Spiritual Business Workbook

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Spiritual Business 101

Alaia Leighland

Sequencing Opening Pulling Angel card and setting Intention for the day... Asking angelic Help Jobs of the future Spiritual Business Plan Score Card Spiritual Marketing

Universal Law

Free Publicity

7 steps to Manifesting


Session I-------------------------------------------------9:30 - 11:00 Break Session II-----------------------------------------------11:15 -12:30


Session III------------------------------------------------1:30-2:30 Break Session IV-----------------------------------------------2:40-4:30

Jobs of the Future There comes a time when the wholeness of profession consists of that which nurtures, soothes, empowers and strengthens enhances —is the preferred, nay the only work there is. When what we are doing in our daily life is that which enhances others, not because they need it, but because their lives are already so complete and so whole that the only necessity for them is to help them be more of the magnificence that they already are. Jobs like designer which creates magnificent surroundings in conjunction with the clients wholeness, helping them to clarify and hone the surroundings they wish to create for themselves, co-creating with them an exalted statement of aliveness, loveliness and opulence which reminds them again of their completeness. Other professions of note— Physical trainers who assist individuals in reaching the fullest expressions of their vehicles, moving them to grander heights than they had envisioned possible. Athletes-beings who revel in their physical statement so completely that others derive joy and exaltation at watching them challenge themselves to greater and greater feats of physical statement... Artisans of all mediums, whose imagination stretches that which we all are capable of, allowing us to be inspired, uplifted and exalted to more magnificent wonder. Musicians who have honed the statement of sound production using those traditional and evennontraditional things to produce harmony and melody that soothes, enchants, enhances and inspires our minds, bodies and souls to exalted states. Architects who can dream the creation of buildings, spaces and areas that nurture, inspire and rejuvenate all those who inhabit them. Craftsman who know and continually uncover ingenious ways to create innovative and inspiring things for us to admire and utilize. Of course there are always the entertainers, the people who from their sheer talent of mimicry, embellishment and imagination take us to heights of laughter, joy, pathos and back just for the ride. And let’s not forget the engineers who continually see new, inspired ways to create joy, convenience, peace and wonder in our world. There will probable always be a need for the tenders of plants, not so much because the plant need it but because the tender so enjoys the communing the closeness the wonder of interacting with another life form so closely and so completely that they are able to encourage the most alive statement that species has to offer. The same may be said for those who work with animals, there is an inner species communication that happens which allows for a fully expressed wholeness and understanding of all the world more completely and while all of humanity will be capable of this understanding there will be those who chose to have this statement more so than others.

The Spiritual Business Plan Achieving success in a spiritually based workplace!

1. The Mission Statement How to define your true calling! In the Spiritual Business everyone is expressing a unique creative activity. We are now inaugurating an era where each of us is inspired to live our personal destiny. Each person joyfully contributes their gifts and talents to serving the greater good… Begin by making a list of talents, which excite your passion and elicit joy. What inspires you? Is it something mechanical, athletic, artistic, organizational, or something else…no matter your training if at the end of the day you are exhausted, you need to train or get a new job. Your true calling should leave you so high that it is hard to put it down to go to sleep...So much excitement, so many new ideas so much juice... work to find that bliss it is worth it. Affirmations for success My Mission Statement is aligned with the essence of who I am. My endeavors are directed by my higher self to benefit all of life. My services transform duality into mutuality. My soul purpose is to create from cooperation!

2. Determining Your Course of Action How to prioritize your way to fulfillment. Call upon the unseen powers (universal intelligence) to assist in this process. Know that you are actively creating your future! Seek out information to assist you. Follow the synchronicities and dreams leading you to your destiny…Remember that each thing you choose to undertake no matter how small must lead to your overall goal and must fit into the mission statement. Affirmations for action! My thoughts and ideas flow freely from divine inspiration and my actions are dedicated to the will of God. God’s will an my will are one I see move and have my actions based in the expressed purpose of creating the essence of my mission statement.

3. Manifesting the New Paradigm in Business energy=money=energy Accessing your 5th Dimensional Bank Account Every soul on this planet has an unlimited reservoir of energy. This abundant energy may be drawn upon at any moment. You can begin using this energy to fulfill your mission… Infuse your intentions and affirmations with the power of feeling (emotion). Also be aware of any resistance you have to your intentionality…clear and remove blocks. Be willing to create change.. If you know you’re not doing and you are in this class it’s because you want to make the shift.. Don’t say “I know, just do it”. Affirmations for success! I am one with the totality of unlimited potential. I am a river of joyous energy. I work with increasing joy and certainty. I am open to the flow of change in my life now.

4. Developing a Product While working on your business plan you will have many ideas for creating products. Many of these ideas you will be pulling from the Akashic Records and some will be divine inspirations sent by God Guardians. Inspired ideas will assist humanity on their journey into higher dimensions… Affirmations for product design and creation! My power to create products and inventions results from my attunement to inspiration from divine evolutionary intelligence.

5. Providing Service Find a need and fill it. Always make the service be one that enhances and evolves the mastery of mankind. Affirmation for creating service. My power to serve is surpassed only by my ability to see the divinity in my fellowman. I serve the Divinity of the Mastery of humankind.

6. The Angelic Advertising Agency

Once you choose your vision and move from your bliss to serve the development of humankind into mastery all the angels, spiritual guides and a host of other divine help rallys to assist the unfoldment of your life’s work. Affirmations for the angelic Ad Agency

The law of attraction works in my life to assist me in unfolding the goodness of each person and they find me magically.

7. Taking your Business into the Future

Know that as you create in the virtual world the unfoldment happens in the real world. Hold the vision of the reality of your dreams stead fast know that it is real and so it is. Envision the reality 1 month, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, 2 years, five years. Affirmations for taking your business to the future.

Fear not all is well everything unfolds according to the divine plan, it is all as it should be and all is well.

Creating A Specialty

1. Do the one thing you absolutely love and charge for it. If you aren’t passionate about your expertise you won’t be able to excite others enough to compensate you well for your advice and knowledge. 2. Ignore the dream-killers around you. There will always be people who are envious of what you’re doing and may try to sabotage your efforts or put you down. 3. Promote your own name rather than a company name. Create a by line a sub title that catches the eye and the ear. Alaia Leighland, Woman of Crystals. James van Prague, talking to heaven, ?? The pet psychic. Make sure that what you do and are expert in is linked to your name in a way that people remember you and the thing you do in one sentence. It’s YOU who built a body of knowledge, you who imparts your wisdom to others, and you whom people will seek. 4. Position yourself as the leader in your niche, not a follower or an also-ran. Wherever you must make a choice, be the star, not the fan. 5. Narrow your niche even more or create a new niche if necessary. If your field is saturated with people who do what you do, find a new area to specialize in to set yourself apart, create a new twist on the way the service is rendered or create a bonus to go along with what you offer that will make you stand out form the crowd. 6. Multiply yourself by offering your specialized knowledge in a variety of formats. You can consult, teach, speak, host radio; produce newsletters, reports, booklets, books, and tapes. 7. Attract people to you, rather than “knock on doors” to get clients. Cold-calling and direct selling diminishes the level of prestige you hold in your audience’s mind and in your own view of how unique that you are. Always be present and on when you are in public… you never know when you will be talking to your next client and the up side is fake feeling wonderful and your body will think it is the truth and follow along the next thing you know all is wonderful. 8. Avoid obvious paid advertising. It just isn’t an effective method of promotion for professionals who provide expertise to clients and patients create information and volunteer opportunities that will put you in the public eye and for those of you who think it is not OK to sell spirituality this will give the do gooder in you something to crow about. 9. Avoid working for free. You have only your advice to sell; giving away what you sell is foolish. If you simply MUST “help” every person you think needs help work out a trade. 10. Get paid to promote yourself. Why pay to promote yourself when you can get paid to position yourself in front of your ideal audience. 11. Do fun things that just happen to be newsworthy. Planning activities and events just for the sake of publicity is boring; if you’re already doing something cool, just let others know about it. 12. Be an unforgettable person: a contrarian, a maverick, a pioneer, a rebel. People are fascinated by others who are unique and memorable. You’ll attract people to you because of your unique character.

Marketing Score Card score yourself 0 -5 for each statement Positioning Solution. I have a clearly articulated solution statement for my business (Audio Logo) that tells what problems I solve and what solutions I provide my clients. Target. I know who my clients are, where they are and what benefits and features they are looking for in my kind of service. Benefits. I have outlined a number of specific client-centered benefits that my clients receive when they use my services. Uniqueness. I have a Unique Competitive Advantage that explains why I am different than my competition and what that means to my clients. Qualities. I am clear about the unique qualities I bring to my business and people know me for those qualities.

Subtotal Packaging Identity. I have an attractive and appropriate “business identity package” with cards and letterhead printed with my own unique company identity. Value. Everything that I offer my clients is presented as a value to the client. I always answer their question: “What’s in it for me?” This is presented in a one or two-page “Executive Summary.” Services - What You get. My services, what I do and how I do it, are clearly presented in a brochure, marketing package or web site. It’s no mystery what you get. Pricing and Proposals. I have a well-defined pricing strategy and proposal outline. Personal Presentation. Everything about my business, including my personal presentation are presented in a way that truly represents who I am.



Promotion Relationship. Through all my promotional vehicles people get a sense of who I am and what my services are really about. Referrals Systems. I have several ways to actively generate referrals from existing clients. Referrals are one of my strongest sources of new clients. Visibility Systems. I stay visible to my target market and expand my credibility through networking and a web site. Expertise. I communicate my expertise to my target market through speaking to groups and writing/publishing articles. Keep-In-Touch Systems. I send information to clients and prospects on a regular basis through a newsletter, eZine or other mailings.

Subtotal Persuasion Focus. Whenever I speak to someone about my services and their needs, I am totally focused on what I can do for them - how I can help. Needs. I am skilled at building rapport by learning the past and present situation of my prospects through a series of well-thought-out questions. Objectives. I am skilled at motivating my clients to use my services by discovering what future objectives are the most important to them. Presentation. I have a well-structured and well-organized presentation designed to inform my prospects about exactly how I can solve their problems and meet their objectives. Recommendation. I am successful in asking for the business. I know what to say and do to win a prospect’s commitment to my services.



Performance Communication. I understand that the key to successful client engagements is clear communication. I work constantly at improving this skill. Promises. I make clear, unambiguous promises for what I will deliver and what results clients can expect when I undertake an assignment or project. I keep my word. Requests. I make crystal-clear requests of my clients so they know what I expect of them in a client engagement. They understand that we are partners.

Extra Mile. I don’t just offer good service. I do everything in my power to deliver service that consistently exceeds clients’ expectations. Personal Performance. I stay motivated and true to my personal vision of my business. I get the things done not only for my clients but for myself to make my business successful.

Subtotal Total possible score 125


How to Become a Creative Genius: Making Big Money With Your Right Brain

You should develop your creativity not because it will make you rich or famous but because it can extend and enrich your career. You don’t need a creative mind to achieve something important. Plenty of very successful people — businesspeople, executives, salespeople, and other professionals — broke into the big time without being creative. This is true even of some people in the “creative” fields — artists, actors, and musicians, for example. Success is a product of persistence more than creativity. I’ve made that point many times. Most successful people, I’d venture to say, have succeeded not by original thinking but by the opposite — knocking off a good idea that someone else came up with. In past messages, I advised that you do the same — that in deciding on a second business or career, for example, you choose something that has already been proven to work, something that has already been validated. Hop onto a successful idea just after it’s left the station, and you’ll have a good chance of a very rewarding ride. Of the more than 50 successful ventures I’ve launched, fewer than five have been creative breakthroughs. Most simply involved the application of an existing, proven idea … but with a twist. Look in any community of million-dollar houses, and you will find that the great majority of those who live there earned their first big money by doing something (perhaps slightly better or different or cheaper) that had already been done. You don’t need creativity to start something new. But you do need it to keep your venture going. You need to be a wellspring of ideas if you want your business or career to last. That’s because nothing stays the same. The moment you introduce a new product to a market, the market itself begins to change. Your competition feels the pressure of your business. Your customers grow accustomed to the new benefits. The vendors and the consultants and the marketers all catch on to what is changing. Gradually but certainly, expectations change. What was great before becomes just OK. What was good enough when you started is suddenly in serious need of change. Making such changes usually requires creativity, because what you need to do then — as opposed to what you needed to do when you began — is something DIFFERENT. What I’m saying is that starting a new venture is 80% imitation and 20% innovation, whereas keeping a venture going and growing is the opposite. To keep your business alive and changing, you need plenty of fresh ideas. To generate plenty of fresh ideas, you need a creative process. You need a way to continuously reinvent what you are doing in a way that will appeal to your customers. And, most importantly, you need to come up with these changes even before your customers ask for them. You must be at least one step ahead of the game. That takes creativity.

Creative Success Formula According to the experts, naturally creative people tend to be bright, spontaneous, liberal-minded (we are not talking about politics here), and confident. If those qualities don’t describe you, don’t worry. You can develop them — and you will — by following the following formula for becoming a creative genius. Here it is: 1. First and most important, enjoy the process. If creativity is nothing else, it’s fun. When it comes time to reinvent a product, promotion, or process, forget for a moment about how serious a job it is and promise yourself that, at least in the brainstorming stage, you are going to have a lot of fun coming up with a bunch of wild ideas. 2. Be Confident. Oh no! I can’t believe I just told you how to feel. I hate it when success gurus do that. Strike that. Instead, make it “Act Confident.” You can’t help it if you feel like an intellectual slug. And maybe you have been — so far. But that can change. Being creative has nothing to do with how many points you can rack up on a standardized IQ test. It’s a matter of learning how to solve problems and come up with new ideas. You can learn to do those things just as you can learn to ride a bike. I can teach you. Start your drive toward confidence by being foolish. When a creative challenge comes up, volunteer to take it on. (I’m not kidding. Just go ahead and stick your neck out.) Then follow the rest of the advice that follows. 3. Don’t be afraid. Here I go again, telling you how to feel. Let’s try again. Ignore your FEAR OF FAILURE. Accept the fact that you will fail. Remind yourself that all successful people fail routinely. Remind yourself that people will forget your failures and remember your achievements. A good way to handle this problem is to begin the creative session by telling your fellow participants that you intend to make some very foolish suggestions … but if they agree not to be stopped by them, you won’t be stopped by their foolishness. Then … go to it, guided by the strategies below. And remember, creativity is supposed to be fun. If someone doesn’t like your latest idea, just give him the next one. When it comes to generating creative ideas, quantity is more important than quality. 4. Borrow successful ideas of the past. Most naturally creative people have good memories. They can tell you which ideas worked for them when they were younger. Keep a record — make one today — of every successful thing you’ve ever done. Ask yourself if any of the lessons you learned from those successes can be applied to the challenge at hand. 5. See what your neighbors are doing — especially the brightest ones. Routinely — on a daily basis, if possible — study the competition. When an important competitor changes the way he does business, you should know why. When an advertising promotion takes fire, figure out why it is working. Call your competitors on the phone to compliment them when they’ve done something you admire. Listen to them when they speak at trade shows and seminars. Buy their products. Know them as well as they know themselves. Before you arrive at the creative session, spend a half-hour or so reviewing your collection of borrowed ideas. Bring along any samples that you think might help you illustrate an idea you may come up with. 6. Look beyond your neighborhood. Similar but different industries should be studied. Ideas that are working there can be borrowed and tested in your own marketplace. Most of your competitors will not be willing to do this, and that gives you a big advantage. The ideas you get this way will most likely be very new — and if they work, they might become the breakthrough ideas you have been looking for. 7. Remember that great ideas often come in bits and pieces. The first idea is clumsy. You may have borrowed it from another industry so it doesn’t really fit. At first, nobody even gets it but you. But if it feels good and you persist, you can gradually refine it over time. When it is finally ready for acceptance, few people will remember what it looked like at first. 8. When it’s time to come up with new ideas, keep yourself tethered to your basic business. Ask yourself what essential purpose your business serves — how it benefits your customers. Figure out what your competitive advantage is — in what specific way you can help your customers more than your competitors can. Remember that when it comes to reinventing your business, not all creative ideas are equal. Those that adhere to the mission of the business will have the greatest

Spiritual Marketing Applied to Metaphysics 1) A meditation teacher could add a new twist by becoming a “personal meditation coach” who comes to your home or office for guided meditations/visualizations (much like a personal fitness trainer would). If “instant bliss” is the new “in thing” why not promote your personal meditation coaching in local business publications, at Chamber of Commerce meetings, and the like. You’ll be helping busy people relax and tune into their heart of hearts while making a pretty decent living for yourself.

2) An event organizer could specialize in creating “connected communities” for the duration of a conference. Raise a convention above the usual “show and tell” mode by building in activities that help people connect, interact, bond and cooperate many times during the event.

3) Under the “guidance on the path” heading, trained hypnotherapists or skilled regressionists could offer to PROGRESS clients to see what their future potentials might be. (Edgar Cayce saw his own future while in trance; presumably others can learn to do the same.)

4) Astrologers and seers might want to specialize in career/business readings to get people into their “right livelihoods” quicker. Readers could be “transitional specialist”

5) Traditional healers and counselors could add an alternative component, both to speed healing and to facilitate an “instant altered state.”

For example, dentists could offer guided meditation through headphones prior to or during orthodox dental procedures. If they specialized in nervous patients, and had a good track record of easing “dentist anxiety,” they’d never lack for word-of-mouth referrals. The client would feel better about himself for handling his fear, and might even edge into an “altered state.” This method could work for surgeons, too.

Spiritual Marketing Applied to Metaphysics 6) According to Melinda Davis, storytelling is now being used by the military and big business. For example, after September 11, 2001, the government asked a number of Hollywood filmmakers to devise various scenarios for thwarting terrorism — as a “what if” learning tool. Stories also help people understand complex information more quickly. If you’re a writer or storyteller, you could conduct workshops where you teach attendees to “write their way” through their fear of an illness or anger with a relationship issue. In the telling of their personal stories, they begin to guide themselves through to acceptance or a greater understanding.

7) Distance healing, shamanic healing, spiritual healing are likely to gain mainstream recognition. Start gathering bona fide testimonials and build your website and portfolio. You may need to work through the auspices of a religious or cultural group to stay on the right side of the AMA and local licensing laws, but we all know how much healing needs to be done. According to Melinda Davis, it’s time to shine your light farther out.

8) My own field — spiritual marketing — seems to fit here, too, as business owners remember to put the mission before the money. (In order to follow your bliss, you’ve got to find it first.) This Spiritual marketing course for holistic and home-based business owners helps them design their business around their life’s purpose, so that business and “sense of self” are naturally harmonious. It appears I was breaking new ground and didn’t even know it. What new ground can you break in the coming year that sets you apart from others in your field? How can you help people attain “peak psycho- spiritual experiences” through your work?

Consciously Using Universal Laws in Your Business As we evolve spiritually, so do our businesses. Some of us practice “Universal Laws,” or are guided by spiritual principles, almost intuitively. The rest of us need frequent reminders — and are given frequent reminders, if we forget to employ these Universal Laws in all our dealings, business included. The old spiritual two-by-four knocks us upside the head when that happens. . Marketing and the Law of Attraction You’ve often heard from marketing experts that it’s best to “target your market” to consistently gain clients. I know the concept sounds rather military, but all it means is: if you focus your marketing repeatedly to a specific group of people over a fairly long period of time, they can’t help but become familiar with your products and services. Target marketing is really just a way to illustrate a basic spiritual principle, or Universal Law, in action - the principle we know as “The Law of Attraction.” In physics, the “Law of Attraction” states that atoms which are mutually compatible draw together repeatedly to form a perceptibly material object. In metaphysics, the Law of Attraction occurs on the mental plane, and is often expressed by the axiom, “Like attracts like.” In marketing, you wish to attract the appropriate clientele who need your services. “The mind is a magnet and attracts whatever corresponds to its ruling state,” writes Raymond Holliwell in “Working with the Law.” To attract the right clientele for your business, you must have a great interest in these individuals and their needs. Is there a particular age group, cultural group, health issue, business or cause which draws you to the people involved therein? Do you think about this interest frequently? Is this particular group the focus of your current marketing? In addition to being interested in your clients’ needs, your full “attention” must be directed to this interest, thus magnetizing the power of attraction. You need to be “turned on” by the idea of serving their needs. When you feel strongly about the value of your product or service, it shows in your marketing message. Your prospects will feel this energy and be drawn to respond positively to your offer. Who are you speaking to in your ads and brochures? “Expectation” is the third component for attracting the right clientele. Envision your daily schedule filled, your classes one hundred percent booked, your website overflowing with visitors. See products flying out your door to customers eager to use them. Your intent to have a successful business attracting the right clientele is an important part of the marketing process. You only get what you expect, so you want to seed this garden carefully. Many of us are still dealing with “old issues” that tend to inhibit our business success. If that’s the case, it helps to find a body, mind, spirit professional who can help you release the baggage so you can get on with the work at hand. Holliwell says, “God feeds the birds and supplies an abundance of food, but He does not put the worms into the bird’s mouth.” You could wish for your clients to arrive, but you are more likely to have to go fetch them. That’s the job of marketing, once you decide whom you wish to fetch.

The Law of Compensation in Action The Universal Law of Compensation states that for everything given there shall be a return, and if you give freely from the heart, the universe returns the gift with a tenfold return. That’s why it’s “better to give than to receive.” If you provide lackluster service and shoddy workmanship, you will be compensated accordingly. On the other hand, if you operate your business dealings at the highest vibration of which you are capable, and have a strong intent to serve your customers well, you will receive your “just rewards” for the seeds you have sown. Business dealings are energy exchanges; be ready to RECEIVE your compensation by making sure to eliminate all thoughts of lack or deprivation by which you block your own good coming to you. (Two useful resources “The Seed Money in Action” and . The Abundance Book, John Randolph Price.) Here’s an example to think about: Markus Allen’s November 13, 2002 “Marketing Tip of the Day” offered an interesting example of “giving to receive” that you could adapt for your own business — a wonderful demonstration of how the Law of Compensation works. Here’s the tip from Markus Allen’s e-zine: John Volk submitted this nifty follow-up tip about cheerfully sending customers to the competition. It’s a perfect demonstration of the conscious use of Universal Laws in business. “When the Guitar Center (La Mesa, California) didn’t carry an item, we’d ask the customer for their name and phone number to place in our ‘Ups file.’ At the same time, we suggested 3 competitor names to help them get the item. Usually within a few days, our ‘Ups file’ alerted us to contact the customer and ask if they got what they were looking for.

Universal Laws are impartial and exact, so if you want to reap, you first have to sow. Here’s another thing to think about. I believe that we each came to earth on some kind of mission — whether to learn, to serve, to teach, heal or counsel, or even to experience our dark side. We made an agreement to do something and if we’re not keeping our promises (which we don’t necessarily consciously remember), we often stay in “struggle zones.” How can business prosperity ever manifest if we’re constantly lowering our vibration with problems, disappointments and frustrations? There are lots of ways out of this situation, but only one really foolproof, quick way, and that’s connecting with your Higher Self — the part of you that knows it’s connected everywhere. This is also a way of blessing (or giving to) yourself. Treat yourself with the same kindness you would show others. In other words, give time to yourself to rest, money to yourself to play and love to yourself — to love. What does this have to do with business prosperity? Plenty! You’ll be relaxed, rested and in a wonderful frame of mind to serve your clients. Your happy, relaxed attitude “spills over” and helps them feel better, even before you’ve provided your product or service. You’ll both enjoy the experience more. Your client will cheerfully improve your business prosperity and you will, in exchange, give something meaningful back to him. Round and round — free flowing — there is always more.

Manifesting Business Prosperity The Law of Compensation helps us to understand how abundance works. Business prosperity is essentially created through cause and effect, and the Law of Compensation determines whether we will manifest poverty and lack or blessings and money. Working with the poverty-prosperity continuum is a little bit “chicken-and-egg.” If you “feel poor” and “act poor,” you will not easily achieve business prosperity. You have to “feel prosperous” before you can “be prosperous.” For example, I’ve seen many business owners refuse to offer a discount to attract new clients or a finder’s fee to current clients to refer family and friends. The owners think they’re “giving away money” needlessly. But what easier way is there to attract new clients than through a positive word from a currently satisfied customer? If other people are willing to do your marketing for you, an incentive or thank you gift should be in order.

You have to loosen the purse strings so money can flow IN as well as go out. What seeds do you sow to create business prosperity? The Law of Compensation states that for everything given there shall be a return. This clearly places giving before receiving. When a client comes to you, you give a product or service and the client pays a fee in return. But what did you give to induce the client in the door in the first place? Did you give information, a demonstration, a free lecture, a fact sheet, a dollars-off coupon, possibly even a free sample of your product or service? See what I mean by chicken-and-egg? In a business, the owner has to make the first move — or “giving.” You give something that attracts the customer to you. Then you receive the blessing of a new client on your roster. You give a product or service and then you receive a fee. On the other hand, the customer agrees to give you his business and receives a product or service. He follows up by giving you a fee and receives...what exactly? Do you see the point where the circle becomes broken? After the money changes hands, what does the client get back? Perhaps the blessing will come in some other manner and not through you at all. But it bears thinking about, doesn’t it? What could you give a client to close the transaction on a positive note? Children’s doctors and dentists keep the circle unbroken by handing out lollipops and trinkets. It works. How could you add value to your business dealings? What about giving a tips sheet, a copy of an article, a newsletter, a few dollars off the next visit? Going the extra mile puts you head and shoulders above most other business people and builds so much good will and customer loyalty. Just remember, the giving must be done freely, from the heart and in proportion to the situation. Business prosperity comes as a result of an attitude — a desire to be of service.

Spiritual Marketing Here’s how spiritual marketing works for display ads 1) Get clear about the purpose of your ad. Do you want your ad to generate: (a) leads; (b) mail order or phone sales; (c) store or website visits? 2) Using the Law of Attraction, select your target audience (what you see in your mind as your “perfect clients”). 3) Craft a soul-stirring headline that makes your targeted prospects want to read further. You have about 2 seconds to catch their interest. 4) Focus your ad’s message on just one of your prospects’ needs or wants and show how you can help. Multiple choice in an ad is confusing. 5) Write simply and from the heart. Let readers feel your energy. 6) Include testimonials to make prospects feel safe about contacting you. 7) Indicate clearly how you wish readers to respond: (a) call for free report, more information or to make an appointment; (b) visit your store or website, (c) send check with order. 8) An attractive ad feels good when you look at it. Design is important. 9) Give readers an incentive to respond: (a) (b) (c) (d)

free gift; free information; free sample; money back guarantee.

10) Before mailing your ad, meditate with it, projecting into it your energy and your intent that it succeed in its purpose. The Law of Attraction handles the rest.

Your Marketing Mindset - Scarcity or Abundance?

A great number of people who come to me for marketing help have a litany of complaints: “I have no time to market, I’m not the marketing type, I really hate marketing.” Often they’re expecting me to give them a “painless pill” that will make marketing both easy and effective. That pill is actually available but it’s not what they expect. The first dose of medicine is this information: Your concept of marketing is completely backwards. Marketing isn’t an ordeal to be endured. Marketing is about sharing the heart of your business. You need to change your point of view first. What do I mean? What I’m talking about is a “Mindset” that shapes the way you perceive your business and marketing. There are mindsets that serve you and mindsets that undermine you. The kind of mindset that undermines you might be called the “Scarcity Mindset” and consists of beliefs, attitudes, self-talk and behaviors that go something like this: “People don’t value my services. People don’t understand what I do and there’s really no way to explain it. Marketing is about presenting a false image so it’s not appropriate for my business. When it doesn’t work anyway, how can I find the time to market? I’m not the hype-and-hustle type, so I’ll just have to hope for word-of-mouth business. You have to struggle to make it in business - that’s just the way it is. I don’t have time or money to do it. I can afford to spend that amount of time or money right now.” Sound familiar? Now the interesting thing about this is that it is TOTALLY subjective. It’s not a report on the truth but a reflection of your mindset. It might seem completely true to you but it’s actually a choice you’ve made. Sure there were things in your life that influenced you to adopt that mindset but it’s still your choice whether you hold onto it or not. Ask yourself, does it serve you? Does it make your life and business easier? Does it add to your satisfaction and fulfillment? I didn’t think so! So why not try a whole new mindset that actually serves you, that makes your life and business easier and more fun and increases your satisfaction and fulfillment? What have you got to lose? This mindset might be called the “Abundance Mindset.” This mindset is also composed of beliefs, attitudes, self-talk and behaviors, but they sound quite different from the Scarcity Mindset: “

Scarcity or Abundance? People value my services. It’s fun sharing about what I do and the results I produce for my clients. Marketing is about getting out there and presenting an authentic message that represents my business. It’s easy to find the time to market because everything I do pays off so well. I’m going to provide services that are so great that people will want to pass my name along. When you do what you love and share that passion, business is effortless. I always have my card handy and when the subject arrises I simply share. Marketing is just a part of my everyday activity…It happens in the market at the coffee shop everywhere. I love to see the happiness on peoples faces that have experienced my work.” This might not seem so familiar to you! But again, it’s your subjective viewpoint and it’s your choice! You can whine about marketing or you can celebrate it. You can resist it or you can jump in with both feet. When you adopt this new mindset, all sorts of new possibilities open up to you. You no longer feel like a beggar but more like an evangelist with a vital message. You’re no longer trying to GET something with your marketing, you’re trying to GIVE something. After all, with an Abundance Mindset, you know that you have a lot to share. By sharing with enthusiasm, you realize that people will see the value you have to offer and will be more readily attracted to your services. Some of the things you can do to share the value of your services include: - write articles about your area of expertise - give talks about your specialty - volunteer your time at your networking group (instead of just showing up) - offer low-risk introductory services - go the extra mile in everything you do - provide valuable information sheets to your clients - send an email newsletter to your clients and prospective clients - offer a free introductory workshop - give away the first half-hour free - provide a better-than-risk-free guarantee - offer a free report or other valuable information to prospects Let me tell you, it’s very hard to do all of the above things if you’re coming from a place of scarcity. But if you’re choosing a mindset of abundance these things come naturally and easily. You’ll also realize that what you give comes back to you many, times over. Give what you want to receive.. you want $ give money.. you want time give time… like attracts like. What you need to do first is work on adopting an Abundance Mindset. Then start to initiate marketing activities that are focused more on giving than on getting. I guarantee that not only will marketing be a lot more fun, it will be a whole lot more effective.

The Industry of Bliss I’ve just read an interesting new book called “The New Culture of Desire” by Melinda Davis, CEO of a futurist think tank in New York. In her book, Davis discloses the conclusions of a 6-year study on what makes people want what they want and do what they do. The study was conducted primarily for big business, where the results might have sounded more earth- shaking. For the body, mind, spirit community, however, the conclusions more or less corroborate what we’ve know for some time: bliss sells. In a nutshell, Davis asserts that the most powerful survival needs of consumers now are “psychospiritual.” Physical survival needs have been overtaken by the need for: — instant altered states — richer human connection — a more solid sense of self — a clearer vision of the path — greater inner pleasure. She talks about the business person (or marketer) as a healer, helping clients reach an “optimal state of mind,” where you can “lose your sense of being anywhere and feel a wondrous sense of unity with the universe.” While we may abhor the business world... and not want to go to work nine to five make no mistake that being self employed in the metaphysical world is much longer hours but with a much larger reward. The big businesses did not become big by thinking small and while we do not want to work in them we need to emulate them in order to succeed. Look for the good things that a successful conglomerate id doing and find a way to duplicate the same thing in your business form your perspective. Example... Wal mart successful... They give a large amount of merchandise to charity each year and write it off.. They are considered a asset to the community and they get rid of a lot of merchandise that is not moving anyway... What thing can you give away and how can that thing benefit you. Macdonald’s has Ronald Mac donald house... This is a charity for sick children and their parents to stay near the hospital while being treated among other things..the pay off to them... Free publicity as to how nice it is for them to do such a thing for sick kids.. More media exposure... You cant buy that publicity. What can you do.. If you are a Reiki practitioner... Go to hospitals give free treatments.. Give free massage at a donate station all the while passing out your cards and making nice.

This mindset might be called the “Abundance Mindset.” This mindset is also composed of beliefs, attitudes, self-talk and behaviors, but they sound quite different from the Scarcity Mindset: “People value my services. It’s fun sharing about what I do and the results I produce for my clients. Marketing is about getting out there and presenting an authentic message that represents my business. It’s easy to find the time to market because everything I do pays off so well. I’m going to provide services that are so great that people will want to pass my name along. When you do what you love and share that passion, business is effortless. I always have my card handy and when the subject arrises I simply share. Marketing is just a part of my everyday activity…It happens in the market at the coffee shop everywhere. I love to see the happiness on peoples faces that have experienced my work.” This might not seem so familiar to you! But again, it’s your subjective viewpoint and it’s your choice! You can whine about marketing or you can celebrate it. You can resist it or you can jump in with both feet. When you adopt this new mindset, all sorts of new possibilities open up to you. You no longer feel like a beggar but more like an evangelist with a vital message. You’re no longer trying to GET something with your marketing, you’re trying to GIVE something. After all, with an Abundance Mindset, you know that you have a lot to share. By sharing with enthusiasm, you realize that people will see the value you have to offer and will be more readily attracted to your services. Some of the things you can do to share the value of your services include: - write articles about your area of expertise - give talks about your specialty - volunteer your time at your networking group (instead of just showing up) - offer low-risk introductory services - go the extra mile in everything you do - provide valuable information sheets to your clients - send an email newsletter to your clients and prospective clients - offer a free introductory workshop - give away the first half-hour free - provide a better-than-risk-free guarantee - offer a free report or other valuable information to prospects Let me tell you, it’s very hard to do all of the above things if you’re coming from a place of scarcity. But if you’re choosing a mindset of abundance these things come naturally and easily. You’ll also realize that what you give comes back to you many, times over. Give what you want to receive.. You want $ give money.. You want time give time… like attracts like. What you need to do first is work on adopting an Abundance Mindset. Then start to initiate marketing activity.

Consciously Using Universal Laws in Your Business As we evolve spiritually, so do our businesses. Some of us practice “Universal Laws,” or are guided by spiritual principles, almost intuitively. The rest of us need frequent reminders — and are given frequent reminders, if we forget to employ these Universal Laws in all our dealings, business included. The old spiritual two-by-four knocks us upside the head when that happens. . Marketing and the Law of Attraction You’ve often heard from marketing experts that it’s best to “target your market” to consistently gain clients. I know the concept sounds rather military, but all it means is: if you focus your marketing repeatedly to a specific group of people over a fairly long period of time, they can’t help but become familiar with your products and services. Target marketing is really just a way to illustrate a basic spiritual principle, or Universal Law, in action - the principle we know as “The Law of Attraction.” In physics, the “Law of Attraction” states that atoms which are mutually compatible draw together repeatedly to form a perceptibly material object. In metaphysics, the Law of Attraction occurs on the mental plane, and is often expressed by the axiom, “Like attracts like.” In marketing, you wish to attract the appropriate clientele who need your services. “The mind is a magnet and attracts whatever corresponds to its ruling state,” writes Raymond Holliwell in “Working with the Law.” To attract the right clientele for your business, you must have a great interest in these individuals and their needs. Is there a particular age group, cultural group, health issue, business or cause which draws you to the people involved therein? Do you think about this interest frequently? Is this particular group the focus of your current marketing? In addition to being interested in your clients’ needs, your full “attention” must be directed to this interest, thus magnetizing the power of attraction. You need to be “turned on” by the idea of serving their needs. When you feel strongly about the value of your product or service, it shows in your marketing message. Your prospects will feel this energy and be drawn to respond positively to your offer. Who are you speaking to in your ads and brochures? “Expectation” is the third component for attracting the right clientele. Envision your daily schedule filled, your classes one hundred percent booked, your website overflowing with visitors. See products flying out your door to customers eager to use them. Your intent to have a successful business attracting the right clientele is an important part of the marketing process. You only get what you expect, so you want to seed this garden carefully. Many of us are still dealing with “old issues” that tend to inhibit our business success. If that’s the case, it helps to find a body, mind, spirit professional who can help you release the baggage so you can get on with the work at hand. Holliwell says, “God feeds the birds and supplies an abundance of food, but He does not put the worms into the bird’s mouth.” You could wish for your clients to arrive, but you are more likely to have to go fetch them. That’s the job of marketing, once you decide whom you wish to fetch.

Inexpensive Marketing MARKETING TIPS FOR UNCERTAIN TIMES Here are a few inexpensive ways to promote your products and services and stay visible to those who need you: 1) Cross-promote with a complementary business. If you’re a massage therapist, crosspromote with your hair stylist, for example. Give your stylist coupons for their customers for $5 - $10 — heck, even 50 percent — off an introductory massage with you. Your stylist will, in turn, give you coupons to give your clients for a discounted haircut. You and the stylist gain a new client (and potential repeat business). The client gets a “fail safe” way to try a new service at a reduced cost — plus he or she gets a free gift. Everybody gains. 2) Enclose your business card or flyer with any personal or business bills you are paying. Hand write a short note offering an introductory discount 3) Use the phone. Call current and past clients to let them know of new services, classes or products that you offer. You don’t necessarily need to “sell” anything. Just remind them that you’re available whenever they do need you. Robert Middleton of Action Plan Marketing has some good advice on phone calling in his excellent course for independent professionals “The InfoGuru Marketing Manual.” This man is a terrific teacher of marketing. If you’re a professional in private practice of any type, you owe it to yourself to check out his work. Robert Middleton: “Perhaps the most often used form of direct outreach is simply calling up past clients to “drum up new business.” This can be effective if done well. The main point I want to make is that you don’t ever want to call out of desperation. Ideally you want to call when you’re busy. That’s right, not when you haven’t had a project for 3 months. And in the true spirit of InfoGuru Marketing, when things are slow, don’t just call past clients looking for new work, send them something valuable, such as a report, survey results or other information, and then follow up to discuss it. You’ll get a much better reception than “begging” for work.” 4) Join a cooperative mailing. Save on postage and gain a wider audience with someone else’s mailing list. You can do this informally, with other body, mind, spirit business owners you know 5) Don’t forget to send a “mini press release” to your local holistic and spiritual magazines for inclusion in their “Events Calendars.” Listings in these calendars are very inexpensive, or often free. Mail, fax or email your “blurb,” which should include: the name of the class or event, the sponsor and presenter, the location, date, time and fee. Also note your phone number, email and website for additional info. Check with the magazines first to see how they prefer to receive your information. Some publications like you to mail, fax or email, rather than to phone in these items. This way the magazine editor has a written record to refer to. 6) If you have a website, make it do its job of pulling more clients to you. How much will it cost you to rewrite your website so that (a) (b)

prospective clients will find it more appealing and search engines will rank it higher for your keyword categories.

7) List yourself in the on-line body, mind, spirit directories. You can list your business or organization free, or for a small fee. If you don’t have a website yet, you can use your directory page in the meantime.


A satisfied client is your best marketing tool. If you make it easy and desirable enough for your present clients to refer new business to you, your business can thrive, even with a small marketing budget. A personal recommendation is a direct testimonial about the usefulness of your product or service. It can be your main marketing tactic if you remember to: 1. Ask clients to give you leads. 2. Give clients “reminders” that prominently show your name and phone number (business cards, Rolodex cards, fridge magnet, coffee cup, pen, memo pad — promotional items they will use and keep, and that relate to your business niche). 3. Mail or hand out extra business cards and brochures for clients to give to friends and colleagues. 4. Give clients thank you gifts, including referral fees, gift certificates, discounts, free services — something that both rewards and encourages referring new business to you. 5. Ask for written testimonials to include on your printed materials.

Marketing Tips for Free Publicity

(1) Email Signatures Are you using an email signature to promote your business? At the bottom of this newsletter you’ll see an email signature that includes my name, the Directory name, and a brief promotional paragraph, along with contact info. This same “blurb” is on the bottom of all email I send, and hopefully encourages recipients to either visit the website or call/email me for details on how they can be included in the upcoming Directory. At the minimum, it’s a reminder and it’s free publicity. Take a look at the signatures on email you receive to get ideas of how to word your own. Your email program will most likely have a “tools” feature that adds your signature automatically to all email you send. It really gives a professional look to your business email. (2) Letters to the Editor If your business is local and you’re an expert at something, you can gain visibility and credibility with a well-worded “Letter to the Editor” of your local newspaper. This is one of the “free publicity” tools that you might consider as an ongoing part of your marketing plan, along with press releases and radio call-in shows. If you have good writing and/or speaking skills, and information people could use, you can schedule these activities weekly or monthly — whatever works — but do it consistently for best results. (3) Donate Your Services or Products If you have a clearly defined target market and can make contact with organizers of events for this segment of the population, you can gain “free” publicity by donating either a product or your services to be used as a door prize, a fund-raiser gift, an auctioned item, a raffle prize. You’ll usually get a mention in the event program or an announcement on the loudspeaker, plus whoever wins your product or service could become an ongoing client and potential source of referrals. Give away a free psychic reading, a workshop slot, a massage — something of value that can bring repeat business. It’s a win-win situation for all.

“You have to recognize when the right place and the right time fuse and take advantage of that opportunity. There are plenty of opportunities out there. You can’t sit back and wait.” Ellen Metcalf

PROMOTE YOURSELF AND YOUR BUSINESS==MAKING SMART USE OF YOUR BUSINESS CARDS You routinely hand out business cards and send faxes — so why not take advantage of this opportunity to include a line or two of what copywriters call “teaser copy” to sell yourself or your product/service? There’s a good chance the recipient is going to read your fax cover sheet. And though he may only glance at your business card, if he files it in his Rolodex, he’ll see your mini-ad every time he flips through his contact list. Students copywriting courses learn that by putting good teaser copy on the outside of an envelope, you can make your prospect want to rip it open immediately and read your sales pitch. You can do a similar thing by putting teaser copy on your business cards, fax covers, e-mail signature, and even the bottom of your company letterhead. Simply add a website address to lead your reader to a promotion selling your product/service, to tell him about new products/services you’re offering, to give him updates, or notify him of special events. Teaser copy can do four things: * Make a promise. * Draw a picture. * State a fact. * Ask a question. Like headlines and bullets, the best teasers score high on the “4 U’s” test. They are: 1. URGENT. They give the reader a reason to desire the benefit of your product/service sooner rather than later. 2. UNIQUE. They make the reader feel that there is one particular thing about your product/service that is different, in at least one small way, from every other product/service of that type. Uniqueness also suggests that you are talking about something real and concrete. 3. ULTRA-SPECIFIC. They are as precise as possible, stating facts and figures. 4. USEFUL. They promise the reader something that has value for him. Here are some examples of effective teaser copy we’ve seen on envelopes in the past: This one — from an ad for a book on men’s health — paints a picture … “10 female flirting signals that secretly say, ‘I want you!’” (This could be adapted for use on business cards, fax covers, etc. by adding something like: Visit www.shewantsyou.com for more details.) This one — from an ad for a financial newsletter — makes a promise that’s practically irresistible to investors … “How to MAKE MONEY if the stock market goes up … and MAKE A LOT OF MONEY if it goes down!” (This could be adapted for use on business cards, fax covers, etc. by adding something like: Visit www.makeatonofdough.com for more details.) And this one from an ad for Poets & Writers magazine asks questions that are on the minds of most fledgling writers … “Wondering how to get your work published? Find a literary agent? Get a grant? Join a workshop? One in four of our subscribers has found publication through POETS & WRITERS MAGAZINE.

The Seven Steps To Manifesting Manifesting Your Heart’s Desires

Welcome to Manifesting Your Heart’s Desires! By choosing to learn The Seven Steps To Manifesting you have made the choice to enhance your life. As you practice these skills you will see your desires begin to manifest and some in ways beyond your wildest dreams. As you practice these steps daily, there are no limits on what you can manifest in your life...anything is possible...so choose wisely. Step One: Breathe Deeply Begin by taking a nice deep cleansing breath in...breathing in life, energy and abundance As you exhale release any stress, strain or tension from your body. Release any thoughts, feelings...and just allow yourself to relax. As you continue to breathe deeply, gently shift your focus to your heart and take a few moments to dwell here in this place of peace. Step Two: Clearly State Your Desire Imagine a genie has just appeared at your doorstep and grants you three wishes. Anything you desire! What are your three wishes? (Go to your heart and let your heart choose your deepest desire) If you could only have one wish, which wish would you choose? Remember you must choose only one! Hint: Select something you want, not something your want to get rid of. For Example: If my ultimate desire is to be healthy and one of the ways for me to be healthy is to lose weight my choice would read like this: I choose to be healthy and physically fit. Rather than I want to lose weight.

Clearly state your deepest desire. It is helpful to write it down where you can see it daily.

Step Three: Visualize Success In Advance Picture what you desire as if it has already happened, as if it has already manifested for you in your life. Allow your picture to be as vivid as possible...colorful, life like, real Step Four: Embrace The Feeling What feeling will having your desire give you? Feel the feeling you have as you imagine having your desire now. Hint: Let’s use the example of I desire more money in my life. Ask yourself what feeling do you have as you imagine having all the money you desire? Perhaps you feel rich, wealthy, secure, successful, relieved. Beyond these feelings, what do you feel? Most people report a deeper feeling of peace, freedom. The deeper feeling is what you want to feel. This is known as your core value.

Step Five: Create An Image Allow an image to come to you that represents your core feeling. The image can be a place, a person, an object, a color, a shape Hint: If your core feeling is freedom, an image that may work would be a bird, sailing on the ocean, parasailing, space. If your core feeling is peace an image may be a sunset, a dove, walking in nature, the color pink, Mother Theresa, a rose.

Step Six: Let It Go! Let your mind release the intention to your higher self. Hint: This can be done by merely saying to yourself “ I now release my desire to the wisdom and power of my higher self.” And allow your mind to shift to your core feeling. As you energize your core feeling, you will manifest your desires ten fold.

Step Seven: Trust Trust that you have done all you need to do Your higher self, Your subconscious mind will handle the rest. I suggest you use these steps every day. Taking a few minutes in the morning when you first awaken is an excellent time to take yourself through these seven steps. Once you become familiar with these steps, you will be able to do them quickly, without needing to write them down.

5 Ps Of Spiritual Business Marketing Plan and Clarify your Marketing Positioning- Communicate with your prospects exactly why they should do business with you. Packaging- Package and present your services to generate interest and response from your clients Promotion- Get more qualified prospects to call who are ready to do business with you now Persuasion- Turn those who call you into immediate sales Performance- Keep clients coming back and referring others by continuing to offer value.

How To Make A Super Brochure Or Mailing Piece

1. Put your selling message on the cover. This is the most important rule of all and, curiously, one that is little followed. The cover of a brochure works like a headline of a print ad. Four out of five people never get beyond it. If you depend on the inside pages to make a sale, you are wasting 80% of your money. 2. Insist on a “family resemblance” with your advertising. Develop a theme for your marketing plan and carry it throughout your ad campaign. 3. Use a single illustration on the cover. Research suggests that one large illustration is more effective than several small ones. Illustrations with story appeal that involve the reader add impact. 4. Select pictures that tell a story. The right photographs can often express your positioning better than words. 5. Always caption photographs. Next to the cover, captions are the best-read element of any brochure. 6. Don’t be afraid of long copy. If people have bothered to write or express an interest in your brochure, they are prospects for the product or service you are selling. Tell them everything they need to know. 7. Spotlight the important facts. Remember that one of the most frequent criticisms of brochures in general is that they “do not give enough facts.” Tell consumers what is included, what are the costs, what are the hours. Graphic devices can help to spotlight important information. 8. Use photos instead of drawings. Research says that photographs increase recall 26% over drawings. Photographs suggest reality in the readers mind. 9. Make your brochure worth keeping. Give your piece longer life, and longer selling power, by encouraging the consumer to keep it handy. 10.Give your product a first-class ticket. In many cases, the brochure is your product; the “salesperson” who represents you to the customer. Make it as good as your finances will allow. 11.Ask for the order. What action do you want the reader to take? Write, call, return a card? Every piece of literature must contain a clear call to action. And means of contact!!! Make your phone number and web and email address stand out!!!

Here are five things to consider

when developing the positioning strategy for your business What exactly is your business solution. What problem does your business or service solve? Who exactly are your potential clients. Where ate they.. What industry, what size, what needs, what past experience have they had with your kind of service and what buying process. What is your unique customer advantage? That is what makes you different from your competitors. How are you better, more beneficial how can you serve them different than someone else doing a similar thing. What is your business Identity.. What are the qualities that you want to be known for. Integrity, accuracy.. Experience.. Exclisivitity... How do you live up to the qualities that identify you. What is your slogan “Phrase that Pays� What words concisely sum up your positioning strategy in a way that is memorable and meaningful.

Positioning Work Sheet

What exactly is your business solution. What problem does your business or service solve?

Positioning Work Sheet

Who exactly are your potential clients. Where ate they.. What industry, what size, what needs, what past experience have they had with your kind of service and what buying process.

Positioning Work Sheet

What is your unique customer advantage? That is what makes you different from your competitors. How are you better, more beneficial how can you serve them different than someone else doing a similar thing.

Positioning Work Sheet

What is your business Identity.. What are the qualities that you want to be known for. Integrity, accuracy.. Experience.. Exclisivitity... How do you live up to the qualities that identify you.

Positioning Work Sheet

What is your slogan “Phrase that Pays� What words concisely sum up your positioning strategy in a way that is memorable and meaningful.

Here are five things to consider when developing the packaging strategy for your business Do you have an attractive and appropriate business identity Package Do you have basic marketing materials (brochures) for your business Have you designed a basic strategy for the services you’ll offer Do you have a basic logistical plan for your business Have you put some attention on your personal package, your personal presentation.

Packaging Workseet

Do you have an attractive and appropriate business identity Package

Packaging Workseet

Do you have basic marketing materials (brochures) for your business

Packaging Workseet

Have you designed a basic strategy for the services you’ll offer

Packaging Workseet

Do you have a basic logistical plan for your business

Packaging Workseet

Have you put some attention on your personal package, your personal presentation.

Here are five things to consider when developing the Promotional strategy for your business Are you networking enough Do you have a good solid marketing letter that highlights your benefits Do you do personal consulting Are you mailing to people on your list and are you creating a new list. Do you have a web site

Promotional Workseet

Are you networking enough

Promotional Workseet

Do you have a good solid marketing letter that highlights your benefits

Promotional Worksheet

Do you do personal consulting

Promotional Workseet

Are you mailing to people on your list and are you creating a new list.

Promotional Workseet

Do you have a web site

Here are five things to consider when developing the Persuasion strategy for your business Do you have an audio logo Do you have a basic phone approach scripted out Are people interested in what your business can do for them Do you know how to create desire for your business Do you wait for people to come to you ie law of attraction or are you pro active.

Persuasion Workseet

Do you have an audio logo

Persuasion Workseet

Do you have a basic phone approach scripted out

Persuasion Workseet

Are people interested in what your business can do for them

Persuasion Workseet

Do you know how to create desire for your business

Persuasion Workseet

Do you wait for people to come to youie law of attraction or are you pro active.

Here are five things to consider when developing the Performance strategy for your business Have you found a way to fit marketing into your schedule Do you keep track of both your long term and short term projects Do you have a way of combating procrastination and delay Do you maintain the highest standards of integrity and excellence Are you continually working to improve your skills in all areas of your business

Performance Workseet

Have you found a way to fit marketing into your schedule


Do you keep track of both your long term and short term projects


Do you have a way of combating procrastination and delay


Do you maintain the highest standards of integrity and excellence


Are you continually working to improve your skills in all areas of your business

Marketing Score Card score yourself 0 -5 for each statement Positioning Solution. I have a clearly articulated solution statement for my business (Audio Logo) that tells what problems I solve and what solutions I provide my clients. Target. I know who my clients are, where they are and what benefits and features they are looking for in my kind of service. Benefits. I have outlined a number of specific client-centered benefits that my clients receive when they use my services. Uniqueness. I have a Unique Competitive Advantage that explains why I am different than my competition and what that means to my clients. Qualities. I am clear about the unique qualities I bring to my business and people know me for those qualities.

Subtotal Packaging Identity. I have an attractive and appropriate “business identity package” with cards and letterhead printed with my own unique company identity. Value. Everything that I offer my clients is presented as a value to the client. I always answer their question: “What’s in it for me?” This is presented in a one or two-page “Executive Summary.” Services - What You get. My services, what I do and how I do it, are clearly presented in a brochure, marketing package or web site. It’s no mystery what you get. Pricing and Proposals. I have a well-defined pricing strategy and proposal outline. Personal Presentation. Everything about my business, including my personal presentation are presented in a way that truly represents who I am.



Promotion Relationship. Through all my promotional vehicles people get a sense of who I am and what my services are really about. Referrals Systems. I have several ways to actively generate referrals from existing clients. Referrals are one of my strongest sources of new clients. Visibility Systems. I stay visible to my target market and expand my credibility through networking and a web site. Expertise. I communicate my expertise to my target market through speaking to groups and writing/publishing articles. Keep-In-Touch Systems. I send information to clients and prospects on a regular basis through a newsletter, eZine or other mailings.

Subtotal Persuasion Focus. Whenever I speak to someone about my services and their needs, I am totally focused on what I can do for them - how I can help. Needs. I am skilled at building rapport by learning the past and present situation of my prospects through a series of well-thought-out questions. Objectives. I am skilled at motivating my clients to use my services by discovering what future objectives are the most important to them. Presentation. I have a well-structured and well-organized presentation designed to inform my prospects about exactly how I can solve their problems and meet their objectives. Recommendation. I am successful in asking for the business. I know what to say and do to win a prospect’s commitment to my services.



Performance Communication. I understand that the key to successful client engagements is clear communication. I work constantly at improving this skill. Promises. I make clear, unambiguous promises for what I will deliver and what results clients can expect when I undertake an assignment or project. I keep my word. Requests. I make crystal-clear requests of my clients so they know what I expect of them in a client engagement. They understand that we are partners.

Extra Mile. I don’t just offer good service. I do everything in my power to deliver service that consistently exceeds clients’ expectations. Personal Performance. I stay motivated and true to my personal vision of my business. I get the things done not only for my clients but for myself to make my business successful.

Subtotal Total possible score 125


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.