code the .. ntl_I,1"<' pt<wi,ion tu. beo-'n exp;tnded to include....,. 1t"",,1descmd.:t nt d .. gt.ndp;t"",' d the t .....,.,.. Code d AI .. bom. 11975) Sc<;,'" 4.1-8-224




Therefore, the nlJl)' eflecl d tf>.! de;] ,h d aunts. uncles. bro!hets_ ';;1..... oi""",,, ,,00 othe" i. dille""'t urlder the """" law, II I, "'lentla l Ihi. cn.nge in be into~"",ide,.t,"" d u"ng ,he "''''''' plann,ng process. til N"""",ne,.tioo A """,Ir.c doN'le of propeny p.lS"" 10 the <levi..., .ubject 10 any n\Or1ga~e or Ii"" .gain .. lhe prope rty whirl1 ex isted a, ,he d.", d de.,h. Code d ...1."""" (19751 Section 43-3.228 Th,; "..,.ision mu51 be c"",Hlered In I,ght of lhe """,,,,,,,,-,,,I 1>''''' i ~"" d i """sed '"""'"


1_ "'k"" lffiUra nce a nd Retirement PI.n Senefic" '" De~ignation (1) The design.t ion of life in,u,ance 0' re, irement plan beneficia ri... is an a rea of estate planning in whic h the ",,<Monal ",ta'e plannel of'en is not irM)lwd_ Frequentl y the emplO'(llf or the life in", ranee sa lesman will si mply p,esen, a benefi ciary design.lion fo,m 10 the em· ployeeAnsured. and the form will be comple'ed willtoul consideration of p lann ing consequences. Problem. in ,hi . area a fi", more freqtJemly with co ntin ge nt benefoc ia f; eo; tha n wilh primal)' beneficia ries. (2) The et100 of some common benefIciary de, ignal i"". are a. fol lows:


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We do more

.oduh ~I("""" if, ..... Iy~ b;u.

than prinlthe Jawwe pulil inlo perspective•.•




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IbI Minor Child MInOr dNldotn ~_

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If...., """,e ;, fIlo>,go.o,td ~oc''''Y. !he bene-

fI" will I»" under !he """" o/ ,~ Will T.... f~y iof """Y~. bur the f>U~~ ....... adv, .. thed ..... ',..,;to ~~. IIwough "" prob,o'" ~ .ond ~ 10

It.......... .",

c\o, ..... tell , ......,_I.O.y



II. ,..... """,1ft! undo< "" Will ... doNgNItd '"' ~ "" bo!neIie _ 0IJU0lbIv ........... !he INdo Ii cttdl1Of>' cloom!.. A\obom;o ........ ..........

................ ;" 'h" "N. h<-. ..... ~

i,. >lfOnB prob,obolllV!he """,I" will boo

lhe .."'"


""",,n8 Ir." ....... !<!" ..

b..",Ii(I.'Y. '~J R....,.,.ble T'~I'

w...",.",." . ignW"'atll

bt-ror/lh ore i ""Ol~ In on ~""e ~.n, <onlide,"ion;.hould boo 8' ...... '" ,ho "" 0/ .. ~~ "W. It. """"",ble ,,,'.. i. ~ .. b<-nI'fOC"'Y..... Wn<fj".",

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~ I,,", I"""once romp;on"" to;o."

<tN''''''' m«h.oni"", whoreb!'. I,.,...,· '''''1I''mtf11 i. <",.Ied ul>d<>, 10e 1<'",,, d

""", benefi<o.>ry ~""'" n,,, js CQ'l-


illhll""",oIlMI _ _.

01 <""'''J''' y,..,. ~"" .ond ...., ....,..Js ...""..,,-

in Ih.II ~ ~ ...... _ ,~

ins lhede.o&h benefo" 10 tho '"""" <II c ......

,ten' <1_

L Conii"S.... ' TfUII Dfafting

Some ;.sues 10 be c~ in ,he oi uu~ lor children ~nd 0It.e. family memboon ~,." "'J "oy Inc.,.".. I. i, ...... to ","d ~ tlu>l In one -pol; iP<>Y,ng 'nc""", """"'8 the "',...... """"""'''''1eI1 Th" may be. ,i!!'l,r.:.", l.ocl'" il!he ''''" ""~'e i, too """, I 10 d,v;.ie """"'8 ,he ""''''''' "'-"><:f",~ ......... IV ",uctuoed • • "spt#j" (I)


PIOo'illOn" .1",


8enoP/lc ....... f""l.-tly un ' - opec .. I.-do. ",horn >hotoId boo .ock\oCIotoN '" • """ donoment_ A <h,1d .....,. ' - oerious hNllh .-do. Of ~~ rduc..iOnoI fund.. T""" .-do. .....,. br ~ by "'" ("' ....... 01 • ..".~ """ lor ,..,;to 1>Mf:f",,..,.. Of by • 01 ..,jd;.. IIONI lunch 10 wd> booM("'o.or{$ ' ..... <it-tem\,ned on • for ....... b.ili. Of simplyotMe<i in doll.., .......... Icl Sptndlhrill P,...-i.ion Alobom,o Low PI'>" """ I,u>, P<OI)t'''Y ond income held for ,he .upport, ""',n'tn'",e.rod L,",UC'''on uf."I' c~ lld, 8,.In(Io;h ild '" "'"'" ",I.,,,,,, by blood Of """ri4e loom .... "",;':ip.><ory """'" 01 cnodilOf>. Coded AI.obomo (1975) t<).]-! " ,..... booM("'''''Y d • "<p(ndtMh , ........ c _ pirdsr Of .... WI .... '" ..... ; _ ,n the 'lUll 'n<orne Of property poiOf 10 -KI .... ~_ In>e<lIOfI 01. lj)t'I'dh"h p!<W_ should be <on(b) Spe<i,oI Nftd.




~ in ~ .......

W) "-~ of

AI.ob.omo ......... I". 01 ~,>ed Codo 01......".,.... /19751

'So:<t>on ..... '''''''''IfO,"I').j·'20 ..

""'l A '""""". will. ..... ""', .... h>l

"""-< e.n .-.,,"" Ihl<

.00 """,,,,,, for .......... ''''ion 10 ,...- in • brooode< .. nil" 01 ......... indud,ng com· mon """k~ 'NI """",;ond ochet _ .... .. n<lo<>n<>d by AI.>bon>' ".lUtt. •

"""""'m. oi oi ~

ify'J School 01 Llw ~OO New '1M: U....

T.I. Program. ~ i, In MljUftCI PtOksKK 0/ I.1w llihe Un .. VI,'();ry'J ScIlooJ of 8u,;"",~ feld I, a ~"ner In lhe 81'mlngll.lm firm of I-~nheim(', & feld.


""'" • """y - . . . . ' ....



c'" """,h on the >hiIMg

Ii """""" """"" _all.>~ lor fed. er.1 Income PU'P<J6<'<.

lou,. B. 1.ld w;t<twled IIOfflIhe UniVl'fSily 0/ AJif.




/I ~


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~"'" l1>d Emoty


~ ;s • lhe B,,· mmglwm firm cI IWrthe,mer & feld. .n adlun(r ptOksKK 0( .o::oom"'g II Ul'6.OO the ~urhot of...-al pub/i.

~rtfIf't '"


March 1986

Sections Something You May Have Been Missing Membc,!hip in one or more sec!ion~ oI!he Alahama Slate Bar ;, voluntary and enhane"" 100 0/ bill member· ship. A desc';p1ion 0/ each >eclion and membersh ip '''/(}Im"'ion fo llows.


Ad minislra live l aw Section membership consiStS of lawyers interes,ed in ,l(!mini>l,Mive p<OCeed· ings at the federal and , 'ale levels. Mem· ber! include govern men, 'l1amey, ., well., privatI! P'ilCtit ioners. The sect ion

p":senIS a proS'''''' dur ing Ihe annu.1 meeti ng of !he ,tate bar and has been active in the Implementation of the Ala-

bo .... Admin;"','),;ve ProccdureAa. Too section also sponsors lfle Eugene W. D rIer ,-\eda llion, an award given annually 10 a forme, public servant for e.ce llence in b."anCing Ihe riShli of individuals ag.lin,1 the inl ... resl5 01 govern men!. An· nual dues to< membership .re $20 aoo shou ld be sent!O Rol~nd l. BuffinglOl1, s.e.:retary·Trea.urer. P.O. 80. 7067, Monlgomery. AI~bama, )6107, 8,ln~ rupl cy

alld Com mercia l L.lw The pr imary pu rpose 01 the Bankrupt· cy ~nd Comme,ciall~w Section is lolacili131e communic~tions bel ..... e..n il5 members concerning IMnkruplCY and mmme,cia l law nJallers and l"Sal ded· sions, with ~ vicw loward p,omollng consr>!ent appliC.l1ion of lhese IJwS rn the va,ious di'tncts and circurlS of ... lalMma. The "-'Clion .... ' fou , staOOing commiltees: bankruptcy pr>CIice, commercial practice. CLEiannu.ll meeting and comm un iealions/new,letter. ...ddiliona l conlmillees are aP\lOinted on an ad hoc IMsis. The §eelion s~nsors CLE programs and a law ~hool wrilms competition .nd Jlw is involv~>d in promoting legi,lalion oeedro in the commerd.1 law IlfilCtice. The annua l dues

Tile AlaWm. tawY"1

for section membe<,hip are $1 5. Infor· malion on ""'l ion membership can be obtainro Irom Lawrence 8. Voit. Treasurer. 4)17·A Midmost Drive, Mobile. Alabama. 36609. Busilll'Ss Torts and Antitrust law Th is =tion is concernro w ith busi. ness litigat ion including antilluSI, Irade regu lation. imerfe<ence wim business relat ions. defamal ion of bUSiness. stock· ho lder lilig.>1ion and employment re la· tions .... n annual seminar enlitlro ""'nli· lIust and Business Tom" normally is held. Meetings a lw are held during an· nual meetings 01 the 'tale bar. St'Ction dues Me $15 and should be sent to George C. Lynn. Secretary-Treasure" 12th FIoo!, Wans Building. Birmingham. ... Iabama, )5203 . Co rporate.



and Business

This section is involved in proje-cts of inlerest to eo.-ery member of lhe ba r. The se<:tion works ..... ilh the ... Iabama law Institute in r""ising the corporate law, of Alabama and publishes a newsletter for section members. Annu~1 dues are SIO and inlormalion can be obtainro from Curtis W. Iones. Sec""ary-Treasurer, ro. Box 10246, Birm ingham. Alabama, 35202. Criminal law The Criminal Law St'Ction is comprised of bar members h.wing an inter.,.,. in malters relaling 10 the c ,iminal juslice 'y'tem of our SU!e and f<'llefal courts. No dues arc required. aOO menlbership is open to a ll members of lhe Slate bar e,· pres"ng an interest The area of crim inal I.lw is constantly changing and pr"" ides rThIny opportunilies lor acti.,.., di~u,\ion and input. Involvement in this §eelion

wil l provide members wilh contacts throughout lhe slale. Pe,son, intereslro in membership should wrile to G. Douglas Jones. Treasurer, 2200 City f<'llefa l Buikl ing, Birmingham, Alabama. 35203. ( nvirortme nta l L.lw Services and <>ctivities of the En· vironmental Law Section are professional improvement in the lield of environ· mental law, anal~i! and reporting 01 development!; in the fie ld and com· municat ion with Other lawyers practicing in Ine env ironmental law area. For se<:tion membe<ship contaCI Russel l Stoddard, Trea,urer, OIfice 01 lhe ...t· torney Genera l. 250 Administrative Building. Monlgome ry, Alabama, 36130. Fa mil y L.lw The Fam il y Law Section of the AI~. bama Stale Bar waS established in 1984. The section publi shes a newsletter for the benelit of family law pract itioners. II has a legislat ion subcommittee whore lunaion i,to con,ider ,tate and lroeral legislation in the area of fami ly law and lhe law of domestic relalionsand 10 sug· gest necdro reforms. The seaion has a lega l education subsection which presents programs for lhe members .... n· nua l dues are S 15. The mailing address is P.O. Bo. 2 14 I, Birmingham. Alabama, )5201-21 4 1. La bor Rel a tioM l a w This =tion indooes lawyers Irom throughoul the ,tate whose pr <>c1;ce in· cludes wor!< in the area> of labor law. fair emfJloyment law. empl~ benefits law and occupat;onal ",fety and health Taw In addilion to providin g a lorum for the e xchange of re latro information and



the _lion SpOrlSOfS ~n annual. I"", seml".,r and ... ith lhe !.abo< I~ _"0",01 ""ri<>us ",he< !Ute !);I", co-sponSOfS "" ~nnual muili-slate labor and "",pIovmen' I.lw sem, .... r. Dues ale $15 lor I"",""", .. lth fj"" or more yeal"! 01 pr3dice ~nd S'O lor lawyel"! .. lth les$ .hall five ye~1"! 01 for informa.ion "-'gam ing section membership, cor'laC! D. ff~llk [)a.1s. Chair· INn. 1600 Rank for $;wings Building. 8i,. mlngham. Alabama, 35203. ~!.abo<

Oi l, G.H and Mi ner.l Llw The 0.1. Gas and MlI"Ie'rall..YN Sectoon _ I!-$.abli~ in '976 and corni!ol~ 01 an oil and gas divi~ and ~ hard mIn· eral~ dIvision. The primary pu'poSe 01 the >4.'~'ion is 10 keep its n""nlJel"l aPlXis00 01 dcveKlopmer\ts in the min.e,al I_ area. and is accomplished I'!' co-sponsor'"g wIth ABICLE "" annual K'f"IlII"lI on 011. gas and mine.aIi.1w. ~ well ~ "f'OIl_ing. ·min'~lna'" ..the secloon mo'!eIing dUling .he ""n"",1 mo'!eIlng 01 the state !);Ir. Cu.temly•• he lo«tion is v.orI<ing wi,h the Enersv Commll100 01 the ha, to prep.1re a hdndbool< on 011. &,10 and m ineral law in Alaham •. AIln"",1 d~ are SI5. which ,lIould be s.ubmi!!OO 10 Mary R. McKay. Trea§tlrer. 300 Alabama Fede,.1 Building. Tusc..aoos.. AbbalN. 3S401.


Practice and P rocedu re The I'r~ice and I'mcedure Section is

comlX"ed 0I1'I'IIl'mboln im~"-'(! in trial

pt'<>CIice and .he litiga!ion process 01 OUr judicial s)'!oIem. Membership;s open 10 aU mernlJon oI.he AI.ob.o ..... State Bat Dues.;ore establl~ on "" a ..... "",1 hasi, I'!' the ""'lCU1"'~ commlNee oI,he lo«. tion. A ""'lor funelion 01 the seclion is lIS edvc~tion.1l fH08r3m conduc!ro a •• he 1\1.b.lm. S~lIe 8., annual mooting. The program consists 01 I""",matio"s by outIJanding rn.em~ 01 the bar and lhe judid..ry .nd is inlendoed 10 keep the pt'aoclitiooer a~ 01 ""'lMt ~Iop­ menlS in lhe litIgation _ . thechairmanolthe!oeClion IS W. Stancil SU,f"IIl'S. One o.mel PI;u.;I. Daniel BUIld1Ilg. BirmIngham. Alab.lma. 152n.

R~~I PfOIM!rty, P robal~ .. nd TruSl Llw

This seclion coopeutes with



S;S15 the Cumbetl~nd 1,,;r'lUte lor Con!i... ulng leg;Il Education in prep.:lrin8 ~nd

presenllng pIOgr;)n1S rel.>!ln81O real prope<ty. !ru\l ~nd prob.lte INners for memben oi the AI~b.IorN &lr. The sea;or,. in cooperation .."h the Cumberland School 0I1..Jw. also publilhes a periodic newsll'lt", which ,,,,,if!W$ "",ent court ded~SOOalin, with ""'011poopeofy. IruM and probale maltel"! ~nd ,,",port, othel "",lten 01 current inr.:rest relating to !he§e topics. An ""n"",1 semina, is held in conlunction .. lth the annual mo'!eIing of lhe ""'" bol. Annual dues ~re SIO.ond should be senl 10 Jo!,eph T. C.rpemer. T,,",»urer. 641 Soulh I..Jwrenee Street, Mon1gOmery. Alab,oma. 16104.

Taxation "1oeltlb.,,>h,p in .his !oIl'I:IIOfl ;, compos«! pr"narily 01 tax Pf;K,,"orll"S, The ~ion gl>es sped~1 emphas .. to ALlboma In matters and h;os be&> ino.ol~ in chan,'ng AI~b;,ma I"", and aS~ltlng the Department 01 Re.enue In w"ling t". "-'8ul~t i ons. A program i$ held each yea, du,ing the ~nnv<ol meeting oI.he ~t"le boo,. Sec"on dues are SIO annually and should be senl to (Mold M. '<\boldridge. Tre~s.ure<. f'l). 80:< 3J64. B'rm'n' .... m, AlahMna. 35155.

You ng Llwyers The Young Llwyers' Section of the Aldba",a Stale B"" is cOIIl llOSed 01 all ~ who a,,", 16 \'Il'al"! 01 age and under Of who haYe been admit~ 10 lhe !);I, lor three yean or less. The sectIon conducts ""nOUS semi ..... thlOUghout lhe year lor ~ .ond othe, proIes.SIOI\OIls. The ~Ioon conductS ~blic: W!f. ~lCe projeclS designed.o aid the ~bhc in theil understanding 01 the I_ and assist lhem in solving lileil 1"11<'1 P'Oblems. The ... . ", no dues fo, this !«"lion since pel"$OflS .. ho ale memben 01 the Aldham.1l St.ate Sa,.lnd fulfill .he age reQUIrements aulO<ll.)!ically beconW! memben. Ai¥Jne who is i~ In becomins ino.ol~ with the Young \.aWyefs' Sa::tion should comact J. ~rd B...... II.. President P.O. eo.. }t)7, MOnt· gomery. Alahama. )6101. •




Marriott' s Grand Hotel, Poin t Clear, Alabama

T~is ,oslilule wil l t>ring togelher an out$taflding facully c;Om!">OM<l of ptOmlllenl attorneys who will a<ldre," the lollowlng 10plcs: f Ort Refo rm " Corpora tlo"'s Problems Rel~tlng to Ill$u'~nce De.elopmenta and Trend' In Delaw~re Corporahon ~ .. FundamentalS 01 AcquiSlllon. fn Relorm Legislation .... <1 PropaSJI$ Intellectual Propefly Law as It Retates to High Technology ",wt;catlons This Inslltule w~ 1 alSO Inctude an addre» by U.S. S.f>IIlor Ho_a Hen,n. "",pro""" lor t2.tI "'I_ma MClE cred't hOurs. ClE cf«!lt applied 1m in Florida. Missl1SiWi ",,<I Georgi •. Fo< more inlormatlon conlaCf A"'blIm.1I Bar InSlltute 10' Conllnulng Legal Education. P.O. 90. CL. Un;'eralfy. AL 3So186, 205·348-6230.


Bar Briefs Payne, Todd, Wri n~le and Woodall elecled to Ameri c.. n College of Proba te Cou nsel


Joe C. Fosl~'f. Jr" president of The American College of Probate Coun. sel, announced thO! Jackson M. P...,.ne. looilh F. Todd. John N. Wrink le and PaulO. '.'.boda ll were electro Fe llows of the College. P.oyf\e is with tfle ~rm 01 Leit. man, Siegal & PJ)lne; Todd with Sirote, Permuu, friend, friedman. Held & Apolinsky; Wrinkle with Bradley. Arant, Ro ... & While; and lMxxlall with Tooma" Ta liaferro, Forman, Burr & M,mJ)l, JII of Birm ingham. The American Co ll ege of Probate Coon ...1 il an international associa-' tion of l aw')M.'fS. Tn., college's pur¡ l>OSeS illClude imp~nt of the sta ndard s of l>erwn, ,peciali~ing in wills, trusts. eslate planning and proba1e, and the modern ization of tn., administ ration of ou r 10 . and iudicial Iystem\ in these a reas.


ladson elecled to ooard of b..r commi ssiooers lynn Robertson )acko;oo .,sumed the position of bar commissioner iar the third circuit upon the ~ig. nalloll 0/ J. Gorman Houston 10 se...e as an assoc iate justice oilr.e Alabama Supreme Coull_ Hou,tOrl was elected to the board five year> ago upon the death of Ia.:kson's falher. A.B. Ro/.>ert5On. J•. Jackson, .. nati"" 01 Eufaula, i, the /irst woman to be elffled !O the Board of Bar Commissioners 01 the AI.hama Slate Bar. She ;, .. graduate oIlne Un;"",. "~tv 01 " Ianama and Jon", Law School and has serve<! on marry rommi ltee5 of the sta le bar, She is a member 01 the Alabama Sta te Bar. American Bar Association and Association 01 Trial Llwyers of America.

The Alabama Lawyer





Sen/ices elects officen


Office". and commil1ee5 01 the boord 01 dtJectors of the leg;Il ~._ vices Corporation 01 Alabama I"t)te elected recenlly. They are u

101I0W$: ,.Hldent MetCeri~ Wdgood' VICe president

~te bar rneonbet! handling 2.n1 01 these ca§l'S, (If appro:<,marely 16

on a pro bono ""sis lor a person ~enced to d,e in the electrIC

....." . Eight 01 nine lawyet"I ~ng on I.SCA:. 15-memoor boor<! are I.owyers in private prolCtice appo inted by the AI ~i.>;Ima State B.t. The Alabama lawyer. M~i'lion appoim, the ninth. and lhe fetTlainong bwrd meonbets are IllCOtile-ellgibie lor LSCA", ........ i~ and appoimed by various comm .... ity ~


Willi;lm Neville' Secrel~'l'

Harris and Blocker receive award for pro bono

IU. Raney

T.easu.e. McGowin Williamson"' f\orson ....1 Comm itt" Cel.~

Collins. chall

R_ L Raney CI~.~

Willi ...... ,

.'-'\ Wdgood ' C~ Mille.

Haiti, wlunteercd, in N<.wembc< 1963. to hand le the use 01 StJ te 01 Alabama v. Bu,Il. Afler filing a Wilt 01 error coram nob;. and .. writ 01 COlptJ> ~ stay 01 e>ecutlOl"l W,JS obtall1ed. 12 hours ~ the 1C~ ...1ed execution . New evi· dence was di",,,,,,,",,, s/>ow'''lI ~ evlp,lIory evidence had IlOl ~ turned ~ to the tt,al deieme. ~nd ~ ' - ' trial was O<dt:rnd, result. ing in ~ _and de~th sentence. Halt" Is hand ling lhe aPlI<!~I .

Last Oe<:embe t. troe r.".t Cla rence DarffM' aw.ud was pre~med to al· tor"'-'Y' Ri<k E. Harr;s 01 MOIlt· gornery and "",Iter l. Blocker. III. 01 f:llrml~m .

Bloc ker I"l'PfI'S"fIted CI~rcnce \'lbmolC~. convicted of the uptl~1 ctlme of roI:>beryimurder. He med a pelltl(ln lor writ 01 etlOl COI~m !>Obis 10 obt.:un a ' - ' tll~1 0<1 the

The -..n:I IS ,,~ lor OUt!oUnOIn8 post< oovlClion ~tation

II'OUnOs evKIence di~ ~nce the (lfi"....1 trial re...aled \\brNck te

8a . 1"""lvement William Neville. chai,. Laura Bes, Cox' 80bbv Segall'

John Gruenewald ' AI l. Vreeland' lnel }. 8<o""n Fin.ltlCe ~nd Audit

MCGow,n "lIIi.mson. ,,,",,. Cb ... Williams R. l. Raney ~n/in



Mille •• chai'

Laura Bess Cox ' Willia"" Sheoyl Oi...", ~h""'"


LSCA, a poivate, non-prol1t orJ(.}ConSr<..'Ss. pr0vides Irf!e legal he lp in civil mat_ teos to Iow-income penon, in 6(1 01 AlaNffia', 67 counties. T\OO OIlier Iedeoally funded seM! the rem;oining counties. LMt yea. the l5CA"s ~I COIIoekwd was \6..411 ~ with 406 ni~ation lund~ by





dId nor com""t the enme. Blocker _aUI~bv~MiIC


N"" Jones and 0_

Dreshe1. Hmo l is. graduate of the Uni. ~rslly of Pennsylv~nia law Schoo l and is d l>an""" w ilh lhe rtrm of Moo,e, KPn<l'kk. Glas.roth. Bush & While. Blocker g,adualro from Cumbe< ... nd Yw School and


is a 5NItAoe' WIth SmIth,


Blockef & w..rhe1.

G,ace ndmed regiorQl counsel

of S8A Wilham Bu,ke G'ace ha, been appainr'i!d n!glonal counsel in the sourheMl lor the United Stirles Small Bwnes. ldm,nIS1l,}1Jon. Ue wIll ~ ... legal .idYl,.,. 01 the agency's n!gIonal ;rdmlnil.l~or and cOOl'dln,lI" the 'iRA d,wicr:

legal Slaffs ,n Ala~, ~ Flofldo. MIIl<Il<ppi, Nonh and South Caroh ...., lMnes\ef! and Kentucky. Gface slal1ro wllh Ir.e 'iRA in 1967 as a Ifial ~Ito'ney w ith Ihe SQulhea" regional offoc'" in Allanla . He then se<wd as disulCl counsel lor lhe a~, Bnmlnstwn d,!trict lor a ~~ before being named in 1975 as~!U1'I1 n!gIONI counsel lor me IOUtOOSl . A nail"" of Ourl<, Al.>INma. G,ace reom...1 hi l bachelor's dcg'''''' from lhe Uni""~11y of AI,.. iJama in Tuscaloosa and his law degree from lhe Tulaflf! Un i ""~1y School of law IioIlowing military service ... a supply oltke' wllh the U.s N...-y.

Gr.oce was ... KlCI.1OO wIth a ph. ""!e L:w.- firm in BlfmlngNm prior 10 iorning the S8A and Is a mem-

be< of the Alabama Sta!e B., and lhe SU!e 8a. of Geotgi.o. G'ace and hI, wife. the Iorl'l"lel Elalf.e Williams of Bifmingh.Jm. Ii"" in Allanta.

D." 'SOn chO§l'n a ssinan t sec~Ury of the A,my (Civil Worits) Robett K. D~ hal been c~ ... :IIl<Slanl secretary of lhe Unito!d Slates ArtrI'( lCi,,;1 'Ab<lts), foll~1In8 hI, nomination by Presi. dent Rona ld Reagan. D"""1OIl will be fi!sponsible lor for m ulanng. developing ~nd Impl ... menting ;rdmlnisttalion pohcies ~ .,,(111\3 ciVIl works aenYllles of t:)eswnment of the At"'f and will CM'r5ee and ..... Iyze the Cor!» 01 EngIneers' civil works PrDII,.m lor Wo}!O!I' resources .nd i~ resulal()rY PrDII,am. As lhe Secrel~ry of the Army's rC'P,esenlati ...., Dawson also WIll presenl testimony befo,e


COI18'es!D<IWSOfI is a 1%8 gr.rd .... le 0( .nd N'no!d a law ~ from the Cumberl.nd School d t.-. He wa, admlt!OO to lhe AI;ob;I"", State Ba, in 1971. lol~ne Unl.e.sory

In 19n he v.orkro ... a legista·

II", nslstant to Cong,essman Jack Edw.lrd. of Alabama. and In 1974 he bel;ame the administrator for lhe Commin"" on Public Works

and T,.nj.pOl1allOl'l in the U.s. House d Repoer.entallW!l. Dawson ~ ;tS the pi'lncipal ~ry ..... l<"-lIl1 secretary d lhe ArtrI'( (CiVIl \\btksl from 19a t-34; in I>Vy 1984 he bo'!came lhe .>Cling assistant secretary of the ArtrI'( (Civil Vl\:)rkSl.

D;IWS()n is a nali"" of Scollsbar(!, Alab;lma . and he and hi' w iM haw tWO chikjren. They presently reside In Alaand" •. Vi'llinid.

• "

I. Inlrod UCI ion The . . Diserimi~tion in f"'PlolomM! Ad 011%7 (ADEAl prohibIts dilcrimI_ion in ~pIorment !»Sed upOn age with respect 10 individuals 1;Jer.. (( .. the ~ 0140 and 7Il The employ"",,,, prac!icl'S c~~ b( the AOEA include l.1ilure to hire. dlscha'll". demotion. denial of ernpIct,omenl oppcIf1unit~ and discrimln<o' H:>n with respect 10 Ir.e lerms and corKlitions of employment See 6. Schiel &. P. Ctoum.ln. fmployment D,s· crimination Law 39) (19761. Tr.e ADEA I~ codifoed a! 29 U.s.c. §§ 621 et seq. Its purpose is Ir.e "elimin~n"" of dlscrimin .. ion lrom the ...;:rlplace." v. Alns. U4 U.s. 57$. S84 (1978)



a ream 1"","",,1. .....

sc;e..llik study. rhe tyPlul ADEA """ntl/fiu male in hismrd-SOundchalleng,ns his diwnlss.alln:::m a white-oollar job. A =~t SUI\'ey oI.warly 100 ca~ Ieported b(!he 8\I.uu 01 National Affairs, Inc. (8NA)dl~reo;j tl\;l,89 pe..:ent 01 the plaintIffs ~re male; 77 percenl work<!d in white-co lla, joo.; 70 pe..:ent had boon terminated (as 0j)J)(lS(ld to d .... moted. etc.l; the average age was 55.8 "ea,,; and Ir.ey had ...,.,rked lor thei , employe< .wa,ly 2{) years. o..ily Lobar /Wpott. No. 7. al .... 3. J..m""ry 14. 1984 lUNA} Age dllCnmi~,ion claIms reptewn. the fa>IeSI groNi"ll type 01 discrimi~tion SUIISin the country. In 1983. o-e< 15.000 ADEA claims _flied with the EEoc. That ~ted an inc~ of 66 per. ~I o-e<.he number filed in 1982. and ,ha, numbel- is likely to continue to rise. The Ct"I>SUi Bu",au P«"lkts the number 01 per$OIls bet~ the ag... of 4S arid 65 will il1(",. se b( more th~n 36 per· ce nt. 10 a total of 60 mi llion. by Ihe yc~r 2000. o..lIy wbor Ri'poi~ No. 53. at C·I. March 9. 1965 This article is n()I imended as • primer "" ase discrimin<onon; it presupposes. ba!.ic knowiedse 01 the subject maner. Ot:-.e1ClP1.IM.s in ache< areas 01 the AD£!<. Includi03 plQadu,.1 i»ues, the use of ~llstlCS and@'y(>O the EEOCs en~t authouty. will be ~ lor lutu", commen ... ry.

II. Rl'duc tion-in· Force: Prima Facie c.~

The Fil.h Circuil in Mdrsl'ldll v. Goodyror Tirund RubberCo.. SS4 f.2d


730. 715. (5.h Ci,. 197n. adopted 100A()(A U§e'S ,he cflte<ia 100- the """bhshmer\! 01 pIaontllrS pnm;r fleieuse, which

for Title VII ;KIt""S in the "se 01 McDonnell _

OIisl~lIy t'SI~bh.ned

Do<JPis Coo-p, " Cn!en. 411 U.s. 192. 802. (197)). The elements of pl~imiff'. prifN fleil',,~ ~re ~ follows: (1) pI~in­ nflis ~ member 01 the pro!I'<;.ed cI~ss; (2) plalnt ifl WaS discharged; (l) plamtl/f was qualified lot the posilion; and (41 plainlilf WJI replaced by ~eone 01,1'· sid" the protKted class. 5ee ~Iso Krieg v. PJul Rwcre Lile InS(Jrance Co.. n8 F.2d 998. 999 (11th Cit I%JJ. In ~UClJOrH~Cases. ~ i. is unlik~y an ~ will be ""'PI"". In," "dlsctoarged I'mploree. Othe<wise. there .-.ould 001 be a JI'duct"", in force. TI.e. ....e the courts had 10 adopt a modiroed formul. 100- etablI!.hlnIJ ~ prifN !Kit' "se which is used in reo:Iuc· ,torHrHon:l' SItuations. The /ormu~ is es~tially ~ Uffi(! as the one cited ~. with the te>:Cevrion of ilem number lour. The lith Circu it. In Co.I:er v. Amoco Oil Comp.",y. 709 F.2d 14l), 14J8 IIl h Ci, (1983). I.aled the pl~intiff must produce evidence. eitne. ci..:umstanlial 0< dilOC!. lrom which a 1.K1·finder migh. "'a>O<l3bly conclude ..... , the em~r imended 10 disc"mln~te in reaching lhe decision al Issue. o.her ci..:u11S, while M.:Iti03 vlf!~lIy ,he s.arne elemen~ ......... used different ......1JW8e. For .......,pIe. the Third CircUli indicaled lhat a ""'imiff lermlnated dtJrins • redUCIlon-in-ioo::e IIl'ftl only dl'rllOlrstra!e, in addihon 10 !he orne. i'ems clled alxJ,.o,. !h.a, orhers not in the Pft>!«ted class ...ere t",ated more fawra l)ly by the emplot,oe. in reKhins its <!mploytnerll decision ... See Manarksy v. Q-neral MOIor! Corp.. 706 F.2d 111 . 118 n.13. (3d Cir.). ccrt. denied. 4M u.s. 1017 (1981). Once the plalnt,ff ~tablist- its prIma fie;., the defendan, ~pk.,er is under- an obIiptoon to ..... iculate some Iesitimate. non-d,J(rimi ..... to<y reason for ics actions. Me. the de6roOOanli """'" mat butden 01 proof. the buKIeo !.hills back 10 !he plaintlff .o praY(! b(" preponder. ance 01 rhe evidence ma,the "''''''''s 01iereo;j by the ~pIoye< a .... merely pret .... tual. 0< nollrue as a mallet 01 faa. See Evetl.'!t v. Com ... t. 33 f ai r Empl. P' K. ea ... (a NA) 193. 19S-96 (D.c. Cir. 1983).





U$e of Reductio ns-in-

Reductionl-m..iorce in lhe busiroess community are recognized b( the courts as ~ lac, 01 Me. QI:Mously. people in ,he ~Ied age l'OOP WIll be ~id oft 01 demoted d.-log ."""" sit""'''''''" Such

actions I.1ken by ;Nl ~ are perfectly a«(ept.obie. as IonS .IS ~se is n()I the cn OO'1I)Il used 10 determIne the I~ 01 demotioM. As one COUrt recently $lated. "fTIhe Court is persuaded tha, a .....Juc· tlon In [,he ~plO'(ef"s[ force WitS necess.:rry lot e<:onomic ....asons; @'y(>O plaint iffs a~with proposWon. The ADE!<. doc'S n()I ,....elude a busin<.'!' deci· sion such as defendant's; it does preclude.~. uSIng age as a criterion in reali~l03 tl\;l'iEogrtim.:tle !Miness goal." ff~nci v. AYCo Cotp.. 5lit F. Supp. 250. 259 (0. Conn. 1%2) Quile dearly. though. the NAOEA prohlbi,~ • lI'ductlOrl-loHon:e rhat i. Intention.olly ... tgeted ag,llnst okIeo- ~pior­ H'S.N Kneisley v, Hercules. Inc.• 577 F. Supp. n6, n9 (D. Del. 19831 E~ du,· ing"...,te reorganizatiOM 0I...;:rl· Iorce reductIonS. ~~ may no! di .. mi~s .... ploycl'S lor unlawful disc'imin .... tory reasons. including d iscrimin~li on under the ADE!<.. See. e./J.• Hase/rllarn v. Kcnne<:OIr Co<p.. no F.2d 76, 8 1 (2d Cir. 1983). One lederal dist,ic! (OU rl judge ha, been bold enough to $Ia'e ,he obvious.. In ~ clecision handed down Septembel19. 1983. the Federal o;,mC! COUrl 100.he Northern D,w.C! 01 01"0 .n KlE"/ v. Coex/yNr r;rf' .nd Rubber Co.. 575 F. Supp. 847. M9 (N.D. OhIO 1983). a(("d. 762 F.2d 1008 (6th Cir. 1985). obse-rved .h.t when bus" mIlS! ~ off em~ 0< gr~m Nrly re1irernents in onIet to cope WIth ~ depressed eco 0 'rr "[i)t appears th., Congress ... has in· directly ma ,lda roo th~t e mployers mUll


March 198/>


Iscrlmlna Ion and Reductions-in-Force by RichMd E. Nul lilY <if \'O'Ung ralfle, than older I'fl1PIatees when""", the general e«>nomic condi· tions mandate a reduction in """kforc ... Otherwise, the empl"""" ""poses ilseU to litigation for wrong!,,1 d ischarge lor age di!;C,imination .. . ," (ld .•

IV. Successful Employer Responses One 01 the 001 examp les 01 a sue· cesrJullechnique for implementing a reduClion·in.force not 1'l'5U11inS in age di~

crimination was e.hibited by a cornp.>"Y called (PC Inte<national. which operates a labor in ten,i.., Corn milling bu,;""" in C()rj"IUS Christi, Texa,. The case from which this a rises i5 emit led Rodti8ve~ v. (PC Imernario",,1. Ir>e., 31 Fai, Empl.

P,a.:. Cas. (8NA] 4$5 (S.O, Tex. 19831.

The cornPJny refutc-d c harges of age disc"minatiorl by demonSlr,'ling to the (OUn that the (,;reria used 10 ;,ccompli,h iii reduction- in.force was HI.nplelely de-

void 01 any reference to age. 10 ,treamline i(S op"'OIiOO5. the com!,,,,,,,, effeaed a major reorg;mi.~tion. Jol» we re merged, fUn(:tions slreamliJll'd and per· formance minimums ma rkedly in. creased. The resu lling jobs. Iherefore, took on a much different Charil<:ler, To seleclthe empl~ remaining with Ihe eoml),lr!y and perlorming these new p0sitions, a se lect compalfY committee prepared a list of job qualification, for each new posilion . together wilh a comp .... he",i", li,1 01 erileria for rating the ""rioos candidates for each position. Each emplco,-ee WiI' individual ly graded by each oI lhe six comminoo mem~ who assigned numerical ralings to the empl"'i""S. The committee then dis-. cussed the "'tins, and attempted to

The Alabama lawyet

" consenws. The numbers_", labulaled, ~nd lhe eropl<P,ftS wuh !he highe>! 10lals .ec"i......d Ih" job us'sn"""'~

The Ie\.lS io< lhe .... "O..f!, jobs _re SI.Klly ad~ 10 by all ~ 01 !he commlllee, and final redUCbor"';nloKe ~islOR1 _ !»sed ....:I"".... y on lhe SCOteS ~"'Yed. The sYSlem. incidMl;llIy. w.K indiro.:liy weighled in f;wo. 01 ol~ employees Mause in lhe Case 01 ti~. jobs ~re given 10 Ihe empl"'r""'S wllh Ihe mosl ",niorily wilh I"" companf.ln I"" !.oa: of Ihis evidence. !he t1islric! court gJilnRod wmnwy judgment 10 lhe "",p~l. The empl...,..., 31>0 WaS able It) SlallSlic.lly demonmale lhallhe """"g.e "iIf! 01 i\l. "",pIoo,oees KI""JIy increitWd ....Ie< \he redUCIioo in me was


Cir. 198)), cen. denie<l. 104 S. 0. 26S8 (l9MllOuoo Ihallhe defendanl ""'ploveI ~ pleSenl~

suffiCient evidence to lustily ..00 apUon lhe empioree', dis.m.'lI". Among lhe re~sons Bi""" by the em~ b diKha'1l'~ \he various ...... pIoo,ees ~ disloyalty. f.lliune It)..chieve lhe company's desi~! pene" ... lionor productr.ity, lad of "in ..... dri ....; of lhe nccomal)l petSO<Iality It) deal wllh OI~ in management pos;lion~ fa il u.e to clcvelop a sales I",inong d"d viol~lion of company pol ier·

im~t«I .

"""""" §ucceW'ul re!fIORse It);on age claim broughl abouI bv • reducllon-in-iorce _ ..ccompli.ood by P.... ArnefOn \'obI1d .... ~ asclernonSlraled In the co.., 01 Cobotn ~ 1';111 .... mtYlC.n \\bI'Jd .... ,~ 71 1 F.2d H9 lD.C. Ci •. I, cell. denied. 464 Us. 994 (19831.10 eliectuale ils redUC100n-i~ for Ihe I""I)()S(! of rroocing man agemenl personnel. company guidelir'lf!l; C11~ fo< lhe termination 01 !he "lellSt prodUCIi.-e" em~ in cer· lain designaled pee. BfOUp'. Pan .... """iean used • nurnerial ranking syslem and ewllJo11('d ilS ~perviSOfs on \he basis cI job quahfk.bon5,. abi"lies. productIVIty ¥KIler'Iglh cI se~ The I"'Y at lhe distric! couf11fial "-I relu'ned • ~ia In f...." oIlhe plaintiff and agaInst ""n .... JllCfif:.n on the em~s 01. dl~nminalion. The district COUrt judge, ~r, disregafd. ed the jury's verdict and "nlered JNCN in fil'l.Ol of Pan .... me<k~n. The plaintiff appeal~ Ihal tle<::ision It) lhe circuil coun of appe.l$, .nd lhe circuil court affirmed lhe lrial judJlf!'5 action . II SUled Ihal Pan Arnefican C1"i~ its bufden 01 proof by offering a "'sIll"",,,,. non-disc.imil131Ofy relI)(ItI io< tooniNung the empioree Ihrough il> in!l.tullOO 010 w.i""" poficy. IoIlowlng il 10 \he leIIer and making lIS empIoy"""'t de(ision ~ on the n!""Its. lid. • 1 ~l) In anotho!< ins~nce in .... hoch a jury', verdict 01 age disc.iminalion "<IS n!..ened by " circuil COUll. lhe Filth Circuil, in lne cal.(! of CIIio!! v. Group Mf:(jjc~1 and SU1sicai S/'rvi(", 714 F.2d 556 151h di~riminabon


The ADEA does not require an employer to give special treatment to employees over the age of 40.

NalufOlly, i"!lances"" misconduct on the job and in!tUbonI,nallon al~ WIll

be ""ffic~ 10 ""PPOtl lhe discharge 0.demonon oIan "",pIoo,oee wIthin the pr0tected ~ge group. The Fifth Cirrui~ in ~"H.ones Co.-p.. 715 F.2d 213 (5th Ci •. 198)1. CM. denIO'!« ~65 Us. 1026 t19341 ~ lhe dlSlloC1 coult's finding 01. discnminalion '-:aule\he record was ~ with Insunce 01 the emllk¥ .....s~hbeulc viol~lion 01 company pol. icies .nd man;!gem"m diro.:li"", The (ou.1 fouoo Ihal wnenoM'!' lhe plJintiff disag.eed wilh a f"Il1i(ula •• ul" or in· Slruction. he SImply refu>ed 10 imple-ment It. The COUlt concluded lhal "no jUI)I ~Id rNsonabIy have condoded that age was a determinall,", factOf in [the emploo,oer's] de(ision 10 fire Jthe empl~l .· (Id . • 1 2181

Orne. non-diKrimina1<Hy. relI'iOI>5

.... (()nIrOty. NCfo", <WI its ~


_ . notKIotc<"",nOl"'Y ...... le_ I _ omllltdl WIwn 1'10 ........ ,..,... donee 01 dl\(1""'''''' ...... ~ INn Ihot 0I1ht1e pI,l,,,,,fft and lhe deWndono ~. eoldence i""if\tln& w aploin"'8 .... diK.....,.. .... I~ 01 f«I ;1 noo In>! I" dl~rd ,~ ....


m'......,I,ng ....>-

Wllhoul <o..

<lence ,""I II _ noo lhe "",I re..... "" lhe dlsch~rse, (Id. al 5t>61




ellher upheld lIS ""ffKi"nt 10 deleal an ADEA daim 0.- shift the butden back 10 the plaIntIff 10 cIerr>omtfate pre!e>l1 inclucIe: 0'1I'IIlIullonal compe1ili~, "", lousy, creati-c "bu.n-oul; perwnali. ty connicIs Wllh mJnagemt:nt, cuSlome. corn ilialms ~nd "bad ~lIilude" See /.enz v. (rdmanTl COtp., 773 F.2d 62 (61h Cif. 19851; Cebula" Gl>neral flecuic Ca, 614 F. Supp. 260, (N.!). III. t985); v. f.& IeopoIdCa, 602 F. Supp. 142) CW.!). Po. 19851; Ch.tmbet-I~m '" HmO'I, Inc., 547 F. Supp. 1067. 1077 (WD. Mich. 1982).


The AOEA does no! an ...... 10 &,1.f: ~ial If'l'almMl It) em~ 01.f:t lhe age 01 4Q 11 merely .... Quif(!i ,t.;.1 an "",pIoyee's "ge be treat~ in a f~shlon, neil ..... f..ciliwing nor the empl~, advance-menl, demotlOll o. di PJrcimki v. Outlet Ca, 671 F.2d )4, 37. (2d ar. 19821. ce.t denied. 459 U.s. 1103 (19831 fUflhennore, the .... DEA does r>OI amoo.· ize the COUttS I<) 511 in judgmenl concer· nlns lhe WIsdom 01. corpornion's busi· ...... de<iSlOflS. IId.1 The law does no! poohibn • comp;my f<Om makIng (!m)fS in ilS persOt1ne1 deo:isions, ... Iong as the "",pIorer does no! discrimln;!1I! on the baSIs 01 age. See Berkowitz v.....lIied 51O<es 01 f\onn.OIIiQ Inc., 541 F. Supp. 12()9. 1219 (E.!). P~ . 1982). ~

The Fifth Circuit commented on "itCh of these rN!.OfIS 01 /olloows; It annoI be w;d th.t ""f of ~ ~ .. ;,,0Ii0NI 01 ~ To


Subj«tive assessments cI an emplovees QUollinealions are pe<fe<:tly iegililYl3le rea>OJ1S UllOn whiCh 10 bale decisions 10

demote otdiKharge. The Foullh C"CUII ~,"mly~. lhe ~I _.rood rh.or wI",", ""'" 01 1M ""II'""

"""" d",,-u_ fi>iXI ...............

""'IU,I'OI! ..... dll<:""" ,n lhe ".,.".,.,. 01 ""ptnl11<I<>, ..nd '"" ""PI"V'OOt> ..,Ie<:«:<! 10<_ 1;00 ""rc "'-'qu.ol;fMld. ~ "" '""" perior"",oc,..u>d .. pertl..,. m.n loo.e ""Pl"VilOf'l ...... irMld . ...,., find no ...... jlOOi' ....... - «on<IiIi .....

I00<'I1 ~lIy ",lfic_1 10 dooc..-d .. Ihi. "'III""""", "" lrue Ik.>t the if;.1 court too.Id It..! .... qu..lIir.c.."", _ IUbtM ..... TIwI owef\oIiOn. I>i;Jooo. ........ dotoo toOl ~ ... OIht<wilO' !eirwo ... il"",,1 (1M EEOC v. 'Witern fle.:lfic Co.. nl F.M


1''''''''''" '""'"

review. ~ Ictre<, of 'KomR1l!l"ld.l1,on di.,..;ted I<) lhe~. tid ... 2591 s...a/5() SlKt"Y v. All/t'd Sl<Wi Corp.• 768 (O.c. Cor 19851. The COUll 101. dod d~ 'flmor.. l1! on the b.ol" of ~JIe . Disch~rglna dn empinyee, In 'he p.o1~'Cled "He grOUI), who IS helle, qualified 10< the )XI>illOfl t .... n youn!!". ~'ffiployel!. who "'" 'e!alnW u;u~lIy ~"" he deI!med an .... ;uccM.ful 'echnoque. Wh,1e the ADEA W,lS not intended 10 tum the (OUIIS Inl<) per-sonneI ..........""", the enorm,ty of. "n"~lak .. " may c.MJ"" F. 2d


Ii .......lIely conc:loded ~I(' ~

Inl"""" scrutony of the dt'CislOIl. Iho"'· I>twgh v. Columbus .nd ~VI"" R R., 760 F.2d foB. 647 15th Ci. 19851 A, the Fifth Circ:Ult fI!Cflllly ".,ed:


11)/ I.... f.. deI",,,,,,,,,, ,...., tm.-I~\., Iiener "",,1,fi.'<I t.... n In" .""I>Ioy«.... who "'1"~ ..... ,11<.'<1, ill. enl"lod ,I> !he (..."pI<'Y',,',1.nkul.1<'<l

lim ,,",

,,,,,,1,,01,, In.,


t>'<'1e"" [Vt'ryOnt' c,"" il '"" mi!I.l~ IS w,,. ~. we n"'Y bqon 10 W<Or1Ilcr WM"",, ~ w . . . Oft'



An e.nplay<'l'. own I!"'>I'1'I8 I'OIk"'lo lor dedllllll with f«!1K'~I"'IorCf' c~n

to11. 1016 (41h Cit. 1983) In ;1./1 •.00 v. ''.\>stern Umon. 680 F.2d 1318 (lllh Cit. 19621. the decision 10 d~ moro <It dismiSS I'ITI~ W;)! made on 100 b.KI! of ' Ihe Pff'OIl -,ou Will miss lhe 1e.I~; EYe<llhls highly wbJfC1iW e'ile<· 1011. ;I.nding .Ione. doe not violdle too

AD"'~~ ..... criIM.I ~""'''''''

\00 WII( "'"" lhe "'..... wI>och pI,o,nllfh dr.ol~ " tiOI ~ ",.. I ~ pt,IIOIIfJ, would .i!IU<'. An ""'J>k¥.~\ oJec"ion ........ !... b.J1l'<l on


""bj~'<' i .... (oK'OIS. (clral ion 0", ... 0><11

Sl>ch ~"leti. is not In and uI ,,,,,It .k>IM, .... uI!he MlEA. • ;.only ......... ...m (.i,t.... """~ in ~rim"'*"Y •...,. vooUlion 00:< .......


v. NOl-so-Successful

ResponS('S The .. , .. rene.. of a tl.'d\JC"on·, ... Ior~.. ocenanO ,10..\. noo: in..,I.,e .m er"p~'1 .lCllons the soullny of the ADEA. RO>l.'"iI''''l''' v.I,e. Penney Co., 60S F. SUIII). 154 IE.D.N."'. (985) The 111~i01llff en'I)lnyec h.:>s the oppo.r1unoty to derolOr>o >I'Jte the defend-,nl emp!oyef's >I,lIed "'~I for dlsc .... 'lIlnS 0< ~. Ins 100 .... ,p!oyee ....... I! prl'll!>lu.I, .nd thu, overconre lhe empioyeo-', dI!fen"" ThIS oft"" occurs in "",.lIions wht're the



.c.t<O<>\ lot disdwrge or OC'ffiOtlon a... incon"'lcn! w11h e~i"'ns ,nform,,!,on In Ihe en'l}inyee'llrerwnoel rile . For l",.m· pic, in the cawol frdoci v. Avco Corp., 538 F. Supp. 2SO (D. Conn. 1982), the employ""! ",ason. lor 1I!.mlnatons t.... ""'I>ioo,ft "'...... that he h.xI not been per. Iormll'l8 ~I ... hiS job,.nd he w U not cop.obie of ,lI6Umlns new 'l'>f'OI'S'bol,. llf'l.. The (oun . ................. noII!d th~t lhe ef«!llJiloty at the emplooyer's m~""Se<S. who tl'51lfied ~1 trial ......... , lhe ..,,,ploy. ",,'s poor ;vb pcrlOfmdnc~, WdS W.'"".~ Iy "nde.m ined b)' posit ive l",rlO"'MI1CI!


lot- It on an AO£A man",. FOf eumple .......... tllOlJ8h an employe< is no! obIi&atM to c~.te Of kx~tc ;ono. the< job lor a diICt..,ged emplo-,oee (see SrJno;ev v. tb.1KO Se,vi<:eJ. I"c, M3 F,2d 914. 920 (2d Cir. 198111, II the em· pIoye<'s normal pr'<>eti.ce is 10 do so. 10en I~ilut" to do illor an older employee un uuse problems IOf the empl...,... . Cuno

UIIW trouble

v. Se.m. Roebuck & Co., 33 Foil. EmpI.

"'.ac. Ca..

(8NAI 547, 551 {N.D. III. 19841 Llkewis.e. if the employef' . "'labIr,hed pro<;edure for impl.",,,,nllng a,.,. dU<:lion-in-IOfce IS to inslitule a hiring froe." ind no! fill v<>eincl ... aSlhey 0<;. CU,, then lhe disct..flje 01.., older ....... pIoyee in the face 01 ~ ~ POlicy cleMly ....... the empIoye"s mQllves suspect See Oun~n v. IVLS-TV, 609 F. Supp. 1384. U92. 1394 (N,D. III, 19851. Olhe. e"'ploy"" an! unsuccessfu l in ADU. b«dUse oIlh"i. fa ilure 10 ,Kosoi.e the impOtUnc" oIlhei. OWn conduct prio< 10 a .eduction-rn.1or« de<;.s.ron . One empIoye<'s f.wor.>ble s.urnm.>ry judgmenl fulrn, wu ~ In large pan b«""se 01. ~Iemenl OOled 10 the emptoye. thJI "the Comp;rny was going to h;Ive to gel . id of


WIlIC' of its older em~ and gel a young, aggressive OtSM'iullon ;n ~e when the «OnOtT1y tumed .m.>und.·· Stumph v T~! & SkmllC'r, Inc., 770 F,2d 93, 94 (7th Ci, . 1985) Comment~ fron' n,anagemcnt J bout irs "cad,e 01 young c .... it; III'ed for • "youmful i~" 0/ liS d6<re lor " young.Ind .gIIK'"ive" ~ wrll.1most Cffi,l,nIy Ie,ocl '" .., ...,f~VOfabie decrs.ron "" the employe<. See'y II. Allred 51....... Corp., 768 F. 2d ~02, 404, 405 (O.c. Cif. 198$); H~wk! v. l"se,~11 /Ohnson Steel Co., 38 Fai, EmpJ . Pr;>c. C••. IBN"] 93.95 (S.D. Ind. 19841 VI. Edrly Rerire~n l PI.ns Another technique' lor accomplIshIng "reducrlon-in-!oro! is the ""ple"""'tation of " e.,(y re!iren_t " r>I.In,. By of· le,,"g >eve""",e pay and benefits s.uffo . denl to ",dlJCe an l'Il,pfoyee 10 .erire ..a,· Iy, an employer c." ,,-'<loce hi' work· Ior<:e, p,opetly impl....-.ented. u,(y reI""mem plans do ....,. pet s.e VIOlate the AOU.. In the ~~ "red c-! 01 Cobutn II. Pan J\rTIerI(~n lVorld Airway<, 711 f .2d 339. }44 (D.C. Ci •. I. cerr. Uemw, 464 U.S. 994 (198)1 , lhe coun






is. (ommon corporal<!

~ Ulihnd 10 - - " ' Ind;viduitl h.o~. isa h_IO'IItt......r~

SI. Louis Law Prinling Co. , Inc, &"'ing The l.rgil!l'ro!ruion Sin('t' 1906 EXPERT QUAU TV PROMPTSERVtCE CO~IPLET E


Sup.em( Courl. letkr al and briefs; Offer,,,, Cir cula,,; Privale Placemelll "kmorandums; Prospecluse.; Contracts; Lease.; Cle. ~at~

4 11 N o r th I Ol h S t r eet SI, Louis. Missou ri 63101 (3 14) 2314477 Au "oour 0/11" ~~ b<>ok "Lilll" lI'on1$ ."d l'ltruSlS"

bv bOOr ""'~ and ...... and .. purely ""untMY. The ~~Nr:P... Am_juslifoe<! in aItempf'''S 10 ...tuoo it< costs. ~nd ""Untlry ~imn<'l\l WO!. cle.1!1V , I,,, ,nempc 10 do "'- It "'PIX'nl nor. h,nt <II age d;",timi ... tion, H.........-, in ilS flr.;11orma1 opinion let· U!r reprding the ADU. lince it ns.umed en","c"",,,"t aulhooity lor it in 1979, !he EEOC IYs dereomined thaI. rompart(. muyllo consider rehlring.n ~ who 1e/1 the company prior to age 70 unde' an early ,et iremenl pl." violales the AOEA. D,ajJy uOOr Report No. 246, al 0-1. December 2t. 198) (8NA] Thus, emplr:.o,oees who ........ ...,101';1'/" OK~ the benefit. and inc..nti>ti under .n e.rly ~,emem Pf08t3IIl and "telrh!'" may tum aoound and seek ~pI"IIment and m;ry no! be rejected solely because 01 thel' ~8e or their Wltus a~ ··reli ......." Citing lhe 1978 amendments 10 the ADEA as c(,,,ifylnsthe intenlion 01 con· ~ ....,. 10 pennil the INndatOty ""iremenl 01 penons within the plQiecred age group. the commission concluded that a holding Ihat relirees musr be ronsideJl!d 10•• ehi.e v.ould not be "contradictory."' .lCcept<l ~

The commission ~Iso obser>.ed that the ,,'~lyIi~ WIth respect loem~ who tel,,!! as ~ nesult 01 ~pec;al incent,~" is no dille"",!. The onlV e..upHon to thr~ position lalen by lhe EEOC (OIlte"'S empl.,.,...... in bona fide e><CCuti"" or high polk,.. rn.okl"ll ~rtions. T~ ~ who may be I"""luntil"fy telrJl!d bet .. e"" ages 65 and JO unr:Ie< eoosrlng IIfO'ISIOOS 01 the AO£A. ".,.,.j ....,. be I!!COm.'dered lOr other I'>KlItiw 0/ POI~rng po!.i. tions. Theydo not. ~" fo.feitth";, rrght 10 apply for o ther lesw, positions within the company.

VII . Remedies The AO£A ;r-.;orpor.l~ the remedy pn;Msions 01 §§ 16 and 17 01 !he Fa" Labor Sl.:lndartls Act, codified atl9 §§ 216-217, See 19 U,$.C. §§ 1626(1)). In ;oddltion, §§ 16261bl prOYioc'S that the cou,t "mall h~ ju,isdrction to gr~nl such legal Of equitable relief as may be ~flI>IOp'ia'" 10 eftecr",lIe the purpoSes 01 IIIIS chapre; ;ndudins without lomit.:ltion, judgment~ compellrng em""""ment. Ieinstltement or promotion. Of enforcing lhe liability for amountS deemed to be unpaid minimum WilgesO' unp;rid ~r· time compensation under Ihi~ seerlon." Also. oK a result 01 the incotporalion 01 29 U.SC §216(b1. rea!oor>abie all<>rn<!yi' lees ~ <.:OS& are reclM!f<lbie by a sue· c ... ~ul plaintiff in an ADEA Sl/rt. The cou," are in gene'al ag,.,..""",t that punit ive d~mag ....nd damages fo , pain and nor ~able in an AOEA use. See I'kif/er" [""" IV< ... Corp., 682 F.2d f>84 171t> Cir.l, cerr. denred. 459 U.s. 1039 (1'9821; Oe;tn " Americ." SeClmry Ins. Co., 559 Ud 10).6 (5th Ci •. 19171. cerr. denied, 414 U.s. 1066 (\978); Smi!l, v. Momgomery w"rd & Co., 567 F. Supp, 1331 (0. Colo. 1983). The u.s. Sup'e"'t! Coun ,ecently IYs opined on the Stand."d 01 review lor derennining a willful violatron 01 the AO£A lor the purpose 01 awarding Ii· qUldaled darn<tses- Tr. n! I-'.brld ""I,,,,,, v. ThufSlOIl. U.s., 105 S. O. (1) (19851 Until ,ecently, one a ,ea 01 disagreement among !.he cou rl! rega,ding darn~ concerned the ability 01. court 10 _rd "fronl p;r(' as opposed to 1:Je;na hmired 10 orderinS reinWlremenl 01 the ~ ·Froot p;r(' meiltls • loss 01 Wilges e<pecled 10 be eamed in !he fu. lure by !he empk1,ee if the em~ had nor been unlaw fully treated. The great

March 1986

\'\Ieight of authority among the circuit coorts perm itl """,rds of/ront pay in an AOEA c..... particularly when reinstat.,. ment of the empl~ is not feasible becau ... 01 hostility and outrage exhibited by the emplo,er t(lw;).,j the emp~. as a resu lt of the IJWSu it. Sa>, e.g., Whit, lI..sey v. Union 0Jrbide Corp., 742 F.2d 724, 72712d Cir. 19841; D.avi. ~ Combu .. lion Engineering. Inc.. 742 F.2d 9 16, 92) 16th Cir. 1984); Cancellier v. federated Dept StOles, 672 F.2d 1)12, 1219 (91h Cir.), cM. denied, 459 U.s. 859 (19821; O'Donnell v. Georgia Osteop<othic Ho,' pi"", Inc .. 748 F.2d 154), 1551 (lllh Ci r. 1984). The ba,i, of an """,rd of Iroot pay reslS 00 the equitable ""ture of lhe relief permitted by the AOEA, Sa> 29 USc. § 6261bl. As the Si.tll Circu it Itated In OJ"is, 5/Jpra, '''From poly' does n01 appear to lend l!$ell to. pel ... ,ule. II is "" ither mandated nor prohibited by the Ac1. R:.ther. it is but one of a brood ranse of fl'flIedial meawres """ ilablt: under the AOEA." Davi5 at 922.2)

p;ry award!. See., e.g .. !(J:)lb Y. Goldring. Inc .. 694 F.2d 869, 874 nA lilt Cir. 1982); Foil Y. Suburban Baocorp. 549 F. Supp. 264 (0. /I.~. 1982J. Th is iSCSjleCially lrue when lhe plaintiff mirY >lill be relalively jOUng_berween 40 and 50 years o ld. Monroe v. ~n".Dixie Cement COfP.. 355 F. Supp. 231, 235 (N.D Ga. 1971) The First Circuil, incidenlally, recent ly r.,. versed its de<;isioo in Kolb and nOW per· milS awards of front pay. Wildmln v. Let". er S!O",~ Corp.. 771 F.2d 605. 614·16 (1.1 Cir. 1985) Obviou,ly, however, an em. cannot re<:!M'r both front pay aOld seek reinstatement to hi' positioo. That would amount 10 double re<:OW!ry ~nd is nol perm i rr~>d . Sa> CIl'<'(O ~. 8, Co., 566 F. Supp. 413 (W.D. P~ . 1983). VIII. Conclusioll As lhe workforce coolin~ ilS aging proces~ ~nd the economy fltJCtltates, the number of age disc rimination Case<; will continue to inc~ase. II is hopeful thi, matcria l will pfO'ilde some helpful hims 10 eilf'cr """id. or ,u(~sfully respond to, (harses of Jge discrim ination. •

Richard E. Nedl re<:eived his under· grad""te degree from the Uni ....r5iry of the Sooth, graduate desree from the Uni. ver.ity of Ai.1bama dnd law degrei' from the University 01 Alaruma Scllool 01 Lm.: Neal is an associate wilh Ihe 8irming' ham firm 01 Sirote, ~rmutt, Friend, Friedman. "Ield 8, Apolinsky.

The cou rts that prwiously den ie<l awMds of front pay d id 10 generally the sl:oeculative natu~ 01 fronl

.0. "'" "


~A ." .R

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DoM""" 'C.'M"'",- . 'N"".,.,,,,






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"'.eoc""... AC _ 0 •


LAW DAY '86 May I, 1986 "FOUNDATIONS OF FREEDOM" The Alaruma Lawyer

ALABAMA BAR INSTITUTE FOR CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION 25TH ANNUAL TAX INSTITUTE June 5, 6, 7, 1986 M arriott·s Grand Hot el, Point Clear , Alabama T~is Inslllute will bring together a nationalty·k oown laculty 01 attorneys and professors who wilt address the fOllowing topics: Ta x Cons iderations In Structuring Rea l Eslate Transact ions Recenl Developments in Alabama Taxalion Pension Law 10' the Non·P"",sion La...,.er: If'ICOme Tax Consequences of Pension Oistributlons Estate Planning Recent DevelOpments In Taxalion Current Ta.. tio.n Legislation


Approved for 12.3 Alabama MCLE credit Mu rs. credit appl ied for in FlOrida . Mississippi and Georgia. For mo,e Information contact Alabama Bar Institute lor Continuing Lega l Educalioo . P.O. eo~ CL. Univer· s ity. AL 35486. 205-34&6230.


de opportunities 2 -26

20 thursday

BO "OS, UEN S A"ID IN SURANCE I-\()Sp'Mllty Houl<.·, WIlliamsburg

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Alabama 5\.111(' Bar C~'h: 3.0 CO": induded in \1,dycar Met'I;ng I~






Wynh'Y HOlel. 8umonRham AI,lWmJ Ba. Imtilul,· for Com inuinx LCg.l1 (ducation

C, ..dil-: 7.0 CO\I: 17S (2051 J48·6230


P'ofe-slona) Edueatoon Sy,!".m, Inc

f{>de",1 Publicaloo"., Inc. (ml,W 15.0 COSt; S7SO 12021 311-7000



IIANK ING LAW Wyntr<,.y Hotd. Botminl(n.lm Alabama Bar In't itul" io. Contonuln!( L~'gal EduCJlion ("'(j ,,,: 6.5 Co>!, $75 (20S) J4B·6230 MEDICAL MALPRACTICE IN ALABAMA Hyatt. Birmingham Nat iond l BUSiness Instnutc Cfl!dill: 7.2 Cost: $96 (71.,1 83~S2~

C,ed,ll: 6.9 CO'll: S95 \.8QO.82t.-7! S5

"""'" Southern

Melhod,Sl Uni~rlo"y

Cn>d'IS; 9.9




The Medical Quality Found.llon (,ed 'I!: 14,4 Cost: $125




Msocial,on 01 School 6o.lrd


C'l'dil>: U.s {roll 6l8-6712

Cost 5275

10 thur<d WI LL DRAFT ING Law Center. TU:o<:J loo<.;I AI.bama Ba, Inst ,tull' for Contlnu,ng lI'8al Educati on C'l'd,t>; 5.4 COIl; S120 (2051 348·6230

10-11 Cfl!dits: 10.5


(2121 76S-S700

£MPLQYMENT L1TIGATIO,," Hl""n on Un,on Square, £an fraocisco Pr.t(u~in8 l.lw Inlli!ute Cral,t;; 12.0 CmtS190 (212) 76S-5700

(214) 692.n36






SCHOOL LAW \1G."I Grand, La'

AGRICULTURAL WO RKO UTS A'l D BANKR UPTCIES Hy,lI1 Regency, SoIn FtJnci:o<:o Ptact"ing l.lw In.mute

FOREN SIC [VIDEN CE Allanta JeLE of Georg,. (4041 S42-2Sn



4 Irid

OI l, GAS AND MINERA L lAW Mobole Alabama 8.1, Instilute fo, Com,nuong

R''''' .... ' ' ' ' .

lI'!\.al EducatiO/\ C....r.t\: 7.Q (205) 3~8-6230


MEDICAL MALPRACTICE IN ALABAMA 5be raton Riverfront Monlgomery Naloona' Bu, in\"!i\ In\t ,IUI .. C«"(lill: 7.2 Cost 196 (715) 83~S25


P'ol{,>lj''''JI EdU( .•lIion 5y,lcm,_ Inl_ Creditl: I SI) CO-I: 5245 1·800-826·7155 %1I,h 1966



CIVic Center, Ommngnam Alabama Bar Imti lute fo r Con l<nuins


l,rK.11 Edu<:ahrm (r,,<h l, 6.7 (2051 )48·6230



Stanford Court, San Fr.mcisco P'<t<;li sing t.lw In'titulo> C~,t!' 11.2 COSt. $l90

(2121 n.S.S700







l.3w Center.


Iiollday Inn Sp;tee C.. n1er, HU01wilie

NatIonal BUli,,('S\ In\t i lu l~ Credit;, 7.2 COlt : $96 inS) 835-8525

11 HAZARDO US WASTE LITIGATION Dorallnn, 'riJri< Pr.lct,sinl\ Law In""lut~

' ew

C'l'<hb 13.2


The \W\lm.



It>gal Foond;!t,on

(214) 690-23]7

Alabo" ... 11,;" Inl!,lute for Conllno,ng le!\.l' ( durallQn C.roItl: 5.6 COSL Sl20 (2051 348.(2)0

2 -15 WORKER'S COMPfNSAT10N Bmmnghdm A'.hama D<>pl. oIlndo'>!nal Relation, Credits; 9.9 (20S) 261·2868

018 SOUTHEASTHN REG IONAL TRIAL AO\IOCACY TRAIN ING U__ C SChool of Llw. Chapel Hill Natronal Illsmule for Trial AdIoOCaCY (9191 96NISI8


COlo!; 5390

12121 765-5700





C,viC Ce~ter. B;rmi ngh~m Alahama Boll In\(,(uTe fo r Continuing Lega l EduCdt'on (20S) 3411-( 2)0


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AU .... 6A Cr..<II1>: lUg (215) 24l·lbOO

TlO"! Hil ton Inn. Oa ll•• Soutt.we.tem l.ejtJ1

COlt $360


Sheraton Riwofront ..~\(>n1gOlTlefy Morl~ Coonty T,ial LJY'.,..,,, C,('(iit" 12.0 CO,!; S65Imem\w,,; S75/nomr1E'm·

\ \ .."lWard H,lton. Arldlorase Amefican In't'tut~ 01 Certil,ed Plannen Cred,t" 125 COlI: S23S 1J12,955-9100

Oer_; S2511aw


ITORS' RIGHTS HYdll, Olfllllngl\am

cte,h and

NaHoo.1 Bu\ine; In\tOl ulc


les, than

C,ooi1>: 7,2 (7151 835·8525




torney, adm't·

COlt: $96 12051 J6l·1600

Alabama Poets won_.


mwth,.1I<' 1'" AI.I>.o"", t-yer . nr>OUoced 1M' i. """"d poetry conI"" urging "buddi ng ,0 , ubmlt !heir en"'''' for R.nhe. thd" ",leetlng' ""gle wmninS entry, de<i<k'<l!<l publi sh """'.. , of rile p<>(.'m< 'ubm i't<'d. A 1"'",ly .rb",.,),. bu, """,,;nly qu.", wonhy. ""*'<1 ion aI ·w,noe~· is




J>Ubli!.hed below.

_ the

Greenhou se ( ... tlled ... , A chur<:h Or I'M> have I been



and JIOnC tOO new.

Patrkk', spires, MOnlezuma', gold, S!. Loui,' p<'ide. Rr.eirn, of old. God i s there and a !oiIin! Or two, Bul nearer 10 Him than all bu ildings bold I, Ir.e long tall pine, the hickory's go ld , A w ren Ih., flits, • cardina l', nash,

... big hawk', shadow, .. be.",,(s wlash, A doe, a ll grace-all delicately doneTil" buck w rare. like the Son A CrOWn althorns does bear, Remembering our Hope, tn.-re', 00 despair. God made the Greenhou>e larld. And g<l\oe Hi s iJeauly to iii span. li'ten ""II to preacher and priest, Sui ye must most pla inly see God', pr~.,.,nce on """'Y 'ree. No church, temp le, Or cathedral graoo Compare wilh the WOfk, 01 God's own haoo.





Consc ience Fir>t philo5opher ,pea ks: 1'\;' are bUI wing, """r ing in lhe brief sunshi ne 01 life As the bird wOO soar> imperv ious to lhe demaoos 01 immortal conscience wh ich he vain poss.!'Sses. Se<:ond philo5opher ,peaks: Are ,,~ bul wings so.Jr ing in lhe b,i~>f ,un,h ine of life? Nay! Too _ 5Oo1r, oor conscie ll(e immortJI, Jlw<r,'S before W. Sidney f uller,


A Dog Ri~r Mo rning dul l 8'ay, si lent, occa,ional bird, a roo,te"" crow, a iet pia,...,', roar. aUIO,' hum frQlTt the intef"llJtc. The !un is hid ing behind the IrL.... ""ross lhe ri~r, And the ,hadows of the I~ St retch nearly 10 In.. othe , b.:mk . Wet grass, MOSquiloes who h~n't ret ired, A lew pointl.'d r<¥ 01 the sun, Exteooed ,nadowl; on the water, The grains in the wale' ,park Ie, Aoo ,udden ly, The sun outgrows the Irees in height the river. O ,.nge is saoowiched bet~n ,hadM 01 black, A cu rtain of black in the !~ y aiJoo,.e, Noi>es ri!oe to a steady hum 01 aulo>, cric~ers, bird, in distance: Wdtcr on the graiS gli'lens: The tide has filled the water to In.. full; The ~adows IOfm and darken uoder tn.. trees, Gray paint hangs upon the water oIlhe ,;~r. Whalever day is yet to come, Ha, suddenly Iorml'd, And is here, In glory Or reg,et.


Charles Reeder,


Match 1986


Social Security Disability Act

1\ tW()-p;tlJe(i


appeared in the cA The Alabama I.awy(or and add r~sed "Rec""t o.,.,." lop"""'tS Concern ins Elisibility for Soci~1 SOO.Hlty Disabi lIty:" I would like 10 brleIIy po,nt OUt ~ couple 01 ~"'~ in which mis arTiel" ne«!s I bit 01 expbnalion. TIM! Social Security OiSOlbility 8ent'fitS Irebm IIct 011965. Puhl. No. 98-4fA1. 98 SCat. 1194 (1984), ha§ ~ rum.ot sYndaods 100- disabihty evaluation in a numbe< 01 <lIN§. As mentioned in the:or· hC~. Sechon ~ 01 the llet It'qUi,,,,, the Sec~ry to consider "the combioed ef. fect 01 all 01 the Individual's imp;t'" Pub.l. No. 98-4fA1. 98 Stat. 1794, 1800 (19S4) lemphasis iKkIedJ. Prior to thIS legi~lal ion, IWO specif,c regulation, 1IO""",ro the Sec",l<Iry's ev;rluatiorr of multiple Impllirmen ts. 20 C.F. R. §-I04J522, 404.1523 (1965) Thesoe regul ... tions st.>te m'lI the ~ 01 multiple imIY""""'1S n"IU!.I be considered in cornb",,,,ion unle!.s such ImIY"menlS ;we unrelated 10 NCh other. """'~ Law int~"3 the$e ..,.,Iations IM!1d that Ihe Sec""ary muSt conSIder the combioed eflrec1 0111 d.i"",nt'~ impoirments and mM:e ~ift( find,n(!$ refledi"3 this c0nsideration. ReevE's v, Hedler. 734 F,2d 519 Olth CII. 1984): WiSSiru '" Sc/lweik"" 679 F.2d 1387 (lit h Cir. 1982) In B.....en v, Heckler, 748 F.2d 629, 635 (11th G r. 19MI. the Court sw ed Ihal prior d<.>ci. sions such as the!.e were "'bolsle....J bt the A't:/!fItly ~ed Soci. 1 Security O iloIIb1lrty 8ent'fi1i Reform IIct of 1984· and held Ihllt, in appropriate c~ a claimant may be Iound dis;ab!ed on the boo,", 01 mulli" imp.;alrmentli e.en though none 01 lhe individual imp.;airments _Id be d~i"3 standinSlltone. N<!w regulalions eff«luatinS Section 4 0I1he llet hoM! not Y"I been promul8.lted bul ~Id be ovall~le in the !Ie.r future. Theio! resula1ions should make il cleal N~mOer 1985 i~sve


thai il il lhe I!'I~I 01 a claimanrs imp;ti lmenlS on his ability to y,o rk, nOI lhe impa"mIlnl' l hemselves, thai mu,' be considered In combInation 100- the pose 01 di~lrty deil!'lmin;lIion. The arTlde is Illso ambrsuous in ilS dilocus5ion of attorney'S iHs. The aud".. encourajlr!!S anomevs 10 represem clai"",,,,, ;n drs.>bllrty IrtiptJon because 01 1M ovalLlbillty oIallO<ney's under both lhe EquailleCftS to Jusria t\ct ("'EAIA"l .nd the Sociorl SecUrity 1Ict. specifiully 42 U.s.c. §406lbJ(I). ""'" Social Seculitv llet P'O"Ides Ihat an al101'''''Y m..,. be "",aided II ~ nol ~in8 twe<'rt.,..ri-e per(ent cA II claImant's pasl-due benefIts when the (OUr! r<lnOelS a deds ion f""O •• able 10 lhe claimant. petCl'Ill 01 POSI-<iue beoeIilS is withheld from the claimanl bt lhe Social Secu.ity Administralion 10 be rele~ to lhe allomey upon court order or adminisl"'ti"" aulhorization 01 lees. The IIrTicie !.Iau.s m al at· tornt!'(l ~ ;IW;Irded pursuanl to EAj.4. a", "taken on I<lP 01" ""I' amount _rded under- 11M! Soci.1 Security An. This ''''teml!'l11 is somewhat ambisuoul. No allO<ne\l ~ be awarded an amount in eu:1N of i"enty4i..e pr!fCen1 01 "'" da,manY. past-due beoe/its. 42 U.s.c.§406(b) Therefore. the queSl ion becomes whethe r the claimant pays lhe .\1orney'S fee from his withheld benefits or whether lhe IIO""ln~nt payslhe fee po"".nt to


ENA. In support 01 his uaoom..ntlhat EAjA be ",ken '"on top or lee. und..! the SOcial SecUllty llet. 11M! author citeS LovE' '" Hed~ 553 f.Supp. 1346 tM.O_ AI • • 1984), TIM! w.oe case WH a case where the SOcial Security Adminis.t""ion IefmlnalOO the Nlmant'. bl!ne(,ts will>out ~;n8 medk.! i~l. Simpson v. Sc""""'i~ 691 F_2d 966 (11th Cil. 1982). Therefore, lhe love coun awarded altorney's lee. pursuanl to EAJA ~ m..,.


because Itlound thal lhe Secretary's ac· lion was no1 subsl~nl i ally justified . The coun did 001 IIw.Ird EAJA lees "on top of" the altomey's Iee ...... ilable under lhe SocI~1 Secullty llet in the sense lhal the III· torney received both i"enrr-ti"" pt'fO"Ill oI lhe clarmant's past-<iue benefits plus lee. undef EAJA. fUm..., lhe SO'o'E""mef1l patti Ihe c Laill\illt's anOfney', Ie.. por· ..... nt 10 £AlA. An amount equivalent 10 the EAJA fee was I...... released 10 Ihe cla;ma,.,t from IhI! benefits wilhheld 100al1omey's ~ Untlel lhe Social Securily


J\dd11ionlllly, the ""su," S, 1985 amendmenlS to EI\JII spedfically ad· dressed Ihis Issuc:

(bl SKl .... 106(bl 01 rhe Soc,,1 Secu· rlty ....1 (42 U.s.c. 4OI>(bRl» wll nor - ' " 0li'l _rd 01 """ arrd ",he< .... PIO"""I unr:II!'I HOion 2412t11 oIliIle 2& Uniled SWK C<.rr:W. Sect"", 2ObIbI\2) oI!heSoclili SecunlyNt wll ply WIll> le1oPt'" 10II1'II' _h ..... ttI but only rI, ~ !he ,,,,,,,,,,,,'. anOlney ....:er_1eK lOt Itre _ """"" unde< borh I«bOI> 206IbI 01 tho! Nt arrd "",. .ion 2.I2idl 0I1~1e 2& ~oed Soole> C", !he dol..-t'. anomqo """"'" to Itre Itre """"'"' <litre vn.I-


'" ...,"'mont

28 U.S,C, §2 41 2 lamended on .....,S, 5, 1985 bt Pub.l. No. 99-80. 99 Slat. 18) 11985)) Thus an attOI""Y m..,., in a ~se, recel~ EI\JII fe<es "on lop of" a Social Secullty 1\(1 allomcys fee. H<M~r. as tM an...oomenl IndIcates. lhe anorl'>e'Y mu," refund 11M! ~mounl of lhe smaller 01 11M! tWO lee. to m.. dalmant. The ~~ also discusses "'" use of m.. «lVid~" to help ~mi"" disability. The "pids.. or Medical>.batioNl G.Jideli,..,.. Iound III 20 CU, P.rt 4()4, Subt»rt P, 1Ippend.. 2 (t98S), are t.lbles whkh taL.. • cLalmanfs aB". eduCiuion, work .... pCfieoce, and his remainms ca pacity lor y,ork inlO ConSldelation. all boo >e<J upon


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1SH)131 264-8421

345·6494 ,

legi,lal;"" f;>Ct~. ~rod direct li rnJings of disabled or 001 d,,,,bled whid, are ,ubjeer 10 r~>OOttill, 20 C.F. R. PMI 404. Subpilrt, P. Appendi ~ 2§200J)O(~) (1985) Tfle use 0I1hc g rids has been upheld by the Sup""me Court in He<:kler v. Campbell, 461 U.S. 458, 103 S.C!. 1952 11981). EI~nlh Circu it ..... se I""" has directed that Ihe ~riJ, should nol be applied me<:nanlcally ~nd th~1 Ifle d~i manl should be gi",n an opportunity to reWl hi' age calegory by showing Ihat his ability to adapt is o,ss than that oIthe nor· mal person 01 hi, age. Re<.>ves v. He<:kler. 734 F.2d 519 (11th Cir. 1984); Broz v, Schwei ke,. 677 F.2d 1351 Il lth (i,. 19821; vacated and remanded sub nom. Heck· Ie, v. Bro., 77 Ud.2d 1311, adhered 10. nI F.2d 957. modified. 721 F2d 1197 (11t h (ir. 19831. The art icle impl ie, th at the I>I'W Act w ill aher the u!oe oIl he age grids. H ~', lhe new , makes no such changes Some oIlhe 01 1"" areas wh ich have been added {If "",i$ed by the """,, aOC the mental imp;.i rment guidelir>es. the list ing 01 imp;.irment, in Appendi x 1 of 20 C.F.R. Part 404. and tM Im""ical 1m· p....,.,.".,enl guidelinl'S. These revi sions represen! an updal" in 1M obi""!i",, cri· leria used to evaluate diSOlbility 10 take d iagnoslic and IOC~lmenl ad ..... nces inlO cons iderJlion. The new mentJI imp;.ir. men! guideline, VI',,,e ~bli,hed on August 28. 1985 aI 50 Fed .Reg. 35.038 (1985). The regulations conlaining fl.... i. , ions to the I;,tong 01 impairments ...... re published 00 December 6, 1985 at 50 !'W.Re&- 50.066 (19851, The fiMI medical impr<M>ment regulal ions, also published on DeCl'mber 6, may be lournJ at 50 !'W.Re&- 50,118 (19851_ The loreg<>ing subslantive law mateprepared and written by: rial, Ms. lenny L Smrlh Assislanl Uniled Stales Altomey Northern District of Alabama


The art id .. appearing in the Na.ember issue of Ihis publication is helpiullo Alab~ma aMOtneys, I hope tM fo regoin g comment, will likewise be 01 benefit. Frank W. Donaldson United Stales Atto rney Northern Distri" of AIJb.lma

Young Lawyers' Section

I, ~r""rd Bran""", Ir . YLS P residen l

he 19l1s.-86 bo, yea, 10< lhe Sec1ion is Ihree QUMters I).lSt. Although It i, not yet lime to reflect upoo the ac;com· piishm';'''; of the ~lion. it il ti me 10 delemline how we are progressing towdrd the go.lls we set in July, We muS! ev~lu'lle 001 I"'ogress and make



wl\;)!e'>'eI ;ad, .... ,,""''' ~ry 10


lure ~ wccesslul ye~ •. "1 !he ~nn,n8ohhi,year. we .... two f~'rNChi!\l gook--lor the seclion to be aI ~ice 10 the ~ althe profeHion at the rom!olages 01 lheor deveIopmem U I~.and to ~ puI~IC ~ioce eno:::our~Slng a more pOSI""" im.og<!' oIlawyers 10 !he r6I of thecommuniry, Toacrompji'" Ihi., we soughl In.: invol""rn",.,! 01 young 1~"'Y<'rs Ihrovghoul Ihe .tJle who I'" ...... 'ousiy had n pan in lhe declsion-makong process 01 the ~Iion.

001 h;>d displa~ an ;nteres! ben", our prof",,,;oo and, u usual, _ ,.,lIed on !he !ellde<""P 01 OIlier l'OU"I! ~ .>el''''' In


desl~ 10


the I«Hon j'No<S. ThIS ye.>r, we h.we ",gh! new ~n~ 10 rhe~ul''''' commIt· _. and 1~ "itCh h;:o"" connibu!<'d mIlCh .....d wOfk .nd many glul

ode.s. To Continue 10 find prt>te<:ts to K'NC 00' fellow I~wyers arid the pubIoc, we L'OCooragl.'li the ;>fle ndallCe of

the !M'n,~h;p of !he exl'CuU"" (om"',!lee ;11 affiliate outreiKh pro8'iItm ilIId ~""'l\iIrs >jlOIIKK"OO by the An"!,;un Ba, AnodatlOll YlS. fou r meml>e'J 01 OUt Je(;tion attended the MIdyear Meclinll of the ABAlYLS in 8~111I"0Ie In Fcb<u~'Y. They wert. P.csident~ll'Ct Cia"" 81iKk and ROIl ();aVIS 0( T UloG)IooI.o, I(etlh Norman of MOII1SOOIE'fY and Rick Kuyl<endall of 8.rmmghom. r .... ~umed IQ U$ .... tII a _altll of infOfmatlon ""'igned to ImptO'>'e our a\.KICi.lhon. The S«tI(ln', UI'CUtlve CommIttee mel Febn.ary 1 ~llhe Grande Hotel in PoIn. Cle~r; SlllCe lhe meeting waS in lheolf~ for the hoIeI, Cha.l", MlxOII w~ able to ."ange outSlaf"od. '"g ..c.:ommod.Jlions al a rale reaSOt>,'bl" enough 10 iow.e an excellent tun"",!. The mc<.~inll SolVe UJ an opportuony 10 ""alu,'te where we ,tood reg.a~,nll OUr goals. We are OOlriKk low;>.d an extrt.~ly wa;~,ful year of ser"llice \0 OUr P"';"""OII, ., _ ex· peel p;IITic.~oon in lhe Ihree CLE semin.lB ~ in lhe 'P""8' the Budge-II'e,C;>p lhe Coole.· ence OIl lhe ProI~~s and lhe a ..... nWli S;a~tln Ioftnlna •. .0.110. plaM are belnll m.ode lor OUr ~Iion to l'fOVode help and wppo<! lor the b:lr"s Commll1ee on lawye.


Alcohol And DrUII Abu>e. II appears

thai 1>\1 Ju ly we WIll be able 10 003,1 of a prodlJ<;1ive y,,01t I"wld inll public se",ice. Petey Radllam is layinllihe grouoowork for a JlO!."ble grant Irom the ABA 10 help ;t(in,ini'>lE'r lhe YOUlh legi~lal''''' Judicial Program which Keitll NomWI tIol5 (""'rOO lor the YLS, lynn Mot;U.n.nd he< commineeare P"'POnng for the YLS' 'nvolvement in a cornm .....1y educaloon project ~1 yea< Cf'letwatlnlllhe bicentennIal of the U.III00 Statl.'S COMIIIUtlon. Even though eiKh rommll_ apI"'ars 10 be fI!he< on or ahead 01 >ehedule, I ~m wre we ( an expeet . .., al· ways, the I,", thrl.'!! mom'" 01 the b:lr ye," 10 be busy and. a! lin"'s, almos1 hect ic, as we S!uve 10 mAke OU~ the great!'$! profesSlOll 01 a ll. From what 1hove obsetvOO. lhe comminee rnai.· men 01 your YlS iKeep! !hls hard worl.:; .os • Lobor ofl<lve and, becauo;e oIlhe" d,lIgence. mine hu been an euy job. We encour. your input and you. W88<'§l1Orn. ~ we are he<e 10 serve you. If you hove M>y PfOI"CI in whICh you are p;or1icul~rly lnU!fesood Of any questions about the iKI,vit;", of!he YlS. plu!oe me or any member oI!he ~~ecutl\l~ comnH llee. •



About Members, Among Firms ABOUT II.U MB EIt S Ydll,eUa I't>nn O... anl is plNSI!d to 3nJ1O<lI'lCe she;s n"", engaged in the l)tactice of law as Vanlelld Pen" M cPhel')On.

B,i." Doo.ling an no..",,,,,,, tl.e reIoc~non 0( hIS ollke to 1M South Oates Stree1, OoIt>an. Atab,)ma. Phone 7'}J-


~ Mic ~ (on-~

annourw:es the

of h" law office 10 1107 Nonh Chco~. DoIhan, Alabama,


36JOJ. Phone 792-6752.

lo hn W. Adams. I' " PC, announces 1M refr\O'\Ia l 01 its offices 10 Su ite 2506

fils! NaflOnaIB.1nk BuildIng. Mobile, Alab;!ma . 36602. Phone 4).)..8464.

Kic ..... rd C. Bent~, formerly of Montgomery. Alabama, IS ~rd cer1,fled In ~.I ,nJury IJ,alliIWlyt'the Texas 8oo.rd 01 ~I Sopecialilation, Stile ~f 01 Tel<as.

John 8.h.kel annoooc", the ope~ In8 01 his offices in the Legal "'" S BUlld,ng. in nsociati on with B.h~k el & lIahake l Attmneys, 2131 -12th "'-"

nue North, Birmi ngham, Alaoom., J5234, Phone 328·9796.

Edrll. Oan;by announces the ",io-

calIon 01 his office to 41 8 ScOI! Street. Montpnety. Alab..lma, 361001. Phone


.norney E""""ine s..w been ,,,,,,,ted 10 "'" a member of an ~

Alneriun vi>i\ing o,ina in April at the IIWIt.ltron d the Chilll':\e

d Ju~~ and under the aIlSof the (itiWl Ambassador Pro-

Min;;t!)' pic~


gram <:II f'eQp1e to f'eQp!e IOlematior>ai, The leader of thIS leg<Il dt>leg<Ition .. former Chrellultice 0/ the Florida Su ll<Clf\C Coort. Arthur I, England. Ir.

MOnlgomo.'ry atl()roe'r' C~I~io M. W l!i!eM'1I cur~!ly i. 5(!fVing as vice ChalflNO d the .odmini\.ua!i"" and

(;(:Nemmen! t...... Committee <:II d'e General PIXlIa Seclron d the .......... ie¥! Bar ASSOCIation. The General Pr;occrce Section has more rh.In t7Jn) membe~

Slate<.. The

tl!fOUgi'Iout (he Uoi!ed .odm;nI'tr~I'" and GQy.

emmen! t......Commll1~'C cooroioat'" lhe OOr ;>cllv itl'" of general pri>C1ice attomllYf wIth special inte rest in Ihal ar&1 of the law.

AM ONG fiRM S The form of C.~y, bpy aod Neil l", is plused to annour'lOl' Richard "~r ..11 Nolm and Mark Aod"",,' X03;n t.".,.e become asSOCiated wilh lhe fo.m located al 2728 Blh Sireet. P.O. 80:< 2786. TUKaIOOS<l, Atab.>m<l, 3540), Phone 7~5591.

om,,,, an!

lOOn W. 100-. Jr.; James H.

P.O. !lox 639, Hayn'lvllle, AlaOO""" 16040, phone 5411-271 4.

The fir", of Reid, Sldn & Smil l! is ple.:rsed to announce Rich.lrd E. Bass has become a membe' of the firm. and the ~ 0/ the firm has been changed 10 Re;(!, Stein, Smith " ~ Offoces rem;lln ~t SO S. G~ O/frt:e



B, P.o. 80>.

Ca ldwell ~od McCoy, AUo,nllYf al l.>w. The firm's office shall continue to be located In the IohnloOn Building at III North Llnier Jwenue, Llnett. AI· ab.lma, 36863 Phone 644-lIn.

H. lrw;. G illis aod C..... rles R, Ne!bi tt are pleased 10 .lI1r'1OUr'IOl' the fo<rnalron of!her. firm lor the genetal practIce <:II law under the .... me 0/ Gillis & Nebitt, PC. OffICeS a re located al 434 SJyre Stree1. Montgome!)', AI · aOOma. 36104, phone 262-1774. and


TIM> Slale Departmenl 0/ EdUCilIrOl'l is ple~sed 10 announce Deni,., B. ,,~ .. ~nd l im R. IJIIXIlilo, I••• have jOllied liS office of gene",1 cou n,.,L Offices are IocJtcd ~1609 StJte Of~ ce Building. Montgomery. Alab:ama, 361)(), Phone 26 t·S32n

Hand, A~.II, 8~~, Gre.,...s & IOOnstOl'l. 30Ih Floor. fIrst Nalron~1 B.J,n~ 8ulldlng. Moble, AI~b.lma, ~I<es pleawre in .... nounong R.,-foro L Eillenon, I•. , and M. "\.lI1ooy "'!.onl·

;ply hoM become


of lhe


c..1d"ell; and CI.oud f . M<Coy, Jr., ate pleased to announce the formation 0/ a p.or1ne~hlp lor the genera l practice of law. The name of Ihe form shall henceforlh be ~nown M Iohn5On,

~ 16,

Alab.lm., l6531. Phone 92&.BSS.

TI\OnldS YIM, oul Id~", pleas.llfe in announcing IIrell N. Black"'OOd ha$ be<:omeaWJr;iJted with him, WIth offices al Suite 515111'CM'n M,lrx 'KJwer, G.


Alab,lIna. Phone 1211-


Judy O. Thom.l5. 3110rney at law, and IoI!n R. Hul h""n('~, formerly ... sociale cooo§CIlor the AlaOO"", De. ~rtmenl o/I~urance, ~ ... plea>ed to announce thI:' Iormallon 0/ a partner· \.IIII' under the name 0/ "od Hulh""nce. OIAces ~re.1 1410 Second ~ue E35I. Oneonta. Alab.lm~. 15121. t'hor>e 625·3973.

MMCh 1986

The I"", firm 01 Innglhore and I.ongshore i~ plea>ed 10 announce Mic haell, {rons hJS jo ined lfle fi rm, arod lhe fo,m's name has ~n chan ged 10 Inns-hore, Eva n, and loflgshore. or· fices are located at 423 F ran~ NeilOO Building. Birmingham, Alabama, )$20) Phone 252.766 1.

The law ~rm of Mandell" Boyd is plea,...] 10 announce Al gert S. Agri· cola, Ir" forme< assistam a"orney get>e<al in the civil hl igation section 01 the Alabama Attorney General', omce, has joined tbe fi,m. Omces are at 25 South Court Si reel. P.o. RDx 4248. Montgorne<y, Alabama, 3( 10), Phone 262·1666.

The law fi rm of Smith. White & Hynds, PA, annourn:es the firm name hils been changed to Smith. Hynds, Blo:der & w..1her, PA. Offices remain al 1624·2121 Buikl ing. Birmingham. Alallama, 35203. I'hooe 328-4444.

The law firm of PaJlpanastos & s..mford, pc, is pleased 10 announce the relocalion 01 thei r offices for lhe general practice of law to lhe fou,th floor, Wa,h,,,S',,,, Cou rt Bu,lding. 25 Washinglon Avenue. P.o. Bo, 1402, Montgomery, Alabama, )6102. Phone 262·1600.

Farmer, Price, ( SPl' & Smith lakes pleasure in announcing f red i.cnton White has become associaled w ith the fi rm. Offices are localed at 11 5 \""1 Mams Slree!, OothJ n, Alabama, 36302. Phone 793·242 4.

frank J. Tipler, Ir., and lames Harvey Tipler an nounce the OJ)ening of new offices on In.. Gulf CO<ISI of Florida and Ihe admission of lam ... H.",ey Tiple r to pr30ice before the courts 01 AI"""ma and Florida OffiU".i are locawd al Tn.. Tipler Build ing. po. 60>1 1397, Andalusia, Alabama,

36420. 222·4148; Tn.. ....... I,bo Ceoter, Su ite [·9, 23410 Civic Cenler w~. Malibu. Ca lrlorn ia. 90265, (2131 4561941; and 5horeli"" V,lIage, Sulle )02 , 884 Higffl>".,. 98 East, ~t; n. Florida. 32541 , 19041 837.(1555.

The firm r:i Miller, Hamill"'" Snide< &. Q dom is pleased to announce Sradley R. B~<ne and George A. leMa istre, Ir., have become panners 01 the firm. and M~rk j, T" nhundfcld and Mdtlhew C. Mc Oondld h<M: become a,o;oeialed wrlh the firm. fices are al 254·256 Sial" 5t"'''t, Mq. bile, A I ~bama. 36603.


Eric A. Bowen, G'''1Iory A. Carr and Richard A. Lawrence are plea,...] 10 annOunce the formation 01 a pao1. nership in lhe name of Bo",,,,,, Carr &. Lawrence. orfices are located al 418 Seoll Siret't. Montgomery, Alabama. 36104. Phone 269-5900.

G. Randall Spear and D......·C)I W. Teague ta ke plea,ure in an nouncing Ihe formation of their pannership. Sf"'dI &. Teagu e, at 403· B Ealt Magnolia Avenue, Auburn, Alabama. 36830. Phone 887·5809.

The law firm of Dortch, Wri ght &. ta kes plealUre in announcing Da"id C. Livingslo n wili lhereafte r be allOCialed wilh Ihe firm, localed al 239 Col lege Sir""'. p.o. Box 405, Gadsden, Alabama, 3S902. Phone 546-4616. Rus~1I

Tn.. law fi rm 0/ CNver~ Jnd R~ll>h lak ... plealUre in announcing Thomas K. Brantley, Ir., ha, become associal· ed wilh Ihe firm. Offices a re localed at 914 S. 8rundidge Street. Troy, Ala· bama, 36081. Phone 566-lJ1I6.

The I",," fi,m ot Johnstone, Ada om, Howard, Ba iley a nd Gordon ta k~" pleasure in announcing Jam ... H.

fr"" l has become a member of lhe firm, and R. Gregory lval1l, John A. Carey, C. Grantham Baldwin and Michdel C. White have become a'lOCia led with Ihe firm. OIfices a re at 104 SI. Francis Sireet, Mooile, Alabama.

Th oma~ Reuben Bell, AItomey, PA, and Michae l W. Landers, Atlorney, ,mnounce lhe formatron of the part· nership 01 Be ll and l..!mlers for the practice of law, with offices al 223 North Nonon Avenue, Sylacauga, AI· abama, 35150.

The law fi rm oi St. John & St. lohn ;s pleased to announce the a~wc ia· t,on of f'ank Williams, Ir. Offic ... are located al 108 3rd Stree1, Sf , Po. Drawer K, Cu llman, Alabama, 35056. Phone 734-3542.

Paul langon S01h e riand has become an alwcia!e wil h lhe Bir. mingham firm 0/ 5"<1ler,, Sharp & Stults, 1'(. Solherland served as law clerk with Sadi e<. Sullivan, ShJrp &. SlultS prior 10 his adm inance 10 the Alabama Sl,lIe Ba r. R~msey

K. Reich has joined lhe insurance brokerage and emp loyee l>eneiits conlulling fi rm of 10hnlOO & Higgi ns of Alabama, Inc., in 10e capacity of sentor consullant. His of· fice i, located on Ihe fourth floor 01 the First AI"b,Jm" B~n k Building III Birmingham , Alabama . Phone 583·


Norman, Fillpatrick &. Wood ;, pleased to announce Mic hael 1(. Wrighl and Roberl L WiIIi.m~ h~ beeome panne rs of lhe firm, and the fim, name is changed 10 NOf m~n. Fit~ patric k, 1-\\)Or;I, Wris!>t & lViI· Iia ms. Offic.... re located al 1100 City Feder,,1 Bui lding, Bi rmingham. AI .... bama, 35203. Phone 328-6643.


Scope and Application of the Atto Designed to proIeCIlhe ronfodcoti.ll rclalion~ip bclween anOt~ and chem, the a"Qrn~lieot p<i~i1ese oper~l~ 10

prt......"'1 (ompel ll.'d disclosure of Communications m;>de lor ,m:, pu rpose of

SO'!I.'king 1eg.11 0Idvke. All Americ;ln coun~ 'e<:ogni~e and agree upon the basic elements 01 the pi'lv,Iege".


The p, .. ~ only if f1J ..... .....~ h<>IdH 01 ..... ..... ilese i, or """'" 10 bKomo. clift!!; (2) ..... .,.... >On 10 .............. conwnuf'lialion _ mode is (,oj • mombt< 01 d>e to. of •

lUboodi...... tbI in con. ~ a)mmUnicol>otl is t . . . . . ~OI ..... ~ telOIeIIO • f«I 01 wl"ch ...... norner _ Iniolmed 101 btr hl. client fbi po .... ,,,,,, 01-.... kilo< ''''' pu"""," 0/ ,,",un ng pn m.orily ",!he< (,) on oplnKln on law or (ii) Ieg;JI "". (J)UI\, or ~



w,"""" .....

VOC" '" li li) .,,1'-1"""" In «>me ~I

IJIOCftdiog. MId "'" (dj 10< ..... purpC>!e

01 comminin, . crime or 1On;.nd (4) the bft:01 (0) c"'imod MId (bI "'" _-t br ..... d""",

11'' ,,'"'"' ....

Vni«'d SU!eS V. Un/led SIIoe M.Jchinery COtp.. 89 F. Supp. J~l, JS&-S9ID. "'-.

19S01 The privil<'ge ""u upon two ptin_ <:i J'"1 poliey jU5tifiutions. Fir>!, "" en-

couraginw truthfulness aod full disclosure in communical i on~ between an attorney

and dient, the ptivilege helps ."ure e/.

leo,,,, and reliable advice. See. 1'-8-, Up-

iohn Co. v. Unlled StaleS. 449 Us. 383,

389 (l!Ja il. Second, bot promoting ....,lul>tary complian(~ with !he t.-, !he privilese is consl!lered to beiliute the .... min,Sir.uion 01 JONic .... N.!u ~. ~n. 192 F.ld 686, 691 IMlih Ci~ 1968) Although originally held bot !he ~1IOr· ney. !he privolege ncM' is viewed <is ~ sole ~">t!olthedient.' WhiieonIy the dlent C~n r.ise 0< w<li~ the pri";. le~. an al10rnev h~s a profe>sional obligallon !o advise a eIienl 01 the existence 01 the 1),,"iIe8'" and assert it On th", client's behalf in aPPlOl)fiate c;n:umSl~nces. Code 01 ProielSion;Jl Rejpoll!ibility 01 lhe AI.b.1m.1 SUre Bar, EC 4-4, DR 4·101(8) In stale courtS,. the privilege is b.sed UIIOIl common I ...... or S!AlU!e. fa< lhe ~ p;l1t, IoUIUtory Ioonulaliom ";mply

enacl Of clarify common I...... principle>.

See. c.S .. Ala . Code §12·21.161 (19751. In federal coons. lhe privilege g<>nerally is a qt.te511on 01 SliIIC I...... in di~ity actions and ol federal common law in feder.1 quCSlion OICIions. Fed. R. Evid . .501 accor· dingly provide>: l>ap: iM O/herw..., _Rd by the C"""i .... ion 01 ..... I..IfIiIed s.... Of poottdod by Act 01 Conamo Of in .... poncrtbed by ..... s...p..m. C...... "",. $Wnt >0 ~ &J!ho<'I)I...... 1If'Y~

lettola WI"- - . .,..."., ..,.. s..~ Of poj'hCOl ~tl be ~

...ttdiVi-. tt..mlf

by the pn~oI theCOl'W'I(W' ~ .. tt....,. may be i.-· 1)It1«I by ..... court\ 01 ..... United s...... in ,he 118~t 01 _ at>d "". po!fOorce. _ . in ciVil at>d 1>rOCftd,nlP. with respet;:, 10 an eloomen, 01. cLl im Of dcfen.. iM 10 which SI ... I....... wlieo ,he ,uIe 01 ded""". ,hi! priv,~oI. ~


tm_. s..te.



pohrial subdi_""", the<tcI shoIlbc determined in 0<."C0Idwllh SUM: !.ow. Of


NoIwi!Mund,1IS lhe proYisions ol the rule. ~ federal common I...... ffII<I apply in ~I COU<I .>CIions in which boIh W!de",1 and loUie t.- cl.>ims _ lit· i",ted. 5~ Pemngnon ~. /k>rgen F.R.a 4SS (N.D. c..1. Brunsw'8 Cetp.. 19781. Choke 011_ rules g<'fIef~lIy c.lI for application oI,he 1 ....... ol the StiIte which has lhe most signlfocan' rel~'ionship with tim cOf1,munica'ion." un le>~ ,he "stf(lllS public policy ol tit!! Iorum" call. lor a dil. lereo' reo lt. Seo::tion 139 ol Thfo Rt>n.u .... menl (Second) 01 Confliel 01 Laws e>,. presses the policy lh~! !he leao;l "'5!rM;l. iYe SlaCe t.- should apply; a view ron,"nen! with lhe principle that lhe pri_j. lese is 10 be tined.,. ron""""'. s.e.e (),..


¥Miroed '''Ws{(~ Inc." Mf'fedifh. sn F.2d S% 18th Ci,. 1978l.

The Nalllll' of lhe CommuniC.lion AI the he~n 01 the privilege i. the ex· iSlence 01 a rommunicatioo be1ween an allorney and clienl. For purposes ol ,,,,,,


MJrch 1986

mey-Client Privilege - an Overview ""lee privill."Se. a "communicat ion"


gestures 0< other ....:mIl"" actio", as "",II

as arry ora l 0/ written ,,,,,,sfe, 01 information . Cooper v. Mann. 273 Ala. 620. 143 So. 2d 63 119631 (Til<. privilege applies to ~I I kno.vledge <IoCquioro I>; an anomey, even if acqu ired through sight alor>e.l Compal" In re w"I5h, 623 F.2d 489 17111 Cir,t reft. denied, 449 U.s. 994 (1980) IsuggeSTing clien(s appearance may i)e obserwd by arr,<lne and nence is not confldentiall. See American Bar As.ocialion ("ABA,,), s«r ion oIlitigatioo, Th" Anorney-Clien! Privilege Alld the v.t>rk PfQducl Ooctline 13 11983) (criticizing 1""'1511, and nOling thai if a cliem ....... ,ing blood,tained <:Iothe goes to his al· torney fo, advice, this consti tutes a communication Ihal should be protected). The p'iv ilege immuniZes only rhe {<>c'ual COfltenl of • communication, The fact51hcmse l""" if learned from another ~l'Ce. are ro:>I protected from disclosure. See, e.g., Kling v. Tuns/JII, 124 Ala. 268, 227 So. 420 (1900). The priv ilege gener· ally operales 10 prole<:1 communication, by an al1orrle'y to. dient as _II as by a ciicollo an al1orney. In re Fi«:It<!"I, 557 F 2d 209. 211 (9th Cir. 197"'1, '·Ordina ri· Iy Ihe compe lled disc losure 01 an al1orney's communications or adv ice 10 the clienl will efiocli",ly fC\eal the ",b.lance oIlhe clients confidenlia l communicalion 10 lhe al1orney. 10 pt'<'\"entthis .esult. Ihe pri vilege normally exle nds both 10 lhe sub.lance oIlhe clients rommunic ... lion as ~II as 10 the aMOrney'S advice in ... re,ponse Ihereto." Comp.1re SCM Corp. v. Xero>: Corp., 70 F.R.D. 508. 518. 523 (D. Conn.I, appeai dismil>«l, 5)4 F. 2d 1031 (2d Cir. 19761I"Tnhe al1orney's opinions and legal theories, """n if recorded in his own files [and not communicaled 10 Ihe eliem], are privileged under the narr(JVli standard of (United State, v. United Shoe Machinery Corp., 89 F. Supp. 357(0. Ma,s. 19501] if they """a l information suppl ied in confi_

Tit<!" Alaa.m. Lawyer

dence by the cl ienl, but abSl.'m such informalion irom lhe diem, it i, only the .......,ric product rule and r.oI lhe [attorneyclient] privilege that pro tects the at· torney's Ur>COmmunicated expres,ion of Opin ion.") CommunicaTions between an anorney and cl ient are prolooed by the privi lege only when the client imende.:J and "". peeted al lhe time the commun icalion wa, made thai il.......,uld not be related 10 other persons. Fa< example. in Soverei~n C.rnA WO.w. v. Pritcllelt 203 Ala. 33. 81 So. 823. 825 (1919). the content> 01 a leiter were hekj not 10 be privileged when the letter ,howed on it> face thai it was intended to be communicated 10 a third parry. 10 be proIe(ted from disclosu ..., the information corn.oeyed by Ihe communication ne«I not ilself be confidential. All that is ne<:essary is an imention thai the information be corweyed in confidence. In re Ampicillin Ami·TrUlI Li(igalion, 81 f.R.D. 377; 389 (o.o.c. 1978) t.rl ofca ... Or attemion to preservation 01 the privi· leged natull! d a communication may be found to indicate a lack of imention to maintain its confidentiality. Set, Subur_ b.:>n Sew and Sweep; inc. v Swiss Bernina, Inc .. 91 F.R.D. 254, 260 lND. III. 1981) (Llck of care was evident whe ... al_ legedly "privileged" document> had been retr ie.ed from a tra,h dumpster by an opposing pa rty.) Commun ications m;ode in the presence of third p.ln ies a lso may indicate the ab.ence 01 an intcntion that the c0mmunication be or remain confidential. See Fuller v. State, 34 Ala. App. 211. 39 So. 2d 24 (19491. The ~bsence of such an inte ntion, however, will not be in· ferred in all ci[{;Um'lances. fur example, the I""SI.'fIC<' r:I an e~ropper does not destroy the privilege unless the e~ dropping was foreseeable. People v. Dec!na, 2 N.Y.2d In. 157 N.Y.S.2d 558, 569 (19561 The p"""nce of p.lrries h.....

H . Zell

ins a commona lity of intcrest does not ... nder the priv ilege inapplicable, e ither. See Baldwin v. CommilSione" 125 F.2d 8 t2 19th Cir. 1942) (presence of SOn duro ing communications betw<.'<'fI molher and attorney concerning a proposed transfer 01 property to the son did not wai~ lhe pr ivilege in a subsequent dispute bel'.'."een the IRS and the moIheI'S es!~te). In a dispute arising subsequenl to privileged communication, be~n or among parties sharing a COmmon in. lel1!Sl, " " ' - , lhe privilege does not immuni~e previous communications i)e. I'.'."een lhe parties and their respeai~ at. loroeys. Set, C,and Truck l'oesle", RAil. road Company " H. W. Nelson Com· pany. 116 F.2d 823 (61h Gr. 1941)' To be privileged, a communication must h""" been co~ by or to an al· torney. The a"OIney must hiM' been a licensed member 01 the bar al the time the communication waS made. 8 J. 'Nig. mo .... supra §2JOO at 58Q..81 n.1. tn Alabama, "Itlhe privilege does not incluOOcomm unication, made by one per_ son to another under the erroneous suppos ition th~t the other is an attomey." H.lWi" V. Slate. 88Ala. 37, 7 So. 302, 313 (1889)' tn order to qua lify for lhe prote<;Tion affoRied by lhe privilege, a communica. tion muSt be 10 or from an a"OIney acling in Ihat cap.lcity. MOreo:M:r, thecom. munication must expres, Or im illy a reQUest for legal assistance. See Burlinston industries V. £... on Corp.. 65 F.R .D. 26, 37-39 10 Md. 1974). The assistance requested m~t requ ire OIcontemplate the perlorm~nce of services rC<luiring legal sk il l. See, e.g .. Stale V. Marsh.II. 9 Ala. 302 (1845). Genera ll y, the n, lhe privilege will apply only to services involving lhe "application of law to facts or the rendering d an opinion in ... sponse to the client's leS"1 inquiries:' PUMO Rico v. 55 Zoe ColocO/.,onl, 61 F.R.o. 653, 660 (D. P.R.


19741 ConseqU<'1nt ly, (ourt, frequent ly held thai (ommuni(~tions corw:em· ing business "!lher than legal advice, or those re lallng to buis""" negOllalions, die not privileged. See. e.S., United St"t('5 v. /ntefn.nrornl Bu,il'l('5s l.l"c/",,,,, Corp, 66 F.R.D. 206i5.D.N.Y. 19741; I,P' FoI(!y & Co. v, Vanderbill. 65 F,R .o. 523 (S.D.N.Y. \974). Communication, m<>de on the conl",,1 01 tax re1um P«'paralion or accou nting ma lters may or may not be priv ileged, dependins upon the !oe",ices soughl or performed bv the anorney. Compare Olendel v. United Stales, 210 F.2d 795 (91h Cir. 19541; United States v. Davis, 636 F.2d \026151h (ir. 1961); and Canaday v. Uniled States. 354 F. 2d B49 IBlh (i r. 1%6), wilh Henty v. Co/Ion, 201 F. S-upp. 1) (S.O. NY. 1961). alrd. 306 F.2d 633 (2d Cir. 1962), art. denied sub nom. CoIIOn v. Uniled SidleS, 371 US 951 (19631; United SlJteS v. Schmidt, 360 F. Supp. 339 (M.D. Pa. 1973). a nd Uniled SIJtes v. Summe, 208 F. Supp. 925 (E ,O. Ky. 19621. An attorney's perlormanao 01 imestiga. lioe Or informalion·galhering functions h.~



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may 01 may not be prO!C'Cted bv lhe pri", ilege. Compare Bird v. Penn Celllr.1 Co., 6 \ F.R.O. 43 IE,O. Pa. 19731, with Diver· sified Indu.";es, In<:. v. MeredIth, sn F.2d 596 (8th (i r. 19771. modified en bane. sn F.2d 606 (8thCir. 19781, To the extenl Ihat communicalions concernln8 such IUncTions are illlllluni ~ed (rom disclosure. however, it ,hoold be noted p .... ",i,ting record, or documents do not ac· q uire pro tection ,imply bv virtue of h<wing been fumished to counsel, See. e.S., Fishel v. Un i/eel Stales, 425 U.s. 391. 40]"()4 (1976).' Commun ications to an anomey ~Iy as a Iriend or relative are not privileged. Set> Modem I-Ibodm.n of .... mer;c. v. Witkins, 132 F.2d 352, 354 15th Cir. 1942). Communications with non·lawyers who in some res~ are ac(ing for the lawyer, however, IlIay be prolected. In Serleral. prolect io ... will be aflorded to commun icalion, wilh accounl.3nts Or if\vesligal0rs il they are employed to as,i,t a lawyer in the perfolmance 01 legal service .. See 2 J. Weinstein &- M. Berger, \\t>instein's Evidence, §503(alj3I(01l al 503-25 (19811, bu( In lie Grand lurv Proceedings 658 F 2d 782 (10th Ci, 1981). Ala. Code§ 12-21-161 (19751, which codifies the priVilege (at least in pan]. immunizes commun ications to all "attorney or his clerk." Comlllun ic~tions to an at· tor ney's agent! or cler~ wil l be prolect· ed,, on ly where the client was aware 01 the non·lawye(s Mlati onship wil h the attorney. "JiIWeS v. Stale. 88 "la , 37. 7 So. 302. 313 (1889), ("Comm ullka. tion, made to a 1)e1SOIl who was ill fac t tOO agent or clerk 01 an allorney, bul of which fact the other was not advised, could not have been confidentially impartro, or made with a view 10 thei r beins repeated to an attorney. and are not privileged .1

" "el iem; for purpoSeS 01 the privilege. includes not only a person for whom legal serv ices """"lIy are perlorme<t but also a person seeking to establim an at· IOrT'Ie\'<lient relalionm ip. Thus. the privile ge likely wil l apply ...... n II a prospective client subse<juenlly does not relain the allorney or Ine attorney declines the em ployment , See Sldte v. Tali(!y, 102 Ala. 25, 15 So, 722, 725 11894), Communica· tions be~1l an atlom~'Y and a thi rd· party employed by or representing a clienl are not privileged, even thoogh lhe in/ormation sought or obtained relales 10 the allomey's legal advice to lhe clie nt. 5.... In re arella, 231 f. Supp. 529 (0, Minn. 19641. ICon,munic.tions belV><.'en Ihe die nt', bank and anomey, allhough designed to obtain information in con· nec1iorr with the al1orney's preparalion 01 a will. """ e not plotected horn dil<:losure in resp""'se to an IRS subpoena.) See BaQliS v, S(.)te, 204 " Ia. 345. 86 50. 92 (19201lPriv ilege doe-s 001 ~""Iy to (omlllumcat ion! bo.'1Wl-etl an ,11· torn~'Y and solicitor reg.,rding lhe elie",'s immunity from Climina l prosecut ion .l

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M.rch 19B6

Thl" Scope of t hl" Pri"i lt'S1' in Corpor.1te Comm u nic.l tions The pulicy JUSlific;ol,on. upon whICh lhe pr'vi~ is premi>ed fully support ilS applicallon 10 co<por.uions. Allhough it is ~II cst,lblished ihJl a rorpo<Jlion may ~sset1 lhe atto<nel'·c!ieni privilege II'.g., c"r""r v. l\bifinbargl'i, 00 f.2d t093 151h Ck t970P, lhe C.-Jr1'!i " " ' " ~'\111_ Sled lor I""NS 10 pI.:oce ~ ~Iic_ riooson lhe!.O:opf! of lhe privi~ when HloeI1ed by ~ COl pooalioo. Thee eHom h...... Iioco.rsed principally vpon idenll ..... ins lhose individ ....l. who lruly ~I 0< spe~k lot lhe corpor.llion . Prior 10 1961, Coull. empllJ'l".'{! va,la· lions oIlhe "conlrol group" and "Subject mailer" tests 10 determine whe!her com. muniealions between ..... al1Ome'y and panicular COIptlr.lte empl~ _ comm...,k.atiOl"li beI"'tw an alTl)t~ and a "eli,"",." Under the conlrol 8fOUP tesI, communicanons ~ ~red priVileged "if lhe empl~ makins lhe communicalion>. 01 whalewf ,ank ... , (was) in a posilion 10 ConlrQ! Or C\oen 10 wke.1 subs~'nlial pan in a <k!<:ision aboul any ~Iion which lhe corporalion 11001<1 upOn I"'" advice oIlhe altorney. or if tie )_) an authorized member 01 a body Of IJrOUp which [had! the _hor,l"(.' N.!I. ~ Y, ~n.l92 f.2d 666, 692 (1OIh Cir. 1%11) Unde< me subject malle" lCit. Itle priYI\ese applied if a COfpOrate emptor t<o!, "Ihough II()I a member oi [Ihe corp-


Or.llion's) conlrol 1JrOUp. •. [rna6ellhe communicalion 31 the d'r«Iion oi his Sllperlors ... and ... the subjKI mal· Ie" .•. deall wllh in lhe communicalion



lion was 10 permil counsel "10 be io a pcKl1ion 10 give legal advice 10 lhe (om. pa ll)"'; (2) whe!h<'r Ihe informalion upon which su<:h legal ad~ic<: would be premi~ was unavailable from high rank. inll (or conlrol IVOUP) em~; III whelhe< the communicalions "con· c<:rned manet'S within the §cope oIlhe ~ corporale dulie"; ( 4) whether the~ in~ byC'OUtlsel _ ...... re 1M the inlerv;ews _ berns conducted for the Co<POOilion 10 obI"in legal advice; and (S) whether lhe commu niolions were consideA!d .... lgI'oII' confldenlial" when made, and whelher lhe confideolial StilUS of such C()fn.. munlCalions had beeo rrliIintained. AI. the dl!cision in Upjohn embraces many elementl of the..,btect ~ - . Itle ~lI",focan<:e 01 me opinion lifos prifl.. cipally ,n irs ""'Jlh.lsis upOn a llajble .nd pollcy·oriented approa ch 10 decK/Ins issu ... of privilege. In gCMr.lI, when Ihe elements of Ihe prlvill'g(' have beeo "Ii,,(jed, communicalions are absolulely immuni~ from di§closure. Most courts. ~ haw reCOIl"'led I'AO eu:eprions 10 thiS rule. First, a convnunicarion relarins '" me ongoinlJ Of futult' COfIWn'->n oIa crime or fraud ~ not proteeted by the priviJese. PoIIocI! Y. Unlloo StII.... 202 f.2d 261 (5th CIr, 1973) Second, in a malp<actlce

lhe dUli... of hiS employmenl." H~rper v. RoN PubUs/tets, Inc. v. Deck"r, 423 F.2d 487. 491 ·9 2 (7lh Cir. 1970), .rrd. per curiam, 400 U.s, )46 (19711. teh'S denied, .wI U.s, 9SO (1971) 10 UPiOhn Co. v. Unlll"<l 5L1tes. 449 U5. 383 (1981), the supreme coun la<;ed lhe i""" oi whelher, in an IRS ~ ins. a co<por.llion should be "'<I"i~ 10 provide informalion ind docu""",rs relalins 10 irs inle<nal irr.esligation of payments made 10 fore'gn offiCials. The in...est igalion, rooducled by bolh in· house and oolsKie counscl, had made ~ oi wrilten qoesIionn~ires dimaed 10 corporate offICe<) .nd employees. Upjo/vlargued WI communiCiltioos mode kI counsel by all such empl~ _ privileged; the coun oi appeals nejecIed this .1'8""""''' holdinll in~Nd lhat lhe privilege _ ~pplicable only 10 corporale represenL> who ~re )XIII of the "conl rol sroup." The suprt!me coon IVver<ed, conclvdins Ih.>t lhecommunica. tions al issue _ immuni;rec! by lhe privilese. Alrhoush it apmsly rejecled me conlrolgroup IeSI. lhe coun <k!<:lined 10 articulale ~ preci!.e Iormu~ lor del",· mininglhe """iI<lbi111y 01 the privi!tge with respect '" communieations ~ counsel and corporate emplO')'eeS. The

idenbf,.,.a numbel

oi f.>ctots 10 be consKJ..n.d in lesllns lhe appilUbillly of the privilege, including

mwhethe< lhe purpose of the i~'sa­


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SUII bv a cii('flt as'linst an atrorlle)'. Ifle J>ilnies' othefWl.., I>'IVllesro communi. calions are not immunized. In addition. the pri~i~ ~ not be absolute when;on attorney or client oc· (Up;es a fiduciary retollonshlp wllh lhe p.o"Y """"ing diSClow1e Thi~ is p;lf· licularly lrue whete il can be ~n lhiM a oo'por;;l!e represental,~S interesls are ad_to tho!<! of lhe (Otp:lution i~11 Of othef petSOnS 10 whom i fiduciary duty is~. See. e .... Goolne< v. 1'tbIr....

Waiver of Ih e Privi le ge The privilege of course is subject 10 the Ilfinciples of wai"",. Although wai"", of lhe prIVIlege gene<ally must be ...,(unt;ory and inlenll"""l. !Orne COIl," h.Jve held mat i~r1Cnt disclowreof priVIleged ini'ofTNnon during di~ constitutes a relinqUIshment of liS proteCtion. See. " .... Underwater 5fOtJS('. Inc.~. United Stat('J ~ Co.. 314 F. Supp. 546 IUD.C. 19701.'


boord 01 ~ m.7f war.e the privilege lor the corporation. See UMed States v.

4JOf.2d 1091lSih Cit (910), cetI.

denied, 401 U.s. 974 (19711. Since il oper;;Ilei ~;on e<cepllion 10 the ...... ,denti~ policy thiM all relevanl Wets be fully disc!oKd. courts SIricIIy coniIrue the .>I1011~'dlenl prIVilege. See ,et>etil1y81. Wigmore. supta, §2292. Whete;1 is to be a§""r1ed. the pri~llege must be affi,mati""ly. spec:iflCaJly and IIInely r3ise.:i. See, e ... , Uniu~d StateS v. !.Jni/td

Shoe M achinery COtP-. 89 F. Supp. 3S7 10. MilSS. 19SOI. MI:>re<M.!t. the ~e of e.xh element of the privile-se muSt be demonwaled by the "",ry seekins il5 protection. S",-,. C.8 .• FTC v. tU/wnj Steel Co.. 444 F. SU IlP- 80) 10.D.C. 19771.

8e-nefitling a"or~ ~rrd their clin>ls wilt> the following P'ores~ seMc:es: • rttOIU.TY OMSIClfIIS


A corporallon'S bo.In:I of directors 01

DeUI/q 448 F. Supp. 840. 842-43

(E.UN.Y. 19781. SlmiLorly. """"" in-houlc! counl@!bacorporationhasbeenfound 10 hiM! aulhority 10 Wili"" the privilege. ~ lhough the corporalion had obIdined OUl5ide COU~. See \t>lslCoi Chemic..1 Corp. v. Pal)(lfl~ 516 F.2d 671 (7th Cir. 19m. CM. defiled OS u.s. 942 (19781. bul seeSlewlr1 £quipmen( Co." Goollo. 12 N.J. Supet_ IS. 107 a.2d 527 (1954) Icorporate vice-presidenl. who W3S also a sales manage' lor the cor~ lion, h;>d no aUlko,ity 10 wai ..... the privilege 1o, the corpor.nion). The disclosure of an otherwise privi. Ieged communicalion conce<ni ng a",,'· ticular wbject mailer constilules a W3i ..... ' of all communir;aliom wilh ""-P"Ct 10 that subject maner. HeKulf'~ Inc. v. E". .on Corp.. 414 f. Supp. 1l6, 156 (D. Del. 197n; abo ~I v. 1~lndia1q,j Resc.lrch and M~nasement Inc_. &47 f.ld 16. 23 (91h Cif. 1933) (Disclosure 01 «'Nin inlomwlion within a rotronunicatlon operaled as a wai_ with respect to the IW"lieula' sub,«! .....1Ie<, but not as 10 lhe .... tire rommunlr;allon.l Ciry Co... sumer SeN;ces, Inc. v. Home. 571 F. Supp. 965. 975 (CO. Ut¥r 1933) Mote-

"""'. a waivIlf 01 The priVIlege OIler.les lor all lime aplnSI all perwns. See UnIlOO States v. f(,clserH~ Wht>el Co.. IS F.R. D. 461. 4&4 (E.O. Mich. 19S4) Mallie< the forst public.lion lhe com. municaTion i~ no Ionge. confldenllal""). A disclosure con§lllUtes oItlle aUorneyo<lient priVIlege ~ w~ sought 10 ~ ",:cOITIp;lnoed by a _ _ Tion 01 lhe prIVIlege. Dup/.. n COlP. ". t:te.ew1tI Mli/iler>. Inc.. 197 f. Supp. 1146, 1162 IDSC. 1975). Mill a clienT, thlQUgh hi' attorney. wlunlMlly _>e cetUin communicalions, guarded woth a Speot:ifi<: w,irten or Qr.II a»oMion thiM 11 is TIOI hIS Inlennon 10 W31.e the "';Yllese as to lhe remainder olall simI la' communM:".>Iions, the prIvilege. as to lhe ~inlng undisclosed communiUllons, is ~he­ less ",,,i_1.1 A wai"", will TIOI be i ... Ie,~. ~. lrom discussions bel"""'" al101neys dUfln8 settlemenT tialions. ~ ... SrotS, Roebuck.!. Co;, 340 So. 2d 456 IAla. App. 1'.1761 •



(T he se<ond hI! of (his a rt icle will appea r in lhe May 1'.186 issue .)

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• EXl'UI 'MrNlSS ffSl1MONY


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~ H. hll "",,,,ved h" undergla(/wte degree from CoIumbi.l Um...erJity iOO hif law degree from NfW Ibtk Univt.'l)J!)\ He is ~ p.orlner in !he 8ITmmjlram form 01 8erkowilz. ~fk(Ni!~ lsom & /(ushne<.

1'0. 800< 2143 • ~ .I<I. 36652 438·4581

"" 1986

Recent Decisions by lo hn M. Milling. Ir.,

.nd D....·id B. Br rnf', Ir.

Rectfl t Decisions of the Ala· b<l m<l Court o( Criminal Appeals A ld b,Jnl~

ve hj c u l~r

hom icide sIdtule rule d uncollSt jlutjo ndl Newbclry v. St." .., 1st mv. 7 INowmbi'r 12, 19!1S)-Newbt'rry w;>s i .... docted 10< homlCidt' bv '"!h1Cit'. pot· loUo)fIt 10 Section ]2·......192 Code of A"'boo,"" (191S). SpKifoally, !he I.... dlClmt'nI ~11eged Newberry ... lawfulIy ~nd unlnler"'ona.lly C~~ lhe death aI one P~tkl~ f..oS.In in ~n ..,totnobIle ":(KIf", by dnving under lhe ,n/lUC'l"lCi' aI 'n!O>.Ic.>t,ng I~. Of bv d"ving on lhe wtong ~de <i lhe road, Of both. Nt..... berry filco;l a mot ion to di§r11iss the indlClIlM:'f11 alleging In.t lhe ".tute ul"'n whIch the indIctment w.s ll1't.-dic~tl'd w~s unconshtultonal. The;I Coon rJ C.immal Appoeals ~ lho!. (otNoaion in an OJ)Imon..,1hooed bv ludge lyKIn. The coor' 01 appeals held 1....1 Ihe homlCode by '"!hode ,Wule clNrly .J1ows both ~ m,sde!neotnot impriKW>ml'rII aI one ~ MId also. ~ i.... ptr!oOnmet11 01 one yea. and one day 10 fiw years. Tho!. "atule "c""'not eKapoe the condemnalion Ihal il providt'S both felony and m,sdemeanot llUnishmcot for the named offense."

AccordinSly, !he COUrt tUled 1.... llhe

Alabama Homicide bv ~ode S(;oMe w;>s uncon"' Mional. OUI ,., c lemen ts of Ih e offe nse

Call1l'v. City of Cadsden, 4th Div. 471 (Decemt>er 10. 19{1S}-Cagie was arrested 10< dllving undef the i .... nvence 01 alwho( (DUll .nd found gUIlry in municj~1 COOrt. An appe~1 _ lakef! '0 circu,' cout!. and the defo!ondam OJ&I,n w;>s found SIlllry as cn..tged. On ~I, 'M cm'tal j...... _ whethe< the "ale suffiCiently ~ ,he had "aclual ~al conlml 01 the """ieit' he w;>s alleged '0 ~ been driVIng." A G<>dsOcn !)IItoc.. oI~ce< was d,,.

patched 10 lhe K_ aI .n ..:cident on ~he ~ong 0( December 5. 1964. On he I<lW • Chevy J>ickup .. ud Sin ing ~gil i nSl a pc:tw<!< pole, and 100 poower pole was cut ill ha lf. Too office' oo§e' ....-d the ~fendanl ill the truck. The offICe< ornall14.-d the "basic inlotmat'or(' 11001 the defendant but did not ~ him if he _ lhe dro_ oIlhe truck. The coun 01 cllm ..... appeal, ,.,. \oO!IWd. finding me ptOS«U1,on I~jled 10 ~ \he defo!ondam W3i in aclual p/"ovsical control 01 ,he ~iele. In Otdel 10 WSUln a ConvIct"", ..... !he ofknse 01 OUt. !he ptOIeCUHOn ""u requiled to ~ ,he delendam w;>s in "":Iual physiul «M1UoI." The


/OlIn ,w ,w,/Img. / •.• II •

rile fj.m of Hill. H,II. C~t\eI; Fra ... cq. Cok 8. 8lack in Mo<ugotnt'ry. He is ~ g,~dw~e of 5pt,ng HIli CoJlest' ~nd the Uni..-tfy of A~"'" Sd>ooI aI ~ MIl/lIlg «M'IS tile cNiI POfIion



~,d 8.


is a gt.>du.w.>vI lhe

IfII"rnbo.r vi

Univom,ry of AJa. b"nw, when> he ""...'It'd both hli

~adua!e iJIId ~ He is • membet alrlle ~fjtmolRobdon8. 1Ie'-


and «M'IS the c"mlll,,1 POfI"'" allhe decilionJ.


neeess.lry e lenler>t5 10 establish ;><:wal physical conl rol a re: 1. .o,c"", '"

con"'UC1i"" P""''' IOO d

the ",hie"", ignition key Dr ,he p<'f' "'" charged. or. in the ~lrom", I "", proof Ihat sueh ~ key i, '"" requi,.,c K>r the """ide', oper."",,; 2, Pbs"i"" d the pctSOtl in ,he d"..,.." $e.1t, bchiod the """ring wt.e..I,.oo in such a condilion ,h." """"PI k>r tIN: inl""ieallOO, he 0< "'" i. phy!k~lIy capohle d ""~ I "g ,"" ""sine and C''''lnS tIN: ""'irk! 10 """"': ond 1, TIN: "'hkk i, """,abl" 10 """" I'>.leh, The ( hilli ng effect on a defendant's right to Iria l de no,'O R,ich.rd><m v, City of Tflmville, 61h Div, 595I£::1en""be, 10, 19851-Richardson convicted in municip<rl court of driving under the in nuence of a lco~1 .nd .a:ei..xl a ~700 flr>e arod 30 days in lhe coonty ja iI. He appealed to the ci r· cu it (oon where, after .t rial de lIOI'(I, he WilS sentenced 10 ten d ¥ imprisonment .rod fined SI.500, On appeal, RiChardson maintains the trial court erred to r~rsal in rtOI 8,anl. ing a motion for mistrial and another m0tion requesling Ihal Ihe judg<> recuse himself. SOlh moIion~ v.ere grourxled on the trial judge's statemenllh., he would impose a st iffer senteoce upon convic· lion in the Inal de n<M) 1h<on the senlence imposed by the municipal COOrt. The recOJd renee!> the foll(ffling comment made bt' lhe trial judge prior 10 the sentencing ",pecl of Ihe trial:



"The Coon: """"'" I c.lI,hi, docket on I"""" munkiJ>o>l" ..... I, Genl lemen. wr,.", I try t"""" c• ..,. they .... go;nS 10 gel mom Iha" ,hey gO! b<:1ow, if ,hey are suilty, "IIIu """",,,1 here when ,''', oc· curred, He """"'" aod ""'<)<>I><: in ,hi, (OUnroom k"""'" when they appe~1 up ~, il \'W'", goOng!O _I. then they',., [!OlnS '0 get more Ih.n they got b<:1ow il ,hey.,., 1!", lly. M,. Turb<-rville {~couMetl: Coold "" have lhe ,,,,ord, )'OU' honorl The Coun: Put it OIl the reronl. If they're gOln8 ~ppe" up here and found guilty, I'm goonS!O g;..., mon: than they got b<oIow ,n m<>SI in"ancn."

,ha, ""


The eouri of criminal appea ls he ld these com"",,"s ev idenced the vin· dicli ve a!tinxle condemned io f\'arce v. NOIth Clrolina, J9S U.s. nt. 723--724, 89 5.0. 2072, 20110, 13 L. Ed .2nd 6S6 (19691, Presidiog !udge 110M"", ~ lhe 101. l(ffling an3lysis:


'1< i, • ~'B .. nl viol"ion 0( ,he Fou,· '''''''th Amend"""" 1<>< • ...t. "i.1 coom '0 IoIlow "" ..,,.,,,,,mcW Pfa<;l"'" d impo<ins a hnvi ... ,e,"~n,,,, upan ""',.,. ",. c.,.....;<ted <kO<.ond>n11or the ""plO(iI pur· ""'" d ~ni""rns lIN: dc/cnd.1nl lor hi, """ins succeOOed in geI"ns hi, ori8",.1 eOffliction ... "oM, /Nonh Carol,,.. v, I\<,"<:e, 'UI"', al POS" 72J.n41" i, "" """ a viol.,ioo 0( due "..,..,..., "'...." • ".,.......,. """c"",,~ i , imt>O'«l UIlO<\' dlo/endJrll1<>< h.... inS .""c... fully ~ ..1X'd ~ ... tutory rishl 0( appeal", coll., ...1 "",-..d~ In view d lhe altitude ""presse.J br lhe tria l court. this Case was tt-""a r\{k-d 10' resenlen<.:ing. The court of appea l, ""ted thaI on resenleocins lhe circuit coun could impose the same sentence as before. so long as ~he ",asons fo, doinS $I) affi,matj\lcly appea' in thc {('Cord and ~hese reasons are based on objl'Cl,"" in· IOrm~lion eOtlCerning identifiable Con· duct on lhe parI oIlhe defenddnl occ:ur· ring .he, rhe r,me of lhe original SCnter/cing proceeding.

The right 10 lhoe assistance o f con· fli(l·free cou nsel Schulu v. Slare, 2nd Div, 498 (Dec"",ber 10, 19851-Schu ltz appea led from the denial of he, pc.1it ion fo, writ of error coram nobis. She origina lly was ind icted and convicted of possession of ma rijuana. In her w rit. Schuhz contend· ed she was den ied lhe "effective a,siSI. .'nee 01 counsel" al trial. SIte specifical· Iy argues herlnal attorney had a real and aclual conflict of inlerest in represent ing bolh her and Rer co-defendant, James B~'Ck Wt lson. The wst imony, at the COrdm nobis he. ring. tt-....,aled she and her codefendant IWre arrested in her aUlOmobile. Schultz was drivinS lhe ca r and Wtl· son ""'S ,ilti ng on lhe passenger side, Between Wtlson's legs was. fruit cake lin which contaift('<i marijuana. In addit ion, a manil. folder was lying on the front seat betl'll" '" Schuhz and Wi l ~n. After obla ining • search warram, po lice of· ficers found IV><) pounds 01 marijuana, scales and I~astic bags in the trunk of the aUlomob ile, along with papers belong. ing to lhe co-defendanl, Wilson. Schuhz testified ,he did ""t know ,he drug, ~ re in Ihe Car and lhey were not her drugs, bul belonged 10 W,lson, More impoflantly, ,he test ified thaI afte' she and Wilson IWre a"...sled, they contacted an atto'ney who previou sly h<>d represented Wtl~n. Afle' seYeral pre-Iria l meetings, she teslified the a tto,ney was

made awa re the drugs fourxl in the Car ",,,re 1101 hers, bul \'l'ilson·,. At Ihe he,,,· ing. the attorney acknow ledged he k""", the drug, found in lhe car were V'ilson·s and Ihat the petit ioner had advise.J him of Ihat facl. Prior to Iri. l. the a"owey <>d. vised Schultz he was going to get her off on an ° iIl elf' l sea,ch and seizure claim'" ~nd fu,the r advised her nol 10 take the sta nd to testily in he, own behaU. The evidence fu,ther ~Ioped that her co--defendanl was permilled to be sea led in Ihe COUrtroom durinS the Schultz tria l. Schuhz feh Ihe allorney "",...... nnng both of lhem had a close Iriendsh ip which "",ant he had a Con· fl ict of inle'esl in ""'~Iing her. In r~rsing the convietion, loose Tyson su""'Y'--d the ' ighl of a defendant in a (rimina l trial to "conflid.fme counsel," The Un iled SI.tes Supreme COU'1 estab lished in the dee ision of Glasser v. Uniled StateS, liS U.s. 60, 62 S.O. 457, 86 Ud.6110 (19421, "where an allorney simullaneou sly rep ...... nlS I"-<) or more c<>-defend.lntSIO a c<iminal prosecution, lhe Si .,h Amend"",,,, demandslhallhe .nornt..ys loyalty to his chent be ",ldiv id· ed and un impaired by compc.1ing or cor>Aieting con,ideralions 0' loyalt ies. ..." The coun further noted whe ... Ihe 1.",· imony of a (<>-de/endant is inculp<rtory, • conAid of inle<est arises from counsel's joint rep ...... nlalion, Uniled SlJIeS v. AI· wrez, 6% F2d 1307 (Ihh Ci,. 19831, ce<I. den ied,461 U.S. 907, 103 SO. 1878, 76 LEd.2d. 809 119831 Accordingly. an actual conflict "" iMS ,I counsel 's inl'oduction of probatioe evi· dence or rMausible arguments ,igoif"",nt. Iy benef'l one deOcndant and damage lhe ck>fense of anotRer defendanl whom lhe same counsel is representing. Bilty v. Balcom, 661 F2d 391, 395 (5th Cir. 198T1. cert. denied, 456 U.s. lOll, 102 S.C1. 2307. 73 LEd.2d 1308 (1982) Finally, Judge Tyson set oot the test 10 be applied foll~: "Tht, prope, ,oo icial an.tlysh in confl'cl a/ ,nle"", c.HM doe$ '"" foeu, "" the ac· lua l effect a/ ,IN: confl ict on a pot1'cu la, deI.-..:lafll·S e_ but. ra,IN:,. rcvaI_ around ,"" judiCial b<:lief the 5i.,h ~ml'I\' requ,,,,, tNt • doOeod.>nt mav '"" be "'Pte'<-.,."ed by roun",1 who mighl t.. lempted 10 dampen the ardor a/ hi, defen",, '0 placale hi, othe' cli.... " Fun""r. wr,.",. confloct din"'"", ",i", on Ihe I'M d <IeIend.ont's counsel, lhe ... i,. der". 1 0/ In" "gh, to cofl..'Cti"" """""","lion, """n wuOOu' loc..v,ng




March 19B6

Spo'<C,r", Plf'ludice. C~>tillo v. E51elle, 504 F. 2d 1243 IS,h Cir. 19741: l uck v. Aid"""",. 538 f.2d Ub {51h (ir. 19791. C~ ~. t1en ic<l. 444 U.S. 8B. IOO 5.C1. 6J. 62 l.~d.2d . 42 119791

Recent Decisions of the Supreme Cou rl 01 Alab.lm.l-Civil Libel •.. a i howi ng 01 "dua l malice by dear and c onvincing (!1Iidence required lor purposes 01 Irial ml)lions, poiHrial molions and app(!lIate r(!1liew Pt>mbenon " The Bjtmjn8h~m News Company, 20 AB R 551 (N~mbet 22. 1985)-The pla inlill. lhe derk of ,he Alabama ~toose of Representatives. brough' • libel suit aga in,t. among others. The Bitmingham News and one 0/ ils wrilers in ~I)()nse to scYer31 arti · cles on Ihe parole system. The jury returned a verdiel againsl ' he News on ly in an amount of S75.000. Subs.eQu~"Olly. however. the court g ranted the News' Mor ion for I.N.o.V.. and the pl.inlifl a ~ pealed asserting ,hal Ifle COUrt had a ~ plied lhe incorrect staooard 0( review in rulingon l!>e /o.-\otion lot J.N.Ov. aoo, had ,he correct Slandard been a pplied. there was sufficienl ""idt."OCe suSlain the "",. dict. The trial coo rl determined. in rul· ing on Ihe """"tion for J. N.O.V. . tha i Ifle "plaintiff had no! presented dear and co ...... incingevidencc of aerual maliceon ,he par! 0/ the defendant, in wriling and publishing lhe news slori", or in dralting and publishing the headli nes." There waS nodisputC that under New \brk Times act",,1 malice was requ ired to ~"d Ihe defeooants liable. Instead. 100 plaint itl asserted Ihat the tri.1 court e rred as rfK..-e was a K inti", of ..... idenc~ 0( <l<:tual malice. The Alabam. Supreme Coor1 rejec1ed the plai nliffs argument and "",braced the d itec1ive oilhe United S~'tes Supreme COUrt: "The First Arneod. ment requi~ appellale judges 10 decide independenlly oilhe trier oifact whether there i, cleat and convincinS proof 0( ;>c. tual malice ir1lhe ,<,<o rd ." The Alalulma Supreme COUr1 expressly .,.,..rruled American Beneficial Life In$u<3nce Comp.>tJY v. Mclnty .... 375 So,2d 239 IAla . 1979) (il1\oOlv ing 3 defamalioo <Klion). SpecifICally. the cou rt SCI fo nh the S1a ooard as fo il"",, : "for purposes 0( Itia! morion" po, t·ltiai moti ons, and 3p-

pellate review in a libel C3!oe involving a publ ic oI~ cia l or a public figure actua l mal ice mu" be shown by clear aoo con· vincing .... idence:· The courtlhen dete,' mined proof 0( <KlUal malice Wa, l ac~· ing under thi s Slaooard •• nd 100 Itia l court', decision was affirmed. Th,e-e ju>1ices registert.'<l their di , sent. Civil procedure-negligen t enlruSImenl ... sep~rate trials avai lab le to avoid evidenti"r,;, problems Jt tr ial Wilde, v. DiPiazza. 20 ABR 124 (N<M-mber 8. 1985)-The plainrilf fil ed SUIt "8"in" falhe, aoo son lot injur ie she su,rair.ed in an automobi le collis","" with the "10. AgainSI the Jalher. Ihe plaintiff alleged fie "'-'"8l igemly entrusred lhe o.ehide to hi , lOll; again" the 'IOn. she a l· leged negl igence and wantonne, .. Prior 10 striki ng the jury. the couri g,anted the defenda" f' motion for sepa rate tri.I •. The Irial 'gainSlrhe son was he ld (,rst. A ".,mid wa, returned in his favor and rhe cou rt. resultantly. entered ioog menl lor bolh defendan lS. One of the issues ra ised by the plaintiff On a~ peal wa s whether Ihe tria l court had

abused ilS d iscretion in sepa raling 1m> claims fo, Irial. The supreme coon held It had not. Had the claims 'e m.:>inecl joine<J at tri.l, toon the son may have been prejudice<J by rhe evidence 100 pla inlifl coo ld introduce aga inS! the father on the neg l ig~nt entruSimeni Specifi eal. Iy. Ihe p laintiff could introduce tOO $On's bad driVIng record inlOevideoce 10 show thai the faloor ~new his $On was an in· com lle!"nr dr iver. This evidence would have been on the claim aga inst the son by the general ru le !hal prior acts 01 negligence .... inadmissible to show the negligence on the occasion com· plail\l'<l. The tria l cou rt. lhe s.u preme court ruled, did nol abuse i~ disc reiion in SCI).)rali ng the claims fot Itial. In personJm jurisdiclion . . . it dO@inot l"kemuc hlo r thereto be su fficien t conlacts Ex "; Newco Manufacwting Com. p.>"y. 20 AIIR 5)1 (N"",mber 22 . 1985) -The plaintiff, a resident of Krww ille. Tennessee, filed suil against. among 0I1>ers, Nem:o ........ nufacturing. under lhe Tennessee Pror:lucts Liability Aer. fo r tOO


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ownmohip pl:ln$ suits Contact Dr. John H. D 3"is, III 40ffic~ Park C in.:1c • S" ile 304 • Binningham , Alabama 35223 P. O. Box 7633 A • Bimlingham, Alabama 3S253 (205) 870-1026


wrongful deJlh 01 he' hUlband , The death occurred In Tennessee when a muill-ton m<>ehlr.e Idl upon the plalntiff~ de<:edenL Suit wa~ filed In JeffCfSOll County, and Newcoa ~ser1ed a lad of in per:sonam jurl>dlctlofl, The products manufactured by NC'WCo were componen! parts of the mach ine. These pam we"" sold In M~ry land to another of the defendant$. Newco does nOi h.....e a reg. I,tered agent in Alabama; Newco's sa les In Alabama occur e ithe< by vlnue of an Independent manufacl ure(s representa· live or by ma il and telephone orders 10 Kan"'l City. The supreme Cau" staled: "\\\! as'OO wi'" N"""" ,.... beQuse the . llegoo ly dc4cai"" damps ""'" not .old In AI. I>o"", • .-.I bee.u", the cJece<iE-nl". fa",1 ..:eident did not ""Cm ,n AI.l>om •. lhe in$«l nt 1...... ,," doe< """ rel.,e to '" arise IfOI"Il N""",o', c"",.oct< with Alaoom.; ,herefore, NIlYo«> i, not oubje<t 10 'specific' juti5di<1io<> in AlaIwno. HelICOI>" '""'" No<ioIuie<

De Co/"mbi>, S,A, v.

Hall. 466 U.s. 408, 4\3, 104 S.C!. t866, 1812, r. 8 (1934\. 1M! m"" dcl<!rm'ne, '"""', whelher ouifkien' <",1\",,;, .,.;" r..-..""n Alab.m.o and N.......:o .o th.r due process I> not oIl<onded ,n oubj«l ins N"""", '0 AI. t>om ... 'genetal' jurisd iction ." HellC~IW.. 4&6 U.s. 01 413. 104 SD. '" 1812.


In determ ining whe1her lhere a re lui. fic ienl Conl.lctl to ,u bject Newco to AI· abama'. "smeral" jurl>diction. lhe nature 0/ the contacti mUlt be Kl\Jllnized to determ ine whether "those contaCtS const i· tUle continoous and systemallc genera l bu siness conlaCI$ which I'.OUld support a realOllab le e:<e<eise 01 juri>dkllon by lhe forum Stale." The su preme court determ ined lhem were suffident contaclS to '>Uppon a mason.ble ""erei", of jurl>dichon by the Alal>itm" courts. Newco"s annw l sa les in Alabama fanged from S65,ooo.S85.000 per year for lhe paSI fi..., years. There ~ a lotal 0/2,000 transactions. These (on·

BE A BUDDY With lhe numbeT 01 new anom eY$ Increasi,,!! md I.... numt..r 0/ jobs decreMing. mooe ~nd mooe attorneys df .. goi,,!! inlO praclice on Ir.;r own and miss the be"" ~I 01 the coul1Sol'lins of mooe experienced practilioners. The Alabama Stale Bar Cornminee on Local Bar ( Activille$ and SeJVices 0$ sponsoring a "Buddy Pr.,. gram" 10 provide newer bar """"beTs a leIIow· .... ~ they may consull ~ they conlrOflI a problem. need 10 ask ~ questOO. or simply want direclions to lhe courthouse.


If you are a Ja""""" who has re<:ent)y begun a practice and WOYId hke 10 """,I a iawy<>r in your 31"" 10 c.aII on occas>:.nally lor a Mnd. or if you are the mooe expe' rienced pract~ioner with valuable infOfmatOO and advice you're willi"!! to .oa.e. please complete and relurn lhe form below, Yoor panic, ipalion in Ihis program will cerlainly benefit the bar as a whok.



Local Bar Activ ities and Services Buddy Program Application


Firm Name (il applicable)



Address Cily ___________ S tate ___________ Zip _________




O N ..... La"'Yer PleilSe relurn 10: Alabama Slate 8ar. P.O. Box ~1 5 6, Monlgomer~, Alab.ima 36101.



lacts were deliberate ralher Ihan lotiui. IOUS. Fu rther, "it """s realOllab ly fo~ ab le thai Newco, in purposefully doing business in AI.l>itma, wou ld al some point both need the protection and in· wke lhe jurisdiction of the courts oi Alabama, .. Newco avails itself oIlhe privilege 0/ making sa les land profits) in Alabama in a conti nuous and systemalic morse of merch;tnd ising." Thus. lhe coort ruled Newcocovld r'\OI.M>id being subjected to su it in Alaban ... merely because Newco physically enteted 11>e state. Venue . • . Ihe t,ansferee court is powerless to retra".,!er a case 10 Ihe Iransfer· o r co urt Ex p;lrte: T;dwellindusuiel, Inc., ere. . 20 ABR 435 IN""",mber 8, 19851-In this cas.e. the plaintiff filed su it in Jefierson County against several defendants for in· jurie-; ,u5Iained in a Iraoor-l railer acci· dent in Mississipp i. Assert ing Ihat venue WJS imprOlle' in Jefferson CO<lnty. MO 01 tl>e d~ants pressed the CO<ln to !Ian... fe r lhe Case 10 INinSlon County, The I,ial couti I,ans~rred Ihe ca>e. The plaimiff filed a motion for fe<:on.l ideration in the Jeffom.on Coomy cou n. and. the n",,1 day, f,led a motion to remand IIIe case 10 Jefferson Coonty in the Winston County coort. The Winston County cou rt remanded the case to Jei· ierson County. The delendantl filed a petilion fo r wlir of mandamus wilh Ihe "' Pleme coon seeking an order to com· lle l the WinSlon County judge 10 vacate his re".nlle< order. The IUpreme coun held that the appropria te procedure for cha llengi ng lhe tr.n>ler I'.OUld h.l'>e been to haoJe contest· ed the d~>fendants' g rouoo , for tra",;fe r' ring Ihe case in lhe I:>eginning. Also. "(i lf the plaintillihoughl Ihat lhe tria l court in lefferson Counly premalurely gra nted the defendants' motion to Iran~", and therebo/ denied him a reasonable oppor· runity to develop laCI$ to suppon hi' claim thai ..,nue WilS p<oper In Jefferson County. hi ' remedy was by way 01 man· oamus to lhe judge in Jefferson County. (E. Polrte: Maness. 386 So.2d 429 (Ala 1980P He c.n ,101 subscqlll'l1t1~ ."tabli~h those facts in the county 10 which the case has been transferred," The supreme cou rt granted the wI;r of nJ.lmiamus. rul. ing thallhe \AC, nSlon County court e rred in hearing the motion to rei ransie' IIIe ca ... 10 Jefferson Coonty,

Match 1986

Torts . . . no com mon-law cau se of act ion for negligently dispensing alcohol Halle, v. Nalions. 20 AB R 587 INoo.-ember 22. 19851-1he pla inliff will injured e.r ly one morning when her Car coll ided with aOOln...r d riven bv an inlOX_ ic.ted individu.I, Samply. Sam ply had i.>een drinking all night and into lhe mo,ning with the passenger in hi s ca" Na· lions. AI'Pa rent ly Samply wa, driv ing Nation, back to his Ir.iler 10 ge' ne' pu"" SO Nalion, could go horne. On the W01o/ back to the ".iler. S.,mply collided with the plaintiff. The plainliff a>ked the supreme court to ftnd Ihill "N.'ions b<e.lChed a duty that she O>ved to the general public w"en she a>ked s",mply to violate Alarum. I...... bv driving his car while he waS unde< tn.. innuence 01 a lconol". ~OW'i~ing that oo.-er a century ago the supreme court determined there waS JlO common·l ...... cause 01 a<:ti on klr negligently dispe<lsing alcohol, tn... supreme court deter· miflt-..:! In... plaintiffs theory of re<:oo.-ery """ rneritless. L>o<:king fron. th,s case is the key e lement, lo-wit: the Solie o r distribulion 01 a lcohol. Not on ly was lhe Solie of akohol bv a licensed vendor I""king in ,n... case, but also Nalionsdid 001 pur_ chase or otherwise supply s",mply with ~rry alcohol. Tn.", Nation, was em itiO'd to summary judgement as a mane' of I....... Recent Decis ions of the Supreme Court of Alab<lm,l- Crimin,ll G e ne ral ,l II emp l statute is no t app licable to robbery o ffenses Ex. PJffe, \\t>:;Iey, 20 ABR 376(N",,",,"" ber 8, t985H~ey wa5 trk..:! first urxler an ind idmenl charging him w ith f,rst degree robbery. He pleaded guilty to .t· templed robbery after the indictment wa, .J1"IeJ1d(,d to eha'l\e attcmplO'd robbery. \.\.\!sley was. in ...:conIance with his p~a, convictO'd and sentenced 10 a term of five l"'iIfS. On alJP<!al, the court of crimi",,1 appeal~ """"rsed rile convidion .nd remanded the Case on the g roooos that the go.'o."al ~rIen1pt $Iatute 00 longer ~ppl iO'd 10 robbery ofIen-. The appell"te couff rea""",..:! the crim" of ilttempled robbt.'ry tl(M' constitutes robbery. On remand, the ~tate did not 'eindic! lhe defend.nt. but put him to tria l upon lhe original indiclment for robbery in the

first degree. The supreme COu rt reversed the conviction . Justice Beatty, writ ing /or a unanimous coun, held the defend.,nl pleaded guilty 10 a cha rge which at the time did nOI exist, and, accordingly, he could not be senlencO'd under a "'id indiame",. II fo llO>ved that when the stale choose to try the defendanl "8"in on In... ",id amend· ed Indictment, his conviction waS e rroneous and he could not be semenced under lhe ...,;d indictment . The !.Up<eme coun.. ~r, JlOIO'd Ihe ,tate was frt."" 10 reindict the petit ione' fo, the appropriale offen,... Theft by deceptio n . , . re liance ilS ilIl elem en t o f t he offense £. PJ"<', 101m P. Dav, 20 ABR 358 (N"",mber 8, 19B5)- The defendant, Day, was conv icted of thell in the first degree under Section 13JI...8..3, Code 01 Alab.Jmd. The coort of cr imio.1 appea ls ~Ifor~ the conviction and denied his al'Plication for reheariog. Subsequent ly, Day foIO'd, in the supreme cou,t, a petilion for wril of ceniora,;'

Tn... supreme Court g rantO'd ceniorari on the issue of whethet "reliance" is an element 01 the offen,.. of the/I ~ decep.tion . Thei r .lnswer was "'r"'." judy Hi ". an unden:oo.-er FBI asenl, lea rned that Day wantO'd to ,.,11 di .... mond, alleged ly won in • poket game. Hi , approached Day Ihrough a SO" between, and DiIY CVl'mua lly of/erO'd 10 se ll Hix a 1.3<aral d iamond for S3.300. Hi , I),,,chased the Slone which turned out to be a zirconiil stone, not a dia· mond. Day subsequently w.s . rreslO'd aoo charged wilh theft ~ deceplion. justice Shores, w riting for the court. held, "It is clear from the diSCUSSion of .uthorities Ihal the legislature d id nol i".. ,end 10 elimin.te reliance as an eleme nt of Ihell ~ deception." The revision """ meant only to ,,"',.. the archaic distinc· tion, among the common. l...... offenses a ll(7Wing some 10 escape sarxt ion becau,.. of improper forms of proof. Spe.cifically, Ihell bv dece plion re<;uirt.'S Ihal lhe defendant's act ions mu,t have an ef_ fect on lile victim. A viaim caonot be dece ived bv someone if he has 001 been i".. fluen<.:ed ~ the l)Crpet",lor', action or i"..

THIN When you have a persollal inj ury case, THIN K STRUC TURE. That's right. Think structured sell lement as an alternative to a lump sum settlement and maximile the cash available for the Cla imant at the lowest pOSSible cost to the defendant. Call now tor Ideas on what creative use of US. Treasury securtties and annuitres can do for your settlement needs.

Lamar Newton

Southern Structured Settlements, Inc. 1200 Bank lor Savings Building Birmingham, Alabama 35203 205 -328 - 2666


act ion. In Ol""r word" the victim mu,t h<M! re lied on the perpelfator, acll, W a, 10 ~reale Or confirm an impression in Ihe viClim'1 mind. Obstruction of justice Un'lro Sr..les " fJrJOO, No. 84·7703 (Ili h Circuit NOYember 12, 1985)--The defendanli, Brand and \.',"'no;. "",re con· vi~led in too United Stales Distr ict Coun for lhe Middle DiS/ria 01 Alab.:lma of 0bstructing JUSlice. The OOslruaion charge arose oul of the defendants' conduct in altemp1 ing 10 oblain an afiid""it from a witnes, relCVJnt to a federa l ~ution IOf rolling b.:Id aulomobile odometers. The 11th Circuil rewrsed and rendered lhe conviction on lheobstruaion ofju,lke charge and d irected Ihe di>trict coon to d ismi" Ihe indictment The 11th Circuit ,ummari~ed ilS vi""" in pertinenl pan as 101I~, , .. ".... !he out>et. "" COfISide. Itll' QSf: a d.ngerou< J>'1'C"dcnl if lhe co....k1ion.

are upheld. II " Common pr;octice lor- aI·

""I>C')'S. ;"""" is''I~. rn,..".""" ad i U'>le",

and I...........f<>rament .gen ... ixlIh <!ale .nd 1ode.. 1, to ottempl to obiain signed <!ale<ncnt\ of w;t""'<e$ in (timi",,1 and dvil c....... II they .'" to be conlrooted I.. they frequenlly arel. with charges of per. «>n, d.imi"8 th3t. ' tarement "'" fal .., th u, ,""ulling in an ob;truction 01 iU'l ice charge """" thoogh tne .... rem..'It wo. fHM" ... bmined to. pn:tSeCUtOf or to tne cDUn, a ......... ~ 01 cO<e$ will be filed bot 1ode,.1 or rute .ulhoriti....•

I\ccordingly, the coun 01 appeals con· cluded Ihal Ihe defendants' conduct in alll'mptrng to obIain an affidavil lrom Ifle witness, McCulla" re lE'V"nl to a separale proseculion lo r rolling back aUlomobile odometers, did 001 constilute obstructi"" 01 jusli~" in violali"" ofTotle 18, UniteC Sidles Code, Sect ion 1503. The ~oun's holding ,,-.s bottomed On Ihe fact th.1 Ifle .llid""it Or .ldtem<>nt, which could be con,trued as lalse, waj """"!r p-r<> duced in coun OJ delivered to an a,sist. ant Un ited Slates attorney. De.. th pena ll y reversed, • , improper cross--e~ min .. tion by the D.A. Berard v. Sidle, 20 ABR 8071December 20, 1985)--Berard wa, charged wilh Ihe capildl murder of Iv><) young l>oy5, oulside the Skawh"""" skating rink in Mont· gomery. during "'pril 1978. }oJ trial, lhe defendant enlered pleas 01 001 gUilty and not gu ilty bt reawn 01 insanity. In ,up. port 01 thai defen>e, he presented w..era r ""pen witr.esses on Ihe is,ue of whelher he wa, insane al the lime 01 Ihe crime. O..e of Ihe wilnesses, Dr. Chesler Jenkins. a pSychialrisl. leslified Ihe defe nd· ant wa, probably h""ing a P5ychoiic etr i>Ode al Ihe time he ,hoI lhe Iv><) boys and WitS suffering from lalenl schizO' ph ren i• . On cms ....... minalion. Ihe di .. trict attorn"\,, queslioned Dr. Jenk ins .. 10 11 ~,


"I, ne (ddcndonl) capable tn.n of h...,. ing ano<n., >,,\'Chelie episode? "'n''''''' CertAinly, Question, N~ unW,,, ,he one you "'Y n. hod on April 14 .nd 15, of 19781 Mr. OemenIldeOendanr. Jt!"""'V~ 5.0"",

obt«!i<>n. The C<NJn' o..."uied . Q ..... ion: Si,/


An,,,,,r. 00 I think he'>capable 01 h.1ving recurrent ovisodc>l


Queslion: Recurring episodes si,. 1<'1 me

Anyone wtth pettinent information please conlact' The Alabama uwyer P.o. Box 4\56 Montgomery, "'labamJ 36101 (205) 269·1515



Yes, I do.

.,. you thi" Is he capable 01 ,hooI1nS """"""'" el..-l M,. Wi ... Idt>H>ndonn .""'nevl' 5;ome objeoion, jO<Or Honor. The Coon: o..."uied." On appea l, the defendanl COrtlended Ihal the question of whether he \<oUu ld shool ><>mebody e lS<! was. at lhe lea>l, prejudicial 1o his delens.e and meant solely to inflam<> lhe passions oIthe jury. In reversing Ihe conviction, the supreme coun observed,

-w;, h......, no< be<n c,lt'd 10."1' ca", in ""a!;>.om. that _ _ 01. _utor', .sI:, ng a que,,,,,,, about wh .. lhe de/endanI is capable of doing in tn" future, We odditiona lly ..... e t""l Ih i, Coon ha, pre_iousIy ""ted lhat, •• long ... _ U ! ( ) f doe:. not comment on !he p<os<ibr lrty th.t tne """oo..nt w;U commrt lutu", Illegal <>Ct~ n" rmy l<'8It,m.I 'y arg"" to tne juty tne need tor I...... enIorcet'l1l'fll .. a 00."""" I'ic) cri"",.· In conclooing there waS no proper ba,i, for the distri~t attorney to ~sk such ~ Queslion, the ,upreme court reasoned . ,. "The cenlral issue in lhe guill phas.e of a capital murde' tr ial is whelher lhe Slale ha, "'lisiied irs burden of proving beyond a reaSOl1able "OUbl Ihal the delendant is gui lty of Ihe crime cha rged. IIl<.>ck. 396 So.2d at 6621 This kind of question could h<M! easily shifted lhe focus of lhe jury's .lIenlion to Ihe issue of punishment which is an improper con,iderat ion at the guilt pha,.. of the Irial:'

Rec:cnt Decisions of the Supreme Cou rt of the U ni ted Slates Doubl e jeopa", y , • , sepa rale SO\l1! rei gns HlNlh v. AI.IM""" 84.5555 IDecem. be, 11, 19851- Healh hired two men to kidnapand murder hi' wile. The kidna l)ping occurred in RusS<!1 1 CounlY, Ala· bama; ll>erealter, Mrs. Heath WitS carried into Troup County, Georgia, and murdered. The defendanl pleaded gUi lty to maltce murder in Georgia in exchange for a lile sentence. He Ih"" was tried in Alabama unde, lhe nielony murder docIrine" and senlenced 10 dealh. The Supreme COUrt of Ihe Un ited Slales granled certiorari on lhe quest ion of whelher two Slales could Iry a defen"ant lor the "'me crime witl\oot "iolaling lhe constitut ional IMn on double jeopar. "y. The COUrl in. seven 10 Iv><) opinion "'id "yes" am:! affirmed the Alabama coov iction. ju,tice O'Connor, writing for the rna· jority, held thaI "swes are each sepa rate §OVereigno;. and violations of the 'peace and d ignity' of tv><> separale SO\'ereigns (Onstilutes two separale offenses." The coun reawned Ihal under Ihe separate soY(>reign lheory lhe defendant was nol being Iried tw ice 10, lhe ",me offense. Hence, Ihe double jeopardy ban of the Fifth Amendment does nor apply, •

March 1986

Opinions of the General Counsel by William H. Morrow, I•.

QUEST ION: ''When a n a llo .....y R".~nts a elienl against a e o.potat" .. ntit y, p .iva te 0 ' public, 0 ' a go--e.nm .. nCdl unit, who of i1> ollic...s. dire<:h>rs 0 ' employee!' is deemed a ·p.1.t y' with in the (ont e mpl"lio n 01 D R NO~)(l), thus precluding the al· lo. ney's communication wit h such ofliee., di. eelo, o. em· pIOj,..... "'il hout conse nt of opposing counse1!ff

ANSWE R: II lhe office<, diR'Cto, or employee has the power to com· m,t Of b ind the oppoo;ing pany with ""p.,et 10 In.: subject matiI" in q lll'St ion, tn.: attorney m"Y not communicale wilh ,uch offi ce~ director Of emp loyee on the subje<;t of the rep' resentJlion wilfloul the consent allhe attorney representing In.: a,lver'$l' ""r1y.

DISCUSSION: Ethica l Co",;de ration 7-18 in pari pfl'1liides: "The 1<"gJ1.y.«>m ,n ib b<o.Kk,M....,,,, {unction, bel.! whe<. t><''''''''' in ""'-'<I 01 k>g<.1 ...... iee '" .. sistanr:~ are rcpreS4"Il,ed ~ ","", ""'" coo"""'. for shook! "'" rom",unicdlC on ,he wb,e<1 ",",II ... ol the """""-,,,to'ron 01 hi. cl 'enl w"h. """""" I-.e know> '0 be "-"""",,,red in ,n.. ",>I. f<'< bot. ~ unleo. pu.......,,'I0 ...... '" rule 01 Coo~ '" ""s.... he h•• tl-.e con....,t of tl-.e I.......,..r lor thai t><''''''''"

,h,.,.,""'" "1_

Oi'l(;iplinary Rule 7-104("')(11 provid!'S: "(AI Dunngllrecou""oIhi.~ron oI.<I"""a ~~

shall ""', (II Communkale '" c.....,.""""" 10 com",unre.l" on lire ",b,e<! 01 II-.e reprt"Sl'I11ahon w,th A IM"Y he k""""" to 00 represe<1t<.-d bot d l;;rwye, in Ihat ",all", "~ I .... he h.o, ,I-.e '" ior c"""",t 01 The I""""" "'Pf""'nling such '" her po rty 0< i, .u""" ized '" do ",," (emph.>si • .oddedJ The "'n1",ican Bar "'lOCialion CommiUee on Elhics and Professional Respon sibil ily in Informa l Opinion 1410 (19781 mad" In.: following oIJse"",tion: "Tho right 01 lire COtporalron 10 _I>tron bot~ ",uM "",,,a il <M.'f opposiog cou_l~ un""'r"'ted "'....., to off",,,,, ,00 """"""'-.... 01 the corpor,tion. \II/he", ao oIficc' or empi..,..", Can commil lire corpor",on, opposing COI>"",I nmst vrew ,he oKrcer '" ""'I~ .. ~n in'eg", 1con>pOfH'<Ot 0I11-.e cor"o"tion it .... i and I"""""'" wlth,n the COOCepl 01. 'IM" 'I" 10< I""~"" 01 the Co<J<," (emph.>.".oddedJ The "'nJ(.~,c~n 1J.l , "'>~idtion Commil1"" on EthiCS and Proles,iona l lk'Sponsibilily in In/ormal Opinion 1377 (19771 dealt w ith a Silu"l ion where ~ city wa> named a. a def",,dJnl in a I""-"Suit lor property damage from lhe alleged

The Alabama Lawyer

def~'CtiVl! const ruct ion of a sewe, system. Tn~ is,ue irwohoed the I)fl)j)riety of Ir.e pl.,nl;('k' allor......y, questioning lh" c ity building marshal who had complete aUlhorily, including police power, to in,peo, require cor ,e<;:li on aM enforce the building code. In Ihe opinion Ihe committee .Iale&

• •

"According to JUUr fa<l~ lhe ...""" const r",,"on i, regul"ed bv a buik!ing code .od enIorted bot ,he Me1ropo1 it.., ~ """,rs Build,ng Mor>hal, who ~ «>mple!e aUlhoo-ity. ,neluding poIkc power, 10 in"""",. requi", cor"-"<"on and enforce II-.e Su ildi ng Code

• • • c.-""r.I I¥, • """,",",r ",.'/ prope,11 ,nICNi(ow WilfleS"" or pm· 'p<-'CIi..., wit"",,,,, lor owos,ng.ideo in any d"iI or crimin.1 .oction wuhoullhe pnor c...,,,,,,1 01 opposing """,n",I-unIt,,, ,uch """""" i•• IM~Y, 1/ 1M BuMing Mml",1 in 1M h-tP<'" lhe<"'dl ca«- prt'«'nred """Id be rn. pooi';"'" '0 comm" tl>o munklpol corpo.... iorr in the lM"k,,/., .it""tion beeau.., 01 hi, authomy 01 • crxpor.w aff""" '" beea",," lot ........ ",he< ",a..", the law cloaks him witll auehO<ay. II>er1 he, .s ,he all<~ ego 01 11>0 corpor... ion, i•• p."ty lor PU""","' 01 OR 7-104(1010). Too righr d lire munkiP'l1 corprxalion to "'I"">""bot coon",1 mU<1 prevail <M.'f """,,",ns coon ....·• un,.,. ",kled a<ceS> 10 oIIic"" ..rrd enl?l<¥.." 01 ,"" "," " "'ipo l COt· "",al ion. \ll/here an oIIie..r or ..."pI.,.,.,. c.n Commil tl-.e cor· pard/ion, <>Pt""'''lI """""'" "_ v",", lire oKo:", or ~ .. an i n'~ral component oIlhe munrcip,, 1,,,,,,,,,al ion ""'If .,o:Il"""-"Iore w ilh; n TI-.e c~ 01. 'pony' lor tOO pur"""" uI the Coo., It i. lhe ot~nion 0I!h" Commllt~.., IhdT no comrnunO:dlian wilh an empl.,.,.,. oIa mun"'ip.rl cor-poe.tion wllh pa..-er 10 commU the ,rnmkilMi corpor.t"", in ,he sil"""an ""'I' he made bot OWOSin3 coo n",1 unless n..";os lhe prior con""" 01 tl-.e desigl'ldted coon..t oilhe munkipo l <"'PDt;>lion, or un"," he i~ authori''''' ~ I.... to do,.,." (..."pha.i.


....." "' Ithough the Ethic. Committee of Ihe Di",icl of Columbia Bar had recomrneOOed ~ rnor:lificalion of DR 7.1041,\)(1) so a5 10 narrOW il5 scope of operation, we agree w ith the Io ll owing comment~ of Ih~t comm;u"" concerning the p resent Ru le as app lied to alficers or l'Il1 111O'ft.'eS 01 ~ municip.ll co'poralion or othe, gavernmenlJI un it, '"The oIIie,a l, who are deemed to be gtM.'mmenT.llM~i'" w<lh whom communk.l ion. undl.'r ,he rule ~'" re>!lkled a", qu,te I,m iled, including on l1 I""", P""OI" who h...... lhe p"...." to Comm" or bind lhe !l<M.'fn"""'t wilh respect 10 ,he wbi«t mal"', q<l<'!IIO<1, wht<thet it be lhe initid/ion ol or te,· m,n.l ion oIlillg,>1,on, executoon or 'l>1"""a l 01 • con""",, 's"'"""" 01, 1_, ......rd d • ~t Sf""', or. rulem.o"· ing function; . ,

• • • 11-.e c, i"cd l quo'l!Jron in th .. con_Han ,,, wh ;':h 8O""nmen-


t,1 offic .. 1or oflk", l. ohwld be ron .. dered to be lne '!W1Y: wothln lne """'nins 01 OR 7,104(.'.)(1), .. ,th whom ("",m unic" iOM b¥ <>I>I""<ng «>Un",1~re """rkl ... 1Tf,(, 8<""',n-

menl i,,,'I, or an ~ncy of 8<"""nmen~ moy p.ltty in I,,.SOI<"", or. pro>pf'C. t"" ·p.lrty' ",. (""tract'. toe,ns ""8OIi"lOO. in. 'e<hnic~1 "-...... but 01 coo .... one unno! <ommun ic.,e wilh """'.n 'bstract entily. "" more than w,tn • or 0Ihet lega l c",ature. """cpt throogh <orne individua l ~rson. The p.oolem i. to oden'ilV be tt.e _


,fK, 8<""'m,,-t.1 oIfo<"" who. lor P'''"",,", of tfK, rule, .re o..-med to <land lor lho. II<""

ern"",n l.1 Pilrty.


Tho. ' ,.... oI l,m, ..,ioo c.on"'" toe oo..c"bed in ~ I V preci .. ,e",,,, lor "wHi ........... " IVdepo>nd In p.lrl "" ,ho> lac" 01 cacn ","r· heul .. "''''''on where OR 7-1041AJ1!1 """" be <ai led ,nto ploy• .ond tho> possible lac'UoI I vari· abl .... re too numerou. '0 be encon,po, .... ,n any cone,,., formul •. The gu,dinS "nn·

ciplft ca" n"",,,hel,,,, be ~"';IV """"gh .,.ted in gene ..1 term •. 1he person. who >und in I/>t, Sledd 01 • B"""nmen, ",rly lor PUIPO$<!> 0I!he ruk Y>oold be lho<e, and 00iy 1/00"" wOO """" P<H"" to commi' '" b,nd


~"'menl wnh respKj to ,"" ;ubiff'

".IIt,,, in Quemon, .... " l"",ph,u;S .ddI'd'

AS )t,lled bv ,'''' ElhiCS Commi1T~'" of the DiStria 01 Co lumbia B.1, in Elh ics Opinion 80. ',."" line 0/ limit"lion canno! be de>cribed in p",fe<;l ly preci!.e terms, lor it wil l nec ..."" il y deperld ,n I"ltt on Ihe lacts 0/ each p,,,tieular ""uation DR 7.104(AKlJ may be eJlkod jn lO p lay, arld the pos,ible lactual vari· able. a'e too numerous 10 be e",om· pas,,-od in any corld!.e formula." The (ort.~ going. ~r, may be helpful as guideI,nes to "" r members wnen situation , a,ise itl\lOlv ing DR 7·104(Al(lj. _


Disciplinary Report Disbarment • On Dt.-rembe, 11, 1985, lhe SUpr1m1e Court oflhe Stale

of Alabama entered an Order of Di$ba,menl By Con!.erlt in lhe matte, of Harold 0. McDonald, Jr. Mr. McDoroald was disbarred and "" ,,-",tided from the practice 01 law effecli ", 12:01 a.m. Nc:rvember 29, 1985. alte' having previously been tempo'a,ily su~nde<J May B, 1985. (AS8 Nos. 8S-89 & 8S-2Da)

Suspension • Pe lham lawye' E.,I W. Hall ""'S suspended, effective December 31, 1985, for failure 10 comply with the Mandatory Continuing I.eg3I Edu<:ation requirement of ,'''' Alabama State

""" Private Reprimands • January TO, 1986, an Alabama I"","",r rn<:eived a private reprimand for filing. lawsuit ag.:linSI a fo rme.- client when "" knew, or when it ""'s pt".ious, the re was no "",is for the lawsu il and he klle'W, 0' It ""'S pt".iOUs. wch action would I<'f\'e merely to harass or mal iciously injure anOlher. The attorney was found to hi'''' violated Di>ciplinary Rule 7·102(A)(l). (ASB 84-575) • Friday,lanuary 10, 1986, an Alabama attorney rece ived a privJle rep,imand for vio lalion 01 Disciplinary Ru l", 1-102(A){4t 7·102(A)(3) and 7·102(A)15). The Di5Ciplinary C0mmission determ ined the allOt...,.,. had been appointed to represenl an ind igent defendant, had billed the Sl<Ile for "'rvk... rendere<J 10 Ih"l defend:m~ and also had accepted monev lrom Ihe deferldant', lamily, w ilhoul ..dvis ing Ihe coun of Ihal faa orld without adjusting hi' irldigenl fee declaration claim. The commi"ion determ ined the attorney misrepres.eoled 10 lhe State 01 Alabama Ihat his fee declaration lorm """ I,ue and corn'Ct and ,'''' amounl claimed """ due and owing. the at-


torney la iled 10 disc lose Ihal wh ich he WilS tC<1u ire<J bv law 10 revea l and lhe attorney made a fal!.e stalemenl of fact. (ASB 6S-535) • F,iday. January 10, 1986, a I"",""" was p,ivalely ",pri. manded lor hav ing been gu il l)' 0/ "misrepresen lation ; in vio. lalion 01 DR 1.102(.0.)(41, bv having lied bolh to a client and .n individual vi, iting him on behalf of the client. by stating 10 bolh 0/ l""m th.t he had filed suit for 1"" client, w""n. in fact. he had nor. IAS8 6S-115) • Friday, January 10, 1986, an Alabam. privat~~ Iy 'ep, imanded lor hav ing violaled DR 2-103(1\)(1), bv having solicited hi' employmenl bv a IIospital lO represent t"" hospital in a Certificate 01 Need applicalion before lhe SI~le He311h Planning and Development Agency. (ASB 84--(8) • F,iday, January 10, 1986, m<> Alabama liM'yer.; we", pri. valely reprimanded for violati on 0/ Disc iplinary Rul ... S-101{0 and S-I01(A) 01 the Cod<> of Professional Responsibility. The Disciplinary Commi"ion dete,mined I"" attorneys had en· gaged in • (onfiia of interest bv rend~'fing legal advice to 1"" pani ... with ad~ inle",," on the same subject matt('" and 10e attor~ al"" had enle red into represenlati on of a dient in a mailer in wh ich tOe allor",,¥, had a ",bstantial finarlCial inte""t Thecommission detenn i....od that a private reprimand shou ld be admini>lere<J 10, these vio l ~lions. (ASB 8()'24) • January 10, 1986, an Alabama lawyer received ,I priv;tte 'eprimand for violation of Di>cipl inary Rule 9-101{0. The lawye' attempted 10 pressu ,e certain wit"<'lleS in a criminal ca'" into dropping charg", against Ihe lawyer's dient, bv Sialing or implying he could influe nce a public official i",properly 0' upon i'''' 'evanl grourlds. (ASS 85-4241

Disabi lity Inactive • On December 6, 1985, J.,per I"",""" c" rl El1iol1, Sr., based upon inca· pacity bry rea""" of physical inf"mil)' or illness. (ASB as-3031 _

was transferred to di",bility inactive ,talUS,

MJrch 1986

Legislative Wrap-up by Robert L. McCurle y.

1986 Regula r Session The 1986 regula, ~Iion of In.. Alabilma l"8i.I~I~~ COOV<'1"-od JanUo1ry 14, 1986, in tile new AI~baJNI Slal~ H~. This fa,ejlily ;1 the ~II 01 ~ Sll million renov; lion oI~ old HIghwAY 8u,Id'"1 on Sourh Union SI~ betl,nd !he C~pnol. Tt.. .......11(11'., offic.. , .along worh the ott...... COfll./liUl'on.>l office'S wh ich _Iormerly on the Af'Sl fIoo, oIlhe CapilQl, ha~e InO\IO!d 10 I"" &round I100r of lhe State Hou.... The L'-'I!,>!alure js 1oc.,<lI1 on Tile fo~h, Shih, ""'''''tl! and ciShl h E<>eh HOU!ie member has oow,) ",ivale offire and t<.~cp/Ione on the f.hh floor. The new HOllie ch~mbe< is .II", Ioca{~od on Ihis ~I. The Legislative Rell'n'I>C" Se<vkt>, legislalovt! fi'oC.l1 Offl«', C<lmmltteot JOOmS a.nd!he House Gallecy are on the si ~th Hoar. The ~Ih IIoor t.ous.s ,.,.....~. po',va'" oirKe'!i and the Senalf' Chambn. The eighlh floor ..... ...tdinonal com"",· I~ fOOmS and the Senate Gallefy, With Ihls mQ'o'e. the legi,latur" ..... 'ak..., very p<Mi,,>'e "1'pS to modernize it' facilt.i" an<! to pro/eWonalize i!\elf wilh acCes5 (0 com pute rized IHII trocking of pend,ng legislallon, and. comp<HC,ized Code of AI.""ma, AI§O lhe Itoo~ 0/ R"P'I.'loeflt.aH~ hn ~!oO.'d new rulft 0/ dKorum. On lhe first <by ol the Sl'SIoIOI"I. I 70 Senale bills ,lI'I(! 220 11otJ!,e bolls were .nlfOOlJoed h .~ e~ Ih.u over 1.000 bolls ... ,11 be inlroduced in e.Kh hou!<' befor.. !hey .od"",rn In i\pt"il. Included "mong lhose Introduced drl, bolls coverlnS such topics ~S: I. The L"tabh,hment of ~ COU r;.(l 01 aCHon for fri volous civil I~w §<.Iits; 2. The abolr>hmem 0/ rhe !o(inHlla rule; 1. The est.abIishmem ol ~~I belt l.wI; 4 The e\.t.abIishmenl ol specifoc c.ime lhe1l laws; 5. The enhancement ol pun,,,"'nen, 01 cert.aon c"me;



6. The Irm it,ng of the ~~1Ule of \imit"t ion for civ,1 ",Iron ag.a in<! architects and I!flSin<!en; and 7. The Irm,tins of med,ul malprad rce recove<ics. OIher bolls blrr merrrbe<s m'sht be intereSted in include: I. The requirement th.l pun"'ve d.:Images musI be pr0ved beyond a realo()ll;lble doobI; 2. The I,mll,ns ol PUnrl've awaRk to , I 00.000; 3. The further enlOfCement of tho. collection of ~lrmony ;


4. Tho. permirr,ng 01 divorced SIIOU5e1 of military pc'son· nel to (eopen divolCfl ,iL-c'ees. FOfIllef Legislalors John Ca~ and Wendell Mitchell have oo..n reta,ned by,he bar to monllOf Iesi"anon learns il. The AlabIma tAw 1""',Me presenled two bills to the l~slature; these were. rev""", of ,t... Redernplr"" 01 Real Property .nd ,he Unilorm T,an""" to M,noR Ar:I. ISee the January 1986 ""illuma lawyer./ •


Rober1 l. McCu'lty. I'. is ~ dire-cto< olille JI.Jab.lma I.lw IIIS/'lute ~! the UniW"rs,1y 01 "'I~b;om;l. He rece,ved his unde,gtathme and I"w deS ......, from lhe Unrveni!y.

MeLE News by Ma.y Lyn Pi"" AssiitJ n! b;e<:uli,.. Dire<;lor

Proposro MClE rule .nd regulation cllang..., At itl January 10, 1986, meeung. the MeLE commi"ion adopled 1"01>05<.-0 changes in the ruk-s.oo regulations gov_ erning mandatory elf in Alab.:oma. All will be p resent~>d 10 the board of boi , com ission .. " at its MJfCh 19 meeling. Becdu,., Ih .. MeLE rules are Rule! of Coon, ru le changl'S JllP<oved i:>y the bod rd will be sem to the Supreme cou~ of Alabama 10' ilS oon5ic!erarioo.

Proposed change5 ar" listed he,.., so nll'f1,be" wI>hing 10 comment on Ihem will have the opponunity 10 do "'. Please add ress your (omml"'" to MeLE Commission, A labama Sta te Ba r. P.O. Box 671, Montgomery, Alab;lm. th~1 1),,,

31)10 1. A, prOI~:

Rule 2 ... amcmd ed 10 ma~e it dear thai. with the exceptions of as,i'lant at· torr.eys general, di5tr i(1 attorneys Mid as",t.m! d istrict ,mom""". spe<: i"I, J'IOr1practicing members of the b.:o, are rlOl sub joo to the 12·lIour CLE requi rement. Such membe .. >"'Y an annual member_ ship fee of S75. do not pu rch. )e an oc(ul"'tioMI license and cannot "" rform acts constituli ng the private pr,>ctice of law; Regulalions 1.2 and 1 .4 ... amended to inc lude the commissOon·, policy 01 r.... quiring a physician·, Statement to support req~s lor permanenl Subslitute programs, wai"",s or other exempti ons. based on phySical probl .. ms or limitations; Regulalio n 1 .5 (pa.agraph I) . amended to include the commission·s pol icy 01 requiring p.,nel ists to d ivid .. amon8I hem",l~ the time spent teach-


State Bar me mber. all .. nd ing e.>eh program. SO the comm ission can gen .. ra,e individua l CLE !ran!.(ripli 300 ",Ii.",.e at· torney' and their Sl'<rer.>ries of the bu r· d"n of CU r"'ordk~..,pin8 (Thi, would not go inlO effe<1 until 1987.); Rule 5 and Regula lion 5.1 .. a", .. nded 10 eMend to January 3 I the deddlinf! for liling annual reports . The dead linf! lor earn ing cred il1 would remain Decembe r 31; Regulalion 5.2 ... added 10 requ i, .. a foIty dollar IS50) Iale ming lee from afl\i attorney filing tn.: annual "'pon .ftcr the pr~ January 8 rJCe period; Rule to ... ame nderl to provide for making up CLf deficiencies between January 1 aoo March I. prov ided a d~>f,· cieocy plan for attending aa;redited Courses is subm itled hy January} 1 and a foIty dolla r (S501 lale compliance fee is paid .


ing, rather than each claim ing crt.odit for the full length of the panel pr"",ntation; Regulatiun 1.5 i t>dras , .ph 21 ... • mend~od to "ate d ..arly that in order to be -'CCre<:lited. an ad ivity mUSI no! be desrgned pr imarily for nonlawyers; Regulation 4.1.1 ... amended to pr0vide that ~ctivities approv<-od for credit must deal ~imari ly with substantive I.... gal i,we!, practice ma""g<;ment (!;U bject to RegulaHon 4.1. 12), professional respon,ibil ity or ethical obl ig':lIion, of at· torn"Y'. Regulation 4. 1 12 prov ides half credit for activ ities d ing with law of. fice automation 300 management but no credit for activities designed to se ll ser· vices or equipmen l or to enhance law office profits; Regulatioo 4.1.8 ... amended 10 require lelephonf! hookups to in,IrO..'Clors or an instru<:lor I)resent at th .. r", .. iving site for "" .. llit.. aoo leleconlerence programs; Regulation 4. 1.14 ... added to provide for approval of courses sponsored by law fo rm, and corporalions, if the uw"l staoo..rds for accreditat ion are met and certain add ilional mquirem .... ts are met, i.... applications , ubmitled no less Ih.:rn 30 d.ys in advar.ce. hall the instruction provided by person, IrOO1 out! ide lhe fo rm or corpOration and a qualifie<1 in>tructor from outside for showing tapes of approved programs; R~u ldli ..... 1.4 and 4.5 ... ~mended to include th .. commISsion', po licy thai no program~ 'ubmi lt~od mor~ than 60 days aflc, De<: .. mber 31 01 the compliance yea r will be accredited; Regu lalion 4.7 ... added to require sponso~ of approved program. 10 , ubmitlo the' comm ission 3 li'l of AI.llama

Approved sponsors for 1986 Also at the January 10 meeting. lhe commiss ion d~'Cided 1986 ",tiv ities sponsored by the following org':lni~a. tions a re presumpt ively approved, if a ll lhe standa rd, for Course acc,,-oditation (Regulat ion. 4.1.1_4. 1.141 a re met. All other courst'S mu51 be wiJ.mmed ind ividual ly to the commissron by the sponsoring organi~ation, Accrro,tt'(! I..... ",hoot, lA81t. M lSJ Admrn;,,,.,,,,,, orne" 01 Coon,_ Ala""~

It.<Iiml Col lege

AI."""", B., In>lrMe lor C"""numg legol Educori{N' AI."""", Con5Of1 ium 01 L'-"!!iI 1


Pf08""" AI,t..o"", Crimmal

Defen", L.wye" A,socia""" AI, 0eIen"" Lawyer> A,soci.,oon A I ~b.."", Di,,,ict M{Nney> A,soc;'",,,,, AI,u""", La"'Y"l$ Ass,xi.,ion AI,u"ma Sute Bar .nd wr ,',,:loon, AI,wm.l lrral ta",...,. A,>o< • Americ.n B,r A""" ial ion. c"""" iIlC""


and ""'''",n,

Amerrc.n CoHege of Trral L''''yet> An"""'a" law In>lFlUle-Am<-ricdn BM A'''''''''tron Comminc,,' on C",,' inurng Profes,i"",1 [d"""ion A,soc,.""" of Tri.1 L.wyeh 01 A""'r"'d B.r ..socia""", of! .... ,i"er 'ldtt">. !he Di>lri<:! 01 CoIumu,a, PueM RlCO and tOe "ust ''''trtorr'''' Birmi nsn..m Bo, A,sociJ""n

MJrch J986

Comme/ci. 1 L.w le. s .... fu nod for Public Ed"".,,,,,, Cum i>c"a nod In,,,,u'e ior C""'inwng logol Ed""",ion Delen.., Rese;IfCh Ins",ul" r ..I<".1 Ba, "'"""ialioo, """"18""""Y



federal Ba, AS,od.,ioo. Nonh "" a""rn. (l1aPl'" Hun". ille-M3di "", C""nry "'"""iarioo In'ern. " "",,1 "'''''''",Iioo oI ln'u,.n<~ C"" Mel lo.-g.rl .,,(:!ion., "8"n<"I aod "ale




Lib,.,y 01 C.... g,.,.....cong'''.. ional


Comrnunily Or general area from which a requesl for a spe3k.,. ,ec!lived . Alf requests will be handlo>d through the Alabama State Bar Headquar.ers. If you ar~ interested in serving as a member o/Ihe speaker's bureau please ml """he foIkMing form and ",. turn il.o ,he Alabama State Bilr, P,O. Box 4156, Montgomery,

Alabama 36101.

R"",arch Se ", ic~ Mobil<, Ba, ... """;.,'i .... MOnI~I)' Counly Bar ..."""iati"" MOnIg<>mel)' Counry T,i. 1 .....ori .. i"" """i.,i"" 0/ Bond L' '''Y''r>


N.""".I . .

I I N.m< _______________________________________ I SPEAKER'S BUREAU APPLICATION

N.'i"".1 B" "'"ori.'i"" N.,ional CoI ~ of )",,""i le lu"",, N. ,;oo.,1 Health la"'Y"r> "'"""iati"" N. " "".I I""i,ul" for Tri. 1 MvocACy Nal,,,,,,,llud icro l CoIIeg" Nal,,,,,.1 L~ I ... id .nod Defender> "'.soci.lion N." "".I O'S""i' . li"" 0/ SocI. 1 Socu"'y C,.,rnan,,' R"presen'al,ves Nali""'" Rur. 1 EI«I ' ''' Coope" Ii "" .... soc"'''''''. L<'SOI Oi.i,i"" Palent Resouro .. G,oop, In<. p,acti,ing l aw InSlitu'e Southw",""m Ikgal found.,i"" T,.ns.portalfon laW)'<"> ... """i" ioo TUI<'. loosa Cou nly Ba,

Firm Name (if applicablt) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

City _____________ Stale~__________ ",, ________ Telephone _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

P\e" ... list subjeels on which you are ",;Uing 10 speak:


"" soc""""

TUl<'olOO>.> T" ., Lawv"",, .... soci."""



I I I • L _______ _ __ _ ____________________ I



A Partnership of Love and Care

The need. 01 '<>day', children .nod f.mili., . fe,...".' complex'han in.he pas •• nd SO ,heex".,rti.. and philosophy oI,he P,-.. by.trian Horn.. lor ChiId,~ ha<expanded.nd grown thoM flftds. One need, howe",,,. do.. no' c"""9" , and tha! i. ,he need I", ~""nc\at fellOUfC ... 'o ... .,.in 'hio work for ,he futufO ,

'0 """"



The '~x laws for \IOU' dion,. in . c",,".nt 01 nux bu. in mony c. .... . "",tu.>! t>e""~t ",n ""cw. to ,hem a. "",n ... he P'esbyltria n Horn... parhcula,1y in ,he .,e. 01 wins, toeq"",a, .nd colate planning. Rerno-mbe,. t"". gin. to 'his agency during \IOU' di~,..Iif~ ime can voYf dion! wi.h si!lnif",anl ta' aclvant_,


W. at ,he P,-.<byterian Horn.. lor Child"n Oland rndy.o htlp I"'" and \IOU' diento in ..... Y' ,hat will mu.ually bo-nefil,hem ... weh. children.nd families ave, the ",,., 120 y<-ar.

C,_".".~'';''';"' Th e Alabama I.;II->'Y/'1

8oo1h . President 0 PTe.l>!llen.n Home 10f C hildre n • Talladega. A1aba"", 35160


In Memoriam

8uirtl, Thom.o. t..on-,,"~r Admmed: 1950 DIed: No.ember 1, 1985

C'Jwford, Vernon l;oncllck-Mobil e Admined: 1956 Died: IafHJiI<y 12, 198b

Hick.. Hu. 1 Oi . .......... New Orleans, !.oui';Jn.l

Admined: 1976 o.ed: ........ "1 15, 1986 Koone., M",,,'in-florence Admlned: 1921 o.ed: Oc\Obel O.



Prime Fr• ..:;" 1II-loKkiOnVillf,

Florid.l N:lm i"ed: 1939 Oie<l : Jan~~ry 4, 1986 ""rdue, H.ffY H.!rhin, jr.- Montgomery Adm itted : 1950 Died: Decembef 27,


Rogers, C.... rles "'1.c~ AdUSI(lfl, II I _ Mobile Admmed: 19S9 Dio.>d: Dfnmb!.r 4, 1985 Smith, Ja""" Ed ..·•• d. III-Alhen!; Admi!!ed: 1962 Died: De<:embe. 8, 1985

W.IIJct , W.les "'kllinglon, Jr.-Colum. bi ...... Admined: 1941 Died: jan.... ry 9, 1%6

forroeor Walke< County Grcuit ludse Thomu ~ Selin:! led ~ long ¥Id prodUCII~ life


h;~ de~lh Stlnd~ ~I

BrooI<>WOd M~odic~1 Cenler in Bllmlng' ham. During his 67 ~ars. .... was. coal min"r•• w~r hero. a I"a.: .... '. 3 dislrict at· lorney and • circu it jooge. Tllo<Ns Leon! _ born "prH 1918. ~nd he spenl his boyhood d.>ys at C.lume!, AI... whe", he .. nende<! KhooI.nd I.lte< ...aled In the coal miM




""'ices am I"'bli*'ed immediately .fter ..,pom of ~th am recei"..,.j. Biographical info....1.l1Ion no! appea,iOS in this iSlue w ill be publ i!hed al ~ later dale jf in/otma.ion is ..;c~sjb l e. V.... ask I""" promptly rt>pOr1lhe dealh of an anorney to lhe Alabam.o

St.>le Bat. and ..... would opprt!Cl • •e JOUr a!.S'SI.l<lCe in provodinS biost~lcal i ... formalion ior The A/,lNm.o ~.

\'Vhen 00..- country entered \\brld \.\I,)r II. he en~ the United States Arm; ¥Id >etwd uode< Gen. George s. Panon WIth Ihe SoMlnlh Armored Division. As a so ldier. he WiI~ deco' aled wilh a "'!rIel)' aI med;l1s, includi"gthe Bn:nu Sla' ~nd SlI_ SI ..,

Aller lhe WiI~ 1Ie~IJd worled lor lhe ~MlS ,.,d.."""".. "OI>. later ~ughl sd>OOol for Wilr - ..... ¥Id then <>11ef1O. ed lhe Uni~1y aI .... ;)I)amo .00 recel~


his law degree.

He ~ I,MoJo, ~ ~ then f'I«ted do<lric1a1romev aI OUr coun. Iy. wile", he ",rwd honotably from /.1nuary 195910 JanwlY 1%5. He then waS elected circuil joogc and S<!r\'ed Ihe IJench and 1>.1 , as circuil judge unnl ht! rellled because aI ill he~lth in 1982. As a ludge-as .... had Ihroughout his hio--llea,Jd serwd w,lh honor. integrity .. nd w,th h<.miliry. 8111 .aIxJ,.e all ~;o(;. comphshmenrs. he Will a Chnin." who praclICftl his faIth d.>ily" ....0.1<. at home or he w.tS. HI S splendid erQmpie aI Christ.. n living wIll IO« 1r><e in OUr memones. He 10'0'l'd the lord ~nd tJught Sunday School.t 1m: Firsl Bapt i" Church for many I'urs unlil his health declined. Throushoul Judge ."t,,,, liie. he alw.>vs had hIM for ~ .00 _ PKialll' lhose who _ less Ior!Ulldle than he and those whocould ne><e< I'l'I»Y hIm nor hope 10 rep;p,- hIm for what he hMl done for them.



MJtch 1986

lJ'W Bealod _ a ..;)I"able leadet to our comml.W'''ty. He wIll be "",ally mis"",.-Repn,,,ed wllh pe<mission hom ,he D.Jily MoullUin Cagle, N~be< S, 19IIS T~

C.MA ~ III, a member d ,he

Mobole ¥Id Alabama Slate died Decenbet 4. 19lIS. Roge<S was born In Mobile, AIaba ...... N<:wembe< JO. 1932. Ihe K>II d lhe I."" C.M.A. ~ a """""'" dlheMoboIe Bat ¥Id the late Elizilbelh 6en!.oo Itos· e<s. M.J •• <OS he wolS known IO~.

Isptudence. OmicfQfl ~tJ Kappa and

Phi Del,. Phi . He ~ as a


in ,he


SlateS Air fon:e. Me........ n:ts. he com-

mencM rhe prxltce d ....... r Mobil .. WIth the 1_ firm 01 Ml:COf\OlY, liJ....... Joh~, AIbm. & ~ in 1959. du,Ing ...m,d, Itme he \ef\ed <OS" ntE"lltbe! 01 ,he AI.>b;I ..... 51 .... I.egi'olature. from 1%110 198], he ..ooed WIth the Ame<. ican Nahon.,J B¥lk.lOd Trust Comp;onv. flSing to the offtce 01 dklirman d u... boaod and chief e<ecUli .... off~. AI. u... lime ofhis death, he was vice chairman of rhe boaod_ Soothem Region oJ AMSOUTH Bank, N.A. He S<'fWd lhe 8O'f Scours. firsr ~ an Eagle ScooL and larer ~ P"'Sid..m of rhe SourheaSt Rl.ogioo of the Bot ScOUti oJ America. He seMld as chanman for rhe Uniled W~; U ~ member of rhe Board oJ RegentS oJ Spring Hill College; as a >e:stryman and trustee of St. Paul's EpiS<:OpiII 01Urch; U cMirman of Mobile Unlled; as chairman oJ MobiTe Community Foundarioo: as vice p",,;denr of !he Mobile Ma Chamber of Commerce; and as a membe< oJ ViI.ious O1her major boards and commjSSlon~ H;, c......... 15<) included 15 "..ars·_vice <OS ,he Honorottry Consul of BelgfOOl, for whIch he was knighted in t982 br u... Kin8 of IJ.elgtum. MaX was Milrrier;I to the Jon.- Gail Whl,eh~ of T"'I', N..... 'tbrk. They hoM! II>n!e choldl"M: MIS. Anne RoQe<s Gall¥tt U. CoMA Rosers. IV, U.s. Marine Corps; ~nd MI. Bladlhaw A. Roger-s of Mobi""-. Theromm'lTt>eO"IroJc.M.A. ~ III. to hit; commllll;ty. the Ieg.ll profPssion ~!he ftekk cI ~ion aoo charity • _ in fM!Iy respecI o.rut.andin8-

1]f'----tL--' \ ... .. ,. Expect the ,


. . _d_. . . _,.,.'. . . . unexpected!

----_ ..........-_--_ ..... _-, ... ...--_ _-_ ...... _ . .... ·_ . d_ . ,,--..... . . . . .-.......... -................- ......... ----_ _-_ - .................... ,_... ,.,lO . .............. >O.Qb,N


... _ _

_ ,.•• _ p"'." - .......... ---



.""' ,..."' "'1-- .......... _

.. ...

__ ,... ........ ..-' __""JOWI""" """ ....... ... """"'A>~u.'


~ "","'.Mln.~ ~"'I)tC< _IC""'" ......'"' ,..........

.., ~ "' ,"""'_...u:.u.""""'"'



from EpiKopaJ HIgh SChool in AI...:.;md"", Vi'll"".; \\lilltam~ CoIleste in WilliiWll5l<JWn, M.JSl.lChIiSeftS; the l..!I"\i~ty 01 AI.b.1ma SChool 01 law; and rhe School 01 Banking d rhe Soolh. While in ",0001. he S<'fWd .' I."<I,1Of in chief oIlhe AI~m.J !.;tw Review and was a member 01 the Farr.h Order oIlu ••



eous documenl ;ou,henuarion problem~ P.o. 80 • .SS"Os, Birminglwm, Al.b.o .... , 35255. (205) 97')·14n

UAMINAIION O f QUESTIONEO Docun>ent>: H.>ndwtltins, typewrironS ;and n.o(.lted e>;.1mi ... tOOf1'>. tnt"malional· Iy courr.qual ir."d e. pefl wilooss. DipI""We. An"!dcan 8oJ ,d of Forens ic Documtnt E... miners. Membet: Ame,· ican Society of Quest,oned Document E.\Jminers. lhe tn tern,Hi(lflal Associ .... 1Ion for ldenrlflcation, lhe B riti~ For· ""'i( Sc:ien(f Society and !he Natr"",,1 Associ.llion 01 Criml",,1 DeIef..... I..Jw. .,en.. Relired Ouef Documenl E>olmlnO!f. USA CI L;oboratof ..... Hans ~ Gidion. 218 loINl"tmonl On"" August.. GeO<Ii •• lO907, (404) 860-4267 IBM COMP...n8LE MICROS. Penpher. als and So/tw3re .... """,'able lJv mail order at larse di§COUnIS~' local pric· e'!: Compl("lC 16M Compatible SB95, Canon or HP 1/lIef" $2,195; 20 Ml'g .... rd di~ 1469; Multim3te $259. Eleclrical Englnt.-e, w,1I aid in a.cquisiti(lfl, InSlall and wppona"l' .... rdware Of ,00twi"e you w.Jnt for a Iffi;III P"K""tage olIn.. purchase pnce. Rober l Slr..~rl. p.o. 80. 22 . Birmi~m, AI· ......... , ]5201 , (l05) 91~]78. REA L EST...n EXP(RT TeSlJmony: ~ habihty 01 real e>late brol; ..... ligen,.. ~"II.>I~ and ~ Ienden.. ticcnlo'ed atto.ney and real est.te brok· er. Autno. 01 Home 8u","lI: Lombs to lhe Slaughle./ Slo~n 8~ . h;, Suile 100. 6 Offil:~ P~rk Circle, Birmingham,, )$21). Phone B70-3500. No repre>ernJ1"'" ;$ mad<> dboot !he quo';" Iy 0I11>e /eg.l/ se<vic~ 10 Ix> pfflorrne<1 Of

!/>e e->pfft;Je 0I!/>e I.nvye, perlo<m-

jn, weh $HVka lAM AR MllL£R, u..mlner 01 Queslioned Docutnenl1: Qu;!lrfied in most Alabam~ courtS. Arneric.Jn Socrety of Queslioned Document E"",mi,,.,1I, AnlefiCan Aorademy of Forensic Scien· ~ «'t"I,fred lJv American 8o.ord 01 For· l'f1sic Document [,,",miners. Handwrit· ing. forgery, typew.iti ng. a lleration of m/.'d ical . nd or"", ' ecord'>. Mi scella n'


tEGM RESEA RCH HElP: Alro",ey wor" SCM,n ~~n" e< perieoce in legal.e~~ rchlw ri rlns. ~s to Uni~ity 01 AI~b.l ",a ~nd Cumberland librari..... W!st1;Jw ,""ilable. Pl()n1 ll1 "",xiIi"., !ef. vice. U5lhoo •. S.... h ""'h!)'n f~rnell, 111 Moorf Buildin!\. Montg""""Y, AI.b.o.... , ] &101 , phono! 277-7937. No ,eplst'l"lLlIIOtl ;1 .... de.iboul r/>e qu,J1;.. Iy 0I1/>e Iq,JI 5elVOCe-s to be periotmed 0I1he ecpen.~ 01 !he periotm;ng .lU(h $HV1(eJ.


LEGAL RESEARCH AND writing ser· vicet: Licen~ auo",ey, 8.A. in Engliioh. Uw Rev_ usoci.te edito<. for""" fede,al dislnet COUrt clerk, forme. AI.b.1m~ Supreme COUtl cleric Four ytarlo' e<perience. Prom pt de<KIline !oervlc~. We>tlaw ..... ilable . Roltc SlYhou •. Irene Grubb§, 205·98&8521 (1oc.1uillor ve~t.". Birmingh.lm}. No ~rOOf1 ;s .... do>..bout !he quoJ;" ry 0I!he Iq,JJ5elVic" to be pfflormed 0I1/>e "" oIlM '-'rer periO<min, .lU(h se<vices.

c..tlrnburg Summll ;. Iocaled .1Op Mt H.",iOn aPJlfO>.lmarely 55 mIles hom downlown c..llrnburg and about 1.5 ml~ In;wn Obf< c..tlonburg ~i compia. Thll il a thIrd ~oor condo wllh ~ magn irr«"ll! "iew oIlne Creal St1lOI<ies, compk~ely fu rnished a nd fully ca rpeted wilh all u1el\<;r1§, chi.... glaS>eS. sil ..... and lIr.en. Sleep-; s •• . Wt a,ea has q..-n-I-iu be..,] with c~. OaNnSlai", a.ea incllXies k'l(l\en, bath with showeo. closet, li,,;n8 room wilh r. reploKf ~nd sleepong ~I~ WIth q""""'li~ be..,] ;ond ~ ... .ot... IJecoo ij: maroon ~ &MY. All electriC, c~ TV .nstalled and wnali bItIcony with ..... ror'" o.etlool..lng moont;lins. G.ltllnburg Summ,t ((IfI1p1e>: has a complete ·"'m/!flities Cente(" with .ndoor pool. tWO joKUl!"S, !.1tuna, meeting rooms. """gilt """,II", lind w;rsheo-h:l~ Iacililre'!. PriCf: S70.(l()(l COflt~ct: Iohn C W~lkins. .'r., ~I 2324 TrentO<l Ori . e, TUKIII(loIW,I, ... ,JbJ ..... , lS40t;, 0' ca ll (205) 751-4)77. Fo, OMile inspeclion, contoKl BJ,b.or. SI .......... Barb.or.'. Rfa l b illie Co., P.O. Bo> 214, Gdtlinburs. Tennesse... ]7738, or call (6 15) 416-7040.



mIles not1h

I no I road. aP\l<O>CI",ately 400 a.c res in pastu re. b.1lance III ti mbe •. Three ponds. t-..o olde r I•• ", for moore inll)rma. li(lfl call .lIfr 6 p.m. (205) 42'}-176().

I , law. Pie.o!ol! lidence): Hi, ln. P~rtner, 800 first NJ· tiona l·Souther n Nat ura l Building. Bir· mingham, Aldbanld, 15203, (105) 15 I·

FOR SALE, .... Rcoporu. ,""u"," 81·295 and A/.iNma Appf//.le COUll ~tJ. >Oiurnes 1·57. C. II ()f .. rilf fo.nces C.mpbe-lI, CoIor.oo Supremoe Court tibr.!)', 8111 Surf /udici.!rl Buildi ..... 2 E. 141h "'... , 0-...,.., Colo•• do, 8020], (l Ol) 861·1111, ~ 111

...TTORNEY lO BS: Na tiona l a nd feder~1 legal Ernpioo,oment ReporI: A monlhly deWled till>", 01 hundtl"ds 01 attorney .nd I_ ...... ted job> wilh lhe U.s. ~ment and other publiclJw;' WIll! em~rs on \~'ngton. O.c., throughoul !he U.s., and 1Ibrood. $JO.l months: SS()..6 rnonrm; $90-12 mont"" Send c~1r 10 Reports.. 1010 Vrrmonl A¥r., N,W. , U08, WaShing· Ion. DC, 2000S. Allri: A8. (202)19J.. 3111 Vi~MC


fOR SAU: Aimoll new G.ltlr nbu rg ~i c .... ,("1 w ith Ioh condomini um located in the C.lliniJurg S-ummi t complex de-.eloped lJv U.S. Capi tal CO'JX>fation.


.\fMch 1986

All r .. qU".'15 for dil5W)ed, placement mU51 be 5ubmmed IYPl'wrillen and ate 5ub~1 10 approval. AI.lMma Sl<ue Bar members are fI()! chJrged kH clil15ified fJOIice5 "p 10 IWO inleWon5 per calendar yc.>'. e>«:epl fo, "POSlflon wanled" or "posilion ofkf{'({" Ji51in8~ which Me ill lhe reg"lar rale. Nonmember Jdv(,r· lile" mull P<1Y in JdvJocl' and will receive a complimentary copy of The Alabama L.IW~' ,n which Ihei' ad"",· li5eml'nr " pubf"hed. Addilional copies ar... $3.00 plus P05~1ge.



ANTI QUE MAPS. Alabama 1859, Col· 1M If>(} Bi rmingham shown II, full col. or. 18 II:!" x 15".1100; Alabama 1887, /(aM McNally lon ly 66 COlmli",!I. full co lor. 20 1/2" x 14", Wi1h ada. lisling of cOlln1i"" c;ti"" population, hi 5tOry On r~"YC"fS<!, S80; lCnnes!iCe & Kentucky. lohnson. c. 1870. appro • . 25" x 14", musetlm matte,16O; Tennessee 8, Ken.tucky. Mitchell, 1875. appro>: 22" ' 14". museum matte, $60. Authenticiry guaranteed. Sol Mille., P.O. Box 1207, Huntsville, AlalNm., 35807, 205·5161521

PARALE GAUClERK: jones studenl with 54 hours seekin8 pOS ition in Monlgomery .rea. BA. MBA. 5<".'<',.1 high ly slXcess.ful work experi. ence Dean', list 1984/85, AmJurs 5<'CJtre.s. SBA, vice chancellor SDK l<'ga l (•• Iem ity. D.vid W. Cl~n.e., 5770 Ca .. i.oge 8arn lane. Monlg~ e.y, Alab.lma, 36116. Home: (205) 2799216, wo.k: 29),5209



(;f}~yer BAR

Intensive Programs in



Southern MNhodi't Uni ""'$ity Seh",,) of l.w Dall ~$. T""a.

Un i"""il y of No.lh Carolina School of Law Ch.~1 Hill. North Carolina

May 8 "18, 1986

Th...e intcnsive prog.~m. a •• dcsignc-d fo r a ltorneyo with I.... Ihan fi"" yurs of ~" perienc~. Th~ NITA method of teaching t.ial advocacy inco'poro los leam leaching, video lechnology. f.culty demon$t.ation $ and >lude nt participation . for an inform.l ional brochure and SOUTHERN REGIONAL Prof..",r Fredc.ick Mo« J'.ogrom Dir«tor Southern Methodist Uni"" .. ity School of Law D,1l30, TX 75275 (214)692·27 42

application. co nlact· SOUTHEAST REGIONAL Prof~.s<" /o><ph Kalo Program Director Univers,ty 01 North Carolina Sch",,1 of law Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (919)962.8518


DIRECTORY EDITION Is seeking subscribe rs and advertisers 10. its 1986 issue to be published In August. Th e directory contai ns an alphabetical and geographical listi ng of all membe.s 0 1 the Atabama State Bar, with their addresses and lelephone num· be.s , comp.e hensive listings of stale and federal oUicials , s tate bilr inlormatlon, the Coda o f Professional Responsjbjlity and miscellaneous charts and fees . Subscriptions are available at an advance cost of $1.50 each . Advertising rates a.e a vail able upon request .

PLEASE WRITE OR CALL: Margaret Dubberle y or Ruth Strickl and Alabama State Bar P.O. Box 41 56 Montgomery, AL 36101 2051 26g·1515


Et Cetera ALD re porlS g,lI Thompson, chle(

Sofl",~ re admi n; Strali~

IJ'W judge lor the St~ IC of Alabama De1~"lment 01 Revenue, is compIling a booklet 01 Ikwnuc Dep.1r1mCnl Ad· m i ni~trdtiw Law ",porls. The '''!lOriS ronta;n a som"",,"1 of ew<y deci,ion i"lJl'd in lhe pas, 30 momh.l7y tOO Admin ist'a! i", Law Divi_ sion . Decisions will be divided inlO monthly reports, (Ompi led in a III',ma r>enl binder volume aoo 'U~lJt!nl reo pon, issued ",}Ch momn. In add ilion, a ~"(-WOrd d igest and , wuIOT)' index wi ll be ir>Cloo~>d, with periodic update> add· ed approximately """I)' three momhs.

Tn place an Old"', pie.,., contact: Mm iniSlraliw Llw Division

427 Mm in;,u",;"" Bu il ding Montgomery. Alabama 36130

The Am ..... ican Bar As...,.;:ialion's Legal le<:hoology hiv i!oOl)' Council, created to help I~rs in smallaoo medium-sized firms use new techoology and compu· terize tfleir pJilClices, bas completed ,t. ~rsl sof\w.Ire reviews. lTAC cooducted its "",iews 01 microcomputer systems ~ a week pe riod aod 01 multiuser systems ~r a six-to-eight-weel< period. The process is controlled ~ LTAC~loped guideHnes .ft.... the contribution 01 e><teJl. sive comments from lawyers aoo manufacturers ~nd in conjunct ion with soIt· wa re "",iew e><pens aod .he I ~tesl in· dustl)' concepts. Copies cost $10 (ABA me mbers) and $25 (non·members), plus a $2 handl ing charge I"'r order. fo r a COP\', w rire: T.... ABA Orde, fulf,I I"..." 219 750 NOIl h lake Shore D ri ..

Chieago. 111,00;. &0611

-Calba , IIisv

Ba nkruptcy The Soufflea,'crn Bankruptcy law In· MiMeS 121h Annua l Sem inar on B.lnk· ruplcy Llw and Rules will be held April

3,4 and 5 al theMarriot! M",qui! Hotel in AlI.,,'a, The seminar wil l deal with ,n., operation of • bv>ir>ess under Chapler 11

and 'xu, on bankruptcy li.iga. ion, elh iCS aod professional fLosp<>rll ibi lity aod relief for iod ividu.ll ddJ'or<.. S.:lIe lli.e programs w,l l be <:<JI1ducte.d on the subjOOs ri farm bankruptcy aod preseMlion of.he "'" Optlraling l<I$s carry fo"""'d. Regislran,S ~'" encouraged bring ,he" sp<.>u5e5 for whan' special programs are planned on April 3 aod Al, ril 4. FO< more information ",ri,e Southeastern B;lnkruplcy li!w InSlitute, Inc., Dept. 1264, P.o. Ik>~ 105515, Nlanla, Georgi. , 10]48



Etc. Call1o mia Effeclive Janual)' I, 1%6, fo, stale bar purposes, all California bar members must nOlily th~1 Slate bar of their currenl office or o the. address. Also. tfrey must oolily the ba. within 10 days 01 any change in Ihat address. The address requirement is part oIlhe omnibu, d isc ipline bill signed into I....... August 31 ~ Go.ernor George Deu krrteiian and contained in Section 6002 .1 of the Business and Pml~ions Code.

_ C, Ib..,


Aborlio n Iv:cording 10 a recenl §U ....'Y con· durll'd fo, lhe ABA /OOmol, 5) rereenl 01 I~rs quest ioned 1",,1 the Un itl'd Slates Suprem" Court shou ld not d",ngc the landmark <kocis,,,,, Roe •. Iv"de. ThIS decision ...cogn izes ~ woman's righl to ~n .,i)orlion. \\Omen In pe<Co:nO, litigatorsl64 pe<C<'l10 aod 13W"jt'1"5 21 ·2 4 years old (61 pef' cent) pr"",i!led the most support for Ihe ruling. These r"suits iodicale l;rwyers are al odds with the Reagan adminis"alion, which is ursing lhe "'preme court to mod ify or ~rrule Roe v. Iv"de. Complete su rvey resull! are in the january issue of Ihe ABA /outna!.

Ab uo;e For judges hearing child neglect, abuse ,.nd term in.,lion of Polrental righI, caleS, help il ""'" l.'b le from the Amt.,<ican Bar "ssoc ialion', Nalional Legal Re!.Our", Center fo r Child M"""iK)' and Proleclion. A new book, Court Rules 10 AchK'V<' IWmarll.'ncy for Fm'er Children, SJmple Cour! Rules and Comml'nlil'Y, dea ls wi\h improvement of court procedures in cases involving alleged mallrealment of chI ldren. Free COp ies Can be obtained by a,'I' comm ill"" oIlhe judicial)' or ba. dealing w ith court rules in c hi ld mallrealment cases, as ""II a, by appeUd!e courts ",,,king on these issues. W.ile 10 ; Md ,k Hardin ABA """", Cdre Pro~ N.tiondl legal Re;ourn. (".,wr

lor Ch,1d MvoxolC'/ dnd P"",-".ion 1600 M Slreet, N.W.

S\Jile :roo Wa"' i,,!!lon, DC .!OOJ6 !'hone (202) 3)1-2250 for olners interestl'd, COllies are """il· able for $10. plu. S2 h.lndling cha rge, from' The Anw'iean Ba, A,,,,,,,,"on Ortle, Fulf,l lment 549 750 North LIke Shore Dr i""

Ch iugo, 111,00<; 60611

MMCh 1986

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