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The Effects of AI Tech in Different Industries November 24, 2020 by Alan Rasof
Arti cial intelligence used to be a far-away concept written about in the sci- genre. Today, AI is a term that is becoming more and more commonplace as our own homes and cars become smarter. The concept of a machine acting humanlike is less of a science ction and more of a fact. AI itself encompasses a few disciplines, such as robotics, augmented vision, and natural language processing. The in uence of AI technology can be seen in sports, healthcare, manufacturing, shopping, transportation, education, communication, media, and nance.There are very few industries today that are untouched by arti cial intelligence. The engineering sector is affected when we design and manufacture robots that can then be used to perform extremely dif cult tasks if done by humans. Highly repetitive and tedious tasks can also be automated by the use of robots who have been programmed with specialized AI software. In addition to having a human-to-machine interaction, there are also machine learning algorithms that no longer have to rely on human input in order to make decisions. Theses systems are capable of performing actions without explicit instruction. They are able to understand big data and seek patterns, enabling them to make predictive analyses and forecast future trends. In the world of natural language processing, the interactions between human and machine are analyzed by having the machine interpret and manipulate natural