OMICRON Insert - Technical Review Middle East 6 2015

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The OMICRON Customer Magazine for the Middle East and South Asia

Volume 6 Issue 2 2015

Magazine Innovative Power System Testing Solutions

6 CPC 100: 43 possibilities, 1 system 3 Test solutions for generators: ensuring a safe and reliable power supply – 16 RelaySimTest: for a safe journey in the future – 24 First-class customer support: listening and understanding omi_magazin_issue11_MESA_RZ.indd 1

20.10.2015 15:55:46


Table of contents Editorial

Dear readers,

Bill Kibart Regional Sales Manager Middle East and South Asia

Many of you will be new to the OMICRON Magazine,

Once the protection has done its work, the onus is

indeed you may be unfamiliar with OMICRON

on the circuit breaker to clear the fault. Therefore,

itself and so I would like to start by giving you an

correct operation is essential and can be confirmed

introduction. OMICRON is an international company

by correct testing, a topic later explained with a

that provides solutions for the testing and on-line

Nordic twist by considering an application in Norway.

monitoring of electrical substations and associated equipment for electrical utilities, equipment

The logical extension of periodic testing is

manufacturers, commissioning companies and

to utilize on-line monitoring to continually

industrial customers. With sales in nearly 150

supervise your assets and this topic is also covered

countries, OMICRON has established an international

by investigating the monitoring of potential

reputation as a supplier of the highest quality.

partial discharge in the insulation which, if undetected can lead to catastrophic failure.

The purpose of the OMICRON Magazine is to highlight applications in the power system sphere

The key factor in a good relationship between

where testing and monitoring solutions are being

a supplier and user is support. In this issue we

utilized so that potential users can identify how

explain how we strive to provide the highest

modern equipment can be used to improve their

level of assistance to our customers around the

methodology and systems. In this sample copy of

clock and across the globe. This relationship is

the magazine we cover a wide variety of topics.

also strengthened by understanding the needs and perspective of the customer and to this end

Starting with the generator, we can see how

a questionnaire has been included which I urge

proper testing can ensure the reliability of the

you to spare some time to complete. Those which

system and avoid the costly consequences of failure.

are returned to us will be entered into a drawing

Traditionally, OMICRON has been known for its

where two lucky winners will receive an iPad mini.

protection testing and this remains a vital part of our business, but it is a very dynamic area where

If you find this magazine interesting and would

technology never actually stands still. The increasing

like to see future issues, please contact us at

use of IEC 61850 system communications requires, so we can ensure that you

new tools to ensure that the digital signals in the

receive an e-copy of the magazine in the future.

substation can be handled appropriately. The use of powerful simulation software can also assist in

Enjoy the read.

assuring the correct operation of the protection itself. Both of these issues are addressed in the article on the UK’s Network Rail’s Great Western system. Bill Kibart

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Ensuring a reliable

power supply Generator testing avoids the costly consequences of failure Gaal Umwelttechnik provides industrial organizations with testing services to ensure reliable generator operation. For many years, industrial companies with medium-voltage (MV) generators are the principle customers of Gaal Umwelt­technik. These companies include airports, data centers, paper mills as well as chemical plants and waste treatment plants. They all use MV generators on site to ensure a continuous, reliable power supply that is so crucial for their operations. With the experiences of more than 30 years working with generators in the area of industrial power generation, Zsolt Gaal and his team have established testing procedures for reliable condition assessment of these generators.

Using diagnostics to prevent failure

of dissipation factor and capacitance,

All types of generators have insulation,

dielectric response and partial discharge

which is subject to operational stress and

measurements. These off-line measure-

Founded in 1991 and based in

aging processes. Weak spots and deterio-

ments are conducted by Gaal engineers on

Hannover, Germany, GAAL Umwelt-

ration in stator winding insulation in par-

site during commissioning as well as during

technik is a service company that

ticular can eventually result in a complete

periodic maintenance checks throughout a

specializes in secondary testing of

failure of the machine. “The consequential

generator’s service life.

generator protection devices and

GAAL Umwelttechnik

energy distribution systems as well

costs in the event of a machine failure are immense,” says Zsolt. “That is why diagnos-

“We own a CPC 100, CP TD1 and CP CR500,

as primary testing for condition

tic testing of the insulation is so important

a DIRANA and a MPD 600 from OMICRON.

assessment of generator insula-

over the entire service life of generators.”

Together these diverse solutions cover

tion systems. Its customers include

everything that we need for primary test-

industrial companies throughout

Gaal Umwelttechnik uses various diagnos-

ing on generators,” Zsolt says. “You can get

continental Europe.

tic measurements for reliable condition

excellent performance out of these testing

assessment of insulation; measurement

products.”   Magazine | Volume 6 Issue 2 2015

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«The consequential costs in the event of a machine failure are immense. That is why diagnostic testing of the insulation is so important over the entire service life of generators.» Zsolt Gaal Managing Director at Gaal Umwelttechnik and a member of CIGRE

Data centers are one of many types of industrial companies that are dependent on reliable generator operation.

With the measurement of capacitance and

strength. Compared with other dielectric

Gaal Umwelttechnik performs a number

power / dissipation factor, also known as

tests, PD measurements allow localized weak

of tests on the insulation of its custom-

tan-delta, changes in the insulation can be

points of the insulation to be identified.

ers’ rotating machines. This way, Gaal

diagnosed using the CPC 100 and CP TD1.

engineers are able to obtain a lot of

Aging processes, changes in the insulation

“We achieve the best results with the MPD’s

information, which can be compared to

structure or moisture all result in measur-

synchronous, multi-channel PD measure-

verify results. “The various test measure-

ably increased power / dissipation factor

ment, which separates internal PD sources

ments help us to confirm or negate any

levels. Measuring power / dissipation factor

from each other and from outer noise

suspicions we may have,” Zsolt explains.

over a wide frequency range using DIRANA

signals common in industrial environments,”

“We start with a typical voltage withstand

helps to determine the dielectric response

Zsolt continues. “Finally we conclude with

(DC) test of the insulation to make sure

in order to differentiate between several

an insulation resistance measurement to

that it can handle the high-voltage testing

polarization losses and power losses.

make sure that the insulation was not dam-

Verifying condition with various tests

that is about to be performed. Then we

aged in any way by testing and that it can

conduct a power / dissipation factor and

“After the dissipation factor measurement

capacitance measurement over a wide fre-

we make a partial discharge measure-

quency range with DIRANA, continued by

ment with the MPD 600,” says Zsolt. Partial

Establishing a baseline trend

a power / dissipation factor measurement

discharge (PD) occurs in the stator insulation

Gaal Umwelttechnik compares current

tip-up test using the CPC 100 combined

system of rotating machines, where local

measurements with previous data to come

with CP TD1 and CP CR500.”

electric field stress exceeds the local electrical

up with a reliable conclusion. “One has to

be returned to normal operation”.

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Customers of Gaal Umwelttechnik use medium-voltage generators on site to ensure a continuous, reliable power supply.

build up a trend to understand changes in condition,” Zsolt says. “That is why it makes a lot of sense to start testing if you have the chance at the beginning during commissioning. This provides you with a basis that you can build on with successive measurements for a real comparison over time”.

Filtered interference signals

“As long as there are no unusual values, then everything is OK,” says Zsolt. “However when anomalies are found during these tests, then it is important to keep an eye on them during subsequent tests. If the measurement values become progressively worse, then I recommend to the customer to take the necessary maintenance or repair measures,” he says. “In this case we conduct further testing to make sure that repairs were performed successfully.”

Separated PD activity Separation through 3PARD (3-phase amplitude relation diagram)

Advanced measurement techniques allow the MPD 600 to separate internal PD sources from outer noise signals for optimal results. Magazine | Volume 6 Issue 2 2015

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43 possibilities –

1 system

Customers around the world talk about how they use the CPC 100

Whatever the application – be it power transformer testing or ground and line impedance measurement, or when used as a high-voltage source for partial discharge measurement or current and voltage transformer testing – the all-rounder CPC 100 effortlessly takes on all of these roles.

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CPC 100 and accessories > Replaces multiple testing devices through a multi-functional universal test system > Various tests on high-voltage systems such as current and voltage transformers, power transformers, switchgear and rotating machines can be performed with the CPC 100 > Powerful and universal: 800 A, 2 kV, 15 Hz – 400 Hz, 400 A DC > Simple to use and easy to transport due to light weight (29 kg/64 lbs) > Expandable to 2 000 A AC , 12 kVAC when using accessories

The multi-functional primary test system CPC 100 was developed specifically for the commissioning and maintenance of systems in electrical networks. It replaces numerous individual testing devices and at the same time, offers you new, innovative testing methods. Despite its range of capabilities, the CPC 100 is easy to use. Electrical tests on various assets including power transformers, current or voltage transformers, grounding systems, power lines, rotating machines and cables, as well as circuit breakers can be performed much faster. Due to the variable output frequency, the user can also use test frequencies that differ from the mains frequency. This allows mains-related interference to be effectively suppressed. The CPC 100 was first introduced in 2001 and has been continuously improved since then. Thanks to a wide range of accessories, the testing device is versatile like no other. As a result, new application areas have opened up in recent years. Today, more than 40 tests can be performed with the CPC 100. We asked customers around the world what they used the CPC 100 for, and what they particularly appreciate about it.

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«Simple to use, high functionality and easy to transport.»

«Comprehensive documentation options and time-saving work.» Bernhard And ers and Berthold Stoc khausen SAG Group G mbH

Padraig O´Sul livan ESB Internat ional

The inspection of grounding systems in transmission sta-

Customer service is a top priority at the SAG Group. “Our customers,

tions was a time-consuming and complicated process for

such as wind farm operators, wanted to record their test results in

ESB International: “We used a transformer mounted on a truck

a much more detailed way than it was possible with our previously

trailer in order to achieve the necessary current strength. Sure,

used testing equipment. That is why we decided to buy a CPC 100

the method worked, but the transport was a catastrophe and

four years ago,“ recalled Berthold Stockhausen and Bernhard An-

the frequency could not be changed,“ recalls Padraig O´Sullivan,

ders of the SAG Group GmbH.

Consultant for Asset Management Services at ESB International. “So we started looking for an alternative, and found one at

“When testing with the CPC 100, we no longer need to manu-

OMICRON.“ Padraig O´Sullivan has now been working with the

ally transfer measured values individually into the test report, but

CPC 100 and CP CU1 for more than 10 years. For him, the change

instead, can store them directly in the CPC 100 and retrieve them

has paid off: “The CPC 100 can do much more than our old test-

again later at the office,“ said Bernhard Anders. “If necessary, we can

ing system, is easier to use, to transport and to connect up.“

also create a PDF document directly and email it to our customers.“ This eliminates errors when transferring data. “For me, this reliable

The advantages of the CPC 100 are really obvious: “In addition

and time-saving method of recording data is definitely the greatest

to the mobility, we especially appreciate that the testing system

advantage,“ added Berthold Stockhausen.

is easy to use. Thanks to the guided testing workflow of the Primary Test Manager™ software, even inexperienced users can

Purchasing the CPC 100 also brought additional benefits. “We used

operate the CPC 100 right away. Our experienced colleagues

to have to do everything individually. We had to bring everything

can also create customized test procedures for exactly what

with us and connect all of the appropriate multimeters, devices

they needed.“

for energizing the asset and others,“ said Bernhard Anders. “That takes a lot of time, which we can now save using the CPC 100. This accommodates the increasing time pressure during commissioning in particular.“

Since ESB International was founded more than

SAG Group GmbH is the leading service and system

40 years ago, it has risen to become one of the

supplier for electricity, gas, water, district heating

world’s leading consultancy companies for

and communication networks, as well as for systems

engineering services. ESB International is head-

for the generation, transmission and use of power

quartered in Dublin (Ireland), and operates in the

and media in Europe. Over 100 locations in Germany

area of electricity supply and implements large-

ensure nationwide service for regional and munici-

scale projects for infrastructure development. The

pal energy suppliers, industrial companies, power

company belongs to ESB, Ireland’s national power

plant operators and transport companies. Other core

company, and employs more than 700 employees

markets of the SAG Group are France and Central and

in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

Eastern Europe.

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«Precise test results.»


«Versatile all-round talent.»

Luis Carlos Ra mírez Pernet t Transelca

Rüdiger-Will y Klein DB Energie G mbH

In the past, calculation methods were typically used when deter-

With the CPC 100, a variety of test equipment can be replaced

mining line impedances in the railway network. “Unfortunately,

by only one multi-functional testing system. “It used to be

these theoretically calculated values were often inaccurate. Only

that performing different tests meant that we had to bring a

in individual cases were we able to perform measurements that

wide array of test devices with us and re-wire multiple times

delivered more precise results,“ explained Rüdiger-Willy Klein

between the tests,“ recalled Luis Carlos Ramírez Pernett, Sub-

of DB Energie GmbH. “We used traction current generators and

station Maintenance Scheduling Coordinator at Transelca, “and

special circuits for this. The effort was immense and not applicable

we then had to summarize the test results manually.“

to the entire network.“ The versatility of the CPC 100 was the deciding factor in purTherefore, DB Energie GmbH started looking for a test system,

chasing the test system about six years ago. “We test circuit

with which a determination could be made with limited effort,

breakers, power transformers, current and voltage transformers

and found the CPC 100. “Now we can measure the line imped-

and capacitor banks. Among other things, we determine the

ances across the board, rather than just calculate them. In this way,

dissipation factor, turns ratio per tap and the winding resis-

we obtain actual values and can precisely set our distance relays

tance on the transformer. We also use the CPC 100 to measure

accordingly. Fault analysis showed us that precise fault location

the knee-point voltage, magnetization characteristic, burden

was possible where measured values have been set.“

and winding resistance on current and voltage transformers,“ explained the technician.

Another advantage for DB Energie GmbH is that the test frequencies can be variably adjusted with the CPC 100. “This is particularly

“We can do all of this and much more with the CPC 100. It is

important for us, because in addition to the tests conducted in the

compact, easy to use, and the communication with the PC is

railway area with 16.7 Hz, we also take line impedance measure-

simple. Thanks to the integrated display, I do not even need a

ments on smaller medium-voltage systems with 50 Hz.“

laptop when testing on-site.“

DB Energie GmbH is an independent energy manager, and is responsible for the largest mixed energy portfolio

As an Energy Transmission Company based

in Germany. The company offers tailor-made solutions for

in Barranquilla, Colombia, Transelca operates

the supply of traction current, three-phase current, gas

power transmission and telecommunications

and diesel fuel. Railway undertakings, industrial or com-

networks on the country’s northern coast.

mercial companies are provided with expert advice on all

Planning electrical facilities for voltage levels

matters. In addition, DB Energie is the long-term energy

from 13.8 kV to 220 kV is also part of Transelca’s

supplier of Deutsche Bahn and responsible for the highest

portfolio. The company also has facilities in Peru

supply reliability of railway companies in Germany.

and Bolivia.

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Products and technology

Products and technology


time keeper TICRO 100 enhances the precision of simultaneous measuring processes in protection techniques Albert Einstein once said, “time is relative and depends on the movement of the observers“. Relatively speaking, he was completely right. The laws of physics also apply to the world of secondary technology; but here the objective of precision of absolute time measurement and synchronization matters most.

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Products and technology

TICRO 100 > IEEE 1588 PTP time converter > Precise generation of time codes such as IRIG-B, DCF77 and PPX > Highly stable internal reference oscillator for optimum hold-over in case of network failures. > Developed especially for use in electrical engineering > Freely configurable trigger times > Secure web interface

Anyone who wants to perform a correct

Therefore, IEC 61805-5 prescribes differ-

Essentially, PTP is a communication protocol

phase comparison or who evaluates error

ent precision classes for time sensitive

based on time stamps, which allows the

logs from protective relays is dependent on

measurements and time-stamped events.

time on several devices to be precisely

reliable time specifications for the locations

They determine the maximum admissible

synchronized using existing Ethernet con-

concerned. If the measurement systems of

time inaccuracy of a measurement or a

nections. Unlike NTP, PTP offers much

secondary technology systems are decentral-

time-stamp, typically related to UTC. The

higher precision in local area networks with

ized, precise synchronization is necessary.

required synchronization precision lies be-

a system accuracy in the 100 ns range. To

This becomes especially difficult for time sen-

tween ± 1 ms and ± 1 µs. The IEEE standard

achieve this, it uses a master-slave configu-

sitive applications in protection technology.

1588 provides an Ethernet based system

ration of the clocks available in the network,

suitable for such applications – the Preci-

in which the best clock capable of serving as

sion Time Protocol (PTP).

grandmaster becomes the designated “time

The dilemma with time signals

provider“. The Best Master Clock Algorithm

In order to ensure the necessary precision, protection technology engineers supply

For the use of PTP in IEC 61850 infrastruc-

(BMCA) used for this purpose acts demo-

Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) with

tures, a specific “Power Profile“ was defined

cratically since the grandmaster clock only

time reference signals provided by a central

in 2011. An additional standard extension,

continues to be the leading clock as long

station clock, often through separate

the IEC 61850-9-3, which defines a simple

as it provides the best time reference for

cables. However, separate wiring requires

PTP profile especially for power grid opera-

the entire system. Otherwise, another clock

more time and effort for installation and

tors, has now been released. Bernhard

capable of becoming grandmaster immedi-

maintenance. Moreover, the time signals

Baumgartner is the Business Manager

ately takes on this function, free of interrup-

used during this process (for example,

at OMICRON Lab and believes that this

tion and with a synchronization precision

those which are made available by DCF77)

technology has many advantages: “PTP is

better than 1 µs.

run the risk of differences in propaga-

the most precise and secure method for

tion time between locations caused by

the time synchronization of networked

Due to the fact that nothing is ideal in the

atmospheric influences. The alternatively

systems and IEC 61850 structures. It makes

real world, there are measuring instru-

used Network Time Protocol (NTP), well

the separate distribution of time reference

ments in many areas that work with the

known in the fields of UNIX and Windows,

signals and the use of several decentralized

most diverse time synchronization signals.

is not precise enough for the requirements

GPS reference times unnecessary. It thereby

Some of the latest generation protection

in special areas such as the SynchroPhasor

eliminates a multitude of potential error

devices already have an IEEE 1588 compli-


sources and system inaccuracies.“

ant Ethernet interface. Magazine | Volume 6 Issue 2 2015

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Products and technology

OTMC 100 All in one:

Station controller

GPS antenna

GPS receiver

Grandmaster clock

Ethernet network for control, communication & time synchronization

OTMC 100 PTP grandmaster IEDs


IEC 61850

TICRO 100 PTP time converter Slave clock

Merging unit


Bay 1

PTP-capable devices

IEEE 1588 time synchronization IEC 61850 & IEEE 1588

Merging unit


Slave clock

Slave clock

TICRO 100 PTP time converter

Bay 2

Slave clock

non-PTP devices

Time synchronization of PTP-capable and PTP-incapable equipment with the IEC 61850 station bus.

from OMICRON Lab. The appliance then

only the station bus connected instead of

protection devices will still operate. For

generates time reference signals in the for-

OTMC 100. The internal high stability refer-

a switch to PTP or IEC 61850, the protec-

mat required by the IED – either as coaxial

ence oscillator ensures that in the event of

tion technology engineers are tasked with

output with the TTL level, or as a potential-

a network failure, TICRO 100 continues to

integrating such devices as efficiently as

free or optical output signal. This enables

provide precise time signals – depending

possible. Bernhard Baumgartner says:

the majority of all devices in the field to be

on the selected oscillator option with a

“With TICRO 100 we offer our customers


maximum deviation of < 25 µs or < 100 µs

However, a high number of PTP-incapable

to UTC within 24 hours.

a simple and flexible PTP time converter that precisely performs this task. TICRO 100

In combination with a directly connected

converts PTP into understandable time

OTMC 100, TICRO 100 generates a highly

With its functional variety, TICRO 100

reference signals for practically every IED.

precise local time basis, to generate the

forms one of the essential cornerstones

This significantly simplifies the integration

required time codes as well as time refer-

of high precision measurements, as it is

of existing devices.“

ence signals such as second and minute

required not only by the IEC 61850. It

pulses. Thus, systems synchronized via

supports the secondary technology as well

Out of the box

IRIG-B or DCF77 can now be provided

as every phase of the conversion to this

Connecting TICRO 100 is very simple; the

with locally generated time reference

standard, which is becoming more and

appliance receives the PTP signal from the

signals derived from GPS. Even a later

more important in electrical engineering.

PTP grandmaster via Ethernet. This can be

conversion to a central PTP station clock

More information on the use of IEEE 1588

the central station clock or a grandmaster

then becomes problem-free; the existing

in electrical engineering can be found here:

clock connected to GPS, such as OTMC 100

TICRO 100 wiring remains unchanged, with

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From ustria to ambia



How a CMC 256plus supports the Kafue Gorge Regional Training Centre Power system equipment in Zambia is aging as most of it was installed in the 1960s and 1970s. Most of the equipment in generation, transmission and distribution systems requires an upgrade. In Zambia, the national utility ZESCO Limited

OMICRON in Africa OMICRON products are already being used in 34 African countries – inclu-

embarked on a system upgrade program called the Power

ding ESKOM (South Africa), the lar-

Rehabilitation Project (PRP). This program led to the modern-

gest electricity producer on the con-

ization of the protection systems and the engineer faced new challenges with respect to relay testing.

tinent. In total there are more than 1 000 CMC test sets in use in Africa. Customers and interested parties can contact us personally at about 15 events that take place every year, such

Upgrading the power level

cost electricity in an efficient manner in

as the OMICRON South African User

The PRP supports the Government’s objec-

order to stimulate inclusive growth in the

Conference (SAUC) from November

tives for enhancing the ability of Zambia’s

Zambian economy. The PRP is involved in

9 to 10, 2015 in Johannesburg.

Electricity Supply Industry to provide low

the rehabilitation and up rating of the   Magazine | Volume 6 Issue 2 2015

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The parcel with the CMC 256plus being received at KGRTC.

The test device is connected and ready for use.

The CMC 256plus being put to use.

training programs are focusing on Line

ing protection devices, two of our electri-

Zambia. As part of this project the measur-

protection and Transformer protection

cal lecturers also attended the OMICRON

ing and protection equipment was changed

and voltage regulation, and each course

Basic Protection Testing training course in

from old electro mechanical relays to mod-

includes hands on exercises with a specific

Johannesburg, South Africa.

ern intelligent electronic protection relays.

emphasis on ABB’s 670 series and 650

three major hydro power stations in

series of products. The courses’ purpose is

The CMC 256plus proved successful when

Filling the skills gap

to impart the fundamentals and principles

used for the practical training sessions

The major power consumers in Zambia are

of each topic area.

testing ABB IEDs ranging from transformer

the copper mines along the Copperbelt.

differential protection to line distance

The old mines have also been upgrading

What’s in the package?

protection. The injections from the test set

their old electrical infrastructure to modern

To aid protection engineers in carrying out

were performed for different configurations

switchgear and transformers. The chal-

these tests on the various relays during

and settings in the IEDs under the guidance

lenge that this created for the protection

the training program, we asked OMICRON

of Patrick Cost, a Protection Trainer and

engineers was that they were trained to

(Austria) if they could support this initiative

Application Specialist from ABB.

maintain and test the old electro mechani-

by loaning us a CMC 256plus for instruc-

cal protection relays, but the skills they

tional purposes.

had acquired were no longer sufficient for

It’s all connected The participants in the first training pro-

maintaining and testing the new Intel-

We chose OMICRON because of their

gram were KGRTC lecturers and protec-

ligent Electronic Protection Devices (IEDs)

reputation for making the best test sets for

tion engineers from ZESCO (Zambia),

that were installed as part of the upgrades.

testing protection and measuring devices

the Swaziland Electricity Company and

and the fact that their equipment is widely

the Uganda Electricity Transmission

In order to fill this gap in their skills, Kafue

used and well established in Africa. The

Company Limited and from ABB, Uganda.

Gorge Regional Training Centre (KGRTC)

CMC 256plus was delivered in April 2014

The CMC 256plus was also used for the

partnered with ABB to develop two train-

complete with the Test Universe Software

Transmission System Design Maintenance

ing programs for protection engineers

package, the GOOSE module and the

and Protection (TSDMP) course which was

working for utilities in Zambia, other

EnerLyzer recorder software. In order to be

designed for engineers from the Rwanda

African countries and beyond. The two

trained to operate the CMC 256plus for test-

Energy Group (REG).

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The Kafue River is one of the longest rivers in Zambia.

The practical training programs for testing protection devices that are being conduct-


ed using the CMC 256plus, are providing

The Kafue Gorge Regional Training Centre is located in

up to date knowledge and skills to protec-

Namalundu 100 km / 62,14 miles south of Lusaka, in the

tion engineers from Zambia, the region

vicinity of one of Zambia’s largest hydropower stations –

and beyond. When commenting on the

Kafue Gorge Power Station. The Training Centre was

Generator Protection component of the

established in 1989 by the Southern Africa Development

ABB program one delegate remarked that

Community (SADC) to offer specialized training in hydro-

“It’s a good program and I would advise

power and related engineering disciplines. There are now

management to continue making such ar-

over 3 000 course participants from various African utilities

rangements because technology is chang-

who have attended courses at KGRTC.

ing every day and there is a need to remain up-to-date.” Clement Twenda from ZESCO added “The program should be conducted at regular intervals”

Lusaka Kafue

Eng. Mpezilwe Simukoko Electrical engineering lecturer in KGRTC

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16  Application


Reading Newport Swansea


For a safe journey in the future


Network Rail’s approach for protection scheme testing of the Great Western protection system

Southampton Central

Plymouth Penzance

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London Heathrow

In collaboration with the Department for Transport, train companies and other stakeholders, Network Rail, the owner and operator of most of the rail infrastructure in England, Scotland and Wales, aims to electrify key railway

Guildford Gatwick Airport

routes to provide a faster, quieter, more reliable and environment-friendly transport system. By electrifying the Great Western route, one of Britain’s busiest railroads, over 50 substations will either

Southampton Central

be built or renewed.

Portsmouth Harbour

For the first time, Network Rail will operate these substations with a new supply scheme called the Rationalized Autotransformer System (RATS). The manifold new approaches associated with this scheme called for early trial testing, as well as an innovative approach for testing the protection system. Learn more about the trial tests, the protection concept, and how the challenges of testing such a system were tackled with RelaySimTest.

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18  Application

How does the RATS protection scheme basically work?

What was novel about the testing approach?

As soon as a fault occurs, all of the circuit breakers in the feed-

A well-known and established method for fulfilling the

er station trip. Then the automation element disconnects the

testing requirements is running time synchronized steady-

faulty equipment, having assessed the fault location by using

state sequences on each test set. In this case RelaySimTest

the distance zones and current directions detected during the

(software for simulation-based and distributed protection

fault. Finally, the circuit breakers in the feeder station that are

testing) was also used. Furthermore, CMC test sets and

not feeding the fault, close. All substations in one section com-

two DANEO 400 units (hybrid signal analyzer for power

municate via GOOSE messages over an extended IEC 61850

utility automation systems) were used. A special version

station bus in order to provide sufficient data to isolate faulty

of RelaySimTest was developed to simulate a 25-0-25 kV

feeders automatically and restore healthy feeders.

autotransformer electrical traction system in order to support Network Rail in the trial testing.

What does the test environment look like? The smallest possible electrical section that can test and de-

The distributed test sets can be controlled either by a

velop the protection scheme consists of a feeder station, one

direct network connection or via an ordinary internet con-

autotransformer site, two catenaries and two feeder lines. Each

nection. When the RATS protection scheme was tested

line is primarily protected by a single phase, distance protec-

it was possible to configure free ports on the substation

tion relay. Using GOOSE messages, all relays have to commu-

network to control the test sets with just one PC.

nicate over an Ethernet network with a Sequence Controller containing the protection and restoration scheme.

Using a power system simulation and having the ability to control multiple test sets synchronously are both separate innovative features. Combined they create an innovative




Willow Park


Ordsall Lane

solution that really shines for challenging cases such as testing the RATS automation scheme. Compared with steady-state sequences that have to be designed for every

The test environment consists of three stations: the Autotransformer Feeder Station (ATFS) with circuit breakers on each line, the Autotransformer Station (ATS) which is only connected via load breaker switches, and the Section Autotransformer Station (SATS) equipped with circuit breakers.

The test set is completely wired-up by the technical team and awaits execution with RelaySimTest.

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relay of each test case, a simulation based approach can scale up to an unlimited number of relays for all probable test cases and levels of complexity. How did the team test the communication? Another aspect of the RATS protection system is the communication between the relays distributed over substations and the Sequence Controller. Similar to the system that will be installed in the Great Western Route Modernization, each device communicated via two redundant networks to make the protection system highly fail-safe during the trial test network. By using two GPS-synchronized DANEO 400s that recorded all of the messages on the communication network, the technical team was able to prove that network latency is not an issue for the scheme.


ISIO 200’s enhanced functionalities New SCADA IEC 61850 interface and optimized usability


With its new IEC 61850 server, ISIO 200, the versatile binary I/O

>> Application-oriented testing of protection

terminal for Substation Automation Systems, offers extended func-

systems independent of relay type and

tionalities. It now communicates with an IEC 61850 SCADA system.

manufacturer >> Distributed testing made easy by control-

The server maps the binary inputs and outputs to attributes in

ling multiple CMCs from one PC via any

the IEC 61850 data model. Changes to the binary inputs trigger

Internet access

IEC 61850 reports and GOOSE messages. The binary outputs can

>> Testing of advanced relay functions such as

be controlled by subscribed GOOSEs and by control services. You

power swings, transient ground faults, ca-

can select one of the four models being offered (general-purpose

pacitive line phenomena, complex telepro-

I/O interface, CB interface, overcurrent relay interface, and telepro-

tection and adaptive protection schemes

tection interface).

>> Simulation of CT saturation and the ability to import CT Analyzer reports >> Applicable for testing protection systems for railroad networks.

The redesigned web interface with its new look and feel for an optimized operating experience fully supports mobile devices with small screens, e.g. smartphones.

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20  Application


Nordic testing Reliable and comprehensive troubleshooting for circuit breakers

Since its market launch in 2013 customers all over the world have started to use CIBANO 500 to test their circuit breakers (CBs). So have EB Elektro AS in Hokksund, Norway. During a maintenance job for one of their customers they found a severe failure in a CB before any further damage could occur. For EB Elektro AS CIBANO 500 has once again proven its benefits.

EB Elektro AS is a leading Scandinavian com-

the new concept of CIBANO 500, I became

pany for developing, producing and install-

curious and asked for a product demonstra-

ing high-voltage devices. Odd Tangen works

tion,“ Odd Tangen remembers. “It turned

as a service engineer in the service section of

out that the overall concept of CIBANO 500

CB installation, commissioning and main-

did a good job of meeting my expectations.“

tenance. In 2012 he saw the necessity for

So he ordered the device. “This was a good

a new CB testing instrument. He started to

decision on my part as CB testing became so

research the market. “In 2013 I heard about

much easier,“ Odd Tangen confirms.

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Current condition as a first step

Bad measurement results

In September 2014 Odd Tangen and his

As requested by the customer, condition

team were asked by a Norwegian customer

monitoring was done based on visual

to suggest a maintenance plan for 11 of

inspections and measurements only. No

EB Elektro AS is a manufacturer

their 362 kV, live-tank SF6 CBs. With almost

cost-intensive disassembly should be

of high-voltage devices such as

30 years of practical experience in the

undertaken. The visual inspections showed

disconnectors, earthing switches

field, Odd Tangen didn’t want to begin

nothing unusual.

and motor operating devices.

maintenance procedures with a cost-


EB Elektro AS

A part of their service portfolio is

intensive major overhaul of the breakers

Measurements with CIBANO 500 were

the installation/refurbishment,

that was only based on their long service

done next. Together with the main

commissioning and mainte-

life. “For me it was more cost-effective to

contact module CB MC2 for the dynamic

nance of circuit breakers. The

assess their current condition first. So I

contact resistance test and the transducer

head office and production faci­

recommended carrying out a condition

node CB TN3 for the motion/contact

lities are in Hokksund, Norway.

monitoring,“ he explains his decision. “If

travel test all measurements were able to

we would find any failures, major overhaul

be executed without rewiring between

actions could be taken afterwards.“

the tests.

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The timing measurement already showed abnormal

fact that the instrument can measure contact timing,

timing in one phase of a CB during a close operation

travel, static and dynamic contact resistance, coil cur-

and Odd Tangen and his team became suspicious

rent, minimum pick up and undervoltage condition

(Fig. 1.). They received further unusual results dur-

with the same wiring setup,“ summarizes Odd Tangen.

ing the static and dynamic resistance measurements

“This helps me to save a lot of time during my daily

(Fig. 2). The C, O, and CO operation showed closing

work, because I don’t need to change the wiring sev-

times that changed in the same phase.

eral times as with other test systems,“ he adds. “Another great feature is the built-in power supply, because

Gas analysis confirms measurements

it gives me independence from a station battery.“

After the measurements with CIBANO 500 an SF6 gas analysis was done. Different parameters including dew point, gas volume, SO2 level, and gas pressure were tested. The results of the gas analysis were really bad. Especially the SO2 content was abnormally high. “The gas literally stank,“ remembers Odd Tangen. “This was additional proof that something was definitely wrong with one phase.“ The next step was to take the CB out of operation and replace it with a spare unit. “It took us four days.“ The defective CB was brought into a workshop where it was dismantled. Soon the reason for the failure was found. “A flashover in the main contact carrier due to loose parts was detected,“ Odd Tangen explains.

Fig. 1: Timing measurement during a close operation shows failure in blue phase.

Flashover in the main contact carrier due to loose parts. Fig. 2: Dynamic resistance measurement shows failure in blue phase.

“The reference measurements after the repair confirmed that the CB worked properly,“ says Odd Tangen (Fig.3). And he continues: “With CIBANO 500 we can do cost-effective condition monitoring and begin comparably expensive overhauls only when necessary – that’s exactly what our customers expect.“ Valuable partner Since his first practical experiences with CIBANO 500 in 2014 Odd Tangen has been in close cooperation with OMICRON’s development team. He is always giving the team his valuable feedback for product enhancements. “What I personally like most about CIBANO 500 is the

Fig. 3: Dynamic resistance measurement after repair.

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Odd Tangen Service engineer for EB Elektro AS, Norway

OM: What was your first impression of CIBANO 500 during the product presentation you saw in 2013? Odd Tangen: Right from the start I saw the advantages

«Thanks to CIBANO 500, the wiring effort is cut down to a minimum, which greatly reduces the testing time and probability of measuring errors.»

of its general design and features which offer several benefits compared with other instruments. and only need to measure one motion. When you Can you give me a rough estimate of the num-

have three phases with one interrupter per phase you

ber of tests you have already carried out with

can do all your measurements in one turn: timing,


travel, DRM, static contact resistance, coil current and

So far I have tested about 150 customer CBs in total on

motor current.

site ranging from 12 to 420 kV. In addition I have done quite a lot of tests in the EB Elektro workshop and with

However, when you start testing bigger CBs you really

customers during the development of different trans-

save a lot of time. If you have a CB type with indepen-

ducer applications. These were also several hundred

dent pole operation, for example, you need to mea-


sure two interrupters per phase, three motions and


three dampings in the drive mechanism. This means six What would you say is the best thing for you about

travel parameters, three trip plus three close coil cur-

using CIBANO 500?

rents, three motors of driving mechanisms and DRM in

One big inconvenience while testing with other CB

six interrupters. For such a use case you need to use a

test systems are the time-consuming and failure-prone

mobile personnel lift in order to connect your hard-

wiring setups which sometimes need to be changed

ware and cables. This is really time consuming. With

several times between the different measurements. So

CIBANO 500 you only need to do the wiring once. You

with CIBANO 500 OMICRON’s developers made sure

connect to all three phases, you do all your tests and

to cut down the wiring effort to a minimum, which

you remove the wiring again. With other equipment

greatly reduces the testing time and probability of

you need to do the wiring twice or even three times.

measuring errors. I especially like this aspect of it very

I would say you save 50 % of your time when you use

much, because it pays off every day of my working life.

CIBANO 500 in such a case.

Can you somehow quantify the time-saving you

Are there any general trends you see in circuit

have achieved by using CIBANO 500?

breaker testing?

In order to respond to this correctly, I need to split up

Looking into the future I am sure that we will see more

the answer. For the smaller breakers from 12 to 24 kV

and more cost-effective maintenance based on condi-

you can save 20 to 30 % of time. Normally these break-

tion monitoring as customers become more and more

ers are easily accessible and the wiring is no problem.

critical of time-based maintenance.

In general you have a CB with ganged pole operation Magazine | Volume 6 Issue 2 2015

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24  Background


What can we do for you? First class customer support means listening – and understanding

Relationships are part of our everyday lives. For example, we have

venient time, such as during the commis-

relationships with our spouses, parents or colleagues. Fundamen-

sioning of equipment, then costly delays

tal aspects such as respect, helpfulness, appreciation and trust form the foundation of these successful and strong connections.

will quickly occur. To maintain flexibility in such cases, we immediately provide replacement equipment, without red tape

We also want to incorporate these values in our professional rela-

whenever possible. One customer state-

tionships. At OMICRON, we have been maintaining close relation-

ment from the 2013 study sums it up: “It

ships with our customers since the very beginning, putting their satisfaction at the center of our operations. Our customers are

is simply an uncomplicated relationship; minimal bureaucracy and quick responses. Regardless of whether it concerns loan

confident in our ability to fulfill their future needs in the best

units, telephone support, replacement

possible way. But what exactly do we do for them?

equipment or on-site personnel working on a difficult or new measurement. The response from OMICRON is always excel-

Understand their needs

show a demand for simple customer sup-

lent.“ Our products provide more than just

Before we can offer truly enthusiastic sup-

port that responds quickly to their needs.

reliable quality. Calibrations and case-by-

port to our customers, we must understand

On the other hand, responses regarding

case, out-of-warranty repairs, for example,

their needs and desires. In order to do so,

shipping delays, such as those caused by

are handled fairly and in accordance with

we not only rely on our experiences and

customs, were found to be remarkably

the customer's wishes.

direct feedback from personal contacts, but

tolerant. Our logical operational response;

have also repeatedly conducted customer

reduce repair times as much as possible

Strengthen and tailor our

satisfaction surveys in various regions since

instead of investing unnecessary amounts

customer relations

the year 2000. The results of these analyses

of energy and money in accelerating the

Every customer is an individual and wants

are critical in helping us illuminate the

shipping process.

to be treated as such. Therefore, they not only receive around the clock technical

areas with which our customers are satisfied and those which we need to improve.

Even if our customers can fully rely on

support from a qualified technician who

These surveys reveal some very interest-

the quality of our equipment, occasional

competently addresses their problems

ing cases; in cases involving repairs, the

unexpected problems and defaults are

and questions, but also a representative

overwhelming majority of responses clearly

unavoidable. If this happens at an incon-

who is always friendly, communicative and

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«Our international team responds to over support questions each month — around-the-clock, seven days a week. We answer the general questions customers have about products and how to use them, or support customers during a test both via telephone and on site.»

1 000

Michael Jäger, Technical Support

enthusiastic. We take the time necessary for each request and communicate on an equal footing. A customer from Switzerland lets us know, for example, that we are on the right path and praised our “familiar feeling“. Moreover, he values our “mutual technical interest, not just a sales interest; OMICRON takes you seriously. They quickly deal with your problems, whether they involve technical support, information or offers. You get a response in the shortest amount of time and their closeness to customers is remarkable.“ As a company present around the world, it's not just about ensuring the availability of our support across all timezones, but also about taking cultural differences and characteristics into consideration. A nod of the head, for example, is understood as an affirming “yes“ in most countries around the world. Not so in India; here people move their head back and forth to politely affirm something or show that they are listening attentively. Therefore, our support and sales teams are trained to understand and consider the unique qualities and behaviors of various cultures. This promotes smooth cooperation and makes strong

Our Technical Support team is dedicated to providing professional customer service. We handle service and warranty cases quickly and efficiently.   Magazine | Volume 6 Issue 2 2015

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26  Background

Customer satisfaction survey business relationships possible. It is almost Between 2012 and 2014 we carried out a comprehensive customer satisfaction survey in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the United States.

a given that our software, manuals and training videos are available in multiple languages. Is your language missing? We are staying on the ball, for example we are adding Korean to our four other Asian languages for our Test Universe verification



1 500 100

people took part in it.

of the surveys More than took the form of qualitative interviews.

Staying up-to-date, even in the future The constant maintenance of our products and the development of new solutions enable customers to rely on the sustainability and the secured future of their investments. We channel more than 15 % of our total sales into research and develop-


% of participating customers indicated overall that they are satisfied to very satisfied with OMICRON.

ment so that tomorrow we can offer more innovative and user-friendly solutions to the increasing complexity in the field of energy technology. Therefore, we not only

The majority of those questioned rate

meticulously work “quietly behind closed doors,“ but maintain a running dialogue with our customers, experts, renowned research institutions and universities. The ideas are then incorporated, for example,

the availability of our Technical Support

the time it takes us to respond to queries

and the technical expertise of the support teams

as significantly better than or at least equal to those of the competitors.

into free software updates or are provided in the form of application notes, papers, and technical contributions in the customer area and on our user forum. In addition, customers have access to free webinars that introduce them to the basics of using

Do you need assistance or want to provide feedback?

their product. This is only a small selection of our activities, which help us keep in touch with our customers and maintain a long-term and successful relationship. We are convinced

Europe / the Middle East / Africa

North and Latin America

+43 59495 4444

+1 713 830 4660 or +1 800 OMICRON


that the quality of our business relations is especially evident after purchases have been made. And, of course, we are delighted to receive particularly satisfying

+852 3767 5500

testimonials from customers: “With respect to support, OMICRON has, in my opinion, Europe / the Middle East / Africa

North and Latin America or


set the standard in the industry.“ Thank you very much for your service!

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End to End Testing in


RelaySimTest in operation

Ahmed & Sameh adjusting the CMGPS 588.

We were given an opportunity in Cairo which provided us with the challenge of conducting an End-to-End test using RelaySimTest during a brief shutdown of a 66 kV power line between two substations. The utility granted approval for a shut-

The engineers completed the test in good

down of a maximum of three hours to

time with satisfactory results for the line

complete the whole test. Two of our

differential relays

technical experts were located in substa-

(Siemens 7SD522).

tions 6 km apart. Sameh Eldmrdash led the

A full report

operation with support from Ahmed El

with an Arabic


introduction was

The CMC at Ahmed’s location is connected to the relay. Line diff ere Creation date

circulated to all The test utilized two OMICRON CMC units

of the protection

(lent to us by our customers in Egypt), two

heads in the

CMGPS 588 units, an internet connection

‫ﺠﻬﺎﺯ ﺍﻟﻭﻗﺎﻴﻪ‬ SIEMENS 7SD5


Substation address:

Shorouk 1

Egyptian Ministry of Electricity.



2 ‫ﻤﺪﺨﻞ‬

Bay addre ss:

CT 1

Direction towards: VT 1 Location at:

and the RelaySimTest software licences.

ntial pro

/ last modi fied: 201505-20 09:38 Created by: :50 OMICRON Execution Tester date: 201505-14 17:02 Executed :50 by: Same h Eldmrdash Executed: 8 of 8 Issues: 0 Passed: 8 Failed: 0 Overall asses sment: Passed Comment: Real test with Relay SimTest for between line differ Madinaty ential prote and Shoro ction SIEME uk 1 - 66KV NS 7SD5 ‫ﻤﻴﻜﺮﻭﻥ ﻭ ﺍﻟﻤﺴﻤﻲ‬ 22 ‫ﺍﻧﺘﺎﺝ ﺷﺮﻛﻪ ﺃﻭ‬ RelaySimTe ‫ﻟﻤﺤﺎﻛﺎﻩ ﺍﻟﺠﺪﻴﺪ‬ st ‫ﺴﺘﺨﺪﺍﻡ ﺑﺮﻧﺎﻤﺞ ﺍ‬ ‫ﻓﻲ ﻭﻗﺖ ﻭﺍﺤﺪ‬ ‫ﺍ‬ ‫ﻧﻬﺎﻴﺘﻲ ﺍﻟﻜﺎﺑﻞ‬ ‫ﻃﺮﻴﻖ ﺍﻟﺤﻘﻥ ﻤﻥ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﻟﺘﺰﺍﻤﻥ ﻋﻥ‬ ‫ﻟﺘﻧﻔﻴﺬ ﺍﻻﺨﺘﺑﺎﺭ‬ ‫ ﻙ ﻑ‬66 ‫ﺠﻬﺪ‬ ‫ﺠﻲ ﺑﻲ ﺍﺱ‬ 1 ‫ﻭ ﺍﻟﺷﺮﻭﻖ‬ ‫ﺘﻜﻧﻭﻟﻭﺠﻴﺎ ﺍﻝ‬ ‫ﻤﺤﻃﺘﻲ ﻤﺪﻴﻧﺘﻲ‬ ‫ﻭ ﺑﺎﺴﺘﺨﺪﺍﻡ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻭﺍﺻﻞ ﺑﻴﻥ‬ ‫ﺘﻔﺎﺿﻠﻴﻪ ﻋﻠﻲ ﺍﻟﻜﺎﺑﻞ‬ ‫ﻤﻧﻃﻘﺔ ﺍﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮﻩ‬ ‫ﺍﺨﺘﺑﺎﺭ ﺍﻟﻭﻗﺎﻴﻪ ﺍﻟ‬ ‫ﻭﺍﻟﺻﻴﺎﻧﻪ ﻤﻥ‬ ‫ﻤﻬﻧﺪﺴﻲ ﺍﻟﻭﻗﺎﻴﻪ‬ ‫ﺻﺤﺎﺭﻱ ﺠﺮﻭﺏ‬ ‫ﺤﺿﻭﺭ ﺍﻟﺴﺎﺪﻩ‬ ‫ﻤﺻﺮ ﺷﺮﻛﻪ‬ ‫ ﺑ‬2015 ‫ﻤﺎﻴﻭ‬ ‫ﺃﻭﻤﻴﻜﺮﻭﻥ ﻓﻲ‬ 14 ‫ﺍﻟﻤﻭﺍﻓﻖ‬ ‫ﻭﻛﻴﻞ ﻤﺑﻴﻌﺎﺖ‬ ‫ ﺍﻟﺨﻤﻴﺱ‬:‫ﻻﺨﺘﺑﺎﺭ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺠﻧﻭﺏ ﺑﺤﻠﻭﺍﻥ ﻭ‬ ‫ﺘﺎﺭﻴﺦ ﺍ‬ ‫ﻤﻌﻬﺪ ﺘﺪﺭﻴﺏ‬ ‫ﻛﺬﻟﻙ ﻤﻤﺜﻠﻲ‬ ‫ﺠﻬﺎﺯ ﺍﻟﻔﺤﺺ‬ ‫ﻭ‬ 2 x CMC 356 2 x CMGP S 588

Circuit break er Breaker type: Trip time: Close time:

1,2000 kA : 1,0000 A Equipment 66,000 kV : 100,00 V Equipment

3-pole 50,000 ms 100,00 ms

Ahmed gives remote access to Sameh.


Cable voltage level

66 kV

Cable length

6 km (Madinaty – Shorouk1)


2 x Siemens 7SD522 line differential protection

CMCs used

2 x CMC 356 NET1-B (one at each side)


2 x CMGPS 588 (one at each side)

Internet Access

2 x UMTS (one at each side)

Line Shutdown Period

9.00 am until 4.00 pm (actual working time was 1.30 pm to 4.00 pm) Sameh discussing the results (protection panel, containing the relays, in the background).

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What’s on

Trade shows and conferences



GCC Power


Jeddah | Saudi Arabia

Cairo | Egypt

02 November – 05 November 2015

06 December – 08 December 2015

5th Iran International Electricity Exhibition (IEE) Tehran | Iran

For a complete list of OMICRON Events,

08 November – 11 November 2015

go to

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