Where Nature, Culture and Innovation Meet Alachua County
Annual Report
Board of County Commissioners
Mike Byerly Chair
12 SE 1st Street • Gainesville, FL 32601 • 352-264-6900
Lee Pinkoson Vice Chair
Susan Baird Commissioner
Charles “Chuck” Chestnut, IV Commissioner
Richard Drummond
Robert “Hutch” Hutchinson Commissioner
Dave Wagner
County Manager
County Attorney
It is the mission of Alachua County government to provide responsive, quality service to our citizens and to assure the sustainability of our County and its communities by balancing the concerns for economy, environment and social well being within all of our programs.
Alachua County government is a value-driven organization dedicated to responsive, respectful and courteous customer service. Alachua County is viewed as an innovative and progressive leader in the provision of effective and efficient County services, recognizing the needs of its diverse community.
The County provides an environment that encourages mutual respect, open communication and sharing of ideas in the decision making process. This process includes partnerships with public and private organizations, neighborhoods and employees of Alachua County. Alachua County government works with the community to effectively plan for growth, with the goal being to balance environmental, social and community development needs.
Table of Contents
In this report:
02 County Commissioners 03 From the County Manager 04 Financial Information 06 Your Property Taxes 26 How to Stay Engaged 27 Service Guide
08 Public Works 10 Fire Rescue 12 Community Support Services 14 Administrative Services 16 Court Services 18 Information & Telecommunication Services 2
20 Growth Management 22 Environmental Protection 24 General Governance
12 SE 1st Street • Gainesville, FL 32601 • 352-374-5204
From the County Manager
Dear Citizens, I am proud to present the Alachua County Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Report. It provides a summary of our activities and accomplishments. It also provides financial information, both overall and for each department, in a clear and understandable format. I encourage citizens to make a small investment of time reading it. Doing so will give you an understanding of how your County government works and how your tax dollars are spent. In the limited space available in this report, our departments have provided highlights that they thought would be of particular interest to citizens. Behind the words and numbers in this report are an incredible team of public employees. I am continually amazed at the resiliency and commitment to service demonstrated by Alachua County employees. They are innovative, creative, and dedicated. They perform thousands of unseen and unheralded activities that are rarely highlighted. I know how hard they work. I appreciate and admire them. Of the numerous accomplishments, there are three that demonstrate the caring spirit of both our citizens and our many community partners. Together, we celebrated the opening of three important new facilities; the Gainesville/ Alachua County Senior Center, the Southwest Advocacy Group’s Family Resource Center, and the Freedom Community Center at Kanapaha Park. These projects provide much needed services to our expanding senior population, to our underserved children and to the community as a whole. Much of the funding came from the Wild Spaces/Public Places tax referendum, a tax that was voter approved despite the ailing economy. While reporting on the last fiscal year, it is important to keep focused on future challenges. The list is long. Here are a few examples: • • • • • • •
Water conservation efforts and the protection and preservation of this precious resource Initiatives which support a growing and vibrant economy A stable funding source for roadway system operations and maintenance Broadband internet accessibility throughout the County Responsible phase-out of the CHOICES program Development of a Resource Recovery Park and a new fairgrounds Strengthen partnerships with community based organizations to enhance continuum of treatment, vocational training, and employment services
I am at the point in my life when I can see my long career in public service coming to a conclusion. Two years ago I would not have guessed that I would take my final bow serving as the Alachua County Manager. It has been my privilege and pleasure to act as the bridge from long time County Manager Randall H. Reid to the next County Manager to be hired later this year. It has been an honor to serve the residents of Alachua County, work with the employees of Alachua County government, and to serve the Alachua County Commission.
Richard Drummond, County Manager
Financial Information FY 2012 Actual Revenues - All Funds $286,140,978 Permits, Fees & Special Assessments $11,555,202 - 4%
Miscellaneous Revenue $7,931,042 - 3%
Transfer in From Other Funds $28,548,538 - 10%
Fines and Forfeitures $845,969 - <1%
Intergovernmental Revenue $31,335,673 - 11% Other Taxes $26,196,457 - 9%
Ad Valorem Taxes $115,603,826 - 40%
Non-Operating Revenue $13,599,371 - 5%
Charges for Services $50,524,900 - 18%
FY 2012 FY 2012 Actual Expenditures - All Funds- $297,242,551 Capital Projects $16,290,012 - 5%
Internal Service Programs $28,707,862 - 10%
Non-Departmental $2,541,499 - 1%
Debt Service $12,844,379 - 4% Interfund Transfers, $41,608,721 - 14%
Board of County Commissioners $115,473,988, 39%
Sheriff, Constitutional Officers, and Judicial Officers $79,776,090 - 27% • Sheriff: $ 66,430,900 - 22% • Tax Collector: $3,818,352 - 1% • Property Appraiser: $3,921,261 - 1% • Judicial: $1,821,331 - 1% • Clerk of Court: $1,852,531 - 1% • Supervisor of Elections: $1,931,715 - 1%
FY 2012 Actual Revenues - General Fund $122,544,782 Intergovernmental Revenue $5,300,060 - 4%
Miscellaneous Revenue $3,585,860 - 3%
Charges for Services $10,218,682 - 8%
Fines and Forfeitures $12,102 - <1% Permits, Fees & Special Assessments $223,965 - <1%
Other Sources $7,077,357 - 6%
Ad Valorem Taxes $96,126,758 - 79%
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures - General Fund $116,057,679 Community Redevelopment Areas $4,159,431 - 4%
Countywide Utilities $2,923,205 - 3%
Countywide Capital Projects $3,981,153 - 2% Sheriff, Constitutional Officers, and Judicial Officers $58,401,926 - 50%
Board of County Commissioners $45,694,835 - 37%
• Sheriff: $45,548,724 – 39% • Tax Collector: $3,818,352 – 3% • Property Appraiser: $3,921,261 – 3% • Judicial: $1,416,341- 1% • Clerk of Courts – Finance: $1,852,531 - 2% • Supervisor of Elections: $1,934,717 – 2%
Mandated Programs $5,100,319 - 4%
Your Property Taxes
How Your 2012 Property Taxes Were Divided This is a representation of how each property tax dollar is divided for property owners in the unincorporated area. All Alachua County property owners pay only 16.38¢ per property tax dollar for countywide programs provided by the County Commission. Property owners in the unincorporated area pay a Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) of only 7.05¢ per property tax dollar for municipal services provided by the County Commission. Property owners living within municipalities pay their city’s property tax instead of the MSTU.
18.33¢ to the Sheriff, & Other Constitutional & Judicial Offices
16.38¢ to County Commission Programs
1.56¢ to cities for Community Redevelopment
1.56¢ to Reserves
1.17¢ to Capital Projects
39¢ to the County General Fund
16.38¢ to County Commission Programs This is to fund programs and services provided by County Departments including Public Works, Fire Rescue, Court Services, Community Support Services, Administrative Services, General Governance, Growth Management, Information & Telecom Services, and Environmental Protection.
7¢ to Libraries
1¢ to Water Management District
5.06¢ to County Commission Provided Fire Services This is a Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) paid by property owners in the unincorporated area for fire services. Property owners in the cities of Archer, Hawthorne, and Waldo also pay this MSTU as they have opted into an agreement for the County to provide their fire services.
6.50¢ to the Sheriff
5.06¢ to County Commission Provided Fire Services
1.99¢ to County Commission Provided Municipal Services
0.97¢ to Reserves
0.48¢ to Capital Projects
15¢ to the MSTUs
38¢ to the School Board
1.99¢ to County Commission Provided Municipal Services This is a Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) paid by property owners in the unincorporated area for County provided municipal services such as codes enforcement, planning, and environmental protection.
Public Works
5620 NW 120th Lane • Gainesville, FL 32653 • 352-374-5245
MISSION STATEMENT: To provide stewardship of assigned County-owned infrastructure and equipment and work with the community to support growth that balances environmental, social and community development needs. Scan the code to visit Public Works’ website
OVERVIEW The Alachua County Public Works Department maintains the County’s 916 miles of roads and right-of-ways, manages the County’s fleet of approximately 830 vehicles and pieces of equipment, reviews the engineeringrelated components of new development in support of the County’s growth management activities, provides waste management and recycling services, provides animal control and sheltering services, and plans, builds and maintains the County’s 25 parks, recreational facilities and the fairgrounds.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Engineering and Operations
• • • •
• • • •
Miles of unpaved roads surface treated – 9.22 Miles of sidewalk added – 2.38 Trees planted – 241 During the third quarter of FY12, Alachua County encountered two major storm events. Several areas throughout the County were affected causing multiple sinkholes, flooding, and road closures resulting in approximately $150,000 in public infrastructure damage across the County and requiring County staff action. The County staff worked late into the night to provide an alternate access route to affected residents. • On August 14th, 2012, FEMA presented the County Commission a plaque for improvement to a Class 6 from Class 7 Rating (on a scale from 1 to 10; 10 being the lowest, 1 being the highest) of the Community Rating System (CRS). The citizens of Alachua County benefit with a 20% discount (an additional 5%) on their Flood Insurance premiums.
Customer satisfaction rate – 97% Billing to external customers – $144,611 Work orders completed – 3,891 5-5-5 fuel reduction plan end of 4th year results: ◦◦ 27 vehicles removed from Fleet Management ◦◦ 38,609 gallons of fuel saved
Waste Management • Attained a county-wide recycling rate of 49%, as confirmed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, making Alachua County #1 in the State of Florida • Welcomed Town of Tioga residents into Alachua County’s nationally recognized Pay as You Throw (PAYT) solid waste and recycling collection program, with a majority of homeowners selecting smaller carts • Surpassed the goal of a 13% recycling rate at the Rural Collection Centers with 16% • Curbside recycling for County residents increased from 23.9% to 27.3 %
Animal Services
• In FY12, the Parks Division and Facilities Management Division completed the Freedom Community Center at Kanapaha Park. The ribbon cutting was held on June 11, 2012. Since opening the facility for rental, 30% of available rental times have been used by a variety of groups for a variety of purposes. The facility has generated $1,644 in revenue and had an operational cost of $3,827 and as of September 30, 2012. • Surpassed Comprehensive Plan levels of 0.5 developed acres of activity-based recreation per 1,000 unincorporated residents by 1.18 acres • Surpassed Comprehensive Plan levels of 5 developed acres of resource-based recreation per 1,000 residents by 1.49 acres
• “The Summer Lovin Adoption Event” in July adopted out 183 pets • Recognition by the Humane Society of the United States for our work on the Haven Acres cat seizure completed last year • Paws on Parole program - 27 dogs graduated • Responded to 7,203 requests for service • Animal intakes – 6,160 • License Sales – 19,704 • Adoptions or animals reclaimed by owner - 4,218 • Transfer to Rescue Groups - 1,850 • Animals euthanized - 1,552
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures All Funds BoCC Departments Only - $115,473,988
Information Services $4,114,813 - 4% Court Services $7,451,181 - 6%
Growth Management $4,141,811 - 4%
Environmental Protection $3,593,291 - 3% General Government $7,036,787 - 6%
Administrative Services $11,720,625 - 10%
Public Works $31,607,921 - 27%
Community Support Services $23,622,651 - 21%
Fire Rescue $22,184,908 - 19%
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures Public Works - $31,607,921 General Fund $2,405,181 - 8%
Unincorporated MSTU $1,626,486 - 5%
Other Special Revenue $203,638 - 1% Internal Service Funds $3,650,043 - 11%
Gas Tax Fund $8,293,236 - 26%
Refuse Collection - MSBU $4,917,636 - 16% Enterprise Funds $10,511,701 - 33%
Fire Rescue
911 SE 5th Street • Gainesville, FL 32601 • 352-384-3101
MISSION STATEMENT: To improve the life safety of people and protection of property through preparedness, response, mitigation and recovery. Scan the code to visit Fire Rescue’s website
OVERVIEW We are a value-driven organization dedicated to responsive, respectful, and courteous customer service. We are an innovative and progressive leader in emergency services. The Fire Rescue Department continues to live within our means and focus upon the provision of our core services to the citizens of Alachua County.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Fire Rescue Administration
Enhanced 911/Communications
• Outstanding Audits for all payroll functions • EMS Revenue Bad Debt Estimate reduced from 23.21% to 20.37% • Master Plan – data and information compiled and provided to consultant; anticipate presentation to BoCC in 2013
• Managed the signing of an interlocal agreement with City of Gainesville for 911 Addressing Services by the E911 Office • Managed the transition planning from VHF wide band to narrow band paging • Managed the demolition of the County Road 237 tower • Prepared the County backup 911 center located in the basement of the County administration building, for 24x7 occupation as a 911 center • Completed the annual property inventory with no shortcomings • Participated in negotiations with the City of Waldo reference the $12.50 law suit. The agreed upon solution was for the County to pay the monthly subscriber fee for 12 Alachua County Fire Rescue (ACFR) radios and to provide 12 ACFR radios to the Waldo Police. The agreement included language that terminated the lawsuit being pursued by the City of Waldo to recover the $12.50 fee on traffic violations.
Fire Rescue Operations • Completed new employee hiring process, 7 new members joined the Department • Completed promotional assessment processes for Driver Operator, Lieutenant, Rescue Lieutenant and Assistant Chief • Completed a Fire Act grant application to replace aging self-contained breathing apparatus • Implemented computer based training software that will allow the department to expand the delivery and tracking of didactic training • Rescue unit responses – 34,521 (a decrease of 4.3% from FY11) • Average responses per Rescue unit – 2877 • Fire unit Responses – 13,332 (a decrease of 15% from FY11)
Emergency Management (EM)
• Alachua County was renewed or re-recognized as a Storm-Ready County • Oversaw Gap Analysis of County Emergency Response Team (ERT) which will be used in developing the next Multiyear Training and Exercise Plan • Conducted a Municipal-Utility Summit in May (first time) • Developed Functional Needs Support Services (FNSS) Work Group and conducted ADA assessment of Local Emergency Plans • Responded to Tropical Storms Beryl, Debby and Isaac • Provided damage assessment for Tropical Storm Debby
• Completed process to access Emergency Alert System (EAS) for local warning and notification purposes. This included an application, completion of a local plan and training, which provides an additional tool in the alerting toolbox to include access to cell phones via the Commercial Mobile Alert System or CMAS. This is enabled on a Countywide level. • Emergency Management staff participated in the development and execution of a two-day Mass Casualty Exercise in cooperation with the State Department of Health. This exercise involved activating the EOC. • Finalized BoCC Continuity of Government (COG) plan
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures All Funds BoCC Departments Only - $115,473,988 Growth Management $4,141,811 - 4%
Environmental Protection $3,593,291 - 3%
Information Services $4,114,813 - 4%
General Government $7,036,787 - 6%
Court Services $7,451,181 - 6%
Public Works $31,607,921 - 27%
Administrative Services $11,720,625 - 10% Community Support Services $23,622,651 - 21%
Fire Rescue $22,184,908 - 19%
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures Fire Rescue - $22,184,908 Fire Services - MSTU $11,480,756 - 52%
E-911 Fees $626,799 - 3% General Fund $9,723,715 - 44%
Other Special Revenue - Grants $353,638 - 1% -
Community Support Services
218 SE 24th Street • Gainesville, FL 32641 • 352-264-6700
MISSION STATEMENT: To provide comprehensive health and human services and establish partnerships to positively impact the well-being of individuals, families and communities. Scan the code to visit Community Support Services’ website
OVERVIEW The Department of Community Support Services provides the following services to the citizenry: access to health care services, suicide and crisis intervention, community revitalization, general assistance for low-income residents, assistance to veterans and their dependents, comprehensive response to sexual assault victims and other victims of crime, poverty reduction, and scientifically based agricultural, human and natural resources knowledge.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Foster Grandparent Program
CHOICES • Had a program high 4,345 members enrolled at the end of FY12 • CHOICES Health Education and Wellness Program provided 2,532 community events, serving 79,997 citizens
• Received $390,230 in federal grant monies • Volunteers donated 90,797 hours of service to the community
Partners for a Productive Community (PPC)
Crisis Center
• Alachua County funded $225,000 to purchase two multi-family duplexes. The Southwest Advocacy Group’s Family Resource Center opened in one and the second one will house a Alachua County Health Department Branch. • The Preservation and Enhancement District deeded a lot to the County to construct a playground located next to the Family Resource Center • The Alachua County “Strike Out Hunger” Food Drive utilized over 200 volunteers who collected nearly 67,000 lbs. of food which was distributed to local food pantries and Backpack Programs.
• Answered nearly 45,000 phone calls and offered some 5,000 hours of face-to-face crisis intervention and counseling • 110 trained community volunteers provided approximately 41,000 volunteer hours
Community Agency Partnership Program (CAPP) • $900,297 awarded to 27 agencies for 36 poverty reduction programs • CAPP funding helped to provide food, health care, shelter/housing and utility assistance to lower income residents
Poverty Reduction Program (PRP)
Cooperative Extension
• The County and the City of Gainesville provided Emergency Shelter for 1,386 homeless citizens when temperatures dropped below 40 degrees. • The County approved the continuation of the Respite Care Program which served over 18 homeless individuals needing hospital after care.
• Assisted 85,413 clients • Provided 681 educational programs • 350 Extension volunteers donated over 25,068 hours of time ($456,237 value)
Social Services
Victim Services & Rape Crisis Center
• Provided healthcare services to 309 unduplicated clients • Provided $314,121 of rent and utilities assistance to County citizens • Provided direct assistance to more than 2,877 clients • The NACO Discount Pharmacy card saved County residents over $243,241 in pharmacy costs
• Provided 20,442 services to 4,579 victims of violent crime • 2,156 new victims received services • Received $269,249 in grant funding
Health Department • Conducted 256,822 encounters with patients at or below the poverty level • 474 CHOICES clients received 2,448 health services provided by the Health Department
Veteran Services • The Annual Homeless Veterans Stand-Down resulted in over 173 encounters with homeless veterans • Staff efforts resulted in veterans receiving over $173,000 in new federal benefits, and $1.9 million in retroactive federal benefits • Staff responded to 16,752 phone calls and saw 1,545 clients
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures All Funds BoCC Departments Only - $115,473,988
Information Services $4,114,813 - 4%
Growth Management $4,141,811 - 4%
Environmental Protection $3,593,291 - 3% General Government $7,036,787 - 6%
Court Services $7,451,181 - 6% Administrative Services $11,720,625 - 10%
Public Works $31,607,921 - 27%
Community Support Services $23,622,651 - 21%
Fire Rescue $22,184,908 - 19%
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures Community Support Services - $23,622,651 Other Special Revenue - Grants $975,731- 4% Special Revenue CHOICES $13,535,054 - 57%
General Fund $8,928,503 - 38%
Unincorporated MSTU $183,363 - 1%
Administrative Services
12 SE 1st Street • Gainesville, FL 32601 • 352-374-5219
MISSION STATEMENT: To provide high quality services, administrative support and innovative solutions for the effective and efficient operation of County government. Scan the code to visit Administrative Services’ website
OVERVIEW The Department of Administrative Services is the administrative and internal operations arm of Alachua County government. It provides services to County departments, programs, Constitutional Officers, the Alachua County Library District and County employees in the areas of purchasing, human resource management, labor and employee relations, diversity management, facilities management, equal employment opportunity, retirement benefits, insurance benefits, employee safety, organizational development and training. External programs address the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Small Business Enterprise Program, and administration of the Anti-Discrimination Ordinance in Alachua County.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Administrative Support
Facilities Management
• Developed and obtained approval of a reduced budget, with the least amount of impact to our FY13 services • Implemented the use of an electronic time entry system for our Facilities Management field staff. • Renewed contractual services with vendors for FY13 • Completed the Alachua County Jail inter-local agreement
• Completed Facilities Shop renovation • Completed Kanapaha Park Freedom Community Center • Completed Animal Services renovation project • Completed Alachua County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) Jail tile repair in showers • Completed Jail kitchen renovation • Completed carpet installation at Community Support Services • Completed 18,500 work orders • Completed ACSO Jail window and frame replacement project • Completed Combined Communications Center roof replacement
Equal Opportunity • 90% of employee issues resolved informally; 6 complaints investigated • Approximately 600 employees (County & Library District) participated in EO training • Conducted special recruitment efforts for underrepresented positions. Of 49 targeted positions filled during FY12, 29% met the goals of the Equal Employment Opportunity Plan • Public education and outreach efforts included workshops on Fair Housing, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Employment Law and the Small Business Enterprise program • Completed a 2-year ADA survey and evaluation of County programs and services
Human Resources (HR):
• Conducted the 12th Alachua County Civic Education SerieS (ACCESS) class • Over 80% of applicants for positions in the County expressed satisfaction with their dealings with the HR Office during the hiring process; over 85% of hiring supervisors were satisfied with the service. • Conducted over 20 training sessions with supervisors on coaching, counseling and development of employees • Continued to refine the use of on-line document processing
Organizational Development and Training
Risk Management
• Conducted a total of 50 classes in FY12, with a total of 710 participants • Generated $3,990 in revenue to the General Fund • Conducted a total of thirteen consults/department specific trainings and one retreat • Actively participated in Employee Performance Appraisal, and Mentoring teams
• Investigated 78 new Workers’ Compensation injury claims and closed 24 open claims • Received 76 new liability incident reports and closed 17 claims • Conducted 16 ergonomic studies and 63 incident investigations/inspections • Conducted 80 new employee payroll signups • Processed paperwork for 42 retiring employees, and 10 employees entering DROP • Held 966 fitness classes and had 233 chair massage participants • Enrolled 40 participants for the Nicotine Patch and had 342 participants for flu shots
Purchasing • Received the National Purchasing Institute’s (NPI) Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award for the third consecutive year • Number of purchase orders processed – 1,306 • Completed or renewed a total of 92 formal bid solicitations • Number of training/public outreach events - 5 • Monitored 5,055 Visa transactions
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures All Funds BoCC Departments Only - $115,473,988 Growth Management $4,141,811 - 4% Information Services $4,114,813 - 4%
Environmental Protection $3,593,291 - 3% General Government $7,036,787 - 6%
Court Services $7,451,181 - 6% Administrative Services $11,720,625 - 10%
Public Works $31,607,921 - 27%
Community Support $23,622,651 - 21%
Fire Rescue $22,184,908 - 19%
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures Administrative Services - $11,720,625 Fire Services - MSTU $65,351 - <1% Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds $75,158 - 1% $2,310,414 - 20% Other Special Revenue $67,618 - 1% General Fund $9,137,962 - 78%
Gas Tax Fund $58,874 - <1% Unincorporated MSTU $5,248 - <1%
Court Services
14 NE 1st Street • Gainesville, FL 32601 • 352-338-7390
MISSION STATEMENT: To reduce the need for incarceration by rendering timely and accurate information to the Courts while providing a continuum of cost-effective, community-based supervision and therapeutic services to the citizens of Alachua County with emphasis on accountability and preserving public safety.
Scan the code to visit Court Services’ website
OVERVIEW The Department of Court Services provides information to assist the Courts in deciding which adults charged or convicted of committing a crime can be safely released to our community. The Department also provides community supervision as a cost effective alternative to keeping people in jail. Substance abuse and mental health treatment services help people make behavioral changes to become law abiding and contributing members of our community.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Pretrial Services/Investigations
• 93% of participating clients were gainfully employed, enrolled in an educational/vocational program, or receiving disability payments within 60 days of entering Phase II • 74% of diversion clients successfully completed or are still in the program after one year • Maintained 12 new grant funded residential treatment beds • Assisted 61 clients with Social Security benefit reinstatements and initial applications
• 11,449 detainees were interviewed or assessed prior to First Appearance • The Judiciary released 46% of eligible defendants per Florida Statute • All Pretrial Services staff are Certified Pretrial Services Practitioners
Pretrial Services/Supervision • 98% of all supervised defendants appeared in court reducing the failure to appear rate • On average, 26 defendants were supervised by Electronic Monitoring/GPS each month • On average, 27 defendants participated in Mental Health Court each month
Clinical Programs/Metamorphosis • 97% of clients completing treatment were employed, in school, or unable to work due to disability, at discharge • 27% average improvement in relapse prevention post test scores • All clients completing treatment enrolled in the voluntary aftercare program
Centralized Screening Team • 1,321 recommendations for alternatives to jail were submitted to defense counsel for consideration • Completed 368 requests for Work Release Extended Limits of Confinement
Administration • 27,107 clients reported in and 26,338 calls were received • A new automated telephone system reduced call volume 35% • 3,955 new intakes completed • 74,197 criminal histories run
Clinical Programs/Drug Court • All clients were assessed and referred to treatment within two weeks of admission
Community Service Program
County Probation Program
• Work Crews completed 70,835 hours with an estimated dollar value of $708,350 • As an alternative to jail, Work Crews saved 8,295 jail days • Supervised 575 Level 1 Probation cases monthly • 2,974 program intakes were completed and $49,795 in cost of supervision/orientation fees collected
• $332,824 in cost of supervision fees collected • 70% of probationers successfully completed supervision • Of those probationers referred for treatment, 72% successfully completed
Day Reporting Program
• 53 people in the Work Release program on an average day • 76% of program participants were employed • $278,162 in room and board fees collected • 82% of participants completed substance abuse treatment
Work Release
• 70% of participants successfully completed the program • On average 93 participants were supervised daily in the program • 63% of participants were employed, in school, or unable to work due to disability while in the program
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures All Funds BoCC Departments Only - $115,473,988 Growth Management $4,141,811 - 4% Information Services $4,114,813 - 4% Court Services $7,451,181 - 6%
Environmental Protection $3,928,253 - 3% General Government $7,036,787 - 6%
Administrative Services $11,720,625 - 10%
Public Works $31,607,921 - 27%
Community Support Services $23,622,651 - 21%
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures Court Services - $ 7,451,181
Fire Rescue $22,184,908 - 19%
Other Special Revenue - Grants $1,922,007 - 26%
General Fund $5,529,174 - 74%
Information and Telecommunication Services
26 SE 1st Street • Gainesville, FL 32601 • 352-338-7300
MISSION STATEMENT: To design and maintain a connected community environment where information can flow seamlessly between government, citizens, and organizations. To provide high quality customer service and continue to expand the County’s use of technology.
Scan the code to visit Information and Telecommunication Services’ website
OVERVIEW The Department of Information and Telecommunication Services (ITS) provides support for the County’s computer hardware, software, data networks and telecommunication services. ITS supports the computer and telephone systems for the Board of County Commissioners’ departments and network infrastructure for the Constitutional Offices.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Website Updates and Mobile Development
Network Security
• Completed the mobile version of the website. This will serve as a platform to present pertinent information to citizens on the go, whether they are looking to find the park closest to them or watching live board meetings from their mobile device. The goal is to provide citizens with an avenue to connect with County government anytime, anywhere. • Website continues to evolve by making all portions of the website available for translation, as well as accessible to those with vision impairments • Processes ensured that information was routed quickly and efficiently to available resources which decreased update times • Training was provided which empowered departments to maintain the information presented on their section of the website quickly and easily
• A Network Risk Assessment has been completed. This is an analysis of all networking hardware on the County’s network. This analysis highlights any security or vulnerability issues with hardware configuration and access. • The Security Team upgraded the County’s Access Control System software. This upgraded the current authentication process used by the County’s wireless network. It also provided additional security for accessing network switches and routers that are used to route network traffic throughout the County. • Network penetration testing has been completed. This process attempts to gain unauthorized access into the County’s network from outside the County. This testing highlights any security issues with County firewalls and other security devices used to protect our network. • Internet Gateway Analysis/Configuration has been completed. The County has a primary and a backup internet connection. This project redesigned the gateway between the two, so if one goes down the other maintains internet services. It also load balanced the two connections so internet traffic is split evenly between the two. • Network Infrastructure Analysis project is underway. This is a review of the County’s network infrastructure design. As new applications are deployed on the network, it is important that the County adapt to new security and performance issues as related to overall network design.
Electronic Document/Content Management • Implemented a new electronic document management system to replace an obsolete system • New system will reduce the ongoing maintenance costs for archiving public records • Completed the document migration for the Office of Management and Budget and Growth Management departments. Remaining departments will be migrated by end of FY13
• Assisted the Supervisor of Elections during the primary and general presidential election processes in setting up the early voting sites and the phone banks necessary to run the elections and to comply with mandated Florida election requirements. • Installed and tested the new Email Archive System equipment. All email from the previous email archive solution has been transferred and the new archive system is fully operational. Users now have much faster access to email records retrieval tools.
Network Upgrades and Maintenance • The final server deployments during FY12 were successfully completed. These servers include the setup and installation of server farms for the new financial system, the new Knowledge Lake Imaging Document application, and the replacement server for the Agricultural Extension Office, a new certificate authority server for county-wide applications as well as the virtualization of the Microcall server for our Telecom group. • The installation of PCs and laptops scheduled for replacement during FY12 has been completed according to schedule. As of September, 2012, 240 units (PCs, laptops, and servers) were ordered and installed for BoCC departments and 90 more were installed for constitutional offices. We have prioritized the purchase of new equipment according to longevity and immediate needs for County departments.
SPAM Email • The County received approximately 35,000 emails per day from outside sources. Of those, 60% were blocked through ITS security measures because they were SPAM or contained some type of virus.
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures All Funds BoCC Departments Only - $115,473,988 Growth Management $4,141,811 - 4% Information Services $4,114,813 - 4%
Environmental Protection $3,593,291 - 3% General Government $7,036,787 - 6%
Court Services $7,451,181 - 6% Public Works $31,607,921 - 27%
Administrative Services $11,720,625 - 10% Community Support Services $23,622,651 - 21% Fire Rescue $22,184,908 - 19%
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures Information and Telecommunication Services - $4,114,813 Internal Service Funds $804,935 - 20%
General Fund $3,309,878 - 80%
Growth Management
10 SW 2nd Avenue • Gainesville, FL 32601 • 352-374-5249
MISSION STATEMENT: To provide leadership and professional advice in managing the growth of the County through community outreach and education, positive working relationships with municipalities and other governmental agencies, and to provide for the health and safety of the citizens of unincorporated Alachua County through services ensuring compliance with building codes, land use, zoning, development regulations, nuisance ordinances, and other applicable laws.
Scan the code to visit Growth Management’s website
OVERVIEW The Growth Management Department prepares and maintains the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan and is responsible for its implementation through the development and administration of Land Development Regulations; administration of housing programs; construction permitting, plan review, building code compliance, inspections, contractor licensing and enforcement of minimum housing code; investigation and enforcement of alleged violations of various codes and ordinances; and maintenance of related Geographic Information Systems.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Planning and Development Services
Code Enforcement
• Completed the update of the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) implementing the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan: 2011-2030, including revisions to support local agriculture, streamline and clarify standards for development and promote public participation and awareness of development within the County which was adopted at the end of last fiscal year. • 15 zoning items processed and 2 zoning items currently in the review process • 71 Development Review applications were processed with a final decision by DRC or staff • Applications submitted for DRC review - 109 • Tree Removal Permits issued - 90 • Final Landscaping Release Inspections – 16 • Two Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendments (CPAs) were processed and adopted • Prepared Board Adopted Southwest Transportation Improvement District • Prepared six Multi-Modal Transportation Mitigation Agreements for Board Adoption • Negotiated Board adopted Celebration Pointe Developer’s Agreement • Assisted with development of Fix Our Roads Sales Surtax Initiative
• Code Enforcement Complaints received and investigated - 785 • Notices of Violation issued - 259 • Code Violations corrected and compliance affidavits issued - 226 • Code Cases referred to Code Enforcement Board for prosecution - 42 • 92.33% of the code enforcement cases achieved compliance within 90 days in FY12 • 11 Code Enforcement Board Hearings prosecuting 48 new code cases • 8 Zoning Board of Adjustment Hearings processing 15 petitions • 116 Home Based Business Permits received and approved • Administrative Temporary Use Permits issued - 23
• Building Permits issued - 4,401 • New Single Family Residential unit permits issued - 191 • New contractor license registrations processed - 245 • Building Inspections conducted – 12,199 • 96.58% of Inspections completed within 24 hours of request • Average number of working days to process a building permit application requiring plans review – 8.13 • Customers served at customer service counter - 7,183 • Average time per customer visit – 21.75 minutes
• First time homebuyers assisted in purchasing homes - 7 • Homebuyers Education Workshops in partnership with the City of Gainesville – 6 • Substandard homes repaired through Neighborhood Stabilization Program - 5 • Households assisted with payment of Impact Fees – 6 • CDBG Housing Rehab Homes inspected and bid by contractors – 11 • Ownership of NSP rental homes transferred to Meridian Behavioral Health Care, Inc. - 5
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures All Funds BoCC Departments Only - $115,473,988 Growth Management Environmental Protection $3,593,291 - 3% $4,141,811 - 4% Information Services General Government $4,114,813 - 4% $7,036,787 - 6% Court Services $7,451,181 - 6% Administrative Services $11,720,625 - 10%
Public Works $31,607,921 - 27%
Community Support Services $23,622,651 - 21%
Fire Rescue $22,184,908 - 19%
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures Growth Management - $4,141,811 Unincorporated - MSTU $1,331,690 - 32%
General Fund $958,691 - 23%
Gas Tax Fund $9,600 - <1% Enterprise Funds $1,044,811- 25% Other Special Revenue Grants- $797,019 - 20%
Environmental Protection
408 West University Avenue • Gainesville, FL 32601 • 352-264-6800
MISSION STATEMENT: To foster a community ethic of responsible environmental stewardship of the land, air, water and living resources in Alachua County. Scan the code to visit Environmental Protection’s website
OVERVIEW The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) provides natural resources protection to the citizens of Alachua County through environmental planning, environmental review, water resources protection, environmental code enforcement, pollution prevention, hazardous materials management, hazardous materials collection, petroleum remediation and tanks compliance, and conservation land acquisition and management.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Land Conservation/Alachua County Forever (ACF)
• Hosted the annual North American Hazardous Materials Management Association Workshop. The Hazardous Materials Program received the “2012 Longstanding Program Excellence” award. • Completed a 10-year agreement to provide Environmental Services to the Gainesville Clean Water Partnership; signed a new 5-year agreement with the Partnership. • Routine Inspections – 738 • Complaints Investigations – 245 • Monitoring Locations – 365 • Outreach Events – 74
• Acquired six properties totaling 1,651 acres, worth $4,692,695 • Received $1.5M grant from Florida Conservation Trust • Leveraged $1,212,250 towards acquisition • Leveraged $129,261 towards stewardship • Lead manager for 10,179 acres over 21 sites • Coordinates stewardship on additional 7,690 acres managed by partners • 43% of the acreage open to public. Additional 55% accessible through partnerships and by appointment. • The Prescribed Fire program prepped 1,414 acres for prescribed burns • The Commission adopted a Cattle Grazing Business Plan for ACF managed property • The Commission adopted 2 Management Plans • The Commission placed 8 sites on the Registry of Protected Public Places
Pollution Prevention • Reviewed Koppers Superfund Site workplans, characterization of source areas, soil gas studies on Cabot site; continued intergovernmental coordination • Assisted USEPA with Indoor Dioxin Dust Study; coordinated mailouts to target homes and reviewed sampling • Expanded funding and scope of Petroleum Tank inspection program into Marion and Clay counties. • Cleaned up 11 petroleum contaminated sites; managed $2.8 Million in clean-up activities; completed 284 tank inspections • Successfully completed USEPA Grant for expanding capacity for production of biodiesel fuel from waste vegetable oil
Water Resources Protection • Coordinated “The 2011 Water Supply Forum”. Over 125 citizens attended the event to hear presentations and panel discussions on water supply issues. • Water resources outreach presentations at area schools, including Howard Bishop, Norton, Terwilliger, Lake Forest, Steven Foster, Williams, Hawthorne, Duval, Archer and Newberry.
• Assisted with over 800 inquiries related to natural resource protection • Leadership and innovation in stormwater, aquifer recharge and open space management through writing articles, giving presentations, and drafting new comprehensive plan and code language for springs protection and low impact development • Provided technical assistance to Gainesville on their adoption of their new Natural and Archaeological Protection Ordinance • Completed a grant for new fairground habitat protection and assisted water resources education at public schools • Participated in non-regulatory environmental education activities including leading conservationbased field trips and giving presentations at UF, and completing the Melrose Bay restoration project along the shores of Lake Santa Fe
• Completed 8 neighborhood mobile collection events, 8 neighboring county cooperative collection events and over 85 tours and outreach events • Served 41,390 Household Hazardous Waste customers; collected 1,409,071 pounds of hazardous waste; provided 200,000 lbs of reuse products to the community
Natural Resources Protection • Regulated “natural resources protected” and “impacts avoided” through the review of 645 properties by the Pre-Application Screening Compliance Verification Program • Over 135 Development Review Applications (zoning, DRC, BOA, and CPAs) were reviewed by County Environmental Review staff. No wetland impacts were approved in 2012
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures All Funds BoCC Departments Only - $115,473,988 Growth Management $4,141,811 - 4% Information Services $4,114,813 - 4% Court Services $7,451,181 - 6%
Environmental Protection $3,593,291 - 3% General Government $7,036,787 - 6%
Administrative Services $11,720,625 - 10%
Public Works $31,607,921- 27%
Community Support Services $23,622,651 - 21% Fire Rescue $22,184,908 - 19%
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures Environmental Protection - $3,593,291
Enterprise Funds $840,954 - 24%
Other Special Revenue - Grants $804,310 - 22%
Unincorporated - MSTU $460,966 - 13% General Fund $1,487,061 41%
General Governance
12 SE 1st Street • Gainesville, FL 32601 • 352-374-5204
MISSION STATEMENT: To provide responsive, quality service to our citizens and to assure the sustainability of our County and its communities by balancing the concerns for economy, environment and social well-being within all of our programs. Scan the code to visit General Governance’s website
OVERVIEW General Governance comprises the Board of County Commissioners, the County Manager’s Office, the County Attorney’s Office, the Office of Management and Budget, the Communications Office, the Countywide Sustainability and Economic Development programs, and the Visitors and Convention Bureau (funded solely by the Tourist Development Tax)
Office of Management and Budget
• In conjunction with 55 Florida counties, challenged 2012 legislation that required the State to unilaterally withhold county revenue sharing funds to pay state-mandated Medicaid contributions • Represented the County in negotiating an innovative public-private partnership agreement to construct transportation improvements and provide transit services to support the Alachua County Mobility Plan (Celebration Pointe) • Represented the County in a lawsuit filed with 10 other Florida counties to require online travel companies to pay tourist development tax on the amount the online travel company receives for renting a hotel or motel room • Represented the County in preventing the operation of an all-hours nightclub on SW 13th Street which was in violation of the County’s zoning code
• Coordinated agency wide budget development through the 6th straight year of budget reductions • Received Distinguished Budget Presentation Award by the Government Finance Officers Association • Conducted 4 Community Conversation sessions. Fourth consecutive year of Community Conversations with over 500 citizens participating since inception of program • Presented 8 training sessions for over 200 people on the web-based e-Civis Grants locator program
Economic Development
Communications Office • Televised/streamed online County Commission meetings – 102 • In-house graphic design projects – 41 • Alachua County Talks episodes – 10 • Community Update Newsletter issues – 22 • County Facebook page subscribers – 11,151
• Qualify Targeted Industries designation approved for R&L Carriers (software development and logistics management company), MindTree (technology/ software development company), Nanotherepeutics (biopharmaceutical company), and Register Patient. com (technology/software development company) • Qualify Target Industry Incentive Program Economic Recovery Extension designation approved for Prime Conduit (PVC related materials manufacturer) • Established the Alachua County Brownfield Coalition with Alachua, Newberry, Hawthorne and Waldo and applied for a $600,000 EPA Brownfield Assessment Grant (in conjunction with EPD and the Sustainability program) • Participated in the Innovation Group “Innovation Advocates” and “Land Task Force” • Initiated procurement process to find a private sector partner to relocate the Alachua County Fairgrounds
• Served on the board of the Gainesville Area Innovation Network and the South Central Partnership, Inc. (a SBA certified Community Development Corporation)
Office of Sustainability • Outreach and Awareness: Co-hosted Solar Readiness workshops for the community providing energy efficiency and solar installation basics with volunteer presenters and industry experts • Utility Reductions: Initial data on the County Administration Building utility usage shows double digit reductions (13% to 26%) from the previous year • Local Food Economics Success: Proof of concept Cash Mob at the 441 farmers market boosted sales and supported local agriculture. Total attendance was over 800 and raised $11,000 for area farmers. The event was turned into a documentary which won “Best Local Issue” prize at the 2012 Cinema Verde film festival. • Community Resiliency: Downtown Farmers Garden saw a 22% increase in volunteer hours (total 244 hours) and an 11% increase (total estimated value $1,114) in the value of produce donated to charity
Visitors and Convention Bureau (VCB) • Facebook and other Social Media sites have expanded dramatically. There are more than 13,000 “friends” on Facebook offering no cost marketing and promotions. • Created the “Towns of the SEC” organization http://www.townsofthesec.com to serve as a cooperative marketing effort with the other 13 SEC towns. With the notoriety and scope of the SEC schools for athletics and academics, this site can be advantageous to Gainesville/Alachua County in marketing the area. • With the inception of The Brand USA, http:// www.thebrandusa.com VisitGainesville will be working with VisitFlorida to have Gainesville/ Alachua County on site in German and Spanish. This opens the door even more for the international visibility for Gainesville/Alachua County for tourism.
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures All Funds BoCC Departments Only - $115,473,988 Growth Management $4,141,811 - 4% Information Services $4,114,813 - 4% Court Services $7,451,181 - 6%
Environmental Protection $3,593,291 - 3% General Government $7,036,787 - 6%
Administrative Services $11,720,625 - 10%
Public Works $31,607,921 - 27%
Community Support Services $23,622,651 - 21%
FY 2012 Actual Expenditures General Government - $7,036,787
Fire Rescue $22,184,908 - 19%
Other Special Revenue - Tourist Tax $3,625,388 - 51%
Unincorporated - MSTU $49,885 - 1%
General Fund $3,361,514 - 48%
5 ways to Stay Engaged
Contact Commissioners
Social Media
Call the County Commission: 352-264-6900 Email the entire Commission To subscribe County’s Social Media, visit followings:
Email individual Commissioners: Chair Mike Byerly Vice-Chair Lee Pinkoson Commissioner Robert “Hutch” Hutchinson Commissioner Susan Baird Commissioner Charles “Chuck” Chestnut, IV
• Facebook • Twitter • YouTube
Attend County Commission meetings. Check the meetings schedule
Community 12
Website/Video on Demand
Subscribe to December 14, 2012 Click to Subscribe Contents New Health Clinic Alachua County Talks Trashformations Winners Legislative Program Invitation to Negotiate West Nile Virus Holiday Schedules Commission Higlights
Community Update is published by Acting Alachua County Manager Rick Drummon d’s Communications Office
County Commission meetings are broadcast live on Cox Cable Channel 12. The meetings are rebroadcast multiple times to accommodate the various schedules of citizens. Community 12 also airs original County programming, the Carousel Bulletin Board Special Features and more. Check Community 12 schedule
A Report on the
Activities of Alachua
2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7
Archer Braid Trail
In their meeting on the evening County Commission of December 11, 2012, the revisited the location their September of the Archer Braid Alachua 2012 decision. Trail and reversed The trail will now Street and SW be located along 46th Blvd., which SW 91st are County Roads. County right-of-way for the use of $750,000 will be used for the project. This change will in federal funds allow provide for safe to be used towards passage of cyclists, pedestrians, strollers, the project. It will transportation. and other forms of Click to watch the Public Hearing (scroll and click item 21) For more information, contact Alachua Manager, Jeff Hays County Transportatio at 352-374-5249 n Planning , or jhays@alachu acounty.us.
Mark Sexton Communications Coordinator Bret Bostock Community Update and Graphic DesignerEditor Takumi Sullivan Graphic Designer Alan Yeatter Video Production Coordinator
Alachua County Board County Commissionersof
Robert “Hutch” Hutchinson, Charles Chestnut IV, Mike S. Byerly (Chair), Lee Pinkoson (Vice Chair), Susan Baird
Alachua County’s regularly broadcast public meetings, original programming including the award-winning Alachua County Talks, special programs, and public services announcements are available at the click of a mouse on the Video on Demand webpage
County Governme
Subscribe to our Media Releases and County Update Newsletter by clicking here.
Service Guide Administrative Services 352-374-5219
E-911 Address Database 352-338-7361
Public Works Department 352-374-5245
Advisory Boards 352-374-5204
Emergency Management 352-264-6500
Purchasing 352-374-5202
Animal Services 352-264-6870
Emergency Management Information Line 311
Risk Management 352-374-5279
CHOICES 352-264-6772
Environmental Protection 352-264-6800
Road and Bridge 352-548-1215
Cox Cable Television 1-888-269-9693
Equal Opportunity 352-374-5275
Clerk of Circuit & County Court 352-374-3636 TDD/TTY 352-491-4497
Facilities Management 352-374-5229
Rural Waste Collections Centers: Alachua/High Springs - 386-454-2563 North Central (State Rd. 121) - 352-334-3875 Fairbanks - 352-334-3873 Phifer (Hawthorne Rd) - 352-334-3874 Archer – 352-495-3257
Codes Enforcement 352-374-5243 – Building 352-374-5244 – Zoning TDD/TTY 491-4429 Community Support Services 352-264-6700 Cooperative Extension 352-955-2402 County Attorney 352-374-5218 County Commission 352-264-6900 TDD: 352-491-4430
Finance & Accounting 352-374-3605 TDD/TTY 352-491-4497 Fire Rescue Administration 352-384-3101 Fleet 386-462-1975 Growth Management Department 32-374-5249 Health Department 352-334-7900 Household Hazardous Waste 352-334-0440 Human Resources/ Job Listings 352-374-5219
Communications 352-374-5204
Office of Management and Budget 352-374-5262
County Manager 352-374-5204 TDD: 491-4430
Parks and Recreation 352-374-5245 Ext. 1247
Community Service 352-338-7390
Planning and Development 352-374-5249
Drug Court Program 352-338-7390 Crisis Center Crisis Line: 352-264-6789 Business: 352-264-6785 Rumor Control: 352-264-6557 TDD/TTY: 352-955-2449
Sheriff 352-367-4000 State Attorney 352-374-3670
County Commission Agenda 352-264-6906
Court Services 352-338-7390
School Board 352-955-7300
Pretrial Services Program 352-338-7390
Social Services 352-264-6750 Supervisor of Elections 352-374-5252 Tag Agencies/ Tax Collector 352-374-5236 Transfer Station 352-334-0172 Victim Services & Rape Crisis Center 352-264-6760 Veteran Services 352-264-6740 Visitors & Convention Bureau 352-374-5231
Probation Program 352-338-7390
Waste Collection 352-338-3233
Property Appraiser 352-374-5230
Waste Management Division 352-374-5213
Public Defender 32-338-7370
Work Release 352-491-4570
Annual Report Acknowledgements: This report was prepared by Alachua County Manager Richard Drummondâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Communications Office, under the direction of Communications Coordinator Mark Sexton. Special acknowledgements to Graphic Designer Takumi Sullivan, Public Information Specialist Bret Bostock, Production Coordinator Alan Yeatter, and Office of Management and Budget Director Rick Mills. Special thanks to Louis P. Giovagnorio, Zeriah Folston, Bill Harlan, Erika Capin, Beth Knizer, Chris Nielsen, and Joel Laguerre. This report was completed with the assistance of all Alachua County Departments.