alan mathew
Graduate Architect
School of Planning & Architecture. Vellore Institute of technology, Vellore.
Hello There!
This Portfolio is a collection of selected academic and proffessional works from 2023-2024. Through my 5 years of Architectural Studies I have explored different skills, transitions, scales and spatial qualities. There is always more to learn in everything, and always look forward to adding to the places and people I am with.
DoB 16 Sep 2001
Address Villa 11, Rose Mount Villa, Kattachira P.O, Kottayam, Kerala, India. 686572.
English (Proficient)
Hindi (Proficient) Malayalam (Native)
Tamil (Intermediate)
Arabic (Beginner)
Design Research
Graphic Design Visualisation
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India
Bachelor of Architecture (B.arch) June 2019 - May 2024
Freelance Architect Aambit Architects, Remote May 2024 Present
Architectural Trainee Studio Chintala, Bengaluru, India Dec 2022 - June 2023
Drafting Autocad, Revit 3D Modelling Rhino3D, Grasshopper, Sketchup Graphic Design / Adobe Suite Visualisation/ Lumion, Enscape
Conferences/ Competition Achievements/
ICTAC 2024
2nd International Conference for Trends in Architecture and construction, Chandigarh, India. April 2024
GSEN Trophy, NASA India (2nd Prize)
‘Atlantis- An Architectural intervention for Marine Molluscs’ Aug 2022
Extreme Habitats, Volume Zero (Top 30)
‘Cherno-Alpha - A research lab for environmental scientists at Chernobyl’ Feb 2022
Louis Khan Trophy, NASA India (Top 18)
‘Infill Architecture- Hilltop School by Ar. Takbir Fatima‘ Jan 2022
I strongly believe that life imitates art far more than art imitates life, a perspective that fuels my conviction that thoughtful urban design and policy-making are essential for building sustainable and inclusive cities. My experiences growing up in diverse cultural environments have exposed me to the impact of urban planning, both its successes and shortcomings, and inspired my passion for empathetic problem-solving.
My undergraduate thesis was a transformative experience that solidified my commitment to addressing urban challenges. During my research in Manori, a marginalized fishing village near Mumbai, I shifted my focus from urban audiences to the needs of the local community, addressing the lack of basic services and infrastructure. This process taught me the value of human-centered, iterative design and strengthened my resolve to create meaningful, impactful solutions that prioritize equity and inclusivity.
Over the years, my perspective on architecture has evolved from admiration for aesthetics to valuing socially impactful design. I therefore aim to create work that reflects my convictions.
Thank you for considering my application.
Alan Mathew
alan mathew
manori project
mumbai’s urban and rural water & recreational synergies
revitalising arcot’s lake
academic urban transformation & design project
guide - Prof. Dr. Sharmila Jagadisan
Arcot, India.
Design Direction/
The objective of this project was to reach to a sensible and socially sustainable solution to the multifaceted social fabric of the region of arcot, especiialy the community closest to the Clive bazaar lake. A fine line needed to be drawn between advancement of infrastructure and the social need for them.
About the Project
Arcot’s clive bazaar lake is a space with great historical and social significance. Located just 500m from arcot’s famous Raja Rani Fort, The lake and it’s surrounding structures have always been a reflection of contemporary times. Instances and evidences of structures as old as the 16th century can be seen around this lake. Recentely the land around the west shore of the lake has been subjected to Gentrification controlled by real estate giants who have bought lands in bulk in an effort to sell the plots back to wealthy outsiders. This has always struck a bad chord with the local indegenous community who look at the lake as a vital part of their daily livelihood. The site was chosen at it was a challenging task to bring forth the formalisation of the lakefront such that it benefits the local community who use this space for recreation, social and religous purposes.
the lake/
Clive Bazaar Lake in Arcot holds a central place in the town’s landscape. It has been a constant feature, providing a scenic backdrop for locals and visitors who often take leisurely strolls around its shores. The lake’s serene ambiance has made it a popular spot for the community to unwind and connect with nature. Recognizing its potential, local authorities have plans to develop Clive Bazaar Lake further, turning it into a vibrant urban space. This development is not only expected to enhance the aesthetic appeal of Arcot but also create recreational opportunities for its residents, ultimately adding to the town’s charm and quality of life
history & morphology/
Historically, the lake served as a vital resource, frequented by the troops of Robert Clive and Nawabs who bathed their animals and war equipment here. Over time, it has evolved into a unifying space for the community.
The surrounding area is undergoing gradual development, primarily in the form of residential expansion, reflecting the evolving needs of the population. This transformation underscores the enduring significance of the lake as a centerpiece in the community’s history and its continued relevance in shaping the future of the region.
Hence the design was directed into 4 parts - Two public parks in the north-east and south-east vertices, a housing neighbourhood framework for the west bank of the lake, a walkway/pathway that connects the parks and the housing neighnbourhood, & a landscaped/ streetscaped road network on the south-west that completes the walkway loop.
All proposals were arrived at to maximise inclusivity to people of all age groups, occupations, and genders. The housing neighbourhood and the landcsaped west bank is also an open to everybody iniative where the neighbourhood grid has been planned with all social and essential amenities. The design of the houses are also only an arbitrary proposal which again depends on the people who want to reside there, the neighbourhood networking and planning were the main focus of the proposal.
urban layers /
Arcot unveils a compelling mix of urban layers, where the merging of diverse elements - urban grain, lush vegetation, reflective water bodies, and efficient infrastructure connectivity - creates a unique urban landscape. These layers intertwine, offering a vibrant urban experience that harmonizes modern living with nature’s beauty, fostering a distinctive sense of place
conditions & constraints /
The site grapples with various challenges. It suffers from a lack of pedestrian infrastructure, hampering safe and accessible mobility. The maintenance of the lake has been inadequate, affecting its appeal and environmental health. Furthermore, there’s a dearth of imageability, making it less recognizable and memorable.
Finally, the scarcity of open public spaces limits communal gathering areas and opportunities for leisure and recreation. Addressing these conditions and constraints is vital to enhance the site’s functionality and appeal
the manori project
combating mumbai’s urban and rural water & recreational synergies
Academic Thesis
guide - Prof. Sushanth S.J
Mumbai,India 2024
About the Project
In the face of a global water shortage, Mumbai encounters a substantial water deficit. The city therefore urgently needs alternative water solutions. The proposed 1600 crore Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation’s seawater desalination plant at Manori, approved by the Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management Authority, stands as a promising solution. The Project, situated in the culturally vibrant village of Manori within Mumbai’s Recreation and Tourism Development Zone, presents an innovative scenario where a vision for community engagement and recreation/tourism can be added to the proposed industrial development.
This thesis explores the transformative potential of the Manori Desalination Project, viewing it beyond its conventional role as a water infrastructure facility. The project in the context of an urban recreational deficiency zone can be envisioned as a multifaceted space integrating industrial design with social and cultural recreation/tourism.
4,850 mld mld
source - “mumbai to need 71% more water by 2041 say BMC study”, Hindustan Times, 2021
Central to this exploration is a deep dive into the socio-cultural elements of the Manori community and the broader urban audience. Through comprehensive research and analysis, this thesis aims to discern the aspirations, needs, and desires of these stakeholders, thereby informing the development of a program that resonates with their values and aspirations.
This research underscores the potential of the Manori Desalination Project to redefine traditional development paradigms by prioritising community empowerment and fostering stakeholder participation. By reconceptualizing the facility as a catalyst for positive social change this thesis aims to contribute to the discourse on innovative approaches to community development and urban recreational solutions within Mumbai’s dynamic landscape.
Design Direction/
The overarching objective of this thesis is to explore the synergies between the urban community’s necessities, the local community’s aspirations, and the implementation of the desalination project in Manori.
By examining the socio-economic and cultural characteristics of the urban demographic and the indigenous community, their specific needs and preferences in relation to water resources and sustainable development initiatives were studied.
Through this integrated approach, which combines industrial architecture, community well-being, and urban recreation, the thesis seeks to enhance community well-being, foster a sense of belonging, and promote physical and mental health among residents.
The Manori project therefore encompasses five main trails
* Desalination Plant and Interaction Centre: A hub for water education and community engagement.
* Recreational Trail: Offering a variety of leisure activities for all ages.
*Community Trail: Fostering connections and facilitating local governance.
*Nature Trail
*Spiritual Trail
Ultimately, by offering practical recommendations and strategic pathways, this holistic approach endeavors to create a balanced and prosperous future for the Manori region, addressing both immediate water needs and contributing to longterm sustainable development and resilience.
mumbai & water stress/
Mumbai has perennially faced water shortages. Presently, against the demand of 4,200 million litres per day (MLD), Mumbai gets 3,950 MLD. In addition to this shortfall of 250 MLD, inequitable distribution and intermittent supply add to the city’s water stress.
Mumbai draws its water from seven lakes in the city and the neighbouring districts of Thane and Palghar. Mumbai will need 5,320 MLD or 34.6 percent more water by 2031.
Mumbai has perennially faced water shortages. Presently, against the demand of 4,200 million litres per day (MLD), Mumbai gets 3,950 MLD. In addition to this shortfall of 250 MLD, inequitable distribution and intermittent supply add to the city’s water stress. Mumbai draws its water from seven lakes in the city and the neighbouring districts of Thane and Palghar.
sdg 6 & the desalination solution/ SDG 6
Despite great progress, billions of people still lack access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene. Achieving universal coverage by 2030 will require a substantial increase in current global rates of progress: sixfold for drinking water, fivefold for sanitation and threefold for hygiene. Desalination can be the answer to India’s chronic and dire water problem. It could potentially create a parallel and reliable source of potable water not only for densely populated urban cities but also for rural areas with severe water scarcity. The government’s enthusiastic programs to boost the growth of desalination technology will accelerate the process.
the manori proposal/
In 2022, the BMC (Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation) earmarked a 12-hectare land at Manori village, a seaside hamlet in the northernmost end of suburban Mumbai for setting up this plant. According to the BMC’s blueprint, this eco-friendly plant and would operate throughout the year.
In 2021, the civic body signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with an Israeli firm for creating a Detailed Project Report of this plant and the report has already been submitted to the BMC in the last quarter of 2022..
16,000+ 4
In 2021, the civic body signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with an Israeli firm for creating a Detailed Project Report of this plant and the report has already been submitted to the BMC in the last quarter of 2022.. plants worldwide plants in india
proposed recreation infrastructure /
In 2022, the BMC (Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation) earmarked a 12-hectare land at Manori village, a seaside hamlet in the northernmost end of suburban Mumbai for setting up this plant. According to the BMC’s blueprint, this eco-friendly plant and would operate throughout the year.
In 2022, the BMC (Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation) earmarked a 12-hectare land at Manori village, a seaside hamlet in the northernmost end of suburban Mumbai for setting up this plant. According to the BMC’s blueprint, this eco-friendly plant and would operate throughout the year.
In 2021, the civic body signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with an Israeli firm for creating a Detailed Project Report of this plant and the report has already been submitted to the BMC in the last quarter of 2022..
tarodi chowk
morva the 8 villages
The recreational spaces mapping done in the area selected, i.e. within the 5 km radius of the site, identifies the presence and existence of public and private green infrastruc-ture. The mapping done by overlaying land use maps, infrastructure maps, and satellite imagery shows a variety of recreational infrastructure such as Parks, Beaches, Leisure parks, Public Plazas, national parks, and wildlife/bird sanctuaries. Out of these Public Parks and plazas were highlighted in study.
The mapping (Figure 4) shows the visual density of green infrastructure within the urban radii, mapping helped identify the urban planning strategies employed by the MMRDA and BMC to counter the urban recreational requirements. A fairly dense dis-tribution of the recreational spaces is found across the region.
community engagement & recreation
The average distance between the recreational spaces was calculated to identify the recreational infrastructure density in the region of study. This was done by identifying 5 parks/ public plazas in the region and calculating the average distance between a cer-tain park/ recreational area and its nearest 5 such spaces. The average distance between the 5 parks and other such spaces were 545m, 845 m,1000m, 1150m & 1025m. The average distance between green spaces and parks in the radius was calculated to be 913m, which is the mean of the average distances and gives the approximate distance between parks & plazas in the region.
(Figure 5)
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that every home should be within 300 metres (or 5 min walk as a rule of thumb) of a green space that is at least 0.5 hectares. [38] The average distance of 913m therefore suggest a deficiency in rec-reational infrastructure density in the selected
Research study about Sustainable tourism, Social Charachteristics, Community enagement & recreational development for the region of Manori, Mumbai to identify strategies for community oriented design.
Written under the guidance of Prof. Sushanth S.J (Thesis Guide), the paper was presented at the 2nd International Conference for Trends in Architecture and Construction, (ICTAC 2024) in Chandigarh, India.
Proceedings of which were further published by Springer Nature as part of the book series : Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, (LNCE 527)
find it here-
trail features & elements/
concept diagram of the elements of various tracks and trails and their interrelationship. these design decisions were based on the community surveys and research study done on the region of Manori and the greater urban audience of Mumbai. The intersionality of shared spaces were addressed in this step.
design & massing
juxtaposition of the trails/
conceptual masterplan of zoning and the juxtaposition of trails and their interrelationships within the greater peninsula of Manori. The circulation of vehicular and pedestrians were optimised to improve accessibilty. The 5 trails were designed to be a narrative loop which is based on the interest of the visitor/user.
concept isometric/
the first conceptual isometric after the finalisation of the zones and trails saw the 2 main blocks of the plant take centre stage and serve as an ecletcic industriial backdrop to the recreational and community spaces. the elevated walkways sought to connect the entirety of the site including the temple and ‘ashram’ on the hill behind the site. The community zones in yellow were placed to the north of the site with acces to the crescent shaped main shore/jetty of the village of manori.
The community zone would house a fish market & net weaving centre, a commmunity administration hall, a music/choir hall that spills into an open-air performance area and food-stalls and cycle rentals all run and maintained by the members of manori’s indigenous community.
site plan/ zoning/ conceptual site plan and zoning of the trails within the site. The Desal plant trail would be a private zone that has certain regions of accesibility to the public. The recreational and community trails were planned to be intertwined with the community spaces at the north of the site closer to the village-centre.
concept section/
a conceptual section of the site cut across the desalination plant, elevated walkways, galleries, community halls, open-air thaetres and the sea side promenade. The gradual slope within the site was utilised to achieve levels between the various private to public zones of the development.
the tanks & climbing walls/
an idea that fueled the concept design early on was the use of the 5 massive tanks of the facility for multiple purposes. A curling walkway was planned to wrap around the multiple tanks providing great views into the Industrial plant on one side while the other view was that of the sea & the sunset overlooking the promenade and parks below. The tanks would also host climbing walls that acted as a recreational activity for the visitors of the site.
The end of the site would also house meditation centres and a winding hiking track with multiple pause points maximising views and experiences
the blocks/
the two blocks namely the Ultrafilitration Block and the Reverse osmosis blocks are the main components of the desal plant. these were therefore envisioned as massive cuboidal blocks that linger in the background of the site. The blocks are raised to showcase a myriad of industrial pipelines that carry the water in and out of the facility. This area forms an underbelly that is partially accessible to the public. The elevated walkways wind through the interaction centre of the plant and above the open-air theatres and landscaped recreational areas below.
design isometric/
the final design incorporated a disc-shaped elevated central platform that connected the various trails and redistributed to various elements of the site. One wing also directs to the cental atrium of the Plant buildings, which house the experience centres, auditoriums and a viewing gallery accessible to the public. An arm of the walkway also extends into the sea providing beautiful views of the sunset and the entire site. Cycling and jogging loops are planned on the ground level ocnnecting the entire site.
the plant/ The Manori Desalination Plant and Interaction Centre epitomizes a paradigm shift in water management, seamlessly integrating technological prowess with community engagement. Spanning a vast expanse, Nestled amidst the coastal landscape, its architecture mirrors the fluidity of its purpose, symbolizing a harmonious coexistence with the environment.
At the heart of this facility lies the Interaction Centre, a hub of education. Visitors embark on an immersive journey, guided by interactive exhibits and engaging displays that unravel the mysteries of desalination. Beyond its utilitarian function, It serves as a rallying point for collective action, igniting conversations, fostering partnerships, and catalyzing positive change.
control office/
Within the Desalination Plant, the control room serves as the nerve center, From this hub of activity, operators monitor critical parameters, adjust system settings, and ensure optimal performance of the desalination process. Adjacent to the control room, the office space provides a collaborative environment for administrative tasks, planning, and coordination. Here, engineers, technicians, and support staff work to uphold operations.
The Desalination Plant Experience Centre offers a captivating journey into the world of sustainable water solutions. Through immersive exhibits and interactive displays, visitors gain insight into the innovative processes behind desalination. From understanding the science of seawater purification to exploring the environmental impact of water scarcity, Engaging demonstrations and educational programs inspire visitors to become advocates for conservation and responsible water usage, empowering them to contribute to a more sustainable future for generations to come.
Through its doors, communities are invited to not only witness but actively participate in shaping a future where water security and environmental resilience are paramount.
As visitors explore the exhibits, they are encouraged to envision themselves as stewards of the environment, empowered to make informed choices and embrace sustainable living practices. The centre becomes a catalyst for transformation, sparking a ripple effect of awareness and action that extends far beyond its walls, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape and the collective consciousness.
the pavillion - cycle rentals and food stalls with the plant in the background
the underbelly - a unique take on an industrial setting
the gallery - a serene scene in an otherwise bustling industrial hub.
the foodcourt & music room alongside the public juncture.
an experience centre
About the Project /
A leading conglomerate in India with diverse business interests, including automotive components, industrial batteries, and power solutions.
The company’s commitment to sustainable development has led to the concept of E-Hub, a state-of-theart facility dedicated to exploring innovative and sustainable solutions for the energy sector. The black box would act as a site office/Experience centre for the E-hub.
My Role
Compiling & crafting a concept presentation and design that was supported through critical analysis of site. Eventually, creating a graphical language of diagrams to explain and present to the client.
The Black Box is a site office and experience center for the E-hub Energy Research Center that showcases the latest advancements in renewable energy and smart grid technologies. Its minimal and clean design creates a sleek and modern aesthetic that emphasizes the cutting-edge nature of the research being conducted within.
The exterior of the Black Box features a simple black metal facade, with large windows that allow natural light to flood the interior. The design is intentionally understated, allowing the focus to remain on the advanced technology and research taking place within.
Inside, the Black Box is organized around a central open space, with sleek white walls and minimalist furnishings. The space is designed to be flexible and adaptable, with movable partitions that can be configured to meet the specific needs of different events and activities
Proffessional Internship Project
supervised by Ar. Diwakar Chintala Hyderabad, India.
Studio Chintala
An Isometric Illustration with a concept render to communicate the design
The design of the Black Box is a testament to the thoughtful selection of materials and the careful consideration of their application. The use of cement boards provides a clean and modern finish while also being weather-resistant and low-maintenance, which is essential for a building that is exposed to the elements. The MS Steel Box sections used for the framework of the Black Box provide a sturdy and reliable support structure, ensuring the stability of the building for years to come.
The interior of the Black Box is equally impressive, with the use of felt panels that create a warm and welcoming atmosphere while also serving as an effective sound absorber. The polycarbonate panels used in the roof allow for ample natural light to enter the building while providing insulation and UV protection. Additionally, the use of glazing systems throughout the Black Box creates a sense of transparency and openness, allowing visitors to see the research and technology on display within and providing views of the surrounding landscape.
Cement Board (Painted Black)
phase 1/
White Panels (1200 x 4000mm)
(150 x 150mm)
MS Box Sections (Painted Black)
Glazing System (Painted Black)
Polycarbonate Panels
phase 2/