Managing Small Parcels for Trophy Bucks The Dilemma Next Door
Most people who own small parcels will use their available acreage to plant food plots to attract deer during hunting season. This may be the easiest tactic, but will probably also give you the most bang for your buck (pun intended). (Photo Credit: Charlie Alsheimer)
With a small property (< 80 acres), can you influence whitetail management or make hunting better? I have received many communications from beginner whitetail managers who have small properties – some maybe 20 acres or less. Is it worth it to manage these small tracts? Can you have an influence over buck size, herd dynamics and hunting opportunities? Absolutely! In this article, learn why and how.
Cooperative Farming News
With a much larger parcel, it is easier to control many aspects of your management efforts and better influence others, especially the “harvest” portion of the management equation. Even if you aren’t practicing other Quality Deer Management principles, “selective harvest” will have a huge influence. Killing the right deer and removing the correct amount of animals are both essential for numerous reasons.