Alan (Shi) Dong Architectural Projects 2012- 2015
NON ACADEMIC ARCHITECTURE Brand Design Photography Vector Illustration
D4 \ ZONE sonic architecture
A collaborative installation from a Team of 10 students from the University of Auckland for the 2013 Auckland Heritage Festival in New Lynn. An interior architectural installation was utilized to activate New Lynn, recalling this suburb’s rich cultural, social and industrial heritage as well as imagining its future. Our vision was to bring together the Sounds of New Lynns Past and Present assimiliating them into the Future Sounds. To manifest these Sounds we utilized Cymatics to visually capture the essence of the sounds of Past and Present through the medium of water. Diving deeper into this audio visual phenomenon we sought to construct 2 projection machines, or as we refer to them as Nodes. Each Node played a soundtrack of sounds from New Lynns Past and Present i.e. sounds of bricks and mortar, train speeding by, sounds of rush hour traffic, walking steps. These tracks are looped and feed into the relevant Nodes to produce Cymatic patterns in the dishes of water placed above a open amp which generates a frequency according toe the soundtrack of the Past and Present. For the Present Node current technology is implemented; a video camera is mounted above this dish of water to link a live feed of the Cymatic phenomenon into a projector which blasts the audio visual projection out. The Past Node utilizes analogue methods of lens and light to generate the same audio visual projection. To capture both these audio visual projections, we constructed multiple tensegrity structures that have porous white screens attached to them to capture the projections blasted from the Past and Present Nodes. The tensegrity structure creates a grotto like atmosphere where memebers of the public can step into a central ZONE to experience the audio visual phenomenon of a poetic approach in showcasing the Future Sounds of New Lynn.
TENSEGRITY STRUCTURE Projections onto Sails
Present Node
Past Node
Audio Visual Projections
Audio Visual Projections
Boy Behind the Sail
The ZONE is constructed via 3 main vaulted tensegrity structures. Each structure has a porous white projection screen to capture and bring alive the cymatic projections. A central space is formed through the placement of each 3 tensegrity sail whereby members of the public are able to wander into this ZONE to immerse themselves in an audio visual soundscape. Cymatic Patterns on Water
Dish Above Open Amp
Girl in the ZONE
Plan of Structure
Elevation of Structure
D5 \ EMERGENT FRACTALITY a Centre of Culture for Taipa
Taipa island one the 3 islands of Macau suffers from a heavily segregated city centre. The local villagers reside in the historical villages and the tourists flock to the casinoes and the local residents flock to the high density apartments. With these 3 demographics isolated and in discord a brief is set in place to re-invigorate Taipa central. An investigation into the urban fabric shows the local village with a fractal layout. This fractal urban fabric increases chance encounters and unexpectancy which allows for quality unintended exchanges of information. Using the historical street fabric as a starting point and investigating a phenomenon known as Fractal Loading (whereby fractal urban fabric generates increased unexpected encounters which leads to rich information exchange within the fractal envrionment.) With this design project, my direction was heavily influenced by the intial design research stage. By plotting nodes/ points in the position of existing programs I wanted to use the exisiting nodal map of Taipa and the site surroundings to generate an architectural system in which then through manipulation creates a spatial quality to faciliate the Fractal Loading phenomenon. A method known as Voronoi generates boundaries between nodes that indicate the most optimized distance between 3 or more nodes. The voronoi system is also utilized in the 3rd dimension, plotted nodal points of each program are extrapolated in the vertical axis each plotted node following the program heirarchy of the proposed culutral centre. These 3D voronoi spaces are then overlaid to create a hyperdense system where then through a selection process then manipulation create the spatial quality exhibited in the final cultural centre. This key to this project was to focus in the intial design and research stage in finding a phenomenon to then generate a system complexity that gives rationality and plausibility to the form generated from the system. This project was conducted without a major consideration of realizing the building.
Site Analysis of Programme Nodes in Taipa
Non Scattered Nodes of Plotted Programmes
Scattering Nodes of Plotted Programmes
Planar Voronoi Analysis of Programme Nodes Commercial
D6 \ TRACE . SUBTRACT . EXCAVATE re-imagining the Technical University of Darmstadt
The Technical University of Darmstadt has suffered from the isolation of the 4 faculties for over 40 years. The campus has no ability to attract students on campus apart from arriving to attend class. There is an obvious lack of ammenities that the city offers e.g. cafes, shops, health centre, informal spaces. This project begins by tracing inspiration from 9 masterplans conducted over the past 40 years. By tracing from the past masterplans we are conducting an architectural excavation, in a sense re-using what is there that we cannot see to inform the present and future. An example of this would be when Peter Eisenmann re-used the plan of Le Corbusier’s un built hospital in Venice to inform his own design. By superimposing the 9 traces one on top of the other, we create a 2D matrix. Extruding the 9 traces and then excavating each master plan from one another we end up with a spatial quality (RED) shown on the next page. The second element we introduce deals with the future growth of the campus, John Conways Game of Life deals with a cellular automata system that quantifies the natural system of life, death, survival and rebirth with 4 simple rules. Points need to be plotted, and thus from the 2D matrix points were plotted where there could be most potential for growth. This system is the extrapolated into 3D where ths script uses the 2D points to create a 3D mass volume (BLACK) of the growth within 50 years (average life expectancy of a campus building). From these 2 systems, an excavation is made form the systems to use a system generated from the past masterplans and a system generated through future growth to then come together in creating a hypermap, a spatial quality for potential future development of the campus. The masterplan is set out in 3 stages, this project deals with the first phase in re-imagining the campus. This key to this project was to focus in the intial design and research stage in finding a phenomenon to then generate a system complexity that gives rationality and plausibility to the form generated from the system. This project was conducted without a major consideration of realizing the building. This key to this project was to focus in the initial design and research stage in finding a phenomenon to then generate a system complexity that gives rationality and plausibility to the form generated from the system.
Masterplan Extension of Darmstadt
Key: 1. Faculty of 2. Faculty of 3. Faculty of gineering 4. Faculty of gineering 5. University
Architecture Chemical Engineering Mechanical En-
Geothermal En-
2 1st Phase of Mas-
2nd Phase of Mas-
3rd Phase of MasScale @ 1:1000
Retracing Darmstadt Univeristy Trace of 1964
Trace of 1968
Trace of 1989
Trace of 2004
Trace of 2005a
Trace of 2005c
Trace of 2005b
Trace of 2005d
Trace of 2009
Conways Game of Life 2D Growth Lifecycle 0
Lifecycle 5
3D Growth
Lifecycle 10
Lifecycle 15
Lifecycle 20
Lifecycle 25
Lifecycle 30
Lifecycle 35
Lifecycle 40
Lifecycle 45
Lifecycle 50
NA \ NON ARCHITECTURAL WORK productive procrastintation
Brand Design Atrium Architecture
High Rise No Right Turn
Knocking on Heavens Door
Photography Cross Street, Auckland, NZ
Vector Illustration Buildings of Auckland
Auckland Harbour Bridge
Auckland Sky Tower
Britomart Transport Centre