Al Ain Zoo prepares exciting and interesting educational programs for students
Al Ain Zoo prepared to welcome students asthenewschoolyearbegins TheZoohas prepared a series of new educational programsthatprovidestudentsofallages with a unique learning experience in a interactive educational setting, giving them opportunities to gain new knowledge on varioustopicsrelatedtoconservation
Al Ain Zoo contributes to sustainability efforts through its extensive vegetation cover
Al Ain Zoo announced its diverse green vegetation cover, based on the best practices in agriculture and irrigation The Zoo’s vegetation cover contains approximately 500 species of local and non-native plants distributed across variousareasoftheZoo
AlAinZoohasannouncedthatitiswaitingforthearrivalofits10millionthvisitorwithamassive celebrationandspecialoffersasitisasignificantmilestoneintermsoftheZoo’sachievements and success in supporting ecotourism and raising awareness of nature conservation The Zoo continuestoattractvisitorsfromvarioussegmentsofsociety
Al Ain Zoo highlights its achievements in tourism and nature preservation on World Tourism Day
OnWorldTourismDay2023,AlAinZoois showcasing its efforts and accomplishmentsinthefieldoftourismon the occasion which is marked on September27theveryyear.
Al Ain Zoo opens children’s minds with a range of experiences and adventures
Al Ain Zoo is the ideal destination, especially for children through its various attractions, activities and facilities which are especially designed for younger audiences. These include the Children's DiscoveryGarden,seasonalcampsandthe Children Zoo, as well as discounts and offersforchildrenonmanyoccasions.
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