Lookbook FW21
Welcome We are here to empower our community in creating (a) better life (e)quality. We do so by offering affordable lifestyle products that help you to buy better and help us to make a local difference, while keeping our environmental footprint low.
Through long and strong relationships with our suppliers in India, we create handcrafted products under fair working conditions that champion local cultures and help females to strengthen their position and pursue a better life, for themselves and their families.
Hi there, Never before have I struggled so much while designing a new collection. I struggled with finding balance, in work/life, spending enough time with our 2 y/o son, but also taking enough care of our firstborn: À la collection.
It took me weeks, perhaps even months, to come up with a theme that did justice to the strength and dedication of all the hard working people within our community; the people we’re working with every week, month and even collection! During my spiritual quest and inner journey while searching for something that could embrace and translate the current circumstances into a collection that would put a smile on peoples’ faces, but would also make them embrace their power within, I stumbled upon the five elements of nature: Space, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. When we look to the beauty of nature, we can identify five elements that provide the foundation for the entire physical world. Ayurveda recognizes these elements as the basic principles of the universe and as such the primary components of all living things. A worldwide epidemic could change the entire fundament of who we are and how we live, but these elements of nature has been left untouched. Stronger than ever and with a powerful message, I’d like to introduce to you: our FW21 “Elements of Nature” collection. Perhaps even our best collection thus far. Why? Because it has been inspired by every strong individual we’re surrounded with. It has been inspired on the struggles that we all had to deal with and the challenges we have all been facing for over a year now. The only answer to those insecurities was: find your (inner) balance and have faith. In yourself, your business, the people around you. Stay strong! And I couldn’t think of anything stronger and more balanced than those five elements of nature… So with a little help of our newest collection, full of stars, moons and rainbows, filled with the beauties of nature (shells, wild flowers, mother of pearls) and sparkling as always, we hope to inspire you to find a new balance. An (imaginary) world where there are no restrictions, where shells, wild flowers and galaxy shapes go hand in hand and even belong together. And where the elements form a harmonious cycle, even supplement each other, to help the end consumer find peace and calmth in their everyday homes. To put a smile on their faces, after all they’ve gone through. Let’s together - leave a little sparkle wherever the products go!
Namasté, Laura Founder & designer À la Collection
FW 21 interior // home accessoires
Our Dutch team being so dedicated, our clients so loyal, our suppliers and team in India fighting their own (health) battles, but at the same time having an utmost focus on all the production and logistic challenges we’ve been facing. It felt like I could not fail this collection, because then I would let our entire À la family down!
P om pon daisy k eychain cream SKU 13191
P om pon daisy k eychain m us ta rd SKU 13192
B eaded daisy k eychain SKU 12493
P om pon daisy k eychain sand SKU 13193
B eaded shell k eychain SKU 13153
Shell pearl card holder SKU 13172
Shell card holder SKU 12365
Daisy pearl card holder SKU 13171
Daisy card holder SKU 12498
Rainbow card holder SKU 12575
Wild flowers ard holder SKU 13170
Daisy pearl bottle stopper SKU 13167
Wild flowers bottle stopper SKU 13166
Flower bottle stopper SKU 12402
Shell bottle stopper SKU 12359
Rainbow bottle stopper SKU 12566
Star bottle stopper SKU 12564
Moon bottle stopper SKU 12565
Daisy pearl bottle opener SKU 13168
Wild flowers bottle opener SKU 12818
Flower bottle opener SKU 12400
Shell bottle opener SKU 12364
ey bottle opener tassle SKU 12259
M oon + sta rs m at chbox SKU 12819
Dried flowers i ards set SKU 13220
Rainbow at hbo SKU 13200
Dried flowers note ard en elope set SKU 13221
C oin wallet daisies allov er SKU 12629
C ordur oy v elv et wallet t erra SKU 13175
V elv et pouch allov er daisies beig e SKU 12503
V elv et pouch allov er daisies t erra SKU 12488
V elv et pouch allov er rainbows m us t ard SKU 13222
V elv et pouch m oon + st ars SKU 12559
T oilet ry bag wit h beaded daisies otton linen terra SKU 13173
C ordur oy v elv et tr ay t erra SKU 13201
C ordur oy v elv et box t erra SKU 12887
V elv et b ox allov er daisies in beads beig e SKU 12606
V elv et b ox allov er daisies in beads t erra SKU 12732
V elv et b ox sm all with yin/ yang in beads m us ta rd SKU 12882
V elv et b ox sm all with r ainbow in beads t erra SKU 12888
V elv et b ox sm all wit h m oon + st ars t erra SKU 12557
M arble box wit h brass m oon + st ars SKU 12960
M arble box wit h brass rainbow SKU 12961
Wild flowers ewellery stand SKU 13215
Daisy ewellery stand SKU 12541
Shell ewellery stand SKU 12382
earl daisy ewellery stand SKU 12542
T able m irror ov al SKU 12377
F lower ring - / t eet h box SKU 12023
Rainbow ring - / t eet h box SKU 13223
Shell ring - / t eet h box SKU 12406
B rass cont ainer wit h f reshwat er pearl SKU 12379
P earl t hree layers box SKU 12169
P earl t wo layers box X L SKU 12889
Daisy bowl SKU 12516
Shell bowl SKU 12381
Daisy pearl bowl SKU 13012
F lower bowl SKU 12079
with m
Shell bowl other of pearl SKU 12358
B rass rainbow dish SKU 12891
with m
Daisy bowl other of pearl SKU 12517
T ur lt e pearl bowl SKU 12021
Daisy f our hook s SKU 12502
Wild flowers o r hoo s SKU 12898
Shell f our hook s SKU 12361
M oonphase f our hook s SKU 12577
Daisy hook SKU 12499
Daisy k nob SKU 12505
Shell k nob SKU 12892
Rainbow k nob SKU 12897
M other of pearl candle holder SKU 12376
F lower pearl candle holder SKU 12825
P earl candle holder classic SKU 13227
C lassic candle holder SKU 12525
Wild flowers andle holder SKU 12826
i flower andle holder SKU 12413
S all flower andle holder SKU 12375
Daisy candle holder SKU 12641
ottle andle holder daisy SKU 12527
F lower pearl t ealigh t ho lder SKU 12827
ottle andle holder s all flower SKU 12895
Daisy t ealigh t ho lder SKU 12526
ottle andle holder bi flower SKU 12896
F lower candle holder blus h SKU 12868
F lower candle holder t erra SKU 12869
Rainbow candle holder cream SKU 12878
St ar candle holder eart h SKU 12867
M oon candle holder m u st ard SKU 12876
Spiral candles m ix ed earth c olour s ( set / 4 ) SKU 12529
Scent ed candle sandal wood t erra SKU 12828
Scent ed candle spi y ash ere bl sh SKU 13205
T ealig ht holder ribbed g lass t erra SKU 12848
T ealig ht holder ribbed g lass bl sh SKU 12849
Scent ed candle lea es stard SKU 13206
T ealig ht holder ribbed g lass stard SKU 12850
G lass candle holder sm all t erra SKU 12844
G lass candle holder sm all coral SKU 12843
G lass candle holder sm all blus h SKU 12845
G lass candle holder sm all m us ta rd SKU 12846
e lass andle holder t erra SKU 13217
e lass andle holder blus h SKU 13202
e lass andle holder m us ta rd SKU 13203
G lass candle holder t erra SKU 12523
G lass candle holder coral SKU 12522
G lass candle holder m u st ard SKU 12521
C lassic g lass candle holder t erra SKU 12709
C lassic g lass candle holder coral SKU 12712
C lassic g lass candle holder blus h SKU 12711
C lassic g lass candle holder m u st ard SKU 12710
Sm all v ase f rost ed gl ass t erra SKU 12836
M edium
v ase f rost ed g lass t erra SKU 13214
Sm all v ase f rost ed gl ass blus h SKU 13212
M edium
v ase f rost ed g lass blus h SKU 12841
Sm all v ase f rost ed gl ass m us ta rd SKU 13213
M edium
v ase f rost ed g lass m us t ard SKU 12842
L am p g lass blu sh + nat ur al linen shade SKU 12902
L am p g lass coral + nat ur al linen shade SKU 12903
L am p g lass m u st ard + nat u ral linen shade SKU 12901
Shell lam p + nat ur al linen shade SKU 12787
ap ins otton linen dar terra set SKU 12831
ap ins otton linen terra set SKU 12954
ap ins otton linen stard set SKU 12955
ap ins otton linen nat ral set SKU 12953
N apk in rings classic pearl ( set/ 4 ) SKU 12855
N apk in rings daisy pearl ( set/ 4 ) SKU 12854
N apk in rings daisy ( set/ 4 ) SKU 12513
B eaded napk in rings daisy ( set / 4 ) SKU 13161
G lass napk in rings am ber ( set / 4 ) SKU 12904
Ro nd bottle terra SKU 13204
Ro nd bottle stard SKU 12829
Ro nd bottle oral SKU 12764
Ro nd bottle s o e SKU 12830
p lass terra SKU 13208
p lass stard SKU 13209
p lass oral SKU 13207
p lass s o e SKU 13210
lass o ee spoons terra set SKU 12907
lass o ee spoons stard set SKU 12905
lass o ee spoons bl sh set SKU 12906
lass o ee spoons spiral terra set SKU 12910
lass o ee spoons spiral SKU 12908
stard set
lass o ee spoons spiral bl sh set SKU 12909
Rainbow o ee spoons set SKU 12856
Rainbow a e or s set SKU 12857
Daisy pearl o ee spoons set SKU 12852
Daisy pearl a e or s set SKU 12853
Daisy pearl heese tlery set SKU 12914
Daisy pearl salad ser ers set SKU 12913
M arble coast er with b rass daisy SKU 12518
M arble coast er hex ag on with brass yin/ yang SKU 12832
M arble coast er wit h brass sta r SKU 12580
M arble coast er hex ag on with b rass m oon + sta rs SKU 12966
M arble coast er with b rass m oon SKU 12581
M arble coast er hex ag on with b rass rainbow SKU 12965
M arble coast er hex ag on sm all ( set / 4 ) SKU 12963
M arble candle holder SKU 12956
Marble n board SKU 12957
De ora e han er s n brass sheet SKU 13183
De ora e han er yin yan brass sheet SKU 13184
De ora e han er brass sheet SKU 12646
De ora e han er daisy brass sheet SKU 13181
De ora e han er star brass sheet SKU 12642
De ora e han er shell brass sheet SKU 13180
De ora e han er rainbow brass sheet SKU 12643
G arland daisies SKU 12928
G arland sail boats SKU 12930
G arland rainbows SKU 12925
G arland elem ents of nat ur e SKU 12926
G arland m oonphase SKU 12583
G arland sta r + m oons SKU 12584
M obile sta rs + m oons SKU 12640
W all hang er rainbow I SKU 12707
W all hang er rainbow I I SKU 12708
P om pon daisy hang er cream SKU 13195
P om pon daisy hang er sand SKU 13197
P om pon daisies g arland cream SKU 12945
P om pon daisies g arland m u st ard SKU 12946
P om pon daisies m obile m us t ard SKU 12950
P om pon daisies m obile sand SKU 12951
L inen sailboat ha ng er t erra SKU 13188
L inen sailboat ha ng er m us ta rd SKU 13187
L inen sailboat ha ng er natur al SKU 13190
L inen sailboat ha ng er sag e SKU 13189
L inen sailboat ga rland t erra SKU 12939
L inen sailboat ga rland m us ta rd SKU 12937
L inen sailboat ga rland natur al SKU 12936
L inen sailboat ga rland sag e SKU 12940
inen b n n banner terra SKU 12931
inen b n n banner SKU 12933
inen b n n banner nat ral SKU 12935
inen b n n banner sa e SKU 12932
L inen orga niz er t erra SKU 12943
L inen orga niz er m us ta rd SKU 12942
L inen orga niz er natur al SKU 12941
L inen orga niz er sag e SKU 12944
V elv et cus hion m oon + sta rs t erra SKU 12860
V elv et cus hion daisies t erra SKU 12916
V elv et cus hion m oon + st ars m us ta rd SKU 12858
V elv et cus hion daisies m us ta rd SKU 12917
V elv et cus hion rainbows t erra SKU 12919
V elv et cus hion daisies sand SKU 12918
V elv et cus hion rainbows m us t ard SKU 12920
V elv et cus hion em broidered daisy SKU 12626
el et
shion e daisies SKU 12627
V elv et cus hion em broidered shell SKU 12533
B eads cus hion daisy cream SKU 12481
B eads cus hion daisy t erra SKU 12482
Frin e
shion otton linen terra SKU 12705
Frin e
shion otton linen SKU 12735
Frin e
shion otton linen rea SKU 12736
ed wall de ora on oon SKU 13224
ed wall de ora on rainbow earth SKU 12973
ed wall de ora on rainbow SKU 12428
ed wall de ora on daisy SKU 12532
ed wall de ora on oonphase earth SKU 13225
ed wall de ora on oonphase SKU 12588
B ath m
B ath m
B ath m
at pl ain m us ta rd SKU 12975
at d iam onds m us ta rd SKU 12977
at d ots m us ta rd SKU 12979
B at h m at pl ain t erra SKU 12837
B at h m at d iam onds t erra SKU 12741
B at h m at d iam onds SKU 12373
B at h m at d ots t erra SKU 12742
B at h m at d ots SKU 12374
B at h m at / ru g m oonphase m u st ard SKU 12981
B at h m at / ru g m oonphase sand SKU 12982
B at h m at / ru g m oonphase SKU 12589
B at h m at / ru g daisy SKU 12536
B ath m at / rug shell m us ta rd SKU 12989
B ath m
at / rug s hell sand SKU 12988
B at h m at / rug shell t erra SKU 12990
B at h m at / rug rainbow SKU 12991
Sailboat rug SKU 12974
B at h m at / rug t ur t le beig e SKU 12985
M edium
rug 3 daisies m us ta rd SKU 12998
M edium
rug r ainbow m us ta rd SKU 12839
L arg e rug r ainbow m us ta rd SKU 13000
L arg e rug shell sand SKU 12992
L arg e rug shell m us t ard SKU 12993
L arg e rug shell t erra SKU 12994
L arg e rug r ainbow earth SKU 12995
L arg e rug daisy sand SKU 12996
L arg e rug d aisy m us ta rd SKU 12997
lay at daisy otton terra SKU 12835
ilted play at otton lay SKU 12833
ed bas et daisy SKU 12986
ilted play at otton SKU 12834
ed bas et rainbow SKU 12987
Overview drop 1
Overview drops
12382 12382
12542 12542
12023 12023
13223 13223
12406 12406
12379 12379
12523 12523
12522 12522
12521 12521
12709 12709
12712 12712
12711 12711
12169 12169
12889 12889
12516 12516
12079 12079
12891 12891
12381 12381
12710 12710
12787 12787
12831 12831
12954 12954
12955 12955
12953 12953
12358 12358
12517 12517
13012 13012
12021 12021
12505 12505
12892 12892
12855 12855
12854 12854
12513 12513
13161 13161
12904 12904
12764 12764
12897 12897
12502 12502
12898 12898
12361 12361
12577 12577
12499 12499
12907 12907
12910 12910
12905 12905
12908 12908
12906 12906
12909 12909
12376 12376
12825 12825
12525 12525
12826 12826
12413 12413
12375 12375
12856 12856
12857 12857
12852 12852
12853 12853
12914 12914
12913 12913
12641 12641
12827 12827
12526 12526
12527 12527
12895 12895
12518 12518
12580 12580
12581 12581
13183 13183
13184 13184
13181 13181
12868 12868
12869 12869
12878 12878
12867 12867
12876 12876
13180 13180
12646 12646
12642 12642
12643 12643
12930 12930
12928 12928
12529 12529
12925 12925
12926 12926
12583 12583
12584 12584
12640 12640
12707 12707
12735 12735
12736 12736
12428 12428
12588 12588
12532 12532
12708 12708
13195 13195
13197 13197
12945 12945
12946 12946
12950 12950
12373 12373
12742 12742
12374 12374
12589 12589
12536 12536
12951 12951
13188 13188
13187 13187
13190 13190
13189 13189
12939 12939
12937 12937
12936 12936
12940 12940
12931 12931
12933 12933
12935 12935
12932 12932
12943 12943
12942 12942
12941 12941
12944 12944
12860 12860
12858 12858
12916 12916
12917 12917
12918 12918
12919 12919
12920 12920
126626 126626
12627 12627
12533 12533
12481 12481
12482 12482
12705 12705
12741 12741
Overview drop 2
Overview drop 2
13201 13201
12887 12887
13227 13227
12830 12830
13208 13208
13209 13209
13207 13207
13210 13210
12832 12832
12828 12828
13205 13205
13206 13206
12848 12848
12849 12849
12850 12850
12966 12966
12965 12965
12963 12963
12960 12960
12961 12961
12956 12956
12844 12844
12843 12843
12845 12845
12846 12846
13217 13217
13202 13202
12957 12957
13224 13224
12973 12973
13225 13225
12975 12975
12837 12837
13203 13203
12836 12836
13212 13212
13213 13213
13214 13214
12841 12841
12977 12977
12979 12979
12981 12981
12982 12982
12985 12985
12988 12988
12842 12842
12903 12903
12902 12902
12901 12901
13204 13204
12829 12829
12989 12989
12990 12990
12991 12991
12974 12974
12998 12998
12839 12839
13000 13000
12992 12992
12993 12993
12994 12994
12996 12996
12997 12997
12995 12995
12835 12835
12833 12833
12834 12834
12986 12986
12987 12987
Contact À la Collection Nieuwe Gracht 5A 2011 NB Haarlem
Benelux sales Kiek // kiek@alacollection.com
International sales Lieselotte // lieselotte@alacollection.com