Shiva Linghan Revealed

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Shiva Lingham Rites and Rituals

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Compiled by Alaia Leighland Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

Copyright 2003 Polaris Foundation Alaia Leighland

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Table of contents Shri Shri Shiva Mahadeva................................................................... 4 Shiva Puja Ritual................................................................................. 6 Sex Magic Simplified .........................................................................8 The Tantric Sacrament .......................................................................10 Tantric Sexuality and Yoga................................................................


Famous Tantra Temples .................................................................... 13 Glossary........................................................................................... 18

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Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

The embodied soul is supreme, whole, eternal, consisting of nothing, stainless. It is the ultimate atomic particle, the Natha. It is supreme Shiva, all pervading. It is the ultimate, that jiva, it is Hamsa, the soul of Shakti Kaulajnananirnaya The ancient description of the combined energy of male and female.

This daily (puja) worship is taken from a (panchanga) ritual manual. The puja is based on the worship of the lingam, Shiva’s emblem and an obvious symbol for the penis. In Hindu temples devoted to Shiva, the lingam, very often associated with a yoni Shakti’s emblem and an obvious symbol for the vagina as its base, is generally placed before an image of Nandi the bull, his (vahana) vehicle. Before bowing to the lingam itself, the worshipper touches the testicles of the bull, which sits facing the lingam. Often, the lingam is part of a combined yoni-lingam symbol, representing the male and female sexual organs. Flowers and liquid are poured over the lingam and yoni emblem. The flowers are usually whatever is plentiful, bountiful and beautiful and pleasantly scented in the area that the ritual is performed. The liquid is most often (ghee) clarified butter or milk. Pure essential oils may also be used, sandalwood, frankincense and rose are popular choices.

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Shri Shri Shiva Mahadeva

Shiva is also known as Maheshvar, the great Lord, Mahadeva, the great God, Shambhu, Hara, Pinakadhrik, bearer of the axe and conqueror of death. He is the spouse of Shakti, the goddess. He also is represented by Mahakala and Bhairava, the terrible, as well as many other forms including Rudra. Shiva is often pictured holding the (damaru) an hour-glass shape drum. His usual mantra is om namah shivaya. Shiva is the Lord of Yoga. On his matted locks is a crescent moon, from which streams the river Ganga. Around his neck and arms are serpents, while he also wears the (rudraksha) beads sacred to him. He is smeared with ash, as that is all that remains at the dissolution of the universe, which he presides over. This dissolution of the universe comes when his third eye opens, the whole metaphor referring to the realization of one’s own consciousness, which is Shiva. His right hand shows the mudra dispelling fear, while in his left he holds the trident, symbol of the three worlds, on which is bound the damaru. He sits on a tiger skin and on his right is a water pot.


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Shiva is fivefold, his five faces being Ishana, Tatpurusha, Aghora, Vamadeva and Sadjyojata, and eightfold as the eight directions. Shiva-Shakti also have a form called Ardhanarishvara.

Mahadeva Shiva is also lord of all beings of the underworld, including (bhutas) elementals, (pretas) ghosts, and (pishachas) flesh eaters and the rest. He is sometimes pictured on a horse, followed by his retinue of siddhas accomplished ones, (bhairavas) terrifying forms of Shiva, yogis and the rest. As Rudra, he is identified with the star Sirius (Sothis), and is the supreme hunter. The lingam used in Shiva puja is often made of different materials. The most desirable being those found in natural form in the from the sacred Narmada River in Onkar Mandhata, one of India’s seven holy sites. . While the Todala Tantra recommends lingas made of clay, they are also fashioned from quartz, stone, and in the case of the Matrikabheda Tantra, an alchemical work, from a Mercury amalgam. Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

An active consecrated altar

Shiva Puja

Yoni-lingam symbol

Om I bow to Shiva and the five devatas and offer this scent and flower Om! Om I bow to the Sun and the planets and offer this scent and flower Om! Om I bow to the Guardians of the Directions and offer this scent and flower Om! Om I bow to all Goddesses and offer this scent and flower Om! Om I bow to the guru! (Left) Om I bow to the guru’s guru! (Right) Om I bow to the source of the gurus! (Centre) Om I bow to Ganesha. Om namah shivaya. Om hail to Hara. (Establish Linga in North) Om I bow to Maheshvara. (Oblate Linga) Om One Holding the Trident, truly be here!

Nyasa — Placing Om Sham I bow to the thumbs Namah. Om Shim I bow the index fingers Svaha. Om Shum I bow to the middle fingers Vashat. Om Shaim I bow to the ring fingers Hum. Om Shaum I bow to the little fingers Vaushat. Om Shah I bow to the front and back of hands Phat. Om Sham to the heart Namah. Om Shim to the head Svaha. Om Shum to the peak Vashat. Om Shaim to the armour Hum. Om Shaum to the 3 eyes Vaushat. Om Shah to the missile Phat.

Dhyana — Meditation Om. Meditate always on Mahesha, like a mountain of silver, with a beautiful crescent Moon as his crest-gem, whose body is as bright as a jewel, gracious of appearance, his hands holding axe, deer, bestowing boons and dispelling fear, seated in the lotus position, surrounded and praised on all sides by immortals, wearing a tiger-skin, seed and sprout of the Cosmos, destroying fear, with five faces and three eyes. (Place a flower on the head. Perform mental worship. (visualization) Place the flower on the linga.) O Bearer of the Staff, enter herein! Indwell here! Reside here! Reside here! May happiness be here! May happiness be here! O Rudra, I perform your worship!

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Upachara — Offerings Om hail to Pashupati. (Bathe Linga) Om this is water. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is arghya. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is for sipping. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is for bathing. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is scent. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is flower. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is birch-leaf. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is incense. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is flame. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is food. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is for sipping again. Om namah Shivaya! Om this is betel nut. Om namah Shivaya! Om I offer this scent and flower to Sharva, the Earth form (East) Om I offer this scent and flower to Bhava, the Water form (NE) Om I offer this scent and flower to Rudra, the Fire form (N) Om 1 offer this scent and flower to Ugra, the Air form (NW) Om I offer this scent and flower to Bhima. The Aether form (W) Om I offer this scent and flower to Pashupati, the Magician form (SW) Om I offer this scent and flower to Ishana, the Sun form (S) Om I offer this scent and flower to Mahadeva, the Moon form (SE) Om hail to Nandi. Om hail to Bhringini. Om hail to Kshetrapala. Om hail to Vamadeva.

Japa — Mantra Recitation Hara Maheshvara Shulapani Pinakadhrik Pashupati Shiva Mahadeva! You are the secret at the core of every secret! Take this recitation! O Maheshvara, of Your grace, bestow siddhi on me! All hail to You, O one with closed eyes! Hail to You, with divine vision! Hail to You who holds the staff! Hail to You who holds the Vajra! Hail to You who holds the trident, sceptre, noose and sword in Your hands! Hail to You, Natha of the Three Worlds, the Lord of all Beings! Om namah Shivaya. Hail to You the Peaceful One! Cause of the 3 Causes! I offer myself to You, O Parameshvara, You who are my goal and refuge! Nam Nam Nam! I know not how to invoke, nor how to worship, nor how to bid you farewell! Forgive my mistakes, O Parameshvara. (Place flower on head. Close.)

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Sex Magic Simplified BASIC TANTRIC RITUAL METHODOLOGY Purpose Of Tantric Sexual Methodology

a. The more intense the sexual activity the more the chemistry changes. b. Orgasm, especially in men, tends to switch off the chemical changes. c. Plateau stage (pre-orgasm) sexual activity brings the strongest long-term chemical change. d. Plateau stage sexual activity is not commonly reached prior to 7-12 minutes of arousal activity. e. A minimum of 38 minutes of Plateau Stage sexual activity is required to reach a “mature” stage of chemical change in the body and brain. f. The longer the chemical change produced by sexual activity is continued, the more the higher brain circuits are energized into awareness. g. The more often sexual energy is used to produce the desired energy the less often the body and brain will return to the old energy, which you are trying to change. h. Continued practice of sexual rituals at a high frequency aids in gaining control over the Desire Nature which is that portion of the ego demanding attention at all costs.

2. Energy is just energy. It’s what you do with it that counts. a. Great sex brings Great chemistry brings Great energy brings higher brain awareness brings more spiritual awareness...... b. Use the energy gained from sexual rituals to clean house and you are becoming a great house cleaner. c. Use the energy to “party” and you are becoming a great party person. d. Use the energy for ego and you will have a stronger ego. e. The list could continue nearly infinitely. f. What you do with the energy from sexual rituals once built to a high peak is what you are becoming. Be careful what you do with it. g. The amount of energy you produce fuels your engine of change. Infrequent or occasional energy sessions break the flow of change. Strong energy continued on a regular basis gives strong ability to change without breaking the sequence.

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1. Sexual activity changes the chemical character of the body and brain.

3. Surround yourself with your focus to bring forth what you desire. a. Prior to an energy session (sexual activity) focus on what you wish to become. Read, listen to tapes, image, put up sayings on the walls, photos, etc. Surround yourself with your becoming at all times, especially prior to sexual activity for energy. b. Following a sexual ritual keep the focus on what you are becoming. Read, meditate, use a breathing technique, the Floating Ritual, or whatever you wish to gain what you want. c. If you want to be a great shopper—go shopping. If you want to be wealthy—focus on wealth. If you want to be whatever — do that when energized and it will happen at the level of energy and dedication you have produced. d. If you blow off the energy by talking or through other uncontrolled activity you will build ego. Lots of luck. e. Use anything you can to help your change. After all, this is YOU and no one is more important to you. Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

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a. This concept is common to meditation methods of attainment. It’s silly to go into a meditation process looking for answers if you don’t even know if there is a question. Or to use a process without knowing the goal. Know what you want and keep that focus. b. The sexual activity is a ritual and works best when performed well. The more intense the sexual energy created, the more chemical change in the body and brain is created; the more your electromagnetic field is energized; the greater are your higher powers opened, the more insight you can gain; etc. c. Because the sexual activity is a ritual and because the better it is done the stronger the ritual, and because the more intense the sexual energy produced, the more energy available to grow with, and because you have meditated on your focus before beginning the active ritual, your only need during the active sexual portion of the ritual is to focus on how much energy you can produce. In simple terms, how turned on can you get. The more the better. The more often the better. d. Practice, practice, practice.

5. Energy Sources. a. You are NOT the only source of energy available to you. The energy field of the earth is stronger than your energy for example. Other people can enhance your energy, helping you build glorious and intense energy. Other people can also drain you so be careful. b. Working alone in a sexual ritual you can tap into the readily available earth energy field, internal polarity (using images, memories, photos, etc., to turn on with). Use your own Desire Nature (by imaging exactly what you desire in a sexual session), or any other method to energize with. Working alone will limit the energy of sexuality in most people. You and I are most people. c. Working with a well-known partner will likely limit your energy potential. The better known the person is, the less polarity you have with them. Polarity is the battery potential that brings energy. d. Working with multiple partners may be required if very high energy is needed to break old imprints. If you do this, work hard to keep the old imprints at bay or they will use the energy to become stronger and you will not gain the peace and change you want. NOTE: ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX!!!

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4. Best results are gained by meditating before and after sexual rituals.

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“The Tantric Five Fold Sacrament” A Rite to Honor the Sacred Feminine

The basis of all Tantrism is the worship of Shakti and Shiva, the female and the male principles. This worship can take the simple form of ceremonies to the village Mothers, goddesses of such great antiquity that their origins are forgotten. Their shrines may be no more than rough stones standing as they have for centuries, or perhaps millennia, in the corners of fields, by old trackways, or on hilltops. Or the ceremonies can be lavish and elaborate, taking place in thousand year old temples, with incense and bells and mountains of flowers. The universal outward symbol of this Shakti-Shiva worship is the holy ‘lingam’ standing in the sacred ‘yoni.’ The words ‘lingam’ and ‘yoni’ signify the penis and the vulva, the conjoined creative powers of the goddess and god. Without Shakti there is no Shiva, and no Shiva without Shakti. Shiva is the creative principle, the spark, that arises out of the all-nothingness of the primordial Mother. The lingam and the yoni, joined in perfect balance, symbolize the harmony of the cosmos. These linga-yoni images can be unhewn stones dating back to the Neolithic, or highly stylized and elaborately I carved pillars of great size in temple sanctuaries.

The Five Sacraments Their Meaning and Significance Daksinachari, or ‘followers of the right-hand path’, do not accept the five sacraments in their literal forms, They have a symbolic definition of the sacraments thus allowing them to follow the tradition of tantra without breaking their other beliefs of not drinking intoxicants or consuming flesh. Symbolic Definition of Five Sacraments madya: wine, is seen as symbolic of the knowledge that intoxicates. mamsa: meat, is taken to signify the mastery of speech. matsya: fish, stands for the currents of energy that flow through the body. mudra: parched grain, symbolizes the intense concentration of yogic meditation. maithuna: the sexual act, is transformed into a meditation on the primal act of creation. Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

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Followers of this secret tradition accepting a sacred five-fold sacrament of meat, wine, fish, bread and sexual intercourse. This inner tradition was and is a Gnostic one, in that it teaches a secret knowledge which leads to a direct experience of God. But unlike the Gnostic sects of Rome and Alexandria, the purpose of Tantra is not so much illumination as release: moksa, freedom from the cycle of endless birth, death and rebirth. In this it is uniquely Indian.

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In other circles, the meat, wine, fish and ritual sex were replaced, not with intellectual concepts, but by simple substitutes which were considered harmless from the karmic point of view. Replacement suggestions: Wine = honey, cow’s milk or coconut water Meat = garlic or ginger Fish = buffalo’s or sheep’s milk

Tantra, Sexuality & Yoga

Well respected Tantras like the Kularnava-tantra emphasize that those who take part in the panchamakara ritual mainly for sexual pleasure or out of mere hedonism only defeat themselves. The senses are to be conquered by leaving nothing unexperienced. Classical yoga seeks to overcome the distractions of the senses by ignoring them. Tantra, conversely, not only accepts the senses, but assigns them a central role in the quest for gnosis. Even forbidden acts could be enjoyed by the worshipper, secure in the knowledge that is performed with a pure heart, they incurred no karmic taxes. Human nature being what it is, any examination of Tantra always dwells on the sexual aspect. But most Tantrics - and there are many different groups who class themselves as practitioners of Tantra - would not regard sex as the most important ingredient in Tantric worship. Just as important is the kundalini yoga, which seeks through posture, breathing and meditation, to raise the body-energy called kundalini through the psychic centres of the spinal column into the brain, where gnosis and liberation are experienced, an achievement which may take a lifetime of practice. A different kind of yoga, which also involves posture, breathing and meditation, is practiced with ritual diagrams, or yantras, which contain within their lines, angles and dots, the knowledge of a particular deity. The most important of these is the Sri Yantra, which is sacred to Adi Shakti herself and which represents the whole universe and demonstrates its mode of manifestation. These two types of yoga, although essentially Tantric, are not the preserve of any one class or caste in Hinduism, or even of Hinduism itself The Mahayana Buddhism of H.H. the Dalai Lama, is Tantrism of the most sophisticated kind. This may seem hard to reconcile with cutting chickens’ throats over old, weathered goddess stones, or sacrificing a goat to Kali, yet it is act Tantra. The more closely we examine Tantrism and those who practice it, the more confusing the picture becomes. Tantra, like Hinduism, is not a clearly defined system of belief and practice, but a melange of worship, ritual, meditation, superstition, magic, sexual ritual and the highest forms of spiritual yoga. There are even Vaisnava Tantras, known as samhita. So intimately interwoven is Tantra in the everyday worship of India that even in temples that do not consider themselves Tantric, the content of the rituals is purely brahmanical, but their form and structure is Tantric. Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

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Sexual = by roasted fruits and shoots.

Who practices Tantra? In one sense, the not-very-useful answer is: ‘everyone’. But if we confine ourselves to those who speak of themselves as Tantrics, we encounter time and time again the name of the ‘Kaula’ sect. There are many older schools and sects of Tantrism, including worshippers of Visnu. However, it the Kaulas with whom Tantrism in the form in which it is most widely known, is inextricably associated. The name comes from ‘kul’, ‘family’, according to some because the Kaulas honored Shiva-Shakti as a ‘family’ of deities, or emanations of the Supreme Being. The Kaulas were strongly represented in Assam, Bengal and Kashmir and many of the Tantric texts are specifically addressed to them. The texts from which the various Tantric sects drew their ritual and moral instruction were written, mainly in Bengal, Orissa, Assam, Kashmir and Tibet, over a period ranging roughly from the fourth century AD to the present. Said to have been expounded by Shiva and the great Mother as fit teachings for the fourth and final Hindu age - the Kali Yuga, era of degeneracy and destruction - the texts contain advice to the sadhaka, or Tantric worshipper, on every conceivable subject: cosmology; astrology; different types of men and women; the significance of the ‘chakras’ or psychic centres in the body; the nerves and channels through which the prana or viral life energy flows; methods of raising kundalini energy through the chakras; various types and forms of worship, including mantras (charms be muttered) and yantras (abstract meditational designs); rituals involving the worship of the goddess in the form of virgin girls; of the yoni-puja or womb-worship; the rites of purification to be carried out before sexual worship positions for meditation and sexual practice; prayers and poems to the goddess and her consort; basic health care and how to bring up children. What all Tantras have in common is that they are scriptures for the common folk, unanimous in rejecting the elitism of caste Hinduism. This is in part a reflection of fact that the great Mother Goddess and her consort Shiva have dark aboriginal origins, and were for a long rime not admitted to the Vedic religion. Tantra offers a sort of tabloid religion, full of fun, enjoyment, magic and properly awe-inspiring ceremonial. The Tantras, powerful in their devotion to the goddess, with their promises of liberation from the torment of endless rebirth, of occult powers to be won, and in their frank enjoyment of worldly pleasures, exercised a strong appeal for the masses. Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

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Famous Tantra Temples

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh is the geographical heartland of our India. Myriad monuments, incomparably created Temples, Stupas, Forts and Palaces are dotted all over the State. Formally known as Malwa you’ll still find some of the pre-Aryan Gond and Bhil tribe people over here. Known as the ‘Heart of India ‘ because religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Islam got their cultural patrimony from here. The flora and fauna is scattered along in the whole of the state. Embodying itself largely on a plateau, the state has got everything from magnificent mountain ranges, twisted rivers and miles of dense forests.

Khajuraho, situated in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, is known all over the world for its beautiful temples and erotic sculpture.

However, few people are aware of its reputation as a tantric center. Some of the remote and isolated attractions of Madhya Pradesh are the Temples of Khajuraho, which have got the stone figures of apsaras or ‘celestial maidens’. In between are the mithuna, amorous figures, emerging through a whole Kamasutra of positions and possibilities. The powerful depictions of gratification of carnal desires coupled with the evocative temple settings, which represent a spiritual quest, are believed to denote the means to transcend worldly desires and reach out for spiritual exaltation, and finally nirvana (enlightenment). The Khajuraho temples are visited by great many people throughout the year. Best time to visit: October to April 15th. Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

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Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh

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Tantriks, mystics, snake charmers, and those in search of “siddhi” or enlightenment are often drawn to Bhairon in the initial stages of their quest.

The Kaal Bhairon Temple in Ujjain has the dark-faced idol of Bhairon, known to cultivate tantrik practices. It takes about an hour’s drive through the peaceful countryside to reach this ancient temple. While the rituals vary, an oblation of raw, country liquor is an invariable component of Bhairon worship. The liquor is offered to the god with due ceremony and solemnity.

Fairs & Festival: Lok Rang, National Drama Festival, Bharat Bhavan Summer Festival, Bhopal Mahotsav, Khajuraho Dance Festival and Navratri.

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Kaal Bhairon Temple, Madhya Pradesh

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Mahakaleswar Temple, Madhya Pradesh 520-360-1294

Ujjain is one of the holiest cities in India and is one of the sites for Kumbha-mela. According to the Mahabharata’s Aranya-parva, Ujjain is one of the seven sacred moksa-puris or sapta-puris. The others are Ayodhya, Mathura, Haridwar, Kashi (Varanasi), Kanchipuram, and Dwarka. Ujjain is about 55km north of Indore. It is said that Siva killed the demon Tripura at Ujjain.The presiding deity of time, Shiva, in all his splendour, reigns eternal in Ujjain.

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The topmost floor of the Mahakaleswar Temple remains closed to the public all through the year. However, once a year — on Nag Panchami Day an important all-India festival celebrated on the fifth day of the moonlit-fortnight in the month of Shravan (July /August)..the top floor with its two snake images (which are supposed to be sources of tantrik power) are thrown open to the public, who come to seek “darshan” of Gorakhnath ki Dhibri, literally meaning “the marvel of Gorakhnath”. The idol of Nagchandreshwar on the third storey is open for darshan only on the day of Nagpanchami. The idol of Mahakaleshwar is known to be dakshinamurti, facing the South. This is a unique feature, upheld by tantric tradition to be found only in Mahakaleshwar among the 12 jyotirlingas. The idol of Omkareshwar Shiva is consecrated in the sanctum above the Mahakal shrine. The images of Ganesh, Parvati and Karttikeya are installed in the west, north and east of the sanctum sanctorum. To the south is the image of Nandi. On the day of Mahashivaratri, a huge fair is held near the temple, and worship goes on through the night Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

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The temple of Mahakaleshwar, its shikhara soaring into the skies, an imposing façade against the skyline, evokes primordial awe and reverence with its majesty. The Mahakal dominates the life of the city and its people, even in the midst of the busy routine of modern preoccupations, and provides an unbreakable link with past traditions. One of the 12 Jyotirlingas in India, the lingam at the Mahakal is believed to be swayambhu (born of itself), deriving currents of power (Shakti) from within itself as against the other images and lingams which are ritually established and invested with mantra-shakti.The Mahakaleshwar temple at Ujjain is located near a lake; it has five levels, one of which is underground.The temple itself is located in a spacious courtyard surrounded by massive walls. The shikhara is adorned with sculptural finery. Brass lamps light the way to the underground sanctum. It is believed that prasada offered here to the deity can be re-offered unlike all other shrines. The Mahakaleswar Temple is a famous tantrik center of Ujjain. A flight of steps leads down to the sanctum sanctorum that houses the Shiva lingam. Several impressive ceremonies are held here during the day. However, for tantriks, it is the first ceremony of the day that is of particular interest. Their attention is focused on the “bhasm aarti” or the ash ritual — the only one of its kind in the world. It is said that the ash with which the Shiva lingam is ‘bathed’ every morning must be that of a corpse that has been cremated the day before. If no cremation has taken place at Ujjain, then the ash must be obtained at all costs from the nearest cremation ground. However, the temple authorities assert that though it was once customary for the ash to belong to a ‘fresh’ corpse, the practice had long been discontinued. The belief goes that those who are fortunate to watch this ritual will never die a premature death.

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Jwalamukhi Temple, Himachal Pradesh 520-360-1294

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This spot is of particular significance to tantriks and attracts thousands of believers and skeptics year after year. Guarded and cared for by the fierce-looking followers of Gorakhnath — who is known to have been blessed with miraculous powers — the spot is no more than a small circle of about three feet in circumference. A short flight of stairs leads down to the grotto-like enclosure. Within this grotto are two small pools of crystal-clear water, fed by natural underground springs. Three orange yellow jets of flame flare continuously, steadily, from the sides of the pool, barely inches above the surface of the water, which appears to be on the boil, bubbling away merrily. However, you will be amazed to discover that the apparently boiling water is in fact refreshingly cold. While people try to unravel the marvel of Gorakhnath, tantriks continue to draw upon the powers that are centered in the grotto in their quest for self-realization.

The Flaming Goddess The picturesque temple, built against a wooded spur, in the Indo-Sikh style, has a dome that was gilded by Mughal Emperor Akbar. An eternally burning flame that issues from a hollow rock in the sanctum is considered the manifestation of the goddess Devi. During March-April and September-October every year colorful fairs are held during the Navaratra celebrations. THE LEGEND OF JWALAMUKHI

Jwalamukhi is a famous temple of goddess Jwalamukhi, the deity of flaming mouth, built over some natural jets of combustible gas, believed to be the manifestation of the Goddess. The building is modern with a gilt dome and pinnacles, and possesses a beautiful folding door of silver plates.

Under the gaze of the Dhauladhar range and set amidst the undulating hills that character sub-Himalayan Himachal Sati’s tongue is believed to have fallen at Jwalamukhi and the goddess is manifest as tiny flames that burn a flawless blue through fissures in the age old rock.

Raja Bhumi Chand Katoch of Kangra, a great devotee of goddess Durga, dreamt of the sacred place and the Raja set people to find out the whereabouts of the site. The site was traced and the Raja built a temple. The burning flames and the complex have come to be known as Jwalamukhi. The temple located on a small spur on the Dharamsala-Shimla road at a distance of about 20-kms from the Jwalamukhi Road Railway Station attracts lots of pilgrims every year. No idol is located in the temple but only the flames, which come out from the crevices of the rock, are worshipped. They are natural jets of combustible gas.

There is a small platform in front of the temple and a (check usage) big area where a huge brass bell presented by the King of Nepal is hung. Usually milk and water are offered and the ahutis or obligations are offered to the sacred flames in the pit, situated in the centre of the temple in between the floor pillars supporting the roof. The deity is- offered Bhog of Rabri or thickened milk, Misri or candy, seasonal fruits, milk and arti is done. There is a mystic Yantar or diagram of the goddess, which is covered with, shawls, ornaments and mantras are recited. The puja has different ‘phases’ and goes on practically the whole day. Arti is done five times in the day, Havan is performed once daily and portions of “Durga Saptasati” are recited. Maharaja Ranjit Singh paid a visit to the temple in 1815 and the dome of the temple was gold-plated by him. Just a few feet above the Jwalamukhi temple there is a six-feet deep pit with a circumference of about three-feet. At the bottom of this pit there is another small pit about one and a half feet deep with hot water bubbling all the time. Jwalamukhi is 34-km from Kangra and 56 km from Dharamsala. Recognized as one of the 51 Shaktipiths of India. Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

Many tantriks journey on from Jwalamukhi to Baijnath, nestling at the foot of the mighty Dhauladhars. Inside, the lingam of Vaidyanath (Lord Shiva) has long been a symbol of veneration for the vast number of pilgrims who visit this ancient temple the year around. The temple priests claim a lineage as old as the temple. Tantriks and yogis admit that they travel to Baijnath to seek some of the healing powers possessed by Shiva, the Lord of Physicians. Incidentally, the water at Baijnath is reputed to possess remarkable digestive properties and it is said that until the recent past, the rulers in Kangra Valley of Himachal Pradesh would drink only water obtained from Baijnath.

One of the most remarkable monuments of the Beas Valley is the temple of Baijnath. The village of Baijnath is situated 23-miles east of Nagarkot, as the crow flies, close to the Mandi border and on the main road, which leads from the Punjab plains through Kangra, Kulu , Lahul, and Ladakh to Central Asia. Known as Kirangama, its name was changed after the temple was dedicated to Lord Shiva in his form as Vaidyanath or the “Lord of Physicians�. The Temple is a good example of Nagri style of architecture. The Baijnath temple is orientated due west. It consists of a puri or adytum, 8-feetsquare inside and 18-feet outside, surmounted by a spire of the usual conical shape, and of a mandapa or front hall, 20-feet-square inside, covered with a low pyramid shaped roof.

The adytum, which contains the linga known as Vaidyanatha, is entered through a small anteroom with two pillars in antis. This linga enshrined in the sanctum is one of the 12 jyotirlingas in the country. The roof of the mandapa is supported by four massive pillars connected by raised benches which form, as it were, a passage leading up to the entrance of the sanctum.

Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

Baijnath, Himachal Pradesh

Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294


Asana - a physical posture, one of the eight stages of yoga. Amrita - female ejaculate; divine nectar of the Goddess; fountain of youth Ananda - bliss Arya - the worthy, the holy one Ashram - a sacred abode, place of learning Atman - the essence of perfection inherent to all creatures AUM - the primal sound used as a mantra Bakti - devotion Bandah - muscular lock Barebacking - unprotected sex. Chakras - energy centers of the subtle body; seven in number, base of spine, genitals, solar plexus, heart, throat, forehead (third eye), top of head Chela - disciple Dakini - Yogini or female Tantrica, attendant to the Goddess, commonly used to describe a sexual Priestess (Daka would be a male priest) Darshana - inner vision; to see a great or holy individual, either human or divine Deva - God; deity; cosmic power Devi - Goddess; deity; cosmic power Dharma - divine duty, or individual spiritual purpose Durga - the warrior Goddess Guru - spiritual teacher Hatha - literally the “Sun joins the Moon” symbolically translates to the soul’s connection with the body. Also commonly known in terms of yoga as hatha yoga; the physical exercises or postures of yoga. Karma - the law of cause and effect. Every action produces a reaction which always returns to the initiator. Kriya - system of internal purification, cleansing process Kundalini - latent energy located at the base of the spine. Kundalini is often likened to a coiled sleeping serpent, she is supreme shakti, the original source of everything. The yogi works to awaken this dormant energy to attain the highest bliss Lakshmi - The Goddess of abundance, wealth, happiness and prosperity. The consort of Lord Vishnu Lingam - penis; wand of light; from Linga, pillar of adoration and worship of Lord Shiva, cosmic masculine force Maha - great Maithuna - Tantric ritual usually culminating in sexual union Mantra - a sacred word or phrase poetic hymn, prayer or incantation Maya - illusion Mudra - sacred hand gestures, mystic sign or symbol Nadis - nerves or channels of the subtle body Nirvana - Spiritual peace, a state of being within consciousness, often confused with enlightenment. Ojas - subtle vital force within the body which can be diminished through genitally focused Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved ejaculation 520-360-1294

Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

Tantric (Sanskrit) Terminology

Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

Shakti Shakti is energy. Shakti is power. Shakti is consciousness in action. Shakti is the feminine principle which is at the core of every living thing. If a man learns to tune into Shakti. He will always be receptive to what a woman wants. He may be surprised how intuitively he knows how to support his Goddess’s needs and desires. He can learn to transmit his Shakti through his eyes, hands, lips, breath, lingam and skin. If he masters this he can make a woman ejaculate from across the room just by looking at her. If pleasuring a woman on a deeper level is something you want to explore, the Goddess Worship ritual is a way of gaining personal power through complete surrender and adoring the beauty of the Goddess in woman. Shiva and Shakti are actual Hindu deities. Shakti is the personification of the Divine Mother, while Shiva is the Supreme Godhead, Lord of ultimate reality. However, the name Shakti can refer to any woman and the name Shiva to any man. They are the highest masculine and highest feminine within us. When our inner Shiva & Shakti are in balance, harmony exists within us, the universe becomes our lover, and we cease to feel loneliness or longing. Instead, only complete oneness exits! Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

Prana - breath or life force; principle of vitality; energy, received by the body from pure air and food Pranayama - Control of breath; regulating and restraining the function of breathing; helps bring the mind under control Puja - circle of worship Reiki - is a type of Energy Healing Samadhi - deep meditative state Shakti - the divine mother; the power of consciousness and spiritual evolution Shaman - American Indian name for a spiritual healer Shaktipat - an transmission of spiritual energy usually given by a guru. Sky Dance - a term describe a transcendental - transformative massage system that is healing and enlightening. Similar to Kahuna or Lomi Lomi massage. Sky Dancing - Tantric love making where partners literally, overcome their differences and dance together in cosmic space Tantra - Rite or ritual. The tantras are religious ritual practices Tejas - fire element of the body which can be “burnt out” with excessive drug use or cigarette smoking Upandishads - literally “secret teachings” the last portion of the Vedas Yab-Yum - sitting position in which woman sits on man’s lap facing him; so the chakaras are aligned, unison or alternate breathing can accompany this posture, also known as yugananda Yang - active, quick, firm, typically masculine Yantra - mystic geometrical diagrams used for meditation Yin - receptive, gentle, soft, typically feminine Yoga - unity within all things. Often thought of as a path toward unity of body, mind, spirit and the world community. Yoni - vagina; ring like symbol of Shakti or cosmic feminine power Yuga - era, epoch. This age is called Kali Yuga

Complied by Alaia Leighland, Copyright 2003.All rights reserved 520-360-1294

Spiritual Intuitive Counselor Alaia Leighland

Gemstone Reading* Alaia, trained by her Shaman mother In the rural south, has devised a system of divination that allows her to tap into your probable futures and impart in-sights into: Career, Relationships, ltealth, manifestation and money issues. She has you choose a number of stones from over 350 working pieces and gives a psychic/ psychometric reading based on the stones you choose. The reading is recorded on tape for future reference.

Personal Power Jewelry Created from the information gained during the reading and are designed to touch the skin of the wearer, thereby al- lowing for the ethno-medical as well as the vibrational benefits of the stone to be experienced. Pieces are chosen during the reading and are created in ceremony in the 4 to 6 weeks following, They are mailed to the recipient US Postal Service, Insured.

(206) 295-6819 cell (520) 360-1294 cell

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* $5 Spe 0. ci 00 al fo Re r o ad ne in ha g P lf ric ho e ur

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