مرحبا بكم في مجلة العين مول وبناء على رغبة بعد النجاح الذي حققه العدد األول من مجلة العين مول ً يسرنا أن نقدم لكم العدد الثاني،مستأجرينا و زوار العين مول والقراء الكرام نأمل أن تكون الموضوعات التي نتناولها في مجلتنا تنال رضاكم.من المجلة وهدفنا أن نبقيكم دائم ًا على اطالع بكل ما هو جديد ومفيد وأي تحديث في نحن نؤمن بأن زبائننا يستحقون األفضل على. خدمات ومحالت العين مول الدوام ولهذا لن نوفر جهداً لنقدم لهم ما يحبون ونهديهم أفضل محالت األزياء . والمطاعم والمقاهي والترفيه وخدمات على مستوى راقي شراكتنا مع سكان مدينة العين و رواد العين مول تجاوز عمرها عقد من الزمن التطوير و التوسعات التي تتابع في، ونحن نفهم تمام ًا توقعاتهم وآمالهم نرجو من متسوقينا الكرام.المول خير دليل على التزامنا أمامهم بتقديم األميز موقعنا: أن يبقوا دائم ًا على تواصل معنا من خالل قنوات اإلتصال المتنوعة الفيس بوك و التويتر وغيرها حتى ال يفوتكم أي من، الرسمي على اإلنترنت . عروضنا المميزة وفعالياتنا وبرامجنا وأنشطتنا العديدة . العيــــن مـــول... نرحب دائم ًا بكم في بيتكم الثاني المدير العام/ مرهف رياض كيشي
Welcome to Al Ain Mall Magazine Inspired by the grand success of our first print magazine and demands from our Tenants and readers, we present you the second issue of Al Ain Mall Magazine. Hope the topics we covered and the information we share through diverse mediums are of great interests to you. Our endeavor is to keep our customers abreast of the latest developments and happenings in their favorite shopping Mall. We strongly believe that our clients deserves the best and we spare not a single effort to offer them the best choice, be it in fashion, food & beverage, leisure, services and comforts. Our association with shoppers span over a decade, we do understand their needs and expectations. The massive expansion and the ongoing rejuvenation of the retail mix speak volumes about our absolute commitments. We urge all our shoppers to stay connected through any of the mediums (Website, Magazine, Facebook, and Twitter) so that you don’t miss the great offers and events at Al Ain Mall! Welcome to your second home... Al Ain Mall Morhaf M.R. Kishi / General Manager
2 Al Ain Mall Magazine
General enquiries: Tel: +971 3 766 0333 Email: info@alainmall.net For Leasing Enquiries: leasing@alainmall.net Advertising opportunities: marketing@alainmall.net Visit us: www.alainmall.net
:لإلستفسارات العامة +9 7 1 3 7 6 6 0 3 3 3 :هاتف info@alainmall.net :بريدالكتروني :قسم اإليجارات leasing@alainmall.net :لإلعالن في العين مول marketing@alainmall.net :زوروا موقعنا www.alainmall.net
:إنضم الينا Join us: www.facebook.com/alainmall www.facebook.com/alainmall twitter.com/alainmall twitter.com/alainmall Address: Al Ain Mall Downtown Al Ain City Al Ain, UAE P.O Box: 1818 Tel: +971 3 766 0333 Fax: +971 3 766 3444
:العنوان العين مول وسط مدينة العين م- ع- أ، العين 1818 :صندوق بريد +9 7 1 3 7 6 6 0 3 3 3 :هاتف +9 7 1 3 7 6 6 3 4 4 4 :فاكس
Al Ain City
The name “Al Ain” originated from the Arabic word “the spring” as the city is fed by natural springs. Al Ain is enclosed by magnificent red sand dunes and impressive mountain range. Also known as “Oasis City” and “Garden City of the Gulf” Al Ain is the favorite destination for thousands of overseas tourists. Al Ain has emerged as one of the main and modern cities in the UAE while protecting its heritage as evident from its wellpreserved forts, palaces and settlements alongside modern roads, hospitals, residential areas, schools and academic institutions, malls, theme park, ice rink, and the largest wildlife preserve in the Middle East. Al Ain offers an exclusive ambiance and more traditional Arabic culture compared to other emirates of the UAE. Regardless of the diverse backgrounds of its inhabitants, Al Ain has adopted a people-centered and consensus driven developmental approach. Al Ain is now undergoing a flourishing renaissance with a dedicated “Al Ain Plan 2030.” This development plan will foster Al Ain’s authentic Arab identity, while supporting a continually evolving modern culture. The “Plan Al Ain 2030” is an ambitious plan which carefully balances between globalization and local/ ethnical identities.
مدينة العين
المدينة التي، أصل كلمة العين مأخوذ من عيون المياه أو الينابيع يحيط بمدينة العين كثبان رملية رائعة، تزخر بالينابيع الطبيعية و يطلق على مدينة العين لقب،وسالسل جبال مثيرة لإلعجاب إن مدينة العين هي الوجهة السياحية. و أيض ًا حديقة الخليج،الواحة صنفت العين كواحدة من المدن.المفضلة آلالف السياح األجانب والتي تحافظ،الرئيسية والحديثة في دولة االمارات العربية المتحدة على تراثها وإرثها الغني كما يتضح من الحصون والمزارع والقالع األثرية جنب ًا إلى جنب مع الطرق الحديثة والمستشفيات والمناطق السكنية و المدارس والمؤسسات األكاديمية والجامعات ومراكز التسوق والفنادق والعديد من غابات النخيل و الحدائق التي تغطي مدينة العين و حلبة التزلج على الجليد و مدينة األلعاب و أكبر .محمية للحياة البرية في الشرق األوسط يسود مدينة العين أجواء تراثية خاصة من التقاليد اإلماراتية العربية ومعظم،األصيلة واضحة ومميزة مقارنة مع مدن اإلمارات األخرى سكان المدينة من مواطني دولة اإلمارات يعيشون بتناغم رائع مع المقيمين ويتم اإلهتمام الحكومي بتطوير الموارد البشرية وتشهد مدينة العين نهضة مستمرة وتطور.لتشمل الجميع هذه الخطة.« 2030 ملحوظ وتتقدم بثبات لتحقيق « خطة العين الطموحة التي ستعزز الهوية العربية األصيلة في المدينة مع خطة للتطوير والتحديث بحيث تبقي توازن ًا منضبط ًا بين تأثير العولمة .والهوية المحلية المميزة بكل دقة والتزام
Al Ain Mall Magazine 3
Al Ain Mall
About mall
Al Ain Mall is Al Ain’s foremost shopping center opened as early as in 2001. Sooner it became an integral part of Al Ain’s identity and daily life. Al Ain Mall has a decade long success story as it enviably upholds its supremacy in retail and entertainment alike. Al Ain Mall has added to its credit lots of unique features, like: •
The only Mall located in the downtown of Al Ain City, close to Omani border.
The only Mall which is known by the name of the City-Al Ain.
The only Mall in Al Ain with a full size Ice skating rink made of original ice.
A tourist attraction with expansive architecture and striking angular façade.
Hosts more than 13 million visitors a year, of which 55% are UAE Nationals.
Known for luxury shopping with choices unlimited.
Established as a family oriented leisure destination.
Known as “ever active mall” with year-round promotions and campaigns.
Known for its superb seasonal decorations and getups.
4 Al Ain Mall Magazine
Lindex (ladies & kids):
Lindex offers inspiring, Fabrika: Opening its doors for the first time at Al Ain affordable fashion to women interested in fashion. The Mall, Fabrika, famous for being the first Turkish brand assortment covers several different concepts within to use Formula1 nano-technology textiles in their lingerie, ladies wear, children’s wear. garments, invites women and men following young and modern fashion trends to shop for unique and practical attire for business and casual wear.
Folli Follie: is a Greek-based international company
which designs, manufactures and distributes jewellery, Areej Al Ameerat: Throughout its years of watches and fashion accessories. romance with the Agar Oudh, Areej Al Ameerat has cultivated this gift of nature into an exclusive collection of fresh new scents; with enhanced properties, better quality and a growing reputation spanning the globe. In fact, Areej Al Ameerat has reinvented the Agar Oudh. And through consistent and meticulous attention to detail and continuous product innovation, Agar Oudh has transcended the boundaries of tradition and pushed itself to a whole new level of consumer appreciation. Areej Al Ameerat experience is like no other, many of our VIP clients appreciate our service as we not only understand their requirements, we also indulge them in NetWork: re-defines the creation of sophisticated the true essence of oud. ready to wear clothing by providing creative and dynamic ‘timeless’ fashion concepts for women. It combines meticulous designs with quality, addressing all the needs of business women from day to night, in addition to casual wear.
Papa Johns:
We understand our customers and strive to ensure a delightful experience every time you enter our store. We offer many levels of service, from casual browsing of our popular sales to serious shopping missions including undergarments, shoes and accessories.
8 Al Ain Mall Magazine
Making a quality pizza using Better Ingredients has been the foundation of Papa John’s for more than 25 years. You have my commitment that Papa John’s will not stray from the foundation of quality & superiority upon which the company was built. We will always strive to be your ‘Better’ Pizza Company. Papa John’s will create superior brand loyalty, i.e. “raving fans”, through (a) authentic, superior-quality products, (b) legendary customer service and (c) exceptional community service.
Al Ain Mall announced the winners of the Mercedes Cars First draw of Al Ain Mall’s mega campaign “10 years of success” was held on 7th Jan 2012 at Al Ain Mall. Mr. Eisa Jamal Mohammed from Al Ain, UAE was declared the lucky winner of the first Mercedes. Al Ain Mall launched City’s biggest ever retail campaign in November 2011 offering 10 Mercedes 2012 Cars every 40 days to commemorate the opening of Al Ain Mall Extension and 10 years of unchallenged supremacy as Al Ain’s favorite shopping & leisure destination. Besides these grand prizes, the campaign also offered weekly prizes worth more than AED 50,000. Mr. Samir Attoub from Algeria was pronounced the lucky winner of the second Mercedes in the raffle draw held at Al Ain Mall on Friday, 17th Feb, the last day of the second campaign. Having deposited their coupons, hundreds of thousands of customers were waiting eagerly with their fingers crossed for the significant moment of announcing the lucky winner. Shoppers can participate in the raffle draws for the Mercedes and other valuable weekly prizes just by spending as low as AED 300 at any of Al Ain Mall’s outlets, including the newly added high-end and international outlets in the Extension. The third campaign in the series has already started and the final raffle draw for the 3rd Mercedes 2012 was scheduled on 29th March, 2012.
العين مول يعلن اسماء الرابحين بالسيارتين االولى و الثانية « ضمن حملة2012 السحب األول على سيارة مرسيدس2012 التسوق األول في مدينة العين يوم السبت السابع من يناير أجرى العين مول مركز َ عشر سنوات من النجاح» حيث قام ممثل من دائرة التنمية اإلقتصادية لبلدية العين و ممثل عن إدارة العين مول بإعالن إسم الفائز « عيسى جمال محمد .« إماراتي الجنسية درهم50,000 تخللت الحملة جوائز أسبوعية وصلت قيمتها الى تزامنا مع اإلفتتاح2011 نوفمبر29 الحملة التي انطلقت في, الرسمي لتوسعة العين مول و تشهد إقبا ًال كبيرا وغير مسبوق من قبل زوار وزبائن المول نظراً لضخامتها حيث تستمر على مدار العام 40 كل2012 و تعطي للزوار فرص لربح عشرة سيارات مرسيدس درهم من محالت العين مول الراقية300 متسوق بقيمة يوم لكل َ التسوق مع المحالت والتي تتضمن تشكيلة كبيرة من خيارات َ .المضافة حديث ًا من أكبر الماركات العالمية ضمن مشروع التوسعة على2012 فبراير17 وايض ًا أجري السحب الثاني يوم الجمعة السيارة المرسيدس الثانية ضمن سلسلة السحوبات على عشر حيث كان السيد «سمير عطوب» جزائري الجنسية,سيارات مرسيدس .الفائز المحظوظ الثاني في هذه الحملة بدأت الحملة الثالثة ضمن هذه السلسلة على السيارة المرسيدس 29 الثالثة و كان السحب الكبير لهذه الحملة يوم الخميس الموافق . 2012 مارس
10 Al Ain Mall Magazine
Juicy Couture | 349 dhs - This bracelet is colorful with the leather tassel and vibrant clear resin detail.
Karen Millen | 1,170 dhs - Limited Edition panelled snake effect leather clutch with whipstitch detail, front branded Karen Millen turnlock closure and detachable wrist strap.
Karen Millen | 1,100 dhs – Soft colourblock dress with waterfall drape and skinny belt
Karen Millen | 1,310 dhs - Relaxed safari style dress with tie belt and trimmed with branded Karen Millen metal work. Juicy Couture | 249 dhs - Sparkling hearts are the perfect stud earrings to wear every day.
Juicy Couture | 299 dhs - We love wearing this necklace because we just can’t keep our hands off of it. The tassel of beads feels so good, and the interplay of silver or gold with the beads is so great.
Juicy Couture | 281 dhs – Choose Juicy tee- Faded pink
Juicy Couture | 299 dhs – JC polo- blue vista.
Karen Millen | 1,370 dhs - Suede animal print box bag with front strap and branded Karen Millen turnlock metal closure
12 Al Ain Mall Magazine
Juicy Couture | 249 dhs – The little sparkling heart at the toggle clasp of this bracelet is just the essence of why we love Juicy.
Karen Millen | 1,160 dhs - Limited Edition panelled snake effect leather clutch with whipstitch detail, front branded Karen Millen turnlock closure and detachable wrist strap.
Jennyfer|55 dhs - basic short Jennyfer| 99 dhs ALADIN Pant
Jennyfer|99 dhs - strapless top floured
Jennyfer| 99 dhs long sleeve shirt with belt
Splash |180 dhs Explores the choicest of trends coupled with the chicest of shape that are classic yet bold and edgy, vivid prints, colours and designs.
Splash |130 dhs - Red Dress
Splash | 120 dhs explores the choicest of trends coupled with the chicest of shape that are classic yet bold and edgy, vivid prints, colours and designs.
Splash |110 dhs - Bold and edgy, vivid prints, colours and designs.
14 Al Ain Mall Magazine
Jennyfer | 115 dhs Strapless dress with botton
Splash |80 dhs - Explores the choicest of trends coupled with the chicest of shape that are classic yet bold and edgy, vivid prints, colours and designs.
Al Ain Mall Extension, Stars Court, Ground Floor
Agatha | 300 dhs - 2670005 Necklace valentine couple pendant Pandora | 695 dhs - Earrings: Silver pendant earring, 14k, black spinel
Agatha | 1285 dhs - 2750211 Chronograph watch, rhinestone & stainless steel case, silicon strap
Pandora | 2375 dhs - Gold charm: With PANDORA logo
Pandora | 1245 dhs - Pendent Charm: Silver pendant, 14k, black spinel
Agatha | 180 dhs - Zen 2450530 Peace & Love gold plated bracelet - also available in silver plated Pandora | 4995 dhs - Love pod ring: 3pod pave ring, 0,21 ct diamonds
Agatha | 535 dhs - Zen 2650846 Long necklace, beads and pavee set ball, rhinestones available in white & grey
Agatha | 230 dhs - Zen 2650836 Peace & Love pavee necklace, silver plated
16 Al Ain Mall Magazine
Become your own jewellery designer and create the combinations that feel just right for you. Go to pandora.net to hear her story and design your favourite combinations. D EIRA CITY CENTRE Central Court 2nd Floor Phone +971 4 239 5203
I BN BATTUTA M ALL China Court Phone +971 4 423 9979
AL AIN M ALL N ew Extension Phone +971 3 764 8621
MIRDIF CITY CENTRE South Entrance Ground Floor Phone +971 4 283 9611
D UBAI FESTIVAL CITY Ground Floor ( N orth Crescent W alk) Phone +971 4 232 8606
D UBAI M ARINA M ALL Level P Phone +971 4 457 9147
M ERC ATO 1st Floor Phone +971 4 349 1967
Rivoli | 1285 dhs - 2750211 Chronograph watch, rhinestone & stainless steel case, silicon strap
Victoria’s Secret | 1285 dhs 2750211 Chronograph watch, rhinestone & stainless steel case, silicon strap
Victoria’s Secret | 1285 dhs 2750211 Chronograph watch, rhinestone & stainless steel case, silicon strap
Rivoli | 1285 dhs - 2750211 Chronograph watch, rhinestone & stainless steel case, silicon strap
Rivoli | 1285 dhs - 2750211 Chronograph watch, rhinestone & stainless steel case, silicon strap
Victoria’s Secret | 1285 dhs - 2750211 Chronograph watch, rhinestone & stainless steel case, silicon strap
Victoria’s Secret | 1285 dhs 2750211 Chronograph watch, rhinestone & stainless steel case, silicon strap
18 Al Ain Mall Magazine
Rivoli | 1285 dhs - 2750211 Chronograph watch, rhinestone & stainless steel case, silicon strap
Rivoli | 1285 dhs - 2750211 Chronograph watch, rhinestone & stainless steel case, silicon strap
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510 dhs - Mothercare | Madrid Combination Car Seat
150 dhs - Babyshop| Suitable from birth to 9 kg
395 dhs - Babyshop| Suitable from birth to 13 kgs.Rear facing only.
Al Ain Mall - +971 03 7515389
Crocs | Duet Kids
Crocs - Shirley Girls pair
Al Ain Mall| - +971 03 7515389 325 dhs - Mothercare Malmo High Back Booster Seat
560 dhs - Babyshop| Suitable from birth to 18 kgs.Rear & forward facing. 5 point with 1 pull harness keep baby safe and secure.
Crocs| Crocband Navy Pair
209 dhs - Babyshop| 1:12 FERRARI F 10
99 dhs - Babyshop| Red Ferrari F 430 1:24 Race car
499 dhs - Babyshop| Suitable from birth to 15 kg (Approximately). Easy to fold for carrying.
20 Al Ain Mall Magazine
340 dhs - Babyshop| Suitabel from 6 months and up (Approximately). Start key and sound.
Eros 1199 dhs | 39” FULL HD LCD TV, natural light technology II, resolution:1920X1080, high dynamic contrast, brightness:450cd/ m2, response time:6.5ms, best viewing angle:178˚, audio power output:2X8W, HDMI 1.3ver:1 input, USB 2.0: 1(movie, mp3, jpeg, bmp)
Eros | LED19D20
Eros - N7000 (Galaxy Note) * 5.3” Super AMOLED HD Screen (1280 x 800) * 8MP Camera + Flash/ 2MP Front Camera * 1.4 GHZ Cortex A9 Dual Core Processor * Document Editor * 16 GB Internal *S Pen
Istore | MacBook Air: The new MacBook Air is up to 2.5x faster than before. It features the latest Intel Core processors, high-speed Thunderbolt I/O, a backlit keyboard and OS X Lion.
iStore | Magic Trackpad: The new Magic Trackpad is the first MultiTouch trackpad designed to work with your Mac desktop computer.
Eros 1399/- + 150 GV Offer Valid until March 31st | Samsung 32” Dynamic contrast ratio,HDMI connections,FM Transmitter,USB Movie with 24 formats iStore | Time Capsule: Time Capsule is a revolutionary hard drive that works wirelessly with Mac OS X to back up everything on your Mac.
22 Al Ain Mall Magazine
Coffee Beanery | Cafe Caramel - our signature blend of expresso perfecto and premium caramel topped with cream and finished with a little snow of chocolate.
Patchi | Step into the world of Patchino, where imagination and innovation come together to give you yummy chocolates and fun toys!
Coffee Beanery |White Rasberry freshly roasted expresso perfecto coffee blended with raspberry and white chocolate and a drizzled rasberry topping.
24 Al Ain Mall Magazine
Coffee Beanery | White Chocolate - our premier ‘expresso perfecto’ blended with wild chocolate, steamed milk and topped with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.
Coffee Beanery | Cappuccino - a special blend of our freshly roasted coffee topped with a generous serving of milk and served to perfection.
Faces | 138 dhs YSL – Rouge Pur Couture
Vipera Cosmetics ‘Spider Voluminator’ Mascara The natural bristles of the ‘Spider’ brush allow each individual lash to be lifted; tiny bubbles on the ends of brush, allows more mascara to be applied with a single application
MAKEUP & PERFUME Vipera Cosmetics - Encased in an attractive, silver case with beautiful tulip motif, the exclusive shades perfectly cover lips without smudging.
Faces | Estee Lauder – Pure Color Cyber Eyes
Faces | - Forbidden Euphoria
Faces | White Chocolate - our premier ‘expresso perfecto’ blended with wild chocolate, steamed milk and topped with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.
Rasasi | -Abyan signifies ‘Clear & Distinct’ in Arabic, and comes in two distinct variations for men and women.
Faces | 164 dhs Dior – Diorshow New look
26 Al Ain Mall Magazine
Grand Stores Grand Stores are famously known as the ultimate destination for branded products at competitive prices. Located on the second floor of Al Ain Mall, the Grand Stores is one of Al Ain Mall’s anchors and one of the largest show rooms amongst all the Grand Stores outlets in the UAE. H&M H&M became a passion for the fashion lovers in the UAE. H&M presents extensive fashion collections for women, teens and children. H&M, a unique and innovative concept offers added value through hottest fashion and the finest quality, that too at the best price.
Iconic Iconic is a one of its kind retail concept in the Middle East, offering wide range of lifestyle brands ranging from highstreet to bridge market. Iconic outlets stand out for their comforts, accessibility and affordability.
DEPARTMENT STORES Salam Salam, located on the first floor at Al Ain Mall, has an array of fashion icons including Corneliani, Armani, Ice Iceberg, 7 for All Mankind, Hugo Boss, Just Cavalli, GF Ferre M Missoni, Ice Iceberg, Class Roberto Cavalli Moschino, D&G, Ferrari, just to name a few. That is in addition to the exclusive Hugo boss boutique, which occupies a spacious area inside the Salam outlet.
Sharaf DG Yes!, it is truly an electronics destination!! Sharaf DG in Al Ain Mall is said to be the largest electronics outlet in Al Ain. One can get the widest range of brands in Consumer Electronics, Home Entertainment, IT, Telecom, Home Appliances, Marine Electronics and lot more.
Paris Gallery Paris Gallery is one of the most sought after fashion department stores at Al Ain Mall, which offers wide range of premium international brands in Perfumes, Cosmetics, Eyewear, Watches, Jewellery, Bags, Fashion Apparel, accessories and gift items. It is a glittering world with stylish displays full of exclusive products.
Al Ain Mall Magazine 27
Massimo Dutti:
Exclusive, quality of materials and combination of textures and styles are the foundations of the world created by Massimo Dutti in all of its collections, Based on a concept of its own creation, Massimo Dutti represents to an urban, elegant and contemporary client. Massimo Dutti aims to achieve a personal style and an adapted design to fashion governing standards lines in the international catwalks. Located in the Ground level of the new extension, Massimo Dutti stores represent a designed place for the comfort of its customers.
The GANT premium lifestyle brand combines American casualness with European elegance. The company’s values are based on its authentic American East Coast heritage, dating back to the launch of the brand in 1949. Since then the brand has been further developed, taking influence from Europe, and is now a truly global brand. GANT offers full ranges of clothing for men, women, and children. In addition GANT branded ldren.
Oysho: At Oysho, in addition to fun, sexy and feminine lingerie, customers can find contemporary, urban and casual outerwear, comfortable and informal loungewear and unique accessories. Oysho was founded in 2001 and now has 483 stores in 31 countries. Just Falafel: Delicious, fresh, crisp, innovative and unique variations of our very own middle eastern food Falafels. All our sandwiches are 100% vegetarian. At Just Falafel, our vision is one of making and serving quality and lip smacking delicacies– and by that we mean Falafel!
Mickael Kors: This collection establishes the aesthetic
authority of their entire brand and serves as the cornerstone of Michael Kors’ semi-annual runway shows. The Michael Kors collection is carried in many of our retail stores as well as the finest luxury department stores in the world. In the Michael Kors collection we offer accessories, including handbags and small leather goods, many of which are made from high quality leathers and other exotic skins, footwear and apparel, including ready-to-wear.
Royal Mughal: To satisfy your taste buds, you have
come to right place “The Royal Mughal”. Ours is a warm and ambient luxurious restaurant with a friendly atmosphere. Royal Mughal is considered one of the best Indian Restaurants; because we offer great service with good friendly atmosphere and an excellent selection of Menu.
McDonald’s: At McDonald’s, we strive to be more than just a restaurant - we’re a first job for many, a community partner, a model for other restaurants around the world, and a company seeking new ways to fulfill our brand promise of Quality, Service, Cleanliness, and Value.
Nando’s Flame-Grilled Chicken is a flavorful choice, offering tons of tasty options for your palette! From lemon and herb to extra hot & spicy, you can flavor-up according to your taste.
28 Al Ain Mall Magazine
Grand Stores Grand Stores are famously known as the ultimate destination for branded products at competitive prices. Located on the second floor of Al Ain Mall, the Grand Stores is one of Al Ain Mall’s anchors and one of the largest show rooms amongst all the Grand Stores outlets in the UAE.
30 YEARS OF SUCCESS Samsonite Store opens in Al Ain Mall Grand Stores is pleased to announce the opening of a new mono branded Samsonite showroom at Al Ain Mall, the premiere shopping and leisure destination in Al Ain. The new Samsonite showroom showcases the best in luggage & travel accessories. Either for business travel, adventurous journey or a holiday trip – the Samsonite Store has the spot-on solution for you! The store carries the complete range of Samsonite products from travel bags, business bags, casual and ICT back packs, travel accessories and leather wallets. By providing innovative travel solutions and bringing real benefits to people on the move, Grand Stores in association with Samsonite have played a pivotal role in nurturing the UAE travel market for over 30 years! With the opening of this new Samsonite showroom, Grand Stores has further enhanced its offerings with a view of offering greater convenience to its valued customers. “As we continue to strengthen our store-presence across the country, it is the quality of our brands, commitment towards service and of course the loyalty of our customers that is to be cherished. Al Ain Mall is a strategic location and we’re delighted to bring our Samsonite store to our customers in Al Ain” said Ms. Nuha Abu Issa, Marketing Director of Grand Stores. Grand Stores, a leading luxury brand retailer based in the UAE for almost three decades is the national distributor of several world renowned brands in the photography, luggage & linen, dinnerware, perfumes and cosmetics industry. Headquartered in Dubai with investments across the region, Grand Stores currently operates 35 showrooms in the UAE alone. These retail outlets are modeled on a concept theme encompassing Digital, Home, Samsonite and Image Arts, in addition to Grand Stores Signature Stores. The Samsonite showroom is located on level 2 on the west side of the mall.
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)نادي العين مول الرياضي (للسيدات ,انضمي الى نادي العين مول الرياضي لتجربة صحية و ممتعة و فريدة ابدئي كل يوم إثنين بجولة رياضية في أرجاء العين مول و استمتعي بتمارين الصباح مع االصدقاء يقام كل اجتماع في توسعة المول في ساحة النجوم في تمام الساعة التاسعة و حتى الساعة العاشرة صباح ًا للتسجيل يرجى مراجعة مكتب االستعالمات او االتصال على ادارة العين 037660333 مول على هاتف رقم
Al Ain Mall walkers (LADIES) Join Al Ain Mall Fitness Club for a wholesome experience and stay connected. Start your every Monday with a walk around the mall, do some exercise with Fitness Trainers and enjoy memorable times with friends. Get together will be at the Al Ain Mall extension / stars court and scheduled from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. For registration visit our customer service or call Al Ain Mall management. Tel: 03 766 0333
AL AIN MALL EVENTS Al Ain Mall celebrates Mother’s day She might be a mother, a daughter, a friend, a colleague; she is certainly the source of love, inspiration and caring. Upholding such values, Al Ain mall always honored her in all occasions. To commemorate International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day, special celebration was organized in Al Ain Mall on Wednesday 21st. March 2012. More than 80 ladies from different nationalities, ages and social backgrounds gathered in one of the newly opened cafes in Al Ain Mall (Caffiano) to participate in the fascinating ceremony conducted in association with Silkor Center. Al Ain Mall and Silkor have welcomed the participating ladies with flowers, special gifts and draws on valuable gifts. The gathering was organized on a well prepared platform, which helps the Ladies to address the audience and present themselves meticulously. They also got the chance to surprise the most influential women in their lives by delivering a speech expressing their appreciation. The month of March always being linked to women, Al Ain Mall even did special decoration during March to express it’s admiration to women.
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العين مول يحتفل بيوم األم يحرص العين مول دائما على,لكونها نصف المجتمع ورمز للعطاء تكريم المرأة و األم بكل المناسبات حيث نظم يوم األربعاء الموافق فعالية تقدير وتكريم بمناسبة يوم المرأة العالمي2012 مارس21 سيدة من مختلف الجنسيات80 ويوم األم اجتمعت فيها مايزيد عن واألعمار والخلفيات اإلجتماعية في أحد مقاهي العين مول الجديدة ( كافيانو) ليشاركن في الحفل التكريمي الذي شارك فيه مركز سيلكور و تضمن عدد من الفقرات حيث قامت كل سيدة بالتعريف عن نفسها بهدف انشاء حلقة اجتماعية مميزة وقامت عدد من السيدات بمفاجأة المرأة األكثر تأثيرا على حياتهن من خالل كلمات تع َبر عن .مدى شكرهن وتقديرهن باإلضافة الى ذلك قام العين مول ومركز سيلكور بتكريم السيدات .بالورود و عدد من الهدايا باإلضافة الى سحوبات على جوائز ق َيمة يتميز شهر مارس بفعالياته المختصة بالمرأة و يحرص العين مول دائم ًا على االحتفال بهذه المناسبة من خالل الفعاليات والنشاطات .و الديكورات الخاصة بعيد األم
Al Ain Mall Ice Hockey Championship For the fifth consecutive year, Al Ain Mall, in association with Al Ain Vipers, has organized the “Under 9 Annual Ice Hockey Tournament” on Friday 17th Feb 2012 at Al Ain Mall’s legendary Ice Rink. In addition to the Al Ain Vipers team, 70 players from Abu Dhabi and Dubai have competed for the title grouped in 5 )teams. After rounds of very exciting games (Abu Dhabi Storms team from Abu Dhabi won the trophy (1st place) and gold )medals after winning the final game against (Dubai Rockets the winner of the 2nd place, where the 3rd place was attained by (Dubai Sand Cats). The tournament has gained increasing popularity among the sport lovers of UAE, especially of Al Ain, as it is accepted as the right platform to test the expertise in this ancient game which was introduced almost 95 years back. Al Ain Mall utilized the occasion to offer a mini hockey game to parents/elders and winners were given special vouchers from Al Ain Mall outlets. For the past 10 years; Al Ain Mall has always been known for hosting distinct sports and allied programs on its Ice Rink, which is the only ice rink made of real ice within a shopping mall in Al Ain city.
بطولة العين مول لهوكي الجليد للمرة الخامسة على التوالي قام العين مول بالتعاون مع فريق العين فايبرز بتنظيم بطولة الهوكي على حلبة التزلج الخاصة بالمول يوم الجمعة 17فبراير 2012لالعبي هوكي الجليد دون سن ال 9سنوات. المسابقة التي تزداد شعبيتها بين أهالي مدينة العين بشكل خاص و باقي اإلمارات بشكل عام شهدت إقباال واسعا حيث تم اشتراك 5فرق حضروا خصيصا من دبي وأبو ظبي باإلضافة إلى فريق العين مول فايبرز الذين أظهروا مهاراتهم الجماعية في هذه اللعبة العريقة التي يزيد عمرها عن 96عام. بدأت المسابقة في تمام الساعة الواحدة ظهرا واستمرت إلى االثامنة مساء حيث تنافست الفرق فيما بينها ليحظى أحد الفرق القادمة من ً أبوظبي ( أبوظبي ستورم ) بالمرتبة األولى وتوج بالكأس والميداليات الذهبية بعد مباراة مشوقة ومليئة باإلثارة لعبها ضد غريمه التقليدي (دبي روكيتس) الذي أحرز المرتبة الثانية وكانت المرتبة الثالثة من نصيب (دبي ساند كاتس) .ومن الجدير بالذكر أن البطولة لم تقتصر على ال70 متباري بل قام العين مول بشمل أولياء األمور حيث تم تنظيم لعبة هوكي مصغرة ألهالي االعبين وقام بتقديم جوائز قيمة قدمت من محالت العين مول باإلضافة إلى العديد من الفعاليات الترفيهية .على مدار العشر سنوات استطاع العين مول أول و أكبر مركز تجاري في المدينة, المحافظة على تميزه في تقديم برامج مبتكرة خصيصا على حلبة التزلج الخاصة به التي تمتاز بكونها الوحيدة المصنوعة من الجليد الطبيعي في مركز تجاري في مدينة العين.
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Endless Entertainment Play time Amusing World of Family Entertainment Entertainment at Al Ain Mall goes beyond the Ice Rink. Al Ain Mall has a 12 lane bowling alley & billiard center; 4 Screen Cinema; Candy Castle – exclusive Kids Nursery and Play Area; Safari Cars, trackless train and Action Zone. Action Zone spreads over an area of 35,000 Sq. Ft., offers more than 150 games and an exclusive party hall catering to the age group of 4 to 18 years. You can enjoy Driving & Simulation Games, Combat Fighting, Kiddie Rides, Music Games, Pinball, Pool, Soccer & Hockey, Redemption Games, Shooting Games, Sports Games or Video Games in Action Zone.
Ice Rink The major attraction in Al-Ain Mall is its breathtaking ice rink which follows international standards, and offers ‘Frost Yourself’, one of the most enjoyable learn to skate programs in the UAE. The spectacular program, which is conducted by a highly qualified instructor, is specifically tailored to suit all age groups and all skaters from beginners to the more advance ones. Boost your skills and glide on ice with confidence only at Al-Ain Mall!
Cinema Watch your favorite movie in the state of Art Grand Cineplex Cinema at Al-Ain Mall. The 4 screens cinema theatre brings over 200 Arabic, English and Hindi titles annually. Enjoy a selection of the latest movies in a relaxing yet vibrant atmosphere only at Al-Ain Mall.
Amercian classical train Enjoy the new attraction of Al Ain Mall – “Bella Tori”, True American Classics Trackless Train. Come on board for a fun-filled journey, where you and your kids would enjoy a magical ride, with breath taking view from top of the ice rink. You will find this timeless allure of Trackless Train journey simply irresistible.
Action Zone Families can now spend a fabulous time at the premiere family oriented arcade, featuring the latest video games as well as challenging games of skill (Basketball, Skee-ball, Bowling, etc), kid’s rides and much more!
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Bowlling The Bowling City offers its visitors a remarkable entertainment experience, due to its wide ranging entertainment attractions which includes a 12 lane bowling alley, Billiards, electronic gaming Zone, and Karaoke. The bowling city is the perfect get-away for families, teenagers, and friends.
Ice Rink
Al Ain Mall ’s private pride
Being the only ice skating rink made of real ice among all shopping centers in Al Ain city is not the only feature that distinguishes Al Ain Mall Ice Rink; as the full sized Ice rink is considered one of the major attractions of Al Ain city due to its high standards and accreditation by the “Ice Skating Institute of Asia�. Al Ain Mall Ice Rink integrates learning and entertaining by providing training by professional ice skating coaches. Ice Skating classes are offered to all ages (starting from the Age of 3) and levels from the ABC of skating to free style. Al Ain Mall skating school organizes Free style skating shows, fashion shows on ice beside hosting Ice Hockey tournaments and trainings. For enquiries: +971 3 766 0333, Email: icerink@alainmall.net. Please refer to the table below for more details of our program:
Well Designed Programs We offer Lessons in Figure Skating by highly qualified and ISIA Accredited Coaches. The lessons are designed scientifically as a multi-level program. Beginners can start at Pre-Alpha level and go up to Delta developing the basic skating skills in a gradual manner. Through this program Skaters will be able to build firm skating techniques, which will help them to pursue further as a professional skater or to skate for recreation. We conduct an evaluation test at the time of admission to decide the level of the Skater and enroll them at suitable level. Skaters can not go to the next level unless they complete the required sessions and pass the evaluation test for a particular level. Free Style classes are designed for skaters who already mastered the basic skills levels and wish to learn specific skills in figure skating. We provide Certificates on successful completion of the program and may also arrange certificate from ISIA against the payment of prescribed Fee.
Ultimate Ice Offer Bring your family and friends to enjoy an unforgettable fun on ice all day long. For registration visit our customer service or call Al Ain mall management. Tel: 03 766 0333 Email: icerink@alainmall.net facebook.com/alainmallicerink
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Qaulity Services National Bank Branches Al Hilal Bank (GF) Ajman Bank (GF) National Bank of Abu Dhabi (GF)
Services at Al Ain Mall Al Ain Mall well understands the needs of its customers and committed to offer them the best, be it personalized attention, facilities or services. Business Center facilities like typesetting, printouts, photocopying and fax are provided at the Mall’s Information Desk. Customers can get Al Ain City Guide, Al Ain Road Map, Mall Directory, Gift Vouchers & Al Ain Mall Souvenirs also at the Information Desk.
Service Provider Outlets Etisalat (FF) Du (FF) AADC (GF) Emirates Post Letter Box (GF) Etisalat Payment Machine (GF)
Miscellaneous Services Al Mall Laundry (GF) Al Tawash Rent A Car (GF) Starshine Car Polishing & Cleaning (GF) Car Wash (GF) Al Waseet News (GF) National Library (SF)* Flower Shop (Rosa Mall) (GF) Al Manara Parmacy (GF) Boots Pharmacy (FF)* Kids Wagon/Baby Trollies Saloons (Cut R Us) & Tweety Saloons (SF) Clinics (Kaya Clinic, Foot Care Center, Ortopedia*) Pet Shop (Golden Kanary) Watch Repair (Time for Watches) Photo Studio (Grand Stores-‐SF)
25 ATM Baby changing rooms Car rental counter Wheelchairs Currency exchange services Dedicated taxi drop-‐off and pick-‐up area Al Ain Mall-‐branded souvenirs Etisalat bill payment machine Valet parking & car wash services Wi-‐fi service throughout the mall Information desks Lost & found facility Personal emergency assistance Business center (fax/call) services Prayer rooms for men and women
Al Ain Mall presents branches of Nationalized Banks, ATMs of most of the leading regional & International Banks, and specialty service outlets to cater to the growing demands of customers. Al Ain Mall Parking Being a landmark destination, Al Ain Mall enjoys unique advantages like its location right at the heart of the City with easy accessibility from all directions, plentiful covered car-parks spread over 3 levels of Basement and around the Mall accommodating more than 3000 cars.
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Souris Mini - Little girls: The Enchanted Factory Inspired by little notion stores.
Souris Mini - Baby boys: Little Regatta! Marine-themed, this collection is a lively range of trendy cuts & materials.
Souris Mini - Baby girls: My doll Workshop Inspired by the universe of couture, this retro collection is a world of fun.
FASHION & JEWELLERY ARTĒ Madrid - Each Deseo ring is inspired by the vibrant beauty of a bouquet of flowers. - AED 1,895
About ARTĒ Madrid Founded in 1898 by the Barranco family in Madrid, Spain, ARTĒ Madrid produces handcrafted, exquisite jewellery, using the finest quality cultured gemstones, inspired by a timeless passion for art. Each iconic piece of jewellery is meticulously designed by European designers and handcrafted by skilled craftsmen. With different themes and colour combinations to suit any attire or occasion, ARTĒ Madrid offers affordable, fashionable jewellery, exuding style, luxury and glamour. With over 40 stores across Europe, China and parts of Asia, the opening of the first stores in the United Arab Emirates are scheduled for early 2012 in Al Ain, in Al Ain Mall, Dubai, in Mirdif City Centre and Abu Dhabi, in Bawabat Al Sharq Mall.
ARTĒ Madrid - Add a touch of celestial and dazzling sparkle with the fascinating Cometa collection. Available with lavender, pink or yellow stones. Earrings - AED 975
ARTĒ Madrid - Inspired by the scenic landscape of the city of Barcelona. AED 8,750
ARTĒ Madrid - Inspired by the grace of flower fairies, the Almond Blossom necklace is embellished with more than 1,000 white stones. AED 13,365
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Souris Mini - Little boys: Velocity A burst of colour! Trendy colours & denims plus our new carrot-cut pants
For registration visit our customer service or call Al Ain mall management. Tel: 03 766 0333 | Email: info@alainmall.net Al Ain Mall Magazine 39
2012 يناير- 1 العدد
A PASSION FOR JEWELLERY Al Ain Mall - 1st Floor | www.arte-madrid.eu