Impressions about the work of Ala Plástica and Friends If Ala Plástica did not work in art, they could work as travel agency and help tourists organizing their alternative Buenos Aires trip. Traveling 14 hours in plain creates the impression that you are traveling in a totally different world. South America must be totally different to Europe, because it is that far away and the seasons are shifted. What we learned quite fast in Buenos Aires is: No, – except the kind of making pizza – the differences are not that big at first sight. The mentality of the citizens is not totally different from Europeans and it is easy to get in contact. Even we discovered lots of similarities we did not expect before: •
Integration. Here in Germany we have problems with integrating immigrants. Even if they live here for 40 years, some of them don't speak German. In average they are underrepresented at university and overrepresented in criminal statistics. Our intercultural garden is an integration project to help and learn from each other. It was interesting to see that in Argentina, where also a lot of immigrants live, the integration seems to worked much better (at least in the past). The people who migrated after the second world war are Argentineans today and they feel like Argentineans. The first generation of immigrants after the second world war in Germany always expected to go back to their home country soon.
Ecological Destruction. Although there are many ecological laws here in Germany, there are several possibilities to by-pass them for economical and monetary reasons. In Argentina the control of who is doing what with the environment seems to be less. Even the country is much larger than Germany and the population is less. For economical reasons Argentina is disposed to make “exceptions” in environmental protection (e.g., soya cultivation in Tigre delta.)
Unworldly Politicians. In Germany most of the politicians never were really poor. Most of them were teachers or public officers before they became professional politician. Goal of their politics is focused on economy growth. Corruption works behind the scenes: For a high donated jobs after (or during) a political career, some politicians become lobbyists for rich companies and not for the people who really need their help. The same is happening in Argentina. Maybe their industry focus and corruption is more visible than in Germany (e.g., Rio Santiago), but the problem is the same.
Economical Differences. Germany affords an expensive social insurance system. But getting financial help from the state does not mean that you can attend at the society life.