Farrell TD Working for you in Dublin North
Dublin North Newsletter Appointment to Vital New Committee of Investigation I am delighted to have been appointed to the Select Committee on Investigations, Oversight and Petitions as part of the restructured government committee system, committed to restoring powers of investigation back to the government. This appointment gives me an opportunity to shape the committee in advance of and following a referendum on the Abbeylara judgement, which proposes to amend the constitution to give Dáil committees full powers of investigation. The Investigations, Oversight and Petitions Committee has the potential to be of significant influence over political investigations and subsequent decisions made in the coming years. The Abbeylara Supreme Court decision currently limits the ability of Dáil committees to hold investigations into crucial issues of public concern, such as the banking crisis. The proposed referendum on the Abbeylara decision, if passed, will give the committees a quasi – judicial status, and abolish the need for expensive tribunals that have cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions of euro over the past decade or more. Should this referendum be passed by the people, this
Deputy Farrell signs the roll of the Dáil on his fIrst day
committee structure will be provided with the powers to summon and crossexamine witnesses, bringing to account those who should answer to the State. The committees, which previously numbered 25 have been reduced to
14 as promised in the programme for government. The changes made by the Government in its first 100 days exhibit the Government’s strong commitment to political change, whilst providing real accountability and reducing costs.
5th Class St. Oliver Plunkett’s NS Malahide visiting Dáil Éireann 31st May
Deputy Farrell goes back to school with St. Oliver Plunkett’s NS
Alan Farrell TD - Working for you in Dublin North Alan Farrell Newslet June11.indd 1
07/07/2011 14:29
Funding for Malahide Castle Project given Green Light I strongly welcome the recent announcement by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government that €6.5m will be allocated to the Malahide Castle Project. As a result of notification from the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government that funding of the Malahide Castle is now forthcoming, I am very pleased that Fingal County Council may now plan for the considerable works on the Malahide Craft courtyard and Botanical Gardens within the Malahide demesne. The project will bring be an encouraging boost to local tourism, and it is noteworthy that 100 jobs will be created during the construction phase, in a wide range of areas including conservation and construction, and a further 100 jobs will be generated thereafter once the project is completed. This project has been in the pipeline for a number of years. Indeed, it was first mentioned in the 1990’s with the idea to bring the historical site up to and above the standard of any modern tourist landmarks of its kind, featuring a new visitor centre, craft & tourism related shops, a restaurant and wheelchair and mobility impaired access to the castle complex not to mention providing public access to the wonderful botanic walled gardens. I believe this will be a critical economic driver for job creation in the Malahide and the Fingal area and I am pleased to have had involvement in this project during my time as a councillor.
The First Hundred Days in Government The Government’s 100 day anniversary has recently passed but already the Government has achieved much in the three main areas of concern that the new Government acted quickly on: banking, jobs and reform. Within weeks of coming to office the Government devised a whole new strategy for the future of the Irish banking system designed to leave a smaller and more effective banking system for the needs of the Irish economy. This has been welcomed internationally after months of indecision and false dawns on the future of Irish banks. The Government also launched its ambitious jobs initiative designed to get people back to work and help restore confidence back into the economy. It involved major decisions on VAT rates, internship programmes, cuttings employers PRSI, restoring the minimum wage, common visas with the UK, and on fast tracking building projects on local roads and schools around the country. Implementing reform was the first action of the new Government after we cut Minister’s pay, overhauled Ministerial transport arrangements, and cut back on the cost of political staff. We overhauled the process for new public board appointments, introduced new reforms for high level public servant recruitment, agreed on new legislation for the effective banning of corporate donations, new initiatives to encourage female participation in politics, introducing time limits for bye elections and revising downwards the spending limit for presidential elections. It is also worth remembering that this Government was formed in the middle of a Dail session and immediately went to work. Other Governments usually took the Alan Farrell TD outside the doors to the Dail summer months to settle in. No other Irish Government in recent history can claim to have achieved as much as this Government in the first 100 days.
Other notable successes of the new Government include: • Introducing new legislation on white collar crime to strengthen existing laws; • Moving to ensure that the cost of banking recapitalisation is shared with junior subordinated bond holders; • Established a Special Delivery Unit in the health service run by an recognised expert to tackle waiting lists; • The immediate engagement with European Councils to protect Ireland’s corporate tax rate; • Hosting two very successful State visits from the President of the United States and the Queen of England; • Funding for investments in commercialisation initiatives; including a €5 million technology centre in cloud computing;
Transport initiative a welcome addition to Dublin North I was happy to lend my support towards the new local transport initiative, the Swords Express. I was very pleased to take part in the launch of the Swords Express service from Swords into the city centre, alongside my colleagues Minister Leo Varadkar and Minister James Reilly. The route, which takes in areas of Rivervalley, Applewood and Holywell, is a welcome
addition to the transport services in North County Dublin. I welcome the initiative shown by Swords Express to identify market opportunities within the transport infrastructure in North Dublin, as in this case, seeking to provide a service to people who may work in the expanding areas of the city centre.
Alan Farrell TD - Working for you in Dublin North Alan Farrell Newslet June11.indd 2
07/07/2011 14:29
New regulations will protect new homes from pyrite I strongly welcome Minister Hogan’s announcement of new strengthened building control regulations that will be put in place by the Department of the Environment and Local Government to protect customers. I recently called on Minister Hogan to take swift action to strengthen building regulations, particularly in relation to preventing pyritic material being used in the construction of residential properties in the future. Pyrite is a mineral which has caused significant damage to homes. It has been used in the construction of an estimated 20,000 houses in north Dublin, Meath and Kildare and has left home owners facing massive bills for problems such as cracked walls and floors. These regulations are essential in the prevention of this problem occurring in newly constructed homes. This is the only way that we can be assured that future residential properties can be free from pyrite and that future home purchasers can be protected. As the owner of a house with pyritic backfill, I am acutely aware of the dramatic impact that this issue has on homeowners. I have been contacted by numerous home owners who are experiencing serious defects within their homes. Pyrite has already affected thousands of householders in North Leinster and in my own constituency of Dublin North and I welcome the Minister’s action on this issue. Finally we have a government that is willing to act on the pyrite issue since it was first identified as a problem in 2007. After four years of inaction these new regulations will be effective in the prevention of history repeating itself.
Dublin North N Dublin North School Projects
on a I am currently working postand ry ma pri of er numb Dublin primary projects in k and Lus in ing lud inc , North Malahide.
Keep Up To Date For t
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School Visitsild’s
class be r ch u yo ld u Éireann o Sh visting Dáil interested inct my office and we will please conta a tour. gladly arrange
Agri Grants
I welcome the ann government of investme ouncement by over €1 million for Finnt assistance of producers. Horticulture gal horticultural is a particularly dynamic area within the agr and is responsible for an icultural sector jobs nationally. This fundinestimated 5,000 importance to horticulturag is of significant their employees in Fingal l producers and been a challenging year. after what has
The Use of Open Spaces for the Community Recently I called on NAMA to review the possibility of working with County Councils to dispose of development bonds to allow developers complete work on unfinished open spaces earmarked for public or amenity use. Public open spaces are not an asset. They can’t be sold for commercial gain and therefore have no place being held by the Asset Management Agency who are neither maintaining the sites nor allowing them be used for community gain. There are some circumstances in which the council and NAMA could review the possibility of releasing the development bond to allow the developer complete the works as per the conditions set out at planning stages. The space can then be passed into council ownership to be maintained and utilised, creating best possible outcome for the taxpayer. Public spaces such as Kettle’s Lane in Kinsealy near Swords have been left in limbo. The developer can’t access funds to finish works due to its assets being tied up in NAMA, and the County Council can only acquire the space when all planning conditions have been met. The land had been earmarked for local soccer clubs, the first soccer facility in this area for twenty years. NAMA was not set up to hoard lands. Public open spaces and amenity lands promised during the boom years must be delivered on where possible, to form an integral part of newer communities.
Fingal’s move to maintain local historical landmark a welcome move I welcome Fingal County Council’s recent report in relation to maintaining The Casino, one of Malahide’s most historical landmark buildings, particularly in light of recent attacks carried out on protected structures in the north county. In recent weeks I have received a number of concerned queries regarding the future use of The Casino, Malahide, a late 17th century protected structure near the heart of Malahide. The house itself which was built by the Talbots of Malahide
Castle now stands amidst the Gannon built Casino development. Concerns have heightened since the arson attack on Belcamp Hall, Belcamp College at the end of March which has resulted in the partial loss of this wonderful, historically significant building. On May 4th Fingal County Council gave a detailed report to its members on repairs which were taking place to The Casino in order to secure it from potential damage or decay. Contrary to local rumour, the
building itself is not deteriorating and is not in any immediate danger of collapse. This wonderful amenity at the entrance to Malahide is a landmark building that generations of local people have enjoyed, one which I am very keen to ensure received a new lease of life under a new owner. I am pleased that the report from the Council has shown that the building is being maintained and I commend them and the owner for ensuring that this piece of Malahide’s history is not lost.
Alan Farrell TD - Working for you in Dublin North Alan Farrell Newslet June11.indd 3
07/07/2011 14:29
The passing of Dr Garret FitzGerald
Open Spaces Applewood, Swords Following several callers to my office over the past number of weeks I am pleased that the owners of land within Applewood, Swords have removed damaged and dangerous palisade fencing following my request. The area in question should be part of the open space for the area. Due to the palisade fencing, litter and other materials were being trapped there causing a terrible eyesore for nearby residents. I am pleased that this matter has been resolved and the land in question levelled and seeded for use by the community.
Alan Farrell and former Taoiseach, Dr. Garret FitzGerald
It is with great sadness that I learned of the passing of former Taoiseach Dr Garrett FitzGerald. I had the honour of meeting Dr FitzGerald on my first day as a Deputy in Dáil Éireann. He will be remembered as a man of true integrity and intelligence, with the courage to bring Ireland into a modern era. Dr Fitzgerald leaves behind a remarkable legacy, most importantly his key role in the peace process signing the Anglo Irish Agreement of 1985 which has paved the way for peace on our island. I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to his family, friends and colleagues. He will be sorely missed. Applewood Open Space
James Reilly TD 01 8901300
Anne Devitt 01 8409728
Tom O’Leary 087-2411626
Anthony Lavin 087-9931329
Your Local Fine Gael Team:
Larry Dunne 01 – 8414356
Alan Farrell TD Chairperson, Internal Committee for Public Expenditure and Reform
Dáil Éireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 6184008
Alan Farrell TD - Working for you in Dublin North Alan Farrell Newslet June11.indd 4
07/07/2011 14:29