Lawyer 5 2006 web

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llAlabama L w er Vol. 51, No. J

M,y ZIIO!i



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PhotO by P.ul Crowfortl./D pm!~i..wtr.""n AlABAMA snn IIItk I' I!ADQUAXTEaS !irAFF ,1<>.,.. AL ", 1M \JJ.I) '''''1)1'' 1_' FAX I, ... , 16, ..

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President-Elect Profiles: Samuel N. Crosby a nd James E. Willia ms


To m Drake- "TheCullman Comet" lawyer, Football Coach. Wrestler, Speaker of the House, And Living Legend

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By Charles F. Carr

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Alaba ma law Foundatio n Anno unces 2005 Fellows


Beyo nd Mere Ethics-Im proving Professio nalism in The Practice o f Law


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By Chules I. NeI..,n ~nd hutin J.. Gorr..U. II


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2006 ASB Annual Meeting

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Deficit Redu ct.ion Act of 2005 (5 1932)


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The ABA Commission on lawyer Assis tance Programs Visits Alabama: "'ASB Program One of the Best in the Country" By ' ... nne Mark LaJ;'





Dy William 0. Buder


Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005 Ry Frank D. McPhillips



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Minnesota Lawyers Raise $400,000 for Legal System in the Gulf Coast; Legal Services Alabama Receh'es 534.000 Donation By Md ...... A.l'mhll',


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Alabama Court Administration Certification Program lIy All ... L T.r\<Y


The Heflin·Torbert Judicial Building Lcl ler to the Editor: Lost Lawyer Article 8y I.nlll> D.iohn.l,,"




Disciplinary Notices

AI<lbam<l Hrro


CLE Corner

Executive Director's Report


Young l.alvyers· Section

President's Page IU//~ ChllritS Nt{~U'I$''''g



SIf'pS '/i, km 1<) Adtlll'ss

Br CArrful IV/rill

SllI/lml I.o.m /){Obl Probkw

HmAskfo r...

Bar Briefs


Legislative Wrap-Up Proi/ucri.v lLgis/awrr


Important Notices U.ulnl SlnftS Dislrin QmrT NorlMm Dislrin of t\laba",a /" Rr.1l ... iIIl"'"ofIM Rmpf1'Omlmrol of RiJbm R. Arms.nmx, If. {Ij a Um'ffl St,IIt'S Mag;s/TrI/e luill,v


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Opinions of the General Counsel Bdlmg CI,rlll for Allamry's FrN. CAm ami OllltT i:xpttlm

About Members, Among Firms

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President's Page

Judge Charles NiceUnsung Alabama .Hero --, -

N£W~~!,~~~~l Moo,~

'" TOni I'...... independent, i.~ .• fro,n ,lIti,~....d <>h1lS";':'n 10 odh<r~ 10, and 'Wly 1M lJw of ,h. lAnd. bur ,"uM. in<kp<n<knt of I""i~n (or any "'".... ) roIihcs. of p«r p.....,,'" and "f p"blic "pinion. You an bot dt1.rmlnc a judS", , his o. M. in<l<p<ndmtt is , ..,otI. Only judgn with ,h.,act., I'»" ,h. lal. And when they do. you \:no ... til., <hor",'.' ..... lIy dots count.' And i.n't 11 ok. ",hen, on o<ca,;"n, yuu .ncoun.... Itgi~,'or with 1\01 dj~


Ihdl ..".. >I ..oglh of ch.r.o<lffl I'w known only a r...... ",,11 people. Ono of lhtm dird 0cu",1><. 5, 2001. 011 h;' lUnd bllthdry. I k " ... on Al.Ib""", 1112

""V 100.

hero, and ITIOS1 of II> ......... board ofhim. 1-1, put prindpk (r\Itf power and p.Jd for iI "".h his p<>$i.ion. Ancl '" did it .t I<.uI twice in his lif.. ime. Tho, 1"'''''''' ".... 1"'-'8< 0arJ<,s Ni<.. and .... <an all Inm a 101 from hO'<OII. . . .1<I his i~.

IudS" Nk ...... n AI~ba .... N,i,'" H. .nendtd B,m\lngh.m public :l<hool. ond

,h. Un1venity <>f N<:>nh Carolina In Chaptillill btfott gradu.tlnS from ,h. Uni",nity of AlaN"" School of taw in 19-18. Six l"'ars "ul "f law ochool. )UIlgo' Nic~ won aKaI in rho Abb:un.o H,,~~ of ~rnrl1l>li'.... > "",nIh ;hon of hil 33rd bi"hcl.y. Th., .. me yur. 19So1.1h. Unl1ed $101.. Sup.. m~Coon h.nckd oo..'n ;" I."<lm..k drotil.ion in 1I......n v. Ikr<InI of lJducallon. Th .. d«i,ion n..,Lcd rnd of kpl ""S'<'&"ion Kmi$ 1M rn~n'ty as W<'U as ,h. """'Y


young IrgiiL1Iivcc Ollttr of Chinks Nic •.

Thr ~.chon to /jm ... n ,n Abbam. " .... d,."ut;' and rmba' ...... ing. !'ollhtia,.. quickly liM<! ul' to annou,lC" thoi, oppo· .ition to the Com!". <ltci,ion. The bnt politial .trat'"8)".t th. time ...... to be the first to condemn th. dod'ion. th. ~'t to tondemn the d",ision and the loudest to d<> so. M.ny prominen'" dedorN ,he law in • .lid ond prom,~ no, to fol· low it. Th u. ",a. bo,n Alabam..,tradi. tn," of dtm.g<I!;k (un)<ivil disobc<litna. mo,t ,ingularly practiced in future f<'us by Gw~ Wall. cr and more ,""cndy by Roy Moore. Fonunotdy. th.n Chief Ju>tic. Moorc wh.t h. ",,,..d•• nd his Mloncr of . fed ....1court onkr ..... s (hol"'fully)' ""iou. wl>atk 10 hi. poll!;'al a ..... '. O"t an only proOY. Th.t .... 'n·t n"' .... 'ily tho ...... though. in 19~ ALol>amo. When i, am<" to /I", ... n. Mloncr ..... tho only option f<lr 0 j>OIi,ici.n who .... n'ed '0 kqI hi.;ott. In 19!i06.the AI.b.rn.1lcgi.· t. tu~ pu,hed through.. bill to .ctually "'ut tbe don" on .ny white school 'Y'. te", th.t follo,,·td /I", ... ~:' mandat •• nd 1>0&>" .dmitting block .tudents. Th,I .... ..... ulKon.tiwtion.1 on il> raco. but th" didn·, Stop i.. p..... ge.' At that tim •• we Iud 100 rcpfCKn,.t"~ In Montgomery. Ninety·n"IC of tbcm "",td for th. bill On • ..."td "11-'''''' ;'. ond h<- lost his .... t bonu .. of that vote. ",.. 1""" di....,,,, ..... Clu.rl.. NI«.' from.U acc(>unl$. Judge NI« was. stn.rally ",ft·'I"""'n man. If. parllcu· larly am .. ins. ,herefore. 'hink how loudly th.t lone "nay" muS! h ••·• ,.....t · beuttd off th. will. of the l<g· i,bture. lIut it bnpok. rourage and indrpcndencr thn wouW define Al.b.m.' <;"'il right. movm>cnt.nd eha... t"i .. Charl.. Niet for Iht rCSt of hi. (a,..,r.' Two dtC'...... flu /!"""n .nd hi •• I...· lion ,he AI,bom. 1<g,Il.turc. Ch.rlC> Nice h.d b«n vindk.ttd. TI>< RlghtHnd Voting RIght. Act. h.d b«o .igntd .J>d put into dfea. StronghoW, of h. 1< and opp ..... ion lik Binningh.m .nd Montgoomery We", luming ,h. cor· net on tolo,.,,,,e. Th. country·.attention



>hiAtd.",.y fro", Civ,l K,ght. on to Vietnam. And Chorl.. Nicr "". ,pJ'O'nt· cd to ..." ..... )rff.""n County Oreuit ludge in 1974. A lot of poopl. would bc

",i.fitd in 'heir life with one touragto" .. CUfff ••OOJOS .ta"d. NllIludge Nice. o.-.,r tho cou ..... of eight f<'''' of "n". iet on the cirellit brnth, ludge NI« did

T1.e Il.l.ost difficult problems require the



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President's Page


'0 'ran.k, from hOs dr<:uil 'I>u,I '" ,he f.mily coun bench. The l<"gisl.,urt t>. ~ood up '" In Ihe 1950> _ hMk., II .galn. It p.U«! a m.o/uli<>n In 1978 c.ili· c"ln8 NICe for ovrnuli", jury rocom· m('nd"",n. of dra'h. Of '''''fot, )udgo N~ ...... ",.foly foU()W,ng hi. con· K~"".... and It>. 1.1'1. I'<"rh.1" I mi>SOd II. bUI I c.n·, "",oJl.ny "m,I, r resolu,i'",. ron<kmning . iln(', Roy Moo,e fo, hi. out . • nd·ou, rtfusal '0 follow 'he low. Or )"'Iiee Tom P.rkor for his advocaling ,hal ou. AlaNlna SUrrt ..... CoYrt j""ie.. di"<g:I.d It>. 1.1'1. Many of you m.)· di ..g= wilh ludgo Nk ... docisio". 1>" 'he d..,h pnu.lty. bu, lInin\: "'.. con.U .dmire nis couroll" and ind~nden, •. iod~d . enee .nd cou"go oft.n siand al odds wiln p<>1I1i<"al .... Iily. In mr opinl(ln. Ih ..e ,"""uk! be no pi... fof Sl>Ch poillico In our Jud;"14ry. f>olilical p .... Urt can fOfce good ptOple 10 some'im.. rrutko bad dod.ioni; fo, ,hos<- ",hl> ... nd on principl.-fudgc N;'" .nd It>. nuny independen' judg.. wt h,,'e on lhe bt""h today-muO! .lw1.Y' co",..tor ,he ,i,1: ,h.l. politic.l.y.,em ",ill rtpr.",

th"", .. ilh Ih .... ,,'00 do ""'. Oun is. profClolion Ih .. mjui'" in<!epmtdence. The bench is Ih. h,gh .., c.alling of our rrofession. and lbemo« d<mand. III< indtp<nde"". of .Il. An t>.ro cl,od. olton llmt ago. and mosl <>f n' _ , heml of him. !'erh.1" hIS quiet CO" $('fV< . . . . r<tmnde< of ,,·h . t is wrong ",i,h our >ys. ttm and .s on aampl. of h",,' il un bt mod. righ'.' •


Endnotes n.,., -'" O..t.Mla _


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>om.rhing few !l1. b."", judge,; h."" ~'.r b«n ,,-1I1ing 10 <1<> Ali... jury retornn\tn<kd th.t ~ ron.ic,<t! kjll .. m:ci,... rh. <k.,h penahy, h. used hi. own judg. "",nl-. A1.l>3ma I.,., aUoW«l_.,\d sub>riruted • 5<nlen.< of life on pdson. Oh. and h. did il four limes. To ~II' putlni, rour>gtOu, >l.nd in «>n,<xt, ron,ider thi •. ,.,bromo Icwro1< its "pi,;rJ punishmtm (.ow in 1'181 to gi,.. judgn .1\(- po..'" 10 $\lb,,;,u" 'heir own .. n'...,u fn, the r«omrMnd>!lon of. )U'Y I ",puol mu,d .. con.klion. It', • IWO-""Y .1fW. If the ju.y «<o"",,<"d, d•• th,lh. judgo can rcduu d~ .. me"". 10 lif. in pri..,n. If ,h. jury m:ommonds lif•. lh. judge .. n .till impos... Kn'.~. T",dilion.lIy. judges h.... fOll<>wed tho r":ommenda'ion of ,he jury. But, n•• rly 110 Ii""" bt'"""n 1981 and 2001. In A1.b. majudgt 'goo,ttl 'h' 1«omm."dllion oflhe jury.nd impoKd hi.o, her own .. nle""•. Only ~n of 100.. 80 involvtd mlucing. de"h roc· ommend., ion 10 li~ in pril<>n. Of lhos<.., en. four we", dono by o...1t$ N;"e. He f..od 'n' ..... <rilirllm ovrf the ded.ion>.so much thOl h....... n'u.Uy had


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(800)888·3376 (205) 251-4200



President-Elect Profiles Pursuant 10 the Alt,ball/lI Slale Bar's Rilles Cm'Cfllillg the Electioll of lhe Presidcllf[feet, the followi"g biographical sketches are provided o/Smlllle! N. Crosby (lnd jallles E. Williams. Crosby aud \'Villiams were the qua/ifyillg Clllldidates for the posit ;011 of presidellt-elect of tile Alabama Stale Blir for tile 2006-07 lenll, aud the will /ler will assume tile pres;rlellCY ill JlIly 2007.

Samuel N. Crosby Sam Crooby is in his 281h yt'ar ofp'",I;ec w,ln tho form of Siono. Gr.",..d. & Cro5by. PC nu, firm "f 1<" .. wyrl'$ .... p"",,"IS both I'lJ,nllfh ."d> .nd h.. ,,!Tic,," in I). ph .... Foloy and I\>y ~"n.It •. ! 10$ proch", ,ndodd • bm..d rang<' of <;.;lll1Ig.ohon, ,ran.. cIOon.1 Wt:Irk.OO m6:1"'i(>n" s.m'. (>lilt,', family i. OflJ;ln.Uy fron! StQCllOn. Abb.un.a in lIOMh I\aldwin County .. ><1 his mothtr', r.m~y ",on&l">Ily from Monro< County. ,o, .. b."".. He g...dw,ed in 1973 wilh omkm ic Ji.,i",· lion from III< Un;"mily of Virgin .. , A. V;lgIm.. , ht waS an AU·Atbntioc~. Conftn"n« »«:~r ploY""'. ro''''!,,';n of "'" m<'n', ""($IIy """"" t~m .• """"ber of "'" AtLtntic Co.>S! Conf'ntnce Andnnioc lIonor RoU one! • Il'g Il,oth<r. Ilr gradu>tN in 1918 from lhr Unwnsny I S6


of Alobom:t School 0( law ,,'hr ... II< "'. , on til< MOOI Court IIo>r.l .nd ,II< Honor Court. Sam 'l"'nl II ~'($ in "'" JAG eo.p. of "'" UnilN SUI.. 1\:,,'01 ~r"', Sam', wift. Ann Simp"'n Crosby, i, from Tusc.J(IQS.L Thty m<'1 durmg Ih." /in! wttk .. >lo&n ..... h, Uni""ni.), of ALlh. ma School of law whtrt Ih")' bolh grad"'ltd, and Ih<y h..'C bttn """iN for 211 ~'C'rs. daughl.r, CHon, i, in h... 'hird ~u of low school. Th ••• ..,n, S.m ... in hi, finl rur of rnt<Iical "hooI. Th ... finl grandchild, ~b.i.nn •. w-.u born .«. mly 10 Cason and hot husbonJ, Dan Chttly, Sam Crosby i. 0"" of r.", Abb."", Iawyors in provo" pro<tioc. who w.". appoinlN .Il.:t.go 10 lho Chid f"'litt" Commi .. ion on Profoss,on. lism, ;' IM llih 10 <1'..1• • uch a rommi .. ion. Sam', book of humo,"u. rour1 >1ori .... 1"'" Sl«ping juror, was publt$hN ,n 1001 by Ih. AI,Nn .. Law l'ound.lIon .nd hu r. ,$«1 ove, $29.000 for Kids' Chan<. " hol'Mips .nd indigrnl kpl .. rvIC<S. H. hH p"bh.htd ","" · clrs ".I.w,ck In Add",dum .nd aUlhon • monlhly rolumnappt.ring in thrtt Gulf Co.ast n.....p. 1'fIl. H< aI!(I h .. ..rvtd on Ih. rtIilo.ial bo.ani< of:n" lJa""m~ /.D")'r" .nd AddrNdum. Sam $On'<:> ;U • bar colllm;";"n<1 frolll I\.ildwin Counly.OO h....rwd on Ih' f....:ulive Cou",il.nd tho long- lUng. Pt.nnlllg ' ' 'k Forc. of Ih. At.In"", Sm. lit i. a lrusttt oflh. At.b.m' Sil l< Il.l. fuundalion . ad i, bolh a Uf~ F.uow of Ih. Al.:tb. 1lI.1 law kJundalion .nd a


chlnor n><mbrr of Ih. Auioc", Finch

Society. l it h ....rvtd on a di"iplinary

pa",,1 ~nd rU'f'CIllly "I'\'CS on Ih. Alabom. uWYO'" HaU offam. Srk<lion Commllltt. He .. . p;t" presH;lenl of Ih. lIoldw;n County II.or Al.!«i.tion and h. ........ «orh rt" IS vitt-rhairmon of lho Innuallk",h & Il.l. Conf• fO.IM Mobil. and lIoldw;n Counly Inr HSo<i:olion .. H. i, I m.mbr. of 1M Al..oamo Low lnl1ilul" Sam is • dir«lor of 1M UnNm.ily of 1J.lnm. law School Foundalion aOO """"" on Ih. law School Execuli", Commi" ... H. is :also on "'" lIuilding f.xullrnu ColllmiUtt and is I mrmbtr of tht F.n1Ih law Soci<ty. In 2001, Alln tJ>dowed a Ubraty Suppon Fond. S:im ... diR'Clor of 1M Mobil< du.pler of Ih. Chris'i.n Legal Society I nd • m<mher of .he Al. Nmo Academy of A1lo,,"l' Media,or>. H.:also hl , ..rvtd .. a munirip.l judgo and h.' ..rvcd on tho FN.<ral M.gistra" Iuds< s.k<lion Commi".. for SoUl""," District. Salll C"""'y"a (>1>1 diR'CIOr of t:<um<'nical Mim"rles, 1"'...n o'PniZ>'ion whICh.,d:! tho poor In flaldwin Counly, and I>t has hem octive in nUllltrous dI •• il>blt ....1 civioc orpniZ>, lions. including Iht Boy Scouts of Am<.ioca, Ih. Am<.ican Rtd C..,... and Ih. \\"I.mont~. Mission, S>n. has ltd C.own Finl nc;al Mmis.rl<$ ,lIIall group lIibk ",.dies f0.B ~.n. He plays mu,ioc .. ~'orl Uniled M",hod"l Church and Church of Ih. Apo.tles Epiocop.a.l Church in V.phn., "'he .. h. i, a m<mOO.




lim.....--l on ,he rn.ciplinary IIoald from 1993 2001. fir>l '" • "",mberand then, in 1994, a ""'irman of . dUcipii . n. ry ",neL Sintt 2001. he h.u....-vcd as. discijJIinary htanng ofl'"". H. h.....rvcd I..., diff.... n11.'m .... membe, of the Manda,ory Conlinuing 1"'8"1 f.d""'tion Comm'tt.. for the AI.bam. St. ,. f\.or, lim 101...I«t«l to ,h. IIo>rd of TrU>1ffi for Alabo"", Low Found,I'on in 2002 .nd lola r«.n~y dccteJ 10"~ .nother Ihr«-y.., term. H. is • life Fellow of ,h. Alabamo Law Found"ion and • chort., memher of Atticw Finch Soci.,y. H. is also > "",m· be, of the Alab."", tow In""ul•. hn", Low pr<><1;c. con,,'" prim>rily of 111I1I"1",n. He '""' 6", a PfOS<'CUIO' .nd ,hen • criminal defense !.wyc-r. J\J1'lw "'"I'",""",ed both pLouniffo .nd defendants ,n a ... ridy of liligalion. Hi. p!aClic.o is




James E. Williams lim W>$ bom July20. 19,"" in I'ranviU., AlaN,... •• nd >I,<!1I<kd public schools in AuIOu&-, Coumy throush hish ",hOOL H. obtain«! his ISS d<gItt from Auburn Uni,.. in 1976 .nd V.odu,ucd from CumbetLond Low School in 1979. Jim .. rvtd ... 1'101 dcrl< '0 Ih. Ho"" ... bI. Roberl Bradley for the Alab.,"" Cou.' of c;.il App<-.ol .. ~nd 1htn .. rvtd .. an Oistri<1 Attorney for Mon'gomnyCoun,y from 1981 10 198'. lim began p....... ,. proctiCl';n MOll1gomtty with the firnt ofMd1on & £spy in 1983.nd ..... bttto in prival. pr",,' la","", th. , 'unt. lim W;tS admi1tN '0 1"<><1"" in ,be Supf<'ffl< Court of the Un,kd 51"<$ and III< Ekv<nth CircuTl and ..... "it<! ..... in fedo.r.ol COUrt and nUl ..... • OU$ cirrui' <curt, in the of Alabomo. hm ..... bttn <><1i", in bo, "",,,"II;" 01 til< 10.;.1 . nd Sl... Ie>..!, os wdl .. mmy "'h<r prof~.w OTpniz.:ttions.lim ~ ... a mrmbtr of the Mon,gomtty Coumy B.u A$<ociation C~ C0l1U11I11tt. II ...... ri«t<d !O ...-vr on the ~rd of Oirtttors for 1ht Montgom<"rY Coumy Bat """""',ion in 1988 and ..... dccud prni. """, in 1993. lim ..... obo bttto. mm,oo of the Hush M>dda< Inn. ofCouf!. Jim ,....., Ii"t .I«,N '0 ,h. ASII ~rd of liar Commi!.>iorkfl in 1992 and un,il2OO1 and was ..·.I<Ct«l 10 ocrv< .no,h.. ,hr«-yu, lernt in 200J.

now prim;lriIy the deferue o(""",,i'oIo. doc,ors and 0Ihtr ht.olthc".u. provid<fs. I;m is oct; .... in community ofbin. H. i, a board """"be, of ,h. Boyland Gi,l. Oubs of Sou1h Alabo,"" ~nd h~' 5<rvtd " a ntrnIber of 'M Advisory and 5'..... 'n8 Commi1l ... for Ih~ Copil.l Campaign. Jim i. choirm.n fo' the Monlgome,y Indigent M ..... Commi.. ion .nd h.. bttn • bo;o,d n.. m· be, .illCC' its fo,m>lion in 1993. H. aho .. rves .. . bo<t,d "",,,,ber of tht MOnlgomc-ty Coumy Community CoITt'ClOon •• nd Punishmen, Au,ho, ity. Jim is • mtmbe, of 51. J.~ United Methodi" Oturch 101M.. h.... vcoon ,h~ .dmin;"""i.... council. lim is m.n ied 10 the fo, mer Sharon OJi,.. (Montgomery) and 'My h ..... 'hr« <hild .. n, Blake. Loyn. ~b,~.nd CLo.yton. •






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Executive Director's





Steps Taken to Address Student Loan Debt Problem en),"" ago, I fir>! wm!~ ooon' the huvy $Iudtntloan dtb. k'lII! born(' by Low ochool gr>dll>l ... In 1996.5] pt<ttnL of I""" "!ling for 1M I'rl>ruary Nr tum hod $lu<lo:", loan deb! tho, ........gcd Sl5,OOO. This po" Ftbru..y, ohhough only 3S pannI of tho« taking ,h. In., •...,,, I...d .. udtntlo.n drl>I.lh. dtb\ h..l i",,..aKd 10 mo", th.n $71.0001 ThaI is . 102 p<m:nl i~ in len Y".... E..,n though the pnunt0S" of examinces with SI..&mloan dtb. uom ~ this Fro.-... ry than 'en },<,"'S ago. th. p<fttnlagr of tho.<: .aling II", bar enm wi.h .ducat;"n dtbl h.. con.is_ Irnrly b«n abovt 5(1 pm;ent. I .m pl..scd to "porI ,h...teps h• .., 00" 10 help odd,,,, this probltm. The Commiu« on Quality of life for La~ .. =en1ly odoplc<l. ,""Iution und ...roring commin..·• ronerrn .bout ,h. high 1r..1of .,ud,nl ckbr being shouldoral by"..... La...".,... nl~· iqg lhe pr<:>fl'loSion. Th. ronunin«', '<'>0' lulinn ,rack< ,h. problem os highliW>t«l io the 2005 QualityofUf. Su .... y. Scwnty..,,,. p<rctnl ofthol< JU~ who hod been p.-.cti(iJ\i low ~.,. ~'TS O. tes. agrC'C'd .Im ·~I"dr:n l loan dtbl wo, b«oming a ,ignir.",nl p,obltm for tJ<.ginning anom.,...·





n,. tommi".. adop'..! ,h~ following ...oommonda,iono in its """luI ion 10 add~ ""Mnr lo.n dtbl.nd its dttri. ..... ntal rffrel upon lht qu.lily of lif. of "I.b;o"u I."'Y"": "nnual presrnwion. by 10,.,......., financi.1 np<n. and .",dtm loa" pmf..."'....1s ;J>«Jming 1.".•1Udtnts at alll.w IChools ,n """"h., .dol ..... 'ho ... alilin, respo",ibili,i.. and hu.· <ltn. '!.$(> wi,h Wl<lrnt lo.on dWr:


.10<1<"" ..

I'rovi<lt low tach I>w .\lhool cu.rrnl d... m=rning 'hr "''''ng ,saluy of ,retnl gr.odu .... from ,hri. raprct;.e low IChool. and 'he ",·tragr uudenr lo.on dm, of ,ha' "hoo/', V.dua'rs: I'to\'idr: law ,'Ullen', wi,h 1i""",,i.1 d ... '0 pro;rc' ,h. mon,hlY'lUd'"1 knn p"ymrnt upon graduation (b.osrd On ~h, .~g. >ludtn( knn dml from (h~i. low .\lhools and rhr c", ...m im«<1" ra'.) as compa.ed '0 th, ", Wttkly .. kt·~ pay (basrd on ...... ,. agr .,ud,m ,.,I.ri.. of Itc,n' from ,hei. I.w school):

V""'" ....

Encourag,1aw .rude"ts 10 till oul as Hnl • ..!u","lion deb, as pouiblr and whrn po .. ibl •• o ",;Iitt o, hr. sou ..... of fund" '.8. family, job, ..,.jngs.


.s. W~r 10

l"d",~ . he

k>d of Slutkn.

loan dobl: .nd.lin.lly.

Ad""" ""tknlS whn h.V<' ocqui."d "...xn,load dcbland who desi .. ,o pU"U~ t:o~" in public ..",ic.. (~-I\o' S.OIe . nd loco! pro;...:u'ors. public dd~ndors. m.o and Joc-.aI judicial dtlk>.l<pI ",,,,ictS) IhJ •• hty rru.y ht un.blt 10 "",,p"""" .r...hlion.lly

l'"'.rs. we ".,... W1.nossod s<>rno of.ho low·


"' in •......" nco' fDUhxlrnl1oans. bUI ... "" ..."'. r>l" havr hcc:n bod; u" so. I"", ha,,, .. IIIkm 10.011 mlne>l ral ... Stutkn .. who hod k>cl<ed In ".ri>bk

,.1.... low .. 4.7 p<n:.n. thi> Y"" w,u faa much h,sb<'r mun.h]y I"'Y"""''' "'h<:n lhost ft.<ItraIIy backed 10.011, "'ift 10. fL<t<l r... of M p<t'C<1\1 in July. Til" in'.rn! .".

"',,h 571.(100

Iowor' p"ying pmi.ion ..

dung< "",an. ,h., .IO"'~(""

Tho IIuord of B;or COl'llmtl&iot>on

59.(100 in oddu",,w in' l'fnI 0"" lhe

in ",,,,,,,", INM """Id ~y ""'.... ,Nn

<I'Ith~linlIy suppu,.,td "'" «>tnm~t<'t'~ """"unmdaltOru ., its Frl> ..... ry mttIing . nd OTI<OU~ Ih. ind""",n of pro-law "...xl'll' in tit< wu .... ling ~,<>,,, "...JL Unqt><$tiofLIbiy. the .."",$Ion of fnk ...1


Sludntlioan proS.... '" Iw rtt.Ido kwu much ....... to OOI>Ul. 1.". last ..........aI

"'0..... "'. I<'I"Y"'" ~)mon. I'<""iod. (I

.'" lold lha, "utk", 10.0", ".n ht fin.lJ>CCd

for .. lon8 .. 2(1 ........... 31) )'tar.! I Th. Abha",. Law FoundOilon (AU)

h'I .o«><l the ",ncorm Df high ",,den. dobl .nd i, dC\'dopmg • loan (or_ gi"" ..... I'r<>gr:Im. Allhough Ihc'p«iflCS

Df ALFs I<>.n .... prugum.u nOl }'<'•. ,"'h p',,!""'" lypically ~nrourag< young I• ..,..... wllh "OO<nl Io>n debl to p• .elic. in lhe public ..... n •. "'h ..... loaL.rits .'" trwillOn.lIy l<>we'. in Wu.n fur h.vinS' nf th.i . .....xn' tkbl ...".,d.l.m '''''' thaI "'hen Ihe AH pr<>gr:lm b«omn ope..lional.". too. will <n<ou.ogo n"' .... young 1'..,..."'0 "eql' public """,ic. position ..



Tho high 10>,,1 of,tudrnl Jo"n debl iI • ... Iou. <OtKml for tho log.aI pr<tf<SSion

.Dd, if isnor<'d. on.\ha, «lulu polo< onn< problcnu in tho fulu .. fur lhe jOO>Cial ' YS1<111. High 51utknlloan ikbl'" problrnl Ih .. will tIOI ht qUKk!y . .... h"r. ,<'d. N"',,"hd.... you .t.ould be- pt.a..od .hat ... Ioul SltpS .'" untkrway '" oddr ... th .. probl..." in n..-.. n'nliful .... ys. •

ME DIA TIO N basic mediation t/1 r•• ~I' . 20-1to". ~."Ing ,".. ine.

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advanced mediation

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AIobomo CeI1Ter lot OIspuTa ~

Fat 0 sd>edJIe and f89S""tr:Jn information:

www .med (800) ADIHIRM


Bar Briefs

1"..pI! w. Code,. r.nn .. wllh Ih. Ind ... n.po>Ii. finn ofSOrn ..... l!"m.rd I'C. WlII •.unlty ,ppmnl. r;l by the H.,n, CoLelIrodfortl. prn.L"I judgt ro. Ih. comb.nt<l City or Ind ..""poIi,"nd M•• ion County judlCilry. U judgo' ~ I"mpo~

b 1M SupnlOf ColIn of M ...""

County, (;";1 0;.'....... Co<k ~ • 11.5. from the Unrvn•.,1' <II AlWmI In 19&5 Ind. I.D. from.1ot Vn;.m.,ty of AJ.b.o .... SdoooI 0( law in 1991. COC'OI'V T. Fmw;h. Jr. ""' btm nMnl<I lh< [Jlh pm.odrnl of Mi .... CoIkp-'n I'... rfidd. Frmch Iud ~ ... intn,m p..,.,.x,,1 ,.."'" 1M dtalh of AIbnt I. II

1 60


lO O ~


",,"'mild. n..- Bo.onJ of V .... or'. prim",y Job Is I", .~'~ Ind ..... 1~.I.<lIr· rl<:wum, ,n"ruction. phyoical ~u'pmtnl, fllCal air..... ,00 KOdmuc """hod.."1Iolnl II'It1'rIbcn on' ~ from I ....... yof.lOUfU. (lht

rNjorily of ~ bn/lt "I'J'OIniN "JI~dl' by Iht S«rmry of 0cfmJr lOr I~ )'0'" In'mIj andart


~t '''''<1'05$-.1«-

,..... of 1M populMoon.

Thom.. F. Tiffin, Jr. w .. tItatd ptnI<lml of the NohOll••J CorrunUIUI, ~1_"11Of\ (NCOAl Rqiood 1\' SOUd~.uln'rVCa.ibbnn Rqioon. 1M NOM II ronlprosed of appnu ...... oiy 400 Iocal..,..,an........

ILond, Frliows 8< ~1e5 onnouncOS

IOCI<)SIIM <<N"'ry '~I ;odm,nu'n fnl rnlly ""Pf'O"N o;ommuM1'economoc tk>dopnoch' ........ nl.nd hurn.,., ~n

'M ~I oppomlmtnt of ~ Hind by

"'0 progDrru..

s«.mry of Drit1U<' DorWd Rnmsfdd 10 tho lkurd ofV.. ,lots fOr ,lot WflI<'m Iltmi>phm: Insl'tU!<c of SKurily C..ooJ()I"'lion (WlIINS.:q. WttlNSt:C It 10<-.,«1 in I'urt II<nnms. Gcu .... and (unction... 1M n.lion', prinury ''''inins «,".. for LaM Arn<ri<:m mil,,~ry

M..,.k \\\>.00. h.u b«n m,nI,,) ~nO .... "",milt. of 1M bo;o,d of ,,,,S''''"' for 'M 1'.'&.100.0.1 Multiple Sci.",,;. Sodtly. AlaN .... Ch&ptn. """88"no. i. a in the firm of ft.ncl Arend.lI. •


Important Notices United States District Court Northern District of Alabama In Re: The Matter of the Reappointment Of Robert R. Armstrong. Jr. as a United States Magistrate Judge NOTICE 'The cw~nt



of th<: off.u of Unitod $uta M'gima'o


Robnt It. AnmIron80 J••

Ala""""" i> d.,. to expiK AuguSl 8, 2006. 'The Un;tN StOia DWricI Coun

i> required by low 10 el1lblish I pond of citiuN 10 coruidor 1M roppoimlMnl of 1M ""'flislT1l« iudawlto • I\tW ei&h'-}'Ur term. 'The durin of. ITIlIgist"'!' judge "",ilion indodt tht following: (I) conducting mo6t pr~ liminary pfOCffiiings In rnminal ~ such il$ inilw '""""rorICU. bond.nod dmntion Muingsand arraisnmtnU; (2) 1M trW and diJpo$ilion of misd«nnnor~ (JI 000ducting vano... prtIrial manOIl and OYidmtilry proc«dings on mtI't'I>U (rom the i1><18" of the diolrkt alUn, including dy~ d~ and OIMr non-di.po•.mve mocion" (4) con· duel;ng puliminlry moM and maing recomll><!llUlIons "Prdiog 1M dilposition of priso...,. civil righll comp\.linl1 and habtu <:orpw pelili!>ru; and (5) !lui and disposition of civij ""'" upon consmt of d",lilipnu. ComItvnIf from nlfiltb(n of tho bound the public '""' invil<d il$ 10 whnher .... incumbent magistral. judge' ohould M rccommmdcd by the IW"'I for ",.p"oirnmtnl by tht court and ohould bt diremd 10:

Sharon N. Ilarril, octi"8 dttk U. S. Di&uicl Court Northern District of A1ab=uo Room 140, 1729 Sth A""""" North Alabama 35M3 Commn>to must II<


by junt 30, 2006.

Pro Bono Award Nominations Th.t AlaNma $talc &r Commiu"" on Voluntttr I..owyn J>rosramo/Accm 10 Up)

Servi«t is KddnS oomiNlions for th~ St.l. Bar Pro Bono Awoni Nonnn.\,.", forms cao II< obtoin«l by contacti,,,, Liodo L Lurtd, dir«\o. VolUnlterLawytrs Provam AI.bama Sta'" Bar

P.o. 11M 671 MontSOtncry,ALobMta ;16101 (334) :z69.. ISIS 1k Alabama Stot¢ Bot Pro Bono Awanll'f<XIIl'im tho 0UlJWldlns pro bono <&ru of auor_ ....,.., law firms ond law students in tho ~ 1k 0Wilrd aitm. indudcs but II not linut«i to w Ii>IIowing; tb< \QtlI numbor of pro bono hours (If cornpkrity of wei handIcd, impact of tb< pro bono work ond hcno!it for tb< poor. partiruW ~ provid«l or the particular nmI .. tis&d. ao«aoful ruruitmmt of other an,..,.,.,.. for pro bono rq>rtStIlIttlion. and proven c:omnutmml 10 deIivcry of quality ltpIonvias to W poor and 10 p!"O'Ming~"" aa:aI 10 IcpIICfVica. NQrninations must be poolIl"Ialhd by MIY 15, 2006 aod induo::k. rompltkd Alobmut SlOk Bar Pro Bono Awards ~ Norninorion Form in order 10 II< COR5icIm:d by tho Commm....


Memorials EVAN AG.lTlU Evan A.will •• mnnbt. of lh. Mobil<

lb• ......,.,..'.on. diN in Mobil. Octomr 16.2005 II d•• ~of70.A"'lil1 ...... n'li", Ind li(",jlm raidmt of Mobil., and In.vid humer.nd fishmn,m with. gr... rq>ul.lion as In outdoorvnan. He _ •• Phi 1kI> KapP" .1 ,ho: Univt .. ityof A),twn.. from wh;,;h II< fK(i.«Ia Imh· 010,', of ",it""" <kg.n', and from which "" I., ... was .""",rdtd his io", oksrtt. H. was In KI;"~ mnnbt. of dvic and bu.,,,... organization. and w.s .1..,. memberofthtCountryOub.nd th .. " ,,,,,b,,,,, aub of Mobil<. ... "",11..,.......:1 Wilh 1M U. s. ~mil.ry Rtotrvt and ..... mi~ from the Wilh th< rank of major.



Du.;", th< J,f<'lime ofh;' ra,OO, hi. firm ..... known .. AU'lill. AuOlU! & Au.till. which ~Ioped In ouul.nding ..put.tioo in Ih. r~ld of ••..1 propmy and min...-.) righu1iti&'tion. H. Itfi SUn'iYing him hi. wife 01 ~ 1 ynrs. Ruth Sullivan AUS1ill: hi. doug,ltr. Eli1.ab<lh Ibrm of Mobil., and his son, N.Hh,ill. auMIICY E.... n AUllin. Jr.: his broth.., Mobile l11O.MY krt ... ""iD, J••; and his sislor. Mary S&nford of Opdih. ...J.I:>oma.logoIhor .... ilh two grandchil · drm .... uslill fbn;s and Can)ii ... lInris, and nu ..... ous family mnnbtrs. _8m RDw.-. pmidml •


MobIk BIrr A>I«io"""

JAMES CHARLFS BHDONE, SR . I.m« Ch.,1os B.lltlo.... Sr., "S" 90. dim F.iday, July 22. 2005. H. was a okoolod and loving hus.b.nd. f~lhonnd Sr.lndra'n. •. Pr«tdins him in dnth ...... Lmian Rom«> SaIdo..., his wife of 56 yc'1'" lie is survived by hi. children, Jam« C. 1Ia1do.... Jr. (Sherry). Fr.ln«sca IIaldo ...... Uon (Chris) and Ponna IIaldo ... Invam (Ch .. lie); Ca,llIaldont, Ann llal<lo"o, Fr.lncaca Lillian Allen and Ch.i>'ina Vj'gin" Allen; and brmhtrs Dr. Puqual A. Ibldo ... and D•. Joseph C. llaldon •. Mr. a".ndod Birmingltam. Sc>ulhcm College and gndlU'od from ,n. Univnlily of Alol:>om;o in 1937. H• ..... , • IIfdong avid AI~Nma fan. After gradu"ing from Ih. Universi,y of School of Law in 19. 1), n. ."I;',od in Ih. United 5, .... Army. auended Candidal' School and scr.-ed as a scroJId lieulenant in ... nny imoUi",,,," dun", World W.o, II. In 1972, n. was hono~ by ,n. Pmid.", of holy wi,h the ' itle "Clnlictc" fot his wo.k •• lq;;Il advisor '0 ,he Consul Genna! of haly. Upon vadullion from Ihe Univn";ty of School of Law. Mr. I!aIOO ...



1 62


joint<! the fi,m of l!akh lie Bingham. fo.· ..... Iy Mani".BLokcly. llakh & BinJlwn. in Binningham. H. Lot..- practicftl for a mo" limo II hi. own offIc•. H. Ihen joined Bruoo·. 11K. and was promoled '0 general """n>eI.nd mi~ OS vic: .... pmi· <knli"'fJ'Or.ll.iOCmary. Upon mire· .... nl. n. joinrd ,h. finn or Cicio & Cici<>.1'C in "irmingh.m and ...... dnig· "",ed of routud for KV<rai ynrs hefo", his lu, ,erirrn\tn1. Mr. JIaJdonc w.. al ..... ysOnt with a ~ SlOry II\d ...... an aceUent ""ry' ,.11<1. tk rcmain«l Ktive in local and "alo b., acliYilics and look S"'al pride in being ........w of thclq;;ll prorcuion and .nio)'C'd hi> IlSf<)CUlion wi,h Ia..-y<rs. II. WIJ; a of Ih. Farrah Law Sociny.I'~li.n·Amcrican l!ar Auocio,ion. Order of Sons of luly. The a~b.

ond City S.1«mcn. A .... mher of 51. P.~l's Ca,hedral, h. was. Kn;w,l . EqUOSlri.n Order of ,he Holy Sqmk ..... His ( hild",,, "l'tcM .heir d..1""l V"i· ,ude and Iov< '0 hi. d... carcsi""rs. Ca.ol Gtcgllry. Evelyn Boldin. B..-ncb Ila"is Ind al ... LaGlori. Bltvinland Evelyn Coleman. """mho"y ,. Or;."





John A. CaddeU of I)eatur d'M r:n"Wlry 7, 2006. Mr,Cad....U was bolO

in TUS(umhi. on April U, ]910. He "'..

pr. ",dod in dcOlh by his .... if. of 67 Y"or$. UKr 11<)"..." H~rri, Cad""II. He i> .urvived by hI, daught.r, Lucind.! Loe ( M... M.urict D. l!tlk Jr.) of Mobilt; sons ThOnwl Arthur Caddell l lI«I<i) of l}tatur. Ilenry llmu Caddell ( B3rb ••• j ,,( MobU. and John ... nd...... Caddtll, J•• (Amy) of Dt<:alur; ,igh' 8~n<khild •• n:

and 13 gr"' ·gr.llldchildttn. ~h. C.dddl w.o, alawyc'< in Ikutur from lune 19B unlil the bme of his


LFE H. was lM .. nior pUln.,. in lh. k>cal firm of Hm's. Caddtll & Shlnk$, PC. H. was In .eti..... of the Morpn County II .. A5$0ciation. the Al. b.rm SL>!t &, (<tn;ng IS prnKknt in 1951 _S2) and 1M Amtricon 1I.l,


AMoc;.,.ion. He ....... FeU.,... in the Artltrican Coll~ of Tri.l u"'Y" .... the American ColI~ of Trust and £SlOt. (;ou....,l, AItKTK:an Rat I'oundotion and the A).Im,,> La ..' Found.tion. Mr. Coddtll rt«'I"d his Nee,lau ..., • • nd I.ow dtp,rttS a nd In honorary doc,or ofl.w. dtgItt from Ih. Un, ... n;ly of


Abb.""" H• ..,,,'ed on Ih. boord of of Ib.I, ins,ilul ion for I number of Y"a .. Ind wa. <hid .... UIM of Ih. TU$Ca!<)O$;l "ampu, for a f..... monlhs during I " .... ncy in Ih. offier of prni· <ltn'. H........ n acti ... rmmbt-r o f ~"Sl l'.-."hy1man Church ,,·h .... I>o..,rvtd as a dtacon and In .kkr. H. rcaivtd nu ..... ' · ou. hollO .. du. ing hi.lif.. im. including .locI"'n 10 Ih. Alab.lrru of



Hunor. Th. ramily .uggnu 1b.l11I1)' memo.i· . 1. be mode 10 a eNrily of Ih. dono.',



I'.ul Coull.r. a longlime m.mbcr of'lIo AI. b.I .... SIO'. ]1;0., ~ ..... y Sund.y, No ... mbc. 27, 200S lit ru. rni<knc•. Mr. Coull ...... $ bo. n in Lang,Ld. on [.,If 3], 1937 a nd wa< ,1>0 only child ufMlrv,n Ind Sa.. In GJ.ullcr. H. w,lS a gradual. ofTen. Cb. i";.n UniV<nity a nd Du~ Uni ..... 'ly Scbuol of Law. H.

.... a .... iud <orpora" ' "0'nor fo r Ikll $(Iulh in Birmingham. M •. Coull •• w,fed 1U HillOn He...J, h.~ he ".... a membc. of Ih. fulling dub and I., .. li,'ed in Soquim. WA, wh .... II< con,inut<! 10 be an avid ft<h .. m.n. H. lMn movtd 10 Lr,nn&'On wh .... ho ...... I member of St. Michad'. EpiKop>J Church. Sun''''''''

sc. ...

includo hi$ ,,·if. of ~2 y...., An""IkHm CoUllOt: lwo dlughl<rJ, Carole {Jim) Ramsey of LrIinglon and f. .... <Aul!t' of Albn<>: .nd four grandsons. Gllen COult ... · Lrdben ..., ob MlCk~, lordan Hunl Raons<-y and Coul,.. SoIiL



Mc]>owoI1 C rook,

• ""mbe. of ,h. Montgomery County 1\>.

AW><""')n, dot<! August 10, z005 at 11>0'&<,0(67. I I...... born in Union Sprin&L July l7. 19,J.8. H. rt<:rivcd his b.Ichdor', dtgI« from tho Univmily of Alaha"", who ... bc .. rvod .. 'ia-pmickm of tho Studen, Go»mlmmt A>Iocia,1on. H• ...".. vtd hi. low d<gn'C' from 1M Univm.i,y of Abb.lm.o School of law in 1961, fo(Io"ing which "" ~ m Ibc Un;,t<! 51"<:$ Army and I"" rank of c:aptoi~. H~ ~ . nwt ... ', ~ in ......'ion (rom Now lork Uni\'to.ily in]966.nd bcg.m 1M prmice


of law in MOtl1g<>m<ry, with ,ho fin-n of Goodwyn, Smilh &: 1Iowm.u\. ThaI fin-n hecame Smith. Ikrwman, Thagard, Crook &: Culpq>p<l' prior 10 its wilh 1110 lin-n of Jlakh &: Bingham. U .P. follow,n, hi. wi ... from Ih. prac:licr of low in 200-1, Charl" ..,,'ed .. g...,. ••1rou" ..1for tho C.o'«<1io ... II Governor Ri~. r"1u<:$1. Following his d..,h, BiUy Addison. as<i •• go"....1 rounsd for CO ..... 'ionL wrot< oro. .. I..'. !tnuro wilh III., d~"mrnt, """'hal a &<,m h. was and WMI. <kHghlful "'I"""n«,h., fo, m • . 11...., Ih. '1'it011l' of .-...rythinS Ih31 i, tood .bout uu. profoss",n, which oli.n got. o",. lookd ... .Bobby Stg.lll, president of Ih. Abbam. Sla'. 11-.0., wrOle in ,h. Dori;el , lho


Dopa"""n. or


new:>lrtt .. of 'h< Mon'gomery Coun'y

110. ",,-ia,ion, "He became one of Mon,gomrry's and Abba"",'. besl

II"'!"' ... And OM of its 1>0, poopl •. •.!n r"l, if 1 h. d lhought in ynr$ ~ .o gi,.. ."award f",'MO$,lnlcgtily:Ctook would b«n a poronnial ron· trnd .... .. Charli.', ....... of J.ono. ohown


brightly. H•• k-v.IM hi. profoss;on." Allbwym ..'110 draft wilh Ch .. li ..... ognind .hll in oddilion 10 hi ••l ... ngth or<h.rl"....nd inl<grily, h. p<>SXutd. kotn intrnrcl .nd bad.n innate Ibilily ' 0 ..,,, oul.nd .nalru 11>0 ... I..,.,.nt Ltvl ......,. in any .il""tion. IIi. brio( writing .J.oWMI "'.. comrnn .. ion o( <la,ily, <oncisonoss .nd .... lOntd Ltvl analysiL -S,~li~g

G. Cw/ptpptT, /'.' Mvmgon"'r


Memorials WI L LI AM A LBERT OWENS, J R. Th~ Limestom County 1\;\, mourn. the pa»;ng of Wjllilm Alben 0....."'. Jr" who diM August 26. 2005. Bill was born NlWCmi>t. 7. 1942 in LimtSl\>nt County. He vodu.ttd from Ath~n. lI ,gh School and .""tivm hi' buMlor', <kg'''' from A,Mn. CoIIqo. He worked IS. computer 1",1)"1 (Of Burrough. hrforc >Uending l. w ..:hooL He grnu.,td from Cwnbtrw,d 5<Il001 ofLo ... in 197• .,1d Mu,ntd 10 Athen. to p... eli« his prof"''''n, Bill "",known for 'he t'-"""ciry "'lth

which ~ handled ...... rya... I nd Ih. doggedly d.tcnnined ""Y in which he Iq..,·stn,,~d his dk,,!!.. In • pn)~i.on which unfortun...,]y an ",nd In na,,,,,,, "l"'iiOn', fldd. of IMlanI. Bill bta..... ."dled aboull\C'W dc'VC'Iopm<nlJ in Ig,i· <nltur •• ,«hoo!ogy.nd politico. ~ al ..·. " owned tlo,latest "gadge1" and ,""uld'''"i<;ally show i. to .. cryone in tht rourthou$t. MO$I imporlantJy. 8,11 hI d .Imoo ""'n of comp..... on and often rtpre><nttd dkn!> ..'1>0 ...... u""bl< 10 ,,"y.

EliU is ,urvn"«l by his loving wif., Strlb Ann 0...,,11$. as wtll as th,.., d. ughtns. Suunt \\'. rrrn,l.ti ...1Stanford and Sonya I'<rvlI •• nd two lIOn •• William Allin, 0... ...... 111 and Thonus W. Owen •. 8illal,,'0)'> &low«! whon '!,"king of hi' gr.ndchildren: Trey lI'.rrm, Taylor lI'~mn, ta .. Stanford, Oliv" I'<nrll, .nd R"g.<n Pors<lI. This communIty;' tho poor .. fot Bill', death but 110 much tho riche, for hi.lik. -£ S'e ... I.;",<$lo .... c..uwry &,


J UDGE G EORGE H. T RAW I CK ludF Gtor&<' H. Tr.wick ..... horn <X10b0r8. 19-16 in Homrwood. H•• non<!. «I lIirming.lwn Southtrn C<>IItK<" and gradu,md with 0 bxhdor of am d<-gr.., frorn Troy Statoc l)1I;',<1l1ty, and thm <IItored ond gradwt<d from Cumb<rL1nd School of taw ill I:Ilrmingium. During hi, Clrte. as a prac, icing 0110'MjI. Cforgo n-.wid, widdy known as an ano.n.,. who W;lscommluM to

Bark, David Olof

Mobile Admitttd: 1950 Died: NOVl:mbt:r IS, 2005

' 64


'<preK'nting hi. eli<lll', inl •• with .nthu,ium and d<d>Cltion: ho"'~·.r , hat ''1'~nt'lion _ ,,"ompl~ wllh. calm .nd ..... uriltS drIlIunor .nd with ruP./lIty and rnp«1 for thr kpI."ttrn . nd il< foundation. Judge Trawick prac· ticod Jaw for ~r 20 yc->ro du,ing which he Krvnl Of • rrIfmbo:r .nd p'" p... idrnt of tho tnJ. County J!.. Moo<:iation, munidp.d judge for tl>< City of Onrl:

OgletrH, Tom RO$COr Sylacauga Admitted: 1961 Died: Deccmbt:r 1),2005

and 1'1"OO«'"0r for the municipal (ou", bol" On,k &lid D.levilk-, JudgeTrawid: wasdtmdasDoie County Oistrict J.... in N<wmilin 200f and took offa in f&nuary lOOS.. 110 Iavrd h.. won.: as In anomey I nd Judge .. .00.."1\ by h .. dedica,ion to his profrssion ~ aft .... ho was d ..gnol><d ..."h a rnminaI ilI"'"' If< f"""d ,w'Y 7.1005. _h't!l,~m T. """" ...... Q:.ort

Ri,hard$On , Reginald

Gm:nsboro Admitted: 195 1 Died: October 18, 2005

Bonham, John Dwigh t Monlg<lmery Admined: 1952 Died: February 9. 2006

Ormond, Marvin Thomas Twcaloou

Smith, Virgil McDan iel

Admitted: 1949 Ditd: January 18.2006

Admitttd: 195 1 Died: April 7, 2003

w sk, Donald Dew,n Birmini,ham Admincd: 1968 Ditd: nbruary 24, 2006

Pruett, William Henry Admitted: 1953 Died: Septcmbt:r 27, 2005

Wooten, Grorsc Frederick C harlottesville, VA Admilled; 1937 Died: January 11 , 2006

Madison, John 1.. Jr., Hon. Jasper Admined: 1976 Died: February 2 1, 2006

Reid, Rolm't Raymond, Jr. Bi rmindtam Admittcil: 1955 Died: January 13,2006

MAY lG06

Rk hardson, TX


Lawyer, Football Coach, Wrestler, Speaker of the House, and Living Legend


ullman County.Abharn •. M<><! AM...... lowyas haY<' ~ilMr

hoard of Ill. county or betn 'hrougb ;, on w>y 10 Hunu,ill. Or Flo.onu. I'Qr Ihos< who h.", rrgubrly b«n 10 il1 courthou ... it is known for tht

"All Sleoi Rest.u",n," whi<h IlIOV<'d inlO

new qu.artr",' r;,w )'<"1'$ bod<. ~rs. .tortU.pcr! .nd many of tht midt"" "r 1M rounry <(lint 10 I ~ All S","k for lunch ordinn., sevt ..1d.ys. ~k. Among tho ",-,10m... al"",ot ovt11' day i.,M Cullman 1"'O"pt',"on and hUl.-

band-wif.l.wyer ' ..m "fTom .nd a,,;, D.. ~. Thrir officI'S Of' OCn)SS ,h. ,tr«t from tho Al! Strait but &1$(1 • ""nt'. throw _.....y from 1M eullmlln County Courthous<. If you h ••• n .. , had any ~liVlion wi,h Tom Ora..)'Ou II ..... oJ.\<) had litiV,ion wilh ehri!. You ho"" 01.., f'rcquontly bt<!n invi~ 10

lunch with .hem at tho All

Sto.k- 11><•• is no way th., l;t;g.ti"S .gain.t th. Orzk<s can "" anythIng olhn than civil. You become oomc1h,ng lik. rnemM. lhri. family .fi.". lilt $<'COnd a... ifnO! during 1he fin!.


Co"""...tion.......l<lorn with Tom .,. Ou-i<. ~ Ort .... th Tom .nd c:tuU.

Smt.nctS .... oft ....uned by Tom .nd ftnUhcd by Chris 01' lI.ned by Chris .nd finUhcd by 10m. 'Thry.rt tho quin'l'SSrn_ tial"union' <>fhuIDtnd and wik. uwyn> in......u .."d big fi,tru who have "I ....b· bkd among thfflll.<1vcs ma,vel '1 how th. two ""'"OJ" ... m in such ~ .... rmony. Ch,;,.40 i. oom( in .Uowing tM 'po,ligh t 10 .ruM mo" on h., brn.. known husmnd. In fact. w may br ",wing te> tum <>n th.light if you g;v. h.. th. ch.ner_ Sh. h •• ""'Y rtUOn '0 br

proud e>fTe>m DTa.. Tom i. now 75 ),,">Il young. He;' enjoying ,he best )"".Il of • .,or~ c.or«' th>1 has _n him ... <011'11' footboU pi>),,"" • w~ding oood> un<kr " II<-.. R'y;ml; • law $1u<knl.'


w,<SII •••• nd. SI.t< 1'11,,1.110' and sp... k_ <forth. hoUSC" und ..


W.llo«. .nOO"'. he h"'p<n1Ih.) .., H ",Ill as a lo"'Y'" helping th. ""idrn" of Cullm.:tn.n<l north AI.boma.. Tom wu born in 19)0 in Cull""m County. Tom·, father died wh.n Tom .....



ond thttt h< would $tt hIS fint "'" profos.. wmlltng ""mil. Wtth a bockgroul\ll in oolI<g< ",-Wit! whil< at OtatW"oOO(!.>. Tom Iiktd ...."", ,," ..w in profcsoional wrtttlin&-lk approd><d a pn>mo<... wIUIo in Columbus """" hdptd Tom Ia"n,h hi<


_R . ___ . . . . _

11.--_".-,,----".""' _ 1 ). .

only 6 Y"us old and gr.ndp;.,mu 1>«0"", p;.rtnl flgu, .. 01 • ..,ry ~"Iy ag<. "La"""'ns" wu in D.-aU'. f,-,"Hy. His gral\llf'lhe,.lIulle, ~1I, pnclicod ill CuUman afie, bo-in~ liconood in 1917. Unclet 01\11 •• uch a. Shorman PowrlJ. NtwI PoweU. My\tt p",.,..,U, J.N. PowdI,SMrman Powdl, Jr., and Joe PowrlJ h..... proctico<\ in the l)oc.o'Uf and Cullman .f.... Ali.,. a 6nt football Cullman IIlg1t School, Tom rtaMd. football scholarship to tho Unt ...... ity of Chano"""81- In 19S}, Tom pLolN in his d..... m golm ..·hm his 0,.n3noog.;t MOCIlO>ins sqlJ.l.rtd 0/1" ~inst tM Alabama Crimson T><It. Alabam.t would ..·,n ll_l~ bu' lOn, Dr.akt ..... scIoctod .. tM p1a}'<1" of tho ga ..... by 1M Bi'''''''g,",''' NfWf. On< of tM Al.obo .... pial'"' waJko,;I otT tho 6dd with ,n., sam<' b.aIl. bm thtn Ab.1:>an .. c-:h "Ikd" 1>tt-w tool: it from lh< Ab.boma pla}'<1" and J..ndc-d it to Tom. Or.>kt >lilI has tNt boll. La,.... Tom would play in th.lIlu¢· Gr.>y 011·>111 footboll P"'" and ,h.", h" I",h W<)uld C1"O$$ Ih., of Gr.>y Coach P.ul "Btaf" IIry.nt. II. would alW;lYS •.,..,.,."b<t" lIrY'ont t.llina him '0 nil him if he ..... n....tod anYlhing. Shonly aIi... 1II...·Gr.y garno, Tom <nIisItd in lh< Unrttd Stlt.. Army. I '" sp<11t mud>ofh~'i ..... at Ft.Iknni,,&~




MAY 1006

p-rofnsioowl WrtStling cam."I". Th>.1 " ..... would 'oU Tom from Mobil. and any number uf ,....,Iing 'r,na. ,hmU"'OUl the South in th. 19500. H~ would conlin ... to climb back in the """,ilng tlng, off and on, unlill978. H. W<)uid "" known '" hI< ",... tltng ran< as ·Th~ Cullman ~: His most .... U-known maId! ",curr".) ..·h.,. ... sq ......-d off .gain<1 ..·,esller Lou Thm for ,he NWA lilk in 1962. 1l«<~lly. Tom \oIU nom;nal<:<! for IMUCHon In ,h. Profession.! W'~$llrn H.1l of f ..... in Anu, ....:!.m, N.... \"ork. In 1%1.1"", marritdo,ris. Chris rtalli • honeymoon unlille any other .....· pie might C"\'<1" .x~. Inll...di.tely ali.,. gett"'g marntd. Tom ond Chrl$ set 001 for Ikoom. Mu.ilsil'Pc Chris WOIlid ~e. combined ~n , rip and ... resding ma!<:h in oo...nlown Ikoom. In 1~5JI, Tom mrount ..od fame-d Al.b.tma politic;"'n Goo'll" W.llace. A r.l.t .... told Tom h. nc-ede-d tot« Ihi. young poImci. ". Tom K1 ou. fmm Mobile 10 G.. nd Bay.AI.b...... and $.;I ... W.I!.ocC" h" ... ly best as. poli'ical Ipukt,. lbm w.. hool<trl and ...I.hon_ uup btpn to be forgtrl. In dUI !:onl< Y"" of 195J1, Tom wenl bKk to ",hooI .. ALahama 10 F' • "..... I..·S dtgrtt in physic-al Nucation. C<nncidcnlally. it would be th~ Y".,lh.t lI.., Ilryanl'htard Mama caillng"and re-turntd 10 Iht Capstone coa<h Ihe Crimson Tide. Tom rtmemb<t"td lIry;m' .. lImg him '0 c.1I him if h~ t\"r 1IOt<l«l . n)"1hing. He did ju<! tnal .nd w.. hi.«I by lI.,..nt 10 be hi! fll"St ...... Ihng <o.Kh .ft.r re-turnlng ' o .he UnP.-."iry. Drok 01<0 ... ,vorIa' an assist.nt m>eh on th" AI.Nn" fOOth.a111 .. m. Owr the lI"n of two rurs, Tom hod f••• ful tncoun .... ",ilh lwo "f Ihe ""'''


--"" kgends in Al.ob,ama..Il. <ould h.... I'<1""fc..ily chosen 10 follow the PJlh of eilM' legend. Dnk chose Georg< w.I1o« .nd a carttr in 1110 and po/ilia. In 1960. Tom low schooI"lh. Un;,..,..",y <>f AI.boma. In 1962. M droWn! OUt of low o<hooI ror a .......t .. '" run h~ font politic.J H.... n for ..... .."........,,'" in CuHrn.n County. Tom would "'lI1tll.l1 rae< whi<h r..lurtd tm condidJl ... Ht would ...IIl wi\hout ........ !..vmg a run·off and ho would do il spt"nding 1<$5 Ih.r.n 5()Q(I "" Ihe camp.r."". Tom would I....,. finish law ",hoolal hIVIng to d" ... down to Montgomery when the ~sI.tu ... \oIU in ""';on. H. would ulti"",.ly .." .. as ch.lfm.n of the Rul .. Comntitt.., as a member of lhe powerful W.ys and /1.1""1 Committ ... and ",~kt. ofth. ho" ... In aU, he }2 Y"'" in lhe ",,~ lcgUJ.turc. NOlhing could ,,",.. been mo •• run f.". Tom. h"",""r. \h.." pro<:"<ing ~'" in Cullm.n fo, ;rj~\ h.Jf ofhil kpI colffr with hIS best f... nd . nd ... if•. o,ri •. Whil .... the" four ,hildrm. Chri. ",ould dri,.. 10 "Il'&hl ..Il001" In Ilmningham. being Nucat«l by tho !Iks of fam«l Birmingll.m dtfrn .. 1o"").. r llibbAJlcn. For 20 yto ... T"m DTal<t h .. p ..... icod in Cullm.n undtr the banntr of·D ... ~&Du~:



The fOUowing is JUIi I sm;dllisting of the ",h.,. accompli!ohmmu of Tom Droke: 1. 1-1<: pllyed in tho Mobiio. Abba",.

Stnio. Bowland was lat•• d ..ftcd by tho Pittsburgh only to bt dr.o.fted into the Uni,ed Sta,,,, IWO ....,.k$ .ftu .igning. proftt!;"nal fOotball ron'ract. 2. Iff currcndy .It't\'fl em tht lIoard of

Directors ,,{ !.t1<l'Mrs In.ur.ner Mutual o{ Al.MJt\;I.. Inc. which pro. .idn <rrO .. and omis.sinn. cm"tng< 10 Alabam" I.wyas. 3. DraM.nd SO .... 'o. flnt Rank o{ T~ willed in pal$ing. «'$0lut;"n rrnoming Donny SIOdium "ll.yant.Donny S~ium. ~.

Tom apP"atC'd on NIIC'. · I\~,'. My un.: The ""nd ..... told ,hat h. "'... a I.wyo" .... ,.Iegi.!.to. and. (.. met, but they h.d to gu ... hi. ",idel",o," H. was un.bIt to Stump 'ho 1"'00 who finally gUouNlh>! h...... also • wttSlk,.

5. [n 200(1, ht was inducted imo ,h.

1"1<""'io".1 Wl\'$tl, .. Hall of Fa,.,o 8< Mwcum in N<W1on, J....... which ho"",,, profusion.l, Olympic and colkgi ... wl\'$' l.....


6. Whik 'p"okt, of hou ..., h•• pon · ..,.cd logl;l.,ion,., ,he uqu,," of ,hon Sur ...... Court Chief IU>li«

c.c. "110" Turbo... to build 1M .......

supu_ cou" buildmg. 7. lk.kt was 0"" of the: 'po"",rs of the

ludicial Arlick which upgr.ded the: judicial in Al>boln.t.


Two of the: [m" child.", ... 000 !.o~ in A!.oMma. \II}"t pl'Xliceo in Birmingham but is abo of coutwi with Droke 8< Drake. Tom II pr.>Cticc> ",,,h his wil, Kimberly. "jlUl admitted in 2005; in Cullman. Daughter M.ry f tID<eS IS tht chief doctOl' ;n pedialric: nurstng.' ,ht lInivm.ity of Qnogon in Portland. Daught... Ot.isty I,..., Dral<c .....n.~ her m .. I.,.', dogrff from Durham Vnivonity in England and is compltl1ns htr doctor· .r. ., LamJ'ld" Univrn;ty. Walts. Qlriuy Iw ,.ught J..;otin, G.... kand Hob .... II W<Sl~m Ortgon lIn"""ity. So many Im.s h.vr t-n to..rn.d by Torn J:halor. It is 1>01 just the lim of tht many dirnt$ ht hao tq>re<al,ed who ""," bent touchtd. No boI, .. onn'ri< can be found ,han the hIgh .IChouI of Holly Pond. AI.b ...... Aft .. n'lumins '0 Cullman [0 pt'Klri 1_ and ...romg tu 'f""<l his hours <"Imine. a lillie money ...-hll< not in



...won on the logIs!.a,u"" Tom ogt'ecd 1<l "''''' .. tht vulU"Im' footNU rwd! fur • new football program o! Holly Pond High School. IIMh.. ;, w.IS .ft"""",,,, or nigh's. Torn could be fotond 8Mng thcoc


Dd$,hcir ~ .., in,rodunion in,o S'mo !lu, had ..... m.., much to Tom. )U>1 ulmporl.n,ly tu ,hio w,i'et, Tom D•• ke n",," S«n1«llike" in 'he <ourtroom o, ....... d,posltion labl •.



Fo •• young I.wyo. p.. «idng in 'he -big city" of Ui,m",gham, Thm Dr.1et .nd Mel .... >ORl<1h,ng of odopt"" P" ents_ Wh"" 1...,...J;n OUr fi rm in Burningham """. looking for ",mton. 10 u:wd nOl',h '0 Cullman on. !<gal nul1tr, I was . Iwars quick 10 volun''''. A goud mo.1 0' ,h, All S, •• k and kmd wo.ds and fdlow>hip with Tom ond Chris "",uld >oon be in 11>0 wai'ing. •

_ __..._-...

CW\eO f.ton

.... .._11>0'-.-.. 0wI00'

eo. •• _ ..

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The ABA Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs Visits Alabama:

ASB Program One of The Best in the Country he American liar Aoooc:ialion', Commission on lIW}'O'1" i\S4Utanc. Prog~nu (CoLAP) was ;nvil~ 10 Monlg<>mery 10 frlitw ,"" AWlaIl\.l" Lowyer .\uISla",o Prognm (ALAP) on ).nuuy 11, 2006. TM CoLAf' tval .... 'ion


pl'OC<1l i~ sending' tum of indivi<lo.ub ap<r~ in !ht f>dd of I'f(r oui$tIlI><o to tnmin. the ,Iructurt. optntioru and procedurn of the Jla" bir'llIwy« Willi"" prognm, 100 TO make auggestio ... !qinling the growth and <kvelopmom "f the prognms Nru ... , A ~m ton.uting of IWV I.wyer WislO~ propam d'...:tors and one bwyer usis.."". "'!untter wu ~ br tht AM, CoIAF, Rich.rd A. Sodtn.

Tbt I<'MrlItUIninN the Alabama lawyer AWoIanc< f'ro&ram in ~ 10 ail .... adapted from 1M Guiding J'rincipln for

r.....".. NsW4IOa Prormms (Guiding Principles). odopIod by the

AlIA in February 1991. ond the MoJd u...,..,. ","ill,""" f'Ivgr<Im (Model LAP), adopIcd by AlIA in M.rdo 2003. The Principles


Ind Model LAP ...o.a ~ ",inod by the commission in almost 20 ~r1 0( conducting progrlIm ~U"ions. 1'h<y 'nco,p<'>lUt poIic:itt and proadun'$ drawn from and ttsled by the rotIca~ ~ of ~ wimn« P<Ogram$ throu&Mu1 \he Unitt<! S\2lc and CanAda. Th. Clv.p moi........ 'ppoinltd wtro My.. I. Cohen, <:ucu· Iivt dirKtor of Florida lawyns Auistanct Inc. Ind pul mnnbtr of the CoIAP and Iht COUP Adviooty Conlmincr, William II..


Lury, =CUlM: di=tor of Louisiana la~rs koj"."", Program. ~ mtmOO of lbt CoLAP and OI.=t rne~. of the CoLAP Advisory Comm;n~ and Slfph<'nSOn 1bdd, p.ul of the T... noss« Uwrtl"l As$i$!'n«" Program and cumnl "",mOO of 1M CoLAp. I.t~ry was pM! of the initial tvallUling ttam """"" 1997 .~pon was irutfllm<ntal in helping the Ablwna Slate Bu implcmem • !.WJ'CT _islance program. The purpoK" of lM CoLAP tvaI"'lion was to ~ the job rtSpOlUibailies of 1M ALAI', lndudinJI tcn'. i«s proviodtd. \'OIunlttt invoM-rncnl and the ax'p.,..ti"" m<a6. uta Nt......., the AUI', the judiciary .nd thc JUte tw. HI8



On Thunday /.tnuory 12, !006 thc du...,·mnnNtl"'nd m<"l with AlaIwna Stale" 1Ia. Pn:oidtnt-EIec! Fou.nier ""'""" Gak oloo.g with rnernt>.n of the judkiary, the Han. )Wlice Harold 5«, Abbama SuP"'"'" Coun, 1M Hon. Sue IIdI Cobb, ~ Coun of Criminal Appnh..nd tho Hon. Craig Pinman, At..bomo Coun of Civil Appeals. along with Roso Davis, M onwy ~raI'J ()ffic:.-and )udicW Inquiry ConunW.ion. Rcviewm 5pml limc occcssina the rdualional rfforu by ALAI' to tM Abbama judici.ry_The: judiciary ollen <q:Ircocnl> tM fim II"" in idrntifying .tIOmq"J who may br suffering from chemical 0. psyclIoIogicaI impairmrnts. In :oddi.ion, mrmI>m of thc judiciary I~ IUfI"rr from thc san>< iml"'UmrnI> 0$ lhe rtOI of thc proftssion, a1tbough thc imptdim<lll> 10 Iftking help is ofi ... grntn. DiscuWons antnod on w:I)':IIO imp""'" ~ 10 the judkiary .., Ihat an br modo 10 AUU'. The rcvicwc ...1.., m<"l with l.w.<I..,ol r<prcsrmaliYn a.a.1es I. NeI..,n, <Inn .nd prof....,. of !.w, Ioneo School of Law; knelle Marsh, .. nio. O$oimnl dran for >!udcn.siacodrmk .ff.i.... tM Uni..... ity of Al. bo .... School of Law; and Pomel. I. Nelson, CoordiMtor, Jlu<imt 1oUVices, Cumbnland School of Law. The: diKuMions ",ntnod on .he conlinurd working .tla_ lionihip br1W/:'tll ALAI' .nd lh.4w ..,hook and improving tho ongoing pragrant> 10 rdu"" .. low Iludtnl> .nd brulty about Ilt<'$I_r<lalrd ;....... IUoCh 0$ drprt$Sion and .uN1.1ncc ab ..... Rtachlng Oulto >!",,"nl.during the 10... school ~itncc, ocknowledginglM oddition.1 >I..... nd offodng I ","IU IQ help with Ihe$'! issues is somtthing ALAI' and tMAbIwna Lawyer> Helping uwyenCommin ... mnnbtl"l bon- betn commlned 10 doing for ,"""rill )T'rs. u....,.... HdpinJI Lawyer> (Uil.) commit.... ~ Wooldridge, Etf<In Mild>di iLnd Oinlon Pitman pIlticipo!td in aU of thc mtC"IinJlS of tho rnirwing procest. In oddilkm,........J mcmben Q{ tho Ui l. Commil1 ... m<"l wilh the CoLAP revXwm l<l discuso the program'. operalions and growth inccprion. The: CoLAP m1ew<-n mode • sp«iaI cfI"on ' 0 ...::ogn........ lird<so



dfor« the Aliliun.I LIIL (omn"n ... ~ '-" put forth on bttulf of thrir roUt'llUl'S. Tho commi";"n .... th ... m<1 "',th tho A1.twnl Sllto II", Admiosoon. l)il'«lo, D<>rothy John..,n and ChlraciO. Ind Filn ... p. nol mombo .. G"'on G.rntr, Tom Thogon:l lnd Lou,. Crum to dilcu .. how the ALAI' K ....ic« .... boinS u.iliud. u,., in "'" d..>y, ,"" ""'''''''',. of Su,. 11><', Eucuti~ Committ .. , Presi<knt Bobby Sepll. Vi<o-presidont To m Mod.. in, p,ull'rnident Douglu McEJ"Ylnd Eucuti,.. 1)". . tO, Mit" No"".n, also",..t wi.h ' hr CoLA!' KVi~ TheCoLAP~.-s rom",..n&d the ASII fo' ckarly toking the 1997 CoLA!' • ....Ju."on to hrar!. MOlt of the •..:ommtt>tl.tiofU m.tIt,n thaI report, induding implomenting I .t.t..... itlt pm· V.m. hi'ing • fuJl·timo d,""to" cre.aing I hotll"" .nd nt.lI· lishing a .. Lotion ship I><1w... n the AU.P and thr di.lciplinory dcp .. tmtnt, h..... bttn KtM on Ind put into effect. As. result of the continued growth, progrr:u Ind upan.ion of AlAP, as ....1I;u it> rrcogni...t .uc<w, ponti tnmIbe,. diK~ WilY' to holp ALAI' ~ the na' kvel of$<'rvic. fo, tnmIb<.-s of 'he ASII. On Friday, Jmu1ry l3,l{I06, CoLA? tNi .......... nl<1 w,th tho AS8', Gc""raJ CounKI. Tony Mcui n, 1'.",,1 m"mbers com· montro thot the ALAI' Ind the OffKe of Got"o ..1 CounKI h... donr.n acrlknt;oo of <:>tobli.h,ng In identiC""tion Ind ref..• raJ '}'itom. Lo~rs 'f'PO.ted to diKipllne ,,'00 ar<' .uff.. ing mont.1 h••1th problrmuuch .. dop, ... ion . nd .ul»ll"",e .bUK ofion ...... f.. red to ALAI' fo, moni' oring. In c"ndusion, ,h. comml$S;on w,1l provide a ",rin.n .. port with .ocommend"tion. for expanding andlor impfOYing the rrvltWftl prog .. m. Although tho Rnll .<commond.t,oM Ire "ill




pending. ,he tNi ........ "'no imp~ w,th the rrcq>tion and coopr.-.t,on thor ,«<,im:! from.u the individual. involl'td in 'hr .valuation pfOU$S. Thor ap.~!.Kd the flc, that the ltoo.... individual. were willing to 'p<nd,., much timo wilh ,h. tNi..... · 0 .. gi".... th.i. obvious smurr .nd busy Khrduln is • ck.r indio <olion of ,he .. mng ,uP!"'rt and r«Ognition of lho "",.k being don& by AUP, Th. COUP ,"vi""",...1", oxpr.... d 'h~i . 1"";. tud. for the gme..,.i,y """"n by all thel""idpan" in th • .,.a1, ""twn proo:no..nd th.,. did a<knowltdgt ,h., in. vuy ~ort period ofti",.., lhe Aul>ama l.awytr Al.!istancr Program Iw <kvdoped in'o "f the moSI comp .. and bc$t .dmin , is'ered in ,he country. I think the CoLAP.nd the mi........ for thoi. commitmen, to impfOYing the quality of Hfe fur .u ",..m· ben of the Icg.oJ pmf.... ion and for oJl the individuI J. woo grot ' ciowly thrir tim. to p.rti<ipant in this tvaluation pme.... I ""'tinur to b< inckbtroto tho ommbers of the A1.bama Lowyrrs Helping ~rs Committcr fu, tboi. rrsol,... nd Kf"lcr to th. mtrnbrn of the ALoham. Sm" R.I •• nd for .hei. commitment to 'ho ALAI'. •




Kanne Ma"o WI<, RN, M.Ed.;. d il'«torofth. Alabama Lo"'J'<'. Al<i,tan<r I'mS<II". ",. "",suit ins tram 01.., used ,he rrpon and rrcornrnenda· tiofU of !he AIM Om, ,,,,...,,,, "" 'N £...J""llOII of DUdp/i""f)'


&t{orrt .... (I-kKoy Commi .. ion},;u ..oopted by the ABA HooK of 1>rLcg..trs in February 1992 and the r-:a,,,,,,,,/Iudidll/ Ntion I'I.>n on Profnsicnalum cmled by ,he N.,i<>nol Conr.....c. of Chief Justices (Chief lus,ices' Plln) OS adopted in 1999. Thtsc ,e<:. ommendations ... ffinn,.,,~ and odd to many of the "'88fttions Sd forth in the Prindpln and Modri lAP.


Assistance Program

Are )00 ..::aching someone you care about sdf-<lostJu;:ti"i bolCausc of ak:oOOI or drugs? Are !hey I/:Uing )00 !hey have it utrl:r CQIIn.I/1

Thevdonl. An: they Iclling you they can h:udIc it'!

Thevcanl. Maybe !hey'A: I/:lling you it's IIln! of yo.u- 00siress.

nlS. f'I:<lpIc enQ~,do:d in alcdooI or drug dcp:rd:ncies can't see ...h.1I it is doing to tI-cir lMs.

You can. Don', be part of .heir delusion.

Be pan ollbe solUUoA.

F... "'"«Y"'" _

....... olod>oIi.....

II "' ... r"" 0I1t« Ii'~ ... ""I"l""'Y off"""" 1I)'!he ~m drink'n,. The Alobomo Lowya A"l" ..... 1'ropu! i• to he.p ............ o(!he IepI prof""'" ...,,", suffer 1""" . - . . 01 ""'_ dtpe"""""ICS . •nf""""""" ......... - ...b.. .,~aabk 10< !he _ .. f...,ily me.,. ..... oIfocc""" or _b members. ALAI' Is<unmilled 10 do.·~lopin, a pOler ...~..,.j


un"....."",..... of"'" ilhld> ~ "IUft

!he !<pi prof...;.,.. If you or _

""" ~"" k""'" ...... help cal. kan".

M";' lz>h. (ALAI' di~"").11 0:1.1) 83<1·7516 (I """Ildential di"", " ... )or24·boor _ at (J34J 224· ~20. All call. ore c""r.... nt>al.


Disciplinary Notices

Notice Kimbnly laD< Dnrmaa_l)..i<bon, wh_ ..m..r.,>i>ou.. ~ unknown: On March 15,2006. pctilian for .""nmary owperuion _ fokd wilh the Dixipl;rwy Commission ~"8 thor grounds .mt for ,he lUItIInary of Kimberly }an< DHnnan·o.vidoon'llicm~ 10 p~ico law, 10 wit; Kimbfrfy ~ DHnnan[4vidwn Iw (;ailed to rnpond 10 rtquellJ for inr.:.mwion from " difciplinuy outhorilJ dapiu. demands 10 do to by 1M ()ffia: GtneraI Counsd the




Abbo.mIo SIol~ &r. Byordtrofthe DifcipUnuyCommilsion mltrtdMarch IS, 2006, lGmbmy , ..... 1kUJJW\<bon m..... rapond 10 tho pHilion for ... mma_ ry IUIpC'IUion and JI>ow COIUt, if any .t./>( ' - in writi"b within, of May 5, 2006. wily tilt Pftition .II>ou1d 1>01 bt grant"" or, rhnnJ\er, lhe .tIqalionJ COIl· Iaintd tbnrin .IhaIl II< dcmW odIn,n"" .nd an ordt. lummuUy MUptnding Kimbrny }a ... Deannan-o.vidoo"'.Iic:m.. 10 ~ j.w1NU bt mt~ by the Di.dplinary Commi..ion of tho AloboITll SPit 1Ia., Set, f\lln 'lel. and 20(1). A/abd .... RuJa '" Dis6pJ""'fJ' Pow~u"" [Rule 20(0); ITt. No. Q6.JO]

Dilcipli""fJ' (Ammw.on, A.I.rb.o"", Slau s"r

Disbannents J;w;bonvLlk ",lOrn.,. ))avid )od Formle ...... di,b.orud from 'M p ...... lice of Jaw in the SI.I. or Alob.oma tfftcti~ January 2Cl. 2006, by 0""" of the AlIt.=.. Supmn< Court. n.. "'p",me coyn entom! ill orda bastd

upon the decu ion of the DiKipiino'Y IIo&rd of lhe AJab.olTll State lb •. In AS8 No. 1)4· 261 (AI. fol'TllOl chargtt we •• filed opins! Forrfttff On July 14. lOO5,alksinl thaI in ~\.oy 2(lO.I. Form ...., knowinS th.t. biu us. poruion from th. p~ of law in .ho St ••• of Al.Nm. was immin<n" lJrttd to rtpK$ttl' tho «Impl.i""n. in I . rimina! man... and rterivtd • 5) ,650 rftaintr fee for Ih< rtpm<nu· ,ion. Forrtstn did not odvis< ,be: com · pl.i""n! of ,be pmding su.p<nw n. 170


btl. ,old bim tha. "" was "going on' ion" In<! tho, Ino.her lawyt1' would hondl< Ih< cast. FolTa'n Il>.ondonn! th. complailUlnl 100 his case. Funhn. Forres,.. faiIod to respond to

nUmOfOUJ <equalS (Of in(omna.ion ..... rding ,h.....11.. during \he courw of tho ~'s inll(Stip'ion. Fo~n d;d 11<), fil< In IIl$Wtr 'n th.

rnlfgn. A dd.i1Il judgm<n. was .nlnt<! lpitU' him findinS him Suil'y of viol .. inS ruln 1.3. 1.4(b). 1.l 6{d ). 8.1(b). 804(1). U (e). 8.4{d). and U ta). RIIJ.. <1 f'rrl{mional CondU<!. In ASS No. 04· ll8(A). fomW cNrgoo wac fil<d .,w... ForrQt<r on July 14, 2003. oIIcsin8 tha, Fomsttt was 10 n' the: complainan' in I b.oni;. f\Iptty .... tter and poid • $600 m.inrr. 11>t~.ft.r. Fomsl<'f did lin l< Or D(I wnrk in th . ....11.r and .""ndon«! 'M


''P, ...

rompiallwll .nd hi< cast. Fu.tbt:r. Fo....:.I ... falJcd 10 m.pond 10 numcTOUS ""I""'" fur in'onn'llOfI ~n.lillg the mon ... dunn8 ,he OOu"", lho bor". '''''''ig.Ilion. FolTt$kT dtd I\Ol rile an ........r 10 tho funnaI <~ II def.ull jud~tlC1'1 was mtcml;og:Un.<I him find· ing him guilly of viol>ung rule$ 1.3. l.l6(d), 8.1 (b). U (o)•• nd 8.4(s). AJ.b.o"", Ruks DfI'n1fa»oMl Qon.lun. In ASS No. OS·I9{A}. funnal <h.1rg(S ""'''' filed "pin" Furr<1'.r on July 14. 2005. oU<"&",& 'hat Fon.<I.. " ... <CI.incd to rcprfltnt Ih. comp l.i""01 in 0 b.anluuplq" molt .. ond p_id. S500 rel.1ine •. TMrc.A ... Furm'.. did lillie- ur nu wurk in lhe malt .. and dkl no! <ommunica,. ""h Ihe ""m· pl.i,,",", .bou, tho jI.,u. of her ..... Forr($,.r lold ,he: (omp"'in>"1 that hot .,... h.d bc<n gi~n '0 a nolh .. olto.ncy btuu .. hc was "going un. 'ummer """'lion." Fount... b.1ndoned Ih. .nd hot ..... FUrlhcr. !'<""'IC' f.iled lu ,,,polld 10 numor· ous Wlu<11< for informalion rqprding Ih. moltcr lho <ou ... of the bIT" '",..,.Iipl;"n. For ... ' .. dkl n<.>t m... n anl"·.. r ,0 , h. 'ormol d ..rgos. A M.ul, jud",tcnt w•• entered 'g;oin<l him finding him guilty of v,ol'ling rules U. I.~ (b), l.16(dl. 8. l(b). 8.4(a). U (e) .• nd 8.4(g). II/n"""," R~ks of


Proj"m,"",,1 yo,I"".

tn ASR No. OS·72(A}. ,om,"", <h.orgco wao fiIcd "&,i"'l FonnI..r on July 200S. alleging ,hoo! For~t .. w ...

I ~,

rct~incd '0 rtJ'KStnl ,ho compl.i,,",Il' in a b.",krup!<y moll ... nd I"id. S!iOO rctai ...... Th ..... ~ ..... Forrcslot d,d llide Of n<.> wurk in Ihe mollor .nd did nol OOmmun",.le wi,h ,ho (Ompiainam ''''''''1 'he .. atu. of btl " .... For ...1Cf lold the <omplAitLlnt ,hOI his ...... bad bern given '0 anothoT attorney. Fom:stcr .boodune<l,hc «>mplatnant and his ....... Further. Form'" f.iled 10 ""pond to nulntrou. It"lj....... for i"f"orm>lion ~ .. ling I......... tt"rdut. i"i\ Ihe (Ou'" of t.... mr', in""liption. Forrel!" did nOl flk on an,W<' to ,ho fom..! A dof.ult jud&",.", ..... cnla"" agaiml him ~nd,"I\ btm guilty


of viobll"l\ ruin 1.3, I .~(b), I.I6(d ). 8. Ub). Mr.). ~nd8.4(g), lllob<m,a Ruks 01 /'ro{mw,,,t/ Cand'K'. In IISB N<>. OS-H\II). fonn.1 ch~rgn wrn: filM apin't FOrr<1l~r on luly 14. 2005, .tI<&,ng tb.t on M,,,,h 1l.100-l. Forrcsla. knowlllg Ih.lllIs .u<1"'n,;"n from Ih. p"'li« of in Ih. SIaIC of IIbbo",", ~ 'mm,n<"lll. ay....d 10 rep· ru<nl,h. , ,n' d,VQ"" m.lla .M r«oiv.:<! a 5400 ~"in .. fco for th. rq>~nta'iOIl. Fon",lerd,d nol adVl~ lhc <omp!;oin.nt tho pond,ng ""I.. n'lOll. furr<1ICr ab.:In_ doncd Ih. < .nd hi. " ... Further. FOlrater "iled '0 n:sp,,,,d to



numorous req ...." for informo,ion ••g:udmg In. nuttor during Ih. (Our.. of 'he mr', invntigotion. Forr<1ta did not fik an .n.,.." to tM forma! <hars'" A dcf.,oI, judgmenl ..... cntcml '&,i"" him finding him guil,y of ,io1o'ing rulos 1.3. I.~(b). 1.16(d). 8 .1(b). 804(&) •• nd M (g), II/a"""'" Ruin of Profts$,ooa/ yndlll'. In IISII No. 05-90(11). formal <borg« w.", filed agoi"'1 FO"<$'cr on IDly l~, 2005. allc-ging tb., Fo".. t .. " .• • "".ined to rcprfltnllhc in 0 b.nktup1<y ".,.n •• and I"id. S300 .... lOin ... Th....... Acr. Form,.. did link or no W<)rk in ,t... m:n'or.l"" the

• The Alabama Manwtory CLE Commission continually evaluates and approves in-state. as well as nationwide, programs which are maintained in" computer dat.,basc. All are identified by sponsor, location, date and specialty area. For a listing of current CLE opportunities, visitlhe ASB Web sile. www.altlbar.orglcle.

Disciplinary Notices romp),in.n!', fil~ on

'wtI orouioru.

mis.rd op!"';n"".n" and did "'" communic.t .. wi.h Ih. compLtinanl ,h .. ""u' of h., co..,. Form-I ....


mid lhHompl"nanl lhal ~r use t..d b«" given 10 .""t~r .t1ornoy "",,.u$< h. was " "<II going pr.iC,k. Low fur. while," I'orn-t,..... bondontd 1M «1m·


pI.inanl .nd hr. <a$t. Furlh .... f.Ut<! to rnpond 10 ou""",


1'«Iu<su for inform"i"" rtprding 1M m.lto, during Ih .. rou'" of lht b.,', invnligation. Fo"",n • • did not m. In .n....... to Ih.. fonnol ch.rges.1t


der.ul, jwJsm<nl wa$ <n lert<! .pinll him finding hinll!uilly of viol"i"$ ruin 1.3, 1.4(b). 1.I6(d}. 8.1(b). and 8.4(.). t\/aJ",ma Ruin of l'n>/mioM/

Cornlwn. It ""aring.o d<1mni"" ducipli"" was conduaod by P~""I HI of Ih. Di.dplin.ry Board on )onuuy 17, 2006. Forr~l.. r {Ailt<! 10 .pptar . , ,Jw,

hu ring. During the ""'rin"" 'M AI.b."", 5'0'. Sa. ts,abli,htd lha. on April 27, 1999. Fo.res' .... ««,..,d. pri· v.I. , .. primand for failing to pmmptly .emit fund< to • dient th.t W<'e hold in nuS!. lho A1.~m. St.te Bar a1><> establishod th.t on Sopt=w 11. 2001. Fo,rtsl<'T , tttivtd • 91·doy $US""n.ion due 10 hi, failur<lo lrain =ploytts.nd for engaging in in.pprop,;".e ""xual condU('t .0w;...1 elknt.<.nd =p!oytts. The impo<ilion of tho suspons;on wII iU$pondod and hd<l in abcy.I.n« ""odinS' lwo' )",a, poriod Df probalion. On July 21. 2001. I'<"''''e' r=ivtd • p,inle rop,imon<l fo, willfully mgl«tiog ologal matte' o n b<half of a dienl who r<lairKJ him to Ii~ • bortkrupl<y ond paid him the roqu<$I'" rttain ... Fo.rtsl<'T did nO work in tho malltf.ll«tou~ h. ""I.,,,, lho A"'''''"", IMn ~f Prnfmi<mIJJ Co"tI",. during hi. ,....,..yo.. probation.ry po,lOO. Forrts'.'·' pmb.olion was rtvok«l .nd th. 91·<1'1 su.pon.ion proviowly ordrrod on Sopt.,nb<. 11. 2001 WI> ionposod. Th. ba, also off.rod (>'ide-nc. <$Iabl;.hing ,hal Fo,rts1d, prob.;Ilion WlI5 r<'VOkM by otd..

Conr;nurd from p<rgt /7/

.n,.,«1 No..,mb<, 24. ZOO). wilh 1M .ff«1i.., .1.1. of 1M , 10 b< ..., by tho Alabama Court. [..,nlu.lly. lbe eff«:li.. dol. wu .., ... lun. I. zoo.I. The nid<n« pm>Ttllho, fmon No....mb<r 24. 2003 unlillh. nr«:li.., dOle of '''''ponoion. Fo"esl" conlinurd 10 KUpl .... in ... and pay. ment fot wo,k in a<:h.n~ for promis· .. Ilul ho would porCo,m 1<pI work on behalf of dknt. knowing thot hil .u,po ... ioo from Ih. pra«k. of Low had I>«n o,de,,,, and llul Ih. efT«ti,.. wu imminent. lASH nos. (104. 261(A), Q.I.318(A). OS.19(A). 05· 12(A). 05· 73(A) •• nd 05'9O(A))


lho s...p.....,. Court of Alabama adopt«I.n ord •• of Ih. DiKiplinH)' Commission dUhaning Mobil< otto. _ ""l' leMa..,,,,, A1&n Molon. f",m lbe of Low in the Stat. of Alabama • rr«:li\<t- Oec=b<. 20. 200S. Malone wu convict«l of a "..,.iou. eriln<"" d.linfd by Ruk 8(cl (21 (01. AloiNI",~ 1M•• fI{ Di¥iplin~'Y Pmudurt. On Ap,il 2 1. 200S. in tho Supo,io, Court of Califo,nia. County "f Sac,amento, Nn. G4F0486S SUP. Malon. .nler«l a pi<'a of nolo (Qnl~ndrt. WU con.ict«l of allempl«l carjacking and Illempl«l kidn.pping .• nd r=ivtd a Knle"'t of Ih .... yoars a"d fou, monllu in Ihuullndy Df tho Califo,n;" DtparlBlC'nl o f Co'ft'Cli"n •. Malon. ilia f.ilC'dlO IhownuK in w. iling within IC1I dap of «<tipi of lhe comn •• u.ion·, ordr, "'hy he should "." b< .u>pondC'd 0' di>b.o,"'" pur_ ..... nll" Rult 22(0). (21. Alobo",,, Hul.. fI{ DiWplinu'Y Pro....lurt. IRule 22{o). Pel. No. os·oll



Suspensions lIinningham allotnt)' lobn Croom Folkntbtrry wu su>pondC'd fmm Iht pro"i« Df law in the 51... of AI.bama for a pmod Df91 dap .ff«:li\<t}.nuary 20. 2006. by ord .. of Ih. A1.bam;I Sup.....,. Courl. lhosup'cme

court .n.. ,od ilSo.der ba5N upon lhe <kci.ion of Disciplinary Board of tho .... Slol. Bar. Th. boord furth" "rdtTf'd th,,, F.lktn~ mal;" '<$Iitu· , ion.o his di.n. in tho omounl of $1.500. ~·o'n ..1chug.. were m«lopi ...t F.!k.n~ on Augult 24. 2005. alleging lhal be had been hi"'" 10 rq>refC1I1 a di.nt in I dispul' with his diJ.abUi.y inlu,on«" Clmm. FalJ:.onbtrry w;u paid a $J.500 Id.i_. ofIerwhich F.lktn~ WI'OI. lwo IeIIn$ roq .... l_ ins a WI;"'" Df 1M policy provision. in di,pul •. Apparently. afier inqui, ;n rrom Ih. dtfend'lOl< 10 Falunb<rry ".. m unlJl>w<rod.lho dtfend.nlS COm· munic-at«l dir«tl)' wilh Falknbeny'. dim!. Tht ditnl ottempttd 10 commu_ nn .. with Falk<nb<,ry withoul "". cess. Afi« r«riving paymenl Df the Id.ine,. FolUnbtrry wrote lwo leiters and did no olh ... wort in tho malle •. Falktnbe,ry did not rcspo»d 10 the: dettnd.nlS 0. 10> hi. dknt. Furth .... afi.. 1M ~ woo ftkd wilh 1M Sl31. Falk<n~ f.iltd 10 ... pond to roqUCSIS for info,malion nprding ,ho malt., during th. oouRe of Ih. in\'ffiig.tlion. Formal clwges wtre m", in this matt.. and wert po•. KIfl.lly ..,>Ttl "" FolUn~ on Seplembe.6. 2OOS. Folunbe.ry did not !il. an ......... to Ih, fo,nuol 'horgn. Therefore. on Oclober 12. 2005. a dda .. 11 judgmtnt "'"' C1IItTf'dogainll him !inding him guilty of violaling .ul.. l.l. 1.4(.). 1.16(dl. 8.1 (h). and U (I). Alabama Ruin fI{ PrOfrisWIUlJ Cond"". Falunb<rry did DOl appea, for his h.. ring to delermin. discipline On January 17. 2006.IA58 No. 04191(A))




On l. nU;lry 2006, the Sup ...... Court o:H Alabama issurd .n order adopling tho [)i<cip~1W)" Commission Df th. Alabama Slo .. II..•• o>rd<, d..«1 N.,.... mbtr 22. 2oo~ . uspending TusaIoos.o 8yron Tndd Ford fl'Om 1M pt3lti« of I.w in Abbama.



Disciplinary Commi .. ion mt~ ord.,. ba...d upon Ford', "",dition · al guUIy pka. Ford·s low license was swpend«! for. ptriod of 12 month$ «feet;"" NovemNr 4. 2005. Should Ford N rnmWN, ht will N plo«d on 24 month$ probation dTeetivt thr do~ of his rrimtattm<nt. Th .... will hr ar· lain t~rnu Ford will hr mtuired to mtt1 during his probation. Tb~ pl~. .nd sllSpC'llSioo :lrO$<' oul of Ford's misappropriation of fulllh he lu.d I>tm .d.. 1>Ud rtg;Irding o:ourt ·.ppoinltd cues. Ford had ~n\ertd into fanoring ogrt'Ontm!$ wherrl>y h~ InS advmad funds in <ourt .... ppointtd C&$no Aft.,. Ford rta'Md the advancnntn\f, he was to indicatt th.t (OC! by placing. routing cod. on lhe attorney ftt ded. · ration forms th.1 he .ubmilltd to the th~

. me complroller, On nwntro\l$ oca· sion .. Ford wbrnintd the .ttornq- ftt dod"'lion forms and faill:d to indial. th.llhe ftto were not to N paid to him bUllO the knding .~ncy. Ford thm ro"",rttd the funds (or his prnonal ust. IASIl No.OS ·212(All

On January 26, 2006. the Supmno Court of Abba"," cnleJt<l.n order adopting the DtamNr 15.2005. ordor issued by Ponti V of the Oisciplil\;\ry Board of tho Abbam. Stal. 11>., I..... ptnding Thcodo .. onomty ~rv I.uas Simoru for • period of 90 do)'$Simons faikd to comply with the mtuitnntn!$ofl Soptcmbft 10.2004 ordor of th. Ois<iplina.,. Boord. Th.rdo .... anoth<r h•• ring InS held on

Ot«mbcr 15. 2005 befo .. the Disciplinary Boord. Th. board round that Simons f. ikd to comply with . condition which mtuircd him to obtain counseling from the Alabama SI... liar', Law ~ Pta<;lia: A$sisunce Program. The board round thOl on two previous occasions. Simons lu.d ~n roprimandcd fo r .imil.. ocu of misconduct. The board considtrtd ~rds 8,2. 9.22(1) and 9.12(. }. i\IaIII>JM SI<>..dords for Imp<>fing f..<I"?,,, DiJdpli1N'. and dtlmnintd lhat Simons be ~ from thc pncti« o( IIW for. ptriod ol90 <loys. Upon rcinst:al<n>Onl, Simons will be pIaad on a lwo·yar p robo.tion, wbjoct 10 conditions. Simons will immcdioldy enroll in the Lawyn- AsslsWlOl: Progom Ind Pncticc Manogetnml


Ptutecting Atnert:a 's law films is the $p8C/aI /I:1IPMiS8 of Great American's' "'ofessional /..lability Divisiott tnsumnce for 8/ti:Imtl)S Dr atrane;s; ""' brlng a/1lorouf;fl IJfKlerst;JntJi cllfI8 law IV all our business relat/oosNpS. OtT servfce is ~ a::ctHlII9, profident





-- -.....2


.101 _ _


Disciplinary Notices ~

............ H~ will • .Ioo~

IO«OIInllU>o;i romp/)! with any md on ruIQ aDd rqulal~ conurniIIg IrUSt accounlJ lOr Inoyns. Simons will pay ralilution 10 tho< i ............ diml in tho .mOwn of $250. and ..,.;a bt Wrd for aU coots and r.c. illcurmi. Thio OK WI> iniliotnlby • rompboiJ>an1 who poid Simons 10 rq>fQ<nl lin in "" WIoDDfItemd divoru. SimoN did dn.ft the di~ and tho (OhIplairw>1 mmpktcd hn poymmu of .no....,.'. lieu and Cdi", fefllO Simon&. In or about April 2001, SimonI told the COfIIJIbinont dUll 1'" diYOru had btm foltd bul 1Ml 1110 dork'. office was bthind. On M"l' 12. 200), It.. compWnonl cht<cU4 willi thuk'k', off"" and I.. mod tho, noth ing !wi Moo filed. Aft...- tM II.. complaint WI> filed, Simon. ..funded ,h. fiIins 1ft: of S161 10 the compl.inonl. During tM ,n_;prion of 1M bor complaint, Simolll told 1M inoaliplor lhal bt did not tilt 1M plnd. inp bta_ "" had .pmt $50 of the filin$ fro. [ASB No. 03- 144(" )[ • tn&ft


Public Reprimands AIbntvilIc .tlOrnty ....... Radford Bnty rKriwd. public ~ wilhoul ~ pubIiaorion on Fcbruuy 1. 200610< >ioIotiom of flIles tA{1), U (d ar>d a.~d). AWromor RMIG '";>Pir boat c.-I..... B=y

Iikd • pmo!l2l O>aptn , to.nkrupUy pdilion lwei...., of, in pon, ~ financial ....... outrnftl dut 10 " ust<I "' operation mal bt UKiH p..uted and linanttd (or his 1011. "I'M ~cw· por•• ion ,Iw mad< . 511).000 1Ioorplan loan IiI<d " non·d~iry lCI.ion ....iMl llmy allqins lMll\t hod an ownen.hip in'tfQt in and op<'f.Itd II>< u~ en lot and _ . nompto Ins 10 diJchu~ dcbu orising ou1 of tho "",ra'ion of the u>td carlot and fimh .. all~ thl' Berry providtd fat.. financial •••• omt1I.s, Ib$<;ondt<l w;.h funds for which h. had a fiduci_

ary obl;g.orion and commint<l fraud. Berry ma;nl.l;nn;! that 1M: had no knowltd", of 1M Roo.-pb" 'ransac· .ion and wu no! invoMd in th .. day!&day """rarions of 1M bU$i .......

Howrm-, the bAnkruprq «Mort IWnd in r.....,.. of w fiNn« rorpontion and condudtd thar Berty ""~ putlciin 1M fr~udulmllra....mon.


IAS8 No.O:I- 1431

On Frbn.ory ). ZOD6,



" ....nomq

CMvim David IIiMtn ............. a public roprinu.nd without .......... p'ublo .0., for notations of rules 1.$(1), !.J(b ). r.1(b), l.I 5(c), and 1.l6 (d ).


A"""',,, of,., .,...... c-1art On 11, 2004 •• with 01'

aboul IrIIzy


dlnu ...... ro d*- ....",,0001 inw>Ivint a



from m. ..... p&oyn .. with

rht Fair/idd Orr School Sy.!nn. The

following day. Siam caIlI'd tht ditnr and ..tvnt<I him 10 iT!um 10 m. offi<:t. Siam told tht dimr thaI ~ ntNrd to pay . $5.000 rttaintr Itt. n.. dimr wmll! . <hKlt paj'ilbk 10 !I~' law firm on Ih. wnt dol •. ! I F thm asktd rhtdiml to..,jd I~ct..dc and write IlIIOtIrtr dI«k th;!r ~ ....,.. payabk 10 /lim individu.olly. Bigm ..tvnt<I rht dlnu th&t r.. could noc """ his job with rhc I'airficId Or School Sy.!nn. bul ......Jd ...m /lim in ~ od>CT .".....,""'nr. 1Wo <t.yJ Iortr, on ~Izy 1).100:1. thtdient ...,11 Ieun termir..rias hit!tf'l rq>tatnU_ 0001 and ~. mund. Hl .... IIigm 10 tend him III iImQ!d bill for hit ~ and I rriund of the The dimr Iqon



11II:I•.,m"lOcontacr: JlWlmrIliarn

·o..c. • FIoir

,1 ,oI_oIlIImIgI • ·In. fIfoIocOI dI ,'U ,.~

• 1IcIricII1UIIPQ!11or canpIa ItlgMjon

• ~ wIIr.-" Q$t . . . . .


·• lr:s&lg "'*' IIIIIistIn ~ dIItdI lor IIIcIdIn mow " I'IIIIth ca._", rtIIted

• $s. ,.,IoRlllo.1u.~UJtr f'I,Iqr ..... AlG


MAY lO0i

r.ikd 0I'..m..d 10 mumhil rck,~" .... The dimr .... with tht bank and d..rcnnincd thor 8igm No! arroht<I tht $5,000 dwdr: on May 12., 100:1, On May It, 100:1. tht dini! ..... 10 IIigtn' offior: ~ I rriund. rold the dimr that 1M: No! IpOken with tht ouptrln.mdmr of.IM: I'airfXId ary Schooh and rha.1M: """ ..ill cmpIoj:od by the SchooIIIorord until the ;n_ip,ion """ rompkltd. n.. diml • .ody ......... hit contrxt Iud nor bttn ........m and rnIlzcd IN. Big:n; was facts thlt ....... ~mply nor 'rue. 8iggen conlinuNI to work nn Ir.. .... n .... fQ-r r.. had bttn r.nninarM .nd

WWW.mold.frH .cwg


mad< ronlaCt with Dunn, DuIlIl nplaintd to hUn that hc wu havin&. han! lim< tinanci&Ily and odmltted owing him 0 miJnd. Dunn olTrmllO "'pay him in iruloU"",nlS, but failed to do so. Prior 10 .. ming hi< ftt in th" matt ... Dunn nogoliated the complainon!'HhKlt Ind did not kttp the funds in 1 itJ'U'l~ IOCCO<1nt. Funh<rmort. Dunn ........ ' ,n!ned inlO • fCO' ogrttmtnt with tho oomplainant and rouId noc f<IIImlbtt the bou.1y

Iatn mted to the c1icnllhat hr ha.d earned the 5s,ooo for doing t<n hours of Iogoi...m.. The ilimt Latn learned tlu.t Siggtrs rq>rt$t1Ited ..... Fairlidd Oty SdiooI Board. [AS8 No. 001-14')(.0.)[

O n Febru.ry 3, 2006. Blnnin&ham anornq ....11liam Norris DUIlIl fKrivt<I a publ;'; rq>ri .... nd without 8f1'<taI publiCItion for violating rul .. 1.S(a). l.~{.). 1.15(0) and 1.I6(d), AkI""ma

"'~ 10 M dwgtd agairul

RIlkl of ~ eo"dwcr. The com· pl.i .... nt hir«J Dunn 10 rq>ramt him in. post.divot« mall~r. Tht rom· pl.inant pa;.:! Dunn a $1.000 ftt fo r this ooniu. Thercafln, the com· plai .... nt and his CI.-wif~ moIw<I thoir difT«<n< .. and Dunn wu advioed to . 1Op the action. No ~;tion for modtfi . anion Or comempl had bttn p~ by Dunn. Th, complai .... nt lftIunled. mum of tho fffs paid and [)unn agr«d to do $0, Tbn.-.ftn. Dunn cated h .. off.u and failed or r6u!ed to cornmuniCI~ with the: complainant. The complainant atumpled 10 caD Dunn on at k.ut50 0CGii0ns. ~ Dunn failed Or ",fujed to rommunicat~ with him. Whtn tht complainant fi ...11y



tho com ·

plainant's mainer. Dunn d;':! link or no W(I. k in thi< .... n~r .nd charged • clearly ~ ftt in violation of Rule l.S(a). Dunn failed to kq> his cJin,1

reasonably informed a\:lout II>< ~I>l," of ,I>< m;lttn and did no' promptly com· ply with rrasonabk rtqut$U for info. malion rrlaled to tht ....lIn in viola'ion of Ruk 1.4(1). U""n ~nnina,ion orhis rq>rrsmtation, "" f.iIed to kttp c1i<:n" s funds in • account in viol.>lion of Ruk 1.15(. ), and DOIlIl d;':! not rrlund tho advmce paymmt of lhe ftt in this mall .. th., ha.d not bttn in riolotion of R..... L. I6{d}, tIIaba ..... RIlla of Profrssk-/ Qmdwcr. [ASB No. 001- 199(.0.))



l,uvtrne attormy <llarla I. kttler, Ie. I'ttrivtd • public Irprimand without ~

pub1lc.tion On Febru..ry 1,

2006, for riololin. ruks].) and 1.4(b} ,t.R.p.e Ktttkr _himllO rq>rrsml a c1i<:nl in • .tip-and.fall case. Whik rtprestnti"ll the dim, in the slip ,"nd· fall case. "'" was injum:l in an automobik ao:c:i<lmt_At ....... ""in, during Iht ... prewnUtioa. the dim, .~amI in

Krttltf', oflia in I "JOmCWha, aippled condilion" daimi"ll W wu the victim of medial tmlpraaia. Krttkr odvistd her that. wumin8 wha, W had told him was true. her tmlpnaiu daim had more """'it than her slip-1lnd.foU

case and odvised bn to """idn wn · dooing hn slip-Ind·fall case in favor of prouNinj with the medial mal· pncti« case. Tht client wu to odvisc kttltr bow &he _n,ed pt'OCftd,


",. dkntl\eYer ""1'rused I dKUion on whether Or no, 10 pro«cd with the .Jip-and·faU 00st. Rothor than confirm_ ing he. dtci<ion to procttd or not proC«d on th., case, KettI .....umed ,hat dlo had _"",ed hit...Moe and alJow,od the ~IUU 10 run withoul fillng",it on tho $li]KInd-fall we. [ASB

No. OoI-I96(AJ1

E. Perr

Mechanical En ginee r


• !iSME NOnl'kh Uni>'rrsi ly 'MSM'E Lehigh Uni"U'sily • Adjunct Professor at UA O 'O"'ntr or 2 pattnts

• _1'10 ...

• DeccrltF_

. e_a l.- .......

• t...... IIStod ..... • PIlip II ...,.. ",m.


• h"lmlrlaI C_nod'" SIt<. lie



AL Prot. Lk:mse No. 90111

Telephone 20S 985-0727



CLE Corner

","i'4 H"",ktl MeLE 11;',«'",_ ","'1M",,, tur,



ow! Whal • busy rc.... months. Thank you fOr}'OW" patience

Ihrou&!l my fir>! reponing_ .... n .. MCLE dim:lor II the AIab.uru SUu Bu, Of!he .pprwtimatdy 15.000 m<mbm of the bar, I fed liko I heard from 1~,876 in DtctmIl<1" alonf. Just whI:n J was btginning to fcd popular in my new pooi. lion, _II'" pail M. rch 15th lIId )'011 woold think I hove In unlistd numbn. r hope thaI you an: finding the - Don', Panic" portion of OUr Web ";1. helpful, hut in tho words of oollImy rnl>$iC icon RoN, ' Why luii'm', I Mud from )OIl!" Now .. tilt tim!: that ... OK m<)I't 0YallabIt 10 "",r\: with )'OU: and it is Ill< bt$t tim< tOr )"U to think about CLE wmp~ tOr 2006.

When I join<d the MCLE staff in SopIember. ,... ~Ialely bogon ......n.;ng On on <aSio:r -r to tOO CLE complw.u. we, implnntnt<d wh.u ""' h\ll1lOf"OUSly lOr ..,.,... (not.., for DlMrJ) twn rrlnm:I to .. tht "pink.sIip" pro<Qo. All individu.ob . . - idmtiJlcd as not having mmpltlod their elf ~IS in ...rfy o..o.mIJ.... --.. maikd pink notiIi<:olion IOnns that bod 10 be Nited ond re1wnod by lanuary 31,:zoo6,. MO$I indmduab who m:rivod transcripu and prdiminary notias <Ji non· wmpliancc t.- sina: become compljanL ~. hundrt<h more (jao I said hundrtds) .....ght <I<6citncy plans to obtain CLE cmIit Lou. It .. important not. !hal if you foll


into thaI '"'<'gOry and rA)Cl'a5tim~ in 2005, In MeLE tuk {Oret is working

wid. ,h. MCLE commiMion to determine I way t<> Rdua this abusc of &6 . (itncy p4n r~ut$1S f<>. tho fluure. In I "uuh.U. abotnt on .~ Or IItr"'''' It'llth pmbkm. plo>$< be P',pam:I In t<1 178

MAY /006

your elE credi" 6rndy in 2006. If)tlu luvc had !he opportunity In ulk with my staff nvmbfts, Cbristin.o. Brown

and Carol Thomton,)'O\I know !>ow gm. uine, hdpful and frimdJy they m to OUr a!\OnlotyIo. Thty ho"" brought it !O my .n.nOOn that many Alabama .nomt}'l

.u Ioirnply unf.m~iar with u.. MCl.E

rules and rquIo!Oons. PIe... OOIC tho! all

u.. Me LE rules and OTgUbtiono .~ post· ed II www,a/abaT.<lrJldt. Ig»oAI>Cl' of U-- rulcs his "'" pmwn to bt. viabIt e;o:'U$f' lbr m. MeLE cornmwion.lIdow is • list of common myths thaI our staff addressed this complio_ poriod followed

by aplanotions from th..lClual rule 0. ..-gulalion. w.1>Op< thiI will .. ~ IS I handy ~ thiI ynt,


I how unlil January Jlto compltl< my courses.

Fact:Y<N ho..., until o.c.rnoo 11 10 nm CLE cmlit. After WI tim<, if J'OU ~ nol ",mod. your ~1,)'O\I will ~ dttmed m non-a>mplianc< (MCUl RnIt 6J, You ~ until JanUlryl l lO rq><>nony 0)U1'$t$ thaI the J:PIIlIOOfl did no( nport 10 the bar fur fOU. Undc-t Rult l,Abbamo llIO""'YI !.haII.n""!' annually. mm;· mwn of 11 octuaI hounof.~ron· !mumg ItpI education, 0"" hour of

which ohalIlH: ethics or pmkssionaIism.

Myth: r om nol I ""U!tomty, ... I don't how 10 lwmiQ.


All AJ.ab;o"", anorMY' mlW romplrie 0_ hoD. of mica or profH$ionafum ttprdl<$S of how many gt....... at ell-: hou ..... compltled annually,

part of . caItndat ",ar." you ~ rrquim:l

New aUO"""" IlK lUbjca 10 MeLE R.... 9 Ind m .... tau I 5fpOr.ol. w;.hour profeooio".liim con ....


Myth: 1tonk 36 hours iJ> 2004. SO


I hI,..

mc1 Ih~ r«jui~mmu

fOJ 2006.

Fact: Yon an apply ac.eJ$ gcnn-aI Ind ethies hours 10 so' iir,. III< , calondar ",at', MCLE mju;rm>mU only (MCLE Rl-guI.alion ).6). Th=fo~. you could only carry ....... 12 gtnml hours (induding I maximum of on. hour of ethica) for 1M following)"tar (2005). Th"tafter,)'Iu would 1oso til< mnaining houtS.

Myth: I can wait umil [kttmbn 29 and pur< ...... aU my mdiu onli .....


No Irif-JtJodr (OIl"'" may bt IJlllmvtd for CLE <ndit in Alabm1a. i\lways chtck the COUll< Jistina;s to drttrrnino if Ih~ COUll< l"'" wiab 1(I taU i$ in~ and tw bom apprtMd.. Additionally. online COWXI must be ~ by midnlshl on Deamber )1, IIOf juN pwdwcd by thaI d.ttc. I. 1s)OUr mpomibility to ....u sun' )OUr compute\" Is in working Ofdtr beforI: anernpting .0 uk online ""'...... fin.lIy. l"'" ",.,. not obtain more than sO: MCLE hours onlint.... )OU cannot ap<d to obtain IJJ1 your a..E cm:Iiu ... !br Int=>cl.



Myth: My firm i$doing I eLE .hi< . umm ...... I will,", In my CLE hou ..

.her• .


Under MCLE RrgIlIalion 4.1.14. '-!inns may no! obtain CLE mdit for programs unInJ half the instruction i< from pcnoru ouUidr the linn. To ronfirm thaI )OU will obtain mdil for ru progroms in )OUr finn. makt SUn' the COUll< is wbrnilltd timdy and has btm appn:!Oo:d prior to tho smtlnar wk.


I don', nffil CLE Maust I only prxtia-d a J\ow Wftb out of tho,..,....

Fact: Un<kr MCtE Rtgul..ion 2.5, if you hdd I


liu"", during "any

obtain CL.E hours for Ih. 1 "'...

Myth: 1au...<k<! a IOQI bar wh ..... the 'l"'aittr ficldc-d queslions fot an hour. ThaI ohouJd <:nu"1 0$ """' hour of CLE <rtdil.

Fact: a..E ptacnlations mllS! II< ~

by thorough, hish-qtWity· anfulIy pRpiRd wrinm maLerioh (Ma..E RtgWation •. 1.6). n.. MCLE com· miNion has found ....1 oIwrt periods of qu<fIions and ~ l I t actq>tabIo (. ruIt of thumb would btobou. ISminuIQ P'f $i>:. hour prnsram). ~,prosrams indt>ding Jm&thY q....oon·and.lZI$WtI" I«tiona with no pI.onned ptacntalion or wriTten mattriaIs wouId "m.. I mi 1Iag" lOr ~ ....-iew or dmial of cm:IiL

Myth: I changed myaddrHoon my tr.on.mpl; I don', nffilto chtd il on ASH \*b site ( www.~"'b.o'."'i).


Fact: Please doublN:hcck any address ~ on th~ ASS Wrb si,. to confirm .... ' tlw chan"" you .ubmi!l& with )'Our CtE changes ~ ..-fl«t<:d On )'I"' mcmbnlhip informalion po",. If incoM' should ~·mail Mtmber&hip Snvm at ",riPd"'ba,.o,! and infonn lh<m of any changes.


111Imdtd I ttminar in Birmingluom and p"" tlwm my Socw Security number. It .. up 10 tlw ~poruor.o make """ ,ha. I 8'" emli. for ancnding.

Fact: Mi.," ......inar. aIwa~ chtck <>nlino wilhin XI days. Some spo ........ do no! mtO>rSl CLEadIit in Abba ..... II ;. your tapOIUJbility to oubmil the COu'" if Ihe spomot docs not. Sporuon ohouJd submil cou ..... oLin>! XI days prior to 1M seminar, 50 l"'" Ihould know ol.he do .. of w ttminar if the CO)Ur$O hu btm .~ .nd for how many houn it hu Iwn approved. DO NOT EXPOCT A SPONSOR TO SUBMIT YOUR HOURS If YOU DID NOT PRO· VIDE A CORRECT ALO.BAMA STATE BAR NUMBER (YOURASB I J.

)'Oill u;",. O"ipt

If the """'""'" did noc ",,,"," the """ .... in.dvance, l"'" " - JQ doyl "fkr" ..",.;...,ro oubmilW COUll< lOW MCLE ~ for rcv'oow. Appllcatioru foo...:otdiwion an be fOund II ........ llIab<Ir. ""SftItI~Aarnlil"~pdf.

Tht applicalion ohould be accoml"" nit<! by an agenda of Ih~ (;Ou .... indud · ing 1M fleulty mtrnb.-rs and thtir crt_ dmlials and. prO«'$$ing ~ ($50 if lub· rnitl& by III< ~ponSOfI$25 if by th~ In~nding Innr...,.). Allow XI busi_ days for a ~Iy to Ihi$ application. NOTE THE IMPORTANT DEADUNES.1fyou h.,.. a1ttady Incndo:d I <ou... fur eLE lhal waf no! P~'"PP~ for 2006, pltO\t Inbmil an appli<.alion U IlOOn IS poMibk Unlirndyapplic;" ions may be dmicd.


II ;..h. SIale bar', rupoMibility 10 k<qI up with my Cl.£ houn and on>d me l...-port annllllJy.

Fact: A. OM limt, til< bor would .It"nd wri1l'" Ir.orucripU Innually. Hown'ft. now rou may o«aIyour IranKrip! II anytime Ihrough our \*b l ite •• www.o>/aN,.o,!.Sin«Stp!tmbtt,moolof our spon ..... art now posling CLE Il1rndlnoo after oeminars. Thertfort,)'OUr InnKripU art COlUWltly bring Up<blo:d 10 ~fl«t the i&\ hours )'Iu lltend prognms. II")'OUI oblip.ion hi COM'CI any ina<cu....:in in )'Iur IrllUCrip! Ind to r't"pOn any hours lha,"~ nOl .. nCClcd on )'Iur Innoclip. l" lhe bot. You may .. nd chan"" 10 MCLEComm ... ion, P.o. I!.ruc 671, Mon1somt"ry, AI.oboma .J.610J. Info"""ion on how 10 ftlt formal r't"pO'u for 2006 will follow. Since mllSl of ,he non·compliance ....... ha~ now btt-n ~ for 2OOS, I wdromc your IUggations, commenu Ind gmtlt, corutructM O"i.ichnu. I am hopcfulthll by l'(m&inin8 in (lC)IUUnl communiation with our mcml>rrs, I un 5( .... you wdl and II< IvaUabic hi htlp tnsur, lhal the eLE praomcd in our ..... i< of tlw q.... lily lhal you cxp«l IS members of the bench and bal. •


Announces 2005 Fellows 1M beginning of ~"''' Y"U, th~ Abba .... lIw Foundation Innou"," th~ lowyns ItIKl"'" to join,"" ~ILow1 Progrlm. No mort 'hon on<' pt1«nl of bar """"b«$ "'"'Y ~ nllows; Illtrt"fort. tM stltction commit. , ... invrtos into f<>llow$hip In =q>tioonil group of lowyt<1 who hI".. dtmoru'''''M



,,,,,it dtdioo' ion 10 improving the world around thftn.

This rUt'S""" Frllows w= ruog. niztd ., the Inn ... ) ~IIoWJ Dinne. on



1 ,; '" -::: ·..-.,.. -. ··" .. '*'_c-n.-,.....

The nllows prognm _


in 1995 to hOI>(l' Alabama bar mtm~ who II..... madt significallt contributions

to wir pror...;"" IUId their community. Thoot chos<n to become Fdk....s I rt p,ivm the opp<lnunity 10 incrnK their

Indtnhip roks through the uw fouodation. AJ leaden in 1M legal communioy. Fellows p",..;,x fj""nciaI and pcnonalouppon for u.. Alabama Low Founda!ion. OM dwiubk arm of the AI.b,oma Sill. Bar.

• ..

e_. , 'J

Frkl.y. Februuy 3, 2006. 11 1M C. piul City aub in Montgomery. A p thtring of 164 pt<lpk tn;oy...d Ihe ~ning'l $ptakn. Tony 1Iamhut, ~ A".. nl.o Jo""...J.Q>rurirwion $pOrto",ri'" fo< ftiltiona! coU<g< .,hkln Thny if abo known for Ili$ Thu~y night Ippnranccs duri"ll foo.b.lIl !nSOn on 'Co~ Kickoff Countdown" on Fox Sporu Net South, Ind hi< Saturday oppoa ... nca 011 'ColiOF Football Today" on CBS.

tf f'



SW . .

Fellows accepted into membership for 2005:

..... -

.......... 8..-. .k, t.IobiIo

"-- "1M•••• Boonk ~

....... D. _.~ Pa-r.1Isn.&~


IIid..-. f . >rort hro. II CaIhM. raA. W8tkroI & r.doIh S. hll~.


..bIQI. AIIbImI Coo.ot of CtinoNI AppMIs c.cilil J. CoIl; ' MotJiIt 1'IIw. .. ~ Adomo, Bailly. Ganbo & IWriI ...... It. bgIooooI. ..... T' ........ ...... fiIh JudiciII cm.t


M A l l QH

8""", Ii. &.on-. .It,lIr_ " - - .. ~ GImon & .... ...... C. &.tw..... .u..MIII hro. "GOlIIehOm & .... s-,.... 0. 111 I I I . g;,II.9lim P.- .. H!nrIgIt 1M9I. \Iafgo & DeVIl .a- J. JooIoiM. T' .......... " - - II Pho/pI. Jankino. ~ & FoM1or " " ' - N. K_. Moo"",,_, P.- ., IUIIIDoI. SIabIr. .....-. Ga-rIII


MIcMoI D. "'... tdobiIIo P.-" Mt!looMI. ~,.... &SlqoI MctMo. s...I CaonoI of" AIIbImI $1O\i




_ I. Md\itIoI. luo!J\lill

"'"'- 1\ ~ ford, s.- & ~ ~,.......... BoII"O'_ • NJoe. 101/1 ..... cm.t Coo.ot w. SIMciI~. 80 ....,_

"'"'-.. s - & AIdnon c...,.. c.n.w. Mobile f'InnIr


i\ l"jQfll.

~ & COli



P.- in BuT & fonnan

_ E. WilNo... Moo~'IgiiiM",..' "'"'- "MetIon. E.opr,o & WiIiImo




CO,,", tlrt IIJe great /weIns,

ll11w (m crmled equill .. " AUicus Fmch T9 1\,11 A M... ~~~"J tH•...,.., 1.«1 In serving the lel!~1 needs of the poor and those no one.-lSl!' would represent. Au;cus Finch cpilom ius Ihe type: of profesSiOlla!, and person , lawyers strive to be. The Allicus Finch Society's mission is 10 build an endowment in order to secure the future: of the

Alaroma Law Foundation's .... orlr.


make access to justice a reality for

all Alabama dtiztns. The AII;C\lS Fim:h Society ~OBni~es

Ihe need and ;u;l:nowlcdBC'S

those whose cONr"s., """or and seilS(' of July compels Ih('m to dcl

WE ARE MAK ING A DIFFERENCE For (hartt' Altlnbmhjp /lijOrlllllhOIi COlllaef: Tracy Daniel, exrculi1Jt DirKIor I ALABAMA LAw FOUr.'D..mON 1.800.354.615 4 or

269. I 5 I 5

I Idalli!/@(lljillcorg

BEYOND MERE ETHICS Improving Professionalism the Practice of Law Ihe

thu.. rIy 19700,,,

...... t.rp~ ICMdoI


wu cln. 1ha11nl"l' Iowyorn ~ inv%.oed. As . . .... It•• . h.wand cry.rot< for IIrickr,...w.1ion of , "I'l:~A111u.1 Wrw. m.o;r\boolabilluol tho rcllli>dy now ABA ~i'Q!kI Cook of PtWr...siiil "lyoddmocd 011

no. ak Cooruniuion cOlldudtd wtad<! j, io ... .,hieal ... ndards ..... ~ ond th< ABA adopItd I"" Modd RuIa of Professional Condoo in 19113. E......, ~ tthioal f\IlawmbrinJmlrafitd, tho bNch ond bor "",tel otht. Jtillu" tftftdt in tI.. bthMoI' of J.wyns. The !.mil ' unprol'aoional ' CIJ, .. to dQalW hehl.. ior1 wt .. ""j. ther Ukpl nor "n<1hlal, but ...... a1111Q11 WlIYmlllly ~ to "" undtoinble. N.mwn:IuI CllIUtf ~ au.iJnod (or W dt<I,nt in of IDOCkm _iny. quatlons -nil a;moidnina-'



"'P" .... ion for pro(eA.ionaU"" and In,.... favorM>lt imp........on wilh iudf'$ and L.wym ol,""". aiml> Ind oppooina counoci "'1lI _icc whcthn you ~urn ~ ~ promptly. Your profnoional imagt' wiD implOft if you camwly prwI'rtod docu.... nl>.nd heed gnmmu and ..... ron ...... ,iom,.

Show respect for everyone


A trw profcssion.J drm(M>!t •• l<O 'M ulmo»! , csp«! Mhe. pooplt "' I U limes. TI) <ons.l.ul>.e Ind ~ hInd. wi th op~ing<ourud when)")\l' dionl wins iJ To do IMum, when you. dienl l....,. is mlKh h .. Ik,. It is '<mptin. to I n ,ib· ute on I)l'(l<»ingdknt". mol;.... '" mi~ to hi. ". he. b wyt •. And it tn.. tremendous .. If.diJdpli,,,, 10 miJtth. OfF t" <omb.. r~ with rulknns in I:.ind. Rnilt 1l1}'WIY.lnd Itrogniu that the high.,. wling of 1M profff.sion demand. tha, you be fcsptCtfui f"Wh wlxn you . ,' $how" 1\0 IUpf(I. Being r<>p«tful does noIoignal"",akn<u. The pro~ an be ool h Ii,m .nd mpcctful .. tl>< ....... " ......


Being mpcctfWl(I ~ will noM1" wmpromiot yow <lI<n1". <aK. No crim inal dtfml<" .no....,. ...... looc I mot"", 10 ...ppm> bo:n. ..... 1>< Of w vtfl<d w '''''''~ offi<n h<inrc ..... rt. No proscaolOf ...... 100' • tr~ by ohoIti", hands with ,1M" d<fend..nt' pm-.u in'.... iptOf. No .it"to< ...... looc • mot"", ............... 01 .... h.dd ,be door for I junior asooriot. who for ,be oppooi"l law firm. No dcpot.ilion OOJOCl ...... I~ waiwd by IhMWng tbe tUff ...... cofI"tt oIlcmd. Er."""" oomrnon ooo.aI cou".,.,. noI only w tho ,..... and .......... but to.....-,.-.. NcYrt ip>ono ...pport outr Of ... ~ lOr ....tcd. I nd noM1" ftfIt J'OW fnultat ...... on COOn ...... Wo;!nI 01 aot:b bchMon wiI irr.">NbIy ... batk w tIw iUtIJr. The JrpI . wuIJ hardly function without tIw of _ counm.. .... wff of pnnt lohopl. and ..... It> h,""'" wbo your <ompu,ers and phoI"""J'ir:B. T.... t tIMon _i\b It.. ....... <OU.rtcSieIlhat you Ipprrci.o'<"



Master ... mundane ..

practicing law No .u.IaI ... II YioIaItd if you Oft I'M 1>' \ttl m1n1lfft late


for I difnl ~ ..... Still. ifllrdUt.t*ornn~, it rtiI«1I ~~ lOr btin8 on II.- '" lppOim....nlJ, dqoooiI:lollS, .... .~ ...,.,.... cou.r1 ~ w;,h tlIo .., akrily with ",Ilk" )'011 ;..wl on r-rnwn' of "'''\ '*..... aIwoyo.pprt<'iol( Ltwym who 'Mn\ly(flil ",\eo of proud" ... c.muUy loIluwin8 Iht If\l ,.




member that professionalism emanda much more than techni.eel proficiency A pm*",oonol m..... of cou..... bot t«hllie.lIy (I)m]><"1<nt. Rut tocltnical pmf><irncy. by it.w. dot$ no, In 11l0rnqo

profeosionaI. In Ca.k v. florid.>. 475 U.s. 1134 (l986}. I low $IU · to trial pro .., and was Iinrd 5100. dom (lOll op<eding .i<k1, H. !hen .ttmlp!<d to a~ tho conviclion, bu, failed to oo..rv. tht proudural rulto lOr doing ..... In hi< rq>t.r<d fi]inp. Ill' rdi<d for "'fPPO<1 Q/1 • Borirb Court of ApptaIlr ca.<t that Nd ~ rnttWd by tilt FIorid.l Sup....... Court.. lie, JOUgIII =irw by tilt U.s. Supmno Cou". a'llu;ng ,110, lht 55 mph spMl limi' w ... ullCllfl5linUional. Tho COWl denied tht p<tition withoo,






highos, bid<kr."' In. that:







rcuiving an lid'..... d«ision. Wh .. h.,. so .... ano.neys beli ..... i. to be ntcnSaryto ~ Ihis ... nom fur tho I>< of th.i. unhappy dimu o • •0 .ok .ht 'I'odig.h. off of th" i. <n->'n inad«juaci.-s as l<gal pra"i.ionor$. ,uch d\ildish behavior is uncivil>",l btnuth ,h .. m.. mbers of. p. of«$ion:ol bar :l.S$()(j01'on and i, is 1 d.tng<"OU$ mtthod of IpI'<U,,, advocacy. By coud\inS' ,..h.. ring orgu .... n. in 'h" ("'nI ofa •

ld I(WS (

th..,. an'. !adly .... ind;c.livt of • unfounded (om· 11 who Iffl that an I ppl;c.· bully pulpi. for



ton "nlpn '>nlfum. an anotn..,. .an d.. " ",, from Ih. m<riu of .h. 'rgum"", and do hi' o. h.,. dim. ' •..-parab1. h •• m by fail· ing .0 mainTain ,h .. r-.quir-.d k-vd of proh-osio .... lism. 796 So. 2d .. 1060. Th. Jeuonl from P.uden,ial ••• d •••. Even w.U·.nsoOt"d and , uporio. argum<n15 mar I>< "",ck in an unproftoMional way. No rna" .,. how frul.""ing Ih.. ,ilu"ion o. how unhappy ,h ..

less time than it takes to find your existing policy .. .complete a quick quote for your


GlIbr 5 H _ _ _ .... . ... ..,.. Joo- H CNA ~"' ... _001~ ........ n ... o;u,. 0 1 no...... _... pt<Mdeo. _ -_ -_ ...-.a.

VIol< ... ""_ at>d <...-...,aet. ,....... quid< q _ fom"o to<Uy. For ..-.. InIomuotioft .........II

1-300-906· 9654

'" unpror... ional boh.vior in any gui~ i. bon.OIh tho dig" nity of lhe bot"

Endnotes fIDnooOIlbvon ... _ O - . ...




t l.ll....d


Recognize that professionalism leads to job satisfaction I'rohw>< I.:aw .. nc. s. Kritgt. of florida Swt Uni .. rsilY

Z I:U I No<--.. ,. ... Spoit 01 NIIi< s.-,. S3 AIo /.I'M Q. Q111!192l l


"oa....,. _ _ .-

s.:hooI of Law hiI. conducIN nl''''i-. .mpirical ~ar<h ~ow_ ing Ih .. high kvds of profC'SSional boh.vio .... ronn«lN 10 p<'rson.lwtisfoction.' Noting Ihat .u~ .how that many a .. not sotisfied with th.ircar«nand h.." .. I..moly high <otO$ of deprC'SSion .' Kri<gor . tguO$ th •• prof... and (artn" sotisf.KIion ... <f4<'n1;..Jly in"l"'",blr giv<n the IUt u,.. of hurrun b.-ings. fI .. <ondudos t hat qu.lity of lif. and prof... ion:ol rq>uulion both rm;uUI< from t he rtIOSl dO$i",blt go.oIs. v.alu ... and motivn in our p<lWn:olIi-;n.· \\II>tn v~ thi, way. profC'SSionilism b<c0n1<$ both pdWnally Ttl.v.nt and an OlIiCdlttlt way to ovoid til< fru .... lion. confusion. d.p .... ion. and addiction. th .. pl>g"" so many lawyers todoy.'

Conclusion In this or. whon tho pr.K1icr oflow i. v;.......J ... bu.i ...... it is f. , too n.y for tho pro<1Kes of tho marknplot< to bo tho mnd ...1 by ,,·hich .... ju<l3' our o<tions. In a prof... ion wh ... tho busi ..... of O1h ... is .ntruSlN to us. it il imporun11h .. we" ad ...... to high Slan.u.rds in onkr to ,r•• t. an "mosph., •• hat Ih .. publit an lru1l. P,,,f... ionalism Ikm.ndllh ....." I« our..Ives as .. rving othors .nd that ......k< ftfJ>S 10 make . un: th .. ..rvic. in.pires confid."", and t rus' . •



S.T....... !kdIt.ll,._b_~·II-IO ........ 1. I. _ . _ _ _ 'P'I1_1Woo & _"1I\opoIIiAI,


' 2' I~O

... SM..,. :z.a.m!HO _


......,_.. dts-

00rdI ~c.,

• c.:.-


1W So 11101 Hill

"- 1W So III .. , tlItl

6 .......... __ I ......... _ _ ... "" _ _ .., _~ .... ~" II ..... ~QIXI;j. S.~'ThtI




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II 111 .. 1314

-_ _us_... .----. - --

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a.._l_ _ _ .I...

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_ LGoma.M _ l GInoo, .... _ _ ...... r_ _ _ _

...... ~

... .... ...


. • . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Register Online:

....... . Meeti ng High] igh ts

Renew. Relax. H.('('onneet. Preview ..... . ..... . •

• •


WedneMlay, July 12 Irom 4 _ 6 pm

Refresh • COffEEfTEA "NO MUffiNS will be PfO\li<!ed by the BIR MIHCiHAM SCHOOL Of LAW belWft" I · 9 am Thut14ay. My 1] .... tside 01 the ~ ~ ","ling


• fEE TIME WI'OlISl"LAIAMA The lSI Child,en" P' rty ..... 11 be fridly. July 14. on the

PUTT PUTT (OUfW from noon to 2 pm. Chlld,en . . 5-15 .,. wekome. Ther. will be fREE p i... lor ~renl$ ~nd "'Ildlen. Ther. Is no c/wor!IC lor the JNln)l. but regi:nralion 10 requ;,~. SN

'eo;Jistration Iorm on pq S. Con~ RlUI Gr~

. t (U4) 26!1-1515. ut. 305 lot more inlor_lion. Hosted by

H('ll('d • SEAN CARTER. HUMOIUST AT LAW -0..,,1"11 Up lhe 51..... M . ..• In roe .. 1y a deca<le 0/ law p'actkl alt... \I •• d uallng from Ha ..... d u,w School, Sean Cartt. has ~n dubbed " ........iuI'. Funni.n I.awyef" by lhe 1Iad~ TV InleMew .nd hoM bien c!eK,ibed .. ·lnIOfmati .... IMlght/ul.nd .lwayo.mus.lng ." Ii much oought .... ft... public: 'fINk... and syndiulted colomnisI, hk weekly teg.1 humor column hoM appelled In newspaperl in 30 SIal..... _lias (0\>1'111 ..., Web oitll. He is .Iso lhe .utho< 01 two boob. the I(claimed "It ~ Not FiT, Mull You A<qu117 a nd 1O(J1: A L.WPlidtd Y... jn Revltw.


~t~~!? l~

lSI ~ • dNisiott of ~. ~ist\, Inc.


Th uMay, July 1),,, 8, 15 pm following 1M Membe .. t.lp Bullet .1 6 pm. Bob ~ IMinh;""


W«tuful ~.I prac·

he rM~ to ,,~ into 1M min' itnd p.1Irody !hot !.w lif• • ound In • fuMY. thought-po-owoI<ing ........... which ewtyene enjoy<. f or _at yun he hooted '~1Iy SpNking.· • live ,.-dio . . "'" !how, wtlidl pro. .ad hulTlOfOUS topic!. for hd - . Noone ..... _ writing.nd per lOlmlng musk lor 0Yef 20 1Qtl. .-tlrillng the 'Hlm of lhe Ioog.II world. Over the years he ..... performed hi< di<tlnctiw br.nd of muskal humor bel"'t Il\oINInm, rMI' <ting m ind ing ov.tion< hom ron"",,,· lion panic:I~IS. Recenl COMmen'" -The besl pan 01 Bob"!. ........ is IhIt rou don't ha.e 10 be • •1 "91<:' to enjoy it ... but he doe< p<0Yide a nH<ied seMo;. 10 the ptofnsion -9"1· ling people 10 laugh . t the1t legal uptorienocti. You ce<UinIy don't ~ 10 be a ~ 10 enjov Bob Noone'!. witty. ..,.;o. IO\IndtrIg I ......... ..-.ging from a paorocty on the MdlonIId"s hoi «Iff" lIwwit to I>i$ Ifrtw'l"enl 10!>i< 01 'When You Find Your>elf Dilbaned.· No ....ed cows he ••. -


Atttndeeo 01 the Mtmbt<1hip But/el ";11 Nve the oppon ... "it'll 10 bod l.ilently on aniltic IfNIUI~ uniquo:' p<odum and leompIing .......... .. Iind" p<ocl!'edl will 9<> 10. 9'eal CIIM. 8entf-.iaries 01 this ~ Iundoaising.-.t. wI'Ii<t\ is \ndud. ed I" the admil>l.ion «>II 10< the ,t<eption. at. the ~ A"istanee foundation. ...lIblished by the i.awye" Helping lawyer. Commirt .... 0/ the AI.bam. SlIle 9a •. and the J~tk. l. Short< S<ho!.rshlp Fond, tit.blisl\ed by the Women"!. Scaion of the A).bam. St. l t B••. DonalioM I.t I'" deductible.

1Ia, )"'1 pe<1Ofl

Win . •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

~OE PRIZE GETAWAY 2006: ~AMI'VIED AT ~ALMrTTO This yea.... Gfincle GeIM'f'y winner will .njoy a Wftktnd of Low Counlry leisure alld <hee, .ela • • lion In lhe beaulifol .uffoundingJ of The Inn al Palmttlo Bluff. Located in Bluffton. s.oulh Carolina. a co. II.1 ~tllng INlw .... n Hil lon Head and s.. . . ann.h. p.lmetto Bluff hao achieved wide I«laim /01 lu. u . ...... l«ommodalionJ. distincl ...... C\lisine Ind Stimulating ..tvef>\Uft. n.. Gel_ay "'Ize I"dudeo • th ....... nighl '\ajI, «>mp!tl. w,th • .1IOft ........wty INd. whic:h will lill lhe daY' wilh the t..auly .nd hoopil.I,1}' of the low Cou"'ry. _.pal_ttobIufflflOrt.comI CompJim.nts o f lSi AI.".",.•• djviJlon of lruur.n<t


Spt<i./i:.ts. I",.

., .

Schedule at a Glance ..... .


1'rogr#IJH have bftn rlni9ntd to Inretftt both prlCtitionen wIlo 0CCMi0na11y hand~ ~rtkulilr ilfNJ o f t~ la w. and thou! wIlo concent'ilte mo5t ,,( their pracrice in that .fN. PreK'nteO'l" ~fl«r the unique ~ ~r, radill ..tId geogrilpl>ial diwniry of (>IX dvnglng tiSOdoJ6on. You will «>io'llNming lIS _ " '" tilklng ~~ o f !he many opporTunities for soc/ill/z ing M d milking new frlench during your stily In s.r.dHtin. Sp«/a/ progrilmJ Include upda tes from the A!.Jbama ~r t~ Forum. iI Pi'~ diJamion of !he progreiS of mincJri.tks in the pro ~ illId .. wpon from tilt ASS Quality of Life W M'y.

WN lncstl(1)'. .Iuly 12 .....................


I"UNAJIY SESSION "CIHnil'l9 Up t .... SIms Mm ' Sun c.rtet. M- . AlI.ON MI, C~ dra_.,., lib decMk of up«Iena In balh /I ... firms and IiWIouse /If9aI ~tI fa ~ !he dwe >tI!J>S 10 a ""'"' JVe$S' ''"'


look.t!he pnctke of ~ 1n !hiJ hillHIouI pt1!RfIe.""" Mr, CImf _ mInes Ilk IS)'UI'S ofuptl~n In !he Itw begIo.,, '5I' MItt his In~ 10 J.w tthooI ¥Od ~ IhroufIh his -III;UJ of dvIy- .,. "..,.... In",w.", pnctkeand es ~~, In rhiJ: u/k, he 1ICk/e ...... SchooI - TOI'tS, (onll'_and Celiblql .. , ot. Myl; LoW f in'n ReovItlng _ And You Thco.Ight f1shennen Told TlHTllesl;

10:00 1m - 11):30 . m

10'.]1) .... _ II :lO .... - _ in Ethio vod PYoleWonaliom: G_ding ~Inst Ct~ tM LIneAlabMna STue Sa.

-Rec1!tIl Developments In f lmlly L1w, 2006F.mily ~ ... - 8 rok.., Re<onh: ",---..tlon 01 ( rrOl vod _ to fill a Record on ~al­ ~~ Uw S«tiO<I

-A View If"'" tM BentII: "«esS IO lusti<,,"

Ho<$ d'OtiMn

1-bhm1Ht" UW)'fflI'roSJ"m Of rhe AJabMna S~" Sa. 10:10 .... - 12!1O pm -Rf«f\1 er.elupc"""" In tM AIfbIma le9ftIMure-

.00 ,e/,I'hment.


MfWd as you and ,~ with fr~ while ITIftllng the e>ehibltoR M LEGAL EXPO 2006 1:00 pm . .... .. pm


AlabMna Lo ... JnstiIU'" 1I:lO .... , n :30 pm - A (tlm,n,1 Oefeme LoW Update, 2006Ala", .... Crimm.! Oefe_ ~..,....As>ociork>n

-why AIiN ..... NftdoI •

.I uly 13

f .~a..;",.Act-

AlIbi ...... mal ~W)'ffl As>ociolion - legal Eth ics Update, 2006Off"" of G«I1!r.1 Coumet S,.", Ur

7:10 am - '''5 am ALABAMA lAW FOUNDATION



1:00 .... . 5:00 pm ANNUAl. ME ETING REGlSTRAnDN

-Whafi in _ Walled TN DollaR ond Senw 01 Utilizing Your ' ...~h-

UGAl. EXPO 2006 bIO ... ·9:00_ COFfEElnAlMUF f lNS SpomIJnd by 81rminglllm

AlIbI ..... S,.te Sa. and AI.", ..... _ / Irion of 1'••• ~1f.. Inc,

School of 1.;0 ...


5eII'I CIr\ef, ..........., ~ l.Iw -PYKtb Makes ~ .. , Except In tM t.Iw"



12: 30 pm - 1:00 pm UHOI AND BAlI lUMOlION


4:00 pm • 6:00 pm LEGAL EXPO 2006 ,M! EARLY BIRD

10'. )0 .... - 11:30 ....





• ANNUM MEElItKi OfflClAllY OI'£NS . :00 pm _ 1;(10 pm


9:00 ... . 10:00 ....


s..n c.n..r ....... ukes .lIghrohHrted

...... Rtm ~ _SubotdinaI1! Ca_ tibIe IodentI.nd s..-rt.,; ~ . 1.Mno;I1n-."oo 1M (Provided You Don't W_ 110 Do . Whole Lo\ 01 -1.Mno;I-); and aaLancln\l WoI1< and famlly vod 0Ihet ~I f . 1Iy Tiles.

o.-fnsI on his bIdt~ ... $fi ndup~ Md.~"'~

heJpHb fw ~ who />IS.-

kIibbIN on. "'9'1 pad. SPt:ClAl. Pll;ESlHlAl1ONS _ Uw InItiMe ~

legisIIt .........rds • ludklll Award 01 Metit

• AAobami Sutt lit Aw.. d of Merit • Pro AlAbama Bono St.ate _ _ cisliar }:)O pm _ l :lO pm "rid e"",laymenl U.w Update, 2006UbI), and E~I Low S«tion -PYoiesoionaliom n..n and _ _ P!.intiff v __ ."... Duty of "'of~ Conduct and Ovilily in

l1t;g.lion: De'- ViewL/rlgui.,., SectiorI


Schedule at a GLance (ConDnued from".ge TIHI,"""I:,~:

""ToOt(l k$t PrKtic.. in Yw fifm Mwk..,ng" ~ R~ Group. AI~nuo

July 13

1:10 pm • 4:00 pm

......".",. I¥

• Adftnu.... In ~tr.t~ L-. It.. Hot For~' AdmiMY'riw Ltw S«tIOII

111'.)0 am · 11:10 pm 'Mu/tJ~ia Dtpooitiom ..-d T.ial: thong Tto:hnoIogy in 11M! Cou<troom to Winl' L~.ILIM, • _rill

l~ 10 follow) 4:00 pm • 4:lO pm


BUSINESS MEETING 5:00 pm • ' :00 pm VLP RECEPTION _1"9 "0 Bono AWMd winMt> 6:00 pm . •

'_"y .


10,]0 .om • Noon "The uniform Prolwle CoOe*

E/(k( Ltw SKriorI,nd IINI ~ f'roWt~

.t>d rftl<1

1.... Sen_

:oo pm


SILlHT AUCTION ~R (PI'GCJMdr; 10 t.nefit 1M Ywye< ~ FtuIdMIon ....t !he Justi<e ..... 1.. Shora ~ Ft.wIdl


'Juniw De~ NOt Justice Oen.ed: The Pr~oom 01 the 16\1'1 Street hptist (h .... d> g c..e'

...."*" ..

G. 00ug1M ......... 8 i,mingham Wllli¥n J. ....~. 8;, ............ ~

..... sl.r._

'The fiw Thing\ You Cannot CNnge About Yw. ion<! A(C'1lt 10 Be H-lIppy: Open Foo-um On Quality·OI· UI. IsWH· AI'~"'" ~r ComminH On au,lity of Ufe fa< L'~

Fri tlay.. Jul,l' , ., 7:30 am • ':45 .om



• Quillian ll!1l.1 Socltty • PH' Pl'lOIJdenu AYbo ....

• n..



IkNrd 01 Editco • Otder 01 Jutilpr~eI



• """""" 'tnUnts .o.u>.BAMA l[AD(iUHlP fOlIUM ZOOS AND 2006 ClASS BREAKfAST

.~ Young u~' Secfjo,)

0rcItr of tIM Coif

~~ .....

1:00 am · Noon lfGAL EXPO 2006 ' :00 fin • ) :00 pm



~r t~

9:00 ..... . 10:00 .om 'l"ttllect~1 ",~,ty

Audit.: idenli¥n\l..-d Protecting vt>ut O~U'_'

In!elJedwI ~ Section "Wotk~' Compensilioro t..w and

E"'f'Io1ee ViewpooM"

'Mlrt"M' Compe<rWbon Ltw S«Uo<>

"Progr_ 01 M;t"oOfities in !he ~I Pl'ofeuion. 2006 Update" AJMMm. 1.40..,.." ~tiotI and AI,,,,,,,," S~f1! 80r 'IIKet'Il Trends In Jury ~dkts· AI.IM .... De~1<I Lt~t$






lSa l uNl ay. .1111.\' I"

_ 11;00_


Hon. o..8ytOn"'betl, It.

a.t Jo./ItU. Supreme Cou<t Of_~

·Firm·Wide MI,keting l'Ia....: Key< 10 Suuns' ullmplemenlation" The Rem..en GrO<lp. Atlanu AI.bMrN Sr.le Sat


""""''',' '




9: ' 5 _



c-1J9do11f: E~


Negot;'tlon.nd Mediation" Ahernari¥r OIJPllte Rffi)/urion I'rogr.m.t>d AM~"'" Stlte ~r 5:00 pm . 6 ,00 pm PRESIDENT'S RECEI'TJON _ ;ng Preloident lobby s.g.1I .nd Sendy

1:lO .... · 9:lS .... COFFEE AND SWUTROI.LS

11 :lO .... • U:lOpm

SpukJ Oul On ~ ..... if'!l' s.m.." ModetMOOC ChM'II'

IZ:lO pm . 1;00 pm WOMEN'S SECTION RECEPTION & THE MAUD MClUIU K£llY AWARD lUNO!EON Wbmen\ SecWn ¥Id AMt..m. Sflt. IJM l :JO pm . _:00 pm °Se,1 the ~I: Powe</ul Skills 10 Get AgrHrnenl ln


1Nnt0DUCTl0N Of AlA8A.MA STAll IAA 1.(AD(1I 5tiIP fOliUM



• lle<ognition of SG-yeior mernbe<l . loQIhr ActIIeI;.IIWIrl Aw..'"

TU TIME wmI lSI AlA8AMA t,t,geI 50 15, IT" phu lor I'I'"enll M1d (h;/dfen,

• KIdI' CNn<e Sd"IoI. ..... iII • Go-.... 1'rIn o..awIng

~bylSl~ .dMJIonot~








Kelly l'I.nteilon

Regisler oollMl al




bar. OIliI

K II )S' CHANCE Golf Scramble ........ . Join U$ for an .. fternoon of goH at the Kelly PI.lInt.Jtion - made even mofl! rewarding by knowing that you <lfe making" difference j" II young perwn's !if e, Sign up to play in the 13th Annual Kldl' Chan«: Golf SQamble on

Friday, July 14, 2006. The Kids' Chance SchoIarVlip provides s.;hoia<lOhips for mildren who hiM! had a parent killed or permanently and totally disabled in an on-the-job injury. Kids' Chance was established in 1992 by the ASS Wo<ke l"\' Compen5ation Section. SIn(!! then we tleve awarded SlI',DOIl in scholaflhip5 to ove< 100 students, many of whom would not be able to attend college without our help. If you are unable to play IlIlhe toumament, please sponsor a hole , The Workel"!' Compen5ation Sedion appreciale5 yOlJf support. - Wendy Thornton, chair





City Offke Telephone

Stille ZIP Code _ _ Home Telephone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

E·maiIAddress ________________ _ __ _ _____________ _ __

payable to:Kids' Chana SdloIaMip Fund credit tiI.d:OVISA 0MastetCard 0ANlEX Hole Sponsorship Hole SponsoMip & 1 Slot S375 S__ Ca.d No.___________________ ExpirationOate _______________ Hole Sponsorship & 4 Slots S600 S TOTAL ENClOSEO S__ Signatu.e _________________ If you do not have ateam, youwill be paired with another player. for more information, contart Trat)" Oanlelilt 800.354-6154 or tdanieIOalfinc.o.g . S1SO S ___ USO $ ___

Individual Player

Please ma~e chedu OR please bill my



•• • • • • • • • • ••• • • • •• • • • • ••• • • • •• • • • • ••• • • • • •••• • • ••• • • • • • • •••••• • • • •••••• •• • •

Tee Time With lSI: Children's Putt Putt Party Hosted by lSI A labama, a division of Insurance Specialists, Inc., Norcross. Georgia

Bring the kids for their own ~golf scramble" and pizza party. The 151 Children's Party will be Friday, July 14, on the PUTT PUTT course from noon to 2 pm. Children ages 5-15 are welcome. There will be FREE pizza for parents and children.



Child' Name:=========================== Child'ssName Name Parent'ssName City SLlte ZIP Code__ OffiteTelephone Home Telephone _________ E·rnail Address ___________________________________

MaHi~,~A~d~d~,~ .~==================================:=~~~~;~~~==::~:==

Contact Rita Gray at (334) 269·1515. ext. 30S for more information .

. ... Meeti ng Registration Form Adv~n(e registration forms MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN JUNE 30, 2006, Can(E'llatlons with f ull refund, minus a S2S admin;$trativE' f eE', may bE' requE'st ed through nOOn, f riday, July 6, 2006. NOTE : In order to daim CLE credit for the annual meeting, you must bE' registE'red fo r the meeting.

PLEASE PRINT. Name (as you w;'h it 10 appear on name badge)' C-." "':;-,"':;:;:=:-r;-;-:c:;"c-,:::::;:;:=,,r;-;:-::;:::;c:-:::-:---Check ( al'1l'O'ies th't apply: 0 h' Commi$$io"';r 0 p,~t I'tl!'>iden\ 0 La<al Bar Preskienl 0 JuslicelJudge Office Telepho~ Business Add,,... III' Code City Siale E'IMil SpovselGuesl$ N,me ChildlChildren Name(.)


PIN.e indkate any d ie",.,. restrictions: 0 Vegetarian 0 Other Piu.e.end Informal;"" pertaining 10 ..,,,,ices for tM disabled: 0 Audil"!)'





REGISTlIAnON fEES (AdvMce ReviWation) (A limiled number of 'educed "'gi.lralion fee oeho/.Nhip• • re av.iI.b,.,. COnlacllM A/."'"", SI.le Sa, for del.iI•.) A,OVANU REGISTRAnON 8y June 30 Mler June 30 fees _ _ _

Alabama Stale 8ar Members S240.00 Full· Time Judg'" S120.00 Attorneys .dmitted to bar 5 yUN or I,... SI20.00 Non· Member S39S.00 (Does not apply to .!I)OUSeIgUl!'>t of registriI>1 or lEGAL EXPO 2006 vendon)

S29O.00 S155.00 SI55.00 S420.OO

TOll'l l REGISTRATiON FEES OPTIONAL EVENT TICKETS Thursday, July 13. 2006 NO. 01 TICke ts <M' _ Bench /I. h r lunch~ S2S.oo u . _ Me mbership Buffet (indude5 2 drink tickets) SS8.oo ea. _ Special Children .. Menu · 10 and under S 5.00 ea. friday. luly 14 . 2006 _ Alabama Sta le Bar 200S and 2006 leade"hip forum 8reak l'l<! SI7.oou. _ Chti<l;.n legal Society Breakfast N oCharg~ _ Fa".h Order of Juri'llrudencelOrde. of the Coil Breakfast S17.SOea. _ H-ow,rd Uni~rli ty School of '--'W Alumni 8re.k lnt Sl7.oou _ Unill~rlity of Vi.glnia School of law Alumni Breakfa" SI7.ooea . _ V.nderbilt Uni"" rsity SchOOl 01 law Alumni Brea kfa,1 S17.ooea. SI 7.00 ea. _ llJlane Unive"ity School of law Alumni Brukfast _ The Maud Mclure Kelly Award luncheon n o.oo tao _ Children's Party. Pull PUll & Pina (PRE·REGISTRA.TION REQUIREO) No Chi" ge (Hosied by lSI A~ ba"",. IfllU'a",e Spe<iaJiIl,. I",.) NO Charge _ l'tesiden\'S Reception (Um;!!WO tkkell pe' regiwant) _ Cumberland School of '--'W Al umnl llK~ption SlS.oo ea. _ Un~rlity of Al.batN School of law Alu mni RKeplion • US.oou. _ Jon", School of '--'W O" .... ft RKept>an • No Charg.t! TOTA,l EVENT TICKETS fEES TOlAl fEES TO A((OMPANY FORM PAYMENT MVir ACCOMPANY REGISTRA.TlON fORM ChodJ I.... RegimnionITod<ats ohould b. made Pi'yable 10 lhe ALA8AMA STAlt 8AR.

••• •• •• •• •• • ••

S[~~~~~ S S


S,_ _ __

"- -





OR Pin ... bill my credit card: 0 VISA 0 Ma, teru.d 0 hpiration Date (.Jrdholder's Signa tu.e~ MAil REGISTRA.TlON fORM & PAYMENT TO: 1006 Annual M~l ing. Alabama State Ba •. 1'. O. Box 671. Monlgomery, Al 36101




Hotel Reservation Form .... . . Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa Room Reservations MUST BE MADE DIREalY WITH THE ALABAMA STATE BAR To ensure your acco mmodations, reservations should be received NO LATER THAN FRlOAY,

JUNE 9, 2006.

• • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• • • • • ••••••••• RESERVE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR (please print or type),

Name' _______________________________________________________________ Fi.mfCompany ________________________________________________________________ Addf~~


City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Offke Telephone ________________


Arrival OaylOa le __________________ CHECK·I N TIME

is 4:00 pm.


State ___ ZIP Code _____________

Depa rture OaylDate ____________________




S50 Early CH!partu~ Fee for ched:out prior to confirmed departure date.

Group Rale;

a $239 Rewrt View (per night) Single or DOuble Q(wpancy

o $289 Seach View (per night) Single or Oouble Occupan<y o $339 Beach Front (per nigh t) Single Of Double Occupancy

Above ... tes do not jncJuck Please Check:

o King Bed o Smoking


Florida $illes tn. (Subj«t to change}

0 Two Doub!e Beds (Queen)

o Nonsmoking

Number of Rooms Required ____ Number of Adu!ts ____ Number o f Children ____ ADVANCE DEPOSIT OF ONE NIGHT' S ROOM AND TAX IS REQUIRED TO CONFIRM RESERVATIONS. Method of Payment:

0 Check Enclosed (made payable 10 Hilton Sandestin)

o Type of C,edil Card __________________________________________ C, edi t Ca,d No.____________________________


O(lle' ______

Name of Credit Card Holde'' --___________________________________ Ca,d Holde,·s Signatu,e _______________________________________ Deposits will be ,ecorded at the lime reservation is made. No charge for chil dren under 17 sharing room wi th parents. A deposit will be (e funded if cancellation of reservation is recei~ed 1 days prio' \ 0 arrival date. NOTE: The(e Is an SB.OO dally parking fee at the Hi!ton Sandestin.


. .


T he \1:.hmnOl Siale nar is plca~t'd to make ll\ailablc to i"dilidu;11 ;lI tornc~l>, linll~ a nd h:lr :IS~i;llions. OI l t()~1 onl~. a sl' ri('<; of hn)Churc, on a \ nril'l~ of

le!::_! IIlllks of intcre..\llolhc ~cncralllUhlk. Below is a current listing of public Information brochures available for distribution by bar members and local bar associations.

To Sen-e 1111 Public $10.00 per 100 · .. Highligh ts :lIld delails of bllr public SC! ....·lcc programs from Ibe TO SERVE TilE PUBLIC video presentation.

Q.y _

' _-

Urll'lls A Carter $10.00 per 100 · .. Information on Ihe opportunities and challenges of II law career today.

Q.y _

' _-

Q.y _

' _-

UrsllViII & Teslamcm $10.00 per 100 · .. Aspects of eslate planning and the Importance of hll\'ing II will.

Q'y -

' --

Legal Aspects of Di.wct · .. orrus op tions and choien in\"olwd in dh"orce.

Q.y _

' _-

Lawyers and uga/ Fu s · .• A summary of basic legal of the ge neral public.

$ 10.00 per 100 p~u ~ and common legal questions

$ 10.00 pcr 100

Consllmer Finam:el"lJuY;IIg 011 Time " $ 10.00 per 100 Qty __ • _ __ · .. Outlines important considerations and provides ad vice on financial matters. M edi6tionlResoMlig Dispilles $ 10.00 per 100 · .• An own-lew or the media tion process in question·and·answer rorm.

Qly __ • _ __

Arbitralioll Ag reemellls $10.00 per 100 · .. Answers questions aboul arbitrdtion from Ih e consumer 's perspi'dh·e.

Qty __ • _ __

Ad"allce IJeallh Cart Direcl;''fIs $10.00 per 100 Qty __ • _ __ · .. Complete, easy 10 undersland information about health dired ives in Alabama.

ACRYLI C 8ROCHUR ..: STAND $ 5.00 EAC H Q.y _ · .. Individual sta nd imprinled wltli attorney. firm or ba r association na me for use al brochure distribution poin ts. O ne stand per brochure is ~mmended. Name 10 Imprinl on sland: Mailing Address: Shipping & Handling


' _-


PIe..,.. ..,mll CIU:C K OM MONEY O RI>ER MAI>E l'A\ 'A 8 1. E TO TIl E ALABAMA STATE BAR ro. Ib~ amounl l" lftI on lhe- TOTAI. Ih .. aiM! r...... ani II ..11b Ihls onItr r.. rm 10: Susan And ..,.. 1);"",10' or Com mn"nUoM, Alab.",a Slal~ 8a . , P.O. 80~ 671. l'oIoolgomtry, AL .]6101

$ 5.00


De icit uction Act o 2005 he Dtficil ~uclion Act 0(2005 (SI931). ,,·hieh was .ignrd inlo low Ftbruary 8.1006, mal:t$ ex"",;"" clungcslO ~r.d .'no involYing Mtdicaid long.lorm car. eligibility. Most of Ih"", cha nges apply 10 tron.fers of __ I, and ,ran.. ctions, such as 'he establishment of. trust <" the pur(haS<' of an annuity. ocro,ring on or the date of cn.cllntn!. The Mttlicoid "",ncy wm lit .dopling rn><rgt'ncy rul .. 10 corn· ply ... ith this .laM •. bulliI< f«krollaw is .hady in &«1.



Summary of Long-Term Care

Eligibility Provisions of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (51932) Look·Back Period:~ lkflCil ~UClion Ac1 (>f 1005 (DRA) .. tmds,hc look·bock period fur.U ',..O\«fS of »$ri' 10 60 month •. Prior law prov;dood for. (,(I-month lookNdr. petiod (os !rum anJ J6 month. fur all other a>$tl ..

Change in Beginning Date fo,. Period of InBligibi/ity:T'I>t p<rWty J><riod "illl>cgin til< lot.. of 1M month aft ... &<So01 •• ~ trarukrrtd or the d. .. tha, tht ptl'$Orl w<>uId "" diglblt for ond rtttiIIing irutitutionol ......1 cart hut for tht appliation of tht pc=lty period Under tht prior I>w, Alabamo sunN ~ J~n..lty ptriod tht month ofttr the mooth oft ... "t.;cr. me""t that 01\", tht rnuJty apirtd bdOn: nursing home tfisibility,.... nttdtd. UII<kr tht ORA, tht pc=lly period will no! 51311 to run ""til tht pmon would qu~hfy For ~Wicaid and Iong·tmn Oil". hu, For tht penalty.



Availability of Hardship Exceptions:The ORA provi<k$ sp<cific «i,.ri. fOr .pplying tho existing undue hudship txcq>tion. 11 ""'iui= nolie. to ..... ipkm. of ,h ••• is"nct of the ncep,ion and an .~.1 process.. I, providca thot a nursing home may ffiJUtst'M h.rd.hip <XC"I',ion ",h." ... tho.· izcd by ,h. =id.n, o. pcrsoool '''I',<$<nl";",,.

Partial Months of Ine/igibility: Th.ORA prohibit< l1.t .. from rounding down or dis'cg.arding any fr.w:tion3.1 period of in.ligibility due '0 • , ... n.f.. of usct ..

Multiple Transfers: s,.....n: .uthoriu<l,o lteat multiple ' .. ru~" in .!<fI.rat. month. os one ,nrufcr by calcu· Luing on. penalty period tM total uncompe .... tod .... Iu •. Notes, Loans and Mortgages: Fundr. uoed '0 purcha .. promisoory no,.... I",n, o. mortgages Of.<td '0 be ,ran.ferml for leu th.n m. da, .... I~ unleu irutru· ment (I) hos a n ;>Ctu.>rially onund .. payment h:m1. (2) pro.,.ides fOr <quoll"'Y""nu Wilh no defer ...1or balloon poY""nt< .nd (l) prohibits can.:eUO!ion upon ,h. de.. h of the kndcr.


Life Estates:Th< purrh... ofa life cs'a" is cons;d ...,d • lr Or. ... 1S

unl<Sl,he pureh ... r resides;n the home for

.. I.... one ~.r .h.r 'M purm. ...

Annuiti es : Th. purchuc of an annuity is cons.ido<td . 'r.m,f.. of usct, unlno the .nnuity ctrtain rt!<Juirement .. such .. bang. type described by tho In"mol Revenu. Cod., or being irrcv<>cable.n<! non·, OClu.,i.Uy onund .nd pro>·iding for ~uoll»ym.nt'. with no deferral or b.oJloon p>y_ ""'nlS. The purch..uof.n .oou;'y is .Ion con.idered. ,roMf«of ..... " unleu l he lIat. is named", a re","inder h<nciic;'ry. An individual is r<qu;rt<!,o disdo .. On tho home .pplication and on anr r«."ifica!ion • dc!aip,ion of any inter_ .., in on annuity of .imil.r financial in,trument held by tho individual or communily .po......


Home Equity: Indi,·idual. w;,h home <qu;ty txe«ding S5OO,OOO (or S750.000'I ,h • .,.It'. option) .... not eligibl. for Medicaid Iong·tcrm ca ..... rviets, unless a 'pou", child und •• 21 or blind or disabled child is lawfully rn;ding in th. hntn... •


n D«~mbtt' 21. 2005. !'reIinl 8u.Ih ~ 1M Gulf Opportunily 20 ... Act of ZOOS ("OOZA" or 1M "Act"). just in lin>< to provide ..,rel)" n..dod Quill"'"' cMff 10 ~rns dcvuIalcd by hurriann Katrina, Ri", .nd W"clmo. GOZA is a mo.;". p;.a of ItgisJI,ion pol1<Tn«l .An the Ubnty Zone l\ct, whi<b galvanized lh~ m:onstnJ<lion of Ntw York City follcioOlng Iht 9/ 11 tntOrist dis;l.$\tt. GOZA off... sulmantial b<ndits 10 both public and private enli.ita in the .r.... of , Mis6i/.$lppi and which comprise tht Gulf Opportunity Zoot (tht "00 2'.0 ...... ). It also pf<lYidcs ....".. signllX:ant ..lid to lI""='""",talenlilics and 5001 (e)(') COfp<Ira'ionsloau«! throusbou1 th.t Stolt or Alabmla. including ''''as OIIlSidt tht GO Zorw:. This anielt will addrao many of tho hishlishu of this imponanllcsislalion. ThI' pUrpo$<' of this wick is n<H ">ium manu Of arWyu .very;u.p«l of GOlA. for • thorou&h apI;I . .... I;on of GOZA.1'ftdcn $hould read the An ilself and the Iq'OI1 prq>ucd by 1M SI.1f of lbr Joint CAmmirttt on Tontion. which (all be obI.oincd onli"" ""-.gavljrt/x-8/J.cs.pd{.


a, ..........

Gulf Opportunity Zone \\~thin ~ tho: GO Zont consists of II counlit$. indllllins Mobil<, Baldwin, Washington. CaN, 0I0mw. Maml8O> Sumter.

eu.h do:daud • ma;or diwIer imme..... individu.ol undn-w R.oMt T.

~and ~

Bonding Authority for ..P1fylrte Projects Within GO Zone ~tion 103 oftht Internal Reven Codt pcrmlll~OI. atId IoaI JO"'C.ntnmts 10 financ:.. govt'mmcnlai prOjoru .,...;m tax· uerTlp! bonds. Tht .tf«1-o( d'lis tu e.umpllon is [0 erublc pu

Ii< mlititsto incu, ouI»tamW\y ",-, bo,rowing "JSlS th.n pri_ nl. (orpontion •. sprnd betWfft> lanbit.nd tU--HmIpt ralts on. 20-yn.hond historically hu ~ bftwo,on 130 10 200 b.uis poinll.. ThaI spread willlW:ly InrnaM: if Iong·tm\'J inl ....., ••11;$ incrtalo< or fod<nl income .... ~J inc",*",. bod>


of which m.ay likdy occu,.


Inro"'. on bonds iuuro '0 fi""n« f. cili_ en'u", Ih.t property fin. nero wi.h .h. ••. IJlm~II"'S 'rUE I;" u.<t<l by . priv-JIO 'n'ily in iI. Irati< 0, bond< will .. in .h.CulfOppo,lunlly ISSllANell ')II !>usi"... is S""",..Jly Jubjt<1 to fedora! 7.on •. The .erm ' movabl. f... tu.cs .nd incamt ..... ,ion urur.. lht bond< art ~<'d ~uipm.m; h............, don nol in<ludo TAX·EXE~"'T nONIlS for «ruin ~p«ifically p<<'d J>U1'I'O'<". compononl •• hat a ....... mb!«I to COn for =nlplo:. it is permi",ibie undor ooruin $Iruel an indu$I,ial planl. G07...... bond '1'0 11INANl;F. A nunAIl oirculrul'tKtS 10 Wilt lOx· .... mpt iooUSlrlaJ proccnls all(> lTI.Iy nOI bo u~ to finil"'" RANlm OF IJIUVATE devtlopmt", bood<.o fin''''''.....I1 manu · tho ""qui.ilion uf .xi"ing pfOI"'tly unl ... f",uring pro,i<ctllO long:u "'" lJ$<"T of Ih. • minimul11 of 50 p<r«nt of Ih. c"" of 11Al: IIJ'rll~S 1'IIAT finilncro facilitios is able 10 comply with· .uch ""Iui.ilion fin.ncc:d wi.h bond proIy mlriel;"" capitol oxpmdilu~ ruin. 'I"h<so ettd. i. <kvo •.-.l.o r~h.hilitaling Ih. IJIUI\ 'lOllSl.f (;(UJUJ bonds or. known :u ' quolifi«l small Wilt ""quirnl rrop-<fly. 111«.,{0",. if .b~ acquiON •.f 1111 FINANl;m) bonds: It is...., pnmi",ihl< to WlJO ."". ,ition ro" of ~ building i, SIO million and the purch.,..r ,xpoe" 10 ~oo 53 million bond< to ftn."", capitol in.... I"""". \t'l1'l1 'rAXAUU in cnuin >pt<ilkally ""um.ra,«I projt<u 10 .. h.b Ih. building, .hen GOZA bond< "'"'y bo wued to fin."", $9 l11iilion of 'he which "",... ub".n. ;oI priv........ , ,uch .. total CO$I ($6 miUion of orqui,ition cool! wh:!r",s. >Olid waol. disposol fONl'ENTI(tNAL f""ili.;...oo q".lif,..J ""idtn'i.ol 1pro;plu. $] l11illio n of ... hab c"'ts). Th. <XU. Thooo bon<U.~ known :u '.xomp' "'m3illing $4 mmion would h.w 10 ho IIANU 11INAN(;IN(o. faciliry oonds.- r.rn when. pnv..t. f""wry is fin.nced on •• "",M. b.:o,is, Th<~ a", .hm: impor'anl now limi .. _ riigiblc fOr w _.ump, fi""""ing, "'" t"" tmUI11.1I1 of >ueh bo,1ds is bo f."""hI< ,10m on G07.......·.boooing authorilY fo.- ...... ,h. n SO'-nnmen'.J bonds bo<:.u .. qUJlifKd "",,\1 iss... bo,,,1< .IId pri'''I. prujt<IS. ~"irsl.bonds m:ry II< wu«! only 101 proj<cu .... mpl f""ility bond. art .ubjtc1 '0 ,he al'rmOli", minimum ..... ,,·hich .....pprov«l by lht govorno._ Strond, tho maximum Th. al' .. noli", minimum .:ox m:ry Clu" >ueh bood< 10 aggrq;ol< f.en""""n' of all G07...... bond. Ih .. m:ry bo iswod ;, yXld "'hich i< 21l-:10 b.ui. poinu higher than g<n"<1"I\It1tntol booo .. limiled ,,, $2.500 mul.iplicd by lht popul"ion of"'" 11 This 'p",.d boI,,~ AMT bonds.nd "",,-AMT bonds ,,·ill """" 11\ Il .. GO z...... which :u1I<>WI1:l 10 S2.174 billioa. Thi. vutum. ' ...... inly in<""'" :u th. al'<m>,i", minimum lax I>egi,,, 10 . ff«t ""P is ,pl'li«l to tho 'n1i~ GO Zon.; Ih<rt is 00 pro ral. vutumt cap for individ",,1 roUnTies. FinaUy. no GOZA 0000. ""y bo more ond more middk ela!$ 'HI"'rn>- O>nV<f><ly, if tho . ll<rn.I;"" minimum ,:ox is ..... r rq>taltd. the .11ractn"<11$ of oon-Ao\1T issu«l Ii".nc•• now proj<cl .ft.. J.nw'Y l. 2011. bonds will dtc~.... nd tho oprr.d wdJ II< riirninolro. In .ddi,ion.o Ih<,poe;"! "'qui"'lII<n" imposed by ,.07....... il Th< GOZA l<WsIalion is .lpIiflCilnt boca ..... it p<nnilS lho is import.nt to bo.r in mind .h.1 G07...... bond...",.in .ubJOCI Wu. "", of ......umpl bond; to fin,nc •• brood .. ng< of rrmlc '0 .11 ,h. olh •• ' bond ,ul.. g.n •.-.lly . pplicabl. to f""ili,i" ,hal p, .... ioU1ly could only II<«l ,,-i.h .oxabt. .... mpl f.!cilily bonds, Th ... rul .. i nclud. Ih. foll""'ing; bond< or coP"'Plion.1 b.:onk financing. In an tffon to .pur Ihf • Th. ,ub" . mial u.. r of .h.«l f.oilitin or • p<' S01l r.-ronmu<lion of Ka'rino-.ff«.<'d .mu, Congr... ckt.nnin<d who i. 'rt! •• <'d - to $Uch u .. ' may no' hold ,h. bonds.: lha. lho . VJilabililj· of low-«>St. lolX-"","",P' fin.ncing 111US1 II< • 1M aver.S" m"Uli,y "f Ih. bond, may not .X<m 120 p«' ccpand«110 incllKk, fOr ",,"mpk. (ociI.ilKs. w. rchou .... <on. of ''''''g. "''''''n.bly <"Xpoeltd «onomic lif. of.he ho ••1s, ""'.uran's, ol'l'i« buildings.. and largo. manufacturing<'d faeilil;"; (""ilill.. (wi.houl rq;o,d 10 tbe capil..! •• pcndi,u,. limi .. tion. • No mo", th.n lS p<r«nt of the n<1. pro<....u of tho bond. dn<ribod .bovo). ' G07...... bond. m:ry II< issued 10 moy bo used fur .h. acqui.i.ion ofl.nd; fi"""", ro;t of ""quiring. cOftSIru<';ng. m;on>tructing.oo ,,,...,,.,..Iing nonre:sidrntial ....1 prupcrty (including buildings .00 • No portion oflh. "'" p"" ••"ls m. ybe u'"" 10 acqui ... land Strucluroi componon" )' public utility propc1ly 0I1d quolifKd mifOr f..",ing purro'" (with «rtain 'l""ial.",,,,,liom (0. d<n. j.J rental prop<lIy and 10 mal:< qu.alifotd mong.og< loa.... Th< fir<1-!imc f.rmers); imput of GOZA OJI tho S«1Or. inclading 1M odditionol • No n>or. 'hon 'wo I"'''."t of Ih. n•• proeml of th" bond. bollding .uthOli'y to fi"""" ..... ~ntaJ proj<c1:l and mm m.y bo 'I"'nt On rol11 of i$$u;<: mongag< loa"" will II< oddresoed I., .. in .hi. 'rlick. Soc, "New • TEfRA public hearing is mtuirro; Inami ..... 10 Rebuild Ilousing.' bolow. H",,"CV<., i. is .h. ability '0 • J'«kral ", ••• nt .. of tho bond< i, prohibiltd: fin.",. 'inu.11y .ny privale, non,.,.\don,i.1 projtc1 on • tH-


1I0Nns on


= ..

,raJ.., •





Th. bo",l. m.y nol bo od ... n<«l; and

""""1" basi. ,,-hich rep .......... rodic.1 <kp.onur. frum prior I.w.

COZA bond. sl10uJd P"""'o bo "['«ially oUroai", .o in'..""", boau .. int ..... t On such bond. will 00' bo oubj<c. to ,h. oIl<1","i""'mum lax.. In that r..poel. GOZA bond< will II< ",>ltd ju" lil:< gOVOfnm<:"tol bond, and .• hu •. will tr.d< at a 10".." yield .b.n <ompar. b!o qu.lifitd ."",11 issu. bond, 01 o,h .. ... mp. facili.y OOlld<. G07...... bond procttd. m.y nOI II< usal to ~n.n," m(.... bk f... I" .... and 'quipm.nt. Th. purpo .. of Ihis limi ••• ion is 10

• 111•• pplicable 'I"'nd-down '''lui",m'''I' 10 .void ' hodg<


100 6





New Incentives to Rebuild Housing


Tb. dcva".,lon caused by Hurtin"" ".nino por,icubriy ""ute in , he housing "".or.nd Ih. Ac. cont.inSlub, •• n.;.I."" in«n.iO<$ dWgncd.o rebuild houoing in tho GO ZO ....

In the mulli-family hou,ing .rtn •. G07.A bond. i<wtd 10 <>c""" fund '0 ~ princip;r.l and int....,., unlil th< rtdtn'plion liNn« qu>Jified residtnua[ .. nla[ proj«I ....;U II< oubj<c1 ". h'I/)'" do .. , as wdl as th< .mounl R'<Jui...! 10 ......m lhe bond> <WI lhe rclurd digibmty rub. Under pno..l.Jw,. qualil'icd ... i<knt;"1 carl,.., possible rtdtn'pliotl dole. A rtfunding of ,his IYJI<' i> ""'tal proj«t would '<qUt'" th.t Ii) 20 f'<'"'cnt 'It m<>r< of the trlt •...! 10 as an "odv.nce rcl'ul\dtll8" btau.. tho rcl'undinl! bon'" ... idrn'i.J un,l! bt rxcupitd by indi',iduol ...·hoot income ;, 50 bcins iuued ., Ins< 90 wY5 in ;od",nce of t'" mIompiion ""t<, Undtr pmtnt btol. govtmtntnt3l <1\li, ... and SOl (c )(l) corpora_ f'<'"'''''' o. koso 0( arc> mcJian gross incomc. '" (iiJ -10 pcrc"", Or mol< 0( lhe , .. i<ktltr.d uni ... be a«upr.«l by indn'id~ ,,·hoot ,ions a", <1\titlod 10 ."'.~ rdund thtir bonds ooIy once on I ,,>COtnt is 60 pcr«n' '" \0>$ of ;U(';I rntili;r.n ~ in<omr. In lieu ""'."""'pl ba<is. of Iht 10-50 ..... nd the -10·60 ,.." GOZA h;u ""'p\oytd • 20·60 1;:' illu.<1r.". Ihe ~1tktiw: tffcci of Ihi' rule, WUrtl< Ih.1 .n issu ... (Cil y AI i»u" bonds (Iht "1995 Ronds" ) al a ridd of 6.5 I"" .nd ~1l-70 , .. ' for pu~ of d.<!<rmining ....t>rthrr or "'" th< rro;.cl is di&ibl<, 'ht df(CI of wh",h ;, to inc .._ th< numb<.pc"on, on lu .... I, 1995. In onlt. 10 .0.Hu . ubs,an,ial saving>. of poopk who con qual,fy 10 ft'nl I n ap.ul"",nl. Ci.y A dtcidn 10 ad"'n« .dond Iht 1995 Bond. ... i, h 'ho pro· In lhe singl<. '.mily arttlil. OOZA boJ\d, o<;utd 10 mak mon · ctotd' of rrlunding honds mutd on lunt I, 2001 (the "2001 Ronds-) "' a rid.! or s.n pcrc<1\l. lOt o•• linl • ...t.mptM)n do, .. ~ loom for tho pUftl\aoc" irnpro'Vt.ntnl or rthabilil.'Kln of owner·rxcupi<d ho",ing I .. liso sub]«! to """"'" oligibtl"y on tht 2001 Rond. i. ru ... 1,2011. PrM)' 10 007.A, Iht2001 rules. To quaUfy. 100 pcrccnl of Iht fin.nced ... idonc .. m"" II< Bonds could no! be ",funded again unlil M.lrch I, lOll lllOdlY' btfo", 1M 1i..1 """'mp1M)n d ... of 1M 2001 Ronds), .. w:n if p",. Iocottd in 'heGO Zontand [00 percenl oflhe h'I/).t~ loon< m"" II< nude 10 h'l/)r1g.ogo" woo.. family i""","" is lolO ptm'n' vailing ""os would mako it OXI .."",1y 11I ..cti.. 10 do so. OOZA ~mill one: ao!dilioo.d odv."", rrlundins 0( bonds 0.1<$s of th< medion (;tmily i""'tnt in 'ht CO 7........ OOZA dim· i"., .. lhe pt<S<n, Jo,.• • uIo """"'mg o ... ·third of tht mor1g.oge i»\I<d 10 lin .... o goo.=unmuJ foc~ilies .nd qualified 501(e)(3) loons 10 be" tna<k withou, ~ to inroo... luniLS but il ifl<.1'nlt$ t>oeds. This oddi,ion.>! ad ..."", refunding I~tho<ity ClI ...... 10 lhe mtdian family inr:om< thmhold fn:>m 110 perceniiO I-IO~­ goo...m ...... tal """,," and nonprofil corporations throughoul th< Sta l< of Al.Jboma. lOt ...... imum amounl of """,net' rcl'uooing eml. TIlt tffm of Ihtto< dwlgtS iI to pcrrnil tr\OflC middle ,,"'''''''' famil;'" to qual,fy by lIrtt.:hinS Iht incomo linti" ".hilt <liminat_ honds which moy II< i»utd undtr COZA ;slimiled '0 51.125 "'g lhe po.>ibilJly thol upptr_inconl< f.MI _ lies ""'l' t,ok of lhe II<W housing $'ock. 1'ho fi ..Hi ..... bo ........ uytt rule- i>.lou •••.UI.OU'S IIIJSINESSIIS TO fUlll ,\ SI'[. 'UI. w.,vt<l a nd tho: p<rrnwib!t .mounl ofo JIInST- \'I~,'n UI;I'nm:IATIOXO 1));IUJe'rlOx [01:.\" '1'0 qualifr.«l ho ........ impro-.. tntnl \o;on thol may



be r.nanctd wilh bood pro«e<b is inc",.o$td 50 1'lmfEN'l' tW nlll fOS'l' Oil ~Im U(JunUIJ from $15.000 10 $150,000, Finally. 001.A grtldy txpands Iho allo· CAI'I'U" IN\'I;snUINTS )IIUU; IX TIIII 1i0 ZUNI:. colion a nd si.. of Iow·inrotnt housing l.u emllts in Iht GO Zone during bilhon tn lhe Stillo of Al.aho.m. ond SUoCh advance rtfunding bond> 2006,2007 Ind 2008. In oddilion to Ihe cur ... n, · I.w .llocolion m .... be a ppttn'fd by 'ht JIO"I'mOt. In addilion. tlw: nce of S 1.90 of I.... cudits ~ copi,.. In ...... rg.ncy lUocoIKln of S 18 rtfunding bonds m"'l bt issued prior 10 r.nUlry I, WI!. PC' copilil (rtI<uumi on Iht I>.o.i. or lhe popul",on in lhe GO Thtr1' 1$ <»I< impo .... n' lImitalion on ,II< /\cI', odv.nce refund· Zont) ;, n"de ..,ilabl. 10 build klw_incor ... in Ihe GO "'ll"",horilr. To II< d>giblt undtr GOv., a rcfundinS bond iu.... Zont. Thi$ n",c·fold incr.... in In cudits . , .. i\oblt ro. low_ m",t be lhe only D!lI<r .... l<1"""in@:bond ;...". wilh r<$pKI to th< 'ncutnt pmjoo, in 'ht GO 1..0"" provc 10 II< moro th.n Iht munded 0000.. Thill. fuo- ,"""mplt. if01y A w. .... bond< inilially """'.nd in 1M .ff«.td ...... Morrovn-, 'M .i.. o( Ihc c rroi, in III 2001 (tho "2001 bo"ds' ), toiItich on: "'" colIabk un,il Mil, and elf"". for a ","kula. proj<'ct gon ....dly ,ncmon fn:>m lOO~­ lhe 2001 bond> art ..w..... refunded in 20001 (Iht - !()I).j bonds"), ani 10 130 pc .... n, of qu.lifying proj«! C,,"U. For ,nfom"'K," then Cily A c..... "'" lal:.c advantage of ,ht OOZA adnnco refundCOl><tming Ihe procodu", for .pplying for In <rodi,.. conlac, ing OpIion. Since G07.A bonds mu$l II< is,sutd prior to January I, lhe Alabama I lou'ing Fin'I>« Autho",y a t M'WW.Qh/... roM. 201I, I nytffon to rdund.he lOCH bond> would ...... ,....... to II< th .... wts o(bonds oufl,(;Onding a, tho $am<' titnt.




Additional Advance Refunding Permitted

In addilion 10 op.....,ltng ,ht .,·.il~bil"y of t.u·cumpl fi".ncing for priv>1< non"" proj«tJ. including housinS p"*"" GOZA abo provi<Ic-< govomnl<nlol "",1 ... and nonpro61 COIp<>t1I_ lions wilh tho: opportun,'Y10 mund u.i<l'"8 indtbitdntss which O(htrwi!tt could not be rrlundrd. M...c Iong" .. m. futd·nl< bood i<>.... gnnl an option 10 lhe ....... to rtdtnn tho: bonds on Of aft ... dolO toIhkh i> 11'I'ically righl to I"" ,..... aft .. Iht dolt of i<>uanct.1f tho: isoutr doIcrmi .... Ih.1 il would !jmtI'ltto to refund SUoCh bonds prior to the .edemplion do.o, lhen Iht iss .... willll'l'icaUy dtpoW. ,... pn>Cetds of tho: rtfund,ng bonds in .n


Bonus Depreciation COZA allows bu,mt»n to specill fi ..,-,..•• doprtc;"· lion deduction "'Iu.IIO 50 pcr""'t of Iho of II<W qu.lifiod copil.d i"""I",,,n,. mad< ,n ,''' 00 7........ ThiJ ruk;, .,·.U.blt only if lhe i"....,,,..,.,, p.opcny was ""' fiNI>CC'd wi,h ,II< pro· etcd. of w _.... mpl boruk Thu$. Ihi> pro.ision will bt I"" ultfullo ...... "'hkh i"...., in ht.,,), tquipmtn, and ,........blt flllu .......... GOZA bonds may nOi bt issued 10 r,,,,,na such proPC"y. The .v.ilability of ,hi, bon", dtpttcil · ,ion i. no' dept"",,"1 upon ,he 01'1'",,·. 1of thc 8"'.....or.




amounl of tht voIu .... cap {Of a ~>«ul."," prnjtct and tht vol" .... cal' it _ ..u.oo.lal )lIis'r lJIi\'lllAU' .\ \t'OIUnNI~ IiNOlt'JJmml Oil TIll: in full by tb< tnd of 2010. th('JI Iht will ]0.., 'ht """""u",,y to WIt adv;"".g<' lilJU CU'IIOIITlJNln' lONII,\':1.· or 2IM)5. of ,his bondi,. .u,bon'y. SuniWly, tb< Riley ad.."nl" .. t"'n h.1 d«isions 10 ~ 1'fJUd1'" huw tu ,110In otdtr 10 b< dip>lt for Iht bonw dtprecioloon, Iht propmy a .. tb< odvo ..... mundtnS .uthonty. Althou&h tilt pur ...... of in quntion mWl b< ~,'htr I i ) ta.,pbk POOi't"Y wltidl. UnMr GOZA Will 10 ptoVJdt mod'lO Itn$ afI'~,"ed by Hur.iunr tb< ModiC"'" Call: ~ 5yl.vtn, has ." ~ ",",rma. tb< """....... mund"" ."thority is aniloblt. pmod of 20 ~~,. or Icsi, Of I ii ) romputot ooftWil'" WIth tb< .....,,''''' ., Iht u.,~. Goonnor thaI is aniloblo 10< purclwt by tb< pnttaIpubDc. wb;tcIlO a Riley mar Wloll to .... ~ pom"" of th ... uthority to ~ licm .... 00 has _ btt"n ... bot,,,'iol)' modir..d. Of ......., Fund by rd'undinsO<l ..... ndt'" indtboed ..... tha, (iii ) ...., ... " ..... ,y rroptrly, .... (;") (:tf1.I", In>cftoId ""'f"'1"O'is p.oflblt au, of 1M .... " •• t<ncnl ............... AI ......,,"""'. tb< mrnl PfOI"My, .... {wI tcfl ... n ",01 propmy .and ,.,........, • ....,. wioh to VIm 1dY..... rriundi", .uthor,.y '0 10<"01 -'cIm,i.aI .....' 01 i""'J'O'l1y. ~nl..u,. III of ,ht .... of oudo s.<hooI baud, or roIlcp:> .nd un, ......"." lit PO" of. <om", ... proptrty 11'111$1 b< in 1M IrW or buhnno of Iht ~ w,thi" 1Itnsr... edlOCMion i""""w . ..... hal" IM ...... nor mar clrcidt to tb< GO 7.0 .... In odd",o", ,ht or";noI .0.. ohht proptrly in Iht van' ad~ mundi", .",oo.ity only 10 ...,~ ... wi,hln 'M GO Z- mu>l COfIIm<tIU w"h ,ht .... pare< (a«ortlinJly, W«l GO 7........ O •. 1ht p".nor ITIIf b<!itvt ~ i. to wltlthold propMy ITIIf qualify "" Io"S I. 1M pfQPtuy "" not prMouoIy a ponif>n of . his ...,hon'y ... ,tIt ,It.< <IIp«,.,ion ,~ ill'. 'a' bttn wt<I in tht GO Zont ). F"",Uy, ,ht poopnty 11'1"" b< pu.noln will dtofI bdO ... thttnd of 20 IO. If an "",proved '''' ...... dwt.:I.nd pQctd in .....ia b<fu ... l.n""". I, lOOII.' no" nwironm<1ll dots not ..Jiu by ,hal .i ..... tht a.dV1"'~ munding .uthority g.. n,ed by COZA will di .. pl""'" Expensing for Gulf Opportunity In"""". GaZA Iw prmn,ed ,J,. Ri~odm;nisl"'ion ... lth an impo",n, public poI><y 'ooI bu, OIl<! Iha,l, fraugh, with Zone Property poIi,ia! r~ific.' ion$. Any aU(I('Il"", fonnula tho, 'M Riky Cu ....", law> fliJlbl~ In'I.1l bu,;,,""" 10 aptn .. up '0 adminis''''ion mar ;mpl ....... ' an bt chlnaed "any tim. in SIOO.OOO uf q".lifyinz inwmmnlJ. Eligible , m.1l""" .'" 'he aov"",,", disc.<1ion. bu, " is noon'ial,h., . lIt dtm.nd for defined OS tho!.. with IW I""" 5400,000 o{ .nnu.I,' .. "llu.... cap Ix car<fuUy "",ni' by tht 8""<'m(n'·IOm,~. Any GOZA doubles lilt .moun' , hIt mly b< oxpon...! undo. s«,ion URUIed voluln< cap will .. pi ... l>«:ombn 31. 2010. 179 (from $100.000 to $ f(). inVC'Slm~n1J in ,h~ GO Zont. It &bu inc tho phllot-out fIoo. {rum of Conclusion onnlUl invntmmts 10 $1 mmion. T1>t hi&h<' ph __ O<l"ruu ... ,,,"t..aion 179 nptruins """"in..... il.bIt 10 o.malI bw,nrssft It is ...... ,iaI tho. ""~ who R'J'f0!0<n' public ...",irs, bw.i n<'$5e$.nd rtOllproli' <O<pOrI'ooru in 1M ll -rounty a.... cum ~ if !My haVC' nt ..ordi ... ". In ..... , .... nl> in .,.... ~•• d"" pril.inz tb< 00 m.... dndop I ~ of tM 'M Cust of Rbui\di,. .11... Huffi<;a ... "'"tri.... Th .. Gulf Opporturuly Zont Act of 2005. 11w Act also prftonU lisnlf GJIi"'l oft... Otumb<t 2007. ianl p<lC<n!l:al apportunl .... public Ind nonprofit <O<pOrIlions througIIuut tho rat of tb< Stot. ol Ablwnl. for Economic Development and Public areas by Huffi<;a ... Ka.rma. tho Gulf Oppor.~ruty Policy Implications Zone Act oIfers a slimmn of hupo. Fur .... ny othtr ''''... olonJ tb< COUI ...d in tilt 8bck 8rit of Abbmu., COZA ptrsonts. ,..... ....... GOZA boncIint .uthority 100 1dY""," mundl'" .... ju< <>pp<N1unify fur ~ de .dupll...... • '''thority 1"""""1' hoot of public poIq ~nd ~ df¥dop-

11' IS liSSliNTIAI. '1'11,\1' A·rron:\:ns •••



.""rovaL throu""""

""OM' ,....






MI .. i.. ,Ppo Of Luuisi ..... fo, .. hish' l'f"m~ .... nufac .... ing {acai,y. ~""I" the .,....nor will <ktcnni ... ,h.1 ,his bonding lu,oo.i,y could .... impol1. n. lit ~n indllttnltn' to .maU romponia wilUna 10 Of np.nd in undn-tkvdol'<d llaclt ~II ,oun. irs wi,h_ in.lIt 00 7..0 .... HOWt'V<f. if'lIt govrrno • ....,........,bs.. nli. 1 Jol"y 10 0 .

---.,_...... -. .,.....___................. ... .. _.... .... -..lil-


_ _ <WI,_ ........ ~-.._-.._... .






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• •

I1 _ _


dol....,;.,.. 'u ..uo.:.... 'M ....... n>OI'ItY """'.... cap on • u.inly fir1l-<Om<'. finI -1IC'n'fd biOS", Wlthuul .ny ..,..00_ os '0 ..... w ol tb< pro;tcI......... cap;taI_inl<1\l.n" u,ill,y rompon ..... sud! as Alabama Ptlwtr.1TIIf qwd<ly rc..M • Mll»t.>n.ioI portion of tb< '""'" .... ap. On 1M ",Ion hand ••1It .,...."'" ""'Y dc«Tmin( that this bondi", .uthor,ly _IJ .... U!o<l'ul 1$ In «ooornir dn-.Iop.... nl ,001 ""Iton cornpo"'" wl,h • 110" otht •• han


,"" .......-






mrnI ~ and opportunll,", 10< tb< RiIty adm",~ ... "on.. 11w Act Inws ~ ..,tndy wnhon ,ho dlK""_ ol.1It ..,.......ddtrmint huw 10 alIoatt .1It ....tum< ap lOr COZA -...... ........,.. bonds.nd .......... mund, .. bond>. I{ tb< .,...."'"




'1 _



_ _ __ .. _"_ ... _ •._,.1WI .. ~

_u_. _. . __.

. _...._,; _SIoorIlt!


Legal Services Alabama Receives $34,000 Donation M


Slot" 11:0, i\l.oQci.ol;"n

(MSIIA) I't<lidonl M.

Hold.n rec."lly .nnouO>Ctd Ih'l MSBA ITlCmbers h.... cO~lrib"lod 10 rrilUild Gulf CooSI 1<&,15)11_ lem. dam. god by Hurr;","< Kal,in .. Of lh_ fu..w.. S40,OOO has bttn .UOOI1M 10 u-g.1 & .... ic.. A1. lnma .nd lwo lol. ling S}.1,143 h"'t betn 1'.... .... led 10 I.SA. MSIIA P,o.idcnl J JoId,n. I"M MSIIA P,..ilknllim Il:oilli., MSSA O1.ff.. )..:""oIi"" McClorncry.nd Min"""'I' • 1l0mq' Tu,nt, (<hair of 1M


1 99




MSIIA Kani"" Task on Delivery of u-g.1 & ....'icts • .,beornrn;n... ) recently .i.ilMl"" K. ui",,·.ffccled .l al ... l)unnll

lhe;, four .w)'> in Ih. Gulf Cout. Ih.

MSBA ddtg.otion .isi1<,d ,,0rm · .nd Aood·damagcd .,u•• round Mobile, P~goula,

Biloxi and N..... O'Ic.ns.

Mo .. Ihrec million »«Ipk We" . ffCCl«l by hunia"" Kalrin • • nd R,I •. AlnlOO1. million _ ......."U.I1«1. """110 T.~ ... bUl m.lty 10 A1.bama. Arkilnsas .. Ill Georg;", In one w..-k in Scpltmb<1", 15,000 p«>pk .ppll«! for tmorgcncy food lI.m!" . 1 lh. Mobil' Civic vnl"'.


_ " , ... _ _ IoISIIOc.o...",,_s


_ _ _ I0 ...




.... _


_Dlr ......... _

.. _ ; , , . _ _ _ c.o... _

,h. rnd of ). nuary lOO6. ,h.", ."..,'"


a$ •

l'e$ult of hu,,;-

,hoI, ..

nn .. Katrln" Ind Ril•. Nin.ty nd of thOK or. in Mobil., ""Ib the ,illh

bighnt ''''''''''Mion of FI:.MA 'pr1i. '''nU out of tho m metro ... os in tilt country torrcntly 'cpoumg 'j'plka"'. within thrir bound.. ...... Tho..wnd Largtst ",n<em,.';on" in Binn,ngh.m wIlh ,II< """"irKkr saucm:l ,hro"g.."" th. ".1. from nor1h to >outh ond •.oM 10 A <Ioun DiQSto, RnQun:••<'fl'<n we", opennl in Al>.b. m. in the month. foJ· lowing ""trin •. Abb. "" SIOI. Ba, and MobIle Volun •..,. ["'wyt'. progr;um (VLPs). !.<gal Strvic.. AI,b.m. and I.wyrr and I.w>tudo'" ,'(>Iunt.... luff«l



~ d~t" r~urc.

.... ,.,.. .. _c., ...... a. _ _ . . - .... _ _

_ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ . . . Joot_s

135,000 hoU><h<>ld, (n", ind;yid",,1shooSthold,) r<'gi"ffl'd for FF.MA

,.net in ALlhorn.


crnte, in

Abb."" """, dtys thl'}' we .... Qp<n. 50: .....1,Iw"",nd all. (n, di.." •• kgaJ ""SlOn« h,,'. bttn .n."'..~ to d ... by Ih. Alabama Sldl. B., VLPNoung Lawy..,' SKlion ABA· hmd~ disasl .. liM, by W' JJius,~, tlo,lm. N<1.wo,~ .nd by 1M Mobil. Volonl ... Lowyt.

Program. Mo~ IMn 600 Kauin.-rel.ted haw b«n o~~ by volun •.." lawyt .. and by LSA <t.1f .norn.,.. sinco Kalrina "ruc~. Two·lhinh of th ... ca~ .rt b<;ng h.ndlod by LSA-with ISO odJ..J '0 tho 'ogUI.H. ... load. of Ih. W', Mobil< 0/f1CO ,Iaff .Ion<. Th. New York St." II., h.. ra;,od and ... 01 LSI\ $1 0,000. Th. ABA Utig.>lion .nd Anlilrust SKlion mnnb<., h",.., ron· uibulo<l hundred. of lho"",nd, of dol . la., lo Icsal"",,;cc< in Loui.ian •• nd Missw.ippi and mad. I SJO,ooo conu;bUlion 10 tq.l s.,rvicn AlaI"uJ'\il" IiI i&, ' lion fund 10 b< usod for KaIr;J'\iI viclim •. W has ftUi,...,t a ronuibulion from , h. Arn .. ic.n ~;.Ii"n of Corpn .. t. Coon ...1 and a granl from Ih. AARI' 10 h.lp pro_id. Iogilassi"anco lu ""nio. viclim.. of Kallin •. Th. ~lorida 1\", Foundalion rowrnl . U tho txp<" ... (or txp<ricnco<l di .." .. logiI ","ic.. tl':lin· .... nd f.dlilaIO .. from Florid. 10 COfrK to Al.I,." .. on ... , ..ul ",,,,.ions and Ih. c.<orp. Slal.lIa. w.ivtd the r<gUI'a,ion f"., .nd op<no<l ilS own di$a5lerlcsal ...rviccsCLE 10. doztn W .ttornrys ClSe$

_ " ' _ , , _ _ .... _

from around lho ... ~ Ih .. 'heycouJd COfrK b.tck .nd ktop W',IocaI offico$ 01"" while LSA h.d '1$ own th,,,.,·day CLIO 10 , ... in ,h. , .., of it. "alf and vol· un'"", an0m<")'$11'. know from txI".imco and ... dtq>ly 81':11cl'ulth.. the Alalnrna Sial. 1\0.. and Ai.bama Low Foundalion. bw "UdonlS.nd ...,Iunlet, ,"ornrys will alw>ys holp 0<1' OOHoll •• gu .. and uu' citi""n. in a lim. of nood. bu' ..... indeed .,and in ...... of Ihose 1.wy<rs and urg>ni_ "",lIOns oul:tid. Alabama who a .. giving oflh.i. ,ime and money 10 us 10 makt ",,,, .he Icga.I need",r Kalrin • • in;ms ... met-no man •• wh ... Ihey .... •

-_._._-" .... -....... .....--. _.....-..._" MoIioN'.......



rcnll .. .t" w..~ )'ftI". ,"" ()CUIoiom dunn, 1970.711 whom I wi,.........! "updow"nd need for. uni· vt.... y·butd coo" odU('~'_l'ro....... In ,"" (.0 of 1971>. ( 80 ) Torbtn )t. of Opd.t:.o Iud b«n oo,td Iht dlld jusII<~ of Abho ..... 10 >II«ft'd flownl tk'h ... II WiI. '0 IN- I"" ' O>pOIHibiI;,y of Torbtn to im plnnm' ,"" judoci.ol ... fOrm. whkh hod b«n '<UnIty IIdopItd br ,"" AUbon .. ,"",>L>,u.... nd publk dut'", Iht 'mu ... uf Olld )u","'" U.n,n. As TCHb." 1"" illo ..... 'n. <uttvtna'K1n. thi< ........ JOI> of ... , ....... s 10 h ..... ·..., ..... 'hing ,,, do wi,h .dm;n;,,,,,ion." My ,,'O,k a, ,h •• ;m. WU ,,' h"'I,ilo. admini., •• I;"'n in Or<lib and Ih~ n..... ch,d«d.." and I had p.. viouoly wo.ked 1<.IjI<1h•• On 1<""'" projecl$. In a .. ,," oon'«$;O.ion. Chi« J'>I'k~·El«' ·Ib, bnt ""as 10 a.k nit 10 <Onlt ..;,h h,m 10 .... unlg<>"'.ry in ).n.... y 19n and ass,St him In imr knl<Jlh"$ and adm"';'l«,n, lilt .......ut< <OIl" .ysIe",. I ,,,,,,U dearty my ttpIy 10 Torbtn: "I . ... ~ly tplcfuJ fOr 1""" faith in ..... bul I .'" juoI noI qotalificd IU ....""'" 'M ml~ COlI" .. I hal"t ............... rnl1i~ lud~, know noIh,,'I! abuu, ,"" COlI"" and know vny link ~ out< P""nmmt." I ,tom 1M <hid" jw.t~. "lly tilt w.ay, ~ ..-lu, ""'" tilt <hid,.....iot<c dur" He Ioo>krd at .... '" • mom<nl. and thtn rtpIitd. "You know••.", lUll no! SUro wha1 all tho <hi</" jw.tiot<c don. ....'hy 1ft Ilowrillkflin in ....onlgGfTllTyand

I c.c.





hin' '0 orionl ... about all ,hi.!·"\11"" • ""as 100II 111M my f1", ~ li~ judicial official in , .... pnson IUSli« H....~ IIri1'n.l"h< point of,hi. >lOry lit ", fa ... Ihis: In 1977 the ... was a ""'" liSt, i( not on ""p1Y ,uwlY, of qu:tltfltd"",,, .... nagm nul 200

MAY 1000


ful progrns and .... an b< pfOtld that Ihe AI.~ 'Y'.. m r<mains o mod.1 for Am<rican courts. In Ihis nl'W AUM uni...... · .ily·ln-.I pros'an' which I . m do,.. loping. "aching and coordinating. I will p~'" thost who...,k 10 . nltt tho court .dmin;'"'Iion careor r..ld and.iso provide: a qwJity in· .. Nice nluea_ ,ion program for lho curr.ndy <rnploy<d .mplOj"<CS within tho AI.Nm. Court Sysrtm. •

Antol r....... _l _ _ .... _ _

_fIooO ' .... _*'m .. '.. '-"' _ _ ... .,.. _ _ .


Sys''''''' " Sin" Iho 1970s. Iho Al..bama CO\l.rts lu,.. modo wondtt-



&ch <lass will~, $l95 •.." 5975

for tho fiv.·cbss cortifialion pro · grom. A ton p<fC<111 diocoun, is avail.bI< I<> tho", "'",,0 paylh. ~97 ~ pro. grom f.., in .d",n... Cou" adminis" .. ion i, an int<'..' · ins and dyn. mic profO$$ion tha, off... "",·. rdin, , .reor oPJ'Ortunitin (or a ..... g<n...lion. Tho th. m. 0( . his nl'W AVM proS... m in court . dmini"ralion is '"Court Admin istralion Enluru:n and lmpfO\la tho Am.rican )Wlicc




tratM:.nd suppot1 ~ In 1M ...... unilifd ..... muM S)~ttm. T'hc1't w.o •• Iinmct dtpartrntnt to in onkr th., wt mi8h' """" bndgru. l"'yroU . nd fi""""ial OW)Unt.biIily. llw:rc was lilt -.itO wabli!h po:nonnd .nd ta.I< and jury mmagm>ml division .. coun m:ord<.ltg;Ihuppon. Sj>OC<' and propm y, court """,ri'Y. ",<,. :md IoQOn thrnwould be tc<hl~ innovation. ..ilkh would f'O',,,,,,,..,,t1y changt how .... «md1lCl the bu.illeSS of til< courts. 1"'" obo ronfmntod with " hug<' probknt: I had 11'«11 dilf.cuhy tmplafing q.wil'>td ~tAff I<> the v. rious posilio". b«auot nnploytcs.liIuI ""'. had lliok or no cOOn k"",.;ledJO 01 cxpericnct. Ii was I<> be a ""'}<>r dYIIt"t< I<> ",ncomr. So. i, was during this period 0( ( 19i6--1978) ahd """" ..... j'l'Ul. on rrwtY <>Ca$lo"., ,lut I longod Wr a un1vm.lly· ~ coun education program. I 0 progrom wbid> would 'Y'tem.ltically provide • educa'lOn . hdt",inin, Iocot;,;,n r.,.. inlOTeSlcd in srddng • <&rctt in tht count..nd wuuld oddilioo.aJly provid< in·>«Yitt trainIng OJIl"'nuniti<$ for <ulTtn' coun ""'pioyees. In 1977. theTorbtn odmm,,,ra!tOn ~ qu;ddy I<> I.'StAblish th~ ludicial CoIIt-g<". This «>un organiul;';'n •• d ivision 0( .... Ala"""", Admin' "'''I;''' Offict of Courts. hu for many }'<".... now provided ""urt offt<i.04 wilh gmo,ly n«dcd «>nlinuing educalion. ]jut ..... Nck then. ond Court off>c:ia!. rhroughoul'he }'<". ... ~ n....... lud ,he j ooicial colq (unded.1 a kvd for the program 10 rncb and ro .."", the court> .. tho tm~ kvd. II h.. Ion,-,oo Iong-btn> a goal of miM to.".blish. uni · ,.....;ty· ba..d court admini""'li..,n pros" m for AI.bmu.nd Ihis month. Auburn Un"ouily MonlSO""'ry (AU"!). Ihrough 1,. Conlinuing Education will partn.r wi,h "'" 10 pro· vido tho " ... of A~bottta wilk Ikat OJII"'"uni'Y' Tht fir<! ph.~ o f thi, progrom will bo a ·""un admin"' ... ion ttJiificorion program." 11 will be .... lb.bk 10 1M vario .... «>un ol'llriab:and m,pIoym; .nd to ,ho gonoral public .1 largo. No roquisilo ~ ed",",rinn drgr~ is roquired .nd no ~xptri<ncr in court administrallOn i, roqUlred or ttp<CIed.


central ofu w.u 10 pmvidt adminis·



~I [ had '" employ a MIff 10 manage til< n<w\y ~ Adminislntm: 00"", ollhe CourtS. This now I"~

The curriculum is designed to provide training in the theory of court management and in the practical skills needed in the field.







istr.nion mnains. rd.o'ivdr nnr. ~ ......p"b prol"r$oion. t ...,u .~t1r to tqXII1lO lh< court pro~ in Alobamo wi'" Thrbtrt in 1.",,,,,,," 1m "';Ib limited knowkdg<' to pnfurrn tho It>d<r>hip ~ which had '-" a>Signcd 10 mo, 1\0:1 I "'.. inspired by u.. chalkng< btfurt us and I h<g>n to Ito.n from _ wondtrli.dly ...tse and paliml Nab. .... judges. dnk< of court. IfutricI "'''')ttS. and ""~ of t'" coun, Ihrooghow tho Mat •. And dunkfuUy. thnt was Olid J....i« Torbffl, my rnmlOr n<h dar for 12 yn ... Tortn. waHrtI..". diJj . 8"'11 to all oxperimccd in .lal. ~l from his Itgiobm.. ~.nd . "'pid-fi", Itomer. H. " ... to be- • ...w and <ItYcJIN tt"aChtT to his n<W $1>" mur1 ..Jminislr:IlOf. lIut 1 w~ funhn" challr"gt<! in my now Q)Un .dministmion asWgnmml in

Th. " 'iII be off.roo bolh on wcd<nighl$ (Tund. y and Thunday) and on Soturd.ys. Thi. court admin i."alion certifi · cation proy>m is a n 8O.kour program. In .",1.. for tho "",,"nt to ....:<i.... c.rtif"",. in cou" . dn,inim"ion.lh. individual n, ....' con'pl ... Ih. full 80 hODu <on,1s' ing offi, .. 16· bourlmomh cia .... to be in M. y. lune. Stplemi).,r. Oclober. and mbor 2006 and January 2007. Th. in lroduclion 10 court administwion cla$$ is to bo "",de: ..... ilabk rwin'. in May and IUM. If ttffllnl. the introdUCtion cll$! ",. y ho .goin in rM f.ill of 2006. II""", ... ,. Ih. court d ..... omy be tm n indi.idu. lly a nd in no '(>Kia! WI ... nlial o r<l< •. Th. rurri(ulum is dnigncd 10 l'fO,id. training in Ih. theo.y 0( court omna!!""",n! and in tho pracIi<ai ,kiU. n.,..!cd in Ih. fiold. Thi' includn in<lroclion in Ihe $I"'<"IU", .nd func,ion o f 1M court, and th. fina n•• and criminal jUllk. budgeting, t«h nolngy. 01'" a nd jury m . ....'.""'nt. court Joad.r>hip.nd rnanag.:m.nt ,kilt.. h uman reooUtu$, ju... n il<. p rolnl< • • nd cou rl ..",ius and rC$J'Onsibili' in. IopJ ..",kH, space and rttOrds ""'''''g.:"",n'. <lbla. court """uri' Y. and inlttgowmmcntal ",lalions.


only in Abb.>J"., bu. In 1M ""ion. And rvm today. coun odmin _

--.. --... -. . .... ___ . --'-"'-. ...... _d""",b"'_~ ___ t • _ _ _ .....

___ .. ....


...... .



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hen 1M SUPI..m of AM",,, ... in 1820. hrld it.


....;on of rou.\ in Coh ob., D.I1;u Counly, it mt! in ~ lug houst,lI .. il h.d ",,,,e<! from Willi,m ~ $20. Chid Ius!"" Dra}'lon N.btrs ~nr.oun<cd ,h. optning "f ,h. 2005·2006 lhm of the Courl. of AI.I""n. on (k,obtT 3, 2005, hr dId"" on. build"'8 ,h., h.d b«n f•• ,u,,,J on tho ru"" of.



"ational .rchn«'UFJllrg!ll '''II m'g""n<. ami ,h .. h..d bc"n dos<ri"'-"J in an ..,,<I< in lh., mag.. " "I a l Soulh.rn


judicial Ruilding l ,hal l ro,,,,<y. a stn.. of aUlhori.y and .,ability. as ",.11 •• simplicity in ito rich cl.,.il," and ,1\., ".• ,i,', r.i, u... y ,h., the facility Jo.»:s n>O«' IiI:<. C"p;loI."d 1... lik•• g<),,,rnmcnl in<lilur;on_,,·h;';h i. juS! whor of AI.b.m. oro.ITt!: Lhlring Ih< 185)'C.lrl oflh. $UP"'''''' coon', exislmc< as an ,pp"'!;II. coun. lhr w un h.d ","upied olll«> Jo..,«I .. lilt ..., of lilt 01,,, rap" oI. l.ikw;..,. the int.,.mtili.:ttt .)'!>dbl~ murtS h.d olso O(rupiod offices 31 the .... of lh~ ... te gtI'o'tmnllm'.

1'" S,.,.

and som<ti""", wilhin the Jamt building.




In Octobrr 1993. "'hen the new N.b ...". Judici:ollluilding ~ <>pnJ<"d. il " ... tM finllUno 'hoi It..- SuP'=>< Coun of ALotwn.. It..- cour! of crinlllw "ppt'.ili. lhe rnun of civil 'Pl'<">! .. Ih. Sup,...... Coun and SI.I. Low Libr• .,.. aoo,h< Ad'nin'''r.I;.... Oflict of Coun, we",

h<>u><d undrr on< roof. l'h<,~ .... , no offici.1 d«llc.>lIon c... monr held., ,h. tin ... ,h. new buildmg .... , fi", occupied. 0' .uo...quenlly. hul "'hen 'he ....1."""'" kghla,u",. 'n 200-1. adop,ed. ,~Iu';on "' ... rho n",,' ,ud;';>! building Ihe li.fl,n-To,be,1 judici.1 Building ;",Ir.d of It..- jud;';'1 Build;ng. in hono, of lh. laiC fOl1ll<' Chid lustice How.lll'. H,fl,n and fo,me, Chic( JUllie< a."",nr Clay l'o,hnt.lh ••up .. moroun thoughl il .ppropri... 10 ',rang' an off"i.1 d«Iic;I.liOn of ,h. bUIlding. Th., d«li",,"on <OM_ 'mony ..... htld in rM .~c'noon of Oclobt, 3. lOOS, Ih.0I'<""i"8,of-




.. monr

Th. dedic',,;on ««mony was htld ,n Ih. beautiful ""und;. <>f It..- buildinS' and "'os ""cnd«l by mtml>e!$ <>f Ih.

Henin and To.boM familito, and m. ny p&Stand praont g<I .... n"",", official!, m<mboto of the AI.I>.o"", St... lIn. and olhe. pnson. OMOci.t«l di.«tly or indio rtrtJy wilh 'he """"g<' of th. Icgi.brion thai IUthoriz«llh. conslruction Ind I",,"ion of Ih. building Chief JUlli", Nabm pruided at Ih. d«licalion <.~ mony . nd all .. so"", b.ief Itnu,'" lbout ,he hi>lory of th. alI1'IO<1 3O·~.r period it took 10 g<'I 1M"..... building conSt''''''' «I. forme. Chief hUlk< Tu.bett rIp~ hisapprrd:tlion to lhe Jcsid.;!. lu.., for honor ing him in .uch a ,p«iaI ".y. and 10 an of lho.. ""ho had helped him in gcning l"lIislali ... IUlh<>liution 10 conslruct Ih. building. Tom Hrilin, loOn of Lal< Chief JUSI;'" Hettin •• nd • ThKumbi. ano."..,.. mad< .. ,imil., , ..pot> .. on behalf of his d...ucd f.thor. The history of Ihe opptllol. c""rll of AUhaml ~W$lh'llhe ,upr."", ClIurt. 1M old courl ofa~aI, .nd rho currenl couM of criminal aPl'<al •• nd court of civil.ppt:lb h.... alwa,.. h.d uf/len 10<;.. «1 .1 Ih. scal of Ih. g<> ... rnn .. nl. bUI until construction .nd <><cu""tICY of 1M n... judiciol buildin&. th"" coutlO . ndllt, justices . ndjudges did no' oI .... ys o«upy Ih, Ja"'" build in&. From 1l1li5 umil July 19~0. for ... mple. the Alabam. SuP"me Coutt o.:cupiffi offic.. in what is I10W th ••asl wing of 1M "ale "pi'ol. and in . pore in Ih. "pitollh", io now USC'tlIO dispLay sorrl<' of 1M furni . IU" and olh" item> USC'tl by Ih. court when it was IocaIM in 1M "pi,oI. The history of lilt location of tht .rreI· I. ., coons after 1940 is contained in ~



a..r _ _ _ _ _ .... _

documenl$ that :orr on lilt in ,he SuP"""" Coutt .nd Sial. L:ow Library. Sued on conl';ne<! in IOmc of"""" documenu. ilaJ'I>C'" tNl dwing ,'" 192(lo, 'M capilol building benmc irudeq""I'1O ho...s< .lIlhe oXl'''lm."", of JO"C'fnmcn' tit." OOIM in it, otld c;.,.... rno< Bibb G~ in me Lol. 1920:1., rommiuion«la lJirmingham .rd>il..:tur01 fum 10 I design (Ot 1M enti ... capilol complex. Th., fum 'Ubotqucnlly designed the original building tNl is ""'"



routt. ""Ih 1M solemn JOn'be ...... wilh judgmcnll arc prOnouJS«d .nd which in lin. wilh 1l>< p.,.,i.. long in <fl••:t in mosl of Ih. higher COUrt, of Ih" I.nd: In 1965. h.,.,..,...r. lhe old rudici.1 Building th .. h>d b«n so wdcom«l by 'he courtl; in 194() had become ""<>tfully in. "",,,,,'" .nd KCOMing 10 WiU;'m C. Younger. , .... t$hol and librarian of lhe l up ... me court, Ihc dream of a "..... judi . ciol building OOC'lJrml on an a""picious occa<ion ..,Iy Ol>t morning when


lISfd by 1M Dfpmme!t1 of Arthive and

Asso.c:i.le rUllirc I'tllwn f. Mmill tm1

Hislory. and .00 dc$ignrd • n- building fo. the High .... y Ikpa.tmmllh>t W.o$ 001«1 on me JOulh >ide of Dexler A'.. nu" in fronl of II>c .. pilol. The Binni<Wwn . «hil..:tum fum . Iso d.. igntd me SI.I< Offirc Building th .. i. Ioatcd i~ fronl of th. " pilo! Ind IKfOM the "reel &om tho old Highway Ikpartmcnl Building. subo<qucntly occu· pit<! by 'M Departmen, of Public 5o("y. Th< Birmingham fum oIso wa, =pon . lible for the design .nd 1"<110'-";"" of Ih. old Judicial lIuildins IoaIM on [)n.te, ...... n ... which w ... a Swlli>h Ril< Tempi • •• nd "'"U pu,d>.....J by lhe Stal" of AI.NIna in 1938 and remodeled. and. in July 19010...... used by Ih • • upreme CouM.lhe old CO"" of .ppulsand 1M al10mty g.nenl. Th. '"0""Y gcn ... l at lnal ri"", 1M UI. lu"ict Thorn .. S. ,","""n. and h, ployed I It' ding rolt in Ihe .. modding o( Ihe Scolli'" Ril< Tempi, (or usc by lhe I..., ,pptll.le cuurl. and by hit off... as .Itorney gen· ,raJ. Ncwspapt. IKCOUn1< of lhe ~ by th • • up .. nt< court. Ih, old Court of .pp..!' and ,he ."omey 8"n.ral . how Ih.,1l>< """.. 10 now qu." ... wa. very acceptable. 0"" n.....""pt' ,,<coun' delcribN 1M JlIO>'C' • • follows; "Among 1M innova,;"no'xpt<IM 10 be nude in tM now judICiary hom. is ,h. u.. of judicial robn by Ih. jlUl ic.... Thi. is dom in keeping wilh the dignity of 1M

him on ,ho ground Boo. of lhe old Judicioll1uilding and .dvancM 10 him th. i<ln of building . """ build in&. The oup""'" coun , pp • ..,nlly rook imn,«I;· .t< oct;"n on Just;'" Me"iU', ,ugse>lion. I>«au" .hortly Ih ..caft ... On Monday. November 1, 1965.lhe minul" ofth. oupreme court kepI by th. ckrk of 1M court Ih.l 1M .up..,m< coun. aft" coruidtring ......-.d ;1<"" on il$ MisctU.1I<'OlU Dod<.ot •• dopIM. resolu" lion th.l.ratM, in !WI, "th.t 1M ,""ici.) Building Ihod l I>«omc inadoq .... 1< for Ih. p......1 .nd fulure nccdsoflh. Sur""" CoUM and 1M Court of Appc.d.: and th'l a commit"" should be 'ppoinlM to odd, ... lhat problem. Th. ....,IUlion lu,th" " ..ed thaI then Chief h..'ire I. Ed UvingslOn and lhen Pzniding ludg<' Ann ... Lot. Pric. o( Ih. court of . ppca4 showd appoinl a ""'m · 00 of lilei. mptel i... rourts 10 ....... wi,h Ih, Jibrarian of the 'UP"""" COUM. Willi.m C. young"... ljoinl COmmilltt 10 in'TSligal. the '""IUi .. mcnl. 00>1 .nd f. .. ibilily of constructing . build,ng for th~ us< ofboth the .up..,mc court. 1M court of appeal. and the suprcmt coutl libr. ry. TIu., ronunilltt ...... ulMql>tntly nl.blishM. and ,h. I." J""I<. Merrill ..rvt<1 .. ito <h>imtan unlil he m;.ed fmm ,h ••upr ...... roun in",y 19n . . nd. ,,"o,ding 10 """nger. 1M rommin ... ronlinuM 10 ex,,, lhere.A.~ •. AI aboul tilt s.amc Ii"", that Ihis aciNi· 1Y "Prdiog 1M need (or. """ judicial building ..... o«utting at Ih •• up ....... court in 1%5. IM!ltc H.,....U T. Henin. who ..... p.nid<N of tho Aloham. St.le ISor in '%S. and who lalCr ..",«1 .. chief jUlIk< .nd a. I UnilM Stal.. ScmIO. respectively...... Iiling Iction. nol only looking forward 10 getting a now judicial building conslruclc<l. bUI M "on«l loying pl.il1,IQ,. rompl .. e modifi"l ion of


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"-_.. .. .. --.--..

a..t_"",.Ih _ _ _ ... _ _


"t..b.m.'s judiciallY'.em_ HiS nujo, pro,..." waS '0 go, l<gill.",," tdoplM Ih .. "",,uld ""mplo,dy ,cro.m Iho jO>dicio] lyIo' 'em of ,he 5,..< of "I./nm•• nd 'ho ruin .nd pro«dufC$ by whIch" wMld opt, • • , •. To .."ompli'" ,h,,, IIe61n ~pp,"n''''' nu"",roul "",,,mIllNS. induJlng • "Cornmitt... on ~... ibiJily of Ci,i..,n', Conf.ron,.; and ,110' <",,,mll'« lub",· "lI<ntly ."ang«! fo, 11>0 <o""""in$ of wh., ,,"OInt know" .. Ir.t fll" Cill"'ns' Confe.enc, on 51". Court>. Th., Ci,i..,n·! Conferee« rn .. in Mon' gormry On [kc..... be. 8. 9 and 10. 1966. and ,h. ",,"f'rn">" 'hJI <u"f••• nce ..,,'OKn'''''' ' ... ~y of prof.,..",n •• nd tr.d ... from ovory ..... oflhr .. a,•. "" .... ' C,mon>' Conrt«n.., Ih. ",nf• .-...s he •• d a kymM odd...., by )uI"a M.",IJ .nd o,hr. "'""",'''''' ... ptnl In ,h. fidd of jud,,].;n,ma'",n.• "d d.,.., of ,h. ronf.... n«. ,h. "'nf....... issuoo • <oll",n!U$ lIol...,.,n' 'ho' many beli,",~ waS u.oo .. ,h. bluqlnnl ro' ,h ••eforms ... b""'lu.",ly m.d< in Ih< Al.bJm. ludicial SY'1<m. ~ .. ding Ih. <"""'uWon of. new JO>dici..1 buildmg. Hdlin 'Ppo,nled. ·C"mmlt!"" "n New l.. d,co.1 auikltn$" ,h .. " ••• <hau"" by Albctl ~. Brewct. who "·.s lhen k, of ,he "lob.rn. Ho.... of Il'rf~nuliw$. As report...! m the T1t~ LaM,...-. "(Iholl Conll"'"'' u"""imou,ly r<rnn""ondled) ,h. "'pport of kgiolo""n "'hiell I"",uld l . n.ble ,he <on'''uelio" of. now jud;"ial bUIld· ong," a"d ""o,ding Ih. '<"J'OtI of ,h. New ludicl.1 BuildIng Commi""".lcgis· I.""n h. d oI ....o<Iy "",, nd • ronf.rt",. wllh .hc g<!''e''IO' .nd <>Ih., oFflCioi. h. d betn h~ld.nd Ih< full sup· pon of ,h. 8""'""'0' .nd olher opprop" , ... ltate offiCl. 1I hocn '$-IUI"". Th. ",,""ney txp,C>.>«! by Ih. ro~,"III1 .. dId ""' h'pl"n. "bill .... , inlroduced In ,h. "> Hou,"" in 1M 1966 b,r.o,dinary Session of lhe Lc-g1,blUr. by Mess.-.. )lr""'" o' ul. .. 11. II. 166 au,ho" ... h. <OllstIU" lion of. new JudICI.1 bUIlding. ""'" of ,he <0-"",,""'1"< of H. a.lM _rt Itq>. II.n'1' 51..&>11 .<HI Rop. Konn .. h Ingram, and bo,h of,h.m "",,uld I..e, ..,W.S .SMIC'at< JUMk.. on 1M >upR'n'. ""un. ~fl" h..tvtng K"'<"d in <>Ihe, offiao of " ... gcwc-rnlTl<"nl. Allhough H.lI. 166 I""ed ,1>0 ho ....., and ,,-., ... n"o ,he ..n... ond ...." ....! its r,nt ••• ding and







" .. s ...rnrcd <Ol""""'''''. ,h. journal o( Ih~ ... n... fo, ,h ......"on docs n01 «!k<"ho' ,b. ,.,no" ,ook '''y furtM' action on ,he bill. In ,h. I... l%Os .<HI early 1970.. fur· 'her "l<n,I''' We'" made ' 0 gfllcgi,I.'i"" 'pprov.1 fo,. ""'" jltdici.1 buildIng. "'~,rul$ of 'he kgi,J~lu" "'''''. IhJ' bill. 10 .uIM"", ,II< <on"rue''''" of . new bu~dlns ...... In,rodu«d In ,h. 1967 Rogular s....ion. ' h< 1967 btrOClrd\n.ry s...,."'".<HI 'he 197) lItgul .. s....,"'n. bu, Olf,h .... billl paS><tl. H. B. ~22. ,h., "'. j IIllroduc...! in Iho R"8u1a, Scl.<iun o( 1971.• lmOS! mJdc il ,ht"l)ugh Icgi<Ja. lure. II po~ Ih. hou .... nd w•• Ih. n.", bdl on 'he <oIend .. for ,on,Ide ... ,on in ,he on Ihe J.., day of ,h. 11'< ><Won. hUI 'he ... n... :WJD",ned wi,hoUI ronoid.nng i,. Con""'luattly. II !uff.....! ,h. "'m. f.,c .. h.d 'ho 1966"on. "ft., ,h., 1973 f.ilu« 10 g<l1cg"Jalion p,,!e<l .• ffort< '0 ge' logtSl.",·•• u,hum• . Iton 10 bu,ld a "",,W judici.1 building ...... bosi •• Uy susptndrd, . nd W<TC nol ""'an...! unlil No''emll<, 20. 1\181. "'hen 'ho ludici.1 S,udy Commisoio,,', .ubrommi""". 'hn .." <h>lg...! wnh Ih. '<"SpOn,iblltly for ,"udying , h. n....t for ~ new judi".1 buildinS. ,",om mended ,he cre.. ion of. jo,"llogil~h'" romml"" 10 m.kc 'PP"'l'rt.,~ OIudics .nd ' ....m· mtndationl on 'M mollor. lb,... rca .. I. .... in 198•• Ih. "i.bJntJ i<"S'll,wre '<copt«l,he <halleng•• nd btcan", ac, i''ely invol'-'<tl in Ih. pm.,.... I.cgi,IJ"'~ jou,n.1$ doow Ih., leplt_ "nl~',,"" Tom J)r:tk< ond l;n1<$ Clark





m' roduc...!' Hou", )om' R<soIu"on. 11. ).11.. 91. in 1911-4, " 'hi<h Joinl ltgisl""'e.Judici.1 Commi"ee'o .. udy. <lc>'tlop 1,lon•• nd mal« =omntrnd.t· lions (Of . new judicial building. M."'bo:" of ,h.. loin' Lc-giWliw.Judici. 1 Commiu.. visi,"" ntW 0' ..... nl1y ,on' .. ","''''' roUrt buildings .round Ih. ",un'ry '0 gfl id... for dnign and Func· '",n r~uirom<n,,-.<HI ,,·ben Iho logi>laIUlt. in 1985, arpt"l)p".....! S250.000 ' 0 1M Unifrcd ludic ..1 Sysr.m.o hire ,on' sult.nlS .nd o«hi, .... wOO ",'tIC knowl · edge.Me In ,he dNign and <onstrUCtion of roun building!. 'hr pros,,"1S for. ..... judicial building molt promising. ThoK p"'"J'C"Cl> ,rnprm'<"d .;gn;flC"~n"y "'hon lhe Ci,y of Mon'gomery.,h. SU'e lI.r, Ih .. Landm.ork$ fou<HI"",n and MomgolTl<"ry·' daily newspopt .. "", . ri...! ...!i,oriols wppor" ng Ih. 'Onmue· .",n of. new judid.aJ building. Th .... group. ,,~ ... in ...... ,...! in h.vlng. neW jud;. ..1buildIng bUIlt and Iocaled on Ikxl<t "wn"".ra,h.. ,h. n -.. Ih. H,reme.nd of ,he api,ol <ompltx fac· mg Ih. cast .ide of .h. "pi'ol," •• «porr ' ...! by , he i"tli.aJ ..... bor's Cornmi" « on New )udi,"1 Building oPpo,n,...! in .96~ by Ho .... l1 Heflin. The OU,et l",a'lOn "'" rom"",nd...! in .n .n. ly.i. in a local n..... p. pt •.• nd by M.ury Smtih. a Monlgomtry .1I0rnc-y "'ho had bocn ' ppoinl"" <h.lm,. n of on ALlb. m.a Sial< au Fo= on Propw..-d ludici. 1 lIuilding. who poin'...! ou' in. kit., ,h.. m.ny m.mber< of ,h< b>r ,upporr...! pUI' lIng ,he ntw building on O"'~I.

.,.,..ed •




Tht ka.ion "'"as finally «.tl«l whon Ill. Building Commi .. ion of lh< S'OIO of Abbam>, on lu". 17, 1985, ...=kd to 1M dcsirn of.hw; ,,'hu {,,'Ornt 1M Dt~ ... 100llion, and "".«1 unonunou!ly "10'i00i; uvor>b1y ., building> judicial eml •• in .M ]).., .. A,.. ",,,, '<'Cbon of Ih, Capil'" ","'pltx." 'fh< Dale< A,..., ... ka.ion had Mon Slrongly '''pport<d by «I,trn-Ws app.. ring ,n both of Montgomtry', d.ily """'I"'pcrs. ,1>0 prosp«1S fo •• """ judici.1 hild· ing bo:com< .... n mu<h mo •• , .. listic whon Itpsl.' ion >"thoming 1M ron · "melion of tho n"", building ...... pon_ ",rtd by Stutor Ky." dcGr>ff.n.i«I ."d II 0Ib.. «n ..ors as 5.J73 in d.. Rtgul .. Session in 1%6. Stn. doG.affenri«l'. bill authoriud lh. Ctt;Il ion of Ih. IOOici.1 Building Au.hori'y, .nd .u,ho.iud 1M lu.horily .0 iss ... S40,OOO,OOO in bonds '0 ronmurt • ""'- building. Althou'" ,ignificont prog'df h.d b<en rna.k in gtlling aulhOllUlion .0 build a I>tW judicial building. and II.ho"", th. billl"'-l~ ,''' «nair withoul .ignif... ,,1

diflicuhy, i. WU subj«wl to nt,n(!(d drbat. and p.orli>mrnw..y movn in Ill. holl« ,h .. rould h".. ""u~ il< d.f•• t. In (""', i. '1'1'...«1 to ""'ny ,hOI S.371 would die in ,h. hOll« 0" Iht I/oit .loy of .ht ~n. and therefore. would ,uff.. ,h. sam< f......imilar bill, had .uffcrtd in 1%6 and 1973. In fact. in • 5Iory on Ihe fronl P'g< of the Montgomery M, ..rlUrr, <!al«l W«Inesd.y. Ap.illl, 1986, il wu .. ported .h" "ImJ<1Ilb<rs of .h, Jocal lMonlgomeryJ kgilJ .. i,.. drl,· gation ,h. {new judicial buildingJ b,lI h.. lilli. chance of ~,ng Monday, lhe bst day of the "lI"I.. .nII;"n. bo:coUI< of 1M opf""'i,ion and .h. f... lha, a . .... budgtl h.. 00' been adop,ed." A more ,tory appe.,ed in ,''' Mon'gomny Mwtfjw, 'h' nrx. day, nn Thundoy.Ap,a 2~, 1986. Und., I h•• dlin.mllng "Speak.. Nor &pt<:.«1 To Forc, Vn•• on Iud;.:;.! l:Iuilding Bill,S.... Rep. Roy Iohn""n. ipeake. pro .. on of lhr houl<, who p,nidod "' ,pe.ker on lhe bit d;,y of lh. Rrgul.r Sn:tion in 1986. staled h< did no, OXp«1 'h'


hou~ ltadt •.ship '0 for« • ..:< .. on S. 373 on ,''' lall d;,y of ,''' ~ion. [n thai same miele, Clti,f I",.kt Tm"'n cxpn:s«d hi> dilOppomtm,m lhal 1M hoal< d,d not p'!.$lhe bill wed< befo .. _Oppo ... nlioflh. bill in the houl< d.i",«1 tlul,uppon for ,h. bill ..... "",n: and noen 'hous" · p..... ure I..... J moumingon opponom. of ,h. bil!." 0 ... membe, oftM l<si!l>ture SlaiN thot "d<ha •• will""d only if the Houl< lead.rship for«S a ~d on the., in lh. lourna.l of Ill. flo,,« fo, Ihe ttgul •• .nII,On. [986, and n.....~pe •••count. of ltg«J.alivt ..,ion .. Ih. lime, i•• ppe.,«Ilhat Ihr fOregoing dire prntitlion, th ... h. bill would 001 ~ ",i"" b< trut. The ltg. i!l .. i... hc.,ory 0(5. J13 sho .... ,h .. Ihi< pnsimilm " ... ind«d n:alillic, bo:cou~ S. 373 ..... $ubjrcled to «VerI1 p.di.· "",nl.ry p,ocNu,es Ihat almost defeated i._Tho Inn,nal of 'he H~ shows Ihal R<1'-I.,nn aark of Euf.ula w:OS pe."l!rot in S< Iho bill on .he .peda.l 0'&' ""lend.. in ,he hoa«, gtning • budge!










i<ol.,;on rnolution 0""1'1«1 and gming

1M bill.mended 10 800",",«..,me logi<l.ti"" rq>rntntation.nd '>"Cnight oWe the conmuction or. n..... judici.1 build· ins. On. of th. most criti<::d VOl"" (1«""..:1 when II.<t' Alvin H<>lmos


Mon1i\"1Mrf offered. m"';on in writing th.t ,.od, "Mr. Spook •. >hall 110. q ....tion now M put!"Th>l wtiutn

motion by Rep. HulmC'S "'os .doplN by an oxt... m<ly do'" VOl(, J..I ·ll. and S. 373, as .""'ndl"d. w..s mod • third ,ime ., kngth and pusd. 69· 23. Rtp. Roy lohnson. having VOle<! with II>r 1'""",;1. ins >ioU, thtn m.d, • motion 10 1'«0/1,id<'T 'he vol< by which S. )73 ..... p• .....d .nd ,,, tabU, th. InQlion to """,n.i<ier. and thc motion tu, wa. adop1ed. thereby fO.«losing any furth., con,id .. · ation ,,{S. 373. Th, Kn." concllrrN in and adopt..! the hoo .. amendment II> lIl. biU. Th. prosicknt and p...iding "fIi· e.. of tht ",n.'< "811cd 'he bill and ~t it b><k to tht hoost. ",h". lh. bill_ duly 'igl\Cd by the ,pe~"'" of 'h' ho....,. in the pres.",. of the hou ... and .. m to (,,,,,v. ('"",,'go C. W.II"•. who .ign«l the bill into I.,.,.on "'p.iI29. 1986. in ,h. p..... ntt of ""","",I nltm""" of the Itg"I.,u •• and tltt ,.,I.b.m. ;udicial.y>t.1IL I!.a...d on Ih, Itgis!.tiv, h,<tory of S. 373, it ,. obvious 'h>! mueh ... dit for tho p.... ~ oftltt biU "" the fin.1 iUy must go to • numb.. Qf indi,·idoal. ,,-ho wu.kt-d '" h.n:! fQ' ils p.w.g•. Chi.f Jm';', To.""fI .• (C<)rdin~ to Spt."". TQrn Drill.• pent •• igniflunt .mounl of umc talkin~ to him .lId otbo, kgi.I.1tO" to urg. PO"'S" of tho Icgi.ulion. Olhers .1", Itnt thri. ,uI'PO'" Th .., ""'''' «Iilo· ri.l. in the Monlgom .. y da,ly new>p'" ptrs .upporting its p....S". with .id.. s""h •• "\'0.. for Building" .nd"PuIl It Tog<th ...• 'flo< Judk;"18ulldillg Commil1« of tM AI.boom. St... lb., c!u.irtd by Mon,golIlCry ' l1orn<'l' Maury Smit h. also $1tongiy supponed th. 1"-" "S" of ,h. bill. ,.. did tho MQn'gomcry Landm.rl<s Found.,ion. Th ... w... also ",mo OIh .. ","""n.l conlact. with Go"",no, WalLorr on boh.lf of Its 1'..... ,,~, and Mayor Emo.y ""In, •• and Ih. City of Mon,gomory nol only provi<k<l .uppon for th.I'1\i.lotion but .1.0 fin.n· cial ... iSl.n« to porch ... 10" on ",hich tho huilding was buil,. On« "'" bill b«~ Low. Iho Alabam, Judicial Building Authorily wa •• ",al«l. 208

MAY lO"~

.nd on Iuly 10. 1990. tho .um of $40 mil· lioll in bonds wa. ;..uN. ptop<"fty Wa$ acquired.nd contrACts w., •• nttm:! in.o botwttn Iho .utho,ity and lIa'll"nic •• n.v;" & Sims and G""lum. Smi,h & p.n"..., .",hil«'" and lI,asf..1d & ('"""k Construe,ion =p«tivdy drsign .nd cons,tuC1,1>< buildinll- Th •• u,""'ity .. Irct«l •• it. that""" bout><kd on tho nonh by 0.:.1<, "',.. n ... , on tl>< easl by HuU Stitt!. on "'" ... ulh by W..hinglon SlItt! and on 1M ,,~, by McDonough SlItt!. 11>< ><kction of Ih.t block was not a<ccpt,bl. 10 somo of Iho of tho lou in tlul block. bu, tho i.."" of th. loa· ,ion of tho building w.i$ finall)" .<WI~"';I would bron On..r ,." ....... _ It took tWQ from Ih. lime ,h. building «Ins"uction was bogun in Stpt<mbtr J'I9J until it ",. «Impl<l«l and occupied 'n Octob<r 1'193. During that "mo, aUlhori,y scl«tivtly rcs'om:! .nd •• fini.n«l IC>rral it.m, of furnitu~ in tho old judicial building. • u.h.s judg..· d .. l<s, tabln and boo",,",· eo, ,,,d l're>rr,«I •• much of 11>< proper· ly ,n the old building that could possibly I>< us-rd in II><"",W buildIng. Chid JuSliu Torbtn, who had WQrW '" hard 10 gct Icgi.lativ¢ ,ulhorl2al ion fo, • nn.- judicial build in&> c!rct«l nol 10 ... k ~·<ltclion in J9SS; th ..,fo,•. he did not g<1 to """....., Ih, <onmuelion of 111. building. E.nest C 'Sonny' Hornsby ,ueC«'d«l To. l><n ... chirf j .."iu.• nd Itt ''''''nrd Jack Dixun a, tho proi«t Imn· for tho building. Dixon was an AI.boom. I,wy<" who wa, a .. timl".1f judg< .dvorat<"' II>< ,.,i. Univ¢ ..i.y. and who had proiou,",y 1>«n by Torl><n a. h;,. counscl. Btclo .... of tho compl..;t;" of Ih. «,">!ruction proj.«t. CIlid lu"ic. Hornsby .1 ... him:! .n ind.".ndcot archit«' 10 work wilh the .uthori,y'. , ..If to handl. arehit«· tural.nd con"tuC1ion mall .... Dixon in«l. dclOiltd rc-cord of '''P''ndiw.... nd, "",on:!ing to Dixon, brnuse Chid hatk. Hornsby«l on "vigorous compctition" • mong 1M .uppli.... of ... me .x",n,'" .Iom<n,. of tM building. ,h. autho,ity " .... able to S"t Indiana lim."o"", of p",."" , ronerr" for Ih. ,x,,,,io. of ,h. building, Hondu .. n m. hogony instead of ,und.n:! walnut for in,..-ior built ·i n furnitu ... alld IlOlian from Ih< Ca ...... qu",ry, wh.~







Mich..,l.ngc!o go, hi. ",.rblo for his """"pire.., in" .. d of ..... rbl. of I... quality. for u.. in the w , und. ofth, building. "The: II<W judicial building .• illU i, " ..., op<'lCd, h., btcOI"" •< spot fo, ,i,itors.. both young.nd old. Doc.nt> guide tou .. of tho building .nd point ou, in,.resting infOrmation .bout its d",ign and tM fun"ion of the «Ium loc.,«1 in iL It is rslim>l«l thal,intt 1997. ,,"110 .. .rcnn:is nf visilors ""'.., .. m.ny as 138,000 1"'..... ,,' h.... v;"i,ed ,h. build· ing.ll<fo .. «<on:!. " .... ""pt. i, is "'ti. m.. «1 ,h., numl><r of v;.itors 10lOied 'ppmtim.,cly 11.000 • ..,h Y"ar. ~ .. n t""ugh tho rons1fU<l'On of the building uitin,al<ly rc-c.i,.. d tho support of Gov_ w.lI.ce and Ih. ItgisJ;tu"", .ml .""n 'hough Gov_ Guy Ilunl and Gov. Jim Fol ... m. Jr. $ub$t<]uo .. lly support«l Ih. conltructinn of Ih. II<W building .ft.r 1110 authority was e"'at«l. Ih ... " .... "ill tho .. who fdt ,h.. ,I>< n ..... building .nould no' I>< buill. lI'hil. th • I<gUlation "",.""nding 10 aulhorize Ih. conmuction of tho n... building. and I><forr ,h. building Wa$ actually Con· $"",,«1, fo, exampl., ",nit kgi.Loto .. and .itiun. up''''''''.n npinion ,hal Ih. building ""as too rx",nsiv¢ •• nd oth. m compl.ined ,h .. th ... w.s no> n«d fo' • loop lihrary b<cau .. of rompul<riulion ufltgal dat •. Th ... ""'.. ",m. o,h.. p.oolon,. ;woc:,,"«1 wi,h ,h. build· ing of ,h. new ,trlKtu". Snmo of lh. landowners obj«!«1 10 ,h. Ioca',on of the build in, on th ... lo ..... nd "'111<' obj<Ct«l to Ih. priu nlfcml by the authority to purch.St .hrir in,.,." .. buI Ih ... probloms wilh Ih, "<Guilition of Ih. I. nd " .. '" uitim;o.,dy ..... I~. "'ith Il of tho 14 og,ning '0 ..U at tM price n<J!oti.t«l by tho ou,hori, y_ Th,,, " ..... lso "'m< question~ ... iOi;d about ,h.l<J!oli'y of tho bidding proc«s in (on· nrc!,on ",i,h th. con$lt...:tion of tbo building. but th ... qu«tion. "'... ulti.... ,.. y ..>uI,~ .1.... BtclouSt of.1I tho «" _"""t tho n«d fnr a now building. <"pcci.llj· tho .. ..1.,«1 to 'M COSt of the n<'W huilding th" ",.", Imck .""n born .. i, ",as conSltuClrd, ,h. qu .., ion could bo .skcd: Wha, " ... ,h. finol CO$1 of th.building? According '0 Di""n. whon tM ronSlrlK' 'ion of.ho building ,,-•• compl.,od, on tim<. ~ wu. million doll ... undcT budg<t.






and lhe (0)1 of «ms'ru<1ion wos app'oxj. m.altly $117 pt, >quart fOOl. \Vbtn wijl .h~ buildina be paid (....! !.(cording.o Oi...,n, Ih~ \taS<' be'Wffnlh~ Al.1bama judiciailluildin8 AuthQ,i,y .nd .he Unifo'" Judicial Syl1em pfOYides .h01 .h. bomb . ," paid off in De<.mber 2011, Ih. 'ulhori.y will hi"" Ih. op.ion 1<) purrhast- tht buildinj; in ,bo name of •h. Unif"" Judicial SyoIcrn rnr $1.000.


Annlhcr q_ion migh. be ..t.d: Why ...... he name of the j..dicial building clu.ngcd from the: A4bamo J..di<ia1 lIuilding to tho Hdlin· TOfbert Judicial Building! "I1>f A4bamo ltgW.a.urr author· il . ln a house. join, resoIu.ion sign'" in,o low .. Ac1 2()Oo1-59, d",I<-gilJ01urr dosigno.", tht Alaba"," r..dicial Building the HdIin·1brhnl judicial Building. "in rrrogni.ion of . nd aWf"Kia, ion (o,.he di>.inguiWd judicial snvict .nd k-adtr· o/Iip nf ,hcse <>uuunding indMduals.""I1>f Iogi>Lolurr, in f"K<l8"il:ing tho j..dicial strviu nfHQWdl Hdlin and C. C. " So"

Torbtn. st1. fo"h ",n", arr.. o( judici.ol...,....;c.- in iu house. join' resoIu· .ion wos sigr><d in.o law .. Ac1 2004· 59. Tha, ","",u.ion design.:n'" the Alabamo rudiciailluilding .. th< H.llin · To"",,, Judicial Su;\ding. 000 .h. molu · .ion was "",d in its on.jrrty during the: dt;diCl.ion cerrmonin nf ,he building. A. lh. conei .... ion of tho d"'iation c... mnn~ . l1<1><1in8 wm: invi.", enjoy a f"K<p.inn in ,I>< courtyard of H~Oin·To,be" Judicial Building. I hu,lding .h.. 1=1 b=> dacribN by E/izabelh Via Brown in In artick in Iht Mom",......,. "dVffl~ nn O<,nbt, 30, 199), o/Iortly aft .. building was opent<!, .. (ollows: " In f• .!!ion, it'. 'he basic blo<k dl"fl,$. lit.,.,urr h.. Homtr'I'Od~ .nd 'lIiad; and in mu.ic. th.... rr rompnsi· .ion. by IlK" and .... In ,h. ""rid of .,', is a masl .... "In o"h"«"Iu", il', Iht Parth"""n and ,h. TempI< of I'ooridon in Cf"ffU .nd




Ih. />Iolllgom<'Y />Iukum and Fin< A,u.,

.110 11.', Capiloland ,h. newly (on·

SlNr1<<I judicial building in Montgomery. "A.II classics in !hti, own fidd<..hty ... 'M l1andord by which .11 othm arr

iuds"'. Alk (or a dninition o( cl ... ical and tho I"<$pon5( will lihly ",n'ain """do such a. timol"," .u,ho,iUliY<, ucoUcnc< and tradi.ional." •





May 15 and 16. 2006


A lab ama State Bar, Board Room


9:00 •. m. - 4:00 p.m. both days


12 houl"$, including on e hour of ethics $360, includes materials and lunch

Faculty are experienced arbitratOI"5: Ja, k Qarke, Montgomery, and Cary Singletary, Tamp~ Tm;IJ;11E will (Over: The Law of Arbrit ration: Arbitrator's Role and Authority; Arbit rator's Pre- Heari ng Fund ions and Dmies.; Conduding the Hearing; The Award and Post·Award Considml tions

For registration information call (334) 269·0409 or (334) 269"1515 ext. III



,.------------ ;---------.---------------------------

Young Lawyers' Section

How many times have I heard that? And, )'t.,1 ,.ill di\~ he.dl",,!

Chri"y C...... Hnk>. Donid 8< Cro ... PC

Un;un Spring<

Be careful what you ask for. ..

in,,, ntw

pro,..:" w'.hout knowing how much work J:un .dding'" my pl.,,, Or how J am going 10 fir.! tim. 10 g~ too..t.<J<s ",mpl.rod. A> onyo'" who hos .... d my or1i.dn ",,<, ,h. 1.., fow monlh. knowo. W(' ho>...... ,,«1......,"'1 new oommiu..:1 and I h..... been uklng for vo/unttt .... The good ~ •.. W(' h• .., lots of now

,,,I un, .... and 100m< ,,.., things going on. Th. b.d news ... _II, t~ .. is tully no b.d nCWli W" h.vewrtlt


things 00

and .10t of ~pl. """.lcing hard 10 make things n.pp<n. W,

hA'~ $l;hodulrd

Young .... wy<1'I. DIY of $tn'i"" for Jun. 10 ",10... young I.wyers from 0< ..... 'h' "". wlll h'lp in thei. local communi,;.,. Undt-r Ihc k.<knbip of 11010 lI.tll, .1><1 Bnnnon lIuck.rho Con.muni. y

Dutruch Commill«: is helping u.I;.... up

10 OU' ,,.,. b",', m<Xl<>, "Lowytrs

Rtntkr Savko."Th,.. will M .",lunltt. '•• m. in Hunrsvillc, lIinningh:un. MOl\lll,Om<'1' and Mobil •. Volunl .... "'ill .. ~., h",nd ... and children', . hd,.rs. 50Up lcil(hmi, schoob, ~nirrW &heh .... and ",hers. W. wiU ,torl in the morning

and work through \h. afiernoon.


ci.1 skill. Of. T<'<jui,...d. Contoct on. of th. fOllowing I•• ders in )'<lu, metro· .... to $.ign up I. I volunt .....:








Jodie Smith (21)5) 254·1109 jcJk..",i'~p"'nk<XlfK'."'''' 2006


(3J..1) 269·2343

Jon MoctJnn (205) 795·658/1 jw...,dlm,@a,ufo..."<)'.<o,,,


orpnwng .. progr..m. "A I~ in E-=r aa.."""",.",ill ~ LoW)fi$Ih< <>pp<.>rlunily 10 go inlO" high ochool civia. doss in their community Ind >peak to the $ludmrs about diII'=nc from I LoW)'t,', p<1'5pt<1iv<, Milnh SI>ah .noJ Bob Bailey .'" hcoding up thaI effort ond d<>mg .. gInI job. 0". ideo i; p"",idi"ll information til< hiocoty of ""I, ing righ!$.nd providing an opponunicy to f'<'gisltr to VOle. W•• t<: Of'<'" 10 ~ht, ideo. 10 if)tln .n: inlttUlw in hdpinS <lUI \<lith thi; P"'V'm. Ic1 m< i<rtooo'. W. at<: boping 10 kl<k oIf the progr..m by ]lOins inlo III< ct...sroonu in Ihc fall fjrulUy..... h..... ou, annual Young La,..,.....' CLE in Dntin. Thi; )Tit, il is schwuled for May 19-2(1. Law)".".., f'om "Cros.I Ih. >\.at. i<>in tog.l htr fur $Om< 8'c.t.~ak< ... Thi. i; . good opporluni_ ty 10 offer a r....... rdins conlinuing educa_ lion opportunity with grnt . ]><akon and '00150 alIO'" young .. wyers an opponu. nilylo 1\<1""'\:. Many thank> go 10 1 ....1«. YI"",e. CraiS Marlin, Nonn." S,ockl11on and Cloy Lonh.m for o<pni •. ins thi; fun and educalion.1 ""nL So. whO! docs thi; oIl",..n for rnt! 1".... been attending .101 mot<: mct1ingo th.n IIOrmal (funurultely. 10m< .... by!de. phone). I am SlUI oo,"cm:fuj- .I>oul what l;uk for bcault; l:un Irying It) make. diff."""" and I think ....vitt 10 thusoc in ()\I' romntUn;ly ond 10 other LoW)fi$ is 0 ""n""lOne of our pror...ion. And, I :un wriling this mide whik .~Iing lunch at my dr$k. Wish m< luc\:. •

(256) 5J6.9008



\\~ a40 a",

MOBILE Nonn.n Slodman (251) 694-6352

... ,.dc",an~"""dA"",d~rL«Im

Where Have All


LOST LAWYER ARTICLE To the editor: Thr "'iclo"WIlt", II • ..., All, ... uwro" Gonrl" (..t/4b,:,m" 1.41..,.." March 20061 btp • f..oruu"S '1 ..... 100: An LoW)'tl'$ 'unKfU</y q.w;fit.d lOr ~r in law ""'kina bodoW· Lrwyon

would no doubIlik '0 cor .... ,lit nwVlon as many ...,.,.,,,.. as poooibIt. ondud!", pubIx ...,.,... i«. n.. pm:"l'u"" of ,..... bftns uniq~ <pili. 6rd ....... Id <<'1'\.IIn/y hdp ..-tIm aml'''''""' lOt otr.c.. SuI .1... 'M "'OfteOm""Uon! if lao .......n'l< ~~ is d.., Lowyns • ..., "' bat 1'<Iu;d/y qu.hfiN ","h olh .... c~ndt<U .... n.. ...h"<'Blry 10 mll"on! and may tvm ..... k 1."1f'l uniqUl'ly


•• ""rio"",.

unqu.lifi<d for public .."vi.,.. In "'....,

<0 ..... ""

Llw.lh. r.m and d•• I.wyt .. ' J'O>ilionJ .T. liven '"~ th ...... As port of chnlOl Of ronhnuin& tduao_ lion. many La,")"" now 1•• ;n 10 mol..., d .. pu,.. Ihroush rq<>IiallOJl • ....dial;"n /l' n.."., f'or~ ~ ........ bIe sklIIl, boo. olwayo pn<1>U<i under lht>hadowof"tht~: ..... of ail.!,"I! fOCU and c:xiu,"I Law. JudfI'S muOl ~ 1M """iu of och ~'t doun. 8ullho" dcci""""mW/IfI rmuuu rvm """" confintd I(Ilh< f.oru In ,"" ,."".".j and It.. "'lIl1mm'l of Low praml"'! 1() !hem by Ih. I.. "")'n'>. n.. bnl Judgn >riu: upon ,... ,,'rrow<'>l po»ibk .ood, ... of ,he I.... and r"" .. 10 dll""~ <>f. <.~. ~, Ih.,. ... ""u,,",, of " 1.10';


Makinl bw,!M lOb of !he Itgj.b,or, prtSurtltS rhll no I.w yt! ui,h 01' !hlt uio!lng bw i< nOI good moush-lWO .'SUmtfl!. a rnUy JIIOd lowyn lhould _ r nenI !o rn>k. And ..w..... low u..wly InvoI ..... "ut;n! from ..",reb in <in'dop"'lI Itpob,,,.. IfoOOrd of I'<'pO<U. sr.riot~ 't)llmonW.nd uonomoc ~r they don', ,cadi to" " IowochooL Th<qu...."" Mgcd ""-...."MR H_ All tho LawymGorr.·lwbttnlllkd~,

In 1m,

rhe dnn ofY.Jr Law S<hooL Anlhonr [(mnnurn.. v",1td tht Cumbnland School of Law II S;r.mford Uni....."', IIlnnlnsh.m,~ '0 prco<nl hl$l>ook, ~ lIIfl Ltowyrt, TIlt 1>ook,lik< thIS arriclt, 1.,... 11" 1M duh .. e of I.~r ".r..· mfn, CumhcrllnJ I'ro~r Mich ••1E,


offered I mponIC .pplie.ble he .. 126 CMmb, L 1I<'v, 859 (I'I9S),

-I [In rhe m. of the IIJcw<llowynlpolicy work

.oo.r., should the .upply of NIl'" ad,'icc from

~. dodi ... , """" ..... nurnbel' of "hemat"..,

",pplorn ",...ty to rdl tho ~p. em.""", saV odrice " "'" fu..p:rlt, and the odv1tt one VI< from ..... lirm "........... ddJcrnlt tlw> tha, one JIICU from .n '......, .... n' IwIkn_ ...., onr: allnna';.....wI\I.CC' thai ""'".... n ~iln-bur .... NWe I"',nt rtfn,O",. thlt ~ ... do "'" h..... • cur ..... on tho morUt fut ... gt odvi<c: • $1....·""1, /<>Iulllon, II)

lam .. I),


Legislative Wrap-Up

Productive Legislature hcn Ih .. . nid. w~s iubmi!!...!, th,I<g;'!>t".c WOlS lwo-thir<.ls oftk. ~ m= and only 'tn d.ys "rn.inod. II .ppurs 10 be 0 ... of the ""',. producti" kgi>l.lures in many rt"'" Th". M'" t....n J,32S bills in'ro· du<td in Ih. 2006 Rq;ul>< Snsion of It.. 1'11;0.1.10'•. Th .... hundrnl thi"y-lh= of t~ h.... p. SK<ltht hou .. of origin. Sixty-t,ght of th'm 1ll...tJy t....n llsnW into I.w. All <iSlll uf th. "'''',n<'''$ bills d...:.ibtd in ,h, 2006 lllaJ,.,,,,a tiel. h..... p • ...,.! 'h, hou .. of orisin and n...:d only On< I<S".I >,".. day 10 be <on,idtrcd by lh. _un<! hou ... Somt of lh' ".(<'Wid, bill. ,h.t


LA,.,.., ..




HB. 31 (NI1OO6 _ 114).mcnds "..iou. >«1;"11> of Till' 40 of 'h' 0Hh of illah<tma 10 <onfonn Alab.,n.> law 10 the fedc",l inco",.'" ,uI.. for lh' " .. ,iun of tru.ts. <su''1 .nd tbe" be""fid.,.k•. This "pplies .1", 10 <'!llilie> lu«l 0,. financial institution and busin .... """ . It (\lrth...1Joo,... 1M SI>1~ IXp."I""'"1 of Rc""nu. 10 promulgal. ",In inl''1'wing ,he :act l'hi. "', wiUl>«om. eff«'i,... (01 ~II ,,,,,.bl. ~'I'$ I.nuary 1. 2005.



MAY l006


4 9 (Nr.lOO6 _216) islhc AI~borru Vnif".m Trull COO.drofted by ,"" AUbom. l.:ow In"ilutt. This acl will b<Com•• ff«1 i"" J.nuory 1. 2007. Su Jllab.m,a Lo.., 2006.

HB.120 (NI2006 _I98) .mtllds Cnnrin.>! Cod. ~ llJl-7-S and () ",I.t ing 1<1 burzl.ry in Ih. first ,1Id __ ond d<1l1tt to .dd. pn;wision It, Ih. low ",IOIing .., a •• bring wilh • dcadly ~'I"'n whilt in ,h. dwdlingo. in n«ing from 1M d_lIing .nd u,ing 01 Ih~.tcnin8 I h. u'" of. d .. dly ~I"'n .gain.lannlh •• ptrson.


HB.122 (!v;1.'006_2181 .m.nds Oin,inal Co<!.: S lM-5-S I<> providc Ih.l. p~_S<'nt.n« involigalion ~rt is 10 be compl.,,,,,.Dd m.d <In (Ye'ry d.ftnw.nt ronvitled ofa fdony and th.1 it ~ in ~n cltctronk fo.m ...

HB.152 (!v;,2006 _1JJ1 provides lhal Ihe design'lion o("noOO .... hid.· ~ on 1M motor ""hide·slitl. rot di.doou", 10 a pt •• p<dn... purch .... whtn tho motor ....,hitlt h•• I>«n suhrn<'rgtd in .... "".

58. 118 (All 1006· J /1) amend. v.,iou'Ke,ion. of,he cnm;n~1 U>d. rela,ing '0 oboccn. n.. ,.,;;.1 inmlving children '0 funhe, <k/i"" '""ue," ,u include DVo... VCR> .nd i"JIl5 lIured on a compu, ...


1 3 3 (11£1 lOO6. ZQ4) maUs it a cri"," to <xpo><. child 10' moth lob. Major i,cJIl5 currently n«<ling only onel<"gi>I.,i", day for appro,·.1 indu","

HB. 100

revises Titk- 17, which i. the f)Wion Q><k pre· p;t.,ed by th. Ablnma I.. w lru,itut •.


1 4 7 pennil$ wo ...."r. <='Cured in n"" coun,y may bot is.sued in ."OIher munty. It i. 1101 nc<:nsary,n KeU .. a w,ir· ren endo.sement on ,he 10 ... ' wa .... n, from . judicial ufficcr in rhe ot«Ind counlY.

hospitals. phyoid.", and rntmb....s of the person·, immedi.te f~mily.

AI ... dy ,he.. h.", been 221O<a! acu 'igncd imo I, ... with ..... · ,"I hundred olh ...... peeled 10 pa$$. The Annual M«t;ng of th. Alatwna law Instilu'e ... iU bot held.t 10:)(1 a.m. Thuroday, 13.lOO6 during lhe AUham. Slate Jl;a, Annu.1 Meeting in Deslin. M~jor legiolar;"n ~ during Ihe 2006 Regul .. Sns;"n of 'he legisl.,u .. will be

_;.wed. For more inrormat;"n abou, ,he lrulitutc, conuct I!ob McQ.l1i<y. director,a' {WI 348·7411 '" vi$j, .......... IIlUw..4I..... •

_.t . _,..._ . . _.t_ ............--...

-.L-..,. _l!otCwlor.A"...... ~-



2 1 4 provides ,lnr p. io, rn ,he ' .. uing of. pis,nl Ii«nse rhe .heriff shall con'",' a,ilibl.lncal "are and ft<kraJ crimi.w history !bra Innb dc1ennine wherher rh. Jl"'IoO'Winn uf. fi ... nn by the applicant would bot • ,·;"I,,;"n of .,.t. n. f«l,rallaw.


HB. 2 8 7 Uniform Re1idonliallandl",d TO"anl Acl. n.., Uniform Residenli. llandJord Tenant Acl. proporcd by tM Al.bama law In.ti,u .... nd now .f!tr modificalions made '0 ..,isfy reolto ... ~ ,he Hou .. of ~pr ... n"'i"" 100-0. This bill n..-d. only on. legisbril'O day. IVben p• ...d. il will beromc • ffffi~ January I, 2007. Ir gi"" both h.hil~bili'y . ights to ten· ants and provick$ . me.mli~ and de .. rntthod for .... ietions for bt>dlords.


4 7 9 amend. ",r;"us scction.ofthe municip.>l code ..b'ing '0 municipal.lcetion.,O provide for provision.1 voting in municip.>lclcctions to mak municipal elcelion, co"silten' wi,h ,h. provisional voting (0. " .,. and f«l.ul.lcctions.


18 inc ....... ,he compel..,;"n


poll work ..

to ... u .. ,h",hey tc<e"~., I• ..., $75. day .nd Ihat oach elcelion in.J'CC1o, wiU bot emilled to. supplemcn .. l appropri.tion of $25 pending poll workeT,· school.


2 8 1 .rntnd. 10·IB·I.4to allow for morebold.... to appoin, proxin clcelronicolly ~nd to use elce,ronic ,rarumission over rhe Inrern<l.

,.. '

, ,

I - ,


![Eff.icient. (i· nab ' nt) &CU. 1. A(tin, or produolng afteotlveJy wnb a mIn1. mum wasta or "nnee 11111'7 ettort.. Tharl how WI deIQ.,... rutIer>. l.awyent lISA Is \heir _.SIOp Sholl. """ onIinI! and newspapIf -


• Ha/d.I\l1h;l1'erdicls in! settIemMII.

• _1IgaI_....a hOI new litigation

sIr.!. w-...

practice nichoI. • CuIting-tdi;lo



2 9 3 permi,.,he .ceording in 'he prolnte off... o( li'ing wills. Thell,·ing will.~ .. no' open (or general public in.pection but will be .vail.bloto emergency medicol pe. sonnel.

fRH OfflR' eEl




the General Counsel

Billing Client for Attorney's Fees, Costs And Other Expenses IN: Di>ciplinary Commil.lio", in RO·<)4·02. ~resstd Ihto issues IU'l'OIInd"" ~ l~·. billing a d ien! for .uo~'. ffff. COiI$ and nth .. apen," incurred dllfifli the rtpratntation or 1m- dirnt, &.ically, the Disdpbnary CommiWoll', opinion odoptodABA Formal Opin;"n 93-379. 'I'M iO>lan! opinion J'f;aJtinns !he DiKipUnary Commwion', adoption of and odlw:m>a to thaI r.r~ IOrm:al opinion Df Iht ABA.


OM of It.. primary (actors corWdntd by • clinll when ~aining • lawyer is 1M (<< tn bt paid by tbc diem for 'M Lowyn's providin, kgol "'Prato ... ,ion to ,"" dienL lncidtntal to lh< 1.wyn's iff. for wl>ich the elknl wiD be r«pOmilM. an thooc apmscs and COOs incurml by the loW)'" during Iht I'C'pfCOtnution of th.dimt. Ruk 1.4(b) ~uirn that. upbin • malter 10 th< alem n:asotI.bly nt«$$Ory to pmnit I ditnt to mal<", inl'onntd dtcUioru rcgudiIllth. rq>~' $(1llation. lnh«ent in this initial consultllion with • dim' would b< so,*, dis· nwion Of 1M r.. 10 IN: cha~ by the bwy<1". and pooibk rrimbursm>tlll 10 lhrla"')'\'f fo r apcrucs h. Or oM incurs durina tIN: rtpmtfltllic>n of tIw: dient. In lhoSUitllllioJll ..-heR th ... is no p"'-mti",lzw)n-diem rdacioll~ip. RWt 13(b). A"'''''m~ RulG ofProftujc,ud Gmd ...... cncour;\$OS the Jowy.r 10 communOaou 10 the d~,. pnf. ..bly in wril_ ing. Ih, or ..t~ of Ib, f~ 10 lit ch.~ by lb, I. wyn for rtprnoem;ng

"'' 'Y' '


I ",;uol\llb~

t;me dltr co!lU1ltncing th,

..t.R.P. C.l.s{b ). Tho o:"lmIrIQU to Ilult 1.5 ~ !hat • •.. an undmlandinl_lO !he: r... JbouId lit prompdy tSUbIishtd" n.. ~ is abo given an opponuniry II the _ of rtpr~u.tion to fuDy dlIo:ust IIIld addn:t.l any CO<>CcI11S ",hic:b thc diml may """ concerning tIw toW 1ft, whlc:b would obviously indodt """ and ~ to be reimbuntd to thc Ia~ by thc dimt. ..".tUtU.IlOII."

Additionally. Rult I.S(e) >bin; "Rul. I.S Ftt1



.he: client. Tbo: rulu ugg<SU thll iliil; """munin. ;"" occur "hc:fOrt or wi.hin

(e) .. • A conlingtnl f~ .grttmnll "'all he: ;n and shall ...... lhe: IMlIwd

by which thc 1ft ;. 10 lit dtltmlilWd. including the: pcr«nlogt or 1'<1«11108"$ ililt ohaII _ .... 10 thc Lawyo. in tht tvtnl of ...rutml'nl. trial or I~al. Iitiga. tion and """" apcnoes 10 lit dtduetcd from Ib, r<COYCI1'. and wlltl""" such .. pm.... re 10 lit doducttd bn"o", or aft" Ih, (Onlin...1 r~ ;, calcuLaIN."


Rult loS(' ), ..t.R.PoC, abo prohibiu • In<yff from ,nltrillS Into an I gretmo'11l lOr. 0' dwging. Of collrctinl • dtarty OU$SM (<C. In lb. pul, tht I)Uciplinary Commiloionlw rcvitwfd alkgations of cleuly atCUM: r- in tho disciplinary proc.... Due COIl.idm uioll is givm. in add~;n8 thoot rypc of compboinlS and

f« dispulOl, to lilt loW 1ft to lit chafstd

10 th, diml by th, 1.W)'tr. which woWd

necaurily iDcludt reimburJtd com .nd

-~ for Iba. '''$On. tht LaW)'C'f should. ",11m ....,..;n8 thc ..... $On.abl.neot of ,100: 1ft. laW intO oonsidcnlion nOt. only 1M

• "'ok .1IOmor fee, but 1M IOu! OmQunl to bt ""id by 1M including emt. and apon.n rcimburvd 10 tht lawyer. The primary fOcus of tM .~m,,"l should b< 10 d'lenni"" whelM,''''' lOW charges. to 1M diem are reo.>onablt. Tht ~i< <O$l$ Or o:pnuQ incurml by the I...,..". in ~ling tht diml an bot I>roken down into two 1>0... a{<gone.: (I) ~ ooou which are iocu.r<d by tht lawytr within the finn iudr, ' .S-, pilot<>. ropyin&. postagt •• udio and vidroIapc C~ .Iions, producin& of ahibito, and tht like; and, (2) eo.u incurml mnnaI of tht Llw firm or ouUOtlnlOd by 1M law fum in furIba- r<prn<ntrnon of the <kpo. Wons. prod\JCllon of tKOIds Iiom • third pMty, tn,..! and Iodgina. .nd the like. tn ABA formal Opinion 93·379. chorgos other Ihan profwional fH$ au

rum!. '-s-.

hroktn down 'mD th •.., lfOups, fM di$. cumon, (A.l ) Gentnd; (Sol) Dioburwmcnu; and (e3) lo·bo_ promion of snvica. With rcvrd to <m'rI><ad. Wd opinion stales: "In lhe abKno:e of cliscknu ... 10 the cli ... , in """,II« of 1M engagement 10 1M «Jntrary. the dien. &houId ....... nably apKI th.l m. La.."...·, 00>\ in !mintoin· in$. ~bruy, KCII,ing malpract~ insur· ance .... nling of offia 'POCO, purchasing ulill,ja and Ih.likt would bt ,ubownt<l within the m.rgn 1M Lawyn is making for prof_ronal serviceo," Themore, that opWon <loa not «Jruidn OVC'I"htad .. on cxpcns< whidI is to be pa...d okma to the diem i~l of the buic fee fur profnsional Lop! fftVias. With r<g>rd to disburs<mmts (8·2) ~, the opinion poinu out !hat it ..mdd bt improptr"", if the laW}"" asoewd I swchargt on lh<st <lliburstmtnu over and abo-. the I",oulll OClually incurTf'd unIou !he bw)'tI' hmdf incurml oddit;on./ ~ bqond thc OCluai <:OS! of the disburscmmt it<m" This would indlldt, bul _ bt ~mitedt", ~tig;olion ~ wch .. jury roruulllnlS. nKrl. lriaI<, I'ocw B"""PO and thc Iikt, Tht opinion aho poinu 0\lI, !hal if I laW}"" ~ any lypt of di,cowued rate or btnrfil poinlS. lhm Ibort discounled rm. or benefil poinu shoul.l bt p.uoo:d along 10 lhe dicnt,

With '<&,.d to (C,l) above, 1ht opinion iWes !hal-", lht lawy<' is obIig«l1O cha~ tho c1imt no mote thIn the dir«l <:OS! ...socioted with the SOI"/i(. '" piuS" !\'a$Orubk allocalion of OVtth....t txpm<" .. direaly _il\<d. wilh 1ht »I'O'VUion of thc .. rvitt .,,: The ob.ious .......,ni"8 bthind this approach i.!hat thc lawyer >hould oot utUlu th. Il wyer-dim. ",Ia_ IKmship. beyond .... r.... for profnsional strllius, 10 - ttW>UfOClut'" a stmndary IOUret of incon.. by inllaling cosu .nd apen>es bUIed 10 I c1ion!' This . Wroach philolOpbio::ally;lgm$ with Rult IS. pro· bibitKm ;tg.tlnst dr.uly ~ Sin« Ill< ","" lawyn"$ ~ is ...... ntd by I "!\'a$Onabltncss" a~, Iikowist, all fca and apen>es ,,"'hich If. charged bad c1icfol dun"8lho murst of tho "'P't'$<J'Il;IIlion .oould bt tnSOruI))Ie, and not <OIUi<\tnd lIS' stmndary Of'IXlnunily for • laW}"" SO oddilional in<Orno I'n>rn thc Iowyer·climt rd.lliomhip. In revi ..... ing this ...pod of th. Lowyn_ clionl rd.ltionship. it is ;tlso J>«flSUY to consider possible abuses by lawyors of. Iowyer-cIknt rdationship with "'Pfd 10 fm chargn (or the Lo""ft1', prof.,.ional ...,..,,;ca, ABA Forrnol Opinion 91·379 rt<:ognizcs I,.., poooibl. scenarios w~ I Iowyn'$ billing practices would conn.. vrM tho lIuld <I{ Pr<I{~itJ",u Co,..!""" In OM .ilullion, tho Ilwyn bills mo", than one diml for 1M lOme hours Ipml. If . lawyn .ppoor1 on bthalf of multiple climu for onc docUi all, with ..rn cliolll bei"ll I sop ..." UK file a nd ~­ ra" lawyer-di ... 1 n'1a.iQn$hip. may lito lawyn bill nch ru. for tho IOlal numbor of hours SJ""'I allho docket all~ The obvious llUW<'r'O this would be no. OIherwist, tho llwyn bt gudlY of," multiplier for hi. tin ...",nl on behalf of a dionl which would be not only mi*.dins. bul, in I(\fM inotanca., fist 10 Iho kvrI of fnud, The classic example would be • lawy<r appointed 10 "1',"",>1 indiB"'1 driondanu In crimin.l <&stS. The laW)'<" '«tim nolleu In.t he h•• Ih...,. ~"'Ie dionl, on lho A"", nlOlnins~, The lawyn .iu and p.rlioi~les throughoul IItt docu. whid> ip.n. lOme lwo hours. lJpon rt1utninll




hi. 0!f1CO, th.lawy<r then bilt. C'Kh of Ih. di.nt files the tWO hours a",ndttl in court, totaling hours in mullipk of 1ht number of dionl ru~ PfCKflled during Ihot dodttt, TM lilUIIKm would <kve\op whermy • I. wy<. would a<tuolly be billing more !.ours ,han "",uaUy •• ",nded by Ihe Lawytr, which,..,uld <:<>nl .. V<1I< 001 only public policy, bUlal!o 1M /Wits of


Profts.ioruU Co"d= A $C'<ond Iim'lion in""I"..1 lawyer who ",rfOm'l$ work for OJI< cUen l while ... g.>g«l in an :activity (or which ho bill. anoth ... di ... l, Th. d .... io .... mp). i. the lawy<. who IIi., (rom one city 10 .nolh... for I dcpoo.ilion on bohalf of a iont A, Th. Ii"", SJ""" by 'he I.wyt. in lra,'ding '0 and rondOClin8 ,Ito dcposilion would bt billtd 10 Clienl A. H........,r, dllring Ill< ffisbl, tho loW}"'!' works on r.... aionl II. ~hy tlI< lawyn;tlso charge aiml B for lho Slme limo for he is billing Oionl A? Apin. tho obviou:I answer wvuId be no. To allow othtrwlst would constitute <Ioubit billing by thc laW}"'!' fur his o. her limo. WtIy, thm: is I ]>M'ibility !hat lawyers "rccydo" OOcufllC11U and ...... rdo On behalf of diont1 The clasIit: o:>mp\e.riI<'$ w/I<re • ~ has <10M a $ignificant IltI'OQUnl of rtSftJrl> and drafted mcm<>ronda, pleading> or otll<l' documtnu OIl bcIuJ( of • client. The d ionl is biUtd for this 1'QO.r<h and lhe$c documont1 Lolor, III< lawy<r is hi...J by. new di ... t, bul in tho...., with the new climl, tho lawyn "",Iius tn.1 ho Of she may be .bl. 10 ulili", tho restlrdo and document. creatod for tho p.~ sot clion., M.y tho lawy<1' now cha~ the 11m< numbor of hours billed to tho ini_ lial dienl, 10 Ihillubocq..... t cliont, ""'0 though Ill< octualti"", will not bt II<C<'$' lOry 10 _ I e tlto .-ardt Ilftd docul1l<1I1. in ([_lion! ~ tho obvioUl amWtt would bo no. The <:<>mmi .. ion ,u[!SCSI' tn.t I.,.,.,... review 1M. offico practices wilh toga'" 10 conlracts and Ion... of cnpgcIII<1It 10 .n,,,,,, compl,ODa .. ilh lho oh<'M-di5cuostd f.., and apcnso Wucs.






About Members, Among Firms The A /II/lillI/II /.tlwyer 110 IOllger publishes addresses al/d te/epflone numbers IIII/ess the (IIltIowlcemellf


relates to opelling of (I /lCIV firm or solo practice.

About Members lind. Mlrion 8ili. AUrn an""uncn I"" optning of Lind. B. Allen, Altorney al Law I.lC.

en.v... Asmus ",,00""'" til< optning of


Cmvtt !l.1wn... WIth officn.l [Ill SaUlt Franci$ SIr<t1. Su,te 1500. Mobil< 36601.1'hone (251) 439·7600.

lonalhan A. B~IJ onoou",.. III. opening of his firm wilh olrKn 01 IOO·C Jeffenon S('«1 S.. Hunl,,·ilI. JSSOL Pllont (256) 539·3331. 001* tI• ...,.. 8n1nlley announcc:i ,h.

opening of C. H. Bunder Att~ M Law wilh ollien., 2322 St<;,,,,d """nuc N.• Birmingh.m 35203. Phone (205) 907·9707. Jonathan Lyn Brogdon "n!\OUn,," ,h. optning orhiJ firm with off..,,« 31 l{l15 FiJll A'"tn"" N" Biurtlnglurn. I'hone


Penny lilY' Couley II.. opcnod lh. r'rm Hays Caulty PC, .nd th. mailing

.dd,..,.. is p.n Box 261'1. T~ 35403. Phone (205) 464·0(121. Rtliud l)imicl IudS' R. Allm Crow annou",,"lh. of'(nmll of hi. Omet in

Hatti<- f.. Kaufman .nnouncn 1M optning of htt p•• ctict, and th. "",illl1g .ddm.< i. 1'.0. Bru: 3143. Tu.aloma. 350103. I'hoM (20S) 33?-1609.

Ztb Linl ... nnoumes the opening of 7..ob Littl. Law Firm UC at 700 Second AV<'1lU< SW. CullDWl 35055. Phon. (256)

n5·7707 D' U!i6) 77S:n(l8. M.,thno lohn M.loun announces tM ol"'o;ng of Th. Law Off"", of Matthno J. Meloun LlC wilh offlCCS al S17 Beacoo P"kway 11'.• lIim,ingh.m 35209. Phont

(205)942·3157. Rnb<rI AU ... Ratliff aJtDOuncn 1M op<ning of Robtrl A. Ratliff PC.

Wl/Iio,n T. Wal5Ofl.nnoulICes,h .. ol"'ning of William T. W.,oon UC at 1651 McFarland Boul~rd N .• TwaJooso 35-406. PhOn< (205) .J..I5 ·ISn.

M • .,hno Dovid Wr;p.t annon",," the optning of",. Wrighl Low Firm wi,h ollie..., 113 Glenn AIi(Cnu ... Ttu$$,.ilk 35173.

Among Firms "aJICW & Asocw OIlnOunc.. ,hoo, John Mieh",,1 Agnno hu joined 1M fIrm.

Eaotobog;l. Ru.sxll M. Cunningham. IV annoullC.. 1M opening of 1M Cunningham Firm LLC w"h oll"" a' 1M SIClMT lIuild,ng. Suil" .105. 15 Ridu.rd Boul ......ud N.• llinnlllWmn 35203. Phon .. (lOS) 2n·1746. Sltphaoi .. Olivia I)aniel, ~nnoun(es 'M op<l\ing of Low Ofli«s of S'tphan" Olivia D.niels LLC. Shannon Dawn HulchinS' .nnounces ,h. ol"'"ing of Law Off.u of Shonnon 0. Huuhingl in HOm<wood. 214



And ..... /OJ>< Miuon is now with the Alabama m .. biliti.. Advocacy Program.

Th. District AlIomcy of ,h. Hrst Judicial Circuit annOllncn that JM Hagu<1<OOd Thompson h.. jointd ,h.


W. Keith Walkins h .. b<tn appointo<l ... dis"ia judge for Ih. Middl. Dimict of Alabama. Alfud Wilson Wtbb i, now UIOCi.,td w"h AI.bam. m .... Law Group PC.


laura Sidwril Maki annOuncn h~r uooci>.ion wi.h W.d~ S. Ander..,,, 8<


J.fJ~ Norman M~kk<ltmit IS now uooci.t<d with 8< A.s.S<lcil'n


l.o<k A....... """" ' ' - ' '.. d w~h Au.

& A.... r U..c. IWdI & Bingham UP annoUIKt"S th.1 Stevm RlY Parkt. hIS i<>intd ,ho Bi.mingham offi<t, and Danid Wiloon or • ho Hun!>vW< offi", .nd Ina Sharp or .ho Bi.mingham off",. h..... bttn n.~ u«uri.... oont11lin<o ""ntben. Kortn A.hw<>n h Couch announces is agaIn uoociat~ WIth Bank or Ant";ca.

./,;0. W

Richard L« 8& ...... laura Lou 8& ..... and I.....'... T""w III h~'.. rorm~ B....... Thcw 8< Born.. PC wi,h offie .. .. 8028 Parkway D.i .... , Letds 35O'H. Pho... (2051 699·5000.

8 anl., f l«nor.G .... n , Winn 8< annm •• U .P .nn"u ...... ha'lam .. £. FJr..nor, l r. and Wil..,n f. Grttn h... op<n«l tho fi.m·, Twca"""" offic•. Also, Ri.a H. Dixon hI! i<>intd .h. firm', B,mllnghant O(f1U as of nJll"m. Onwona Tam.ka Wren .. nOW uood· .,«1 Blu.cro.. and BI,,6hidd or


Alabama. Bradley Aran, Ro,"" & Whit. LLP announces I~' $1.Uy T. Bradford, lonothon B.l lcad.1o<1 M. K... hn.n a nd lam<> Y. $, ...." h..... l>«om< in Birm,ngham o/flC("; G«>rw< R.



Bu,..... 8< Hal. LLC .ntlOunc.. ,h., Victor ia Franklin·SiMon, Loura SU"'" Hardin, David L V..oq- an<! G. M.ado. Aldn. hI" bttn n.m«I ""'mbtl'S ul the

'"~, lohn G. Nowm_n,.nd Jan ... L

Wobb. Cotbaniss. lohrulc>n. GIlf'IiMr, Du .... & O'Nrai UP ItIOOIIncrs !ha, c.rnIytt L Duncan has bocomo • ofth< firm.


8u .... & .nnounc.,,1h •• n, ... pa"n ... i"o. rho Birmingh.m off...... I"'" 10. In",,,ph. J.m .. 10. Hnnv~ ............. ~ I' M..,i<, Ctlhy Moo...., Indi. £. Vineon'. and Howard p, lI"ahhaJl. Jr, N.... ;ruoci· ~'''i<>ining ,ho firm ..~ Ita,had L 1110...",., lui;" A., I)cvin C. Doli .... , M.lind. M. EuIw>b,M.lillo .. Gol><r, l<tlnif.. A. U.rri .. lennir... 8.

Cotpoll & HOW1l.d PC .nnounces Ih., IH M

R,,~vll.l •.• ~<I

c;,."" Pi....... h.....

I><corm nlnnl><rs or .h~ frnn. Cot.. Allioon Pugh Howard ali ..... 8< Si...,n ~nnou ..... 1h.. Dory! ... Irid H'rTis Ind J...... I.<igh 11'............ iWO· d ..«1 wi.h lh~ errm .

ARE YOU PAYING TOO MUCH FOR LIFE ...... _fNSURANCE? _ ._h,. __ r..otY_ ...........~t--.



r._ .............. an ... r...._ ... .,..... _ _ lIOO'OOO

."., U'JlIlO.OOO., _ _ ~"" _ . . . - t.k .. _ _

-- - ." ." ...... ,--- ."."• ." --

_I_l,,._l·_ U'OJJOO,,,,"

,. ,,(.1



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" I.Jo ""

,m Drane Insurance Caner H. Drane









(800) 203-0365

t,,.--.,·[_ .. _ · t ..... " ' - ' . - '~'ISt"X"M


p.1.""'" '"

Pork.. hI! I>«om. a tho Mon'gQ""ry o/f",<; and GrC$O'Y H. lI.... ra h1$l>«ont~. partn .. wi.h tl>t Hunl$>'illt o/flC<.


About Members, Firms Oambkso ~1>lh PC~n_rw;Q IhaL Ikrnani 8. Co .. lui b«ornt ...... rddd· non W lirm.nd Ill>! I...... G. Mlrti .... Jr. tw jooned l~ firm as I ""nnn. Tht finn

IUI........ 1wn ' ........ '0

a..,,,,bIeos Mllh Coo..,. PC. Cory. 1'1• ...,.., Crowd« &: Dd;arit PC


..."""""" Wt A. [kI1Krlo, Ir. io now ......... t~ w;lh ,ho finn. I>rcw, EdJ '" F.... nh.", a"nou"",, ,h., Eria. kiP. P............., ~ lilt lirm.

Jdf...,. C. Em1 and RIc ...'" L

o.antty I "no""'"' th.t R. Mlch.el Raiford . nd Lou . rI Wh .... in~ F., ror h..... b«omt ",.tnt.... The firm n."'" if now [ull, Ch. ,..,ey. Roir".d &: f ...... LLP. kllnlf•• Oudlcy O. ~"'~


Alan !ieotl lIu"," is now ••••gout<! WII" fmw:h III Hush ....

announce thr fomuioon of !lkb, Mil .....!!" & 0$1>0 .....

o.vid (;(,rdon Innoun«S h ............ lion Wlth fritdnun.1nk. Danio,. Zulmao &: !Iowli", PC. with

MUrray II. Giboon, Jr•• nd SIn... W. Monry I"""",," ,'''' chanpnK of thrir linn',.wnt from Gibson. Rodgon 8c Monty LLC to Giboon &: MOIlq u.c. Gid~. Hi,,'on &: IInndon ""nou",.. INI Andrew W. Otriwnan Ius joint<! as. 1".,n<1 and Mal1hnoY. lkam has joint<! u an u.odal •. TIlt ....... linn ...",.;' Gidi~, Hin'on, HC11Idon & Ch,i."nan.

(iocdon 8< Asoocia, .. I.I.C annoul'KtS WI Sam I)avid knighl has joonrd the firm.

wil h the firm.

Ronald Ed!!", Scarbrough. Jr.

William Oyd<" i. M .... ....,.,ial· td .... ,Ih Gnh,'" & I'<w tI.e.

• "",,\lIK.. hill.wcLlli.I)n w,lh Emtkk.

Sc.orb."us,h &: A»o<ill.. PC. Mi.<hod A. Sho" is now ...-il,N

"",," EndH_ EnnwY llaoulUS ].P. F.rica L,.,."" Tudn laD •• nnouncn h.rr iWOCIoalion .... th It.. Elowoh Counry Districl Allor...,.'. Off...,. Adam T. '"',OUiom ..... In""""",, I". ........,I0Il with Ford Lumber Compuoy_

!luull Slausllltr Yount & Rediker LLC ~n"""n«< lha, Romai ... S. Swol, III has jouotd ,he firm and Gilbrn CoMn Strindo.ff, IV ;. now ~ .... "h ,he firm. Ib'chtr. s.ubbo, land, HoUi. 8< RothKhild UP annouJ'lCn tho, Bobby L $<on has jointd ,br f,"".

Owia A. 1Iicb. lion. Dominid, I. M....... (<rt.) and Brandyo.bornt

T.....,. Lrnn McAndly GI'ftIl is now 1I0I1away taw Off_.


Hyundai Molar Manul'acluri", AIah&mo w: IltInounca thaI OuiIIopher N. Smilh has joontd .... $tOf[ I.fth hI.... [)ubr is now WIth Ifediba t..wGroup LLC.

IKlm & St,nko LLC ... Mun«< th .. Ryon G. Sloun' lw btco",. ,,",,,,ialtd ",·i,h t .... fi,m.

WI ,


h«n Il'flOlnttd al'

1'«"''''" County [}il',ict Cou,' jud". Thon ... Ryan Luna is M"" u_i.,td Helm";"80 I.n<h. H.rlong. Nnomln 8< 110"""

0.1'" Junkin. H. Grrgory ~..... n. o.arln E. HatTi ... n and Samuel W. Junkin ilIInounCt 1M optni", of lunkin, Parson, HatTi_ It Junkin u.c with

offices in Tuocal<.>ou..nd fayfltt.

"",,,rman II< RoIhf<der PC announuo thaI l)avid &0-11 H"""" ha.;o.nt<! 1M firm ali .....KhoIder and lha, S. Ru......,. and ..... ny R"~ Willon "",,, joined t .... firm ali lWO<ialeS. K« 8< Sdby I.l.P .nnounces lha. Jon M. II""," .nd Anzela C. Shiekb kIo""

been IUlJIot'd ""n ....... in Ihe6nn.

""""'leo La... Firm LLC announcu th .. o.ri>l;' Dalin ..... KDow\Q Iw ,JOInt<! 1M firm as. mrrnbt •. TIlt Law Off'oce ofEorlll. ............ Jr. • "MUnen. ' .... I I.1lIff A. J>ollJ. II ha.

jointd 1M lirm u field ItpI OOUIUtI. Mclin. ClIorhon Bowtn il nOW IWO<[' .,td with Ltg.1So..,ita Alabl"'" in

Monlgomrry. 2UI

MAY 1006

Wh ere Law}'ers

Ughtfoot, Franklin & Whit~ LLC announ<n t hat Lana K. AlC<lr n, Kevin E. Ouk, Tnry W. M<Corthy . nd I. a..ndler Bailey. II h.", brwmt mnn· I>cnofth~ firm .nd wm;.", E. !Ionon. Mitch~1I D. Gr"1!3" Brandy R. ~ and C. M""d~ Hutf~ld haw joointd the firm IS :i.S$OC;"tcs..

Attorney Search • Pemlanent Placement (A.<i<>Ciale &.

Part"", w 'cI)

• Temporary Placement • Finn Mergers & Acquisitions

O y<k Randall CaI~1l, Ir. """ Michael Stcpl>m MeGlothrm art DOW """;'t«l with McCIothrm & Caldwd1 PC.

""'''''.Americun LeglllSt!urch.coln Birmingham (205) 397·9500 Natio nwid e (800)930-9 128

Michael!. W.d • • lr. is oow ,,",,,,;"tod with Moo", & Von Allrn PLC.

Mork" C. N.u.on. 1<>d F. I)o<..,h and Burt W. NtwloOme announce th. t S..... nnc Hugh .. Mill, is O$$OCiot«l with thli' firm which is DOW n amod Ncl<Qn. D<>rn>h & N"',,"orn.. LLC.

Lo.,k.f" Law)'ers4

For .. M&.o\ .rod _ Rkk .... C. O_I!. F.... _

........ . . . -. _ , richonl!ramtric:anl<gaI-.:lI.«>m .......... _ :

0 ....0. fo .... Ewj.




All...... ~



B"""~\If'.>m ~ .w

, "" A_'... l""" "n. M' ..... s.~ f,m,""o W.-,. .."."" ex


Virgini. R"", Lucci i$ nOW ....,.iot«l

with Ncl<.on Law LLC. Sh. """n Cioil Ml<ty ~hr is now .t the Un iw ... i.y of North T...... Sy.t.m wi.h .ht Office of c:.nenJ Coun ... L

J....n Michad is nOW O$$OCi • •· od with 0Is<m & o fNW

_ i.,..

Florida. Inc.

Support Search


It Gordon and Julia T. Cochrun .noou~ the for"",' ion or Pate & Cochrun LLP Allomey. A. Law and ,h.. W. Wh itney ~. I . ha. brwmt ....,.i.. cd "';th the fi rm. O/fle...'" Ioc. tod II 400 Titk Building. 300 N. Rirtwd Arringt<>n Jr. Boulevard. 8irmingh.m 3S20). Phone

• Paralegals • Legal Secretaries • Legal Assistants

(2135) )23· 3900.

Birm ingham (205) 397·9555 NS lionwide (800) 930-9\28

Phelps. J... kino, Giboon & Fowkr LLP InoolUlCCS that Robert G. Upchurch h.. jooincd tht fi rm "u n ","""La...

JaJo n Peevy. Esq. jason1t. pcxlegaJsuppon.rom

Brandy Adkins Boone >nnOunC" her auo<:iolion wi,h Pr<:>auuronce. John Merrill 1.00 is now ...ociotod "';,h Rock.Tenn Comp.ony of Noren>$!.


D,,""""" ... ,


~ .w



lo, .~II'I...

, .. ~''''o




T""p. _W~'h"""'" DC



Members. Co~rm~rd from


Ki.kll<Caldwdl PC

mnoo.troee> llu.. I...... F. v,...... Ind CraiB A. AIeu ....... """" ioll...! .M linn Q


Suo<:r. IIoI ...... Stidlwn I; Softon PC an"""""", that Ch.arlon ... W.~. Qaad L SWwan and Illlriu Tipton h,,,.. bt<omt wrd>oldtn In 1M firm. S.u ..... I; A,dd"", LlP In""""" .. th •• Rry.n G. Halo.. G. Mill"",, 1:«...... Tabor Il Ncwd. m .StqlMn W. Stm. Ir.. H. Tharnu W.IIs.IU.C. RomV)' Duck. all.! Will;. ... Dayid Smi.h. ,IO,nod tht finn .,


Michad [><>ugW Ila"" is ,lOW aSKI<u,od with 51 ......... I [...... rd PC. Qa.i>!"I'h... L« S/ultlkr i. _:u<l>('i. l IN with Stockham. CotmII & Smilh PC. Stnn •• G......J. II< PC Innou""., IImj.omin R. Gn_ .... bKomo: ~Ied w>lh .M finn.


Shrni T"d:n- F_n .. _


.. od w"h StOIH'p'. ~"'r LLC. Amoo John Shtffodd

.. now ...-..,...,

""III Stcwan II< Sbdfidd


Pa..! \'aushon Ru-* IMOUIXd .. lion Wllh T.ylo< 11m.. PC.

hi> _

Cynthianlbtr ~ May ;,. _.....,.;i at<d WJIh n..o..-),_ Gills III Star PC. ~C-BooIon._~'

N ... ith Thorn,*"" SIatIk III '/annan U.c. Mi ..... UMark MAl'''' """"" asoocu,

td wtlh "Tho r..w Off,,~ or loh .. foot ...

John Edwin Sn.Ky.I •. ;,. now woe;'1· ed wotb 11M: United 51&"" I>iitricI Court. Middlt DUtrict 01 AiAJ>oun.L

Sharon "-at 8 ...... ~htt _;..ion with tho U.s. OisIrict Court. Northrrn Oi~ricl of Alabo ......

Chula 8rintIXId Campbdl ;,. ...,.,. _;..od .. "h 'M U.s. ~tc s..bro"""it",~ on Adminisl"';.~ OYnlip. and 1M CoutU..

I.ltlny Via., '" N.oocio •., lal)(MU'lCt:S .1u.1 Ilobnl Brunn Iw jo.ned Iht


finn. Timmy Ct<i!<- Murphy WooUty is now I...,.,,,,.td wilh ....'aW ...... St~ & Kmdrld U.c,lOrmnlr known Q Vi ..... & Wlldfql U .c. ....'all.u. /<.>.dan. Rotliff II! Bnnd. u.c In""""",, \ha. Mit Bon ..... DtAnnan hu bootomo: I mnnhtt of 1M finn. w.b.on. W.U. I; BircllalllLP In""""".. tlu.llooeph H.IohMOn, Jr. hu I'JUM'IlIM fi.,... u <If ......rut/. Webb II< fkr PC .nnoo..... ,hal Win.hrop Edward John_lw joinood 11M: firm. lVin~on . ....1 _ . knki ... '" Owuin ..."""........., J- a....aJn Iw JOIned Ill< firm.

l.",..oIq DnI«- LLC announcn t...., I. \.lII'It ..... 1w l:>t<onw. rno:mbn Ind Sy ...... ,,,,, OarUt<'ftl franl<owski •

............, ... "h

'M firm.

G.......,.- H. H_~ h., jo.ncd Wlrir<:. Arnold. Andrew> III Dow1I PC IS I ~"

..... .nd .... rri>old.,.

" . O'C. !)anion. Ito.. Grew an!'lOU"'.,. h~, usociluon ... ith .h~ UnilN S" 'd lIanko .. ptqo Cool".

'" ""

/NlI< lIt


Ri(ltlrd Frand. B...... "" Innou"",, ."'" M il nowU5<,><il'od wnh YKK Corpora'io .. of Amnka.


Accurate appraisal and anatysis form the bedrock of any successful business valuation. You can make sure your case is well-orounded by retaining the right valuation professionals. Working with a diverse group 01 industries, companies and private parties, we've built one of the region's strongest valuation practices. Our experience and expertise mean we can swiftly assess Ihe economics 01 your situation, reducing complex topics to their essence. We present these conslusions in a concise and readily understandable way- to opposing counsel, clients or jurors. Driving all of this lorward is a vigorous commitment to responsive, personalized service, backed by the resources 01 the largest accounting and advisory lirm based In the Southeast. For more on iKIw Dixon Hughes can help you build the strongest case possible, visit us at or call Butch Williams aI205.212.5300.

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