Ma presentation 1 2014

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Alan Lodge – Photography

An MA Presentation


 I started out as a 'social documentary' photographer, primarily engaged on a project to document the lives of travelling people and those attending festivals. 2

 I have tried to say something of the wide variety of lifestyles of the people engaged in `alternatives', and their many subcultures.


 I have photographed many free and commercial events and have lately extended my work to include dance parties, `rave culture‘ and policing issues.


 Those taking environmental ‘direct action’ and protest has also become a main concern in my work.  Also involving policing. 5

 In 1993, I qualified for a BA(Hons) in Photography at Nottingham Trent University. I am back there again now for a booster. 6

 So, with respect to my interest in this course.  What is the subject of my study?


 I have many images on file, negatives, slides and digital. As a photographic artist, I intend to maintain and develop a ‘live’ archive of this work:


 What is my research question?  How to more effectively use and maintain this existing archive of photography? 9

 Renew my skills and to be able to adapt to the ever increasing pace of change within the industry and its technologies.


 Research aim(s):  To get a greater understanding of my place in the world of photography.  To be aware of practices and the context of relevant contemporary and emerging professional concerns. 11

 To better articulate my interests and to improve my presentation of material.  To work with The Hive Centre for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


 Research objectives (s):  To produce a body of work available in a number of formats.  A better appreciation of the application of photography. To be able to apply this in my practice. 13

 Rationale  Photography has history in the desire of some of its practitioners to bring about political and social changes. 14

 Additionally, I have been involved in giving evidence in court, using photography to demonstrate and prove action.


 How does the project relate to my previous practice?  This would be a continuation of the various projects I have already been involved with. 16

 I thought it might be useful to help explain myself better with these couple of flow diagrams.  I hope they place my interest and the use I try to make of photography 17

Relevance of Photography to these issues


Relationship of organisations involved


 Methodology  In the maintenance of an effective photographic archive I will:


 Be assisted by collating responses from a number of photographic practitioners and institutions.  Make a collection of personal interviews and stories of experience in support of this work.


 With the attitude of the authorities and changes in the law people will have different experiences. To help with this research, questions may include: 22

 1. What’s life been like for you after the action at the Battle of the Beanfield?


 2. What’s life been like for you after the event at Castlemorton and similar since the law changes CJA etc?


 3. What’s life been like for you after you used to live on site, travel, squat etc and now live in a house or flat?


 4. What’s life been like for those of you that have left the UK?


 5. For those involved in direct action on environmental issues, what was the need and did you believe you made a difference?


 Learning Outcomes  To manage and promote a photographic archive  Acquire technical skills and processes to support this 28

 Achieve a better sense of design and to continue my development as a photographic artist.


 I have designed and maintain my own web pages. I hope to improve this presentation in the future. 


 I am an active member of the National Union of Journalists and hold a current press card.


 I was party to these guidelines being issued to all officers.  And continue to press for this agreement to be honoured 32

 These are national now, derived from our work in Notts.  Now in meetings with the Notts Police and Crime Commissioner Paddy Tipping. 33



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