A Photographer's Journey: Alan Lodge

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A Photographer’s Journey



alan@alanlodge.co.uk +44 (0) 7582 906635

Selected Links:

http://alanlodge.uk http://alanlodge.co.uk https://www.instagram.com/tashuk https://issuu.com/alanlodge https://www.linkedin.com/in/alanlodge

Some of my story, so far .... I

am a photographer with concerns relating to social, political, cultural, environmental and sustainability issues. I hope to show that I have a history and durability in covering such matters. I have been keeping an archive of work since the late 1970’s. On leaving college, I trained as an Accident Ambulanceman in the London Ambulance Service covering Central London areas. A high callout area, thus being able to get a wide range of experience quickly. I did this work for nearly six years, but on starting a family, wanted to move out of London. Travellers and those attending the free festival in the early 1980’s were increasing in numbers and with the political opposition they faced, were unable to access the services that we normally think are available to most in society. I joined a charity ‘Release’ which provides a free confidential and non-judgemental national information and advice service relating to legal, welfare and medical issues. Together with the Festival Welfare Services we provided help and assistance ‘in the field’ since local communities shunned these outsiders. My ambulance training was of use here and I was able to skill up others in basic first aid, attempting to be more self-sufficient in the services, and to triage those that may need hospital attention. However, it soon became obvious that trouble with the police was becoming more prevalent with many more now seeking advice as violent incidence were starting to increase. On so many occasions we tried to take issue with senior police about officers behaviour, but we were simply not believed. It was my initial interest in photography, to gather evidence of police wrong-doing and assaults. I soon became aware of the power of photographing situations such that commanders started to take our representations seriously and better supervised their officers. Further, when matters ended up in courts, I was able to give statements and with the use of photography was able to challenge the prosecutions cases, gaining many acquittals. In 1985, much of this opposition came to a head in what became known as the ‘Battle of the Beanfield’. A policing operation that attacked those trying to attend the annual free festival at Stonehenge. It was such a turning point in this culture coming so soon after operations dealing with the Miners’ Strike. Parallel to this evidential use of photography, I aimed to present a more positive view of people and communities that I found were so frequently misrepresented in the press. I thought I gained a particular insight into this world since unlike so many press photographers arriving for a dramatic news story, I wanted to give a more insightful view that only people who have been accepted into a community can really achieve. Thus my project and archive grew.

Feeling I would like to be yet more effective in my documenting of these matters, in 1990, I came to Nottingham as a mature student to study for a BA(hons) in photography at Nottingham Trent University, working with Caroline Welling, the course leader at the time. Up to this point, all I knew I had read or looked at on my own initiative, without any formal training. I was thus delighted to discover that Caroline and others around me came from similar backgrounds and had shared many of my concerns. I found contact through the course most supportive and affirming that my work was of merit and how I may improve. Since then, I have continued with such subjects, but have expanded work to cover a variety of events as festivals have changed / morphed into the free party ‘rave’ culture. Environment and social issues, squatting / housing, protest, ‘non-violent direct-actions’, Reclaim the Streets [RTS] and ‘climate camps’ and so on ……. It seems to me to be a continuing story. I am a member of the National Union of Journalists and maintain a ‘press card’ as my credentials. I have contributed work to a variety of media on the above, but also many events and issues more locally based. These have included Nottingham Caribbean Carnival, Riverside, Nottingham Green Festival, Nottingham Pride, St Patrick’s Day, St George’s Day, Chinese New Year, Sikh Vaisakhi, Music and Performance. All to show off the cultural diversity I find here in the Nottingham. More years go past and in 2014 completed an MA in Photography, again at Nottingham Trent University. Having just turned 60 years old then, this was an effort to ‘keep my pencil sharp’! It is also obvious that there have been a great many changes in photography between my courses of study, both technically [digitals, computing etc] but also in attitude and representation and I simply wished to keep up. I am currently retained by the university on their ‘Alumni Fellows’ programme. More recently, I have been involved in some ‘self-publishing’ projects and have been preparing a set of Zines on the subjects I’ve discussed. Further, I have been experimenting with the use of Augmented Reality in supplementing a photograph or printed page with additional audio and video to extend content. As ever, I am anxious to expand knowledge further and with diversity. It is with this in mind that I always want to meet and work with others, to be yet more effective in endeavours.

ALAN LODGE MA, BA(hons), ARPS, AIVA Nottingham. UK

Tel: 07582 906635 alan.lodge@gmx.co.uk


hotographer with a special interest in multi-cultural, social documentary, commenting on lifestyles, sub-cultures, social developments, emerging concerns such as environmental and alternative movements. I remain interested in newsgathering and current affairs. I have developed visual awareness and a sense of design that I have applied on a variety of projects. With the convergence of photographic and computer technologies, my interests have grown to include aspects of electronic publishing, multimedia presentation and the arts.

Qualifications Oct 2014 Oct 2014 Sep 2013 Feb 2013 Nov 2012 Feb 2010 Apr 2004 Feb 1998 Dec 1995 July 1993

MA Photography: Nottingham Trent University Associateship, Royal Photographic Society (ARPS) (prof. qualification) Interactive Media / Web Development. BTEC (Distinction), Central College, Nottingham Associate and Judge, Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts Member, Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs (MIoEE) Project Management – City & Guilds [unit 7540-381] level 3, Doctrina U2 Limited Trade Union Representatives Course, General Federation of Trade Unions, Northern College University Certificate in Information Technology (Distinction), NTU University Certificate in Information and Resource Management, NTU BA (Hons) Photography: Nottingham Trent University


E x p e r i e n c e

Photographer Lens based, digital and audio-visual. Archive & photo-library. Inter-Personal Relations Self - Employment. Networking and negotiation. Teamworking Collaboration with the Media organisations, Solicitors, Publishers, Local Authorities, Voluntary Groups.

Achievements •

Built an archive that has been widely applied by the media, academics and others doing research. Publications have included: The Guardian, The Independent, The Times, New Statesmen & Society, Sounds, i-D, MixMag, Roof (Shelters housing Magazine), and Vice.com Magazine.

Maintain black+white, colour slide and digital image collection with over 300,000 on file over 40years.

Wrote and maintain web-pages to display some of my work and to make obser vations on issues and discuss some of my concerns. This has grown considerably since original construction in 1993. The site has a high graphical content. Awarded the accolade of being the Liberty ‘site of the year’ in 1997. Thus demonstrating internet involvement since early days.

Produced illustrated lectures and exhibitions to galleries, educational and civic establishments.

Have produced and delivered a number of skills workshops for photographers.

Provided record and evidence work for solicitors. Also, ‘retained’ press work for local newspapers.

Self-published a photo-book entitled:- ‘Stonehenge: Solstice Ritual’. ISBN: 095124960 6. Photographed, originated text, layout & made printer-ready copy. 10,000 printed and sold in two editions.

Set up an open publishing news website at Nottingham IMC as part of the global Indymedia Network.

Member of the National Union of Journalists and a representative of the Notting ham Branch. I have successfully negotiated a set of guidelines on police / press relations. These have been nationally adopted under the auspices of the National Police Chiefs' Council [NPCC].

Invited to contribute evidence to ‘Lord Leveson Inquiry on Culture, Practice & Ethics of the Press’.

Lay member of Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, providing integrated healthcare services.

Computer Skills • Internet: produced and maintain own web pages. Dreamweaver and wordpress. • Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. • Graphics and layout packages including Adobe InDesign and Illustrator. • Photo-manipulation packages such as Adobe PhotoShop, Lightroom and Creative Suite. • Authorware and multimedia presentation, for both onscreen and projected display. • Create soundfiles - Soundforge, Cubase, Ableton Live, for use within multimedia presentations. • Own computer workstation, a PC and mobile devices. Am also ‘Mac literate’.


1986 - current Photographer 1980 – 1986

Administrative and field work for "Release", an organisation concerned with the provision of medical and advice services to outdoor events.

1975 - 1980

Accident Ambulanceman in the London Ambulance Service. `Front line' work in West London. Qualified for N.H.S. Para-medic certificate.

Exhibitions •

I have contributed to a number of ‘pop-up’ shows. Displayed ‘Large-scale’ pieces in the Atrium at Nottingham Trent University and Bonington Gallery, Nottingham.

Full Listing available on request. Recent: Surface Gallery, Arts Organisation & Sumac Centre, Nottingham.

I consulted and supplied work to the `Street Style' exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London in 1993. My photography helped inform the base re search on various sections, of the life-styles described. A book also titled Street Style (Pub: Thames and Hudson), accompanied the exhibition.

Produced multi-projector slide shows drawn from my library on related subjects and titled "One Eye on the Road".

TV I have consulted and contributed to a number of television programmes on various related issues, the most recent of which include: • • • • •

‘Modern Age of Coach Travel’ ‘New Age Travellers’ `Surveillance Society' `Heritage' `Operation Solstice'

Film by Timeshift team, BBC Bristol / BBC Four Film by Timeshift team, BBC Four Film by team from BBC Two Film by team from BBC Two (Southampton) Film produced for Channel 4

Interests Trustee on the Management Committees of a number of charities involved with youth issues, welfare and advice. Am an avid reader and maintain a library of work on issues surrounding my concerns. Organiser of the Nottingham Green Festival. For relaxation, I garden an allotment Plot. I enjoy walking and taking photographs in Wales and the Peak District.

S o m e p o i n t s o f i n t e r e s t i n h i s t o r y. 1. Windsor / Festival Land-rights [Peoples Free Festival August Bank Holiday] 1972 - 4. Development from the Hyde Park Diggers, London Squatting Movement. Early free festivals, Fun. Thames Valley Police Attack in August 1974. 2. Stonehenge [now the new Peoples Free Festival [summer solstice] Replaces Windsor 1972-4 - 1984 as the ‘Annual General’ meeting, when the rest of the calendar of events got made up and discussed. [some say one reason for the opposition to the Stonehenge festival was because of the risk of interference with the deployment of the Cruise Missile convoys from Greenham and Molesworth. Cruisewatch] 3. Greenham Common. RAF station adapted for deployment of Cruise Missiles. Media invention of the ‘Peace Convoy’. Travelled there from Stonehenge. Plug into the existing peace camp. June 1982. 4. Molesworth Peace Camp RAF station for deployment of Cruise Missiles. Up to Feb 1985. Defence minister ‘Field Marshal’ Hesltine orders evictions. 5. Battle of the Beanfield. Operation Solstice. Hants / Wilts border. Legal cloak of High Court Injunction. 1st June 1985.

6. Stoney Cross. Operation Daybreak. Re-run of the previous year, across 7 counties, much stress, but with less violence [police watched with much media interest]. Home Secretery Douglas Hurd Medieval Brigands speech. Setting for Section 39 Public Order Act 1986. [enacted April 1987]. Now Criminal Trespass. “If three people bring 12 vehicle on land, for the common purpose of residing there, then they commit and offence”. 7. Small Free Festivals - rural sites and Wales. 8. Bigger Commercial Festival - Glastonbury, Phoenix etc. 9. Free Parties 1988 onward. section 39 was about ‘common purpose of residing’. What If they don’t stay long enough for the criminal trespass to take effect, but move after a night. Hence Raves are now a nocturnal activity. 10. Caslemorton Common. 1992 [and four similar events within weeks in that area]. Home Secretary Michael Howard, proposes Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. Operation Snapshot; vast increase in Surveillance. Strengthen POA 86 and now include music style, repetitive beats etc... 11. Enviro protests: Twyford, Newbury, Birmingham Roads, Manchester Airport, A30 etc 12. Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 [sections deal with]: • Repetitive beats • Aggravated Trespass • 2 people / 6 vehicles • Changes to right of silence • Repeal of Caravan Sites Act 1968 13. Travellers and ‘New Age Travellers’ / Ravers / Free Party People, now leave country in large numbers 1995. European countries enact similar laws, to offset peoples reason to leave UK >> 14. Reclaim The Streets [RTS] in cities invented, to out-manoeuvre rural road blocks and still be able to gather. 1996 onwards 15. Anti-social behaviour Act 2003. More Aggravated Trespass includes ‘Gathering’ of more than two. 16. Environmental protest: Many events and issues, now surrounding climate change and consumption. ‘Climate Camps’, Extinction Rebellion etc. 17. Economic protest: Occupy Camps, Cuts, Benefits, Austerity. 18. Multi-cultural Events 19. Street Arts 20. What next!



Aubrey, C. and Shearlaw, J. (2004) Glastonbury Festival Tales : An Oral History Of The Music, Mud And Magic. London: Ebury Press Bender, B. and Gilroy, P. (1998) Stonehenge: making space. Edited by Daniel Miller. Oxford, England: Berg Publishers Chippindale, C., Fowler, P., Devereux, P. and Jones, R. (1990) Who owns Stonehenge?. London: B.T. Batsford D’Onofrio, T. (2015) Rave New World, l’ultima controcultura. Milano, Italy: Agenziax Dearling, A. (1998) No Boundaries: New Travellers on the road (outside of England). Lyme Regis, Dorset: Enabler Publications DiY Collective (1992) DIY hothead ep’ [Record]. Nottingham: Warp Records (WAP 31) Earle, F., Dearling, A., Whittle, H. and Glasse, R. (1994) A Time to Travel?: An Introduction to Britain’s Newer Travellers. Lyme Regis, Dorset: Enabler Publications Hawkwind (1988) Travellers Aid Trust ‘Benefit Album’ [Record]. London: Flicknife Records Koziell, S. P. and Brass, E. (1997) Gathering Force: DIY Culture. Edited by Denise Searle. London: The Big Issue Lodge, A. (1987) Stonehenge: Solstice Ritual. Caersws, Wales: Alan Lodge Lowe, R. and Shaw, W. (1996) Traveller e raver. Racconti orali dei nomadi della nuova era. Edited by E ’Gomma’ Guarneri. Milano: Shake Edizioni Underground McKay, G. (1996) Senseless Acts of Beauty: Cultures of Resistance. New York: Verso Books McKay, G. (2000) Glastonbury: a very English fair. Edited by George McKay. London: Victor Gollancz McKay, G. (2015) The Pop Festival: History, Music, Media, Culture. United States: Continuum Publishing McKay, G. (ed.) (1998) DiY Culture: Party and Protest in Nineties’ Britain. New York: Verso Books No Repetitive Beats (campaign `Criminal Justice Bill’ ) (1994) [CD]. Birmingham: Network / SIX6 Records, (NRB58LP) Polhemus, T. (1994) Streetstyle: from sidewalk to catwalk. New York: Thames and Hudson Qureshi, I. (2010) Coming of Age: Celebrating 21 Years of Mela in the UK. United Kingdom: New Art Exchange Schnews (1999) SchNEWS survival handbook: protest and survive. Brighton: Justice? Skelton, T. and Valentine, G. (eds.) (1998) Cool Places: Geographies of youth cultures. London: Routledge Squires, J. and editor. (1997) Uncivil Societies. Edited by Judith Squires and etc. London: New York University Press Sterneck, W. (ed.) (1999) Cybertribe Visionen. Frankfurt: KomistA & Nachtschatten Various (1993) Trance - Europe Express [CD]. London: Volume Records, (TEEX LP1) Various (1994) ‘Campaign against the provisions of the `Criminal Justice Act’’, The Right to Party, Various (1994) ‘United you’re Nicked!’, New Statesman & Society, Worthington, A. (2004) Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion. United Kingdom: Alternative Albion

Worthington, A. (ed.) (2005) The Battle of the Beanfield. United Kingdom: Enabler Publications Zion Train (1995) Homegrown Fantasy : Interactive CD [CD]. London: China Records, (WOLCD1060)


I have contributed to a number of television programmes on various issues, including: Modern Age of Coach Travel Producer Andy Mosse. BBC Bristol / BBC Four Jan 2011 New Age Travellers Film by Timeshift for BBC4 Oct 2004 Surveillance Society `The Sci-files’ series BBC2 Mar 1997 Heritage Film by team from BBC2 (Southampton) Jan 1993 Operation Solstice Film by Gareth Morris for Channel 4 Nov 1991 Spirit of Albion Film by Richard Philpots for Channel 4 June 1987 An Englishman’s Right Film on traveller issues BBC1 (Bristol) Sept 1986 May the Force be with you Film by Bob Long for Channel 4 July 1986 Items on Traveller issues Newsnight BBC2 1985 - 1996 Trashed Open Space production (community prog) BBC2 July 85

News & Magazines

Pictures have been used, on various issues, in the following publications: Guardian Sounds DJ Magazine Independent i-D Magazine Mix-Mag Times Geographical Magazine Squall Roof (Shelters housing Magazine) Big Issue New Statesmen and Society Vice Magazine Additionally, I have supplied work to a number of local newspapers and more specialist magazines.


Festival Eye Work showing many aspects of festivals and the travelling lifestyle. Also concerned with the editorial content of this magazine. I helped in its establishment. 1986 - 1994 Festival Welfare Services Annual Reports 1981 – 1990


Indymedia UK Many one-off submissions  Social media platforms: Flickr, Instagram, Wordpress, Twitter

Selected Exhibitions 2018 2018

Afro-Caribbean Carnival ‘Tunnel Vision’, Victoria Bus Station, Nottingham City Transport Edges - A view over the landscape. Off-Centre Photography Festival. Nottingham [Group Show]

2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2017 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 2012 2012 2011 2010 2010 2010 2008 2007 2007 2007 2006 2005 2003 2000 1999 1996 1994 1994 1993 1993 1990 1989 1987 1986 1985

A Set of Zines. Nottingham Contemporary Edges - A view over the landscape. Broadway Gallery. Nottingham One Eye on the Road, ‘Light Night’ Installation. Nottingham City Council One Eye on the Road, Bonington Gallery. Nottingham Trent University Release: ‘Museum of Drug Policy Exhibition’ London [Group Show] Journey to Justice. National Justice Museum. Nottingham [Group Show] Resistance! 25 Years of UK Grassroots Movements. The Hive, Dalston, London [Group Show] Free: Celebrating Free Events For All. Oxo Tower Wharf, South Bank, London [Group Show] Resistance is Fertile. Oxfordshire Visual Arts Development Agency. Oxford [Group Show] Display: Museum & Heritage Management MA. Nottingham Trent University (Clifton Campus) Large Scale ‘tiled pieces’ Bonington Atrium Gallery, Nottingham Trent University MA Degree Show, Surface Gallery, Nottingham[Group Show] Connected Communities Festival / Arts & Humanities Research Council. University of Salford Afro-Caribbean Carnival, Nottingham ‘Surveillance’ Privacy International, London School of Economics Sumac Centre, Nottingham Switch Studio, Nottingham ‘Occupy Nottingham’ Market Square, Nottingham ‘Coming of Age’ (Asian Mela), New Art Exchange, Nottingham Climate Action, Ratcliffe Power Station issues, Mobile exhibition for Greenpeace The Arts Organisation. Nottingham Rainbow Heritage LGBT History month. Nottingham Central Library Temporary Autonomous Art TAA ‘Forbidden Arts’ Manchester ‘Spring into Action’, Spray Building Community, Nottingham Camp for Climate Action, Heathrow, London Indymedia Exhibition, ASBO Centre, Nottingham Indymedia G8 Convergence Space, Sheffield The SchNews Show! Cowley Club, Brighton Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts [various festivals between 1986 – 2009] Glastonbury Assembly Rooms Kebele Cultural Project, Bristol Velvet Revolution Tour. Sponsored by Charter 88 and Liberty [Group Show] `Streetstyle: from sidewalk to catwalk’ . Victoria & Albert Museum, London. [Group Show] ‘Stonehenge’ Prof Barbara Bender. Mobile exhibition BA Degree Show, Bonington Gallery, Nottingham Trent University Hacienda night-club, Manchester Social Centre Collective, Sheffield 121 Centre, Brixton, London Oriel Davies Gallery, Newtown, Wales Great Oak Café, Llanidloes, Wales

References : Comments

Alan is one of the world’s most extraordinary and accomplished photographers and activists. I have known him and worked with him since the 1990s but his work extends way before that. He has the pulse of activism and has changed public perceptions of power. A truly remarkable person. Simon Davies. Visiting Fellow in Law, Director of LSE’s Policy Engagement Network London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) * I met Alan Lodge while carrying out research on Travellers and Festivals for my PhD in 1991. As someone who had a photo archive of the lives of Travellers and Festivals Alan was able to provide me with about 20-30 slides as a documentary record for my research and for teaching purposes. For a number of years I used these high quality images to illustrate lectures and seminars I gave at the University of Keele while I was a Lecturer in Sociology there. They proved to be both useful and also popular with Students. Professor Kevin Hetherington. Dean and Director of Studies, The Open University * Am honoured that you think me worthy of endorsing your work. Am hugely inspired by everything you have done and I have introduced my students to your body of work for the last ten years. I am still at Bath University. A square peg in a round hole. Would love to catch up with you in the flesh. Digital media has its place but the materiality of a meeting has something extra. Leah Wild. Director of Studies for BSc(Hons) Sociology, University of Bath * You really were very helpful and thank you for your support and encouragement to me when I was doing my PhD. Your photographic record of Travellers in the eighties and nineties remains an important contribution to history sub cultural resistance and specifically those labelled New Age travellers by the media. Dr Richard Hester. Senior Lecturer in youth justice, Faculty of Health and Social Care, Open University * I’d be very happy to endorse your work, its great work which is very close to my heart. Great images and a great project, congratulations, wish you had been a student here at our college. Keep doing the brilliant work. If you would like to consider a Phd here at the LCC I would by very willing to be your supervisor. Professor Dr. Tom Hunter. Professor in Photography Research London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. * I’m well aware of your work - and a fan of it. Things like the Schnews books, George McKay’s work, the Big Issue’s ‘Gathering Force’ and your photography really inspired me. I feel like the connections between the carnivalesque/spontaneous/party and the political organising/protest side of these movements has largely been lost. So glad you have recorded this Dr Nathan Eisenstadt BA(Bristol), MSc(Bristol), D Phil(Bristol) Senior Research Associate, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol

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