Extending Your Message- Perfume

Page 1


Content Page 2- 3.. Content and introduction.

Page 4- 5... Creative concept Page 6- 7.. Brand aesthetic

Page 8- 9.. Brand map and values Page 10- 11.. customer mood board

Page 12-14.. customer profile Page 15- unique selling point

Page 16- 17.. New concept Page 18- 19.. Day in the life

Page 20- 21- Summer winter concept Page 22-23.. time line

Page 24- 25..Brand onion Page 26- 27.. evalation and summer/ winter concept cont..

Figure 1

Page 28- 29.. Social media Page 30... Summary.

We are a brand created to help and relieve stress due to work, whether its full time work, part time work or exam and school stress. Our brand came about after looking into the Japanese word Karōshi (過労死) which is a socio medical term meaning death due to over work. Stress is the biggest cause of illness in the UK and our brand aims to combat this. Due to the serious nature of this product we aim to be a playful brand, being a Japanese inspired brand.

Figure 2

Our brand concept could be seen as quite serious, and dark. This is why we wanted to create a fun, experiential product that is priced so that is it accessible to a wide range of people. Our product will be priced around ÂŁ55, slightly high than our main competitor Muji, but gives more of an individual living space due to the unique fragrances used within our product. Fragrances are also available sold separately in a wide range of smells so consumers can create their own personal fragrances and individual spaces within their homes.


Creative concept.

KarĹ?shi is a Japanese inspired air mist diffuser which unique and different essential oil fragrances including Fresh Wasabi, Wet Cobble Stone, Aged Tobacco and Tokyo Skyscraper. We feel that these unique fragrances are like no other diffuser on the market and bring something our competitors such as Muji don’t. We wanted to create a product that benefits the consumer and improves their quality of life. We aim to be a minimal brand and have created an aesthetically pleasing product that fits within the modern living space. When first bring out this product we aim to target the young innovators who are our 16- 25 years bracket then our product will reach the laggards (the older audience).

‘In the case of a traditional dualism between the soul and the body, as especially found in Platonic and Christian traditions, the identity of the body will be relatively unimportant, because identity will primarily have to do with the soul, not the body’

Figure 3


Brand aesthetic. Our brand strives to be minimal so this is what we wanted to show when making our packaging and logos. Within our logo we wanted to include our brand name and keep the Japanese roots, therefore we combined the japanises writing with our english translation.


To keep our brand true we have used 4 main colours/ shades- Black, white, grey and red. We also made our packaging simplistic, sticking with our chosen brand colours and a minimal drawn image.

Figure 4


Figure 5

People associate smells with memories, whether its childhood memories i.e. grannies cooking, board games. Or memories throughout life. These fragrances can be calming, and relaxing therefor we want to create fragrances that may be seen as unusual and unique. Something that consumers can’t get anywhere else, giving us an advantage over our competitors.

• Our brand values are invested in providing a product that benefits our target consumers’ quality of life. • • We aim to be a minimal brand that finds its place within the aesthetics of the moden living space. • • We strive to be an aesthetically pleasing product. • • We want to combat issues within society i.e workplace stress, and/or exam stress. • • We are a playful personality being a Japanese inspired brand. • • Our concept is distinct due to the aesthetic and the fact that an individual space can be created with a combination of modern day, artisan smells and fragrances. • • We also feel that there is a strong focus on Korean beauty brands these days.



i n s t a g r a m


Figure 6



I n d i v i d u a l






customer profile.

Figure 7: Image sourced from facebook.

Figure 8: Image sourced from facebook.


Name: Alex Age: 21 Occupation: Student Social media interaction: 5 times a week Shop interaction: Once a week Online shopping interaction: 4 times a week Description: Party animal, social, end of year exam stress, indie, into music, exploring new places and travelling.

Name: Monica Age: 18 Occupation: Student Social media interaction: Everyday Shop interaction: twice a week Online shopping interaction: Most days Description: Fun, works hard, studies, enjoies me time, into animals, into trying new things.

Figure 9: Image sourced from facebook.

Figure 10: Image sourced from facebook.


Name: Ina Age: 36 Occupation: Photographer and mum. Social media interaction: Almost every day Shop interaction: 3 times a month Online shopping interaction: once a week Description: Family, friends, relaxing, travelling, bubbly, works from home, doesnt get much me time.

Name: Marlon Age: 29 Occupation: Office worker Social media interaction: twice a week Shop interaction: twice a month Online shopping interaction: twice a month Description: career driven, single, lives in london, eats out a lot, classsy bars.

Figure 11: Image sourced from facebook.

Fifure 12: Image sourced from facebook.


Name: Martin Age: 61 Occupation: Solicitor Social media interaction: 3 times a week Shop interaction: Daily Online shopping interaction: once a month Description: Part time actor, enjoies socialising, meets up with friends, lives alone (city),

Name: Sally-Ann Age: 53 Occupation: Teacher Social media interaction: once a week Shop interaction: once a week Online shopping interaction: twice a week Description: Married, children who have left home, has a pet, quite nights in, sometimes goes out on weekends to the pub, other half works too.


• Unique frangrances 1. Eg.. Wet cobble stones 2. Books at a library 3. Tokyo skyscraper 4. Ylang ylang 5. Fresh Wasabi • Based of stress being the biggest cause of illness in the UK.


Bloggers have become very popular over the past couple of years. To increase knowledge and interest in our product we will be gifting to bloggers and youtubers with a high following count and who are interested in health and wellbeing. This concept will probably be put into place before the summer and winter launches. There is also an opportunity to personalise the product, making them more unique and personal for the blogger, this could also be a way in which people will pay a little extra for a personalised air mist diffuser to recreate what their favourite blog has received. This could add a little extra unique feel and make our brand feel more playful and ketch, however this might not work as if the designs and personalisation is to busy or intricate then this could be taking away from our brand aesthetic of being minimal and fitting in anyone’s home. When talking to a professional blogger and Youtuber (TheMaddieBruce) she explained that the main way brands interact with her to collaborate was through email and contacting her agent, another ways are by inviting her to events that gives her an interactive experience with new and upcoming product and possibly samples that they can try at home. She said that “the main way I find out about new products is social media” (Maddie Bruce). She also told me she was paid for about 50% of her collaborations and promotions of brands, as she gets so many brands contacting her she has to pick and choose what are best for her followers. After attending a few of these event myself (Superdry, Motel, BondiSands etc) I was able to experience the type of people that attend each events and how the brand translates what they are about through experience. To make a comparison the Motel event was very colourful and had a playful vibe, and included interactive activities eg, henna tattoos, hair chalk being put in people’s hair and spray tans, whereas the Superdry event had a lot more of a mature feel, they still included interactive things such as bowling and food, but the lighting was more dimed and the overall atmosphere was more serious. The whole reason for gifting to bloggers are to get knowledge about our product out there, and interest the followers of these people. After gaining this information, I thought that an event before each summer, winter product is released would be a good idea. From other events I think it would be a good idea to have interactive and fun things for people to do at the event for example a photo booth in which people attending can take pictures at the event and have them printed off on a social media hashtag printer (the picture prints if they hashtag the image on their social media). These images will have the brand logo on them. In relation to this I need to think about the process of the consumers with go through when seeing these gifted products and hash tagged images.


Figure 13


Figure 14

Looking at our younger audience I have looked into a day in the life of our consumer. 95% of 18- 29 year old are using social media. This will be a main way in which we will stay in contact with our audience, promoting our product and hearing their views, opinions and discussions. We will also be creating a hashtag so interacting will be easier, all images and comments will be able to be seen in one place. After talking to some of our younger target consumers we learned that many get distracted from what they are doing due to social media, so our brand needs to be reinforced on social media. Hopefully due to this the consumer will be brought back to our website and will then invest within our product. Our younger audience use social media throughout the day so this will be our main way of communication and promotion. However, we will have other media platforms. As less young people are watching television and watching things online such as YouTube, Netflix and 4 on demand. It would be more worth our time and money investing adverts and side banners on online television then ads on television itself. Our younger audience will either be studying, working or be doing something with their weekend and free time so we are expecting most of our contact time with our customers to be in the evening or lunch and morning breaks.

Buys/ becomes a loyal custumer.

Seen product and brand from blogger.

Visit wesite

Adverts and side banners pop up

Gets distracted by social media and facebook


Figure 15

Summer/ Winter Concept.

‘We need reasons for preferring one thing rather than another thing in a consumer society’. We as a brand want to be different so people choose us. Therefore, limited addition fragrances will also be available in different sessions. For the hotter summer months, a fresher and light fragrance will be created. In contrast the colder winter months will include homelier, and more sessional fragrances. During the summer months people find it hard to sleep and concentrate due to their houses and spaces feeling to hot. Room air mist diffusers are known to improve sleep, and cools down rooms when using crisp, cooling essential oils. This is a bonus for the customer as they will save money by not having their air conditioning on, therefor reducing electricity consumption.


Time Line.

Winter Gifting, Bloggers, Events.

Yoga, meditation classses launch.

Events Gifting Bloggers


Blogger gifting, media t

r , social teaser.

By initially gaining the interest of our younger audience by collaborating with popular lifestyle bloggers with the relevant follows we can create a buzz about our product. After consumers know a little more about our product we will bring out some new and exciting opportunities for people to try our product, and get a feel for it before they buy- giving experiential events and use of these products within meditation and yoga classes. We will then create more of buzz after our first product launch bringing out limited fragrances and using the press, again bloggers and social media as our key communication between our audience.

Summer Limited addition frangrances.

Press Release.

New fragrances

Unique smells Social media


Brand Onion. Brand in action. • Instagram • Facebook • Website • Product • Direct marketing Brand personality. • Witty • Minimal • Caring • Smart • Combating stress Brand values • Service • Innovation • Aesthetic • Combating stress Essence • Quality • Individual • New • Exciting


Figure 16


Our first campaign shoots didn’t go to plan and didn’t work well with our brand aesthetic showing quite a small customer audience. With summer approaching new, exciting and fun shoots can be taken. We want our product to stand out to normal everyday working people, we also don’t want to isolate any consumers. A new shoot will take place in which we will use everyday people of all ages that our consumers can relate to. We would want these images to be bright, playful and a little bit ketch as our concept and subject matter is quite a serious issue. A few images we may use as inspiration are Jean Pauls adverts for Madame. They are incredibly playful and have inspired a few images within the heads of some of our team- These ideas include flirting with the grim ripper with the tag line ‘don’t flirt with death’. Also I feel adding an injection of Japanese culture would be affective and keep us true to where our brand aesthetic came from. I feel like these images will work well in unexpected spaces to convey the message of our brand in a more exciting way, and hopefully contacting a wider audience. An example of this is projecting still or moving images onto building (eg office buildings), big open spaces, pavements to create a non permanent canvas for our brand to be displayed and projected on. Another creative and different way in which we can engage with our city and office workers would to create some sort of advising the advert created for The Economist which appeared on top of a London bus in 1990, saying ‘Hello to all our readers in high offices, The Economist’. This is a creative and individual way in which a brand can communicate with their consumer in a fun playful way.


Figure 17, 18.


Figure 19

Are customer always comes first and our main aim is to reduce work place stress. This is a very well know issue and is close to many people’s lives, many people are able to relate to this topical issue. The fragrance sector is huge and creating a new brand is a risk and could take time to catch on but I feel that we have filled a gap in the market, a diffuser that uses unusual fragrances to calm, relax and make the consumer feel safe within their own space. We are also able to ask our consumer what fragrances they would like to see next, this is a main way in which people can contact us on social media and voice their options. Different fragrances will remind our consumers of memories, experiences and emotions. Overall we want our product to be an experiential product, we want our consumers to have an emotional connection to our brand so they keep coming back for more.


Figure 20

Illustrations. Figure 1- Group photoshoot, [team work] Figure 2: Qi, S. (Chinese . b . 1965) Ai Weiwei, 2009. Accessed via https://www.artnet.com/auctions/artists/ sheng-qi/ai-weiwei [Accessed 2 June] Figure 3- Kasi Minami, Untitled #17. Available via Society6.com [accessed 25 May] Figure 4- Karoshi mood board [Group work] Figure 5- Brand map [Group work] Figure 6- customer mood board [own work] Figure 7- sourced from Facebook


Anon, May 2012. internet use over time by teens and adults. Available via: http:// www.pewinternet.org/files/2012/05/ Internet-over-time-teens-adults.jpg [web] Pew Research Centre. [Accessed May 25] Cope, J. Maloney D. Fashion Promotion In Practice. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2016. Pages 18-19. [Accessed May 24] Ingledew, J. The a-z of visual ideas. Published 2011, Laurence King Publishing. [Accessed May 23]

Figure 8- sourced from Facebook Figure 9- sourced from Facebook Figure 10- sourced from Facebook Figure 11- sourced from Facebook Figure 12- sourced from Facebook Figure 13- Anon, Untitled. Accessed via Society6.com[Accessed June 3] Figure 14- Kline, F. 1955 Orange Outline. Accessed June 2 Figure 15- Anon, Untitled. Accessed via https://twitter. com/babskoe_remeslo [Accessed May 26] Figure 16- Collaboration with a photographer [own work] Figure 17, 18- Images from group photoshoot Figure 19- Images from existing Facebook and Instagram pages for our brand [Group work] Figure 20-Anon, Untitled. Accessed via Serene- available at http://www.serenesocial.com/2016/04/4246/ [Accessed June 3]

Ingledew, J. The a-z of visual ideas. Published 2011, Laurence King Publishing. [Accessed May 30] Posner, H. Strategy Branding and Promotion. Published 2015 Laurence King Publishing [Accessed May 27] Svendsen, L. Fashion a Philosophy. Published 2006, Reaktion Books. [Accessed May 20] Svendsen, L. Fashion a Philosophy. Published 2006, Reaktion Books. [Accessed May 25] Health and safety executive October 2015- Work related stress, anxiety and depression statistics in Great Britain study case 2014/15 [online] [Accessed 16 May]

Bibliography Kahlo, F. 1938. What the Water Gave Me. Available The Art Book, Phaeton Press Limited published 1994. [accessed may 18] Motherwell, R. 1915. Elegy to the Spanish Republic No. 134. Available The Art Book Phaeton Press Limited published 1994. [Accessed May 18] Twombly, C. 1928. Bolsena. Available The Art BookPhaeton Press Limited published 1994. Accessed May 18] Soulages, P. 1919. Painting 16. Available The Art Book Phaeton Press Limited published 1994. [Accessed May 18] Shackleton, H. I-D magazine, riseing up- wyndeham roche. [Accessed May 12] International Labour Organization 2013- Case study: Karoshi: Death from overwork [online] Accessed [16th March 2016]

Kirkova, D. (2014) The average mother gets just 17 minutes ‘me time’ to herself each day. Available at: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ femail/article-2552188/The-averagemother-gets-just-17-minutes-timeday.html (Accessed: 22 March 2016). Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan. 2011. Survey of work-related diseases. Available at: www.mhlw.go.jp/bunya/ roudoukijun/anzeneisei11/h23.html The Grocer magazine May 2015The sweet smell of success: reed and candles boost aircare [online] 16 march 2016 Nielsen., June 2014. Nielsen Press Room. Global consumers are willing to put their money where their heart is when it comes to goods and services from companies committed to social responsibility. Accessed 20th March 2016.

Appendix Karoshi questionnaire for research. Your age: Do you use social media? If yes, what social medias do you use? How long a day of average do you spend on social media? Do you have any smells that give you memories from your life/ experiences? Do you work/ study (specify) if so how many hours a week on average are you working/ studying? Would you say you got stressed easily? Do you feel you can relax when you get home? Do you have your own space at home? What adverts catch your eye at the moment? Where did you see these adverts?

Have you looked at this brand after seeing the advert?

Word count: 2453

Alaina Gibson N0647517 Extend your message FASH10106- Creative networks.

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