Therapudic Fasting

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Therapeutic Fasting

1. INTRODUCTION Fasting and tranquilizing the mind through meditation ranks among the world’s most ancient and effective health therapies, both as a cure for specific ailments and a general preventive against disease and degeneration of the organism. When sick animals instinctively abstain from eating, and it has been clinically proven that all organisms from insects to mammals, live significantly longer lives and manifest significantly higher energy levels who deprived of food from time to time. Fasting and meditation used to be a common therapy during the early stages of human civilization. Jesus fasted and meditated frequently to purify his body and clear his mind of attachments, and Pythagorus required his students to fast and meditate for forty (40) days prior to receiving his higher teachings. Even today primitive tribes in Africa, Asia, and South America still maintain “sick houses” on the outskirts of their villages, where ill people are put to rest, fast and meditate until they purge their bodies of the toxins responsible for their ailments. But so called ‘modern civilization’ with its blind faith in chemical drugs, surgery and technology, has all but forgotten this marvelous ancient health regimen. Today, however, fasting and meditation are once again being recognized as an incomparably powerful tool for maintaining health, promoting vitality, and extending lifespan especially among enlightened health therapists. There are now therapeutic fasting and meditation centers in Europe, the Soviet Union and North America and people are flocking to them in droves for relief for every ailment known to man, including arthritis, rheumatism, chronic constipation and other digestive ailments, weakness, lethargy and cancer. Ironically, however, there are few if any fasting centers in the Far Eastern countries even though fasting was once well known to oriental therapists. There is no substitute for fasting and mental development through meditation, its marvelous healing mechanism can only work when the person eases ingesting, digesting and metabolizing solid food while beginning to open and relax their mind through meditation. After about thirty-six (36) hours without food intake, the body automatically switches over from the digestive mode to the detoxification mode, a condition that most people have never experienced in their entire lives and their mind becomes highly emotional. At this point, the millions of active enzymes normally secreted into the stomach for digestion of food are converted instead into ‘scavenger enzymes’, which enter the bloodstream and circulate far and wide throughout the body in “search and destroy” missions against microbes, parasites, toxins, and potentially cancerous damaged cells. The enzymes breakdown and ‘digest’ these foreign invaders and damaged cells and they dump them into the bloodstream for excretion through the colon, kidneys, skin and lungs. The tired, weak and listless feelings experienced during the first three or four days of a therapeutic fast are due entirely to the presence of all these toxins and other waste matter in the bloodstream as they are waiting to be excreted, not to the lack of food and this is where meditation is most helpful. The person learns first hand how to open and relax their mind, not taking any of these states of mind as beings theirs, but realizing that it is only a process of mental and


Therapeutic Fasting

physical cleansing occurring. The human body may be deprived of food for forty (40) days before it starts devouring its own tissues, so their is no damage in fasting for seven (7) days, only some discomfort, which is easily let go of when the person is practicing meditation. A therapeutic fast must last a minimum of seven (7) days, to be fully effective. It takes precisely seven (7) days of fasting to completely detoxify the lymphatic system, the organs, the glands, and most important of all - the entire bloodstream. If daily colonic irrigations are included in the program, the colon is also thoroughly purged of the dried toxic mucus and hardened waste matter that gets so deeply impacted in the folds of the colon and chronically pollutes the bloodstream. Meditation and learning how to open and relax the mind cleans away the mental debris while the body is cleaning itself. Although therapeutic fasts with colonic irrigations and meditation, may easily be performed at home, most people lack the will and self-discipline to do this, and many are simply afraid to try it. Therefore, a properly organized therapeutic fasting/meditation center in Thailand serves the requirements of many people living in Thailand and elsewhere throughout the East, people who are becoming aware of the damages of self-toxification posed by modern lifestyles and industrial environments.


Therapeutic Fasting

2. DETOXIFICATION AND COLON CLEANSING Heavy Metals: Heavy metals like lead and mercury and other toxins can depress body temperature, suppress activity of the glandular system and slow down the immune system, making people susceptible to chronic infections, yeast overgrowths and even cancer (if one lives in a big city they can benefit greatly by detoxing their body at least once a year). To determine whether heavy metals are a problem for you, have your doctor test for the level of lead, mercury, and other heavy metals. Hair analysis can be helpful in making this determination. An alternative health practice may need to be sought out for this testing procedure.

Buckthorn, Red Clover, Apple Pectin, Citrus Pectin and Garlic remove heavy metals Several sources including Louise Tenny’s Book “Today’s Herbal Health” and Dr. Quingcai Zhang MD say Garlic is good to reduce lead levels in the body, Buckthorn is listed by Tenny as a herb to remove lead and Red Clover as a herb to remove toxins. Pectin is found in apples and in the rind of lemons, grapefruits, and oranges. This is very good to remove heavy metals that you can get in the powdered form from health food stores.

The Value of Colonics and Enemas Bad bacteria in the colon produce ammonia, which lowers the pH of the colon (in an acidic direction), and also produces several toxins, which can cause many symptoms and even cancer. The friendly bacteria produce lactic acid, which kills the bad bacteria. Some of these friendly bacteria are lactobacillus, acidophilus, bifidus and bulgaricus. Besides lactic acids, the friendly bacteria produce acetic acid, digestive enzymes and most of the ‘B’ vitamins, including vitamin B12. To remove HIV, Candida and other pathogens from the colon, consider colonics and enemas, also special colon cleansing drinks which may be taken orally. Professionally administered colonics are the most effective, as they reach the ascending colon, the last segment of the colon that home enemas may not reach. While infections in the Ascending and Transverse colon are not common, persons who are HIV+ and who have symptoms, would benefit from a colonic. Colonics remove a lot of toxins from the body. After a colonic, drink a pint of raw vegetable juice (i.e. carrot and celery juice or cabbage juice, the best being cultured cabbage juice), to replenish the electrolytes.


Therapeutic Fasting

Self-Test For Friendly Intestinal Flora An ancient belief is that when your stools are sinking, your health is deteriorating. Stools will float when friendly flora in the colon area produce a type of lipid that makes the stool weigh less than the water in your toilet.. Stools that sink indicate the absence of friendly flora. In addition to producing gamma interferon which builds the ‘T’ cells, friendly flora like acidophilus produces a wide range of ‘B’ vitamins, which cause your urine to be yellow. Sinking stools and clear urine are bad signs. Floating stools and yellow urine are good signs and indicate a healthy colon. To gauge this properly stop taking all vitamin supplements for two days before checking to see how healthy your body actually may or may not be.

Garlic, Chlorophyll Enemas Do this once daily for 1 month. It kills all undesirable viruses, parasites, bacteria and fungus in the lower bowel. It is best to clean out the lower colon area with a pint of warm water before retaining the garlic and chlorophyll enema. To 1 pint (500 ml) of water in a blender add 2-3 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of liquid chlorophyll (2 teaspoons of colloidal silver is another option which helps quite a bit). Beat until completely blended (about 2 minutes). Pour into the enema bag and use either early in the morning or late at night once a day. Try to retain the mixture in your colon for at least 5 minutes before releasing it. Adding 2 or 3 capsules of black walnut may make this mixture more effective in killing parasites. Using a ‘colema board’ is the easiest way to do this. But if no board is available. Suspend the enema bag 24” above your body while lying down. Lie on your left side insert the tube (lubricated with olive oil or any recommended lubricant), allow the water to fill the colon until it feels full, then lie on your back and continue to allow more fluid into the colon until it feels full again. Shut off the water flow with a finger control valve. Use a pillow to prop up your buttocks. This will cause the enema solution to move deeper into the colon. Retain for as long as possible or up to 5 minutes before releasing. Note: enemas should not be taken just after eating, but about 4 hours after your meal. Use enemas once a day for the first month, then 2 or 3 times a week after that, as needed. It is best not to use tap water for this, distilled water is best.

Good Water, Fresh Raw Vegetables, Fruit Juices and Meditation Drinking lots of good clean water (at least 2 liters daily) helps the body remove most toxins and poisons. You can imagine how dirty your clothes would look if you tried to wash them with just 1/2 the water you normally use. People with low rates of metabolism and low body temperature do not crave water and this causes the toxins to build up in the blood and in the cells. Increasing body temperature increases thirst for liquids.


Therapeutic Fasting

This urge should be satisfied as water is necessary (definitely not ever soft drinks) for the kidneys to function in removing toxins from the blood. Freshly squeezed carrot, celery and parsley juice will increase energy levels quickly when taken 2-4 glasses daily. Practicing at least 30 minutes of meditation daily helps to clean out the mind of stress and anxieties.


Therapeutic Fasting

3. WHAT TO EXPECT DURING A 7-DAY FASTING PROGRAM Night Before the Fasting Begins Its best to skip dinner the night before beginning a fast, or eat only a light meal of fruit or salad. Before bed, take 2-3 herbal laxatives to purge the bowels of residual feces the next morning. Begin getting into the habit of meditation daily, to start out at least 15 minutes each time. (How to do the meditation will be explained thoroughly later). Day 1: Upon arising, take your first dose of psyllium- seed- husk- powder (Metamucil) with 300-400 ml of pure water (distilled is best), plus 1-2 tablespoons of liquid Bentonite detoxifier, either together or separately, then another glass of water. This is when you begin meditating for at least 15 minutes each time, more if you can manage it, 11/2 hours later, take your first dose of nutrimental supplements: wheat grass juice tablets, vitamin C, vitamin E, and whole beet juice tablets and again meditate for 15 minutes at least, 1 1/2 hours later, take second dose of psyllium/ bentonite mix and meditate again, then 1 1/2 hours later take second dose of nutritional supplements and meditate, etc. Take four (4) doses of each combination 1 1/2 hours apart and meditate after each dose throughout the day. If using the ‘Colema board’ for irrigations, take first 5 gallon of warm water with coffee and apple cider vinegar through the colon during the afternoon, and another one at night, before bed. (Meditate until you go to sleep). Day 2: Same basic program of cleansers, nutrients, meditation and colonic irrigations. By mid-day, you will start to feel quite weak, tired, listless. This is NOT due to hunger or starvation!!! This is due to the fact that after about thirty-six (36) hours of not eating solid foods, the body switches over to the detoxification mode. Enzymes enter the bloodstream and roam about the entire body, extracting toxins from joints, lymph nodes, internal organs, fat and other tissues. These toxins are dumped into the bloodstream for excretion through the kidneys, skin and lungs. However, the toxins come out so fast that the blood can’t excrete them fast enough, therefore, they circulate throughout the body in the bloodstream, including the brain. It is the toxins coming out of the tissues and carried in the bloodstream that causes discomfort. The worse you feel, the better the program is working for you, because it means that your body is full of toxins and that these toxins are indeed coming out of the tissues where they have been stored for years and into the bloodstream for excretion. Now is when the meditation becomes especially important, as the body becomes listless and tired ones mind begins to become a little grumpy. When one meditates properly they will be able to watch and soften their mind into this process. Tranquilizing and calming ones mind helps to develop equanimity and a sense of balance with what is happening in the present moment. As bodily feelings become somewhat unpleasant the minds reaction to that feeling is what needs tranquilizing and softening at that time. Day 3: Today you will feel worse than on day 2. Continue the program outlined above. If you feel very bad, take extra bentonite liquid, because this substance


Therapeutic Fasting

neutralizes toxins in the blood until they can be excreted. If feeling very weak, you may take extra wheat grass juice tablets and extra beet juice tablets for energy. Keep meditating in the same manner even though you may not feel much like it. Day 4: For many people, this is the most difficult day, especially if you are very toxic. Your body and your breath will stink as the toxins are pushed out through the skin and lungs, to assist the kidneys and colon in their job of elimination. DON’T GIVE UP NOW!!! This is the halfway mark, and if you make it through this day, you will easily finish the whole program. The meditation will now seem very troublesome and you may not want to sit at all, but again DON’T STOP NOW. This is the time when you learn the most about how your mind works. Day 5: Most people begin to recover their energy on this day. By this time, most of the heavy toxins have been eliminated and the mental stress lessens. This frees the blood to start building up the tissues again and replace damaged cells and tissues. Your body will feel very light and supple and your mind will be incredibly clear. You will notice that you dream very clearly and intensely during these days, like going to the movies! This is because the brain is now almost detoxified and therefore it works much more efficiently and clearly. Day 6: Energy builds very rapidly now, as the body is almost completely detoxified and the bloodstream purified. You will not feel hungry at all, by this time. If you wish, you may go to work or perform normal errands such as going to the market, etc. Also, an days 5,6,7, if you are using the ‘Colema Board’, you will notice that you remove the most quantity of foul wastes from your colon on these days. That’s because you already removed the first several layers of sticky, rubbery waste from the colon on the first 4 days, and now you are getting down to the real ‘nitty-gritty’, the stuff that has been deeply impacted into the folds of the colon for many years. Even though you have eaten nothing for four consecutive days, you now begin to eliminate huge quantities of tough toxic waste, dried mucus, and other accumulated debris from the colon. Even if you do not use the ‘Colema Board’, you will eliminate the most waste from the colon to really clean out the colon. By now the meditation becomes much clearer and easier to do. It is easier to sit for longer periods of time and the mind will actually begin to experience some tranquility. Day 7: You will feel better than you can ever remember on this day, both the mind and body feel light. Sitting in meditation is very easy and mind is exceptionally calm and bright. It takes exactly 7 days to completely purify the bloodstream and lymph glands, so by this day your body is completely rejuvenated. You will feel as though you could easily fast and meditate for another week or two (and do so if you have the time).


Therapeutic Fasting

POST - FAST Day 8: It is extremely important to break a fast correctly. Never take cooked food of any kind as your first meal. The best items to eat on the morning of day 8 are, raw Black Grapes, fresh Raw Apples or some sort of Fresh Raw Vegetable Juice (the best is cultured cabbage juice). For example, start the day with one kilogram of fresh Raw Grapes, well washed, spitting out the skin and seeds, again continuing the meditation and sit for 30 to 45 minutes each time.. 11/2 hours later, take another dose of pysllium seed husk powder (Metamucil), to help move the grapes through the system and restore normal bowel movements, then meditate. 2 hours later, more grapes, or perhaps two fresh Raw Apples and some more meditation. A few hours after that, perhaps a large glass of fresh Raw Carrot juice and meditation. Continue in this manner all day. Make sure that you take at least 1/2 cup of cultured cabbage juice 3 x’s daily for the next two weeks to replace the natural flora needed for digestion and vitamin B production. And to continue your meditation for at least 45 minutes daily and longer if possible. Morning time is the best for meditation because then you start the day with a clear calm mind. Day 9: Start out the day the same as day 8, with grapes, apples, carrot juice and meditation. Also take two doses of pysllium powder, along with 1/2 cup of the cultured cabbage juice 3 x’s for the day. That night you may have a large raw vegetable salad, with cold pressed olive oil and fresh lemon juice dressing (no vinegar). Day 10: Begin the day same as days 8 and 9, with raw fruits and raw vegetable juices and meditation. Especially the cultured cabbage juice (1/2 cup 3 x’s daily). That night, you may have your first cooked fresh vegetables, tofu, etc. Day 11: You may now return to a proper diet, but be careful about what you eat and still take 1/2 cup of cultured cabbage juice 3 x’s daily for the next 14 days. The more seriously you take the meditation now the less likely major illnesses will bother you. The more you let go of stress the healthier the mind and body become. No sugar, candy, sweets, colas, white starch (this includes white bread), or other ‘junk foods’. Do not mix starch such as bread, or rice together with protein such as meat and seafood. If you eat carbohydrates like bread, rice and noodles - avoid meat and fish. If you eat meat or fish, do not mix with rice and/or noodles, this will prevent putrefaction and fermentation of food in the digestive tract, which causes accumulation of toxic waste. Try to eat at least one meal per day entirely of raw food, such as vegetable salads or fruit (but not both together at the same time). Continue to take one dose of pysllium powder per day for at least 2 weeks. It will keep the digestive tract clean and keep every thing moving. In fact, it’s a good idea to continue taking pysllium powder (unflavored Metamucil) once a day, or once every 2-3 days permanently.


Therapeutic Fasting

4. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Stomach, Intestines, Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas Though the causes of abdominal disorders are varied and multiple, among the most common are psychosomatic factors such as nervousness, mental imbalance of habitual restless thinking and stress. These can be due to both hormonal imbalances and improper eating habits. The common symptoms are indigestion, gas, belching, bad breath, nausea, hernia, severe headaches and ulcers. These disorders are easily cured through ‘Tranquil Wisdom Meditation’ (opening and relaxing the mind then coming back to the breath and relax the tension in the head and mind on the in-breath and the out-breath), daily exercise and proper diet. There are foods that can prevent many such disorders and when taken in the right combinations can even cure them as well. People who eat anything and everything sooner or later suffer from various types of problems. Some eat fruit with, or immediately after meals. However, fruit requires nearly a quarter of the time for digestion compared to other foods such as fresh vegetables. This results in disrupting the digestive system in general and gives it more work. Similarly, some people eat fruit with white sugar. Sugar makes the fruit ferment. This causes the production of gas and results in heartburn. Young fresh vegetables grown without chemical fertilizers contain more vitamins, minerals, and food value than those stored or canned. Similarly, vegetables boiled in too much water, cooked or fried (except tomatoes) are nothing but bulk and taste, without much real food value. Selecting the right food is an art and can be developed as long as there is an interest in doing so. More than knowing what to eat, it is good to know what not to eat in order to prevent certain problems. One important factor here is that instead of becoming a slave to our taste buds, we must learn to control them. By learning to relax through doing some physical exercise and practicing ‘Tranquil Wisdom Meditation’ (relaxing the mind) daily without a break, psychosomatic problems such as nervousness, stress, tension, and mental strain can be prevented. This requires a conscientious and deliberate effort and in some cases it involves a significant change of habits. ‘Tranquil Wisdom Meditation’ helps in achieving a harmonious and balanced life style, if given a try. By correcting eating habits and by following certain simple eating, avoiding excessively spicy and fried foods, many gastro-intestinal disorders can be prevented or cured.

The Tongue The tongue is a reliable indicator of the digestive system. It can also indicate the state of other systems. A pale tongue indicates weakness, anemia and fluid retention. A deep red one indicates an inflammatory condition. A white coat indicates an excess alkaline condition, poor digestion, internal congestion both in the digestive tract or in


Therapeutic Fasting

the lungs. A yellow coat indicates an excess of acidity, toxicity or inflammation. A red colored smooth tongue indicates vitamin (usually vitamin B) deficiency. A trembling tongue indicates a nerve problem. If the tongue is stiff and rigid then there is tension. If after sleep, there are tooth marks on the edges of the tongue, the indication is water retention and low energy.

Mouth Cracked lips, redness of the corners of the mouth or nose indicates an inflammation or an excess of acid in the digestive system. Red inflamed gums indicate a deficiency of vitamins and minerals as well as acidity. Stale breath indicates poor digestion, acidity and sluggish intestines.

Stools Normal stools, not loose or hard, float, indicating a healthy diet. Loose stools indicate indigestion or poor assimilation. Light or chalky stools indicate improper production of bile due to stones in the gall bladder.

Dietary Concerns For problems due to heat such as gastritis, ulcers, colitis and gastro-enteritis, increase the intake of soothing foods such as raw ochre, papaya, fruits, yams and cultured yogurt with no sugar. - There are some foods which are eaten these days that can really cause problems in the body. For example: all refined starches (wheat and rice) and refined sugars are particularly bad. When raising children one should never give them any kind of refined sugar, this causes their body to have a pleasant feeling for about a half an hour. Where they are very hyperactive, then the sugar goes away and they crash both emotionally and physically. If you really want to do yourself and your children a favor, just give them naturally sweet things like fruits. The increase in diabetes in children has multiplied almost 10 x’s in the last seven years and the reason is the sweets that are given to the children to “make them happy�. Also white polished rice is like a kind of glue in the intestines and it sticks to the sides of the intestines and any other food that is passing through. This causes the food to rot in the abdomen and then people complain about having gastric problems. No small wonder, some of the foods that they ate years ago is still rotting in their stomach, which causes gas, and all kinds of problems. - The only real way to overcome these problems is to change eating habits to more raw vegetables, fresh fruits and freshly squeezed juices (not pre-packaged and store bought). Eating unpolished rice, whole wheat bread, and whole grains.


Therapeutic Fasting

- If there is digestive weakness, the usual symptoms are - gas, bloating, a feeling of coldness, tiredness, and lack of appetite. For these symptoms increase the intake of hot foods such as ginger, fennel, and anise seeds. - Natural foods, such as garlic, fresh vegetables, fibre foods and fruits help the acid/alkali pH balance. - Always eat at least 3 hours before going to bed. - Avoid: white sugar, starch and pastries which produce an excess of acid, red pepper, hot chilis, hot spices, carbonated drinks, fried foods, animal fats, food that might cause gas such as beans, onion, turnips. (this depends on the individual) - Avoid taking antibiotics, tension while eating, swallowing air while eating and gum chewing. - People with any kind of abdominal disorders should eat according to their specified diet and they should make a habit of chewing their food until it turns to liquid in their mouth before swallowing the food.

Digestive Problems in Children Ordinarily children fall prey to abdominal diseases because of malnutrition, inadequate food or improper food. This can start even in the womb itself. Most mothers want their children to be nice, round and chubby and their efforts to do so, they may “force feed� the child with the wrong diet. Unfortunately the child’s system cannot take this burden and digestive problems can result. When there is malnutrition, the abdomen gets bloated and the child becomes weak. - Too much food can be seen as fullness of the abdomen and veins can be seen on its surface. - If the child is in nappies for a long time and if the nappies are not changed soon after they are soiled, the result can be constipation. Nappy rash can also be caused and this leads to the growth of bacteria. - Children who suffer constipation develop bad breath, coated tongues, grind their teeth in their sleep and may have nightmares. - If the child has diarrhea, a lot of water and electrolytes like sodium, potassium chloride and other nutrients may be lost. The result is lethargy, cold feet, sunken eyes, reduced urination and a dry skin and tongue. Plenty of fruit juices with electrolytes, yogurt, sago or rice water, milk, young coconut water and lentil soup may be helpful. - In the case of dehydration give a glass of water with a pinch of salt and a spoonful of honey every two hours.


Therapeutic Fasting

- The larvae of round worms are present in dirty surroundings and can be ingested through water or raw vegetables. A child with round worms feels very hungry in the early stages but later loses the appetite and develops nervousness and irritability. To prevent round worm infections, do not give unclean raw vegetables or unboiled water. - Mouth dryness; Mouth dryness may be due to a local infection of the mouth. Avoid dry foods. Reduce the salt intake. An effective dose of Vitamin C can help to build up resistance and to heal. Black Current Syrup with olive oil and few drops of lemon juice acts as a lubricant for the mouth.

GENERAL ABDOMINAL PAIN Foods good for aches and pains in the abdomen: dill seeds, cloves, green peppers, spearmint, saffron. Causes: deficiency of Vitamin B1, excess of Vitamin D and Calcium, food allergies, overdose of medication like aspirin, and abnormal bacterial growth in the upper part of the bowel. Gall-bladder disease can also cause pain and discomfort just under the ribs on the right side and upper central part of the abdomen. As a preventive measure take: plenty of fresh plain yogurt, adequate fresh fruit, vegetable fibers (this means lots of raw vegetables) and fluids and develop regular daily bowel habits at least once in the morning and once before going to bed. Also the practice of loving-kindness meditation is essential for the healing process to be most effective. At least 30 minutes twice a day. 1] Mix finely chopped garlic and tamari or seaweed sauce. Eat with regular meals. 2] Dry cut apples in the sun. They can be powdered. Take 1 tbsp. of the powder in warm water to relieve stomach pain. 3] Eating unripe papaya soaked in apple cider vinegar gives fast relief. 4] Eat fresh strawberries before meals to help prevent abdominal pain. 5] Mix dates, yam, and ginger and boil until cooked. Eat this once a day for about a week to treat constant abdominal pain. 6] Drink apple cider vinegar (one tbsp. in 250 ml distilled water) with a pinch of sea salt to help relieve pain below the navel region. 7] Finely chopped garlic with unsulphured molasses eaten regularly clears general abdominal pain. 8] Drink chamomile tea for abdominal disorders. 9] Drink yarrow tea three x’s a day to relieve abdominal pain. 10] Steep a few spoons of mint (peppermint) leaves in a cup of water. Drink a cup twice a day for a week to get over the pain. 11] Drink 3 cups of cultured cabbage juice daily.

Pain in the Lower Abdomen Fennel and peppermint tea are especially good and of course meditation twice daily. 1] Finely chop garlic and put in unsulphured molasses and distilled water. Drink a cup 3 x’s a day after meals.


Therapeutic Fasting

2] Chewing fresh sour plum relieves abdominal pain caused due to excess of gas. 3] Using ginger and fennel seeds as seasoning in preparing food is very good in relieving abdominal pain. 4] Steep a few mint leaves in a cup of water. Drink once a day 5] Peppermint tea or two drops of peppermint oil in a cup of hot water with a bit of honey 6] Boil 5 red dates with a piece of yam and ginger in water until soft. Eat the whole concoction once a day for ten (10) days - for stomach ache and diarrhea due to a weal stomach. 7] Drink 3 cups of cultured cabbage juice daily. 8] The practice of loving-acceptance meditation into the area of discomfort has been scientifically proven to increase endorphins into the area and promote healing. Practice twice daily for at least 30 minutes each sitting. 9] Practice placing your loving attention into the area of distress and radiating love and peace there.

Abdominal Pain Caused By A Cold Cinnamon bark and garlic are especially good, along with the practice of meditation and loving-acceptance. 1] Use fennel, mustard seeds and ginger regularly to season food and prevent the cold sensation in the lower abdomen due to cold. 2] Grind cinnamon bark. Mix half a tea spoon in warm water. Drink 3 x’s a day. 3] Blend a small piece of ginger with yogurt and add some salt then mix with cooked brown rice and eat. This relieves abdominal pain due to an excess of gas. Add some brown sugar if it produces a hot sensation. This relieves abdominal pain due to cold. 4] Along with the practice of loving-kindness meditation for 30 minutes 2x’s daily.

Abdominal Pain in Babies 1] Babies, suffering from abdominal pain, are easily soothed by gently massaging the stomach with St. John’s wort oil. 2] Gently rubbing a few drops of castor oil in and around the navel. Warm a betel leaf over a fire. Place the warm leaf on the navel region. Relieves abdominal discomfort.

Abdominal Swelling The cause of abdominal swelling is abnormal growth in the upper part of the bowels. Foods that help; cabbage, nutmeg, pineapple, radish, malt, swordbean. 1] Drink broth or soup made of asparagus to clear swelling. 2] Sweet Mango with peel for relieves abdominal swelling due to gas. 3] Unripe papaya cooked in tamarind water and a bit of salt taken with little warm rice.


Therapeutic Fasting

4] Drink hot lemon juice with a pinch of salt. 5] Take fresh pineapple or its juice twice a day to relieve swelling, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

ACIDITY AND HYPERACIDITY This is the presence of excess acid in the stomach. The common causes are stress and bad eating habits which cause an imbalance in the acid/alkali combination. The symptoms are discomfort in the pit of the stomach, burning sensation in the abdominal area when the stomach is empty and frequent belching with bad breath. This is also caused by over-thinking, anxiety and dissatisfaction about the problems of living. 1] The Practice of Loving-Kindness Meditation: By placing loving and kind attention into the stomach ones mind relieves the tensions of the day which cause excessive acid in the stomach. This should be practiced at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily for mental ease and healing to be most effective. 2] Lemon Juice, Cold Pressed Olive Oil, Garlic: Take one whole lemon cut up with peel and seeds put into blender with 1 1/2 cups of distilled water. Add one tablespoon of cold pressed Olive Oil and 5 gloves of garlic (1/4 to 1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper can be added to aid in the cleansing process). Blend for one minute then strain and drink slowly in small sips until gone. Do this daily once a day for two weeks at least longer if necessary. 3] Potato Juice: Take one medium sized red potato cut up into small pieces, put in a blender with 1/2 cup of distilled water. Blend for one minute (actually time it) strain and drink once a day. 4] Carrot Juice: Raw carrot juice detoxifies the liver and helps to balance the Ph in the blood when consumed in quantities of 1 - 1 1/2 litres daily. Such doses can result in one’s skin turning orange color. Contrary to popular belief it is not caused by carotene, any more than beets turn you red or spinach turns you green. The orange color is due to toxic bile being purged through the liver by the mega-doses of carrot juice; The bloodstream cannot excrete the bile fast enough through the kidneys, so it is purged out through the skin; when the liver is clean, you won’t turn orange, regardless of how much carrot juice you drink. 5] Apple Cider Vinegar: It contains malic acid which is highly beneficial to digestion and balancing the Ph in the stomach. Take two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar per glass of distilled water and drink 3 x’s daily, as needed. 6] Peppermint Tea or Chamomile Tea: Steep in boiling water for five minutes before drinking, brings slight relief to upset stomach. 7] Castor Oil Pack: Use castor oil pack over the liver and large intestines 1 time a day for 6 days, then rest for 1 day and repeat for 2 weeks (or as long as necessary).


Therapeutic Fasting

8] Ozone Therapy: After taking a hot bath (or steam sauna) soak the body in an ozone filled sauna bag for 30 minutes; soak the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes; drink ozonated water daily (2 -3 liters); use ozonated olive oil, aloe vera, or glycerin to massage over the liver and intestines 5 x’s daily for severe cases; eat ozonated olive oil mixed with lemon juice over salads. 9] Other Beneficial Foods: Celery juice; spinach (bulk or juice); Beet ( bulk or juice); Tomato juice mixed with garlic and onion; Can drink these juices in combination with apple juice. Antacids are not really very useful for a lasting treatment. Citrus fruits like lemon have a net alkaline effect because their citric acid is quickly broken down in the body and leaves behind alkaline salts; unpolished rice. 10] Foods to Avoid: Coffee; Black tea (both coffee and tea with milk added is very hard to digest and does more harm to the body than can be realized); Cola; Carbonated drinks; all meats; oily fish; eggs; all milk products, cheese; cream; meats especially pork; alcohol; nicotine; all foods fried in oil; white sugar; white flour and polished white rice. Appetite A general improvement of appetite is noticed by using: fennel, Basil, cardamom, alfalfa, black pepper, caraway, celery, coriander, dill, garlic, mint, parsley, plum, saffron, and mustard seeds. The practice of meditation also helps to improve mental well-being which helps the appetite. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: This helps to relieve mental stress and worry which are quite often the cause of loss of appetite. By placing ones loving attention into the stomach area it relaxes the stomach and one feels more like eating. Practice for 30 minutes 2x’s daily. 2] Blackstrap Molasses, Lemon Juice: Take 1 tbsp. of blackstrap molasses and add with 1 tbsp. of fresh squeezed lemon juice to a glass of warm water and drink right before meals and between meals. 3] Fresh Figs: Eat fresh figs twice daily after meals to improve appetite. 4] Tomato Soup: Drink tomato soup to help increase the appetite. Blend tomato and boil it with water, adding a pinch of salt, coriander leaves, and garlic. Take before meals 3 x’s daily. 5] Fresh Strawberries: Eat five fresh strawberries before meals. 3 x’s daily. 6] Alfalfa Tea: Drink alfalfa tea every day for two weeks as a general tonic. Use one tablespoon of alfalfa leaves to one cup of boiled water, let steep for five minutes before drinking. Take 3 x’s daily for best results. 7] Sarsaparilla: Sarsaparilla is known as the hormone herb and helps build up lean muscle mass with weight lifting. Take 3 capsules 3 x’s daily.


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8] Ginseng: Ginseng is a natural source for testosterone for weight gain with weight lifting, take 3 capsules 3 x’s daily. 9] Castor Oil Packs: Place the castor oil pack over the liver and large intestines, for one hour daily for 6 days, then rest for 1 day and repeat for 2 weeks ( or until the appetite comes back). 10] Ozone Therapy: After a hot bath (or steam sauna) sit in a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 minutes daily; Soak the feet in cool ozonated water for better blood circulation; drink ozonated water daily (2 - 3 liters); use ozonated essential oils for massage to improve appetite; eat ozonated olive oil with lemon juice for salads. 11] Other Beneficial Foods: Carrots; cucumber; garlic; raw tomatoes; lemon; dark grapes; alfalfa, caraway seeds, chamomile tea, watermelon; unpolished rice; whole grains; raw vegetables and fresh fruits. 12] Foods to Avoid: All milk products; white sugar, white flour, polished white rice; coffee; black or green tea especially with milk added; sweetened carbonated soft drinks; All foods fried in oil; All de-natured preprocessed foods that have artificial preservatives.


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To Reduce Appetite 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: This meditation helps one to recognize the cause for the strong craving for food. By seeing directly the mental and emotional cause for this craving it becomes much easier to let go of the strong desire to eat so much. Also by gently placing ones soft attention into the stomach the craving becomes less urgent. Practice 30 minutes 2x’s daily. 2] Fresh Dark Grapes: Eat 1/2 kg ( 1 pound) of dark grapes 60 minutes before the meal 3] Cloves: Boil a few cloves with Black tea to relieve the pain of over-eating. 4] Dry Roasted Groundnuts: Eat 15 dry roasted groundnuts 30 minutes before meals. 5] Castor Oil Pack: Use castor oil pack over the thymus gland one day and over the liver and intestines the next day. Use for 1 hour daily for 6 days (alternating every other day) then rest one day and repeat until it is not necessary. The castor oil pack puts healing energy into the immune system as well as into the liver for dedetoxifying when used in this way. As a side effect it also calms the mind. 6] Ozone Therapy: Ozone can be taken intravenously when given by a competent doctor, the extra oxygen in the system helps to burn up fat and cholesterol. After a hot bath (or steam sauna) use a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 minutes daily, to absorb more healing oxygen into the blood stream; soak the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes to improve circulation and purify the blood; drink cool ozonated water daily (2 -4 liters); use ozonated essential oils for massage to burn off the fat. 7] Other Beneficial Foods: Apple Cider Vinegar; cucumber-cabbage-onion-garlicginger juice daily; Spinach (bulk or juice); High fibre foods; low carbohydrate foods; fresh young coconut juice and soft coconut meat; unpolished rice; blackstrap molasses. 8] Foods to Avoid: Fatty meat; fried foods of all kinds; milk products; eggs; preserved foods; pickled foods; salted foods; all salt; refined sugar and flour; pastries of all kinds; sweet soft carbonated drinks; coffee and tea (especially with milk added); alcohol; nicotine; hydrogenated fats (especially vegetable margarine).

Bad Breath (Halitosis) A strong smell indicates poor digestion and acidity. Such a person should avoid acid producing foods such as fried foods, polished white rice, red meats, coffee and alcohol. Many times this condition comes from a mind that is unsettled so the practice of meditation helps to relieve the cause of poor digestion and halitosis.


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1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: The practice of meditation helps one to relieve the stress and anxiety which are the root causes of poor digestion. By directing ones loving attention into the stomach helps to improve the circulation to the area and improves ones whole condition, radiate loving and kinds feelings into that area.. Practice at least 30 minutes, 2x’s daily. 2] Parsley Leaves: Chewing parsley leaves will even get rid of garlic or onion smell on one’s breath. Take after every meal for best results. 3] Dill Seeds: Chewing dill seeds does the same as Parsley leaves. 4] Red Dates: Eat a few red dates to help freshen the breath. 5] Cinnamon, Thyme, or Clove Oil: Take a few drops of cinnamon, thyme or clove oil and put into a glass of warm water, then gargle. 6] Other Beneficial Foods: Lemon; medium sized carrot after the meal helps eliminate tooth decay; apple cider vinegar; unpolished rice. 7] Foods to Avoid: Garlic; onion; coffee; white sugar; tea especially with milk; nicotine; and chocolate.

Belching 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: The real cause of excessive belching is poor digestion, loving-kindness meditation helps to relieve the stress in ones mind and thereby helping to improve the digestion. Of course this in turn improves the circulation to the stomach by directing soft gentle thoughts and feelings there. This relieves the excessive winds which cause belching. Practice at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily for best results. 2] Fresh Grapefruit (juice or bulk): Take one whole grapefruit 3 times a day to overcome excessive air in the stomach.

Colic Abdominal or kidney pain caused by excess gas and acid owing to fermentation and putrefaction of improperly combined foods. The abdomen becomes hard and one’s feet become cold. The symptoms are similar to appendicitis. Causes: faulty digestion, over feeding, round worms, the presence of Gall Stones or Kidney Stones in the duct. Nursing mothers should avoid eating cabbage, garlic, legumes and onions. Colic can be caused in infants by swallowing air while feeding (breast or bottle). The best way to prevent this is to carry the child on the shoulder and tap the back (gently) so that the child develops proper breathing. If the child is suffering from


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repeated colic, there will be a lot of gas in the intestines. In such conditions, the child can be made to lie on a hot water bottle wrapped in a cloth. This is followed by making the child drink a few spoons of luke warm water. 1] Carrot (10 oz.), Beet (3 oz.), and Cucumber (3 oz.) juice: This blend of juices is very rich in the organic alkalizing elements sodium, potassium, and phosphorus; neutralizes acid, helps expel gas, promote peristalsis; 2 pints (or one liter) daily. 2] Cultured Cabbage Juice: Take 1/2 cup of cultured cabbage juice 3 x’s daily until the problem is healed. 3] Yogurt: Benefits all forms of indigestion; restores friendly intestinal bacteria; soothes inflamed intestinal lining; 6-8 oz. daily. 4] Spinach (Bulk or Juice): detoxifies digestive tract; restores pH balance; soothes intestinal inflammation; promotes peristalsis; must be taken raw, either in salad, or as 6 oz. juice mixed with 10 oz. carrot juice, 1-2 pints (1 liter) daily. 5] Apple Cider Vinegar: This helps to balance the Ph in the stomach and soothes intestinal problems. Take 2 tbsp. in a glass of water 3 x’s daily. 6] Castor Oil Packs: Place the castor oil pack over the stomach and leave for one hour. It settles the stomach very quickly and relieves the colic. Take as often as needed. 7] Ozone Therapy: Drinking ozonated water can bring relief; using ozonated olive oil rubbed onto the stomach works quite well. Also aloe vera that is ozonated helps quickly. You can use other ozonated essential oils as prescribed. 8] Other Beneficial Foods: Zucchini; raw tomatoes; raw apples (on an empty stomach); dark grapes; onion; lemon; pear; celery; garlic; molasses; lecithin; and parsley; unpolished rice. 9] Foods to Avoid: Pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; over-cooked meats; all food fried in oil; refined sugars and starches; polished white rice; chocolate; coffee and tea with milk added; all chemical and synthetic preservatives; salt and foods preserved in salt.

Diabetes and Pancreatitis Inability of pancreas to produce sufficient insulin to metabolize sugars, owing to long-term excess consumption of refined sugars and starches; inflammation of pancreas due to excess demand for pancreatic enzymes in the stomach. Once the insulin treatment gets started it cannot be stopped because the pancreas gets lazy and depends to much on the shots, so the pancreas fails to produce what little it used to, before insulin was given.


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Diabetes Mellitus: metabolism disorder in which there is a reduced ability to oxidize carbohydrates, due to faulty endocrine pancreatic activity. Diabetes Insidious: caused by the malfunction of the pituitary and is usually genetic or constitutional. Symptoms: Unused sugar enters the blood stream and the urine. In the absence of sugar in the urine, the blood may contain excess sugar. If sugar develops in the blood stream, the cells crave for it and this results in weakness, dizziness, cold sweats, excessive thirst, frequent and excessive discharge of urine with or without sugar, numbness in the feet, dryness in the mouth, tiredness, blurring vision, skin disorders, and hypertension. In addition, one may experience weight loss. There is also a tendency for narrowing of the arteries. This may disrupt circulation especially in the feet resulting in advanced gangrene of the feet. Another possible side effect is rupturing of the capillaries of the eyes resulting in blindness. When the sugar level in the blood reaches a certain point (the body pH drops below 4.4), it breaks down to ketones and acetones. This results in blackouts, coma, and even death. Diabetic patients are generally deficient in potassium (similar to low blood pressure). Zinc is a component of insulin and a lack of zinc is also a contributing factor. Sulphur is also found in pancreatic insulin. Insulin, adrenaline and glucagon are important hormones which help in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Insulin helps to lower the blood sugar while the other two raise them. Manganese is lost inevitably, due to excessive urine. This loss may contribute to the kidney problem which is very common among diabetics. Manganese is needed by diabetic patients. It is responsible for glucose tolerance and the ability to remove excess sugar from the blood. Refined carbohydrates cause a rapid increase in the blood sugar level, which in turn increases the production of insulin. With increased levels of insulin, the demand for Chromium increases. (Chromium must be the form of molecules). With a deficiency of chromium, a person who has a normal amount of insulin, may not be able to utilize it. Chromium is found in Brewer’s Yeast, Black Pepper, Wheat Germ, and Whole Wheat Bread. A small dose of chromium, given specially to children, has shown a great improvement in the metabolism of the pancreas. Dried bitter melon has an effect similar to insulin according to Chinese medical books. Honey also has a beneficial effect on the patient. However, it is good to consult a doctor, before changing the diet, as the percentage of sugar level varies from person to person. Less Vitamin ‘C’ results in a lack of insulin. There is a risk of tiny blood vessels. Diuretics may worsen diabetes by producing a potassium or magnesium deficiency. Patients also get benefit from Vit ‘B12’. Loving-Kindness Meditation has also proven to be very helpful in overcoming the root causes of diabetes, which are craving and aversion when that craving is not satisfied. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: When mind becomes calm and open it naturally begins to be more accepting of everything so there is very little craving and aversion which arise without being seen and gently let go of.


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This is very helpful in learning to overcome all kinds of problems related to diabetes and even diabetes itself. By directing ones loving attention into the pancreas and radiating loving feelings into it, helps to increase the circulation of blood to that area. Practice for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily. 2] String Beans (bulk or juice): rich in potassium, help restore deficient pancreas exhausted by excess demand for insulin and other enzymes; alkalize the pancreas; as bulk, steam lightly; as juice, extract raw, 1 pint (500 ml.) daily; may be mixed with carrot juice for flavor. 3] Brussels Sprouts (bulk or juice): rich in alkalizing elements with specific affinity for the pancreas; steam lightly for bulk consumption; extract raw juice, and mix with carrot juice, if desired; 1 pint (500 ml.)daily 4] Blackstrap Molasses: use unsulphured Molasses (it is also called blackstrap molasses) only; all cases of diabetes and pancreatitis are associated with iron deficiency; Molasses is one of nature’s richest sources of organic iron and copper, which works together; take 2 tbsp. Molasses in large cup of warm water, 2 x’s daily; absolute abstention from refined starch and sugar required; this regimen has corrected diabetes, pancreatitis and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) in 1-2 months; flavor Molasses with 1/2 tsp. vanilla or almond extract, if desired. 5] Bitter Gourd: Drink one 350 mg glass of bitter gourd juice every morning. It can also be a little easier to take in an enema form, take the whole plant the vines leaves and fruit clean thoroughly in distilled water. Fill a blender 1/3 full of leaves, vines and fruit, add 1/3 blender of distilled water and blend until completely smooth. This will give you enough for 2 days of treatments. Place 1 1/2 cups in an enema bag. While lying on your left side, let the Bitter gourd into your colon, then lie on your back with a pillow under the buttocks. Continue until the entire 1 1/2 cups are in your colon. Retain for 20 minutes, then evacuate in the toilet. Do this once a day for 2 weeks. 6] Garlic, Vitamins, Brewer’s Yeast: Take 5g of garlic with vitamin and mineral supplements and brewer’s yeast to reduce blood sugar. 7] Lemon Juice, Garlic, Cold Pressed Olive Oil and Cayenne Pepper: Take one whole lemon slice and put in a blender (the skin and seeds too) add 1 1/2 cup of water, 5 peeled garlic gloves, 1 tbsp. of cold pressed olive oil and 1/4 tsp. of cayenne pepper (is optional). Blend for one minute (time it because one minute seems longer than you might think) strain and drink on an empty stomach.

This will make two cups of the juice but drink all at the same time (it looses energy if you try to keep it in the refrigerator and has little effect). Take 1-2 x’s daily for 3 months to balance the pH in the blood. Can also do this with grapefruit juice as well.


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8] Castor Oil Packs: Using a castor oil pack over the liver and large intestines one day and over the thymus gland the next for 6 days then rest 1 day and repeat, helps very much to improve the circulation and purify the blood (do this for at least 3 months or up to 9 months as needed). It also breaks up any congestion in the blood vessels and arteries around the heart. Also the castor oil pack relieves tightness in the chest and lungs. It has be known to dissolve tumors and growths in the body. 9] Ozone Therapy: Taking a shot (jab) of ozone everyday, given by a competent doctor helps tremendously to relieve the functioning of the pancreas and kidneys. It also purifies the blood and relieves the load of work on the liver. Soaking the feet daily in ozonated water helps to improve the circulation in the feet and legs, so the feeling becomes better. Ozonated water heals cuts and open sores on the feet and legs. (One can also use colloidal silver for effective healing of open wounds, this was used for over a thousand years before anti-biotics came along. There is no bad side effects from using this - unlike antibiotics); using cool ozonated drinking water has some effects over a period of time; using ozonated essential oils (especially olive oil and aloe vera) helps very much in stimulating the pancreas and kidneys to function properly again. 10] Other Beneficial Foods: Brewer’s yeast dissolved in warm water (one small packet of powder per cup); raw tomatoes; cucumbers; raw spinach; asparagus: citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime): celery; lettuce; bitter gourd; fenugreek; kidney beans; raw onion; guava; mung beans, lemon; plum; tomato; unpolished rice. 11]Foods to Avoid: All refined starch and sugar; overcooked meat; all food fried in oil; All chemical and synthetic preservative; salt; food preserved in salt; hot spicy foods; chocolate; coffee and tea especially with milk added; hydrogenated fats (especially vegetable margarine); cooked potatoes; bananas, figs, dates, raisins; salt; pepper; mustard.

Hypoglycemia This is low blood sugar which causes low body and mind energy. A shortage of sugar in the blood can cause a lot of problems and hypoglycemia is due to insufficient glucose in the blood stream. By eating refined foods and sugar, the sugar is absorbed immediately into the blood stream and this causes a strain on the pancreas, the liver, and other endocrine glands in combating excess sugar. The reaction is called reactive hypoglycemia or insulin rebound. This results in an abnormal drop in the sugar level. After a short-lived boost in energy, the blood sugar drops way below the normal level. Adding sugar to food makes things worse. This causes fatigue, depression and irritably. An excess of white sugar, hereditary factors and stress can over stimulate the adrenals. This in turn makes the pancreas produce an excessive amount of insulin to be burned off and results in a weakening of the pancreas. By eliminating refined sugar many of the highs and lows can be avoided. It is better to take complex carbohydrate which allows slow absorption. The practice of loving-kindness meditation directed to the pancreas is very helpful in stimulating the blood circulation to that area and helping the balance not only the mind but the body too.


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Symptoms: There is great urge to eat (especially sugar), emotional upset (or instability), irritability, difficulty in concentrating, muscular pains, recurring headaches, cold hands and feet, exhaustion, obesity, allergies, nervousness and depression. To prevent hypoglycemia, avoid white sugar, white flour, white rice, caffeine, salt, and all refined foods, absolutely no canned or pre-packaged foods, no foods with preservatives, no ice cream, oats, rye, barley, butter, margarine, cream cheese, or alcohol. To regulate the sugar level: Have a good protein diet, tofu, soya beans, bean sprouts, nuts, seeds, whole grains and brown rice. Eat whole grains, and vegetables, uncooked sesame oil, peas, and black beans (ulund dal). Take frequent meals, adding cold pressed olive oil. Adding roasted sesame seeds to the food is very useful as it provides extra protein and calcium. Never skip a Meal . Zinc and potassium are very necessary for a healthy pancreas and is found in whole grains, seeds, and nuts. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: The daily practice of loving-kindness meditation is essential for balance in both the body and mind. Gently place your attention and radiate loving and kind feeling into the pancreas. Feel the soft open happiness flow into that area and smile. This helps to increase the blood of blood to the pancreas and relieves any emotional feelings which may be caught in that area. Practice for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily for best results. 2] Wheat Germ, Brewer’s Yeast, Sunflower Seeds, Almonds, Parsley leaves and Soya Milk : Mix 1 tbsp. of Brewer’s yeast + 2 tbsp. of Wheat Germ and 1 tbsp. of raw sunflower seeds, with 1 tbsp. of almonds, 1 cup of fresh parsley or guava leaves and 2 cups of soya milk. Put it all in a blender for 1 minute (adding some honey if desired) and drink twice a day. This drink clears headache and increases energy. 3] Raw Apples: Eat 2 peeled apples a day to maintain sugar level in the body. 4] Castor Oil Pack: Using the castor oil pack works in the same way as described with diabetes. 5] Ozone Therapy: Works in the same way as for diabetes. 6] Other Beneficial Foods: dark grapes; watermelon; blackstrap molasses; lecithin; beetroot; apple cider vinegar; banana; unpolished rice, whole wheat flour and grains.

Gastritis This is an inflammation of the stomach and the intestinal lining without peptic ulceration. It is caused by the acidity of digestive juices. Gastric distress in stomach owing to excess gas and acid formed by incompatible combinations of foods, stimulating spices, alcohol, coffee and other irritants.


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The presence of yeast organisms called candida can cause gastritis. Causes of this painful disorder are smoking, drinking alcohol, and an excess of coffee, or tea. Stress is another cause. Excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid can cause it too. The symptoms are a coating over the tongue, lack of appetite and when chronic, loss of weight. If untreated, the pain can be felt in the back and vomiting with severe abdominal pain can occur. The practice of meditation and learning to soften ones mind into areas of distress is absolutely essential for both body and mind health. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Any time there is a problem with the stomach it is almost certain that the root cause is mental. It seems that the stomach and the emotions are very closely connected. So the practice of loving-kindness meditation and directing that loving-kind feeling into the stomach can bring immediate relief. Softly direct your attention into the stomach, gently radiating a happy smiling feeling into it. Any troubles which may be causing the stomach upset may arise, then gently let go of those thoughts and feelings, they hurt and cause so many problems in your life. So now is time to let go and love yourself. Practice at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. 2] Cultured Cabbage Juice: The lactic acid and sulphur it contains will kill pathogens and viruses of all kinds throughout the entire intestinal tract; the billions of friendly lactobacteria it contains will become implanted in your colon and produce even more lactic acid to keep the pathogens out; the lactobacteria produce vitamin B and other factors needed by the bodies immune system; it heals ulcers and inflammation of the stomach, small intestines and colon; this cabbage juice should always be taken for 2 weeks after you ingest any kind of anti-biotics (even if the antibiotics are used externally). Take 1/2 cup 3 x’s daily. 3] Yogurt: soothes inflammation; neutralizes toxic gas and acids; promotes efficient digestion. Plain yogurt only, may be flavored with a little molasses, if desired. 4]Carrot, Beet, and Cucumber Juice: Powerful alkalizing blend; neutralizes stomach acidity; promotes digestion in stagnant stomach; 10 oz/ 3 oz./ 3 oz., 1-2 pints (500 ml to 1 liter) daily. 5] Spinach (bulk or juice): detoxifies intestinal tract; restores pH balance; soothes inflammation; consumes raw in salad, or juice, 6 oz with 10 oz. carrot juice, 1-2 pints (500 ml to 1 liter) daily. 6] Grapes Puree: Dark grapes, raw, 1/2 to 1 kg daily, with no other food, foe 1-3 days; raw juice equivalent; powerful organic alkalizing and detoxifying elements. Not for diabetes 7] Apple Cider Vinegar: Contains malic acid (all other vinegars contain acetic acid), which is highly beneficial to digestion; balances stomach pH; 2 tsp. in glass of water, 2-3 times daily, as needed. 8] Basil, Honey: Steep 1 tbsp. of dried Basil in a cup of water. Add a little honey and drink a mouthful three x’s a day.


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9] Carrot Juice: Drink 1 - 11/2 liters of fresh squeezed carrot juice daily. 10] Cinnamon: Drink 1/4 tea spoon of cinnamon powder in warm water once a day, as needed. 11] Coriander Leaves and Seeds: Using coriander leaves or seeds as a seasoning on raw salads, relieves excessive gas formation.. 12] Castor Oil Pack: Use a castor oil pack over the liver and large intestines 1 time daily for 6 days, then rest 1 day and repeat for as long as necessary. This relieves the acid in the stomach and calms the nerves. 13] Ozone Therapy: After taking a hot bath (or steam sauna) soak the body in an ozone filled sauna bag for 30 minutes daily - the extra oxygen is soaked into the skin and relieves pressure on the stomach; soak the feet in ozonated water for 30 minutes daily; use cool ozonated drinking water daily (2 - 3 liters); use ozonated essential oils for massage. 14] Other Beneficial Foods: Almonds, blackstrap molasses, raw apples, raw tomatoes, papaya; apricot; pear; peach; papaya; garlic 2-4 gloves; oat, peppermint, black tea not strong- very weak, cinnamon, parsley, coriander seeds; unpolished rice; whole wheat flour. 15] Foods to Avoid: deep fat fried foods; pickled and smoked foods; salt-preserved foods; vinegar (except apple cider vinegar); hot peppers, mustard; alcohol; coffee and tea especially with milk added; sweet carbonated soft drinks, spicy foods, refined carbohydrates white sugar and flour, and cooked cabbage; polished white rice..

Gastro-Enteritis Same symptoms as Gastritis. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Placing one’s attention in the problem areas and then radiating a soft warm feeling of love into it is the start to healing that area. Practice at least 30 minutes, 2x’s daily. 2] Basil, Honey: Steep 1 tbsp. of dried Basil in a cup of hot water, add 1/2 spoonful of honey and drink a mouthful 3 x’s daily. 3] Cooked Guava: Crush fresh guava and boil in a little water until it is well cooked. Eat 3 x’s daily. 4] Olive, Ginger: Boil 5 green olives with a small piece of ginger in distilled water and drink the juice 3 x’s daily. 5] Ginger Tea: Strong ginger tea is good for this problem 3 x’s daily. 6] Cultured Cabbage Juice: Same as above for gastritis


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7] Castor Oil Pack: Use same as for gastritis. 8] Ozone Therapy: Use same as for gastritis. 9] Other Beneficial Foods: carrots; garlic; oats; peppermint; balm, basil; black currant; unpolished rice; whole wheat flour and grains. Same as gastritis. 10] Foods to Avoid: All fried foods; refined starches; white sugar; white flour; and polished white rice; carbonated drinks; spicy foods; cooked cabbage; coffee and tea especially with milk added.

Heart Burn When the cardiac sphincter, a tight valve between the stomach and esophagus, relaxes and allows gastric juices to flow back up into the esophagus, this causes heart burn (pain behind the breast bone). This produces a burning sensation in the chest, accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the stomach. Peptic ulcers can produce heartburn. Sleep with pillows so that head and chest are elevated. Control weight, do not eat too fast (always chew food until it turns to liquid in your mouth before swallowing), avoid bending forward or lifting heavy objects. Do not lie down immediately after eating. Eat smaller and more frequent meals. Take a calcium supplement after each meal. Eating celery regularly clears heartburn. The practice of loving-kindness meditation helps to relieve gastric juices and mental stress which are the root causes of heartburn. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: This meditation helps to strengthen both the heart and the stomach by relieving mental stress. Place your attention on the heart area and feel the warm glowing softness of love fill the heart completely. Practice this at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily for best results. 2] Carrot Juice: Drink at least 1 liter of carrot juice daily to relieve heartburn. 3] Peppermint Tea: Steep a few spoons of peppermint leaves in a cup of hot water. Drink a cup 2 x’s daily for a week to overcome chronic heartburn. 4] Castor Oil Pack: Use a castor oil pack over the thymus gland and stomach on one day and over the liver the next for 6 days then rest and repeat for 2 weeks (or as needed). 5] Ozone Therapy: drink only ozonated water; use ozonated essential oils for massage; soak the feet for 30 minutes in ozonated water. 6] Foods to Avoid: White sugar; polished white rice; white flour; coffee and tea especially with milk added, salt, foods preserved in salt; alcohol; fatty foods; All fried foods; spicy foods; chocolate; all carbonated drinks.


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Liver Trouble (Cirrhosis and Hepatitis) The liver stores iron and fibrinogen which assists in blood clotting. It has double blood circulation, one regular and the other portal circulation. All the blood coming from the intestines first passes the liver before going into general circulation and thus it is one of the key organs of the body. A high intake of fat can overburden it and constipation can cause it to be sluggish. Malnutrition is one of the chief wreckers of the liver. Iron deficiency and anemia can also cause disruption. The symptoms of a sluggish liver: loss of appetite, tiring very quickly, loss of weight, jaundice, Swelling of the feet is very common, red lines on the palms of the hands, Pain on the right side together with headaches, nausea, indigestion, a bitter taste in the mouth, belching, and feeling of fullness after light meals due to bile being stored up and not being eliminated. Along with theses things the spleen becomes enlarged. For jaundice, fats will not be metabolized by the liver and so should be avoided totally. Even after recovery, it is better to avoid all fatty and fried foods for the rest of your lifetime. By directing loving-kindness into the liver area it greatly helps to improve the blood circulation to the liver and it helps to purify the blood. Common problems with the liver: cirrhosis (degeneration), viral hepatitis (inflammation), Hepatitis A (through contaminated water and food), Hepatitis B (contaminated through bodily fluids). Symptoms are yellowness in the eye and body. In Hepatitis, the liver becomes tender and enlarged. The symptoms are fever, general weakness, nausea, and jaundice. One should totally avoid alcohol, animal fat, oil, fried foods, eggs, sugar, cream, chocolates, salt, caffeine, tea and all dairy products (cheese, milk, butter etc.) and spicy foods. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: By softly directing ones attention into the liver, it helps with the circulation. The liver is the store house for some very strong anger emotions. So sending Loving and Kind thoughts into that area it helps one to let go of old angry thoughts and feelings. This helps greatly with the purifying of the liver and its proper functioning. Practice at least 30 minutes 3x’s daily for sever cases and 2 daily for minor problems.

2] Yeast: (brewer’s yeast) is a potent source of B vitamins and pangamic vitamin B15 acid, all of which are vital for liver function and help reduce liver inflammation; alkalizes the liver and stimulates liver functions; 1 tablespoon of brewer’s yeast in water twice a day, on an empty stomach only; do not mix with other foods. 3] Tomato: Raw tomato is especially effective in reducing inflammation of liver due to hepatitis and cirrhosis; best taken for 1-3 days exclusively of other foods (This means to fast only taking raw tomatoes), either bulk or raw juice; may be mixed with carrot juice for flavor and extra therapeutic benefit. CAUTION: do not take if arthritis is evident.


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4] Carrot Juice: Fresh raw carrot juice is one of the best liver detoxifiers when consumed in quantities of 2-3 pints (1- 1 1/2 liters) daily Such dosage sometimes results in an orange tinge in the skin, contrary to popular belief, this is not caused by carotene, any more than beets turn you red or spinach turns you green; the orange tinge is due to toxic bile being purged through the liver by the mega-dosage of carrot juice; the bloodstream cannot excrete the bile fast enough through the kidneys, so it is purged through the skin; when the liver is clean, you won’t turn orange, regardless of how much carrot juice you drink. 5] Summer Squash: Especially rich in neutral sodium & pottasium which are electrolytes. Summer squash is an excellent alkalizing which is needed for acidosis of liver and blood due to depressed liver function. Lightly steam (no more than 3 minutes in very little water), no salt or spices. 6] Garlic, Cold Pressed Olive Oil: Take one tbsp. of finely chopped garlic mixed with cold pressed olive oil at night to rejuvenate the liver. 7] Celery Juice: Take one cup 350 ml celery juice mixed with distilled water daily. 8] Grape Juice Puree: Take five 500 ml glasses of dark grape juice blended with skins and seeds (Don’t strain). Drink every day for one month. This detoxifies the liver and flushes it out very well. (not for diabetics to use). 9] Bitter Gourd: The bitter gourd is one of the most important vegetables to eat when one has liver problems. Take one whole bitter gourd every day for two weeks. It can be used in an enema make 1 1/2 cups and put in an enema bag then put into the colon and retain for 20 minutes do once daily for 1 week. 10] Lemon, Cold Pressed Olive Oil, Garlic, Cayenne Pepper: Cut up one whole lemon the peel and seeds included put in a blender add 1 1/2 cup distilled water, one tbsp. cold pressed olive oil, five peeled garlic cloves, and 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. of cayenne pepper . Blend for one minute, strain and drink all (it makes about two cups), take first thing in the morning before breakfast. Use everyday for three months. This flushes out the toxins in the liver and promotes circulation of blood in the liver as well as balancing the pH in the blood. 11] Beet Juice: Take 1/2 beet and put in blender, the green top as well as the red beet. Blend for one minute then drink without straining. Take this twice a day for one week before breakfast and before going to bed. Every good for purifying the blood and flushing out the liver. 12] Castor Oil Pack: Use a castor oil pack over the liver daily, it can be used up to 3 times depending on the severity of the case. The castor oil dissolves any hardness in the liver and increases the blood flow. It purifies the blood and dilates the tiny blood vessels in the liver so it can function again properly. Use every day for 6 days and rest for 1 day then repeat until the condition has healed itself. The castor oil pack is the most effective healing therapy known for the liver and gall bladder. It works quickly and makes the person feel comfortable. There are no bad side effects from using this therapy. Some people have used it continuously for 12 hours without any problem.


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13] Ozone Therapy: Taking a shot of ozone from a competent doctor daily helps tremendously to purify the blood and that in turn helps the liver. After a hot bath (or steam sauna) getting into an ozone filled sauna bag for 30 minutes pulls the toxins out of the blood through the skin. Soaking the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes helps circulation; drinking ozonated water detoxifies the blood; using ozonated essential oils for massage creates a quick healing effect. 14]Other Beneficial Foods: Beets (raw juice or bulk); cabbage; zucchini; string beans (bulk or juice); calves liver; raw spinach; sunflower seeds; soybeans; papaya; lemon; apple cider vinegar; tomato; oat; cucumber; onion (both white and red mixed together); radish; rosemary; Cherries; soya bean; egg yolk; unpolished rice; whole grains; whole wheat flour and molasses. 15] Foods to Avoid: Deep fat fried foods; overcooked meats; refined sugars and starches; polished white rice; chocolate; hydrogenated fats (especially vegetable margarine); coffee and tea especially with milk added; alcohol; drugs; foods with chemical additives and preservatives and spicy foods.

Cirrhosis of the Liver This occurs when the liver cells gradually lose their functions and the liver itself shrinks. The raised pressure in liver circulation causes bleeding at various places of the body. (A common site is the esophagus and piles in the rectum). Alcohol is the main cause of this problem. Other causes are viral hepatitis, various drugs and toxic chemicalised foods. Symptoms are thin hair, bulging eyes, jaundice, reddish areas on the face caused by dilated capillaries, breast enlargement in males, club fingers. In women, menstruation becomes irregular. The most important foods that help the liver in its cleansing and detoxifying operations are green vegetables and carrots. Other foods that help in general are brewer’s yeast, sprouted seeds and grains, raw nuts, beet and their tops, celery, radish, garlic, lemons, and cucumber. Avoid all meat (even fish), and alcohol completely. Taking 1 tsp. of Colloidal Silver 1 or 2 x’s daily helps the balance the situation.. Also use the castor oil therapy and ozone therapy as described above. The practice of loving-kindness meditation is very helpful in balancing these kinds of problems. Place your soft attention on the liver area and radiate love into it. Practice daily 2 x’s for 30 minutes each.


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Hepatitis / Jaundice Eating plenty of carrots or drinking fresh carrot juice (1 - 1 1/2 liter daily), Wheat Germ, Green Vegetables and good quality plain yogurt as protein is essential. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: This meditation when directed to the liver area brings balance to ones thinking and health to the liver. Radiate that warm glowing feeling of love and kindness into that area Practice it for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. And more in sever cases. 2] Celery Juice: Take 1 liter of celery juice daily with 2 tbsp. of honey. 3] Parsley Juice: Drink one cup of parsley juice or take the leaves and seeds and steep in boiling water for 10 minutes before drinking. (very good to relieve jaundice). 4] Thymuplex Tablets: This is an enzyme therapy take 3 tablets 2 x’s daily for 2 months then go in and have yourself tested for hepatitis 5] Chlorophyll, Raw Garlic Enema: It is best to clean out the lower colon with a pint (500 ml) warm water before using the chlorophyll - garlic mix. Put one pint (500ml) of distilled water in a blender and add 2 tbsp. of liquid chlorophyll and 2-3 cloves of raw garlic leave in blender for 2-3 minutes or until the garlic is thoroughly ground up. Pour into an enema bag, do this in the morning. Try to retain the fluid you put in the colon for at least 10 minutes before evacuating it in the toilet. 6] Chlorophyll: Drink 1 tbsp. of liquid chlorophyll in a glass of water 3 x’s daily for 2 months. 7] Dandelion Root Capsule: Take 2 dandelion root capsules 2 x’s daily for 1 month. 8] Colloidal Silver: Take 1 tsp. 1 or 2 x’s daily to bring relief and healing. 9] Castor Oil Packs: The castor oil pack can be used in the same way as for the liver. (above) 10] Ozone Therapy: The ozone therapy is the same as for the liver. (above) It is very effective with all forms of hepatitis 11] Avoid: All of the same things for the liver conditions.

Gall Bladder The gall bladder is situated on the middle portion of the inferior surface of the liver. It stores bile, concentrates it and releases it to the small intestines when it is required for digestion. Gall Bladder diseases are quite common and cause prolonged suffering.


Therapeutic Fasting

The Gall Bladder is one of those organs where stones form and where infection is very common. Gall Bladder problems,, be it stones or chronic inflammation or infection can cause abdominal pain just under the rib cage on the right side. Food intolerance is the main cause. The practice of loving-kindness meditation helps greatly when there is strong pain in ones body. Pain cause ones mind to contract and become tight, thereby stopping the natural pain killing endorphins from bringing relief. Loving-kindness meditation helps to open and soften the mind so the endorphins can help to bring some relief to that area. Practice as much as possible when pain is intense, remember to open and soften the mind continually by radiating loving feelings into the gall bladder. Practice this whenever there is distress, also sit in meditation for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily.

Gall Stones Gall-stones are formed mainly of the materials that are found in the bile. The largest contributor is cholesterol. The bile pigments also contribute to the formation of stones. Calcium is another mineral that gets involved in stone formation. Infection accelerates the process of stone formation. Gall-stones are common among women. Obesity and fair skin favor this ailment. Food rich in fat causes this problem. It best to consult a doctor before administering any of the remedies as the size of the stone may endanger the passage by collecting in the tube and obstructing the passage. Symptoms: a single stone may live silently in the gall bladder without causing any problem. It is when a small stone moves to the opening of the gall bladder or goes into the bile duct that it causes pain and jaundice. If in addition, there is an infection, fever with chills and pain in the right upper part of the abdomen is common. Once diseased, it is very difficult to get the disease to cease and go away. As far as prevention is concerned, particular food habits are most effective. Every effort is to be made to get rid of obesity. It is best to cut down on fatty, especially fried foods. Persistent indigestion and flatulence should be checked. The practice of loving-kindness meditation is very helpful when gall stones become painful. By placing ones attention into the painful feeling and opening and relaxing the mind brings relief. Lovingly accepting the fact that pain is there and softening your mind into it (without hating or tightening the mind), without fighting or trying to mentally push it away, causes the pain to become less of an emergency, thereby causing less distress. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: This meditation helps one to soften their mind around painful sensations when practiced properly. It improves circulation to the gall bladder and thereby helping to heal that area. Anytime a person fights or resists painful sensations in the body they are actually causing themselves more pain and discomfort. By fighting it, a little pain becomes big and a big pain becomes unbearable. But when one opens and relaxes their mind into the pain it isn’t so bad anymore. A good acronym to remember is D.R.O.P.S. which stands for Don’t Resist Or Push Soften ..... Always try to open and soften the mind then radiate gentle loving energy into the painful area. Fighting and hating the pain makes the pain worst, so sending love into the pain instead of hate into it does help immensely.


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Practice whenever the pain becomes noticeable and stay with it until the pain goes away. If there is extra time practice 30 minutes 2x’s daily. 2] Horse Radish, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Grapes: For gall bladder infection eat 2 tbsp. of horseradish soaked in 3 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar and 200 ml puree grape juice. Take 3 x’s a day for 2 weeks. 3] Cold Pressed Olive Oil: Take 2 tbsp. of cold pressed olive oil before each meal to activate the gall bladder for one month. 4] Lemon Juice: Drink 3 tbsp. of undiluted, unsweetened lemon juice 1/2 hour before breakfast for one week. It stimulates, purges and empties the gall bladder. 5] Apple, Cold Pressed Olive Oil, Lemon Juice, Epsom Salts: Take 5 apples a day either bulk or as juice from the blender for 5 days. On the 5th day do not eat an evening meal. At 6pm drink 4 oz. warm water with one tbsp. of Epsom Salts in it. At 8pm drink another 4 oz. warm water with one tbsp. of Epsom Salts in it. At 10pm drink 4 oz of puree lemon juice mixed with 4 oz. of Cold Pressed Olive Oil. This may be hard to keep down but even if you feel like vomiting don’t. The next morning you will evacuate the gall stones. If you stir things up a bit, you will see some green stones floating, these are the gall stones. The apples soften the stones so they will move through the tubes easily. The Epsom Salts is a strong laxative. The lemon and olive oil help to clear out the gall stones. 6] Chamomile Tea: Taken 2 x’s daily for two weeks it will dissolve the gall stones. It must be very strong for it to work. 7] Carrot Juice: Take 500 ml of fresh carrot juice 2 x’s a day to prevent gall stones. 8] Dandelion Tea: If one drinks dandelion tea regularly it prevents the formation of gall stones. 9] Parsley Tea: Steep 1 tbsp. of parsley in a cup of hot water for 1/2 hour and drink it 2 x’s a day to clear gall-stones. 10] Castor Oil Packs: Using the castor oil pack over the liver, gall bladder and large intestines relieves the pain and discomfort immediately. Use for 1 hour 6 days (can use more often during the day as needed). The castor oil will actually dissolve the stones in a very short period of time, so the body can evacuate them easily through the bowels (the average for dissolving the stones is 6 days). It balances the pH in the blood and helps to lessen the uric content in the blood. 11] Ozone Therapy: Taking ozone intravenously helps to relieve the symptoms quickly when given by a competent doctor. 12] Other Beneficial Foods: Garlic; blackstrap molasses; cucumber; grapefruit; orange; watermelon; brewer’s yeast; lecithin; young coconut milk; and spinach; unpolished rice; whole grains.


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13] Foods to Avoid: Coffee and tea especially with milk added; white sugar; all sweets; white flour products; pastries; polished white rice; salt; hot chilis and spicy foods; sweetened soft carbonated drinks; chocolate; All foods fried in oil; and mustard.

Obesity Excess adipose tissue deposited throughout the body, especially abdomen, buttocks, and thighs, owing to excessive consumption of refined starch and sugar and habitual consumption of incompatible food combinations; obesity is sometimes due to glandular disorders, but such disorders are often also the direct result of poor dietary habits and may therefore be corrected with the same nutritional therapy; fasting and colonic irrigations are very helpful as the first steps in correcting both obesity and glandular disorders, followed by nutritional therapy. Loving-kindness meditation is very helpful to show one the root causes for the over-indulgence in food. Which are mainly dissatisfaction and hatred of situations in ones life. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: This type of meditation is very helpful for one who is obese. By placing their attention into the stomach area and/or the liver area then radiating loving kind feelings into the area the person will begin to get a feeling of well-being that they have never experienced before. There will also be some emotion traumas stored there that will have to softly be let go of. Practice for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily for no less than 2 years. 2] Carrot Juice: raw carrot juice cleanses the entire digestive tract of morbid waste, detoxifies the liver, and balances the endocrine system, all of which help cure and prevent obesity; 2 pints (1 liter) daily. If patient has diabetes also the carrot juice should be diluted 1: 4 with distilled water and still drink the prescribed amount. 3] Carrot, Beet, Cucumber Juice: a major symptom of obesity is severe acidosis of blood and tissues; this blend has potent alkalizing properties in the bloodstream and kidneys, thus promoting efficient metabolism and excretion of wastes, 10 oz./ 3 oz./ 3 oz., 2 pints (1 liter) daily. Again if the patient has diabetes dilute at least 1: 4 with distilled water. 4] Spinach: Raw spinach is one of nature’s best antidotes for the lower bowel stagnation, which is a common cause of obesity; consume raw in salads, or 6 oz.(200 ml) juice mixed with 10 oz. carrot juice, 1-2 pints (1 liter) daily. 5] Cabbage Juice: Raw cabbage juice detoxifies the stomach and upper bowels of putrefactive wastes, thereby improving digestive efficiency and facilitating rapid elimination; mix half/half with carrot juice; 1 pint (500 ml) daily. Can use cultured cabbage juice 1 cup 3 x’s daily for 1 month or until the stools float and the urine is yellow color. 6] Cabbage, Cucumber, Onion, Garlic, Celery and Cayenne Pepper: Mix 100g cabbage, with 1/2 medium sized cucumber, 1 small onion, 5 gloves of garlic, and 3


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medium sized stocks of celery in a blender with 200 ml distilled water add 1/4 to 1/2 tbsp. of cayenne pepper, Blend for 2 minutes then strain and drink slowly 2 x’s a day. 1/2 hour before breakfast and 1/2 hour before the evening meal (can be taken with 1 tsp. of pysillium husk powder [unflavored Metamucil] to be used as a mild but very effective laxative). 7] Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix 3 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar with one cup of warm distilled water. Take 5 x’s daily. 8] Asparagus: When someone is obese they have very poor functioning organs and the kidneys is one of them; take a bunch of lightly steam (3 minutes) asparagus daily to help improve the functioning of the kidneys and it helps to relieve water retention. It contains asparamid, nature’s most effective kidney diuretics; asparamid give urine a strong odor of ammonia, which indicates that excess uric acid is being rapidly expelled; asparamid breaks up oxalic acid crystals in the kidneys and muscles. 9] Castor Oil Packs: The castor oil pack used over the liver and large intestines, will improve the blood circulation and activate a sluggish liver and removes fatty tissue from around the heart (which most obese people suffer from). Use it 1 day over the liver and the next over the thymus gland for 6 days then rest for 1 day and repeat. Do this for 3 months to improve health and help to relieve the obese condition. 10] Ozone Therapy: Ozone taken intravenously help to unclog blood vessels around the heart and liver. Make sure you use a competent doctor. After taking a hot bath (or steam sauna) use a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 minutes to help melt away fatty tissue. Soaking the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes daily helps the blood circulation to the entire body. Drinking ozonated water with 2 -4 tsp. of apple cider vinegar per 500g daily puts more valuable oxygen into the body (3 -4 liters a day will help to activate the kidneys again). Using cool ozonated olive oil (and other essential oils) for massage helps to remove fatty cells from around the organs. 11] Other Beneficial Foods: All raw vegetables and raw fruits which provide the active enzymes, organic alkaline minerals and moist raw fibre required for digestive and metabolic efficiency; All of these foods are best taken 30 minutes before the meal. Apples; Asparagus; Beet root; cabbage; celery; cucumber; cranberries; eggplant; parsley; soybean; tomatoes; watermelon; grapefruit; oranges; and lemons. Also unpolished rice; whole wheat products; wheat germ oil; whole grains. 12] Foods to Avoid: All refined starch and sugar, especially white bread and sweet pastries; any white sugar products; polished white rice; over cooked meats; fatty meats; all food fried in oil; chocolate; pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; alcohol; coffee and tea especially with milk added; sweetened soft carbonated drinks; hot spicy foods; hydrogenated fats (especially vegetable margarine).


Therapeutic Fasting

Ulcers The ulcer is a sore in the walls of the stomach or intestines. Severe inflammation and irritation of the lining of the stomach and duodenum owing to fermentation and putrefaction of incompatible combinations of foods, excess consumption of chemical additives and preservatives, excess alcohol, high acid foods like cereals, white bread, meat, eggs, cheese, coffee, and excessively stimulating spices. The presence of parasites and/or stress is also a cause. Abuse of steroid drugs in treating pain can cause one of the most dangerous forms of ulcers which may appear without the usual pains and bleeding. Raw cabbage contains chlorine and sulphur and Vitamin U which is an anti-ulcer agent and helps to clear the mucus membrane. Honey and okra neutralize the acid. The practice helps very much to relieve the discomfort of the ulcers and the ulcers themselves. A steady practice of Loving-kindness Meditation will also prevent them from arising again. Oral ulcers are due to food allergies, particularly sensitivity to gluten which is found in wheat, rye, oats, and barley. A deficiency of iron, folic acid, Vit B12, or Vit B6 is usually present. Take a gluten free diet and take 2 tbsp. of sulphur-free blackstrap molasses daily. Duodenal Ulcers are associated with gastric over acidity. Stress seems to be the main cause. It is common in people with blood type ‘O’ and alcoholics. Duodenal ulcers produce pain a long time after meals i.e. usually when the stomach is empty. Peptic ulcers are breaks in the lining of the stomach or duodenum which get irritated by the acid of the stomach. Peptic ulcers produce belching, vomiting, and constipation. In treating peptic ulcers, there should be more protein in the diet than usual. However, meat and whole cereals should not be taken. But skinned pulses like tor dal, moong dal can be taken. The usual symptoms are vague pain in the stomach area, nausea, and vomiting. Usually the pain appears within two hours after the meals and can radiate to the back. Untreated peptic ulcers may lead to a hemorrhage or gastric bleeding. They can also perforate the stomach walls. Gastric ulcers occur in the part of the stomach which leads on to the duodenum. The reason for them may be delayed gastric emptying, excess of gastric acid, damage to the stomach lining or reduced resistance of the lining. It is common among people with blood type ‘A’, smokers and those who have taken drugs such as aspirin, steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs. Since acid secretion is raised by milk and milk products, it is better to avoid them. Foods rich in Vitamin C, A, and zinc are necessary to treat ulcers. All food should be well cooked. According to Dr. Paul Jayraj, a research pathologist at the University College of London, rice eaters are more prone to stomach ulcers. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Placing ones soft attention into the uncomfortable area and opening the mind, letting go of all tightness in the mind, then radiating love


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into it helps very much to relieve stress and other causes of the ulcers. Practice at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. 2] Cabbage Juice: has potent cleansing and reducing properties; best taken half/half with carrot juice, 1-2 pints (1 liter) daily. (also cultured cabbage juice see page 20 for instructions in how to make it). 3] Yogurt: cultured with no sugar; soothes inflamed ulcers; restores pH balance. 4] Grapes: raw dark grapes, pulp or juice, 1-2 pounds (1/2- 1 kg) daily, exclusive of other food, (this means take no other food) 1-3 days. If juiced make the drink puree. Not for diabetics 5] Alfalfa Tea: Drink Alfalfa tea 2 x’s every day for three weeks for peptic ulcers. 6] Marigold Flowers: Make an infusion of dried Marigold flowers by putting the dried flowers in a clear glass bowl (the petals covering the all of the water) of distilled water and leave in the morning sun for 4 hours. Then boil the infusion and flowers, and strain. Drink that water 3 x’s a day to clear all types of ulcers. 7] Plums, Apple Cider Vinegar: Add 5 plums to a clear glass bowl or enameled pot of distilled water and boil for 10 minutes, then take off fire and add 4 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar, let cool and gargle 3 x’s a day for mouth ulcers. 8] Soya Oil, Lemon Juice: Drink 10 drops of soya oil in 100 ml freshly juiced lemon juice add to 150 ml distilled water. 9] Unripe Bananas: Eat cooked 3 unripe bananas daily. 10] Comfrey Tea with Parsley: Comfrey tea can heal bleeding ulcers together with a tbsp. of parsley leaves. 11] Cold Pressed Olive Oil: Take one tbsp. of cold pressed Olive Oil (no other type of processed olive has the healing qualities, it must say cold pressed on the label) 30 minutes before a meal every day for one month. 12] Chamomile Tea: Strong chamomile tea is one of the best cures for all types of ulcers. 13] Castor Oil Packs: Alternating the placing of the castor oil pack relieves pain and distress quickly. One day place over the liver and large intestines and the next day over the thymus gland and stomach for 6 days (if needed alternate both places on the same day for severe cases) then rest 1 day and repeat as needed. This tones the organs and improves the circulation and heals the ulcer (for internal use) externally only use over the liver and large intestines. It also gives one a sense of calm. Not directly over the ulcer itself as it may be unpleasant and itchy. 14] Ozone Therapy: A shot intravenously or intramuscularly works very well for ulcers, when given by a competent doctor; After a hot bath (or steam sauna) it is good


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to take a 30 minutes soak in an ozone filled sauna bag (it helps to detoxify the blood and skin); also soaking the feet for 30 minutes in cool ozonated water helps the circulation in the entire body; drinking cool ozonated water daily is soothing to the ulcer (2 - 3 liters); using ozonated essential oils for massage has proven to be quite effect in bringing relief. 15] Other Beneficial Foods: Raw goat’s milk; raw egg yolk; raw black cherries or juice; papaya; cabbage (raw or bulk); onion; soya bean; black sesame seed; blackstrap molasses; string beans; lecithin; unpolished rice and brewer’s yeast. 16] Foods to Avoid: vinegar (except apple cider vinegar); smoked and pickled foods overcooked meats; all food fried in oil; hot peppers, mustard, curry; coffee and tea especially with milk added; alcohol; refined sugar products; refined starches; polished white rice; chocolate; pastries; and salt.

Nausea 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: No matter how bad one feels they can still softly put there attention into the uncomfortable feeling and open their mind. By doing this and radiating love to the area of distress instead of hate into it, helps one to be able to balance their mind/body more quickly and easily. Practice for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. Or whenever needed. 2] Peppermint, Lemon Balm, and Clove Tea: All of these teas relieve general nausea, peppermint, lemon balm, clove tea. Make fairly strong tea and sip 2 x’s daily as needed. 3] Lemon Puree: Nausea and dizziness can be cured by taking one lemon and cutting up with peel and seeds, put in a blender with one cup of water, blend for two minutes until it is completely chopped up and a liquid. Then put ice cubes in the mix and allow to get cold before drinking. Take once a day as needed. 4] Basil Leaves: For travel sickness an infusion of basil leaves taken before the journey helps. To make the infusion, take 2 tbsp. of basil and put into a clear glass bowl of distilled water for 4 hours in the morning sun. 5] Mint Tea: Mint tea settles the stomach and helps to overcome morning sickness also. 6] Castor Oil Pack: Castor oil packs will relieve nausea quickly. Use for 1 hour for as long as needed (one treatment works for most people). 7] Ozone Therapy: Drinking ozonated water settles the nausea; ozonated essential oils act very quickly in bringing relief.


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Nausea with Vomiting 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: This meditation is most helpful and useful in every situation. If it is practiced regularly then when a crisis situation arises then one can remember to use it and help overcome the distressful situation with more balance of mind, which in turn helps the body to heal itself more quickly. 2] Basil Leaf Tea: Steep 1 tbsp. of dried basil leaf in a cup of hot water. Add a little honey and drink a mouthful 3 x’s daily. Holding the tea in your mouth for one minute. 3] Clove Oil: Take 2 drops of clove oil in a glass of water to stop vomiting. 4] Ginger Juice: Drinking fresh squeezed ginger juice 1/2 cup helps relieve vomiting. 5] Coconut Water: Drinking young tender coconut water eases vomiting. 6] Castor Oil Pack: A castor oil pack works very quickly in settling the stomach and relieving the vomiting. Place over the stomach for 1 hour. The body will feel a sense of relief and the mind will feel calm. Quite often after using the castor oil pack the patient will feel like taking a nap, which is the best thing they can do. 7] Ozone Therapy: Using cool ozonated drinking water can be of some help with nausea; using ozonated essential oils with massage works well and quickly. 8] Other Beneficial Foods: Asparagus; balm; barley; lavender; peppermint; saffron; radish; button mushrooms; sugarcane; apple cider vinegar; fennel; cinnamon; clove; blackstrap molasses; ginger; nutmeg; black pepper; young coconut; dark grapes; string bean; kidney beans; orange peels; pineapple; unpolished rice; whole grain cereals. 9] Foods to Avoid: All fatty meats; oily foods; foods fried in oil; white sugar; white polished rice (except in rice soup); white flour; processed foods; preserved foods; coffee; chocolate; cola; polished rice; coffee and tea especially with milk added; and eggs.

Worms 1] Coconut Pulp and Coconut Juice: Eating coconut pulp and drinking the coconut juice from young soft coconuts the first thing in the morning for three days will get rid of tape worms. 2] Papaya, Apple Cider Vinegar: Eat unripe papaya soaked in apple cider vinegar for one day will get rid of worms in the intestines. Take 3 x’s every day for one week. 3] Carrot Juice: Drink 1 - 1 1/2 litres of freshly made carrot juice (do not mix with milk).


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4] Pomegranate Seeds: 1/2 cup of pomegranate seeds 2 x’s a day will get rid of tapeworms. 5] Pumpkin Seeds: Crush dried pumpkin seeds into powder and mix 1 tbsp. with 500 ml carrot juice. Then a few hours later take a mild laxative, pyssllium husk powder works the best. 6] Black Walnut Husk: Take freshly fallen black walnuts husks and put in denatured alcohol and let sit for 3 days strain and use the tincture, 3 drops in 4 oz. ozonated water 3 x’s daily for one week. 7] Wormwood Leaves: Take 3 tablets of wormwood leaves daily for one week. 8] Castor Oil Pack: Using a castor oil pack to get rid of worms when used along with the other remedies. The castor oil pack helps with circulation and makes it unpleasant for the worms to live in the body. Place over the effected area once daily for 6 days (while taking 9] Other Beneficial Foods: Squash; aloe vera; garlic; mulberry; onion; tamarind; black walnut husks; raw tomato; unpolished rice; whole wheat; wheat germ oil. 10] Foods to Avoid: All meats; white sugar and its products; white flour and its products; white polished rice and its products; coffee and tea especially with milk added; alcohol; chocolate; hot spicy foods; pasteurized milk products.


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5. Excretory System: Colon, Kidneys, Bladder, Lymph Nodes, Skin. Acne, Boils, Pimples These skin conditions are caused mainly by excessive putrefactive waste matter in the body’s excretory channels, and extreme acidosis of blood due to accumulation of toxic wastes; when wastes are retained and the colon is clogged, the body purges toxins through the skin and lungs, where these toxins cause abscesses, tumors, inflammation and eruptions. Also due specifically to poor metabolism of fats. The practice of loving-kindness meditation helps greatly in helping to balance ones mind no matter what the situation may be. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: There is no situation in life that loving-kindness doesn’t help even skin problems can improve when love is direct into it instead of dislike and dissatisfaction. Softly place your attention on the problem areas and radiate loving acceptance and gentle feeling there. Learn to smile into the problem instead of hate it, then the blood will begin to purify itself and can then begin to heal itself. Practice for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily. 2] Fenugreek Poultice: Apply a powdered fenugreek poultice to dissolve abcess. 2 x’s daily for 30 minutes. 3] Wheat Germ Oil: Rich in inositol and octacosanol (increases oxygen), which enhances metabolism of fats, thereby reducing excretory burden on skin; contains pyridoxine, which enhances peristalsis and thus improves digestion and assimilation of nutrients and elimination of wastes; 1-2 tsp. daily, after meals; may also be rubbed directly onto skin eruptions (vitamin E oil works well too). 4] Wheat Germ: same benefits as wheat germ oil, but less concentrated; also rich in silicon, which builds strong fingernails and healthy hair. 5] Cucumbers (bulk or juice): raw cucumbers are rich in potassium, sodium and phosphorus, which neutralize blood acidosis; potent diuretic properties, which facilitate excretion of wastes through kidney, so that they need not be purged through the skin; also good for nails and hair; in raw bulk, or as juice, mixed 1/3 cucumber to 2/3 carrot, 2-3 pints (1-1 1/2 litres) daily. 6] Garlic: Purifies the bloodstream and purges the body of toxic waste; garlic ethers reach the skin soon after consumption, killing bacteria attracted to festering eruptions; must be taken raw (not in pill form). 7] Green (sweet) pepper juice: in combination with equal parts carrot juice; 1-2 pints (500- 1 liter) daily. 8] Castor Oil Packs: Use castor oil pack daily for 1 hour. Place over the liver and large intestines every day for 6 days, then rest 1 day and repeat. The castor oil helps


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to remove the toxins causing the problem. Also use externally directly on the problem area with ozonated castor oil. 9] Ozone Therapy: Using ozonated essential oils over the problem areas works very well; also drinking cool ozonated water helps to purify the blood; after taking a hot bath (or steam sauna) use a sauna bag filled with ozone to detoxify the skin. 10] Other Beneficial Foods: Brewer’s yeast (in warm water); soy beans; fresh lemon juice (no sugar); alfalfa tea; raw potato slices rubbed directly on skin eruptions and raw potato juice (1/2 pint - 250 ml daily); whole grains; whole wheat; unpolished rice; lemon; carrot; beet. 11] Foods to Avoid: deep fat fried foods; refined starch and sugar; hydrogenated fats; cooked fatty meats, especially hamburgers on white buns; hot peppers; chocolate; coffee and tea especially with milk added; sweetened soft carbonated drinks; pastries; all foods fried in oil; polished white rice.

Bleeding Gums 1] Mango: Chew mango to help stop bleeding gums. 2] Vitamin C: Bleeding gums indicates a deficiency in Vitamin C. Take at least 2000 mg daily. 3] Hydrogen Peroxide: Rinse the mouth out with 3% hydrogen peroxide, this kills the germs causing the bleeding gums. Use everytime you brush the teeth. 4] Other Beneficial Foods: cloves; garlic; onion; tomato; lettuce; cabbage; carrot; citric fruits; unpolished rice; and rice soup; drinking ozonated water is helpful and using ozonated essential oils. 5] Foods to Avoid: All meat; white sugar; white flour; white polished rice; salt and salt preserved foods; all chemical and synthetic preserved foods; pre-processed foods; hot chilis and spicy foods; coffee and tea especially with milk added.


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Bleeding Wounds 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: When one practice loving-kindness meditation on a regular basis they become more calm and tranquil. Especially when a stressful situation arises, like bleeding wounds on the body. One remembers to send love into the wound instead of aversion and dissatisfaction into it. This love helps to heal the more very quickly and with little chance of infections. Practice for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily for the best results and the fastest remembering of sending love into injured areas instead of hate and dislike. 2] Aloe Vera and Hydrogen Peroxide: Dissolve aloe vera in a cup of water that contains 3 tbsp. of hydrogen peroxide then apply topically. 3] Lemon, Onion, Papaya, or Tumeric: Apply any of these directly to the wound to stop bleeding. 4] Comfrey Leaves, or Marigold Petals: Apply cotton in an infusion of comfrey leaves, or marigold petals. You can also use powdered marigold root with garlic oil. 4] Colloidal Silver: Put Colloidal Silver liquid directly on the open wound to protect it from infections and harmful bacteria. Colloidal Silver kills over 600 different types of harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Bruises and Sprains Apply the crushed leaves of comfrey directly on bruises and parsley leaves or St. John’s Wort Oil on sprains. or both apply cold compression of the infusion of witchhazel, marigold or wintergreen or a cold compress of St. John’s Wort Oil. Herbs: Aloe vera, celery, fenugreek, okra, ginger (boiled or steep grated ginger until the water turns yellow and dip a towel in the water). Apply over sprains, joints, and lower back pains to relieve pain. An application of cold and hot alternately is also helpful. Grate ginger and add ozonated cool sesame oil. This can be applied over sprains and bruises to get relief. Loving-Kindness Meditation is a tool which can be used at all times and it helps one to stay balanced even when there are painful sensation arising. Radiating love into a hurt area instead of dislike heals the area very quickly. When one sends dislike into the area they can expect to experience lasting and painful feelings for a long time. Sitting in meditation for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily helps one prepare their mind for any circumstance. Bunions A bunion is a painful swelling on the side of the foot at the base of the big toe, mainly caused by wearing wrong sized shoes. Rub daily with a combination of cold pressed olive oil and castor oil (mixed in equal portions). Taping a thin slice of garlic over it helps further. It will help soften and even dissolve at the early stages. Another remedy for it is applying natural turpentine (be careful it can burn the skin if used too much) or lemon juice 2 x’s daily for 2 weeks.


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Loving-Kindness Meditation when radiated into the painful sensation can relieve it very much. But one must practice regularly and daily in order to remember to use this amazing healing tool of ones mind. Sit in meditation for 30 minutes 2 x’s daily.

Corns and Calluses This is a thickening of the outer skin. It can be due to wrong size shoes. Wrap the affected area with a moist towel and cover it with socks so that the moisture can be retained for several hours. After that soak the feet in salted hot water for 20 minutes. Repeat this for 5 days and then it is easy to remove the corn without strain. An application of cold pressed olive oil or castor oil and lemon juice will also help. Again there is no situation that an open loving mind can not improve but it must be done without any breaks in ones practice. Sit radiating loving-kindness for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily.

Burns Herbs used are: aloe vera, cucumber, olive and pumpkin. Apply any of the following directly to help heal: cucumber, potato juice, barley, and honey. Apply the oil of peppermint or marigold directly, or the juice of aloe vera (if it is ozonated it works especially well). Honey heals hot water burns immediately. Apple cider vinegar immediately heals skin burns due to fire. When stressful or painful situations like a burn occur and one remembers to radiate love into that pain the results are truly wonderful to behold. The regular practice is essential for ones well-being and happiness. Sit for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily for the best results.

Skin Wrinkles Wrinkles are due to the skin becoming loose. A lack of oil production will dehydrate the cells and tissues. Vitamin A helps by increasing circulation and stimulating the fibroblasts (skin cells). Loving-Kindness Meditation when directed into an area of concern helps the blood circulation to that area and thereby improves the situation. Practice it regularly for the best results. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: This meditation works especially well with wrinkles on the head and face. The more it is practiced the more beautiful ones face becomes and the healthy they are. Practice it at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. 2] Milk, Carrot, Zucchini Squash: Blend 8 oz. skim milk, 4 oz. carrot juice, and 2 oz. zucchini squash together and drink every day.


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The complexion can be improved even more by an intake of an extra 1000 mg Vitamin C 2 x’s daily, which helps with elastin. 3] Raw Egg White: Cleaning and rubbing the face with raw egg white regularly keeps the skin rosy. 4] Cucumber: Rinse the face with a liquid made out of freshly mashed cucumber in cool water. This is very nourishing for the skin. Also placing a slice of cucumber over the eyes for 30 minutes can get rid of wrinkled eye lids. Rub cucumber juice on irritation, inflammation, burns and bed sores. 5] Olive Oil: To get rid of dry skin gently apply cold pressed olive oil daily. 6] Yogurt: Applying yogurt on the face for 15 minutes and washing it with cold water makes the skin smooth and clear. 7] Aloe Vera: Using aloe vera juice on any irritations of the skin helps relieve it. For sunburn take a cold water bath then apply aloe vera juice, it will take the pain away. For burns gotten in the kitchen put the burned area under cold water then apply aloe vera, within minutes the pain will be forgotten. Aloe vera is good for any type of skin problem from burns to inflammation to cuts to bed sores. 8] Other Beneficial Foods: apple cider vinegar; blackstrap molasses; Vitamin A, E and C; lecithin; raw cabbage or cultured cabbage juice; honey; young coconut; raw sunflower seeds; unpolished rice; whole grains; wheat germ oil; evening primrose oil. 9] Foods to Avoid: White sugar; white starches; polished white rice; coffee and tea especially when milk is added; salt; hot spicy foods; all artificially preserved foods; chocolate and colas.

Skin Cancer Hiding among moles, beauty marks, blemishes, sores and over exposure to the sun may be early warnings of skin cancer. Moles that appear after four years of age should stay small. If not consult a doctor to be sure (but don’t let him or her operate. There are safer ways to get rid of the cancer especially in the beginning stages). The practice of loving-kindness meditation helps one to stay in balance with all forms of cancer and by directing their loving attention into the concerned area it helps to heal the problem when these other therapies are used along with it. Worry and anxiety about cancer cause it to increase and grow much faster. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: It is said that “mind is the forerunner of everything” so when one practices loving and kind thoughts then directs those feeling through the heart into a troubled area in the body healing can occur much more rapidly than if it is not practiced. There is no situation in life that doesn’t improve (at least in your own mind) through the practice love and kindness. It is very important to practice this meditation daily at least 2x’s for 30 minutes each time.


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Then when problems occur you will remember to soften your mind and this is where the healing begins. This doesn’t mean that one can do away with other forms of healing. But when loving kindness is radiated into the problem it heals faster. 2] Urine Therapy: The human body produces many healing substances and your own urine is one of them. This can cure skin cancer in as little time as one week if used properly. Take a large piece of tape and attach a piece of cotton ball to it. Place the cotton in the middle of the tape. Now put the tape over the skin cancer leaving the top open, seal the other three sides tightly, take the middle third of the first urine of the day and keep in a sealed bottle. With a syringe draw some urine out and put it in the cotton ball that is sealed on three sides, seal up the top and let it alone for 4 hours, then add some more urine by opening the top of the tape and squirting the urine into the cotton ball (don’t over fill what is needed is enough urine to keep the skin cancer wet). Do this every 4 hours for 7 days then expect to see the cancer be gone. 3] Juice Fasting Therapy: Doing a seven day juice fast with colon cleansing 2 x’s or 3 x’s daily also works wonders.(Best to do under the supervision of qualified personnel). 4] Castor Oil: Applying castor oil on any skin cancer will make the cancer go away after daily applications. Use on the affected area 5 x’s daily (or more if you want). The cancer will eventually disappear. 5] Ozone Therapy: With the help of a competent doctor intravenous shots and external application of ozone will dissolve the cancer. 6] Other Beneficial Foods: Bitter gourd (enema); carrot; vitamin C, E, and B complex; cucumber; beet; lemon; Dark grapes. 7] Foods to Avoid: All sweets; white sugar and its products; white starches and their products; polished white rice; coffee; tea; alcohol; nicotine; sweetened soft carbonated drinks; chocolate; all foods fried in oil; all meats; and salt. All of these things rob the body of needed oxygen and potassium which combats cancer.

Tumors The fastest and easiest way to get rid of any kind of growth from tumor to lumps, and cysts is by the use of castor oil packs used once or 2 x’s daily. The castor oil stimulates the circulation to the growth and gently helps it reduce in size until it is completely gone. Castor Oil was called the “Hands of Christ” in ancient times and for good reason because of its wonderful healing qualities. Radiating Loving-Kindness into the tumor instead of worry and dislike will help the healing process immeasurably. 1]Loving-Kindness Meditation: If one regularly practices Loving-Kindness Meditation without a break everyday they will start to see the true advantages to this wonderful tool at their disposal.


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A loving accepting heart and mind are essential for true health of both the mind and body. Practice at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily for the best results. 2] Hot Castor Oil Packs: For general well-being in the body and for specific problems like growths and tumors this works very well. Take a piece of cloth and fold it three times (the finished product should be about 8” by 12” in size). Put the castor oil on the cloth completely soaking it. Now for general health place the castor oil pack over the lower quarter of you abdomen, that is from the ribcage over to the stomach and down past the navel to the top of the pelvic bone. Covering the whole area. Now take a piece of plastic and cover the cloth, then take a hot water bottle that has as water hot as you can stand in it and place over the plastic. Leave it there for one hour, then take off and put the cloth in a tray to be used again next time. Next rub the excess oil in messaging gently. For a specific problem like a tumor on the neck or back or leg wherever. Place the castor oil pack directly on it and place the hot water bottle on it. Do this once or twice daily. Every time after the first time add 3 or 4 tbsp. of castor oil to replace the oil used previously. Do this until the problem goes away. This works very well for menstrual cramps as well. If you have a low immunity system in your body you can place the pack on the heart area to stimulate the thymus gland and that helps to improve the whole bodies immune system. This castor oil pack has been proven to be effective for more than a thousand years. It is an inexpensive way to heal yourself. (This also works well with tumors that are cancerous as well). 3] Other Beneficial Foods: Carrot; cabbage or cultured cabbage juice; lemon; aloe vera; cold pressed olive oil; cucumber, beet; dark grapes; red cherries; Apple cider vinegar; raisins; lecithin; vitamins C and E; unpolished rice; whole grains; wheat germ oil. 4] Foods to Avoid: White sugar and is products; refined starches; polished white rice; salt; all foods fried in oil; coffee and tea; pasteurized milk products.

Skin Inflammation 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: The daily practice of loving-kindness is one of the most useful tools for healing that one can use. By directing ones soft attention to the liver and radiating loving and kind thoughts through ones heart, the skin problems will start to become less of a problem especially when the other therapies are used in conjunction with the meditation. The daily practice is essential for total healing of the mind and body. Practice 30 minutes 2 x’s daily, for best results. The longer one continues to practice the less likely dis-ease will trouble you. 2] Barley, Honey, Ghee, Sandalwood Oil and Lemon Juice: Erysipelas or red patches on the skin which is a form of skin inflammation can be cured by applying barley flour mixed with honey, ghee (purified butter), sandalwood oil, and lemon juice, aloe vera, or crushed cabbage. Zinc helps aging skin.


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3] Skim Milk, Wheat Germ, Wheat Bran: Mix 8 oz. skim milk with 1 tbsp. of wheat germ and 1 tbsp. of wheat bran. Drink this blend once daily, also applying Vitamin E oil helps to clear up inflammation 4] Garlic Oil Ointment Treatment: Warm 1/2 cup of coconut oil over the stove until it is melted. Remove from the heat and add 1/2 cup of cold pressed olive oil. Pour it into a blender and add 4-6 tbsp. of finely chopped raw garlic. Blend for 2 minutes (time it by your watch). Strain the mixture to get out any pieces of garlic that weren’t chopped up enough. Pour into a wide mouth jar and label it “ GOOT”. Place in the refrigerator. GOOT turns into a thick soft paste after 1 hour. GOOT rubbed into the skin transfers raw garlic oil directly into the bloodstream. Apply on the feet of children or infants to fight infections. Rub on chest for chest colds, pneumonia or rub into the nostrils for sinus infections. Apply directly to sores inside the mouth. Rub on athlete’s foot and genital area for jock itch. Insert GOOT into the vagina or rectum for yeast or other related infections. Apply to rashes anywhere. Place on cotton swabs for ear infections. GOOT kills Candida, parasites, bad bacteria and virus by direct application. The infection will absorb the garlic smell from your body. When the infection has subsided, the garlic odor will remain real strong, then it is time to slack off on GOOT or put it away until you need it again. 4] Colloidal Silver: Apply this 3 x’s daily, directly on the inflammation to get rid of all harmful bacteria until the condition becomes better. 5] Castor Oil Pack: One of the best ways to take toxins out of the system (other than fasting) is by using a castor oil pack. It balances the PH in the blood and fortifies the ‘T’ cells which are so important in fighting any disease. Place a castor oil pack over the liver to help with skin inflammation. The liver and the skin are very closely attached. Use once a day for one hour each time. Use for 6 days, then rest 1 day and repeat as needed. 6] Ozone Therapy: Intravenous shots of ozone given by a competent doctor will bring immediate relief to skin inflammation; soaking the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes helps lots; rubbing ozonated aloe vera on the affected area works very well too. Ozonated essential oils can work wonders. Drinking cool ozonated water is good (1 -2 liters daily). 7] Other Beneficial Foods: lecithin; unpolished rice; young coconut milk; raw apples; cucumber (apply); aloe vera (apply); raw cabbage or cultured cabbage juice; lettuce; lemon; carrot; whole grains; all organically grown foods; be in taking toxins out of the body, it also balances the Ph in the blood; 8] Foods to Avoid: white sugar and products; refined starches; polished white rice; hot peppers and spicy foods; alcohol; chocolate; salt; coffee and tea; pre-processed foods; all chemical and synthetic preservatives; junk foods; fast food stores.


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Skin Allergy 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: By using the practice of opening and lovingly accepting even troublesome things like allergies become less painful and bothersome. Practice loving yourself and your skin instead of hating the problem and this will bother you less and less. Practice at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily for best results. 2] Potatoes, Onion, Garlic, Carrots, Water: Take 2 unpeeled potatoes, add 1 medium sized onion, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 medium sized carrots and water. Cut and simmer over low heat until the water reduces to half. Drink 2 cups of this before each meal. 3] Lemon: Cut lemon applied over the infected area clears up poison ivy and poison oak. 4] Castor Oil Pack: Castor oil packs over the thymus gland everyday for 6 days, then rest for one day and start over again do this for three weeks. 5] Ozone Therapy: Soaking the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes daily; soak in a sauna bag for 30 minutes daily; lightly rub the area with ozonated olive oil 5 x’s daily; using ozonated essential oils over the affected area is very helpful. 6] Other Beneficial Foods: Take 400 mg vitamin E daily along with vitamin B complex (50mg) and C (1000mg); barley water helps; onion; cabbage or cultured cabbage juice; garlic + lemon juice + olive oil + cayenne pepper exclusively for 3 days; Apple cider vinegar; wheat germ oil; lecithin; honey; brewer’s yeast; carrot juice; raw tomato. 7] Foods to Avoid: Any food that is not organically grown; especially rice and vegetables. This is a major source of skin problems. Avoid this if at all possible.

Stay away from white sugar, refined starches, polished white rice (adds very much to the problem), alcohol, coffee, tea, chocolate, all carbonated drinks, hot peppers and spicy foods, salt, all de-natured foods, pre-processed foods, all chemical and synthetic preservatives, and hydrogenated fats (especially vegetable margarine), and all pasteurized milk products.

Skin Rashes 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: This practice when taken seriously will help one to relax their mind and loving-accept this without aversion. By focusing the attention in the liver area and where the rashes are then radiating love, the rash becomes more bearable. If you continually curse and hate the problem it will get worse and cause much more distress. Practice at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily.


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2] Chamomile Flowers: Boiling chamomile flowers in water and then steep them for 10 minutes (with cover over it). Strain and add the water to bathwater, soak for 15 minutes. This helps clear up rashes including inflammation. 3] Honey: For chicken pox scars (early) apply honey on the spots and this will clear them up. 4] Honey Bag: Gangrene in the foot can be cured by soaking in a bag of honey. Soak for 30 minutes 3 x’s a day until the condition improves. 5] Colloidal Silver: Apply this directly to the rash 3 x’s daily to protect against harmful bacteria. 6] Castor Oil Pack: Place a castor oil pack over the lg. intestines, liver gall bladder, everyday for 6 days (one hour each time). Rest for one day then repeat for 3 weeks. 7] Ozone Therapy: Soak feet in ozonated water for 30 minutes; after a hot bath (or steam sauna) soak in an ozone filled sauna bag for 30 minutes daily; use ozonated aloe vera on affected area; ozonated castor oil rubbed on the affected area also works wonder; Drink cool ozonated water daily (2 -3 liters); having a massage with ozonated essential oils works quickly and well.

Blackheads 1] Yellow Dal Powder, Wheat Flour, Tumeric, Yogurt: Mix 1/2 tbs. yellow dal powder with 2 tbsp. of wheat flour and add a pinch of tumeric. Add yogurt to make a paste. Massage the face with this paste to get rid of blackheads.

Pimples 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: The continual use of loving-kindness meditation helps to clear away facial skin problems. By focusing on radiating love to your skin and face the blood circulation improves thereby helping to overcome skin troubles. Practice at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily even when there is no problem. This will help to lessen the skin problems. 2] Yogurt: Apply yogurt over the area and leave it for 20 minutes and wash it with cold water. Repeat every day until the problem goes away. 3] Lemon, Brown Sugar: Cut a lemon in half, sprinkle brown sugar on it and warm it on a hot pan. When the brown sugar dissolves, apply the cut lemon in a patting motion over the pimple. Do not press or squeeze. 4] Colloidal Silver: With a piece of cotton apply this to the pimple and area around it. 5] Castor Oil: Applying castor oil works very well for clearing up pimples.


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Acne 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Same as above. 2] Cucumber Juice: Rinse the skin with a freshly made cucumber juice and cool water. 3] Carrot Juice: Vitamin A helps by increasing circulation and stimulating the fibroblasts (skin cells). Taking fresh carrot juice 2 x’s daily helps very much. 1 1/2 - 2 liters daily. 4] Cold Pressed Olive Oil: Applying ozonated cold pressed olive oil daily will help. 5] Apple Cider Vinegar: Take 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water 2 x’s daily to balance the Ph in the blood. 6] Horseradish, Apple Cider Vinegar: Shred 20g of horseradish and cover it with apple cider vinegar and leave for one day. Apply that mild juice over the area (wet it with cold water before applying) and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes then wash. Do this 2 x’s daily. 7] Kidney Beans, Strawberries: Eating kidney beans and strawberries regularly helps. 8] Colloidal Silver: Apply this 3-5 times daily to relieve infections which might occur. 9] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the liver and large intestines for one hour daily. Use everyday for 6 days, then rest 1 day and repeat as needed. Castor oil packs on the liver helps immeasurably to clear up acne and skin problems. 10] Ozone Therapy: Intravenous shot of ozone will purify the blood and in doing that the acne will disappear.

Eczema The causes of this is mainly allergic reactions, stress, nervous tensions and eating heavily saturated fats. The use of loving-kindness meditation helps in overcoming stress and nervous tensions. It shows one how to be calm and collected even in stressful situations. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Practice for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily to heal the causes of the problems. Direct your soft attention into the problem area and radiate love into it. 2] Primrose Oil: Take 3 drops of primrose oil daily and it will clear up. 3] Carrot Juice: Taking 1 1/2 - 2 liters of raw freshly juiced carrot juice will get rid of eczema.


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4] Garlic Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Tumeric: Wash with diluted garlic oil and apply mixture of wheat germ oil and a pinch of tumeric over the area. 5] Black Pepper: A tbsp. of ground black pepper is boiled in 2 liters of distilled water. Use the liquid to wash the affected region 2 x’s daily. 6] Castor Oil Pack: Using a castor oil pack over the liver and large intestines helps to relieve all skin problems. Use 1 time daily for 6 days, rest 1 day then repeat until the problem goes away; 7] Ozone Therapy: Drinking ozoznated water and using ozonated essential massage oils helps. After a hot bath (or steam sauna) soak the entire body in a sauna bag filled with ozone; intravenous shots from a competent doctor will clear up the problem quickly. 8] Foods to Avoid: White sugar and its products; refined starches; polished white rice; pastries; pre-processed foods; chemically preserved foods; colas; chocolate; alcohol; hydrogenated fats (especially vegetable margarine).

Allergies Hives, rashes, runny nose and other irritations after consuming certain foods, usually fresh raw foods; raw foods are such excellent and efficient detoxifiers that they cause a cathartic excretion of accumulated toxins, usually through the skin (for example, orange liver bile excreting through the skin owing to large intakes of raw carrot juice); such ‘allergies’ disappear entirely when the body is thoroughly detoxified; fasting and colonic irrigations are the best way to start the process, followed by nutritional therapy. Use glycerin or oatmeal soap. Also the practice of loving-kindness meditation is quite useful in calming ones mind and actually one learns to love themselves more. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: When one stops disliking their condition and replaces that dislike with loving-acceptance. They actually begin to heal themselves dislike contracts ones mind and that hurts! Loving-kindness teaches one to open and accept the problems of living even when they are not exactly the way we want things to be. This open loving acceptance of the present moment has wonderful healing aspects that can’t be attained any other way. Practice at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. 2] Carrot Juice: detoxifies the liver, blood and intestinal tract; balances pH throughout the system; 2-3 pints (1-1 1/2 litres) daily. 3] Cucumber Juice: purges blood and kidneys of acids and other toxins, thereby enhancing excretion of wastes; balances Ph; may be mixed with carrot juice, 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 4] Wheat Germ Oil: rich in inositol, which improves fat metabolism, preventing accumulation of toxic wastes; improves oxygen absorption in blood, which facilitates efficient, toxic-free metabolism.


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5] Asparagus: It contains asparamid, nature’s most effective diuretic; asparagus give the urine a strong odor of ammonia, which indicates that excess uric acid is being rapidly expelled; this helps to clean out the whole system of toxins. 6] Castor Oil Packs: The use of castor oil packs over the liver and large intestines helps greatly to detoxify the body. Use 1 hour daily for 6 days then rest 1 day and repeat as often as needed. Castor oil has been used for over a thousand years and is called the “hands of Christ” for its healing abilities. It also increases the ‘T’ cells so well known for combating diseases. 7] Ozone Therapy: After taking a hot bath, soak in a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 minutes. This extra oxygen absorbed into the skin purifies the blood and helps to overcome allergies. Soaking the feet in cool ozonated water helps the circulation in the whole body. Using ozonated essential massage oils helps to bring the body to balance. Especially ozonated olive oil, aloe vera, and glycerin. Drinking cool ozonated water (2 -3 liters) puts more oxygen into the system and helps to take away toxins; intravenous and intramuscular shots of ozone help to clear up the problem quickly, when taken by a competent doctor. 8] Other Beneficial Foods: fresh lemon or grapefruit juice (no sugar) in distilled water; raw egg yolk; parsley; alfalfa, sprouts; bee pollen; pumpkin seeds; evening primrose oil; parsley; spinach; blackstrap molasses; yellow onions; garlic; papaya; vitamin B6 and manganese; raw potato (bulk or juice); barley tea; apple cider vinegar. 9] Foods to Avoid: Refined starch; white sugar; pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; overcooked meat; all food fried in oil; hydrogenated fats; chemical additives and preservatives; salt; watermelon; honey.

Appendicitis Acute inflammation of the appendix owing to excessive accumulation of putrefactive wastes in the colon; first and foremost defense is a therapeutic fast with twice-daily colonic irrigations to quickly remove the offending toxic waste matter, followed with therapeutic foods and juices to restore colon and appendix health. It is best to eat high fibre foods containing green vegetables such as cabbage and lettuce; also taking wheat germ will help to clean out the toxins. The practice of lovingkindness meditation when directed to an area of the body which causes one pain helps to purify that area of toxins. If one directs dislike or dissatisfaction to that area the pain becomes much more intense and the problems in that area increase.

1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: This meditation teaches one to open and relax their mind even to unpleasant sensations like pain. To lovingly accept even the big problems with a mind that has balance and openness in it is the ultimate healing. Place your gentle attention into the appendix and soften the mind, feel the mind let go of tension and tightness. Then radiate that warm glowing loving-kindness into that area. Practice at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily.


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2] Spinach: provides the organic mineral salts required for repair and maintenance of the colon; raw bulk, or 6 oz. juice mixed with 10 oz. carrot juice, 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 3] Blackstrap Molasses: Blackstrap molasses in warm water is a natural, mild laxative which helps keep bowels functioning regularly, which prevents accumulation of toxins in colon that cause appendicitis; 2 tbsp. in warm water, 2 x’s daily. 4] Raw Vegetables: a Large salad of bulk, raw vegetables taken once or twice a day provides the moist raw fibre required by the colon to maintain regular bowel movements. 5] Blackberry Leaf Tea: Take a handful of fresh Blackberry Leaves and steep in boiled water for fifteen minutes then cool and drink slowly. 6] Castor Oil Pack: Use this over the liver, large intestines and appendix for 1 hour daily for 6 days, then rest 1 day and repeat. This treatment is renown for clear the toxins in the large intestines and appendix 7] Ozone Therapy: Intravenous shots detoxify the blood very quickly and taken along with other food therapies is very effective. 8] Other Beneficial Foods: sun-dried figs; prunes; raw tomato; raw apple; papaya; fresh dates; unpolished rice; parsley. 9] Foods to Avoid: incompatible combinations, especially of animal protein and concentrated starch; all food fried in oil; pasteurized milk; cooked fatty meats; white sugar; refined starches; coffee and tea especially when used with milk; alcohol; chocolate; hot spicy foods; polished white rice; all de-natured foods.

Diarrhea This is one of the natural ways the body has to tell us that it has been loaded with unacceptable food. It can also be caused by chill and food sensitivity. Diarrhea is caused by an inflammation of the intestines with symptoms ranging from abdominal pain to bloody faces. It can be caused by bacterial parasites in the intestines or caused by indigestion, intestinal weakness or nervousness. Fasting is highly recommended. Dry ginger and nutmeg are also good for diarrhea. The patient should be given water containing salt, glucose and orange juice. When improving, the patient must be given buttermilk and barley water with glucose. Also a lot of fresh squeezed organic orange juice can be given. With further improvement, bland food along with lots of juice is advised. Loving-kindness Meditation and being able to open ones mind and accept the situation without any aversion in it helps immeasurably to heal oneself of all kinds of problems.


Therapeutic Fasting

1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: As you can see loving-kindness meditation is a mind tool that starts the healing process. When used with these other therapies it is amazing to watch and see how fast one heals themselves when they put love into the area of discomfort, instead of dislike and aversion. Place your soft attention into the intestines, feel the tightness in the mind dissolve when there is no more dislike of the situation. Then radiate love into that area. Practice at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily so when a body problem arises your mind will begin to lovingly accept and begin the healing process. 2] Raw Apple: Eat peeled apple or grated unripe apple. 3 times daily. 3] Carrot Juice: Take 1 1/2 litres daily, this is especially good for people who have weak digestion in the intestines and stomach. 4] Strawberry: Take fresh strawberry juice (one cup 250 ml) or bulk (500 g) daily 30 minutes before meals, 3 x’s a day. 5] Boiled Guava Leaves: Boil water and guava leaves (2 tbsp. leaves to 250 ml water) for 10 minutes, let cool with lid on, then sip slowly until finished. Take 3 x’s daily. 6] Red Radish Juice: Drink 500 ml red radish juice mixed with water. Put 8 red radishes in a blender add one and one half cup of water, blend for 1 minute, strain then drink all at once slowly. 3 x’s daily. 7] Garlic: Chop 5 cloves garlic up finely and mix with food 3 x’s daily. Garlic is good for destroying the germs that cause putrefaction. This has also been called a “10 cent miracle”. Colon implants of raw garlic are being used as an effective treatment for diarrhea. The technique is simple. Before bedtime, cut and shape a small clove of raw garlic and with a knife, make several small incisions into the garlic clove, pour a little olive oil over it, then insert into the colon just as you would with a suppository for hemorrhoids. While you sleep, juices from the garlic clove enter the blood stream and do a wonderful cleansing of the blood - killing worms, parasites, yeast, fungus, germs, and viruses. Colon implants of raw garlic are good to reduce colon inflammation, for anyone with weight loss or wasting syndrome, night sweats, herpes, and help induce a good nights sleep. Note: if the clove burns the anus, try using “GOOT”. 8] Young Coconut Juice and Soft Pulp: A 350 ml glass of coconut juice with a pinch of salt 3 x’s a day to relieve weakness after severe bleeding or dehydration after severe diarrhea. 9] Unpolished Rice with Yogurt: Soft unpolished rice (one small handful) mixed with small bowl of .yogurt. 10] Colloidal Silver: Take 1-2 tsp of Colloidal Silver a day (on an empty stomach) to help settle the stomach and to be rid of harmful bacteria or viruses which may be causing the problem.


Therapeutic Fasting

11] Castor Oil Pack: Use the pack for 1 hour daily until the diarrhea goes away (more times if severe). 12] Ozone Therapy: Use ozonated essential oils for diarrhea; soak feet in ozonated water for 30 minutes; drink ozonated water (at least 2 liters daily). 13] Other Beneficial Foods: Barley Water; whey; unpolished rice water; mung bean water; buttermilk; basil; figs; pineapple; radish; malt; cinnamon; clove; ginger; small red beans; string beans; raw sunflower seeds; arrow root; okra; papaya; cucumber; blackstrap molasses; apple cider vinegar; unpolished rice. 14] Foods to be Avoided: apricot; coffee; black or Chinese tea especially when milk is added; fruits other than those mentioned above; green vegetables; horseradish; and potatoes; hot spicy foods; alcohol; chocolate; white sugar; refined starches; polished white rice and soft carbonated drinks.

Dysentery This means disorder of the large bowel or intestines, colon, characterized by inflammation of the mucus membrane. There are two types, Amoebic and bacillary. Amoebic dysentery is due to an infection of the large intestines due to contaminated food and water containing the cyst of the parasite. The infection mainly occurs in the colon and can be transmitted to the liver, lungs, and other systems. A stool test can show negative results. If not treated it can lead to many complications. The symptoms is the frequent passage of stools with blood or mucus or both with gripping pain in the bowels. Also, one feels frequent tendency to answer the call of nature and sense of heaviness in the rectum. Bacillary Dysentery is due to one of the four bacteria belonging to the shigella family. The symptoms include abdominal pain with profuse diarrhea with mucus or blood. Garlic and ginger are important to use. The use of meditation helps to keep the mind balanced and radiating love into the bowels when there is distress is very helpful in the quick healing process. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your open and soft mind into your stomach and intestine areas. Relax the tension away from the mind. Feel the tightness dissolve when you let go of the dislike of the situation. Then radiate a warm loving feeling into that area. Practice this whenever there is distress and also sit in meditation for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. 2] Garlic: Eat 3 cloves of garlic 3 x’s daily for 14 days for the Amoebic dysentery. Take 1 clove of garlic finely chopped 3 x’s daily regularly to prevent bacillary dysentery. also use the “10 cent miracle” for the diarrhea. Take a clove of peeled garlic and make some cuts in it dip it into olive oil then insert it in the colon just before going to bed. This will stop the diarrhea and it kills the harmful bacteria that cause the problem.


Therapeutic Fasting

3] Peppermint Tea: Drink peppermint tea 3 cups daily to relief if stool has blood in it. 4] Guava leaves and Fruit: Drink guava leaf tea or boil guava fruit in water, then mix well and drink 3 x’s daily. 5] Ginger: Mix ginger with honey and eat 3 x’s daily for 7 days for bacillary dysentery. 6] Colloidal Silver: Colloidal Silver has been found to be very effective for both types of dysentery. Take 1 tsp 2 x’s daily until the problem subsides. 7] Castor Oil Pack: This is very helpful in settling the intestines. Use daily as many times as needed for 1 hour each time. 8] Ozone Therapy: Use ozonated essential oils to calm the bowels; soak the feet in ozonated water for 30 minutes; drink ozonated water daily (2 liters); intravenous shots of ozone are very helpful when applied by a competent doctor. 9] Other Beneficial Foods: papaya; radish juice; fig; eggplant; unpolished rice; green onion; brown jagory (palm sugar); lemon; molasses; wheat germ oil and apple cider vinegar. 10] Foods to Avoid: Raw salads; tap water or well water that is not boiled for fifteen prepared by others; coffee and tea especially when milk is added; white sugar; refined starches; polished white rice; hot spicy foods; chocolate; soft carbonated drinks; and alcohol.

Flatulence Fermented foods create toxins and produce gas. This puts a lot of pressure on many abdominal organs. Starchy foods and fruit eaten together cause gas production. This becomes worse if followed by creamed coffee or tea with, or immediately after meals. The most common cause of gas formation is the inability of the digestive system to handle the load of work that is put on it. Some foods such as beans, produce more gas than others and regularly eating them causes this problem (if the beans are not properly prepared). A heavy usage of laxatives and antacids can also cause an excess of gas.


Therapeutic Fasting

Seasoning the food with spices like cumin, seeds, coriander, ginger, turmeric sautéed with a bit of uncooked cold pressed olive oil, prevents gas formation. Lovingkindness meditation when directed to the stomach and intestines helps to heal all kinds of troubles.

1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your attention into the intestines. Feel the mind open and relax. Let go of all tightness in the head and mind. Feel your heart open up and radiate that feeling into the problem area. Practice at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily or whenever there is distress. 2] Carrot (10 0z.), Cucumber (3 Oz.), Beet (3 Oz.): This blend of juices is very rich in organic alkalizing elements sodium, potassium, and phosphorous; neutralizes acid, helps to expel gas, promotes peristalsis; 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 3] Raw Onion with Whole Grain Bread: Take 4 slices of red onion and eat with two slices of Whole Grain Bread 2 x’s daily to get rid of gas in the stomach and intestines. 4] Dill, Peppermint Leaves, Aniseed: Make an infusion of dill seeds, peppermint leaves and aniseed in distilled water and put in the morning sun for 4 hours before drinking. Once a day. 5] Ginger, Chamomile Tea, Fennel Seeds: Steep a few pieces of ginger with one spoon of chamomile tea leaves and a few fennel seeds in a covered cup of boiled water. Drink with a small amount of honey after meals. This is very effective for gas problems. 6] Caraway Seeds: Chew a few caraway seeds for quick relief. 7] Castor Oil Pack: Use the castor oil pack once daily for one hour. Place over the liver and large intestines. This will help to move the decayed food out. 8] Other Beneficial Foods: cardamom; raw celery; papaya; whole grain brown toast; fruit without sugar; squash; raw pineapple; anise; ginger; yogurt; unpolished rice; dill, garlic; peppermint; parsley; apple cider vinegar; molasses and fennel. 9] Foods to Avoid: polished white rice; beans; oatmeal together with fruit juice; white sugar; coffee; especially cooked cabbage and sweet pumpkin as they produce a lot of wind.

Flatulence in Upper Intestines This is caused by food allergies or improper food combining. For severe cases, never eat fruits or deserts right after the main course of any meal. Try eating only one food at a time and see how your body handles it, before eating another food. Consider what you ate at the last meal and see if the symptoms occur when you eat the same food again.


Therapeutic Fasting

If food allergy is present, eliminating the offending food will stop the symptoms from reoccurring. Some common foods that cause allergies are milk, eggs, wheat, corn, yeast, polished white rice, soy, citrus fruits, lunch meats, and some seafoods, chemical additives like monosodium glutamate (MSG) often cause hidden food allergies. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Same as above. Practice at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. 2] Grapefruit Seed Extract: Take 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract in a glass of water. This will kill bacteria that are harmful and that cause painful upper gas. 3] Charcoal Tablets: Take 3-4 charcoal tablets, you might consider opening up the tablet and putting the contents in a glass of water for faster results. 4] Cultured Cabbage Juice: This will help to overcome the upper gas and to get rid of the harmful bacteria. Sip 1/2 cup of cultured cabbage juice 3 x’s daily for 4-5 days or until all symptoms have vanished.

Flatulence in the Lower Colon Some flatulence from the lower colon is a sign of a healthy colon. Lower gas is a cause for concern, only if it smells like rotten cheese. This would indicate Candida overgrowth. In this case, consider therapeutic fasting and taking colonics once or twice a day. Flatulence after you eat beans is normal and indicative of a healthy colon. An unhealthy condition would be stools that sink to the bottom of the toilet and where no gas is present. This means that there is too much E Coli in the colon and that the colon is too alkaline to produce gas. You must take measures to restore normal floating stools. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Most important is to practice for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. 2] Cultured Cabbage Juice: Take this 3 x’s daily 1/2 cup (250 ml) cultured cabbage juice. 3] Raw Garlic Implant: A colon implant of raw garlic will help the colon to be in balance and it will overcome any problems with bad bacteria. Make a few cuts in a clove of raw peeled garlic dip it in olive oil then insert it in the colon just before bedtime.

Food Poisoning Mushroom or any kind of food poisoning can cause liver damage. Make the patient drink plenty of warm water. Adding a spoon of mustard powder to water helps to induce vomiting. The best antidote is ginger and loving-acceptance meditation.


Therapeutic Fasting

This is a time when the daily practice of meditation becomes most useful. Whenever the body is in distress the mind ‘has a mind of its own’ and really gets into the aversion to the situation. When one practices daily in the prescribed way, they prepare their mind for any major problems when they arise. So staying open and loving of yourself and your body is much easier to do when they are prepared. Putting love into the area of pain helps the circulation to improve and healing takes place much easier. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention into the painful area. Then open your mind and relax, letting go of all tightness and tension. Now radiate a warm glowing feeling of love into that area where there was dislike. What are you are really doing by letting go of the tightness? You are releasing the hard mind that is fighting the sensation and replacing it with acceptance. The truth of the present moment is ‘when there is pain in the body, that pain is there’. Your disliking it and wanting it to go away is a form of fighting the truth of the moment. This causes more pain and suffering to occur. Loving-kindness opens up the mind and relaxes away that fighting so one can begin to put love into that pain instead of hate. Very important is to practice for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. 2] Ginger, Orange Juice: Squeeze fresh ginger (50g) and stir into warm orange juice 350g. Take as needed. 3] Cinnamon, Honey: Strong tea of cinnamon with a spoon of honey is effective against food poisoning due to spoilt food. Take as needed. 4] Castor Oil Pack: Place the pack over the stomach and intestines for one hour to settle and bring relief of pain.

Aching Joints Often this is accompanied by fatigue. Drink Goldenseal tea and rub Aloxy (aloe vera juice, glycerin and 35% hydrogen peroxide mixed 4:1:1, stir thoroughly and store in refrigerator when not using) on the joints. Use 2 tbsp. a day.

Arthritis The word “Arthritis” means an inflammation of the joints, “Arthro” referring to the joints and “itis” to inflammation. It effects people of all ages and is especially common in temperate climates. It is not a single disease but can start with various problems such as pain in the joints, sleeplessness, a white coated tongue, stiff joints, belching, stomach gas, constipation, cataracts, hiatus hernia, gallstones and kidney stones. All are related either directly or indirectly to a faulty diet.


Therapeutic Fasting

And also caused by deposits of inorganic calcium in the cartilage of joints, where they eventually form ‘spurs’ that cause intense pain and inhibit movement of joints; these deposits are caused by incomplete digestion of incompatible foods and accumulation of toxic wastes throughout the system; the body dumps these inorganic minerals in the joints, where they don’t pollute the bloodstream; excess consumption of concentrated starch and sugar and too much cooked meat in the diet are major factors. Arthritis is often found in the spine. Every area of the body is controlled by the nerves which run through the spine and thus when the vertebrae become fused by deposits of acid, the whole body is affected. If the cervical column is affected the results are: headache, migraine, nervousness, insomnia, high blood pressure, neuralgia, vertigo, earache, eye problems, acne, pimples, and especially a stiff neck, pain in the upper arm, and thyroid conditions. If the dorsal region is affected the results are: chest pains, heart conditions, bronchitis, pleurisy and especially pains in the lower arms and hands. If the lumbar area is affected the results are: constipation, ruptures, hernia, appendicitis, varicose veins, menstrual problems, and especially knee pains, sciatica, lumbago and back ache. The different types of arthritis are: rheumatoid, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (Still’s Disease), osteoarthritis, gout, pseudoarthritis, traumatic arthritis, septic arthritis, Reiter’s syndrome, anklyosing spondylitis, neurogenic joint disease and arthritis in other illnesses such as flu. The two basic forms are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and the underlying cause of both is believed to be an excess of uric acid in the body. The basic causes of arthritis are fundamentally by overloading the body with poison-toxemia and this is the result of diet: excessive consumption of white sugar products, white flour products, white rice products, alcohol, and wrong combinations of food. Stress and physical over-activity are also factors and recent research also contributes hormonal imbalance as a cause. Refined sugar, flour, rice, cereals, beef and pork all produces a lot of acid and in addition over-cooking destroys the alkaline mineral salts essential to neutralize this acid. It, then, is carried around in the blood until it eventually deposits itself between the joints, on the bones or in the muscles. When the acid collects on the joints a stabbing pain is felt and the they can become locked. In some cases, the joint makes a grating sound (creptis) as it moves on the hard acid deposits. Acid deposits can also wear off synovial membrane and very often the actual joints themselves are worn down. When this occurs, it is not possible to reverse the situation. There are various medications that control inflammation and joint damage. Unfortunately there are also terrible side effects which can cause new problems! However, if there is a properly balanced food intake containing sufficient nutrients, it is possible to burn up the excess acid, dissolve the deposits, alleviate the pain and halt further damage. Unfortunately, much of the food we eat today is lacking in these nutrients. But if you go to organically grown food stores the nutrients are much higher and your health will improve dramatically. In food and exercise therapy, the first step is to use diet to help eliminate the poison which is causing irritation in the joints, muscles and nerves.


Therapeutic Fasting

The 2nd step is to do simple exercises which will activate the affected region. This, in turn, increases the circulation of blood and provides a plentiful supply of oxygen to rejuvenate the body. It is also the best way to relax. The 3rd step is to maintain the health of the affected region and prevent it from becoming infected or inflamed again by controlling the diet and performing proper more active exercises. Therapeutic fasting and cleansing of the bowels is a very effective way to take the toxins out of the body. This is recommended only with a qualified doctors assistance. But one must take responsibility for their own health and well being, by eating and exercising properly every day. These suggestions must be taken seriously by every individual who is suffering from arthritis: - Eat to live. Don’t live to eat. - Eat no salt and cut out the eating of all animal meat and fat. - Avoid meats, alcohol, fried foods, white sugar, white polished rice, white flour and white bread, stop taking all milk products except yogurt, and all pastries. - Eat fresh fruits and organic vegetables. - Use only cold pressed olive oil, or any other cold pressed oil. - Take plenty of wholemeal cereals. - Practice Loving-Kindness Meditation daily. Above all avoid junk foods. These include prepared and processed food, packed food, canned food including soft drinks, all sugar products, chemical and preservative laden foods, refined flour and its products, polished white rice, coffee, tea, alcohol, and frozen fruits. Eat instead fresh fruits and organically grown raw vegetables. Sodium is a neutralizer. Whenever acid is produced anywhere in the body, sodium is withdrawn from the stomach and then from the joints to neutralize the acid. When sodium is removed from the joints, calcium is deposited. However, if enough sodium is present in the joints, there is little chance for the waste acids to accumulate. Uric acid builds up when there is lack of sodium in the body. Sodium also helps elasticity and limberness. To increase natural sodium, it is best to eat plants grown and ripened in the sunlight. Cabbage, strawberry juice, goat’s milk, whey water, cottage cheese and celery are good sources of sodium. It is also found in okra, apples, dried figs, lettuce, squash, carrots, asparagus, potato peels, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, horse radish, dried prunes, sweet almond, garlic and onions. Also the practice of lovingkindness meditation helps ones mind to be open and flexible. When the mind is flexible the body follows suit. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: The practice of this meditation is essential for the healing of arthritis. Loving-kindness helps one to have a mind that is more open and accepting of even things like pain. It is only natural for ones mind to resist and contract around painful sensations. But when one practices non-resistance and relaxing the mind then radiating the strong feeling of loving-kindness into the painful area, they soften and gain a balance in their mind. This balance will make the pain much easier to endure. And sometimes (not every time) the pain will simply stop, so this practice of calming one’s mind and sending loving thoughts into painful areas helps to heal the situation. Practice for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily for best results.


Therapeutic Fasting

2] Celery Juice: rich in organic sodium, which dislodges inorganic calcium deposits from joints and holds them in solution until eliminated through the kidneys; 1 pint (500 ml) daily; 2 pints (1 liter) if mixed with carrot juice. 3] Grapefruit Juice: fresh raw grapefruit juice (no sugar) is highly effective in dissolving deposits of inorganic calcium in joints; mix half/half with distilled water, 1-2 pints (500- 1 liter) daily. 4] Bone Meal: Bone meal is a rich source of readily assimilable organic calcium and other vital minerals that are indispensable for proper bone and joint formation; mix 12 tsp into any raw juice in the morning. 5] Cherries: Raw black cherries contain active enzymes that help dissolve calcium spurs in joints; eat about one pound (1/2 kg) on an empty stomach and take no other food for at least 12 hours, continue for 1-3 days in severe cases. 6] Grapes: when eaten exclusively (this means no other food but the grapes) for 1-5 days, depending on severity, raw black grapes provide amazing therapeutic relief for acute arthritis; 2-3 pounds (1-1 1/2 kg) per day; chew skin, seeds and pulp very well before swallowing. Can make into a juice puree (by adding 1 cup of distilled water to the grapes and put in a blender for 1 minute) then drink. Mix only as much as you can take at one time, the grapes lose their energy after 30 minutes and begin to ferment. 7] Apple Cider Vinegar: Take 2 tbsp. in a glass of cool ozonated distilled water, 6-8 x’s daily. It has the ability to dissolve acid deposits which can be easily eliminated through the kidneys. 8] Blackstrap Molasses: Blackstrap unsulphured molasses is very high in natural iron, copper, potassium, pantothenitic acid and inositol. These are used in the cells and in addition it contains B Vitamins. Take 2-3 tbsp. in distilled water daily. 9] Zinc: Zinc helps relieve joint tenderness. It is found in ginger root, split peas, whole wheat, oats, ground nuts, almonds, garlic, parsley, potato peels and carrots. 10] Lemon, Cold Pressed Olive Oil, Garlic, Cayenne Pepper: Take one whole lemon cut into pieces and put into blender (peel, seeds and all), add 1 1/2 cups of water, 7-10 cloves of garlic, 1-1 1/2 tbsp. olive oil and 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper (the pepper is optional, but very helpful). Blend for one minute and strain before drinking. Sip slowly. This neutralizes the uric acid in the blood and balances the Ph in the blood. 11] Red Cherry Juice: Drink 1 1/2 - 2 liter of red cherry juice daily. This helps to cleanse and dissolve the acids in the body. It will also help in smoothing out deformities and bumps of the joints.


Therapeutic Fasting

12] Asparagus: Lightly steamed (for no more than 3 minutes) asparagus contains asparamid, nature’s most effective kidney diuretic; asparagus gives urine a strong odor of ammonia, which indicates that excess uric acid is being rapidly expelled; asparamid breaks up oxalic acid crystals in the kidneys and muscles. This helps very much in cleaning out the system of so much toxins which causes the arthritis. 13] Colloidal Silver: This has been most effective when taken 1 tsp 1-2 x’s daily and by Applying it directly to the painful joints and muscles. 14] Aloxy Gel: This gel can be made at home. Take Aloe Vera Juice (4 Parts) and add vegetable based glycerin (1 part) plus 35% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide (1 part). then stir thoroughly and apply about 2 tbsp. a day to the effected areas to bring quick and effective results. When not using store in the refrigerator. 15] Castor Oil Pack: Using a castor oil pack over the liver and large intestines works wonders for relieving the pains and suffering in arthritis. For long lasting results use this every day for one hour (or more if severe pain exists) for 6 days, then rest for 1 day and repeat for 6 months. Putting the warm castor oil pack over the affected area helps to relieve the pain and stiffness. It can be put on in both places at the same time, if desired. Applying castor oil over the painful places helps too. 16] Ozone Therapy: The cause of arthritis is stated above and intravenous shots of ozone will be a real help to overcome this terrible problem, when given by a competent doctor; after taking a hot bath (or steam sauna) soak for 45 minutes in a sauna bag filled with ozone to help pull toxins out of the body through the skin; soak the feet in cool ozonated water encourages circulation throughout the body; drinking cool ozonated water puts more vital oxygen into the whole system (take 2 -3 liters daily); using ozonated essential oils for massage brings immediate relief. 17] Other Beneficial Foods: Cucumber; alfalfa (tea or sprouts); watermelon; whole barley; whole lemon, lime or orange pureed in blender (blended together with the skin and seeds) with one cup distilled water (including peel, fibers, and seeds); raw spinach; young coconut water; lemon juice; carrots; unpolished rice; raw sunflower seeds; and parsley. 18] Foods to Avoid: incompatible combinations, especially of protein and starch; pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; all food fried in oil; ice cream; salt; excessive consumption of cooked foods, especially animal proteins; all sweets and white sugar; refined starches; polished white rice.

Bladder Inflammation (Cystitis) This common condition is the result of excess acidity in the bladder due to incomplete digestion of meats and starch; the by-product of incomplete digestion form uric acid crystals which irritate the lining of the bladder and eventually form painful bladder stones. The practice of daily loving-kindness meditation helps one to prepare themselves for times of crisis and discomfort. The act of opening and sending love into little aches


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and pains helps the person to remember what to do when a big pain occurs. So this practice is essential for healing, when used in conjunction with the other natural methods practiced in this book. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your attention into the bladder area. Feel your mind and if it is tight then open and relax into that feeling. Now softly radiate the feeling of love into the bladder. Practice for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily, for best results or when there is pain or discomfort. 2] Starfruit, Honey: Boil 3 fresh whole starfruits with 2 tbsp. of honey and 3 cups of distilled water - drink the juice and eat the fruit as well 2 x’s a day to relieve and get rid of stones. 3] Carrot, Beet, Cucumber Juice: this blend exerts a potent alkalizing influence in the bloodstream and the kidneys, thereby neutralizing the excess uric acid that inflames kidneys and bladder and forms stones there; 10 oz./ 3 oz./ 3 oz., 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 4] Asparagus: lightly steamed (for no more than 3 minutes) contains asparamid, nature’s most effective kidney diuretics; asparagus gives urine a strong odor of ammonia, which indicates that excess uric acid is being rapidly expelled. This in turn helps to relieve the bladder of toxins. 5] Watermelon: one of nature’s safest and most dependable diuretics, it is an excellent adjunct to asparagus therapy; eat nothing but lightly steam asparagus (every hour); then as watermelon has a remarkable ability to wash out the bladder quickly and completely; the most effective therapeutic use is to refrain from all other food and drink for 24 hours and eat 4-5 chunks of fresh watermelon every 5-10 minutes throughout the day; this will cause an incredible excretion of fluids from the bladder. 6] Cucumber (bulk or juice): raw cucumbers are an excellent diuretic with specific affinity for the bladder; as juice, mix 1/3 cucumber with 2/3 carrot, 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 7] Pears: ripe raw pears are almost as good as watermelon for correcting bladder inflammation; use them in conjunction with a 24-hour fast, 4-5 small bites at a time, like watermelon therapy. 8] Colloidal Silver: This has been very good when taken internally, 1 tsp 1-2 x’s daily. 9] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the liver and large intestines for 1 hour daily for 6 days, then rest 1 day and repeat for 14 days. This will bring instant relief of pain and dissolve any stones which may have formed. 10] Ozone Therapy: After taking a hot bath (or steam sauna) soak the body in a sauna bag for 30 minutes to get relief; use ozonated essential oils for massage; drink cool ozonated water daily (2 -3 liters).


Therapeutic Fasting

11] Other Beneficial Foods: asparagus, raw beet juice (8 oz. sipped slowly throughout the day), barley water; unpolished rice; drinking lots of citric fruit juices. 12] Foods to Avoid: salt, soy sauce; all coffee and tea especially with milk added; salt-preserved foods; cooked meat; all foods fried in oil; white sugar; refined starches; polished white rice; chocolate; soft carbonated drinks; alcohol; drugs; nicotine; preprocessed foods.

Colitis Inflammation of the colon owing to prolonged chronic constipation and a critical deficiency of live active enzymes and moist raw fibre in the diet; the first and foremost measure against this dangerous condition, which often results in surgical colostomies, is to thoroughly clean out the colon of putrefactive wastes and solid obstructions with a 7-day fast and at least twice daily colonic irrigations, followed by dietary adjustments to prevent recurrence. Also the practice of loving-kindness meditation helps one to stay balanced and in harmony with oneself so they can heal more quickly. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Keeping one’s mind calm and open while they send love into areas of distress is a skill which must be practiced daily for best results. Practice for 30 minutes 2 x’s daily for best results when a physical or emotional problem arises. 2] Carrots (bulk or juice): grated raw carrots are an excellent preventive against colitis, providing both live enzymes and moist raw fibre for proper bowel function; best when supplemented with 1-2 pints (1 liter) daily of raw carrot juice; psyllium husk powder added to this can be a very effective but gentle laxative. 3] Carrot and Spinach Juice: raw spinach juice is nature’s best remedy for chronic constipation and inflammation of the colon; 6 oz. spinach/ 10 oz. carrot, 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 4] Blackstrap Molasses: a mild but dependable laxative, molasses also provides vital mineral salts required to restore and maintain colon health; 2 tbsp. in warm water, twice daily. 5] Figs: fresh or sun-dried figs are also an excellent natural laxative for sluggish bowels; tiny seeds gather toxic wastes and mucus in the colon and drag them out with feces.


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6] Cabbage Juice: raw cabbage juice effectively breaks up accumulations of putrefactive wastes in the intestines; its high sulphur and chlorine content makes it an excellent bowel cleanser; works so fast that foul gas often expelled soon after ingestion; 1 pint (500 ml) daily, or 2 pints (1 liter) mixed half/half with carrot juice.(cultured cabbage juice works especially well for more information in how to use and make turn to next chapter). 7] Okra: Okra with its mucus like juice is one of the best known remedies. Place some uncooked okra on cooked (steaming) rice and cover it. When steamed in this way, it does not loose any main nutrients. 8] Dried Marigold Flowers: Make an infusion of dried marigold flowers with water, steep, and strain. Drink that water 3 x’s a day to clear the colon. 9] Horse Radish Juice: Drink 100 ml horseradish juice before every meal. 10] Lemon, Psyllium, Spiralina: This is an anti-inflammatory therapy, it kills pathogens, promotes friendly flora in the intestines, it heals a damaged intestinal tract and it produces normal stools. Take 1 cup of distilled water, 1/2 whole lemon (including the peel and seeds), 1 tsp of Spiralina or Blue-green algae or Chlorella plus 1 rounded tsp of pysllium (Metamucil). Now put the distilled water into the blender along with 1/2 a lemon cut into small pieces (again the peel and seeds included). Start at a slow speed and blend for 1-2 minutes at high speed, pour the contents in a strainer and squeeze the contents dry. Discard the pulp, and put the lemon juice into a clean empty jar. Premix 1 level tsp of psyllium (Metamucil) and 1 tsp of spiralina powder. Add this mixture to the jar of lemon juice and shake. Drink this once a day. This has consistently brought good results in cleansing out the colon to many people. This works with chronic diarrhea. 11] Aloe Vera, Psyllium, Spiralina: This heals sore and ulcers in the intestines. Take fresh whole Aloe Vera leaves wash them and remove the spines (the spine are a laxative). To make 1 cup aloe vera juice, cut up 1 cup of leaves the green skin included, place them in a blender and add 1 cup of distilled water. Blend at high speed for 1-2 minutes then strain, add 1 tsp of psyllium and 1 tsp of spiralina or Chlorella powder. Drink 2 x’s daily until all soreness has gone away then drink once daily or change over to the lemon/psyllium/spiralina or cultured cabbage juice drink. This works with chronic diarrhea. 12] Colloidal Silver: Take this liquid 1 tsp both morning and evening to help clear out and possible infection and to relieve the inflammation. 13] Castor Oil Pack: Placed over the liver and large intestines once daily for 6 days, then rest 1 day and repeat (can be applied more often if the case is severe). This works for all kinds of intestinal problems. Castor oil packs can dissolve away tumors and growths in a matter of a few weeks. It starts the intestines working properly again. It truly is the “hands of Christ” working in action. 14] Ozone Therapy: As the extra oxygen is added to the system it purifies the blood and all of the organs, which includes the colon. Taking ozone intravenously from a competent doctor will very much help in overcoming all health problems.


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After taking a hot bath (or steam sauna) sit in a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 minutes daily; soak the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes to improve circulation; drink cool ozonated water daily (2 -3 liters); use ozonated essential oils for health massages. All of these things bring immediate relief of colitis and other related problems. 15] Other Beneficial Foods: papaya; almonds; sunflower seeds (raw); apple cider vinegar; (2 tsp in cool ozonated distilled water); squash; unpolished rice; wheat bran; foods with high fiber; brewer’s yeast; lecithin; stewed prunes; raisins. 16] Foods to Avoid: pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; cooked meat; all food fried in oil; refined starch; white sugar, sweet pastries; chocolate; coffee and tea especially used with milk (it turns to a lump in the stomach and is exceptionally hard to evacuate); hot spicy foods; colas; and salt.

Constipation This is a clogging of the small or large intestines, resulting in irregular bowel action. Also it means that involuntary contraction of the intestines that move the waste matter through is weak. During constipation, stagnation and fermentation takes place. If the toxins are absorbed from the colon, this can cause, headache, backache, lethargy, loss of appetite, coated tongue, bad breath, insomnia, colic, hernia and hemorrhoids. It is interesting to note that vegetarians seldom suffer from this problem especially when they eat so much raw foods. Excessive constipation comes from devitalized, cooked foods, wrong eating habits, internal medication especially in incompatible combinations, and lack of exercise, these causes result in sluggish bowels and chronic constipation; the colon fills with feces and toxic by-products of fermentation and putrefaction, which impairs peristalsis, irritates the colon, and eventually poisons the bloodstream by osmosis; colonic irrigations are the first step in correcting constipation, followed by nutritional therapy. The practice of lovingkindness meditation helps very much to keep the mind in balance when the body is out of balance. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your attention into your colon, open up and relax your mind. Letting go of any tension or tightness which may be in your mind. Now softly radiate that wonderful warm feeling of love into your colon. Do this whenever there is any discomfort in the intestine area and also practice at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily for good results. 2] Figs: Fresh or sun-dried figs cleanse the bowels of toxic waste and mucus and serve as a natural laxative; for an excellent therapeutic drink for constipation, put 3 figs in a blender with one ripe banana, 2 tbsp. molasses and 1 cup water and blend till smooth. 3] Blackstrap Molasses: 2 tbsp. in warm water, twice daily. Never use mineral oil as a laxative is it harmful to the body if used internally.


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4] Spinach and Psyllium Husk Powder: raw spinach is nature’s best remedy for irritated and sluggish bowels; as juice mix 6 oz. (200 ml) spinach with 10 oz. carrot, 2 pints (1 liter) daily. If one mixes 1 tsp of psyllium husk powder (Metamucil) with this mixture it is very effective and gentle. 5] Carrot: grated raw carrots supplemented with 2 pints raw carrot juice should be consumed daily by those with chronic constipation. 6] Raw Apples: Eat two raw apples everyday before breakfast, then take one glass of warm water. 7] Asparagus: Eat fresh lightly steamed (for 3 minutes) asparagus every morning to increase fecal bulk and aid the kidneys to evacuate the toxins. Never eat asparagus raw. 8] Apple, Cucumber, Celery Juice: Mix 10 0z. 4 0z. 2 oz. juice daily as mild laxative. 9] Dandelion, Basil, Parsley: Infuse these three herbs together with warm distilled water. Drink two cups daily - one in the morning before breakfast and one before going to bed at night. 10] Castor Oil Packs: Place over the entire intestines for one to two hours once daily until the constipation goes away (which will be fast). The castor oil penetrates the intestines and loosens up everything. 11] Ozone Therapy: Drinking cool ozonated water is good; using ozonated essential oils for massage can be very effective. 12] Other Beneficial Foods: papaya; squash; raw apples; ripe bananas; raw almonds, high fiber foods; raw vegetables; seeds like sunflower, pumpkin, and sesame seeds; cereals; bran; wheat germ; Whole wheat bread; cucumber; asparagus; basil; olive; tamarind; radish; young fresh coconut juice and soft coconut meat; pear; fresh raspberries; cabbage or cultured cabbage juice; walnut; Unpolished rice; high fiber foods; bitter groud; oranges; apples; olive oil; prunes; grapes; okra; raw tomato. 13] Foods to Avoid: never use mineral oil as a laxative: it robs the digestive tract of all oil-soluble vitamins, such as A, E and D, and is not as effective as figs or black molasses; also avoid pasteurized milk, all food fried in oil; cooked eggs, overcooked meats, and refined starch; white sugar; polished white rice; peas; coffee and tea especially when milk is added; new potatoes; hot spicy foods; salt; chili peppers; corn flour; tapioca; tea; coriander.


Therapeutic Fasting

Fever Fevers are the result of the body trying to ‘incinerate’ waste matter stirred up in the system as the result of other conditions, such as colds, flu, and infectious diseases. Hippocrates wrote, ‘If you feed a fever, you’ll have to starve a cold’, which has been misquoted as ‘Feed a fever, starve a cold’. Thus, the best remedy for any fever is complete fasting, plus colonic irrigations to accelerate elimination of waste matter from the body. If you ‘feed a fever’, you’ll only make things worse. Fever is not a disease in itself. An infection or inflammation produces toxins which when they reach the hypothalamus (heat regulating region) in the brain, disturb the balance and the body temperature increases. Not every rise in temperature is due to toxins and so not every rise in temperature is a fever. Fever appears when white blood cells have to fight against foreign bodies. Doing loving-kindness meditation is very helpful when one has a fever. But, mind has a tendency to get rather spacey and has trouble focusing at that time. So, what is needed is a lot of rest and following the other remedies, plus, when resting and you can remember lightly radiate love to yourself and try not to be disappointed when the mind spaces out again. Symptoms: During a fever, the person feels flushed, may sweat, feel headache, and if there is muscular contractions may shiver. The symptoms depend upon the region or organs that has been affected. In children, one notices a pale face, irritability, loss of appetite and drowsiness. Fever is generally accompanied by hot dry skin, rapid pulse, chills and body aches. Dehydration during fever reduces the flow of urine. A high fever can cause delirium and convulsions. If the temperature rises rapidly, it is good to control it with cold compresses over the forehead using a towel dampened in water and apple cider vinegar. Sponging the entire body sometimes helps as well. In children the sponging should be done using tepid (not cold) water. Sweating should be induced only when the temperature is in safe range. When sweating stops the trouble starts as the patient may be heading towards hyper-pyrexia (delirium). With children, one should not take chances when there is fever! A slight delay can result in convulsions. There is a chance of a child becoming epileptic after several convulsions. During a convulsion, the child should be made to lie on their stomach with their mouth turned to one side so that it does not choke on any vomit. To prevent them from biting their tongue, a pencil or cloth must be stuffed in between the teeth. Medical attention is very necessary. Lemon juice and fruit juice are good to be given during a fever. Sweet basil tea, and peppermint tea, are good to relieve fever. Others include olive , passion flower, sandalwood, sarsaparilla. The caloric requirements of a patient suffering from fever is higher than a normal person. Also a higher quality of protein is required as tissue protein is lost during fever, the patient may not relish any food and this is alright. Taking juices and fasting is the easiest way to overcome the fever. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Try to remember to send as much loving and kind thoughts to yourself as possible. If one practices for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily, then when a fever appears it is easier to remember.


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2] Citrus Juice: the only thing a fever patient should be given is freshly extracted lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit juice. Dilute half/half with distilled water, with no sugar or ice. Citrus fruit acids help loosen, dissolve and eliminate mucus and other toxic wastes throughout the system. (Metamucil is a mild laxative which can be added to the juice to help in the cleansing process. This contains psyllium and other fibers that are very helpful). 3] Castor Oil Pack: The castor oil pack is very effective in helping to overcome fevers. Place over the liver and large intestines for 30 minutes 2 x’s a day until the fever is gone. It relaxes the body and the patient will want to sleep after the treatment which is the best therapy. 4] Foods to Avoid: all foods and beverages, except for distilled water and the juices mentioned above; especially white sugar; refined starches; polished white rice; soft carbonated drinks and coffee and tea when used with milk.

Influenza This is a viral respiratory problem. It is associated with fever, cold, chill, or headache. Prevention is the only effective method. Herbs to use are: lavender, primrose and rosemary. Once there is an attack treat the symptoms and give your body plenty of rest and Vitamin C (1000 mg every four hours). The same is true with influenza as with a fever as far as loving-kindness meditation is concerned. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Same as above, practice as much as possible, at that time. Also practice for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily when you start to feel better. 2] Lemon Juice: Warm lemon juice with a little honey is good. 3] Basil, Ginger: Boil a few basil leaves with ginger in 1/2 liter of distilled water until it reduces by half. Drink this as a tea for 5 days 2 x’s daily. It works quite well. 4] All Fresh Citrus Fruits: Taking any fresh squeezed citrus fruits 3 - 6 x’s daily is good. Especially grapefruit juice and orange juice.(of course lemon juice, too) 5] Garlic: Raw crushed garlic mixed with the citrus juice makes the drink even work more effectively. Take 3-5 cloves with every glass of juice. 6] Colloidal Silver: This when taken 2 times daily internally will help very much. Take 1 tsp in the morning and one in the evening on an empty stomach. 7] Castor Oil Pack: Relaxes the entire body and promotes circulation of blood through the liver, which in turn cleans out the system of disease. Place over the liver and large intestines one time and over the thymus gland and lungs the next for one hour daily until the influenza has gone away. It can be used 2 to 4 x’s daily. 8] Ozone Therapy: Ozone is the most effective medicine known against viral infections. Taken intravenously it will cure the problem quickly and safely - when


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administered by a competent doctor. After taking a hot bath (or steam sauna) soak the body in a sauna bag filled with ozone for 20 to 40 minutes. Soaking the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes is good. Using ozonated essential oils for massage works well, drinking cool ozonatd water helps too. 9] Foods to Avoid: White sugar; refined starches; polished white rice; chocolate; coffee and tea especially with milk added; sweets and pastries; hydrogenated fats (especially vegetable margarine); meat.

Insect Bites 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Even with simple things like insect bites lovingkindness is most helpful. Open up your, let go of the dislike of that sensation caused by the insect. Radiate love into that area. 2] Aloe Vera: Apply the juice of fresh aloe vera directly on the bite. 3] Parsley Juice: Squeeze the juice from the parsley juice then apply to the bite for immediate results. 4] Honey: Honey relieves pain due to the sting of hornets when applied to that region. 5] Onion: Raw Onion gives immediate relief for all kinds of stings. 6] Wheat Germ Oil: Wheat germ oil is a perfect cure for stings (wasp and hornets). 7] Witch-Hazel: Witch-Hazel is good for wasp stings.

Gout Closely related to rheumatism, gout is the inflammation of bones and ligaments in joints, owing to formation of acid crystals; this is caused mainly by diets that contain too much fatty meat, salt, alcohol, and insufficient quantities of raw, enzyme-active foods. The practice of loving-kindness meditation helps to purify ones blood and this in turn will assist in healing the body of this disease. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Practice this as much as possible start out sitting for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily. But after a while start extending the sittings to 1 hour 2 x’s daily. Place your attention on your kidneys, open and relax your mind. Letting go of all tightness and tension in the mind. Then radiate loving feelings into the kidneys.


Therapeutic Fasting

2] Asparagus: It contains asparamid, nature’s most effective kidney diuretic. Asparagus gives urine a strong odor of ammonia, which indicates that excess uric acid is being rapidly expelled. It breaks up oxalic acid crystals in kidneys and muscles (cooked spinach and cooked tomatoes leave oxalic acid in the system). Steam for no more than 3 minutes and consume immediately, once daily (unless there is an emergency). Asparagus should never be eaten raw. 3] Carrot, Beet, Cucumber Juice: the potent alkalizing properties of this blend help rebalance pH in blood and tissues and dissolve acid crystals in joints; 10 oz./ 3oz./ 3oz., 1-2 pints (500 ml to 1 liter) daily. 4] Watermelon: Watermelon is an excellent adjunct to asparagus therapy; when the pain is severe, eat nothing but lightly steamed asparagus every waking hour and eat 3 or 4 small pieces of watermelon every 5 to 10 minutes every waking hour for 24 - 48 hours. 5] Parsley Juice: raw parsley facilitates oxygen metabolism and stimulates adrenal secretions; both actions relieve the discomfort of gout and help correct the excess acidity of blood and tissues which causes it; mix 4 oz. parsley juice with 12 oz. carrot juice, 1 pint (500 ml) daily. 6] Celery Juice: * Very Important * rich in organic sodium, iron, calcium and magnesium, it corrects blood acidosis, dissolves deposits of inorganic calcium in joints, and provides the organic calcium required for repair of damaged ligaments and bones; mix half/half with carrot juice, 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) daily. 7] Radish Juice: Take 350ml red radish juice daily. Puree red radishes and distilled water. 8] Cabbage Juice: Take 500 ml cabbage juice mixed in blender with distilled water. Blend for one minute. Or take cultured cabbage juice 1/2 cup 3 x’s daily for 2 months. 9] Cherry Juice: Drink 1 1/2 - 2 liters of red cherry juice daily. 10] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the liver and large intestines one time and over the kidneys the next (over the kidneys one can lay on the castor oil pack and hot water bottle for one hour). It can also be used on the painful areas to bring some ease. Use daily alternating locations as needed but always leave for one hour in the same place, when there is pain. To make the gout leave one must use the pack daily for one month without a break. 11] Ozone Therapy: As oxygen is a blood purifier using ozone intravenously helps greatly in overcoming excesses in uric acid, when administered by a competent doctor. After taking a hot bath (or steam sauna) soak the body in a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 - 45 minutes daily for 2 weeks. Soaking the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes if good. Using ozonated essential oils for massage brings relief.


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12] Other Beneficial Foods: cabbage; fresh citrus juices (no sugar); raw black cherries (exclusively for 24 hours); raw black grapes (exclusively for 1-3 days); alfalfa tea or sprouts; unpolished rice; increase of vegetarian diet; increase cabbage; cauliflower; broccoli; watermelon and watercress. 13] Foods to Avoid: Fatty meats, especially pork; organ meats, especially liver; all food fried in oil; cooked spinach; cooked tomatoes; dry beans; alcohol; salt; all high protein foods, beans, coconut, citrus fruits, tropical fruits, alcohol, dairy products; coffee and tea when milk is used; hot spicy foods; white sugar; refined starches (especially white noodles); hydrogenated fats (like vegetable margarine); soft carbonated drinks.

Hernia Umbilical hernia if of the navel, femoral hernia is of the upper thigh and inguinal hernia is that of the groin. It produces swelling through the abdominal wall, or in the groin or in the upper thigh that increases under strain. The main cause is an imperfect growth of the wall of that region or injury due to physical strain such as lifting heavy objects, constipation, obesity or poor posture. In the early stages it can be cured by doing simple exercises which strengthen the region, applying oak bark tea and apple cider vinegar fomentation or applying a poultice of Comfrey leaves. Hernia (hiatal) occurs, if the sphincter is too high up in the chest and acid flows up into the esophagus. It is common in overweight and pregnant women. Causes are due to increased pressure in the abdomen produced by vomiting, coughing, straining bowels, pregnancy or obesity. Sleep with pillows, Avoid stooping, avoid highly spicy foods, avoid all fried foods, and avoid white rice, sugar, and flour products. Learning the open and soften one’s mind to pain is one of the true advantages of learning lovingkindness meditation. Everytime a person contracts their mind and fights painful sensations they cause even more pain and discomfort to arise. This turns an ordinary discomfort into an emergency of the most urgent proportions. So developing the skill of loving-kindness on a regular basis is very beneficial not only to the one practicing it but to everyone around them, because they start becoming more pleasant and easier to be with. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Practice this for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily to start out then extend the amount of time when the sitting is good. Place your attention on the area of distress. Open and relax, letting go of all tightness in your mind. Now radiate love into the area of discomfort. Keep opening and relaxing your mind as much as possible before radiating that love. 2] Orange, Grapefruit, and Caraway Seeds: Boil orange and grapefruit seeds with caraway seeds in water for one hour and get a decoction. Drinking it as tea 2 x’s a day. 3] High Fibre Foods: Taking high fibre foods, raw vegetables, wheat germ, bran, etc. everyday.


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4] Bran and Yogurt: Take 1 tbsp. of bran in 100g of yogurt before meals to overcome hiatal hernia.

Hemorrhoids/ Piles This increasingly common affliction is caused by stagnation and coagulation of blood fibron in the tiny capillaries that feed the anus and lower rectum; this is mainly the result of sticky toxic waste in the bloodstream, owing to excess consumption of refined starch, especially white bread and other flour products; in addition to dietary adjustments, daily practice of the anal sphincter exercise. Pain is felt during evacuation and streaks of blood appear in the motion. The blood may be black. There will be rectal bleeding. A feeling of fullness in the anus is also another symptom. This can be caused by constipation further irritated by laxatives and toxins from the intestines. The exertion of pressure on the rectal and abdominal vein system causes hemorrhoids. Obesity, pregnancy, liver problems, abdominal tumors, coughing, and sneezing all increase pressure on those veins. The treatment of the basic cause (i.e. constipation) is the best way to solve the problem. Plenty of raw vegetables and fresh fruits together with butter, figs, prunes, buttermilk, coconut water, and yogurt are to be taken. When loving-kindness meditation is directed into any unpleasant or painful feeling, one begins to open and relax their mind without fighting or trying to push that feeling away. This in itself is a very healing aspect of mental development. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your attention on the painful or uncomfortable area. Now softly open and relax your mind, letting go of all dissatisfaction and dislike. Feel your mind become soft and open, now radiate loving and kind feelings into that area. Keep opening and softening your mind, before radiating that love. Practice this meditation regularly every day, for 30 minutes each time. Practice it 2x’s daily and then when you feel like sitting for longer then extend up to 1 hour 2x’s daily (if you have the time and see the benefits). 2] Carrot and Spinach Juice: This blend benefits all colon conditions; restores proper blood pH; eliminates the sticky wastes that clog anal capillaries; 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) daily, 6 oz. spinach to 10 oz. carrot juice. 3] Celery Juice: hemorrhoids are sometimes the result of insufficient supplies of organic sulphur, iron, and calcium in the diet; celery juice provides abundant supplies of these elements; may be mixed half/half with carrot juice, 2 pints (1 liter) daily or 1 pint (500 ml) straight. 4] Apple Cider Vinegar: 2 tsp in a glass of distilled water, 2-3 times daily, prevents excessive bleeding in hemorrhoids by balancing the bloodstream and lowering blood pressure. 5] Bananas and Spinach: Take 1 banana and four leaves of raw spinach, at night before going to bed. 6] Dried Figs: Clean 5 dried figs in hot water and soak them over-night in water. Drink them together with water 2 x;s a day, first thing in the morning and before going to bed.


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7] Guava (Jambu): Take guava with a pinch of salt every morning for 2 months. 8] White Radish (also called Diacon radish): Grate white radish with honey or the juice of a white radish 100 ml with a pinch of salt, 2 x’s daily. 9] Fresh Star Fruit: Eat 2 fresh star fruit or drink the juice of 3 freshly squeezed star fruit twice daily on an empty stomach. 10] Fresh Unripened Figs: Eat 2 fresh unripened figs twice a day for one month. 11] Witch Hazel Lotion: This remedy has been used for centuries by the Europeans. Gently apply with a cotton swab. Witch Hazel was known as the ‘Bum’ healer. 12] Colloidal Silver: Apply this externally to help protect from infections. 13] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the liver, and large intestine for 1 hour daily for 6 days then rest 1 day and repeat as needed. This purifies the blood and unclogs the blood vessels and arteries, very well. The patient will feel a big relief and calm while using it and will want to sleep after the treatment. 14] Ozone Therapy: Intravenous shots given by a competent doctor will do wonders for the piles. When the ozone goes into the blood it starts purifying immediately. , as the blood balances itself the piles will go away by themselves; after taking a hot bath (or steam sauna) soak the entire body in a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 minutes daily until condition goes away; drinking cool ozonated water is good; using ozonated essential oils for massage works well; soaking the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes daily helps to relieve the pain and discomfort. 15] Other Beneficial Foods: turnips; watercress; parsley; lemon; banana; guava; star fruit; spinach. 16] Foods to Avoid: refined starch and sugar, especially white bread and sweet pastries; all pasta; all food fried in oil; chili peppers; persimmons; wine; malt; coffee; tea of all kinds; all spicy foods.

Indigestion Indigestion has many causes, one of which is low body temperature. Eating when you are not hungry, eating too fast and not chewing your food well and mixing too many foods together, can cause stomach distress. Try eating proteins first at the next meal. Follow with vegetables. You may eat grains and vegetables together or carbohydrates and vegetables together. Never eat sweets or fruits with vegetables, or you will get some indigestion. Mix as few foods as possible. Never eat fast or when under stress. Chew food thoroughly, there is a saying “Never swallow unless it is liquid”, so the saliva can mix with the food and help it to digest.


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The practice of loving-kindness meditation is very helpful with all stomach and intestinal problems. It helps one to open their heart and mind so worry and anxiety dissipate, which very often is the root cause of the problem. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your attention on your stomach and gently open and relax away the tightness in your mind. Feel your mind open and become calm, now radiate that loving feeling from your heart into your stomach. Practice whenever there is any distressful feeling caused by indigestion and also do this for 30 minutes 2 x’s daily for best results. 2] Apple Juice: Drink apple juice 350 ml 3 x’s daily. 3] Dried Unripe Apple Powder: Dry 5 half ripe apples in the sun after cutting them into pieces. When thoroughly dry make into powder. Drink 1 tbsp. of powder in warm distilled water 2 x’s daily. This helps indigestion and diarrhea. 4] Papaya, Mango: Eat a ripe papaya one hour before meals 3 x’s a day for 2 weeks, can mix with mango for better results. If you want to juice these mix with distilled water about one cup, but always prepare it right before drinking, as it looses energy one hour after cutting open. 5] Garlic and Honey: Finely chop 2 cloves of garlic and mix with 1 tbsp. of honey, take 30 minutes before every meal. 6] Garlic Water: Soak feet in garlic water to relieve indigestion. Use 8 garlic gloves that are juiced. If possible ozonate the garlic water while soaking the feet. 7] Coconut Pulp: Drinking young fresh coconut juice and eating the soft pulp is very high in potassium and as a result relieves indigestion. 8] Fresh Figs: Eat 3 fresh figs before going to bed every night for 2 weeks. 9] Unripe Papaya, Lemon Juice, and Apple Cider Vinegar: Cook 2 medium sized unripe papaya without any spices, allow to cool add 1 tbsp. fresh squeezed lemon juice and 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar, eat 2 x’s daily for one month. 10] Castor Oil Pack: Place the pack over the thymus gland and stomach one time and then over the liver and large intestines the next time until the condition goes away.


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11] Other Beneficial Foods: onion, balm, chamomile tea, sweet basil, nutmeg, coriander, peppermint, apple juice, grapefruit juice, pineapple, strawberry, starfruit, barley, buttermilk, orange, rosemary, radish leaf, tender coconut water and pulp, dandelion, dill, parsley, fennel, anise and red sage. 12] Foods to Avoid; all milk products, all fried foods, refined foods white sugar, white rice, white flour; unripe fruits (unless specifically mentioned); raw vegetables. 13] Ozone Therapy: Drinking ozonated water is good; using ozonated essential oils and massage; soaking the feet in ozonated water for 30-45 minutes helps a lot.

Kidney Inflammation The kidneys have to filter 185 liters of blood a day and the presence of excessive amounts of salt, sodium glutamate, chemicals, and drugs can strain them and this, in turn, strains the heart. A lack of magnesium generally causes kidney problems. Magnesium is found in Brewer’s Yeast, wheat bran, wheat germ, and raw green vegetables. Vit B is found in Brewer’s Yeast, wheat bran, wheat germ, raw mushrooms, raw broccoli, raw cauliflower, squash, and strawberries. These help tone up the kidneys. The practice of loving-kindness meditation when directing the soft radiation into the kidneys is very effective in helping to heal this situation. Sometimes there may be some old emotions attached to the feelings there. If that is the case loving-kindness will help one to open up their mind and let go of those old hard feeling so health in mind and body can replace them. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention into the kidney area. Gently let go of all tightness in your mind, open up your mind and relax. Now radiate loving feelings into that discomfort. Practice this healing method at least for 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. 2] Colloidal Silver: Take 1 tsp of this 1-2x’s daily to help clear up the inflammation and relieve pain. 3] Castor Oil Pack: The castor oil pack works very well on healing the kidneys, place the pack over the kidneys and lay down on the pack for one hour daily for 6 days. It stimulates the blood flow through the vessels in and around the kidneys bring relief and healing to the area.


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Nephritis Nephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys which strikes mainly in childhood or adolescence. The main symptoms of nephritis are pain in the kidney region extending down to the abdomen, fever, a dull pain in the back, highly colored urine and puffiness in the face and feet. There will be a lot of albumen in the urine as well. The safest treatment for nephritis is juice fasting for a period of seven (7) days on carrot, celery, and cucumber. Later, an all fruit diet should be followed for another five days with apples, black grapes, oranges, pears, peaches, and pineapples. This can be followed by a vegetarian diet. However, the patient should avoid large quantities of oxalic acid such as spinach, rhubarb, chocolate, and cocoa. 1] Asparagus: contains asparamid, nature’s most effective kidney diuretic; asparagus gives urine a strong odor of ammonia, which indicates that excess uric acid is being rapidly expelled; asparamid breaks up oxalic acid crystals in kidneys and muscles (cooked spinach and cooked tomatoes leave oxalic acid in the system); steam a bunch of fresh asparagus for 3 minutes or less and consume immediately, once daily. 2] Red Beet Juice: raw red beet juice has strong natural affinity for the kidneys; its affinity for kidneys is reflected in red coloration of urine; take 8 oz. (500 ml) raw beet juice, 2-3 tsp at a time, over a 24-hour period, with no other food. 3] Watermelon: for nephritis, the watermelon cure is an excellent adjunct to asparagus therapy; eat nothing but lightly steamed asparagus and every 5 - 10 minutes eat 3 or 4 small bites of watermelon every waking hour for 24-48 hours. 4] Cucumber: raw cucumbers, in bulk or juice, are excellent kidney diuretics and alkalizing agents; may be mixed with carrot and beet juice, 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 5] Dark Grape Puree: Fast by eating nothing but 1-2 kg dark grapes daily. Take a hand full every hour for 12 hours or drink the freshly squeezed juice puree every hour. Do this for one week. 6] Lemon Juice, Honey, Carrot Juice: Cut up one lemon and put in blender (peel seeds and all) add 1 1/2 cups of water, 1 tbsp. of honey, and 4 carrots (can add 1 tbsp. of cold pressed olive oil if desired). Blend for two minutes strain and drink 2 x’s daily. Sip slowly. 7] Corn: Boil corn in until water becomes reddish-brown and drink it as soup. This relieves many problems associated with the kidneys. 8] Potato, Carrot, cut Onion and Garlic: Simmer over low heat, 2 medium sized unpeeled potatoes, 4 small carrots, 2 medium sized cut onions and 6 cloves of garlic until the water reduces to half. Drink the soup with meals 3 x’s daily for 2 weeks. 9] Horse Radish and Honey: Take 1 tbsp. of freshly chopped horse radish and add to one tbsp. honey, take 3 x’s daily to clean out bladder infection. Don’t take if you have diarrhea.


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10] Wheat Germ, Brewer’s Yeast, Orange Juice: Mix 1 tbsp. Wheat Germ, and 1 tbsp. Brewer’s Yeast with 500 ml fresh squeezed Orange Juice and you can add some strawberries (to suit taste). Drink before breakfast every day for 14 days. 11] Colloidal Silver: This is completely safe for infants and children, take 1/2 tsp 1-2 x’s daily to be rid of harmful bacteria causing the problem. 12] Castor Oil Pack: The pack relieves pain and suffering very quickly. Place over the kidneys while the patient is lying on their side or back. If on the side you must wrap a towel around the body to hold the pack closely. Fasten with some safety pins. Use for one hour daily until the condition improves. 13] Ozone Therapy: After taking a hot bath (or steam sauna), soak the entire body for 30 minutes in a sauna bag filled with ozone, daily. This detoxifies the whole body and purifies the blood; Soak the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes daily; use ozonated essential oils for massage; drink plenty of cool ozonated water (3 - 4 liters daily, can add apple cider vinegar to this). 14] Other Beneficial Foods: apple cider vinegar: barley water; parsley; carrot juice; lecithin; cabbage; black grapes; garlic; papaya; and banana; cultured cabbage juice; alfalfa; kidney beans; oats; black eyed-peas; unpolished rice; cherry juice; cinnamon bark, dill seed; fennel; star anise; walnuts; starfruit; string bean; Also take Vit. B6 and exercise enough to bring up a sweat. 15] Foods to Avoid: All table salt and salt-preserved foods; soy sauce; shellfish; all food fried in oil; coffee or tea especially when milk is added; white sugar; refined starches; polished white rice; chocolate; cooked spinach and tomatoes; alcohol; hot peppers and spicy foods; pain killers and western medicines like antibiotics as they attack the kidneys and causes the circulation to lessen; avoid all red meats and pork.

Kidney Stones These are a collection of minerals and chemicals like calcium and oxalic acid. Some are due to uric acid. People with gout may have stones of uric acid as well. The main cause of kidney stones is eating highly refined foods, animal protein, dietary calcium, salt, foods rich in oxalic acid such as tea, coffee, chocolate, peanuts, spinach, beet root and alcohol. In tropical countries they are common mainly due to a loss of fluid through excessive perspiration, resulting in an increased concentration of urine.

Foods that cause stones because of rich oxalate and phosphate contents are: tomato, fish, crab, jack fruit, onions. Whole cereals are rich in phosphates leafy vegetables in calcium and oxalates and milk; these should all be avoided. To relieve the pain due to kidney stones: apply a hot ginger fomentation (stirred up) on the back and lower back. (boiled grated ginger in water until the water becomes yellowish in color. Dip towel in it and apply directly on the area, let it stay until relief is felt). This is where the daily practice of loving-kindness meditation


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really helps. If one has practiced and been good about doing it daily for a period of time, when/if kidney stones appear, they will naturally begin to open and soften the mind every time a pain arises. The dislike and resistance to pain will make that pain so unbearable that a person suffering from it must take huge amounts of minddeadening morphine. But when a person doesn’t resist the pain with their mind, then they begin to learn about the true nature of the mind/body process. The practice won’t make the pain go away, but it will make easier to endure it. All awareness is lost when the person takes heavy drugs to try and run away from painful sensations. But when opening and accepting pain as your teacher, your awareness and understanding of this mind/body process becomes very clear and enlightening. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: When this is practiced daily for 30 minutes 2x’s the meditator begins to learn how to open and relax the mind as well as radiating love into painful sensations (as opposed to hate and dissatisfaction). This helps immeasurably when a crisis situation like kidney stones may occur. Keeping the mind from contracting around the painful feeling will turn into a very real learning experience if it is done with confidence. It is necessary to keep opening the mind and radiating love into those feelings as long as they are present. This is not an impossible thing to do and even though it may be somewhat difficult, it is an amazing learning experience when it is done. 2] Starfruit, Honey: Boil fresh 3 whole starfruits with 2 tbsp. of honey and 3 cups of distilled water - drink the juice and eat the fruit as well 2 x’s a day to relieve stones. This also will get rid of stones in the bladder, as well. 3] Cucumber Juice: Drink 1 liter of cucumber juice daily; may be mixed with carrot juice for taste. 4] Lemon Juice: Drink fresh squeezed lemon juice mixed in water every 1/2 hour. This can dissolve even large uric acid stones. 5] Asparagus Juice: Put 6 stocks of lightly steamed (for 3 minutes) asparagus in a blender and add 1 cup of distilled water Blend for 2 minutes then strain and drink. Take 3 x’s daily before meals to expel stones. (can take without straining as puree if desired). 6] Watermelon: This is an excellent adjunct to asparagus therapy; eat nothing but lightly steamed asparagus (every hour) and eat 3 to 4 small pieces of watermelon every 5 to 10 minutes of every waking hour for 24-72 hours. Also taking foods with sodium in them is necessary. 7] Parsley Tea: For gravel and kidney or bladder stones, parsley tea is used. Wash some fresh parsley and cover in hot water. Keep it warm for 30 minutes. Later cool, drink the liquid every hour. Then take starfruit as described above. 8] Castor Oil Pack: This works very well in dissolving kidney stones. Place over the kidneys for one hour then rest for one hour and put over the lower abdomen for one hour, again rest for one hour and repeat until the stones evacuate through the urine.


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9] Ozone Therapy: After taking a hot bath (or steam sauna), soak the entire body for 45 minutes in a sauna bag filled with ozone, this can be done twice daily; ozonated essential oils are good; drinking cool ozonated water is effective. 10] Foods to Avoid: Nuts, almonds, beans, fried foods, white polished rice, white sugar, white flour, all preserved foods, all pre-processed foods, sour foods, hot spicy foods, coffee, tea, cola, chocolate, all pastries, and salt.

Edema (water retention) This is swelling due to water retention particularly in the ankles and feet. The first sign of fluid retention is seen as puffiness under the eyes, legs and ankles. This is an indication of weakness of the adrenal glands possibly together with kidneys. This can also be due to an excessive intake of salt. Sudden fluid retention indicates an allergy again indicating the weakness of the adrenal glands. Persistent retention is an early indication of heart problems. It is best treated with proper exercises and an occasional intake of herbs which work as a diuretic such as dandelion leaf tea combined with fennel seeds. Foods to bring relief are garlic, young coconut, black grapes, pineapple, barley, castor bean, kidney bean, mung bean. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your attention on any uncomfortable part of your body that draws your attention to it. Open up and relax away any tightness in your mind. Letting go of all tension, now radiate that nice warm feeling of love into that area. Practice this for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. 2] Ginger: Boil fresh grated ginger and make a strong tea. Drink 2 x’s daily. 3] Coconut: Drink young tender coconut juice and eat the pulp daily. 4] Raisins and Ginger: Mix in a 2:1 quantity of raisins (2) and ginger (1) with peel and boil it. Drink 2 x’s daily. This cures nutritional edema. 5] Kidney Bean, Garlic Soup: Put one cup of kidney beans into 2 cups of water and cook until the beans are soft then add 4 cloves of finely chopped garlic and eat with every meal. A bit of honey helps. 6] Carrot Juice: Raw carrot juice is probably the best overall therapeutic food in the world. It alkalizes, cleanses, nourishes, and stimulates almost every system in the body; as such it helps very much in healing edema. Take 1 - 2 liters daily. 7] Alfalfa Tea: Drinking alfalfa tea a fairly strong mixture 2 x’s every day for 2 weeks will help improve the condition. 8] Carrot, Cucumber Juice: Mix carrot and cucumber juice together in even proportions. Make 1 - 2 liters daily and drink slowly, mixing the saliva with the juice. Drink 2 x’s a day.


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9] Asparagus: Lightly steamed asparagus contains asparamid, nature’ most effective diuretic; asparagus gives the urine a strong odor of ammonia, which indicates that excess uric acid is being rapidly expelled; it promotes the release of water stored in the body. 10] Watermelon Juice: Drink 500ml of watermelon juice daily to relieve edema. 11] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the liver and large intestines on time and over the kidneys the next time for one hour each. Alternate daily until condition improves. Do this in conjunction with the other therapies. 12] Ozone Therapy: After taking a hot bath (or steam sauna) soak the entire body in a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 minutes 2 x’s daily; soak the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes daily; using ozonated essential oils is good. 13] Foods to Avoid: Salt, white sugar, white polished rice, white flour products, honey, glucose; chocolate; colas; hydrogenated fats (especially vegetable margarine).

Cystitis This simply put is an inflammation of the bladder. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Practice this for 30 minutes 2 x’s daily, directing the attention into the bladder area then relaxing away that tightness in the mind. Now radiate soft loving feelings there. 2] Vitamin A: Take twice the recommended daily dose of vitamin A. 3] Water: Drink at least 10 liters of distilled water a day. 4] Garlic: Finely chop 5 cloves of garlic and swallow with water, 3 x’s a day for 5 days. very effective. 5] Starfruit and Honey: To get rid of bladder and kidney stones, boil 3 starfruits with 2 tbsp. of honey in 3 cups of water. Drink the juice and eat the starfruit 2 x’s daily. 6] Horse Radish, Apple Cider Vinegar, Grape Sugar: For bladder infection, eat grated horse radish with 4 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. of grape sugar (dextrose) 3 x’s a day. 7] Watermelon Seeds: Take 25g oz crushed watermelon seeds in water 1 a day for 2 weeks. 8] Castor Oil Pack: Place the pack over the kidneys one time (for one hour) and over the liver and intestines the next time for 1 hr. Alternate until the cystitis goes away.


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Urine Light or colorless urine indicates a lack of protein. Dark and smelly urine indicates an excess of uric acid. If the urine is excessively frothy it indicates that there is protein present. It can also indicate the possible presence of stones or urinary tract infection. If there is a weak stream of urine this indicates an enlargement of the prostate glands. If the symptom is associated with pain, it indicates an inflammation of the prostate glands. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Direct your attention into the kidneys, open up and relax that tension in the mind and radiate that warm loving feeling to them. Practice this for 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. 2] Garlic: Chop 3 cloves finely and eat with other foods. 3] Soybean, Garlic: Soak one cup of soybean and cook with 10 gloves of finely chopped garlic. Eat 1 x a day. 4] Dark Grape Juice: Add warm water to fresh squeezed dark grape juice and drink 250 ml 2 x’s daily for 2 weeks. Not for diabetics 5] Asparagus: Eating lightly steamed (for 3 minutes) asparagus or juiced daily promotes urination and can caused the urine to have a strong odor of ammonia, which indicates that excess uric acid is rapidly being expelled. Make sure that you supplement your diet with high sodium foods when using both asparagus and watermelon remedies. 6] Watermelon: Watermelon is an excellent adjunct to asparagus therapy; eat nothing but lightly steamed asparagus every hour and eat 3 or 4 pieces of fresh watermelon every 5-10 minutes for 24 hours. This will flush out the kidneys very quickly and well. 7] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the kidney for one hour daily and over the liver and large intestines for one hour daily for the fastest results. 8] Other Beneficial Foods: Strawberry, pear, watermelon, carrot, celery, eggplant, lettuce, blackstrap molasses; green onion, barley, string bean, unpolished rice, orange, and garlic.

To ease painful urination 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Direct your attention to the bladder area, relax away that tight feeling in the head and radiate the soft, warm loving feeling into that area. Make sure you practice this meditation for 30 minutes 2 x’s daily (whether you have physical problems or not. This is also preventive medicine).


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2] Goldenseal, Chapparral, Lemon Grass, Eucalyptus Tea: These teas can be taken separately, in rotation or in any combination with honey once every hour to relieve urinary tract and difficulty in urinating as well. 3] Starfruit Juice: To relieve painful urination and discharge of blood; Crush 3 fresh starfruits and mix the juice with cold water. Drink 500 ml 3 x’s daily. 4] Dark Grape Puree: Juice one kg of dark or black grapes (skins, seeds and all) and mix with warm water 1:1 proportion (don’t strain the juice) drink once daily to relieve urination. 5] Pear: Take two medium sized pears and cut into chunks put in blender with 1 cup of water, strain and drink slowly 2 x’s daily. 6] Cabbage Juice: Raw cabbage juice detoxifies the stomach, upper bowels and kidneys of putrefying wastes. Can mix half and half with carrot juice; drink 1 liter daily for relief. The best is to drink 1/2 cup of cultured cabbage juice daily (for more information in benefits and how to make see next chapter). 7] Strawberry Juice: Blend 1/4 kg strawberries with 1 1/2 cup of cold water. Blend for one minute and drink 2 x’s daily to help painful urination problems. 8] Watermelon: Eat a few pieces of watermelon every 5 to 10 minutes for 2 days. very good. 9] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the kidneys for one hour and then over the liver and large intestines for one hour daily. This will relieve the pain quickly and heal the cause of the discomfort. 10] Ozone Therapy: After taking a hot bath (this means that the skin should be red from the circulation of blood to the surface) or a steam sauna, soak the body in a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 minutes. This improves the circulation and purifies toxins in the blood. Soak the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes daily; use ozonated essential oils; drink cool ozonated water daily.

For Frequent or Excess Urination 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Direct you attention into the bladder area, open and let go of tension in the head and radiate loving-kindness there. Practice this meditation for 30 minutes 2 x’s daily, whether there is a physical problem or not. This is preventive healing. 2] Black Cherry Juice: Drinking 500 ml concentrated black cherry juice 2 x’s daily helps. 3] Carrot Peels: Eating baked carrot peels relieves frequent urination.


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4] Celery Juice: Cut celery and soak in boiled water for a few minutes. Juice the celery and strain then drink the juice to prevent frequent urination. 5] Castor Oil Pack: same as above for painful urination. It helps to regulate the flow naturally.

For Urination Problems with Children 1] Cucumber Seeds: Make a paste by grinding cucumber seeds and apply on the abdomen region around the navel to clear blocking of the abdomen due to a urinary blockage. 2] Barley, Ginger Juice: Boil barley with ginger juice and drink it as a soup to ease the pain and difficulty in urinating. 3] Mung Beans, Honey: Cook mung beans with honey and drink it as a sweet pudding. Relieves difficulty in urinating. 4] Castor Oil Pack: Same as above. The castor oil pack is so gentle acting that there is never an adverse effect even when children use in the same way.

Rheumatism Closely related to gout, rheumatism is caused by heavy retention of uric acid, which eventually is absorbed into muscles, where it crystallizes. The condition is further aggravated by heavy consumption of cooked animal proteins, which cannot be properly digested and metabolized when the system is saturated with excess uric acid. The practice of loving-kindness meditation is very useful with all diseases and discomforts, when one’s attention is directed into the troubled areas. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Direct your attention into the area of discomfort and soften your mind around that area, feel the tension and tightness in your head relax. Then begin to radiate warm loving feelings into it. Practice this for 30 minutes 2 x’s daily, even when there are no physical problems. 2] Carrot, Beet, Cucumber Juice: this potent alkalizing blend dissolves uric acid crystals in muscle tissue and kidneys; 10 oz./ 3oz./ 3oz., 2 pints (1 liter) daily, taken in 6 equal doses throughout the day. 3] Lemon Juice: dissolves and neutralizes uric acid crystals, thereby facilitating their rapid elimination through the kidneys; take the juice of one whole lemon in a tumbler of warm distilled water (with no sugar), 4-5 times throughout the day; efficacy is doubled if taken mid-way between doses of carrot, beet, cucumber juice. 4] Spinach: raw spinach helps dissolve uric acid crystals in blood and tissue and cleanses the lower bowels of the putrefactive wastes that contribute to accumulations


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of excess acidity; 6 oz. (200 ml) with 10 oz. (600 ml) carrot juice, 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) daily. 5] Horse Radish, Apple Cider Vinegar: Take 25g horse radish and mix with 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar and 500 ml distilled water twice daily, to relieve pain. 6] Garlic and Honey: Put garlic cloves into honey and let sit for two weeks then take one spoonful 2 x’s daily for rheumatism pain. 7] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the liver and large intestines for one hour daily for 6 days, rest for 1 day and repeat. It can also be place over the painful area to bring relief quickly. Use it for one hour at a time until it is healed. 8] Ozone Therapy: This works particularly well with cancer patients, arthritic patients, rheumatic patients and aides patients. Taken intravenously daily will purify the blood and heal the problem (when done by a competent doctor). After taking a hot bath or steam sauna, soak the entire body for 45 minutes in a sauna bag filled with ozone daily; Ozonated essential oils for massage work very well; drinking cool ozonated water helps to soothe the entire body. 9] Other Beneficial Foods: parsley; asparagus; grapefruit juice (mixed with distilled water); asparagus; horse radish; alfalfa; apple; mustard; celery; garlic; kidneybeans; cherry; unpolished rice; whole grains; organic foods; lecithin; black molasses; papaya; dry ginger; cabbage; dark grapes, raw tomatoes. 10] Foods to Avoid: cooked meats; all food fried in oil; polished white rice; refined starches; white sugar; sweets; hot chili’s and hot spicy foods; coffee and tea especially when milk is added; salt and salt-preserved foods; alcohol; nicotine; hydrogenated fats like vegetable margarine; pre-processed foods; junk foods; fast foods; chocolate; All chemical and synthetically preserved foods; ice cream; mustard.

Toxemia This is a condition of general toxicity throughout the system, caused by autointoxication of the bloodstream, owing to huge accumulations of toxic waste matter in the intestinal tract; toxemia is characterized by severe acidosis of the blood, chronic fatigue; irritability and depression, skin eruptions, body odor, bad breath and poor digestion; the foremost measure against toxemia is therapeutic fasting with daily colonic irrigations followed by nutritional therapy and permanent adjustments in dietary habits. Practicing loving-kindness meditation is very helpful as this mental practice helps to purify ones mind and thereby purifying their blood at the same time. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Direct your soft, loving attention to the intestinal area, letting go of all tension and tightness in your head and mind. Now radiate kind loving feelings into it. Practice this for 30 minutes 2 x’s daily.


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2] Carrot, Beet, Cucumber Juice: restores pH balance in blood; dissolves acid crystals; cleanses bowels; builds strong blood plasma; 10 oz./ 3oz./ 3oz., 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 3] Carrot and Spinach Juice: cleanses and toxifies lower bowels; detoxifies bloodstream; balances pH; restores peristalsis and general colon health; builds strong blood plasma; 10 oz./ 6 oz.., 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 4] Cabbage Juice: a powerful cleanser and detoxifier for the stomach and upper bowels, raw cabbage juice is especially effective against protein putrefaction; 5 oz. with 11 oz.. carrot juice, 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) daily. Or the best is to drink 1/2 cup of cultured cabbage juice daily (for more information in benefits and how to make see next chapter). 5] Asparagus: To help flush out toxins in the body take lightly steamed (for no more than 3 minutes). It contains asparamid, nature’s most effective kidney diuretic. Asparagus give the urine a strong odor of ammonia, which indicates that excess uric acid is being rapidly expelled. Make sure to take sodium rich foods when using asparagus and watermelon remedies. 6] Watermelon: Watermelon is an excellent adjunct to asparagus therapy; eat nothing but lightly steamed asparagus every hour and eat 3-4 pieces of watermelon every 5-10 minutes of every waking hour for 24-72 hours. This will help greatly to clear out the system of toxins. 7] Castor Oil Pack: To get true relief from toxemia, place the castor oil pack over the liver and large intestines one hour a day for 6 days, rest 1 day then repeat for 4 weeks. This will completely cure the problem and can work faster when used in conjunction with the over food therapies. 8] Ozone Therapy: By soaking the entire body in a sauna bag filled with ozone, the skin has all kinds of toxins drawn out. Taken after a hot bath or steam sauna, the skin’s pores are already open so the ozone can work its best. For most instances it is best not to use the sauna bag for more than 30 to 45 minutes. The reason is that the body can’t absorb any more than that. There is no danger at all in harming yourself with the ozone when used with common sense. Drinking cool ozonated water is good for the whole system; Ozonated essential oils for massage works very well; as does soaking the feet for 30 minutes in ozonated water. 9] Other Beneficial Foods: parsley; celery juice; asparagus; grapefruit juice (in distilled water); black grapes (exclusively 1-3 days); Black cherries (exclusively 1-3 days); high fiber foods; wheat germ oil; lecithin; pecans unpolished rice; apple cider vinegar; blackstrap molasses; lemon; parsley; celery; pumpkin seeds; sunflower seeds; brewer’s yeast; raw apples; young coconut; garlic; onions; watermelon. 10] Foods to Avoid: Incompatible combinations, especially of animal protein and concentrated starch; pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; overcooked meats; all foods fried


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in oil; white sugar, sweetened soft drinks; refined starches; polished white rice; hot chili’s and hot spicy foods; salt; alcohol; chocolate; coffee and tea especially when one adds milk to it; all chemical and synthetic preservatives.


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6. Respiratory Systems: Lungs, Bronchial Tubes, Throat, Nose, Sinuses Lungs Usually lung infections are caused by a virus or by bacteria. The symptoms are cough yellowish or green phlegm, chest pain and soreness in the throat. Allergies or chronic rhinitis with or without cough may indicate an infection of the lungs or even that of the heart. Drink plenty of fluids and eat cucumber, celery, comfrey, eucalyptus, fenugreek and kidney beans. The practice of loving-kindness meditation is very beneficial in calming one’s mind and thereby helping one’s whole physical process to heal itself. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Direct your soft attention into the lungs, open up and relax away the tension and tightness in your head and mind. Now radiate calm loving feelings into your lungs. Practice this for 30 minutes 2x’s daily, everyday. 2] Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar with boiling water and pour this into a vaporizer. Inhale the vapor 3 x’s a day. (Can be effective even for lung infection with pus or pulmonary suppuration.) 3] Asparagus: Lightly steam (for no more than 3 minutes) 1/4 kg asparagus and liquefy it in a blender. It can be used as a drink by diluting it in water (1 1/2 cups). This is especially good for lung disease like Hodgkin’s Disease, but works well with all forms of lung infections. 4] Okra Juice: Okra (bendi) juice is valuable for combating inflammation of the lung membrane. Put 350 g of Okra with 1 1/2 cup of water in blender and blend for one minute Strain and drink slowly sipping it until finished. Do this 2 x’s daily. 5] Garlic, Ginger, Honey, Lemon Juice: For congestion in the lungs and respiratory tract, boil ginger in water, when ready take off fire and add 7 cloves of finely chopped garlic and let stand for 5 minutes. Add to a cup of the brew the puree of one lemon and add honey to suit your taste. Drink slowly 3 x’s a day. 6] Dark Grapes (Juice puree or bulk): Dark grape juice is excellent for weak lungs and weak lungs due to inflammation around the lungs, and very labored breathing. Take 1 - 2 kg. per day eat the skins and seeds, best to take by juicing the grapes in a puree and drink without straining. Best if take in small amounts every hour for 14 hours a day. Continually take every day for three weeks to six weeks. Dark grape juice cleanses blood poisoning and lung disorders. 7] Colloidal Silver: Take 1 tsp 1-2 x’s daily to help get rid of virus which causes the problem. Take on an empty stomach. 8] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the thymus gland and lungs for one hour daily and the next day place over the liver and large intestines for 6 days, rest 1 day and repeat until


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situation is cured. The reason to alternate the pack from the thymus gland to the liver is, over the thymus gland the castor oil pack will loosen the phlegm and mucus, then when placed over the liver it takes the loosened toxins out of the body, so it can stay in balance. 9] Ozone Therapy: Ozone works exceptionally well on the lungs. After taking a hot bath or steam sauna, soak the entire body in a sauna bag filled with ozone. The patient can begin to cough and spit up mucus and phlegm (don’t be alarmed as long as it is not too bad. But if the patient seems to have real problems with this therapy then stop). soaking the feet in cool ozonated water helps the circulation; ozonated essential oils work quite well on the lungs; ozonated drinking water is good.

Pleurisy This is a disease of the membrane around the lungs and is quite uncomfortable, it causes shortness of breathe and coughing. When one practices loving-kindness meditation they learn how not to resist the feeling of coughing. Soften the mind and allow the body to cough without resistance. This is amazing how well it works to relieve the lungs and throat. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Direct your attention into the feeling of wanting to cough and relax the mind and throat, feel them open up and lose the tightness. If a cough wants to come it is alright, don’t resist it. Open your mind and radiate love into that feeling. Practice this everytime the feeling of coughing arises, also one must sit in meditation for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily for the best results. 2] Okra Juice: Take 350 g of Okra and add 1 1/2 cups of water put in blender for one minute and drink slowly. This is good for combating inflammation of the lung membrane which causes pleurisy. 3] Dried Figs, Honey Jelly: Steam 1/4 kg dried figs until they are soft. Add 1/4 cup of honey and cook until it becomes a jelly (adding water and letting steam off so it won’t burn). Then take one spoonful 2 x’s daily until inflammation goes away. Especially good for pulmonary tuberculosis. 4] Fig Root: The fig root is very good for lymph tuberculosis. Take 50g and make into strong tea. Drink 2 x’s daily for one week. 5] Date, Honey Jelly: Steam 1/4 kg dates until they are very soft. Add 1/4 cup of honey and cook until it becomes jelly adding small amounts of water to stop it from burning. Take two spoonful 2 x’s daily for three weeks. 6] Colloidal Silver: This has been known to be of great help with this problem take 1 tsp 1-2 x;s daily for relief. 7] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the thymus gland for one hour one day and the over the liver and intestines the next (if the problem is severe it can be used more often during the day, but always alternating between the thymus gland and


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the liver) do this for 6 days, rest 1 day then repeat for 4 weeks or until condition is cured. 8] Ozone Therapy: Use in the same way as for the lungs. 9] Foods to Avoid: Avoid all polished white rice; white sugar; refined starches; all meats and eggs; foods fried in oil; all dairy products i.e. milk, cheese, etc.; chocolate; coffee and tea especially when milk is added; alcohol; ice cream; hot spicy foods; salt; soft carbonated drinks; all de natured pre-processed foods.

Asthma Extreme difficulty in breathing owing to inability to fully evacuate the lungs of stale air; accumulations of mucus in the lungs and consequent blockage of air passages block outflow of air, not inflow. People suffering from asthma gasp for breath. This is usually due to an allergy or secondary to some cardiac or renal disease. Childhood asthma is linked to the presence of eczema and hay fever. There is a wise saying which goes “ an exclusively breast feed child never suffers from asthma”. Something for modern mothers to think about! The practice of loving-kindness is most useful to calm the mind and open it when there is distress. Bronchial asthma is classified as follows: - Acute bronchial asthma: this occurs generally in children. Attacks come on suddenly and subside suddenly as well without treatment. - Chronic Bronchial Asthma: The attack is sudden with low wheezing on slight exertion, restlessness, itching in the nose and a cough may or may not be present. During an attack take very little food. Avoid heavy meals, generally. Take easily digestible foods such as whole wheat bread and honey. Drink warm ozonated water and have plenty of liquid in the diet. Juices are best during an attack. Eating almonds is one of the best things to do for lung and chest problems but they should not be eaten alone as they are difficult to digest (so make sure when eating them to chew until they become liquid before swallowing them). 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Every time there is any kind of problem in the body as with asthma. One’s mind naturally tries to fight it by tightening and not liking that feeling. The practice of loving-kindness shows one how to do the opposite with their mind. This opening and accepting, then radiating the feeling of love into the stressful area of the lungs and throat helps to relieve a lot of discomfort. Practice this for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily for the best results. 2] Horseradish and Lemon Juice: the potent ethers in fresh grated horseradish dissolve mucus in the sinuses and bronchial tubes quickly and effectively; mixing it with fresh lemon juice doubles its efficacy; grated fresh horseradish into a bowl, add enough fresh lemon juice to make a paste, take 1/2 tsp 2-3 times a day, as needed.


Therapeutic Fasting

3] Carrot and Radish Juice: fresh raw red radish juice is similar in effect to horseradish, but milder; it is too strong to take straight, however, and should be blended 5 oz. with 11 oz. carrot juice, 1 pint (500 ml) daily. 4] Cranberries: cranberries contain one of nature’s most potent vasodilators, which open up congested bronchial tubes so that normal breathing is restored; cranberries are excellent curative and preventative therapy for the entire breathing apparatus; bring fresh cranberries to boil with just enough water to cover them, simmer 2-3 minutes, pour off excess water, puree cranberries in blender, strain of skins, and keep pulp and juice in refrigerator; when asthma or other respiratory difficulty occurs; mix 2 tbsp. in a cup of warm distilled water and sip slowly. 5] Garlic: raw garlic contains potent ethers and enzymes that dissolve mucus in lungs and bronchial tubes and help restore normal breathing; also kills bacteria in air passages, preventing respiratory infections; 3-5 cloves daily. 6] Comfrey Leaves: Eating comfrey leaves every day helps to clear asthma. 7] Potato, Onion, Garlic, Carrot Soup: Simmer over a low fire, a few small potatoes with the peel still on, a medium sized onion, 5 garlic cloves and a carrot with the peel still on. simmer until the water is 1/2 boiled off. Add a pinch of salt and drink the soup with meals for 2 weeks. 8] Parsley Tea: Drink one cup of parsley juice or tea made of leaves and seeds to clear asthma. 9] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the thymus for 1 hr. one day and over the liver and intestines for 1 hr. the next day, alternate for 6 days, then first 1 day, repeat for 3 months; this can cause quite a lot of phlegm and spitting at first but it will eventually clear up. 10] Other Beneficial Foods: wheat germ oil; raw pumpkin seeds; apple cider vinegar; raw sunflower seeds; celery juice; turnip; raw spinach; ginger; unpolished rice; almond; comfrey; eucalyptus; horse radish; lettuce; parsley; turnip; saffron; blackstrap molasses; pumpkin (ash gourd); honey; taking 400 mg of vitamin E helps. 11] Foods to Avoid: pasteurized milk and all dairy products; all food fried in oil; cooked eggs; refined starch; white sugar; raw tomatoes cause an immediate attack; coffee and tea especially when milk is added; hot spicy foods; ice cream; chocolate; hydrogenated fats like vegetable margarine.


Therapeutic Fasting

Bronchitis Inflammation of the bronchial tubes owing to excess mucus in the lungs, caused by vicarious elimination of toxic wastes from the bloodstream to the lungs; toxins irritate and inflame tender lung and bronchial tissues as they excrete, permitting infection by bacteria to occur; chronic irrigations have proven highly effective as a fast method of eliminating the excess toxic wastes from the system, so that they do not get pushed through skin and lungs. Troublesome coughing is the prominent symptom. Chronic bronchitis can damage the lung tissues. The process of loving-kindness and acceptance instead of mental resistance helps one to overcome all kinds of physical problems. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Direct your attention into the lung and throat areas then softly open the mind and gently radiate loving feelings into that area. When mind becomes tight and begins to resist again then repeat the process again. One must develop patience to be successful. Do this everytime the feeling of discomfort and the wanting to cough arises. Also one must sit in meditation for 30 minutes 2x’s daily for best results. 2] Carrot and Dandelion Juice: raw dandelion juice counters blood acidosis and helps alkalize the entire system, with particular affinity for the lungs; 4 oz. with 10 oz. carrot juice, 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) daily. 3] Horse Radish and Lemon Juice: same effects and dosage as asthma. 4] Carrot and Radish Juice: same as asthma. 5] Cranberries: same as asthma. 6] Plums, Orange Juice, Grapes, Apple Cider Vinegar: Drink 2 litres of distilled water mixed with orange juice, plum juice, 1/2 cup of Apple cider vinegar and 500g grape puree. Blend and drink daily for one month. 7] Green Onion, Garlic, Honey, Irish Moss Jelly: Simmer 4 slices of green onion and 4 cloves of garlic in Irish Moss Jelly for 30 minutes. Add 4 oz. of honey and store. Take 2 tbsp. of it every 2 hours. In chronic conditions, it is good to slowly sip a tsp of plain honey hourly in between the above syrup. 8] Colloidal Silver: This helps greatly with all forms of inflammation throughout the body. Take 1 tsp 1-2 x’s daily until the problem is solved. 9] Castor Oil Pack: Place the pack over the thymus gland for 1 hr. one day and over the liver and intestines the next and alternate. Do this for 6 days, rest for one day, then repeat for 3 months while taking other juice and food therapies.


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10] Ozone Therapy: Soaking in a sauna bag filled with ozone, after taking a hot bath or steam sauna is very helpful. If there is excessive coughing and spitting up of phlegm shorten the time in the bag (use for 30 minutes or less depending on conditions); Ozonated essential oil for massage is good; drinking ozonated water; soaking the feet in ozonated water for 30 minutes is good. 11] Other Beneficial Foods: celery juice; raw radishes; raw spinach; whole Lemon puree (mix in blender with one cup of distilled water); watercress; unpolished rice; lecithin; yogurt; blackstrap molasses; radish; horse radish; pumpkin seeds; warm lemon juice mixed with honey; almonds; pecans; whole grains; wheat germ oil; parsley. 12] Foods to Avoid: same as asthma.

Hodgkin’s Disease 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Wherever there is discomfort gently place your attention there and open the mind, letting go of all resistance and tightness. Now radiate soft loving feelings to the area. Sit in meditation for 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. 2] Asparagus Puree: Take 2 tbsp. of lightly steamed (no more than 3 minutes) asparagus puree (blended) twice daily and it helps to clear up the symptoms. 3] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the liver and intestines for one hr. daily for 6 days, rest 1 day then repeat for 2 months.

Chest Congestion 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Softly direct your attention to the lung and chest area, relax away any tightness or tension in the head or mind. Radiate the feeling of love and acceptance to that area as long as there is discomfort. Also, sit in meditation for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. 2] Cabbage, Mustard, Turmeric Powder: Eat 100g cabbage with 1 tbsp. mustard and 1 tbsp. turmeric powder daily for one week to relieve chest pain. 3] Orange Peel, Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey: Orange peel acts as an antihistamine. Collect the peel and cut into small strips. Soak in apple cider vinegar for 4 hours. Drain off and cook them in honey for a few minutes. Eating regularly helps stiffness and clogged air passages. 4] Apple Cider Vinegar: On a vaporizer pour 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar in boiling water. Inhale the vapors 3 times daily ( this can be effective even for lung infection with pus like pulmonary suppuration).


Therapeutic Fasting

5] Garlic, Ginger, Lemon Juice, Honey: For congestion in the lungs and respiratory tract, boil garlic and ginger in distilled water. Add to a cup of Lemon juice and add honey to suit taste. Drink it by sipping slowly. 6] Aloxy Gel: Rub a tbsp. of this on the chest 2 x’s daily and the oxygen from it will penetrate the skin and help to free up the congestion. 7] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the thymus gland and lungs for one hour a day then the next day place the pack over the liver and intestines for 1 hr. and alternate daily until the congestion goes away. When the pack is on the lungs and thymus gland there can be some spitting up of phlegm don’t be afraid of this as long as it is not too much. If the patient starts coughing and spitting heavily simply take the pack off for a few minutes then put the pack back on for a short period of time. The spitting of phlegm is a good sign because the lungs are letting go of mucus which causes the congestion. 8] Ozone Therapy: Taking intravenous shots from a competent doctor is the fastest way to clear up lung problems. After taking a hot bath or steam sauna, soak the entire body in a sauna bag filled with ozone (again if excessive coughing is done by the patient stop the treatment for a few minutes and begin again for a short period of time; soaking the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes is good for relief; Using ozonated essential oil for massage is very good; drinking lots of ozonated water daily helps quite a bit. 9] Foods to Avoid: All milk products; white sugar; refined starches; chocolate; preprocessed food; polished white rice; all phlegm causing foods.

Colds Colds are caused not by germs, but rather by accumulations of toxic mucus in the nasal passages that prevent the normal bathing and cleansing of nasal and sinus passages by clearing moving mucus; germs then attack these toxic wastes, generating even more mucus and inflaming nasal and sinus passages; the best cure for a severe cold is a 3-day therapeutic fast with twice-daily colonic irrigations, followed by nutritional therapy to prevent recurrence. Loving-kindness is most useful in helping to let go of dislike and tight mind, at this time. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: The dislike of not feeling healthy helps one to prolong that feeling. Loving-kindness helps to open the mind and let go of tight negative feeling about ones physical condition. Radiate love to wherever the discomfort is worst, open the mind and relax into the moment. Sit for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily, then take rest and follow the other suggestions for remedies. 2] Horse Radish and Lemon Juice: same as for asthma.


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3] Lemon Juice: take the juice of one or two lemons and mix with a glass of warm distilled water, then sip slowly, 2-3 times daily; helps dissolve and eliminate excess mucus throughout the system, thus preventing its vicarious excretion through the lungs and nasal membranes. 4] Whole Lemon Puree: puree a whole lemon (with skin, fibre and seeds) in blender with a cup of distilled water, and drink slowly; flavor with 1 tbsp. molasses, if desired, but no sugar; dissolves mucus, restores mucus membranes; bioflavonoids in skin and fibre assist in restoring tissue integrity in respiratory system. 5] Garlic, Mustard Powder: Chronic colds can be relieved by drinking a decoction of garlic and mustard powder. Take 4 finely chopped garlic gloves and 1 tbsp. of mustard, mix in one cup of hot water. Sip slowly, take 2 x’s daily. 6] Ginger, Blackstrap Molasses: Boil a 20g piece of ginger in water with 2 tbsp. of unsulphured or blackstrap molasses. Take 3 x’s daily. 7] Orange Peel, Ginger: Boil the orange peel from an entire orange with a 20g piece of ginger and drink as tea. 2 x’s daily. 8] Garlic Clove: Keeping a garlic clove in one’s mouth clears colds fast. 9] Lemon Juice, Water and Chlorophyll: Mix 1 tsp of fresh lemon juice with 1 tbsp. of distilled water and hold in the palm of your hand in a cupped position. Sniff this up your nostrils. It will burn slightly. In a few seconds, your mouth will fill up with mucus which you should spit out. Keep spitting out the mucus until it stops. Follow this with a dropper full of liquid chlorophyll in each nostril. Sniff the chlorophyll into the sinuses. It is soothing and kills the virus that causes the cold. Sniffing Colloidal Silver with water works very well as the colloidal silver kills over 600 different harmful bacteria and viruses. 10] Hot Air: Turn a hair dryer on low. Hold about 12 inches away from your face. Let the warm air blow up your nose as you breathe in. If your throat is sore, open your mouth and let the warm air blow against the back of the throat. Let the air blow against your throat in all areas that are sore or inflamed. Do this for 10 minutes every hour. You will be amazed at the instant relief you will obtain. The heat destroys the cold virus. 11] Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic, Ginger Root, and Water: This is for staph and strep infections; Mix 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar, 1 clove of garlic, and a small amount of ginger root in 1/2 cup (4 oz or 125 ml) of water. Place in a blender and run it for 1 minute (time it on your clock). Gargle this mixture and then swallow it. Repeat hourly, if staph or strep infection is still present. 12] Castor Oil Packs: Place the castor oil pack over the liver and intestines for 1 hr. daily until the cold goes away. After the treatment sleep is the best cure. When you get a cold your body is telling you it is run down and needs rest. If you ignore what your body is saying and try to power your way through the aching and stiff joints you will get the cold and it will last for at least a week.


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But, if you pay attention to what your body is telling you and take rest after the castor oil treatment, the cold will only last for a few hours. It is your choice! 13] Other Beneficial Foods: carrot juice; raw radishes; cranberries (as for asthma); raw spinach; unpolished rice soup; raw garlic; blackstrap molasses; figs; ginger; sarsaparilla; onion; peppermint; garlic + apple cider vinegar; sweet basil; cinnamon. 14] Foods to Avoid: pasteurized milk; and all dairy products; all cooked or fried foods; all refined starches; white sugar; coffee or tea especially with milk added; polished white rice; chocolate; sweets of any kind; eat nothing but raw fruit and vegetable juice; cold drinks, guava, cucumber.

Sinusitis This is an inflammation of the sinuses, the cavities in the cheeks and front bones. The symptoms are: dull ache and feeling of heaviness around the nose. Pressing along the eyebrows will cause pain in the front bone while pressing the prominence of the cheeks cause pain if it is due to an infection. Severe nasal congestion leads to loss of sense of smell. Nasal congestion with a mucus discharge is a symptom of allergic rhinitis. It can cause sinus or headache. Loving and kind thoughts and feeling into the nose help one to overcome the dislike of having a stuffed up nose. This starts one on the road to healing. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your loving attention into the nose area, letting go of all tightness and tension in your head and mind, now relaxing the muscles around the nostril area, now radiate love there. Open the mind let go of tightness and dissatisfaction, relax and love this condition away. Trying to wish this condition away will make it worse because that has dislike in it. but loving it and accepting the fact that it is there will help the body to heal itself. 2] Garlic: Regularly taking chopped garlic with water helps sneezing and stuffy nose, or eating raw chopped garlic every 4 hours clears the sinus. Also use GOOT for sinus.(for benefits and how to make see next chapter) 3] Orange Peels, Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey: Orange peels are antihistaminic. Collect the peels from 2 or 3 oranges and cut them into small strips. Soak them in apple cider vinegar for 4 hours. Drain off and cook them in honey for a few minutes. Eating them regularly helps stuffiness and clogged passages. 4] Comfrey Leaves: Eating Comfrey leaves everyday helps overcome hay fever and other allergies. . 5] Zinc Sulfate: Take 220 mg of zinc sulfate for long term relief. once a day. 6] Lemon Juice, Water: Take 1 tsp of fresh lemon juice and add to 2 tbsp. of distilled water and pour into the cup of your hand, then sniff up into your nose. This may burn a bit, it produces a lot of mucus coming out of the mouth which you spit away. It opens up the sinuses and helps kill viral infection in that area.


Therapeutic Fasting

Also doing this with Colloidal Silver and water will get rid of all the viruses and bacteria which have caused the problem. 7] Ozone Therapy: Take a steam bath with herbs and peppermint added to the steam, use a sauna bag filled with ozone for instant relief; ozonated essential oils helps very much. 8] Foods to Avoid: All dairy products; all foods fried in oil; all refined foods; white sugar and all sweets; polished white ice; eggs; coffee or tea especially with milk added; chocolate; soft carbonated drinks; alcohol; nicotine; artificial preservatives.

Chronic Dry Cough The cause is mucus buildup in the bronchial tubes and surrounding area. Meditation helps one to not resist or fight the feeling of wanting to cough. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Whenever the feeling of a cough arises the mind doesn’t like it, so it tightens and this causes the cough to get worse and more intense. What loving-kindness does is it teaches one to open and relax the mind, accepting the fact that this feeling of wanting to cough is there and that is alright. Loving-kindness and loving-acceptance are the same thing. Opening up one’s mind by softening and allowing sensations to be there then radiating love into the area of distress is what heals the situation. If the body wants to cough then it has to be alright because that is the truth of the present moment. Open the mind and relax into it, calm the mind and love yourself. That is what healing is all about. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Sit for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily. And whenever the want to cough arises practice it then and there. 2] Raw Lemon Juice , Honey: Take one cup of raw fresh squeezed lemon juice (8 oz or 250 ml) and add 2 tbsp. of honey stir and sip 2 x’s daily. Letting the juice trickle down the throat. 3] Raw Spinach Juice: Drink raw spinach juice 2 x’s daily one cup (8 oz.)per time if you want you can add one cup (250 ml) of carrot juice for flavor. 4] Horseradish , Lemon Juice: Grate Horseradish into a bowl and add enough fresh squeezed lemon juice to make a paste. Take 1/2 tsp 2-3 x’s daily to get rid of mucus. 5] Vitamin C: Take 1000mg of a good quality vitamin C every 4 hours and get plenty of sleep. 6] Aloxy Gel: Rub Aloxy gel into the upper chest and throat area to break up the mucus. This brings much needed oxygen to the area and kills harmful bacteria. To make Aloxy take 4 parts aloe vera juice and mix with 1 part glycerin and 1 part 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide then always store in the refrigerator when not in use. This is very effective.


Therapeutic Fasting

7] Colloidal Silver: Take 1 tsp 1-2 x’s daily to help overcome the bacterial cause of the cough. 8] Foods to Avoid: All dairy products - yogurt, milk, cheese etc.; white sugar; polished white rice; refined starches; wheat products; coffee and tea; all foods that are not fresh; and chocolate.

Coughs Coughs are caused mainly by the body’s attempt to rid itself of excess toxic mucus through the lungs and bronchial tubes; the toxins irritate tender lining of throat, causing the throat to ‘cough it up’. The practice of loving-kindness helps to relieve this condition by letting go of the aversion to it. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Direct your attention into the throat area and relax the tightness in the mind as well as muscles around the throat area.. Radiate loving kind feeling into the area. Sit in meditation for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily. 2] Pineapple: fresh ripe pineapple is rich in bromelin, a proteolytic (proteindigesting) enzyme; bromelin literally ‘digests’ dead and diseased cells and foreign microbes in the throat; cut pineapple into cubes, chew well, and let juice dribble down throat, but spit out the pulp; or gargle with the freshly extracted juice of ripe pineapple, and spit it out. 3] Persimmons: raw, very ripe persimmons soothe sore throats and contain enzymes that break down damaged cells and foreign microbes. 4] Horseradish and Lemon Juice: for coughs and accompanied by heavy mucus congestion in lungs and sinuses; same usage as for asthma. 5] Whole Lemon Puree: same as for colds. 6] Garlic, Honey: Take raw grated garlic with a spoonful of honey to get rid of coughs. 7] Onion, Honey: Juice one medium onion and add 1 tbsp. of honey. 5 x’s daily. 8] Hot Lemon Puree with Honey: Take hot lemon puree (from 2 lemons), add 1 1/2 cups water and mix to suit taste with honey. Blend for two minutes, without straining drink 3 x’s daily. 9] Parsley Juice: Drink a cup of parsley juice or tea made with leaves and seeds to clear away cough. 10] Colloidal Silver: The cause of all coughs is either harmful bacteria, virus, or parasite, Colloidal Silver will handle any and all of these problems. Take 1 tsp 1-2 x’s daily until the cough subsides.


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11] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the liver and intestines for 1 hr. daily until the cough ceases (not over the lungs because this can aggravate the cough and make it worst). 12] Other Beneficial Foods: Raw apples; raw tomatoes; young coconut; spinach; parsley; unpolished rice; cucumber; carrot; apple cider vinegar; blackstrap molasses; celery; beet; grapefruit; dark grape puree; red cherries. 13] Foods to Avoid: All diary products; refined white sugar; white polished rice; white flour; meat; fried foods of all kinds; pastries; sweets of all kinds; chocolate; coffee or tea especially when milk is added; alcohol; nicotine; de-natured preprocessed foods; ice cream.

Whooping Cough Garlic and thyme are good for this. 1] Basil, Honey: Steep 1 tbsp. of dried basil in a cup of water. Add a little honey and drink a mouthful 3 times a day. 2] Garlic Juice, Carrot Juice: Take 2 tbsp. of garlic juice and mix with 500 ml carrot juice. Take two or three x’s a day. 3] Colloidal Silver and Water: Take 1/2 tsp of colloidal silver and mix with 1 tbsp. of distilled water. Place the cupped of the hand and sniff the liquid up into the nose. This will kill over 600 kinds of bacteria and viruses causing the whooping cough. Do 2 x’s daily, until not needed anymore. 3] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the liver and intestine for one hour 3 x’s daily, for fastest relief. Do every day until the whooping cough subsides. 4] Other Beneficial Foods: grapefruit and orange juice; raw tomatoes; raw garlic; carrot and radish juice (same as for asthma); unpolished rice soup with plenty of garlic added. 5] Foods to Avoid: pasteurized milk and all dairy products; refined starch; white sugar; cooked meats; cooked eggs; all fried foods; polished white rice; chocolate; sweets of any kind; alcohol; carbonated drinks; black molasses; ice cream; coffee or tea with milk added.


Therapeutic Fasting

Influenza The ‘flu’ is caused primarily by the body’s vulnerability to flu germs owing to extreme toxemia of the system, which results in excessive retention of toxic wastes, which impair immunity; flu strikes hardest in winter, because in winter the body excretes wastes more slowly and people eat less fresh, raw foods; toxic tissues, mostly in respiratory apparatus, become breeding grounds for air-borne pathological bacteria. As with all such conditions, the most effective first step in treatment is a short therapeutic fast with daily colonic irrigations to remove the source of toxemia, followed by therapeutic nutrition and loving-kindness meditation. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your attention wherever there is discomfort. If there are many places then pick the worse spot, now open and relax your mind. Feel the tightness and tension in your head and mind disappear. Now radiate a loving and soft feeling of love into that area. Do this while you are resting. And also practice this meditation for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily when you feel better. 2] Horseradish and Lemon Juice: same as for asthma. 2] Carrot, Celery, Parsley, Spinach Juice: this blend is super-rich in potassium, which quickly reduces acidity throughout the system, thereby commencing the detoxification process required for a complete cure and recovery; this blend also contains the full range of organic minerals and other nutrients required to sustain convalescing patients, without stuffing them full of solid foods; 8 oz./ 4 oz./ 2 oz./4 oz., 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) daily, taken in small doses throughout the day. 3] Colloidal Silver: This will get rid of the cause which is a flu bug, take internally 1 tsp 1-2 x’s daily until the flu is gone. 4] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the liver and intestine for 1 hr. 2 x’s daily until the flu goes away. Remember sleep after the treatment is very important. 5] Other Beneficial Foods: lettuce juice; carrot and radish juice; whole Lemon puree; unpolished rice soup with garlic; raw garlic onion, raw spinach; grapefruit juice (in warm distilled water); distilled cool ozonated water; ozonated essential oils for massage. 6] Foods to Avoid: all cooked, fried and solid foods; pasteurized milk; coffee, tea; sweet soft drinks; refined starch; white sugar; polished white rice; ice cream.


Therapeutic Fasting

Pneumonia Severe inflammation of lung tissues owing to vicarious elimination of highly toxic wastes through the respiratory system, which becomes infected by pathogenic bacteria as a result; due largely to excessive long-term consumption of pasteurized milk, refined starch and sugars; at the turn of the century, Dr. J. H. Tilden of Denver, Colorado, treated thousands of cases of pneumonia using only two methods: fasting with daily colonic irrigations, and nutritional therapy; no drugs, no surgery; and he never lost a single patient!!! Therefore, fasting and colonic irrigation are the first and foremost defense against this dangerous disease. Also it is very important to have a mind that is calm and accepting of your situation. This is where loving-kindness is so important. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention on your lungs, open and rleax your mind. Feel the tightness and tension slip away from your head and mind, only now do you radiate that loving wram feeling to your lungs and chest area. Do this as much as possible. Especially when one is coughing. Practice meditation regularly for 30 minutes 2 x’s daily, when feeling better. 2] Horse Radish and Lemon Juice: same as for asthma; provides quick relief from mucus congestion. 3] Carrot, Celery, and Radish Juice: dissolves mucus; alkalizes bloodstream and respiratory tract; accelerates detoxification and thus restores natural immunity; 8 oz./ 5 oz./ 3oz., 1 pint (500 ml) daily. 4] Carrot and Spinach Juice: Detoxifies colon and restores normal bowel functions, thereby taking excretory load off the respiratory system; 10 oz./ 6 oz., 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 5] Raw Garlic: Make one part garlic juice to nine parts room temperature water (so the proportion is 10% water, 90% water) drink 1 tbsp. every 4 hours. 6] Colloidal Silver: This is a liquid made from silver that has been electrically charges in water the very fine powder left in the water is a very powerful bacteria, virus and parasite eliminator. Take 1 tsp of the colloidal silver 1-2 x’s daily it is reported as being very effective and helps with fast recovery. 7] Lobelia Tea: Lobelia tea is the most important tea to drink when one has pneumonia, but it should be alternated with Irish Moss Tea alternate every 2 hours for best results. 8] Castor Oil Packs: Place the castor oil pack over the liver and intestines for 1 hr. 3 x’s daily until the condition goes away. Sleep and rest are the best healers and castor oil packs help one to relax both mentally and physically.


Therapeutic Fasting

9] Ozone Therapy: After taking a nice hot bath (or dry sauna), soaking in a sauna bag filled with ozone helps to detoxify the body and the extra oxygen absorbed by the body fights the bacteria causing the problem; drinking cool ozonated water is good; taking a massage with ozonated essential oils helps very much. 10] Other Beneficial Foods: Cranberry (as for asthma); raw garlic; whole lemon puree (as for colds); blackstrap molasses; raw onion; okra; apple cider vinegar; ginger. 11] Foods to Avoid: all refined starches; white sugar; pasteurized milk and all dairy products; all cooked foods, especially meat and eggs and absolutely no fried foods of any kind; polished white rice; sweets of any kind; hot spicy food; alcohol; coffee or tea with or without milk.

Sore Throat 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: So many times when a person gets a sore throat their mind immediately tightens around that feeling and tries to mentally push that feeling away. One would think that after doing it so many times that we would learn that this is the wrong approach because the sore throat always gets worse and more uncomfortable. Loving-kindness shows us how to open and relax the mind, letting go of all tightness and the want to control and push away. When the mind becomes soft and relaxed, then we radaite love into the throat area. This is the way to begin the healing process by loving acceptance. Practice this everytime the throat pulls your attention to it and also do it for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. 2] Watermelon Juice: Drink three cups of watermelon juice daily for sore throat. Let it trickle down the throat to get full benefit. 3] Cucumber Juice: Blend 250 g cucumber with 1 cup of water for one minute. Drink 3 x’s daily until sore throat goes away. 4] Red Rose Petals, Distilled Apple Cider Vinegar: Place 5 g Red Rose Petals in one half cup apple cider vinegar and one cup distilled water in clear glass bowl and let sit in the morning sun for 4 hours (preferably sitting in the grass or other green plants), drink twice a day for one week. 5] Figs, Dates: Steam fresh figs and dates in honey and a little water. Eat one tbsp. 2 x’s daily to get rid of sore throat. 6] Strawberry Puree: Blend 1/4 kg whole strawberries with one cup of distilled water and drink 2 or 3 x’s daily until sore throat goes away. 7] Gargle with Garlic, Salt Water, and Hydrogen Peroxide: Take 2 cloves of garlic and squeeze until liquid. Add to 1/8 cup of hydrogen peroxide and one tbsp. salt and add to 1/2 cup of distilled water. Gargle 3 x’s a day until sore throat goes away. 8] Ginger, Lemon, Cold Pressed Olive Oil: Cook ginger in 1 1/2 cups of water until strong, let it cool then add to one lemon cut up with the peel and seeds, put in blender


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and add 2 tbsp. of cold pressed olive oil and blend for one minute, strain and drink very slowly, taking very small sips, twice daily until sore throat goes away. 9] Vitamin C Therapy: Taking 1000 mg of vitamin C every four hours stops the sore throat from turning into a major cold. Take lots of rest (rest actually means sleep, not reading, not lying down watching TV, not listening to music, simple sleep and Vitamin C along with these other remedies will work very well and fast if combined with sleep. If you feel a cold or sore throat coming on and you try to power your way through it without rest you will have the cold for as long as it wants to last the choice is yours, always. And that choice is take rest and Vit. C along with the other remedies for one day or be sick for at least one week). 10] Rice soup: Watery unpolished rice soup, cooked until the rice is mushy. Eat as often as needed. Can add some salt to suit taste. 11] Colloidal Silver: Gargle with a 1/2 cup of distilled and 1 tbsp. of Colloidal Silver then swallow the solution. 12] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the liver and intestines for 1 hr. daily until the sore throat goes away (the castor oil pack can be place on the throat if desired). Remember sleep is what the body is asking for so it can heal itself. The castor oil pack makes one feel so relaxed the patient will sleep very easily when not disturbed by talking too much. 13] Foods to Avoid: all foods, take only fruit and vegetable juices; stay completely away from white sugar and its products; polished white rice (instead eat unpolished rice soup, the polished rice has almost no food value and causes problems or the intestines.)

Tonsillitis Excessive retention of wastes and extreme acidosis permit germs to enter the body through the throat thereby inflaming the tonsils. The tonsils are the first line of defense against incoming airborne germs. Surgical removal, especially in children, is harmful, because the tonsils are glands that are intimately involved in endocrine balance. Removal can adversely affect growth and normal development in children, especially in girls. Colonic irrigation has proven highly effective in curing tonsillitis by removing the offending accumulation of toxic wastes that inflame the respiratory system when in excess. Loving-kindness meditation works equally well on the tonsills as it does on the throat. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: The same as for the throat. Place your soft attention in the throat area, let go of tightness in the head and mind. Then radiate love into the throat area. Do this whenever your mind is pulled to the discomfortable feeling and also do it for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily.


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2] Pineapple: ripe pineapple contains the protein-digesting enzyme broelin, which digests cells and foreign microbes in the throat; same usage as for coughs. 3] Garlic: the ethers from raw garlic quickly permeate the entire system, killing germs in the throat and decongesting the respiratory system. 4] Carrot and Spinach Juice: the best blend for detoxifying the colon and restoring normal bowel functions, which takes excretory pressure off the respiratory system, especially the lymph vessels in the throat; 10 oz./ 6 oz., 1-2 pints (500 ml - 1 liter) daily. 5] Plums, Apple Cider Vinegar: Boil 200g of plums then soak them in apple cider vinegar and water, add a pinch of salt and gargle with the water 2 x’s daily. 6] Colloidal Silver: Take 1 tbsp. of Colloidal Silver and put in distilled water then stir and gargle and swallow the solution slowly letting it trickle down the throat. 7] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the liver and intestine for 1 hr. 2 x’s daily to help clear out the toxins in the intestines (the pack can be placed over the tonsils if desired). This will help with excreting the wastes accumulated there. 8] Ozone Therapy: Using ozone in a sauna bag after a hot bath helps to detoxify the whole body including the blood and this will help get rid of the problem; ozonated essential oils helps very much. 9] Other Beneficial Foods: carrot juice; ripe persimmons; grapefruit juice (in distilled water); cranberry; carrot, celery, parsley juice; high fiber foods like wheat bran; raw vegetables; garlic; onion; unpolished rice; blackstrap molasses; apple cider vinegar in water. 10] Foods to Avoid: pasteurized milk; refined starches; white sugar; all foods fried in oil; polished white rice; cooked eggs and meat; coffee or tea; sweets; chocolate.

Laryngitis 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your gentle attention into the throat area. Soften your mind of tightness. Then radiate warm loving feeling into that area. Do this for 30 minutes 3x’s daily. 2] Radish Juice, Ginger: Drink red radish juice mixed with ginger boiled in distilled water. Make 350 ml and drink slowly taking very small sips feeling the juice slide down the throat. Take 2 x’s a day to clear away the symptoms. 3] Lemon Juice: Squeeze 2 lemons and heat until reasonably hot, mix with honey to suit taste, but best results occur without the honey. Drink 2 x’s daily.


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4] Castor Oil Pack: Place the pack over the liver and large intestines for 1 hr. daily, to remove toxins in the body. If desired the pack can be placed over the throat area to bring some relief. 5] Foods to Avoid: All dairy products, white sugar, rice, flour and garlic.

Pharyngitis This an inflammation of the pharynx. Loving-kindness meditation helps with any kind of physical discomfort. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place yor attention into the painful area, you will see when you do this your mind becomes particularly tight and tense, open your mind let go of the tension, feel your the tightness in the head and the tension in the mind relax. Now radiate love into the area of discomfort. Do this whenever the discomfort pulls your mind to it and practice for at least 30 minutes 3 x’s daily until the condition subsides. Then practice for 30 minutes 2x’s daily. 2] Fresh Cherries: Eating fresh cherries in the early stages helps quite a lot. 3] Guava Leaves: Make a tea out of dried guava leaves and drink for relief. 4] Lemon Juice: Drink fresh squeezed lemon juice into warm water, add honey to suit taste. Sip two glasses a day. 5] Starfruit Juice: Blend two medium sized starfruits with 1 1/2 cup of water then strain and drink. 3 x’s daily for one week. 6] Lemon and Radish Juice: Take one lemon (peel and seeds included) put into blender with 5 medium sized red radishes and blend then strain and drink slowly. 2 x’s daily. 7] Salt Water: Gargling with salt water (especially if you use with 3% hydrogen peroxide deluted 1:3 with distilled water) is good for bringing relief with all throat problems. Use as many times as you think necessary daily. 8] Colloidal Silver: Take 1/2 cup of warm distilled water and add 1 tbsp. of Colloidal Silver stir then gargle and slowly swallow, letting the solution touch the whole throat. 9] Foods to Avoid: All milk products; refined sugar; refined starches; polished white rice; all fried foods; all oily foods; meat and eggs; hot spicy foods; sweets; chocolate; coffee or tea especially if milk is used; cooked meat; alcohol.


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7. Circulatory System: Heart, Pericardium, Blood Vessels Anemia A condition also known as ‘tired blood’, anemia is caused by a critical deficiency of red blood corpuscles, especially the oxygen-carrying element hemoglobin. It is not necessarily caused by a lack of iron but may be due to an ability of the body to absorb it; Anemia can also be caused by an excessive loss of blood during menses; or it can be due to hemorrhoids; it can be caused be drinking a lot of tea (especially with milk added) it can destroy the bodies ability to absorb iron; symptoms include chronic fatigue, paleness, lack of interest, rapid heart beat, sore tongue, cracks at the corner of the mouth, decreased resistance to diseases, lethargy, depression, and loss of sexual drive, headache, dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath, brittle finger nails, when one eats beets the urine becomes red color ; this condition is due entirely to poor dietary habits, especially the exclusive consumption of cooked, denatured, processed foods, pasteurized milk and refined starch; heavy smoking may also be a contributing factor. Loving-kindness meditation helps one calm their mind and thereby restoring balance in the whole system. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention into the heart area. Relax away all tightness in the mind and tension in the head. Now simply radiate love to yourself and your heart area. A sense of peace and calm will become apparent. Do this for at least 30 minutes 3x’s daily until the condition improves. Then 30 minutes 2x’s daily. 2] Blackstrap Molasses: Blackstrap molasses (also called unsulphured) is nature’s richest source of organic iron and copper, which work to build “strong blood”, especially the iron-dependent protein hemoglobin; 2 tbsp. in a glass of warm water, twice daily. 3] Wheat Germ Oil: enhances the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen, thereby correcting blood deficiency; 1 tsp of pure wheat germ oil after breakfast and again after dinner. 4] Lecithin: builds strong blood plasma and dissolves sticky deposits in arteries, thereby enhancing blood’s capacity to assimilate and transport oxygen and nutrients; liquid lecithin from soy beans is best; raw egg yolk is another rich source. Take 1 tbsp. of liquid lecithin daily. 5] Fennel Juice: use ‘Florence Fennel’, also known as ‘Finocchio’; specific affinity for bloodstream, builds strong blood plasma; may be taken straight, 1 pint (500 ml) daily, or mixed half/half with carrot juice, 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 6] Red Beet Juice: builds red blood corpuscles and tones up overall blood quality; 8 oz. (500 ml), taken 2-3 tsp at a time throughout the day; or as carrot, beet, cucumber blend.


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7] Spinach: rich in organic iron and other vital minerals; builds strong blood plasma, especially iron-dependent hemoglobin; raw bulk in salads, or 6 oz. (350 ml) juice with 10 oz. carrot juice, 1-2 pints (500 ml - 1 liter) daily. 8] Garlic: Raw garlic is rich in minerals and vitamins which are needed to prevent anemia. Take 6-10 cloves daily, finely chop and put on food or mix with juice. 9] Castor Oil Pack: Place the pack over the thymus gland for one hr. on the 1st day and over the liver and intestines on the 2nd day, then alternate respectively; if the condition is severe, use 2 x’s daily once over each area. 10] Ozone Therapy: As this is caused by toxins in the blood, autohemotherapy done every other day, by a competent doctor, will solve the problem quickly and easily; also after taking a hot bath or steam sauna, soak the entire body in a sauna bag filled with ozone - for 30 minutes; soak the feet in water while it is being ozonated for 30 minutes; drink plenty of cool ozonated water daily; using ozonated essential oils for massage help greatly. 11] Other Beneficial Foods: pomegranate; lettuce juice; dandelion juice; asparagus; cabbage; chrysanthemum tea (no sugar); black grapes; raisins; raw egg yolk; wheat germ, raisins; cultured cabbage juice; unpolished rice; kelp; brewer’s yeast; yogurt; alfalfa; prunes; leeks; parsley juice; almonds; brewer’s yeast; yogurt; and honey. 12] Foods to Avoid: pasteurized milk; all coffee and tea; refined starches; white sugar; all foods fried in oil; canned, smoked, preserved and otherwise processed foods; sweets of any kind; polished white rice; chocolate; alcohol; nicotine; cooked meats; salt; hydrogenated fats like vegetable margarine; soft carbonated drinks.

Chest Pains If the pain starts in the center of the chest and spreads outward, go immediately to the Emergency section of the closest hospital. You could be having a heart attack. An emergency procedure to stop the heart attack is to take 1 level tsp of red pepper (cayenne pepper) in a glass of water, followed by 2 tbsp. of blackstrap molasses or a glass of fruit juice and then 3 or 4 digestive enzyme tablets such as pancreatin. Then rub “Aloxy” gel on the chest to bring more oxygen to the area, if none is available then use hydrogen peroxide 3%. The practice of loving-kindness meditation is especially important in stressful situations like times of chest pains. The mind really has the tendency to tighten and dislike the situation, fear and anxiety adds to that tension. So it is of great importance to be able to recognize this and relax the tension away then radiate love into the chest area. Letting go of fear and anxiety and replacing it with love and peace. Chronic chest pains are usually caused by lack of oxygen and indicate an impaired circulation of blood in the arteries. Lack of potassium can also cause some pains: for this avoid salt and eat-potassium rich foods (young tender coconut milk and pulp is one of the highest forms).


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1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: The fastest way to help yourself in stressful times is to have the practice of loving-kindness meditation available to you. This is why it is most important for a continual daily practice. Do this meditation for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily. 2] Blackstrap Molasses: Take 2 tbsp. of blackstrap molasses daily in a glass of warm water. 3] Cayenne Pepper: Take 2 or 3 capsules of cayenne pepper (ground red pepper) with meals 3 x’s daily this purifies the blood and keeps the body temperature up so the blood circulates more easily. 4] Lecithin: Take 6 (1000mg) tablets or 1 tsp of liquid lecithin 2 x’s daily before a meal. This helps to clean the arteries and vessels of calcium and plaque blocking the flow of blood. 5] Hawthorn Berries: This is the most important herb for the heart and circulation. Take 1/2 tsp 2 x’s daily for fast results and the easing of pain. 6] Aloxy Gel: Use this gel by rubbing it into the chest 3 x’s daily (use about 2 tbsp. per day) This will relief pain and bring oxygen to the heart and thymus gland. To make use 4 parts aloe vera juice, to 1 part glycerin, to 1 part 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide stir thoroughly and store in refrigerator until use then return. It keeps well for about 2 weeks if in the ice box. 7] Vitamin E: Taking 400mg of vitamin E daily helps with the heart and circulation. 8] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the hearts and thymus gland for 1 hour a day until the condition improves. 9] Beneficial Foods: Dark grapes; sunflower seeds; distilled water; garlic; onion; pumpkin seed oil; flax oil; and all foods stated below.

Angina Pectoris A gradual narrowing of the coronary arteries leads to angina. As a result the heart has to work harder with more exertion and the heart muscles may require more blood to supply their own needs. Painful contractions and cramps in the valves and muscles of the heart and/or pericardium, due primarily to polluted blood, and sometimes to excess pressure from gas in the colon. Loving-kindness meditation works veery well to open and improve blood cirrculation especially in and around the heart area. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: When a person directs their soft attention into a troubled area it causes the blood vessels to open up and relax. This helps the circulation to that area so healing can take place. Please softly place your attention into the heart, relaxing and letting go of all tightness in the mind (worries and anxiety


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etc.). Simply let them go, allow your thoughts to gently become more positive and uplifting. Feel the tension in your head let go and disappear. Now radiate that loving feeling into your heart while you wish yourself well. Do this for 30 minutes 3 x’s daily when the angina pectoris id severe and 2x’s daily after that. Anytime time there is any discomfort or pain, at that time rleax and radiate love into the pain. 2] Carrot, Celery, Parsley, Spinach Juice: this potent potassium-rich blend quickly detoxifies and alkalizes the bloodstream, thereby correcting a major cause of angina pectoris; builds strong blood to nourish the heart muscles; 8 oz./ 4 oz./ 2 oz./ 4 oz., 1 pint (500 ml) daily. 3] Garlic: raw garlic consumed daily in sufficient quantities has been shown to eliminate the acute pain of angina pectoris within 5 days; it cleanses the blood, removes sticky deposits in blood vessels, and thus enhances the quality and quantity of blood supplied to the heart; 6-8 cloves daily (minced into salad dressings, or crushed and put into gelatin capsules for swallowing). 4] Black Fungus: also called “Tree Ears” because it grows from the bark of trees, this Chinese delicacy contains active elements that remove deposits from the walls of blood vessels, thus enhancing the supply of blood to the heart and other tissues. Take once daily. 5] Lecithin: Soybean contains lecithin, an unsaturated fatty acid. It helps to dissolve cholesterol and soothe the liver and gall bladder. It further prevents blood clotting in the arteries. Take 1 tsp of liquid lecithin Or 6 (1000mg) tablets daily for 2 weeks. 6] Wheat Germ Oil: according to research of nutritional therapists Dr. Marsh Morrison, 1 tsp of wheat germ oil per day provides about as much oxygen to the heart as an oxygen tent, thus relieving spasms and cramps in heart muscles and valves. 7] Garlic, Papaya, Olive Oil Juice: Drinking 1- 8 oz. glass of papaya juice with 2 tsp of cold pressed olive oil and 4 garlic cloves is good. 8] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the thymus gland and lungs for 1 hr. one day and over the liver and intestines the next, do this for 6 days, rest one day, then repeat as needed. Castor oil penetrates into the blood vessels and unclogs them very quickly, it improves the circulation and detoxifies the whole system. 9] Ozone Therapy: This works very well on heart related problems. Taken intravenously daily it adds extra oxygen the system and heals the vessels and arteries around and in the heart - make sure to use a competent doctor. After taking a hot bath, soak the entire body for 15 to 20 minutes in a sauna bag filled with ozone. This detoxifies the skin and blood - improving circulation. Soaking the feet in water that is being ozonated is good. Use ozonated essential oils for light massage. Drink plenty of cool ozonated water (2 - 3 liters daily). 10] Other Beneficial Foods: raw spinach; cultured cabbage juice; wheat germ; lecithin; pecans; brewer’s yeast (in warm water, on an empty stomach); sunflower


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seeds; unpolished rice; whole grains; wheat bran; beet; cabbage; spinach; black molasses; pecans; almonds; raw egg yolk; banana; raisins and strict (mostly raw, high fiber) vegetarian diet. 11] Foods to Avoid: refined starches; white sugar; pasteurized milk and dairy products; polished white rice; coffee or tea with milk added; cooked eggs and meat; all foods fried in oil; spicy foods; all sweets; chocolate; salt; alcohol.

Arteriosclerosis This is a narrowing of the arteries. Atheroma is one form of arteriosclerosis. Fatty material laid down in the thin membrane, lining the inner walls of the artery, resulting in narrowing of the artery. Plaques of atheroma collect and may ulcerate through the lining, leaving a raw surface. Platelets from the blood may be deposited on those areas to form a clot. Should a clot form in one of the coronary arteries, it will block the artery. This is called coronary occlusion. The pain is similar to that of angina, but is not relieved by rest. If the heart muscle supplied by that artery is deprived of its supply of blood, the muscle will die and the result is myocardial infarction. An impaired blood supply to any tissue is termed Ischaema. If the blockage is in a large artery death may occur. The symptoms are angina attacks, absence of urine and paralysis. There are many factors which can lead to the formation of atheroma: heredity, high level blood fats (lipids) like cholesterol and tryglycerides; high blood pressure; obesity; nervous tension and lack of physical exercise. Most of these symptoms are reversible. A diet that is rich in animal fats increase the cholesterol and one rich in refined carbohydrates increase tryglycerides. Loving-kindness meditation is essential for clearing away problems in and around the heart. Practice it often for the best results. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention into the heart area or where there may be some pain. Open and relax away the tightness in your mind and let go of the tension in your head. Now radiate that loving warm feeling into that area. Peactice often with your daily activities, as well as, for 30 minutes 3x’s daily until the problem subsides then for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. 2] Carrot, Celery, Parsley, Spinach Juice: alkalizes bloodstream; removes deposits from blood vessels; 8 oz./ 4 oz./ 2 oz./ 4 oz., 1 pint (500 ml) daily 3] Garlic: purifies blood and removes accumulations of sticky inorganic deposits from walls of blood vessels, thereby restoring elasticity and free flowing blood. 6-8 gloves daily. 4] Black Fungus: a fungus that grows on the bark of a tree. It purifies the blood and removes sticky deposit from blood vessels, take once daily. 5] Beet and Carrot Juice: raw beets purify the blood and build strong blood plasma, enhancing capacity to carry oxygen; best mixed half/half with carrot juice, 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) daily.


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6] Brewer’s Yeast: Hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure eases with the intake of iodine supplements with Brewer’s Yeast (B-complex) Take 1 tbsp. 3 x’s daily. 7] Garlic and Parsley Juice: Take 8 cloves of garlic and place in a blender with 1 cup of distilled water, add 100 ml parsley juice and blend together for one minute then drink slowly sipping little amounts at a time. Take 2 x’s daily for fastest results. 8] Vit-C and Vit-E: Take the vitamin supplements of Vit C (1000 iu. 3 x’s daily) and Vitamin E take 400 iu once a day. This will help the blood vessels to become more elastic and flexible. 9] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the thymus gland for 1 hr. and the next time over the liver and intestines. If the case is severe the pack can only be used over the thymus gland to break up the cholesterol and fatty tissue that may block the blood from circulating. The pack may be used up to 4 times daily, but even in the most severe cases it is good to occasionally place the pack over the liver and intestines to help detoxify the system. 10] Ozone Therapy: Ozonated essential oils can be of some help but not given with massage, just lightly apply; ozonated drinking water is good; soak the feet in water that is being ozonated for 30 minutes. 11] Other Beneficial Foods: Blackstrap molasses; raw spinach; celery; lettuce; black grapes (if juiced then puree); pumpkin seeds; raw tomatoes; seaweed (kelp); Black currents; nutmeg; olive; onion; lemon; ozonated aloe vera applied to the chest; beet; brewer’s yeast; lecithin; string beans; wheat germ oil; pecans; papaya. 12] Foods to Avoid: pasteurized milk and all dairy products; all foods fried in oil; cooked eggs; animal fat, especially lard; cooked meats, especially pork; all preserved and canned foods; salt; especially avoid white sugar, refined starches; polished white rice; coffee or tea; spicy foods; chocolate; ice cream; alcohol; nicotine.

Cholesterol Levels If the total cholesterol count (for both ‘high density lipids’ HDL and low density lipids LDL combined) is over 200, it is too high and should be lowered. To lower the cholesterol go on a high fiber low fat diet - especially saturated fats and get plenty of exercise and fresh air. If the cholesterol level is 135 or below, it is too low and it is depressing your immune system. You will need to raise it to get back in balance. The fastest way to do this is to boil 2 eggs for 3 minutes until the whites are cooked, but the yolk is soft; or poach 2 eggs until the whites are cooked, but the yolk is still liquid. Place them over mashed potatoes or over 2 rice cakes and make this your breakfast. Do this once a day. This should help raise your cholesterol level and boost the immune system. Actually the total cholesterol count is less important than the ratio of HDLs to LDLs. If the ratio is 4 or less, you are in good shape and your arteries are not being


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plugged up with LDLs. To determine the ratio, divide the HDLs into the total cholesterol count. For example, if your total cholesterol count is 200 and your HDLs are 50, your ratio is 4 (200 divided by 50 = 4). Your are right on the border line, but OK. However, if your total cholesterol count is 180 and your HDLs are 30 your ratio is 6 ( 180 divided by 30 = 6). This means your arteries are being plugged up with cholesterol as you have an insufficient amount of HDLs to dissolve the LDLs. You had better follow a program to raise your HDLs. Eat little or no animal fat. Eat nonfat yogurt and sprouts and supplement your diet with lecithin and flax oil. Plus get plenty of exercise. HDL stands for “High Density Lipids”. HDL’s are the good cholesterol, as they dissolve the LDL’s and prevent them from settling on the arterial walls. Exercise, Lecithin is the best natural substances to raise HDL’s. Lecithin is sold in capsule form, granular and liquid forms. The high concentrated natural source is found in flax oil, pumpkin seed oil, salmon oil and fish oil. To a lesser degree amounts are found in soy oil, soy milk, walnuts, and dark green vegetables. Things to avoid are coffee in all forms, tea especially when milk is added, polished white rice, white sugar, refined starches, and red meats. Loving-kindness meditation into the heart area improves the circulation and purifies the blood do this for 30 minutes 2x’s daily for best results.

Vascular Disease This is a narrowing of the arteries in the legs. The symptoms are pain in the calf and thigh muscles while walking, skin appearing pale and cool to the touch, hair on toes may fall of. This is associated with smoking and lack of exercise. Also the daily practice of loving-kindness is essential for a healthy mind and body. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Placing your loving attention into problems areas like the leg arteries helps to bring more blood to that area and it helps to open the arteries thereby promoting better circulation there. Letting go of all tightness in the mind and all of the tension in your head radiate that gentle loving energy into that area. Do this while sitting in a chair is best. If you try to do this while sitting on the floor with crossed legs, the circulation very well could be blocked and this defeats the purpose of the meditation. Do this for at least 30 mnutes 2x’s daily. In severe cases practice this as much as possible. 2] Vit-C and Vit-E: Take 3000 iu of vitamin C daily and 400 iu of Vitamin E to help with circulation. 3] Soybean and Water: Boil 50g of soybean in water and eat once a day. 4] Lecithin: lecithin unclogs the cholesterol build up in the veins and arteries; it soothes the gall bladder and liver; take 1 tsp of liquid lecithin before breakfast daily.


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Circulatory Problems Circulatory problems deprive a part of the body of enough oxygenated blood. Arteries which carry blood can change and this can lead to clogging, constriction, hardening and obstruction. The risk increases with age. Cold hands and feet are characteristic of blood vessel problems. Numbness and tingling of the hands may also be felt. Cramps in the legs are another symptom. This is due to a narrowing of the arteries or impaired blood supply and it can occur in the limbs. The fingers or toes become white on exposure to cold and later purple. Loving-kindness meditation is very helpful with all circulation problems. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Placing your soft attention into the problem area, open and let go of all tightness in your mind. Then relax away the tension in your head, now radiate love and calmness into that area. Do this for at least 30 minutes 3 or 4 times a day until the problem goes away. Then cut down to 30 minutes 2x’s daily. 2] Cayenne Pepper: Powdered cyan pepper is good for seasoning to help overcome circulatory problems (use sparingly, this means not too much - sprinkle on food like salt). 3] Grape and Cucumber Juice: Blend black grapes and cucumbers together and drink 3 x’s daily. 1 1/2 - 2 liters daily for three weeks. 4] Tomato and Ginger Juice: Taking tomato juice and mixing it with boiled ginger water is very good for purifying the blood. Use one liter daily, taken 3 x’s a day before meals. 5] Spinach Juice: Raw spinach juice mixed with a little water corrects the Ph imbalance in the digestive tract and bloodstream, thus eliminating a major source of toxic wastes that leave deposits in blood vessels. 500 ml daily, or take in bulk 1/2 kg daily. 6] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the liver and intestines for 1 hr. daily for 6 days then rest 1 day and repeat. This detoxifies the blood and improves the circulation to the extremities. Castor oil helps the blood to absorb more oxygen and thereby promotes circulation. 7] Ozone Therapy: After taking a hot bath or steam sauna, soak the entire body in a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 minutes daily, to greatly improve circulation to all parts of the body; soak the feet in ozonated water for 30 minutes daily; ozonated essential oils are very effective in improving circulation (when given with massage). Drink plenty of cool ozonated water daily (2 -4 liters). 8] Other Beneficial Foods: Beet root and tops; pineapple; blackberries; strawberries; grapefruits; oranges; pears; honey; cayenne powder; red cherries; parsley; blackstrap molasses; apple cider vinegar; dark grapes; radish; brewer’s yeast.


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Blood Clotting Clots form at the damaged region of blood vessels. Blood platelets stick to the damaged lining. Blood cells are caught in the area and thus form clots. The blood platelets can become excessively sticky due to certain problems of the body like asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine and high blood fat. This is not usually found in diabetes. The condition can be minimized by taking fish oils (in pill form). evening primrose, garlic oil, pineapple, lecithin, ginger and supplements like Vit. B6 and Vit C. Soybean prevents the blood from clotting in the arteries. Capsicum or cayenne pepper may also prevent blood clots. The practice of loving-kindness meditation is very helpful in improving the circulation to that area. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention into the area of concern. Open and relax the tightness in the mind and tension in the area (as well as in your head). Now radiate love and acceptance into that area. Do this for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily (unless there is a severe problem then increase to as many as 6 x’s daily). 2] Cinnamon Bark: Cinnamon Bark tea helps to unlock blood clots, also using a poultice. 3] Ginger Root Poultice and Tea: Boil some ginger root then strain and make a poultice out of the ginger root on a clean cloth then put on affected area. Drinking the tea helps, too . 4] Black Pepper Tea: Boil black pepper in water for 10 minutes then drink (no need to grind up). All of these teas mentioned can be used singly by themselves or you can make a combination any of them. Drink the tea 3 x’s daily until the problem goes away. 5] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the clotted area for 1 hr (if it is in a convenient position) one day and the next over the liver and intestines the next. Do this until the clot goes away. 6] Ozone Therapy: After a hot bath or steam sauna, soak the entire body in a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 minutes daily; drink cool ozonated water daily; Do NOT use massage on the clotted area, but one can apply the essential oil lightly on the clotted area.

Blood Pressure (High) Excessive pressure of blood against the walls of the blood vessels, owing primarily to diets of denatured and overcooked foods, which deposit inorganic minerals and cholesterol against walls of blood vessels, narrowing and hardening them raising blood pressure; also caused by excess retention of toxic byproducts of protein putrefaction in the digestive tract and liver. If the arterioles contract, the blood cannot flow easily. The heart has to pump it with greater force. 120/80 (systolic / diastolic) is a good reading. The systolic count refers to the expulsion of the blood from the heart


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when it contracts and the diastolic movement refers to the expansion of the heart. The more difficulty the blood has in flowing, the higher the number will be. Arterial walls tighten due to deposits of cholesterol and hardens due to deposits of cholesterol and calcium. This results in high blood pressure. Besides the usual hurry and worry, unreleased stress is also a contributory cause. In the majority of cases, the cause of hypertension will not be clearly identified. This is known as primary or essential hypertension. The tendency to develop essential hypertension is inherited. However, in addition to this, environmental factors play an important role. Hypertension with an identifiable cause is secondary hypertension. The cause of secondary hypertension, in the majority of cases is due to ingestion ofd drugs and chemicals. Estrogen, progestogen and oral contraceptives rank first among many other drugs. Liquorice often eaten in sweets or derivatives used in treating peptic ulcers, causes water and sodium retention which in turn can increase blood pressure. Corticosteriod, anti-inflammatory drugs and certain appetite killing agents have a similar effect. A high intake of cardamom which displaces some of the zinc salts which controls the blood pressure is also a contributing factor. Drugs like contraceptives and chemicals like lead can cause high blood pressure. The chemicals in hair blackening increase blood pressure. Blood pressure is a good indicator of stroke, heart disease and kidney problems. It also indicates the mal-function of adrenal glands. Hypertension is not related to nervous tension. A calm person may have high blood pressure too. Some doctors feel that exposure to lead poisoning can be one of the main factors. Other possible causes are: overweight, excess fat in the diet; unrevealed stress; and the other adverse effects of coffee and tea. When blood pressure is too high, the blood vessels may burst. If this happens in the heart, it can cause a heart attack. If it happens in the brain it can cause a stroke. Hypertension is linked to strokes, kidney problems and heart attacks. High blood pressure over a length of time may damage the kidneys. The practice of lovingkindness meditation is very useful in helping one to calm their mind and to let go of stress. The symptoms are usually symptomless, however some complain about the following: heaviness in the head, redness of the eyes, an uneasy feeling towards crowds and noise, trembling of the hands and legs, constipation, noises in the ears and a desire for cold food and drinks. They may be due to hypertension but it is best to consult with a physician. - Calcium helps to keep the pressure under control. It helps to stabilize the arterial blood flow. Calcium is a natural diuretic, i.e. it clears excess sodium. Calcium is found in yogurt, cottage cheese, bean curd, turnips, mustard greens, and broccoli. - Potassium is essential to strengthen the cellular walls and keep the pressure under control (indirectly). Potassium is lost in refining food and cooking vegetables in large quantity of water. Potassium supplements increase the pressure if the sodium intake is low. If diuretics are taken, along with sodium, the potassium is also washed off and may cause erratic blood pressure. Vegetarians tend to have a lower rate of this problem because of the dietary intake of potassium. Potassium is found in avocado, banana, dates with pits, prunes, watermelon, cooked oatmeal, brown rice, peaches,


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cherries, pineapple, oranges, grapefruit, wheat germ, cooked lentils, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, potato with peel, winter squash, spinach, and molasses. Raw fruits can also supply the necessary potassium. - Onion contains prostaglandin which reduces blood pressure and prevents clotting. - Garlic is the safest and surest way to relieve (though not cure) blood pressure and strain on the heart. Garlic contains allicin which is rich in sulphur and helps reduce fat in the blood and liver, selenium which prevents clotting and the trace mineral manganese. It also brings down the level of cholesterol and fibrinogen (a clotting factor). - Soybean is very rich in lecithin which helps dissolve the cholesterol. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention on your heart area. Let go of all tightness around that area. Open your mind and let go of all tension in your head. Now radiate love into your heart wishing yourself peace and tranquility. Do this for at least 3 0 minutes 4 x’s daily in severe cases and 2x’s daily at other times. 2] Carrot, Celery, Parsley, Spinach Juice: same benefits and usage as for arteriosclerosis, which is usually accompanied by high blood pressure. 3] Spinach: raw spinach corrects pH imbalance in the digestive tract and bloodstream, thus eliminating a major source of toxic wastes that leave deposits in blood vessels and raise blood pressure. 4] Beet and Carrot Juice: same effects and usage as for arteriosclerosis. 5] Blackstrap Molasses: builds and balances the bloodstream, eliminating toxic conditions that lead to high blood pressure; 2 tbsp. in cup of warm water, 2 x’s daily. 6] Celery Juice and Honey: Blend two cups of celery with water and add one tbsp. of honey, heat before taking; take 2 x’s daily. Or you can eat about a cup of celery with every meal. 7] Celery, Apple Cider Vinegar: Soak celery in apple cider vinegar for two hours then take with meals. Reduce the intake of celery if the pressure is very high as it is very rich in sodium. Foods for treatment are garlic, onion, and parsley. 8] Peanuts, Apple Cider Vinegar: soak one cup full of peanuts in apple cider vinegar over night, eat the peanuts then drink the vinegar mixed with water, daily to reduce blood pressure. 9] Tomatoes: Eat 2 medium sized raw tomatoes on an empty stomach for 15 days. Not for patients with arthritis. 10] Bananas: Eating 2-5 bananas (medium sized) daily reduces blood pressure. 11] Onion and Garlic: Drink water that is boiled with onion and garlic to lower pressure.


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-An alternative treatment is to go on a raw fruit and vegetable juice therapy for 21 days and follow this by a balanced salt-free diet. Raw fruit and vegetable juices include; grapes, orange, cucumber, beet, carrot, cabbage, spinach. 12] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the liver, gall bladder, intestines area for one hour daily for 6 days, then rest 1 day and repeat for 3 weeks. 13] Other Beneficial Foods: A high carbohydrate, high fibre, low protein, low fat and salt free diet is advised. Increase potassium rich food in the diet. The diet should contain more food that dilates blood vessels such as kelp, mung bean sprouts and fruits. Use vegetable cold pressed oils instead of animal fats for cooking. Eat more foods that reduces blood pressure such as celery, banana, onion, soybean lecithin, raw garlic; wheat germ oil; wheat germ; unpolished rice; pecans; raw sunflower seeds; raw tomatoes; parsley; radish; raw tomatoes and celery juice; bittergourd; and honey. 14] Foods to Avoid: refined starches; white sugar; pasteurized milk; fatty meats; all foods fried in oil; polished white rice; all canned foods; salt and salt-preserved foods; alcohol; stimulating spices such as hot peppers, curry, mustard; sour and pungent foods; think of table salt as being harmful to your life; liver; kidney and all kinds of meat in general;.

Low Blood Pressure This means lowered systolic pressure relative to age. The difference between systolic and diastolic should be between 30 to 40 mm of Hg. This indicates the load on the cardiac activity. Low blood pressure is an indication of low metabolism, hypothyroidism, and tiredness. The cause can be fasting; malnutrition; excessive fear and worry and an overly passive life. The symptoms are: early exhaustion; irritability; empty feeling in the head and cold sensations; light-headedness; dizziness. 1] Sun Bath: 5-20 minutes of soaking up the suns light daily helps very much to overcome low blood pressure. Good nourishing foods are helpful. Avoid fasting and purgatives. It is important to take smaller meals, but more frequently to keep the blood sugar level up. 2] Beneficial Foods: Rosemary, ginger, cinnamon, onion and garlic. Boil a banana stem in water and drink it as tea 3 x’s daily.

Headache There are dozens of different types of headache, but most are caused primarily by excess pressure in the tiny capillaries that feed the brain; this pressure is caused by impurities in the bloodstream, which not only block the tiny capillaries but also deprive the brain of oxygen and glucose. A headache is usually a symptom of something else wrong in the body. Headaches that last for days, frequently reappearing, associated with mental disturbances and those that come on suddenly


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with severe pain and associated with fever and stiff neck are the ones to be watched. Headaches due to tension and sinus are dull and feel like a tight band on the forehead. The primary cause of headache is prolonged mental tension, worry, general stiffness. Other causes may be constipation, sinusitis, menstrual irregularity, blood pressure, stress, hormonal change, chemicals used in foods and pollution. Meditation is very important in times when one has a headache. Loving-kindness meditation teaches one to open their mind and to let go of tension in the head. This promotes circulation to the brain and brings much needed oxygen to that area, relieving the problem. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: This is especially useful for headaches. Place your soft open attention into the ache. Relax away all tensions and let go of thinking, in other words completely calm your mind. Now radiate your loving feeling into your head. Feel that soft glowing warm penetrate your head as it becomes more calm and relaxed, continue doing this until the headache goes away. If this is done when the headache first starts it will amaze you how fast the pain goes away. But if you wait until it gets full- blown then it may take a bit longer. Meditate daily so you will remember to soften into the haedache. Practice for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily. 2] Spinach: raw spinach, as bulk or juice, purifies the bloodstream and builds up the oxygen-carrying element of hemoglobin, thus enhancing supply of oxygen and blood to the brain. 3] Carrot, Beet, and Cucumber Juice: this blend breaks down acid crystals in kidneys, thus improving their ability to cleanse the blood of the impurities that often cause headaches when they reach the brain; also purifies blood and builds hemoglobin, thus enhancing oxygen supplies to the brain; 10 oz./ 3oz./ 3oz., 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) when headache appears. 4] Lecithin: 20% of brain tissue consists of lecithin, which when taken in combination with vitamin C has remarkable rejuvenating effects on the brain: organic lecithin also rinses away inorganic cholesterol deposits in coronary arteries, thereby enhancing supply of oxygenated blood to the brain; liquid lecithin extracted from soy beans is most convenient form of supplement. Take 6 (1000mg) tablets or 1 tbsp. of liquid lecithin daily. 5] Garlic: Raw garlic is one of nature’s best blood vessel cleaners; taken in conjunction with lecithin, it not only eliminates toxic conditions that often cause headaches, but also enhances memory, learning and other mental functions. 6] Apple Cider Vinegar: Take 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water everyday before breakfast. 7] Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cucumber and Red Radishes: A regular intake of organically grown tomatoes, cabbage, cucumber, and radishes helps to prevent headache or even migraines 8] Vitamin C, E, B complex: Taking vitamins C (1000 mg 3 x’s a day before meals), vitamin E (400 mg 1 time daily), Vitamin B-complex ( 50 mg of every B available), Calcium, and molasses (2 tbsp. once daily). Helps to get rid of headaches.


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9] Spinach: Eating raw spinach is particularly good for migraines. 10] Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Basil, Peppermint, and Rosemary Teas: Drinking chamomile, lemon balm, basil, peppermint or rosemary tea, relieves headaches. Take once or twice daily as needed. 11] Castor Oil Pack: Place the pack over the liver and intestines for one hour. The pack can also be placed over the lower back of the neck for one hour to get immediate relief. 12] Other Beneficial Foods: lettuce juice; blackstrap molasses; pecans; wheat germ; raw sunflower seeds; raw egg yolk (for lecithin and organic cholesterol); chamomile tea; Sweet Basil tea; peppermint tea; Celery soaked in apple cider vinegar; 13] Foods to Avoid: refined starches; white sugar; sweet soft drinks and pastries; polished white rice; coffee or tea especially with milk added; hot spicy foods; preprocessed or preserved foods; all foods fried in oil; cooked eggs; pasteurized milk; cooked fatty meats; all fried foods.

Heart Disease The various forms of heart diseases are primarily the result of toxic impurities clogging blood vessels; this deprives the heart muscles and valves of oxygen and puts excessive strain on the heart, which has to pump much harder than normal to push blood through a clogged circulatory system - a healthy heart pumps about 3,000 gallons of blood every 24 hours, but a heart under the stress of a clogged circulatory systems must pump up to 25,000 gallons in 24 hours just to maintain sufficient circulation; obviously, such an 8-fold increase in heart strain soon leads to heart exhaustion and disease; the prime source of the blood impurities and deposits that cause heart disease is a diet composed entirely of denatured and cooked foods. Again the practice of loving-kindness meditation is indespenseable for all heart problems. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Direct your soft attention into the heart area. Feel the muscles relax around the heart. Open and let go of tightness in your mind and also let go of tension in your head. Now radiate love and peace into your heart, replacing all worry and anxiety with love and peace. If your problem is severe do this for at least 30 minutes 6x’s a day, then when the condition improve reduce in stages to 2x’s daily. 2] Carrot, Celery, Parsley, Spinach Juice: the most potent blend of juices for potassium, which quickly restores proper blood pH, helps remove deposits from blood vessels and builds strong blood plasma, especially hemoglobin; 8 oz./ 4 oz./ 2 oz./ 4 oz, 1-2 pints (500 ml- 1 liter) daily. 3] Carrot, Beet, Cucumber Juice: dissolves acid crystals in kidneys, enabling them to cleanse the blood more efficiently, thus removing impurities that can accumulate to cause heart disease. 10 oz./ 3oz./ 3oz., 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) daily.


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4] Blackstrap Molasses: rich in organic iron and copper, as well as potassium, all of which alkalize the bloodstream and build strong blood plasma, which in turn benefits the heart tissues; 2 tbsp. in warm water, 2 x’s daily. 5] Dark Grapes: the ‘grape cure’ (nothing but 1/2 - 1 1/2 kg of raw black grapes for 5-7 days, this means take no other food at all) this has been shown by experiments in the Soviet Union to have a direct tonifying effect on the muscles and valves of the heart; also purifies and balances the bloodstream. 6] Wheat Germ Oil: greatly enhances delivery of oxygen to the heart; best when used in conjunction with raw garlic; 1 tsp wheat germ oil and 2-3 cloves raw garlic, once or twice a day, after meals. 7] Pecans: raw pecans are nature’s richest source of readily assimilable organic pyridoxine (vitamin B6), an element that plays an essential role in converting the amino acids from consumed proteins into usable form for the body; thus raw pecans assist in the regeneration of damaged cells in diseased hearts; 10-15 raw pecans (or 20-30 pecan halves) per day. 8] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the thymus gland lung area for 1 hr. one day and over the liver and intestines for 1 hr. the next day and alternate in this way for 6 days, rest 1 day and repeat. This works wonders for the heart and circulation. 9] Other Beneficial Foods: raw spinach; cabbage; ripe bananas; wheat germ; lecithin; cultured cabbage juice; unpolished rice; onion; pecans; almonds; raw sunflower seeds; raw garlic (6-8 cloves a day). 10] Foods to Avoid: All foods fried in oil; refined starches; sweet pastries; white sugar; polished white rice; sweet carbonated soft drinks (regular as well as diet soft drinks); cooked eggs; pasteurized milk; alcohol; cooked fatty meats; salt.


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Varicose Veins Varicose veins is a condition in which the veins become enlarged, dilated or thickened. The walls of the veins become relaxed and pressed inwardly upon the nerves resulting in the formation of ulcers on the veins. The symptoms: the 1st sign is a swelling along the course of the vein followed by muscular cramps and feeling tiredness in the legs particularly behind the knees. In some cases the region becomes purplish and pigmented and this is called varicose ulcers. Varicose veins are caused by the sluggish circulation of blood due to factors such as low intake of dietary fibre, constipation, wearing tight clothing, standing for too long and obesity. Pregnancy, due to increased pressure on the pelvis and abdomen, which slows down blood circulation, can cause them. The patient must be put on a juice therapy for a week, then an all fruit therapy diet for the next week. Later a restricted diet should be adopted such as: orange and lemon juices for breakfast, raw salad of vegetables with cold pressed olive oil and lemon juice as dressing for lunch, steamed vegetables like spinach, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, potatoes, raisins and figs for supper. At the end of this, a balanced diet with emphasis on grains, seeds, vegetables and fruits. Sleeping with one’s feet elevated above their heart is also useful. Loving-kindness meditation again is very helpful in improving circulation and healing blood problems. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your attention into the troubled area. Open and relax away all tightness in the area and let go of tension in the head and mind. Now radiate loving warmth into the area. Do this for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily (while sitting in a chair not on the floor). 2] Cold, Hot Baths: An alternate hot and cold hip bath is very valuable to get the circulation going in the damaged veins. 3] Epsom Salt: Soaking in a hot Epsom salt bath for 30 minutes is very helpful to get rid of varicose veins. 4] Ice: An application of ice on the varicose vein for several days regularly is helpful. 5] Vit. B6, Folic Acid, Vit. E: Taking Vit B6 50 mg, Folic Acid 50mg, and Vit E 400 mg a day will help to get rid of varicose veins permanently. 6 Comfrey: Making a poultice of comfrey leaves (crush the leaves, mix with warm water, then use the pulp as poultice on the varicose vein) once a day for 30 minutes 7] Spinach: raw spinach detoxifies and stimulates the lower bowel, so that wastes are eliminated there rather than accumulating and polluting the bloodstream; builds and balances blood; as juice, mix 6 oz. with 10 oz. carrot juice, 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 8] Red Beet Juice: another potent purifier and builder of blood, raw Beet juice eliminates the blood toxemia that causes varicose veins; best taken half/half with carrot juice, 1-2 pints (500-1 liter) daily; or sip 8 oz. of the straight beet juice slowly throughout the day.


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9] Garlic: raw garlic dissolves the deposits of inorganic calcium and cholesterol that leads to varicose veins. 6-8 cloves daily. 10] Parsley Juice: raw parsley juice is one of the most potent of all vegetable juices for enhancing oxygen metabolism, cleansing the blood, dissolving sticky deposits in veins and maintaining elasticity of blood vessels, especially delicate capillaries; it’s too strong to take straight and should be mixed with 4 oz. to 12 oz. carrot juice, or other blends, 1 pint daily. 11] Other Beneficial Foods: lettuce juice; turnips; watercress; black fungus; blackstrap molasses; lecithin; high fiber foods; wheat bran; wheat germ oil; cucumber; brewer’s yeast. 12] Foods to Avoid: pasteurized milk; all foods fried in oil; refined starch especially white polished rice and white flour; refined sugar; cooked eggs and overcooked meats; hydrogenated fats especially margarine and alcohol; salt.


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Nervous System: Brain, Nerves, Eye Alzheimer’s Disease

This effects the brain cells which become knotted into tangles and cause senile dementia. This can be due to a lack of acetylcholine. Choline prevents brain aging. It is found in egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, legumes, Brewer’s Yeast and wheat germ. The richest source is in lecithin, a soybean product. Take 4 tbsp. of lecithin, diced green vegetables, a 1/4 spoon of Brewer’s Yeast and 1 tbsp. of wheat germ. Add water or carrot juice. Blend it. Drink the liquid an hour after breakfast. Lovingkindness meditation helps to improve the circulation in the head.

1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your attention into your brain. Open and relax away all tightness and tension there. Now radiate your love and calmness to your brain, feel the circulation improve. Practice this 4x’s daily for at least 30 minutes each time. 2] Sunlight: Exposure to Natural Sunlight -1 to 2 hours daily. Wear no sunglasses minimum clothing. 3] Colloidal Silver: Take 1 to 2 tsp daily and/or use ozone therapy to kill off viruses causing inflammation of the brain. 4] Ground Flaxmeal: Take 1 to 2 tbsp. of Flaxmeal daily. 5] Blue-green Algae or Spiralina: Take one rounded tbsp. of blue-green algae or spiralina daily, can be mixed with water. 6] Magnesium Oxide: Take 500 mg of magnesium oxide daily. 7] Brewer’s Yeast: Take 9 tablets of brewer’s yeast 3 x’s daily. 8] Ginkgo Biloba: Take 1/2 tsp 2 x’s daily 9] EDTA Chelation Therapy: This therapy can be administered by a doctor interested in wholistic medicine. This can be of great benefit to people suffering from dementia and what is commonly called hardening of the arteries in old people. It does work to improve memory and mental brightness. Avoid all sugar products, polished white rice and refined starches. Try to eat a fiber rich diet with lots of fresh raw vegetable and fresh fruits and juices.


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Cerebral Palsy This condition causes spastic paralysis of the arms and legs with wild jerky movements. Wheat germ oil including protein, vitamins and minerals (manganese) help restore the condition. Take 1-2 tsp of Colloidal Silver daily. Loving-kindness meditation helps to calm the mind and body. Practice it for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily.

Epilepsy Epilepsy is due to uncontrolled activity of the nerves. The Grand Mal is due to discharges in the brain. It is usually hereditary. A tendency to bite, difficulty in breathing and spontaneous urination results. Petite Mal usually begins in childhood and may disappear. Sudden unconsciousness with spasms are the symptoms. Focal epilepsy involves only a part of the brain and may be due to an accident. This can cause periodical amnesia, rage, and incoherent speech. The regular practice of lovingkindness meditation has been known to cure this dreadful problem. The practice of meditation must be taken seriously and practiced without a break, only then will the benefits become a reality. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: It is particularly important for a person with disease to learn how to calm and relax their mind. Focus your soft attention into your brain. Feel the tightness and tension relax and become open. Now radiate love into the brain from your heart. Do this for at least 30 minutes 4 times daily. If you are serious eventually this disease will subside. It is not a fast cure, it may take a continual practice of a few years but it does work. 2] Dolomite: Epilepsy can be fought successfully by taking dolomite (magnesium) regularly. 3] Garlic: Taking 6-8 cloves of garlic daily with or without honey helps in many ways. 4] Brewer’s Yeast: Brewer’s Yeast which is rich in vitamins helps. Take 3 x’s daily. 5] Blackstrap Molasses: The seizures may be started by the lack of potassium and magnesium in the system. Blackstrap molasses has both of these minerals and trace elements of many others. The patient should avoid alcohol and white sugar.

Eye Trouble Most eye trouble is due to insufficient circulation and nutritional deficiency in the eye muscles and the optic nerve. The optic nerve is one of the most powerful nerves in the body and uses up to 30% of available glucose (blood sugar). When blood sugar runs dry, all nerves must rely on glycogen from the liver; any interruption in glycogen supply due to liver dysfunction is often reflected in eye trouble.


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Chinese physicians always look first to the liver when treating eye problems; a polluted bloodstream can also cause serious eye problems. Dullness of the eyes indicates a general lack of energy. Redness of the white portion of the eyes indicates an inflammatory condition. It can also indicate a nutritional deficiency. Yellowness of the white of the eye indicates a malfunction of the liver and jaundice. By practicing loving-kindness and directing your soft attention into your eye area and relaxing the tension away around the eyes, the circulation improves and eventually the eyesight will improve. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Practice this for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. By placing your attention around the eyes and relaxing the muscles there, the blood circulation to that area brings healing. 2] Sunflower Seeds: Raw sunflower seeds are rich in organic vitamin A and other vital eye nutrients; Dr. Marsh Morrison has shown that 2 oz. of raw sunflower seeds per day, in conjunction with abstention from all animal proteins, clears up many eye problems within two weeks. 3] Carrot, Celery, Endive, Parsley Juice: this blend provides potent nourishment to the entire optic system, including nerves and muscles; carrots provide organic vitamin A as carotene, endives are rich in other nutrients with specific affinity for the eyes; 8 oz./ 4 oz./ 3oz./ 2 oz., 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) daily. 4] Dandelion Juice: rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron, raw dandelion juice alkalizes the bloodstream and provides a blend of organic nutrients of specific benefit to the nervous system, of which the optic nerve is the busiest component; mix half/half with carrot juice, 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) daily. 5] Spinach: raw spinach is another good source of organic vitamin A for the optic system; also builds strong blood due to rich supplies of organic iron, and this enhances circulation of oxygenated blood to the eyes. 6] Carrot: Eating carrots boiled in water and drinking the water as well without adding any seasoning everyday helps over glaucoma. 7] Vitamin C: Taking between 3000 mg and 5000 mg of vitamin C daily lower pressure in the eyes. 8] Vitamin B2: Vitamin B2 is good for cataracts. (Eating raw broccoli, turnip tops, beets, beet tops, wheat germ, peanuts, beans [especially mung bean sprouts] and Brewer’s Yeast). 9] Calcium: A lack of calcium causes cataracts, So foods rich in calcium like beans, beet greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, and parsley. 10] Thiamin (Vitamin B1): Thiamin helps improve eyesight. (Garlic helps boost absorbing it into the body).


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11] Red Rose Petals: Irritated eyes are relieved by steeping a few red rose petals in a cup of hot water. Filter it and the liquid is applied to the eyes 4 times daily. (the marketed drug Estivin is an infusion of rose petals.) 12] Cucumber: Place a slice of freshly cut cucumber on the eyelids for half an hour to remove wrinkling eye lids. 13] Castor Oil Pack: Place the pack over the liver and intestine for 1 hr. daily, for 6 days, rest 1 day, then repeat. 14] Other Beneficial Foods: carrots; watercress; apricots; turnip greens; calves liver; high fiber foods especially raw vegetables; garlic and onions. 15] Foods to Avoid: all foods fried in oil; refined starch and sugar; hot chili peppers; alcohol; Polished white rice; coffee or tea especially with milk added; mineral oil (as laxative).

Fatigue Chronic fatigue is an indication that the body’s ‘batteries’ have run down and resistance is lower, and thus serves as a warning that disease might strike at any time; it is primarily due to a critical deficiency of active enzymes in the diet and an overabundance of ‘dead’ processed, overcooked foods, in incompatible combinations; and it can also be from a very often over-looked cause and that is yeast and fungal overgrowth. Thrush is an indication of yeast activity. There are over 20 different kinds of poisons emitted by various strains of yeast, including Candida Albicans. These toxins are a major cause of fatigue and depression. It is best to avoid white sugar, alcohol, white rice and refined starches. Another overlooked cause is a deficiency of potassium and magnesium. Practicing loving-kindness meditation while focusing your attention into your heart, is calming and energizing at the same time. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your attention into the heart area, let go of all tightness in the mind and tension in the head area. Now radiate warm loving feelings into your heart. This will energize the mind and body. Do this for at least 30 minutes 3 x’s daily. 2] Pecans: nature’s most potent source of organic pyridoxine (vitamin B6), which is essential for all nervous functions and plays a key role in utilizing amino acids derived from consumed proteins. Since all vital functions are controlled by the nervous system, pecans provide the element required by nerves to transform nutritional “essence” to functional energy and regulate the body; 10-15 raw pecans, or 20-30 pecan halves daily is a therapeutic dose. 3] Carrot, Beet, Cucumber Juice: this blend provides a potent boost of active enzymes and organic nutrients to the bloodstream, while in turn improves blood quality and helps relieve fatigue; 10 oz./ 3oz./ 3oz., 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) daily.


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4] Carrot Juice: raw carrot juice is perhaps the best overall therapeutic food in the world; it alkalizes, cleanses, nourishes, and stimulates almost every system in the body; as such, it is an effective antidote for nervous exhaustion caused by diets deficient in vital raw foods; 2-3 pints (1 -1 1/2 liter) daily. 5] Raw Egg Yolk: a potent source of organic lecithin, which is a major component in brain and nerve tissue; also stimulates sluggish adrenal glands, which alleviates fatigue; 2 yolks daily, blend into carrot juice. 6] Colloidal Silver: This helps very much to clear away possible yeast infections and bacteria which cause them. Take 1 tsp in the morning before breakfast and 1 tsp just before bed. 7] Castor Oil Pack: Place the pack over the liver and intestines for 1 hr. daily for 6 days rest 1 day and repeat for 4 weeks. The patient will detoxify the liver and get some very deep sleep and rest, which will give more energy. 8] Ozone Therapy: After a hot bath or steam sauna, soak in a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 minutes daily for 2 weeks. This will detoxify the entire body and help to rest the liver from overwork; soak the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes daily; ozonated essential oils are very useful for circulation and purifying the body. 9] Other Beneficial Foods: raw spinach; alfalfa sprouts; brewer’s yeast (in warm water, on an empty stomach); blackstrap molasses; apple cider vinegar; unpolished rice; wheat germ; soy bean sprouts; lecithin; high fiber foods especially raw vegetables and fruits. 10] Foods to Avoid: all foods fried in oil; all denatured, processed, preserved, canned and cooked foods; hydrogenated fats like vegetable margarine; alcohol; chocolate; ice cream; sweets; white sugar; refined starches; polished white rice; salt.

Hypertension Besides stress and other psychological factors, hypertension is caused by the irritation of various nerve centers owing to nutritional deficiency, retention of toxic wastes and lack of organic alkaline elements. For example, severe hypertension that leads to violent outbursts has been quickly cured in many patients with sufficient doses of niacin (vitamin B3). Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) in organic form relieves the hypertension associated with nervous stress. Loving-kindness meditation is very necessary to help over-come this problem.

1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Placing your attention on your head area, relax the tightness in your mind and tension in your head. Feel your mind open up and become calm. Now radiate love into your mind and head area. Everytime the slightest tightness begins to appear then open and relax again. Do this for at least 30 minutes 3x’s daily for quick results.


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2] Pecans: a potent source of organic pyridoxine (vitamin B6), pecans rank among the very best of therapeutic foods for hypertension and other nervous disorders; 10-15 whole raw pecans daily. 3] Yeast: brewer’s yeast dissolves in a cup of warm water and taken on an empty stomach provides a powerful dose of all important B vitamins in organic form. Brewer’s yeast, though more palatable, is technically ‘dead’ and thus not as potent a source of nutritional elements; 1 small packet of granular brewer’s yeast per cup of warm water, twice daily. 4] Lecithin: the most basic building block of brain and nerve tissues, organic lecithin may be taken as liquid extract of soy beans or in the form of raw egg yolks (same as for fatigue). 5] Wheat Germ Oil: nature’s best source of organic vitamin E, which is essential for optimum nerve function; 1 tsp daily after breakfast, another after dinner. 6] Carrot, Beet, Cucumber Juice: alkalizes the kidneys and blood, thus eliminating the excess acidity that is usually a contributing factor to hypertension; also provides organic minerals and active enzymes which enhance nervous functions; 10 oz./ 3oz./ 3oz., 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 7] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the liver and intestines for one hr. daily until the hypertension and mind calm down. 8] Other Beneficial Foods: carrot juice; celery juice; blackstrap molasses; wheat germ; black grapes; unpolished rice; apricot kernels (for vitamin 17); turnip greens. 9] Foods to Avoid: hot chilis and hot peppers; mustard; cooked meats, especially pork; all foods fried in oil; all preserved and canned foods; coffee and tea; white sugar, especially sweet soft drinks; alcohol; ice cream; chocolate; salt.

Insomnia Inability to sleep owing to an overactive mind and the inability to relax the mind and body in general. Severe emotional problems may cause insomnia. It is not a disease, but a sign of an emotional or physical problem that interferes with normal mechanisms. Sleeping pills cannot induce a natural state of sleep. It is best to avoid them and take up regular exercise in the evening.


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Avoid sugary snacks, heavy foods and alcohol before bed time. Trytophan which is found in protein foods from dairy products like skim milk and cheese, together with amino acids stimulate production of the body’s own sleep chemical serotonim. Warm milk without sugar before bed helps lots. All tranquility types of meditation will help with this and loving-kindness meditation is the fastest working one of all. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention on your heart area, relax the tightness in your mind (let go of thinking about things) and let go of the tension in your head. Now softly radiate that loving feeling of peace and tranquility to yourself. Do this while you are relaxed and in a prone position, sleep comes very quickly. Practice meditation for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily. 2] Lemon Balm: Drinking lemon balm tea before bed helps. 3] Chamomile Tea: Make a strong tea of 3 tbsp. chamomile leaves in boiling water and drink 3 times daily. 4] Lettuce Leaves: Eating a few freshly picked lettuce leaves lightly steamed (for 1-2 minutes) before going to bed works well. 5] Peppermint Leaves: Take 2 tbsp. of peppermint leaves and put in boiling water. Drink 2 x’s daily. 6] Pecans: 10-15 whole raw pecans per day provide all the organic pyridoxine (vitamin B6) the nervous system needs for normal function; this helps eliminate the nervous tension that causes insomnia. 7] Blackstrap Molasses: besides iron, copper and potassium, blackstrap molasses is rich in organic pyridoxine and calcium, which enhance nervous functions; organic calcium is well known as a promoter of sound sleep; a glass of milk, if pasteurized, will not deliver organic calcium to the system owing to lack of the vital lactase enzyme, which is required to extract calcium from milk; 2 tbsp. in warm water, before bed. 8] Bananas: ripe bananas are very rich in potassium, sodium, and magnesium, all of which restore health and balance to nutritionally exhausted nervous systems; also rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which is known to promote sleep. 9] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the liver and intestines for 1 hr. a day (right before bedtime) until the insomnia stops. This soothes the mind and relaxes the body. 10] Other Beneficial Foods: lecithin; wheat germ; grapefruit; parsnips; soy bean sprouts; unpolished rice; honey; anise; dill seeds; orange; primrose; rosemary.


Therapeutic Fasting

11] Foods to Avoid: vinegar (except apple cider vinegar); all foods fried in oil; cooked meats, especially at dinner; refined starches; sweet pastries; white sugar; hot chilis and hot peppers; strong coffee and tea; alcohol; ice cream; chocolate; salt.

Migraine Migraine was believed to be a psychosomatic syndrome involving constrictions and swelling of the blood vessels. However, it is a specific headache usually due to nerve problems. Recently studies reveal that it seems from a biological abnormality of the nerve cells and chemical messengers deep in the brain. It is a phenomenon of sudden constriction and subsequent relaxation of the blood vessels of the brain resulting in a disorderly supply of blood and oxygen to the brain. By practicing loving-kindness meditation ones learns how to open their mind and relax the tensions away this allows for the circulation to improve and more oxygen circulates in the brain relieving the problem. In women, an attack mostly occurs during hormonal changes. It afflicts one side of the head and throbbing or piercing pain is experienced. Sometimes this is accompanied by blurring vision, dizziness and diarrhea. There can also be nausea and intolerance to lights and sounds, distortions of the cognitive functions, disturbed sleep, and mood disorders. Stress, chemical stimuli, change in atmospheric pressure, hormones and food can contribute to the problem. Women suffer more than men mainly due to hormonal factors and chemicals used in food, pollution and constipation. During pregnancy, women are generally free from migraine. It is one of the commonest side effects of using contraceptive pills. When the adrenal hormone production is low, blood vessels are more prone to dilation. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention into the head area. Relax all thinking and wishing the pain would go away, as this is a form of aversion. Feel the tightness relax and the tension open up and let go. Now radiate love and calmness into that area. Everytime the tightness or tension arises again repeat the opening process. Practice this meditation for at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily. And whenever the migraine appears, the faster you see it starting and open up then relax into it the less distress it will cause. 2] Lemon Balm Tea: Lemon balm tea brings some relief. Take 3 x’s daily until migraine goes away. 3] Peppermint Tea: Steep 2 tbsp. of peppermint leaves in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Drink a cup 2 x’s daily for one week. 4] Honey: Sipping two spoonfuls of honey as the symptom of headache or migraine begins, clears the pain. 5] Vitamins C, E, B-complex: Taking daily doses of vitamin C (1000 mg 3 x’s a day), vitamin E (400 mg once a day), vitamin B-complex (50 mg once a day), also Calcium, and Blackstrap Molasses (two tbsp. once a day in the morning).


Therapeutic Fasting

6] Spinach: Eating raw spinach daily helps quite a bit to relieve the pain of migraines. Take at least 100g daily. 7] Dried Basil: Steep 1 tbsp. of dried basil in a cup of boiling water for 5 minutes. Add a little honey and drink a mouthful 3 x’s daily. Holding the basil tea in your mouth for one minute before swallowing. 8] Rose Petals: Take some rose petals and place in a clear glass bowl of distilled water and place in the morning sun for 4 hours. Then drink the rose water immediately (always drink it fresh). This relives migraine pains. 9] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the liver and intestines for 1 hr. daily (or more times if needed) until the migraine subsides. (the patient can place over the thymus gland or the back of the neck to bring quick results). 10] Other Beneficial Foods: Garlic, onion, celery, cabbage, black molasses, unpolished rice; cultured cabbage juice; lettuce; carrots; beet root; parsley; and turnips. 11] Foods to Avoid: All white sugar, white polished rice, white flour, preserved foods, cola, alcohol, coffee, tea, chocolate, processed foods, hot spicy foods.

Multiple Sclerosis Manganese is very useful to prevent MS. Avoid white flour, white polished rice, white sugar and all forms of bread and aluminum (even deodorant products ). Lovingkindness meditation helps one to calm their mind so healing can take place. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your attention into the heart area, letting go of all tightness in the mind and tension in the head. Radiate love and peace to yourself. Do this for 30 minutes 4x’s daily. Replace the worry and anxiety with love and peace. 2] Buckwheat: Buckwheat is rich in manganese and helps muscle jerks, tremors, and lack of coordination 3] Oxygen Therapy: Using oxygen therapy like taking shots of ozone, drinking ozonated water, sitting in a sauna bag with an ozone machine hooked up to it, and soaking the body in an ozone bath daily. Completely gets rid of this disease. See a doctor who specializes in ozone therapy. 4] Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey: Take 1 oz. of apple cider vinegar with 1 tbsp. of honey in a glass of water and drink slowly once a day, to stop tremors. 5] Mistletoe Tea: Mistletoe tea (cold infusion). Take 1 tbsp. of mistletoe per cup of cold water it is steeped (let stand) for 12 hours. Just warm it afterwards and strain. Then put in a thermos as it should not be warmed again. It is good for any paralysis after a stroke. Take 3 cups a day for 6 weeks, then 2 cups a day for three weeks, then one cup a day for 2 weeks for the early stages. If in the later stages stay at 2 cups a day indefinitely.


Therapeutic Fasting

6] Comfrey Leaves: Make a comfrey leaf poultice, it tones up the paralyzed parts, leave it on for 30 minutes. (hot water is poured on the leaves and then the leaves are placed on a linen and applied to the region or bathe with comfrey leaves, soak for at least 30 minutes in water that is as hot as you can stand it). Do this once a day. 7] Raisins: Raisins are said to be brain tonic. Regularly eating them after soaking them in water helps to improve the memory. 8] Foods to Avoid: All refined starches like white sugar, white polished rice, white flour and its products, fried foods, meats of all kinds, eggs, milk products.

Nerves The nerves are insulated within tubes of a greasy material called myelin. Defects can cause many nervous system disorders. Loving-kindness meditation is very useful in combating this problem. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your attention into the problem area, open up your mind and let go of all tightness and tensions in the head. Radiate love and peacefulness into the area, replacing the dislike and anxiety. Do this for 30 minutes 4 x’s daily until the condition improves. Then reduce down to 2x’s daily. 2] Lemon Balm Tea: Drink lemon balm tea, 3 x’s daily, to relieve nervousness. 3] Chamomile Tea: Make an infusion of dried chamomile tea (wild if possible) with boiling water. Take 3 tbsp. at a time 3 x’s a day (drink the liquid and eat the leaves). 4] Peppermint Tea: Steep 3 tbsp. of peppermint tea in a cup of water. Drink 2 x’s a day. 5] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the liver and intestines for 1 hour to feel calm and relief. 6] Other Beneficial Foods: Almonds; balm; celery; olive; orange; peppermint; rosemary; and thyme. 7] Things to Avoid: Avoid aluminum in any form. Aluminum is believed to be a possible destroyer of nerve cells. Avoid camphor and heaty tropical fruits such as durian, jackfruit, rambutans and longans; avoid all white sugar products, white rice, and white flour products.


Therapeutic Fasting

Neuralgia Acute pain in and around the basic building block for nourishment and repair of damaged nerves. Loving-kindness meditation helps one to improve their circulation in the entire body, but especially where they palce their soft attention. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your sift attention in the area of distress. Open and relax your mind and letting go of the tension in your head. Radiate a loving peaceful feeling into the area, do this whenever the mind is pulled to that area. Practice this meditation for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily. 2] Lecithin: provides the basic building block for nourishment and repair of damaged nerves. 3] Wheat Germ Oil: potent source of organic vitamin E, which is required for nourishment and repair of nerves and increases oxygen supply to nerves; 2 tsp daily, one after breakfast and one after dinner, in conjunction with lecithin. 4] Pecans: Pecans provide organic pyridoxine, which nerves require to utilize amino acids. 5] Carrot and Celery Juice: rich in organic sodium, magnesium and iron, which help restore blood pH, this eliminating acidity, and nourish the nerves; mix half/half, 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) daily. 6] Chamomile Tea: Make an infusion of dried Chamomile tea leaves with boiling water. Take 3 tbsp. at a time 3 x’s a day to relieve the problem. 7] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the liver and intestines for one hr. the 1st day and over the small of the back the next day. Alternate until the trouble subsides. 8] Other Beneficial Foods: raw spinach; raw parsley; wheat germ; blackstrap molasses; brewer’s yeast (in warm water, on empty stomach); unpolished rice; raw vegetables and fruits; peppermint, and cherry. 9] Foods to Avoid: cooked fatty meats, all foods fried in oil; refined starches and sugars; polished white rice; synthetic additives and preservatives; salt; hot chilis and hot peppers; mustard.

Neuritis Acute pain caused by the formation of uric acid crystals in muscles, which then press against nerve endings; excess consumption of cooked meat is the prime cause of excess uric acid, and hence of neuritis. The practice of loving-kindness meditation teaches one how to open their mind and heart even when there is pain in the body.


Therapeutic Fasting

1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention in the area of most distress. Now open and relax the tightness and tension in your mind and head. Feel your mind open and become calm, then radiate love and peace into that area. The pain may still persist and your mind will close around the pain again. So repeat the relaxing process again before radiating that love into the area. Do this for as long as the discomfort lasts. Also practice this meditation for at least 30 minutes 4 x’s daily until the condition improves then 2x’s daily after that. 2] Carrot, Beet, Cucumber Juice: a potent alkalizing blend with specific affinity for the blood and the kidneys; facilitates elimination of uric acid from blood and kidneys; 10 oz./ 3oz./ 3oz., 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 3] Carrot, Celery, Parsley Juice: an alkalizing blend of raw juices with specific affinity for the nervous system; contains organic minerals required for repair and maintenance of nerves; 9 oz./ 5 oz./ 2 oz., 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) daily. 4] Lemon: Raw lemon juice diluted with warm distilled water is an excellent allaround alkalizer and mucus dissolver, but only when taken without sugar; though acidic in the natural state, lemon juice has strong alkalizing properties in the stomach and bloodstream. Take as needed daily. 5] Wheat Germ Oil: provides organic vitamin E, required for repair and maintenance of nerves; 1 tsp after breakfast. 6] Castor Oil Pack: Place the castor oil pack over the liver and intestines for one hour daily for 6 days and rest 1 day then repeat. This treatment will help to purify the blood of uric acid crystals and bring relief to the whole system. 7] Ozone Therapy: After taking a hot bath or steam sauna, soak the entire body in a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 minutes. This pulls the toxins out of the body through the skin and reduces the amount of uric acid in the blood. Soak the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes daily; ozonated drinking water is good (2-3 liters daily); ozonated essential oils and massage is very good. 8] Other Beneficial Foods: pecans; lecithin; grapefruit juice (diluted with distilled water); unpolished rice; black molasses; garlic; onion; apple cider vinegar; carrot and spinach juice. 9] Foods to Avoid: vinegar (except apple cider vinegar); refined starch, especially white flour; refined sugars, especially sweet soft drinks; all foods fried in oil; chocolate and candy; hot spicy foods; cooked meat and eggs.

Neuropathy Neuropathy is a disorder affecting the nervous system. Loving-kindness meditation will help in the same way as described above


Therapeutic Fasting

1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your attention into the pain, then relax your mind and let go of the tightness and tension, feel your mind open and relax. Now radiate calm, peaceful love into that area. Keep opening the mind and radiating until the pain goes away. Practcie this for at least 30 minutes 4x’s daily until the condition improves then 2x’s daily after that. 2] Lemon, Olive Oil, Garlic, Cayenne Pepper: This is the most effective treatment for neuropathy. Take one whole lemon and cut into small pieces then put into a blender (peel, seeds and all), add 1 1/2 cups of water, 4 skinned garlic gloves, 1 tbsp. of cold pressed olive oil, and 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper (this pepper is optional). Blend for 1 minute then strain and drink. Once daily until condition heals itself. 3] Lecithin: Take 1 tbsp. of granulated lecithin in water or can mixed with the above drink. 4] Magnesium Chloride: Take 1 tablet 2 x’s daily for best results. 5] Chelated Calcium: Take 500 to 1000 mg of chelated calcium daily.

Paralysis Temporary paralysis is due to a virus and is also known as polyneuritis and it causes the white blood cells to attack the nerve tissues. It can be improved by administering 1 tbsp. of sunflower oil 3 x’s a day. For paralysis, spasmodic nerves, and other nerve problems, the best cure is mind power. It can be done by the person who is suffering and involves strong visualization and positive thinking with affirmations. Use clear mental pictures of the things to be done which is the best way to communicate with the inner mind. Once the inner mind is told the necessary steps to be done to relieve the problems, the mind will find its own way and to make the body react accordingly. For example, if there is some form of obstruction, visualize a healing finger gently removing it. The practice of lovingkindness meditation is particularly good for this type of stressful experience. The worry, fear and anxiety can be crippling in themselves. So learning how to open and relax the mind without a lot of involvement these negative emotions starts the healing process and supports the healing for the whole time. For partial paralysis, one on the most important food supplements id soybean. It contains lecithin, an unsaturated fatty acid. This prevents brain clots, paralyzed legs, hands and arms. Take two tbsp. of soybean lecithin at breakfast everyday. It is very effective if combined with vitamin B complex, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, two tbsp. of soya oil or safflower oil as salad dressing and 4 tbsp. of wheat germ every day. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention into your head. Feel the tightness and relax it away, let go of all tensions which may be there. Now radiate tranquil love into your mind and head. Whenever the tightness or tension arises again then relax again and radiate that love. Do this very often, don’t allow the mind to get negative and fight the situation. Notice how it always wants to tighten and become negative again. There is no judging and condemning of the situation, only a soft open type of loving awareness to attend


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to. Do this meditation for 30 minutes to one hour 4 to 6 times a day until the condition improves. Then 2x’s daily for at least 30 minutes. 2] Sunflower Seed Oil: Take 1 tbsp. of sunflower seed oil (cold pressed) 3 x’s a day. 3] Castor Oil Rubs: Castor oil is known as the “Hands of Christ” because of is healing abilities. take 1 tbsp. of this oil and rub it into the paralysed area 3 x’s daily. 4] Mistletoe Tea: Mistletoe tea is good for any paralysis after a stroke. Take 3 cups a day for 6 weeks, then 2 cups a day. (Prepare as described in multiple sclerosis section) 5] Comfrey Leaf Poultice: A comfrey leaf poultice tones up the paralyzed parts. (Hot water is poured on to the leaves and then the leaves are placed on a linen and applied to the region or bathe with comfrey leaves in as hot as possible water. Soak for at least 30 minutes). Once a day. 6] St. John’s Wort Oil: Message St. Jon’s Wort Oil on the paralyzed places to get the circulation going. 7] Oat Straw: Boil oat straw in water and add it to the bath water, soak for at least 30 minutes. 8] Colloidal Silver: This can greatly help to put the system back in balance by taking away any harmful pathogens. Take 1 tsp 1-2 x’s daily on an empty stomach. 9] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the liver and intestines for 1 hr. the 1st day and over the paralyzed area the next and alternate for 6 days then repeat for 3 months. (occasionally one can put the pack over the spinal cord to help with circulation). 10] Ozone Therapy: Bathing in ozonated water (once a day for 20 minutes) and drinking ozonated water (one liter a day) helps to improve the circulation and expel toxins from the body.

Strokes and Paralysis Caused by obstruction or bleeding in the brain. The factors involved are: high blood pressure and stickiness of blood. Blood clots from either the heart or in the major blood vessels in the neck can cause obstruction. Symptoms are: sudden weakness or numbness in the arms or legs or on one side of the face. Usually before a stroke really occurs, there are some indications such as restlessness, dizziness, anxiety, and distorted face. Loving-kindness meditation can be a real help to stroke victims. Learning how to love oneself and direct that peaceful love into their minds helps immeasureably in the healing process. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: A person who has had a stroke will generally have a lot of frustration and anxiety in their mind. This is only natural because they are not able to do the things that they once did.


Therapeutic Fasting

The need for mental development and patience are very great in those kinds of stressful times. As much as possible they need to place their soft attention into their brain and let go of the tightness and tension caused by that frustration and pain. They need to open and relax the tensions there. Feel the mind become calm and soft, then radiate that warm loving feeling into their minds and brain. Mind will tighten again, so do the whole process again. Don’t become dissatisfied or worried just realize that these are very unusal times and open then accept them as best as possible. Do this meditation in any position it really doesn’t matter. But do it often for 30 minutes to one hour and even for longer when you become used to it. Practice it for at least 6 hours daily until the condition improves. Then cut back to 2x’s a day for as long as possible. 2] Sage Tea: Sage tea drunk regularly, strengthens the body and prevents any chance of stroke. It is also good for trembling of the limbs. 3] Chamomile, Thyme, Basil Oil: Take chamomile, thyme, and basil oils in equal portions and mix together then massage the paralyzed area daily (this can take a long time). 4] Mistletoe Tea: Mistletoe tea (cold infusion) taken 2 x’s a day id good to recover from stroke although it is slow. To start with take 3 cups 3 x’s a day for 6 weeks and 2 x’s a day for 3 weeks and one cup a day for another 2 weeks. (preparation: 1 tsp of mistletoe per cup of cold water is steeped for 12 hours. Just warm it up afterwards and strain. This can be kept cool warm in a thermos as it should not be warmed or heated again). 5] Beneficial Foods: All foods rich in salicylates help one to recover from strokes. Fruits: Apple, melons; cherries (lots); dark grapes (lots); raisins (soaked in water); dates; figs; guavas; grapefruit; lemon; mandarin; peaches; plums; prunes; pears with the skin; pineapple. Vegetables: Alfalfa sprouts; asparagus; broad beans; beets; broccoli; carrots; cucumber; okra; onions; potato skin; red radishes; spinach; tomatoes. (best all taken raw or lightly steamed). Herbs: Aniseed; celery seed; cinnamon; cumin; dill; fenugreek; mustard; paprika; rosemary; sage; turmeric; and thyme. Nuts: Almonds; brazil nuts; young tender coconut juice and pulp; peanuts (groundnuts); and sesame seeds. Others: Brown rice; honey; peppermint; and cottage cheese. 6] Foods to Avoid: All red meats; white sugar; white polished rice; white flour; alcohol; coffee; tea; chocolate; eggs; preserved foods; pre-processed foods; sour foods; hot spicy foods.


Therapeutic Fasting

Sciatica 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention into the area of the most pain. Open your mind and let go of the tightness there, feel the tension melt away. Then radiate a loving calm feeling into that area. Do this very time the pain becomes noticeable and do it for as long as the pain lasts, even during your daily activities. Practice sitting in meditation in the most comfortable position and meditate for 30 minutes 2x’s daily. 2] Garlic, Bean Sprouts, Nuts: Take 6-8 cloves of garlic daily together with mung bean sprouts, and almonds (foods that contain high Vit. B1), this relieves sciatica pain. 3] Mustard Powder: Take mustard powder and mix with water to make a paste and apply a very thin coat on affected areas. (Excess can cause irritation and inflammation.) The area feels warm and then hot. Leave for a few minutes and then clean off the area.


Therapeutic Fasting


Reproductive System: Genitals, Suprarenal Glands, Prostate, Ovaries, Testes & Uterus Impotence

A condition of male sexual dysfunction, in which erection cannot be attained, or maintained sufficiently to complete sexual intercourse, other than psychological factors, common contributing causes include nervous exhaustion, depletion of sexual glands due to excessive ejaculation, insufficient nutrition for the reproductive organs and glands, and excess acid toxicity; therapeutic fasts in conjunction with colonic irrigations have corrected even the most stubborn cases of impotence, when followed up with proper nutrition. Loving-kindness meditation helps one to calm their mind and let go of anxieties which cause some of the problems. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your attention into your heart area and relax the tightness and tension away in the mind and head areas. Radiate love into your heart and feel the calm relief grow. Practice for 30 minutes 2 x’s daily for best results. 2] Carrot, Beet, Cucumber Juice: this is one of the strongest kidney alkalizers and cleaners and helps heal damage to the urogenital canal, bladder, prostate, suprarenal glands and other parts directly affected by excess acid toxicity in the kidneys; also provides vital organic nutrients for their repair and maintenance; 10 oz./ 3oz./ 3oz., 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 3] Bananas: ripe raw bananas are very rich in potassium, tryptophan and other nutrients that restore the nervous system and thus helps eliminate impotence; they also contain enzymes that help manufacture sexual hormones. 4] Pumpkin Seeds: nature’s most nourishing food for the male prostate gland, dysfunction of which is a common cause of impotence; 2-3 oz. of raw seeds daily. 5] Oysters: raw oysters are rich in zinc, which is vital for prostate health and sexual functions; they also contain active enzymes and hormones of benefit to the reproductive system. 6] Wheat Germ Oil: a potent source of organic vitamin E, which is vital for the manufacture of sexual hormones, and helps eliminate nervous exhaustion; 1-2 tsp daily, preferably after meals. 7] Lecithin: male semen consists largely of lecithin, and thus lecithin helps build strong and abundant semen, deficiency of which is one cause of impotence. 8] Bee Pollen: contains enzymes and other elements that stimulate production of sexual hormones; 3-6 capsules per day.


Therapeutic Fasting

9] Other Beneficial Foods: Raw sunflower seeds; carrot juice; raw spinach; shrimp (preferably raw or lightly steamed); seaweed (kelp); ginger root; celery seeds; raw garlic; beet juice; fenugreek; jasmine; onion; bitter gourd (enema); egg yolk; black grapes; black cherries. 10] Foods to Avoid: refined starch and sugar; especially white bread, sweet pastries and white sugar, sweet soft drinks; overcooked meats, especially hamburger meat on white bread; all meat and other foods preserved with potassium nitrate (saltpeter); all foods fried in oil; vinegar (except apple cider vinegar); strong coffee and tea.

Infertility Insufficient sperm or ova to effect conception during intercourse; this is largely a result of nutritional deficiency and excess retention of toxic wastes throughout the system, especially in sexual glands; it can also be caused by a collapsed colon, which puts excess pressure on the prostate in males and fallopian tubes in females, preventing the free flow of sperm and ova; some couples, infertile for 10-15 years of marriage, have suddenly found themselves ‘with child’ after three to five 7-day fasts with daily colonic irrigations, followed by proper nutritional therapy. 1] Carrot, Beet, Cucumber Juice: the best blend for cleaning and alkalizing the kidneys, sexual organs and sexual glands - all of which are influenced by kidney function and condition; 10 oz./ 3oz./ 3oz., 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 2] Asparagus: contains aspartic acid, an amino acid that neutralizes toxic wastes in the bloodstream and eliminates them through the kidneys; one of nature’s best kidney diuretics; lightly steamed, no salt. 3] Bee Pollen: a potent stimulator of sexual hormone production in men and women; 3-6 capsules daily. 4] Raw Egg: rich in organic lecithin, which builds strong semen; 2 per day, stirred into carrot juice. 5] Bananas: rich in tryptophan, vital amino acid involved in nerve function, but also vital for fertility in men and women. 6] Wheat Germ Oil: rich in organic vitamin E, essential for production of sperm and ova; 2 tsp, one after breakfast and one after dinner. 7] Other Beneficial Foods: raw spinach; celery; raw pumpkin seeds; raw sunflower seeds; raw fish. 8] Foods to Avoid: pasteurized milk (prolong use of which has been shown to be a contributing factor to infertility - recall Dr. Pottenger’s experiments on cats); overcooked meats; all foods fried in oil; cooked eggs; refined white starch, especially white flour; refined sugar, especially white sugar and candies.


Therapeutic Fasting

Leucorrhea This is more of a symptom than a disease. There is a normal physiological vaginal discharge due to excitement, nervousness and debility. There is also the abnormal discharge of mucous popularly known as the ‘whites’. If it is a milky yellowish color and yeasty smelling and causes itchiness and soreness around the vagina, then the causes can be : sexual contact with an infected man, contamination from the anus or chemical changes in the vaginal. If it is frothy, greenish white or yellow with a bad smell, and causes irritation and redness around vagina and vulva and also causes uncomfortable sex, then the cause can be: sexual contact or sharing infected towels used by a man carrying the infection. Generally, if the discharge is smelly, one has to be very careful. If it is smelly, it can be due to cancer or an abortion. Before puberty, if it occurs, it can be due to a foreign body inside, thread or pin worms, scratching with dirty fingernails, or wearing dirty linens. During the pre-menstrual age, the causes can be uterine fibroid, uterine cancer or ulcers in genital prolpase. During the post-menstrual period, the causes can be cancer of the genital tract, genital prolapse and endometries. These are only some of the causes and there are many more. It is good to consult a good physician before making any attempt to use drugs. The overeating of refined foods and stress can be a cause as well. It is normal to have an excess of the secretion two days before and after the menstrual cycle. It is also common in pregnant women. However, it should be thin and light white or colorless. A vaginal discharge during the menopause should be examined for carcinoma. The practice of loing-kindness meditation helps one to calm the mind and become more tranquil. Vitamin E and Calcium together relieve hot flashes and dryness in the vagina. Vaginal infection (vaginitis cystitis) which can cause pain in the bladder and frequent urination can be relieved by just inserting freshly made yogurt directly into vagina. Garlic is generally administered for female problems, Others include: radish leaf, string beans, balm, fenugreek, juniper. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention into the heart area. Open and relax the tightness and tension in the mind and head. Radiate love and peace into your heart. Do this for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily for best results. 2] Cinnamon Powder: For white discharge drink a pinch of cinnamon powder in water 2 x’s daily. 3] Garlic Water: To relieve the itch in the genital region, boil 4 cloves of garlic in water and use the water to wash the region. 4] Horse Radish and Lemon Juice: a potent dissolver of mucus throughout the system; use in similar manner as for asthma and other respiratory ailments. 5] Carrot, Beet, Cucumber Juice: alkalizes the kidneys and sexual organs, thus eliminating acid mucus from the reproductive system; 10 oz./ 3oz./ 3oz., 2 pints (1 liter) daily.


Therapeutic Fasting

6] Whole Lemon Puree: one of nature’s best therapeutic foods for the female sexual organs and glands, whole lemon puree contains active bioflavonoids, which have specific affinity for the uterus and vagina; dissolves vaginal mucus; restores pH balance; regulates the female reproductive system; puree whole lemon in blender with 1 cup distilled water and 1 tbsp. molasses (if desired); 1-2 times a day. 7] Radish Leaves: Boil radish leaves and add a little salt. Use the solution to wash and get rid of itchy sensation. 8] Yogurt: Douching with yogurt mixed with water is very helpful. 9] Castor Oil Pack: Place over the womb for one hour the 1st day and the liver the next and alternate until the problem subsides. 10] Other Beneficial Foods: whole grapefruit or orange puree (same as lemon puree method); apple cider vinegar (2 tsp in glass of distilled water, twice daily); carrot and spinach juice. 11] Foods to Avoid: pasteurized milk and dairy products; all food fried in oil; cooked eggs; fatty meats especially pork; hydrogenated fats, especially margarine; refined starch and sugar.

Menstrual Disorders By nature, apart from worries, accidents, infectious diseases, and inherited problems, the main causes of all menstrual problems are accumulation of toxins in the body after excessive dosages of medication, the intake of wrong or odd combinations of diet, loss of resistance, lack of fresh air, water, exercises and nutritious food. It has been established by medical science that irregularity in menstruation is due to lack of good dietary habits, excessive use of coffee, tea, fried foods, refined and sour things, worries, sorrow, fear, anger, anemia, swelling in the womb and displacement of the womb. This loving-kindness meditation helps one to have a balanced mind all of the time. Placing your soft attention into the painful area and opening and relaxing your mind into it before radiating that loving-acceptance there will help to really balance your mind and body at the same time. When pain arises the mind and body both have the tendency to tighten and contract, so relaxing the the muscles and the mind helps to heal the situation. Practice this for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily and whenever the pain pulls your mind to it open and relax right then as much as possible. The symptoms before the start of menstruation are: a feeling of laziness or giddiness, loss of appetite, pain in the urinary tract, headache, tiredness, pain in the waist region, ovary or uterus or an irritable mood. It is necessary to pay proper attention towards a nutritious and cleansing diet. Short or frequent menstruation is caused by inflammation, a tipped uterus, uterine swelling, hypertension, malfunction of the kidney or constipation. If it is excessive, it can lead to anemia. Beet root is one of the best foods to be taken. Hot water bottle fomentation, message, rest, a salt free diet, a supplement of calcium, banana and currants help as


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first aid. Foods and herbs that help: sweet basil, spearmint, saffron, balm, buttercup, parsley.

Menorrhagia This is an excessive flow or increase of frequency usually associated with endometrial growth or fibroids. To control this take comfrey, carrot, celery, ginger, parsley, peppermint, and rosemary. The diet suggested is : fruit juice of the season, yogurt, whole wheat and its products, brown rice, lettuce, pomegranate juice, milk, lightly steamed vegetables, young coconut water, and banana. Avoid cinnamon if there is excessive flow. Doing the loving-kindness meditation as described above helps in all situations.

Amenorrhea This is the absence of menstruation. Causes: anemia, TB, obesity, sexual frigidity, anxiety. Eat food rich in protein, black beans, whole wheat vermicelli, garlic, eggplant, tomato, An alternate cold and hot hip bath helps. Teas made of sweet basil, rosemary or ginger, are good for delays menses. The herbs are: balm, buttercup, parsley, saffron. The suggested diet includes pineapple, papaya, garlic, almond, walnuts, lettuce, all gourds, milk, yogurt, sprouted mung beans, whole wheat flour, cucumber, apple, spinach. Again following the instructions in loving-kindness meditation as stated above, helps one to heal themselves. Practice it for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily for the best results. 1] Lemon Balm: Drink tea made of lemon balm 2 x’s daily. 2] Carrot Juice: Drink 1 1/2 -2 liters of raw freshly juiced carrot juice daily. 3] Hot Ginger Tea: Drink hot ginger tea 3 x’s daily while problem exists. 4] Cinnamon Bark: Take 1/2 tbsp. cinnamon bark that is ground up and put in boiling water steep for 5 minutes then drink slowly. (can use honey to suit taste).

Dysmenorrhea This is painful menstruation. Pain may be felt either before, during or after the flow. It is mainly due to anemia. It is also caused by clots or retention of the flow. Other causes are anxiety and constipation. Rest with a nourishing diet is advisable. Chamomile flower tea is found to be quite good. Chamomile Tea mixed with ginger is good for relieving cramps as well. Avoid cold and iced fruits or water, tight fitting clothes and worry. Herbs that help: sweet basil, spearmint, saffron, balm, buttercup, parsley. The prescribed foods are: spinach, radish, lentils (dal), dates, orange, guava, banana, carrots, and especially almonds, dark grapes, apple and figs. Meditation will help to open one’s mind when pain tries to close it. But one must practice the


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meditation all of the time for it to be effective. Practice it for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily.

General Menstrual Problems It has been suggested that saffron is advantageous in all menstrual problems. For irregular menstruation, drinking dark grape juice first thing in the morning regularly is very helpful.

Premenstrual Syndrome The symptoms are: anxiety, depression, migraine, headache, dizziness, abdominal bloating, constipation, sugar craving, cramps, acne, joint pains and swelling. The following must be taken: - Vitamin B6: found in Brewer’s Yeast, potatoes, salmon, whole grains stone ground. - Calcium and magnesium: Found in milk, cheddar cheese, soybeans, whole grain, green vegetable (especially raw), beet tops. - Zinc: found in poultry, eggs, milk, whole grains. - Potassium found in bananas, oranges, sun dried fruits. - Vitamin E found in wheat germ, cold pressed vegetable oils, nuts, whole grains, cereals. - Tryptophan Found in wheat bran, wheat germ, cooked soy beans and raw mushrooms. - Essential Fatty Acids found in safflower, corn, soy beans, sesame oil, brazil nuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds. The wrong diet and lack of calcium during menstruation can bring a lot of discomfort. Calcium can relieve both PMS and menstrual cramps. Even during menopause, it helps to relieve hot flashes, night sweats and mental depression. Dolomite, which is rich in magnesium and calcium also helps relieve the discomfort. Take whole grain, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables. Herb teas like chamomile tea (anxiety), ginger tea (cramps), burdock or dandelion tea (acne), sarsaparilla (breast tenderness), Evening Primrose oil taken internally two drops at a time 3 x’s a day also helps. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention into the area of pain and distress. Open your mind and let go of tightness and tensions around that area. Feel your mind let go of the aversion to those feelings, again letting go of all tightness in the mind and head. Now radiate a loving calm feeling of peace to that pain. Everytime your mind contracts then simply relax and open it again before radiating that loving calmness again. To be most effective this meditation must be practiced all of the time, not just when your body is in distress. Practice this for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily without a break for the best results.


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2] Fennel Juice: fennel juice is a highly effective blood builder, and thus helps correct menstrual disorders; best mixed half/half with carrot juice, 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) daily. 3] Carrot, Beet, Cucumber Juice: an excellent all-around blend for cleaning and balancing sexual organs and glands, via its natural affinity for the kidneys; 10 oz,/ 3oz./ 3oz., 2 pints (1 liter) daily. 4] Carrot, Spinach Juice: specific affinity for blood and lower bowels, this blend eliminates the source of blood toxemia in the colon, thereby neutralizing the blood toxemia that causes menstrual problems; 10 oz./ 6 oz., 1-2 pints (500 ml- 1 liter) daily. 5] Whole Lemon Puree: this remedy has worked wonders in correcting all sorts of menstrual disorders, including excess bleeding, foul odor, dark blood, irregularity and the stress of menopause; same use as for leucorrhea. 6] Blackstrap Molasses: builds and balances the blood, especially the vital hemoglobin component; 2 tbsp. in warm water, 2x’s daily. 7] Other Beneficial Foods: whole orange or grapefruit puree; seaweed (kelp); beet juice; black grapes (exclusively for 1-3 days); wheat germ oil; apple cider vinegar. 8] Foods to Avoid: pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; all foods fried in oil; fatty meats, especially pork; hydrogenated fats especially margarine; refined starch and sugar, cola. coffee, tea, chocolate, alcohol, polished white rice, white flour products and all preserved foods.

Pregnancy During a woman’s pregnancy it is absolutely essential for them to practice lovingkindness meditation to there unborn baby. When they do the body problems become less intense and the woman and her baby are more healthy. After birth the baby smiles often and is a very happy baby. After about six months into the pregnancy the baby is well enough developed to think for themselves, they can see light and hear sounds, this is a scientific fact. The only problem for them is that they can’t tell their own thoughts apart from their mothers. So when the mother sends loving and kind thoughts to her unborn child, that child thinks that they are thinking them for themselves. So the more the mother spends time loving and peaceful, the more loving and peaceful the baby becomes.


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So the practice of loving-kindness meditation is especially important, and should be practiced as much as possible during the whole pregnancy - but especially during the last three months. It should be done for at least 45 minutes 3x’s daily and more if possible for the best results. During pregnancy, to accommodate the growing uterus, the abdominal muscles become stretched. After the child is born, they remain enlarged and if nothing is done to prevent it, they will sag. During pregnancy, as the fetus grows, there may be shortness of breath in the later stages and full diaphragm breathing may be difficult. In such cases lying on the side will help. Any prospective mother needs not only a knowledge of pregnancy, labor, and delivery but also adequate physical preparation concerning the delivery. Good preparation of body and mind helps you to approach birth with confidence. During pregnancy, ailments such as vomiting, constipation, backache, diarrhea and syndromes like toxemia are common. Prompt treatment to get rid of them is necessary. But it is better still to prevent oneself from getting them in the first place .

Morning Sickness This is vomiting during pregnancy. This occurs during second and third month. This is mainly due to psychological reasons and hormonal changes. This is sometimes associated with nausea. Nausea and dizziness can be cured by taking the grated rind of a lemon or lemon juice with ice. Apple juice or eating a whole apple also helps. Red raspberry tea eases labor pains and also prevents miscarriage. Loving-kindness meditation is very helpful for women with morning sickness because the feeling makes the mind and body contract which causes even more discomfort. The practice of loving-kindness meditation teaches one to recognize that feeling and to open there mind and body then accept it without aversion. Soften the muscles and mind into the sensation instead of aversion. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention into the unpleasant feeling and relax the muscles in that area. Next open and relax the tightness and tension in your head and mind. Now radiate love and peace into that area. Practice this meditation for at least 45 minutes 3x’s daily and when the pain arises practice it until the pain subsides. 2] Apple Peels and Brown Rice: Get 30g of apple peel. Dry fry 30g of brown rice. Mix the peels with the rice and make tea to get rid of morning sickness. Take every morning upon arising. 3] Grapefruit, Olives and Salt: Steam grapefruit peel together with olives and a pinch of salt until cooked. Eat the peel once a day. 4] Grapefruit Tea: Take the peel of one grapefruit sun dry it then make into a tea. 5] Peppermint Tea: Peppermint tea settles the stomach and cools the mind. 6] Avoid: Heavy meals, all fried foods, refined starches like white sugar, white flour products, white polished rice, preserved foods.


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Labor There are three stages in labor: Again the importance of loving-kindness meditation shows itself to be most helpful in all situations. It helps to overcome the worry and anxiety, as well as making the pain easier to endure. The more you can practice it before the time of labor the easier the labor will be. 1] The drawing up and widening of the uterus neck opening. At the same time the upper part of the uterus shrinks becoming thicker and harder, pressing the baby down against the lower part. During this period the mother can do nothing except keep cool and relaxed. Fear and anxiety usually based on ignorance causes rigidity in the uterus muscles thus causing exhaustion. (The glands will take over by producing extra hormones to fight the emergency). During the 1st stage while the cervix is dilating it is usually best to be upright and walking. about. 2] The passage of the baby through pelvis and birth canal. During this period, for a person who has exercised the muscles during pregnancy, the is a sense of participation and achievement. The temptation to push too hard or too fast must be curbed. The muscles round the vagina must be naturally stretched but not by force. The stretching is done by the baby’s head and with each contraction as the head is pushed against the tissues of the vaginal opening. On the way through the pelvic area the baby has to pass the jointed ring of bone. If the ring is stiff, it may be harmed. If the pelvis has been kept supple through exercises, the transit of this should be easier and quicker. During the second stage, supported squatting seems to be the most effective and comfortable during contractions. This gives the greatest increase of pressure in the pelvic with minimum muscular effort. 3] The expulsion of the placenta or after-birth. After the delivery, the reproductive organs gradually resume their correct position and size. Careful exercises help speed up the process. It is important to see that there are no clots or congestion in the uterus or veins. If there are, one suffers from post natal backache, constipation, varicose veins and bad posture. Walking during labor especially in early labor is beneficial. When experiencing intense contractions, a light finger tip massage over the lower abdomen is soothing. Make a gentle movement over the lower belly in a half circle from side to side. If labor is progressing very fast then kneeling on all fours can help one to stay in control. Very slow breathing will help. If labor is very slow, walking outdoors helps. Squatting is most likely to intensify labor. If the labor is not progressing after a long period of time, there is a possibility of some physical problem such as the presentation of the baby or the internal shape of the pelvis. You will probably feel intense feelings from agony to ecstasy, weakness to nausea. There is nothing to be afraid of. If you vomit you will have immediate relief. That will relieve you from tension. Every mother to be experiences pain at the peak of contractions. The pain is acute and insistent and does not generally last in between contractions. Often a very strong contraction is followed by milder ones. The pain is not like the pain injury. Many mothers describe it as life giving experience with pleasure between pains. During pregnancy and labor your body produces hormones called endorphins


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which are natural pain killers. Another hormone, oxytocin, serves to stimulate the contractions. Hormone secretion depends upon the emotional aspect of the individual. Tension prevents it. For this reason, the environment and trust and confidence in people are important. When you are in labor the normal practice in most of the hospitals is to place you in bed on your back in a reclining position before you are transferred to the delivery room. There is no doubt that there are great advantages in the safety network of modern obstetrics when problems occur. However, the vast majority of labors are uncomplicated and commonsense has been obscured by the routine application of interventive obstetrics to normal labor. Recent studies show that there are physiological advantages to labor in upright, crouching positions. The principles of physics apply to childbirth and these are negated when a woman gives birth in the lying down position. In a squatting position, radiographically it has been shown that the birth canal increases in area 30% more than in the lying down position. The results of modern research shows the advantages of being upright and moving about. There is greater intensity, regularity and frequency of uterine contraction, greater opening of the cervix, more relaxation between contractions, shorter time intervals between the 1st and 2nd stages of labor, greater comfort and more than anything the woman feels that she is contributing something to the labor. It is also interesting the have your doctor wait for up to 3 hours before they cut the umbilical cord away from the baby. This gives the baby time to adjust to the fact of having to breathe on its own. When the umbilical cord is cut away immediately the baby is forced to breathe and this can be a tremendous shock both psychologically and physically.

The Breast Before nursing, wipe the nipples with cotton soaked in boiled water. Boricated water is unnecessary. In fact it can even intoxicate the baby. 1] Cloves and Olive Oil: For cracked nipples grind a few cloves and make a paste in cold pressed olive oil and apply. 2] Orange Seeds: Boil orange seeds and grind them and apply or drink the juice to soften lumps in the breast. 3] Apple Cider Vinegar: Drink 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, add a pinch of salt to relieve swelling. 4] Castor Oil Packs: Apply castor oil to a soft cotton cloth that has been folded three times, put on breast and over the thymus gland then put a piece of plastic over the pack to avoid messiness, apply a hot water bottle over the pack and leave for 1 hour. Then rub the castor oil into the skin. This promotes milk and gets rid of lumps in the breast. Apply once daily. 5] Potato Poultice: Grate a raw potato and make a poultice, apply for dissolving and drawing out tumors or cysts from the breast. Once daily until problem goes away.


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Prostate Disorder A defective prostate gland can cause: low back ache; blood in the urine; frequent erections; impotence; premature ejaculation, restricted bowel movement and loss of control over urination. Zinc is a major ingredient to prevent these. It is found in Brewer’s Yeast, nuts, raw eggs, rice bran, onions, chicken, beans, peas, lentils (dal), wheat germ, and gelatin. Blend together 1 glass of milk, 2 tbsp. of wheat germ and half a cup of cooked cowpeas. Have this drink at least once a day. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, cold pressed corn oil, wheat germ, garlic, soybean oil, peanuts, almonds, and sesame seed to help rejuvenation of the prostate glands. Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc and also help the prostate glands. Garlic together with pumpkin seeds included in the diet cures prostate problems and even impotence. Garlic, yogurt, and sediments found at the bottom of a beehive (which is noting but pollen) bring the same youthful results. 1] Pumpkin seeds: Raw pumpkin seeds have been recognized in East and West for centuries as the very best therapeutic food for the prostate; they are very rich in unsaturated fatty acids, organic iron and pangamic acid (vitamin 15), all of which are vital. for prostate function; 2-3 oz. raw seeds daily. 2] Wheat Germ Oil: contains organic vitamin E, essential for prostate health; 2 tsp daily after breakfast and dinner. 3] Brewer’s Yeast: active brewer’s yeast contains abundant supplies of almost all B vitamins in organic form; these are very helpful in restoring prostate health; 1 packet of granular brewer’s yeast in a cup of warm water, on an empty stomach, 2x’s daily. 4] Carrot, Asparagus, Lettuce Juice: this blend detoxifies and alkalizes deficient kidneys, as well as the entire urogenital tract, which runs straight through the prostate; 8 oz./ 4 oz./ 4 oz., 1-2 pints (500 ml-1 liter) daily. 5] Lemon Juice: the juice of two lemons in 6 oz. of warm distilled water, taken at 34 hour intervals for 24-36 hours, with no intake of any food or beverage, has potent alkalizing and cleansing effects in urogenital canal, prostate and related sexual parts. 6] Red Beet Juice: an 8 oz. glass taken 2-3 tsp at a time, throughout the day, with no intake of other food, detoxifies and alkalizes the prostate via its affinity for the kidneys and urogenital tract. 7] Other Beneficial Foods: lecithin; filbert (hazel) nuts; raw sunflower seeds; grapefruit juice (in distilled water); black grapes (exclusively 1-3 days); bee pollen; soy bean sprouts; carrot juice. 8] Foods to Avoid: pasteurized milk and other dairy products; foods fried in oil; cooked meats, especially pork; refined starch and sugar; all foods with artificial additives and preservatives


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Ear Problems Ear wax is secreted by sweat glands in the ear. An excess can cause noises in the ear, deafness, or earache. To remove earwax, make a long roll with paper (like a drinking straw). Place one end shallowly but firmly in the ear. Set fire at the other end and allow to burn at a safe distance from the patient. Extinguish quickly. The heat creates a vacuum which helps to dislodge as well as to draw out the wax. 1] Garlic: Ear infections can be cured by placing a clove of garlic in cotton in the ear. The vapor kills germs. 2] Onion Juice: A drop of onion juice in the ears help ringing of the ear ( 3 x’s a week) 3] Peanuts: Eating dry groundnuts with the skin helps clear partial deafness. 4] Orange Peels and Honey: Orange peels are antihistaminic: collect the peels. Cut them into small stripes. Soak them in apple cider vinegar for 4 hours. Drain off and cook the peels in honey for a few minutes. Eating that regularly helps stuffiness or clogged air passages. 5] Peppermint Juice: Peppermint juice used as ear drops helps to relieve ear ache.


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According to both traditional Chinese medicine as well as more enlightened studies in the West, cancer occurs when a mass of cells in various tissues become so toxic and starved of organs nourishment that they can no longer breathe properly, i.e. they can no longer eliminate wastes and absorb nutrients. Hence, they literally ‘ferment’ in their own toxic wastes, mutate, and become cancerous tumors. This condition can be caused by a number of factors: primary cause is chronic poor diet, heavy in cooked meats, eggs, and refined starches and sugars and poor in raw food, enzymes, organic nutrients. Insufficient circulation of essence and energy due to lack of exercise and shallow breathing are contributing causes. Chronic stress and depression also play a role by poisoning the bloodstream with toxic by-products of adrenaline and other ‘fight or flight’ reactions. First and foremost therapy is detoxification with a series of 7-10 day fasts with daily colonic irrigations. Therefore a diet of raw fruit and vegetables is indicated. Breathing exercises are extremely beneficial to cancer patients, in conjunction with detoxification and proper organic nutrition, because they circulate the nutrients to the cells, and suffuse all tissues with abundant supplies of chi. The practice of lovingkindness meditation is a very useful tool to use with cancer patients. If they experience strong pain this meditation will help to make it more easy to bear it without so many strong drugs which dull the mind. It also is important to practice this so ones mind can soften into the situation. Placing their attention into the dis-eased area brings more blood to that area and this relieves all kinds of problems. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: This is a very imrotant aspect of healing when one has cancer. The fear, worry and anxiety caused even by the mention of this dis-ease is amazing. It carries such a horrible image that anyone who contract this dis-ease thinks that their time is truly limited and they will die in a few short years or months as the case may be. This is not the case by doing the meditation and the therapies in this book cancer can be cured permanently. It is necessary to do this meditation practice everyday and to be serious about wanting to change some of the old ways of thinking and acting. Place your attention on the liver area (or wherever else there is distress) then begin to open and relax your mind. Feel the tightness and tension fade away as you open and relax. Now radiate that warm soft feeling of love into the liver area. Whenever the mind forgets and begins to think about something else then simply let go of the thinking, soften the tightness and tension caused by the thinking then radiate again. Practice this for at the very least 45 minutes 4x’s daily to start out and extend whenever possible. Do this until the cancer has dissolved away then cut down to 2x’s daily, but you must continue the practice even after the cancer has gone away. You will see the true benefits of this as time goes by.


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2] Carrot Juice: this is perhaps the best vegetable juice for detoxifying tissues. It also helps alkalize the bloodstream, which in cases of toxemia is always highly acidic. Raw carrot juice delivers abundant supplies of readily assimilable vitamins, minerals, and enzymes to diseased cells, giving them the fuel they require to sluff off wastes and rebuild cells. 75-year-old Jay Kordish, who today promotes raw juice diets in America, was cured of bladder cancer at age 25 with a blend of raw carrot and apple juice, taken a glass at a time every hour 13 times a day under the supervision of the great raw juice therapist Dr. Max Gersen. Drink at least 1 1/2 quarts (1500 ml) freshly extracted raw carrot juice daily, in conjunction with breathing and other exercises, for as long as therapy is required. 3] Dark Grapes: raw grapes, especially the dark variety, are renowned as excellent cancer therapy when taken as an exclusive diet for prolonged periods. Entire sanitariums in Russia are devoted to this cure. Grapes detoxify all tissues and organs and restore organic integrity to starved cells. In 1925, South African Johanna Brandt cured herself of cancer with an exclusive grape diet and wrote a book about it called The Grape Cure. She recommends 2-4 pounds (1-2 kg) of dark grapes per day, for a week to a month or more, chewing the skins and seeds as well. 4] Cabbage Juice: Fresh raw cabbage juice has been proven to cure severe ulcers in the stomach, duodenum and intestines. As such, it is also an effective therapy for cancers of the stomach and intestinal tract. High concentration of organic chlorine and sulphur in raw cabbage cleanse the mucus membranes of the stomach and intestinal tract, where cancerous tissues often form. It is generally recommended to take cabbage juice in combination with raw carrot juice, due to its strength. 4 oz./ 8 oz carrot juice 3x’s daily. Or you can take 1/2 cup (4 oz.) of cultured cabbage juice which is the best thing for all kinds of intestinal and stomach problems (for more on the benefits and how to make turn to next chapter). 5] Raw Beet Juice: beet juice is highly beneficial as a liver detoxifier and blood cleanser. In cases of cancer, therefore, it purifies the bloodstream so that the blood can do its work of detoxifying the body and delivering nutrients to starved cells. By detoxifying the liver, it further promotes clean blood, which is filtered by the liver. Also indicated in cases of liver cancer. 8 oz. of pure beet juice, 2x’s daily, 6 oz. beet/ 6 oz. carrot, 3x’s daily. Tablets and dry crystals of pure beet juice extract are also very good. 6] Castor Oil Pack: This is where the castor oil pack really shines. Place the pack over the troubled area for one hr. and it will dissolve away the tumor(s). But don’t forget to alternate with placing over the liver and intestines so the body can expel the toxins too. Of course there is no such a thing as a cure all, but when used in conjunction with other therapies (especially the ones mentioned in the book) it works wonders. Fasting along with the castor oil pack has proven itself to be very effective over time. This remedy has worked well for many hundreds of years (for more information turn to next chapter). 7] Ozone Therapy: This therapy has been proving itself as being a very effective cure for cancer (as long as the patient doesn’t wait too long). Taking intravenous shots of ozone from a competent doctor will be very beneficial.


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After taking a hot bath or steam sauna soak the entire body in a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 minutes daily. This helps to detoxify the body and puts much needed oxygen into the system. The real cause of cancer is the lack of good nutrition and oxygen in the system. So when the patient starts putting good food into the body and taking shots of ozone, many wonderful things can occur. Soaking the feet in cool ozonated water for 30-45 minutes daily is good; using ozonated essential oils for light massage and drinking ozonated water is very good. (For more information and benefits turn to next chapter). 8] Foods to Avoid: all animal products, especially proteins and fats, i.e. no cooked meat, fat, eggs, fried foods; milk, etc.; all white sugar; refined starches; polished white rice; carbohydrates; oils; eat only fresh raw fruit and vegetables, juices and extracts. And fast as often as your competent doctor says.

AIDS AIDS is a disease of the immune system which has only recently been recognized. Therefore, no specific cures have been proven to be effective. The raw juice therapy recommended below is not claimed as a cure but rather as a highly effective adjunct to whatever other therapies are being used. Since AIDS directly attacks the immune system, it is a logical approach to tonify the immune system as a basic part of therapy. Tonifying the immune system involves a two-pronged approach: removing morbid wastes from the system which suppresses immunity and resistance; ingesting organic nutrients which repair and strengthen the immune system. Fasting is by far the most efficient method of removing morbid wastes from the body, and raw fruit and vegetable juices are by far the most potent sources of the organic nutrients required to repair the body. The oxygen therapy has been recently proven to be the best cure for this terrible disease. When practcied in conjunction with loving-kindness meditation this seems to cure what is presently thought to be a incureable disease. The importance of this meditation can’t really be overlooked. The mental development is most important for true healing to take place. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention on the liver area. Begin to open and relax your mind, letting go of tightness and tension in your mind and loosening the muscles in the liver area. Relax then radiate a warm glowing feeling of love and peace into that area. If your mind begins to think about other things, then simply let those thoughts go, let go of the tightness caused by those thoughts and radiate that love again. You must practice this meditataion seriously (that means without a break in the practice). Do this for 45 minutes 4x’s daily until the AIDS has gone away. If there is any painful feelings in the body you can place your attention into that and soften and radiate there, too. 2] Carrot Juice: as the best overall vegetable juice for detoxifying the system and repairing damaged tissues, carrot juice is an excellent supplement to the diet of AIDS victims. It has specific affinity for the adrenal glands, which by virtue of their hormone secretions, bolster the entire immune system and help regulate the whole endocrine system.


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It detoxifies the liver, which is responsible for filtering and nourishing the blood. It is the blood which carries immune factors to the various tissues of the body. At least 1 1/2 quarts (1500 ml) of freshly extracted carrot juice per day is recommended. 3] Beet Juice: beet juice has strongly detoxifying properties, especially in the liver, bloodstream and kidneys, owing to its organic chlorine content. It is rich in potassium, which balances metabolism. Its organic iron content help build ‘strong blood’ by enriching the red corpuscles, which by virtue of their hemoglobin carry oxygen to the tissue. Take 8 oz 2x’s daily, preferably on an empty stomach, or mix 8 oz. with 8 oz. carrot juice and take 2x’s daily. 4] Dark Grapes: raw dark grapes are such an effective remedy for so many serious ailments when taken as an exclusive diet for up to one month that this therapy is well worth trying in cases of AIDS. ‘Incurable’ cancers have in many cases been completely cured with this therapy, when properly administered. Since AIDS is also regarded by conventional medical practice as ‘incurable’, raw grape therapy may be helpful, although no studies have yet confirmed this. Therapy indicates 2-4 pounds (12 kg) of grapes daily, for up to one month at a time. 5] Garlic: fresh raw garlic, in bulk or juice, is one of the most effective natural antibiotics on earth. It has been shown to kill many germs which are resistant to penicillin. It also eliminates intestinal parasites. Among the many symptoms of AIDS are a wide range off infections caused by the body’s lack of normal immune factors. Daily doses of raw garlic or garlic juice help protect the body from all sorts of germs and parasites to which AIDS victims are vulnerable. This prevents the onset of severe infections during other forms of therapy against the AIDS virus itself. Note that the garlic must be fresh and raw. Odorless refined substitutes do not contain the active enzymes responsible for its therapeutic benefits. 6-12 cloves of fresh raw garlic daily, either crushed or stuffed into gelatin capsules for ingestion, or extracted juice. It’s best to take it in two doses to ensure steady absorption throughout the day. 6] Colloidal Silver: This has been found to be very helpful in combating the many different types of disease which make up what is commonly called AIDS. Taking 1 tsp in the morning and 1 in the evening before going to bed is good. 7] Castor Oil Packs: Using castor oil packs on the thymus gland helps to balance the whole immune system. Fold a cotton cloth three times (the size after folding is roughly 8” x 12”) soak the cloth with castor oil, then apply to the heart area one time and the lower right quadrant over the liver, gall bladder, intestines and appendix the next time. After putting on the castor oil filled cloth, place a piece of plastic bag covering the whole cloth to relieve the messiness. Next place a heating pad or hot water bottle over the cloth area, leave for 1 hour then take the cloth off and place on a tray for next time (with every other use of the cloth just add a few spoonfuls of castor oil to replenish what was absorbed previously). Now gently massage the oil into the skin. Do this once or 2 x’s daily for best results. Women with painful menstruation can place this over the womb and get relief. Also the castor oil removes tumors and cysts.


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8] Ozone Therapy: This has proven to be the most effective way to cure this terrible disease. In America there have been many cases of complete remission of aides after using ozone therapy intravenously, everyday. This is how the patients system becomes flooded with ozone and within a few short weeks there is no more problem. Again this is going along with other therapies like fasting, food therapies and castor oil packs. After taking a hot bath or steam sauna, soak the entire body in a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30-45 minutes once a day (it can be done 2 x’s but check with the doctor first); using ozonated drinking water works well over time; ozonated essential oils along with massage is very good; soaking the feet in ozonated water helps circulation. 9] Foods to Avoid: eliminate all cooked meat and eggs and all pasteurized milk and milk products, in order to avoid protein putrefaction in the system, which damages the immune system; all white sugars; refined starches; polished white rice; sweets; hot spicy foods; chocolate; ice cream; alcohol; nicotine; Hydrogenated fats like vegetable margarine’s; deep-fried foods; artificial preservative and additives. Eat raw vegetables and fresh fruits and juices as much as possible.

Herpes Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease which attacks the nervous system and in its active stages manifests itself as festering skin eruptions and lesions, usually on and around the genitals and mouth areas. It is contagious only in its active stages but relatively harmless when dormant. Its connection with the nervous system is why it tends to become active and erupt into lesions when the victim becomes ‘nervous’ due to stress. Several drugs have been developed to suppress herpes but so far there is no permanent cure. The juice therapy recommended below is helpful in suppressing active symptoms and helping the body to fight the infection, but it is not claimed as a cure. The ozone therapy has proven very effective in arresting all the symptoms of herpes. Loving-kindness meditation is most helpful when these skin eruption and lesions manifest. Learning how to soften the mind and radiate love into something which causes you pain is the lesson of true loving-kindness. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Place your soft attention on the troublesome area. Open and relax the mind feeling the tightness and tension in it dissolve away. Now radiate that warm loving feeling of peace and happiness into that area. When your mind wanders away or begins to feel tight again, then simply open up and relax again before radiating that feeling once more. Do this for at least 30 minutes 3x’s daily until the problem goes away. 2] Carrot Juice: as an overall detoxofier and source of organic nutrients, fresh carrot juice is a good dietary supplement for victims of herpes. By cleansing the body of morbid matter, carrot juice reduces the severity of skin eruptions when the disease becomes active. Take at least 1 1/2 quarts (1500 ml) daily, preferably in 2 or 3 doses, on an empty stomach.


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3] Pecans: rich in pyridoxine, pecans rank among the best therapeutic foods for the nervous system. Daily intake of raw pecans helps balance the nervous system functions and hence reduces the symptoms of nervous stress, which is a prime cause in activating herpes symptoms. One or two handfuls of raw pecans, eaten throughout the day, is recommended 4] Wheat Germ Oil: rich in vitamin E, wheat germ oil is almost always beneficial to patients with nervous ailments. It also contains inositol, which improves the body’s fat metabolism and thereby takes some excretory burden off the skin. When lesions occur, wheat germ oil may be rubbed onto them externally to promote rapid healing. 1 tbsp. morning and night. 5] Apple Cider Vinegar: rich in organic potassium, apple cider vinegar enhances metabolic efficiency, which in turn calms the entire system, thereby preventing dormant herpes from becoming active. When sores and lesions do occur, apple cider vinegar may be rubbed directly onto the skin to disinfect them and promote rapid healing. This should be done in conjunction with internal dosage as well. 2-3 tsp apple cider vinegar in an 8 oz. glass of distilled water, 2-3 x’s daily. 6] Vitamin E oil, Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin E: Shingles can be cleared up by applying vitamin E oil (by taking a pin and puncturing a Vit E pill then using the contents on the problem), applying liberally and by taking Vit B-complex (50 mg ounce daily) and vitamin E (400 mg 2 x’s daily). 7] Goldenseal Powder: Use the herb Goldenseal Powder: dissolve 1/4 tsp in water and apply to the affected area several x’s a day for 2 weeks. In addition take a capsule of Goldenseal with hot water before meals. (Caution: only a small quantity of the herb is to be taken, 1 tsp if in powder form a day). 8] Hydrogen Peroxide: Take 3% hydrogen peroxide and wash the affected area 3 x’s daily. 9] Raw Garlic Implants: Take a raw garlic clove that is peeled and make some cuts in it then dip in olive oil and insert the clove into the colon just before going to bed. This has proven to be very helpful in killing the herpes virus. Do this every night for 3 weeks for relief. 10] Colloidal Silver: Taking this will help to get rid of the herpes virus found in the blood stream. Take 1 tsp 2 x’s daily without a break for 1 month then get a blood test. 11] Castor Oil Packs: Place over the liver and intestines or 1 hr. daily for 6 days, rest 1 day, repeat for 3 months. 12] Ozone Therapy: This has been found to be 100% effective in overcoming this disease. Taken intravenously has proven to be very helpful and in some cases the herpes went away. Make sure to use a competent doctor who can monitor the progress. When taken daily the ozone shots can help very much. Do this for 2 weeks.


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13] Foods to Avoid: overcooked meats; cooked eggs; pasteurized milk; refined sugars and starches; deep-fried foods; coffee; alcohol, sweet soft drinks; polished white rice; artificial additives.


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The Best Utensil and Energy to Use For Health

There has been some experimenting done lately with what kind of utensils and pots and pans to use for the healthiest results. A scientist took an aluminum pan, a stainless steel pan, a ceramic pan, a glass pan and a clay pan. They also used a microwave oven, an electric stove, a gas stove, an open fire and a charcoal fire. The findings were quite interesting. First they took the aluminum pan and filled it with water and put it on the electric stove and brought the water to a boil. After the water was cool they took that water, from the aluminum pan, and put it on some seeds and some newly sprouted plants. The results were that none of the seeds sprouted and the newly sprouted seedlings died from the water. The conclusion is the aluminum pan when heated over an electric heat was poisonous to the plants and kills them. They used the stainless steel pan over the electric stove and the other types of heating. again they put the water on seeds and seedlings. With the electric stove water the seeds didn’t begin to grow, and the seedlings were stunted in growth. Next, they tried a ceramic pan in the microwave oven and put then on the seeds and seedlings. The results were the seeds rotted and the seedlings died. Then they put the ceramic pan with water on the electric stove and watered the seeds and seedlings. The results were very few seeds germinated (that is 3 out of 50 seeds) and the seedlings continued to grow but very slowly. When they used the gas stove a few more seeds began to germinate (5 out of 50 seeds) and the seedlings grew a little better. The best was the charcoal fire for heating the water. more seeds germinated ( 9 out of 50 seeds) and the seedlings grew at a little slower than the normal rate. The glass pot over the charcoal fire was about equal to the clay pot over the charcoal fire. They both had seeds germinate (21 out of 50 seeds) and the seedlings grew well. Now what does all of this mean? Just this, cooking with aluminum over any kind of heat was poisonous, storing food in aluminum pans is poisonous to the body. Think of how most people cook their daily rice and what is that doing to their bodies over a period of time. Many people wonder why these days there is so much disease that causes death, this may be one of the causes. Also using a microwave oven for any cooking of food takes the food value right out of the food. So eating cardboard is more nutritious than eating food cooked in a microwave oven. The best way to cook is over a charcoal fire and to use glass or clay pots. This has been proven the best for health. But ultimately it all comes down to you and what you choose to do!


Therapeutic Fasting

12. FOOD THERAPY The Perfect Diet The perfect diet is very simple and consists of cereals, soybean milk, fruits, juices, sprouts, salad and vegetable juice. yogurt, honey, nuts, dates, and vegetables lightly steamed (for more than 3 minutes) in a minimum of water. Fruit juices must be made fresh. Salads should be mixed together with a little sesame oil, sunflower oil or best of all cold pressed olive oil together with lemon juice. Vegetable juice can be taken by mixing with yogurt, cumin, coriander or mint and add a little vegetable salt (it can now be found in heath food stores). Nuts as well as all foods should be chewed very well before swallowing. A good rule of thumb when eating is to chew until all the food has turned to liquid before swallowing. Vegetable broth, which is healthy and wholesome, is very good for keeping healthy. Overnight, soak equal quantities of mung beans, yellow and green lintels, barley and any other grains or beans. Boil all together in water until they are soft. Add any vegetables including beet, carrot, potatoes, turnip, celery, tomatoes, beans or peas to name a few. Cook them on a low fire with as little water as possible. Add vegetable salt to taste. This broth can be eaten cold or hot.

Diet For Children For children, care should be taken not to give an excess of foods containing salicylates, as these tend to develop hyperactivity. They also reduce the vitamin A and B complex and the minerals calcium, potassium, and iron in the child’s brain. Salicylates containing foods are: apricot, blackberries, cherries, grapes, oranges, peaches, plums, raspberries, cucumber and tomatoes. This does not mean that the foods mentioned above should be avoided. They are actually very helpful as long as they are taken in moderation and balanced with either counteracting foods or supplements. Foods with additives are not good for the brain and can cause a slow deterioration of its effectiveness. Cerebral allergens can have a similar effect by diminishing the brain’s supply of vitamins and minerals. Common allergens are bread, corn, lentils, peas, and potatoes. The supplements needed to overcome this problem are: vitamins B6 and C and the minerals calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phorphous and to some extent selenium and chromium. Avoid a high carbohydrate diet as it causes an iron deficiency. This ca result in learning disability, memory loss, and a lack of motivation. An excessively high fibre diet should also be avoided as it blocks absorption of vital minerals and vitamins required for the brain. Again all of the foods mentioned above are not to necessarily be avoided but not taken in excess. And learn how to use other foods to offset any imbalances in the child’s body.


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The best foods for the child’s brain development are: well-cooked fish, buttermilk, soybean milk, plain yogurt, non-processed cheese, barley, millet, wheatgerm, unpolished rice, walnuts, almonds, raisins, groundnuts, dried beans, sunflower seeds, guava, mango, orange, papaya, lemons, pineapple, strawberries, apples, apricots (very small amounts), dates, figs, pears, grapes, plums, raspberries (small amounts), cabbage (cooked), spinach (cooked), onions, pumpkin, radish, bittergourd, safflower oil, sunflower oil, cold pressed olive oil, unsalted butter, coriander seeds, garlic, ginger, mustard, cumin seeds, fenugreek, and black pepper. Dangerous Foods for children’s brain are: pies, pastries, alcohol, chocolate milk, coffee, soft drinks, herbal teas, white polished rice, teas of all kinds (green, black and Chinese teas), ham, sausages, canned foods, chili sauces, all fried foods, any sweets, chocolate, coconut oil, palm oil, raw cabbage, cauliflower, coconut, corn, raw spinach, potato chips, peanuts in excess, glucose and any sugar products at all!

FRUITS Apple: This alkaline fruit contains a high quantity of phorsphous which assists in rebuilding lecithin in the brain and spinal cord, thus it is good nerve food. Apple contains Vitamins B and C and the minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulphur, and zinc. It also assists in producing pectin which is necessary for intestinal action. It is a blood purifier and it helps in intestinal infections. It is administered in treating hypo-glaucoma, coughs due to hot sensation, morning sickness, and abdominal pain. For watering eyes and blurred vision apply crushed apple with a bandage for a few hours. The juice of apples is recommended for gout, rheumatism, stones, sluggish liver and constipation. Apricot: Apricots, dates, figs, prunes, and raisins retain most of their original vitamins when sun dried carefully and so can be used dry. The apricot is rich in iron, and is an excellent cleanser. It is sweet an sour. It is used in treating asthma and diarrhea. The seeds are toxic. Avocado: This should be eaten ripe without the skin. It is rich in potassium and has traces of iodine. It is used for stomach ulcers, insomnia and impotence. It is a nerve tonic. Banana: Bananas have sweet and cold properties and are alkaline. They contain calcium, magnesium, phorsphous, iron and copper and vitamins A, B6, C and D.

They are used for acidosis, ulcers, hemorrhoids, hypertension, heart problems, arthritis, constipation, swelling of the limbs due to premenstrual syndrome, gout and colon problems. Not for asthma.


Therapeutic Fasting

Blackberries: They contain vitamins A, B, and C and the mineral calcium and are one of the best known nerve tonics. Blackberries are helpful for internal inflammation, relieving coughs, colds, sore throat and catarrh. Cherries: They are alkaline and contain malic acid and mineral water. They help the flow of bile and aid the kidney in its function. The juice of cherries is used for treating arthritis. Dates: They are sweet and warm and are rich in protein, calcium, iron, and vitamins A, B, D, and G, and other essential elements like manganese, potassium, sodium, and phorsphous. The sugar in dates does not form acid and high blood pressure is rare among Arabs, who eat them in large quantities. Dates can be consumed in abundance by people suffering from obesity. They act on the spleen and stomach. Dates are good for anemic people, weak stomachs, palpitations, nervousness, hysteria, insomnia, and abdominal pains. Figs: Sweet. Figs are rich in sugar, proteins, and calcium and most effective for constipation. They are easily digested and nutritious. They are good for hard workers and children. Used in treating dysentery, hemorrhoids, sore throat, hepatitis, numbness due to rheumatism and to promote appetite. Their leaves are very good for heart pain and swelling. Roots of the tree are used to relieve pain in muscles, lymph nodes and bones. Gooseberries (Amla): This fruit is acidic and is one of the richest sources of vitamin C. It contains iron, calcium, and vitamin A. It is cooling and diuretic and a laxative. It is used for diabetes, (a tbsp. of juice with a cup of fresh bittergourd juice should be given once a day for two months). The juice taken with honey prevents eye problems. A tsp of powder amla with jaggery taken 2 x’s daily clears rheumatism. It is effective for treating hemorrhage, diarrhea, and dysentery. Grapes: Dark grapes are called the queen of fruits. They contain protein, carbohydrates, Vitamin A, B and the minerals potassium, fluorine, sulphur, phorsphous and organic iron. The tartaric acid in them stimulates the liver and kidney while the alkaline salts acts as blood purifiers. The juice (puree this means with the skin and seeds ground up in the juice) should be taken in an unsweetened and unfermented form. After a short fast, a cancer patient should have a grape meal every 2 hrs. for 2 weeks. He should fast again and continue the grape meals. To start with he should eat 30g per meal and increase it to 180g gradually. After the grape diet, fresh fruits, tomatoes, buttermilk, cottage cheese should be introduced for 2 or 3 weeks. Later raw vegetable juice, fruits and nuts, yogurt and honey should be given. However, the grapes should still be the main food. For constipation and toning of the stomach and the intestines one should take 350g of dark grapes daily. Dyspepsia can be cured by an intake of dark grapes. Drinking 500g of fresh grape puree 3 x’s daily for 2 to 3 months gives great relief to epilepsy patients. Dark grape therapy prevents heart attacks and averts pain and palpitations. The juice of dark grapes regularly taken (in a concentrated form) heals migraine.


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The juice is good for all kidney problems and liver problems and liver disorders like jaundice. This is best known for blood purification especially in children. Also used for blood poisoning, anxiety, vomiting, weak lungs and labored breathing. Not For Diabetes Grapefruit: It is sour and sweet and said to be cooling. It contains citric acid, potassium, hydrogen and vitamin A and B. It is recommended for indigestion, constipation, colitis, arthritic conditions and diabetes. The juice is administered for gall stone problems and given to pregnant women with poor appetite. Guava: Sweet and warm. It is rich in vitamin C and fruit sugars. It is useful in the cure of urinary blockages, diarrhea, diabetes, hemorrhoids, eczema, itching, heat rash, headaches, and heart disease. The ripe fruit should be taken with a little vegetable salt. Musk Melon: A rich alkaline fruit and good for gout and rheumatism. It is diuretic and good if taken fresh. Lemon: It is sour. The lemon is nature’s cure all. Although it is a citrus fruit, it is rich in alkaline salts, vitamin C and calcium. It improves the function of the liver. It is one of the best solvents of uric acid deposits in the body. The juice is mixed with honey and is effective for arthritis, gout, gallstones, urate stones, eczema, acne, boils, blackheads, carbuncles, reddened hands, sore throats, coughs, and rheumatism. Lemon juice rubbed on the forehead relieves migraine. The juice applied with the rind to the scalp removes dandruff. The juice mixed with coconut oil applied over affected joints soothes aching pains. Drinking a glass of unsweetened lemon juice after a meal is good for slimming (not for people who suffer from gastritis at that time). Drinking a spoonful of juice in a glass of warm water is a remedy for headaches. Squeezing some juice onto slices of onions before they are fried can keep them crisp. Lemon juice prevents scurvy. Hot lemon juice with honey clears a sore throat. Vitamin C from lemons together with bioflavnoids, helps to make the best use of all vitamins. Mango: Sweet and sour. It is cooling. Used for indigestion, chest congestion, abdominal swelling, bleeding from gums and strengthening a weak stomach. Mango with onion or garlic can cause some problems like itchy skin and jaundice, so use it with care. Olive: It is sweet and sour. It has the unique quality of preventing cholesterol accumulation. It is good for sore throats, coughs with blood, hemorrhoids and dysentery.


Therapeutic Fasting

Oranges: Oranges contain protective food elements: calcium, magnesium, vitamin B and C. They are beneficial for the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and nervous system. The pulp is a cleanser in the digestive tract. It is helpful in clearing painful urination, coughs, emphysema, chest congestion and abdominal swelling. The peel is an antihistamine and contains vitamin P which is very good for blood vessels and blood pressure. It is also good to prevent nausea. Papaya: It is sweet and regarded as a wholesome fruit, rich in calcium, phosphorous, iron, carotene, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin. It is an alkaline fruit rich in vitamin A, B, C and D. Its vegetable pepsin, papin, papayatin and proteolytic enzymes help the digestion of proteins. It is recommended for digestion, kidneys problems, rheumatism, dysentery and constipation. Regularly eaten, papaya corrects habitual constipation, bleeding piles, and chronic diarrhea. The juice of the raw papaya (it is an irritant) is used for skin disorders. Application of the juice prevents swellings, corns, warts, and pimples. The juice of the unripe papaya helps contraction of the muscle fibers of the womb and thus is helpful for normalizing menstrual flow. (papaya can be eaten raw, in salads, or mildly cooked). It normalizes heart beat, and prevents heartburn, dissolves hardness in the stomach and intestines. The black seeds of the papaya are used in treating cirrhosis of the liver. A tablespoon of juice obtained by grinding the seeds mixed with 10 drops of lemon juice is given 2 x’s daily. The fresh juice of papaya mixed with honey is applied over inflamed tonsils and other throat disorder. Peach: It is sweet, sour and warm. Rich in vitamins A, C and niacin, and the mineral iron. peaches are essential in neutralizing blood acidity. They are an effective medicine for indigestion, dyspepsia and chronic intestinal disorders. They are used to prevent vomiting, hernia pain, excessive perspiration and hypertension. They are given to pregnant women to combat morning sickness. A poultice made of peach leaves is good for healing sores and boils. Pear: Sweet, sour and cooling. Pears are a sub-acid fruit and are useful in treating gravel or kidney stones. Also for coughs with mucous, constipation, difficulty in urinating and indigestion. Pomegranate: It is rich in citric acid. The white pulp eaten with the seeds is good for diarrhea. The red pomegranate is rich in iron. Both are good for the heart. Hiccups will stop on taking a spoon of the juice or pomegranate mixed with basil and lemon grass. Grind the seeds and cardamom and a little jaggery, sieve and store. Take 4g of this powder once a day to help cure heart diseases. It is also good for the digestion. Pineapple: Pineapple contains vitamins C and E and minerals iron, magnesium and also contains the active enzyme called bromalin which raises the alkalinity of the blood and thus helps in acidosis and edema by eliminating an excess of water. Chronic liver complaints are cured by having a spoonful of pure juice mixed with honey which is stored for a few days. Drinking pineapple juice daily cures liver complaints as well as colds. The juice of the leaves with a little sugar cures hiccups. It neutralizes nicotine poisoning. It is used in treating vomiting, abdominal swelling, and dizziness.


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Pomello: These contain citric acid, magnesium, potash, calcium, iron and phosphorous. They are useful for diabetes, liver complaints and a lack of appetite. Plum: Rich in vitamin A, B and C and high in carbohydrate, calcium and phosphorous. They are good for liver problems, diabetes, bleeding gums, tonsillitis, tongue ulcers and constipation. Prune: Prunes must be avoided by those with uric acid problems (gout, calculli, or acidosis). They have a soothing property which calms the mind. When cooked in a small amount of water until soft then eaten, prunes are very effective in relieving constipation. Raisin: Raisins are alkaline and this relieves acidosis. Star Fruit: It is sweet and sour and has a cooling effect. Used in treating cough and fever from cold, kidney and bladder problems, hemorrhoids, indigestion, diabetes, and to prevent reddish urine. Strawberry: It is sweet and sour and has a cooling effect. Used in treating dry cough and sore throat. Watermelon: It is one of the best diuretics available. The juice contains valuable salt. Used in treating kidney, bladder and urinary problems.

VEGETABLES Ash Gourd: This has blood clotting properties. The fresh juice mixed with a tsp of gooseberry or lemon juice is used for stopping bleeding from the lungs, nose or piles. The juice is used for acidity. (4oz. every morning on an empty stomach). It is low in calories, is diuretic and washes mercurial and vegetable poisons away. It is good for diabetes. Asparagus: Contains asparigin which is very good for kidney dysfunction, and histone which controls cell growth. It is warm. Its juice (extracted after steaming for 3 minutes) can break oxalic acid. It is used for rheumatism, neuritis and Hodgkin’s disease. Eating cooked asparagus regularly promotes milk secretion and also urination. This should never be eaten raw. Beans: Rich in vitamins B1, B2, calcium, and zinc. Diuretic. Pods are effective in lowering blood pressure. Bean pod tea is also good for sciatica, chronic rheumatism, kidney and bladder problems. Beetroot: It is sweet. Rich in vitamin B2. Greens of Beetroot have calcium and are rich in vitamin A and also in iron and a source of catalase protecting against cancer. Provides biotin which is used for replacing B vitamin choline. Good for maintaining a healthy liver, kidney and blood. Bitter Gourd: It is bitter and cold. This is antibilious and laxative. Rich in iron, vitamin A, B1, B2 and C, calcium, phosphorous and potassium. If there is a cholera


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epidemic in the region, the best way to be free from it is to drink the juice of bitter gourd or that of its leaves. (To a certain extend it is a curative as well). The bitter gourd juice mixed with equal quantity of coconut milk is used for 2-3 days as a worm killer. Drinking 4 tsp of bitter gourd juice mixed with neem leaves, and coconut oil rubbed all over the skin and washed off without using soap after 2 hours is one of the best treatments for utricuria of eczema. Regular use prevents hypertension, eye problems, (it sharpens the sight) and neuritis. It contains an insulin-like substance which has been found beneficial in lowering blood sugar. For the best results drink 4 oz. of the juice every morning on an empty stomach. A cup of fresh juice mixed with a tsp of honey is used for asthma, bronchitis, piles, anemia, gastric ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, painful menstruation,, rheumatism, and gout. It also tones up the heart muscles and prevents intestinal parasites. For those who do not even like to try bitter gourd. Wash and dry the bitter gourd. Slice it into rings along with the seeds. Mix with tumeric powder and vegetable salt. Leave them for a few hours. Extract the juice by pressing and then dry them In the sun for a few days. They can be preserved and used as pappadams by frying in sunflower oil. (For more information on bitter gourd enemas turn to next chapter.) Bottlergourd (squash): This gourd is cooling, diuretic, alkaline and helps one to relax. Eating the lightly steamed (no more than 3 minutes) gourd regularly develops immunity to tubercular germs. The fresh juice mixed with lemon juice ( 1 glass to 1 tsp) is given to clear any burning sensation in the urinary tract and other urinary problems such as acidity in the urine or urinary infection. The juice is given during diarrhea, diabetes and when there has been excessive use of fried foods. (Take a glass of juice with a pinch of vegetable salt) The juice of bottlegourd mixed with sesame oil is rubbed over the head to clear a delirious condition. (the juice should be boiled till it is absorbed in the oil.) Cabbage: It is sweet and cold. Rich in vitamin C and contains vitamin U which is good for ulcers. Also contains choline and sulphur. Raw or in juice form, it cleanses the mucous membrane in the stomach. Good for scurvy and helpful to the kidney and brain (after consumption) For more information on benefits and how to make cultured cabbage juice turn to next chapter. Carrot: It is sweet. Very rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E and potassium. It is the best all around vegetable that anyone can put in their body. Raw carrot or its juice builds up resistance against infections, soothes the nerves and tones the liver. It also cures hyperactivity and heals ulcers. Munching a carrot after a meal prevents tooth decay.

The juice is given to treat leukemia, arthritis, night blindness, measles, edema, poor circulation, liver toxicity, blood toxicity, and kidney problems. A poultice made out of carrot root is applied over cancerous ulcers. It is one of the best blood purifiers. Celery: It is good for liver disorders, high blood pressure, dizziness and urinary problems. Juice is good in controlling heartburn especially during pregnancy. Chicory: It is very rich in minerals, carotene, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. In moderation it is a very good agent to promote urine. It helps the function of the liver and gall bladder. It is a natural laxative and used for treating constipation. In


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combination with celery and parsley, is a good blood tonic and used for treating anemia. Chicory flowers, seeds, and roots (decoction - meaning boiled in hot water) are used treating liver problems and for enlarged spleens. Cucumber: Sweet and cooling. The one that is fresh, firm and regularly shaped and dark in color is the best. The skin is the most valuable as it contains all the vitamins. Cucumber contains a high percentage of moisture and in addition calcium, phosphorous, iron, selenium, thiamin, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulphur, silicon, chlorine, and fluorine, niacin and vitamin C. It is one of the best diuretics and promotes urine. Cucumber juice is very beneficial in the treatment of hyperactivity, gastric problems, and ulcers. ( 6oz. of juice is taken every 2 hours). The cucumber juice mixed with carrot, beet, and celery is one of the best treatments for arthritis, gout and rheumatism. An emulsion of shelled seeds mixed with yogurt is useful in dissolving gravel in the urinary tract and hyperacidity in the urine. A glass of cucumber juice, mixed with coconut water from a young coconut, acts as the best medicine during a cholera epidemic by restoring the electrolyte liquid balance. Cucumber juice mixed with lettuce and carrot juice (and alfalfa juice if possible) is used most effectively for skin eruptions. Good for sore throats. Regularly applying grated cucumber over the face, eyes and neck for 15 minutes prevents pimples, blackheads and wrinkles. Drumstick (Murange): The leaves and fruits are very good for liver problems. The roots of this can cure palsy and epileptic fits, hysteria and nervousness. One of the best tonics for cardiac and circulatory problems. Egg Plant (Brinjal): It is sweet, obstructive and cooling. This is excellent for liver problems such as an enlargement of the liver especially in children. (Give only whole wheat bread and roasted egg plant for 14 days). Cooked and mixed with buttermilk, it is given to prevent miscarriages (it helps the person to absorb vitamin E). Egg plant seeds develop immunity to measles. They stop bleeding through the anus, nose, and during urination. Okra (Lady Fingers): Good for stomach ulcers, mucous in the lungs, inflammation of the colon and pleurisy.

Onion: It is rich in vitamin C, zinc, and calcium. It is good for the heart as it regulates the cholesterol level. Raw onion juice is good for hypertension (it contains the hormone prostaglandin which helps lower blood pressure). It is diuretic. Onion slows down platelet clogging thereby preventing the formation of blood clots. Raw onion paste applied to the scalp improves hair growth and is also used for treating acne. Its juice is good for poor hearing and ringing of the ear (when applied externally) Potato: It is sweet. It is very good for treating mumps. It gives energy and is a spleen tonic. Good for eczema, hypertension, asthma, allergic skin, kidney problems, duodenal and gastric ulcers and skin eruptions (when used as a juice). The potatoes should be scrubbed before using, but always use with the skin as this is where most of the minerals are stored.


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Pumpkin (Peela Petha): This is alkaline and a rich source of iron and zinc and vitamins A, B, and C. It is good for the nervous system. It is non-gas forming. Cooked (steamed for 5 minutes) pumpkin is good for diabetes. The fresh juice in water controls bleeding piles. (mixed with fresh lemon and honey it gives even better results). The seeds are very beneficial for the genito-urinary system. It helps disorders of the prostate glands. Radish (red and white): It is pungent, sweet and cooling and a rich source of minerals and vitamins. The leaves are rich in potassium and vitamins A and C. The fresh juice is used in treating an indolent liver, hemorrhoids, dyspepsia and phlegm. It is also used to treat mild bladder and urinary infections. The juice of the radish and its leaves is used in treating hypertension. Radish is good for nose bleeding, dysentery, headaches, laryngitis and vomiting with blood.. Ribbed Gourd (Angel Fruit or Loofa): This is diuretic. It is very useful for diabetes. Boiled in coconut oil, it is good for preventing premature graying of the hair. (massage it on the head). Tomato: Although it is alkaline, it becomes acidic when used with sugar or starchy food. A rich source of oxalic and citric acids. This helps in destroying germs. The juice is best for diabetics. It is the ideal diet for weak heart patients. It is a brain tonic. Caution: In excess it is not good for arthritic conditions and can cause heart burn.

LEAFY VEGETABLES AND SPICES Spinach, amaranth, fenugreek, coriander, mint, cabbage, lettuce, celery and drumstick leaves contain calcium, iron, phosphorous, and vitamins A, C and riboflavin in abundance. Alfalfa: This is the King of the plants. Alfalfa is alkaline. It is very rich in vitamins A, B, D, E, G and calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, potassium, and silicon. It contains 1.5 times more protein than grains. It can be used as a juice, herbal tea or extracted as a tonic. It is used for dropsy, high blood pressure, heart disease, respiratory diseases, arthritis and stomach disorders. Amaranth (Chaulai Ka Saag): This green leafy vegetable contains riboflavin and niacin in addition to other minerals and vitamins. It protects against defective sight, respiratory problems and retarded growth. In the treatment of anemia a glass of juice is administered for a period of two weeks together with a specified nutritious diet rich in proteins, iron, and vitamins. This juice mixed with a spoonful of honey helps in treating asthma and bronchitis.


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The juice with honey and a pinch of cardamom taken regularly during pregnancy helps growth of the child and prevents depletion of the body’s reserves of calcium and iron and it also relaxes the uterine muscles. A spoonful of juice mixed with honey given everyday for 15 days after child birth helps infants grow and prevents retarded growth. In adults it prevents premature aging. The fresh juice (a cup) mixed with a spoonful of lemon juice taken nightly prevents bleeding from the gums, nose, and lungs and even piles. The rind of the amaranth root rubbed in 25g of water, strained and administered 2 x’s daily clears leucorrhea. @5g of leaves rubbed on 4 oz. of water and given 2 x’s daily cures gonorrhea. Asafetida: It is the gummy dried juice of a plant. It acts as a local stimulant for the mucous membrane, particularly of the alimentary canal. Useful for whooping cough, asthma, flatulence, gastritis, and spasmodic nervous conditions. Regular use as a seasoning prevents abdominal ailments. It is a rich source of sulphur. Persians considered it a food of the gods. Basil (Tulsi): It is one of the best germicidal and antibacterial vegetables. It acts as an antiseptic and purifies the blood. The juice extracted from the leaves is applied for poisonous fevers. The juice of basil is good for colds, cough and bronchitis. The juice of black basil leaves is used for skin diseases. For urinary troubles these plants are used for external and internal applications. The seeds of basil are good for digestion. Soak a few basil leaves, lemon grass and mint leaves in boiling water for a few minutes. Strain and drink on an empty stomach with lemon and honey. Gives a great relief for digestive disorders. Also it purifies the blood. Betel Leaves: The juice from the leaves is used in cerebral congestion. The oil from the leaves is used for respiratory catarrh. The fruit combined with honey is given to cure cough. The root is a natural contraceptive. Caution: taking betel everyday can turn into a habit that becomes addictive, and dulls the thinking process down. Cardamom: It increases the appetite and soothes the mucous membrane. Cardamom seeds mixed with ginger, cloves and coriander is an excellent remedy for indigestion. Cinnamon: Calms the nervous system and helps reduce blood pressure. Cures stomach ache and abdominal swelling. Strong tea made of cinnamon is very good for food poisoning especially due to stale food. Discharge of whites and irregular menses can be corrected by using it in the form of tea. Induces perspiration and is good for rheumatism. Should be avoided if one is suffering from common cold, if excessive menstrual flow, if there is blood in urine, nose bleeding, cough, and during pregnancy. Clove: It is warm and acts on the kidneys. Relieves vomiting, hiccuping, hernia pain. Drinking tea made of tea leaves with toe cloves clears stomach ache from indigestion. The oil is used I treating bruises and sprains externally. Also clove oil helps to relieve toothache when applied directly on the paining gums. Coriander: It is carminitive, diuretic and antiseptic and a rich source of vitamin C. The fresh juice from the leaves can help control heavy menstrual flow. Chewing the seeds can keep gums free from troubles.


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Curry Leaves: These leaves are used in treating nausea, indigestion and morning sickness. The fresh juice of these leaves with lemon juice is most effective. Soft curry leaves taken with honey is a cure for diarrhea and hemorrhoids. Fenugreek: A poultice of fenugreek is used for gout, sciatic pains, swollen glands, tumors and skin irritations. Washing the eyes with fresh tea made of fenugreek helps to get rid of yellowness and gives a soothing effect. It is used along with lentils to prevent an excess of gas production. Garlic: It contains allin and allicin which are effective against germs and allistatin which protects against gastritis and disorders of the respiratory tract. Rich in potassium, iodine and selenium. Contains zinc, manganese and sulphur protein, cobalt, and vitamin B. Garlic also contains Vitamin C, which helps metabolize food. It releases Gurwitch rays (similar to ultraviolet rays) which stimulate cells and rejuvenate the liver and reduce blood sugar. Because of allicin, it helps to reduce lipid (fat) levels in the serum (blood) and liver. Garlic has the ability to dilate the blood vessels, thus improving the flow of oxygen into the blood stream. It also helps boost absorption of thiamin in the body. Because of selenium, it helps prevent platelet adhesion and clot formation and thereby reduces blood pressure. It promotes an increase of red blood cells and increases DNA-RNA which inhibit bacterial spread and viral infection. It helps stop diarrhea. Garlic is an antitoxin and protects against allergies. Garlic with water helps sneezing and a stuffy nose. It clears cold and sinus and cures prostate problems and even impotence. Ethers of garlic dissolve mucus in the sinuses. Because of allicin, it is a natural antibiotic. The vapors are so strong that it kills germs. Garlic oil helps heal blisters. Garlic oil used as a liniment is successful in paralytic arthritic and rheumatic conditions. It contains sulphur and selenium as well as 8 amino acids known to be essential. It helps in removing lead and mercury from the body. Garlic combats cancer and is anti-diabetic. It stimulates the liver and purifies the blood. It helps to reduce high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries. It contains compounds that may act as anti-cancer agents. They block the chemicals in the body that trigger cancer. They also have bloodthinning properties. If you don’t smell garlic, you are not getting its benefits. A garlic foot bath soothes the stomach and digestion. A warning for using garlic: It should be cooked or diluted for people with weak constitutions. People allergic to sulphur should not take it. It should not be placed directly on open wounds. Ginger: The juice of fresh ginger mixed with honey is used for coughs. Ginger juice mixed with lemon and vegetable salt taken before a meal is a very good appetizer. Ginger powder, ghee, and jaggery (1:1:5 ratio) taken in the morning is good for colds, headaches and coughs. Ginger tea is an effective medicine for cold, fever, and menstrual disorders. Neem: Dried Neem flowers are good for digestive problems. The bark is one of the best for maintaining healthy teeth. The juice is used as an anti-biotic.


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Mint: It is carminative and diuretic. It increases menstrual flow. The vapor on hot water can give relief to colds and bronchial fevers. The extracted oil is used for stomach disorders and rheumatic pains. Acne can be cured with the juice. Mustard: The greens are rich in calcium and vitamin A. It is good for arthritis. A poultice of mustard seeds is used in curing bruises and ganglions. Care is necessary in using it as it can be toxic. Nutmeg: It has carminative property. It is used to get rid of stomach ailments. It is used for hemorrhoids and toothaches. Oil of nutmeg has many uses in massaging arthritic and cold congestion problems. Pepper (black): It is a stimulant and a carminative. useful in treating flatulence, diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, piles, and persisting cough. It is very good for paralytic and asthmatic people. A decoction of black pepper and basil relieves influenza. Black pepper powder, caraway, and honey is recommended for treating piles and gonorrhea. Spinach: It has a high nutritious value and is rich in iron. A regular intake of spinach increases the hemoglobin content in the blood. Spinach juice is an excellent tonic for tired nerves. It is very cooling and keeps the system relaxed. Tumeric: One of the best natural antiseptics known. Used to heal cuts and wounds by direct application. A teaspoon of tumeric juice mixed with honey taken in the morning for a few days clears the problems of worms. Gooseberry juice mixed with tumeric and taken regularly cures diabetes. The juice of tumeric flowers is used to treat leucoderma. After delivery, applying tumeric powder over the body protects against infection. Caution: It is not good to use tumeric on dry skin as it dries it further.

NUTS Nuts are rich in protein, fat, fibers and some minerals and vitamins although most of them are lacking in lysine. It is suggested that eating nuts along with pulses, grains and green vegetables gives a complete protein diet. They supply vitamins (other than B12 and E) and minerals, especially calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorous. Although some nuts are rich in cholesterol and are to be consumed sparingly by persons suffering from problems related to high cholesterol, generally they are very good and nutritious. Almonds: There are two types, sweet and bitter. This king of nuts is rich in all elements and low in calories. The high phosphorous content makes them most valuable for the brain and nerves. They should be taken soaked, skinned or ground with soya milk for the best results. Almond oil is nourishing for the skin. The right way to consume almonds is to soak them overnight in water. The outer skin should be removed as it may cause irritation (especially to the kidneys and causing stones). They should be eaten on an empty stomach. Almond oil is used for good eyesight. (A teaspoon of almond oil mixed with a teaspoon of honey.


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Add a pinch of Liquorice and add a teaspoon of rose oil and a base of white wax. Make it into a paste and apply 2 x’s daily over the eyes.) Brazil Nuts: Brazil nuts are high in protein (14%) and low in starch. They are high in fat as well (66%). They are good for constipation and diabetes. They are hard to digest and so should be taken sparingly. Cashews: In fact they are a legume. They are very rich in cholesterol and not advised for many ailments such as heart patients and obese people. Chestnuts: Chestnuts contain the least amount of fats and are low in oil but rich in carbohydrates. They should be eaten roasted or boiled. Coconut: The coconut is a wonderful, rich in fiber and vitamins A, B, C and potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, sulphur and phosphorous. It is low in protein. Coconut water is a diuretic. It cleanses the kidneys and gall bladder. The meat if eaten should only be from young tender soft coconuts, it is soothing for ulcers and gastritis. The young coconuts don’t have so much cholesterol in them. Pecans: Pecans are very high in potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium. Along with being rich in vitamins A, B6, C and E. Pecans are exceptional nuts for heart ailments and blood disorders. Take 10 -15 raw pecans daily. They are essential for converting the amino acids from consumed proteins into usable forms for the body Peanuts (Groundnuts): These contain a high quality of fats and proteins, vitamin B especially, thiamin and nicotinic acid, Vitamin C, calcium and iron. They can be taken, roasted or boiled but with the skin. Walnuts: Walnuts are rich in protein and vitamin B. They are used to cure eczema and skin disease. They are effective for rheumatism and gout if eaten raw. Unripe black walnuts are good for getting rid of worms.

SEEDS Caraway Seeds: Warm. It is widely used, particularly for infant problems. A decoction of caraway seeds is good for getting rid of stomach ache and abdominal pain. Chewing the seeds helps in getting rid of hiccuping and vomiting. The tea is good for lumbago, hernia and cough. Chewing the seeds after meals or drinking an infusion (1 oz. to 1 liter of distilled water) clears an upset stomach and aids digestion. Coriander Seeds: They are good for digestion and have an antibacterial action. They are one of the ingredients of cough syrup. Dill Seeds: They induce sleep and aid digestion.


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Fennel Seeds: Fennel is considered as a herb. It is a very good diuretic. It is useful for slimming. It is often given to babies together with gripe water to combat indigestion or upset stomach. Fenugreek Seeds: Tea made from fenugreek brings down fever and is good for digestion. Pumpkin Seeds: They are very high in phosphorous and a good source in vitamins A and B. They also contain iron and calcium. They are good for cleansing the bladder and kidney. They are used to clear disorders of the prostate gland. Sesame Seeds: Nutritionally they are packed with vitamins A and B5 and the mineral calcium. They contain lecithin which helps combat cholesterol. Sunflower Seeds: Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin B complex and protein as well as zinc, potassium and manganese. An infusion of the seeds made by simmering in water, drunk with honey is good for coughs, colds, and chest problems. The tea made of the seeds helps measles to erupt. The seeds are used in treating ringing of the ears. Watermelon Seeds: Especially good for cleansing the kidneys and bladder. Helps in removing gravel and stones when ground up (50g) and mixed the juice of the watermelon. Take 200 ml every hour.

OILS Polyunsaturated oils obtained from edible seeds are better than hard animal fats which are saturated. Cold pressed ones are better than those extracted chemically using preservatives and other additives. Olive Oil: Olive oil is by far the best oil to use (only if it is cold pressed, other types don’t have healing qualities). It contains a lot of vitamin E and minerals potassium and calcium. It aids digestion when put on a salad with lemon juice added. It helps strengthen the liver and purify the blood. Used as a massage oil it is best to ozonate the oil for 10 minutes then keep it cool (the ozonated oil lasts for one week but can be ozonated again). This helps to overcome pains of rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica and muscle spasms. It strengthens the heart and fortifies the liver. Safflower Oil: It is very high in poly unsaturates. Safflower oil, similar to sunflower oil, contains 80% linoleic acid which prevents degenerative diseases of the heart and arteries. Sunflower oil is also rich in polyunsaturates. Sesame Oil: It is good for the growth of muscles. Application of it relieves rheumatic pain. Sunflower Oil: The oil taken on an empty stomach increases the cholesterol level.


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PULSES In general, pulses are rich in vitamin C and B and in minerals, iron, calcium, and potassium. They are low in fat. Also they provide fibre. One of the best ways to use pulses is to sprout them to provide fresh vegetables and good nutrients. Chickpeas: Chickpeas are rich in protein, vitamin B1 and B2 as well as mineral magnesium. Kidneybeans: Promotes urination and is a good diuretic. Used in treating edema. Lentils: Lentils supply the full compliment of amino acids to provide a complete protein from non animal sources. They are more easily digestible than animal protein and don’t putrefy in the bowels. Mung beans: A very good cooling agent. They reduce blood pressure, edema, and helps clear drug poisoning. Peas: They supply vitamin B including thiamin and nicotinic acid. Even the frozen ones retain most of their nutrients. They don’t have much fiber but do provide enough protein. Red bean (adzuki): Good for liver problems, especially jaundice. Stops bleeding piles, reduces pain due to mumps. It is a good detoxifying agent. Soybean: Contains lecithin, linoleic acid and B6. It is said to be a “heart food” as it helps dissolve cholesterol, prevent strokes and improves circulation. The bean sprouts are very good for coughs and promotes urination. Soy oil is helpful in clearing temporary deafness, ringing in the ears, preventing gallstones, clearing the swelling of the limbs due to premenstrual water retention (for both internal and external use). Gastric ulcers can be cleared by regularly taking soy oil with lemon juice every morning. Soy sauce can be used externally for treating burns. An excess of soy sauce causes cough, thirst and is dangerous when one suffering from jaundice. Bean curd is eaten to get rid of sulphur poison. Good for diabetes, asthma and clears red eyes.

BEE PRODUCTS Honey: Honey consists almost entirely of pure glucose and levulose. In addition, it contains vitamins H, K and C. It also contains the enzymes diatase, invertase, catalase, peroxidase and lipase. It mineral content are calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, sulphur, chlorine, phosphorous, and iodine. It has antibiotic properties. It is used for the treatment of wounds, diseases of the lungs, stomach, intestines, liver and skin. Being alkaline it disinfects the mouth. Honey is a medicine for both internal and external use. Externally with cod liver oil it is an excellent healing tonic. For high blood pressure, lemon juice with honey in warm water is very effective. In cases of bad cough, chop up red onions finely and add a teaspoon of honey and brown


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sugar each. Mix these in a glass of water and simmer over low heat. Take 2 tsp of this mixture. The mixture of honey and black currant juice is good for chest and throat complaints. A spoon of honey a day keeps cold and others infections away. Honey contains A, B, C, iron, And potassium. It is a natural antiseptic. Bacteria can’t survive in honey. The Pollen contains vitamins A, B12, D, E, and K.

GRAINS Barley: It is a good source of thiamin, Vitamin C, calcium, and is a compound that can neutralize acidity. Its mucilaginous content forms a barrier, preventing acid from reaching ulcers. It is cool and nutritious. Good for throat and stomach problems. It reacts on the spleen and stomach. Barley water is good for digestion, diarrhea and painful urination. Cooked barley can be used externally for sores and tumors. Wheat: Wheat bran is given for diabetes. Whole wheat is used as a heart tonic. One has to check whether one is allergic to wheat before using it. Excess consumption can cause stomach disorders. Bread produces a lot of acid in the system. So the best way to eat it is to dry it out. Give the body a chance to get rid of the poison (through fasting and colonic irrigation) collected over the years. Never eat white bread as it turns to a glue in the stomach and other foods stick to it then putrefies and the toxic cycle starts. Wheat Germ: It contains vitamin B, and E, iron, potassium, and phosphorous. This helps to dilate blood vessels and protect A and C. It prevents blood clots and regenerates the skin.

VINEGAR Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar contains phosphorous, magnesium, is very rich in natural potassium, iron, and calcium. It enhances metabolic efficiency, balances the Ph in the blood, is highly beneficial to the digestion. It contains malic acid and all other vinegars contain acetic acid, which has no real useful purpose in the body. It improves the function of the kidneys, liver and bladder. It helps to improve strength and condition of the finger nails and hair. Because it is so rich in potassium it keeps the balance between tissues and blood.

THERAPEUTIC FOODS AND JUICES The therapeutic foods and juices introduced below are listed according to their natural affinities and therapeutic effects within the body’s six major functional systems: digestive, excretory, respiratory, circulatory, nervous and reproductive. Within each category, foods and juices are listed according to the diseases and degenerative conditions they help cure and prevent. All therapeutic foods should be consumed as fresh as possible, without incompatible combinations of other foods, and all juices should be consumed raw immediately after extraction.


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During a raw juice therapy, the capacity of the various organs of the body to eliminate increases. Thus there is a greater chance of eliminating toxins. Most ill health conditions are due to over acidity but in drinking the alkali-forming juices of fruits and vegetables, the body can naturally achieve an acid-alkali balance. This will increase the healing effect by eliminating uric acid and other inorganic acids while at the same time the sugars of the fruits and vegetables provide strength. Raw fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements required for the metabolism. Some of the raw fruits and vegetables contain natural medicines, vegetable hormones and antibiotics. For example, string beans and cucumber contain insulin like substances - while radish, garlic, onion and tomatoes contain antibiotics. Specific juices are beneficial in specific conditions.

Precautions All juices must be freshly made immediately before drinking. Preferably, organically grown fruit and vegetables should be used and not canned or frozen juices. If the juices are too sweet, they should be diluted in a 1:1 ratio with distilled water. Owing to their differing actions, fruit and vegetables should not be used at the same time, or mixed.

If they are to be mixed the following broad rule is to be applied: juices from sweet fruits (prune, grape) may be combined with the juices of sub-acid fruits (apple, plum, pear, peach, apricot and cherry). They cannot be mixed with acid fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit, strawberry and pineapple). Juices from sub-acid fruits can be combined with fruits of acid fruits. Juices of vegetable fruits (tomato, cucumber) can be combined with acid fruits or with the green leafy vegetable juices (cabbage, celery, lettuce, spinach, parsley and water cress). Juices from green leafy vegetables juices can be combined with vegetable fruits of the root vegetables (beet, carrot, onion, potato, and radish). However it is better to use juices individually. If the juice is not palatable, honey or may be added. When used as a medicine to heal some physical disorder, the juices must be taken once every two or three hours. The quantity of juice taken on each occasion should be from 250 ml to 500 ml (1 pint). To start with 250 ml should be given and gradually increased up to the maximum of 500 ml (or 1 pint in many cases the quantity to be taken is stated). The juice therapy can be continued for up to 30 (thirty) days at one stretch. The patient should be careful to take plenty of water and rest during the therapy. In the beginning there will be some discomfort in the abdomen, diarrhea, loss of weight, headache, fever, sleepiness, body odor and bad breath. This is common in the case of severe toxin deposits in the body and a proper selection of juices in treating particular ailments is necessary. For example, the juices of carrot, cucumber and cabbage are useful for asthma, arthritis and skin problems, while the juices of oranges and mosambi tend to aggravate these problems or act negatively on them. Most of the skins of fruits and vegetables can be used.


Therapeutic Fasting

The Practice of Loving-Kindness Meditation This type of meditation is an essential part of healing the mind and body. It teaches one how to lovingly-accept their present situation and soften their mind so healing can occur. Many times people think that loving-kindness is some kind of gooey emotion that tries to make everything perfect and nice all of the time. But, actually it is a practical and useful tool in opening and accepting whatever is happening with the mind/body process in the present moment. If you are sick or have a painful disease, the natural response to it is to mentally tighten and resist those painful feelings when they become apparent. This actually causes your mind and body to contract (the muscle reflect what is happening in one’s mind) and you have thoughts of dislike and dissatisfaction to those painful sensations, this makes the pain bigger and more intense. Loving-kindness when practiced properly will help you to realize that you are causing yourself even more pain than necessary. Then, after recognizing this, can simply stop the fighting and resistance then soften your mind into that sensation. This sounds difficult to do but in reality you ultimately have the choice of which way you handle these unpleasant sensations and painful feelings.

You can either hate them and fight them which causes you to suffer even more or you can open your mind and lovingly accept those sensations which lessens the discomfort and sends loving healing energy into the entire mind/ body process. The choice is yours to make! There are actually many types of loving-kindness meditation that one can do. This book will explain how to do two different kinds. One kind is for directly healing specific types of dis-eased conditions in the mind and body. The other type will be for more general use in helping one to develop a soft mind all of the time, i.e. healing the entire mental process for personality development. The first type has to do with placing your soft attention into different parts of your body and relaxing the muscles as well as mind before sending love and peace to that area. The advantage of doing this is so you will become very familiar with your own body in a very different and in many ways more closely attuned than ever before. The second loving-kindness meditation will teach you how to keep a soft mind all of the time. This technique will show you how to smile into things so your mind will experience different levels of true happiness and peace within yourself.


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Loving-Kindness Meditation - The Body Sweep This ‘Sweeping Loving-kindness’ helps one to be able to direct their mind to a particular area in their body easily. It is a type of mental development that not only helps to heal mental problems and emotions, but when you direct your soft, loving attention to different areas of distress or discomfort the body responds by sending more blood to that area. So this meditation helps to improve the circulation and thus beginning the healing process more quickly than just taking external cures. For the best results the combination of natural healing cures and meditation works the best. Begin by sitting in a comfortable position either in a chair, on a stool, or sitting cross-legged on the floor. Whatever is most suitable for you. So many times when someone teaches others meditation they insist that everyone must sit cross-legged on the floor as if the real work of meditation can only be done there. When someone who is used to sitting on a chair for their whole life, sitting on the floor in a contorted position can be a very trying experience. There is no magic to sitting on the floor, the magic comes from calming your mind and sending love into your body. It is necessary that you sit for at least 15 minutes without moving your body at all or without leaning against a back rest. So adding the pain of sitting on the floor is just not necessary. Please remember that once you start meditating you must remain very still, no moving the fingers or toes, hands or feet. Sitting like a statue is the best. Try to sit with your back reasonably straight, not rigid, but nicely straight. The only movement that is allowable is the straightening of the back if it slumps a bit. The true essence of this practice is sending love into areas where previously you sent aversion, dislike, and even hate. These negative emotions and feeling manifest themselves in your mind as tightness in the mind, and tension in the body (your head is included in this). What the task of the meditator is, is to soft let go of these tightnesses and tensions. To open up their mind and body so they can become peaceful and calm. Next, when anyone is happy they have a gentle warm feeling in their heart area. This loving feeling can be activated by smiling into your heart area. This causes the feeling to radiate out, it is a very nice pleasant feeling of calmness and love. Now they direct this warm glowing smile into the different parts of the body where they have directed their attention. Along with this they make a mental statement like - ‘Lovingkindness is entering every cells in my body and healing it’..... ‘loving-kindness is surrounding and healing my whole body right now’..... ‘Love and peace are healing me right now’..... ‘Love is the opening door to perfect health in mind and body’ etc. You can make up your own statement as long as it is positive and helps the feeling of love to grow stronger. Now radiate that feeling and statement into the area where you have directed your attention. Feel that area become soft, relaxed and peaceful. If there are any thoughts which take you away from this simply let them go, treat them like bubbles floating in the wind. They can go whichever way the wind takes the bubbles. It really doesn’t matter, your job is to let those thoughts go by themselves and you open up then relax before coming back to radiating love and making gentle wishes into the area of your attention.


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Always letting go of tightness and tension..... continually opening up and accepting the love which you are generating to yourself. This is your job! It doesn’t matter how many times your mind wanders away. As a matter of fact, everytime your mind wanders away then you softly let go of those thoughts and emotions, then redirect your soft attention back to radiating love to yourself and making positive wishes to yourself. This is actually helping you, if your mind wanders often and you let go then come back it helps you to develop more calmness and peace. The letting go of distractions with a soft mind is learning how to lovingaccept those distractions. This is whtat the meditation is all about. Opening..... relaxing..... letting go of tightness and tensions..... and radiating love into areas of concern. Loving the pain and discomfort, instead of hating it - this is where the true healing is! This practice helps one to develop patience and a light accepting mind that has more true happiness arising in it than ever before. Now feel inside your head, notice that there is some tightness there and begin to relax, let go of the tightness and tension in your head. Feel your mind open up and become relaxed. Softly place your attention on the very top of your head. Relax all the muscles there. Feel the scalp become soft and relaxed. Again feel your mind to see if there are any tightnesses or tensions there, if there are open up and let them go. Let your mind become soft and relaxed. Now begin to have that loving, calm feeling radiate from your heart into the top of your head. Feel the mind and body become peaceful while you radiate that love. Begin to make wishes that love is healing you right now. If any thoughts distract simply let go of that thought, relax the tightness in the mind and head. Now softly redirect your loving attention back to the top of your head.

SPECIFIC JUICE THERAPIES FOR SPECIFIC PROBLEMS 1] Abdominal Pain: Cinnamon, garlic, green onion, clove, nutmeg, black pepper, brown sugar, molasses. 2] Aching Joints: Drink Goldenseal tea, rub Aloxy gel 2 x’s daily (how to make described later) 3] Acidity: Apple cider vinegar, grapes, oranges, lemons, mosambi, carrot, celery, cultured cabbage juice, cucumber, and spinach. 4] Acne: Grapes, pear, plum, tomato, cucumber, carrot, potato, yogurt, apple cider vinegar, celery, cultured cabbage juice, kidneybeans, lemon - olive oil -garlic cayenne pepper, wheat germ oil. 5] Allergies: apricot, bee pollen, alfalfa, burdock, evening Primrose Oil, pumpkin seeds, papaya, lobelia, parsley, yellow onions, vitamin B6, manganese, grapes, carrot, beet, cultured cabbage juice, cucumber, spinach, wheat germ oil, and apple cider vinegar.


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6] Arterio-Sclerosis: grapefruit, pineapple, lemon, celery, garlic, cultured cabbage juice, carrot, lettuce spinach and cabbage, apple cider vinegar. 7] Anemia: molasses, apricot, prunes, strawberry, dark red grapes, beet, celery, carrot, garlic, onion alfalfa, fenugreek, apple cider vinegar and spinach. 8] Appetite (lack): Black pepper, blackstrap molasses, lemon juice, alfalfa, angelica, caraway seeds, chamomile, ginseng root, anise, dill, garlic, mint, plum, saffron, malt. 9] Arthritis: apricot, lemon, pineapple, apple cider vinegar, peach, carrot, radish, celery, alfalfa, sarsaparilla, black current, tobacco oil (external application), bone meal, red cherries, dark grapes, cultured cabbage juice.. 9] Athlete’s Foot: eat 4-5 cloves of raw garlic daily, soak feet in 3% hydrogen peroxide 2 x’s daily, rub GOOT on affected areas. 10] Asthma: apricot, lemon, pineapple, peach, tomato, carrot, onion, horse radish, cranberries, Garlic, wheat germ oil, dandelion, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, turnip, ginger and honey. 11] Back Ache: Oats, white mustard. 12] Bleeding (external): Tumeric powder, guava leaves, papaya sap. 13] Bleeding Gums: Mango, vitamin C. 14] Bleeding (anal): Egg plant, spinach, molasses, small red beans, apple cider vinegar. 15] Bleeding (nose): Radish, molasses, spinach. 16] Blood Pressure: Garlic, onion, anise, tomatoes + celery, radish, mung bean sprouts. 17] Bronchitis: Anise, barley, fennel, garlic, onion, lemon, carrot, cucumber, beet, radish, squash, saffron, cranberry, horse radish, celery, parsley, and watercress. 18] Burns: Aloe Vera, cucumber (apply), potato juice (apply), barley juice (apply), honey, or cold water. 19] Bladder Ailments: apple, apricot, lemon, cucumber, carrot, celery, parsley, watermelon, kidneybeans, pear, asparagus, beet, barley water and watercress. 20] Cold: large amounts (1000mg) of vitamin C every 4 hours then lay down and rest (this means sleep), lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, carrot, onion, garlic, celery, blackstrap molasses, fig, ginger, sarsaparilla, radish, peppermint, garlic + apple cider vinegar, and spinach.


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21] Candidiasis: Raw garlic, coconut oil, thyme, daily enemas with raw clove garlic and chlorophyll. 22] Cold Limbs: Cinnamon, radish, horse radish, garlic, onion, lemon, carrot, ginger, cultured cabbage juice. 23] Constipation: apple, pear, dark grapes, lemon, carrot, onion, cultured cabbage juice, celery, stewed prunes, asparagus, cabbage, cucumber, fig, olive, radish, tamarind, banana, coconut, papaya, tomato, apple cider vinegar. 24] Cough: Almond, raspberry, okra, lemon, garlic, onion, radish, saffron, ginger, strawberry, grapefruit peel, sweet mango, asparagus, ground nut, olive (if with blood), honey, mustard leaf. 25] Chest Congestion: Saffron, grapefruit peel, lemon, radish leaf, beetroot, peanut (if dry), asparagus, okra (if with mucous), mustard leaf, pineapple, persimmon, horse radish, carrot, raw tomato and raw garlic. 26] Chest Infection: Garlic, lemon, carrot, celery, onion, molasses, vitamin E and C. 27] Chest Pain: 1 tsp of cayenne pepper in water, followed by 2 tbsp. of blackstrap molasses, Aloxy gel over the chest, potassium, sunflower seeds, dark grape juice, 28] Circulation: Garlic, onion, carrot, dark grape, cherry, beetroot, apple cider vinegar, cultured cabbage juice and parsley. 29] Cramps: Garlic, horse radish (applied), caraway, coriander, dill, fennel, radish, rose and molasses. 30] Colitis: apple, apricot, pear, peach, pineapple, papaya, carrot, garlic, beet, cucumber, cultured cabbage juice, figs, molasses, cabbage, almonds, apple cider vinegar, squash and spinach. 31] Diabetes: citrus fruits, carrot, celery, lettuce, spinach, bittergourd, lettuce, fenugreek, kidney bean, onion garlic, guava, mung beans, lemon, plum tomato, string bean, BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES, Brussels sprouts, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, wheat bran, cucumber, and asparagus. 32] Diarrhea: garlic, cultured cabbage juice, papaya, lemon, pineapple, carrot, celery, apple, black current, malt, radish, cinnamon, clove, ginger, nutmeg, black pepper, figs, guava leaf, barley, olive, small red bean, string bean, mung bean, unpolished rice, whole wheat, soybean and garlic. 33] Dizziness: Lemon, rose, peppermint, garlic, onion, celery, carrot and beetroot. 34] Dysentery: Garlic, figs, guava leaf, guava, pineapple, radish leaf, barley, olive, green onion, cultured cabbage juice, egg plant (if with blood), bittergourd and molasses.


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35] Eczema: dark red grapes, carrot, spinach, molasses, cucumber, beet and guava leaf. 36] Edema: Guava leaf, garlic, watermelon, asparagus and molasses. 37] Enteritis: Apple, figs, apple cider vinegar, garlic, and molasses. 38] Fever: Lemon, orange, grapefruit, red grapes, High doses of vitamin C (1000 mg every 4 hours), lots of bed rest, olive, sarsaparilla, garlic, onion, molasses, honey, weak tea. 39] Epilepsy: Dark red grapes, figs, carrot, celery, spinach, molasses, garlic, apple cider vinegar. 40] Eye Disorder: apricot, tomato, carrot, celery, parsley, spinach, molasses, fennel, oat, sarsaparilla, cucumber (apply), bittergourd, mung bean. 41] Gall Bladder: Oats, garlic, onion, celery, molasses, spinach cucumber, carrot, and beetroot, peppermint, star fruit and radish. 42] Gall Stones: Apple + Epsom salts + lemon juice + olive oil, parsley 43] Gastro-enteritis: Carrot, garlic, cultured cabbage juice, onion, oat, peppermint, molasses, cabbage and spinach. 44] Gout: red sour cherries, pineapple, tomato, cucumber, beet, carrot, celery, spinach, cultured cabbage juice, molasses, parsley, cabbage, black grapes, alfalfa sprouts, lemon, apple cider vinegar. 45] Halitosis: parsley, apple, grapefruit, lemon, pineapple, tomato, carrot, celery, spinach. 46] Headache: dark grapes, lemon, garlic, onion, lettuce, spinach, molasses, and apple cider vinegar, lecithin, pecans, wheat germ, raw egg yolk. 47] Heart Disease: dark red grapes, lemon, garlic (6 - 8 cloves daily), cucumber, carrot, cultured cabbage juice, beet spinach, molasses, celery, parsley, wheat germ oil, pecans, cabbage, ripe bananas, lecithin, raw sunflower seeds, saffron and honey. 48] Hernia: Fennel, clove, cinnamon, castor oil pack. 49] Hemorrhoids: White radish, banana, coconut juice, figs, garlic, onion, guava, star fruit, molasses, and spinach. 50] Hiccuping: Clove, radish leaf. 51] High Blood Pressure: dark grapes, apple cider vinegar, garlic, onions, orange, cucumber, carrot, beet, parsley, spinach, molasses, wheat germ oil, pecans.


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52] Hypertension: Dill, prunes, banana, celery, tomato, bitter gourd, honey, and molasses. 53] Hysteria: Dates 54] Impotence: bitter gourd. 55] Indigestion: Caraway, carrot, coriander, dill, fennel, garlic, nutmeg, onion, oat, papaya, peppermint, saffron, apple, lemon, mango, orange, grapefruit, apple cider vinegar, carrot, pear, pineapple, strawberry, radish, radish leaf, barley, molasses, malt and cultured cabbage juice. 56] Inflammation: Cucumber, fenugreek, sarsaparilla. 57] Influenza: apricot, orange, lemon, grapefruit, pineapple, carrot, onion, garlic, molasses, spinach, horse radish, parsley, and celery. 58] Insomnia: apple, dark grapes, lemon, lettuce (lightly steamed), carrot, celery, anise, dill, orange, pecans, molasses, bananas, and honey. 59] Jaundice: Lemon, grapefruit, pear, carrot, garlic, onion, tomato, brewer’s yeast, summer squash, celery, spinach, apple cider vinegar, parsley, molasses and beet. 60] Kidney Disorder: Apple, orange, lemon, grapefruit, molasses, cucumber, carrot, garlic, onion, alfalfa, kidney bean, star fruit, ginger, peppermint, watermelon, asparagus, radish, plum, honey, apple cider vinegar, bitter gourd, parsley, beet, black grapes. 61] Low Blood Sugar: Apple, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, whole grains. 62] Liver Ailments: Lemon, carrot, papaya, garlic, onion, tomato, beet, cucumber, cultured cabbage juice, brewer’s yeast, summer squash, apple, apple cider vinegar, molasses, cabbage, raw sunflower seeds, soybean sprouts, spinach. 63] Lumbago: Fennel, cherry. 64] Menstrual Disorder: Saffron, dark grapes, stewed prunes, red cherries, spinach, lettuce, turnips (and the turnip greens), molasses and beets. 65] Measles: Cherry seed. 66] Morning Sickness: Apples, cabbage, and carrot. 67] Mumps: Potato juice + apple cider vinegar (apply), small red bean. 68] Nausea: Anise, asparagus, caraway, ginger, cabbage, molasses, cultured cabbage juice, and peppermint. 69] Neuralgia: Peppermint, cherry.


Therapeutic Fasting

70] Neuritis: Orange, pineapple, apple, carrot, beet, cucumber, lemon, celery, parsley, wheat germ oil, pecans, molasses and lecithin. 71] Nervousness: Dates 72] Obesity: Molasses, lemon, grapefruit, orange, red cherry, pineapple, papaya, tomato, beet + cucumber + celery + garlic + onion + cayenne pepper, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, cultured cabbage juice, and carrot. 73] Palpitations: Dark grapes, dates, onion, and molasses. 74] Paralysis: Cherry, mistletoe. 75] Pharynges-laryngitis: Lemon, garlic, onion, radish and molasses. 76] Piles: Lemon, orange, grapefruit, papaya, carrot, spinach, molasses, honey, turnip, and beet. 77] Prostate Gland problems: Carrot, molasses, apple cider vinegar, asparagus, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, celery, watercress, cultured cabbage juice and parsley. 78] Psoriasis: Dark grapes, lemon, orange, grapefruit, tomato, cucumber, beet, carrot, cultured cabbage juice, molasses, apple cider vinegar and spinach 79] Rheumatism: Dark red grapes, lemon, orange, grapefruit, carrot, cucumber, beet, molasses, honey, horse radish, ginger, cherry, papaya, wheat, soybean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, wheat germ oil and brewer’s yeast. 80] Scar: Cherry seed, olive oil, vitamin E oil, aloe vera gel, peanut oil, castor oil. 81] Sciatica: Fenugreek, mustard, garlic, molasses. 82] Secretion: Milk, asparagus, lettuce, radish leaf, peanut, small red bean, sesame seed (black), dill, cucumber, kidney bean, lemon, olive oil, papaya, sarsaparilla, peppermint, honey and molasses. 83] Stomach Ulcers: Cultured cabbage juice, apricot, dark red grapes, cabbage, carrot, onion, garlic, yogurt, and raw egg yolk. 84] Stomach Ache: Fennel, papaya, honey, brown sugar.

85] Sinus trouble: Garlic, onion, ginger, apricot, lemon, honey, pineapple, tomato, radish, spinach, molasses, vitamin C and celery. 86] Sore Throat: Apricot, red grapes, lemon, onion, pineapple, stewed prunes, tomato, cherry, carrot, parsley, cod liver oil and molasses.


Therapeutic Fasting

87] Sty in the Eye: Cucumber (apply), Cherry seed. 88] Sunstroke: Bitter gourd. 89] Tonsillitis: Apricot, lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, apple cider vinegar, carrot, cultured cabbage juice, cucumber, beet, molasses, spinach, and radish. 90] Tuberculosis: Drumstick (murange), castor bean, honey, horse radish, okra, molasses, carrot, lemon and cranberries. 91] Ulcers: Cultured cabbage juice, onion (apply), soybean, sesame seed (black), garlic, and carrot. 92] Urinary: Watermelon, asparagus, red grapes, strawberry, pear, carrot, celery (with blood), egg plant (with blood), lettuce, green onion, barley, string bean, unpolished rice. 93] Vomiting: Clove, ginger, nutmeg, saffron (with blood), coconut, pineapple, radish, garlic, onion, string bean, sugarcane, and apple cider vinegar (with blood). 94] Varicose Veins: Dark grapes, lemon, garlic, wheat germ oil, plum, tomato, beet, carrot, watercress, cucumber, parsley, spinach, molasses, lecithin, wheat germ oil, and parsley. 95] Whooping Cough: Garlic.

NOT TO BE USED IF: 96] Bitter Gourd: the patient has a weak stomach and vomiting. 97] Cinnamon: there is discharge of urine with blood, discharge of dry stools, cough, voice loss, hemorrhoids. 98] Fennel: If there is diarrhea, or an excess amount of contractions and delusion. 99] Garlic: for eye diseases. 100] Coriander: if there is constant thirst and cracked lips or constipation. 102] Black Pepper: If there are eye diseases, or sore throat. 103] String bean: For rheumatoid arthritis, or rheumatism. 104] Tomato: For arthritis, rheumatism, or diarrhea. 105] Asparagus: This should not be taken raw when kidneys are inflamed. 106] Plums: Excess eating of these can cause stomach cramps or diarrhea. 107] Celery: An excess during late pregnancy can cause premature expulsion of the fetus.


Therapeutic Fasting

13. GOOD AND BAD HEALTH PROFILES Good Health Profile 1] Normal body temperature of 98.6 degrees F. or slightly elevated (i.e. 99 F.). This is an overall indicator that the body and the immune system are functioning normally. 2] Saliva pH is near 6.4 (6.2 to 6.6) before eating. This indicates the pH oft the blood is neither too acid nor too alkaline and the body has the ability to absorb nutrients from food. 3] First urine of the day has a pH reading of 5.5 to 5.8. This indicates the adrenal glands are functioning properly. 4] The patient has a good appetite and eats when hungry. This indicates that there is a low level of toxicity and that the pancreas and liver are functioning reasonably well. 5] High energy levels of activity. This indicates a low level of toxicity and normal liver, adrenal, pituitary and thyroid functioning. 6] Stools float most of the time. This indicates the presence of friendly flora in the colon. 7] Stools are large in diameter. This indicates no inflammation in the intestinal tract. 8] Urine is usually yellow in color. This indicates that there are friendly flora producing vitamin B and gamma interferon in the colon Note: if the patient is taking vitamin B supplements the urine will be yellow. So have the patient stop taking the vitamin B for 2 or 3 days and see what is happening in the colon. 9] Weight is normal not gaining or losing. This indicates that the digestion and assimilation is working properly. 10] The patient sleeps well at night. This indicates that there is adequate calcium levels in the blood. 11] Stress level is low. 12] The skin is smooth and healthy with few if any eruptions. This indicates a healthy intestinal tract. 13] Cuts and wounds heal rapidly. This indicates that there is adequate potassium and magnesium in the body. 14] The patient leads an active life with adequate physical exercise. This indicates that their body is detoxified.


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Bad Health Profile 1] Low body temperature (from 1/2 degree to several degrees or more below 98.6 F.) This indicates that the immune system has become inactive. This is also related to low hormone levels in the body. It can partially be corrected by taking Sarsaparilla and Ginseng capsules - 1 of each 3 x’s daily. Low Body Temperature is also related to digestive disorders - stomach heat is too low to stimulate digestive enzymes. People with low body heat may have difficulty in digesting cooked meats (so it is best to stay away from meats of all kinds and eat cooked vegetables that are easy to digest). They are prone to have Thrush, skin disorders and other chronic infections. 2] Salvia pH is either 6.0 or lower before eating or 6.8 or higher before eating. An acid saliva pH is related to fast movement of food through the digestive tract and inadequate absorption of nutrients and a toxic blood condition - too high in CO2 and other waste products. For low saliva pH, drink the lemon/olive oil/garlic/cayenne pepper drink 2 x’s daily. 3] The 1st urine of the morning pH reading is alkaline, usually 6.2 or higher. This pH profile is associated with insomnia, stress as well as kidney and adrenal deficits. Suggestion: Take 1 or 2 hydrochloric acid tablets with your last meal of the day plus drink the Lemon/Olive Oil/ Garlic/ Cayenne Pepper drink. Drink ginseng tea with your meals and drink a cup of Marjoram and Thyme tea before bedtime (mix 1/2 tsp of each together and steep for 5 minutes). 4] Poor appetite the person eats because it is time to eat, not because he is hungry. This indicates a toxic liver, toxins, side effects of some drugs and impurities in the colon and/or blood, low levels of digestive enzymes and dry mouth syndrome (lack of saliva). Suggestions: Add lemon juice to all food and make a cup of tea with ginseng root to sip on with or after meals. 5] Fatigue - caused by acid blood, toxins, side effects of some drugs, lack of deep restful sleep, faulty digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Use Lemon/Olive Oil/Garlic/Cayenne Pepper drink 2 x’s daily and raw vegetable juices especially carrot juice and cultured cabbage juice. 6] Stools sink more often than they float - caused by toxins and pathogens in the colon that kill off friendly intestinal flora. Friendly flora produces lipids that cause stools to float. The patient needs cultured cabbage juice 3 x’s daily, a one week fast and colon cleansing program, lemon juice, carrot juice, more raw vegetables in the diet. 7] Stools small in diameter - this is caused by inflammation in the colon. Taking whole Aloe Vera Juice and cultured cabbage juice is good to correct this problem. 8] Urine that is clear. This is caused by a lack of vitamin B normally produced by friendly flora in the colon. Vitamin B causes the urine to turn yellow. No yellow color means an absence of good bacteria in the colon.


Therapeutic Fasting

Supplements: beta carotene with meals, plain yogurt eaten with meals, cultured cabbage juice taken 3 x’s daily, and foods like squash, pumpkin, carrots, garlic, and parsley help very much with this problem. 9] Weight loss - this is a malabsorption problem with multiple causes - gluten intolerance (avoid wheat, and polished white rice); or food allergies or parasites in the colon. Taking Hydrazine Sulfate helps reverse the wasting syndrome. 10] Difficulty getting a good night’s sleep (lack of calcium in the blood). Helpful supplements: Calcium lactate before bedtime. Take 5 capsules or 1 tsp of calcium lactate powder in water. Drink Marjoram and Thyme tea before bed 11] Stress level is high (many causes - job, worry about health, money etc., love) 12] Lots of skin problems - dry flaky skin, very itchy skin, psoriasis, red pimples and open sores. 13] Cuts and wounds heal slowly or not at all. This indicates a sluggish liver and malabsorption of amino acids and key minerals like potassium, magnesium and calcium) Take Magnesium Oxide tablets - 250mg 3 x’s daily with meals. Eat lots of fruit and raw vegetables and whole grains (stay away from white sugar, white flour products and white polished rice products). Drink the Lemon/Olive Oil/Garlic juice daily. 14] The patient leads a sedentary life (a couch potato). This indicates toxins in the blood and leads to liver problems and digestive problems.



Therapeutic Fasting



Electric blankets or any other strong alternating current field. Living close to Radio, TV or communications tower or other source of alternating electronic waves, Micro wave ovens, wearing clothing made of nylon, rayon, polyester, and other unnatural materials. Being influenced by negative thinkers or persons who are chronically depressed. Eating foods with chemical preservatives, or MSG. Drinking city tap water that is not boiled and filtered. Smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, taking street drugs; also taking too many prescribed drugs (especially antibiotics); lack of deep restful sleep can stress the body.


Therapeutic Fasting



Minerals and vitamins have a vital role in keeping the body fit and healthy. Minerals, though they are required in very minute quantities, may affect the proper functioning of vital organs if there is a deficiency. They also serve to build enzymes and maintain the viscosity of the blood. The presence of minerals in the body helps to neutralize acids and stops food from rotting in the stomach. Calcium is the most important mineral and others required are phosphorous, sodium, sulphr, iron, copper, zinc, iodine, magnesium, chlorine, fluorine, silica and minute quantities of bromine, lithium and cadmium. These minerals are mostly found in raw vegetables and nuts. The raw fruits and vegetables should be eaten with the skin on as much as possible as the skin contains the maximum amounts of minerals. Vegetables should not be cut fine. The greater the surface area exposed, the greater will be oxidation and the greater the loss of minerals. Other sources of minerals are whole wheat flour, unpolished rice, sprouted grains and beans, green peas, mung beans, ground nuts, buttermilk, wheat and coconut. Brewer’s Yeast: This is rich in zinc and vitamin B2. Used for controlling blood sugar. Regularly taking of it helps in combating arthritis, migraine headaches, and rheumatism. Calcium: This is important for maintaining strong bones and teeth, a regular heartbeat, it alleviates insomnia, helps to metabolize the body’s iron. A deficiency causes bone and teeth degeneration, muscular pains and cramps, weakness, circulation and vascular disorders, and stomach problems. An excess (<2000mg per day) can cause hypercalcemia. The 1st noticeable deficiency is in the hydrochloric acid in the stomach which aids in the assimilation of calcium and other minerals along with amino acids. Lack of hydrochloric acid and calcium leads to low blood levels which causes both blood and saliva pH to be on the acid side. This causes food to move quickly through the digestive tract, which further impairs the assimilation of calcium and other minerals. Calcium is critical to the nourishment of the cells, as it is the mailman that transports nutrients across cell walls. When a severe deficiency of calcium exists, nothing else may work. Other good sources of calcium are blackstrap molasses, almonds, peas and beans, yogurt and cottage cheese. The best form of calcium is Calcium lactate. It helps restore deep restful sleep and should be taken before bedtime. Chlorine: This aids digestion, helps one the be limber. The lack of it causes inflammation, infections, congested tissues, cysts and swellings, glandular disorders and poor fertility in women. It is found in tomatoes, celery, spinach, cabbage, cultured cabbage juice, lettuce, radish, egg plant, cucumber, dates and coconut. Chromium: This helps to balance blood sugar. It is found in black pepper, wheat germ, pulses and butter (especially ghee).


Therapeutic Fasting

Copper: A deficiency of copper has been associated with increased susceptibility to infections and lower typic activity. Copper is needed to help hemoglobin carry oxygen throughout the body. Wearing copper can help it to be absorbed through the skin when the body needs it. The copper must be in contact with the skin continually and can turn the skin green color which means that the body needs the copper. When the body has enough copper the bracelet will become very bright color and shine nicely. The green color will wash off when taking a bath. Food sources are blackstrap molasses, dark leafy vegetables, seafood’s, and legumes. Iodine: Lack of iodine can result in a lower level of thyroid activity and lower body temperature. Deficiency is related to reduced microbicidal activity of leukocytes. Iron: This aids growth and promotes resistance to disease. It cures and prevents anemia and keeps a good skin tone. Deficiency results in blood disorder, inflammation, fever and throbbing pain, infection and congestion in the lungs and brain, headaches, menstrual disorders. The best source of iron is in blackstrap molasses, dried peaches, nuts, beans, oatmeal, spinach. Caution: An excess dosage in children is not safe and can even cause death. Lecithin: This is a natural emulsifier preventing cholesterol in the blood. Found in soy beans. Magnesium: This aids in overcoming depression, it helps the cardiovascular system, prevents calcium deposits, kidney and gall stones. A deficiency causes nervous disorders, shooting headaches, cramps, and pains aggravated by colds. Immunoglobulin levels are decreased and typic atrophy can take place. Magnesium activates enzymes necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids. Magnesium is needed by the body to help retain potassium. Muscle cramps are often caused by a deficiency of magnesium. Magnesium supplementation is beneficial in all forms of cancer. People suffering from fatigue are frequently deficient in both magnesium and potassium. Magnesium is found in abundance in figs, lemons, grapefruit, almonds, seeds, dark green vegetables, apple, brown unpolished rice. Caution: A large amount together with large amounts of phosphorous and calcium become toxic. Manganese: This needs to be in balance with calcium as a lack of it causes stress, headache, muscular pain or nervous excitability. Deficiencies are related to depressed thyroid functions and can cause increased susceptibility to allergies. Manganese is found in kelp, green leafy vegetables, raw egg yolk, beets, peas, blueberries, apricots and wheat germ. Phosphorous: It aids greatly in body repair. It provides energy help in metabolizing fats and starches. It lessens the pain from arthritis. Maintains healthy gums and teeth. It’s good for nervousness, low resistance to infection, loss of mental and physical efficiency, and post natal depression. Phosphorous is found in whole grains, nuts, seeds, and pumpkin.


Therapeutic Fasting

Potassium: This needs to be in balance with sodium. A lack of this causes degeneration of the cells. Deficiency symptoms; stomach disorder, kidney stones, fluid retention, offensive perspiration, anal itching, morning headaches. Potassium is useful for nerves and the proper functioning of the cells. Its main function is to speed up metabolism. This cannot be stored in the body, so it needs to be put in daily. It is one of the main brain tonics and aids clear thinking by sending oxygen to the brain. It assists in reducing blood pressure and in allergy treatments. A deficiency results in depression, irritability, diarrhea, hysteria, excess appetite, and continuous yawning and stretching. It is available Young coconut milk, bananas, all green leafy vegetables, sunflower seeds, bamboo, shoots, raisins, potatoes with the skin left on, garlic, onions, and mushrooms. Salt: Common salt is naturally present in most of our food. It is essential for it controls the fluid balance, the proper functioning of muscles and nerves, and maintains the normal blood pressure of our body. An excess causes high blood pressure. It is found naturally in cheese, peanuts, dried beans, green vegetables, and ginger root. Selenium: This mineral prevent cancer. It is found in kelp, sea foods, garlic, raw egg yolks, brewer’s yeast, whole grains, cereals, and cucumber skin. Silica: This helps keep tissues elastic and is good for menopausal distress and dandruff. A deficiency in this mineral causes arthritis, skin diseases, head and scalp problems, brittle nails, and mastitis. The natural foods which supply it are, garlic, onions, tomatoes, broccoli and cucumbers. Sodium: Natural sodium aids in preventing heat prostration or sunstroke. It helps nerves and muscles to function properly. It is plentiful in bananas, tomatoes, garlic, okra, dried figs, carrots, apples, raisins and coconuts. Caution: A high sodium diet leaches out the potassium in the body. Sulphur: Deficiencies of sulphur can cause skin disorders, liver ailments, dandruff, gout, dropsy, frequent urination, cystitis, rashes, and blemishes. Sulphur tones the skin and hair. It helps fight bacterial infections. It is found in green leafy vegetables, eggs, dried beans, tomatoes, eggplant, onions, garlic, horseradish, cayenne pepper, celery, raw egg yolk and soy beans Zinc: This is very necessary to keep the thymus gland, spleen and lymph nodes (all organs of the defense system) healthy. A deficiency causes a reduction of antibodies (T-cells) An excess can cause harm to the immune system as it interferes with the absorption of iron. Foods higher in Zinc are pumpkin seeds, garlic, spinach, sunflower seeds, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, unpolished brown rice, seafoods and blackstrap molasses.


Therapeutic Fasting



Vitamin A (Retinol): Retinoic acid is a fat soluble produced from animal compounds (fish oil etc.). Beta Carotene is water soluble made from vegetable compounds. It is important for eye functions. Beta Carotene helps fight cancer, inflammatory and arteriosclerosis. Used for treatment of acne, gastric ulcers, stress, heavy periods, painful periods. It is needed for preventing dry skin, sensitivity to light, styes, headaches, aging, fatigue, susceptibility to infections. Used for cancer prevention, it helps the nervous system, mucus membranes, promotes the growth of friendly flora in the intestines, counteracts night blindness, eye disorders, builds resistance to respiratory infections, promotes growth, strong bones, healthy skin, hair, teeth gums. It is fat soluble i.e. can be stored to a certain extent in the body and should not be taken in excess. Excess: is taken the symptoms are fatigue, lethargy, headache, insomnia, brittle nails, skin changes, loss of body hair. Deficiency: results in appetite loss, sensitivity to bright light, burning or itching dryness of the eyes, styes, night blindness, fatigue, skin problems such as dryness, poor growth, hair loss, vomiting, blurred vision, rashes, bone pains, headaches, sinus trouble, susceptibility to infections. The correct dosage depends on the individual. Found in animal and fish liver oils, kidney, eggs, butter, green and yellow vegetables, orange pigmented vegetables and fruits, (the darker the higher the concentration), spinach, orange,

Vitamin B group: All of the vitamin B’s are water soluble which means that they can be excreted out of the body through the urine. Vitamin B1 Thiamin: This is one of the most important B vitamins that can be put into the body because it is essential for the producing of hydrochloric acid which helps in the digestion of proteins in the body. The lack of hydrochloric acid is often the cause of growth of parasites and yeast in the intestines. Vitamin B1 promotes growth, and is a preventive for air and sea sickness. It improves the mental facilitates, nervous system, muscles and the functioning of the heart. It helps one to pass urine, recover from heart failure, from liver and thyroid diseases, and those having vomiting such as in pregnancy and stomach troubles. It is found in skeletal muscles, heart muscles, the brain, kidney, and liver. Deficiency: Results in the deterioration of the above including the nerves. Symptoms: due to lack of vitamin B1 are loss of appetite, gastro-intestinal problems, memory loss, muscle cramps, beriberi, depression, irritability, failure to concentrate, numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, the calf muscles become tender, there is a reduced tolerance to pain, insomnia, night sweats, chest pains, cardiac failure, rapid pulse, ankle swelling (in alcoholics ruddy face and warm hands and feet), shortness of breath. Vitamin B1 is easily destroyed by drinking coffee and tea. It is associated with folic acid. you can get this naturally by eating whole grains, peas, beans, lentils, unpolished rice or brown rice, brewer’s yeast, rice husk, whole wheat, oatmeal, peanuts, bran and milk. Vitamin B2 Riboflavin: This is part of a group of enzymes involved in the utilization of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It also gets involved with cell respiration. Vitamin B2 is needed to produce APT in cells, which creates both heat and energy.


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It is stable in heat but degenerates in sunlight so store it in a dark place. It promotes healthy hair, and skin. It eliminates mouth sores. It helps in the formations of enzymes mainly in the liver. Deficiency: dryness and cracking lips, greasy and red face, burning feet, excessive tear production, diarrhea, mouth sores, dermatitis, loss of hair and vaginal itching, Excess of this vitamin is rare. It is found in leafy green vegetables, brewer’s yeast, fish, raw eggs, and cereals. Vitamin B3 Nicotinic Acid: This stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid and is used to reverse arteriosclerosis. It is important for mental health and the nervous system. It helps pregnant women, those with poor protein intake, and it helps with blood fats and arthritis. Niacin is good for osteoarthritis in the knee. Deficiency: causes headache, irritability, loss of memory, small ulcers, insomnia, depression, pigmentation on the back of the hands and face, sore tongue and diarrhea. It is found in fish, brewer’s yeast, nuts, cheese, vegetable and whole grains. Vitamin B5 Pantothenic Acid: It is supportive of the adrenal gland functions and is helpful to persons with stress and allergies. In a healthy body the natural bacteria (friendly flora) present also produces this vitamin in the gastro-intestinal tract. However, anytime a person takes any antibiotics they kill the friendly flora and this stops the vitamin B5 from being produced. It is best to take cultured cabbage juice 3 x’s daily for 2 weeks after taking any form of antibiotics to replace the friendly flora it also a help for the patient to take vitamin B5 supplement until the friendly flora gets established. This is particularly important in metabolizing the food ingested. Deficiency: causes headache, strong emotional swings weakness, numbness, tingling, and abdominal cramps. It can be found in dark green vegetables, wheat germ, pumpkin, and whole grains. Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine: This is needed for the absorption of vitamin B12 and for the production of hydrochloric acid. It maintains the balance between sodium and potassium, it helps produce antibodies and red blood cells. It is required for the metabolism of proteins and amino acids, body histamine, serotonin (brain chemistry), minerals like magnesium and zinc, it helps proper assimilation and synthesis of protein, it helps people with kidney stones, kidney failure, diabetes, PMS, hyperactive children. Vitamin B6 has a vital role in the biosynthesis of RNA and DNA acids which are present in the cells. Without these, no new cells would form and thus no antibodies. It helps nervous and skin disorders. It reduces muscle spasm, leg cramps and hand numbness. Deficiency: Reduced thymus cell functions, nervousness, insomnia, irritability, dermatitis near the nose, the corner of the mouth and eyes, loss of appetite, weight loss, anemia, dandruff, mouth sores, muscle cramps, water retention, depression, sleepiness. Vitamin B6 works well in combination with magnesium and so foods rich in magnesium are to be added. It found in these foods; wheat bran, wheat germ, cabbage, blackstrap molasses, unpolished rice, sunflower seeds, fish, raw egg yolk, whole grains and leafy vegetables. Folic Acid: Folic acid is essential for the production of heme, the iron containing protein used to make hemoglobin. Folic acid works with other B vitamins in building red blood cells which carry oxygen to the whole body. It also helps the entire central nervous system. Deficiency: Anemia, and tiredness. It is found in dark leafy vegetables, brewer’s yeast, blue-green algae, wheat germ, pumpkin, and whole grains.


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Vitamin B12: This regenerates red blood cells preventing anemia, it increases energy, and helps produce a healthy nervous system, it improves memory and balance. White blood cells function much better when vitamin B12 is present. Deficiency: neuropathy, weakness in the arms and legs, diminished reflex response, jerking limbs, difficulty in walking and speaking, anemia, exhaustion, pale skin, numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, confused mind, depression, heart palpitations, nervousness, body odor, and brain damage. Not found naturally in plant food but in fish, cheese, liver, brewer’s yeast, and raw egg. Biotin (B group): This is for healthy skin and proper hormone production. Deficiency: weakness. It is found in brewer’s yeast, nuts, fruits, unpolished rice, and whole grains. Choline: This is for the treatment of cholesterol problems. Usually given with lecithin for gallstones. Inositol: For nerves seen in diabetics. Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid: This heals wounds, bleeding gums, prevents viral and bacterial infections, lowers blood clots, prevents scurvy and colds (when taken in large doses every 4 hours). It also prevents harmful chemicals and radicals from causing cancer.. It plays a role in the production of interferon which helps fight viral diseases. Deficiency: Fatigue, appetite loss, bruise easily, nose bleeding, slow healing wounds and scurvy. It is found in all citrus fruits, green and leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, cabbage, and okra. Vitamin D: This helps proper usage of calcium and phosphorous Deficiency: depressed immune system. Found in sunlight and cod liver oil. Vitamin E Tocopherol: It is an anti-oxidant i.e. stops deterioration of body tissues. It is more a protective medicine. It helps in aging, and prevents blood clots, it oxygenates the blood and helps the blood vessels and arteries to stay elastic and flexible. It promotes urination and helps get rid of swelling. Used to clear cramps, good for skin it is used as an ointment for burns, cuts and skin problems. It increases heart tone, opening up smaller blood vessels and improving circulation to the nerves. Deficiency: Destruction of red blood cells, muscle degeneration and reproductive disorders. Found in wheat germ, nuts, soybean, vegetable oils, leafy greens, spinach and cereals.


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17. HEALING PROTOCOLS AND BENEFITS Castor Oil The treatments are done by pouring castor oil over a cotton flannel cloth folded over three or four thickness’ and covering an area about 8 by 12 inches. The cotton flannel soaked in castor oil is placed over the patients abdomen from the navel to the right side under the rib cage. A piece of plastic about 14 by 18 inches, is cut from a plastic bag and is placed over the cotton cloth. An electric heating pad or hot water bottle is placed on top of the plastic. The plastic is used to prevent the castor oil from getting on the heating pad or hot water bottle. The last step is to wrap a bath towel over the heating pad or hot water bottle and around the body and to use a safety pin to hold it in place. The heating pad is turned on high until it feels very warm, then is reduced to medium. (The hot water bottle naturally does this). The castor oil pack is left on for one hour each day. When the heating pad or hot water bottle is removed, the warm oil is massaged into the skin. When you are finished, the plastic sheet with the cotton flannel soaked in castor oil is placed on a tray until the next day to be used again. Before it is used the next time add about 2 or 3 tbsp. of castor oil over the cotton cloth to replace the castor oil that was absorbed the previous time. At the end of 4 weeks, the cotton flannel can be washed and used over again. Dr. William McGarey has for over 20 years been administering castor oil packs to his patients and states that castor oil contains a unique fatty acid found no where else in nature - Ricinoleic acid. It has a “hydroxyl group on the 12th carbon..... This relationship of hydroxyl group and unsaturated exists only in castor oil.” In his book, Dr. McGarey states the following medical properties of castor oil: It increases eliminations; stimulates the liver and all organs and glands including the colon; reduces toxemia, inflammation, pain, nausea and swelling; dissolves adhesions, lesions and gallstones; increases lymphatic circulation. This is only a partial list of good effects gained by using castor oil packs. Dr. McGarey cites experiences of skin cancers disappearing with topical applications. Here are some major clinical findings of the use of castor oil packs: “1] total lymphocyte count increased significantly in the group using castor oil packs; 2] T-pan lymphocyte count (T-11) increased significantly in the group using castor oil packs..... Our clinical experience with the castor oil packs applied over the abdomen led us to understand that the packs enhance the function of the thymus gland and other components of the immune system.” Dr. McGarey’s observations that castor oil packs over the abdomen restores the flow of lymph fluid through the thoracic duct. Swollen lymph nodes is indicative of a lymphatic system that is dammed up or shut completely down. This blockage of lymph fluid leads to a back-up of toxic waste in the body and a general state of toxemia - self poisoning. There are no drugs of any kind that are available today to treat a non-functional lymph system!


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Dr. McGarey states: “the lymph is the 1st stage of elimination (of waste matter) from the cells of the body..... body wastes, substances which are the result of cellular metabolism and extruded from the cell, must be removed through the lymph.� The build up of toxins, when the lymphatic system is impaired and partially blocked, may be a contributing cause of acid blood and acid saliva pH. The toxins from an impaired lymphatic system affect the functions of all organs and glands and may be an underlying cause of mental depression, fatigue, loss of appetite, neuropathy, wasting syndrome and dropping T-cell counts. Castor oil packs, by stimulating the flow of lymph fluid through the thoratis duct and the lacteals of the small intestines, will help restore assimilation of essential fatty acids, and may set-off a domino-like chain reaction that could help reverse the above conditions in the patient. Dr. MCGarey states that the lymphatic vessels of the small intestines absorbs fats and lipids from the food we eat. It is well known that in HIV progression, essential fatty acids are not well absorbed. The failure to absorb essential fatty acids contributes to wasting syndrome and a reduced capacity to produce essential hormones like Testosterone, which is needed to use amino acids from protein to build-up muscle mass. We can see a step-by-step domino-like chain reaction where lymphatic blockages leads to toxemia which impairs assimilation of nutrients and contributes to indigestion, fatigue and weight loss. A lymph system loaded with toxins, with no place to go, creates an acid environment in the lymph system and in the veins which causes a condition favorable for the growth of many kinds of viruses and pathogens. Impairment of the normal functioning of the lymphatic system and the flow of the lymph fluid leading to an increase of toxins in the thymus and liver, may be the controlling mechanism of how HIV causes AIDS. (It is very complimentary to take the lemon/olive oil/ garlic/ cayenne pepper along with the castor oil packs. This combination keeps the blood pH in balance and improves the entire health of the body.) Dr. McGarey also discusses the beneficial effects of castor oil packs on the Autonomic Nervous System and its properties in relaxing the autonomic system, the majority of which are concentrated in the abdominal region. Dr. McGarey has prescribed castor oil packs for persons with cancer, colitis, ulcers, gallstones, hepatitis, neuritis, lymhitis, uremia, gastritis, Hodgkin’s disease, sluggish kidneys, and cirrhosis of the liver. To name a few of the healings which can occur when using castor oil packs.


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BALANCE YOUR pH What is pH? pH is a measure of “hydrogen potential�. It is a measure on a scale of 0 to 14 of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. 0 means a substance is saturated with hydrogen ions and cannot absorb more, such as sulfuric acid. 0 is the most acid you can get. 14 means there are no hydrogen ions in the solution and it is the most alkaline you can get, such as calcium. A neutral pH is around 7. Solutions below 7 pH are generally considered acid and those above 7 pH are considered alkaline. Why is pH important? pH is a controlling factor for hundreds of enzymes in the body involving digestion and assimilation of nutrients and the production on the energy cells. Normal saliva pH is 6.4 in a resting state and is the ideal pH number to indicate balance and homeostasis within the body. After eating food, normal saliva pH increases to 7.2 to help digest carbohydrates, then later returns to a lower value. Low saliva pH (below 6.2) is linked to poor absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract and is indicative of liver toxicity. Accordingly, restoring normal saliva pH is a prerequisite to increase nutrient absorption and to a healthier functioning liver. Saliva pH parallels the pH value of the blood and the lymph system. An acid blood and lymph, as indicated by an acid saliva pH, creates a favorable condition for the growth of viruses. Low saliva pH is linked to acid blood which may also indicate a deficiency of potassium, magnesium, calcium and trace minerals. Low saliva pH is also linked to a pulse rate (over 80 beats per minute at rest). Restoring normal saliva pH values is necessary for restoring normal metabolism, digestion and assimilation and is indicative of a pH value in the blood and lymph unfavorable for growth of viruses. The greater the pH value moves away from 6.4 in either direction, the more serious the imbalance is within the body.

How to Test for pH Values: pH is measured with pH tape or testing strips that are sold in drug stores and some health food stores. To test saliva pH, place in a spoon and dip pH paper in it and read immediately by comparing it to a color chart. To test urine pH, place a small amount of urine in a glass and dip the paper in it and read it immediately. Saliva pH tends to be more stable than urine pH and is the most important value of the two. The most important urine pH reading is the 1st urine of the morning which should read 5.5 to 5.8. Urine pH readings during the day will fluctuate considerably. In normal healthy people, they will average 6.4. It is mainly the 1st urine pH reading in the morning with which you should be concerned. To test for saliva pH in the morning, first drink a glass of water and wait 3 minutes, then place some saliva in a spoon and test the saliva pH value. It should read 6.2 to 6.6 (normal is 6.4) Saliva pH values are closely linked to blood and lymph pH values. Normal pH readings for the early morning are Saliva - 6.2 to 6.4, urine - 5.5 to 6.0. The most dangerous pH readings are when saliva pH goes acid, below 6.0 or urine pH goes very alkaline over 6.8.


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What to do when pH is out of balance? Using the castor oil pack will help to put the pH back in balance. Using the castor oil pack in conjunction with drinking the Lemon/ Olive Oil/ Garlic/ Cayenne Pepper is the fastest way to balance the pH that we know of. To make the lemon/ olive oil/ garlic/cayenne pepper drink: Do this twice a day take a half fresh lemon (peel seeds and all) cut it into small pieces and place in a blender with 1 cup of distilled water, 1/2 tbsp of cold pressed olive oil, 3 cloves of finely chopped garlic and 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper. Blend on high speed for 1 minute (time it because one minute is longer than you think). Strain and drink 2 x’s daily for at least 2 weeks. Test the saliva and urine daily. After you stop using the drink and castor oil pack for a few days test the saliva and urine again if the imbalance comes back continue the treatment.

Colloidal Silver Therapies This medically tested substance id very effective against more than 650 diseasecausing organisms (that is germs, viruses and fungi). This is a remedy for infections, inflammations, and even the less apparent types of low-grade virual infections. There are no organisms that have developed ‘resistantance’ to Colloidal Silver (although such strains have developed for the commonly used anti-biotics of “modern western medicines”). Colloidal Silver helps to promote rapid healing by reducing inflammation and stimulating growth of replacement cells injured tissues. This is one of the best and safest all-around germ fighters known. Colloidal Silver has been used by doctors in their clinical practices with “NO” recorded bad side effects (which are so common with most western medicines) even when used along with other medicines. It can be taken daily internally to help strengthen the bodies natural immune systems. Or it may be used topically in times of need, for example: It may be put on the skin for athlete’s foot or cuticle infections, or it may be put into even very sensitive places like the eyes to heal conjunctivitis in a short few hours without burning stinging or irritation. Colloidal Silver can be used as an aid in cleaning and removing debris in the nose, throat and sinuses. The really good thing about this healing remedy is that it may used everyday without the body developing any dependency to it or intolerance to it.


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OZONE THERAPIES and OTHER NON-TOXIC OPTIONS Ozone would have been the “Drug of the Month” long ago, if it were not for continued reports of its effectiveness that continued to come forward. The studies for ozone therapy in HIV and Aids patients have shown a remarkable improvement in all the patients who have “flooded their body with Ozone”. There are six doctors in America who have used this therapy on patients with HIV, AIDS, cancer, herpes, hepatitis, nervous disorders, heart problems and intestinal disorders and they have completely healed them all by using ozone and flooding the patients bodies with extra oxygen. Flooding the body means daily intravenous shots or daily autohemotherapy (this is taking a pint of blood out of the patient and running ozone through the blood until it is clean then re-introducing the same blood back into the patient. It takes about one and a half for the entire process). As a matter of fact the government and other doctors are not happy with this therapy because they can’t make nearly as much money as with the treatments they are using and failing with now. Ozone when put into water kills more germs more cheaply than chlorine. Ozone is the most potent anti-viral substance known to man that is safe to use in controlled amounts. Ozone is a triatomic form of oxygen that is highly unstable. It is the most powerful oxidizer known to man next to fluorine. Ozone is produced naturally in lightning storms and in pine forests plus by the action of the sun’s ultraviolet light on oxygen. It is also produced in small quantities by ultraviolet light in a suntanning bed. Negative ionizers produce small amounts of ozone along with negative ions. Ozone is produced commercially and for home use with a machine that passes oxygen through a glass tube subject to high voltage. The cold spark method produces ozone of consistent concentrations. The hot spark method of producing ozone is not safe for medical purposes as ozone concentration may spark off very high and then drop off suddenly. As the oxygen absorbs electrons, it forms clusters of O3 and even higher forms of ozone - O4, O5 and O6. In the presence of water, ozone (O3) breaks down to O2 plus O1. In the process of breaking down, ozone releases electrons into the water. The difference between hydrogen peroxide and ozone is electrons. While both are oxidizers, only ozone releases free electrons. Because of this unique quality, ozone destroys free radicals. The definition of a free radical is a substance that steals electrons from healthy cells. In this way, free radicals can damage normal cells. Hydrogen Peroxide is a natural part of the life cycle and is produced by granulocytes as a first line of defense against viruses and other pathogens. In small quantities, it can kill pathogens without causing free radical damage. This is due to an enzyme called “catalase” present in normal healthy cells which inactivates hydrogen peroxide. However, if catalase reverses becomes depleted, hydrogen peroxide in high concentrations can have an aging effect on normal cells like free radicals. Catalase reserves in cells can be enhanced by a diet high in natural carotene found in raw vegetables and anti-oxidant supplementation.


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OZONE THERAPY CHOICES Major autohemotherapy is the process of removing a pint of blood and adding ozone gas to it and returning it to the patient’s body. It was originally developed in Germany over 50 years ago. Major autohemotherapy is considered very safe and effective. Autohemotherapy is the treatment of choice for all conditions affecting the blood. Hundreds of thousands of treatments have been safely used in Germany for the past 4 or 5 decades. Intravenous Ozone, called IV infusions, is not used in Europe. IV ozone treatment requires continuos monitoring to prevent too much ozone gas from entering the blood at one time, that could cause an embolism. In IV, small amounts of ozone gas are directly fed into a vein over a period of time. One problem with IV ozone is a hardening of the vein at the site of entry. A new technique is being developed by Dr. Renate Viebahn for IV ozone where it first is placed in a solution and then the solution is used in an IV drip. If the new protocol is successful, it could simplify ozone treatments and lower the cost to patients. Home methods include Rectal Ozone Insufflation where ozone is fed into the colon for about 2 to 3 minutes per treatment at concentrations up to 27 mcg/ml. The average adult colon can hold about 750 mcg/ml (about 3/4 or a liter). Another home method is the use of a sauna bag filled with ozone gas. The patient gets into a plastic suit or sauna bag after taking a bath and fills the suit or bag with ozone gas for absorption through the skin. Concentration of ozone gas from 20 to 30 mcg/ml is used. The person stays in the sauna bag with the ozone flowing continuously at a rate from 1/2 to 1 L.P.M (liter per minute) for 30 to 45 minutes per treatment. The Sauna Bag method is very effective for treating burns and preventing the formation of scar tissue. Other treatments like bathing in ozonated water are considered to be less effective than the sauna bag. However, in one case drinking 2 liters of ozonated water each day along with 30 minutes in the sauna bag produced impressive results in raising the white blood counts, normalizing blood pressure and pulse rates in just 2 weeks.

RATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DIFFERENT OZONE TREATMENTS On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most effective. The rating of autohemotherapy and IV ozone can be considered 10, with autohemotherapy being the safest. For autohemotherapy, concentration of ozone should be mixed with 30 mcg/ml. 200ml of ozone should be mixed with 200 ml of blood in a 500 ml bag per treatment for adults. To have a reasonably good chance of completely eradicating the HIV virus from the body, 2 treatments per day should be given for the 1st five days, then 2 days off. Then 1 treatment should be given per day for 5 days a week for the next 14 weeks. At that time, all ozone treatments can be stopped and the blood monitored every 60 days for any sign of immune dysfunction or signs of HIV activity.


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Autohemotherapy is the treatment of choice and should be administered by a competent physician. Only medical grade oxygen should be used for autohemotherapy. Plus the patient can’t expect to see improvement in their condition if they keep eating junk food and get no exercise. This works very well when the patient is willing to change their life-style to a more balanced way of living. For home use, the sauna bag method is very good and promising if done 30 to 45 minutes daily. With the sauna bag method there are a few cases of antigens going from positive to negative and of swollen lymph nodes completely disappearing. There have been cases of complete remission of herpes. Ozone in a sauna bag is done after taking a hot bath and then drying off with a towel before getting into the sauna bag. Rub the body vigorously with the towel or do a dry brush massage to increase blood flow to the surface of the skin. Ozone output for sauna bag is 1/2 to 1 LPM at a concentration of 20 to 30 mcg/ml. Ozone unit should run continuously 30 to 45 minutes per treatment. The exhaust fan should be on while you are doing it or you may wrap a wet towel around your neck to prevent breathing too much ozone. When getting into the sauna bag, press the bag against your body to push out the excess air out before turning on the Ozone unit. Start by your feet and push up toward your neckline. Leaving a lot of air in the bag when you start will dilute the ozone concentration which will reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. Using the Ozone sauna bag is very effective in most cases of disease, it does not work very well with chronic diarrhea. The patient must use raw garlic or cultured cabbage juice or both for this. The rating for the sauna bag is a 6 on the scale of 10 if it is done 6 days a week for 30 to 45 minutes each time. On rectal Insufflation if it is used 3 to 5 times a week is very promising. But if used everyday it will get rid of chronic diarrhea. Rectal ozone insufflation should always be done after giving yourself a warm water enema. Concentrations of ozone should be in the range of 20 to 22 mcg/ml. The rating on rectal ozone insufflation with the scale of 1 to 10 is a 6 in effectiveness. The same as the sauna bag method. An excellent protocol would be to do the sauna bag method one day and rectal insufflation the next day and to do this alternating combination 6 days a week. In interpreting the data, most failures with ozone therapy are due to the failure to deliver enough ozone into the blood stream to attain positive results. A second and equally important cause of failure is to rely on ozone alone to reverse major diseases like HIV and AIDS and not to change the diet to eliminate junk food and destructive habits like alcohol and tobacco.

HOW TO DO OZONE RECTAL INSUFFLATION First, the use of an enema with warm water before inserting the catheter for rectal insufflation is highly recommended to clean out the colon and remove feces. Without a clean colon the rectal insufflation is not very effective and the mucus and fecal material can block the ozone gas from being absorbed into the blood stream.


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Use 500 to 1000 ml of warm distilled water. And take the enema lying on the left side and then on the back, evacuate when ready. To do direct rectal insufflation, ozone concentration should be set for 20 to 22 mcg/ml. After turning on the ozone unit and allowing it to run for 1 minute or until you smell the output of ozoning, insert the catheter into the colon while lying on the left side. Allow 500 to 750 ml of ozone gas to enter the colon, then remove the catheter and turn of the oxygen tank and ozone unit. At 1/2 LPM, it takes roughly 90 seconds (time it) to obtain 750 ml. Retain the gas for 20 minutes. Repeat the whole process again then relax for 30 minutes. Only medical grade oxygen is recommended for all ozone protocols.

HOW TO MAKE OZONATED WATER AND OILS Ozonated water is made by bubbling ozone through a glass of chilled distilled water or cool essential oil for 5 minutes and then drinking (or using the oil, the oil will hold the ozone for 7 days if the oil is kept in the refrigerator) immediately. Ozone concentrations to produce ozonated water (or oil) should be between 20 to 30 mcg/ml. The water or oil must be refrigerated prior to ozonating it to increase the amount of ozone absorbed. The water or oil to be ozonated should be quite cold around 40 degrees F. Water or oil at 76 degrees F. will absorb very little ozone as the ozone will break down almost as fast as it is absorbed. This is why adding ozone to a hot bath has been a complete failure to get ozone absorbed into the blood. The effectiveness of ozonated water on the scale of 1 to 10 is 4. Making a good healing gel called “Aloxy” that can be applied externally over painful areas in the body is relatively easy when using aloe vera juice. Take 400 ml of Aloe Vera Juice and mix with 100 ml natural glycerin and 100 ml of 35% hydrogen peroxide and stir together. Store this in the refrigerator when not in use. This gel immediately relieves pain in joints and muscles. It doesn’t have to be rubbed in simply apply and let it soak in to the skin by itself. It is quite effective and works fast on the scale of effectiveness of 1 to 10 it is rated as a 5. It puts healing oxygen into the area and relieves pain quickly. It can be used often and doesn’t have any negative side effects.

CULTURED CABBAGE JUICE THE “50 CENT MIRACLE” Great for Thrush, stomach and intestinal problems - especially recommended after taking any antibiotics. An important drink to cleanse the small intestines and colon of multiple infections and to implant friendly intestinal flora. It has been stated that this is the single most effective healing drink, for all kinds of intestinal problems, that anyone has ever seen before. To make Cultured Cabbage Juice, fill a blender with raw chopped green cabbage and then add distilled water until about 2/3 full. Blend at high speed for 1-2 minutes.


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Pour into a glass bowl. Fill the blender again with chopped cabbage and water 2 more times and add the mixture to the same bowl. Cover with a tight wrapped piece of plastic (try to make it air tight) or Saran Wrap. Let it stand in a dark area at room temperature for 3 days. After which, pass the mixture through a strainer. Throw away the pulp and place the liquid in a glass jar and refrigerate. Drink 1/2 cup 3 x’s daily. To make a second batch only requires one day, instead of 3. Blend cabbage and distilled water as directed above and add 1/2 cup of the last batch of cultured cabbage juice to the new batch and cover tightly with plastic. It will be ready in just 24 hours. This process may be repeated indefinitely. The benefits of drinking cultured cabbage juice are very big; 1] The lactic acid and sulphur it contains will kill pathogens and viruses of all kinds throughout your entire intestinal tract. 2] The billions of friendly lactobacteria it contains will become implanted in your colon and produce even more lactic acid to keep pathogens away. The lactobacteria also produce ‘B’ vitamins and other factors needed by your body’s immune system. 3] It will heal ulcers and inflammation of the stomach, small intestines and colon. Besides this healing elixir costs only pennies a day to make. Cultured Cabbage Juice should always be taken for at least 2 weeks after taking antibiotics of any kind.

COLON IMPLANTS OF RAW GARLIC CLOVE “ A Ten Cent Miracle” A colon implant of raw garlic is a very effective treatment for diarrhea. The technique is simple. Before bedtime, cut and shape a small clove of raw garlic and with a knife make several incisions into the garlic clove, pour olive oil over the clove and insert it into the colon, just like you would do with a suppository for hemorrhoids. While you sleep, juices from the garlic clove will directly enter the blood, killing worms, parasites, yeast, fungus, germs, and viruses. Colon implants of raw garlic are good to reduce colon inflammation, for anyone with weight loss or wasting syndrome, night sweats, herpes, and it helps induce a good nights sleep. Note: if the clove burns the anus try using “GOOT”.

GARLIC OIL OINTMENT TREATMENT - “GOOT” Garlic, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil: This mixture is a very good anit-infective, antifungal, and anti-parasite. It is good for almost everything from cut and bruises to jock rash. Warm 1/2 cup of coconut oil over the stove until it is melted. Remove it from the heat and add 1/2 cup of cold pressed olive oil. Pour both into a blender, then add 4 to 6 raw garlic cloves that have been finely chopped (the peel off). Blend for 2 minutes (time it by the clock). Strain the mixture to make sure the chunks of garlic which may have been missed by the blender are taken out. Pour into a wide mouthed jar and label it “GOOT”. Place in the refrigerator. GOOT turns into a thick soft paste after 1 hour. GOOT rubbed into the skin transfers raw garlic oil directly into the blood stream. Apply on the feet of children or infants to fight infections. Rub on the chest for chest colds, pneumonia or rub into nostrils for sinus infections. Apply directly to sores inside the mouth. Rub on Athlete’s foot and genital area for


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jock itch. Insert GOOT into the vagina or rectum for yeast or other related infections. Apply to rashes any place. Place on a cotton swab for ear infections. GOOT kills Candida, parasites, bad bacteria and viruses by direct application. In addition, it treats systematic infections by absorption through the skin into the blood supply and travels throughout the body. Don’t let the name of the infection scare you. The infection will absorb the garlic odor from your body. When the infection has subsided, the garlic odor will remain real strong. Then it is time to slack off on GOOT or put it away until you need GOOT again (always store in the refrigerator).

Massage and Essential Oil Therapy Massage Massage therapy goes back to ancient times. The Egyptians, Persians, Chinese and Hindus were all aware of massage as a healing force and a physical therapy which helps to maintain the body. Of course mush depends upon mastery and technique but also important is an intuitive observation of posture, breathing and indications of stress and mannerisms This traditional healing technique is based on the idea that the body is a bio-energy system. Massage involves the expenditure of energy by the therapist. The friction produces heat and this in turn causes a looser atomic structure and thus the body relaxes (this means heat is generated by rubbing the body and by practicing the radiating of loving-kindness to that person at the same time). and the tissues soften. Eventually the energy concentrated in the region may be released. The first and foremost element in massage therapy is the sense of touch. There is a close link between physical concentration and emotion and the healing power of touch is definitely intuitive. The second element is energy. According to this massage therapy, the vital force (body energy), ‘chi’, is said to flow through channels and chakras (energy centers). The main channel absorbs ‘chi’ from the breath and in the healthy body, the flow of ‘chi’ is balanced between positive and negative polarities. The third important element is awareness of the body. There are many specialized forms of massage therapy. Japanese Shaitsu disperses blocks of energy. Ampuku is used for the abdominal area and treating disorders, tensions, and sexual difficulties. Do-in combines self-massage with breathing exercises. Chinese Tui Na involves kneading and pinching. The key element in massage therapy is a sense of compassion and kindness. It is good to remember that the heart is associated with the sense of touch and the masseur must be able to feel the problems of the patient and be able to sense the way to drive the energy flow which is called ‘Chi’, in order to free the sufferer from pain. Massage combined with sympathetic counseling is very important. Most people think that receiving a massage is one way traffic because the receiver just lays there. This is not true and not beneficial or helpful at all. Massage in association with body awareness can help to ensure that the mind is used constructively to support the healing process. The therapist is happy to receive feedback from the patient, as a


Therapeutic Fasting

matter of fact it is very essential! Others expect massage for them to be the same as described by their friends. This again is not true. The therapist has to adjust the technique to suit the individual and takes into consideration the emotional and psychological aspects. There are seven primary energy points situated within the hollow central channel of the spine. All these chakras can be activated to varying degrees, and ailments of the body due to this imbalance, can be rectified. These chakras, when not functioning properly, are dull and sluggish instead of gleaming and pulsating in a harmonious way. A knowledge of the body language is another important asset for the therapist. A body can portray many things. Of course there is no rigid rule to be followed. The same physical gesture may mean different things under different circumstances. Yet, body language can give a good insight while communicating with. others. Just to mention a few examples: A pale color indicates weakness of the skin. Dullness in the eyes reveals a lack of enthusiasm. The area directly over the heart, the heart chakra, is the region associated with emotions, and by placing a finger there, and asking the patient to concentrate on breathing, tension due to emotional feelings can be released. Cold and tense hands reveal resentment. An awareness of these processes, is an added advantage in direct handling of emotional problems and thus the wholistic approach can be applied successfully. One must always remember that this may be a long term process as the massage does not heal directly but promotes bodily conditions which are favorable for self-healing. Caution: Sensitive areas should be directly avoided such as lumps, sores, skin eruptions and prominent veins. People suffering from heart conditions, clots, and serious infections should not be massaged with direct touch. But one can work on different energy bodies extending out from the body.

Self-Massage Techniques First practise the Sense of Touch Meditation to awaken tactile awareness. Choose some object for touching and feeling. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Pick the object up and start feeling it using the fingers of both hands. For ten minutes, fix your attention on its quality, texture, shape, and temperature. Your attempt at this stage is to merge with it. Once you have practised this try the following: This is purely for self-massage which might help you to feel better. It gives an idea of how the application works and how it relaxes the area. If you work slowly and gently on and around the region rhythmically, you will find how you can soothe away tension, and use it as healing method in case you have pain in the region.


Therapeutic Fasting

Shoulder Possible problems are: stiff neck, aching shoulders, headache. A: Shoulder to Elbow Sit comfortably with the spine erect. Place all four fingers on the left shoulder so the thumb is by the base of the neck. The second finger falls on the pressure point. Mold the hand to the curve of the shoulder and very gently tap the region for about one minute. Very softly, glide the hand towards the shoulder joint and down the upper arm to the elbow. As the hand is moving, notice any point of discomfort. If you find one, stop moving and gently stroke the region with the fingers. Repeat the whole process 5 times. Then stroke the right shoulder region in the same way. B: back of the neck Place the finger tips of both hands on either side of the spine (the cervical region). Make circular movements, applying only very little pressure. Make the region move with your fingers, do not rub them along the skin. Then slowly glide the finger tips from the base of the skull down the whole neck. When the finger tips finally reach the shoulder tops, squeeze and release the flesh on the shoulders. Do this 5 x’s with each time slightly deeper each time. Remember this a massage is not to cause pain to yourself or anyone else, a massage is given to relieve pain. So the lighter the touch the better, the healing comes from the Loving-Kindness you are radiating as well as the gentle touch. C: shoulder Place the base of the right palm on the left shoulder and keeping the wrist loose and the fingers folded, rhythmically pat the shoulder. Do this for one minute on each side. It helps circulation improve in the region. D: temples to the elbows Place the first three fingers on the temple regions on either side of the face and the thumbs behind the earlobes. Gently press the pressure point. Now softly roll and move the fingers over the temples for two minutes. Glide the fingers gently down towards the chin. Repeat the movement 2 or 3 times continuously. (The thumb need not be in the same place during this movement.) Slide the hands from the chin down the neck in front so that each hand comes onto the opposite shoulder. Continue down the opposite arms to the elbows. Repeat several times. At the end clasp each lower arm to perform abdominal breathing slowly.


Therapeutic Fasting

ARMS 1] Stroke the whole arm. 2] Knead all the way down the arm, squeezing and releasing. Pat gently all around the arm. 3] First with the palm, and then with the thumb and fingers, apply gentle but firm circular pressure all around the elbow, paying particular attention to the hollow areas. 4] Make a circular rotation with the palm on the forearm. 5] Finally stroke the whole arm.

HANDS 1] Stroke the backs of the hands and squeeze them by pressing between the palm and fingers. 2] Using the thumb, squeeze each finger. Apply circular pressure on the joints. 3] Stroke the tendons on the back of the hands with the thumbs. 4] In turn, place the fingers on the back and the thumb on the center of the palm. Apply pressure with the thumbs and make a static circular movement. Shift the thumb all over the palms and do the same. 5] Repeat the same over the wrist. 6] Gently apply stroking squeezing movements to the palms. Start at the fingers and end at the base of the palm (movement is like pushing).

FACE 1] Place both the hands on the face with the fingers on the forehead and the base of the palms on the cheeks. Hold it for a while. (feel the energy flow from the hands to the face and back again) 2] Gently glide the fingers out towards the ears, running over the temples. (imagine a magnetic force drawing the tension away). 3] Tilt the neck to one side. Using the backs of the hands, stroke, starting from the collarbone toward the chin. The stroking should be firm but not hurt, so that circulation is increased. 4] Using the thumbs, move along the jawline, starting from the ear lobes. Keep the thumbs close to the bone. 5] Using the back of the hands, gently slap under the chin. While 2 fingers move round it, applying circular pressure over the teeth. 6] Keep the mouth open to form a circle. Using 2 fingers move round it, applying circular pressure over the teeth. 7] Move the palms from the corners of the mouth to the ears. 8] Move the palms down the forehead, from the hairline to the bridge of the nose and ending with increased pressure on the temples. 9] Using a finger and the thumb, gently press the muscles between the eyebrows. 10] Stroke firmly along the eyebrows, starting at the bridge of the nose and ending with increased pressure on the temples.


Therapeutic Fasting

11] Pinch the eyebrows, moving from the center towards the temples. Apply gentle pressure to the tiny indentation in the bone under the eyebrows at the bridge of the nose. 12] Rubbing the palms together, place the palms over the eyes.

ABDOMEN Lie down on your back. 1] Using the fingers, stroke round the navel region. Increase the radius each time. The circle should be clockwise. 2] Now use the whole surface of the hand to make circular movements. Do not apply pressure. 3] Knead the abdominal region, starting from the top of the navel and moving circularly. 4] Turn over to one side and stroke the sides of the abdomen gently. 5] Cup the hands over the navel for a few minutes. Feel the heat and then lift the hands upwards.

HIPS Lightly pummeling is the best to massage this area.

LEGS Leg massage relieves aches due to standing for a long time, relaxes tired muscles and stimulates circulation. 1] Using the fingers, stroke round the navel region. Increase the radius each time. The circle should be clockwise. 2] Knead the whole thigh rhythmically with both hands, squeezing and releasing the muscles. 3] Gently stroke the thigh with both hands. Compare the difference between the energetic kneading and the smooth flowing strokes. 4] To enrich blood circulation, pummel (this means a gentle bouncy movement) the front and outside of the thigh with clenched fists. After this do not repeat striking or kneading. 5] Using all the fingers, gently rub all around the knee. 6] Apply circular pressure around the knee cap. 7] Pressing the knee cap at the top of the sides with the thumbs, softly stroke behind the knee. 8] Move the knee cap gently with the hands. Check to see if there is a fluid or spongy feeling. 9] Knead the calf muscles with both hands. 10] Squeeze the muscles away from the bone, releasing gently. 11] Gently stroke the area.


Therapeutic Fasting

12] Fold the palms of both hands and give a gentle shake to the muscles in the region.

FEET Bad posture, backaches and weariness can all stem from unnoticed foot problems. Place one foot on the other thigh and work on it. 1] Place one hand over the top of the foot and the other on the sole of the foot. Gently stroke the entire area, from the toes to the ankles. 2] Support the foot with one hand, pressing the thumb on the center of the sole. Using the thumb and fingers of the other hand, squeeze, roll round each joint and stretch each toe with a gentle pull. 3] Place one thumb on the other and applying comfortable pressure, run down the sole stuttering from the center of the balls of the toes. Make one line in the center and two on the sides. 4] Using one thumb, apply pressure with a circular movement on the arch and ball of the foot. Then make a knuckling movement all over the soles. 5] Hack (strike and flick with a springy action) the sole with the edge of the palm. 6] Stroke gently with both hands using the fingers and moving from the ankles down to the toes.

USAGE OF ESSENTIAL OILS In Auyurvedic medicine, essential oils and message are used for healing both physical and mental complaints. There are numerous formula listed in the traditional books of Ayurveda about the various combinations of herbs and oils extracted from flowers, leaves and other parts of plants. These act on the body and mind by activating and encouraging the flow of energy from Chakras. Researchers have found out, scientifically, that plant essences exert an influence on the body and mind and these essences are linked to both the properties and nature of the plants. Essential oils are highly volatile substances. Some have the consistency of water, but they mix well with vegetable oils. Essential oils are often confused with herbal oils or floral oils but in fact they are very different. Although the herbal oils have various cosmetic uses and are good for massage, they lack the ethereal and concentrated nature of essential oils and cannot be substituted for them, especially for internal use. The aromatic molecules can enter the blood stream where they have physiologically effect. With nutritional changes, and vitamin supplements along with certain essential oil treatments, many problems can be avoided and even cured. Aroma therapy massage is perhaps the best known and most important application of essential oils. They are never applied direct as they are too strong. They are mixed with base oils such as almond, wheat germ, soya, or coconut oils and the way they are applied differs from person to person depending on which school of thought the person learned from. According to this therapy, the energy known as ‘Chi’, flows through specific energy pathways or meridians and so, special attention is given to identifying and releasing


Therapeutic Fasting

these energies. The patient must be in a relaxed state as when this is the case, the body responds much better to healing. Aroma therapy is holistic in approach. It treats the whole mind and body and for the best results, combines a nutritious diet, relaxation through Tranquil Wisdom Meditation and aroma therapy. The person’s life style and emotional problems are also an important influence and aroma therapy combined with simple massage and tranquil wisdom meditation have proven to be a successful combination in the treatment of stress and stress related diseases.

ESSENTIAL OILS Essential oils can’t be applied directly. They should be mixed with base oils (almond, wheat germ, coconut) usually 6 drops of essential oil to 2 teaspoons of base oil. However, some combinations depend on the condition. Basil: Helps to produce cortisone nautili and is a refresher for the skin. It is used for the nerves and skin and is usually mixed with hyssop and bergamot. Bergamot: It is sensitive to ultra violet light and is used for acne, as an antidepressant and for anxiety, cystitis and skin care. Caution: Do not use it straight or in the sunlight. Black Pepper Oil: Used in India 4000 years ago for treating and dilating the blood vessels. It is very useful for muscular aches and pains and also for digestion. Cajput: Good for colds and coughs. A few drops of Cajput in the bath reduces fever. It also relieves tooth ache. Chamomile: Soothing, calms the nerves and it is anti-inflammatory. It is a sedative and is used for nerve problems and insomnia. Camphor: Stimulates the heart, improves circulation, clears chest congestion. Cedarwood: For treating catarrh. Chesol: Contains abrus precatorious, brassica campestris, capsium annum, aloe barbadensis. Very good for muscular pains and sciatica. Clove: Excellent for tooth ache. Embrocation: Contains belladonna, bryonis, arnica, rhuxtox. For strains and joint inflammations. Entrops: Contains phenol, eucalyptus and camphor (9:11:2 ratio) with a base. This is one of the best to use on any inflammation. Fennel: Excellent for digestive problems. It is diuretic so is used in arthritis and gout cases. Caution: not to be used by pregnant women, epileptics or children under 6 years. Frankincense: Calming, aids relaxation, treats respiratory infections. Geranium: Stimulates lymphatic systems. Used as a remedy for wounds and tumors. (Vaso-constriction). Ginger: The most important oil for treating rheumatism. Mixed with Juniper and Jasmine. It is an aphrodisiac, antidepressant. Induces labor. Used for impotence. Juniper: Diuretic, so is used for treating arthritis. Lavender: For muscular rheumatism, tension headaches, insomnia and depression. Used directly on the skin for getting relief from stings and bites. Lemon: Used for insect bites, warts, corns, and verscae.


Therapeutic Fasting

Lemon Grass: Similar to lemon but to a lesser degree. Marjoram: Pre-menstrual pain, increases blood circulation. Used for muscle spasms, aches and sprains. Nutmeg: The fruit (red) is used for rheumatism, cramp, sprains, bruises, asthma and coughs. Pine: A powerful antiseptic. Used for pneumonia, colds, bronchitis, asthma and coughs. Rose: Antiseptic, sedative, antidepressant and anti-inflammatory. Rosemary: Sharpens the mental faculties. Strengthens the heart beat. Treats rheumatic and bronchial problems. Sweet Almond: Makes a very good base. Used for treating broken nails (rub a few drops into the cuticle). Tangerine: For shoulder and back, especially for pregnant women. Wheat Germ: Makes a very good base. Contains Vitamin E. It protects the delicate area around the eyes. Ylang Ylang: (Flower of Flowers) Very good for calming nerves (just a dab behind each ear is enough).

PROBLEMS AND COMBINATIONS OF OILS Aches: juniper, lavender, rosemary Antiseptic: clove, eucalyptus, lemon Anxiety: chamomile, Cedarwood Appetite loss: peppermint, hops Arthritis: nutmeg + geranium, rosemary + chamomile, eucalyptus + sandalwood, mahanarayan oil, ginger + juniper Asthma: camphor Backache: iguana, cold compression, camphor, embrocation Balancing: cypress + lavender, rosemary + sage Blood Clot: juniper (no massage)

Blood Pressure: himasagar Bronchitis: camphor, camphor + sandalwood, pine + eucalyptus Bruises: iguana, cold compression, camphor, embarkation Burns: aloe vera, lavender, lavender + aloe vera cellulite, cypress + juniper. Cold and Fever: lemon balm, peppermint, rosemary Constipation: hibiscus, ginger, rosemary + thyme, marjoram + juniper Chestiness: camphor + eucalyptus Circulation: camphor, juniper, rosemary Cold and Cough: camphor, Cedarwood, eucalyptus, chesol Cramps: lavender, iguana Cysts or Nodules: elephant tooth + entrops, clay + entrops Depression: bergamot, basil + neroli, marjoram + ylang ylang Digestive System: ginger, lemon balm, lemon grass, peppermint. Exhaustion and Fatigue: lemon, peppermint, pine, basil, juniper + lavender, rosemary + geranium Fever: eucalyptus + lavender. no massage. peppermint (with towel on forehead and chest) Fibrosis: iguana, chamomile, camphor


Therapeutic Fasting

Gout: juniper + rosemary, mahanarayan, iguana, radox bath, nutmeg. Giddiness + Nausea: lavender, peppermint Hair Loss: bay + lavender, sage + thyme Headache: lemon balm, wintergreen, peppermint + camphor, almond + wheat germ, lavender, chamomile, rosemary Hemorrhoids: cypress + chamomile, lavender + juniper Hysteria: chamomile Hyperactivity: evening primrose Indigestion: basil + chamomile, peppermint Infections: lavender + thyme + eucalyptus Influenza: camphor, Cedarwood Insomnia: marjoram + almond + wheat germ Impotence: patchouli + sandalwood, clarysage + ylang ylang Insect Bites: lavender + thyme, basil + marjoram, clay, neat lavender. Joints: ginger + juniper (knee), iguana (freshly ground), hot towel, nutmeg (knee), nutmeg + camphor + ginger + juniper (pelvic), nutmeg + danvantari + balatailam (pelvic), clay + nutmeg + clove (knee or elbow), iguana, Radox soak, nutmeg (ankle, toe, finger) Kidney, Bladder: borage rosehips, eucalyptus + sandalwood, juniper + thyme, chamomile + eucalyptus + cajput Liver: Burdock, hops Lethargy: basil, pine, ylang ylang Menstrual Pain: evening primrose, ginger + raspberry, wintergreen Menstrual Cramps: cypress + sage, cypress + lavender Menopause: chamomile + sage, chamomile + lavender Migraine: lavender + eucalyptus, rosemary + chamomile, peppermint, camphor + chamomile. Motion Sickness: ginger Nausea: lemon balm, ginger, peppermint Nerves: chamomile, geranium Neuralgia: basil + chamomile, mahanarayan Pregnancy: raspberry Repellent: lemon + clove, geranium + eucalyptus, peppermint Rheumatism: nutmeg, iguana, soak in Radox, juniper + lavender + rosemary, nutmeg + camphor + almond, mahanarayan, himasagar, bala tailam Sciatica: mahanarayan, iguana, hot towel, camphor, chesol, dry warm towel Shingles: Vitamin E oil Sinus: eucalyptus + pine, cypress + niaouli Skin: lavender + sandalwood + rose Sun Burn: lavender + chamomile, yogurt, aloe vera applied directly Sprain: iguana, marjoram, rosemary, iguana + cold compression + danvantari Tension: lavender, basil + nerloi, vetiver + lavender, himasagar Tetanus: bala tailam Thyroid: chamomile + basil + entrops Toothache: clove Varicose Veins: cypress + geranium Water Retention: hibiscus, burdock


Therapeutic Fasting

- primrose oil has been used for treating the brain, hyperactivity in children and women suffering from premenstrual syndrome - Thyme, bergamot, lavender and chamomile stimulate the body’s natural defense system against infections. They help to increase the white blood cells when they are applied to the skin or inhaled. - Fennel and jasmine have a hormonal influence and can stimulate milk secretions in nursing mothers. - A blend of cinnamon and orange will cheer up even the most miserable person. -Bergamot, lavender, rose, jasmine neroli, sandalwood, and ylang ylang neroli are used for depression. -For fertility, the most popular oils used are jasmine, ylang ylang neroli and sandalwood. -For respiration disorders sprinkle a few drops of peppermint, Cedarwood, eucalyptus or lavender on a bowl of boiling water and drape a towel over the head and bowl to trap the vapors and steam and inhale deeply for a few minutes. - To relieve pain or congestion in internal organs, sprains and bruises, a compress can be used. Chamomile is best for a hot compress to encourage boils to come to a head and to relieve the pain of cystitis. Use peppermint for an icy cold compress to relieve headaches.

Massage Therapy HAY FEVER and ASTHMA First massage the chest region and the back using camphor oil, very gently. The stroke should be outwards from the center of the body. Then apply gentle pressure over the area of the collar bone. After that, with gentle pressure, massage the thumbs of each hand and the next three fingers including the webs between them until tender spots are not felt in the area. After the massage, soak the feet in hot water having crushed 3 garlic cloves, and add a drop of either thyme or lavender oil (thyme or lavender leaves can be used instead of oil).

CHILBLAINS Massage the chest and the back using cream or ointment made of elderflowers or horse radish roots.

PLEURISY Massage the chest and the back using a mixture of camphor and basil oils. Massage the fingers of both hands by pressing the webs and pads under the fingers gently.


Therapeutic Fasting

RHEUMATISM Apply gentle pressure and massage the area affected with downward strokes using a mixture of juniper, ginger and nutmeg oils. A mixture of juniper, lavender and rosemary can be used instead, your choice.

NECK and SHOULDERS People sometimes awaken with stiff wrists and numb fingertips. These are symptoms of an affected neck, shoulder and arms. Light pressure on the neck in the area of the cervical vertebrae produces pain. Warm the neck by using a dry hot towel or using gentle strokes with the pain. Use basil or camphor or chamomile oil or the mixture of all three. Using all the fingers, gently press starting from the base of the skull and move downwards to the area behind the ears and then downward towards the base of the neck. Then starting from behind the ears, move down slowly pressing gently (but firmly) towards the neck and end pressure near the front of the neck (Adam’s Apple). Move from the base of the skull towards the center slowly and massage downwards ending near the shoulder (collar bone). Repeat this process a few times.

HEART Massage gently on the left foot under the 3rd, 4th, and 5th toes until the tenderness disappears. Similarly massage under the last two fingers of the left hand. Later soak the feet and hands in warm water containing 3 cloves of crushed garlic and a drop of chamomile oil.

KIDNEY Massage the bottom of each foot at the center by pressing and rolling. Move down the inner edge of the foot towards the heels. Repeat several times.


Therapeutic Fasting

COUGH and COLD Using camphor oil, apply gentle pressure on either side of the spinal cord between the shoulder blades and move downwards until the pelvic bone id felt. Increase the area of the massage on either side of the spine each time. Later apply gentle pressure using thumbs in front of the body and near the center of the chest (the thymus gland) moving down along the rib cage. Also apply pressure just above the arm pits in front of the shoulder and the sides of the naval region. After that massage gently rub the entire arm moving downwards.

GENERAL BACKACHE Massage the entire lumbar region moving down towards the pelvic area using wheat germ oil, juniper oil, ginger oil, clove oil (only a drop) and camphor mixed in equal proportions. From the buttock region move up and to the sides of the hip joint. Later from the same starting point, i.e. buttocks (upper portion) move outwards and then turn towards the center of the buttock linings making a semi-circle.


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