Lawyer 5 05 web

Page 1

Vol 66. N

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liAlaba a aw er March 2IlO5

Vol. 66. No, 2

ON THE COVER lIayou La Bat.., A!.b..m. Neslkd along tlte pncdUI mo~ of the M~ippi Sound, On the Gulf of M<:rico, Bayou La Iloatre is known .. the Seafood Capital of AUboma. loa.tcd 15 miles JOuthwest of Mobil~. Baf"D La Batre abo Ita< ...gniflClnt .!ltipbuildinS industry. Found<d in the lot~ li'OOl, tlte n..... of tlte city o.igirutod from a battery rruintoirntd Ibm by ".once. Each Y"at, the city host. the n.tionaUy known ' of the Fkfl" event, (For moT< information. visit www.golfinfo.rom/bayoul<1b<",t,) Photo by Paul Cr.wford. ]I)

pmrwford@a;m.llr.ctJm AU,8AMA STAT!! BAR IlI!ADQUAIITEItS STAfF 41. I)u, .. A........ """'~ AI. "I(H 1M."", (100) JS.I~I5.4 ' fAX (ll4) UI-03l0 I>M. iI: joj.@ 1 ~"."'I''''''''''''eo........w...-"''']'



Implementation of House Bill 308: Motion Cover Sheet By Nath.n Wil$on


Equitable Estoppel Against the Government In Alabama By WIlliam D. Litll.


Beneficiary Deeds and Estate Planning By Mich.o! A. KirtLond .nd Calhui"" Ann< S...!



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Table of Contents » ctJnr;nu<d on 1"':" 86



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Conservation Easements As Q ualified Conservation Contributions




By Ha.....U 1II


Daphne Firm Holds Reception Honoring Retiring Supreme Court Justice J. Gorman Houston, Ir.


2005 Annual Meeting Highlights



President's Page


About Members, Among Firms




Young Lawyers' Section

The Good 1'hlll Men Do LiV/'j A/ter Thelll


Executive Director's Rq><> rt A 12-Yror Stfttlk Comes to A .. End


Young fA..,......, Rnltkr Scrire

Important No tices Wil/jatlt D. Sauggs. Ir. Savia 10 11K &lr A>mrd

Local &IT Award of Adrinm1rnt


Legislative Wrap-Up UgUkIlivt: Comlllill«



Chiq IU$h«'s Commission on Pro/miolralism Cre"ted

Ethics Redux Heudtu:1rc, HfmltOlles 6HwyFi/$

AmDldmnl/$ to Aklbama Rules o/ Apprl/iltt Proadurt


Bar Briefs

Noh« of £I«Ilon


Disciplinary Notices

ludicinl AWIlfd af Mtnt Nam;rw/ia"s Out




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United All Over Our land ~ )OJ M! in Alabama. )QJ c.YI fnd a l..3ndAmerica representat:;.J nearby. We are where )QJ need v.hen)OJ need us. As ~ scuce for real estate transacticx'l serW:es. irl.dng title i1su'ance, 0lI' repesentatM!s are kroMedgeabIe, professi:mI and lesp:lI 'd Wth fOlesighl and ~ toywt changi'lg needs. 'Mlether yotX next transaction is a:rnpIex or~, cal tE; to experience the


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a LandAmerica

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liwJ'ttS rode ~<1IU COfPOfidon l,_1ion r.. ~..a ~

l¥dAmeica frIniaI ~ oc · 22OOW:xrlJest I"Iia. SIjte 330, 8irriY;tIam. AI. 3S2O'iI F'tme: (8lJ) 83Hj807 • Fac: (2OS) 868-1011 . _.Iatdimwn Michael E. RickIe •Va F'n!sr:IInAtea t.4¥Iagef/(W'IS!!I . ~ Foster~ · fJq!«.y~ · ~arn CIeri:; w. CiWI· Sri:J ~ . ccai1OL:rdam.can

Rebecca E. M<wlasco. f!q;roJ Rep'esentaWe . ~.o::rn Coo



_ _ ,, _ _ ''''''''''

President's Page

•• •

That Men Do

Lives After Them ohana Gottm..! c..Ilrnan ( 1823IM1_ a Lawytt who kMandcd a


Gennan colony in d~ county tN!

now btU$ his name. H.ving. ~ inter_

in thr wrlf.", .nd pmbln"s ohM imnllg.n' OO1lkrs, lit functioned .. "judp:. banker, <1000" rninisttr. rt,d ew.u . . . .,:and tid:d . . .,"' in Iht drys oCl'" ItItlnnrnL lIIinI til< wnIth ht had ,""",irt<I from his lurn' ..... law practiot.



lit puJdwed sevtnI thousand Kia of 1>nd ror hi< X1t1.menl. H. oold thelaoo ., • vny low price to oIlow IIt1d.... to aequi", • plot of vound ,My could uU thrir own. lit don.utd mo)«' land for <hurrhts.. pull. and. arnrttry. In hif Wn rears. bt doYoud his timo and mnpe. to anti ... jobi for u.. d ti=u of CulImon. Tho.O'Wll prospnM and thrMd undo:T his fatherly . nn!!ion and aft,

II0000n County was abo nam<d lOr. lawyn. Gto~ Smith !louSIOn (18111879), H. oorv..d niM I.rmf in the Un;,t;tl SI.les Con8rm,two lemu in 'he U.S. 5<...,. and two t •• m... " I.banu', gov<mor. H. is credited with ending the

JItronstruction En. in AlaNm.>. his tnms in ollia. tht Alobaml


Con.'itlllional eo".,..nllon of 1875 was

Iodd, ,.... public ochooioyllOm was m>r' pniud. ond 1M Alat..mI S.."lIoonl of He.lth was emblil.h«l.' In SI.CLoirCoun'Y. _ find IudS" 'ohn Washin,,"o In..... (lUt.l928) as ont of the inrorponlOr$ for PrlI City. AfIc1" 1nYi", as. soIdiC1' and bc1ng held as I prilO"'" dun", tho CiYiI W.r, ~ ~um«l 10 St. County. H~ was 'ppo,nlM prob.l~ jDd~ _n.1kr hi' ..,Iurn, and ICCtplMlh •• ppoinlm~nl


oI,hough he w.. Mill mfrom hi' impri.onm.n!. HeliV¢<\ • life full of ..rvi"" '0 Ihe publk. A, flI'$! i, arnn<d "". "" !'Ok !h0! 1;owyt1S plaj'«! not only in fou nding. but oIso buildin'g, practicaUy =ry co\mty.nd community in Aw,.rruL Si",e taking offi"", I h• .., visitM Ilnd ~ many local bar associalions. ranging from 1M smallest and m<»t rural to 'M brgat um.n . ...., in our 1I.:l1<'. Prior '0 my visiting taCh bar. my pu.altg.>l condumd fairly tx!Onsivt , ...arch on each county wh= I was headed. Like the Slories oboYe. wh= ..... Iooked. b,.,.,...n pt..j'«! • pivotal role in SOmdin>« tl>< founding .nd aIwa)'S "" <kvtlopmmt of "" coun,ies and communities. In f><:t. in .Im<»t cas<. J.,wym .nd jud~ had gr<"~' inOurnct, comprising 'he original aristocracy and Itad<nhip. If you look or the Qry of llinninghiUll, )'<>U find b"'l"""' no' only I.oding in Ih< Ieg>I SY>1<'m but oIso ..rnng os industri.a!ist •• nd ~ You find b,,'Y"rs I~ Rufus Rhode< (1856-1910). who founded The 8i""i"g""'" l*ws, and lawytrs liM Frank Spain (1891 - 1986) • • &mltlawytr ond philanthropist, who was instrumental in th< <kvdopmmt of Spain Rdubilit.1lion Cm"", and !h. Spain Hean Towtr. Moud MeLul'< Kdly (1887- 1973). tl>< first Soutl><rn woman plead. c.... b<foR !h. U.s. Sup ...",. Coon. oIso <kvoIM roundess hours civic clubs ond sen""'" organizations. These 1;owyt1S are DOl th.e ~ion, In vinuaUy =ry rounty. )Ou find thatia...,...,.. ........ ., ,I>< I><an of fonning ond 5Uppon inS edua'ional instilu,ions, ho6pita!s. banlu and otM institutions which '1'< run snving ou' conununities today. In many cases tMir names ... forgot1<'fl but "" good !hey did li~ them. Thtir ~ contin .... 10 hove . profound imp• c' on thrir conununities long . fttr !hey 0 .. gone. It', b«n a great honor 10 <risK",.. ,h. "Ole rep .... nting ,h. Abbam. S.. te &ir . nd ntttIing so m.ny I."." who are ll1eat Ita<krs in 'heir communi,ie._1u I've done ><>.1 h.Y< onen wond.wI wha, legacy our generation of I."." is le.ving for fUlu .. g.<n .... iol\$_






When 1 become • mem""r of tl>< bar in 1971. i, wain', uncommon to fuss wi!h carbon paP"' on typewrit..... Wi.., come from caroon paper 10 comput..... fax machines, cell phones, !h. Internet and el«tronic trarufer of mail and document.<, and wh .. look 'wo '0 th .... weelu. to 'urn around bad in 'Mold days. now takeslWO 10 'h .... hours. Wilh ,..,hnology com<$ df..:iency. hUI !h. txpect.';on. and dnnands of immediacy h• .., dashed any hope of having mo .. time. Wi,h 'his kind of p.....,re. e>'e1l our moot noble inten_ tions to do good are $<)rntlimn truooated btfore th<-y ovtr get off!h. ground. In previou, columns I have talked . oou, ,he imponance of our prof<SSion .nd the $tr<$.!<'$ ,hal go :along with our work. I don't want 10 reha.!> that here. bu' when)'<>u .dd to 'hat tl>< torrid p' '''' of ou' wo,k, it s«m. Ihere i• • gre'l gravil.tionol puU t" I;"" in 0 jusI-g.. -by mod •. $orntlim<$ we have clin,b out of the trench and take • look aroutid to get . bigger petSp«ti..,. 11'. ,hi. petSp«,iv. ,h .. I ,hink 'ho .. h . d in paSt g.<n<ra.ions . nd m.tny h• .., in 'his g.n .... lion. Take, fOr enmple. the gre.. AI.Mm. I.".".. .. who ....... involved in the Civil Rights movemen'. Es.$orl,ially, ,hey we ... willing 10 $O"if..:e 01110 use 'heir Iego! abililies ,,"mp out 'he p<rnicious evil of raciol dis<;'imination .nd segregation, Had I been • bwyn during th'ltime,! onen wonder if I would ha.., s.ood n<xl 10 .nd $upported tho .. 1tgo1 giants who iuff.. ed abu .., imult. imimid .. ion and a .. est for g.... ter gOO<! . We $till h• .., !he opportunily ,I>< p,obl<m. of raci.l di>hormony . nd o ,her ;"'ue. of diKriminOlion Ihat 1aWJ'<'ll ' ''' uniquely ,it uated influence. Our own bar associa,ion has 'aken 'he iniliati.., to expand the Boord of liar Commi .. ion ... 10 .. ke odvonuse "f ,h. ,alenl .tid p"rspecli.., of minorili ... No community of people plagued with racial di.harmony a nd dis<,imin.tion ,.n ful _ fill its high .., mi .. ion. TIt .... is ..ill much be do".,. Some,in>« ,he overwhelming prtSSu .... of daily life or lhe desi .. '0 be ,malg.-





'0 ..,1..,



mated into ,h. mai"'I .... m hindns us from .. iling thell1'" opportuni'ies our profession offe .. each of us. Problem. like ,hoo< plaguing many of our .S<hool ')'S' tems in AI. hama . ... no less ......... than wh.n bwyn Alexander Ika ufon Meek (l 8H- I865) helped <kvtlop 'he public ochool $)'Stem in Alob."'"- Meek Wa S • uwyt, who $<'r'o'td in AI. Hon .. of Reprrsen'atives. M chairman of 'he Hon .. Commit\« on Educa'ion, he oversaw Ihe pa$So1ge of the bill which .,tab, ,we'. free public .S<hool . y:<lished tern. uwyt,. led 'he .... po solve 'he problems wi,h educa'ion 'hen. and th .... a .. thoo< in our prof... ion IMy who the abilily 10 st"P up to the plat•. Pt,ha p' .no!her hind ... n"" to Ia"."..,. being .ctiv. in public service is ,hat our new lawye" enl.,. ,h. prokuion with huge educational debt. Of LuI July', bar e""minus, 75 pt,cen, of them hod a n • ..,rage debt of atmo" 566.000. Some had deb, as high as $ 185.000. The impli ..,ion. of ,hoo< ... ti>tic. .., di.mol. Young u~ with that kind of debl.,.. ju" nol ""pable of "epping into Ih' public service roles in which m.nyof u. started our c..""rs,11>o Law Found .. ion and the AI.b. mo SIOI< liar a re in.estis>ting deb' forgi..,ncss programs for I.".".." who .nter Ihe publi~ serv;"" .ren • • but th.t kind o f debt load ~Iy .... tricu.n .no,""Y·' . bili'y • ..,n participate in the Vol~n1eer La".".." Program , Th. VLP i. I n excellen' prog"m, bu, we need ,he parti~ipa_ ,ion of mo,..l.".".. .... Recently, I was 1.lking to one ofthe ~ '''om<y$ in Montgomery, and I asked !he q.... 'ion, "\\11.. can lawyttl do 10 help lhe OV<1"-bllrdened Legal Services programs!" He ....ponded ,h.t !he Volunteer uW}"''' Progr.m is ,he y ..l<$t help but said. "We just need mo ... I.wytrs." Cur .. ntly, only .oout 20 ptro:n1 of our bwyttl pankipate in ,his .. rvi<e. If )'Ou ha"",,'t;ignod up, lertCOmag<),<>u do so. E..,n if you take only one cas< a yeo" it would he . great ..,vio:•. Pl .... conlOct linda Lund at Ihe Alabama Stal< Bar (33-4-269- 1515) for mo .. informa'ion_






President's Page Then lMre'~ III< iss .... with tho 1"',.

,cptio" of Our j..dicial $ylIrm. Tho COSt of jwti« is !)(yond the p&k of mony of our dtiuns, and 1M high cost and '""imony _iotrd with JOmt of our judkiaI raca result in. diminished rapecI lor our judicW $fSI ..... su.u 19\16,candid.ol<$ b ..... bama Supreme Court rxa ~ been ~imllO ~ mo~thon II miDiooI per oI«tion. In \hat samt ytar. C<)ntrilutioou <:Uttdod $2.68 million to tht winning candidot. ond S1.76 million to,ho ~in8

candldot • .' The tou! $44 million for ,11:., ta« h<1d as • IUtionall'K(ltd (or SI.t.

high court campaicns Ulna ."~ by 1\l.inoU Supmno Court campo,,", in 2004.' In tht )'r'M lOOO, whm 1M JnU ....... fiIkd, tht IOtaI AIabamo Supmno Coon ~ contributions t:IiCftdcd III mUlion. That ekction led the ...1;0" for camp.aign """tribut",,,, ' 0 judidal a,,,M.tQ. I'm 1101 quntiollin(! 1M nul · 11m .bility OrlM integrity of the memben of our ""'n. but unronulU't/y luch higb-5Uk4 poIitiaDy-chuvd d«tions (in whic:h tpOCiai intnnts iO/llttimQ ploy ........-tlwl·desirabk ..... ) darNtl" pub-


lit P"'«l"ion of tho ;...tidal procaa. In oddit;on '0 the high <0$1 of judic:ia1 ampaips. tht ..... ~ rourl S)1ttm hal recmtly luff•• rd from • lock of oMqu.t. funding by th.logW.tu~. Thl. u. Iai ou, problem th.t now dcprivn Our rourl • pt.m of o"ff",;'nt I"'rl(lnnd and ode· qUIt. ' ..;nilll! of new judgn and cou., mff. 'uf}' uial> h• ..., bcm cunailed, and in JllOU of our counties, the (OUr! io wwrdr wwIttstaffM. }oIln


Ada .... """"' said, "No civ~iud

lO(icfy can do wilhoul LaWJftS." To llul ""'y I ,np«lfully add llul no civiliud soci(1y (;In conlinut 10 funclion wilhout a bal.n«<l. indrptndrnl, df~liV<' judicio ary ond 0 .... fUptCud by its citiuns. This is astntW 1<> ....uin;"lIlif~ and liberty in a "~....". O(La... no! of....".· Tht Board 0( liar CommWionm r«mdyal'l"OO'eda rri ..... tion o(iu 1m p~ c:alIins for mrrit odection or .pptlla. ~ judgn in Alabarn&. Whilt it ""'y no! be th< only an.wn' or Ih~ final ",Iulion. il i, worlh noting Ihat Alibi-"", is On, of only ~ighl $101<1 llul pro-oide for


"'''kCH lot!

putilan ~I«lions or .pptll.,~ rou"

judges. Th~ go.J of our judici.aJ systrm is to admini$lrt jU$Iiu fai,ly. imp •• tially

and in iOCCOfdan« with the ruk of law. If Lawyoor·iudAa and ..... mbc .. orthe bar do no! JOIw the probImu. who will! <lnond Comn 0., ( 17I'HII66). firsI chiofjustict; of the Alabama SupmM Coon, .... po:d the IUk", ~ judjciaI sysItrn 1!JOW:and drwIop into a ,tsp<<Ud institution. During 1M R«omtn.JClion Era, whm mpKl fo rt h< rukofLaw had

.... rIy disal¥'ud. another Lawyrr <am< aJong who W01hd to rt$l<W public confi· dm<t in tht judiriuy." o.icf /....iu Goorp: w.... mg.on $I""" ( 1811 - 18901) """-d his timt. dbu:and pnson.aI npuWion 10 _ tht lepI syottrn Murncd 1<> its pn>p<f constitulional po ............ His own Jl'Cf>'lNl tha...:t<J htlpo:d ,""om .... pulilic'.s ronti.d.rnce in the rulr of In< and the b,..nch of ..",...,...... nl. As Lawyers today..... an~ ,it by .nd .... tm Our (Ourt s}'>lom dncrioratr. Our courts should be out 0( tht tra<h 0( no OM, and ilS doors should nt¥ft" be cbed boa .... of dot lack of fundi. . It has been "'JII"d thaI. "A!obuna', J.wrm; 0:- hi&h fiducilry dulios to aD AIahamian$. ~ tht moot ~ and vuI ....... bI<. ouch .. childrm. lhe cid· nly.nd lhoot I,..ppcd in poverty or

struggling to rnako> .ncb rnrt"I at low incomt 1rW'\s,- and thaI this fiduciary duly wends to lUI obI""tion. -10 msu~ tlut the suu', bwJ lhemsfIvft "' .....""" juoritt fo<.u A.LobamIonl, np«iaDy tht po<>< and ~"This is. thaIItnginsSUt... ment :and """ ..~ by II.. RIJt> <If ~ Cotod"" and ,he histofy and Ir.odition or ,he ALab.> ..... q.lprofnsion. Many of the iawytn in Alabama .... V<'I)' ittvolW'd in _\:ing ",IUlion. 10 , ...... nd other issues. TheM: .... not problmu. llul lhe q.I profeNloct rJom bu, .... ~


is PO 0Ihcr pro(eI4ion or poup who is brttn ~ 10 Ie.t tht wry. Of _ ........ "'" aD kinds of opportu. nitios b" gDOd in our pn:Iosoion bt)u>d roMns tht mojo< iBua of our day. Just tho .....nivily and Illm';'" ear mendtd 10 those ...,J:j"llour~ 10 bt ... ~ ....~ h.lping them with their ~01 nrrdo "'" of

grNt "o'ltIU(. M<dI of tht IoW)'ft"II know do twrythittg m.y can to help th<ir dimlJ and th<ir communities. AlaN"'" Iawym givt' ,lIousondo and thouo.mdo of houri JWty 10 c:horitahIt in<titutionJ and Olhrr pro;ecu b" public good. I( J'OU multiply thaI limo by their hourly nit, tho COIIllib.. • lion -..Id "'""" ittlO the miIIion$ of dol· Iar$. I ptnOAIIIy know ~ judgrJ and Iowycn who ho.V<' coad>ed b.>stbo.ll, b.uktI.

ball and virtuaDy twryOth<r j'OUdIlp<)r10 ..... of my SOl\$, who ~ _ an odult.llill t:dk$aboul thtTusaIoosa 11..,.... who coach<d him in his tim ,..... ofb.>sk.tbaD. I-k.....w lUI imp;>Oon my_'slm whio;h OOIIIOn_ IO....,.,.". tum 10 this day.' Jus! proollhat ...... !be simpIr thmp thM ... do 10 in<raoor gDOd can !iYo aft .. us. My 1""""- i$ llu, 011 of \If _Id bt mindful 0( tht .... haV<' 10 do good now and loaV<' our fingorprint. on fUlu" FnorOlion.. •


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_ n _ _ ..

Driving to Work


20 minutes

Checking Email


10 minutes

Getting a Quick Quote For Your


= 5 minutes .;fGILSBAR


Executive Director's Re ort

A 12-Year Streak Comes to an End


1'. ohm tha, oll good thing> mWl aII.nd For 1M ~ llyn",

comt to

It.. ...nual "",,p"tionallicMS< fff

bas been 5250 and >p<ciaI momhenhip dues Iu... been SI25. JtqmtabIy. tho ~~ak mUSt <»me to.n end. Tbr IIo;ord <Jf &r Commis$iontr'S hoi lulhoriud • $5(1

i'''..... in I'" occup.tionallict".. f..,


$25 ;ncrnst for >p<eiaJ mtmbm.hip d-. ~;....,~ I. pmdi"l! Iogi.u.


Brio... utborizina Ibis I« i"",,:..t. Ibt Comm;"ion iludicd >I.~ bor fin.onccs .nd tt..- It... bar'. (UIUr<

n('f<k Th.

Commi .. ion con.;dt,ffl all lUpt<ts of Itat. bar <>1'<"'lion. as "",Ji I I Ih. membfnhip'. ,,,,...mnB dtt; •• for odd"io ... ) S('n'iccs from ~ >til' bar. .......... $lew_ ards "'lUI, Ih< Comm;,..ion has madt p"nicula.Iy ..... that 1M otal. fina...: .. h~ bem wdl managed .nd its





"'AICH lOtl

•• ~ditur.. jUSlifi<:<l. A. In enmpl., $Wnmtr, ,h,r CommiWon cuI Ih<i. mmi>uts<mml for lu,noIin,1M m«Ii .... 1M fa<t of 1M "",Un is lhal for ,he bit $tVttall""~ 'M """ bar', rCV<'nU<'$ ha"" not "'pi up with it, .... ptndituttl. FisurtA 'hows mi. b.or ...... n .... and diobu ..... ""'nts for'M wI r,,,,, l""". In


'01-'02. diobur>C1Tlmu t:ttmW ~n .... br nrulr $13.000. 1'ht nom " '02 ·'03, tho deficit in<naKd 10 $116J)OO. lkau..

the ....1. t.... budgc1 is PUI logflher 1_ l"'U$ in adv;m<~, 'hu ddays 'hr imple_ "",nlal;"n of ,nt.. ur... By '03_ '1).1, ~r.d

Irmpo ... y «»1'''''i''8


CO$l ·lhifting "",... u.os had b«n Imp<*<l; ~ ,hot ~.,,, "". >t<>uld Iu.... ~ • """tI{.al1 of WJJOO. forluna!dy, thot ~.I" ""i•..... rvcs luI''' bron lufficimt u. poslpoM' t« 'nc.Uot

Iii iilli,1 • Uconsa+Dun • 80. K..m C PII" . MCLE . lnt....,.' . ..... , • • Md.,"" St"",,

. 011•• •






" ... 1---1-- 1---11--

".... +--II---t-

...... 1---1-- 1--.-~ 1----1--

..... t---


department . nd program for '03· '04. A3 Figu.. D 'Ugg<:sIS. littn .. fen and .pt<i.1 memher dues ... ,he primary .0'..... of ......... ue foT the bot. $i"", 1959.1bt State bOt h..s had four licen .. ftc inc~ Or an incrt..., roughly <v<ry S.l5 yu .... The a...... gt pcretnl. fee inc ....... has been n.s ptKtnLA 550 lictn>e fee incr.,... will be Ih. ~fth incrt_ in the loISl 46 )T'I .... By oompari. son. it COmt:l 12 y..... . fter Ihe lasl one and amounts 10.20 pcretnl inc ........ E"", wilh an inc ....... of 550. lawyers will bt paying""" for Iheir littn.... nd .ptcial mcrnbtrships in ..a1I.rm, ,h.n Ihry ....... paying in 1993! Finally, Figure E ptovide$ • fi ..... ",ar projtdion of '<v<n ...... nd expcn ... with a 550 lictlUt f... and S25 spe<ial mcrnbtrship dues inc ...... A fee inc ....... nol only will allow lhe Sl.I. bar 10 ke<:p up with incrusnl oosa, bUI il will pro-.>dt the $1.1e bor wilh the


n ·tJ·

un,il now. Th~ n~<t ~ ..I

graphs gi ... you an "f how $laIC bor funds .r< 'pcnl •• , wdl as Ih. sourc .. "f'h"'" funds. figu re 8 oil" .... Iha,'~rson"d ' ,,,",liwI.. ,he latg<tt .i"gle «>$'. Ahh<>ugh ptrWnnd costs h.... incr•• <ed bolh in aCluallcrm, and as . percenlage of 0 ....11 operating am. ,h..., p.iS1 Ii..., Y".rs. i .•.• from 52 peranllo 6(1 Slale bor', COSIS in thi. regard ... helow olher agen· cit•• nd nuny of our petr b.. groups. Figu .. C .how. OIale bor e.pcnditu ... by id~.



• ....... ....... .... "............... ,.

FY!l9· Ii'VOO· Ii'V 01· FY 01· FYO);)· 00 01 01 03 O~ ",.,..,.,"" 10 bro;odrn admini$trati"" ,upp<>rt fo, 23 practict.!«lions .nd our most uti· liud programs. Furthmnort. \>It will bt able '0 transfer 16,000t member rues 10 an olearonic documenl mallJgern<1l1 sys1em. Finally. "'" will.,.. these i~ moenues to nukr be"er u.<c of ,bt Inten><! by aug· ""'''ting infonnalion and servicn .Y3.iIabk through lhe bo,', Web ';Ie. """",aLll>ar.o,!. Th. <xcup.,ional !i«n~ fee Alobama now pay lies '" wilh five olher "a1~ bar> . 1 14th pi". for th •• mounl of Ik.. n~ f..... " S50 inc ..ase will move u. 10 .. nIh plaa. Th. heller mea,ure is not Ih. amount of th. Iken .. f.., bUI the 101>1 of.1I ",and.lory fen thOl I.wy<"" mull p.y. In Ihi, rtgard, rank 22nd among all ... Ies.. A $50 increase will move u. 10 171h pl"e on thO! li,1. Several yo.... 'go, 1 wrot< in my "Oetuli..., D;r«IO,', Report" IhOl Ihe $lIvingl' m.mbtr oould accru. from 'he bor', m.ny mnnheT heneli .. in mony ;"", would mO" Ih.n off><t the «>st of 'he <x,up" ion.llian~. E... n wilh a $50 inc ...... lh;." "ill 'he ..... In M. y, w< will roll out unlimiled, free Internct· ba<ed legal r_.rch wi,h ea.. make". Th" ..,,,,ice will bt avail· . ble 10 . 11 bar ",.mhe.s. With Ihese .nd othor "rvi,," in the fUIU .. , the privilrg. 10 pr ... ict law in ha, neve' he.n mo .. vaJuabl.. •




CA S EMA K ER' C o un t d o wn'


The Eleventh Circuit Historical Society Th. EI_nth Ci rcuit Hlttortc.1 SOC;'" i, & p,;,."te. r><>o>p«>/il orgllnizotion in<OfPOfll'8d in GeOrgi' on j""",,')' 17. 1983. Although _ h_ no kogol oon_lion wil.h the United $\.0'''' COUrl 01 Appel l. 10. the (Io.....nth or ,1>0 g"""rn,nol" . the Soc""y'. pl1mo" purl'''''' hie 11&,,1' I ,",,01<1 '" 'M. histo,y of the <<>un. of Ihe ( _ _ th Orcuil .. '"Slllull.,.,o and 01 the joxlge, who h ..... comtitutad lho<e court •. In thi' regard. the SoeifI'y <"">ide,, thejudg'" in the <>Id Fill" Oreuil from the ....... of, Florida. and Geo'9il to boo InclUded In our .",..., In,."",.



In addition. the Soc;,'y continua!y wi ..... ,."....rd1 our bmader mllSlon of Io".. ring public appreciation of the '01& Ind Implot of the ~ .. I cO<Jrt .ystem In the er>eompassod by the fl-.U. CI",<lit.


$.ince the formotlon 01 tho Socie'Y <::ame "'ortly .rlor the c...,ion ollhe Circuit. thn timing ..... """IaI'y .><Cit;"; b6tbu ... ...... con writ. hillory.s cur .. nt hlltory. not ., research 111.1(1)1. W& ..... """'led 10 p""",rvi"'l our <....-IS' heritage H"ougl1l~ coll6o:llon or por""" .. pho'og~, .idootoped orol 1>0$1011 .... docu"'''''''. now, .r1><le., boo~ •. • 'hlael'. and """",no! memorabilia.

T~e So<:;.',~", a perm.""n' oJr.<. 10<:010<1 in the Eiben Pt.'r TutU. Unit..:! Stat.. Coun 01 A!'peol. Building In Allan'a. Our Boord o f TrusIOn i. <om!,ooed oll3w)oo" and ~ I schola ... who rop"'''''' , ... hi5tori<>ol inter..... 01 Alat>ama. Florm. and Geo<gia .

TI>& Soc:;"ty', ."""""I.e'M'....... partial ly lun<lo<l by gran" and o''''r '1*'101 galS. but _ "'pend prlmarHy upon our members tor our financial SUppo<l and ..... nee. Hence. lhe success of the Socle'y"> o"!loing collee""" p~ ... m ...' " upon ' 1>& 9_rooi" or our



Vou ea .. '"'" pride In knowing 11101 l~rough)OUr """"bot""ip you .... helping 10 rKlIP'u ... ..---rlKing memor ... of nd lI1us. supplementing ~i$lori<aI kn_ledge ,hat ... 11 ""'ight ... a nd an,i<h and lu,ur. II""Gra,ion •. In enence. the Soc""y·. acII..."",,,,,,,.nd oc<ompli"'men" belong 10 you.

p." ......." ...

r~e Ortle." a nd

10M F. HOt~ ...... J.-.. P,"""" B.n H. H.,,;,. k. Vi<e

r.-..rd H. Gil_t , Vi<e P,-",·Florida Emme' J. lIoncIu ... n~ v ... Pr""""'G.!or?o Goorvo l. Murphy. Jr .. Se<rot&cy ~ G. Knopp. Jr.. Tr ........

Camille Wr~ Coo~ N. lee Cooper


Tlmoll>r J. Ar"",""'11 E_M .80011"1 Mor~



C. Io<ef>berg


I. Ralph 8N;r(I Ibbor, M. li<in.on A. Stopl>e.. CIo)o John J, Doll"" John W. o.n".".




R>ctwd H. Gill RalpnN.Hobb> ......... l. No<1t> Sam A. " -

John W. Kolyoi< R>I>or'o Martino,

E.... ' L 50""",,". W.H_F, W'llnr. E. Harral John T. M..-.I>oII


Kirk Mo:AIpin Ch~'on

O. VOffi4II"


.....rding challanll'"'

You Will t>e inlorme<! ollulure program. ""d IICUYitie,

The EI_ nth Circuit H istorical Sociely P.O . B". 1556 " Atlanta, Georgia 30301 ( ~ 04)


I hereby apply for membership in ,he clas. checked


and enclose my check for


~yable '0 'he EI"""nth C ircuit Historical SOCiety.

Annual Membershi p S,udent

S 5.00

SO.OO Associ.,e ContrilAAing Suslaining (individual) Keys,one (1_ firm)" Patron


lull... O. Buller Walte r R. Byan A.J. Coleman

T"",_ 01 <11. £lewnll1 Cirn.o'

HIS'orical Soc:iely cord"lIy 1",1t. you 10 Join In

Officer, and Trustees of the Eleventh Cil1:uit Historical Society, Inc. OFfiCERS I..,og. R. lA<>i« ~>Of\ Hooo.....y Cho~man


100.00 250.00 500.00 500.00 1.000.00 Address

Telephone Email "K EYSTON E FIRM S: Plea.e name five (5) members of )Quc firm to be Socie,y membe".

"'i ~~



(" (5'



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 01I


1tic::M iiBI

-19 91

by sigt U•




Tho AIabIm. 51110 Bot Proo""' P.-.. Cod • .. I'l'0l, F'Or _ . """""""" .. l~ zaD5..

, .. ~. c-.., "'1D'1211-ISISff 00 II _r.c_'_lOr.,w .....

Important Notices William D. Scruggs, Jr. Service To The Bar Award I.

Th .... is h",<by cst.bli,htd • William D. " Bill" Scruggo. Jr.


Th. pUlP"" of this .word is to honQr tho memory and tho o=mpli5hment. "f

S.rvi~ Award

William D. "Bill" Scruggs, Jr. and to encou!'3# Ihe emul.tion or his de", devol;"" and seNia to the Alobam. Sto,. Bar by rewgni,ing oulst.nding. longte,,,, ... rvi« by livinS "",mbt ... of tho Bar of Ih;" .tat. 10 the AlabamA St.,. Bar as .n orgoni..,tion 3.

TIIi •• wan! 'hall bt g.. "l ...t from lim. 10 lime. by lh. Board of Bar Comm~ion." of th. Al.b.m. SI.1e Bar upon Ih< report of 1M .",.rd c(lmmiue< as d<$Cri~ btlow. Th.,< is no requirermnllh'llhi, award be pr ... m<'<l on on annuli b.,i, 0' th .. it ht limilO<! t(l one lUipic,,!



The \Villiam V. "B iU' Scruggs. Jr. award <ommine' shall Ix • commi" .. of Itt. Aloham. Swe £I", con.isting of tho foUowing: (a) P,.. idem-.Ie<1 of the Alai""". State 0" (b) ""«uti,.. Dir«to' of lh~ A1.bama St.t~ Bar (c) ,,.nern Coumel of th. St.t. Bar (d) Two "",mbe" of the A1.bama St.t. liar Board of Bar Commi .. ione .. appoim<tl ~ !he prnident who have. minimum of ,iJ< 1"" of total>ervic .... ",.. mber of th. Board of Bar COmmi .. io"" ..... thou&,> not llCC<SOarily co~!~ly


11>< committee 5h.all,ubmit, at Ira>! 30 day< prior to th .. annual rrwting of thr Alabama Sta!e Bar, 10 "'" I\oanl of liar Commisoiooers Exc-<Ut~ COmmiltee of W Alabama Stott Bar, a rq><>" 5<lting oot the n...... or na",.. of ,ud! PC'""" or perso'" that "'" rommiu .. r«<:>mm<nd< ... m:ipirn' of thr ,,,.. rd for that 1"""r- If the rommiu .. docs 001 dIooo: to pr=n' ""'....ard in a given )-"Or, !hi, faa ~I .00 be rq><>rted


Th .. preK1I1O'ion of lh ••ward ,hoU be mad. during the a nnual «Invention of th. Alab.m. Sta1< liar in .uch mann .. a. the prtsi<knt deem' mOSt opprop,iale

7_ Th. award sh.U <"n.i>1 of ."appropriate pl'que to be p"",nl«l to .. ch recipient and .nmll"",nt of th. of each r<,<;p;<nt on • pcrm."tnt pl.q..., di.playtd " tht Alab. ma S... t Bar building For an .pplic.tion, contact K<ith Norman. ASS <:<eCutive d ir<'<tor, at (800) 35-1·6154 or (33-l) 269·1515, or down]""d on. from th. ASS Web 'ile, www.~u.bar_org_

local Bar Awa rd of Achievement Th. Alabama State liar Local Bar Award of Achievemrnt rorognius local b>r o.soociation, for !htir oU1<lOnding contribution. to their cnmmuniti ... Award. will be pr=nt«I during th. Alabama Stat. liar', 2005Annual Mt<ting, July 2]·23.t P<>int Cicar. I..<xal bar associOlions oompr-tr for tha<' .ward, basN on their ,iu__ large, m«lium Or small. Tht following criteria wiU be usN to judge the oont ..tont> foaach category: The d'S ..... of particip.. ion by th. individual b.. in .dvan<ing p",sra"u to benefit th. community; The quality .nd at~nt of the impac1 of tht b .. ', p.uticipalion On tbe citiuns in tn., community; and The dcgr« of .nn.n<tm.n15 to th. bar', imago in the community. To be con<ideml for this award, loe>! bar associotion, mUSt <ompiel. and .ubmit.n award .ppliation ~ June 1, 2005 . For a n appl;':ation, con,.<, Ed Pa1t• .-.on, ASB d irector of programs, at (800) 354-6154 Or (H4) 169·1515, or download one from 1he ASS Web ,it<,

Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism Created New commission 10 focus on highesl levels of profess ionali sm among Alabama lawyeu Draylo n Nabt ..... Ir., <hid justice of the Supreme Court of AI.b. ma . • nnounus tho cru!ion of the Chief lu!Uc.'. Comm ission on Prof... ion.l~m. l·he purro" of Ihi> Cornmi.. ion i. to focus on tho ethics of Ihe l.-gal prof... ion 10 a.. u~ thot thoy or. conli nuo usly imprO>"ed. "I worked with Douglas McEivy. p, ... i<knt of t ho S,." BAr, . nd u ll.:td with [('ading I..wyers in uur weli as <kan. of our I;w school •." Nilitts "and! ..... nt to ... nphuilt that thuugh much i.$ alrcadyb.:ingdon. in the are. of ethics without h •• ing • commt .. ion, ..... n«"ll to rontin ... 10 enhance Ih .... effort .." B...-d on a ,"'cffiful model in Georgia, the purpDO< of the 21-mernb.:r romm;",ion i. to i<kntify, .upport and mrourage Iawre" 10 upirt to and ...,,"'" the high .., I~, of profffiional inltp"ity in thrir ~I.otio ... hips with dienu, ",her IawytBo the <011", and lhe public; to .",Utn • hIgh Itvtl of .... p«t fOr profeuion.lwn lmong .n members of the Alab.una btnch .nd b.o.r and low .,udm's; .nd to ..... ure WI the 1".... ,;.:., of I.... mnai ... a htgh and worthy "'Illng ...hich .......,. <litnts and the public sood. The romm;""'" will provide and facili,.,. foru .... to mtfl .nd dilC .... ideas. Nabns ernplw.iud that he Ind romm ... ion m=tbers would bt du«tly i"",,1vc-d in .peaking and <tICourag'"g €Ommen" from Iowyns .nd jt.t<lga ac..,.. 'he ,,.,.. 'We will.M bt.,<>dying other .t>!t$ WIth r... p«t to lheir dforu in th;. art.: he "ated. In addition. the rommruion will _ u" sour« of re«,gnnion to >how '1'I'1'Of"ia,. app,,,,, ... tion to those individtul. and program. that a~ tx:ltJ\pIt< (0. oth .... to fOllow. N. btt1 also an"""need th., the Ho n. SII.ron Yat... fOrmer p ... iding jud~ of the AI.o~ma Coun of Civu ArpeaJ .. will .."", .. the ._utive di.«tor of the €Ommi .. ion. lud~ Y~t<$ $;lid. ·On. go.U ,hal I ,I,,;ors had is 10 ra;" thele",1 of profffiionah,m (Qr i>o::lth Ih. hen(h and the ~r. I am «ri«<l.o ~ .ble to €On •.,bute to ,hi. goal in my ... paci.y u executi., <1i=to. of the commi .. ion."

"ot" .,

ThDlt, H IVing on tt., commlu lon ...: DrfytOl1 Niben. ch,,! jUJut:e

or tho ~ ~_ Court. dIa.;

Judgo Wilho.. C ~. ~ Coort 01 CMI Appeal •• Judgo lAg Shaw, At-... Coort of Cmtona! Appeals. Judgo ........ V Thotnao. Mobtle CclUt Out; Judgo M$on w.b, MoOtIt Co.ot!y llt$1ntt Ct:u\. Judgo $!won l ....... ~ u.-l Slaw Otstoo QuI. GcMtmoo .u.t P Br_, c.."bll"'01 SthxtI of lAw. John Canol, - . Scttoa! of lAw KetwIIo Rnr.III ...... Ln.orstty uI AIobonto Scttoa! of' lAw 0wIa I .............. ftt(wnas Goode Jones Scttoa! 01 lAw J IlwJa$ Mt;Ehy, 1f'SIIiItnl. AIobonto Stale Bar:

8oIltt\' ~I( .,..,ide'1I-I!ect. AJabiamo StItI a..: 611MOO J ~ YOIf"Ig La .....· Section. AIobIIN Stalt Bar: laan ,l,sn1on1

SanuI N Closbr.1lap're. SanuI H I1Jttio1. ~ ~

- """'"

~~. TuskegN;


Ylctor H. lott. -,", - . IIryon A. s--....... E'lUIlJusla nhlt... uI ~ I'M1 B NorTn<n 8KItCUt'" tWa-\(w. AlD'nI Slit. 8or;.., J An!tIon\' M<Utin. gor>IIoI """"". At-... Slate a..

Amendments to Alabama Rulss of Appellate Procedure Th' AW",1U Sup,emt Coun has adopled amenJ",.. n" 10 I(ul. 21 (a), !W1e 28, l(uIt 31(b). Rule 32(1) and (bl, I(ul" JoI(a). ItuIe 39. ODd I(ul. -«I(g). Aktb.:t,,,,, Ruks of Pro=lU", and h>s odopled • IltW rule, Rul. 2SA. AJab"nta Ruks of""pdlalt Prowluri". 'Signing Briefs. Motion$, .nd 0Ihn- Papers; Rtpr<:ScnUliotu to Court."The amendmtnu of the ruin and the adQptiQn of Rule 25A .ft .ffecti>~ Ju .... I. :!COS. The order omnIding the rules and .dopting Rule 25A 'I'\'urs in on advanct shed of the Si>ulMrn I!tpm"tn- dated on or about 14, 200S. Rule 39 has been sigru6c.ontly ...rued. in ~ .0 duntna.e the ' ''Iuirtrnn1 ..... , • brief be filed with • pt"fition lOr • writ of cmionri and to cIar.fy tlut a .,.tnnenl of the facts.shoWd bt tncluded ,,",th tht pt"f1l>On lOr !he wnt of cmiorari. The bnd' will bt the writ, if .ny. is.suts. Rille 28iw been rtVised in p.ut to rdIect lhe <bang« effected by the amrndment to Rule 39.


Amendments to Alaba ma Rules of Criminal Procedure The AI.ob.o. .... Sur'nne Coun Iw adopted amendments to Rule 1$.4(b), Rule 32.1(0 and Rule 32.2«). ~ Ruks of CrimirW Procedu .... n.. .mendt,...,.,,. .... dT«tivt- June 1, 200S. The ordtn .. ".ncling the rul ... . ppear in . n advanct sh«1 of the Soolhnn Report ... d" .... on 01 'OOut Fe-bruary 24. 2005. Th. am(ndment (0 Rule 18.4(b) require> (n. <ou" to ad",,,.;.,... on "'th to 1M jury upon <lIlling 1M <lot, Tn. a",<nclmrnl to Rule 32.2«) require> !lut a Rule 31 petilion fo r an ou t·of·lown appeal r"'ln lhe dmi.ol or dUrn;",,! of • p ..... iou!ly filOO Rule 12 I"titoon be fded 00 tal'" ttun .i. mO"lh •• fl.. Ih. pt"fltioncr di"""", th. t 1M petition "'., denied 0' di,mt....J , _Bikr K. Caul,,, "{>Orr" of drri,io,,;, Alaltam" appdl~" court/


Important Notices

Notice of Election Elected Commissioners &. rommw;Olltrs w~! lit dcaod by !host bWJ'"S with their prilKipo.i OlrK'" in ,he following <;KUI,s: 81h, 10111. plo« no. 4 and pb<~ no. 7: 8esocmn Cut·Off, I hh; 13th. pIKe no. 1: l~h. pi,"", no. 5: 17th. 13,h: 19th: 21~: Bro, ~ no. I: .lOI1I: )1<1: 33m; 34lh: J~; 36th: 40th; and ~ I It. Addi60nal «>mmi$$iOOtll 10,11 bt .IKltd in th«t Clrcuil< fot JOO ""mbns of ,he ".,. b .. with pril\Clp>l off" .. h.... n. Th. n.w .ommission.. 1'<111100' will be d<1rrmmod by • cen.u, on M.reh l, 2(1)5 .nd vaandn «uifiod by 1M ste••ury no 101 •• th.n M.rch 15,200S.


AU $ub5t<juem


will he for .hm: ~....

N(.mira,ion; ""'Y b< mad< by pailion b..ring the ";",,,.'ures of 6 .. 'ntmbn's m good ,tandIng wnh pnncip,aJ offi,n In the circuit ,n which the d«tion will be Mid 01 by lh' ""ooidal'" wrilten dtcLo .. tion of candidacy. Eithn mU" be .«";,-..1 by d .., _"'uy 1>0 I., ... t~ S p .HLQR d,.. 10" Fridoy in Aprij (April 2', 2M). B;aJIoI' will be P'q>.1rt<1.nd maik<l to "",mbns bt.WttI'I M.y I .nd May 15.lOO5. 8,aJ"'1O mu.' bt \IO,od and I'<1l1r"'" by S p.m. on Ih~ lu, F. id.y in Moy (May 31. 2(05) '0 ,he Aloboml SI"~ Bar.

At-Large Commissioners


.. ·Jorge <:ommi .. ionen. Th. inilial lermS of nine a,·lnS" cumm;WOlKrs will t~rms of 0"" Y"'" ach; thrtt .,.Large (omrni .. ion<", will bt .. l«1od for rrrms of two ""'... tach; and .h= ••. Large """""... will bt ..I«,od fOr ltnnS of thr... y<"£'" ~ach. Tbt (omm ... ion ,,"ill "" .... pon.ibk for """'tmg c~ndid.a,es ,,"1>0 a", It1<"RIben in good .undmg and rc1kct .he ........1. <rhnic. gender. ag<:. and geogr~ph" di ....... ily of tht of ,h. ALam"", Sm. Bar. Th~ .. ·large posilion> will bt fdlod from applinlion. which must bt r«~i...-d by the s.-.:ma".. no bter Ihan 5:00 p.m. On April I. 2005. Th. appli<olion wlll bt I",ilobl. on Ihe SI ... bor Web .il •• .......... ~Iab< beginning Mlceh I. 2005. Tho.... I«' od to the .. largo posi,i<ms will be ,IOt,fiM promptly of .. I«' ion. The \trn" of ,h.... large (oml1lilliO"t ... will (Ommen" on )uly I. 200S. Th~

IIoard of /I .. Commil$km~rs will ..1«1


bt $Iaggu«l: th= .r-Larg. (ommissioners will bt ... It<.od for

mml"". .

Judicial Award of Merit Nominations Due Tht IIoard of Bar Comm"';",.,.,.. of tho Stal' liar will ««i"" nominalion< for the ...1. bor·'ludicial ....... rd of Meri, Ihrough March 15. 2005. Nominalion. ohould bt prcp;tred and moUod 10: Keilh II. Norm.n. """""y IIo.orcl of /lar Commi.. ion~" ... Labama State Bar P.o. 110. 671 Mon'g<>mny. AJabama )6101-0671 The Judicial "'.... rd of Meri' w;o< t$Ubliohod In 1987. Tbt I ,..rd is not neauarily an Innw.l aw..d. It mill' bt pr ... nlod 10 I judge who is not .. tim:!. wh<lh .. o r fod.r.aI court. " .. lor appdbt<. who lJ d, ..«lto ha..., contributod significantly to ,he . dmin· 'm.tion of j"-'I'" in The ,..,ipient is I'.... n.. d with. cry>t.1 8",1 bt.dng Ih, .r. .. bar ...1~nd the Y"" o f p .... ntalion. Nomi""tion • .,uonsidcn:d by. th,~·membtr COITIm," ... appoim«l by 1M prt$idcnt of Ibt $l..t~ bar. which then nWoe< '" «Com· mmilat""n to tho: ~ ofbM commi<aioncn wilh mp«t '0 a nom",... o. whtth<t the ..... rd """uk! bt p...... lro rn .ny gi''''' "",r. Nominations should tnclude a dc1aiJod biograrhical proIik of tho nom; ..... and a nunl"" outltntng tho: significant conl.ibution(.),he nom;"'" has ma& to Ihe administration of just"'. Nomjtloltiono may bt SUppoo1«l with Iott~ 01 <ndor-s<m<nt. •


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3 08:


Motion Cover Sheet F

or tht put ~ ynrs.~...,. ..,., ... into on the Alob..,,,a J.,diOaJ Sy$t.rn have thr•• ttntd ,"" efficacy

of our courts. In .1It UJI 0000', .1It of.he dilemma climaxe.! ..'hm hul\ 0( wun cmplorm d.."ugbooM thr . .~ Io4t Ihri.- ;00... AI part of "" n:!icf .&n, Howor Bill lOS _ pau<d in d.. 2004 Jtcogubr Sesoion which inc~ .... ,iotu C()uM 00$1$ for civil r~inp and " lObHshtd filing f~ for disposi. ti'" """,ions such .. """,ions for SI1Il'IIIUry judpnent ond iudcmmt on d.. plead. i.... ('"'~ Codt S I2-19-


7 1(a}( IO)). Tht rnmut productd through HB :lOll _ intend«! '0 bring the coun sys.em cIoso.r 10 full capacity. Upon .. ,cant ........mont of the I'CV<nue rtpOru from p~ flKal ",. r, .he


AdmlnUtr.,m, Offi« of Courts (AOC) has dtltaod .. shortraU on the coIltction of COlIS lOr disposilM """ions. A closer ~ 01 ooun files indko'<'S .... ' <;Onfu · $ioon may orioI bttwttn . tWn.rys.dnb andjudgcs regarding which """,iom rtquir. .. f.... It is I\t(USlIry for ,he ..,.Ri<1Kt of tht judicial J)ll.m th.t lnY confwion 0Vft mocion fta pursuant 1219·11(0)(10) b......dica'ecl. .... thuamo \imt, f.airneoo dict.ala .h.ot _ !.Ok approprill' _ .... \Q mlUn uniform

,ho, ..

' f$ltm ..ilu. At • rf«flt mtfting of circui. and district judg<$. Ih. , hitr justiu anllOUnctd.1It impltnltlll.ation of a.' .... •

dardiud MOIion eo...- SbccI. This WeI will be .uN in 011 ci.~ "'*I .nd is "...,.. Wl' to SKU'" our court JY!.I¢m. n.. MOIion Ccr.otr SlIM will ~uirt .n anornq filinz • mOIion to ct"""" from a II" o(,.pccific molion lypes. AOC ronduC!"!a lik audit of ~ral roumi..,

which ."....okd moIions litkd dilfermdy lhan Ih~ ,.Iio( '"'I1Ia1.,!. 1'<:1. <umpl., many molions fo. ou""nary judgmrn l _nl ulKh.~ by II..: d .. k btal1O< thty ...... lilied "Motion 10 Immi ...• A«onIin$ to ~12· 19·7 1 (. )( 10), ",,,,ions 10 Dilmiu punuant 10 I!.... 12(b ) .... aftnpl from tIw dispotiliYt mOIion ft.<.

Fmngs lilied MOlion' IO Di...,i",ho,


Klu,Uy Motion. for Summary )udgmml' d ivnl 1M rdinS d •• t ·s .lltn·

,ion from lh< lnI< n",u~ orlh< motion and fees I" uncharpd. Wilh 11>< MOIion Ccr.otr Shret, al10mql will bot required 10 .wif.C! tIw rorrM nom,.. oflhrir moIion from • prtd<Itnnintd lill. Upon II>< fil· ing of lh< covtr 5ht<1 with 1M motion, 1M cI .. k can mo~ ~.dily KKnlify Ih. 1~ of purpon"! motion p',,","led and u11imaldy oo<nninr wilh tau" whrth.tT a ft.o N>ouId M charJed. ..... additional '" 1M problem indudot d~liY< """ions filed in opm court. n.. roIIKtion of fili", fees i< • dUlY of 1M c1rrk., not 1M joogt'. Our judgo$. who a,. currrolly o... rl~ willi cumMrso ..... docUts. $houk! not bnr 1M burdm of roIItctina fees. 11. motion ~irin&.1tt is filed in opm court, tIw .iudF will mpJirt thr ~ny Of attor· nq to iiI< 1M Motion eo..,. Sbcr1 .nd, if ~, remil poymtnt rt'IroKIivrIy 10 Ih. Orrk'. Off..«. If an .nornqo o. p.rty fd.,. motion in optn court which dots no!l'ftIui~. Itt, il ohould "ill bot occom· I""'ied wilh • COV<I' "'-'lOr ac.»ulllabili,1' J'Wl'<"<S. n..Ia,out of 1M Motion Sbcr1 is rdatiwly lirnplo .. "'" to pba an =-iYt bunion on judgrs '" tM;' wl><n IMy.~ ..ked 10 iiI< molions in opm coun.




Prior 10 tho implommution of thr ""'"" W<1. m<rnlltts of II>r: \>lr $hould b«otnt famaior no! only Wilh il$l'I''1'"'''' 001 abo with il$ .pp&'lIion (s;omplo atuched). Houx lIiIl J03 Gdudcs worknJ' oornpenation and .....u <Ww4 ~ from IiIine: r.., b disp>sitiYt mot_1O tIw "","""'-' will not boo ~in:d in 1","" <"""'-II CO¥n u- m .... boo filed Pf< motion; how~ If tho wn< moIion i, f.Jed against numt ...... part .... imullonmwly. only 01,.


u- is roquiml. "T'IIt should "'<X>mpUl)'.u moIOons whtthn IiI<d willi thr dnk or filed in opm court. Copies will boo.vaibbIt all cimait drrksofficn .nd will aIoo br made IVlliIabk on thr IIOC v.~';tr ( ............"""""".1""j, Pl'ior to implrlll.nling Sl....." " uSC orIn., o:r.omh«1, an rvalUoItion prriod will boo wnducted in MonlJO<'lt'Y Counly and Counly, $ino:. Ihr rJlilUtion of Housr Hil lOS. rn<rr>btts of thr bu haw bftn 0Wf, wbdmingly coop<ntiYt with lho jooicial 'ymm. IIttom<yl ho .... «<Ogniud II>< jooi.cial l)'SIrm', need I'or montttry .... 1" PO" 10 function >I O<!tqu.JIC "!'Kil)'. 1M Iw Iw o:hibited an naplionaIlrvd of unity and ouppon which Iw mobIed tho couru to swvivr on .1imittd budFtMJC undmtands lhol lhe Mobon eo..". Shr<t will be, an addiliona1 burdm on CO¥n


attorn<)". bul Ih' burtkn io ~I ati ... ly dioproporlional. 10 1M "",... lIl1ft'd for a ..,ilab1y funded judici;ollysttm. •


_ _ .. _01 . •

$ 0

_ _ oI'''' . - . . . . _...... IWo_ ... _ ~"'''_oI

._e-."_""",,,,oI ..

.... ""_oIr.-

STATE OF ALABAMA Unlfl&d Judicial System


Re wiNd 2Jl .nlS




. .. District Court --.,.."..~


Circuit Cou rt



RIin!I Potty

N_ d

N_. _

- File No.

*>dr_No. ot"""",""OIPat1)'. N,*",

To .. _.,.. by CIorl< d CO<rt


o o o


Fiong F"" CNo'l!"d and CoII&cUiod (Arnl $ Fling Foo ~=ired (SM, WO<l< Comp, PFA) I>.IIIdaYiICJfHa ""File


• Type of Motion (Check One)

Motions Not Requiring Fee

Motions Requiring Fee

o o o

Default ~ ($50.00)


In'-"'l '" ,I..ppear as Tl'Iiro P8/T)' P\aintitr _ Only in CV CBS8\I, e>«:luding DI/ C3S& _ on !he CV _ I ($297.00) Joind6r in Ot"", POlly's Dispositive Uotlon Q.•. $urrrnoty .Judgmen1, Judgment on \tie PIead"'l/S, Of oIhe< Diw<>o/tiWI Motion '""" ponuan1 kl R"", 12(bl) ($50.00) Judgment on !No Pleadings ($50,00) 10 DismIss, 01 in lI>o Alternative Somma')'

°o """"'

Consolidation D ~

o o _


D_ O Designate a MedialOl'



Other 0isp0$iIM0 MoIion not pursuant to RuIo 121b) ($50.00) IWnewed Disj>ositiv<I Motion (Somma,.,. Judgmenl. ~t on !he ~ " ' _ 0isp0sIIiwI MoIion "'" ptnIIaf'J1 Ie


Rula 12(b)) ($50.00) S"""""I'J' Judgrnen1 01_ Oispooitive

pursuant 10 Rulli



• _ f.... are enumerated in §12·1iP I Ie). F_ lllJf1.I'ani 10 Local AcI are not~ . PWoas8 contacIlhe C\eo1c of !he Coun nogan:ling appIk:8b1e <>cal lees.


o o

J!Idgrnem ..... Maner of Law (during trnoI) 0i0burs8

D_ O

EJ< Pane RMIrBining E.<lension <II Tlme


More Oef..ute Slat"""",t

o o '" Limine D_

Motion not p<nu8(lI

10 Rule 12(bj ($50.00) D _~~_

Add Party

D_ O Chan\leofVenue/T"",.,...

Local Court Cost " _ _ __

o MOtion to Oi$rni$$ purouant to R..... 12(b) o NewTrIaI o Objeaion <JI El<emp!iorIS CIMned o Plaintiff. Motion 10 Oio.rriss Stipulation <JI ~ o ~ Injunr;tio<1 o Pro!fICIiwt """'" D_ 0<



R. . . . 1r<!m s,,"y of E. oeu!ion San<:!iono


Sj>eciaI f'nocIice ;" Alabama

o o

SupplerJ.nt lo PeMio\v MOtion TelliflOOaoyR... tr8lnlngOldet Vacate 0< Modify

0 __ 0 _

°° ,,,.,.... o D _

° "'"'



10 Rukt

(SuIljed 10 filing tee)



About Members, Amon Firms 1M..u..o.:,,,,,, l"")'lT .. ~ pt<1>IiW< _

and rNpIton< n"mb<n """'" 1M

"",."".""""', """,<> '" "" DfJrni"! of• _firm solo pmm.:.. """" ,,,,,,;n.. '" Of

>md in """"".............- and/or 4dd"" dJanfl<'''lIo<..u..-.. SIal< IIIlT

M""l"mJoip v.p...-r....,r. '" (JJi) Z6! ~ 10

if"") Of P.!); """671 •

.11".""""" 36101,

...,.,.. ""?'domor< i, ..,i.... '"

_~..,"Nkr·M..",kn."Q"-* ..

•~ "'r--'".....Jfo/lI>w ,'"

About Members Li ... 8um<ll. anHOunCtl ,h .. optning of hor offk•• t 6OOO-B 20111 Avenue, Vaney. Phone (H4) 7506·9595. Kevin K. Ham announcn. n."", ch.n~ of h;' compilny to Gulf South Titl. ScrviceJ u.c. Er<'<k 1<11 .nnOunces th. op<ning of I'.Mck J<u PC, 724 Main Stitt!, Moulton

3>650. Phon. (256) 974-1360. Mike Win,., announce> ,h. optning

of ...."ln~r Legal Stral<gi...1 300 W.,., S'm"!. Suit. 300-"', Montg"m<'y 36104.

Iknlon &. Centeno Ll P a nnounces thaI Brenton K. Morri' h... btrome a pann" in the firm. Bradley Aran' Ro5e &. Whit. LI.P announ«> that MIn: Aye .... Brian Blythe. B.... d Burleson, Tye Dedmon, Hall1!ody, Daniell. Grw>, I..ciglt Ann. Hamburg. Ikn Moncrid', O>arln Moor., lcdi. Morgan, Milchen Mudano. Lou", Palmc-r, Jtff Pt1...... Lou .... Thar.., CryslOl Wilkenon, and Sob", Wireman have hc<orne 0$$0<;"<$ with the firm·$ Birmingham office, and O>ri' Smith is an associ.te in the firm', Hun'ovm. office.


Among firms 810unt O>unly Dimict ... no. noy-E)«, Tommy Rountrtt onn"unCO'$ ,h. appointment of T~ William .. Jr.•• . ..;"lOnl dimict anomer for the 4 lot Judicial u«ui. of Ala bama. Alford Ooo .. n & McDonald I.LC

announces th., Chr;.,in. M. Adcock h..

b«n named a partn.. in th. firm. Au.till, lewis &. Simms PC annOunCn that Wil~am "- Bradford and Janousek have !>«om. ,h.reholde.. in the firm', Birmingham offic.. Boker, D<>nal<on, Bearman. CaldweU &. Ikr"""'itz PC announce, thaI Joson Ashell h... hewm. an u.oci .... wilh ,h. Birmingham offic..

Ot-b", Taylor lewi, announces thaI 'he i. now u.oci.,ed with the Birm;ngh.m off"" of Balch &. Bingham lLP. Ball, Ball. Mathews &. Novak PA announces th., Eri' Bryan Paul h... joined the firm as an 0$$0<; .... fl«:kman &. AOO<Kiat .. lLC "nnoun«> that Joseph W. W..... n h.t.s btrome of ",""sri for lhe rom,. 102

M.o.R C Il au !

Burgess & Hoi. "'MunC<$ that Terry Allan Sidn h.. joinrJ the firm. Burr &. Forma" .nnounces lh .. Jami. I.. Moo .... , De. Brian O'Dell and L Grifftn Tyndall have bttn named partn ... with the flem and Deb ... I.ce MacUy has joined the firm ... ",unul.


Cannon &. V.ughn .nnounc.. ,h., Gloei. Maloy h .. been named a parlntr wilh the fum a nd the firm', name has lIten changed to Cannon. Vaughan &. Maloy PC. Cal"ll &. Ilo ..... rd PC . nnounces thol Poige R. Jackson >nd Wyndall A. Ivq have btrome mnnllt .. oflhe firm. Jamn I.. Wtbb and Caly Houston Richard"'n have b«ome 0$$0<;"" of the firm. a nd TO'r;' S. BiSSO hu btrome. '\lorney Wilh the firm.


O>ristia" &. Small LLP annOunCn thot William R. Pringle, J. )(iebnan G.r .... 1l and Bri.n H. Tobin have !>«orne 0$$0<;"e, with the {iem. C;1<in & Mc(;loth«n PC announces 'hot Co Rondwdl Caldwell, has joined the firm as on O$$O<i .... . nd B. Pill man, )e. h., join..! the firm /"ou",d.



II.rding 8< (louoch I.l.C announces .1\&. Ward S. Sulli... n has j<>incd II,. firm.

Dillard 8< Associl ... 1.l.C I n noonces W. SfC'01ln S. W~bo.nks has bccomo In -u.~

...ilh .... firm.

Harzood, CJto,rIond. PInu. MOl ...... 8< Thomp!oO<> LLP artJl<lUD«J \hal mired O .....i, lud~ Robtrt M. Harptr has Ixcomr I ..... mbc, <Ii Il>e finn.

Donaho>< 8< ANooda ... 1.l.C IIItIOUnces W ' MichMi A. Casty./r. has joined tilt


H<I....ins. lrIIch. Hmons. ~n 8< ~ PC . nnounces \ha. RI1Hdl C. lIuflkid has I>«omr I n>emI>tr of Ihr finn.

Garrison 5coII PC .."""unces .hl' S';"" D. Hanc.ock. Wlrm! M. "",rinG, Richard A. ('.ulic.k Ind M• ..,. fJiubdll Mlya ""~ b«omc ;u.sociI... .. i.1I ' he

Itu". Fornambu<q & SI...-an

. n...... nces ,1\&, P1Iul F. MaIcI<.lI.

,~ .

Cann"n La"Ier.nd "" ...·""'hor;... G. lIowman hl~ t>ecQrr>e I"'rtr>en in tho finn •• nd C. Itffr<y MIt./. Reed Lawrtna. klhn lou. S<lu.h ... l.ond. Doug R. K.:nd'kk, Ind )0<00 W. Crawf"rd h.~ 1>«0.... il$$(ICiI' " wi,h tho firm.

fI.od A... ndal~ u.c .n...... nces ,h., Windy Co<kr,lI l1i'u •• of 'he Mobil< off"" . .."d M. Allison Tlyl", Ind 11m.. S. Wi,ch .... III "hll, lIinnins,h'm offi~. hl~ 1>«0.... mrmbrrs ,,( ,ho finn.

ARE YOU PAYING TOO MUCH FOR LIFE INSURANCE? """'"""" n..._ ...... ,..-_hl o _ _ kIIW7 _ • 1"<>"""'0 w.............. .... $:I!-,OOO,IIOO .. _ _



ho_ ........ _ _ SIOG,llOO






-0" 0"

----..~--oll'f.c--.·n,--oI ·'f.c--~·<_--d'~',__,"·~ 1111 111' 11 00 Sfll u.l __ I17J IIJJ II"

I ," 11101



S2'IO U"I)



" "














Drane Insurance Carter H . D rane


• ••"




11.mJ I, ... ,.

_C-l.i"_~ $JIIUOO ......

".• ".

Payton C. Lw.k and ~ A. Caldwdl IIItIOUIIU "'" IOrmaiion of Lu .... LwJ:.

Dowdy 8< Cal<lwcll PC. wilh off"oc .. Ioc:a,· rd al 210 1 HighW>d A............ Sit. 41 0. Birminslwn J 32M. !'hone (2M) 933·7090. Maynard. C<loptr & Gal .. PC .nnou..... ",.1 Torri A. Se><tll h.. bow"" a ..... rtbokk,. (Co~'i~~,d

"" p<w IOf)



n. AlabIma Mamatory a.E c.onms... ~ II¥iIuaIes rei

~""" l _eo.o.,..

'" (ao

Robtrt F. Lewis PC an"""""," 11\&. J. S,uan McAI« hao joined II>< finn.

Donald Do t.u.k. Kenneth A. Dowdy.

Donald, Randoh 8< Donald In ...... nces th.a. Wal, ... S. H.ya has 11«0.... .." _ rio .. ";!h tilt fi rm.


lInie. Ford Sho ...... 8< 1'Iy... J>C .nnounces \hal Mark fIl<.d.Joo .nd Graham su.... haw brtn IWn(d ........... with tilt firm.




.m ..state.. wei. naiOOllWIdI. pn:q_ -..fIId'l .. tllllll"i&atl"al In .~ ........ AI ......,fitd

trr spmar.1DcIbon. date rei spec..try .... Far • eQmplllta listqJ 01 euoenI Cl£ opponu"IIties 01 .~. ectnI«1 I:hI MCLEConno$$lOll offiee fI (3341 269--1515. ellen$iOn 111. 156 (11158, 01 you IniII' __ • ~Iininggl

w-rent )lfogrllllJ .111'l1 Jta1e biJr'J Web lito.

About Members, Among Firms McCaU~m Low firm LLC announcn thO! Eric D. "<NIglund, Manh. Reev.. Cook and R. fum! •• by how bo<omo

portnftS and .... firm', n&mt ..... <hansed 10 McCallum. Hoaglund. Cook '" l.byLLP. Mc~1l Knigh! NMdd~r


8< SlWg~

."n(m"''' !h.! Kartn T..ckrr Luu

hu btflI namtd a ......... be, of 1M linn.

IIernud O. ~ .n~ u.. I'onnation of tht Low ()ffia:o olll<rnatd D. Nombng PC, 2151 Highland A... n .... Suit. '20, Birmingh.m. Phone (2M) 9JO·6'lOO. O.vid P. Nombng " on llSSOCi. .1< of tM firm. NortIL, Pundl. Ramoo 81 joblUOd PLC

Innounca that [dword .... ttodky and I. Ui( Miko t..- b«omo m<mbon of It.. finn.

I'o~. Scrantom.

Sp ........ , TIKRr &

Ford PC OJU>OUIIUI 1hOl J~ R. MeKoo .. hoot jointd .... linn '"" I n _ill ... Ray. Olivn '" Ward U.c il/I...........:tS !hal Jonlth ... K. MeG« is now • ......". bn of 1M firm and 1M firm no".. is Ray. 01;_. Wlnt !Ie MeG« U.c. !tq-noldo.ll<ynoldJ & [)uncan llC

announces thai IUII;n B. Liul. h.. becomt In ...soOo, •. Sobel & ~ PC IlI/lOUncn lhal " ... d. Ikru>dia WoodJu,m Iw joined the firm .. In :woe;',•.

Sauer, Bohon, Slid h.,,, '" Sefton PC .nJlOUrI«$lh.t Joti l). Connllly and I.n Mlrtin Ru .... II./r. haw becom< hoIcItn with !he firm.

Sprig> &: Hollinpwonh announ= 1111" Robrn M. Lic:hen,,";n hu hem n:oll'lcllJl :woeial( of the Wuhington. was desigled especiaIy lor small firms and solo p!8ctitioners who are seeking to minimize overhead expenses while expanding their areas of practice. •



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ou.e.wA ATTORNEYI 'OR ., ...... ATlOIINEVS

DC· booed firm. LlcMnlloin pfrnoU"r Ktl'td .. law <ltd: to tht Uononbk

Sharon I.cwdacc Blackburn. u.s. Di>lrict Coun. Northern Dislrict of Abborna.

Waloo, Jordan. Railifl' & 8 ... ndl u.c onnounus Iho! WilI;"m II. SIOWl''' has ~n ~1«1«l monogi"g memllt, Oflhc f,rm ond Oscar M. Priu. 111 has joined 1M f,rm. Priu previously ckrked for U.s. M.,uln lt Edwin N<bon. \1'aliCon. Wdls, Andonon & Aains u.c ""nounus lb.. Alan M. w.ri"",1d has bKorM. in 1M finn.


Whi.eArnold Andrfill & Oowd PC ""noullCn tIul Jon.l hon Cnw has

joined 1M firm. Yft"",l. Sp .... & ~ PC .nnounoes lha! Jason R. Smilh. Ti ... I. H.ya and Josh ... A. IIdl how joined .IM: fin" as asoocio.tJ. •

Deed Mortgage Last W111 & Tes tament W111 Probate Estate Admlnl"ratlon Guardianship & eo.osltrvatorahlp Power of Attorney Lea. . & Ea. .ment Eviction Corporation Adoption Criminal Defenee Crim i nal Pro..eutor aeneral Practice TImber LlUgatlon



i _·"",_·_a_

Forensic CPAs

~O$ JH 66)0 i. I •• I." ""'_'p"

•• , ""w"" I.".,;,_<p., •• , 50".101$ " •• "T.I C.,,", $0$ N."h 10,h 5" •• , a".i'eh •• , Al lHOl

Memorials TALMADGE


T;lImotlgc II, F~mbr'()ush. a ltg<nd in tht St. Clair county Iopl community. died NovemMr 10,2004.

hmbrough. 78. boson praa;o"g in Pdl City in 1954 aIItr ~ his drg= from lht lInivmityof Abbom&. With m.t ~ a Ions ClI'ftf of occompIiohmmu highbghltd only by <he ~ he nude"Whm I amr ~ in 197~.11iud him ITWI)' , ...... on "Pf'"4j1r o:ideo oft'" 1abIt," I'd Or anomq' William Trusodl Aid. ~ Ht _ oIwr)'Ion odYoatc lOr his pwition, lou! he .... always • "",tlcman." T"...d ho had ,he privi!tse of WOfkinl wah F.rnbroush for .,.."Iy 20


)'tallond COI1litkml him I friald. "I WI •• )'OYnslawrrr. and 11< ..... so

ni« to m.,~" though [know .....,ral rima h< mWl h."" though r didn', know wha, I


doins. in 1M b.or




will bo: ~rribly missed' Fambrough -s ...:tn'1r honored by Ilw Abbarna SI.~ &It lOr 5O}ftrJ of Ioc:Md him.


sttVict in Iht ..... profasion. h. his ClIftr,htXfVft! not onlyas I bwyn. but

... poIltical."" civic Indn-. 0... I>OltwOrlhy accompli$h_"11 ~ in ZOOO wlltn hua, rot tht Tcus bar "",minllion. ·Wlm .",..eo .... i. thar whm he Itfi ... ~ wlltn hi. wife p)1 tran,ferred 10 Ttnf, h. d«i<kd h~ wun'\ going to ,il ., honlt• .I<) II< took til< fOf lh. TtuS II..; SI. Clair County Cin:uit )OOge Charles Robinson ..i<!. "He iook it, and palo$td il." 74 J"'II'S old. tnI cndic Co him .nd his inc<IIi&tna." Robinson Aid Fambrough was an avid fishmn:on who Iowd CO ,oil fish ~ "H .. was. roIo,ful ,h.oracl<"r. Ii< was ;n CM mold 01 UWfn' .........""" brio", 111<, oucb u Fnnk Embty and Ed



HoIIodory." be: lillie!. "Hi' .noc.... OM of 1M good IU)'$ cho'·',.,..... <>n: Fombmugh .ucndcd Ill< Notional eouq, 01 OUcritt ACI<.lrntyO and ~t· NI in 1978. flt abo 5t1"I'«I .. St. Ooir Council "" cfulrict aU,,,,"'}'. 108

MARCil :Ga!

FAMBROUGH "t worked wilh him for ~ y<::m." St. Clai, Coun,y A/ 1)iscri<1 Al!<>m<y WdlianlSOn "I alii< ;"to this off"";,, 1981 and he ..... .Jrndy ........ "H< t.ught "'" how to Iff easel .nd how 10 deoI willi propI<. tI< hod • way


<i ""n.... p<opI< oc ...... [didn~ .......... whac [ doi"" and ho wog/Ic III< how to d<-.d with Ill< job and how to ..... tab: io. homL Tho ... do< rnson I'm still """'.Fonnn St. Clair 1)'''00 Auomer Fiuhuth BurU ...... abo hu fOnd mnnorin <i F.mbroughu a )'OUIIg .tlOrncy.


Bumram appoint..! Fambrough u an auislanl dimko ,uo'nq, and Ih<y ..rv<d togtll\fr fo, 12 run. "WhtTIl WiI,oppoinl<d .. St. Dimkl Al1o'nq by Gov. <>tors< W.lla",, 1 ."""inc..! "'I",.d~ as my ,,,ulanl," Bumnm Aid. "I .., hard Co 'UJ'''TII';u. oli(tli"", ,.I"ion$hip." lIumnm Aid II< rtm<rnb<n taking F.mbrouKh to. prosoOCUcor·, closs in HoUilon. "W.1tOppfd on th<' ...,. and bough, OliIcon Counly pn<h<s." be: said.. "Ewry nighl, our room was ni<l<d by p<achand Tolmod,. /isumlwe could· n·, ha... dont IIOJ"hin, btn<r 10 matt fri<nds thon buyina ",.. bn. v.'< hod 0 Ioc oHun and we did 010, o f wor\: logo,h.,., hu, our whol .. ",Iotion.hip was • se,in of lIorinli~ ,h'l." Fambrough is ,urviv<d by h is wi!'., /0 Ann F.mbrough, hi, ,hild.. n. Mikt Fambrough (Dou;..) ofGodllkn; Ro.emory Tu ...... , (Htnrr) o( FIo,ida; David Porndl of CoJifomi.&; Cindy Oliwr (Shan"",,) of Oxford; and his panddill.

a .i,

d=. CimIioc Iudt< 1IiII11t,do,d __ abo. doo<' &itnd <i F...-nbrouIh·' and """""" up his (rimer. arm" in alimplt iUI<mmt • Ii< _ alwIyo • good allIllpIc lOr J'OWlS

Iowym." be: 1iIIid. "He "'oily ...... pnfcct "",tlm\an-in lilt counroom and out.' (ThIS dni(/e oogllWl)' ~p(lnlrrJ in ,he 2tXH iMut of ,he ()gil)' Ho"",.}

/.lwI:,,"~ S.

A . KEENER, JR . On March 2. 2004, ,h. senior member Afie, grodu.ling from low "hool in


of lhe Ch.rom County liar dep.ned thi$ lif•. H. WHo. pillor oflho bar and of the community and was widely rap«le<i

for hi. honestly, inlegrity .nd hi. 10"" for hi. fdlow m.n. [rby A. 1•. was oom on July 8,


191610 lrby A. and Eunict Gun, .. Kttn.... in Ctntre. He grnduated as vale-

dic!Orian orh;" .."iord... in 1942 and .. rv<d OS p,.. lok"! of the ,tudent body. pmid'"l of the 8<1. Qui>. editor of the

.nnu. l . nd a member oft"o band. F<>llowing gndu.tion from high ",0001. Mr. lCet~r en'ered 1M Un;",rsily of Alabl ma . nd, upon reoching 18 years of ago, entered United Stales Army.


wh .... he served until th. ~d of World WM n. H. rtlumod 10 ,h. Uni~ty and ... r~ his B,S. d'V... in 1948 and his 1.0. d'S...,. in 1949. During his ,Iudtnt ~..... Mr. Kttl, .. was. member Phi All'''' Ddta, Lambda Chi Alpha . nd th. hrrah Law So<iny.



1949 and boing admitted t" the bo< !h., )"tar, Mr. Kttncr wurntd to Centre. where he became. pmne. with his fath.r in tholirm of Kttner &: Keen .., umil his father', d.. th in 1965. After the death of his fathe•. Mr. Kttntr continued in tho practic<- of law unlil O«.mOO 200), whm he dOK<! hi' offi~ and 'offici.lly" wired. Mr. Keener wu wi •• in civic alfai ... 0$ w.1l .. in his profc«ion . He wos a m.mbor of the American JudiCilure Socicty, the Amtrican t..gion. th. Centr. Lion, Oui). Who', Who in Alabama, Who', Who in the World and Who', Who in the South and Southwes .. Mr. Kttner .. rvW .. 'pecial .ttorney genero! of A1.bama from 1959 101963, and h. wu Ih •• ttorney for and ..rvtd os. diJtttor of F.nn .... &: Merchant, Bank. He was the .uorney for the Cherokee County Hospital Boord from 1955 unt;12000, .. rvW on the Chm)i<t< County Democrat;" Exrcutiv< <UJ>t

Conunittu and ..... elecud pr.. ident of tho Centre Chamber of Commt",e in

195-3. Mr. Kuner is ........ iV<d by his wifo, Sara Lou Coffey Keener, of Cent .., and hi. daught.r. Eli« Al.... nd .. Kttn«,of V.. Hill,. -i\Ibc-rt I. Sh~",~k.., Om ..


C. Theodore Str;.,k1.nd was born Septemb<r 16, 1960 in Tuscaloo ... He graduated from Tuscalooso County High School and "'tended th. Univ<rsity of A1ab,m" bc-ginning in 1918. Ted graduat· td from tho Univ<rsityof AI. bam. in I ~2 with • ~helor of .no d<gU'< in CQmmunintion. Aft.,. spending four ytars in ...... Ttd enrolkd in the Cumborlond School of law ot Somford UniV<T$ ity in Birmingh.m. H. gradu.ted from Cumb<rl.nd in 19a9 with his 'uri. Doct""''' and began the private proctk<oft.w. Inun~i.tely .fter completing hi. undergraduate studies at the Univ<rsity o f Abbama. T.-d began • profC«Oonal rartt. with Ot.n Milt.. Inc. He wu ev<ntoally promoted to district manager where he WU rc<poruiblc for the man_ .s..",.nt of 50 studios throughout AI.bama, Mi .. i.. ippi and Fl<Iri.r.... Ted kfI this '.rur when h. dttidcd to return

to >ehool by enrolling in Cumberland S<hool of law. Upon gr.duotion from Cumberl.nd S<hool of law, Ted began practicing in Tu"",!.,..... In 1991, he W,,", hired by !he NatOonal Coun<il on Compon"'Oon In,urane.: 10 ..tV< 0$ thelcgal,.= leockr in the .pec;'l in ....tigation. unit . H..", T.-d man.ged.n II-member fraud in....,.tigati~ t.. m 'pec;'li,jng in <Vi. drn«: collttlion fo r insurane.: fraud for both criminal and civil pr05«ution •. Ted left thi, po,ition in 1995 to wurn to priv.. ,. practice. While in pri .... ,. prac_ tice. in 1998, T.-d ....... .-d 0$ on .... istant attorney senecal for the Dep>.rtmtnt of Human Rcs.oura-s. In this '''pacily. he focused on involving dependant .nd muhi·n.-..l. juv<n;te. .nd adult.> in ne.-d of protecl ive stn'ic.:s. Ted 1.ft this position in De«mbcr 2001 and began his a»o<i.,ion with the linn of Fisher, Skidmo", &: Strickland, PC.

Ted ', practice opann.-d many are• ., ""' he hod • brood badground of cxpericne.:. H. practiced primarily in the areas of ~plC)'> domnlic ..I>!ion, ond JIM:' nil. law. He .00 maintained. significant c....... d in crimino! low and civillitigation for bo!h the plaintiff and der"" ... Ted WU a longtimt memOO of H01\o100ds 8opti" Church .•"d, more recently, Lord of the Harvest 8opt;" Church, wh .. e he $Crv<d a,. deaCQn. Ted WU 000 on the board of directors for Emergency Youth Se ..... ic... T.-d is .urviv<d by hi. wire, Tomi .• nd two daughters, Mallory.nd M.leoh. lie was. groat hu.wnd .nd father. ond. fant .. ti, friend_ This world is d.finitoly a Mtter pl.e.: for Ted having been h..". The legacy hoi ......,. bohind, in hi' f.mily, friend, and work, is a true m ....u .. ofth. wonderful man Ted Stricklond ....u. -John T. Fisher, Jr., Fi,h..-, SJ:idmorr';'

Slri<:tlnnJ. PC.



Memorials CAINE O'REAR, JR. no. Wolke. County So. Auocio'ion lou on. 01 I" most wdl'IUf"C'M nIn1\. born in lru, pu<in& of Cai.,. O' II, died Monday. AIlgwl 25, lOO}, fol· lowing ••lruggl. with •• nU •. M,. O'~ar _ 81 , old at the t~ of his death. H. if .... rvMd by his wit. ynrs.


Ko!hryn bbdl O'Rnr; his rlllft lOllS, Ca, ... O'R<:ar, III 01 Mobile .nd wif<

Gwtn. G«>'l" IsbdI O'~ar 01 lIirminp,ham and wife Kothy. and Griff O'Ik.. 0( 1..1'"' and wife Mdiua, his .is· ,er, ErI'ImilIu (M rs. r~ma) Foy of Auburn;

<islulf.andchildrm: and da .... ,tf·in-law. Suun... O'itta. Snow of loll'". Mr. O'Rr.,. ~ born in ~ on ' UD< 26, 1922. w third child olCaint O'!ttu, Sr. and I.ulu Dodd O'Rnr. H. aurndtd the Univt .. ity of and .«rived his II.S. degrff in 1943. H. K~ in WW II from 1943 throush 1'1-46"" an inbn''1 olfocn $lationtd in En~ franct and IlcllJium. and ~"ici~tcd in th< Allied invuion of Nonnandy. Ali .. 'M war, he autncl«l the Uniwnity 01 AW>arn;. School of Law and M;'ivt<I his LL8. dtg'" in 1949.

coIond. In 2001. M ..... honored ..,j.h the liher.c Med.1 from .he French governmtn' (0' hi. I"'r, idpa,ion in ' he Normandy in~ and the liM",,;"n of f",1ICC &om N.ozj Glrmany. Mr. O'Rear was a ~~ .tt••• "lbt,,". of the F"mI United Med>odiJt Cbunil of~. """"" hc ~ '"' d>oirrnoon of tilt admin4tnotivt bo.ard and sang in the choir No m:ony ynrs. He ...... m• ..,ber of the bo.ard

Adm,tted, 1m Died: D«cmbtr 24. 2004

FuU .... )amn Michatl.Jr. Binninsh· m Admitted: 19SO Die<!: Ot<:tmbt. 11. 20Q.1

Boyan,on, Il<n~ ",;n I.e<-


Bakrr. )nry IkWin



Adnutted: 1997 Died: De<cmbrr 19, 2004 Bun, le<>na.d 1.1 Sheffirld Admitted: 1949 Die<!: June 20, 2004 Byrd. WiUiom Ivy o.",~

Admitted: 1948 Die<!: NOYm"IM' 26. 2004


lit prxti<ed law in Jupn from 1949 uota his death, and __ in ~rtncnhip with hi' son, Griff. from 198.4 under the firm name ofO'R••• &: O'R",., M r. O'R.." pran;';' ~mpauW the fuU .... nse olg,,,,.,,a1 kpI......ncn, tboush he was bnt ~ as.,... of WalkeY County'f IOmnooI pnaitionm of rnd elut. and banki"l Low. H...... otrvtd .. )aspn rify judgo from 19S1 through 1971 Ind dty prooetutor from 1971 until his ok. th. H....os .d mitted to p",ctico Mfort the United Stat.. Supmne Coun, .nd otrvtd tM .-\laW.... SI.l< II". ... bar commissionor from Wllb-t County. Mr. O'Rl".lr miR<I from tM Unitftl Slain Army R.tsorwo . , tM "'nk of


of ditKtcn ofSecuri!y fc<Im,I Savinp R.ank in Jasper, and was:on..:lM soJfo'r and mtn1btr of Musgrove Country Oub. Mr. O·! will M ...........,MrN .. . m:on of dillinction and int<grity who ......,plilicd the highest ideals of our profftI.ioq :md who faithfully fCI"Wd his fami· Iy. fritnds. clients, mUM and COfIununi· Ir. We art fortW\IIC to ...... known him. _ HoyI EJUo", ,r., prtside"" w.u",. Co~ n'r 8<1. "-",,,;"tinn

N.,..-rlI, Neal Cuni, Borm,npum AdmiU..d.: 1947

Di«l : January 14. 2005


Nichol., Mobil. Adm,tted, 1916 Died: NOYm"Iber 9. 2004

Richardson, Patnd William lIun!.<ville Admitted, 19~8 Died, NoYnnber 14. 20Q.1

...... , IoKph AUen Scottoboro Admitted: 19SO Di«l: o..:emhc. I . 2004

Ton ...... Malcolm I....... Bimlingh~n>

Admitted : 1952 Di«l: o..:.n>i>e. 10,2004

McDonald, Rob<-r. Gene Ann"'on

Tun. tall. David Morgan T_ _

Admitted: 1994

Admitt«l: 1978 Died: j ... u.ory 5. 2005

Die<!: Marth 7, 2004

ROADSHOW 2005 TOUR What Can The Alabama State Bar Do For Yo u? Now starting its tenth year, the ROADSHOW has covered the state of Alabama visiting local bar associations, bringing information on ASe member benefits and resources. The free ClE component continues to be a big drawl For information on bringing the ROADSltOW to your bar association, contact Susan Andres, Director of Communications, at (334) 269-1 515, extension 132 or e-mail sandres @a/ for details. DON'T WAITBOOK NOW FOR 2005!

CLE Component Features* •

The director of the Alabama Lawyer Assistance Program, JEANNE MARIE LESLIE, raises awareness of substance abuse within the profession and tells you how to be part of the solution to this growing problem. • The ASB 's Law Office Management Assistance Program Director LAURA CALLOWAY has insi9ht and practical tips for making your office run more efficiently and effectively. • JUDY KEEGAN, director of the ADR Center, brings you a summary of latest updates and important cases from the areas of mediation and arbitration. • General Counsel TONY MCLAIN and Assistant General Counsel ROBERT LUSK keep bar members informed of the latest in disciplinary issues and major legal developments in Alabama and across the nation .

• CLE programs are available in 1-3 hour formats.

Equitable Estoppel Against The Government In Alabama n Ihe 2001 «<cor Allen •. &n~lr> the Alabama Supreme Coun revi,ited the question. of whether .nd under wh .. circum".n... t<Juil.hle "lopp<!


'prli.. as'linSl I go .... rnn .. nul.ntity. The court

t~ ....

repeated an oft _,tat..,!

gene .. l rul.that, "E<Juitable "lop?,l;' 10 ~ opplitd ag;oil1$\ • govtrnmcntol mtilYonly wilh extreme .au!ion or und ...xceptionl l cir<:Um.'an<o,· Previously, th. coun had ,lated th.t

""Iuitable <'$ lopJ>tl"don no1 1I'0..... l1y apply to· governmen1aJ enti,i..Similarly, in 19;Q,lhe court < flally thO! "the principle of estoppel . pphc,ble 10 individual. i, n01 applicable to the Stak ," iu municip. 1 subdivisions or 10

,1.1. created agencics.."' In 1986, 1M court, hOWl''''''' ".tod that "the doctrine of .. topptl may apply against. municipal corporaTion when justice and f. i, ploy demand it,-' In an carli.. ta$<, 1M COurt <>b5trvtd that, " [TJhc doctrine of ~Uil.bI~ "lop~l may I>< .... rted again.t a municipal corporation when th~ ch.r.t<Ier of th~ oct;"n and lh' facu and circumstanct'$ ..... uch lh.t ju'tic~ and ~uily d.mand th.t the corporation I>< estopped .,. ," and Ihen quoted from another .."" that .... h<n a so", ... ign submil< it""lf 10 the jurisdiction of • <oun of ~ui'y and pray> its lid, it. claims .nd rights or. ju<lidabl< by every other princip~ and rul~ of ~uily applicabl. to the

'", and righu of p,i ... lt ""Ii.. umk, oimiU, circunut.rKfl.-' ScW bitt, 1M (OUn JU'od, "II appo;llS .h.l 'M IU~, as wdI .. its ~ioO$, i$ 10 haw its righ .. d.:Irnnincd by ,he oamc rules which apply U) p .....,t pomoll$ COnU«t_ in, and dealing with tach OIhr ..... Thtst",SW and ...-mingly coDll"Odic· lOry &entral SI.ltmeDII OIn bot inltrp"lod In "' Insl four dilffftnl ways. n,., fi ..1 i$ JO"t'IImC1l',.I ...... wbm i, per-


IOrms em";D functions. i$ ntvn Rlbjcc1 ((t Uloppd. A «<ond posWbk intnprno. lioD is W, thUpPIiclliod of ~uitabk ,,'oppd i. diff..",1l for govt.nmm ... bUI Ih. diff.... nce i$ 001 fo.Dlul .. od in clear ruin; in$l .. d, ... <>pprl applia ~ing on 1M .... Iu'" of lilt unf.l,imns In bt 1>Vided. and tht S""C"'men\ wiD bt ... npped ""I)' undrr lilt _ cnmpdlinJ dmlRUUnas. A third pnsoibIo inlnprrtation is lhal ~uilable .. Inppd 'pplirslo go"'m· mml by ruIt< that a", definil. bul diffcmll Iiom


which individuolJ and Olht. "Dli, i.. arc ,ubj«t. A fOunh v;"" is lhal the ruIt< for CIIoppd orc lilt MmC boIh for JIO"'=I. rntnI and for othrr ",lilies. bul lh<><t ruIco Irc web WI in thrir apploclIion p;wenunmu arc rarely ftlnpped. This Imde bnth pl'O"lfi<b I" survey of tht 1110' n( ~ui .. ble "'<>pprl wilh 'epro ((t gcwfrnmtDI and co",idr .. whkh of thO$< four .......... nu is mnsl coruis...,,1 with ,hallow. IradiliorW dcmmu of CIIoppei Ol" cle-'1 <StabIisbod. OM api .... whnm ... nppd' is 1l#n1td. who ....wty mu" have knowI<-dgt of Ihr facls. has """Dlunicalod 1O"'''Ihing in I misleadin, way, .ilhr. by worW, conduCt 0' with tht in'.. nlion ,hallbt com· munication wiD bt act..d on. ",. penon




aontins estoppel, who loeb I<.nowlcdp: o(.hoe (octs. m .... ......, ",liN on tht com· municalion. pomon rriyi", m .... lit 50 "I,,"Iod Ih.1 hoe would bt ""'1"'Wly hlrmc<l if ,h. <omDlunk-uo. is ..tlow.-d 10....,'1. cWm incon,i$ttnl wilh his communication.' Tho ~racntation or roncealmml on wbich ... oppeI is based m .... be 01 mol.. NI fOlCt. Eotoppd an""'- be bas..d On • mistakc or low." f.sl0ppel p~I' • ","y from USOrt· ing 'igllu uncia a""tral rulc of law


whcn his OWn «mduel ..ndt.. lha, ....... ,ion conlnry to ~ui'y and good con· ..:icnc... • do""i ... it ptOI"';""', 10 bt as • sbidd Ind 110( I ........n.. II wm 110( ....... to emo' •• eo ..... of action 0' primary rights" .nd will ""'- ,mo" • conlrae' whr,.. no "",Irae' m" .. " [>«pi .. Ihis dra, definilion of "Iopprl as a d.(tJUC, h<lwov<r. 'he AlaN",. COlI'''' on nu ......... u. <>c<osions. have considrrcd a cWm 0( esIOppd ......J oII"rnsl....!y>I a pWTnmmul ",til)"" and in IWO CMa. ....... ~ ..d apirut such an "'lily by ..,oppol." "ny govemm.m . 1 rule (0' "'l~i· ,ablt es!Oppel is applk.bIe 10 "govern. mmul "'IiI;.,."· Thit al'1"ry has btm oXfm<d as incIudinK tht IUlt, mlc-at"ill· od """"ito. and munici.,. and political oubdMoions.· An esIOppd ruI< few ...._ tmnl<n' has btm fKO$"iud for such tnlili .. as • counly plonni", and wning commiuion,' • aly booro of ..duca.;"n.' tho JI"C r<al <SI ... appra""'" boon!.- I munici'" airpon planning au,ho.ity,and • municipal


• ' &h' ,.... .prcw

_. '""



Govtmmcnt official$ acting

... communicated something in a misleading way, either by words, conduct or silence, with the inte ntion that the communication will be acted on.

in their official <a~itit< ort oI.!o btntli. ciarits of. govrmmtnt ruk." In tht .<itu.tion wh"e • go .... rnm.nt holding l.nd m.kes . "f'rosrnt.tion and "'t.. 1"'.... tille to tho L>.nd to .noth.,., the perron toking tho property is subj<c1 to «toppel if Iht g<Wt1nm.nt it .. lf would bt." Unlike in the . .... of oovo..ign immunity, wh ... stai.·ue.,ed .ntiti.. may nOI be "th. •I.te" for purposes of immunity," th ... .ppear to bt no cues in Alabama t«ting the limi" of wh.t is con.idem! "Ih, gov· rmm.n," for pu~ of t<1opptl. Th. 1i"1 staltmenl ... to Ih. n>lu" of t:'ltoppel 'g.ain<l go .... rnm.nt-Ih.t tilt govern men! is oot . ubj<c1to .. topptl--is mos' .<xu...le in 'wo sp«:ifi< siluation •. Th. firsl is in the .... of taxalion. In tht fi"l AI.b.11n. COS< to r«ogniu this .xplicilly, Ih. ",ur, ".ted, " In th ......... men' . nd colleclion of Iaxes. Ihe Stolt is .cting in il$ go .... rnm.ntal apacity and it a nnot bt t:'llopptd with ... fe .. nc. 10 Ih ... m.l1. ...•• This rule h... 1>«n .. peOl. d in simil .. Jonguage in .uhs¢· ql=ll <aIt$.' This rule for laxalion has 1>«n .pplied m,..1 often wh.n ...... nu. official ... ith.r by inaclion or by posilive " . tem.nt, h. ve led .... to beli~ Ih.t • ctrtain pitct of proptrly Or Irans· aclion W<luld bt 1... led in a particular w~ for tax pu~.· This taxation rul •. however, is limited to 'he a<;Iu.! coUeclion of 1aXt<. Th. sup .. m. court has refustd 10 .pply il wh ... a ...... nut offici.l had mis ... p ... stmed tho d.t. of • d«i.ion, l•• ding • 'axp.yer 10 lil, . n untimtiy administ ..• twe appeal." MiMtpresrnlotion regarding facts in an appeol,.nd wheth. r prop· er .t<p. for r~ing a h..... been fol · lowed, n..... also been rt<:Op,fIized a. a basis for estoppel in oth.. . ituation •. • From th. L>.nguagt u$<d by Ih. Court. in "aling Ihi. ruk for laxalion. il would .ppt.. that Ihe rule is SJOundM in the govrrn,nml.l function it .. lf. and, thus, would .pply whtrtver th. go,.. mm.n, is ac,ing in • governmenlal ralh« Ih. n • proprittary rol •. The COS< law touching on this ;"ue, ho_r. is inconsistent. Th. , uptem. court has owed .......1 times in Ji.:ta that a propr~y (... ,h,r th. n . governmenlal) rol. for govtrn-


mtnt may bt a ..ason for applying estoppel.- That court has .1.., indicated that estoppel wUl oot pr~nt th. govemm.,,· tal aaion of billboard .-.gul.otion. " Howeve', ,h. COurt has not down . gen ...1rult that estopptl will oot apply to gov.. nmental activities. A . trict rule .g.ainll estoppel whe .. a go .... ' is <OOctrned also to oxiS! g.n .... Uy in .nother p.nicul.. situ· ation' governmental non·.nforc~ment of law:<. " Thi. is trut ..... n wh ... a pon y ha. sptnl.<igniftCInt . mounts in "lianet on continued non-enforctmtnt. " [n addition, estoppel is oot availablt .imply 1>«. .... civ~ I.W! a .. tnfoTCM ag.ainsl tho plainliff but not asain" oth....... • Tht _000 stoltm.nt .bo .... of how estoppelapplit< to gov.mment- that it em .pply '0 governmenl but only based on a balancing of rquitit< and not ba>td on deftnil. rules--i. suggested by lan-

---_......_-. _... _------... ...... _--_.... --

gu.g. in som. old a .... For example. the Alabama SUprtmt Court has statM, "Estoppels ag.ain.tth. 'tate .... not favored, and this rule i. b.1$<d upon pub· lic policy for the tnfort<'"mtnl of a public (righl ) or to prolta . public inltr« I: ' This .tatemrnt .ug.ges" Ih.ttllt public ;nl.... t of the Slat' pr~n'. the .I$<r· tion of tslopptl again" 'M Stat. e""",1 wher. grt01 injwtict would othe""i.. =ult. Ho .... ver, fow, if . ny, COSts refl« t con.idtralion of Ihe rquilies involved in particular siluotion •. Furthermo ... , if govtrnm.nt is entitled g.n .... Uy to • 'pe<i.1 . .. mption from tslopptl as a favom! lilig.anl unl ... g...1 injll"ia a "Mt oth ....... i.. bt .",ided, ' .... pension of tht exrmption, or 01 l...t • modifiution of it, would logic.lly rnult in ...... whtrt go ... rnm.n" .... on both .ides. How~r.....ding of Alabama cues involving two governmen" does

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not ougesI wdo I result. l ...t~ad, whrihtr. 8<"'<'rnmtnt i•• ubjKt to,pl'''l1 not to hinge in Iny way on wh.tlltr the .ntity ..... rting .. topptl U Illo I pvt.nmtnt.· Th. only suggestion of. IUIoo da-iYed from I b.\.o.rI(inS 01 <'quitieJ _ from I wry nurow doss 01 castS: .,..., _rnrnld brought in the name of the Stotc by on off,dallO chollmF the Wlp"... t. exis· tm« ora onuniciFiliry. In ,udl (aI«, acqu,",~nu in .nd KUptlnu by the Stlt~ of th~ ai .....", of a munid""Jity bl" tho. inquiry.' Thu ruk- U ~ on I public policy apinollM for~lu" of the ct..,t.. of muni<ip,,1 eo,· pontioru..· Acqu~ CI.tI tt$Ull from qisllliYt oru m:op!izi"l the municipality'. calslmcc. • While th), dtf.,,,~ ~ hern Labdt<! acquin",nCC" a"d abo lach ...nd ..-,i>n,· it also hI,

The wnlroct cues Iypically involve a p'i ..... ""rly Ih.1 hll .... I.'t<! inlo I contract wilh gov<1"nmrnl, ICIcd in Ih,rwn, and Ih.n di~rcd Ih. OOnl .." '" be in SOmt $(n", ilkpIlnd, thus. not di=11y .... foruable. [n oucll I C1><, 1M

... governments

may be estopped

aUlhoriud 10 oct f.,.. the govrrnrnmt con",,1 be .nforad by "Ioppd.· KcCIIlJ< I so ... rnm.nt has no ,ulhod· ty.o tnl« inlo.n agrt«nnlIIO lintil or bind iu Jesisbli... dis.::rftion. an 0",,", mmlto xl.,.. 001 10 x l in. ""nicw.. m&JI .... ltps.l.atiwly will not IUppor. ostoppel" In • s.imiIa, vrin. b<a1lK a gov<nImmt an ..twa,. ommd or rtp<'ol its legisblion. Thou CI.tI bt- 00 rellanu on LtpJalion '" <Slop gov<nImrnl from altlend",.nt or rtptll.On 1M other hand, a govmlmtnl an be <$!opp«I ~ the con· lract iudf is .utt-iud bul il is iIIrpI and, thus, "'*IabIt b«:o ..... it was oot ....tertd inlO or ratiIi...t in "'" ~ ............. f.otoJopd may IJIJIIy in III<h .lit.... l;.,.,

based on a principle not limited to government that one cannot rely on an act not authorized by law.

btfn ,tcoS"iud .. on Ipplic;ation of <01oppcl ..-en wilhout any I"<'quiremmt of reI;'nu. •

In q.... -.-.-....... ases brought in the nom< 01 tht Silk, buI by In inl<r· ..,t<! individual, th ..~ 01'1'<11"$10 be .""n g~"tr 1,IitUlie for I finding of <01opptl." Tho lwo mnainiOfl poo.siblo rules. M1 out aI:>oft, both ..... mt lhat Qloppe-t is .ppJicabIt to "". trnmml in occordaoor with csu,b. lishcd rules. Tho diff~ betwem l!>est two principles Uthat under OM, •he rul .. for gowrnmmt Ir. dut;"" from tho$( for oth.. ""IiI;'" while un<ltr Ih~ Olh".lh. rul.. Irt th ..."" bull~ .uch Ih .. in fact gov<11UI><1tts ..~ .. ~Iy ..roppcd. Tho question of which of I.....


application of ..,oppd zme .. Uy dc-pmd. on lhe nat= of 1M UkpIiry. Whmo 1M

u IlI04t (O,rf(( U best ....~ aM

con.n.ct itself io bqond tht IUIhority 01

COOli<I<rin& casn involving tWO oms

tht particuLar gov<nIrntnl, thett con be no tstoppd.° '" whttt 1M oonttacl woukI a _ 1M ......,Ilrntnl 10 cac«d its debt limi1£.· It. mnlract in vioIalion of lhe oompeliti ... bid law if olso oonlidercd u[tm vi=' It. oonl ract by I ptrson nol

whOI\' Qloppd tw oft ... btfn _rle<!mnlnets.nd ownrnbip Mione!-

boa ..... 1!>est uses in"""'" • lin~ idn: SO"''"mtnl ClnnoT be ..lOpped ~ upon I n 0<1 Ih.t u beyond its .ulhorlty. 114


whert I boanI docs oot iudf oct bu< (In< nJ<1Obn of the boanI mn-dy ocqui. ...".\0 the ~lOItion rrlied upon.' Tho .bovt principle!hal • Nsi<: lack of '''Ihorny lOr 1M oct on .mid> relimcc wu pLo«d will 001 .... pport esloppel bul In luthoriud act

will"-ab<> lUlU Ihrough <k<;i,ion, involving Land.· Where Ih. I.nd ifdcdio:alO<! 10 public "'"', il$ for I "rt<1 or I public ~,It, tht zovrmmrnl haJ 00 lu\ho,ilJ" '" alimot. it, and bta_ 01 thi.l1ack of aU(t-;ly no :aclion 01 inaction can ....... 10 <Slop lhe govrrnmml from Lal<r wmi", OWl><!1hip.· "1"hm ;, olso • lad< ollulhoriry, and DO 1t$\lltinS ntoppd. whtrt tht 8<"'<'rn""OI hold • lillt: 10 l.nd in lru" for iU own "i.ncy.Wht .. 1M .'"'~ land is mistwoly•• nd wilhoul aUI""rity, sold for lues, .. Ioppel C<lnnot be 1M<ntd...." if OlIO r«<iyin, .he ..... d«d Iw pOi IDl<lIOr SO)'l"~ or 100...•

Th" principlt--that lack 01 lu(t-;Iy for 1M oct b.... <SIoppcJ is lhe dottrmin)", f:actor in I number of (Hhe, I~II: «nific.nion of ekction r.lurn~ poy"''''t of h•• hh Mn,fil,"; ""y",.nl of

diwbaity b<nditr; !OIIi", YJrianc;1O"; ODd job ptomOIion .~ This principle buN On authorily. Of 1M ~k IMl"f'Of. doa 1>01. ""-"cr. con · lrol in III UIQ involvinsland. Wh<.~ tM sowmmtnl iu.. lf ocqui ... land pU<$W.n. to • ule for tues Or ,"""",,,,,,nt. delay in .... rting. d alm and Icc.ptonee of.""", and I~,nrnu (film Olle in ~n may .. lor the ~rn""'nt from ..... tinS iu own ...hip". Ind .un 0 .... woo US<1U -..e ..... ip der~ from th< &<r"C"'nmen!". in, .. nI.~ This rosull may be hued in 1"'11 on th< ...... n..... n'·. role '"" I proprittor in ocqui.ins 'M P<OPOl1Y in such • man .....• Whtrf 1M stale Ieaocs its-.. land from 0'" pmmd)' claiming th< 11.0.. may lor atOpptd from tkn)'in$ lhe Ieuor'. ownmhlp.~ WIt .... th< bnd is a public " ....... I«h· nicaU)' .n ..... n.. n•• ,,"<pl.n« of 'HI'$ illCOn. illen. wi.h ,h. ~.I<'ffitnl buou .. Ih .. fee~. I"'~ from the dly.~ Th .. granting of. building p<rmi. will 1101 estop • cil)' f.nm. ....'.ing own....... ip of ,he undr'lying land buou ... this docs not indka .. I .ecognition of -.....hip in tM pmon in ~. Acap!anco of IUU o n a wlwf doa 1>01 P""Ofl' I ( ill' from claiming ow .......ip foo- th< undnlyins land.Thus. """.....a.t.iIity 01 atappd oItcn dopmds on """.....s..tyin& authority 01 tht ~ mtily 10 K! in. parti<;ulH 1I'WIIWf. GiYm Ibio. lhe queslion 01 whtIhrt !hi! ...-p<eSCflu IlqWlte rule foo- govnnmom ~ on whtthrr this principle

;. no.

bo.S<d on IUthority c:xtcOOs '0 ir.dividuals ODd non' gov<mmm,oIm,ilits. It .~,­ If does. beaus< lilt AWwna Supmne Coun Iw ro<:ogniud corponIion c:;u\nOI bt QiOpp<d with n-g.ud to. (Ontract berond its <XIflIOn1ot outhority.- The lack 01 ~ .... OIl Ibis point with Iq!3Id to


indiYiduok" p<rbap due 10 !he £act that ............... ""' .. io"'. and ~ts_ granted opecific outhority 10 K! and cannot act outsicIt that authority. indMo:Iuok p


- may K! in any ........... IimiIl<I by penllIws app&obIe 10 aD persons. Thus.!he isIu< 01 . lack oIaulbority on !he

f"l1. 01 individuals"",",-


Moreover. 'h is rtprding ~ of lulho.i.y is I l'p ..onlly derive<! from I


gtn<1'II ont: atoppd canOOl be buN upon I mi".k 01 low.· The bd. 01 authority iI I limn im~ by law. and buo ..... aU pcnonl '~ praumc-d.o ha"" lrnowl<dge of lhe law. no on .. can .nson· abl)' ..I), upon In un.oulho'i.w:Iacl." This pr inciple-.hol lile "'presenlalion ....... ed as Iht ~iI for "lopp<l ... nllOl be conlrary I" Ih .. law--cisu &tn.raU)' in ..toppd ouuiok of ,osn involving g<W.m..... nts." In ....... it I~ thaI K""'""'mml> "'"l" bt ntoppod buN on a principle DOt Iin>ited on< ~ rdy on an K! lIOII authori»td by low. It. Ibt rule ........ """f1>d lOr .....",mml aim only in watlon. It. ... rong policy in &--0( esloppd can be IOund in """ narrow art:a

10..,............ tha,

01.,.., .......... '" dWl<ngin&!he corpora~ ~0I . municip.>lity. •



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Beneficiary Deeds j\nd Estate Planning <om.times .... nu lh ••• is. nnff· tndins ~ to find nt"W ways to • void probok ptOCftdinp. Whil< in _11 .... tbnt art FOCI rnoonJ for Illmlpcing to -*I prWolO, Abba .... is 1>01 on< of II...... AWnma ;, lOnunatt 10 h;Wt' 01>< of ~ 11\06' , tnightfo,wud. If>$! ,omplu and I...... ~n.i~ probot. in the entirt ... tion.




Ntvtn~ ..

'\IOKI."". of prol>at. is ell«! in many of

tllcK ot.t .. as . major ,..fOn for odopI . '''II the bmtfic:iory dffiI, it has majo, IIIMn.., for probott. (rimdIy .utes, MOdI .. Alatwna. .. -U ............ ma has

oIrrady r=>gniud tIw: c:on«pt of IUIUf<.r on of ...ct., h.;Iv;na ~ 1M Uniform Tramf... on Stcurity 1997.

Rt$i<t ... lion Act in

probate IUornt)'S. ...,

oft.., lind .... Bdw:s probatifl& omaIl autes, the only major Wort of which is • ........, Of 0Iher piece of Lone!. f.hDy ... Laba ..... Lowyns roulintly Ilnd tMm5tlvn d •• ~ng wilh • cli<'m ",Ito wi"' .. to .dd. thlld ",childl'm 10 hislh., d..,d to

.void probot< pnxfmlings. Tht nowut """hod of (\fall ... with sudI propmy oul$ido of probak, the btntfitWlJ'dad or tnlfIJ/rt "" .will d«d. 1$ now an .vaiboblt tool in KYm Slates (ArWma. Colorado, KIn ..... Misoouri, N..... d., N~ Mako, and Ohio). Whil.

Problems with Attempted Real Property Transfers Outside of Probate "Heirship Property" Under d.. c:;../t '"AWtoa_.1itIr to on! ot <;\tath in lh< hrirs of.

1"" '1 is _"" dt<:..Jtn.

as • malllT of law. This has muh«l is whal is rotnmonly known ..

"hrirship propeny,- Th. ""ul! of this "heirship propmy" ')'$t.m is that many pe<>ple, .. pecially in mo~ rur.ol . rfi$, do not .. ke I<gal action !o rrowililk in Ihe n>mt of 1M h.irs, '(""''Iimes fo, multip~ senera!ions, !'topIe ofttn .imply "y, ·w• •U1m"", !hal John was im.ndtd !O have !M land."lb.. problem comes for "Iohn" wkn h.!s !o seU or mongoge !he lond even dead..,l>!er, only 10 di""....". hi, !ido " , tho propn1y is unmo._ kotable b«ause no actions have bc<n accornplishtd '0 pl.ct lht prop<TIy inlo his name. A tilk search oftm flll<is numnow actual owners of prop<TIy in which tk fomily simply "knew lohn owned ,he propeny." This heirship """em ""ulu in 0 <umbnwme wrl> of heirship offid..ilS. too ofitn txt-cured by person< with only po"ial inform.t ion on ,he f.mily .i'",,'ion, or whe«: ..,me of ,h. 'ru. hoirs . ", acridtnLolly ," ""'" intenlionally 1.1i off the heirship .ffidavit. Wh .... 'he auempl to co. rec1ly rewrd ,itle rornes no' jw' 1""'" but generalions, Ioter, il is oft.n the case th.t no person remains alive who can au ..t to having known the d=dent and ,h. suc· ceeding lineage in 0.0010 documm' 'itk The ""ult is mongogeand ,itle componie$ which insist on 0 qui<! title .ction prio, !O wornn!ing tilk or loaning money 'g.ain,,!he prop<r1y. While ,he t bendkiary deed is not a ponac.. ..,Iu'ion 10 this problem, iu use W(luld .ignifiGml_ Iy k<sen lht 'itle probl<ms unde1" ,he hei,"'ip "",'em of 'ille 'ra",f...

gift from th.oldjoim owner to ,h. new joint owner. (Whether the gift anually C''''<"$ we due is a QU<"$'ion of the value of ,h. prop<rty. any o,her p ... vious gifts mad. and valu •. In .ny event, th., ... n,ft. result. in a reduction in ,h. $ 1.000 lif.. i"" gift ,ax e""mplion ond requires 'he filing of federal and SI.r. gift tu ,",urn..) Ev<n where ... Iotions bnween the Curren! own .. ond the added join! owner remain positive. !h. ru" owner ranno, $<11 0 ' mongage 'he prop<ny without tho consem of 0Il<kd joint owner. Adding the of a join' owner 10 property .ub;..:u ,h.t property to a""hmen, in legal proceed.inSS against the added joint owner. I'rop<ny jointly owned i•• ubject division in divorce proceed.inSS and 10 .. ti,fy judgment< and ta. liens, While only !he inl<r<m of the joint own.. mly be attached. 'his ca n . till resul' in a forc«l sal. for divisWn to .. ti.fy the judgment 0' lie n. Th. unwilling rum,nt owner, by placing tho or. child (or any other person ) on the deed. may ha ve .voided prOO.1<, but in tk process . ub · jected tho real prop<,ty 10 dai"" of crediton a nd cou'" on behalf of ,h. joint owner, In a worsl·,... $Ct'J'Iario.the currrnt owner can even find himself eviC1<d from hiJJh<r own prope.ty II through the neglec, 0' rrulf.... nco of hio/her join! OW"",.

Ano!hcr commonly seen tani<!o .void prob.« is to pl.... child orchildrtn on the deed. as 'he c ur ... n' ow""r ag.. and con«mpl .... hi. or her own mort.lity, but this situ .. ion cre .... more problems th.n it solves. Adding .nother individual to • dttd is a rompkted gift, vtsting . current int .... ' in th. ,eal p roperly at !he,im. 'he d.ed is ex.. uted , Should the curr.nt owner I...,. d.. ide to change ,he in«n<kd joint own..-, this can_ not be occomplished wit houtth. ronsen! and coop<ration of tho J><"rson originally added os a ro·owner of ,h ....a1 property. Unfortuna1ely, it i. common that the re,...,n th" ru,r=1 OWne, wish<"$ 10 change ,h. joinl OWn'" is because Ih. ru""nt owncr and OIlded joint own .. no longer go, . Iong and th. curren, owner wi,h .. ,o "cut out" the joint owner from on inheritanct_ Only yea .. Io,.r. whon 'his ",",u,s, do<"S the rurrent owner "al_ iu </ht has mod. a compl<1ed gift, and only by obtaining ,he .ignature of th. now-.. joint owner may th. current 0Wl'I"- chong< his • .... t. plon." Ewn if this coop<r>,;c,n is ob .. ined, the second ,ransfer ,,;U COtl>,itutes an additional taxable

they , h... moot of ,h. sam. fe.. ur.. (Set. for example. § 15-1 54112 "I "". Colorado Revised Statut.. ). Under a beneficiary deed., an owne' (0. joint own .... ) of ....J prop<rty may=ul<' deed. n.ming th. ' UC<<$SOr own« ( the "granttt_br:ntf1Ciary") a t Ih. death of 'he cur",,' owner. For joint own . ... with .igh, of surv;vo"hip, ,he benefidory only takes lid. to ,h. prop<ny upon th. death of the lut . urviving join! Own". What makes Ih. deed most useful .. an ..lal< planning andlo . probate avoidance technique is that the granttt-beneficiary h.. no ""ted inte.... t in the p'Op<,ly unlillh. anual death of !he currmt Own". Th. rurrent owner is fret 10 change th. grantee-beneficiary at . ny tim • • imply by .... uting • ntw deed. (a benefici.ry deed., quit d aim deed., warranty d.d Or any Othe, fo,m of d<1!d ) and ,ecording ,hal new d<1!d. Beau$< tho granttt-ben.f>ciary does not ha .. any current int . ..... in th. p.op<rty, the owner does nOt need the <on$<nt, , ignature 0' coopera'ion of the grantee-beneficiary 10 .. voke the beneficiary deed. o. e_ute a



Becf/use the

grnlltee- beucfifciary {oes I

not have fIny (Urrcut interest in tile property, tlte CIIrreut owner does not need tile consent, signature or


cooperatiotl of tIle

gran ee- be eficin r)' to revoke tile bClIcficinry deed or execute The Basics of Beneficiary Deeds a Ilew deed_ Placing Children on Whil"the benefiCiary deed. 10... vary The Deed ",mtwho' among !he .. 01<"$ using th.m,


""'" deed..


Safeguarding the System N~ id~.... u<h

... 1M benefici. ry dffd, ofien o«m ncellem

oolulionl lo I"'''tiwd problerru.. only 10 b«omt riddltd wilh unint.nckd ron~btncn. In lilt caw of 1M b<ncticiary <I«d, tilt mact<d vnsion. of the kgisLation in _It 01>1, ha~ bcm vay card'ulw au"",p' to dtal with poltn.w unintmded <O<\J1O' qutnm in od'nnu, proridintl duity in tho law and short -stop. ping poImtialunfonlUllllC' raulu. To ~t wrprUt throush "potket dteW," d.. SUIII" ~lIiref tit .. "'" dHd be r«Ordtd (fOr enrnplt. t B-'I05 Ariton. I«'v~ Slatu''')' In mosl of 1M 111'ts. tit"", is an addi · tional U<\uhment th. l the d<fll be uwrdtd prior 10 th. d..lh of II>< g•• mor. (for turnpl •• t 15- 15-!004 Revi$td StatuI") By iring rKOrdal ion p,;", lO the poMibility of undue inAuenu o, "dnthMd lrafUfcn" can ,ak plou.A dmlllOl recorded prior to is .imply ...;d,. 'f'1'k ~ui"'m<nt lha, tilt d...d bc rccorded 1(1 be- .-..lid abo oIuninaln tht possibi,Iity of durii", dHd$ madt to muhiplr bmtf"ia,ios. n.. rnlity of m.o"l' tIcItr law silWllions <ltalmg with tran"'", of ",a] propeny is 11101 oftm ,''' dd....1y prop<rly


ownn is furl'ul "fongering.ny ohllt .hild... n.nd.., .ucrumbs 10 th. wish ... nd inA .. enct of <>cit .hild • ..,rnttimcs tU_ <utinll ",anyd«d. in a shorl<! o(tim~, ••• ach child d"'· cusoes wilh the eldeoly pa'ml their est.t. plan. with""'" child xporotdy tcl~n, the ddedy "",ent wily they ~ the pmpt\'· Iy. ""...,,1 nteul ... . - dtt(Il0 oa(h child in ordo:T 10 ktq> tIw pnoc. but in !he proass emil", a kpI1angk only undont by litiplion .fin !he death of tIw pumt. WI>m properly euwled. lhe bmri"..:io.,. dtt(I becomes dfec· Ii... upGl'l death. n.. gran1«·bmo:f..:io.,.. ofttr ,I>< of ,he cu,,.,,1 owner, .imply fK<Irds !he death c:ntirlCille of II>< CUrr<1l1 owner. and lhe grant..,·benencio.,. h.. _umllhei. inlernl in lh. proptrcy ou"id. o(the p..oo.1C proc .... To en,ure that lhe bc".-r.d • .,. eked nol U$<d mc1hod of .voidin&aedilO' claim,. tach 11>1t', bcndiciuy d«<l lIatute ptnnill claims 10 b< fiIcd apiM1lhoo "",otc.nd indudi", the propc1"Y tran.fcrred by bmdkiuy deed in propcny ~ by ,I>< nonna1 statUI.,.,. claims pmod pn:Mded by ..... As with ",her ,,,,nsm. of rnl pooptrIy al dtath., Ii.abiJjl}' for ""y OUlllandi"l rnon",,,, upon









,he ..01 propcny fUns wilh lhe Land and lherd>y l nonsfe-n to II>< l"'nl..,. bendkia.,. .llhal li_. (!itt. fo r example. S 15· 15·407 CoIo.ado Re,i...:i SWul...l Fin.lly.lo m,ure Ih., properly dc>es nOl unintenlionally p""O a (0,,,,.. .pou...fttr divorce 0. ItpI xponolion due 10 failu .. 10 revoItt a b<ntlkWy dccd O. nt'CU · lion of • . - dftod., ,he o ften JPKificaUy revoItt tr.n.(e .. IhmuKh b<nefiritry dNd 1ft... di.....u. (!itt. lOr cumplt, Missouri Rmoed Statutes S 461 .051 .1 To msure tho, the bmrficiary dt«I is not misud. tht laws 01 I'" various >totes !nIui.. specilk lang.... b< prominmtly dis· pIo)'f'd in lhe deed indicatillllh"IM inl<=l doeo not pass 10 , ... pon,..,·bc ... ficiory UnlU II>< dtoth of the currenl ow ..... 1I0,UI" furlh", .101. Ift.1 II>< riKhllo """I« .nd Ih' requiremenl 10 record II>< <\..,d Ire 0100 pmminmtly noled in ,he deed il$<lf. (!itt. (or cumpl<. S 15-1 S·404 CoIoudo Rtvi<t<I S' .lul.... )



Medicaid Transfer Planning And Beneficiary Deeds """"f"ocio.,.

For many of , ... oUI .. whicb 11.... ".....t dccd ,,01ul«. • mojo. i$$u.r _ ,I>< ct'f'ffi web I",n.m. would haV<' on Mc;lic.aid qualificalion. 1M countability o( .... h Land II .n .""ilabl. Medkaid ....,un:~. ond lh, ""kulal;"n of any poleolio] disqualifL<::l1ion pt,iad basc;l upon Ih~ dMl being conlidt.c;la I",n,f.. of .....u from the Medicaid applicant. This coneern "ems (rom the prntnce in ....... 0101" of an inslrumenl known .. a"Lady Bird Deed" which perm)" lhe 'nonsfcr of ...01 pcopcr. ty Ihrouth 0 bmd'>duy dfflI·<:oblt by II>< &fUI1O<, rot O)IUidtrcrI. nO.H ountablt ..... lOr Mc;liraid qual . ir""'lion purp<><n. AIab,a"", has always ,"un. very restricti ... v;..w o( I .. ns(.... copcciaUy I.. n.f... which ptrmillhe gronl0. o«eoIlO Ihe 0»<"1. which , .. ult in dive.I;I",. of .$1<11 whil~ ,<lain in, inlt ...I. Fo. cumple. unlike many 1101", Ih~ Alab.Jn .. Mc;li""id I>kcs the posilion that tKCution of lift ..1Ole deed, are • I .....· k. of 100 pen:ml of tM val"" of 1M I"OP<' Iy 01 1M li_ lhe lnonsf", U made, booed on an Alabama Mcrliaid Agtt>q' inl... • p«talion that tIw ftI ... <110 6k <$lot, lOr M.edicaid disqu.olir"",· lion pufPOl"S is always u .... Many of OIl. list... 11.1" .... Inlernal Revm ... ~ life tables 10 dttcrm;M ,he val .... of ,I>< ~k ",Ute and lhe val .... of Iht rnnaindcr inlernl &ift.Tht mull oflhis is Ihat I.. n,(e .. of p"",""y thl'tKllh .Ii(. e".lt deed in Alabama result in a longer period of disqualifica. lion (.om Mcrlicaid beow" 1>«0Ull' Al.bam.o <onsid ... 100 per. «"nl of Ih. val ... of 1M propt"Y to h.1\1t b<cn lran,ferred. to en,u ... cquillblt trnl.mnl of this ,",ue in !he .... of bmri".dory <kcdo. ..-I of tM oUI" which h.... C.... led bentfi<iory deed ,,"Iules ho\It abo, eit .... llIroush II .... Mc;lic.aid dirt<. IMf or in 1M bel'l<'lkiuy dfflI qioWion iudf, $f>Kifica1lr noIed tho, U$< of " bcndici.ry dNd disquali6cs , ... individual from Medicaid c1igibmly booed upon II>< mcrt p ......... 0(. b<neflCiary deed in the &lid< oflM Medicaid applicant. This interpretation ... m. harsh 10 001m Medicaid adVOUt ... 1.lhe Adisqual;rlCillion Iltriad " wh.,. . beneficia.,. deed uisu




;. elf~livtly unlimiled, as op"""",, 10 boing a limilN poriod of dis.qualifocolion buod on Ihe value of Ihe I.. rufer. To avoid unjust result. in Ihi. inlerprel'lion, Ihe >I01ule. ~if"",lIy por· mil rooplure of Ih. real propony und .. a boneficiary d<ed by lJ$< of a ,,.IU'Ory r~alion of bonofici.ry d<ed. Th. Mtdicaid applicanl ;. allowtd 10 "unwind" hislhn prior lran,f.. und .. the bonrl"ICiary d~ in ordor 10 proporly qu.tlify for Mtdiaid us;'" placing the home in Ihe same "alus (count>ble or uncountable) •• il would h",.. b«n wilhout Ihebonrnciary. M with $Om. other no,i« requi.-.m<"Jlu under tt.. ,,",ut<, SOme st3l.. requi .. nolice bo prominently pl..ed in the d<ed ilstlf staling Ihalthe d<ed i. a di>qu.tlifying inmument for Mc-dicaid purr<»<>. While th;' position ;'""ntrary to Lady Bird d~ .. it i.o cerlainly rdi<dive of the currenl budgelary Ii",.. the sWes f..e.


Dealing with Clients with Diminished Capacity The .e.lily is Ihat in Ihe m.jorily of a ... when boneficia.y d«ds are =Ied (Ihough see below olh.. useful Ii",.. for their Ust), 'he attorney drofting th, beneficiary d~ i. dealing with an olderly clitnt. 11 i. incumbent upon Ih, . ttorney 10 di,· rul-$ with the dien' hisJh.. ",asoning behind w;lnting to = t· ed such a d~. TW1l potenlial .«nario. rudily pr... nllhem.. lves wilh .uch an elderly dient in which the capacity to cuI< the d<ed or the ",vocat ion are imp><ted. Wh ... lh. dienl infOrm$ ,h•• ttorney $/h. w;'hes 10 .><trul< a bon.fICiary <ked, having betn brought to Ihe attorney', office by an adult child or other relativt or friend who will also be the gnnt ..· bonrnelory, the .norney needs to ..... Iwl< the influeru;e Ihe proposed granl ... benefICiary may be having on the dient in ex~uling Ihe bonoficiary d<ed. While this i, a cl ... k. I<xtbook .,.ample of • pmenti.1 undue influeme .itualion, il may nol immedialely p' ... nl il .. lf ... ud> 1o Ihe a\tomey, .. p«:iolly if Ihe .Itorney do<> nOI ~ul.. ly d•• l with eldtTly diml$. Th. propost<! granl ... bontfieiary ""'y ... ilr co"", across .. simply wanling 10 ... ist Ihe cu.renl owner i. placing inlo df~t desir... eareful disc"",ion .. 10 Ihe mOlives .nd inltnl of the eU"'nl <)Wner. ho..-.""" n~ '0 bo held 10 .rum. tMt the ",,". cUlion of Ih~ bonrnc~ry d~ is, in fact, an indepondenl act by the curren' <)Wner and nollhe product oflhoug.hto and id ... im"""",, upon the runtnl OWn.,- by Ih. pro"""",, g.. nl .... ben •• ficiary. Wh~re Ih~ determinat ion i. made by Ihe .HO'ner thaI the o=ution of thebonelidary d~ ;. incorui",nl wilh ,he """'inder of Ihe ..talt plan of Ih. clien" 0, wh .... il .ppea.. questionable whtther or 11<>1 Iht d;"nl undersland. Iht 'igoif!. ao= of tuCulion of the beneflciuy <ked. it may be proper to ougg..llhat a single lran .. ction con ....... loMip be con.idered to nr-<ul< thebonrnelory d~. (Th;' is , ,,,. of placing the granlee-boneficiary', on currenlly euning type< of d«d> as well, induding joinl Itnancy wilh righl of survivorship, quil' d.;m and tenant in common de-td$.) ""pee! ,h. di.nt and Ih. pro"""",, g•• nltt-benef"iary 10 ".ist'uth a suggestion. Th. oth...- <ommon ,ilu"ion likely 10 p ..... nt itstlf <Oncern·

ing 1M incapacily of the dienl and Ihe bonefICiary d~ i. Iho .iluation in which Ihe dienl h.. pttviou!.ly eJt«UIc-d • benefici· ary d<ed, Ihen lat .. needs to qualify for Medi<oid nu .. ing home ca.e auist.ll<t. Becau.. the benefici.ry d<ed di>qu.lifi .. Ih. cu,· "'nt own...- from MMicaid assistance, the ';,"renl own.. will nttd 10 revoke Ihe beneficiary de-td. What if, how"",,,... ;' quilt common.lhe dienl ,,,lfe.. demt11li. which'IMm unable 10 eJt«ul< • revocalion of Ihe beneflCiary d~! Again. ust of Ihe too·often forgol1en .inglelran.. ction con ....... lo"hip provi· sion. of the P",ln". Ox/. wiU 'csolvt thi. issue. If, for .,.ample. the ownn i. a joint OW"", with hisJh.,- .poust of th. beneficiary deed proporly, revocalion of the bontflCiary d~ would make the p'operty a non ·countable asst1 for Mc-dicaid qualification, polenlially making Ihe clienl immediately eligible fo, Medicaid usist.nce. H~.• gnnl ... ·bonrnc~ry may eh.UenStlhe revocalion on Ihe ground. Ihallhe currenl own .. lack< capacily to execute. ""'''''lion. A full·blown cotutrvalom.ip ouy bo OvtTly rumbo'$Om. and e'pon.iw, but the single transa<lion COnst."",orship prov;'ion. of the Q,.k or. ideally suiled 10 en."re Ihe validity of It.. revocalion while at the ..",., lim. permil1ing Medicaid qu.lificalion.



"One of lhe re;.sons Ihm I ehose BKR Borland Benefield was I fcll thaI they weren't too hig to Clrc about a company of my size. They give me the quality communiC:llion and

good work that I need."

. Ilo Gresham

Ow",,, P;,m & Compoocllts. Inc.


E1~Benefleld 2100 Southbridg. Parkw2y • Birmingham 205002nI2

lIvikling · Floren« 256 767 3S}5



Effective Uses of the Beneficiary Deed n.., btndiciary dM:I is not a "",.• iz.o-fiu-oU docum<nl, bUI. whe .. arefully cono.idm:d, it an be, quite rif«tivt in • V;lr~y of lilU" iolll.


Small Estates "I'M ."",11 ..,.,. provision. of , '" Pn>bor. Cod. do pamillrOlUKrs of ,.01 ~ny. and evm if such rnI prop_ myln",r.., _ I"'rminod,lhe rnuimum vallK of 1M ..,... qua1ilying for .tmill .....,. p""";sion (53,000) is woefully OUI of dal •.r 4) ·2·692 c...r.<I{ ..u.x...... j W),m, tbr only rftIOII. probat. Nminhlr.tion of d.. "". ,. is lhe lranst.. of rnI prnpnty, IU<' of • bfntflCiary d«d would I"'cdude ,be of probat. fOr 'u<h Iran.f..,. not



Join Tenancy Estates It u nOI.,.l1 un", u.1 lOO'Y 10 find ..... 0 ,;... bl. middl. du. .sw.. it> ,,·hi,h,1I rroJ>tuy, ,,:01 or pt....,ml i<_no;l b<IWttn • h". b.lncl,"J wif• • , jOinll."'"" wilh righl of , U,yjvo" h,l'. Unfnrll", •• dy. it i, .1.1<'> IIOt uncommon to di><o"cr ,h.I,h. h"" .. ;.t,lled in Ih. namt "flh. d««Ient only; , . joinll'"'"''' but ",ithout ... ,vi",,,hip rro,-j,jom; Or len."" in ("mIllOn. ofIm for rruoll> out,idt of Ihe dienf, inlnl IhAI Ih, rn>r'rty br<:ome rropnt>' 01 th' ,ulVi'ing 'poo ... al d.Alh (rror"" Io4>t in On. $p<Iu;,,', n.."", fo r 1:u ..AllOns, as " l'<Stl il ol l'.io r di,'UOc< dt..:.<d el< .• o. ewn through simple J><"gIect). F... I>'tnC<



of. t.:ntlkwy d«<l ",,,uJd ptrmi. u-MUkr·Qn·dtoth of sud> r~rty ,,·hil. p ...... nl in g i, from bnng n><umbrmi by li<ns during thr lif. 01 ,II< t u ...... <lWn<1'.


with upecu '" daily Im"ll .... ~ "",,,il tM oIdnIy I"'tnI' 1(1 O>fIlinlXlO reside in .... hom<, nlM Ihon n«ding 10 ........ 10 "" _~ living CKmty Of nunin, home. 00.... p..... u wiob 10 btn<fil th< adull <hild who auUllIM partnl. bul abo wish 10 ... ... a will in p!.a wh ich dr-id<s 1M UOCIJ Oh M p.o.tnll among th.. <hild ..... The adult ch ild ol&Uling .h< .!duly p• •• nl ",. y f110Vt inlO Ih. homt wi lh Ih" p.o. .. n l in om..- 10 foeilil ... luch n", and ...i"" net. Th< p.o. rtn l Itt! Ihallh. child !hould accedt to th' hom •• , Ih. d.., h of .h. p. " nl , b ut fo r , . _nl o ff. mily ptoe. a nd .... mony do.s no' wi!h 'Olnn,fe. 1M "" .... II < through III< will. Wbilt loon obj<ctiv< ' ''ornqr Ihis desir< may ....." iruisnmcanl, il it often . very rtal iIsu< lOr tt.. elderly p.o.tnlL Additionally, thr p.o.tnll may IQr thaI .ran$l...nng .... honor ' 0 t .... adul. cllild (Me p«:lYider may n .... dWl<ng< to .... will oft..- tkolh. lIM' "'. bttwfi<iary dkd fulfilk thr inl<1l1 o f thr pMnll to t.:n<fil III< cllild I'rovKIi", cart ood while .hmin,u iog III< I",o.f.,. ... prob,I,< ..."". and Wl.1\ou1 the tax .od ]i.lbilit), iu...,. Ih •• roo", Ihe ' ingle "'ild', n.nte o n Ih. dm:! would Caul<. In addition 10 th ... coll. idt"'l iom, " I< o f • bC'neflci..y d«d would c n,u",h~,'h. "'ild who h.. rromi><'d.o r ro,itk . uch care and ' ''U'an« fo llow> through WIth Ih .. car< . Unfortunately.;1 occa,ionally hapl><n , thai on« proptrly i, de.ded '0 Ih. ""' I'ro'iding chHd d,,,;n8 hlellme, . ilher by outrighl Sift or joint tenAncy.,h .. child er..... to such By uS<' of a \xnefi,iAry d~. 1..... n' would have the righl .nd abi!irv.o rtvol< Ih. /(ift b.S<'<! upon .he no n·ptrfo.m · anc<ofthc child.

ern f

F.... iIy dyn ....i'" ar< ",n'I'I.......n in Ihe 001 of f. ",ily \,100 lions, Thil iI ...p«;aUy 10 ",h.,.. on. ad"lt child h•• I.ken "I' the mponlibilily 10 will on tld<rly p.o."n'




Non-Traditional Relationships


In today'. society, • numbn of non-lnodilional rd.oliosuhipl tquinltnl 10 husblnd o.nd wife rdo.ion!.hipt. ind..dlnS both wne-.." rdolio,uhipl o.nd 'I~in' l><t""*,,uaI rdoliolubipt. Itral nu •• auOl'1K')'l olitn lind thnru.dws cltali", with Ulip.ion .. a mult of...m non_marital rri.a'iocuJ!ipl when th<y JO b.d.. In 1M p:x>d .imeo of the rri.alioruhip. one pinna oli ... ~ .M< of"," putna 011 'M ......... 10 In GUti", hornt Of Othn ",.01 propnty. ~ "'" 0...... pnIOII to M .hrir · Uf~ponna.· Howevn, IIItIiU • mari.1I oi ..... ion, no I<pl plOC"," ... 00 10 tquiubly dMok 'M propnty upon"," 5<pO"'lioo of "'" put ..... ~"'" ollht bn>riici.ory dM:I option - ' d pnmit.'" po •• na owning •M propony prior 10 .1>< bqinn'", of .h....... Iion~ip ." odd 1M put"". :u a von •..,·bt",fKUry. If Ih...l.lIiolUhip does, in bet. last for.ho •• m.. nmg lif. of <u ... ,,1 OWn""M .....,..i'"n .h, I'f'Op< •• y a. do"h I. "".nd...!. On Ih. olho, hInd, if th, "lahOmhip SOU" .nd ."d., .h. cu"on! Own,' may ,imply "vol:.< .h. do .. h boom, i""'<$t of til. p"""" '.illh"u' n,<Jins to ob .. i" tho roo!""."",n of .h •• \\'11,1. "". a ,ub.>lillno fo •• pT<nup"i1'grttm,,,I.,h, bo",fodary J.....J would elimi· n.l. I .ignifocon. amou,,1 "f litipu"" 1><\",.." .. p.rating "Iif,

w.. ,,'hieh 'M .... docs no! ~,u



putn ...."


Wh<n the ..ut. is rdat;""1y om.alI in voL .... howe.,.u, t.... co.l of emti", and administerl", • ........,bk 1m", trWl an bt pr6hibil;"". Often 1M main, if not OIIIy, ..... at:tually ... nsfuTed inl" th.o ~ living ."'" ;. rnl propnty. W"uh I bendiei.ory dtotd $t>.u",. "'" nKtaitrof. ~ livi", trW! in weh oil· ualioN would bo avoidtd, with its occomp&l1yi .... cow.


Conclusion Simplification of peopI<'s IiYcs is &II essential purpoor of ..... omment. Rishtlr Of Wf<NliIr, :avoKIa..... of probo.~ ;. - . ! .... . p:x>d thing by many PfiII'It. Cnotion o f. b<ntficiary ......... "a.ul~ facmta'es th.o limpLificalion of tal , ... nsfon In .. varittr of sit ...... io .... t.rnn;u Our d;'n!$ Ind dim"", ... ptOO • knu which ensl with th.o currenl mtthodo of prop<1"ly I.. nsf..... Pnh.pI III< lim<' hu co"", f", Alabama to con,i""" ;oin;ng ,II< growing list of,,>,es th •• ..... 'M "",.i. in ,hi, tyl'<' of d.....J. •

. _110._ . . . . _ .5ooIW:. .. , ............. . _......... u......a< _._ ........__ _"_.," . __ _ .... __ ....

_ __--_ . . " ". . _.




Substitute for Revocable Living Trusts AlaN .... is '''"te in which t'"l! IK>I common. This is bto. .... o f tho unoomplicatcd l nd rdolivdy lnup<tllM pro· bate prouM in AIa~. Yot, ...... in Alabama, U~i", tnuU ... tori up


.. _ _ _ r - .... _

t.. _

..... _ _ .. /IIo_r-



opoci6cal1y 10 ....u.. <ffca'''' ... Nfn 01 asoeu ri.hrr during Iif.. im<':U I ,"ul.l of incap.ocity.OI .. <kath d ... 10 cont..,...,..;.) ....... ioruJ\ip .... d • r.... Glh.. """,ns.

- -_ _-_ . _-1 ... _ _ _ _ SooI •• _



.......... _





__ .... _0. _ _ ..... _ -~ _ _ _ ...... _

..... 0 .... _

m;;;:k;_;;; __ .. _. _ ....... _ ... 0__ .. _








I'eIIm'1Irion of ICSIhrtic, tm'Uon......tM, historic and ~ on pm-Iando is difficult 10


Gowrnmrn. m';';", oIim do tho NncIinB 10 purdwr aDd ~ lando in an undc.dop<d SUk.. I"",""", "'" _ in ....urn b Ibo< donIIIOII of to/lJftVaI>on..",."" by pnvo~ \anOOwnon p!'O'idt • US<'fuI tool lOr occompll$h"" d.... """,,",,'ion goals. n.. InlmW I!t:wn .... CDtk (lw:mnaft~ ,Iw c...k) allows for incorno tax dtduc_ lIOns for ch.ritabt. contributions undu Section 170. Ont 'YJ'" of lhm "",,;tabl. "'nnibutio". is a tonvtyanCfc of. partial propmy ,nlao! which q!Ulif><:< undtr




1M Codt ... ·co"""rv.,;"" roJl!ribu,ion."' Th. most common form ",fth... (Onl ribUliuJU is. co .... rv.tion tastmcnt. ."d i, nmOl mttI'p«ific rf<Iui",mtnt.

outlin«l in.he OxIc .nd T",.. ury

Rqublion. in O<dtr ' 0 q.wify for the inco .... l:u d<ductioll..' II qu.tlifK<i ron$ttVO.ion contribution is J<1'<1"<>I1y driintd .. -. contribution of. qualtfitd rnI prop<r1'l' in~. 10 I qualified orpniulion,ltII:dU&lwly for OOfUtfYJ,ion J"UIP'lO"O.' This dmnilion pfftft>U Ihc f01Iowins four primary dcmmu.: I. Whl\ constitu\CS I qualifiM r< p<Opnly in~; 2. Wh .. is • qu.alificd OIpw,

lion, ). Wha. «»ulitutcs c:x.c.Iwrvily; .nd 4. Whl' .... <OnJnY;I,ion pwpoon!

Qualified Real Property Interest TM c..k ;.xn,if... Ih,« C&togories of "qu.!ifi<d ",.1 propnly in!<r~tI.· Tn"" i"tom" indud<: "(A) th. mil •• ;nl<rn'

.,r 'M donor olh., thIn I qu.lifiod min. ...1 in1.reo1, (8) a .....aind .. inlcreo1, Iindl (C) a "'1riC1km (gram..! in pt'l'<'" t~i1y) on 1h. us< which nuy Ill' ","de of

tht ...;01 pro~' y." TM con_ serva,ion .........m Itt. ""tric, ion on use) is bon, . .. I,ed 10 I I.ndown .. who WIn,. '0 ttl_In 50mt limiltd Ult ofll>t proptrty whilc: tn.ur· ;ng tht proptrty will no! bt ( ckvdopt<! in ,lit (UIU ....


purpoocs m ...' be arrird out by tIM:

>aV•• ;"n

gr;ut'' ' orgoniza.ion. ~ ~.

chan&td 1O...rn lIt atmt...rn Ihat. it it

A <lImnYou;""

impo6li>lo 10 conlin ... !lw.,..;pn.J WI,,",' . ,lion ~!Ior pn>-

ends from tilt IflJtShr m .... be uocd in. II1IrIlItt consis!tn. wi.h

,t..: rollltlY"illion put_




TIti. ~uir.m.:n. is lIt in.ovaI pan of tht qllllifltd ",;01 proptny in~"'" ~uj",­ IIItn., buI is idm.ifltd sep&. raltly d ..... 10 iU lmpo~. Tht Qr.k .Jut •• "'_, conlribu,ion olutll "'" be . rnled .. nduoiftlr rooconsctY~lion purpooeo unlas tht <lIfO........ ,;.", pUtpoit is prol«1td in pc-rpe-lui'y.... Tht T",uury<u funt... inln-prtl ,Itis ",I .. tory pt"O"iiion 10


Qualified Organization This '<qui........." idtn,i6t$ who may R'CtM ,lit qUllifitd uaI pmpnty in,trQ. and ",hi, raln<lions On oIicnabmty mUll be impootd on lbe don"". Gtn.nIIy. o.g. ni .. lion muS! "luvt" •



oommi.nt.tII pro.<Ct conltrvalion purJX»<S of II>t dona. ion. Ind h,vt" ,Itt """u"," 10 .nfOra ,h .....Irictions.... Tr... ury Rqu1l,ion. idtn,ify four dasoeo of orpnizalioou which q.wify undc-r this dofini,ion:

I. A SO"ft"nmmt;d uni, descriI>td ...

Slo.... ~ of tht Uniled Slo' .... or any poli.ic::al $<IbdiYision o( '''Y of tht for<p>inKo 01 tilt Uniltd St •• es or tht OiSloo of Columbia. but <mIy i( ,t..: contribu.ion or gift is madt arlU$ivtly for public pUrpost$;"' 2. An organiza,ion described as oR< which nornwly •.uives a .ubstan.w I"n o(iU ,upron ... from a govtm_ 126



if Mlfround-

inI conditions t.-

tasemtnl is • typo of ""P..... cunnm. which is ptraIIy unm"",,"bIo undc-r common Low d ..... 10 ilt intanaiblt na'u .... As ....h ..... ny ...It ItsiiJa!u .... h.vt" 'p<"cifical· Iy au,horized COrl$trv.· lion ......... by lI",ult. Tht Alabama lc-gilJ.a.u ... >p<cificaI1y >'1lido,td <lIfO"'..,ion rascmml$ in 1m.'


only be modo: 10

od.... quoIiIitd "",""iza. lions and tilt original con·

.-.qui'" monlal uni•... or (rom dit"Kt Or indi_ con'ribu'ions from lite gonoral public;'


3. A .lurillblt orpniza.ion described in I.R.C- S SOI(.)(3) (~. ' ••HJ:<mpt]

.Iu. """",tt..: 509(1)(2): Or

public IUpport tnt of '

4. A cIwitabIt org..nizal;"" dcscribrd in I.R.C- S SOl (d(}) W, meeI. tilt ~uimnm .. ofl.R.C- S 509(1)(3) and is <lIfOuulltd by an org..niu.lioa [q.wifyinl "ndc-r ..... of tht Ib_ fOrqoin, CI''SOt;''].' In addition 10 tilt .-.quimnenll1tal ,Itt

gran. ml>ll bt modo: 10. qualifitd


>.iI.ion, i. abo mWl includt cnuin rmric· lions OIl I""Sftt of ,t..: in ........ SuMtqU<Jt,

Ihat •

mortpz« of.1it COfU<tva_

' ion proptrty mU~llubordiru.~ its rights 10 .hose- of Ih~ qu.lifitd organization and to limil lurfa« mining o( rntrvtd min· enl in' ...<I'$. U Howcwr, ,lit rtgulation. do include dr "';";"';1 p"",ision. fOr tht

ndusMly .-.quimnm. ",&,rdins mnol~ fUlu ... nm ... nd millO' minin3 lml* .... ~ TM .....1")"(1" mWl ouNunlialt tilt condi.ion of tht pn>pmr.I lite timt

o(,ili byProridint tht donotorganiu· .ioll wi,h appn>priak~ ... documtn· lO.ion whtrt" • m.intd .... may pol<n· lia1ly ;m"",1 tht (Of\S1ttY;I. ion purposc.6

Conservation Purpose Whil~ lhe prn:roina lb."" ~ui ..... mtnlf .rt rolativt"ly ~I .. igh.forw;\rd. ,h~

determination of whether. p.nicuLor contribution "'i$fi.. the conserv.tion purpose r«Jui ... ment can M diffl<:ui! 10 osunoin. This .. becawe e""rr t ... ct of land p<>U<SS<s, unique mix of corueYV>tion ""lu... 11>< Code idenlifi .. four grn_ eral clam$ of conse,"". 60n purposn, l. The pr<'$nV.tion ofl.nd ...... for outdoor «<.... tion by. or the educa·

lion of. the grne ..1public; 2. The protection of a ... lati,.. ly nalu"J .. , of fi,h, wildlife or planl$. Or .imiLor teOS),>l<m;

3. The prese,..,."ion of optn.pau (including f.. mland and for..lland) whe ... uch preK"'a1ion io-fur th. >ecnic enjoymenl oUhe general pub. lie. or_ purSuan' to a ,l<carly deline .. ed f<:<lt ... I. Sl.te or local conse"""ion policy . nd ,,·ill yidd • significant public benefil; Or 4. The preservalion of . hiSlorically import. nll. nd .... or. <trtifitd hi.toric .trUCIu .... ~

The T...."''''y Regulation, . nemp1 to further define th ... broad ca'<gori... nd provide !lOme 'pedfic ex.mples; " how<v· er. it is impos.sible to idenlify 'he infinite differrnt drcumsl.nctS which qualify . s

<on ........ lion pllJ'fl<i'StS. Tht regulalions

do identify th.l public ace ... is required wh ... lhe con .."'ation pU'J'O>" is for the presc ...... tion of I.nd . r... for outdoor rterr.tion by. or Ih. edualion of. the general publk. Public ao:eM is not r«Juired 10 accomph.h the olher general categori .. of con .."""ion purpos<'S e>l«]>l wh .... Ihe of public acuss would fru" ... t. the proposed oon ..",. · tion purj>OSC." Given the wide VA!Xty of individual dr· curnSUnctS which would qualify .. con .. r· ""lion purposes. 1M determination is inbemltiy. case·by-cuc .naly>is. Sud> uncerlainty could sc=>ingly cawe ~pay. on 10 shy.way from making consmralion COlllribulions for 1M fear they would invite In IRS audit"" only <t""in way to detormi ... wh<lher a part;rul;,, , laxpay_ ~. oontribulion will qualify fOr I conservalion dedUOC!ion is 10 request. private letler ruling from the IRS.A req ....t in writing must be .ubmined which oudin .. the fam of tilt pani.o:ular con.scrvalion conlri· b\ltion. lhe ro"lrolling law (~.g.. ' under ~ 17O(h) of the 1.R.c. I deduction is allowed for ... }. and ask the IRS to rult wheth<llhe contribution qualifies. The prob!<'rn with requming private letter rulings is that they

.... quite apt ... i"" (p ....'" application r... is 56.000M ) oM 'ime-ronsuming ("""ibly laking O>tt a ~r). Addilionally. 1M IRS will not ruk on wh<1h<-r 1M voiuation of tM deduction (discusocd below) is COtTtcl. ~

V"hile rtquesting a pmle Itlter ruling o ften is not . n .ppropr ... t. cou""" of action fo r determining how to cr•• t. I con"""'lion contribulion which will qualify fur.n income tax deduetion, .nal),>i. of ]>all priv.te I."er rulings provide:! u.. ful inslghl inlo how to .. ruetu .. the "'n"<lion. It mould be no,ed ,hat . private I<tt.r ruling applies !lOltly to the taxpaytr who rt<ju ..ttd il. a nd it cannot be used orciled .. pttctdent." Forty· five private letter rulings iuucd during 'he lime ptriod of 1982 10 2()Oo1 We'" found which dirtctly .ddressed lhe i.. u~ of wMth ... a particular contribution constituted a qualified con .. rvation contribution .nd was, thu.s, .... fOr . n dedu<lion. Th. ru~ngs in\o'Olvtd a wide variety of conservation purr<>=- and were .11 determined 10 be valid con .. rva,ion contributions pur_ .uanl to 1.R.e. ~ 170(h}. This high .pproval rale could M attribut.ble 10 Ihe fact th ... taxpayt!' "'Quid not undertake the e«ort a nd .. pe= 10 I private leuer ruling without presenling' .lrong case. Further, it may .. Oecllhat the qual. ified organizalion re«iving the """mtnt helps en'ure the significance of lhe dona · tion. On the olher h.nd, it may simply indicate a !lO~hat loler.nt appTOOch by the IRS in the inttrpret.,io" of con· """'lion purl"""" under 1.R.c. ~ 170(h )( 4) ti""n the volume of litig.>Iion in$lo valu.l ion discussed in lhe """ section." Often. the cotISCI'ViIlion .... m.nU involved comributiQn$ which ..scntd they fulfilltd «>=>I of the b~ categon.. of ron ........ lion putpOSCS identified in the Codt. M.ny oflhe eaom>enI$ invoMd agriculturalJlivntock forms or ranch ... In gen. eral. these taxpayers ~ to restrict the Lond from rommmial oM rtSidential

drotl"ljK".n! wtillt continuing farmin&, ~hingll<!ivitia. An ~t 10 prt. _ fltw:lu,,", <l< &rtaI with hiltori<,.;gn,fiautt was ""moon purpo<t. Othtr nstmenu involvtd ,"""ned uses ...m .. tOR$! rnmagtrntn! and ~


mincnl righ! .. outdoor recrntion.. WiI!er ...., limited midmtial deYdopn",,~ com-

rnnciaI Cilnlpgrounck, IUmmCf UIl>p$, and pst ranch<$. MoO! of!hr ruIinp iIm:IM ....... combinaIion of!hr aboooo-Iisttd ...... Often, !hr sut.;ta property • located in dooo pradrnl!Jo 10. public: 'ea........ Ofa ondto< """",. oIy ~ &m1 oudo as • pM!<. .... ridIift ~ <lI" pub& wa!crbody. Other prnpcrtia: art W!ed in _ wIIich ~ .. optrimcing r.lpid grOWIh and dMlopI,otnt where th= ... aprtS$ 8O""mm.mill poIlcits and g<>ook fOr pracrvinS .00 .... inl.ining undtvd· oped Londo. p


Conservation Contribution Deduction Valuation Th~ ....1"" of !h. conurvlIl;"n COn!,;· bUI;,," is!ho fai' m"ttl ... Iu. of th. restriction o! Ih. lime of !h. com,ibu· ! ion.~ Such f.i, m.d'd vol"" COn ~ dC1..,.",ined through a comp ... ble saln .pp..i ..1oW"""h uling oaIcs of .unilar " , " " "IIU in !ho ..... , hownn ouch ;nfo ...... lion .. oft .... limited., Iht fair ~ val"" of!t.. ronlribulion will ofttn h<o dtttrmint<laslht fair mn· ""' vol ... 01 tho propnly prior to do ....· lion of lho . _ n. (ill h; and b<st .... ) leN I'" fai, .... ,""' vol ... of the P"'I"l1Y oftn do ..... ion of the .au· mm'.- Sum b<fo ..·and·aft .. volua!ion "'must •• k< into account nol only tho """.nl UU o f!ho proptrty bUI also on ooj«!i"o"f omum.n! of how imrmdi.,.

or rnnot. th. liktlihood is that th. prop<rty, abKnt th. r~n;oion, would in fact be dev<loptd. as well as any eff«t from ..,ming, con .. r"uion. or historic prestrvation laws that al .... dy r..nic! the prop· erty'. potenti.l high~t and best u.. .... A deduction in eJ<Ce>$ oU5,000 for a donot;on of a con ........ tion .....""'nt must be ,ub,lanti.l«I by Ih. subm;"ion of a qualifltd appraisal by . qualif,«I approi ..,." The intangiblo n01u ... of <on· ........ 'ion ommen" Can l<ad 10 widely varying opinions ... to of the .... m.nt by "'Iually qu.lifi«l appraisers. Tho Smate Fin.nce Commin« r«."tly annQum:«Ilh .. ltgi.blion will be intro· duced this yur increuing fines.nd ptn. lli .. for the valualion of his· toric focade .mm.n" and the abu.i"" deductions tilin th.=n." Thus-large dtductioll$ for constrvation contribulions ... m to provide pot.ntial f.nile ground for IRS audit. Indeed, as memioMdabovc. much of thelitig.ation in this areo has be<n r<gard. ing th. valu>1ion of Iht donotion. In some cast<, tho IRS has tmn the position that the ..... m.m donalion was worth nothing, arguing th .. th ... h.. b«n no change in high .., :old bc<t u<t of th. proptrty. Fornan'ple. SCh .... b Y. C./.R. in",,1v«I tht preservalion of • ...,.. rfowl p"""""'" on. 1.5()O-..acre farm whtre llipa.ytr claimed $900,000 value for the emmenl and Ih.IRS ..... rt«l $0 ...01". for Ih ...... men! on b.>$i. of nO change of high .., and bc<t U$t. Th. Tax Court rul«l tht .asemmt to be $~,OOO.~ Fa,mon Y. c.1.R. ;"",,1vt<1 • donation of a Setnic .asemenl over a f.onn through reotricting d.""lopmtnt whtre Taxp.ytr claimM $2.}6.752 value for the ..... m.,,1 and the IRS ..... rtcd. $0 ....Ju. for ,h • ..... ,.,.n' on b.>$is of no chang. in highest and bes, u ... Th. Tax Coun ruled Ihe ....,.,.m valu. to be 590,956 and on fur· th .. appto!, the Fourth Cireuit increased the ....,.,.nl value 10 S 121,181. ~ 0=aI1rt"View of oev=oI <a$<$ r<g>rt!ing valuation indica'... g<mnI trend of both


th. u.s.. Tax Coon and U.s. District coons to rewgniu a1 lea>! lOme val". for 1he conserv'1ion <ontribu1ion usually (bul "'" aIw:oysl ",,,,,,,,here betwtt"1'J th ...1rnnn of valuations pr ... nt«l by tht toxl"J'l'f and IRS expcm and more rt«ndy leaning toward t~ 1aXpa.ytr'$ vaI .....tion:"




8rooming ~ CIRII9971



Schwab v. C/R(' 994)



Dennis ~ US_lI992) Clemens •. CIR(19911 Sr.hiJpiro v_ CIR(199I)

$50.6'0 $9W.1Dl $595.031 $Z4S.1Dl $110.1Dl $195.1Dl $151J.1Dl $Zl5.1Dl

Dorser v. C1R119!:1l) Higgins v. CIR(19!:1l)

Griffin v_


F/idmood v. U_S_ll!IIB) losd! v_ C/R('!IIB)

fllMOfj.CIRI1986) S\omkIgIOO v. CJR(l996) Todd~



""'.<m "".<m





",".<m "'.<m


$5O.1SO $35.(03

$153.422 $\03.1Dl $70.001







SlSO.1Dl S353.1Dl




$92.370 $31.001



Th~ _iow I>fth~ pr..:t'ding li'tt'd ~ <karly dtmon.tntt'd that the ... Iu.ti<m of I C<>IUC'r'o'aIion contribution is I highly fOCI bas<:d inquiry and Wstly dq>nMkn1 on t:lptrt opinion.M

Conclusion Con!<-rntion ca<t ....... t •• ~ useful IO<>b ...... pres<1""i", iI<IlMIic: ...... iron·

IIIt",aI.nd hiswrk nlun on prn...dy ownt'd w.ds. Funhtrmo~. they can pmvi« .lkant incomt tax dedooions for the donor bndown<r. Ambigui.ies in

tho Cod• • nd lr.,uury Rtgulation • • s to wh.t (O<I$titu,... q,,"lir>t<l (OlUftYoilion con.ribulion mzy ttrwl to caUK I~ to shy .way from donol;", aNU<"rVation eascmmll and claiming .n ilKOm< IU dcduoion. AppIi<:>lion ...... printc.\cttn r\llings on the volidily of • gi",n contri· bution «n be obt. int'd. bu •• r< aptn,i", Ind limt·con,umins. H.".........'•• nalysis of ~I p,intt·\cttcr rulinp. whik not .... iLobk as preceden....... I"ut= dctcrm.i. nations. provi<ko oIuobI<' ins.ichl ;"10 how to S1ructun I oIid ........... Iioo eOKlll<1lI. Furth<rmo~. puI rulinp irwli· cate thai tho IRS t}'l'iully Ipprows pro·

poud CO"""""lion ",uemtnll as qual,· f>t<l con ....... lion conltibu.ions un.d<T 1.R.c. ~ 17O(h). SlYi", ill a'llu""", as to II", n.scm<nt 01 ..... ",.. ;"taR$iblc nal"", of a>nsnViIbon ............ can Iud to di'!'utc with t .... IRS""" ..... 01"" of the deduClion: how<vtt. the

Court. have re-cogniu1l the VI!U' of .uch deduclion. 0VC1" IRS ob.i<ction. Proof <>f tht change. d"" ' I> t;lM"nItnt. ;., the highrst and b<St pot<ntial .... <>f the pooptlt, has been "'-n lobe ...... tal in oupponi", Y.Jl .....lio ... of the .astmmt :rnd, thus. I"" ded"'1;"" faUn by Ihe liUp.ayt'. •



IR,S Pl.RII&05(Q.lAS, PI.R!I5006II 2.lAS, PI.R _ . 1 R,$, 1\.1185111l21, I,R,S,!'UI ~ I U PI.R 814!1l15.I.ft,S, 1\.II1IQIlI3I.1.ft,$, PI.R 8IaIJ3I.11LS. PlR lIIU(l;I.IILS, PlR lMimli. IJI.S_ M allll111:n.l.ILS. M allOO3l.IA$_ PIJI IImll3.IJlS. M PI1!Ri.lAS M 11_. lJI.$. M 112411124.IJlS, M 1124l125.IJlS. 1\.11


21. ~ 25. 115 e.F,1L 1.11Q,o,·11N3P. 2S.~ , ~. C(~ , I.C -"\191 -119, [fa. Cou'!~Nc_""''''''''ood


pOItOOOI ~ """ "" _ _I... owtisoI _.._ "" ap:oooc:IIlo _ _tN 01 rrdtCIIolou .. _ - . ... _ ~

~ .. ~


1,R.C-I I1(I.llllBI"l. l ~ .t: i 1l'tW; 2'6 C-f.Itl I 1mo,.II

, • ,• • •

lAC.! Il'tlIIlll lR.C.1 11Q,lll1).

iI35-'.' ..


tioo .. tN

1I'O<t"" 01


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,Endnotes , ,


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Our ptOduoU .,.. guatIII11e<d " . ....... ,

or ..<et<I "'" otandatds of Y<>I" <""""

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Young Lawyers' Section

Young Lawyers Render Service


hoe ~ Slau Ilu fUft"ldy ~td

II.. motlO"Uwyns


lhat lllis yur... in pna. ynrs. young Iowyns in Alaboma ~~ hdptd th~ ASR I..... up 10 ill motto. Indeed, in ~,

'ht put 'UI mon,tu, roung Lawyoors ....~ OIUW(CrW tht ",U to $trw ,he <i.;Un. of our

".'t in mooy difl'trtnl W>)'$ • .xI On

m."y different occasion •. Moo lIOI.bIy. )OUng lawy=. led by ROO Boiky of Hunl$>'iIlt.Iu.VI' lil.ralIy ....wncd the caUs of nearly ~ Hurricant """ Yiaims in need 0( S- boooo \cpI ~ 'J'Iw AS&, in conjounaion with 1M kdn-"~~A&m<r (fEMA). QUblishtd a 1OI·&tt " ......... lhal diAuo Yiclims could call lOr fttt ItpI uoimnce. Undo Lund, ASB VoIun!«r Uwrrr I'rop1m di~, and Bob IIaiIry haYr coordinated thc ..,au"...... ksal ,..,....;ca tfl'ort. Th< YOIun, ..... Lowyt" loa.... willod with all typa of \cpI .......

• «..;ting disaster vk, irru., incl..,!ing in ..,,' lnet d.inu.lmdlord·' <ltlJIt iu_ and INny OIh ..... To aU 0r,ht bwyns who YOIuntm'«! in lhi$ dfon, _ thank you for fOUr lime ond srrviu. For 100.. of you who ....... not )"tI >'OIunl~ 10 usisI di.uIcr Yiclims but would w.. to do so in \hot full.... pIt.... 1ot "'" know. YOU"" Iowym ~ ~ YOIum ......'" 10 .....k with hip KhooI studtnu 110m thc IlirminJbam cif)' Khoois on • nno/ dcb;,t. Provam. Birmingham '-Yn Slephm Bl..:k ... n"" II.. program. known as SpnltFirl'. Young l.owyon lnin and m<nlorl.ltmod h;,h KhooI.tudmu. who I"rtkip•.!t in Sp.. kFi ..,. Th ... IUO'~ arc ~,"ing a$ poli,i"" rol. 1 32



roodds IlI>d .rc ",,;ching .... IM$ of p<opI< whiIt.OI .... _ timt. lClins a$ ocrlkm amb"'w .. of "".

-. )'OUI>J

In .... Monlg<>rncry Irc...... YlS con· I'n .... lo .uppoo1 .... MiDOrity Pu.low loEb,ron Boon •• Kimberly W.rd .nd au;OIy Crow •• mong o'h .... ;t$>u, in Ih. prcl",alil;m of ,hi, .nnual <onf, ... n,. IU,n(\M by ""'. 200 minor;· Iy hi&h "hoo! " The purpoot of


1M conmtn«;, 10 t<\UUIt ,h. .boullht profmion. Thn< th ..... youn, Lowyns wo.k with tht c.pital City &. Aosoc,",ion 10 <1ISUr< thaI .... con·

r.m.o. is 1lUCCCU"""'l' rear.

"Iller. on. no <lout... coumlas 01 .... -1' in which younS ~n


thrir I;ont...... 'll" IlI>d "'pnt~ on I doily b&1is. I conlin ... to hold .... ;dtolis· ';c btlitf tha, _. U ",to.ntyI. Ir< uniquely ,;, u01('(1 10 im!",1 OUr Wmmu · nil~ in • p<nilivt Wily. A1lhoug.h 1M <km.nds on our "m. inc ...... t..-ry ~or. I hope 'h" _ Can con,inu. ,h. , .. di'ion of Our pr('(l«tnOrJ and "r<ndtr >crv;';." os Ih. motlO ,uW'u.1.tI u.s follow m., """mplt of 1M YOUR, lawycn who Iu.... a1 .....ty Inswend 1M caIlo of disos1C1" vic· tims and >'OIunlffi"fd lOr 01",," worthy pro;..:u. PItur comidcr Inrnd,ns tht Young lowyen Sondell,n CL£ ...... ina. ~by 20 and 21. 2005. you ........ld be r=MII&1

brodlu ... in 'M .... ~ $<)(In.N u<uaI,


oanina, will be I ...... limt and will f",, _

lu ... V'"I 'I""'ktn. If you """" qut$lionl ai>oUl 'M .. minar. COJII",I Crai,


Mlrtin 01 (25 1) 40S·1321 or .-moil him


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Legislative Wrap-Up

Legislative Committee Counsel By RI>bnI L




or nwn ,!un 25 rca ........ Alabama

Law hl>l;1UIC .... t.:.:n pnMding I.pI counwIlO both Iht Houor and s.n.~ J.... iciary. It is th"""" thcs<

comminm 1M, histOriaJly. ORo·minl 01 a11lrp1btion ~ Thqo .... tilt COOl· mi.1ta in wIUcb moot bills affecting Iht Icogal profesl.ion a~ w.ign<d Aloba .... kP""ondo DOl ....... indio vidual mt';In;h l taff. and nrithtt do rom_ min .. chai,.. 'Tht 5<""< commin.. chli.. I.., ... igntd. _!'Clary ...hil. oth ..

mull share • _Mary with ._1KrbouI< In dw hoLlM' KnalOn

MTI;I. Gr.



rnmIbns, indudinK tilt

commin.. mailS, mUM .....,. • ~ with o'llwr committe( dWrI and, in p naI. mnnbm must obtain I«fdarial ...ppon from I occrmriaI pool. In d.. L.lC 19700, the q;.u.t~ In<\er. "'ip oi:>fm'lng 1M rnmplrnty of Iht q . uLolion SOin, 10 ,h. judidary commit· ttn ukNl the help of til. Al,bam. Law In"'tul •• O providclrgol to


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both \he Hou~ .nd s.nate lud;.,i.ri .... Approximately 30 to 35 percent of a11~illotion p...... Ihrough Ihest lwo <ommill«$. & ...... Uy.lh ... a~ Ih. more ledmiallegal i.. ues the legisl.ture is :ul<ed to <omid .... The .. n.1t ludiciory. choiml by lawyer ROOs e,Sm it h.rma n. h .. Law Im,i'UI' coun,.nce through ."orru:y laY..,.!. Morg.n Battle of Ton uflh. 14 .. nale Judiciary memb.-rs a~ lawyers. The mernbt ... re p"",ided an a nalysis of nch hililhe commiue< is <on,idering. The lawyer p"",hles a sum· mary brief for eoch bill, .. pl. im how it ch.ngn the CUrrent law. and rni<Wi it for any t~hnical e"orl. The rommiue<'$ lowya i$ to pro.ide r...urch and d ... ft amendments fot the committet. Speaker Seth Ham me1l, upon I>cconl ing Ih. 'I'"~of,he house in 1999. =<>sn;:.;ro tho ~ for independenl coW1.<ot"l for each houserorumit~. Th.>pt>.ker requested lhe Imtitute provide .. aff .ttOt"~ for 16 house """,mittta "J"h<, only committees wilhout ... ff allorneys .~ 'he bud~ing commit"". Currently, there .... only oight rep~ .. tn.cs ","no .rt p~ic. ing ottorncys. MaroeI lllack. chair of tho Hous< JudkiMy. is a lawyer but only on. of Ihe otMr 14 mcmbcn ofthe Judici.1ry i, alawyer. Pam Higgins. of MontgolM<y. ~ .. courud to the ho .... Judiciary. "J"h<, Imtitule has obIained the ..rvi= of \he (ollowing anorneys to ~ .. lc-gal munsel for the house mmmitt<e$ for l005: Pamela R. Higgins, ~lrnn Mozingo, Cha rl""n. W. Spencer, Sand ... Lewis, Karen M.., in, Christopher Panur, Robert C. Ward, Ikn Espy, Pedt fox.. and Willi.m Sell..... "''hen any of Ihe lcgal oouruel ha,. <onnia, !Iob McCorl<'f or P=nr Davi, From Ihe Imlilute ",l>.<tiIUI.. for th'.,11 at commiu.. me.tings. Th ... . nomeys review eadt bill pIKed on 1M house <o",millet calmdat. an,lra il for I~hni<:al errors. ,ummarize Ihe bill for th. <ommitt ... membt .. and explain how lhe bill will change the currenl law.

This infom"'ion;" .. mailed 10 eacb <ommin.. membn" p<ior tn \he <ommin ... ",...,ins. ",. printed "".. ion of Iholowyer', rniew of each pi«e of kgi,lation ;" also ..,.ai1oble .t the mm",itt ... mttting. During tho rommin.. m<fling, Ih •• no.Ilers are .nilabl< for IogaI .dvk•• nd d... fting Olf amendments for comrui" ...

~"""" Aherlbe <ommil1ce m«!ing is 0""'. Ih .... I• ..,..,.. th..., revin. their lummarin 10 mau any changn 10 the rq>Ort as Iho bill i, reported ou' of mmmin ... The.. l<gal .umm.ri... r. then< .v<ry houSt m.",bn" fOt review priot '0 C(lnlid.... tion Olf lhe biD. With Ie .. than eight ptrcenl of \he rep. restn,.,i .... btinglawy<rs. and none of


them having independent ".ff., Hammell has made availabl< to hou .. rn<mbt" top·notch lawyers. Th<y are mad. anil_bl< 10 Ih.l<gisl.,u~ at . coot Olf leu th.n ten pen;ent oflhe .. lary for hiring fuJltime legal cou nStI.

In 2005 the Institute prepared and presented to the legislature the following legislation: Alabama Election Code A <ommiltet chaired by fo nner legilLa_ lor and Speaker Pro Te", Jim Carnpbtll, wi\h 24 olher membtn who are legislators. lawyers. judges. .t.eriff,. and derks.


JOlin th e hundreds n faUo rueys, Real lnrs@, appraisers, SUI"\'eynrs, a n d nlhers, w h o rely daily nn Ihe real estate infnrm a linn p rogram s we publish. AlAllfAP cnmputer prngram pu IS lax assessnrs' PRC cards nn ynu r d esklnp_ Find a parcel - click - up conteS t h e lax map. Clic k again fnr t he aerial ph ntn. Lois nf searc h o ptinns a nd tools like print-enpy- p aste-

a llnotQ le make AJ.AJlfAP a pleasu re 10 use. We also provide paper lax m a ps in lablnid size. CaU or Email fnr ynur free d e mo CD a nd pricing. SATISFAcnON GUARANTEED WE OFFER LARGE DOCUHENT SCANNING ON Serf OR IN HOUSE

Legislative Wrap-Up

along willi lht s«wo". of S"l~, h.. r<vicw«llh~ tnli", Em;"" Cod.· '['ilk 11. Th. oo",m'n.., hu <I •• rN up incon,i'tt"des.nd duplication!., .nd h ...!.o ...orpniud .1«lion low, This ",vision will m.h "!;IN....·' 8Mio" Low mort

and u.. hk. Abbom.', Eke!;"n Law~ from pal'" bal10llKl mw.i~ "",i", to do<;. Ironic Yl)!i"l- AU th_ procnstS "-' ~tM

KJMnut VOIinS promlura Ih,u mnoin the bw rodIy. ~ cur ....., (Umb<nome and outdoltd .... has It'IOtt o:NI.plkaied by 1M I'W"lI'" of r..xr.J "Help Ameriao VOlI. lin," tho Sc<;rm'1 of SI.t", Administr>,iyt Rulel.:md .."in! offKill. obllinin, III. attom<y ttnttal', opinion. to inlnprcllhc variou. >I.lules. Th. 00",m;1I.., hat simplified the curro"l low by (Onf.,.mi,,! .Uth. loW>, rules .nd opinion,\<) .k<:Ir'<)nk voting mKhin ... to "",1;.0 ...... IM Low coincid .. with 1M VOl· in! proc<dur< prank •. TM . . - difficulr ...... 10 clarify W >'Okf i&nufioolion law • it :o.pp!i.o to .bsmttt boUou and prov; bal· latins. whicfl .... 1M two _ pmrisions of Alab.oma low 0"';", _ins officials





Alabama Trust Code At.b&ma.OO ." .... >1.1 .. hlyt Indi· lionllJy rdifd on ,~ low 10 delmn''''

lhel,,"l bwt. ALob.. rn. aM oth .. 01'1« II."" <"""ltd a T.U$' Powt.. Ac •• hut. in gencnl. 1fU$' bw is inromp~. II rom· min ... chaim! by Ralph Yeikling has. for .tnn'.d ynfl. b«n Jt..,dying the lInifonn Tnw low and compori", it with Ablwna low. n.. conunin .... with the ~ of the ~. Bob Lofiin. ""' cornpIttN Ihrir 1IO>dy. II bill is now prod. ins bm>~ ,... Abboomo Iqisb,u~ to p ....<k AUblmo with iu r_ r"", a.dt.

Alabama Securities Act

,00.. cu.",mly pending with H,.hhSou.h.<)n ond ""'",ldCom. h..... br()us/ll bolh ...... nd f.,.j,rat SKu· .i.y la .... undo, m-iew. A (ommil1ft chaim! by Miu Wa •.,. .nd O1h" np<'" in """urily bw, h.. romplrt.,.j .hill\(t which pt<l'Ii<I« III< tw.ic bw (or ;"n of """"ritics.

"">1 ...

rqub,ion 0( ......... b....·dn\<n.nd

;"...,•...."•..m.on lk>", with ~ ... foramm' and in ..... iplory powns lOr ,bt ALolNomo S«urila EJ:ch&nge

'M p<nonal rrprrsrn .. t~ bUI d.oro "'n diJ«1 from which bfn<fici&ry 1M 10tt! Irt'O bf p.oid. Thil is I.ft '0 " ... low. Fofly·four 1101"" h.v,.n opponiommnl I,w. bUI Al.b. "", ""'lui'" .ho ...... b< IOun from ,ho rffiduory of .M OW)Un' unlal ,ho- wiU dim:u <>1M ......... ThioAct Ipplies only




E>1 • ..,. 0W'f lwo million doll ....

b. whcrt """" is I will and th< will dna not mumcntt who p.oys lho-


AI"""'", ,«hnical. it cJarif... Ibt Alobomo """uri" lawo and dooes .110 Ioopholet 1M' now nilt ~n ..... and f.,.jerat oct$. Mlh 'M ~ 0( , 11< 1996 Not",,,,,1 SKurily Mo,u,. Improw",.nl Act on<l ,h. Sa,bonesOxiqr f.,.jmlllow.,h.~ Acts 'pedflCllly prffmp'.,.j I.... JoCUri,y ,"Sub,,,,,,,, co",in.oU of our rollin. lows to bt OUI of compli&nu. This ... ision is olso cu,muly bm>~ 'M A1abo .... IogiI.btu"'.

Unifonn Residential Landlord/Tenant Act For Ibt po<1 f.... )'O"Irs. the Alabomo IrsUIoIU~ ""' b«n comidering 0 lan<llonilTfI\Onl low. A1aboma is only ,,,.. of'wo .... In thol do not """" 0 Roskknli&l l.andlonilT.non, Law. The proposed 1\(" d .. ft.,.j by • romm;" .. chai,.,.j by ' om" Tinglo. i.o mo .. lond· lo,d-friendly ...... "'n o( ' M lInifonn Rt$id<n,i&l IondlordlT.nanl Act thon ""' bc<n .nacud in 20 0111 ... including T~. FIo,id •• MisoUoippi. South QuoIi .... Ktn'ud:y. and Virt'ni..

Estate Tax Apportionment A """m;l1ft , hair«l by Ltnnard Wer,Mi"",., wi.h I'mlOonie" ...... ing .. rq><>"t •• h.. r«OInmmdod Ih •• ""bli.h a" .." .. lax I.w. Thelnrl",,".1 Rt ..... u. Cod. pl. ceo prim.ry respon· .ibili.y of p.ying fcdtrat .nd Sto.e lax on




to p<nonI who die oft .. Januory 1. 2007.


"llIt Act does 1>01 .tJM:

n.. '01'" .moun, of Ill< p.oid;


..1O'n wilh


chan,.blt silll:


, •



....... I.... ha"'wo million doll, ... ~ifocolly willed gifts less,,,"" 5100.000 to any prr>Ofl; pcrIOIU who art inoDmpd<nt; 01

any potrJOn who da I>o.fon, J;onuary 1. 2001.

n.. "'~ ~ will allow Iau$ '0 b< shor<d by !>tntlklan.. proportionill to lho- amoun. m:ci...d wl>tn Ihe 1..... 01 does 001 dirM olh.rwi~. Cop;" "f on ~ .... lIeU con II< obloir><d by rolliullinS'M Al,bo.m. low Insti,ule Web .itr ............ Q/j,.,m~.QI..... "llIt1ogi.talU"'·' rqul., ....ion Clnnut ntrnd bqrond Mo~. M>y 16, 2005. Fo< mort iofomu'ion about the hu.;,utr or Iny of il< ""*,,u, ront:Kt Bob M(o..rIqr, dir«to,.Alob&ma low InII;'""" P.o.lIo>: M14lS. Tu<aiooN lS43lMlOI3. fax (lOS) )43·&411, phone (lOS) 148·7411. 01 oisir: our Web ".e II ..........olIi.$I4re<ll..... •

. . _ .... -...._ ... __ ..-_. _L-..,....,


, .......

_ r l ...




INVI TAT ION FOR SERVICE FROM BOBBY S E GAL L , PRESIDENT-ELECT We want very much in the upcoming year to broaden participation in bar actwrties. If you would like to serve our profe-ssion in a volunteer capacity, please choose a committee Of tasll force In which you are interested. The Alabama State Bar needs you and will try hard to involve you In an area of your interest. We also want your suggestions on how tile Alabama State 8ar can better serve its members and our profe-ssion. Please Include your suggestlons In the space provided below.

A P POINTMENT REQUEST - Terms begin August 1, 2005 and expire July. 2006. Indicate your top three preferences from the list by markiflQ 1, 2 or 3 beside the preferred committee (c) Of task force (tt). _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Alabama La"')'Br, Editorial Soard (e) Alabama La"')'Br, Bar Directo.-y (e) A1temative Methods of Dispute Resolutlon (e) Character & Fitness (e) Client Security Fund (e) Community Education Disciplinary Rules & Enforcement (tf) Dwersity in tile Pmfession (tf) Evaluation of ClE (tf) Fee Dispute Resolution (e) Judicialliaisoo (c)


InsurarlO& Programs (e)

_ _ _ _ _

lawyer Referral (e) lawy",r Public Retations (e) Lawyer Assistance Program (e) Military law (e) Quality of life Rules Governing Admission (If) Solo & Small Firm Practitioners Unauthorized Pr&ctice of Law Volunteer lawyers Programs





;~'~m~'~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~========:': Firm: Address:

Telephone: (office) Year of admission to bar:

(Street Of P.O. Box) (City. Siale. Zip)

(e-ma il )

(facsimile) D ched<. if new address



Please return this form no later than May 7, 2005 to be considered for an appointment. by mail to Programs. P.O. BoK 671. Montgomery. AL 36101-0671, by facsimile to 334-261-6310. Of by computer to Please remember tIlat vacancies on existing committees are extremely limited as most committee appointments are filled on a three-year rotation basis. II you are appointed to a committee. you will receive an appointment letter informing you In June 2005. You may also download tIlis form from our Web slle, andsubmitthecompleted formviaema il to





By f. IIn'/wnr McLai"

Headaches, Hormones & HissyFits IBased "" ... d" ""f'OnM, th~ following isa fttw.h of Ih" p,rv;cm!ly publi.h«l • •Iid<. ,hen "mi,led, ·Wh.~ O;"n'$ &. Filt$ Tilkt F1is'>''"]

h. .. nection in th. mi.ror "aUy is Do you like what you ...1 l'ubli<htd s urvey ","ul" <:<>"tonue 10 drnwn.'ra'< • growing di.;saumClion among I."'Y"" who are disenchanted with thn, ,hos.rn prokuion. W. posses. ,h. privil'1!e of bting a ..If-policing pro. kosion.nd should mi .... 10 ..,.in thOi righl. In an tiforilO fa miIi.riu ,he =btr· ,hip of the with Ih. (lVt'raU pro«u of our disciplinary Oysl=. some di$cu<$ion of how it works. and how upcoming« may funh .. enhance our disci· pline proccs.«s, fOllows.



How Bar Complaints Are Filed w" prQently have ",me )4,600 1.wyt1'S );a,,!Cd to pro<t~ in A1.bamo, In 2004, the fouf-m<mbt. Di<ciplin.ry Commission n"i<wed 1.514 complaint<

which were filed ag.:oinSlAlabama ano,· neys. The majority of ,h.,.. ."mplainl' w.... filod by disgruntlrd di<nts. So"",

compl.i"" "'e.. filed by judges, W"1t filM by "l'J'O'ing «Iunse), and ",me wnc reuived .nonymou.<.iy, <>t hascd upon ""'''''paper .rticles. courl Or <>pin-

ions. and ,h. like. Th. Office of Genw,) Counsel ha, $ClUning p _ an initial "prob.1blt n .... • ".~. of all rompbi"" 10 del.,m;"" if. fuU in~ligati"n i. n<C· .... ry. Th" utili ..,ion of this scl'ttning

The IIOlTwa... dHlgn&d by

lawyer, lor Ia~", . , , ; . / We can make your child BUpport and uncontested

divorce ClOses • • eny • • 1. .. 2... l .. . t. Enter"'" Case InlonnlOllon 2. Print the Oocuments

COM_"_U_ ..,......"""' """'--,,"".- 3. File w~h the Court

• co-<'.""", _ _ _ ' co-<'. """' _ _ _

._'--"""".. . ".....



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334·244·2983 BATIAOL IA LAW OFfiCE


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.... -..

Ready to save time and money? Uncontested DIVorce In Alabama 2.0 ....... $595 in Alabama 2.0 .................. $195 Child

ASB Lawyer Referral Service proceduRe tw raultcd in IDO'" than h.oJf of:all (ompLaint! (dod bring ~ out during this initial ..... i<w ph....

What to Do When You

Get That Letter Jfrou =OMoftl>t unfonuna'o "'npondrnt ' !lOrn.,..," 1M be>t . dvic. " to «>operat. in lh<' b ••• invn'ig.alion and ~ prompt in doing 10. Nwntn)UJ roprimand.< >K beia, odmini>1<'mI to who .du$o or fa~ 10 <oOpefat< with ' ''"'''plS 10 inVUligalC lou C1)rQ . pl.ints lilt<! 'S"ilUllhtm, which ftfus;ol o. r.iIDr<, in ond of '!stlf.... violo.tion of Ruk 8. I(h), 1tIorbd..... Ruks of Pro/t"JS>oMl



Be thorou&h o.nd "",,right in your wri"en reopoI>S<'. and provide anr docu. ment •• ion that is luproni"" of your In a .igniflCant nurnbn- of aoa. w comploin! is dJ$misst.d dllt 10 l/w dmiled and <OmPft'ht,..;.,.. initial ... po ..... of tho If!bon • .., third· .... ny wilness<s who


"'' ' )'tI'.

""'Y pmviM COrroborating info.muion. lupply Ihrit n~ .dd•..u$ and ,d •• pho .... numbers. This, too, can rtd"", tilt time and dI"ot1 requirtd of II.. 1apOI"I' "t"l1 onom<)' in ""vi", to d<aI II..


disciplinary proas&. Lastly. don', a",."k tho pro<ess 0. tho$oo who altempllO .nforee tho rules. In. "'IV number of invn' jll"lio.... 1ht

rapondm, ' ''om<'J',Jar;. tN.n-pro{t$.

siotW IUiluoi< tOWard tn.ntiplon: Iookinl into tilt matttrl'unhn na<trbot .. an . unpko..nt Ioi.u.. ion. Dtmon" .... ing proftMionali.m and «IOJ>tra.ion boonor onws.~ Ia~r wOO is tilt IUb;ca eM oudI a n irM:sI:it>.iofI.

Just Who Is Big

Brother!Sister? l'u1$uan •• 0 .~ JJ.r.... ,"" Rl'1ts '" DiKiplilUU}' PruaJU", in...... ig.a.ion of. cornrWn. is condueto:d by tilt 0fIi0<., of Gmn-.I Counod or I kw:ol ,"",,"nco oornmilltt. n..Tt ITt p ..... ntly oizh. loa] grievance commiuttS: Birmingham,

Mobil,. Mon.gomery, ThlCaioooa,

HwusvillUModison, H/)I,I$Ion, T~ and S.IdWUl. O n« on inYqlip'ion is compleltd, I TtJ>On and TtCOmrncn<\a· .ion from Offic. o f Coun.d .,.. tht Ioal pic-volKt conmuutt is .ub. mitt"" to tho OiKiplirwy Commission which deI ..mina; tht final dispoloition eM tilt comp!."n!. n.. Dil<ipJinary Commi"ion conoisu of four b.. comm;"';""'1$ who arc from that body for .hrtt.Y"H ' omu. Tht Disciplinary Conuniooion CUI ocdcr. ( I ) dismiI.saI eM the mmpbio~ (2) . pn...~ rq>rinwId: (3) a pubtic rtpri:m&nd without




gmmal pubIicotion: (~ ) a public Ttprimand with general publiation: 0< (5) fonn.oI durgea. If the Disciplinary Commission <InnrniI>co W. thr law,...- >houId ~. rcprimancI, poiYm .... potU. the low,...moy mp$I Wt bmaI dwzts be IiINI :and a ...... ing hdd thcm>n. H•• dogl'''' conducted btfoTt ,h. Disciplinary Board. l'ul"$ to rulof of pnx""urt o6opttd by .... r\I.ab&ma Supreme Court, tfI"ttt .... ""Suso I, 2000, thttt ... w: oudI boards, ndo conoUting of .... ""'mbt..... disciplirury ht-adng o~r, four b .. commi"ionrrs, and . layprrJOn. n.. ruI .. p...... i<k for .ppoint...... t 0( tbr oU: disciplinary ht3.ins offic... who .tt.aII guidr and ... pnin_ .rod , ... disciplirwy procttdinp 0( the Diociplin..l.ry 8oatd. If al.wyt, if found guilty of miscon_


d uct, he o . .... may.ppcai to tho Board of I>iscipIin.-y Appub. w+.idt is """f>OOC'<I 1M ~ appoiD .... by the 80ani of Bar Ccrnrniu.ionns. Appab from • dtci_ sion of the Board of Disciplinary Appeals lit with the Al.b.a ..... Sup ...... Coun.


Can the Lawyer Being Investigated Talk to the Complainant? Th. ool50lullon in all Ca$tl would bt for tho complainant and the Ia~. co work OUt tbtir undcrlyidl probkm. «pt_ cWlr if tho compWnon1 is at _ • ditnL In 1hoot illOUJ><~ where the diml may 11.\........ intd IIC"W oounsrl, tho LoWJ"'T who i. th ... ubjra of Ih. Virvan« wuld bt . ... rc tilt -I"M)-<on'acI" pro-


Tho ......... SUII! a.l""'I'fI" RriMii WIitt .... ptII'Oide ,... ,.;., • _ 01 eontiog. ~ .. ~ iI h..Uo


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1IoP t...,...IIIItmISMb h .... I PI'> bono 1")11 0ft'IQ. -,.,. "'" 10 .....,. ,." .... ..., US lor .. NiiI ~ .... " IIICfI!d I I _ I t . . h<llltlU-

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........ _ d ... iIiIiII .......... n_ ... by ...... htfdI .. 1ni[t need ... ~ by .... "'""" JIOUFor .... i .. " ............ lJIS, ~ .... II1II '*11 (II(IQ JS4-li\S4, littJoglho ......t . . . . . . ,... . . .


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of ... L-.a IoIon-oI WobAmMlito>

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OIl iobII)o .........


Redux vi .... " COD«'1'Tli", communialion with • rcpranucd party. Additionally. the rults prohibit a Lo.~ from makiRg an W""-

m",U Prwp«1;"'1y ~mi'in& his lioabaity to. client for nuJpraclKt unless permit~ by law, and, 'M client is ind'l"'ndent -

If rtpmtnud. Olwioilllr. tilt U""}'n should"", COC'KI: ,h. rompbin.nt into withd.awinelhe "r O1".,rwio< irn~ II>t in""'li"li~ procffi through impro,.. , inO""nu or KllofU. The rule. rccogni .. the possibility of

IIKh inOucn«, .nd Ipcdf>C.Olly dtda~ tho, diICipli",,'1 procw:linS' u,aU not nocaoatify II< mit<! bea .... of ullwill(npoW or ~ o f ,he <:ompbinant to oign • complaint 01 coop<ra,e in ih< inYalip1ion 01' p'....a uion of • dwv, ..../...Mn! Of comp",rn;'" beto... " tbt compiain&nl .1Id the lawyer. ". bca ..... of rmilUtion by 1M 10..,......

Gruesome Statistics Of,1It 1.514 bar compl.inl$ fikd in 2004. I.IH $C'ttnt<l nuL Ofth, I.wym diocipliMd in 2004, 41 rt«i .... d privOi' .. primandl, 11 r«.~ public r<primandl without gtntnJ pub\icolion, _ishl ~iVf<i public rq>rimands with general publication, 17 wen: suopendtd, ODd Ihnt _,., ditba.mi. ~,whiIt tMoomall nllmber of cornpIainu filtd ....... wlmonrial in virw of Iht nllmbtt of lianst<llaw)'tfS in Iht SI.t., only I small pctantas< of Iht comp1ainu multnl in on}' act""! dUciplin<.


T I, e most difficult problems "'quire the

........ ____


..- - -.... •

"".,.,., .. ........ -

- - ..-QII .. -

_ t"

• MISSISSIPPI v.uu;v nru: " •• ' ·II;SURA.'ICI: oo .. r.......-t

Consistency. Consistency. Consistency !'or ollr ' pt .. n of KIf-policing to ... r-

V;"", thm mUSl be uniform, «>noi'krlt diociplin< 01 thost lawytrs who vioIat. the rulcs of conch'e!. What one read. in no- A/oIboo .... /.Dwya in tmns of bwyrr diJciplin< is otwiowly lihott synopsis of 1M cur_Prior disciplinary hiSlOl)' of tM ~, milip'i"ll factors ODd OIbtt kmmts 01 facu of tad! cur art not always ind..dnl in til< public notices of bwror diKiplin<. TIl< ,"ult is th.t many who !"tad tho Discipli ... Rtpon cont>ino<d in.ach Ni , ion of The LI>,.,-u n. gelling IInly • portion of tho t(>!al facts and dr_ cum.t.nCtll iJWtllved in ."b disciplin<

""'' ' m4

C=.Tmn in this limitod mnte.t • ..,me may mndude th.t the di«iplin. b.,ing metod oul10 IawyefS is ;ncon,i>len1. Howe .... r. the rules .doptod byth. Suprem< Court ..e d<$iSncd 10 <limin.le .ny possible incorni.tcncy con_ «rno •• nd .. tabli>h 0 .. fined. uniform to the di.s<iplin. ry p"""" Pr~.i.1 confe .. n"".. pl •• deadlin... nd negoti.t ion cut-off. will eliOl;nat< m<><t del.ys.rod will c....3I •• dclinM di.s<ipli· nary m",ture .nd h".. ings calend.r within which pfOSe<ution of mOlplainl. will """,. If a lawye' is found guilly of violaling

thr IJabama Rul<$ of Prof...iono! Qmd ... ,• • d<1.iled r"",rt of the firodings of the Disciplinary Boord will be pre· pared_ Thi. inforOl' t;on will becom< a part of the bar's disciplinary d.tal>oJe. and will .. rve.s Ih. for publici>_



ing O(lhe misconduci. bolh in lhe mMia. a nd upon inquiry. to the pUblic. Eventually.lh. inform.,;"n will (ontain >uffldem <kl.illo allow nlore unifonn dis<ipline. and conlinuod . .. ut.lnca of due pro«>o .nd equ.1 protection in all di!(iplin. c.....

Did You See What I


"'' ' ' ' 'Q

Rule 8.3, Rule< of Pf{JfNSion~1 Condll<"l. ""Iuire$ (m.ndal0ry) th.t a bwyer ""..., unpri>ilcgod knowl_ edg< of. viobtion of Rule S.• (misconduct) sh.1I ,,,,,,rt such a 1ribun>l 0' oth... utho,ily .mpowtrod 10 investigal. or act upon .",h violal;"n. An inc .... sing number ofbwyers and judg... re bringing instances of lawyer misconducl 10 Ih ••1lution of tho



D;!(iplinary Conlmission. For the system 10 be to Ih. public. th .... go.... rnod by Ihe '},,'<OI muO! be ....pon· sive to the rul ........ n when .ueh r<qui ... Ihe "porting of .nother lawyrr 10 the coun or Ihe biro Whil • ..,me may qu ..tion ,he reporling r<qui"m'nt of Rule 8_3. tho$< who unde"13nd th3l'och is ...."tialto maintaining th. right 10 .. If-police comply with the rule and th.,-rl,y dimi ...« funh ... misconduct by Ihe offending lawyer•• nd possible rutu", hann to dienl .. the public and our prof... ion. The privilege of practicing law carries with il ';gnifi<ant .... ponsibilit;... not the leasl of which is a commitmtnllo both tht suhstanliv< rules which govmt our conduo. but abo. wilIingn= to panicipal< as • bar commissiontr.• di.<ciplin:>ry boor<! pond mnnbn. or. complainant. •



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Bar Briefs

Najjar ~n.burg PC .n"QUO,", that S...a ). kn .... < hO$ btromt • f,llowof 1M American Iv:ademy or M>1rimonial law)'....

Tarneria S. DrisIo:II "''as r=ntty insl.1kd as prcoidrnl ofth. 155-membcT Kiwanis Oub of Gadsdrn. ~ is "'" firs. fcm.oI. Prfiidtnt in tht dub', histQry.


St, Dimkl Coun JudS" Jim Hill h.. been choorn the rrt;pitnt or 1M

2004 Howtn Hdlin Award. The >ward is gi...., each year to .n individual who h", aignificmtly ron.ribu,"" 10 the 'uCUM of tho Court Officer', Program . ."." though they or. OOt directly involwd Or (Om""l\$atM for it. Hill ~ ... ~1 «mf.. _ tnce p",..nte, and is . provtn supporter of the cour, rtf......1 program, .=rding 10 ,h. Adminiw.. tiv<: ~ or Court .. H. nlablisht<l the Drug Courl Program for young adul,. with drug problems and ,"!\ularly s«ks the input of his Conn Ref«",1 offker on olcolwl and drug cues. Hill has $<'rvt<! os district judg<: and jUl'fCnilt judge for St ali, Coulny for 1M p'" nint )'



William HaU$,on, Jr., fQrm<'r pmidtnt of tht Alolwn. SlOt< Ba, and tht

8inningham s", A$$oci.6on, rtttntly was n.""'" Lawyt"r of the Year by the BM. La~ ..Ioaod for the .ward. crcat<d in 1972.... choson ~ on thrir .. rvi~ to the 1111". lhe contmuni· ly. lhe .,.te and lhe nation .• nd on their proftssionoJ ~h;n..,m"ll< in law proclie<. Hairston is. World War I! VC1<ro" who .... , ..... rdod • bron .. >I>r, and hi. ~ ... Iow ochool inSlructOr.nd i> • ( 0 = rn<mb<..- of the Judicial Inquiry CommiMion. Among ocher he ..... n.mod lhe lIirminghom Lopl Secret..;.. hsociation', of the Yar in 1982. He practicn with hi> ",n, William Hairston, III.



TWo .nonymous donors h.v< commit_ tod • "challenge" gilt of S1.65 milUo" to Thorn . , Good. School of ~"1 F'ulknCf Univ<rsity, The Sift is part <Jf th. Fulf~ling the Promi .. major gifts initialiv<. which i> desigM<l 1<J raj .. $3.6 million a> the School of ~ h•• d, t<JWllrd the .pplica tion pr<)C$ for th. Arnericon Bar hsoci.tion. t his coming foil. The cholleng. gift. which will ma tch doUar-for· doUar the don.,;o", receiv.d fr<Jm the I.w ..hool", .Iumni .nd fri<!nd$, requires that the matching don .. i<Jn. b<, by August 2005. •


Takes a Licking When Morgan County District Courl/udgc D."id IIreland .. ys h. knows his heart i,;u" tkkingalong. h. mean. it l;te"'Uy. Since- ,urgeon. inst.Ued • 'tainless "eel he.n valv< in 1999. Breland h .. been able to he .. the valv< diding when.lI .,<Jund him is qui". "~pl. h.v< aslM me ifit both." me to hoar it clicking: he .. id."1 think it would both" n,. if J didn't hoa, It clicking." -fu,,1 Higg; .... Drca"', Daily, NawmM' 10. 2004



Daphne Firm Holds Reception Honoring Retiring Supreme C ourt Justice

J. Gorman Houston, Jr. udgcs aoo t.wy= from Mobil< and


Baldwin cou nt;" lum«! au, .1 lht Grand HOld fo<. rtCt"pIion hoooring

rrtiring A1.bama Suprnn< CouN Justice J. Garman Ilou;!on, Jr. Tho ~tion was ho>led by the Paph~ finn of Citrin & McGlotnren, PC. And~ T. Citrin, • longtime frinld. ftlt thaI HoUMOO', Io<lg. ' to the '\Lobama Sup<=>< O>u" $houId he honoml in • '!'Kia! Tho rtCqrtiod ",os highlighted by. vkko p.... nt.tion of JU>lic<: H""'ton·. <>=r, a$ wcll os Ii .... tri/:>u1<S g;vm by Sup,...".. Court /ustia Ownp Lyon. and Citrin. IU$oo Lyons dtsaibal /U5lict Houston as ". ptinct of. man .nd ... justice, • gmlt modd." H. said that HoU$IQn'."1ove of thecoun .. an imtnution i..implyunpH_ .1I.1ed".nd that he poI$<$$<d "all of 1M ~ry traditional .in"", inch>ding "inltlk<:tual hontSly." to do. stell.. job on the coun. /ustice Lyom enl~~ Ilu., HoUS\on "O<ft'd wi,h g.... , dignity" wlttn he,,~ thIU$l into tilt position of >Cling chid justice during the Roy Moo....rr"" Comrnaoomrnu (ri$js. During hi< 19 years of public~, ,ustier Homton has och>eved numorous ~g­ nificom and O\Iwanding a<complishmtnts. He rtCrived hi> B.S. dtgr« from Aubum Univmity and his LL8. from tht Un;""";Iy of AIWrna School of Low. " ........ , amorlg othtr things. he was • rno:mi>er of til. Farrah Onkrofluris Prudtncc. lie ~ as • law d<rk ror a.i<f )u<tict J. Ed [j.,oingslO<l and ... )udgo A""""'~ in tho United Sw.. 1'0«<. Aft .... pr.o<ticing Law in Eufaula fu, 2S J"'lI'S. ho wa. appointed to tho position of wociat. ju.tia of tho Ala!>,,,,,,, So.'pmn< Coun in 1985, wa. Mt· ed to thAt position in 1986, was ,..<kcted in 1992, was "'M''''' again in 1998, .nd wa. oct;ng <hid' j ...tice from August 2003 '0 )u,,", 1004. H. has writt." 1,403 opinions. and 1,36-1 p<!i,ions of cer\ior.,i ha>? .ppoared in 400 vulurn« of tho Mabal"" So. kI. )ustkt ! louSl"" Iw worked han! for




_ _""''-J _ _ J<

19 J'tlI" to • ..... ore th< indivkluaJ'. c;,izms _ or duly and to expand ,ho ""~ of judicial rrsp<mSibilily." In on< of his can1p.1igns.. )ustia lIo ...ton told. 'Imagin< what ""uld happ<n On • court with a nu.jority of unusually obk ju.t",," or judges., with0'" an >gendo, d<vo1ing them.d... to fair-


minded, top-alibc' d<cision·making, taking ""nt..ted iss.... oe'iously and """king th rough them with ,ho utrrtO$l intdkctwd dis<iplin<." Ontt in offitt, lIo" mad< this go.oI fu, hitrudf a ,.ality. Among th. crowd at tho rra-plion was MoI>i!. County J>reoi,ding Grcuit )udg<' IlOOn1 Kntdall, who.lttVrd O<l tho Judicio! Ethics Ponol tha, I"C1llO'I'ed Moo.. from offic •. Ho ...ton, K.:ndalI, 'inhrrit«l an =raonlinarily difficult job in an Cl,raon:li· narily difficult ti ..... H. devot<d his <I1,i .. ~ an.:! ab~il ies to it." )...,jao Ho,,",on filkd in tho $p<l1 that was Idi. optn with I>1oort', dt-parIUrt until )un< of this y<"3r. A compl.t. tran",;p, of M,. Citrin'.Ii~ tribut< is . s follows: "Good .".,ning. Thank you ro, joining


'We com< her. tonight to c"l.brate the lif. and C3tttr of • grtat public ",'antJustice). Go,m.n HO"'ton, ),. "For 19 f""1"$, h..has .IttVrd tIK pt<>pIt of Alabama with honor .nd distinction on tho Alab;t"", Supmno Court. Fo, my <I1,i,. Clltt!" ... ~ for the p.ut 18.plu, y<"31"$, (QmtirPurd on pnS' 144)


. _ ....... _ _ _ _ ot .. _ _ otc.., _ _ ot ... _ _

(C>n""wot from P<'# 14J)

com........,...t. ' .... ict H.,....on·. ~

1....100 1-IousIon has been Iht ont consI<lnl p<tWntt on OUr Ib'<', «>w1 flflul II~ has...., US through some d .. lJmging .nd diff.cull timet-fn>tn t.... W'>Y of ton rtbnn 11'0<"........ wI>i<h pass<d lao than two ~ .. inl<> IUs lint lCmI in <>ffic.o. I<> Iht nu .......... const~~tIw

IOIIowM,tho< ERISA f"N"'I'lion issut '" tho< 1990s..tho< atbit ... tion iw>t. punill>Y dattl.~ iowes, and ""ny, ""ny ",hen.. A"d. that~ ju<t • ...wl!"n of tilt civil <i<k oflUs wort. In ildJition. rtamly .... IIO>'igated us through tho< oormy ....1CS of 11.. Ttn Comm&ndmm", issut whilt I<rVin& as ~ chid' justia. During """" tumul· "".... months. his ~Ii< __ ................ and IUs (2r was ~ and )'t' .... rtrrWn.d cahtt and off, hIt as.!ways. N ju<t"'" Lyons ju •• I>oim«l om. juSlict ! lo".,on """"<l ... in SO m.ony unsem ond unrq>OrlCd .... ys and IQr that .... dtsrrwI ou.ltt.... f..1t .....,.nition and gratitudt. Thank you IQr your onvioo, justioo """""""

"StvnalI"""fIc " - osI<td "'" why my firm


'P"ruori"B this r«tplion .0

on tho< AW.&mo Supmnt Court. I btpn my ar= as .n .ppdl.... lowyet'. From 1986 ' hrough 1997.• Imost .11<

was d<Y01«llo ,.......r<h ond ond ""kins orol 'rgu"",nl. on civil ma"a>. Ouri .... """" Jtifl, I bad thr sood 1Ort....... 10 WOl'k

on !NR)' .... l1Cn of lim impRS-


oion .nd ......,. COIISIilut ....... [)wins those ~ I a!pIOd mmy CI><$ ~ tho< AW:.una Supmn< Coun and ... boni,,«l hundttds of appdlal< briefs.

Ihlri"B,h" lime, Ih .. fo«s of ,.... AI,ban .. Supmn< Court <fung«laslh(y do, .. jus· •m m;", or new juslm ... YOI«l inlo office. As I ".,,,,iooO<d,.1ot ont c:onstlnl on thr (;OUr! ..... .Ioslic< HouIlOn. And • ...-hrn I uy constanl. 1 don~ mnn jw.t in tho<

"Nc>w don~ p" "'" ......,..,OUI '" thr many INII<n 1.... had boefo;n tbe 0>UJ1 ......... t1w~..", ~ HousIon has ruI<d ag,>insI mydXnt'.posil ..... "" ttI."y, .... nyoo;a· oion~ In fact. ~ ""'.. nuny lit1l<$ ,,-hen 1 ..... ~ disappointed and tlronlllf dis""-' with his demion. ~. it ..... !101 hio """'" mal ~.OI.Cd IUs ~ 10

""'. /:lui ;, ..... Iht w~ in wlUdlbe_ obout hio ......t. as a iudF tNI 8'f'CTII<d in "'" prolound admiDtion and rap<e! IQr him .. both • judge and a man. "When a penon

b-roJ",.., a judge. thry

"",,,,. You .... afttr )'Ou 1p<,1<1 some timt b<b... i""s<. arguins cua .nd ..-.ding their opinions., you I<' a glimpse inl<) thr dw-..c\f'r '" m. rrgn, N. judfr. ~ HouIton·......... ~.. ~on thr court was his d<dK:o.ion 10 ;",p.niality

underl""" a >YrY soIrmn and t..k.....,.,., IMt is .1....... >U1'"·humm . \\'I!<n .;..d~ ~ m. o.tth '" oIIict..... prom .... on <"Vn')'thing hr 1ooId. ....... _rod I<) uphold d... coruti1ut;"n, of ~I>< Un i,«l of Iht St.~. AlaNma. Wh ........ 00.. th.~, h. e...... 0 be an adlo'OaOle of a di.nt. II. «,>eo 10 be an adVOC:it. of. >p«W in~ .....~ group or of. poIi~ic:aI pMty or ""'" of. poIilinJ or mi· gious ideology. Wha.. dt<iding a... and conI ............ bwfuUy ~ him. a judfr « .... I<) be • Demoa.u or. Ittpublian••

and I<) It.. nd< ofl ....

Ii"""" or • oon .......' ..... ptO·plaintiff or

p/Iy>ic2l ....... ofjust being lII=on Iht (()Un. J "",an it olso in , .... intdkctual



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pm-bu.iness. We apt<. II... <If all <lur judgn. II i. n<>l '>$)'.11 .a,," n'"aI disci· pline. bo.h in •• llec.ually.nd nn<I.i<>nall y. Th.r..... t ... mcndous pressur .. placed upon our appel!> .. judges a. alllevd ...... Ih. '""",,,,,per.1V ads.l">ii.i<al PACS. poli.ical ""ni... li.ig.,," on boIh sicks. <;rime vic'im .. and on and on.ludges .... noI ,uppmt<i'<I h.".., co""i'mn,ics. To avoid Ih. poli.icizing of .h.. judicial offi<; •. a judge must ...ach d""f' inside for ,h .. "..,ry bel, and most sacred p>.r! of hirrutlf !O ... main impanial and beyond ,h. influ.nce of politia .uy. " In my aperi.w<. as a L.wyer. working before ,h. cour! .nd observing iI 0""'- tbe< Hou",on h.. b<'tn for me an in'piring ""'mplc of • judge who ,ucct<:dt<! in thi, us!<. While I hi".., noI . /ways o.grct<I wilh his dec;.;., .... Or .h .. ".,i<>n>i<' for his dec;.;.,,, .. I always kn ...... tha,)uS!ic< HOU$ton', mo,i", wa, pu .... his I><licfs . inare and hi, d<'ri$i<>n, prin.:iplt<!. Wha, can you ask of any judg<'? "I .ao ltamc-d ny 'i.",.. )ustict Houst<>n ogooW:d ""'" his decisions or the ...,rdings of his opinions And. be did that b<c.ust he w<lS <ucb • d.cdi<atcd mm who undtrstood tht sam:d and .IOkmnity of his oIFice. In ........c<.)ustice Houston is • ~ .. judge. a judge', judge .nd • pu ... juri<!. On .op of he is a g...riQus, Soo.her" gmtlcman,.nd he and Martha .... always .n absolute pIcasu .... o visi, with. "Aillenj.min Cardo:w OnC< .aid of appell."e judges, 'Only apen, may be .bl< to ga nge .hc quali. y of {an appellate



.ho, "..



.-. _ _ .,.,, _ _ _ o..raw.-.....,.o_..s .... _

judge',] "",rk and 'ppr.i.. its .ignifica,,,,c. Bu •• heir judgmcnl. ,he judgment of ,h. la..,...,. <I.... will 'p .... d .0 <I.hers. ond ting<.be common con5Ciousne .. ond the common faith.' lunic< Hou",on, as a member of ,h. L.wyer d...., who ho, argut<! co ... I><fo ... you . and .... d COunt · I... of you. I.SOIl rcpont<! appeU ... dui,i(m. and ..,.i. with you.' va.iou, bar ~n" ovn .h. Y" .... ! am h... ,oday .0 ,.,Ii.fy thai )'Our .nd<ipled .. rvic< h.. . prtad to o.hc .. and hu b<-tn a magnific<n, ..a'npl. for all judges follow."


A vi<ko. ""hich 'ouches upon his child· hood and early }'Ca" in tht mili.ary and 0, 0 falht. and grandfather Ind nO"""'r· ,hy images from his judici.l COrN', will be mtd in tht Alaba",", Archives in .he Invi.ation of .he direc.or <If .h. Archives, Dr. Ed Bridge •. A ropy of 'he vidC1)"ped p ..... n.. tion. videotaped highlights from .ht tee...,.ion. pho.ograph •. n< articles, .nd ..Ievision n<:WS upon.... .v.ilahl. upon reques. fron, .ht Dophnc firm of Citrin & McGloth .. n, pc, at (866) 533-7766.

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accoml'.nird by acoustic guitor .nd sung by prof.,..;<>". 1cl ...;.; rock 1"'"0''''''''The 11..11«, The Who. Sirnnn and Gurun,,"!. Jam.. Taylor . • nd othm flfld their """ks tr. n.formed ;mo new,...,.-

,ion, ,hot t. lI "ori.. of 1.W)"',. facing ('thical di fflCUlt~ whil. $ "".in · ins the f1avo, .nd 'pork of the original hit ""ns-like"1M D<ly My Erhiu OW" (Am..m-an PU!) and Scum a"J Pain (Fi"

a"d Rtlin). Pas, p.tticipanu in this jn'''· OCIi .... oemi" .. gi.... it "".., revi""",

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Disciplinary Notices

s.<pI><n Du&nt Fowler, wt.o..

"""',.,..bouts art un~

mwl .'UWtt 1M ALobo"", SI.I"

1\:>.', (o,nlol di$Ciplin.>ry ch.orgtS wIthin 28 d"J" of

March IS, 200S. or, lhC1n.n..,

m. oIltgalions ",.".ined t~· in !bI1 t... d«mod ~miltC'd :and arr"'l' ..... k di$ciph .... $lull b< lrnpolCd "&'_ him In AS8 No. CH-31(A) by It.. Di>cipliNry 8o.tnI AWwn.a Stok I!.&r.


Reinstatements Tho ALob.ama Supmno Coon mteml ... onkr ~ upon ,hi: d<cision 01 tho Dilciplirwy Boon!. Pand III. rriruuI ·

ins .......... "1OI'nt)' Rldw'd Larry McOendon 10 tho prlICfuofbw in tho ~ 01 At.twna t"flfftift Jmuuy 4,

lOO5.I~. for Rt .... No.6f.GS]

• The AW>am. Sup..,.... Coun ... ,end on order b.utd upon II>< d..:;'ion of tht Di ... iplinary JIo,ard, PancllU. Kin _ SlOIing Birminpnm morner )1<00 C. SwrlI0" 10 the practic. of low in Ih"

51.,. of Al.t..""" .«oc,i... Novernoo 11.2004. 1Pt1. for Rtin, Nt), 04-031

Transfers HunlSYilk auon>q Iloaold Frank l ... mftT~ to ~dity lNICtiw IUlUS punuar>IIO Rult 27«). AW."", Rw. of DUcipl""""

Suber _

ProuJUrt, ....«1;..., No¥embeT 22, lOO4.]RuI< 17((), IYI. No. O4-06J BirmitlJham .110 • ...,. A.d&m L 'fhruh w.. Irln.f• .,nllO diJabaity ;l\KIi...,

11.'ul pun .... nl'<> Rul. 27((), AlabIom.. Rul~ of Oil(ipl,n<lry P",uJur<, nt"«. livt Jo" ... ,y 4. 2(lO~. I Rule H(e), Pt!. No. 04·071

Suspensions Somt,vUIe InorMY Randal Dan Ikck was lum .... rily IIlIpC1I<Icd from th< praclieo of law in th.< of !.laW.... purl ... nt to RIIlt 2O(a). AI.ob.I_ Rul<> <!{ I'rwtrl"ft. by otd<r of ,ho DiKipli .... ry CommiJoion or ,ho !.laW.... SUt. liar d"M IHambor ). 2O(K. Tho [)ixipli .... ry Comntiosion found ,hat I\odr.', continuod practieo of law i. ausins. or if: liklyto au ... immod~t~ and .. rioUI injury to hi. di.nt. Or to the public. 1Rul. 20(a}; Ptt. No, 001 · 181


1 48



HortJ>« at10rMY &$il Tim<;>4hy ~ ..... int .. im!y ,uspardN from th< pncIic. of law in th< SI~I< of Alatw!u purl ... nt 10 RIIlt 2O(a). N..b.:r ..... 1Mn <!{ D;.;pl"""" Prr/uJUft, by order or d.. Disciplrrury CornmiJoion of th< ALabam.o SUI< liar. d&lOd Sopttmbtt 21.2004. Tho DiKipIi .... ry Commission found ,kat ~., conrinuod practict of law is or is likly to cau ... immMiat. and .. rious injury to his elltn" Or tn tho public. IRuw, 20(a}: Ptt. No, 001.0131 Birminsilam anorney Rich. rd Charln ~·rier was in'.rimly 'U$pen<led from tho praerl« 0( law in tho Stat. 0( Al.>boma. ""rlUm' 10 Ruk2O(a). AIabot_1btkf '" DtInpIi....". Prr/uJWft. by order 0( tho t>ixipJinny CommLNion 0( tho Ai.obam> SUI< Bu. dl'caivr lanuary 12. 200S. Tho ordor of

tho [)ixi",;"'.,. Commiuion _ on • J>tI"ion fdt<l by tN- 0fIi« 0( Gmoral CoIInJ<i ovidmcing that

F..... wUlfully ...p.aM dimt II\o111on. fallf(! '0 communica,. with

dients and f.ilM to ",,",un, for di .... ' fundo hold in trust. and ,h... uch con· duct waS continuing and <au,ing or likly to auS(" immedia'e and snious inju.,. ' 0 hit elients .nd th< public. IRuit 20(1): Ptt. No. 1)4.101 On s.p..mbor 2). 2O(K. tho Disciplirury Boord, J>.md v. or tho

Alobam> SIal< Bu. :o«q>tod Huntsvilk IttO......,. D.Yid ""'by TlIomao' condi · tional pU,y ....,. to vioIuing ruks 1.3. 1.4(1}.nd l.4(1:>}. Maba..... Ibtkf of Pro/tW()""s O>..d ...... and lIf1itn,d thot It.o b< "'JP<nd<d frnm tN- practiu of law in tho St... of A1aboma for a peri-

od or one ~... Tho one-y", .u.pen· .ion will run concurr.ntlywith a on.· ~., lu.pmsion

,hal Thoma. reuived


in ASH No. (}3·64(A), which january 24.1004. Thomas • g.rtt<!IO ab.ndon .ny claim for unpaid attorn.y foes and 10 rna"" resli· tu,ion in the amoun' of 53,500. Thomou was r.i,.... t«l 10 reprnent a cli.n, in. diVOTCe maUe •. Aft... h. was r<«l. h. look •• ix·wetk I..... of Ibsence withoul no'ifying di.nt, «turning .bout two Wetko prior 10 ,he ",h«lul«l trial. Thomas w.. unpTC· p'red for tri.l.nd f.iI«I to communi· c.1< with th.clknt f<-g.>rding the mot · I<r. (ASH N". 02.147(A)] df~livt


G.r<kndak ' U"rM")' John Sa>1I 51.rhy was . ummarily ''''p<nd«l from the

practice "f I.w in ,h. Sm. of Aiab..",. pursu.nt'o Ruk 2(}(a), AI~"'m~ Rul.. uf Disciplinary Proc.dure, by "rder of ,h. Di.!<iplinary O>mmission of ,h. Stat. da,«I Septemb<T 1"

2004. Th. Di.!<iplinary O>mmission found ,ha' Stori:<y', con'inu«l p.. ctk. of Ltw i. c'''''ng, or i. lil<ly .0 cou"• in1ln«lia,. and ......-iou. injury his dient> or 10 the public. [Rule 2(J{a);


Pel. No. 04·12] Arab .. torney Johnny LetTldmo ... was in •• rimly 'U$p<ndtd from ,he prac,ice of law in lhe State of AlaNm>. PU""""'I" Rule 2(J{a), Ala".m", RJdes uf Di><7p/;""fJ' Proc.dun. by order of!he Disciplinary Commission of !he Alabama S.... Ba., effecti ... October 29. ZOO4. The order of tho Disciplinary Commis&ion w.. ~ on a p<tili<>n fikd by !he Office of General CO" .... I. evidencing Ih .. Tidmore was in,oxlca.ctl al. hoaring in M .... h.1I County Dislricl COlln. [Rule 2O{a); Pet. No.04·02]

in Ih. SI.t. of for a ptriod of one y.. r, eff~'i ... !Xc.mOO 1, 2004. The ''''p<n,;on was based upon .ho d~isjon of th. DiKiplinlry board, 1'.",,1 V. of the Alabama Stat. Bar. During the COllr.le of W"$On', n'p .... .lent.t ion of a diont, W.."", obtainctl p<f$Onol, confidenli.aJ info,malion from Ihe dienl, .nd used tho I.,.,..,r/dien' .. blion.hip .nd the <on· C,denti.l information.o lake .dvanlage "flhe dienl.nd to.un undue influence and con'rol over 'he dienl in otd... o eng;o~ in a sexu.1 .. lationMip wilh the dienl, v;.,Lt,;on. of rute. 1.7(b). 1.8{b). 8.1 (. ). 8.I (b), 8.4(1). 8.4(.) •• nd 8 .4(8). AlaMma Rule< uf

Profwionol c;"ndu<I. [ASS No. 00· m(A)]

Mobile .Homey SI. de Gordon WOl5On

was ''''p<nd«l from .he practice of law

(Cc"I;no~ on pag<'


Your nest egg? Your kids'inheritance? Thin air? Where will you find$40.000 , Y'ar? wi;t;"l.V1ri..y of long. term =c in,ur-on"" optiOn> to ch""", the ehmas of you. ita.,.ing to come up ,ho< ,urn of g.... ,...itan you migh' .hink, $4(}.tlO(} is .he ....,.g. em. of one ye .. of


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coverage information. Or you can u. onlin. "' You'll Ott why long ... rm


em.. . nd Blue Shield of AI.Mm. now off... rou

<are in.u",n« .... ill definitely be money wdl sp.nt.


Disciplinary Notices CuUman

."0<t'I(!f F•.onk ....

~dliaJru.l •.

was .... mmarily .... pmdod from th< prac,ict oflow in tho Stau of ~ purl ... n, Rult 2O(a}, Al.>b.o"", &.ia of D;ripli",,'Y Proud"rt, by o.dr. of



DiKiplinaryComminkm ofth. Abb.m. Sial<• /fteti" Novtml>tr 16, 2004. The m.xl' of the DiscipUnary Commi .. ion was baocd on. petition filed by It.. Offi« of G<nt<1I Counsel, ~i"',"'d nB that \\'tIIw.u had faik.d 10 rt$pOnd 10 ~ut$U for inlOnni..ion



disciplinary alllhorily during

1M <»tIro< of • discipli ....ry m-tiption. IRuIe 20(0): PrI. No. 04· 17J On O<t<lbrr 29, 2004. 8<:sK".., attor· ney Ilnbtn h.Od FoowwaI reuiYed I publil: "l'rimIond ";!hou, gcn=I ~ liation, fOr vioLol;o.u of ruin J.l and 8.1 (1). MoN'"'' Rules of ~ eo",/,I(', In M.r<:h 2000, !>to. SnJ. hired




F.........J to ~ hrt in an I"tom<>biIt occidrn. cuo. Tho ftt ..... continFlIt 2S 1,,".Mn. Ml. SnIs' wbid< had brm 'truck by •• rudr. owntd and "Pft'. . ,,",, by GokIm ~,.u Foods. F.wwol ~ MI. SnIs th .. "" would reI~ htr vthidt from f.Ilis Wr«k<. Compony in onltr II> lhe airbags


in.pc<:,.... Ms. Stab wu no1ified by Ell.. that unleM lOWi", lOId $lo,. fee< of $243 --. ~ by April 13. 2000,!ht >'<I>idt would bo ooId. ML SraIs brought I cbtdt 10 FawwaI'. offict for tho ~ ..... iIOnIF cn...... Tho chcd ..,.. d>tl'd April FawwaI drpo<i~ Ilwchtck Ind ~ dtamI M.. s.m' AmSouth Bank ApriI'),:!OOO. F........J mad< no tifur1 10 pfOCU~ the wr«k«l vdlid< from Ellis un,a April 15, 2000" , which , ime "" was told lhal nhad b«n sold. In

'. lIlOO.

mothcT', _n,"


Octobtr 2002. M .. Scab tmnin;uN F~ bteo_ oflili f.oiluu totakr ony ItpI t.ttion GoIdrn Flah. On May 16. 2002."" !lied. wmpbinl widll11< ALabonu. Sun"!!>. •• ]n Foww.!·, mpolIf< 10 Iht complain,. on. of lh .. iIs.... &.I' wilh F.,.....,..) ·. failu"'lo ",u;"'" ,II< wreded ~ide prio, 10 itS Ale by Ellil. In &~ of!hal f.oil ...... F-.,.....,..) $lOIN !ha, M.. Stab did 1>01 aN- Ilim a d>fd: for the ....,....., ....-.d 10 ElliI until ApriIlO, 2000. Foww:oI was


asked 10 prodlltt ....... bank uwrds ... pponins lhis ........ ion. buo. he .....". did .... M .. St>k' bonk records dtarly Jbowed OIhnwile. IASB No.02-16&(A1J On Dt«lIIb.. 3. 2OOI.11ifmin&twn

othJn>tj' V{d/iam £.I'ri<ll l rt<ltivM a

public rrprimand wilMl11 gmeraI pubIi. calion in four """",,,'. "",lien. On AugI'S1 14.2002. the I)i$ciplino'Y

Commiuion ~tro Frid', oondi'io.w guilty pit.. In c:chang< tOr plea. th. Disciplinary ContntiMion d~ a summory suspttuion IDaI hod bttn im~ beaU$< of Fri<!', repeated fail · art to ~fJOnd to rtqu<SlS for infurm;o. tion from a disciplinary authority, Tht Di><iplinary Commisoioo ol'<lo=d IDa, lit bt I~dcd hum the pro<ticc of law in th. Su,. of Alabama tOr a period of 91 days, bY! th. SUIpOUion ptnd. ing sue<e»fu1 completion of a ,....,.y.. r



probation;ory period. Tht Di>t;iplinuy ConuniMion furtMr ol'<lo=d thot upOn sua:cssfuI completion of probation, th. .wpension W<luld be set osi<k and Frid would """";,u publK "Pri. mand withou' gmtral publico'ion in each case, Tht fOClS ufJOn which th. dtci· .ion of the Disciplinary Cotnnilioion ..... based are .. follow!.: In ASB No. 01·158(,0.), Friel pled guilly 10 violation. of rill .. 1.3 and 8.l (b) , Alobama Ru~ ofProfwjonal Omdu<r. H. failed to fil. an appdlan!'. britt' on bthalf of hi. dient. H. wu removed .. awll.n", cou nsd and a ropy of the ol"<kr reli""ing him from the .:ue forwardod to ,he wr. Friel fa iled to re.pond to r«tu ... " for infor· mation from the wr. In ASII No. OI·JII(A), F r ~1 pled guihy to violations o f rules 1.3, 1.4(0) and 8.I(b), Alolut"", &./n of Proj"nJumal O",dUN, He fa ikd fiI. a bankruptcy petition on bthalf of hi. di"", and failed to communica'e with hi. client. Friel aI.!o failed to rtlpond to rtques" for information from the bar. In ASB No.02 ·38(A), Friel pled guilty to violations of rul .. 1.3 and S.I (b), Alaba"", Ruin of Pro!nJu,"aJ Co"duri. He failed to fil. an appellant" brief On bthilf o f h u <1i.nt. He was rnno .... d as appeO.n t·, coun ..1and . copy of the order reli""ing him from the ca .. was forwarded to the bor. Friel failed tn , ...pond to rtqu ...ts fur infur· m.,ion from the b or. In CSP No. 01.n3(A}, Friel pled guilty tn vinlations of rules I ,J, 1.4 (a ).



Alobama Rod.. of Profossj"nal Condfld. He wa, rrtoined to repr.... nt a client in

a divolU. More th.n a yu, pOlMd a nd Friel "ill hod not med the divoru pl .. dings. The dient was unabk to communica,. wi,h him Friel did nOt m.,he di,'01U umilolt~r the cUen, filed . with th~ bar.IASB nns. 01 · 1S8(A), 01·311(,0.), 02·38(,0.) a nd CSP OI · nl(A}I

On D«nnbtt l.l. 2004, Montgomery atlomey Gwendolyn "Tho",as Kt-nnedy received a public reprimand without g<nI'r.iI publication fOl • .;ol.tion of RuIt 1.7(0) [conilict of int .....,: g<nI'r.iI rule l, Aloha"", Ruin of ""'frWmaI Com/UN. On or .bout ~ 3, loo!. Ktnnedy was hired by Thomas Ash to reprnnll him in a di",lU. A$h paid Kennedy S2,ooo for this reprnnlta. tion. Mr. and Mrs. Ash la,er reconcikd . and divnro: proceeding ..... '~nn;· nated without the entry of . decree. Very shortly thnnfin. KnIntdy flkd. a inin, Ch.pter 7 bankruptcy fur th. Ashes. Mrs. A$h claimed that Kennedy did not h • .., outhori,y tn flit a bankruptey on her bth.lf. The Bankntplcy Coun ..... "troubled" by Kennedy', purported repmentation of M". A$h in a bo.nkruptcy, SO soon after ahandnned di",1U pm· ceedings., in which kru>td.y oppos.Nl her in.....u. Tht Bankruptcy Coun notified bo.. bou, it pe=ived to bt a .;olation of th. conOK:! of in' .....' ruk Mr. A$h', complain, ..... already pend. ing. on Other grounds, . , the time of tht Bankruptcy Court. notification. Tht Di>t;iplinary Cotttmission condu<kd tbat the Bankruplcy Coun', conams WOre wclI fnunded. [ASB No. 03-62(A)J




On October 29, 2004, Montgomery all<ml<'y Midry "'hn G len "kDnmott reaived a public rrrrimand without general publica,;"n for a vio!ation of Rule 4.B(£). Aloha"", &./n of I'mfmi<maI Corulua. On M.rch 22, 2002, a dient came to Me!):rmott', offiu unannoun«"d to .ign on affidavit McDermott h.d p.-.pared to, him. Aft" the client signed ,he affidavit, McDermott =li..-d that .h. notary in hu olf"", ..... not available. McDtrmott ,hen signed the ""tari>!Ume to the

affidavit as notary, and affixed her notary's to document. The affi · davit ..... filed with th. circuit ooun as an "'tad",.,e'" to a summary judgmen' motion. When the notary """ ,he offi · do,it in iii •. "" notif...,j "kDerrnon', pannt' that she had not notari..d the a and did not know who had dQ"" "'" \~ M<Dermott'. law partner confmnted him, MeDermo11 odmitted that he had forgtd the notoriution. McDermott', law part. ,.,.. rtqu<'Sled that he ..If· repon th. mat"r to tht bar. A bwytt caUed ,he bar on McDtrmott'. behalf around April 9. 2002, but no fII. w .. opened umil,he matttr ..... reponed by another indi,id· wl. Jay le-wi<. McDermott laltr hod o""ther affidavit prepared and propttly notarized, but it ..... not , ub<tituted in the coun fi1e prior to Lewis' complaint to tht hat.1ASB No. 03-123(,0.))



O n 0<:100..- 29, 2004, Birmingham attorney \\'dliam kvin DtIGrms<> rtaived a public: rrrrimand with gen'" al publication for willfully neglecting a ItgaI matt.r entTU>tro to him . nd faa· ing to ~fJOnd tn rtqu",,, for infu"",,· tion from, di.!c;plinary authority. DdGrosoo ..... opfJOinted to reprt«nl. defendan' on appeal btfore th. Alab=la Court of Criminal Appeal. a nd failed '0 f~e • brief on bthalf of hu dient within th. ti",e allowed by the Alabama Rul .. of AppdLote Procedure. Although notified of thu ddiciency and &J1owed arldition.llime to correct tht drlici.ncy by filing. brief with the A1abanta Co~rt of Criminal AppeaU, DtJGrosso failed tn do so. Thu ..... ulted in hu remo""las appointed counsel and the appointment of new appellate coun · "" by tht Circui, Co~rt of J<ffmon County, which au.sed ~ substantial deloy in the criminal case. Dur;ng • fo. · mal inv<'Stiption conducted by the Alabama St.te Bar into DtIGrosso', foil· ure tn comply with th~ rules ond orde" of the court. foiled to timely ftle a respon .. to tht req ...., fo, info,· m.,;"n by the Alaboma S"te Bar. [ASB No. </8.28O{A)! •


Classifieds RATES M. . . ... 1'100 &otlioriopol5G-.:II...Ino pn boo- ............ pn EXCEPT "'"p<IOdio<I waII .... • ... "pooiIio<> otfm:d. (iojinp-4l' pn ....,..,., ol5G



Of .....

HO pn odcb,ionaI won!.

S" pn In.."",,, of 5G worw or lao. 1.50 pn odd"ionol word.


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• MORTGAGE EXPEIIT wtmESS: ~ YNl" _ _ : f\I\I an;I MBA licensed. ArMS 01 ~: lOll' plifyOlg.


David Dillard Architeci AlA PLLC Expert witness Jacbon, Mississippi Call: (60 ]) 209-506]

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• DOCUMENT EXAMINATIONS; b~ IiId ....".......... 1Ioa-.I" •• _ 10.,...· _ _ ...0/.. In SUllO .;.. lid-


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